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rbelemian_brasil, ping18:27
ian_brasilian_brasil, pong18:27
ian_brasil:0 rbelem pong18:27
rbelemian_brasil, lets discuss about the name18:29
ian_brasilok..i will work on the source package list while we are doing that18:30
ian_brasili dont like MID too much 18:30
rbelemian_brasil, i was thinking something like "fuels the device"18:30
ian_brasilwhat lool said yesterday makes sense about devices18:30
ian_brasilsounds good to me..maybe we just need like 1 word18:31
rbelemian_brasil, one small word18:31
* ian_brasil puts fuels the device into google18:32
rbelemian_brasil, something like eletric, electron18:33
rbelemian_brasil, hum?18:33
ian_brasilelectric sounds cool18:33
rbelemian_brasil, spin?18:34
ian_brasilha ha...swerve18:34
rbelemian_brasil, swerve?18:34
ian_brasilspin sounds pretty good too18:35
rbelemian_brasil, i liked spin18:36
ian_brasilme too..that sounds cool rbelem 18:37
rbelemian_brasil, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spin18:37
ian_brasilspin is a fundamental characteristic property of elementary particles18:39
rbelemlool, what do you think about ubuntu-spin-remix?18:39
rbelemian_brasil, cool!18:39
ian_brasilrbelem, for me that name is ok..if we go with that can you set the team and ppa up18:41
rbelemian_brasil, let's wait for lool 18:42
rbelemian_brasil, let's continue our search 18:45
ian_brasilrbelem, i am doing that now18:47
ian_brasilrbelem, should i pull hildon desktop from debian ..it is 1:2.0.19 and the version in ubuntu is 1:2.0.11 18:52
rbelemian_brasil, add a column with debian version18:54
ian_brasilrbelem, ok18:55
rbelemian_brasil, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/yare18:55
rbelemian_brasil, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/swiftness19:00
ian_brasilrbelem, choosing something like this is not a good idea IMO19:02
ian_brasilif the remix is not that swift then lots of fun can be had by people!19:03
ian_brasili like spin or spun or span19:03
ian_brasilor spinning , whirling ..something like that19:05
rbelemian_brasil, something like Hitchhiking19:09
rbelemian_brasil, what do you think?19:09
dereks /topic19:10
ian_brasilrbelem, nice..hitchiking..ha ha19:10
rbelemian_brasil, "On the Road"19:13
rbelemian_brasil, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ride19:14
ian_brasili called the liferea port 'Frothing' - feed reading on the hoof19:14
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ian_brasilrbelem, i updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/UbuntuMIDRemix20:40
loolian_brasil: Hey21:31
ian_brasillool, hi21:32
loolian_brasil: spin is a bit problematic because it's analog in meaning to flavour21:32
loolian_brasil: We often say "the moblin spin"21:32
ian_brasilah ok21:32
loolPerhaps you should consider a symbolic name which has no actual meaning21:33
loolOr take a cheese name21:33
loolUbuntu Roquefort Remix21:33
loolian_brasil: I feel bad for taking part in the project name discussion21:33
ian_brasilonly a french person could think of that ;)21:33
loolBah you could name it after a cow if you like  :-)21:34
ian_brasilrbelem is in a meeting now so i will talk with him..i quite like the idea of some name without meaning21:34
loolFor instance Mer has nothing to do with tablets21:35
loolian_brasil: I think it would help a lot if you guys would write down the actual goals of the project you're creating21:36
loolWhat does it solve over the existing projects, why is it there, what's the motivation, philosophy etc. etc.21:36
ian_brasilyes we will..one big one is to be free desktop compliant21:37
ian_brasilpersonally remove all the hard coded nastyness in the theming would be awesome21:38
loolThese are technical goals21:38
loolJust like building an image21:38
loolian_brasil: For instance you could have for a goal to bring the latest Maemo technologies to tablet users basing on Ubuntu software21:39
loolOr creating a demonstration and development environment for tablet users21:39
loolOr enabling programmers to develop Maemo apps under Ubuntu21:40
loolOr all of that21:40
loolYou need a scope so to speak   :-)21:40
ian_brasilok i will do that..it will be a small scope 21:49

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