
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
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BadOmenHi to login to one witch port do i need to open in the router/firewall?03:41
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enryhi guys13:00
enrycan anyone help me??13:00
enryi have installed karmic on my notebook, so i will try ubuntu one, but how can i add this notebook to my ubuntu one account?13:02
enryi've solved, bye13:11
BadOmenHi I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and i can not connect from the panel icon or from the shared folder. Do i need to open a port in my router/firewall?14:25
BadOmenIt is no problem connecting from the web interface14:25
markgsayeBadOmen: could you give me a description of what you have done so far?14:30
BadOmenI have not done mutch just followd the instructions Ubuntu one homepage, how to install14:34
dobeyBadOmen: you shouldn't need to, no.14:34
BadOmennow i have added another account for a frend of mine and she is having the same problem, (she lives here so we share the same internet connection.14:35
BadOmenBut right after the installation I tried to connect but it did not work exept from the webbpage. Sorry for my bad english...14:37
BadOmendodey:thane there is something else=(14:38
markgsayeBadOmen: what are you doing to connect? Clicking the Ubuntu One applet? Or in Nautilus?14:41
BadOmenyes I am left klicking the Ubuntu one applet(icon on the top panel, right?) and I have tried to open nautilus and connect from the button in my Ubuntu one shared folder.14:42
dobeyBadOmen: do you have a ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log file?14:43
BadOmenI am getting a error message when I am  testing it from the terminal as root.14:43
BadOmenI will check14:43
BadOmenyes but the one fro m today is emty and the one from yesterday I was using the wrong password...14:48
BadOmenCan't get the auth token14:49
BadOmenTraceback (most recent call last):14:49
BadOmenthis i get when i tryi it as root and check the messages i resive in the terminal:14:50
dobeyBadOmen: can you pastebin the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log14:50
BadOmen(nautilus:5167): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor:14:50
dobeywhy are you running it as root? (what are you running as root?)14:51
BadOmenNautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: "net usershare" returnerade fel 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares14:51
BadOmenI just tried it to see what error message I wold get in the terminal. whene I start it as normal user It writes nothin to the terminal.14:52
dobeythat output is from nautilus, so it is unclear to me what you are running in the terminal14:52
BadOmenthe outh-log what do you want to see there. it is alot :)14:53
dobeywhat are you running exactly?14:53
dobeythe last "starting version M.N.O" entry, to the end of the file14:54
BadOmenloock at this realm='https://ubuntuone.com'14:55
BadOmenthats not the right one is it?14:55
dobeyit's correct, yes. that's not the issue14:55
BadOmen2009-09-24 15:15:41,957:957.468032837 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.main Currently in the middle of OAuth: rejecting this14:56
BadOmen2009-09-24 15:20:34,666:666.646003723 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Stopping temp webserver14:56
BadOmen2009-09-24 15:45:46,718:718.561887741 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.main maybe_login() D-Bus message received with realm='https://ubuntuone.com', consumer_key='ubuntuone'14:56
BadOmen2009-09-24 15:45:46,719:719.209909439 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.main Currently in the middle of OAuth: rejecting this14:56
BadOmenis it not this adress now: https://one.ubuntu.com/oauth/request/14:56
BadOmenI am runing it in gnome, what do you want to know?14:57
dobeyplease paste the log info on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ and then paste the URL it gives you here14:57
BadOmenokej :)14:58
rodrigo_1OAuth URLs are: request='https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/request/' <- isn't this wrong?15:00
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dobeyrodrigo_: no15:00
dobeyBadOmen: you haven't authorized your computer to access your files...15:01
dobey2009-09-23 13:18:35,628:628.093957901 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Permission denied storing token15:02
rodrigo_dobey: so, u1.com redirects to one.u.c?15:03
dobeyrodrigo_: yes15:03
rodrigo_ah ok15:03
dobeyBadOmen: you've not given permission for ubuntuone-client to store the token in the keyring, it would appear. and so it just tries to get a new token... you should have a browser open somewhere with the "Add this computer" page in it15:04
BadOmenA that can be it, i hade the wrong password so i could not do that....15:05
dobeytry with the right password :)15:05
BadOmenbut I have done that, but i can do it agen :)15:05
dobeyaccording to that log, it's only gotten an access token once, and that time, it was denied access to store it in the keyring15:06
CardinalFangMEETING BEGINS15:06
CardinalFangIf you're here for the stand-up meeting, say "me".  Say what's Done, To-do, and Blocked.15:06
BadOmendodey: i have not a add this commputer and under my computers I have one. I can remove it and try to add it agen.15:08
CardinalFangthisfred, jblount, urbanape?15:09
urbanapesure me15:09
dobeyCardinalFang: thisfred isn't desktop+, and jblount/urbanape are sprinting :)15:10
urbanapeDONE: Sprinted. New files ui is looking hot. Bindwood is getting better. Managing a manifest of bookmarks folder structure.15:10
urbanapeTODO: Finish up the new files UI. Make a client adhere to the manifest on pull.15:10
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:10
urbanapejblount's just gonna be a hater15:10
dobeyitchy trigger finger there15:10
urbanapeI think we should steal thisfred15:10
* CardinalFang agrees.15:11
urbanapesorry to jump the gun15:11
teknicowhat are we waiting for, then=15:11
dobeyCardinalFang: you going to start things off then? :)15:12
BadOmenmake a add computer under the Computers on your account plz =) now i have to reinstall to get it back or something?15:12
dobeyBadOmen: one minute please15:12
aquariusCardinalFang, am now :)15:12
CardinalFangDONE: replication testing.15:12
CardinalFangTODO: make package for desktopcouch real soon.  Hopefully, add my outstanding patches first.15:12
CardinalFangBLOCKED: couchdb release.15:12
thisfredurbanape: you propose we elope?15:12
tekniconext: rodrigo_15:13
rodrigo_• DONE: Contact record conflict resolving. Looked at poauth/python-oauth to fix HMAC bug15:13
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. Notes web UI. Make evo-couchdb deal with conflicting contact records. Simplify tomboy syncing config UI15:13
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: funny oauth15:13
rodrigo_next: teknico15:13
teknicoDONE: sprinting in London, filed a bug against lazr-js as a feature request for a dynamic form widget (#435305), investigated flushing CouchDb withi thisfred for fixing bug #42960315:13
teknicoTODO: more sprinting in London, fixing and landing the outstanding contacts web ui branches15:13
ubottuBug 429603 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/429603 is private15:13
teknicoBLOCK: none15:13
tekniconext: dobey15:13
dobey☺ DONE: Most of #43488415:13
dobey☹ TODO: Finish #434884, Help rodrigo with HMAC-SHA115:13
dobey☹ BLCK: DBus is not letting me add methods in the applet.15:13
dobeyand urbanape already went, so vds, all you15:13
vdsDONE: Face Duty and practising with pynotify15:13
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:13
vdsaquarius all yours15:13
aquarius⚀ DONE: fixed DC bug preventing release; discussion about DC release; travel to London sprint15:14
aquarius⚁ TODO: London, baybee! Work on Tomboy notes UI15:14
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:15:14
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 215:14
aquariusI believe that to be it15:14
dobeyBadOmen: no, it's not under the "My Computers" page on your account. it's the page where you click "Add this computer" so that the client can access your account15:17
BadOmenhow do i get to that page then?15:19
jblountBadOmen: https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ ?15:20
BadOmenno it says: "You haven't added any computers or devices to your Ubuntu One account. To get started please visit the installation details"15:21
BadOmenI think I got the page you want whene I started the computer. That page started outmaticly(english...)15:23
jblountBadOmen: Do you see a token in Passwords & Encryptions Keys ? (Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys)15:23
BadOmenbut i cant get it to start now.15:23
jblountBadOmen: You get to the page to 'add a computer' through a authentication hand off that the client does when there is not a token on your computer. It establishes a relationship between your computer and the Ubuntu One server.15:24
dobeyBadOmen: quit the applet15:24
dobeyBadOmen: and then start it again, and it should open the page15:25
BadOmen:jblount i am trying to finde my way to the manu but it is in swedish so it can take a minute :)15:25
jblountBadOmen: If you want to speed up the process, what dobey suggested should work, he wrote the client stuff :)15:26
jblountBadOmen: Or you could run it from the terminal (the passwords app is named 'seahorse')15:26
BadOmenI have restarted the aplet and that worked :)15:26
BadOmenIt all works fine now :D15:27
jblountBadOmen: Neat :)15:27
BadOmenI think it wolud be good to have an add this computer butten under Manage the computers on your Ubuntu One account.15:29
BadOmenyou can remove it from there than it would be god to be able to add it as well15:29
dobeythe client has to do that, not the server. so we can't put that on the web page15:30
markgsayejblount: I (somehow) have 7 computers listed against my account (and I only have 3 computers) - can I see which computer id relates to which hardware/user account?15:30
BadOmenthanx to yoe to dobey :)15:30
jblountmarkgsaye: :(, not yet. If it makes you feel better, I have ~30 or so, and I've only used three laptops :)15:30
BadOmencan you put it in the panel icon then?15:31
markgsayejblount: ok, np, if I remove all the computers from my account, I can re-create them right?15:31
jblountmarkgsaye: The plan is to make that user-editable, but I haven't finished the work yet. I don't think the hashes map to something repeatable on your computers, although I'd be happy to hear that I was wrong.15:31
jblountmarkgsaye: Yep, the next time the client runs, it should popup a request to authenticate.15:31
dobeyBadOmen: "Connect" does that if there's no token, or if authentication failed. and according to the log you pastebinned, it was working :)15:32
BadOmenokey :)15:32
BadOmenif it is working but the user think it's hard to get then it is not working as it should ;)15:33
dobeyunfortunately we don't get to control how the user's web browser works :(15:34
BadOmenthe program is realy god and you have all done a real good work so i dont want to compalin just give feedback :)15:34
BadOmenbut the aplet, there you can have a ad this computer button. And it can check if its added or not already befor it ads the computer.15:35
BadOmenthe New button thats making a folder is working when it feellike it.15:38
BadOmenwith firefox 3.5.215:39
jblountBadOmen: Some of us are in London at the moment trying to fix some of the problems with the website, but if it helps you can make your directories on your local computer instead of the web. That should work well :)15:42
BadOmenAha thanx :) I realy like tha program and will use it :) so thanx a lot for this app :D and good by.15:43
dobeythanks jblount15:56
jblountdobey: Your my hero.16:03
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pablo__some one??18:24
pablo__how to setup ubuntu one in karmic alpha 6 ??18:24
Ngis there something special I need to do to make desktopcouch stuff spring to life? I noticed starting gwibber-daemon it says "WARNING:root:desktopcouch is not available. .  falling back to gconf"21:55

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