
BUGabundoI do hate mice00:00
JanC(plus, the blue is quite ugly ;) )00:00
Cynthiathe "in progress" category is selected because I'm doing an update (85 packages!), and I can go up and down to "Get free software" but not press Enter00:00
yvahi, have you any ideas why empathy will replace pidgin (as default messenger) in 9.10?00:01
JanC1. because empathy is the default in GNOME, 2. because it uses telepathy00:02
BUGabundoyva: old storie00:03
BUGabundouse google00:03
IdleOneEmpathy will ready your mind :)00:03
BUGabundoyou will find a dozen spam blogs on it00:03
BUGabundoIdleOne: p100:03
IdleOneread* also00:04
verbalshadowoy this is driving me batty00:23
verbalshadowok i can't figure out why plasma-netbook restarts every time, any ideas00:25
verbalshadowi have removed everything ~/.kde/Autostart & ~/.kde/share/autostart and ~/.kde .  google hasn't been any help anyone have any idea?00:26
=== sunshinepants1 is now known as sunshinepants
BUGabundowho here doesn't feel like this http://img.demonicious.com/2009/2/ds2399/ds2399102.jpg ?00:27
James147BUGabundo: Me for one, I cant stand having stubble :)00:29
pwnguinalso, you cant eat that much pizza and keep a svelte stick figure00:29
James147BUGabundo: very short beard...00:30
James147BUGabundo: what you get when you dont shave for a few days00:30
BUGabundoI know00:30
BUGabundoI last shaved on Sunday :)00:30
aliendude5300Hi, I need to know how to turn the volume up on JUST the rear audio channel.00:33
Cynthiaaliendude5300: off-topic, but how did the rescue CD go?00:33
aliendude5300Excellent... thanks :D00:33
Cynthiano idea for the single channel volume change, sorry00:33
Cynthiaok, good :)00:34
aliendude5300Been asking in #ubuntu, but they wont try to help since I'm on karmic :/ Shouldn00:34
aliendude5300Shouldn't make a difference...00:34
Cynthiathe pulseaudio and pavucontrol packages have been overhauled a lot on Karmic00:34
aliendude5300Sigh... how hard is it to just turn up the audio on one channel a bit? My front work fine, and all channels are on, but the sound on the rear channels is really quiet.00:35
rippsdammit, the ubuntu installer sucks. It immediately crashes once it starts installing, not to mention I can't file any bugs because network-manager is broken as well. Why does the livecd suck so much00:35
IdleOneripps: it's Alpha!00:36
MisterNIdleOne: why i wanted to shout this00:36
pwnguinIdleOne: and it's released next month...00:36
MisterNare you suggesting the schedule is tight?00:37
aliendude5300ripps: use alternative installer CD.00:37
aliendude5300I use it myself... MUCH better.00:37
drs305To past days updates were not good to my computer: fsck date problems on initial restarts; boots hung at samba daemons, etc.00:37
drs305* The00:37
drs305I'd been having excellent luck with Karmic until this week.00:38
rippsthe date issues with my harrddrive killed my main partition. Everything was killed while trying to fix with fsck. Now I need to reinstall. Good thing I kept /home on a seperate partition00:43
sobiWhere can i find config-file on my file system for grub 1.97 included in Kubuntu 9.10 alpha6 ?00:43
EtuHello :)00:43
EtuHi, I trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 from the dayly buid ISO I found here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/00:43
EtuBut It just gives me red screens in the instalations of the core system00:44
test34Anyone successfully fixed the green screen with the MS VX-1000 ? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/379024)00:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379024 in libv4l "vx-1000 green screen in ubuntu 9.04 tested with cheese" [Undecided,New]00:44
test34I tested with xawtv and skype00:45
test34I get lots of "libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 6 more bits"00:45
dozer init: hwclock main process(835) terminated with status 100:47
dozerI did an update a few days ago (perhaps saturday?) and now on boot, it says this00:48
drdozer2any hints about how to recover from this?00:49
Cynthiadozer: does this prevent boot?00:51
BUGabundo /me rsync -avh -progress /home/BUGabundo /media/bed; rm -rf /home/BUGabundo00:54
* Crashbit 01:09
drdozer2Cynthia, yes - it hangs01:17
drdozer2within a couple of seconds of starting to boot01:18
EtuI have been told that the 9.10 will be green and not brown, is this true?01:40
rippsno, and no. Mint does green, not ubuntu01:42
EtuAww, I hoped that "green is the new brown"01:44
rippsubuntu has been embracing some darker themes, such as the new blackish xsplash, but I'll wager a bet that ubuntu will remain brown for many versions to come01:45
rskiscientist are working hard to come up with more shades of brown01:51
rippsAre thereany red-brown thems?01:52
test34rski, I think they found about 600,000 shades so far01:56
test34so that is enough for at least 500,000 years01:57
rikupw:D  sporting karmic finally :D  damn grub though messed up so had to manually remove the UUID from the menu.lst :(01:59
test34no issues with my grub so far02:03
dtoi can't seem to install the package gstreamer0.10-lame that soundjuicer says is required for mp3 encoding.02:19
dtoi do have lame installed02:20
=== sunshinepants1 is now known as sunshinepants
madberry___anybody have the same problem as me after updating to Kubuntu Karmic I can't login anymore it seems to be missing dependencies02:37
GobiTheGoblinHi once again =) Do any of you guys know, if there is a possibility to include broadcom wlan drivers in install image?02:37
CynthiaGobiTheGoblin: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization . You might have to delete some packages so that the broadcom driver fits. Or are you asking if they can be included in Ubuntu releases?02:38
GobiTheGoblinCynthia: I am asking if they could be included. I already am running with em, via DKMS02:39
Cynthiawe're past the Feature Freeze now, and the Beta Freeze is tomorrow, this has a low chance of happening02:40
GobiTheGoblinCynthia: Oh, well If you could put a word on it =)  *asking nicely... no seriously, It was just a thought, that it could help lot of wlan people, like my self :)02:41
CynthiaI'm not a dev, I just popped into #ubuntu+1 for alpha testing news and to help :P02:43
GobiTheGoblinCynthia: Well, was worth of shot :D02:43
musikgoatGobiTheGoblin: is there a launchpad ticket?02:43
CynthiaYeah. Wait though. The nVidia and ATI "binary blob" drivers aren't on the CD either, you download them with the Restricted Driver Manager right?02:44
CynthiaDoes the Broadcom driver come up in that program?02:44
EtuCynthia: It did, atleast in 9.0402:44
GobiTheGoblinmusikgoat: I am kinda n00b in this.. soo.. i guess not. Is there appropriate course of actions I should follow if I would like a new feature?02:44
Etu(I haven't tried it in 9.10)02:45
GobiTheGoblinI think that is in too with the restricted drivers tough02:45
CynthiaNone of those are included on the disc02:46
musikgoatGobiTheGoblin: depending on the feature, you could either create a brainstorm entry and see what others think of your request, or you could create a wishlist bug under the appropriate package02:46
ubottuPost your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!02:46
EtuSystem > Administration > Hardwaredrivers --- Can give you nvidia/ati/broadcom unree drivers02:46
musikgoatGobiTheGoblin: are you looking for a driver to be included with the install?02:47
GobiTheGoblinmusikgoat: Ty for your advice =), I'll keep that in mind02:47
GobiTheGoblinmusikgoat: Kinda, I was *hoping* That is in restricted drivers, so I guess it wont be. I was just hoping02:47
GobiTheGoblinmusikgoat: It is just bit annoying that you have to plug in, before you can continue to build up installation02:48
GobiTheGoblinmusikgoat: No biggie, but more n00bs than me could be bit confused02:48
musikgoatyou might have to check extra repositories, but that is a really annoying part of an install, when you don't have built in wireless driver suppor02:49
CynthiaGobiTheGoblin: oh yeah, I didn't think of the problem of trying to download things over a wireless that doesn't work due to needing a network driver02:49
* musikgoat feels for you, and suggests buying an intel wireless card :)02:49
musikgoator ralink02:49
Cynthiain any case, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug , write about this need you have for a wireless Broadcom driver on the CD, and immediately set your bug's importance to Wishlist02:51
musikgoateh, it'll get closed02:51
chromehi chaps, looks like vim has broken dependencies at the moment, any workarounds?02:51
musikgoatthey cant distribute closed source products02:51
Cynthiaa network d... oh02:51
CynthiaI was about to say, a network driver has a case for inclusion since you can't download it in some circumstances02:51
Dr_Willisbe nice if there was a say for example, to get  a extra drivers package you could put on a flash drive so  you could get around the legal issues...02:52
Cynthiaother drivers, you can download those02:52
chromevim: Depends: vim-common (= 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu1) but 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu2 is to be installed02:52
musikgoatDr_Willis: I agree!02:52
musikgoatDr_Willis: like ubuntu-restricted-extras and the like02:52
Dr_WillisI also wonder at the 'legality' of these licenses some companies  have in their limitations.02:52
Dr_WillisThey tend to put more limits on things then i think they are legally allowed to do.02:53
chromeyou can legally impose any restriction you like for your own software, no?02:53
GobiTheGoblinSooo.. should I try to suggest this forward?02:54
Dr_Willischrome:  thats an interesting legal point... and may or may not be true02:54
musikgoatchrome: if its entirely yours, yes02:54
musikgoatGobiTheGoblin: i think it will be a lost cause, unfortunately02:54
GobiTheGoblinmusikgoat: yea.. unfortunately so..02:54
musikgoatmany peeps before you with broadcom wireless cards have been bitten by this problem02:54
GobiTheGoblinmusikgoat: But restricted extra to download to USB would be nice... just clickcityclick and off one goes, with installation02:55
musikgoatGobiTheGoblin: its actually doable, without that much effort, the problem in most situations is... one doesn't know they need it until its too late02:56
chromeso, is there any way to force apt-get to go ahead and install, even though the version dependencies are wrong?02:56
musikgoatthen they are required to have another computer or a wird connection to get the packages in any respect02:56
chromeI need vim :D02:56
musikgoatchrome: you can try rolling back a version of vim in Synaptic02:57
chromeoh, didnt know you could do that. Cool.02:57
musikgoatsynaptic -> package -> force version02:58
Cynthiamusikgoat: propose the restricted-extras download to the user in the "thank you for downloading" screen for Ubuntu itself, with a bit saying "if you have an nVidia or ATI graphics card, or a Broadcom wireless card or chipset in your laptop, this download is for you!"02:58
chromeyeah, looking at the properties, I only see a single version02:58
chromemusikgoat: should I add in Jaunty's repository as well? Will taht work?02:59
musikgoatchrome: i would not suggest that02:59
musikgoathmm, and you've apt-get updated?02:59
musikgoator reloaded your repos?03:00
chromewant me to paste you my sources.list?03:00
musikgoatchrome: whats the missing dep?03:01
chromeDepends: vim-common (= 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu1) but 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu2 is to be installed03:01
chromehaha yeah.03:01
chromeshould be an >=03:01
chromeconsidering downloading the deb and force installing it03:01
musikgoatis vim-common a dep of vim-tiny?03:02
Amaranthmusikgoat: thus the name vim-common ;)03:06
rippslivecd crasheswhen starting installer, and alt. cd fails on installing base system. I want my ubuntu back!03:06
musikgoatAmaranth: thanks :P03:07
chromeinstalled with --force-depends vim_7.2.245-2ubuntu2_i386.deb  vim-runtime_7.2.245-2ubuntu2_all.deb and it works03:07
chromemight break horribly later03:08
rippsBoth the livecd and altcd fail, how am i suppose to reinstall my ubuntu?03:08
rippssomeone? I'm starting to freak out a bit here.03:12
chromeripps: if you're installing karmic, try jaunty?03:14
rippschrome: I've been using karmic since may, I'm not downgrading to jaunty now03:14
chrometried one of the dailies?03:15
rippsDamn upgrades screw up my root partition, now I can't reinstall. this is dumb03:15
rippschrome: yes03:15
musikgoatripps: what about A5 or prior?03:15
rippsmusikgoat: d/ling it now03:15
Cynthiaripps: start from Jaunty and run the command 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/YourHardDrive', to clear the entire hard drive, then repartition03:16
Cynthiathis command done as root, or with sudo03:16
Cynthiaotherwise, try /dev/YourHardDrive1 as the target, like /dev/hda1, to clear just the first partition03:16
musikgoatCynthia: i think thats unnecessary, at least writing to your entire drive part, if the partition table is deleted/formatted, writing a disk is useless03:17
Cynthiamusikgoat: true, but then the filesystem may stay corrupted03:18
musikgoatformatting a filesystem != writing zeros to the disk03:18
musikgoatformer is much quicker... and does the job, unless you are trying to wipe actual data03:19
TerminXthe filesystem may BECOME further corrupted if your new filesystem experiences some corruption in the future and a recovery tool picks up traces of the original filesystem instead of the recreated one, but that's an unlikely scenario03:20
musikgoatTerminX: yes, this is true03:20
TerminXI know it is :p03:20
musikgoatdid you learn the hard way?03:20
TerminXmany years of experience + application of logic drove me to that conclusion :p03:21
rippswait, no. I'm downloading the alpha6 altcd, alpha5 isn't on the website, where can I d/l it?03:22
TerminXway back in high school when people were running into ntfs corruption on win2000 (mostly due to sound blaster live! PCI specification compliance issues), I remember seeing little bits of previous filesystems when recovering my friends data for them03:25
musikgoatripps: doesn't look like ubuntu is hosting it... ask around03:25
TerminXof course the tools were smart enough to ask you if what it found was correct but I could totally see how any sort of an automated tool could mess something up rather spectacularly if it didn't guess correctly03:25
musikgoatripps: there are still some torrents floating around if you google search03:27
rippsmusikgoat: I try to avoid torrents, because my isp hates me03:27
musikgoateh, its still open source...03:27
musikgoatripps: if you choose to http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=4e221605347852b534c9746eb3ae29924730d05303:28
CynthiaAlpha 5 is here <http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-5/>, which 404's now03:30
musikgoatheh, right...03:30
CynthiaI believe they discard alphas and betas after releases03:30
musikgoatthats why torrents are useful... exactly for these situations03:31
Cynthiaand even alphas after alphas, and all alphas after betas :D03:31
CynthiaI still have Karmic A5 i386's ISO though, if you can stand to wait 7 hours for my connection to upload... or get a torrent of some kind03:31
Cynthiaor -> otherwise03:31
musikgoatyeah, i could upload it to you... but i only have 50kbps up03:32
musikgoatactually, no i couldn't, i left that file at work... so i'd have to torrent it myself first... getting a bit convoluted :P03:34
Cynthiaactually, given that torrent link of yours, I could validate alpha5 and seed it again03:40
Cynthiaif I still have it, I shouldn't need to download a single byte03:40
Cynthiaoh. I have amd64.03:41
GobiTheGoblinIsn't the beta release next month?03:46
GobiTheGoblinabout exactly month away...03:46
GobiTheGoblinWhen should we start to bombard bug reports, if there is any left ;) ?03:46
Cynthianow! :D the beta freeze is tomorrow03:47
GobiTheGoblinTomorrow? Oh dear, I am a month late :P03:48
GobiTheGoblinU said it before, but I just though it was a just a "freeze" of applications..03:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339757 in evince "Evince goes full screen when pressing play on keyboard (dup-of: 263779)" [Low,Fix released]03:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263779 in evince "Evince hijacks global multimedia keys" [Low,Fix released]03:49
DanaGI'm tempted to un-dupe that and mark it not-fixed.03:49
DanaGIt's really annoying when I try to pause my music, and my PDF viewer goes fullscreen.03:49
GobiTheGoblinWhat is the culture with reporting bugs with netbook remix?03:49
GobiTheGoblinIs it equal to other distros, or is it like, works when it works?03:50
zebrafusioncheers to whoever patched udev/usplash03:51
CynthiaCan someone with karmic+gnome just check something quick for me: start Totem, play a file from example-content, hide the Sidebar, close Totem. and when you restart Totem, do you get the sidebar back?04:00
test34Cynthia, I get an error: Fatal Python error: PyEval_SaveThread: NULL tstate04:03
omegamormegilI don't get Twitter or identi.ca updates via the notification bubbles - is that still in the works, or is it me?04:03
test34that is whenever I close it04:03
omegamormegil(using gwibber)04:03
Cynthiatest34: hmm :/ I stopped getting that about 50% of the time04:03
Cynthiatest34: but try reopening it04:04
test34Cynthia, I got that along with a core dump 100% of the time (and the sidebar comes back but I'm guessing that might be because of the core dump and it didnt save the settings?)04:04
Cynthiatest34: that's entirely possible; I'll try it again and watch the console. I'm sure the Apport exclamation point bubble didn't come up though04:05
DanaGALSA lib conf.c:1179:(parse_def) show is not a compound        ALSA lib conf.c:1645:(snd_config_load1) _toplevel_:17:26:Unexpected char        ALSA lib conf.c:3425:(snd_config_hook_load) /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf may be old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it        ALSA lib conf.c:3286:(snd_config_hooks_call) function p\` returned error: Invalid argument        ALSA lib control.c:902:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL h04:05
test34cynthia: I tried it 4 times with the same results, even without even playing a video04:05
DanaGdtchen: poke-itty.04:05
DanaGthat's "alsamixer -c2".04:05
test34Cynthia, for some reason apport popped up only once04:06
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
Cynthiatest34: errrrrm. well that's weird. even though it closes quite timely, I do see a core dumped message on the console...04:07
Cynthiakarmic@voltorb ~$ totem hiddenfilename04:07
CynthiaFatal Python error: PyEval_SaveThread: NULL tstate04:07
CynthiaAborted (core dumped)04:07
test34Cynthia, yes strange.. it closes pretty fast for me too (except for the first time which I was offered to kill it)04:08
test34Cynthia, try to launch it from console: totem filethatdoesntexist04:10
Cynthiatest34: I'll try disabling plugins, then editing my Totem preferences until I find the culprit04:10
Cynthiafrom totem filethatdoesntexist: same output, no help pasting it again04:11
CynthiaTotem YouTube Browser is at fault.04:12
test34Cynthia, here is what I get for a file that doesnt exist: http://pastie.org/62836204:13
Cynthiasame output. check it out starting Totem and disabling the YouTube Browser plugin though04:14
test34Cynthia, I still get the core dump even if I disable all plugins.  Did you uninstall them?04:14
oldude67anyone else having issues with python and k3b?04:14
Cynthiano, I just disabled them04:14
Cynthiawith otherwise standard Totem preferences, like visualisations enabled etc.04:15
test34my totem standard.. the default was bbc and youtube plugin enabled04:16
Cynthiatest34: oh. well, I disabled both actually04:16
Cynthiawith BBC or YouTube (or both) enabled, Totem crashes; with none enabled, it closes correctly04:16
test34I disabled both also, and restarted and still get the same error/core dump04:17
Cynthianow checking for bugs in totem on launchpad and gnomezilla04:17
Cynthialaunchpad: bug 42131804:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421318 in totem "totem crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42131804:20
test34(totem:3459): CRITICAL **: bacon_video_widget_pause: assertion `bvw->priv->mrl != NULL' failed04:21
test34they should switch to VLC04:23
madberryI'm running Kubuntu 9.10 after the latest update I have no more KDE04:24
musikgoatmadberry: try dist-upgrade?04:25
Cynthiamadberry: can you access a console?04:25
madberryyes dist-upgrade doesn't do anything04:25
madberryyes I have console04:25
Cynthiaif so, sudo apt-get install elinks, dmesg > dmesg.txt, and attach that to a new bug report saying "[karmic] kde boot fails"04:26
madberryI tried reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop but it has packages with missing dependencies04:27
Cynthiamm, partial upgrades04:28
madberryduring the update 29 packages where removed which makes me conclude that part of the packages kde needs got removed04:28
madberryI'm now using xubuntu-desktop04:29
test34The update manager now let's you update the package cache without a password, thanks !04:30
Cynthiamadberry: add your voice to bug 43552504:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435525 in xorg "no more desktop KDE after last update, only see cursor in black screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43552504:30
madberryCynthia: thanks04:30
Cynthiajust say that 29 packages got removed during that update, and set it to Confirmed or something04:31
madberryokay will do04:31
test34#kubuntu+1 #ubuntu+1 :Forwarding to another channel04:32
test34Anyone have a microsoft vx-1000 working ? (I get the green screen-> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/379024 )04:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379024 in libv4l "vx-1000 green screen in ubuntu 9.04 tested with cheese" [Undecided,New]04:34
dtchenDanaG: pongness.04:34
DanaGShould I file a bug on that odd output?04:34
dtchenDanaG: don't know what you're talking about, but, sure04:34
DanaGALSA lib conf.c:1179:(parse_def) show is not a compound        ALSA lib conf.c:1645:(snd_config_load1) _toplevel_:17:26:Unexpected char        ALSA lib conf.c:3425:(snd_config_hook_load) /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf may be old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it        ALSA lib conf.c:3286:(snd_config_hooks_call) function p\` returned error: Invalid argument        ALSA lib control.c:902:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL h04:34
DanaGthat's what.04:35
dtchenhmm, ok. let me see if we can backport the stuff from 1.0.21a04:35
dtcheni presume that same config worked in 9.04?04:35
DanaGyeah.  And it worked with the ubuntu-audio-dev ppa until this last round of updates, I believe.04:36
dtchento when does "this last round" mean?04:37
DanaGcurrent is Version: 1:0.9.18-0ubuntu304:38
dtchenhum, that's alsa-lib spew. can you pastebin your config?04:38
DanaG /var/cache/apt/archives/pulseaudio_1%3a0.9.18-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb04:38
DanaGshould I just run the alsa-info?04:38
dtchennah, that mostly pulls driver stuff. i'd need your /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc plus ~/.pulse/default.pa or /etc/pulse/default.pa if you've modified the sink04:39
DanaGhmm, there's no /etc/asound.conf04:40
DanaG.asoundrc is:  http://pastebin.com/f1d022a6504:40
dtchenright, that's expected04:41
dtchenwhat's your /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf ?04:41
DanaGoh yeah, and the usb-audio hotplug issue still applies.  perhaps tomorrow I'll just formally report that one.04:41
DanaGpulse-alsa:  http://pastebin.com/f4cfd137c04:41
dtchenso you hit the combined alsa-lib + pulseaudio 0.9.18-0ubuntu3 bug04:42
DanaGKnown issue?04:43
dtchenit's due to 0.9.18-0ubuntu3 turning on hinting for the type pulse04:43
dtchenif you notice, you have a stanza in .asoundrc doing the exact same04:43
dtchendue to a bug in alsa-lib 1.0.20, parsing .asoundrc will error out incorrectly04:43
dtchenunfortunately, backporting the fix is a bit nasty04:43
DanaGhmm, so it may be easier to revert the config file?04:44
DanaGI manually set "show on" with a simpler hint.04:44
DanaGwhat else is weird is that alsa-lib spews out garbage as the function name erroring out.04:44
dtchenin the meantime, try commenting out or removing your *.*pulse stanzas in .asoundrc04:44
DanaGoh, and the a52 thingy doesn't like the fact that my HDMI is subdevice 3.04:45
DanaGcool, now it doesn't spew.04:45
dtchenheh, a52 has all sorts of issues04:45
DanaGAnd that's when you even build it.04:46
DanaGOh, and you can't use it over RAOP.  :}04:46
jamieleshawHello, i'm on 64bit can't get installed akrmic aplha 6 to work, loads fine but doesn't start gui04:46
dtchenjamieleshaw: known issue, probably. try the latest daily-live.04:46
jamieleshawIs there anyway i can make it update from it's terminal04:47
dtchensure, aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade04:47
jamieleshawand will that just update what's neccessary?04:48
DanaGoh yeah, so what was it that caused the "no such device" on usb-audio?04:48
DanaGSomething with udev?04:48
dtchenDanaG: module-udev-detect race04:48
DanaGoh yeah, I suppose I should also file a bug about the digital output on the thing... the CM106 is likely similar to the CM112 in the Asus Xonar U1.04:49
Cynthiamm, example-content in karmic has SpiritOfUbuntu.ogv with Robbie Ferguson welcoming users to... Jaunty Jackalope05:23
Cynthiais this a bug? :P albeit one with a more difficult fix, because you can't code up a patch for the voice and lips05:23
bjsniderwhy would font hinting screw up pulseaudio?05:23
Cynthiabjsnider: font hinting set to what? none, slight or full?05:24
bjsnideri don't know05:24
bjsnideri don't see why it would affect pulse in any event05:24
Cynthiame neither05:24
bjsniderwell, look at the previous conversation05:24
Cynthiabjsnider: probably not the same type of hinting :p maybe an audio device hint05:25
DanaGNo wonder I was confused.  =þ05:26
bjsniderDanaG, was it font hinting?05:26
DanaGno, nothing about font hinting... the hinting was the thing in .asoundrc.05:26
DanaG.asoundrc is:  http://pastebin.com/f1d022a6505:26
DanaGthat "hint".05:26
bjsniderwhy is it that the more i learn about alsa the more boring it gets?05:27
DanaGoh yeah, kernel ppa seems to be having failures lately.05:28
DanaG /home/kernel-ppa/mainline/build/drivers/staging/go7007/s2250-board.c:24:26: error: s2250-loader.h: No such file or directory05:28
Cynthiaoh hey... speaking of example-content. playing Invocation.ogg after SpiritOfUbuntu.ogv hangs Totem05:30
CynthiaI'm tempted to just say totem sucks at this point05:30
bjsnidertotem-xine or totem-gstreamer?05:32
Cynthiato test Karmic, I only use what's on the CD as much as possible05:33
Cynthiaexcept gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly which I installed05:33
bjsnidergstreamer is technically better than nothing05:34
Cynthiabjsnider: I agree, but Totem seems to deadlock rather pathologically with it05:34
Cynthiaat least in the current alphas05:35
bjsniderstart it from the console to record errata05:35
Cynthiaoh, nice. workaround: disable visualisations05:36
Cynthiawill start it from the console anyhow :)05:36
bjsnideri c05:36
Cynthiano messages at all appeared, it just froze05:37
Cynthiaand so -> karmic@voltorb ~$ totem /usr/share/example-content/Ubuntu_Free_Culture_Showcase/SpiritOfUbuntu.ogv05:37
pantaloonI need help...I think alpha 6 is trying to burn down my house05:38
bjsniderit will fail05:38
pantaloonwhen the screensaver kicks on, the cpu temp goes through the roof and the fans start blasting on high05:38
CynthiaIt might succeed if it can manage to overhead the processor05:38
pantaloon(intel chipset/graphics)05:39
pantaloonguess i'll disable it until the next build05:40
bjsniderdisable it forever05:40
pantalooni've never had the problem before05:40
pantaloononly in alpha 605:42
pantalooncould it be the graphics driver?05:42
pantaloonseems like it would be the cpu that would cause the heat, but with integrated graphics, i don't really know how much duty is being offloaded to the cpu05:43
pantaloonintel 94505:45
pantaloonbeen constant problems since jaunty05:45
pantaloonat least now i can watch flash vids fullscreen again05:45
bjsniderall screensavers use too much power and defeat their own stated purpose. the only one worth anything is a black screen05:45
pantaloonyes, but i like a little eye candy05:46
pantaloonshouldn't take that much cpu05:46
bjsnidersure it should. it even does with an nvidia card05:47
pantaloonwell, not enough to burn up my computer like it's doing05:47
pantaloonyou'd think it was calculating weather forecasts with these temps05:48
Cynthiaor affecting the weather itself :)05:49
Cynthiapantaloon: watch the CPU usage in the screensaver selection window and pick one that doesn't take up much CPU/fan power and looks nice to you05:49
CynthiaGLMatrix is one I like, and it takes up less than 5% CPU, but this is on a desktop05:49
bjsniderbesides which burn-in isn't a problem anymore unless you have a crt/plasma screen05:50
bjsniderso there's nothing to save05:50
pantaloonyeah, i understand they are totally useless, but that doesn't mean people won't still want them05:53
pantaloonthis is a laptop in a dark bedroom05:54
pantalooni like have a little ambient light from a screensaver and not nuclear winter from whatever webpage i'm on05:54
pantaloonbefore jaunty, i could run any screensaver but maybe the most complex ones without a problem05:54
DanaGActually, I thought the same, about burn-in....05:56
DanaGbut somehow, the lab computers at my school have the fedora login screen (with the CSC department logo added to the background)... burned into the LCDs.05:56
DanaGWhich doesn't even make sense.05:56
DanaGBut it's true.05:56
pantaloonno way05:56
DanaGWell, they've often been left sitting there, screen on, for months worth of time.05:57
bjsniderthere's nothing in an lcd to burn05:57
bjsnidermaybe they're plasma screens05:57
DanaGI'll even take a picture of it.05:57
DanaGNope, they're Dell 1907FP, or something like that.05:57
TerminXlcds have temporary image persistence or whatever they call it05:58
bjsniderit's there if you turn the monitor off?05:58
TerminXit's pretty much the same thing as burn in in terms of effect05:58
DanaGI'll check tomorrow, whether it stays there with monitor off.05:59
pantaloonwow, i'd never heard of that05:59
bjsniderwhy do lab computers at cal poly slo have fedora on them?05:59
pantaloonseems if you leave them off for a couple days or leave the screen on a single color it can realign the crystals06:00
TerminXleaving it on something completely white for a day or two helps06:00
DanaGI don't know... it rather sucks, too.06:00
DanaGThey don't even have compizconfig plugin installed.06:00
TerminXthere's a java applet called jscreenfix that you can run fullscreen overnight that helps too06:01
DanaGSo, you have compiz defaults... or nothing.06:01
pantaloondefaults are better than nothing06:01
pantalooncan't get compiz working here...no xgl06:01
bjsniderdoesn't cal poly understand the incredible benefits of the excellent windows vista operating system?06:02
pantaloonsynaptic can't find the package06:02
dk_hello people06:03
dk_i have question..06:03
bjsniderwe're too drunk to provide answers06:04
dk_any have problem with intel video with karmic?06:04
bjsnideri wonder if anybody doesn't have intel graphics problems with karmic06:04
dk_bjsnider:  do you have problems?06:05
dk_when karmic is starting06:05
dk_and gdm dont load06:05
bjsnidercertainly not06:05
CynthiaI do, bjsnider; I had to go into the modules.d folder to go enable the driver06:07
dk_well.... i cant start gnome06:07
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CynthiaI'm affected by bug 43069406:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430694 in linux "agpgart-intel not loaded before drm sometimes, causes KMS to fail" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43069406:08
dk_Cynthia:  yes!06:08
dk_me too06:08
dk_well...  we will wait for the solution?06:09
Cynthiaah, it was initramfs-tools/modules06:09
dk_or another way?06:09
Cynthiathere's a workaround posted in that thread06:09
CynthiaI tested it, it works for me; I realise it may not work for everyone, though06:09
dk_Cynthia:  then... you dont have problem06:10
Cynthiadk_: right now, no I don't06:11
pantalooni have performance issues with my 945 chipset, but it's better in karmic than jaunty...so aside from my screensaver issue i'm not complaining06:11
pantaloonas long as i can watch flash videos fullscreen without it choking, i'm golden06:12
dk_Cynthia: what number is the bug?06:13
Cynthiabug 43069406:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430694 in linux "agpgart-intel not loaded before drm sometimes, causes KMS to fail" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43069406:13
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voidmagewhoops, bad script06:20
oldude67is it me or is anyone else having issues with trying to burn cd's?06:40
Cynthiaoldude67: in what program?06:42
oldude67k3b and brasero06:45
nhasiani checked the repos to see if I had all the prerequisites to MSN a/v chat in telepathy.  I have everything except for telepathy-butterfly 0.5.1  still only shows 0.5.006:50
oldude67ya this cd burning issue has been going on now for several alpha updates, i thought maybe they would have it fixed by now.06:58
nhasianoldude67, i thought it was fixed?07:00
nhasianoldude67, brasero didnt work for me with alpha2, but after they fixed it its been working... at least i havent tried it recently haha07:01
nhasianoldude67, although when it wasnt working i just used gnomebaker07:01
oldude67nhasian, ah i forgot about that one..let me try it and see if it works.07:02
nhasianoldude67, also imgburn works great with wine07:02
oldude67nhasian, id rather not use anything windows if i can avoid it, not to happy with that os as it is.07:03
Cynthianhasian, there was an issue in Alpha 5 with mounting CDs, it also affected Brasero07:03
oldude67my issue is with python actually with k3b...and brasero just keeps telling me it cant fix the codec issue.07:04
nhasianCynthia, was that what was preventing me from ejecting CDs sometimes?  i had to type "eject" in a terminal hehe07:04
Cynthiawas it, I'm not sure07:04
Cynthiais it, I'll test now07:04
CynthiaI had the issue you describe though, after the burn and CD mount fix07:05
Cynthiaoh it's still there07:05
nhasiani'm just anxiously waiting to be able to video conference with MSN on empathy... any day now i imagine07:06
oldude67nhasian, i have heard quite a bit about people talking about empathy, i hope it turns out like there thinking its going too.07:08
nhasianoldude67, yeah it caused quite an uproar because back in alpha2 when it was announced empathy would replace pidgin, it wasnt yet ready.  but in the past couple of months they have come a long way!07:10
nhasianpeople keep complaining it doesnt do encryption or have meta-contacts... but i think the video chat is more of a priority and they nailed it.07:11
chromei can't get empathy to work with either my gtalk or jabber accounts07:11
nhasianchrome, i'm still using pidgin myself for one stupid reason - the sounds dont yet work in empathy.07:12
nhasianchrome, well technically they are there, but its up to gnome-sounds to play them.07:12
chromepidgin does the job, dont fix what aint broke?07:13
chromeor was pidgin really broken? :)07:13
nhasianchrome, pidgin wasnt broken, it just wasnt evolving either.  its been stagnating.07:13
chromebut ... its perfect! :P07:13
nhasianchrome, you can continue using it of course.  but empathy will let you share your desktop with other users, share music, video conference, lots of cool things pidgin cant do07:14
chromei'm pulling that face, you know the one07:15
edgynhasian: does empathy support video conferencing?07:15
chromethe "impressed nodding while simultaneously pulling the corners of my mouth down"07:15
nhasianedgy, for xmpp googletalk and MSN protocols now yes.  not yet with yahoo07:16
edgynhasian: i never tried empathy but you encourage me to do that later today07:16
chromewhat about iChat interop07:16
Cynthiasmall note: edgy and chrome are confusing names; I'm thinking you're talking about an earlier Ubuntu version or a Web browser :(07:16
chromebrowser came after me07:17
chromeso complain to google :P07:17
edgyCynthia: karmic came after me07:17
Cynthialol :)07:17
Cynthiabut did edgy come after you?07:17
nhasianedgy, it will be a couple of days before the new version of telepathy-butterfly gets into the repos.  you will need that for the msn a/v07:17
nhasianedgy, http://cass.no-ip.com/~cassidy/blog/index.php/post/2009/09/14/MSN-audio/video-chat-in-Telepathy#pr07:17
edgyCynthia: actually no, I named myself after edgy but then mark got it and register the names before the announcement and I can't compete with him07:18
CynthiaI see07:19
edgynhasian: thanks for the info07:20
edgythanks all of you. Ubuntu and the people here are one of the best things in the world07:21
nhasianedgy, its all about helping one another man :)07:21
edgyyes, see you later07:22
daurnimatoralpha 2 is worth installing?07:39
daurnimatoroh wait, alpha 6 is out07:40
AlanBellI have Karmic failing to install at the moment08:27
AlanBelltried the daily CD and Alpha 608:28
AlanBellthis is the alternate CD08:28
AlanBellfails with a red screen, looks from the console like /usr/lib/debbootstrap/pkgdetails is being called with bad parameters08:29
AlanBellanyone know where the install script is?08:34
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daurnimatordoes the alpha6 live cd work?08:40
daurnimatorI'm trying to boot it08:40
daurnimatorand its stuck at an ubuntu logo with little white lines moving upwards underneath it08:40
daurnimatoractually, I think X keeps restarting08:41
daurnimatoranyone here?08:45
mjbrooksMy comcastic ping time of 1632ms is making my update... er... an adventure in waiting08:50
uni4dfxhi, why is pulseaudio in karmic "compiled with library version 0.9.14"08:58
uni4dfxshouldn't it be compiled with 0.9.18?08:58
eagles0513875mjbrooks: doesnt karmic beta come out today ?08:59
mjbrookseagles0513875, have you checked the release schedule?09:02
eagles0513875not today but i did last thursday09:02
eagles0513875hehe when alpha 6 came out lol09:02
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases09:02
mjbrookseagles0513875, I'll give you a hint.... Beta is not until October09:03
eagles0513875october 1st lol09:06
* mjbrooks yells at his cable modem09:06
daurnimatorbah, can someone help me? is the karmic desktop amd64 iso known to be ok?09:06
habananyi download the iso karmic koala but i have no dvd burner, i'm using windows 7 and i would like to install karmic in a usb pendrive 4gb09:07
James147habanany: you can use unetbootin to install it to a usb09:07
mjbrookshabanany, Unetbootin09:08
mjbrookshabanany, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net09:09
habananyi want it persistent09:09
James147habanany: Not sure if unetbootin can create presistant, but you can use usb-creator from within linux to create presistant usb driver, you can do this from a virtual mechene or install it locally first09:12
habananyi cannot burn the iso i have no dvd burner09:12
daurnimatoruse unetbootin to make a usb stick then09:13
James147habanany: are you wanting to use the live usb to install carmic, or jsut test it?09:13
daurnimator<habanany> i want it persistent09:13
James147habanany: then just use unetbootin, if it cant create presistant drives then after you install karmic recreate the usb with usb-creator from within karmic09:14
habananyok, i will try unebootin09:16
daurnimatorhabanany: use 2 usb sticks: unetbootin onto one, then install from that to the other09:18
habananywhy not unebootin from pc, i only have one usb09:18
AfCDo we have to do anything special to get Karmic to recognize encrypted [external device] partitions? On Gentoo with GNOME 2.26 the auto mounter did the LUKS mapping automatically and then a dialog came up prompting for passphrase. Am I missing something obvious to make this work on Ubuntu?09:19
jpdsAfC: It should just work.09:20
jpdsAfC: I use it all the time.09:20
habananyoh, i remembered thet i have also have an sd card09:21
AfCjpds: ok, thanks09:21
AfCjpds: I guess I'll just keep issuing `cryptsetup luksOpen ...` by hand for the mean time09:22
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:31
* mjbrooks waves to ActionParsnip09:38
eagles0513875well this is interesting09:45
mjbrookseagles0513875, define "this"09:46
eagles0513875after todays updates my saved kde session couldnt be loaded after a reboot and it defaulted to gnome for me09:46
eagles0513875this is even worse09:47
eagles0513875its like kde is no longer installed09:47
eagles0513875well that explains it09:48
eagles0513875kubuntu-desktop has unmet dependencies09:48
madberryeagles0513875: I had the same problem see bug 43552509:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435525 in xorg "no more desktop KDE after last update, only see cursor in black screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43552509:49
mjbrookseagles0513875, I just updated myself... have yet to reboot09:49
eagles0513875i did on my vm09:49
eagles0513875im scared to on my duel boot09:49
madberrymjbrooks: take it from me don't09:49
eagles0513875gonna install gnome to be safe09:50
mjbrooksI don't have gnome to fall back on hehehe09:50
eagles0513875madberry: well i am lucky i had gnome installed09:50
eagles0513875mjbrooks: im installing it now on my duel boot machine09:50
madberrythat's what I had to install myself as well09:50
mjbrookswell... perhaps it's just a 64bit issue09:51
madberrymjbrooks: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop before you reboot just incase09:51
madberrycould be09:51
mjbrooksmadberry, bah, I live on the command line anyways09:51
mjbrooksmadberry, emacs is all I need ;)09:51
mjbrooksall you pointy-clicky kids need to get off my lawn!09:52
mjbrooksmy packages all seem okay... only one way to find out...09:53
madberrygood luck lol09:53
eagles0513875its possible its 64bit issue but who knows09:55
eagles0513875madberry: im installing gnome to be save09:55
madberryeagles0513875: are you running 64bit?09:56
eagles0513875both in a vm and on me duelboot on my macbook pro09:57
madberrydid you add your info to the bug?09:57
eagles0513875madberry: before i do let me see if the outcome is the same not in a virtual machine09:58
mjbrooksThat first reboot after a major update is always a slow one09:58
eagles0513875on this desktop pc im running it in a vm09:58
madberryeagles0513875: k cool09:58
eagles0513875mjbrooks: you still able to load kde?09:58
eagles0513875madberry: my issue is slightly different though i still have a desktop and x09:59
mjbrooksit's my magic aura that keeps it running so well09:59
eagles0513875madberry: i have a possible solution  for u btw cuz with alpha 5 i was having that issue09:59
eagles0513875madberry: what video card do you have09:59
eagles0513875humm 2nd person with that issue10:00
eagles0513875i had that issue with alpha 5 and the nvidia driver from the repos10:00
eagles0513875after rebooting with the nvidia driver from the nvidia site it fixed my issue and i had x and no black screen or a tty console10:00
mjbrooksI missed the issue... what are we refering to?10:01
eagles0513875madberry's bug mjbrooks10:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435525 in xorg "no more desktop KDE after last update, only see cursor in black screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:02
madberrymaybe I just need to download the Aplha 6 cd and reinstall10:02
eagles0513875mjbrooks: remember the issue i was having with alpha 5 which was fixed by installing the driver from the nvidia site10:02
eagles0513875madberry: alpha 6 got rid of my issues so that is up to u10:02
mjbrooksmad so you get the KDM login screen but then nothing when you log in?10:03
madberryit's a black screen with just the mouse pointer.  I tried the failsafe anf that gives me some strange error about missing the x terminal emulator10:04
eagles0513875here goes nothing10:08
eagles0513875rebooting :(10:08
eagles0513875this is totallly f***** up10:10
eagles0513875it defaulted me to gnome10:10
eagles0513875how on earth did it work for u mjbrooks10:10
mjbrookseagles0513875, if you went to gnome before it's probably just sending you to the last used10:10
eagles0513875no was on kde before10:11
eagles0513875i just installed gnome10:11
mjbrooksah,  installing gnome tends to change the defaults to gnome10:11
eagles0513875let me head back to the login screen10:11
eagles0513875still dont have kde10:11
eagles0513875kde just vanished10:11
eagles0513875that hurt10:11
madberryyeah zelanzy just rebooted or something10:12
eagles0513875according to kvirc10:12
eagles0513875its saying to me that a netsplit was detected on niven.freenode.net10:13
mjbrooksI wonder if the latest updates clears up the VMWare input bug10:52
madberryI just wish I could go back to KDE again10:59
mjbrooksmadberry, perhaps not... i can't capitalize now  lol11:00
mjbrooksmeta keys not working either.... odd11:01
mjbrooksI nkow I can blame that one on VMWare11:04
madberryok downloading Kubuntu Karmic Aplha 6.  Backing /home11:08
Bauldrick-netbooHi - latest upgrade stopped my synaptic touchpad working - xorg.conf has everything commented out and says HAL has taken over, my toolbar is also scrambled11:19
sjokkiswill plymouth be in the next release after karmic?11:24
kulightsjokkis: no11:29
BlizzerandHow do I know which alpha of Karmic am using11:44
James147Blizzerand: If you are fully updated then you are useing the latest11:45
BlizzerandWill this ubuntu release use plymouth and replace the old usplash11:46
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kklimondaBlizzerand, no11:52
kklimondawe use xsplash instead11:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xsplash11:52
Blizzerandkklimonda ; Is it better than plymouth11:53
kklimondait's different - instead of KMS X server is used so wider range of hardware is supported. also it's part of a work on speeding up boot time for lucid lynx.11:56
* Blizzerand doubts whether Linux can boot faster than 15 seconds11:58
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: look into bioslinux ;)11:58
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: puts the kernel in bios and makes it boot damn fast11:58
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: xpud boots in 3 seconds on my 1.6Ghz AM2 + 2Gb DDR2 + SATA HDD11:59
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: i wouldnt get hung up on boot times, concentrate on booted system speed :D11:59
BlizzerandActionParsnip : k do you believe xsplash can go faster than 15 seconds12:00
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: if you have a dual core system you can enable concurency in boot but it has issues with encrypted filesystems12:00
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: not sure, i dont use it12:00
alankilaWhat's the current karmic boot speed? I see it's very fast, but haven't actually timed it12:00
ActionParsnipalankila: depends on system and config12:00
alankilasomething like 20 seconds maybe and I've logged on12:00
BlizzerandWell i've seen that ext4 filesystem can make it boot faster12:01
ActionParsnipalankila: a system with 4Tb RAM and 20 SSD HDDs in raid will boot faster than a sigle core CPU + 256Mb12:01
alankilayes, I'm on ext4, dualcore, raid-1 over 500 GB drives ... so I have reasonable disk bandwidth and access times12:02
ActionParsnipalankila: also depends on RAM and HDD cache as well as amount of boot services enabled12:02
alankilabut there's still a limit to how much removing disk access cost can get you... the kernel will still have to scan for hardware, things need some initialization, etc.12:02
ActionParsnipalankila: if you use bum you can reduce startup services12:03
BlizzerandAnd just a doubt , is there any way to test ubuntu without using any media and not in a virtualized environment12:03
alankilaBlizzerand: kvm?12:03
alankilaoh. *not* in virtualized12:04
BlizzerandWhats kvm12:04
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM12:04
alankilanever mind12:04
mjbrooksBlizzerand, no media and not virtualized? wubi installer... install it like it's a windows program uninstall the same way12:06
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.12:06
alankilaI can't see how you could boot the thing up because BIOS doesn't boot without some kind of media, even if it's just USB or something... And any system that pretends you can start a new kernel is virtualized in some sense12:06
alankilaso there's absolutely no way that I can think your constraints can be met12:06
Blizzerandmjbrooks : I don't use windows12:06
BlizzerandI tried unetbootin ,(which requires one mounted partition) but when I try to install the whole thing , it gives me the error that it requires every partition to be unmounted12:07
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:07
mjbrooksBlizzerand, what are you using now?12:07
Blizzerandmjbrooks : No offence but fedora (Linux)12:08
alankilaI installed ubuntu on usb stick within kvm12:08
alankilamaybe that's a "medialess" test?12:08
mjbrooksBlizzerand, none taken12:08
mjbrooksBlizzerand, Fedora is quite good... though RPM based ;)12:10
BlizzerandI think I'll just stick with v-box then . Though I wish I could install it without the help of a media12:11
Blizzerandmjbrooks : Whats wrong with rpm12:11
alankila"kvm -hda /dev/usb-stick-partition -cdrom foobar.iso -m 512"12:11
mjbrooksdo you mean all media?12:11
alankilaNot sure if this qualifies, but I just don't understand what this "without help of a media" is.12:11
mjbrooksalankila, been quite a few of those lately12:12
Blizzerandthat is would it be possible to install distro without a CD , DVD or even a USB drive12:13
mjbrooksBlizzerand, I was never crazy about it and I dealt with it for years12:13
eagles0513875le sigh12:14
Blizzerandmjbrooks : Well you can now be , because it has quite grown with much more features . I've been a fan of fedora and rpm from its 4 th release back in 2004 or 200512:15
mjbrooksBlizzerand, I was on Redhat from it's 3.x days through to FC312:16
mjbrooks1993 or 412:16
coz_mjbrooks,  and you have gone ubuntu now ?12:17
mjbrooksor something like that12:17
Blizzerandmjbrooks : lol I was on Debian then12:17
mjbrookscoz_, I've been around the block a few times12:17
mjbrooksBlizzerand, me too, on the servers... it wasn't until later that I put it on my laptop ;)12:18
coz_mjbrooks,   :)  I completely understand....nearly the same senario here    RedHat made me hate kde :)12:18
ActionParsnipmandrake 7 here, then it transitioned to mandriva, then I got ubuntu12:18
BlizzerandI am not sure why but I feel mandriva a little complicated12:19
ActionParsnips'ok. tbh i can use any distro as my needs are very simple12:19
mjbrooksIf we're doing historical timelines my path was roughly Slackware->Debian->Redhat->Debian->Kubuntu->Sidux->Debian->Kubuntu ;) but that's only counting ling term use of >1 year each12:20
coz_I test all that I can but end up back with ubuntu12:21
Blizzerandcoz_ : KDE had no style then (regarding your last comment on red hat) , I mean the icons where huge and altogether gnome was hell lot better , then12:22
mjbrooksI went to Redhat when I got a laptop for the first time and could get Debian to play nice  hehee12:22
BlizzerandBut now I feel safe in the hands of KDE12:22
coz_Blizzerand,  I know  :)   but it was just a pain in the butt back then12:22
mjbrooksI remember when there was no KDE or gnome :/12:22
ActionParsniplxde here, nice and simple and fast12:22
coz_ActionParsnip,  yeah but it has issues with dual monitors12:23
coz_ActionParsnip,  lxde that is12:23
mjbrooksI remember when there was KDE at the start and no gnome12:23
ActionParsnipcoz_: i have 1 monitor for 3 systems )12:23
coz_ActionParsnip,  ah  that would help:)  what happens here with lxde is that the secondary monitor is a transparent background in in about 20 minutes  for some reason gnome kicks in to accomodate   I cant figure that one out yet12:24
ActionParsnipcould have a seperate x server for it12:24
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: :(12:24
coz_ActionParsnip,  for sure  and the lxde people  gave silly answers like  pcman cant use dual monitors12:24
eagles0513875kde packages are all broken thank god at least i had gnome installed12:24
coz_anyone up on the suttleworth proposal for other distributions to agree on release schedules?12:25
BlizzerandAnyone tried sugar yet , quite different from all I've seen in  my life12:25
coz_I have read some but nothing seems to have progressed yet12:25
coz_Blizzerand,  sugar?  a distribution?12:25
ActionParsnipcoz_: not dug into it, nor do i care12:26
eagles0513875coz_: schedules regards release is nice but puts alot of stress on the volunteers who have jobs outside of developing for a parciular distro12:26
Blizzerandcoz_ : No a desktop environment , its available in Ubuntu repos I believe12:26
eagles0513875kubuntu is probably an exception cuz it has the backing of a big company12:26
coz_eagles0513875,  possibly true  but it would also mean  a slow down of ubuntu release schedule12:27
eagles0513875FYI TO ALL KDE USERS kde packages from todays updates are broken12:27
eagles0513875coz_: how so12:27
eagles0513875hey Dr_Willis12:27
coz_eagles0513875,  suttleworth proposed that if other distributions agree with a fixed release schedule  he would adjust ubuntu's release schedule accordingly12:28
Blizzerandeagles0513875 : lol We fedorians (kde ) didn't have any update12:28
eagles0513875coz_: i honestly dont think rpm based distros would need to be included with this though12:28
eagles0513875Blizzerand: talking about kubuntu karmic here bro12:28
coz_eagles0513875,  he is shooting for redhat to comply or hope they will join in on this12:28
eagles0513875whats the point12:28
eagles0513875they use different package management systems12:29
coz_eagles0513875,  http://www.osnews.com/story/19760/Shuttleworth_Seigo_Discuss_Synchronised_Release_Cycles12:29
* Blizzerand believes he is not blind12:29
eagles0513875it makes more sense for debian and all debian derived distros in my honest opinion12:29
mjbrooksBlizzerand, never heard of sugar... my preferred alternative is enlightenment... e is a fav12:29
eagles0513875coz_: reading the first paragraph i see where he is taking this12:30
Blizzerandmjbrooks : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_%28desktop_environment%2912:30
coz_eagles0513875,  seems worth the effort in my opinion  at least from the research on this I have done12:30
eagles0513875not to any particular distro but mostly the major upstream tools like the kernel and gcc and others coz_ in all honesty i dont see a problem with that proposal12:30
Dr_Willisi cant figure out sugar12:30
eagles0513875agreed coz_12:30
eagles0513875Dr_Willis: :( kde packages are broken the ones in todays updates if ur on kde fyi so if thats the case make sure you have gnome or another desktop environment installed12:31
* Blizzerand is a strong believer that each distribution should have its own desktop environment ( for the least a little modified ) that using the same old GNOME and KDE12:31
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: many DEs use gtk as a base12:32
eagles0513875Blizzerand: and kubuntu they do a decent amount of modification to the de12:32
Dr_WillisI removed kde the other day.. i think i may have K3b installed..12:33
eagles0513875well with todays updates Dr_Willis it seems like anything kde even programs dont work any more12:34
Dr_WillisIn many ways i would perfer disrtos to have a 'vanilla kde' or vanilla gnome option.12:34
eagles0513875dependencies are screwed up12:34
BlizzerandI have tried about different distros and  what I think is all the distros would look same to a newbie . (Except for the themes though)12:34
eagles0513875agreed to that Dr_Willis12:34
Dr_Willislooks like wesnoth got some major updates also.12:34
eagles0513875for 10.04 would like to propose 2 opptions at least for kubuntu12:34
Blizzerand2 panel for gnome and a blue strip line for the kde12:35
eagles0513875somewhere during the installer have the user choose browser to install instead of the default as well as choice of office suite instead of the default12:35
eagles0513875just like windows 7 is gonna give users options on which browser to install12:35
Dr_WillisI found some 2 file manager panels in gnome file manager tweak the other day. :)12:35
BoohbahBlizzerand: you are free to make your own distribution with whatever desktop manager you like and try to get people to use it12:36
BlizzerandBoohbah : You mean like lfs, right12:37
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: what will the options will their e12:38
cdE|Woozyis nm-applet known to be broken after the latest update?12:39
cdE|Woozyit can't find libnm-glib-vpn.so.012:39
eagles0513875for what ActionParsnip12:39
eagles0513875for browsers and office suites12:39
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: have the options been set?12:40
BoohbahBlizzerand: lsf doesn't really 'distribute' anything but documentation, so no...12:40
Boohbaherr, LFS12:40
eagles0513875well i still have to propose to motu if i could get myself unbanned i think its something the users would really like to have12:40
BlizzerandBoohbah : Did try that something based on Debian quite a long time ago , but didn't go good.12:42
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: i have some programs that i have a list for could also add email clients to the options to install besides office suite and browser12:45
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: i guess, there may be licencing to consider but sure12:45
Bauldrick-netboomy touchpad isn't working after last update - where do i go to fix that now?12:46
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: how so12:46
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: would be using stuff that is already in the repos like firefox and evolutions and openoffice koffice12:46
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: are you on about in windows?12:46
zniavrehello / bonjour12:47
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: this is an idea i got from whats gonna be in win 7 they are gonna give users a choice to choose other browsers to be installed besides ie such as firefox chrome opera etc12:47
eagles0513875i was thinking why not do something like that for ubuntu wiht office suites browsers and email clients12:47
zniavrehow to reactivate ctrl alt bksp ?12:47
Picizniavre: I believe theres a toggle in your keyboard preferences.  Alternatively, you can try....12:48
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.12:48
sjokkiswhen will plymouth be added to ubuntu?12:48
Dr_WillisI diddnet think 'dontzap' worked last i tried it12:48
coz_zniavre,  I am not sure you want to do that  since  ctrl+alt+backspace does NOT  shutdown applications properly12:48
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: many other distros have choices for the apps at install time. Ubuntu seems to have completely bypassed this and insists on copious amounts of crap being installed at install time without any say12:48
zniavreho forgot to install this package12:48
zniavrethank you12:49
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: thats what i would like to put forth for 10.0412:49
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: an "advanced install" would be nice to select and remove apps from the installed system at first boot. I have a script to pretty much gut the OS on a clean install12:49
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: when u say advanced install why not just install the base desktop and build it up from there12:49
Picisjokkis: I wouldn't be surprised if it never is added.  We're trying to move away from using splash screens in the hope that the boot process is so fast that you never need to see them.12:50
zniavrecoz_,  yes i know this point but im a bit old school i like this feature12:50
skwashdhi all12:50
zniavreim a bit lost without12:50
skwashdanyone else experiencing this .... vim: Depends: vim-common (= 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu1) but 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu2 is to be installed ?12:50
coz_zniavre,  understood  but it is just as easy to  ctrl+alt+F1   log in     sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart  or kde restart12:50
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: i started doing that with ulite but its still not hugely practical12:51
zniavreyes i know that point but ... it's faster way12:51
coz_zniavre,  ok  :)12:51
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: regarding a desktop withnothign installed all you need is the xserver and for instance kde-base and that enough12:51
zniavrethank you12:51
yofel_skwashd: your cache seems out of date, did you run apt-get update?12:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
skwashdyoasif: daily for 3 days ... and i am still stuck with the stock useless version of vim that ubuntu ships12:52
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: i use uslite then install lxde from repos, makes a very slim system indeed12:52
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: nice12:52
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: you try uck12:52
eagles0513875!uck | ActionParsnip12:53
ubottuActionParsnip: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/12:53
zniavrebut dontzap does not exists anymore12:53
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: i looked at it but ive not got time so i just use ulite12:53
skwashdi can understand shipping vim-tiny in jeos ... but for desktops and servers it is stupid imo .... it is <600kb difference in size12:54
Oli```Gah why do java and sreadahead have a battle for CPU domination when I boot?12:54
yofelskwashd: run sudo apt-get update and then try again. My guess is that since vim-common contains arch-independent files and was built faster than vim you updated your cache after vim-common was built but before vim finished building12:54
skwashdyofel: like so "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vim" ?12:55
skwashddid that before i came in here :)12:56
skwashdshall i do it again just for some fun?12:56
yofelskwashd: ok, it's fine here, what architecture do you have?12:56
skwashdfresh install as of 3 days ago12:57
Dr_Willisskwashd:  ya got to leave room on the cd for Wubi  we need wubi@! :012:57
Dr_Willisi have a list of things i always install on a new installed box.. vim-full is like #112:58
skwashdDr_Willis: wubi doesn't interest me ... and this was from an alternate installer ... cos the gui doesn't support cryptroot12:59
yofelhm... should be fine then... try aptitude instead (sudo aptitude install vim)12:59
skwashdyofel: output of sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vim12:59
skwashdyofel: take 2 ... http://pastebin.ca/157779012:59
yofelskwashd: I guessed as much. Any progress with aptitude?13:02
skwashdyoasif: no .. got a WAR ... sudo apt-get -y --purge remove vim-common && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal gvim vim13:03
skwashd!ideal but it works13:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:03
yofelwell, as long as it works... but still strange13:05
skwashdyofel: possibly caused by au.archive.ubuntu.com being out of date compare to some other mirrors13:07
* yofel thinks skwashd is right13:08
* skwashd won't comment on the state of aarnet since optus took over13:09
skwashdhow do i get something nice up on the screen when entering my cryptroot passphrase?13:10
skwashdwith hardy (and karmic before a kernel panic kill my drive) i had a bootsplash up while entering the passphrase13:11
skwashdon a fresh install it is lost13:11
yofelskwashd: do you mean the grub bootsplash? karmic switched to grub213:12
* yofel never used a crypt setup though13:13
skwashdyofel: i know you switched to grub2 ... but as of 2 days ago i had some kind of splash (similar to intrepid's) up when i was entering the passphrase13:14
yofelhm, no idea then13:14
Bauldrick-netbooshould i have a synaptics.fdi in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/ in order for my touchpad to work? it broke after upgrade13:15
Travis-42if I'm willing to deal with the temporary problems of an alpha, can I use ubuntu 9.10 alpha 6 and eventually just upgrade to the final release, or if I use the alpha will I need to do a fresh install from scratch of the final release to ensure things work ok in the end?13:18
Dr_WillisThats how upgrades/apt-get is supposed to work...13:19
Dr_WillisSUPPOSED to at least. :)13:19
eagles0513875Travis-42: yes ull update the packages from what ever version of the next release u start with u upgrade through all the alphas beta rc to final13:19
Dr_Willisassuming somthing in the alphas dont break so badly that you cant upgrade. :)13:20
Travis-42ok :-) thanks Dr_Willis and eagles0513875   (I'll keep backups of course)13:20
eagles0513875no prob Travis-4213:20
Dr_Willis'be afraid - be very afraide' :)13:21
skwashdTravis-42: until a few days ago my laptop was running an install which dated from warty (or breezy i forget) ... many alpha/beta/rc upgrades done on it13:22
Bauldrick-netboono-one any ideas on my touchpad issue :(13:22
skwashdkernel panic during heavy write caused serious corruption13:22
eagles0513875Bauldrick-netboo: that was an issue in alpha 5 i had the same thing on my duel boot with kubuntu and osx with alpha 513:23
eagles0513875had to do a clean install of alpha6 which fixed it13:23
Travis-42ok. basically I need to do a clean reinstall of ubuntu anyways, and I was tempted to try 9.10 :-)13:26
Bauldrick-netbooeagles0513875: yuk, it is controlled via that /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-synaptics.fdi or something siniler?13:26
eagles0513875but i just did a clean install of alpha six as i had no idea what was causing my touchpad and keyboard to not work anymore13:27
AlanBellanyone tried installing karmic-alternate recently?13:27
AlanBellI can't get it to install on real or virtual hardware13:28
skwashdTravis-42: there is some nice things in there ... but i am already hanging out for lonely lynx13:28
skwashdwant to see everything in karmic polished13:28
Dr_WillisPolished so much the desktop looks like a mirror?13:28
Dr_Willis'I can see myself in  the browser!'13:29
Bauldrick-netbooeagles0513875: my keyboard works, just not touchpad, don't suppose you can tell me what resides in /etc/hal/fdi/policy   is it just preferences.fdi  ?13:29
eagles0513875hold on Bauldrick-netboo failling at multitasking atm have you run the updates for today if you can?13:30
skwashdDr_Willis: the direction things are taking are nice ... but i want something a bit slicker ... jaunty and karmic both seem to scream "you are using technology" in a way some of the previous releases haven't13:30
Bauldrick-netbooeagles0513875: yes, thats what caused it :(13:30
skwashdwell i didn't try jaunty with kde4 ;)13:31
eagles0513875strange for me i am on kde and todays kde updates screwed up my kde so i only got gnome now as unresolved dependencies are killing me :(13:31
skwashdeagles0513875: it is a conspiracy of linus and miguel to rid the world of kde ;)13:31
Dr_WillisI thought Linus said he was now using kde.. or was that kde3 :)13:32
skwashdthey bought off sabdfl13:32
eagles0513875skwashd: O_O13:32
Dr_WillisI always have this 'crash report detected' icon in the systray.. it never goes away. :)13:32
eagles0513875just a bug which will get fixed13:32
skwashdDr_Willis: no ... linus was using kde3 ... then switched back to gnome after trying kde413:33
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:33
Dr_Willisskwashd:  along with 90% of the kde users .. i think...13:33
skwashdDr_Willis: click it ... authenticate for gksudo ... decide which issues you want to report13:34
yofelkde4 was horrible until 4.313:34
eagles0513875well from 4.0 i have seen it improve with every subsequent version13:34
yofelnow I'm using it again as gnome is getting on my nerves13:34
skwashdDr_Willis: kde still has users? and developers who have to use it don't count as real users13:34
* skwashd ducks and reads the CoC13:35
Dr_Willisskwashd:  I dont hang in #kubuntu any more.... :P13:35
* yofel slaps skwashd arount with a kde logo :P13:35
* eagles0513875 slaps yofel Dr_Willis and skwashd with the gnome foot print13:36
* hifi laughs at kde AND gnome users from a distance13:36
skwashdyofel: it crashed before it hit me13:36
* jussi01 grumbles the channel back on topic13:37
skwashdhifi: you're so cool you run apps directly in a framebuffer?13:37
skwashdjussi01: unstable software is considered OT ? ;)13:37
jussi01no, but nasty comments about other DE's...13:38
skwashdsee my comment above about the CoC :)13:39
hifiskwashd: no, I use openbox13:39
skwashdand on that note i will get back to being productive13:39
skwashdthanks for the info peeps13:39
eagles0513875seems like my idea is liked :)13:47
vigoEverything working?13:49
eagles0513875vigo: you on kde13:51
vigoGnome:KDE:Edbuntu mix13:52
eagles0513875vigo: be warned the kde updated packages today are broken13:52
vigoeagles0513875: So sorta  of , yes13:52
eagles0513875seems like they all have unmet dependencies13:52
eagles0513875for some odd reason i have yet to try something out13:52
eagles0513875which i will in a bit here13:52
eagles0513875i am fighting with my cursed pen drive to reformat 2 partitions back into 213:53
eagles0513875into 113:53
vigoI scripted a log cpy , let me check it.13:53
eagles0513875trust me once u reboot u wont have kde any more as a choice of desktop13:53
vigoKalzium works13:55
vigoI mean the KDE apps work, or seem to13:55
eagles0513875have u run todays updates from kde13:55
eagles0513875cuz kde is broken for me13:55
vigohrmmm, I run the mix, Gnome is base, then Edbuntu was added, Edbuntu is KDE, seems to work13:56
eagles0513875vigo: reboot and see if u still have kde as an option13:57
eagles0513875kde not workign started occuring after the updates and a reboot13:57
vigookee dokee, brb'13:58
robin0800network manager won't start missing library?14:00
Cliff`Hi everyone ... I just installed the beta3 of 9.10 ... there are no desktop icons likje comptuer, home, network, trash .... How do I make them show up?14:02
eagles0513875Cliff`: we are on alpha 6 still do you mean alpha314:02
Cliff`yeah, sorry, alpha 314:03
Dr_WillisOr do you mean KUBUNTU? or Ubuntu?14:03
Cliff`sorry, my mistake14:03
Dr_WillisYou got quite a bit of update/upgrades to download befor you are updated...14:03
vigoAll KDE apps are functional14:03
Dr_WillisCliff`:  there are settings to enable those icons ont eh desktop  the 'ubuntu-tweak' tool can make easy to enable them.14:04
Cliff`ok thanks14:04
vigoDr_Willis: Yes, it was a rather large update $$ upgrade this morning.14:05
drs305Cliff`: Start by trying this:  gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop 'true'14:05
Dr_WillisIm lazy and use Ubuntu-Tweak. Shame on me.14:06
vigoThis is a new kernel, or appears to be in the upgrade14:07
Cliff`uh ... I just fat fingered the super key and I think H and the magnify screen happened .... dont know how to get out of it! LOL14:09
Cliff`wow I feel stupid. LOL14:09
AlanBellsuper + mousewheel14:09
Cliff`no mouse ... but my touch pad allows me to use 2 fingers on it to work like a mouse wheel14:10
Cliff`it worked14:10
eagles0513875im gonna start swearing if my mouse track pad and wifi mouse dont work14:12
eagles0513875vigo: you still able to login to kde14:12
vigoeagles0513875: I have Gnome as base, Edbuntu was an afterthought, but all KDE stuff is working.14:14
eagles0513875could be im not on normal pc hardware14:14
eagles0513875andnow im having issues with gnome :(14:14
vigoeagles0513875: What is the BIOS date?14:15
eagles0513875this is a macbook pro im duel booting on14:15
vigoOh ok14:15
eagles0513875its not too old i flashed it as soon as i got it since it wanted me to update it14:15
vigoeagles0513875, Running KDE or Kubuntu?14:16
mac_vtgpraveen1: i asked macslow and davidbarth regarding the async notifications , being suppressed during fullscreen , they said it was a bug and will be fixed soon ;)14:17
mac_vtgpraveen1: also  , any probs with humanity?14:19
=== Oli``` is now known as Oli``
tgpraveen1mac_v: yay!  thats great news14:20
tgpraveen1mac_v: well on forums i read that humanity was rolled back and again switched to human.14:21
tgpraveen1so wanted to know wht was fiunal for karmic. as today is artwork deadline14:21
mac_vtgpraveen1: actually , that was due to an error i had caused :(14:21
mac_vit is already back as default14:21
eagles0513875vigo: kubuntu14:21
eagles0513875but now i cant connect to me wifi14:22
eagles0513875hold on14:22
tgpraveen1oh! yay! that will really make many people including me very happy with karmic as new pieces of new theme have actualy come to karmic14:22
mac_vtgpraveen1: the team took a snapshot of the upstream version without telling us , and files not meant to be in the package caused that :/14:22
tgpraveen1now all i want is duke nukemem forever14:22
ccooketgpraveen1: riding a pony?14:22
tgpraveen1mac_v: upstream version? isnt humanity controlled by ubuntu teams ie canonical?'14:23
tgpraveen1ccooke: hehe14:23
mac_vtgpraveen1: nope ;)14:23
mac_vtgpraveen1: always check authors ;p14:23
vigoeagles0513875: Keeping B-Daiies or just testing?14:24
eagles0513875vigo: ???14:24
eagles0513875seems like more updates to kde14:24
vigoDaily Backups or are you just testing this release?14:24
eagles0513875testing and some dev work14:25
BluesKajG`Day folks14:25
eagles0513875for mozilla-extensions vigo14:25
eagles0513875BluesKaj: :(14:25
robin0800eagles0513875: is networkmanager syill broke?14:25
eagles0513875on kde or gnome14:26
robin0800eagles0513875: gnome14:26
vigoeagles0513875: Ok, are you doing daily backups?14:26
eagles0513875right now im on gnome and it seems like it is broken as no widget or what ever its called is popping up14:26
eagles0513875well all i really need to backup vigo is my .ssh folder14:26
eagles0513875robin0800: seems like it14:26
zoraelWhat could cause my machine not reacting to connecting any USB devices? dmesg says nothing, the devices don't power up. Running an updated Karmic system14:26
robin0800if you run it in terminal it complains it cant find a lib search for this sayes it dosn't exist14:27
tormodzorael: different devices?14:28
zoraeltormod: yeah, tried with a usb mouse and a usb soundcard14:28
eagles0513875whats the name of it robin0800 ill run it again as kde is still broken for me14:28
robin0800zorael: all usb working here14:28
tormodzorael: is this after sleep?14:28
zoraeltormod: No, booted up yesterday and been running since14:29
vigoeagles0513875: There are a lot of ways to do that, I just went edbuntu to get the KDE without fussing up the Gnome. I installed basic Gnome, Alpha /? first, put Edbuntu on after a week or two.14:29
eagles0513875well i am on a clean install of alpha 614:29
zoraeltormod: Ah, hm, dmesg says I had "[   28.443462] hub 1-0:1.0: Cannot enable port 6.  Maybe the USB cable is bad?" at boot14:29
robin0800eagles0513875:  libnm-glib-vpn.so.014:29
eagles0513875will purge kubuntu-desktop and reinstall14:29
eagles0513875robin0800: name of the network manager14:29
eagles0513875since im not a native gnome user14:29
tormodzorael: are you sure this is a karmic problem and not just hardware?14:30
Michalxoanyone had problems with nm-applet?14:30
robin0800eagles0513875:  nm-connection-editor14:31
zoraeltormod: Not for sure, I'll reboot and try again.14:31
eagles0513875robin0800: still broken complaining aout that lib14:31
vigoLet me test my USB, is an older homemade box, but is worth testing.14:32
eagles0513875whats the command to reinstall a package form command line14:32
eagles0513875apt-get -reinstall packagename14:32
robin0800yes gave up i'm on wicd now14:32
eagles0513875ur tempting me to install it14:33
Picieagles0513875: apt-get install --reinstall packagename14:33
eagles0513875thanks pici and is that one or two -14:33
Picieagles0513875: Generally two dashes for arguments that are more than one letter14:34
eagles0513875Pici:  this is super strange O_o#14:34
eagles0513875its saying invalid operation kubuntu-dekstop and im passking it --reinstall14:35
robin0800eagles0513875:can't find that package here14:35
jussi01hrm, is this fixable with anything other than a clean install? http://paste.ubuntu.com/277100/ (just tried to upgrade to karmic using update manager -c -d )14:35
eagles0513875jussi01: what does the -c flag do14:36
eagles0513875normally its update manager -d  from wha ti have used in the past14:36
jussi01eagles0513875: man update-manager14:37
eagles0513875jussi i usually follow the link that the bot gives14:37
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:37
PiciI thought that kubuntu users had to use do-release-upgrade14:39
vigoAnd remember there is a safe-upgrade that is often prompted.14:39
jussi01Pici: I cheated and have lots of gnome installed, including the update manager. but perhaps do-release upgrade might work...14:40
eagles0513875Pici: when i first upgraded form jaunty i did something along the lines of update-manager -d14:40
Picijussi01: It shouldn't hurt.14:40
eagles0513875Pici:  :( well right now im stuck on gnome as kde is broken14:40
jussi01Pici: needs sudo or will it ask do you know?14:40
eagles0513875jussi01: be warned for me kde is broken but outcome varies depending on the user14:40
Picijussi01: needs sudo14:41
eagles0513875there is a serious error here14:41
jussi01eagles0513875: Ive been on a fully update kde about ? hour ago, it wasnt broken for me.14:41
eagles0513875well its rather broken for me14:41
vigoeagles0513875: You can add all the KDE apps you want in Gnome.14:41
eagles0513875i know vigo but i prefer kde layout14:41
vigoI understand14:41
eagles0513875i cant --reinstall or -purge it keeps complaining about the kubuntu-desktop package14:42
eagles0513875for the love of god this is pissing me off14:42
eagles0513875it keeps complaining to me about dependencies14:42
eagles0513875O_O and broken packages14:42
Picieagles0513875: please calm down14:43
BluesKajeagles0513875, did you have a real old version of kde like 4.1 or some such installed ?14:44
eagles0513875it was a clean install of alpha 614:44
eagles0513875did the updates this am and blam kde no more14:44
eagles0513875and now trying to install kubuntu desktop its complaining about unmet dependencies and then the recommends which wont be installed14:45
vigoeagles0513875: Did you use the safe-update option?14:46
eagles0513875vigo: no :(14:46
vigoeagles0513875: maybe try that, is worth a shot.14:46
eagles0513875its saying invalid operation safe-update14:47
vigoeagles0513875: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade?14:47
vigoit says that in my terminal every time, as an option.14:48
eagles0513875no updates for kde only gnome14:48
vigoDoes KDE use aptitude? (I forgot to ask that)14:49
eagles0513875let me ssh into it cuz right now its annoying reaching ovr14:49
Dr_Willisapttidude is a shell command in kubuntu and ubuntu14:49
eagles0513875i know Dr_Willis14:49
vigoThank you14:49
vigoThen sudo aptitude update, let run14:50
vigothen sudo aptitude safe-upgrade , might work14:50
Dr_Willisi rarely use aptitude.14:50
vigoMight be a solution here, is worth looking into.14:51
Boohbahapt-get ftw14:51
Dr_Willisive had aptitude do some odd things befor. :)14:51
savastenHow is everyone?14:53
BluesKaj!aptitude | Dr_Willis14:53
ubottuDr_Willis: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide14:53
Dr_WillisIve had aptidude remove 300 items.. then reinstall them.. :)14:55
savastenAny available to help wit a kubuntu issue? kdebase-workspace-data dependancy issue?14:56
eagles0513875man this is frustrating14:58
eagles0513875savasten: im having that same issue as we speak14:58
eagles0513875savasten: im trying out somethings at the moment14:58
eagles0513875savasten: have u reported a bug if you have ill confirm the bug for ya14:59
eagles0513875savasten: i have the same issue can u file a bug so i may confirm it15:01
vigoAre y'all using DontZap?15:01
wektvigo: i think not.  i don't know it.15:02
wektvigo: or is that an Xorg setting?15:02
vigoI found this, is Mac Book 2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook2-1/Jaunty15:02
vigoAnd this: http://www.kubuntu.org/month/2009/0915:05
eagles0513875vigo: im on macbook pro and jaunty worked fine till i got to karmic alpha 5 which had issues then alpha 6 was released which fixed em and now this15:07
mac_vtgpraveen1: but , beware , the revs will be comming from the branch hard and fast , and some icons are only for testing ;)15:08
vigoAnd this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New&field.status=Incomplete&field.status=Confirmed&field.status=Triaged&field.status=In+Progress&field.status=Fix+Committed15:09
tgpraveen1mac_v: k.thx15:09
eagles0513875i might be onto something with the kde breakage15:13
jorgenhey guys!15:26
jorgenis it correct that karmic is broken right now??15:26
jorgenkdebase-workspace-bin: Depends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.3.1-0ubuntu7) but 4:4.3.1-0ubuntu5 is to be installed15:26
jorgenit broke this morning after dist-upgrade15:26
Picibroken can mean a lot of things.15:27
jorgeni mean unusable15:27
thiebaudejorgen, some things like that can be expected15:27
PiciDoesn't boot?15:27
jorgenafter logging into kdm the desktop hangs15:27
jorgenthe kdebase-workspace-bin/data packages dont match15:27
jorgenthe data package was upgrade15:28
jorgenand i assume someone forgot to also push the bin package?15:28
PiciI'd check launchpad to see what versions it has, maybe something is still building or ftbfs15:29
jorgenthiebaude: ofcourse, i'm running a development version.. but i thought it was near relase?15:29
thiebaudejorgen, in another month or so15:29
jorgenjeah i'm installing afterstep (yikes!) to have a working desktop / firefox again :>15:29
AlanBellit is a beta freeze today15:29
thiebaudejorgen, its not even complete yet15:29
jorgeni know15:30
thiebaudebeta on oct 115:30
jorgenthat's abvious too :>15:30
jorgenit aint working ;)15:30
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:30
jorgeni'll report it15:30
thiebaudejorgen, good luck15:30
eagles0513875jorgen: after todays updates kde is broken15:31
Picieagles0513875: Is there bug # for that?15:31
eagles0513875not that i have seen15:31
eagles0513875those people i have talked to after todays upgrades seem to have kde still workign Pici not sure if its the hardware im on and me duel booting with bootcamp on a mac15:32
Picieagles0513875: So it may not be todays update?15:32
eagles0513875Pici:  when i try to install kubuntu-desktop it complains about dependencies not being met15:32
eagles0513875it got uninstalled after todays updates15:33
jorgen  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: kdebase-workspace-bin but it is not going to be installed15:33
jorgen                   Recommends: k3b but it is not going to be installed15:34
jorgen                   Recommends: kpackagekit but it is not going to be installed15:34
jorgen                   Recommends: plasma-widget-networkmanagement but it is not going to be installed15:34
jorgen                   Recommends: update-notifier-kde but it is not going to be installed15:34
jorgenE: Broken packages15:34
PiciSounds like a bug should be logged then15:35
jorgenworking on it pici, had to sign up for launchpad15:37
jorgeni got an working afterstep desktop, the horror!15:37
Dr_Willis!info flwm15:39
ubottuflwm (source: flwm): Fast Light Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02+cvs20080422-6 (karmic), package size 43 kB, installed size 164 kB15:40
AlanBelljust reported bug 43593115:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435931 in ubuntu "karmic alternate CD fails to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43593115:40
AlanBellif anyone has an alternate cd it would be great if you could confirm/deny. Testable in virtualbox.15:41
jorgenit got bugid: 43594515:42
jorgenregarding the kdebase-workspace-[bin|data] stuff15:42
AlanBellbug 43594515:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435945 in kdebase-workspace "kdebase-workspace-bin is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43594515:43
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!15:43
JMFTheVCINetwork-manager applet is no longer there after updates this afternoon.15:43
* Dr_Willis is scared to reboot.15:43
JMFTheVCII can get eth0 to work by plugging in a cable but no way to start wireless15:44
JMFTheVCIhas the loss of the nm-applet been reported as a but yet?15:44
JMFTheVCIwas working fine untill the updates today (14:00) UTC15:44
Dr_Willistry running 'nm-applet' - see if it crashes15:45
jorgenDr_Willis: then dont man :)15:45
JMFTheVCIDr_willis: nm-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libm-glib-vpn.so.015:45
Dr_WillisNow ya got a better bug to report. :)15:46
Dr_Willis!find libm-glib-vpn15:46
ubottuPackage/file libm-glib-vpn does not exist in karmic15:47
JMFTheVCI!find libnm-glib-vpn15:47
ubottuFile libnm-glib-vpn found in libnm-glib-dev, libnm-glib215:47
Dr_Willishelps to spell it right. :)15:48
JMFTheVCIfound if: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=799941615:49
JMFTheVCInm-applet restarted. It has lost all keyring and wpa key info.15:50
robin0800JMFTheVCI: How did you restart it?15:51
natewiebe13after todays update, nm-applet is no longer running and wireless doesnt work15:51
natewiebe13anyone else having the same problem?15:51
yofel/usr/lib has libnm_glib_vpn.so.0 and libnm-glib-vpn.so.1 here o.O15:51
robin0800natewiebe13: yes I know I'm on wicd15:52
JMFTheVCIrobin00: just typed sudo nm-applet15:52
JMFTheVCI(probably not the best way).15:52
JMFTheVCIWill reboot now to see if it is a full fix15:52
natewiebe13so its a known bug?15:52
JMFTheVCInatewiebe13: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=799941615:52
natewiebe13im also getting that problem.. what is the best fix? link libnm-glib-vpn.so.1 with ...so.0?15:53
omegamormegilIs Gwibber working with the notification bubbles for anyone?15:54
JMFTheVCInatewiebe13: The fix in that post has cured the problem. Not sure if a bug report has been filed yet15:55
jorgenoffoptic question: anyone here experiencing problems with Gmail ?!?! this is not my day it seems! :(15:56
JMFTheVCIreboot was successful and nm-applet is working again.15:56
natewiebe13JMFTheVCI: there is already a fix commited15:56
natewiebe13gnome-main-menu (0.9.12+dfsg-0ubuntu2) karmic; urgency=low    * libnm-glib soname transition for NM 0.8 - LP: #42740015:56
JMFTheVCInate..: cool15:57
nemoHey guys, looking for some advice15:59
nemoI'm about to install karmic on a brand new desktop15:59
nemowill mostly be for development, multi-language15:59
nemobut I might want to muck about w/ virtualisation15:59
nemois there anything in, like, the ubuntu server edition kernel that I could benefit from, or just the repositories it enables?16:00
nemoI'm not that familiar w/ ubuntu package management.16:00
natewiebe13also.. there is an updated usplash theme.. as of now, usplash was temporarily disabled until beta because of upstart errors.. ive got no errors anymore and am wondering how to re-enable usplash16:00
nemomm. server edition probably has a longer upgrade cycle. not that helpful to me16:00
nemoguess I'll just download desktop16:01
IdleOnenemo: if you need a stable machine for the next month you might want to go with jaunty16:01
Dr_Willisnemo:  proberly a good idea to not  mess with server.. if you need a 'desktop' machine16:01
* Dr_Willis seconds IdleOne 's suggestuibn16:01
nemoIdleOne: I already put karmic on my existing dev box16:03
JMFTheVCInemo: You can use VirtualBox or VMware on Karmic. Of the two performance is slightly better with VirtualBox. (I prefer VMware but I use virtualbox on Jaunty & Karmic for speed)16:03
nemoIdleOne: I've gotten used to its nuttiness16:03
vigoI agree with what them two said also.16:03
JMFTheVCInemo: virtualbox also has dedicated repositories and documentation about how to use them. VMware installs vai a separate self exploding/installing package16:04
nemoexploding = expanding16:05
JMFTheVCI(expanding / unpacking)16:05
vigoThank you.16:05
JMFTheVCIcertainly non-standard for an ubuntu newbie16:05
jorgencool it seems a fix is begin uploaded for the kdebase-workspace shizzle16:18
zniavrenotification-osd does not work anymore with sound volume is nt it?16:21
robin0800who was responsable for upgrading a lib without sorting all the things that depended on it see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/42740016:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427400 in packagekit "Depends on libnm-glib0, needs to move to libnm-glib2" [High,Fix released]16:25
=== zniavre is now known as perceval
=== perceval is now known as zniavre
kklimonda!info packagekit16:27
ubottupackagekit (source: packagekit): provides a software installation daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 0.4.9+20090825-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 155 kB, installed size 1912 kB16:27
kklimondarobin0800, you can check changelog to see whoever was responsible for this upload16:28
kklimondamost likely he's not here16:29
iTrollhey guys, X wont start for me on latest karmic on a lenovo s10e.  Not sure how to diagnose...16:30
AlanBelliTroll: sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:31
AlanBelliTroll: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:31
AlanBelland paste the URL here16:31
iTrollexcellent, that is the first i have heard of pastebinit, great idea16:32
AlanBellpastebinit should be installed by default IMHO16:33
AlanBelland should be configured to point at the ubuntu private pastebin16:33
AlanBell!info pastebinit16:34
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB16:34
AlanBellline 364 looks to be the interesting one16:36
DanaGBauldrick-netboo: Do you still need help with touchpad?16:36
DanaGWhat was not working on it?16:36
iTrollAlanBell: i see16:37
iTrollAlanBell: agpgart is in the kernel right?16:38
michaelfaviais there a source for packages that have just been spun and possibly not made it out to mirrors yet?16:38
michaelfaviaim suffering from the nm-applet soname regression and wanted to get the packages created 40mins ago16:38
jorgenmichaelfavia: i was just wondering the same thing..16:39
michaelfaviajorgen, same issue?16:39
jorgenother bug :>16:40
jorgenpatience is not my strong suit :)16:40
AlanBelliTroll: sorry, I have run out of knowledge! looks like a memory issue rather than resolution/modelines etc.16:41
iTrollAlanBell: lol no probs, thanks16:42
iTrollok guys, X doesn't start for me on latest karmic on an lenevo s10e with an intel i915, Xorg.0.log at http://pastebin.com/f23dbb53b16:49
iTrollany ideas?16:49
mbeierlbash completion for java with classpath not working anymore?16:52
JMFTheVCIwhat does your /etc/X11/xorg.conf have in it?16:52
iTrollJMFTheVCI: http://pastebin.com/f63f36f5216:53
JMFTheVCIiTroll: Suggestion, backup the xorg.conf file. Edit and remove the three lines of the  "Display" subsection16:55
iTrollok will do16:55
JMFTheVCIiTroll: Save the file and then try to restart x or reboot16:56
JMFTheVCIiTroll: My file looks like http://pastebin.com/m30218370 and I use a Samsung NC10 which is almost identical to your Lenovo.16:57
iTrollwhats the convention for restarting x these days?16:57
iTrollrestart gdm?16:57
JMFTheVCIiTroll: sudo service gdm start16:57
iTrollwhat desktop environment do you use on your samsung?16:59
iTrollme too, Gnome works ok for me, just a little sluggish17:00
JMFTheVCILess sluggist than KDE (IMO)17:00
iTrollrebooted with new xorg.conf, no effect17:00
iTrollim seeing errors related to dbus and agpgart sprinkled around17:00
JMFTheVCII saw those.17:01
funkyHat:/ notify-osd can't seem to decide which monitor it wants to be on17:02
funkyHatOr is it just on the one where the focus is?17:02
funkyHatApparently not17:03
iTrollfunkyHat: preceding this problem i was messing around with an external monitor, I wasnt sure if that was what caused the problem or an update17:03
JMFTheVCIiTroll: Are you using the vesa driver or the Intel driver?17:07
iTrollJMFTheVCI, intel as far as I know....17:07
JMFTheVCIiTroll: have you done: sudo insmod agpgart17:08
ellarhello, after having installed todays updates i have no update manager running anymore. Running from command line it states "nm-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libnm-glib-vpn.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"17:09
iTrolljust done that, no apparent errors17:09
iTrolli915 is loaded17:10
JMFTheVCIellar: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=799941617:10
iTrollgdm still does not start17:10
JMFTheVCIiTroll: what appears when you do lsmod | grep intel17:11
iTrollJMFTheVCI: i915 is loaded though17:11
nokeyboardi have a problem with my keyboard in X17:12
nokeyboardeven virut17:12
nokeyboardvirtual keyboard does not work17:12
JMFTheVCIiTroll; what was your graphics card again (lspci)17:12
ellarJMFTheVCI, thanks, if i fix it now, will future updates work then?17:13
JMFTheVCIellar: no reason why not. There is a fix due.17:13
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: yes please :) regards touchpad, keyboard works but touchpad doesn't - this is after latest upgrade17:13
iTrollIntel Mobile 946GM/GMS/GME17:14
iTrollIntel Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME17:14
iTrolli mean17:14
JMFTheVCIiTroll: snap17:15
iTrollpci id 8086:27a617:15
urthmoverWhat is the keyboard combination to invert screen colors?17:16
funkyHaturthmover: could be super+n or super +m17:17
nokeyboardanyone else having problems with X keyboard input ?17:18
urthmoverok funkyHat trying that17:18
urthmoversweet  super+n in the window super+m is the whole desktop17:18
DanaGBauldrick-netboo: hmm, actually, I have to go for a while, but I can try to help once I come back.17:18
pktwhat is happening with kubuntu karmic? things look more broken than usual17:19
JMFTheVCIitroll: I'm trying a live-cd.17:19
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: smashing, thanks ping me when your able17:19
iTrollJMFTheVCI: live-cd?17:19
pkte.g., kdebase-workspace-bin has an exact version dependency on kdebase-workspace-data but the former is -ubuntu7 and the latter -ubuntu517:20
JMFTheVCIiTroll: just to check for my own benefit.17:20
iTrollJMFTheVCI: live cd of karmic alpha6?17:20
pktplus konversation seems to be missing the dependency on libindicate since it looks like it fails to start with a missing shared library message17:21
pktlots of smallish things like that17:22
iTrollJMFTheVCI: cool17:22
urthmoverIs there a way to change the booting screen and progress bar on karmic?17:23
urthmoverits not really a progress bar any longer...more of a roller17:23
JMFTheVCIurtmover: no. usplash, is out, xsplash is in. No available config tools or artwork yet17:23
urthmoverhmm ok JMFTheVCI17:24
urthmoverthanks JMFTheVCI for the feedback17:24
JMFTheVCIsame with the horrible login screen.17:24
JMFTheVCIiTroll: Lice CD boots. GDM fine.17:25
iTrollJMFTheVCI: feck17:25
JMFTheVCIiTroll: I have i915 loaded but I also have intel_agp loaded.17:26
iTrollshould i reconfigure a bunch of suspect packages?17:26
JMFTheVCIand agpgart17:26
iTrollooo... no intel_agp here17:26
JMFTheVCILooks like you don't appear to have intel drivers loaded and supporting your chipset.17:26
iTrolli see17:27
JMFTheVCIcheck with dpkg -l xserver-xorg* to see what's installed17:27
iTrollmodprobe intel_agp worked17:27
iTrollbut still no X17:27
JMFTheVCIiTroll: I see xserver-xorg-video-intel 2;2.8.1-1ubuntu117:28
iTrollyeap got it17:28
JMFTheVCIiTroll: now I'm a bit stuck.17:29
iTrollreconfigure it?17:29
JMFTheVCIwhy not!17:29
Komischungis it possible to start the gnome-shell in 9.10?17:32
eagles0513875any kde gurus in here17:34
rskii dont think gurus would be on IRC.17:34
kklimondaKomischung, what error do you get?17:34
iTrollJMFTheVCI: no luch17:35
Picirski: All of the Ubuntu developers use IRC. We have lots of channels here.17:35
Komischungkklimonda, i updated the system, but i get the normal desktop17:35
JMFTheVCIiTroll: Was this an upgrade or a clean install.17:35
rskii mean, gurus. not developers =)17:36
kklimondaKomischung, gnome-shell isn't installed by default17:36
Komischungso i have to compile the new 2.28 by myself?17:37
Komischungoh, ok, theres a package....17:38
JMFTheVCIiTroll: do you have 915resolution installed?17:39
eagles0513875this is nice17:40
eagles0513875kde is broken17:40
eagles0513875Pici: btw the kde issue isnt only on my duel boot its also on my vm17:41
dk_hello peopl17:44
=== dk_ is now known as DKcross
DKcrossi have the problem with intel17:45
Freak_NLToday's update just broke network-manager17:45
Freak_NLnm-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libnm-glib-vpn.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:45
cdm10gahh! the new theme! it burns!17:45
AmaranthFreak_NL: known17:45
DKcrosscdm10:  new theme?17:45
Amaranthcdm10: what theme? gdm?17:45
JMFTheVCIFreak_NL: Search for the message. There is a workaround and a fix is due.17:45
DKcrossI cant start gnome17:45
cdm10no. I got an update that switched the thing to something called Humanity, and it's got this rather gross desaturated brown17:46
DKcrossbecause i have the problem with intel17:46
Freak_NLJMFTheVCI, thanks17:46
DKcrosshow can change the package source in terminal?17:46
DKcrossi think is better the principal server17:47
cdm10Amaranth: never mind, it's not Humanity, it's just that the new Human theme has... interesting default colors.17:47
tuga3dhi all17:49
danbhfivehi hi17:49
tuga3djust tried out latest alpha, and my system hangs :( any web page for troubleshoting?17:50
AlanBellhaving trouble starting X on an Elonex webbook (crappy netbook)17:51
AlanBellvia chipset17:51
AlanBell1024x600 LCD and I put in a small xorg.conf to tell it the panel size. Works in Jaunty17:52
ice_creamhi, anyone know current state of record extension or cpufreq module?  i think i remember reading that these were broken since 9.0417:53
DKcrossany idea?17:54
Technovikinganyone else just have a flashing cursor in left hand corner today?17:55
DKcrossTechnoviking: epa! hello17:55
tasslehoffHi. I installed Alpha 6 on my MBP yesterday, and everything except wireless worked out of the box. I tried to enable the restricted Broadcom drivers, but it didn't do the trick. Any tips for further fixing/debugging?17:56
TechnovikingDKcross: hiya!17:56
DKcrossi have the bug with intel video, i dont remember the code17:57
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:57
geniiThat link is hopelessly out of date now, the new drivers are b43 and b43legacy17:59
genii(not any longer bcm43xx)17:59
tasslehoffgenii: ok. I believe that is the restricted driver I downloaded that didn't work. perhaps it didn't load properly..18:00
nokeyboardanyone else having problems with X keyboard input ?18:00
nokeyboardxev shows keypresses,  i tried setting my dvorak back to us, no difference18:00
DKcrossi have problems with video18:01
DKcrossany idea about this bug18:01
tasslehoffgenii: the b43 and b43 legacy drivers are in the repo, right?18:03
urthmoverusing xsplash to replace the default boot screen is nice...I'm curious if more themes will arrive soon18:05
DKcrosssome people know the code number of the bug with intel?18:05
DKcrossurthmover:  i cant see the new themes18:06
ice_creamwhat happens on oct 26?  beta?18:06
DKcrossis a ubuntu loco in black withe?18:06
urthmoveryes it is a black/white logo18:06
urthmoverrather than the brown orangey background and roller thing18:07
urthmoverIs there a way to start gnome with the panels hidden to the left (as if I've already pressed the left hide button)?18:07
robin0800urthmover: yes save settings is in the preferences startup applications18:09
urthmoverok I'll look there robin080018:10
urthmoverthanks robin080018:10
DKcrossany know the code number of the bug with module of intel18:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about agpgart18:15
dk_the bug is with this module18:15
urthmovernotify-send hi  doesn't do anything for me....just goes to the next line in the terminal   how do I troubleshoot this?18:16
urthmoverlibnotify-bin is installed18:16
un|matrixthe new Human controls violate fitts's law18:18
un|matrixthe vertical scrollbars on maximized windows have a border18:19
un|matrixpeople are going to hate it18:19
edgyHi, I booted the current iso live and it can't take an ip so I tried dhcpclient eth0 and I got a libc.so error, what's wrong, please?18:19
cdm10un|matrix: yuck. have you reported a bug?18:19
un|matrixcdm10, no, i've just noticed it18:20
tormodedgy, I think it should be: dhclient3 eth018:20
cdm10un|matrix: well, go ahead :)18:20
edgytormod: dhclient is a symlink to dhclient3 in karmic18:21
un|matrixyeah better do it now so it gets fixed by 201518:21
tormodedgy, well you wrote dhcpclient :)18:21
tormodedgy what is the error?18:21
Amaranthun|matrix: I have a feeling it'll be a bit faster than that :)18:22
edgytormod: ah! sorry but I wrote the correct command there for sure18:22
un|matrixAmaranth, that's not what my experience tells me, but we'll see18:22
edgytormod: I saved the error in a file on my flash usb in /home/ubuntu/Documents/test, do you know how can I mount it now to see the exact error?18:24
Amaranthun|matrix: I happen to have just told the developer about it so that should help :)18:24
Amaranthun|matrix: File the bug though so I have something to point him to18:24
un|matrixAmaranth, i'm working on it18:24
Amaranthun|matrix: Give me the bug number once you do18:24
tormodedgy, this is a "persisten" USB stick?18:24
edgytormod: yes I made it using usb-creator18:24
tormodedgy, locate the "persistent" storage file on the stick, and loop-mount it (I don't know if double-clicking it will work)18:26
nokeyboardthis could be the cause of my problems X log  (II) Power Button: Configuring as keyboard  (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Power Button" (type: KEYBOARD)18:28
tormodDKcross, which bug are you asking about?18:28
iTrollJMFTheVCI: Don't have 915resolution installed, will install and check back later18:28
DKcrossis a bug with agpgart18:28
AmaranthNo one needs 915resolution anymore18:28
AmaranthIt'll probably just break things18:28
AmaranthDKcross: You use intel and you aren't getting any acceleration, right?18:29
nemoHm. My install of AMD64 a6 kept failing in an endless reboot until I gave up on the full desktop and just did the installer18:29
JanCAmaranth: except GRUB2  ;)18:29
nemothen, after install, same thing happened from GDM18:29
nemoattempting to sign in would immediately kick me back to desktop18:29
AmaranthDKcross: Yeah, that should be fixed now, are you up-to-date?18:29
DKcrosswell ... the problem is when start gdm18:29
nemodoing a full update now - hopefully whatever it was was fixed since a618:29
Amaranthnemo: Radeon HD?18:29
DKcrossdont start18:29
nemoAmaranth: Nvidia18:29
Amaranthnemo: Oh, yeah, there was a problem there too18:30
Amaranthnemo: I think just installing the nvidia driver fixes that, don't know if it was fixed otherwise18:30
nemoAmaranth: oh. WAIT18:30
eagles0513875nemo: if you having issues with x what happened to me with nvidia on alpha 5 is i had to use the driver from the nvidia site18:30
nemoAmaranth: well. this is interesting...18:30
edgy_tormod: sorry I get disonnected18:30
=== edgy_ is now known as edgy
nemoAmaranth: this machine differs from the standard model specs18:30
DKcrossi have problems with my english, any can help me? i speak spasnih18:30
nemoAmaranth: Radeon HD - indeed.18:30
DKcrossfor explain my problem18:30
Amaranthnemo: Ok, that one is fixed then18:30
nemoAmaranth: cool :)18:30
nemoupdate is almost done. here goes.18:31
Amaranthnemo: We accidentally enabled 3D support for your card which is not ready yet18:31
tormodDKcross, there is #ubuntu-es but we understand you anyway :)18:31
Amaranthnemo: So compiz tried to start and *boom* :)18:31
nemoAmaranth: does Karmic still use the non-ATI driver?18:31
nemoAmaranth: I thought it'd be something like that except I *thought* it was supposed to fail over to metacity in that case :(18:31
Amaranthnemo: Yes, we use the 'ati' open source driver by default18:31
nemoAmaranth: bad config?18:31
Amaranthnemo: In this case it isn't compiz crashing, it's X18:31
DKcrosstormod,  no man, here is the room for the alpha and beta testers:D18:31
nemoAmaranth: gotcha. odd. I checked Xorg0.log.old18:31
nemodidn't see any crash18:32
urthmovernotify-send does it work for anyone in here?18:32
nemooh well. thanks18:32
Amaranthnemo: Compiz doesn't even get to start, X crashes when it calls glxinfo to see if compiz can run :)18:32
Gumbyhi all.  has anyone here gotten silverlight to work using the packages in 9.10?  I've downloaded/installed using apt and about:plugins shows the plugin however silverlight page are still not shown.  I still get the "install silverlight" image.18:32
nemoAmaranth: BTW. Another annoyance about the install is it appears to have not setup the chainload of XP - I don't plan to actually use XP, but seems it should have done it18:32
nemois odd since it did the whole "detecting XP accounts" thing18:32
nemoand I definitely selected the automatic install on the 2nd HD for linux w/ the "boot both" text in the radio button18:33
nemooh well. not hard to edit grub18:33
Amaranthnemo: Probably a bug in os-prober18:33
Amaranthnemo: It is very hard to edit grub actually, we use grub2 :)18:33
danbhfivenemo: I get that, and I can just run update-grub to fix it18:33
nemoAmaranth: I have grub2 on a few machines. isn't that hard to edit :)18:33
Amaranthnemo: But after alpha 6 os-prober started finding OS X so maybe it'll find windows18:34
nemodanbhfive: oh really? hm. 'k. I'll try that first18:34
danbhfiveAmaranth: for me it is a bug in the installer18:34
nemothe update just said "Found Microsoft Windows"18:34
nemoin the text that is scrolling by18:34
nemothat must be good18:34
Amaranthnemo: yep18:34
Amaranthnemo: Otherwise if you edit the grub config every kernel update will completely wipe out your changes :)18:34
nemoAmaranth: oh really! I thought that was just a section of it18:35
nemoaaaand. yep. there's MS Windows18:35
Amaranthnemo: It was just a section in grub 1. With grub 2 the entire config is generated via scripts18:35
nemoI just did sudo reboot now18:35
Amaranthnemo: Yeah, that was another bug18:35
nemoah. mount time18:36
nemohm. must be more than that surely18:36
Amaranthnemo: Even though the partition was currently mounted read-only the driver updated the superblock modification time so it was in the future18:36
nemothat's not a big deal18:36
AmaranthIt's also fixed now18:36
nemoah. gotcha18:36
nemowell. that's good :)18:36
nemoif I had had a Jaunty disc I would have installed that then done the upgrade18:37
Amaranthun|matrix: How goes that bug filing? :)18:37
Amaranthnemo: Better to do a clean install18:37
urthmoverrestarting gnome seemed to fix notify-send18:37
tasslehoffanyone else with wireless-trouble on karmic?18:38
un|matrixAmaranth, there, just submitted: 43606618:38
Amaranthun|matrix: thanks18:38
un|matrixAmaranth, had to make an image to show it :)18:38
Amaranthun|matrix: I bet it gets fixed before beta release :)18:41
eagles0513875any kde experts in here18:41
Amaranthun|matrix: It'll probably get fixed today actually18:41
eagles0513875im trying to figure out how to fix this bug im having with unmet dependencies after some updates to it today18:41
un|matrixAmaranth, good to hear18:41
edgyany one knows where I can find my documents in my persistent usb disk without booting into it?18:41
un|matrixAmaranth, oh just noticed... Impression has the same problem18:42
tormod<tormod> edgy, locate the "persistent" storage file on the stick, and loop-mount it (I don't know if double-clicking it will work)18:43
nemoAmaranth: everything is all better *joy*18:43
nemomy first 64 bit machine. so exciting18:43
edgytormod: the problem is I cannot locate the storage file for the home directory18:43
Amaranthun|matrix: Lots of themes have that problem but you probably won't get those fixed18:43
nemoI'm going to try the new 64 bit firefox latest nightlies - supposedly 64 bit JIT is in18:43
Amaranthun|matrix: You should file bugs with the creators of the themes, not launchpad :)18:44
tormodedgy, I don't rememeber the name but is a big file (the size you specified in usb-creator)18:44
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un|matrixAmaranth, Human is made by canonical right?18:45
edgytormod: ok thanks I found it now18:46
edgytormod: the error i got is18:46
edgydhclient: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:47
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kklimondaedgy: it sounds bad...18:47
Amaranthun|matrix: yeah18:47
tormodedgy, you don't get far without that file...18:48
Amaranthun|matrix: That's why that bug got filed in launchpad. :)18:48
Amaranthun|matrix: For other themes you should file bugs elsewhere though18:48
Amaranthun|matrix: gnome bugzilla or gnome-look.org comment or whatever18:48
un|matrixAmaranth, so Human is the only one by canonical? i thought they made a few others too18:48
Amaranthun|matrix: Pretty sure the rest are community themes although some of them would be appropriate to file in launchpad since they are done by the somewhat unofficial ubuntu art team18:49
edgytormod: sorry I don't understand your question18:50
edgykklimonda: yes very bad especially there is a recent libc update I remember, the strange thing is my system is updated and it works and the iso is the lastest and it didn't18:51
tormodedgy, if there was something wrong with libc.so.6 nothing would work18:52
JanCI wonder if dhclient runs inside a chroot or something?18:53
tormodJanC good point, or apparmor profile trouble18:53
JanCsomething like that, causing it not to find libc18:54
nemohm. I wonder what would break if I copied my $HOME off a 32bit machine onto this 64bit one w/ probably totally different apps installed18:56
nemoguess I'll find out18:56
Picinemo: Probably nothing.18:56
JanCdifficult to say18:56
nemo"Desktop effects could not be enabled"18:57
nemothere is no ATI driver for 64 bit linux or something?18:57
JanCif some apps store binary data, that could cause issues18:57
JanCnemo: it should18:57
un|matrixoh btw, is the Clock applet text supposed to be bold?19:00
tasslehoffhow can I try to bring up my wlan manually?19:02
edgyJanC, tormod: this is todays iso and I didn't mess any thing with it!!19:02
tormodedgy, if you see this again, look for /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/dhclient3-apparmor19:02
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:02
DKcrossany more have AAO with karmic koala?19:02
DKcrossi have one bug whit firefox too, when ubuntu start sat " firefox3.5"  and others things19:03
nemooh. maybe I didn't get prompted for the ATI driver due to the repositories that are enabled19:03
nemoI'll check once I'm done copying these 20 gigabytes of data from my old home19:03
JanCedgy: daily iso's are never guaranteed to work ;)19:04
edgyJanC: yes but my system is updated and it works so I thought the iso is  a typical of my current system, why shouldn't it work?19:05
JanCedgy: because there is a bug probably19:05
edgynemo: I don't think even the 32 driver works properly now, at least not for me19:05
tormodedgy, do you see it if boot without "persistent"?19:06
edgytormod: I now booted a fresh iso from the CD and same error.19:07
nemoedgy: yeah, but I'm sad about the desktop effects thing19:07
nemoI have this nice machine, I want to show it off19:07
edgyJanC: yes but it's a good excercise to know why dhclient doesn't see libc, how cann I troubleshoot this?19:07
Brian___i am having some issues running cairo dock in karmic yesterday everything was fine  but today i turned one my computer and the dock was invisable , so i restarted it and it was invisable still,. so i tried the non opengl version and it starts halfway up the screen whats going on19:08
tormodedgy did you see my comment above19:08
edgytormod: you mean boot without persistent?19:09
edgytormod: "do you see it if boot... " it stands for what?19:09
tormodno, about dhclient-apparmor19:09
tormodedgy, sorry I can't type correctly on IRC :) "do you see it if you boot"19:10
crashsystemsJust ran updates on 9.10, now the network manager applet won't open. I'm getting "nm-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libnm-glib-vpn.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" Anyone else experiencing this?19:10
tormodcrash, known bug, fixed, update19:10
tormodcrashsystems, ^19:11
edgytormod: see it? you mean the error?19:13
tormodedgy, yes the error19:13
edgytormod, JanC: it really seems the file is not there in the iso, it's expected tob e on /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 and it's not19:13
edgytormod: yes the erorr is there19:13
JanCedgy: you can't boot without that file...  ;)19:14
edgyJanC: I can boot but I cann't connect to the network19:14
JanCwhich means there is a version of that file19:14
tormodedgy, there should be a /lib/libc.so.6 link19:14
JanCalmost every application on your system needs libc to run19:15
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnhow to get Wicd working > 9.04. sees the network (another laptop with an open connection) but keeps displaying connecting and not doing anything. tried wicd as it was supposed to fix the problems with gnome network manager and the aspire one19:15
JanCPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: why not use NetworkManager?19:15
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnbecause it wouldnt connect19:16
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnwith or without madfi drivers enabled19:16
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnin both it sees the network, and can find the IP addresses19:16
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnbut nothing happens,19:16
JanCthat's weird, I saw an aspire one working with NM only a couple of days ago...19:16
Bauldrick-netbooPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: im on an aspire one with wicd working here19:17
JanCwhat encryption do you use?19:17
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: There has been a lot of discussion on the KDE update this morning, it may be fixed now,19:17
edgyJanC, tormod: you are right, there is a version in /lib but ldd dhclient3 shows not found for libc619:17
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnI've set this connection up without encryption19:18
edgyJanC, tormod: libc.so.6 => not found19:18
JanCedgy: hm, sounds like a bug in dhclient then19:18
JanCor in its apparmor profile or such19:18
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnand ironically enough I got it working briefly19:18
edgyJanC: but it's the same version as my current working system!19:18
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: Gnome or KDE?19:18
JanCapparmor might accidentally block it  ;)19:18
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAngnome earlier19:19
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnbut then after reboot stopped working19:19
tormodedgy, see /etc/ld.so.conf{,.d} also for lib paths19:19
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=1420#p1420 that is the KDE one,19:19
vigoThis looks like the Gnome one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD19:20
tormodedgy: try: sudo -c "IFACE=eth0 /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/dhclient3-apparmor"19:20
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnthats the one19:21
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnadded it via synaptic19:21
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnand whilst it see the network19:21
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnand can get the relevant IP's19:21
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnit just wont connect19:21
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: The sudo key add thing?19:22
edgytormod: are you sure of the command syntax? even sudo -c ls gave me an error19:27
tormodedgy, no I am mixing up with su19:27
tormodedgy, "sudo -i" will give a root shell, then "IFACE=eth0 /etc/...."19:28
edgytormod: ok I ran that command and get no result, what does this mean?19:31
edgyJanC, tormod: btw /lib is not anywhere in the ld*.conf files19:34
mbeierlStill no progress on HTML mail in Evolution in Karmic?19:42
mbeierlsorry - to clarify - ability to change the font face, etc, HTML editing?19:43
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn<vigo> PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: The sudo key add thing? << yes.19:43
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnstill gets stuck on "obtaining IP adress....19:44
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAndoing that got the wicd to install properly19:44
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnbut its not connecting with the other laptop (which is sharing the internet19:45
vigoUsing a Router?19:47
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnnonix4, using the other laptop19:47
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnat home I use exclusively ethernet19:47
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnbut uni will be wi-fi as well, so wanted to get it sorted19:48
vigoHub or direct line networking?19:48
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnthe other laptop is vista (spit) told ot to share internet, then set up new network connection > ad hoc > name testing, unsecured19:49
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn(sorry nonix4, hit tab accidentally)19:49
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnvigo> Hub or direct line networking? < lost me there I'm afraid19:50
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: The two laptops, is there a Cat-5 or T-1 cable that is connecting them or is the connection through a WiFi adapter?19:52
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnits wifi19:52
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnrunning it via ethernet is no problem, it sees and connects via ethernet (to the router) with no issues at all19:52
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: On the Forums it says that 904 is using WACOM. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1141260&highlight=wifi+90419:55
vigoand http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904overview19:55
bullgard4Firefox 3.5.3 in Ubuntu 9.10 shows blurred fonts. The procedure outlined in http://klo-2k.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!2872308BEB65CA67!716.entry does not help. How to obtain crisp fonts?19:56
shakall69hello there19:56
shakall69how can i fix my sistem after a karmic upgrade19:57
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnthought the wacom was to do with graphics tablets19:57
James147shakall69: depends on what broak...19:57
bullgard4shakall69: By carefully analyzing the error messages.19:58
shakall69first i cant see grub menu19:58
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: I am uncertain on that, I did get that from the forums and it looked relevant.19:58
shakall69after that grafic dont work19:58
shakall69i`ve tested karmic on desktop and laptop19:59
shakall69on desktop karmic booted , i can see the menu, but when gnome is up i cant do anything20:00
shakall69on lapton no grub menu, and no grafik20:00
crashsystemsSince updates a few hours ago nm-applet won't run in 9.10 for me. Someone in this channel told me that an update has been pushed to fix the problem. I'm currently in a live CD, but apt in a chroot is not playing friendly. Does anyone know the specific packages I need to download to fix the problem?20:01
AlanBellshakall69: hold shift when booting to get to grub menu20:02
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnwhen I look in wicd at info20:02
shakall69k i`ll try that AlanBell20:02
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnits recognises that its an ad hoc network20:02
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnsays 100% signel. channel 11, gives a access point address20:03
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnbut when I say to connect to it it cant fint the IP20:03
pwnguinwacom is a digitizer20:03
pwnguinfor input by pen20:03
pwnguinnothing to do with adhoc wireless networking20:04
pwnguini promise20:04
vigoThank you.20:04
pwnguinPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: im hardly a networking expert, but generally, the system that has internet "to share" should offer dhcp leases20:06
Nattgewcrashsystems: look here http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/network-manager20:07
Nattgewyou'll want the latest of anything that doesn't say -dev or -dbg (generally speaking)20:08
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnI assume the other laptop does have it, as I was able for a brief period to get it working20:08
sunshinepantsdrm can't initialize the agpgart module after the latest updates.. will be nice when this stabilizes.20:08
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: What Hardware? Acer, HP or such?20:10
Amaranthsunshinepants: hmm, latest updates were supposed to fix that and fbcon20:11
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnthe laptop broadcasting (and supposed to be sharing internet) is a toshiba L300. running vista (spit)20:11
sunshinepantsAmaranth: which package? so I can downgrade..20:11
pwnguinPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: can't say i know how vista ICS works20:12
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnthe laptop I'm trying to connect is a Acer Aspire 150l with ubuntu 9.04 UNR installed on it20:12
Amaranthsunshinepants: *shrug*20:12
Amaranthsunshinepants: It has been doing that to me for at least a week20:12
Amaranthsunshinepants: I just edited my initramfs modules file to work around it20:12
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: I am not a WiFi guru either, I actually know very little about that stuff, http://jambelnet.blogspot.com/2009/08/ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope-with-26304.html20:15
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: That one came from: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1141260&highlight=wifi+90420:16
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: This one makes or looks like it makes alot of sense: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63997920:19
bullgard4Firefox 3.5.3 in Ubuntu 9.10 shows blurred fonts. The procedure outlined in http://klo-2k.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!2872308BEB65CA67!716.entry does not help. How to obtain crisp fonts?20:22
diverse_izzuemac_v, are you a good start if i want to complain somewhere about humanity's tray icons? :-)20:23
mac_vhehe , sure ;)20:24
mac_vdiverse_izzue: i did most of them , so if anything i'd have to redo them ;p20:24
mac_vmost of them[tray icons]20:25
diverse_izzueall right, first: is it correct that bluetooth, weather, and others are not there in a desaturated version?20:25
mac_vah! bluetooth! totally forgot ,20:26
diverse_izzuewhere can i find them in the filesystem?20:27
mac_vdiverse_izzue: weather and the rest are supposed to be desaturated by a tweak in the notification area , DBO , has an idea , but the design team hasnt made a decision20:27
=== vigo is now known as Guest62209
mac_vdiverse_izzue: find which , the bluetooth icon or all icons?20:28
mac_vhumanity icons*20:28
diverse_izzuejust found them20:28
diverse_izzueall tray icons20:28
mac_vhmm.. will get cracking on the bluetooth icon ;)20:29
diverse_izzueanyway, i have some criticism for the design. i find them relatively hard to see/read. that's true for: indicator-applet, batter, wireless network (maybe others that i don't see now)20:30
diverse_izzuein detail:20:30
diverse_izzuegenerally, i find the grey used too light20:30
diverse_izzuealso, they should be more stylised, simplified. for example, the battery contact plus pole: could be filled. also why is the battery shaded and has a 1px space inbetween?20:30
diverse_izzuethe wireless could do with thicker bars and drop the antenna20:31
diverse_izzuethe envelope in the indicator-applet should be more saturated, it's hard to see now20:31
mac_vdiverse_izzue: thats the best we can achieve for both light and dark panels , since the notification area isnt tweaked out , for now... any darker the icons will be lost in dark panels... any lighter the icons will be lost in light panels... :(20:32
mac_vdiverse_izzue: since its in the default install , it has to be at minimum visible in *all* the default themes20:33
diverse_izzuemac_v, can't we just say, whoever wants to use the humanity theme needs to have a bright panel background? that is after all the default20:33
mac_vdiverse_izzue: wish we could ;)20:34
tgpraveen1diverse_izzue: that will lead to many sad users and bugs being filed20:34
diverse_izzuetgpraveen1, i have a feeling that will happen as they are now as well20:35
AmaranthI think the biggest issue with the notification area icons is there isn't a gray icon for bluetooth20:35
mac_vdiverse_izzue: yeah , i already expect ...there will definately be more bugs regarding this than the update notifier removal ;)20:35
mac_vAmaranth: i forgot that one ;p [/me dont use bluetooth]20:36
Amaranthmost laptops have bluetooth so they're going to have this nice gray row of icons then *bam* bright blue20:36
Amaranthbefore they even start a program :)20:36
diverse_izzuethere's more: transmission. ibus and scim.20:36
Amaranthdiverse_izzue: But those aren't running by default20:36
diverse_izzuebut at least transmission is installed by default20:37
Amaranthdiverse_izzue: so are the other two20:37
diverse_izzueand for many users outside the western world, some IME will be installed as well20:37
mac_vdiverse_izzue: we have made it a point not to do icons for any apps , then the list will be endless... as i said ... the notification area needs to be tweaked20:37
Amaranthmac_v: knotificationitem would let you just apply a filter on all the icons :)20:38
diverse_izzueyou think it's possible to programmatically desaturate icons with the result looking good?20:38
tgpraveen1mac_v: hmm not doing icons for apps20:38
diverse_izzuei have my doubts...20:38
Amaranthdiverse_izzue: Not when we have no control over the icons in the notification area20:38
mac_vdiverse_izzue: its already done in UNR , for the window list20:38
diverse_izzuemac_v, is there a screenie of that somehwere?20:38
tgpraveen1is going to cause some problems as well. eg most music players eg rhythmbox, banshee minimze to tray as a default setup and it will look out of20:38
Amaranthdiverse_izzue: There are corner cases that screw up but most work fine20:39
mac_vdiverse_izzue: also another issue is , these icons will be used in the apps too! to do it properly , the theme needs to be tweaked... there is a whole bunch of issues , but the design team said nevermind ;)20:40
diverse_izzuesorry for being a bit negative about this, but while i agree with the whole thing in principle, i would rather opt to leave it as it was until a clean and professional looking solution is found for *all* icons. as it is (a mix of b/w and colour and somewhat amateurish drawing) i'd rather it was reverted.20:41
mac_vdiverse_izzue: tgpraveen1: also we are not allowed to do app icons in the default theme , the icons we had were removed20:41
mac_vdiverse_izzue: all , already we tried to raise these issues... but were told to just do it ... but think of it this way only the system icons are desaturated , while the apps will have color ;) ...20:43
tgpraveen1mac_v: hmm maybe having screenshiots wit combinations of some apps icons and humanity tray icons would20:44
tgpraveen1give better clarity into the issue20:45
tgpraveen1mac_v: are you on any planet ? if so it would be great if yoy could do a blog ;post with some combination./permutation20:45
mac_vtgpraveen1: we are thinking of tweaking out the notification area itself to not show color ,20:45
* mac_v hates blog ;p20:46
tgpraveen1showing onlhy desaturated icon,showing app icon+destrate etc20:46
tgpraveen1mac_v: hmm wasnt the artwork deadline today?20:46
* diverse_izzue is afraid that what results will be an imitation of OS X at half the quality...20:46
tgpraveen1also i would actually support removing colour maybe though it does seem somewhat controversial and diverse_izzue raises a good point20:47
tgpraveen1instead of having half colour half desaturated icons20:47
tgpraveen1mac_v: can you point me to some screenshots of desktops usng the new humanity theme with the default tray icons etc20:48
diverse_izzuereally, i'm no mac fanboy, but look at this screenshot for example: http://blandname.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/mac-os-x-1047-server-screenshot.png20:48
tgpraveen1maybe a screenshot of ur desktop as am on my win laptop right now20:48
diverse_izzuethis is *much* easier to see20:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm20:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm220:49
mac_vtgpraveen1: my system is too tweaked out , not default but any sense ;)20:49
* tgpraveen1 too feels having desturated icons only gives a osx ripoff feel20:50
bullgard4Firefox 3.5.3 in Ubuntu 9.10 shows blurred fonts. The procedure outlined in http://klo-2k.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!2872308BEB65CA67!716.entry does not help. How to obtain crisp fonts?20:52
shakall691Failure : AppArmor profiles failed to load. what to do next ?20:53
diverse_izzuebullgard4, they look quite crisp for me. which fonts are you using? do fonts look ok in other apps?20:56
* mac_v > reboots20:58
SeekerNLcan someone help me why in systemmonitor is only showing up 2,9 gb but I have 4gb and I am using amd64 release20:59
SeekerNLLinux Seeker 2.6.31-10-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 16 01:09:15 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:00
wektSeekerNL: Linux can be configured at compile time to only work with up to 3GB.  maybe that is why.21:00
SeekerNLstrange I am really using amd64 I know my gpu takes 51221:01
diverse_izzuewekt, even the 64 bit release?21:01
guntbertwekt: do you expect the default ubuntu kernel to be configured this way?21:01
wektdiverse_izzue: that would be unusual & unlikely.21:02
wektcertainly i expect the 64 bit release to not be configured that way.  but i don't know.21:02
kklimondaSeekerNL, may be a bios issue. have it worked fine in jaunty? also check dmesg from bootup for any suspicious messages21:02
SeekerNLdoes somone know how much 4gb memory is in software?21:02
wekti also do not know how to check at run time.  or maybe i do know.  i hav an idea21:02
SeekerNLkklimonda its brandnew pc, info which comes which motherboard says support up to 8 gb, I putted 4 in21:03
SeekerNLmy bios shows clearly 421:04
wektThe answer for kernel configuration is in /boot/config*21:05
SeekerNLgoing look into it21:05
SeekerNLquite a hassle a nvidia21:06
SeekerNLhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/277376/  the config file21:07
SeekerNLwhich line do I need to search?21:07
shanghi all, how do I apply this patch ( http://bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=143915 ) to totem-pl-parser??21:16
mostafa_any body knows how to auto power on the computer ?21:17
sunshinepantsmostafa_: wake on lan?21:18
sunshinepantsmostafa_: you can get really fancy and use an appliance timer21:18
mostafa_sunshinepants: what was that21:19
sunshinepantsmostafa_: appliance timer http://www.google.com/search?q=appliance+timer&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a21:19
sunshinepantsmostafa_: wake on lan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23458821:20
mostafa_sunshinepants: thanks for that another question21:23
* sunshinepants taps foot21:24
mostafa_sunshinepants: I wanna write a shell script that opens a program as root but I want to do it automaticly21:24
mostafa_sunshinepants: what should I do?21:25
mrmcq2u_does anyone else's network manager crash if you left click on it?21:25
sunshinepantsmostafa_: you want to execute the script from console, or X?21:25
mostafa_prefer console21:26
mostafa_sunshinepants: prefer console21:26
joumetalshang: http://blogs.gnome.org/metacity/2008/12/16/how-to-apply-a-patch-under-ubuntu/ is worth trying. use checkinstall instead of make install.21:27
rippsOkay, I've finally got karmic reinstalled. My only issue is that nm-applet has an ifupdown (eth0) entry that can't be deleted.21:27
sunshinepantsmostafa_: this is not secure, but you can use "echo <rootpw>|sudo touch /root/test" within your shell script.  you can pipe your root password to the sudo operation basically.21:27
ActionParsnipmrmcq2u_: i dont use it, log a bug21:27
mrmcq2u_ActionParsnip -you dont use network manager?21:28
mrmcq2u_the applet?21:28
shangjoumetal: checking for intltool >= 0.35.0... ./configure: line 6293: intltool-update: command not found21:28
shangjoumetal: do we still use have that in karmic?21:29
ActionParsnipmrmcq2u_: no, its a waste of resources21:29
* shang was running ./config21:29
SeekerNLdoes someone know why my 4gb don show up in amd64 kubuntu? systemmonitor just shows 2,921:29
ActionParsnipmrmcq2u_: waste of resources21:29
SeekerNLLinux Seeker 2.6.31-10-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 16 01:09:15 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:29
ActionParsnipmrmcq2u_: i use static IP so I define all in /etc/network/interfaces. I can also change addressing using ssh, something not possible with nm-applet21:30
ActionParsnipmrmcq2u_: also makes boot faster as I dont have to wait for it to come up and for dhcp to complete21:31
* shang sorry, my bad, installing intltool right now21:31
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:31
ActionParsnipmrmcq2u_: maks sense doesnt it?21:33
AlanBellbug 43614221:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436142 in network-manager "network-manager depends on old libnm-glib-vpn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43614221:34
mostafa_sunshinepants: what should happened when I type "echo <rootpw>|sudo touch /root/test" ?21:35
mrmcq2u_hmmmm... better debug it21:36
WinballNetworkmanager does not work in Karmic ?21:37
AlanBellWinball: not today it doesn't21:37
AlanBellbut I am sure it will shortly21:37
guntbertmostafa_: are you talking about the actual root password - or about the user password who may sudo?21:37
mostafa_guntbert: about user passworf21:38
sunshinepantsmostafa_: nm.. I was wrong, you can't do it that way for sudo21:38
mostafa_sunshinepants: what should I do then?21:38
sunshinepantsmostafa_: you can setuid=root on the file I guess..  what exactly are you trying to do?21:39
ActionParsnipWinball: could use wicd until its righted21:39
guntbertmostafa_: you can allow the user to start one special command as root without password - edit /etc/sudoers21:39
WinballActionParsnip Ye. The bugreport gave me another way around it too.21:39
SeekerNLwhy is mplayer not with VDPAU compiled in Ubuntu?21:39
ActionParsnipWinball: or wifi-radar21:39
sunshinepantsguntbert: that works21:40
guntbertsunshinepants: but the syntax of /etc/sudoers is a bit ... difficult :-)21:41
DanaGBauldrick-netboo: oops, sorry for the long delay.21:41
DanaGWhat was up with your touchpad?  Not functioning at all, or just not applying your settings?21:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about visudo21:41
mostafa_guntbert: how could I edit that to do my work?21:41
DanaGuse visudo, not just an editor.21:41
nemoOk. I decided to try installing fglrx onto my AMD64 machine w/ ATI Radeon HD21:43
nemoit appears the fglrx driver is... 32 bit?21:43
nemothat was a bit odd.21:43
guntbertmostafa_: sorry, as I just said, that file is a bit difficult, I always google for examples before I touch it, but using visudo is a good idea (you'll have to learn vi though)21:43
mostafa_guntbert: how could I edit that to do my work?21:43
nemoanyway. after installing, compiz still fails21:43
nemoI see a 10fglrx under the new Xsession.d21:43
nemocompiz complains "Checking for texture_from_pixmap"  not present21:44
guntbertDanaG: thx for the hint :-)21:44
nemoso. Is there any way to get ATI Radeon HD to work w/ compiz on AMD64?21:44
wektSeekerNL, diverse_izzue, guntbert:  Ubuntu Koala x86-32 is configured for Max 4 GB RAM.  so I presume 64bit supports at least as much.  You can check the HIGHMEM setting in /boot/config21:45
rippsCan someone help me figure out why I have an ifupdown entry in nm-connections thtat I can't delete?21:46
Matt-WHello. Karmic alpha 6 upgrade hosed my grub2 configuration, does anybody know anything about it? As far as I can tell the system's intact, it's just the grub2 config is completely wrong.21:46
SeekerNLwekt so Ubuntu onluy supports 4 gb at amd64 systems?21:46
guntbertSeekerNL: no, the other way round21:47
DanaGoh yeah, you can EDITOR=nano visudo21:47
DanaGthat is, set the EDITOR variable.21:47
SeekerNLwekt I am using amd6421:47
SeekerNLhow do I use that shortcut so I can search that file?21:48
guntbertDanaG: very instructive evening for me :-) - thx21:48
wektless /boot/config-2.6.31-10-generic21:48
guntbertSeekerNL: less /boot/config<tab><tab>21:49
edgyhi, I just installed the flgrx driver from jockey and the computer now is very slow, even while I am typing the letters are in slow motion, glxgears rotate in slow motion too, is this known?21:49
SeekerNLno I mean a shortcut then search bar pops up21:49
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: touchpad is just not responding atall - keyboard responds, but touchpad does not21:50
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: as i look at it logged now, the toolbar is all scrambled also21:50
Bauldrick-netbooso i thought xorg.conf, which said hal has taken over21:51
natewiebe13have they made the new gdm match xsplash yet?21:55
DanaGBauldrick-netboo: cat /proc/bus/input/devices21:55
DanaGcheck if there's touchpad in there.21:55
ActionParsnipBauldrick-netboo: it will supercede hal if its used21:56
DanaGxorg.conf changes on touchpad get lost on vt-switch and suspend/resume, though.21:56
DanaGBetter to use an fdi file.21:56
DanaGexample: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/19-synaptics.fdi21:57
nemohm. my glxinfo yields21:57
SeekerNLwhat was that package which will install you make install as a deb?21:57
nemobad request21:57
nemoditto fglrxinfo21:57
nemothat could explain the fail of compiz21:58
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: thats what i read - but the .fdi file should be where? /etc/hal  or /usr/share21:58
DanaGI also symlinked it to give it the additional name, 10-synaptics.fdi21:59
DanaGin the same dir.21:59
SeekerNLnormall you do make and then make install but there is a package which you cal make of that make install a deb file so you can easy remove the software21:59
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: i only had preferences.fdi in there - tried to mv a synaptics.fdi from /usr/share to there but mad no difference21:59
=== WhiteFate is now known as BlackFate
DanaGBauldrick-netboo: is touchpad in /proc/bus/input/devices ?22:09
DanaGcat it (that path is a file.)22:09
* nemo sighs and deletes fglrx22:10
nemolets see now. is there any way to get compiz + ati + amd64... :-/22:10
_iTrollhello guys, having problem with latest karmic on a lenovo s10e with an intel 945. X will not start22:11
SeekerNLis XINE compiled with vpdau in Ubuntu?22:12
alokitohow to chainload grub 2 in grub legacy?22:17
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: sorry about delay, /proc/bus/input/devices  N: name synps/2 synaptips touchpad22:21
DanaGhmm, anything special in xorg log?22:21
_iTrollXorg.log at pastebin.com/f642e91b22:22
rippswtf, someone just tried to dcc me a keylogger22:23
iktthat happens22:23
Bauldrick-netbooloads of shite about RADEON22:23
aboSamoor_anyone facing problem with the window decorator, I don't have it anymore !22:25
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: xorg.conf says everything is done via HAL and i dont have anything in /etc/hal/fdi/profile22:26
krushiawhere do I go to find the list of patchsets applied to vanilla to make the ubuntu kernel?22:26
DanaG!info pastebinit22:28
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB22:28
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: pastebin of what file?22:34
DanaGXorg log.22:34
DanaG Query no Synaptics: 000000 (--) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: no supported touchpad found (EE) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad Unable to query/initialize Synaptics hardware. (EE) PreInit failed for input device "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"22:37
_iTrolltalking of Xorg log..... here's mine http://pastebin.com/f642e91b  X wont start for me on latest karmic22:38
Bauldrick-netbooso i guess thats not good then !22:38
DanaG"SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"22:38
nemowhy is flashplugin-nonfree pulling in 32 bit stuff.22:45
nemoI thought adobe made the flash plugin for linux 64 bit22:46
nemoin fact, before they released for other 64 bit22:46
_iTrollHello ubuntu+1! X wont start on latest karmic for me.  Xorg log here http://pastebin.com/f642e91b . Graphics are intel mobile 94522:46
Bauldrick-netbooDanaG: i'm gonna look at those/this tomorrow, as I'm one bottle of red over the limit at the moment - thank-you kindly22:47
tormod_iTroll, lsmod|grep drm22:48
_iTrolltormod: just rebooting22:48
_iTrolltormod: nothing22:49
jpdsnemo: The 64bit version isn't packaged.22:52
jpdsnemo: If you want the 64bit one, download it, place it in your ~/.mozilla/plugins/ directory and remove the 32bit packaged one.22:53
* Martyn watches the inexorable browning of karmic ...22:55
Martynit's interesting to update every day and see some new item become brown22:55
iktI don't like brown :(22:59
iktok maybe I like it a little22:59
DanaGhmm, it's actually pretty nice.23:00
DanaGThough, I don't like how much the scroll bars stand out.23:00
AlanBellI like the new hotness of very brown23:00
* jpds still prefers DarkRoom.23:00
AlanBellI am looking forward to the default wallpaper and the gdm background23:01
DanaGRight now, I get xsplash->gdm->xsplash->gdmwall->mywallpaper23:02
DanaGit looks horrible.23:02
DanaGDefault gdm doesn't match default xsplash.23:03
AlanBellyes, it is a bit crazy at the moment23:03
nemojpds: 'k23:03
nemojpds: thanks...23:03
nemois there any reason for that?23:03
jpdsnemo: It's still in beta.23:04
nemojpds: gee. that sounds familiar ;)23:04
penguin42has anyone seen a change in gnome-terminal rendering behaviour in the last couple of days?23:07
penguin42it seems to be having problems with the colours in Mutt23:12
* nemo sobs23:19
nemoI want graphics accel23:19
nemothis is so embarassing.23:19
nemocoworkers know I have a super-fast card in this box23:19
nemoseeing a simple screensaver creep by a frame at a frame...23:20
penguin42what card?23:20
* nemo hunts around on ATI website for AMD64 fglrx23:20
nemoRadeon HD 400023:20
nemothat's the audio. lol23:20
nemoRadeon HD 4670 (gfx)23:20
nemook. not super-fast, but lot better than the intel cards they all have23:21
penguin42I've run fglrx on amd64 (not on ubuntu though) - you shouldn't need to hunt, ubuntu should find you drivers shouldn't it?23:21
nemopenguin42: I installed fglrx on amd64 karmic.  it seems to have failed horribly in some way23:21
nemopenguin42: besides, it seemed to be using the 32 bit wrapper23:21
nemoglxinfo simply exited in an error23:21
nemosooo, I removed it again23:21
penguin42sometimes binary drivers take a while to catch up23:22
nemocan't seem to find any bugs to watch either :(23:22
penguin42nemo: If you go to system->Admin->Hardware Drivers does it find anything?23:33
virtualdi don't like the new browner theme :(23:37
EtuIm using 9.10, And I installed awesome23:38
test34is it normal that you need to use alsactl store/restore to save and restore your sound settings?23:38
EtuWhats the name of the file I should put stuff I want to start autmatic when X start?23:39
EtuIs it the .xsession file?23:39
penguin42Etu: What do you want to start?23:41
Etupenguin42: nm-applet, I wat to run some setxkbmap commands23:41
EtuI done in gentoo several times. just place it in .xinitrc23:42
penguin42hmm setxkbmap - I think there's somewhere special for that23:42
nemopenguin42: YAY23:42
nemopenguin42: thanks dude23:42
nemoI thought that was done automatically in the "searching for available drivers" that it does when activating compiz23:42
nemothen I tried the synaptic package23:42
nemoeither the wrong one, or what, I do not know, but I have my gfx accel23:42
penguin42Etu: You should be able to create a ~/.Xmodmap that's passed to /usr/bin/xmodmap by /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80ubuntu-xmodmap23:43
EtuAnd I want to start the power-managent stuff too :)23:44
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
penguin42Etu: I would have though it should have automatically started ?23:45
EtuMaybe it is started, but not the graphical battery moniter, for example23:47
EtuThe networkmanager krashes when I click on it in awesome systray :)23:47
penguin42Etu: You should be able to start that, and then go to system->preferences->startup applications and options and tell it to remember them23:49
Etubah... I don't even start gnome23:49
Etuor the gnome application witch auutstarts23:49
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
_iTrollubuntu+1! X wont start on latest karmic for me.  Xorg log here http://pastebin.com/f642e91b . Graphics are intel mobile 94523:52
NerveClasphi! I have a problem with auto mounting my cd/dvds (((( what can be wrong?23:54
NerveClaspI cannot reach it through /media/cd also//23:55
penguin42_iTroll: I'd see if there was anything in your dmesg as well - I've not seen anyone else report those errors (but I haven't been on here today - but I've been on for last few days) - i945 from yesterday is working fine for me23:55
NerveClaspcan anybody help me?23:55
_iTrollpenguin42: yeah i think i am a special case....23:55
_iTrolldmesg coming up23:56
_iTrollpenguin42: ^^^^^ dmesg23:58
penguin42_iTroll: I don't see anything bad in there23:59

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