
damjanwhats the logic behind "stop on ..." in task jobs ?01:39
ionIt will be stopped on such events.01:51
damjanion: but a task  runs very shortly and that's it02:00
ionThere’s no limit on how long a task can run.02:20
damjanhm interesting, when I "telinit S" the shell I invoke the command is not killed03:08
damjan*at .. is not killed03:09
damjanand I do have "stop on runlevel [S106]" in the agetty job file03:10
tclinekscan i get upstart to log stdout06:55
tclineksnot available yet?06:57
mbiebltclineks: add "console output" to you job file06:59
tclineksit sounded like that wasn't what I wanted, reading http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Stanzas07:00
tclineksbut i'll give that a shot07:00
mbiebltclineks: you mean log to syslog?07:00
mbieblor log file?07:00
tclineksmbiebl: anywhere, that would be great07:00
tclineksconsole output, tailing /var/log logs, no output07:01
mbieblno, that's currently disabled07:01
tclineksso i lose stdout, no way around that?07:01
ionHi Keybuk17:29
ionAs you might have noticed, i put the mountall patch to bzr and made a merge request. :-) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ion/ubuntu/karmic/mountall/fsck-locking/+merge/1228917:31
KeybukI sw17:31
KeybukI'm not ignoring your patch17:31
KeybukI just had some critical bugs to fix first17:32
Keybukdid that upload last night17:32
Keybuknext is merging your patch, and adding fsck progress notification17:32
ionI’m sorry if i appeared demanding. That was not my intent. I understand there are more critical issues. :-)17:34
ionHow’s the Free World? :-)17:43
Keybukheh, that's ok :p17:51
Keybukthings are good17:51
ionAh, i just realized LPC is happening right now. No wonder you’re visiting the Free World. :-)18:13
KeybukLinuxCon earlier this week, and now LPC18:17
Keybukhey Casey18:26
ionHi sadmac18:27
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