
loolDBO: Thinking about the desktop-switcher situation09:04
loolDBO: I always thought it was awful to do things this way, but I just realized a fundamental step we're missing09:04
loolDBO: Most GConf settings are influenced by unr-default-settings; as you point out, this might be missing if one installs UNR manually from a desktop install09:05
loolDBO: I think we can approach things either by saying that this is not supported and forcing desktop-switcher to pull the meta package for instance, or just advertizing it09:05
loolDBO: Or we can approach them by making installation / removal of unr-default-settings part of desktop-switcher09:06
loolOr enabling / disabling of the settings09:06
loolThat would mean desktop-switcher wouldn't need to change any gconf setting09:07
loolHmm except the panel ones which have to be merged09:07
loolnjpatel: Let me paste the last lines for you09:14
loolnjpatel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276878/09:14
loolnjpatel: I'm mostly pondering this from a "which fixes can we crank in d-s this cycle before we rewrite it / obsolete it in the lucid"09:15
njpatellool: I'm not sure what we're fixing there?09:16
loolnjpatel: *cough* we neither, I'm pondering a more stable solution to the changing gconf settings dance09:18
njpatelOh I see :)09:18
loolbecause the gconftool --load didn't work when debugging this on IRC with an user the other day09:18
looland reset didn't work either09:18
loolWell it only works one way09:18
loolnjpatel: I'd love if we could reduce the number of pathes / amount of code to start with09:19
njpatelsometimes you need to wipe ~/.config/desktop-switcher, as it may have saved panel setup there09:19
loolCurrently there's the saved panel stuff and the copying of the defaults from unr-default-settings to d-s which fuzzy things a lot09:19
loolnjpatel: Yeah09:19
loolIf we could avoid one or the two of these, it would be great09:20
loolReducing desktop-switcher to basically changing the gconf path and perhaps giving the option to reset to the default settings09:20
njpatellool: I'm not sure how much can be done for Karmic now, we're running out of time and I don't have much time myself09:21
loolnjpatel: Ok; that settles the discussion then09:21
loolnjpatel: I just thought about it while reading jason's merge09:21
njpatellool: Yep, but I think that the two session thing is what we should aim for. The main reason for "classic mode" was that gl+vga output was a bit weird on hardy + intrepid. It was better on Jaunty and now it works really well (on the netbooks I have) in Karmic, so I think we should give less prominence to the switcher for ludid09:23
njpatellool: I need to restart, bbiab09:23
* MacSlow -> lunch12:44
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mac_vMacSlow: hi... any info on Bug #428509  , the notifications are still not fixed , davidbarth said that this was a bug14:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 428509 in notify-osd "Do not suppress async notifications when using fullscreen apps" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42850914:14
MacSlowmac_v, I've not yet had time to work on that... crashers and mem-leaks kept me busy... rolling 0.9.22 atm... after that I'll get back to bug-squashing14:15
mac_vMacSlow: sure... no probs ,just wanted to know it would be eventually fixed...  :) thanks 14:16
djsiegelDanRabbit: ?14:35
DanRabbitdjsiegel: ping15:36
djsiegelDanRabbit: oh thank god15:36
DBOMacSlow, mind giving me a sanity check here?16:16
MacSlowDBO, where, how, what? :)16:17
DBOline 157 or so16:17
DBOsee where it says if (type == None || !data)16:17
MacSlowDBO, one sec... need to grab that from bzr16:18
DBOI theorize proper behavior is if (type != hints_atom || !data)16:18
DBObut your X speak is a little better than mine16:18
MacSlowDBO, it's in lp:maximus, right?16:19
MacSlowDBO, lp:~jassmith/maximus/crash-fixes ?16:20
DBOwell that has my changes16:20
DBOI didn't propose yet because I have not been able to test it yet16:20
MacSlowDBO, grabbing lp:maximus now16:20
* DBO pokes njpatel, you are not on gtalk :P16:23
MacSlowDBO, since hints_atom gets set by gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display() a few lines up I would leave it like if (type == None || !data)16:23
njpatelDBO: hey hey, I think gmail/gchat is down16:23
MacSlowDBO, god forbid... not another social-networking service :)16:23
MacSlowDBO, if (type == None || !data) reads easier than if (type != hints_atom || !data) imo16:24
DBOMacSlow, well type is set as the actual type of the property returned by XGetWindowProperty right?16:24
DBOand hints_type is the type we requested16:24
MacSlowDBO, yeah type gets set by XGetWindowProperty()16:24
DBOso in theory, cant XGetWindowProperty, under situations of extreme weirdness, return something other than none or hints_type16:25
njpatelDBO: also may help if we actually set type to None when we declare it16:25
MacSlowDBO, I would not expect that16:25
MacSlowDBO, btw... I would even thing that it's either type == None && !data or type == hints_atom && data16:25
njpatelDBO: that goes for all the data that we &send to XGetWindowProperty. I don't know why I didn't do that initially16:26
MacSlowDBO, I don't think data is set if type == None16:26
njpatelit was all too much for him16:26
MacSlowX11 has that effect on people16:26
MacSlowcan't blame him16:26
MacSlowDBO, re16:26
DBOxchat froze16:26
MacSlowsee... X11 :)16:26
njpatelDBO: x11 knew you were talking about it16:27
MacSlowDBO, it hates you... and everybody who touches it16:27
MacSlowDBO, so is that maximus-app.c:157 crashing?16:27
DBOhard to say, some traces seem to say yes 170 is crashing16:28
njpatelDBO: in case you missed it, I think all those variables need to be made = NULL on declaration, I'm not sure how I missed that in the first place16:28
DBOand that makes me curious16:28
MacSlowDBO, I suggest...16:29
njpatelDBO: at the moment type and data could be random and therefore we could be doing bogus things and crash16:29
DBOnjpatel, indeed...16:29
MacSlowif (type == None && !data) {} else if (type == hints_atom && data ) {...} else { g_assert ("Impossible!\n"); }16:29
DBOMacSlow, that makes me happier16:30
njpatelDBO: hints/type/format/nitems/bytes_after all should be made = NULL. I'm really annoyed about that now :(16:30
MacSlowDBO, anything else does not make sense to me atm16:30
DBOnjpatel, my reading of the xmanual seems to imply that those values MUST get initialized16:30
njpatelDBO: don't assert16:30
DBOeven if the result is 0 length16:30
njpatelDBO: just g_warning16:30
DBOfair enough16:31
MacSlowyeah... g_assert() is a bit overly pedantic... I just was trying to get a point across16:31
MacSlowDBO, I hope that'll help fixing it16:31
* MacSlow goes and grabs some coke16:32
MacSlowI hate coffee16:32
* DBO notes that at least in american english, grabbing some coke would refer to the drug, while grabbing a coke refers to the beverage16:33
njpatelDBO: I don't think they'll be initialised if there was an error, so that may be it16:34
MacSlowDBO, ah... devil is in the detail again16:34
* MacSlow meant a can of coke16:34
DBOnjpatel, ok after reading the Xlib manual again, it is ambiguous about setting those variables in error conditions16:37
DBOnjpatel, for some reason I had convinced myself it does...16:37
njpatelDBO: i had a look at the source (or something I believe was the source :) ) and it doesn't look like it does16:40
DBOok, then I have initialized all the integers to 0 and the pointers/structs to NULL16:40
MDC1hi all, i'd like some gui/text advice. When you choose to open a file in "Another application", you get the Open With dialog. "Problem" is that you might not always want to open this file with the selected application, but that's how it's done right now. The default application for the file type is associated with the application. I'd like to be optional. Where should this checkbox be placed and what should the text be?16:41
DBOnjpatel, ok pushed that fix up16:42
DBOMDC1, what?16:43
MDC1DBO, not clear at all? :-)16:43
DBOnot really16:43
njpatelDBO: thanks16:43
MDC1ok.. i'll go thru it slowly :)16:43
DBOnjpatel, thank you for pointing out my mistake :)16:44
njpatelDBO: I think it was my mistake dude :)16:44
DBOI feel somewhat embarrassed but happy it worked out16:44
MDC1pick a random file, right click and select "Open with Other Application"16:44
DBOMDC1, done16:44
MDC1DBO, pick the application that's currently NOT default for that mime type16:44
MDC1hit ok16:45
DBOMDC1, okay16:45
MacSlowtime for the capoeira-break16:45
* MacSlow -> capoeira16:45
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
MDC1DBO, next time you open that file the new application will be the default16:45
DBOis that the thing he does where he flies around like a super hero? I saw a video of that once....16:46
MDC1DBO, i'd like to make that default association an option in the dialog16:46
* DBO has seemingly found a counter example16:46
MDC1DBO, like "[X] Always open this type of file with this application"16:47
DBOMDC1, mine does not behave in this manner16:47
MDC1DBO, hmm.. lemme check16:47
DBOmine does not try to open text files with Movie Player now :P16:47
MDC1DBO, actually you're right16:48
DBOi know16:48
DBOits cuz Im sweet16:48
DBOand a winner16:48
MDC1DBO, BUT you do get gedit in the right click list16:48
DBOand now I have movie player as a suggested app for all my text files16:48
MDC1and that i'd like to change (instead)16:48
DBOannoyingly stupid to be sure16:49
MDC1ok.. so you're kinda with me 'bout the roblem? :)16:49
DBOaren't you the dude making Nautilus not suck? :)16:49
MDC1at least trying to..16:49
MDC1am i making it suck more now :)16:50
DBOok so here is what *I* would do16:50
DBOsince I believe more UI is rarely the answer16:50
DBOhave it work in this manner16:50
DBOstep one) make the stupid Open With Other Application dialog not show a single application more than once (if two entries have the same name, dont add the second entry)16:50
MDC1DBO, also see this https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92497 about this..16:51
ubot4Gnome bug 92497 in File and Folder Operations "RFE: it should be possible to open a file with an application, without associating" [Enhancement,New] 16:51
DBOstep two) make it so that if you select an application thats default mime types do *not* support the selected file16:51
DBOdont add it to the right click menu16:51
DBOso if I open a .txt file with Banshee music player, silly for sure, but at least its not a mistake i have to live with16:51
DBOif I open a .txt file with Open Office, then go ahead and add it to the right click menu16:52
MDC1DBO, if i'm not mistaken - all applications that matches the mime type is already in the popup menu16:52
* DBO double checks16:53
MDC1hm.. got an example?16:53
DBOgot banshee installed?16:53
MDC1nope, but that's not a problem :-)16:54
DBOok totem?16:54
DBOcat /usr/share/applications/totem.desktop | grep pdf16:54
DBOnote the lack of PDF support16:54
DBOright click a pdf file, check out that other applications list, note the option to open it with totem/banshee16:55
DBO(Totem shows up as Movie Player)16:55
MDC1ahh. no no16:56
MDC1i mean in the context menu16:56
DBOyeah I know16:56
MDC1all applications that handles the specific mime type is already in the context menu..16:56
DBOif you actually tell it to open the pdf with banshee/totem16:56
DBObanshee/totem then show up in the context menu16:56
DBOso basically, the problem from as far as I can see isn't that it adds thing to the context menu16:57
DBObut that it adds STUPID things to the context menu16:57
MDC1but isn't open with almost useless then? isn't that a good way to use your favorit hex editor and edit the movie16:57
MDC1ok.. so you suggest not adding anything to the context menu at all?16:58
MDC1(at least not from the open with dialog)16:58
DBOno, I suggest not adding things to the context menu that dont explicitly support that mime type16:58
MDC1but all of them are already there...16:58
MDC1hmm.. i'm obviously missing something here :)16:59
DBOahhh yes16:59
DBOsorry I reinstalled my OS a couple days ago16:59
DBOI dont have half the apps installed I thought I did17:00
DBOok then yes, I support not adding anything from the Open With Other Application dialog17:00
DBOno option, just dont do it because likely its stupid17:00
MDC1DBO, did you see the bug?17:01
DBOI think if you want to fix something big first that has real "wtf is this crap" kind of feel17:01
DBOmake it so applications dont show up in the opne with other app dialog more than once17:01
DBOshouldn't be too hard17:02
MDC1actually i don't think fixing the problem there is the right thing to do17:02
MDC1the apps problaby has a few too many .desktop files somewhere..17:02
MDC1and that creates problem on more problems than this (i think the run dialog has problem like this too)17:03
djsiegelMDC1: might be nice to design a new open with dialog that has a category picker on the left17:03
djsiegelI bet users would find it much easier to use if it looked like the main menu17:03
DBOMDC1, it looks like if you just pay attention to the NoDisplay key in the .desktop files, it will fix the issue17:04
MDC1djsiegel, but you agree that we should not add it to the context menu list?17:04
DBObanshee ships 3 .desktop files, but only 1 isn't marked NoDisplay17:04
MDC1DBO, what command is the other one executing?17:05
DBOthey just have different arguments17:05
DBOone opens the CD player17:06
DBOthe other actually doesn't seem to do anything special17:06
MDC1and it wouldn't make sense to open a file with any of them with NoDisplay?17:06
DBOwell they all have the same name17:06
MDC1file a bug against Banshee? :-)17:06
DBOso you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the selector anyhow17:07
MDC1but i'll take a look if i can filter out the NoDisplay entries17:07
DBOI really think its a solid idea :)17:07
MDC1DBO, true (unless they have different descriptions)17:07
DBOsame description17:07
DBOeven if they were different, you would have to scrub through them17:08
MDC1DBO, ok, thanks a lot - i'll see what can be done :)17:09
DBOthank you for cleaning up a core application17:09
DBOand if you really wanna just whore out to me, you could implement the column view that Dolphin has.... that view is so sexy....17:10
MDC1thanks, but the hard part is getting the devs to review and commit patches17:10
MDC1DBO, got a screenshot?17:10
DBObasically, selection a folder in the first column displays its contents in the second column17:12
MDC1DBO, ah. a mac finder clone. actually i was thinking about doing this a couple of days ago..17:12
DBOi didn't want to say finder :P17:12
MDC1and it shouldn't be *that* hard.. but still - do you know how many angry users that would say "AHHH!! how can you implement new features with out fixing this super mega important bug first that will make the whole world turn to linux in a blink of an eye!!!"17:13
MDC1such as fixing the list view and a lot of other bugs..  :)17:14
DBOdo what i do "I didn't get paid to do this, get over it"17:14
DBOunless I did get paid to do it17:14
DBOthen I say "well someone paid me to do this, so I didn't have a choice"17:14
MDC1but i think i'm too nice to do that :)17:15
DBOsee, you are covered on all bases, just dont use these excuses in close proximity17:15
* MDC1 wonders if http://library.gnome.org/devel/gio/stable/GAppInfo.html#g-app-info-should-show is the NoDisplay option....17:16
MDC1(nope, it wasn't)17:17
MDC1(or maybe it was :) )17:21
MDC1DBO, when you get back; i managed to remove the duplicates from the list but because some applications don't want an option in the menu but still have them in the open list the devs don't want it. So you should file bugs against banshee and others instead. BUT the good news is that a "gtk open with" dialog is probably coming in the next gtk relase (to be used in firefox, nautilus, file-roller etc) - so maybe this will be f17:59
chaoticam here now18:03
MDC1DBO, or wait with bug filing, let's see if "they" can come up with a better idea first...18:15
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow
DBOMacSlow, did neil leave already :(20:01
MacSlowDBO, apparently ... I just came back from capoeira about 25 min. ago20:02
DBOso sad20:02
MacSlowDBO, got stuck with debugging?20:02
DBOnot exactly20:03
* DBO frustrated with the lack of bugs that seem to be actionable for him, goes back to notify-osd memory hunting20:04
DBOsorry I havent gotten any real results yet, I havent had much time on it20:04
MacSlowDBO, np... I've got some fixed (most I could see via valgrind being caused directly by notify-osd) and they are part of the 0.9.22 release I rolled today20:05
MacSlowDBO, left are tricky ones where stuff gets leaked in libpango & firends20:05
MacSlowDBO, that's very nasty20:06
MacSlowDBO, so don't stress it20:06
MacSlowDBO, atm I only see action to be taken in those libs20:06
MacSlowDBO, but if you still find sources of mem-leaks in notify-osd tell me and/or hand me a patch20:07
MacSlowDBO, in 0.9.22 there's a temp. work-around in notify-osd forcing a shutdown/restart to deal with the leakage20:07
MacSlownasty but unavoidable... there had to be something done about the issue20:08
MacSlowDBO, fixing the related libs would take a lot of time20:08
MacSlowat least that my current point of view20:08
MacSlowI could still me overlooking something in the valgrind-logs20:08
DBOMacSlow, something doesnt add up20:15
DBOlibpango and friends are used in almost every gtk application20:15
DBOwhat about your use case is so different?20:15
MacSlowDBO, that's why I certainly don't rule out I'm overlooking something in notify-osd... but atm I can't see anything still being wrong20:16
MacSlowDBO, sofar I've only looked at valgrind-logs... not taken the "just analyse code"-approach yet20:17
DBOdo you know what type of objects are leaking?20:17
MacSlowDBO, such calls leak pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, layout)20:18
DBOthat very much so confuses me...20:19
MacSlowDBO, directly from main.c from gtk_main() stuff in g_option_* leaks20:19
MacSlowDBO, tons of that I don't know what to do about20:19
MacSlowDBO, I'm as confused as you are there.20:20
* DBO loves when things get like that20:20
DBOit means that we are about to learn something!20:20
MacSlowDBO, I _can't_ wait to see what that'll be :)20:20
MacSlowjono, hey there...20:21
MacSlowjono, seen those "terrific" Windows 7 install/launch party videos yet?20:21
* SiDi sends a kitten at MacSlow20:22
MacSlowjono, we should recreate those Linux-style :)20:22
MacSlowSiDi, hey there20:22
MDC1DBO, did you see my message?20:22
DBOMacSlow, I forgot to tell you, I love the number of blurs you implemented :P20:23
DBOMDC1, yeah20:23
MDC1DBO, and alex did wanted a checkbox ... implementing it now ...20:23
MacSlowDBO, e.g. just as an exercise I ran notify-osd against upstream libfontconfig (2.7.x instead of 2.6.0) and all of a sudden a lot of fontconfig-related valgrind hits were gone20:23
MacSlowDBO, well... two of the three are actually not finished (thus not used) yet20:24
MacSlowDBO, sad thing is... those missing two are the super-fast onese20:24
MacSlowDBO, another "bug" I need to fix still20:24
MacSlowDBO, it's a real pain the blurs have to be done via the CPU20:25
DBOwhy not just box blur 3x?20:26
MacSlowDBO, and such filter functionalitiy isn't exposed directly by cairo yet20:26
DBOits really fast and works 97% of gaussian?20:26
MacSlowDBO, stack and exponential-blur are like that20:26
MacSlowand are very close to real gaussian blur in terms of quality20:27
MacSlowDBO, it would be very ugly to see the blur-quality between the compiz-plugin blur (behind the bubble) be visually very different from the in-bubble (contant) blur20:28
DBOit would be really nice to use the compiz blur when available20:29
* SiDi wants compiz blur on xubuntu :(20:33
SiDibtw MacSlow, i should suppose that there is less than NO chance for my patch to be included in karmic ?20:33
MacSlowSiDi, the gconf-stuff?!20:37
SiDiMacSlow: yes20:37
MacSlowSiDi, I'll still have that on my plate... starting this weekend or monday20:37
SiDioh, so its still planned ? :p20:37
MacSlowSiDi, I said I'll get it in, so I will20:37
SiDibecause i have to know if i have to refresh it a little or not20:37
SiDiokies, thanks then20:37
SiDii was gettiing a bit worried as release date approaches and you still have so much to do20:38
MacSlowSiDi, crashers and mem-leaks only got really nasty this week... otherwise I'd started this week already on the gconf-bits20:38
SiDiyeh i noticed that crash thing20:38
MacSlownew kernel -> reboot20:45
MDC1"New upstream snapshot taken from r276 as djsiegel and upstream say we20:52
MDC1    should be running the bzr rev of the day or we're doomed to have ugly20:52
MDC1    graphics.   :-P" (changelog from humanity icons) 20:52
mac_vMDC1: lol , where was that ?20:54
mac_vi mean *when*20:54
MDC1mac_v, hmm, might be the update today or yesterday20:55
MDC1not sure when i last updated20:55
* mac_v updating20:55
MDC1I also see that the update manager has got some love :)20:56
mac_vMDC1: lool has a way with words... i didnt say *doomed* ;p20:56
mac_vthere was an error and i said it was fixed in the latest package 20:57
MDC1but still some window titles says "update-manager" and "check" and "install updates" buttons still have icons20:57
MDC1otherwise i'm happy with the changes :)20:57
MDC1and i'm glad we use the bzr version so we're not doomed ;)20:58
* mac_v > reboots20:58
MDC1mac_v, that was more than the 10 seconds it should take to boot ;-)21:05
MDC1mac_v, but was the art nice?21:05
mac_vhehei booted twice;)21:05
MDC1that good huh? ;-)21:05
mac_vi was testing the boot time ... my boot time is roughly 1min6secs , in jaunty it was 1mins 45secs21:06
mac_vMDC1: so we are getting to 10secs slowly ;)21:07
MDC1i'll do a reboot with my virtual box.. 21:07
MDC1mac_v, when will the new gdm theme enter karmic?21:09
mac_vMDC1: no idea , 21:11
mac_vdjsiegel: ping21:16
loolMDC1: Oh that's old, that was at least three humanity uploads ago21:26
loolMDC1: You're not in the rev of the day spirit21:26
MDC1lool, hehe - yeah, i was probably caught in too much hacking and forgot to update :)21:27
SiDibtw when you do new humanity icons21:38
SiDifeel free to backport them to elementary (with the blue colour palette :p)21:38
DanRabbitSiDi: working on it ;)21:46
SiDiwe're very very likely to use elementary btw21:47
DanRabbitIt's been untouched for a while, that's for sure.21:57
DanRabbitA lot of work has been going into Humanity21:57
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
DBOSiDi, who is "we"22:06
SiDiDBO: xubuntu22:07
* DBO loves it22:08
DBOnot xubuntu, but the concept of xubuntu using xfce22:08
DBOxubuntu using elementary22:08
DBOsorry, I am feeling a bit loony right now22:08
SiDiDBO: was xubuntu using xfce ironical ? :P22:10
SiDiwe're often criticized because we dont use xfce enough :P22:10
SiDiBecause we use quite a few gnome deps22:12
SiDithe why is a long debate that i really dont want to have a thursday evening :p - and i'm not responsible for any decisions made, i'm merely an external contributor, so its not my concern22:12
SiDibut people rant a lot about gnome apps, sometimes with arguments and sometimes for the sake of noise22:13
DBOSiDi, those kinds of things hold no interest to me22:13
DBOuse whatever works bust I say22:13
SiDii think its why we try to do globally22:15
SiDibut of course sometimes an app works best for some and not for others22:15
DanRabbitDBO: I like bust too!22:35
DBOoh yeah22:36
DBOloooooooopy dbo is loopy22:36
DanRabbitDBO: so what's the status on the panel icon patch?22:37
DBOnobody told me to do it?22:37
DanRabbitDBO: how hard do you think it'd be to patch the applets to use a different icon?22:41
DBOjust to use a different icon?22:41
DBOwhich applets?22:41
DanRabbitthe main ones, Network, Sound, etc22:42
DBOeasy as pie22:43
DanRabbitthe problem we're facing right now is that these icons also show up in applications22:43
DanRabbitso, it makes for a lot of inconsistency22:43
DanRabbitfor example:22:43
DBOso why dont we take the name of the icon22:44
DBOsay network-stuff.svg22:44
DanRabbitif we draw a new bluetooth icon in monochrome, it's going to show up in System>Preferences as a monochrome icon22:44
DBOand make it network-stuff-greyscale.svg22:44
DanRabbitthat would be awesome22:44
DanRabbitor even better would be: network-stuff-panel.svg22:44
mac_vDBO: we cant create new names and patch all apps ;)22:44
DanRabbitbecause I think it's more generic.22:44
DBOmac_v, I didn't say ubuntu would like it22:45
DBOI just said I could do it22:45
DanRabbitWell, we could at least solve some basic problems this way if we could convince the higher ups ;)22:45
DBOmac_v, also we are talking about patching the applets, not the apps, so there are a limited number of those22:45
DanRabbityea, third part apps would still be untouched22:45
mac_vDBO: another thing is we cant add app specific icons in the default theme22:46
DBOthe *other* option is to give the panel as a whole a different icon theme, though I'd have to check if that can be done22:46
DanRabbitThat would be nice22:46
DanRabbitthat's what I'm basically going for22:46
DBOmac_v, you are so negative22:46
DanRabbitDBO: here's my ultimate wish22:46
mac_vDBO: i'm pissed right now... ;p   something just wipped out my hicolor folder ;p22:46
DanRabbitmake the panel draw it's own icons and have them change color (to match the text color) with the theme22:47
mac_vi am sitting icon-less22:47
DBOmac_v, completely?22:47
mac_vreinstalling all apps :(22:47
DBODanRabbit, I could easily implement that if I were given the time and the go ahead22:47
DanRabbitreally really?22:47
DanRabbitDBO, that would make you my god22:48
DBOyeah, but as it stands I only have 4 work days left with Canonical22:48
DBOmy internship ends22:48
mac_vDBO: noooooo... we need you to fix this :( 22:50
DBOi dont know what to tell you... once my internship ends I'll be hacking on Docky 2 again if that makes you happy?22:50
DBOI'll add support for this into its panel mode22:50
DanRabbitYea, Docky2 is happiness22:51
DanRabbitBut without DBO, there will be no happiness for Ubuntu22:51
DanRabbitI'll have to switch to Fedora or something....22:51
DBOthere are lots of other talented people :P22:51
* mac_v waiting for docky2 ppa ;)22:52
DanRabbitI'm just going to go cry now22:52
* mac_v joins DanRabbit 22:52
* DBO never figured out who mac_v is22:54
DanRabbitI'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you22:55
mac_vlol ;)22:55
* DBO is just going to go with Canonical inkscape wizard22:57
DanRabbitI'm going to try another Karmic Daily and see if my video works now ;)22:57
DanRabbitApparently we're missing some Karmic specific artwork.22:58
* DanRabbit ---> work23:23
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