
NoReflexHello guys! I'm looking for some information on how I could compile a source to be installed just as a version from ubuntu's repo. If I compile it using the default options it will use other folders for binaries, libraries and won't make menu shortcuts00:06
ion#ubuntu-motu should help with packaging.00:07
NoReflexwill try, thanks00:08
lamonthttp://www.klikradio.org/listen.asx <-- the 17 yr old highschooler daughter is live on the air.  She even sometimes plays songs I like00:10
ionThe radio compression is painful.00:16
=== Chex changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha-6 released, please help find boot bugs | Launchpad will be down/in read-only from 22:00 UTC until 24:00 UTC for a code update | Archive: FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Help
mdzsmoser, around?00:34
smoserbut i might have to go at a moments notice.00:35
mdzsmoser, just wanted to show you this00:36
mdzsmoser, I hacked up a first cut of the apport patch for ec200:37
ubottuError: This bug is private00:37
mdz(no it isn't)00:37
mdzsmoser, is there any other information which might be useful to add for bug reports from ec2 instances?00:37
smosereverything in the metadata service is useful.00:38
smoserwith the possible explicit exception of ignoring user-data00:38
smoser(for privacy reasons)00:38
mdzsmoser, is any of it potentially privacy-sensitive?00:38
smoseri can go through and get a list of what might be private and what not00:38
smoserat very least, things in there we'd want are image/ramdisk/kernel id00:39
smoserstuff like that00:39
mdzsmoser, I'm already getting image/ramdisk/kernel, I can get zone00:43
mdzsmoser, thanks for the feedback00:43
=== Chex changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha-6 released, please help find boot bugs | Archive: FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
Kanohi, i tested current daily live 64 bit, then i installed htop on my quad core02:18
Kanoand one cpu is permanently at 100%02:18
KanoX needs it, Intel onboard Q45 btw02:19
Kanothats definitely not normal02:19
Kanobooted with toram option via network, but should not matter02:21
smosermdz, sorry for being dense before. i didn't realize what i was looking at. i thought you were pointing me at code that did the collection, and i couldn't find where it was.02:22
Kanojust tested it on nvidia hardware, same problem, one core running wild of 402:26
Kanoalso vts are blocked why on earth would somebody do that02:28
LaserJockKano: what do you mean by blocked?02:30
Kanoctrl-alt+f1 or chvt 1 does not work02:31
Kanobtw. when i install nvidia binary drivers in live mode then cpu usage is 1%02:31
LaserJockmy guess is the vts are just dead02:31
LaserJockwhich seems to happen not very infrequently when X crashes or is not working properly, in my experience02:32
Kanoon 2 testsystems with different hardware?02:32
LaserJockin terms of not getting to the vts I wouldn't be surprised02:33
mdzsmoser, I hadn't noticed you being dense :-)02:34
LaserJockI rarely had working vts for a few releases, although Jaunty and Karmic seemed to do good for me02:34
masonEnter text here...hello02:42
mdzsmoser, now that you saw it for what it was, do you have further thoughts on how we could make it more useful?02:42
masonok i m having troubles with grub02:43
* LaserJock stabs apport for freezing up his laptop05:10
hyperairis there a way to force redetection of headphone jack status?05:10
TheMusohyperair: unless there is a mixer control for it, not that I know of.05:20
hyperairmy headphone jack is acting strangely when resuming from suspend05:20
hyperairas in, my speakers won't mute unless i plug in headphones pull them out and plug them back in05:20
hyperairand if i leave my headphones in before suspending, and pull them out before resuming, the speakers remain muted05:21
hyperairi'd like to write a pm-utils script for it05:21
TheMusohyperair: I think that problem needs solving at the kernel level.05:34
hyperairah damn =\05:36
hyperairi should go file a bug then05:36
TheMusoargh! gnome-terminal constantly segfaults, yes bug filing has been done.05:41
pittiGood morning07:26
pittimdz: ah, great07:26
\shgood morning pitti :)07:26
pittimdke: I just don't know whether we'll get another full langpack export until beta, so that people actually have translated docs; but we will definitively coordinate this for the RC/final07:27
pittiArneGoetje: do you still plan new langpacks between now and Monday?07:27
StevenKHey pitti!07:27
pittihey \sh07:27
pittihey StevenK!07:27
* \sh had a nice accident yesterday release-upgrading from a fresh jaunty install to yesterdays karmic .. after do-release-upgrade -d and reboot the machine couldn't find any kernel anymore...07:29
\shI wonder if it's a machine problem (ibm thinkpad t43 with a new HD) or if something happend during upgrade07:30
ArneGoetjepitti: one update today, and one on sunday... according to crontab... but if it's not wanted, we can drop those07:31
\shlooks like that I have to re-test this way this evening again07:31
pittiArneGoetje: oh, that's fine; I actually meant a full export07:31
pittiArneGoetje: so that the delta packs get empty, and we don't overflow CDs07:31
pittiArneGoetje: actually, hang on07:31
ArneGoetjepitti: I can make one on Sunday07:31
pittiArneGoetje: can we skip the one on Sunday07:31
ArneGoetjepitti: ?07:32
pittiArneGoetje: ok, full one on Sunday is possible? that would be good07:32
pittiArneGoetje: didn't finish typing my original thought yet :)07:32
ArneGoetjepitti: yes, because I juse produced full ones last Sunday07:32
pittiArneGoetje: the alternative would be to skip the sunday one and fake a full export today by merging the last full and current delta tarball before building packs07:32
cjwatsonhow long will the export on Sunday take?07:33
ArneGoetjecjwatson: let me check07:34
ArneGoetjecjwatson: the LP export starts at 21:00 UTC on Saturday and takes 9 hours07:38
pittihm, that means we could build final CDs only on Tuesday morning07:39
pittisounds doable, but we shoulnd't build them much later07:39
ArneGoetjecjwatson: means, it will be available around Sunday 6:00 UTC. I can then kick of the lp-o-matic run, which takes about 4 hours07:39
pittiwell, if some langpacks aren't built yet, it's not a catastrophe07:39
mdkepitti: I haven't imported any translations from rosetta yet for ubuntu-docs, the translations included are still those from Jaunty. I tend to import translations after translation freeze because it takes quite a long time to do it and fix the various errors07:40
dholbachgood morning07:41
ArneGoetjecjwatson, pitti: BTW: when to you want to have the final langpacks ready?07:41
pittithree days before RC would be great07:42
ArneGoetjepitti: date?07:42
pittiArneGoetje: October 1907:43
pittiI'm not sure whether we should do another one for final (we used to in previous releases sometimes), but I'm inclined not to07:44
ArneGoetjepitti: ok, that means the export on 17/18 would be too late?07:44
mdkethe LanguagePackTranslationDeadline is October 2207:45
pittimdke: for that we'd need an upload after RC, since the RC is due on October 2207:46
mdkeso translators will think (unless corrected) that their translations up until that date will be included in Ubuntu07:46
pittimdke: I'm not firmly opposed to do another upload after RC07:46
mdkepitti: yeah, I'm not saying that the deadline is appropriate, just that this is how it is at the moment07:46
pittiArneGoetje: can we move that a day earlier?07:46
ArneGoetjepitti: the export? need to ask the rosetta team to kick off a manual export07:47
pittiright, the export and the build; so export on oct 16/17, upload on 17, build finishes until oct 1907:48
ArneGoetjepitti: then we can also make the export on 14/15 the final one...07:48
ArneGoetjepitti: when is release day? 29?07:50
pittiArneGoetje: yes07:50
pittiArneGoetje: I think we should at least do another full export on Oct 2207:51
pitti(on the deadline)07:51
pittiso that we have the possiblity of another update post-RC for final07:51
pittiwe can still not upload it if the situation doesn't allow us to for some reason, but at least we'll be prepared07:51
ArneGoetjepitti: ok, according to LP cron schedule we have the foolowing export dates: 14, 17, 21, 24 before release. which ones to take and which ones to skip?07:51
pittiArneGoetje: that's for deltas, right?07:52
ArneGoetjepitti: that's for full or deltas, depending on how I request it to be07:52
mdkepitti: probably a good idea to let the translators know the plan so that they don't get bitten if there is no post-RC upload07:52
pittiArneGoetje: I'd skip them all, and request a manual full export on 16 and 2207:52
pittimdke: *nod*07:52
ArneGoetjemdke: that's why we are discussing this now. ;)07:53
ArneGoetjepitti: ok, so the last one according to schedule would be on 10. Then two manual ones on 16 and 22.07:54
mdkeArneGoetje: ok07:54
mdkepitti: how does the xml export work? Is there a date I need to have the ubuntu-docs translations uploaded by to ensure that they are shipped?07:55
pittiArneGoetje: sounds like a plan07:55
pittimdke: xml export?07:55
pittimdke: for being caught by the Oct 22 export, I think you need to have it uploaded by Oct 19 or so, to give LP some spare time for importing them all07:56
pittiArneGoetje: ^ sounds sane?07:56
ArneGoetjepitti: ok, I will announce this to the translators07:56
mdkepitti: the thing where xml from /usr/share/gnome/help is moved from ubuntu-docs to langpacks07:56
mdkeobviously when I upload ubuntu-docs, it gets stripped out during the build, and then where does it go back in?07:57
ArneGoetjepitti: yes, I guess so07:57
pittimdke: oh, ignore me for the import07:57
pittiit's not really "imported"07:57
pittimdke: langpack-o-matic grabs the stripped files produced on build, and merges them into the langpacks07:57
mdkeright, I didn't use the right word there I guess07:57
pittimdke: no, I was just confused; I thought it used po files07:58
* pitti still needs to wake up07:58
mdkeme too :)07:58
mdkeso the langpack-o-matic trick happens on every upload of an affected package?07:58
pittimdke: so, from a pure import POV, it needs to be built a about two hours before I start langpack-o-matic07:58
pittistill needs to be earlier due to RC freeze and CD building, of course07:59
pittimdke: so I think "oct 19" still stands07:59
mdkeok. that sounds ok, we have the translation deadline on Oct 15 so I can do it over that weekend07:59
mdkethanks pitti08:00
ArneGoetjepitti: have you seen my post to ubuntu-devel mailing list?08:22
pittiArneGoetje: yes, I did, will followup today08:34
mdkepitti: on my jaunty system the help button for jockey is broken because it points at "ghelp:hardware#restricted-manager" instead of "ghelp:hardware#jockey" (fixed in karmic). Have you had many bug reports about that? if not I presume it's not worth an SRU?08:35
pittitseliot: is screen-resolutions-extra still required? We don't need to set VirtualSize any more, and dontzap has gone from xorg.conf as well, no?08:36
pittitseliot: it's one of the last two packages which still uses the old policykit API (without depending on it, so it won't even work)08:37
tseliotpitti: screen-resolutions-extra is still required for -ati (which AFAIK doesn't have dynamic front buffer reallocation)08:37
tseliotdontzap (the package) was removed from the archive08:38
pittitseliot: does it check that it doesn't fiddle xorg.conf for intel?08:38
pittitseliot: s-r-e also has dontzap code AFAICS08:38
pittiah, it calls /usr/bin/dontzap08:38
tseliotpitti: yes, it has dontzap code but doesn't use it08:38
pittitseliot: ok, so I file a bug for getting it ported to polkit-1 (and the missing dependencies)08:39
tseliotpitti: and no, it won't be used for intel cards as the framebuffer size should be bug enough now that -intel uses UXA08:39
pittitseliot: I know; I wondered whether that's actually checked somewhere08:39
robert_ancellDoes anyone know how to run a panel applet in the foreground? Or look at it's stdout/stderr?08:39
seb128robert_ancell, run it on a command line before adding it to gnome-panel08:40
seb128robert_ancell, it will sit there until added and the adding will use the running instance08:40
tseliotpitti: the gnome randr applet checks the framebuffer size and calls s-r-e if necessary08:40
pittiah, I see08:41
tseliotpitti: I'll file a bug report about polkit-108:41
pittiyou? ok, thanks08:41
tseliotin s-r-e08:41
robert_ancellseb128, I did that for gnome-pilot but gdm-user-switch-applet quits immediately08:41
pittitseliot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/PolicyKitOneMigration has some links to API and porting guide08:41
tseliotpitti: aah, you said you would do it. Sorry, I misread your message08:42
tseliotpitti: please do it and I'll have a look at it later08:42
pittitseliot: *nod*08:42
seb128robert_ancell, do you already have the applet on the panel?08:42
robert_ancellseb128, no08:42
seb128robert_ancell, running /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-user-switch-applet sits on a command line waiting there08:43
seb128$ /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-user-switch-applet08:43
seb128** (gdm-user-switch-applet:3979): DEBUG: GdmUserManager: Found current seat: /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Seat108:43
seb128** (gdm-user-switch-applet:3979): DEBUG: Creating new user08:43
seb128when adding the applet to the gnome-panel config08:43
seb128robert_ancell, you are sure there is no gdm-user-switch-applet already running?08:44
robert_ancellseb128, ah, thanks. It must be my local build that is quitting early08:44
seb128robert_ancell, does it work for the system one?08:44
robert_ancellseb128, yes, thanks08:45
seb128you're welcome08:45
seb128robert_ancell, note that we don't use this applet in ubuntu08:49
seb128robert_ancell, btw do you know why gdm lists the sabayon user on the login banner?08:49
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, but I need to patch all of GDM for them to accept the UserManager patch.  This is the easiest bit to fix first08:51
ArneGoetjemvo, cjwatson: could you please take a look at my post on ubuntu-devel@ ("Getting translation packages installed automagically") and follow up? Thanks a lot.08:51
robert_ancellseb128, what uid is sabayon?08:51
seb128robert_ancell, > 1000 I guess it's a sabayon bug08:51
robert_ancellseb128, if the UID is greater than 500 and it has a valid shell it gets shown.  There is a blacklist of ~20 users that are filtered out (e.g. mysql)08:52
robert_ancellseb128, the good news is the blacklist is now a gconf key so much easier to fix these sorts of problems08:52
seb128ok, thanks08:53
pittitseliot: done, bug 43570908:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435709 in screen-resolution-extra "Needs porting to policykit-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43570908:53
tseliotpitti: thanks08:53
pittitseliot: do you think you'll have time for this after beta?08:54
pittitseliot: if not, please tell me, and I'll try to make some time for it08:54
seb128robert_ancell, do you plan to land gdm changes before your end of day?08:55
mvoArneGoetje: thanks, I just read over it, I think we can do something in u-m for karmic, but not add support to software-store at this point08:55
seb128robert_ancell, did you put the failsafe session part there too?08:55
tseliotpitti: I doubt I will. There's a new mesa, a new intel driver and some other X stuff that need my attention08:55
pittitseliot: ok, keeping on my radar then08:55
tseliotpitti: thanks08:55
mvoArneGoetje: did the language-pack names change, i.e. if someone has a full translated jaunty and does a dist-upgrade, will he miss some translations this way in karmic?08:55
robert_ancellseb128, no changes today08:55
seb128robert_ancell, ok, not even the failsafe gdm counterpart? ;-)08:56
seb128robert_ancell, I will test the patch on the bug then and see if I can get that uploaded before the freeze08:56
robert_ancellseb128, Amaranth has done all the work. I just updated one patch to the current version08:57
seb128robert_ancell, right I was checking in case you had a bzr ready to upload for this one like gnome-session08:57
robert_ancellseb128, ok.  Nope, I'm winding up now so don't have anything pending08:57
seb128ok, good08:58
seb128thanks robert_ancell08:58
ArneGoetjemvo: no. the language-pack names stayed. it's just that language-support-translations and language-support-extra metapackages went away. Those dependencies are now installed by language selector (and can be checked with the script I mentioned), based on which applications (thunderbird, oo.o, etc.) the user has already installed or is going to install09:03
seb128cjwatson_, hi09:03
seb128cjwatson_, about bug #43476909:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434769 in gdm "Login Prompt on Live CD Text Mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43476909:03
ArneGoetjemvo: so, an update will most likely remove those extra translations from the system, since the metapackages are gone which pulled them.09:03
seb128cjwatson_, /etc/init/gdm.conf has logic for the text argument, isn't that enough?09:04
seb128"    for ARG in $(cat /proc/cmdline)09:04
seb128    do09:04
seb128        case "${ARG}" in09:04
seb128            text|-s|s|S|single)09:04
seb128                exit 009:04
mvoArneGoetje: urgh, ok. that is definitely something we need to add to the release notes (if it has not been added already)09:05
dpmArneGoetje: I've just read your e-mail as well, I'll forward it to ubuntu-translators, since they might be interested (especially Timo Jyrinki, who started the related discussion)09:06
seb128cjwatson_, oh, the change has been uploaded later that I though the cd images probably didn't have it yet09:07
mvoArneGoetje: I do a test run with the upgraer now, it has some cleverness when it comes to translations already, I check if it keeps its hands off them or if it needs extra tweaking09:07
ArneGoetjemvo: ok. Please also have a look at my branch and commit it, so that we have the script ready to be used. :)09:10
mvoArneGoetje: I put it on my todo list09:11
ArneGoetjemvo: thanks09:11
ArneGoetjemvo: FYI a script run on my machine with multiple language-packs installed takes about 4 seconds to run and produces accurate output in terms of missing packages.09:12
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacdoko_: checkout http://paste.ubuntu.com/276885/ ... feel free to suggest a fix in xulrunner. the other instruction thing is supposed to be fixed.09:26
asacdoko_: also i tried -O2 on powerpc09:26
asacdoesnt help much ... posted the error in the bug. seems a assembler regression somewhere09:27
asacdoko_: patches welcome :-P (435560 has the new assembler problem when building with -O2)09:27
doko_ohh joy09:31
doko_asac: but the powerpc package currently is installable ... so it would help to upload to get an installable one on sparc09:32
doko_hmm, this is the sparc build ...09:33
asacdoko_: i worked around the solaris symbol for nanojut by disabling "jit" ... but it doesnt work either. .. seems like gcc header bug on sparc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276891/09:34
doko_asac: no, xulrunner is soooooooo wrong, redefining 'inline'09:42
doko_namespace std09:43
doko_  inline namespace __gnu_cxx_ldbl128 { }09:43
asacdoko_: redefining inline?09:46
asacdoko_: thats from the /usr/include/c++/4.4/sparc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h:214: error: expected unqualified-id before 'namespace'09:46
doko_asac: yes, please look at the preprocessed source09:46
asacdoko_: did you already look at the preprocessed source or are you speculating that its a xulrunner bug just on sparc?09:48
doko_asac: *you* speculate that it is a sparc bug, but apparently it only happens when including xulrunner's headers09:49
asacdoko_: look on faure in /tmp/ns*.ii09:50
asacdoko_: ^^09:50
doko_asac: yes, as I said: this is expanded to:09:52
doko_# 212 "/usr/include/c++/4.4/sparc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 309:52
doko_namespace std09:52
doko_  inline __attribute__((always_inline)) namespace __gnu_cxx_ldbl128 { }09:52
doko_asac: maybe try to reproduce on x86 with -D_GLIBCXX_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPAT -D__LONG_DOUBLE_128__09:54
hoeruphas anybody experienced a breakage in karmic netwrok inst09:55
hoerupi tried last night and again this morning (CEST timezone), but base installation fails09:56
mvoArneGoetje: I just checked, u-m will not auto-remove the translations on upgrade, it shoud still mark them manual instlal I think, so we should add a quirk to u-m (and add it to the release notes)10:07
* ogra hopes the new usplash artwork was tested on 16pbb displays and doesnt look as awful as xsplash10:08
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
sebnerpitti: aren't you afraid that you'll need to blacklist more and more stuff? ^^10:25
pittisebner: well, there's just one left now :)10:25
pittiit only supports four jmicron bridges10:25
sebnerheh, lucky you10:26
=== johe|work is now known as johe
dpmmvo: could you have a look at bug 378075 when you've got some time? There is a patch for it as well10:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378075 in ddtp-ubuntu "Typos in package summaries" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37807510:40
mvodpm: that is for jaunty? or karmic?10:41
mvodpm: nevermind10:42
dpmyep, jaunty :)10:42
james_wis there supposed to be an upstart "reload" command?10:51
james_wah, mterry is already on it :-)10:52
=== doko_ is now known as doko
dokoasac: filed bug #43579311:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435793 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "redefinition of 'inline namespace' in installed headers" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43579311:08
asacdoko: do you see the "definition" in th .ii file?11:12
asacboth definitions only refer to the linux headers11:12
asacshouldnt .ii files give hints where the defines used for expansion come from?11:14
* asac logs on faure again11:14
dokoasac: you me want to run -E -dD11:16
asacdoko: are those compiler flags?11:17
dokoasac: yes, see gcc(1)11:18
asacok one sec11:20
asacsomewhat that doesnt dump anything to stdout11:22
dokoasac: for powerpc, there's now a gcc patch fixing wrong code gen with -Os -fstack-protector. will ask slangasek for a freeze exception (432222)11:22
asacwhich is what i understand it should do on -E11:22
asacdoko: great. any idea about the assembler parsing (?) bug?11:22
asacdoko: -E -dD doesnt spit out anything (no clue) ... is -save-temps with -dD doing the same?11:23
asacif so i put it to /tmp/nsWifiScannerUnix.ii.dD now11:24
asacbut doesnt show any xulrunner headers surrounding that inline thing11:24
asacso i assume that flag didnt work :/11:25
dokoasac: have a look at the other -d* options11:26
asacdont see anything that would show more headers in the .ii11:26
dokoasac: -dM ?11:26
asacdoesnt work with g++11:28
dokoasac: powerpc assembler: again, the preprocessed source would help11:28
asacdoko: i can get that11:29
asacdoko: would be precious if you can tell me exactly the command i should run to get _all_ include/expand info into the ii ... the command (with -save-temps) is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276972/plain/11:30
dokoasac: working dir?11:31
dokoasac: run the preprocessor only11:31
hoerupkarmic network inst: debootstrap program exited with error 12711:32
asacdoko: on davis: xptcstubs_ppc64_linux.ii11:32
asacin my home11:32
asacthe compile rerror is in the bug11:33
asacalso put the original .cpp file there so you can directly fix it if its an official real assembler syntax you understand11:33
dokoasac: same command line as in the bug report?11:34
Whoopiepitti: Hi, you know that you broke tuxonice-userui package with latest usplash-theme-ubuntu change? ;)11:34
asacdoko: yes if oyu want to be sure i can paste you the command11:34
pittiWhoopie: uh?11:35
asacdoko: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276978/plain/ thats the command line (with -save-temps)11:35
dokoasac: attaching the files to the bug report would help11:36
asacdoko: cant i just tell g++ to just run preprocessor rather than tweaking that command line until cpp is happy?11:36
dokoasac: there's no nsWifiScannerUnix.cpp in your home11:36
asacdoko: well. you are here ... i am here11:36
Whoopiepitti: tuxoniceui_usplash uses the progressbar functions to draw a progressbar during hibernate?11:36
Whoopiepitti: s/?/.11:36
asacdoko: if you say you cannot find it i will attach them11:36
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsonhoerup: need full logs11:37
pittiWhoopie: how does that break hibernation, though?11:37
Whoopiepitti: no, the progressbar is not shown anymore.11:37
asacdoko: i talked about powerpc ...11:37
pittithe new theme doesn't have a progress bar, by design team11:37
Whoopiepitti: that's one benefit of tuxonice instead of vanilla-hibernate.11:38
asacdoko: now it is on faure11:38
Kanohi, does anybody else have got 100% load on Xorg with (h)top?11:39
Kanoat least with nv driver (not nvidia binary) with daily iso11:40
dokoasac: nsWifiScannerUnix.cpp:44:23: error: nsAutoPtr.h: No such file or directory11:42
dokonsWifiScannerUnix.cpp:45:27: error: nsWifiMonitor.h: No such file or directory11:42
dokonsWifiScannerUnix.cpp:46:31: error: nsWifiAccessPoint.h: No such file or directory11:42
asacdoko: are you in karmic chroot?11:43
dokoI don't want the files in your home, but just know the *working directory* (pwd) for calling the compiler11:43
asacdoko: sure isnt that even in the paste?11:43
asacone second11:43
asacon powerpc its: ~/build-area/xulrunner-1.9.1-
asacalls builddeps are installed in karmic chroot11:43
asacdoko: the hot spot on sparc is in: ~/build/build-area/xulrunner-1.9.1-
dokoasac: there is no ~asac/build-area on faure11:44
asacdoko: faure == sparc ... davis == powerpc ;)11:45
asacmaybe we should focus on one issue to avoid confusion ;)11:45
cjwatsonhoerup: (ideally, the installer syslog)11:48
hoerupcjwatson: already working on it11:48
dokoasac: it does work. just use -E -dD as I suggested. so it looks to be a problem in iwlib:11:48
asacdoko: cool ... can you paste the full -E -dD command you used so i can "learn"11:49
doko# 72 "/usr/include/iwlib.h" 3 411:49
doko#undef IW_GCC_HAS_BROKEN_INLINE11:49
doko# 83 "/usr/include/iwlib.h" 3 411:49
doko#define IW_GCC_HAS_BROKEN_INLINE 111:49
doko#define inline inline __attribute__((always_inline))11:49
dokog++ -E -dD -fvisibility=hidden -DMOZILLA_INTERNAL_API -D_IMPL_NS_COM -DEXPORT_XPT_API -DEXPORT_XPTC_API -D_IMPL_NS_COM_OBSOLETE -D_IMPL_NS_GFX -D_IMPL_NS_WIDGET -DIMPL_XREAPI -DIMPL_NS_NET -DIMPL_THEBES  -DOSTYPE=\"Linux2.6\" -DOSARCH=Linux -DIMPL_NS_NET  -I. -I. -I../../../dist/include/xpcom -I../../../dist/include/string -I../../../dist/include/pref -I../../../dist/include/storage -I../../../dist/include   -I../../../dist/incl11:49
dokoude/necko -I/usr/include/nspr   -I/usr/include -I/home/asac/build/build-area/xulrunner-1.9.1-    -fPIC   -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsynth -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-long-long -pedantic -g -fno-strict-aliasing -fshort-wchar -pthread -pipe  -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Os -freorder-blocks -fno11:49
doko-reorder-functions    -DMOZILLA_CLIENT -include ../../../mozilla-config.h nsWifiScannerUnix.cpp -save-temps11:49
asacok makes sense ... didnt find any redefinition of inline in xul code11:49
asacodd ... i used the same approach (just putting to the front)11:50
asacIW_GCC_HAS_BROKEN_INLINE ... let me check11:50
asacdoko: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276994/11:51
asac /* However, gcc 4.0 has introduce a new "feature", when compiling with * '-Os', it does not want to inline iw_ether_cmp() and friends. * So, we need to fix inline again !11:52
dokogah ...11:53
doko * I really hate when the compiler is trying to be more clever than me,11:53
doko * because in this case gcc is not able to figure out functions with a11:53
doko * single call site, so not only I have to tag those functions inline11:53
doko * by hand, but then it refuse to inline them properly.11:53
doko * Total saving for iwevent : 150B = 0.7%.11:53
doko * Fortunately, in gcc 3.4, they now automatically inline static functions11:53
doko * with a single call site. Hurrah !11:53
doko * Jean II */11:53
dokowhen people try to be more clever than a compiler11:53
cjwatsonobviously 150 bytes is more valuable than several man-hours of time several years later trying to figure out what on earth is wrong :P11:54
asac0.7% ;)11:56
cjwatsonhoerup: could just be the bug fixed in debootstrap 1.0.18 which I just synced, of course ...11:59
cjwatson   * Only use dpkg from the chroot, as there is no guarantee dpkg is11:59
cjwatson     available outside of the chroot (d-i installation for example).11:59
cjwatson(which was my muppet error)12:00
* asac off for a while doing some NM testing12:01
hoerupcjwatson: last line from syslog "dpkg: not found"12:01
LaneyDoes anyone know if it's possible to migrate normal users to be system users on a package upgrade?12:03
* Laney is touting this question around12:03
cjwatsonhoerup: right. that's fixed in debootstrap 1.0.18 which you should get shortly. Sorry about that12:04
directhexLaney, "system users"?12:04
Laneydirecthex: --system12:04
Laneychooses a different uid, doesn't make a home directory and other things12:05
pittihm, since upstart is required now, sysvinit can't ever be installable; should we just drop it?12:32
pitticjwatson_: ^ opinion?12:32
pittiit keeps nagging us in the uninstallable report12:32
pittiRiddell: khelpcenter got demoted to universe in jaunty, but now koffice-data reverse-recommends it and wants to pull it back; promote or fix dependency?12:34
pitti o kvm: kvm12:36
pitti   [Reverse-Depends: Ubuntu.Karmic virt-host seed]12:36
pittisommer: I think some seed needs to be fixed to qemu-kvm?12:36
dokoasac: independently of build the file on ppc with -O2 or -Os, I always get these errors12:37
dokoasac: is it correct that the file name has an `ppc64' in it?12:38
asaci didnt say that assembler is Os12:38
dokoand not just ppc?12:38
asaci wondered about that too, but uname -a showed 64-bit at least12:39
dokoasac: please rebuild, prefixing the build with linux32 ...12:39
dokoopening an rt ticket ...12:39
asacdoko: so our ppc isnt 64-bit?12:40
asaclet me try12:40
asacok build is running with linux3212:41
cjwatson_pitti: inclined to leave such decisions to Keybuk12:41
cjwatson_pitti: we clearly can't drop the whole source package12:41
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
squirrelpimphi. If i prepend a command in a desktop-starter with ~ (e.g. ~/path/binary) to indicate it's in my home-folder, then the starter opens in a text-editor on double-click instead of launching the application12:41
squirrelpimpthis happens on xfce, but i'm not sure which package to file the bug against12:42
cjwatson~ is only parsed by certain things; try /home/yourusername/...12:42
squirrelpimpremoving the ~ fixes it of course, but still it shouldn't open as a textfile12:42
squirrelpimpwouldn't it be intuitive to support ~ there as well?12:42
cjwatsontechnically you can really only assume that ~ is parsed by shells that do tilde expansion12:42
cjwatsonI'm sure it would be *nice* to have it handled elsewhere but do be clear that it's only a wishlist bug12:43
squirrelpimpok, i accept that12:43
squirrelpimpwould it be of any benefit to file it? against what package? xubuntu-desktop?12:43
cjwatsonI don't know what package, though; don't know XFCE12:43
pitticjwatson: no, just the binary; ok, will ignore for now12:44
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittisommer: sorry, that was supposed to go to soren12:44
asacdoko: looks good so far. at least it built the 32-bit stub successfully now ... once the build finishes i will upload with sparc and powerpc fixes. not sure what to do with iwlib ... maybe just drop the whole define business (just on sparc?)?12:47
dokoasac: already uploaded12:48
asacdoko: did you drop it completely?12:48
dokoasac: no, see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/wireless-tools_29-2ubuntu4_29-2ubuntu5.diff.gz12:49
dokohmm, diff not yet in lp12:50
unhappyaroncould somebody have a look at this: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-pinyin/+bug/43182312:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431823 in ibus-table-wubi "the dependent packages are too large" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
asacok will check in a few minutes what you did :-P12:53
asacdoko: ok fails the same way on ppc now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277032/12:54
asaci assume its the same at least12:54
sorenpitti: Huh?13:03
sorenpitti: Oh.13:04
* hyperair notes that ibus appears to hang urxvt13:04
asacdoko: pushed /me crosses fingers13:05
unhappyaronhyperair: you could talk with lidaobing, he sumbitted the fix on the bug13:09
hyperairooh is that so?13:10
hyperairthat's cool13:10
lidaobinghyperair, hi13:10
dokoasac: with a b-d on the new libiw-dev?13:10
asacdoko: yes. but only on sparc/powerpc because we daily buld from that branch on old releases ... i hope i got it right13:11
asacotherwise ... retry ;)13:11
asacoh darn ;)13:13
asaci uploaded from wrong bzr branch ... moving the powerpc hacks further down13:13
lidaobingunhappyaron, I have no problem when I use ibus and urxvt13:14
unhappyaronlidaobing: it's hyperair said that "notes that ibus appears to hang urxvt", :)13:15
unhappyaronlidaobing: asac said he would have a look at that bug, that is what you need a sponser13:15
hyperairlidaobing: it happens with irssi in byobu, and holding down alt-`13:16
hyperairwhere alt-` is active_window13:16
asacok reupped xul13:19
asacunhappyaron: ?13:19
unhappyaronasac: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-pinyin/+bug/43182313:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431823 in ibus-table-wubi "the dependent packages are too large" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:21
Riddelllpitti: I'll fix the khelpcentre dependency13:22
lidbhyperair: I am lidaobing, and I still can't reproduce your bug13:22
unhappyaronasac: if there is any problem, talk to lidb, :)13:22
hyperairneed enough active channels =\13:22
lidbunhappyaron:test Chinese, 测试中文13:22
unhappyaronlidb: no problem13:22
asacunhappyaron: that bug is marked fix released13:23
asacplesae update me13:23
asac(what issues are left)13:24
unhappyaronasac: need some to have an upload to main13:25
lidaobinghyperair, sorry, can13:25
lidaobinghyperair, sorry, can't reproduce your bug13:25
asacunhappyaron: what package needs to be updated? and why?13:25
unhappyaronasac: ibus-pinyin, ibus-wubi-table13:25
asacwhy is that still needed?13:26
asacwe dropped the overly strong depends13:26
asacso it should be fine without using lzma compression13:26
lidaobingunhappyaron, these two packages still have bugs, I'll fix soon13:26
unhappyaronlidaobing: okay13:26
lidaobingunhappyaron, leak version depends on dpkg13:26
unhappyaronlidaobing: so, okay13:26
unhappyaronasac: but using lzma there will have a 15M decrease on size13:27
hyperairlidaobing: nevermind. i can't reproduce it most of the time anyway13:28
asacunhappyaron: but it comes with performance decrease ... not really sure under what circumstances we go for lzma13:29
asacunhappyaron: whats the total size?13:29
unhappyaronasac: with no-lzma compress, there will be over 110MB to download when installing language support for zh_CN13:30
unhappyaronasac: with lzma compress, it will be just less that 100MB13:31
* unhappyaron though that is still not a small volumn13:31
asacdont we need to pre-depend on lzma or something?13:35
unhappyaronasac: I think you need to talk to lidb then, he is the fix-maker13:35
unhappyaronasac: he said there might be some problem there, but only he no the detail13:36
unhappyaronlidaobing: ^^^13:36
asaclidb: ?13:36
asacpitti: any rule of thumb when (what deb size) it makes sense to use lzma compression? ... also is it just adding lzma to dh_builddeb or do we need to tweak some depends for that?13:38
arandBug #418135 << Should the SRU team be subscribed here? Seems like not much is happening with it atm... Kees ?13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418135 in glib2.0 "Permissions of symlinked source file/folder set to 777 if symlink is copied via nautilus" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41813513:38
asacarand: ask kees ... who probably would be best to decide/guide this bug13:39
dokoasac: libwi-dev, not libiw-dev?13:41
lidaobingasac, hi13:42
asacdoko: huh?13:42
asacdoko: i dont see libwi-dev13:42
dokoasac: you mention the wrong one in the changelog13:43
asacok changelog ;)13:43
lidaobingasac, these two packages in widely used in China, but my people in China has a very low network speed13:43
asaccontrol should be right13:43
lidaobingasac, that's why I recompress it with lzma13:43
asaclidaobing: yes. i am fine with it. just want to know if the change you did is enough13:43
asacwaiting for answer atm13:44
lidaobingasac, currently it should be OK, and I am uploading it to ppa (for a build log)13:44
asaclidaobing: the building i sdefinitly ok. just wondere if we need a pre-depends on lzma13:46
lidaobingasac, pre-depends on verioned dpkg  is enough13:48
=== tobias is now known as Guest86526
lidaobingasac, because dpkg is pre-depends on lzma13:48
lidaobingand asac ttf-arphic-uming use a smilar resolution13:48
pittiugh, I still need to get used to the new brown13:51
pittiRiddelll: ok, so it's meant to stay in universe?13:52
Riddelllpitti: yes13:52
pittiasac: lzma> my gut feeling is that it's worth it if it saves 0.5 MB or more13:52
pittiasac: you need that, and Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.10.27ubuntu1)13:52
jdubasac: about?13:53
asaclidaobing: ok can you add that to the debdiffs?13:53
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jdubcaught! 8)13:53
lidaobingasac, add what?13:53
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asaclidaobing: if not i can do that13:53
asacthe pre-depends like above13:53
asacif its already in the package its ok13:54
jdubasac: you know about nm-applet missing libnm-glib-vpn?13:54
lidaobingasac, already done, check the new debdiff13:54
lidaobingasac, I have to go home, see you13:54
=== unhappyaron is now known as happyaron
seb128hey jdub, it has been a while, how are you?13:56
jdubhey seb12813:56
jdubseb128: really enjoying karmic :-)13:56
jdubfeels like it's going to be as good as breezy was in its day!13:57
seb128good ;-)13:57
jdubseb128: how have you been?13:57
seb128jdub, busy as usual but otherwise pretty good, thanks13:57
jdubseb128: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdubflickr/3942767533/ <- moved to the country, have a growing family ;-)13:59
seb128jdub, nice! ;-)14:00
ograjdub, what, even more dogs ? :)14:00
asacjdub: we dont have that as a separate package14:01
asacjdub: is that a problem for you?14:02
jdubonly when this happens... :-)14:03
jdubjdub@fehung:~$ ldd /usr/bin/nm-applet | grep vpn libnm-glib-vpn.so.0 => not found14:03
jdub 14:03
jdubperhaps a missing glob in a .install file?14:03
pittigeser: Packaging Help> well said!14:04
jdub(means nm-applet won't run, which might be alarming/inconvenient for some testers)14:04
jduboh no, there is a .so there, but so.114:04
jdubshlibdeps issue?14:05
hyperairhmm something's wrong. why is it taking a whole 50 seconds to reach gdm now? it used to be only 25 seconds.14:08
LaserJockpitti: +1 on the +1 to geser :-)14:08
pittihyperair: rotary disks? sreadahead is pretty broken on those right now14:08
jdubhyperair: it appears to be quite a bit slower when sreadahead is running; reboot again (without upgrading packages) and it'll be nice'n'fast14:08
ArneGoetjemvo: ok. Should u-m also check for missing packages and install them automatically? For example, if the user installed his system without internet connection and the first time he connects to the net, u-m could suggest to install the missing translation packages together with the other updates.14:09
hyperairjdub: this is my third reboot.14:12
hyperairwithout upgrading14:12
hyperairpitti: yeah it's rotary. i thought someone told me theo ther day that sreadahead is supposed to be on par with readahead even on rotary disks14:12
pittihyperair: it is, but for me it just sits there idling for several minutes, and not fetching a single byte14:13
hyperairpitti: meh. when does sreadahead run anyawy?14:13
pittiwell, admittedly that's pretty old already, I should check again on current karmic14:13
pittihyperair: well, it's _supposed_ to pre-fetch, of course :)14:13
pittiand it did work in the past14:13
hyperairwhat runs in init-bottom?14:14
hyperairthat itself takes a 10 seconds14:14
pittiwell, I wouldn't start worrying just yet14:14
hyperairor was it 2014:14
hyperairyeah i think it was 2014:14
pittiKeybuk is killing boot bugs by the dozens, and it got tremendously better this week already14:14
hyperairhmm i see14:15
pittiI guess when he comes back from the conference next week, he'll tackle that as well14:15
pittibut there were far worse bugs so far, which actually broke booting completely14:15
jdubboot improvements have been amazing. exciting stuff :-)14:15
sebnerpitti: haha, I just noticed my boot up needed 1.35 min. Instead of dirty karmic 48 secs14:16
jdub(and not just speed)14:16
ograjdub, you mean like http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32366612/dsc_3982.jpg ? :P14:16
pittijdub: upstart FTW :)14:16
* hyperair off to reboot again14:17
ograyeah, upstart rules14:17
hyperair..or not.14:17
pittiogra: you seem to have a very bad camera :-)14:17
hyperairi meant for reboot, not upstart14:17
ograpitti, lol14:17
asacjdub: can you file a quick bug about that?14:17
jdubasac: fo'sho14:18
ograpitti, just a 16bpp framebuffer (usplash, gdm, desktop wallpaper, all display fine, just xsplash freaks out)14:18
jdubogra: well, yes, i love the new xsplash artwork on decent screens ;)14:18
ograi love it on my lappie ... but it looks creepy on all my arm boards14:19
hyperairjdub: decent screens?14:19
jdubhyperair: cf. ogra's image14:19
hyperairsomebody mentioned something about xsplash looking like a cylon licking its lips14:20
asacjdub: thats a -applet bug ... basically a respin now that i look at it. for one moment you scared me ;)14:23
jdubasac: ah, ok14:25
jdubasac: at least you'll have the satisfaction of closing that bug :-)14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435888 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet can't find libnm-glib-vpn.so.0" [Undecided,New]14:26
pittihyperair: yep, still by and large looks the smae to me; a fractional second of I/O, and then long time nothing, and boot takes 85 seconds14:27
hyperairpitti: that sucks.14:28
pittioh, presumably it regenerated the pack this time14:28
* pitti boots again14:28
tseliotkees: did you file an MIR about execstack?14:30
dholbachpitti: I'll have a look at the ibus stuff14:31
dholbacharneGoetje, pitti: is ibus-pinyin supposed to be in main? it build-deps on python-pysqlite2 which is in universe at least according to my updated pbuilder14:33
pittiI guess it's supposed to be in main, but deferring to ArneGoetje14:34
pittihyperair: right, it wasn't just the pack creation; the large 20 second CPU block is gone now, but it still takes 85 seconds now (was 50 in alpha-5)14:35
pittisreadahead is not doing anything14:35
hyperairwhat a waste14:35
pittihyperair: so, it doesn't seem to be specific to your system14:35
hyperairafter i added the patch and recompiled too =\14:35
hyperairwell that's good to know14:36
hyperairthat it's not specific, i mean14:36
ArneGoetjedholbach: yes, ibus-pinyin is supposed to be in main14:40
dholbachpitti: ^ python-pysqlite2 is a build-depends of it and currently in universe - not sure what needs to happen there :/14:41
Amaranthyeah, sreadahead is broken here too14:42
asacdholbach: i am currently doing the ibus stuff14:42
asacif thats the lzma thing14:42
dholbachasac: uploaded already14:42
AmaranthI can see it in bootchart doing a lot of CPU when it needs to generate a pack file but it never seems to use it14:42
asacwho is double checking here?14:43
dholbachasac: what do you mean?14:43
asacdholbach: i mean: i think i said i was doing it, but then you suddenly popped up and did it14:44
* pitti suggests to assign sponsoring bugs before starting on them14:44
asacdholbach: so i assume someone asked you after that14:44
asacor before or whatever ;)14:44
dholbachsorry, that was 2h ago and I wasn't around at the time and didn't read the backlog14:44
dholbachno, I just thought that the list of stuff on the list is very long14:44
dholbachand some of it should make it in for beta14:44
asacthat was my idea14:45
asaci was explicitly pinged ;)14:45
dholbachI didn't see it14:45
dholbachI have a look at thaifonts-scalable now14:45
asacall fine14:45
dholbachArneGoetje: it could be that we need python-pysqlite2 in main (mir)14:46
asaci assume i shouldnt sponsor stuff when buried in other work so i dont loos time between preparing and uploading ;)14:47
asacor assign bug ;)14:47
ArneGoetjedholbach: IOW, I should create the MIR for it?14:49
ScottKIsn't sqlite natively supported in python now?14:50
dholbachI don't know if there's a way around it14:50
pittiScottK: it is, sqlite314:50
dholbachit imports sqlite3 and pysqlitedb or something14:50
pittieww old version duplication14:50
dholbachbut I don't understand too much of what's going on there14:51
ScottKLooks like we got that out of main two releases ago.14:51
ArneGoetjedoes that mean ibus-pinyin needs to be changed to work with the sqlite3 support from python instead? Or is it just an unnesessary dependency in the package?14:53
al-maisanhmm .. just did an 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and restarted, outcome: no wlan on either karmic box14:55
al-maisanthere's also no network-manager applet in the upper right corner14:55
al-maisanis this a known issue?14:55
al-maisanany work-arounds? fixes?14:56
jdubal-maisan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/43588814:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435888 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet can't find libnm-glib-vpn.so.0" [Undecided,New]14:57
jdubal-maisan: i suspect asac will get to it soon14:57
al-maisanjdub: thanks for the info!14:57
al-maisanasac: :)14:58
dholbachhiya jdub14:58
asacal-maisan: jdub: uploaded15:00
al-maisanasac: great, thanks!15:00
jdubyo dholbach15:00
jdubasac: rock!15:00
dholbachhow's life down under?15:00
jdubasac: just needed a sync?15:00
jdubdholbach: lovely15:00
jdubdholbach: moved to the country, got a dog, etc. ;-)15:00
jdubdholbach: still in berlin? how are you?15:01
dholbachjdub: when is a new planet release going to come up? ;-)15:01
dholbachjdub: good - Berlin is still great, dog is still around :-)15:01
jdubdholbach: "just use venus" 8)15:01
jdubdholbach: venus ~= planet 3.0 (and the ~ will go away soon)15:01
dholbachah good - that will probably stop the python2.6 deprecation warning on my server ;-)15:02
* dholbach hugs jdub15:02
dholbachjdub: you should hang around more often again15:03
ogra++++ actually :)15:03
jdubdholbach: yeah, that was fixed fairly recently15:03
dholbachjdub: rock and roll15:03
jduboh, that reminds me, i need to contact mr. nuzum15:04
jdubabout giving puc some love15:04
pittiasac: oh, using uuencode? wouldn't it be simpler to not have an orig.tar.gz for those snapshot?15:08
sorenasac: I'm getting an XML error about an undefined entity when I access a site with self-signed cert. If I run firefox with LANG=C, it works. Does this sound familiar?15:13
pittiI have that, too; error in German translattions15:14
sorenpitti: How do you work around it?15:14
pittisoren: LANG=C :-)15:14
sorenthought so :)15:14
sorenOk, thanks.15:14
pittiI don't often have such pages, so it's not bothering me too much15:14
asacpitti: thats an exception because the file didnt land upstream15:20
asacpitti: did i forget the uudecode depend?15:20
pittiasac: no, it's probably fine, it just seems cumbersome to me15:20
asacyeah its temporary15:20
asacits not because of snapshot, but because of prepatch ... didnt want to wait for the final code cleanups to get this up15:21
pittiasac: I meant, if you don't use an orig.tar.gz, but a native tarball, you can just add them, instead of having to write extra debian/rules magic for this15:22
pittinevermind, though15:22
asacpitti: ah ok. its fine for me. i like origs ;)15:22
asacalso we have dailies etc.15:22
asacwould have to teach them the difference too i guess15:22
ograwoah, asac !15:26
ograi just got a mail to approve someone in the alioth ltsp team ... clicking the link in the mail makes FF explode in XML errors15:27
liwhm, gnome-terminal on karmic is now using Alt-B to move to the next tab -- is this intentional? true for everyone? (I'm rather fond of using alt-B using emacs keybindings in bash...)15:29
pittiliw: I have had alt-b backgrounding a window for ages, and it still works15:30
liwpitti, in the wm? wouldn't that override anything the app does?15:30
pittiliw: probably, yes15:31
mvoRiddell: in bug #349066 there is a update-manager task - is there anything that u-m can do here? that looks like its purely a user thing15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349066 in ubuntu-release-notes "Release notes need to tell upgrade users how to add new network-manager widget" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34906615:41
jdubE: Couldn't configure pre-depend sysvinit-utils for upstart, probably a dependency cycle.15:42
Riddelllmvo: we can close that for now, the plasma widget is back to being a simple binary started with the normal autostart mechanism15:42
mvoRiddell: thanks15:44
Riddelllmvo: however kbluetooth is crashing during upgrade, could we have the release upgrade tool killall kblueplugd and killall kbluetooth  ?15:46
mvoRiddell: sure, on full upgrades?15:50
mvoRiddell: there is no other way? I would prefer if it would be done without killing15:50
Riddelllmvo: there's no other way, kblueplugd doesn't have any way of quitting it15:51
mvoRiddell: ok, adding that now15:54
mvoRiddell: will we also need it for the 8.04 -> 10.04 lts upgrade?15:55
Companypitti: you gotta know this: what's the best way to enable system-wide core dumps?15:55
keestseliot: I did, yes15:55
Riddelllmvo: I don't know, but it wouldn't hurt15:56
tseliotkees: where is it? Was it approved?15:56
keesarand: I intend to get it pushed but I've been caught up with higher priority stuff.15:56
keestseliot: not sure if it was approved.  did you want to use it too?15:57
tseliotkees: yes for nvidia and fglrx15:57
keestseliot: bug 41845615:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418456 in prelink "MIR for prelink" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41845615:57
bddebiandoko: You around?  Do you see an issue with removing sun-java6 from Debian?  The only remaining build-dep is tijmp15:57
keestseliot: ah, yes, approved.15:58
tseliotkees: ok, good. I'll fix both drivers then15:58
mvoRiddell: commited15:59
dokobddebian: see the minutes of the tech board15:59
bddebiandoko: Sorry, which is where?15:59
keestseliot: ok, thanks.  my problem has been with having hardware to test the results.16:00
dokoI think, on the wiki, but maybe ask kees. looks like it's kept16:00
keestseliot: also, I noticed that I needed to run execstack on each file separately since it would sometimes fail if I put multiple binaries on the same execstack command line.16:01
tseliotkees: ah, thanks for mentioning this problem16:01
keesbddebian: a whole mess of stuff got put on my blog post about it: http://www.outflux.net/blog/archives/2009/09/12/uninstall-sun-java6/16:02
keesbddebian: I was able to disprove some of the claims, but it seems like a lot of commercial products aren't "certified" on openjdk-6.16:02
keestseliot: yeah, np.  you can see my results here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30916852/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180_185.18.36-0ubuntu2~kees2_185.18.36-0ubuntu2~kees3.diff.gz16:03
tseliotkees: ah, nice16:04
keestseliot: even though sometimes it would work on one cmdline (though I'd change this to use multiple): http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30883714/fglrx-installer_2%3A8.632-0ubuntu1_2%3A8.632-0ubuntu2~kees1.diff.gz16:04
tseliotkees: ok, I'll do call execstack multiple times16:05
newproggiehello everybody16:05
newproggieI have a question concerning packaging16:06
bddebiankees: Yeah I see that thanks, but I don't see a lot of "proof", much of it seems to be speculation.  "Oh I tried it a year ago and it didn't work.."16:06
keestseliot: great, thanks for snagging this.  do you have hardware to test it with?16:06
keesbddebian: yeah.  I was trying to get people to give specific technical details...16:06
newproggieI'm trying to build a deb-package from source and there a two dependencies for this program16:06
tseliotkees: yes, and I also discussed this with upstream(s)16:06
Riddelllevand: what's the deal with the slideshow in ubiquity kde?16:06
keestseliot: oh! what'd they have to say?16:07
newproggiewhere do I have to describe/name/put those two dependencies, please?16:07
tseliotkees: let's continue in a private chat16:07
newproggieor does dpkg-buildpackage do all the job for me?16:08
cjwatsonnewproggie: Build-Depends16:11
cjwatsonnewproggie: or Depends, depending on whether they're build-time or run-time dependencies. See the policy manual16:11
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newproggiecjwatson: thanks, this is my first deb-package. I deleted the changelog file, because there was nothing to mention and now dpkg-buildpackage complains about it?16:12
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cjwatsonnewproggie: debian/changelog is mandatory; again, it's probably best to start out by reading some documentation :)16:17
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment#Packaging has a bunch of reference links16:18
newproggiecjwatson: understand. The tutorial I was going through advised me to delete it..16:18
cjwatsonnewproggie: complain to its author!16:19
directhexthe tutorial is bad at best, then16:19
cjwatsonand use a different tutorial, I'd probably guess :)16:19
newproggiecjwatson: directhex: Guess so. I will read the packaging-Link, thanks guys16:19
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lamontso if I'm running on some slightly strange hardware, and getty logins on ttyS0 exiting results in init not respawning the getty, what would be causing that?16:46
dokoasac: at least the xulrunner build on powerpc suceeded16:48
asacdoko: sparc still dep wait?16:49
dokono, building16:49
agutierrI would like write a bash script to make unnatended installations of debian packages... I would like to know how I can know if apt is locked (/var/lib/dpkg/lock)16:49
ionIt would be nice if dpkg, apt et al. would just wait for the lock.16:50
agutierrion, How I can know in a bash script if apt is locked?16:51
evandRiddelll: there's a thread on ubuntu-installer about it.  Waiting to hear back from shytlman and picklesworth.17:01
DnaXNetworkManager applet broken (unable to connect): #43599917:07
DnaXbug #43599917:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435999 in network-manager "network manager applet broken by upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43599917:07
jdubDnaX: dupe of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/43588817:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435888 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet can't find libnm-glib-vpn.so.0" [Undecided,Fix released]17:08
DnaXsorry for flood17:10
DnaXasac: ping17:10
jdubDnaX1: dupe of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/43588817:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435888 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet can't find libnm-glib-vpn.so.0" [Undecided,Fix released]17:11
DnaX1jdub: thanks17:12
DnaX1jdub: marked as duplicate17:13
cypherbioshi mvo, mpt: Do you guys have a channel to discuss software-store -related topics?17:16
mptcypherbios, we use #ubuntu-desktop for that at the moment17:17
bdmurraypitti: looking at cups bug reports bug 420968 seems to have quite a few unmarked duplicates.  Why might the retracer not have marked them?17:19
ubottuBug 420968 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/420968 is private17:19
mdzsoren, are you taking care of the vmbuilder changes necessary to use the uec task instead of the hardcoded list for karmic?17:31
mdzsoren, cjwatson sent you a patch17:31
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kirklandany idea why my network manager disappeared from my toolbar after this mornings updates?17:47
pittierm, indeed17:48
pittiI just rebooted, and it's gone for me as well17:48
pittiasac: halp!17:48
pitti nm-applet17:49
pittinm-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libnm-glib-vpn.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:49
pittiah, that rings a bell17:49
pittithe n-m changelog spoke of a mini-abi transition17:49
kirklandpitti: ack, same here17:54
pittibdmurray: indeed, and in fact we shouldn't get those kinds of reports in the first place (assertion errors without assertion messages), hmm17:55
pittiwill have a deeper look at this17:55
MartynYep, dissapeared for me as well17:55
MartynOh well, there goes the manager until someone fixes it :)17:55
pittiMartyn, kirkland: it's most likely fixed already with  0.8~a~git.20090923t220421.1ac8ffd-0ubuntu217:56
pittishould get published in about an ohur17:56
kirklandpitti: thanks17:56
MartynI'll wait for publication :)17:56
bdmurraypitti: great, thanks17:57
bdmurraypitti: in the mean time is safe to consolidate those?17:58
pittibdmurray: yes, absolutely17:58
mdzsoren, cjwatson, there was a 20090924.1 server build for a little while, but it seems to have vanished?18:01
cjwatsoncdimage is a rotation, one might be behind18:04
cjwatsonor a cache or something - it's there on antimony18:04
mdzit was there for me, and then not there, in the same browser session on the same network, and no matter how many times I reload, I can't get it back18:11
nxvlasac: nm is broken, know issue or should i report it?18:18
nxvlasac: it's looking for libnm-glib-vpn.so.0, while there is libnm-glib-vpn.so.1 or libnm_glib_vpn.so.018:20
ionto195628 < pitti> Martyn, kirkland: it's most likely fixed already with  0.8~a~git.20090923t220421.1ac8ffd-0ubuntu218:21
evandgah, filing bugs on source packages is broken on edge.18:25
ionIs it just me, or does the software store icon look like a trashcan (with a recycle symbol and everything – only by looking closer you’ll notice it’s actually the Ubuntu logo)? :-P18:25
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha-6 released | Archive: frozen for beta; FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
KeybukI'm guessing that /+reportbug isn't supposed to OOPS! ? :p18:41
beunoKeybuk, correct. It will be fixed soon  :)18:41
beunoit should redirect you to a wiki telling you to use ubuntu-bugs18:42
pittihey Keybuk18:42
pittiKeybuk: kudos for this week, awesome work!18:42
Keybukpitti: hey18:42
Keybukslangasek: should I upload further bug fixes to the ubuntu-boot PPA for now?18:42
pittiKeybuk: in between the conference and boot bugs, did you get sleep and food at all?18:42
Keybukpitti: I'm avoiding food, food makes you fat18:42
liwa friend of mine has a new t-shirt which says: "SLEEP IS SO LAST NIGHT"18:43
pittijust living off the metropolian air? :-)18:43
ionliw: Hah18:43
liwKeybuk, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inedia ? :)18:44
pittiwow, I just got a whole slew of merge requests, some of them a month old18:55
KeybukI'm at a conference18:56
jcastropost-freeze announcement "uh oh"s?18:57
Keybukand it's Thursday18:57
Keybukthis means that my Internet line has gone down at home18:57
LaserJockpitti: yeah, did somebody clean out the mailing list moderation queue?18:57
pittijcastro: no, more like LP emptying an old queue18:57
cjwatsonKeybuk: I eventually got bored of that sort of thing and set up cron jobs at home to periodically kick the network19:00
cjwatsonwhich did involve driving the router's web interface scriptably, which was kind of ugh19:00
Keybukah, my router doesn't have a web interface to speak of19:00
KeybukI could drive some kind of robot chicken to press the reset button on it19:01
Keybukhmm, fail19:02
Keybuknm-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libnm-glib-vpn.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:02
cjwatsonyeah, there's a bug filed19:03
cjwatsonbug 43588819:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435888 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet can't find libnm-glib-vpn.so.0" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43588819:03
Keybukthankfully this wireless network does not need WPA19:03
pittislangasek: ok to upload a pkg-create-dbgsym to fix the current glib2.0 FTBFS? I reproduced the failure in the test suite, and it's fixed now (one-liner, was grep catching "kfreebsd-i386" as "i386")19:07
asacnxvl: should be fixed in latest applet19:07
pittislangasek: there are also some pending packaging cleanups from lool in the branch, but they don't affect the .deb (just some lintian stuff)19:08
loolAh right intended to push after A619:08
loolthey are safe but we were too close to the previous milestone19:08
pittislangasek: the essential changes are r138 (test suite) and r139 (fix) on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/pkg-create-dbgsym/ubuntu/changes19:09
nxvlasac: so, fix has been commited, just need to wait for the archive to propagate?19:10
asacnxvl: what applet version are you running?19:11
pittislangasek: since karmic is frozen, I uploaded it now (so you can reject it if you have doubts)19:11
asacnxvl: network-manager-gnome19:11
* pitti -> dinner19:11
nxvlasac: 0.8~a~git.20090913t161448.cc2f6be-0ubuntu119:12
asacnxvl: get 0.8~a~git.20090923t220421.1ac8ffd-0ubuntu2 or 319:12
nxvlasac: apt isn't still downloading it :(19:15
arandkees: ping19:17
keesarand: hi!19:17
slangasekKeybuk: you should upload them to the queue so the release team can review them and shove them in? :)19:17
slangasekpitti: yes, please upload and I'll review as LPC bandwidth permits19:17
arandkees: Hia, I was wondering what's happening with Bug #418135 ?19:18
Keybukslangasek: ok, sure19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418135 in glib2.0 "Permissions of symlinked source file/folder set to 777 if symlink is copied via nautilus" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41813519:18
KeybukI've just been going through the bugs and making sure they're all targeted and milestoned as appropriate19:19
Keybukobviously I won't fix all of them for beta19:19
Keybukso if I don't, the target should help with the release notes generation19:19
Keybukand then retarget to release19:19
Keybuka couple a targeted directly to the release instead19:19
slangasekgreat, thanks19:19
keesarand: yeah, I intend to get it published, but I have been distracted by higher priority stuff.  I'm hoping to nail it down early next week while we are in beta freeze for karmic19:19
arandkees: ok, cool. I was just wondering since I hadn't heard anything.19:22
keesarand: yeah, getting it tested in each release is the time-consuming part.  :)19:22
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cjwatsongah, debootstrap is still failing19:26
mterrypersia, can you please make me a member of ubuntu-universe-sponsors?19:27
james_wcongratulations mterry19:27
mterryjames_w, thanks!19:28
evandcongratulations mterry!19:33
mterryevand, :)19:33
cjwatsonwonder how this code ever worked19:44
mvocongrats mterry19:44
mterrymvo, thanks!19:44
=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow
Keybukcjwatson: I still see "GRUB Loading"20:05
cjwatsonsome things we can get rid of without particularly compromising debuggability. That one can't be got rid of without making it totally impossible to tell what's going wrong if something does20:06
cjwatsonI've already explained this to robbiew and dbarth and they didn't object20:07
robbiewcjwatson: doesn't this also involve nasty assembly code?20:08
cjwatsonit does, though that's mostly relevant in that the obvious workarounds (e.g. display the messages only if you hold down a certain key, or something) are extremely difficult; part of that message is in boot sector code limited to 512 bytes, indeed20:08
slytherinNow that we recomment use of ubuntu-bug to report the bug, how relevant is the LP integration patch for an app?20:09
Amaranthslytherin: Doesn't it do the same thing?20:11
AmaranthIt's easier from the menu20:11
slytherinAmaranth: does menu use apport?20:12
cjwatsonit *used* to go to +filebug directly, although it's ages since I looked at that code20:12
cjwatsonif it still does, I'm sure it would be easy and worthwhile to make it use apport20:12
cjwatsonsince a menu item doesn't involve a terminal, or looking up the file name, etc.20:12
slytherinhmm, I will have to take a look.20:13
slytherinwhat could be possible reasons that a /dev/dvd1 node is created sometimes and sometimes not.20:19
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Keybukslytherin: there's a bug report open about that20:23
Keybuk(I don't know why it doesn't work sometimes for some people)20:24
sebnermighty Keybuk, what just happned there? O_o .. http://img441.imageshack.us/i/ubuntukarmic200909241m.png/20:24
slytherinKeybuk: can you please point me to that bug?20:25
al-maisanhmm .. metacity crashing after the latest upgrade and system generally per20:45
al-maisans/per/feeling somewhat sluggish/20:45
al-maisan_the laptop in question was upgraded from jaunty, I guess it's time for a fresh install ..20:53
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smoseranyone have thoughts on this...21:15
smoseri want to put a marker file (or config file) in some location under /etc/ec2-init that indicates whether ec2-init should be active or not active (it would not be active by default)21:16
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smosersimplist thing would be to just decide based on the presence of 'active' in /etc/ec2-init/active21:16
smoseror should i put/require "active=1" or some other syntax / config there21:17
smosermathiaz, i'll pick you to bother by name21:18
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jonowhat are these heart things in NM?22:02
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slangasekLegend of Zelda: 802.11n Association22:03
tormodcan I have a pony instead of a heart?22:05
slangasekyou can have a pony's heart22:08
mdzcjwatson, is euca_conf part of eucalyptus or something we added?22:15
cjwatsonmdz: part of eucalyptus, although we added the --discover-nodes option22:16
mdzcjwatson, do you mind if I reply to your email on ubuntu-devel?22:17
cjwatsonnot at all22:17
cjwatsonhmm, does avahi's service resolver only return the first address it finds?22:19
mdzkirkland, do you know ^^?22:20
kirklandmdz: cjwatson: that has been my operating assumption22:20
slangasekKeybuk: there's a util-linux change in here to remove the adjtime file unconditionally on upgrade from pre-jaunty?  that doesn't seem to line up with any of the changelog entries22:21
* slangasek waves to seb128 22:22
seb128slangasek, did you get my question before?22:22
slangasekseb128: seems not, sorry22:22
slangasekseb128: repeat?22:22
seb128<seb128> slangasek, hello22:22
seb128 slangasek, do you want to be pinged on IRC about uploads?22:22
seb128 or do you just poll on the queue every now and then and decide from the diff and changelog?22:22
kirklandmdz: cjwatson: i'm taking a quick look at the source code now22:22
slangasekseb128: ah, definitely the latter22:23
mdzsmoser, how are the UEC images looking for beta?22:23
slangasekseb128: especially this week, while I'm on conference bandwidth22:23
cjwatsonkirkland: I'm not convinced, I'm only getting it to give me one back here (the IPv6 one, most of the time)22:23
seb128slangasek, ok, I did upload a papyon (msn provider for telepathy) one liner to fix an incorrect number of arguments in a function22:23
slangasekKeybuk: NB, you shouldn't need "update-rc.d -f" because you're removing the files in the preinst so there should no longer be any overriding needed22:23
seb128slangasek, there is a new indicator-messages version from dx guys22:24
slangasekseb128: yep, I'm in the queue right now working on these22:24
seb128slangasek, and I did upload a one liner bluez change to change the ranking on the gstreamer sink there so it stops hijacking easy codec install22:24
slangasekwell - working on util-linux currently, will be working on the others in the queue soon22:24
jonocjwatson, around?22:26
cjwatsonjono: kind ofm but focusing, is it urgent?22:30
cjwatsonjono: (if it is, you have to fight with mdz)22:31
jonocjwatson, mdz has asked me to get people together for testing eucalyptus, and says it is urgent, but I need to know what to ask them to test and he said you are best to ask22:32
jonocan you mail me with a list of what needs testing?22:32
cjwatsonok, I'll try22:32
cjwatsonmdz: note I can't do much more tonight22:32
jonothanks, I am trying to source people now22:32
jonomdz, it seems we are going to need a new ISO built22:34
kirklandcjwatson: so i don't mind modifying that one liner in the iso to do my testing22:34
kirklandcjwatson: but to ask anyone else to do testing on our behalf, i think we'd want to spin a new iso22:35
cjwatsonyes yes22:35
cjwatsonI want to upload eucalyptus with my bits from tonight too22:35
cjwatsonbut my laptop is a bit loaded so give me a few minutes22:35
seb128slangasek, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/evolution-indicator/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/preinst seems correct to you?22:35
jonook, so I will wait for the ISO and simple test plan from cjwatson before I ask the testers to kick off22:36
* cjwatson shuts down the VMs for now22:36
seb128slangasek, I ask before uploading since we have 3 of those to upload22:36
jonoin the meantime I will continue to source some more testers22:36
slangasekseb128: checking22:36
seb128slangasek, those are not conffile, that's file with one line listing a desktop file and have been added a few days ago in karmic22:36
seb128slangasek, not sure while kenvandine put "" too I will probably clean those before uploading22:37
slangasekseb128: if not a conffile, what is it?22:37
seb128slangasek, what I just said, a one liner listing a .desktop launcher for the indicator message applet22:38
slangasekseb128: created how?22:38
Laneyno need for -release to be on bug 436082, please unsubscribe22:38
seb128slangasek, they are being moved to usr now, which explain why we clean those on upgrade22:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436082 in minicom "Fix FTBFS" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43608222:38
seb128slangasek, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/evolution-indicator/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/rules22:38
seb128slangasek, echo ... > in rules22:39
slangasekseb128: so... it should automatically have been made a conffile22:39
seb128slangasek, well, I meant they are not real conffile in the sense they will not have user changes22:39
seb128slangasek, ie no need to check md5sum for changes and backup those22:39
jonocjwatson, btw, kirkland is going to take care of putting together a screencast showing what needs testing so you can get to bed22:39
slangasekseb128: ok - not completely correct policy-wise, then, but I'll accept it through the queue if you upload it :)22:40
slangasek(i.e., I won't make you do extra work here if you're confident)22:40
seb128slangasek, ok thanks22:40
seb128slangasek, well I'm always happy to take constructive comments for next time ;-)22:40
cjwatsonjono: ah, good22:40
jonocjwatson, I will ask Jorge to transcribe the video when it is done22:40
seb128slangasek, you would have use the standard debian wiki snippet for those?22:41
cjwatsonkirkland: do you need anything from me for that? my mail should be of some help with workarounds for known problems and the like, so that people can get to the point of uploading images which I assume is the thing we really want tested22:41
slangasekseb128: my method is: am I removing something marked as a conffile by dpkg?  Yes -> steal the snippet from dpkg.org :)22:41
slangasekseb128: yeah22:41
cjwatson(there's no point in repeatedly testing the stuff I just tested ...)22:41
slangasekseb128: that way, I don't have to even /consider/ the question of whether the conffiles would have relevant user changes :)22:41
kenvandineseb128, slangasek: noted :)22:42
MartynLast update killed the network monitor22:42
seb128kenvandine, I've added a --ignore-fail-on-non-empty to rmdir too22:42
seb128kenvandine, that avoids having the warning displayed22:42
Martynis nm going to be updated again in a little bit?22:42
MartynHmmm .. this last update turned a lot of the UI soooo brown22:43
Martynnot sure how I feel about karmic being so .. brown22:43
kenvandineseb128, thx22:43
tormodMartyn, #ubuntu+1 is the place to discuss karmic (and nm-applet is fixed now)22:46
mdzcjwatson, can kirkland and I take care of any remaining tasks for you so you can quit for the day?22:55
kirklandjono: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcx8HZWSYB823:00
smosermdz, i'll put a status together tomorrow. but all in all pretty good. bug 431255 and then kernel bugs 431103 and bug 42869223:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431255 in ec2-init "ec2-init: Move ec2-run-user-data to startup priority S99" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43125523:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431103 in ec2-init "ssh host key fingerprint no longer available in the console log" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43110323:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428692 in ubuntu "ec2 kernel needs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y and other config changes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42869223:01
cjwatsonmdz: I've uploaded eucalyptus 1.6~bzr854-0ubuntu3; it would be most helpful if somebody could take care of respinning server images once binaries for that in the archive23:03
cjwatsons/in the/are in the/23:03
cjwatsonmdz: 'for-project ubuntu-server cron.daily' as the cdimage user on antimony23:03
seb128slangasek, evolution-indicator empathy pidgin uploading for those etc cleaning23:06
slangasekseb128: ack, will grab them soon, thanks23:06
seb128thanks ;-)23:06
cjwatsonmdz: oh, my eucalyptus upload is waiting for RM approval23:09
cjwatsonmdz: anyway, need to crash now - night23:10
mdzcjwatson, thank you, good night23:15
seb128slangasek, new libdbusmenu from dxteam uploaded, there is a small abi breakage without soname change but ted says the function should no be in the abi and nothing use it (the lib is new in karmic and still only used by what ted writes)23:22
slangasektedg: when are you taking this function out of the ABI then? :)23:22
slangasekdoko_: you said you fixed OOo on armel; is that fix included in 1:3.1.1-2ubuntu1, and should bug #417009 be closed?23:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417009 in openoffice.org "all openoffice apps die in 'com::sun::star::ucb::InteractiveAugmentedIOException' on armel in karmic" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41700923:25
slangaseklool, ogra: ^^ can you confirm whether OOo is fixed on armel now?23:26
doko_slangasek: no, that's another thing while debugging this one. I have a roadmap now, will follow up tomorrow23:28
slangasekah :(23:28
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ebroderDoes lilo-installer/skip not work in Hardy?23:36
seb128slangasek, indicator-session update upload for dx guys too23:44
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