
nagappanjtatum, have you created a deb package for python project ?00:01
nagappanjtatum, I'm planing to create Ubuntu 9.04 package for LDTPv200:01
jtatumnagappan: It's pretty simple if there is a working setup.py.00:02
nagappanjtatum, not sure, how to create the diff.gz00:02
nagappanjtatum, awesome :)00:02
* nagappan listening jtatum 00:02
jtatumnagappan: just a sec, let me power on that vm00:02
nagappanjtatum, sure00:02
jtatumnagappan: did you already setup the debian dir?00:04
nagappanjtatum, nope00:04
nagappanjtatum, http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ldtp/ldtp2/00:04
jtatumnagappan: ok, pulling it down00:07
nagappanjtatum, ok00:09
jtatumnagappan: lol. firewall here does not allow it :) that's OK though. you need a debian dir. to bootstrap it, change to a temp directory and apt-get source mago00:12
nagappanjtatum, sure00:14
* nagappan doing now00:15
nagappanjtatum, mago not available on Ubuntu 9.04 I think ?00:15
jtatumnagappan: ah, you're right. that's ok, we can just pastebin everything00:16
nagappanjtatum, :)00:16
nagappanjtatum, I actually tried and I got the error "E: Unable to find a source package for mago", then realized that ara built it only for Karmic :)00:16
jtatumnagappan: i assume you have the source for ldtp2 somewhere. in the root of that directory, create a dir named debian. we'll just add the handful of needed files.00:16
nagappanjtatum, sure00:17
nagappanjtatum, done00:17
nagappanjtatum, next00:17
jtatumnagappan: a couple of lines to throw in .bashrc - export DEBEMAIL="naggapan@gmail.com"00:18
jtatumexport DEBFULLNAME="Naggapan"00:18
nagappanjtatum, sure00:18
nagappanjtatum, you know, actually I use openSUSE build service for building Ubuntu / Debian / SUSE / RedHat based LDTP package, so I guess I don't need this entry !?!00:19
nagappanjtatum, http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/anagappan/00:20
jtatumhm. not sure. dch reads it for sure, and I think other things will as well, for instance if you are going to upload it to a PPA00:20
nagappanjtatum, ok00:20
jtatumthat's interesting though, not familiar with the opensuse builder00:20
jtatumok. your source dir should be named something like ldtpv2-0.99.whatever00:21
nagappanjtatum, I grabbed ldtp dsc from Debian and uploaded to there and it build the package for me00:21
nagappanjtatum, sure00:21
* nagappan renaming the folder00:21
nagappanjtatum, done00:23
jtatuminside that directory, run dch --create --package ldtpv2 -v 0.99.whatever --distribution jaunty00:23
nagappanjtatum, sure00:24
jtatumthe changelog has kind of a prickly format. if you're happy with the single bullet, it should be ok. if you want to add more stuff, you probably want to read one of the packaging guides.00:24
* nagappan installing devscripts package00:24
jtatum:) thank you command-not-found for catching my mistake :)00:25
nagappanjtatum, :)00:28
jtatumnagappan: should have debian/changelog after running dch. next, debian/control. http://pastebin.com/m4ee4fbac <- mago's control file00:28
nagappanjtatum, yes, it has created the file debian/changelog00:29
jtatumThe control file describes the source package and the resulting binary package. so you'll want to s/mago/ldtpv2, remove XSBC-Original-Maintainer (this is for uploading stuff to ubuntu proper), change maintainer to you00:29
* nagappan doing debian/control00:30
jtatumThe depends may need some tweaking. The system detects depends from setup.py, but you can specify others here if they get missed.00:30
jtatumfor now you probably want Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}00:31
jtatumremove line 1400:31
nagappanjtatum, I want to remove ldtpv1 if its installed00:33
nagappanjtatum, guess conflict00:33
nagappanjtatum, is the tag ?00:33
jtatumyes. also your binary package (line 11) should probably be python-ldtpv200:33
jtatumto stay consistent with other py libs00:33
nagappanjtatum, sure00:34
jtatumdebian/rules - http://pastebin.com/mc0748d600:36
nagappanjtatum, control file created00:36
nagappanjtatum, let me create rules now00:36
nagappanjtatum, we don't have man page for now00:37
jtatuma lot of magic happens here. cdbs automates a lot of junk. in ye olden days, this rules file would be long and complicated to behold :)00:37
jtatumright, remove that line00:37
nagappanjtatum, can I ignore this ?00:37
nagappanjtatum, ok00:37
nagappanjtatum, done00:38
jtatumecho 7 > debian/compat00:38
nagappanlaunchpad.net is up now !!!00:39
* nagappan creating compact file00:39
jtatumecho 2 > debian/pycompat00:39
nagappanjtatum, done, both the files00:39
jtatumone more file, copyright. checking to see if it's required.00:40
nagappanjtatum, sure00:40
jtatumeasier to just create I guess. debian/copyright: http://pastebin.com/m764af63500:42
jtatum(didn't paste the whole GPL)00:42
jtatumI forgot an important step. the orig tar file. mv the debian directory somewhere outside your source directory.00:44
jtatumwe need to create a .tar.gz that includes only your source, not the debian dir00:44
jtatumso if the dir is ldtpv2-0.99.0. you'll want to tar -czvf ldtpv2_0.99.0.orig.tar.gz <-- note the - changes to an _ in the orig00:45
jtatumthe packaging tools are dash and underscore sensitive :)00:46
jtatumthey'll magically detect this orig file and use it to create the changes file00:46
jtatumnagappan: ^^00:49
nagappanjtatum, sure, just saw the above message00:49
nagappanjtatum, we have LGPL00:50
nagappanjtatum, will get it from LDTPv100:50
jtatumthat's fine :)00:50
nagappanjtatum, created copyright file00:53
jtatumnagappan: ok00:53
nagappanjtatum, I have the source file created using python setup.py sdist, is that okay ?00:55
nagappanjtatum, now whats the next step ?00:55
jtatumnagappan: that should be OK. did you create the .orig.tar.gz ?00:56
nagappanjtatum, just rename that file should be good ?00:59
nagappanjtatum, which was created by python setup.py sdist ?00:59
jtatumi would suggest creating a new one.00:59
jtatumyou want to capture your ldtpv2-whatever dir as it is now, including any .git or whatever directories might be in it01:00
nagappanjtatum, nope, sdist doesn't create them01:00
jtatumthat is a problem01:00
nagappanjtatum, what ever we have mentioned in MAINFEST, it will create01:00
jtatumnagappan: otherwise, when you copy the debian folder in, and run the scripts to build the .dsc and .changes file, it will create diffs for a whole bunch of junk01:00
nagappanjtatum, ah ! ok01:01
nagappanjtatum, I have created the tar.gz01:02
nagappanjtatum, tar the complete folder01:02
jtatumok. move the debian dir back in, change into the dir and run debuild -S -sa01:02
nagappanjtatum, sure01:02
jtatumcurious to hear what errors if any come up :)01:04
nagappanjtatum, I get http://pastebin.com/d4290ccbc01:04
jtatumlintian is invoked against your package as well01:04
jtatumnagappan: ah, need apt-get install cdbs01:05
* nagappan installing cdbs as suggested by jtatum :)01:05
jtatumit's also going to sign all your packages. it should pull your email address from changelog and it will feed that to gpg, so if you're prompted for a keyphrase by debuild, it's for your gpg key01:06
nagappanjtatum, http://pastebin.com/d6f9206cc I get different error01:08
jtatumpastebin debian/control, please?01:09
jtatumi think this is probably dir naming, nagappan01:09
nagappanjtatum, http://pastebin.com/d1c59467b01:10
nagappanjtatum, ah ! ok01:10
jtatumdirectory should be ldtpv2-2.0.101:10
jtatumSource: should be ldtpv201:10
nagappanjtatum, let me change it now01:10
jtatumoh - sorry01:10
jtatumsource: and directory name should agree01:10
jtatumalso don't forget to rename .orig.tar.gz01:11
nagappanjtatum, changing the folder to ldtp2 or ldtpv2 doesn't help01:12
nagappanjtatum, getting same error message01:13
jtatumwhat's folder name?01:13
nagappanjtatum, ldtpv2, also tried ldtp201:13
jtatumthe exact folder  name is ldtp2?01:13
jtatumshould be ldtp2-2.0.101:13
nagappanjtatum, ah ! ok01:13
jtatumtar file should be ldtp2_2.0.1.orig.tar.gz01:13
jtatumfirst line of debian/control should be Source: ldtp201:14
jtatum(leave Package: line as is)01:14
nagappanjtatum, now a diff error, the above one passed01:16
nagappanjtatum, gpg: skipped "Nagappan <nagappan@gmail.com>": secret key not available01:17
nagappangpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available01:17
nagappandebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....01:17
nagappandebuild: fatal error at line 1250:01:17
jtatumdo you have a gpg key?01:17
nagappanjtatum, I need to have my gpg pub keys ?01:17
nagappanjtatum, yes :)01:17
jtatumyou need your pivate key actually :)01:17
nagappanjtatum, will copy it to my development box01:17
nagappanjtatum, I have already id_rsa and id_rsa.pub in my ~/.ssh folder01:19
jtatumthose are ssh keys, not gpg01:20
nagappanjtatum, ah ! my bad, let me get my gpg now01:21
jtatumyou can tack on a -us -uc to skip signing. your build system may or may not think that's important. it also makes a difference at install time. users can trust your gpg key after they add your repo. otherwise, they will get an error.01:22
nagappanjtatum, I have this http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=nagappan&op=index01:22
nagappanjtatum, created 2005, forgot about it :) as it was too long01:22
jtatumnagappan: that's your public key :) guess your private key is lost01:23
jtatumno worries. try -us -uc01:23
nagappanjtatum, sure01:23
jtatumcan always rebuild and sign it later01:23
jtatumso that should generate the .dsc and .changes, which you'll feed to your builder. hopefully it builds :)01:24
nagappanjtatum, sure, thanks :)01:25
jtatumnagappan: np :) heading home, afk a bit01:26
nagappanjtatum, sure01:26
nagappanjtatum, I get this01:26
nagappanE: ldtp2 source: missing-build-dependency cdbs01:26
nagappanW: ldtp2 source: unknown-field-in-dsc original-maintainer01:26
nagappanjtatum, will add cdbs01:26
jtatumnagappan: from your builder?01:26
nagappanjtatum, from this debuild -S -sa -us -uc01:27
jtatumnagappan: hm... ah. yes, cdbs needs to be one of the build-depends01:27
nagappanjtatum, ok, fixed most of the warnings01:29
jtatumnagappan: great! the original maintainer can be ignored or removed from control, it's not necessary for a private package01:29
nagappanjtatum, ok01:29
rmcbridenagappan: your bug number is 435570. I'm trying to get the log attached but firefox is not cooperating (or maybe it's the new LP drop)01:30
nagappanrmcbride, sure, thanks :)01:30
rmcbridenagappan: I'm going to leave my browser spinning for a bit and then I'll restart it and tretry the attach01:31
nagappanrmcbride, sure, thanks :)01:32
nagappanjtatum, thanks for guiding this layman :)01:32
jtatumnagappan: in case your builder gives you trouble, you may want to google pbuilder. it's a pretty great build system for debian/ubuntu which creates a full chroot, installs build depends and builds in a very clean environment, then spits out the binaries.01:33
jtatumnagappan: no problem :) my pleasure :)01:33
nagappanjtatum, sure01:33
rmcbridenagappan: Ah, either you're not behind a firewall/proxy anymore or the problem was the LP update teh whole time I guess :)01:47
rmcbridejust saw your comment once my browser started talking again01:48
nagappanrmcbride, I can access the web through proxy, but apport-cli could not upload the logs, as it doesn't understand https proxy01:48
rmcbridenagappan: AH! OK01:49
rmcbridenagappan: I'm going to be out the rest of the night. I was able to get the apport-cli log attached.01:49
nagappanrmcbride, that has been fixed in karmic, but the issue here is karmic is not getting installed on this, probably I should try installing karmic on some other box and then report the issue :)01:49
nagappanrmcbride, cool, thanks :)01:50
rmcbridenagappan: any time :)01:50
jtatumnagappan, how's the package look? :)02:06
nagappanjtatum, oops, I haven't looked at it yet, got into diff work, will look now02:10
nagappanjtatum, sorry02:10
jtatumlol, nagappan, no worries :)02:14
aragood morning all!06:44
davmor2Morning all08:37
whereisdarranmornin brotha08:44
whereisdarranfrom nz08:44
davmor2whereisdarran: evening then08:57
whereisdarranthanks brotha09:15
whereisdarranhow you doin davmor209:15
=== asac_ is now known as asac
davmor2whereisdarran: sound as a pound you?09:15
whereisdarranhangin in there09:16
whereisdarranbeen under the weather since monday09:16
whereisdarranbut trying to get back on top09:16
arapopey, ping11:40
davmor2ara: try popey again now :)12:00
arapopey, hello :)12:00
davmor2ara: actually looking at his gmail ac it says he's not here so he must of just signed onto his facebook ac12:01
popeydavmor2: stalker12:37
popeyara: pong12:37
arapopey, don't worry. I wasn't having any sound with recordmydesktop, but I asked dholbach and he gave me a script that you had given him12:38
arapopey, it works now :)12:38
davmor2popey: not my fault that we are signed up on most of each others accounts :)12:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
davmor2fader|away: alternates are bust still cjwatson has uploaded a fix can you let cr3 know please :)13:07
davmor2cr3: alternates are still bust dude14:40
davmor2cr3: morning by the way :)14:40
cr3davmor2: thanks for the heads up, but desktops are fine?14:41
davmor2cr3: seem to be although today's iso your network tests may fail in live cd mode14:42
cr3I haven't gotten any desktop results either, which seems to indicate there might be a problem there as well14:42
davmor2cr3: live desktop's nm is just spiralling apparently there is a new version uploaded already14:43
davmor2cr3: I don't know if or how that might effect you.  But if you are running the install as a pxe boot then that might be the cause the minute the desktop comes up you lose networking that would be a cause for the install to fail :)14:44
cr3davmor2: cool, and I just fixed a bug in my mago integration, so I might be able to test the new desktop image and that at the same time14:44
arapopey, ping16:06
popeyara: lo16:10
arapopey, can you have a look? http://people.canonical.com/~ara/temp/iso-tracker.avi16:11
arapopey, if you approve, feel free to upload it to screencast.u.c16:11
arapopey, thanks16:11
cr3ara: btw, you might like to mention in your indicator-applet README that the test depends on python-indicator16:11
cr3err, make that python-indicate16:12
popey\o/ awesome!16:12
popeyara: no, thank _you_16:12
aracr3, OK. I will, thanks for telling me that16:13
aracr3, btw, notify-osd tests are failing because the need the images to compare with16:13
aracr3, maybe that's why they were appearing as faling?16:14
cr3ara: possible, I'll blacklist those as well then16:14
aracr3, why??16:15
cr3ara: I have lots of machines with different resolutions, so I would need to introduce the concept of golden images on a per system basis16:15
cr3ara: if you have the spare cycles to implement this, let me know and we could work together on this16:16
aracr3, we will need to discuss, marjo, you and I, the need of having mago tests running in all the machines. (which I think is not worth it)16:16
cr3ara: sure, if you want to work on the scheduler too, let me know. I'd like to implement something like the JESS rules engine to schedule where mago tests should run16:18
cr3ara: it would be nice for this rules engine to be able to schedule tests on multiple machines, because mago takes a rather long time to run and it will only get longer as times goes by. so, being able to balance the load across multiple machines might be worthwhile16:19
aracr3, the number of hw related bugs mago tests could catch are so small I don't think it is worth it. I would prefer running mago tests always on the same machine. with all the needed data (like screenshots for comparison) is correct for that one16:19
cr3ara: cool, that doesn't need to run in certification then, why not a kvm instance on your machine overnight?16:20
aracr3, no, thanks ;-)16:21
cr3ara: it could be a simple matter of: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade; bzr pull mago; run mago. just do that at the end of your day and, voila, we gots daily tests :)16:22
cr3ara: or, we have a vmware esx server in the datacenter, how about there?16:23
aracr3, I think all of those posibilities should be discussed with marjo first, don't you think?16:25
cr3ara: sure, but if you're not comfortable with the possibility of running it on your own hardware, I wouldn't even bother mentionning it to marjo16:26
cr3ara: I'd rather we consider possible possibilities together which can then be presented to marjo. so, you mentionned you just want to run it on a single machine. if that machine were running vmware esx, would that be a good solution for you?16:28
aracr3, what I am suggesting is that maybe marjo WANTS to run it in the datacenter, as part of the certification tests16:38
cr3ara: ah, good point then, there are costs to introducing the concept of a golden image in order to run it across multiple machines or implementing the scheduler to only run on a single machine. and, marjo would be best positionned to make a decision on those costs16:41
cr3ara: however, karmic is pretty full right now, so I suspect this will have to be a karmic+1 thing16:41
aracr3, indeed :)16:42
davmor3hey everyone wazzup?17:06
davmor2davmor3: nothing just chilling with a bud17:07
popeyhttp://screencasts.ubuntu.com/2009/09/24/Ubuntu_Testing_-_ISO_Tracker \o/18:18
jcastropopey: \o/18:21
* jpds \o/'s myself.18:26
* davmor2 joins the belated mexican wave \o/18:37
StefanAOhello everybody...what is to be tested next monday?19:11
cr3StefanAO: what do you mean? which milestone release is to be tested?19:22
StefanAOi am new to this...i thought there would be some feature to test19:41
cr3StefanAO: there are always features to test :) since you are new to this, perhaps you might like to prepare for the beta release which will be available next week19:43
cr3StefanAO: to do so, you can have a look at the above URL pasted by popey and try testing an image or two19:44
cr3oh wait, you joined after popey pasted. here's the URL: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/2009/09/24/Ubuntu_Testing_-_ISO_Tracker19:44
cr3this is a nice screencast that tells you everything you need to know to prepare for ISO testing19:44
mikefletcherHi.  What time do the daily iso's get generated?  When a bug is marked 'Fix Released' does that mean the fix would be on the iso at that time?20:33
FlyingBishopIf I'm building a new computer, should I run an install with 9.04 before trying out one of the alphas?23:25
whereisdarranif you want to know that your hardware is ok23:26
whereisdarranprobably best to run stomething stable first23:26
FlyingBishopyeah that sounds wise I'll run a basic install then try the alpha23:26
* popey hugs jpds 23:29

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