
bdrungfta: and?00:09
BUGabundo /me rsync -avh -progress /home/BUGabundo /media/bed; rm -rf /home/BUGabundo00:54
fta11039 fta       20   0  728m 324m  28m S   14 16.1 165:27.47 firefox-3.701:14
fta[reed], ^^01:14
ftacumulative time is the worse, by far01:15
ftatwice Xorg01:15
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=== iggy11 is now known as iggy2
[reed]fta: hmm05:11
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
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=== asac_ is now known as asac
eagles0513875asac:  was there an update released for bind wood?09:31
eagles0513875according to the updates that im seeing i noticed one for bindwood?09:31
asacyou can see that in launchpad09:31
asacnot sure09:31
asacstatik: did you go through someone else with bindwood?09:32
asacwas the ~ubuntu-dev branch properly updated?09:32
eagles0513875still same version and revision?09:35
eagles0513875from what i got from the branch it seems but what was updated?09:35
asacarmin76: hey still there?09:36
asacarmin76: did you get http://paste.ubuntu.com/276891/ with gcc 44 on sparc?09:36
asaceagles0513875: you can find that on launchpad09:36
asackenvandine: did you sponsor bindwood?09:36
eagles0513875on the edge link where all the branches are09:37
asackenvandine: can you please update the ~ubunu-dev branch. we rely on that very much09:37
asaceagles0513875: the branches are branches09:37
asaceagles0513875: the packages are packages09:37
asacsomeone can just upload package09:37
asacand not update branch09:37
asacwhat is what probably happen09:37
asacyou can see the diff on the launchpad package09:37
eagles0513875so asac just going to launchpad.net and seachfor bindwood09:39
asacyou will figure09:40
asacsearch for the package09:40
asacin ubuntu project09:40
eagles0513875well i know that bind wood is working after i installed it yesterday which is good cuz its asking for password to unlock the keyring of bindwood09:42
eagles0513875im not finding anythign i found the first change that was done by elliot murphy which was the initial packaging of bindwood09:45
asaceagles0513875: the debdiff can be found on the launchad page09:45
asacyou can see what changed below the upload versoin09:45
eagles0513875well i might be using gnome for a lil while lol09:50
eagles0513875asac: seems like elliot murphy im guess whose the package maintainer uploaded it last thursday the version is the same and all09:51
bdrung_asac: i have setup a test enviroment for bug #422898 . so if you have time you can give me something to test09:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422898 in mozilla-devscripts "karmic build of a firefox extension behaves oddly" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42289809:56
bdrung_eagles0513875: i have added some missing extensions to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview09:57
bdrung_they need a check09:57
eagles0513875kool i have a few things to finish on bind wood09:57
eagles0513875but today seems like the kde updates have broken kde so right now im installing gnome to be safwe09:58
bdrung_asac: i need only the xpath command, the rest i can do myself09:59
asaceagles0513875: not sure what your problem is ... if you did anything to bindwood its definitly not void now. dont bother about the update in the archive we can replay that afterwards09:59
eagles0513875ok asac im not bothers but other updates killed my kde desktop on my vm im installing gnome to be safe in case same thing happens on my duelboot10:00
asacbdrung_: one second.10:02
asacctxextension is definitly a different issue10:04
asacits not using RDF:resource=10:04
asacwhat extension was that?10:04
asacah stumble...10:04
asacbdrung_: xpath -q -e '//em:targetApplication/@RDF:resource' install.rdf | sed -e 's/.*="\(.*\)"/\1/'10:11
asacgives you the list of resource references10:11
eagles0513875asac: bdrung just netsplitted10:12
eagles0513875asac: might be a few before they come back10:12
asacand i think TARGET_VERSION needs to be expanded by | //RDF:Description[rdf:about="$(4) or @rdf:about="$(4)]/em:$(2) | //RDF:Description[rdf:about="$(4) or @rdf:about="$(4)]/@em:$(2)10:16
asac //RDF:Description[RDF:about="RDF:#$PB9V2" or @RDF:about="rdf:#$PB9V2"]/@em:maxVersion10:18
asacok so append:10:18
eagles0513875asac you talking to me10:19
asac| //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/@em:maxVersion10:19
asacno to bdrung10:19
asacbut he is gone10:19
eagles0513875never came back from the netsplit10:19
asac| //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/em:maxVersion10:19
asacwith 4 - rdf:about id10:19
asactell him to ping me ;)10:20
eagles0513875ok hopefully he returns while im still around10:21
eagles0513875im tempted to go hunt down lunch10:21
eagles0513875wow Hi all.  It seems one of our sponsors has connectivity problems, causing around 6,000 users to disconnect.  We're investigating, sorry for the noise and thanks for using freenode!10:24
asac11:11 < asac> bdrung_: xpath -q -e '//em:targetApplication/@RDF:resource' install.rdf | sed -e 's/.*="\(.*\)"/\1/'10:28
asac11:11 < asac> gives you the list of resource references10:28
asac11:18 < asac> ok so append:10:29
asac11:19 < asac> | //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/@em:maxVersion10:29
asac11:19 < asac> | //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/em:maxVersion10:29
asacwith 4 being the resource ids from above10:29
bdrung_asac: append?10:36
asacbug 43057610:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430576 in network-manager "refuse to connect over Nokia N85, turns off the handset" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43057610:37
asacbdrung_: yes to VERSION call10:37
asacof course only if a $(4) is new10:38
asacis set i mean10:38
asacif thats possible10:38
asac11:29 < asac> 11:18 < asac> ok so append:10:38
asac11:29 < asac> 11:19 < asac> | //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/@em:maxVersion10:38
asac11:29 < asac> 11:19 < asac> | //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/em:maxVersion10:38
asacthose are appeneded to TARGET_VERSION10:38
asacerr replace maxVersion with $(2) i think10:38
asacthe values for $(4) you get through xpath -q -e '//em:targetApplication/@RDF:resource' install.rdf | sed -e 's/.*="\(.*\)"/\1/'10:39
asacfta: the bot uploads wrong ubuntu revisions10:45
asacit needs to reset to ubuntu1 if the upstream version gets bumped10:46
asacfor nm applet it uploaded -ubuntu210:46
asacthough the changelog was upstream version wise behind10:46
armin76asac: haven't tried on sparc for a long time, anyway it sigbuses and i haven't had the time nor the motivation to investigate it11:32
armin76asac: > sigbuses as well11:32
asacarmin76: 1.9.1?11:33
armin76asac: yes, worked fine, and 1.9.1 always sigbused11:35
armin76apart from failing to compile due to solaris-only code11:35
armin761.9.1, that is11:36
asacarmin76: yeah. we build with --disable-jit now11:37
asacbut that alone even doesnt help11:37
armin76asac: i remember ncommander wanting to fix the sigbuses, ask him :)11:40
armin76i have a lot of stuff to do(130 bugs on ia64) + work gets me tired11:41
asaci am not demanding ;)11:42
asacjust asking11:42
asacall fine ;)11:42
armin76i know :P11:42
armin76probably i should have done s/+ work/and my full-time job/11:44
asacburn out?11:45
asacgo and getr holidays11:45
asacand get a new job if the burn out is because of boringness or constantly bogus managers etc ;=)11:46
armin76i already had holidays :P11:47
armin76in fact today its holydays here, thats why i'm answering you :D11:48
bdrung_asac: thanks. i had to update XPI_TARGET_EMIDs, too. the bug is now fixed12:02
asacbdrung_: rock. did it work?12:09
asacbdrung_: what about the other install.rdf ... i thin the ctxetensions looked normal to me12:09
asacor does that work ?12:10
bdrung_asac: it works with all extensions12:10
bdrung_(except pwdhash - but thats a bug in this package)12:10
bdrung_asac: does this catch all cases: echo $(MOZ_EXTENSION_PKG) | sed "s/^firefox-//;s/^mozilla-//;s/^thunderbird-//;s/^xul-ext-//"12:12
asacbdrung_: why would we need that?12:16
asacbdrung_: i think there can be more12:16
asacbasically _all_ app names have been used as prefix ;)12:16
bdrung_asac: i have to determine the base-name or can i simply take the source package name for that?12:17
bdrung_asac: i want to generate something like xpi:Provides=ctxextensions xul-ext-ctxextensions firefox-ctxextensions thunderbird-ctxextensions12:18
bdrung_asac: therefore i must know how this extension is called12:18
asacbdrung_: good question. i think on a best effort base thats ok12:21
asacthose should be most issues12:21
asacsorry mistyped12:22
asacthose should cover most cases12:22
asaci think xul-ext- is only valid case12:23
asacthe rest should spit out warnings12:23
asacor we should put something in lintian12:23
bdrung_asac: how about using the source package name (with an option to override it)?12:24
bdrung_this would make it backwards compatible12:24
asacwhy not binary name?12:27
bdrung_asac: because the binary has million prefixes12:28
bdrung_the source has at least mozilla- and firefox-12:28
asacwell. but the idea is to use xul-ext- for the binary name12:28
bdrung_asac: yes12:29
asacimo the binary matches the extension name much better12:29
asacand hence it should be in the provides12:29
bdrung_but it should work in karmic, too12:29
asacwhy doesnt it work in karmic?12:29
bdrung_asac: because the packages has other prefixes than xul-ext- (in lucid we will rename all those extensions)12:30
asacbdrung_: yes. but for those we provide the option to override12:30
asaci dont think we should try to workaround too hard12:31
asaci think your initial suggestion should be good enough12:31
asacwith the ability to override12:31
bdrung_asac: ok, it's now: MOZ_EXT_NAME ?= $(shell echo $(MOZ_EXTENSION_PKG) | sed "s/^firefox-//;s/^mozilla-//;s/^xul-ext-//")12:32
bdrung_asac: or is thunderbird- often used?12:32
asaci think one or two have that12:32
asacbdrung_: strip off iceweasel-12:33
asacbdrung_: the RDF:Description doesnt match the about12:34
asacwe need to do those two steps12:34
asacotherwise you end up picking the extension itself12:34
asacrather than targetApplications12:34
bdrung_asac: which ext?12:34
asacerr the resource12:34
asac11:38 < asac> 11:29 < asac> 11:19 < asac> | //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/@em:maxVersion12:34
asac11:38 < asac> 11:29 < asac> 11:19 < asac> | //RDF:Description[RDF:about="$(4)" or @RDF:about="$(4)"]/em:maxVersion12:34
asac11:39 < asac> the values for $(4) you get through xpath -q -e '//em:targetApplication/@RDF:resource' install.rdf | sed -e 's/.*="\(.*\)"/\1/'12:35
asacalso we need both cases (@em: and /em)12:35
* asac confused12:35
asacchecking agai12:35
asacoh you did it12:36
asacok all find12:37
asacexcept that we need the /em:$(..) case too12:37
asaceverything that is an attribute can always be a subelement12:37
bdrung_k, will add this12:37
asaclike the first in the TARGET_VERSION12:38
=== iggy2 is now known as Iggy2
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=== Iggy11 is now known as Iggy2
asacbdrung_: you should be able to test that by moving the em:maxVersion=... to a subelement of the RDF:Description><em:maxVersion>...</...12:45
asacbut i would think its safe given that we use the same pattern before that12:45
* eagles0513875 is scared to interrupt asac and bdrug as they seem to be in the middle of rather detailed work12:48
bdrung_eagles0513875: my last name is not drug :D12:49
bdrung_eagles0513875: we are finished now12:49
eagles0513875whoops sry bdrung_ im multitasking trying to back up my .ssh folder but brasero on gnome doesnt wanna burn anything for me12:50
eagles0513875everything seems to be starting to break again on alpha 612:50
eagles0513875kde is kaput todays kde updated packages broke the whole install as they are complaining about dependency issues12:50
bdrung_eagles0513875: s/kaput/kaputt/ ;)12:51
eagles0513875so im running on gnome for now12:51
eagles0513875hey guys can i get ur opinion that is somewhat related to mozilla stuff and other things12:52
eagles0513875what would you guys think if i put forth a proposal for 10.04 that allows a user to choose which browser office suite and email client to use12:54
eagles0513875you guys think that is a good idea12:54
bdrung_eagles0513875: at installation time or when?12:55
eagles0513875installation time12:56
bdrung_hm, at most as option somewhere (like the popcon or grub installation). otherwise it would nag the user who loves the default12:58
bdrung_asac: pushed12:58
bdrung_asac: tested and ready for release12:59
eagles0513875i kinda got this idea after reading what the us supreme court is forcing msft to do for users they are now giving options to users of what browser to install by default besides ie13:01
eagles0513875so i was thinking why not do the same here13:01
eagles0513875what u mean by at most as option somewhere (like the popcon or grub installation). otherwise it would nag the user who loves the default13:01
eagles0513875and the defaults would be included in the list of options13:01
asacbdrung_: arent you in Dm-Uploaders?13:04
asacif so, just up to debian :)13:04
bdrung_eagles0513875: the installation only asks question which are really required. asking which browser to use, would add a not required question13:04
eagles0513875maybe so but in all honesty how many users use the default browser13:05
eagles0513875or the default office app13:05
bdrung_asac: yes, but DM-Upload-Allowed: Yes is not set in version 0.1513:05
bdrung_asac: so this time you have to do it13:05
asachmm ... how unfortunate ;) ... ok i add that and release ... next time you can do ;)13:06
bdrung_asac: i already add it13:06
eagles0513875bdrung_: is it a good idea though to put forth to motu and see what they say13:09
bdrung_eagles0513875: you could ask on the mailing list and see it they like your idea or not13:10
eagles0513875motu maililng list13:11
bdrung_or ubuntu devel13:12
eagles0513875ok :(13:12
bdrung_eagles0513875: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com13:12
eagles0513875thanks bdrung_13:13
bdrung_asac: which is the fastest way to get m-d 0.16 into karmic?13:20
asaceagles0513875: about 95+% of the users stick to the default we chooose. thats the idea ;)13:20
asacbdrung_: upload to debian13:20
asacand sync13:20
eagles0513875asac: emailed the devel and  motu lists and see what they think13:21
asacbdrung_: ok uploading to debian now (hope arch all packages are ok if built on ubuntu :))13:21
asacbdrung_: do you think its bad?13:21
asacto upload from ubuntu _all build?13:21
bdrung_asac: i used a sid pbuilder for uploading, but for m-d it should not hurt13:22
asacok just did it ;)13:23
asaci think i even did it for last upload13:23
bdrung_asac: do you sync it into karmic?13:24
asacthats the idea13:25
bdrung_asac: via requestsync, or are there other ways?13:25
asacbdrung_: i usually ask some archive admin to sync13:26
bdrung_k, thats faster13:26
eagles0513875seems like my idea is liked :)13:47
bdrung_asac, eagles0513875, av`: hopefully it's the last time i updated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Karmic/ExtensionReview it now contains the changes from m-d 0.16. the version column is for the released version string13:52
eagles0513875ok will figure out what that means when i get to it lol13:53
bdrung_eagles0513875: for what is your ?13:58
eagles0513875my question is 0.16 still for lucid and the extensions that will go into it13:58
asac0.16 for everything we touch now at least14:03
asacnot sure we need to reupload htose that have 0.15 now14:04
asacbut would make sense14:04
bdrung_asac: it would make sense (because of provides)14:06
bdrung_eagles0513875: 0.16 is for all (only the renaming is left for lucid)14:06
eagles0513875ok so back to correcting that in bindwood then14:07
asacbdrung_: right. i think its fine to go through the extensions and bump all to 0.1614:07
eagles0513875do i need to create a new changelog?14:07
asacbdrung_: but probably after we managed to go through full list once ;)14:07
* asac will help out on that extension stuff soon14:07
eagles0513875hehe asac gnomefreak has been a big contributor to most of em14:08
asacyes ... he is eager ;)14:08
bdrung_i will review the extensions, too14:09
asacwe should add a "uploaded" column or something14:09
asaci cannot see on one look what extensions still need work14:09
bdrung_asac: there is the version column14:10
asacyeah. we could use that ... but seems was not maintained14:10
asacor nothing was uploaded yet14:10
bdrung_asac: added it 10 minutes ago14:10
asac!seen andv14:10
ubottuI have no seen command14:10
eagles0513875!last and14:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about last and14:11
eagles0513875!last andv14:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about last andv14:11
asacbdrung_: i think we should have Uploaded Debian and  Uploaded Ubuntu column14:11
asachmm i always thought i have the seen plugin in my irssi14:11
bdrung_asac: good idea14:11
bdrung_asac: it should only set, if all things are done (including the 0.16 things)14:13
eagles0513875can i use the same change log entry tht i added to bindwood or do i need a new one14:16
eagles0513875bdrung_: does ur .ssh folder only have 3 files in it14:29
eagles0513875or asac either one of u can respond14:29
bdrung_eagles0513875: authorized_keys  config  id_rsa  id_rsa.pub  known_hosts14:30
eagles0513875well i only have 3 files in mine O_O14:30
eagles0513875id_rsa id_rsa.pub and known hosts14:30
eagles0513875no config14:30
bdrung_eagles0513875: that is enough14:35
eagles0513875ok :)14:35
eagles0513875burning to cd now14:35
eagles0513875:( no bind wood fixing today :'(14:57
eagles0513875bdrung_: when u do a reinstall what do u do with the .ssh folder u backed up15:22
bdrung_eagles0513875: copy them15:24
bdrung_eagles0513875: i have /home on a separate partition and backup the complete /home15:24
eagles0513875you dont have to import it into any particular program15:25
eagles0513875just need gnupg installed and add the .ssh folder to home dir15:26
aakashdhey all15:41
aakashdi'm a QA engineer at mozilla corp and wanted to give you guys a heads up that the QA community has set up a channel on freenode, its' located at #mozilla-quality15:42
TomJaegerasac: What's the status on bug #217908 ?15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217908 in cairo "Pixellated Images in Firefox/Opera due to incorrect EXTEND_PAD implementation in several video drivers" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21790815:52
asacTomJaeger: i think the problem was that we dont get xserver 1.715:53
TomJaegerasac, which doesn't really matter since we have all the necessary patches already in place15:53
eagles0513875aakashd: thanks for the heads up :)15:53
aakashdyour welcome15:53
aakashdi'm trying to push the guys to come over to double-up on this channel as well15:54
eagles0513875asac: you see <aakashd> i'm a QA engineer at mozilla corp and wanted to give you guys a heads up that the QA community has set up a channel on freenode, its' located at #mozilla-quality15:54
eagles0513875aakashd: asac seems to be the one in charge of alot of the mozilla stuff15:54
aakashdah ok15:54
aakashdgood to know15:54
aakashdhey asac15:54
TomJaegerasac, The whole system is messed up.  Upstream doesn't give a shit about linux support, and we're somehow not allowed to fix the issues ourselves.16:00
asaccyphermox: connman ready?16:09
cyphermoxi'm stuck with work stuff16:10
cyphermoxasac, I think all I have left to do is patch the init script16:11
cyphermoxasac, i'll let you know soon, i'm running pbuilder and i'll still have to run the tests16:21
=== iggy2 is now known as Iggy1
fta2asac, nice work today: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277205/17:06
asacmost work isnt in there ;)17:07
asaclots of build failures ;)17:07
asacfeel wasted ;)17:08
asacwill drop out17:08
asaconce i know that applet builds ;17:08
* asac didnt reboot since upstart transition17:10
asactoo scared that i cannot work ;)17:10
bdrung_asac: it works in my kvm17:11
asaci should just reboot ... will do so in a few after seein that applet build on amd6417:12
fta2asac, i did it everywhere, no problem17:17
fta2grrr, i hate lintian17:21
fta2i wonder why they made dir-or-file-in-var-www17:22
fta2while they didn't for /usr/lib/cgi-bin17:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about now17:25
eagles0513875asac: i can tellu kde dont work at least for me17:32
asacfta2: /var is usually someting where packages dont put files17:38
asacthats all dynamic there17:38
asacmaybe a reason17:38
asacbut maybe because everything in /var/www is available in apache defualt setup somehow?17:38
asacno clue17:38
eagles0513875asac: im not sure about apache but i think tha tfolder is where all the site u host are kept17:41
eagles0513875if i remember correctly17:41
asacanyway ... ok off for a few evening hours17:42
eagles0513875im soon out17:42
eagles0513875and im still sweraing at kde17:42
=== iggy4 is now known as Iggy1
fta<asac> fta: the bot uploads wrong ubuntu revisions <= i know, that's an old bug i need to fix18:30
bdrung_asac: whom to ask for syncing m-d?18:49
av`bdrung_, open a sync request19:08
av`if it's a bug-fix only release it's ok19:08
av`if not you need an FFe19:08
asaci will take care of this19:09
asacmight need to wait till after beta ... arch is frozen19:09
ftastrange, all the icons in alerts popups are corrupted20:02
ftaasac, [reed]: ^^20:07
[reed]known bug20:08
[reed]let me find it20:08
asacok rebooting. wish me luck ;)20:12
ftagood luck20:12
[reed]guh, stupid mail client20:15
[reed]fta: mozilla bug 51666520:16
ubottuMozilla bug 516665 in ImageLib "distorted images with moz-icon://*?size=dialog" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51666520:16
ftabaaaaad, todays update gave me the "requires a restart, restart now" long before the upgrade was complete20:51
kenvandinefta, can you sponsor a gwibber upload?21:12
kenvandinefixes some nice bugs and we need it for support of the indicator-messages upload about to happen21:13
kenvandineor asac ^^21:16
kenvandinebug 43409721:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434097 in pidgin "Launchers shouldn't be stored in /etc" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43409721:17
ftakenvandine, rev63?21:24
kenvandineyes please21:24
av`kenvandine, is that a new upstream release?21:24
kenvandineit is a new snapshot21:24
kenvandinefixes a bunch of stuff21:24
av`is it a bug fix only?21:25
kenvandinelike retweets, notifications, etc21:25
av`or new featues21:25
ftakenvandine, ok, I will have a look21:25
av`* features21:25
kenvandinefta thx21:25
kenvandineav`, it is fixing features that are busted :)21:25
ftakenvandine, btw, is the -daemon restarted on upgrade now?21:25
av`then should be fine21:25
kenvandinefta, humm... no21:25
av`kenvandine, we are in feature freeze u know? :)21:25
kenvandineav`, yes21:25
av`that's why I asked21:26
kenvandinefta, we should really do that, i'll talk to ryan21:26
ftakenvandine, sometimes, after an upgrade, i'm no longer able to post, no error. i need to kill the daemon to make it work again21:27
kenvandinefta, yea... good point21:27
kenvandinejust gotta find a good way to hand that21:27
kenvandinewe can make it receive a restart signal, but i don't know if a script run with sudo in a postinst would be able to talk to i21:28
ftakenvandine, done21:34
ftakenvandine, next time, could you please make a commit with no change except the UNRELEASED->karmic so it's clear in the packaging branch what revision was used? I did it this time21:37
ftaasac, too bad chromium is not in universe already, it's really usable now21:47
BUGabundoasac: dude NM broken23:16
BUGabundovery very broken23:16
asacBUGabundo: applet?23:18
asacupgrade to ubuntu2/323:18
BUGabundoI got trunk23:18
asacnot sure ... take the one from archive23:18
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.8~a~git.20090917t223236.942371e-0ubuntu2~nmt123:18
BUGabundo  Candidate: 0.8~a~git.20090923t220421.1ac8ffd-0ubuntu323:18
asacthe one in ppa might be older23:18
asacgrab that 323:18
BUGabundoI had to downgrade tolder one23:18
BUGabundoasac: no. 3 is broken23:18
asaceverything else upgraded?23:19
asacnetwork-manager libnm-glib2 libnm-glib023:19
BUGabundonow, all NM packages have been downgraded, of course23:19
BUGabundoor I wouldn't be here23:19
asaci think its unlikely that ubuntu3 doenst work with all updated23:20
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy network-manager libnm-glib2 libnm-g | pastebinit23:20
BUGabundoW: Unable to locate package libnm-g23:20
asacapplet was broken today23:20
asacbut not with ubuntu323:20
BUGabundoasac: that's what I'm seeing23:20
BUGabundowant the logs too?23:20
BUGabundoI can push to LP23:21
asaci want you to run dist-upgrade23:21
asacand run nm-applet from console23:21
BUGabundoI just spent 15 min downgrading23:21
BUGabundocan't, it breaks23:21
BUGabundogets that log I sent to identica23:21
asaclet me check23:22
BUGabundoI'll go pay my bills23:23
BUGabundowhy are you replying thwere??23:25
asacbecause i replied to someone else too ;)23:25
asacbut you are right23:26
asaci thought you pay your bills ;)23:26
asacBUGabundo: run nm-tool too please23:26
asacand paste here23:26
BUGabundo$ nm-tool | pastebinit23:27
asacBUGabundo: ok i assume you just have a auto connection for wifi?23:28
asacor do you have some manually configured ones?23:28
BUGabundoof course23:29
BUGabundobut not connected to any network23:29
BUGabundoyes I may have other networks there too23:29
asacdo you have or not23:29
BUGabundoasac: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/43624223:29
asacgo to connection editor ....23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436242 in network-manager "nm-applet crash" [Undecided,New]23:29
asactake a screenshot from the wireless tab23:29
BUGabundoasac: let me cat nm conf23:29
asacjust look in the wireless tab ;)23:29
BUGabundoasac: wireless is off23:30
asachmm. yeah even then23:30
asacgo to connnection editor23:30
BUGabundoohh you mena the settings23:30
asacand check wireless tab23:30
BUGabundoseveral networks in ther23:30
ftawant a respin of the ppa?23:30
BUGabundotoo many to fit in the screen :D23:30
asacfta: the archive version (luckily) is higher23:30
BUGabundomany AUTO23:31
ftaasac, i should give you a button or something23:31
BUGabundoasac: one manual23:31
asacBUGabundo: is wireless off or are there no APs in proximity ;)23:31
asacfta: hehe. yeah ;)23:31
BUGabundoasac: no near APs23:31
BUGabundowifi is enabled at kernel level23:31
asacBUGabundo: is killswitch on?23:31
asacor off?23:31
BUGabundoOff menaning able to connect23:31
BUGabundoI never turn it On. afraid of kernel bugs23:32
asacwhere are you that there is no AP near ;)23:32
BUGabundoin my beddrom23:32
asacBUGabundo: and there is no AP visible?23:32
BUGabundoAPs are on the other side of the house23:32
asacthats in a village? or on a farm? ;)23:32
BUGabundonope :)23:32
BUGabundoif I step 8mt23:32
BUGabundoI get like 2 open APs and 8 wep/wpa23:32
asacBUGabundo: ok ... so i am pretty sure the assert happens because there is no AP23:33
asacso you can workaround by going where you can see aps23:33
asacor by using killswitch23:33
BUGabundoI've removed the manual wifi, just in case23:33
asacBUGabundo: that shouldnt matter. you could have kept those23:33
BUGabundowell seems kill swich aint working23:34
BUGabundooh it works but won't change the led23:34
BUGabundoanother kernel bug23:34
BUGabundodist upgrading again23:34
BUGabundowish me luck23:34
asacgood luck23:35
asacfta: i think in a few minutes i might really need an applet respin ;)23:38
asachold still please ;)23:39
asacfta: ok now ... just network-manager-applet23:39
BUGabundoso what update should I get?!!?!?23:41
BUGabundoasac: ^^^^23:42
fta13 rev!? http://paste.ubuntu.com/277470/23:45
asacBUGabundo: did you verify that all the latest works if you have wither wifi disbled completely or you are somewhere where you can see APs23:46
BUGabundoThe following packages will be upgraded:23:46
BUGabundo  libnm-glib-dev libnm-glib2 libnm-util-dev libnm-util1 modemmanager network-manager network-manager-dev network-manager-gnome23:46
BUGabundostill waiting on you to approve the upgrade23:46
asaceverything ... then you should at least be able to make it work by disbaling killswitch23:47
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy  network-manager network-manager-dev network-manager-gnome | pastebinit23:47
asacand my guess is if you are close to APs it works too23:47
ftaasac, just got a "Sponsorship deadline for UDS-Lucid approaching" from jorge.. i didn't even know it has started23:48
asacfta: yes. me neither23:48
ftanot sure i will be able to come23:49
BUGabundoasac: Current status: 0 broken [-1], 1 update [-9].23:49
ftadeadline is in 3 days23:49
BUGabundoasac: so now what? reboot?23:49
asacfta: already pushed?23:49
asacotherwise wait one more sec ;)23:50
asacno problem23:50
asacjust had another bug ifx23:50
BUGabundoasac: back23:58
BUGabundoseems to be working23:58

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