
BUGabundooh it was to fta00:01
BUGabundonvm me00:01
fta[reed], not much, abp, nightly testers, tab counter, jsview and rikaichan (a japanese dict). everything else is either disabled, or not compatible00:03
ftaas in not forced00:04
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
[reed]fta: disable everything and try for a day, if you can?00:13
fta[reed], well, the web without abp is a horrible place00:14
[reed]fta: ok, leave abp00:16
[reed]I use abp, and I don't see these problems00:16
fta[reed], how many tabs to you have?00:17
[reed]~50 ?00:17
[reed]depends on which machine00:17
asaci really think adblock is broken00:24
asaci saw a few crashes that had it in the trace00:24
asaclast one is the one that fta pasted earlier today00:25
ftaasac, for me it doesn't crash, it's just a pig00:29
BUGabundoasac: depends on which version00:29
ftajust restarted ~15min ago, 12% mem, 17% cpu00:29
BUGabundothat guys keep pumping new ones00:29
BUGabundoyeah CPU is common00:30
BUGabundono idea why it eats so much CPU even with no page opened00:30
ftaif i strace it, it's mostly zillions of gettimeofday00:31
ftawe should buy firefox a watch00:31
BUGabundoif I wasn't soooo sleepy00:31
BUGabundoI would redent that and qdb it00:31
* BUGabundo make bed; make sleep; sleep(6h): wakeonlan( BUGabundo )01:00
bdrung_asac: i have all my changes pushed for m-d 0.1601:05
micahgis there a ppa for beta releases for mozilla/03:53
=== _Tsk__ is now known as _Tsk_
=== _Tsk__ is now known as _Tsk_
=== _Tsk__ is now known as _Tsk_
=== asac_ is now known as asac
bdrung_av`: what do you think about this patch: http://pastebin.com/f11aa43c311:48
eagles0513875morning bdrung_11:50
bdrung_eagles0513875: morning :)11:50
av`bdrung_, does it remove the timeout for?11:50
eagles0513875hows things up in germany11:50
bdrung_av`: this disables the showing of the config dialog on first startup11:52
av`bdrung_, do you think disabling it is the right choice?11:53
av`I mean if an user don't know how to set it up might get confused?11:54
bdrung_av`: yes. it annoys me.11:54
av`does it get launched at every ffox startup?11:54
av`don't remember11:54
bdrung_av`: no only the first one.11:55
av`so I don't see any harm in keep having it as it is11:55
bdrung_remove your .mozilla directory, run firefox and you will have 100 of windows open11:55
av`100 config dialogs?11:56
bdrung_if you have some addons installed11:56
av`that's bad11:57
av`does it happen wwith mozgest only?11:58
bdrung_av`: it's a metaphor11:58
bdrung_av`: if you install many addons and then open ff, some addons open a window11:59
av`yeah, and why all this is related to mozgest?12:00
av`or better in which way12:01
bdrung_av`: on the first startup, i will see adblock and mozgest, but the mozgest config is not required12:01
bdrung_i think a addon should only pop up on the first startup, if it is really required12:02
bdrung_otherwise it annoys12:03
bdrung_av`: other example: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48142412:04
ubottuDebian bug 481424 in audacity "does not respect locales/$LANG" [Normal,Closed]12:04
av`bdrung_, what are you able to change into the mozgest config at startup?12:14
av`e.g which kind of changes are you allowed / not allowed to do12:14
gnomefreakhas anyone looked at f-spot, just to look at it? it looks like it is a mess it has alot of crap for an extension12:33
bdrung_av`: i don't understand your question.12:34
bdrung_gnomefreak: i have extended https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview12:34
gnomefreakbdrung_: do you have an example of the rules that has been cleaned so i can do it all at one time12:35
gnomefreakbdrung_: thanks looking at it12:35
gnomefreakah cool12:36
av`bdrung_, usually in config dialogs you are able to change some settings12:36
av`bdrung_, in mozgest case, which kind of settings are you able to change?12:36
* asac lunch12:37
gnomefreakasac: have fun :)12:38
* eagles0513875 lunch12:38
bdrung_av`: the geastures, and with wich button you activate them12:39
bdrung_av`: probably the most will live with the default12:39
gnomefreakbdrung_: if my blood sugur goes up i will do a few. may need to find out what you mean with the install and links files. i dont remember seeing any but that is after email12:40
bdrung_gnomefreak: example would be firebug12:41
gnomefreakbdrung_: ok thanks12:41
bdrung_gnomefreak: let me know, if the rules file contains more than the build variable and the includes12:42
gnomefreakmost do IIRC12:43
gnomefreakhe still hasnt pushed sunbird :(13:05
gnomefreakbdrung_: maybe we should add the misc recommends/depends since lintian gives warning about it?13:13
gnomefreaki dont recall the full name of it sorry i think its misc:depends13:13
bdrung_gnomefreak: it's in the list: "ensure that all binary packages depend on ${misc:Depends}"13:14
gnomefreakah i didnt see it. thanks13:14
gnomefreakasac: sunbird?13:26
gnomefreakwhat is the key combo to take a screenshot?13:30
gnomefreaki can get one of a drop down menu13:31
asacgnomefreak: alt+print13:31
asacsunbird sponsoring?13:31
gnomefreakasac: yes on sunbird. you forgot about it last time we talked abou tit (a few days ago)13:32
gnomefreaki will try alt+print13:32
gnomefreakalt+print gets rid of the drop down menu too. you know a way to get a screenshot of a dropdown menu that im not aware of?13:33
asacgnomefreak: run gnome-screenshot -d 513:36
asacthat gives you a delay of 4 second13:36
gnomefreakthanks trying it now13:37
gnomefreakthat worked i think :)13:38
eagles0513875hey asac :) and gnomefreak13:43
eagles0513875will finish going through the checklist13:43
gnomefreakeagles0513875: hi13:43
* gnomefreak will get to one or 22 today i hope13:44
gnomefreakone or 2 even13:44
eagles0513875well im learning what each thing on the check list on the wiki meanas13:44
eagles0513875gnomefreak: and btw bdrung_ added somethings to that list13:44
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i know i sope to him about it.13:44
eagles0513875ahh ok13:44
bdrung_gnomefreak: sope?13:45
gnomefreakspoke. sorry13:46
bdrung_asac: i like to see m-d 0.16 released soon. with 0.16 we need a extension review, too. if the release is soon, we can merge both reviews.13:47
eagles0513875when you say test to make sure it works with ff 3.5 means compile and install from source correct13:48
eagles0513875bdrung_: wouldnt it be better to do it before this review is completed?13:48
bdrung_eagles0513875: yes13:48
eagles0513875what is this package u speak of the devscripts13:49
bdrung_m-d = mozilla-devscripts13:49
eagles0513875i thought so13:49
eagles0513875stupid question on my part how do i complie an extension for ff13:50
gnomefreakmaybe we should add a menu to the review wiki, but that would need to be set into sections (sorry thinking aloud through fingers)13:50
eagles0513875dont feel bad i do that as well gnomefreak13:51
eagles0513875btw if anyone needs to runs todays updates i already have this morning and everythign is still functional even after a reboot13:51
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:53
eagles0513875ok here is a nasty bug that just surfaced O_O13:54
eagles0513875strange as can be here O_o13:55
bdrung_asac, gnomefreak, eagles0513875 : i have updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview13:55
eagles0513875has dev scripts 0.16 been released yet?13:55
gnomefreakbdrung_: thanks ill refresh it when email is done13:55
eagles0513875thats messed up O_O command line stuff for apt-get and dpkg is broken13:56
bdrung_eagles0513875: no, waiting for asac13:56
gnomefreakwhat is wrong with apt and dpkg13:56
eagles0513875command like keeps telling me that something is using it when i have nothing that is13:56
eagles0513875then i go to kpackagekit and run the updates from there and it works13:56
gnomefreakeagles0513875: maybe its update manager running at start up?13:57
eagles0513875now it works13:57
eagles0513875after running the updates13:57
gnomefreakeagles0513875: gnome works fine :)13:57
eagles0513875that was peculiar13:57
eagles0513875gnomefreak: how do i know if bindwood installed?13:58
gnomefreakbe back in a few13:58
gnomefreakeagles0513875: firefox->tools->addons  it will promt you when you restart firefox13:58
eagles0513875thats the output after running build.sh13:59
bdrung_eagles0513875: why do you run build?14:00
eagles0513875i ran configure.sh then build.sh14:00
eagles0513875am i missing something14:00
bdrung_eagles0513875: is it a debian package?14:00
eagles0513875no its the branch that i had updated and fixed14:01
eagles0513875do i need to package it before installing?14:01
gnomefreaksystem->pref>startup applications not working is a firefox bug :( i really really wish people would give at least a little thought into thier bug reports14:01
gnomefreakok be back ina  few14:02
eagles0513875hehe agreed on that gnome14:02
bdrung_eagles0513875: so yes, it is a debian package. to build a package (from a bzr branch) run "bzr bd"14:03
eagles0513875there was a bzr update today :( not sure but i am getting an error saying unknown command "bd"14:04
bdrung_install bzr-buildpackage14:04
eagles0513875blarg it faild :(14:05
eagles0513875need to get gnupg setup and my pgp key14:05
eagles0513875humm i have a problem here14:06
eagles0513875im not seeing my .gnupg folder14:06
gnomefreakbdrung_: do we have an ETA on m-d 0.16?14:08
eagles0513875ya i dont think there is a point in me wasting time atm to package it if it gonna need to be redone with 0.1614:10
eagles0513875bdrung: gnomefreak asked bout eta on 0.1614:10
gnomefreakwhen wi9ll it be releasd14:11
gnomefreakwhen will it be released14:11
bdrungi only found "ETA, an internet acronym for "edited to add"."14:11
eagles0513875estimated time of arrival as well14:11
gnomefreakestimated time of arrival14:11
bdrunggnomefreak: hopefully soon, ask asac (he wants to implement something before release)14:12
gnomefreakbdrung: asac is getting busy it seems :)14:12
eagles0513875what happened to the hidden .gnupg folder that one finds in the home folder O_o14:12
eagles0513875gnomefreak: he could be working on it as we speak14:12
gnomefreakeagles0513875: there is a command for gnupg that will re make it but dont reall the command14:13
eagles0513875humm ok14:13
gnomefreaksorry my low blood  sugur is causing me to shake. it should be but i dont recall the command14:14
eagles0513875its ok gnomefreak go get that sugar back up m814:14
eagles0513875bdrung: do you have any idea14:14
gnomefreakeagles0513875: if you package it and push it to a branch you can fix it when it is released by keeping target as UNRELEASED and using dch to add it and push to branch again14:15
bdrungeagles0513875: about what?14:15
gnomefreakon bindwood you still have 2 boxes un marked14:16
eagles0513875right now i tried to package bindwood gnomefreak but it fails due to it not finding gpg key14:16
eagles0513875gnomefreak: i know im working on those as we speak14:16
gnomefreakeagles0513875: ah that would be a good reason. im running updates atm but will see if i have same issue. do you not keep a backup of files ;)14:16
eagles0513875bdrung: for some reason in my home folder there is no .gnupg folder shoing up :(14:16
eagles0513875i have the key backed up in me email which i know isnt veery smart since its a private key14:17
bdrungeagles0513875: dunno, why it is gone.14:18
gnomefreakwhat the hell :9 what is xpi:provides and is it replacing anything and are we making a provides entry for it and keep * as they are?:depends14:18
gnomefreakdamn. *:depends as they are14:19
bdrungeagles0513875: you have the private key send yourself via email?14:19
eagles0513875bdrung: ya the file that has it that was in the gnupg folder14:19
eagles0513875actually i think its the public key the private key is the one i have on lp14:19
bdrungeagles0513875: that's totally insecure14:20
eagles0513875is the private key what ends up on lp14:20
eagles0513875or the public key14:20
bdrungeagles0513875: you are not allowed to send the private part into the web14:20
eagles0513875time to make a new one then14:20
eagles0513875let me go to lp and disable it then14:20
bdrungeagles0513875: lp has the public part14:20
gnomefreakbdrung: we should really add notes to this wiki for some of these things (example: the *links/*install im sure im not the only one that doesnt know when to remove them and when not to. maybe we should add a rule for it so we can remove them all the time14:21
bdrungeagles0513875: create a new one, keep the private key private. if you need a backup burn a cd and put it into your safe14:22
eagles0513875stupidity on my part last time i was doing some bug fixing14:22
bdrunggnomefreak: feel free to improve it14:22
* gnomefreak will see if i can find out when to keep/remove them im hoping there is a rule for it. other wise we need to find out what is sending it to right place14:24
gnomefreakah thats why one failed for me it had xip in build deps :)i had put it aside until i had time to work on it :)14:24
bdrunggnomefreak: xpi:provides is new: http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMozExtTeam14:25
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts14:25
bdrunggnomefreak: check if extra files are istalled (everything that is not in the xpi)14:26
eagles0513875for instance in bindwood there are 2 extra files those stay as depends and where it has ${xpi:Depends} that gets moved to recommends :)14:27
eagles0513875yay i learned something14:28
gnomefreakif debian packages thier own extensions we nee dto let them know to remove ice* from the name14:29
gnomefreak^^^ important if we sync extensions for debian14:30
eagles0513875random question does the downstream work sometimes find its way back upstream14:31
gnomefreakeagles0513875: what do you mean? do we push to debian first?14:31
eagles0513875lets say for instance these changes to the firefox extensions would they ever get pushed upstream after the changes have been made for the ubuntu line14:32
bdrungeagles0513875: yes14:32
gnomefreakeagles0513875: changes not unless we push them to debian but its not anything atm. bdrung how are we going to deal with that14:32
eagles0513875kool didnt know that :)14:33
bdrungeagles0513875: get in contact with the debian maintainer and ask if he want to adopt our changes14:33
eagles0513875you really want me to do that or are you joking around and explaining to me how its done14:34
gnomefreakmaybe file a bug on it?14:34
gnomefreakeagles0513875: hes not joking14:34
bdrungasac, gnomefreak, eagles0513875 : i have updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview again (now with plans for lucid)14:34
eagles0513875lucid aka 10.0414:34
gnomefreakoh its named14:35
bdrunggnomefreak: yes, bug reports14:35
gnomefreaki totally fell behind14:35
gnomefreakeagles0513875: file a bug on extension upstream. would be nice if we had a link to it. maybe we should add a box for upstream bugs14:36
gnomefreakoh i dont like that idea :(14:36
gnomefreakrenaming binaries14:37
gnomefreakwe remove mozilla/ect* but add xul-ext14:37
gnomefreakwhy just for 10.04?14:38
gnomefreakalso how do we find out the latest Standards Version?14:39
eagles0513875gnomefreak: its in the control file14:40
gnomefreakeagles0513875: no want to know the latest version. IIRC 3.8.4 was released but dont know how to check.14:40
gnomefreaksaw it in a changes email as i recall14:41
bdrunggnomefreak: http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/debian-policy.html14:41
gnomefreakthanks bdrung14:41
bdrungwe are still at 3.8.314:41
gnomefreakya seeing that now im trying to remeber where i saw .414:42
gnomefreakim thinking again :(14:43
gnomefreakmaybe we should organize the wiki into rules changes and control changes14:44
bdrungasac, gnomefreak, eagles0513875 : updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview again (added explanation)14:44
bdrunggnomefreak: good idea14:44
gnomefreakyou keep changing things ill never get this done :) keep changing as you wish14:45
gnomefreaki could use a smoke break14:45
eagles0513875hehe he was only making changes to lucid section lol14:45
gnomefreakyeah that is what i was asking about above14:45
bdrunggnomefreak: i am finished. it's now your turn14:46
* gnomefreak thinks we should be maintainers not the devs. since m-e-d team does the work on them14:46
gnomefreakwe == m-e-t14:46
gnomefreakif i can remember the code for a menu would be great too that way we can just go to each section since we are getting big14:47
bdrunggnomefreak: what is the difference?14:47
asaccan i teach gdb to automatically run backtrace when it breaks?14:47
asacfta2: ? arent you doing this?14:48
gnomefreakwe keep adding to it it will make moving to * easier14:48
gnomefreakbut i have other things on mind atm14:48
gnomefreaksmoke edit work on stumble14:48
fta2asac, have a look at chromium14:48
asacany quick hints?14:50
eagles0513875asac: doesnt gdb already do that14:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdb14:50
fta2asac, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/run-test.sh#L9614:50
eagles0513875i cant remember the command to do that14:50
eagles0513875!info gdb14:50
ubottugdb (source: gdb): The GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1942 kB, installed size 4172 kB14:50
eagles0513875stupid bot lol14:51
eagles0513875asac: i remember it now you have to run it via the command line for instance gdb -r firefox14:51
eagles0513875that should run the code through the debugger and get ya a backtrace14:51
* eagles0513875 starts swearing to myself cuz i cant upload my gnupg key to the keyserver14:54
eagles0513875is the keyserver down or something14:54
eagles0513875thats messeed up why on earth does it keep timing out when trying to send me key (talking out loud)14:55
bdrungav`: you do not advocate my patch for mozgest, but could you live with it?14:56
eagles0513875what is another way i can upload my key to keyserver.ubuntu.com15:02
eagles0513875cuz it keeps timimng out on me :(15:02
gnomefreakok updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview  just need a place for Use the following: (./) for "DONE" OR {X} for "OUTSTANDING"15:07
bdrunggnomefreak: let me do this15:10
gnomefreakbdrung: hold on15:10
gnomefreakbdrung: dont edit it yet15:10
gnomefreakbdrung: im waiting for it to post my changes when its done ill let you know. not sure why its taking this long15:11
gnomefreakbdrung: are we using #MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND = sh build.sh15:11
gnomefreakbdrung: ok edit your heart out :)15:12
eagles0513875here i go again with building the bindwood package15:14
eagles0513875bdrung: which files do i back up in the .gnupg folder15:14
eagles0513875everythign that is in there?15:14
eagles0513875how do i give my secret key cuz when i run bzr bd it complains that my secret key isnt available15:19
eagles0513875then aborts15:19
gnomefreakeagles0513875: do you have it set in .bashrc?15:19
eagles0513875O_O no15:19
eagles0513875gnomefreak: where in bash rc do i add it15:20
gnomefreakeagles0513875: hold on a sec15:20
eagles0513875brb gonna grab a bottle of h2O right quick15:20
gnomefreakeagles0513875: here is mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/276430/15:21
bdrunggnomefreak: finished15:22
gnomefreakbdrung: should add something like push branch to .....15:24
bdrungeagles0513875: i backuped the complete directory15:24
gnomefreakbdrung: looking15:24
bdrunggnomefreak: yes15:24
gnomefreakyou want it or shall i do it?15:25
bdrungyou can do it15:26
gnomefreakpusing stumbleupon15:27
gnomefreakwill build it in a few15:28
bdrunggnomefreak: you should add vcs tags to the list, too15:29
gnomefreakim having issues with wiki atm15:29
gnomefreakits not loading15:29
bdrungyes, it's very slow15:30
gnomefreakbdrung: can you get in the wiki? i cant even bring it up atm15:30
gnomefreakah her eit is15:30
gnomefreakhere it15:30
* bdrung 's pizza is ready.15:30
eagles0513875gnomefreak: which do i copy everythign that u exported?15:31
gnomefreakeagles0513875: the gpg part. i cant look right now give me a few minutes. but you still need a .gnupg folder15:32
eagles0513875i have it now that i craeted a key15:32
eagles0513875ok when u get a chance15:32
gnomefreakeagles0513875: it would be good to have lines 19->24 either way. just edit it for your info15:33
gnomefreakasac: btw i cant build a sid chroot. lenny chroot built fine15:34
eagles0513875gnomefreak: what if i dont have a deb email like u eagles0513875@ubuntu.com15:34
gnomefreakeagles0513875: use your email you use for LP15:35
gnomefreakeagles0513875: become a member and you will get it. but i use that email to sign my changelogs15:36
eagles0513875member of what15:36
asacgnomefreak: what error are you getting?15:37
gnomefreakwe need to file bugs for 10.04 for these extensions.15:37
asaceagles0513875: use a email that will you will have and check forever15:37
gnomefreakasac: configure failed15:37
asacdont need to be @ubuntu.com15:37
eagles0513875asac: ok :)15:37
asacafter contributing a while you can become ubuntu member ... which will give you @ubuntu.com address and other goodies15:38
eagles0513875well that will be in another 2 yrs i think15:38
gnomefreak2 years?15:38
eagles0513875lol once i graduate and get my bsc and hopefully start working15:38
asacgnomefreak: configure is unlikely to be different on sid/lenny ... need the error to say for sure15:38
eagles0513875got this yr then one more yr before i graduate and get my bsc gnomefreak15:38
gnomefreakasac: ok let try it again.15:39
asaceagles0513875: becoming member shouldnt take so long if you actively contribute15:39
eagles0513875ya asac the problem is finding time this yr for me is jam packed and not gonna be easy15:39
asacwell. all of us usuall yhave a packed life15:40
asacbut still find time to contribute and fulfill their commitments15:40
asacthere might be weeks where you cannot contribute, but in general most come back15:40
eagles0513875well i love linux15:41
gnomefreakok its building should be done in ~5-10 minute15:41
eagles0513875source .bashrc to reload bashrc right15:41
gnomefreakeagles0513875: it will update itself at least it does for me once i save it and restart term15:43
eagles0513875i sourced it15:44
eagles0513875and its still complaining about my secret key not available15:44
gnomefreakdamnit wtf is wrong witht his now :(15:44
gnomefreakeagles0513875: did you make the .gnupg dir?15:44
eagles0513875when i created the key it automatically did it15:44
gnomefreakyou are usiong new key in the bd command and in .bashrc?15:45
gnomefreakI HATE ZIP/UNZIP15:45
eagles0513875cant u use tar -xvf to do that15:46
eagles0513875to unzip and tar -cvf to zip15:46
gnomefreakok will fix build error after chroot build15:46
gnomefreakeagles0513875: no this is for stumbleupon15:46
gnomefreakunzip:  cannot find or open ./, ./.zip or ./.ZIP.   :)15:46
gnomefreakwill look at rules later15:47
gnomefreakbe back15:47
eagles0513875gnomefreak: :( ok having issues with my secret key still15:47
eagles0513875this is getting frustrating15:47
eagles0513875bdrung: any idea why this thing isnt finding my secret key :(15:50
gnomefreakeagles0513875: hes at lunch/dinner eating something i want :(15:51
gnomefreakmaybe if i add unzip to control instead of zip15:51
eagles0513875aww :(15:51
eagles0513875im getting frustrated with this secret key bs15:51
gnomefreaknope its zip. but fails with or without zip in b-d15:52
* eagles0513875 goes back to fuming in the corner about the secret key15:53
gnomefreakeagles0513875: look at the wiki for gpg15:53
gnomefreaklet me know when you are looking15:53
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts15:53
gnomefreaklook at the part to show keys what does that give for your key (is it the one you are using)>15:54
gnomefreakeagles0513875: did you upload new key to key servers?15:54
eagles0513875and already confirmed it and the email15:54
gnomefreakthan im not sure sorry15:55
eagles0513875where would be best i ask then15:55
gnomefreakasac: im going to eat ill give you error when i get back15:55
eagles0513875asac: i know ur busy any idea as to my issue15:56
gnomefreakeagles0513875: try either/both #bzr since it is the command that is messing up or you can try #gnupg if it is the key itsself. start with bzr15:56
eagles0513875ok thanks gnomefreak15:56
gnomefreakok gone15:56
gnomefreakeagles0513875: np15:56
=== mac__v is now known as mac_v
eagles0513875ahhh asac how can i update the timestamp in the change log :(16:01
eagles0513875thats the reason that bzr bd is failing16:01
asaceagles0513875: i dont think thats the reason16:14
asacmore likely a diffrerent version or something16:14
asacneed to see the error16:14
eagles0513875would this help any bzr bd --uc -us16:15
eagles0513875nm that command doesnt work16:15
gnomefreakbzr bd --merge --dont-purge --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -k764D5E13 -i.bzr' .  change to your key. that doesnt work?16:18
eagles0513875havent tried that hold on this is the error16:18
gnomefreakasac: now the chroot worked i gues it was a bug that day16:18
gnomefreaknope still dizzy food didnt help16:19
eagles0513875gnomefreak: put ur feet up16:19
eagles0513875that error takes me to a >16:20
eagles0513875what do i type then16:20
eagles0513875i killed it already16:21
gnomefreakexit may work too16:21
eagles0513875i ^C16:21
gnomefreakcan you sign it by hand16:21
eagles0513875dunno how16:21
eagles0513875does this have something to possibly do with the CoC not being signed?16:21
bdrungeagles0513875: no16:22
gnomefreaki will worry about stmbleupon tomorrow im going to finish chroot build and rest.16:23
gnomefreakbdrung: forget the stumbleupon branch i have to fixing to do16:24
asaceagles0513875: thats ok16:24
asacits just that you are not the changelog owner16:24
asacactually you are16:24
asacfix your name and email16:24
asacit should be fullname+email16:24
asacand if you want to sign it, you need a gpg key with the email as UID set16:25
asacbut since we have to sponsor thats ok not to do for now16:25
eagles0513875is there a command to do that or i do it manually16:25
gnomefreakexample -- John Vivirito <gnomefreak@ubuntu.com>  Wed, 23 Sep 2009 10:13:09 -040016:25
gnomefreakeagles0513875: it should do it with dch *16:25
eagles0513875ok asac i have a gpg key ready16:25
gnomefreakyou can use -r or just dch but remove the extra * from it16:26
eagles0513875i did remove the extra 816:26
bdrunggnomefreak: use dch -e16:26
gnomefreakor -e16:26
eagles0513875well thats fixed do i need to repush to my branch16:26
gnomefreak:) i havent used -e yet16:26
gnomefreakeagles0513875: not yet just build than itf all goes well commit and push16:27
gnomefreaki hate debian now16:27
eagles0513875it did it :)16:27
eagles0513875gnomefreak: dont i just push it to my branch and ask asac to merge it ?16:27
asaceagles0513875: you push to your branch16:28
gnomefreakThe following packages have unmet dependencies: bzr-builddeb: Depends: bzrtools (>= 1.2) but it is not going to be installed16:28
gnomefreakE: Broken packages16:28
asacthen you do a merge request16:28
asacyou can do that In launchpad16:28
gnomefreakeagles0513875: commit+push and request merge16:28
asacnavigate to your branch (once you hare happy) and click: request a merge16:28
asacthen select the branch you started from16:28
gnomefreakbetter to push to the team and he will get it there16:28
eagles0513875ok asac16:28
asacgnomefreak: i think eagles0513875 isnt ready for direct pushing (yet)16:28
asacneeds a bit more experience with tools and procedures16:28
eagles0513875no im not lol16:28
gnomefreakasac: oh ok16:28
eagles0513875btw gnomefreak there was a bzr update today with a bunch of other stuff16:29
gnomefreakeagles0513875: yeah i know this is debian not ubuntu though16:29
gnomefreakversion mismatches16:30
gnomefreakthey didnt push all deps yet it looks like16:30
bdrunggnomefreak: why do you hate debian?16:30
gnomefreakbdrung: sid has been giving issues for chroot first it failed to configure packages now i cant install packages i would like to16:31
eagles0513875gnomefreak: even if u run apt-get build-dep for those packages16:31
gnomefreakeagles0513875: building chroot atm and they will still fail even onc eit is built. they need to fix the build-deps to use right version16:32
* gnomefreak can fix it but too much work for today16:32
gnomefreakok while i have 30 minutes lets find out why its failing on zip/unzip16:33
gnomefreakok not what i was hoping for16:34
gnomefreakbdrung: can i just blindly remove all zip entries from rules/ ;)16:35
gnomefreakif i had to guess upstream has a , wher eit shouldnt be16:35
eagles0513875:) well that works on ff3.5 :)16:37
bdrunggnomefreak: the problem is that two xpi files are generated16:37
gnomefreakwe will update extensions for 10.04 with new upstream version + add support for 3.6 if they havent16:37
* gnomefreak wonders how he knows that without looking at it ;)16:38
gnomefreakbdrung: easy fix?16:38
bdrungyes (will 3.6 make it into lucid?)16:38
gnomefreakim guessing removing one of them from build:* isnt going to help16:38
gnomefreakbdrung: should16:38
bdrunggnomefreak: remove line 3 till 19 :)16:38
gnomefreaktbird should as well16:38
gnomefreakline 3?16:39
gnomefreakall the # shit?16:39
bdrungyes and the targets, too16:39
gnomefreakthats not going to help me im sure16:40
gnomefreakis it?16:40
gnomefreakok ill try16:40
gnomefreakbdrung: nope not it16:44
gnomefreak[ -d temp-xpi-unpacked ] || mkdir -p temp-xpi-unpacked16:45
gnomefreakunzip -d temp-xpi-unpacked ./ ./mozilla-stumbleupon.xpi16:45
gnomefreakunzip:  cannot find or open ./, ./.zip or ./.ZIP.16:45
bdrunggnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/f44a8d33a works here16:45
gnomefreakbdrung: full build error http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32166687/stumbleupon-fail%20to%20build.txt16:45
gnomefreakbdrung: do you have zip as a b-d16:46
gnomefreakah you removed past line 1916:46
gnomefreakyou removed all zip build stuff16:47
bdrungthat does med-xpi-pack16:47
gnomefreakok and remove zip from b-d and build16:47
bdrungasac: your xpi.mk xpath code has problems with some install.rdfs16:49
* gnomefreak thinks16:49
gnomefreakok building16:52
asacbdrung: what cases16:54
bdrunggnomefreak: can you mark your branches in https://code.launchpad.net/firefox-extensions as merged, it they are merged?16:54
bdrungasac: e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev/firefox-extensions/mozilla-stumbleupon.ubuntu16:54
gnomefreakbdrung: would be great if i knew when they were merged16:55
bdrungasac: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev/firefox-extensions/mozilla-stumbleupon.ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/install.rdf16:55
gnomefreakok branched is pushed16:55
bdrunggnomefreak: look if they are in ~ubuntu-dev16:55
bdrungasac: there are RDF: in the tags and em:id is a attribute16:56
gnomefreakok let me know when you merge this one if you are doing it now if not i will mark it tomorrow16:56
asaci think our xpath should be able to deal with all element/attribute combination16:56
asacmaybe the fact that there is RDF: namespace16:56
gnomefreakcant mark flashgot as merged and i don teven see all-in-one* on the extension list, fairly sure i didnt work on it16:58
asacbdrung: ok thats a more difficult thing16:58
bdrungasac: it's your job. i do not know how xpath works16:59
gnomefreakok stumbleupon branch updated16:59
asacbdrung: well. thats not really solvable with xpath ... would need a full rdf parser17:00
asacbut i will think about it. would assume that we need a bug for now17:00
asaci assume we have no way to disable auto depends generation?17:01
bdrungasac: no17:01
asaci will think about it. should be doable to address this corner case ...17:02
asactomorrow i am back to normal17:02
asacneed to finish death race for beta freeze still17:02
gnomefreakbdrung: dont touch the branch please something is very wrong here17:04
bdrunggnomefreak: i didn't pushed anything17:04
gnomefreakremoveing those liones fixed FTBFS but now it doesnt show up in firefox17:05
bdrunggnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/f4be400c417:05
gnomefreaki think i know the issue there.17:05
bdrunggnomefreak: the issue is the issue i talked with asac17:06
asacput it back till tomorrow evening please17:06
bdrungit's a problem with the install.rdf parser17:06
asacjust go to the next extensions ;)17:06
gnomefreakthe issue you just posted is what you guys were talkig about right?17:07
bdrunggnomefreak: this extension should wait for m-d 0.1617:07
asacyou can set the >= 0.16 in build-depends already17:07
asacif you want to do something17:07
gnomefreakok but fail to install isnt the wsame issue. we may need to wait until upgrade it to latest17:07
asacmaybe even file a bug about "xpi.mk does not understand RDF:resource indirections for targetApplications"17:08
gnomefreaktesting my thought atm17:08
bdrungasac: ctxextensions has the same problem (there i patched install.rdf as workaround)17:08
gnomefreakctx* installed fine :)17:08
bdrung >= 0.16~ please17:08
asacok i think we need a bug with examples that currently fail17:08
asacotherwise i might forget a corner case thats currentyl needed17:08
bdrungasac: k, will do that17:09
asaceither debian or launchpad17:09
asaci dont mind17:09
gnomefreakok maybe it is the same thing17:09
asacbug 42289817:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422898 in mozilla-devscripts "karmic build of a firefox extension behaves oddly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42289817:10
fta2asac, did you figure out the gdb thingy?17:10
asacmaybe should be checked17:10
asacfta2: no :/ ... i fixed the bug i wanted to backtrace by reading code ;)17:10
asacits really bad if you want to get a backtrace of something that has the menu open17:10
asacit locks your system completely17:11
asacand it was not a crash, but a GTK-Warning ... so i couldnt just let it fatal_warnings fail17:11
asachad to continue a few times first etc.17:11
gnomefreakit was filed already17:11
fta2asac, yep, it's not a news that menus are crap in that regard17:12
asacwhich is bad in nm case as everything is a menu ;)17:13
eagles0513875asac: whats happening with mozilla-devscripts 0.1617:13
asacanyway. this is what i hoped for: http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/wifi-connected-variant-B-1.png (connected) http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/wifi-disconnected-variant-B-1.png (disconnected) ....17:13
asacbut this is the greatest common denominator with upstream ... http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/nm08-wifi-connected-final.png http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/nm08-wifi-disconnected-final.png17:13
asacso we will get that17:13
asacactually i wanted it without the icons for actions17:14
asaclike http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/wifi-activating-variant-B-3.png17:14
asaceagles0513875: read bzr log17:15
asacof moz-devscripts17:15
asacthats usually the best place to get in-depth info ;)17:15
fta2are those mockups?17:15
eagles0513875asac: reason im asking is if we are already working on these extensions save us some extra work if you know what i mean17:15
asacall are real17:15
gnomefreakok im really confused we have 2 firefox-sage packages on the wiki with 2 different bug #s17:15
asacbut we will get the ones here:17:15
asac18:13 < asac> but this is the greatest common denominator with upstream ... http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/nm08-wifi-connected-final.png  http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/nm08-wifi-disconnected-final.png17:16
gnomefreakfixing it17:16
asacthats the patches17:16
asaci think i will export the other patches too so they dont get lost in case i trash the local branch17:17
eagles0513875my fault on that one gnomefreak17:17
gnomefreakeagles0513875: fixed17:17
gnomefreakeagles0513875: np17:17
eagles0513875probably brain dead when i filed that one17:18
gnomefreaki also took sage ill get to it today/tomorrow17:18
gnomefreakbdrung: we are using >=0.16~ now right?17:22
bdrunggnomefreak: not yet, only for those who wont work with 0.1517:23
gnomefreakare we keeping MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND = sh debian/med-xpi-pack . sage.xpi17:24
bdrunggnomefreak: no17:27
gnomefreakok thanks17:27
asaceagles0513875: unless you bump into issues now you dont need to depend on 0.16 if thats what you are asking17:27
eagles0513875ahhh ok cuz if you look on the wiki bdrung added a few checks for devscripts 0.16 to it17:28
bdrungasac, gnomefreak, eagles0513875 : updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview again17:30
eagles0513875ahh im gonna go crazy here lol17:30
eagles0513875right now im with the ohhhhh ahh factor of the wiki17:31
bdrungadded it twice17:31
gnomefreakbdrung: i forgot to add the vcs info can you add it while your there17:31
* gnomefreak thought i did add it17:31
bdrunggnomefreak: done17:38
gnomefreakbdrung: thanks17:38
* gnomefreak is now officially lost17:38
gnomefreakok nm fouudn where i left of17:38
bdrungasac, gnomefreak, eagles0513875 : updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview again17:43
* gnomefreak just hits refresh this time17:43
gnomefreakyour kidding17:43
* gnomefreak goes to look at debhelper version17:44
bdrunggnomefreak: kidding?17:45
bdrunggnomefreak: debhelper is optional17:46
gnomefreakbdrung: i had just finished building when you added the debhelper version to wiki17:46
gnomefreakdone now17:46
bdrunggnomefreak: do you have "remove all comments from the template and the unused variables " too?17:46
gnomefreakbdrung: not sure what you mean i closed the page but the template if you mean XPI:* we have a branch for that that should be updated for all this17:47
gnomefreakbe back17:47
bdrunggnomefreak: ?17:48
gnomefreakbdrung: what did you mean17:51
* asac out to cinema ... bb in 3.5+h17:51
gnomefreakasac: have fun17:52
gnomefreakbdrung: ok i see it but what do you mean? since they are all components and its the rules file not templates right?17:52
gnomefreakoh comments17:52
gnomefreakbdrung: got it17:52
bdrunggnomefreak: you can improve my description17:53
gnomefreakok sage installed and shows up in ubufox but ubufox does not tell you it installed on start up17:54
gnomefreakbdrung: ok pushing sage branch17:55
bdrunggnomefreak: link17:56
gnomefreakbdrung: one sec17:56
gnomefreakojhold that thought please17:56
gnomefreakok hold even17:56
bdrungasac: updated bug #42289817:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422898 in mozilla-devscripts "karmic build of a firefox extension behaves oddly" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42289817:57
gnomefreakok bdrung https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev/firefox-extensions/firefox-sage.ubuntu17:57
bdrunggnomefreak: not lintian clean17:59
gnomefreakbdrung: thats due to the m-d problem17:59
gnomefreakthey are what you showed earlier17:59
gnomefreaki didnt see that17:59
gnomefreakI: firefox-sage source: debian-watch-file-is-missing17:59
gnomefreakP: firefox-sage source: direct-changes-in-diff-but-no-patch-system install.rdf18:00
gnomefreakthats what i got with other comments with them18:00
gnomefreakbdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276475/18:00
gnomefreakif you give me line # i will fix it but im assuming its the one from debian/control line in changelog18:01
bdrungline 2, 1018:01
bdrungand 1518:02
gnomefreak- see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview, for more information about this or - Updated maintainer field to use Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>  but niehter should be too long18:02
bdrungand direct-changes-in-diff-but-no-patch-system should be fixed18:02
gnomefreakbdrung: what causes it? it sounds like i should have patched it instead of changed it18:02
gnomefreakim guessing install.rdf18:03
bdrunggnomefreak: probably a maxVersion patch18:03
bdrunggnomefreak: use simple-patchsys18:04
gnomefreakbdrung: good idea just one question. what is it? :) never heard of it18:04
bdrunggnomefreak: its from cdbs18:04
gnomefreakok no help page for cdbs18:05
bdrunggnomefreak: add "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk" and drop the patch into debian/patches18:05
gnomefreakno man page either18:05
bdrungi have to leave now, cul8r18:06
gnomefreakk later18:06
bdrunggnomefreak: http://cdbs-doc.duckcorp.org/en/cdbs-doc.xhtml18:06
gnomefreakok so that doesnt help me at all. still have to use dpatch, edit series an so on by hand18:19
micahggnomefreak: you looking for a patch system?18:25
gnomefreakmicahg: i used dpatch18:25
micahgah, I was going to suggest quilt18:25
gnomefreakok good i think that worked :)18:30
gnomefreakok so only watch file warning18:33
gnomefreakbdrung: ok ive had all the fun i can handle today :) here is the new branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev/firefox-extensions/mozilla-stumbleupon.ubuntu18:36
eagles0513875hehe gnomefreak leave some extensions for the rest of us :P18:38
gnomefreak:) add some more if there are anymore18:38
eagles0513875those are all of em18:39
gnomefreakhell you have some that are not extensions yet on there18:39
gnomefreakchatzilla doesnt have a standalone extension its compiled with seamonkey and i need to update sm1 when i get time. im not too concered since 1.1.19 is due out soon18:40
gnomefreakfiregpg hasnt been released yet im still working on it but i may enlist bdrun*g's help on that18:41
gnomefreakand flasgot we pushed to debian and on lucid it will be synced18:42
gnomefreakok not here anymore :)18:51
* eagles0513875 dinner19:02
bdrungi am back20:34
BUGabundoguud evening21:42
eagles0513875heyo guys im back to but fading fast21:51
ftaasac, can we do something for bug 262723 in hardy onward?22:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262723 in human-icon-theme "Gnome and Human icon themes do not contain icon caches" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26272322:44
ftadebian 44809422:44
ubottuDebian bug 448094 in debhelper "dh_icons should look for .xpm icons (and not jpg)" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/44809422:44
ftadebian 52118122:44
ubottuDebian bug 521181 in debhelper "dh_icons: please ignore gnome and hicolor themes" [Wishlist,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/52118122:45
ftai hate debian/changelogs22:45
bdrungfta: all these bugs are closed23:04
ftabdmurray, i'm not talking about the debian bugs (i just wanted their title, d/changelog was not verbose enough)23:18
fta(i usually know what i'm doing)23:18
BUGabundowant to laugh?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file/+bug/248619/comments/2 Will Not Print On Tuesdayi still laught at this23:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248619 in file "file incorrectly labeled as Erlang JAM file" [High,Fix released]23:33
=== mtrudel_ is now known as cyphermox
bdrungfta: bug bug 262723 is closed, too23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262723 in human-icon-theme "Gnome and Human icon themes do not contain icon caches" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26272323:42
ftanot in hardy++23:42
bdrungfta: it looks like this is fixed in karmic23:45
ftalook at the last comment in the bug23:47

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