
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
=== jono_ is now known as jono
hyperairhyperair@ipwn:~$ ps -C notify-osd -o rsz=,command=04:57
hyperair194248 /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd04:57
hyperair194M of memory for a notification daemon that shows pretty notifications.04:57
hyperairsomeone please tell me what about this is not right?04:58
* hyperair kills notify-osd04:58
lamalexhyperair: 16m here04:59
hyperairwell yeah. that's how it is when it starts04:59
hyperairleave it a while and you get something like this05:00
lamalexoh 194. I saw 19.05:01
lamalexI was like "what's the big deal"05:01
mac_vnotify-osd uses 3m here ;)07:06
mac_vDanRabbit: ping08:24
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
MacSlowDBO, trying your branch now09:23
MacSlowDBO, the conditional cairo_destroy()s are embarrassing09:24
MacSlowDBO, no idea under by which drugs I was influenced there 09:25
* MacSlow -> lunch13:35
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
qenseI can't find any documentation for python-indicate or information on the API changes between 0.1 and 0.2. Do they exist at all?14:29
tedgqense: There isn't a migration guide or anything.14:31
tedgqense: The big thing that isn't is that there isn't an IndicateIndicatorMessage14:31
tedgThere are some new properties that are recognized, and they're all listed in the spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu14:32
qenseThat page will be a tremendous help. Thanks!14:33
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
DBOMacSlow, got me emails?14:40
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
MacSlowDBO, yes14:41
DBOdid you check out me findings about the stack14:41
MacSlowdid some tests14:41
MacSlowthere's no difference between your branch and trunk yet14:42
MacSlowdid two type of test 14:43
DBOno the changes I made are correctness14:43
DBOyou are supposed to free those windwos, and the conditional freeing was odd but not freeing a nil i snot required14:43
MacSlow100 notifications with a pause of 12 secs14:43
MacSlowand 50 notifications without pause... wait 600 secs to let queue empty and another 50  14:45
MacSlowleak-footprint is nearly identical14:46
DBOare you using valgrind?14:46
MacSlow3.0 MBytes with 12 secs pauses14:46
MacSlow26 MBytes with the 50 & 50 test14:46
MacSlownot yet14:46
MacSlowunder valgrind14:46
DBOi am not seeing any leaks when I just run the damn thing and send notifications14:47
MacSlowI ran into a nasty unrelated bug on my nvidia-box with notify-osd and dual-LCD14:47
MacSlowbut seen these leaks in e.g. pango_cairo_show_layout()14:47
DBOi dont believe those to be the leaks...14:48
DBOit just doesn't seem to add up14:48
DBOand I know valgrind to be imperfect14:48
MacSlowI think those were listed as "still reachable"14:49
MacSlownasty nevertheless14:49
DBOMacSlow, for whatever reason I still only get the memory leak when I hit the stack15:02
DBOMacSlow, I dont think 12 seconds is enough maybe15:04
DBOI am going every 30 seconds15:04
MacSlow12 shoudlbe enough... an async. bubble is on-screen for 10 sec + 700ms (fade-in and out)15:05
MacSlowDBO, so the queue should always carry one notification max at any time15:06
MacSlowDBO, use...15:06
MacSlowindex=1; while (($index<=100)); do notify-send "The Band" "Some Song ($index)" -i totem; echo Spawned bubble $index; sleep 30; index=$((index+1)); done15:07
DBOi am just trying to watch memory usage with some break points added in "Press enter to continue" kind of breakpoints to bisect down when the memory leak comes in15:07
DBOim seriously still seeing that memory leak only hits hard once we get queued up15:08
DBOthere is a minor leak for every new icon displayed15:08
DBObut its like 12 bytes15:08
MacSlowthere are a lot of small leaks like that in glib/gtk+15:08
MacSlowDBO, I'm on a conf-call atm... so I'm not really fully following here15:09
DBOoh okay15:09
DBOMacSlow, when you can, walk me through how the queuing is done15:13
DBOits a bit dense15:13
MacSlowafter the call15:14
* DBO looks at MacSlow15:54
DBOstill on the call :(15:55
MacSlowDBO, just closed15:55
MacSlowDBO, ok... let's turn to class Stack15:55
DBOokay so lets talk the queue, which looks to be stack.c no15:55
DBOoh first let me say this15:55
DBOI just confirmed with another dev, the leak does not happen for them lest they let the notifications stack up15:55
MacSlowDBO, yeah... the "queue/list" lives in class Stack15:56
DBOso Im not nuts :P15:56
DBOlest == unless15:56
MacSlowDBO, that's what I also verified with my tests15:57
DBOso we are all on the same page15:57
DBOso now we gotta smack up this stack15:57
DBOand make it stop leaking15:57
MacSlowDBO, I once mined stack.c/display.c and bubble.c with printf()s showing me the ref-counts of all use objects15:57
MacSlowfrom that I'm cretain that everything is properly *_dispose()ed15:58
MacSlowI'll go also your branch so were talking about the same sources15:59
DBOwell lets just work from the observation that someone getting multiple notifications queued up results in memory issues16:00
MacSlowDBO, did you valgrind a single notification "against" multiple yet?16:00
DBOnope, why?16:01
MacSlowvalgrind is likely to point "closer to the culprint" than gdb can16:01
MacSlowDBO, or do you want go "line-by-line"?16:01
MacSlowjust asking16:01
DBOI want to go functionally16:02
DBOso when a notification is sent by notify-send16:02
DBOit goes through libnotify -> notify-osd -> dbus.c?16:02
MacSlowit comes via dbus and first lands in stack_notify_handler() stack.c16:03
MacSlowDBO, see stack-glue.h where the handlers from stack.c get hooked up to dbus16:04
DBOok see it16:04
MacSlowDBO, I don't think we need to touch that16:04
DBOso we are in stack_notify_handler16:06
DBOwe have items in our queue16:06
MacSlownot yet16:06
MacSlowI assume a fresh start16:06
MacSlowso stack.c:584 gets skiped16:07
MacSlowstack.c:601 also gets skipped (as we assume we get a action-less notification)16:08
MacSlowDBO, or do you want to lead through stack_notify_handler() asking as question arise?16:08
MacSlowDBO, what ever you prefer16:08
DBOI am interested int stack_layout now16:09
MacSlowstack_layout() if called walks the queue for the next notification to show16:10
MacSlowchecking if e.g. notifications should be suppressed16:11
DBOthere is a method to my madness, if we were sitting next to each other this would be much easier16:11
MacSlowand then sees where to place a bubble16:11
MacSlowDBO, I second that16:11
DBOstack_layout gets called if only one bubble has been sent, correct?16:11
MacSlowa timed out bubble "triggers" it or a new notification coming in16:12
DBOlets look there16:12
DBOhow do I send a syncronous notification?16:13
MacSlowthat grabs anything from the top of the queue16:13
MacSlowvia a string-hint  16:13
MacSlowe.g. notify-send "Volume" -i notification-audio-volume-medium -h int:value:75 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:16:14
MacSlow-h introduces a hint16:14
DBOhow does a bubble get removed from this list?16:15
MacSlowthen a "triplet" tells what type of hint, name and value16:15
DBOi see the ability to select the bubble, but where does it get removed from the list16:15
MacSlowDBO, ocne it times out (fade-out animation finishes) it gets unref'ed16:16
DBOthat doesn't remove it from the list...16:16
MacSlowit's a GWeakNotify callback16:16
DBOoh there16:16
MacSlowthat kicks it from the list16:16
DBOMacSlow, is my cursory glance that there isn't really much code that doesn't get executed when there is only one bubble somewhat accurate?16:21
MacSlowdouble negation?! :)16:22
DBOthere isn't much code that gets executed only when there are multiple items in the queue16:23
MacSlowthe queue is filled up until 50 notifications are in queue16:24
MacSlowand one at a time is displayed16:24
MacSlowas one notification fades out it gets removed from the queue16:25
* DBO wonders why getting more than depth == 1 has such hard fail16:25
* MacSlow does too16:25
DBOthe logic seems sound...16:25
MacSlowotherwise we'd be jumping at the bug right away :)16:25
MacSlowgee I've this bug again16:26
MacSlowicons missing... leading to "no layout"-errors... causing failing rendering16:29
MacSlowthat stated with the extraction of the notify-osd icons from the themes into a separate package16:30
DBOspeaking of line 256 of stack.c16:30
DBOget back here!16:30
mac_vtedg: do you also think the indicator messages icon should have something extra? to denote new?16:30
tedgmac_v: Yeah, I do...16:31
mac_vhehe ;p16:31
mac_vhmm, i think djsiegel or DanRabbit decided not to have an icon change16:32
mac_vbut just to make it highlight16:33
djsiegelmac_v: the envelope gets bolder16:33
djsiegelbut the panel icons for humanity are going to be changed abit16:33
djsiegelthey are too light16:33
mac_vdjsiegel: yeah, i know but > bug #392265 , do you want an extra emblem of sot?16:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 392265 in humanity-icon-theme "Indicator-applet icon for "new message" is too visually similar too the default icon" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39226516:34
djsiegelmac_v: I do think they are too similar16:35
djsiegelbut I don't know if an emblem is a good way to go16:35
djsiegelmaybe a the envelope could fill, become solid white16:35
djsiegelerr, solid gray/black16:35
mac_vhmm , yeah something of the sort16:35
mac_vi'm working on that atm16:35
mac_vdjsiegel: there is a problem , if we make it darker then the icons will not be visible in dark panels i.e.>UNR  , so what we can do is , split *only* the panel icons into a separate theme , which will be a very small package and name it Humanity_dark or whatever , 16:36
mac_vmake it inherit the rest of the humanity icons and all will be happy16:37
njpatelhumanity needs a dim bluetooth panel icon too, fwiw16:37
mac_vnjpatel: the bluetooth icon will be used in the panel :(16:38
MacSlowDBO, still messed up here16:38
MacSlowgod I hate that16:38
DBOMacSlow, whats messed up?16:38
mac_voops menu*16:38
MacSlowDBO, starting notify-osd from the shell16:38
njpatelmac_v: Oh I see16:38
njpatelmac_v: that sucks16:38
MacSlow"(notify-osd:15598): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_window_get_window_type: assertion `WNCK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed"16:38
MacSlowat least the icon shows again16:38
mac_vnjpatel: DBO says he can hack the notification area to desaturate the icons similar to the UNR inactive window list16:38
mac_vthat will solve all the inconsistency problems16:39
DBOMacSlow, oh yeah, I saw that...16:39
njpatelmac_v: that would be a most useful trick16:39
DBOI was wondering what causes those errors16:39
MacSlowDBO, I'm not getting them on intel16:39
mac_vnjpatel: you guys need to assign it => DBO 16:39
DBOnjpatel, common you were the guy who wrote AWN, remember all those swanky effects you did to xembed things. This is just desat :P16:39
DBOMacSlow, get them here16:40
njpatelmac_v: it may be a bit late for karmic, but it's worth investigating16:40
MacSlownevermind... just got them on intel too16:40
njpatelDBO: those days are long gone, I'm in awe of you kids now...with your client side windows16:40
MacSlowit's from that dnd.c code16:40
MacSlownjpatel, you've them too16:41
DBOnjpatel, notification area is all xembed still isn't it?16:41
MacSlow"xembed" *spew³*16:41
mac_vnjpatel: there are complaints about the inconsistencies , this should fix it , we could do a FFE16:41
njpatelDBO: lol, yes. was just saying :)16:41
* MacSlow want to have FFE as his second forename16:42
DBOyeah, my logic to "yes this is possible" was largely "I have a slight idea how to do it and have seen AWN do much more impressive things to an xembed"16:42
njpatelmac_v: it would be good, make a bug against gnome-panel + post to ayatana? Would give the weekend for people to consider it...16:42
mac_vnjpatel: lool already has asked the UX team , they just havent responded yet :(16:43
MacSlowmac_v, it "just" a few grey lines... how hard can it be16:43
loolI pinged them again today16:43
njpatelmac_v: hence I'm thinking ayatana-list....make a little noise if you know what I mean ;-)16:43
* MacSlow crouches from the DUX-crowd 16:43
DBOMacSlow, want help with them wnck errors?16:44
MacSlowDBO, I'd prefer bullet ;)16:44
* mac_v thinks njpatel / lool making the noise would be better heard ;)16:44
MacSlowmac_v, you're probably right16:44
njpatelmac_v: I would back up your initial noise, don't have time to make noise myself at the moment :D16:44
* mac_v ok , going to yell at the list right -> now16:45
MacSlowDBO, now... I also get the "no icon/no layout defined"-error with your branch on intel16:45
MacSlowmake that two or thirty bullets16:46
DBOnot my fault16:46
DBOi didn't touch the wnck codies16:46
njpatelerr, why is there a heart icon inside my nm-applet16:46
DBOit loves you16:46
MacSlowDBO, nothing in your patches looks like it indeed16:46
MacSlowand all worked yesterday with 0.9.22 / trunk16:47
DBOwell the word also tells me you get this on your branch?16:47
njpatelmy ethernet connection loves me...16:47
MacSlowDBO, I need to go to the capoeira-classes... back in about 2 hours16:47
DBOnjpatel, just make sure to keep your love secret from your switch. It's a bit of a whore16:47
MacSlowDBO, any questions you have until them... stuff 'em in an email and send it over16:48
DBOMacSlow, answer my question first damnit :P16:48
DBOdo the issues happen in your branch too?16:48
MacSlowDBO, regarding the libwnk assertion... sure... go for it16:48
* DBO murders MacSlow 16:48
MacSlowDBO, yes in your branch and in trunk16:48
DBOokay :)16:48
DBOthats what I needed to know16:48
DBOit I will work on it16:48
* MacSlow rejoins the fun in ~2h16:49
* DBO has a math test in ~1h16:49
DBOI really shouldn't go because I have the flu16:49
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
DBOyet oddly I place my grade above the wellbeing of my classmates16:49
* DBO notes there has not been a code commit to trunk since the 0.9.22 release16:52
DBOnjpatel, thats badass16:52
loolmac_v: around now17:05
loolmac_v: We're speaking of the ubuntuone icon is colourful bug, right?17:06
loolmac_v: So we discussed in the release meeting and considered that the safest to implement is the icon theme change to use colour icons17:06
mac_vlool: that one and all icons in general which use the notification area17:06
loolmac_v: We're still blocked on UX response; I mailed ivanka17:07
loolmac_v: Yes, but the icons in other packages are historically with colours17:07
mac_vlool: why revert when a fix is available?17:07
loolmac_v: What's the fix?17:07
mac_vlool: DBO says we can tweak out the notification area similar to the window list to desaturate the icons17:08
loolmac_v: It's a proposed change17:08
loolmac_v: But it's not developed17:08
loolmac_v: People had concerns that it was too late for code changes like these17:08
mac_vwe already do it in the window list :(   why not give it a try first 17:09
loolmac_v: My only _personal_ concern for doing that is that it's unlikely that we can distinguish all icons very well if they are desaturated; think of red / orange / green warnings etc.17:09
DBOits not developed because nobody asked me to develop it :P17:09
loolmac_v: Because we dont have the time, artwork deadline was yesterday17:09
loolmac_v: It's not impossible to implement, it's just a) not decided we want that (design team) b) late and risky17:09
mac_vlool: DBO has been willing to fix it , only no one has asked him to17:09
loolmac_v: I know17:10
mac_voh... ok17:10
loolmac_v: It might be that the design team says we should do it17:10
loolmac_v: So what I'd like to ask you folks is to prepare a branch of humanity where we revert to colour icons17:10
mac_vdjsiegel: ^ ?17:11
loolDBO: If you'd like to propose a patch to implement that feature, that's welcome; we should spend our development resources on fixing crashers at this point though17:11
loolDBO: (Not my call ultimately of course)17:11
DBOor mine17:11
DBOit makes little difference to when it gets done now17:12
DBOwe cant possible ship it with karmic17:12
loolDBO: Well it's not impossible; there were reactions against following this track, but the design team wasn't there to comment17:12
loolDBO: I hope the design team will agree with release team / desktop manager / others saying that it's too late to push more code changes now17:13
* DBO wishes he could be involved with these discussions17:13
loolDBO: The conclusion of the release meeting is the status quo except that we want to prepare the colour icons just in case17:13
loolDBO: Anybody is welcome as long as the meeting remains productive17:13
djsiegellool DBO mac_v, if we just pull humanity's panel icons, it will fall back on GNOME, etc.17:13
djsiegelor we can just put human panel icons back in17:14
DBOI am going to get ready for class17:14
DBOmath test17:14
DBOspreading disease17:14
DBOits going to be a blast17:14
loolmac_v: I'll keep you updated on the answer of design team17:14
mac_vlool: ok17:15
loolmac_v: Would you ming preparing that humanity branch for me in case we go that route?  This is to speedup merging the change when that's decided17:15
lool(and if that's decided of course)17:15
mac_vlool: its no a big deal , once the decision is made we could just yank the icons and be done in 15mins ;)17:16
loolmac_v: I thought you had a colourful version of these icons as well17:19
loolmac_v: Or was this only for the categories?17:20
mac_vlool: we dont have a color version of these *exact* icons , but had color version in a different style , that the deisgn team did not like *at all* , hence these icons... we might as well remove the panel icons and let the gnome icons be used17:21
loolmac_v: Okay17:21
loolmac_v: Or the human ones?17:21
mac_veither way :)17:22
DanRabbitlool: ping17:56
natewiebe13being that the artwork deadline has passed.. does that mean gdm is going to stay as-is?17:57
loolDanRabbit: pong18:04
djsiegelmac_v, DanRabbit, lool 18:05
djsiegelcan we talk here?18:05
djsiegelI am having three separate PMs18:05
DanRabbitokay okay18:05
DanRabbitHere's the exact root of the problem we are facing18:06
natewiebe13you guys have any ideas about my question?18:06
DanRabbitThe panel uses the same icons as the rest of the UI18:06
mac_vdjsiegel: as i said , this is a patch which dbo has already done for UNR18:06
DanRabbitAnd no matter how we draw the icons in the panel, light or dark or purple or whatever18:06
DanRabbitwe can never do a monochrome icon without affecting the rest of the UI18:06
mac_vbut he had written it for the window list , all that needs to be done is assign it to him and he can come up with the patch18:07
DanRabbitSo, what we need is to tell the panel to use different icons than the rest of the UI18:07
loolAre we speaking of the notification area or the panel?18:07
mac_vlool yes18:07
djsiegelThe only thing I am in a position to nod at is changes to art files18:07
mac_vnotification area18:07
loolQ: foo or bar?  A: yes18:07
DanRabbitand applets18:08
loolOk thanks   :)18:08
DanRabbitif need be18:08
djsiegelpatching applet sounds like a really bad idea18:08
djsiegelit's just too late18:08
DanRabbitwe're not changing any functionality18:08
mac_vdjsiegel: it is already done for the window list , and it was done by DBO 18:08
djsiegelyou guys aren't hearing me18:08
DanRabbitit'll literally be this much change:18:08
djsiegelif gcc has to run again, I think it is too late18:09
DanRabbit"I get my icon from network-stuff.svg" "Now I get my icon from network-stuff-panel.svg"18:09
mac_vdjsiegel: we had been mentioning this since sunday! the UX hasnt responded18:09
djsiegelmac_v: this is the first I have heard about it18:09
mac_vlool: has been pinging ivanka and hasnt ot a response :(18:09
DanRabbitI myself have been saying it since before we switched to monochrome icons18:09
loolDanRabbit: That would break other themes18:09
DanRabbitno, because of icon fallback18:10
mac_vdjsiegel:  lool has been pinging ivanka and hasnt a response :(18:10
djsiegelI love the idea, but it's too late18:10
loolmac_v: It's ok, we will get a reply at some point18:10
djsiegeltoo many changes to too many different code bases18:10
djsiegellet's do it for lucid18:10
djsiegelbut, we have problems to solve in karmic18:10
DanRabbitthen, we must remove monochrome icons in Karmic18:10
DanRabbitor it'll be broken18:10
mac_vlool: but now you guys are saying its frozen :(18:10
djsiegelok, lool, what do you suggest?18:10
djsiegellool: we need to drop humanity panel icons18:11
djsiegelwhat is the branch you were proposing?18:11
loolDanRabbit, mac_v: We're not going to do anything complex; I'm willing to consider the option of desaturaing notification area at runtime even if it's not my preferred one, but that will only get applied if design team wants it this way and desktop team is confortable with adding the patch that late18:11
loolThe current preferred change if any is to drop the B&W icons18:11
natewiebe13mac_v, djsiegel, DanRabbit, lool: any ideas regarding if the gdm will be updated.. or if it is staying the same as now.. also i agree with going back to colored panel icons, they look better18:11
loolThe only other option is to keep what we have now18:11
DanRabbitWe don't even have to make a crazy patch like desaturating it!18:12
mac_vdjsiegel: pls read lool's response above , it can be done only if UX insists18:12
djsiegellool: please check with desktop team if they are comfortable with the change this late18:12
looldjsiegel: I'm asking to prepare the humanity changes to revert to the human or gnome icons for notification-area stuff18:12
djsiegeltell them UX is interested only if it looks like it isn't disruptive18:12
DanRabbitGnome would be best18:12
DanRabbitHuman icons are pretty unreadable on the UNR panel18:12
looldjsiegel: Are you speaking for UX?  I'd rather hear it from ivanka to whom I escalated18:12
djsiegellool, I need a description of the problem still18:13
djsiegelwho is worried about Humanity panel icons?18:13
djsiegeland why?18:13
djsiegelthey icons look too light? That is what I heard18:13
looldjsiegel: So you're picking this up from ivanka?18:13
djsiegellool, yes18:13
looldjsiegel: I'll forward you the emails then18:13
djsiegelok, good18:13
looldjsiegel: sent18:14
mac_vdjsiegel: the problem is : the panels use greyscale icons for the system icons , but the app icons are in color ... so lool and a few others feel that this is inconsistent behavior... IMO the system icons are greyscale and the rest are color[this is how win 7 does it too only the system icons are white , rest are color]... 18:15
looldjsiegel: We want to know whether the mix of black and white and coloured icons is acceptable for karmic, and what's the design team's preferred solution between all black and white, all colour, and mix of the two18:15
mac_vdjsiegel: if this is acceptable to keep using only the grey *system* icons for the panel , there is no problem *at all* ... its just that they are questioning the inconsistency18:16
loolmac_v: It doens't compare18:16
djsiegelok, I se18:16
mac_vnothing needs to be done18:16
loolmac_v: For instance rhythmox is shipped with Ubuntu desktop and UNR; should it be black and white?18:17
loolmac_v: What about bluetooth?  tomboy notes?18:17
mac_vlool: as i said app icons are not allowed in the default icon theme18:17
mac_vonly generic icons18:17
mac_vbluetooth is not a problem18:18
djsiegelno, we will never get all panel icons uniform as long as apps can put their own icons there18:18
djsiegeleven if we monochrome them forcefully18:18
mac_vdjsiegel: i would say, we just draw a line and say , only system icons are greyscale .... and there is no confusion at all18:18
mac_vno panel icon change18:19
mac_vno code break18:19
mac_vnothing needs to be done 18:19
natewiebe13my opinion on the matter.. is that eventually we will be going to gnome-shell.. ive run gnome-shell with both monochrome icons, and colored icons.. and i find that the colored ones look a whole lot better18:21
mac_vlool: the bluetooth icon wasnt done , just because we were waiting for the decision... but either way... something needs to be decide18:22
loolI'm happy I dont have to raise a lot of design or icon questions   :-)18:23
mac_vdjsiegel: lool: seriously... is there a problem if only the system icons are in greyscale? bluetooth will be done... and let the apps have color i dont see why this is considered inconsistent!18:25
djsiegelthe thing I am concerned with is the humanity-style icons appearing in other interfaces18:25
djsiegelOk, here is what I would like us to do.18:25
* DanRabbit ---> bathroom18:27
natewiebe13sjsiegel: if you guys decide to go with the monochrome icons.. itd be awesome if you included an alternate icon theme, either in the repos, or a tar.gz somewhere.. i really like the humanity theme, but if the monochrome icons stay, i think i'll have to switch back to gnome-colors [thumbs down]18:29
natewiebe13[hate to sound like a broken record]18:30
djsiegelok, that decides it, we are doing what natewiebe13 wants :~18:30
mac_vdjsiegel: as of now there is not much problem , of the humanity style icons appearing in the interfaces if we do only the system icons18:30
djsiegelmac_v: I just need to know of where this is happening18:30
djsiegelmac_v: if humanity panel icons are not appearing in other interfaces, I would like to keep humanity panel icons, but darken them a tad for the desktop18:31
djsiegellool: ^18:31
mac_vdjsiegel: they can be darkened for ubuntu 18:31
mac_vand lightened for UNR18:32
mac_vthats not a problem18:32
mac_vdjsiegel: check the networking menu18:32
djsiegelmac_v: please give me a screenshot18:32
djsiegelmac_v: I am not on ubuntu right now18:32
looldjsiegel: I dont know18:32
* mac_v system is too tweaked out18:33
mac_vgive me a couple of mins18:33
djsiegelok, I am downloading a karmic daily18:33
natewiebe13one last question.. then i'll leave you guys to work.. if you go through with monochrome icons.. will you include an alt. colored theme?18:35
djsiegelnatewiebe13: no18:35
djsiegelnatewiebe13: no time for that atm18:35
djsiegelmac_v lool DanRabbit, I think we will keep everything as is, but just darken the humanity panel icons for Ubuntu18:35
djsiegelbut I will inspect this problem with the nm-applet in a bit18:35
djsiegelas soon as karmic downloads18:35
djsiegelmac_v: if you can get me a screenshot that would be great18:36
natewiebe13no probs.. if every panel icon was monochrome, i would keep them but.. good work on the theme though18:36
looldjsiegel: What do you mean "just darken the humanity panel icons for Ubuntu"18:37
looldjsiegel: It's the same package in Ubuntu Netbook Remix and in Ubuntu Desktop Edition18:37
djsiegellool: the humanity panel icons are considered too light, because they were made to look good on UNR18:37
djsiegelI was told we could do lighter on just the desktop18:37
loolWho told you that?18:37
djsiegelI don't remember, mac_v?18:37
loolUnless we patch the panel to know that it's running on one or the other and to runtime change the icons, no we cant18:38
djsiegelwe can't have humanity-icon-theme-unr ?18:38
loolNot easily18:39
djsiegelso, we cannot make humanity panel icons darker in karmic because they will be too hard to see in UNR18:40
lool(We would have to change a bunch of deps in many packages, add a new package with changed filepathes, change the seeds etc.)18:40
djsiegelI think we need to pull humanity panel icons for karmic, and do fixes for lucid18:40
mac_vdjsiegel: lool > http://imagebin.ca/view/oFRenHr.html18:40
mac_vIMO ,its not light for ubuntu18:40
djsiegeleven with the fix that DBO could do, we still would have the dark/light conflict with UNR/desktop18:40
looldjsiegel: So removing them will fallback on gnome-icon-theme (not human-i-t), ok with that?18:40
mac_vbut we can make it darker ;)18:40
djsiegellool: hold on18:41
looldjsiegel: Can you either send me an email Cc:ing ivanka and pitti on that decision or comment on the bug that this is the decision of the representant of the design team?18:41
djsiegelmac_v: can you give me another screenshot with those icons removed, falling back on gnome-ico-theme pleae18:41
loolCant afford back and forth changes on this issue at this time18:41
djsiegellool: yes, please give me the bug18:41
mac_vdjsiegel: argh! give me a sec ;p18:41
djsiegelbug #43027718:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 430277 in unr-meta "ubuntuone icon is colorful while the other panel icons are dark" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43027718:42
loolIt's notification-area not panel, will update bug title to make it clear18:42
djsiegellool: that bug is not a problem because DanRabbit did a humanity style icon for U118:42
looldjsiegel: That bug is where we discuss the general issue18:43
loolupdated title to drop ubuntuone part18:43
looldjsiegel: Ok, it's end of day here; will act on your email or comment when I process emails/bugs next18:44
loolbye all18:44
natewiebe13i do have to say.. that im using dust as a theme.. the humanity icons do not work under network-manager in terms of color18:45
mac_vnatewiebe13: as always you can change the theme if you dont like ;p18:47
natewiebe13just saying they should be darker18:47
mac_vdjsiegel: gnome > http://imagebin.ca/view/JKbE34Bw.html18:47
mac_vdjsiegel: human > http://imagebin.ca/view/NYTmyv.html18:48
mac_vnatewiebe13:  file a bug 18:48
natewiebe13im using gnome-colors.. i just thought id agree with you that they should be darker18:49
* mac_v makes note... will have to mention to djsiegel's boss that he doesnt use Ubuntu ;018:49
natewiebe13anyways.. see you guys later18:50
djsiegelmac_v: thank you very much for that, I think we should go back to human for those icons18:50
* mac_v realizes djsiegel has poor taste ;p18:51
djsiegelmac_v: it's not about taste18:51
mac_vhehe ;)18:51
djsiegelif this were about the manifestation of my taste, the result would really be great! :)18:51
mac_vdjsiegel:  as i'v mentioned we can make it darker , if thats the problem18:52
DanRabbitdjsiegel: Human icons (particularly the volume) is impossible to read on a dark panel18:52
DanRabbitit's not going to be good for UNR18:52
mac_vlool: just do a test and swith unr to human ,you will *not* be able to see the volume level!18:52
mac_vdjsiegel: ^18:52
djsiegelDanRabbit: what did UNR use in Jaunty?18:54
DanRabbitI believe Human18:55
DanRabbitwas that rhetorical?18:55
mac_vdjsiegel: the used a different gtk theme , now with dust theme the icons are invocisble18:55
djsiegelunfortunately, in the interest in not breaking too much, I think we should keep jaunty icons in the panel18:55
djsiegeleven with their old flaws18:55
djsiegelmac_v, let those other themes use different icons then18:55
djsiegelI am concerned with the default theme, with 99% of ubuntu users keep18:56
mac_vdjsiegel: UNR uses dust by default18:56
djsiegelmac_v, right, so, which icons are invisible in dust?18:56
djsiegelso, UNR had invisible panel icons in Jaunty?18:56
djsiegeland up until a few weeks ago, we were fine with that/18:57
mac_vdjsiegel: UNR used human theme instead of dust in jaunty [AFAIK]18:57
mac_vdjsiegel: could pls remind me , what the breakage is with humanity and these panel icons?18:57
mac_vcoudl you*18:57
djsiegel(1) the messaging indicator is not differentiated enough18:58
djsiegel(2) others are claiming these icons are leaking out into other interfaces18:58
djsiegel(1) is clear, and we can fix it18:58
mac_v1> is fixed in latest18:58
mac_vyes , i just now fixed 118:58
mac_vdjsiegel: for 2, the screenshots i showed are the only 2 places where the *leak*18:59
djsiegelmac_v, what is the fix for #1?18:59
mac_vdjsiegel: i have changed the icon to fill19:00
djsiegelmac_v: can you please show me?19:01
djsiegelmac_v: I think I want the human status icons to be used in humanity, can you expand the session menu and give me a screenshot comparing status icons in human and humanity please?19:04
mac_vdjsiegel: http://imagebin.ca/view/7g8WEw.html19:04
djsiegelok, how does that look on a dark panel?19:04
djsiegelI imagine the "no fill" one is louder, and would connote message available?19:04
mac_vdjsiegel:  i thought we were worried about ubuntu for now19:04
djsiegelmac_v: apparently, that change will trickle into UNR as well19:05
mac_vdjsiegel: UNR we can fix , by making it light ;)19:05
djsiegelwe can't just make UNR light right now19:05
DanRabbitmac_v: i don't think we're allowed to have separate packages ATM19:05
mac_vdjsiegel: i meant light icons for UNR19:06
djsiegelSo I need to see Human panel icons on UNR19:16
djsiegelmac_v: can you please prepare a humanity branch that uses Human panel icons?19:18
mac_vdjsiegel: kenneth told we are not allowed to copy human's icons... you need to ask him... either way , the packaging can be done any way ubuntu wants ;)19:18
djsiegelmac_v: I am talking to him now, he says it's fine19:19
mac_vdjsiegel: DanRabbit is the main owner of the Humanity branch , branching it has to be done by him19:20
djsiegelyes, I am saying that kwwii says we can copy human icons19:20
DanRabbit I'll do it in a bit19:20
DanRabbitI have to go get some dry ice because my gf's car has a dent19:20
djsiegellool: you here?19:22
* DBO looks for a MacSlow|capoeira 19:47
=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowDBO, re20:04
MacSlowDBO, I need to hit the bed... I'm exhausted.20:10
mrooney|wWhoever has made Humanity the default icon set in 9.10 is a very good person.20:17
natewiebe13mac_v: did you say that ubuntuone had a monochrome icon?21:44
mac_vdjsiegel: ^ mrooney|w's comment ;p21:45
mrooney|wah I figured he might be the one!21:45
djsiegelmac_v: ?21:46
djsiegelwhat did mrooney|w say?21:46
mac_vdjsiegel: [00:47] <mrooney|w> Whoever has made Humanity the default icon set in 9.10 is a very good person.21:46
DanRabbitThat's awesome21:47
DanRabbitthat almost brings a tear to my eye21:47
djsiegeldon't praise me, praise DanRabbit and mac_v for working so hard, and kwwii for saving us all in the end, and ivanka for pestering mark :)21:47
djsiegelomg I am going to cry21:47
djsiegelwe are such a good team21:48
djsiegeleven if the last couple days have been a nightmare21:48
DanRabbitgroup hug!21:48
mrooney|wand more than 2 backgrounds, this is glorious21:53
natewiebe13so is there going to be a new icon made for ubuntuone?21:54
lamalexwow, and good ones21:54
djsiegellamalex: :)21:56
djsiegelnatewiebe13: yes, DanRabbit made it and I just sent it to the U1 guys21:56
djsiegellamalex: those are from the contest21:56
lamalexthe problem with the matching notification area icons is that basically every app needs one made now for that to stay uniform21:57
djsiegellamalex: or apps need to stay out of the panel21:57
lamalexoh yah, or that :)21:58
natewiebe13djsiegel: how about the actual ubuntu logo for the menu, and weather icons? if those get made.. i'll keep humanity21:58
djsiegelnatewiebe13: we aren't doing this just for you, you know :)21:58
djsiegelso don't try to negotiate with what you want :)21:58
natewiebe13i know.. im just asking21:58
djsiegelisn't the actual ubuntu logo uses?21:59
DanRabbitCan't do the ubuntu logo because it shows up in other places22:00
DanRabbitit's a leaker22:00
djsiegeloh, I see, he wants that monochrome too22:00
lamalexDanRabbit: unless that gnome-applet was patched to use a different icon22:00
natewiebe13okay.. how about the weather icons?22:01
lamalexubuntu-monochrome or something22:01
mac_vdjsiegel: DanRabbit: i think we need a blueprint for lucid , for the notification area22:01
DanRabbitlamalex: that's what I keep saying, but not until Lucid22:01
lamalexDanRabbit: ah22:01
lamalexwell I agree with you :)22:01
natewiebe13DanRabbit: how about weather icons?22:02
mac_vnatewiebe13: do you like the greyscale icons or you hate them... ;p ... a few mins back you said you didnt like now you want all in greyscale ;)22:03
natewiebe13DanRabbit: dont get me wrong.. i really like the theme.. itd just be nice to be uniform.. 22:04
natewiebe13i would like them if they were all greyscale.. but if some are and some arent.. id rather have them all color22:04
mac_vDanRabbit: back up the icons ... heavy edits on the way ;022:04
mac_voops wrong channel!22:04
DanRabbitI understand how you feel, I would like them all in monochrome as well22:05
natewiebe13mac_v: ^22:05
DanRabbitunfortunately, we can't make those changes until Lucid22:05
natewiebe13DanRabbit: awesome.. thats what i wanted to know22:05
mac_vnatewiebe13: we too , but the code doesnt allow atm22:05
lamalexDanRabbit: are you going to be at UDS-L?22:05
DanRabbitI applied ;)22:06
mrooney|wyes I have to apply22:15
mrooney|wit is actually pseudo-close to me this time!22:16
lamalexat least closer than Barcelona22:16
mrooney|wwell when it was in CA I was in PA on the other side of the US22:30
mrooney|wnow that I am in CA, it is in TX, not tooo bad22:30
* DanRabbit ---> work23:18

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