
trakcyiadoes unnecessary words constitute trolling? Sometimes people just lack the time to make things short00:00
erUSULsalmiak: :1 i can not help further sorry00:00
Gneatrakcyia: it depends on the situation.00:00
yvahi, have you any ideas why empathy will replace pidgin (as default messenger) in 9.10?00:00
nanotubetrakcyia: i bet the wikipedia entry on trolling is pretty informative ;)00:00
Piciyva : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.00:01
trakcyiananotube, i admit it, i'm trolling about the trolling topic, ill get back to work00:01
BlankmanWhat is the SIMPLEST way to format a drive?  I want to wipe 100% of the usable drive.  I don't need it to be super secure, I just want to wipe and start over.00:01
jriberUSUL, salmiak: I saw someone with that error a couple of days ago.  Turns out there are some packages that give ffmpeg more functionality (whose names I do not recall)00:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:01
salmiakerUSUL: yeah np thax anyway00:01
nanotubeyva: yes, because of the 'not invented here' syndrome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_Invented_Here00:01
BlankmanI want to load up ubuntu with xfce... if that matters00:01
erUSULjrib: now that you mention it salmiak medibuntu's ffmpeg is more capable. you know all that patents stuff.00:01
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:02
dragonwhat's the command to launch the default browser in gnome?00:02
loshererUSUL: ok, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3GP, 3GP file format stores video streams as MPEG-4 Part 2 or H.263 or MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC/H.264), so I'm wondering if avidemux will convert it...00:02
jriberUSUL: it was some lib, but that's also a good suggestion to try first00:02
BlankmanAnyone use dban?  I need to wipe my drive so I can install ubuntu00:02
jribdragon: gnome-open URL works00:02
nicklas_i am sorry, that wasnt meant as an offense, just a joke, didnt know people would get so angry, wont do it again00:02
nanotubeBlankman: just use gparted, and reformat the partition....00:02
nanotubeBlankman: or if you're into cli, fdisk and mkfs :)00:03
dragonjrib: thanks. What if I don't have a URL and only want to launch the browser, with possibly the default home page?00:03
jriberUSUL, salmiak: I think it was libavutil-unstripped-4900:03
ncfi1013do i go to my router to change the port or to kopete to change the port cuz i cant find where to change the port in kopete?00:03
Blankmannanotube, I am new to linux, but have enjoyed ubuntu, but I am still a newbie.  I am having an issue with gparted.00:03
jribdragon: does www-browser do what you want?00:04
sebsebsebBlankman: What's the issue?00:04
sebsebseb!hi |  jdn92900:04
ubottujdn929: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:04
jribdragon: also, gnome-www-browser seems to exist on my ubuntu install (wasn't in my current system) :)00:04
jdn929I am trying to make a graph in open office and I am completely stuck. can someone please help me and walk me through it?00:04
jrib!ooo | jdn92900:04
ubottujdn929: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.00:04
Flanneljrib, dragon; x-www-browser, or sensible-browser00:04
jdn929i know how to install in jrib00:05
jribjdn929: take a look at the last sentence00:05
jdn929jrib I have been in there for a while and no one is helping me00:05
sebsebsebBlankman: What's the matter with Gparted?00:05
jribsalmiak: there are some other "unstripped" packages like libavcodec-unstripped-52 that you might try00:05
Blankmanit says it can't mount a drive?  not sure what that is about.00:05
BlankmanWhen I try to apply the change it gives me an error and sys it count mount a drive.00:06
jribjdn929: you have to be patient, not all channels are as active as this one.  That channel is more likely to be able to help with your question though (you're still free to wait here too)00:06
dragonFlannel: that's what I was looking for, thanks.00:06
sebsebsebBlankman: When your on the Live CD?00:06
erUSULjrib: salmiak in medibuntu there is only mencoder; sorry for the noise00:06
peeryhey guys, does anyone know how to solve the problem of ubuntu hanging on NIS? Once I log in, everything is fine but it causes problems during start-up. I've found evidence of this problem online but no solutions. Any ideas?00:07
dragonjrib: www-browser seemed to launch w3m; x-www-browser worked.00:07
sebsebsebBlankman: Ok so there are currently partitions on it?00:07
=== hey` is now known as grumete
sebsebsebBlankman:  Windows partitions or?00:07
Blankmanyes I have partition on it.00:07
Blankmanone is a windows, one is a linux swap and one is an linux partition.00:08
sebsebsebBlankman: and you want to get rid of all of these partitions?00:08
lupitahi, I want my Gdesklet to be always on top, how to I do this? I'm using Xubuntu00:08
Blankmanyes, i want to wipe 100% of the drive.  I don't need to over write the drive 5 times or anything, I just want to start fresh.   with 100% of the drive.00:09
Blankmansebsebseb: yes, i want to wipe 100% of the drive.  I don't need to over write the drive 5 times or anything, I just want to start fresh.   with 100% of the drive.00:10
sebsebsebBlankman: maybe booting up the Live CD again will help00:10
sebsebsebBlankman: also there's a Gparted Live CD00:10
sebsebseb!gparted |  Blankman00:10
ubottuBlankman: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:10
IpSe_DiXiThi, if i restart my windows manager the system gets stuck, whatz going on? how can i find out? thanks00:10
timbojimbohey I am trying to tweak my ubuntu to run faster. does any one know a good, recent, reference I could use to achieve my goal of "Fastest Old Computer!"00:11
Blankmanthanks sebsebseb00:11
sebsebsebBlankman: np00:11
jribtimbojimbo: use a lightweight window manager!00:11
didymoushello folks, is there a tutorial to install exim and configure it for use with evolution on ubuntu to send mail without using an external server? i will be here waiting on the eventuality of an answer, thank you00:11
timbojimbojrib: do you have a url you can point me in the direction? or what window manager would you suggest?00:12
stsmhow do i tell denyhosts to use my gmail account to send me reports?00:13
stsmi wasted the intire evening on this00:13
stsmdidnt achieve anything00:13
alokitotimbojimbo: try dsl00:13
stsmi would appreciate some help00:13
stsmpretty frustrated00:13
nanotubedidymous: if you google "exim evolution" you'll probably come up with whatever is out there...00:13
didymousnanotube: will try00:13
sebsebsebBlankman: good luck00:13
timbojimboalokito: I actually have dsl on a usb stick that I use at school and work...00:14
jribtimbojimbo: well you should check out tiling window managers like xmonad, awesome, and dwm.  But if you don't like tiling, there are other lightweight window managers (fluxbox, openbox, etc...).  Really, if you want fast, then use light software (lots of terminal stuff, etc.)00:14
stsmmysql replicqtion, no problem, ssh reverse port forwarding, no problem... setting up denyhosts to mail trough gmail: HUUUUUGE problem00:14
BlankmanAny opinion on how big I should make my linux swap file?00:14
sebsebsebBlankman: How much RAM do you have?00:14
alokitotimbojimbo: i think its the fastest linux distro00:14
sebsebsebBlankman: 4GB  SWAP I think then00:15
stsm1.5xamount of RAM is mostly chosen00:15
jrib!swap | Blankman00:15
ubottuBlankman: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info00:15
stsm1.5x amount of RAM00:15
jribBlankman: I'll throw in a third suggestion... = amount of RAM00:15
nhasianBlankman, I have 2 gig ram, and 2 gig swap file and my laptop runs great00:15
stsmif you only have 2GB i would take 2GB too00:15
stsmfor swap00:15
alokitotimbojimbo: you can use xubuntu in old computers00:15
stsm1GB is nothing these days anyway00:15
sebsebsebBlankman: some say  SWAP is only really needed for hibernation these days,  as long as got like 1GB or more RAM,    others say still needed even with 4GB RAM,  basicalley00:16
alokitoi use in mine, runs fast enough to run multiple apps at the same time00:16
timbojimboalokito: I heard arch linux is good too. but I'm not looking to switch distro's. although I might in the next couple of months...00:17
sebsebsebtimbojimbo: Arch Linux is not that easy to set up properly00:17
EricTheHaxis it better to run wine or a xp virtualbox00:17
sebsebsebEricTheHax: depends what Windows programs you want to run, and those are?00:17
alokitotimbojimbo: have u tried xubuntu yet? I think you'll be satisfied with it00:17
EricTheHaxgmod hl2 etc00:17
sebsebsebEricTheHax: 3D Games ???00:18
Biovorehl2 works decent under wine00:18
Biovorenot great though..00:18
stsmdoes nobody use denyhosts or something?00:18
timbojimbofair enough...00:18
EricTheHaxok hl2: wine vs vbox00:18
Biovorestsm: /etc/hosts.deny ?00:18
EricTheHaxhello rawrs00:19
alokitoEricTheHax: try crossover and playonlinux00:19
sebsebsebEricTheHax: Virtualbox 3.0+  has some  Directx8  support or whatever,  and so might be good for some 3D games, depending on hardware or whatever,   you can get proper info about this by asking in #vbox00:19
sebsebsebEricTheHax: above I meant Direct3D00:19
alokitoinstalling games with wine is pretty hard00:19
jribalokito: not really, just follow appdb00:19
stsmBiovore, http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/00:19
EricTheHaxcrossover makes steam invisible for me00:19
EricTheHaxi dunno if anyone else has better luck but i got teh suxxors outta crossover00:20
timbojimboalokito: I have and I actually installed it on an older computer than mine.  my computer runs fast already I just want to boost it a little more. I'm mostly trying to make it faster at opening applications like Amarok, Open Office,  Mail, Etc...00:20
linuxgeek25crossover and cedega are craps00:20
stsmit cant do SSL so it needs a MTA etc00:20
jdn929I am trying to make a graph in open office and I am completely stuck. can someone please help me and walk me through it?00:20
rawrsis there a way to apply a custom ip and dns automatically when connecting to a wifi network?00:20
alokitoplayonlinux is just a gui frontend of wine00:20
linuxgeek25wine or nothing !!!00:20
stsmand then the MTA is also impossible to get to work of course00:20
stsmmy port 25 is not even open00:20
stsmits just all a gigantic mess00:20
alokitotimbojimbo: amarok and openoffice both use lot of memory00:20
linuxgeek25playonlinux may cause incompatibilities ...00:21
alokitouse lightweight apps instead, like banshee and abiword00:21
sebsebsebEricTheHax: Wine and Crossover  and Cedega even, will all need to be configured to get some  Windows games working rather well.  By the way there are some pretty good  native Linux games as well, you just got to know where to get them from and that.00:21
stsmthey should really simpligy kmailing from the CLI a WHOLE LOT00:21
EricTheHaxwine: it's got antioxidants to keep ur computer runnin windows apps smoothly00:21
attickidHello, I need help with my wireless connection.I installed ubuntu 9.04 and Im unable to connect neither using the netwrok manager nor using iwconfig.00:21
EricTheHaxsebsebseb: my friend only plays gmod00:21
Jordan_Urawrs: Yes, System > Preferences > Networking, just set up a profile for that network with static ip and dns00:21
sebsebsebattickid: ok wireless is not my area, but this bot link might be helpful for you00:22
sebsebseb!wireless |  attickid00:22
ubottuattickid: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:22
rawrsis that the only way/00:22
attickidok Thank you00:22
timbojimboalokito: I don't really like banshee but I will check out abiword00:22
stsmattickid, does iwconfig show your interface though?00:22
nanotuberawrs: try using wicd instead of network-manager. it supports static ip/dns  (http://wicd.net)00:22
alokitotimbojimbo: what about rhythmbox? its my 2nd favorite after amarok00:23
Jordan_Urawrs: No, but it's the only way to do it with network-manager, what's wrong with "that way" ?00:23
sebsebsebEricTheHax: yes?00:23
losherEricTheHax: that's some stutter you've got there...00:23
EricTheHaxscrew it is there an up-to-date steam friends plugin for pidgin?00:23
sebsebsebEricTheHax: don't think so00:23
attickidstsm: yes, I even did: "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" and I got the ESSID and other data about the wlan I want to connect to00:24
ncfi1013what would the application name be for a port on a router for kopete be: telnet, http, https, ftp, dns, smtp, pop3, h.323, remote desktop, pptp, l2tp, or wake-on-lan?00:24
MsGdoes it matter that the drive of ubuntu isn't physically the first hard drive?00:24
sebsebsebEricTheHax: might be though,  I don't use steam by the way, so not entirely sure what  you mean by  a  steam friends plugin,  I assume for a contact list00:24
MsGit is sdc but I want it to have sda00:24
Jordan_UMsG: It shouldn't matter00:24
stsmattickid, i must go but it might be usefull to paste the command (CENSOR YOUR KEY though)00:24
alokitoMsG: no it doesn't matter if you configured your bootloader correctly00:25
EricTheHaxto use steam chat through pidgin. there used to be one but valve didnt like that so they changed their shit00:25
jdn929I am trying to make a graph in open office and I am completely stuck. can someone please help me and walk me through it?00:25
MsGif I want it really to be sda without a device map I should change my sata cable order?00:25
BlankmanDose ubuntu offer a version that runs out of ram and does not mount hard drives?00:25
MsGlive cd?00:25
alokitoMsG: nope change hard disk priority from bios00:26
aliendude5300Hi, I have a problem with my speakers and I was wondering if anyone could help me...00:26
sebsebsebEricTheHax: Steam is closed source isn't it?   if so well there you go,   the  vender decides to change something major,  and as a user/proggrammer there isn't really anything you can do about it00:26
timbojimboalokito: I honestly can't stand rhythmbox. that program drives me nuts. I almost always have problems with pulseaudio or oss when I use it. I also I have a really big collection which rhythmbox never seems to get all of it. It usually only loads a half one time then the other half another. then none at all...00:26
stsmattickid, and errors too of course00:26
attickidstsm: iwconfig wlan0 essid hourglass key s:XXXXXXXXX " . then I did "sudo dhclient wlan0"00:26
aliendude5300I have 5.1 Surround sound hooked up to my PC.00:26
Jordan_UMsG: Why do you want it to be sda? Depending on your reason you might want to look into uuids or labels instead.00:26
MsGbut my hdd priority in bios is already in the right order. But it still initializes the ubuntu hdd as the second00:26
jwormyis there a way I can see the drivers used for my network card?00:26
alokitotimbojimbo: o, okay :|00:26
aliendude5300My front speakers work fine but my rear speakers are VERY quiet.00:26
attickidstsm: Im pretty sure of the essid and key, cause Ive just got connected in my windows machine.00:26
stsmattickid, and dhclient output?00:26
Jordan_Ujwormy: lshw -c network00:26
aliendude5300How can I adjust the volume for just the rear speakers00:26
ncfi1013what would the application name be for a port on a router for kopete be: telnet, http, https, ftp, dns, smtp, pop3, h.323, remote desktop, pptp, l2tp, or wake-on-lan?00:26
Maritimaliendude5300: check how many channels alsamixer is using00:27
timbojimboalokito: thanks for the suggestions though!00:27
scyxdoes anyone have any information on the "ubuntu moblin remix"? just heard of it and it definitely sounds interesting =o00:27
=== sunshinepants1 is now known as sunshinepants
MsGBecause I have some kind of autistic perfectionistic bullcrap inside me that tells me to be the first drive the first name :)00:27
losherMsG: you may have to physically reorder the disks to get them labelled differently...00:27
BlankmanI can use puppy linux, but it would be nice if there was an ubuntu that runs out of ram.00:27
aliendude5300I'm using pulseaudio... the speakers are ON, just QUIET.00:27
alokitoaliendude5300: are u using ubuntu or kubuntu?00:27
MsGwhen I do it now, my install will be dead I guess?00:27
Maritimaliendude5300: sounds like pulseaudio is not set to use 4 channels.00:27
jwormyJordan_U: perfect, thanks00:27
alokitoaliendude5300: check your mixer settings00:27
Jordan_Ujwormy: np00:27
aliendude5300No, all the channels are outputting sound... they are just quiet... the profile is set to 5.100:28
attickidstsm: http://www.copypastecode.com/11358/00:28
timbojimboBlankman: you know you can run a live disk right?00:28
aliendude5300I dont know where I can adjust channel volumes individually00:28
alokitoaliendude5300: im in kubuntu now so can't say how to configure in gnome00:28
Blankmantimbojimbo: yep, but that does not run 100% out of ram.  if there is a hard drive it mounts.00:28
stsmattickid, its probably a problem with your key, you can tell it hat kind of key it is00:28
sebsebsebBlankman: if you got a big enough USB stick you can also run a persistent install from that00:28
aliendude5300If I turn up the volume, the rear sound fine but the front are REALLY loud :(00:28
Jordan_UBlankman: knoppix can use toram00:28
stsmattickid, how many bit, and if its hex, etc00:28
MsGI hope Ubuntu will soon come up with some visual sudo unlock inside the program itself. Like the default network applet has00:28
aliendude5300Dunno where the option is.00:28
aliendude5300I know how to do it in Windows :/00:29
stsmi dunno the details off the top of my hat but thats most likely the problem since your hardware works fine00:29
losherthat 'autistic perfectionistic bullcrap' is thought to be genetic in origin, and makes people good at detail-oriented work that others can't do...00:29
alokitoaliendude5300: right click your sound icon in the notification area00:29
BlankmanJordan_U: what is knoppix and what is toram00:29
resno1hello guys, i am looking for help in getting my sound card working.00:29
EricTheHaxis the compiz frame limiter vsync? if not how do i make compiz use vsync00:29
MsG:P yeah but I hate it sometimes, because I want everything in perfect order00:29
attickidstsm: 128 bit wep.00:29
aliendude5300alokito: I'm in the sound preferences box right now. The option isn't there.00:29
MsGwhich isnt always possible00:29
sebsebseblosher: maybe you should have used auto complete  for that message, so they don't miss it00:29
resno1when i got to sound preferences, and do a test, i can get sound but it wont play otherwise00:29
alokitothen search the menus, u should find some menu to add channels in the mixer window00:29
MsGI have the idea that my bios order is different from the ubuntu initialisation order :S00:29
MsGi had heard of that difference before00:30
alokitoadd front, rear and other channels as necessary00:30
stsmattickid, try removing s: , but im just guessing now00:30
aliendude5300Where would the mixer be? I'm on 9.10 Alpha 6 if it makes a difference...00:30
Jordan_UBlankman: Knoppix is a LiveCD distribution ( actually the origional LiveCD ) and has an option "toram" that you enter at boot to load the contents of the CD into ram and run from that so that you can eject the CD00:30
stsmits probably something trivial liek that00:30
MsGIRC chat is like having a conversation in a bus :)00:30
Picialiendude5300 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.00:30
MsGand others too00:30
loshersebsebseb: MsG: oops. MsG please see my msg above. Thanks sebsebseb00:30
stsmi didnt use wireless for years so i dunno it anymore, i would need to search myself00:30
MaritimMsG: at least in #ubuntu :P00:30
attickidError for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :. I use ascii phrase00:30
stsmbut i dont have anymore time00:30
stsmgot to go to bed00:30
stsmsomeone else can probably help you00:30
aliendude5300It should be the same on all releases... I dont see the need...00:30
FloodBot2stsm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
alokitoaliendude5300: im in 9.10 alpha6 too but in kubuntu00:30
sebsebseblosher: np00:30
stsmah ok, sorry im trying to help someone00:31
timbojimboJordan_U: Can you do that with any other distros?00:31
alokitoaliendude5300: gnome might be different in alpha6, dunno00:31
aliendude5300alokito: The weird thing is I know how to do it in KDE, cause I'm used to KDE 3... I'm switching to GNOME, and everything is different.00:31
BlankmanJordan_U: ok, I may look at it.  Puppy does it also.  light and small, but it requires more knowledge.00:31
stsmannoying channel here anyways, what other channels have a floodbot?00:31
aliendude5300KDE 4 sucks :(00:31
MsGby physical you mean the sata cables?00:31
Picialokito, aliendude5300: 9.10 discussion is offtopic for here, please join #ubuntu+100:31
MsGbut why is the ubuntu order different from the motherboard one00:31
alokitoaliendude5300: kde3 isn't default anymore00:31
alokitoaliendude5300: I love kde400:31
sebsebsebaliendude5300: there's a repo for  KDE 3 that can be added to 9.04,  there's also a 9.04  KDE 3 Remix CD00:32
alokitowhen did you try it last?00:32
MsGI didn't get any of KDE with those plasmoids00:32
MsGso I ran back to gnome00:32
Jordan_Utimbojimbo: Many, the ones I know of are knoppix, Damn Small Linux, sidux and puppy linux00:32
alokitoit was very unstable in 4.000:32
Blankmansomeone at work said that mint just released an xfce version of mint7 and he said it has a ram only option.00:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:32
Crash1hdcan I auto commit a folder? I have this /usr/bin/svn commit /home/user/backups but its not working00:33
* aliendude5300 is now in ubuntu+100:33
BlankmanJordan_U: , thanks00:34
Jordan_UBlankman: np00:34
revengeOk, my Flash sound on youtube , etc is totally broken...I am all out of answers, i really need help00:34
DryGrainhiredgoon, I have just installed Ubuntu on a separate partition from XP Home on my desktop. How do I get to the files on my Windows partition from Ubuntu?00:34
Jordan_UCrash1hd: You might want to look at some version controll backup solutions like etckeeper00:34
DryGrainWhat I'd really like is a DOS prompt00:35
alokitorevenge: reinstall flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-installer from synaptic00:35
MsGwhen I have ubuntu now on /dev/sdb and when I physically reorder the things so that the windows/ubuntu hdd will be /dev/sda instead of sdb, will my current install be broken?00:35
EricTheHaxwill source sdk faceposer function well, with the speech thing and all, in ubuntu 9.04 with wine?00:36
FlannelMsG: Why do you want to reorder them?00:36
Jordan_UMsG: It shouldn't be, Ubuntu uses UUIDs wherever possible00:36
uwall-ecan anyone point me a link or tell me how to configure grub ?00:36
EricTheHaxdoes ANYONE here use source sdk00:37
Jordan_U!grub | uwall-e00:37
ubottuuwall-e: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:37
Dominik2Ubuntu does this really neat thing were it turns off my external HDD, I like it : ), the problem is that if I boot ubuntu with my drive pluged in it will NEVER turn it off :( why? how do I fix? I know theres gotta be a file for it somewhere :P00:37
uwall-ei installed debain and it didnt show up as an option00:37
DryGrainI have just installed Ubuntu on a separate partition from XP Home on my desktop. How do I get to the files on my Windows partition from Ubuntu, and how to I get to a MS-DOS prompt from Ubuntu?00:38
losherMsG: depends on the labelling scheme used in /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab. It it uses uuids, then it should still 'just' work...00:38
EricTheHaxok rephrase: I have an application that, in windows, requires speech sdk. will it work in wine?00:38
alokitouwall-e: u can manually add the option in ubuntu's grub00:38
uwall-eiv used grub alot but never had to really manually add an OS from skratch like this !00:38
PiciEricTheHax: Best to ask in Wine's official support channel, #winehq00:38
uwall-ein grub menu l.st00:38
Flanneluwall-e: You can copy an Ubuntu entry and modify it easily enough00:38
MsGI want to reorder them because I hate it that my first drive isnt really the first drive00:38
Dominik2DryGrain I don't think you can get a prompt, and I assume your file system is NTSF which will cause torouble, but you should be able to mount it00:38
Jordan_Uuwall-e: What version of debian ( stable, testing, unstable)?00:38
MsGsame idea in windows. When I go to disk manage thingy in windows, I see my data drive above my OS drive00:38
uwall-ei think 500:39
MsGhow annoying is that00:39
DryGrainHow do i mount my windows partition?00:39
DryGrainCouldnt I get an MSDOS prompt with WINE?00:39
MsGjust double click in computer00:39
sjoosDryGrain: install dosemu00:39
EricTheHaxis the wine support channel on this network?00:39
Pici!wine | DryGrain00:39
ubottuDryGrain: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:39
sebsebsebEricTheHax: yes00:39
PiciEricTheHax: yes00:39
uwall-etesting i386 netinst00:39
EricTheHaxwhats it called00:39
losherDominik2: the hdparm command allows you to spin down a drive, usually after an idle period...00:39
DryGrainWhat is dosemu?00:39
PiciEricTheHax: #winehq00:39
FlannelMsG: You can simply reorder them via GRUB if you want, software can take care of it, no need for the hardware to change.00:39
* nit is away: Gone away for now00:39
uwall-e i liked ubuntu alot and figured i would try debian00:39
Jordan_Uuwall-e: First try just running "sudo update-grub"00:40
Pici!away > nit00:40
ubottunit, please see my private message00:40
MsGyeah but Im talking about the sda/sdd/sdc etc order, and the order in windows disk manager00:40
Dominik2losher how do I apply this on boot?00:40
MsGnot the visual list order :) thats okay00:40
uwall-eafter the update should i just try restarting?00:40
sobiWhere can i find config-file on my file system for grub 1.97 included in Kubuntu 9.10 alpha6 ?00:40
MsGits just whining about nothing, but thats me :P00:40
Picisobi : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.00:40
DryGrainHow do I mount my windows partition?00:40
FlannelMsG: right, you can remap them in software so that sda looks like sdb and vice versa00:41
scyxdoes anyone have any information on the "ubuntu moblin remix"? just heard of it and it definitely sounds interesting =o00:41
uwall-ewhen i installed debian it wanted to install grub 2 but then failed i think!00:41
revengealokito, can you tell me how to properly uninstall all flash and do that?00:41
Jordan_Uuwall-e: You can look at the file /boot/grub/menu.lst or pastebin it and we can tell you if debian was added ( rebooting would work also )00:41
MsGyeah but thats kind of a surrogate ;). I think I will physical reorder them once00:41
MsGthx for the help tho00:41
losherDominik2: add a line to /etc/rc.local (creating it if necessary). Something like hdparm -S 240 /dev/sdc00:41
Dominik2losher where sdc is my external drive right?00:42
alokitorevenge: reinstalling a package will automatically uninstall it and then reinstall it freshly00:42
alokitorevenge: open synaptic and find the packages flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-installer, then right click on them an select reinstall00:42
losherDominik2: right, whatever it's named on your system. Not sure if it works with externals actually...00:42
uwall-ethanks for this i will try now! what im confussed on is the kernel intrid?00:42
EtuHi, I trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 from the dayly buid ISO I found here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/00:43
PiciEtu : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.00:43
MsGlol I knew it, but i cant find it atm, where do I change my pointer?00:43
uwall-eim going to read some things! thank you again!00:43
revengealokito, ok00:44
Dominik2losher I tryed to issue standby command but it failed ? ?00:44
losherMsG: just once could you actually address a message to a recipient...00:45
revengealokito, still no go :\00:45
MsGit wasn't specific to someone00:45
alokitorevenge: reinstalled?00:45
alokitorevenge: what browser are u using?00:45
MsGbut how? :P00:45
alokitorestart your browser then try again00:45
losherDominik2: not all devices support the command. And I dunno if it works over usb. You need to do some googling...00:45
dozerI did an update a few days ago for karmic, and now it won't boot00:46
_Cyrano_De_ZGot 9.04 installed on my new E6500 Dell.00:46
Dominik2losher: interestign cause it does it automatically, so long as I didn't boot with the drive in00:46
revengealokito, mozilla firefox00:46
Jordan_U!KARMIC | dozer00:46
ubottudozer: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:46
thiebaude_Cyrano_De_Z, is it working good?00:46
dozerinit: hwclock main process(835) terminated with status 100:46
=== _Cyrano_De_Z is now known as Cyrano_De1
chadwin_those any one knows how to update ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10.....im using wubi00:46
alokitorevenge: restart browser00:47
Cyrano_De1So far it is working great.00:47
revengealokito, i did00:47
Flannel!upgrade | chadwin_00:47
ubottuchadwin_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:47
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:47
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)00:47
Flannelchadwin_: Just like a regular install00:47
chadwin_ok thanks00:47
chadwin_im using wubi00:47
losherDominik2: are you sure it's not just a matter of whether it gets mounted or not?00:47
Cyrano_De1Getting all my much needed tools installed now.00:47
Flannelchadwin_: Wubi doesn't matter, you upgrade the same as anyone else.00:47
alokitorevenge: try with the deb package from adobe site00:47
revengei did that too00:48
Dominik2losher: yea for example, I can unmount it and then remount it and it will turn of in like 30 sec00:48
chadwin_so i have to do a fresh install?00:48
revengealokito, im telling you i have tried just about everything00:48
alokitosudo apt-get uninstall flashplugin-nonfree b4 installing the adobe deb00:48
losherMsG: use your tab key...00:48
losherDominik2: so what error message do you get from hdparm ?00:48
DigitalKiwiel oh el, the bot banned the other bot, that's hilarious =D00:48
Dominik2losher: itbasically said it couldn't communicate with it00:48
O__ohi guys what is the dictionary in ubuntu called?00:49
thiebaudechadwin_,not if your doing wubi00:49
thiebaudehe left00:49
MsGtab doesn't do anything :|00:49
losherDominik2: I'd like to see the exact text if possible...00:49
revenge sudo apt-get uninstall flashplugin-nonfree doesnt work00:49
alokito!flash | revenge00:49
ubotturevenge: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:49
Dominik2losher: one sec im getting it00:49
Cyrano_De1O__o: aspell is one.00:49
Flannelchadwin: No, just upgrade like normal.00:49
alokitorevenge: then u dont have it installed00:49
=== Pupuser402-2 is now known as lucyB
losherMsG: most clients will autocomplete names if you type a few characters then hit tab. If yours doesn't, you need a better client...00:50
O__oCyrano_De1, not the spell checker00:50
alokito!hi lucyB00:50
lucyBcan someone help me use dban?00:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi lucyB00:50
MsG I use pidgin00:50
revengealokito, i installed it in synaptic00:50
alokito!hi | lucyB00:50
ubottulucyB: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:50
Maritim01:49 [Freenode] DCC SEND from _lilo [ port 0]: STARTKEYLOGGER [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu <- ehm.. someone trying to be funny?00:50
Dominik2losher: http://pastebin.com/m1c9b7efc00:50
jpdsMaritim: Yes, don't repeat it.00:50
O__oCyrano_De1, i am at the terminal want to open the dictionary, but i dont know what the file name is called00:50
losherMsG: never used it, sorry...00:50
LjL!feeding the troll00:50
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.00:50
alokitorevenge: if you installed in synaptic then sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree should remove it00:50
Dominik2Cyrano_De1 dir ?00:51
Maritimjpds: I assume it's been taken care of. Just thought I'd mention it in case it hadn't been dealt with00:51
Cyrano_De1O__o: aspell-en is the dictionary that gets install by default.00:51
jpdsMaritim: By me about 10 seconds earlier. ;)00:51
lucyBI am trying to use dban, but whan I load it up is runs in about a minutes and says its done, but when I check it with gparted, the partitions are still there.  usualy it takes hours.  I just need to do the quick format, but it clearly not doing it. I Need to install ubuntu on my old desk top and want to get rid of all the old files.  Thanks.00:51
revengealokito, ok remmoved it00:51
=== jdahm1 is now known as jdahm
losherDominik2: does hdparm -I /dev/sde work?00:52
EricTheHaxhow do i completely disable file send/receiving in pidgin00:52
LjLjpds: actually, by the bot about 0 seconds later :P00:52
alokitorevenge: now try the deb from adobe site00:52
Cyrano_De1O__o: /usr/lib/aspell/ is where you will find most of the files you need.00:52
jpdsLjL: I'm only human.00:52
O__oCyrano_De1, no i want to open the dictionary00:52
Dominik2losher is that an I as in IN or I as in LOOSER?00:53
O__oCyrano_De1, i am ssh into the linux boc with -X00:53
losherDominik2: I as in Indigo...00:53
Dominik2losher same error00:53
LjLwho *poopman*00:53
DigitalKiwiwhy did the bot ban all those people who quit?00:53
losherDominik2: are you sure the /dev/sde is correct?00:53
Cyrano_De1O__o: spell is a commandline utility.00:54
Dominik2losher: let me check with umount00:54
O__oCyrano_De1, i dont want command line00:54
jpds!exploit | DigitalKiwi00:54
ubottuDigitalKiwi: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit00:54
Dominik2losher: flak it says its not mounted ??00:54
losherDominik2: just 'mount' will show mounted devices...00:54
Cyrano_De1O__o: So what is it you are trying to do?00:54
Dominik2losher: sde2 .. stupid crap00:55
O__oCyrano_De1, open the dictionary.  i  dont know the name of the file00:55
lucyBanyone use dban?00:55
Dominik2losher: adressing sde2 still gives same error00:55
alokitolucyB: dban or debian? :-/00:55
losherDominik2: run sudo fdisk -l (that's lower case L) and paste please...00:55
DigitalKiwijpds: thanks00:55
revengealokito, still nogo00:55
Dominik2losher what that do?00:56
lucyBdban, it is used to erase data on a drive.  you can also erase partitions.00:56
losherDominik2: it will list all the disks & partitions your system knows about. See man fdisk to confirm...00:56
alokitorevenge: ok then i dunno :|00:56
Dominik2losher: I only posted sde http://pastebin.com/m3efb18e4 if you want more say so00:57
PicilucyB: The Ubuntu installer can format partitions00:57
revengealokito how do i upgrade my ubuntu to the new one?00:57
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:57
Cyrano_De1O__o: Look in /usr/lib/aspell.  That is where you will find the dictionary files.00:57
pharaohI installed XP under virtualbox and now I can't get gnome to load. I just removed virtualbox via apt.  How can I remove the virtual partition where XP is located? is it still installed somewhere.00:58
Picirevenge: What new one? Karmic isn't released yet.00:58
revengeoh ok00:58
pharaohfrom the terminal that is.00:58
lucyBpici, I need to erase all the data on the drive, it was used for windows so I know there is data that is outside of the normal area so if just format the partiions, that data will stay.  I want to erase the whole drive.00:58
losherDominik2: if hdparm can't talk to the disk, I guess I'm out of ideas, sorry. Is unmounting the disk then remounting it again via /etc/rc.local a possible workaround?00:59
Jordan_Upharaoh: I doubt that the virtual machine is whats preventing gnome from starting00:59
=== sidd is now known as Zangiry
PicilucyB: If you partition the entire disk you can format all the spots that you've created a partition on.00:59
sebsebsebpharaoh: Gnome and Virtualbox are seperate00:59
alokito!upgrade | revenge00:59
ubotturevenge: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:59
sebsebsebpharaoh: What do you mean exactly Gnome won't load?01:00
pharaohsorry.  I am assuming that the reason gnome isnt' starting is because I don't have much space left on my HD.01:00
=== Sememmon_ is now known as Sememmon
thiebaudepharaoh, how much space did you install ubuntu on?01:00
pharaohWhen I log in, the screen goes black as if gnome is starting up but then it goes right back tot he login screen.01:00
sebsebsebpharaoh: How big is your hard disk?01:00
Jordan_Upharaoh: Have you tried the failsaf gnome session?01:01
thiebaudepharaoh, a live cd install of ubuntu 9.04 needs at least 4gb01:01
losherlucyB: the need to erase disks is overrated usually, but does this help: http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/06/how-to-securely-erase-hard-disk-before.html01:01
pharaohubuntu jaunty is installed on 8GB, I have only about 400mb left or so.01:01
pharaohthe failsafe did the exact same thing.01:01
MsGhow can I change the imo annoying toggle system of the Show Desktop button01:01
MsGpreviously it was just show desktop01:01
sebsebsebpharaoh: ok a bad partition set up01:01
pharaohit was working fine until I installed VB and installed XP on it.01:02
sebsebsebpharaoh: well  8GB is ok  if it's just / and that, no /home in there01:02
Dominik2losher: what is the meaning of /etc/rc.local directory?01:02
sebsebsebpharaoh: yes XP will take up about 5GB or so01:02
aboanas93any help in firfox01:02
lucyBi really want to format my drive, can someone help me do it.01:02
sebsebsebpharaoh: Which XP did you put on?  SP1?  SP2? SP3 ?   XP  SP3 is about 5GB01:02
alokito! hi | aboanas9301:02
ubottuaboanas93: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:02
sebsebseblucyB: Dban01:03
sebsebseblucyB: that will wipe the whole of your hard disk01:03
aboanas93java applet in firefox01:03
pharaohi am able to use the terminal.  I installed Sp201:03
thiebaudelucyB, you have the ubuntu install cd?01:03
lucyBdban, I have heard of that.01:03
lucyBI think I have a copy.. .hang on.01:03
sebsebseblucyB:  yes and I saw you mention it01:03
Jordan_Upharaoh: I think that virtualbox stores its virtual machines in ~/.Virtualbox, but I still doubt that running out of space is the problem, especially if you have 400 meg free already01:03
pharaohLike I said, Ubuntu worked fine until I installed XP through VB.01:03
losherDominik2: it's a file. It runs as the last thing in the boot sequence every time the system boots, so it's where people put customisations that they want to run as root once per bootup...01:03
sebsebseblucyB: most peopel just  delete the partitions,  there isn't really much of a point doing other stuff, unless your for example going to sell your computer to someone else01:03
pharaohwell when I run df -h the "Use %" for the fs is 100%01:04
lucyBI am setting it up for my older sister.01:04
agliodbsI'm installing tomcat, but it's linking against gcj instead of the java I installed earlier (Sun 6 JRE)01:04
agliodbsany easy way to fix that?01:04
sebsebseblucyB: ok well deleting the partitions with gparted on the live cd, should be fine then, and then installing Ubuntu01:05
Jordan_Upharaoh: Check ~/.Virtualbox, "sudo apt-get clean" is also a good way to free up some space01:05
lucyBok, sebsebseb do you know where i can get instructions on how to use dban?01:05
aboanas93yo guys01:06
sebsebseblucyB: when I tried it,  it was just put the CD in to the computer, and  let it delete stuff01:06
alokito!ask | aboanas9301:06
ubottuaboanas93: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:06
aboanas93okay , about java in firefox01:07
MocArtåñòü ðóññêèå?01:07
aboanas93it doesnt work even i install it.01:07
thiebaudeaboanas93, did you install the java plugin for firefox?01:07
alokitoaboanas93: how did you install it?01:07
MocArtåñòü êòî íèòü ðóññêèé?01:07
mgv1what does this "Could not download all repository indexes" means? why does it started today without me doing something that may make it happens?01:08
aboanas93no .01:08
sebsebseblosher: indeed  at that01:08
aboanas93im newbie in ubuntu01:08
losher!ru | MocArt01:08
ubottuMocArt: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:08
thiebaudeaboanas93, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin01:08
lucyBi hate linux... nothing has documentation or if it is there is it useless.  instead of pushing out new versions they shoudl focuse on improving the documentation on very program included with the operating system.01:08
sebsebseblucyB: if a computer  is going to be sold to  strangers,  and has personal information about you on the hard disk some where,  then it's a good idea to wipe out the hard disk properly01:08
alokitomgv1: are you using karmic?01:08
aboanas93okay i will try it now, thanks.01:09
Jordan_Umgv1: It means that one of the repositories you have added cannot be accessed, do you use any third party repos that might be down? Are you having any network problems?01:09
thiebaudeaboanas93, and java will be,  sudo apt-get install java6-jre01:09
lucyBthere is a reason why windows is still being used even if linux is ready for prime time.01:09
sebsebseblucyB: if your just giving it to your sister,  I expect it's fine to just delete the partitions  normalley01:09
sebsebseblucyB: Dban is also not a LInux program by the way01:09
lucyBsebsebseb, I need to do it completely.  That is what I need.01:09
PicilucyB: This isn't a complaint channel. And we don't support dban here, it is not an Ubuntu program.01:09
aboanas93after that ,do i have to close firefox?01:09
thiebaudeaboanas93, yes01:10
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:10
pharaohI keep getting the msg during bootup that "mount: /dev/sr1: unknown device      /dev/sr0: unknown device"   I don't knwo what this is referring to.01:10
alokitolucyB: linux has a lot more community support than proprietary os01:10
kivoare there smart tools for linux that have a gui?01:11
thiebaudeaboanas93, did it work?01:11
lucyBdoes ubuntu have a program that has the same functionality of dban?01:11
aboanas93Your browser does not support applets, or you have disabled applets in your browser settings.01:11
losherlucyB: I just took a look at DBAN and it looks very well documented. If your reading skills are adequate...01:11
aboanas93no the same.01:11
jedckivo, smart tools?01:11
kivojdec you know, smart hard drive monitoring tools?01:12
ncfi1013port forwarding tcp and udp ports are both port 80 correct?01:12
sebsebseblucyB: also documentation and  help,  it depends on a distro,   Ubuntu has the IRC and forums and that for help,   and it's known to have a good help community01:12
EugenMayeris there a bacula wxWidget client for Bacula under ubuntu?01:12
kivojedc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.01:13
pharaohHD space was the issue to my original problem.  I removed the XP file and then rebooted and i am able to log into Gnome w/ any issues.  Thanks for your help01:13
lucyBlosher, you found the documentation sufficient? well I am just a normal person, not a computer pro01:13
losherkivo: there is gsmartctl. The web page looks down right now, but google had a cached copy --
losherlucyB: there is also a shred command, please look again at the link I posted earlier...01:14
meaniefacehey guys did anyone else get this?01:15
MocArthi, everybody, i have one question: i want to send traffic over squid transparent, but i can`t do it, i can`t write rule in iptables: but i have variant: it is: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -s --dport 80 -d ! -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128 eth0 - internet, my network, how i do it?01:15
meanieface~Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is  faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)~01:15
meanieface19:49 ~DCC SEND from _lilo [ port 0]: STARTKEYLOGGER [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu~01:15
meanieface19:54 ~DCC aborted receiving file STARTKEYLOGGER from _lilo~01:15
LjL!exploit | meanieface01:15
ubottumeanieface: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit01:15
Cyrano_De1meanieface: Yes01:15
LjLmeanieface: plse, don't repeat the text of that01:15
DryGrainHow do I go about mounting my windows partition01:16
jdn929does anyone know how to calculate the Line of Best Fit in open office Calc?01:16
losherDryGrain: do you know it's device name?01:17
ncfi1013port forwarding tcp and udp ports are both port 80 correct?01:17
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:17
SpacePigeondoes anybody know of a good video about ubuntu moblin remix?01:17
DryGrainI do not losher01:17
losherDryGrain: ok, open a terminal and type sudo fdisk -l (that's a lowercase L) and pastebin the output....01:17
TrizicusIs there a log file that I can tail -f and see immediate hardware info.?01:18
meaniefacethank you LjL01:18
Jordan_UTrizicus: dmesg ?01:18
Trizicuswhere is it located?01:18
Jordan_UTrizicus: It's a command01:18
Trizicusi know that but i want to monitor it in realtime01:19
Cyrano_De1What does putty in ubuntu get you that is not already there in an xterm?01:19
=== jdn929 is now known as moblib292
DryGrainoh my01:19
Trizicuskeith: !01:19
daliaHi guys I have a question for you, how can I share my ubuntu internet connection with winxp01:19
kivolosher Hhhmmm... I get this error when trying to run it, I should have mentioned I'm running 9.04 64 from a live cd. " Failed to execute child process "su-to-root" (No such file or directory) "01:19
daliaIt's really a PITA01:20
losherkivo: personally I'd try a more stable livecd. 8.04 32 bit rarely fails...01:20
Trizicushm dmesg | tail -f supposedly works... didn't think it'd be that simple (if it works) lol01:21
DryGrainit seems that i dont have a windows partiton anymore!01:21
* DryGrain mourns his loss of data01:21
losherTrizicus: I never found dmesg worked with tail -f, though you'd want it to. I had to resort to running dmesg repeatedly...01:21
daliaAny helpfull soul up there?01:22
keithkivo: I had the same error for a package that was solved by installing "menu" I think. Not sure if that is your problem though.01:22
ncfi1013port forwarding tcp and udp ports are both port 80 correct?01:22
sebsebsebdalia: Samba is for sharing files with Windows, and  printers can also be shared01:22
agliodbsdalia: explain what you want to share and what your machine setup is01:22
kivokeith menu?01:22
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:23
daliaseb: I can connect to windows and I can share files but I can't share internet01:23
losherDryGrain: you installed ubuntu after windows I assume. Usually that preserves the windows installation. Are you sure it's gone? Can I see your sudo fdisk -l output?01:23
keithkivo, it's in the repositories. The description says "generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications"01:23
daliaI tried firestarter in vain01:23
durtncfi1013, depends what you want to do.01:24
keithkivo, all I know is sbackup needs it to run properly01:24
agliodbsdalia: see my quesiton above01:24
Jordan_Udalia: Network manager can do internet sharing01:24
Trizicuswatch dmesg seems to be doing nice01:24
keithkivo, it gives the same error if it's not installed.01:24
pelmenhey guys anyone tried the new skype, i keep losing mic sound with it01:25
daliaagliodbs: I have to computers in one of them Ubuntu is the host with two NICs one connected to the internet and he other one is wired to a network box, the second pc has winxp connected to the network01:25
Trizicushowever i am trying to figure out what /dev/ a certain piece of hardware is. For example cdrom I know is /dev/cdrom however where is it in the log files that tells me this when I put in a new CD for example?01:25
losherTrizicus: what kind of hardware? Is it removable?01:25
TrizicusI'm doing cd atm01:26
timClickshi all, my ALSA setup seems wrong - it's not providing other applications (such as games) access to my audio device01:26
* kivo yay... 14kbps from ubuntu repos...01:26
Trizicusi know it's /dev/cdrom but i want to be able to find this in the log files where do i start01:26
=== floopsy is now known as Floops
timClicksany suggestions?01:26
losherTrizicus: dmesg | egrep -i cdrom  <-- something like this?01:26
agliodbsdalia: then you want to use network manager to set up your ubuntu box like it was a router01:27
daliahow I do that agliodbs, I'm using ubuntu 9.0401:27
Trizicusok in this case it is hdc so i could technically mount /dev/hdc?01:27
losher!ics | dalia01:28
ubottudalia: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php01:28
Jordan_Udalia: System > Preferences > Networking, set the interface you want to share to to "shared"01:28
Xpl0itI have a question that I am sure I am not the first to ask... when  I sudo how do I edit the $PATH?01:28
jribXpl0it: why?01:28
Xpl0itneed to add something to the $PATH01:29
losherTrizicus: usually for a cdrom, /dev/cdrom will be an alias for the cdrom device so you can use either that or it's 'real' name...01:29
daliaOk, do I have to do soemthing on the winxp client machine?01:29
Xpl0itand... well I can add it to the /etc/environment01:29
Xpl0itbut when I sudo and do echo $PATH the change is not there01:30
Jordan_Udalia: No01:30
jribXpl0it: this doesn't answer my question...01:30
Trizicuslosher: okay I got it now. cdrom on here is link to hdc :)01:30
daliaI put my eth1 which is the one connected to the internet shared with other computers but winxp still not connecting to the net01:30
Xpl0itsorry jrib01:30
Jordan_Udalia: Just set it up to use DHCP ( the default )01:30
theblueHi all.01:30
durtXpl0it, either sudo -i or sudo -s retains env setting, can't remember which...01:30
jribXpl0it: I know that you want to add something to sudo's PATH.  My question is what exactly are you trying to do (so I can tell you if there is a better way)01:30
daliaJordan_U, I've tried that also01:30
theblueI've got jaunty on an HP Mini 1035, and there's no sound at all.01:31
Xpl0itjrib i need to add something in the $PATH so an application can call a script when it runs01:31
Jordan_Udalia: You want to set the interface connected to the other computer to be shared, *not* the interface connected to the internet01:31
RegressLessHaving trouble removing a program to add another version. Can someone help?01:31
JessDtheblue : Are you using Netbook Remix?01:31
daliaok, let me try that01:31
Trizicuslosher: When I put in my flash drive the /var/log/messages was saying it was not supported any reason why?01:31
theblueJessD: no.01:31
jribXpl0it: why would it need to be in the path?  Just provide the absolute path01:31
Xpl0iti c01:31
Noobhow can i install firefox-3.5.3.tar.bz2 ?01:31
Jordan_UTrizicus: Can you pastebin the exact message?01:31
Trizicus1 sec01:31
JessDtheblue : I'm running remic on an HP mini 11001:31
Jordan_UNoob: Why not just install firefox 3.5 from the repositories?01:32
* Xpl0it thinks about this for a minute...01:32
JessDtheblue : I had to set the audio mixer to show all my inputs, then made sure they were all unmuted01:32
daliaJU: I've tried that but still nothing01:32
Trizicusthis is the error01:33
theblueJessD: everything's unmuted...01:33
Jordan_Udalia: Try renewing the DHCP lease on the windows machine01:33
NoobJordan_U: im using debian and it suggests me to install iceweasel01:33
theblueNoob: try #debian01:33
Noobtheblue: im coming from there :D01:33
jribXpl0it: to answer your question though, ubuntu compiles sudo with secure-path enabled (see « man sudoers »)01:34
daliaju: I have the connections as manual because otherwise it will not share the printer and the files, or I'm wrong?01:34
JessDtheblue : I know it's not your model, but check this out01:34
JessDtheblue : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#HP%20Mini%201033cl01:34
jribXpl0it: here you go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/5079701:34
JessDtheblue : You might see if the audio driver referenced supports your card01:34
Noobwell ?01:34
losherTrizicus: are you running vmware?01:34
Jordan_Udalia: Please use my full nick or I will miss your messages01:34
TrizicusYes :)01:34
losherTrizicus: you might've mentioned that earlier...01:35
TrizicusI didn't think it mattered enough01:35
Jordan_UNoob: "tar -xf filename" then cd to the firefox directory and run ./firefox01:35
=== art is now known as _48_Fodao
Trizicusi thought there was enough abstraction to be normal kernel error01:35
Jordan_U!tab | dalia01:35
ubottudalia: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:35
daliaJordan_U, I'm doing dhcp on both pcs to see if it works01:35
TrizicusVMware 6.5.3 to be exact01:35
theblueJessD: nope.01:35
NoobJordan_U: but i want to install :S01:35
theblueJessD: 1033cl has no drivers listed there.01:36
losherTrizicus: dunno if this is relevant: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/20964501:36
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
RegressLesscan someone tell me how to make a program start automatically and be minimized to the taskbar?01:36
JessDtheblue : What model sound card are you using?01:36
Trizicuslosher: what I'm trying to be able to do is learn how to detect devices as I insert them into the system. (which is what I was trying to do with the USB thing) How could I do that? Just dmesg | egrep -i "usb"?01:36
theblueJessD: i have no clue, but hold on, i might have found something01:36
burntresistorwhat is the best way to convert some mkv to mp4s in ubuntu   handbrake seems to slow of simple container swap01:36
JessDtheblue : Try "lspci | grep Audio"01:37
JessDtheblue : Ah, OK01:37
daliaJordan_U, now I don't have any connection from the winxp client01:37
ShadowDXSdoes anyone here now how to upgrade firefox from 3.0.14 to 3.5.2?01:37
theblueJessD: Intel 82801G.01:37
thiebaude!ff35 | ShadowDXS01:37
ubottuShadowDXS: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY01:37
losherTrizicus: well that's how I do it, but the proper way to do is via udev I think, which I find very complicated....01:37
JessDtheblue : OK, that's the same model that my unit has01:37
ShadowDXSjust go to the main site?01:38
Jordan_Udalia: What are the two interfaces on the Ubuntu machine and how are they currently configured?01:38
ShadowDXSand download 3.5?01:38
JessDtheblue : So the link I sent you is referencing a driver that would work with your sound card01:38
Jordan_UShadowDXS: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.501:38
JessDtheblue : But try the unmute steps first.01:38
theblueJessD: is that what you used, and could you paste it once more please?01:38
JessDtheblue : Sure : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#HP%20Mini%201033cl01:38
thiebaudeShadowDXS, yes and i thinks its a .tar file01:38
thiebaudeShadowDXS, from the firefox website01:39
ShadowDXSthe termail command dont work01:39
theblueJessD: what does that say for you?01:39
JessDtheblue : What, the link?01:40
daliaJordan_U: the eth0 is Manual with and IP address connected to the network box, and eth1 is automatic DHCP connected to the internet router, I'm using 9.0401:40
Trizicusthanks i will look more into this later :)01:40
JessDtheblue : Bah, wrong link, my bad, one sec!!01:40
Jordan_Udalia: Set eth0 to "shared"01:40
JessDtheblue : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#HP%20Mini%20110%20/%20Compaq%20Mini%20100c01:40
JessDtheblue : Sorry, try that one01:41
FohnHi. I've gotten a new monitor and input the correct resolution and refresh rates in my xorg.conf file, however these changes do not remain consistent throughout my session changes. My gdm login screen, however, retains the correct resolution. I have to use the proprietary driver to change the resolution, and the change is not permanent. Any ideas? Please do not just get me with ubottu.01:41
theblueJessD: ah, thanks!01:41
RegressLesscan someone tell me how to make a program start automatically and be minimized to the taskbar? Ubuntu 9.0401:41
daliaok, done01:41
thiebaudeFohn, which graphics card?01:41
XDS2010Is S9 around ?01:41
JessDtheblue : YW!01:41
XDS2010Has anyone seen S9 ?01:42
Jordan_Udalia: Now set windows to use dhcp and it shoudl get an ip address from your ubuntu machine01:42
Fohnthiebaude: ATI Radeon HD 467001:42
alokito!hi | Aalinux01:43
ubottuAalinux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:43
ShapeShifter499I'm setting up my email through evolution, I have gmail, which is better to use, POP or IMAP?01:43
JessDShapeShifter499 : IMAP01:43
ShapeShifter499what's the difference?01:44
thiebaudeFohn, did you try hardware drivers from the System>administration menu01:44
AalinuxIs it possible to set up mail server in ubuntu 9.04? If possible how?01:44
Wrechey everyone01:44
Wrecis indus here01:44
thiebaudeFohn, to search for drivers01:44
JessDShapeShifter499 : Difference is feature set; POP is bare bones, IMAP offers quite a bit more in terms of functionality.  Check out Wikipedia on IMAP01:44
durt!postfix | Aalinux01:44
ubottuAalinux: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer01:44
RegressLessCan someone tell me how to make a program start automatically and be minimized to the taskbar? Ubuntu 9.0401:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:44
Wrecor can anyone help me need to access the grub menu.lst through live cd01:44
JessDRegressLess : When you say automatic, do you mean on startup?01:45
ShapeShifter499JessD: ok, thx for help01:45
Napst3rhey guys01:45
Napst3ri want to change my profile name in Shell01:45
JessDShapeShifter499 : Welcome!01:45
Fohnthiebaude: I have the proper driver, it's just that for some reason my resolution changes that I make with the proprietary software do not persist through a session, regardless of what I do to my xorg.conf file.01:45
=== Pupuser402-2 is now known as redtoe
RegressLessJessD: Ah, yes, that's what I meant.01:46
thiebaudeFohn, save your resolution settings using gksudo01:46
Jordan_UWrec: Do you see your ubuntu partition in Places > Computer ?01:46
Wrechey jordan01:46
Napst3ri want to change it from Napst3r@napst3r-laptop# ...to Napst3r >01:46
JessDRegressLess : Check out Menu > Preferences Startup Applications01:46
thiebaudeFohn, i had the same problem, thats what i did01:46
JessDRegressLess : That'll let you set up apps that start on login01:46
Napst3ri want to change my profile name in Shell ....i want to change it from Napst3r@napst3r-laptop# ...to Napst3r >01:46
betoxhow do i install flash player plug in ?01:46
Wrecive type in df - h jordan01:46
juxta_rkhunter is giving me a warning for /usr/bin/sudo and /usr/bin/ldd - any tips on working out if it's a false positive?01:46
Wrecyes ican01:46
ShadowDXSok this getting annoying01:46
JessDRegressLess : And there's an app called AllTray that lets you send apps to tray01:47
Fohnthiebaude: Ah, yeah that makes sense. Do you know the comand line input to run the ATI display manager?01:47
Wrecno what the command01:47
thiebaude!flash | betox01:47
ubottubetox: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:47
ShadowDXSfirefox still isnt upgrade01:47
JessDRegressLess : Preface the comand in Startup apps w/ alltray after installing it, and will automatically show up on start in tray01:47
RegressLessJessD: AllTray, I'll check that out.01:47
thiebaudeFohn, i dont know, because i have nvidia and used nvidia-settings01:47
ShadowDXShi n-iCe01:47
thiebaudeyou have to be root01:47
Napst3ri want to change my profile name in Shell ....i want to change it from Napst3r@napst3r-laptop# ...to Napst3r >01:47
Fohnthiebaude: Alright, I'll just google it. Thanks for the help01:48
zer0neNapst3r: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/text/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO01:48
betoxwhy i cant log in facebook01:48
thiebaudeFohn, no problem, good luck01:48
Napst3rthanks zer0ne01:48
betoxit does not apear any login01:48
Napst3rit's toooo long zer0ne !01:48
jcookeWhen doing Connect to Server and checking Add bookmark. Where is that data stored?01:48
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression01:49
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:49
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.501:49
Roastedif I delete .Trash, will it regenerate itself?01:49
ShadowDXSdoes anyone here have "WINE"?01:49
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:50
* thiebaude good nite folks01:50
Napst3ri like this bots01:50
ShadowDXSi know01:50
ShadowDXSits kick ass01:50
ShadowDXSi wonder01:50
=== Cyrano_De1 is now known as Cyrano_De
RegressLessJessD: it says "Enable with the '-nm' option." What does that mean?01:50
Pici!ask | ShadowDXS01:50
ubottuShadowDXS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:50
ShapeShifter499I'm having problems with my built-in webcam, what do I do?01:50
jazzHow do I write a daemon that can take requests from PHP scripts and return true/false back in response based on information supplied in the request?01:50
jefincShadowDXS: #wine01:51
Cyrano_De!php | jazz01:51
ubottujazz: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/php5.html01:51
lasthopesinyouudoes anyone know how to get the most out of ur computer to play computer games like counter strike 1.601:51
jefincShadowDXS:  or rather #winehq sorry01:51
Picijazz: Thats not really on-topic for this channel, ##php may be a better place.01:51
Roastedif I delete .Trash, will it regenerate itself?01:51
jazzubottu: I have PHP installed and I'm running a website - no problem there.01:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:51
lasthopesinyouuOn windows I get 100fps and on ubuntu i get less...and now when i try to play it wont even let me01:51
Napst3ri want to change my profile name in Shell ....i want to change it from Napst3r@napst3r-laptop# ...to Napst3r >01:51
Jordan_URoasted: Yes01:52
ShadowDXSi just wanted to see what the bot would say jefine01:52
jazzPici: ubottu: I want to write a Daemon that can take requests and respond to them.01:52
ShadowDXSi like playing with bots :P01:52
Jordan_UNapst3r: Pease read the link you have already been given01:52
Napst3rit's not including what i want Jordan_U01:52
jribRoasted: yes01:52
woodyjlwneed help getting wicd to install on 8.10, I added it in the repository like it said on line but it is still not there01:52
ShadowDXSdoes anyone here have a01:53
jribRoasted: well, assuming you are on some really old version where it is still .Trash, yes01:53
RegressLessWhat does this mean? sh -c "sleep 5 && /usr/local/bin/qjoypad"01:53
ShadowDXSP3s with ubuntu 9.4 on here01:53
agliodbswhy is libpg-java so much older than the version of PostgreSQL?01:53
jribRegressLess: waits 5 seconds then runs qjoypad...01:53
jefincShadowDXS: the bot only replies when using !command, to test commands /msg ubottu01:53
ShadowDXSi was asking the room01:54
lasthopesinyouuanybody play cs on ubuntu?01:54
=== floopsie is now known as Floops
ShadowDXSdoes anyone here have ubuntu on PS301:54
jefinc!chinese | duke01:54
ubottuduke: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:54
pelmenI play PHP on Ubuntu01:54
Fohnthiebaud: No luck :/01:54
lasthopesinyouuis ubuntu not good for games lol01:54
jrib!appdb | lasthopesinyouu01:54
ubottulasthopesinyouu: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:54
lasthopesinyouui've been told it's horrible for games01:54
woodyjlwcan I install wicd in terminal?  cause I cant get it in my synaptics01:54
ShadowDXSthats not ture01:54
RegressLessjrib: OK, I think I need to add "-nm" to it. Where should it go/how should I put it?01:55
oorahhow come gyachi voice chat is flawed? it doesn't work01:55
jriblasthopesinyouu: try it, I run steam fine01:55
jefinclasthopesinyouu: ubuntu for brains, windows for games01:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd01:55
oorahis there somethin like gyachi with working voice chat?01:55
jribRegressLess: -nm to what...?01:55
lasthopesinyouujrib I try to join a game and it wont even click where i want it to01:55
lasthopesinyouuit clicks above where i actually click01:55
RegressLessjrib: AllTray01:55
ShadowDXSwhat is wicd?01:55
jriblasthopesinyouu: that used to happen to me if i resized the window after starting it or something01:56
RegressLessShadowDXS: wirless network manager01:56
woodyjlwit is a wireless manager for linux01:56
RegressLesswoodyjlw: beetcha01:56
jribRegressLess: but I don't see anything about alltray in the command you listed01:56
daliaJordan_U: I've tried that and the winxp couldn't find the address01:56
jefinclasthopesinyouu: mine seems to have that type of issue after I alt tab, or if I'm using a screen resolution other than that of my desktop01:56
ShadowDXSi was wondering if there was a way to get a map of your network like you can in Vista or 701:56
ShadowDXSso you can see who is all on your netowkr01:57
queso_What is the standard console-based web browser that comes with Ubuntu? I can't remember the command. :/01:57
prince_jammysqueso_: www-browser  links to whatever it is.01:57
Jordan_Udalia: Does the shared network show as connected on Ubuntu?01:57
RegressLessjrib: yeah, when I set up qjoypad, the instructions said to put that command in the startup listing, but it wasn't starting in the tray like I'd hoped.01:57
ShapeShifter499My problem.......I have a acer aspire one 8.9 inch netbook model 150 and I just got it back from the acer repair center, before I sent it in I had Ubuntu 9.04 on it and the webcam and everything else worked great, when my comp broke I sent it in, I just got it back a few weeks ago and I just a few days ago tried to use my webcam, it didn't work, can someone help me, I've tried just about...01:57
ShapeShifter499...everything I know of to get it working but I just can't01:57
woodyjlwive installed it before on 9.04 and 8.10. last time I installed was 8.10 and I added the link in the repository and installed through synaptics but now It wont show up01:57
jribRegressLess: ok01:57
ShadowDXSand how do you find out what your local ip. and hosts ip is, kinna like ipconfig in CMD01:58
RegressLessjrib: so someone just suggested AllTray.01:58
daliaJordan_U wait a minute I'm trying soemthing here01:58
* vxbinaca (~giggity@hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has quit (ALT-F4)01:58
jribRegressLess: k, so you need to prefix the command with alltray or something (never used it)01:58
meaniefaceShadowDXS: ifconfig01:58
ShapeShifter499oh and I have reinstalled ubuntu onto my netbook01:58
ShadowDXSthank you meanieface01:58
meaniefaceShadowDXS: your welcome01:58
* vxbinaca (~giggity@hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has quit (ALT-F4)01:58
prince_jammysqueso_: and the links will take you all the way to /etc/alternatives/www-browser, which over here links to 'lynx'01:59
queso_prince_jammys: great, thx :)01:59
oorahthis channel isn't nearly as helpful as it use to be lol01:59
vxbinacaoorah yus01:59
* vxbinaca (~giggity@hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has quit (ALT-F4)01:59
jribvxbinaca: stop that01:59
oorahvxbinaca, yus?01:59
thatmattbonehas anyone had an problems with the libc update that came through a few days ago in9.04 for x86_64.  I have segfaults in mysql, php, dpkg.01:59
oorahanyone here use gyachi?01:59
vxbinacaoorah: yus02:00
jriboorah: ask an actual question...02:00
n-iCeShapeShifter499: paste us your lsusb and lspci in pastebin02:00
queso_prince_jammys:  aah, w3m was the command I was looking for02:00
Wrechey jordan u there02:00
woodyjlwthere are so many people asking for help now cause there are so many people switching to ubuntu and not enough people to help now :)02:00
Jordan_UWrec: Yes02:00
ShapeShifter499hold on02:00
oorahhow do i make voice chat in gyachi work or is there somethin like gyachi that does it right?02:00
Wrecsorry computer  got stuc02:00
n-iCeShapeShifter499: sure02:00
prince_jammysqueso_: i may have set it to lynx myself. I don't know if lynx was the default.02:00
jriboorah: I've used ekiga in the past02:00
Wreci need to access the grub/menu.lst02:00
CmdPrmtMdI use gyachi02:00
oorahjrib, does ekiga connect to yahoo?02:00
Jordan_Uoorah: WHat is gyachi?02:00
jriboorah: no02:00
Xgatesanyone know much about the latest Macbooks & Pro if there are any fixes to be able to reboot?02:01
CmdPrmtMdI use it what's up02:01
oorahJordan_U, its a yahoo chat client with webcam support and supposedly voice chat but voice doesn't work right from my experience02:01
oorahactually no voice at all02:01
FohnDoes anyone know why my changes in resolution will not remain persistent through session changes? My gdm login screen has a constant resolution, however when I log in I have to manually use CCC to change the resolution each time despite the fact that I have the proper settings in xorg.conf.02:01
oorahhey CmdPrmtMd  do you have voice chat in gyachi?02:01
RegressLessjrib: that's what JessD said to do, but the description says "enable with '-nm'" and I didn't know what that meant or how exactly to "prefix" the startup command.02:01
daliaJordanU, the answer is yes, but if i put the mouse over the network applet it just show the other NIC02:02
CmdPrmtMdkopete or gyachi02:02
CmdPrmtMdboth use yahoo02:02
jribRegressLess: description of what?  alltray or qjoypad?02:02
Wrecanyone know how i can access my grub/menu.lst02:02
Wreciam doing this from live cd..02:02
RegressLessjrib alltray02:02
oorahCmdPrmtMd, does voice chat work in kopete?02:02
RegressLessjrib: alltray02:02
Jordan_UWrec: Do you see your Ubuntu partition in Places > Computer?02:02
jribRegressLess: http://alltray.trausch.us/wiki/Documentation02:02
Fohnwrec it is located in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:02
CmdPrmtMdhmmm don't think so gyachi I have li02:03
lasthopesinyouusteam is bugging out02:03
ShapeShifter499my lspci-------> http://paste.ubuntu.com/276674/ AND my lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/276675/02:03
Wrechow do i do that02:03
timbojimboevery time i click network>channels here in irc the program freezes. any suggestions?02:03
CmdPrmtMdlimited luck with voice02:03
Wrecwith gparted?02:03
=== Xpl0it is now known as Xpl0it_Away
Fohnwrec so just do: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:03
Jordan_UFohn: He is on a LiveCD02:04
CmdPrmtMdskype is the best for vid and voice02:04
sebsebseb!gksudo |  Fohn  Wrec02:04
ubottuFohn  Wrec: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:04
Wrecok every ive done sudo gedit and an empty file comes up02:04
sebsebsebWrec: you will have to mount your  partition for  Ubuntu02:04
Jordan_UWrec: Do you see your Ubuntu partition in Places > Computer?02:04
Wrecyes i do02:04
RegressLessjrib: I'm always asking questions when I should be reading--or, I don't know, trying to launch the program to see what it does. :P02:04
timbojimboi am having trouble with openbox. any one can help with that?02:05
jribRegressLess: well that's what you should do but mix in some reading too :)02:05
ShapeShifter499n-iCe: my lspci-------> http://paste.ubuntu.com/276674/ AND my lsusb-------> http://paste.ubuntu.com/276675/02:05
Jordan_UWrec: Ok, your menu.lst is going to be in boot/grub within that partition02:05
Fohn!ask | timbojimbo02:05
ubottutimbojimbo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:05
RegressLessJessD, jrib, thanks02:05
Wrecwhat the directory for that02:06
sebsebsebWrec: /media/ I think02:06
praetoriusboa noit a todos02:06
Jordan_UWrec: Probably /media/disk02:06
Napst3rhow to updaye firefox...?02:06
n-iCeShapeShifter499: your webcam isn't even detected.02:06
Fohnwrec: You can use 'df' to find out for sure. It will most likely be the big one :D02:06
n-iCeShapeShifter499: must be broke02:07
Jordan_U!ff35 | Napst3r02:07
ubottuNapst3r: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY02:07
sebsebsebNapst3r: a later version of the Firefox 3.0 series, or 3.5?02:07
praetoriusgood night to u all02:07
FohnDoes anyone know why my changes in resolution will not remain persistent through session changes? My gdm login screen has a constant resolution, however when I log in I have to manually use CCC to change the resolution each time despite the fact that I have the proper settings in xorg.conf.02:07
Napst3ri want really to see the source code of this Bot !02:07
Wrecdarn i cant access the media02:07
teeheehey i want to partition most of my drive for windows 7 like a lot of it but how do i do that like if i partition too much what will happen to the linux stuff will some of it be deleted or something02:07
ShapeShifter499n-iCe: But I just sent it in for repairs, I shouldn't get it back with something else broken02:08
Fohnwrec: You will indeed need root permissions.02:08
prince_jammysNapst3r: i think it's available. /msg ubottu ubottu , probably.02:08
Jordan_UWrec: If you run "gksudo gedit /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.list" does gedit open with your menu.lst or is it empty?02:08
jrib!botclone | Napst3r02:08
ubottuNapst3r: Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html02:08
ShapeShifter499n-iCe: do you know what else I could do?02:08
sebsebsebteehee: 7 hmm  10GB or so for /   and big seperate /home and your swap,  that's a good Ubuntu set up02:09
Napst3rUbottu is showing his own weapons !!! lol02:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:09
darkhamhi people, do you know what can i use for extract audio from a dvd?02:09
sebsebsebNapst3r: Ubottu is a her02:09
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)02:09
Wrecits empty jorday02:09
timbojimbowhenever I try to start a session in gnome/openbox it logout out instantly and gives me an error message. It does the same for K/openbox, gnome, or kde with similar error messages. however when I do just openbox works just fine (i think, I have never used openbox before).02:09
darkhamsomething with gui02:09
Napst3rshe ??02:09
Wrecjordan with that command its empty02:09
Fohnwrec: What is your output when you type 'df' into terminal?02:10
Jordan_UWrec: Ok, can you please pastebin the output from running "mount" in a terminal?02:10
Wrecwhat is the correct url..02:10
n-iCeShapeShifter499: well, the cam isn't working02:10
vxbinacawrec: try installing pastebin it and piping the output into a file and then sending the file to pastebin02:10
Jordan_Utimbojimbo: What error message?02:10
oorahanyone have success with voice chat working in any yahoo chat clients?02:10
Jordan_U!pastebin | Wrec02:11
ubottuWrec: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:11
daliaJordan_U: so far no luck with that, I don't know what's going on02:11
Wrecjordan heer it is02:11
sebsebsebteehee: space isn't  an issue as such, plus Ubuntu will be able to read and write no problem to the 7  partition, as long as  Windows shut it down properly02:12
timbojimboJordan_U: hold on i'll write it down. should have done that to begin with02:12
ShapeShifter499oh well02:12
Jordan_Udalia: You should see the profile ( whatever you named it ) in the applet.02:12
Silver_Swordshi all. whens 9.10 coming out?02:12
sebsebsebSilver_Swords: October 29th02:12
teeheeok how do i partiton my drive for windows 702:12
Wrecjorda here is the paster bin file02:12
=== _Apple_ is now known as _MrsApple_
Silver_Swordssebsebseb, thnx  =)02:12
Jordan_Udalia: My guess is that it's simply not connected. Can you pastebin the output from "nm-tool" ?02:13
sebsebsebSilver_Swords: np02:13
sebsebsebteehee: I have heard of people having issues when they have tried to dual boot  Ubuntu and 7,  or whatever02:13
sebsebsebteehee: If you got enough RAM, why not just virtual machine it inside Ubuntu? :)02:13
teeheei thought you couldnt virtual drive windows 702:14
sebsebsebteehee: you can virtual machine it02:14
Jordan_UWrec: Ok, can you now pastebin the output of "blkid" ?02:14
sebsebsebteehee: virtual drive???02:14
teeheesorry i meant virtual machine a brain fart02:15
Wrecjordan nothing comes up02:15
sebsebsebteehee: well I guess RAM won't be an issue  for  vming it, but how much you got?02:15
Jordan_UWrec: There is no output from that command?02:15
teeheenot sure how can u check02:15
Jordan_UWrec: Ok, try "sudo fdisk -l" then02:16
oorahanyone have success with voice chat working in any yahoo chat clients?02:16
sebsebsebteehee: free -m and what does it say for the total?02:16
Wrechold on got something jordan02:16
teehee2891 i dont know if thats good or not02:17
CmdPrmtMdgychi has been the only on have got to work at all with yahoo02:17
leeleeare most people in here using ubuntu? (excuse me but I am new here)02:17
theblueHi all.02:17
daliaNetworkManager Tool02:17
daliaState: connected02:17
dalia- Device: eth1  [Auto eth1] ----------------------------------------------------02:17
dalia  Type:              Wired02:17
dalia  Driver:            tulip02:17
FloodBot1dalia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
sebsebsebleelee: yes02:17
dalia  State:             connected02:17
sebsebseb!welcome |  leelee02:17
ubottuleelee: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:17
Fohnleelee: I would imagine so :D02:17
Wrecjordan here it is...02:18
CmdPrmtMdI use a few distro02:18
sebsebsebleelee: maybe most people in here aren't using it, but those who chat in here, most of us are02:18
CmdPrmtMdI use a few distos02:18
sebsebseb!new |  leelee02:18
ubottuleelee: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com02:18
leeleeis ubuntu better than mint 7? I havent tried mint 7 yet but I hear it is really good. I do like ubuntu.02:18
sebsebsebleelee: Mint is based on Ubuntu02:18
theblueok, i've got an hp mini 1035, and i've got no sound at all.02:18
leeleeit is 'based' on it, but isnt it different?02:19
sebsebsebleelee: and it's very green by default02:19
daliatheblue, must be the pulseaudio thing02:19
teeheedoes it matter which version of windows 7 i use for virtualization like can i use a pro version02:19
Jordan_UWrec: OK, run "sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt" it should give no output if it worked02:19
sebsebsebleelee: Mint is rather similar to Ubuntu really02:19
thebluedalia, so what should i do?02:19
sebsebsebteehee: nope it doesn't matter which version you vm02:19
timbojimboJordan_U: basically it says: Unknown option --choose-session=openbox-session02:19
teeheemy total was 2891 is that good02:19
Wrecok done02:20
sebsebsebteehee: that should be fine yeah02:20
leeleeso, since I am happy with Ubuntu there is no reason to change02:20
Jordan_Udalia: Can you please use pastebin to get me the output from nm-tool? ( do NOT paste into the channel again )02:20
Wrecjordan done02:20
sebsebsebleelee: pretty much yeah, and  also this channel is for Ubuntu support not other distros as well02:20
Jordan_UWrec: Ok, "gksudo gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst" should open your menu.lst in gedit02:20
sebsebsebleelee: As far as I know Ubuntu has  much better support than Mint has02:21
Wrecok done02:21
leeleeI was just wanting someone elses opinion. I appreciate it and I will stay with Ubuntu. Thanks all02:21
daliaI don't know how to do pastebin :)02:21
teeheehey anyone know where i can find a huge list of terminal commands02:22
n-iCeleelee: what's the problem?02:22
sebsebseb!pastebin |  dalia02:22
ubottudalia: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:22
n-iCeteehee: google!02:22
leeleeone more thing  how can I see a list of people in this chat room?02:22
theblueleelee, /who02:22
stwangewhere does openvpn store config files? I have one but I don't know where to put it02:22
sebsebsebdalia: upload the stuff  and then give people your link02:22
Wrecjordan thx so much...02:22
n-iCeleelee: xchat has the nick list on the right you just need to grab it to the right, must be hidden02:22
Jordan_UWrec: np02:23
leeleedidnt do anything   nothing changed02:23
daliaSorry guys02:23
VonGuarddoes anyone know why this happens: https://answers.launchpad.net/netbook-remix/+question/6607602:23
Wrecjordan now see if this work..brb hope..lol02:23
VonGuardnetbook remix coming up with a blank desktop and no menus after install and update02:23
VonGuardmy acer now has no desktop of use under gnome02:24
VonGuardeven under failsafe gnome02:24
VonGuardit's a common problem i see, but no one has a real fix02:24
leeleehow do I 'unhide' it?02:24
teeheehey i just deleted a partition that was vista and its ext3 but how come i cant save onto it it says no permission or something02:24
VonGuardthere's nothing on the web02:25
VonGuardjust some half assed solutions02:25
n-iCeleelee: grab it02:25
resno1i am looking for help getting my onboard sound card to work02:25
leeleeremember I am new02:25
sebsebseb!patience |  VonGuard02:25
ubottuVonGuard: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:25
n-iCeleelee: http://video.linux-noob.com/screenshots/ubuntu/7.04/post-1-1178099902.png02:26
VonGuardi have waited02:26
n-iCeleelee: hold it with your mouse, and move it to the right02:26
leeleek  brb02:26
VonGuardand searched02:26
VonGuardi only came here as a last resort, but obviously no one cares about this bug here or on the web02:26
Wrecyeah hahhhhh02:26
Wrechey JORDAN02:26
Wrecthanx Bro..02:26
sebsebsebVonGuard: I don't use the netbook remix, hence why personally I didn't go on your link02:26
Jordan_Udalia: Name the profile that you have set to share something like "Share Internet" so it's recognisable and set it to connect automatically02:27
vistakiller1hey my hp notebook(6515b), it's microphone not working, with ALSA sound drive.chip is AD1981A. sound out ok02:27
sebsebseb!bugs |  VonGuard02:27
ubottuVonGuard: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:27
sebsebseband they leave02:28
leeleehow can I make my screen look like that?02:28
n-iCeleelee: first, did you solve the nicklist issue?02:28
dobblegoI tried to install dual-boot on a dell machine with vista and the partitioner ran into an error as soon as it tried to do its thing -- I looked around in BIOS for perhaps some setting protecting the MBR but I could find nothing, any tips on what it could be?02:28
n-iCeleelee: I don't know how to explain you, just go to the right bar and grab it to the left, so you can resize the bar02:29
sebsebsebdobblego: ok did you let Ubuntu resize your  Vista partition?02:29
resno1i have been able to hear sound when i set my sound card on prefrences, but otherwise i hear nothing.02:29
=== sunshinepants1 is now known as sunshinepants
dobblegosebsebseb, I tried, but it hit an error immediately trying to do so02:29
Wrecok thx for that02:29
sebsebsebdobblego: ok02:29
sebsebsebdobblego: you shoudn't  use Gparted or any of that to resize  a Vista partition, because data loss migh thappen02:30
leeleeit just makes the page wider   doesnt show the nicks02:30
Wrecgot another one..i know what stuffed my grub menu.lst...02:30
sebsebsebdobblego: instead let Vista resize itself,  there's a built in tool or two for this, well two sure,  the graphical one and the command line02:30
dobblegosebsebseb, does the ubuntu installation use gparted?02:30
Wrecanyone know how to add a splash image to (k)ubuntu booloader??02:30
dobblegosebsebseb, ok, so I boot into vista to use this tool?02:30
sebsebsebdobblego: the Ubuntu installer uses something else02:30
Wrecthe right way....hehe02:31
sebsebsebdobblego: yes let Vista resize itself, and no you don't use Gparted in Vista02:31
sebsebseb!gparted |  dobblego02:31
ubottudobblego: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:31
dobblegosebsebseb, ok, I'll have to figure out what you use then02:31
sebsebsebdobblego: What I am saying is don't let the  Ubuntu installer or Gparted resize your Vista partition.02:31
dobblegoyes I have used gparted before, I wasn't using gparted02:31
dobblegosebsebseb, ok, a windows thing to do it then, thanks02:31
timbojimboHey I just installed open box. When I select session gnome/openbox it gives me this error message: Unknown option --choose-session=openbox-session. When I use Openbox by itself it runs but there is no interface. all i can do is right click on the desktop and do things via the terminal. not terrible but my girlfriend wont be able to use it. any suggestions? Ideas?02:32
sebsebsebdobblego: thinking of what I mean uhmm.  system  computer right click, and computer management or something.   well ##windows can help you resize Vista anyway,  plus you might find that, even after you resized it using it's tool, it's taking up tons of space02:32
dobblegosebsebseb, ok, I'll look into it thanks, I don't suppose there is a ubuntu wiki page on it02:33
sebsebsebdobblego: nope don't think so02:33
jimbeam12hey all02:33
jimbeam12anyone want a drink..??02:33
resno1i have been able to hear sound when i set my sound card on prefrences, but otherwise i hear nothing.02:33
sebsebseb!ot |  jimbeam1202:34
ubottujimbeam12: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:34
jimbeam12yah but everyone love a jim beam.02:34
jimbeam12hey sebsebseb02:34
sebsebseb!hi |  jimbeam1202:34
ubottujimbeam12: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:34
jimbeam12yeah i got one that on the topic..02:35
sebsebsebjimbeam12: check that's a good idea have a look at their channel guidelines02:35
sebsebsebyeah not check above02:35
jimbeam12how do i add a splash image ot (K)Ubuntu bootloader02:35
jimbeam12the proper way..last time i did this stuffed my menu.lst02:36
sebsebsebjimbeam12:  for help with Kubuntu as in #kubuntu02:36
sebsebseb!info startupmanager02:36
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.12-1 (jaunty), package size 95 kB, installed size 1072 kB02:36
timbojimboHey I just installed open box. When I select session gnome/openbox it gives me this error message: Unknown option --choose-session=openbox-session. When I use Openbox by itself it runs but there is no interface. all i can do is right click on the desktop and do things via the terminal. not terrible but my girlfriend wont be able to use it. any suggestions? Ideas?02:36
jimbeam12i want to put a splash screen on startup02:36
sebsebsebjimbeam12: startupmanager  can  do splash images I think02:36
leeleeI found it  ...  now how do i get it to stay up?02:36
jimbeam12ive tried that..dont work02:36
daliaJordan_U, do you mean to add another entry in the network connections?02:37
Jordan_Udalia: Yes02:37
resno1how do i probe for my sound card? grep lpic|sound?02:37
sebsebsebjimbeam12: ok well  I personally don't bother  changing it, i'll  use the Ubuntu or Kubuntu  one, and no I don't want to talk to you in pm02:37
jimbeam12lololol ok cool02:38
daliaJordan_U: done02:38
daliawhat now?02:38
Jordan_Udalia: Pastebin the output from nm-tool again02:38
leeleecan someone please tell me how to see all the users nicks on a sidebar?02:39
FohnDoes anyone know why my changes in resolution will not remain persistent through session changes? My gdm login screen has a constant resolution, however when I log in I have to manually use CCC to change the resolution each time despite the fact that I have the proper settings in xorg.conf.02:39
sebsebsebjimbeam12: I find the Kubuntu one much nicer looking than the Ubuntu one02:39
Picileelee: Is there an option to show the userlist when you right click on the channel text?02:39
agliodbsWTF?  "visudo" just crashed my terminal session on Jaunty02:40
* nit is back.02:40
sebsebseb!language |  agliodbs02:40
ubottuagliodbs: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:40
Picileelee: What irc client are you using?02:40
leeleeUbuntu Server: #ubuntu02:41
daliaJordan_U: I don't think it did anything02:41
jimbeam12_does anyone know how to add a splash image to ubuntu booloader02:41
agliodbssebsebseb: so any reason why visudo would crash an ssh connection?02:42
jimbeam12_or give me advise how to do it..cant seem to fiind anything concrete on it02:42
Jordan_Udalia: It didn't, for some reason network-manager is still using the automatic profile rather than the sharing profile02:42
ThomasHCbbl shower02:42
Jordan_Udalia: Do you see the sharing profile in the network-manager applet?02:42
daliaJordan_U, Yes I think there is something fishy there02:42
jamiejacksonhow do i tell ubuntu how many boots until the next auto-filesystem check? i actually want to force one.02:42
leeleeit says there is 1335 Users. Is that correct?02:42
sebsebsebagliodbs: hmm that's your response to me for !language, and I don't know02:43
daliaJordan_U, the only thing I see in the applet is Auto eth1 active02:43
leeleedo you have all of them in a sidebar?02:43
FohnDoes anyone know why my changes in resolution will not remain persistent through session changes? My gdm login screen has a constant resolution, however when I log in I have to manually use CCC to change the resolution each time despite the fact that I have the proper settings in xorg.conf.02:43
timbojimboHey I just installed open box. When I select session gnome/openbox it gives me this error message: Unknown option --choose-session=openbox-session. When I use Openbox by itself it runs but there is no interface. all i can do is right click on the desktop and do things via the terminal. not terrible but my girlfriend wont be able to use it. any suggestions? Ideas?02:43
Jordan_Udalia: Odd02:43
Picileelee: Can you try right-clicking on the channel name itself and see if there is an option for the userlist.  I don't use xchat-gnome, and my client doesnt have a userlist, and yes there are that many people here.02:44
daliaJordan_U: the share internet should be in the Wired tab, right?02:44
agliodbssebsebseb: yep, it is02:44
Jordan_Udalia: Yes02:44
leeleeno option02:44
masonhello im having troubles with grub02:44
daliaJordan_U, just checking02:44
agliodbssebsebseb: I could argue with you about abbreviations, but I'd rather ask a question.  ;-)02:44
sebsebseb!details |  mason02:44
ubottumason: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:44
Fohn!ask | mason02:44
Need_Help_SFTPCan someone point me to instructions for setting up a SFTP server please.02:44
ubottumason: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:44
Fohnah, details is way better02:45
leeleeis there another xchat I should download?02:45
sebsebsebagliodbs: Well you should go back to asking it to the whole channel,  and  give it some time, and you might get a proper reply to it.02:45
Need_Help_SFTPi have not had much luck with google instructions.  I'm using 9.0402:45
daliaJordan_U,maybe there is something I have to install?02:45
Jordan_Umason: What problems?02:45
Dr_Willisleelee:  theres xchat, and xchat-gnome, then theres a dozen+ Other irc clients you could use.02:45
Picileelee: How about ctrl-u ?02:45
Jordan_Udalia: Shouldn't be02:45
leeleecontrol u will bring up a list   but it wont stay up02:46
masonok im running eeebuntu on my laptop and i have win xp snow leopard and backtrack installed on seprate partitions grub reconizes win xp eeebuntu and backtrack but not osx02:47
Picileelee: I think thats how xchat-gnome is.  the regular xchat package has a real userlist.02:47
=== Need_Help_SFTP is now known as SFTP_slave
resno1how you probe for sound cards?02:47
resno1!sound > resno102:47
ubotturesno1, please see my private message02:47
leeleePici: what xchat are you using?02:47
sebsebsebmason: and your computer isn't even a Mac right?02:47
=== mirco_ is now known as mirco
Picileelee: None.  I use irssi, its a terminal (text only) IRC client.02:48
Jordan_Udalia: Remove all other profiles for eth002:48
leeleecan I download xchat on my ubuntu and it work?02:48
agliodbssebsebseb: I think if anyone was going to answer, they would have already ... it'll be a little mystery for now02:48
gabspeckgreetings everyone02:48
ShadowDXScan anyone help me with upgradeing my firefox?02:48
ShadowDXSi tryed the sudo command02:48
ShadowDXSthat didnt work02:48
sebsebsebmason: Ok OS X isn't really meant to be run on PC's,  and so it would be wrong for people to try and help you boot that up in here02:48
ShadowDXSubuntuzill didnt help02:49
ShadowDXSand the mozilla site didnt help02:49
gabspeckdoes anybody know any way to set up a server to stream my microphone input ?02:49
Jordan_UShadowDXS: Do you have an entry in Applications > Internet called "Shiretoko" ?02:49
sarathya i've shiretoko02:49
ShadowDXSweb browser?02:49
masonit was a backup image for my exact laptop model just grub wont reconize it02:49
sake_in dell studio 15,  does the slot-loading cd drive eject properly when using ubuntu?02:49
sarathits firefox but a bit modified02:50
chromeargh, anyone else running Karmic?02:50
sebsebsebmason: also running it on a PC is  piracy or sort of piracy02:50
sebsebseb!piracy > mason02:50
ubottumason, please see my private message02:50
sarathyes it does02:50
Jordan_UShadowDXS: That is Firefox 3.502:50
* nit is away: Gone away for now02:50
sarathdell 1555 works fine with ubuntu02:50
ubottuchrome: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:50
billcnew to linux and need help to reconfigure Konqueror association02:50
daliaJordan_U, I just did this:First copy your interfaces file in etc/nework with this command02:50
daliasudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /home/Desktop02:50
daliaAfter that edit that file in /etc/network/ with02:50
daliagksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces02:50
daliaDelete all text in that file.Save and close file.Now you should be able to create your network connection with network applet.02:50
FloodBot1dalia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
sebsebsebmason: well maybe not if you bought it, but even so it's not meant to run on a PC02:51
sake_in dell studio 15,  does the slot-loading cd drive eject properly when using ubuntu?02:51
ShadowDXSkick ass02:51
daliaJordan_U: I meant this http://paste.ubuntu.com/276700/02:51
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:51
sake_in dell studio 15,  does the slot-loading cd drive eject properly when using ubuntu?02:52
mgv1how can i know that i have this for airocrack-ng? "It assumes you have a working wireless card with drivers already patched for injection."02:52
ShadowDXS    O_o02:52
Jordan_Udalia: Do you now see the shared profile in the network-manager applet?02:52
SFTP_slaveneed help setting up SFTP server on 9.04 please.. step by step instructions would be wonderful02:52
billctrying to install x-plane, but do not use correct application02:53
daliaJordan_U, no and I don't see the eth0 neither02:53
Dr_WillisSFTP_slave:  i thought all you did was install the open-ssh server.. and it workjed as sftp also..02:53
sebsebsebbillc: your using KDE?02:53
otechi all! Русские есть тут?02:53
sebsebseband they are gone02:54
* otec Русско-язычные есть? =)02:54
ShadowDXSnow how do i view other computers on my network, it just says windows network02:54
ShadowDXSeven if i have no windows OS installed02:54
sake_!ask in dell studio 15,  does the slot-loading cd drive eject properly when using ubuntu?02:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:54
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:55
otecкакой милый бот - спасибо =)02:55
mgv1what is "drivers already patched for injection" when it's on airocrack guide?02:55
sebsebseb!english |  otec02:55
ubottuotec: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:55
otecThanks =)02:56
sebsebsebotec: np02:56
sake_in dell studio 15,  does the slot-loading cd drive eject properly when using ubuntu?02:57
sake_plz answr02:57
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:57
sebsebseb!welcome |  zebi_02:57
ubottuzebi_: please see above02:57
sake_zebi_ !hi02:58
ShadowDXSnow how do i view other computers on my network, it just says windows network02:58
ShadowDXSeven if i have no windows OS installed02:58
zebi_ubottu ?02:58
sake_the irc bot02:59
sake_it only responds to commands02:59
sebsebseb!bot |  zebi_02:59
ubottuzebi_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:59
sebsebseband it's female apparantly02:59
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)02:59
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:59
sake_in dell studio 15,  does the slot-loading cd drive eject properly when using ubuntu?02:59
bhvitshadow: can you ping other machines on network?02:59
ShadowDXSi dont know02:59
ShadowDXSit my eject02:59
ShadowDXStry it out02:59
sebsebsebzebi_: Ok is there something  with Ubuntu that you want help with?03:00
sake_i dont ha yet03:00
ShadowDXSnow how do i view other computers on my network, it just says windows network03:00
ShadowDXSeven if i have no windows OS installed03:00
sake_still shipping03:00
zebi_sebsebseb no im french my english is bad sorry i dont search anything03:01
sebsebseb!fr | zebi_03:02
ubottuzebi_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:02
zebi_so i moove ?03:02
Fohn!xorg | fohn03:02
ubottuFohn, please see my private message03:02
sebsebsebzebi_: well if you can understand English well enough, this channel is for you, if  not  try the French channel03:02
isabellfzebi_: feel free to stay if you want to improve your english03:02
mgv1what should i do when the terminal says "Run it as root"?03:03
sebsebsebzebi_: yes what isabellf  put03:03
zebi_sebsebseb okay but i can help i know ubuntu03:03
dragonlyremgv1 don't run as root.03:03
zebi_isabellf yes03:04
=== adam is now known as Guest16429
=== kernel is now known as clara
mgv1dragonlyre, so what can i do?03:04
dragonlyremgv1 have restarted your computer?03:05
mgv1dragonlyre, no03:05
mgv1dragonlyre, thanks, i hope to understand how to use airocrack03:06
dragonlyreoh heck, never run anything like as Root...03:06
mgv1what can i do if f-spot is crashing?03:07
OneMillionDollarwhy ubuntu only play one audio stream at a time03:08
OneMillionDollarif i play both a video and a music on different app it only play one of them03:08
bobertdosOneMillionDollar: Are you using 8.04 (Hardy)?03:08
=== xiong-knows-not is now known as xiong
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?03:09
webbb82anyone got some ideas of a good clippboard manager  better than the one that comes with ubuntu03:09
bobertdosOneMillionDollar: That is a known issue with Pulse audio. If you want to try and get around it, switch the Sound Preferences or the preferences in individual programs to ALSA.03:11
=== everton137_ is now known as everton137
tynchoComo estan hay alguien03:13
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bobertdos!es | tyncho03:13
ubottutyncho: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:13
webbb82my mouse has two main buttons and two secondary buttons how can i get these to work the mouse properties dont give the option03:13
Crash1hdhow do I setup cronjobs on ubuntu?03:15
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm03:16
Crash1hdctmjr: thanks :)03:16
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?03:16
ctmjrCrash1hd: your welcome03:16
scuchaofanis there anyone here?03:17
Guest4270scuchaofan, would not matter if anyone was here.03:17
smarks_ya theres people here03:18
ekontsevoyUNIX permissions: how do I set up a folder where a bunch of users can create/delete/modify/read files? something like /var/shared/03:18
ekontsevoyRight now if someone creates a file, nobody else can touch it. Can I force all new files to inherit parent directory permissions?03:18
bobertdos!chmod | ekontsevoy03:18
ubottuekontsevoy: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:18
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?03:19
OneMillionDollarhohoho alsa does solve it03:19
OneMillionDollari wonder why ubuntu use other  at default03:19
woodyjlwj/ #wicd03:19
OneMillionDollarwhen alsa does the job03:19
funnymanhello all, my desktop ubuntu is not booting and fsck failed. Now the screen is kinda black, yet i can't get to the terminal. It just stays there, and seemingly checking for the fs in the background. what should i do guys03:19
=== Guest4270 is now known as DoOver
DoOverHI, i need to reformat my drive, is there a formater in ubuntu?03:20
bobertdosOneMillionDollar: At the time Hardy came out Pulseaudio still had quite a few bugs. They have been resolved since.03:21
zebi_DoOver you want to reinstall or install win?03:21
DoOverI tried using gparted but grub is still coming up.03:21
leaf-sheepDoOver: Purpose of formatting the drive?03:21
DoOverzebi, I want to reformat my drive completely, 100%.  I want all data off the drive.03:22
EvilPsychgood evening03:22
lepturetest irssi03:22
EvilPsychi've got an odd install problem that i've repeated no matter the solution03:22
funnymananyone have a solution for my problem?03:22
bobertdosfunnyman: How far does it get in booting>03:22
DoOverI tried dban, but I am getting an error.  (non-fatal error)03:22
EvilPsychcan-not get past the initial login screen03:22
EvilPsychafter installation w/ alternate cd03:22
EvilPsychon 9.0403:23
DoOverleaf-sheep, I want to re-install ubuntu and windows in a dual boot for my sister.03:23
=== xyz is now known as RukusX
SladeI'm having a problem fixing the screen resolution on my computer03:23
EvilPsychkey/mouse freezes up and i cant even type the user name03:23
Sladeit's only going up to 1280x1240 when windows can go much higher. any ideas?03:23
DoOverAm I the first person that wants to format a drive?  How can this be hard?  does ubuntu ship with a program that will format the COMPLETE drive?03:24
RukusXhey is swap on a machine with 2gb's of ram necessary? like do i really need 2 - 5 gigs of swap space? i never see my computer using swap ever.03:24
funnymanbobertdos, i showed the ubuntu loading bar , then checks for fs (which we can press Esc for skipping) It doesn't matter whether i press ESC, it will go to this black console printing error messages, and it's been staying frozen for like 20 mins03:24
Xgateswhen I try to install a new linux-header-generic the DKMS fails for building the nvidia module, how can I get it to build and not fail?03:24
bobertdosfunnyman: Reboot, and then before the splash screen, do Alt-F1. It should switch to a rather verbose text boot.03:25
DoOverDoes anyone know how to format a hard drive?  I need to erase the data on the drive.  I tried gparted but grub is still coming up (with errors of course, but it comes up and that tells me the drive is not formated completely).03:25
zebi_DoOver you can with the windows cd and the ubuntu cd too, or with acronis03:25
SladeDoOver: what type of filesystem do u want?03:25
DoOverwindows will not reformat the whole drive03:25
DoOverslade, I am doing a dual boot.03:26
zebi_or gparted..03:26
DoOverwhat is acronis?03:26
SladeDoOver: is the drive partitioned?03:26
ncfi1013where do i find the default gateway in linux?03:26
DoOverslade, I want to do a format on the drive... partitions will be wiped.03:26
SladeDoOver, then you need to fdisk the drive03:26
Sladegparted will help you03:26
jduncfi1013: find the ip of the default gateway on your network?03:27
zebi_DoOver a program for erase all data on hard disk03:27
RukusXso what is the deal on swap space?03:27
DoOverslade, thired time, I did gparted.  grub is still coming up.03:27
funnymanbobertdos a got a shell now, starting with (initramfs), is this what you meant?03:27
ScottNYCis there a way to restart ubuntu on a mac03:27
bobertdosncfi1013: In the terminal, you can use ifconfig. Graphically, you can right-click the network icon on the top and check Connection Information.03:27
WonderfunkJonesHow do I share an external USB drive on my wireless network with other computers?03:27
SladeDoOver: First time, i didn't see the other two times you said it.03:27
DoOverslade, fare enough.03:27
SladeDoOver: Got an old windows98 boot floppy?03:27
Sladeeven better, got a floppy drive?03:27
funnymanbobertdos: buzz :)03:28
Xgatescan anyone tell me how to get DKMS to build the nvidia module when installing a new kernel?03:28
DoOverslade the windows fdisk will not format the whole drive.  the outer part of the drive will not be touched.03:28
Xgatesit keeps failing on me...03:28
zebi_but you must burn a cd..03:28
bobertdosfunnyman: Not quite, at the shell, you should be able to reboot, either by typing reboot or doing control alt delete. Then do alt F1 to do the text boot.03:28
Sladeif not, and you have the windows CD. boot off of that, then go into widnows recovery console, and type in FIXMBR03:28
zonedfullHello I have a big problem installing anything on my ubuntu 9.04 after tried to install JAVA...The java failed to install and I get the error E:dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run "sudo dpkg -- configure -a" to correct the problem E: _cache-open()failed),please report03:28
SladeDoOver: the syntax is fdisk /MBR03:28
zebi_yes its the best with windows cd03:29
Sladethat will kill grub03:29
DoOver zebi, thanks, I will check out acronis03:29
Sladebut then you need to get into the windows recovery console with the windows install cd03:29
Sladeand do FIXMBR03:29
zebi_gparted works too03:29
DoOverslade, what does the /mbr do for you?03:29
Sladezebi_: appears he doesn't want to use gparted03:29
ctmjrRukusX: it is not necessary to have swap but if you ever need it and do not have your system will crash so it's pretty much up to you03:29
SladeDoOver: it erases the Master Boot Record03:29
Sladethat is where grub is installed03:29
LucidGuySimple question.  I have a typical DVD file stucture Audio and Video direcotories containeing the typical vob files etc.  How would one properly burn that to a DVD without converting to ISO etc... in Ubuntu03:30
Sladebe warned, if you do not have a boot cd or floppy, you wont be able to boot your pc again03:30
Jordan_Uzonedfull: I assume you get the second part of the error again if you run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ?03:30
DoOverthanks slade.  that might do it.03:30
RukusXctmjr: well i have 2gb ram.... how much swap should i have?03:30
SladeDoOver, read my warning03:30
DoOverslade and zebi, I have tried gparted several times... grub is till there.03:30
zonedfullYes I have tried that In terminal03:30
Jordan_URukusX: Do you want to be able to hibernate?03:30
acostelloRukusX: 2 gigs of ram doesnt touch your swap... swap is like the pagefile in windows...03:31
funnymanbobertdos: i have multiple OSes installed, right after i choose ubuntu, if i press fast enough , i get this prompt but it's not a shell. I tried "reboot" and now the screen is totally black, no message..03:31
bobertdoszonedfull: The terminal makes it easier to fix this. Run the commands it's telling you. Install java using sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre and make sure you accept the license agreement by using the tab key to move around.03:31
DoOverslade, I am using ubuntu and windows... i am wiping the drive.  yes I ahve the reinstall disks.03:31
funnymanbobertdos: Press fast enough = press Alt+F1 fast enough03:31
SladeDoOver, then that's all you need03:31
Sladebrb gotta reboot03:31
RukusXacostello: don't compare to windows for me. lol won't work. :)03:31
Sladethen i need to address this screen resolution problem03:32
acostelloRukusX: lol ok03:32
Xgatesdoes anyone know why  DKMS fails to build Nvidia on new kernels, is it because the Nvidia packs are just meant for certain kernels?03:32
Jordan_Uzonedfull: Could you please file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug dpkg" ?03:32
ctmjrRukusX: it is recommended to have double the amount of ram03:32
RukusXacostello:  haha i am just having fun. :) i know that ubuntu does use swap different;y than windows tho03:32
zonedfullNO when I write it now it came up with setting up sun.java6-fonts03:32
DoOverSlade, thanks.  Nice to come accross someone who knows what they are doing and can explain clearly.  I really appreciate it.03:33
DoOverI do have cfdisk also, do you know what that is?03:33
RukusXctmjr:  but where is the threshold?  that is old recommendations. Now we have machines with 4 gbs of ram or more, would it make sense to havea 6gb swap file/ partition ?03:33
bobertdosfunnyman: Do you have a live cd? If you do, use that to get at your Ubuntu partition. Edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst. Find in the most current automagic kernel entry the word "splash" and delete it.03:33
funnymanbobertdos: i think it's BusyBox built-in shell . It says here03:33
zonedfullBut there is also a problem with that...This package is an installer packager it does not actually contain the JDK documation. You will need to download one of the archives..03:33
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?03:33
RukusXctmjr i mean 10 gb03:34
RukusXor 1203:34
RukusXu get the point03:34
FloodBot1RukusX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:34
funnymanbobertdos: okie, i'll give that a go, thanks03:34
zonedfullI have downloaded the JDK doc... but I dont get the acces to paste the file into the root directory like its explained in the Terminal03:34
zonedfullYes IM a newbie03:34
Jordan_URukusX: The main consideration now is how much you need to hibernate, as hibernation saves your RAM compressed to the swap partition you need somewhat less than your physical memory for swap to be able to hibernate03:34
RukusXJordan_U:  thats fine and all. but i never plan on hibernating.03:35
RukusXJordan_U:  but that might be a good guideline to go by, for your total failsafe minimum. its not a bad point03:35
RukusXthe thing is, that i never see free -m using swap ever03:36
RukusXSwap:         2149          0       214903:36
zonedfullJordan U how do I do that03:36
zonedfullMabe It would be easier all if I could have the IRC client at the ubuntu PC...03:37
dios_mioRukusX , open 30 firefox pages03:37
RukusXdios_mio: who would?03:37
Cronixzonedfull: sudo apt-get install irssi03:37
zonedfullNow Im into a windows PC cause I cant install IRC at the ubuntu since the Synapic is down03:37
Cronixah lol03:37
Jordan_Uzonedfull: Pidgin supports IRC ( though the interface isn't great for IRC )03:37
funnymanbobertdos: what was the possible cause of this issue? (i'm still booting the live cd)03:37
Jordan_Uzonedfull: And pidgin comes pre-installed03:38
RukusXi use kvirc or xchat03:38
RukusXright now is kvirc03:38
powerjucehey guys, i have ubuntu installed onto my harddrive, i decided to install xp after that so i installed it at the last 10 gigs of the drive, however when i run xp it runs really slowly and freezes a lot. is that because of ubuntu?03:38
lucasmorahello everyone. I use Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS and I would like to know how I write ASCII characters like those hearts <3, (tm) and stuff like that03:38
Cronixzonedfull: can u compile?03:38
RukusXpowerjuce:  did you move windows to the front or back of your hard drive?03:38
RukusXpowerjuce:  sorry i misread03:39
RukusXpowerjuce: do some googling, but maybe windows xp doesnt like being at the back of the hard drive03:39
bullgard4What does 'desc' stand for in the filename /usr/share/tasksel/ubuntu-tasks.desc?03:39
powerjuceRukusX: ok thaks03:40
ShapeShifter499I have ubuntu 9.04, I need to install windows 7 rc 7100 build to test if its my ubuntu install or just hardware thats not working correctly how do I prevent having to reinstall ubuntu if I find out its just hardware? (I'm testing my webcam)03:40
bobertdosfunnyman: Well, sometimes, as with my laptop, if your system runs at a resolution that isn't supported by the splash screen controller, the bot sequence will choke because it's looking for boot decoration at a resolution it doesn't actually support. It's a little weird, but that's the best I can explain it. That may or may not be your issue, but it works in some situations.03:40
lstarnesbullgard4: it may be a debian description file03:40
Sladeanyone know how to get kopete to connect to yahoo?03:40
zonedfullIm sitting with pidgin trying to configure03:40
zonedfullSorry for my late answer03:41
Jordan_Upowerjuce: Run a checkdisk in windows, if it finds nothing wrong then it's not resizing that caused the problem03:41
harisundI have a EEE 900 series. I don't know if my camera is recognized or not. Does Ubuntu have drivers and software for in-built laptop cameras? Is there any software that will allow me to voice chat on Ubuntu?03:42
powerjuceJordan_U: ok03:42
funnymanbobertdos: thanks:), now i'm in Ubuntu live, but i can't see /boot/grup/menu.lst03:42
ShapeShifter499well anyone?03:43
zonedfull1Now Iam connected03:43
Jordan_Uharisund: You can test your camera with a program called "cheeze" which you can install from Applications > Add / Remove, it's a lot like Apple's Photo Booth03:43
bobertdosfunnyman:  grub, not grup03:43
zonedfull1I THINK03:43
zonedfull1yes U am03:43
ANTRatUncle|Sam: is zonedfull1 connected?03:43
ANTRatnot Uncle|Sam03:43
funnymanbobertdos: yes, grub :) typo, still no03:43
ANTRatim not in the right channel, ignore me03:43
harisundJordan_U, all right will check that out. Thanks man .. and video chat?03:44
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?03:44
bobertdosfunnyman: Do you use a bootloader other than grub?03:44
zonedfull1Cronix or jordan U03:44
webbb82im trying to change the mouse button when i do highlight txt then middle click to paste  i have a 4 button mouse how can i change it from middle click to another button03:44
zonedfull1I am here now03:44
zonedfull1Thanx for answering me03:44
funnymanbobertdos: tbh, i'm not sure03:44
bobertdosfunnyman: In the terminal, can you cd /boot/grub?03:44
zebi_anyone know linux mint distribution03:44
funnymanbobertdos: no :(03:45
ShapeShifter499how do I install win 7 rc 7100 build onto my comp with ubuntu with out loosing my ability to load ubuntu?03:45
Xgatesdoes anyone know why  DKMS fails to build Nvidia on new kernels, is it because the Nvidia packs are just meant for certain kernels?03:45
Jordan_Uharisund: There are a few options for video chat, empathy, the newest version of Pidgin ( which is not in 9.04 ), ekiga ( which comes pre-installed ) and skype ( which is proprietary )03:45
XgatesI want to install a new kernel and DKSM fails to build nvidia03:45
harisundJordan_U, I didn't know Skype on linux supported video chat. Thank you! Will try that out03:45
Jordan_Uharisund: I don't have experience with any of them though so no reccomendation :)03:45
bobertdosfunnyman: Wait, wait, first look in Places to see if your Ubuntu partition is listed there. If it is, select it and it will mount, usually to the /media folder.03:46
funnymanbobertdos: if i use File Browser, i see 3 partitions, 1 is 2GB which has folder "grub", "lost+found" and all the initrd.img03:46
=== Xpl0it_Away is now known as Xpl0it
zonedfull1Jodan_U: what did u want me to send..03:46
funnymanbobertdos: I also see a 60G partition (which is probably my ubuntu partition) but when i click ,it says ...03:47
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: First pastebin ( don't paste into the channel ) the output of "sudo dpkg --configure -a"03:47
funnyman"Unable to moung: wrong fs type, bad toption, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error03:47
zonedfull1can I paste IT private to you?03:48
Jordan_Ufunnyman: What are you trying to do?03:48
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: It's better if you use pastebin so others can help03:48
bobertdosfunnyman: Sounds to me like that partition was never completely formatted.03:48
Jordan_U!paste | zonedfull103:48
ubottuzonedfull1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!03:48
funnymanbobertdos: I just tried to click on that partition , using the File Browser . The fact is i'm in Live Ubuntu now and i don't know what to do next :)03:49
funnymanbobertdos: Oh, and another WINDOW Partition which is browse-able03:50
Jordan_Ufunnyman: What are you trying to do?03:50
funnymanJordan_U: i'm trying to fix the fs03:50
bobertdosfunnyman: You know, you may need to install again. It really sounds like that Ubuntu partition is corrupt.03:50
zonedfull1Is this the way to do it:http://paste.ubuntu.com/276722/03:51
funnymanJordan_U: i'm in live Ubuntu, and i can't access my installed ubuntu partition :(03:51
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Ok, can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?03:51
funnymanbobertdos: that sounds real bad to me03:51
webbb82did you guys know that to copy and paste very easly is just highlight what you want to copy , then whereever you want it pasted just click on the middle mouse button and it will automaticly paist it there. i cant do this because i have 4 buttons rather than 303:51
funnymanJordan_U: ok, 1 sec03:52
bullgard4lstarnes: Ah, thank you for explaining.03:52
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?03:52
bobertdoszonedfull1: How did you try to install java the very first time?03:53
Jordan_UFohn: What do you mean "using CCC" ?03:53
* nit is back.03:53
FohnJordan_U: Catalyst control Center, the proprietary AMD display manager.03:54
mgv1what can i do to play these radios? one ubuntu do that and i want to make others too03:54
dragonlyre!hi |Clm03:54
ubottuClm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:54
funnymanJordan_U: http://pastebin.org/22834 pls have a look03:54
Clmgetting an error when i try to  mount my drive03:54
zonedfull1bobertdos: My girlfriend tried to do it and she insatlled via synaptic an she innstalle everyting with java there...5 and 6....do I have to reformat again?03:55
Fohn!details | Clm03:55
ubottuClm: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:55
Clmmount: can't find /dev/sda5/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:55
DallasCan someone give me a beginner's guide to learning ubuntu and maybe some starter software?03:55
zonedfull1she also tried to install the selfextracted from Java.com to I think03:55
funnymanJordan_U: I have dual boot windows + ubuntu03:56
bobertdoszonedfull1: oh boy03:56
zonedfull1and no java came and ..no flash playing no java and no synaotic ... Hoffff :)03:56
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Run "sudo fsck /dev/sda3" to check and optionally repair that partititon03:56
bobertdoszonedfull1: Uninstall everything java related that you can from Synaptic.03:57
zonedfull1I cant cause I cant get into synaptic...I got error then03:57
gnychisdoes anyone here use a Thinkpad X300?03:57
bobertdoszonedfull1: What's the error you get with Synaptic.03:57
FohnDallas: Most of your basic software comes preinstalled with ubuntu. The best way to learn is just learning as you go, but if you have questions, feel free to ask on here, or peruse the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php03:58
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: Can you please pastebin the output of "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ?03:58
funnymanJordan_U: Sometimes, it asks like "Deleted inode 245769 has zero dtime. Fix <y>? ", what should i do? "y" ?03:58
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: If you can't use pastebin for some reason then you can pm it to me but I would prefer pastebin03:58
LazardUbuntu is a good operating system.03:58
LazardIt is.03:58
prince_jammysClm: what's the command that gave you that error? looks like you forgot to type a space.03:58
init_how ubuntu read and write  ntfs external hdd ?03:58
zonedfull1I have done that03:58
Fohn!pm | Clm03:59
ubottuClm: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:59
LazardI need to repeat that to me seveeral times.03:59
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Most likely yes, do you know what corrupted the partition?03:59
LazardUntil I believe it.03:59
ctmjrDallas: this will get you started http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html03:59
linuxguy2009I have Ubuntu on this machine Im using now and I need to reinstall Windows XP on my netbook.Is there any way to install from a flashdrive? I tried unetbootin but all I get is a Default option at bootup and it just loops back again.03:59
zonedfull1wasnt that correct jordan_U03:59
funnymanJordan_U: i'm not sure, yesterday I used Windows to burn some data, today I could login, and after opening Firefox, the system restarted and there it went...03:59
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Jordan_Uzonedfull1: Yes that was what I wanted04:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:00
zonedfull1Thank u so much for helping me04:00
=== Heretic is now known as Guest71746
funnymanJordan_U: 99% of the time i use this Ubuntu box to develop some PHP apps, and that's about it, nothing special i really don't know the reason04:00
zonedfull1Im very grateful04:00
=== Guest71746 is now known as th3heretic
linuxguy2009Im not installing Ubuntu from a USB I have a burner on this PC. I want to use Ubuntu to make a bootable USB for installing Windows to another netbook.04:01
gnychisdoes anyone here use a Thinkpad X300?04:01
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: Try running "sudo apt-get remove sun-java5-doc" ( you don't need or want it anyway )04:01
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?04:01
funnymanJordan_U: it asks my lots of questions whichi i don't have a clue, ^^, maybe i'll just go "yes" every time :P04:01
brianVis there any easy way to see GPU and CPU temps in Ubuntu?04:02
XgatesSay when I try to install the Mainline kernel linux-image-2.6.31-020631 when I install the headers DKMS fails to build Nvidia, anyone can help please?04:02
bobertdoszonedfull1: Basically, our goal is to get the stuff that's already been installed purged so we can try and start fresh. Here's a hint for future reference. If your comfortable with the terminal, apt-get is your friend. Synaptic is not always so much your friend :P04:02
Jordan_UXgates: You installed the mainline headers package?04:03
XgatesJordan_U: ahhh didn't know there was such a package to install, is it in Synaptic, look for mainline?04:04
gnychisdoes anyone here use a Thinkpad X300?04:04
Jordan_UXgates: No, it's in the same "PPA" that you got the mainline kernel image package from04:05
ctmjr!info lm-sensors | brianV  there is some configuring to it04:05
XgatesJordan_U: I got it here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds?action=show&redirect=KernelMainlineBuilds04:05
ubottubrianV: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-2ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 122 kB, installed size 556 kB04:05
XgatesJordan_U: I don't see any mainline pack to install...04:06
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zonedfull1Jordan_U: this is what I get then too http://paste.ubuntu.com/276729/04:06
brianVthanks, ctmjr04:06
XgatesJordan_U: I just grabbed the kernels in the archive:   http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=M;O=D04:07
funnymanJordan_U: it's asked me more than hundreds of questions already, how long is this going to be ? hours?04:07
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: Now remove sun-java6-doc ( sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-doc )04:07
spreeHow do I play a ratDVD format? i have googled some but have not found the right answer, lots of junk links04:08
ctmjrbrianV: your welcome you might want too google it to see how to set it up it's been a long time since i played with it04:08
zonedfull1Thid I successfully remove java5 there04:08
Jordan_Ufunnyman: You can just hold down the y, key. You might have lost some files though so when its done I would back up anything important and just know that you may need to re-install ( usually files lost are system files rather than personal files, just because there are so many more of them :)04:09
zonedfull1Jordan_u yes: its removed..04:09
funnymanJordan_U: Thanks04:09
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: Ok, are you still getting any errors?04:10
kannan01i want only one instance of mplayer when selecting second media file... can any on help me avoid mplayer opening in second instance..!!04:10
Jordan_Ufunnyman: np04:10
XgatesJordan_U: you talking about the Linux Headers? If so that's the problem when I try to install I think it's the generic one it won't compile Nvidia module04:10
Jordan_Ufunnyman: The files that fsck finds but doesn't know the name of ( or what directory they are supposed to be in ) will bin in /lost+found04:11
zonedfull1Jodan_U now I can get into the synaptic ..GREAT! THANK U...But how do I install java now...and the Adobe Flash Player....That would be the greatest EVER04:11
dios_miohow do I record my voice?04:11
zonedfull1or to play flash movies04:11
zonedfull1Cause I cant04:11
Fohndios_mio, you can go to applications>sound and video>sound recorder for a very basic gui recording tool.04:12
funnymanJordan_U: Oh, thanks, neverknew the meaning of that directory until now :)04:12
Strife89Ugh, this is unfortunate. I accidentally unchecked Enable Networking, but when I rechecked it my Wi-Fi wouldn't connect. I flipped off and on the manual switch, and now Ubuntu won't detect the interface at all. Now what?04:12
dios_miofohn thans04:12
spreeHow do I play a ratDVD format? i have googled some but have not found the right answer, lots of junk links04:12
felixsullaI am on a laptop, and I use an external monitor. Every time I reboot, I have to go back into the Nvidia controls to tell Ubuntu to use my external monitor only. How do I make it remember automatically?04:12
funnymanJordan_U: btw, i've made the "Enter" key stuck, it's going "fine", hehe, killing lots of things...04:13
Jordan_UXgates: You need to install the header package from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/04:13
bobertdoszonedfull1: Okay, now, make this easier on yourself and use the terminal to begin with. Use sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin. For flash, we need to make sure the multiverse repo is enabled and then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree.04:13
Jordan_UXgates: The kernel headers always need to match the running kernel04:13
Fohndios_mio: No problem. If you want a tool with more features, you can check out audacity at http://audacity.sourceforge.net/04:13
thiebaudefelixsulla, try saving as root04:13
zonedfull1ok bobertdos...04:13
dios_miofohn, thanks04:13
zonedfull1Thank u so much04:13
zonedfull1I try that now04:13
Strife89Ugh, this is unfortunate. I accidentally unchecked Enable Networking, but when I rechecked it my Wi-Fi wouldn't connect. I flipped off and on the manual switch, and now Ubuntu won't detect the interface at all. Now what? Can anyone offer a suggestion?04:14
felixsullathiebaude: It's a desktop app, so go to terminal, run gksu Nautilus then open the Nvidia settings and save it? ..04:14
XgatesJordan_U: I Just told you I downloaded and installed them from here:  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31/04:14
bobertdoszonedfull1 Installing java will ask you to accept the license agreement. Don't forget to use tab to move around when that happens.04:14
zonedfull1Yes Sir04:14
thiebaudefelixsulla, nvidia-settings04:14
XgatesJordan_U: I know what the headers are, I said the problem is when I try to install one of them it won't build Nvidia, Nvidia fails04:15
FohnHello. I've gotten a new monitor and I have it configured with proper resolution and refresh rates in xorg.conf so that my login screen and other users' screens come up perfectly, however whenever I log into my profile my resolution is reverted back to my old resolution, and I have to manually change it using CCC. Anyone know how I can make the changes persistent?04:15
shachafWhat would be the simplest way of getting a newer version of subversion working? Compiling it myself? Karmic has the new version, but I don't want to upgrade yet.04:15
noothere is water on the moon - i knew it!04:15
felixsullaStrife89: You can try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart  .. I have the same problem you are talking about, but I lose internet until I reboot :/04:15
jazzfind /dir/path/ -mmin n means find Files whose data was last modified n minutes ago. How do I find for n seconds ago?04:15
felixsullathiebaude: Huh?04:15
zonedfull1It came up with that sun java plug in is allready innstalled04:15
Jordan_UXgates: What error are you getting from DKMS?04:16
XgatesJordan_U: there seems to be a problem with the latest kernels that they won't build Nvidia04:16
netbookFohn you might want to look up xrandr04:16
XgatesJordan_U: it just says build fail is all for nvidia04:16
netbooki think that is it04:16
zonedfull1sun java6 is allready in newest version04:16
netbookfohn are you using nvidia drivers?04:16
bobertdoszonedfull1: Okay, so then let's turn our attention to Firefox.04:16
XgatesJordan_U: I tried with Nvidia 173 and 180 both fail04:17
felixsullaI am on a laptop, and I use an external monitor. Every time I reboot, I have to go back into the Nvidia controls to tell Ubuntu to use my external monitor only. How do I make it remember automatically?04:17
thiebaudefelixsulla, i had to install nvidia-settings04:17
wzssyqait seems that my grub.cfg became a bin file04:17
SudoKingcould anyone point me to a page about how to enter foreign characters (such as accented letters/question marks) in Ubuntu? afaik the alt in windows aren't working for that :S04:17
thiebaudefelixsulla, and then gksudo nvidia-settings to save my settings04:17
Fohnnetbook: Xrandr would change the resolution for my session only. I have ATI drivers, not nvidia drivers.04:17
bobertdosIf you type about:plugins into firefox, do you see the sun plugins for handling java?04:17
netbookfelixsulla nvidia-settings is usually installed when you install restricted video driver support04:17
thiebaudenetbook, yep thats what i did04:18
netbookfohn if you do man xrandr you will see that there are some default modes04:18
netbookfohn gah04:18
netbooki meant you should look up xrandr -q all or something like that04:18
zonedfull1Well NOW its working on my bank ID the Java04:18
netbookset a default mode04:18
gOLDfeeshI'm having an issue installing AVLD it's a dummy video driver. I did everything the site tells me.. and when I try to modprobe it .. it says it can't find the module04:18
gnychisdoes anyone here use a Thinkpad X300?04:19
Strife89felixsulla: That and rebooting didn't help. :/04:19
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zonedfull1the only thing I want to work now is the flash play of movies04:19
ncfi1013what application name do i give kopete in port forwarding rules on the router?04:19
felixsullaStrife89: You aren't by chance on a laptop that has a switch that disables wireless that's been flipped to off..?04:19
bobertdoszonedfull1: In the terminal, do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree.04:19
netbooki am a noob leading the noobs, though i did just deal with this problem04:20
Strife89felixsulla: It has a swith, but I double-checked, it's on.04:20
zonedfull1I use this site and cant play the movies here in Firefox: www.vgtv.no04:20
wzssyqaanyone help me?04:20
gOLDfeeshI'm having an issue installing AVLD it's a dummy video driver. I did everything the site tells me.. and when I try to modprobe it .. it says it can't find the module PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/d3e6b506e04:20
XgatesJordan_U: shouldn't any of the mainline kernels build Nvidia?04:20
wzssyqa it seems that my grub.cfg became a bin file04:20
thiebaudewzssyqa, what is your question?04:20
ncfi1013i cant connect to my contacts in kopete. it keeps saying that they are offline and that wait till they are online or use software that supports offline protocol.04:21
felixsullaStrife89: If you go to edit connections, and under Wireless tab is your router there?04:21
Jordan_UXgates: Proprietary drivers often don't build with the latest kernels at first04:21
zonedfull1It came up with that flashplugin is allready in newest version that to04:21
wzssyqathiebaude: so ,i can't edit it04:21
Jordan_UXgates: There may be a patch needed04:21
zonedfull1But i cant play the movies at that site: www.vgtv.no04:21
thiebaudewzssyqa, i dont know anything about that04:21
musikgoatwzssyqa: whats the path to the file you are attempting to edit?04:21
Strife89felixsulla: Yes.04:22
bobertdoszonedfull1: Okay, so check about:plugins in Firefox. If you have Gnash or other flash alternatives in there, they need to die.04:22
wzssyqamusikgoat: /boot/grub/grub.cfg04:22
XgatesJordan_U: ok if you find a patch please let me know, I'll try an older kernel in the meantime...04:22
_n3ss_paaa cuanta gente!04:22
_n3ss_alguien spanish04:22
felixsullaStrife89: What does ifconfig in terminal show?04:22
jazzHow do you delete files in a directory that are older than 5 seconds?04:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:22
_n3ss_buenas a todos04:22
musikgoatwzssyqa: first, i think you should ask in #ubuntu+1, unless you are running jaunty and grub204:22
gOLDfeesh!anyone | gOLDfeesh04:23
ubottugOLDfeesh, please see my private message04:23
Strife89felixsulla: Only eth0 and lo. Odd, wlan0 should be there....04:23
musikgoatwzssyqa: second, the file you edit is in /etc/default04:23
_n3ss_Muchas Gracias UBOTTU04:23
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:23
musikgoatwzssyqa: once you've edited that file, you then run sudo update-grub and it will write it to the grub.cfg04:23
felixsullaStrife89: Agreed, I think Ubuntu has dumbed your ethernet card?04:23
gOLDfeeshAnyways, my question any idea as to why I can't load the module? Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d3e6b506e04:24
wzssyqamusikgoat: t will try04:24
Strife89felixsulla: Is a reinstall in order?04:24
musikgoatwzssyqa: i think its /etc/default/grub.something... i don't have grub2 on this machine04:24
felixsullaStrife89: I dont think you should have to do that.. there is probably a way to get it to recognize your wireless again.04:24
ncfi1013what application name do i give kopete in port forwarding rules on the router?i cant connect to my contacts in kopete. it keeps saying that they are offline and that wait till they are online or use software that supports offline protocol.04:24
_n3ss_Gracais, hasta luego, bye04:24
zonedfull1bobertdos I have shockwave flash there04:25
frybyehi - when I try and use jaunty live-cd with gparted to prepare some old pc's for installing win2000 (at work = no choice-) I am not sure what settings to use...04:25
gnychisdoes anyone here use a Thinkpad X300?04:25
zonedfull1and qucktime with Totem04:26
Jordan_Uzonedfull1: When you go to that site to you get a message about missing plugins or does the video just not play?04:26
frybyeI tried to take the file format DOS and then make particions with fat32 but the cd the boss gave us with an image of win2000 for this hardware did not work.... any ideas??04:26
zonedfull1the video just not play04:26
Strife89felixsulla: Question is ... what?04:26
zonedfull1not any question04:26
wzssyqamusikgoat: it seems that have a grub04:26
sebsebsebfrybye: Do Microsoft even provide support for Windows 2000 anymore?04:26
thiebaudesebsebseb, no04:27
musikgoatwzssyqa: what?04:27
thiebaudesebsebseb, its past extended support04:27
felixsullaStrife89: Lets dig around on Google here...04:27
bobertdoszonedfull1: Anything else besides shockwave flash? What version does it list?04:27
wzssyqamusikgoat: but in it ,there is no item for boot04:27
frybyesebsebseb: not sure - but I have no say in such decisions at the job - just expected to do what I am told...04:27
sebsebsebthiebaude: yes that's what I thought, so what's this about frybye  having to  prepare  computers for Windows 2000?04:27
Strife89sebsebseb: No.04:27
musikgoat!grub2 | wzssyqa04:27
ubottuwzssyqa: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:27
wzssyqamusikgoat: i am trying boot arch from ubuntu's grub204:27
D3RGPS31anyone know of a way to set the boot resolution to something the framebuffer doesn't support (grub2)04:27
sebsebsebfrybye: ok well that's silly,  but  should  be able to just delete the partitions on the 2000 CD and install,  or use gparted to delete tehm04:28
musikgoatwzssyqa: maybe you should ask in #arch04:28
zonedfull1seems like its totem that handles everyting04:28
Jordan_Ufrybye: If that install CD can install to those computers it can format them itself. You might want to ask in ##windows04:28
musikgoatwzssyqa: or #archlinux04:28
thiebaudefrybye, just install the cd04:28
zonedfull1exept flash that is shockwave flash 9.0 r99904:29
wzssyqamusikgoat: but i am using the ubuntu's grub04:29
Jordan_Uwzssyqa: What happens when you run "sudo update-grub" ?04:29
ncfi1013what application name do i give kopete in port forwarding rules on the router? and i cant connect to my contacts in kopete. it keeps saying that they are offline and that wait till they are online or use software that supports offline protocol.04:29
frybyesebsebseb: the boss does not want us to use the win2000 install cd - he has a pre-prepared image that is supposed to match the hardware we have ... my question is what settings in gparted to use....?04:29
zonedfull1jodan_U: nothing happens yes it doesnt ask for codecs or anything04:29
wzssyqaJordan_U: i can't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg04:29
Strife89felixsulla: I can't search, my DS is my only way to the Internet 'till my laptop's back up, and it's running ClIRC at the moment.04:30
musikgoatwzssyqa: no you are simply using grub2, and trying to boot to arch,  most people here aren't yet familiar with grub2, but that link ubottu gave ou might help04:30
Jordan_Uwzssyqa: You shouldn't edit it04:30
jimbeam12GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278304:30
musikgoatJordan_U: i gave him the correct path to /etc/default/grub04:30
frybyehmmm... I am confused myself - my college is deaf+dumb and it is hard to communicate with him... have no figured out how this image is supposed to be installed....04:30
sebsebsebfrybye: Gparted is for  making and deleting partitions that kind of thing,  not using prepared images04:30
D3RGPS31anyone know of a way to set the boot resolution to something the framebuffer doesn't support04:30
Jordan_Uwzssyqa: When you run "sudo update-grub" does update-grub add an entry for arch?04:30
kandjarI'm having an issue using screen: on a remote computer i have screen running for user1, I ssh to that box with user2, then i 'su' to log on with user1 but i can't do "screen -r"; any reason why?04:30
bobertdoszonedfull1: Eee, yeah, not good04:30
sebsebsebfrybye: as far as I know04:31
ctmjr!keyring | jimbeam1204:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring04:31
wzssyqaJordan_U: i wiil try04:31
jimbeam12yeah how to i get it04:31
bobertdoszonedfull1: Are you on jaunty?04:31
jimbeam12how do i get it ctmjr04:31
felixsullaStrife89: What does "lshw -c network" show? Probably no card right?04:31
frybyesebsebseb: the bs is that at work they have the ports shut off for irc - so I cant get any help there this way...04:31
zonedfull1bobertdos: shall I remove the shockwave flash then04:31
ctmjrjimbeam12: on the medibuntu website04:31
wzssyqaJordan_U: yes,it find it04:31
musikgoatfrybye: do they have ssh port disabled?04:32
bobertdoszonedfull1: yes04:32
zonedfull1ok I try that04:32
musikgoatfrybye: ssh home, and run irssi from there,  screen+irssi = win!04:32
zonedfull1and then close firefox04:32
bobertdoszonedfull1: You're not trying Koala, are you?04:32
Jordan_UD3RGPS31: If the kernel framebuffer can't support it you can't get that resolution without X. Note that KMS drivers will support the same resolutions for X and the framebuffer04:32
wzssyqaJordan_U: but,ubuntu have become non-unix04:32
Strife89felixsulla: Actually, it's there ... Says it's disabled.04:32
frybyemusikgoat: dont know really.... they ahve some sort of proxy running there that dosent allow one to do much at all...04:32
Jordan_Uwzssyqa: How so?04:32
musikgoatwzssyqa: what does that mean?04:32
felixsullaStrife89: Oh, ok. so we just have to enable it.04:33
musikgoatwzssyqa: because of grub2?04:33
sebsebsebfrybye: ok I think you should ask in ##windows04:33
bobertdoszonedfull1: No, I mean Ubuntu version04:33
wzssyqamusikgoat: i think i can do everything with vi on unix04:33
ctmjrjimbeam12: or try this sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update04:33
zonedfull1No i think this is just ubuntu 9.0404:33
prince_jammyshe means that grub.cfh is no longer a text file, which is not the case (at least in my debian box)04:33
sebsebsebfrybye: ok they have  ports blocked, but are still silly enough to be running 2000 when  Microsoft no longer support it hmm04:33
wzssyqamusikgoat: but here,i can't04:33
frybyesebsebseb: always the problem with such questions - in windows they will say "questions about gparted in #ubuntu etc..."04:33
zonedfull1how do I remove the plug in04:34
sebsebsebfrybye: as far as I know for what you want to use, you don't use gparted04:34
test34Anyone have a microsoft vx-1000 working ? (I get the green screen-> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/379024 )04:34
thiebaudefrybye, what do they have on the computers now?04:34
prince_jammyswzssyqa: what makes you say that grub.cfg is not a text file ?04:34
bobertdoszonedfull1: sudo apt-get purge libflashplayer-nonfree.04:34
zonedfull1the only option is to turn it off04:34
felixsullaStrife89: Um, .. so this is kind of a guess, but try "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"04:34
Jordan_Uwzssyqa: This is a configuration that is generated by shell scripts ( which you can edit with vi ), it doesn't get more unix than that04:34
scunizifrybye: I just logged in .. what's the question?04:34
sebsebsebfrybye: as far as I know you can't use some kind of partition backup image with gparted04:34
musikgoatprince_jammys: grub.cfg should not be hand edited in any case04:34
zonedfull1shall I do that now?04:34
prince_jammysmusikgoat: doesn't matter.04:34
arooni-mobilewith saytime; i see:  sox formats: no handler for given file type ossdsp ubuntu ... how do i fix?04:35
wzssyqaJordan_U: i really can't edit it,now04:35
frybyethe baude.. nothing... the h-ware donated by the police dept for use in the schools.. and the hard disks wiped radically clean...04:35
prince_jammystext files can be read as well as edited.04:35
thiebaudefrybye, ahh04:35
webbb82i was trying to install barpanel and i get thnis error unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor04:35
bobertdoszonedfull1: Yes, then do the opposite, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree. If that still doesn't work, purge it again and you can try downloading the deb installer from adobe's site.04:35
zonedfull1boberdos:couldnt find the package04:35
prince_jammyswzssyqa: you can't edit it because the write permission bit is off.04:35
frybyesebsebseb: is just the question of which settings to use whe making the partitions...04:35
Strife89felixsulla: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailible"04:35
wzssyqaomg,now,i can04:35
bobertdoszonedfull1: Are you using 64-bit Ubuntu?04:35
Jordan_Uwzssyqa: It has read only permission because you are supposed to edit the scripts that create the file, not the file itself ( you can edit the file manually if you really want but you shouldn't )04:36
thiebaudefrybye, maybe show your boss ubuntu04:36
sebsebsebscunizi: frybe  wants to use some kind of 2000 backup image  with gparted04:36
prince_jammyswzssyqa: that's because you're not supposed to edit that file directly.04:36
wzssyqano,i use sudo04:36
prince_jammysso what?04:36
bobertdoszonedfull1: Also, if you go into System->Administration->Software Sources, are all the repos checked?04:36
musikgoatJordan_U: but wont those edits be overwritten with update-grub?04:36
scunizisebsebseb: ah.. that's one of those things you say "good luck" too.04:36
Techiefrybye- are you stuck behind a restrictive proxy? i might be able to help04:36
sebsebsebscunizi: yes that's what I thought can't be done with gparted04:36
Jordan_Umusikgoat: Yes, which is why you should edit the scripts in /etc/grub.d/ instead04:37
wzssyqathanks everybody04:37
m0r0nIs there anywhere I can get more Compiz plugins or is what is there the only ones?04:37
sebsebsebfrybye: Gparted is for  standard partition stuff, not backups04:37
sebsebsebfrybye: not images of  partition backups04:37
frybyehang on - I will put this ? on hold for the moment and send the boss a fax pointing out that win2000 is no longer supported by ms and see what he says...04:37
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz04:38
Jordan_Um0r0n: Have you already installed compiz-fusion-plugins-extra ?04:38
thiebaudem0r0n, do you have that?04:38
* Slade is away: Bed time04:38
thiebaudem0r0n, i use compiz04:38
henry4hello world04:38
musikgoatfrybye: hah, gl with that one...my cheap old boss still wont pay for license updates to some of the older machines running win2k04:38
henry4i facing a firewall problem04:39
m0r0nJordan_U: I haven't thanks I'll do that now04:39
henry4I cannot execute this command in ubuntu 9.0404:39
henry4sudo iptables 2013A INPOUT 2013p tcp 2013d 0/0 2013s 0/0 2013dport 3306 2013j ACCEPT04:39
jimbeam12thx ctmjr04:39
henry4but in Ubuntu 8.0 can04:39
m0r0nJordan_U: Oh wait I have.04:39
henry4may i know what matter?04:40
henry4is it got changes in the command?04:40
nyu_gah, i cant get my network settings to work right in vbox04:40
webbb82i need to install a deb file in the terminal how do i do this04:40
Jordan_Uwebbb82: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb04:40
scuniziwebbb82: dpkg -i <package name>04:40
Techienyu_- if your working with other computers on a network make sure you enable the bridge adapter04:41
webbb82thanks for the help04:41
Jordan_Uwebbb82: np04:41
nyu_i got that far04:41
Techienyu_- what guest os?04:41
nyu_win xp04:41
Techienyu_- and what is the current problem?04:42
nyu_not getting internet inside vbox04:43
=== hcl is now known as Mano
Techienyu_- is the guestOS being given an ip from your dhcp server?04:43
nyu_lemme check04:44
nyu_nope, ip config04:44
nyu_is blank04:44
scunizinyu_: have you installed "guest additions" ?04:44
scunizinyu_: in a dos box try ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew04:45
m0r0nHas anyone purchased the Ubuntu support thing?04:45
nyu_its acting like its not even seeing a network card04:45
scunizinyu_: if you close the winxp guest (shutdown) then in the main vbox window highlight the xp vm and click settings you should be able to change the network card.. the default might not be right04:46
funnymanhello all, is ubuntu a good candidate for running my web server?04:46
zonedfullI had to reboot04:47
nyu_what do i need to change it to though?04:47
zonedfullto put on english menus so I could see what u ment04:47
scunizinyu_: you'll see different options.. go from one to the next. .. I'll look at mine for my win2k install and see what it's set at.04:48
nyu_i figured it out04:48
nyu_windows was using the wrong driver for my nic04:48
nyu_reinstalled driver and now im good04:48
Manocan any one tel me what does dep mean04:48
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89
scunizinyu_: so now it works?04:48
zonedfullI cant remeberr the name of the helpful man that helped me here for about 5 minutes ago04:49
scunizinyu_: good.. are you using the vbox from the repos or their site?04:49
demonsporkhi, I am using gExec for my alt+f2 run dialog (the run box is usually provided by gnome-panel, which I have disabled) but every time I open it, the window pops up in a seemingly random location. How do I make it come up in the same spot every time?04:49
Maximosearch it04:49
nyu_thier site04:49
zonedfullI should go to softtware sources and check the repos?04:49
scunizinyu_: good.. you'll have usb support then..04:49
arooni-mobilehow do i have ubuntu jaunty speak the current time?   saytime results that => sox formats: can't open output file `/dev/audio': Device or resource busy04:50
bobertdoszonedfull: There was me and Jordan_U04:51
zonedfullthank U so much04:51
SpacePigeonarooni-mobile, $ sudo apt-get install aoss && aoss saytime04:51
zonedfullboberdis...I was afraid losing u04:51
zonedfullwhat repos do u mean04:52
zonedfullIm into software sources no04:52
SpacePigeon!tab | zonedfull04:52
ubottuzonedfull: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:52
arooni-mobileE: Couldn't find package aoss04:52
SpacePigeonarooni-mobile, try alsa-oss04:52
treyhwhat room do you guys use for php04:52
bobertdosIf you go into Software Sources, check to make sure multiverse is checked. That contains flash.04:52
treyhtried ##php but it's full04:52
arooni-mobileSpacePigeon, already installed04:53
crdlb!register | treyh04:53
ubottutreyh: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode04:53
SpacePigeonthen run $ aoss saytime04:53
SpacePigeonarooni-mobile, if alsa is working then saytime should work04:53
treyhcrdlb: you have to register to join that room?04:53
crdlbtreyh: it's forwarding you to ##overflow because you're not registered, not because it's "full"04:53
XgatesCan we get the Nvidia 185 in Synaptic?04:54
zonedfullbobertdos: Umean the updates under software sources?04:54
scuniziXgates: might be in the next release.. the only other option is to go through the install steps for it04:54
zonedfullubottu: Thank U04:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Thank U04:54
zonedfullit s a bot04:55
Xgatesscunizi:  ok so only use the source for now, not in any repo?04:55
bobertdoszonedfull: No, first tab, where it says Ubuntu Software, make sure (multiverse) is checked under "Downloadable ofrom the Internet"04:55
scuniziXgates: yep.. are you having problems with the repo version?04:55
SpacePigeonarooni-mobile, so04:55
Xgatesscunizi: I need a newer kernel for a macbook so I can reboot, that means having a newer driver too04:55
dios_miotrying to record voice locks up my pc04:56
LogomachistAfter I customize the Gnome applications menu, when I reboot the Gnome panels don't load and I need to delete my customizations in the .local/share/applications directory to get Ubuntu working again. This has happened twice and it is really annoying b/c I don't like the default setup. I would like to report this bug and maybe find a fix, but where do I report it?04:56
ryguyHey, when creating a .deb file, will the packages under "depends" autoinstall when they install my .deb? Or do they have to be under "pre-depends" to autoinstall?04:56
scuniziXgates: install dkms and then with the new kernel it may be updated correctly with the repo driver.. if not you'll have to revert back to the nv driver (generic) and then do the install for the newer driver from nvidia04:57
zonedfullbobertdos: cant see that tick...I can only see since I am from Norway download from server in Norway04:57
xanguaLogomachist: are you using a stable or suported ubuntu¿04:57
Logomachist9.04, the latest stable version.04:58
m0r0nAnyone own an ION record player and use it with Ubuntu04:58
Logomachistxangua: Yes 9.0404:58
zonedfullbobertdos: Under the first tab siftware updates04:58
bobertdoszonedfull: Is there a tab that says Ubuntu Software?04:59
bobertdoszonedfull: Okay, so that tab, what all is in it?05:00
=== |chrisrio| is now known as chrisrio
zonedfulldownloadable from internet :05:01
bobertdoszonedfull: Do you see check boxes there?05:01
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:01
zonedfullCanonical supported open source, community maintained open source,property drivers, software restrivted (multivers)05:02
zonedfullEveryting is checked05:02
bullgard4'~$ /usr/lib/evolution/2.22/evolution-addressbook-export --format=csv > contacts.csv; *** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/evolution/2.22/evolution-addressbook-export: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7c9b58a ***; ======= Backtrace: =========; ...' What should I do now?05:02
zonedfullbobertdos: multiverse is there and checked05:03
Kingtiger01sounds like you need more debugging info...05:03
bobertdoszonedfull: Okay, that's what I needed to know. Now, do you know if you're running 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?05:03
bobertdoszonedfull: Okay, maybe it would be easier if we used Synaptic now.05:04
zonedfullbobertdos: for sure...sorry that I didnt see multivers at the first time05:04
zonedfullSynaptic no05:04
Kingtiger01off topic, but what Version of Ubuntu are most o you running05:04
bobertdoszonedfull: Use Synaptic to search for something like flash nonfree05:04
WzCocoondoes anybody know when the next version of ubuntu is going out?05:04
gizmobayWhen installing Ubuntu with full disk encrypt, do you still need to use cryptoswap?05:05
Kingtiger01Karmic Koala you mean?05:05
WzCocoonthe next one05:05
lstarnesKingtiger01: karmic hasn't been released yet05:05
Kingtiger01i know...05:05
Kingtiger01its a Dev. Branch05:05
WzCocoonI know it is not out yet but when05:05
lstarnesWzCocoon: october 2905:06
WzCocooncool thanks05:06
Kingtiger01idk, but i beleive i read some where october 0905:06
arooni-mobilehow do i have ubuntu jaunty speak the current time?   saytime results that => sox formats: can't open output file `/dev/audio': Device or resource busy05:06
WzCocoonKingtiger01: lstarnes: ok thnaks05:06
zonedfullIt is innstalled05:06
gOLDfeeshAnyways, my question any idea as to why I can't load the module? Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d3e6b506e05:06
gOLDfeeshor http://pastebin.com/d3bfb6b9c05:06
Kingtiger01Sorry lstanes.. didnt notice youre message prior..05:07
prenhi, i run intrepid and it keeps disconnecting from the internet (LAN) if i don't use it for more than 20 minutes, what can i do?05:07
bobertdoszonedfull: Mark it for complete uninstallation.05:07
=== matthew is now known as Guest21193
zonedfullbobertdos: Ok I do that05:08
m0r0nalsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "Mic" or mixer control is no combination of switch/volum05:08
bobertdoszonedfull: Now, just in case, let's search for gnash05:08
m0r0nWhat does that mean?05:08
cms-afflamay anyone help me with a issue on the /etc/apt/source.lst being broken ?05:09
lstarnescms-affla: how is it broken?05:09
zonedfullbobertdos: gnash is not innstalled05:09
zonedfullbobertdos: I can see05:10
arooni-mobilehow do i speak current time on ubuntu jaunty?  i have intel-hda-snd card equivalent.05:10
urthmover /exit05:10
zonedfullbobertdos: Shal I now uninstall that flashplugin-nonfree05:10
bobertdoszonedfull: yes05:10
henry4in ubuntu 905:11
bobertdoszonedfull: After that, go into firefox and check about:plugins again. We want to be sure we don't see anything flash related in there anymore.05:11
cms-afflalstnares: well it says error in line # please report this bug05:11
henry4the domain name point to
tux9778does it matter witch bit to use 32 or 64 since i have 64?05:11
lstarnescms-affla: please pastebin the full contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list05:12
cms-afflalstnares: and i cannot update anything or erase it05:12
zonedfullbobertdos: It is also something called flashplugin installer shall I ununstall that too?05:12
henry4why is like this?05:12
=== Pupuser402 is now known as filesystemquesti
bobertdoszonedfull: yes05:12
lstarnestux9778: 64-bit intel/amd processors should support 32-bit code for intel/amd processors too05:12
cms-afflaok brb05:12
filesystemquestiIn a nut shell, what is the diff between ext2 and ext3 and which do I want for a number crunching linux system.  or does it matter ?05:12
tux9778ok lstarnes i was wondering witch one should get?05:13
lstarnestux9778: whichever you wan05:13
sparrhy does this only output pixels from background.png?  convert photo.png background.png -fx "((abs(u.hue-v.hue)<8)&&(abs(u.saturation-v.saturation)<8)&&(abs(u.lightness-v.lightness)<16))?v:u" out.png05:13
zonedfullbobertdos: and other thing in flash is SWFplayer and libsw05:13
scunizifilesystemquesti: ext3 has journaling for better recovery if there is an issue.. ext2 doesn't05:13
lstarnestux9778: if you need access to 4 GB of RAM or more, you will most likely need the 64-bit version05:13
Jordan_Ufilesystemquesti: What kind of number crunching?05:13
=== filesystemquesti is now known as big12Inchdisk
demonsporkhow do I get a window to open in the same place on the desktop when it is opened?  I have one that seems to choose a random place to open05:13
bobertdoszonedfull: get rid of all that too05:14
tux9778ok thanks05:14
lstarnestux9778: there are a couple things that are harder to get working in 64-bit, like flash and java, but it's usually not very hard to get those working on 64-bit05:14
cms-afflalstnares: i know were the issue is it just wont let me overide the prompt to erase or fix it05:14
lstarnescms-affla: alt+f2; gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:14
zonedfullbobertdos: swfdec for mozilla too?05:14
tux9778what about 3d? lstarnes05:14
lstarnestux9778: if you think compatibility may be an issue, use the 32-bit version05:14
bobertdoszonedfull: yes05:14
zonedfullbobertdos: Ok SIR05:15
lstarnestux9778: my 64-bit install of ubuntu supports accelerated 3D using nvidia's drivers05:15
bobertdoszonedfull: basically, after everything is gone, the only thing flash related we want installed is flashplugin-nonfree.05:15
big12Inchdiskjordan_u we have a nural net that is crunching financial data for stock markets and currency trading. We use a 16 core cluster and i takes about 3 hours for simple runs, up to 18 for heavy data mining and processing.05:15
ryguyHey, when creating a .deb file, will the packages under "depends" autoinstall when they install my .deb? Or do they have to be under "pre-depends" to autoinstall?05:16
Jordan_Ubobertdos: The actual package is flashplugin-installer, flashplugin-nonfree is just a transitional package that does nothing but depend on flashplugin-installer05:16
zonedfullbobertdos: Everyting is removed05:16
Crash1hdok what is the command to get something to run hourly in a cronjob? I was trying this 60 * * * * /usr/bin/somedirectory/somecommand05:16
Crash1hdis that right? and for every minute its 01 * * * * /usr/bin/somedirectory/somecommand05:17
big12InchdiskJordan_U, why do you ask05:17
Jordan_Ubig12Inchdisk: If you are reading and writing large contiguous files ext4 might out perform ext305:17
cms-afflalstnares: there is a dist parse error now?05:17
tux9778ok lstarnes when i had it installed fixing to install it agian n sticking with ubuntu 64bit my games with the selctions to choose from automaticly goes up and down whats the issuse05:17
=== Xpl0it_Away is now known as Spl0it_
lstarnesCrash1hd: the former does it at the 60th minute of each hour05:17
lstarnesCrash1hd: the latter does it ad the first minute of each hour, not minituely05:18
zonedfullbobertdos: when I went to the site now they reffered me to adobes Homepage since I dont have Flash05:18
lstarnesCrash1hd: you may want to check man 5 crontab05:18
zonedfullbobertdos: Mabe we are making progress?05:18
big12InchdiskOH, thanks.  The amount of data is actually not that much, except on the large runs.  and then it intermittent.  We use xeons with huge on board cash.05:18
=== Spl0it_ is now known as Spl0it_Away
lstarnescms-affla: I need more details.  Can you provide me with a pastebin of the errors and your /etc/apt/sources.list ?05:18
bobertdoszonedfull, Jordan-U: Well yes, but whether or not he uses the transitional package, I just want flashplayer-installer to come into a system when no other conflicting plugins are present.05:18
cms-afflawhat is wrong with this source? deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Netbook-Remix 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090421)]/ jaunty main multiverse restricted05:19
=== rene is now known as Guest98626
cms-affladeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main multiverse restricted #Added by software-properties05:19
cms-affla# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to05:19
cms-affla# newer versions of the distribution.05:19
cms-affla## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the05:19
cms-affla## distribution.05:19
FloodBot1cms-affla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:19
cms-affladeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates main restricted multiverse05:19
lstarnescms-affla: I did not say paste05:19
bobertdoszonedfull: Now go ahead and mark flashplugin-nonfree for installation again.05:19
dios_mioubuntu cannot record sound05:19
dios_miois my ensoniq card the problem?05:19
zonedfullbobertdos: ok flashplugin-nonfree05:19
zonedfullnot in terminal05:20
lstarnescms-affla: I didn't say paste05:20
lstarnescms-affla: I said pasteBIN05:20
=== Spl0it_Away is now known as Spl0it_
Jordan_U!away > Spl0it_05:20
ubottuSpl0it_, please see my private message05:20
lstarnescms-affla: try posting to http://paste.ubuntu.com then giving me the link t your post05:21
cms-afflalstnares: oh ok sorry05:21
Crash1hdlstarnes: thanks :)05:21
zonedfullbobertdos: Ok install this one:flashplugin-nonfree ver Adobe flash plugin innstaller (traditonal package)05:22
zonedfullbobertdos:  Is that correct?05:22
bobertdoszonedfull: yes05:22
=== SpacePigeon is now known as spacepigeon
tux9778lstarnes ttys after install n go from there on graffics right05:22
Spl0it_Jordan_U -  thanks05:23
Jordan_USpl0it_: np05:23
WIGGMPkWhy does tranmission destroy all the throughput on my network?05:23
lstarnestux9778: I'm not sure what you mean by that05:23
zonedfullOk done05:24
Jordan_UWIGGMPk: It ueses a lot of bandwidth, particularly upload05:24
tux9778lstarnes when i play games the selctions to choose from go up and down on its own05:24
scuniziWIGGMPk: because it's eating all the bandwidth?05:24
Jordan_UWIGGMPk: Cap it05:24
bobertdoszonedfull: Now, try your site again.05:24
Lartza_How do I make samba share the old fashioned way? Can't right click folder and share(no nautilus, pcmanfm)05:24
Lartza_So terminal please05:25
WIGGMPkJordan_U: scunizi: i guess I should also mention that even with 5kbps UP and 50kbps DOWN caps.. still every other network communicating device on my LAN is just trashed05:25
zonedfullbobertdos: Nope it now came up with flash 9.0.115 or newer not available?? Download it from the Adobes Homepage05:26
zonedfullThat what it says,,,05:26
Jordan_UWIGGMPk: Maybe you have a bad router that can't handle many simultanious streams05:26
scuniziWIGGMPk: you might try a different torrent client and see if that makes a difference.05:26
WIGGMPkJordan_U: i seriously doubt that05:26
bobertdoszonedfull: Did you restart firefox?05:26
anonymous_maybe there is a truck stuck in your tubes05:26
=== _ is now known as Guest68822
zonedfullOHHHHHH MAN YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS sorry for shouting05:27
gOLDfeeshIs there a module that can make a v4l driver into a v4l2?05:28
zonedfullbobertdos Thank u so much...and jodan_U what can I say05:28
zonedfullTHANK YOU05:28
zonedfullIt working05:28
WIGGMPkJordan_U: I have had multiple devices download at the same time.. but when using Transmission, it kills throughput on the network..05:28
Jordan_UWIGGMPk: Run wireshark on the computer running bittorrent and the others and see if there is anything interesting05:29
Kingtiger01something strange i just noticed... the testnet is not operating the same channel...05:29
Crash1hdlstarnes: ok so */1 * * * *  does it every minute :) thanks05:29
Jordan_UWIGGMPk: Bittorrent can use an absurd amount of streams05:29
WIGGMPkJordan_U: I ran wireshark and etherape with nothing out of the ordinary going on05:29
zonedfullbobertdos: What can I say...Im speechless THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN05:29
WIGGMPkJordan_U: I understand that, but capping the download/upload bandwidth should do exactly that..05:30
zonedfullbobertdos: Im so Grateful05:30
dividebyzeroAnyone mind giving a Ubuntu newbie a hand? I'm trying to set up my wireless network, I installed the ndisgtk, accessed the program, but I cant seem to find my .inf file, or my Windows drive, for that matter.05:30
Jordan_UWIGGMPk: Capping the bandwidth won't neccisarily reduce the number of streams05:30
bobertdoszonedfull: Oh yes, no problem. It's what we're here to do.05:30
zonedfullJordan_U: Thank u so much for the support05:30
bullgard4I am going to import my Evolution addressbook to Thunderbird. Thunderbird's import wizard > Import Address Book has an line 'Record data to import=id". What does this 'id' (identifier) mean in Thunderbird's addressbook?05:30
Caimlas_hi, I'm trying to figure out how to get kdevelop to work on ubuntu 9.04. I can't seem to find the dev packages for it - qtcore and qtgui headers, specifically. they aren't the logical libqtcore4-dev or libqtgui4-dev packages (whereas the same packages sans the -dev are available). what might I look at doing?05:31
Jordan_Udividebyzero: First, most of the time ndiswrapper is not actually needed. What is the chipset of your wireless card?05:31
Jordan_Uzonedfull: np05:31
WIGGMPkJordan_U: other than limiting the peers, there is no other settings in Transmission..05:31
linuxguy2009Is there a nautilus bug that is keeping samba shares from showing up in my network? I can manually browse to them with the local ip but thats all.05:31
gnychisdoes anyone here use an X300 thinkpad?05:31
xanguadividebyzero: if you can't find it then download it, be shure to use XP drivers05:31
Lartza_Caimlas_: Ubuntu uses no headers05:31
Lartza_Caimlas_: Only normal and dev packages05:31
cms-afflalstnares: sorry got lost site and pc were tempermental with eachother...http://paste.ubuntu.com/276765/05:32
Kingtiger01Jordan_U: Not to mention, unless QoS is deployed on the network, it can detirmine some connections are stll local. in some rare cases...05:32
lstarnesCaimlas_: the -dev packages contain headers05:32
dividebyzeroUh...lemme see. I ran the  lspci command, but I can't find the chipset...05:32
Commissar_MoHello - I have been having massive issues with Kubuntu (Resolution keeps resetting upon logout, tried all the online solutions without solving...05:32
Caimlas_Lartza_, ok, I know/realize that. but the dev packages I mention do not appear to be in the repositories.05:32
lstarnesCaimlas_: they may have different names05:33
Jordan_Udividebyzero: If you pastebin the output from lspci we can find the chipset05:33
Commissar_Moall I'm wondering is this: Will this problem 'go away' if I use Ubuntu?05:33
Lartza_Caimlas_: Let me see...05:33
zonedfullbobertdos: I can now remember how the issue was with the flash player ..but what was the problem with the Java how did we solve it do you remember, cause I think I got that problem also on an other PC with Ubuntu...to run the bank id applet with JAVA..Can u shortly describe me what is important to remember to get Java working fully05:33
Caimlas_Lartza_, I'm using jaunty multiverse and universe05:33
lstarnescms-affla: what is http://repo.moblin.org/moblin/releases/test/beta/images/moblin-netbook-ux-beta-20090518-004.img doing in there?05:33
KhisanthCaimlas_: do you know the name of the .h files that you are missing?05:33
dividebyzeroAlright, one sec...05:33
lstarnescms-affla: it appears to be a disk image, not an apt repository05:33
Caimlas_Khisanth, let me pastebin relevant info05:34
Lartza_Caimlas_: I see what you mean now...05:35
kennyyuhi there, i can sftp/ssh in between 2 machines. the only thing that i cannot do is to 'ping' in between two. what should i do to enable the ping?05:35
zonedfullbobertdos: The reason Im asking is cause I had to reboot my PC u remember and after that I lost where we solved that Java05:35
dividebyzeroJordan_U: hang on, I got the link here.05:35
Caimlas_Khisanth, I don't know what the header files are, but they're: #include <QtCore/QFile> #include <QtCore/QTextStream> #include <QtGui/QTextEdit>05:35
Caimlas_Lartza_, what's up with that? :P05:35
dividebyzeroDammit, I'm new to IRC too apparently...05:35
lstarneskennyyu: one of the machines might be blocking icmp echo requests05:36
Commissar_MoI am having a resolution problem in KUBUNTU - if I just uninstall and do UBUNTU - should this problem in theory go away?05:36
cms-afflalstnares: it is a custom moblin dist upgrade to integrade moblin with ubuntu05:36
Lartza_Caimlas_: Have you tried installing libqt4-dev? That might have all the dev files05:36
bobertdoszonedfull: The most important thing to remember about pretty much all plugins in Linux is that multiple versions of the same plugin really butt heads -- they don't get along at all. So you always just want one version a  plugin installed. With Java, the main problem was that there were broken pieces of both version 5 and 6 and they were causing conflicts.05:36
kennyyulstarnes: yes. so 'sudo ufw enable icmp' suffices?05:36
lstarnescms-affla: you cannot use a disk image in sources.list05:36
dividebyzeroTheres my pastebin.05:36
cms-afflalstnares: I had it but it broke and when updated the package it broke05:36
lstarneskennyyu: I'm not sure05:36
Caimlas_Lartza_, that's installed already. :-/05:36
zonedfullThat was the issue....05:36
cms-afflalstnares: it was working for updates, but so i should delete it?05:36
lstarneskennyyu: I don't recall it being blocked by default, but I use iptables directly instead of using ufw05:37
Jordan_Ukennyyu: Ubuntu replys to icmp echo requests by default05:37
zonedfullbobertdos:  What Java package shall be innstalled...05:37
Lartza_Caimlas_: Have you tried doing the thing you need it for?05:37
lstarnescms-affla: if it's not an apt deb repository, you can't use it05:37
kennyyuJordan_U: ya but i'm using the AMI instances provided by Amazon05:37
Lartza_Caimlas_: And it whines about it?05:37
Caimlas_Lartza_, it does.05:37
dividebyzeroGod, I'm such a newbie.05:37
KhisanthCaimlas_: libqt4-dev05:37
cms-afflalstnares; so it was a bug that made it work the first few times?05:38
Lartza_Khisanth: Doesn't work05:38
lstarnescms-affla: it may have just ignored it05:38
kennyyulstarnes: i'm pastebin'ing my iptable for you to have a look. do you mind it? ;)05:38
Crash1hdumm this is odd I dont have add/remove anymore?05:38
bobertdoszonedfull: sun-java6-plugin (for firefox) which will bring sun-java6-jre with it as a dependency.05:38
lstarneskennyyu: I'm not that good with iptables05:38
Khisanthyou might want to reinstall that package then ... http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/libqt4-dev/filelist05:38
zonedfullbobertdos: what did we version install...at the end...05:38
KhisanthLartza_: and check your include paths :)05:38
kennyyulstarnes: never mind ;)05:38
lstarneskennyyu: the output from sudo iptables-save should be sufficient05:38
funnymanJordan_U, you're stil there? I finished fsck from Live Ubuntu, now when i reboot, it goes straight to BusyBox with a useless (to me) list of commands, pls help05:38
cms-afflalstnares: i had moblin, openbox, ubuntu, kubuntu, and freedos before it broke now it is just ubuntu05:38
gogereaver1does anyone know if there going to keep doing ubuntu moblin remix05:38
bobertdoszonedfull: 605:38
Lartza_Khisanth: HE should check, not my problem :)05:39
cms-afflalstnares: lol now im confused as to how to restore the integrated desktop05:39
Khisanthoh right05:39
Khisanthgetting mixed up05:39
zonedfullbobertdos: So the only java that should be needed for normal install is the Sun java6 plugin05:39
Jordan_Ufunnyman: For some reason your root file system still can't be mounted05:39
Lartza_It happens05:39
lstarnescms-affla: I don't know either05:39
Khisanthbut those files are in the package ...05:39
dividebyzeroJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/m310994fa, theres the pastebin.05:39
Caimlas_larsig, Khisanth: apt-file search QTextEdit says it should be at /usr/include/qt4/QtGui/QTextEdit - and it is (libqt4-dev -is- installed). However, kdevelop is complaining.05:39
PulledteethUbuntu does not detect USB storage devices after it's been running for a bit of time. It sees it in lsusb, but not block device is created/detected, and it's not showing up in fdisk. Anyone got any advice?05:39
bobertdoszonedfull: yes, because the rest of them will get installed automatically along side it05:39
cms-afflalstnares: thanks it works!05:39
Caimlas_er, Lartza_05:39
Khisanthso this is just kdevelop being stupid :)05:40
Commissar_MoResolution issues in Kubuntu that I can't solve despite hours of trying - I'm wondering if, given the similarity, it's worth it to try Ubuntu and hope they go away - is this reasonable?05:40
Khisanthyou'll probably want a kdevelop channel05:40
Lartza_Caimlas_: And check your includes05:40
cms-afflalstnares: hey btw is there a exchange server for ubuntu, like as to H.D. reg's05:40
imnichol...could anyone give me a hint about how to connect to another server?05:40
kennyyulstarnes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276768/05:40
Caimlas_Khisanth, so it would appear. :-/ dbg is saying there's no Makefile, and in my rush I missed that initially. :-/ I'd have expected automagic makeing :P05:40
lstarnescms-affla: I don't knw05:40
lstarnescms-affla: I think that there are various mail servers for ubuntu05:41
Khisanthand /usr/include/qt4 is probably NOT in your default include path unless you are using some sort of "create qt4 project" option in kdevelop05:41
funnymanJordan_U, i'm dead, right?05:41
imnicholCONNECT irc.gimp.org05:41
Commissar_Mois my question, like, offensive or something?05:41
imnichol.....crap, that didn't work05:42
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Probably, boot from the liveCD and see if you can still mount the partition05:42
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cms-afflalstnares: I am hoping to compose a project for other than mail via the grouping of multi use source.. and hopefully either co-relay with iana or such if possible for dm reg and or the Inf tech Owners / reg of iana05:42
KhisanthCommissar_Mo: 6 people responding with "we don't know" is probably not useful going to be anymore useful :)05:43
Commissar_MoI agree, but usually 1 person at least says, 'no one here knows' otherwise I make the easy assumption that Linux people are just annoyed to be asked a simple question and ignore me...05:43
Commissar_Mobut ok05:44
gnychisdoes anyone here use an X300 thinkpad?05:44
PulledteethCommissar_Mo, did you install the nvidia driver and everything?05:44
bullgard4I am going to import my Evolution addressbook to Thunderbird. Thunderbird's import wizard > Import Address Book has an line 'Record data to import=id". What does this 'id' (identifier) mean in Thunderbird's addressbook?05:44
Curly_QCommissar please ask me the question?   :)05:44
Commissar_MoI have onboard GPU, which is probably part of the issue, it's drivers are updated (2004!)05:44
zonedfullbobertdos: But when I f.example search in the synaptic after f.ex sun-java-plugin (for firefox) I get almost 50 packets of different things how can I now in the future what to innstall...shall I look after .bin file or what?05:44
lstarneskennyyu: it looks like it's at least accepting some icmp messages05:44
lstarneskennyyu: I forget the number assigned to echo05:45
Khisanthand you don't need to reinstall, you can just try it with the livecd05:45
Commissar_MoI'm having resolution issues in Kubuntu (it resets upon login) and after 12 hours, I don't really care to fix it anymore... I'm just wondering if a switch to Ubuntu will likely give me the same thing05:45
Commissar_Moseeing as the delta is mostly in the GUI part05:45
Khisanthactually you can just install gnome as well05:45
PulledteethCommissar_Mo, that sounds like an xorg.conf issue :o (Does ubuntu use xorg.conf anymore?)05:46
Khisanthgiven the particular problem switching between Ubuntu and Kubuntu is not likely to change anything05:46
Commissar_Mook that's what I was wondering05:46
bobertdoszonedfull: the package is specifically named sun-java6-plugin. I recommend using sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin.05:46
KhisanthPulledteeth: yes ... at least 9.04 still does05:46
Jordan_Udividebyzero: If you run "iwlist scan" do you see a "wlan0" ?05:46
Jordan_UPulledteeth: Ubuntu doesn't need an xorg.conf any more but it still honors one if it's there05:47
KhisanthCommissar_Mo: it also looks like a solvable problem :)05:47
Curly_QCommissar it almost but not sure that it might be a screen saver issue in which that would be the only logical time issue for any resolution problem.05:47
Kingtiger01ok... well i need to get back to work... Good Night/Day to you all.05:47
Khisantheither something is not writing a file it should be or something is writing a file it shouldn't be ...05:47
Commissar_Momost of the online help seems to revolve around editing a resolution preferences file, but I've failed so far to get their solns to work05:47
jamieleshawHello, I have a WinFast DTV 2000 H, and require assistance configuring it. ;)05:47
kennyyulstarnes: it's 8... http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/icmp/msg8.htm05:48
zonedfullbobertdos: What can happen if someone f.ex in synaptic takes the wrong one f.ex the sun-java6-plugn.bin file05:48
zonedfullbobertdos: And try to install that one..will it still be innstalled05:49
GracenotesCommissar_Mo: didn't see above.. are you dealing with HP mininote 2133?05:49
Commissar_Mono, it's Averatec, onboard GPU05:49
Commissar_Mo2004 driver, latest :(05:50
bobertdoszonedfull It probably would, but that's why I like using the terminal, so it's easier to use specific package names.05:50
Gracenotesah. I had problems with drivers and xorg.conf in my mininote until recently, when I installed Ubuntu 9.04 and it more or less just magically fixed everything05:50
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Have you tried mounting from the liveCD again yet?05:50
Commissar_Moreally... ok I've been debating such a move - I might try Ubuntu then - thank you05:51
funnymanJordan_U: i can list the files in the partitions now ;)05:51
funnymanJordan_U: i'm trying to reboot again...05:51
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Write down the error message just before the busybox shell if it fails again05:52
Gracenotesit is probably just that Ubuntu 9.04 and my drivers matched up right, for my specific laptop. not sure how Kubuntu differs from Ubuntu in the driver department...05:52
PulledteethUbuntu does not detect USB storage devices after it's been running for a bit of time. It sees it in lsusb, but not block device is created/detected, and it's not showing up in fdisk. (If I restart, it all works again. dmesg says something about assigning an adress 7 to my thumb drive. But I only have 4 ports.) Anyone got any advice?05:53
ubuntugeekI have a cheapy logetek webcam how do I get it to work on ubuntu and skype?05:53
zonedfullbobertdos: Ok last question is usually all packages that shall be installed in Ubuntu ended with "plugin"?05:53
funnymanJordan_U: no error messages, the loading Ubuntu image (running left-right) appeared and then it jumped right away to the BusyBox05:54
Curly_QCommissar have you done a:      top     command to see what functions are running when this change happens?05:54
Jordan_UPulledteeth: Can you check if udev is still running when you have this problem ?( sudo invoke-rc.d udev status )05:54
Randy_so i have a wg511t wireless card and i cant connect to any networks, no networks even show up. What can I do about this?05:54
PulledteethJordan_U, invoke-rc.d: initscript udev, action "status" failed.05:55
Randy_I get SIOCSIFADDR: No such device if i do dhclient ath005:55
Commissar_MoI don't know what that is...05:55
bobertdoszonedfull: Eh, not really. In terms of the community and multiverse packages, there aren't many naming conventions. I sometimes think it would be easier if there were naming conventions, but there are not.05:55
gOLDfeeshis there a reason as to why everything goes to if I'm running 2.6.28-15-generic? when I install modules it goes to
ubuntugeekI have a cheapy logetek webcam how do I get it to work on ubuntu and skype?05:55
Curly_QLook up the command prompt                 < top > and watch when the command of the program changes.05:55
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Ok, can you pastebin the output from "blkid" and the contents of your menu.lst?05:56
Commissar_Mook thanks05:56
zonedfullbobertdos:  Ok Thanks a lot...I learned a bit today of this...05:56
Randy_anyone know what i can do?05:56
Jordan_UPulledteeth: Try "pgrep udev" if it returns a number then udev is running05:56
zonedfullbobertdos: Im grateful05:56
zonedfullBYE ALL05:56
Pulledteethyep, s'running.05:56
ubuntugeekI have a cheapy logetek webcam how do I get it to work on ubuntu and skype?05:56
Gracenoteshm, does Ubuntu have a way to modify the screen-unlocking password? or is it invariably the user's password?05:56
PulledteethJordan_U, yep s'running05:56
zonedfullAnd see ya....and by the way here you get exellent supprt05:56
GracenotesI tend to dislike typing passwords in public as much as possible :)05:57
bobertdoszonedfull: bye\05:57
Jordan_UPulledteeth: And are usb drives currently being mounted ?05:57
GracenotesI couldn't find anything in gconf about it05:57
shachafGracenotes: When you say screen-unlocking, do you mean GNU screen or the GUI thing?05:57
PulledteethJordan_U, not currently, no.05:57
shachafGracenotes: Ah.05:57
Gracenotesyes, I have my laptop configured so that when I close the lid, it does into screen-lock mode05:57
Curly_QRoot has absolute access to passwords.05:57
kj4is there a python-wannbe channel?05:58
Curly_QIf you are in a SHELL ACCOUNT then the user is the one who can change the password, but the Administrator has and can change the password.05:58
lstarnesCurly_Q: in most systems, passwords are encrypted and only the encrypted form is stored05:59
lstarnesCurly_Q: it's often a one-way hash05:59
shachafCurly_Q: Gracenotes is asking about the password used to unlock the screen can be different from the one used to log in.05:59
GracenotesI am fine with my account's password, which I set. I am fine with the root password, which I also set. It would be nice if there were a way to set a screen unlock password separate from either of those, whereas the default behavior doesn't seem to have this05:59
Curly_QTrue, but, but that can be thwarted with some software with Linux and decrypt those 128 bit passwords.06:00
Jordan_UPulledteeth: Try "sudo invoke-rc.d udev refresh-devices" and if that doesn't work "sudo invoke-rc.d udev restart" ( might make you lose network connection )06:00
shachafGracenotes: At worst you could use another screen-locking program.06:01
Curly_QShachaf, it all depends upon the software being used. If the password for a user account is different from the screensaver password, it look as if this person wants a hack to get into the system and I personally say not a chance.06:02
Gracenoteshm. true. it would need to be hooked into gnome somehow06:02
Jyxtneed some help...fresh install of xubuntu 9.04, did sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer06:02
PulledteethJordan_U, nope. Did screw up my battery widget though :o06:02
Jyxtso i can watch the trailers at apple.com...click a trailer and firefox crashes06:02
shachafGracenotes: ...He's asking if *he* can change the password used for unlocking the screensaver.06:02
Jyxtis mozilla-mplayer not the right way to view quicktime content?06:02
funnymanJordan_U: http://pastebin.org/22948 i can't find menu.lst06:03
shachafGracenotes: Well, I've used xlock for a simpler locking program, in the past.06:03
Curly_QThere is no way to unlock a password if you don't have the original password.06:03
Gracenotesparticularly, the lid-close trigger06:03
shachafCurly_Q: That's not what he's asking.06:03
shachafCurly_Q: He *knows* his user password. For security (or whatever) reasons, he wants to use a different password to unlock the screensaver.06:04
PulledteethJordan_U, yeah; no dice.06:04
GracenotesI should be clear, every in this computer is under my data jurisdiction (lol haruhi). no one else uses it. I'd like to diversify the passwords I use, i.e. use less sensitive ones in common public situations, like unlocking screens06:04
shachafGracenotes: Do you never log in in public?06:04
GracenotesI do, with less frequency than the other06:05
shachafGracenotes: I'd think that it would make sense for both to be the same. After all, they can both be used if you leave your computer unattended.06:05
Curly_QThen he needs to go into ROOT access and over-ride the original password for the screen saver or just delete the program and re-install it and change the password.06:05
Jordan_Ufunnyman: It's on /dev/sda706:05
Gracenotesit would just be nice if it were easily possible, I would certainly do it.06:05
shachafCurly_Q: OK, he's asking if that's possible.06:06
shachafSince it doesn't seem to be easily possible, at least.06:06
GracenotesI remember from Window 98 days, there was a separate screensaver password. I'm not sure if that feature is still around in windows... I think they just go straight to the login screen06:06
Curly_QYes!!!   it is possible if he has root access.06:06
shachafCurly_Q: OK, explain, then. :-)06:06
Myrttiplease don't enable root access just for having a different screensaver password06:07
Myrttiit's even worse security06:07
Curly_QI don't need to explain. If one has root access, then, that is explanation enough.06:07
SakaraHi just installed a ubuntu 9.04 desktop i386 when I boot I get "GRUB " printed on my screen over and over again any ideas. tried reinstalling grub twice now no change?06:07
shachafMyrtti: That's not what he's asking!06:08
shachafMyrtti: He has one password for root, another password for his user, and he wants a *third* password for unlocking the screensaver.06:08
Gracenotesfrom a technical point of view, it would work, but would go against the original motivation of doing it in the first place ;)06:08
Myrttiright, so good luck with that root password. *walks away*06:08
shachafMyrtti: Huh?06:09
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.06:09
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)06:09
funnymanJordan_U: http://pastebin.org/2295406:09
shachafMyrtti: OK, don't support it.06:09
Curly_QYou cannot change a password in any OS or any network or any system or any anything without knowing what the processes that were initialized in the first place.06:09
Jordan_UGracenotes: You might be able to do it by running gnome-screensaver as a different user06:09
funnymanJordan_U: that's my menu.lst06:09
shachafMyrtti: It has nothing to do with the problem at hand.06:09
xorwhywith regard to the alternative screen saver password, i imagine the benefit is to keep an onlooker from acquiring the password visually06:09
Gracenotesthank you for those.. uh.. completely irrelevant factoids06:09
shachafxorwhy: Yes!06:10
xorwhyi think its a good idea, my solution to the onlooker problem is to have a separate xmodmap file for the login page, only I know what the corresponding characters are06:10
shachafGracenotes: I apologize if I'm acting a bit too much as a spokesperson.06:10
funnymanJordan_U: Any sunshine, pls don't tell me no06:10
GracenotesJordan_U: hm, would that require typing in the other user's password first, in order to run gnome-screensaver?06:10
shachafxorwhy: What, you actually use a different keyboard layout?06:11
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Curly_QIn any case, if a person changes the password on anything without reading the manual on the HOWTO then no one can help them.06:11
xorwhyshacha, for gdm yes, and it is not a known map, its a pretty useful map for anything else im sure06:11
Jordan_UGracenotes: Yes, but only once ( though I have never tried this myself and don't know if running gnome-screensaver as a different user would even work )06:11
xorwhyI would like to have a different password for gdm login, selected randomly, with an indicator on the gdm wallpaper of which password it is06:12
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Try booting into "recovery mode" and look for an error about mounting root file system before the busybox shell comes up06:13
Curly_QIn fact, I am willing to bet that this folk did not write down on paper the password and just plain forgot it.06:13
ryguywhen i do "aptitude install vlc" I get this: The following packages will be REMOVED:06:14
ryguy  binfmt-support{u} bsd-mailx{u} dctrl-tools{u} debhelper{u} debootstrap{u}06:14
ryguy  devscripts{u} dh-make{u} diffstat{u} dput{u} fakeroot{u} gettext{u}06:14
ryguy  html2text{u} intltool-debian{u} libapr1{u} libaprutil1{u}06:14
ryguy  libauthen-sasl-perl{u} libdevel-symdump-perl{u} libio-pty-perl{u}06:14
FloodBot1ryguy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:14
ryguy  libio-stringy-perl{u} libipc-run-perl{u} libmail-sendmail-perl{u}06:14
Gracenotesxorwhy: heh, what would be neat06:14
Gracenotesor some absurdly complicated cipher06:14
ryguyomg that was supposed to be on one line sorry guys06:15
ryguybut what I was gettin at is are any of those important06:15
shachafryguy: For whom?06:15
Gracenotesryguy: you are getting all your software from the main ubuntu server, right?06:15
shachafryguy: I wouldn't want to uninstall those, at least. :-)06:15
Curly_QWhat to do in this case is to find the file that has the password and delete it from root. Then open up the software and enter a new password.06:15
ryguygracenotes: yeah, shacaf: all I want to do is install vlc06:16
GracenotesI've tried using alternate software sources before. it turned into a huge effing mess :(06:16
shachafryguy: I have both fakeroot and vlc installed at the same time, though, so something is wrong.06:16
Roseyhow do i update firefox06:16
Sakarafresh install 9.04 desktop i386, when it boots gets to where the grub menu should appear but the screen is filled with "GRUB " over and and over again? any ideas on a fix06:16
Curly_QIt is best done from ROOT.06:16
ryguyshachaf, should I just try to install it from source? or what?06:16
GracenotesRosey: there are different packages for firefox-3.0 and firefox-3.506:17
shachafSakara: Google says http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/grub-error-guide.xml06:17
shachafryguy: Um, which package exactly does it conflict with06:17
edulacomadrejasomeone there with some experince on drbd?06:17
ryguyshachaf: I'm not sure, all I know is that it has that huge list of what will be removed06:17
musikgoat!shiretoko | rosey06:18
ubotturosey: FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation06:18
timClickscan anyone recommend a good backup guide?06:18
ryguyshachaf: for the most partim just running a basic xubuntu setup06:18
Jyxtomg can anyone help me...all i wanted to do was watch some trailers at apple.com06:18
Jyxtand its turned into a 2 hour trek06:18
DasEiJyxt: url ?06:18
igfuddoes sendmail cache outgoing messages if the internet connection isn't available?06:18
Curly_QEdulacomadreja check this out:      http://www.drbd.org/06:19
firecrotchJyxt: The journey is the most important part of the Linux experience :)06:19
shachafryguy: What does vlc conflict with? It looks like it's just vlc-nox to me.06:19
timClicksI have a single hdd in my laptop, I would like to be able to simply create an image of the disk and archive it on a (much larger) external hdd06:19
Sakarathanks shachaf06:19
Jyxtrunning xubuntu 9.04 firefox 3.0...ive tried totem plugins, gstreamer, mplayer...none of them work, closest ive gotten is the mplayer plugin06:19
Sakarawill look into the bios issue06:19
Jyxtleast its *trying* to load now06:19
DasEitimClicks: easy by dd06:19
JyxtDasEi: apple.com/trailers/06:19
Jyxtnone of them work06:19
timClicksand also have cron backup my /home/ partition periodically06:19
jimbeam12need some advise here06:19
timClicksDasEi: danke, will have a look06:19
voidmagebad script06:19
Jyxtnow im at the point where firefox at least knows it has the right plugin...and i get a stuttered stop/play for about 30 seconds then it just stops06:20
jimbeam12cannot access my grub/menu.lst file06:20
xorwhyis there a way to pipe grep to lspci to have lspci show only pattern matching devices?06:20
Jyxtno video, no sound, nothing06:20
Jyxtthis was *SO* much easier to figure out in gentoo06:20
musikgoatxorwhy: lspci | grep foo06:20
xorwhythank you musikgoat06:20
funnymanJordan_U: it prints a whole lot of lines, which i can't go to the first because it was truncated. Anywya, a few meaning full messages i can see are: "sda:<4> Driver 'sr' needs updaing - please use bus_type methods" . 2. "ext3-fs mounted file sytem with ordered datamode." and ... the last line is "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init"06:20
ryguyshachaf: i did apt-get install and it's telling me this: The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: debootstrap fakeroot python-pyinotify diffstat libmono0 debhelper intltool-debian postfix patchutils libapr1 po-debconf subversion libpod-coverage-perl libmail-sendmail-perl libsvn1 libdevel-symdump-perl gettext libio-stringy-perl devscripts libipc-run-perl dctrl-tools libauthen-sasl-perl dput libparse-deb06:20
ryguycontrol-perl libio-pty-perl libpq5 bsd-mailx html2text pbuilder binfmt-support dh-make lintian libaprutil1 libtest-pod-perl libterm-size-perl libsys-hostname-long-perl06:20
DasEitimClicks: sudo like dd if=/dev/sXX(yourlappi)  of=/dev/sXX(your external),  can find the  devs by  sudo fdisk -l06:21
shachafryguy: Yes, you said that. It doesn't say very much...06:21
shachafryguy: Does `apt-cache show vlc` say it conflicts with something?06:21
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Ok, that means that the reason it won't boot is because of files lost06:21
ryguyIt doesnt say anything thing about conflicts, it just says Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.06:21
musikgoatryguy: that just means you can uninstall them with apt-get autoclean06:21
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Back up your own important data and reinstall :(06:21
jimbeam12yah done fdisk -l06:21
shachafOh! I misread.06:22
funnymanJordan_U: :(06:22
musikgoatryguy: did you want those packages?06:22
Jordan_Ufunnyman: Also check that the disk is not bad, don't want to re-install just for it to happen again06:22
timClicksDasEi: looks good06:22
ryguyshachaf: Conflicts: vlc-nox (<< 0.9.2-1)06:22
timClicksDasEi: thanks06:22
ryguymusikgoat: I dunno what those packages are lol06:22
shachafryguy: It means exactly what it says.06:22
jimbeam12help cant access my grub menu.lst06:23
ryguyso I should uninstall vlc-nox?06:23
shachafryguy: Those "packages were automatically installed and are no longer required".06:23
shachafryguy: No, it's not installed.06:23
musikgoatryguy: those are mostly helper packages that make software work with other software06:23
funnymanJordan_U: okay, thanks a lot for your patient help. I think i should go now06:23
shachafryguy: You'll get that message no matter what you install.06:23
Jordan_Ufunnyman: np06:23
ryguythis is the only thing that has given me that message though06:23
DasEitimClicks: best is to define an own partition on the big hd, to not loose the remaining space , same size or little bigger then the internal06:23
Roseythanks how about itunes. i tried to use win but it fails...06:23
jimbeam12i ge to here: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda5 /mnt06:24
Jordan_UJyxt: What plugin did you use in Gentoo?06:24
jimbeam12then i type in :gksudo gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst06:24
jimbeam12and i get an empty file...06:24
musikgoatjimbeam12: are you running karmic?06:25
shachafjimbeam12: Maybe that file is empty, then?06:25
JyxtJordan_U: gecko...replacement for mplayer06:25
jimbeam12its saying drive already mounted06:25
jimbeam12no juanty06:25
Jyxtquicktime plays fine on the gentoo laptop, but the fresh ubuntu desktop has been giving me hell06:25
BlackFatejimbeam12, you try to mount an already mounted partition06:25
Jordan_UJyxt: Have you tried that in Ubuntu?06:26
Jyxtfirst thing i did was try the gecko plugin06:26
musikgoatJyxt: sorry if you've mentioned it, but have you checked into ubuntu-restricted-extras package?06:26
jimbeam12so how do i do it then    blackfate06:26
BlackFatejimbeam12, mount | grep /dev/sda506:26
pete_what would a command be to remove any file from a directory that does not end in .mp3, including the folders those files were in?06:26
BlackFatejimbeam12, do this and give the output06:26
xorwhyif the command lspci -k is entered, and a properly detected device is listed without a driver, does that mean the device has no driver?06:26
Jyxtmusikgoat: yes06:27
DasEiJyxt:could that be shockwave ?06:27
jimbeam12ok done  blackfate06:27
ubottuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave06:27
minthow do I share internet? Getting internet from wifi and will share on wired LAN?06:27
BlackFatejimbeam12, give me the output06:27
JyxtDasEi: shockwave at an apple site? no its definatly quicktime06:27
musikgoatDasEi: i would think its quicktime06:27
DasEiJyxt: fast workaround : use a plugin and dowload it to hd , then watch06:28
JyxtJordan_U: mplayer plugins crash firefox, gecko plugins stutter on load, then stop after 30 seconds...no vide/audio etc and the totem plugins dont even work06:28
Jordan_Umint: In System > Preferences > Networking Add a new profile for the wired connection called "Share Internet" ( or whatever you want ) and in the ipv4 settings choose "Shared"06:28
jimbeam12/dev/sda5 on /mnt type ext3 (rw06:28
BlackFateJyxt, for the trailers?06:28
jimbeam12/dev/sda5 on /mnt type ext3 (rw)06:28
JyxtBlackFate: yes06:28
jimbeam12here blackfate06:28
BlackFateJyxt, listen up06:29
ubu_nubmint: consider a proxy like squid for web or figure out netcat06:29
BlackFateJyxt, apple made some changes and only with quicktime they will play...06:29
BlackFateJyxt, in order to play em with gecko06:29
DasEiJyxt, musikgoat my ff plays other quicktime fine, but at there  I just get an empty black window06:29
BlackFateJyxt, install useragent changer plugin for firefox06:29
BlackFateJyxt, and change yout useragent to Quicktime... google it06:29
Jyxtblackfate thanks, will try it06:30
BlackFatejimbeam12, cd /mnt/boot06:30
BlackFatejimbeam12, is it empty?06:30
RoseyWhat's a good FTP client06:30
jimbeam12no its not blackfate06:31
kj4Rosey: ftp06:31
Roseyoh snap theres already on here06:31
kj4Rosey: you're welcome!06:31
jimbeam12thxs blackfate06:31
musikgoatRosey: if you want to ftp via nautilus, go to file -> connect to server06:32
Jordan_UJyxt: Apple's website is doing something really strange, when I wget http://movies.apple.com/movies/universal/couplesretreat/couplesretreat-clip_h320.mov it's an html file named index.html06:32
musikgoatJordan_U: its a new quicktime transport stream, as far as i understand06:33
PulledteethI think my hot-swapp is messed up. I can't just plug in a USB thumb drive and have it detected. (It's detected by lsusb, but not fdisk.)06:33
BlackFateJordan_U, you got to change your useragent06:33
RoseySorry I'm completely new to Linux lol06:34
BlackFateJordan_U, try this wget -U QuickTime/7.6.2 http://movies.apple.com/movies/universal/couplesretreat/couplesretreat-clip_h320.mov06:34
Jordan_UBlackFate: To what, apparently it needs to be changed in the browser plugin as well06:34
BlackFateJordan_U, try it06:34
ubu_nubcan anyone help with a nasty segfault in apt tools under intrepid?06:34
ubu_nub... error 5 in libapt-pkg-libc6.8-6.so.4.6.006:35
Jordan_UBlackFate: That does it06:35
ubu_nubeither apt-get or aptitude produces the same results.06:35
Xgatessay I nee to install the latest Nvidia x64 185 driver when I run the installer it says:  The compiler used to compile the kernel (gcc-4.2) does not exactly match the current compiler (gcc-4.2), I ran the installer before and the driver worked fine, I wonder if this will break anything, but I don't see gcc-4.2 in synaptic for me to install06:36
Jordan_UJyxt: Not exactly convienient but you can play trailers by downloading them with wget and a quicktime user agent then play them in mplayer / vlc / whatever06:36
XgatesI nee/need....06:36
Xgateserrr my bad it says ---> does not exactly match the current compiler (gcc-4.3)....06:37
jimbeam12hey blackfate06:37
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jimbeam12cheers for that06:38
gOLDfeeshis there a reason as to why my module install always uses as the dir instead of
BlackFatejimbeam12, np06:38
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ubu_nubxgates: did you export the correct gcc?06:38
Curly_QMint use either a HUB, or ROUTER.06:38
Xgatesubu_nub: sorry what ya mean export?06:38
jimbeam12all started blackfate when i was craping around with adding a splash image on ubuntu bootloader06:39
ubu_nubxgates: do you have gcc 4.3 installed?06:39
BlackFatejimbeam12, i c... i used to have same prob06:39
Xgatesubu_nub: I have whatever Ubuntu installs by default06:39
XgatesI believe that's 4.306:39
ubu_nubexport CC=gcc-4.306:39
jimbeam12is theire a solution to that blackfate..06:39
mintCurly_Q: i know i can do that but i'm in another room and this is my option since i have no cabling and i can't connect the wifi router to another wifi router06:40
Xgatesubu_nub: I made a typo before it says --->  The compiler used to compile the kernel (gcc-4.2) does not exactly match the current compiler (gcc-4.3)....06:40
Curly_QMint what exactly do you want to accomplish?06:40
jimbeam12i mean startup manager screws everything when i try that06:40
BlackFatetry rebuilding menu.lst06:40
jimbeam12rebuilding ?? how06:40
ubu_nubxgates there is probably a better way but try: dpkg -S gcc06:40
Curly_QMint there are plenty of wireless routers.06:40
jimbeam12u mean from scratch ..06:40
Xgatesubu_nub: so still run export?06:41
ubu_nubif you have 4.3 already use that export command. if not install it.06:41
JyxtBlackFate: thanks, that helped...most specifically this link http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=7713106:41
jimbeam12i mean i really like this operating system06:41
Jyxtlast post gives the details about the useragent to use06:41
Curly_QMint you can connect any router to any other router. It is all about setting the internal permissions settings.06:41
mintCurly_Q: wirelessly?06:42
powertool08Could somebody please point me towards a good, recent guide to samba security for a lan-facing only file/print server?06:42
Curly_QOf course.06:42
BlackFateJyxt, yeah.. this useragent firefox plugin does the trick06:42
Curly_QMint what brand of router are you using?06:42
jimbeam12anyone know how to use splash on startup without any problems..06:43
mintCurly_Q: netgear for the guest router... linksys for the host router06:43
gOLDfeeshis there a reason as to why my module install always uses as the dir instead of
=== Techie1 is now known as Techie
Xgatesubu_nub: dpkg -S gcc shows all the beginning lines as gcc-4.306:44
Curly_QMint, the term ROUTER is exactly what it says:  "ROUTING" which means that it just takes packets of data and routs it from a SOURCE to a DESTINATION.06:44
Xgatesubu_nub: why are we concentrating on gcc-4.3, it says the kernel was compiled with 4.2, so I thought I need to have 4.2 installed for the Nvidia drivers?06:45
RoseyHow do I install iTunes, if not what is the alternative?06:45
shachafRosey: There's that thing, I don't remember what it's called. Look in the menu.06:45
stwangeI killed gnome-panel to refresh it, and I've lost all the icons on my desktop - how do I get them back? (I've restarted gnome-panel)06:45
shachafRosey: (Huh, that may have appeared sarcastic? That was not the intent. I don't run GNOME, so I don't remember.)06:45
ubu_nubxgates: doh. is there a gcc-4.2 available?06:45
RoseyNo you're fine, lol06:45
Jordan_URosey: There is no way to access the itunes music store in linux but with a virtual machine running windows, there are many good media players though06:46
powertool08Rosey: I think shachaf is referring to synaptic package manager06:46
mintCurly_Q: yes, I meant Linksys will supply the internetl, netgear will be the one to connect to it wirelessly so it can reroute the internet signal06:46
shachafpowertool08: No, the music player.06:46
XgatesI didn't see any in synaptic but if I want to install it, would I run ---> apt-get gcc-4.2 install? maybe from the cli will work?06:46
mintso how do i get started?]06:46
ablmf1I installed vsftpd on ubuntu.  When I login the ftp from a remote folder,  every file and dir's name looks like "moth year real_file name"06:47
ablmf1What wrong with that?06:47
powertool08shachaf: Oh, sorry :)06:47
ubu_nubXgates: apt-cache search gcc-4.206:47
shachafRosey: What are you trying to do? Play music, buy music, use an iPod?06:47
Ephhi =) can anyone tell me how I get rid of a previous mdadm configuration so that I get a fresh auto-detect of my raid? I have put in a boot disk from when I had 2 disks in the array, now I have 3 so they dont match. On a fresh install / rescue disc boot I can mount the raid just fine but on this old boot disk I it complains06:47
* shachaf suspects he was thinking of Rhythmbox.06:47
RoseyMostly just upload to my iPod Touch06:47
Roseynot to play music06:47
Curly_QMint, ONLY ONE router can be the ACCESS POINT if you want to set up what I think you want. That may be your problem. You cannot have both routers as the access point.06:48
Jordan_U!ipod | Rosey06:48
ubottuRosey: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:48
RoseyThank you06:49
Jordan_URosey: np06:49
Curly_QIf you do have both routers as the access point then you need to assign them both different IP addresses.06:49
mintCurly_Q: so that's it, thought your suggesting i can do that wirelessly. Anyway that's why i'm asking help to share internet06:49
stwangeis there any way to alias hosts on your machine for ssh? Some kind of overriding DNS? eg. so that ssh myserver would replace myserver with the IP?06:50
mintCurly_Q: yes i'm aware of that IP thing06:50
slurpleusing JJ, when i unplug my laptop, the power profile does not switch to POWERSAVE. WHY NOT?06:50
Curly_QSure, anything you can do with cable and RJ45 cabling and that stuff you can do with wireless.06:50
SeJi2¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä ^^06:51
minthhmmm... ok let me try if i can do that06:52
Roseywhat is the equivalent to task manager on this06:52
Jordan_URosey: System > Administration > System Monitor06:52
Roseythank you06:54
jimbeam12Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ??06:54
Curly_QSpeaking of TASK MANAGER, try looking up a GOOGLE on:           SECURITY TASK MANAGER   <--------------<    Cool program for Windows.06:54
gOLDfeeshis there a reason as to why my module install always uses as the dir instead of
jimbeam12Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-15-generic06:54
jimbeam12Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic06:54
jimbeam12Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin06:54
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stwangeon Vista with OpenVPN connected to my network, I can connect to computers without the FQDN, eg. "blah" instead of "blah.host.com" works. On Ubuntu, the host cannot be resolved using the same VPN configuration - can anyone tell me why?06:55
ewpa splash image is not really important. it just makes grub look pretty. i use the dark windows/penguin logo one from gnome-look.org06:56
Curly_QStwange check the permissions.06:56
Curly_QAnd firewall settings or port settings.06:56
coolcourthello, how do i get my lamp setup to load my css and js files?06:57
stwangeCurly_Q, the VPN is being run as sudo, and it connects fine (eg. blah.host.com works but wouldn't without the VPN)06:58
Curly_QCoolCourt, try looking up LYNDA on Google for Cascading Style Sheets.06:58
ewpcoolcourt, css and js are client-side06:58
coolcourtwell i understand how to use them, but when i go to localhost/site06:58
coolcourtthey dont load, i was thinking theres a terminal command or something to a conf file or something06:59
Curly_QCheck your PORT SETTINGS Stwange.06:59
ewpcoolcourt, you must not be setting the correct URL in your HTML07:00
Xgatesubu_nub: export didn't help but I figured out to run the installer like this --->  export CC=gcc-4.3 ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.82-pkg1.run07:00
coolcourtwell i installed cakephp on my ubuntu install and when i go to the installation its just white and black the css isnt loading07:00
coolcourti thought it was something common and took a few edits to fix07:01
raynobHello there, I need assistance with Ubuntu set up as a gateway and also serving as pptp server.  If I flush all my iptables, I can connect successfully to the LAN, but with my iptables enabled, I can connect to pptp  sucessfully but no access to LAN.  Any ideas or pointers anyone?07:01
ewpcoolcourt, ah i havent used cakephp in a while. i believe you need to place the js files in /cake/app/www/js (same structure for css) and just link them in your views by localhost/js (localhost/css)07:02
ewpcoolcourt, join #cakephp07:02
coolcourtyea i went into their channel rigt now thanks07:03
stwangeCurly_Q, can you be more details please? (or, more walkthroughy :)07:03
ewpthey should help you better with that because cakephp has .htaccess files which mess with URL structure07:03
Curly_QRayNob check this out:     http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/PPTP_Server_Configuration07:03
ubu_nubXgates: nice. did it give any errors about symbolic links?07:03
ryguyMy computer's tellin me that im receiving data at about 80 kb/s without any thing open.. any ideas?07:04
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frost_why ubuntu not debian on a laptop?07:04
ubu_nubryguy: maybe isntall iftop and see whats going on? ..07:04
Xgatesno errors07:05
Curly_QStwange, the VPN or Virtual Private Network is working as you say. Read more on the subject and you will find that there is a permissions problem or a PORT problem.07:06
ryguyubu_nub: bash: isntall: command not found07:06
tehC0untfor some reason ubuntu cannot partition my disk07:06
raynobCurly - do mind if I pvt you?07:06
ewpooo iftop, i forgot about that tool :p07:06
Curly_QPlease don't I have too many people that want me to tell them things.07:07
jimbeam12anyone have a clue?07:07
ubu_nubryguy: aptitude install iftop ?07:07
ryguyeither way, how do i figure out whats downloading all this data... its runnin up my cpu usage07:07
ewplol Curly_Q07:07
jimbeam12splash image do not update07:07
jimbeam12how do I link it07:07
Curly_QGreets to EWP.07:08
ewpjimbeam12, what's the problem?07:08
jimbeam12hello ewp07:08
ewpjimbeam12, trying to get your splashimage.xpm.gz to load in grub?07:08
jimbeam12yes that right and it wont do it07:08
jimbeam12i get this as follows07:08
ewpaite, hold up let me look at my settings here :p07:08
jimbeam12how do I link it07:08
ryguyubu_nub: k i got iftop but I still get bash: 'isntall: command not found'07:09
jimbeam12searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...07:09
ewpjimbeam12, actually you could use startupmanager to load it07:09
ubu_nubryguy: sudo iftop07:09
stwangecan you link me to something Curly_Q? I don't see why a port problem would cause problems if the vpn is connecting and the FQDNs are being resolved - surely it's an issue with my local DNS lookup not updating or something07:09
raynobCurly - I'm pretty sure that the problem is related to my iptables.  There's something that I'm not allowing.  Do you have any pointers on how to get blockings logged perhaps.  Maybe then I should I should be able to figure out what I'm missing.07:09
ewpjimbeam12, the file of your splashimage must be in /boot/grub, or atleast on your /boot partition07:09
ryguyubu_nub: alright, it seems to be coming from fa.46.1343.static.theplan07:10
ryguyubu_nub: I have no idea what that is07:10
jimbeam12yes ive dont that ewp07:10
jimbeam12there are all in in there07:10
jimbeam12they just dont update07:10
ewpjimbeam12, actually it must be in /boot/grub/splashimages07:10
jones-I'm using the Karmic alpha (dist-upgraded from Jaunty) and I have sound problems. i can hear the gdm sound at start up, but after that, nothing. Can anyone please help?07:11
jimbeam12yep exactly07:11
jimbeam12how do i get them to load up..07:11
ubu_nubryguy: there is a port settings option in iftop. press h.07:11
ewpjimbeam12, well my menu.lst has this line07:11
ewpjimbeam12, splashimage=/grub/splashimages/grub-splash-dark.xpm.gz07:11
ewpjimbeam12, no /boot in there, so take off /boot if you have it, just start from /grub07:11
jimbeam12ok let me check07:12
ewpmine works perfect too07:12
didymoushello you wonderful helpful people, i notice an option for vpn in the network appelet but its not enabled how do i enable vpn?07:12
Curly_QRayNob try checking the IP Tables manual and see in the   TOP command if something is being blocked or being sent out.07:12
Kingtiger01Hello all... again... whos using karmic?07:12
sf17kI play games in wine and every few minutes something uses a lot of cpu for a few seconds, drastically slowing down the game. this only happens periodically so I don't know what the process could be, any ideas?07:12
jones-Kingtiger01: I am, and I'm here because i have sound problems :)07:13
techieanyone know how to get a dual head setup on an ATI card using the open source drivers?07:14
ryguyubu_nub: ah thank you very much07:14
ewpdidymous, i never did vpn but ubuntugeek has a guide for pptp vpn: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-configure-pptp-vpn-in-ubuntu-intrepid-and-jaunty.html07:14
Kingtiger01jones: Gotta love there new choice of sound deamons... i suggested not to switch from Alsa...07:14
ubu_nubryguy: np. now you get to learn iptables drop commands. :)07:14
jimbeam12hey ewp..just check my menu.lst its not there..07:14
didymousewp thank you07:14
ryguyubu_nub: =)07:14
ewpjimbeam12, /boot/grub/menu.lst07:15
Curly_QIt is time for another BEER folks. Any takers? It is on the house.   :)07:15
jimbeam12yes i have it up ..that line not there07:15
ewpto be clear that the L is not a one or i07:15
jimbeam12i can paste bin for u07:15
ewpjimbeam12, then just add it07:16
ewpjimbeam12, splashimage=/grub/splashimages/grub-splash-dark.xpm.gz07:16
jimbeam12where at the start07:16
ewpjimbeam12, just rename it to your file07:16
ewpyea, that'll work07:16
ewpi just suggest before your kernels07:16
Kingtiger01anyone having issues with (V:20090701)CA-Certificates with BOINC?07:16
jimbeam12ok done lets c..if i have any issue..ill catch on live cd ..heheh07:17
LeChacalhello, i am having a problem getting my mouse to work with my ups because of special mouse drivers and i am told that i need to get my mouse drive to load before usbhid module is load. How do i do this?07:17
joakimk_I want to use my Nokia phone (3720) as a GPRS modem for my Ubuntu laptop. For XP there is a "Nokia Suite" software, but how is this done in Ubuntu?07:17
techiei need help setting up dual head with open source ATI drivers07:17
creative sound converter ---> http://creative-blog.co.cc/wp/?p=43907:18
ryguyubu_nub: w00t, back down to 0 kb/s =D07:18
jimbeam12ewp should i put that line on the start of the menu.lst07:18
ubu_nubryguy: get it blocked than?07:19
jimbeam12or it doesent matter07:19
ewpjimbeam12, i suggest anywhere before your OS list07:19
ewpwhere other setting options are07:19
jimbeam12ok coll .brb..hope..lol07:19
ryguyubu_nub: Well, It was a custom conky script that executes every minute and displays all the current users on a forum I goto, So I just removed the script entirely07:19
NoCode!dualhead | techie07:19
ubottutechie: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:19
Curly_QKingtiger01 check this out:           http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Installing_on_Linux07:20
ewpjimbeam12, there should be a commented example for you in the file already07:20
techieNoCode, already there07:20
creativehttp://creative-blog.co.cc/wp/ my blog07:20
NoCodeah, okay. Not sure otherwise then.07:20
jimbeam12should it like #splashimage=/grub/splashimages/grub-splash-dark.xpm.gz07:20
jimbeam12or just splashimage=/grub/splashimages/grub-splash-dark.xpm.gz07:20
creative sound converter ---> http://creative-blog.co.cc/wp/?p=43907:20
jimbeam12without the hash..07:20
ubu_nubryguy: outbound spam. nice.07:20
ryguyubu_nub: I'm sure the forums admins appreciated it, too =p07:21
ewpno # before the line, # means the entire line will be ignored. it's known as a "comment"07:21
[[thufir]]how do you add path info to /etc/bash.bashrc ?07:24
[[thufir]]what's a global path?07:25
=== bruceiloho is now known as brucelee
LeChacalhello, can someone tell me how to change the order in which modules are load? Or some way that I can get one module to load before another?07:26
Curly_QI would like to say to all of the folks here a huge THANK YOU for all of your hard work and research. I think that all of the folks here should give a great appreciation of gratitude for the arduous work that most of us take the time and give it for free. JUST SAY THANK YOU.07:26
techiefresh install of ubuntu 8.10 is only detecting one screen on my ATI card07:26
shosHello, can amarok work in Gnome environment?07:27
oldude67shos, yes07:27
DasEi[[thufir]]: echo in $PATH tells you07:27
* ryguy says THANK YOU to everyone here as well07:27
DasEi[[thufir]]: echo  $PATH  in trml tells you*07:27
ryguyyou guys dont get paid enough for this =p07:27
shosI want to join Curly_Q on that btw07:27
ubu_nubryguy: I learned something from that export command. it's all good.07:28
ewpi wish i had a beer07:28
techiei need help ubuntu is only detecting one of my 2 screens07:29
ewpdamn liquor stores closed :-(07:29
sujiwhat is command to search a particular package in our system is installed or not?07:29
ryguyubu_nub: Yeah? I learned to properly exit my code so its not piling up dozens of http requests haha07:29
ewp!dualhead | techie07:29
ubottutechie: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:29
didymousewp: looks like everyone else is having problems with vpn in jaunty, i think i will skip it for now07:29
shossuji: whereis package07:29
oldude67!ati | techie07:29
ubottutechie: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:29
techieewp, your the second person to point me there07:30
didymousdoes anyone know if the remote desktop option can be encrypted?07:30
Kingtiger01RDP or VNC?07:30
CastilleVUbottu: Training07:30
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:30
ewptechie, well it provides good advice Xinerama is great for setting up dual monitor, so look into it07:30
sujishos: i want to know some packages are already installed my system or not?07:30
Blueysuji try sudo dpkg -l | grep <packagename>07:30
Kingtiger01<didymous>: RDP or VLC?07:30
Kingtiger01<didymous>: RDP or VNC*07:30
didymousKingtiger01: the defualt in jaunty07:31
sujiBluey: okey07:31
techieewp, xinerama is already installed, but ubuntu isnt detecting the screen on the DVI output07:31
ScottGI have an sftp connection and can browse a server in nautilus. When I open a file in gedit it seems to work flawlessly. However, if I open it with gvim nothing seems to happen. Could someone help me out with this?07:31
bullgard4I am going to import my Evolution addressbook to Thunderbird. Thunderbird's import wizard > Import Address Book has an line 'Record data to import=id". What does this 'id' (identifier) mean in Thunderbird's addressbook?07:31
DasEiKingtiger01: as I remember it's ssh-crypted07:31
ewptechie, it's all in your xorg.conf this page should help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo07:31
CastilleVUbottu training07:31
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:31
techieewp, sigh, i hate writing xorg.conf's they never work for me07:32
ewptechie, just make sure to backup your working xorg.conf07:32
ewptechie, manipulating with xorg.conf is your only option to get dualheads setup07:33
Curly_QEWP stock up on your beer for a rainy day.07:33
ewpCurly_Q, i'm in NJ and it's raining right now07:33
Blueytechie - rule number 1 in dealing with computers:  always have a path back to the way it was, before you messed it up.  Rule # 2:  follow rule # 107:33
Curly_QMe too but I stocked up on beer.07:33
oldude67ewp, good keep it for a few days..:D07:33
ewpscreenlets says its goin to be cloudy so a slight chance of rain07:34
ewpwell today during the day i meant07:35
jdvplease can someone help me mount my root filesystem07:35
Blueyewp -- they say we're going to have a low of 58 here tonight -- first low under 60 since may 107:36
ewpjdv, how did you break fstab to not mount the root fs?07:36
Blueyjdv hang on07:36
Curly_QI am curious, is there any Linux graphics besides the following website:  http://www.linfo.org/software_artists.html   <--------<   Has anyone used any of these programs?07:36
kryptosi'm in the process of installing Version 9.10 does anyone think this is NOT a good idea?07:36
jdvI got the filesystem does not have init error07:37
ewpwell the equinox was just 2 days ago07:37
Blueyjdv try this:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=907:37
jdvso I used live cd to get in and now trying to update udev07:37
jdvbut I cant mount my main drive it says possible bad block or wrong fs type07:37
losherkryptos: depends how much stability you're after. 8.04 LTS is probably the most stable release available...07:37
ewpjdv ahhhhhhh bad blocks!!! old hard drive07:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about badblocks07:38
ewpjdv, man badblocks07:38
losherjdv: can you fsck the partition?07:38
Curly_QJDV to answer any questions about your problem, you need to explain and tell what you are using for hardware.07:38
jdvim not sure how from this situation07:38
jdvinfact im not even sure which device is my main drive since two possible devices are giving me the same error from mount07:38
ewpjdv, you'll have to boot into a livecd07:39
Blueyjdv what file type are you using?07:39
jdvim in a live cd. I am 99% sure I am ext207:39
DasEiKingtiger01: still around ?07:39
jdvbut when I try both ext2 and ext3 it gives same error.07:39
losherjdv: please run sudo fsck -l (lower case L) and pastebin the output07:39
ewpjdv, 'blkid' will tell you07:39
jimbeam12hey ewp07:39
ewpjimbeam12, any luck?07:39
losherjdv: please run sudo fdisk -l (lower case L) and pastebin the output (FDISK, not FSCK !!)07:39
jimbeam12guess what..the freaking thinkg stuff up on me..lol07:39
jimbeam12iam on my laptop right now07:40
jdvheh ok07:40
Curly_QJDV are you running a SCSI RAID device? I know the answer.07:40
jdvbut no raid setup07:40
ScottGI have an sftp connection and can browse a server in nautilus. When I open a file in gedit it seems to work flawlessly. However, if I open it with gvim nothing seems to happen. Could someone help me out with this?07:40
jdvI removed it07:40
jimbeam12ive tried this before ..how to retriece the menu.lst file with no luck07:40
jimbeam12startup manager sucks...lol07:40
Curly_QSo you are running SCSI?07:41
jdvyes Curly_Q07:41
abhilashm86E: Unable to write mmap - msync (28 No space left on device)07:41
abhilashm86E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.07:41
Curly_QNow we are geting somewhere.07:41
abhilashm86E: _cache->open() failed, please report.07:41
Curly_QJDV how many CPU's do you have on you motherboard?07:42
abhilashm86i just messed up status and others in /var/lib/dpkg, how to correct??07:42
jdvjust one amd07:42
ewpjimbeam12, well my splashimage file is located in /boot/grub/splashimages and here's a copy of my menu.lst. other than that idk what to tell ya :-P http://paste.ubuntu.com/276822/07:42
jdvsudo fdisk -l shows my / devide is /dev/sdb207:42
ewpjimbeam12, yes startupmanager does suck but i use it for quick editing07:42
Curly_QYou said SCSI but no RAID?07:42
jdvwell I had raid when under windows but when I replaced with ubuntu the raid caused install problems so I used the dell utility to remove the raid which fixed it and I never setup it again07:43
abhilashm86can anyone post output of /var/lib/available and /var/lib/status, i deleted it...........07:43
abhilashm86how to recover those??07:43
jdvdell utility is some sort of rom memory thing.07:44
BlueyI can do that abhila -- what's the pastbin url?07:44
Curly_QJDV did you totally delete the HARD DRIVE of all DATA and have you done a:   /MBR07:44
DasEi!paste | Bluey07:45
ubottuBluey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!07:45
jdvmy ubuntu was working fine for months since my meddling with raid07:45
bullgard4I am going to import my Evolution addressbook to Thunderbird. Thunderbird's import wizard > Import Address Book has an line 'Record data to import=id". What does this 'id' (identifier) mean in Thunderbird's addressbook?07:45
Curly_QActually the command is /fdisk MBR07:45
jdvshould I run that?07:45
Curly_QDon't do that command unless you know what you are doing!!!!!!!!07:46
jdvI dont so I didnt.07:46
DasEiKingtiger01: still around ?07:46
Curly_QI am teaching you a lesson here.07:46
Blueyabhila - I have no /var/lib/available or /var/lib/status07:46
jdvappreciate it.. so how can I mount my fs ?07:46
jpdsBluey: /var/lib/dpkg/07:46
Curly_QIt is possible that your Master Boot Record is Corrupted.07:47
jdvI used SGD to correct it07:47
Blueywow that a lot of stuph07:47
Curly_QHow many Operating Systems do you have on your drive in question?07:47
jdvwhich succeeded.. or so it said, but I get the error http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-223773.html07:48
umari ran out of space on /home, how do i increase its file size?07:48
jdvjust ubuntu 8.1 and 9.107:48
jdvdont know why ubuntu 8 is still there but it stayed with 5gb partition after upgrade to jaunty07:48
Blueyumar -- ls -l -t -r    then start removing files07:49
Curly_QUMAR guess what?  Re-Install and get a larger hard drive.07:49
jdvso when I do sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb2 /mnt I get07:49
Curly_QFive Gigs is rediculous in this world of computers.07:50
jdvmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on device, missing blah blah07:50
jdvno my main jaunty has 250gb07:50
Garefieldhi everyone i need some help installing my cdma modem on ubuntu 9.0407:50
jdvwhich is my os07:50
umarBluey and Curly_Q, i think it would be better if i can decrease the size of some other partition and increase the size of /home, my file system is saying  that 18.5 GB is allocated to /home07:50
Curly_QUmar, that is true.07:51
desperadoI'd like to install the package so I can read mail from commandline ($ mail) - but when I do a "apt-get install mailutils", a lot of other packages are to be installed (eg mysql, exim, ...) which I don't need (I use postfix as mailserver) ... can I have "mail" on commandline wihtout all the other stuff ?07:51
jdvthanks for your help im going to go and connect to my bad system so I can use pastebin07:51
Blueywow this is taking forever to post07:52
Curly_QReduce the size of the partitions. Root is the partition that is important. Next make sure that other partitions are not going to be increased or added to.07:52
kiamohi all,  I recently migrated to ubuntu from windows, and I have to say its pretty good.  I just seem to have some media playback problems...  My mp3s sometimes skip, and watching videos in flash players online are a bit choppy... Please can anyone point me in the right direction?07:52
Blueyokay I don't remember who wanted /var/lib/dpkg/available but it's here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/276827/07:53
geirhadesperado: mailx07:54
Blueyyou need to comment out line 1 and note that I am runnng and amd6407:54
ryguyhmmm. I make a file called 'test' and in it I have `#!/bin/bash<NEWLINE>echo "hi"` and when im in the terminal in that directory and I run `$ ./test` I get `bash: ./test: Permission denied`07:54
umarCurly_Q, how do i reduce the size of the partitions? is there a interface to select the various partitions, and increase/decrease theier sizes, or do i need to start in recovery mode and carry out the operations from there? or is there some other way? can u point me to how i can change the sizes of the 4 partitions that i have?07:54
kiamoryguy, have you changed the file permissions to 777, or whatever allows you to execute the file07:55
BlackFateryguy, does it work with sudo?07:55
Xgates why in the mainline kernels there are TWO headers listed, one called generic and one that is not, it seems like you have to install both...07:55
umarthe partitions i have are: 1) /, 2) /boot, 3) /home, and 4) /home/umar/.gvfs07:55
Curly_QUMAR, just keep in mind that that07:56
ryguyAhh I got it, I was running `chmod -x ./test` instead of `chmod +x ./test`07:56
ryguyThanks though07:56
Curly_QSWAP partition equals or not doubles the your RAM.07:56
jimbeam12hi anyone know how to retriece my menu list07:56
jimbeam12retrieve grub/menu list07:56
Blueyand here is /var/log/dpkg/status -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/276829/07:57
jimbeam12what is the correct procedure07:57
umarCurly_Q, which one of hte 4 is the SWAP partition?07:57
Curly_QThe SWAP partition in Linux is the same as the " CONTIGUOUS" file in Windows. It works the same.07:57
jdvunfortunately I cant install an irc client on my dead system since I cant mount my /07:58
jussi01Garefield: does the modem not appear in the network manager?07:58
Curly_QIt should say /swap07:58
Garefieldno it does not07:58
Garefieldbut if i do lsusb it is detected07:58
djshotglass$200 quad core with 2gb ram hmm07:59
jussi01Garefield: which model is it?07:59
se7vnjimbeam12, you mean you want to edit the grub menu.lst ?07:59
Kingtiger01*Cringes and the thoughr of TD*07:59
umarCurly_Q, i dont have any partition with name /swap, the four that my System Monitor is showing are:  1) /, 2) /boot, 3) /home, and 4) /home/umar/.gvfs07:59
Curly_QThe only difference is in Windows the SWAP or Contiguous file is not really a partition. However, you can use a separate hard drive with Windows to SWAP files as a contiguous file. it is involved, but you should get the idea.08:00
henry8do anyone facing problem in installing mysql in ubuntu?08:00
ubu_nubanyone know a way to clean up dpkg? I'm getting a segfault from aptitude/apt-get when trying to do anything. aptitude install foo for instance.08:00
umarCurly_Q, with sizes being: 1)37GB, 2)91MB,3)18.5Gb, and 4)37GB respectively08:01
desperadogeirha: mailx also comes with exim ...08:01
jimbeam12yes se7vn08:01
henry8I follow the step in http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-enableremote-08:01
henry8at the 1st installation it works!08:01
Curly_QThe point is that you need to install Ubuntu or any Linux Kernel with a /swap file.08:01
ubu_nubI can't determine if it's the apt utils or the db's08:02
th0gerubu_nub: aptitude clean (cleans cache)08:02
henry8after i upgraded to ubuntu 9.0.4, my mysql cannot remote access login already08:02
th0gerubu_nub: maybe that helps08:02
henry8may i know, is this a bug?08:02
CastilleVHey, just a general question, and it does relate to Ubuntu, but if I wanted to make programs for Ubuntu, would it be better to learn C#, Python, or Ruby?08:02
tasslehoffwhen I plugin my webcamera the pwc driver is chose, but I want to use gspca instead. how can I control this?08:02
henry8previous ubuntu i use is ubuntu 808:02
ubu_nubth0ger: it gives a segfault as well.08:02
joaopintoCastilleV, Python is the prefered language08:03
jussi01CastilleV: your choice, all of them work... probably best to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
Curly_QCastilleV learn POSIX COMPLIANT C and you will do good if you want to be a good programmer.08:03
lolekhello all, guys i have a problem with pulseaudi pavucontrol - it says connection refused. I checked out the permissions i tried to reload the daemon without any success .. any idea what else i can do ?08:03
ubu_nubth0ger: segfault at cb0af058 ip b7e8b0ff sp bfe47f00 error 5 in libapt-pkg-libc6.8-6.so.4.6.0[b7e56000+bf000]08:03
ubu_nubis what /var/log/messages is giving me.08:04
henry8annyone know?08:04
Curly_QPOSIX compliancy is a portable C language which works well with UNIX, LINUX, and Windows etc.08:04
CastilleVOK, I notice some programs for *nix aren't very stable, so that does help a little bit.08:05
th0gerubu_nub: so both apt (and aptitude) is broken. dpkg works?08:05
banisterfiendanyone konw the best way to convert html to markdown?08:05
ubu_nublets see if it can search.08:05
umarCurly_Q, just googled and found that gparted is a tool for resizing partitions. i need to install it using apt-get, and hopefully it is all straightforward from then on?08:06
jussi01!pm | Garefield08:06
ubottuGarefield: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:06
ubu_nubth0ger: ahhh. ....dpkg-query: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 32760 package `notification-daemon':08:06
ubu_nubth0ger: .... `Depends' field, invalid package name `.6': must start with an alphanumeric08:07
th0gerubu_nub: try to reinstall apt with dpkg. (may the libapt package above). Perhaps dpkg-reconfigure08:07
Curly_QLolek there is a PORT BLOCK somewhere there. Or a permissions problem. Or a network IP block on those particular PORTS.08:07
lolekCurly_Q: ok i found the problem08:08
ubu_nubth0ger: yep. let me screw my brain back on.08:08
henry8henry patiently waiting for respond08:08
Curly_QWhat was the problem?08:08
lolekCurly_Q: i need to run pulseaudio : --system -D --disallow-exit --disallow-module-loading08:08
lolekCurly_Q: after that everything is ok...08:08
lolekCurly_Q: it's weird... cause, as i remember pulseaudio was designed to be run as normal user...08:09
* mekanik waves08:10
darkangelquestion, using vlc which would be th ebest format to record/stream something in???08:10
jimbeam12anyone know how to edit menu.lst iam on live cd08:11
CastilleV.ogg, right? Its an opensource file extension.08:11
Curly_QLolek, as a Network Administrator, I see these problems all of the time. And the main problem and most sought after questions has to do with permissions problems. If you have a shell account, you don't have permissions unless the Network Administrator allows or permits your interactions.08:11
lolekCurly_Q: well i know that but... it's on my local machine...08:12
darkangelis that for the vlc question???08:12
lolekCurly_Q: and.. i don't thing there is any need of having root perm for playing ... sound o.O08:12
* mekanik ponders his very "newbie" questions....08:12
Curly_QWith any LINUX or UBUNTU issue ROOT is everything. With permissions, you can control the world of Linux.08:13
desperadoI'd like to install the package so I can read mail from commandline ($ mail) - but when I do a "apt-get install mailutils", a lot of other packages are to be installed (eg mysql, exim, ...), mailx comes with exim too - which I don't need (I use postfix as mailserver) ... can I have "mail" on commandline wihtout all the other stuff ?08:13
desperadoI'm looking on Google etc too but no luck / no info08:13
Kingtiger01ROOT = Ultimate-Power08:14
Kingtiger01with power comes Great responsibility...08:14
Curly_QNice point and well taken KingTiger01  <---------------------------<08:15
lolekCurly_Q: but... abot the pulseaudio... it still doesn't solve my problem :D08:15
Curly_QTry a Wikipedia or a Google on that.08:15
umarCurly_Q, found a solution, moving stuff out from there into /www/newfolder. actually the cirtual pc images were taking quite a lot of space08:16
Curly_QUmar that tells me a lot and as I said earlier, a small Hard Drive is useless.08:17
umarCurly_Q, i mean i had two 5 GB images of a virtual pcs in my home folder, i just moved them out to create space. but for a better fix, shoudi use gparted?08:18
Curly_QThe bottom line is it is like shoving down the throat of someone a 30 pound turkey when they have just ate a pork loin steak. Think about it.08:20
Jyxtso...anyone know why games like games like openarena use both screens in a dual monitor setup08:20
Jyxtbut if i go full screen in say vlc, it knows to stay in the one monitor?08:20
Garefieldhello ppl i am here with  a problem can anyone help me08:21
Jyxtor hell even playing a game thru wine...stays in one monitor...but openarena uses both, its a bit of a pain in the arse08:21
Garefieldi want to connect to internet using my huawei 2258 cdma phone08:21
Kingtiger01Curly_Q: More like using a Atom Bomb for fishing...08:21
jimbeam12some know how i get edit my grub/menu.lst file08:21
Garefieldbut i dont know how to do it08:21
jimbeam12iam on live cd now08:21
Garefieldwvdial does not reconize my modem but lsusb dies08:22
Kingtiger01Curly_Q: by giving any application root access, they can modify any configuration... i use fakeroot for everything anymore...08:22
Jyxtjimbeam12: mount /dev/sd## /mnt/boot08:22
Jyxtjimbeam12: or something along those lines...then edit away08:22
Curly_QHow in hell do you fake root?08:23
Kingtiger01fakeroot is a package...08:23
Kingtiger01fakeroot is similiar to sudo, but without giving write access and some other permissions..08:23
Curly_QYou would'nt catch me using a fake root program.08:23
ph33rwhy do you need fakeroot in the first place ?08:24
* mekanik sits, watches and learns.. :)08:24
Kingtiger01well then... you have never built sources have you..08:24
jimbeam12nope still getting an empty menul.lst  jyxt08:24
ph33rwhy not the real root ? (pardon my lack of knowledge though) :)08:24
Curly_QAs a Network Administrator, I would never advise anyone to use a FAKE ROOT.08:24
tasslehoffanyone know how I can choose which driver is used with my webcam? I want gspca instead of pwc08:25
Jyxtjimbeam12: ls -l /mnt/boot/08:25
techiei need help ridding my system of the stupid X server check in ubuntu, as it always complains when i use a non default xorg.conf and it even reports errors when i use an xorg.conf that it makes08:25
Jyxtjimbeam12: what does it say? if you get nothing then you didnt mount the right partition08:25
goldingcan some one tell me how which download will help improve my resolution for a nvidia card?08:25
Kingtiger01Curly_Q: then you would NEVER be able to build -DEV packages for Ubuntu/Debia Repositorys!!!08:25
Curly_QTo me FAKE ROOT is nothing but a KIDDIE SCRIPT or HACK to use as a back door and I would not and don't encourage anyone here to listen to this.08:26
jimbeam12i can pastebin it jyxt08:26
mekaniki was just happy when Ubuntu found my new HP printer automatically :D08:26
techiei need help ridding my system of the stupid X server check in ubuntu, as it always complains when i use a non default xorg.conf and it even reports errors when i use an xorg.conf that it makes08:26
Jyxtjimbeam12: if ls -l /mnt/boot/ has stuff...then /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst should also have stuff08:27
student_Akkarin du huso08:28
Kingtiger01Curly_Q: if youre a REAL network Administrator... i would suggest you take a read over at linuxquestions about compiling Libs... its NOT a backdoor, it STOPS Applications that you launch from OVERWRITING other files... WITHOUT IT. you would have a unbootable system when building certian applications... And being that you dont know this i HIGHLY doubt you are a NA, you wouldnt Survive as a IT or SA.08:28
jdv_please can anyone suggest what I should do with these errors? http://pastebin.com/m3d8579c308:28
se7vnJyxt, even if he's running from a livecd with no distro installed?08:28
Jyxtse7vn: he apparantly had it installed before, menu.lst got overwrote or something so he booted into livecd to fix08:29
joakimk_Can someone help me configure a GPRS connection?08:29
Jyxtjimbeam12: your boot partition has contents, but menu.lst is empty? 0 file size?08:29
joakimk_I tried connecting with *sudo pppd nomagic call gprs* and my cellphone responds. But my laptop isn't online. Also, how do I *disconnect*?08:31
Jyxtjimbeam12: not sure how i can help you...guess i could paste you mine menu.lst (fresh install)08:31
Jyxtbut the uuid's would be all different08:31
jimbeam12have u got dual boot08:31
Curly_QKingTiger01 I totally subscribe to being an:   " Ethical Hacker" You may not know much about it but it is something to subscribe to. People like myself works very hard to stop hacking and foolishness to pervade within the ranks of a social environment.08:32
jimbeam12ok paste it lll ill have a look at it08:32
mekanikan ethical hacker.... *ponders* .. i can see that...08:32
mekanikIt is though to my understanding that Ubuntu is a lot more secure than Windows .. correct?08:33
constantine_I'm getting a black screen of death in ubuntu when I try to copy terminal outputs08:34
Curly_QSecurity is beyond the scope of your comment.08:34
mekanikI surmise that to be quite a bit of security then?08:34
Jyxtjimbeam12: http://pastebin.com/d6e5fb1d108:34
joakimk_If "sudo poff" tells me "/usr/bin/poff: No pppd is running.  None stopped" Does that mean I have no active connection?08:34
Jyxtjimbeam12: this is a fresh install...only like 3 hours old08:35
Curly_QI teach classes all day long on this subject.08:35
jimbeam12ok thx08:35
jimbeam12ill have a look at it thx08:35
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Jyxtmekanik: *nix is inherintly more secure than windows for a variety of reasons08:35
Curly_QSecurity is only based upon the responsibility of the Network Administrators ability and understanding and knowledge of the job at hand.08:36
mekaniki'm just a simple home user..08:36
bubillentaintment for windows , work for *nix08:36
=== tehbaut| is now known as tehbaut
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Kingtiger01Curly_Q: You know.... when i got up to go to work tonight... I knew some one would try and press my Buttons with Noobish Definitions of a DEBIAN package written by Linus Torvalds... THE MAKER OF THE LINUX KERNEL.. if want a lecture on hacking.. ill go talk to Kevin Mitnick, or go back to college and listen to another lecture from a proffessor. But, i think i should know a little bit about the diffirence between a Bash/SH/Perl Sc08:37
Kingtiger01ript and a SU_like Jail-Application thats STOPS hacked applications or applications DESIGNED to damage youre system, or applications period from REPLACING youre system files... stop trying to play a Experience *nix user.08:37
BoohbahCurly_Q: false. what if somebody walks into your datacenter and takes your server?08:37
BoohbahCurly_Q: what if someone calls support and gets a password? can either of those be prevented by a network admin?08:38
Curly_QKingtiger01 there are many Kevin Mitnick out HERE.08:38
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BoohbahCurly_Q: http://www.schneier.com/08:38
constantine_I have a black screen when I try to copy from terminal that doesn't go away08:39
BoohbahCurly_Q: a network administrator could not have prevented mitnick's social engineering attacks08:39
Curly_QConstantine   SCREEN SAVER shut it off.08:39
JyxtCurly_Q: psh, kevin mitnick isnt a hacker...he's a social engineer08:39
tehbautany good pw managers that work with ubuntu, windows, and maybe iphone and/or winmoble?08:39
Jyxthe's good at talking the talk08:39
Curly_QI read his profile.08:40
BoohbahJyxt: in the broader definition of the term, mitnick IS a hacker08:40
JyxtBoohbah: well by all rights and definitions most computer users are hackers...we forget that popular media altered the term to something nefarious back in the 80's08:40
Jyxtbefore the media got a hold of it...a hacker was essentially a programmer08:40
Kingtiger01Obviously... but 70% of them are worried about personal gain... not pissing off some network admin... i was a child of the 80's. i grew up playing around with my IBM PC1, and getting Loop numbers... doesnt mean i consort those actions now... i regret them. but i learned something, unlike some people.08:41
Jyxtif'n you want to talk semantics Boohbah08:41
Curly_QI like your definition Jyxt.08:41
se7vnBoohbah : That guy didn't spare on paying the HTML team much did he LOL08:41
BuGo_laptophi. i have weirdest problem. When i type anything in search bar in NetBeans or Firefox and search fails (text i search is not found) whole screen flashes black. As if every window in screen is being redrawn.08:41
BuGo_laptopmaybe this comes from some sound effect?08:41
Curly_QMitnick made a mistake and paid for it.08:41
constantine_Curly_O - that worked thanks08:41
henry8need help08:42
BuGo_laptopany ideas?08:42
Jyxtto me a hacker is someone who uses the code to gain entry, whereas a social engineer (mitnick) use's charm and charisma08:42
henry8why the hostname is but the domain =
Curly_QConstantine did you shut off the screen saver?08:42
Curly_Q127.0.0l.1 is the local host which is the NIC card and you can PING it.08:43
XgatesI installed the mainline kernel  2.6.31-020631 cause I'm running a macbook pro and it's the only one that will allow the macbook to restart. At boot up I get these msgs: 'ssb: ERROR: PLL init unknown for device 4322',  ' ssb: ERROR: PMU resource config unknown for device 4322'  Anyone know anything?08:43
Matt______I can't logg on to even order the new version...even though in other places it says I am...i wonder if this could be because of Opera browser?08:44
Curly_QSorry is the local host and you can open up a Command Prompt and do a :   /ping localhost08:44
tehbautis there a way to control the order and timing of startup items?08:45
Curly_QAlso :   /ping
Boohbahse7vn: it's more about content than presentation.08:45
Xgatesahhh ssb Sonics Silicon Backplane08:45
morpheusstehbaut, /etc/rc?.d08:45
Matt______i guess i should try IE then,,,,08:46
constantine__yes Curly_O, still having difficulties with this compiz-manager command in terminal - it turns my whole screen black08:46
morpheussconstantine, you have graphic card?08:47
constantine__MESA DRI Intel 945G 20061102 x86/mmx/sse208:47
Curly_QConstantine, try using the screen resolution and changing the format.  You may be asking the computer to supply more pixels than what is asked for.08:47
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constantine__how do I do that08:47
se7vnBoohbah : Presentation's the easy part, thought that wouldn't have been overlooked08:48
Curly_QChange the the screen resolution.08:48
Jyxtconstantine__: i had this problem before...no matter what i did compiz always turned my screen black, its because by default compiz doesn't have a wm...so it doesn't know *how* to draw things on your screen08:48
constantine__but it has the correct screen resolution for my monitor and it works in windows08:48
constantine__jyxt, it worked fine for months08:49
MausPHello together. Why does "du -hs file" reports a very different  value for filesize than "ls -hla file" ?08:49
Jyxtconstantine__: oh then nvm :P08:49
tehbautthanks morpheuss08:49
constantine__then I left it alone for four months and turned it back on and it does this08:49
MausPI differs for about 25GB on a 40GB file08:49
Curly_QShut off the screen saver and the autoprotect.08:49
soreauJyard: compiz *is* a WM. His drivers are b0rken08:49
MausProot@kl08010811:/vmware# ls -hla disk.img08:50
MausP-rw-r----- 1 root root 38G 2009-09-24 08:37 disk.img08:50
MausProot@kl08010811:/vmware# du -hs disk.img08:50
MausP13G     disk.img08:50
FloodBot1MausP: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:50
constantine__already did, Curly_O08:50
Jyxtso with a dual monitor setup, anyone know why games like openarena try to spread across both monitors?08:50
MausPsorry for flooding: here's the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276858/08:50
Jyxtinstead of using one monitor like everything else that goes full screen08:51
Aayushdoes any one know how to use halevt to auto mount pendrive in text mode08:51
Curly_QConstantine try shutting down your antivirus software if you have it installed or anything that has a TIMER on it.08:51
constantine__nothing like that is running08:53
constantine__after 4 months, should I just update everything in synaptic?08:54
Curly_QIt may be Constantine that your Monitor is bad. Have you tried to replace it to check if it is good or bad?08:54
soreau! update | constantine__08:54
ubottuconstantine__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:54
constantine__my monitor is great, new and working in windows08:54
Curly_QJust because it works with Windows, it does not mean it will work with UBUNTU or Linux. In fact, I have had this problem with a nice monitor and it was the drivers and not the monitor or the computer or the OS.08:56
constantine__that doesn't make any sense, though - its working fine right now and with every other application08:56
Curly_QIt does make sense.08:56
Aayushdoes any one know how to use halevt to auto mount pendrive in text mode08:56
constantine__but it does work with ubuntu - just not compiz08:57
jimbeam12anyone know hot to edit menu.lst in grub08:57
ubu_nubth0ger: still having problems with apt. this bug report is short but comes close: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager-core/+bug/30046508:57
Aayushjimbeam12, ? do u want to edit08:57
Curly_QLinux drivers are not Windows Drivers, and in fact, most manufacturers design hardware to work with Windows as a preferred OS rather than LINUX or UNIX or any other OS.08:58
jimbeam12yes pls08:58
jimbeam12ive been trying i cant seem to find08:58
jimbeam12iam on live cd08:58
indusjimbeam12: why do you want to edit it08:58
Aayushjimbeam12, could u be more specific please08:58
jimbeam12hey indus wsup bro08:58
indusjimbeam12: hello08:59
jimbeam12man this startup manage has really stuffed things up for me..08:59
jimbeam12not using it again..08:59
Balsaqwhen ienter xubuntu it lets me right in, when i enter ubuntu it makes me 1st go into proxy and then tells me i can go to ubuntu? anyone know why?08:59
jimbeam12ok indus ive tried  sudo mount -t ext3/dev/sda5/mnt08:59
jimbeam12then tried to gksudo gedit /mnt/boot/menu.list09:00
indusjimbeam12: what are you trying to do,09:00
jimbeam12and i get an empty list09:00
indusjimbeam12: its /boot/grub/menu.lst09:00
jimbeam12yes i cant get to it09:00
indusjimbeam12: aah live cd sorry09:00
indusjimbeam12: its menu.lst09:00
indusjimbeam12: not list09:00
jimbeam12iam using my laptop now inds09:01
indusjimbeam12: i have no idea what you are trying to do09:01
Aayushdoes any one know how to use halevt to auto mount pendrive in text mode09:01
jimbeam12indus i want to get to my menu.lst to edit so i can boot ..09:01
indusjimbeam12: why cant you boot? did you change something?09:02
jimbeam12i have dual boot..one is ubuntu one is  windows..the unbuntu link is broken09:02
jimbeam12yes startup manage done something..09:02
indusjimbeam12: why whats the error09:02
jimbeam12error: 1109:02
indusjimbeam12: the full error please09:02
indusjimbeam12: is it a grub error or something else09:03
jimbeam12error:inrecognized string09:03
Jyxterror 11 is a grub error...unrecognized string i believe09:04
jimbeam12error 11: unrecognized string indus09:04
indusjimbeam12: aer you the same guy wrec ffrom yesterday?09:04
Jyxtbut grub doesnt really give useful info when it dumps an error...just says error ##: description of error09:04
Jyxtjimbeam12: did you install ubuntu first or windows first?09:04
techiei need help making a dual head xorg.conf for my ATI card, no matter how i do it it always fails to load properly and brings up a xorg screen at boot09:04
indusjimbeam12: please use the backup menu.lst and rename it09:05
constantine__how do I know if my monitor (hp 2159m) is compatible with ibex?09:05
jimbeam12how do i retrieve it09:05
Aayushdoes any one know how to use halevt to auto mount pendrive in text mode09:05
jimbeam12how do i get there09:05
indusjimbeam12: where have you mounted the linux partition?09:05
Jyxtindus: dont you mean the boot partition09:05
jimbeam12windows first indus09:05
Jyxtjimbeam12: well menu.lst is obviously not empty...otherwise grub would be complaining alot more09:06
jimbeam12ok what now..indus09:06
jimbeam12sudo mount09:07
jimbeam12sda5 linux09:08
se7vnjimbeam12 : when grub pops up on start, Ubuntu and Windows are the two listed?09:08
techiei need help making a dual head xorg.conf for my ATI card, no matter how i do it it always fails to load properly and brings up a xorg screen at boot09:08
jimbeam12yes there are09:08
se7vnAnd when you run Ubuntu off the list, it gives you the error?09:09
se7vnHave you installed any other versions of linux on your system in the past?09:10
piratexalguem acordado aeh ?09:10
neil_dI am having trouble with setting a no password ssh login on my ubuntu server.  I generated a rsa key, copied it onto the server and appended this to the authorized_keys file but still no go.  what am I doing wrong?09:10
MenZa!pt | piratex09:10
ubottupiratex: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.09:10
jimbeam12ok back09:11
piratexsorry :P09:11
Jyxtneil_d: is the server setup to use keys?09:11
salvonathan never09:11
Jyxtneil_d: whats the exact error your getting when trying to connect with a key09:11
neil_dJyxt: I think so... I get asked for the password.09:12
jimbeam12ok ive tried sudo mount -t et3 /dev/sda5/mnt09:12
Jyxtneil_d: with the key you shouldnt be asked09:12
Jyxtdid you chmod the local key?09:12
neil_dJyxt: I know09:12
Jyxtchmod 400 .ssh/id_rsa09:12
neil_dJyxt: done (on the client) no change!09:13
se7vnjimbeam12 : I was going to suggest, when I first updated the kernel on ubuntu and screwed up my menu.lst file, come to find out 2 days later, I was editing 1 of 2 menu.lst's09:15
neil_dJyxt: the /etc/ssh/sshd_config has "PubkeyAuthentication yes"09:15
se7vnif they're listed in grub, there's a menu.lst around with that info in it09:15
Jyxtneil_d: and on your server /etc/ssh/sshd_config you have pubkeyauthentication yes09:15
jimbeam12ok what the solution then .09:16
neil_dJyxt: snap!!09:16
jimbeam12if i cant get to my menu.lst09:16
Jyxtneil_d: it works?09:16
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neil_dJyxt: no,, still asks for the password!09:17
Jyxtneil_d: did you change anything in the sshd_config? if so you should restart ssh09:17
Jyxtthough i think by default pubkeyauth is on09:17
AfCDo we have to do anything special to get Karmic to recognize encrypted [external device] partitions? On Gentoo with GNOME 2.26 the auto mounter did the LUKS mapping automatically and then a dialog came up prompting for passphrase. Am I missing something obvious to make this work on Ubuntu?09:17
se7vnwhat's in the /boot/grub directory of your distro partition?09:17
neil_dJyxt: no I didn't.. but I restarted it anyway.. still asks for a password.09:18
ubu_nubth0ger: purged and reinstalled apt using dpkg  worked. thx.09:18
Jyxtneil_d: and your /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file shows a line like09:18
DJonesAfC: Support for Karmic is in #ubuntu+1, you're more likely to get a response in that channel than in here09:18
Jyxtssh-rsa BUNCHOFRANDOMCHARACTERS user@domain09:18
techiei need help making a dual head xorg.conf for my ATI card, no matter how i do it it always fails to load properly and brings up a xorg screen at boot09:18
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AfCDJones: ah. Thanks09:18
th0gerubu_nub: cool09:19
Jyxtneil_d: well more like ssh-rsa BUNCHOFRANDOMCHARACTERS== user@domain09:19
sagacichanging a file chmod 333, is that any different from 77709:19
neil_dJyxt: yes!  I just double checked the pub key is in the file.09:19
Jyxtsagaci: 777 gives user, group, world...read, write, execute permission09:20
Jyxtsagaci: 333 gives only write and execute09:20
Jyxtso with 333 nobody...not user, group or world...can read the file09:20
roflparrotsagaci,  those numbers are octal sums09:20
roflparroteach corresponds to a unique config09:20
Jyxtneil_d: is it on one line?09:20
sagaciJyxt: but they can write to it, right?09:21
Jyxtsagaci: with 333 yes09:21
Jyxtanyone can write to it and execute it09:21
sagaciJyxt: just cannot read it directly09:21
neil_dJyxt: yes09:21
Jyxtsagaci: or indirectly i would think09:21
Jyxtneil_d: maybe the key is borked?09:22
th0gerneil_d: Do you have DenyUsers in sshd_config?09:22
davidson_1971 i want to install Windows Xp beside Ubuntu jaunty how?09:22
DJones!dualboot | davidson_197109:23
ubottudavidson_1971: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:23
neil_dth0ger: no09:23
neil_dJyxt: the key was generated just a few minutes ago.09:23
davidson_1971Sorry. I am using a PC09:24
Jyxtneil_d: heres a nice link on it...http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/15209:24
DJonesdavidson_1971: Do you have windows or ubuntu installed already?09:24
davidson_1971I have ubutnu installed already09:24
Jyxtneil_d: well if you have the key, and the server has it listed in authorized_keys209:24
davidson_1971ie jaunty09:24
Jyxtthen its gotta be something with the sshd_config09:25
DJonesdavidson_1971: Is that on the whole drive, or is there plenty of unpartitioned space on the drive, or did you give Ubuntu the whole drive when you installed09:25
Jyxtbut only 2 options really matter...the pubkeyauthentication...and rsaauthentication...though my rsaauthentication says no and i use pure key entry...no passwords at all09:25
davidson_1971I am a new bie. Yes, I gave the whole HDD I suppose09:25
se7vnjimbeam : so you have files in /boot  : and in /boot/grub   : just nothing in menu.lst ?09:27
^Zazhow would I go about upgrading irssi to 0.8.14? that version has not been added to the package manager.09:27
se7vnguess not :-)09:28
Jyxtjimmy51_: you wouldnt happen to have a file called /boot/grub/grub.conf would you?09:28
cryptopsyHi I know this off topic but can someone tell me what the pharmacy is called in ontario canada? I forgot the name and I'm not feeling well.09:28
Jyxtcryptopsy: google?09:29
neil_dJyxt: I used the ssh-copy-id command and it fixed things up for me... its working now.09:29
cryptopsyJyxt: Can't find it09:29
Jyxtneil_d: nice09:29
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:29
cryptopsyJyxt: Its a 3 letter name I think09:29
th0gercryptopsy: translate.google.com09:29
Jyxtneil_d: in sshd_config you might want to turn permitrootlogin to no09:29
ActionParsnipis there a way to make a command not need sudo09:29
cryptopsyth0ger: What am i supposed to translate09:29
DJonesdavidson_1971: You'll need to use an ubuntu live cd to boot up and then use gparted to free up some space on your drive, then install windows into the free space, after that, you'll need to reconfigure grub so that it gives you access to ubuntu and windows. Have a look at this web page, its got instructions on how install windows after you've installed ubuntu about half way down the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot?action=show&re09:29
cryptopsyth0ger: I nee the store name09:29
Jyxtand maybe change logingracetime to 1m and maxauthtries to 309:29
Jyxtneil_d: if you want to disable passwords entirely (so only keys work)09:30
Jyxtneil_d: change passwordauthentication to no...and challengeresponseauthentication to no09:30
davidson_1971thanks, DJones, I will give it a try09:30
cryptopsyI need the place that sells cough syrup09:30
Jyxtthat way if someone connects and they dont have a key...they get dropped right away09:30
sprinkI'm trying to install the android plugins in eclipse, has anyone done that in 9.04?09:30
DJonesdavidson_1971: If you're not sure of anything, ask in the channel, somebody should be around to help09:30
neil_dJyxt: I don't want that!  I sometimes need to be able to use the password login.09:31
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Jyxtsprink: try #android09:31
sprinkJyxt: Well I think it's a ubuntu issue I am having09:31
Jyxtneil_d: understood...at the very least disable root logins though09:32
sprinkthere are plenty of guides on setting up the android plugin, but it seems the eclipse package that comes with 9.04 is so stripped down every single plugin I try to isntall requires a different one and it's like a endless loop of crap09:32
Jyxtsprink: i dont know anything about it really...i do know theres an ubuntu guide to it, remember reading that the default eclipse wont work09:34
Jyxtdefault eclipse for ubuntu is fairly old...they tell you to grab a newer version of eclipse09:34
sprinkJyxt: Hmm yeah that sounds right. I am using some guides that are not specifically for ubuntu, but I think you are right09:35
neil_dJyxt: root does not have a password so a password login on root should be impossible.09:35
neil_dJyxt: going to be adding a ufw firewall soon so that will protect it some more.09:36
neil_dJyxt: and the server isn't visible to the internet.09:37
sprinkJyxt: got it resolved. I feel like a idiot now09:39
neil_dNow I have something really strange... when I login to the server from a local terminal (i.e. via the keyboard) it takes 30 or more seconds to verify the password... why?  can this be fixed?09:39
sprinkthe android plugin required eclipse 3.3 or higher and eclipse in the repo is 3.209:39
vadviktorhi guys! Anyone knows if mplayer can play flac files?09:44
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jimbeam12hey backk09:47
jimbeam12thx indus09:47
rey753hi.... Ubunteros09:49
rey753saludando desde mi Ubuntu 9.10 corriendo al full en una Vaio vgn c-240fe09:49
vegarey753: this channel is in english09:50
jimbeam12hey vega wsup09:51
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vadviktorAnyone knows if mplayer can play flac files?09:51
vegarey753: and 9.10 is not supported yet09:51
aprilharehello. i want to download a realmedia stream however I am yet to find a satisfactory way to do so. my url is http://webcast.un.org/ramgen/ondemand/ga/64/2009/ga090923am1.rm?start=01:52:40&end=03:28:40 - any suggestions?09:51
WzCocoonI just reinstalled 9.04 and now GDM does not work any idea where can I look for help09:51
rey753yo tengo la final ...09:51
rey753no veta09:51
rey753jijij :P09:52
ackleyWzCocoon: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm09:52
ackleyWzCocoon: I haven't had to use that command in a very long time so hopefully it still works09:52
DJones!es | rey75309:53
ubotturey753: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:53
stokiis anyone from poland ??09:53
rey753veo el link en mplayer09:53
rey753 http://webcast.un.org/ramgen/ondemand/ga/64/2009/ga090923am1.rm?start=01:52:40&end=03:28:4009:53
aprilhareyes. but whether they are in channel or not I cannot say09:53
aprilharerey753: i'll try it with mplayer (i think thats what you meant)09:54
stokihave you know ubuntu chanel poland name ??09:54
vega!pl | stoki09:54
DJones!pl | stoki If you're looking for help in Polish, this should help09:54
ubottustoki: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:54
ubottustoki If you're looking for help in Polish, this should help: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:54
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stokimy english is poor byt i try09:55
stokihave you know any software for linux like "photo dvd maker" ??09:55
Kingtiger01its sad... my great-grandparents were polish and i dont know how to speak any of it...09:56
NearsightHi #ubuntu, I've got a question regarding DNS in Ubuntu 8.04... I'm trying to set up a CNAME record for google apps for private domains, does anybody know a decent howto or has some hints for me?09:57
Hu_Pc crashes whilst updating to 9.10 aplha 609:57
Nearsightgoogles docs aren't very helpful here, and the cname command in ubuntu does something completely different, so I'm a little bit stuck here09:57
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th0gerHu_: errors?09:58
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GneaNearsight: that's a bit focused on bind, which takes care of dns in #bind. there are a lot of non-ubuntu based sites with documentation on the subject, such as at www.tldp.org09:58
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NearsightGnea: awesome, I'll have a look, thx :)09:59
Hu_th0ger: Just crashed and i had to do a fresh reinstall of 9.0409:59
GneaNearsight: also, CNAME is the same on any platform/distribution09:59
NearsightGnea: yeah, but apperently there is a command 'cname' which hasn't anything to do with dns... that makes googling for that topic somewhat problematic10:00
vegaHu_: this channel does NOT support 9.10, ubuntu+1 is for that10:00
th0gerHu_: dont expect help from anyone if you dont ask a question.10:00
GneaNearsight: really? I've never seen that10:01
Gnea!info cname10:01
ubottuPackage cname does not exist in jaunty10:01
mcmlxxihow do I type in degree sign?10:01
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NearsightGnea: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man8/cname.8.html10:02
GneaNearsight: most people don't use cfs10:02
NearsightGnea: probably.. i can't even imagine what it might be used for10:03
NearsightGnea: anyway, thx for the pointer, I'll go and have a look there10:03
GneaNearsight: and the search I performed didn't have that result... kept it simple:  "ubuntu dns cname"10:03
lolekre ...10:03
GneaNearsight: well, I'm sure you can ;)10:03
lolekuhm, guys.. where i should post problems with bluetooth stack a2dp profile ... ?10:04
* mekanik waves... thanks for the information :)10:04
loleki mean there is something wrong with the alsa bluetooth10:04
Gnea!bug | lolek10:04
ubottulolek: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:04
sy1a bluetooth stack on ubuntu10:04
jdvI have a dodgy disk / partition which according to testdisk utility cannot be recovered, do I have any options or must I format?10:04
sy1can it work with a nokia handphone10:05
lolekubottu: well ok.. but firstlky i wanted to check this out with somebody if maybe this is poroblem only with my hardware... or.. it's ubuntu problem10:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:05
Gneasy1: does the nokia handphone support bluetooth?10:05
sy1jdv is that harddisk old ?10:05
jdvsy1 about 3 years10:05
sy1yes the nokia have bt10:05
sy1jdv what power supply you using ?10:05
Gnealolek: best to just search launchpad and see if it's been reported - also check ubuntuforums.org10:06
jdvsy1 UPS in between the computer and the wall socket in thailand10:06
lolekGnea: well i didn't find out any...10:06
Gnealolek: then file :)10:06
sy1sorry JDV what brand of power supply ?10:06
Hu_olawdy is dat sum incurgency10:06
lolekGnea: well ok, there are some.. about connection problem.. but ok, i know how to connect manually so it's not the point.. ;)10:06
jdvsy1 what brand.. sorry not sure what you mean?10:06
sy1do you see a sticker of a brand name on the power supply ?10:07
Gnealolek: just follow the instructions to report the bug and it will be investigated10:07
lolekGnea: well ok10:07
sy1jdv did you buy the power supply with the casing ?10:07
jdvsy1 MAXtech ups10:07
jdvno the ups I got separately in bangkok10:07
jdvcomputer is from dell UK10:08
sy1is the fan inside the computer very noisy ?10:08
tiglionabbitwhy do I still get BADSIG errors with synaptic?10:08
daurnimator1booting from the livecd: I've got a sata hdd that won't work10:08
jdvsy1 never used UPS in the UK, but power outages in bangkok are the norm10:08
jdvsy1 no very silent but it is hot and I dont run the aircon most days, just a fan10:09
jdvsy1 well not very silent, I can hear it, but not loud10:09
daurnimator1anyone able to help?10:09
Gneadaurnimator: try another sata cable10:10
daurnimatorI'm pretty sure its the hdd10:10
daurnimatorI think its dead10:10
daurnimatorbut anything I can do to try and salvage data on it?10:10
Gneadaurnimator: so you tried another cable?10:10
daurnimatorGnea: cable is fine10:11
Gneadaurnimator: how can you be sure?10:11
daurnimatorcause the hdd didn't work in my other computer either, and other hdds work with that cable10:11
Gneadaurnimator: ah, okay. uhm, you could try testdisk to recover data on it.10:12
Gneaholy mother of netsplits, batman!10:12
bubill331- J10:15
se7vnwhat was that all about?10:15
morpheusswhat the hell just happened here10:15
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:16
Kingtiger01what happened?10:16
techiefarmer split10:16
FlannelWe're having a netsplit.  Just sit tight and enjoy the ride.10:16
bubill331what's net split?10:16
Kingtiger01Verne went down..10:16
Flannelbubill331: It's when two IRC servers lose connection to each other10:16
Gneabubill331: see what ubottu just said10:16
Kingtiger01i had to reconnect to niven10:16
lolekbubill331: read ^^10:16
daurnimatoranyway, anyone got advice for reading a bung hdd?10:16
Gneadaurnimator: as I suggested, testdisk might be able to recover some data10:17
* daurnimator didn't get that msg10:17
bubill331WOW i see10:17
Gneayeah, silly netsplit lol10:17
bubill331netsplit is very spectacular10:18
=== Knewserver is now known as kingtiger_verne
Kingtiger01hmm... strange10:18
meatbunhow to tell if ubuntu have vpn server services installed or running?10:18
Gneameatbun: you could see what services are running on certain ports, also what packages are installed10:19
meatbunGnea, ?10:20
meatbunnetstate -n?10:20
Gneameatbun: netstat -pan10:20
morpheussmeatbun, port scan localhost then see it10:21
meatbunGnea, what am i looking for? for that output?10:21
Gneameatbun: whatever looks like vpn10:21
NachturnalHas anyone here ever used Hiveboard in Ubuntu?10:22
kingtiger_verne Hi all.  It seems one of our sponsors has connectivity problems, causing around 6,000 users to disconnect.  We're investigating, sorry for the noise and thanks for using freenode!10:22
meatbun(No info could be read for "-p": geteuid()=552 but you should be root.)10:22
jdvI have a dodgy disk / partition which according to testdisk utility cannot be recovered, do I have any options or must I format?10:22
daurnimatorGnea: bah, testdisk can't work cause the disk isn't in /dev10:22
Kingtiger01" Hi all.  It seems one of our sponsors has connectivity problems, causing around 6,000 users to disconnect.  We're investigating, sorry for the noise and thanks for using freenode!" is in server...10:22
=== leandrodeassis is now known as Guest75177
meatbunmorpheuss, no more port scan command inside ssh10:23
Gnea!netsplit | Kingtiger0110:23
ubottuKingtiger01: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:23
BuGo_laptophowto open firefox on display 0 via ssh?10:23
BuGo_laptopi know that command has DISLPAY option but i do not remember how it works10:24
Kingtiger01i know...10:24
GneaKingtiger01: then why did you paste that?10:24
NachturnalNobody here has any experience using Hiveboard in Ubuntu?10:25
Kingtiger01i used to have to Hybrid-IRCD servers... i just spotted the message on verne and not niven. so imo i was sure everyone got it and i accidently double posted...10:25
mcmlxxihow do I type in degree sign on a laptop?10:26
GneaKingtiger01: k, please save those messages for #freenode as it's offtopic here10:26
meatbunGnea, port scan shows 34746 open. but __> root# netstat -a| grep -i "3473" ; shows nothing10:26
meatbunGnea, that's port scan on localhost10:26
Gneameatbun: that's because you're not using -n10:26
xim_my sound has stopped working after my ubuntu crashed and i had to cut the power.  is there a way to reinstall the sound drivers?10:27
meatbunGnea, still nothing with -n10:27
Gneameatbun: also, 3473 != 3473610:27
Gneameatbun: if you are not precise, it will fail.10:27
meatbunGnea, grep don't need the whole thing. less specific is better for grep10:28
meatbunGnea, grep don't need the whole thing. less specific is better for grep10:28
Gneameatbun: grep needs specific information.10:28
Gneameatbun: no, you are incorrect.10:28
meatbunnetstat -n| grep -i "34736"10:28
meatbunstill nothing10:28
Gneameatbun: netstat -pan | grep 3473610:29
meatbunGnea,  netstat -pan | grep 34736  ; shows nothing10:29
* Gnea notes that -i is useless with numbers10:29
Gneameatbun: perhaps that wasn't it then10:29
xim_when I do lspci | grep audio, i get no result, my sound was working before ubuntu crashed earlier, also I think it might have run some updates or something...10:29
bubill331anbody know some java channel of irc ?10:30
Jyxtbubill331: try #java10:30
meatbunGnea, i c.  i click on 'scan' again. port is gone. but new ports appeared. i click 'scan' some more and random ports came out.10:30
brokenicetry #java10:31
Jyxtfreenode has lots of tech related channels, just try #whatever you'd be surprised10:31
pontus21hi everyone10:31
indushi pontus2110:31
pontus21i have a problem with gnome10:31
pontus21my taskbar is locked10:31
Gneameatbun: try using top and see if something starts/stops10:31
pontus21and i don't know how to unlock it10:31
induspontus21: right click and check unlock10:32
pontus21^^ not so easy !10:32
induspontus21: remove it then and make a new one10:32
pontus21when i right click, i got only 2 options : help and about10:32
daurnimator1so, anyone got ideas on how to get the hdd to show up in /dev10:32
induspontus21: but i do remember it happened to me once10:32
induspontus21: can i see a screenshot10:33
pontus21I can't remove it, it's the bar with "system", shortcuts, ...10:33
meatbunGnea, i dont' see anything. i think it's just my internet ports talking to router10:33
meatbunmy eth0 talking to router10:34
pontus21oh ... I can't do a screenshot10:34
Gneameatbun: could be10:34
pontus21when right click is activated on the bar, the button screenshot doesn't do anything10:34
Kingtiger01whats a good File Recovery program...10:35
=== administrator is now known as Guest42307
Gnea!info testdisk10:35
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1451 kB, installed size 4532 kB10:35
Kingtiger01on talking another...10:35
induspontus21: prntscren?i10:35
GneaKingtiger01: pardon?10:35
pontus21indus:  yes10:36
Kingtiger01Gnea: i already use Testdisk, been usiing it for years. JDV has a problem with bad sectors and im trying to think of app for individual file recovery, not partition recovery.10:37
daurnimator1Gnea: I ran testdisk, but it does not find the drive.10:37
daurnimator1oh wait, that wasnm't for me :P10:37
daurnimator1Kingtiger01: I once used a prog called ontrack data recovery that did that10:38
induspontus21: yes10:38
induspontus21: what \10:38
GneaKingtiger01: ah, well I guess it depends on how important they are10:38
pontus21indus: ??10:39
induspontus21: screenshot?10:39
GneaKingtiger01: if I type:  apt-cache search file recover     I get a nice list of possibilities - other than testdisk and foremost, haven't had a need for anything else10:39
boscopwhat is the executable name of system monitor?10:39
Gneaboscop: gnome-system-monitor10:40
pontus21I can't do a screenshot !10:40
Gneapontus21: why not?10:40
pontus21when right click is activated on the bar, the button screenshot doesn't do anything10:40
boscopGnea: thanks!10:40
Gneapontus21: can you run the gimp?10:41
Gneaboscop: cheers10:41
pontus21i do10:41
Gneapontus21: then you can file->acquire->screenshot10:41
indusGnea: you aare so intelligent10:42
Gneathat's a lie ;)10:42
Kingtiger01daurnimator1: im aware of the Dos/Windows based Apps. ive used them/own them.  but im looking for JDV, not myself..10:42
indusGnea: any idea why alt-printscn wont work? doesnt for me10:42
Gneaindus: nope10:42
NachturnalCould someone help me figure out how to install Hiveboard from the .tar.bz2 file? I've extracted it, but there's no make or ./configure compatability10:42
pontus21it's ok10:43
pontus21i upload it10:43
Gneaindus: maybe the keybind was redone... that'd be about it10:43
indusNachturnal: read the 'readme'10:43
indusGnea: hmm ya probably10:43
Kingtiger01Gnea: Ohh yes, make me do all the hard work :D. lol, i know i just didnt want to "Really" have to get on my linux-box at the moment10:43
jribNachturnal: no README or INSTALL file or documentation on its homepage?10:43
pirxhi! are there any nice GUI applications for partitioning/mounting in ubuntu?10:43
induspirx: of course its called gparted10:43
Tarthenpirx: GParted10:43
indus!gparted | pirx10:43
ubottupirx: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:43
GneaKingtiger01: well, that's what it's all about! did you honestly think that we're here to do the work for you? ;)10:43
Tarthenpirx: For mounting at bootup, pysdm is good.10:44
NachturnalI read the readme, it basically says that it contains the files necessary to deploy it10:44
pontus21ok, indus : here's the screenshot : http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/7739/screenshotproblemtaskba.png10:44
jribNachturnal: yeah, the website documentation says something similar... so do that...10:44
induspontus21: i see my name inside the screenshot :)10:44
pirxindus, Tarthen: but i am not able to mount partitions in gparted, right?10:45
Kingtiger01Gnea: i can hope and dream... cant i? lol. i kow, remember i been contributing on the forums since Woody/Hardy10:45
induspontus21: can you log in as a different user and check the panel> if yes, its some user config issue10:45
pontus21yes, i can10:45
Nachturnalwow somehow I overlooked the ultra quick server installation link. thanks for pointing me back to the site.10:45
Tarthenpirx: Yes, you can. You can right click > mount. But, if you want to mount a partition, rather than make one, psydm works a treat10:45
induspontus21: hopefully can be resolved on deleting stuff in the .gnome folder10:46
pontus21indus: but i will have to go in about 5 minuts10:46
induspontus21: go where10:46
=== airi is now known as pikkukirsikka
pontus21do you think you'll still be there in around 2h and a half10:46
pontus21indus: to the swimmingpool ! ^^10:46
GneaKingtiger01: ha, didn't know that - right on10:46
=== d is now known as Guest31752
induspontus21: ok give me 1 min10:47
Kingtiger01;) Root-Power is with us... Always...10:47
=== airi is now known as pikkukirsikka
pontus21i log out and log in back10:47
Callum_Okay, so in less than 48 hours I'll be on my way to Japan @_@10:47
TarthenCallum_: Go get some cheap hardware :D10:47
Callum_Tarthen: heh10:48
Callum_I wish10:48
TarthenI could use more hardware10:48
Tartheneveryone in my class says that 3 computers is too much10:48
Tarthenbah to them.10:48
=== Guest31752 is now known as TheNEWman
lolekTarthen: hmmm10:49
TheNEWmanHI, I just installed my new operating system! yahooo!  how do I change my password on my account?10:49
lolekTarthen: you mean 3 computers per person ?10:49
jdvI have a dodgy disk / partition which according to testdisk utility cannot be recovered, do I have any options or must I format?10:49
jribTheNEWman: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups is one way10:49
TarthenTheNEWman: System > Admin > Users & Groups, click Unlock, enter your current password, go Properties on your account, and use the "Set Password By Hand".10:50
TarthenDing, you're done.10:50
Tarthenlolek: No, I have 3 PC's, and people say I don't need more10:50
TarthenI want more though10:51
pontus21indus: Ok, with another user, there's no problem10:51
lolekTarthen: nah... i have hmmm10:51
TheNEWmanIf i am doing root do I need to be in the root account?10:51
lolekTarthen: about 610:51
TheNEWmanThanks Tarthen  and jrib, if I need to change the root account, do I need to be logged in to root?10:52
praetoriusgood morning 2 all10:52
TarthenTheNEWman: Nope10:52
lolekTheNEWman: no10:52
pontus21indus: you're still there ?10:52
jrib!root | TheNEWman10:52
ubottuTheNEWman: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:52
TarthenTheNEWman: But you have to let Root to be able to graphically log in f you want that10:52
TarthenI find that root > sudo for admin boxes10:53
jribTarthen: heh, that's not true at all...10:53
praetoriusis there any brazilian around???10:53
jrib!br | praetorius10:53
ubottupraetorius: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:53
TheNEWmanTarthen, I'm confused.  is root secure?  or has it been negated in ubuntu?10:53
TarthenTheNEWman: Sudo replaces root, more or less10:53
TarthenTheNEWman: Sudo makes you root temporarily10:54
jribTheNEWman: use sudo for administrative tasks.  You just don't log in to the root account, you use sudo instead.  ubottu's link explains the details10:54
TheNEWmanSo if someone hacks an account on a system the can get control of root.. or do root things?10:54
Tarthenjrib: So is true. Setting up Squid, tftp and Nagios using sudo is an epic pain10:54
TarthenTheNEWman: If they have permissions to use sudo10:54
jribTarthen: sudo -i ...10:54
TarthenTheNEWman: Not everyone can use sudo.10:55
rafaljest kto z polski?10:55
TheNEWmanHow do I define who can sudo and who cant?10:55
jrib!pl | rafal10:55
ubotturafal: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:55
lolekrafal: tak.. ale pisz po angielsku...10:55
TarthenTheNEWman: /etc/sudoers, I think10:55
lolekraphink: ewentualnie kanal: ubuntu-pl10:55
GneaTheNEWman: it's explained on the site10:55
jribTheNEWman: users in the « admin » group can sudo by default10:55
pontus21indus: ??10:56
TheNEWmanarrrrggg ok,  I will check the site.10:56
TheNEWmanThanks guys.10:56
dallixis there a simple way to mount a wubi install to a drive in windows?10:56
administratorwhat is the similar to windows command prompt on ubuntu10:56
=== administrator is now known as Guest77858
jrib!terminal | Guest7785810:57
ubottuGuest77858: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:57
Vincemanguys, I installed something and now my camorama won't display my webcam image but guvc will.. do you have any ideas how I can get 'em both working?10:57
GneaGuest77858: terminal10:57
jrib!cli > Guest7785810:57
ubottuGuest77858, please see my private message10:57
GneaVinceman: what did you install?10:57
raphinklolek: huh? rozumiem po engliski ;)10:57
TheNEWmanBy the way, While I am here, is there a way to connect 5 or 10 monitors and keyboard/mouse combos to a ubuntu box?  I have a coffee shop and this would be a cheap way to add free Internet surfing.10:57
GneaVinceman: you can only use camorama or guvc at one time, not at the same time10:57
babu_i want xp10:57
lolekraphink: ??10:58
JyxtTheNEWman: you mean multiple monitors/keyboard/mouse per 1 machine?10:58
TarthenTheNEWman: Yes... but it'll require a heckload of hacking of xorg.conf10:58
Gneababu_: then /join ##windows10:58
babu_pls give me windows xp10:58
Jyxtso multiple users can do multiple things off one machine?10:58
Gneababu_: no.10:58
VincemanGnea when I shut down camorama guvc still won't run, it asks for v4l210:58
Tarthenbabu_: No :D10:58
Gnea!piracy | babu_10:58
ubottubabu_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:58
TheNEWmanjyxt yes10:58
Tarthenbabu_: We are a Linux chatroom10:58
Tarthenbabu_: XP is Windows10:59
raphinklolek: you sent me a polish message ;)10:59
JyxtTheNEWman: well first you'd need a reasonably powerful machine...and second you should look into virtualization ala vmware or virtualbox10:59
Vincemankurva match10:59
Tarthenbabu_: Windows and Linux are two different things.10:59
babu_i want vlc player10:59
Tarthenbabu_: Google is your friend10:59
lolekraphink: ah... sorry... there was a guy.. and i didn't checked  just pressed tab and .. irssi completed the nick with yours and..10:59
TheNEWmantarthen, hacking... O-o... I'm not good at hacking... Remember i'm the guy that didnot know how to change a password.... LOL10:59
lolekraphink: you understand ;)10:59
Jyxtbabu_: there is vlc for linux10:59
babu_its ok..10:59
MenZababu_: This is a support channel for Ubuntu, a free operating system. Any other topics go in #ubuntu-offtopic. In addition, piracy is NOT ALLOWED in this channel. For  Microsoft Windows support, try ##windows.10:59
babu_hey what did u say11:00
Gneababu_: if you want xp, then please ask for it in ##windows. kthxbai.11:00
TheNEWmanjyxt, why, I have have 10 users logged in to my ubuntu box at the same time.11:00
lolekraphink: btw  your question was almost good, : rozumiem po angielsku? :)11:00
raphinklolek: yes I do, no pb ;)11:00
TheNEWmanjyxt, I mean why mess with virtualization.11:00
lolekraphink: ok, then :)11:00
JyxtTheNEWman: yes...but to push a different gui to each user11:00
TarthenTheNEWman: Hahaha. I'd just go and get ~10 or so old P4 boxes11:00
babu_its ok no pb11:00
MenZa!offtopic | Tarthen11:00
ubottuTarthen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:00
raphinklolek: yes, I kind of russified it as I typed... not really used to speaking polish ;)11:00
JyxtTheNEWman: and you'd want some semblance of security going on..ie you woudlnt want customer A to see what customer B is doing would you11:01
TheNEWmantarthen... you may be right.11:01
MenZaraphink, lolek, TheNEWman: The above applies to you, too :)11:01
GneaMenZa: don't.11:01
lolekraphink: well ok.. no problem ;) it's not your native language..;)11:01
JyxtTheNEWman: i know you can buy a hardware kvm switch, but i think thats to share multiple machines against a single monitor/mouse/keyboard11:01
Gnea!pm | MenZa11:01
ubottuMenZa: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:01
Jyxtnever heard of someont trying to go the otehr way11:01
TarthenTheNEWman: Faster too. 9.04 runs like a dream on my P4, 512MB box at work.11:01
TarthenMenZa: I was not OT. We are discussing multiple input devices and screens11:02
TheNEWmanjyxt, tarthen, I read about somone doing it on a bsd box.  I just assumed it could be done in linux.11:02
lolekTheNEWman: l... i meet a guys.. about 3 years ago.. he did what you want to do...11:03
TarthenTheNEWman: Hmm. It's possible, I know that11:03
lolekTheNEWman: he made it in linux.. but he has some problems...  but i don't remember who was that.. but..11:03
raphinkMenZa: no pb ;)11:03
TheNEWmanloek... three years ago.. wow, then it must be easer today.11:03
GneaMenZa: the point is, it's actually sticking to the topic of what hardware ubuntu will run on, which is quite on-topic.11:03
TarthenTheNEWman: But performance running 10 X screens would be appalling11:03
TarthenTheNEWman: And not really. XFree86 is deprecated now, isn't it?11:03
TarthenAnd XOrg.conf is *kind of*11:04
lolekTheNEWman: but, i think there is no problems... you need to configure properly the xorg.conf file.. and that's all11:04
JyxtTarthen: but xorg replaced it...same thing really11:04
TheNEWmantarthen, perhaps 8 users with a lowend quad core or two dual core chips.11:04
kubancanybody knows where to look what gnome version am i using ?11:04
babu_hi ubunutu11:04
JyxtTheNEWman: lol, you had a hadr time changing your password and your undertaking this?11:04
Tarthenkubanc: System > About Gnome11:04
babu_sorry ..hi ubuntu11:04
Gnea!hi | babu_11:05
ubottubabu_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:05
TheNEWmanLOL  NO, will ring in an expert.  :-)  me ignorant, not stupid.11:05
TheNEWmanthanks lolek11:05
babu_what is oing on11:05
lolekTheNEWman: no problem ;)11:05
JyxtTheNEWman: outside of the processor to handle whatever workload they are doing...you'd need to invest in some decent gfx cards11:05
lolekTheNEWman: just wanted to say.. that it's possible..11:05
babu_what is going on11:05
pirxTarthen: weird, i have no "mount" when right clicking:)11:05
TarthenTheNEWman: TBH, multiple boxes would be better.11:05
Tarthenpirx: Lemme check11:06
lolekTheNEWman: but... i think there is an easier way to do that11:06
TheNEWmanjyxt, I have some exp with multiple monitors, you really don't need much. a basic card now is fast enough.  20 bucks each.11:06
lolekTheNEWman: you need one extra powerfull machine...11:06
Gneaikonia: got a moment?11:06
ikoniaGnea: sure11:06
lolekTheNEWman: then buy asmany terminals as you need, and make virtual desktop connections to the powerfull machine11:06
TheNEWmanI am sure you could do it with a dual core... even a lower end one.  but 4 cores would be better.11:06
Tarthenpirx: Oh! If you go into Nautilus, you can mount from that11:06
JyxtTheNEWman: probably with like 4 gfx cards, cards with dual outs...one monitor per user then just configure the xorg.conf to run multiple monitors and multilple cards...then you'd have to go thru and disable each monitor from changing to another monitor and all that stuf11:06
Gneaikonia: pm?11:06
Jyxtprobably be *much* easier to just run multiple machines11:07
ikoniaGnea: of course11:07
indusbabu_: what is the problem11:07
lolekTheNEWman: pm...11:07
TheNEWmanjyxt yep, that is probably right.  I'm a gonna google.  I am sure there must be someone out there that has done it and published how.11:07
babu_nsch nkhxc,mlk lkkhSI90I;KUKJCHJ11:08
JyxtTheNEWman: TheNEWman http://www.computing.net/answers/networking/one-computer-multiple-users/30713.html11:09
DJonesbabu_: Please don't do that11:09
MenZababu_: Please don't flood. This is a fairly busy channel, and a line like that only clutters the channel :)11:09
Jyxtfirst hit from google with search terms "linux multiple users monitors one machine"11:09
alokitomy mouse cursor isn't changing in nautilus and the desktop11:09
TheNEWmanjyxt, YOU DA MAN!! thanks.11:09
babu_ya i got it11:09
erUSULindus: ?11:10
induserUSUL: nothing11:10
JyxtTheNEWman: last post in that link, links to a site called userful...apprantly they sell a device that does exactly what you want11:10
erUSULindus: ok :)11:10
induserUSUL: a little hyperactive nerves11:10
WhiteCrow1HI guys , i need to lock file and folder's and set password on folder's ? PLZ help me (i can speak EN very will but understand a little)11:12
* indus needs tea11:12
JyxtTheNEWman: apparantly a howto for doing a 6 head workstation http://linuxgazette.net/124/smith.html11:12
MenZaWhiteCrow1: What is your native language?11:12
zebastianwhat's better fedora or ubuntu?11:13
jussi01!best | zebastian11:13
ubottuzebastian: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:13
WhiteCrow1MenZa: i speak persian and i know chanal #ubuntu.ir but this chanal not very good11:13
Jyxtzebastian: thats like asking whats better...mercedes or bmw11:13
MenZazebastian: A matter of preference. Try asking BestBot in #ubuntu-bots what he thinks.11:13
Jyxtit depends on what your using it for...and above all personal tastes11:13
MenZaWhiteCrow1: Alright - hopefully someone will be able to help anyway :)11:13
zebastianwhy would someone prefer fedora when RMS is all about freedom11:14
WhiteCrow1MenZa: TNX dude11:14
TarthenFedora is OpenSource11:14
ChristWDoes anyone know from the top of their head if it is possible to read an Apple TIme Machine backup (on an external USB HDD) with an Ubuntu system?11:14
Jyxtisnt fedora part of redhat?11:14
zebastianand ubuntu?11:14
JyxtTheNEWman: check out this link http://linuxgazette.net/124/smith.html11:14
Jyxtzebastian: uhh...open source as well11:14
TheNEWmanok, thanks jyxt11:14
zebastianthere's no community as large as ubuntu though right? so by having more users ubuntu has more bug reports and more developers and is therefore more stable?11:15
erUSULWhiteCrow1: try encfs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption11:15
chunkyChristW: yes11:15
Tarthenzebastian: Fedora is the community version of the commercial Red Hat Linux. Ubuntu is made by Canonical. They have equally big communities, IMO, but Ubuntu is "easiest"11:16
MenZaTarthen: Actually, Ubuntu is made by thousands of contributors world-wide. :)11:16
zebastianeasiest? in what respect? it's better because it's freer though right?11:16
ChristWchunky: Any references?11:16
TarthenMenZa: Distributed then ;)11:16
TheNEWmanjyxt, looks good.  Thanks11:16
Jyxtzebastian: easiest as in easy to install, update, etc11:16
WhiteCrow1erUSUL: tnx i go to see11:16
JoshDreamlandEvolution is acting up. It disabled the send/receive button when I changed theme for some reason.11:16
JoshDreamlandrestarting does nothing11:17
Jyxtzebastian: vs something like gentoo which is probably the hardest...but both use the same software, just in a different way11:17
MenZazebastian: Not a lot of modern Linux distributions are *fully* free, Ubuntu, for instance, are shipped with some proprietary components. If you want a fully free OS, try looking at gNewSense, or similar distributions.11:17
zebastianwell, i saw linus torvalds uses fedora and i didn't get why he doesn't use ubuntu11:17
chunkyChristW: no, but it works for me personally11:17
Jyxtboth are free...none are any more free than any others11:17
ChristWchunky: So I'll just mount the disk and see what I can find...11:17
hitttquestion: on the aspire one netbook, i need to reinstall the whole 9.04 installation, but, should i switch to a clean 9.10? Because several bugs are fixed there.11:17
SilentJonathanhow do i register with this irc server?11:18
TheNEWmanso while I am asking questions, does anyone know how to set up the vpn option in the network connections window.11:18
zebastianis power pc better than x86? i was reading partly why he uses fedora is because it works well on power pc11:18
DJones!register  | SilentJonathan11:18
ubottuSilentJonathan: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:18
MenZaBut this is straying into offtopic-land; asking about how free Ubuntu is isn't, but let's not get into a long discussion about how free different distributions are compared to each other. That discussion belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic :)11:18
erUSULzebastian: he is used to fedora? he likes it more for subjective reasons? has a fetish with hats ? really; move this to #ubuntu-offtopic please11:18
=== SilentJonathan is now known as SilentJonathanD
viki25Hello i compiled some tool i need for my research , when i try to use the tool i get msg : Set IRSTLM environment variable with path to irstlm . any idea what i should do ?11:19
zebastiannobody talks in ubuntu-offtopic11:19
TheNEWmanMenza do you now how to setup a vpn in the network connections window?11:19
erUSULzebastian: Linus no longer uses powerpc11:19
Jyxtzebastian: given the sheer number of linux distro's...why choose one over another, personal preference is what it boils down to...you use what you like11:19
MenZaTheNEWman: I wouldn't, no. I suggest hanging around in the channel, and maybe someone else will. :)11:19
OldSmokeanybody know how to get nvidia sli working in ubuntu?11:19
zebastianshould i get rid of my x86 laptop and buy a power pc?11:19
zebastianis it better?11:19
TheNEWmanThanks menza11:19
lolekviki25: well you need to set up some environment variable11:19
Jyxti use gentoo on my laptop and ubuntu on my desktop...doesnt make one better than the other11:19
TheNEWmanjyxt, do you know how to configure the vpn option in the newtwork connection window?11:20
JoshDreamlandIs there a way to check what accounts I have set up in Evolution?11:20
JyxtTheNEWman: never used vpn11:20
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JoshDreamlandPerhaps one of them is disabled11:20
TheNEWmanjyxt, thanks.11:20
zebastianmain reasons why i chose ubuntu were because i met one of the developers, i saw it had a really big community and liked the userfriendliness11:20
MenZaTheNEWman: Just ask the channel, no point in asking individuals.11:20
viki25lolek: can you tell me how to do that ? (i am new to Ubuntu) can you give me an example ?11:20
lolekviki25: well no problem.. pm ?11:20
TheNEWmanDoes anyone know how to set up a vpn in the network connections window?11:21
viki25lolek: sure :)11:21
JoshDreamlandAh, never mind11:21
zebastianthere's more packages for ubuntu than for anything else though right? because all of debian packages will run on ubuntu and debian has mre packages than anything11:21
WhiteCrow1tnx all of you'r guys , bye11:22
shoshelp, i lost the right click to on the desktop on Gnome!11:22
erUSULzebastian: not true. debian packages do not work in ubuntu11:22
Jyxtzebastian: not sure how true that is11:22
acostellogood morning all. can someone help me with my sound? i can hear it when its quiet, but it wont get loud, and my headphones wont work...11:22
jribshos: nautilus is responsible for that11:22
zebastianhow about the bsd? i heard all linux packages will work on bsd11:23
acostelloi have 9.04 on a gateway netbook11:23
Jyxtacostello: open your mixer and make sure that pcm, front etc are on and of a good volume11:23
acostelloJyxt: i did, but i will do it again11:23
shosjrib: how do i fix that?11:23
Jyxti know my laptop has a seperate sound channel for the speakers and the headphone jack...was pissing me off for the longest why i had no sound out of the headphone jack until i realized the headphone mixer was muted11:23
jribshos: I don't know, but seeing if nautilus is running and/or restarting nautilus and seeing if it crashes would be a good place to start11:23
Jyxtacostello: in my laptop it was called 'front' also my desktop has 'front' for the front sound jacks11:24
adokguys .. im having a huge problem with my laptop. i was trying to setup afterstep on ubuntu 9.04, and after i get all the packages installed, i run this command echo "export WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/local/bin/afterstep" > ~/.gnomerc11:24
adoknow the laptop crashs everytime i boot11:24
acostelloJyxt: what is the pcm?11:24
TheNEWmanthanks everyone.  Good night11:24
jribadok: erm, isn't afterstep in the repositories?  Why did you compile it?11:25
adoki got it from there, with normal package install11:25
adoksynaptic i mean11:25
Jyxtacostello: not sure what it stands for or what it exactly is...but i know when its muted i have no sound11:25
zebastianwill my laptop turn on faster once i get ext4?11:25
demon_can anyone help me with linux-image- i cant install it because it's allready installed but i can't install anything thunderbird vbox gcc because it requires this image to be installed.. but when i try to install it.. it's allready there!11:25
jribadok: well it shouldn't be in /usr/local/11:25
lolekzebastian: don't think so...11:26
imatthello there! I would lik to know, if there is a possibility, how to extract some .tar.gz  into usr/lib/gedit ??11:26
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jribiMatt: why?11:26
iMattjrib, i want to istall a plugin for gedit!11:26
adokjrib, yes i know, i found that in a guide, and i changed to the right path after look for afterstep with whereis11:26
jribadok: but that's not what you wrote.  What does your ~/.gnomerc actually say?11:27
adoki already booted in root mode, and deleted the file... even so, it doesnt work, laptop keeps crashing after it boots in graphic mode11:27
wuehlmaushi, everyone, i have a strange problem with ubuntu jaunty, i am trying to run a postgresql-8.3-server and whenever i use /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 start absolutely nothing happens and no server is started11:27
jribiMatt: use ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins11:27
adoknothing, i didnt had it, i follow a guide from http://wiki.afterstep.org/index.php?title=Switching_to_AfterStep_in_Ubuntu_8.1011:27
Jyxtwuehlmaus: is that the tab completed command?11:27
jribadok: what else did you run?11:28
adokeven knowing my version is 9.04, everything was loking right11:28
wuehlmausJyxt: i think, yes11:28
Jyxtwuehlmaus: ie if you type /etc/init.d/postres(press tab)11:28
Jyxterr postgres11:28
wuehlmausJyxt: that's the script11:28
adokjust that, i installed the packaged, run that, and rebooted... it crashed11:28
wuehlmausi am used to using complete11:28
jrib!who | adok11:28
ubottuadok: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:28
adokthen i went in root mode after boot again, and deleted .gnomerc, in hope it was fixed.. but it wasnt11:29
wuehlmausJyxt: otherwise i would get a "file not found"11:29
Jyxtwuehlmaus: after tab completing the postgres part...press tab again11:29
Jyxtit should list possible commands?11:29
jribadok: try setting WINDOW_MANAGER to metacity the same way you set it to afterstep11:29
adokjrib, sorry,11:29
Gneaexcellent, the upgrade succeeded!11:29
wuehlmausJyxt: as i said, i am used to use completion , that isn't the problem11:30
Jyxtwuehlmaus: if you get commands there...try doing /etc/init.d/postgreswhateer status11:30
wuehlmausnothing happens then11:30
Jyxtwuehlmaus: heh, not even a: * postgres is not running11:30
wuehlmausJyxt: nothing :(11:30
wuehlmausJyxt: i found out that /etc/postgresql/ isn't there11:30
Jyxtwuehlmaus: maybe you need to do some post install configuration?11:30
lolekwuehlmaus: try: /etc/pgsql ?11:31
Jyxti dont know anything about postgres...but i know mysql after install you have to setup the default databses and stuff, otherwise it wont run11:31
wuehlmauslolek: didn't try that11:31
iMattthank you jrib! it works! i installed the textmate like plugin, so i can just pull in an folder, and to see the content of it on the left sidebar! But its still saying that the object is an folder! :S11:31
lolekJyxt: the same is in postgre11:31
lolekJyxt: but postgre is sometime in /etc/pgsql instead of /etc/postgresql11:32
hitttquestion: on the aspire one netbook, i need to reinstall the whole 9.04 installation, but, should i switch to a clean 9.10? Because several bugs are fixed there.11:32
Jyxtlolek: does that mean /etc/init.d/pgsql start would work instead of postgresql?11:32
lolekJyxt: yes11:32
lolekJyxt: pgsql is just a shortcut for postgresql11:33
Jyxtwuehlmaus: hehe...try that /etc/init.d/pgsql start :P11:33
Weust`hi, my gnome terminal displays ? at certain meta karakters, for example : meta-§ is this a setting?11:33
Jyxt/etc/init.d/mysqld start (not /etc/init.d/mysql start) since its a daemon...probably a gentoo thing11:34
acostelloJyxt: got it, it is an amarok setting, and it was driving me crazy...11:34
acostelloJyxt: thanks11:34
lolekJyxt: hmmm.. well, yea.. i know...11:34
^Zazanyone know how long it should take for the latest version of irssi to appear in the package repository?11:34
__ironMutsch: yes?11:34
lolekJyxt: i had gentoo...11:34
Jyxtlolek: i love gentoo, only downside is compiles soemtimes take forever11:34
lolekJyxt: and that's why i use ubuntu on my amilo.. ;/11:35
lolekJyxt: the problem is only the compile time.. ;)11:35
adokjrib no.. this didnt work11:35
Jyxtdesktop runs ubuntu just for ease of use..i game on that machine and waiting for crap to compile and the days it would take me to get it to a working system...11:35
jribadok: pastebin your .gnomerc11:35
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acostellowhat is the consensus, should i use evolution mail, or thunderbird?11:37
Jyxtacostello: i use claws myself11:37
__ironacostello: i like thunderbird11:37
adokjrib http://pastebin.com/m3f5f6c5d11:37
cyberjorgeany plans for ubuntu to work on the interface for multiuser function?11:37
jribadok: describe what you mean by "crash" exactly11:37
lutiusI cannot mount my hdd partitions11:38
lutiushelp someone?11:38
Jyxtacostello: http://www.claws-mail.org/11:38
adokjrib after it boots, as usual ubuntu loads the graphic login. it refreshs the screen like... 3 times, and laptop crashs, nothing works, no numlock, nothing11:38
Jyxtacostello: i use claws due to it being fairly lightweight and easy to setup (especially with gpg)11:38
chalcedonyis firefox having periods of locking up for anyone else on ubuntu jaunty?11:38
jribadok: so you never attempt to login?11:39
adokjrib, and ... i cant see anything only fuzz graphics..11:39
lutiusI cannot mount my hdd partitions11:39
adokjrib no.. i cant display that screen11:39
lutiushelp someone?11:39
jribadok: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:39
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Jyxtlutius: what command are you using?11:39
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap11:39
lutiusJyxt: I was using ntfs config, and then tried with /etc/fstab...I restarted win manualy before installing linux11:40
Jyxtlutius: so your trying to mount an ntfs partition?11:40
lutiusJyxt: and that is why I cannot mount them...and force is not working11:40
lutiusJyxt: yes11:40
lolekchalcedony: hmm sometimes...11:40
Jyxtlutius: have you tried on the command line?11:40
Jyxtlutius: mount /dev/sd## /mnt/point11:40
Jyxtsee what it tells you11:41
lutiusJyxt: haven't tried that11:41
adokjrib hmm... im using a PC next to the laptop, will take some time to get the log from there in here11:41
Jyxtsd## being something like sda5 or sdb311:41
jrib!pastebinit | adok11:41
ubottuadok: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit11:41
chalcedonylolek, it's annoying .. havent had that before11:41
Jyxtadok: you can use a software called synergy to use one mouse/keybaord among multiple machines11:41
lolekchalcedony: well dunno.. usualy i use opera...11:41
Jyxtgreat thing about it is you can share the clipboard...ie cut from one machine...paste into the other11:41
doktor_dreis it ok to CTCP VERSION the channel11:41
chalcedonylolek, i used to use it.. but firefox OUGHT to work fine11:41
lutiusJyxt: it's saying that  mount point /mnt/point does not exist11:41
wuehlmausthere is no /etc/pgsql/, too11:42
Jyxtlutius: well yes...you have to mount it somewhere11:42
erUSULdoktor_dre: no11:42
chalcedonydoktor_dre, at your peril, i'd say not11:42
lolekwuehlmaus: ok, so you need to do some post install things11:42
doktor_dreI am working on some statistics11:42
Jyxtlutius: sudo mkdir /mnt/test11:42
Jyxtthen do sudo mount /dev/sd## /mnt/test11:42
adokJyxt good.. but in the laptop, i can only boot in maintenance mode, under root11:42
Jyxtadok: oh...well synergy wont help you then :P11:42
wuehlmauslolek: that has never happened to me under debian11:42
BlizzerandIs Karmic Alpha 6 the newest alpha11:42
lolekwuehlmaus: sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib11:42
erUSULdoktor_dre: at your own risk the bot will ban you11:42
lutiusJyxt: it's not doing anything11:42
lolekwuehlmaus: sudo apt-get install pgadmin311:42
Jyxtlutius: type df11:43
adokjrib im goin to try mount a usb drive11:43
chalcedonylolek, or anyone is there a way to fix firefox so it dosen't do this? (ive already got yahoo mail problems/)11:43
JohannesSM64what's the best for XP virtualization these days? (for gaming, needs access to USB devices and $HOME as a shared folder)11:43
Jyxtlutius: do you see your /dev/sd## mounted at /mnt/test11:43
lolekwuehlmaus: after that, do this: sudo su postgres -c psql template111:43
lutiusJyxt: no11:43
doktor_dreerUSUL: ok, I will keep that in mind11:43
Jyxtlutius: becauase if it failed you would have gotten a message11:43
wuehlmauslolek: postgres is not found11:43
wuehlmausit is in /usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/bin, though11:43
lutiusJyxt: i see only partition where linux is installed11:43
lolekwuehlmaus: so you didn't installed posgre ?11:43
erUSULJohannesSM64: virtualization does not help with gaming11:43
wuehlmauslolek: posgre?11:44
dallixJohannesSM64: gaming is a distant hope in the virtual land11:44
Jyxtlutius: type sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sd## /mnt/test11:44
BlizzerandHow do I know which alpha of Karmic I am using11:44
lolekchalcedony: well  i dunno.. for me this is not a big problem.. ;/11:44
icerooterUSUL: not always11:44
Jyxtshould give you an error11:44
cyberjorgeany plans for ubuntu to work on the interface for multiuser / multiseat function?11:44
fabioguys i'm trying to install PROMPT translator in ubuntu11:44
JohannesSM64no, not for old games on a core i7 with KVM11:44
erUSUL!karmic | Blizzerand11:44
ubottuBlizzerand: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:44
fabiois it possible using WINE?11:44
icerooterUSUL: some games (most opengl) runs fine with vbox311:44
lolekwuehlmaus: hmm postgre -> postgresql11:44
wuehlmauslolek: where is your postgres?11:44
Jyxtfabio: check the site www.winehq.org11:45
lolekwuehlmaus: well i don't have it on machine that i'm sitting right now ;)11:45
Jyxtthey have an app database11:45
lutiusJyxt: it's reporting error11:45
Jyxtlutius: whats the error11:45
erUSULiceroot: i know of the opnegl accel features of VBox... but you are on the same boat as with wine..,. some games will run most will not11:45
lolekwuehlmaus: tried this: http://hocuspokus.net/2008/05/install-postgresql-on-ubuntu-804 ?11:45
wuehlmauslolek: i only have one and that isn't in /usr/bin/11:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:45
erUSUL!appdb | fabio11:45
ubottufabio: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:45
shawn_Theres like this thing to add to my toolbar on Ubuntu that can change my CPU frequency... Whats the difference if I have it on 1.60 Ghz or 2.1311:45
lutiusJyxt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276987/11:45
lutiusyou'll see there11:46
lolekshawn_: well it show you the cpu speed...11:46
Jyxtlutius: ok...so at least it knows what the fs type is11:46
lolekshawn_: the current cpu speed11:46
erUSULshawn_: speed and power draw. more speed more power (and heat)11:46
Jyxtlutius: and the command: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/test does nothing?11:46
BlizzeranderUSUL : Tried #ubuntu11:47
Jyxtlutius: try: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/test11:47
erUSULBlizzerand: #ubuntu+111:47
Jyxtor sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/test11:47
shawn_lolek: Is there a way to overclock the CPU using a tool in Ubuntu as well?11:47
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adokjrib here is the Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/m60bbcd9311:47
lolekshawn_: well i dunno.. usually you do this in BIOS .. ;)11:47
demon_the linux kernel meta package 0.1-bt0 is broken. ... .11:48
lutiusJyxt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276991/11:48
shawn_lolek My bios doesnt let me change CPU frequency11:48
lolekshawn_: it's lappie ?11:48
nomad111hey all, i was hoping someone could help me setup my usb sound card to work in firefox/opera (youtube basically), i am using a creative x-fi xmod usb sound card and when i try to play a video on youtube i do not get any sound out, anyone familiar with this issue?11:48
lolekshawn_: lappie -> laptop -> notebook ?11:48
jribadok: do you know if the (EE) line in your log is normal for you?11:48
Jyxtlutius: try sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/test11:49
lolek** (padevchooser:7364): WARNING **: pa_browser_new() failed.11:49
Jyxtapparnatly the partition is not ntfs11:49
BlizzeranderUSUL : Sorry that was really a typo , I tried #ubuntu+1 and no one answers11:49
adokjrib i got no idea, actually, Xorg.0.log looks alot bigger compared to slackware11:49
lolekany idea.. which package fixes this problem ?11:49
lolekshawn_: uuu...11:49
lolekshawn_: well then... problaly you can change other things like.. cpu voltage...11:49
lutiusJyxt: it's not working...it must be specified11:49
erUSULBlizzerand: well if you are updating when asked you have the lastest packages11:50
lutiusJyxt: nah,I'll install again win to mount paritions normaly,then reinstall linux...11:50
Jyxtlutius: type fdisk -l /dev/sda11:50
BlackFatenomad111, jaunty?11:50
icerooterUSUL: yes that is true but i thinnk in the future this the the way to play games instead of using wine11:50
Jyxtlutius: what does it say under the System column for /dev/sda111:50
nomad111BlackFate: yes11:50
icerooterUSUL: "just" need hardware-virtualisation of the vga11:50
lutiusJyxt: Cannot open /dev/sda11:51
BlackFatenomad111, there is no x-fi support in jaunty.. but there is in karmic11:51
lutiusJyxt: Cannot open /dev/sda111:51
Jyxtlutius: try sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda11:51
erUSULiceroot: you may be right; as of today hard gamers should stay in windows imho11:51
nomad111BlackFate: i am able to play music from my hard drive just fine11:51
BlizzeranderUSUL : ok ad will plymouth be included in karmic release . Haven't seen it in action yet11:51
nomad111BlackFate: only in my browser it doesnt seem to work11:51
BlackFatenomad111, then ok... you need to configure pulse11:51
ghabitHello. I want to how ubuntu mirror on my gentoo server. How I can do it?11:51
BlackFatenomad111, se default the x-fi card in pavucontrol11:52
lutiusJyxt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276995/11:52
adokjrib well, theres got to be something wrong with my xorg.conf. i started Xorg, and it happens the same, it crashes11:52
Jyxtlutius: well thats your problem11:52
Jyxtlutius: /dev/sda1 is NOT an ntfs partition its most likely an ext2 or ext3 partition11:53
lutiusJyxt: ?11:53
Jyxtlutius: if it was ntfs it would look lke this11:53
_pedda_hi there i have some problems regarding afp + netatalk11:53
Jyxt/dev/sda3   *         609        2432    14651280    7  HPFS/NTFS11:53
MinusSevenhas anyone tried gnome 2.28 yet?11:53
lutiusJyxt: i was wrong..it was sdb11:53
_pedda_yesterday my fileserver hung up and now my netatalk service won't start11:53
lutiusand I have there HPFS/NTFS11:54
_pedda_it tells me something about a lockfile11:54
Jyxtlutius: ok and sudo mount -t auto /dev/sdb1 /mnt/test11:54
Jyxtdoesn't work?11:54
Jyxtor sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/test11:54
lutiusJyxt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276998/11:54
MinusSevenmight be mounted already11:55
Jyxtlutius: hrm...never seen that error from mount11:55
MinusSevenI have11:55
Jyxtlutius: and typing 'mount' doesn't show it as being mounted already?11:56
lutiusJyxt: it's because I had restarted win on button not byt shut down command11:56
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Jyxtlutius: try rebooting into windows and doing a proper shutdown...then going back to ubuntu and try mounting it11:56
MinusSeveni've seen it11:56
nomad111BlackFate: so i set the default to the creative11:56
nomad111BlackFate: still nothing...11:56
icerooterUSUL: one day, linux is the gameing plattform .)11:56
nomad111do i need to reboot?11:57
BlackFatenomad111, ye after you set default do this11:57
lutiusJyxt: I have to reinstall win...buecause it crashed:)11:57
BlackFatenomad111, close firefox first11:57
lutiusJyxt: and that will fix the job:)11:57
nomad111yep all closed11:57
BlackFatenomad111, mv ~/.pulse ~/pulse_backup11:57
Jyxtfyi in fstab it would look like: /dev/sdb1 /mnt/test/ auto noatime 0 011:57
lutiusJyxt: thanks...and srry for mess:)11:57
BlackFatenomad111, and start firefox11:57
Jyxtchanging /mnt/test for wherever you want to mount it11:57
Jyxtlutius: of if you dont want it automounted do11:57
Jyxtlutius: /dev/sdb1 /mnt/test auto noauto,users 0 011:57
ActionParsnipJyxt: dont you need an fs type ?11:58
JyxtActionParsnip: the 'auto' tag after the mountpoint handles that11:58
Jyxtbut i guess /dev/sdb1 /mnt/test ntfs-3g noauto,users 0 0 would be the same...little cleaner11:58
nomad111BlackFate: still nothing :(11:58
Jyxtwhy is doktor_dre doing a CTCP to everyone...then he just pm'd me asking 'what is windows'11:59
BlackFatenomad111, in pavucontrol you see the flash player playing?11:59
Jyxti smell a scriptkiddie11:59
nomad111cant access that anymore, says: Connection failed: Connection refused11:59
BlackFatenomad111, its normal.. try to open it again12:00
BlackFatenomad111, second time will open after you moved .pulse12:00
nomad111oh ok12:00
jdvI have a dodgy disk / partition which according to testdisk utility cannot be recovered, do I have any options or must I format?12:02
nomad111BlackFate: so when i open pavucontrol i saw firefox in there and i saw the audio bar moving, it was set to my onboard sound card and i did 'move stream' to the usb sound card and it worked12:02
BlackFatenomad111, good12:02
nomad111BlackFate: however, do i have to do this everytime now?12:02
BlackFatenomad111, no only once12:03
nomad111BlackFate: awesome thanks a lot, appreciate it12:03
BlackFatenomad111, everything you change in pavucontrol is perm12:03
BlackFatenomad111, np12:03
nomad111can listen to pearl jam - the fixer now12:03
pw-toxichi, i want to record something with my microphone. How can i do it and with which program?12:04
disappearedngAnyone familiar with how I can create a date object in openoffice calc12:04
Pany94Bonjour a tous & a toutes.12:04
iMatttest :P12:04
bullgard4When setting up a new Mozilla Thunderbird, the Account Wizard asks if one would like to set up a Unix Mailspool (Movemail) type of account. What is the function of a Unix Mailspool (Movemail) program? Is this just another name for 'Mail Transfer Agent' (MTA)?12:05
ActionParsnipbullgard4: i think it reads the terminal mail on the local system12:06
icerootbullgard4: its using the mailbox you manage with mail on the command-line12:07
ActionParsnipbullgard4: if you run the command mail in terminal you get a mailbox, it allows uni users to mail each other12:07
icerootbullgard4: its your local user-mailbox12:07
bullgard4disappearedng: There is a Freenode channel #openoffice.org .12:07
Jyxtbullgard4: i think its for local mail deliveries12:08
Jyxtthings like cron etc...without mail they end up in dead.letter, guessing thunderbird lets you grab those12:08
BactaCan someone recommend a good LDAP tutorial for stupid people like me? A focus on the web would be nice12:08
ActionParsnipbullgard4: if you are on a *nix based system in an exam, start emailing your friends instead of talking if its exam conditions. Its funny12:08
jack007hi everybody12:09
bullgard4ActionParsnip, iceroot: Thank you for explaining.12:09
slawekwhy my FF doesn't run only some videos. Opera run everyone.12:10
bullgard4slawek: If it does not run only some, it will run everything.12:11
ActionParsnipbullgard4: its also why you are told you have no mail when you ssh12:11
ActionParsnipslawek: opera rocks could be one reason12:11
jack007i am new in ubuntu i have good experience  in rhel5 but ubuntu is some what different12:11
ActionParsnipslawek: check your flash install12:12
zebastiandoes ubuntu use ADA in any instance?12:12
ActionParsnipslawek: if you use 64bit ubuntu you can use the 64bit beta flash12:12
jamieleshawHello, i have mythtv working partial, it pick up all channels etc. but it when i click watch tv it goes back to homescreen, any idea how to fix?12:12
jack007its really better than windows12:12
ActionParsnipjack007: in some ways yes, in others no12:13
kinnazany ideas, for some reason my firefox shows grey box where videos/flash should be12:13
karimasanyone had a try with emapathy and desktop sharing?12:13
jamieleshawkarbo, me12:13
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ActionParsnipkinnaz: reinstall flash12:13
coz_guys..out of curiosity is the next LTS   10.04  or 10.10  ?12:13
iMattis there anybody that could tell me, how to setup gedit, that if i type php it will rewrite to text and auto-insert <?php ... ?> ???12:13
adoki think ubuntu takes more resources then any other disto12:13
ActionParsnipcoz_: 10.0412:13
jack007ur firefox need flash12:13
bazhangcoz_, karmic12:13
jamieleshawkarimas,  yes me12:14
kinnazActionParsnip, via firefox ?12:14
bullgard4karbo: What do you understand by 'desktop sharing'?12:14
coz_ActionParsnip,  thanks  so that would be  lucid lynx?12:14
bazhangcoz_, whoops lucid12:14
zebastian*does ubuntu use ADA programming language in any instance?12:14
shawn_Right now my computer lists my RAM like this... Memoray Channel A: Slot 0 1024 MB Slot 1 2048 MB....  Memory CHannel B: Slot 0 1024 MB Slot 1 2048 MB.... Should I switch them so the two same ones are together or does it matter?12:14
ActionParsnipkinnaz: no, via synaptic, uninstall it then reistall it12:14
kinnazActionParsnip, i dont think i instaleld it via synaptic in the first place but lets give it a try12:14
karimasjamieleshaw: oh... good! How was?12:14
ActionParsnip!info ada-compilere12:14
ubottuPackage ada-compilere does not exist in jaunty12:14
ActionParsnip!info ada-compiler12:14
ubottuPackage ada-compiler does not exist in jaunty12:14
karimasjamieleshaw: is usable?12:14
jamieleshawkarbo, empathy is somewhat integrated an easy but i couldn't get my yahoo working12:15
clearscreengnat - The GNU Ada compiler12:15
clearscreen!info gnat12:15
ubottugnat (source: gcc-defaults (1.78ubuntu1)): The GNU Ada compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.3-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 13 kB, installed size 60 kB12:15
jamieleshawkarimas, empathy is somewhat integrated an easy but i couldn't get my yahoo working12:15
iMattis there anybody that could tell me, how to setup gedit, that if i type php it will rewrite to text and auto-insert <?php ... ?> ???12:16
ActionParsnipkinnaz: if you use 64bit you can use the 64bit beta plugin, works groovy here12:16
plumaHow do I check which packages I have installed? From the commandline, that is12:16
kinnazActionParsnip, package name?12:16
karimasjamieleshaw: I trying to find a solution to propose ubuntu as a real alternative to windows, but I need something that let me works like teamviewer do. If the desktop sharing is a zero configuration and usable solution... we are in!12:16
jack007how can i extend hard drive of virtual box in ubuntu12:17
Koenigsegg_Any wireless network wiz who'd like to try and help? Trying to connect wii to internet over wireless with ubuntu laptop as access point in middle.12:17
raynobHi there, I have got dhcp and bind running almost perfectly on ubuntu - I can ping any of the addresses that's registered in dns, but dhcp leased addresses cannot be resolved by pinging the name of a pc.  What simple little thing am I missing?12:17
ActionParsnipkinnaz: there isnt one, download the tar.gz and put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins    : http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-  it will only work if your Ubuntu is 64bit. It WILL NOT WORK if you are using 32bit.12:17
ActionParsnipkinnaz: you will also need to remove the flash plugins you currently have installed12:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about si12:18
kinnazActionParsnip, yep im on x64, imported my home dir from 32 so thats why i prolly have 32 version instaleld, tnx for help12:18
ActionParsnipkinnaz: the plugins folder will need creating12:19
plumaWhat is the CLI equivalent of synaptic's "remove completely" (i.e. config files too)12:19
plumafor apt-get/aptitude/etc12:19
bullgard4pluma:  dpkg maintains some usable information about available packages.12:19
ActionParsnippluma: sudo apt-get --purge remove <package>12:20
plumabullgard4: Found dpkg --get-selections12:20
plumaActionParsnip: thanks12:20
bullgard4karbo: What do you understand by 'desktop sharing'?12:21
kinnazActionParsnip, so i should see Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32 under plugins from firefox ?12:21
ActionParsnipkinnaz: i guess12:21
ActionParsnipkinnaz: i always just hit a flash page like: http://www.rathergood.com/blode212:21
ActionParsnipkinnaz: you'll need to make sure firefox is not running before you rerun it12:22
karbobullgard4: huh?12:22
kinnazActionParsnip, that was it, didnot correctly restart firefox, now its working :) tnx for hel12:24
bullgard4karbo: ':~$ dict huh; No definitions found for "huh", perhaps you mean: gcide:  Huch .'12:24
bullgard4 12:24
jamieleshawHello, i have mythtv working partial, it pick up all channels etc. but it when i click watch tv it goes back to homescreen, any idea how to fix?12:24
bazhangbullgard4, you mistabbed; addressed to karimas instead12:24
ActionParsnipkinnaz: easiest way imho, stupid package never worked for me12:24
jack007how can i extend hard drive of virtual box in ubuntu12:25
ActionParsnipkinnaz: i do the same for java, 64bit java.bin file stick it in /opt and symlink, java be good12:25
nomad111hi can anyone recommend a decent svn client12:25
ActionParsnip!info svn12:25
ubottuPackage svn does not exist in jaunty12:25
jack007so my guest os get12:25
ActionParsnip!find svn12:25
ubottuFound: bzr-svn, cvs2svn, esvn, esvn-doc, gforge-plugin-scmsvn (and 42 others)12:25
jack007max space12:25
ActionParsnip!info esvn12:25
ubottuesvn (source: esvn): frontend for the Subversion revision system written in Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.12+1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 382 kB, installed size 1120 kB12:25
wildmanhello there, I have my / (and others) partition formatted with ext3 (Ubuntu 9.04, x86 version, up to date packages), If I run df -h, I get "/dev/sdb5 92G 82G 5,8G 94% /", that is 92 GB size, 82 GB used and... 5.8GB free, not 10 GB free, any ideas on where the other 4GB+ may be? cuz when I add this 'small diffs' for all my partitions it adds up to 33GB!12:25
bullgard4bazhang: Yes, I am sorry.12:25
DasEijack007: possible, but a question for #virtualbox12:25
ActionParsnipnomad111: esvn i guess12:25
nomad111lol ActionParsnip12:26
jack007actual it work for vmware12:26
ActionParsnipnomad111: try: apt-cache search svn | less12:26
bullgard4karbo: I mistakenly directed an answer to you which should have been directed to <karimas>. My apologies.12:27
evidenthi everybody... A friend of mine got a virus on his windows system so it doesnt start up anymore. So now I wanted to help him by booting from an ubuntu cd and start a virus-scanner12:27
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karbobullgard4: no problem :)12:27
evidentis there a virus scanner integrated in the ubuntu live cd?12:27
ActionParsnip!av | evident12:27
ubottuevident: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:27
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bazhangevident, its optional can be installed12:28
DasEievident: per default no scanner, but can run antivir from commandline, if enough ram available12:28
bazhangclamav is the package evident12:28
ActionParsnipevident: there is AV like clamAV and AVG etc but its not hugely needed unless you are scanning windows partitions or run a mail server12:29
evidentok I'll try antivir... any other tools you could recommend for ubuntu?12:29
evidentok i noted these... and I'll try... thanks everybody!12:29
ActionParsnipevident: depends what you want to achieve12:30
evidentActionParsnip, get his system virus free... :)12:30
DasEievident: clamav is in the repos, antivir has no deb, but a tar.gz on their homepage12:30
ActionParsnipevident: already done12:30
evidenti also have the avira rescue cd, if nothing works12:30
ActionParsnipevident: if you are scanning a windows partition then you need one12:30
razor_Xhi guys12:31
evidentok thanks... gotta go... bye12:31
razor_Xstill having display issues12:31
wildmanhello there, I have my / (and others) partition formatted with ext3 (Ubuntu 9.04, x86 version, up to date packages), If I run df -h, I get "/dev/sdb5 92G 82G 5,8G 94% /", that is 92 GB size, 82 GB used and... 5.8GB free, not 10 GB free, any ideas on where the other 4GB+ may be? cuz when I add this 'small diffs' for all my partitions it adds up to 33GB!12:32
razor_Xhello hax12:32
razor_Xnow i am getting a display error at bootup12:33
razor_Xkicks his ancient PC12:33
ActionParsniprazor_X: can you expand12:33
razor_Xi am a total noob when it comes to ubuntu gnome guys so bear with me12:33
ActionParsniprazor_X: what is happening, all you have told us i something is broken12:34
ActionParsniprazor_X: details man, details12:34
razor_Xok i expanded my display to allow 1024X768 and i have to scroll around the desktop to see the whole desktop and now at bootup it has to start in low color mode12:34
adokcan you guys notice any diference between ext3 and ext4?12:35
ActionParsnipadok: speed12:35
razor_Xi am running a 17 in LCD on a nvidia GeForce2 MX 100/20012:35
razor_Xgraphics card12:35
ActionParsnipadok: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext412:35
adokActionParsnip, but.. is it safe.. stable to use ext4?12:35
Dr_Willisadok:  its the default in the next release.. i considuer that yes to both...12:36
ActionParsnipadok: it is in karmic, not sure about the kernel in jaunty with it12:36
dg1hey i installed ubuntu using wubi on my ntfs, now that i have all my stuff on here. how do i move it the a ext4 drive12:36
ActionParsniprazor_X: ok boot to recovery mode and select fix graphics12:36
korahi i'm trying to run a program under ubuntu 2.6.24 and it says "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.8' not found" anyone knows how to fix this?12:36
razor_Xok will try that action12:36
razor_Xthank you12:36
ActionParsnipkora: sounds like you are missig a file, which means you need a package or a symlink to give the file12:37
Dr_Williskora:  what program is asking for that?12:37
Manocan any one tell me the link 2 download vlc for upundu12:38
ActionParsnipkora: what app are you running to get the error12:38
ActionParsnipmano: its ubuntu12:38
ActionParsnip!vnc | man12:38
ubottuman: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:38
Dr_Willis!info vlc12:38
Manono vlc player12:38
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB12:38
Dr_Willissome reason you dont want to do a 'sudo apt-get install vlc' ?12:39
Manoi want a link 2 download12:39
ActionParsnipmano: sudo apt-get install vlc12:39
ActionParsnipmano: you dont need a link in ubuntu, its on the repo12:39
ActionParsnipmano:    apt:vlc12:39
Manoany website12:39
razor_Xokay did that12:40
koraActionParsnip, Dr_Willis: its a program (written by some dr.) i used for university; it did run before so the libraries should be installed. when i copied some files via scp the connection interrupted and then when trying to do something on a shell the bash always returned seg fault )=12:40
korathe i used my own bashrc12:40
JyxtMano: why download when you can let synaptics install it for you?12:40
Jyxtbetter that way12:40
koraso the seg fault disappeared, but the other erreor emerged12:40
unimatrixwhy does it take ubuntu almost 1 second to open a simple home folder in nautilus?12:40
dg1any one know how to move a wubi install to a ext4 drive12:40
unimatrixis it a bug?12:40
razor_XActionParsnip is there a way to increase my resolution and make it where i can see the whole screen in 1024X768 mode?12:40
SkyRocknRollJyxt, may be he is try to install it on a offline system !!12:41
Dr_Willisdg1:  ive seen it discussed on the forums.. but ive neverf seen anyone do it.12:41
indusmano in ubuntu , all software is available from a central location called a repository and it can be accessed via add/remove from menu12:41
Manomay i find in symantac12:41
razor_X800X600 is so lame i cant see half of stuff12:41
ActionParsniprazor_X: sure, if you run: gksudo jockey-gtk      you should be offered a driver12:41
infectohello some one i familiar with monodevelop crash? i`m up to date.12:41
JyxtMano: anyway just go to vlc site http://www.videolan.org/vlc/12:41
dg1ok it can be done12:41
dg1all i needed to know12:41
indusmano the command sudo apt-get install vlc12:41
Dr_WillisMano:  its in the package manager listings.. yes...  Use teh package manager tools.12:41
razor_Xactionparsnip i have the nvidia driver installed but it detects my monitor as 800X60012:42
indusmano will install the software, this is what also happens when you run synaptic12:42
Dr_Willisdg1:  this is linux.. somthing can always be 'done' :) just may be easier to do it some other way then what you were thinking..12:42
Dr_Willis!clone | dg112:42
ubottudg1: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:42
ActionParsniprazor_X: ok then run: gksudo nvidia-settings12:42
ActionParsniprazor_X: do you get a message saying there is no driver?12:42
indusActionParsnip: no need to run nvidia-settings with sudo12:42
ActionParsnipindus: is if you want to write to xorg.conf to make the boot screen the same res as the desktop12:43
Dr_Willisindus:  err.. i have to if i want to to change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:43
indusActionParsnip: aah thats nvidia-xconfig12:43
dg1man, thats clever12:43
ActionParsnipindus: no thats to give a stock xorg.conf with nvidia oodnes12:43
razor_Xactionparsnip it says to configure it as root12:43
Dr_Willisheh nvidia-settings (with no X) is the X app.. nvidia-xconfig with the X is not a X app. :)12:43
ActionParsniprazor_X: ok thats fine, close the app down12:43
ActionParsniprazor_X: run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:44
indusnvidia-xconfig never works for me anyway12:44
ActionParsnipindus: me neither, i ignore it12:44
Dr_Willisive not had to use nvidia-xconfig in ages.12:44
indusActionParsnip: dpkg is good enough12:44
munif some source code is copyrighted only, can it be reused or modified? would code that's copyrighted still be considered as open source?12:44
razor_Xaci did it didnt do anything12:44
ActionParsniprazor_X: in the middle of the file you will see: Section "Device"   Identifier "Configured Video Device"  EndSection12:44
indusmun: depends on the copyright holder12:45
razor_Xit didnt open gedit12:45
indusmun: its a legal issue and off topic for this channel12:45
razor_Xokay i see the section12:45
kechaany woman for chat12:46
MenZa!offtopic | kecha12:46
ubottukecha: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:46
ActionParsniprazor_X: cool underneath where it says: Identifier "Configured Video Device" add a new line12:46
bazhangkecha, no12:46
ActionParsniprazor_X: Driver "nvidia"12:46
razor_Xokay doing that now12:46
ActionParsniprazor_X: then save the new file and close gedit12:46
plumaSomething's listening on localhost:submission and localhost:smtp, how do I find out which program is responsible?12:46
adacGithub search is a massive fail.... Is there a cool tagging plugin out there?12:46
ActionParsniprazor_X: then reboot12:47
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razor_Xactionparsnip brb12:47
dg1If I moved to a ext4 rather than ntfs would my computer run faster12:47
MenZadg1: You'd have less fragmentation.12:47
Dr_Willisdg1:  i find ext4 faster for my needs then ntfs12:48
dg1ext4 and a swap12:48
indusany proof its faster?12:48
indusntfs is good i say12:48
dg1hmm ntfs vs. ext412:49
Weust`hi, my gnome terminal displays ? at certain meta karakters, for example : meta-§ is this a setting?12:49
razor_Xactionparsnip now it only lets me run in 640x48012:50
indusis ati driver performance as good as in windows?12:50
indusanswer me !12:50
bazhangindus, is that a topic for this channel?12:50
indusya driver for ubuntu12:51
Dr_Willisindus:  i would guess.. No.12:51
indusiam almost online paying for a radeon HD 485012:51
ActionParsniprazor_X: if you run: gksudo nvidia-settins can you set a better res12:51
dg1is the sky bluer than ext412:51
Dr_WillisI wouldent get an ati card. But do what you want.12:51
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indusDr_Willis: YOU have ati?12:52
razor_Xactionparsnip no12:52
ActionParsniprazor_X: then id say you have a bad driver12:52
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Dr_Willisindus:  ive used ati in the past a great deal.. and now have converted everything to nvidia.. i dont plan on going back to ati any time soon.12:52
razor_Xactionparsnip it only offers 640X480 and 320X23012:52
indusDr_Willis: i know they have drivres every month on  site, so if i could get a nice positive answer12:53
ActionParsniprazor_X: set the driver to vesa and reboot, uninstall the nvidia driver you installed12:53
indusDr_Willis: i think ill go blind and buy one, i have great hopes for the radeon HD driver open source one12:53
Dr_Willisindus:  in the last ati drivers update.. they removed  a lot of their 'older cards'   so 3d support for bsaically vanished....12:53
Dr_Willisindus:  good luck..12:54
indusDr_Willis: radeon 4850 :)12:54
Dr_Willisi dont plan on going ati in the forseable future.12:54
acostelloindus: the ati drivers have gotten better over the last 2 years, but prior they sucked... i would get nvidia if you could...12:54
indusDr_Willis: also, open source drivers have 3d support12:54
DuncanM_Does the latest 4850 driver from ATI work on ubuntu? now installing it12:54
Dr_Willisindus:  'some' do.. and some actually work..12:54
razor_Xactionparsnip ok back in a bit12:54
indusi think ill ask a question to amd directly12:54
acostelloindus: good luck with that...12:55
* indus goes seawrching for the contacts page12:55
acostelloindus: you may as well put your finger in a light socket...12:55
acostelloman ubuntu has gotten better... i just put a memory stick duo in my netbook and whalla, fspot photo manager picked it right up, downloaded my pics to the computer and rolled out. lovin it guys... thanks for all your help actionparsnip, drwillis, and indus12:57
indusacostello: your are that crazy nick fello?12:57
razor_Xactionparsnip ok how do i uninstall the driver?12:57
razor_Xactionparsnip driver removed12:59
razor_Xgreat actionparsnip split on me13:00
razor_Xanyone know a good driver for the nvidia GeForce2 MX 100/200 in ubuntu 9.0413:00
Dr_Willisproberly the lowest version of the nvidia drivers.. for that low a end card..13:02
razor_Xi have tried alot of the drivers and am still having problems13:03
user_hi , someone can tell me how i can see wht user i have in my Ubuntu from console13:03
b3rz3rk3rgood afternoon gents13:04
miklatell me 1 game ... to apt-get ... fast ... im bored ...13:04
b3rz3rk3rmikla, Never put13:05
b3rz3rk3rthink its all one word actually13:05
Dr_Willisuser_:  look in the /home/ dir to see what users exist you mean?13:05
razor_XDr_Willis i should use the nvidia71?13:05
Jyxtmikla: openarena13:05
adokmikla: Need-For-Speed-Shift13:05
Dr_Willisrazor_X:  you should proberly check teh nvidia docs and see what version they say supports that old a card.13:05
dagleesHello, I have an Intel 82Q963/Q965 Integrated graphics controller and I'd like to know how to set Xorg up so it recognizes it13:05
miklaopenarena hmm im already playing quakelive :D is it similar?13:06
Jyxtmikla: believe its built on the same engine13:06
dagleesBecause at the moment performance is very poor on my machine and I've got a dual core 2.4/4gb RAM setup13:06
miklaokey ty13:06
razor_XDr_Willis i have been all over the Nvidia and ubuntu websites and its still greek to me13:06
adokjyxt oh rly? im goin to try too13:06
Jyxtmikla: also saurbaten is cool13:06
Dr_Willisrazor_X:  http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html13:06
Jyxtalien arena13:06
Jyxtsorry saurbraten13:07
miklawill check13:07
Jyxtflight gear, but that takes quite a bit of reading etc13:07
Dr_WillisGeForce2 MX 100/200 0x0111  Below are the legacy GPUs that are no longer supported in the unified driver. These GPUs will continue to be maintained through the special legacy NVIDIA GPU driver releases.13:07
Dr_WillisThe 96.43.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs:13:07
adokbtw, i need to ask this, how can i fix my kernel agains the new sock_sendpage exploit?13:08
miklaany good strategy?13:08
adoki tested in ubuntu and its vulnerable13:08
Jyxtmikla: ive heard good things about glest13:08
Jyxthavent tried it myself13:08
miklaglest hmmm will check, thx m813:09
raynobHi there, I have got dhcp and bind running almost perfectly on ubuntu - I can ping any of the addresses that's registered in dns, but dhcp leased addresses cannot be resolved by pinging the name of a pc.  What simple little thing am I missing?13:09
Boondoklifemikla: its not in the repos but openorion is good13:09
Jyxttorcs is good if you like racing games13:10
Piciadok: What version of Ubuntu?13:10
miklait doesnt need to be in rep using nix more than 10 y :P13:10
JyxtPici: ubuntu version doesnt matter...as its a kernel level exploit, newer kernels 2.6.30+ have it fixed i believe13:10
Jyxtbut ubuntu doesn't run newerd kernels by default13:11
adok9.04 kernel 2.6.28-15-generic13:11
adokPici 9.04 kernel 2.6.28-15-generic13:11
PiciJyxt: It does matter because some releases are patched already.13:11
adokPici i run the update almost all the days, so far i supose i got the latest kernel installed13:12
=== carol_ is now known as carol_away
RouninHello! I was wondering whether there's any way of preventing the graphical Update Manager from starting up whenever I run apt-get?13:12
RouninAn environment variable that can make it not be aware of X, perhaps?13:12
Rounin(ssh localhost? :)13:13
adokpici o tested some of the versions in milw0rm.. but so far all the fix makes me recompile the kernel from kernel.org... wich i rly didnt wanted to13:13
Piciadok: What exact version does 'apt-cache policy linux' say you're using?13:13
Dr_WillisRounin:  Unset DISPLAY :)13:13
Dr_WillisRounin:  but ive never worried too much about it.13:13
adokPici hold on13:13
cheater99hi guys13:13
RouninTgabjs Dr_Willis13:13
cheater99what's a good cd audio extraction tool?13:13
RouninI mean thanks13:14
Gateway`hello everybody, I have an external disk which I use usually on windows... unfortunatly, the laptop had been infected by a virus that crypted a full directory, when I try to access to files into this directory a message appears telling me " access denied "13:14
cheater99i have a cd which is a little bit scratched and i need something that will give me the best13:14
Gateway`the name of files appears in a green color, that means they crypted with a password13:14
Dr_WillisGateway`:  when trying to access from WINDOWS or from Linux?13:14
adokPici http://pastebin.com/m2a08fbf013:14
Gateway`Dr_Willis, yes the same result :s13:15
fbianconi|info ddrescue | cheater9913:15
fbianconi!info ddrescue | cheater9913:15
ubottucheater99: ddrescue (source: ddrescue): copies data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13-3 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 76 kB13:15
Travis-42if I'm willing to deal with potential temporary problems, can I use ubuntu 9.10 alpha 6 and eventually just upgrade to the final release, or if I use the alpha will I need to do a fresh install from scratch of the final release to ensure things work ok?13:15
cheater99fbianconi, bear in mind that this is an audio cd13:15
cheater99i just need the audio13:15
cheater99i don't need all the sub data etc13:15
Piciadok: one moment13:16
PiciTravis-42 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.13:16
Dr_Willischeater99:  ddrescue tries very very very hard to get all the data it can.. doing several reads if needed.13:16
Travis-42ok thanks Pici13:16
Gateway`these files are very important, I really need them :s13:16
Dr_WillisGateway`:  you proberly want to be googling for that exact virus and a proper way to 'undo' its damage. Im guessing.13:17
kitallisdoes apps leaking memory have anything to do with distros?13:17
kitallisdifferent distros?13:17
cheater99Dr_Willis, cd audio has an error correcting code as well which is scattered around the disc. i wouldn't like bits to be marked as the wrong value because the extraction tool did not check the checksum and instead had to guess what the bit was..13:17
Gateway`Dr_Willis, I've already tried but nothing important... thanks anyway :)13:17
Weust`hi, my gnome terminal displays ? at certain meta karakters, for example : meta-§ is this a setting?13:18
CopyWriteri can't wait for the release of the new distro13:18
cheater99i really really need something that's specifically made for ripping audio cds13:19
CopyWriterall the way till the end of october13:19
Piciadok: One other thing, what arch are you on?13:20
nawkI understand there is a RAR plugin that I can install to "File Roller" archive manager13:20
nawkwhat's it called does anyone know13:21
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free13:21
leagrisHello, just to warn you someone on this IRC tryes to send a file STARTKEYLOGGER.. It happened 2 times this week.13:21
adokpici im using jaunty version, 68613:21
Dr_Willisnawk:  check the package manager for 'rar'  and 'unrar'13:21
Picileagris: Please don't repeat that here, we're aware of that, the person has been banned.13:21
jdvI have a dodgy disk / partition which according to testdisk utility cannot be recovered, do I have any options or must I format?13:21
MaritimI'm running Banshee in Ubuntu 9.04, I just installed Banshee and when I try to play a song all I get is an orange box with an X in it to the left of the trackname.13:21
indusnawk: sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree13:22
Dr_Willisjdv:  whats it supposed to be?13:22
jdvDr_willis thanks. its ext3 my main ubuntu partition /13:22
Dr_Willisjdv:  you could try to 'ddrescue' it to a file. and try to fsck the file.13:23
indusnawk: sudo apt-get install unrar   (sorry ignore lastmessage)13:23
jdvfsck fails due to bad superblock13:23
snthI have created SSH tunnel to create SOCKS proxy. It works fine when I use it locally with firefox. However, it doesn't work when I configure a remote firefox. Can anyone help me with this? It seems like the port isn't open.13:23
indusnawk: after that , you will get this on right click13:23
Dr_Willisjdv:   theres supposed to be more then 1 copy of the superblock i recall.. but  ive rarely recovered such  things..   if its very imporntant you may want to check out ddrescue and  some 'recovery' guides13:24
adokpici .. im just looking for something for ubuntu, i was able to correct this in slackware, by decreasing the size of nnmap13:24
kitallisdoes apps leaking memory have anything to do with distros?13:24
kitallisin b/w different distros?13:24
adokpici somehow the same fix doesnt apply to ubuntu13:24
jdvDr_Willis yes testdisk locates other copies of ext2 superblock but I have no clue what do with that info. I will check out ddrescue, thanks13:24
boscophow can I tell emacs to run in the shell, not in a window?13:24
Dr_Willisjdv:  you can give fsck some option to use them.. i forget the option13:25
Piciadok: I'm just trying to figure out why you don't have the updated package, because it was released. 2.6.28-15.49 was released to specifically address this issue.13:25
kitallisboscop: emacs -nw13:25
Dr_Willisjdv:  fsck.ext3 -b superblock       -OTHERSTUFF HERE13:25
Piciadok: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.28-15.4913:26
boscopkitallis: thanks13:26
jdvDr_willis do I replace 'superblock' with the specific number of the superblock?13:26
adokpici 15.49???? no... im on 15.2013:26
Dr_Willisjdv:  yes. :)13:26
kitallisdoes apps leaking memory have anything to do with distros?13:26
adokpici hold on, let me see if the update gets anything about 15.4913:26
kitallisin b/w different distros?13:26
Piciadok: I know, but 15.49 is an update that should have been presented to you.13:26
Dr_Williskitallis:  if i say 'no' will you be happy?13:27
adokpici running update13:27
Dr_Williskitallis:  i imagine the answer is 'it depends' :)13:27
kitallisDr_Willis: if you explain, i'd be happy13:27
kitallison what?13:27
Dr_Williskitallis:  like the libs the apps are using.. for one thing.13:27
Dr_Williskitallis:  and the app version.. options used to compile said apps....13:27
kitallisbut that's common to all distros?13:28
kitallis(let's say it is)13:28
NauTiluSjdv e2fsck -f -D /dev/sdXX13:28
Gateway`is there a help channel in french guys ?13:28
bazhangkitallis, which app which version of ubuntu13:28
razor_Xstill no go on the resolution increas for the nvidia graphics card i have installed13:29
razor_Xthis sucks13:29
MikeHI've just compiled 2.6.31 under 9.04, upon booting I've had a lot of I/O errors, and had it tell me that the ext3 journal has been deleted13:29
fbianconicheater99: cdstatus http://cdstatus.sourceforge.net/ (no package tough)13:29
jdvNautTilus: thanks, says superbolock invalid, trying backup blocks.. bad magic number13:29
MikeHAnyone have any suggestions why?13:29
kitallisbazhang: Opera, same version, same tabs, on ubuntu it runs fine, on OpenSuse it leaks lotsa mem13:29
bazhangkitallis, #suse could help with OpenSuse problems13:30
jdvNauTiluS: http://pastebin.com/m36c4ec2813:30
Dr_WillisHmm..opera is compiled by the oprea guys.. - i would check the opera forums.13:30
kitalliswell my question was pretty general, but anywway13:30
razor_Xi am running ubuntu 9.04 on an older compaq tower with an nvidia geforce2 MX 100/200 and i am unable to get a working nvidia driver and unable to increase resolution beyond 800x600 can someone please help me fix this where i can see the entire screen at 1034X768?13:31
miklawhy ppl use opera?13:31
mikladont understund :D13:31
Dr_Willisvery well could be some lib oprea is using on SUSE is the problem/leak13:31
nawkMaritim do you have any trouble with video playback in Banshee?13:31
NauTiluSjdv attempts to recover the damaged part with testdisk13:32
razor_Xthe driver they suggest is unavailable in linux Dr_Willis13:32
jdvtestdisk says cant recover13:32
zebastianwhat are some cool windows apps that run on wine? by the way i downloaded winamp and installed it and it didn't seem to work, i couldn't find it anywhere13:33
bazhangzebastian, check the appdb13:33
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:33
bazhang!appdb > zebastian13:33
ubottuzebastian, please see my private message13:33
razor_XActionParsnip welcome back13:33
NineTeen67CometHay all. Is there an app (cli or otherwise) that I can use to pop-up a note to another computer on my network? I've got two kids with Ubuntu boxes in their room and I would like to be able to send a pop-up message to their screen.13:33
ActionParsniprazor_X: thanks13:33
ActionParsnip!xmms | zebastian13:34
ubottuzebastian: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.13:34
ActionParsnipzebastian: xmms was a lot like winamp, its no longer developed but the alternatives are highlighted there13:34
razor_XActionParsnip the driver nvidia suggests is not available in linux is there an alternate driver available i can use?13:34
b3rz3rk3rNineTeen67Comet, you could run pidgin at start and use Bonjour accounts13:34
ActionParsniprazor_X: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga13:34
zebastianActionParsnip: whichw ould you personally recomend yourself for ubuntu hardy?13:34
ActionParsnipzebastian: for media playback I use mplayer and vlc13:35
razor_X01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11DDR [GeForce2 MX200] (rev b2)13:35
zebastianmplayer? is that like totem? by the way, i don't like vlc that much it's sort of jumpy ActionParsnip13:35
Maritimnawk: I'll have a look13:35
NineTeen67Cometb3rz3rk3r: That would work. I'd have to start it before I sent the message though. They are young kids (4 and 7) so I really don't want them online (networked but not on the web) ..13:35
b3rz3rk3rNineTeen67Comet, that would be LAN only messaging, and would also allow them to reply :)13:35
razor_XActionParsnip 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11DDR [GeForce2 MX200] (rev b2)13:35
Maritimnawk: I do. No errar message or notice, but all I get is the banshee logo on a black background.13:36
b3rz3rk3rNineTeen67Comet, you can just set it up to start on boot13:36
AllvaroHello ;) any1 want invitation to Lockerz ?(free gifts for points) i have 17 ;). Write email if you want13:36
NineTeen67Cometb3rz3rk3r: I'll play with it. I was hoping we had something like netsend in the ms world (my house has no ms but still it was a handy tool)13:36
Maritimnawk: error*13:36
b3rz3rk3rNineTeen67Comet, there is also remote desktop which you could use to open a window in front of them and have dialog that way too13:37
PiciAllvaro: This is a support channel, please do not advertise  or spam here.13:37
wildmanbye ppl13:37
Allvarowooops sry xd13:37
cheater99fbianconi, thanks, checking it out13:37
b3rz3rk3rNineTeen67Comet, i remember netsend, and im sure there are linux equivs but i dont know of any personally13:37
NineTeen67Cometb3rz3rk3r: I've been using rdesktop for some of that. Mainly to watch what they are doing.13:37
razor_XActionparsnip ironically it works fine under windows but its being a bear in linux13:37
ActionParsnipzebastian: mplayer can play lots of things, its similar to totem13:38
zebastianActionParsnip: does it come out of the box in hardy?13:38
NineTeen67Cometb3rz3rk3r: I'll ask around a little. I've been a linux only household since 2001, but haven't had a need like this until now (dansguardian is my next work) ..13:38
zebastiani'm wondering whether i have it or have used it and idn't like it13:38
b3rz3rk3rNineTeen67Comet, you could try this: http://linpopup2.sourceforge.net/13:38
razor_Xanyone know of free DJing software for linux?13:38
ActionParsniprazor_X: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; rm ~/.nvidia-settings-rc; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-9613:38
ActionParsnipzebastian: no, you need to install it13:39
NineTeen67Cometb3rz3rk3r: oh, that looks really close .. thanks, I'll go play with it. I'm off to bed right now, but thanks for the direction and ideas.13:39
b3rz3rk3rNineTeen67Comet, np, anytime. sleep well13:39
zebastianActionParsnip: what do you think of amarokk?13:39
ActionParsnipzebastian: its nice but i find it bloated13:39
NineTeen67Cometthanks man13:39
ActionParsnipzebastian: try it, if you like it, use it13:40
zebastianActionParsnip: bmpx vs mplayer?13:40
ActionParsnipzebastian: i pick mplayer over most, its one of the original and best13:40
razor_XActionParsnip running that now13:40
Kingtiger01Later all!13:40
ActionParsniprazor_X: ets rid of all nvidia stuffs then reinstalls a driver from fresh13:41
ActionParsniprazor_X: once its done, restart13:41
razor_XActionParsnip i appreciate your patients with me because i am an absolute noob at this shit13:41
ActionParsniprazor_X: you'll learn with time13:41
razor_XActionParsnip i have used linux remotely for years just never used a GUI13:42
zebastianActionParsnip: can you help me out with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/277062/13:42
ActionParsniprazor_X: i dont use gui much13:43
Travis-42I lost power and had to restart and I keep getting errors now about /tmp not having enough space -- it appears that /tmp only has a size of 1MB now for some reason. How do I correct this?13:43
ActionParsniprazor_X: hence irc is really good for support for me :)13:43
razor_XActionParsnip i will brb rebooting13:43
nawkMaritim, can I pm you??13:43
ActionParsnipTravis-42: is /tmp on its own partition?13:44
Travis-42ActionParsnip: no13:44
pastorni want to read the sources for the screensavers13:44
pastornwhere do i look?13:44
ActionParsnipTravis-42: i'd boot to recovery root console or livecd and fsck the disks13:45
Travis-42ActionParsnip: it happened after my / got full because of an error (which I fixed).  /tmp is also mounted as 'overflow'13:45
Picipastorn: apt-get source xscreensaver-data or the other xscreensaver- packages.13:45
Maritimnawk: most certainly13:45
Travis-42ActionParsnip: ok13:45
ActionParsnipTravis-42: could run computer janitor13:45
pastornPici: yeah, but where do they land?13:45
Travis-42ActionParsnip: let me try rebooting and running checks13:45
cheater99hey guys13:46
zebastianActionParsnip:  *  http://paste.ubuntu.com/277065/13:46
razor_XActionParsnip ok i am back now13:46
cheater99can someone remind me how to redirect stderr to a file?13:46
cheater99i think command > c.log &2>1 but it doesn't work13:46
llutzcheater99: 2>&113:47
jdvanyone know why I cant open usb drives from live cd?13:47
jdvtried to right click>mount but nothing happens13:48
jdvsame if you double click the icon13:48
jdvliterally, nothing13:48
razor_XActionParsnip pm me when you are a little less hammered13:48
razor_Xgoing out for a smoke13:49
ActionParsnipzebastian: you need to fix your packages, try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo depmod -a; sudo apt-get install mplayer13:49
ActionParsniprazor_X: any better/13:49
indusActionParsnip: heard of silicon doc? :)13:49
ActionParsnipindus: never, what is it?13:49
razor_XActionParsnip no its still stuck in 800X600 mode13:49
indusActionParsnip: think and try to remember13:49
rachaIts Possible to Access from Windows to Ubuntu With some Remote Desktop Software ?13:49
ActionParsniprazor_X: if you run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:50
ActionParsniprazor_X: then set the driver to nvidia13:50
zebastianActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277071/13:50
jdvracha: what are you trying to do with windows from ubuntu13:50
cheater99fbianconi, i'm trying to compile cdstatus but it gives me an error...13:51
ActionParsnipzebastian: you havent imported the key for your repos you have added13:51
rachajdv: I Waht to get Same thing like 2 Windows with Teamveawer ...13:51
razor_XActionParsnip reboot now?13:51
zebastianActionParsnip:  how do i do that? i don't have the key13:51
cheater99fbianconi, configure output: http://pastebin.com/m2d0031f1 make output: http://pastebin.com/m3e37747113:51
ActionParsnipzebastian: reread the guide for opera install. The key guide is there13:51
cheater99or anyone else who can tell me why this thing doesn't want to work... :)13:51
codetopHello.  My xubuntu loads fine, but then gets to the login screen and artifacts with three smal ubuntu logo looking things at the top of my screen.  Any way to fix my configs from another tty?13:52
codetopNot three small, more like 6.13:52
ActionParsnipzebastian: you also need to run: sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring13:52
zebastianActionParsnip:  this one wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add - ?13:53
cajunI don't know whether it matters, ubuntu or kubuntu. I have Kubuntu Jaunty installed but use gnome more often. One of my users has to change his password regularly yet I have not had to myself.  Is this because he has administrative privileges?13:53
cajunshould I just make him a user only?13:53
ActionParsnipzebastian: yes13:53
razor_XActionParsnip now it only offers 640X480 and 320X210 or some thing13:53
jdvracha: sorry, I dont know.. thats a bit more complicated that just accessing a filesystem or somesuch. I'd ask on the forums13:53
zebastianActionParsnip: now what do i do?13:54
ActionParsnipzebastian: also run: gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 7D2C7A23BF810CD5; gpg --export --armor  7D2C7A23BF810CD5 | sudo apt-key add -13:54
ActionParsniprazor_X: with the nvidia driver in xorg.conf?13:54
razor_XActionParsnip yes13:55
fbianconicheater99: cvs or tarball?13:55
=== poven_ is now known as poven
ActionParsniprazor_X: did you reboot after updating the file?13:55
morpheusscannot mount cdrom13:55
razor_XActionParsnip yes i did13:55
ActionParsniprazor_X: then try a different nvidia driver: check: apt-cache search nvidia-glx13:55
morpheussgetting this error while installing from usb stick13:55
zebastianActionParsnip: done13:56
ActionParsniprazor_X: try installing each that ends in a number and rebooting in between13:56
zebastianActionParsnip: now what? sudo aptitude install mplayer?13:56
ActionParsnipzebastian: ok now when you run: sudo apt-get update it will be smaooth13:56
razor_XActionParsnip the driver suggested for this card is unavailable in linux13:57
JohannesSM64are logitech gamepads known to work?13:57
morpheusscannot mount cdrom13:57
morpheusswhile installing from usb stick13:57
zebastianActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277076/ werd13:57
ActionParsniprazor_X: then change the nvidia in xorg.conf to nv and use the open driver13:57
razor_XActionParsnip that is according to Nvidia.com13:57
morpheussActionParsnip, cannot mount cdrom13:57
cheater99fbianconi, the latest release off sf. i'm trying the svn now, we'll see what happens.13:57
ActionParsnipzebastian: the repo is empty13:58
Dr_WillisJohannesSM64:  about every game pad ive ever tried has worked in Linux..13:58
razor_XActionParsnip what should i change it to?13:58
ActionParsnipzebastian: http://deb.opera.com/13:58
Dr_WillisNot tried any in 9.10 yet however.13:58
ActionParsniprazor_X: Driver "nv"13:58
razor_XActionParsnip ok did that rebooting now13:59
ActionParsnipmorpheuss: sudo mount /dev/sr013:59
zebastianActionParsnip: so what do i do?13:59
Cliff`Hi everyone ... I just installed the beta3 of 9.10 ... there are no desktop icons likje comptuer, home, network, trash .... How do I make them show up?13:59
zebastianam i missing something¿?13:59
zebastiando i have to paste something13:59
ActionParsnipzebastian: remove the repo14:00
ActionParsnip!opera | zebastian14:00
ubottuzebastian: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser14:00
erUSUL!karminc | Cliff`14:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karminc14:00
erUSUL!karmic | Cliff`14:00
ubottuCliff`: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:00
Cliff`ok- thanks!14:01
cheater99what does it mean that it 'will break'?14:01
zebastianActionParsnip: how do i remove the repo from the terminal¿? and isn't it necessary for opera?14:01
ActionParsnipzebastian: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:01
ActionParsnipzebastian: remove the opera line14:01
ActionParsnipzebastian: save the new file and close gedit14:02
zebastianActionParsnip: you know that's not from the command line!14:02
* zebastian wags finger14:02
ActionParsnipzebastian: can be done from cli, or alt+f214:02
zebastianum ActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/277081/14:04
dsdeiz_hi, it says unable to bind port 6600 when i run mpd.. how do i know what is using that port?14:04
acostellohey what is the codecs for videos? 32codecs or something like that14:05
llutzdsdeiz_: netstat -tulpen14:05
acostellonot vid codecs, but sound14:05
cheater99fbianconi, http://pastebin.com/m7d62f0414:05
zebastianActionParsnip: aka i can't find hte opera line14:05
yaccJust out of curiosity, is @ a valid character in a unix username?14:05
cheater99fbianconi, still the same error. something to do with the system libraries?14:05
cheater99oh bollocks14:06
ActionParsnipzebastian: check around in /etc/apt you may find a file that contains opera14:06
cheater99anyone know why i get this error when trying to compile cdstatus? http://pastebin.com/m7d62f0414:06
razor_XActionParsnip ok i now have 800X600 but would like 1024X76814:06
balsaq!power down14:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about power down14:07
dsdeiz_llutz: thanks14:07
ActionParsniprazor_X: you need to add a line to your screen section14:07
balsaq!shutdown ubuntu14:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutdown ubuntu14:07
dsdeiz_this is what it says tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      0          29766       -14:07
ActionParsniprazor_X: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77775914:07
balsaq!error console14:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about error console14:08
morpheussActionParsnip, im getting that error while installing from the usb stick14:08
ActionParsniprazor_X: add the subsection in the screen sectio of that xorg.conf14:08
zebastianActionParsnip: two files one of them looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/277083/14:08
razor_Xi did that but i still have to scroll to see the whole screen14:08
llutzdsdeiz_: sudo netstat -tulpen14:08
devilhelp you on german14:08
ActionParsnipzebastian: then move that file out to ~14:08
devilby Ubuntu14:08
dsdeiz_oh, it was mpd running14:08
frandoHey. I have a problem with a NTFS partition and special characters. The NTFS partition contains lots of files that were copied over from another NTFS partition that have filenames with umlauts in them. They are broken, though, e.g. "kanäle.txt" shows up as "kanüle.txt".14:09
zebastianActionParsnip: where!?14:09
devilgerman ubuntu irc channel14:09
frandoBut I can create new files with umlauts in them fine14:09
sdcurleedoes anyone know of a console based email service that works with ubuntu?  pine can't be found i guess14:09
balsaq!parsing value14:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parsing value14:09
frandoso touch ä.txt && ls shows ä.txt properly14:09
thiebaudezebastian, you having a problem updating?14:09
ubottuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:10
frandothe partition is mounted with defaults,locale=de_DE.utf814:10
razor_XActionParsnip rebooting14:10
frandoany ideas?14:10
morpheussActionParsnip, im getting that error while installing from the usb stick "cannot mount cdrom"14:10
jdvI have two drives, ubuntu is installed on one, the other is currently just a ext3 filesystem. If I boot from live cd and install ubuntu on the second drive- since my first is broken- will it be ok with grub etc and allow me to boot into it?14:10
ActionParsnipzebastian: the file you opened, move it to home14:10
zebastianthiebaude: yes, apparently14:10
ActionParsnipmorpheuss: ive not used usb to install, try asking the channel14:10
zebastianActionParsnip: there are two files with the same content do i move them both to home folder?14:10
ActionParsnipzebastian: sure14:10
frandoI would really like to not have to copy over the files again (it's my whole music library that was previously scattered over several different drives), and I also definitely cannot rename the files by hand.14:10
ActionParsnipzebastian: if the errors go, delete them14:10
thiebaudezebastian, i had a problem udating yesterday and it said it was opera, so i took the opera enrty out of the sources.list14:11
ActionParsnipzebastian: you'll need sudo to move the file14:11
morpheussActionParsnip, channel?14:11
frandoAny ideas would be greatly appreciated, googling didn't show up anything useful so far14:11
thiebaudezebastian, through update manager said it was the opera entry14:11
zebastianActionParsnip: i just tried to drag the files to home and it wouldn't allow me to14:11
=== chadwin is now known as dkonissper
zebastianhow do i get sudo privileges on the gui? ActionParsnip can i simply delete them?14:12
ActionParsnipzebastian: sudo mv <file> ~/14:12
ActionParsnipzebastian: or: gksudo nautilus14:12
razor_Xactionparsnip still no go on the 1024X76814:13
dsdeiz_so how do i use ncmpc? i'm currently on the Browse screen and all I see is Browse: .14:13
zebastianActionParsnip: ok i just moved those files to my homefolder, now what?14:13
jdvanyone got a clue why I cant open a usb disk in live cd?14:14
ActionParsnipzebastian: sudo apt-get update14:14
ActionParsnipzebastian: is it smooth now14:15
razor_Xactionparsnip still no go on the 1024X76814:15
zebastianActionParsnip: like a baby's14:15
ActionParsniprazor_X: can you pastebin your xorg.conf file please14:15
ActionParsnipzebastian: cool14:15
zebastianActionParsnip: now what? sudo aptitude install mplayer?14:15
razor_Xactionparsnip how do i do that?14:15
ActionParsniprazor_X: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:15
ActionParsnipzebastian: sure14:16
ActionParsniprazor_X: paste the url outputted14:16
razor_Xactionparsnip working on it14:16
LemensTSim having a problem with apt-get update http://pastebin.com/m37c5f6c414:17
zebastianActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277091/14:17
razor_Xactionparsnip http://pastebin.com/f62ed37814:17
_cbHow do I restrict applications to new user. For example how would I add a new user but make it so that the new user does not have Gimp?14:17
=== han_ is now known as mpniqn
ActionParsniprazor_X: do you use a CRT monitor?14:17
razor_Xactionparsnip yes14:18
razor_Xactionparsnip dell 17 inch14:18
=== Oli``` is now known as Oli``
ActionParsniprazor_X: here's minehttp://pastebin.com/f5337dccb  copy the monitor section details from mine to yours14:20
ActionParsniprazor_X: dont change the identifier line14:20
zebastianActionParsnip: what do i do?14:20
razor_Xactionparsnip okay brb14:20
ActionParsniprazor_X: so it looks like this ;) http://pastebin.com/d791f0faa14:21
ActionParsnipzebastian: not sure, you need to resolve your packages as they are a bit broken rigt now14:21
ActionParsniprazor_X: update the file and reboot14:21
zebastianActionParsnip: why does this happen, how can i fix them? it seems odd14:21
adamhow do i change window manager from kde to gnome?14:22
adamim on backtrack 414:22
=== adam is now known as Guest12585
[[thufir]]anyone have experience with installing the ruby gem for mysql?  there seems no documentation and the ruby guys have no idea, except for osx.14:22
ikoniaGuest12585: back track is not supported here14:22
Guest12585its ubuntu14:22
ikoniaGuest12585: back track has it's own support resources,14:22
ikoniaGuest12585: no - it's backrack14:22
Guest12585isnt it?14:22
Guest12585its based on ubuntu14:23
PiciGuest12585: Please use their support channel: #remote-exploit14:23
SandGorgonhi guys.. i built a custom kernel for jaunty. if I install the kernel-image and kernel-headers, will they co-exist with my current kernel or will it overwrite my current configuration ?14:23
ikoniaGuest12585: check out the backtrack website, it lists the support resources14:23
ikoniaSandGorgon: they will go exist if they are named differently14:23
rickb|serverHello, I am running Ubuntu Server in a very windows environment.. I have named my server's hostname a network template type name and cannot ping it via hostname from windows machines.. however I can ping, ssh and ultimately access it from the IP.. Any ideas or am I forgetting something stupid?14:23
SandGorgon[[thufir]], u need to compile and build the gem.. it doesnt install through gem14:23
ikonia"co exist" sorry14:23
SandGorgonikonia, thanks!14:23
Guest12585well what is the key combo to shutdown window manager?14:23
ikoniaGuest12585: please stop asking us to support backtrack14:24
ikoniaGuest12585:  you have been asked to use their support resources, please do so14:24
Guest12585im not asking you to "support backtrack" im asking you for a universal debian key combo14:24
jdvanyone got a clue why I cant open a usb disk in live cd?14:24
MikeHDoes anyone here use an RT kernel?14:24
ikoniaGuest12585: enough now please. I can see you've joined #remote-exploit so please use that for backtrack support14:25
ikoniajdv: on occasion14:25
Cyrano_Derickb|server: You need to add an A record for the Ubuntu server in your DNS zone14:25
jdvctrl+alt+backspace usually, Guest12585. will restart x windows and you will lose all data unsaved if working14:25
ikoniajdv: sorry, not you14:25
ikoniaMikeH: on occasion14:25
ikonia!dontzip > jdv14:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dontzip14:25
ikonia!dontzap > jdv14:25
ubottujdv, please see my private message14:25
dsdeiz_anyone can shed me a light on how to use ncmpc?14:25
MikeHikonia: Have you had any issues with it?14:25
rickb|serverCyrano_De: I figured it was something as dumb as that... :p thank you! I'll just idle in here because I am sure I will need more help :)14:25
ikoniaMikeH: a few but mostly down to the applications tring to use it rather than the kernel its's self14:26
jdvikonia I was answering his question :) but thanks14:26
MikeHikonia: I've tried jaunty and karmic versions, as well as compiling my own, and I get diskio errors, on .28 the machine locks up14:26
ikoniaMikeH: disk I/O errors, do you get that with the non-RT versions ?14:26
MikeHikonia: I presume it has something to do with the rt scheduling14:27
razor_Xactionparsnip i think we got it man14:27
razor_Xactionparsnip YES!14:27
ikoniaMikeH: I've not had that problem myself14:27
razor_Xactionparsnip 1024X768 :D14:27
_cbAny way to limit the applications a new user has access too? For example Can I add a new user such that the new user does not have Gimp?14:28
jdvanyone got a clue why I cant open a usb disk in live cd? :((14:28
MikeHikonia: I had a similar issue using the rt patch under centos, but journaling would die say half hour in - on ubuntu it seems far more severe14:28
razor_Xthank gawd14:28
[[thufir]]SandGorgon: ok, thanks.  build the c code, you mean, with make?14:28
=== NauTiluS is now known as hola
Pici_cb: You can use something like pessalus or sabayon (both in the repos) to lock down a user's environment.14:28
ikoniaMikeH: I'd check the compatibility of your disk controller with the RT kernel as I've not seen  that problem with any RT kernel I've used on a few machines14:29
_cbThanks Pici. Will look into that.14:29
SandGorgon[[thufir]], "ruby extconf.rb"14:29
zebastianthiebaude: are you able to help me with my packages? they seem to be broken, look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277097/14:29
SandGorgon[[thufir]], make sure u have the mysql dev packages installed14:29
thiebaudelet me check14:30
jdvmy / partition is dead and I would like to save some important files to a usb drive, from a live ubuntu session, but although it recognises when I enter a usb drive, I cannot open the folder to write anything to it, attempts to mount it result in nothing.. has anyone got any suggestion?14:30
=== hola is now known as NauTiluS
SandGorgonhas anybody else built a kernel for their XPS laptops - can somebody share their .config ?14:30
thiebaudezebastian, are you able to sudo apt-get remove mplayer?14:30
zebastianthiebaude: not isntalled so not removed14:31
SandGorgonjdv, use parted-magic livecd ... grok for help on it.. it is very helpful14:31
dsdeiz_hello, i'm into ncmpc. i started it but all i get is a blank screen.. I go to browser and i see 'Browse: .'14:31
dsdeiz_how to use it?14:31
jdvSandgorgon thanks for the tip14:31
_cbPici one quick question. Do you know if either allow to manage by groups? For example only the offICeGroup has access to Open Office, only the GimpGroup has access to Gimp. I am trying to build a Citrix like solution using no-machine. Thanks14:31
jdvunfortunately I cannot write to a cd as my one drive is used by the live ubuntu cd14:32
=== dsdeiz_ is now known as dsdeiz
thiebaudezebastian, did you sudo dpkg --configure -a14:32
zebastianlet me do it14:33
Pici_cb: I'm not sure, sorry. I'm familiar with the tools in name only, I've never had to use use them for anything.14:33
zebastianthiebaude: prompt14:33
_cbAllright. Thanks for pointing me in a direction14:33
thiebaudezebastian, prompt?14:33
thiebaudezebastian, do a ctrl alt f2 into a terminal14:34
zebastiani put that input and nothing happened went back to prompt14:34
zebastianthiebaude: wait a sec and how do i come back?¿14:34
pontus21indus: are you there ?14:34
thiebaudezebastian, exit14:34
razor_Xmy problem is solved so i am gonna jet pz14:36
razor_Xthank you for your patience14:36
zebastianthiebaude: what was the command again?14:36
thiebaudezebastian, ctrl alt f214:36
=== enzotib is now known as mouse_wireless43
zebastianthiebaude: did that14:36
thiebaudezebastian, sudo dpkg --configure -a14:37
zebastianthiebaude: is there a way to copy something from here unto there14:37
zebastianthe ctrl v wouldn't work14:37
=== mouse_wireless43 is now known as mouse_wired
dsdeizzebastian: gnome terminal?14:37
huwaw69i have a question, how can i identify if ubuntu is using my cdrom/dvdrom in terminal?14:38
thiebaudezebastian, copy and paste from text editor14:38
zebastianthiebaude: just did that and again, it simply went back to prompt14:38
thiebaudezebastian, is mplayer in synaptic?14:38
mattcenhuwaw69: What do you mean "using" your cd/dvd rom?14:38
Travis-42on one of the ubuntu pages about ext4 it says that best performance is only achieved on new filesystems, not those upgraded from ext3.  How big a difference is it?14:39
huwaw69mattcen, uhmmm ill rephrase it, how do i identify my cdrom in ubuntu?14:39
mikepettI noticed by default that other user accounts on my box can access the contents of my home folder, how can I fix that?14:39
thiebaudeTravis-42, ext4 is faster than ext3 for me14:39
Travis-42thiebaude: yes, but how much faster is a new ext4 filesystem vs an upgraded ext4 filesystem?14:40
mattcenhuwaw69: Identify what type it is, or what device it is mapped to? Usually, whatever device it is, it is accessible via /dev/cdrom14:40
zebastianthiebaude: yes but it gives me the same output14:40
zebastiansome dependencies cannot be installed14:40
[pablo]mikepett: that probably means that you have allowed access for them to read only14:40
[pablo]mikepett: you need to change permissions so they can't14:40
thiebaudeTravis-42, it should be the same14:41
mikepett[pablo]: exactly14:41
zebastianthiebaude: Depends: mplayer (>= 1.0) or mplayer-nogui but it is not going to be installed14:41
huwaw69mattcen, i meant uhmmm identify what cdrom name it is or other informations14:41
Travis-42thiebaude: Canonical says "Maximum performance will typically only be achieved on new filesystems, not on filesystems that have been upgraded from ext3. "14:41
thiebaudeTravis-42, go with that14:41
Travis-42thiebaude: I am :-), I was just trying to find out how big the performance difference was14:42
[pablo]mikepett: like, for example, chmod 700 /home/user14:42
[pablo]mikepett: would only let you and only you see the contents of that folder14:42
thiebaudeTravis-42, i dont know the difference between the 214:42
[pablo]mikepett: permissions 750 would let you and your group see, but not others14:42
[pablo]mikepett: depends what level of access you want to give to your group and to others14:43
thiebaudeTravis-42, anyway 9.10 has ext4 by default14:43
adacAnyone good with accepts_nested_attributes_for and fields_for for complex forms?14:43
jack007hi everybody14:43
CuBiChi, can anyone help me with ubuntu 9.04 and my laser mouse? my mouse speed is too fast for me, setting are already at lowest! what can i do?14:43
jack007how can i extend hard drive of virtual box in ubuntu14:43
thiebaudezebastian, i ran out of ideas to try14:43
adacups wrong channel =)14:43
FinnishHow do I write to a pdf-file?14:43
mikepett[pablo]: I just don't want anyone else to be able to see my home folder... that being said, I don't want to create issues with software I'm running while logged into my account from seeing and writing to my home folder.14:44
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)14:44
Finnishthiebaude: But I cannot modify it?14:44
nils_this is weird, I am partitioning with the alternative installer and it wants me to partition an encrypted volume... It should instead be using it as whole...14:45
mikepett[pablo]: so it appears that chmod 700 is what I want, so that would be "chomod 700 /myusername/home" while from terminal14:45
mattcenhuwaw69: A little bit of information can be found via dmesg, but I'm not sure where else you can find anything...14:45
thiebaudeFinnish, im not sure all i do is view pdf files in it14:45
[pablo]mikepett: chmod 750 /home/user should be enough too, the software you run has the same priviledges as yourself, so it won't affect14:45
nils_ah it's just my stupidity striking again14:46
* thiebaude sorry im a noob too,lol14:46
mikepett[pablo]: sweet, thanks for your help!14:46
mikladoes IE working via wine?14:46
CuBiCanyone an idea how to make my laser mouse slower? settings are already at lowest.14:46
ActionParsnipFinnish: aiword and openoffice have the ability to export to PDF. You also have a PDF printer you can use to print from anything else14:47
mattcenFinnish: You can print files to a PDF file by default often.14:47
thiebaudemikla, i tried ie4linux14:47
mattcenFinnish: The print dialogue for Gnome for example, has a "print to file" option, which allows you to specify a PDF file as the output.14:47
miklathiebaude, so its posible? gonna check14:47
turtle_hi, i am trying to use a different wm because my machine is slow, but when i select it (icewm or openbox) at the login screen it still loads the default14:48
ActionParsnipCuBiC: http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/PointerAcceleration#head-863ae9c52fe3658e800daa0e93d3e434190b732d14:48
thiebaudemikla, i dont know about ie8 bit ie6, yes14:48
=== geo is now known as geo05
mikepettone other thing I've been trying to figure out lately but can't seem to find the answer too is... I have two account on my computer (one for kids and one for me), since they are the primary users I have their account set to auto login, but sometimes I want to log into my account, is there a way to stop the auto-login with a key combo during boot so I can log in? right now I'm logged into their account, logging out, and then logging in wi14:48
mikepettaccount, kind of a pain.14:48
legend2440Finnish: http://www.wikihow.com/Edit-PDF-Files-in-Linux-Using-PDFEdit14:48
[pablo]Finnish: you can use Sun's import PDF extension for openoffice.org, and modify it -- check link http://www.sun.com/software/staroffice/extensions.jsp#pdfimport14:48
[pablo]mikepett: if there is, I don't know it... unless you enter interactive boot mode, which is a pain anyways14:49
ActionParsnipCuBiC: you can use xorg.conf to override HAL. Here is mine with laser mouse: http://pastebin.com/f593c59d14:49
FinnishBut I need to modify or write to a normal "paper" thats pdf14:49
FinnishOk, thanks14:50
Boohbahmikepett: could you teach your kids to login through GDM?14:50
mattcenmikepett: You should be able to just bypass auto-login. If you specify a few seconds of timeout, and then you can start typing your own username, and it will stop the autologin... how are you doing it?14:50
Boohbahmikepett: and then disable auto-login14:50
=== mouse_wired is now known as enzotib
mikepettBoohbah: I could, but it's unnessary, I just like to make things as simple as possible.14:51
mikepettmattcen: sounds like what Im looking for, where would I specify a few seconds of timeout?14:52
CoUrPsEHow can i enable mysql to other pc's on my network, i've googled and got responses that tell me to edit files that dont exist.14:52
^Boy^que es esta mierda de red14:52
CuBiCActionParsnip: Thank you, i'll try to override, because HAL seems not to following my rules. ;)14:52
jimmy51_!es | ^Boy^14:52
ubottu^Boy^: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:52
ActionParsnipCuBiC: get it told :D14:52
mikepettmattcen: right now, I'm logging into there account and then logging out (which takes me to the login screen) at which time I can enter my login credentials and login to my account.14:52
Boohbahmikepett: you can specify the timeout in the login manager configuration, same place where you set it up14:52
parabytehi i was wondering where i can find someone to port a 64bit linux driver to 32bit linux driver,14:53
mattcenmikepett: Well, assuming you're using GDM (the default login manager for Ubuntu; I'm not sure of your technical knowledge so I'm going to start really simple :P), you can go to the System menu -> Administration -> Login Window14:53
danilo__preciso de ajuda14:53
Pici!es | danilo__14:53
ubottudanilo__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:53
Boohbah!es > danilo__14:53
ubottudanilo__, please see my private message14:53
ActionParsnipparabyte: whats the driver for?14:53
parabytepci fm transmitter14:53
mattcenmikepett: Then under the Security tab, you should see the auto-logon. Below that there's a timeout section.14:53
parabytehere is a url http://code.google.com/p/pcimaxfm/14:53
parabytefor the linux driver14:54
mikepettBoohbah: mattcen: cool, I think I can handle that! Thanks!!14:54
parabyteit just doesnt compile on 32bit14:54
mattcenmikepett: Good luck!14:54
ActionParsnipparabyte: if its source you will compile 64bit drivers14:54
parabytei mean id be willing to make a donation to someone via paypal if they can get it running on 32bit linux14:54
=== fred_ is now known as Guest18857
parabyteActionParsnip, hang on ill get the error message14:54
parabyterds.c:1: error: code model ‘kernel’ not supported in the 32 bit mode14:55
DuncanM[Ubuntu]does anyone have any experience with cairo-dock?14:55
parabytethats the error message on compilation of the code14:55
ActionParsnipparabyte: then set it to 64bit14:55
Guest18857we geht es ?14:55
zebastian¿What is older KDE or GNOME?14:55
mamoolihello does anyone know where i should put gedit's plugins in a defult intalation?14:55
parabyteim not running a 64bit system im trying to compile that code on a 32bit system14:56
parabyteActionParsnip, did you see the url i posted?14:56
Guest18857i can see the light14:56
Boohbahzebastian: KDE. GNOME began as an alternative to the restrictive QT license of the time.14:57
parabyteActionParsnip, is there anywhere in the code i can change it for 32bit kernel??14:57
mamoolidoes anyone know where i should put gedit's plugins in a defult intalation?14:57
Guest18857i can see the laser rayon14:58
mikepett[pablo]: i accidentally chmod 700 entire /home directory instead of /home/myusename... do you know what the default is for the /home directory so I can change it back. :)14:58
[pablo]mikepett: 75514:58
Guest18857probably it's a mistake14:59
fnordperfecthi! is someone here using Ubuntu (or a derivate) on an Acer Aspire One? I'm having unbearably slow graphics lately (I can almost watch the pixel lines beeing drawn). I've tried so much, but cannot figure out what's wrong..!14:59
mikepett[pablo]: wheeewww. thanks again, computer wouldn't do anything! fixed!14:59
ActionParsnipparabyte: not sure, you'd have to contact the project to see what the deal is14:59
parabyteyeah i have done, they not interested in the 32bit platform15:00
ActionParsnipparabyte: really? wow thats pretty poor15:00
alwaysdeployedwhats going on?15:00
parabytei know!15:00
fnordperfectI presume it's some of these intel/MTRR issue I keep reading about. Could someone please explain that to me?15:00
ActionParsnipparabyte: ask them for help and say you'd be happy to make 32bit for them :D15:00
ActionParsnip64 sorry15:00
mattcenmamooli: Check out http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins#third_party15:01
parabyteill say ill amke em sloppy code15:01
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fnordperfecti.e., the AspireOne has 512MB RAM, which is shared with the video chip, right? now, the way the MTRRs are set is that they define a range of 256MB *beyond* 512MB, does that make sense?15:01
LemensTSim having a problem with apt-get update http://pastebin.com/m37c5f6c415:02
alwaysdeployedanyone know of a good gui client for xmms2 ?15:02
tj83_hey guys i have asked this question before here, and Kino was suggested many times I am looking for light and simple video editor for pretty much just making youtube vids.... Kino i think is a nice app as for ease of use, but my video quality is always pretty bad in the end even tho the data size is large.... any other suggestions?15:03
preetami have recently upgrade to ubuntu 8.10. Now my system is not storing the display setting of nvidia-settings permanently in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. everytime i reboot i have to change the setting.can anybody help me.15:03
zebastianis it possible for kde and gnome to merge into one project?15:03
fnordperfecttj83_: avidemux is quite good15:03
tj83_preetam, your doing as a root user in nvidia-settingss? "gksu nvidia-settings"15:03
mattcenpreetam: Make sure that you start nvidia-settings as root when you want to change the settings, otherwise you don't have permission to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:03
mamoolimattcen: the problem is i dont have such a folder15:03
mattcenmamooli: Then create it.15:04
mamoolilook i have already added some plugins15:04
preetamyes yes i am changing the setting with sudo nvidia-settings command15:04
Russskihello everybody15:04
mamoolimattcen: but i have forgotten where it was15:04
tj83_preetam, check the permissions on the file as well.15:04
Russskimo¿e ktos po polsku mówi? :P15:04
mattcenmamooli: It's likely some of them can be installed as root, in a common directory. I don't know where that is though. I'll have a quick look15:04
Pici!pl | Russski15:05
ubottuRussski: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:05
LjL!pl | Russski15:05
mattcenmamooli: /usr/share/gedit-2/plugins15:05
Russskiok sorry :P15:05
mamoolimattcen: thank you15:05
mattcenmamooli: No problems.15:05
Russski /usr/share/gedit-2/plugins15:05
cciRRushow do i install a sound theme?15:05
someguyI'll try and keep this simple.15:06
someguyI have a main computer with Ubutnu and Vista installed as a dual boot.15:06
someguyI have a laptop with a blank hard drive, a CD drive that doesnt work and can't boot from USB. Thus no way to install anything.15:06
someguyI take the laptop hard drive out of the laptop and connect it to my main pc using a IDE to USB cable, windows views it as an external hard drive.15:06
someguyI run the wubi installer and install to the laptop hard drive.15:06
FloodBot1someguy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:06
someguyIt doesnt run on the laptop as there is no boot manager.15:06
VCooliocciRRus: probably extract in /usr/share/sounds15:06
cciRRusoh no... i was hoping for an easier way15:06
VCooliocciRRus: ? extract on your desktop, open terminal and "sudo cp -r soundtheme /usr/share/sounds"15:07
cciRRusok will do15:07
mamoolimattcen: can i ask one more question?15:07
riz0nHello, I have eggdrop on ubuntu, and need some information about setting them up to automatically start when the server starts. how can i set these eggdrops up to do this?15:07
mattcenmamooli: go ahead. I'll probably go to bed soon, but ask anyway.15:08
s4muktE ae galera15:08
mamoolimattcen: as i live in Iran, i need a proxy like freegate to navigate the web, do you know any which works on ubuntu and firefox?15:08
s4muktALGUEM BR????15:09
noraguz10hi hows15:09
noraguz10it going15:09
DJones!br | s4mukt15:09
ubottus4mukt: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:09
s4muktalgum Brasileiro???15:09
cciRRusok i've copied the sound folder over to usr share, but inside sound preferneces i couldnt see the sound theme15:09
huwaw69is firefox 3.5 in ubuntu shiretoko also?15:09
VCooliocciRRus: maybe extracting in ~/.local/share/sounds works too, no root permission needed15:10
cciRRuscrap... the Mac4Lin sound theme lacked index.theme15:10
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mattcenmamooli: No I don't... I don't know anything about freegate at all15:10
cciRRushow do i assign F10 to "show desktop"?15:11
mamoolimattcen: or any other knd of proxy?15:11
iMatthey! Which FTP client do you recommend?15:11
cciRRusi couldnt find the option in compiz settings manager15:11
sfantuhello there seems to be a proble with update15:11
VCooliocciRRus: system > preferences > keybinding prefs or shortkeys or something15:12
mattcenmamooli: You *could* try Tor15:12
cciRRusok tks15:12
sfantuhello there seems to be a problem with update manager15:12
arvind_khadrisfantu, explain the problem15:12
sfantuCould not initialize the package information15:12
sfantuAn unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.15:12
sfantuPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:15:12
sfantu'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_specto_ppa_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_main_binary-amd64_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'15:12
mattcenmamooli: http://www.torproject.org/ I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for15:12
FloodBot1sfantu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:12
arvind_khadri!ftp | iMatt15:13
ubottuiMatt: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd15:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gftp15:13
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP15:13
noraguz10                                          can someone help me out with a    n ins    ta    l    l    at    ion probl    em?15:13
noraguz10       15:13
preetami have checked the permission it is  -rw-r--r--  1 root root15:13
preetamthat means root has permission to write into the file15:14
moochmIs anyone here knowledgable about tomcat5.5 on ubuntu.. i can't seem to get it working15:14
XFA Vote1 XFA | http://andclan2.comlu.com/index.php?site=polls15:14
LemensTSI cant get apt-get to work some reason  http://pastebin.com/m37c5f6c415:14
tj83_preetam, yes it does.15:14
tj83_preetam, I dont know why your settings are not keeping, nvidia-settings allows you to "merge" with the existing file, or back it up and create a new... try the new file method as this is not default when you save settings to xrog.conf15:15
arvind_khadrisfantu, open the terminal and run sudo aptitude update15:15
preetamthen why does the system stores the display setting permanently once i change it.everytime  i reboot first i have to change the display setting15:15
moochmbasically I've got tomcat5.5 an tomcat5.5-manager installed but I receive a 403 when I try to reach localhost:818015:15
* tj83_ brb15:15
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preetamhai tj83 can you sendme any hyper link to analyse the issue15:16
noraguz10my s15:16
=== Benalex is now known as Guest42341
noraguz10my disk stop instlling at 61 percent, it also stops spinning what can i do about it?15:18
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Gersacomhola, alguien habla español15:19
JeoTheLeowhich logfile should I look for to know the reason ubuntu keeps restarting?15:19
Pici!es | Gersacom15:19
ubottuGersacom: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:19
moochmtheres like a million ppl here and not much <315:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restart15:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about logfiles15:20
jimbeam12hey all15:21
noraguz10can someone help me :( my vista finally took a poo, and i popped in this ubuntu disk a friend gave me a while back but it wont install15:22
resnonoraguz10: is in your bios is it set to boot off cd?15:22
tj83_preetam, you have already basically analyzed the situation, did you try saving to a new conf file as i suggested yet? you can /join #seaphor for 1-1 , i'm working so in/out . and more importantly i dont suggest 8.10 to ANYONE lol.15:23
Dr_Willisnoraguz10:  you are in ubuntu right now? or on windows?15:23
noraguz10yea my problem is it wont install past 61% and then my disk stops spinning at that point as well15:23
noraguz10hmm im not su15:23
FloodBot1noraguz10: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:23
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Dr_Willisnoraguz10:  sounds like you may have a faulty cd.15:24
legend2440preetam: not sure if it will make a difference but you should use  gksudo nvidia-settings  not sudo15:24
jimbeam12hey dr.willis wsup today15:25
Dr_Willisjimbeam12:  getting ready for bed. :)15:25
cwraig/j #moblin15:25
jimbeam12what !!!!! still early..15:25
Dr_Willisjimbeam12:  i work 3rd shift.15:25
jimbeam12get some whiskey and sleep15:25
Balsaqwhen i click on my error console and then click on the warning tab...i get LOTS of warnings?15:26
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sfantui just did15:26
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Balsaqdoes anyone know anything about these warnings? things like error in parsing value for property text align and stuff like that?15:27
freenoseHi, to install a minimal configuraction of ubuntu without gnome, should I use the server install?15:27
tj83_freenose, yes15:27
Balsaqi clear the warning and they dont seem to effect me in any way?15:27
tj83_freenose, i suggest 8.04 server over others still15:28
Dr_Willisfreenose:  theres other ways to do a minimal 'desktop' without doing the server instgall15:28
freenosetj83_: I see, this is for a laptop15:28
freenoseDr_Willis: What other ways?15:28
tj83_freenose, ah, so your still wanting a GUI just not gnome? maybe xbuntu?15:29
Dr_Willisfreenose:  what desktop do you want to use?15:29
freenosetj83_: openbox15:29
freenoseDr_Willis: no desktop, just a WM15:29
Dr_Willisfreenose:  a 'server' install has some sever specific tweaks you may not want.15:29
Balsaqerror console on my ubuntu 8.10 always has warnings?15:29
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PiciBalsaq: Error console for what?15:30
Dr_Willisfreenose:  you could always just install openbox and use it - on ubuntu...15:30
freenoseDr_Willis: I see, so.. how do you do a minimal desktop?15:30
freenosehmm ok15:30
Dr_Willisfreenose:  or xubuntu,  since you will still want most of the gnome-related 'config/support/whatever tools'15:30
Dr_WillisI just install ubuntu, then install whateer window manager i want.15:30
Dr_Willisor several of them :)15:30
freenoseDr_Willis: This is an old machine with 10 GB hard drive :/, wanted to save space15:31
Dr_Willis10gb is plenty.15:31
Dr_WillisI run ubuntu gnome on 4gb.15:31
Balsaq(pici)good question, nebie here, i was exloring my browser stuff and i clicked on "tools" and chose "error console" and wholly smokes  i got tall these warnings about text, alignment...all kinds o ghtem got a few now15:31
freenoseDr_Willis: gnome takes up to much space15:31
Dr_Willisfreenose:  then remove the parts you dont want. You will want some of the gnome tools/config tools unless you really are going hard core.15:32
freenosetj83_: yeah, my bad, I should have said 'desktop'15:32
acostellofreenose: if you dont like gnome, what about xfce?15:32
panopticonwill gnome 2.28 be added to any updates for juanty, or only for the 9.10 release?15:32
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coldflame23openbox :)15:32
tj83_freenose, as acostello and Dr_Willis suggested give xbuntu a try15:32
freenoseDr_Willis: yeah, hard core, all CLI15:32
ubottuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.15:32
freenoseacostello: I'll give it a try15:33
Balsaq(pici) example...i have an error on property value for cursor....whatever that means15:33
Dr_Willisfreenose:  theres that  (unsupported here) variant called err.. crunchbang. it comes with fluxbox.15:33
Dr_Willisfreenose:  i also saw work on (unsupported here) 200mb or so gnome-light variant15:33
freenoseDr_Willis: Yeah, I saw it, actually it uses openbox :)15:33
freenosewanted to go official15:33
Balsaqi think the error console is part of the firefox browser rather than 8.1015:34
Dr_WillisInstall ubuntu.. install oopenbox.. remove other junk.15:34
Dr_Willisthats the way to do it then15:34
freenoseDr_Willis: yeah, looks like it15:34
freenoseDr_Willis: I just hope I won't break much during uninstall ;)15:35
dsdeiz!info swiftweasel15:35
ubottuPackage swiftweasel does not exist in jaunty15:35
Dr_Willisthis is linux.. if you do.. you fix it15:35
tj83_Balsaq, ya know the term "if it aint broke, dont fix it?" lol you said you were not experiencing trouble so i'd just roll with it :) and 8.10 is the least of all versions i trust to be stable15:35
Dr_WillisYou arte not going to gain much space by removing stuff i imagine15:35
freenosexubuntu will be easier to remove :)15:35
marco__salu a tous15:35
JeoTheLeoDr_Willis, do you know which log files should I open to know the reason ubuntu restarts spontaneously?15:36
Balsaqtj83: i'm sure i agree with you but when you see them its like what the heck is that?15:36
Dr_WillisJeoTheLeo:  not a clue.15:36
WonderfunkJonesI'm having issues getting sound to start on 9.04, I pulled my soundcard out to see if it would recognize my onboard, but no deal.  Any assistance?15:36
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JeoTheLeothe best graphics card for linux is nvidia, right?15:37
VCooliosomeone knows a firefox userChrome.css hack to change a 2px line that is appearing between menu and title bar?15:37
tj83_WonderfunkJones, i assume you checked for muted channels?15:37
JeoTheLeomost compatible etc?15:37
huwaw69i just want to ask if ubuntu/canonical would provide me with free Cd's in my country to promote there products, for free? also... and if yes how?15:37
Balsaqtj83: no need to take up anyones time on it, but i thought it might be an easy one...something dumb that everyone with experience knows aboout,apparantly not...no biggie15:37
JeoTheLeohuwaw69, ask....go on ubuntu.com and ask the suppliers15:37
tj83_Balsaq, yea sorry i really just dont know15:37
WonderfunkJonestj83_: I know it's more than that, I don't think any sound device is loaded at all...I try to test ALSA/OSS and I just get errors.15:38
freenosetj83_: are new drivers backported to 8.04 server?15:38
vigohuwaw69: One moment....15:38
huwaw69JeoTheLeo, do you know there e-mail address? i cant seem to find it in there site :D sorry15:38
tj83_freenose, no15:38
vigohuwaw69: Here: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/15:39
freenosetj83_: so 8.04.3 server is just updated packages?15:39
tj83_WonderfunkJones, i would start with getting info from lspci and then google your specific hardware and ubuntu version, you will likely make some hits.15:39
freenoseand bugs15:39
huwaw69ill try this one vigo  thanks15:39
tj83_freenose, yes, security and major bug fixes15:39
WonderfunkJonesyou know I believe I may have it disabled in the bios, I'll try that first.15:39
huwaw69its just one CD vigo?15:40
RoseyOkay I am trying to get my wireless to work. The driver says: activated but not in use. How do I get this to work?15:41
vigohuwaw69: You can request more, postage may and usually does apply.15:41
preetamhai cananybody suggest me whether i should go for upgradation from ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 or not15:41
zoraelIs there any way to disable a specific usb port via the kernel boot line?15:41
huwaw69vigo ill try it again thanks again :D15:42
Joe42Im having problems installing or running the 64  bit on my laptop15:43
huwaw69vigo, i found this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam15:43
ctmjrRosey: do you have network-manager installed15:43
RoseyI don't know, lol15:44
Boondoklife2preetam: are you having issues with 8.10 or is there something in it you like? if not then dont.15:44
Roseyi think so15:44
=== Boondoklife2 is now known as boondoklife
RoseyYes I do15:44
preetamno i do not have any issue with ubuntu 8.10. 'but is there any issue with the ubuntu 9.04. actually i am eagirly waiting for 9.10.15:45
ctmjrRosey: on your top panel you should have an icon for network15:45
Dr_Willispreetam:  may as well wait then. :)15:45
boondoklifepreetam: Well I always stick with if it isnt broke dont fix it myself. but that is in the production environment.15:45
RoseyYes I've looked there but there isn't any options for adding a wireless network, etc15:46
JRcany other software like libfprint that supports other devices?15:46
RoseyI have an ethernet plugged in15:46
JRclibfprint doesnt support my device15:46
preetamno no i am talking about my laptop..15:46
preetameven that is fear i have that is why i have not upgraded the 8.04 lts version to 8.1015:46
boondoklifepreetam: in that case as long as you are backed up then give it a go, you can always reinstall 8.10 if ya need to15:46
preetamrecently i upgrade it to 8.1015:47
freenosepreetam: wait for 9.10 and do a fresh install15:47
WonderfunkJonestj83_: onboard audio is enabled, I just don't have any sound devices15:47
boondoklifepreetam: just make an image before you do it and your fine.15:47
tj83_WonderfunkJones, not even from lspci?15:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about programming15:47
preetamimage means15:47
zebastianis there a channel for programming?15:47
WonderfunkJonestj83_: No lspci does list it, there's nothing in Sys/Prefs/Sounds though15:47
resnozebastian: you mean developers?15:48
ctmjrRosey: ok open a terminal and type this ifonfig -a and look for a wireless device should something like wlan0 ath015:48
WonderfunkJonestj83_: I'll pastebin the error I get15:48
boondoklifepreetam: sorry, basicly it is a snap shot of your system the way it is. I prefer clonezilla to do it.15:48
cheater99hey guys, one of the special effects turned on in ubuntu (when i'm switching windows) is very cpu intensive. how do i turn off just that, without messing up anything else?15:48
zebastianresno: to learn about programming15:48
tj83_ok, well WonderfunkJones your search starts there. take lspci info for sound to google and include ubuntu version info you should make some kits.15:48
resnozebastian: what do you mean learn about programming?15:48
zebastianor a command on here that will list all the available channels15:48
ctmjrRosey: should ifconfig -a15:48
Dr_Willischeater99:  install the 'ccsm' tool and tweak it all you want15:48
Dr_Willis!ccsm | cheater9915:48
ubottucheater99: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:48
boondoklifepreetam: if you do that then if 9.04 isnt you, all you have to do is restore the image and your right back to where you are now15:48
cheater99i have that15:49
zebastianresno, i am a boon to computing and linux and i want to learn programming in ten years15:49
freenoseWhere can I check what kernel is 8.04 server using?15:49
Dr_Willischeater99:  then start exploring that amazingly complex   config tool. :)15:49
tj83_freenose, uname -a15:49
JeoTheLeotc all15:49
preetamhow to make an image..does this image contain all the application program that i have installed on the current system.15:50
freenosetj83_: I don't have it installed15:50
resnozebastian: there are hundreds of languages, i guess go to developers irc15:50
RoseyOkay I don't see any of those. I have eth0, lo, and pan015:50
zebastianresno, is that on this server¿15:50
tj83_freenose, ubuntu 8.04 i think is 2.6.24-xx15:50
boondoklifecheater99: you can also use simple-ccsm15:50
cheater99i turned off fading windows but it's still on. how do i go about that, Dr_Willis ? :)15:50
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Dr_Willischeater99:  no idea. I tend to turn off most everything...15:51
bp5109i long ago, installed lookwise which allows Active Directory accounts to log into a Linux box.   It didn't work as planned and I uninstalled it.  Upon doing so, all screen lockers will lock, but will fail the authenticate me when i wish to log back in and i have to switch to a tty to kill the locker (this goes for xlock, xscreensaver, kdedesktop_lock, and even locking Gnu Screen).   Should I be able to completely remove PAM (purge all15:51
resnozebastian: i suppose15:51
cheater99Dr_Willis, my problem is that i turned off the effect, but it's still on..15:51
jean_where is snd-usb-audio. I have jaunty here. I need it to get an external usb sound card M-audio mobilepre working apparently15:51
resno!developers | zebastian15:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about developers15:51
zebastianresno, whats the channels name15:51
resnozebastian: not sure, check the site15:51
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ctmjrRosey: then your wireless is not enabled do you know what nic you have15:51
legend2440zebastian: what language are you interested in?15:52
zebastianlegend2440: python, ada15:53
resnozebastian: go to python.org15:53
vigohuwaw69: and this one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ActivismGuide?action=show&redirect=ActivismHowTo15:54
legend2440zebastian: #python   #ada15:54
huwaw69thanks vigo :P15:54
zebastianlegend2440:  it says i need to be identified to join that channel15:55
zebastianhow do i join that15:55
Roseyctmjr: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01302310&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&lang=en&product=364828415:55
cgrozahello ,i want to learn advanced terminal comands...i want to know to do everything in terminal...where can i do that?15:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about TUI15:55
grawitycgroza: Most of it you learn by experimenting, and by googling everything that you don't understand. But start with the 'man' command, and with the tutorials at http://tldp.org/15:56
vigocgroza: Look at the Forums, and get a few books.15:56
ccookecgroza: the trick to learning to use the terminal is just to play with it. Set yourself some tasks you'd like to learn how to do, then experiment15:57
parabytehi any here good with c++15:57
zebastianwhat language is linux written in?15:57
parabyteim trying to compile this driver for a fm transmitter15:57
soreauzebastian: C15:57
zebastiansoreau:  is that a good language to start learning¿?15:58
soreauparabyte: What is the problem?15:58
ccookezebastian: The kernel is C and assembler. The user portion uses many different languages15:58
zebastianor should i read into python15:58
Pici!offtopic | zebastian15:58
ubottuzebastian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:58
parabytewell i can get a driver to compile15:58
soreauzebastian: Depends on what you want to do15:58
vigocgroza: and learn rsync or something like that.15:58
dsdeizi downloaded swiftweasel, so how can i have dmenu list swiftweasel?15:58
ccookevigo: ssh and screen, too :-)15:58
soreau! who parabyte15:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who parabyte15:58
cgrozavigo,what is rsync?15:58
soreau! who | parabyte15:59
ubottuparabyte: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:59
vigo!backup | cgroza15:59
ubottucgroza: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:59
ctmjr!wifi | Rosey15:59
ubottuRosey: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:59
synackfindoes anyone know of a (light-weight) program to view a CSV file in columns?15:59
cgrozavigo,in case i mess up everything?15:59
raphinksynackfin: cut ?15:59
Mrokiihi. Not sure if that's the right channel, but I just found out that Gnome-Do is using 1.3 GB of my memory. That sounds quite rediculous and I wondered if there anybody knows if there are bugs that cause is or if there's a reason...15:59
vigocgroza: Yes, plus it is good practice if hardware fails.16:00
parabyteim just talking to everyone in general16:00
raphinksynackfin: or column rather :)16:00
synackfinrapthink: cut only views 1 column16:00
parabytesoreau, im just compiling it16:00
parabyte2 secs16:00
raphinksynackfin: use column -s16:00
legend2440parabyte: i think this person had same problem as you. he had to install a 64 bit kernel to get it to work  http://www.pcs-electronics.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=9516&sid=e73c521327aef8d629014f1a987afab516:00
vigocgroza: you are quite welcome.16:00
parabyteim running 32bit hardware16:00
raphinksynackfin: for example if your separator is ";", do : `cat $yourfile | column -s';' -t`16:00
WiZz3Hi, can anyone help me with my netgear wg111v2 usb adapter.. im trying to install a windows driver using ndiswrapper but it will not connect ?16:01
parabytehere is the error im getting on trying to compile the driver on 32 bit kernel16:01
grawityraphink: useless use of 'cat' award :)16:01
parabyterds.c:1: error: code model ‘kernel’ not supported in the 32 bit mode16:01
HalitechWiZz3, did you use the win xp driver?16:01
parabytethanks for the url legend244016:02
WiZz3Halitech: yes16:02
raphinkgrawity: yes indeed, but well ;)16:02
synackfinrapthink: thanks, that works16:02
eirikbWhen I make a folder that I want some users to access, but not all, I make a group and add all to the group. But I must use newgrp to set the used group as "main" group on each user to make it work?16:02
raphinksynackfin: `column -s"$yousep" -t "$yourfile"`16:02
HalitechWiZz3, try the windows 2000 driver, I had the v3 version and the xp driver wouldn't work but works fine with the w2k driver16:02
raphinksynackfin: as grawity said, it's cleaner ;)16:02
grawityeirikb: No, newgrp is not necessary for file permissions to work.16:02
WiZz3Halitech: ok i'll try it thanks16:03
eirikbgrawity: I see, then I did something else wrong. Thanks :)16:03
grawityeirikb: Or maybe not.16:03
parabytehow much would it cost me to pay someone to modify the driver16:03
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grawityeirikb: If you changed user's groups _after_ he has logged in, then your changes would not take effect until the next login OR until the user did 'newgrp'.16:04
eirikbgrawity: Aha!16:04
eirikbgrawity: I did not log in/out16:05
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:05
chadwinhey guy wich is better..debian or ubuntu??? and why??16:06
zugiarthello all16:06
eirikbgrawity: Do you know how I can remove shell from users? I was hoping this group-access could help me create users for mercurial using ssh (but I don't want to give everyone shell)16:06
raphinksynackfin: not that it will only work for simple csv files16:06
Dr_Willischadwin:  try them both and see what fits your needs best.16:06
grawityeirikb: Try setting the shell to /sbin/nologin or to /bin/true16:06
chadwinthats a nice idea!!16:06
grawityeirikb: It might not work though...16:06
raphinkeirikb: you can use scponly for that16:06
zugiartq - if I have one machine with my perfect ubuntu setup in there and I wish to clone it to another machine of similar hardware, what is the best method to do this?16:06
Halitechchadwin, you come into an Ubuntu support room and ask which is better between Ubuntu and Debian? going to be slanted towards Ubuntu in mind16:06
jean_snd-usb-audio and M-audio anyone can help here16:06
eirikbgrawity: I set it to /dev/null, and I tried remove-shell command, but it was still possible to ssh in16:06
zugiartthat is, what is the best way to clone an ubuntu installation?16:07
eirikbraphink: I'll take a look at it, thanks16:07
nils_which is better? Car or Motorcycle?16:07
genii!clone | zugiart16:07
ubottuzugiart: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:07
Halitechchadwin, personally I think Ubuntu is doing a great job of converting people and making it easier but I prefer Debian over Ubuntu16:08
jetienne_q. how to install ubuntu from a usb key with only window to start with16:08
zugiartby he gods of penguins, genii thanks for that, I will definitely give it a spin!16:08
raphinkeirikb: if you go for scponly, use it in chroot mode and tune your chroot to only have the command you need16:09
zugiartbut genii, now that I have observed the commands, this only copies the packages description, and not the actual packages themselves, meaning that for each clone I will have to download all of the 'deltas' ?16:09
eirikbraphink: Ok, thanks16:09
fccfjetienne_: https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/+download16:10
cognitiaclaevesI'm having an issue where my screen appears to lock up -- save for mouse movement ( the cursor moves ) and the Ctrl+Alt+F1 keystrokes.  Anyone heard of this?16:10
zugiartit'll work well for backup & setup tho so thx anyway16:10
hydoskeehey - so I'm having this issue where every new window I open is maximized - anybody have any idea where to fix that?16:10
IpSe_DiXiTyo how do i go back if i do something wrong? talking about renaming in nautilus, ctrl+z doesnt work and under edit there's no undo16:10
jetienne_fccf: Thanks looking16:10
fred-frogi have a problem with wlan16:10
parabytethats the url for the code im having problems with16:10
parabytewont compile on 32 bit linux16:10
WiZz3Halitech: installing the win2000 drivers didn't seem to solve my problem..16:10
cognitiaclaevesAlso, I'm looking for a way to switch off compiz with an applet or keystroke.  Is there an animal that can just switch it off and on at will?16:10
parabyterds.c:1: error: code model ‘kernel’ not supported in the 32 bit mode16:11
HalitechWiZz3, card is being seen by lspci?16:11
dsdeizswiftweasel or swiftfox? which should i choose? :D16:12
daurnimatorhow do you mount a drive when the partitions weren't made into devices; I have /dev/sdd, and fdisk shows it has one ntfs partition over the whole drive; but theres no sdd116:12
grawitydaurnimator: Does it even have partitions?16:12
daurnimatorgrawity: should.... fdisk showed it was ntfs16:12
grawitydaurnimator: If there's only one partition over the entire thing, then it might not even have a partition table. (Almost all USB pendrives are like that.)16:13
IdleOnedaurnimator: it could be one big 500Gig ntfs drive16:13
grawitydaurnimator: So try just 'mount /dev/sdd /media/blah' and it might work.16:13
daurnimatorI checked that16:13
daurnimatorit does actually have partitions :)16:13
vtecHello my sound is working just fine except in flash videos. How can I fix that?16:14
nils_hmm maybe the kernel didn't read the partition table?16:14
daurnimatorwell, I actually hotswapped it in (sata)16:14
Joe42dont play flash vid?16:14
daurnimatorbut other drives show up properly16:14
masqueradevtec: how do you view the flash videos? in your browser etc..?16:14
masqueradeJoe42: lol16:14
vtecyes masquerade in firefox16:14
KeifferHi. Can you help me please? every time, when i am installing software, ubuntu sais the software can't be authenticated. I remember that accidentaly i deleted the gpg keys..16:14
quantumlemurvtec: I fixed that simply by going to the adobe site and installing flashplayer 10r3216:14
alecbrHi.  I've got an easy one.  My Network Connection indicator that shows up after initial install , next to the clock is missing.  How do i get it to show on the top task bar, next to the clock?16:14
nils_daurnimator, kpartx -a /dev/sdd might work (that's how I did it for a multipath device)16:15
masqueradedid you install flash support extra?16:15
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:15
daurnimatornils_: I don't have kpartx, any standard utils that do it?16:15
nils_daurnimator, writing the partition table in fdisk will re-read it16:16
vtecPackage 'flashplugin-installer' is already installed16:16
=== Bow2`Shino is now known as llua
daurnimatorvtec: ok :)16:16
vtecmy sound doesn't work though16:17
masqueradealecbr: right-click on the channel and select "add to panel.."16:17
masqueradealecbr: there, you should find the right widget16:17
BezNalogovHello people. VLC gives all the time an error that libavcodec lacks the encoder for mpeg AAC audio. I found a guide on internet that said that I should install ffmpeg from the medibuntu repo, I did that. But I still get this error. How can I install this codec?16:17
Nirkushi! is there some convenient command to switch from gcj to sun-java6-jdk in 8.04 LTS?16:18
PiciNirkus: sudo update-alternatives --config java16:18
synackfinrapthink: also, is there an editor/viewer that lets me horizontally scroll the entire screen instead of just horizontally scrolling one line (nano and vi seem to only horizontally scroll a single line)16:18
alecbrmasquerade: it's not there.16:18
masqueradealecbr: what exactly are you searching for again? the little icon that displays the network status?16:19
Dr_WillisBezNalogov:  you did remove the ffmpeg from the normal repos first?16:19
PiciNirkus: or update-java-alternatives16:19
NirkusPici: and ill have to do this for each and every symlink concerning java stuff within /etc/alternatives?16:19
alecbrMasquerade: yeah.. it's the one where you can right click and EDIT CONNECTIONS.16:19
masquerademhm, alright, one second..16:19
alecbrmasquerade: it was there and then I connected a second monitor and the next time I used single monitor it wasn't there.16:20
PiciNirkus: I'm not sure if the second one existed on 8.04, otherwise you'll need to do the first for each java alternative type javac, etc.16:20
cognitiaclaevesI tried installing a compiz switch (fusion-icon), and it doesn't work.  Is there something in ubuntu that is similar?16:20
BezNalogovI think so, but I'll check to be sure16:20
daurnimatorhmmm, fdisk is stuck on writing the partiton table to disk16:20
IdleOne!ccsm | cognitiaclaeves16:20
ubottucognitiaclaeves: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:20
cognitiaclaevesIs there an icon that just switches it on and off?16:21
NirkusPici: update-java-alternatives seemes to have worked16:21
Nirkusthanks :)16:21
masqueradealecbr: cant help you with this, im sorry. what do you need it for?16:21
cognitiaclaeves( I think it's crashing under specific circumstances. )16:21
Piciret: This is a support channel, please don't advertise  or post offtopic links here.16:21
IdleOne!info fusion-icon16:21
ubottufusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-2 (jaunty), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB16:21
katycorphey guys, does anyone know a way I can purge evolution and then reinstall it without reinstalling gnome desktop environment?16:21
alecbrmasquerade: i thought it would be EASY.  I need it for editing connections quickly. thanks for your help anyway.16:21
retPici: it's for a good cause >.>16:22
IdleOnecognitiaclaeves: apt-get install fusion-icon should work16:22
Piciret: Its offtopic for this channel.16:22
soreaucognitiaclaeves: Does it work if you try compiz --replace in your terminal?16:23
masqueradealecbr: thanks. see you16:23
cognitiaclaevesIdleOne: Ok.  Now we are getting somewhere.  It doesn't.  I get "ImportError: No module named compizconfig" ... hey that's a python error.  Maybe it's looking for python-compizconfig, then...16:23
cognitiaclaeves( Nope, already installed and the latest version. )  Maybe it's a python version issue, then...16:23
IdleOnecognitiaclaeves: #compiz might be more help16:24
cognitiaclaevesOk.  I'll check there.16:24
fitaqysh me bo bre16:25
cognitiaclaevessoreau: Not sure what you mean.  I'm running compiz, just want to be able to quickly turn it off and on at will.16:25
masqueradecognitiaclaeves: i didnt hear the previous conversation, but id simply use metacity --replace and compiz --replace for this16:25
synackfinis there a nice light-weight csv viewer,  that can pin the 1st row (headers), and let me smoothly scroll horizontally and vertically?16:27
ctmjrcognitiaclaeves: there use to be an icon that turned compiz on and off but i believe fusion icon replaced it which has more features16:27
DkoNissperhey gys does anyone knows how to get the extra plugins for compiz..like those when you open and close menus and windows???16:29
IdleOne!ccsm | DkoNissper16:29
ubottuDkoNissper: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:29
DkoNissperi all ready did it16:30
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
sky_1hi my USB device is not mounted16:33
sky_1how do i mount it ?16:33
masqueradesky_1:  did you correctly unmount it the last time?16:33
sky_1i dont know16:33
grawitysky_1: Find out the device name (usually /dev/sd[letter][number], 'dmesg | tail' might have hints)16:33
sysadminREF1="http://blog.taragana.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/overglossed.jpg"                                      I downloaded a theme "Overglossed" and it was supposed to look like <REF1> but I dont get all the transparency effects and the sidebar.16:34
sky_1grawity: i think its not detected :X16:34
BezNalogovYes, I have the right version of ffmpeg from medibuntu, still I get an error in VLC that libavcodec is missing the mpeg aac audio encoder16:35
sysadminREF1="http://blog.taragana.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/overglossed.jpg"                       \n               I downloaded a theme "Overglossed" and it was supposed to look like <REF1> but I dont get all the transparency effects and the sidebar.16:35
sysadminREF1="http://blog.taragana.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/overglossed.jpg"                       \n ^ 2              I downloaded a theme "Overglossed" and it was supposed to look like <REF1> but I dont get all the transparency effects and the sidebar.16:36
jean_where do I get snd-usb-audio16:37
ctmjrBezNalogov: there is a channel for vlc do not know if they are awake or not most are french #videolan16:37
lluasysadmin,  you have to enable transparency by compiz16:37
SeekerNLhow can you play hd video on linux?16:38
cognitiaclaevessudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/compizconfig.so   fixed my issue with python 2.5 being the default and fusion-icon not working.16:38
sysadminhow to get compiz16:38
cognitiaclaeves( after first cd'ing into /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages )16:39
lluasysadmin,  synaptics16:39
jackson_add remove simple ccsm for compiz16:39
jean_Is snd-usb-audio module no longer comes with ubuntu16:39
jean_does anyone sees my posts?16:40
sysadmin[note: i'm a new user 'sysadmin' just for style] ;)16:40
BezNalogovThey say it's not a VLC issue, but an ubuntu issue, the codec is missing. So then I wonder how to install the aac codec16:40
sysadminright installed compiz, what next?16:41
riz0nHey guys, i am a crontab newbie, and need some help setting up my eggdrops to automatically start when the server boots. Can someone help me setting up crontab to do this? Thanks.16:42
zebastiancan i install csh on ubuntu?16:42
jackson_check out its effects from d panel16:42
janhajhello.. is here anybody, who have tv tuner gigabyte U8000 under linux?16:42
sysadminjackson_, how to run it?16:42
grawityzebastian: Try 'sudo apt-get install csh'16:43
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MenZa!anyone | janhaj16:44
ubottujanhaj: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:44
janhajexcuse my english, i am from czech republic..16:44
Piciriz0n: 'man 5 crontab' should explain the syntax well. You can use @reboot to tell it to run at boot.  I'm not sure when cron is in the boot up, so it may make more sense to put your command in rc.local.16:44
Alex_BrooksHey, I've got version 8.04.1-desktop on disc and I'm planning on installing it to my desktop, but will I be able to update it to 9.04 from within Ubuntu.16:44
jackson_system>>pref>>compiz mgmr16:45
sysadminits not there16:45
riz0nPici: can i have multiple commands under crontab?16:45
PiciAlex_Brooks: You can, but you'll need to upgrade through 8.10 first.16:45
Piciriz0n: Sure. Generally you put one 'job' per line.16:45
Alex_BrooksPici, so I'll need to go from 8.04->8.10->9.04.16:46
riz0nok i  am having the crontab execute under a secondary user.16:46
PiciAlex_Brooks: Yes16:46
riz0nis there anything i need to do to specifically guide ubuntu to read this users crontab file16:46
Alex_BrooksOkay thanks a Pici :)16:46
jackson_type compiz inadd remove16:46
jackson_type compiz and install it16:46
sysadminjackson_, I did that16:47
jackson_is compiz appearing in preferences then16:48
ed0n0nSomething eats my disk space in Jackalope, I boot with 60Gb free space and I already have just 9Gb free, I am just editing text files and not using any large file, but it happens anyway... Why could this happen?16:49
soreausysadmin: sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects <- set to extra16:49
Haliteched0n0n, what does df -h show you?16:49
testkingyou can try dh -i16:50
testkingdf -i16:50
sysadminyeah already set16:50
sysadmini observe the inertia of rest in the windows16:50
ed0n0nright now %94 used16:50
jackson_try that sysadmin16:50
Haliteched0n0n, df -h should show where the space is being used16:51
ed0n0nHalitech: It happens with /dev/sda216:51
Picied0n0n: If you are using Gnome you can use the tool from Applications>Accessories>Disk Usage Analyzer to determine what is using up the space.16:51
janhajDoes anyone know, how can i watch DVB-T with tv tuner Gigabyte U8000 in ubuntu 9.04?16:51
Haliteched0n0n, where is /dev/sda2 mounted?16:51
ed0n0nin /16:52
sysadminany more ideas16:52
testkingTinkpad Lenovo16:52
Haliteched0n0n, ok, just as a guess, do df -h /var16:52
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card)16:52
ed0n0nHalitech: /dev/sda2              83G   75G  4,5G  95% /16:53
linuxguy2009Hey guys I use a live CD session to open synaptic and mark all upgrades, then i generate a download script and run the script to manually download all of them. When I go into a fresh install and run "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" they all install ok I guess but I always have trouble with packages simaler to "language-pack-en_9.04+20090803.2_all.deb" the system always wants to download the same package even though I already have it. Does anyone know why?16:53
ed0n0nHalitech: so some kind of logs can eat so much space?16:53
tyfjhow to solve ssh time out, when ssh client behind NAT router ?16:53
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:53
Haliteched0n0n, yup, use natilus to go into the logs folder and see which one is getting big16:53
ctmjrjanhaj: did the drivers for it get loaded?16:53
Haliteched0n0n, or ls -l /var/log16:54
=== AxesDNite is now known as ph33r
janhajctmjr: i think yes, but when i scan for tv (w_scan -X >> cz or in kaffeine), it doesn't find anything..16:55
ed0n0nHalitech: /var/log is not using more than Mb, not Gb, so it doesnt seem to be the cause16:55
aarHi, the PDFs I download from Google Books show the text but not the images. Does anybody know why this is happening? (Kubuntu 9.04)16:56
ed0n0nHalitech /var/ is using 1.7 Gb16:56
Haliteched0n0n, ok, use the same command ls -l /var and see if any large files show up there16:56
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:57
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:57
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:57
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:57
FloodBot1sysadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:57
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ctmjrjanhaj: you might need firmware for it run this dmesg | grep firmware16:57
ed0n0nbut something has "eaten" 20Gb since boot, and it is not in /var/ because its just 1,7Gb... i guesss16:57
whileimhereHi I have set up my parents computer and they have some issues with it. I would like to be able to just take control of their computer from my house. Is there a way to do this on ubuntu?16:58
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:58
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:58
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:58
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:58
sysadmin(just a little fact: this system got a gma900 not a graphics card, if that helpez)16:58
FloodBot1sysadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
Haliteched0n0n, still, 1.7gig is alot in /var unless you have a website running out of there16:58
ed0n0nHalitech: /var/ is  Ok16:58
shanhelp topic irc16:59
metalf8801whileimhere: yes can use VNC to do that16:59
ctmjrjanhaj: DO NOT SEND ME FILES!!!!!!!!16:59
Haliteched0n0n, ok, well only guess is to start looking at individual directories then and see ... there is an app that will show you in a graph but I can't think of the name right now ... disk usage analysis maybe?16:59
whileimheremetalf8801: do I need it installed on my machine and theirs or just mine?16:59
metalf8801whileimhere: there are several different kinds of VNC16:59
ed0n0nI am scanning the whole filesystem with the Disk Usage Analyzer... Lets see... Any more ideas?17:00
metalf8801whileimhere: one sec let me find a link for you17:00
sdcurleein gnome the terminals can zoom in and out (text size) is there anything you can do to reduce text size in the tty1-6?17:00
Halitechwhileimhere, both on ubuntu?17:00
linuxguy2009Anyone here do manual package management such as homemade repos CD/DVD?17:00
whileimhereHalitech we are now both using Ubuntu17:00
whileimhereI replaced Windows on my parents comp this morning17:00
janhajctmjr: i want send you dmesg..17:00
Halitechwhileimhere, there is remote desktop installed by default I believe17:01
ctmjr!paste | janhaj17:01
ubottujanhaj: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!17:01
grawitysdcurlee: The VTs tty1-6 (tty1-64 actually) are using the good old text mode by default - not graphics. You might try enabling framebuffer mode ('modprobe vesafb' or something), then it'll use graphics mode, in the screen's native resolution.17:01
grawitysdcurlee: Without framebuffer, they will always use 80x24.17:01
janhajctmjr: thx http://paste.ubuntu.com/277202/17:01
metalf8801whileimhere: the first thing I would try is this http://showmypc.com/ use the java version that works on Linux17:02
sdcurleegrawity: i really appreciate this, i will try that.17:02
whileimhereWhen the RDP asks for the name of the computer and its not on my network how can I figure out what it is?17:03
grawitywhileimhere: Use the IP address instead?17:03
synackfinanyone know how to make `less` not wrap?17:03
ed0n0nHalitech: I read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7991873 and now I think it may be that I created a symlink to another ntfs partition, could that be doing something wierd?17:03
whileimhereoh well that I would need to go to their house to get anyways17:03
whileimhereThey have no clue17:03
grawitysdcurlee: And there's this command 'setfont' - it isn't very useful in textmode (with all the limitations), but on framebuffer you can choose even the font size.17:04
metalf8801whileimhere: you don't think you could walk them though that on the phone?17:04
Halitechmetalf8801, thats only to view, software to show is windows only17:04
whileimherelol you have to know my parents17:04
Haliteched0n0n, not sure, it could17:05
metalf8801oh my bad17:05
Halitechwhileimhere, you should be able to use the IP address of their computer, are they behind a router?17:05
whileimhereyes but its no biggie I will drive over later17:06
Halitechwhileimhere, make sure you set up port forwarding on the router as well to allow the connection17:06
ed0n0nHalitech: I have 97% used... while chatting soon I will need to reboot, this is serious. Help me users17:06
janhajctmjr: and here is wscan.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/277206/17:07
Haliteched0n0n, when you reboot the space frees up?17:07
Methoseafter an apt-get install freetds-common, should I not be able to run the tsql command?17:07
boondoklifeed0n0n: is it the chat program that is eating it? did you check top to see what is going on?17:07
ed0n0nis the weirdest thing happened in a long while17:07
Haliteched0n0n, reboot and immediately open a terminal and run dmesg | tail and see if it gives any clues17:08
ed0n0nboondoklife: I havent been using the chat for a while... so I dont think so17:08
boondoklifeed0n0n: check top to see what is eating the computer17:08
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oppthinkpad w500 uses x86 or amd64 arch ? thanks17:09
metalf8801whileimhere: you might want to look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Clients17:09
ed0n0nboondoklife: I can check with top, but gives the CPU usage, but how can I check the HD usage in realtime?17:09
ed0n0ndmesg returns nothing of interest17:09
tntcodahi, if ive made a .deb file for some software im releasing, can/how do i go about getting it in the ubuntu repos?17:10
geniitntcoda: Enquire in #ubuntu-motu about that17:10
Ian_I've managed to add an item to the gnome menu system wide but where is it specified wich menu catagory it's in?17:11
MikeHAnyone with experience of RT Kernels able to offer any insight on this- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/43594017:11
vigoopp: If is not listed on the Hardware sections, (I am still looking) then join #hardware if no one in the room knows.17:11
ctmjrjanhaj: it acts like it is working a you sure you have good reception? and you can try me-tv and see if it scans for channels17:11
ed0n0nI started happening recently and most likely since I installed Shiretoko 3.5.4pre in Ubuntu, it is the main CPU 'eater' and is this soft stable? (%98 used :( )17:12
vigoopp: It worked with 8.10: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1004523, still looking17:13
boondoklifeed0n0n: if you kill it then your proc drops to norm?17:13
ed0n0nI f I kill it I kill the chatzilla too..., but HD usage doesnt come back until reboot17:14
oppvigo: I want to know what version of Desktop cd should I download: x86 or amd 64? thanks17:14
boondoklifeed0n0n: you can install iotop which will let you monitor disk io17:15
smarksopp       use x8617:16
urthmoverWhat is the keyboard combination to invert screen colors?17:16
ed0n0nboondoklife: good one, didnt know about17:16
vigoopp: According to this forum. (no authentication) it says 64 works. http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=32917617:16
janhajctmrj: when i start me-tv, it ask for searching channels.. but when i want choose by location, it gives error no such file or directory.. and goot17:16
boondoklifeed0n0n: but just tells you what app is using it, not where or to what file so kinda limited17:16
Ian_I've managed to add an item to the gnome menu system wide but where is it specified wich menu catagory it's in?17:16
janhajctmjr: we have a tv with integrated dvb-t tuner and it works..17:17
ed0n0nboondoklife: installed and trying17:17
VCoolioIan_: in the .desktop file, the launcher for you app17:17
dehqangood day everyone , how to install falsh 9 activex on ubuntu ?17:17
Halitechopp, according to the lenovo site, they are all dual cores so you should be safe with the 64bit http://shop.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/web/LenovoPortal/en_US/catalog.workflow:category.details?current-catalog-id=12F0696583E04D86B9B79B0FEC01C087&current-category-id=EC3A24B73CCE493BB1C514421A9BB0B717:17
ed0n0nactivex? lol17:17
geniidehqan: Thats not going to happen anytime soon17:18
dehqangenii with wine ,where can find .exe file ?17:18
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ed0n0nactiveX is a Microsoft thing, not usable in any Linux, as far as I know... You could try with Wine and ie4linux17:18
oppHalitech thx17:18
riz0nhow do i make a users crontab process when linux is started?17:19
dehqan_good day everyone , where can falsh 9 activex .exe file be found ?17:19
edoceoriz0n: as that user say `crontab -e`17:19
ed0n0ncan it be kjournald???17:19
edoceodehqan_: .exe fiels only runon  Windows17:19
riz0nedoceo: i have done that, but it still does not run when the server is restarted17:19
dehqanedoceo with wine ...17:19
edoceoSo, to install Flash to Ubuntu you need a .deb file17:19
vigoIan: System>Preferences>Main Menu , I think that is what you are looking for.17:19
Pici!flash | dehqan17:20
ubottudehqan: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:20
Halitechdehqan, have you downloaded the file yet or are you looking to find out where to download it from?17:20
edoceoOh, WINE - I'm out, sorry - maybe the Adobe site has an DL for you?  get.adobe.com?17:20
dehqanhalitech see here  has been mentioned to install flash 9 activex ,
ed0n0nboondoklife: I think it is AVG antivirus, has just written a bunch of Mb and Im nearly in 100%, why does this program it so much space? Do you recommend any other equivalent antivirus for linux? (Just in case :D )17:21
ctmjrjanhaj: you should have a dir with freqs for your country look in /usr/share/dvb and see if you have anything in there it might be in a diff location17:22
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:22
boondoklifeed0n0n: clamav but i agree with ubottu17:22
kimera aiuto17:22
vigoI agree with boondoklife.17:23
Halitechdehqan, no idea what they are talking about, I've heard of flash and I've heard of activeX but not flash activeX17:23
kimerami servono le password per aprire i file rar17:23
ed0n0nboondoklife: I know its pretty safe not using any, but... You can spread infections around when using "mistery" files17:23
lewenchHello. When trying to insert my SD card on Ubuntu 9.04 I am getting this error: Cannot get volume.fstype.alternative    I don't know what to do. I checked google but the SD card is a fat32 My fstab for this device is: /dev/sdc1       /media/cdrom0   iso9660,udf user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       017:23
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:24
dehqanhalitech there has been written  Install flash9 activeX. Use a standalone installer. If you don't know where to get one then ask google. If you're still blurred then get one from oldapps.com/oldversion.com. Don't miss this step as this is REQUIRED for ym.17:24
boondoklifeed0n0n: true, but I personally just make it a rule of thumb to not open things unless I know what they are. and definitely dont forward them =)17:24
Halitechdehqan, I read that but I have no idea what they are talking about17:24
dehqanhalitech there has been written  Install flash9 activeX. Use a standalone installer. If you don't know where to get one then ask google. If you're still blurred then get one from oldapps.com/oldversion.com. Don't miss this step as this is REQUIRED for ym.17:24
dehqanhalitech it may mean flash 917:24
ed0n0nboondoklife: I will simply use freshclam now on and hope this solves the disk problem...17:24
Picidehqan: Are you using Ubuntu?17:24
Halitechdehqan, I read that but I have no idea what they are talking abou17:25
happy_Good evening everyone17:25
dehqanyes pici17:25
Picidehqan: Are you running ym under wine?17:25
happy_Good evening everyone17:25
mikepettany ideas on why network manager is disabled every other boot?17:25
dehqanpici yes17:25
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ed0n0nbut honestly AVG does detect viruses ClamAV doesnt17:25
boondoklifeed0n0n: also make sure if it has a background scan option to kill it. That will save you problems. just scan on demand.17:25
Picidehqan: Then its probably best to ask in #winehq on how to proceed. Thats the official support channel for Wine.17:25
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dehqanpici in this link has been told install flash 917:26
ed0n0nboondoklife: I will uninstall it for now...17:26
dehqaninstall flash 9 is related to winehq ?17:26
ed0n0nboondoklife: I need to get my HD space back ;)17:26
Halitechdehqan, its also talking about Puppy linux which is NOT Ubuntu17:26
Picidehqan: You'd need to install a browser and flash under wine as well.17:26
janhajctmjr: i don't have folder dvb in /usr/share/ :/17:26
Ian_trying that now vigo17:26
shane2peruok, I want to rename a bunch of files containing numbers 124-150 to have a 7 before the number, how can I do this with rename in cli?  rename -v 's/??/??/' *17:26
dehqanok is that mean installing flash 9 .exe ?17:27
jribshane2peru: do you know about regular expressions?17:27
dehqanok is that mean installing flash 9 .exe with wine17:27
Picidehqan: Yes.17:27
Halitech!flash | dehqan17:27
ubottudehqan: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:27
shane2perujrib: a little, I'm not sure what the replacment expression should be.17:27
shane2perujrib: is it $1?17:27
jribshane2peru: do you know how to match digits?  Yeah either $1 or \1 it varies...17:27
geniidehqan: Anything which is Windows-specific like ActiveX (which does not exist on Linux) and needs Wine to use, you should enquire about in the oficial wine support channel, which is as pointed out,  #winehq17:27
jribshane2peru: try with -n first17:28
buckydehqan what are you going to run flash 9 .exe  in... IE ?17:28
dehqana windows version should be installed or linux one ?flash 917:28
vigoHow do I get Icecat installed?17:28
shane2perujrib: yeah, that is what I was thinking17:28
shane2perujrib: I'm pretty good at deciphering examples,17:28
dehqanhalitech there has been written  Install flash9 activeX. Use a standalone installer. If you don't know where to get one then ask google. If you're still blurred then get one from oldapps.com/oldversion.com. Don't miss this step as this is REQUIRED for ym.17:28
mikepettok, then if I'm going to have to accept ubuntu randomly starting network manager when ever it feels like it... is there a script I can create that I can save on my kids login desktop (they are not member of sudo group) so they can click and run the script if the network decides not to star when they login?17:29
shane2perujrib: ahh, looks like $1 is what I want:  http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-bulk-rename-files-in-linux-in-the-terminal17:29
buckydehqan oh it's that yahoo messenger thing?17:29
Halitechdehqan, I read that but I have no idea what they are talking about17:29
dehqansorry halitech .17:29
XDS2010whats the latest dev. version of ubuntu ?17:29
andrew__hi all17:29
XDS20109.04 ?17:29
Pici!karmic | XDS201017:29
ubottuXDS2010: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:29
dehqanyes bucky17:29
XDS2010ty pici17:29
buckyXDS2010, 9.10  /join #ubuntu+117:30
Halitechbucky, as I've said to dehqan, I read that but I have no idea what they are talking about17:30
biowizar1XDS2010: :D slovacisko sa nezapre17:30
steve64very new to this.....just loaded ubuntu and everything works fine except playing videos in web pages??  dan anyone help?17:30
Ian_vigo: that didn't work17:30
IdleOne!flash | steve6417:30
ubottusteve64: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube17:30
XDS2010hey my political alarm went off this morning looks like has been confirmed to take the late senator ted kennedy 's seat, anyone know anything about this guy? http://Tr.IM/MhloPK ?17:30
andrew__linux ftw17:30
holyWhen I install new Ubuntu system to another partition of the HDD, I sometimes can not copy files from my old home directory. Shall I change permissions of the directories and files to reach them?17:30
jrib!ot | XDS201017:30
ubottuXDS2010: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:30
geniidehqan: Flash player for Linux doesn't have ActiveX. Because as already explained (quite often) Linux does not have ActiveX, it is a Microsoft Windows-only thing. So you need to enquire in the Wine support channel about something like installing Windows Flash (which may have ActiveX in it) into the Wine program17:30
steve64thanks, I will try the links17:31
holy"sudo chmod 777 file1 file 2 ..." would be OK?17:31
zebastianwill chrome run on wine?17:31
andrew__M$ SUCK17:31
ed0n0nboondoklife: It was definetely the AVG (avg85flx package) wich was eating my hard disk... Cheers for that iotop trick :D Thanks for your help17:31
dehqangenii where can win flash activex be found ?17:31
steve64flash says it's already installed?17:31
holyzebastian: try "#winehq"17:31
vigoIan_: Ok, stil searching on that one, and other things, what version are you on?17:31
IdleOneandrew__: that may be true but how is it relevant?17:32
boondoklifeed0n0n: glad ta help17:32
icerootzebastian: imo there is a linux version (beta imo)17:32
Komischungis it possible to start the gnome-shell in 9.10?17:32
jrib!karmic | Komischung17:32
ubottuKomischung: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:32
gOLDfeeshandre____, it's good to express your opinion but to be completely honest, what did you first start on before linux?17:32
vigomikepett: Maybe this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto17:32
netbookdoes anyone use irssi?17:32
geniidehqan: /join #winehq                 and then ask in there17:32
zebastianiceroot: can't find it on google, do you have alink?17:32
jribnetbook: someone probably uses it, better to just ask your question17:32
andrew__lol i was just saying , as people keep asking for active X17:32
netbookjrib, cool. In irssi how do you scroll up in the chat window17:33
gOLDfeeshis there a reason as to why all my modules get installed at /lib/modules/ instead of the normal /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/extra?17:33
dehqanthanks everyone17:33
jribnetbook: probably page up or shift-page up17:33
buckyKomischung, usually from under the Applications=>Accessories menu17:33
netbookjrib haah it is was the other way around17:33
jribnetbook: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup17:33
netbookjrib page up scrolls up17:33
Ian_vigo: It's for jaunty installs17:34
IdleOnezebastian: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.htm17:34
Ian_but i'm using karmic myself17:34
icerootzebastian: sory, just read that on heise that there is a nativ version for linux17:34
netbookyea i have been reading that, must have missed that part17:34
buckyandrew__ there was a petition to macromedia for it once17:34
jribnetbook: search for "scroll" :)17:34
ctmjrjanhaj: sudo apt-get install dvb-apps then look for the dir again17:34
icerootzebastian: http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/linux.html17:34
mikepettvigo: thanks, but I don't want the script to run everytime, just when ubuntu decides not to start network manager17:34
zebastianiceroot: so it CAN be installed on linux right?17:34
holyIs it possible to change mode of someone's files being an administrator to read it?17:34
icerootzebastian: with wine yes, and if the nativ version comes out, that one can be installed too17:35
jribholy: if you're an administrator, you don't need to change the mode to read it17:35
netbookubuntu is cool17:35
daevskiAnyone know how I might find the code behind the "Show Desktop" applet in awn?? I want to hotkey it in Compiz Commands17:35
daevskiI've been searching for days lol [blush]17:36
holyjrib: I sometimes can not access files in home directory of my previous installations.17:36
pietromaruhi to everyone, does anybody knows how to install the driver of the mobile phone LG ku990?17:36
gOLDfeeshFrom what I heard though, Debian would be better for a "laptop" at least that's what I was told .. I was thinking of changing to Debian, because of the hardware support.17:36
jrib!source | daevski17:36
ubottudaevski: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html17:36
jribdaevski: may help17:36
jribholy: your user can't.  So change *ownership* to your current user17:36
jrib!permissions > holy17:36
ubottuholy, please see my private message17:36
daevskijrib, ubottu, Thank you17:37
jribholy: what exactly are you trynig to do though?17:37
jophishI had a server crash, how can I read some logs to determine what went wrong?17:37
icerootjophish: vi /var/log/name-of-the-log-you-want-see17:38
jophishok, thanks17:38
icerootjophish: also you can use cat filename | more17:38
icerootgrawity: or tail or less or nano or something else17:38
* jrib takes out his award book17:38
HalitechgOLDfeesh, there is a live cd you can get to test it and see how it works ... http://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/17:38
jophishthanks ice_cream17:38
phisher1no nano love..17:38
Ian_so adding the .desktop files to /usr/share/applications/ didn't do it for other users..17:39
JohannesSM64in gedit, in preferences > plugins, the plugin descriptions don't fit in the window, and i can't find any way to make the window larger so i can read the full descriptions17:39
jophishthanks iceroot *17:39
icerootjophish: :)17:39
grawityJohannesSM64: Tried resizing the window?17:39
JohannesSM64grawity: resize is greyed17:39
vigoIan_ and mikepett: I was about to say or suggest what was just spoken about, vi,vim and this from the forums may help both of you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Vfu#Links17:39
grawityJohannesSM64: Hmm. What WM?17:39
JohannesSM64grawity: gnome17:40
gOLDfeeshHalitech, I know. I have it lol. thanks though. I was simply stating a fact. I installed it in VM and it ran beautifully.17:40
Strife89I'm looking for a fairly slick, quick way to bring up a terminal window, aside from placing a shortcut to it on the panel.17:40
gOLDfeeshgrawity, it means Virtual Machine17:40
gOLDfeeshooooooooh.. VM my bad17:40
grawityJohannesSM64: I guess you mean Metacity. Try holding Alt and pressing the middle mouse button, then drag.17:40
jribStrife89: keyboard shortcut17:40
Ian_vigo: ? how will that help me?17:40
gOLDfeeshshould have read that.17:40
Ian_I already use vim and stuff :p17:40
HalitechgOLDfeesh, ok, wasn't sure by your post17:40
grawitygOLDfeesh: WM, not VM. (And I wasn't asking what does it mean - I asked which one was used.)17:40
Strife89jrib: Where should I go to set such a shortcut (or is one already set)?17:40
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icerootStrife89: have a look at yakuake17:41
jribStrife89: system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts17:41
JohannesSM64grawity: that just makes the window lose focus17:41
gOLDfeeshgrawity, I know I said I found it lo.17:41
vigoIan_: vim,vi and that app can be used to safely edit the cofig files, emacs is also a good one to learn.17:41
janhajctmrj: do you know what is this? :(me-tv:7117): libglademm-CRITICAL **: Glade::Xml::get_cwidget(): glade_xml_get_widget() failed for widget name=window_scan_wizard, Segmentation fault17:41
naxaanyone know how to start LiVES in english? I'm using hungarian ubuntu and it automatically starts in hungarian, but the translation sucks. I couldn't find a "language" option to set, however17:42
ice_creamwell you're either a vim or an emacs person, generally17:42
ice_cream(if either)17:42
Ian_vigo: i think you're confused, I know how to edit stuff, i just dont know what exactly to edit to make it system wide..17:42
jussohi, anyone can help with 3G modem problem (with audio)?17:43
tuga3dhi all17:43
janhajctmjr: i run me tv as sudo, but when17:44
tuga3dis this where i can put questions related to 9.10 alpha?17:44
ice_cream!karmic > ice_cream17:44
ubottuice_cream, please see my private message17:44
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janhajctmjr: when i select cz - Ostrava, it does not find anything..17:44
ice_creamreally, it's due so soon?17:44
g_zoliI have a great problem. I use tvtime on my 9.04, but the channels above 500MHz (C21 channel) are terryble17:44
ice_creamthought there were still loooads of issues w/ karmic17:44
vigoOh ok, system wide , uhm https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables17:45
ice_creamhi, where do i go to see status of specific extensions and/or packages of karmic?  (e.g. to see if record extension is fixed yet)17:46
Strife89iceroot: Ooh, that is slick. :)17:46
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ice_creamor the cpufreq module17:46
icerootStrife89: perfect for your needs i think17:46
vigoIan_: That link covers Gnome and others.17:46
Strife89iceroot: Pretty much, yep. :)17:47
ctmjrjanhaj: did you install the dvd-apps?17:47
janhajctmjr: yes17:47
janhajctmjr: dvb-apps17:47
ice_creamoh, going -dev17:47
ctmjrjanhaj: did you find the dir for dvb-t?17:48
vigoice_cream: that is #ubuntu+1 for Karmic17:48
tuga3dthnks vigo17:48
janhajctmjr: /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/17:49
ctmjrjanhaj: ok try this in a terminal scan /usr/share/dvd/dvb-t/file for your area17:50
JadenKornHey everyone17:50
JadenKornI restored GRUB and it is working, but can't access to Windows partition, since /dev/sda1 is the extended partition and /dev/sda5 is my Windows partition, but the boot files are in /dev/sda2, and I can't get it to work right17:52
ctmjrjanhaj: there are many for cz try them all if they do not work you need to find the freq's for your area17:52
janhajctmjr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277241/17:52
MikeHwhat would case makedumpfile to fail?17:53
MikeHgr, cause :/17:53
Lemurianwhat package is gtkmm-2.4 in17:53
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JadenKornSo technically Windows and Program Files folders are in my /dev/sda5 partition and NTLDR and boot.ini isin my /dev/sda2 partition17:53
IdleOneLemurian: libgtkmm-2.4-dev17:54
janhajctmjr: ERROR: initial tuning failed, dumping lists (0 services) // in all cz freqs..17:54
LemurianIdleOne: :) thanks17:54
ctmjrjanhaj: you need to scan one list at a time17:55
JadenKornWhat changes should I include in my menu.lst file?17:55
janhajctmjr: yes.. I test Ostrava, then brno, then praha, then domazlice.. but always with error17:56
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Ian_vigo: ok then I just don't see how that link helps me getting a certain menu item to appear openly17:59
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thiebaudemayajowo, ok, your test worked18:00
shadowflierhi I have a wifi WPA enterprise problem, Idont have WPA-Enterprise option on my NM18:00
ctmjrjanhaj: ok lets try something else sudo apt-get install tvtime18:00
shadowflierpatch anyone ?18:00
vigoIan_: Is it a KDE thing?18:00
Ian_it's a gnome thing18:01
StevenMyersWhat's good today guys?18:01
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StevenMyersAnything brewing in the gnome repos?18:01
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StevenMyersLast update was lib for HTTPD's18:02
PiciStevenMyers: Ubuntu typically doesnt do updates for a released version unless they are security fixes.18:02
StevenMyersYeah I figured that much.18:03
Ian_i want to add an item to the gnome menu "Applications->Programming" and i want to do it for all users. These users exist already and have a home directory. They have use the system before so . files could already be there18:03
grawityloki_: Take a look at /usr/share/applications/18:04
StevenMyersWho has found GnoMenu to be useful?18:04
Ian_i guess you're talking to me grawity ?18:04
Ian_i added a app.desktop file there but that doesn't seem to do the trick.18:04
grawityIan_: Yeah... tab-completion and sleepyness don't mix :(18:05
PiciStevenMyers: This channel isn't really for discussion, rather just for support.  #ubuntu-offtopic is the general discussion channel for the Ubuntu irc community.18:05
Ian_i have to go now, i'll be back later, leave me a msg if you stumble upon anything :)18:05
StevenMyersPici are you on staff support or Canonical administration development team?18:06
PiciStevenMyers: I'm an Ubuntu Member, one of the irc operators and part of the Ubuntu IRC Council.18:06
janhajctmjr: i install it, launch it, but i can't change video source.. :/18:07
LemurianPici: how did you become a member of ubuntu18:07
StevenMyersLemurian: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember18:07
PiciLemurian: contuinuing contributions to Ubuntu. In my case, I do a lot of support.18:07
n2diyI'm playing around on my SOHO LAN, and I'm trying to use gFTP to move some files around, but I'm getting connection refused messages. Do I need to install an FTP server on the boxes?18:07
PiciAnyway, #ubuntu-offtopic awaits.18:07
* grawity wonders about Lemurian's nick.18:07
urthmoverIs there a way to start gnome with the panels hidden to the left  (as if I've already pressed the left hide button)?18:08
StevenMyersPici, you need a new hobby. You are way to strict about IRC in for a contributor.18:08
vigoIan_: Have you looked at the G-Script page is also Nautilus stuff?18:08
ctmjrjanhaj: is your card usb?18:08
G_A_CStevenMyers: and you need to get some respect for how people choose to spend their free time ;)18:08
Lemuriangrawity: It's based off of the word "Lemuria"18:08
StevenMyersI'll remember not to join this channel in the near future.18:09
danbhfiveurthmover: why not use autohide?18:09
janhajctmjr: yes, gigabyte u800018:09
StevenMyersG_A_C I do but he/she is a IRC lurker.18:09
Lemuriangrawity: Lemuria is the name of a hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans18:09
Lemuriangrawity: Thus, lemurian refers to a citizen of that lost land.18:09
urthmoverdanbhfive: cause it doesn't hide completely18:09
PiciLemurian, grawity: #ubuntu-offtopic please.18:09
urthmoverdanbhfive: I don't mind pressing the button when I startup  but I'd rather it be automated18:10
ctmjrjanhaj: can you close tvtime then unplug the card and then plug it back in then open tvtime and see if it finds the card18:10
LemurianPici: you do a lot of support? what sort of support?18:10
Lemurianurthmover: from otw?18:10
danbhfiveurthmover: http://www.stefanoforenza.com/hide-gnome-panel-to-get-the-most/18:10
janhajctmjr: nothing happened..18:11
ctmjrjanhaj: no errors or anything?18:13
janhajctmjr: I can't change video source :/ when i want choose it, nothing happened..18:13
tino4Voer tekst hier in...hello people i am new here18:14
xT|FishHoi tino418:14
AskaHi !! Plz i search french channel !18:14
tino4hoi fish18:14
xT|Fish!fr | Aska18:14
ubottuAska: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:14
xT|FishNew at ubuntu?18:14
tino4r u from stmaarten fish18:14
xT|FishSt Maarten, the village near Schagen?18:15
vigoIan_: Look at the bottom of this page: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/faq.php18:15
whileimhereHi. I was wondering if the server edition of Ubuntu 9.04 can be installed via a USB thumbdrive? Also when I install it will it include X-Server and a desktop or will it just install the CLI? I just want the CLI as I am making a MAME cab and do not really need a full blown desktop. Fluxbox would work fine.18:15
icerootwhileimhere: just cli and it can be installed from usb18:16
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thopiekarAmaranth: ping18:16
tino4i am in in holland18:16
Amaranththopiekar: ?18:16
tino4where r u18:16
LemurianI'm in Lemuria18:16
whileimherethanks iceroot18:17
xT|FishI'm from Utrecht18:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:17
thopiekarhi Amaranth, you closed my bug at lunchpad an got a question about reporting bugs via apport18:17
CrazyBoytengo para reportar un error sobre "emesene"..18:17
xT|Fishtino4, let's talk on in private chat.18:17
tino4ok how must i do that18:17
cow9000is ext4 safe to migrate into now?18:17
Amaranththopiekar: ah, please join #ubuntu-offtopic and we can talk about it there18:17
CrazyBoyAlguien habla español ?18:18
xT|Fishcow9000, yes it is.18:18
Amaranth!es | CrazyBoy18:18
ubottuCrazyBoy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:18
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnanyone know how to get wifi to work properly18:18
CrazyBoyubottu: en realidad es que quiero repotar un error que acabo de solucionar sobre una pyc de emesene..18:18
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnit sees the conection]18:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:18
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnbut wont connect18:18
ctmjrjanhaj: what happens when you run cat /dev/video0 it should open a screen with a lot of garbage18:18
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnthing thats really annoying is I've got it to work once, and now its not doing it again18:19
cow9000is ext4 the best option for a desktop or should i consider other options?18:19
guntbert!enter | PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn18:19
ubottuPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:19
LemurianPici: you do a lot of support? what sort of support?18:19
csabahello, I've somehow managed to break by Xwindows, when I start X the whole OS freezes and I have to restart with the reset button18:20
PiciLemurian: best to further the discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic18:20
xT|Fishcow9000, Yes take ext4, it's the fastest filesystem.18:20
guntbertLemurian: your question has nothing to do with ubuntu support - its getting annoying18:20
csabaI've tried resetting to default but it didn't work18:20
xT|Fishcow9000, In fact, I use it myself.18:20
janhajctmjr: cat: /dev/video0: No such device18:20
cow9000xT|Fish: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113371918:20
cow9000it says:  1) There have been reports of crashes having corrupted configuration files and sometimes more with Ext4 in use.18:20
whileimhereStupid question here. I have NBR already on a thumbdrive and it works great to install. I used it to install to my new netbook! :) Very pleased. Now I was wondering rather than DL a server edition could I use the NBR to install to a PC and then just strip the desktop off after I install thus maybe saving 600mb of download?18:20
csabain /var/log/gdm it says that there was an error in the ati driver18:21
ctmjrjanhaj: how about ls /dev/dvb18:21
csabaany idea what should I do to make x work again?18:21
danbhfivewhileimhere: probably, if you know what you are doing18:21
csabalinux is working btw. I'm in console mode now, I've changed the init script to start in console mode18:21
janhajctmjr: adapter018:21
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csabaany idea? I don't want to reinstall linux, I've got everything set up perfectly... :(18:22
whileimheredanbhfive: Ive installed it no issues to my netbook. Would there be much of a difference in the installation? I did not know if it would even install to a desktop or if there was something super special about it like the differences between a 32 bit and a 64 bit version.18:22
tharveyanywhere I can get the 'iw' package for ubuntu 8.04?18:24
ctmjrjanhaj: ok the /dev/video0 is for analog and the /dev/dvb is digital your card supports both so do not know whats wrong it is loading the digital part but not the analog18:24
nota9Does anyone here have any experience with ubuntu netboot clients?18:25
guntbert!info iw | tharvey18:25
ubottutharvey: iw (source: iw): tool for configuring Linux wireless devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-1 (jaunty), package size 16 kB, installed size 92 kB18:25
danbhfivewhileimhere: I think some of the desktop packages have been customized for UNR.  Im not really sure, and if you wanted the server install it may not matter18:25
cow9000xT|Fish: what do you think of that link i've sent you?18:25
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest40517
shane2perudoes anyone know of a way to extract a tar.gz file from where it is at to a specific location?  I don't want to cd to that directory, I want to extract to that directory.18:26
xT|Fishcow9000, have to check what you gave me :D18:26
llutzshane2peru: man tar  (-C)18:26
cow9000they say ext4 is dangarous18:27
janhajctmjr: :( so you don't have any other tips to start this tuner?18:27
lenswipehey guys18:27
lenswipemysql just went into snafu mode could someone take a look?18:28
shane2perullutz: been there. :)  Looking for a pointer or two.18:28
llutzshane2peru: -C18:28
whileimheredanbhfive: Yeah I mean I do not need to use the desktop features much. Mostly I run everything from fluxbox with no issues. I am hoping to get it up and running AdvMAME on X rather than have to use a WM which as far as I am told just sucks up resources that are never used.18:28
shane2perullutz: oh, that was the pointer, lol, sorry, I missed that, I will check that out.18:28
lenswipecould somone take a look at that please18:28
lenswipei cant get mysql server to work18:29
Flare183!patients | lenswipe18:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patients18:29
Flare183!patience | lenswipe18:29
ubottulenswipe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:29
shane2perullutz: thanks18:29
lenswipeFlare183, www.dictionary.com18:29
Flare183lenswipe: :P18:29
lenswipepatients are things that are found in a doctors surgery18:29
Flare183lenswipe: Yeah, I know18:29
ctmjrjanhaj: hold on a sec18:29
Flare183lenswipe: It was an accident...18:30
lenswipei installed freeradius-mysql and it made my whole mysql config go tits up18:30
Picilenswipe: That looks like it might be a question for the mysql gurus in #mysql.18:30
sideshowbobhow do i become a freenode member?18:30
lenswipePici, *suicide* they just sent me here18:30
Flare183sideshowbob: #freenode18:30
leagrisis there a way of mounting a btrfs volume on jaunty. btrfs-tools seems useless now.18:30
Picilenswipe: :/18:30
lenswipePici, <[raymond]> lenswipe: Then that is a package/distro question, again not a MySQL question.18:30
Picilenswipe: let me take a look then, one moment18:30
resnoI need to edit a series of html files with the same systematic edits, whats the best way to do this?18:31
Flare183Pici: Yeah, I've just looked at it. I've never had that happen to me :S18:31
lenswipePici, http://freshupforums.servebbs.com that used to be joomla18:31
zenlunaticresno: sed & awk18:31
lenswipePici, http://freshupforums.servebbs.com/forum18:31
lenswipeand that used to be phpbb18:31
Flare183!hi | federico_18:32
ubottufederico_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:32
zdennisWe've got a ubuntu staging server setup to run an application which internally calls out to a SSL protected resource from Google. On the staging server it is unable to verify the SSL certification for Google. However, we don't have this problem running the application on our local machines. Any ideas?18:32
federico_pls add me to msn h4ck3r43v3r@live.it18:32
fotiswhen is the new distribution  of ubuntu  coming?18:32
Flare183!ops | federico_18:32
ubottufederico_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:32
resnozenlunatic: so like a bash script?18:32
jpdsfederico_: Please stop.18:32
zenlunaticresno: yeah, its advanced though, at least for me18:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hfsplus18:33
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:33
sabathow do I completely shut down x. if I kill the process it just auto-restarts.18:33
resnozenlunatic: so it would be better just to hand do it?18:33
federico_add me to msn h4ck3r43v3r@live.it18:33
Lemurianwhat is that18:33
zenlunaticresno: with sed & awk the possibilities are limitless, but they have whole books on them18:34
guntbertfederico_: please stop that18:34
fotisis kde or gnome more stable?18:34
FrankQCfotis: try flux18:34
jpdsguntbert: He left.18:34
fotiswhat is flux?18:34
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox18:34
sideshowbob /msg nickserv identify h27zux18:34
tino5hallo mensen18:35
grawitysideshowbob: ...you'd better change that soon.18:35
llutzsideshowbob: time to change password18:35
Flare183sideshowbob: Nice one!, you might want to change that18:35
sideshowbobhow do i change it?18:35
Picilenswipe: It looks like its an error that means that mysql is timing out.  Is Joomla still on the site?18:35
sabatdon't worry, I'm sure someone has changed it for you by now.18:35
Flare183sabat: HAHAHA!18:35
Flare183Ok people, remember this isn't IM :)18:36
tasslehoffIs disabling of journaling on a hfs+ partition bad? I want Ubuntu to get write support to my OS X partition18:36
tino5hoi mensen ik ben nieuw hier18:36
sideshowbobhow do i change my pw?18:36
Picisideshowbob: /msg nickserv help set password18:36
Pici!nl | tino518:36
ubottutino5: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:36
tino5hi pc18:37
tino5hi pici sorry18:37
tasslehoffsideshowbob: /nickserv set passwd oldpassword newpassword18:37
whileimhereWhen I install the new Ubuntu for my MAME system what file-system would be best for performance?18:37
tasslehoffwithout a space before the / :p18:37
[A]KangBhi! I have installed an hard disk reciently, I format it into ext3 but when I mount it, the partition allows to root and I cannot touch it. Any suggest?18:38
sideshowbobthanks tasslehoff18:38
danbhfivewhileimhere: I don't know what is the best, but most will be using ext4 with a few GiB of ram.  Btrfs will be out in a few years18:39
Tillotson[A]KangB: ls -al /wherever/you/mounted/it18:40
whileimheredanbhfive: this is an old machine. Its a P3 with 256ram and a 40gig drive.18:40
eggmanpete[A]KangB: if you want it permanently, change the fstab to add the option "users" on that hdd18:41
eggmanpetesry "user"18:41
danbhfivewhileimhere: well, I would check to see what adding more ram would take.  No file system will make up for a lack of ram18:41
heathkidI'm trying to do a new server install of 8.04.3-server-amd64 and am having problems partitioning the disks. can someone please help me?18:41
[A]KangBTillotson, total 8;18:42
[A]KangBdrwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2009-09-23 21:26 . ; drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 2009-09-24 19:31 ...18:42
sideshowbobhow hard is it to get started with python?18:42
whileimheredanbhfive: I have it maxed out on the MB.18:42
[A]KangBeggmanpete, trying..18:42
sideshowbobdammit wrong channel18:42
Tillotson[A]KangB: Look into the chown command18:42
eggmanpetesideshowbob: read the web tutorial on their site18:42
vigosideshow: try #python18:42
Tillotson[A]KangB: Looks like the directory is empty18:43
=== nanotube is now known as gribble
Tillotson[A]KangB: You probably haven't mounted the disk18:43
heathkidI have #1 set fine... but I need #2 set as Extended (but there is no option for that... only Primary or Logical)18:43
danbhfivewhileimhere: ok, well, then you need to look for a very light desktop.  Maybe forgo ubuntu, and use one of the super light distros out there.  If you want to stick with ubuntu, start with xubuntu18:43
luksssshello all!!! i have a problem with usplash... i can see the usplash when ubuntu stars but after a few seconds it goes to console mode... ive installed startupmanager and tried to fix this but i cant.... i can see the usplash when ubuntu is shuting down normaly... any ideas how to solve this?18:44
[A]KangBTillotson, because can be only written by root... i'm trying to fix it18:44
=== Athanasia is now known as caillean
losherheathkid: logical is a synonym for extended....18:44
lianimatorHi, I set up a remote desktop server on my computer, and allowed viewers to connect with a password without my confirmation, and the icon shows only when someone is connected. right not, vino-server is running when no icon is shown. could that mean anything? like, someone is connected?18:44
eggmanpete[A]KangB, can you cat your /etc/fstab......?18:44
grawityheathkid: It is?18:44
grawitylosher: It is?18:44
grawitylosher: I think an extended partition _contains_ logical partitions.18:45
skysonganybody using 9.10 right now?18:45
[A]KangBeggmanpete, i'm pasting it18:45
guntbert!9.10 | skysong18:45
ubottuskysong: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:45
lenswipecould someone help me with this mysql error18:45
lenswipewindows kept booting me off the wifi (im having one of those days)18:46
lenswipePici: i think you were doing something werent you?18:46
heathkidlosher, I was told to set "2 Remainder extended" and then #5 as logical Root and #6 as logical Home... but if I set #2 as Primary using the remainder of space I cannot set up any logical partitions18:46
mattgirvwhileimhere: You need to be very choosy about what applications you actually run, also rather than running a full on DE, maybe try a light window manager such as WindowMaker/Fluxbox (both of which I run on a P2 with reasonable speeds)18:46
[A]KangBeggmanpete, http://www.pastebin.org/2358018:46
Tinec'è qualcuno che puo aiutarmi18:46
Picilenswipe: I asked you a question and you never responded.18:46
Pici!it | Tine18:46
ubottuTine: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:46
[A]KangBeggmanpete, http://www.pastebin.org/23580 i have finishing editing.. any thing else needed!?18:46
lenswipePici: yeah windows booted me off the wireless...18:46
Tineok grazie18:46
lenswipe...several times! >=[18:46
lenswipestupid M$18:46
skysonghello, just wanted to know it would be worth reinstalling my current 9.04 to 9.10. Can anybody help?18:47
=== BlackFate is now known as WhiteFate
eggmanpete[A]KangB, which drive is it?18:47
loshergrawity: heathkid: the terminology seems to depend rather on the partitioning tool.18:47
Picilenswipe: Is jooma still on the site?18:47
[A]KangBeggmanpete, /dev/sdb118:47
lenswipePici: yeah,. whats left of it18:47
baggar11what's the trick to getting Jaunty to mount iSCSI targets on boot? the open-iscsi script loads before the networking script?18:47
dehqan_how to fix this ?#getlibs /usr/bin/gyachi No match for libgyachi.so No packages to install   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77380218:47
=== riku is now known as Teknkik
lenswipePici: i installed freeradius-mysql in the hope of getting freeradius working and it snafud mysql18:47
Picilenswipe: I've found a few links that suggest that there may be a fix using that: http://is.gd/3DvIr18:48
sarfarazhello ppl18:48
ctmjrjanhaj: sorry it took so long i have no idea why it dies not find channels it might be the wrong firmware the only thing i found about it was here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80023518:48
szeckHei guys18:48
lenswipePici: ive now removed freeradius-mysql and the problem still persists...18:48
markl_ok this is really weird, i have rhythmbox and skype up at the same time18:48
Crosswingtue_ :P18:48
sarfarazi got an idea18:48
eggmanpete[A]KangB, that seems fine, did you unmount and mount -a ?18:48
markl_whenever a skype noise plays, it pauses rhythmbox to play it18:48
ctmjr*dies > does18:48
szecksomeone can help me? my native resolution of the screen is not in the resolution list!!!18:48
lenswipePici: its not just joomla, its anything with d DB though inclduing phpbb and everything else!18:49
tue_<Crosswing> :)18:49
[A]KangBeggmanpete, im waiting for your answer... im going to do it18:49
sarfarazHow abt the devs wrote some shell scripts to help automate things a bit for novice users???18:49
cliffanyone know how to configure local domain18:49
sarfarazHow abt the devs wrote some shell scripts to help automate things a bit for novice users???18:49
lenswipePici: its just one big FUBAR18:49
nils_hmm how can I debug network manager based openvpn?18:49
nils_specifically: where is the log?18:49
markl_why can't they share the sound card18:49
LjLsarfaraz: ideas in #ubuntu-offtopic - support in #ubuntu18:49
lenswipesarfaraz: how about you did :) go learn bash?18:49
sarfarazYeah its damn easy18:49
skysongszeck: i went through this, very disturbing indeed. Tried adding your resolution to xorg.conf?18:49
szecki have 1680x1050 because of 20" but in the list the max is 1280x102418:49
sarfarazshell scripting is fun18:49
lenswipesarfaraz: good :) enjoy18:50
szeckskysong no how can i do that18:50
lenswipePici: so yeah, any ideas?18:50
[A]KangBeggmanpete, same problem18:50
TeknkikHi, how i can set automount to media sda3?18:50
markl_szeck: sounds like you don't have your proper video driver - just the default VESA one18:50
sarfarazlenswipe dont u agree???Shell scripts to dial internet thru bluetooth??Mobile Braodband18:50
janhajctmjr: ok.. thank you very much..  thank you for time spent for me..18:50
skysongszeck: add the Modes under the "screen" section18:50
szeckmarkl_ how to fix it?18:50
heathkidlosher, if I set the remaining space as a logical paritition, I cannot set up any logical partitions on it (as in, it isn't an Extended partition)18:51
markl_szeck: sadly each different card has their own way to do it18:51
VCoolioTeknkik: in /etc/fstab18:51
wolframhallo ist jemand deutsch??18:51
sarfarazhow to recover data off reiserfs any ideas???18:51
heathkidlosher, I meant primary18:51
lenswipesarfaraz: cant say ive ever tried18:51
loshergrawity: heathkid: hmm. Is there no other option for the remaining space? Which tool is this?18:51
Picilenswipe: This mysql bug thread sugests increasing max_allowed_packet : http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=101118:51
Pici!de | wolfram18:51
ubottuwolfram: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:51
llutz!de > wolfram18:51
neC0how to update to GNOME 2.28???18:51
ubottuwolfram, please see my private message18:51
eggmanpete[A]KangB, not sure. is the /media/disk folder root?18:51
markl_szeck: maybe google for your card and ubuntu or something like that18:51
PicineC0: Wait until Ubuntu 9.10 is released and then upgrade.18:52
sarfarazhow do i update jaunty to gnome 2.2818:52
lenswipePici: does it tell you how to do that? also it was working perfectly until i installed freeradius-mysql18:52
heathkidlosher, I'm just going through the install CD18:52
sabatHow do I shut down X completely. if I kill the process it just auto-restarts.18:52
Picilenswipe: Yes, but this really is a #mysql question, its odd that they sent you back here.18:52
eggmanpete[A]KangB: try adding uid=1000 and umask to the options18:52
losherheathkid: so it should be gparted, unless the server edition uses something else...18:52
Mr-WoofDoes anyone use UNR on a eee900?18:52
Picisabat: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop18:52
szeckmarkl_ how i can pull off the annoyng label on the corner of the screen with the name of the screen????18:52
[A]KangBeggmanpete, yep.. but i cannot change allowments including where i'm root18:52
Teknkikis eny matter vith the uuid?18:52
DeBaimbohello, is there a quick way to see if I am running ubuntu 64 bit or 32 bit? I am not the one who installed it on this computer18:53
sarfarazany LFS builders on hardy???18:53
oblenobanyone reccomend screen recording software other than Recordmydesktop?18:53
LucidGuyIs there anything out there better then NX for remote desktop control?18:53
Tillotson[A]KangB: change the options of dev/sdb1 in fstab to defaults. Then `sudo mount /media/disk` will mount the disk18:53
grawityDeBaimbo: uname -a18:53
dehqan_how to fix this ?#getlibs /usr/bin/gyachi No match for libgyachi.so No packages to install   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77380218:53
szeckmarkl_ oh sry18:53
zleapDeBaimbo, uname -a should give you the kernel18:53
markl_szeck: hammer & chisel maybe18:53
zleapso it may indicate if its a 32 or 64 bit kernel18:53
Tillotson[A]KangB: then check the permissions with `ls -al /media/disk`18:53
grawityDeBaimbo: uname -m, actually.18:53
szeckmarkl_ is that if u have the screen setting window open there's the label18:54
sarfarazi use Acronis for distributing my "furnished" ubuntu to other ppl and they luv it..m thinking off uploading it to torrents!!18:54
eggmanpete[A]KangB: ok, nvm. try the uid and umask18:54
DeBaimbothanks a lot!18:54
[A]KangBTillotson, i do that before... and have no solution!? any OTHER idea?18:54
max9964 bit or 32 bit? uname -m is just the kernel u are using18:54
Mr-Woofno unr users in here?18:54
sarfarazhow to install on hardy18:54
sarfarazi need help with initrd generatino18:55
Tillotson[A]KangB:  If the permissions are wrong use `chmod -R [A]KangB:<group> /mnt/disk`18:55
Keiichihow I can install cURL?18:55
snakedochi, how can i try to reconnect usb device without restarting the pc, repluggin the device doesn't work, (device becomes unresponsive)18:55
Mohammad[B]how i can find a keyword in many files with grep command ?18:55
grawityMohammad[B]: grep -r18:55
sarfarazi use Acronis for distributing my "furnished" ubuntu to other ppl and they luv it..m thinking off uploading it to torrents!!18:56
sarfarazi need help with initrd generatino18:56
[A]KangBeggmanpete, "/dev/sdb1 /media/disk ext3 rw,user,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,umask 0 0"18:56
Tillotson[A]KangB: when you posted the output of ls -al before it looked like the disk wasn't mounted18:56
max99Keiichi: how I can install cURL? sudo apt-get install curl18:56
[A]KangBTillotson, the disk is empty18:56
losherheathkid: hmm. https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html does talk about 3 partition types: primary, logical and extended. It claims 4 primaries, 1 logical and 2 extended. I'm not sure I agree exactly, but it's good for starters. I usually create root (primary) then logical (rest of disk) and put swap and home into the logical part...18:57
Keiichimax99: i try thism dont working18:57
sarfarazi m boss of partitionin18:57
TillotsonThen chown the directory18:57
heathkidlosher, I don't get a "pretty" scrren like GParted... just a screen with a blue background and at the top [!!] Partition disks18:57
Tillotson[A]KangB: /media/disk18:57
[A]KangBeggmanpete, cannot mount, invalid operation (sayed by Gnone)18:57
sarfarazcfdisk is best18:57
max99Keiichi: max99: i try thism dont working? what is the error?18:58
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:58
KeiichiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:58
losherheathkid: shouldn't matter. All the partitioners offer the same basic facilities. Is there a help function?18:58
eggmanpetesudo mount -a18:58
Keiichimaybe i shold log on root account?18:58
sarfarazhow to generate initrd18:58
Mohammad[B]grawity, thanks18:58
eggmanpete[A]KangB: sudo mount -a18:58
[A]KangBTillotson, you say that 5 minutes ago, i did it, and don't works... any OTHER idea?18:58
grawityKeiichi: That, or prefix the command with 'sudo'18:58
max99Keiichi: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? you have synaptic or another program open?18:59
Keiichisystem was updating18:59
max99yes that would do it.18:59
heathkidlosher, yes, but it's worthless18:59
sarfarazany idea how to generate initrd on hardy19:00
Keiichiworking! if i close updater. Thank you very much :)19:00
Brian___im having some problems with cairo dock. yesterday everything was fine  but today the opengl cairo is invisable and the non open gl one is located half way up the screens location19:00
losherheathkid: did you have a particular partitioning scheme in mind?19:00
[A]KangBeggmanpete, http://pastebin.com/m59b088a519:00
sarfarazany idea how to generate initrd on hardy19:00
sarfarazany idea how to generate initrd on hardy19:00
sarfarazany idea how to generate initrd on hardy19:00
FloodBot2sarfaraz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:00
dehqan_good day ,after following this guidehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=773802 for using 32 bit package in 64 bit ubuntu ,faced this error > ~# getlibs /usr/bin/gyachiNo match for libgyachi.so19:00
dehqan_ No packages to install19:00
LjLsarfaraz: any idea how not to be ery annoying19:00
loshersarfaraz: there are web pages on it, I've seen them in passing....19:00
Keiichibut how to run this program, it have GUI?19:00
szeckHei guys when i go in "hardware drivers" and trying to download the proprietary FGLRX ati drivers the window: "download and installing driver freeze"... ANY guess what's happening?19:00
sarfarazany idea how to generate initrd on hardy19:01
sarfarazits not working Kernel panics on boot19:01
dehqan_#gyachi gyachi: error while loading shared libraries: libgyachi.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:01
heathkidlosher, yes19:01
void_pointer!patience | sarfaraz19:01
ubottusarfaraz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:01
losherheathkid: tell us...19:01
szeckHei guys when i go in "hardware drivers" and trying to download the proprietary FGLRX ati drivers the window: "download and installing driver freeze"... ANY guess what's happening?19:01
heathkidlosher, #1 255MB primary ext2 boot Boot /boot19:01
eggmanpete[A]KangB, sry you dont need umask19:02
heathkidlosher, #2 Remainder Extended19:02
fotiswhy does kde  try to emulate microsoft?19:02
heathkidlosher, #5 20G logical ext3 Root /19:02
sarfarazbecause they suck fotis19:02
vigoszeck: is it permitted in Sources ?19:02
grawityfotis: Do you mean 'Windows' by "Microsoft"?19:02
[A]KangBeggmanpete, nvm.. deleting umask flaf from fstab19:02
heathkidlosher, #6 10G logical ext3 Home /home19:02
szeckvigo don't know how to check?19:02
eggmanpete[A]KangB: just chmod the /media/disk19:02
max99sarfaraz: any idea how to generate initrd on hardy. why?19:02
yaccHow do I check which Ubuntu release is installed on a server?19:02
[A]KangBonce again!?19:02
LjL!version | yacc19:02
heathkidhten swap on /dev/sdb19:02
ubottuyacc: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:02
Piciyacc: lsb_release -a19:02
sarfarazvmlinuz needs initrd to boot right????19:03
vigo!restricted | szeck19:03
ubottuszeck: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:03
sarfarazcompiling kernel generates only vmlinux systm map19:03
losherheathkid: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html, the partition number affects whether it's primary or logical. 1-4 are primary, first logical starts at 5. Maybe your partitioner follows this scheme? Also, where is your swap?19:03
Ian_it's for drscheme :)19:03
wrapsterIm having a weird issue with vbox on ubuntu..19:03
yaccWhat's the end-of-life policy with Ubuntu?19:03
fotisI say that they need create a new environment for linux19:04
Piciyacc: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:04
Wanna-BuntoHaving a problem installing Ubuntu Server ,,, Either my cd is bad or its not recognizing my harddrive19:04
void_pointeryacc, once your life ends you have to stop using it19:04
eggmanpete[A]KangB: ok, unmount it. then do: sudo mount -o user,rw /dev/sdb1 /media/disk19:04
wrapsterIf i run it as root it works fine. but as an ordinary user it screws up my entire machine19:04
wrapsterthe machine just hangs.. anyone with the same problem?19:04
yaccvoid_pointer, usually I would find stuff like that funny.19:04
sarfarazi agree with fotis lets wait for chrome os..google's buildin a new one for it19:04
=== Wanna-Bunto is now known as Wanna-Buntu
WiZz3Hi, does anyone have any experience with drivers for Nvidia Geforce 6200, in ubuntu jaunty, i can't get my 3d acceleration to work ?19:05
=== Administrator_ is now known as sideshowbob
yaccSo what do I do with a 5.10 box? Any chance to dist-upgrade it to something somewhat current?19:05
max99 sarfaraz: compiling kernel generates only vmlinux systm map? http://kerneltrap.org/node/1499519:05
fotisis  chrome  open source?19:05
grawityfotis: Yes.19:05
[A]KangBeggmanpete, nothing19:05
grawityyacc: Backup/partition/fresh install would be much faster and much more reliable.19:06
heathkidlosher, swap will be on /dev/sdb19:06
Piciyacc: 6.06 is still supported. Did you see my link before? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:06
eggmanpete[A]KangB, nothing as in no writing. or no mounting?19:06
yaccgrawity, well, the issue is that it's in a colocation facility.19:06
losherheathkid: ok, so create root as partition 1, then see if you can create 5 on the remainder...19:06
[A]KangBeggmanpete, no writing19:06
grawityyacc: chroot/debootstrap?19:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eol-upgrade19:07
grawity!search eol19:07
ubottuFound: hoary, feisty, eol, gutsy, warty, breezy, edgy19:07
Keiichidoes cURL have GUI?19:07
max99sarfaraz:I would guess mkinird19:07
heathkidlosher, I can do that but I never end up with a partition 219:07
Crosswing!eol jaunty19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eol jaunty19:07
void_pointeryacc, you can try, but you'll have no joy19:07
Wanna-BuntuNobody has experienced the CD install partitioner not showing any harddrives? its not even showing a field or anything just help, undo changes, and continue (which fails because no root partition has been set)19:07
Gabehelp  am uber noon and have been using ubuntu for three days and want to throw computer out window19:07
PiciKeiichi: No, curl is a cli program.19:07
void_pointeryacc, I have tried the same 2x. I went with a backup and fresh install in the end19:07
yaccvoid_pointer, well, after studying the releases, a simple dist-upgrade into 6.06 LTS would seem like a sensible thing to do.19:08
KeiichiPici: ok, thanks.19:08
void_pointeryacc, as I thought ....19:08
zadarmo3anybody knows how to replace a 1gb casper-rw on liveusb with 4gb one withOUT losing data I have on that casper-rw"?19:08
heathkidlosher, I'm just setting them up as I was told... but there is no way to set up the #2 extended partition19:08
losherheathkid: per the web page, partition 2 would be required to be a primary...?19:08
[A]KangBWanna-Buntu, yep. when the CD boots... try to select Install instead run live CD...19:08
vigoCrosswing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:09
Wanna-Buntu[A]KangB: -.- i did select install it went through all the way to the partition harddrive point19:09
losherheathkid: you might wanna wait and get a second opinion from someone familiar with the server partitioning prog...19:09
void_pointeryacc, I'm only relating my experience. The time it will take to resolve some dependency hells, not the least of which is perl, can outweigh the warm glow of the seeming simplicity of the dist-upgrade19:09
Gabeam trying to get computer to update and keep getting errors that repositories are19:09
sideshowbobwhat version of ubuntu is mint 6 based on? 8,04?19:09
eggmanpete[A]KangB: very odd. must have something to do with /media/disk folder. all the ways i've said are writable mounts19:09
Gabent downloading19:09
yaccvoid_pointer, well, in the end it does not matter.19:10
jophishI have a file with a bunch of directories and files listed in it, one per line19:10
jophishHow can I remove them all19:10
Wanna-Buntu[A]KangB: then it failed to show any partitions just help a space undo and continue19:10
heathkidlosher, yes, I know partitions 1-4 are primary but I need to set up partition 2 as extended sort of like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ExtendedPartition (but I don't have the nice GUI on the server install)19:10
Crosswingvigo, cheers19:10
losheryacc: I agree with void_pointer. Far more trouble than it's worth to attempt an upgrade from a distro that's so far behind...19:10
void_pointeryacc, what does not matter?19:10
yaccvoid_pointer, technically, a colocated rented server that has been installed in 2005 should be moved over to new hardware anyway.19:10
[A]KangBeggmanpete, we can start at 0... with another folder name, keeping /media/disk dead19:10
nmvictorAnyone know how to compile opensips in ubuntu?19:10
fotiswhat is the best strategy game in ubuntu? like workcraft19:10
eggmanpete[A]KangB: i just saw your ls -la. the folder belongs to root19:11
void_pointeryacc, ok. Well, I only offered my experience and opinion. Feel free to do what you like, obviously :)19:11
aem-irc-afotis, solitaire :D19:11
Gabeis there a guru whos brain i can pick in a 1v1 chat session f for a few minutes?19:11
[A]KangBok eggmanpete thanks anyways :D19:11
[A]KangByou too Tillotson19:11
aem-irc-asorry :)19:11
eggmanpete[A]KangB: have you tried making a folder in /media/disk ?19:11
heathkidlosher, but in the server install there is no gui for partitioning and there is no option for creating an "Extended Partition"19:11
void_pointer!pm | Gabe19:11
ubottuGabe: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:11
[A]KangBeggmanpete, of course19:11
eggmanpete[A]KangB: as root?19:12
[A]KangBeggmanpete, of course19:12
Wanna-Buntuheathkid: theres KIND of a GUI ... unfortunately it doesnt work for me19:12
[A]KangBeggmanpete, as user isn't allowed, as root yep19:12
[A]KangBWanna-Buntu, there's 2 ways to install... running live CD, doubleclicking on install... or selecting install at boot19:12
fotisdoes anyone know real if exist strategy game in linux?19:12
Gabei keep trying to run updates and am getting mixed messages from system  On one hand it says updates are up to date on other hand it say it hasn19:12
Gabet been checked in 200 days19:12
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnhow to get Wicd working > 9.04. sees the network (another laptop with an open connection) but keeps displaying connecting and not doing anything19:13
Gabewhen i try and check updates i get error saying repositories aren19:13
Wanna-Buntu[A]KangB: ill go through and double check maybe i can get it to work19:13
yaccvoid_pointer, => well I concur with your opinion, it's just that I'd go even further. A colo-server that is that old, should get replaced anyway, as the probability of hardware failure starts to rise :(19:13
eggmanpete[A]KangB: not read what Tillotson said, but did you 'sudo chown USERNAME /media/disk/'19:13
Gabet working19:13
geirha!info glob2 > fotis19:13
[A]KangBeggmanpete, yep.. as root because 'disk' alows to root19:13
heathkidWanna-Buntu, indeed... I guess you could consider this a GUI but not like in the HowToPartition/ExtendedPartitiion section on the help.ubuntu.com site19:14
fotisis glob2 gME?19:14
vigoPsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn: Try #ubuntu+1 yet?19:14
void_pointeryacc, yeah. Do you have that option though?19:14
PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAnwill try it now19:14
geirhafotis: Yes, real-time strategy game.19:14
[A]KangBWanna-Buntu, try the second one... select install on boot19:14
jophish\join #bash19:14
eggmanpete[A]KangB: if you want write access you need to chown as your username19:14
lightnesshi one question im unable to delete/change permission on some files on my usb drive, any ideas how to figure this out?19:15
losherheathkid: if you have a live cd of a recent desktop system I suppose you could boot it and use gparted to partition your disk, then boot the server install and tell it to use the existing partition scheme...19:15
[A]KangBeggmanpete, when mount or umount it... it returns to old values19:15
[A]KangBeggmanpete, this folder is root, at only for root19:15
aem-irc-afotis, warzone or something19:15
heathkidlosher, thanks... I'll try that19:15
yaccvoid_pointer, short term, no, as a project has to start rollout next week. middle term there is no other option, IMHO. 4 yrs for a server is good age to retire it.19:15
[A]KangBeggmanpete, leave it... i will try later... thanks anyway :D19:16
eggmanpete[A]KangB k19:16
MTec007is there anything special i need to do, i have a printer port plug that allows a ethernet cable to be attached, how would i use that to get internet on my other [old] laptop?19:16
aem-irc-afotis, wide lands19:16
void_pointeryacc, agreed. Anyway, we'll get an OT warning soon :)19:16
Gabeis there a tech support chat room where i can talk with some experts?19:16
yaccOT warning?19:17
max99lightness: ls -l, then sudo chmod 777, or something like that what the problem?19:17
Pici!offtopic | yacc :)19:17
ubottuyacc :): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:17
Gabehow do i fix repository error?19:17
aem-irc-aGabe, Im a technical support :D19:17
aem-irc-aGabe, but in HP :/19:17
PiciGabe: What error? Can you pastebin the text of it?19:18
Gabepici yes   one moment plz19:18
GabeCould not download all repository indexes19:19
GabeThe repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.19:19
Brian___'can anyone help me out with cairo dock  it keeps wanting to start in the middle of the screen as in halfway up the screen19:19
Brian___and its invisable19:19
Gabeit downloads 115 files but doesn19:19
Gabet install them19:19
amcsiI changed my ctrl-alt-delete key combination to gnome-system-moniter, and it worked for a while, but now it locks instead. please help.19:20
yaccIs there somewhere a list of Ubuntu security fixes that where released?19:21
the_archit3ctHi (:19:22
PiciGabe: What version of Ubuntu are you using?19:22
Gabehardy heron 8.04.219:23
losheryacc: you could poke around http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/. Dunno if that's what you're looking for...19:23
server_sidewhats the difference between sudo and su?19:24
yacclosher, just something to illustrate how many security updates there have been since 2007 ;)19:24
yaccserver_side, su asks the root password, which is by default not set.19:24
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:24
losheryacc: that might do it, take a look...19:24
yaccserver_side, sudo asks per default the authorized users password.19:24
erUSULserver_side: sudo does something as a given user su switchs to another user19:24
lightnessmax99 didnt work ,maybe a command to "format" the usb drive?19:24
losherGabe: you've done the usual sudo apt-get update ?19:24
server_sideahhh ok great19:25
fotisdoes anyone play games online in ubuntu and what games?19:25
Gabeim total noob   had this 3 days don19:25
Gabet know what19:25
b3rz3rk3rfotis, Savage 219:25
Gabei don19:25
b3rz3rk3rfotis, wicked game19:25
Gabet know what usual is yet19:25
sburwoodI use Ubuntu 8.10.  I use Thunderbird as an e-mail client.  While Thunderbird worked in the past correctly, now, each and every time I use it, it asks me for the e-mail addresses, etc.  Why?19:25
sburwoodand what to do?19:25
erUSULfotis: Guild Wars; Urban Terror but move this to #ubuntu-offtopic19:25
yaccerUSUL, su can run a command too.19:25
yaccerUSUL, and sudo -i gives you a shell.19:26
Gabelosher:  i dont know what usual is yet on this system  am old windows user19:26
vigoGabe: Takes abit of unlearning to learn, but read the forums. ALOT and it will help.19:26
erUSULyacc: how would you have answered the question ?19:26
yaccerUSUL, the difference is the security architecture. su switches to another user asking that user's password. sudo asks your own password, and checks if you are authorized to do the switchover.19:26
=== Guest36222 is now known as SecretAgentMan
sburwoodanyone wanna help me?19:27
max99sburwood: Thunderbird uses a profile folder (I forget of hand where) it must have changed.19:27
yaccerUSUL, on a default Ubuntu install su is worthless for root access as Ubuntu does not set a root password by default anyway.19:27
grawitysburwood: Try renaming ~/.thunderbird and ~/.mozilla-thunderbird19:27
Gabelosher:  got this error when i ran that command E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:27
sburwoodrenaming ... ?  Wouldn't it be better to just uninstall and reinstall Thunderbird?19:28
Gabevigo: whats the best place to start?19:28
losherGabe: wanna pastebin the output so we can see exactly what went wrong?19:29
sburwoodthanks for the help (I'm not being sarcastic)19:29
erUSULGabe: switch mirrors ?19:29
SecretAgentManhi, I just loaded up ubuntu. Great operating system.  I noticed on the network connection window there is an option to set up a vpn, but all the buttons are grayed out.  How do I set it up?  I just need to connect my system to another network across the INTERNET.  My system is behind a router with a firewall. BTW it is amazing that ubutnu includes VPN.  This is really a great operating system.19:29
max99sburwood:uninstall and reinstall Thunderbird? will just start a new profile19:29
grawitymax99: No, it won't19:30
b3rz3rk3rSecretAgentMan, you need to get a package, which for the life of me i cant recall suddenly19:30
b3rz3rk3rSecretAgentMan, i had the same trouble, i will find out for you19:30
vigoGabe: Look at the Ubuntu Forums, Absolute Beginner Talk is a good place.19:30
grawitymax99: (Re)installing an application _never_ touches user's settings.19:30
b3rz3rk3rSecretAgentMan, i think it was openvpn19:30
SecretAgentManThanks b3rz3rk3r I appreciate it.19:30
geirhaSecretAgentMan: network-manager-openvpn or network-manager-vpnc19:31
mgv1how can i find a good proxy for xchat and how it can be configured?19:31
vigoGabe: http://ubuntuforums.org/ and http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?s=6302f6943d1d68fc8aaaefda3a953ab8&f=32619:31
max99grawity: max99: (Re)installing an application, Was muggling up moving Thunder bird, maybe, thank19:31
hareldvdAny idea why /etc/environment has LANG=en_US.UTF-8 but echo $LANG says LANG=C ???19:31
madaraBoa tarde galera!!!!19:31
b3rz3rk3rgeirha, thx19:31
Gabelosher: are you there?  got disconnected somehow19:31
erUSUL!games | fotis19:31
ubottufotis: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:31
[A]KangBeggmanpete, now it works... i restart after installing some apps... and now it works. i don't know why19:31
markithi, kde programs have fonts much smaller than gnome ones. How can I setup this from gnome?19:32
losherGabe: still here. I asked for a pastebin of the output from apt-get update so we can see exactly what goes wrong...19:32
geirhaSecretAgentMan: Oh and network-manager-pptp for microsoft vpn servers19:32
Gabelosher: how do i get a pastebin?  dont know what that is?19:33
erUSULmarkit: install qtconfig19:33
erUSUL!paste | Gabe19:33
ubottuGabe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!19:33
max99markit: System-Prefrence-Apperance19:33
SecretAgentMangeirha: b3rz3rk3r, is it hard to set up?  I really like linux, but I wish it was easer for not it professionals. ... of course it has really moved leaps and bounds over the last couple of years, thanks to ubuntu.19:33
linuxguy2009Anyone have experience with doing an install over a local network?19:33
markitlet's try, thanks (if I use kde font size are perfect)19:33
losherGabe: nothing to it. Just browse to http://paste.ubuntu.com, copy in your output & then tell us the url it gives you...19:33
SecretAgentManGeirha, we are only using ubuntu for the vpn, although there will be windows systems on the network, but they will not be on the vpn.19:34
geirhaSecretAgentMan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient19:34
b3rz3rk3rSecretAgentMan, yeah its really easy if you are familiar with basic networking configs19:34
Gabelosher: one moment plz19:34
Brian___can anyone help me figure out why when i launch cairo dock it will launch halfway up the screen so its in the middle of the screen insted of the bottem19:34
Xcercadoes ubuntu (and compiz and dual monitors) work fine with ATI crossfire cards ?19:35
b3rz3rk3rSecretAgentMan, its got a GUI and as i recall most of it is pretty self-explanatory19:35
SecretAgentManb3rz3rk3r: not sure... if have the chops.19:35
MikeHAnyone around have any experience with RT Kernel patch?19:35
SecretAgentManok, will give it a try.19:35
aem-irc-aNow I have to ask questin: I have 160G hd, and OS is in one partition and second has all my personal data. How can i make this second partition (/media/disk) mounting automaticly at boot?19:35
geirhaSecretAgentMan: If the vpn servers are running ubuntu, then you likely want the openvpn one19:35
b3rz3rk3rSecretAgentMan, you'll be just fine, go for it. there is always the forums or #ubuntu when you get stuck ;)19:35
Gabelosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277324/19:36
Gabelosher: is that correct?19:37
ZykoticK9aem-irc-a, you need to add the drive to /etc/fstab - research fstab19:37
losherGabe: It's perfect. But it also looks like those servers are dell-mini specific? Sorry, I dunno much about them. There are only a few failures, and they may be temporary or unimportant. What are you planning to do next?19:38
Gabelosher: am trying to send screen shot19:38
Gabelosher: there are a bunch of updates am trying to get dl'd19:39
Gabelosher: 115+ that won19:39
losherGabe: no need for a screen shot. I can see everything of importance from the apt-get output.19:39
marcellusis there any downside choosing 64-bit Ubuntu over 32-bit?19:40
Gabelosher: wont install   k no prob  how do i get those to update?19:40
losherGabe: what are you using to get the updates. Synaptic?19:40
Vincemanhow do you enter programs in the Add/Remove list?19:40
max99some thing don't work 64bit19:40
vigo!update | Gabe19:40
ubottuGabe: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:40
Gabelosher: i don19:41
loshermarcellus: 64-bit tends to be a bit less stable in my opinion, depending on which release. Unless you need more than 4GB swap space, it's not worth the bother...19:41
Gabelosher: i don19:41
csabawhen I start X with startx the monitor freezes and I cannot do anything. I've tried downloading the latest ATI drivers, installed them, ran aticonfigure --initial, but it still won't work19:41
yahooguntuVinceman: at the top there's a box you can type program names in. Just check the box and press "Apply" to install it.19:41
Gabelosher: damn mini keyboard19:41
csabaI've tried using an old xorg.conf without success19:41
Gabelosher:  ok i don19:41
Vincemanyahooguntu, it's the search box?19:41
csabaand there are no errors in /var/log/Xorg.019:41
eric-bRMS in his full glory: http://lolwat.net/?w=7e9770a3b73fa829ed766264a0c61a9c19:41
csabawhat could be wrong?19:42
losherGabe: slow down & try again...19:42
Gabei dont beleive it19:42
yahooguntuVinceman: Yes. It will search as soon as you type something19:42
edubruelldoes anyone know how well the radeon HD 4570 works with ubuntu19:42
loshereric-b: nerdvana19:42
Gabelosher:  thanks for patience  ok  i don19:42
yahooguntuVinceman: But you have to check the box next to the programs you want to install.19:42
eric-blosher, you mean the pipe or the food or the hair?19:42
eric-bor all of it!19:42
edubruelli plan to install jaunty or karmic on machine with a radeon HD 4570 card19:43
Gabelosher:  dont beleive its synaptic   also cant get firefox 3.5 to install19:43
loshereric-b: the whole package. He'll make some extra-terrestrial very happy one day...19:43
Vincemanyahooguntu: it says There is no matching application available.19:43
eric-bhah, you got that right19:43
losherGabe: ff35 has a special trick to it.19:43
losher!ff35 | Gabe19:43
ubottuGabe: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY19:43
nmvictorwhats the command to verify if a useraccount already exists, for my case i wish to verify with a command if user nagios already exists?19:43
grawitynmvictor: id nagios &> /dev/null19:44
Gabelosher:  what does that mean when you put a ! in front of ff35?19:44
eric-bnmvictor, id <userid>19:44
loshernmvictor: you could grep /etc/passwd for an entry, and/or check /home/nagios exists, or something...19:44
grawitynmvictor: or maybe, 'getent passwd nagios' would be better.19:44
eric-bid nagios is the better option19:44
grawitylosher: It isn't always /etc/passwd.19:44
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yahooguntuVinceman: next to the search bar there should be a drop-down menu. Select "All Available Applications". This will make it so that all software, including "unofficial" software, is available to install.19:44
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mikepettweird... when I use the my keyboard volume control knob, the volume goes up and down as it should according the the speaker volume indictaro on the taskbar, but he volume doesn't actually go up or down. Any ideas?19:45
PiciGabe: Its a trigger for our channel bot ubottu, see its response to you above after losher used the command.19:45
losherGabe: it means the channel bot has a recorded message on the subject. See http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=partition19:45
csabacould someone help me fix startx? Everything else in linux works... I run it in console mode19:45
csabaand it says the graphics card works too... except the screen is black19:46
grawitycsaba: What is the exact problem, and what distribution are you using?19:46
grawitycsaba: And do you have an ~/.xinitrc?19:46
loshergrawity: that's true if using NIS etc. Please suggest a better recommendation...19:46
grawitylosher: I already did, 'id nagios' or 'getent passwd nagios'.19:46
mattgirvcsaba: If auto detection failed, you can always try configuring it yourself manually.19:47
loshergrawity: very good, I learned something new...19:47
Vincemanyahooguntu do you need to be logged in as root or something?19:47
dimi3Hello, I have a problem running compiz. I have nvidia quadro nvs 140m. But when I'm watching movies and I do ALT+TAB the movie window starts to blink..19:47
csabaubuntu 9.04 and there is no .xinitrc19:47
mattgirvcsaba: Either way, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 and go through the options to confirm the settings19:47
nmvictorgrawity: eric-b losher thanks alot19:47
grawitycsaba: Then you need to create one. startx uses ~/.xinitrc to find out what exactly to start.19:47
csabamattgirv: I've tried dpkg-reconfigure and it didn't work19:47
grawitycsaba: For example, you might put 'exec gnome-session' to .xinitrc (it is a simple shell script).19:47
yahooguntuVinceman: No, it'll ask you for a password when it's ready to install. What's the name of the program you're trying to install?19:47
csabaok i'll try19:48
mgv1can you give me a proxy so i can overcome the restrictions here? http://sounds.bl.uk/View.aspx?item=024M-1CL0005041XX-0100V0.xml19:48
VCoolioI use an alternative window manager; when I open gnome apps, gnome-settings-daemon gets started and switches themes and stuff; if I kill the daemon, everything is back except fonts (too big). How to revert that?19:48
Gabelosher:  so basically ff35 isnt available for my rig yet ... mentions jaunty but says heron has to stand by?  how do i update to jaunty on a netbook with no optical drive?  is it possible?19:48
csabaok I've created the .xinitrc and wrote the exec gnome-session and it's again a black screen19:49
grawitymgv1: I suggest Tor.19:49
csabait doesn't react to ctrl+alt+f1 so I cannot go back to console19:49
Gabelosher: in your opinion where the best site for command lists and how to get a noob on his feet and walking if not running?19:49
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=== blubb is now known as Nightwolf
csabahowever, it does react to the on/off button19:49
mikepettlemme try a reboot, weird19:49
mattgirvcsaba: You said dpkg-reconfigure failed, what exactly did you type and what does it say/why does it fail?19:50
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csabamattgirv: it didn't fail, only after it startx didn't work as usual19:50
csabai mean, it didn't fix  it19:50
mgv1grawity, i cound secced installing tor19:50
=== Nightwolf is now known as blubb
=== blubb is now known as Nightwolf
Guest34122hi people19:51
csabaI've tried autodetecting the keyboard and setting it manually19:51
Blasturanyone know if there is a console (no gui) terminal that allows 'tabs'?  (ie several terminals in one app, and the ability to switch between them quickly)19:51
mattgirvcsaba: And you are 100% that your refresh rates are set properly19:51
Guest34122i need an advance19:51
csabalet me check19:51
grawityBlastur: 'screen' might be useful.19:51
mattgirvBecause it does sound like an incorrect refresh rate/screen resolution19:51
amcsiI changed my ctrl-alt-delete key combination to gnome-system-moniter, and it worked for a while, but now it locks instead. please help.19:51
csabamattgirv: where should it be defined? in xorg.conf?19:51
losherGabe: I wouldn't update to Jaunty personally. It's not as stable as hardy. Must you have ff35 *today*. Most of us are managing just fine with 3.0.14 or some such. You can download a daily build if you absolutely cannot wait, but it might not be stable. As for best learning site, start here https://help.ubuntu.com/ and wander around...19:52
amcsiis CompizConfig doing it?19:52
csababecause there's nothing about a refresh rate there19:52
Blasturgrawity, yeah, though so too.. but how can i quickly swap between screen instances from a single connection?19:52
coldflame23anyone uses gwibber?19:52
SecretAgentManWhy is it so hard to set up a vpn behind a firewall?  I would think this is something that a lot of people need and the process would have been simplified.19:52
mattgirvcsaba: Yes, /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:52
grawityBlastur: You don't need to - you can have several windows in a single instance.  Basics: 'screen' to start a new session; 'screen -r' to reattach to an existing session; Ctrl-A, C to create a new window; Ctrl-A, A to switch between last two windows; Ctrl-A, N = next window; Ctrl-A, [0-9] = windows 0 to 919:52
csabaI've also tried deleting the xorg.conf and according to the logs, it tried to failsafe with vesa, but that failed as well19:52
Korlishello all19:52
Korlisim so happy i solved my problem19:52
csababut I don't think it's a driver problem, because the ubuntu startup animation works19:53
Blasturgrawity, cool,lemme try that19:53
csabathe splash screen i mean19:53
Korliscsaba, whats goin on19:53
grawityBlastur: If you have 'screen' running, press Ctrl-A, then press 'c', and it'll create a new window.19:53
csabastartx is not working19:53
nmvictorgrawity: eric-b losher How about checking if a group exists?19:53
Gabelosher:  endless gratitude and thanks to you sir/ma'am19:53
Korliswhat error is it giving you19:53
grawitynmvictor: 'getent group blahblah'19:53
janhouseCan anyone suggest any goof backup software on Linux?19:53
losherGabe: a pleasure to be able to help....19:53
Gabelosher: do you have an email where I might pick your brain further in the future?19:53
grawityBlastur: Ctrl-A, ? gives a short list of shortcuts.19:54
grimlockhello to all19:54
csabathere is no error... according to /var/log/Xorg.0.log everything is perfect... but I get a black screen and can't do anything else... except the Power button, that works19:54
Korlisis it a laptop?19:54
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losherGabe: sorry, I only do support on-line as available. But there are plenty of others like me (some of them a darn sight cleverer) on tap for you here...19:54
Korlisproibably just set to an external monitor, is there a hot button for that?19:54
csabaoh, maybe19:55
Gabelosher:  np  still thank you.  You19:55
Vincemanyahooguntu the Jin, FICS client19:55
Gabelosher:  you19:55
csabalet me check, I've got it today :)19:55
Blasturgrawity, great, this is exactly what i needed. cheers19:55
shakall69hi all , i`ve upgraded to karmic, and now can`t even see the grub menu when booting how can i fix that19:55
Picishakall69 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.19:55
Gabelosher:  youre the one that stepped up and made it happen for me today so put a gold star on your fridge cause you rock19:55
Blasturbtw, when is the next ubuntu LTS release schedule to release?19:56
loshernmvictor: not sure it's a definitive test. Depends how accurate you need to be19:56
losherGabe: very cool, thanks...19:56
ZykoticK9Blastur, 10.419:56
csabahmm can't find any buttons19:56
Korlisapril of 201019:56
csababut it's dual boot and vista works fine, so I don't think it's switched to another moitor19:57
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csabaI didn't do no such thing, except change the resolution...19:57
csababut I'm not sure if that caused it19:57
nmvictorlosher: might have missed it, what was the command?i had a lag over here so irssi reconnected automatically, mind giving me the command again?19:57
Korlisok, one of your buttons should have a picture of a monitor on it, |[ ]| look something like that, hold the fn key and push that19:57
loshernmvictor: the consensus seemed to be the "id" command...19:57
loshernmvictor: or to use 'getent...'19:58
loshernmvictor: if you don't run anything fancy like NIS, a simple grep of /etc/passwd will probably be enough...19:59
KinG`PiNHoly hollywood.19:59
csabathere is such a button and I've tried pressing all the buttons like that, but it doesn't work19:59
KinG`PiNMassive list.20:00
csabaif I press ctrl+alt+del shouldn't it restart?20:00
grawitynmvictor: For a user, 'getent passwd joe'20:00
JohnNlo all20:00
csababecause it doesn't20:00
grawitynmvictor: For a group, 'getent group joegroup'20:00
Korliscsaba: it is posisble that x.org is looking for anothe rmonitor itself, if that be the case just boot with a live cd and replace the xorg config file with the default one off the live cd20:00
XoopIs there a way to pull back a file that was removed using "sudo rm filename"20:00
grawityXoop: Most of the time - no.20:01
csabaKorlis: I have 7 old xorg.conf's and I've tried using them all, even the failsafe, but it didn't work20:01
csabaKorlis: I've also tried deleting it...20:01
csabaI mean, I'm in console mode now20:01
ZykoticK9Xoop, there are undelete programs for ext2 filesystems, i think if you're using ext3 then you're out of luck...20:01
csabathat works20:01
losherXoop: in general, no. I don't suppose you have a backup...?20:01
csabaonly when I write startx it dies20:01
csabathe keyboard stops reacting20:02
csabahowever, the power button does work for some reason20:02
csabait shuts down linux nicely20:02
Brian___im trying to use conky but it keeps flickering20:02
server_sidehow can i change the perms of all files in one dir and set it as default for that dir?20:02
nmvictorgrawity: losher : thanks20:02
diddyI have the problem that my truecrypt partition was filled up completely until 0 bytes. Now I deleted a few gigabyte of stuff from the partition but it still shows up as o bytes in Nautilus. What can I do to fix that?20:02
Korliscsaba: have you tried alt+sysrq+k?20:02
Korlisprint screen20:02
boss_mchow can I temporarily convert a desktop ubuntu to a headless server, I assume I need to stop X from starting?20:02
Korlissame button20:02
dajhorndiddy: Did you empty the trash folder?20:03
diddyYes, I even deleted it.20:03
Korliscsaba: delete all the config files, then just use the file off a live cd that should bring it back to default20:03
dajhorndiddy: Open a prompt and run `df -h`.20:03
dajhorndiddy: Check whether the "Use%" column agrees with Nautilus.20:04
TheVenerableZhey, does anyone know of a good graphics card that'll work in ubuntu for 2x 22" widescreen monitors?20:04
diddydajhorn, /dev/mapper/truecrypt120:04
diddy                      459G  438G     0 100% /media/truecrypt120:04
Korliscsaba: if that dont work you can try booting into rescue mode from grub and choosing the fix x.org option20:04
diddydajhorn, but for sure there must be a few gigbyte free20:04
csabaok I was prssing ctrl+sysrq+alt+k and it printed out something :)20:04
csabaUnmount shoW-blocked-tasks20:05
losherboss_mc: I usually just do 'sudo mv /usr/sbin/gdm /usr/sbin/gdm.orig' and 'sudo mv /usr/bin/nautilus /usr/bin/nautilus.orig'. Easily reversed...20:05
dajhorndajhorn: There is, but it is probably reserved for the root user.  (See how 459 is not 438, but you've got 100%.)20:05
csabathe keyboard is still dead20:05
alerondoes anybody know the command to making the update manager stop popping up constantly20:05
aleronits getting real annoying20:05
server_sidexi cant run any files on apache local host, forbidden any ideas?20:05
boss_mclosher: does that drop it to command prompt?20:05
Korliscsaba: you dont need ctrl, just alt, what it does is give the keyboard control again and kills all processes and logs you out20:05
TheVenerableZNvidia supports ubuntu natively, right?20:05
LOLZebraSo I suppose I can't use the gflrx drivers for the ati radeon 9700 (mobility) ?20:05
boss_mclosher: and will that run without a graphics card?20:06
dajhorndiddy: Do you run your system out of /media/truecrypt1?  Or it is just for stuff.20:06
diddydajhorn, just backup stuff20:06
csabaah it did log me out!20:06
csabacool at least I didnt have to restart20:06
losherboss_mc: it definitely will drop to the command prompt if you reboot. A restart alone might not do it...20:06
csabaok in the old console tty1 I got an error from the ati driver20:07
boss_mclosher: cheers, I'll give that a go...20:07
dajhorndiddy: Is the /media/truecrypt1 filesystem ext2/ext3/ext4?20:07
csabafglrx: No matching Device section for instance blahblah found giving up.20:07
diddydajhorn, ext320:07
losherboss_mc: I'm not 100% sure it will come all the way up without a graphics card. Anyone?20:07
Korliscsaba: ooooooo, if you had said you had ati i woulda just said this from the beginning20:07
Korliscsaba: uninstall the ati driver20:08
andybaleron: Disable automatic updates via settings on the update manager.20:08
Korliscsaba: with apt, i dont know the package name20:08
csabaapt-get remove fglrx?20:08
boss_mclosher: there will be the onboard graphics20:08
Korliscsaba: ati sucks with linux20:08
dajhorndiddy:  You can get that 20GB back by doing this:  $ sudo umount /media/truecrypt1;  sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/mapper/truecrypt120:08
csabaok so after I uninstall it, then what?20:08
Korliscsaba: i had a friend with a similar problem i just had him return the ati and buy nvidia20:09
losherboss_mc: should be fine then. It's just that some modern mobos won't boot without a graphics card....20:09
Korliscsaba: reboot20:09
dajhorndiddy: Double check the device names, and answer "no" if it says something scary like "are you really sure?".20:09
leaf-sheepaleron: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Change%20in%20notifications%20of%20available%20updates20:09
Korliscsaba: i gott ago leave me a message if you still need help20:09
csabadelete xorg.conf first? or replace it with xorg.conf.failsafe20:10
csabaok thanks20:10
diddydajhorn, you are brilliant!20:10
diddyNow I am at 21GB! Thx so much!20:10
boss_mclosher good point, well, I know this one will boot into windows without one, so I'd assume it will work with ubuntu20:10
dajhorndiddy:  Np.20:10
losherboss_mc: yep, should work just fine. Good luck...20:10
diddydajhorn, :)20:11
csabaKorlis: it works!!! thanks alot man, I was working on this for 4-5 hours! :))20:12
hanshenrikim on a laptop; the built-in sound-card does not work (hardware failoure), and i have a external usb sound-card, that worked perfectly the first time i put it in while running ubuntu, but when i took it out and in again, it wont play anything with the usb sound-card (i do  find the card on Volume Controll tho, and i know its all plugged in correctly etc because it ran with my other OS (XP)20:12
hanshenrikwhat do?20:12
server_sideis there any software to help you with the teerminal like commands that can be saved ,alias etc?20:12
HiallIs it possible to change my locale from UTF8 to LATIN1?20:13
yahooguntuVinceman: That's a Java applet. It runs within your browser. All you need to install is the Java Runtime Environment.20:13
grawityHiall: It is, but why would you want to do that?20:13
grawityserver_side: What do you mean by that?20:13
Hiallso I can use postgresql db thats made in latin1 rather than utf8 :|20:13
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89
server_sidenavigating directorys , does it always have to be typed from scratch?20:14
jimcooncatserver_side: you know about tab-completion?20:15
toxicahelp , im installing right now ubuntu from cd and im on "prepare disk space" and i want want to keep my partition and dont know where to put to keep my partition20:15
eggmanpeteanyone know why I can't set my time using the 'Set date and time'? It keeps getting reset when i cahnge it. Using gnome20:15
boss_mclosher: how can I shut it down now?20:15
boss_mclosher: sudo shutdown now goes to the recovery menu20:15
afallenhopehey how do I get my swap to turn on, on boot?20:16
losherserver_side: if I understand what you're asking, the terminal runs a program called bash, which has a truly enormous number of features available, including the ability to create command aliases. start with 'man bash' and your eyes will cross. Maybe see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto20:16
afallenhopemy swap partition was reverted to a NTFS partition, so I used gparted and changed it to a swap partition.. but I have to turn it on manuall via sudo swapon /dev/sda720:16
grawityafallenhope: Usually swap partitions are added to /etc/fstab20:17
afallenhopegrawity, for some reason it wasn't in there20:17
grawityUUID=blahblah swap swap defaults 0 020:17
losherboss_mc: that doesn't sound right at all. Usually the recovery menu happens when the system can't boot properly...20:17
afallenhope# swap was on /dev/sda7 during installation UUID=e78eb557-f301-4a70-88bb-c975bc6a5e44 none            swap    sw20:18
boss_mclosher: I think that it treats not being able to find the gdm executable counts as a failed boot...20:18
afallenhopehowever, I have to manually turn it on20:18
toxicahelp , im installing right now ubuntu from cd and im on "prepare disk space" and i want want to keep my partition and dont know where to put to keep my partition20:18
jimcooncatserver_side: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_line_completion, neat demo at top of article20:18
geirhaafallenhope: The UUID has probably changed. Run «sudo blkid» and compare20:19
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:19
thiebaudetoxica, are you trying to dual-boot?20:19
losherboss_mc: sigh. of course it works perfectly well for me. Oh, well, put them back, get it booting again, and we'll try something else....20:19
afallenhopegeirha, it's not the same uuid so should I just change it?20:19
toxica<thiebaude> i have 2 boots and i want to put on the second boot20:19
boss_mclosher: can do20:19
geirhaafallenhope: Yes, if the swap partition has been part of a partition move/resize or similar, it has likely been recreated, which changes the uuid20:20
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:20
nmvictorwhats the name of the group virtual box creates during installation?20:20
afallenhopegeirha, so in the fstab just change the UUID?20:20
geirhaafallenhope: Yes20:20
llutznmvictor: vboxusers20:20
toxicahelp , im installing right now ubuntu from cd and im on "prepare disk space" and i want want to keep my partition and dont know where to put to keep my partition20:21
nmvictorllutz: thanks20:21
afallenhopethanks geirha20:21
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durttoxica, if you haven't changed anything it's best to cancel and read up on what you have to do.20:22
boss_mclosher: booting normally now20:23
boss_mclosher: I tried moving S30gdm to s30gdm in /etc/rc2.d/ but that didn't help either20:23
boss_mclosher: had the same problem as yours does20:24
toxicadurt : i have vista on C and i want to install Ubuntu on D so what to do20:24
thiebaudetoxica, you have the live cd?20:24
toxicadurt : i have 3 options . "install them side by side " , "use the entire disk " or Specify partitions manualy20:25
toxica<thiebaude> yes20:25
thiebaudetoxica, run the cd and when you get to the partioning part select install side by side20:25
thiebaudetoxica, thats the easiest way to do it20:25
toxica<thiebaude> it will install it on the other partiton ?20:25
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thiebaudetoxica, yes, if you select side by side option20:26
toxica<thiebaude> thank u20:26
thiebaudetoxica, it doesn't even touch windows20:26
toxica<thiebaude> i dont want it touch the C20:26
thiebaudetoxica, follow it carefully20:26
geirhatoxica: Is D: an empty windows parition?20:26
PSPi have a bin file ---> RealPlayer11GOLD.bin  how do i install it?!!!20:26
server_sidehow do i check if a certain process is running?20:26
vid1Hi. I am trying to establish Ubuntu-XP network over firewrite cable. XP sees the 1394 device, but I have problem with ubuntu. I see firewire device in lspci, I have ohci1394, ieee1394, raw1394 and eth1394 modules installed, but I don't see any new interface with ifconfig as I supposedly should. Anyone has some idea what to try?20:27
thiebaudetoxica, dont touch the ntfs partition20:27
toxica<thiebaude> it tells me before you can select a new partiton size any previous changes have to be written to disk , You can't undo this operation , please note that resize operation may take a long time20:27
boss_mcPSP: I would guess making it executable (chmod +x <filename>) then doing ./<filename>20:27
toxica<thiebaude> GO BACK or Continue20:27
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thiebaudetoxica, did you select side by side?20:27
WhitorHi. I'm moving to a new laptop and will be starting with a fresh install (9.04 or maybe 9.10) I would like to move my settings from my current 8.10 install to my new computer. Is there any way I can do this easily ?20:27
toxica<geirha> i have one empty and one full20:27
toxica<thiebaude> im about to chose it20:28
toxica<thiebaude> but it tells me that words so i want to get sure20:28
geirhatoxica: Ubuntu can't install on windows partitions. The best thing to do is to remove the empty partition, and let ubuntu create its own20:28
thiebaudetoxica, ok, be careful and choose side by side and let ubuntu do the rest20:28
geirhatoxica: You can do that with the manual partitioning20:29
geirhatoxica: in the Ubuntu installer20:29
jordanwbI just performed a Port Scan on my laptop and found 7 ports open. How do I find out what processes have opened those ports?20:29
Whitorgeirha, ubuntu absolutely can be installed on a windows partition20:29
toxicatoxic : dev/sda2 is green20:29
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guntbertjordanwb: lsof -i20:29
llutzjordanwb: sudo netstat -tulpen20:29
* thiebaude hands it off to others20:29
geirhaWhitor: Yes, as a file on a windows partition, but that won't give the full benefit of ubuntu20:30
toxica<geirha> Partition formating20:30
MenZaWhitor: I'm assuming you have just one / partition now, yeah?20:30
Whitorgeirha, right20:30
grawitygeirha: It will - the only downsides of Wubi are lack of hibernation, and less reliable filesystem.20:30
WhitorMenZa, no... I have multiple actually20:30
jordanwbllutz: Thanks20:30
MenZaWhitor: Do you have a seperate /home partition?20:31
WhitorMenZa, I do not ... but I have a home dir20:31
linuxguy2009not working20:31
boss_mclosher: any other ideas?20:31
geirhagrawity: Yes, but clearly, since toxica has a whole empty partition at hand, a proper install is the way to go20:31
WhitorMenZa, yeah I have one /20:31
WhitorI mis read your q20:31
guntbertlinuxguy2009: waht is "not working"?20:32
linuxguy2009sorry wrong window.20:32
MenZaRight. I suggest you copy your entire /home directory over to a different medium, install from scratch, this time creating a seperate /home partition over. You can then move the info onto that partition. The upsides to having a seperate /home partition is that you can just install a fresh system on the / partition, and all your files and settings remain intact.20:32
MenZa@ Whitor, pardon me for that20:32
thiebaudetoxica, lets us know what happens20:32
Whitorgeirha, wubi uses ext3 fs I beleive. I should be identicle to a clean install on a new partition20:33
WhitorI = it20:33
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:33
LOLZebranobody talks20:33
Keifferhow do you make a user that doesn't require password?20:33
geirhaWhitor: ext3 in a file on an NTFS partition. One becomes dependant on windows to fix eventual errors on the NTFS partition to have ubuntu work20:34
WhitorMenZa, ok... good idea. thats actually what I was planning on doing ... but certain apps are going to have a prob with that... firefox comes to mind20:34
wximangoalguem por ai20:34
guntbertLOLZebra:  do you have an ubuntu support question?20:34
MenZaWhitor: Shouldn't be a major problem.20:34
guntbert!es | wximango20:34
ubottuwximango: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:34
geirhaWhitor: Not to mention the problems with fragmentation on ntfs20:34
alerondoes anybody know whats the command is it that can tell what version of gtk i have20:35
Whitorgeirha, the file shold not become fragmented if its not fragmented to begin with20:35
VCoolioKeiffer: in system > prefs > login window > authentication you can enable automatic login20:35
djbpythonwhy is ubuntu 9.04 insanely slow on a modern system?20:35
Whitorcreated on fragmented space... that is20:35
KeifferVCoolio, no, i have multiple users..20:35
thiebaudedjbpython, its blazing fast on my dual core20:35
MenZadjbpython: It isn't for me. Nor is it for most others.20:35
Keifferdjbpython, is it slow?20:35
geirhaWhitor: Right, that's true.20:36
djbpythonmenza, right, which is why i think i must be doing something wrong20:36
MenZadjbpython: Well. State how it's slow, what sort of system you have, and maybe we can help you from there.20:36
djbpythonKeiffer, insanely slow20:36
Xcercaare there any issues with ATI crossfire and ubuntu ?  like will compiz and dual monitors still work ?  is the ATI driver install just like the nVidia driver ? is there a GUI to control everything ?20:36
chimpIf you are ssh'd to a server and lose a connection, your can't type exit to close ssh, and ctrl-c doesnt work, what can i do to force ssh to close other than kill it?20:36
thiebaudedjbpython, how much ram do you have?20:36
djbpython1.6 dual core AMD with 1gig of RAM20:36
Keifferdjbpython, is just you system or is a general bug?20:36
MenZachimp: Just... kill it?20:37
thiebaudedjbpython, im close to you ,i have amd 1.8 2gb ram20:37
djbpythonI have firefox, a few terminal windows, xchat, and a few file system browsers open20:37
chimpMenZa: Thats an ugly solution if you dont have x, you have to log in again if it isnt run through screen20:37
thiebaudedjbpython, what graphics card?20:37
djbpythonit is thrashing my disk hard20:37
soreauXcerca: Yes, there is amdcccle gui to control fglrx but I cannot say if fglrx works with crossfire and you'd need the graphics driver working to use compiz20:37
* Whitor loves compiz20:38
victor__quien habla español20:38
djbpythonthiebaude, don't know20:38
soreauXcerca: If fglrx supports crossfire, everything should work including monitors20:38
DJones!es | victor__20:38
ubottuvictor__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:38
MenZa!es | victor__20:38
thiebaudeWhitor, me too20:38
Whitorcompiz (beryl in the day) was the trigger that got me to switch completely from that other os20:38
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soreauWhitor: me three20:39
thiebaudesoreau, haha20:39
MdyterHello Ubuntu Community !20:39
Whitorhello Mdyter20:39
* thiebaude lets see windows 7 do that20:39
Xcercasoreau, thanks , do you have an ATI video card ?20:39
soreauXcerca: Yes20:39
Whitorwin7 has some cool effects ... but still not like compiz20:40
chimpMenZa: ahh I found it, incase you are interested ~ is the escape key in ssh and ~. will quit20:40
devourer09Are there any packages for installing drivers for the Intel G33 graphics card?20:40
thiebaudeyea it does, but....20:40
toxica<thiebaude> no select up between linux and vista20:40
WhitorI like the icon lighting effect as the mouse hovers over an icon in Windows720:40
Xcercais their a GUI to set up resolition and all of that ?  does compiz work fine ?20:40
Xcercasoreau  ^^20:40
afallenhopeupdate-manager keeps telling me there's a dist upgrade :-s20:40
markitwith qtconfig I've changed font, but only qtconfig seems get that new font size. Other kde4 apps in gnome have a small font size, how can I fix it?20:40
guntbert!ot | Whitor toxica thiebaude - kids :-)20:40
ubottuWhitor toxica thiebaude - kids :-): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:40
thiebaude!grub | toxica20:40
ubottutoxica: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:40
soreauXcerca: I use the open source driver and compiz works fine with it. I used fglrx years ago and it too is quite capable of running compiz20:41
thiebaudeguntbert, sorry i got carried away20:41
VCoolioKeiffer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=513820 also read the last post there, seems really easy but never tried myself20:41
thiebaudehmm kids20:41
djbpythonconstantly having to force quit windows20:41
Xcercasoreau  , cool , have you ever tried the one from AMD/ATI  ?20:41
Mdyteri'm first time on irc, with who i can speak about a problem?20:41
soreauXcerca: The one from AMD/ATI is fglrx20:41
guntbert!ask | Mdyter20:41
ubottuMdyter: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:41
KeifferVCoolio, Tahnks you20:41
XcercaMdyter,  everyone is fine20:42
toxica!love <thiebaude> thank u alot man :) see u later byebye20:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about love <thiebaude20:42
soreauXcerca: It is also referred to as catalyst or the proprietary driver20:42
Xcercasoreau , thanks,  and it's open source ??20:42
thiebaudetoxica, ok, no problem20:42
WhitorMdyter, anyone! just ask20:42
soreauXcerca: Proprietary = closed source20:42
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soreauXcerca: The open source driver is called 'radeon' or the open ati driver. Since AMD has released specs and has full time developers for linux drivers now, things are really shaping up for the open driver20:43
Mdyteri have a problem with internet in ubuntu 9.04 . i have usb  adsl modem, can't make it  work on ubu. so i have to use M$ to have acces to internet20:44
jimmy51__this is probably going to sound ridiculous, but i have a driver problem.  i have an HP Smart Array P212 that I need to support on the windows XP kernel.  HP doesn't have drivers for anything older than server 2003.  The Smart Array works fine for my ubuntu boxes.20:44
markitMdyter: so you have two problem,s20:44
jimmy51__can i somehow take the linux driver and compile for windows?20:44
markitthe second having to use M$ ;)20:44
soreauMdyter: Can you get to a terminal and type 'lsusb' while the modem is plugged in and show us the output?20:44
tehbauthas anyone seen any window-docking untilities for ubuntu similar to win7's 'half-screen' docking feature?20:45
Xcercasoreau , cool , i'm about to get some ATI cards and have crossfire set up (because my mobo doesn't support SLI)  ,  anything you'd recomend ?20:45
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:45
server_sidehow can i install lamp on ubuntu20:45
Sahilskhey....there some problem in my ubuntu  9.04, some day b4 i had a virus on window xp. Virus was too strong that even norton fail b4 him.still i m not able to install window as that virus come every time i install the new window.I now stopped installing window  and working on ubuntu. But sometime automatically, mouse start behaving madly. Trash folder open up on its own and keep opening  for some moment.In the end i find i have lots of trash folder opene20:45
Sahilskd on my desktop.This problem come very often when i work  with firefox, though opera show such problem , but not more often. Any clue wat going on inside ubuntu.and do suggest some nice antiviurs if it's virus problem.20:45
Pici!lamp | server_side20:45
ubottuserver_side: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:45
soreauXcerca: I can't speak for the newer ati cards or crossfire since I haven't tested. Either google, phoronix forums or ask in #radeon even20:46
llutzMdyter: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-networking/8853-connecting-usb-cable-modem-linux.html20:46
Xcercacool , thanks20:46
SeekerNLcan someone explain me when I have 4gb of memory why only 2.9 gb is showing in systemmonitor ( shared gpu memory is 512 )20:47
llutzSeekerNL: use 64bit OS to use full 4GB (or PAE-kernel with performance-loss)20:48
SeekerNLI am using amd6420:48
tehbauthmmm, so no one has seen any window-docking untilities for ubuntu similar to win7's 'half-screen' docking feature?20:48
nota9tehbaut no but I want that too.20:48
SeekerNLllutz I use amd64 so thats not It I am really sure I installed amd6420:49
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tehbautyeah, it seems extremely useful nota920:49
nota9tried to look for it for use with metacity20:49
trijntjeSeekerNL, so it shows 3.4 GB memory total20:49
boss_mcanyone know how I can temporarily disable the graphical interface on jaunty (so I can use it as a headless server temporarily)20:49
SeekerNLno 2,9 ( but I know gpu takes 512 )20:50
Mdyter<markit> yes ) 2 problems)     <soreau> yes, i can. i will make it now and after write the output    <llutz> thx) i'll read and try20:50
hanshenriksay i got 2x sound-cards in my computer, and both of them work, how do i change the default sound-card to use?20:50
grawityboss_mc: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop20:50
shawn_Im probably going to be upgrading Ubuntu to the 64 bit version because I heard it works better with Virtualization... Has anyone ever tried the 64 bit version and does it work well?20:50
Xcercaboss_mc  in terminal do  sudo init 220:50
VCoolioSeekerNL: a few months ago ubuntu didn't support more than 3 Gb; anyway, you won't need the last Gb I suppose20:50
llutzMdyter: 1st module is called "cdc_ether", not CDCEther20:50
SeekerNLso yes without gpu talking memory that would be 3,420:50
Xcercaboss_mc  , it will just take you to a command prompt20:50
Pici!runlevels | Xcerca boss_mc20:50
ubottuXcerca boss_mc: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.20:50
kosinskinara pl20:50
boss_mcXcerca: grawity: I want it to be a like that from boot (so I don't need a monitor/keyboard/mouse)20:50
SeekerNLVCoolio I dont need it but I pay for it20:51
Guest8508hey i have a problem here. I have a bunch of .avi i am trying to play but everytime i open it up in movie player it crashes.... i tried another program (vlc) it also crashed..... im thinking there is a problem with the codecs... i just wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem and if so how to fix it.20:51
xxx19ukxxhot show for cam only for text menssage people interested add to gene_martines@hotmail.com20:51
guntbertSeekerNL: system monitor seems sometimes hmpf - what does free (on the commend line) show?20:51
VCoolioSeekerNL: that's the (dutch) spirit, but you didn't pay for ubuntu :)20:51
erUSULboss_mc: sudo update-rc -f gdm remove when you want to enable it again sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults20:51
trijntje!who | SeekerNL20:51
ubottuSeekerNL: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:51
boss_mcerUSUL: when I tried that, it worked sort of but I couldn't shut down the computer20:52
trijntjeSeekerNL, I think thats just the difference between 4*10^9 and 4*2^3020:52
* Strife89 forgets how to check removable devices. For example, is my SD card /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc?20:52
boss_mcerUSUL: 'sudo shutdown now' went to the recovery screen20:52
erUSULboss_mc: :|20:52
ctmjrGuest8508: try running it it terminal and see what error's you get for vlc run cvlc "path to .avi"20:53
meeboss_mc: taking a look at /etc/event.d/rc-default, it looks like you can put the default runlevel in /etc/inittab20:53
guntberterUSUL: do you know if there is a factoid about "sudo update-rc -f gdm remove" ?20:53
Picimee: We don't use /etc/inittab on Ubuntu.20:53
SeekerNL!tab | guntbert http://paste.ubuntu.com/277364/20:53
ubottuguntbert http://paste.ubuntu.com/277364/: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:53
boss_mcmee: but in ubuntu runlevels 2, 3, 4 are the samee20:54
meePici: what's that all about in rc-default, then?20:54
ToxicaHey !!! i installed my ubuntu side by side with vista but it created a new partiton beside the two partitons i have and with low free disk space20:54
SeekerNLguntbert http://paste.ubuntu.com/277364/20:54
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shawn_What's the easiest way to switch from 32 bit to 64 bit Ubuntu? Just use the Ubuntu boot disk to format the Ubuntu partition and install on top?20:54
* Strife89 forgets how to check removable devices. For example, how would I check to see whether my SD card /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc?20:54
meecruft, I guess20:54
jribboss_mc: and 5!20:54
erUSULguntbert: i do not see the point of one. what should the factoid be  about ?20:54
boss_mcjrib: typo!20:54
Picimee: Its just for compatibility's sake.20:55
erUSULshawn_: yes reinstall is the best option20:55
guntberterUSUL: my bad memory :-), but never mind20:55
meehmm, ok. Then ignore my suggestion as it sounds like it's a bad practice in ubuntu20:55
shawn_erUSUL Have you ever tried the 64 bit version?  Will I still beable to use most of the programs in synaptic?20:55
SeekerNL!tab trijntje I think its weird my 4 gb don show up20:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:55
erUSULguntbert: but you are free to try to add one. just contact ubottu in private20:55
erUSULshawn_: i run 64 bit since intrepid20:56
PiciSeekerNL: Please stop using !tab before your responses.  The factoid means to use your tab key on your keyboard to complete people's names.20:56
shawn_erUSUL and everything works fine?20:56
penanyone know how to recursively use rm to delete all subfolders with name .svn?20:56
trijntjeSeekerNL, !<something> is just to let the robot (ubottu) say some automatic stuf20:56
penI want to delete them20:56
erUSULshawn_: yes20:56
Toxica Hey !!! i installed my ubuntu side by side with vista but it created a new partiton beside the two partitons i have and with low free disk space20:56
PiciSeekerNL: I don't think you are running the 64 bit version of Ubuntu, what does the output of uname -a say?20:56
shawn_erUSUL thanks Ill definately switch to that now then to take advantage of my 8 gigs of RAM20:56
JuzzyToxica: it didn't, you did.20:56
trijntjeSeekerNL, there is a difference between what vendors think 4GB is and what ubuntu thinks 4GiB is20:56
erUSULpen: i would use « find folder -type d -name '.svn' -delete »20:57
jribToxica: what do you want to do now?20:57
cellofellowanybody here know anything about dbus? Occasionally my system dbus daemon starts to eat about 30% CPU, sometimes more. I can't find any consistent trigger for it. I did dump a few seconds from dbus-monitor --system into a file. http://tinyurl.com/y8zb55g20:57
penerUSUL: find has -type flag? interesting20:57
Guest8508ctmjr: in quotes???20:57
SeekerNLPici Linux Seeker 2.6.31-10-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 16 01:09:15 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:57
jacquesdupontdhey guys20:57
penerUSUL: wait, find folder?20:57
penerUSUL: I thought there is only find20:57
PiciSeekerNL: What version of Ubuntu are you running there?20:57
jacquesdupontdcould you remind me a good desktop recorder ?20:57
cellofellowoops, wrong url20:57
jacquesdupontdto make a video of compiz ?20:57
Toxicajrib : to make 2 paritons 1 partion20:57
SeekerNLaplha 620:57
PiciSeekerNL: Then you need to be asking in #ubuntu+120:57
jribToxica: you realize you will lose data?20:57
guntbertSeekerNL: that is "just a little" more than on 3 genuine 3GB system (3054624), so I'd suspect your video grabs more than you thought20:58
erUSULpen: instead of folder put the actual folder you want to do the clean up20:58
Pici!karmic | SeekerNL20:58
ubottuSeekerNL: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:58
devourer09Are there any packages for installing drivers for the Intel G33 graphics card?20:58
SeekerNLmy video grabs 512 guntbert20:58
cellofellowhere's a dump from dbus-monitor --system for a few seconds while it's hogging CPU. http://tinyurl.com/ydtquuv20:58
penerUSUL: I want to find all .svn in the subfolder from my pwd20:58
Toxica jrib : no but ubuntu created new partiton beside of the empty one and wanna mix them together20:58
devourer09How do I install drivers for the intel garphics card g33?20:58
jribToxica: delete the one you don't want and expand the one you want to keep using gparted20:58
erUSULpen: then type -> find nameofthesubfolderfrommypwd -type d ...20:59
erUSULdevourer09: they should be already installed and running20:59
erUSUL!intel | devourer0920:59
ubottudevourer09: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.20:59
Toxicajrtib : what to delete its empty and i have only 50 mb free20:59
ctmjrGuest8508: no quotes20:59
devourer09erUSUL: Thank you. :)20:59
jribToxica: the partition.20:59
erUSULdevourer09: no problem20:59
penerUSUL: btw, -delete is invalid predicate21:00
penerUSUL: type works, name works. just delete is not21:00
jribpen: it should be valid21:01
penjrib: I type find -name '.svn' -type d -delete21:01
penjrib: it says -delete is not valid21:01
jribpen: are you using ubuntu?21:01
penjrib: kinda21:01
erUSULpen:  use « find folder -type d -name '.svn' -exec rm -r {} \; »21:02
jribpen: then -delete is kinda valid :)21:02
nota9-delete is in the man page...21:02
penerUSUL: ok I will try that, but do I need back tick?21:02
penerUSUL:  and what does {} do?21:02
erUSULjrib: nota9 pen yes is in the man page maybe it does not work in directories ?21:02
* jrib tests21:02
nota9fair enough21:02
jacquesdupontdi just one the name of the best and more light real time desktop recorder21:02
shanghi all, does anyone know how to apply this patch (http://bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=143915) to totem ???21:02
erUSULjrib: nota9 pen or in "non empty" directories (just as plain rm)21:03
jriberUSUL: right, but it won't say it's not valid21:03
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erUSULpen: {} is where the name of the folder will be put by find when execing the command21:04
penerUSUL: why need the back slash?21:04
TomBridzashi i want ask some stupid question ar Ubuntu update automatic vga drivers21:04
penerUSUL: and ;21:04
TomBridzaslike my vga ati radeon x55021:04
TomBridzasi need found manual thows drivers21:04
TomBridzasor not21:04
nota9erUSUL et al "find dir1 -type d -name '.svn' -delete" worked fine for me21:04
TomBridzasthanks for answer :D21:04
sebsebsebTomBridzas: there is no answer yet, but i'll do one21:04
pennota9: weird21:05
erUSULpen: to protect agains shell expansion surprises... really go *read* the *man* *page*21:05
sebsebsebTomBridzas: Be clear, have you got drivers on there right now for ATI that work?  and it's Ubuntu 9.04 yes?21:05
penerUSUL: just lazy :P21:05
TomBridzasubuntu 9.0421:05
sebsebsebTomBridzas: With working ATI drivers?21:05
jribpen: life is usually a lot more interesting when you are not lazy21:05
nmvictori wish to redirect a commands ouput(1) and any arror messages(2) to /dev/null i have done a <command> 1>/dev/null to redirect the output, how do i redirect the errors on the same command?21:06
PiranahAnyone have any experience with mx5000-tool ?21:06
TomBridzaswell i think yes becouse video things looks good21:06
llutznmvictor: 2>&121:06
penjrib: you are right sir. but sometimes it's easier to be lazy21:06
sebsebsebTomBridzas: right ok, and for some reason you want to upgrade to even later drivers, why is that?21:06
cwallhey there... how to fix "/etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 0440" remote?21:06
jribcwall: no idea why it says that?21:06
gustavolmforce acpi ?21:06
cwallrestart in safe mode w/ networking (ssh)?21:06
jribpen: not in the long run21:07
penjrib: erUSUL: thx for the help anyway21:07
gustavolmcommand ..21:07
penjrib: i'm just lazy for this time21:07
nmvictorllutz: so should i append that on the same line? as in something like  1>/dev/null 2>&121:07
TomBridzaswell i just want thet my pc by up to date :D21:07
cwalljrib: i screwed w/ my sudoers file21:07
jribpen: ok (you are going in my book)21:07
llutznmvictor: yes21:07
jribcwall: what did you do exactly?21:07
TomBridzasand evrything work good21:07
nmvictorllutz: thanks21:07
sebsebsebTomBridzas: ok I see,  well  I recommend not upgrading to  later drivers,  because it can mess things up21:07
cwallsudo chmod 666 /etc/sudoers21:07
Poul|RaiderHey, any java programmers around? Wondering if its possible to do the following, I have values stored as Object (it can be strings and ints etc) And I also have another list telling what types they are like "String" "Int". So are there a way to program so Object is cast to string if "String" or int if the value is "Int". Some way to write console program that i can type in 500 int and it will store the value as an int and not a string ?21:08
TomBridzasi think it is but in opnline very mach people say thet need to manual instal vga drivers or something21:08
TomBridzasok then21:08
jribcwall: reboot in recovery mode and chmod it back21:08
amcsiI changed my ctrl-alt-delete key combination to gnome-system-moniter, and it worked for a while, but now it locks instead. please help.21:08
sebsebsebTomBridzas: quite a few people have also had issues with ATI drivers in 9.0421:08
TomBridzasnow evrythink i understeand21:08
erUSULPoul|Raider: /j #java21:08
TomBridzasvery very thanks :D21:08
penjrib: your book? huh?21:08
cwalljrib: my machine is remote... reboot into a runlevel w/ networkign?21:08
pepahi, can anyone help with session saving in xfce-terminal? thanks21:08
sebsebsebTomBridzas: when you do 9.10 though, which isn't released yet, maybe you will also have a later ATI driver21:08
AbdoPoul|Raider,use parsing i think21:08
sebsebsebTomBridzas: Newer is not always better!21:08
jribpen: to make sure it was only this time (joke)21:09
sebsebsebTomBridzas: and newer  graphic  card drivers can mess things up soemtimes,  as I basically already said21:09
Guest8508ctmjr: i got a output.... where can post my output21:09
TomBridzas;) ok i keep it mind :D thanks subsebseb :D21:09
jribcwall: umm, I don't think you can fix this without physical access.  Did you happen to setup a root password?21:09
shawn_Is there anyway to switch to Ubuntu 64 without losing all data?21:09
sebsebsebTomBridzas: no problem21:09
cwalljrib: i didn't!  sigh21:09
guntbert!pastebin | Guest850821:09
ubottuGuest8508: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:09
nmvictorllutz: is the a problem in something like  <command> 2>/dev/null 1>$LOG_FILE ?21:10
penjrib: do you use ubuntu?21:10
ctmjr!paste | Guest850821:10
ubottuGuest8508: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!21:10
jribpen: sometimes21:10
sebsebsebshawn_: seperate home partition?21:10
penjrib: and gnome?21:10
XgatesI installed Ubuntu through the min. iso as a net install and I can't get wireless to work, it says for the Macbook Pro that I have wireless works out the box, but I only installed E17, I'm not running Gnome. So I'm wondering if maybe there are any tools I should install that automatically setup wireless, or if maybe I need to configure a config file since I didn't install Ubuntu off the regular cd?21:10
crystuferYo. Someone wanna help me get my mic to start working as an input instead of routing out through my speakers?21:10
jribpen: nope... (let's go to #ubuntu-offtopic)21:10
llutznmvictor: "command >foo 2>&1"21:10
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:10
Guest8508this is what i got21:10
penjrib: i'm there already21:11
sebsebseb!home | shawn_21:11
jribcwall: no terminal with root access right?21:11
ubottushawn_: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome21:11
penjrib: come come21:11
nota9was there another gnome bulk file renamer other than pyrenamer21:11
nmvictorllutz: where foo refers to file right?21:11
llutznmvictor: yes21:11
MdyterHi again. with "lsusb" ubu finds 'Device 002: ID 0915:8104 GlobeSpan, Inc. DSL-200 Modem Bus'  . i know that in m$ he uses PPPoE ,and with cd are drivers for redhat21:11
=== sale_ is now known as sale
zadarmo3does anybody know if I can replace a casper-rw file on my pendrive without losing data?21:12
ctmjrGuest8508: did you install the drivers for your graphics card?21:12
cwalljrib: no, no terminal access w/ root user... i never changed the default root passwd21:12
cwalljrib: thanks for help, btw21:12
jribcwall: you shouldn't but it would be a way to avoid physical access21:12
erUSUL!adsl | Mdyter21:12
ubottuMdyter: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE21:12
Guest8508anyone have any ideas???21:12
cwalljrib: how to crack root passwd?... w/o sudo21:12
llutzMdyter: sudo modprobe cdc_ether; sudo modprobe usbnet21:12
nmvictorllutz: so that sends both the output and the errors to foo, right? in my case however, i wanted to send the output to /dev/null and the errors to $LOG_FILE.what should the command be like?21:13
jribcwall: you can't, there isn't one.  Just get physical access to the server21:13
llutznmvictor: "command >foo 2>logfile"21:13
Guest8508ctmjr: i think soo......21:13
user__is this keyserver.ubuntu.com no longer in use or something?21:13
cwalljrib: i feared... guess i'll have to get on a plane  :-(21:13
user__its down for at least a week21:13
=== user__ is now known as Nin12
jribcwall: phone call and friend is probably cheaper :)21:13
Nin12gpg: requesting key 212CBCAD from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com21:13
Nin12gpg: keyserver timed out21:13
Nin12gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error21:13
llutzMdyter: then "ifconfig -a" should show a new device, use that for pppoeconf21:14
cwalljrib: think so...21:14
Mdyter<llutz> i'll try21:14
Nin12Is it possible to use a PPA without having the key, I need it now and the keyserver is broken for over a week21:14
cwalljrib: thanks!!!21:14
sebsebsebNin12: yes  I think they can be installed without that21:14
nmvictorllutz: im not getting you on something, what does the command you just gave do?i cant see /dev/null anywhere21:14
Nin12sebsebseb, do you know how?21:15
llutznmvictor: "command >/dev7null 2>logfile"21:15
erUSULNin12: yes; just answer yes when asked to confirm if you want to install something from "untrusted" source21:15
llutznmvictor: "command >/dev/null 2>logfile" sry#21:15
VCoolioNin12: have a link for the ppa? There are other ways of getting a key.21:15
Nin12this is it21:15
sebsebsebNin12: what erUSUL said I think21:15
Nin12it doesnt ask that21:15
Nin12it says this21:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!21:15
crystuferMy mic won't work as an input, and my voice comes out of my speakers. Anyone?21:15
philipp__anyone there?21:16
sebsebsebNin12: a ppa for what by the way,  apparantly sometimes ppa's can mess things up,  and so you shoudn't just install loads of them21:16
erUSUL!hi | philipp__21:16
ubottuphilipp__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:16
zadarmo3why doesn't Ubuntu 9.04 PL Remix include Broadcom STA driver? I can't compile it. I just finally made the ndiswrapper driver working :) But it took a lot of time :(21:16
Nin12thats the error i get, It doesnt ask if I want to do it anywat21:16
erUSULNin12: that is a warning you can ignore21:17
philipp__i have a HUGE problem. I have made a secound xserver on tty10 and now i get a bleck screen when i start21:17
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
erUSULNin12: now install something from that ppa21:17
Nin12erUSUL, it works21:17
zadarmo3philipp_ Recovery Mode?21:17
Nin12thank you21:17
philipp__anyone there to have time to help me with this problem21:17
mostafa_any body knows how to auto power on the computer ?21:17
philipp__zadarmo3 works but what shall i do there?21:17
zadarmo3restart X: Reconfigure X Server. there should be an option to do that21:18
ctmjrGuest8508: look in your main menu > system > administration > hardware drivers / for graphic card drivers if there is an option to activate then go ahead and do it21:18
philipp__when i start i get a login screen and a vew secounds later i becomes black... its also not possible to restart with strg + alt+ backspace21:19
philipp__zadarmo no... its no problem with the xorg.conf21:19
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.21:19
Guest8508ctmjr: i did and it does not show anything.... all it says is no proprietary software is installed21:20
philipp__i think its eighter the login manager or the gdm21:20
philipp__i have installed dontzap21:20
Guest8508ctmjr: i have a Intel Extreme Graphics 2 whats good drivers to install21:20
VCoolioNin12: you can copypaste the contents here to a text file and import that in synaptic > settings > repositories > authentication > import key file: http://ppa.launchpad.net/transmissionbt-beta/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg (assuming you're on jaunty)21:20
erUSUL!intel | Guest850821:20
ubottuGuest8508: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:20
philipp__how can i stop him makeing a secount xserver on tty10?21:21
crystuferHow do I make my mic work?21:22
zadarmo3crystufer: what's your sound card and mic?21:22
philipp__yea the login manager makes a error when he tries to make the secound xserver21:22
TheCheezeya know, i have never tested if my mic works...21:22
crystufer82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller and generic mic.21:23
zadarmo3hmm try mixing some devices in the Volume Control21:23
zadarmo3that ones with "capture"21:24
crystuferzadarmo3, My mic sound is coming out of my speakers, so I know the mic is working. Just cant' route it into programs.21:24
TheCheezei think i have the same one on my laptop. i just tested it with soundrecorder and it worked fine there21:24
philipp__please say me where i can turn of the secount xserver on tty1021:24
hnoDo anyone know how to debug ubuntu packages? Is that possible without first rebuilding the package to include debug info?21:24
philipp__come on... help me21:25
guntbert!please | philipp__21:25
ubottuphilipp__: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:25
trijntjephilipp__, just undu what you did to turn it on in the first place21:25
ctmjrGuest8508: look at the factoid erUSUL sent you and see if that helps you the reason you cannot play the videos is your cpu is doing all the work and the gpu is not getting utilized, you can also run these commands to confirm that xvinfo | grep version / glxinfo | grep render21:25
philipp__its a tough problem21:25
x-kenthow can I figure out why I get "Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt" ?21:26
ActionParsnipx-kent: read: /var/log/kern.log21:26
chazcoHi... i have an eGalax touchscreen installed on my netbook. Ubuntu has no support for it but the eGalaxTouch driver can be used. However it generates two click events for each tap. Any ideas on fixing this?21:26
mostafa_I wanna write a shell script that opens a program as root but I want to do it automaticly21:27
mostafa_what should I do?21:27
x-kentActionParsnip: It's not a ubuntu it's durring debian 5.03 installation proccess. It happens as soon as I try "detect hard drives". But the hard drive at that machine is a simple IDE21:28
trijntjemostafa_, you want to start a program as root without giving a root password?21:28
philipp__how can i turn on/off additonal xservers?21:28
philipp__without gui21:28
ActionParsnipx-kent: this is ubuntu support, not debian21:28
philipp__how can i turn on/off additonal xservers without gui?21:28
x-kentAcidPuddle, ok, thanks anyway21:28
ActionParsnipx-kent: debian support is in #debian21:28
trijntje!repeat | philipp__21:28
ubottuphilipp__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:28
mostafa_trijntje: with getting the password but I want the computer to do it not manually done that21:29
trijntjemostafa_, I dont understand that. Do you want to type in the password or not?21:30
nex__Hello, I'm trying to make user quotas, but when i run edquota it says it cannot find mountpoint for device /dev/sda1 how can i resolve that?21:30
mostafa_no I don't want21:30
mostafa_trijntje: no I don't want21:30
nightchillhi i get the following error while starting mumble: Opening chosen ALSA Input failed: Broken pipe21:30
nightchillany help on that?21:31
trijntjemostafa_, there's not realy a safe way to do that i'm afraid21:31
FIReunI've got ubuntu 8.10 x64 installed on a compaq presario v2000 series laptop - and I know the laptop has bluetooth - yet hcitool dev shows no devices - I've installed bluez-utils and gnome-bluetooth - yet no joy --- anyone know what to look at to get this working?  Is the bluetooth chipset part of the broadcom wifi chip?21:31
Kandahello ! any ALSA guru out there ?21:31
lakotajamesmy sound doesn't work.   it shows up as playing in pulse volume control.  but no sound.21:31
nightchillhi i get the following error while starting mumble: Opening chosen ALSA Input failed: Broken pipe, any help?21:31
mostafa_trijntje: don't worry about the safety :D just give me a solution21:32
Fox321123OK, I just loaded 64 bit 9.04. It keeps freezing randomly on me. Any help would be appreciated21:32
mostafa_trijntje: no matter safe or not21:32
FIReunFox321123: install ubuntu 8.10x6421:32
wng-any idea what would make a system freeze on the line "early unpacking initramfs..."?21:32
wng-3 other identical systems (same hardware, same bios settings, same live image) boot fine21:32
ActionParsnipFox321123: did you md5 check the iso and verify the cd once burned21:33
guntbertwng-: bad RAM?21:33
Halitechwng-, boot the live cd and run the memtest21:33
trijntjemostafa_, I think it matters wether its safe or not ;) What are you trying to do?21:33
wng-Halitech: it's passed memtest21:33
Kandasnd-ali5451 and its friends are loaded ok, audio apps run fine but the sound I get from the headphones is very very very weak. I can't hear anything through the internal speakers (very old toshiba s1800-100 laptop)21:33
Fox321123No i didn't, I will try that. I am running memtest right now. Also why run 8.10 instead of 9.04?21:33
trijntjeIs booting with acpi=off bad from a power-saving perspective?21:34
lakotajamesSomeone please help me make my sound work.21:34
ActionParsnipFox321123: you are supposed to do it BEFORE21:34
FIReunFox321123: I had nothing but problems with 9.0421:34
guntbertwng-: all 10 tests?21:34
ActionParsnip!sound | lakotajames21:34
ubottulakotajames: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:34
j1nnhow do I install a proprietary nvidia driver for gtx260? I looked at the howto page, but it doesn't say, how to do it from the command line21:34
mostafa_trijntje: I just want to open a program automatically as root21:34
wng-guntbert: it passed mt400 on 10 passes21:34
wng-or so21:34
wng-it ran memtest for over 48 hrs21:34
Fox321123I actually also have the same question as jlnn!!21:34
Mdyterdidn't  worked. It even does not blink with ADSL LED21:35
guntbertwng-: then it *should* be ok :-) - soory no more ideas then21:35
ActionParsnipj1nn: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 may work. You could try the beta 190 driver: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-190-25-beta-drivers-in-ubuntu-jauntyintrepidhardy.html21:35
philipp__how can i turn on/off additonal xservers without gui?21:35
j1nnFox321123, let's get some answers!21:35
llutzMdyter: are you shure it uses pppoe?21:35
Redundant_UsernaI have a problem with xsane. It won't detect my Brother mfc-290c all-in-one.21:35
ActionParsnipFox321123: you need to get a stable install first, you didnt test the ISO or disk so you may have installed using a bad disk21:35
j1nnActionParsnip, ain't there a virtual package that would keep it up-to-date?21:35
kermitwhats to keep any process with user access from poping up something looking like an update window and getting your root password?21:36
ActionParsnipj1nn: yes thats the one21:36
philipp__ther has to be a data where something is written in like "start x server".... where is it?21:36
trijntjemostafa_, search the web for visudo, or read man visudo21:36
WinballNetworkmanager does not work in Karmic ?21:36
ActionParsnip!karmic | Winball21:36
ubottuWinball: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:36
j1nnActionParsnip, okthx21:36
Redundant_UsernaI have a problem with xsane. It won't detect my Brother mfc-290c all-in-one.21:36
Mdyter<llutz>  here is the modem : http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=344421:37
=== Fox321123 is now known as Fox
ActionParsnipRedundant_Userna: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/download_prn.html#MFC-290C21:37
sebsebseb!hello |  dbugger21:37
ubottudbugger: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:37
dbuggerI was wondering if there was a way to make ubuntu look smaller. I dont have much of a resolution, and everything looks HUGE!21:37
philipp__okey.... does someone of you know ha i can cange the login manager in console?21:38
sebsebsebdbugger: Ok which graphics card?21:38
=== NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away
sebsebsebdbugger: hmm21:38
ActionParsnipdbugger: lspci | grep -i vga    will tell you21:38
Redundant_Usernachange the theme?21:38
sebsebsebdbugger: so  there probably isn't a driver you can install for it21:38
trijntjeIs booting with acpi=off bad from a power-saving perspective?21:38
Redundant_Usernamake the panels smaller?21:38
dbuggerOh no! that's on my other laptop :D21:38
dbuggerATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]21:39
sebsebsebdbugger: ok Intel not ATI hmm21:39
sebsebsebdbugger: See if there's a driver you can install for it system > administration > hardware drivers21:39
Halitechdbugger, using 9.04?21:39
dbuggerYeah, i have the max resolution allowed by my comp, but the default Ubuntu theme looks kinda big. I'd like to have a smaller theme21:39
sebsebsebdbugger: above I meant to put,   ok  ATI not Intel hmm21:39
dbuggermmmm, maybe Im not explaining myself well. it's not a "config problem"21:40
dbuggerEverything looks ok21:40
sanjidanyone know if http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766381 will work on kernel version 2.6.2821:40
dbuggerIt's just that it's a little "unbearable" to work, as an IT enginner I am, with these settings21:40
sebsebsebdbugger: I thought you said things were to big?  and you hardly had any resolutions to choose from, well installing the driver for cards tends to mean more resoloutions on Ubuntu,  or so it seems21:40
quantumlemurhey you guys in here helping out:  I just wanted to say thanks! for taking your time to provide good answers to everybody's problems21:41
dbuggersebsebseb, I have the same resolutions list I get in windows, so Im guessing it's quite right21:41
nmvictorwhat option should one pass to read to make its display the charactes the user types with the keyboard?21:41
Enzo`i'm having trouble installing flash on a laptop with an amd sempron system.21:41
dbuggerBut windows has a "small theme"21:41
dbuggerI'd like to get one of those21:41
dbuggerI have 1280x720, I know a lil crappy, but I'd like to make the most out of it21:42
Halitechdbugger, check in System - admin - appearances and see if you can change the font and icon size21:42
sebsebsebquantumlemur: Yes that's what some of us do here, help others with Ubuntu21:42
ActionParsnipdbugger: i know how to make firefox super thin21:43
sebsebsebquantumlemur: and unfortunatly no one that helps in here, can help with most problems, or so it seems21:43
ActionParsnipdbugger: you could set the default icon size to teeny-tiny21:43
dbuggerI dont see any way to reduce icon size21:43
Mdyter<j1nn> on m$ it get's to inet thru dial-up . on config modem has 'encapsulation: RFC 2516 PPPoE'21:44
dbuggerActionParsnip, I abandoned firefox for Chromium :)21:44
dbuggernow THAT's super slim :)21:44
Redundant_UsernaBut now flash is enabled by defualt21:44
HalitechRedundant_Userna, doesn't look like sane is supporting that machine yet http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl?manu=brother&model=290&bus=any&v=&p=21:44
Redundant_UsernaThanks anyway.21:45
quantumlemursebsebseb: well, even if a lot of problems don't get fixed here, it at least gives people a place to start, and plenty of things do get fixed21:45
ActionParsnipdbugger: i use opera21:45
Redundant_Usernacrashes like crazy21:45
harushimois it possible to run Internet explorer under wine21:45
Redundant_Usernagoogle is your freind21:45
HalitechRedundant_Userna, there could be a brother driver21:45
harushimoapparently, I need it for a job application21:45
ActionParsnipgoogle is one of my friends21:45
dbuggerStill... can someone help me with the huge desktop settings?21:45
Halitechharushimo, ie4linux21:45
ActionParsnipdbugger: let me see what i can find21:46
nmvictorAnyone know the options to be passed to read so that the user input is displayed as the user types?21:46
Tastefull==[ HELP ]== - Does anyone know what the newest installer is for Ubuntu that is suiteble to install on a IA64 (Itanium) system?21:46
harushimoi mean yeah21:46
Redundant_UsernaI have a driver, xsane just won't detect it I can print just fine21:46
Gabejust downloaded jaunty to external harddrive  how do i install to netbook from external hd?21:46
Halitechharushimo, http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page21:46
harushimoits not my browser of choice but I have no choice in this matter. they are probably running a asp script21:46
ActionParsnipdbugger: you can right click the icons on desktop and adjust size as you like21:47
trijntjeI want to reduce the "<kernel IPI> : rescheduling interrupts" wakeups on my laptop. How can i do this?21:47
ActionParsnipGabe: I use this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/21:47
dbuggerActionParsnip, resizing every single icon doesnt seem very approchabe21:47
ActionParsnipdbugger: true21:47
dbuggerbesides I want to shrink the whole OS appearance21:47
dbuggernot just the icons in the desktop21:48
Redundant_UsernaI try a new theme in emerald21:48
dbuggerI see some desktops with 10.000 icons and i get so jealous. I know they have barbaric resolutions, but still feels like more could be done with the one I have21:48
Redundant_UsernaOr go to Preferences -> Appereance21:49
dbuggerI alredy checked the configuration of gnome... not many good options there21:50
dbuggergnome lacks quite a lot in configuring21:50
ActionParsnipdbugger: you can check in system -> prefs -> appearence21:50
Halitechdbugger, anyone that has 10,000 icons on their desktop probably spends more time looking for things then actually working on the computer21:50
ActionParsnipdbugger: if you click interface tab you can make stuff be icons or text only rather than both21:51
chazcoHi... the driver guide for my touchscreen says that double taps can be prevented by adding a section to xorg specfiying what is the "real" mouse. This doesnt seem to work. Any ideas?21:51
dbuggerHalitech, but it's quite nice for code developing :)21:51
Mdyter<j1nn> can you help me?21:51
tehbautdoes ubuntu need to defrag?21:51
Redundant_Usernano, I don't think so.21:51
Halitechdbugger, then use launchers and drawers to organize things21:51
dbuggerActionParsnip, again, what im looking is to make the whole OS appearance smaller. Not just some items21:51
Redundant_UsernaChange the text size21:52
Halitechtehbaut, it will in a few dozen years but not on any kind of basis like windows does21:52
dbuggerI still want it to feel consistent and "as one"21:52
Nin12use compiz to zoom uit21:52
Redundant_UsernaUse a different theme21:52
ActionParsnipdbugger: openbox has a nice thin window decorator21:52
dracnoctehbaut: no, not really. Ubuntu uses a file system that is far more resilient to defragmentation than that used by Windows (NTFS)21:52
tehbautHalitech: didn't think so... ok21:52
dbuggerI'd wish not to have to change my windows manager21:52
meoblast001the Vera.ttf that comes with Ubuntu is the Bitstream Vera, right?21:53
dbuggerEnlightment was pretty nice, though...21:53
tehbauthow about a window utility like win7, where it can dock to windows to half-screen? anyone seen any thing like that?21:53
Foxmaybe I missed something. How do I get the newest drivers for my new evga gtx260, using 64 9.04?21:53
ZaI all i've a little problem with ubuntu jaunty and lkm trojan this is the log: http://nopaste.com/p/aFT9FCWz21:54
ActionParsnipFox: nvidia-glx-190 is newest: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-190-25-beta-drivers-in-ubuntu-jauntyintrepidhardy.html21:54
Redundant_UsernaKaramic comes out next month, correct?21:54
j1nnMdyter, are you sure you want to talk to me? have no idea what are you talking about21:54
sebsebsebRedundant_Userna: 29th October21:54
dracnoctehbaut: can you give us a URL with a screenshot of that feature?21:54
ActionParsnipfox: its beta but will also allow you to install the 185 f its no good21:54
chalcedony((((( ActionParsnip ))))))21:54
jakerueOK how to I use gparted to combine two partitions that are not next to each other?  Is this even possible?21:55
ActionParsniphi chalcedony21:55
FoxActionparsnip, Thank you :)21:55
rxdkarmic is good...u can mount your squashfs file on the fly21:55
Casper1Im using chm2pdf and having problems help please?21:56
nex__My file system has turned read-only on me, how can i fix that? I cant change back my fstab21:56
rxdlike layering/merging to your root (/)21:56
Mdyter<j1nn> sorry for poor English. how can i better explain my problem?21:56
sebsebsebZa: lkm?  Linux kernl machine or something?21:57
ActionParsnipnex__: boot to livecd or root recovery console and run an fsck on the partition and/or edit the fstab on your partition21:57
Zasebsebseb, i don't know look the log of chkrootkit21:57
sebsebsebZa: yes I did21:58
spOubuntu doesn't have a chkdsk program for ntfs usb drives, right?  is there a bootdisk or something i can use besides a whole windows os to check a ntfs usb drive?21:58
sebsebsebZa: and why arey ou doing a scan anyway?21:58
harushimothank I got the application working21:58
x-kentI am planning to build a machine that will serve as (media center/torrent/nat gateway) what ubuntu should I use server or desktop ?21:58
Casper1can some1 help me wtih me chm2pdf21:58
sebsebsebZa: also you probably don't have it, unless you installed it yourself,  or you got cracked21:58
Zai can't understand why when i change ip dos attack don't stop21:58
Halitechx-kent, how familiar are you with the command line?21:59
purpzeyCan someone tell me how to setup my printer so that my laptop recognizes it as a network printer using a GUI?21:59
ActionParsnipx-kent: if you can configure it in server it will be more responsive, transmission and rtorrent can all run as daemons21:59
HalitechZa, do you have a router?21:59
Zaonly a modem21:59
x-kentHalitech, I am ok with command line, but I will need X installed so it will display movies fotos to a TV that will be connected by VGA cable21:59
bitplanemy clock and task bar have crashed, how do I restart them? I'm using GNOME21:59
sebsebsebZa: Ok whatever OS your running if it's Internet connected you should have a firewall22:00
sebsebseb!firewall |  Za22:00
ubottuZa: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist22:00
dracnocx-kent: Mythbuntu will probably be your best bet.22:00
nimhlinghiya, does anyone know how to get in contact with the package maintainer for the volume icon in the system tray? karmic seems to have change scrollwheel sensitivity to adjust volume by 1% instead of the 5% of the previous release.22:00
mgv1hi, i'm trying to do "airmon-ng stop ath0" but it says "Run it as root". why?22:00
ActionParsnipx-kent: sounds like you want desktop then22:00
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Zasebsebseb, i'm using firestarter22:00
SeekerNLHello what is the package what will take over make install and install you compiled software as a deb?22:00
bitplanemgv1: sudo airmon-ng stop ath022:00
Halitechx-kent, then unless its getting heavy usage, might as well go desktop or myth22:00
sebsebsebZa: what you mean when you change IP something happens?22:01
SeekerNLyes thanks :)22:01
x-kentdracnoc, gonna read about that distro, I know nothing about it22:01
dajhornSeekerNL:  stow?22:01
ActionParsnippurpzey: is the printer a network printer or is it attatched to another system or do you want to share the printer?22:01
Casper1can some1 help me with converting a chm to a pdf22:01
SeekerNLdajhorn no checkinstall I meant22:01
purpzeyActionParsnip: The printer is attached to my desktop and I want to be able to print from my laptop (on the same network).22:01
x-kentHalitech, I just gave up installing debian, so now will try my luck with ubuntu22:01
Zaa lot of icmp packet on my pubblic interface22:01
ActionParsnippurpzey: what OS is the desktop running?22:01
sebsebsebZa: By the sounds of it you might actsaully have something bad on there,   and so the only way to make sure that is truely removed is to re install the OS.22:02
purpzeyActionParsnip: Both are Ubuntu.22:02
dracnocx-kent: Mythbuntu has a multimedia front similar to many digital TV systems (such as TIVO or Sky), but with many optional extras, plus it's a Ubuntu box underneath the hood, so you can add as many tools as you need.22:02
Zawhen i try to nmap source segmentation fault22:02
Tastefull==[ HELP ]== - Does anyone know what the newest installer is for Ubuntu that is suiteble to install on a IA64 (Itanium) system?22:02
Blasturhey.. can anyone give suggestions on a text-editor which runs without x, can highlight code, shows a line margin at 80 chars width, can easily reconfigure keys, and is not emacs or vim?22:02
rxdanyone running ubuntu 910 on a usb stick?22:02
ActionParsnippurpzey: you can install samba and share it that way22:02
Zasebsebseb, i hope so22:02
Casper1can some1 help me with converting a chm to a pdf22:03
ActionParsnippurpzey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=16388222:03
purpzeyActionParsnip: I thought that there was some simple GUI way to do it? from System, Admin, Printing...I thought I read a Howto a while ago.22:03
newillcan some of you help me understand how to get the ubuntu advanced desktop mode?...thanks22:03
JohnNwhere are the settings samba? running on xubuntu22:03
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nimhlingdoes anyone know if i could bind super+scrollwheel to change master volume?22:03
ActionParsnippurpzey: you can also connect direct to the cups system of the desktop22:03
arothCasper1: try kchmviewer and print as pdf22:03
sebsebsebZa: Remember none of these are 100% immune from malware,  Windows, Linux distros, or Mac OS X,  as well as other OS's  such as BSD.    This is why you should buy a hardware firewall or at least a router,  since those are meant to offer better protection than  software firewalls.22:03
x-kentdracnoc, yea, googled it and already downloading an image22:03
ActionParsnippurpzey: if you right click the printer you will be able to share it there, i believe that will use samba22:03
Casper1aroth: is that a program or a command?22:03
Zathanks sebsebseb22:04
purpzeyActionParsnip: Ok, thanks, I will check those out.22:04
arothcan someone confirm that the keyserver.ubuntu.com is quite slow at the moment?22:04
newillcan some of you help me understand how to get the ubuntu advanced desktop mode?...thanks22:04
ActionParsnippurpzey: the page I gave gives a more graceful pure linux way rather than using samba, if you DO use samba then windows systems will be able to use the printer too22:04
Zatomorrow i'm going to reinstall my ubuntu22:04
arothCasper1: kchmviewer is a program. It's a viewer for CHM files for KDE22:04
Casper1aroth: ok ill give it a shot22:04
dracnocx-kent: XMBC is another media frontend you might want to look at. There's a build espically for Ubuntu boxes. Very nice GUI.22:04
sebsebsebZa: If you do in fact have that type of malware on there,   I guess someone got into your computer and put it there, or you did it yourself? ,but why would you?22:04
dracnocx-kent: sorry, XBMC22:05
HalitechTastefull, I don't see any version that is specifically for IA6422:05
newillhello,,,, can some of you help me understand how to get the ubuntu advanced desktop mode?...thanks22:05
ActionParsnip!info xchm | aroth22:05
Zasebsebseb, i use only synaptic with official repository22:05
ubottuaroth: xchm (source: xchm): Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.14-4 (jaunty), package size 171 kB, installed size 748 kB22:05
shawn_Alright so this is what I have in my computer a Core2 duo , a P965 motherboard and 6GB of DDR2 RAM... I just switched to the 64 bit version of Ubuntu why is my RAM not showing up in the System Monitor tool thing on my toolbar22:05
ActionParsnipnewill: whats advanced desktop mode?22:06
ActionParsnipshawn_: try the command: free22:06
sebsebsebZa: you should learn about Linux firewalls :)  iptables,  firestarter,  gufw  etc,   and buy a hardware firewall or at least a router that has one22:06
dracnocI think newill is trying to ask about sudo22:06
DasEishawn_: look for it in hwinfo or install conky22:06
newillI have now the easy mode and I would like to pass to full desktop mode22:06
ActionParsnipnewill: oh you are on an eeepc arent you22:07
Zathanks sebsebseb good night22:07
newillyep :D22:07
thepoetanybody know how to bypass school security so i can get on an efnet server?22:07
* dracnoc just seen the light about newill's problem22:07
lullisHello, everyone. I need some help figuring out how to make my wireless card (linksys wrt54gs, cdrom says v1.4) work on ubuntu jaunty.22:07
shawn_DasEi Whats conky22:07
ActionParsnipnewill: its not running ubuntu, its running a modified xandros22:07
Nin12thepoet, use tor.22:07
sebsebsebZa: How did you know about that command though?  the one in your pastebin22:07
DasEithepoet: browser or irc ?22:07
Nin12make sure you don't ident or if you have to use https, since anyone can sniff tor22:07
lullisIs there any driver for it somewhere, or do I still need to go the ndiswrapper route?22:07
gonzzorIf I want to use binary driver from nvidia, is it nvidia-glx-180 I should install?22:08
lullisI did quite a lot of searching, but not of the solution on the forums worked for me.22:08
newillI installed ubuntu 8.0422:08
ActionParsnipnewill: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:getkde#enable_advanced_desktop_mode_-_the_easy_way22:08
shawn_Where do I get conky?22:08
thepoetim using xchat to try and connect to the efnet server22:08
sebsebsebZa: If a compuer has been infected by malware or is suspected to of been,   it's also a good idea to disconnect it from The Internet.22:08
DasEithepoet: install tor,  then configure your irc client to use that as socks5 proxy22:08
Halitechshawn_, sudo apt-get install conky22:08
Zasebsebseb, i use linux since slackware 2.022:08
ActionParsnipnewill: the netbook remix?22:09
DasEishawn_: sudo apt-get ionstall conky22:09
thepoetok cool22:09
* Slade is back22:09
JohnNaahhhh... system>shared folders to sort samba22:09
TastefullHalitech: there is a IA64 installere image for Hardy i think22:09
shawn_DasEi I did that command now where will it show up its not in my applications22:09
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DasEishawn_: conky ( as normal user)22:10
ActionParsnipnewill: if you have netbook remix, you can run: sudo apt-get install desktop-switcher22:10
ActionParsnipnewill: the desktop switcher will be in the system menu22:10
newillok ... thanks22:10
Casper1aroth: it works fine except it will only print one page22:11
shawn_DasEi It says I hve 3.16 GB RAM...22:11
razor_XActionParsnip thanks for the help man got my problem solved now :D22:11
ActionParsnipnewill: if you can provide info rather tan me guessing and guessing right it helps22:11
Casper1aroth: i selected all pages as well22:11
HalitechTastefull, nothing that I can see http://mirrors.easynews.com/linux/ubuntu-releases/8.04/22:11
ActionParsniprazor_X: what was the secret then?22:11
digilord_Is there any reason why if I setup a command in sudoers with the NOPASSWD option that I would still be asked for a password?22:11
DasEishawn_: 64 bit I got , did you check the specs of that mobo ?22:11
razor_XActionParsnip it was in the settings for monitor22:11
newillit's working :)22:11
nmvictorwhy does update manager launch itself automatically after every package install, this wasnt the case in intrepid22:11
razor_XActionParsnip the settings you pastebinned work like a charm22:12
shawn_DasEi... A guy in hardware named Beelsebob checked the motherboard for me and he says both my CPU and motherbaord support 64 bit22:12
ActionParsniprazor_X: yeah some monitors dont talk to the system to tell it what it can and cant do, so yu have to tell the system yourself22:12
AbdoActionParsnip, can i pm u ?22:12
newillit say: impossibile to find desktop-switcher22:12
razor_XActionParsnip i appreciate your help and patience on the matter22:12
ActionParsniprazor_X: i have a CTX 17" thing the same, I have an xorg.conf file that has worked for YEARS that I keep on backup and I just restore it if i do a clean install22:12
ActionParsnipAbdo: sure22:12
DasEishawn_: but how much ram ? 4 banks on 965 ?22:12
FloodBot2RaStAa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:13
ActionParsniprazor_X: np man, glad yuo got the gold. back the file up22:13
shawn_DasEi I have 4 slots filled... 2 1GB DDR2s and 2 2GB DDR2s22:13
razor_XActionParsnip i already did lol22:13
DasEishawn_: and you paired them I assume22:14
Halitechshawn_, possible bad stick of ram?22:14
nanotubeshawn_: you have too many, give me some. :)22:14
sheepsy1Hey does anyone know how to affect window opening order in metacity? I usually open several terminal windows at once. KDE uses smart placement and so does Gnome when effects/compiz is enabled. Let's say you opened first in top left corner, the next will open in top right, the next in bottom right. But regularly in gnome, windows just open on top of the last one and just a bit lower to show the title bar. Any idea how this can be changed? I22:14
liveDhi guys22:14
razor_Xanyone here familiar with shoutcast and what can i use as a DJing program to connect to shoutcast in linux22:14
ActionParsniprazor_X: no worries now, install driver and restore file then reboot, quick and easy22:14
newillI made  on terminal: sudo apt-get install desktop-switcher..... and it said : impossible to find desktop-switcher22:14
shawn_DasEi: Well what it says is Memory Channel A: Slot 0 1024 MB, Slot 1 2048 MB...... And the same for Memory CHannel B22:14
arothCasper1: i don't have any CHM file at hand, but u should be able to print all pages as well. Or u might try xchm as suggested by others22:15
liveDi'm lookin for to make my personal distro but i don't know WTF to use ubuntu costom. kit and i've got a bug on my head22:15
ActionParsnipliveD: you can remaster the ubuntu iso22:15
dracnocrazor_X: try djplay22:15
DasEishawn_: so wrong paired, put the 1 and the 2 next to each other22:15
razor_Xdracnoc thank you is it free?22:15
dracnocrazor_X: yes22:15
liveDActionParsnip, and how can i do it22:16
dracnocrazor_X: it runs through icecast22:16
shawn_DasEi: OHHH the two same ones should be right next to eachother and not in the same colours?22:16
razor_Xdracnoc do you have a link handy and i dont know how to use icecast22:16
lullisIf it helps, lspci outputs "02:01.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)"22:16
alokitohow to chainload grub 2 in grub legacy?22:16
DasEishawn_: check in bios if unsure22:16
shawn_DasEi: Should I have the two same ones in the same memory channel or in the same slot number thing22:17
nimhlinganyone know where ubuntu stores its key bindings for sound / volume control?22:17
FoxOK the ubuntu 9.04 64 bit cd passed the burn test. it installs just fine. but ubuntu randomly freezes when I am using it. i7 920 6gigs kingston 1600 ram.22:17
dracnocrazor_X: I'm a bit rusty, but this worked for me: http://www.gnuware.com/icecast/unofficial/22:17
SeekerNLdoes ubuntu compile xine with vpdau?22:17
jeremybubIs there any script to maximize all volume settings?22:17
razor_Xis there a java deb that i can grab to bring my stystem up to the best java?22:17
jeremybubrazor_X:Just run sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre22:18
razor_Xjeremybub thank you will do22:18
razor_Xjeremybub it says i am running the latest java yet frostwire still will not work for me22:19
jeremybubrazor_X: how does it not work?22:19
FoxOK the ubuntu 9.04 64 bit cd passed the burn test. it installs just fine. but ubuntu randomly freezes when I am using it. i7 920 6gigs kingston 1600 ram. the i7 is supported isn't it?22:20
razor_XSomething went wrong with FrostWire.22:20
razor_XMaybe you're using the wrong version of Java?22:20
Halitechrazor_X, did you install from the repo or from a download from their site?22:21
jeremybubWell, you are using the most up to date sun version.  Perhaps something else wen't wrong.22:21
dracnocwow, is Frostwire still running? Haven't used that in years22:21
razor_Xhalitech from the frostwire site22:21
Halitechrazor_X, maybe it needs a newer version of java then is in the repo22:21
DasEishawn_: I'm overasked there, for usual 0+1 is one pair, the info about colour makes me think, too,  get a manual of your board and look up, also you can use live cd to check the ram for defects, before check if bios sees them22:21
razor_Xhalitech i am running the latest java22:22
Halitechrazor_X, from the repo, correct?22:22
dracnocok, who's trying to send me a keylogger from
razor_Xhalitech yeah22:23
jeremybubI would bet the java version is not the problem.22:23
nmvictorAnyone know how i would edit the commands in /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg to use /usr/bin/mailx rather than the default /usr/bin/mail as defined in the file.22:23
joe75A file named "startkeylogger" is being sent to you from FreenodeUser. This file is Zero bytes in size.22:23
jeremybubYeah, someone tried to send me a keylogger too.22:23
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David-Tthey sent the message to the channel, not individual people22:23
Ian_same joe7522:23
sheepsy1joe75: same22:23
ActionParsnipjeremybub: snap22:23
Ian_morons :p22:23
Nin12Some routers using idiotic statefull packet injection will disconnect the user when receiving that command22:23
^mNotIntelligenthi all !22:24
nex__Isn't there anything I can do to restore fstab on a read-only filesystem?22:24
David-Tactually, they crash22:24
coldReactive42Having problems with xsplash in jaunty: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127456922:24
Deathvalley122that's gettin annoying with those spammers sending out keyloggers22:24
coldReactive42please reply to the thread, as I will be leaving from this room22:24
boscopI got the file, too22:24
sheepsy1But why do they send them? You still have to run it...22:24
ActionParsnipnex__: boot to livecd and change the file and/or fsck the partition22:24
boscopdo they even run on linux?22:24
Nin12sheepsy1, if you have one of the affected routers its firewall will drop your connection when it sees that packet.22:24
Nin12so everyone leaves the channel22:24
* ^mNotIntelligent possibly yes22:25
ActionParsnipboscop: is it a win32 binary?22:25
jeremybubActionParsnip: Snap?22:25
nimhlingdoes anyone know where gnome / ubuntu physically stores the keybindings for volume up / down (ie, not the keyboard preferences gui, the actual configuration file / registry section)?22:25
ActionParsnipjeremybub: i got offered the same file. Did you ever play snap with cards?22:25
boscopActionParsnip: I don't know since he went offline before I could receive it22:26
mgv2hi, does anyone can help me with what to do when i get "Run it as root" in the terminal?22:26
Hansardhi everyone, I was using an old Belkin PCI 802.11g and was getting lots of d/c and high latency in windows (it was a bit better in Ubuntu but 60% signal strength at 1MB/s). I just installed a TL-WN951N and I have 130mbps "Very Good" in Windows. I just booted into ubuntu and it autodetected a working driver and connected at 1mb/s at 48% signal.22:26
jeremybubActionParsnip: No, I don't know that game.22:26
Nin12it was a 0bytes file22:26
Nin12so i suppose it wont do shit :d22:26
jeremybubBuffer underflow!22:26
ZoeyMarieWhy can't I change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000, and that's not okay. :p22:26
boscopmgv2: sudo or what do you mean?22:26
Nin12yeah very leet exploit.22:26
sytem-7Hello. how can I stop Ubuntu from sending me messages through the command line?22:26
Nin12It owns Intel based software whatever it is22:26
Nin12cpu exploit22:26
bitplanesomeone sent me that StartKeyLogger too22:27
dracnocmgv1: add "sudo" (without the quotes) to the start of the command, i.e., - sudo apt-get install sauerbraten22:27
* David-T sighs22:27
bitplaneso I'm ping -f his IP address22:27
sytem-7such as "Reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf"22:27
Nin12bitplane ping -f doesnt make that much traffic22:27
mgv2boscop, do i need to type sudo before "airmon-ng stop ath0"?22:27
Nin12use hping2 in its fast flood mode, send syn packets to an open port22:27
boscopmgv2: yes22:27
bitplaneif everyone does it it will22:27
MikeHAnyone here use a sata pci card, that they can confirm works under linux? (non-raid)22:27
Nin12but dos is illegal22:27
FoxActionParsnip: is the i7 architecture supported under Ubuntu 64?22:27
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000, and that's not okay. :p22:28
Nin12its pointless anyway, he can just change his ip if it would do something22:28
bitplanehe can tell my mum then22:28
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Ian_what is that +J mode?22:28
ActionParsnipFox: should be. not 100% sure22:28
mgv2boscop, i will try22:28
sytem-7Ubuntu keeps popping up this message "Reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf smb only"22:28
cwillusytem-7, how do you mean?  during boot?22:28
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sytem-7No, all the time22:28
Ian_I have jaunty running on 4 i7 machines22:28
sytem-7This is in the command line BTW, im not running X22:29
mgv2boscop, thank you22:29
ActionParsnipsytem-7: have you installed samba?22:29
FoxDoes anyone else know if the i7 is supported in ubuntu 64?22:29
Nin12MikeH, I have a sata card22:29
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000, and that's not okay. :p22:29
Nin12it works 100%22:29
Nin12SiliconImage based one22:29
sytem-7IDK, i didn't specifically install it, unless it came w/ Ubuntu22:29
mgv2does anyone can tell what does this command really do if isnt stopping the wireless connection? " airmon-ng stop ath0   "22:29
Nin120,99$ from dealextreme22:30
Nin12it stops the monitor interface connected to ath022:30
iceroot!who | Nin1222:30
ubottuNin12: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:30
ActionParsnipsytem-7: no it doesnt22:30
sytem-7Some one pointed me at /etc/syslog.conf, but commenting out some lines about sending messages to the command line didn't help22:30
_iTrollhey guys, X wont start for me on latest karmic on a lenovo s10e (intel mobile 915), anyone know how to diagnose?22:30
iceroot_iTroll: #ubuntu+1 fpr karmic-support22:31
Mdyterwho can help me to solve internet problem in ubu 9.04 ? i can't conect to internet thru ADSL USB modem.It even does not blink with ADSL LED. "Lsusb" shows 'Device 002: ID 0915:8104 GlobeSpan, Inc. DSL-200 Modem' . in m$ it uses PPP .22:31
sytem-7its really screwing with my screen, like right now im running ircII and the message pops up the in middle of the screen and screws up the text display22:31
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000, and that's not okay. :p22:31
ActionParsnip!karmic | _iTroll22:31
ubottu_iTroll: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:31
ActionParsnipsytem-7: try: sudo apt-get install samba22:32
_iTrolliceroot: tried there a couple of times today and no-one had any luck, i don't think it is a karmic specific issue as other users are having no prolem22:32
sytem-7samba is installed :/22:32
ActionParsnipsytem-7: weird22:32
sytem-7i didn't do it... should i just remove it? cant think of any use for it atm22:33
JohnCDIis there anyway to use transmission through terminal or maybe an alternative that would let me use terminal to download torrents22:33
ActionParsnipsytem-7: sure22:33
ActionParsnipJohnCDI: sure yuo can start it as a daemon and manage it via web interface22:33
mgv2how can i remove tor?22:33
ArabusJohnCDI: man transmission22:33
meaniefaceJohnCDI: why not just use rtorrent?22:34
JohnCDIim using this through ssh.22:34
yannick__hi all22:34
yannick__i have a problem22:34
Halitech!ask | yannick__22:34
ubottuyannick__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:34
Dawgmatixi need some help getting Xephy to work on jaunty22:34
ActionParsnipJohnCDI: it has a web interface only, other cliebts have ssh interfaces22:35
HansardHello, I have a TP-LINK TL-WN951N (802.11n) that connects at 130mbps 'Very good' in Windows XP, but it connects at 1mbps and 48% in Ubuntu Jaunty. How can I improve the signal strength and speed?22:35
server_sidehow do i check running processes then search for the process specifically is it, ps grep | mysql?22:35
DawgmatixXephyr -ac -screen 1600x900 :2 gives me - unrecognised device identifier!22:35
Dawgmatix(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)22:35
Arabusserver_side: try ps ax | grep mysql if searching for mysql22:36
Arabusserver_side: also try "man ps"22:36
server_sideArabus, thankyou22:36
yannick__why is the probleme please 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection22:37
senkyrikhi all22:37
ActionParsnipHansard: maybe you need some firmware22:37
yannick__who ?22:38
HansardActionParsnip: there isn't any firmware updates listed on their website http://www.tp-link.com/support/download.asp?a=1&m=TL-WN951N22:38
mgv2can anyone help me with airocrack problems?22:38
nmvictorAny command that will list the dependency of the package passed to it as an argument?22:38
Hansardjust drivers and utilities22:38
iceroot!anyone | mgv222:38
ubottumgv2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:39
Halitechyannick__, http://www.unixguide.net/linux/faq/09.25.shtml22:39
Joazhello. I use 9.04 , 64 bit version. I've a problem with firefox plugins. After a while they stop working (say: flash player, acrobat reader (I guess the 32 bit stuff)) and I need to restart firefox to get it running again.22:39
senkyrikHi all22:39
texas2stepperinstalling on an ASUS M2N32-SLI with AMD PHENOM quad core. System locks on boot with 5.1262391 Not responding... 17.399242 ata3.00 revalidation failed (errno=-5)...23.2803381 ata3.00 revalidation failed (errno=-5)...30.958896 ata4.00 revalidation failed (errno=-5)... and finally 36.840609 ata3.00 revalidation failed (errno=-5)...  any help?22:39
Arabusnmvictor: try aptitude show <packagename>22:39
shawn_DasEi Ive tried putting my RAM in every way possible and it still only shows 3.2 GB.... Why would this be?22:40
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=== BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin
icerootshawn_: because you are using a 32bit system22:40
icerootshawn_: 32bit can only adress 4gb (ram + bus)22:41
Arabusshawn_: sounds like you are using a 32bit system22:41
shawn_iceroot No I just installed 64 bit Ubuntu and that was the whole reason22:41
linuxgeek22hello. i have a hp dv2000 laptop webcam issue.22:41
nmvictorArabus: needed something like that, thanks22:41
nimrod_How do i burn a 950mb-cd-iso to a dvd?22:41
icerootshawn_: bios is detecting 4gb+?22:41
linuxgeek22it wont work with gos(based on ubuntu 8.0.4 lts22:41
shawn_iceroot My bios is detecting 6 GB Ubuintu is detecting 3.222:42
mgv2after this command im not getting the right line "wifi0     no wireless extensions" while in the tutorial it should be and i dont know how to continue22:42
icerootshawn_: uname -r22:42
Halitechyannick__, ask in the channel22:42
icerootshawn_: if i am correct there should be amd64 in the string22:43
yannick__no i m send messange private you now ?22:43
linuxgeek22my webcam wont work with ubuntu .i have a hp dv2312us laptop. with 1.3mp webcam. i use gos (ubuntu 8.0.4 lts-based)22:43
shawn_iceroot There isnt22:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about realtekaudio22:43
shawn_iceroot it says 2.6.28-generic22:43
=== Antaranian is now known as freenlogian
icerootshawn_: so it is 32bit version you have installed (imo) someone can confirm?22:43
yannick__no i m send messange private you now ? Halitech22:44
linuxgeek22i have 32.bit ubuntu22:44
shawn_Iceroot: But I downloaded the AMD64 version image from the Ubuntu site and then burned it to a disk... DId I need to do something special?22:44
Halitechshawn_, if it doesn't say anything about amd64 you have the 32bit version installed which will only see about 3.2gig22:44
linuxgeek22i have amd.64 if that helps22:44
Halitechyannick__, no, ask in the channel22:44
icerootshawn_: you have downloaeded/burned the wrong one22:44
Joazthe server 32 bit kernel has highmem support22:44
shawn_iceroot I really dont think I did22:44
nimrod_i have 64bit ubuntu, because 32 bit ubuntu couldn't recognize over 2,5gb Ram22:45
ZanQdohey anyone know of a repo with py 3.1?22:45
icerootshawn_: but uname -r doenst tell amd6422:45
linuxgeek22that was my processor. go to thinkgos.com and click on gos. then go to the download page22:45
Redundant_UsernaWhat does the system monitor say?22:45
Nin12shawn_, you can compile a kernel with 64GB memory support, that will work with the 32 bit versio22:45
physichi alllllllllllll22:45
Nin12shawn_, dunno why ubuntu's standard kernels have it off22:45
physici cant play vcd ?22:45
Chousukeshawn_: does uname -a hint at 64-bit in any way?22:45
physicwhat i have to do?22:45
FoxActionParsnip: Hey I am trying to load that new video driver. but it gets a keyserver timed out message when getting key. what gives?22:45
ZykoticK9shawn_, try "uname -m" to see what bits you're using22:46
Nin12Fox, keyserver is down.22:46
shawn_Linux Shawns-Desktop 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:46
Joazshawn_, Chousuke - use uname -m to get architecture22:46
nimrod_how much memory does Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit support natively?22:46
=== freenlogian is now known as Antaranian
mgv2this tutorial is so confusing http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=simple_wep_crack&DokuWiki=cbec296e942411d99ae24d8236745e7922:46
FoxNin12: how long till its back up?22:46
Joazthen you have 64 bit version shawn_22:46
ikonianimrod_: more than you have22:46
Chousukeright, so you have the right system. hmm22:46
shawn_Joaz Then why wont my RAM show up22:46
crystuferHey, I'm installing proprietary alsa drivers. What does Step 2. Turn on sound support from kernel config22:46
crystufer(soundcore module, default turn on) mean?22:46
nimrod_ikonia, i thought so :P22:46
Chousukeshawn_: what method are you using to look up your RAM?22:47
Joazshawn_, maybe bad memory?22:47
Nin12Fox, dunno, it's not working for me for over a week, but they just told e you can use apt-get install and it'll work anyway22:47
HalitechChousuke, shawn_ no, he has a 64bit machine, not a 64 bit install22:47
TimarvayHey, just burned an Ubuntu disk and I'm using it to run this. Anyone wanna play tech support for me?22:47
shawn_Chousuke: Something called conky22:47
Halitechshawn_, post the entire result of uname -a22:47
nanotube!ask | Timarvay22:48
ubottuTimarvay: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:48
crystuferTimarvay, Just ask.22:48
linuxgeek22i will timarvay22:48
shawn_halitech Linux Shawns-Desktop 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:48
physicany one can help me?22:48
tehC0unthey can anyone give me some advice on how to get ubuntu to recognize my ethernet card?22:48
crystufer!ask physic22:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask physic22:48
Halitechyannick__, I told you 3 times now, post the question in the channel and not to me in pm22:48
sebsebseb!ask |  physic22:48
ubottuphysic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:48
icerootshawn_: you are using the wrong ubuntu-version. if uname -r does nt tell amd64 you are using 32bit22:48
FoxNin12: thanks22:48
crystuferLol. that didnt' work.22:48
shawn_iceroot Linux Shawns-Desktop 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:48
crystuferStep 2. Turn on sound support from kernel config22:48
crystufer(soundcore module, default turn on)            What does this garbage mean?22:48
shawn_iceroot that says 64 in it22:48
linuxgeek22it should automatically. try typing in lspci in the terminal (accessories->terminal22:49
icerootshawn_: yes, wrong version22:49
Halitechshawn_, you have the 32bit version installed, if you had 64bit installed it would look like mine ... Linux debian 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 19 22:33:18 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:49
icerootshawn_: the 64bit there says your cpu can handle 64bit22:49
TimarvayAh. So, I just started using Ubuntu. I want to dual boot it with Windows XP, but I have issues with my XP install. Namely, I can't do anything with it because of a virus. Can't even boot into safemode. Is there someway to partition things so I don't uninstall it by I have a working Ubuntu install?22:49
linuxgeek22does lightscribe work with 64.bit ubuntu22:49
Nin12iceroot, you sure about that, i downloaded 64bit edition and this is what mine says22:49
icerootshawn_: its the architektur of your cpu22:49
icerootlinuxgeek22: yes22:49
Nin12iceroot Linux laptop #1 SMP Wed Sep 16 22:05:25 CEST 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:49
linuxgeek22how do i set it up22:49
shawn_iceroot, halitech: Damnit... But the file I burned to disk had AMD64 in the title...22:49
icerootNin12: uname -r22:49
sebsebsebTimarvay: ok if you got malware installed into any OS, the only true way to make sure it is gone, is to clean install th OS22:50
linuxgeek22ubuntu lts 8.0.422:50
=== Antaranian is now known as NiceTrySlexAxton
tehC0untlinuxgeek22 i typed it in and its not showing up22:50
icerootNin12: post the full output22:50
FlannelTimarvay: Dualbooting doesn't require a reinstall, so yes.  Regular dual boot instructions will leave your windows intact22:50
mgv2why i don't get ath0 in monitor mode but wlan0 instead? (airocrack tutorial)22:50
Nin12but i'm sure its 64bit, since i have 64 bit binaries installed on the system and they run22:50
crystuferTimarvay, If you broke windows, you should really just fresh install the windows and leave space for ubuntu.22:50
Halitechshawn_, well, unless you inadvertantly installed the 32bit kernel I'm not sure22:50
sebsebsebTimarvay: dual booting with an infected XP install doesn't sound that good,  even though your Windows virus won't infect Ubuntu22:50
TimarvayHeh, I broke Windows quite well, I think. Vundo, as far as I can tell.22:50
shawn_Halitech: Did I need to do something special to select 64 bit after its on the disk? X_X22:51
Redundant_UsernaUse a linux virus scanner and scan your windows partion22:51
Halitechshawn_, no, the 64bit disk should install only the 64bit version22:51
linuxgeek22grab avg22:51
TimarvayWould it be safe to copy some saved movies and PDFs over to Linux from the infected Windows?22:51
sebsebsebTimarvay: If you have enough RAM and depending on what Windows programs you want to run,  you can do a Windows virtual machine inside Ubuntu, and then if you get a virus or whatever again, you can  easilly delete it like a normal file,  and use a clean backup or re install.   Also Wine can run many Windows programs in Ubuntu.22:51
crystuferTimarvay, Well then you have your answer. Mount the disk, burn off the personal files, reinstall windows and leave 20g free for linux.22:51
shawn_Halitech: Then why wouldnt it work X_X22:52
mgv2how can i download all pictures at once in thunderbird email?22:52
Chousukethe linux kernel for 64-bit ubuntu does not seem to be named -amd6422:52
Chousukejust generic22:52
Redundant_Usernahttp://free.avg.com/download avg for linux22:52
=== tischbein is now known as stuhlbein
Chousukeshawn_: as far as I can tell, you are running the 64-bit version :/22:52
Nin12Timarvay, even if the virus was in the pdf's(which is unlikely) the exploit it uses will probably be tuned for windows and will not work (even if the same bug is there in the linux program) so it's safe22:52
crystuferStep 2. Turn on sound support from kernel config22:52
crystufer(soundcore module, default turn on)      What is this nonsense?22:52
Chousukeshawn_: jaunty, right?22:53
=== NiceTrySlexAxton is now known as Antaranian
Halitechshawn_, I don't know22:53
shawn_Chousuke Then why is my RAM not showing up and yes Jaunty22:53
Chousukeshawn_: I don't know about the RAM...22:53
TimarvayAlright, I'm reading through the instructions to partition again. Is there a way to tell how much RAM I have without cracking my computer open and looking inside?22:53
Nin12Timarvay, type cat /proc/meminfo22:53
Chousukeshawn_: run "top". how much RAM does it show?22:53
TimarvayDo I type that here?22:53
anvoWhat is the "web server document root" folder...?22:53
sebsebseb!terminal |  Timarvay22:53
ubottuTimarvay: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:53
Nin12anvo, where it gets the webpages to serve22:54
shawn_chousuke  3309180k total22:54
TimarvayThanks everyone!22:54
Chousukeshawn_: weird.22:54
Nin12shawn_, u sure it actually has more than that?22:54
Chousukeshawn_: it's not disabled in the BIOS or anything?22:54
anvoI mean, where is it located...?22:54
shawn_Nin12 I have 6GB DDR222:54
icerootshawn_: my 64bit system is saying 2.6.28-15-generic   so there is no amd64 in the string22:54
icerootshawn_: i am sorry for that22:54
shawn_iceroot Oh22:54
Chousukeshawn_: are you sure your motherboard supports more than ~3.2GB?22:55
shawn_Chousuke: How would I know if its disabled in the Bios22:55
sebsebsebTimarvay: you should  sort out that infected XP install really as well, by either  attempting to clean it, or  by re installing.22:55
ikoniashawn_: show me the output of "uname -a" please.22:55
icerootshawn_: but 3.2 gb sounds hard like 32bit issue22:55
andrew__umm any idea where to look for help on a bash command ?22:55
mgv2what if i want any search i make on the internet to be submitted to a website always. for example i do amazon search but i want that my search will also be just submited to a search engine other than amazon?22:55
Chousukeshawn_: you would have to look through the BIOS settings :/22:55
shawn_Chousuke: How can I check if my motherboard supports it22:55
Chousukeshawn_: I suppose you'd need to look at the manual22:55
ikoniashawn_: show me the output of "uname -a" please.22:55
TimarvaySebsebsec: I was planning on trying to deal with it from here. I hit a wall when I couldn't go into Safemode.22:55
sebsebsebTimarvay: and it makes things a bit easier if Windows is installed first, when doing dual boots22:55
shawn_ikonia Linux Shawns-Desktop 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:55
icerootChousuke: his bios says 6gb at boot22:55
ikoniashawn_: ok - that's a 64bit kernel22:56
Chousukeiceroot: yeah. so probably it's supported22:56
linuxgeek22my ram is 2.0 gb22:56
Chousukeiceroot: but who knows. BIOSes are weird. :/22:56
icerootChousuke: but 3.2gb sounds hard like 32bit issue22:56
ikoniashawn_: can you pastebin the output of "cat /proc/meminfo" please22:56
shawn_ikonia Alright22:56
sebsebsebTimarvay: ok as long as Windows was shut down properly, should be able to access it's partition, no problem, and then gain access to data that you can back up :)  and re install the OS,  a psyical install or virtual machine.   You can also try deleting infected files using the Live CD.22:56
shawn_ikonia http://pastebin.com/m4c28590c22:57
anvoWhete is the "web server document root" folder located...?22:57
icerootanvo: /var/www/22:57
TimarvayShould be relatively easy. I'd prefer to keep the XP install and a few files, but I don't need anything else off it.22:57
tehC0untis it possible that i need to install the drivers before it will recognize my card?22:58
sebsebsebTimarvay: well it got infected, you should do a clean install of the OS  really it's as simple as that,  it could be doing quite a few bad things now, when it's loaded up and connected to the Internet.22:58
bbb1Hey all, where can I find the gnome network manager? I looked under System->Admin->Network and it's not there. /Newbie22:59
nikolajanyone help, I have an external hard drive which seems to mount and work fine for 15/20 mins22:59
nikolajthen it just disappears22:59
TimarvayI don't believe it is connected when I'm using Ubuntu is it?22:59
nikolajany ideas?22:59
Nin12Timarvay, take that seriously, someone in my country was sued over a shitload of damages because his computer was taking part in ddos attack22:59
nikolajthen I can switch it off and it won't be recognised anymore22:59
physici said when  i put vcd to my ubuntu it say could not read from resource22:59
physicbut when i click to play disk from movie player it play first video only22:59
DasEishawn_: sorry, was off for a moment, broken ram ?22:59
Arabusbbb1: normally the network manager should be found in the upper right corner displayed as a small monitor icon22:59
physic when  i put vcd to my ubuntu it say could not read from resource23:00
physicbut when i click to play disk from movie player it play first video only23:00
ikoniashawn_: what does the memtest boot option show23:00
physic when  i put vcd to my ubuntu it say could not read from resource23:00
physicbut when i click to play disk from movie player it play first video track23:00
bbb1Repeat: Hey all, where can I find the gnome network manager? I looked under System->Admin->Network and it's not there. /Newbie23:00
Halitechphysic, use vlc23:00
shawn_DasEi I just bought it the other day from Bestbuy could it seriously be broken? And I havnt checked the memtest thing before23:00
shawn_Not DasEi sorry23:00
physic i did23:00
physicHalitech,didnt play anything23:00
shawn_Ikonia I just bought it the other day from Bestbuy could it seriously be broken? And I havnt checked the memtest thing before23:01
DasEishawn_: test them as pair or single23:01
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
assinineWhen I try to play a video, the sound doesnt play at all. Can anyone explain this to me?23:01
bbb1Repeat: Hey all, where can I find the gnome network manager? I looked under System->Admin->Network and it's not there. /Newbie23:01
sebsebsebTimarvay: yep take computer security  seriously,  Ubuntu, other Linux distros, BSD,   Windows,  Mac OS X, and so on, none of them are 100% immune to malware23:01
ikoniashawn_: checking the memtest option is worth it23:01
Halitechphysic, do you have it in an iso or folders?23:01
shawn_ikonia Alright Ill go try that now... Ill be back here in a few minutes to tell you what it says23:01
Arabusbbb1: normally the network manager should be found in the upper right corner displayed as a small monitor icon23:01
Halitechthe only secure computer is one thats turned off and buried in concrete23:01
claudio__server irc.tin.it23:01
ikoniashawn_: be interesting23:02
ikoniaclaudio__: ?23:02
DasEibb1: using gnome ?23:02
Nin12Halitech, I explained to someone that the best firewall would be unplugging the network cable, yet she wasn't so sure about that23:02
bbb1@Arabus: I don't see anything up there23:02
Arabusbbb1: do you use gnome?23:02
bbb1I have a battery two monitors a mail icon and a mute23:02
bbb1how would I know if I use gnome?23:02
Halitechphysic, are they cds? are they in an iso format? are they ???????23:02
TimarvayYeah, I don't quite know where I got it, to be honest. Looking like I should probably snag files off Windows and just reinstall. Or not reinstall, really. All I care about Windows for is running some games. How is Wine for modern ones?23:02
Arabusbbb1: the two monitors should be the entwork manager23:02
nimrod_how can i burn a 950mb iso-cd on a cd?23:03
DasEibb1:ubuntu not kubuntu installed23:03
physicno they are in dat format23:03
sebsebsebTimarvay: which games?23:03
bbb1but it doesn't open anywhere23:03
ShapeShifter499I have a acer aspire one netbook, I just received it back from the acer repair center with a bum webcam(it wouldn't work in windows or ubuntu), now I got a few questions, I just installed my ubuntu system can I dd backup it using a livecd backing it up via samba(or other file share) to my other ubuntu laptop?  than restore it back to my acer with the backup?23:03
thepoetanybody know a good socks5 proxy?23:03
sebsebseb!who |  Timarvay23:03
ubottuTimarvay: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:03
Arabusbbb1: tried a right-click?23:03
bbb1I'm trying to get wireless working23:03
bbb1windows machine23:03
physicHalitech, no they are in .dat format23:03
bbb1dual boot23:03
assinineWhen I try to play a video, the sound doesnt play at all. Can anyone explain this to me?23:03
bbb1having fun23:03
TimarvaySebsebseb: A few off Steam that I don't think will run, but then mostly old ones like Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.23:03
Nin12Dell refuses to give warranty if you used linux.23:03
DasEibb1:whereis network-manager-gnome ,is it installed ?23:03
ikoniabbb1: the guys in ##windows can help you with your windows problems23:04
thepoetSOCKS5 proxy anybody?23:04
Nin12even when it was an obvious hardware problem23:04
ikoniaNin12: not an #ubuntu issue23:04
ikoniathepoet: what about it ?23:04
sebsebsebTimarvay: ok I hear Steam works in Wine,  and  old game so non 3D?23:04
DasEithepoet: yes..23:04
shawn_ikonia: It said something like this: error 28 selected file cannot boot into memory23:04
thepoetikonia i need a good one23:04
bbb1So i go to #ubuntu and then ##windows?23:04
TimarvaySebsebseb: Yeah. Definately non 3-d.23:04
DasEibb1: /j ##windows23:04
ikoniathepoet: "socks5" is actually a socks5 server name, quite solid if not a little old23:04
sebsebsebTimarvay: I think you will be ok, and not have a proper reason to have Windows on dual boot23:05
Nin12ikonia, does it need to be anonymous?23:05
thepoeti just needaproxy to run my irc client through23:05
ikoniaNin12: does what need to be anonymous23:05
assininemy name is assinine23:05
Halitechphysic, .dat files are ....  look here and see if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4950507&postcount=623:05
assinineWhen I try to play a video, the sound doesnt play at all. Can anyone explain this to me?23:05
ikoniathepoet: squid will work fine23:05
Nin12i meant thepoet sorry23:05
ikoniathepoet: iptables can work too23:05
TimarvaySebsebseb: I assume I can reinstall later if I find a reason too, yes?23:05
sebsebsebTimarvay: indeed23:05
Nin12use openvpn, its not socks5 but better23:05
Arabusassinine: does the sound work at all?23:05
thepoetikonia: i'm using tor right now23:05
icerooti am using ALL: in /etc/hosts.deny  but why there are still pop3 brute-force-attacks?23:06
shawn_ikonia: It said something like this: error 28 selected file cannot boot into memory23:06
physicHalitech, ok23:06
sebsebsebTimarvay: also  Windows virtual machine :)  as long as you got enough RAM23:06
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assinineArabus: no, it works very well on other programs.23:06
ikoniashawn_: don't know what that means, but it sounds like it's having a problem with that laptop23:06
TimarvaySebsebSeb: Using the Ubuntu installer to wipe Windows will be good enough, yes?23:06
bbb1I'm supposed to: Open the Networking Admin tool (System | Administration | Networking), select the Wireless connection and click Properties, ensure the Enable roaming mode checkbox is ticked.23:06
shawn_ikonia: Its a desktop23:06
bbb1trying to get wifi working23:06
Arabusassinine: then it might be a problem of the media player you are using. which program do you use to play the video?23:06
bbb1thanks for your help23:06
ikoniashawn_: sorry, I meant memory23:06
sebsebsebTimarvay: yes, but make sure you got your stuff first23:06
Nin12iceroot, type this iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP23:06
Nin12iceroot, better than /etc/hosts.deny, as it works for every program23:06
icerootNin12: dont have iptables (vroot)23:07
TimarvaySebsebseb: Yeah. Any good ways to do that you can think of? I'm running off a disk right now.23:07
bbb1I'm supposed to: Open the Networking Admin tool (System | Administration | Networking), select the Wireless connection and click Properties, ensure the Enable roaming mode checkbox is ticked.23:07
purpzeybbb1: Are you sure your network card is supported by Ubuntu?23:07
bbb1But I don't see that anywhere23:07
assinineArabus: I don't know which one it is, It's what ever one came with Super-OS for playing flash video.23:07
bbb1Ummm... I'm using the ndiswrapper23:07
shawn_ikonia Well the RAM is my motherboard is usually 667 Mhz and the one I bought I think is 800 Mhz but it says its compatible with 667 Mhz could this be something to do with it or do you think the RAM is deffective?23:07
sebsebsebTimarvay: places > computer and you should be able to access the Windows partition23:07
icerootNin12: so you mean /etc/hosts.deny does not effect all daemons (like pop3)23:07
ikoniashawn_: no idea,23:08
Nin12iceroot, i think it only works for inetd based servers, and openssh, not 100% sure doh23:08
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Halitechshawn_, does your board support 800mhz ram? normally it *should* drop to the lower speed but not always23:08
TimarvaySebsebseb: They'll stay after install though, right? Haven't run off a CD in ages.23:08
ikoniashawn_: quicker ram can be a problem somtimes, you may want to join ##hardware and ask some of the guys for a ram testing trick or two23:08
icerootNin12: ok that can be the reason why http-blocks work but pop3 not23:08
shawn_Halitech I have no idea what speed my motherboard will support23:08
sebsebsebTimarvay: oh right yeah that's a point, you need to move the data to some where else23:08
Nin12iceroot, it didn't work for me atleast the block spammer from trying to use my smtp as an open relay(it refused to send his mails, but he kept on trying causing huge cpu load)23:08
Halitechshawn_, do you know the model number?23:08
shawn_halitech Of my motherboard?23:09
Halitechshawn_, yes23:09
Arabusassinine: ok I do not know much about super-OS it might be that the flash plugin uses the wrong sound driver. To change that, try to find the properties option of said player.23:09
icerootis there an alternative to iptables? (cant use iptables because its a vroot)23:09
bbb1@purpzey: I'm trying to use ndiswrapper23:09
bbb1the next step is to do that23:09
shawn_Halitech One sec I have it written here somewhere23:09
sebsebsebTimarvay: or make a new partition, or delete everything from the Windows partition except the data,  I have done that before23:09
bbb1going by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper23:09
Arabusiceroot: try ufw23:09
assinineArabus: how do I find out which flash plugin it is?23:09
afallenhopeiceroot, netfilter..23:09
TimarvaySebSebSeb: Can I pull the disk out and burn to a new one without upsetting Ubuntu?23:09
icerootArabus: its using iptables in the background imo23:10
Nin12iceroot, you sure iptables doenst work? my vps has it23:10
afallenhopeArabus, ufw is simply a iptables front23:10
sebsebsebTimarvay: well when I did it wasn't exactly data, but this is irelivant.   Ok you only got one CD drive?23:10
icerootNin12: my not23:10
Arabusassinine: I asume you use a browser to open a web page where you want to play a flash video ?23:10
TimarvaySebsebseb: Afraid so.23:10
sebsebsebTimarvay: USB stick?  external hard disk?23:10
Nin12iceroot, and if you install it? apt-get install iptables23:10
assinineArabus: yes23:10
icerootNin12: i am using the kernel from the host, not from my vm23:10
icerootNin12: i cant access kernel-moduls23:10
shawn_Halitech It is an Intel 965 motherboard23:11
DasEishawn_: you get prbly set your bios to auto ram settings, have a url of the manual meanwhile ? more a question for #hardware,  maybe let's go over, less crowded23:11
TimarvaySebsebseb:USB I can do. Didn't think of that, but probably the best way.23:11
shawn_Halitech It is an Intel P965 motherboard*23:11
Arabusassinine: depending on the browser you use there should be an addons option in the top bar23:11
icerootafallenhope: i will have a look at netfilter, thx23:11
FlannelNin12: You don't burn a 950MB iso to a CD, where did you get one that was 950MB?23:11
afallenhopeiceroot, np. it's the same company...23:11
Flannelnimrod_: ^^ Sorry Nin1223:11
Nin12iceroot, It works with OpenVZ also using the host kernel, u probably have some other virtualization system then. you can try adding a route sending all traffic to that ip to the lo interface23:11
assinineArabus: you mean like under tools in FireFx?23:12
icerootNin12: hm, imo its openvz here23:12
icerootNin12: openvcp it is here23:12
Nin12iceroot, then it should work, but u cant use every module23:12
Halitechshawn_, this says up to 800mhz http://www.intel.com/products/desktop/chipsets/p965/p965-overview.htm23:12
nimrod_Flannel, i found a iso who are over 900mb, but it wont burn on a dvd23:13
Nin12iceroot, im 99% sure openvcp lets u use iptables try installing it23:13
assinineArabus: It says I have shockwave flash.23:13
icerootNin12: it is installed but says it cant access some kernel-moduls23:13
Flannelnimrod_: Which ISO is this?23:13
Nin12nimrod0, try burning it to a cd, you can if you use overburn, but the disk will be bad quality, whats the iso for?23:13
Nin12iceroot, ok sucks. they disabled it probably, or the host kernel hasn't got iptables23:14
nimrod_Flannel, it is a Linux distro.23:14
icerootNin12: yes, that should be the reason :(23:14
ShapeShifter499I have a acer aspire one netbook, I just received it back from the acer repair center with a bum webcam(it wouldn't work in windows or ubuntu), now I got a few questions, I just installed my ubuntu system can I dd backup it using a livecd backing it up via samba(or other file share) to my other ubuntu laptop?  than restore it back to my acer with the backup?23:14
Arabusassinine: you might try reinstalling it - for this you have to remove the plugin23:14
TimarvaySebSebSeb: Well, I'm going to go do that. Thanks for everything.23:14
Flannelnimrod_: You'll need to ask their support places how to use it.23:14
sebsebsebTimarvay: see my pm23:15
Nin12nimrod try going with santrex if you can change, cheap and good and with iptables23:15
assinineArabus: ok, i'll try that right now23:15
Halitechshawn_, did you say you ran memtest from the live cd and it was okay?23:15
mathieui23:21:58 [Freenode] DCC SEND from FreenodeUser [ port 0]: startkeylogger [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu23:15
Arabusassinine: what browser do you use?23:15
nimrod_Flannel, i don't find any irc channel on this distro23:15
ikoniamathieui: report in #freenode23:15
* mathieui lol'd hard23:15
mathieuibah, I don't care23:15
mathieuithat's just funny23:15
Flannelnimrod_: Which distro?23:16
mathieuiI got that only here23:16
assinineArabus: Firefox. How do you remove a plugin? There is no uninstall option for it in Frefox23:16
mathieuiand always the same file23:16
nimrod_Flannel, Dreamlinux23:16
Nin12funny how many ppl got disconnected after the request was sent :P23:16
shawn_Halitech I ran them memtest from the Grub boot screen23:16
jiffeis there a way of doing a checksum of files currently installed from a package versus what is in the package?23:16
jiffeie get a list of modified files23:16
Halitechshawn_, and it saw and tested all the ram fine?23:16
shawn_Halitech no it said : Error 28 selected file cannot be booted or something like that23:17
Halitechshawn_, so you couldn't get into memtest from grub?23:17
shawn_Halitech negative23:17
Halitechshawn_, do you have a live cd kicking around?23:18
Flannelnimrod_: http://www.dreamlinuxforums.org/ or it appears they have tutorials and a wiki too: http://www.dreamlinux.com.br/tutorials.html and http://www.dreamlinuxforums.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page  the tutorials have a section on installing it looks like23:18
DreamsofanEagleOk, I need some help, some more23:18
shawn_Halitech Yes I have a 32 bit one a 64 bit one and I also have gparte23:18
Halitechshawn_, boot from the 64bit live cd and run memtest from there23:18
nimrod_Flannel, yes, i'm going to take a look there, thanks for your time =)23:18
DreamsofanEagleI need a player that has WMA support, all my CDs are in WMA format instead of MP3 and I aint sure that I can find them all23:18
shawn_Halitech alright Ill get back to you23:18
DreamsofanEagleThe player that comes with Ubuntu will crash the system if you try and play music for anything longer than 5 minutes :(23:19
Halitechshawn_, with 6gig, its probably going to take awhile23:19
BodsdaHi, if I am running compiz, is that my window manager? meaning I am no longer using metacity?23:19
KB1JWQDreamsofanEagle: VLC should work.23:19
shawn_Halitech Oh... Like how long?23:19
purpzeyDreamsofanEagle: Have you tried VLC?23:19
soreauBodsda: Correct23:19
Halitechshawn_, like a few hours probably23:19
DreamsofanEagleYes, and it doesn't have playlists I don't think23:20
DreamsofanEagleone sec23:20
Paddy_NIBodsda, no23:20
Arabusassinine: hmm ok I do encounter that problem for the first time. never noticed how difficult it can be to get rid of the plugin23:20
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Bodsdasoreau: Paddy_NI -- wanna fight it out between you?23:20
bbb1Hey all (again), I'm trying to get to "Now, navigate to System>Administration>Networking.", but under "System>Administration", I don't have "Networking". What should I do to get it? Thanks. /Newbie23:20
XDS2010Any DMOZ edditors here ?23:20
soreauBodsda: I beg your pardon?23:20
GneaTried audacious?23:20
shawn_Halitech: Will that tell me if my RAM is deffective or not?23:20
XDS2010Or know any of them ?23:20
Halitechshawn_, yes it will23:20
Bodsdasoreau: Paddy_NI -- are you both saying that I am not using using metacity?23:20
Paddy_NIBodsda, Compiz replaces gtk-window-decorator where as emerald would replace metacity.. I think :P23:20
shawn_Halitech Thank you23:20
XDS2010I'd like to start a ubuntu section there23:20
assinineArabus: how did you get rid of it?23:20
Paddy_NIBodsda, metacity is the window decorator23:21
BodsdaPaddy_NI: so could I run, gnome fluxbox and compiz?23:21
tehC0untis there anywhere i can check what pci cards are compatible with ubuntu23:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audacious23:21
soreauBodsda: Yes. Compiz is a WM and so is metacity. Only one WM can run at any given time23:21
Paddy_NIBodsda, yes23:21
Bodsdaoh dear23:21
bbb1Hey all (again), I'm trying to get to "Now, navigate to System>Administration>Networking.", but under "System>Administration", I don't have "Networking". What should I do to get it? Thanks. /Newbie23:21
Bodsdasoreau: thats what I thought23:21
soreauBodsda: No, fluxbox is a WM so you can't use it with any other WM (like metacity or compiz)23:21
Gnea!info audacious23:21
purpzey!hardware | tehC0unt23:21
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-4ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1139 kB, installed size 3868 kB23:21
BodsdaPaddy_NI: how can I do so?23:21
ubottutehC0unt: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:21
assininesoreau: how do you choose between the 2 wm's?23:22
Paddy_NIBodsda, are you currently running gnome with fluxbox at the moment?23:22
tehC0untprpzey and ubottu thank you is there a hardware channel?23:22
bbb1Hey all (again), I'm trying to get to "Now, navigate to System>Administration>Networking.", but under "System>Administration", I don't have "Networking". What should I do to get it? Thanks. /Newbie23:22
jribbbb1: why?23:22
BodsdaPaddy_NI: no. I have fluxbox installed, but I do not know how to set it up with gnome. I wish to run gnome with the functionality of fluxbox and the eye candy of compiz23:22
dragonbbb1: what are you trying to accomplish?23:22
soreauassinine: To select between compiz and metacity in ubuntu, use sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects tab. None will select metacity. Anything else will be compiz23:22
bbb1I don't know, I've read a few articles, and I have to get there to get my wireless working23:22
Paddy_NIBodsda, just a moment I spotted a good guide for that a while back23:23
soreauBodsda: Not possible23:23
jrib!wifi > bbb123:23
ubottubbb1, please see my private message23:23
dsdeizanyone here using swiftweasel?23:23
bbb1I have to do the windows driver deal23:23
jribbbb1: those articles are for older versions23:23
jribbbb1: read the wiki23:23
Bodsdasoreau: Paddy_NI seems to think it is23:23
bbb1I have read it23:23
dsdeizso i only needed the executable file when extracting the tar.gz file?23:23
soreauBodsda: Even if you run a fluxbox session, compiz will replace the fluxbox WM23:23
jrib!who | bbb123:23
ubottubbb1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:23
jribbbb1: and?23:23
bbb1Now, navigate to System>Administration>Networking.  The card should be there.  Activate and configure per usual.23:23
assininesoreau: there is no metacity option there23:23
bbb1how would I do that23:23
soreauassinine: Read what I said23:23
jribbbb1: like I said, that's for an older version of ubuntu23:23
dragonwhat'd be a reasonable Desktop manager to run exactly one particular application, with no panels or window decorations?23:24
bbb1What's the equiv.?23:24
dragon!enter| bbb123:24
Bodsdasoreau: expanding on assinine's question, how would I select fluxbox instead of compiz or metacity?23:24
ubottubbb1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:24
Paddy_NIBodsda, gah it seems you cannot anymore23:24
BodsdaPaddy_NI: :(23:24
jribbbb1: what card is this/23:24
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bbb1(thanks for your help)23:24
Paddy_NIBodsda, It used to be slightly possible with a rough bit of hackery23:24
soreauBodsda: I do not know how fluxbox works. AFAIK, it's not part of ubuntu by default23:24
BodsdaPaddy_NI: ok, no worries, cheers23:24
bbb1Dell 147023:24
jribbbb1: if you want my attention, you need to use my nick23:25
Bodsdasoreau: no it isnt. But gnome is a DE and it uses metacity for its window manager, I wish to change this to fluxbox23:25
dracnochackery... now there's a fine word - just like "Autumnal"23:25
bbb1like jrid: Dell 147023:25
bbb1(I'm a newbie.. sorry)23:25
Paddy_NIBodsda, fluxbox can do some really pretty things to http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Transparency23:25
jribbbb1: hrmm, the wireless on my old dell works fine and the recent ones should also work fine.  What page are you reading?23:25
DreamsofanEagleOK, VLC is alright, but I wanted something that had the playlist in an already open window and easy for me to select what song I want23:26
jribbbb1: that's not from the wiki...23:26
bbb1I was also reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper23:26
BodsdaPaddy_NI: I usually use fluxbox on its own, But I miss gnomes themes and wish to use the tabbed window functionality from fluxbox, in gnome23:26
jribbbb1: the first link is way too old from 2005 and you should try to avoid ndiswrapper if possible23:26
bbb1jrib: what should I do then to get the wifi?23:26
bbb1jrid: I have a dell inspiron b13023:27
purpzeyDreamsofanEagle: You can try Amarok, I'm not sure if it plays WMA, I think it might. I just can't remember.23:27
jribbbb1: In System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers, do you have any available?23:27
DreamsofanEagleit won't23:27
bbb1jrib: I think it found one for Broadcom... hopefully it works23:28
BodsdaHow can I get the tabbed window functionality of fluxbox into gnome?23:28
jribbbb1: yeah, it works on my macbook great.  Just reboot after it installs23:28
bbb1jrib: ok, and that should work?23:28
jribBodsda: use fluxbox as the window manager in gnome?23:28
jribbbb1: yep, you should have a network-manager icon in your traying offering you different networks23:28
bbb1jrib: thanks for all your help!23:28
jribbbb1: good luck23:29
bbb1jrib: restarting now...23:29
purpzeyDreamsofanEagle: According to what I just read XMMS should.23:29
Bodsdajrib: I would love to, but I cant find any 'recent' documentation on how to do so, can you assist?23:29
bbb1jrib: bye23:29
jribBodsda: I haven't done it in a while, but fluxbox wiki used to have a guide iirc23:29
Sun3vi1What are the major differences between jaunty and hardy? Any major UI differences or is it all base system23:29
Paddy_NIBodsda, this post is quite old... still worth a look though http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6373423:29
Bodsdajrib: yeah, I found a few links to such an article, but it seems dead now23:29
yermandu_can someone give tips how i can add and set themes in gkt for lxde?23:30
server_sidehow do i allow remote access in xubuntu?23:30
BodsdaPaddy_NI: the files referenced in that thread no longer exist23:30
Paddy_NIBodsda, also try logging out and changing session to see if a flux/gnome session is already created for you23:30
yermandu_server_side with ssh23:30
jribBodsda: one way to set window manager is "export WINDOW_MANAGER=/path/to/window/manager" in ~/.gnomerc.  There may be other things you wish to do as well23:30
DreamsofanEagleXMMS, is that via Synaptic or the add-remove?23:31
server_sideyermandu_, with remote desktop viewer23:31
BodsdaPaddy_NI: jrib -- I'll give that a go, cheers23:31
jribBodsda: http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=FAQ#Can_I_use_fluxbox_as_the_window_manager_in_GNOME different approach23:31
dragonwhat'd be a reasonable Desktop manager to run exactly one particular application, with no panels or window decorations?23:32
yermandu_server_side screen maybe23:32
Sahilskhey, i am having a trouble with ubuntu. sometime, automaticallly , trash folder start opening up , in ubuntu. sometime 2 to 5 and sometime they go on opening and opening....my mouse start doing oppose of what it suppossed to do. is that a virus???23:32
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Bodsdajrib: brilliant, I will try, thank you23:33
bbb1jrib: it works23:33
jribbbb1: cool23:33
bbb1jrib: thanks a bunch23:33
bbb1jrib: some articles should be updated :)23:33
jribbbb1: it's a wiki, go for it!23:33
purpzeyDreamsofanEagle: It's in the repos so you can get it via synaptic or CLI.23:33
bbb1jrib: I'm thinking about it to save some other users some pain... Ubuntu was really easy besides that. Now I have a dual boot23:34
bbb1jrib: thanks again. bye23:34
jribbbb1: bye23:34
Cromer irc.bgoc.net23:35
icerooti have the source of a package, but i am not root, can i install/make the source to a binary without root?23:36
jribiceroot: yes and no23:37
icerootjrib: i know the step ./configure && make && sudo make install23:37
jribiceroot: you can definitely compile it, but you can only install it to a directory your user can write to23:37
jribiceroot: what are you doing exactly?23:37
icerootjrib: i want to use yakuake on my system without root23:37
icerootjrib: cant use apt-get23:38
jribiceroot: why?23:38
icerootjrib: i am not root and i am not in the sudoers23:38
jribiceroot: ok, but why?23:38
jribiceroot: someone else is admin?23:38
icerootjrib: because my boss is root?23:38
jribiceroot: easiest way is to just ask him to install yakuake, but sure you can build yakuake yourself in your ~ and run it from there23:39
icerootjrib: we ill not do that23:39
icerootjrib: so i can use make, to get the binary and can start that one23:39
jribiceroot: when you run ./configure, you want to specify a prefix in your ~, not /usr/local as it usually is by default23:40
icerootjrib: ah ok, good to know23:40
dsdeizi just installed swiftweasel, how can i make it visible in the "x-www-browsers"?23:41
Bodsdajrib: just thought I would let you know, the fluxbox wiki has incorrect information, but if I enter exec=/usr/bin/startfluxbox  into a (may need to be created) ~/.gnomerc and then uninstall gnome-panel everything works like a charm!!! thank you so much23:42
VCooliodsdeiz: you can install galternatives to configure x-www-browser with a gui, I forgot the cli way23:42
jribdsdeiz: read some debian documentation on update-alternatives I guess23:42
peskaWhats up everyone23:42
jribBodsda: hmm, you should be able to use gnome-panel though23:42
jribBodsda: did you try what I said23:42
dracnocpeska: my blood pressure, but are you having a good day?23:43
peskaum sort of, just installed Ubuntu a couple days ago23:43
Deathvalley122can anyone tell me why remote desktop freezes for other people?23:43
Bodsdajrib: yeah, you can use the panel, but it screws with fluxbox a wee bit. I use dual screens so things were a bit strange. what do you mean 'try what I said'?23:43
peskatryin to get the hang of it23:43
jribBodsda: one way to set window manager is "export WINDOW_MANAGER=/path/to/window/manager" in ~/.gnomerc.  There may be other things you wish to do as well23:44
VCooliodsdeiz: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser23:44
Bodsdajrib: that is what I did, dont know what the 'other things' were though23:44
dsdeizVCoolio: it doesn't come out there23:44
jribBodsda: you can ignore that23:44
Bodsdajrib: then your instructions were near perfect... again :)23:44
as_speaking of dual screens... can anyone provide insight on configuring for tv-out with early ati radeon?23:44
dracnocpeska: we've all been at "Day One" with Ubuntu - we've all been beginners. You got a question? Just ask it!23:45
VCooliodsdeiz: ok, well, with galternatives you can add stuff, so use that23:45
jribBodsda: i think i saw a howto on the forums that might address the panel issue if you care23:45
tomashey guys just a question is there a way to install a mail server on ubuntu using XAMPP23:45
Bodsdajrib: hit me :)23:45
bbbjrib: are you still around?23:45
jribbbb: yes23:45
VCooliodsdeiz: sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /path/to/swiftweasel23:45
peskawell I got this really good ebook i started reading and it said that the community was the place to go23:45
dsdeizVCoolio: ahh, thanks23:46
VCooliodsdeiz: according to update-alternatives --help23:46
peskaso im just checkin things out introducing myself23:46
Bodsdapeska: thats one truthfull e-book right there23:46
dracnocpeska, yep, we're here. Welcome!23:46
bbbjrib: one last thing, everytime I go restart the computer, I have to go back to the hardware app, and re activate the broadcom. Is there any way this can be automatic?23:46
Bodsdapeska: you may want to pop into #ubuntu-offtopic though, as this is a support channel23:46
jribbbb: that's a bug, I don't know why that happens23:46
bbbjrib: this is a new install besides all the ndiswrapper junk23:47
VCooliodsdeiz: after --set you still have to do the --config to make swiftweasel default I think23:47
bbbjrib: could ndiswrapper have done that?23:47
afallenhopeHey, I'm having an issue installing modules. When I try install modules they go to /lib/modules/ instead of /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/extra23:47
peskaum... how do I get there lol23:48
kewl1hi everybody!!! i am on liveCD session cause my grub can´t load. erro 11 popup when i try HDD boot! wt to do???23:48
jribbbb: all I can tell you is that it works as expected on my macbook.  If it's a new install and you want to see if it really is a bug or if it is because of somethings you did with ndiswrapper, then reinstall real quick.  If it persists, you should file a bug (and come back here to see if anyone can figure out what is going on).  Also check bugs.ubuntu.com before actuallying filing to see if a bug already23:48
sebsebsebpeska:   /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:48
bbbjrib: reinstall ubuntu?23:48
peska_ /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:49
jribbbb: right, you said it was a new install anyway so I'm guessing you won't lose anything23:49
dracnocok... who told peska to quit?23:49
bbbjrib: right, but couldn't I just install the app, or did it do damage already?23:49
delsolis there a linux or ubuntu distribution for the HP iPaq23:49
jribbbb: I don't know what you did23:49
=== delsol is now known as Sun3vi1
bbbjrib: I installed a few drivers and the interface thing for ndis23:50
jribbbb: how?23:50
bbbjrib: using the interface23:50
Deathvalley122can someone tell me why remote desktop freezes for other people?23:50
jribbbb: what interface?23:50
bbbjrib: "Windows Wireless Drivers"23:50
iceroot!details | Deathvalley12223:50
ubottuDeathvalley122: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:50
jribbbb: I'm not familiar with it.  Anyway, it may be interfering23:51
bbbjrib: so you think reinstall then bug?23:51
jribbbb: you can do what you said and try removing ndiswrapper first23:51
Deathvalley122how can I explain this it just freezes for other people theres no logs to it23:51
afallenhopeHey, I'm having an issue installing modules. When I try install modules they go to /lib/modules/ instead of /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/extra23:51
NerveClasphi! sorry to interrupt, but whatc chanell is for ubuntu 9.1023:51
bbbjrib: would that be in add/remove?23:51
jrib!karmic | NerveClasp23:52
ubottuNerveClasp: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:52
jribbbb: yeah23:52
kewl1is there only bbb and jrib here???23:52
jribkewl1: no23:52
bbbkewl: no23:52
jribkewl1 is here too it seems :)23:52
edi_99Hi guys. I would really love to learn PHP. Can somebody tell me how to setup the "virtual" server... apache, mysql...?23:52
jrib!lamp | edi_9923:53
ubottuedi_99: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:53
dbuggerHi! Im trying to configure stunnel4 to get hotmail in mail notification, but when I try to start stunnel4, i ger this:23:53
jribedi_99: not sure what you mean by "virtual"23:53
dbugger2009.09.25 00:51:58 LOG3[21084:3083131088]: /etc/stunnel/mail.pem: No such file or directory (2)23:53
dbugger[Failed: /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf]23:53
purpzeyIf I upgrade my system to jaunty using "Upgrade" from the software sources menu will it keep my application information (e.g. what i have installed, and my personal data) or will it be a clean install?23:53
kewl1i am on liveCD session cause my grub can´t load. erro 11 popup when i try HDD boot! wt to do???23:53
jribpurpzey: it will keep everything23:53
dracnocpurpzey: you should be good23:53
edi_99jrib: server that is not actually a real server, more like a simulation on my comp23:53
Sun3vi1is there a channel for backtrack 323:54
jribedi_99: I think you just want to run a real server locally... But if you wish you can install another copy of ubuntu in a virtual machine like virtualbox and install it there23:54
JohnCDIsun3vi1 #remote-exploit23:54
Sun3vi1thank you23:55
bbbjrib: weird... when I clicked "Activate" again in the hardware app, it disabled the wireless23:55
bbbjrib: should I just file a bug?23:55
afallenhopeHi I'm having issues with installing modules. I'm trying to compile a wireless driver. and when it installs it goes to /lib/modules/ rather than my kernel's version which is /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic any ideas?23:55
purpzeyjrib: Will it go from 8.04 and step upwards or will it try to jump up straight to 9.04?23:55
jribbbb: I think you should see if it happens on a clean install first23:55
JohnCDIafallenhope what wireless device are you using?23:56
bbbjrib: ok, thanks for helping on this channel. will do that tomorrow. bye.23:56
JohnCDIbrand model23:56
jribpurpzey: you must go through intermediate releases.  The exception is if you upgrade from one LTS version to another LTS version23:56
afallenhopeJohnCDI, it's ANY module I try to install.. wether it be the rt73 or avld (dummy loopback video driver)23:56
kewl1how can i recover my last boot grub loader?23:56
edi_99jrib: no no, the first option seems just fine. I do remember that a few month back I have installed LAMP and I couldn't get to my regular desktop (actually boot into the GUI). Do you maybe know why?23:57
petafileIf I were to install the last alpha of karmic, will the update manager take care of all update through the beta and final releases?23:57
jribedi_99: not offhand no (that shouldn't happen)23:57
jribpetafile: yes, but this question belongs in #ubuntu+123:58
edi_99jrib: so if I install LAMP through apt everything will be exactly like now, just with the server installed?23:58
kewl1after the last upgrade ocurred some issues, my ubuntu can ´t  load anymore...error 11 popup me... Any ideas?23:58
jribedi_99: correct23:58
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:59
jribkewl1: it's important that you tell people it is grub error 11, not just some error 11.  You might check grub's documentation to see what error 11 means exactly23:59
edi_99jrib: sweet. Thank you very much23:59
afallenhope!grub  > kewl123:59
ubottukewl1, please see my private message23:59
kewl1"error 11: unrecognized device string"23:59

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