
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
bratscheHey robert_ancell05:02
robert_ancellbratsche, hey05:02
bratscherobert_ancell: Do you happen to know if this user manager dbus interface handles the excludes from within gdm?05:03
robert_ancellbratsche, yes, it should behave as before05:04
bratscheCool, thanks.  Just making sure.05:05
robert_ancellnp :)05:06
mac_vbratsche: hi... regarding xsplash... if my display resolution is 1280x800 , then xsplash will use the 1280x1024 image, and crop at the top , right?05:11
bratscheI think so.05:11
mac_vbtw, why isnt there a 1280x800 resolution? ,,it is commonly used in widescreens05:12
mac_vbratsche: the present image needs some more testing... i get gradient banding at the two bottom corners, the black to wine color gradient doesnt work well .. the black at the bottom almost appears like smudges. this is in an Acer Aspire 5670...05:14
bratschemac_v: You need to talk to mt about these sorts of things.  It's totally out of my control.05:20
Amaranthwhee netsplits05:44
pittiGood morning07:27
al-maisanpitti: moin :)07:28
pittihey al-maisan!07:28
pittilool: ah, interesting; thanks!07:29
didrockshello pitti, hi al-maisan07:36
al-maisangood morning didrocks07:36
robert_ancellHey Amaranth, was there anything required for the Failsafe GNOME session?  It all looked completed to me08:25
Amaranthrobert_ancell: Nope, just upload those two patches and it all works08:29
mvohey Amaranth and robert_ancell08:31
didrockshey mvo, Amaranth and seb128 o/08:31
Amaranthhey mvo08:31
robert_ancellAmaranth, ok, cool.  Also are the move+resize clipping compiz changes being tracked somewhere?08:31
robert_ancellhey mvo08:31
seb128hello didrocks and everybody else there08:31
Amaranthrobert_ancell: In compiz git resize and wobbly both follow the move plugin constrain setting08:31
* didrocks needs a FFe for webkit08:32
Amaranthrobert_ancell: so all we have to do is patch move and wobbly to ignore that setting like you were doing08:32
AmaranthMy ISP is conspiring to make me work on bug triage08:32
mvodidrocks: if you know about webkit(gtk) - do you have any idea if there is a way to disable drag-n-drop with it?08:32
robert_ancellAmaranth, thanks.  I'll look at backporting those08:32
Amaranthonly my IRC networks and launchpad work08:32
Amaranthrobert_ancell: Ideally we'd just get updated snapshots of all the compiz stuff, some crash fixes in libcompizconfig08:33
mvohey glatzor__08:33
robert_ancellAmaranth, oh are the changes in the 0.8.4 branch?08:33
Amaranthand some memleak fixes in there too I don't think we ever got08:33
didrocksmvo: I dunno about drag and drop, but I can have a look tonight. I guess it's for software store, isn't?08:33
Amaranthrobert_ancell: Is there an 0.8.4 tag?08:33
seb128didrocks, you might want to ping asac about the e-e update08:33
robert_ancellAmaranth, sorry, 0.8 branch08:33
seb128didrocks, I think he was looking at it while making webkit default08:33
Amaranthrobert_ancell: Did you mean compiz-0.8 branch? yes08:33
robert_ancellah, cool, so we'll pick them up next update anyway08:34
seb128robert_ancell, hey08:34
Amaranthhey everyone :)08:34
didrocksseb128: ok, I'm finishing the update (finishing new webkit merge first) and then ping him :)08:34
mvodidrocks: yeah, its a bit anyoing, bug #43423608:34
didrocksseb128: thanks ;)08:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434236 in software-store "Drag-n-Dropping the screenshot thumbnail to a Nautilus window tries to copy whole root directory" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43423608:34
robert_ancellhey seb12808:34
seb128robert_ancell, do you have any opinion on those failsafe changes? seems upstream disagree with the way it's done there08:34
glatzor__morning mvo!08:34
Amaranthseb128: but they don't have a better solution and this way works :)08:35
pittihey robert_ancell08:35
didrocksmvo: ok, I'll give it a look if I can find something useful :)08:35
bigonhi all, is it normal that I had to killall gnome-panel to be able to see new applet I've just installed or should I open a bug?08:35
Amaranthand it's minimally invasive08:35
mvodidrocks: great, thanks08:35
seb128bigon, none of those08:35
robert_ancellseb128, I agree with Amaranth.  I think upstream just has strong opinions.08:35
seb128bigon, it's a bug but it's known and filed for years08:35
robert_ancellseb128, I can't think of a reason why it shouldn't be in the session list08:35
seb128robert_ancell, did you try the changes or reviewed those?08:35
AmaranthWon't matter once we have gnome-shell, there are no applets :)08:36
seb128robert_ancell, said differently can I be lazy and just sponsor bzr?08:36
robert_ancellseb128, I tried the gnome-session change, works fine08:36
seb128ok thanks!08:36
bigonseb128: thx08:36
Amaranthrobert_ancell: The gnome-session change does nothing without the gdm change08:36
robert_ancellAmaranth, yeah I noticed that :)08:36
seb128why do you do a gdm change?08:36
seb128do -> need08:36
Amaranthrobert_ancell: SInce it runs `Xsession gnome-session -f` which just runs gnome-session08:36
Amaranthseb128: to run the Exec without Xsession like old gdm did for failsafe entries so the full `gnome-session -f` gets run08:37
seb128theorically gnome-session would have a failsafe mode and the desktop would pass the right option08:37
seb128Exec without Xsession?08:37
AmaranthThe gdm patch checks for an X-GDM-Failsafe key in the .desktop file and runs the command in the Exec key differently08:38
seb128isn't gdm just running the command in the desktop entry?08:38
mvoseb128: bug 435123 reads like it needs tweaks in gnome-menus, not s-s. am I reading that correctly?08:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435123 in software-store "Extra menu item in System -> Administration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43512308:38
AmaranthThis is needed in order to pass command line flags to gnome-session in the Exec key08:38
robert_ancellhey pitti08:38
seb128why is that required?08:38
seb128mvo, it's not clear to me08:38
Amaranthseb128: Without the gdm change you can't pass -f to gnome-session so it just starts normally08:38
seb128mvo, we can tweak the categories but that will impact on other DEs08:39
seb128mvo, or change the .menu to filter it out08:39
seb128Amaranth, that seems a bug in gdm that options are not respected?08:39
seb128Amaranth, ie why would that be conditional to X-GDM-Failsafe and not always?08:39
* Amaranth pulls up code08:40
mvoseb128: I can change the desktop file and add a OnlyShowIn=GNOME; and then have a "generic" desktop file with "NotShownIn=GNOME". I'm not sure what UNR uses for its session though08:40
mvo(if its also using GNOME then that kind of defeats the point :)08:41
Amaranthseb128: Normally it runs Xsession "gnome-session -f"08:41
seb128robert_ancell, ^ do you see any reason why gdm should special case X-GDM-Failsafe rather than just passing arguments to exec lines?08:41
Amaranthseb128: so I guess you could say it is a bug in Xsession08:41
Amaranthbut the old GDM ran failsafe entries without Xsession too08:41
seb128ok, let's do that for now08:41
seb128still lot to do before beta08:42
seb128but I will think about it and decide we need to tweak that after beta ;-)08:42
robert_ancellseb128, I don't know the session stuff well enough, sorry08:42
seb128robert_ancell, that's ok, thanks anyway08:42
Amaranthgah I'm flooding myself in bug mail again08:46
Amaranthhmm, does suspend work when booting a LiveCD?08:49
seb128it should I guess but I didn't try08:50
seb128hey MacSlow08:53
MacSlowhi seb12808:53
pittimvo: do you happen to know about gksu-polkit? it seems pretty obsolete to me, given that pkexec does pretty much the same, but uses the modern polkit-109:03
mvopitti: no, I don't know about its status, kov is online, I can ask him09:04
pittimvo: don't worry, I just wondered whether you cared09:06
pittiit appears on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/PolicyKitOneMigration, but it's just universe09:06
mvopitti: no, we don't use it currently09:08
Amaranthwow, that's a big difference09:08
Amaranthif I show only bugs that aren't Incomplete, Wishlist, or filed upstream compiz has 279 bugs :)09:08
seb128mvo, how come that update-manager manages to refresh package indexes without asking for a password now? ;-)09:09
mvoseb128: eh, it does not - maybe you got PK installed somehow or something?09:09
mvoseb128: hm, it might actually with aptdaemon as its backend09:10
AmaranthPerhaps you just ran another gksu program?09:10
AmaranthOr that09:10
Amaranthmvo: compiz lets you use more than 1 virtual desktop again :/09:10
seb128mvo, update-manager is using pk now?09:11
mvoseb128: no, aptdaemon09:11
seb128ah ok09:11
seb128well I get a polkit dialog to install upgrades09:11
seb128but to refresh the index I don't09:11
mvoyeah, that is aptdaemon09:11
seb128I was just a bit surprised ;-)09:11
mvoI need to check the policy09:11
mvoI have to decide after beta if we stay with aptdaemon for u-m or if we need to switch back to synaptic09:12
mvobut if it all goes well and no issues come up, we will stick to it09:12
seb128hey asac_09:13
* asac_ goes and does ephy-webkit09:15
=== asac_ is now known as asac
didrocksasac: hum, I've already updated it if you want09:15
didrocksasac: it needs new webkit version and I'm testbuilding it (but building webkit is soooooo long)09:16
seb128debian has the new version09:16
seb128we have a tiny change09:16
didrocksseb128: yes, I merged with this version09:16
asacdidrocks: k09:16
asacgo ahead09:16
asacseb128: there used to be a bzr branch09:17
didrocksasac: I'll ping you for both webkit and epiphany-web*09:17
asacwhere is that?09:17
seb128asac, for what? e-b?09:17
asacdidrocks: k09:17
asacseb128: epiphany-webkit09:17
didrocksasac: I didn't find a bzr branch, I can setup one in ~ubuntu-desktop if you wish09:17
asacor was it webkit ... hmm09:17
seb128asac, I doubt it09:17
asacoh nevermind09:17
asacall fine09:17
didrocksok :)09:17
seb128asac, we were in direct sync from debian until your changes09:17
asacdidrocks: no ... not needed09:17
asacseb128: yeah09:17
asacwhy the hell does epiphany-webkit need even more recent webkit?09:18
asaci mean we synched webkit like 10 days ago09:18
seb128they keep bumping depends which each version09:18
seb128well they seem to roll those in sync09:18
seb128not sure if that's kov overdoing it or something09:18
didrocksindeed, I think it's just that09:18
asacwebkit rolls in sync with epiphany?09:18
didrocksnew webkit version really gives almost nothing09:19
asacthats just insane09:19
seb128asac, well let's say epiphany-webkit guys and GNOME webkit guys are the same people09:19
seb128I will ask kov09:19
asacwe should tell epiphany devs that they should be more reasonable ;)09:19
davmor2asac: didn't they find a huge security flaw in webkit?09:20
asacthere are regularly issues09:20
asacdont know if the latest version addresses something09:20
didrockschangelog says "includes fix for crash that will be fixed in"09:20
seb128edge seems unhappy today09:22
Amaranthseb128: is it timing out for you too?09:23
seb128Amaranth, yes09:24
pittihm, then it seems I'm lucky today09:26
AmaranthI had one bug that would do it over and over09:26
AmaranthWent on to something else and when I came back it was working09:27
seb128pitti, launchpad wise?09:27
pittiI actually quite like the current UI now09:29
pittiI can change three things in a bug in parallel now09:29
pitticomment, subscribe, duplicate, fix status, and so on09:29
AmaranthIn the last 3 hours since I moved nvidia crashes into one bug filed against the nvidia driver I've gotten another crash report for the same problem09:31
seb128pitti, how so?09:31
pittiseb128: with all the ajaxification09:31
pittino page reloads any more09:31
seb128I stopped doing that since I often get an error while changing an another setting if the first one is not flushed09:32
AmaranthThey need a better icon09:32
AmaranthThis little drunk exclamation point looking thing doesn't make any sense09:32
seb128Laney, btw speaking about sabayon, do you have it installed?09:35
seb128Laney, what uid is used for the sabayon user?09:35
Laneyseb128: looks like didrocks did the update09:35
Laneysabayon-admin:x:1001:1001:Sabayon user:/var/run/sabayon-admin:/bin/sh09:36
huatsmorning !09:36
Laneydidrocks: you could have done sabayon as a merge btw ;)09:36
seb128lut huats09:37
seb128Laney, shouldn't it be < 1000?09:37
seb128it's listed in the gdm login screen right now due to that09:37
Laneyseb128: wait a second09:37
didrocksLaney: well, it has not been merged since a lot and as post-release is a good time for merging, I postponed it :)09:37
LaneyI accidently build -1 ¬_¬09:38
huatsplop seb128, Laney and didrocks09:38
didrockshey huats09:38
Laneyhi hi09:38
asacwasnt there an info about who sponsored a package on launchpad in the past?09:41
seb128not sure, I usually look to the signed-by on -changes09:42
didrocksI usually use -changes* ML09:42
asacseb128: who sponsored bindwood?09:42
asacdo you have that in your mailbox?09:42
seb128doubtful he has no upload rights09:43
seb128Signed-By: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>09:43
seb128asac, ^09:43
asacpitti: extensions are for me ;)09:44
asaci think the extension branch is now out of sync09:44
asace.g. we are doing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview09:44
pittiasac: oh, sorry; didn't know that09:44
pittiI'll abstain from uploading that then09:44
asaccool. statik was my student on this ... not sure why he didnt ping me09:44
asacok get this replayed on the branch then09:45
mac_vseb128: since update gdm (2.27.90-0ubuntu7) to 2.28.0-0ubuntu3 , auto login does not work... is this a known issue?09:46
seb128mac_v, works for me09:47
seb128mac_v, but it autolog only once09:47
seb128ie it doesn't autolog you again when closing a session09:47
seb128that's a feature09:47
seb128otherwise you have no way to go back to login screen09:47
mac_vwhy so? , argh! we could get back to the login screen when we select a timeout or select to show the screen09:48
Laneysabayon uid is 999 now09:49
mac_vseb128: is there a setting to revert it back to old behavior?09:49
pittiseb128: ooh, thanks for getting that fixed09:49
seb128mac_v, no09:50
seb128pitti, "fixed", see people still complain ;-)09:50
Laneyseb128: but it doesn't handle the upgrading case, can we fix that or will it break stuff?09:50
seb128Laney, thanks09:50
pittiseb128: fixed! fixed! fixed!09:50
seb128Laney, not sure, we can make gdm filter it you, I'm not sure it's worth meddling with uids on upgrade09:51
seb128but I don't have a lot of experience there09:51
seb128better to ask pitti or mvo09:51
mac_vseb128 , pitti: the old behavior was nice , everytime my X crashed i was back in without need for password entry ... now i have to login :(09:52
seb128X should never crash09:52
mac_vhehe ;p09:52
seb128what are the other usecases?09:53
mac_vseb128: use case == any session restart , there was no problem with the old behavior , the user only had to set the timeout , and he was good to go.. why wasnt this just informed to users :(09:54
pittimac_v: the "old" behaviour in terms of "jaunty and earlier" was the same; it didn't immediately auto-relogin after logout09:59
mac_vpitti: yeah  , but we had a nice new feature ... now i miss it :(09:59
seb128mac_v, do you log out to log in again so often?10:00
seb128mac_v, it's annoyance for weird usecases against breaking the possibility to log out10:00
seb128mac_v, ie you had no way to let the computer free for somebody else to use10:00
chrisccoulsongood morning!10:01
seb128I'm not discussing that it could be an option10:01
pittimac_v: well, if your X crashes often, you have a far worse data-loss problem..10:01
mac_vseb128: settingt he default to have a timeout after the first login would be nice :)10:01
seb128but that seems a fair trading10:01
pittimac_v: but stilll, why would you log out just to get logged back in again?10:01
seb128mac_v, right, patches are welcome, reverting the upstream change was the easier way and give what we have now10:02
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:02
chrisccoulsonhi seb12810:02
pittiif you log out, then certainly for a reason:10:02
pittihey chrisccoulson10:02
chrisccoulsonhey pitti10:02
seb128to be fair I liked the autorelogin it too ;-)10:02
seb128but that's only because I do often gnome-session or gtk or gdm testing10:02
pittiseb128: same question to you then10:02
seb128and restart my sessions10:02
pittiseb128: right, that's not quite a stable release use case10:02
seb128that's not a standard user case10:03
seb128pitti, oh, not discussing that ;-)10:03
mac_vpitti: seb128: i keep my system is mostly always running , so i just restart X to clear memory use... i understand this is a not a common use case but still :(10:03
seb128I just found the "bug" handy ;-)10:03
pittiseb128: heh10:03
pittimac_v: ok, so it's mostly for working around bugs, not something that you actually "want" to do, right?10:03
mac_vpitti: nope , i want to do it too.10:04
mvodidrocks: the dnd problem with webkit is fixed with magic in the html now10:04
mvothanks to sianis :)10:04
mac_vseb128: hmm... could you link me to the patch which was reverted  , maybe i could come up with a patch10:05
mac_vwhich works for all use cases ;)10:05
seb128mac_v, http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gdm/commit/?id=92209b64245992d8a2cfa9712510ed0eb125b0b810:06
seb128mac_v, see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=587606 too10:06
ubottuGnome bug 587606 in general "should use timed login after closing an autologed session" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:06
mac_vseb128: ah... thanks :)10:07
cassidyseb128, hi. Does this crash looks familiar to you http://www.pastebin.be/21073 ? Got it since this morning in gtimelog (I guess because of the GTK+ upgrade). I can't work any more :p10:16
seb128cassidy, not known there10:18
seb128cassidy, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546834?10:19
ubottuGnome bug 546834 in GtkTreeView "Crash after GtkTreeView's validate_visible_area" [Critical,Needinfo]10:19
seb128cassidy, the bug there is no new but that's the one I found which somewhat matches the stacktrace10:20
didrocksmvo: great, do you have a link to the patch? :)10:24
cassidyseb128, thanks; looks to be the same. Will comment10:25
mvodidrocks:  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32350684/disable_drag_and_drop_image.patch10:25
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - was a decision made on what to do with the gnome-panel task on bug 204567 then?10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204567 in xdg-user-dirs "Downloads should go to ~/Downloads" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20456710:26
seb128chrisccoulson, the one I closed?10:27
asacanyone can run find /usr/share/icons/ | grep favorites on a pure ubuntu install?10:27
chrisccoulsonah, i only just noticed it was closed ;)10:27
seb128asac, find /usr/share/icons/ | grep favorites10:29
asacfind /usr/share/icons/ favorite ?10:29
asacjust the ugly emblem-favorite?10:29
asacscratch ugly for now ;)10:30
seb128-name *favorite*?10:30
asacseb128: yeah. or grep favorite10:30
seb128several variant of that one10:30
asacthe heart, right?10:30
seb128asac, yes10:31
seb128orange circle with white heart in human10:31
seb128read heart in gnome theme10:31
asacyes. our heart is even worse ;)10:32
asacso no star which is "favorites" in some themes http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/nm08-wifi-connected-final.png10:32
asactoo bad10:32
asacmeans we get that ugly heart instead for now ;)10:33
didrocksmvo: thanks a lot10:33
Amaranthmvo: update-manager looks very shiny now :)11:01
chrisccoulsonanyone here know why XGetWindowAttributes would return with a BadDrawable error?11:01
Amaranthchrisccoulson: Blame it on compiz11:01
AmaranthFirefox does11:01
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - heh, i'll do that then ;)11:02
AmaranthNo no, don't really11:02
AmaranthFigure out why the server is failing11:02
chrisccoulsonwell, it's probably not the server failing, but i'm just wondering what an app has to do wrong to trigger tha11:02
AmaranthI don't understand how anyone could think an X call failing would be a compiz bug but several people seem to do so11:02
chrisccoulsonalthough, the last X error i looked at actually ended up being a server bug11:03
AmaranthBadDrawable is X telling you you've given it garbage11:04
Amaranthusually None instead of a window or something11:04
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - wouldn't XGetWindowAttributes return BadWindow in that case?11:05
AmaranthAlthough it could be X gave you garbage and you're just giving it back :)11:05
chrisccoulsoni'm just trying to understand what an application has to do to trigger that error11:05
mac_vmpt: hi... there seems to be a new change , with the update manager , the progress bar has changed to a pulsing bar... wouldnt a throbber be much better?11:05
Amaranthchrisccoulson: Reading the man page or something? :)11:06
mptmac_v, I haven't seen that yet11:06
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - i did that;)11:06
chrisccoulsonit says it can return both errors, but doesn't say why11:06
mptmac_v, redesigning Update Manager was something I didn't have time for this cycle.11:06
Amaranthchrisccoulson: I thought that was why you were asking11:06
mvoAmaranth: hm, it has not changed that much actually11:06
Amaranthmvo: The refresh and update windows11:07
mvoAmaranth: oh, yeah11:07
mvoAmaranth: those are done with the aptdaemon backend, that is good stuff11:07
mac_vmpt: oh... someone has redesigned it then ;0 this seems to have happened with the recent update... Updating cache , shows the pulsing progress bar :/11:07
mac_vmvo: any ideas^ why this was done ?11:07
* chrisccoulson has a look at xorg code again11:08
mvomac_v: its part of upstream changes11:08
* mvo needs to go for lunch11:08
Amaranthchrisccoulson: Good luck, Xlib gives me a headache11:09
Amaranthchrisccoulson: If I had to guess I'd say it's because the Window you gave it has garbage for the pixmap backing it11:10
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - thanks:)11:10
pittilool: is humanity-icon-theme packaging in bzr?11:13
chrisccoulsonit shouldn't be able to generate BadDrawable according to the Xorg code11:13
chrisccoulsonin dixLookupWindow:11:14
chrisccoulsonreturn (rc == BadDrawable) ? BadWindow : rc11:14
Amaranthchrisccoulson: Do you have a program returning BadDrawable for this?11:15
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - yes, gnome-settings-daemon11:15
chrisccoulson(not for me, but some other users)11:15
chrisccoulsonit's another libxklavier bug11:15
Amaranthchrisccoulson: Well if you look at xlib code it makes a few calls and combines the results11:15
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - i'll have a look there then as well11:15
Amaranthperhaps one of them is returning this *shrug*11:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly11:17
chrisccoulsoni wish i could trigger it myself11:18
chrisccoulsoni might have to try and get one of the reporters to run it through xtrace11:18
chrisccoulsonif they can recreate it11:18
pittiseb128: can you do me a favor? I uploaded notify-osd-icons, can you please review and source-NEW to main?11:22
* Ng pleads ignorance and wonders what exactly is being run when I poke Fn-F7 on my thinkpad (the external monitor one). it seems to do the same as "xrandr --auto" but also displays a notification: http://mairukipa.tenshu.net/screenshots/2009-09-24-FnF7.png11:23
Ngafaict the entire process works perfectly, so the notification seems unnecessary11:23
loolpitti: No11:25
pittilool: ok, thanks; I'll just send them patches then11:25
chrisccoulsonNg - thats the xrandr plugin in gnome-settings-daemon which does that11:25
loolpitti: What's the issue?11:25
pittilool: I need to fix the dependencies and Inherits=11:25
pittidrop human, add notify-osd11:25
loolpitti: But dont we need to merge the icons from Human missing in Humanit first?11:26
pittikwwii says it should be okay; kwwii, confirm?11:26
seb128pitti, looking11:27
Ngchrisccoulson: thanks11:27
pittiI was told it's only missing the notify-osd icons, which have a separate pacakge now11:27
kwwiipitti, lool: as I understand it, we only need to remove human and put humanity in it's place (along with the notify-osd set and changes to make that happen)11:28
kwwiiso, no. we should not merge them11:28
loolkwwii: Humanity inherits Human11:28
kwwiilool: ? it should not11:28
pittilool: right, and now it should just inherit notify-osd11:28
pittithat's the thing I want to change11:28
loolkwwii: It always did and humanity upstream that was a requirement from UX team or you (I'm not sure)11:28
lool+told me11:29
seb128mac_v, do you still get bug #416251?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416251 in nautilus "Nautilus does not show Desktop thumbnails" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41625111:29
loolpitti: I understand; except I dont know how that changes icon coverage; do you?11:29
pittilool: no, I'm just being told; package size wise it could very well be a full replacement, though..11:29
pittilool: I have purged human-icon-theme now, for testing11:29
kwwiilool: ahhh, you mean in UNR, right?11:29
loolkwwii: It's not in UNR; the theme declares that11:30
kwwiiI originaly, made the UNR package that way11:30
loolkwwii: It's the same package in UNR and in desktop11:30
kwwiilool: well, the original package which I made was just for UNR ;)11:30
loolkwwii: Ok so the reason is historical or does it still stand?11:30
kwwiiI imagine that is where this came from11:30
kwwiiit is historical and should be changed11:30
loolpitti: I actually raised this very question / concern of dropping the dep to UX on monday and they had to get back to me on this I think11:31
loolkwwii: So the historical reason is gone?11:31
mac_vseb128: unknown fix ;) .. i noticed a week ago,  i didnt get the problems , so was waiting to confirm it :)11:31
kwwiilool: yes, if we remove human there is no need to have humanity fall back to it11:32
seb128mac_v, I'm not sure to parse that correctly, means "works now"?11:32
pittilool: I have run a guest session with only humanity, and it seems fine11:32
mac_vcommenting on bug11:32
loolkwwii: Out of curiosity, what was the reason for the inheritance?11:32
kwwiihrm, I wonder how this all will work on an updated system11:32
kwwiilool: I wanted to catch all the icons from human which are missing in humanity11:32
pittiseb128: what's necessary for human-theme to default to humanity-icon-theme instead of human-icon-theme?11:33
loolkwwii: And now we're confident there aren't any?11:33
kwwiilool: I talked to the author last night and he said he thought only 4 or so were missing which he will work on asap11:33
mac_vseb128: shall i close the bug , or should we wait for others to respond?11:33
kwwiilool: to be honest, if you asked me personaly, I would not have made this change at this time...it hasn't been tested yet11:34
loolpitti: ^11:34
pittilool: I keep being told different things..11:34
kwwiibut it is not my decision11:34
loolpitti: So if you're fine with this, do drop the dep and change index.theme, or I can do it11:34
pittilool: I'm on it, don't worry11:34
loolpitti: I know, it's been like that for me in the last two weeks    :-(11:34
loolpitti: Thanks11:35
pittilool: but I'd rather add the few missing ones to humanity than keeping two almost complete sets around11:35
* lool is half sick11:35
loolpitti: Yes; that was my plan after talking to UX; I proposed copying that at runtime11:35
seb128mac_v, close it11:35
loolpitti: You might recall I proposed build-deping on human if that was the only issue11:35
loolpitti: But if desktop switches to humanity, I'd rather see the icons copied in the upstream tree11:36
loolpitti: BTW upstram is at lp:humanity11:36
loolThe _packaging_ isn't in bzr though11:36
seb128mac_v, can you close it the GNOME bug too?11:37
seb128pitti, is desktop switching icon theme or not?11:37
pittiseb128: yes, there finally seems to be a consensus now11:38
mac_vseb128: no :( ... the last i heard from awalton  , my bug was a red herring , it was related to another thumbnails bug... i forgot which11:38
pittiseb128: I have a list of things to do to switch; I started with notify-osd-icons packaging (uploaded now), and updated dependencies of notify-osd11:38
seb128pitti, ok, I didn't get any reply to your email11:38
seb128pitti, let me know when it's decided so I can flip the gconf setting11:38
pittiseb128: now fixing inheritance of humanity, and dropping tangerine11:38
pittiseb128: please flip11:38
seb128pitti, ok11:39
pittiseb128: kwwi spoke with Ivanka this morning; no mail reply yet11:39
mac_vkwwii: btw , Bug #432938 for the human dependency , we have replaced all icons except for the gpm-* icons ,and tangerine is also not required in the dependancies ;) .. just making final check about tangerine inherits11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432938 in humanity "Remove Human as Dependency " [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43293811:43
kwwiimac_v: it should all be taken care of now11:45
mac_vkwwii: we still havent made only the gpm-* , rest were only missing symlinks , those are fixed11:47
mac_vthe gpm-moouse/keyboard11:48
kwwiimac_v: cool11:49
seb128pitti, notify-osd-icons NEWed11:51
pittiseb128: merci11:51
seb128de rien11:51
pittikwwii: can you please pull lp:~ubuntu-desktop/human-theme/humanity/ into lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/human-theme/ubuntu/ ?11:53
pittito keep the master branch consistent?11:54
pitti(and push again)11:54
kwwiipitti: into human-theme?11:56
pittikwwii: yes11:56
kwwiiwhy? that package is just for gtk and metacity and stuff11:56
pittikwwii: I changed the icon-theme dependency11:56
kwwiiand I am just finishing an update to it with the gdm stuff11:56
kwwiiahhh, ok11:56
pittikwwii: well, lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/human-theme/ubuntu/ is shown to be _the_ packaging branch for karmic11:57
kwwiipitti: right, as it should11:57
pittiso it should be consistent with what's actually in karmic11:57
pittiI just can't commit to it directly11:57
kwwiiI understand now, you just scared me for a minute :)11:57
kwwiipitti: I should add you to the ubuntu-art-pkg team :)11:58
pittikwwii: best would be to add ~ubuntu-desktop11:58
pittiso that we can do packaging fixes without this dance11:59
pittikwwii: in fact, since I'm about to ask you the same for ubuntu-artwork (dropping gdm-themes), perhaps we can do that right now?11:59
pitti"that" -> add ~ubuntu-desktop to ~ubuntu-art-pkg11:59
pittikwwii: don't worry, I promise I won't replace all your nice icons with pr0n12:00
kwwiias long as I can still commit changes I don't mind12:00
pittikwwii: thanks, invitation accepted on LP12:02
seb128pitti, wouldn't it make sense to add all the uploaders and not only desktop there12:02
pittiseb128: it is now?12:02
pittiseb128: core-dev is a member of desktop12:02
seb128only desktopers?12:02
seb128well, why adding a subteam rather than directly the main one?12:02
seb128not that I really care12:03
seb128but that would be a cleaner desktop view12:03
kwwiipitti: ouch, because I already made change to the human-theme package they have diverged12:03
pittiseb128: I didn't change https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+members12:03
kwwiipitti: so I cannot simply pull and push12:03
pittikwwii: sorry; just merge from the branch then12:03
pittikwwii: hm, I pulled the latest one, you mean you had local commits not yet pushed to LP?12:04
kwwiiyes, I was pushing while you were pulling and we missed each other12:04
kwwiiso the changelog is messed up, which I will fix12:04
kwwii M  debian/changelog12:04
kwwii M  debian/control12:04
kwwiiText conflict in debian/changelog12:04
kwwii1 conflicts encountered.12:04
pittiright, should be relatively easy to untangle12:05
pittijust keep both parts12:05
seb128pitti, ok12:05
pittiseb128: that didn't change https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+members, though12:05
pittiseb128: we became a member of another team, we didn't add a new member to our's12:05
pittiseb128: or what did you mean?12:05
seb128no, that's fine to me12:05
pittiseb128: and we need to keep core-dev as a desktoppers member, otherwise e. g. Scott couldn't upload a gdm upstart fix12:06
seb128if the goal was to add people who can do change so they can commit to bzr I would have added the ubuntu-dev directly12:06
seb128but small difference12:06
seb128ie I don't care enough either way to argue ;-)12:06
mac_vkwwii: why does human have /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/apps/ooo-calc2.svg  , was that "2" accidentaly naming , or ...?12:06
pittiseb128: right, but I wanted us to be able to commit to ~ubuntu-art-pkg12:06
seb128makes sense then12:07
seb128lunch time, bbl12:07
pittiseb128: just a second?12:07
pittiseb128: so you'll change the gconf stuff to point to humanity icon theme?12:07
kwwiipitti: ok, human-theme is should be merged correctly12:11
kwwiipitti, seb128: this has the gdm theme in it, now we need to make sure the 3 gconf keys for that gets set12:11
asacpitti: do i need an official sign off before uploading NM? i opened bug 435333 if we need to do formalism12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435333 in network-manager-applet "nm applet changes UI for beta" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43533312:13
asacare you as being on the release team in power to do that?12:14
pittiasac: what's the "more networks..." thing? what makes networks go in one or the other?12:16
asacpitti: on top level you get "favorites (previously connected to)" and the strongest (up-to-five)12:17
asacthe rest goes into the "more networks..."12:17
asacthe idea is that you usually dont go there12:17
asacmain new feature is "Disconnect"12:18
pittibug updated12:18
asacthx. i was fighting hard for something like: http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/wifi-activating-variant-B-4a.png12:20
asacbut dan didnt want that12:20
asacso we did this compromise ;)12:20
seb128pitti, sorry I didn't read your just a second12:28
seb128pitti, already changed locally I'm about to upload12:28
pittiseb128: no prob; thanks!12:29
pittiseb128: I think I did everything else now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277018/ -- does that look complete to you?12:30
pittiseb128: I purged tangerine, human-icons, and gdm-theme, and after I switch the icon theme in the guest session, everything looks alright12:31
mac_vpitti: well since sunday , we have been trying to remove dependencies ;) ...if it wasnt working , we'd have been surprised ;p12:32
seb128pitti, did you change the human-theme index.theme too?12:36
mac_vpitti: Bug #435804 . Fixed in rev 28712:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435804 in humanity-icon-theme "Drop human dependency, add notify-osd theme dependency" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43580412:36
seb128otherwise looks correct12:36
pittiseb128: oh, sorry, I didn't; doing now12:37
pittiseb128: is that the only place where to do this? (apparenlty not, it's not gconf)12:37
seb128pitti, no need to be sorry I'm just double checking ;-)12:37
* pitti <- artwork n00b12:37
seb128pitti, no, that one is just to make the default selection in the capplet to be "Human"12:37
seb128all the subtheming need to match12:37
seb128ie the icon, wm, gtk listed there need to be the gconf ones12:38
seb128otherwise you get an "custom" theme selected12:38
pittikwwii: are your human-theme changes good to upload, or are you still working on them?12:38
seb128pitti, ie human is defined as gtk human, icon human right now12:39
seb128so if we have the values set the gtk human, icons humanity that's a custom selection12:39
kwwiipitti: they are good to go12:39
seb128not the human set one12:39
seb128pitti, makes sense?12:39
kwwiiseb128: and metacity theme12:39
mac_vkwwii: if you are pulling from humanity , pls pull from rev 287 , in that we have dropped the inherits and the ooo-calc"2" error too12:39
pittiseb128: right12:39
seb128kwwii, that's what I call wm before12:39
seb128"" ie the icon, wm, gtk listed there need to be the gconf ones"12:39
seb128brb testing12:40
kwwiimac_v: cool, I'll remove that from human as well12:40
mac_vkwwii: just rename it to math ;p12:40
kwwiimac_v: will do, thanks12:41
pittikwwii: everything got much much browner now; that's ok?12:43
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128pitti, ok, tested and uploaded now12:46
pittirock, thanks12:46
pittiseb128: human-theme index fixed as well now12:46
seb128excellent, thanks12:47
seb128pitti, the notify-osd theme thing is weird12:50
seb128I'm looking at bin newing it12:50
kwwiipitti: yes, that is intentional12:50
seb128pitti, the way it's done now it will be listed as a system theme no?12:50
pittiseb128: yes12:50
seb128pitti, which is misleading because that's not one, it's just icons for notify-osd ...12:50
kwwiiseb128: yes, there is no way around that12:51
seb128there is12:51
pittican the index.theme be told something like NoDisplay=?12:51
kwwiiseb128: cool, that is?12:51
seb128why not installing those icons in notify-osd proper?12:51
kwwiiseb128: right, that was the only way i could think of12:51
seb128ie /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/Humanity12:52
pittiseb128: but that wouldn't actually make a difference?12:52
seb128pitti, it would not be a system theme12:52
kwwiioriginally, we did not want to put them there so that others could take notify-osd without taking our look as well12:52
pittiseb128: oh, it's the differnet path which would make it?12:52
seb128it would be an application one12:52
pittiseb128: would that still have an index.theme?12:52
seb128well, that's why the dir name is humanity12:52
seb128you would still have hicolor12:52
kwwiiin any case, they should *not* be called humanity12:52
seb128pitti, not sure, I think not12:52
kwwiihumanity is a community project, the notify-osd icons are ubuntu/canonical owned12:53
seb128you want those be used by default?12:53
seb128or just when humanity is selected?12:53
seb128install those in /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/gnome if that's by default12:53
kwwiibut we could install them into a dir in /share/notify-osd/icons/12:53
pittiI think notify-osd should always use notify-osd-icons12:53
seb128in any case what we have now is wrong12:54
seb128pitti, I will bin new it anyway but please milestone a bug for karmic about the issue12:54
kwwiifor our themes, they should always use our icons...but others might want to change that12:54
kwwiiwhich is why we put them in the human theme12:54
kwwiibecause we own that as well12:54
seb128well, nothing prevent you to install in /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/Humanity12:55
seb128using a different source anyway12:55
seb128there is no owned issue, that's a canonical source which install icons to work with the humanity theme12:55
seb128there is no license or copyright preventing to name a directory like that and install things there too12:56
pittiseb128: bug 43583612:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435836 in notify-osd-icons "appears as system icon theme" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43583612:56
seb128pitti, danke12:56
pittiseb128: I assigned it to me for now, but I'd welcome some input from you there what the right thing would be12:56
pittifollowed up with another coment12:57
pittiand now, a man has to eat, bbl12:57
seb128pitti, newed, thanks, enjoy your lunch12:58
kwwiiseb128: the notify-osd icons do have a different wording in the copyright file so they should not be mixed with another theme, but anyway...time to eat12:58
seb128so install in /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/notify-osd12:59
pittiseb128: well, I guess keeping it in the notify-osd-icons package is not an actual problem -- we just need to put the files into the correct place, and have index.theme set up correctly?12:59
seb128and makes humanity use notify-osd in ubuntu12:59
seb128pitti, right12:59
pittiseb128: humanity already inherits notify-osd now (otherwise it wouldn't work at all)12:59
pittiok, really off12:59
seb128ok, so it's probably just a matter of moving those13:00
seb128pitti, enjoy!13:00
james_wmvo: I'll triage 435227 if you triage bug 42064113:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420641 in policykit-1 "authenticate window appears in background" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42064113:11
james_w(I think you uploaded a fix the other day?)13:11
seb128mvo, it's not because a stacktrace start with functions from a lib that the crash is due to this lib ;-)13:15
mvoseb128: it is ;)13:17
* seb128 hugs mvo13:17
* mvo hugs seb128 back13:17
* seb128 like bouncing balls games13:17
mvoseb128: seriously, its a python app, how can it crash the lib?13:17
seb128but I bounce upgrade bugs the other way around too often to complain ;-)13:17
seb128mvo, the crashes in pango are often random corruption bugs, ie a label already freed you try to use13:18
seb128mvo, well, could be a bug in vte for example13:18
seb128mvo, but not easy to say without a valgrind log, I asked for one13:19
mvoseb128: ok, fair enough. we need a "dump" project that we can reassign those (just like random package failures) :) I will not do anything with that bug, the honest answer would be closing with wont-fix-because-of-lack-of-time13:20
mvoseb128: thanks!13:20
mvojames_w: I think this is only a problem with metacity, no?13:20
seb128mvo, I usually ask for a valgrind log and close after a month13:20
mvohow often do you get one ?13:20
james_woh, I assumed compiz13:20
seb128if we get a log with errors all good otherwise bug closed13:20
james_wI'm guessing it's not the fault of the app though?13:21
james_w(assuming that it doesn't request to be backgrounded)13:21
asacanyone ever had issues with uploading arch _all packages built on ubuntu to debian? ;)13:22
seb128asac, never tried that13:22
mvojames_w: most likely not, it might not set the start time correct and that may cause the focus-stealing prevention to kickin13:22
asacok. so i will be the first ;)13:22
seb128debian should really accept source uploads13:23
mvobug 43522713:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435227 in update-manager "No user pre-selected in authentication dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43522713:23
mvojames_w: hm, i have a multi-user system but I have not seen this dialog?13:23
mvojames_w: is it just shown when the user is not in the admin group?13:24
james_wmvo: I'm just trying to find an app to bring it up13:24
mvojames_w: try software-store13:25
james_wmvo: yeah, a simple install gives me the simplified one13:25
james_wI'm checking the policy13:25
seb128you get a polkit dialog when trying to install something13:26
james_whmm, it is auth_admin13:27
james_wso I would have expected the dialog in the screenshot13:27
mvojames_w: how strange, I never saw the one in the screenshot, neither with software-store, nor with update-manager13:28
james_wah, seems you need multiple users13:29
mac_vjames_w: iirc , that was in the older versions , has the system been updated?13:29
james_wso multiple people in admin group for auth_admin13:30
Amaranthdown to 47 New bugs in compiz, hope to get it below 2013:30
Amaranth(when I started it was over 150)13:31
mac_vjames_w: yup , when multiple admins are there , the problem is present :)13:31
mac_vpreviously the present user was preselected13:32
james_wyep, I see that now too13:32
james_wI guess that makes it not a papercut?13:32
mac_vwhy not? ... regular users mostly create new accounts with admin priv , not knowing what the difference actually is or to have full control13:33
Amaranthbtw the polkit windows not showing up in the foreground is either a metacity bug or fixed because we fixed that in compiz13:34
james_wmac_v: feel free to add the task then13:34
mac_vjames_w: is there a possibility of getting a patch by beta? if not , its a long wait for lucid ;)13:35
james_wmac_v: not from me I'm afraid13:35
james_wmvo: shall I close the other tasks? (aptdaemon, update-manager)13:36
mvoseb128: hm, have you heard of &#2026; (unicode for "...") not working with glade/gtk/gettext? I can not translate anything when this chars are in use13:36
mvojames_w: yeah, feel free13:36
seb128mvo, no13:36
james_wgreat, thanks all13:36
seb128mvo, but I was going to look at why indicator-session entries with ... are not translated there13:37
seb128mvo, could be the same issue ;-)13:37
mvoseb128: yeah13:37
seb128mvo, ask dobey maybe, he's intltool upstream he might know13:37
mvoseb128: I just played around with it and I have no idea currently13:37
mvoseb128: ok, cool. please keep me updated (my bug is #434107)13:37
seb128dobey, hey, any idea about those?13:38
seb128bug ##43410713:38
seb128bug #43410713:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434107 in update-manager ""Settings..." button does not appear translated in the UI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43410713:38
AmaranthNo chance for a compiz upload before beta, is there?13:40
AmaranthWe don't even need a new snapshot, just what is in bzr already13:40
* Amaranth wishes he could upload compiz stuff13:42
seb128Amaranth, ask mvo to sponsor the upload13:44
seb128the freeze is not yet in effect13:44
seb128but it will when slangasek wakes up soon I guess13:44
mvoseb128: is it commited?13:44
seb128mvo, read what Amaranth just said13:45
seb128mvo, " We don't even need a new snapshot, just what is in bzr already"13:45
mvoAmaranth: is it commited already?13:45
mvoAmaranth: ok, will to the upload13:45
mvono new snapshot13:45
Amaranthit fixes setting keyboard shortcuts for Go to Workspace # and turns Unredirect Fullscreen Windows off again for everyone except nvidia users13:46
seb128pitti, let me know when you are back from lunch13:46
mvoasac: btw, do you know that network-manager rewrites /etc/resolv.conf (kills it, even if i have it in /etc/network/interfaces)13:47
asacmvo: good point. i think instlaling resolvconf might workaround the issue (but comes with other issues)13:48
mvoAmaranth: building now13:48
mvoasac: well, it used to keep its hands of that file13:48
asacmvo: if its a regression open a regresison bug and assign to me ;)13:49
pittiseb128: *munch* back13:53
seb128pitti, hello ;-)13:53
seb128pitti, so sorry but ubuntu-artwork needs to be updated too, it has gconf defaults too and higher priority than libgnome13:53
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128if you can do it, I'm not sure where is the bzr etc for that13:53
mvoasac: ok, thanks13:54
seb128just change the .gconf-defaults icon_theme to Humanity13:54
pittiseb128: sure, doing now13:54
seb128pitti, second one is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59618313:54
ubottuGnome bug 596183 in gst-plugins-base "decodebin2: Rewrite autoplugging and how groups of pads are handled" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:54
seb128pitti, slomo reworked decodebin2, lot of changes so it might break things but it will fix easy codecs13:54
seb128pitti, I would like a second opinion from you there though13:55
seb128pitti, it's quite a change to push just before beta13:55
seb128but better before beta for testing imho13:55
pittigive me a minute13:55
seb128pitti, no hurry13:56
pittiseb128: u-artwork uploaded13:56
seb128pitti, excellent13:57
pittiso that's a change to /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstdecodebin2.so13:58
pittiseb128: I'd be a little more comfortable if it would be commented on upstream first, but it doesn't change external API/ABI, as it seems, right?13:59
pittislomo: thanks so much for working on this13:59
pittii. e. if it breaks something, we can roll it back without having to touch more than just gst itself?13:59
seb128pitti, slomo is sort of upstream and did some testing13:59
pittiseb128: so, my feeling is that if it works, we'd rather should get it now than later14:00
slomopitti: it doesn't change any external API but i can't guarantee that i didn't change the behaviour in some corner cases (i mean, other than improving it of course, which is the point of the patch)14:00
seb128pitti, and if it doesn't? ;-)14:00
seb128pitti, other option is no easy codec in karmic14:01
pittiseb128: well, if it doesn't fix codec installation or breaks video playing, the answer is quite obvious, isn't it? :-)14:01
pittiI still feel that it's a very important feature, though14:01
slomopitti: in my testing it works now but i expect things to break in some corner cases (i'll work on fixing them if you point me to bug reports)14:01
slomopitti: and you can always revert it of course ;)14:02
seb128pitti, let's push it now, get testing and figure what to do based on feedback?14:03
pittislomo: right, it's nice because it's so unintrusive (in terms of API, not in terms of patch size, of course)14:04
pittiyay gstreamer14:04
pittiseb128: agreed14:04
seb128pitti, ok, let's do that now14:05
* pitti hugs slomo and seb12814:06
* seb128 hugs pitti back14:06
pittibooting looks pretty clean again, too, kudos to Scott14:06
pittino udev rule spewage, fbcon works again, etc.14:06
seb128no black screen for 15 seconds?14:07
pittiand the drm loading race, too14:07
slomoseb128: although i'm subscribed to gstreamer bugreports, could you tell me about regression bugs that look like they're caused by the patch? also, are there any other important gstreamer bugs that should be solved? :)14:08
pittiquick, slomo is on a bug fixing rampage!14:09
seb128slomo, ok, will do, not that I noticed now but usually real world feedback comes at beta14:09
tgpraveen1can anyone tell me whether karmic will have msn audio/video chat support?14:09
pittiseb128: I'll install karmic beta for my wife; hell will break lose if something doesn't work :-)14:11
pittikwwii: sorry, I lost track about all the other artwork pieces; is there something to do for me for gdm theme right now, or will you ping me?14:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - my girlfriend is forced to use karmic now, since we only have 1 computer14:12
chrisccoulsonshe complains to me when things crash ;)14:12
davmor2asac: I'm on today's live desktop with n-m just constantly swirling between the green blobs.  I'm assuming it should be doing this and should be connecting to the ethernet connect it is connected to.14:12
seb128chrisccoulson, how often is she complaining at the moment? ;-)14:13
chrisccoulsonseb128 - when i installed it the other week, she was complaining quite a bit14:13
chrisccoulsonbut not so much now14:13
chrisccoulsoni tell her that she should submit crash reports when they appear, but she just ignores them14:13
seb128so either she got used to bugs or it's getting better14:13
asacdavmor2: what version of nm is on that?14:13
chrisccoulsonseb128 - hopefully the latter ;)14:13
seb128lpi seems broken14:14
seb128gedit, translate application -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+sources/gedit/+translate14:14
seb128= "There’s no page with this address in Launchpad."14:14
tgpraveen1also what is the status of humanity icon theme being the default in karmic? is it decided or not?14:15
seb128dpm, dpm_: do you know about that?14:15
seb128tgpraveen1, it's uploaded14:15
tgpraveen1seb128: so humaity is definetely the default for karmic?14:15
davmor2asac: 0.8~a~git.20090911t130220.4c77fa0-0ubuntu  runs out there14:15
seb128not sure if there a definitively there14:15
kwwiipitti: for gdm we need to set some gconf keys but I do not know how to do that just for gdm14:15
asacdavmor2: ok thats not a new package14:16
seb128changes can still happen based on feedback etc14:16
asacdavmor2: (asked because i uploaded a new NM this morning and it might need the new applet)14:16
kwwiipitti: I just updated the human theme package to fix some problems with the gtkrc's in two themes, can we get that into the beta?14:16
davmor2asac: okay when did the new package go in?14:16
seb128asac, have you seen the comment from jdub on the other channel?14:16
asacdavmor2: do you know a regression window? e.g. did yesterdays build work on the same hardware?14:16
kwwiipitti: should be human-theme 0.34 in ubuntu-art-pkg I mean14:16
asacseb128: checking again. answered one thing he included my nick14:17
seb128asac, right, he replied without highlighing you next14:17
seb128asac, and the comment seemed interesting14:17
seb128asac, just checking that you did read it ;-)14:17
davmor2asac: it happened when I tried to connect to wifi on unr yesterday, I was testing mobile yesterday no desktop14:17
asacseb128: yeah14:17
asacseb128: my fault. fixing now14:17
seb128asac, thanks14:17
davmor2asac: I'll try it again with tomorrows image if it is still playing up I'll report the bug then but it only seems to effect the live desktop once installed it is fine14:18
pittikwwii: gdm> I already mailed you, I'll figure out the gconf keys with seb; just tell us the keys/values14:18
pittikwwii: human-theme> looking14:19
pittikwwii: sure, I uploaded it like 5 times since last night, another one doesn't hurt :)14:19
kwwiithanks and sorry, it was a simple mistake which a tester noticed14:19
pittimeh, glib FTBFS14:20
pittistill need to figure that out14:20
pittibrb, rebooting14:20
kwwiiseb128: the bg image for gdm is installed in /usr/share/themes/HumanLogin/gdm_background.png14:21
kwwiiand the gtk and metacity themes are named HumanLogin14:21
seb128pitti, it does?14:21
asacDirectory debian/libgio-fam does not exist, aborting14:22
asacglib error ^14:22
asacdpkg-deb: building package `libglib2.0-dev-dbgsym' in `../libglib2.0-dev-dbgsym_2.22.0-1ubuntu1_i386.ddeb'.14:22
asacDirectory debian/libgio-fam does not exist, aborting14:22
asacmake: *** [binary-arch] Error 114:22
slomoasac: libgio-fam is only built on kfreebsd/hurd nowdays (in debian)14:23
asacmakes sense then14:24
pittiseb128: what does?14:25
pittiseb128: oh, glib FTBFS?14:25
pittisomething weird, yes14:25
seb128pitti, yes14:25
seb128pitti, weird, there were binaries in bin NEW today14:25
seb128what version do you try to build?14:25
pittiseb128: right, for everything except i386/amd6414:25
seb128ah ok14:26
pittiit only failed on those two14:26
pittistill on my list14:26
pittibut less urgent than all the stuff from yesterday and today14:26
seb128could be a type-handling issue14:26
seb128or dunno what they use to get the arch list14:26
mptmac_v, was there a bug report that the IM statuses in the session menu should have icons?14:29
mac_vmpt: not sure , i dont think there is14:30
mac_vmpt: i thought tedg would add the always show icon to indicator-sessions code14:30
seb128mac_v, those are not "objects" I think that's why he didn't do it14:35
mac_vseb128: mpt says they are exceptions14:36
seb128right, I just said maybe tedg didn't know14:36
mac_vand to be treated as objects14:36
mac_vah ok14:36
seb128I'm sure it's easy to change ;-)14:37
tedgI'm still not convince their objects...14:40
tedgOr that the menu is unusable with out them.14:40
AmaranthThe menu didn't have them in jaunty14:40
tedgAmaranth: Actually it did, but they were on the right.14:41
mclasenthe thing about im statuses is that it is entirely impossible to do meaningful icons for them14:41
djsiegellool mac_v, is Humanity squared away yet?14:41
mpttedg, you can easily add and remove custom statuses14:42
dpmseb128: re: lp translations URL breakage, sorry I was in a call. Possiby related to the 3.0 rollout? danilo, jtv or henning in #launchpad will be able to tell more14:42
tedgmpt: Not really... we dont' have any support for that in the session menu.14:42
mpttedg, that's a bug then. I see in 9.04 if I set a custom status, the menu suggests that I'm offline.14:43
mac_vdjsiegel: i think its good to go , lool has already release 0.3.114:43
mac_vfor UNR14:43
tedgmpt: With Empathy?14:43
dpmseb128: ok, I've just seen you've just reported the bug as well14:43
mpttedg, yes14:44
tedgmpt: Empathy doesn't do any status yet... merging that in today :)14:44
seb128dpm: yes, I pinged danilo meanwhile14:44
dpmah, good14:44
tedgmpt: Telepathy has the concept of two parts of status, a generic and a custom.  We read the generic.14:44
tedgmpt: Well, it's actually a tuple in that there's also a message.14:45
mac_vmclasen: I initially did these > http://imagebin.ca/view/xS0eqAQo.html ... i would say these are perfect or its not possible ;) ... then did the new set for Humanity , because indicator sessions only uses the 16px14:48
mac_vwouldnt say*14:48
pittimac_v: tab error?14:48
mac_vpitti: huh?14:48
tgpraveen1tedg: so after today's merge will we have custom status support in session menu?14:49
pittimac_v: I somewhat doubt that mclasen is interested in the Humanity icon set?14:49
mac_vpitti: was responding to mclasen's earlier comment :)14:49
pittioh, sorry14:49
pittiI thought it was supposed to be "mpt"14:50
pittinevermind me, lalala14:50
tedgtgpraveen1: It depends on what you're saying.  If you set your status in Empathy, it should appear in the session menu independent of whether it's custom or not.  But you will not be able to set custom statuses using the session menu.14:50
tgpraveen1tedg: yeah.k.that answers my ques14:51
seb128pitti, is notify-osd still working for you?14:51
seb128pitti, bug #435848, started one hour ago and getting lot of duplicates...14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435848 in notify-osd "notify-osd crashed with SIGSEGV in stack_notify_handler()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43584814:51
Amaranthmac_v: pacman ftw :P14:52
AmaranthI would always be invisible just so I can use that icon14:52
Amaranthoh, I guess I should have been reporting the notify-osd crash I've been getting the past week14:52
c_korntedg: hello14:52
mac_vAmaranth: hehe , actually this was what got me started ;) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/98/The_Office_US_title.jpg14:53
c_korntedg: I was able to reproduce the problem.14:53
seb128Amaranth, do you get it all the time?14:53
Amaranthno, just randomly14:53
tedgc_korn: Oh, cool.  How?14:53
AmaranthIt has happened like 3 times now but notifications keep working so I figured it was like the python exception "crashes"14:53
mac_vAmaranth: seb128: the notify-osd crash mostly occurs when notifications come in rapid successions , and i think its because > notify-osd isnt able to append the text14:55
dobeyseb128: ping. you asked if i had any idea about something?14:55
mac_vcannot append for xchat ;)14:55
Amaranthmac_v: Yeah, I'm surprised this ping session hasn't triggered it :)14:55
mac_vAmaranth: since two days or so , it hasnt crashed ,here14:56
Amaranthneat, since when has update-manager installed new packages without doing a "partial distribution upgrade"?14:57
mclasenmac_v: does 'human' in the icon theme name indicate that every icon needs to include a human ? :-)14:57
Amaranthmac_v: I can't remember when I saw it last14:57
mvoAmaranth: since some time, it only needs that when a package is going to be removed14:57
Amaranthmvo: ah14:57
Amaranthsince update-manager was changed to not show up in the notification area I never use it14:57
mac_vmclasen: hehe , well for user statuses , i think we can use them... or maybe not ;)14:58
c_korntedg: I made a screen video (I know not the usual way https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-messages/+bug/433274/comments/7 ) in short you have to disable the options in evolution and then log out. after logging in again the icon is gone. It then appears again after starting evolution.14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433274 in indicator-messages "indicator-applet does not have an icon in the panel" [Medium,Triaged]14:58
seb128dobey, mvo mentioned the bug number just before my ping14:58
seb128dobey, he fails to translate strings with the "..." utf char14:59
=== rodrigo_1 is now known as rodrigo_
dobeyseb128: hrmm, not sure what would cause that15:00
seb128dobey, ok, that was in case you knew about it, thanks anyway15:00
tedgc_korn: Cool, I'll look into it.15:01
dobeyseb128, mvo: where does it fail? in generating the .po? or in getting the string at runtime?15:03
tgpraveen1mac_v: can you point me to a page/site where i can see all the icons of humanity?15:03
hggdhseb128: good morning, your were looking for me yesterday15:04
mac_vtgpraveen1: $bzr branch lp:humanity15:04
seb128dobey, I will let mvo comment15:04
seb128hggdh, just wondering if you started looking at the libpst issue15:05
mac_vtgpraveen1: or... https://launchpad.net/humanity15:05
seb128hggdh, I've a start of upgrade on my disk, it's just failing to build and I didn't investigate15:05
seb128hggdh, but that can make easier to start from that15:05
kenvandineseb128, i just confirmed that just downgrading notify-osd to 0.9.21-0ubuntu2 works15:05
seb128kenvandine, the upload is a no change one15:06
seb128kenvandine, it's just a control depends order change15:06
* kenvandine upgrades it again and sees what happens15:06
kenvandine0.9.21-0ubuntu3 crashes15:07
hggdhseb128: cool15:07
kenvandine0.9.21-0ubuntu2 doesn't15:07
seb128pitti, ^15:07
hggdhseb128:  how can I get your .deb?15:07
kenvandineyup... back down to 0.9.21-0ubuntu2 and notifications are happy again15:08
seb128kenvandine, let's see if .22 fixes it, I'm doing the update15:08
kenvandineseb128, when you push the branch i will build locally and test15:09
kenvandineseb128, please let me know15:09
seb128kenvandine, ok thanks15:09
pittibut it was a mere dependency change?!?15:10
pittitoolchain changes?15:10
pittikenvandine: you mean it crashes even more?15:10
pittinotify-osd has crashed every three minutes for me in the last week15:10
seb128pitti, it crashes all the time15:10
kenvandinepitti, it crashes on every notification now15:11
mvodobey: getting the strings at runtime it seems15:11
dobeymvo: sounds like probably a gettext bug then?15:11
mvodobey: I translated it and when the &#x2026 is there, it does not work, when I remove it, its there15:11
mvodobey: yeah, quite possible, I had hoped you might know something about it, I can dig a bit more15:12
dobeymvo: i don't. danilo might?15:12
seb128ie doesn't display any bubble15:13
seb128which is weird15:13
seb128hggdh, dget http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/libpst_0.6.41-0ubuntu1.dsc15:13
pittiseb128: do you have notify-osd-icons installed?15:13
hggdhseb128: thank you15:13
pittikenvandine: ^15:13
kenvandinepitti, i do15:13
* pitti dist-upgrades15:13
davmor2mvo: you'll be glad to here the software-store is no populated :)15:14
davmor2mvo: on todays iso yes15:15
mvothanks davmor215:15
pittiseb128, kenvandine: urgh, confirmed here15:15
kenvandinepitti, yeah... it's nasty15:16
pitti#0  0x000000000041f169 in stack_notify_handler ()15:18
seb128local 0.9.22 build works15:19
seb128kenvandine, bzr pushed15:19
seb128local build has the same issue15:20
seb1280.9.22 works15:20
seb128let's not waste efforts, I'm uploading the new version15:20
seb128good timing mirco ;-)15:20
pittiok, thanks15:21
pittijust confirmed the same as seb12815:21
seb128pitti, bug #435394 to close?15:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435394 in notify-osd "Please move/copy notify-osd icons to humanity-icon-theme or its own theme" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43539415:25
pittiseb128: currently working on it15:28
pittiplease don't close yet15:28
pittikwwii, MacSlow: so, notify-osd ships its own set of icons in hicolor/ and now we have notify-osd-icons providing another set; do we really need both? hicolor for non-GNOMEish DEs?15:29
pittibut then again, the notify-osd-icons theme should work in any DE, since notify-osd itself isn't themeable15:29
MacSlowpitti, these are "absolute last resort fallback" icons15:33
pittiMacSlow: I meant, couldn't kwwii's icon set be put into notify-osd itself, as hicolor??15:34
kwwiipitti: honestly, yes...for all the other themes which don't fall back to our set15:35
pittiseb128: ok, notify-osd-icons is much nicer now :)15:48
seb128pitti, I need to try those ;-)15:49
pittiseb128: I mean in terms of not being a system theme any more15:49
chrisccoulsonhey james_w - do you think it's actually worth anyone investing any time in bug 435935? (ie, don't we eventually want to get rid of system-tools-backends anyway?)15:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435935 in system-tools-backends "Support Upstart" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43593515:49
seb128pitti, oh15:49
seb128pitti, good work15:49
chrisccoulsonnew notify-osd icons?15:49
pittino, just shuffled around15:49
james_wchrisccoulson: well, it has two maintainers now, so maybe we don't have to15:49
* rickspencer3 reboots after dist-upgrade15:50
seb128rickspencer3, hey and bye15:50
seb128good luck with that ;-)15:50
rickspencer3somethng stopped the shutdown :(15:50
chrisccoulsonjames_w - don't have to get rid of it?15:50
james_wchrisccoulson: yeah15:50
rickspencer3that's not totally confidence inducing15:50
james_wchrisccoulson: and there's not anything to replace this bit of it as far as I know15:51
pittimac_v: for bug 435804  .. I think it would make sense to revert the inheritance of notify-osd now15:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435804 in humanity-icon-theme "Drop human dependency, add notify-osd theme dependency" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43580415:51
james_wcertainly for this release15:51
pittimac_v: since it's not a real icon set any more; makes sense?15:51
chrisccoulsonjames_w - yeah, there's nothing to replace that functionality yet15:52
mac_vpitti: i didnt understand... so notify-osd is now not a theme? [/me reading backlog]15:53
pittimac_v: see bug 435836 (you commented an hour ago)15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435836 in notify-osd-icons "appears as system icon theme" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43583615:53
pittimac_v: I reopened bug 435804 upstream with an explanation15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435804 in humanity-icon-theme "Drop human dependency, add notify-osd theme dependency" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43580415:53
mac_vpitti: awesome , thanks , IMO , thats how it was supposed to be , [ignorant question: did kwwii accept this? ]15:55
pittiI'm off for some two hours, bbl!15:55
seb128pitti, see you15:56
rickspencer3_no network manager :(16:02
rickspencer3_my desktop is very brown16:03
chrisccoulsontedg - does indicator-session suppress the dialog when other users are logged in to the system at the moment?16:09
tedgchrisccoulson: It should.16:09
chrisccoulson(the logout dialog)16:09
tedgchrisccoulson: Well no, it shouldn't do logout, it should do shutdown.  Basically anything that pops up a PK dialog.16:10
chrisccoulsontedg - it can't at the moment though, because the policykit dialog won't appear until your session has already ended now16:10
tedgYou should be able to logout if other people are logged in :)16:10
tedgchrisccoulson: What?16:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, i meant shutdown16:11
chrisccoulsontedg - due to a limitation in the consolekit API, your session ends before the PK dialog appears16:11
tedgWe should ping pitti for this conversation.16:11
chrisccoulsondo, we still need a confirmation at the moment16:11
chrisccoulsonpitti already knows this i think ;)16:11
seb128tedg, he's away16:11
tedgHmm, I'm not sure what we want there... it seems like it's always going to fail no matter what we do.16:12
chrisccoulsontedg - consolekit needs a new API in the PK-1 world, which hasn't happened yet16:12
tedgIf we popup a dialog, you still can't shutdown.16:12
chrisccoulsontedg - at the moment, if i select shutdown when someone else is logged in, my session ends immediately16:12
tedgchrisccoulson: And then what.16:13
chrisccoulsonand then i get a PK dialog once everything else has disappeared16:13
chrisccoulsontedg - then it shuts down16:13
chrisccoulsonmy issue is that i get no confirmation before my session ends16:13
chrisccoulsonsee http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ConsoleKitInhibitAPI for the details of why this happens now16:13
mclasensome of the people who lobbied for session saving ought to step forward there...16:14
chrisccoulsonmclasen - i saw your e-mail a while ago proposing a new API for consolekit (i think it was you anyway)16:15
chrisccoulsonwas anything ever agreed?16:15
mclasenits not so much agreeing on anything thats needed here; someone just needs to step forward and do it...16:17
mclasenthe exact details of what jon and I proposed are not so important16:17
chrisccoulsonmclasen - noone has stepped forward to do it yet?16:18
tedg1chrisccoulson: Sorry, apparently GPM is not tracking my battery :(16:18
tedg1chrisccoulson: What happens after shutdown takes down your session?16:18
chrisccoulsontedg - the current sequence is - 1) click shutdown on indicator, 2) session ends - all my apps close, the panel closes and the window manager ends (with no confirmation), then 3) a PK auth dialog appears, 4) if i authenticate, the machine shuts down16:20
chrisccoulsonbut if i hit shudown by mistake, then it's already too late16:20
chrisccoulsonif i cancel the auth dialog, my session has already ended16:20
tedg1chrisccoulson: Yeah, I see...  hmm.16:20
tedg1chrisccoulson: I guess we need to remove that check, but it seems like a hack :-/16:21
tedg1Sadly I think it's the only option.16:21
chrisccoulsontedg1 -yes, i agree -  it's an unfortunate situation at the moment16:21
chrisccoulsonbut i think the 2 dialogs are the lesser of the 2 evils16:21
mvoseb128: so to avoid the bouncing game this time, what shoudl I do with #206674 - its not a update-manager bug, I'm pretty sure. its crashing deep in python/pygtk/libgtk16:22
seb128bug #20667416:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206674 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20667416:22
dobeyjames_w: ping16:23
james_whey dobey16:23
seb128mvo, I've no clue about how to debug pythonish issues16:23
seb128mvo, reassign to some of those component I will not bounce back be basically not look at it either16:24
seb128the python debugging is still magic to me16:24
mvowe need a "dump" component ;)16:24
seb128ie totem crashes at closing almost every time in karmic and I don't know how to start16:24
dobeyjames_w: hey. how are you dealing with python-oauth patches? just apply them directly in the tree? i don't see a patches/ directory for it16:24
seb128the valgrind logs have zillions of errors16:24
seb128which don't make sense to me16:24
james_wdobey: go ahead and apply directly16:25
chrisccoulsonheh, i tried looking at the totem crash too, but i'm clueless there too ;)16:25
chrisccoulsonlet me know how you figure it out :)16:25
mvoseb128: long ago every python app would have valgrind errors, I do not know if that is still the case16:25
dobeyjames_w: ok16:25
seb128mvo, it's probably the case16:26
slomoseb128: that ad2psink commit that changes the rank to marginal might be the result of missing knowledge maybe... maybe the committer assumed that marginal sinks are not used automatically :)16:27
seb128mvo, see16:28
seb128$ valgrind python -c "import gio" 2>&1 | grep Invalid | wc -l16:28
seb128mvo, can't use valgrind on python16:28
seb128slomo, I'm not sure to understand why even when used it should break things16:30
seb128slomo, http://git.kernel.org/?p=bluetooth/bluez.git;a=commit;h=013f56322de6ff5a974fed56c8aec56d3b69ef0916:30
slomoseb128: iirc the problem was, that a2dpsink handles audio/mpeg... you have no mpeg decoder installed but there's a sink that supports it so no easy codec installation is needed. then that sink is tried to be used but it fails (because it's broken)16:31
seb128I see16:33
seb128not sure what is the right thing to do there16:33
seb128you would recommend changing it to primary again?16:34
slomono, changing it to MARGINAL-1 or less16:34
seb128asac, superm1: ^ any opinion16:34
slomoseb128, asac, superm1: problem simply is, that a2dpsink can't be used without configuration (you need to set the device property of it before it works)16:35
seb128slomo, you recommend "GST_RANK_MARGINAL-1"16:37
seb128can you add -1 there like that? or is there any other rank which would make sense?16:38
slomoseb128: it's just a number, everything >= MARGINAL is used automatically. the next thing below that would be NONE which is 0 (MARGINAL is 64)16:39
seb128slomo, what I don't get is that it used to be primary, isn't that higher?16:40
seb128ie it should have had the issue already before16:40
slomoyes, with PRIMARY it's even worse16:40
seb128but we didn't have the issue in jaunty16:40
slomoyes, because playbin(1) didn't support non-raw sinks :)16:40
seb128oh ok16:40
seb128now it makes sense16:40
slomook :)16:41
slomonow it should be fixed upstream and everybody is happy ;)16:41
seb128slomo, thanks again16:41
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
mvoseb128: I have not found more about the gettext issue, I will switch from the unicode ... to three "." for now until its fixed, I would appreciated if you keep me updated16:49
seb128mvo, dobey replied with question before but you were not around or busy or something16:49
mvoseb128: I answered, he said he is not aware of any issues and it might be gettext16:50
seb128mvo, he asked if you have details on the issue, if those are not listed in the pot file, etc16:50
seb128oh ok16:50
seb128that's me who didn't pay attention then ;-)16:50
seb128mvo, where is your source?16:51
mvomy guess is that its "..." is converted by glade to "&;3343;" and then re-converted by libgtk to "..." and feed to gettext, but that has only a string that ends with "&;33324"16:51
mvoseb128: bzr get lp:update-manager should do the trick16:51
seb128mvo, did you try to edit the .glade by hand to add the utf char and see if that makes a difference?16:52
mvoI try this now16:53
mvoseb128: hm, no16:55
mvodoes not work16:55
mvomsgunfmt shows it16:56
mvoso its in the mo with the right data16:56
seb128it's just not in the gui?16:56
mvowell, its not translated16:57
mvoso I see Settings... there instead of Einstellungen...16:57
seb128mvo, found the issue?16:58
AmaranthCompiz bugs: 12 New, 166 Incomplete, 437 total :)16:58
seb128good bug triage action ;-)16:58
Amaranthabout half the New bugs need mvo, upgrade failures of some kind :)16:58
AmaranthAll but 2 or 3 of the others just need me to not be so lazy about trying to reproduce16:58
mvoseb128: hm, it was me being stupid, so yeah. changing it in the ui file seems to work16:59
mvoseb128: the trouble is that it always rewrites it again :)16:59
seb128mvo, glade bog?16:59
AmaranthAt this point I'm sure I can get below 400 bugs once I clean up duplicates, need to raise the bar and go for 350 :)16:59
seb128mvo, fix it ;-)17:00
seb128mvo, though the topic would raise interesting discussions about using non ascii chars in C sources17:01
mvohow hard can that be17:01
seb128your app is python though17:01
AmaranthI've only got 199 bugs to go through (not incomplete, upstream, or wishlist) :P17:01
* mvo hugs Amaranth17:01
seb128mvo, the topic has been raised some months ago on the GNOME list irrc17:01
mvoAmaranth: I did 75 on u-m in the last two or three hours and I already feel worn out17:01
seb128mvo, some people are against using utf chars in C source ;-)17:01
asacseb128: checking for GLADE... configure: error: Package requirements (libglade-2.0) were not met:17:01
mvoits the future17:01
asacNo package 'libglade-2.0' found17:01
asacin gnome-main-menu17:01
Amaranthmvo: I've just gone through just over 15017:01
AmaranthI don't want to look at another bug today :P17:02
seb128asac, build-depends on libglade2-dev?17:02
mvoAmaranth: you got better stamina :)17:02
asacseb128: no. but why did it work before ;)17:02
seb128asac, probably because of transitional depends17:02
asaci just changed minimum version17:02
seb128asac, ie some other component which has been ported to gtkbuilder17:02
seb128and was pulling it in too17:03
Amaranthdown to 11 New :P17:06
Amaranthmvo: any idea what I should do with the last 4 bugs on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New ?17:06
* Amaranth reassigns to update-manager17:07
* mvo weeps17:07
mvodobey: so what about converting &#2026; in the glade file to the unicode char inside the pot file? that should solve the issue AFAICS?17:11
mvodobey: my perl is pretty weak, otherwise I would try to come up with a patch17:12
dobeymvo: oh, it's glade?17:13
dobeymvo: where is the gettext() call being made for that string, exactly?17:13
mvompt: hello! if you have a moment, could you please check software-store and let me know if the paddng/alignment is ok now? I reverted (most) of it, but there was also some cleanup17:13
mvodobey: gtkbuilder17:13
mvodobey: so my theory is that gtkbuilder parses the string, converts the &#...; to a unicode char and then feeds that to gettext17:14
mvodobey: I'm looking at gtkbuilderparser.c currently17:14
dobeymvo: if it is, it's a gtkbuilder bug17:14
mptmvo, ok, I'll go into Karmic now and have a look. Sorry for having to revert stuff, by the way.17:16
mvodobey: it looks like its the doing of glib and its g_markup_parse_context_pase, so it seems its not trivial to fix. what is the disadvantage of attacking the problem in the intltool-extract angle ?17:18
dobeymvo: it might break any of a number of other applications?17:19
dobeymvo: would require new intltool release and re-running stuff through intltool, etc...17:19
dobeyit's not trivial to fix either way it sounds :)17:19
mvodobey: heh :) yeah indeed17:20
seb128just use ...17:20
mvoseb128: don't tell that mpt, he will come over to france to have a word with you about that ;)17:20
* mvo ponders a bit17:20
seb128use ... in the source17:20
seb128and make it the utf char in the en_GB translation17:21
seb128there were people suggesting that source should always be ascii17:21
mvoif $USER == ...17:21
seb128and to do a C locale for translations and add utf chars there17:21
seb128I'm not sure about what char the discussion was about exactly now17:22
* mvo files a bug upstream17:23
dobeybbiab, must get lunch :)17:24
seb128mvo, ah, that was about "" against “”17:24
AmaranthSo does this package sets thing in soyuz mean it's possible now to get upload access for certain packages instead of all of main?17:27
AmaranthProbably the wrong channel to ask :)17:27
LaserJockAmaranth: that's been available to MOTUs for quite some time17:28
AmaranthAh, I think I need to see about getting my MOTU access back17:28
AmaranthIs it still just a simple reacceptance for former members of the team or do I have to do a bunch of universe work to show again?17:29
pittitedg, chrisccoulson: back; what's up?17:30
AmaranthI forgot to click the little button in launchpad to keep my membership when the email came telling me it was going to expire17:30
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - we were talking about shutdown behaviour now consolekit and gnome-session are using polkit-117:31
chrisccoulsonbecause the indicator-session applet suppresses the shutdown confirmation dialog when multiple users are logged in, with the assumption that you get a PK auth dialog17:31
chrisccoulsonbut the auth dialog appears after the session has already ended now17:32
mptmvo, that all looks good now, thank you17:32
mvompt: ok, I will upload the work of today then, thanks for verifiyng17:33
mvoseb128: upstream bug #59620517:35
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 596205 could not be found17:35
seb128gnome bug #59620517:35
ubottuGnome bug 596205 in general "Strings with unicode chars in gtkbuilder ui file (like ? ) can translated" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59620517:35
seb128mvo, you mean "can't"?17:36
mvoseb128: yes *sigh* thanks17:36
mvoseb128: fixed17:37
seb128mvo, thanks17:37
cypherbioshey mvo, mpt_: do you guys have any plans to integrate some aptoncd-like feature to the software-store?17:57
cypherbiosmpt_: I think you wrote something like this on the wiki spec page, but I don't know what you guys have discussed about it so far17:59
mpt_cypherbios, see the mentions of "aptoncd" in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore>17:59
mpt_ah, snap :-)17:59
mpt_cypherbios, beyond that we haven't discussed it17:59
mpt_cypherbios, the main reason we haven't discussed it is that it's on the roadmap for version 4 and mvo is just about to release version 1 :-)18:00
cypherbiosI see :)18:00
cypherbiosmpt_, good to know you gave some thought on it already18:00
cypherbiosI would like to help out just in case you decide to do some "backup" or "personal installation disc" feature integrated on the store18:01
mpt_cypherbios, that would be great. Sorry that it's so far out -- in theory it could be contributed for v3, but getting it into v2 would be quite difficult because v2 will be mainly about handling non-application packages *at all*18:02
cypherbiosmpt_, I can think of several possibilities how it can be useful to the end user and cleanly designed on the way that the software store is meant to look and feel to the user18:02
mpt_cypherbios, neat! Maybe you could make a subpage of SoftwareStore/ for notes+sketches of possible designs?18:03
cypherbiosmpt_, and hopefully making the aptoncd package/application unnecessary18:03
cypherbiosmpt_, sure! that will be great. I will give it some thought and write something later on18:04
mpt_cypherbios, ok, I look forward to reading it18:04
Amaranthkwwii: The human metacity theme apparently now has a border when maximized so you can't use scrollbars easily18:20
kwwiiAmaranth: hrm...can you file a bug18:24
kwwiiI am working on getting all the other pieces in place before freeze18:24
Amaranthkwwii: Got someone doing it right now :)18:24
kwwiiassign it to me, if you please :)18:24
kwwiicool, thanks18:24
pittikwwii: you mean "not too much into the freeze"18:24
* pitti hugs kwwii18:25
kwwiipitti: hehe, exactly18:29
* pitti headdesks18:31
Amaranthkwwii: bug 43606618:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436066 in human-theme "Human theme vertical scroolbars have borders on maximized windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43606618:40
kwwiiAmaranth: sweet, thanks18:40
Amaranthdunno if that's metacity or gtk but either way...ugh :)18:40
Amaranthmvo: Can you add a bit to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TravisWatkins/MOTUDeveloperApplication for me?19:04
AmaranthDown at the bottom19:04
kwwiipitti: just uploaded teh wallpaper package for kramic19:12
kwwiiwell, it is still uploading19:13
kwwii20 new pics int19:13
kwwiiin it19:13
* kwwii is out fo rthe evening19:13
jcastrokwwii: did you guys pic the contest winners?19:13
jcastrokwwii: ie. is someone going to announce something?19:13
kwwiigotta run19:13
rickspencer3kwwii, is the default wall paper and the gdm wall paper the same thing?19:14
Amaranthmvo: I was thinking we could resurrect your own patch for making gnome-screensaver not unredirected and make it do the opposite if it detects the NV-GLX X extension, then we could turn Unredirect Fullscreen Windows on for nvidia users too19:15
AmaranthI'll have to pull that up and get chrisccoulson to test it :)19:16
AmaranthThe main bug fixed by turning that option off is filling up with nvidia users posting phoronix test suite results trying to prove to me it's only one guy who has performance problems so they seem to really want it19:19
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
dobeyjames_w: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/karmic/python-oauth/svn1124/+merge/12365 <- not sure what we need to do for beta freeze to get this in. feel free to clue me up :)19:26
james_wdobey: are you subscribed to ubuntu-devel-announce19:26
dobeyjames_w: i am not19:27
james_wyou are now the proud owner of 2 milestone targeted bugs19:31
james_wthe upload can go in the queue where the release team will review it with reference to those and decide on the appropriateness19:31
james_wbut first I need to eat19:31
Laneymmm building gtk19:32
dobeydear apport, STOP DELETING ATTACHMENTS19:33
LaserJockwhat exactly is "Canonical-Maintained" supposed to mean in software-store?19:35
AmaranthLaserJock: should probably be s/Maintained/Supported/19:36
AmaranthAlthough to an end user maintained basically means the same thing19:37
LaserJockI know it's not an easy thing to figure out, especially in regards to what it means to end users, but it seems like there needs to be some better indication of what it means19:39
dobey'maintained' is probably incorrect anyway, and too technical19:39
dobey(incorrect in some cases anyway)19:39
LaserJockthe intended mean, I believe, is to say "you get support for this software if you buy a Canonical support contract", right?19:42
LaserJockin which case maybe something like "supportable" might make more sense19:42
LaserJockor "support available"19:42
=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow
dobeyLaserJock: right, -Supported is better, as Amaranth suggested :)19:59
mvoLaserJock: you may want to discuss this with mpt what the exact meaning is20:02
mvoLaserJock: in the code it means component in ("main", "restricted")20:02
LaserJockat least until the archive reorganization I guess20:03
LaserJockI'm just not positive if it's the "you can buy a support contract for this software" or "hey, Canonical puts money into making this happen"20:04
LaserJockif the former it's kinda confusing (you don't know that you should buy a contract, etc.) if the later it sort of applies to the whole of Ubuntu20:05
dobeyLaserJock: i think it means "these packages will get security updates for the next 18-36 months (depending on if it's LTS or not)"20:06
Amaranthyeah, that's what it means in synaptic20:07
LaserJockdobey: but that's not a Canonical thing in particular is it?20:08
LaserJockI thought that was the Ubuntu Security Team20:08
dobeyLaserJock: no, i don't think so20:08
dobeyLaserJock: ask mpt :)20:08
mvoAmaranth: when do you need the motu support? is it ok if I fill it in tomorrow morning?20:09
Amaranthmvo: yeah, I think the next meeting is a ways off since they just had one20:09
mvoI'm sure it will be no problem for you to become one anyway :)20:09
* mvo waves and says good night20:09
Amaranthgood night20:10
* dobey should probably do a little administrata in that area too :)20:10
AmaranthLast time I was MOTU by the time I got it all my package were in main20:10
AmaranthNow I'm not pretending and asking for MOTU and upload rights to compiz at the same time :)20:10
james_wdobey: how did you do the new upstream snapshot?20:19
dobeyjames_w: copied the files out of svn20:26
james_wstupid tarballs20:26
c_kornis there something wrong here or is this the new default theme ? http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/25621/screenshot_001_JmA7Sk.png20:26
dobeyjames_w: i wasn't sure how you did it, and have no idea how you created the tarball in the first place20:26
james_wdobey: did you build the package>20:26
dobeyjames_w: i built a tarball also that has just the upstream svn1124 files20:28
dobeyjames_w: but the tarball isn't in the source pkg branch... i have no idea where the tarballs come from for source pkg branches :)20:29
james_wif you use "bzr merge-upstream" then it is handled for you20:29
james_wso you did build the package and test it?20:29
dobeyi built a source package. the hmac code i implemented in poauth, and backported, so it's tested there, yes.20:32
dobeyi haven't built binary packages yet20:33
james_wwell, would you please test the changes in the package you created?20:34
Amaranthc_korn: what's the problem exactly?20:34
c_kornAmaranth: after the latest update the default theme has changed. I just wanted to know if this is actually the new theme going to be used in karmic or if it is a bug.20:36
Amaranthc_korn: oh, yeah, new theme20:37
c_kornAmaranth: ok, thanks.20:38
dobeyjames_w: ubuntu one is still working with it, yeah :)20:41
ccheneygrr my closing got pushed back due to annoying lender requests :-\20:42
dobeyccheney: heh. i'm still trying to get a closing. they still won't tell me if i am actually getting the place or not20:43
ccheneydobey: i am already approved but apparently the bank kept asking for more conditions that caused it to delay the date of closing :(20:49
ccheneyso now i have to move during the week instead of over this weekend20:49
ccheneyif my new computer parts come in by tomorrow i can play with that i suppose20:51
ccheneyi'm excited to get a system that could potentially build OOo in under an hour :)20:52
ccheneythen i just need the faster internet at my new house so i can upload it in under an hour (for the diff.gz anyway)20:52
Amaranthccheney: I didn't know we had 50Ghz processors and 2TB/s disks yet20:53
ccheneyAmaranth: heh, well it doesn't take more than about 3-4 hours on my old box and my new one is probably ~ 5x faster than that, not sure if it will scale directly though20:54
chrisccoulsonccheney - what spec is it?20:54
ccheneynew one is a i7 860, 8gb ram, 1tb hd20:54
Amaranthccheney: Now you can compile OOo in 3 VMs at once20:54
ccheneychrisccoulson: can do 8 threads so that should help over my old one that only did 220:55
chrisccoulsoni'd like to spend some money on a new machine but i'm not allowed to do that with a baby on the way20:55
AmaranthThat reminds me, don't you always upload OOo at UDS and kill the internet? :)20:55
ccheneyi found a bunch of good deals on parts so only cost me ~ $800 for whole system minus the hd (already had it)20:55
AmaranthWow, last I looked the processor was like $60020:55
ccheneyAmaranth: sometimes, last UDS the chumby's killed the internet20:56
ccheneyAmaranth: er i usually upload OOo at UDS from my home box though, so shouldn't affect UDS bandwidth anyway20:56
ccheneyi7 860 is only ~ $230, the 870 is the expensive one20:56
kklimondachrisccoulson: baby? so you won't work on ubuntu so much in the future? :)20:56
ccheneywell $230 at some stores if you look around (microcenter in the US)20:56
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - only time will tell ;)20:56
chrisccoulsoni hope i still find time to work on ubuntu20:57
dobeyccheney: cool. i'm trying to get a short sale property. lots of pointless waiting involved.20:57
ccheneychrisccoulson: i have myself a set allowance each month that i can use for stuff like new computers, etc and after awhile finally have enough to buy one, heh :)20:57
dobeybrb, must reboot20:57
ccheneydobey: what is short sale property? i have heard of it but didn't know what it was, like a foreclosure?20:58
chrisccoulsonccheney - i should probably do the same really ;)20:58
ccheneychrisccoulson: i set it up via direct deposit for me and my wife, helps keep the arguments down, heh :)20:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, thats a good idea:)20:59
dobeyccheney: owners selling for less than they owe21:05
* didrocks is having some trouble wit ${gnome:Version}21:14
chrisccoulsondidrocks - what trouble?21:14
didrocksit's not well substitued in epiphany-webkit package: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277386/21:14
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, that's strange21:15
didrocksif I put some echo, it seems to have the right value :/21:16
ccheneymy fan just arrived, it is enormous21:18
* ccheney hopes he can manage to mount it on the mobo21:19
chrisccoulsonccheney - i had the same issue with my fan ;)21:31
cassidyseb128, would be cool to apply this patch; https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/papyon/+bug/433514  without it apport is launched each time you connect your MSN account21:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433514 in papyon "error in _client_capability_changed parameters" [Undecided,New]21:31
chrisccoulsonit fouls the RAM. and the heatsink on my graphics card fouls the chipset cooler21:32
chrisccoulsoni had to cut some fins off ;)21:32
ccheneychrisccoulson: the one i got is 1kg, bigger than i expected though when i saw it21:32
seb128cassidy, hum, no it's not?21:32
seb128cassidy, I just connected to msn and didn't get a crash21:32
chrisccoulsonccheney - 1kg is quite big;)21:32
seb128cassidy, but I will backport the change thanks21:32
ccheneychrisccoulson: yea my previous large hsf from a few years back was the biggest tat the time and was 600g21:33
cassidyistaz, does this happen all the time? Or you need to have a contact supporting video in your contact list ?21:33
ccheneychrisccoulson: this one just makes the other one look pathetic21:33
chrisccoulsonyou should be careful that it doesn't break your motherboard;)21:33
ccheneyits the new noctua nh-u12p se221:33
cassidyseb128, do you know if there is plan to package pyclutter-gtk for Karmic ?21:33
seb128cassidy, not that I know, now is time to get things we have working not to add new things21:36
istazcassidy: I think it's for contacts with webcam but I'm not sure, lfrb is the expert for that area of code21:36
cassidyseb128, technically that's a regression; the package has been splitted (it used to be part of pyclutter)21:37
didrockschrisccoulson: I have really no clue and am going to say that ${gnome:Version} won :/ (also the previous package has the same issue in my pbuilder)21:38
chrisccoulsondidrocks - what is the version number of the package?21:38
didrockschrisccoulson: 2.28.0-0ubuntu121:39
didrockschrisccoulson: but if I try to build 2.27.92-2ubuntu1 too, I have the same issue (and using the regexp manually, it passes the test)21:40
seb128cassidy, just saying where we spend ressources21:41
seb128cassidy, you are welcome to find somebody to package it and I will upload21:41
seb128cassidy, but I don't intend to work on it21:41
cassidyseb128, ok. Will open a bug about that21:41
seb128is it in debian?21:41
cassidydon't think so21:41
seb128opening a bug is not likely going to make it packaged though21:42
seb128there is like one thousand need-packaging bug open21:42
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i'm just going to try it here too21:52
didrockschrisccoulson: try 2.27.92-2ubuntu1, you won't have to bump your dep :)21:53
* ccheney just got the rest of the parts, minus the motherboard which is stuck in usps limbo :-\21:53
chrisccoulsondidrocks - how come debian/rules has the "DEB_VERSION := ...." line in it?21:55
chrisccoulsonthat already comes from /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk21:55
didrockschrisccoulson: dunno, but it still gives the right number, even redifined :)21:57
didrockschrisccoulson: /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk doesn't contain it btw21:58
chrisccoulsonsorry, i meant /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/gnome-get-source.mk21:59
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, include has been commented… well, the issue does not come from there, but well ^^22:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm confused now22:02
didrockschrisccoulson: do you have the same issue too?22:03
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, it seems so22:03
chrisccoulsonit doesn't finish building for you?22:03
didrockschrisccoulson: I got that: (see first lines) http://paste.ubuntu.com/277403/22:04
mac_vdid anyone have their hicolor icons removed? after recent update i dont see the hicolor icons :/22:04
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, thats what i see22:04
kwwiiseb128: should I make a sponsoring bug for the ubuntu-wallpapers package or did pitti already look at it?22:04
didrockschrisccoulson: and opening the file, I got (>= ), so ${gnome:Version} is empty  :/22:04
didrockschrisccoulson: looking at substvars file confirms that22:05
kwwiiseb128: sorry for bothering you so late, just got back home22:05
chrisccoulsondidrocks - does the binary-install/epiphany-webkit target ever actually get called?22:09
chrisccoulsonthe package isn't using CDBS is it, and i can't see anything in debian/rules that would make that happen22:09
chrisccoulsonother than that, i'm out of ideas;)22:09
didrockschrisccoulson: hum, I guess it's called as I have an empty (but existing) value in epiphany-webkit.substvars22:11
chrisccoulsonhello seb128!22:11
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i'm confused then :)22:11
didrockswell, great, you rassure me, I'm not alone \o/22:12
mac_voh oh! some one committed a grave error , the hi-color package installs empty folders , with no icons22:20
jpdsAnd: bug #436159 .22:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436159 in humanity-icon-theme "Missing icon for update-manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43615922:22
kwwiimac_v: are you high?22:23
mac_vkwwii: i wish i was... i see empty folders in hicolor :(22:23
kwwiimac_v: hicolor is a the place where third-party apps install icons22:24
kwwiiso if the directory structure is made somehow without icons being installed I would not wonder22:25
mac_vexactly , a lot of the apps dont have icons , synaptic , Software store , all icons are lost :(22:25
kwwiimac_v: the apps have to install the icons into hicolor22:26
kwwiibut anyway, time for sleep...night all22:26
chrisccoulsonmac_v - i have icons in hicolor22:26
mac_vchrisccoulson: update manager crashed during my last update , and since then , i dont have icons , the nm applet also crashes > Bug #43617922:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436179 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet assert failure: ERROR:applet.c:481:applet_menu_item_favorize_helper: assertion failed: (favoritePixbuf)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43617922:28
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that sucks22:28
mac_vchrisccoulson: also  ,checks this out > http://imagebin.ca/view/Qux8HRx.html22:29
mac_vit totally sucks :/22:29
Amaranthmac_v: Sounds like it crashed at the right point to wipe out your icons22:29
chrisccoulsonmac_v - i think something went badly wrong on your system22:29
Amaranthmac_v: Time to reinstall every package that installs an icon in hicolor22:30
chrisccoulsoni think that's the only solution ;)22:30
hggdhseb128: ping re. libpst22:30
mac_vyeah , thats waht i'm doignatm22:30
mac_v*what i'm doing22:30
seb128hggdh, hello22:30
hggdhhi seb128. I have a package ready. What should I do now?22:30
seb128hggdh, open a bug and add the diff.gz and .dsc if you know how to do that22:31
seb128hggdh, was it something stupid in my version or a bug?22:31
Amaranthcompiz really needs to be responsible for screenshots so they don't look like crap22:31
Amaranthheck, compiz could even do like OS X and save a psd with a layer for each window :)22:32
Amaranthwell, or a gimp file, whatever22:32
hggdhseb128: a mix -- a new package is being proposed, a python interface. I disabled it right now; also, we have ABI/API changes so I bumped the soname22:32
hggdhseb128: I will also upload the orig.tar.gz, I still have to clean up old ./debian22:32
seb128hggdh, ok, I didn't manage to build it so I didn't check the api and soname22:32
* Amaranth is thinking dbus interface and patch to gnome-screenshot-tool22:33
Amaranthactually this already sort of exists, we have the screenshot plugin and the dbus plugin lets you call it's activate action22:35
* chrisccoulson is getting really annoyed with his mouse randomly double clicking22:41
hggdhseb128: subscribe you?22:44
chrisccoulsonwoah, the installation process of ubuntu in vmware is completely automatic22:45
chrisccoulsonhow wierd22:45
seb128hggdh, ubuntu-universe-sponsors22:45
hggdhseb128: thanks22:45
seb128or get chrisccoulson or didrocks or Laney to review and upload if you can22:45
LaneyI'm doing sponsoring now22:45
Laneywhat's up22:45
seb128new libpst22:45
Laneybug number, please22:45
seb128required to get evolution being able to do pst import22:45
seb128hggdh, ^22:46
chrisccoulsondoes stuff in universe have to be approved in beta freeze too, or is it just main?22:46
Laneygets held in the queue but no special release approval22:46
Laneyover FF22:46
seb128I give the ffe approval22:46
Laneyseb128: please add an ack in the bug to make clear22:46
hggdhLaney: bug 43620622:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436206 in libpst "Please update libpst to version 0.6.41" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43620622:47
LaneyI'm going to look at the interdiff btw22:47
Laneylast minute chance to make changes ;)22:47
Laneyinterdiff -z -p1 old_diff.gz new_diff.gz22:47
didrockschrisccoulson: I found it \o/ it was quite a trap :) (an override in installl-% target)22:49
Laneyis there an evo plugin to enable pst or what?22:49
hggdhLaney: yes, but Evo has to be changed to be build with it22:50
hggdh(control build-depends and run=time)22:50
Laneythat's suboptimal22:50
hggdhnothing I can do... came this way from upstream22:50
Laneyyeah sure22:50
Laneyproper plugin architecture would be nice22:50
hggdhthis will require a major change, since all plugins currently are built together22:51
LaneyI don't doubt it :)22:51
hggdh:-) Evo upstream is full of gas, they may get there22:52
Laneybundled debian/?22:52
Laneyoh they removed it eh?22:52
hggdhcomes this way from upstream. I had to add a get-orig-source, since first package. I will try, again, to talk with Carl and get him to take it out22:53
Laneyhggdh: is 4 the soname?22:55
hggdhLaney: yes22:55
LaneyI don't think it's right to put that in the dev package name22:55
Laneysomeone else confirm please22:55
hggdhI was unsure there...22:55
seb128was the previous version already versioned?22:55
Laneyunversioned, sorry22:56
seb128that's weird yes22:56
* Laney can't read22:56
seb128don't version it22:56
hggdhnot for -dev22:56
seb128we don't need build-depends transitions22:56
Laneyplease revert that bit, hggdh22:56
hggdhLaney: will do. But right now I have a tele-conference... will be back in 2 hours22:56
Laneyassigning back to you22:58
seb128Laney, can you review other things too so we don't do lot of ping pong which take days ;-)22:58
Laneyrest is fine22:58
seb128I mean don't stop your review on that22:58
Laneybuilding now22:59
seb128if that's a one char change maybe do the change and upload? ;-)22:59
seb128though I guess that's after beta material now22:59
seb128so no hurry22:59
Laneyhmm maybe23:00
asacnot sure when, but i have new wifi icons ;)23:03
chrisccoulsonasac - i have a heart in my nm-applet menu now23:05
chrisccoulsoni love eth0 :)23:06
asacthats the official gnome "favorite" metaphor ;)23:06
asaci assume that wont last long ;)23:07
chrisccoulsonasac - it looks a bit strange though ;)23:07
asacbut i referred to the wifi bars ... they are now all gray23:08
asacnot sure23:08
chrisccoulsoni've not seen those, as i don't have wifi23:08
asacis the wired icon still the pacman ghost thing? ;)23:09
Laneyhggdh: uploading23:11
chrisccoulsonasac - i'm not sure which ghost thing you mean - i don't use the default icon set ;)23:13
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should do though23:13
chrisccoulsoni just sat on my cat!23:13
c_kornchrisccoulson: I hope the cat is all right23:14
chrisccoulsonc_korn - yeah, he's pretty hard wearing. he's just looking at me a bit wierd now though23:15
chrisccoulsonhe'll be fine if i give him some food23:15
c_kornhehe :)23:15
chrisccoulsonhe jumps in this chair every time i get out of it. i only need to stand up for a minute, and when i get back to the chair, he's fast asleep in it!23:16
chrisccoulsonor at least he pretends to be asleep23:16
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do you think bug 431027 should have a karmic task on it?23:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431027 in rhythmbox "No longer able to rip CD's from rhythmbox" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43102723:22
chrisccoulsonit seems to be the same issue as not being able to play CD's anymore23:22
Laneyhggdh: btw, I would like it if you would explain "why" in addition to "what" in your changelogs23:22
Laneymakes stuff easier to review23:22
seb128chrisccoulson, no23:22
seb128chrisccoulson, we will get new tarball for gst* in the next days23:22
seb128chrisccoulson, it's already fixed in git and we have pre-versions we will update to stable versions23:22
Laneyseb128: did you see that the f-spot screensaver was fixed in gtk, btw?23:23
seb128so no need to bother rt with the bug tracking23:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm running a local build of gst-plugins-base0.10 with the changes linked from that bug report, and it doesn't seem to change anything23:23
seb128Laney, yes, I discussed it again with spe today and he discussed it with alex23:23
chrisccoulsonalthough perhaps i'm missing a change23:23
seb128Laney, I was waiting for an another gtk crasher fix to backport that and do a gtk upload23:23
Laneysde told me that there would likely be a new gtk release23:23
seb128chrisccoulson, could you ask slomo about that tomorrow?23:24
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can do23:24
seb128Laney, I doubt slangasek will accept a new gtk version upload for beta now23:24
Laneyyeah probably not before beta23:24
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks23:24
LaneyI haven't done a direct upload in a little while23:25
Laney Uploading libpst_0.6.41-0ubuntu1.dsc: done.23:26
LaneyI felt like I should do some sponsoring since I said about it in my uds application23:27
chrisccoulsoni need to do some sponsoring too really23:27
seb128chrisccoulson, would you be interested to come to uds btw?23:27
seb128chrisccoulson, ie do you want a sponsoring recommendation?23:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'd love to, but unfortunately the timing is slightly bad for me23:28
chrisccoulsonmy daughter is due to arrive in november ;)23:28
seb128yeah I was wondering about that23:29
seb128will be for the next one maybe then ;-)23:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, the next one should be better23:29
seb128and it will be in europe23:30
seb128always better to not have to cross atlantic23:30
seb128I say that for europe but I'm not sure but they tend to alternate23:30
Laneychrisccoulson: have you started preparing yet? :)23:30
chrisccoulsonLaney - for the new arrival?23:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, we're mostly ready now23:30
seb128it's your first one right?23:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, it is. so i'm not too sure what to expect just yet ;)23:31
seb128good luck in any case ;-)23:31
chrisccoulsonif she keeps me awake all night, i might even be glad to have to go to work in the morning ;)23:32
chrisccoulsonalthough things would have to be pretty bad for that to happen!23:32
seb128will they notice if you start not showing up some days? ;-)23:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm not sure actually23:33
chrisccoulsoni turned up really late this morning, and i don't think anyone noticed23:34
chrisccoulsoni arrived at 10am this morning!23:34
chrisccoulsoni should put more effort in really;)23:34
seb128you missed the breakfast then? ;-)23:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - we have breakfast on fridays23:34
didrockswell… I arrive at 7am in the morning, and I have no breakfast ;)23:34
seb128ah ok23:34
seb128didrocks, you are crazy23:35
didrocksspeaking about that time to go to bed and get some rest before tomorrow, all this epiphany and webkit fixing is done :-)23:35
seb128I never arrived anywhere before 8 or 923:35
chrisccoulsonin fact, all i do on friday morning is arrive, have coffee, have breakfast, have more coffee, chat for a bit and then come home at lunchtime23:35
seb128being school or work23:35
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)23:35
didrocksseb128: no choice, 30 min later, I double my transportation time :/23:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i don't like early mornings either23:35
Laneyour friday is similar23:36
Laneyarrive, work for a little bit, have informal seminar, do crossword, someone comes in: "pub time?"23:36
chrisccoulsonLaney - that sounds nice:)23:36
didrockssee you tomorrow guys, have a good night (and not too short ;))23:37
chrisccoulsongood night didrocks23:37
chrisccoulsonLaney - do you get flexible hours too?23:37
seb128'night didrocks23:37
Laneychrisccoulson: yeah, I don't really have any fixed hours unless its teaching or some meeting/seminar23:37
chrisccoulsonthat sounds cool! i don't get any flexibility in my hours (at least, i'm not meant too)23:38
chrisccoulsoni used to in my previous job, but i moved last year because i thought i would enjoy my new job more, despite not having the flexibility there23:39
rickspencer3-afkTheMuso, hi23:44
TheMusoHey rickspencer3-afk.23:45
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
rickspencer3TheMuso, remember that GNOME accessibility discussion I mentioned?23:45
rickspencer3what day of the week next week would be a good morning for you to join a call?23:45
rickspencer3(if any)23:46
TheMusorickspencer3: Just name it, and I'll be there, I think thats the easiest.23:46
rickspencer3that's easy for me anyway23:47
rickspencer3ok, I'll let you know23:47
rickspencer3TheMuso, nobody can call you a prima dona, that's for sure23:47
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you were looking at bug 421318  earlier weren't you?23:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421318 in totem "totem crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42131823:48
chrisccoulsondid you manage to get anywhere with it?23:49
seb128chrisccoulson, not really, I was just taking it as a python issue23:49
seb128dunno how to debug those23:49
seb128valgrind list a zillion of errors23:49
seb128those are mostly false warnings23:49
seb128ie there is screens or error on a valgrind python -c import gtk23:50
seb128or -> of23:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not too sure how to debug it either. i was just interested in finding out though if anyone figured it out ;)23:50
seb128hey robert_ancell23:55
seb128chrisccoulson, I will tell you when I figure something23:55
robert_ancellseb128, hey seb23:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks. i might try and have a look at it before i go to bed as well23:55
seb128we can maybe make robert_ancell fix it23:56
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell - have you fixed it yet? ;)23:56
robert_ancelldepends what's broken!23:57
seb128robert_ancell, totem crashes when you close it23:57
seb128but it crashes in python code23:57
seb128and we have no clue how to debug that ;-)23:57
robert_ancelloh I looked at that yesterday and gave up when it was inside the python interpreter...23:57
seb128there is screens or error on a valgrind python -c import gtk23:58
seb128and I've no clue how to debug python properly23:58
seb128I mean I know how to debug python scripts23:58
seb128but not python interpreter issues23:59
robert_ancellyeah, never been inside there.  I get loads of valgrind errors23:59
chrisccoulsonit seems nobody likes python interpreter issues23:59
seb128-+        g_signal_emit (manager, signals[USER_ADDED], 0, user);23:59
seb128++        g_signal_emit (manager, signals[USER_ADDED], 0, gdm_user_get_uid (user));23:59
seb128robert_ancell, does that makes sense to you?23:59
seb128it's a change from bratsche to your 16_gdmserver_user_manager.patch23:59

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