
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
urbanapeanybody awake?08:52
urbanapeI need a tarmac operator to make the merge gesture for Bindwood08:52
SteveAwhen everything looks like a hammer, time to find some nails09:26
FNDaquarius: sorry to bother you again - are you familiar with Tomboy's use of DesktopCouch09:35
aquariusTomboy's not using desktopcouch, as far as I know, yet?09:36
FNDI thought they were gonna though?09:37
FNDfound a records schema09:37
aquariusWe're implementing a Tomboy notes sync server which will store your notes at Ubuntu One, and those notes will then be synced down to your desktopcouch09:38
aquariusTomboy doesn't use DC directly yet -- we've talked about it, and it will likely happen, but having a completely different storage back-end for Tomboy requires rewriting quite a lot of Tomboy internals09:38
aquariuswe'd love to see someone do that though :)09:38
FNDahh that's too bad - I was hoping to link Tomboy to TiddlyWeb/TiddlyWiki09:38
FND(not a Tomboy user myself, but interoperability would be cool)09:39
aquariusyou can do, in one of two ways: use Tomboy's sync feature (built in to Tomboy) to sync with Ubuntu One, and then your notes will be synced down to your desktopcouch, or by writing a Tomboy plugin which replaces the back end09:40
aquariusway 2 is harder but better in the long run, and I for one will certainly buy you beer if you do it ;-)09:41
FNDfrankly, I'm not at all familiar with Tomboy, and not too keen on spending much time yak shaving09:45
FNDbut having said that, depending on the code structure, it might be easy09:46
* aquarius grins09:50
FNDcloning now (what was that about not yak shaving? oh damn you!)09:50
aquariusyeah, by far the easiest way to do it is to sync Tomboy with the Ubuntu One notes service09:50
aquariusbecause those notes will be stored in your CouchDB-in-the-cloud and then synced down to Ubuntu One09:51
aquarius(they aren't just at the moment, but they will be)09:51
FNDyeah, but it's a bit weird - store in ~/.tomboy, push to cloud, pull from cloud into DC09:52
aquariusDon't for a moment think I'm stopping you writing a Tomboy plugin to do it directly :)09:52
FNDif I understand it correctly, I'd have to be online if I wanted "live" access to new notes09:52
aquariusI want that as much as you do :)09:52
FNDI'm afraid Tomboy is written in C - I don't do C09:53
FNDeven worse ;)09:54
* aquarius grins09:54
aquariusNo comment. :)09:54
FNDat least I have a good excuse now09:54
FNDaquarius, aside: you know Gwibber pretty well, don't you? using the "shine" theme on v0.8, some tweets have a green "+" next to the avatar icon - I've never been able to figure out what this means (not favorites AFAICT)13:10
aquariusnormally a + means that gwibber has found two tweets the same on different services and has collapsed them so they only show once (that person might cross-post to twitter and identica)13:11
FNDI don't use identi.ca with Gwibber (or at all, really - I should... )13:11
FNDoh so clicking expands13:11
FNDseems Twitter duplicates some tweets - or Gwibber gets confused otherwise13:12
FNDthanks aquarius, now I at least know what it's supposed to be13:12
gartralhow do i force a sync?13:56
dobeygartral: disconnect/reconnect should do it14:05
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dobeydesktop+ hackers: You know the music, time to dance. Say 'me'15:01
teknicome wishes for some salsa15:01
dobeyno soy picante15:02
aquariusare our sprinters available? jblount, urbanape?15:03
aquarius(teknico, you're at the sprint too, yes?)15:03
teknicoaquarius, yes, no music going here15:03
dobeyaquarius: start it off15:03
aquarius⚀ DONE: submitted branch for starting up filesharing adds desktopcouch pairing (430782); scolded teknico ;-)15:05
aquarius⚁ TODO: fix UnknownLoginError and make it be known (#376087)15:05
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:15:05
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 215:05
aquariusyo, go with the flow, teknico15:05
teknicoDONE: sprinting in London, worked with johnlea on wireframes for the contacts web ui, looked at the examples for lazr-js, investigated flushing CouchDb withi thisfred for fixing bug #42960315:05
teknicoTODO: more sprinting in London, fixing and landing the outstanding contacts web ui branches, filing a bug against lazr-js as a feature request for a dynamic form widget15:05
ubottuBug 429603 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/429603 is private15:05
teknicoBLOCK: none15:05
tekniconext: vds15:05
vdsDONE: discussed again with lucio and played a bit with pyinotify, Face Duty15:05
vdsTODO: Face Duty and then continue with quota integration15:05
vdsBLOCKED: need to discuss with lucio_15:05
vdsrodrigo_ all yours15:05
rodrigo_• DONE: Contact record conflict resolving. Tested tomboy sync fixes in edge. Fixed syncing of notes added in the web UI to Tomboy15:05
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. Notes web UI. Make evo-couchdb deal with conflicting contact records. Simplify tomboy syncing config UI15:05
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:05
rodrigo_go dobey!15:05
dobey☺ DONE: Bug triage, Wrote milestone2ical tool, Discussed freeze exceptions15:06
dobey☹ TODO: Fix #43488415:06
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:06
dobeyurbanape: rock it15:06
urbanapeDONE: Sprinted. Got Bindwood approved and merged.15:06
urbanapeTODO: More sprinting with sidnei making the Web Files UI look teh seks. Need to get Bindwood built for beta.15:06
urbanapeBLOCK: Not really.15:06
dobeynobody else eh15:06
dobeyMEETING ENDS15:06
urbanapejblount is defiant15:07
dobeywell, sprinters are generally excused :)15:07
urbanapebut he's still reading IRC15:07
jblountJust not standing up :)15:07
dobeysure, he's just not a stand up guy15:07
joshuahooverdobey: ever seen this oauth error before? it's on jaunty with the latest client: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/276449/16:32
dobeynone of that is oauth. looks like your syncdaemon is failing to start?16:36
dobeyjoshuahoover: nothing in syncdaemon-exceptions.log?16:39
joshuahooverdobey: checking now16:39
joshuahooverdobey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/276450/16:40
dobeyfacundobatista: ping ^^ looks like your territory :)16:42
facundobatistajoshuahoover, we'll need full logs, and maybe verterok should also take a look at them17:33
joshuahooverfor the stuff i posted here (pastebin urls)?17:33
joshuahooverfacundobatista: sorry, took me a while to get that bug filed...got distracted with other work :) check out bug 435451 for all the log files20:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435451 in ubuntuone-client "Client crashes when trying to connect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43545120:19
facundobatistajoshuahoover, ok!20:20
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facundobatistajoshuahoover, we've been looking at your bug with verterok20:32
facundobatistajoshuahoover, you say that yesterday it was ok20:32
facundobatistajoshuahoover, what happened in the middle?20:32
facundobatistajoshuahoover, do you have the logs from yesterday?20:32
joshuahooverfacundobatista: yes, i had to trim the oauth log as it was huge from all the errors20:32
facundobatistajoshuahoover, don't care about oauth20:33
joshuahooverok, let me attach yesterday's syncdaemon log file20:33
facundobatistajoshuahoover, mmm... if you had oauth errors, what do you mean with "Everything worked fine"20:33
joshuahooverfacundobatista: the oauth log was filling up with all the errors that you can see at the end of the oauth log, just from today, same error, over and over20:34
facundobatistajoshuahoover, do you still have those oauth errors?20:35
joshuahooveryep, they should be in the attached oauth log on that bug20:35
joshuahooverall i see in my log directory are logs from today :(20:36
joshuahooverall the syncdaemon related logs i have are from today and they are all the same size20:37
verterokjoshuahoover: hmm, looks like you restarted the client more than 5 times, right? :)20:37
joshuahooververterok: yep :)20:37
facundobatistaverterok, it's very strange, because it seems that your metadata is kind of broken20:41
facundobatistanot verterok, joshuahoover20:41
verterokjoshuahoover: I'll paste you a script to get a dump of your metadata :)20:41
joshuahooververterok: cool20:41
joshuahooververterok: got the script and it's complaining about not being able to find _pythonpath module21:08
verterokjoshuahoover: hmm, I think that's part of another project :)21:09
joshuahooververterok: ahhh21:09
verterokjoshuahoover: let's continue here :)21:14
joshuahooververterok: ok :)21:14
joshuahooververterok: do i need to dump this to a file?21:15
verterokjoshuahoover: yes, please.21:15
verterokjoshuahoover: and please attach it in a email to/cc facundobatista and me21:16
joshuahooververterok: sent21:17
verterokok, thanks!21:17
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facundobatistajoshuahoover, ping21:49
joshuahooverfacundobatista: pong21:50
facundobatistajoshuahoover, with verterok we though a way to handle the corruption you're in (regarding the share, not that oauth stuff)21:50
facundobatistajoshuahoover, you will have to...21:50
facundobatista1. kill ubuntuone-client21:51
facundobatista2. make sure ubuntuone-client is not running21:51
facundobatista3. *really* make sure ubuntuone-client is not running21:51
facundobatista4. patch the local_rescan.py file21:51
facundobatista5. start ubuntuone-client again21:51
facundobatistajoshuahoover, the patch is this one: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22487/21:51
facundobatistajoshuahoover, what do you think?21:52
joshuahooverfacundobatista: ok, how do i apply the patch? (been a while since i21:52
joshuahooverhad to do that)21:52
joshuahooverfacundobatista: any pointers on applying that patch and i'll complete the steps :)21:57
facundobatistajoshuahoover, yes, a mi nute21:58
joshuahooverfacundobatista: np21:58
facundobatistajoshuahoover, go to "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages"21:59
facundobatistajoshuahoover, and do "patch -p0 < filenamewiththepatch.txt"21:59
facundobatistajoshuahoover, most probably with sudo22:00
facundobatistajoshuahoover, and tell me what it says22:00
joshuahooverfacundobatista: (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)22:01
joshuahooverpatching file ubuntuone/syncdaemon/local_rescan.py22:01
joshuahooverfacundobatista: same issue, were you expecting that to address the issue or give more info?22:03
urbanapeevening, yo22:03
facundobatistajoshuahoover, mmm... new logs please?22:03
joshuahooverfacundobatista: sure22:03
facundobatistajoshuahoover, no22:04
facundobatistajoshuahoover, I'm so stupid that scares me22:04
facundobatistajoshuahoover, open the ubuntuone/syncdaemon/local_rescan.py file22:04
facundobatistajoshuahoover, and in line 62 change the ValueError by a KeyError22:05
facundobatistajoshuahoover, of course, with the deamon stoppend, and then start it again22:05
verterokfacundobatista: oh, I completly missed that :(22:05
joshuahooverfacundobatista: it seems to connect now22:07
joshuahooverfacundobatista: you want the logs?22:07
facundobatistajoshuahoover, wee!22:07
facundobatistajoshuahoover, please, but leave it a while first22:07
facundobatistajoshuahoover, for verterok and me to see if what we predicted is ok22:07
joshuahooverfacundobatista: ok, just got a notification that said it updated 6 files22:08
joshuahooverfacundobatista: you'll just want syncdaemon.log, correct?22:08
facundobatistajoshuahoover, yeap22:09
joshuahooverfacundobatista, verterok: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22490/22:15
facundobatistajoshuahoover, thanks!22:17
joshuahooverfacundobatista: thank you and thanks to verterok for the help...did you understand what the issue was?22:18
facundobatistajoshuahoover, we understand the situation, not how you could ever get into that22:19
joshuahooverfacundobatista: heh...i have no idea how it happened...i was adding some files on monday i think for doing some screenshots...don't think i added or deleted anything yesterday...this morning i boot up and it was crashing22:20

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