
onoxcan I make a branch of a checkout or a checkout of a checkout?00:08
fullermdYou can branch a checkout (of course, what you're really doing is branching the branch the checkout is of).00:08
lifelessjohnf: is there an ETA on 2.0.0 in the PPA  ?00:08
lifeless[not the beta PPA, the PPA]00:08
fullermdChecking out a checkout doesn't make much sense though.00:08
johnflifeless: about 20 minutes00:08
johnfjust finishing off bzrtools00:08
lifelessmtaylor: ^00:09
* mtaylor is excited00:10
onoxfullermd: ok, I was just wondering :)00:10
thumperany eta on windows installers?00:14
pooliehello all00:14
bombcar_How can I push a tag to a remote bzr+ssh repository without doing a pointless commit?00:14
spivbombcar_: just "bzr push"00:15
spivbombcar_: the message about "nothing to push" is misleading :(00:15
bombcar_oh, really?00:15
bombcar_so it does push it?00:15
bombcar_It does! Thanks00:16
meoblastwith the fast-import-filter, can you filter text in all source files?00:16
bombcar_I wonder if there's a bug on that ...00:16
zsquarepluscwill i be able to install svn-bzr and bzr itself together again from the PPA when 2.0 is out? because upgrading to bzr 1.18 removes bzr-svn (both from the PPA, jaunty 64 bit)00:16
bombcar_does a commit push it, too?00:18
bombcar_it doesn't seem to need a commit00:20
lamalexDoes anyone know anything about bzr-fastexport? I'm trying to export into git but it's failing00:21
meoblastbzr fast-export mybranch/ thestuff.fi00:22
mwhudsonwow doing a standalone branch of launchpad is slow....00:23
johnflifeless: actually maybe an hour since PPA builders seem a bit busy00:23
meoblastdoes bzr have tree-filtering ability?00:24
lamalexanyone know about fast-export/00:29
lamalexlifeless: are you telling me to ask igc, or talking to someone else00:29
lifelesslamalex: I'm telling you that igc knows about fast export00:29
pooliehello lifeless, spiv00:30
lifelessjohnf: bzr-svn too?00:30
lifelesshi poolie00:30
johnflifeless: I've got latest versions of bzr, bzrtools, subvertpy and bzr-svn ready to go00:30
lifelessjohnf: its an ubuntu archive rebuild00:32
lamalexigc: http://paste2.org/p/436081 <-- log00:32
lifelessjohnf: your build should score in front of it00:32
poolielifeless/igc/spiv: so, 2.0.0 or not?00:35
pooliei said i'd do it today00:36
poolies/do/announce it00:36
pooliewe have no site update yet afaics00:36
poolieand maybe no windows installers?00:36
igchi poolie, lifeless, lamalex00:36
igchi spiv00:36
pooliejelmer: still around at all?00:36
johnfEww really don't like the ordering of https://launchpad.net/builders Can't easily see what the PPA builders are up to00:36
pooliejohnf: say it (also) in #launchpad where bigjools or someone can hear you00:37
pooliealso try clicking the 'status' heading00:37
lamalexigc: lifeless said you know about fast-export00:38
igclamalex: I do - I'll take a look in a few moments00:38
lamalexigc: thanks :)00:38
lamalexill be around just ping me00:38
igcpoolie: I'm not sure why there's no windows installer built00:38
igclamalex - shall do00:39
pooliejam, still here?00:39
igcpoolie: I though jam had all he needed but maybe he was waiting on an rc2 for bzr-svn or something like that00:39
igcpoolie: I certainly don't want to announce 2.0.0 until a few people have tested the 'final' windows installer00:40
pooliemm, me either00:40
pooliei was wondering in the shower whether i'd wait for the web site00:41
pooliebut i don't want to announce without windows installers00:41
lifelesssoftpedia is odd00:54
igcpoolie: so I suspect the holdup on the windows installer was that the official branch didn't have you patch for going 2.0.0 gold01:08
igcpoolie: it looks like jam has fixed that overnight01:09
pooliemaybe so, but i thought john said yesterday he would just change it in the tree01:09
pooliei'll look in to why it didn't get in, as i'm pretty sure it was submitted01:09
meoblastlifeless: i'm writting a program to automate this :P01:14
pooliei just tried to call jam but couldn't reach him01:16
lamalexigc: anything?01:17
igclamalex: just getting to it now01:18
lamalexk :) let me know if you need anything01:18
igclamalex: so that's a git crash report, yes?01:20
lamalexigc: yah01:20
lamalexthat's the terminal output aside from the log01:21
igclamalex: there's a known bug with a patch01:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427188 in bzr-fastimport "bzr fast-export --plain into git fast-import fails" [Undecided,New]01:22
igclamalex: I'm yet to check the patch so it's not merged into the trunk yet01:22
igclamalex: but it will be in the next few days01:23
igclamalex: can you let me know if that fixes things for you?01:24
lamalexyah, it's at least gotten farther thatn it did before01:24
lamalexigc: works!01:28
igclamalex: cool01:28
lamalexerm, maybe..01:28
lamalexit doesn't crash at least01:28
lamalexigc: how is this supposed to work. Can you maybe give me a summary from start to finish? Do I run this in a bzr branch that I want to convert to git? It shows all of my files as deleted since the dir I ran it in was empty, but I guess I thought it copied content01:30
_habnabitIs there a way to make bzr-svn remember the HTTP auth username/password used when connecting to a svn repository over HTTP?01:31
igclamalex: I didn't think it mattered which directory you ran it in but to be safe, run it in the root directory of the bzr branch you want to import into git01:33
lamalexigc: Do you think I should "git init . ; git add" first?01:33
igclamalex: I'd generate the dump file first01:34
igclamalex: I don't know exactly how git-fast-import works so see it's man page for usage01:34
lamalexigc: k, thanks a lot for your help on that crash01:35
=== AfC1 is now known as AfC
Raim_habnabit: run something like 'svn ls $URL' once, bzr will use the credentials stored by svn AFAIK01:40
_habnabitRaim, do I have to login via svn before I do the 'bzr co'? I tried doing the 'bzr co' and then 'svn co' but bzr didn't use svn's credentials.01:40
lifeless_habnabit: there is a ~/.svnsomething dir with auth cache under that01:40
lifelesspoolie: a while back you considered making subunit test output the default, or perhaps for -v, or something. Have you had further thoughts?01:45
poolieyes, and the answer is no01:46
poolieit's too unreadable01:46
lifelessyup, I was surprised at your suggestion :)01:47
pooliemy suggestion?01:47
lifelessyou suggested it01:47
poolieactually i asked the question "would it be reasonable to just always use it?"01:48
poolieand the answer is no.01:48
lifelessTo me thats suggesting the possibility ;)01:48
poolieso you said "I'm happy typing --subunit always"01:48
poolieand i'm happy you're happy :)01:49
lifelessanyhow, I only brought it up now because I remembered that the thread hadn't been closed01:49
pooliethe thing i want to fix here is to actually make progress bars still display with subunit redirected01:49
poolieshould be easy01:49
poolieoh btw, zsh love:01:49
pooliebzr selftest --subunit >subunit.out |subunit-filter --failures01:49
pooliedoes what it should01:49
lifelessmini-tee ?01:50
lifelessbtw subunit2pyunit --progress will show a bzr progress bar01:50
lifelesspoolie: you were going to show me how to get zsh to do a Y pipe01:55
lifelessa -> process B and a-> process C01:56
pooliei can't recall01:59
poolieit should be possible01:59
lifeless1>3 & manual handling I guess02:00
lifeless1>3 | B 3>1 | C02:00
pooliebtw tell your team mates when you'll be away02:01
lifelesssure thing02:01
lifelesspoolie: bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_breakin.py, wait_for_process - can you comment on why it sleeps at the start of the loop, rather than the end?02:07
johnf1ppa packages are building now02:08
lifelessjohnf1: awesome02:08
zsquareplusci'm versioning my editor settings with bzr. now i thought about making some of the plugins public. but that would somehow require that i needed to "overlay" two (private/public) repositories in one place. that's probably not supported but how can i do it differently?02:12
lifelesszsquareplusc: I think we'd need some more information, I don't know what 'it' entails.02:13
bob2ghetto solution is symlinks02:13
igcpoolie: any word from emmajane?02:15
poolieigc, no :-(02:19
zsquareplusclifeless: like having two files that are maintained in two different branches that have to be in the same directory. but there can only be one .bzr02:19
lifelesszsquareplusc: and how does this tie into bzr plugins?02:19
zsquarepluscbzr plugins? no no, editor plugins and settings02:20
lifelesscan you symlink to the editor plugins02:20
lifelesse.g. ~/bzr1/foo ~/bzr2/bar ~/.editor/foo->~/bzr1/foo ~/.editor/bar->~/bzr2/bar02:21
zsquarepluscif i would use two different VCS i could manage half of the files with e.g. svn and the other half with bzr. but 2x bzr probably wont work02:21
zsquarepluscyes, symlinks would work, but it will be many symlinks :/02:21
lifelesswell you only need a symlink for the public stuff [or the private stuff]02:22
lifelesspoolie: its all pure technical, just needto change the template02:26
pooliewhat is?02:26
lifelessthe slides02:26
zsquarepluscsure, but thats still a number of symlinks that have to be maintained manually for each file in the second branch02:26
poolieok +102:26
lifelessthe phone call wasn't MITM'd was it ? :)02:26
poolieyes by jam02:26
lifelesssay hi!02:26
lifelessand perhaps ring me from the car?02:27
zsquarepluschm, maybe i can get around the symlinks, it seems the editor can be configured to load plugins from several places02:30
meoblastlifeless: my program is lieing to m02:38
meoblastthe one i wrote for my bazaar repository02:38
thumperlifeless: I'm grabbing some mysql branches for testing02:47
thumperlifeless: I hit the branching into empty shared repo problem again02:47
thumperlifeless: so I branched into a standalone02:47
thumperlifeless: then pulled into a shared repo02:47
thumperlifeless: now I'm branching a second branch into the repo02:47
thumperlifeless: and it is streaming very slowly compared to the first one02:48
thumperlifeless: is this expected?02:48
thumperseems to be maxing out at about 20KB/s02:48
lifelessdo you have hpss logging on?02:48
thumpernot sure, possibly not02:48
lifelessI suspect the branches have little shared history, or something, and its doing a massive history walk.02:48
lifelessits doing conversion on the fly because you're using a different repo format02:48
thumpersame repo format02:49
lifeless\o/ 2.0.002:52
johnf1ok Packages are ready02:55
lifelessspiv: is asyncore in 2.4?02:55
johnf1Can someone to an upgrade from the bzr-beta-ppa? If that works ok I'll copy to ~bzr02:55
spivlifeless: it's ancient03:02
spivlifeless: it's probably in 1.5.203:02
igcpoolie: I've pushed some updates to the website. Please check them03:02
igcpoolie: I'm out to lunch for a while - bbl03:02
* igc lunch03:02
mwhudsonspiv: it was new in 1.5.2 it seems03:03
mwhudsonheh, 1.5.2 was just over a decade ago03:04
spivmwhudson: heh :)03:08
spivmwhudson: I just said that version because it was more-or-less the first I used03:08
mwhudsonyeah, me too03:08
mwhudsoni think i just about remember 1.5.1 being released03:09
mwhudsonactually i probably hit comp.lang.python for the first time just after 1.5 was released03:10
johnf1hmm the bzrtools 2.0.0 in karmic is broken03:14
=== johnf1 is now known as johnf
johnfjelmer: you about?03:16
lifelessjohnf: please file a bug on bzrtools then; flag it critical or point me at it and I will03:17
johnflifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzrtools/+bug/43633103:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436331 in bzrtools "bzrtools 2.0.0 in karmic thinks it is 1.18.0" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:23
johnfI can't change the importance03:23
johnfSo I'm wondering what to do with Build-Depends for bzr-svn. Currently it is Depends: bzr (>= 1.16~), bzr (<< 2.1~)03:24
johnfbut that makes a bold assumption on what the next version is03:24
johnfI'm tempted to change it to just Depends: bzr (>= 1.16~)03:24
johnfsince we release pretty much in lockstep anyway so I don't know that the << has much value03:25
mzzam I correctly assuming the contents of "bzr help formats" in 2.0 isn't quite right?03:26
mzzspecifically it is recommending 1.14 for projects with big trees or deep history (instead of the default format)03:26
AfCmzz: I'd have to say so. Use 2a.03:26
mzzwould this be worth filing a bug on?03:27
AfCmzz: yes03:27
lifelessjohnf: can you prepare a fix for bzrtool?03:27
johnflifeless: bzrtool itself is fine. I don't think that package was built against the release tar ball03:28
johnfie my packages in the PPA are fine03:28
lifelessjohnf: so the orig.tar.gz in karmic is whack?03:29
johnfjust confirming now03:29
meoblastconfigure, the endless file03:29
lifelessjohnf: if so, you'll need to make a debdiff that includes the actual changes to 2.0 upstream against that bad orig03:30
johnfAhh no I know what it is03:30
johnfFor some reason the debian repo has the version set to 1.18.0 and it is overriding the tar.gz. ie the diff.gz in that package is setting it to 1.18.003:31
johnfIf I fix up debian package on alioth and then we request a reimport to ubuntu that will do the trick right?03:32
lifelessif you upload to debian unstable, yes03:32
lifelesssyncs go from unstable03:32
johnfok let me try and do that. Should be a good test of if I'm really a DD :)03:33
lifelessalso that bug should be on the package03:33
johnfgood point03:33
mzz(filed it, I'd write the patch but I don't know what the wording for existing projects should be, if not the current)03:34
lifelessjohnf: can you upload 2.0.0 to experimental and/or unstable?03:34
lifelessjohnf: experimental has 2.0rc1, which is brain damaged03:34
mzzand just confirming: running "bzr check" and possibly "reconcile" in the root of a shared repo is sufficient, right? No need to run it in all the branches too?03:35
lifelessmzz: for upgrading, yes03:35
lifelessjohnf: and yes for http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/bzrtools.html fixing it then asking for a sync03:36
meoblastok, this makes no sense03:36
meoblastbzr: ERROR: line 36528: Invalid command 'sr/share/fonts/truetype'03:36
meoblastlet me show you line 3652803:37
meoblast@(echo "$(distdir) archives ready for distribution: "; \03:37
lifelessmeoblast: is there a $u somewhere there ?03:39
meoblastnot that i see03:39
SmileyChrisLarstiQ: I'm using the Bazaar (PPA https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa) and bzr-svn is too old in there. Noticed you were the uploader of the last version. Any chance of getting bzr-svn 1.0.0 pushed there?03:39
meoblastlifeless: my checks are saying that everything is perfect03:47
jamigc: ping03:47
johnfSmileyChris: Will be happening very soon. Just waiting for it to rebuild in beta-ppa03:49
meoblastthe minute these errors make sense is the minute i can actually fix this03:49
SmileyChrisjohnf: cheers, it's been pestering me for a while so I thought I may as well ask :)03:51
lifelessSmileyChris: please file bugs on such things; tells us stuff we may not have noticed :)03:55
SmileyChrisyou're right - I should have done as much03:55
lifelessno worries03:56
mzzmmm, bzr check is apparently not very fast03:58
* mzz is running it on a shared repo with a bunch of branches of bzr itself in it03:58
jamigc: the windows builds aren't working because of whatever you did to add the new icons04:04
jamI'm getting:04:04
jamError on line 22 in C:\home\shared\bzr\bzr-windows-installers\build-win32\release\bzr.2.0.04:04
jam0\tools\win32\bzr.iss: The system cannot find the file specified.04:04
jamand line 22 is04:04
jamI don't really have the time to fix this up tonight, unfortunately.04:05
jamI tried just adding a 'copytree' to the Makefile, but that didn't seem to be enough04:05
jamthen again, I don't know why it is using 'bzr.2.0.0\tools/win32\bzr.iss' rather than using the one from bzr-windows-installer, etc.04:06
jamsomething certainly doesn't seem right04:06
jam(given that it sort of has to be using the source file from bzr-windows installer, or it wouldn't have those lines from a pure bzr-2.0.0 tree...)04:07
jamigc: Anyway, if you get back online and have a chance to look at it, it would be nice to get the windows installers built04:07
jamworst case, I guess I can revert your changes04:07
lifelesshi jam04:08
jamhi lifeless04:08
jamI'm pretty close to bedtime04:08
jambut I responded to some of your emails04:08
meoblastBazaar is really starting to tick me off04:13
lifelesswhat is it [not] doing?04:14
meoblasti need to change a particular text string in every single file in every revision04:14
meoblasti'm completely removing a font we used and replacing it with another04:14
meoblastand i need revisions 1 - 70 to still work04:14
lifelessdid you grab gits fast import filter tools?04:15
meoblasti was told i'd have to convert my repo into a git repo04:15
lifelesshuh? no04:16
lifelesswho told you that04:16
meoblastthe people in #git04:16
lifelessand you listened to them :(04:16
meoblastthey told me to write a program that automates this04:16
meoblasti spent the past few hours trying to perfect a small C (++) program04:17
* mzz boggles04:17
mzzrevising history is certainly a bit awkward, but I don't see why it should involve c++04:17
meoblastwell, the fast-import dumps are very awkward04:17
meoblastthey contain the string "data XXXX" followed by the data04:17
meoblastthe XXXX has to be an integer matching the amount of bytes proceed04:18
mzzah, I didn't know that detail.04:18
meoblastso if i switch Vera.ttf with LiberationSans-Regular.ttf, i need to add 18 to each of those numbers04:18
mzzwhile awkward c++ wouldn't be what I'd use to muck with this04:18
lifelessmeoblast: but what is it you're changing?04:18
lifelessthe commit messages?04:18
mzzthe font name, presumably04:18
mzzoh, or the actual font04:19
meoblastwell, the commit messages would be easy04:19
meoblasti'm trying to change the actual code so that things will still function with Liberation sans04:19
meoblastif all the code still says "Vera.ttf" yet there's only a LiberationSans-Regular.ttf, revisions 1 - 70 will be completely broken04:19
lifelessso, personally I'd accept that you did it differently and just commit a change; I really don't understand deep history rewriting like this.04:19
lifelessthat said04:19
lifelesslets try and help you04:19
lifelessbzr'-fast-import has a command fast-import-filter is likely a good place to start to be editing the content like you need to04:21
meoblastlifeless: want to see the program i wrote?04:21
meoblastit's ugly and inefficient but as i went down the file, it seemed to be doing _most_ things right04:22
meoblastwhat made me finally say "wtf" is when i saw a bunch of "NULL" bytes all over the place in the output04:22
meoblastone major problem is that it's not good at crossing the digit border04:23
meoblastfrom 98 to 116 let's say04:23
mzzwell, if there's no pre-existing way of doing this I'd attempt to hack up bzr's fastimport plugin04:23
mzzsince it already has to know how to read fastimport files, so you should be able to get at the raw text you want to manipulate as python strings04:24
meoblasti don't know python04:24
meoblastonly a little04:24
mzzthat explains why you went for c then04:24
meoblastdoubt i know it enough to do anything useful04:24
meoblastthat program is "C++" but i'm sure it could be compiled with a C compiler and run fine04:25
lifelessI'm fairly sure \0 is valid in a .fi04:25
lifelessits a binary file04:25
meoblastyes, but i'm unsure why a ton of those started showing up04:25
lifelessbecause you have binary content in your repo?04:25
lifelesssuch as, oh, fonts? :)04:25
mzzah, neat, the fastimport plugin already has a filters concept04:25
meoblastyeah, i still have to actually remove the Vera font from the stream04:26
meoblastand pop in the Liberation04:26
meoblastLiberation's license looks a lot prettier04:26
meoblasti'm trying to use very unrestrictive licenses04:26
lifelessnot sure why this means you have to rewrite history04:27
meoblastbecause i have OCD?04:27
ScottKThe whole point of history is that it reflects the actual history.04:27
meoblasttrust me, the actual history of this project isn't too pretty :P04:27
lifelessScottK: how did you go with that performance thing?04:27
mzzwell, I wouldn't bother rewriting history for this, I think, but if I did anyway I'd probably write a custom "processor" for bzr's fastimport plugin04:28
mzzit looks like the ones currently in there can't quite do this04:28
meoblastdue to me not having a thorough grasp of version control early on, i quickly brought sizes up04:28
ScottKlifeless: Got sidetracked.  The 'milli' that was here yesterday asking about formats was the git freak on the project in question.04:28
lifelessheh :)04:28
meoblasti thought i might as well clean things up before more than 2 people have a checkout04:29
ScottKWe have a little time to play as the project can't really get started until some contractual details are resolved.04:29
meoblastif the line numbers on these errors weren't misleading, that would be great :P04:30
mzzmeoblast: so what were you trying to do again? simple search/replace on raw file content across all commits?04:34
meoblastall the numbers seem right on my end04:34
meoblasti'm testing the file04:34
mzzoh, you got it working already?04:34
meoblasti see no problems (at least not where it tells me the problems are)04:35
meoblastno, i should have it working04:35
mzzwas going to say this seems pretty doable by hacking up fastimport, so I could do that if you can throw me a .fi file to test with04:35
meoblastbzr: ERROR: line 89879: Invalid command ''04:35
meoblastit's been telling me bad line numbers on errors all day04:35
meoblasti'm expected to figure out where the error is manually04:35
meoblasti checked that line, it was counted perfectly04:35
RenatoSilvahow to view --fixes information in bzr log?04:36
meoblastmzz: this is just karma getting me back04:36
meoblasti've been telling another developer that bazaar kills git for weeks now04:36
mzzwell, this is history rewriting04:36
mzzis that really something git's good at? because it's not usually a good idea04:37
lifelessmzz: git has some fairly polished tools04:37
lifelessmzz: callback per commit style thing.04:37
mzz(because like you said yourself it breaks pretty badly if people already got their hands on your branch)04:37
lifelessmzz: we need to do a lot better here :)04:37
mzzlifeless: there's a "foreach" plugin, I noticed04:37
mzzalthough I guess that doesn't mutate04:38
meoblasti probably should have made a rerolling script04:39
meoblastlifeless: i go through all these files in this dump thinking "oh i hope this one has some kind of discrepency"04:46
meoblastno, all the number match  :(04:46
meoblastyay, it works04:47
meoblastit was those NULLS at the end of the file04:47
johnfOK packages now copies to ~bzr PPA04:55
meoblastlast step, and i'm failing at it04:55
johnfand bzr and bzrtools now both uploaded to debian04:57
meoblastjava :O04:57
meoblastanyone know of any text editors that can let me copy and paste binary without corrupting it?05:01
mwhudsonemacs, i think?05:02
meoblasthow do you copy and paste in emacs?05:04
meoblastwait, i have GTK emacs05:05
igchi jam05:07
jammeoblast: vim if you ':set binary'05:08
meoblasthow do you select all in emacs?05:08
mzzmeoblast: C-x h05:09
jamhey igc, any ideas about why the build would fail?05:10
jamI assume you had it working when you committed it05:10
mzz(it's silly but I actually had to type that into emacs, I have it in muscle memory)05:10
igcjam: I'm just trying it now05:12
igcjam: the images are meant to be copied across so it should be finding them05:12
meoblasti'm getting angry :(05:13
meoblastthere has to be a way to just pop this file into this stream without something breaking05:13
igcjam: I hadn't tested it sorry on the bzr installer (as I never had that fully working) but I did on the explorer one05:14
meoblasti'm not getting errors but i'm not getting any font data05:14
meoblastjust a title05:14
meoblastif emacs can't do it, nothing can05:14
meoblastlooks like i'm writting a new program?05:16
meoblastone that will insert a binary file right in here05:16
jamigc: k, I think it just needs to be pointed to the right location05:17
jamI just don't know exactly where that would be with all the copying, cogifying, etc.05:17
jammeoblast: i would really recommend looking at the 'filter-branch' portion of the fast-import code.05:18
meoblastbut i'm so close :(05:18
jamand poke at igc since he's the one that has done most of the work for fast-import05:18
jambut let him fix my problem first :)05:18
meoblastyou have to understand how close i am05:18
meoblastlast thing i have to do is get this font into the stream05:18
meoblastthat's it05:18
meoblasti'm trying to write a program that will do it05:19
igcjam: so I'm copying the images into the top build directory - maybe it needs to be a subdirectory of that05:20
igcjam: I'm trying it now fwiw05:20
igcjam: lines 142-143 in build-installer.bat.in ...05:25
igcmaybe the target destination needs to be %TARGET% instead of ...05:25
jamigc: I would guess you could just change the path in bzr.iss.cog05:28
jamto be ../../bzr-48.bmp05:28
jamgiven that you are creating tools/win32/bzr.iss05:28
igcjam: the path is relative to wherever issc is run btw, not the location of bzr.iss05:29
igcI *think* it being run in %TARGET% ??05:29
jamigc: if that is true, then either the cp needs to go to .05:29
mzzalso, am I the only one who always forgets to check shelve before deciding a branch is obsolete and can be deleted?05:29
jamor the path updated to win32bzr.exe/xxx.bmp05:30
mzzperhaps I should extend status to have a single line "shelved changes present"05:30
igcmzz: that would be good05:30
mzzhas someone beaten me to that yet? :)05:30
igcjam: it's taking forever here for my various branches to be refreshed so ...05:31
igcjam: if you could try chagning those copy statements, that would be good05:31
jamigc: it takes just as long on kerguelen when things are up to date05:31
jamproblem is that IO on kerguelen is awful05:31
jambut I'll try it, start it running05:32
jamand go to bed05:32
jamso no 2.0.0-1 installer tonight05:32
igcjam: yeah, I'm hitting that refresh bug so it keeps falling over on tags not being present05:32
jambut maybe tomorrow early05:32
jamigc: yeah, that's pretty annoying05:32
jamgiven that the point of using buildbot05:32
jamwas so that we could have it autorefresh05:32
jammy 'build_release.py' did that just fine05:32
jamso far, my net experience of the buildout.cfg switch has been a net loss05:33
jama lot more complexity without it actually working better05:34
jamand 'bin/buildout' seems to spend a huge amount of time verifying stuff05:34
jamat least on kerguelen05:34
meoblastthis is impossible05:34
jamthat may just be I/O being awful there05:34
meoblastno D':05:34
meoblastthese streams are defective05:35
igcjam: so I've needed to start from scratch with a clean build_win32 directory :-(05:36
jamigc: ouch05:37
jamthough I updated it so that all clients will share your local repo05:37
jamrather than building one per plugin05:37
jamso at least you will only redownload everything 1 time05:37
jam(I did it *because* of stuff like this)05:37
meoblasti think i might have this working05:40
meoblasti have to test05:40
meoblastthe font i have in here isn't working in KFontView but Gnome font viewer is displaying it fine05:40
meoblasttime to see if my app can display it05:40
lifelessjam: dropped you a callgrind you might find interesting; not urgent.05:41
meoblastnvm.. i'm seeing some epoch fail05:42
meoblastgood night05:42
meoblastmom's yelling at me.. like always05:42
lifelessITYM 'epic'05:42
meoblastno comprendo05:42
lifelessI think you mean05:42
meoblasti used the word epoch to describe how epic the fail was05:43
meoblastanyways, i'll work more on this tomorrow05:43
meoblasti'm seeing tons of work to do05:43
meoblastgood night05:43
mzzis there a helper for subclassing a builtin command? things like the help text (__doc__) don't survive if I just subclass05:47
lifelessmzz: you can decorate instead.05:47
lifelessor say __doc__ = builtincmd.__doc__05:48
mzzthat's what I thought, but it doesn't actually work05:48
mzz"attribute '__doc__' of 'type' objects is not writable"05:48
mzzunless I did something braindead, of course05:48
mzzwhat does "decorate" mean in this context?05:48
lifelessdid you say 'class.__doc__ = ..'05:48
lifelessor __doc__ = .. ?05:49
mzzwhat should I be saying instead?05:49
mzzoh, gah05:49
mzzI am a moron05:49
mzz"decorate" sounds promising though, how does that work in this context?05:49
mzzI definitely don't want to replace the whole thing, I just want to add a line of output unless certain switches were passed05:50
jderoseFYI, there is a problem with the bzrtools package in the PPA: bzrtools: Depends: bzr (< 2.0~) but 2.0.0-1~bazaar1~jaunty1 is to be installed05:50
jderosei filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/43637105:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436371 in bzr "bzrtools 2.0 package broken in PPA" [Undecided,New]05:50
jderosegreat job on the 2.0 release, everyone.  i'm lovin' it!  ;)05:51
lifelessjderose: cool05:51
lifelessmzz: have a look at cmd_switch in bzr-loom05:51
mzzah, thanks05:51
* mzz is rarely too lazy to read the manual or example code, but occasionally too lazy to go hunting for sane example code to read05:52
mzzah, I see. That should hopefully allow multiple plugins extending the same command?05:54
mzzprobably unrelated, but what's up with those getattr(commands, 'cmd_switch') calls in __init__.py? Can't that just be commands.cmd_switch?05:56
jammzz: old versions of bzrlib didn't have cmd_switch05:56
lifelessloom still runs with bzr's that don't have a built in switch05:56
lifelessjam: inore that .callgrind; the user had 256MB of ram allocated to his VM ><05:57
lifelessjam: so its swapping showing up05:57
jamlifeless: interesting05:57
jamI'm curious what the peak memory was05:57
jamif those 165MB files are moderately compressible05:57
jamwe should have been able to do it in <=256MB05:57
jamthough not that + system05:58
jamanyway, me sleep05:58
lifelesstalk to you monday :)05:58
mzzI know, that's what the hasattr call is for. But why does it do getattr(commands, 'cmd_switch')? Even if it wasn't inside a hasattr it still wouldn't do anything different from just commands.cmd_switch05:59
lifelessdunno, not looking at the code right now :)05:59
lifelessprobably a buglet snuck in05:59
mzzI don't think a bug, it just seems like an unnecessarily complicated way of writing the same thing, unless I'm confused about how python works again06:00
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
mzzlp:~marienz/+junk/shelfstatus is now a plugin adding one line "%d shelved changes" to "bzr status" if there are any. Does that seem like a good idea to anyone else? Perhaps I should file a feature request bug.06:57
lifelessthat would be good in core07:00
mzzdrat, already filed07:03
mzzbug 403687 that is, which I commented on.07:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403687 in bzr "bzr status should show shelved changes" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40368707:07
mzz(it's obviously not hard to implement, although figuring out exactly what modes of the status command it should shut up in might require a bit more thinking than I did)07:07
mzzI'm glad there's a plugin mechanism so I can scratch this kind of itch without having to run a patched bzr :)07:08
vilahi all07:20
vilahmm, looks like I tried to run update-manager *just* at the wrong time :-/07:21
vilaI thought copying packages from one PPA to another will avoid such synchro issues... bur bzrtools-2.0.0-2 is still pending publication while bzr-2.0.0-1 has been published 2 hours ago ?07:23
vilajames_w: Can you shed some light ? ^07:23
igchi vila!07:29
igcpoolie: I've update the website branch with a 2.0.0 news item, better executive summary and working links07:32
jderosevila: there is an error in debian/control: Depends: bzr (<< 2.0~)07:32
jderosevila: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/43637107:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436371 in bzr "bzrtools 2.0 package broken in PPA" [Undecided,New]07:32
igcpoolie: is it worth rolling this out somewhere?07:33
jderoseubottu: ;)07:33
vilajderose: I'm pretty sure someone is already working on that07:40
jderosevila: ah, oops.07:41
vilayeah, it's already fixed for jaunty at least07:41
vilajderose: no oops, you were right to file  a bug07:41
vilajderose: are you on jaunty too ? Can you check it's fixed fir you07:41
jderosevila: yeah i am, just apt-get update and it works now, thanks07:42
vilahehe, thanks jonhf instead, I was just whining :D07:42
jderosevila: works on my hardy vm too07:42
vilajderose: great, I'll mark it fix released then07:43
igcpoolie: http://people.canonical.com/~ianc/dancingmonkeys/ (latest website live)07:46
bialixhello bzr07:54
bialixanybody can provide me hints what I need to write plugin which controls default format in bzr?07:55
bialixmaybe there is already one?07:55
bialixjust yesterday I've stepped in the problem with undesirable upgrade to 2a format of branbch which should be in 0.9207:55
Peng_bialix: It's set with bzrlib.bzrdir.format_registry.set_default('2a')07:57
* bialix looking07:57
Peng_bialix: (it's the last line of bzrdir.py)07:58
bialixI see07:58
bialixso all I need is to override this in my plugin?07:58
Peng_Probably. Try it and see.07:58
mzzI don't recall bzr implicitly upgrading branches on me though.07:59
Peng_I've been slowly upgrading to 2a anyway. :P07:59
bialixmzz: easy: create shared repo in 2a and branch there from 0.9207:59
mzzI don't see changing the default format helping with that though, unless you mean by making it harder to create a 2a repo08:00
bialixPeng_: this does not work: "Key 'default' already registered"08:03
bialixI can't change default08:03
Peng_Oh, darn.08:03
Peng_bialix: .remove it first, I guess?08:04
mzzshrug, it's python, if you really want to you can find a way around it08:04
vilawow, karmic VM booting in 10 secs... (shutdown in 20s though.... surprising :)08:05
LarstiQbialix: isn't there a setdefault() call?08:05
bob2bialix: https://code.launchpad.net/mbp/+junk/default2a08:05
bob2bialix: maybe hack that?08:05
vilabialix: poolie wrote such a plugin08:05
bialixbob2: Page not found08:06
vilabialix: lol, yeah, what bob2 said08:06
vilabialix: it's a branch08:06
bialixThis branch has not been pushed to yet.08:06
bialixbob2: third try?08:06
bob2bialix: I got the initial link from https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/39866808:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398668 in bzr "2a format should be the default but some tests fail" [Critical,Fix released]08:07
bob2ask poolie I guess08:07
bialixvila: any help?08:07
vilabialix: searching08:07
bialixpoolie is not here08:08
vilabialix: lp:~bzr/+junk/default2a08:09
vilathird is a charm :)08:10
bialixok, thanks08:11
bialixanybody need it? do I need to publish my format switcher?08:13
bialixvila, Peng_, bob2: thanks, I'm almost happy now08:31
bialix2.0 is unblocked for me08:31
bialixnow waiting for jam and installer08:34
Lo-lan-do2.0 in unstable \o/08:36
* Lo-lan-do throws flowers all around08:37
awilkins2.0! Shiny.08:51
vilalifeless: are you kidding with leaving a zombie from test_breakin ? I explicitly spend time ensuring that we don't... or may be you think it rarely occurs ? Want some stats to change your mind or do you trust me on hat one ?08:55
maxbHmm. I'd dearly like to see bug 45719 fixed, but the more I look at it the more complex it seems09:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 45719 in bzr "update command cannot take a revision number" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4571909:01
maxbEspecially as I've never hacked on bzr before :-)09:01
awilkinsjelmer: Is bzr-svn 1.0 really Python 2.5 and up only?09:39
awilkinsjelmer: I've been using Python 2.4 on earlier versions.... is there a version where it specifically changed?09:40
* awilkins runs bzr selftest svn bzr 2.0.0 / bzr-svn 1.0.0 / subvertpy 0.6.9 / python 2.4.3 / CentOS09:46
AfCawilkins: I was just going to suggest that. Presumably that'll give you at least some indication09:49
awilkinsAfC: Very reassuring ; compared to the codebase I'm working on, which is 277 thousand lines of Java and about ooooo, a hundred lines of tests.09:51
AfCawilkins: yeah, well, I very deliberately don't use libraries like that.09:53
AfCadmittedly, testing end-user GUI code is hard, but I try my best.09:54
awilkinsI'm ashamed to have written 22k lines of Java last year with no tests (mostly not GUI).09:54
awilkinsIn my defence, I get about 1 bug reported every 2 months09:54
awilkinsAnd that's tailing off.09:55
awilkinsThis thing.... we've had a new release, seemingly with new bugs, every day this week.09:55
awilkinsBloody contractors09:55
lifelessvila: if its going to leave a zombie thats not desirable, but 10 seconds on fail isn't either09:58
lifelessvila: perhaps you could tweak it to meet the intent of my change?09:58
vilalifeless: by reducing the delay ?09:59
lifelessvila: yes09:59
awilkinsBah, needs tdb to run all the tests.... <install/run/curse>10:00
lifelessvila: right now, about one run in 3 it XFAIL's10:00
vilalifeless: to say the truth, when I reviewed it I was secretly hoping you will be deleting that tests :-)10:00
lifelessvila: my patch still closes it, no zomibie10:00
lifelessvila: if there is a zombie left it fails()10:00
vilaoh, I was wrong then ?10:00
lifelessvila: I think you may be assuming something, yes.10:00
vilabut then you comment is misleading since that from it that I based my comment ?10:01
vilaI thought it left a zombie from:10:01
vila # process isn't gone, user will have to hunt it down and kill10:02
vila128+ # it.10:02
lifelesslook at the current code, it can do that too10:02
lifelessand if that happens, it does self.fail(...)10:03
vilabut you try to killl it once only10:05
vilaok, +1 then, I'll comment for mor e ideas10:05
james_wvila: no idea, sorry.10:06
vilajames_w: np. I thought you encountered the same kind of issues for karmic yesterday or the day before ?10:07
james_wdon't think so10:07
vilajames_w: nm then10:07
lifelessvila: we wait once, we kill it 3 times10:08
lifelessvila: capped 0.4 seconds overhead10:08
vilalifeless: I seem to recall other numbers and experiences but things may have changed or my memory may betray me, I like your cleanup anyway, let's try it and wait for more evidence (if any !)10:09
lifelessvila: http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2009/09/a_gpl_court_vic.html - did that make the mainstream press in france?10:11
vilalifeless: first time I hear about it, but I'm not really paying attention to mainstream press myself (but my friends know me enough to warn me for such subjects generally...)10:12
jelmerawilkins: no, it should work with 2.4 as well10:12
awilkinsjelmer: I read INSTALL and thought the worst :-) ; I've been successfully using it on Python2.4 for a while though (version 0.6.5)10:14
Lo-lan-dolifeless: It did.10:15
Lo-lan-dolifeless: Didn't make a large splash, but the main papers reported it.10:16
awilkinsjelmer: That's odd ; I installed python-tdb but it still says "Missing feature 'tdb' skipped 23 tests."10:18
awilkinsjelmer: Still, it passed the other 1200 or so...10:19
Lo-lan-dolifeless: However, strictly speaking, the court decision isn't upholding the GPL.  It's mostly about a contract that wasn't completely fulfilled, and the GPL was only incidental.10:20
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vilalifeless: researching the subject a bit: 1) it's mentioned on zdnet which is well known but not mainstream.  2) There seem to be a lot of discussions about whether the GPL was really exercised there as opposed to a simple contract violation (evidence points to the later)10:22
vilalifeless: summary, good, but not that big a victory IMHO10:23
awilkinsvila: Open source proceeds via incremental small victories :-)10:23
vilalifeless: ie I think Germany has more real GPL  uses in court10:23
awilkinsThink of it as a small but useful patch :-)10:23
vilaawilkins: sure, I'm happy with that, just giving lifeless feedback on my "local" POV10:23
davidstraussvila: There was a brief period where the 9th circuit court in the U.S. had some interesting findings on GPL violations being contract (not copyright) violations, but those were reversed later.10:24
vilawhich may or may not be relevant...10:24
viladavidstrauss: the contract didn't involved the GPL explicitly here10:24
vilasounds more like crass ignorance than wrong behaviour to me, but IANAL and I'm tend to be naive too sometimes (just to compensate for my natural cynical inclinations :D10:26
vilalifeless: oh, and they had to pay 8000 euros, just to give some scale...10:26
awilkinsThat would buy me a new car. As long as it was a very small one.10:27
awilkinsHeck, with my "eco-friendly" scrappage bonus for having an old junker, it might even buy me a _nice_, new, small, car10:27
Lo-lan-doOr a new motorbike, moderately flashy.10:28
awilkinsLo-lan-do: I like having cargo space... and ungrated knees10:28
* Lo-lan-do got a new bike for 6000€ this week :-)10:28
awilkinsI'd really like a small car powered by one of these (currently vaporware) new ultracapacitors they are supposedly making in Texas10:29
awilkinsBut I've had the one I've got 10 years and it's only done about 43,000 miles10:29
davidstraussawilkins: Wait, what are we supposedly making?10:29
awilkinsIt's called EESTOR10:30
awilkinsThey claim to have found a way of producing a capacitor that can store 52kWh in under 200kg10:31
awilkinsIt's an array of 38,000 elements made of some sintered glass/alumina/barium titanate composite10:32
davidstraussawilkins: Both EESTOR and the UT Austin supercapacitor teams are within ~10 miles of my office10:33
awilkinsdavidstrauss: Heh, don't tell the nutters at eestory.com, they'll want you to go and scout them out10:34
davidstraussawilkins: eestory.com is a 40410:35
awilkinsdavidstrauss: Sorry... theeestory.com10:35
awilkinsAnd bariumtitanate.blogspot.com10:35
awilkinsIf it works I'll be pretty enthused10:36
awilkinsIt would make electric vehicles and domestic microgeneration somewhat more practical10:36
awilkinsHmm. Isn't --2a supposed to make your repository smaller10:37
viladavidstrauss: 404 is well known old Peugeot french car, I don't think it's related :D10:38
davidstraussawilkins: --2a is the zombocom of repo formats.10:38
awilkinsup to 1.7G from 949M10:38
davidstraussawilkins: Run pack once more10:38
Kinnisonawilkins: did you then try repacking?10:39
* awilkins is doing that now10:39
davidstraussawilkins: Bzr archives a lot of junk during the first pack10:39
davidstraussawilkins: there's a good reason, but the junk doesn't get dumped until the *second* repack10:39
awilkinsAm I imagining it or does 2a take a lot longer to repack than previous formats :-/10:40
awilkinsOk, it's a large repo10:41
lifelessawilkins: 1) make sure you have the C extensions10:41
lifeless2) remove the contents of .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs after doing a sync()10:41
awilkinsGot my 2.0 install from the ubuntu package manager10:41
lifelessdavidstrauss: your advice is outdated btw10:42
davidstrausslifeless: how so?10:42
lifelessawilkins: you don't need to pack after converting if you used 2.0.0 to do the conversion10:42
lifelessdavidstrauss: ^10:42
lifelessdavidstrauss: bzr packs if it needs to while converting10:42
awilkinsI thought it said "repacking" a lot :-)10:42
Kinnisonlifeless: What's the obsolete_packs stuff and why doesn't bzr clean it up itself?10:42
lifelessKinnison: ext4 insurance10:42
davidstrausslifeless: oh, i just mean how pack archives stuff and doesn't dump archives until the second repack10:43
awilkinsAha, obsolete_packs has 865M10:43
Kinnisonlifeless: bah, I don't use ext4.  Can I opt out of the insurance?10:43
awilkinsI should know this, I've been using it that long10:43
lifelessKinnison: no, because I was trolling. More details...10:43
lifelessfsync() is silly, we want fbarrier.10:43
lifelessobsolete_packs is our manual fbarrier basically; when we delete a data containing file we:10:44
lifelessrm obsolete_packs/*10:44
lifelessmv foo obsolete_packs/10:44
lifelessit will typically carry about 10 commits worth of content [thats the most common autopack size]10:44
KinnisonMine was 33% of the size of my branch (which has many more than 30 commits)10:45
lifelessKinnison: even if we had barrier, FTP & windows would be an issue10:45
lifelessKinnison: it does this at power of 10 intervals10:46
KinnisonWhat's the semantics you need from fbarrier() ?10:46
lifelessif you have 123456 commits10:46
lifelessthe max pack counts is 1 + 2 +3 + 4 +5 +610:46
lifelessif the pack count in the repo is larger autopack is triggered for the excess packs (taking the smallest packs first)10:47
lifelessso if you (say) were at 109 commits10:47
lifelessyour most recent autopack would have aggregated 100 commits, and moved your entire prior repo contents10:47
awilkinsDown to 866 MB from 949... well, not too bad10:52
Peng_What's the change that means users no longer need to pack twice after a conversion to 2a? The thing in NEWS about more stable sorting?10:55
vilalifeless: final word about that GPL in court in France, the suit was an appeal of a first suit that granted ~1Meuros to the plaintiff, and was reverted tp give 8000euros to the defender (sp ?), so more important than I thought (I had to read the judgement to get a bit more context)10:59
vilaand the GPL is clearly cited in one of the last conclusions, so it is in fact clearly an real use in court10:59
vilaand the story started in 2000...10:59
vila... and for the fun stuff, it involved using VNC with an hidden undisclosed to the client password for PC installed in public places....11:00
vilatenths of PCs if the contract had been completed11:01
awilkinsBet it wasn't Linux machines with the VNC in a chroot jail either :-)11:02
vilawindows indeed11:03
vilaand the full contract was ~3Meuros11:04
vilaSo yes, basically even with that bunch of money involved they try to replace the GPL with their own copyright...11:05
orattueis there a command to check what revision a working tree is on. bzr revno will tell me the revision of the repo tree,  but not my working tree.11:09
awilkinsorattue: There must be a way, because qbzr does it in some of it's dialogs, but I don't know the CLI version off the top of my head11:10
awilkinsHeavens, `bzr help commands` is really long now, even with --no-plugins11:11
awilkinsorattue: bzr revno --tree11:11
orattuehmm so that must be in newer version of bzr11:12
orattuewill update my bzr now11:12
orattueodd that parameter is not in the online manual11:18
orattueah no it is :)11:19
Peng_Random off-topic question: Do they sell C5-size notepads?12:10
awilkinsQuestion ; would it be possible to pull multiple branches in a single ssh / bzr+ssh session?12:12
Lo-lan-doawilkins: Yes, with SSH connection multiplexing.12:12
awilkinsIt's not a real concern but I'm finding that the session creation and teardown is much more time consuming than the actual pull12:12
awilkinsLo-lan-do: How might I achieve that?12:13
* awilkins googles12:13
Lo-lan-doawilkins: The keyword is "controlmaster" in man ssh_config12:14
Lo-lan-doThis only avoids the SSH session overhead though, the remote bzr will still be invoked several times.12:15
awilkinsLo-lan-do: Hmm. Working, but not that much faster12:15
awilkinsLo-lan-do: Maybe it is the remote process  creation. Never mind, wasn't critical12:16
AfCawilkins: as an alternative you might try running a bzr:// on the server side. {shrug}12:16
AfC[one process, period]12:16
AfC[for pulling, anyway. Still gotta use bzr+ssh to push]12:16
awilkinsAfC: Not if it only listens to a local port that you have to tunnel to with ssh12:17
awilkinsAfC: And you use --allow-writes12:17
awilkinsBut not critical, it's just very slightly annoying when the rest of it is so fast :-)12:18
=== loxs_wrk is now known as loxs
lifelessvisik7: thanks12:47
jmljelmer, you around?12:48
jelmerjml: somewhat12:48
lifelessvisik7: sorry, typo12:48
lifelessvila: thanks12:48
lifelesshi jml12:48
jmljelmer, I was just talking to beuno about the ohloh import of Bazaar12:48
jmllifeless, hello12:48
jmljelmer, it's really slow, and I'd like to help them. He said that you knew some of the people involved.12:49
jelmerjml: yeah12:49
jelmerjml: obnox (a fellow samba developer) did the original support together with Robin from ohloh.12:50
jelmerjml: robin_at_ohloh hangs out in #ohloh, he's probably the best person to talk to12:50
jmljelmer, what would it take to get them to ask "we're doing <<DETAILS>> and it's really slow, how can we do it better?"12:50
jmljelmer, ok, thanks.12:50
jelmerjml: the source code importer in ruby is open source and on github somewhere12:50
jelmerjml: unfortunately it's all in Ruby12:51
jmljelmer, ahh, I see.12:51
jmljelmer, I'm sure we can do _something_ to make it better.12:52
Peng_Wow, SSH connection multiplexing is coool. I should've set that up long ago.12:52
jelmerjml: They're basically invoking bzr cat for every file+revision combination IIRC12:52
jelmerjml: Let me see if I can find the repo URL..12:53
jelmerjml: git://labs.ohloh.net/git/ohloh_scm.git12:53
jmljelmer, thanks.12:53
mthaddonlifeless: any objections to updating the chroot for bzr pqm from dapper -> hardy (will make python-subunit dependency much easier)?13:03
Lo-lan-dojelmer: Unstable's bzrtools 2.0.0 has a version.py that still says 1.18…13:07
vilamthaddon: check with lifeless but I think one reason to stay with dapper is python-2.4 compatibility, if we can get that with hardy (and I think we can), there shouldn't be a problem13:07
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mthaddonvila: that's why I was asking lifeless :) but hardy has 2.4 no problems13:08
vilamthaddon: hehe, sry was trying to help without knowing the full context :D13:09
mthaddonnp :)13:09
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Takdoes this suggest anything particular? http://paste2.org/p/43710914:02
vilaTak: that you're trying to open a None object ?14:16
TakI wish, then I could fix it!14:17
vilayou mean 'directory' is not None ?14:18
Takthis is all happening internal to cmd_pull14:20
vilaTak: huh ? From the command-line ?14:21
vilaTak: are you using bzr.dev ?14:21
vilathat 1552 line is different her14:21
vilathat 1552 line is different here14:21
Takno, I'm using cmd_pull from code14:21
vilaha, no silly, site-packages, installed version ?14:22
vilaTak: did you set .outf and are you sure your encodings are correct ? Can you show me the code ?14:22
Takbzr --version gives me 1.1814:22
vilawhat os/distro ?14:23
Takdebian sid14:25
Takis basically the code14:25
viladid you load the plugins ?14:25
Takbzrlib.plugin.load_plugins() ‽14:26
Takthen yes14:26
vilaTak: use cmd._setup_outf()14:26
vilahmm, yeah, should work better than cmd.outf = sys.stdout for roughly the same results14:27
vilafunnily enough I whine about that today on the ML...14:27
Taktwo other things: 1) I'm evaling this code from libpython  and  2) I see this error intermittently with the same arguments14:28
vilaTak: well, try usin g_setup_ouf() first, then we'll see :-D14:29
Takheh, ok14:29
vilaWhat do you mean by libpython ?14:29
vilayou main program is ?14:29
TakI mean...not natively from python14:29
* Tak cough14:29
vilaany idea what is persistent in your env ?14:30
vilabetween lazy_loading, encodings being cached, etc, *not* using _setup_outf().... blurry the things a lot14:30
* Tak nod14:31
TakI'm basically calling PyRun_SimpleString repeatedly with blocks of code, and trying to make sure everything's cleaned up with each block14:31
vilaTak: also are you pulling a lot of different branches ?14:31
vilawow, what do you mean by cleaning ??14:32
Takexplicitly deleting instances14:32
vilaha, of the blocks run you mean /14:33
vilaha, of the blocks run you mean /14:33
Takno, of temporary variables that get reused within the blocks14:33
vilaby the way, if you do: mycmd.run('lp:blah', directory='/path/to/blah') you'll be protected against changes in the command parameters14:34
* Tak nod14:35
vilatemporay like mycmd ?14:35
Takwell, in other instances: mytree = workingtree.WorkingTree.open_containing('blah')[0] # like mytree14:36
Takswitching to _setup_outf() eventually results in: http://paste2.org/p/43713014:37
Takmaybe my whole approach is flawed14:39
vilaI don't understand how an import can raise such an error....14:42
Takyeah, nor I14:42
jam anyone know if bug #436467 means I should be trying to package a qbzr 0.14.3 for Windows?14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436467 in qbzr/trunk "show log from browse inventory" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43646714:54
jam(still don't have packages because changing the installer icon broke the build for me, and I'm still sorting it out)14:54
jamvila, Tak: import runs the script it is importing14:58
jamwhich is why you need the "if __name__ == '__main__':" workaround if you want a script to both be importable, and runnable directly14:58
jammy guess is that osutils is being lazy imported14:58
jamso that you're getting a slightly strange timing issue14:59
vilajam: wow... and python can't report that ?14:59
jamso something is seriously weird about the traceback14:59
vilaor is the lazy stuff masking it ?15:00
jamvila: I'm guessing the problem is in osutils.get_terminal_encoding() giving an exception, and osutils is lazy imported15:01
jamI don't know why it is claiming line 42515:01
jamThat looks bogus to me15:01
vilait's bzr-1.1815:02
jamIf I was guessing, this is the code that is failing:15:02
jam# check encoding15:02
jam    codecs.lookup(output_encoding)15:02
jamexcept LookupError:15:02
jamto get that, it looks like both stdout and get_user_encoding() have to return None15:03
jamthough this should prevent that:15:03
jamif user_encoding in (None, 'cp0', ''):15:03
jam    user_encoding = 'ascii'15:03
jamvila: anyway, given the final exception is consistently: TypeError: expected string or Unicode object, NoneType found15:05
jamI wonder if there isn't a latent exception that he squashed but didn't clean up15:05
jamI've run into that with extensions15:05
jamyou can accidentally leave an exception pending15:05
vila"he" ?15:05
jameven though you don't return NULL, or whatever to signal that an exception is coming15:06
Takhmm, I am doing some exception handling in a couple of places15:06
TakI didn't realize there was something I needed to do to "clean up"15:06
* Tak python noob15:06
Takwhat should I be doing/15:07
jamif you are doing stuff in python lib15:07
jamso if you are doing something like15:07
Takwill that have adverse effects if there are no exceptions pending?15:07
jamresult = Py_DoSomething();15:07
jamif result == NULL: # There was an exception15:07
jam # do something else15:07
jamat that point you *should*15:08
jamcall "PyExc_Clear()"15:08
Takyeah, I'm scraping the exception output already15:08
jamTak: http://docs.python.org/c-api/intro.html#exceptions is the details15:08
jamsorry, PyErr_Clear()15:08
jamor specifically: http://docs.python.org/c-api/exceptions.html#PyErr_Clear15:09
jamTak: which says: "Clear the error indicator.  If the error indicator is not set, there is no effect."15:09
jamso it sounds safe to do whenever you won't be propogating an exception15:09
jamI forget the specific cases, but there are some Python functions that return '-1' to indicate an error15:10
jamand there are some where '-1' is also a valid value, so when it returns they have to check15:10
jamand if you leave an exception around15:10
jamthat will trip accidentally15:10
TakI'm intentionally keeping my api exposure minimal15:11
Takso I'm only using PyRun_SimpleString, PyMapping_GetItemString, and one or two others15:12
Takhmm...first try didn't resolve the issue15:15
Stavrosis anyone working on bzr-git here?15:17
jamStavros: I believe jelmer is the primary person working on it, though I don't think he is here right now15:18
Peng_jelmer was here a few hours ago.15:18
Stavrosoh :/15:18
Stavrosi have investigated a windows bug i'd like to report, and i wouldn't want to file a duplicate15:18
Stavrosbut i guess i'll have to15:18
jamStavros: you can certainly ask in here15:19
jambut launchpad has a decent de-dup feature15:19
Takaha - a more liberal sprinkling thus far appears to have resolved it15:19
Stavrosjam: i searched and there aren't any that appear to be duplicates, so i can file it15:19
Stavrosbzr expects to find a tempfile that isn't there, and crashes15:19
Peng_Stavros: Filing a dupe isn't a big deal. Don't worry about it!15:20
Peng_I mean, do try to make sure you're not filing a dupe, but if it happens, it's fine.15:20
Peng_It's a lot better than not filing bug reports at all.15:20
StavrosAh, thanks15:21
Stavrosi'll do that then15:21
shledI accidently added a confidential sqlite db about 30 commits ago. How can I completely remove it from the repository?15:34
Lo-lan-doshled: You'll need to uncommit, then garbage-collect.15:35
Lo-lan-doUnfortunately, I don't think garbage-collection is implemented right now, so you'll have to rebuild your repository.15:36
Lo-lan-doWell, depending on whether you're in a repo or in a standalone branch.15:37
Peng_Ehh, rebase and/or fastimport can help you not totally destroy the last 30 revisions of history.15:37
shledLo-lan-do: that sounds like lots of work15:37
shledPeng_: that sounds better15:38
Peng_shled: There isn't any super-easy way out of this. It will take a bit of work.15:38
Lo-lan-doshled: Not necessarily.  If it's just a single branch, the rebuilding won't be too hard.15:38
Peng_Still, I think fastimport is supposed to be quite easy, once you learn how to do it.15:38
shledLo-lan-do: it is a single branch15:38
shledLo-lan-do: so what would I do exactly?15:39
Lo-lan-doTry something like "bzr branch -r $goodrev $oldbranch $newbranch ; cd $newbranch ; bzr replay -r $badrev+1.. $oldbranch"15:39
Lo-lan-doWith $badrev=$goodrev+1=the rev where you committed the file.15:40
Lo-lan-doI don't really know fastimport.15:40
LeoNerdHrm... shelve in a svn checkout really doesn't seem to work nicely when some of the changes are added files15:41
LeoNerdI think I've broken it so now I can't unshelve. :/15:42
shledLo-lan-do: sweet, many thanks!15:42
Peng_Lo-lan-do: Oh, that works? Nice.15:43
Lo-lan-doOh, yes, you could also do it with repeated uncommit+shelve then unshelve+commit15:43
Peng_You'd lose the commit metadata.15:43
Lo-lan-doPeng_: I don't know for sure, but it should.15:43
Lo-lan-doRight.  replay it is, then.15:44
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
smoseris there anythign in bzr like git-format-patch and git-am ? i'm looking for some way that i "export" a commit (or series of commits), and then import them in another bzr branch.15:49
smoseri want to keep the commit messages15:49
Peng_smoser: bzr send15:50
vilasmoser: why don't you just merge ?15:50
smoseranother can of worms15:50
Peng_smoser: If you just want to generate a patch, "bzr send -o foo.patch", then in the other branch, "bzr merge foo.patch" (or probably "bzr pull foo.patch", I dunno)15:50
smoseri'm having issues with merge due to repository format issues.15:50
Peng_smoser: Transferring the revisions in another way won't change that.15:51
Peng_smoser: That's easy enough to solve, though. What's going on?15:51
shledLo-lan-do: bzr: ERROR: unknown command "replay"15:51
Lo-lan-doshled: It's in the bzr-rebase plugin15:52
shledLo-lan-do: Thanks!15:52
smoserPeng_, well, transfering thenm in another way *should* solve that... ie, if i make a patch , copy it, change repos, patch -p0 < patch , bzr commit -m ....15:52
Peng_smoser: Well, then you wouldn't be transferring the revisions themselves. Just the patch, no metadata.15:53
Lo-lan-doIn which case, maybe a "bzr dpush" would do the trick?15:54
smoserPeng_, i dont care about metadata other than commit messages15:54
Peng_smoser: Anyway, details. What are the repository formats involved? Did you "bzr upgrade" anything? Convert to rich-roots or subtrees?15:54
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/277965/ is what shows my issue. i seem to constantly be facing issues with different archive formats on launchpad and elsewhere, and just want a way to say forget it15:55
Lo-lan-doI think dpush is what you want.15:55
smoserin git, i would just git-format-patch, and then on the other side git-am15:55
smoseris there just no equivalent in the bzr world ? if someone wants to send an email with a patch, and you (the bzr branch maintainer) want to say "yeah, that looks good" or even "i'd like that applied to my tree to test" is there no way to do that ?15:57
smoserwithout sending merge metadata and dealing with archive format issues ?15:57
Peng_smoser: You didn't do anything wrong, and and using a patch won't help.15:58
Peng_smoser: s/and using a patch/throwing out the metadata/15:58
smoseryes it would help15:58
Peng_smoser: Not with the issue you pastebinned.15:58
smoseri dont care about the metadata.15:58
Peng_Actually, wait, no, you could downgrade. Umm.15:58
smoserso i would "fix" this issue by branching from the branch that launchpad would want15:58
smoserand then sending my patches to that new copy15:58
smoserand then pushing15:58
smoserthank you for your help.15:59
Peng_The problem is that your parent branch and your branch are in one format, and LP is trying to automatically stack on a third branch for efficiency, but that branch is in a different format.15:59
smosercorrect. so i'm saying "forget about my branch" . other than i just want to get the 5 commits *out* of my branch in a way that is easy to pull in in another branch16:00
Peng_Ideally, LP and bzr would be less dumb, and lp:~soren would upgrade lp:~soren/ec2-init/0.5 to 2a.16:00
Peng_Hold on a second.16:00
Lo-lan-doYou could export each of the commits with bzr send and only apply the patch but not the metadata.16:00
sorenIt would be rude to just update my branch without asking me.16:00
sorenMaybe I don't run a recent enough bzr.16:01
luksbah, gmane is broken and doesn't let me to send a mail to the bzr ml16:02
smoserLo-lan-do, how would i do this ?16:02
Peng_smoser: This should work: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/141468/16:02
* Peng_ hates stacking.16:02
Peng_(Well, not as a concept, but the current implementation is a format minefield.)16:03
james_wPeng_: thanks, but we're past that issue now, and still smoser wants to be able to do this16:03
james_wPeng_: we've created two unrelated branches of the same code and are dealing with the fallout16:03
Lo-lan-dosmoser: "bzr send -r $rev --no-bundle -o $rev.patch" or so16:03
james_wsmoser: there is no equivalent currently16:04
Peng_Peng's brain doesn't have room for technical things right now. Bye! :P16:04
smoserPeng_, and then would that allow soren to easily merge ?16:04
james_wwouldn't be too hard to write, but except in weird situations like this "send" is preferred16:04
sorenHardly. It doesn't solve the "no common ancestry" problem.16:04
Peng_Oh, hi soren!16:05
Peng_soren: You should upgrade your branches to 2a! :D16:05
Peng_soren: It's spiffy and cool and wrecks backwards compatibility!16:05
sorenYou should be a salesman.16:05
Peng_Mixing rich-root-pack and 2a is not a problem for merging. It's just a problem for stacking.16:05
smosergit-cherry-pick and git-format-patch and git-am is just something i dont understand how you're supposed to live without16:06
Peng_Eh, I have no attention span right now. I'm mostly basing what I say on the last 3 lines of conversation. :P16:06
smoserLo-lan-do, thank you. i will at least keep that around.16:07
sorensmoser: I use "bzr log -c <revno> -p", fwiw.16:10
lukssmoser: what's better about git-format-patch/git-am instead of bzr send/bzr merge?16:10
sorenluks: The former do not care what sort of vcs the submitter is using.16:11
luksI doubt it would do something smart a bzr diff16:12
luksdoes git-am import the commit message from a patch generated by bzr send?16:13
sorensmoser: ^16:13
lukser, there is missing 'with' in the line16:13
luksbut if you have a project in bzr, it's expectable that you work with bzr16:14
sorenNo, it's not.16:14
smoserluks, i dont know if it does from bzr send. it does from git-format-patch or git-send-email16:14
sorenvcs-imports on Launchpad. nuff said.16:14
smoserluks, i'm *trying* to work with bzr16:14
sorensmoser: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/22734016:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227340 in bzr "Simple way to prepare patches for submission" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:14
sorensmoser: You may want to subscribe to that one.16:14
luksright, so it does care about the VCS the submitter is using16:14
luksit must be git16:15
smoserits patch and a comment16:15
sorenluks: Eh?16:15
lukswith metadata16:15
lukslike author, date16:15
smosermetadata like "From:"16:15
smoserthats about it16:15
luksyou expect people to write those by hand?16:15
sorenI think it's being horribly abused in git, but I certainly do see its usefulness.16:16
luksI find it weird16:16
smoseryou find sending emails to mailing lists wierd ?16:16
luksbzr send/merge/pull is a much simpler concept16:16
luksyou can treat the patch as a standalone branch16:16
smoserand then wanting to *use* those emails without a bunch of hassle16:16
sorenluks: Look, not everyone's upstreams are using bzr.16:17
lukssoren: why not use the project's VCS then?16:17
sorenluks: Because I happen to like bzr, and I can import all sorts of stuff into bzr.16:17
LaserJocksoren: +116:17
luksbtw, there bzr send --format=git in bzr-git16:17
sorenI don't use bzr-git.16:17
lukshow do you convert the git repository to bzr?16:18
lukswhoa, did they create another incompatible importer?16:18
Peng_I think they use bzr-git.16:18
sorenI have no clue what they do. It's magic.16:18
=== Kinnison_ is now known as Kinnison
luksthen bzr send --format=git should work16:18
Peng_They have interns type it all out.16:19
luksit will give you a patch with all the metadata git-am expects16:19
luksso that you can use native git tools to work with it16:19
sorenI also occasionally receive patches from git users.16:19
smoseri really didn't mean to start a dvcs war16:19
smoseri promise16:19
sorenI would like to import them.16:19
smosercan someone maybe just help me with a simple (i think) problem.16:20
smoseri have this branch, that has 4 commits on it. i'd like to export those 4 commits to some format that i can then import into another branch.16:20
lukswell, my point was that it's wrong trying to use bzr as if it was git16:20
luksbecause it's not16:20
smoserthe other branch is in a different format (which i dont thin kshould matter)16:20
smoserbzr send -r 34 --no-bundle -o -16:20
smoseris what i tried.16:21
luksthere are different tools and methods when working with patched in bzr16:21
smoseri tells me:16:21
luksuse bzr send without any -r argument16:21
smoserbzr: ERROR: No public branch specified or known16:21
lukssee bzr help send for that16:21
Peng_smoser: Which formats are the two branches?16:21
sorenluks: When we create importers for all sort of other VCS's we can't expect the upstreams to just accept bzr bundles or whatever. They should get patches or whatever in the format THEY prefer.16:22
james_wit's not about formats16:22
lukssoren: that's why bzr-svn has send --format=svn, bzr-git has send --format=git16:22
lukswhich produce patches in native formats16:22
sorenRight. I want to /IMPORT/ patches from these people as well.16:23
luksbzr patch foo.patch16:23
james_wbut that doesn't do the metadata16:23
smoserok, i'm apparently missing something in the help, or a concept even.  because i would think that my request to 'send -r 34 --no-bundle -o -' would be a compmletelyi offline operation16:23
sorenluks: I'm not talking to you anymore.16:23
luksjames_w: neither does git-am on a bzr send patch16:23
lukssoren: ok :)16:24
sorenluks: It's pointless. You refuse there's a problem, and that's just silly.16:24
smoserthat woudl be very similar to 'log -3 34 -p'16:24
james_wluks: please stop. I'd like to help smoser get his work done16:24
sorenIt's bloody rude to create importers for other VCS's and be a prick about submitting patches to them and then going ahead and being a prick when they do the same onto you.16:24
sorenIf we want to work with other VCS's, we should do so both ways. Expecting everyone else to submit the the ways of bzr is a losing battle.16:25
sorenAnd extremely arrogant.16:25
james_wsmoser: there is currently no way in bzr to apply a plain patch and commit it with metadata from that patch16:25
james_wsmoser: we can hack up a shell pipeline to approximate it16:26
LarstiQsoren: it seems to me that the foreign vcs would be the way to apply their format, then pull across?16:26
smoserjames_w, yes, i can hack up similar shell pipeline.16:26
lukssoren: look, I regularly work with svn repositories over bzr16:26
lukssoren: bzr send --format=svn was created becasue of that (thanks to jelmer for finishing it)16:27
sorenLarstiQ: Different VCS's, different customes.16:27
sorencustoms, I mean.16:27
sorenLarstiQ: git users tend to submit patches by e-mail, not by pushing a branch somewhere.16:27
luksI'm not trying to be arrogant, I know what are the problems when working with a foreign VCS16:27
sorenI don't blame them. Pushing git trees is a hassle.16:27
luksand I wrote code to support that16:27
LarstiQsoren: yes, so I'd apply the patch with git, then pull to bzr, at first.16:28
sorenLarstiQ: That's the thing. That's quite different from how git users work.16:29
LarstiQsoren: isn't that how git users integrate the work, apply the patch?16:29
TakI agree with LarstiQ - I'd have a local git branch that I used as a gateway16:31
sorenTake a look at lkml.16:31
sorenPeople don't usually have their own tree. They submit patches by e-mail. That's the custom.16:32
jamvila: do you know what ESRCH is used for?16:32
jamI don't recognize the error code, and lifeless is probably sleeping16:32
LarstiQsoren: yes. So how does Linus integrate their contributions?16:32
vilajam: in a kill context ?16:32
jamvila: yeah16:32
vilajam: I'm 80% sure it means the process doesn't exist anymore (failure during some SeaRCH)16:33
Takvila, jam: with continued use, it looks like that error is resolved - thanks for all the help16:33
TakI would never have tracked that down on my own16:33
vilaTak: what was it then ?16:34
jamvila: not clearing an exception that he silently squashed16:34
jamdoing that leads to random exceptions when some python function decides to check if an exception is pending16:34
smoserLarstiQ, the difference is that linus can 'integrate' from a that patch, or from their published git repo wholescale or from theri public repo with cherry-pick16:34
Taknot even that I necessarily squashed, but that possibly got squashed somewhere in library code16:34
smoser(and cherry-pick does the commit, it doesn't just leave you there having to do it yourself)16:35
LarstiQsmoser: ok, so why not do the same, and then bzr pull from the resulting git branches?16:35
smoserthe difference is that there is no option (as far as I can tell) to take a commit from an email16:36
smoserwith metadata without by-hand or shell scripting16:36
smoserits an extremely simple work flow that works for lots of things.16:37
smoseri open up my email program, type a 'To', 'Subject:' describe a set of changes in a patch (ie write the commit messgae), and then append the patch.16:38
smoserand you just say 'git-am < mbox' to apply it16:39
james_w(not that we will copy the git-am interface, it's one of the most unpleasant things I've ever used)16:40
jamsmoser: so *if* you are using bzr bundles 'bzr merge' just works, and if you are using patches 'bzr patch' will apply the data, but not the commit message.16:42
jamOne possibility is to try to recognize the git "patch+" format as another bundle format16:42
jamso that you can use 'bzr merge' if in a slightly lossy fashion16:42
Takthat seems like the most sensible option16:43
jamIt is probably non-trivial16:43
jamand if done16:43
jamit would be probably first implemented in bzr-git16:43
Takeither that or extend `bzr patch` in bzr-git the same way that `bzr send` was extended16:43
* Tak nod16:43
jamand if I read the traceback correctly smoser didn't want to install bzrgit16:43
smoseri have no problem with bzr git16:43
vilajam: is there a way to display the working tree revid from the command line ?16:44
jamvila, igc: \o/ windows installers finally worked out, and being uploaded now16:45
jamvila: not the wt16:45
vilajam: thks16:45
sidneijam: congrats!16:45
jamthough I thought fullermd was trying to fix stuff like 'bzr revision-info' to add a '--tree' option16:45
vilabug # ?16:45
jamvila: it has been merged16:45
jam'bzr revision-info --tree'16:45
jam$ bzr revision-info --tree16:45
jam4683 john@arbash-meinel.com-20090924221525-5vezfwzai1d2ajnn16:45
vilaexcellent, thanks16:46
jamvila: landed in bzr 1.17 in fact16:46
jamwell, at least according to NEWS16:46
vilaNever needed it...16:46
vila..and didn't grepped it when doing bzr revision-info --help :-/16:47
vilajam: congrats for the installers !!! (Missed that one :D)16:50
jamvila: I think you mean 'grok' it16:51
vilavila: thanks, but I meant that I didn't *see* it at all16:52
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
* zsquareplusc is waiting for 2.0.0 for windoze16:55
fullermdYeah, I added it to rev-info and revno.  The only places that looked likely...16:56
Lo-lan-doIs there a way to know if a repo contains ghost revisions faster than a bzr check?17:00
james_wLo-lan-do: I'd reach for "python -c", why do you need to know?17:04
Lo-lan-dojames_w: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=53805617:09
ubottuDebian bug 538056 in bzr "bzr: push should (optionally) push ghosts" [Wishlist,Open]17:09
Lo-lan-doI'd like to be sure the bzr branches I provide are complete.17:09
james_wI'm not sure of any other command that can tell you I'm afraid17:10
Lo-lan-doI'm currently pushing into a fresh repo on the server, from which I'll "bzr fetch-ghosts", but it's a bit meh.17:11
Lo-lan-do(Largeish repo and ADSL)17:11
garyvdmHi all17:19
garyvdmjam: please will you take a look a https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr/get_trees_and_branches_to_diff/+merge/1234117:19
garyvdmjam: it's to fix a bug you loged :-)17:19
garyvdmHi vila17:20
vilahey gary :D17:20
garyvdmerr - just been summoned for dinner, bbl17:21
vilalol at garyvdm, but daughters are likely to do the same quickly :D17:22
zsquarepluscbzr branch using a bzr+ssh URL (Windows cmd) it says "command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: ClearAllForwardings" followed by a connection closed error. can someome translate this error from "techincal" to "english"?17:35
LarstiQzsquareplusc: what ssh client is that using?17:35
zsquareplusci dont know. i hope paramiko that was installed with the BZR windows standalone setup17:36
zsquarepluschm, i see just launching bzr explorer gives the same error17:37
lukswhat version of bzr?17:37
Peng_That's one of the args bzr passes when running OpenSSH.17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 47414 in bzr "sftp doesn't work on windows" [Medium,Fix released]17:38
luksoops, that's from 200617:38
luksignore that :)17:38
zsquarepluscoh no, my last comment was wron, explorer gives no warning17:38
zsquarepluscit is the 2.0.0 release i'm using. though i had the same error with 1.16 (which i deinstalled)17:38
luksdo you have cygwin or something in %PATH%?17:39
jamzsquareplusc: given that I just uploaded it... 10 minutes ago, did you already download it?17:39
zsquarepluscjam yes, jam :-)17:39
jamDo you have an 'ssh.exe' somewhere on your path?17:39
lukstry with "set BZR_SSH=paramiko"17:39
jamIt looks like a case where someone may have renamed "putty.exe" to "ssh.exe"17:40
jamand then bzr is trying to interact with a putty executable as though it was an OpenSSH one17:40
jamalternatively, there is another SSH implementation out there, can't remember the name off hand17:40
jamas mentioned, I would recommend "set BZR_SSH=paramiko"17:40
jamwhich should be bundled with the installer17:40
zsquarepluscthere is a ssh.exe (openssh). maybe from mingw17:41
jamzsquareplusc: well, if you have an ssh.exe around we will default to using it17:41
Peng_bzr does check "ssh --version", no?17:41
luksis there a bazaar.conf option for BZR_SSH?17:41
jamthough if it was openssh it should support "ClearAllForwardings"17:41
jamluks: no17:41
jamyou can set the global env var17:42
zsquarepluscok it works when i set BZR_SSH thanks17:42
lukshm, something like this could be configurable in qconfig17:42
jamMy Computer / Properties / Advanced System Settings / Environment Variables / New... user variable17:42
luksyeah, but that's not as nice17:43
zsquarepluscjam: using an existing ssh is probably the best thing on every OS except windows. i don't know if it is a good idea there.17:43
jamzsquareplusc: the main issue is that 'it depends'17:43
jambecause if you have ssh.exe on your path, it is 'somewhat' likely that you have it configured17:44
maxbHave the columns in "bzr viz" ever been dynamically resizable? I thought they were, but they don't seem to be now.17:44
jammaxb: I think they are, but there are limits. And IIRC if you have a very wide graph, it pushes everything to their limits and then you can't adjust it17:44
jammaxb: (I might recommend 'bzr qlog' instead...)17:44
maxbI have a very thin graph, and I can't see the tags17:45
zsquarepluscwell if the error would at least somehow indicate that the problem happened when executing an external "ssh" i would have been so puzzled17:45
maxband it doesn't seem to want to let me resize anything at al17:45
jamzsquareplusc: we've certainly talked about disabling the ssh.exe check on Windows, and instead having the user "set BZR_SSH=ssh" manually if they want it17:47
jamjust trying to find the right balance17:47
jamleaning towards it, though17:48
zsquareplusci would agree. well at least i was expecting that it is using the bundled ssh client. anyway i've made a bug report18:00
Peng_You can check the SSH client being used in .bzr.log.18:02
zsquarepluscif you knew that file file exists and where it is located18:05
garyvdmjam: Thanks for doing the review :-)18:08
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Peng_zsquareplusc: "bzr version" will tell you.18:09
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beunojelmer, ping18:49
beunodo you happen to know anything about this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32430314/opensim-new-trunk-log.txt18:49
james_wbeuno: that looks like a difference between path names that git will store and those that bzr will store19:06
james_wI think part of the reason is that the serialiser doesn't or can't escape some of the things that it should19:07
james_wbut there's also a question of whether you should e.g. store paths that you can't create on ntfs19:07
rubiclooking for docs to upgrade repository format from 1.x to 2.019:12
beunorubic, bzr check && bzr reconcile && bzr upgrade19:12
beunothat should do the trick19:13
mzzhttp://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/upgrade-guide/index.html if you want a document but it's pretty much that19:14
rubicbeuno: mzz: thanks19:14
jambeuno: for your traceback, I'm pretty sure that is a filename that has a literal '\' character in it19:22
jamand currently bzrlib refuses to allow you to add files with '\'19:22
barryhi all.  i have a (hopefully) quick question about read locks.  i'm trying to update setuptoolsbzr to bzr 2.0 but something that was working earlier is now failing with an ObjectNotLocked error19:22
barryhere's what the code does:19:23
barry    # Open an existing branch which contains the url.19:23
barry    branch, inpath = Branch.open_containing(path)19:23
barry    # Get the inventory of the branch's last revision.19:23
barry    inv = branch.repository.get_revision_inventory(branch.last_revision())19:23
barry    # Get the inventory entry for the path.19:23
barry    entry = inv[inv.path2id(path)]19:23
barry 19:23
jambarry: as soon as you open something, you should probably do 'lock_read()'19:23
jamand put the rest of the code into a try/finally and unlock at the end19:23
jamunless you will be writing to it19:23
barryjam: nope, i'm just reading from it19:23
barryjam: is where is lock_read() and how do i unlock?19:23
jambarry: lock_read() basically sets the lifetime for caching19:23
barryjam: super, thanks!  let me try that...19:24
jamso if you did "for x in range(10): branch.last_revision()"19:24
jamif it is locked, we read the remote file 1 time19:24
jamif it isn't19:24
jamwe read it 10 times19:24
jamwe used to have more of our api have @needs_read_lock() which auto-locked for us19:24
jambut that ends up just letting people write things that perform poorly19:25
jambecause it doesn't maintain the cache19:25
jambetween calls19:25
barryjam: that makes sense19:25
jamnote that the lock_read() calls have always been supported19:26
jamso it works with older bzr versions19:26
barryjam: excellent, i was going to ask about that19:26
jamwe just weren't as likely to complain when you didn't19:26
barryjam: so i was getting away with things by being lazy :)19:26
barryAttributeError: 'BzrBranch6' object has no attribute 'lock'19:27
barry 19:27
fullermdLaziness is a virtue.19:27
barryjam: am i doing the right thing by calling .lock() on the first item in the tuple returned by Branch.open_containing() ?19:28
jambarry: 'lock_read()'19:28
jam(vs lock_write())19:28
jamnot just "lock()"19:28
barryjam: gah!  i r an idiot19:28
ronnybw, what is lock()19:28
jamronny: there is no plain 'lock()'19:29
jamhence the 'AttributeError"19:29
ronnyoh, i see19:29
ronnyi suppose i could use some rest19:29
barryjam: thanks!  worked like a charm19:37
jambarry: great to hear19:38
Stavroshow do you guys debug bzr?20:00
Stavroswhich debugger do you use?20:07
luksI guess most people just print some debug info, or use pdb.set_trace()20:08
Stavrosluks: i tried pdb, but it crashes bzr20:09
garyvdmstavros: pastebin the error20:16
garyvdmstavros: I use komodo, but I can't get it to break on raise, so then I use pdb.20:17
Stavrosgaryvdm: how do you get komodo to start debugging? a breakpoint will work, but i couldn't get it to work20:17
garyvdmstavros: set break point, run with bzr as the script.20:18
Stavrosgaryvdm: tried that, no dice :/20:19
garyvdmstavros: run bzr --version from komodo, and make sure the bzrlib is where you think it is.20:19
Stavroslet me try again20:19
Stavrosah, let me try that20:19
garyvdmstavros: what is bdb? Have you tried with pdb?20:19
Stavrosah, version does run20:20
Stavrosgaryvdm: i was trying with pdb, no idea what bdb is20:20
Stavrosoh, debugging worked now20:21
Stavroswhat the hell, it worked in the debugger20:25
Stavrosdamn, i hate nondeterminism in programs20:25
Stavroswho is the maintainer of bzr-git?20:35
fullermdNo, who's on first.20:37
dsuchMartin Torvalds?20:37
dsuchsorry, couldn't resist :)20:37
garyvdmStavros: I believe jelmer is the author and maintainer of bzr-git.20:45
garyvdmdsuch - Took me a while to catch that...20:45
Stavrosah, he's away :/20:46
fullermdYeah, you might THINK that...   that's how he catches you.20:46
Stavrosi think i've gotten pretty far with the debugging20:47
Stavrosunfortunately, i have no clue what i'm doing20:47
Stavrosso i need his help20:47
Stavrosi have to go now, though20:48
Stavroslater all20:48
Stavrosthanks for your help20:48
der|hello, when you use bzr revert, it generates some files like  x.~1~, etc. Is there a bzr command that removes those ?21:10
jderoseder|: bzr clean-tree --detritus21:11
jderosesee bzr help clean-tree21:11
der|jderose, got it, thanks21:11
MethsAlso bzr revert --no-backup so they aren't created in the first place21:16
vilagaryvdm: do you have pqm access ?21:16
jderoseMeths: hmm, i didn't know about that option, nice21:16
garyvdmvila: No. I believe I need to ask lifeless, with a gpg key.21:17
vilagaryvdm: send him  a mail then and welcome :)21:18
vilafullermd: nasty comment on that bug :D Afraid we can forgot ?21:19
garyvdmvila: I'm confused by what you said.21:23
vilagaryvdm: let's talk to clarify that, I ahd enough misunderstandings today ;)21:24
awilkins1Bah, bzr-explorer things lightweight checkouts are their parent branch21:29
fullermdHm?  What bug?21:30
fullermdOh, you mean the checkout thing?21:31
vilafullermd: yup :D21:32
vilafullermd: at least it seems I didn't say anything wronger :D21:32
garyvdmvila: I just started on a threaded version of qbzr :-021:33
fullermdHm.  I didn't mean nasty per se.21:33
fullermdBut your statement DID seem a little like it was saying "that's not a bug, that's just how it works".21:33
fullermdThe two aren't mututally exclusive   :>21:33
vilafullermd: oh, good point, I didn't mean that, thanks for clarifying that21:34
vilaIn fact I refrain to add that we plan to rework the way checkouts works21:35
vilaI refrained21:35
fullermdTpying is hrad.21:35
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LarstiQbut jokes comes easy to the fullermd21:37
LarstiQor seemingly21:37
dsuchgaryvdm: yea, I was visiting launchpad.net/bzr five seconds prior to that21:37
fullermdYeah, I just wink at 'em and they fall all over me.21:38
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jam2.0.0-2-setup.exe is available22:25
jamincludes updated chm files22:25
jam(2.0.0 docs rather than 2.0rc2 docs.)22:25
lifelessmthaddon: I think it should be fine as long as we stay on 2.4; our advertised support is '2.4' not 'dapper'22:54
lifelessmthaddon: if you could please take a backup of the dapper state, in case we change our mind :P22:54
fullermdlifeless: Hey, I wanted to run something by you...22:57
lifelesspoolie: sysadmins would like to move the pqm chroot to hardy; will still be python2.4. I ack'd and asked for a back up in case you disagreed. Do you ?22:58
pooliehi lifeless22:58
pooliegood with me22:58
poolieand good timing too22:58
lifelessmthaddon: don't worry about that backup :P22:58
fullermdRe: bug 430672 (and the dupe filed today)22:58
lifelesspoolie: thanks22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430672 in bzr "Crash when renaming a directory" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43067222:58
fullermdThis seems pretty easy to trigger, and it leaves you in an ugly state afterward.22:59
jamhi poolie, lifeless22:59
jamI was just about to head out22:59
lifelesshi jam22:59
fullermdI feel like it should probably be made Critical, but I don't feel comfortable making that strong a statement.23:00
jampoolie: bzr-2.0.0-2-setup.exe is available23:00
pooliehi jam, i'm not going to stay on for long either23:03
pooliethanks for the builds23:03
lifelessfullermd: yes23:06
lifelessfullermd: so frequency of impact say it doesn't happen to a large % of our users.23:08
lifelessfullermd: I think its high23:08
lifelessfullermd: does it fail check?23:16
pooliei wondered if anyone would reply about uifactories :)23:21
fullermdNo, but it does move the file and then lose track of it.23:22
lifelessrecovering from a clean dirstate is easier than a corrupt on23:28
lifelessI think this is very important but straightforward to deal with, with a low incident rate, thus high23:28
fullermdFair enough.23:29
fullermd(this of course is why I don't permit myself to judge Critical  :p)23:29
lifelessfullermd: ;)23:47
lifelessfullermd: one reason to be slightly more careful with critical is that there is confusion about whether it == release-blocker23:47
lifelessits not /labelled/ release-critical; but opinions vary. And expectations too.23:48
fullermdYah, that's a source of my concern.23:49
fullermdI'm neither doing the work, nor managing the release, so making declarations about work needed for the release is slightly hubristic.23:49
fullermdI mean, even by MY standards.23:49
lifelessbut even if it clearly-unambiguously didn't mean 'block'23:49
lifelessI'd still only label this high, by our guidelines23:50
zsquarepluscwhen i committed after a merge it told something about pending merges in the text below, do i have to do something special now? merging again just says "nothing to do"23:53
fullermdzsquareplusc: No, that's informative; like the list of files, it's tell you what you're committing.23:54
zsquarepluscyup, it's just that "pending merges" that was new for me.23:55

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