
beunomrevell, ping?00:02
mrevellhi beuno00:02
beunoblog posts seem to be coming up, but some can't be accessed, although they are linked?00:02
beunowow, I didn't *really* expect you to be around  :)00:02
mrevellbeuno: Hi man. No, I didn't expect to be around :) The posts are there but they're not due to be published until 3.0 is released. I don't wanna publish a 3.0 announcement before the 3.0 release :) It just sucks that edge links to broken blog posts. Hopefully next cycle we'll have a real live blog feed there instead.00:04
beunomrevell, but this has already been published: http://blog.launchpad.net/releases/launchpad-3-0-is-here-new-ui-and-more00:04
beunobut the links to teh interviews haven't00:05
mrevellbeuno: Then that's me getting confused by which timezone the blog server is running on :) Being as we're supposed to be released shortly I'll bring forward the interview publication. Thanks for pointing that out.00:06
beunomrevell, thank you00:06
beunogo to bed  :)00:06
beunoI'm in an Ubuntu board meeting00:06
beunothat's my excuse00:06
mrevellbeuno: heh :) You don't even have a different timezone to excuse you :)00:07
wgrantmrevell: Typo in the first post.00:08
mrevellwgrant: thanks, fixed00:09
mrevellI'm going to lie down for a while, night all00:10
wgrantNight mrevell.00:10
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
wgrantSo that's what the Technical Architect does. What does the Project Strategist do?00:27
lifelessyou tell us:P00:28
lifelesswhat does jml do ?00:28
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
rockstarthumper, do you happen to be packing, or is that what tomorrow is for?00:35
wgrantThe front page now tells me that Ubuntu is related to MySQL.00:46
thumperrockstar: I pack on the day normally00:46
rockstarthumper, well, what I was exploring is whether or not you'll be around tomorrow or if you're leaving tomorrow.00:47
thumperrockstar: I leave in 2 days time00:47
rockstarthumper, okay, so we can chat tomorrow.00:48
thumperrockstar: yes we can00:48
thumperrockstar: how's your voice?00:48
bacrockstar: have you tried lp.net since it came back up?00:48
thumperis it back?00:48
bacsort of00:48
rockstarbac, just looking now.00:48
bacrockstar: disable redirection and see if you get styling00:48
rockstarI don't have tabs on the home page.00:49
baci am not00:49
bacyeah, no tabs.  works on edge00:49
rockstarbac, it doesn't work on edge for me.00:49
rockstarOh, well, now I do.00:49
bacrockstar: did you do a force reload/whatever00:49
UrsinhaI used to hate those tabs00:49
thumperthe coloured numbers have gone :(00:49
thumperedge looks good00:50
wgrantWoah, got a strange CSS breakage on bugs.launchpad.net. The watermark content was stacked vertically.00:50
wgrantHm. Reproducable.00:51
rockstarYeah, seems that production isn't doing CSS at all.00:51
Ursinhasame here00:52
wgrantArgh, bugtask index regression for bugs with lots of tasks.00:52
pooliespm, there's nothing else in there aside from my mail headers01:03
pooliei can forward them01:03
spmpoolie: please01:03
poolieas an rt, or just to you, or in a bug?01:04
pooliespm: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/276652/01:05
spmpaste is fine. :-)01:05
maxbFrom the live frontpage: "#01:06
maxb# Launchpad now open source! – 21 Jul 200901:06
maxbTranslate a phrase once, have it show up in all your releases.01:06
maxbblog integration fail :-/01:08
poolie> If you're ready, you can: Read the user guide01:09
poolieooh, am i ready for that?01:09
pooliei don't know...01:09
* thumper -> lunch01:11
wgrantThe layout of the featured project section is a bit misleading if the day's project is a project group.01:11
pooliemm, and they have watery descriptions01:18
poolieor the netrek one does01:18
wgrantMySQL's was much much worse.01:18
wgrantBut that was only up for an hour.01:18
=== Chex changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: This is Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 3.0 | PQM is closed - Release manager is bac - contact for release-critical | https://dev.launchpad.net/CurrentRolloutBlockers | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in #launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
wgrantThe first blog post link is still broken.01:37
wgrantThough the article is available.01:37
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
* mwhudson lunches01:58
pooliespm, i got another bounce from forster 8m ago03:39
spmpoolie: yeah, still working on it03:39
thumpermwhudson: any reason why we don't allow git imports over https?03:48
mwhudsonthumper: i didn't know git worked over https03:48
mwhudsonthumper: it's probably just a matter of relaxing the Field?03:48
* thumper nods03:49
thumpermwhudson: do you have the bzr-git plugin locally?03:52
mwhudsonthumper: sometimes03:52
mwhudsondoesn't seem like i do right now03:53
thumperhmm, ok03:53
spmpoolie: fyi. should all be good now.03:56
wgrantHow does the freeze go after release? Does everything remain frozen until after the reroll?04:18
wgrantI cannot file an Ubuntu bug on edge, although it works on production.04:25
wgrantI think I know why.04:25
wgrantNrrrrg @ last-minute changes with incomplete tests.04:26
wgrantIs that OOPS complaining that a DistributionSourcePackage has no bug_supervisor?04:26
thumperwgrant: I'll look for you04:28
thumperwgrant: although may need to wait a few minutes as oopses are synced every 10 minutes04:28
wgrantOdd that it doesn't affect production, though. Does the production config not have malone.ubuntu_disable_filebug enabled?04:30
pooliethumper: it looks like the merges sent in email when new mps are created include conflict markers?04:40
poolienm, mwh confirmed it's by design04:40
mwhudsonwgrant: ForbiddenAttribute: ('bug_supervisor', <lp.registry.model.distributionsourcepackage.DistributionSourcePackage object at 0xbe86dd0>)04:41
mwhudsonwgrant: so yes, you're basically right04:42
wgrantmwhudson: Great.04:43
mwhudsonthumper: can you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/puller-proxy-argh/+merge/12327 ?06:01
* thumper looks06:02
thumpermwhudson: what about hosted branches?06:02
mwhudsonthumper: we access them over a fancy local transport basically06:03
thumperbut needs proxy or doesn't care?06:03
mwhudsonisn't involved06:03
mwhudsonso doesn't care06:03
* thumper waits for the diff06:04
thumpermwhudson: I think I have a test to confirm recording the failure06:04
thumperbut making schema right now06:04
thumpermwhudson: done06:09
thumpermwhudson: I asked for bac to rc it06:09
thumperI'm wondering how often the mail processor runs though06:12
thumperit failed for some reason06:13
* thumper looks for the oops06:13
* thumper shakes his fists06:13
* thumper wants to curl up into a ball06:14
mwhudsonthumper: ?06:16
thumpermwhudson: when I tried to request bac using email https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1363CEMAIL106:20
* thumper is making another branch06:20
thumpermwhudson: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/job-fail/+merge/1232806:21
mwhudsonthumper: aaaaaaa06:21
mwhudsonthumper: also, "huh" ?06:21
thumpermwhudson: when I request another reviewer, we send them email06:22
thumpermwhudson: which includes the diff06:22
mwhudsonit would be rare to have missing permissions for the launchpad user06:22
mwhudsonthumper: yeah06:22
thumpermwhudson: the process mail script tried to send the mail06:22
mwhudsonthumper: oh!06:22
mwhudsonwgrant: btw my ami-from-scratch branch should now let you make an image based on an arbitrary one and run the tests06:27
mwhudsonwgrant: for example ec2 test -m based-on:<some blank ami>06:27
wgrantmwhudson: Very nice.06:28
wgrantmwhudson: Although I certainly see why they need pre-population.06:28
mwhudson(i haven't tried a non-hardy base yet, but i don't know of a reason why it might not work)06:28
wgrantThe checkout of RF is sloooow.06:28
wgrantmwhudson: The sources.list entries are hardcoded, for one thing.06:28
mwhudsonwgrant: not any more :)06:28
wgrantmwhudson: Ah, handy.06:28
wgrantmwhudson: Apart from that it works OK.06:29
mwhudsonwgrant: cool06:29
wgrantThe only other change I made that wasn't a workaround for a Karmic bug was adding '-o Apt::Install-Recommends=no' to the apt-get arguments to avoid downloading so much crap.06:29
mwhudsonah ok06:30
mwhudsonthat's probably a good idea06:32
mwhudsonwgrant: could you do that with /etc/apt/preferences or some similar file too?06:32
wgrantmwhudson: You could.06:32
wgrantAnd I do normally.06:32
wgrantI forget the incantation.06:33
* wgrant hunts.06:33
wgrantAPT::Install-Recommends "false";06:34
wgrantIn a file somewhere in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d06:34
thumpermwhudson: I have a test for the permission failure too06:43
mwhudsonthumper: cool06:43
mwhudsonthumper: i reviewed your first branch06:45
thumpermwhudson: ta06:46
thumpertest just pushed up06:46
thumperthe diff should update shortly \o/06:46
thumperI confirmed it failed with the same error first06:46
thumperand then it passed after I made schema06:46
thumpermwhudson: and on that note, I'm EODing06:50
thumperI'll check later06:50
thumpermwhudson: thanks for the reviews06:50
mwhudsonthumper: ok06:50
* mwhudson eods07:16
noodles775Morning all.07:31
spmhey noodles77507:36
mwhudsonmorning noodles77507:40
noodles775hi guys :)07:41
spmmwhudson: that eod thing.... didn't your folks tell you that telling lies is naughty? ;-)07:48
mwhudsonspm: emma's away at the moment so i don't get told off for coming back to the computer in the evening :)07:48
jmlso, what's up in #launchpad-dev?08:25
mwhudsonjml: i greet you as you greeted me this morning!08:27
jmlmwhudson, with something to review? :)08:28
mwhudsonjml: yes08:28
jmlmwhudson, wonderful.08:28
noodles775Thanks BjornT for updating the windmill infrastructure! (I'm just catching up on email). Being able to use the factory will be *very* helpful for soyuz windmill tests!08:39
noodles775heh... gone.08:39
noodles775Thanks BjornT for updating the windmill infrastructure! (I'm just catching up on email). Being able to use the factory will be *very* helpful for soyuz windmill tests!08:42
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
BjornTnoodles775: np. it was actually quite fun :)08:43
lifelessI just read the current rocketfuel-setup...08:46
lifelessits quite the little dpkg replacement not08:46
lifelessinstalling files into your system wide path08:47
lifeless[I'm not mentioning the appalling amount of system that make install does]08:47
wgrantSo it does.08:48
wgrantinstall has always scared me a bit.08:48
wgrantI don't normally expect a make target to eat my Apache.08:48
mwhudsonapache :(08:51
mwhudsoni have this cunning plan to take it away and use a twisted web server instead of apache08:51
mwhudsonallenap: fancy a call in a bit?08:53
allenapmwhudson: Yeah, sure. 5 minutes okay?08:54
mwhudsonallenap: a bit more than that would be better, actually08:55
mwhudsonallenap: 35 mins?08:55
allenapmwhudson: Yeah, that works too. 0830 UTC then.08:55
jmlmwhudson, you mean a tornado server, right :P08:58
mwhudsonjml: oh yes, rigth08:58
jmlmwhudson, was my unannounced diff > 800 lines?09:01
mwhudsonjml: i think it's 85009:03
mwhudsonjml: if you don't have time to review it, no worries09:03
mwhudsonjml: it's not going to land until monday or so anyway, after all09:03
jmlI love the 3.0 UI, but it's making me realize how much more awesome Launchpad could be.09:19
wgrantThere must be a better place for the registration slot.09:20
wgrantIt currently sits a few pixels below the level of the tabs, which doesn't make sense and looks beyond strange.09:20
mwhudsonjml: well a path between here and there is your job :)09:23
jmlmwhudson, yes :)09:24
jmlmwhudson, I was just looking at your merge proposal and realized that it fixed a bug that wgrant filed... way too many clicks for me to tell Launchpad at that09:24
wgrantWhich bug did I file?09:25
mwhudsonpublic ec2 image one09:25
jml"rocketfuel-setup is broken"09:25
mwhudsonoh right09:25
wgrantAh. Excellent.09:25
jmlbut I had to open the branch page, then open a bugs page, search for the bug to find the ID and then copy paste it into the branch page and then close both tabs and return to the MP09:26
wgrantThe MP page normally shows the bugs for me.09:26
wgrantBut I didn't see an email about that branch being linked.09:27
wgrantSo mwhudson didn't tell bzr.09:27
wgrantSo LP could not have known.09:27
jmlwgrant, why can't I link a bug from the MP page?09:27
jmlwgrant, why does the bug/branch link form not let me search for bugs?09:27
jmlthat's what I mean.09:27
wgrantOh, right, I misread that you couldn't see from the MP page that it fixed the bug.09:27
wgrantjml: So, what does the Project Strategist do?09:29
spmwgrant: "other duties as directed" ;-)09:30
jmlwgrant, run around like a headless chook making macabrely distorted clucking noises09:31
wgrantjml: Ah, excellent. that is what the project has been missing all these years.09:31
allenapmwhudson: Ready when you are, but I'm in no rush.09:32
jmlwgrant, more seriously, define our overall strategy, get people excited about it, define features, listen to stakeholders, review db patches.09:36
mwhudsonallenap: now works for me09:36
wgrantjml: Aha.09:37
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
wgrantI've been wondering for a while whether LP branches are redistributable. Don't they contain a whole lot of proprietary, undistributable code without a license that we're not even meant to have?09:38
jmlwgrant, answering such questions is not the responsibility of the Product Strategist.09:39
* jml reviews patches09:39
mwhudsonallenap: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/42238509:46
mupBug #422385: Graph of test run times <build-infrastructure> <test-system> <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/422385>09:46
henningesinzui: Hi!09:49
sinzuihi henninge09:49
henningesinzui: I just reported bug 435712 and bug 43574309:50
mupBug #435712: Move registration and status informartion from heading slot to main and registering slot. <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Answers:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435712>09:50
mupBug #435743: Bread crumb missing for a single question <Launchpad Answers:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435743>09:50
henningesinzui: is that planned to be fixed already or shall I prepare a branch?09:50
sinzuiI wonder if that relates to the FAQ bug I reported two weeks ago09:51
henningesinzui: well, that title is borked, too.09:51
sinzuihenninge: rockstar is handling Answers. If you see an opportunity to fix it please do09:52
henningeLaunchpad itself FAQ #44: "Is it possible to link a project to packages in a PPA?"09:52
henningesinzui: OK, just wanted to avoid doubled work.09:52
sinzuihenninge: I report that there are no titles on faqs09:52
henningesinzui: there is now but it's too verbose.09:52
henningesinzui: I'll just update the bug description09:53
bigjoolswgrant: yo09:55
sinzuihenninge: They FAQ title issue may be harder. I talked to rockstar about this and we discovered that FAQ does not have a view, the ZCML is generating a view for the template and IFAQ. If making a view with a page_title is hard, consider it out of scope.09:56
wgrantbigjools: Hi. You want my priorities?09:56
bigjoolswgrant: how did you guess09:56
henningesinzui: OK, I just updated the bug for now.09:56
wgrantbigjools: Less than 30 seconds before you called I decided I should start collating them.09:57
henningebac: do I submit 3.0 UI fixes to db-devel to be included in the 2nd roll-out?09:57
bigjoolswgrant: the deadline expired already!  But since you're so great I will make an exception.09:57
wgrantbigjools: I'm not sure I can give any valid data. That's why I've not responded.09:58
sinzuiwgrant: I would like your priorities for Registry, If you can find time to think about it, I would appreciate it.09:58
wgrantbigjools: The only real wish I had was from an archive admin, and that is to make the queue page suck less.09:59
wgrantI cannot give any more on behalf of MOTU.09:59
bigjoolswgrant: yeah, that page is major suck.  Any insights into how to make it better are gratefully received10:00
wgrantbigjools: Well, there are a couple of people doing archive admin without shell access now, so it might be possible to get input.10:00
bigjoolswgrant: understanding the MOTU workflow would be a good start10:00
=== henninge is now known as henninge-brb
wgrantsinzui: Why does MOTU have input for Registry?10:01
sinzuiwgrant: Because Registry owns distro, distroseries, distrosourcepackages, sourcepackages.10:03
sinzuiwgrant: maybe I do not need your help with these, but I think you may have insights into how we can improve the workflow for linking packages to upstream, and ensuring the information and actions use need on those pages are present.10:04
wgrantsinzui: Ah, I completely forgot that somebody owned packagings. They haven't been touched in years.10:05
wgrantAnyway, fooding.10:05
=== henninge-brb is now known as henninge
deryckMorning, all.10:56
noodles775hiya deryck10:56
wgrantderyck: Morning. Sorry for not getting priorities to you on time, but I do now have one.10:58
wgrantVersion tracking.10:58
deryckwgrant, hi.  no worries.  can you explain a bit what you mean?10:59
wgrantderyck: At the moment there's no way to tell in which version of a package or project a bug is present.11:01
wgrantderyck: This really sucks.11:01
noodles775wgrant: regarding the queue... although we didn't get to do it as part of 3-0, we started documenting a lot of the use-cases etc. at https://dev.launchpad.net/SoyuzDistroSeriesQueueImprovementsSpec (and the page linked from it).11:01
wgrantThe Debian BTS allows people to track in which version a bug is present, and in which it was fixed. It sucks less.11:01
=== danilos-afk is now known as danilos
deryckwgrant, ok, gotcha11:02
jmlderyck, good morning.11:04
jmlderyck, I feel I should draw your attention to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/43565111:04
mupBug #435651: Unable to edit bugs <Launchpad Bugs:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435651>11:04
wgrantnoodles775: I think I've seen that before.11:04
wgrantjml: ScottK was.... displeased, to say the least, about that.11:05
deryckjml, yes, that's a dupe of another bug.  it's a high priority, in the really really high sense of the word high. :)11:05
deryckjml, that is coming up a lot.11:05
jmlderyck, ok, that's good news :)11:06
noodles775wgrant: yep - I got you to contribute to it back then - I just meant that it'd be good to continue documenting there (if people have ideas/issues) so we can address needs properly this time (I think there's been a few attempts).11:06
jmlwgrant, I'd be very upset if it affected me.11:06
deryckjml, I had wanted to fix it this week, but just not enough hours in the day.11:06
jmlderyck, understood. it's been an unusually busy week, to say the least.11:07
jmlactually, just thinking about this whole mess makes me want to purchase a muffin.11:09
jmlI think I'll do that.11:09
lifelessderyck: if its high priority, can I humbly suggest it's metadata be updated accordingly?11:19
* lifeless finds the new location to look for dups11:20
lifelessis there a bug that 'is a dup is not part of the main /data/ area for bugs ?11:20
beunolifeless, no. It's a global action, so it went into the global actions menu11:21
wgrantIt's not global.11:21
lifelessbeuno: *setting* it is global. READING it is now.11:21
wgrantIt's no more global than the status.11:21
beunoso, deryck inherited a branch from me that fixes that11:22
beunoremoves the bugtask table for dupes, with a big ass message telling you it's a dupe of X11:22
beunowith a link11:22
beunoas in "nothing to see here, move along"11:22
lifelessthough perhaps having the table greyed out or something would be useful for folk trying to decide if the bug realyl isa dup11:23
beunodo yuo think the table gives you information about the bug?11:23
beunorather than the description and comments?11:23
jmlbeuno, if it affects more than one project, it gives you info11:24
beunoa little bit, yes11:24
jmlbeuno, yes, a little.11:24
beunothat needs some thought then11:25
jmlbeuno, this is a tangent, but...11:25
jmlbeuno, what if we made /bugs/NNNN be the canonical_url of a bug11:25
lifelessbeuno: /data/ gives me data.11:25
lifelessbeuno: how much from that particular atom? I don't know; but I know its easier to ignore something greyed out than write an API call to read it when its hidden.11:26
beunojml, I'm all for that11:27
jmlbeuno, what would the page look like for bugs with multiple tasks?11:28
jml(bearing in mind that dupe bugs won't show the task table)11:28
beunojml, when there's a contextless URL?11:28
jmlbeuno, yeah.11:29
beunoyeah, it gets interesting11:29
beunono logo, no links to other bugs...11:29
beuno(when you have multiple bugtasks)11:30
beunowe spent a lot of time talking about it in the BA bugs UI sprint11:30
beunothere are probably mockups of it...11:30
beunolet me find it...11:30
beuno(the quick answer is: other parts of Launchpad need changing)11:30
derycklifeless, sorry was on call.  it's ok now?  This was just confusion over where dupe info is displayed?11:32
beunook, no mockups11:32
jmlwhere are the docs describing the rules for commit messages on Launchpad?11:38
lifelessderyck: yah, you said 'bug X is high and I mean really high', but it claimed to be unconfirmed, new.11:41
lifelessderyck: then I saw that it was a dup.11:41
derycklifeless, gotcha.11:42
lifeless\o/ just got a team joining mail that referenced launchpad.dev13:11
james_wlifeless: a bit like bug 357336?13:13
mupBug #357336: "You have been added to <team>" mail contains invalid (API) link <api> <Launchpad Registry:Fix Released by bjornt> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/357336>13:13
danilosnoodles775: hi, I am going to fix one small UI bug in translations, and I wonder if you have a minute to discuss a proper fix for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/435346 (i.e. where should I include style="clear:both;" :)13:14
mupBug #435346: 3.0 interface overflows sidebars and causes horizontal scrolling if you manually change browser font sizes <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435346>13:14
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
danilosjtv: ping13:16
lifelessjames_w: sounds like it indeed13:16
lifelessbug 43583413:22
mupBug #435834: Translator comment needed for links <i18n> <Ubiquity Slideshow for Ubuntu:New> <ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435834>13:22
lifelessbug 43584313:22
mupBug #435843: team welcome mail references launchpad.dev <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435843>13:22
wgrantHuh. It's actually hardcoded in the email snippet.13:24
lifelesswgrant: I assumed so when I saw it13:33
lifelesswgrant: as I couldn't see API's generating that particular URL :P13:33
noodles775danilos: sure... looking now.13:35
danilosnoodles775: thanks13:40
mrevelljml: ping13:42
noodles775danilos: so adding clear:both to the #maincontent rule (style-3-0.css line 7) is probably a good place...13:44
noodles775danilos: it fixes the issue for me in FF with mthaddon's setup.13:44
noodles775danilos: can you test that in epiphany?13:44
danilosnoodles775: sure13:46
purserjjust out of curiosity, is there an admin panel type setup for launchpad?13:49
jmlmrevell, hi14:01
mrevellhi jml, I pung you right? Now I need to remember why14:02
jmlyou did.14:02
leonardrjames_w, gary told me you had a question about launchpadlib yesterday. do you still have the question?14:51
james_wabout lazr.restful I guess actually14:51
leonardrjames_w: ok, i can answer that as well14:52
james_wjust trying to find the paste14:52
james_wleonardr: I filed bug 435309, and did some grepping and came up with http://paste.ubuntu.com/276442/ . I was wondering how far that was likely to be from working.14:54
mupBug #435309: Please expose +delete on branches <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435309>14:54
james_wI'm forging web app requests now, so it's not critical, but hey, if I've got a patch for a bug then I might as well submit it, eh?14:55
leonardrjames_w: that diff is code that you wrote?14:55
james_wbased on some code I found for milestones14:56
leonardrjames_w: instead of export_write_operation, use export_destructor_operation14:56
leonardrand don't use export_as14:56
leonardrwhat you've done is publish a POST operation called 'delete'. the code you worked off of may have predated export_destructor_operation14:56
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I'm not sure how to test your bug 40705514:58
mupBug #407055: NavigationMenu is still needed but not supported by base-layout <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Registry:Fix Released by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/407055>14:58
james_wleonardr: like http://paste.ubuntu.com/277117/ ?15:01
james_wleonardr: break_references=False won't interfere with the check for free_parameters? That check is for explicit call_with that allows those parameter to be set in the API?15:02
leonardrjames_w: give it a try, but if there's a default value for the parameter it shouldn't be counted15:03
leonardrif you actually want to expose break_references, you'll have to do it with POST15:03
james_wI'm a bit unsure about that anyway15:03
james_wIt feels like you would want it to be True always, but it's obviously there for a reason15:04
bachi mrevell15:05
mrevellhi bac!15:05
bacmrevell: could you add some thoughts on bug 435599, perhaps explain why we were using the non-human-readable blog URLs, comments on reachability w.r.t. embargo, etc?15:06
mupBug #435599: Link to LP 3.0 blog post on front page is broken <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435599>15:06
* mrevell looks15:06
leonardrjames_w: talk to the code hosting team. you should be able to set the default-through-the-web-service to true15:07
james_wleonardr: I will do, thanks15:08
abentleyjames_w: break_references seems way too dangerous to be default.15:13
james_wabentley: is it possible to query the references?15:14
abentleyjames_w: Yes.  (that's what we show on the confirm page)15:16
abentleyjames_w: See Branch.deletionRequirements.15:17
bachi cprov15:19
cprovbac: hey15:19
baccprov: what is the status of def-row?  could you update CRB?15:19
cprovbac: we will know in ~3h, code fix is r=noodles. Will do.15:20
baccprov: so you just sent to ec2?15:20
cprovbac: no, I've cowboyed the patch in production, more effective ;)15:20
* bac averts his eyes15:21
mrevellderyck: I'm getting an internal server error when I try to change a bug's project in the web UI. Want me to pastebin?15:48
deryckmrevell, sure15:49
deryckmrevell, and from what to what are you trying to change?15:49
matsubaraUrsinha, stub, Chex, gary_poster, rockstar, bigjools, henninge, sinzui, allenap: LP production meeting in 11 min at #launchpad-meeting15:50
matsubaramake that 10 min :-)15:50
mrevellderyck: bug 432965 -- trying to change from launchpad to launchpad-doc -- https://pastebin.canonical.com/22552/15:50
mupBug #432965: help for creating a branch for a project links to +junk <launchpad-documentation> <Launchpad Documentation:New for matthew.revell> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432965>15:50
deryckmrevell, so the change did take for the bug, right?15:54
mrevellderyck: not AFAIK. I've tried twice and both times got that internal server error in a red pop-up15:55
mrevellderyck: Adding a comment work fine btw15:55
deryckmrevell, for this bug -- https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-documentation/+bug/432965 ?15:56
mupBug #432965: help for creating a branch for a project links to +junk <launchpad-documentation> <Launchpad Documentation:New for matthew.revell> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432965>15:56
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: can you attend the Launchpad production meeting for me in #launchpad-meeting in 4 minutes. I am sprinting.15:56
EdwinGrubbssinzui: ok15:56
EdwinGrubbssinzui: is there any info I need to relay?15:57
mrevellderyck: Oh, okay, so the change did take but it didn't show on the page, instead I got the ISE15:57
deryckmrevell, this was via AJAX the first time?  Maybe the UI failed to update, but the change happened, which led to the error you're seeing now.15:58
mrevellderyck: Oh weird, right. Yeah, both times via Ajax15:59
deryckmrevell, I've made notes and will watch; if this happens again, we can file a bug.16:00
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: Barry will be available to work on the Expat error in the next 3 working days.16:02
rockstarhenninge, why did you change bug 430332 into a completely different bug?16:07
mupBug #430332: FAQs have too verbose titles <Launchpad Answers:Triaged by rockstar> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/430332>16:07
deryckkfogel, tags auto complete from official tags only.16:08
henningerockstar: let me try to remember ...16:08
henningerockstar: because they have title now but the wrong ones?16:09
henningerockstar: ok, maybe I should have filed a new bug16:09
deryckbac, ping16:09
bachi deryck16:09
henningerockstar: and may, just thinking, I am talking about page headings and you may be talking about the page title?16:09
rockstarhenninge, yes, could you please revert that bug and create a new one?16:09
rockstarhenninge, I think that's also the case.16:09
rockstarOr reverse, really.16:10
kfogelderyck: AH.  Thanks.  I was confused, because (re bug #432965) I'd seen the "launchpad-documentation" tag on *other* bugs, and therefore expected it to complete on bug #432965 as well.16:10
mupBug #432965: help for creating a branch for a project links to +junk <launchpad-documentation> <Launchpad Documentation:New for matthew.revell> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432965>16:10
mupBug #432965: help for creating a branch for a project links to +junk <launchpad-documentation> <Launchpad Documentation:New for matthew.revell> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432965>16:10
kfogelmrevell: see above re "launchpad-documentation" tag16:10
deryckkfogel, yeah, this is part of the problems with official vs unofficial tags.  only the most aggressive tagger/qa-er follows the distinction.16:12
mrevellkfogel: thanks, did you see my comment on the bug?16:12
kfogelderyck: well, the distinction is mysterious.  Now, if adding an unofficial tag resulted in a confirmation step or something, the user might be aware of what they're doing.16:12
kfogel(confirmation steps are not evil under all circumstances, they're only evil when they're easily habituatable, which this wouldn't be -- for those who want to observe the official/unofficial distinction, anyway).16:13
kfogelmrevell: I did.16:13
henningerockstar: reverted16:15
henningerockstar: filed bug 43597316:15
mupBug #435973: FAQ page headings are too verbose <Launchpad Answers:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/435973>16:15
rockstarhenninge, thanks.16:15
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Fly-Man-Simple question16:36
Fly-Man-Is the http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel the branch that also holds the latest ui changes for 3.0 ?16:36
beunoFly-Man-, yes16:48
beunoit holds what is running on Launchpad or newer16:49
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bachi jml18:08
jmlbac, hello18:08
jmlit wasn't me.18:08
bacjml i am looking at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/code-to-branches/+merge/1228818:08
bacare noodles775's concerns still valid?  is this branch a risk for integration failure?18:09
jmlit's always going to be a risk.18:09
jmlI haven't tested the existing proposed branches yet.18:09
baci know there is always risk.  based on his concerns is this one especially likely to cause problems?18:09
jmlI'd have to look at the diffs of the other proposed branches to know for sure.18:10
bacjml:  i want to approve it.  can you run through ec2 again and submit before 0700UTC tomorrow?18:10
jmlbac, sure. I can do that now.18:10
bacjml:  wonderful.  approved.  remember to use the magic to go to db-devel18:11
jmlbac, I shall.18:11
bac(i only keep repeating that b/c it's the kind of thing i'd flub up.)18:11
jmlbac, actually, I'll use the other branch I made18:11
jmlec2 land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/code-to-branches/+merge/12288 -s "Change the 'Code' tab to 'Branches'."18:12
bacoh, fancy18:12
bacjml how hard would it be for ec2 to mail a summary (just the test passed/failure list) to the MP?18:12
jmlcoming soon to a trunk near you.18:13
jmlbac, only a little hard.18:13
baci'd love to look at a MP and see the ec2 results18:13
bacjml-hard or mortal-hard?18:13
jmlwell, here's how I'd do it.18:13
jmlI'd change ec2 to spit out subunit test results, rather than what it does now18:14
jmlsubunit basically being parseable test results.18:14
jmlI'd then, I guess, add something to customize test output18:15
bacsounds good.  perhaps i'll suggest it to our next build engineer18:16
mrevellSee you in the morning people.18:16
jmlI think all the pieces are there actually18:17
jmlI hacked zope.testing to do subunit output a while ago18:17
jmlgetting ec2test to use it is a necessary step for parallelizing across multiple machines.18:17
sinzuibac: ping18:18
bacsinzui: hi18:18
sinzuibac: I want an RC to land this branch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/sprint-is-physical18:20
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sinzuibac: This is db patch so that we can provide the feature to the UDS edge users quickly. Jorge needs this to do logistical planning for UDS18:21
bacsinzui: does it have db approval?18:22
sinzuibac: it has jml and stub's approval18:23
bacsinzui: is sabdfl's approval required?18:23
sinzuiNo. jml does schema approval18:23
bacoh, nice.18:24
bacsinzui: i'm going to have to defer until i can discuss it with flacoste18:25
sinzuibac: okay. thanks for considering this18:25
bacsinzui: if approved the PQM landing deadline will be tomorrow at 0700UTC.  will that be a problem?18:25
bacsinzui: francis and i will talk about it but my gut feeling is it will not meet the criteria to be included.18:26
sinzuiA successful UDS does not meet criteria18:26
bacwe've had many successful UDS meetings without this patch18:27
sinzuiThe number or remote users seems to be increasing,18:28
bacsinzui: i'm going to present it.  i'm just saying based on the feedback and comments i got from kiko and flacoste for the review of the release i don't think it meets the criteria.18:28
bacsinzui: in prepartion will you create a MP for it?18:30
bacah, i see it18:31
sinzuibac: it has onc18:31
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flacostebac: i agree, i don't see a reason for including this in this release18:54
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rockstarHas anyone else been having problems getting their dev server running today?  Mine seems to start up, but when I look up launchpad.dev, apache tells me the server isn't running.20:29
Fly-Man-rockstar: you installed it with the rocketfuel-setup ?20:29
rockstarFly-Man-, no.  This configuration worked yesterday.20:30
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rockstarsalgado, ping20:39
salgadohi rockstar20:40
rockstarsalgado, I wonder if you might help me debug why apache doesn't think my dev server is running.20:40
salgadorockstar, sure, I can try20:41
rockstarsalgado, these lines are in my /var/log/apache2/error.log : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/277354/20:42
rockstarBut make run reports that DebugLayerHTTP is started and running on that port.20:42
salgadorockstar, what do you see on ?20:43
rockstarsalgado, it just spins, never completes.20:44
salgadorockstar, can you try stopping apache and reloading that?20:44
rockstarsalgado, ah, it looks like launchpad.dev:8085 doesn't work, but specifying IP does.20:45
rockstarsalgado, I get an oops page, and lots of this in the logs: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/277357/20:46
salgadorockstar, a real OOPS or just a not-found?20:46
rockstarsalgado, ah, yeah, it's a 40420:47
salgadorockstar, so, I guess it's fair to assume the webapp is running fine, so that we can start poking at apache?20:48
rockstarsalgado, sure.20:49
rockstarI restarted the app, everything looks fine.20:49
salgadorockstar, you're not on karmic, right?20:49
rockstarsalgado, yes, I am on Karmic.20:49
* salgado goes look for recent apache uploads to karmic20:50
rockstarsalgado, ah, and I just did an upgrade so I could get bzr 2.0...  that could be it.20:51
salgadorockstar, I guess restarting apache doesn't make things any better?20:51
rockstarsalgado, nope.  No errors or anything, it just doesn't want to proxy.20:52
rockstarsalgado, got it.  Something was screwed up with my hosts file...  I haven't touched that since I first set it up.20:56
salgadowow, that's weird20:56
rockstarI guess something in the recent upgrade got more finicky with my /etc/hosts.20:57
Fly-Man-rockstar: You're running it locally ?20:58
Fly-Man-or on a external machine20:58
Fly-Man-the web browser20:58
rockstarFly-Man-, this is my local dev instance.20:58
Fly-Man-rockstar: You have seen the explanation to get it to external ?20:59
mwhudsongood morning21:24
EdwinGrubbsbarry: your changes for bug 434761 are missing one of the portlets shown in the mockup attached to the bug. I assume this was intentional, but I wanted to make sure.21:24
mupBug #434761: Make the home page pretty <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Registry:Fix Released by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/434761>21:24
barryEdwinGrubbs: which one?21:27
EdwinGrubbsbarry: the portlet in the top left corner of the mockup which lists the various sections of Launchpad and probably links to different pages in the tour or guide.21:34
barryEdwinGrubbs: that only displays for anonymous users21:35
mwhudsongmb: did you get ec2 demo working in the end?21:35
EdwinGrubbsbarry: ok, I'll mark off the item in the test plan.21:35
EdwinGrubbsbarry: can you also look at this question: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/8057821:36
barryEdwinGrubbs: thanks21:36
* barry looks21:36
jmlhey guys21:38
jmlguess what21:38
jmlI just did this:21:38
jml../auto-land/utilities/ec2 land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/code-to-branches/+merge/12288 --force21:38
jmland the script just did this:21:39
jmlMerge proposal is not approved, landing anyway.21:39
jml['../auto-land/utilities/ec2', 'test', '--headless', u'--email=jml@mumak.net', '-b', u'launchpad=db-devel', '-s', u"[release-critical=bac][r=michael.nelson][ui=beuno][bug=373341] Change 'Code' tab to 'Branches'.", 'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/code-to-branches']21:39
jml(except for real, rather than just printing out a command list)21:39
barryEdwinGrubbs: question answered21:40
jmlhow cool is that!21:40
barryjml: that's pretty cool that you can land proposals that haven't been approved! <wink>21:41
* Fly-Man- frowns21:41
jmlbarry, look at the proposal :)21:41
Fly-Man-could not change directory to "/root/launchpad/lp-branches/devel"21:41
* Fly-Man- looks at installation21:42
Fly-Man-Something doesn't look good there21:42
jmlbarry, the status wasn't set to "approved", but all the votes are approvals.21:42
barryjml: when are we getting auto status changes? <wink> (guess i should bug thumper about that)21:42
barryjml: but yeah, cool!21:43
gmbmwhudson: I did it manually :).21:43
gmbjml: Sweet.21:43
mwhudsongmb: cool21:43
maxb"Uses Launchpad for Answers and Branches" hrm21:43
mwhudsongmb: sorry about breaking it21:43
* maxb is unconvinced about this whole Code -> Branches thing21:44
gmbmwhudson: That's okay, it gave me something to think about :)21:44
* jml -> dinner21:46
rockstarmaxb, me too.21:49
barryme three21:49
rockstarHowever, thumper had a point when we were talking about the link to code browse.  Sometimes the branch isn't code, it's documentation, or a paper, or images, or anything number of things.21:50
rockstarInstead of Branches, let's just say Stuff.21:51
rockstar"Uses Launchpad for Answers and Stuff"21:51
maxbI guess "Uses Launchpad for Answers and Version Control" is a bit excessive and jargon-ish21:51
maxbI worry, however, about users asking "So where is the trunk?"21:52
rockstars/Version Control/Bazaar/21:52
rockstarmaxb, that's what the development focus is for.21:52
rockstarmaxb, although I've often thought we need to have a better way of illustrating that.21:53
maxbTo people not indoctrinated into bzr terminology, branches == secondary21:53
rockstarmaxb, right.21:53
mwhudsonelastifox is being useless for me recently21:54
rockstarmwhudson, yes, me as well.21:54
mwhudsoni don't think it can cope with the number amis that are currently out there at all well21:54
mwhudsonoh, and the launch dialog is taller than my screen :)21:54
thumperhi hi22:04
* thumper goes to look at email22:04
Fly-Man-What was the command to stop the mailserver to keep sending emails to xmlrpc-private again ?22:09
thumperflacoste: I'm not sure the db permission for this has been updated: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/permission-fail/+merge/1232922:10
thumperflacoste: although I can understand your reasoning22:10
thumperflacoste: so we should just get the permission updated22:10
flacostethumper: yes, please!22:10
flacosteno DB patches in the roll-out please!22:10
thumperflacoste: I wasn't aware that the security.cfg was considered a db patch22:11
thumperflacoste: we certainly allow it onto devel22:11
flacostewell, we do, but it has no effects22:11
flacostebecause we don't run the security.py script on udpate22:11
flacosteso we could land it, but it wouldn't have any effect, so we better not land it :-)22:11
bacmwhudson, thumper: you saw the email about the re-roll?22:12
thumperbac: not yet22:13
thumperbac: have now :)22:13
bacthumper: so you've got 10 hours...22:14
mwhudsonbac: yes22:15
mwhudsonbac: my r-c branch is in ec222:15
bacmwhudson: great.22:15
bacmwhudson: would you and thumper update CurrentRolloutBlockers when your branches land.  there's a new section at the bottom22:16
mwhudsonbac: ok22:16
Fly-Man-kfogel: *ping*22:17
Fly-Man-wth was that process that stopped the calling of the xmlrpc-private22:24
Fly-Man-Ahh, thank you22:25
Fly-Man-killall mailmanctl22:25
Fly-Man-barry: *ping*22:28
Fly-Man-flacoste: *ping*22:28
flacostehi Fly-Man-22:28
Fly-Man-Both, I edited the https://dev.launchpad.net/Running22:29
Fly-Man-to include the Advanced running page that kfogel made22:29
Fly-Man-that has the advanced things to get the Launchpad running locally in development mode22:29
Fly-Man-and how to get branches to auto approve and imported22:29
barryFly-Man-: hi22:31
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Fly-Man-barry: See comment on the Running page22:32
Fly-Man-I added the kfogel page that has more explaining on advanced use of the Launchpad locally22:32
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barryFly-Man-: probably a better way is:22:33
barrylib/mailman/bin/mailmanctl stop22:33
Fly-Man-barry: I didn't write that page ;)22:34
Fly-Man-kfogel did :p22:34
barryFly-Man-: :) i'll update it22:34
Fly-Man-But it does the same ;)22:34
Fly-Man-It stops the spam on my console ;)22:34
barryyeah, but maybe not so cleanly if you actually wanted to run mailman at some point ;)22:34
barrybac: CRB updated22:38
rockstarbac, is PQM going to open tomorrow, barring any acts of God tonight?22:39
mwhudsonhate week 422:51
EdwinGrubbsbarry: are you familiar with the "Add Architecture" link on the distroseries +index page?22:57
rockstarmwhudson, is there a way for me to fire off an ec2 instance to run all the Javascript tests only?  Like, a windmill specific image or something?22:58
barryEdwinGrubbs: no ;)22:59
thumperemail done22:59
rockstarthumper, okay, you wanna chat?22:59
mwhudsonrockstar: no, i don't think so22:59
mwhudsonrockstar: file a bug?22:59
* rockstar makes a sad face22:59
rockstarmwhudson, launchpad-foundations?22:59
mwhudsonrockstar: yeah, tag it build-infrastructure22:59
rockstarmwhudson, ack23:00
EdwinGrubbsflacoste: ping23:00
mwhudsonrockstar: i can make an image for you i guess, it'll take an hour or so23:00
flacostehi EdwinGrubbs23:00
thumperrockstar: just chasing an oops23:00
thumperrockstar: yes, shortly23:00
rockstarmwhudson, I wouldn't sweat it right now.  I just thought it'd be nice to not have to fight with Karmic to get windmill running correctly.23:00
EdwinGrubbsflacoste: Are you familiar with the "Add architecture" link on the distroseries +index page?23:00
mwhudsonrockstar: the only difference from the standard image is installing a bunch of extra software right?  xfvb and firefox?23:00
mwhudsonrockstar: yeah, it's a good idea :)23:00
rockstarmwhudson, you would know the differences better than I.23:01
flacosteEdwinGrubbs: not really23:03
flacosteEdwinGrubbs: that's a soyuz thing i think23:03
flacosteEdwinGrubbs: what's your question23:03
EdwinGrubbsflacoste: The "Add architecture" link is only displayed if the distroseries already has other architectures listed. This seems wrong, but it doesn't look like new behavior, so I don't know if ubuntu distroseries are created somehow differently.23:04
flacosteEdwinGrubbs: well, they have an initial set23:06
flacosteEdwinGrubbs: and that actually might be a proxy to not display this link on distro that don't use Soyuz23:06
flacostei think distro only have arch if they are Soyuz-enabled23:07
flacostebut this seems to be an obfuscation and the check should be made clearer23:07
al-maisan_EdwinGrubbs: I believe the creation of a distro series is somewhat of a manual process; once the series was created all the packages from the previous/stable series need to be cloned/copied for example..23:08
al-maisan_i.e. this is *not* a web UI work-flow :)23:09
EdwinGrubbsal-maisan_: If I create a new distroseries by hand with the "Add series" link, such as https://staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/foo then it doesn't show the "Add architecture" link. Are you saying that this won't affect real ubuntu developers, since they are doing it differently?23:11
al-maisan_EdwinGrubbs: I guess that's right.23:16
rockstarthumper, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/42614123:18
mupBug #426141: "Link to a bug report" is temperamental <post-3-ui-cleanup> <ui> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/426141>23:18
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sidneigary_poster: ping?23:34
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