[16:11] any idea when weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org will be back online? [16:18] Nockian, just that mirror is down, or you mean the builds themselves? [16:19] Nockian, i'd switch to PPA or UK for now (dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos) [16:19] wombo: Failed to fetch http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/fixes-0.21/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release.gpg Could not connect to weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [16:19] er, W: not wombo [16:20] Daviey, ^ is that a DNS issue with the new server switchover that wasn't anticipated? [16:23] i see that mythbuntu.org has ns2.vpserve.com listed as a NS for that domain, and it isn't responding [16:23] not part of this issue, but it should be fixed [16:25] Daviey, ^ [17:15] hmm [17:15] IIRC, I updated from there fine last night [17:16] hmm, nm, I apparently am using the PPA [18:27] err [18:29] I'm not seeing ns2 listed, just ns0 and ns1 [18:30] superm1: i'm pretty sure weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org is down, unrelated to nameservers [18:31] hm it pings though [18:31] Daviey, what about why the dailies didn't get pushed the last two days? [18:31] did / fill up again? [18:32] i *hope* not [18:33] 25G 25G 0 100% / [18:33] ffs [18:33] how? [18:34] superm1, he's british ;) [18:34] root@backup:/home# du -h --max-depth=1 [18:34] 7.8G ./mythbuntu [18:34] are you not cleaning up the old builds still? [18:34] hmm [18:37] cd root@backup:/home/mythbuntu/apt-mirror# ./var/clean.sh [18:37] Removing 3287 unnecessary files [5442166784 bytes]... [18:37] would seem apt-mirror wasn't running the clean script [18:37] which is odd. [18:38] pushing a ppa build now. [18:43] Daviey, what about cleaning up the cron'ed builds? [18:43] didn't that also have a tendency to get things filled up? [18:44] 2.3G./mythbuntu-weekly-build [18:44] so yes.. that should be smaller. [18:44] maybe just after dput, clean up whatever got dput [18:45] hmm rm * should do the job, surely. [18:45] but you don't always want to do that do you? [18:45] well just dont remove the subdirectories [18:45] just the * itself [18:47] [18:48] so "rm *" will just remove the cruft [18:48] NOT rm -rf [18:49] guess: [18:49] *.diff.gz [18:49] *.dsc [18:49] *.build [18:49] *.changes [18:49] *source.upload [18:49] would also do. [18:50] yeah [18:57] commited [18:57] cool, so hopefully sh*t doesn't hit the fan again :) [18:58] i need to work out why apt-mirror isn't cleaning itself. [19:23] cause it's not a cat? [19:26] * Daviey avoids a non-CoC friendly reply. [22:06] I'm a little confused about what I've been reading re commercial cuts and mythtranscode -- I can't seem to re-transcode after inserting cuts. Am I doing something wrong? [23:27] hi, i just installed mythbuntu, but it didnt come with the iwconfig utility installed, and synaptic doesnt have an iwconfig or wireless-tools package... does mythbuntu come with wireless stuff disabled by default? [23:28] Zinn: wireless [23:28] !help [23:28] !help For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. [23:28] !help wireless [23:28] !help wireless For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. [23:40] spiderworm, if you type iwconfig at the command line it should hopefully tell you what package to isntall to get the tool [23:40] wireless-tools is what i think you need [23:40] you probably need to do an apt-get update to find it though (or refresh in synaptic) [23:47] <_ben> evening [23:47] * _ben tips hat