
* superm1 wags his finger00:03
superm1(a'la colbert)00:04
BatshuaUhm, any help with my transcode issue?00:05
superm1i'm not sure off hand myself.  i'd take the silence in the room as no one else is too sure either00:06
superm1i can personally transcode with a cutlist00:06
superm1so perhaps look in your logs for some more information about anything mythbackend is complaining in the process00:06
Batshuawell, so apparently mine autotranscoded before00:11
Batshuaand so the second time I'm not sure they're re-transcoding.00:11
BatshuaI should poke the logs.00:12
BatshuaAny idea what I should be looking for?  Or would it stick out like a sore thumb?00:20
tgm4883!logs | Batshua00:24
ZinnBatshua: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.00:24
tgm4883then be sure to poke superm1  to review those logs personally ;)00:25
BatshuaOoh, shiny.  Thanks, tgm!00:25
BatshuaI'm gonna grab 'em remotely.00:25
tgm4883i can review them when I get home too00:25
superm1!stab | tgm488300:25
* Zinn stabs | tgm4883 with a sharpened mce remote.00:25
BatshuaWhich pastebin do y'all use?00:25
superm1!pastebin | Batshua00:25
ZinnBatshua: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.00:25
Batshuabecause I'm not gonna do this from the mythbox.00:25
BatshuaAh.  Shinysauce.00:25
tgm4883the mythbuntu-log-grabber will actually post them there for you00:26
Batshuaright but right now the tv is off00:26
Batshuaso I figured I'd do it from here.00:26
tgm4883you could also use pastebinit00:27
tgm4883which is what MLogG uses00:28
tgm4883speaking of00:28
tgm4883foxbuntu, MLogG could really use an auto command, that can also be run from the command line00:28
tgm4883ala, silent mode00:28
superm1i recommended that ages ago...00:30
superm1i say if it doesn't find a DISPLAY variable or what not, then it should offer to run in the command line00:30
superm1as well as some command line switch to do the same00:30
tgm4883yea, I agree00:31
tgm4883oh well, home time00:31
BatshuaI am having transcoding failures!00:35
superm1so you have your profiles set up wrong probably00:38
superm1if no one in here can help out, check in #mythtv-users00:38
superm1just share that same pastebin with them00:38
foxbuntutgm4883, that should be easy enough to do...did ou file a bug/feature request for it?00:42
spiderwormi have mythbuntu installed and mythtv working properly... however, everytime i start the computer up it auto logs me in, and then it tries to start up the mythbuntu control centre... how can i make it not launch the mythbuntu control centre with ever reboot?02:24
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superm1spiderworm, probably clear the xfce session startup cache03:21
spiderwormsuperm1, i checked the session startup application list and i didnt see the mythbuntu control centre listed in there03:22
superm1two solutions03:22
superm11) close everything, and log out of xfce, make sure it saves your session when it asks03:22
superm12) remove the contents of the cache directory in ~03:23
spiderwormthank you, i'll try those03:23
spiderwormwhile i have you here, are you able to tell me what a CATV converter box does?03:23
spiderwormit seems it converts a digital signal to analog, but does it do anything else?03:24
spiderwormis it a cable descrambler or something?03:24
superm1they used to be descramber's yes03:28
superm1nowadays they decrypt digital signals with a decryption key03:28
spiderwormi c03:29
spiderwormso i am trying to figure out ugh why my CATV converter hooked up to an older tv seems to get a lot more channels than my Hauppauge PVR-50003:30
spiderwormi guess that the Hauppague PVR-500 is an analog card, and so it can only pick up the analog channels... 2-30 or so03:30
superm1hook up the converter box to your PVR-500 and then use an IR blaster to change the channels then03:32
superm1you could then record from the cable box03:32
spiderwormif i get a digital tv recording card, should it be able to pick up the digital channels?03:32
spiderwormif i hook the converter box up to the pvr-500 and use an ir blaster to change the channels, will it be able to record two different channels at once?03:33
spiderwormi dont think that would work, right?03:34
mrandGenerally, one converter box = being able to capture/record one channel.03:35
spiderwormwow, the hauppauge wintv-hvr-1800 looks sweet... anyone tried one of those?03:36
mrandMaybe someone else here has, but I haven't.   You can goggle the terms 'hvr-1800 mythtv' and see what kinds of hits you get.  the mythtv wiki is pretty good at listing known working stuff.03:38
Batshualemme check03:39
BatshuaOh wait, no, my error.03:41
BatshuaI have the 1250.03:41
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spiderwormthe wiki says kernel recompilation is necessary, but also says it works fine with the latest v4l-dvb drivers03:41
mrandwiki could very well be old on topics such as that.03:41
spiderwormwhy would kernel recompilation be neccessary if it those latest drivers could just be installed?03:42
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mrandsecond thread down.03:47
mrandhas a decent summary.03:48
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danfinnI'm building my first mythbuntu server.  I have it connected to my Panasonic Viera HD TV via VGA cable.  I cannot seem to get more than 640x480 for a resolution.  I know for a fact that the TV can handle more than this, when I plug my macbook in I get about double the pixesls05:50
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styelzwhats up with weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org12:51
styelzppa works ok12:58
Davieystyelz: looks like a problem with the actual server13:00
Davieycan you use the UK one until superm1 sorts out that one.13:01
styelzim using ppa13:01
styelznot sure if its the same ppa.launchpad.net13:02
luke_any ideas when .22 will be out?13:07
styelzwas just wondering if to update to .2213:14
styelzthats trunk yea?13:14
styelzso i just add this to apt/sources.list deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/trunk-0.22/ubuntu jaunty main  then do an apt-get update and upgrade13:20
styelzmysqldump'ed my db first.13:20
MythbuntuGuest40I am running Mythbuntu 9.04 backend/frontend. I rebooted last night and a few of files of recorded shows were deleted and nothing is showing up on Mythweb under "Upcomming Recordings." There are recording schedules but it didn't record anything last night. Can anyone help?13:28
styelzdid you change your hostname ?13:42
MythbuntuGuest40I don't think so. I'll check13:44
MythbuntuGuest40No, it's the same13:45
jedlhlis there a tool for decrypting BD in linux or is it only possible to do in windows at this stage?16:36
htpchi short question, where should I look when my /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend starts up fine manually20:25
htpcbut not automatically20:25
htpcwhen my system boots the boot up claims "starting myth backen [OK}" but mythbackend is not started, a sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start works fine from terminal20:26
htpcshould I just try and add it to services _20:26
gizmobayI keep getting a connection refused on the trunk weeklybuilds.22:50
gizmobayDid it change?22:50
styelzsame here, use uk.weekly.. or ppa.launchpad.net23:02

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