
CIA-33casper: cjwatson * r693 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.19402:31
wolfelwluIs there a way to pass/set an environment variable via pkgsel? Trying to install sudo-ldap and it needs  SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes set to install. late_command is bombing all over me.04:11
loolcjwatson_: Hola; I noticed we were computing the / UUID at install time on armel subarches, in flash-kernel-installer.postinst, and saw that there was support on some boards to compute it at update-initramfs time (initramfs-tools/hooks/flash_kernel_set_root) and asked NCommander to implement that instead; NCommander was worried with the implementation, especially computing the UUID from within a chroot during install09:12
loolcjwatson_: Do you think the approach is overall better with the initramfs hook and do you see any issue with the fact that the hook parses mount output?09:13
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=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
davmor2cjwatson: After lunch I'm going to run a side by side on both live and alternate as they should both work now correct?13:03
cjwatsonalternate's bust, I synced debootstrap a little while ago to fix that13:04
cjwatsonlive should be ok13:04
davmor2cjwatson: cool I'll let you know after lunch :)13:06
davmor2meh more bugs to right about the live cd.  N-M is constantly spiraling but not connecting to an ethernet connection (could be though that this machine has 2 eth cards) and no gfx I had to switch to alt-ctrl-f7 to get it to continue booting :(14:03
cjwatsonlool: the initramfs hook is actively trying to avoid passing labels or UUIDs in ROOT=; I don't know why it's doing that, as it seems like a bad idea14:11
cjwatsonlool: it seems to be doing more or less the opposite of what flash-kernel-installer.postinst does14:12
loolcjwatson: Do you prefer it in the postinst like now then?14:29
loolcjwatson: or that we'd do proper detection of UUID?14:30
cjwatsonI think it's fine in the postinst, TBH14:30
cjwatsonif you change your root filesystem's UUID, there are already several things you have to do14:30
davmor2cjwatson: bad news dude still no vista showing up on this install.  I'm going to run it against xp and see if it is the same issue if there is only one partition14:41
cjwatsonso, uh14:43
cjwatsonyou know I didn't actually upload the fix yet? ;)14:44
ogracjwatson, i wonder why grub-mkconfig computes the UUID all the time though14:44
cjwatsonyou asked if it worked above, you weren't specific :)14:44
ograseems unessecary14:44
cjwatsonogra: *shrug* I don't think it's harmful to compute it on the fly14:44
ograno, indeed14:44
cjwatsonI just don't think it's strictly necessary in all cases14:44
ograwell, its unlikely it changes at all i think14:45
cjwatsonif it makes the design simpler (and it very much does, in the case of grub-mkconfig), then go for it14:45
ograwithout a reinstall or moving your rootfs around14:45
davmor2cjwatson: D'oh14:46
ograi have no opinion either way ... was lool's concern we should do it ... i just see grub doing it14:46
cjwatsonit won't hurt but there's no point putting any more than trivial effort into it if it isn't that way right now14:47
cjwatsonunless there's something I'm missing14:47
ogranope ...14:47
ograi personally think it suffices if we have it at install time14:48
loolcjwatson: I thought we were trying to avoid hardcoding UUID in more places, but I agree it's not a strict requirement14:48
loologra, NCommander: So no need to refactor the UUID stuff then14:48
loolSorry for requesting that   :-)14:48
ograin emergency cases root=/dev/sdX should still work anyway14:49
davmor2cjwatson: so will your fix for side by side be in tomorrows iso?14:49
cjwatsondepends whether I upload it today :)14:53
cjwatsonI probably will at some point, but I want to attack the hardware clock issue first14:54
cjwatsonhmm, which I think is going to involve me going out for a walk to think about it, my head is spinning14:54
davmor2cjwatson: I was about to say clock still plays up when installing against windows but you beat me to it :)14:54
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r219 trunk/debian/changelog: changelog entry for the freeze exception.17:10
cjwatsonevand: could you take care of a ubiquity upload at some point today if possible? mdz is pulling me off onto urgent eucalyptus work17:28
evandcjwatson: already on it, the network here is just horrendously slow17:28
* cjwatson nods, thanks17:30
cjwatsonoh, are you at LinuxCon? I keep forgetting that :)17:30
davmor2evand: how's the conf?17:31
evandPlumbers :)17:32
evandit's good, lots of very smart people and interesting talks17:32
davmor2cool :)17:33
rgreeninghey evand17:38
evandrgreening: hi17:39
evandpreparing a usb-creator upload now17:39
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3475 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):17:39
CIA-33ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer17:39
CIA-33ubiquity: 1.102ubuntu1, flash-kernel 2.13ubuntu11, grub-installer 1.43ubuntu3,17:39
CIA-33ubiquity: partman-partitioning 72ubuntu1.17:39
evandgiven that pitti approved the policykit stuff17:39
rgreeningevand: I still have weirdness with HAL + devicekit-disks on my Acer 6930... for the life of me, I can't get autodetection working since Sept 14 update... Alpha5 ISO works fine, and if I incrementally update packages, it stops working around the time mountall package was introduced.17:47
rgreeningevand: stopping hal, and restarting the devkit-disks-daemon allows usb creator to work... so there seems to be some interaction issue with hal and devkit17:49
rgreeningwith hal running, id-type, id-label and mount all return ''17:49
rgreeningevand: I still get timeout on format option. Have you tested this recently?17:59
evandrgreening: are you using devicekit-disks 007?17:59
rgreeningevand: I should be up to date... checking18:01
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r220 trunk/ (40 files in 2 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.18:01
rgreeningevand: yep18:02
evandrgreening: can you pastebin the exact error you're getting?18:02
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3476 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.99.2218:03
rgreeningevand: sure.. 1 sec18:03
rgreeningevand: dam. works if hal is not running...18:07
rgreeningevand: so, it experiences a timeout in the special case I have on my system when hal and devkit are not working together...18:08
evanddefinitely a bug18:09
evandvery odd as HAL doesn't modify anything in udev, as far as I know18:09
evandrgreening: I'd suggest filing a bug18:10
evandattach the output of devicekit-disks --dump with and without HAL running18:10
rgreeningevand: yeah, I don't understand it either... my acer 110 works as expected.18:11
rgreeningit's just on the 693018:11
evandvery odd18:11
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r221 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.2.718:11
rgreeningevand: I think it's architectural (acpi/bios or the fact that the devices are sg3)18:11
rgreeningcould be an issue with acer-wmi module18:12
rgreeningevand: yeah, I'll do some more investigation and capture that stuff shortly... ty18:14
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r151 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: Added debian/changelog entries for Dylan's changes.18:17
rgreeningshtylman, evand: ubiquity installer for KDE is mondo slow especially after selecting timezone18:26
rgreeningtakes forever to load Keyboard tab18:26
rgreeningshtylman, evan: does it do some ntp stuff in the timezone tab after you hit forward? or does it require an active net connection? cause I never had one (if that makes a diff). But like 1-2 minutes on waiting to change screens18:27
rgreeningthis is with latest kubuntu build, running from a USB-2.0 stick created with usb-creator (if that makes a diff) and installing on a AOA 110 netbook.18:29
rgreeningshtylman, evand: ubiquity does not seem to stay on top (i.e. modal to desktop) when run on kubuntu netbook. THe installer windows keep disappearing behind the desktop and I never know if something is happening or ready without ALT+TABbing for it...19:31
evanddefinitely one for shtylman.  I have no idea how the plasma stuff works.19:33
evandyikes, noninteractive as a casper option is broken.19:49
* evand digs19:49
evandoh, and it's broken as a frontend19:50
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3477 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-language.py):20:15
CIA-33ubiquity: Add missing definition of self.controller for the noninteractive20:15
CIA-33ubiquity: page in the language plugin.20:15
rgreeningshtylman: it only seems to be slow on the netbook on SSD.. hmmm...20:41
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
lamalexevand: I'm still waiting for approval from my company to send you the copyright transfer form- is saturday ok?21:44
lamalex(for the partition size patch)21:44
evandlamalex: saturday will be fine.  Thanks for your patience in sorting this out.21:45
lamalexNo problem, I'd have signed it over immediately if it weren't my companies IP I'd be handing over21:45
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r222 trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Bump to 0.2.821:54
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r223 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/install.py):21:56
CIA-33usb-creator: Modify adtext.cfg as well when adding options to the syslinux21:56
CIA-33usb-creator: configuration (LP: #317059).21:56
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r224 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/install.py):23:26
CIA-33usb-creator: The persistence value is no longer passed around as a string. Fix a23:26
CIA-33usb-creator: check that assumed it was. This was causing the persistence option23:26
CIA-33usb-creator: to always be written (LP: #436207).23:26
as_configuring early ati radeon? anyone?23:41

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