
NCommanderlool, I'm generating the UUID in flash-kernel00:44
* NCommander loves reading backscroll hours after the fact00:44
NCommanderrabeeh, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/9.10/alpha-6/ - Dove images are here00:44
=== Martyn is now known as MArtyn
=== MArtyn is now known as Martyn
armin76NCommander: ping, can i touch the disk? :)14:55
ograarmin76, are you in the US or do you have a long ARM ? :)15:02
armin76ogra: i have a dove :D15:04
armin76(the animal) :P15:08
ograso you could send it to touch NCommanders disk :)15:08
NCommanderarmin76, sorry, already reinstalled the machine18:13
armin76NCommander: np, thanks anyway :)18:17
NCommanderarmin76, how'd your compile tests go?18:17
NCommander(I missed the first ping, I had no issue with you tearing up the drive)18:17
armin76NCommander: well, i was running out of space, so i just compiled one of the packages i use to check the compile times18:23
armin76http://dev.gentoo.org/~armin76/arm/buildtimes.xml <- something like this18:24
NCommanderarmin76, ah, and?18:24
armin76NCommander: 50 secs dove 43 secs sheevaplug18:28
armin76tmpfs on both18:28
NCommanderbut the dove was running Xorg, and on the livecd18:29
NCommanderso a lot less RAM18:29
armin76and was also swapping :)18:29
armin76NCommander: let me know when you get bored of it :D18:35
=== jamie is now known as Guest60062
=== jamie_ is now known as Jamie
=== Jamie is now known as Guest10286
superdugGreetings!  I am following http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#Development_PC:_Root_File_System and have completed the ./rootstock command ... however I do not have a vmlinuz file20:49
superdugI do have the ubuntu-armel...tgz file though20:49
loolsuperdug: Well that's expected21:29
loolsuperdug: It's just meant to create a rootfs21:30
loolsuperdug: If you want a kernel, you have to decide for which board first21:30
loolsuperdug: For beagleboard, there are some prebuilt .deb kernels21:30
loolsuperdug: http://www.rcn-ee.com/deb/kernel/beagle/karmic/ IIRC21:31

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