
ncfi1013_do i go to my router to change the port or to kopete to change the port cuz i cant find where to change the port in kopete?00:02
konbonHowdy :)00:18
konbonI have a bit of a dilema, maybe you guys can help me with it00:18
konbonI am trying to update my driver for Nvidia on this kubuntu 9.04 install00:19
konboni went to the nvidia web site to download the driver and got a .run file for the linux 32 distro00:19
konboni ran it but it tell me that i need to run it in Root. How do i run it in root ?00:20
sobisudo sh *.run00:20
konbonThanks :)00:21
konbonLooks like i theres another problem.00:22
konbonERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.00:22
konbonhow can i stop X Server ?00:22
sobitry  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:23
konbonThanks :)00:23
konboncommand not found :(00:23
sobisorry: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop00:24
ncfi1013_what would the application name be for a port on a router for kopete be: telnet, http, https, ftp, dns, smtp, pop3, h.323, remote desktop, pptp, l2tp, or wake-on-lan?00:24
konbonOh :P00:24
sobigdm is for Ubuntu, kdm for Kubuntu00:24
sourcemakerwhat is better... egroupware or opengroupware00:36
* nit is away: Gone away for now00:39
ncfi1013_port forwarding tcp and udp ports are both port 80 correct?01:12
tyronehi quick question: Does ubuntu run as well on a Mac as on a PC or is it design to work better with PC hardware?01:15
ubuntui need help with my kubuntu01:26
venky80is there a KDESU ninja here01:56
venky80can i take your 10 mins01:56
tony___hey guys, does anyone know of a channel for java developers?02:02
tony___I'd like to talk to someone about developing a console app for a web service02:03
ivan__всем привет, Помогите найти работоспособную асю для линя02:18
Pici!ru | ivan__02:19
ubottuivan__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:19
=== sid_ is now known as Guest23451
* nit is back.02:40
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=== bret is now known as freelancer317
* nit is away: Gone away for now02:50
=== me is now known as Guest51781
=== patrick is now known as fargo189
fargo189Can anyone point me in the right direction for reinstalling my soundcard? I edited alsa-base.conf and now it doesn't recognize my card. running a grep | Codec gives me "No sound card detected". I have the latest version of alsa, just missing the card. Any help?03:04
fargo189I'm using an Asus if that helps03:05
ncfi1013_where do i find the default gateway in linux?03:27
jsubl2if you are on dhcp no need to worry.  if not dhcp man interfaces03:28
alokitomy nokia 5200 is turning off everytime I try to connect it to the internet with kubuntu karmic alpha6's network manager03:28
alokitowhy is it happenning?03:28
alokitokppp is working fine, but I want to use the default kubuntu network manager03:29
jsubl2when you install alphas you have to be prepared to chase down a bug03:29
alokitojsubl2: hmm ok but Im not having any other problem, just this03:30
jsubl2i dont have any experience with that kinda config... so i have no idea03:31
alokitokde has improved a lot, many new features in plasmoid and other apps :)03:31
alokitojsubl2: im using a 2g edge connection03:31
jsubl2yeah it is lookin better.. not convinced it is the 1 yet. still playin and testin03:31
jsubl2dissapointed with kopete and no webcam.03:32
jsubl2so is that edge workin for ya03:32
jsubl2what kinda thruput03:32
alokitojsubl2: is there a difference between direct kubuntu installation and kubuntu-desktop package installation from gnome?03:32
jsubl2i like to see the grandkids with the webcam.03:32
alokitojsubl2: yah I can connect it with kppp03:33
jsubl2not sure but i would think they would be close03:33
alokitojsubl2: I installed kubuntu-desktop in jaunty but it looks different from kubuntu karmic03:33
jsubl2i am kinda new to kubuntu.. yahoo cutoff the old protocols for kopete so we had to move to a newer distro.... was on debian stable03:34
alokitodonno if it has changed in karmic or kubuntu-desktop pack is different from original kubuntu03:34
jsubl2yeah the first thing i change is the looks anyway03:34
jsubl2if the apps are there and work. that is what i would be concerned with03:34
jsubl2aptitude search kubuntu    see if you see anything else you might need03:35
alokitoi used gnome before but now im settled in kde, since kde4.0 release03:35
P_KableHi there, I'm having an annoying hang at every shutdown. It says: setting advanced power management level to 0x8003:35
P_Kableon 90403:35
alokitoP_Kable: turn off advanced power management from /boot/grub/menu.lst03:36
jsubl2i see problems shutdown also.. i logout and then shutdown from kdm and it seems to work better03:36
P_Kablealokito: thanks I try that right now ;)03:36
alokitoadd this beside ur boot entry: acpi=off03:36
jsubl2alokito: what if you are a laptop03:36
jsubl2added it right after splash03:37
alokitojsubl2: I used it in my old laptop, it runs on dc power though03:37
jsubl2ok so maybe it is safe03:37
jsubl2kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-kde4-desktop03:38
alokitojsubl2: kubuntu-desktop now installs kde4 by default03:39
alokitofirefox should be default in kde03:40
alokitokonqueror is not so good for regular browsing03:40
jsubl2yeah agreed there03:41
* nit is back.03:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ktts04:23
ncfi1013_what application name do i give kopete in port forwarding rules on the router?04:23
cjae!info  ktts04:23
ubottuError: I tried to send you an empty message.04:23
cjae!info ktts04:23
ubottuPackage ktts does not exist in jaunty04:23
ncfi1013_ i cant connect to my contacts in kopete. it keeps saying that they are offline and that wait till they are online or use software that supports offline protocol.04:23
cjaedoes ktts work with kde 404:24
ncfi1013_is harolddong peterbuldge?04:26
ncfi1013_if it is what application name do i give kopete in port forwarding rules on the router? and i cant connect to my contacts in kopete. it keeps saying that they are offline and that wait till they are online or use software that supports offline protocol.04:27
ncfi1013_nice can u help me?04:30
harolddongI didnt see your question04:30
ncfi1013_the people over in xchat arent helping me at all04:30
ncfi1013_what application name do i give kopete in port forwarding rules on the router? and i cant connect to my contacts in kopete. it keeps saying that they are offline and that wait till they are online or use software that supports offline protocol.04:30
harolddongname it kopete04:31
ncfi1013_i did that but its asking for the application name like gaming names04:32
ncfi1013_theres nothing even resembling an im name in the list04:32
ncfi1013_oh and are the tcp and udp ports the same port number?04:33
harolddongsee if you can get pidgin installed and talk to me there04:34
harolddongand no they arent04:34
harolddongI dont think "port forwarding"is really what you want to do. you just want to open ports04:35
harolddongso youare probably in the wrong place in your router control panel. that is the first problem. I remember we went through this same thing before04:35
harolddongsecondly, kopete itself doesnt really any ports that need to be opened.  its the protocols themselves, like aim and yahoo.  I told you this is a txt message the other night04:36
ncfi1013_pretend im a newb and have some compassion ha ha04:36
harolddongthat's what I'm doing04:37
harolddongbut you're still not getting it04:37
ncfi1013_yeah i remember so why doesnt it work perfectly like it has before? does have anything to do with needing to upgrade kde?04:37
harolddongcan you get pidginn installed?04:38
ncfi1013_what am i not getting? what am i not doing right or wrong or overlooking?04:38
harolddongwell I explain this stuff to you and the next day you're asking me the same questions or in the exact predicament. its like groundhog day04:39
Commissar_MoHello, having massive issues with resolution on boot - it resets my res every time I logout...05:31
Commissar_MoI have seen all the help-pages on this, and am likely very confused at this point05:31
Commissar_Moanyone in here?05:42
PulledteethUbuntu does not detect USB storage devices after it's been running for a bit of time. It sees it in lsusb, but not block device is created/detected, and it's not showing up in fdisk. Anyone got any advice?05:43
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skierpageI installed Quicken 2008 using Wine in Kubuntu 9.04, and I have an item in KIckoff for it.  How do I find the command line corresponding to that Kickoff entry?  Is it in a .desktop file somewhere or a .kickoff menu structure?06:00
skierpageIt's not in ~/.kde/share/config/kickoffrc  ...06:01
skierpageC'mon, Windows Start menu has RIGHT-click > Properties > General tab that shows you the exec line.06:03
skierpageskierpage, You can't usefully right-click on an item in Kickoff, but right-click its 'K' icon, choose Menu Editor, then navigate mindlessly around until you find the item in a category, then choose it and see the Command line for it, in this case ' env WINEPREFIX="/home/skierpage/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Quicken\qw.exe" '06:06
skierpageskierpage, thanks!  U R awesome.06:06
=== patrick is now known as rouser
rouserI'm a total idiot and I deleted my taskbar, so now I have to alt-tab to change programs on my window. Google wasn't helpful at all, is there a quickfix to restore it? New from Ubuntu06:34
macoright click on desktop06:34
macoadd panel06:34
rouseri didn't lose the entire panel, just the part that displayed current tasks/windows06:35
rouseris there a way to make a new one then merge it back?06:35
rousernevermind, found it in the cashew06:38
=== kb is now known as Guest94948
Balsaqhow much HD space does kubuntu use?07:12
Balsaqanyone in here using a one of the many linux OS's on an apple computer?07:48
jussi01!anyone | Balsaq07:49
ubottuBalsaq: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:49
Balsaqso i do thisd 1st...!07:50
Balsaqnewbie here, are so saying i asked my question incorrectly?07:52
Balsaq!2004 apple g4 desktop compatibility kubuntu07:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:57
Balsaqman yur tough...07:57
ubottuFor PPC discussion, join #ubuntu-powerpc. For discussion on Mac software, or help with same, please visit ##apple.07:57
Balsaqah hah07:57
Balsaqyou like that one07:57
=== joseph is now known as jammen33
jussi01Balsaq: what i meant was if you ask anyone use <foo> here you are likely to get a yes/no answer. if you tell what your actual problem is, the real question that you might ask to someone who does use <foo>...08:09
Balsaqdont know what <foo> means but i think i get your point08:10
jussi01<foo> is a substitute for any thing, insert what you were asking about there :D08:10
Balsaqso go like this...<apple> ?08:11
AbeFiihr ratten#08:12
HasMafinn ist doof :D08:12
HasMaihr doof08:13
HasMaund behind08:13
HasMamit riesenrad08:13
AbeFibist bewölkt08:13
jussi01hansen: please use english only in here08:14
jussi01Balsaq: no, just ask your question...08:15
jussi01hansen: sorry...08:15
Balsaqok that is usually my favorite way!08:16
jussi01Balsaq: all I was trying to say was ask the real question, not the "anyone" question08:17
Balsaqhave a nice day jussie0108:22
habananyI need help with karmic08:54
LINUX4EVERwhats your problem08:54
habananyi download the iso, but I have no dvd burner08:54
LINUX4EVERyou need an virtual drive08:55
jussi01habanany: karmic help is in #ubuntu+1 :)08:56
habananyforgot to say I have windows 708:56
jussi01habanany: have you a usb pen drive?08:56
LINUX4EVERopen: http://dream-linux.homelinux.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6208:56
jussi01!usb | habanany08:56
ubottuhabanany: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:56
habananyyes i have a 4 gb pen08:56
LINUX4EVERthats not much08:57
jussi01habanany: have a look at the first link then08:57
LINUX4EVERi have an 8 GB08:57
habananycan you repeat the link08:57
jussi01!usb | habanany08:57
jussi01habanany: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:58
habananyyeah usb 4gb08:58
habananythanks guys09:02
=== bond is now known as Guest12601
oleg_всем привет!09:20
kjeldahlAnybody else got their desktop hosed by dist-upgrade lately (kde 4.3, missing kdebase-workspace packages)?09:25
bobback <bobback> hi09:28
bobback any one can help setting remote debugger?09:28
bobback i mean, every thing is installed but i cant connect09:28
bobbackhave the ips in the allow hosts but still09:28
=== prxq_ is now known as prxq
Assurbanipalhi everyone,is there a way to syncronize my windows mobile device contacts with kubuntu?? (kontact or thunderbird)09:34
James147Assurbanipal: you can try opensync09:36
Assurbanipalis it actually working now??because all my efforts in the past were waste of time :(09:37
James147Assurbanipal: not sure, but improvments are made all the time, I havent tryed it in ages so I can say...09:37
James147Assurbanipal: The other thing I was looking into was to sync my PDA to google, then sync google to my computer(s) but havent really looked into it yet09:38
Assurbanipali just need my contacts to synchronize....it's a pain in the ass...09:38
James147Assurbanipal: yeah, I know how you feel :)09:39
Assurbanipali have switched to ubuntu for about a year on both my laptop and pc and this is one of the biggest annoyances i find... i can't say i miss windows just for that, but is a big problam for me because i exchange personal details with many people all the time and need to have them synced...09:42
Assurbanipalit has to be worked out...09:42
James147Assurbanipal: I would try syncing with google, you might have more luck09:45
=== Uqbar_ is now known as Uqbar
AssurbanipalJames147: unfortunatelly i have gone through that way for the moment, but is is a work around and not a real solution....does anyone know how syncing works between ubuntu and android?09:52
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
=== max is now known as Guest15032
val_hi !10:29
gentobuntuWhy can't I see any shared folders from other computers? I installed samba and configured /etc/samba/smb.conf to share folders and restarted samba service...10:46
gentobuntuI can see other machines from this kubuntu 9.04, but other machines cant see shares from this machine. Is there a FIREWALL blocking sharing or what?10:48
gentobuntuWhy does /etc/samba/smb.conf  make any difference, not even a warning when I put something wrong to it?10:49
James147gentobuntu: I would make sure samba is useing the same workgroup10:49
Idhanis there any way that the plasma widgets appears only when I push control-f12?? and always in the background of my desktop??10:51
jussi01is there a way to give openoffice a different theme than everything else?10:51
James147Idhan: in kde 4.3 you can have seperate dashboard widgets, so when you push crtl + F12 different widgets will appear, you can configure by zooming out of the desktops (from the cashew) the click configure plasma -> check use seperate dashboard10:53
James147Idhan: from what you said you can have no widgets on the desktop, and place widgets on the dashboard so that they appear when you press ctrl+f1210:54
gentobuntuJames147: It is the same workgroup, here is the conf, it works on Gentoo server like that, http://pastebin.com/d196ac9a210:54
James147gentobuntu: see if you can access it from the computer thats hosting it10:55
gentobuntuJames147: No. smbtree -does not show any shares, its like /etc/init.d/samba -service does not even read the smb.conf ??10:57
James147gentobuntu: As far as I can tell there isent anything wrong with the config10:58
gentobuntuJames147: smbtree does show shares from other machines..10:58
gentobuntuJames147: No hyvä kun tuo graafinen juttu ei käynnisty...10:59
IdhanJames147: where is this "configure plasma"??11:00
gentobuntuJames147: The graphical "sahre this folder" does not start at all..11:00
James147gentobuntu: is samba installed?11:00
IdhanJames147: if I add widgets in the dashboard after I press ctr-f12, and I add there some widgets, after I come back to the desktop the same widgets are there11:01
James147Idhan: click the cashew thing thats in the corner of the desktop, you should be able to "zoom out"11:01
gentobuntuJames147: Yes, and I'v /etc/init.d/samba start and allso restart...11:01
IdhanJames147: ok11:01
gentobuntu * Starting Samba daemons                                                                                                      [ OK ]11:02
James147gentobuntu: not sure whats wrong :s you could try purging samba and reinstalling it11:03
IdhanJames147: yes.. I see the zoom out... I try to move some widgets out of the desktop background in the bottom area..but after I stop the drag action, automatically the return to the desktop area11:03
James147Idhan: once you have zoomed out there should be a "configure plasma" option, click that and check "use seperate daskpoard"11:04
James147Idhan: this is in kde 4.3.1, not sure it is in kde 4.2.X, what version are you useing?11:05
IdhanJames147: are you using kubuntu 9.04?11:05
James147Idhan: yes, but with kde 4.3.111:06
IdhanJames147:  is that a safe upgrade??11:06
James147Idhan: I think it was added to kde 4.3, if you really want it you can upgrade via http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.111:06
IdhanJames147: thanks11:07
James147Idhan: You welcome :)11:07
=== administrator is now known as Guest82427
gentobuntuIn what conf file is the delay between login and password defined? It is annoying when there is 5sec delay!! Both VNC and SSH has the delay..12:25
James147gentobuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=943672 <- might help12:27
=== Assurbanipal_ is now known as Assurbanipal
James147gentobuntu: btw, did you get samba working in the end?12:27
=== root is now known as Guest56126
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
user_hi, how i can see what users i have in my os from konsole13:01
James147user_: cat /etc/group will show all users including system ones as well as teh groups they belong to13:04
user_ok thx13:05
gentobuntuJames147: Yep, I reinstalled samba and then it started to log errors to /var/log/s... and there was few in my smb.conf, now working 100%13:21
James147gentobuntu: :)13:21
boscopI'm running ubuntu with xfce and I want to have mouse gestures in konqueror, but I don't have kde control center. is there a way to enable them without installing it?13:24
boscopI just need back and forward13:24
boscopand a second thing: when I press middle mouse button on a tab, I get a msg: protocol not supported, but the tab doesn't close. I have enabled tab closing with middle mouse button in the settings though13:31
=== g600116 is now known as OcGatSag
cajunI don't know whether it matters, ubuntu or kubuntu. I have Kubuntu Jaunty installed but use gnome more often. One of my users has to change his password regularly yet I have not had to myself.  Is this because he has administrative privileges?13:56
James147cajun: I know you can set a time at which passwords expire, not sure if its system wide or user wide though14:00
James147cajun: in kuser if you double click on a user to get settings for that user there is a "password managment" tab that lets you set password expiry times14:02
cajunwell he's the only user on my system that has to reset.  i created a guest account with limited user priveleges and it's pw remains the same.14:02
James147cajun: looks to be user spific14:02
cajuni used the "Users and Groups" manager to create and make changes for both additional users.14:02
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK-netbook
cajunkdesudo kuser?14:03
James147cajun: the default is no timeout, maby his got set somehow?14:03
James147i jsut ran kuser and it asked for password :) needs to be root either way14:03
cajunfo some reason, kuser showed that he is disabled. which is odd14:05
James147cajun: maby his password expired?14:05
harolddonghow do I get the kmplayer konqueror plugin to work in jaunty it doesnt play anything14:05
cajunhe just changed it again last night14:06
James147cajun: either way you can try to enable him and take off the expireing password to see if it works14:06
cajunkuser is set so that passwords never expire.14:06
cajuni don't see a way to change this setting for a specific user14:06
James147cajun: for me i click on the user, a box pops up with more info, password expriey is on Password Managment tab14:07
cajunah.  that fixed it.14:08
cajunhe had expire deadlines.14:09
cajuni have no idea how that happened.14:09
James147cajun: but now you know how to fix it :)14:09
cajunthank you so much.  why is this not available in the gnome version of that app?14:09
James147cajun: It might be, I dont use gnome so I dont know what is availble for it14:10
cajunyes.  thank you.  i just fixed the geust account.  It was set to expire in 99999999 days14:10
James147cajun:  thats prity much never :)14:10
cajunyeah I know.  but I fixed them all to never.14:12
cajunthank you so much for your help.  i like the KDE4 but it doesn't seem as easy to use as the previous version. i can understand how to do everything that I see when I see screenshots of what others have done w/ it.14:12
cajunsomeone needs to create a really good tutorial on how to use KDE4.14:12
James147cajun: I dont find it that hard to use :S and I know others find it easier to use the gnome14:13
James147cajun: and a howto for kde4 would be quite along howto :) there is so much you can do14:14
cajunthey both have their plusses for me.  thanks so much for your help.  have a good one.14:14
lidineiHi, anyone know say why strigi/nepomuk not work on kubuntu?14:16
Prunehow do I get all network statuses in Quassel?14:20
simon___How to make a basic program in linux?14:20
James147simon___: depends on what language you want to use, wat tookkit you want to use...14:21
simon___i don't know! can you help me? i need something "basic"14:22
simon___and easy14:22
James147simon___: I would suggest python :) its only an interpreted language and so runs slower tehn most, but is very easy to use14:23
James147simon___: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/ <- might be a good place to start14:24
simon___ok! tnx. Can you get me a web site whit a Guide on how to use "python"...... ok14:24
James147simon___: I would learn the basics of the language and programming in general first then move on to more advanced stuff like gui's later14:24
BluesKajG`Day folks14:24
simon___yeh! Tnx again!14:25
James147simon___: When you do move to gui's I recomend qt :) but I wouldnet worry about that for now14:25
lidineiHi, anyone know say why strigi/nepomuk does not work on kubuntu?14:31
=== john is now known as Guest65085
=== nameiner_ is now known as nameiner
larvalidinei: it can be made to work by installing soprano-backend-sesame package and linking libjvm.so from your java installation to some folder where it can be found, for example /usr/local/lib/14:57
simon___dam dam dam14:57
simon___dam dam dam14:58
larvasimon___: use the biggest key on your keyboard instead of [enter], please14:58
simon___ok! i will REmeber that!14:58
simon___dam dam dam14:59
Picisimon___: stop14:59
Picisimon___: Python support is in #python15:00
jorgenis it correct that karmic is broken right now??15:24
jorgenkdebase-workspace-bin: Depends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.3.1-0ubuntu7) but 4:4.3.1-0ubuntu5 is to be installed15:25
geniijorgen: Ask in #ubuntu+115:25
genii!karmic | jorgen15:25
ubottujorgen: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:25
jorgentnx :>15:25
jorgenwhat is this channel for btw?15:25
jorgenuser support?15:26
jorgenok, tnx15:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:30
jinkong8272what is this?15:51
jinkong8272i enter here in accation15:53
[-Haza-]Hey folks. Can i kill the process running on a certain port?16:32
shreyhow should i start kicker kickoff of suse in kubuntu...i have installed it but how to i start it ?16:52
andy___je veux installer google earth sur kubuntu16:54
handjobGood afternoon gentleman. Can anyone instruct me how to enable spellchecking in "quassel"? I would not like to commit rape on english language in public.16:54
andy___je veux instaler google earth sur kubuntu16:55
Pici!fr | andy___16:56
ubottuandy___: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:56
andy___i want to install google earth on ubuntu17:00
=== rosco_y is now known as rosco_away
geniiandy____: Perhaps visit for instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth17:05
=== DarkV is now known as Mufasa
=== rosco_away is now known as rosco_y
ubuntujoing #ubuntu+117:18
=== ubuntu is now known as pkt
=== rosco_y is now known as rosco_away
=== rosco_away is now known as rosco_y
=== rosco_y is now known as rosco_away
handjobDoes anyone knews how to enable spell checking in "quassel"?17:27
boscopkonqueror often crashes when using the incremental search17:28
rosco_yis there a command I can run to check what type of cpu my ISP is using?17:29
rosco_y(from within a telnet prompt)17:30
pktrosco_y: cat /proc/cpuinfo?17:31
rosco_ypkt, Thank you!17:31
pktrosco_y: np17:31
rosco_ypkt: do you know how to tell if it is a 32 or 64 bit cpu?17:33
rosco_yI want to use some dot net software on my isp, but there is a 32 bit and a 64 bit version, and I don't know which to use17:33
xorredhey guys how can I extract only 1 folder from my tar.gz backup ?17:35
rosco_yxorred: did you try dragging and dropping?17:35
xorredand via command line?17:36
rosco_yxorred: sorry, I don't know the command line17:36
rosco_yI'll bet there is a way, there are a lot of options17:36
llutzxorred: tar xf tarfile.tar dir17:38
llutzxorred: tar xzf tarfile.tar.gz dir17:38
handjobrosco_y: lshw | less - then find "cpu" section.17:44
xorredllutz: how do I extract to /media/disk for example?17:49
xorredto a specific destination17:49
llutzxorred: man tar  (-C)17:49
xorredyea it's 30 pages long vs. just one command17:51
xorredI know "man", that's why I'm here17:51
handjobI wander why "sudo apt-get update/upgrade" does not include kernel upgrade?17:54
llutzhandjob: use dist-upgrade17:55
Picihandjob: Because the kernel packages are pulled in via a package dependency. You'd need to use apt-get dist-upgrade to get that.17:55
handjobThank you gentleman.17:55
=== DarkV is now known as Mufasa
=== wojtek is now known as SeungFu
W4gn3rdid anyone ever try KOffice?18:11
xorredhow do I proceed if I lost my /boot folder?18:12
xorredI lost my /boot folder and now typing out of a live cd18:12
rj_I tried to Install kOffice18:12
rj_however, kubuntu won't let me :(18:12
W4gn3rI'm really curious, but I can't install it cuz I'm creating a live CD version18:13
rj_I have a problem:18:13
rj_My laptop battery is dead18:13
rj_and it sets the time at 196918:13
rj_everytime I turn it on18:13
rj_and when I try to boot kubuntu18:14
xorredhow do I proceed if I lost my /boot folder?18:14
rj_it crashes18:14
W4gn3rxorred: afaik, you can copy the live CD boot folder to your HD18:14
xorredand how do I reinstall grub then?18:14
xorredas I have windows too...18:14
W4gn3rrj_: did you try to boot on text mode?18:14
xorreddon't wanna lose the windows boot loader18:14
Mufasarj_: replace battery18:15
W4gn3rxorred: you can install grub normally, but you'll need to manually edit your menu.lst18:15
rj_yes, I did, my only question is "what do I need to so that Linux doesn't check the date?"18:15
rj_I can replace the battery18:15
xorredhmmm... but the live cd detects any OSs that are there18:15
xorredI guess there is a way to follow the same procedure?18:15
xorredsomehow it automatically detects there is another OS18:15
xorredno need to manually do anything?18:15
W4gn3rxorred: it does detect, but during installation18:16
W4gn3rduring the system installation18:16
rj_it crashes 'cause  of the time set at 196918:16
W4gn3rxorred: but it's simple, just 4 small lines, and you can add you Windows partition to the grub list18:16
W4gn3rrj_: buy a battery =/18:17
W4gn3rit's cheaper and faster18:17
rj_I'm not in the US18:17
rj_I'm in latin america18:17
rj_No one ships here18:17
rj_besides that, it's an ibook....18:18
W4gn3rany PC battery is the same18:18
W4gn3ru can buy one anywhere18:18
Mufasarj_: try to set date very early durring boot to later date18:18
rj_no, there's no battery inside of apple laptops, well at least on ibooks G318:18
rj_I did that, and Linux was acting stupid....18:19
W4gn3rxorred: you must copy the boot folder, generate the boot and init files, and install grub18:19
rj_wait, during boot ?18:19
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rj_how do you do that?18:19
xorredhow do I do that18:20
W4gn3rxorred: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:20
handjobGentleman i want to install nvidia drivers using tty1 however installer is whining about running X session. The problem is when i kill "X" i am automaticly dropped to login ( gdm? ) so i guess i must stop it first however i don't see it in init.d?18:21
Mufasarj_: create file /etc/rcS.d/S01changedate.sh then insert command there that will change date to something closer to 200918:21
Mufasarj_: it should work unless it craches sooner than system v18:22
W4gn3rhandjob: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ?18:22
rj_@Mufasa what is the command?18:22
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llutzhandjob: ctrl-alt-f1, login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, install nvidia then18:22
xorredthat link only explains if you have boot folder untouched18:22
xorredmine is gone18:22
Mufasarj_: i knew you'd ask… wait i havent done it in ages…18:22
alexis_hi! how to enable video's thumbnails?18:23
alexis_in kde 4.3.x18:23
handjobThe problem is as i pointed before that i don't have "gdm" in my "init.d". Mostly strange.18:23
alexis_(in konqueror or desktop)18:23
llutzhandjob: xdm/kdm?18:23
handjobllutz: Of course. "Kdm" - thank you kind sir.18:23
Mufasarj_: something like that: date -s 2009.04.08-22:46+010018:24
rj_@Mufasa you sure?18:25
Mufasarj_: no… :)18:25
Mufasarj_: check that in console first18:25
rj_so... I'm a total newbie.... so how?18:25
Mufasarj_: try alt+f2 and type xterm18:26
Mufasarj_: then inside that window18:26
rj_nothing happened....18:27
rj_hey, for the command, is this correct: "date set="2 OCT 2006 18:00:00""18:29
Mufasarj_: there it is: date -s "wed jul 30 19:41:00 BST 2008"18:31
Mufasathat works18:31
rj_@mufasa ok, so I'm about to restart my laptop....18:32
rj_@mufasa If I don't comeback, tell my wife and daughter that I love them....18:33
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* Ev0luti0n_ listening to Deep Purple - Child in time19:53
rosco_yDoes anyone know of a good XML editor for Linux?19:58
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mostafa_any body knows how to auto power on the computer ?21:17
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_motti_hi guys. I'm trying to install a latex package on kubuntu and I'm constantly failing. Is there anyone here who has the know how?21:42
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maxx_привет всем21:55
maxx_есть кто нибудь из России???21:55
maxx_а тут всегда молчат?21:56
maxx_hi all21:57
maxx_я не  могу понять здесь вообще говорят???22:00
maxx_или нет?22:00
chalcedonyhi maxx_22:00
chalcedonyyou might see if there is a #ubuntu-ru or so ?22:00
maxx_Thank u very much22:02
maxx_<chalcedony>Where are u from?22:03
chalcedonymaxx_, yes22:06
maxx_)))) great22:06
maxx_I`m from Russia22:07
maxx_Ubuntu forever22:07
maxx_the best system22:07
dracnocdamn, it's quiet in here. Anyone got something to say? Perhaps they ran over a cat today... that would be interesting.22:31
dracnocOr even a comment about Karmic doing something with KDE4.3.1 - that would be nice.22:32
dracnocok.. ok... how about a small anecdote about Slackware? Not even a small limerick about XFCE?22:36
dracnocOMG!!! Life! Hello!22:36
* dracnoc PrintScreens the moment22:37
dracnocmaxximo: what about Russian Ubuntu chat?22:38
* dracnoc falls over22:40
lucakubuntu is stuck in a grey screen with balls when switching from battery to ac. This only happen if I made a suspension since last reboot.22:41
ikoniadracnoc: easy on the /me commands please22:41
dracnocI'm guessing laptop... make and model?22:41
lucafujitsu-siemens amilo m3438g22:41
dracnoci know fu-si laptops are a little weird when it comes to suspend/resume, any error messages?22:43
epimethaloha peeps! :-)22:43
dracnochiya epimeth22:43
lucaI don't know which log file to search22:44
dracnocikonia: two whole /me comms, not exactly a flood...22:44
dracnocat least peeps are talking22:44
epimethso I was wondering... how do I get the desktop cube effect to work like it did in compiz?  IE ctrl+alt+mouseclick + mousemove?22:44
ikoniadracnoc: hence why I said easy on them please,22:45
dracnocikonia: no probs, i'm just glad the room is moving22:45
epimethand what the heck is this?  (just came up) freenode-connect [freenode@freenode/bot/connect] requested CTCP VERSION from epimeth:22:45
ikoniaif it's quiet, no need to make it noisey, just ask a support question and if someone knows the answer they will answer22:46
ikoniaepimeth: a freenode bot, the guys in #freenode can explain it for you22:46
* epimeth pumps up the jams22:46
epimethikonia: I figured... thanks tho22:47
dracnocepimeth: did you look install the "desktop-effects-kde" package?22:48
dracnoclook to install*22:49
dracnocdamn, that was a terrible typo22:49
epimethdracnoc: I don't want compiz as my window manager... I just want to know if the kdm effects allow me to configure it like compiz does by default?  I don't like ctrl+f11 to pop it up and enter to select the desktop I want22:50
dracnockde effects uses compiz, all part of the same thing, but you can configure the key combo22:52
lucawhen stuck on grey screen, my system keeps responding to x events (i can blindly write to a shell )22:52
=== ubuntu is now known as Benny23
epimethdracnoc: it uses compiz, yes, but its integrated into kdm... like I said, I don't want compiz to be my window manager!  When trying to configure the shortcut, mouseclick is not an option....22:53
luca[75074.252098] r8169 0000:01:05.0: wake-up capability disabled by ACPI22:54
lucadmesg output ??22:54
dracnocluca, fu-si laptops are funny things, some really weird hardware in there. You may not have much luck with the greyscreen resume/suspend problem. It has been a weakness of (K)ubuntu in the past. Unless someone has found a solution by accident, you may be stuck.22:54
dracnocepimeth: give me a moment, I have it running here. I'll have a play with the options. What's your mouse device (touchpad, mouse (PS2/USB))?22:56
dracnocepimeth: my mouse seems to work here.22:59
dracnocepimeth: not sure why yours is not recognised22:59
dracnoc(as a key combo)23:00
epimethdracnoc: touchpad... where did you change your settings?23:00
dracnocepimeth: I have the compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm) installed. The key combo should work through that.23:02
lucadracnoc: after a reboot I can switch between battery and ac without any problem. After suspension I can't switch to ac anymore, unless i connect power cable while on  suspension and then wake up. could you tell me wich log file to look into?23:03
lucamy laptop is one step to work perfectly23:03
lucaplease help me23:03
dracnocluca, give me a few minutes. I'll try to find out what i can23:03
dracnocluca: it seems to be a problem running back to 2005... hold on23:07
dracnocluca: you can run with ACPI support off, but you will lose battery indicators23:08
dracnocluca: there appears to be no fix23:09
=== tyxa is now known as tyxa_
lucadracnoc: I serched a lot on my issue but without success. can you tell me where you found those infos?23:11
dracnocluca, sorry, i compile info from a lot of different sources (some of read at over 2000+ words/minute). It's a general opinion from various forums ubuntuforums.org/linuxquestions.org, etc. I may have missed something (I'm only human afterall!), but those two are a good start.23:13
dracnocsome of us read*23:13
dracnochttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=673833 - might help you23:14
lucathank you very much. I apreciate your help! afterall kubuntu is great for my laptop23:15
dracnocluca: glad i could help in some way. any more questions, please feel free to ask!23:15
=== desu_ is now known as desu
dracnocluca: this might help too - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49790923:19
=== Paraselene____ is now known as Paraselene_
dracnocmight?! may* damn, my english is all over the place tonight...23:23
dracnocwb luca23:23
lucait seems that my issue is vanishing after log-out23:25
lucaand i don't have any issue with gnome or fluxbox23:26
lucacan i force logout before any suspension?23:26
dracnocok... so it's not a hardware issue.23:27
dracnocluca: logout before suspension? Doesn't one contradict the other? You cannot "suspend" an account if you have logged out of it...23:29
lucawhy? I'm talking about suspension to ram. If i suspend at the login screen that would save a lot of time in comparison to a full reboot23:32
dracnocah, i see... excuse me.23:32
dracnochold on.23:32
lucafor sure, it would be more usefull to suspend the logged session23:33
lucaah, i'm running nvidia drivers!23:33
dracnocIt seems to be a problem with even modern Fu-Si hardware (no real surprises there!)23:35
dracnocI can easily link to 500+ pages with Fu-Si laptops with suspend to RAM problems. You may have a insolvable problem!!23:36
dracnocI go back to my original point that Fu-Si laptops are a pain to work with, the H/W is a little odd at best, at the Sus. to RAM is a "fortunate" and somewhat minimal problem from what I can see.23:40
lucatank you ! I will try disabling nvidia proprietary drivers, If all goes well with the open driver i may send an e-mail to nvidia!23:40
dracnocluca: good luck!23:42
sourcemakerwhat is the best newsgroup server (using knode)23:57
ubottuThere are Ubuntu newsgroups via NNTP at news.gmane.org23:58

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