
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about knode00:00
alexis_hi! i dont have preview with video file in kde 4.3.2 (kubuntu jaunty). How activate that ?00:02
Lazydoghello, I just installed kubuntu on a laptop for testing and was wondering how does one open the control center for setting up the look and feel of kde?00:03
dracnocalexis: do you mean the thumbnail preview with Dolphin?00:04
Fanfarealexis_: i think u need ffmpegthumbnailer package...00:04
FanfareLazydog: kmenu / Computer / Systemsettings00:06
dracnocLazydog:  you need to find the System Settings in your menu, you usually find it under "Favourites"00:06
Lazydogthnx Fanfare and dracnoc00:06
alexis_Fanfare:  i just tried now, but nothing happens, maybe i need to restart my session but... ?00:07
Fanfarealexis_: then try mplayerthumbs package and hover over a video00:09
dracnocalexis_, Fanfare, maybe try installing mplayerthumbs00:10
dracnocbah! you beat me to it!00:10
Fanfaredracnoc: do u work with marble and gpsd? i cant get marble to show my pos from gpsd...00:11
dracnocFanfare: nope, sorry, can't help you there. I have never used marble or gpsd00:11
alexis_Fanfare: hum no. in dolphin i have a preview in the right tab, but i would like to have juste a "preview" in the file's icon (and in konqueror that i used).00:15
alexis_(*that i use)00:15
Fanfarealexis_: ok, then try dolphins settings there u can define what files show a thumb... maybe video is of00:16
alexis_(i dont find no more option to configure that for video file in this version of konqueor - that was existing in kde 3.5x)00:16
alexis_your right! it work in dolphin now with mplayerthumbs00:17
alexis_ok.. and in konq too, now i can check the box to see that00:18
alexis_orther question: in konqueror/kde 3.5 (now in 4.3.2), in the top right, i had a field/filter (you enter juste some letter and only the files corresponding are displayed). i cant get this option now...00:34
alexis_(i have just a internet/google search field)00:35
Fanfarectrl+i in dolphin?00:36
alexis_but i dont have that in konqueror00:38
Fanfarealexis_: konqi has extras / Filters00:40
Fanfarenothing like that in dolphin afaik00:40
FanfareExtras / Filters there are all filetypes listed...00:40
Fanfarealexis_: u can try <path>/*.pdf as address in konqi00:42
Fanfareif u want to filter for extensions00:42
alexis_ok i see that i can install more package/plugins-extension etc of konqueror. one of this have this filter00:43
johnny_hey ppl00:47
alexis_all works with the good package. i can add the new toolbar with this filter like ctr-i in dolphin. tx!00:50
Fanfarealexis_: which package? ho did u add?00:50
alexis_then configure toolbar00:51
alexis_toolbar filter <DirFilter>00:52
hquadratanyone bored and wants to teach me how I can automatically load dropbox file-sync at my kubutu-startu?00:54
Fanfarehquadrat: dont know what dropbox is, but did u check systemsettings / advanced / autostart?00:56
hquadratthanks for the hint00:57
Fanfarealexis_: one should mention that <DirFilter> only appears when showing local path :-)00:59
hquadratFanfare: worked fine00:59
hquadratat least I hope ;-900:59
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alexis_maybe.. i use path :)01:00
Fanfarehquadrat: also watch out because of sessionmanagement...01:00
hquadratwhat is sessionmanagement?01:00
hquadratusers logging in and starting a session?01:00
Fanfaresessionmanagement stores running apps while kde shuts down and restart them  on new login...01:01
hquadratthen what else do I have to do?01:02
Fanfareif dropbox is no kde app, then u might ignore sessionmanagement and use autostart.01:03
hquadratno, it's a third party app01:03
hquadratby the way01:06
=== kyral is now known as Kyral
hquadratand thank you Fanfare01:06
Fanfareubuntu has its own online storage service... one.ubuntu.com01:07
hquadratah, interesting01:08
hquadratI'll check that out01:08
hquadrateven I choose dropbox because it runs on Win, Mac and Linux01:09
KyralYea Dropbox :)01:09
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memebuenas quisiera saber como funcionan las cuentas de usuario en especifico con los archivos guardados tendrian acceso todos los usuario o solo01:46
memeel usuario al que le pertenecen01:46
=== kyral is now known as Kyral
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:47
memeim sorry01:48
baxtoninchow do i get my avant window nav to be there at start up?01:48
geniimeme: No worries :)01:48
baxtonincawn manger seems to be lacking that choice01:48
baxtonincI am running UE 2.001:49
baxtonincI have to select it from apps every time01:49
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition01:49
baxtonincit is the same thing01:50
baxtonincany 1 else know how to have avant window running at start up?01:52
baxtonincFUCK IT01:53
baxtonincHELLO IS THIS EVEN REAL?????????????01:54
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* genii makes more coffee01:56
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* Tactical_Chicken is now known as Smicken02:09
Tactical_Chickenno one talkin eh?02:10
Tactical_Chickenseems like it be quiet on the front02:11
geniiNo pending support questions at the moment, apparently :)02:11
Tactical_Chickenooohhhhh  right....kubuntu chan....02:11
Fanfarewell, i got one?02:12
KyralIf anyone wants to take on Karmic :P02:13
Tactical_Chickenlol...nope....too buggy still02:13
geniiKyral: They have #ubuntu+1 for Karmic :)02:13
genii!ask | Fanfare02:13
ubottuFanfare: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:13
Kyralgenii: Which is why I'm talking there and not here :)02:13
Fanfarehhow can i query (via dbus) all kressources for addressbooks from bash?02:13
Fanfaregenii: took a while to type :-)02:13
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jsubl2since updating to 4.3.1 it does not find my battery.  says i dont have one02:35
rejohnHas ubuntu made Firefox 3.5 available for U & KU 9.04?  If not, why not?03:20
genii!info firefox-3.503:21
ubottufirefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 907 kB, installed size 3524 kB03:21
* genii sips03:21
duryodhanHi .. I am using KDE4 and I added the twitter widget to desktop, removed it and when I try to add it again I see a hourglass icon next to the star, anyone know what that is ?03:26
genii!es | angie03:27
ubottuangie: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:27
genii(at least I think in Columbia it's predominantly spanish... )03:28
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=== gilboman is now known as Gilboman007
Gilboman007lol how do you reset the root password03:41
Gilboman007if you cant remeber the password03:41
Tactical_Chicken220 volts03:43
Gilboman007ha ha ha03:43
Gilboman007that would fix it03:44
Tactical_Chickencan't wait for lucid lynx to come out03:47
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Gilboman007if i dont come back ooops03:51
Tactical_Chickenguess he'll  be using a live version03:54
rejohnWhat is _your_ recommendation regarding upgrading from Firefox 3.0 to FF 3.5 - Is it worthwhile, valueable, better than 3.0?03:57
Tactical_Chickeni think so04:04
Tactical_Chicken3.5.3 to be exact04:04
Tactical_Chickeni also add the 1-click weather addon ...it sure is sweet04:04
rejohnTactical_Chicken: thx.  what are the most important improvements, as far as you're concerned?04:05
Tactical_Chickendidn't really notice a whole lot in the cosmetic dept but it sure seems speedier04:06
rejohnTactical_Chicken: and you think it is highly stable & reliable?04:07
Tactical_Chickenstill testing that aspect but so far so good04:07
Tactical_Chickeni had a helluva time with firefox til i figured out how to get java to install04:08
rejohnTactical_Chicken: in a short sentence, how did you get java to install?04:09
Tactical_Chickenthe only problems i have had is with compatibility issues on some websites where their links only seem to work in internet explorer04:09
Tactical_Chickenhhmmm ... i used Synaptic package manager... within it search jre04:10
rejohnTactical_Chicken: thx :)04:11
Tactical_Chickenquassel ought to be ousted..... kvirc 4 is the way to go for sure04:15
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Alex_question: is it possible to give access to only some specific directories to ssh clients who connect to my server?04:38
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mariosk8salex_ is using fs permission an option?06:11
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maxximoпривет всем08:43
infectedHow can i install themes on kubuntu 9.04?08:44
infectedPlease someone help me08:45
infectedHow can i install themes on kubuntu 9.04???????????????????08:45
infectedHelp me please08:46
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=== tubes is now known as daylight3
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde408:55
ubottuKDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 and http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 - Support in #kubuntu08:55
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.08:57
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.09:24
Walexunfortunately what Ubotu says is extremely optimistic. The heuristics don't actually work that well.09:26
WalexI did some test before a certain (small) improvement was made and over 6 months a filesystem becase SEVEN TIMES (not 70%) slower.09:27
Walexanyhow defrag as such is a bad idea, as it may not be in the end very effective and it can be slow and risky. Much better to dump and restore.09:28
Walexbut not using actual 'dump' and 'restore' programs, but something like 'star'.09:28
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ubsafdermy usb devicesy default how can i find them ? don't get mounted and seen in dolphin b12:46
ubsafdersorry i meant : my usb device are not in dolphin, how can i find an mount them12:47
Adrian___anyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?12:54
gerard_hay alguien?12:56
Pici!es | gerard_12:56
ubottugerard_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:56
RockyMjuego de boxeo online http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html12:56
=== root is now known as Guest6827
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:40
Eloneanyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?13:46
Gamarok__hey guys13:58
horstHallo Freunde. Ich habe mich mit horst      ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL in die /etc/sudoers eingetragen, muss aber immer noch in der Konsole das sudo-Passwort eintragen. Ich bin auch in der Gruppe sudo. Kubuntu 9.04 läuft bei mir.13:59
horstwas könnte helfen?13:59
=== IceGuest_75_ is now known as BeNnYdRaGoNbOy
BeNnYdRaGoNbOyHi :)14:01
horsthat keiner einen rat für mich. habe schon das wiki durch14:02
Pici!de | horst14:02
ubottuhorst: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:02
horstoh, sorry, wrong channel14:02
horstand now in english lol. i im in sudo group and horst      ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL in  /etc/sudoers written, but ie to put password in console. whats wrong14:04
JuJuBeeI use my laptop for web development and somehow postfix got installed and I do not wish it to be. How can I find out what program installed postfix as a dependency?14:04
horstwhy i must put password in konsole?14:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kmyfirewall14:05
jonathan__!info kmyfirewall14:05
ubottukmyfirewall (source: kmyfirewall): iptables based firewall configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1265 kB, installed size 4412 kB14:05
=== IceGuest_75_ is now known as BeNnYdRaGoNbOy
=== IceGuest_75_ is now known as BeNnYdRaGoNbOy
nameinerJuJuBee: do you still need help?14:26
=== IceGuest_75 is now known as IceGuest_75_
NeKitCan I downgrade Kubuntu 9.04 kernel and X-Server to 8.1014:31
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:32
NeKitI mean to all system, only kernel and X-Server14:33
NeKitI want to install fglrx for HD3870x214:34
NeKitIt mysteriosly worked on 8.10, Fglrx version I used was 9.214:37
NeKitAlthough I couldn't get to work 9.314:37
=== IceGuest_75_ is now known as BeNnYdRaGoNbOy
NeKitI tried to downgrade only Xorg, but it didn't helped14:38
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:39
NeKitubottu: so you are bot14:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about so you are bot14:39
NeKitubottu: :)14:40
BeNnYdRaGoNbOyYou just got called a bot, by a bot.. haha :)14:40
geniiNeKit: I'd suggesting keeping the Jaunty kernel and Xorg where they are and trying the manual way suggested here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_drivers_manually14:42
NeKitgenii: the problem is, HD3870x2 isn't supported by Fglrx14:43
aaron___where can i upgrade from KDE 4.2.2 to KDE 4.3.114:43
geniiaaron___: The link is in the channel topc14:43
BeNnYdRaGoNbOyIceChat is rather awkward.. I closed it, and when I came back this server wasn't in my list.. Even though I saved it. :S14:44
NeKitI tried numerous times, but all what I got was lock-up with mix from BIOS and white screen14:45
geniiNeKit: As a last resort I might advise to look at http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127234614:46
NeKitgenii: thanks... this something interesting14:54
NeKitI don't thing anyway  I used then more than one14:54
varanusguys, is it possible to have kontact on the "system tray" and not korganizer? ?14:59
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flamezHow Make a irc server on ubuntu ?15:27
Piciflamez: Install ircd, configure.15:31
PiciSearch the repositories for a suitable package.15:31
flamezHow Make a irc server on ubuntu ?15:32
=== IceGuest_75 is now known as BeNnYdRaGoNbOy
Piciflamez: Find an ircd that you like and use your package manager to install it15:33
flamezWhat ircd is easy to install and use ?15:33
Piciflamez: I don't know, sorry.15:34
=== crissi_ is now known as CrissiD
flamezI,m root and the Terminal say's Are you ROOT ?15:36
flamezHow fix it ?15:36
Piciflamez: You need to prefix your commands with 'sudo' if you want to run them as root.15:37
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:37
flamezici i use dudo15:39
flamezWhat command to install it use you ?15:40
flamezok Another qeustion How run Hybrid ircd if i downloaded it ?15:44
=== J is now known as Guest42204
geniiflamez: If you installed it by way of something like:  sudo apt-get install ircd-hybrid                then it should have an /etc/init.d entry and start automatically15:57
flamezStarting Hybrid 7 IRC Server: ircd-hybridflamez@ubuntu:~$  <- Nothing starts15:58
geniiflamez: No, it DID start15:58
flamezwhat now15:59
Pici!crosspost | flamez15:59
ubottuflamez: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.15:59
geniiflamez: Connect to it with your irc client, putting the machines IP address (or name of localhost) as the servername and port 666716:00
flamezHow can i connect to my ircd server16:03
flamezCan you give a exaple how i ruconnect16:04
flamezi using ubuntu 9.416:04
Piciflamez: use your irc client and enter 'localhost' as the server name.16:04
flamezI can't go on map hybrit IRCD it say's don't have the primensions  Im ROOT16:08
flamezsomeone know why ?16:10
robin0800flamez: you might have to register16:10
flamezCan you say how ?16:10
robin0800flamez: no try their web site16:10
robin0800flamez: I like freenode but you should register with them too16:11
geniiflamez: From: http://www.ircd-hybrid.org/support.html     "IRC contact: #ircd-coders on irc.ircd-hybrid.org"      so their support channel is not on freenode but their own system16:12
robin0800genii: It would appear you can still join that channel from freenode16:14
geniiflamez: So I suggest:   /server irc.ircd-hybrid.org              and then after connected to their server: /join #irc-coders                and then bother them there16:14
geniirobin0800: Ah, nice16:15
geniiflamez: In that case just: /join #irc-coders16:15
flamezNobody Anwers16:17
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=== flamez__ is now known as flamez
robin0800flamez: no they don't but I can see your message16:19
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flamezRobin can you help me ?16:20
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ricardo__buenas tardes16:21
robin0800flamez: no I use Konversation16:30
flamezRobin i use to Konversation16:34
robin0800flamez: its just been updated16:37
NeKithttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1272346 - Still can't get HD 3870x2 to work:(16:45
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shiftlesshi all16:48
shiftlessi just upgraded to kubuntu from ubuntu 9.04. im loving it so far. having a few problems im trying to get ironed out though. one problem is network manager. for some reason, its not seeing any wireless access points when i go to add a new connection. i havent used network manager in a long time, since ive been using wicd, but id like to get it to work if possible. any idea why this problem might occur?16:50
zebastiani want to back up to my external drive, will this do it: rsync -avh --delete --stats /home/$USERNAME/ /media/mybackup/16:54
geniizebastian: That looks about right. May require sudo and specific user home dir path if path /media/mybackup is not writable to username16:59
zebastiangenii, it seems to be working16:59
zebastiani did do this rsync -avh --delete --stats /home/sebastian/ /media/SAMSUNG/mybackup17:00
James147zebastian: the trailing / is important if I remember right17:04
p0lym0rf1chi all, can anyone help with a broadcom wireless prob?  have been through 3 different drivers, and have probs with all.  found a couple threads talking about kernel being the prob, but I haven't been able to find any solution17:05
shenteyHi, does anybody know what happened to the KDE build of project neon? They haven't been updated since mid of August :-(17:07
shenteyI use project neon when hacking on KDE17:07
davidtAnybody know how to fix a missing KDE session option in 9.10? I did an upgrade the other day and KDE is missing as an option when logging in.17:16
genii!karmic | davidt17:18
ubottudavidt: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:18
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davidtUbottu: Thanks. I know of the status and that it will break. Just wondering if somebody had seen this problem before...17:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:19
geniidavidt: More importantly is the channel the bot points you to for questions on 9.10 ... #ubuntu+1 and not here in #kubuntu17:20
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davidtThanks Genii!17:21
shenteylet me rephrase: what's the status of project neon? does anybody know if there will be updated packages for 9.04?17:22
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latitudehello everyone, i am attmepting to configure a dell latitude with kubuntu 9.04 i have a tutorial however it is a bit above me, would anyone be willing to help?17:34
James147latitude: sure, what do you need help with exatly?17:34
nixternallatitude: what's up? I am running a Latitude D830 right now17:34
* nixternal guesses wifi?17:35
latitudeSorry, its a latitude xt. So it has touch screen things that need to be installed. Here is what i have found for information, its just a bit above me. http://www.mayrhofer.eu.org/Default.aspx?pageid=7717:35
nixternaloh wow, ya that one will be over my head..though I know people who have touchscreens and Kubuntu on them17:36
latitudeyah its not presented in a clear manner either. First step is chaning the xserver to the version being used in Karmic17:37
nixternalya, not a good idea unless you really know what you are doing...you could always run Karmic on it too...Karmic is actually in pretty decent shape right now, so you might be able to test it out and play around with it to see if you can get it working there...I typically wouldn't suggest an unstable release, but it might be something to consider17:39
nixternalseeing as we are a month away from release on karmic, nothing should blow up between now and then, but you never know :)17:39
nixternalI think we got over our blow ups from last week...seems we got it out of our system :)17:40
latitudeReall a month huh... has the boot time increased? cause that would save me having to download and install th patches17:40
latitudeLOL last week17:40
latitudeI am going to give this unit to a proffessor as his first linux box (as he loves his tablet)17:40
James147nixternal: not all issues are fixed, some ppl are having kwin be uninstalled on updates of alpha 617:41
nixternaloh wow, ya then maybe karmic isn't the way to go if you are giving it to a new user :)17:41
nixternalJames147: who needs kwin :p17:41
latitudeYah i dont want to ruin his linux experience17:42
James147well, you dont need it, but it caused kde to be missing form kdm as well17:42
latitudethe site provides patches that have been compiled i am just not sure how to install them17:42
latitudeThe thing is i need to start with an xserver replacement to use the upcoming radeon drivers..Does thisseem correct?17:44
latitudeHe provides his xorg.conf file, if i just replace it will i be good to go or will it just crash the yet to be replaced xserver?17:45
timboyI was told to make echo -n 170 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/speed permanent to put it in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file but that file doesn't exist and putting it in /etc/rc.local doesn't work either. can someone help?17:46
latitudebe honest here guys, how bad is karmic? is it mainly stable?17:47
=== administrator is now known as Guest10244
nixternallatitude: grab the live cd iso for karmic and see how that works out -> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20090924/  <- I think this is the one I used yesterday and it was working...this will allow you to see if things are working in Karmic or not, since he wants you to install the kernel from Karmic17:47
James147latitude: I am having no problems with it on my laptop and in a vm on my desktop17:47
nixternallatitude: ditto...I run nothing but karmic on all of my machines (8 in total)17:48
James147latitude: but quite a few do have the some issues every now and then17:48
nixternalwell my server is still jaunty cuz I have been to lazy to upgrade it17:48
geniilatitude: I had it make my box unusable 3-4 times now so staying with Jaunty for the moment until at least an RC17:48
nixternalgenii: that was last week right?17:48
James147nixternal: my server will remain jaunty till karmic is stable :)17:48
nixternalwith the new upstart scripts17:48
nixternalJames147: ya, probably the same here since it runs headless17:48
nixternaldon't feel like hooking up monitors and keyboards...to lazy17:49
latitudeDoesnt karmic have some major touch screen updates? and if i get lost i am sure you nice guys will help me out17:49
geniinixternal: Yes. Also some fubar with fsck.ext4 which removes all in / and puts it in numbered recovery files in /lost+found17:49
nixternalwow, I didn't experience that one (yet?)17:49
nixternalI have learned not to update so quickly now..I will check on IRC first to see if anyone is crying that Karmic ate their kids17:50
geniilatitude: #ubuntu+1 is where to enquire at length about Karmic :)17:50
latitudegenii: thanks17:51
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xddwcan someone help me installing ices018:33
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juliotrujilloalguien habla español???18:36
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:39
geniijuliotrujillo: eg: /join #kubuntu-es18:39
juliotrujillomuchas gracias por tu respuesta18:40
juliotrujilloviva ¡ ESPAÑA18:42
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daniele__RMwho help me to upgrade my kubuntu6?19:49
geniidaniele__RM: Use the http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended) method19:50
daniele__RMgenii: is not easy kubunto 6 doesn't have repository :(19:53
daniele__RMedigy doen't exist :(19:53
daniele__RMautomatic upgrade fails19:53
geniidaniele__RM: You should be able to go from 6.06 directly to 8.0419:54
genii(skipping all the intermediate releases which are now EOL)19:54
nameiner_Does anybody know if it is possible to change the sensitivity of the volume sliders in kmix?19:55
daniele__RMnot automatically19:55
daniele__RMi'd like to cjhange my repository19:55
daniele__RMwith 9.4 repository19:55
daniele__RMbut i don't know if my pc restart again after this19:56
geniidaniele__RM: Just switching out a 9.04 mirror list for a 6.06 one will break your system nhorribly19:56
daniele__RMok.. and so..? i neet to reinstal my system?19:57
daniele__RMi don't like this19:57
geniidaniele__RM: Perhaps you haven't even tried the update-manager-core package and then doing the: sudo do-release-upgrade -d                ...because that DOES DIRECTLY FROM 6.06 to 8.0419:57
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Picigenii: using the -d switch means that you want the latest development release.  you want -m instead for dapper to hardy19:59
geniiPici: Apologies. But same principle applies that 7.04,7.10 path is not required20:02
daniele__RMgenii: my repository are died.... i cant download any packet...20:08
geniidaniele__RM: What does:  lsb_release -a             say?20:08
daniele__RMI seguenti pacchetti hanno dipendenze non soddisfatte:20:08
daniele__RM  adobe-flashplugin: Dipende: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.20.0) ma 1.12.3-0ubuntu1 sta per essere installato20:08
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libcairo2 (>= 1.6.0) ma 1.2.4-1ubuntu2.2 sta per essere installato20:09
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.4.0) ma 2.3.2-7ubuntu2 sta per essere installato20:09
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libfreetype6 (>= 2.3.5) ma 2.2.1-5ubuntu0.2 sta per essere installato20:09
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-21) ma 1:4.1.1-13ubuntu5 sta per essere installato20:09
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0) ma 2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1 sta per essere installato20:09
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libnspr4-0d ma non sta per essere installato20:09
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libnss3-1d ma non è installabile20:09
daniele__RM                     Dipende: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.20.5) ma 1.14.5-0ubuntu1 sta per essere installato20:09
geniiDamn not fast enough20:09
geniidaniele__RM: What does:  lsb_release -a             say?20:11
daniele__RMi cant resolve my dependency because my repository are dayed20:11
genii6.06 repositories are still online. You must have another version20:11
daniele__RMmy ver is edigy20:12
daniele__RMcen you send my the url?20:12
daniele__RMrepository url20:13
daniele__RMi use http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted universe multiverse20:14
daniele__RMamd so on20:14
geniidaniele__RM: Replace then in your sources.list where it says something like xx.archive.ubuntu.com            with old-releases.archive.ubuntu.com , do an apt-get update20:14
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:15
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bobbob1016I'm running Kubuntu Jaunty with KDE 4.3 completely updated NVidia 185 drivers, and compiz, but I can't seem to get my filetransfer notifier thing in my system tray to open up, any ideas?20:23
daniele__RMgenii: do ypu have this packet?20:23
geniidaniele__RM: No. Do: alt-f2      then put in:  kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list              and in the editor, replace all http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu      with: http://old-releases.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu                         then save it. Then do in Konsole:  sudo apt-get update                       after that you should  be able to continue20:25
daniele__RMi 'll try now20:26
* genii makes another, stronger, pot of coffee20:32
daniele__RMgenii: tnx20:33
daniele__RMnoe is started utomatically upgrate to 7.420:34
daniele__RMno sorry20:34
daniele__RMok i'll try20:34
daniele__RMupdate-manager-core doesn't exist :(20:37
geniidaniele__RM: add into /etc/apt/sources.list  as before with the alt-f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list way...  a line:  deb http://old-releases.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse                then save, do again the: sudo apt-get update20:41
daniele__RMyes i'll do it20:42
daniele__RMi' have do it20:42
daniele__RMbut... i can find onli update-manager :(20:43
daniele__RMand not update-manager-core20:43
geniidaniele__RM: "update-manager-core" is in the repository area I just described, "edgy-updates"20:44
geniidaniele__RM: So for it to be able to install, you need to add that repository area into your sources.list, as I described. Then after it fetches the new list with the: sudo apt-get update           it should be available20:45
* genii starts twitching20:45
daniele__RMbut i can install only 7.1020:46
daniele__RMok i'll do it20:46
daniele__RM7.4 sorry20:46
daniele__RMno it doesn't work20:47
geniidaniele__RM: Yes. When you have intermediate versions like 6.10,7.04 and so on and not long-term-support versions like 6.06 and 8.04 then when you upgrade versions, you have to go to all the in-between ones20:47
daniele__RMerro 40420:47
daniele__RMFailed to fetch http://old-release.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found20:47
geniidaniele__RM: "old-releases" with two "s" in "releases" and not "old-release" as in the single and not plural20:48
* genii starts twitching even more spastically now20:48
daniele__RMi'm sorry20:48
daniele__RMnow i hare re read20:48
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:54
daniele__RMFailed to fetch http://old-releases.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found20:56
mukeshCan I upgrade from 8.04 to 9.1020:57
daniele__RMgenii: edigy is not here http://old-releases.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/20:59
daniele__RMi have lose20:59
geniidaniele__RM: I just went there to look also. The old releases used to keep all, now it looks like they only keep some21:00
daniele__RMi can't upgrade my kubuntu21:04
geniidaniele__RM: Your best tactic at this time is to download the 8.04 or 9.04 Alternate install cd and use that in the way described at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD21:05
daniele__RMok tnx again21:06
daniele__RMwow great21:08
daniele__RMtnx genii21:08
geniidaniele__RM: Keep us posted :)21:08
daniele__RMgenii: do you know if 9.4 will upgrade with kernel 2.6.31?21:13
daniele__RMi have read tha 2.6.31 is fastest21:13
geniidaniele__RM: 2.6.28-15-generic21:14
daniele__RMmy eepc use this :(
geniidaniele__RM: The 2.6.31 kernels are in the development version, 9.10 (Karmic Koala) but for now you should remian with a more stable version like 8.04 (Hardy Heron) or 9.04 (Jaunty Jackelope)21:16
daniele__RMok i'll waiting for 9.10... will 9.10 be lts?21:18
jcohi all, what is kubuntu 9.04 supposed to use to play vids? I can't get audio working from any player, though amarok and system audio works fine21:18
geniidaniele__RM: No, 10.04 will be LTS21:18
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0421:18
geniijco: Probably either Dragon Player or Kaffeine   (I like Kaffeine)21:19
jcogenii: no audio even with kaffeine21:21
geniijco: Sounds like a codecs issue21:21
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:22
jcogenii: thanks, I'll have a look at those URLs21:22
geniijco: I suggest also to visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu21:22
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:23
jcogenii: installed all the codecs, included the medibuntu repos, upgraded, still, no audio in vids using mplayer, vlc, kaffeine :(21:31
joasomebody knows if there are any problems with wicd and kubuntu jaunty ?21:33
geniijco: Did you install the libdvdcss2 and win32codecs or win64codecs from medibuntu?21:35
geniijco: What is the file format you are trying to play?21:36
jcogenii: I installed the w64codecs (I'm running 64bit)21:36
jcogenii: AVI file format detected. (but tried others too, I can't even play MP3 files which are correctly played by amarok...)21:37
geniijco: OK...usually those ones are what it requires, if the kubuntu-restricted-extras  package doesn't pull in the ones needed21:37
jcogenii: you mean I need to install the w32codecs anyway?21:38
geniijco: No21:39
geniijco: Are you getting *any* audio? Can be instead some generalised audio issue21:39
jcogenii: yes, amarok and system sounds work fine21:39
joanetwork-manager or wicd?21:40
jcogenii: for example I'm playing now an MP3 file in amarok which has no audio with mplayer21:41
jcogenii: couldn't be a pulseaudio problem? I had all sorts of problems with it on another distro before...21:43
jcogenii: ok, have to go now, thanks anyway for your help21:52
Axess_DeniedMan it has been a long time for me in an IRC. Where is quick how-to easily found?21:52
Eloneanyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?22:06
Benkinoobyhi. i installed a new wireless router. wlan works finde with windows xp but when i want to connect with kubuntu, it can't connect and asks for the password over and over again22:19
Benkinoobyhi. i installed a new wireless router. wlan works finde with windows xp but when i want to connect with kubuntu, it can't connect and asks for the password over and over again. The wlan is wpa encrypted with a preshared key22:24
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Fanfare!de| besitzer23:20
ubottubesitzer: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:20
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duckx0ri have a quick question. is there any way to alt-click a virtualbox window in kubuntu without it moving the window?23:33
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Eloneanyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?23:42
maxximoпривет всем23:50
kris_!ru | maxximo23:53
ubottumaxximo: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke23:53
maxximoподскажите пожалуйста как внести данный IRC канал в список загружаемых по умолчанию23:55
maxximoа то приходится постоянно заходить в него заново23:55

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