
=== iggy2 is now known as iggy11
=== iggy11 is now known as iggy2
=== iggy2 is now known as Iggy2
=== Iggy2 is now known as Iggy11
=== Iggy11 is now known as Iggy2
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
=== iggy2 is now known as Iggy1
DKcrosshello people16:53
DKcrosspleia2, hello16:53
DKcrossare you liz?16:53
PiciDKcross: Is there something that we can help you with?16:53
pleia2DKcross: is a new ubuntu member :)16:54
DKcross:D yes16:54
DKcrossPici,  gracias!16:54
DKcrossthanks :D16:54
DKcrosswell... i don't know how make my cloack16:55
DKcrossI'm reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks16:55
PiciDKcross: Okay, you first need to either identify to your nickserv account, or follow the directions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup16:55
PiciDKcross: I also need the url of your launchpad page16:56
DKcrossok ready16:56
DKcrossthis is my nick DKcross16:57
DKcrosspleia2,  sorry i have one dude16:57
DKcrossfirst, sorry my english is like baby :(16:57
PiciDKcross: Okay, hold on a moment please.16:58
PiciDKcross: A staffer is going to send you a message to make sure you want the cloak.17:00
naliothDKcross: do you want an UBuntu cloak?17:01
naliothPici: only the non-Ubuntu staffers do so17:01
DKcrossonly need say, yes?17:02
naliothno, you really don't need to say anything  :)17:03
DKcrossnalioth,  oh, ok17:03
Picinalioth: I asked Plazma_Rooolz to cloak him, you may want to call him off.17:03
DKcrossthanks for all friends17:04
DKcrosswell... thanks friends!17:13
=== iggy4 is now known as Iggy1
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus

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