
=== NauTiluS is now known as NauTiluS1
afallenhopeso nothing eh?00:00
georgehi i was wondering if someone could help me im trying to figure out how to chage the vebose color in booting jaunty00:01
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kewl1ok ubottu, but i didn´t lost grub after windows install...it happened after a upgrade system ! ;)00:02
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purpzeyjrib: I went to do the update and my Update Manager doesn't offer me the option "A new release is available" is there a way to do it from CLI manually?00:03
jribpurpzey: what are you upgrading to?00:03
purpzeyjrib: From 8.0400:04
kewl1purpzey: tape     sudo update-manager -d00:04
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jribpurpzey: on LTS I believe the option to ignore non-LTS releases is enabled by default, check options00:04
Flannelkewl1: -d is wrong, that'd be for development releases00:05
kewl1purpzey: the comment -d is to Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible00:05
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Flannelpurpzey: For software sources, theres another tab where you can discuss LTS vs every release.  Or you can edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades00:06
Strife89Hmm, my graphics card is giving me some weird textures. Look at the ceiling and floor in the distance in the screenshot. Does anyone know what's going on? I have an ATI Radeon graphics set in a Toshiba Satellite laptop. This happens in Armagentron Advanced, too, and in both games the framerate is poor, whereas in Windows many games run at great speeds. http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-SuperTuxKart.png00:06
purpzeyFlannel and kewl1 I just want the button to appear that will tell me a new distro is available click to upgrade so I can upgrade without losing my data.00:07
kewl1Flannel: ok..i was wrong00:07
agliodbsI'm consistently getting some strange behaviors on my ubuntu box, and I'd like some help on where to look for issues.  (1) the network keeps resetting every 24 hours, and flipping to DHCP instead of the settings in /etc/interfaces.  (2) visudo crashes the terminal 50% of the time.00:07
Flannelpurpzey: You need to either change your preferences to tell you of all releases throgh software sources, or edit that file00:07
kewl1purpzey:  did you make you data backup?00:07
purpzeyFlannel: Where are the preferences?00:07
purpzeykewl1: My important data is backed up but I would prefer to do it without losing my applications and things of that nature.00:08
Flannelpurpzey: There's another tab under software sources, or software properties, or whatever that menu item is named in Hardy, let me look00:08
Sun3vi1I have been experiencing unusual behaiour on my box. Any help?00:08
Flannelpurpzey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades will walk you through upgrading from 8.04 to 8.1000:08
ActionParsnipagliodbs: do you have network manager installed. It may be causing issues if you use the interfaces file, You can disable it with bum00:09
jribSun3vi1: you need to be a bit more specific for anyone to actually help you I imagine00:09
ActionParsnip!ask | Sun3vi100:09
ubottuSun3vi1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:09
agliodbsActionParsnip: how do I tell?00:09
kewl1purpzey: what happen when you type update-manager -d?00:09
agliodbsActionParsnip: (this is a headless machine)00:09
ActionParsnipagliodbs: ps -ef | grep netw00:09
purpzeyFlannel: Ok, thanks. I found the option, btw. Appreciate your help and thanks to you kewl100:09
purpzeyand thanks jrib00:09
ActionParsnipagliodbs: ah, then it most likely wont be unless you are running an x server for some reson00:10
agliodbsActionParsnip: nothing00:10
ActionParsnipagliodbs: try: ps -ef | grep nm00:10
Sun3vi1I am using a system running Hardy LTS with 256mb of RAM. When I first start it, the fan spins at full speed and runs the battery down right away, but if I put it in standby and wake it up again, the fan cycles down and runs at normal speed and increases speed only when under demand. Is there a solution?00:11
agliodbsActionParsnip: just nmbd00:11
ActionParsnipagliodbs: cool, not sure then very strange00:12
agliodbsActionParsnip: I did install some security updates yesterday, so it's possibel that the network wonkyness isn't completely spontaneous00:12
x_dimitriMy dvd writer can't write CDs/DVDs anymore. dmesg shows the following when I insert a blank CD/DVD: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277481/00:12
x_dimitriAny idea what the problem could be?00:12
agliodbsActionParsnip: I really can't figure out visudo though00:12
Sun3vi1This behaviour is not normal because it never acted this way when running windows. Granted, windows had more specific drivers00:12
losheragliodbs: ActionParsnip: my first guess would be you have dhcpclient running and periodically it's redoing its lease...00:12
agliodbslosher: checking00:13
ActionParsniplosher: possibly00:13
afallenhopehmmm.. who here actually knows about compiling and has a strong linux background that can help me out00:13
agliodbslosher: yeah, the client's running00:13
agliodbslosher: how do I kill it permanently?00:13
Maritimafallenhope: what's wrong?00:13
kewl1purpzey: did work?00:14
losheragliodbs: and what's in your /etc/network/interfaces file?00:14
kewl1losher: can you help me with some issues?00:14
agliodbslosher: paste site, moment00:14
afallenhopeMaritim, when I compile modules everything seems to be fine but when I do make install it installs to /lib/modules/ rather than /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/extra00:14
afallenhopeWhen I do a uname -r it says 2.6.28-15-generic00:15
Maritimand you are compiling 2.6.28-15-generic, not
losherkewl1: if its about your update issue above, I dunno much about it...00:15
afallenhopeMaritim, from what I know yes. I'm trying to compile the avld and rt73 module00:15
Strife89What's a quick way to find out the name of my graphics card?00:15
kewl1losher: :(00:16
ActionParsnip!boot | agliodbs00:16
ubottuagliodbs: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:16
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?00:16
x_dimitriMy dvd writer can't write CDs/DVDs anymore. dmesg shows the following when I insert a blank CD/DVD: http://paste.ubuntu.com/277481/00:16
ActionParsnipagliodbs: you can remove it with that00:16
afallenhopeStrife89, lspci | grep -i vga00:16
agliodbsActionParsnip: yeah, dhcpclient isn't a boot srcipt, though00:16
Maritimafallenhope: so you downloaded the source code for 2.6.28-15-generic, extracted it, configured and compiled?00:16
Strife89afallenhope: Thanks. :)00:17
ActionParsnipagliodbs: it should be in the init at some point though00:17
benediktI need a quick confirmation. update-manager crashed during an upgrade to karmic, it had replaced sources.list without making a backup anc replaced /etc/issued and /etc/lsb-release so do-release upgrade didnt want to do anything either.00:17
benediktbut isnt it enough to change jaunty to karmic in sources.list like you would do in debia00:18
Sun3vi1hello? I am not getting a response00:18
afallenhopeMaritim, did sudo apt-get install linux-source && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)00:18
Guest76035Hey guys, i have a question, is there a way to make ssh ask for a passphrase everytime i ssh into a ubuntu machine?00:18
Biovorebenedikt: people keep telling me that.. but every time I have done it.. its worked just fine here...00:18
benediktGuest76035: if you are using a privte key with a passphrase then yes.00:19
Biovoremaybe I ma just special..00:19
Maritimafallenhope: sounds like the linux-source package in the repo is the wrong version ;)00:19
ActionParsnipbenedikt: no you must upgrade properly00:19
agliodbsActionParsnip: yeah, just not sure where to find it00:19
Guest76035I do have a private key and passphrase setup on ubuntu00:19
benediktBiovore: works fine to do it the debian way you mean?00:19
agliodbslosher: anything I should change about /etc/interfaces?00:19
Maritimafallenhope: I'd rather go grab it from www.kernel.org00:19
benediktActionParsnip: whats the difference?00:19
Biovorebenedikt: yup..  they say you shouldn't..00:19
afallenhopeso should I sudo apt-get purge linux-source?00:19
Guest76035But when I ssh to the ubuntu through my mac it logs in correctly, i then logout again. But when I ssh again, i t doesn't ask for a passphrase again.00:20
Guest76035i'm trying to get sshd ask a passphrase everytime I try to attempt a conenction to my ubuntu box00:20
Maritimafallenhope: yeah, get rid of it and do it from scratch instead, with the source from kernel.org00:20
ActionParsnipbenedikt: one will give you a proper upgrade, one doesnt00:20
afallenhopeMaritim, it's the right version I can't find the version I'm running on the site00:21
ActionParsnipbenedikt: run: sudo do-release-upgrade  -d00:21
thepoetanybody know why tcp connections would be blocked on PORT 49014?00:21
benediktActionParsnip: define "proper" upgrade? What does update-manager do that apt-get wouldnt do? update-manager krashed somewhere after finsihed downloading the packages do it did everything before that00:21
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Guest75955is there a web editor for ubuntu someone for free00:21
ActionParsnipbenedikt: there is a program called upgrade-manager to do that sort of thing. If thats all it took there would be no need for the app.00:21
benediktActionParsnip: it wont do anything since /etc/issue and lsb-release already got replaced00:21
Maritimafallenhope: 2.6.28-15? Not on the site?00:21
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wrstGuest75955: give kompozer a try if you wanta  wysiwyg editor00:22
afallenhopeMaritim, not that i could find00:22
ActionParsnipbenedikt: there is a page on the wiki outlining how to upgrade. I suggest you read it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:22
Guest76035anyone have any ideas on my ssh question? :)00:22
benediktActionParsnip: ok I will.00:22
dracnocRight, I'm off to bed. Remember folks, no matter where you go or what you do, you'll be there and it will be your fault. Take it easy...00:23
Maritimafallenhope: hmm.. then I don't know :(00:23
afallenhopeMaritim, what about a config file?00:23
losheragliodbs: your interfaces file looks fine. The networking stuff is such a convoluted mess though. What's in your /etc/network/if* directories?00:24
reesleIm having trouble installing ubuntu.. Grub keeps failing to install and this is not the first distro to fail arch linux failed as well with Grub00:24
GnDrMnI am using a system running Hardy LTS with 256mb of RAM. When I first start it, the fan spins at full speed and runs the battery down right away, but if I put it in standby and wake it up again, the fan cycles down and runs at normal speed and increases speed only when under demand. Is there a solution?00:24
agliodbsif-up.d, if-pre-up.d, if-down.d, if-post-down.d00:25
sebsebsebreesle: Ubuntu to ArchLinux now that's a big jump00:25
sebsebseb!grub |  reesle00:25
ubottureesle: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:25
losheragliodbs: list them again please, using ls -R00:25
losherreesle: something unusual about your boot setup you haven't told us yet?00:26
agliodbslosher: http://ubuntu.privatepaste.com/45tWcOjCzg00:26
Maritimafallenhope: aren't those modules available in one of the repos?00:27
reesleno nothing that i know of Oh sorry i am trying to dual boot with Win 7 and a day ago Win vista (just upgraded)00:27
losheragliodbs: I'm wondering what's in dhclient3-apparmor?00:27
afallenhopemaritim no.00:28
bobertdosGnDrMn: You might want to check the visual effects settings. If Compiz is running at all (meaning the effects are set to at least normal) that could be consuming your CPU and GPU.00:28
Maritimafallenhope: what are they called?00:28
afallenhopert73 and avld00:28
agliodbslosher: it doesn't appear to start dhclient00:29
ItkovianDoes one still need to set  CONFIG_XEN_BLKDEV_BACKEND  or is CONFIG_XEN_BACKEND suficient with the latest xen-enables kernel (2.6.31-rc9+patches) ?00:29
agliodbslosher: just launch apparmor before the rest of the network if apparmor is loaded and has a dhclient profile00:29
afallenhopeI install all the kernels that I have installed. gonna try that brb00:30
Maritimafallenhope: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40023600:30
reesleif i go into the grub prompt on the live cd and type in root i get a Error 11: Unrecognized device string00:30
losheragliodbs: which os version, btw?00:30
bobertdos!pm > GnDrMn00:30
ubottuGnDrMn, please see my private message00:30
agliodbslosher: Jaunty00:30
agliodbslosher: as of last week00:31
afallenhopeMaritim, yeah that's old00:31
Maritimafallenhope: rt73 is in one of the repos, I just did an apt-cache search rt73, and I found rt73-common and rt73-source00:31
losheragliodbs: does this problem predate jaunty?00:31
afallenhopeit's old00:31
agliodbsoh, sorry, I meant last week's download00:31
agliodbslosher: it's a new system00:31
agliodbsonly been up 3 days00:31
Maritimafallenhope: meaning it won't work for you? can't blame a man for trying, very well00:31
losheragliodbs: I may have reached the limit of being able to diagnose your issue, since I'm running hardy here...00:32
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:32
bobertdosGnDrMn: Even so, have you checked CPU usage when you've first started up?00:32
agliodbslosher: I doubt it's anything simple00:32
agliodbslosher: I'll see if it reoccurs when I'm done installing stuff00:32
agliodbslosher: thanks for suggestions00:32
losheragliodbs: when all else fails, start googling :-)00:32
agliodbslosher: oh, I did that first00:33
GnDrMnyes and it falls to about 15 to 25 percent00:33
shawn_If in my Mobo manual it says this "Does not support DDR2-800 in 1GB mode" does that mean that any RAM that I put in over 1 GB cant be 800 Mhz speed?00:33
mezquitaleI am planning on trying out karmic alpha 6 on my desktop, anyone knows if I'll be able to upgrade to the official karmic version once it is released???00:33
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tonisoy nuebo00:34
tonihola a todos00:34
losher!es | toni00:34
ubottutoni: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:34
agliodbsso, questons for a headless machine:  (1) is there a network manager which doesn't require X, and (2) is there a startup script manager which doesn't require X?00:34
mezquitaleshawn_, no, it sounds like it's the other way around00:34
shawn_What do you mean?00:35
GnDrMnbobertdos: Yes it falls to about 15 to 25 percent of the capacity00:35
reesleAnyone have any suggestions i have googled around but it seems that no one has really solved this problem00:35
bobertdosGnDrMn: Well, I'd still give it a shot, because you know, standby is directly related to the graphics drivers.00:35
mezquitaleshawn_, 32 bit OS can handle up to 2GB, 64 bit OS can handle more than 2GB, I had to install ubuntu 64 bit to take advantage of my 4 gigs of memory00:35
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shawn_mezquitale I have Ubuntu 64 bit00:36
losherreesle: which os version, btw?00:36
GnDrMnbobertdos: Could a graphics driver update or even an upgrade to 9.04 help?00:36
alokitohow to play dvd movie iso in karmic?00:36
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?00:36
reeslethe latest stable 9.0400:36
alokitototem can play the mounted iso but no sound00:36
DasEimezquitale: 32 up to 4 including graphics00:37
mezquitaleshawn_, it looks like your mobo doesn't support 1GB sticks, it should be able to support more than 1 GB00:37
losherreesle: try 8.04 32 bit next....00:37
BCM43Is there anything like this: http://www.crossloop.com/ for linux? I need to log in to the computer of a person who is not technical enough to setup port forwarding.00:37
mezquitaleDasEi, my mistake, a 32 bit OS can handle 2^32 ~ 4 GB of memory00:38
shawn_mezquitale What it said was that it runs 256 MB sticks in 256 mode and 512 MB sticks in either 512 mode or 1GB mode and then it runs 1 GB sticks in 1 GB mode and then underneath it said that other thing I said00:38
trismBCM43: you can use System/Preferences/Remote Desktop and connect to it from any VNC viewer00:38
mezquitaleshawn_, did you build your own system?00:39
shawn_mezquitale No00:39
bobertdosGnDrMn: Possibly, yes. Another thing to try (I'm thinking in terms of your relatively low RAM) would be a less sohisticated desktop environment like xcfe or flubox.00:39
DarkebrzHi, I just have a pretty simple question. I know where my Windows partition is, but how do I access it through the file browser? (I know how to get to it with the terminal)00:39
BCM43trism: only if I am in the network, not if there is a router between us.00:39
Fohndarkebrz: Nautilus should list it as something like '[size of drive]" media00:40
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DasEimezquitale: ;-) don't take irc too serious http://paste.ubuntu.com/277492/00:40
Fohndarkebrz: if you just click on 'places' it will most likely be located directly beneath 'computer'00:41
GnDrMnbobertdos: Ok, but I still do not understand why the situation would disappear the second the system is put into and taken out of standby. One other issue that i have been having is that when I use the function keys on my system to change screen brightness, the mouse disappears00:41
DarkebrzFohn, Directly beneath that is 7.5 GB Media ._.00:41
Angelalguien sabe como ingresar a una pc que tiene clave en grub?00:42
shawn_mezquitale: http://pastebin.com/m390c6513 thats a cut out of my manual of what Im talking about00:42
Fohndarkebrz: How big is your windows partition?00:42
trismBCM43: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/06/12/vnc-over-ssh-securing-the-remote-desktop/00:42
losher!es | Angel00:42
ubottuAngel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:42
mezquitaleDasEi, LoL I dont take it that serious but as ubuntu channel's official support you might want to get all facts straight00:42
qq99I have a weird issue: I can move windows with Alt+leftclick, but cannot resize them with alt+rightclick.... tried fooling in compiz settings manager to no gain :( anyone have a resolution?00:42
DarkebrzFohn, Well, my Ubuntu one is about 30 GB, so it is probably around 180 GB00:42
Raiders32how can you get rythymbox to play mp3 files on a Creative Zen?00:42
queso_What happened to the right-click "View Image" option in Firefox?00:42
DasEimezquitale: my speech, lool00:43
mezquitaleshawn_, I'm not too experienced in these sort of issues but it looks like you can have 512 megs running @ 800  but 1GB stick will not run @ 800, it will run at a lower speed00:43
bobertdosDarkebr: Let's ask it this way...How do you get to it in the terminal?00:44
shawn_mezquitale I just dont understand why I have 2 strips that are 1 GB and 667 and two that are 2GB and 800 but it only shows that I have 3.2 GB of RAM on 64 Ubuntu00:44
henryfranz2005I need help my toolbars are all gone, but the icons are still there. What happened?00:45
dabukalamhey i have a windows partition that i wanna boot in a VM in ubuntu. What's the best way of doing this. I want to be able to boot into it normally as well...00:45
Fohndarkebrz: If you know the location of the partition in terminal and can cd there that way, just type 'nautilus [location]' to open it in nautilus00:45
dattasypnetic is giving me a hard time00:45
Fohn!details | datta00:45
ubottudatta: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:45
DarkebrzFohn, Okay, thanks00:45
dattathe error of E: Type 'a' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pidgin-ppa.list00:45
dattaE: The list of sources could not be read.00:45
dattaGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.00:45
dattaE: _cache->open() failed, please report. came up00:45
FloodBot3datta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
ozzmanntshawn: does your machine show all the ram at POST?00:45
dattai didn't flood, just pasted it and this came up in different lines00:46
mezquitaleshawn_, you mixed memory modules in your mobo? rofl00:46
henryfranz2005I need help my toolbars are all gone, but the icons are still there. What happened?00:46
shawn_ozzmannt It shows it in the Bios just not once I boot up00:46
shawn_mezquitale Well I have the two 2GB ones in the same channel and then the two 1 GB ones in a different channel00:46
zaiusis there a way to install a jdk without x11-common?00:46
dattai think in the error is says something went wrong with pidgin update which i was trying to do00:46
Fohndatta: Instead of pasting in the IRC, go to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ to paste anything.00:47
susbwoyHi, running ubuntu 9.04 -just curious as to how ubuntu can stop mounting my windows partition? I'm able to mount it at boot with an entry into /etc/fstab, but before it was working on install...? Could this occur when updating/kernel upgrades?00:47
se7vnhenry , you mean your window borders are all gone?00:47
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?00:47
dattahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/277495/ this is the error that i got00:47
GnDrMnsusbwoy: Insure that you did not hibernate windows before trying to mount the windows partition00:48
dattaplease check this, this happens to me a lot of time with my list of software sources00:48
mezquitaleshawn_,  are they all rated for the same speed though??00:48
shawn_mezquitale Two of them are 667 and two are 80000:48
Fohndatta: It looks like you have your repositories listed with improper syntax. I am unfortunately not very experienced with synaptic.00:48
shawn_mezquitale But when I bought the 800 the package said they are compatible with 667 and 533 as well or something00:48
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dattaFohn: so you don't know how to fix this?00:49
DasEisusbwoy: hal is doing that, and it can alter through a new kernel00:49
ubottuHal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.00:49
Fohndatta: I would recommend reviewing your repository list to make sure they all have the proper syntax.00:49
ozzmanntshawn: RAM speeds are always backwards compat so that shouldn't be the problem00:49
henryfranz2005please help people00:49
henryfranz2005I need to see my toolbar.00:50
dattaFohn: where is the list of represetory00:50
purpzeydatta: There are instructions for upgrading pidgin on the pidgin website @: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/00:50
ozzmanntshawn: have you tried any other OSs?00:50
susbwoyDasEi: thanks00:50
razor_Xhi gang00:50
shawn_ozzmant None of my other OSs are 64 bit00:50
razor_Xokay i have the latest java according to my package manager why wont limewire and frostwire work for me?00:51
mezquitaleshawn_,  what does system monitor say how many gigs you have?00:51
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ozzmanntshawn: i guess your other OSs are reading the same amount of memory as u'r 64 bit ones, 3.2GB?00:51
Guest3271my you tube player wont work can someone help00:51
shawn_mezquitale For some reason it says 3.2 GB00:51
shawn_ozzmant I havnt checked actually00:51
mezquitaleshawn_, are all the memory from the same manufacturer??00:51
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest36612
shawn_mezquitale Two are from PNY and two are from another brand Im not sure what they came with my computer00:52
razor_Xokay i have the latest java according to my package manager why wont limewire and frostwire work for me?00:52
dattai really need to know how to fix this problem with my sypnetec00:52
bobertdoshenryfranz2005: Have you tried setting all your theme related settings back to default?00:52
qq99open question: is there a way to click buttons on my mouse and have the OS report to me if it is Button1 or Button2, etc?00:52
Fohndatta: In Synaptic: Settings>Third-Party Software00:52
ozzmanntshawn: i'm thinking either you have some bad ram, or your MB does not support all the ram you tossed at it, i would try shuffling the ram around and see if that makes a diff, and also reset u'r BIOS options as a just in case00:53
mezquitaleshawn_, then I believe that could be the problem,  if you look at crucial this computer memory guide it says you can mix and match different sizes and different speeds but they have to be the same as in DDR200:53
sdcurleei can't pass this dell dcse customer service test, anyone else have that problem?00:54
mezquitaleshawn_, here's the link: http://computermemoryupgrade.mysuperpc.com/computer_memory_upgrade_faq.shtml00:54
shawn_mezquitale Well its all DDR200:54
dattaFohn: sorry didn't fix the problem00:54
ping0i have question about synaptic ... but my english is really bad00:54
Fohnping0: What is your native language?00:54
ping0Fohn: swedish00:55
Fohndatta: :/ Sorry I couldn't be of more help.00:55
mezquitaleshawn_,  I do not recommend to mix and match memory from different manufacturers, it's like mix and matching wireless nic and different routers, you never know if they'll play nice or not00:55
ping0but i can try it in english00:55
bobertdosdatta: You may need to go into System -> Administration -> Software Sources and delete whatever extra stuff you've put in there. You might even need to edit the file directly. I think you have a bad line in there.00:55
gOLDfeeshwell.. haven't tried it yet00:55
losherping0: you're doing great so far. So ask...00:55
ping0can i like save a list of all programs that i have installed from synaptic and import it on a another computer00:55
ping0to install the same programs00:55
shawn_mezquitale Well even right now I took out my other two sticks and only have my PNYs in and it shows 3.2GB STILL instead of 4GB00:55
ping0so *00:55
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se00:56
FohnI think that's swedish... :/00:56
ozzmanntmezquitale: i have to disagree with that, you can mix and match just fine as long as you don't try to use dual channel with diff speeds or quality of ram00:56
bobertdosping0: Well, not a list perse, but here's one possibility:00:56
losherping0: yes. dpkg --get-selections > package.selections to save. dpkg --set-selections < package.selections; apt-get dselect-upgrade to restore....00:56
BertoHi - Ever since upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04, i am getting random freezes (cursors won't move, can't change numlock, can't do ctl-alt-backspace)... how can i start debugging these?00:56
bobertdos!aptoncd | ping000:56
ubottuping0: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline00:56
ozzmanntshawn: what MB or computer make/model do you have?00:57
shawn_ozzmant It still shows 3.2GB is all I have even when I have only my two PNYs installed and it should be 4GB00:57
shawn_ozzmant My motherboard is the DG965OT or something by Intel00:57
bobertdosping0: losher's way will work too00:57
dattaplease please anyone please help me00:57
shawn_And ozzmant could you say "shawn_" so it shows up for me as red00:57
ping0oh ok .. ty00:57
losherping0: it's in the dpkg man page...00:58
mezquitaleozzmannt, well he has 2 sticks with 2 gigs DDR2 and 2 sticks with 1 gig DDR2, they are running at diferent speeds, do you think it will work??  PLus, they are from different manufacturer00:58
ping0losher: nice00:58
gOLDfeeshMaritim, here's something interesting for you: http://pastebin.com/d4849eb0000:58
bobertdosdatta: I repeat, go into System->Administration->Software Sources. I think you have at least one invalid entry in there.00:59
ozzmanntshawn_, not quite used to the IRC client i'm using yet, just kinda jumped in00:59
shawn_ozzmant Haha no problem... Ill be right back though in a minute... I still need to figure out this problem.00:59
ozzmanntmezquitale, optimally....no, but if he is just going for lots of RAM that will work just fine, it will just take the slowest speed of all the RAM, so if the slowest is 667 then ALL sticks will run at that00:59
losherping0: also, you can copy the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives from one computer to another to avoid re-downloading packages from the network again...00:59
dattaboberdos: no i just checked it right now, theres only wine, ubuntu one and google01:00
dattanothing else than that01:00
mezquitaleozzmannt, he is only able to see 3.2 gigs in ubuntu01:01
DasEimezquitale, ozzmannt, dmesg line 28 : [    0.000000] WARNING: BIOS bug: CPU MTRRs don't cover all of memory, losing 704MB of RAM.01:01
VilasBoasHy, i need to configurate my sound card that is a Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)01:01
VilasBoascan anyone help me???01:01
bobertdosdatta: Use the terminal to edit the file the error specifies. That's what it doesn't like. Use gksudo gedit or sudo nano to acces the file.01:02
losherping0: bobertdos method creates a backup of the actual packages, my way saves the list of package names/versions. You can/should combine the two techniques for maximum efficiency...01:02
mezquitaleshawn_, have you tried updating your BIOS?01:02
sunshinepantsVilasBoas: make sure all the channels are unmuted / turned up with alsamixer01:03
ping0losher : ok01:03
VilasBoasi already have01:03
fezhave you now01:03
ozzmanntmezquitale, understood but the mixing of brands/speeds has nothing to do with that01:03
sunshinepantsVilasBoas: what channels have you got showing?01:03
MaritimgOLDfeesh: it wasn't for me, it was for afallenhope01:04
gOLDfeeshMaritim, I am afallenhope ;)01:04
MaritimgOLDfeesh: I don't have a ralink card ;)01:04
VilasBoassunshinepants: HDA intel (Alsa mixer) Main Headphone PCM font01:05
myownserverQuestion . . . I set my username/password as a FTP user in ProFTPD and granted that user all permissions.  But for some reason, I cannot overwrite my files.  I can delete, rename, chmod, etc., but it will not let me over write them.  Any idea why?01:05
loshermyownserver: sounds like a safety feature. Are you sure it's not a proftpd 'feature'...01:06
sunshinepantsVilasBoas: I was building alsa using something called 'alsa upgrade script' when I ran jaunty.  I recall having problems, but instead of finding out what it actually was I just blanketed the problem..01:06
gOLDfeeshMaritim, is there a reason as to why DEPMOD says
shawn_Okay Im back01:07
VilasBoassunshinepants: how???01:07
sunshinepantsVilasBoas: the alsa upgrade script fixed my problem01:07
sunshinepantsVilasBoas: it's on ubuntuforums.org, you must be registered to grab it01:07
shawn_mezquitale I just got back I missed anything you said a fewminutes ago01:07
mezquitaleozzloy, DasEi so it looks like it's a known BIOS issue then01:07
VilasBoassunshinepants: do you have that script?01:07
sunshinepantsVilasBoas: negative01:07
myownserverlosher: I have no clue.  It's a permissions issue of some sort.01:08
mezquitaleshawn_,  it looks like it's a BIOS issue, have you tried updating your BIOS?01:08
VilasBoassunshinepants: ok thanks01:08
shawn_mezquitale Not even sure how to do that01:08
myownserverI did that to keep from having a problem with directly accessing the files on the PC I'm uploading them to.01:08
ozzmanntshawn_, found your issue, your MB supports 8gb of ram at 667mhz or below01:08
myownserverInstead of having to use root commands to modify it, I wanted to directly access it.01:08
shawn_ozzmant Hmmm so I need to find a way to exchange this 800 for 667?01:09
DasEimezquitale: ozzloy : that , or the hint from the manual, or non suitable rams wrong bios setting, last a defective stripe01:09
ozzmanntshawn_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/277503/01:09
MaritimgOLDfeesh: the only probable reason would be that the version is in fact
ozzmanntshawn_, appears that way, intel boards are sooooo wacky, in fact i have 2 boards that i can't get over 4gb of ram to work in it :(01:10
gOLDfeeshMaritim, how would I remove it then?01:10
shawn_ozzmant I totally understand that... I didnt know that before but I understand now but that doesnt explain why 4GB arent showing up now when all I have is two 800 DIMMs in nothing else... They should equal 4 GB01:10
BCM43Is there anything like this: http://www.crossloop.com/ for linux? I need to log in to the computer of a person who is not technical enough to setup port forwarding.01:10
=== ubuntu is now known as rocky|
BCM43hi rocky|01:11
maverhow can I discover which boot manager (lilo, grub, ...) is "active" on my pc?01:11
ozzmanntshawn_, full manuals here : http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/dg965ot/sb/CS-029360.htm01:11
Strife89My Raedon X1200 is performing SLOWLY with 3D graphics in games in Ubuntu, and distant textures look very weird. I've already tried this (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1231030), to no avail. Can anyone suggest another possible course of action? I'm running the 32 bit version of Ubuntu, but my Toshiba Satellite has a 64 bit AMD CPU.01:11
MaritimgOLDfeesh: you say you are running 2.6.28-15-geneirc, stop compiling the wrong version and uninstall the module that's been compiled from the wrong kernel version01:11
BCM43maver: reboot?01:11
IdleOnemaver: if you are running ubuntu it is most likely grub. grub is default for ubuntu01:11
shawn_ozzmant Yeah I have the manual I took out the rest of my RAM and all I left in is 4GB of the 800 speed stuff but it still only displays 3.2 GB in system monitor01:12
myownserverBCM43: Checkout Logmein.com01:12
gOLDfeeshMaritim, I don't know how I'd do that though..01:12
BCM43myownserver: on ubuntu?01:12
sunshinepantsBCM43: give them a putty config that forwards their internal 3389 to your box01:12
maverBCM43, I know I'm using Grub, I just was curious to know if there's a command which shows it01:12
myownserverCrap, I dunno.  They're the makers of Hamachi, which the use to support Linux, si I don't know.01:12
MaritimgOLDfeesh: it's 2am here, so I'm about ot head to bed. I'll see if I can find something on google01:12
myownserverCheck it out and see.01:12
BCM43sunshinepants: I don't know how to do that.01:12
rocky|I know this isn't directly ubuntu related, but I need help making a backup of my hdd.  It says it has bad sectors, and chkdsk /f/r doesn't fix it.  I want to use ntfsclone, but don't know how to use it completely.  The partition I want to back up is /dev/sda1 and I want to save a disk image to /dev/sdb101:12
gOLDfeeshMaritim, that'd be appreciated thanks01:13
myownserverBCM43: They may support it.01:13
MaritimgOLDfeesh: modprobe -r module_name01:13
MaritimgOLDfeesh: why do you not install the module which is in the ubuntu repository?01:13
O__ohow to install extra font?01:13
ozzmanntshawn_, next thing on the list is to update the bios, reset the settings and see if that helps, i highly doubt it's an ubuntu issue more likley a BIOS issue01:13
IdleOne!fonts O__o01:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fonts O__o01:13
IdleOne!fonts | O__o01:14
ubottuO__o: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:14
shawn_ozzmant How do I update my bios?01:14
sunshinepantsBCM43: I don't think that's documented on a blog or anything.. let me know what you decide to use01:14
DasEirocky|: the internal has bad sectors or the one you want to write to ?01:14
BCM43myownserver: does not look like it, thanks antway.01:14
ozzmanntshawn_, http://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Desktop+Boards&ProductLine=Intel%C2%AE+965+Express+Chipset+Family+Boards&ProductProduct=Intel%C2%AE+Desktop+Board+DG965OT&OSVersion=OS+Independent01:14
rocky|DasEi: the internal has bad sectors, and I want to make a disk image of it on an external.01:15
seanbrantim trying to figure out how to install webkit, i tried sudo apt-get intall libqt4-webkit but can't find the package01:15
rocky|I think I found the official channel for this app, so I'm going to go there :)01:15
DasEirocky|: right, first make a empty partition on the external slightly bigger then your internal is01:15
shawn_ozzmant Umm which one do I want01:15
kermitrocky|: you want a new image that has bad sectors too?01:16
shawn_ozzmant DO I want the latest?01:16
rocky|kermit: it doesn't matter to me as long as I have a backup01:16
O__odo i need to restart openoffice after i installed the font?01:16
rocky|I know that using ntfsclone it will copy the bad sectors01:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics01:16
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:16
ozzmanntshawn_, you want the one that is marked latest and you want the .iso file to burn to a cd01:17
shawn_ozzmant Im not really sure how to do this xD01:17
ToStItOsDoes anyone know how to do Internet connection sharing with XP and Ubuntu?01:17
kermitwith all this sudoing, any app can just alias sudo and gain root next time someone uses it.. why doesnt ubuntu consider that a huge security hole?01:17
ozzmanntshawn_, on the bad news side of things, the intel 965 is the same chipset that i couldn't get >4gb to work so this may not work, but a BIOS update is always good01:18
shane2peruI have a package idea for Ubuntu and wonder where to start?  Who to get in touch with.01:18
Bertokermit, jumping in late but i think sudo only works in that terminal instance01:18
DasEirocky|: using gparted is clear ?01:18
shawn_ozzmant I cant even get 4GB to work so I find that wierd01:18
rocky|dasei, gparted reports bad sectors01:18
shawn_ozzmant But my bios hasnt been updated in 2-3 years01:19
Maritimberto, kermit: I can confirm that sudo only works in that terminal instance. I just tested it.01:19
ctmjr!brainstorm | shane2peru01:19
ubottushane2peru: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!01:19
craigbass1976What's the name of the terminal app?  terminal isn't it01:19
rocky|DasEi: what I want to do is make a copy of the partition, zero out the drive with bad sectors, then reformat it01:19
ToStItOsDo i need a crossover cable to do a internet connection between Windows Xp and Ubuntu01:19
ozzmanntshawn_, u've never seen > 3.2gb in any OS you have run tho right?01:19
rocky|I am have a sneaking feeling that I can fix it through software01:19
shane2peructmjr: ahh, thank you!!! I will check that out01:19
kermitBerto,maritim: i dont follow, what terminal instance?01:20
craigbass1976ToStItOs, that's only for hookingone computer up directly from nic to nic01:20
* rocky| doesn't have good english tonight XD01:20
DasEirocky|: did you ran an non destructive check on the hd ? question about gparted concerned external01:20
shawn_ozzmant Before I bought these new sticks I only had 2GB of RAM in it so no I guess I havnt01:20
ctmjrshane2peru: your welcome01:20
DasEirocky|: native language ?01:20
rocky|english XD01:20
ToStItOscraigbass1976 what I want to do is share the connection and files and printer01:20
ozzmanntshawn_, updating the BIOS is going to be a shot in the dark but it's simple at least; download the .iso file to your ubuntu machine and double click on it to burn it to a cd, then restart u'r computer booting from that CD01:20
rocky|yes, I did.  I tried Western Digital data life (or something like that), chkdsk /f/r, and a *little* of spinrite01:21
Maritimkermit: if you open up a terminal and write sudo cfdisk, you will be prompted for a password. If you then in that same terminal window proceed to write sudo aptitude install linux-kernel, it will not prompt you for your password. If you close this terminal window and open up another one, you will have to enter yuor password again if you want to sudo something01:21
ToStItOsWith the crossover could that be done?01:21
craigbass1976ToStItOs, you'll need a router, or at least a switch; either that or have two nics in one of the machines01:21
DasEirocky|: or a sudo e2fsck -p from a live cd on the not-mounted drive01:21
Maritimkermit: sudo only works without asking for a password for a limited amount of time in the terminal you used it in in the first place. To sum it all up: the security hole you are worried about isn't a problem, cus it can't be taken advantage of01:21
shawn_ozzmant and if this doesnt work then I seriously need to buy a new motherboard to have over 3.2GB? X_X  If the manual says it supports 8GB why wouldnt it X_X01:22
dergringoHow do I enable SSL on a samba server?01:22
ToStItOscraigbass1976: 2 NICS?01:22
rocky|Dasei: well, I'm running ubuntu 9.04 x64 desktop edition right now, so I'll go ahead and do that :)01:22
craigbass1976ToStItOs, ethernet cards01:23
ozzmanntshawn_, curse at intel for that, same problem i had with the 96501:23
kermitMaritim: i didnt realize it even didnt prompt for a password, so my statement wasnt based on that feature at all01:23
shawn_ozzmant How much is a new motherboard?01:23
ToStItOscraigbass1976: I have a NIC on each machine but I have dial up so a router is going to be out of the question but you mentioned a switch01:23
rocky|DasEi: I am having trouble with that command... but really the first thing on my mind is making a complete backup01:24
Maritimkarmit: it prompts you for a password the first time, then you can sudo around all you want, but only in the terminal you sudo'ed in in the first place ;) if you open another terminal session you'll have to enter your password in that one aswell01:24
DasEirocky|: so I'll see you back then, or we can backup first, so .. ?01:24
DasEiright.. gparted then01:24
craigbass1976ToStItOs, Ahh, then you're all set.  Yes, a crossover will do it.  If you've got crimps and an ethernet end, you can make one.01:24
shawn_ozzmant Going to update bios hopefully this works wish me luck01:24
ToStItOscraigbass1976: Can I buy them or01:25
rocky|DasEi: the problem is that gparted won't touch it  because of the bad sectors... thats why I'm using ntfs clone01:25
rocky|I'm just going to go to their channel01:25
ozzmanntshawn_, i wouldn't even consider it unless you really need that extra RAM to be honest01:25
shawn_ozzmant Well I just spent 100 bucks on this DDR2 RAM so I could have 6 Gigs and now I cant even get 4 X_X01:25
DasEirocky|: gparted is now used to create a partition on your external01:25
kermitMaritim: i didnt realize it ever didnt prompt for a password, so my original statement wasnt based on that feature at all01:26
craigbass1976ToStItOs, yes, you can buy them.  I think all you do is switch the blue and orange though if you use a regular cable, but can't remember if it's the solid or striped blue and orange...01:26
DasEirocky|: I assume the external is big enough to house your internal, you launch gparted01:27
ozzmanntshawn_, http://www.memtest.org/#downiso i would also download that to make sure it isn't an ubuntu problem for sure01:27
rocky|yes, the internal is 640 GB, external is 1 TB01:27
=== _Cyrano_ is now known as Cyrano_De
ToStItOscraigbass1976: I'll ask around so with the cable on one end to the XP computer and then the other to Ubuntu will I be able to share the printer01:27
shawn_ozzmant Or could I just run the memtest off my Ubuntu live CD01:27
rocky|DasEi, I'm just a little iffy..... does parted magic work sector by sector?01:28
craigbass1976ToStItOs, yes, you'll have to set up SAMBA, unless windows is doing the sharing.  I can give you a "wide open" samba config file if you want01:28
DasEirocky|:in gparted choose this 1 TB and make it a 650 GB in front01:28
ozzmanntshawn_, if the problem exists in ubuntu that would produce the same results as just booting the OS :P01:29
rocky|and should I be able to copy this partition back to a different hdd (same model) and see it work right away?01:29
=== Jessd is now known as JessD
DarkebrzHow do I find what machine I am running? (I know its sony Vaio, but I don't know the model)01:29
shawn_ozzmant Shouldnt I try updating my bios first before running a 3 hour mem test?01:29
DasEirocky|: you will be later01:29
ShapeShifter499I need to backup my ubuntu system before I send it in to be fixed, how do I do that?01:29
ToStItOscraigbass1976: Let me tell you my set up I have a external modem on the Ubuntu box and the other is Xp so I want the Xp box to do the sharing because thats where my printer is set up01:30
ozzmanntshawn_, most def01:30
JessDShapeShifter499 : Do you have a drive large enough to hold the entire box?01:30
shawn_ozzmant Alright Ill be right back01:30
Cyrano_DeAnyone have a Dell Eport docking station?  Did you get sound working on it?01:30
DasEirocky|: apply your change in gp, close it01:30
ShapeShifter499yea hooked up by firewire on another comp /w ubuntu01:30
adokgood night01:31
craigbass1976ToStItOs, just share it out then on the xp box and browse for it on the ubuntu box.  Should find it.  I haven't got a regular Ubuntu box here (and no windows in my house anyway) to walk you through the exact process, but that's essentially it01:31
server7Shapeshifer499, Use Gparted to Clone you Hard drive and will not lose anything01:31
craigbass1976ToStItOs, you should just quit xp...  :P01:31
ShapeShifter499I have my backup drive on another pc01:31
adokim having problems running synaptic, or problems with my repositories. I cant find xchat... or wicd... or aircrack-ng...01:31
ToStItOscraigbass1976: Eventually I will01:31
ShapeShifter499with ubuntu01:31
adokwhat am i missing?01:31
JessDShapeShifter499 : Then what I usually do (YMMV) is boot the box w/ a live cd (like DSL) dd the drive over ssh01:32
rocky|still waiting for the resize to finish.....01:32
craigbass1976ToStItOs, you'll love it, especially when everyone you know gets hit with the latest porn virus01:32
rocky|I know it can take awhile01:32
JessDShapeShifter499 : It can be somewhat complicated01:32
DarkebrzHow do I find what machine I am running? (I know its sony Vaio, but I don't know the model)01:32
ShapeShifter499ok I'm in a live cd right now01:32
rocky|DasEi: ok, its done, now what? :)01:32
ShapeShifter499what do I do?01:32
ToStItOscraigbass1976: This Ubuntu box is my backup in case my Xo box gets toasted01:33
JessDJessD : Here's how I do it.  If my backup drive is mounted to /mnt/backup on
DasEirocky|: open terminal,  sudo fdisk -l01:33
Cyrano_De Darkebrz "sudo dmidecode |more"01:33
JessDShapeShifter499 : and my username on the target box is foo, and my drive on the box to back up is /dev/sda01:33
ShapeShifter499*NOTE: I'm chatting on the comp with the backup drive hooked up to it*01:33
O__ohi i have a font CASTELAR.TTF in windows, how do i put it in ubuntu?01:33
rocky|DasEi: what will that do?01:33
ToStItOscraigbass1976: I 'll play with the crossover cable and set it up01:33
JessDShapeShifter499 : Then, WITH EXTREME CAUTION, my syntax looks like this01:34
ShapeShifter499can you pm me the info?01:34
craigbass1976ToStItOs, you may have ot go to a computer shop; I don't know as crossover is something best buy would carry.01:34
DasEirocky|: get the /dev/sda (internal?)  and /dev/sdb1 (? external)  ;; it will list your hd's and their partits01:34
rocky|I did it, should I pastie it?01:34
DarkebrzCyrano_De, that only lists the chip, I was wondering what my model was. (Im trying to do a format on windows)01:35
shawn_ozzmant Alright I tried doing it but it said my CD-ROM drive was not bootable for some reason yet it works when I put in my Ubuntu live CD01:35
JessDShapeShifter499 : One sec01:35
Gnimshhi folks01:35
DasEirocky|: yes01:35
ToStItOscraigbass1976: I plan to the stupid forums don't give any specifics01:35
ShapeShifter499JessD: ok01:35
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: Keep reading the output.  There should be alot of info on your system from that.01:35
DasEirocky|: wait, easier01:35
ToStItOscraigbass1976: what pain01:35
DasEifast :-D01:35
switchgir{[H]}hi anyone know anything about porn-get?01:35
DarkebrzCyrano_De, OH, didnt see the "more" XD01:35
Gnimshso I open up a lot of rar files, and i've been annoyed at fileroller lately because there's an extract dialog that comes up, and I have to click the close button and THEN I also have to click the to close the window01:36
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: Manufacturer: Dell Inc.01:36
Gnimshhave to close twice, which annoyes me01:36
Gnimshanyone know  workaround?01:36
Cyrano_Dedarrenb: Product Name: Latitude E650001:36
DarkebrzAha, found ot01:37
wildnfreeGnimsh: workaround is to use tar01:37
Gnimshwildnfree, you mean cli?01:37
DarkebrzNow to figure out how to format :301:37
shawn_ozzmannt Alright for some reason it couldnt boot from my bios CD yet it can boot from my Ubuntu live CD01:37
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: Grep, sed, awk and cut are your friends01:37
wildnfreeGnimsh: Yes - it is quicker and less annoying than fileroller01:38
DasEirocky|: fine,   sudo dd if=/dev/sda  of=/dev/sdb101:38
server7Does anyone knows how to solve the conflict between Webcam and tv Tuner??dev/video0 and dev/video1??01:38
ozzmanntshawn_, :( if you have a windows partition you may try the windows updater then01:39
* switchgir{[H]} wonders if anyone knows if porn-get exists? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58744501:39
rocky|DasEi: wait, wait, wait... I have data on sdb1 that I want to keep01:39
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
shawn_ozzmannt For the windows one do I download the exe?01:40
ozzmanntshawn_, exactly01:40
ctmjrswitchgir{[H]}: that has nothing to do with ubuntu support01:40
shawn_ozzmannt BRB01:40
rocky|DasEi: I did not format the free space into a partition01:40
switchgir{[H]}ctmjr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=587445 <<<its on the ubuntu forums01:40
rocky|hello lalo_01:40
lalo_how i can obtain new channels01:41
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?01:41
DasEirocky|: oo, but reparttioned it, hopefully that was at the beginning of that drive01:41
Fohnlalo_: /j #channelname01:42
alazyworkaholicI'm having a problem whenever I try to play games (tremulous, supertuxkart...) After about 10 minutes of play my keyboard & mouse no longer work in the game, & nothing I do can close the game window & get back to normal desktop, but I can still ctrl-alt-F#, ctrl-alt-backspace or REISUB. Any idea what the problem is?01:42
imperfect-Anyone got a USB Pinnalce HDTV tv thingy that sound works with?01:42
lalo_ok thanks fohn01:42
imperfect-I got tvtime to play nice, just no sound01:42
ctmjrswitchgir{[H]}: well as far as i know this channel and the forums are 2 different things so you should drop it as this is a family channel01:43
rocky|DasEi: O.o I repartitioned the external so that the old ntfs partition (that holds some other backup data) was smaller and still at the beginning of the drive... the freespace is at the end01:43
rocky|so......... should I move the old partition to the end?01:43
sebsebseb!troll |  switchgir{[H]}01:43
ubottuswitchgir{[H]}: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel01:43
sebsebseb!o40 |  switchgir{[H]}01:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about o4001:43
rocky|I'm becoming confused01:43
DasEirocky|: if you want to backup a corrupt drive, you need space to write to, I can't say much about your data on sdb1 now, mount it and check01:45
rocky_DasEi, its fine01:45
rocky_I just shrank that partition01:45
DasEirocky|: that was really more then luck, but apart on you freeing the needed space, we're done then, if you executed last cmd you would have a hardcopy on /dev/sdb101:47
rocky|DasEi: But in GParted, the partition with data is still marked as /dev/sdb1!!!!!!!01:47
rocky|wouldn't that meant that my old data that I also want to keep would be overwritten????01:48
IdleOne!it | Manuz01:48
ubottuManuz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)01:48
* rocky| says blargh01:49
IdleOnerocky|: pirate day was on the 19th01:49
DasEirocky|: if you want to backup a corrupt drive, you need space to write to, I can't say much about your data on sdb1 now, mount it and check, sure you got to save that (f.e. on the remaining space of external, if no too big)01:49
rocky|so..... could I format the new 650 GB of free space to ntfs, making it /dev/sdb2, and then do sudo dd if=/dev/sda  of=/dev/sdb2 ?01:52
AirBenderHi, do you know about a usb sniffer for linux/ubuntu?01:52
DasEirocky|: AFTER you saved the existing data and no need for formating01:53
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razor_Xanyone know much about frostwire limewire?01:54
rocky|*sigh* I think I get it now... I was hoping that I could do this without moving the 80 GB of data that was already on the HDD, but it seems as though I cannot.... I guess I'll have to find somewhere to put it :S01:54
DasEirocky|: there are approx 450 g unallocate external, that size not big enough ?01:55
rocky|I"M SO CONFUSED!!!!!! sorry........ omg..... so, the data is on sdb1... you were going to have me dd my corrupt hdd to sdb1..... so..... do I have to move the old data to sdb2??? ~:?01:56
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?01:56
* rocky| is feeling like a n00b today01:56
DasEirocky|: you are clear as water01:57
rocky|so wait... you're saying that what I just said before is what I have to do?01:57
timClicksFohn: are you on 9.04?01:58
shawn_Alright ozzmannt I updated the bios...01:58
RaviResckAnybody here use Ibook? Or any mac? I want to know how i enter in the setup or how i boot from the USB?01:58
spOto run a command as another user i do sudo -i -u username  command , right?01:58
timClicksFohn: System > Preferences > Display may help01:58
Aayushhow could i assign users  mount privileged01:59
lstarnesspO: you could also try sudo -u username command01:59
spOlstarnes, if i do that then it runs the command as the current user or something it seems01:59
shawn_Guys what would be better/faster.... 4GB DDR2 at 800 Mhz or 6-8GB DDR2 at 667 Mhz02:00
Cyrano_DespO: You only need the -i if you need the full Env settings of that user.02:00
DasEirocky|: yes, any data external exceeding the 650 is by now lost. you could put that back, with difficulties. but you can format this space now an shove your external data over. another tip : next time mention if you use a FS other then ext, as we are in ubuntu02:00
Cyrano_Deshawn_: Depends on your workload.02:00
timClicksRaviResck: it's a bit of a pain to boot from USB on a Mac02:00
shawn_cyrano_de the most RAM dependant thing I do is using an XP VM on a second display screen02:00
timClicksRaviResck: I remember friends of mine saying that they needed a CD, in order for that to work02:00
timClicksRaviResck: but I don't know the details, unfortunately02:01
geniiRaviResck: On most you do Applekey-alt-O-F   brings you to the openfirmware interface. From there you need to consult the openfirmware command handbook/manual02:01
Cyrano_Deshawn_: If you go anywhere need using 4GB of ram, then having more will be faster.  If you never go much above 3GB than the faster 4Gb would be better.02:01
shawn_Cyrano_De alright thanks02:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat02:01
Cyrano_DeI use 4 on my laptops with a Winxp VM02:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:02
Aayushhow could i assign users  mount privileged02:02
RaviRescktimClicks genii ok, i'll try that. Thanks.02:02
DasEirocky|: clear your mind for future, if you want to write to a disk, it should have the space. copy won't destruct,  a hardcopy will do02:02
cliffhi all02:02
halberdhelp!  my wireless networking is down for some reason... iwlist scan tells me "eth1: failed to read scan data : invalid argument"02:02
halberdhow can I further diagnose and perhaps fix the problem?02:02
DasEirocky|: the other way round is also possible , if external data isn't more then 44o GB02:03
DarkebrzHow do I list all of my partitions?02:03
halberdand I did run ifconfig eth1 up02:04
rocky|the (old) external data is 88 GB02:04
halberdand eth1 is my wireless card02:04
BoondoklifeDarkebrz: fdisk -l /dev/sda02:04
Jimbeam12hey all02:04
rocky|hi Jimbeam1202:05
Jimbeam12how are u today..02:05
halberdand networking WAS working earlier02:05
DasEirocky|: so hopefully not fragmented, can lower /dev/sdb1 to 440 GB and then hardcopy to /dev/sdb202:05
halberdwireless networking02:05
Jimbeam12darn feel like jimbeam...any else for a drink..02:05
halberdit's been working for months now suddenly it stopped working02:05
DasEisudo fdisk -l, Darkebrz02:05
rocky|DasEi, I don't know exactly what you mean by "hardcopy"02:05
DasEi!info dd02:06
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in jaunty02:06
rocky|ok, dd is hard copy?02:06
genii"hard copy" usually meaning on paper...then no, dd is NOT hard copy02:06
Cyrano_DeLooks like ubottu needs to update her package list.02:07
DasEirocky|: yes, sectorwise reading regardless of content, output is kinda iso-file that will overwrite anything in destination02:07
rocky|DasEi: thats interesting... can a make the destination a file rather than a partition?02:07
Cyrano_Derocky|: You could create a file of the size you need with dd and then copy the partition into it.  The you use the loopback device to "mount" that file.02:08
rocky|hmmmmmmmmm mehn02:09
geniirocky|: You can do like:  sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/somewhere/somefilename.img02:09
timClicks!info xchat02:09
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2.1ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 311 kB, installed size 840 kB02:09
geniirocky|: Then you could loop-mount the .img file02:10
Cyrano_De!info irssi02:10
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-6ubuntu1.1 (jaunty), package size 1057 kB, installed size 2908 kB02:10
rocky|genii, could I specify it to put the file on a certain partition, like /dev/sdb2/thefile.img?02:10
geniirocky|: Actually in nthe example I just gave of just sda mounting it is more complicated, you need an offset because sda is entire disk. but sda1 sda2   etc etc works02:10
* timClicks thinks it's strange that a CLI IRC client is larger than a GUI client02:10
Cyrano_Derocky|: mount -t auto -o loop /somewhere/somefilename.img /mnt/somemountpoint02:10
timClickswhich commands does ubottu know?02:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:11
timClicksthanks DasEi02:11
halberdwhat apt package does iwlist come in02:13
rocky|ok, so the command I should do is sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb2/backup.img if I want to have my backup image on the external hdd? also, someone said I need to have the file already existing?02:13
O__ohow to write for loop in terminal?02:13
ctmjrhalberd: wireless-tools02:13
halberdI'm thinking I might want to try to uninstall then reinstall wireless-tools...02:13
rocky|ah, it was Cyrano_De that said that I had to have the file pre-existing02:13
Flannelrocky|: You shouldn't do /dev/sdb2/backup.img, mount sdb2 somewhere, and then use a regular filesystem point02:13
halberdty ctmjr02:13
rocky|holy crap02:14
ctmjrhalberd: np02:14
rocky|so many people telling me what to do, I'm so confused02:14
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mogi222hi anyone here use or know about untangle?02:14
Cyrano_DeO__o: for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done02:14
mogi222i want to know your opinion on whether to use untangle or just install ubuntu server and add whatever pkgs i need02:14
O__oCyrano_De, what if i want from 1 to 40?02:14
halberdnope that didn't help02:15
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?02:15
halberdI removed and reinstalled wireless-tools but I am still getting the same problem02:15
halberdeth1      Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument02:15
halberdwhen I try sudo iwlist scan02:15
rocky|oh screw it, i'm just going to go for it02:15
halberdand yes I've tried rebooting02:16
Cyrano_DeO__o: for i in `seq 1 40`; do echo $i;done02:16
rocky|People telling me not to do stuff, right after I think I've figured it out02:16
DasEirocky|: remember to free the space dd shall write to, it's like a format on that space02:16
ctmjrhalberd: you need to tell it what to scan i.e. sudo iwlist wlan0 scan02:16
halberdctmjr, yes if I try sudo iwlist eth1 scan it gives me the same problem02:17
rocky|Dasei: (yes, I know its a repost) ok, so the command I should do is sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb2/backup.img if I want to have my backup image on the external hdd? also, someone said I need to have the file already existing?02:17
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halberdalso wicd manager is no longer detecting any wireless networks02:17
halberdalthough there are definitely some around02:17
Cyrano_Dehalberd: Do you have a hardware wireless switch?  A Fn-f2 key combination that turns wireless off?02:18
DarkebrzHi, I am using this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-19428.html to make an Ubuntu boot cd, but I don't know what to copy from /boot02:18
RaviResckHow do i boot from cd in a Ibook?02:18
wongonI just recently installed Test::WWW::Mechanize.  When I did: perl -MTest::WWW::Mechanize -e '', it gave me: LWP::UserAgent version 5.827 required--this is only version 5.816 at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/WWW/Mechanize.pm line 106.  How do I update LWP::UserAgent using yum?02:18
monokromeDoes anyone here know how I can change my source.list to use another mirror? I don't know what mirrors for my server support jaunty02:18
Cyrano_Dehalberd: My d600 uses the Fn-F2 combo to turn wireless off and on.  My new E6500 has a hard switch on the side to do the same02:19
halberdCyrano_De, not that I know of... I certainly don't have a hard switch to do it but maybe I hit a button accidentally02:19
halberdlike a combo02:19
DasEirocky|: no need for that02:19
halberdhaha thanks Cyrano_De02:19
geniiRaviResck: Usually holding down C key during boot02:19
DasEimonokrome: synaptic lets you set that easily02:20
halberdlooks like hitting f2 does the trick (without the fn)02:20
monokromeDasEi: My current server uses this, but I don't know how to change it to a server that actually supports jaunty... http://pastebin.com/d27839f0b02:20
RaviResckgenii thanks :D02:20
D3RGPS31how can i remove icons from the address bar in nautilus02:20
Cyrano_Demonokrome: System->Administration->Software Sources.  In there click on the  "Download From" dropdown.  Select other.02:20
halberdI guess that means I have never hit f2 before without the fn key held down... funny that02:20
geniiRaviResck: You're welcome02:20
monokromeCyrano_De: This is a server.02:20
BadwulfWhat the hell is this02:21
Cyrano_Demonokrome: No x than.  Don't know how to test for the best mirror from the commandline.02:21
monokromeYes. That is my issue :)02:21
DasEirocky|: 1) resize sdb1 to 440 GB  2) sudo dd if=dev/sda1  of=/sdb2 3) stop being .. lol02:21
monokromeI am in Utah, so XMission is the server I usually use02:21
monokromebut I don't know how to get the new URLs for that mirror for sources.list02:22
geniiDasEi: I dunno if: of=/sdb2   is valid...02:22
Cyrano_Demonokrome: Yeah XMission works best for me here in Colorado as well.02:22
ZuwerHi, I've seen on Google some places that Linux can run Windows drivers with somethig calle ndiswrapper, can it run any windows driver?02:22
rocky|genii: should it be /dev/sdb2?02:22
monokromeCyrano_De: Do you have a server you can paste the sources.list for?02:22
fbianconiZuwer: no just wifi02:22
Cyrano_Demonokrome: If the server is in Utah with you, compare your /etc/apt/sources.list to the one on the server.02:23
DarkebrzHi, I am using this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-19428.html to make an Ubuntu boot cd, but I don't know what to copy from /boot02:23
DasEigenii:never walk alone02:23
lstarnesZuwer: ndiswrapper only works for networking drivers that use the NDIS api02:23
Zuwerlstarnes and fbianconi: Thanks. :)02:23
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:23
monokromeCyrano_De: I am on a Windows 7 machine, SSHd into the server02:23
Cyrano_Demonokrome: I'm sorry.....02:23
geniirocky|: if you do: sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb2              then it will do a direct copy of partition1 on first hd to second partition of second hd02:23
monokromeCyrano_De: Yes, I am installing Ubuntu back on this but I needed to do some work in Flash. Is there a way you could paste your sources.list with XMission mirrors in it?02:24
DasEimonokrome: if you got root access to it, can get anothers sources.list and scp it over02:24
rocky|oh shit......02:24
FloodBot3rocky|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
monokromeDasEi: I have root, but can you just pastebin it?02:24
rocky|actually, I'll still be on my lappy02:25
DasEimonokrome: for which location ?02:25
Cyrano_Demonokrome: Here is mine using XMisson02:25
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monokromeDasEi: XMission02:25
BCM43Can someone explain this? It is while installing the amazon mp3 downloader program. http://imgur.com/wpXeX.png02:25
Cyrano_Demonokrome: http://pastebin.com/m5a77a05502:25
DasEithere you go02:25
monokromeThank you :)02:25
monokromeSaved the day02:25
RaviResckgenii is there a special king of image that i have to burn for boot from the cd driver on ibook? Couse a keep holdin the "C" key, and nothing.02:26
rocky_oh thank god02:26
rocky_or something02:26
RaviResckEnzo Ferrari rs02:26
geniiRaviResck: Possibly... I guess depends if it's an Intel or PPC02:26
rocky_idk, lol, I was worried that I destroyed the data because I couldn't mount my internal disk in ubuntu02:26
rocky_after it said it was done02:26
DarkebrzWell, I guess I'm not getting an answer -_-02:26
RaviResckgenii PPC, i think.02:27
EnzoHow can I get permission to drag and drop files?02:27
Enzonewb here.02:27
geniiRaviResck: For that maybe ask in #ubuntu-powerpc02:27
RaviResckgenii thanks,02:27
geniiRaviResck: Welcome02:27
rocky_wow..... time is flying... so much homework02:28
wongonwongon: I just recently installed Test::WWW::Mechanize.  When I did: perl -MTest::WWW::Mechanize -e '', it gave me: LWP::UserAgent version 5.827 required--this is only version 5.816 at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/WWW/Mechanize.pm line 106.02:28
* Swish congratulates on the naming of Lucid Lynx02:28
wongonHow do I update LWP::UserAgent using yum?02:28
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?02:29
DarkebrzLast time I am asking02:29
DarkebrzHi, I am using this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-19428.html to make an Ubuntu boot cd, but I don't know what to copy from /boot02:29
BCM43Is there a channel for 9.10?02:29
Cyrano_Dewongon: You might try #redhat or #centos.  Ubuntu uses apt-get02:29
timClicksFohn: did my previous advice help at all?02:29
Cyrano_De!ym | wongon02:29
Sylphid|netbookBCM43, ubuntu+102:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ym02:29
Cyrano_De!apt-get | wongon02:29
ubottuwongon: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:29
rocky_Darkebrz, do you mean a live cd?02:30
tony7can someone give me the command to make the file permissions on "text.txt" for the owner read and write and for the group read only02:30
DarkebrzI do not know, the tutorial specifies it can be used if you mess up grub, and I intend to mess with it02:30
FohntimClicks: I already know how to use the display adapter. Since I am using the proprietary driver, your advice leads me to Catalyst Control Center, which, as I mentioned originally, sets the resolution at the proper setting but does not remain persistent.02:30
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: What is in your /boot folder02:30
Fohndisplay manager*02:30
Darkebrzgrub, initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic, another file with similar name, and other files that end with generi02:31
LogomachistProblem two: I used the dd command to back up a drive image. As I understood it, I would be able to restore the drive image with the command "cat x* | dd of=/dev/sda3" but when I try it I get a permission denied error. However something I just read claimed that if sda3 doesn't exist, dd will start at the beginning of the disk, and create it. Start at the beginning of the disk? That would overwrite my existing Vista partition! I want it02:32
Cyrano_Detony7: chmod 640 text.txt02:32
rocky_crap... I accidentally booted back into windows instead of ubuntu live cd three times in a row now.... have to pay attention at the bios!02:33
geniiLogomachist: The reason that command fails is that all to right of pipe (the | ) would require also a sudo02:33
JessDgenii : Can't tell you how many times sudo and pipe has bitten me that way02:33
JessDgenii : Never thought of putting it on both sides..02:34
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: the vmlinuz-2.6* file is your kernel image for step 402:34
DarkebrzCyrano_De, There are 2 ._.02:34
shawn_Is there a health IRC channel somewhere...02:34
Cyrano_Dethat initrd.img file is the file to copy for step 502:34
Darkebrz28-11 and 28-1502:34
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: do a uname -a  That should show you the version number you need.02:35
geniiJessD: The most common one i see is like: cat something > /some/path/requiring/priveleged/access/filename02:35
rocky_wtf.... something is wrong here.  My computer seems to be refusing to boot into a live cd........02:35
rocky_HOLY *#(*$& SO thats why it wasn't booting, I took out the disk!02:36
Cyrano_DeBoot from Live CD via osmosis?02:36
Tactical_Chickennobuntu for you02:37
rocky_it tells you to take it out when you shut it down, I must have followed along like a zombie XD02:37
rocky_there we go........02:37
DarkebrzOkay, now I have to add a line that links to my root, but again I have no idea what this is D:02:37
Tactical_Chickentiz why i use usb02:37
rocky_I'm fine with live cd kthx02:38
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?02:38
Cyrano_DeI've stoped using CD for building machines.  I have a microSD card that I use USB starup disk to install from02:38
rocky_wow, fohn, you are very persitent ;)02:38
Tactical_Chickeneverything changes too fast these days02:38
rocky_and I'm sure I misspelled something there02:38
rocky_that must be your 4th double post02:38
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: sudo more /boot/grub/menu.1st02:39
Fohnwhich seems sort of stupid, considering the last word of my post is the proper spelling of persistent :D.02:39
Cyrano_DeThe kernel entries towareds the bottom should have teh root drive.02:39
rocky_I've actually just started seeing your message as spam and not actually reading it XD02:39
Fohnit would be a double post were it not split by my offering advice/explanations to others02:39
DarkebrzNo such file or directory! D:02:40
qianjiguisudo cat a.conf >> /etc/postfix/main.cf   , but I got the permission error.02:40
qianjiguihow to solve it?02:40
DarkebrzWait, does that just open the file?02:40
timClicksFohn: which xorg.conf are you altering?02:40
FohntimClicks: /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:40
timClicksFohn: I wonder if there's anything hidden in /home/user/.xorg02:40
* Fohn goes to see02:40
geniiqianjigui: cat whatever | sudo tee -a /the/priveleged-path/filename02:41
qianjiguigenii, thx02:41
geniiqianjigui: Welcome02:41
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: that is menu.1st <---ONEst not ELLst02:41
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: More just displays the file one page at a time.02:42
DarkebrzI still get no file or directory02:42
DarkebrzWhich is probably because I am in my home directory02:42
DarkebrzAnd forgot how to navigate up D:02:42
Major_Quackscd followed by your case-sensitive directory02:43
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: put the full path in there "/boot/grub/menu.1st"  It should not matter where you are if you use the full path02:43
Darkebrzdarkebrz@ubuntu:~$ sudo more /boot/grub/menu.1st02:43
Darkebrz/boot/grub/menu.1st: No such file or directory02:43
NigelSDarkebrz, it's menu.lst02:44
shawn_Is there any IRC channels for discussing health issues and stuff?02:44
DarkebrzI thought I copied what you typed >_>02:44
DarkebrzI did actually02:44
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: Sorry, my mistake.02:44
Major_QuacksTry ~/boot/grub/menu.1st02:44
DarkebrzYeah :P02:44
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: I abuse tab complete a little too much sometimes.02:45
Major_QuacksTab complete is the bomb :P02:45
NigelSMajor_Quacks, that path would be relative to his home directory and not /02:45
geniiDarkebrz: Are you on grub1 or grub2 ?02:46
DarkebrzThere we go02:46
Darkebrzlst worked02:46
Logomachistgenii: Thanks for the correction. Now how do I accomplish it without overwriting my Vista partition?02:46
DarkebrzWell, I forgot what I was looking for now XD02:47
Darkebrzroot device02:47
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: That may be a little tough as Ubuntu uses uuids.02:48
DarkebrzI do not understand02:48
DarkebrzNot root device02:48
geniiLogomachist: Did you already do some dd command which was supposed to back up a partition? If so what was it... if not, perhaps if we know the layout of your hd a suitable one can be suggested02:48
Darkebrzroot dev02:48
DarkebrzThat I read as device02:48
Pici!enter | Darkebrz02:49
ubottuDarkebrz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:49
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: I compared my root UUID entry in menu.lst to the \ in fstab02:50
DarkebrzWell, I believe my root is /dev/hda2/02:50
ah2anyone here know pinguino?02:50
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: My /etc/fstab file tells me / was /dev/sda5 during installation.02:50
bastidrazorDarkebrz: sudo blkid will give you UUID's along with /dev/hdX so you can know which is which.02:51
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: The UUID for / in /etc/fstab matches the root=UUID= line in menu.lst02:51
DarkebrzDid sudo blkid, it lists /dev/loop0 /dev/sda1/ and /dev/sda2/ then some incomprehensible garble.02:52
DarkebrzI can't believe I am doing all this just because my power cable got pulled out.02:52
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: The incomprehensible garble is the UUIDs for the partitions02:52
DarkebrzOkay, that doesn't really help Cyrano_De, what do the mean? I just need to know which one is root, which I think is /sda2/02:53
geniiThe "incomprehensible garble" might be something like... your UUID ....02:53
* genii sips02:53
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: sda2 is a good bet for a default install02:54
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: I do not have a default install to test that with.02:54
DarkebrzCyrano_De, I am also sure it is.02:54
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000...02:55
monokromeI just did a dist-upgrade and ubuntu-minimal and sysklogd couldn't be upgraded02:55
monokromeDoes anyone know how to fix this?02:55
rocky_genii, a little excited and calmer now, doing the command you gave me earlier.... while obviously I can't tell how its doing, I trust that its working :)02:55
RaviResckwhere do i see if my pc is x64 or x32 on ubuntu?02:55
Cyrano_DeRaviResck: uname -a02:56
DarkebrzNow this makes no sense. It wants me to modify isolinux.cfg in bootcd, but I never copied or created those files ._.02:56
rocky_am I the only one who finds "a little excited and calmer now" oxymoronic?02:56
bastidrazorRaviResck: uname -m02:56
RaviResckCyrano_De bastidrazor i686 means x64 right?02:56
rocky_no it doesn't, RaviResck02:57
bastidrazorRaviResck: no, that is 32 bit02:57
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000...02:57
bastidrazorRaviResck: X86_64 means 64bit02:57
Cyrano_DeRaviResck: x86_64 is 6402:57
rocky_really its x86 with 64 bit extensions02:57
RaviResckIf i want to download a Debian i should take the i386 version?02:58
rocky_do you have an x64 processor?02:58
Cyrano_Derocky_: The chip may be, but the Linux Kernel is either 32bit or 64.02:58
Cyrano_DeRaviResck: That is more dependant on your CPU.02:58
geniirocky_: Hopefully your current sdb2 is larger than your old sda102:58
rocky_yes, it is02:58
rocky_it is 20 GB larger02:58
RaviRescki really dont know. My uname -m returned i 68602:58
RaviResckyes, its larger then 20 gb02:59
geniirocky_: Good :)02:59
rocky_lol, RaviResck.  I will limit my response to one line when I can ;)02:59
jkobyok, this is driving me insane.02:59
bastidrazorRaviResck: then you installed the 32bit ubuntu. stick with 32bit if you are somewhat new to linux.02:59
DarkebrzCyrano_De, Now this makes no sense. It wants me to modify isolinux.cfg in bootcd, but I never copied or created those files ._.02:59
Cyrano_DeRaviResck: cat /proc/cpuinfo should tell you the CPU info.  Look for 64 in there.02:59
jkobyi've got an HP mini 1035 running Jaunty, and I can't get the sound to work.02:59
rocky_genii, I'm wondering how long it would take to transfer 640 GB of data over USB 2.003:00
RaviResckclflush size: 6403:00
geniirocky_: Long03:00
rocky_I'll go do the math03:01
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: In step 3 it says to copy /usr/lbi/syslinux/isolinux.bin to your working directory bootcd03:01
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: Did you do that?03:01
bastidrazorRaviResck:no, look up the model name and that will tell you.03:01
DarkebrzCyrano_De, yes, but it said nothing about a .cfg ._.03:01
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000...03:02
rocky_huh, linux became the first OS to support USB 3.0 :D03:02
RaviResckbastidrazor r u sure? model name: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.50GHz03:02
DarkebrzAnd I can't find a .cfg in the same folder03:02
monokromeI just did a dist-upgrade and ubuntu-minimal and sysklogd couldn't be upgraded. This seems odd to me... Can anyone help?03:02
techieam i able to get XV output from the FGLRX driver in mplayer?03:02
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: Your correct.  There is not isolinux.cfg file in /usr/lib/syslinux?03:02
bastidrazorRaviResck: if you google the model name that will tell you if it supports 64bit or not.03:02
Logomachistgenii: Yes, I saved the drive image earlier with something like "dd if=/dev/hda | split -b=650m".  As for my hdd, I have a Vista partition at the start of the drive (sda1), then my Ubuntu parition (sda5). At the end of the drive I have the Linux swap space (sda6) and a FAT32 partition (sda7). In between the 2 pairs of partitions I have unallocated space.03:02
rocky_genii, wow... I'm looking at about 3 hours03:03
geniirocky_: Yes, or longer03:03
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000...03:03
rocky_well, i'm going to bed soon anyways, so w/e, it'll be done by the time I wake up03:03
DarkebrzCyrano_De, ... there is not03:04
RoseyMhm, I'm trying to make my drive region free.....03:04
DarkebrzIm beginning to think this tutorial is very outdated03:04
rocky_thanks in advance for helping me out with this03:04
ShapeShifter499i g2g03:04
rocky_I say advance because I don't know if it will work... I know it should :) but idk....... lol03:05
geniiLogomachist: dd if=something | split -b=650m           needs to have some third part for it not to end up just spewing 650mb stuff into the stdout...03:05
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: I think it wants you to create the .cfg file in your bootcd directory.03:05
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000...03:05
ZoeyMarieno matter what I put in setup03:05
genii!repeat | ZoeyMarie03:05
ubottuZoeyMarie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:05
tony7i wanna click a files properties and change its permission but its greyed out03:05
tony7how do i bypass tht03:06
DarkebrzUgh, I really g2g03:06
DarkebrzI did not think it would take this long D:03:06
Cyrano_Detony7: You will need to change the permissions/owner from the command line03:06
tony7i cant do it with a gui?03:06
cbanHey does any one have a good site to goto to get a file to make a boot disk with a USB driver for an external CD-ROM drive?  Trying to put Xubuntu on an older laptop PC.03:07
Cyrano_Detony7: Generally no03:07
tony7whats gksudo nautaulus....or something like that03:07
stwangetony7, you can but it's not recommended. alt+f2 then "gksu nautilus"03:07
stwangetony7 that will bring up a root file explorer, but again, it's not recommended03:07
RoseyDoes anyone have a clue how I can play other region DVDs on Linux03:08
brand0conwhile attempting to make a dual boot system with 2 hard drives apparently the live cd didnt recognize the windows disk and now grub isn't working and the windows drive also displays a grub error when booting03:08
ZoeyMariegenii, I am waiting until my question leaves my screen but I suppose I can wait until it leaves a bigger window... and I am searching the forums, nothing there either... And I thought that, when your question isn't directed at someone, it can "get lost"... so I was just making sure mine didn't get lost. I'm sorry if it was out of line. Thank you for letting me know. :)03:08
tony7i tried that and nothing comes up03:08
anto9usRosey, I believe VLC supports that03:08
Logomachistgenii: I forget exactly what command I use, does it matter? I know the filenames weren't filenames I picked, they were default filenames the utility generated. The first one was xaa, then xab, ect... all the way to xd something. I would have picked something more meaningful.03:08
Cyrano_Detony7: That will run Nautilus with full root permissions and any mistake you make in that window will have little to stop it.03:08
Roseyhmmm okay03:08
RoseyI'll try VLC again03:09
Cyrano_Detony7: Don't fear the CLI.  It is your friend once you get to know it.03:09
RoseyYeah for some reason VLC doesn't work for me....03:10
FohnI bought a new monitor, and I configured my xorg.conf file to have the proper resolution and refresh rates, and the gdm login screen and other users all have the proper resolution by default. However, whenever I login to my screen, the resolution is reverted to my monitor's old resolution, and I have to manually change it using Catalyst Control Center. How can I make these changes persistent?03:10
anto9usRosey, does it play any DVD at all?03:10
brand0conhow can i boot a windows drive that displays a grub error?  can i reinstall grub and hope that it sees windows03:10
geniiLogomachist: The command you gave me for instance.... would not even make any files. It would break the contents of the dd output into 650mb chunks but just output them to the screen...03:11
cbanLooking for a program to creat a boot floppy w/USB CD-ROM drivers.  Any ideas?03:11
monokromeDoes anyone know why this happens? :( http://pastebin.com/d2291644103:11
Logomachistgenii: Ok, I'm trying to figure out the exact command.03:11
Cyrano_Debrand0con: If you have a Windows Vista entry in your menu.lst fill grub should be able to boot it once you reload the MBR03:12
mezquitalebrand0con, if you dont have grub2 then configure menu.lst using UUID for the windows partition03:12
tony7perhaps i should just ask for help with what im actually trying to do....which is set up an ssh server and test it03:12
tony7tony@tony-desktop:/$ sshd -t03:12
tony7Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key03:12
tony7Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key03:12
FloodBot3tony7: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
=== d is now known as Guest42812
RoseyHmmm it doesn't play any...03:13
Guest42812anyone know if there is a way to identify the motherboard in a system with out opening it up?  I need to see if I can upgrade the cpu.03:13
ZoeyMariegenii: when would be an appropriate time to re-ask my question?03:13
Roseybut it reads the disc03:13
Cyrano_Demonokrome: Does sudo apt-get -f install work?03:13
brand0conmezquitale: in theory shouldn't i be able to unplug the ubuntu drive leaving only the windows drive in and have it boot windows still without grub at all?  I'll try that anyhow03:13
rocky_excitement and anxiety is ensuing in the rocky household03:13
geniiZoeyMarie: Every 10 minutes or more is not considered rude/annoying :)03:13
anto9ustony7, you shouldn't need to start it like that, "sudo apt-get install ssh" should both install and start the service for you03:13
ZoeyMariegenii: thank you.03:14
mezquitalebrand0con, not really, you have to fix your hard drive with windows so you can boot from it, basically "uninstall" grub03:14
Cyrano_Detony7: Have you installed the openssh-server package?03:14
tony7Cyr yes03:14
=== Guest42812 is now known as supercharger
Cyrano_Detony7: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd status03:14
anto9usRosey, follow instruction here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs03:15
tony7hmmm "/etc/init.d/sshd: command not found"03:15
Cyrano_Detony7: Or drop the d03:15
mezquitaletony7, did you install the ssh server already?03:15
=== Bllasae is now known as bllaSAe_AWay
Cyrano_De<---works on RHEL in real life.03:15
geniiLogomachist: Unfortunately I need to leave the computer soon for sleep (will just appear /away however) and probably will not be able to give prolonged assistance further tonight. I will return however in 11 hours for a period of 8 hour stretch, during any time then you can re-contact me on the same subject...if you have not been helped by then03:15
Cyrano_Detony7: In ubuntu it is /etc/init.d/ssh03:15
Roseyanto9us: thank you03:16
tony7tony@tony-desktop:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh status03:16
tony7 * sshd is running03:16
BiovoreCyrano_De: me too..  ( * Crys *)03:16
superchargeris there a utility that will tell me what motherboard is in my system?  I thought there was somethign that would identify the system specifics.03:16
LogomachistGenii: Thanks for the help so far03:16
superchargerI want o upgrade my cpu.03:16
Cyrano_Desupercharger: sudo dmidecode |more03:17
cfeddesupercharger: lshw comes close03:17
geniiLogomachist: You're welcome, and as stated feel free to initiate again during the time specified03:17
Cyrano_Detony7: ssh -vv localhost03:17
Cyrano_DeDarkebrz: Any luck?03:17
bastidrazortony7: ssh localhost   ..is the correct way to test ssh. you would need to create keys for the command you typed to work03:17
bastidrazor!ssh | tony703:18
ubottutony7: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)03:18
tony7ssh connect need priv003:18
ZoeyMarieCan anyone tell me why I  can't change the sample rate in JACK to 44100? It perpetually stays at 16000, no matter what I put in setup.03:18
tony7i think the problem lays with the keys03:19
mezquitaletony7, how are you trying to login?  you want to type a password when you login?03:19
tony7no pw03:20
rejohnHas ubuntu made Firefox 3.5 available for U & KU 9.04?  If not, why not?03:20
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY03:20
mezquitaletony7, ok so how are you login in??03:20
Cyrano_De ZoeyMarie Have you seen this page?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33997003:20
anto9usZoeyMarie, if no-one here can answer then try asking in #jack03:20
=== Seaker is now known as MudMcGreedy
tony7you cant log in without a password03:20
Cyrano_Detony7: It should ask you for a password03:21
thiebaudetony7, yes, if you have automatic login03:21
mezquitaletony7, that is not what I asked03:21
tony7ill paste it03:21
anto9ustony7, you need to keep ssh secure, password is the default method, there are others but it can get complicated03:21
mezquitaleit is not complicated at all to configure ssh as securely as you want03:22
bastidrazortony7: ssh is not running hence the connection refused. follow the steps in !ssh03:23
ZoeyMarieCyrano_De; anto9us; Thanks for the resources, I'll try those. ;)03:23
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)03:23
m3onh0x8422 everyone :D03:24
bastidrazorm3onh0x84: feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic ..they love 22'ing03:24
ZeuZAnyone owning a macbook? How do you get the pipe ( | ) when the keybinding is broken? I mean, ALt-GR+1 won't get it, though it will on Mac OS X.03:24
ZeuZThe keymap has been set to correct one.03:24
intruder_what is the impact on performance if im using the ubuntu usb-creator compared to actually installing it on a usb key ?03:25
ZeuZApple (intl) and has been applied system wide.03:25
techiehelp, my application windows are opening with the title bars behind the top panel03:25
mezquitaleZeuZ, do apples have 2 ALT keys as dell laptops??03:25
Cyrano_Detechie: hold the alt key then click and drag03:25
ZeuZmezquitale, yes, but it's more of an ALT LEFT, ALT RIGHT.03:26
ZeuZI refer to it as Alt-GR because of costume.03:26
techieCyrano_De, is there any way to stop this from happening as they will keep doing if the issue isnt fixed03:26
mezquitaleZeuZ, is it working with the ALT LEFT?03:26
Cyrano_Detechie: You can autohide the panel.03:27
Cyrano_Detechie: Many apps "remember" the last screen size and position03:27
m3onh0x84why missing module (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) uuid does not exitst and  I must dropping a shell ?03:27
techieCyrano_De, terminal doesnt seem to, and thats one of my most used apps03:28
AdoptuI am unable to configure my wireless USB adapter with my 32-bit ubuntu server edition 9.04, using ndiswrapper. I put the software zip in my home directory, unzipped, and use the command "ndiswrapper -i  ~/wg121v200/netwg121.inf" and it displays the text "couldn't open /home/username/wg121v200/netwg121.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219"03:28
anto9usm3onh0x84, this is from boot CD or hard drive?03:29
tony7the private key is set to 0640 permisson.....what shud it be03:29
mezquitaletony7, i have a tutorial if you want to configure your server in 15 minutes03:29
m3onh0x84from HDD03:30
RoastedCan you install Ubuntu on a flash drive? I'm not talking about making a flash drive act like a LiveCD - But I mean to actually have an actual install on a flash drive that I can boot anywhere on any PC that supports USB boot?03:30
shawn_mezquitale I got my motherboard to recognise 5.7 GB of RAM by updating my Bios :)03:30
m3onh0x84report is: missing modules cat /proc/modules ; ls /dev03:30
Rev1500thats cool03:30
Cyrano_Detony7: Your .ssh folder should be rwx-----03:30
m3onh0x84I use Ubuntu 9.04 always upgrade03:31
mezquitaleshawn_, told ya it was the BIOS, after someone else posted the results from dmesg, it looked like it was a BIOS issue03:31
FlannelRoasted: Yes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installing%20on%20external%20or%20RAID%20hard%20disks03:31
bastidrazortony7: you should be using ~/.ssh instead of /etc/ssh/03:31
Cyrano_DeRoasted: System->Administration->USB Startup Disk Creator03:32
shawn_mezquitale Well Im really happy I got it sorted out I just wanted to thank you for your time could you pass that onto DasEi and ozzmannt if they are around :)03:32
RoastedCyrano_De - that's not what I want. That makes the flash drive act as a LiveCD. I want to know if I can actually put a real live Ubuntu install, an actual working copy like you would on a regular computer, except boot it from the flash drive.03:32
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:33
anto9usm3onh0x84, boot from Live CD and check the partition for errors03:33
mezquitaleshawn_, thats OK no need to thank, this is Ubuntu's official support channel, if you ever have an issue with ubuntu someone will help you as long as you ask, all in one line off course so others can follow03:34
m3onh0x84yes, but cd report can not check partition mounting :D03:34
monokromeAnyone know how to fix this after dist-upgrade? /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: sysklogd is broken or not fully installed03:34
thiebaudemonokrome, which ubuntu version?03:34
m3onh0x84monokrome: u can type dpkg -configure -a03:34
powermac-radeon-how do i find how much VRAM i have on powerpc 9.04?03:34
shawn_Hmm.. I heard the 64 bit version of Ubuntu works better with virtualization is that true?03:35
Cyrano_Demonokrome: sudo dpkg-reconfigure configure sysklogd03:35
geniimonokrome: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=syslogd&mode=exactfilename&suite=jaunty&arch=any       shows some possible candidates of what package might be broken, you could try something like: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename03:35
monokromeconfigure is not installed?03:36
AdoptuI am unable to configure my wireless USB adapter with my 32-bit ubuntu server edition 9.04, using ndiswrapper. I put the software zip in my home directory, unzipped, and use the command "ndiswrapper -i  ~/wg121v200/netwg121.inf" and it displays the text "couldn't open /home/username/wg121v200/netwg121.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219"03:36
benwoodhello, does anyone else here have an Asus U3100 mini ?03:36
AdoptuCan anyone offer any support?03:36
benwoodtrying to get things working but no luck03:36
Logomachistgenii: I've poked around but I can't remember the exact command I used to create the image, I just know I spanned it across a bunch of files with names like xaa, xab, xac, xdd, ect....03:36
monokromeI will try that genii... Thanks :)03:37
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anto9usRoasted, yes you can do that, just choose that as installation target and make sure you also install grub onto it (this is easy to miss)03:37
powermac-radeon-how do i find how much VRAM i have on powerpc 9.04?03:38
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m3onh0x84mike: you should not login as root03:38
mezquitalepowermac-radeon-, install system  monitor03:38
monokromegenii: Installing inetutils-syslogd seems to have fixed it :) thanks03:38
beatbreakwhy doesn't fdisk -l work on a clean 9.04 install?03:39
powermac-radeon-mezquitale: will that tell me what video card driver im using?03:39
bastidrazorbeatbreak: are you using sudo?03:39
Roastedanto9us - Yeah I just did that and grub seemed to have gone to the HDD in the spare system I have. So instead I just disconnected the HDD and I'm installing to a flash drive FROM CD right now... thanks for the tip, I think thats what happened with my goofup before03:39
m3onh0x84can I use another linux system check ubuntu partition ?03:39
beatbreakbastidrazor, oh dear god03:39
fotoflohey is there a FOSS tool that does what yousendit.com does?03:40
shawn_mezquitale Is it true the 64 bit version of Ubuntu will work faster with virtualization?03:40
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mezquitalepowermac-radeon-,  no, so you basically want to find out how much memory you have in your video card?03:40
powermac-radeon-and the driver03:40
mezquitaleshawn_, i do not know the answer to that one, if somebody knows the answer they will reply\03:41
=== hey` is now known as grumete
mezquitalepowermac-radeon-,  sorry i thought you meant ram, maybe someone might the answer to that one, ask again in a few minutes, I dont know the answer to that one03:42
Gilboman007how do your reset the root password if you cant remember the password you put in the first time?03:43
ZeuZfrom a user that can do sudo, sudo -s and then passwd03:44
Cyrano_Depowermac-radeon-: Does sudo lspci -vvv |more give you enough?03:44
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords03:44
monokromeGilboman007: If you have access to the server hardware, you can boot onto a live CD, chroot, and run passwd from there... Assuming you don't have sudo rights03:44
LogomachistBAK. IM just crashed.03:44
geniiLogomachist: If it made a series of files, you can do like: sudo -i        to temporarily gain root. Then cd to the dir which holds the series of files. Then something like: cat xaa xab xac xad >/dev/sdX#             then after: exit   Important to name all the files and in exact order03:46
D-rewCan I disable mounted device icons from showing up on the desktop? I already have the StacksPlugger in AWN monitoring my mounted devices.03:46
m3onh0x84how to know safe repository ?03:47
alazyworkaholicI'm having a problem whenever I try to play games (tremulous, supertuxkart...) After about 10 minutes of play my keyboard & mouse no longer work in the game, & nothing I do can close the game window & get back to normal desktop, but I can still ctrl-alt-F#, ctrl-alt-backspace or REISUB. Any idea what the problem is?03:48
bastidrazorD-rew: yes, in gconf-editor  .. let me find the full route to go.03:48
Logomachistgenii: I don't understand that last part. "Import" ?03:48
mezquitalealazyworkaholic, do you have compiz enabled?03:48
alazyworkaholicmezquitale: yes03:48
powermac-radeon-Cyrano_De: it does not tell me the driver though03:49
mezquitalealazyworkaholic, try disabling compiz and see what happens03:49
geniiLogomachist: I didn't say anything about "import" . I said it is important to name all the files it made, and in the exact order they were made, if you do the command I give03:49
stinkymy fat wife uses ophcrack to get my account password, how do I keep her from deleting my porn links? TIA :)03:49
geniiLogomachist: Perhaps the right side of my message is scrolling off your screen03:49
mezquitalestinky, get a divorce, problem solved03:50
stinkynot a bad idea mezquitale  :)03:51
powermac-radeon-put you porn links on a USB key03:51
Cyrano_Depowermac-radeon-: It does not have a "Kernel driver in use:" line at the bottom of the vga section?  Add another v to that03:52
anto9usD-rew, bastidrazor it's /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible :)03:52
powertool08stinky: disable cd/usb boot in bios, password the bios, lock the computer case so it can't be opened except by you.03:52
thiebaudestinky, a seperate user account03:53
bastidrazorD-rew: and there you have it.. as anto9us  stated.03:53
stinkythanks powertool08 , thiebaude  :) some great ideas :)03:53
starwindcould someone give me the command to remove the mozilla nightys  please :)03:53
starwindit's a ppa btw03:54
thiebaudestinky, if you have a floppy put your bookmarks on it03:54
Hadii deleted my upper panel mistakenly can somebody tell me how to recover it ?03:54
bastidrazor!panels | Hadi03:54
ubottuHadi: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:54
* thiebaude likes the usb idea03:54
powermac-radeon-Cyrano_De: it does, it says radeonfb. is that driver libre?03:55
thiebaudestinky, do you have a laptop?03:55
Hadiubottu i can't run terminal03:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:55
Cyrano_Depowermac-radeon-: Yes, the none libre is flgrx03:55
powermac-radeon-oh ok03:55
mezquitaleHadi, use "alt-f2"03:56
powermac-radeon-im doing dual screen on the live cd03:56
powermac-radeon-worked nicely03:56
Rev1500how do i change the permmisons on dir ?03:56
stinkyno thiebaude , I like your USB key idea though :)03:56
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about radeonfb03:57
Cyrano_Depowermac-radeon-: The radeon libre drivers work quite well even at high resolution.  As long as you do not need 3d.03:57
thiebaudestinky, im glad my wife knows nothing about computers,lol03:57
Hadithanks dude03:57
* thiebaude now i'll stay ontopic03:57
powermac-radeon-what about the new radeon driver? will this work with my card?03:57
harisund I have Windows XP on a 160GB hard disk. It is not partitioned, all 160GB is entirely C:\. However, I am using only around 40GB. Is there anyway I can partition the hard disk while still keeping Windows? I think I start with a defragment, and after that what next?03:58
rejohnWhat is _your_ recommendation regarding upgrading from Firefox 3.0 to FF 3.5 - Is it worthwhile, valueable, better than 3.0?03:58
thiebaudeharisund, yes03:58
Cyrano_Depowermac-radeon-: It depends on which card you have.  I don't think they will be retiring chipsets from the radeon driver very quickly.03:58
mezquitaleharisund, you want to use gparted03:58
prince_jammysharisund: you use a partition editor such as gparted to resize the partition.03:58
thiebaudeharisund, use the live cd03:58
harisundthiebaude, mezquitale prince_jammys all right, I will give that a try then I just don't want to lose windows03:59
Rev1500thx for the link i see what i was doing wroung now thx03:59
thiebaudeharisund, just install side by side and your ok03:59
anto9usharisund, make sure to shut windows down properly (no hibernate) and the installer can resize the windows partition for you03:59
user01hello, how can I install emerald themes?03:59
Cyrano_Deharisund: ALWAYS run checkdisk before you do any partition resizing.03:59
mezquitaleharisund, if you lose it it's no big loss, just make sure you back up your data though :)03:59
thiebaudeharisund, and dont touch ntfs,lol03:59
Cyrano_Deharisund: Start with a clean filesystem and you have a better chance of ending with a clean filesystem.03:59
harisundmezquitale, this is a eee 900, i don't have an external DVD drive. Getting to install Windows without a CD rom drive is a pain, Linux not so much04:00
thiebaudeharisund, you got a usb drive04:00
bastidrazor!emerald | user0104:00
ubottuuser01: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:00
m3onh0x84where is ro file system document ?04:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:00
harisundthiebaude, I know unetbootin and I was going to use that. Just that if I lose Windows, installing Windows off a USB disk is a chore04:01
user01bastidrazor, do you know what is the current alternative?04:01
thiebaudeharisund, you wont lose windows, just follow the instructions04:01
harisundthiebaude will do. and obviously i don't want to install on ntfs, or i would have used wubi04:01
=== dragonlyre is now known as dragonlyre_AWAY
* thiebaude wubi is another story for another day04:02
bastidrazoruser01: the factoid says there are no known supported alternatives and i don't of any alternative regardless of supported or not. compiz with ccsm is highly configureable. it takes a bit of tweaks to get nice themes04:02
thiebaudeharisund, you can install to a hard drive with unetbootin04:02
m3onh0x84so, how to add unetbootin to grub ?04:04
m3onh0x84I want to multi boot betwen unetbootin with grub04:04
thiebaudem3onh0x84, i never did that, i dont know how04:04
thiebaudem3onh0x84, i've used unetbootin many times04:05
=== jean-claude is now known as clown2
user01is there any way to put an animated wall paper?04:06
CITguy-ArtemisHas anybody come across an error with an external HD with this showing in the ls:04:07
CITguy-Artemisd?????????  ? ?    ?        ?                ?04:07
user01how can I install flashplayer or any youtube video player in ubuntu 64?04:07
soreauuser01: You can with xwinwrap though it's quite old, it still works. You can set a screensaver or movie using it04:07
teigenshouldnt be a ptoblem 2 sec04:07
sebastiansomeone speack spanizh04:07
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:08
durtuser01, google 'compiz animated wallpaper'04:08
rejohnTactical_Chicken: and you think it is highly stable & reliable?04:08
rejohnWhat is _your_ recommendation regarding upgrading from Firefox 3.0 to FF 3.5 - Is it worthwhile, valueable, better than 3.0?04:08
mezquitaleuser01, clicking on the link when you go see a youtube video usually sends you to the right place to download the flash plugin04:09
anto9usrejohn, you can install and try it yourself without upsetting firefox 304:09
cellofellowuser01: there is a (beta) version of Flash for 64bit Linux.04:10
eowk223how do i force emacs to run in the terminal i run it in, like it runs when i ssh into my machine04:10
user01mezquitale, I tried downloading the .deb package, but it is not compatible04:10
cellofellowuser01: or you can play YouTube videos directly in Totem if you're so inclined.04:10
user01cellofellow, where can I get it?04:10
CITguy-Artemiscan anybody help me troubleshoot problems with an external hard drive?04:10
cellofellowuser01: good question...04:10
Cyrano_Deeowk223: type vi in your terminal04:10
Cyrano_Deeowk223: J/K04:11
thiebaudeCITguy-Artemis, what is your question?04:11
thiebaudeCITguy-Artemis, my bad i just seen your question04:11
CITguy-ArtemisI am having an issue with my 1TB WD My Book external hard drive.04:11
CITguy-ArtemisI initially mounted it in Xubuntu to transfer files to it and somehow there was an input/output error04:12
CITguy-ArtemisXubuntu showed the transfer successful, but the hard drive isn't registering anything about the directory04:12
eowk223Cyrano_De: lol, i def expected to hear that04:13
user01cellofellow, http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/install-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-64bit.html04:13
eowk223definitely, sorry04:13
CITguy-ArtemisNeither nautilus nor thunar display the directory04:13
CITguy-ArtemisI can see the following in terminal:04:13
CITguy-Artemisd?????????  ? ?    ?        ?                ? ogg04:13
Cyrano_DeCITguy-Artemis: is there a lost+found folder on the drive.04:14
rejohnanto9us: thx - do you use it?  do you recommend ff 3.5?04:14
Strife89Would it be reasonably safe to go ahead and install the Karmic beta for daily use?04:14
Ben64oi, how do i turn off mousekeys04:14
purpzeyCan someone help me out, I am trying to turn on CTRL + ALT + BKSPC to restart X, and I read the release notes for Jaunty and it says to type "dontzap --disable" in terminal, but when I do that I get the error "The program dontzap is not currently installed. . ."04:14
durtuser01, a 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer' should bring in 64-bit flash04:14
bastidrazor!dontzap | purpzey04:15
ubottupurpzey: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.04:15
user01how can I open gdesklets? I got the error: failed to execute child process"gdesklets" no such file or folder04:15
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Is that directed at me?04:15
anto9usrejohn, yes, it's a bit quicker, I also use noscript, adblock and betterprivacy04:15
bastidrazorpurpzey: sudo apt-get install dontzap04:15
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: no, it was a reply to Cyrano_De04:15
purpzeybastidrazor: Thanks.04:15
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Ah.04:15
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:16
shawn_Is there an adobe flash player plugin for AMD64 architecture?04:16
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Incidentally, do you have an opinion about the stability of the Karmic beta? I'm thinking about going ahead and doing a clean install with it.04:16
Cyrano_DeCITguy-Artemis: I would unmount the drive and follow the fsck instructions above04:16
CITguy-ArtemisCyrano_De: Ok, i'll give it a try04:17
Clip52lol bot rox04:17
lucas__hey guys04:17
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)04:17
Cyrano_DeStrife89: Does your job/financial well being depend on your computer being stable and not losing data?04:17
lucas__I have been working on my internet connnection all day and it finally works04:17
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:17
lucas__it was through comcast and their router anyone know why it took so long?04:17
fotoflois there anything like a FOSS version of yousendit.com out there? Please help!04:17
cellofellowuser01: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html <- that may be the flash player 64bt.04:17
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: I'm running 8.10 and I'll probably do a fresh install with 10.0404:18
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: I won't touch 9.x04:18
Cyrano_DeStrife89: notice the "WILL break" part....04:18
Strife89Cyrano_De: Somewhat, but I do have Windows on another partition.04:18
lucas__me too!04:18
user01cellofellow, I already installed it04:18
lucas__gosh thank god04:18
user01cellofellow, thanks04:18
lucas__I friggin hate Winblows!04:18
Strife89Cyrano_De: So, bad idea to install it now?04:18
Cyrano_DeCITguy-Artemis: Yeah, 8.10 was WAY more stable than 9.04 have been for me.04:18
lucas__cause thats what it does04:18
cellofellowuser01: trying to load it but my Internet is too slow04:18
lucas__yeah exactly04:19
user01how can I open gdesklets? I got the error: failed to execute child process"gdesklets" no such file or folder. I uninstalled-reinstalled, but still the same problem :S04:19
lucas__I tried to connect to internet with Winblows and it wasn't working so comcast told me there is something wrong with my computer04:19
Strife89CITguy-Artemis, Cyrano_De: I couldn't really use 8.10 on this machine. I couldn04:19
Cyrano_DeStrife89: That is up to you and how comfortable you are at gambeling.  I am not going to run it anytime soon on my main workstation/laptop.04:19
lucas__guess what it was Winblows04:19
Strife89CITguy-Artemis, Cyrano_De: I couldn't really use 8.10 on this machine. I couldn't get Wi-Fi working.04:19
Tactical_Chickenlol ya04:19
shawn_What is Ubuntu 9.10 going to be like?04:20
soreauuser01: How did you install gdesklets?04:20
Cyrano_Deshawn_: Like 9.04 but more so04:20
Strife89Cyrano_De: I will follow suit and stick with the safe side. I can wait a month.04:20
fotoflocan anyone answer this quick question? IS there a tool out there that works like yousendit that i can run on my own server?04:20
Tactical_Chickenuse synaptic package manager04:20
user01soreau, using the add/remove from applications04:20
soreauuser01: Does 'which gdesklets' show any output?04:20
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: What wireless card are you using?04:20
shawn_Cyrano_De I mean are there any big changes planned?04:20
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Er....04:20
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: 04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)04:21
Cyrano_Deshawn_: Faster booting, newer kernel, new versions of gnome and that other desktop.04:21
cellofellowshawn_: not much different from 9.04, except a new (though still orange) theme and a new App Store to replace Add/Remove Applications. That's the thing with 6mo releases, they are incremental.04:21
user01soreau, bash: /usr/bin/gdesklets: /usr/bin/python2.5: bad interpreter: No such file or directory04:21
jmy flash player keeps freezing help04:21
=== j is now known as Guest17539
Strife89cellofellow: Oh, Lord. App Store?04:21
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: and it wouldn't work in 8.10?04:21
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Nope.04:22
shawn_cellofellow.... App...... Store..... As in pay?04:22
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: how old is your PC?04:22
soreauuser01: That's weird04:22
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Unless I missed something.04:22
cellofellowStrife89: hadn't heard of the new Ubuntu App Store?04:22
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: About 8-9 months.04:22
Tactical_Chickeni have similar probs... i have to run a bunch of sudo commands everytime i boot up04:22
Strife89cellofellow: Nope.04:22
Cyrano_DeStrife89: I will not use anything but Intel wireless cards for the foreseeable future myself.04:22
soreauuser01: Actually, do you have python 2.5 installed? python --version04:22
cellofellowshawn_: as far as I know no, but I'd actually welcome it. Donate to upstream devs on open source projects, and pay for commercial Linux apps.04:22
Strife89Cyrano_De: This is a laptop, so neither will I. :P04:22
Cyrano_DeStrife89: The last Dell wireless card I got shafted with was based on an Atheros chip and it was never stable.04:23
user01soreau, 2.6.204:23
lucas__maybe thats my problem04:23
Strife89Cyrano_De: This is a Toshiba machine.04:23
lucas__sort of wish i bought a mac04:23
durtshawn_, no, not at all, that would be against the GPL and oss.04:23
Guest17539my flash player keeps freezing help04:23
user01soreau, could it be the fact that I use ubuntu in 64 bit?04:23
soreauuser01: That's the problem. It's looking for python 2.5 but you have 2.6 installed.04:23
shawn_Cellofellow I donated 50 dollars to Ubuntu two weeks ago04:23
shawn_Cellofellow do I do donate04:23
Tactical_Chickeni got the touchscreen to work and the fingerprint reader on my tabpc04:24
shawn_Cellowfellow so*04:24
user01soreau, ohh ok, any idea on how to fix it?04:24
soreauuser01: Can you run any other python app like 'ccsm' for example?04:24
Tactical_Chickenwhat a chore that was researching04:24
cellofellowStrife89: what it is is that Apple's iPhone App Store took the basic concepts of a Linux repository and then made it slick so now the Ubuntu guys what to slicken a Linux repository to immitate Apple.04:24
Cyrano_Deshawn_: I'd expect it to be more like the android app store.  Many free, many pay, some donate....04:24
cellofellowshawn_: that's fine04:24
user01soreau, yes, it runs04:24
Strife89cellofellow: Ah.04:24
SakaraLooking for a way to have multiple ubuntu machines authenticate logins against one machine? Any suggestions?04:24
soreauuser01: Then I'd say it's a bug with gdesklets. You need a version of it that is for python 2.604:24
shawn_So is there a Flash player for 64?04:25
user01soreau, hmmm04:25
histoshawn_: yes04:25
soreau! flash | shawn_04:25
ubottushawn_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:25
Strife89Cyrano_De, CITguy-Artemis: Anyway, I badly screwed up my graphics drivers due to an experiment of sorts, so I'm reinstalling clean, Karmic or no.04:25
Cyrano_De!ldap |sakara04:25
ubottusakara: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer04:25
user01soreau, is there any other desklets app?04:25
matt-Could anyone help me remove the wine folder from GNOME's Applications menu?  Alacarte's delete function did not work.04:25
mezquitaleSakara, you can use samba for that04:25
soreauuser01: screenlets04:25
Tactical_Chickenshawn... i am using ubuntu 64 and it installed04:25
Tactical_Chickener...i was using it i mean04:26
Sakaramezquitale, seems silly to use a linux backend windows protocol with linux clients04:26
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: It's worth a try. If it doesn't work, you'll just be back where you started.04:26
Sakarais there a nice way to do it natively04:26
Strife89Cyrano_De, CITguy-Artemis: This machine has a 64-bit CPU. Aside from the ability to use 4+ GB of RAM, are there any advantages to using the 64-bit version of Ubuntu? Any notable downsides?04:26
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: don't use it04:26
Tactical_Chickenya...you can't run nero04:26
anto9usSakara, network authentication links here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers04:26
mezquitaleSakara, LDAP would be a better choice04:26
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Not very stable?04:26
CITguy-ArtemisStrife89: the problem with 64-bit isn't the OS, but the lack of 64-bit applications04:27
matt-Strife89: it fixes the 2038 problem04:27
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: Ah.04:27
Strife89matt-: Sorry, but the what?04:27
user01soreau, thanks04:27
soreauuser01: no problem04:27
cellofellowCITguy-Artemis: not so much in Linux. Since most Linux code is open source 64bit compatibility is just a recompile away. It's just closed source stuff like Flash that is harder to get on 64bit.04:28
Guest17539my flash player keeps freezing help04:28
SlinkeeyI have ubuntu 9.04 and at times my keyboard seams to go a little wacky when using it.. I will type and in some apps (not this one) the cursor will jump up to another location......04:28
CITguy-Artemiscellofellow: yeah, I realize that but I'd rather have a .deb or something that takes the hassle out of it04:29
Strife89matt-: Ah.04:29
Cyrano_DeStrife89: If you want to run some VMware appliances.  Some of them are 64bit only.  Otherwise if you do not really use that 4GB of ram or can not install more there is no reason to run 64bit and several reasons not to.04:29
Strife89matt-: Makes sense.04:29
neil_dI have postfix setup :)  but something strange is happening :(  it seems that mail sent to root is ending up in /var/mail/nobody I expected it to be in /var/mail/neil is there something wrong with the setup?04:29
CITguy-Artemiscellofellow: do you know of any performance advantages to 64-bit?04:29
Strife89Cyrano_De: Note taken.04:29
mezquitalewhat is the technical term when you use a server  as a repository of user logins and their passwords?04:29
cellofellowCITguy-Artemis: Ubuntu has 64bit repositories for a reason. Chock full of 64bit-compatible binary debs.04:29
cellofellowCITguy-Artemis: as far as I know just greater memory usage than 4GB.04:30
metajemohello guys, I am having really hard time running adobe flash player. the package is already installed (and reinstalled a few times), the website still will not run the movie and will tell me i need to download the player. Any suggestions, please?04:30
* Strife89 's laptop came with 4 GB of RAM installed.04:30
CITguy-Artemiscellofellow: so there's no noticeable difference if I'm running with 2GB of ram?04:30
soreau! flash | metajemo04:30
ubottumetajemo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:30
Slinkeey's keyboard does not like ubuntu....04:30
soreauMetaBot: You probably just need to install flashplugin-nonfree and restart your browser04:31
soreaumetajemo:  You probably just need to install flashplugin-nonfree and restart your browser04:31
anto9usmezquitale, I'd call it an authentication server04:31
soreauDamn this channel04:31
cellofellowmezquitale: a directory server maybe? I think there are ways to do it besides directories though.04:31
cellofellowCITguy-Artemis: most likely no.04:31
cellofellowCITguy-Artemis: but if you had 8GB then 32bit cannot address >4GB of RAM, just how the memory addressing works. 32bits can address 4 billion unique addresses.04:31
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:31
durtmezquitale, domain controller in windows speak.04:31
metajemoubottu, soreau: thank you, i will give it a try one more time04:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:32
shawn_What does ubottu mean by will break?04:32
cellofellowCITguy-Artemis: 64bit on the other hand gets you up into I think the petabytes, perhaps the exabytes.04:32
CITguy-Artemiscellofellow: I see. thx04:32
Slinkeeyls there a preffered channel for help with ubuntu?04:32
Strife89shawn_: It means Karmic is not very stable yet.04:32
Cyrano_Decellofellow: technically it can address more than 4GB but you have to install a PAE capable kenrnel from ubuntu server in order to address it.04:32
SlinkeeyI am guessing that this is more general ubuntu talk04:32
Strife89CITguy-Artemis: I was reading. :)04:32
josesitois it possible to make scrolling pixel by pixel?04:32
cellofellowSlinkeey: this one04:32
CITguy-Artemiscellofellow: pointless for desktops? (imo)04:32
Slinkeeyoh ok04:32
cellofellowSlinkeey: general talk is ubuntu-offtopic04:32
mezquitaledurt, cellofellow anto9us I guess it's domain controller in windows speak, what software would you recommend to use as a domain controller in linux?04:32
matt-How do I delete folders in the applications menu without alacarte?04:32
Strife89Well, it's late, and I do need this computer operational tomorrow. Let the reinstall of Jaunty begin.04:33
Cyrano_DeSlinkeey: This is the support channel.04:33
SlinkeeyHas anyone heard of the the curser bouncing around from line to line when typing at times?04:33
matt-Never mind04:33
matt-I got it deleted04:33
kitty_is there a way to "disable" the visibility of a network on a computer but still use it for an iptables software router?04:33
cellofellowCITguy-Artemis: at this point most OEMs don't sell PCs with more than 4GB of RAM because Windows 32 bit can't address more than that and Windows ISVs aren't shipping enough 64bit code so no one is switching to 64bit. Vicious cycle.04:34
durtmezquitale, same, just using samba, but it would still be for windows clients.04:34
cellofellowWith both Vista and Windows 7 Microsoft promised they'd be 64bit only. They reniged on that.04:34
anto9usmezquitale, for compatibility at OS level samba might be a good choice04:34
CITguy-ArtemisCyrano_De: I'm getting a bunch of the same error in the syslog: "FAT: Directory bread(block ....) failed"04:35
Cyrano_DeCITguy-Artemis: The only reason I am running 64bit is to support the Vmware environment @ work.  The vmware vMA appliance for vSphere 4 is 64bit only.04:35
Slinkeeyhow often is too often to ask a question?04:35
Slinkeeydon't want to be a flooder04:35
Tactical_Chickentil ya get an answer04:35
cellofellowSlinkeey: try asking different questions04:35
Slinkeeyi only have one04:36
cellofellowSlinkeey: I mean a different way04:36
Slinkeeyoh ok04:36
excalibasHello, I am trying to disable my touchpad folowing this article http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/09/20/disable-touchpad-temporarily-when-typing/ but it doesnt work. here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/d1e23392c Please help me to disable my touchpad.04:36
anto9usSlinkeey, depends how fast things are moving, if you're not getting an answer it may be a good idea to rephrase it04:36
metajemoflashplugin-nonfree installed, browser restarted, still it is not running04:36
gentoomahey - is here someone familiar with vlc ? can't get the web based stream to work:/04:36
SlinkeeyDoes anyone know anything about Acer Notebook keyboards acting funny with ubuntu? (Fine With Windows)04:37
nanotubeSlinkeey: what do you mean by "bouncing around" ? is it possible that maybe you have a touchpad, that you are inadvertently activating with your palms?04:37
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basixhi...has anybody recently installed Ubuntu on a MacBook pro 13" ?? I need some info. I just want to talk to someone who is actually using it on current generations of MacBooks...04:37
cellofellowSlinkeey: you sure it's the keyboard? What's the actual symptons, sans diagnosis?04:37
Tactical_Chickensend me the mac and i'll answer yur q's04:37
juandhello.. I am trying to install php5-xcache on 8.10 server, but aptitude can't find the package.. How do I determine how to configure my sources.list to get this package?04:37
Cyrano_DeCITguy-Artemis: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/peripherals-hardware/15026-usb-key-help-2.html <---Looks like it might have similar issue04:37
zenlunaticexcalibas: have you tried system->preferences->mouse->touchpad?04:37
gilboman007you guys rock04:38
cellofellow(is there still a channel for ubuntu on apple hardware or did that die with the ppc port?)04:38
nanotubebasix: you might do better by just asking the specific questions you have...04:38
IcemanV9metajemo: in the address bar, type about:plugins & check if flash is installed04:38
cellofellowjuand: maybe it's named something else04:38
SlinkeeyWell for instance I will type in mozilla (form, email... etc..) and I will end up typing at the top of the page when I was half way down the page04:38
excalibaszenlunatic, Woo, that was easy :) thanks a lot!04:38
SlinkeeyThe curser wil cut into the middle of my email and start typing...04:38
cellofellowjuand: in aptitude just search for "php5-" and see what you get (/ key to search)/04:38
nanotubegilboman007: ehrm... thanks? :)04:38
zenlunaticexcalibas: no proplem04:39
juandcellofellow: I've done that.. the package doesn't show up... it does on my 9.04 box04:39
basixnanotube, i'm looking to purchase a MacBook pro but I wont if it wont run Linux well. I'm a power user but I love the ease with which Ubuntu works so I am not looking at compiling and installing drivers on the MacBook. I'm ok with configuring / making some settings but I dont want to end up compiling my kernel...04:39
anto9usjuand, add universe repository04:39
metajemoi have shockwave flash File name:  libswfdecmozilla.so Shockwave Flash 9.0 r99904:39
Cyrano_Dejuand: You can try adding the backports repository as well in software-sources04:39
Tactical_Chickeni had a similar prob to that...but when i updated via Update Manager the jumping around went away04:39
cellofellowjuand: ok...04:40
gilboman007ok no stupid question does yum updates still work or no04:40
nanotubejuand: php5-xcache is in the universe repository. enable universe, refresh, try again04:40
basixnanotube, hence i need someone with recent experiences...04:40
juandanto9us: I have this: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-security main universe04:40
gilboman007been away from linux for a while04:40
ValentineXhello, how to install .bin.sh file?04:40
anto9usjuand, now do sudo apt-get update04:40
cellofellowmetajemo: swfdec isn't adobe flash.04:40
Cyrano_Degilboman007: yum is a redhat/centos/yellowdog package manager.04:40
juandanto9us: did.. still the sme04:40
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?04:40
juand* same04:40
FrankQCjuand: do sudo apt-get update -y; sudo apt-get upgrade -y; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y04:40
IcemanV9metajemo: that's old flash ... what's version of ubuntu?04:40
Slinkeeyyeah the jumping is wierd...04:40
nanotubebasix: ah... in that case... good luck. :) if nobody here has any direct experience, try googling around...04:41
gilboman007just made the switch to kubuntu still learning04:41
cellofellowValentineX: first, don't. Find a deb or a source package before installing a bin.04:41
cellofellowmetajemo: swfdec is actually based on gstreamer, while adobe flash is the official flash player.04:41
Cyrano_De!apt | gilboman00704:41
ubottugilboman007: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)04:41
anto9usjuand, it's definitely showing for me under universe/web04:41
metajemoIcemanV9: 9.0404:41
Tactical_Chickenslinkeey....does it happen in all apps with text input or just email and firefox?04:41
Slinkeeywell notepad firefox04:41
* cellofellow keeps meaning to install KDE on his box for a try. Haven't used KDE in about 3 years.04:41
Cyrano_Degilboman007: apt-get is similar to yum but 10 times faster and has more human readable errors.04:41
nanotubeanto9us: juand: yea, showing here on 8.10 under universe, too...04:41
Slinkeeynot in this pidgin04:41
IcemanV9metajemo: abode flash uses libflashplayer.so 10.0 r3204:41
basixnanotube, i looked at the wiki and it definitely looks promising but it seems a lot of people have had issues with alsa and sound on the notebook. they had to install stuff from the latest alsa snapshots which kinda discourages me...04:42
Tactical_Chickenbluetooth mouse?04:42
Slinkeeybut the pidgin app might be limiting me to one line04:42
juandanto9us: I have these 2 lines:  deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-security main universe  AND deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-security main universe    is that all that's needed?04:42
kitty__ok, now as i was saying, is there a way to "disable" the visibility of a network on a computer but still use it for an iptables software router?04:42
ValentineXcellofellow: where can i find java wireless toolkit in .deb04:42
Tactical_Chickener...wireless mouse i mean?04:42
Slinkeeyjust touchpad04:42
gilboman007yeah you guys are alot more help you guys rock04:42
cellofellowValentineX: good question...04:42
Slinkeeymaybe i will disable it and plug in a mouse04:42
Slinkeeyjust for kicks04:42
IcemanV9metajemo: you need to remove mozilla flash (cannot remember the actual deb package name)04:42
Tactical_Chickenya....i'd try that04:42
metajemoIcemanV9:right, what folder should i get this file into ?04:43
nanotubeSlinkeey: well, try disabling it and see if cursor still 'bounces'... if not, you know the source of the problem.04:43
Tactical_Chickencould be touchpad sensitivity is up way too high but this should tell ya if that's the case04:43
=== Cyrano_De is now known as Cyrano_Zz
ValentineXcellofellow: i also wanted .deb but failed to get that unable to get from googling04:43
gilboman007one last question am i still getting rpm or somthing else04:43
cellofellowMTec007: flashplayer-nonfree is the package that "installs" adobe flash. It does not actually include the flash player itself, though, but instead downloads it and installs in the debconf.04:43
nanotubegilboman007: apt uses .deb packages, not .rpm04:44
cellofellowMTec007: oops04:44
gilboman007thats why flash dosnt work04:44
cellofellowmetajemo: that above was for you04:44
gilboman007i will get there one day guys i promise04:44
cellofellowgilboman007: if you must install rpm you use alien, but that's not recommended.04:44
SlinkeeyOk.. I think it is the touchpad04:44
cellofellowValentineX: what is it that you are installing again?04:44
SlinkeeyI just turned it off while typing04:44
nanotubegilboman007: to install flash, just install from the repositories package "flashplayer-nonfree"04:44
Slinkeeyand it typed a paragraph in gmail04:44
ValentineXcellofellow: java wireless development toolkit04:45
metajemocellofellow: got it04:45
cellofellowSlinkeey: that's supposed to be a "feature" that keeps you from moving the cursor while typing. It's in the synaptics driver.04:45
IcemanV9metajemo: is this package, mozilla-plugin-gnash, installed? if so, remove it. adobe flash should be working.04:45
SlinkeeyI turned it on and the problem returned04:45
Slinkeeymy notebook has an on and off button for the pad04:46
webbb82im trying to install google gadgets but it says i need this Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libltdl3 (>= 1.5.2-2)04:46
webbb82 can someone help04:46
Tactical_Chickenprolly need a driver update for it04:46
metajemoIcemanV9: mozilla-plugin-gnash - free swf.... -not installed04:46
SlinkeeyI think it is because the side of my thumb pumps the scroll up and down portion of my touchpad04:46
Tactical_Chickenwhat laptop do you have?04:46
IdleOnewebbb82: install libltdl7-dev04:47
SlinkeeyCheap Acer Aspire 553604:47
Slinkeeyit does me well for the most part04:47
IcemanV9metajemo: ok. did you installed flashplugin-nonfree as cellofellow suggested some time ago?04:47
ValentineXhello i am special give me ubuntu 10.04 first of all04:47
Tactical_Chickenhhhmmmm  i installed ubuntu onto my wifes acer  model similar to yours.... it did the same exact thing....never did get it figured out04:48
webbb82IdleOne, it says i already have it installed04:48
Tactical_Chickenwas running 8.04 back then04:48
cellofellowValentineX: 10.04 isn't even in development yet. Only thing about it so far is that there is a new codename for it, Lucid Lynx.04:48
Tactical_Chickenwhich ubuntu you running now?04:48
Slinkeeyit is not a bad notebook for the price04:48
Tactical_Chickenno it isn't04:48
IdleOnewebbb82: hmmm not sure what to tell you now04:48
remyoFrom terminal, how do you show the contents of a folder (like an ls) without cding into it?04:48
Slinkeeyruns a little hot04:48
Slinkeeygreat for the livingroom04:49
cellofellowremyo: ls /the/dir04:49
metajemoIcemanV9: flashplugin-nonfree, adobe-flashplugin,flashplugin-installer v - installed04:49
cellofellowremyo: you can use relative paths too like ls ../anotherdir04:49
durtwebbb82, how are you trying to install, google gadgets is in the repos.04:49
ValentineXlucid lynx hmm04:49
remyocellofellow: Ah, that makes sense04:49
cellofellowremyo: more details with ls --help04:49
remyocellofellow: Thanks04:49
CITguy-ArtemisCyrano_Zz: I managed to find the fix here: http://www.delodder.be/blog/linux/fat_get_cluster-invalid-cluster-chain-i_pos-0-fat-filesystem-panic-dev/04:49
anto9usremyo, ~ is a shortcut to your home folder too04:50
Tactical_Chickenyessss.... you have to pull the heatsink off the cpu and clean them off then apply Arctic Silver 5 paste to the cpu...  i did that and the temp dropped by 8 degrees in Celsius04:50
CITguy-Artemisthat's the error i was also getting04:50
webbb82go here http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/07/07/get-google-gadgets-up-and-running-on-your-ubuntu-install/04:50
IcemanV9metajemo: you should be all set. shutdown the browser and start it again. check if it is installed by type about:plugins in the address bar04:50
Anonyomushey guys. i'm looking for a new computer setup. would like to know, would raid0 or raid1 be better /noob04:50
remyoanto9us: I know, :)04:50
Slinkeeycan i make the touchpad turn off while typing?04:50
cellofellowSeeing as 10.04 will be an LTS and the other two previous LTS releases were named for birds (Drake, Heron) I think Lucid Loon would have been better. Has a kind of oxymoronic irony.04:50
Tactical_Chickendon't see how04:50
Tactical_Chickenoh is yurs a button or a combo of the function button and a key to turn it off?04:51
gilboman007so tar.gz04:51
Tactical_Chickendon't remember my wife's comp anymore04:51
AnonyomusI'm looking to purchase a new server, should I go with raid0 or raid1? (server needs to have 3 vpses hosted on it)04:51
Slinkeeybutton rught next to the pad04:52
IcemanV9Anonyomus: try ask that question in #ubuntu-server?04:52
bastidrazorAnonyomus: #ubuntu-server may have better advice for servers.04:52
Slinkeeyturn off the pad04:52
Tactical_Chickendunno...unless yur a hard typer04:52
anto9usAnonyomus, raid0 for speed, raid1 for integrity04:52
SlinkeeyI will do it manually for now04:52
Slinkeeywith that button04:52
gilboman007work on this tomorrow going to bed04:52
Slinkeeywhen typing long stuff04:52
cellofellowAnonyomus: raid0 is fast, raid1 is safe04:52
freenoseIs there a channel for jeos?04:53
metajemoIcemanV9: All tabs closed, browser restarted, about:plugins opened - still no other flash than shockwave. I also logged off and logged back in as was suggested by a website. it did not do the trick either04:53
durtfreenose, searchirc.com04:53
gilboman007thanx again for your help04:53
Tactical_Chickenanonymous needs to read the meaning of raid0 and raid1 ...dontcha think?  very self explanatory04:53
neil_dI am having trouble with postfix... I setup an alias file with the line "root: neil".... but when I use "sendmail root@localhost"  it put the email in the file /var/mail/nobody :(  I thought it was to put it in /var/mail/neil... what is wrong?04:54
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metajemolibflashplayer.so is just not there04:54
IcemanV9metajemo: it should be working as you mentioned shockwave flash. that's odd. may i ask what's the url address so i can test to see if it's website side or your PC problem?04:54
IcemanV9espn.com is perfect site to test it04:55
metajemoIcemanV9: www.vbox7.com  - choose any video04:55
Slinkeeymight try this04:55
Slinkeeyi will try it04:55
Tactical_Chickenraid0= speed and more space and double the buffer....raid1= redundancy...meaning 1 hard drive fails..the other steps in to replace it...04:55
stephen_I need help with the printer interfacing with Ubuntu04:56
IcemanV9metajemo: it's working fine (even with the sound) .. so it's your PC.04:56
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zubin71Hello, anybody here?04:56
zubin71i`d like some help04:56
trip0stephen_: printer interfacing in ubuntu is super easy.  what's your issue?04:57
Tactical_Chickenif yur using onbaord raid then good friggin luck with that.....not very stable for a server.... i recommend raid0 for the space and speed for virtualization04:57
zubin71i deleted my /var/lib/dpkg by mistake...04:57
trip0zubin71: just ask04:57
webbb82ok i got google gadgets installed but rite after it starts it will crash for some reason04:57
Tactical_Chickenjust do it with an add-on raid card04:57
zubin71trip0: anyway i can restore it?04:57
trip0zubin71: you may want to copy that file back from a diff computer.  apt-get is broken isn't it?04:58
Tactical_Chickenor put in 4 hard drives and use both raid1 and raid0...lol04:58
zubin71trip0: very much04:58
metajemoIcemanV9: i doubt it is the pc itself, it is rather something i am not doing right. any ideas how to install libflashplayer.so manually?04:58
IdleOnewebbb82: I just installed using this link from getdeb http://www.getdeb.net/download/4635/004:58
IdleOnewebbb82: seems to be stable here04:58
stephen_I have a old Xerox Docuprint N17 laser connected by USB.  I installed the driver and it appears just fine.  However, when I print, it prints out garbage and the spooler says that the printed is not connected.  Any ideas?04:58
zubin71trip0: isnt there any way i can rebuild the required files based on the fies which are already present?04:58
IcemanV9metajemo: i didn't meant your pc. just something's not right on your pc. this is far as i know.04:59
zubin71trip0: i dont have an ubuntu machine nearby, si its quite a prob..04:59
fuzzybunnyhi everyone, anybody have any idea why i cant ping my laptop ( from another laptop (, but as soon as I ping from 65, connectivity works both ways?04:59
zubin71any other ideas guys? problem is "i have to restore /var/lib/dpkg"05:00
trip0zubin71: how about a ubunt cd?05:00
zubin71trip0: you mean copy them from a live cd?05:00
zubin71trip0: but what bout all the additional packages i have installed?05:00
deeprootare there any gnome 2.28 packages for 9.04 yet05:01
metajemoIcemanV9: do you know where i can find all the others *.so files?the path to them? should they be in ~/.mozilla ?05:01
webbb82IdleOne, what ubuntu version are you running05:02
IdleOnewebbb82: 9.0405:02
webbb82im on 9.1005:02
IdleOnewebbb82: that probably explains it05:02
trip0webbb82: me too, aint it great05:02
webbb82ya i like it but i keep wondering if i should install jaunty so i can get things like google gadgets to work05:03
IdleOnewebbb82: 9.10 is having a hard enough time running it's own gadgets :)05:03
rnkQuestion: How do I get automake 1.11 installed on Ubuntu Jaunty?  It's coming for Karmic.05:03
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Flannelwebbb82: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support05:04
trip0rnk automake 1.11 is in jaunty backports05:04
krdyti just installed winxp on an already dual booted ubuntu machine, when i loaded ubuntu live and reinstalled grub, i didnt get my grub menu back, can anyone help me with that?05:04
webbb82i know n o one talks in there05:04
stick_figuretrip0, is there a line in my sources.list to uncomment?05:04
krdyti have jaunty and xp on one HDD and intrepid on another05:04
trip0stick_figure: yes, uncomment the backporst one05:05
IceMansicleI have a question. I currently have my compy setup with two partitions. one setup as XP and one as Ubuntu. I was using it to test it out. how do I drop XP and combine the partitions05:05
trip0IceMansicle: use gparted05:05
IcemanV9metajemo: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/05:05
IdleOnewebbb82: probably because they are dealing with xorg issues and pulseaudio issues, google-gadgets is low on the totem pole05:05
IceMansiclethanks trip05:05
FlannelIceMansicle: Fire up a liveCD, delete the windows partitions and expand the Ubuntu ones.  The only thing you might need to do then is tweak GRUB slightly05:05
ShinkaIs Ubuntu 9.10 stable enough to be used ? I'm on a ThinkPad laptop and graphics are terribly slow, apparenly this problem is solved in Ubuntu 9.10...05:05
IdleOne!karmic | Shinka05:06
ubottuShinka: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:06
IcemanV9metajemo: i gotta sign off; need sleep for being primary on-call. i hope you can get it working. good luck.05:06
IdleOneShinka: wait another month till it is released05:06
lstarnesShinka: it hasn't been officially released yet, but it's in the late alpha stages and will likely enter beta soon05:06
IdleOnelstarnes: on the 1st05:07
IdleOneon or about*05:07
krdytwhich grub mbr do i want to reinstate in that case?05:07
stick_figureno joy, the backports (jaunty-backports) line is uncommented, I did apt-get update, and I can't install automake-1.1105:08
LinuxGuy2009I was wondering if anyone knows what it signifies when a package has the "+" symbol in the name? The language packs to be specific is what i am speaking of. When I put new updates onto my flashdrive updates repository disk and then go and try to install them all, they all seem to install fine except for the language packs. Synaptic always throws a broken package fit with them and am forced to download them. I need this for offline package management.05:08
krdytanyone able to point me into the right direction?05:09
deeprootdoes anyone know of any documents on how to upgrade 9.04 to gnome 2.28?05:10
darkhamkrdyt, what's the problem?05:10
LinuxGuy2009I dont understand why it wants to keep downloading the exact same language pack that i already have on the repo flashdrive for updates. Only thing i can think of is maybe the + in the name signifies to always look for a new version online maybe?05:10
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Flanneldeeproot: Wait for 9.1005:10
MattC99hey guys.05:10
TvmbledownSo, I have an interesting question.05:11
TvmbledownOne I've scoured a number of sources for - and so far, no luck.05:11
krdyti had 2 installs of ubuntu, jaunty on one HDD, interepid on another. i needed win xp for adobe photoshop so i installed winxp onto the drive that jaunty is on05:11
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TvmbledownHow can I install a program (let's say Singularity) to a flash drive, such that it can be played on other Debian systems?05:11
krdytDarkHam now i need the grub to list them all05:11
MattC99i just installed 9.04 and my drivers dont work.. how can i make all the special effects work with out drivers?05:12
TvmbledownAlternately, how can I put something a flash drive so that I can INSTALL it to another Ubuntu box - one without any kind of network?05:12
darkhamkrdyt, what problem it have?05:12
Tactical_Chickenkilled his jaunty boot prolly05:13
krdyti dont even get my grub menu anymore to select which os to boot darkham05:13
Tactical_Chickencuz mbr got overwritten05:13
krdytim on jaunty right now05:13
krdyti dont care about the jaunty, i want intrepid. all files are there for all 2 OS05:14
anto9usTvmbledown, maybe compile it from source, install to flash, make sure it has dependencies on target system or in your target folder, or see http://portableapps.com/apps05:14
TvmbledownI'm a little behind the learning curve on dependencies, honestly...05:15
Tactical_Chickenya.... i made that mistake b4....i just used a live cd and grabbed all my files off and then reinstalled linux05:15
stick_figureblech, I give up, I just added the karmic line to sources.list and now I can install automake1.11.  Unfortunately it depends on upgrading a bazillion things.05:15
krdyti want to install my MBR grub with intrepid on it05:15
Tactical_Chickenseemed easier to me than tryin to figure out how to repair the grub05:15
anto9usTvmbledown, maybe have a bootable flash drive with your app already installed05:16
krdyttitleUbuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-13-generic (on /dev/sda1)05:16
krdytthats my jaunty partition05:16
darkhamkrdyt, watch grub.conf05:16
Tactical_Chickenwindows MUST go on first and then linux.....so that linux can write the mbr05:16
Tvmbledownanto9us: That's actually a BRILLIANT idea.05:17
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stick_figureTactical_Chicken, I think you can just say 'grub-install /dev/sdX' or some similar05:17
anto9usTvmbledown, it's sometimes a good idea to look at things sideways :)05:17
Tactical_Chickenfrom the livecd?05:17
stick_figurethat will put grub back in the boot sector05:17
krdytbut im not sure which partition to restore05:18
sakwill any one tell me how 2 download yahoo messenger for upuntu05:18
stick_figureeither from the livecd or from any Ubuntu05:18
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krdyti have 2 grubs and only use 1. win xp over wrote them05:18
stick_figureI don't really know these things for sure, but look up grub-install and check how you're supposed to use it05:18
krdytwell, took control, they are still there untouched05:18
stephen_any suggestions for my printer?|05:19
krdytwhats the command to tell me what drives i have?05:19
saki want yahoo messenger for upuntu...05:19
Tvmbledownanto9us: Gratias tibi ago.05:19
anto9ussak, pidgin supports yahoo protocol and many others, all in one convenient application05:19
BassKozzEver since I upgraded to Jaunty my Graphics performance has been absolute CRAP, and I can't even get compiz working... My laptop has an ATI Radeon X1400 graphics card.  It it my understanding that it's now using OpenSource drivers, and when I go to "System>Hardware Drivers" nothing shows up.  Am I SOL?05:20
Tactical_Chickenya...pidgin is awesome05:20
sakcan any one help me up here.......05:20
Tactical_Chickensak: .... use pidgin05:21
soreauBassKozz: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?05:22
Tactical_Chickenlook what anto9us said to you05:22
sakbut i refer yahoo only was there any link 2 download it05:22
lstarnessak: pidgin supports yahoo05:23
Tactical_Chickenno..yahoo does not exist..... if you want it to use yahoo in linux then you have to use pidgin05:23
sakk fine i try ........05:23
anto9ussak, http://messenger.yahoo.com/ directly from the web05:23
BassKozzsoreau: http://pastebin.com/m3dbc991a05:23
lstarnessak: you could also try running the windows version of yahoo's messenger in wine05:23
Tactical_Chickenbet he ends up likin pidgin better than yahoo client05:24
soreauBassKozz: Your drivers are b0rken. If you would like to come to #compiz and pastebin your X log, I will help you further05:24
BassKozzsoreau: AWESOME... on my way...05:25
remyoCan you cat a file with color. Similar to grep --color?05:25
Desconhecidaalguem fala portugues aqui???05:26
Eeveeremyo: what would the colors be..?05:26
stick_figureugh, adding that karmic line was a bad call.  Now my deps are all messed up, and things won't install.  Is there some kind of --force option?05:26
lstarnes!pt | Desconhecida05:26
ubottuDesconhecida: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:26
Desconhecidalstarnes ^^ tkx05:27
remyoEevee: I don't know. I was thinking very basic syntax highlighting05:27
remyoEevee: Or at least something to break up code05:27
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Eeveeremyo: ahh, I just pipe to vim05:27
webbb82real quick whats the command to edit sources list05:27
webbb82gedit sourceslist?05:27
lstarneswebbb82: graphically?05:27
lstarneswebbb82: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:28
webbb82is there a best way05:28
remyoEevee: Ok, I just find using cat quicker than opening vi and then exiting05:28
webbb82lstarnes, thank you05:28
lstarneswebbb82: how you edit it is usually a matter of personal preference05:28
Eeveeremyo: yeah it's a minor roadblock.  there might be some way to coerce vim to act like a pager (or a plugin/script to do that)05:29
kitty_one of my network "clients" for my iptables software router is a hardware wireless ap, and everytime a wireless client tries to connect to the internet, i block it with some weird errors, anyone want to slap me in the right direction?05:29
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LogicFani have a ext3 partition currently set to auto-mount at boot with the mount point of /media/hdd.  However, I've been trying to find a way to auto-mount it with read/write permissions without having to chmod the mount point directory manually.  as a work around, i currently mount the partition in my home-directory.  is this possible?05:30
kitty_[ 3138.759697] martian source from, on dev eth005:31
neil_dok I have some emails in /var/mail/neil  but when I use telnet on port 110 and thunderbird to ask for those email I get the answer that there are no email :(  it appears that dovecot is being used to do the pop handling.. what is wrong?05:31
KynianCan anyone help me out? Im trying to install shorewall on a fresh install of the most recent ubuntu server edition, every time i try sudo aptitude install shorewall, i tell it yes, and then it gives me the error Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main shorewall 4.0.15-105:32
Kynian  Could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'05:32
Kyniancan anyone tell me how I can get it to work?05:32
Eeveeresolves fine here05:32
Eeveeyour dns down?05:32
SnakDocany of you ever run multi user screen ?05:32
Kynianhmm one sec05:32
Kynianahh thanks Eevee, I had done something wrong with one of my network files, went back and fixed it now its working. thanks a bunch05:35
SnakDocnever mind found how to enter comands into screen use the ctrl + a then : command05:35
abhilashm86i installed jaunty, in compiz, i enabled top, bottom images, also different wallpapers in each worlspace, but nothing is seen, but cube and other effects are working, help please05:36
abhilashm86i checked with ./comiz-check, no problems05:36
losherkitty_: 'martian' ip addresses are either unroutable or owned by someone else. Check who allocates addresses to your clients and make sure it's not handing out duplicates or illegal addresses...05:37
soreauabhilashm86: Set the cubecaps in Cube Reflection and Deformation and disable nautilus from drawing the desktop with 'gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false'05:37
webbb82i need some ideas i want to have a most used commands on hot key so if i need to know how to do a command i can just hit a key combo and see my list05:37
abhilashm86why is images not been seen in top and wallpapers?05:37
kitty_losher its a hardware ap using its own dhcp server05:38
ZykoticK9abhilashm86, FYI only -- you can't have different wallpaper on each workspace unless you disable Nautilus from drawing your background (meaning you can't see ANY icons on your desktop)05:38
losherkitty_: dunno what else to tell you, you've already heard everything I know about martians...05:38
abhilashm86soreau: yea i disabled it, in gconf-editor->nautilus05:38
soreauabhilashm86: and?05:39
abhilashm86soreau: i got the error, i've mounted my hard drives in different names, now i'm changing it in compiz!! thanks i'l just do n reply..........05:39
mackWould anyone be willing to talk me through adding a native Linux driver to my system.  I've just transitioned from windows05:40
nomad111hi, is anyone running enlightenment desktop? where can i get engage for e17?05:40
Jordan_Umack: What hardware?05:40
losherkitty_: either the dhcp server is misconfigured and handing out non-unique or otherwise illegal addresses, or whoever is objecting to the martian addresses is giving you false positives. I hope this helps...05:41
Terryi need hep with windows 7, where to go?05:41
mackdlink wireless usb05:41
user01what is the name of the deskbar which is mac style?05:41
Jordan_UTerry: ##windows05:41
Jordan_UTerry: type "/join ##windows" and hit enter05:41
ZykoticK9user01, Avant? AWN for short?05:41
mackI have the Linux driver, which they provided, but don't know how to add it.05:41
metajemoi know have shockwave 9 and 10 plugins for mozilla. how can i remove the 9 version, olease05:41
Jordan_Umack: If a driver came with the hardware then that driver is also most likely already in Ubuntu.05:43
ZykoticK9metajemo, they are both probably from the same plugin -- you kinda want both to be able to play both's contents05:43
mackIt wouldn't recognize the device.05:43
loshermack: what device is it?05:43
mackI can install with ndiswrapper, but I'd like to use the native driver05:43
Jordan_Umack: What is the chipset of the card ( you should be able to find it with lsusb ) and what is the name of the driver they provide?05:44
kruykazehow do i upgrade to karmic and keep my apps installed?05:44
Flannelkruykaze: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, thanks.05:45
ZykoticK9mack, are you sure your Dlink isn't supported through Ubuntu's native Hardware Drivers interface?  Have you first installed all available updates?05:45
losherkruykaze: if you have to ask, you aren't ready for karmic anyway...05:45
mackI pulled the driver from their site, I can find chipset if you really need it, driver's name is wpa_supplicant-0.5.10.tar.gz .  I am really new to Linux, so I don't know what to do with a tar .  Silly, I know.05:46
kruykazeI was not going to do it until the stable is out05:46
thebluehi all.05:47
losherkruykaze: that'll be a while if 9.04 is anything to go by...05:47
mackI've installed all available updates already05:47
ZykoticK9anyone happened to get the game Total Annihilation working through wine on a 64bit 9.04?  it works flawlessly for me under 32bit 9.04.05:48
thebluei've got an hp mini 1035nr, and i'm running UNR Jaunty, and i'm not getting any audio at all.05:48
BlueyTheBlue -- Hey05:48
theblueyo, Bluey05:48
kruykazelosher, the question just popped in my mind so asked05:48
losherkruykaze: fair enough. My advice is, it's really not ready for primetime, so don't bother yet...05:49
metajemoZykoticK9: Shockwave Flash 9.0 r999 and Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32. Do i really need them both?05:49
Jordan_Ukruykaze: When a new version is released you will see an offer to upgrade in System > Administration > Update Manager05:50
mackZykotick9, when I use the native Hardware Drivers Interface, nothing stated, no proprietary driver in use05:50
ZykoticK9MetaBot, i'd recommend you just leave them both - but it's up to you05:50
kruykazelosher, it was more of a general question every 6mo i upgrade but use the cd to avoid problems.how do i at least keep a list of the installed stuff to reinstall it05:50
ZykoticK9mack have you run all the updates with a wired connection?05:50
Jordan_Umack: wpa_supplicant is not a driver05:50
legend2440kruykaze: in terminal type   sudo update-manager -d05:51
loshermack: have you tried installing the wpasupplicant package in the repositories?05:51
webbb82whats your fav txt editor??????05:51
ZykoticK9webbb82, OT (but vi rules!)05:51
losherkruykaze: there's a trick to getting the list of installed stuff so you can reinstall later. I05:51
kruykazelegend2440, that always breaks stuff for me like my wifi drivers for example etc..05:51
webbb82ZykoticK9, whats ot05:51
Jordan_Umack: It won't help you at all if you card isn't recognized ( and a better supported version of wpa_supplicant comes with Ubuntu )05:51
Sakarafresh install of 9.04 on boot "GRUB " floods the screen over and over again. want to try use a different boot loader. can anyone help me do this05:52
lstarneswebbb82: off-topic05:52
webbb82whats vi then05:52
lstarneswebbb82: an editor05:52
Jordan_Umack: Can you pastebin the output from running "lsusb" in a terminal?05:52
ZykoticK9webbb82, opened ended questions like "what's your fav..."05:52
lstarneswebbb82: vim is usually used instead of vi, but it's based on vi05:52
losherkruykaze: there's actually a trick to getting the list of installed stuff so you can reinstall later. It's in the dpkg man page at the end under EXAMPLES. See dpkg --get-selections05:53
mackJordan - Just for the heck of it, how would I install a file like this?  Do I use a command line?05:53
webbb82ya i like to stimulate conversationg that way05:53
Jordan_USakara: I would try using grub205:53
drebeshello there.05:53
ZykoticK9lstarnes, webbb82 OH ya - in Ubuntu the FIRST thing you need to do is install VIM - arrow keys are very ugly with the default!05:53
thebluei've got an hp mini 1035nr, and i'm running UNR Jaunty, and i'm not getting any audio at all.  what should i do?05:54
webbb82ZykoticK9,  vim is the whole name?05:54
lstarneswebbb82: yes05:54
lstarneswebbb82: it's short for vi improved, but is almost always called vim05:54
webbb82cool thanks05:55
Jordan_Umack: You generally shouldn't install this type of file, instead you should install with apt-get of fing a .deb file. If you want to try installing that file, which will break things since wpa_supplicant is alreadu installed, you would have to use the terminal05:55
krdytwhere is the ubuntu help chan?05:55
lstarneskrdyt: this is it05:55
loshermack: you would uncompress and untar it, then compile it and install it. A lot of work for a complete beginner and probably the wrong thing to do...05:55
ZykoticK9webbb82, do NOT install vim!  It's not mean for 'normal' human beings to use.  it's a very old vashioned editor, you wont like it at all!  but the vi/emacs rivalry in the 'nix world have been going on forever - now there are lots of choices for text editing :)  enjoy linux05:56
krdytcan you help me make my windows partition show up in grub lstarnes ?05:56
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kruykazedpkg --get-selections >myselections ?05:56
drebesI'm trying to recompile the kernel packages in Jaunty, but I can't install the linux-kernel-devel package.05:56
lstarneskrdyt: I am not good at configuring grub. sorry05:56
hey_boyguys, which is the best backup program in Ubuntu 9.04. For personal files.05:57
krdytit under /dev/sda3 and jaunty is in /dev/sda1-5, anyone know?05:57
hey_boyI see a lot of them05:57
losherkruykaze: that's the one. Try it. It will generate a list of all currently installed packages and their states.05:57
kruykazeawesome thanks i will try it as soon as i get home :)05:57
SakaraJordan_U: Can grub2 be installed onto a system that is unbootable?05:57
lstarneskrdyt: sda3 is probably (hd0,2)05:58
Jordan_Umack: Something like "sudo apt-get install build-essential && sudo apt-get build-dep wpasupplicant" then "tar -xf filename.tar" then "cd < directory that was just created >" then "./configure && make && sudo make-install"05:58
mackJordan, Losher- I got it, bad idea.05:58
Jordan_USakara: Yes05:58
loshermack: and the wrong solution for your problem. What is the device you're trying to get working?05:59
ZykoticK9krdyt, if jaunty is really sda1-5 - that means sda1 sda2 sda3 sda3 sda4 sda5, why does it take up 5 paritions when it usuually only takes 1?05:59
thebluewebbb82, by the way, i'd recommend installing vimtutor as well.05:59
Jordan_USakara: Do you know what chroot means?05:59
krdytjaunty is sda 1 2 4 505:59
mackIt's a Dlink usb wireless card05:59
krdytxp took sda305:59
Sakarato some extent06:00
krdyt   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:00
krdyt/dev/sda1               1        6327    50821596   83  Linux06:00
krdyt/dev/sda2            6328        6589     2104515    5  Extended06:00
krdyt/dev/sda3   *        6590       19451   103314015    7  HPFS/NTFS06:00
krdyt/dev/sda5            6328        6589     2104483+  82  Linux swap / Solaris06:00
FloodBot3krdyt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
krdytsorry ;\06:00
krdytthere is not sda406:01
losherZykoticK9: krdyt: actually, I would expect 3 partitions to be in use. root, home and swap. Given that 4 is an extended partition, and 5 is a logical partition inside it, things look normal...06:01
ZykoticK9krdyt, jaunty is technically on sda1 and a linux swap is on sda506:01
SakaraJordan_U: I simply mount the drive from a live session chroot and apt-get grub2?06:01
mackDoes this make sense:  Runing the scripts accomplish all operations including building up modules06:01
mackfrom the source code, installing driver to the kernel and starting up the nic.06:01
mack1. Build up the drivers from the source code06:01
mack  make06:01
mack2. Install the driver to the kernel06:01
FloodBot3mack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:01
mack          make install06:01
Jordan_USakara: Almost06:01
ZykoticK9mack, you need to use Pastebin06:01
mackThanks Floodbot306:01
losherkrdyt: didn't grub install an entry for windows automatically when you installed Ubuntu?06:02
krdytok so to add that to my grub list what would i do for it to boot xp?06:02
krdytno it screwed everything up06:02
Jordan_USakara: You First have to bind mount /proc /sys and /dev, so if your Ubuntu partition is mounted to /media/disk that would be "sudo mount -o bind /proc /media/disk/proc && sudo mount /dev /media/disk/dev && sudo mount /sys /media/disk/sys"06:03
losherkrdyt: which version of Ubuntu did you install?06:03
krdyti have 2 HDD with 2 ubuntu installs, i halved the jaunty since i dont use it often then it overran all and didnt add to anything06:03
grim4593does anyone have a good suggestion for a wireless usb stick? I'd prefer someone have one that is verified to work in linux before i go out and buy one.06:03
Jordan_USakara: Sorry, forgot the "-o bind" in the second two mount commands06:03
krdyti installed XP over Jaunty06:03
krdytwell not over but on same disk seperate partition06:03
cchengrim4593: i am using Linksys WUSB610N06:04
vxrkrdyt:  do u use wubi or what ?06:04
mackOkay, thanks guys, I guess I'm going to educate myself for a while and come back when I'm not quite so ignorant.  Peace!06:04
krdytno vxr06:04
Jordan_Ugrim4593: PCI cards are much more likely to be supported than USB dongles06:04
grim4593does it work out of the box, or do you need mdis?06:04
grim4593i know.06:04
vxrkrdyt: oh, oke.06:05
krdyteverythings been find since jaunty was released06:05
cchengrim4593: it works right out of box.06:05
grim4593okay. i'll look into it then06:05
krdytthen i used gparted live to halve my jaunty partition because i NEED xp06:05
grim4593well, i already have a dlink pci card that works great. i had a netgear usb adapter, but i had to give it to a friend.06:05
ZykoticK9grim4593, i keep a Netgear WG111v2 lying around just in case - which works under 9.04 for sure06:05
krdytso xp is still here, just not in grub boot menu06:05
grim4593that is exactly what i had.06:05
grim4593i might jsut get another one.06:06
losherkrdyt: you can try adding a windows xp entry by hand to your /boot/grub/menu.lst file06:06
grim4593hmm. newegg only has V3's06:06
ag3ntuglythe alfa awus036h works with 9.04 :-)06:06
ZykoticK9krdyt, this post might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19243506:07
SakaraJordan_U: /dev/sda1 -> /media/ubuntu, /proc -> /media/ubuntu/proc, /sys -> /media/ubuntu/sys, /dev -> /media/ubuntu/dev   all done06:07
SakaraJordan_U: chroot /media/ubuntu /bin/bad?06:07
drebesanyone has recompiled the kernel packages in ubuntu?06:08
EeveeI installed karmic alpha 6 on an acer aspire 1410, wiping the drive and partitioning it into / (ext4), swap, and /home (ext4).  it fails to boot with 'ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid> does not exist.'  but that is the correct uuid and it *does* exist according to the initramfs shell I'm dropped to06:08
Jordan_USakara: Ok, now chroot in and "sudo apt-get install grub-pc"06:08
pepeetengo un USB bluetooth y no me anda bien desde que instalé blueman :(06:08
SakaraJordan_U: ok awesome will try it06:08
krdytin that pastebin sdb is my intrepid install06:08
pepeesorry, forgot this is for english06:08
krdytim not sure where or how to add a windows loader in grub06:08
powertool08Is there a way to use samba without opening ports 139 and 445?06:09
Jordan_USakara: It will ask if you want to chainload grub2 or install it, since grub-legacy isn't loading chainloading won't work so choose the option to install grub2 replacing grub-legacy06:09
SakaraJordan_U: makes sense06:09
ZykoticK9Eevee, i think you want the irc channel #ubuntu+106:09
pepeeI have a USB bluetooth adapter, but it doesn't work since i installed blueman :(06:10
EeveeI'm not sure it's strictly a karmic thing; googling turns up reports going back years, but never with a concrete cause or solution06:10
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krdytlosher, here is my grubloader http://paste.ubuntu.com/277621/ would the last 5 lines work?06:11
trpri haven't upgraded in awhile (running 7.10). whats the process for dist-upgrading to the latest version?06:11
SakaraJordan_U: fingers crossed now. rebooting06:11
krdytor should i use (hd0,2)?06:12
Sakaraalright problem again06:12
lstarnestrpr: you might want to see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Gutsy06:12
losherkrdyt: Yes, I would change root (sda3,0) to root (hd0,2)06:12
losher 06:12
Jordan_UEevee: It probably is a karmic specific bug, please ask in #ubuntu+106:12
lstarnestrpr: gutsy (7.10) is no longer supported, but it can be upgraded06:12
Sakarainstead of the "GRUB " repeated over and over again i get "GRUB " and thats it06:12
axlehey, anyone know why a windows woudl go completely unstable and unuseable after 3 days? i just wanted to use vs studios and playsome games etc..06:13
SakaraJordan_U: do the same again but try lilo?06:13
axlei dont get it, 3 days, wtf06:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pendrive06:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:13
losherEevee: if it's really been there for years without a concrete cause or solution, it would be a miracle if someone here tonight magically solved it on this channel...06:14
ZykoticK9Eevee, I was really just trying to be polite as I have NO ideas on your specific problem AND typically when you are using any BETA versions of Ubuntu support in the main IRC channel is discouraged06:14
Sakaradoesn't make sense that both grub and grub2 won't work06:14
lstarnesaxle: if you need help with windows, please join ##windows and ask there.  This channel is for ubuntu only06:14
Eeveelosher: hahaha touché06:14
Jordan_USakara: Do you only have one drive in your machine?06:14
SakaraI have 2 drives in there06:14
EeveeZykoticK9: whoa, just hoping someone more familiar with the linux boot process might be around and wasn't aware of +106:15
krdytill try losher brb.  that cant brick my install can it? im hoping a removal is worst case scenario06:15
brummbaerevening everybody. I'm having difficulty sharing a HP Deskjet F4200 printer from my Ubuntu machine with WinVista, and have already tried all the suggestions in the ubuntu docs and several 'jfgi' solutions. help!06:15
SakaraJordan_U: can remove one of them its just files from an old windows install i am replacing with ubuntu06:15
ZykoticK9Eevee, hint for next time - don't mention your version right away ;)06:15
Eeveeduly noted  8)06:15
losherkrdyt: as long as you don't mess up the rest of the file, you should be fine. Make a copy of your /boot/grub/menu.lst before you edit, just in case...06:15
trprlstarnes: thanks06:15
Sakarabut at some point would like to have that drive in there to move users files back onto the machine06:15
Jordan_USakara: It's worth trying without the other drive, in fact grub could have been installed to the second hard drive's MBR06:16
axlelstarnes: im asking their, im not sure they know06:16
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lstarnesaxle: well we most likely won't06:16
krdyti did losher  brb. thanks06:16
Sakaraok thats06:16
Sakaraa little weird but i guess possible06:17
Sakarawill try and let you know06:17
Sakaraonly one drive plugged in Jordan_U and you were correct06:17
SakaraI now get a Hard Disk Error, DISK BOOT FAILURE message06:18
Jordan_USakara: Try bind mounting and chrooting again but this time run "grub-install /dev/sdX"06:20
Aalinuxman mkinitrd, mkinitrd command not found. Why?06:21
Jordan_UAalinux: Use update-initramfs instead06:22
Sakaragrub-install will install the default grub?06:22
powerpcwhat program is settings>admin>display?06:22
powerpcor prefs>display06:22
lstarnesAalinux: or mkinitramfs06:22
lstarnespowerpc: gnome-display-properties?06:22
AalinuxI was trying to do this .  # mkinitrd -o initrd.img-2.6.25 2.6.25 from http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.html06:23
Jordan_USakara: Since you have the grub2 package installed in the chroot it will install grub206:23
AalinuxCompiling kernel06:23
Aalinuxkernel 2.6.3106:23
Jordan_USakara: You can install grub-lagacy first if you want06:23
lstarnespowerpc: it's contained in the gnome-control-center package06:23
Guest36074Hi all, can someone help me get my wireless working with UNR 9.04 on an acer aspire?06:23
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AalinuxJordan_U: update-initramfs -o initrd.img-2.6.25 2.6.25    is it ok ?06:24
Sakaraits the drive Jordan_U not the partition on the drive as the parameter for grub-install??06:25
Jordan_USakara: Yes, it's the drive06:25
Jordan_USakara: np06:25
metajemoguys, is there a way to leave a message for a user here?06:27
AalinuxJordan_U: update-initramfs -o initrd.img-2.6.25 2.6.25    is it ok ?06:27
Jordan_UAalinux: update-initramfs -c -k <kernel version>06:27
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Jordan_UAalinux: Or use mkinitramfs directly like mkinitrd06:29
AalinuxJordan_U: What will be the complete command? It's linux-2.6.31,  update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.31  ,    Is it correct now?06:29
Jordan_UAalinux: If the file in /boot is "vmlinuz-2.6.31" then yes06:30
AalinuxJordan_U: Yes, there is a file named "vmliz-2.6.31"06:31
Jordan_UAalinux: I'm not sure if update-initramfs will find it if it's named vmliz rather than vmlinuz. Try it, it can't hurt anything06:32
pepeeI have a USB bluetooth adapter, but it doesn't work since i installed blueman :(06:33
pepeewho can help me?06:33
Jordan_USakara: Any luck with grub?06:33
SakaraJordan_U: not yet06:33
Sakarastill getting boot disk failures06:34
pepee# hciconfig hci0 up           Can't init device hci0: Connection timed out (110)06:34
Sakaragoing to downgrade to grub-legacy06:34
Sakaragoing to do a fresh install actually now with only the one drive there06:34
pepee# hciconfig         hci0:   Type: USB         BD Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 ACL MTU: 0:0 SCO MTU: 0:0        DOWN06:35
shastormhi guys06:35
myownserverCan someone give me advise on my array?  http://pastebin.com/d5d0be16406:35
Jordan_USakara: Make sure that when you put the second drive back in the boot order is correct or grub will still be loaded from the second drive06:35
myownserverI'm trying to learn this and I'm missing something.06:35
myownserverWoops, wrong channel.06:35
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SakaraJordan_U: yup i will play around with that thanks06:36
Jordan_USakara: Also, for future reference there is an "advanced" option in the installer where you can choose what drive or partition grub should be installed to06:36
Jordan_USakara: np06:36
pope22I'm looking to install UNR 9.04 on my laptop. It's currently running on my netbook and desktop, but I've been running windows 7 on this one. Is there a way to do so, and preserve my files from windows into the Ubuntu install?06:37
SakaraJordan_U: normally i do but was lazy this time because i knew i was going to wipe one drive completely i just let the installed handle it06:37
pope22no go on carrying windows files over into my ubuntu install?06:39
AalinuxJordan_U: Typo, vmlinuz06:39
DJIndywell this isn't working exactly...06:39
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AalinuxJordan_U: "(12:50:55 PM) Jordan_U: Aalinux: Or use mkinitramfs directly like mkinitrd"  Can you please post the complete command with mkinitramfs?06:40
=== logos is now known as RaviResck
Jordan_Upope22: If you choose to dual boot the installer should offer do import documents and settings from windows06:40
pope22if I dual boot, then manually transfer the files from the win partition to the ubuntu partition, and then expand the ubuntu parition to utilize the entire disk with gparted from the live CD, is there any (reasonable) chance of data loss on the new larger ubuntu partition?06:42
Eeveepope22: gparted wouldn't be very useful if it had a high chance of wrecking your partition while resizing!  that should be fine, I did the same thing when I first installed ubuntu06:43
Lucas156dual boot is the way to go06:43
trakcyiawhat is the command arguement for grep that causes the input to ignore special characters in the pattern?06:44
ubuntuhello I am using livedisc06:44
=== ubuntu is now known as ALT-F4
Lucas156how you like it?06:44
ALT-F4it looks really nice06:44
pope22hmmm...is there any decrease in performance playing media from the windows partition inside of ubuntu?06:45
ALT-F4can it do dual monitors?06:45
loshertrakcyia: man grep will tell you06:45
Lucas156what os u runnin06:45
Lucas156i think so06:45
trakcyialosher, yeah i've spent a good deal of time in there, i want to get this done06:45
tj1111how do you keep the screensaver from coming on when watching a video fullscreen in vlc?06:45
mrgenericuseralt-f4: yes, i'm running dual now...06:45
tj1111on karmic06:45
ALT-F4how do you make it do that?06:46
loshertrakcyia: in mine, it's -F06:46
ALT-F4actually don't answer yet06:46
ALT-F4when it is done installing I will be back06:46
Jordan_UAalinux: mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31 2.6.3106:46
ynkmrgenericuser, please do answer. i'd like to know.06:46
trakcyialosher thank you, i don't know how i missed that06:47
mrgenericuserit is easiest if you are running nvidia or ati binary drivers.  the drivers help you set it up.  else i think you have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  there are tutorials out there for that...06:47
ALT-F4ah, the "restricted" drivers?06:47
mrgenericuserif nvidia... run 'gksu nvidia-settings'06:48
ALT-F4that'd be it for me06:48
ALT-F4I'll remember that when I am finished installing06:48
ALT-F4thank you so much :)06:49
richardcavellMay I ask: What is the dialout group used for?06:49
SakaraJordan_U: you might know the answer to this? is there a theme for ubuntu that makes it almost exactly the same as windows xp06:49
Jordan_Umrgenericuser: Most of the open source drivers support xrandr so you can use System > Preferences > Display to set up dual monitors without touching your xorg.conf manually06:49
SakaraJordan_U: my users are older folks who don't like change all that much06:50
Jordan_USakara: It's not going to fool anyone but the redmond theme looks like the classic windows theme06:50
ynki'm almost frightened to install the drivers for my graphics card, because whenever i do, my monitor goes blank and i am unable to use Ubuntu again. i then have to reinstall the whole darn thing!06:50
mrgenericuserkewl, haven't used open source vid drivers in a while.  like 3d hw accel and it wasn't available in open drivers when i started dualing06:50
SakaraJordan_U: you will be surprised06:51
Jordan_USakara: Trying to fool them into thinking it's windows is probably counter productive06:51
ALT-F4do any of you use the windowmaker desktop environment?06:51
SakaraJordan_U: IE to firefox changeover just had to make the icon for firefox the IE one and the complaining about the crap new internet stopped :D06:51
Jordan_USakara: I would only do it if they ask you to06:51
=== kosmanthus is now known as manthus
ckc037i got a sound problem06:52
sebsebsebynk: which card?06:52
Jordan_USakara: What applications do they normally use in windows?06:52
ckc037when i installed virtualbox06:52
ckc037Intel 965 Motherboard06:52
Sakarathats it06:52
ALT-F4they only use computer for internet?06:52
ckc037how to reinstall sound drivers06:52
ynksebsebseb, an ATI Radeon HD 320006:53
Jordan_USakara: Then you may be able to get away with the redmond theme06:53
SakaraJordan_U: thanks :D06:53
setuidHow can I disable some services from running each time my machine boots? Like mysql, apache, postfix, dovecot, etc.06:53
sebsebsebckc037: You can set up sound for a virtual machine in the Virtualbox settings, also #vbox is the help channel for it06:53
setuidI want them available, but not every time I boot. How do I do that in a clean way?06:53
sebsebsebynk: a pretty new card or?06:53
MasterofPuppetsAnybody available to help me out with a problem really quickly?06:54
Jordan_USakara: Make sure to put a huge Firefox icon on the deskop, or if you absolutely want to kill baby penguins a large IE icon06:54
sebsebseb!ask | MasterofPuppets06:54
ubottuMasterofPuppets: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:54
mrgenericuseri think radeon 3200 is usually integrated isn't it?06:54
ckc037thanks sebseb06:54
Jordan_U!boot | setuid06:54
ubottusetuid: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:54
sebsebsebckc037: np06:54
MasterofPuppetssebsebseb: I just upgraded to Karmic, most recent everything, shut down the machine after the upgrade a few hours ago. Now, I turned it on, and it's logged in but half of the stuff isn't loading06:55
ynksebsebseb, not at all. it's been around for a while now; i'd say no younger than a year old.06:55
sebsebseb!karmic |  MasterofPuppets06:55
ubottuMasterofPuppets: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:55
MasterofPuppetssebsebseb:And, in system monitor, basically everything says "poll_schedule_timeout" in the waiting channel06:55
MasterofPuppetsIs there any way to revert back to jaunty without deleting files?06:55
sebsebseb!downgrade |  MasterofPuppets06:55
ubottuMasterofPuppets: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.06:55
sebsebsebMasterofPuppets: clean install06:56
sebsebsebMasterofPuppets: having a seperate /home helps with those as well06:56
sebsebseb!home |  MasterofPuppets06:56
ubottuMasterofPuppets: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome06:56
MasterofPuppetsDo you think it would let me partition it while everything is hanging?06:56
sebsebsebMasterofPuppets: this isn't the channel for Karmic help, since the final hasn't been released yet06:56
SakaraJordan_U:    =D after a while i changed it back to the firefox icon they complained until i showed then it was exactly the same thign when they clicked the firefox icon and IE icon *taps nose*06:56
sebsebsebMasterofPuppets: and I am not sure, and  you should ask in #ubuntu+106:57
MasterofPuppetsArgh, but update manager forced it on me! Lol06:57
sebsebsebMasterofPuppets: really?06:57
richardcavellHey guys, does it matter if one reassigns the GID of the dialout group?06:58
sebsebsebynk: ok are you trying to install a driver like this?  system > administration > hardware drivers06:58
sebsebsebynk: or another way?06:58
sebsebsebynk: also ATI is a bit bad with  Linux really,  as a result certain people have had ATI graphic card issues in 9.04 and that06:58
sebsebseb!ati |  ynk06:58
ubottuynk: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:58
setuidJordan_U, thanks, that was what I was after06:59
ynksebsebseb, yes i am trying to install whatever drivers it is suggesting me. i had very little control over what it installed. i will check out the links. thanks buddy!06:59
Jordan_Usetuid: np06:59
MasterofPuppetssebsebseb: Yeah, I was going to upgrade, but then I noticed it was quite rough for other users, so I didn't. But I had it marked to update security stuff automatically, and I think it just did...06:59
sebsebsebynk: no problem07:00
sebsebsebMasterofPuppets: you mean karmic updates07:00
MasterofPuppetssebsebseb: No, the "install security updates without confirmation" box is checked07:00
MasterofPuppetsEr, circle07:00
ewpyo i know its offtopic but if you have a night vision camera/goggles, go outside on a clear night. i bet you'll see a UFO!!! i just saw one tonight07:00
Jordan_UMasterofPuppets: That only makes sense if you changed the sources.list manually to karmic, which you shouldn't do07:00
MasterofPuppetsJordan_U: I was playing around a bit with that, so I'm probably at fault07:01
MasterofPuppetsWell, looks like I'm doing a fresh install07:01
brummbaeranyone good w/ networking with Windows? having a hell of a time sharing a HP Deskjet w/ Vista07:02
Lisoborskyone question.... to make changes with GParted, i have to use the livecd?07:02
sebsebseb!cups |  brummbaer07:02
ubottubrummbaer: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:02
ckc037guys how to revert or reinstall sound drivers,07:03
Lisoborskyone question.... to make changes with GParted, i have to use the livecd?07:03
sebsebsebLisoborsky: depends on what those changes are,  gparted can't do stuff to  partitions that are mounted07:03
mrgenericuserbrummbaer, did you cut the security on the windows sharing?  are both systems on the same workgroup?07:03
Lisoborskysebsebseb: i want to make a partition07:03
sebsebseb!gparted |  Lisoborsky07:03
ubottuLisoborsky: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:03
sebsebsebLisoborsky: and yes it's on the Ubuntu Live CD07:03
brummbaeryes mrgenericuser, both on same workgroup, dropped the firewall to make sure that's not the problem...07:04
brummbaernot sure what you mean re: security on windows sharing?07:04
sujiwhat package need to download torrent file in Ubuntu?07:04
Lisoborskyok thanks :D07:04
sebsebsebLisoborsky: np07:04
ewpsuji, transmission will download torrents07:04
SakaraJordan_U: fresh install failed again "GRUB Hard Disk Error"07:05
mrgenericusersuji, use transmission, already installed applications>internet>transmission07:05
Sakaraonly one drive07:05
sujiit won't work, when i add any torrent file nothing will happen.07:05
Jordan_USakara: Did you get that error during install or at boot?07:05
Sakaraon boot07:05
mrgenericuserbrummbaer, printer on linux share to windows?07:06
SakaraJordan_U: I am running out of ideas07:06
brummbaermrgenericuser, aye.07:06
fallenpoetsuji - what do you mean nothing is happening? The torrent is not downloading or the torrent isn't showing in the program?07:07
sujithe torrent is not downloading07:07
Jordan_USakara: This is at least a different error than before :)07:07
brummbaerconfirmed printer and server settings set for sharing per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu07:08
Sakarathis is true07:08
fallenpoetsuji - did you check that the torrent isn't dead? or that your router isn't blocking it's port?07:08
sujifallenpoet: how to check that?07:09
brummbaerhey mrgenericuser, do you know offhand how to check system workgroup? i've just been setting the workgroup through smb.conf, just realized that probably doesn't affect cupsd07:09
jacquesdupontdi dont know why but my menu bar has disapeared07:09
fallenpoetsuji - the port or if it's dead?07:10
jacquesdupontdand i think its since i installed emerald but not sure07:10
jacquesdupontdwhere do we set to have a menu bar or not07:10
Sakarasomethign really funky up there Jordan_U. I suspect its hardware related. Its too hot today to be pulling things out of computers this will have to be a job for another time07:11
optimus_twhat is the command to get the list of synaptic packages?07:11
sujifallenpoet: my listening port is 51413 and it said port is closed07:11
Jordan_USakara: Try upgrading to grub2 again, it might at least give a more helpfull error message407:11
Jordan_U!clone | optimus_t07:11
ubottuoptimus_t: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:11
fallenpoetsuji - then you'll need to open that port on your rounter07:12
Jordan_Uoptimus_t: Is that what you wanted?07:12
jacquesdupontdso what about this menu bar is very annoying07:12
optimus_tJordan_U: No way near07:12
sujifallenpoet: how to? i dn't know.07:12
fallenpoetsuji - what router you have?07:13
optimus_tJordan_U: But i dind not get u also.07:13
Jordan_Uoptimus_t: Ok, please try to explain more clearly what you want07:13
SakaraJordan_U: Will do07:13
optimus_tJordan_U: Just get an list of packages which are not yet installed on my machine07:14
mrgenericuseri think that would be fine, but i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268245  looks like default cupsd.conf only listens to local machine.  does that help?07:14
sujifallenpoet: i dn't know about that, it is office system. i dn't have my own system.07:14
sujifallenpoet:  here how to know?07:14
addisonjlooking for support for a verizon wireless mobile broadband card, anyone gotten those to work?07:16
=== andi is now known as shinta
loshersuji: sorry, but most companies don't want you downloading torrents on to office computers, and deliberately block ports so you can't do it...07:17
Jordan_USakara: Looks like that error is sometimes caused by a buggy bios. A bios update might solve it07:18
sujilosher: oh! okey.07:18
fallenpoetsuji - if you don't have access to the router then you won't be able to open the port. But here is a link when you have access to the router http://portforward.com/07:18
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:19
mrgenericuserbrummbaer does changing cupsd.conf listning settings help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26824507:20
sujifallenpoet: is it won't affect any other things?07:20
fallenpoetsuji - what do you mean?07:21
sujifallenpoet: sorry nothing...07:21
fallenpoetsuji - ok07:21
chuck_Just wondering if anyone knew where a driver can be downloaded for a wusb54gc v.3 usb wireless adpater from linksys?07:26
brummbaermrgenericuser, sadly no, that also doesn't do it.07:28
brummbaeri'm thinking maybe totally uninstall cupsd, samba, hplip, reinstall and start from scratch.07:28
ricewwhats the best way to search google with  strading.com  on its url?07:29
SakaraJordan_U: its quite an old system07:29
mrgenericusercan you share it the other way round?07:29
Sushubh4GB swap, 15GB / and rest for /home07:29
jacquesdupontdi found the answer global menu applet07:29
SakaraJordan_U: GA-7VA motherboards were terrible motherboards to begin with never mind 10 years on07:30
und3rgr0undz3r0Hey I cant boo tmy external CD drive, is there a boot floppy I can create to install Ubuntu?07:30
sebsebsebricew: What's that?07:30
ricewsebsebseb-> im trying to use google to look for a url that contains strading.com07:30
mrgenericuseri have an hp 1020 that doesn't like linux and has to be shared from windows to work on both07:30
sebsebsebricew: what's that for a website?07:31
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: you could create a boot floppy to kick off the boot on the CD I guess07:31
SakaraJordan_U: grub2 gives same message + "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"07:31
und3rgr0undz3r0ActionParsnip, how would I go about doing that?07:31
ricewsebsebseb-> yes, actually its something like  b???strading.com07:31
und3rgr0undz3r0ActionParsnip, Im using windows ATM07:31
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: loading opera as we speak ;) lets see what jeeves knows07:31
mechdaveund3rgr0undz3r0, yes, you can use a grub boot disk to boot into linux see --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:32
sebsebsebricew: what kind of website is it?  also your question is off topic  #ubuntu-offtopic07:32
ricewsebsebseb-> yes it could be in off topic, just curious if one knows the quickest way to search such url with that string on it07:33
sebsebsebricew: What is strading.com ?07:33
chuck_Anyone know anything about getting a driver for a wusb54gc?07:33
brummbaerwell mrgenericuser, i owe you one.07:33
Jordan_USakara: Have you ever successfully installed linux with this motherboard?07:33
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy07:33
brummbaernot sure exactly what it was, but it just went through.07:33
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: jeeves knows all07:33
ricewsebsebseb-> it has those string on the url, that is not the complete url07:33
SakaraJordan_U: many moons ago yes then it became a windows xp workstation for a while now its going back to ubuntu and not wanting to do it07:33
und3rgr0undz3r0Thanks guys, im gonna give this another go07:33
sebsebsebricew: oh07:34
jacquesdupontd_hm last question07:34
Jordan_USakara: What version of Ubuntu worked before?07:34
mrgenericuserawesome, glad it worked.... eventually......;)07:34
jacquesdupontd_i tried to use the remote desktop control between 2 of my computers07:34
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: this is better: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManager07:34
SakaraJordan_U: 5.0407:34
ttyXanyone using karmic alpha 6?07:34
sebsebseb!karmic | ttyX07:35
ubottuttyX: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:35
ttyXI've got a question regarding wireless nhetworking07:35
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: sbm dosnt recognise usb cd drives07:35
jacquesdupontd_and from the laptop i can see the desktop and connect on it and my mouse is moving but it seems that any click does nothing07:35
und3rgr0undz3r0ActionParsnip, Tried SMB didnt work! and the link you sent me is for working on an ubuntu box, im using windows07:35
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: the second link uses windows07:35
SakaraJordan_U: will try lilo might work and/or give me more descriptive messages07:35
adokis it possible to pass more then one argument into a command in bash?07:35
ricewadok yes07:35
chuck_I've been working on my wireless adapter (unsuccessfully) for about 6 days now. :(07:35
ttyXfor some odd reason it doesn't show my hotspot in under wireless networks07:36
Sushubhguys. how much space should i devote to / for a HDD size of 130GB07:36
ttyXis it normal?07:36
ActionParsnipchuck_: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network    ?07:36
ricewchuck-> which chip does your wifi card have?07:36
spartacuzhi all07:36
adokricew, i would like to make something for ssh command, like ssh -l $user -p $port $ip07:36
Jordan_USakara: Is there a BIOS update available?07:36
ActionParsnipchuck_: actually use: udo lshw -C network | grep product    ?07:36
und3rgr0undz3r0SO the grub boot floppy will see my USB CD Drive and let me install Ubuntu?07:36
RPSwill break?07:36
ricewadok thats perfectly okay, just watch out for bash expansion07:37
ttyXmy wifi adapter gets detected fine07:37
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: no SBM wont see usb cd roms07:37
jacquesdupontd_could someone answer me ?07:37
jacquesdupontd_i'm sure it's taking 2 minutes please07:37
und3rgr0undz3r0ActionParsnip, So i'm screwed?07:37
ricew!ask | jacquesdupontd07:37
ubottujacquesdupontd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:37
ActionParsnipjacquesdupontd_: turn off desktop oeefects, is it better?07:37
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: could b=install from USB07:37
adokricew, so in .bashrc this would work like... alias='ssh -l $user -p $port $ip'07:38
mechdavechuck_, what version is it?07:38
chuck_ *-network07:38
chuck_       description: Ethernet interface07:38
chuck_       product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller07:38
chuck_       vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.07:38
chuck_       physical id: 007:38
chuck_       bus info: pci@0000:03:00.007:38
chuck_       logical name: eth007:38
chuck_       version: 0207:38
silv3r_m00nhi there07:38
chuck_       serial: 00:24:21:10:56:9207:38
chuck_       size: 100MB/s07:38
chuck_       capacity: 1GB/s07:38
chuck_       width: 64 bits07:38
chuck_       clock: 33MHz07:38
chuck_       capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix vpd bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp mii 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd 1000bt 1000bt-fd autonegotiation07:38
silv3r_m00nI tried to install a modem driver (conexant) and sound(had intel ) stopped working07:38
chuck_       configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=r8169 driverversion=2.3LK-NAPI duplex=full ip= latency=0 link=yes module=r8169 multicast=yes port=MII speed=100MB/s07:38
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/07:38
chuck_  *-network:007:38
Jordan_U!paste > chuck_07:38
ubottuchuck_, please see my private message07:38
silv3r_m00nwhat shud I do now ?07:38
chuck_       description: Ethernet interface07:38
chuck_       physical id: 107:38
chuck_       logical name: virbr007:38
mechdavechuck_, can you use a patebin next time please07:38
MrSchmohey guys my x64 ubuntu video graphics a times acts funny. sometime when watch youtube hd or x264 videos my cpu would spike up high cause video to freeze/slowdown until its unwatchable. this issue comes on randomly until the computer is restarted. any know issue with the intel 4500mhd?07:38
Sakaralooking now07:38
ricewadok  something like   alias namehere='xxxxx  xxxx'07:38
Sakarajust realised its not got the mother board i thought it did in it07:39
und3rgr0undz3r0I odnt have usb 2.0 ActionParsnip07:39
sebsebsebmechdave: he got banned by the looks of it07:39
Sakaraits got a different one will look07:39
RPSI'm curious to hear any feedback on firefox 3.5 if any one cares to share their experience. By pm is fine as to not bother others07:39
sebsebsebmechdave: or someone did07:39
jussi01sebsebseb: nope, not banned, muted for a time.07:39
Jordan_U!offtopic | RPS07:40
ActionParsnipchuck_: realtek make source code for drivers to allow you to compile them: http://tinyurl.com/ychl8w507:40
SakaraJordan_U: the bios update is a windows executable07:40
ubottuRPS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:40
sebsebsebjussi01: ah ok07:40
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: then go buy one for pence07:40
und3rgr0undz3r0im using anold laptop with no USB Boot support, 300 mhz CPU 256 ram on windows XP (not sure how it got on here)07:40
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: otherwise, yes you are screwed07:40
BodsdaHi, I am looking for a new music player. I do not like vlc or totem for music and rhythmbox is getting old, I also do not wish to have to install a bucket of kdelibs to be able to run it. Can anyone make some suggestions?07:40
Jordan_USakara: Generally you create a FreeDOS boot floppy for BIOS upgrades07:40
ActionParsnipund3rgr0undz3r0: you could take the drive out and buy a cable to install the OS in a regular PC, you can then transfer the HDD to the lapyop07:41
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs07:41
jussi01Bodsda: ^^07:41
silv3r_m00nI tried to install hsf modem driver >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant   and after installation no sound .....how to reverse it ?07:41
Jordan_Uund3rgr0undz3r0: Have you tried wubi?07:41
Bodsdajussi01: your personal preference out of those would be?07:41
SemiSonicAnyone know what the command lines are for Wubi.. I need to change the tmp directory it uses07:41
und3rgr0undz3r0Jordan_U, I want a full ubuntu computer, not the weird Wubi installer, this HD is only 6gb07:41
ActionParsnipSemiSonic: try: wubi.exe /?07:41
Sakarawhats a floppy :D07:41
ricewSemiSonic-> i dont think  you can, its hard coded07:41
jussi01Bodsda: depends on the use case. banshee is nice, there are lots of nice ones - try them out!07:42
SemiSonicI have tried that07:42
Jordan_Uund3rgr0undz3r0: It's possible to go from wubi to a full install07:42
Bodsdajussi01: ok, cheers... just one other thing, can any of them be themed?07:42
und3rgr0undz3r0Jordan_U, Really? have you got a link?07:42
jussi01Bodsda: no idea, but I guess most of them respect gtk themeing07:42
dehqangood day everyone , what is the best way to connect from one ubuntu 2 another for having another command line ?07:42
ricewSemiSonic-> perhaps one you got it running you try the mount command the rebind /tmp07:43
Bodsdajussi01: yeah, ok cheers :)07:43
ricewSemiSonic-> perhaps once* you got it running you try the mount command the rebind /tmp07:43
SemiSonicYep tried that :)07:43
SemiSonicset TMP=Xxxx07:43
Jordan_Uund3rgr0undz3r0: There's also a Debian installer that will replace windows from windows without extra boot media: http://goodbye-microsoft.com/07:43
SemiSonicStupid thing keeps saying pemission denied07:43
ricewSemiSonic-> nope, tmpfs not setting TMP07:43
jussi01Bodsda: apt-cache show <package>  - gives you a nice description07:43
sebsebseb!ssh > dehqan07:43
ubottudehqan, please see my private message07:43
ALT-F4hello, this may sound stupid but how do I run nvidia-xconfig as root?07:43
und3rgr0undz3r0Jordan_U, I'm on a wifi connection with no network support, does it need to be a network supported install?07:43
ActionParsnipSemiSonic: change it in environmental variables. I forget where it is in the OS. Ask in ##windows07:44
und3rgr0undz3r0unless it can detect by broadcom lol07:44
rleeanyone aware of why packages are missing during the update from a vanilla jaunty install?07:44
Ian_ALT-F4: gksudo nvidia-settings07:44
ActionParsnipSemiSonic: once its changed you may need to reboot. You can then install wubi and all its godawfulness then boot to windows to change it back07:44
rleei just checked the archive site and the packages aren't there.07:44
Jordan_Uund3rgr0undz3r0: I believe the debian installer needs network support, yes07:44
SemiSonichaha.. i just wanna try it with dual monitors don't wanna commit fully yet07:45
und3rgr0undz3r0I'll do some poking around to see if it can detect my broadcom linksys card on the installer07:45
SemiSonicstupid ATI radeon x1050 don't work with live cd07:45
ALT-F4You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.07:45
Jordan_Uund3rgr0undz3r0: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html07:45
jussi01ALT-F4: sudo nvidia-xconfig then :)07:45
ActionParsnipSemiSonic: you can install it to USB. Use that, so much better as you dont have windows rubish to worry about as well07:45
SemiSonicWell it does work.. but then freeze's after ya login07:45
SemiSonicMMm thanks ActionParsnip might just do that07:46
ActionParsnipSemiSonic: you can put the CD on a 1Gb USB stick and be fine07:46
ActionParsnipSemiSonic: 1Gb USB costs as much as you can find in the back of thesofa07:46
ActionParsnip*the sofa07:46
und3rgr0undz3r0Jordan_U, thanks, i'll try to see wich one works better for me07:47
SemiSonicI got a few laying around here sum where.. *Looks under all the mess* LOL07:47
rleethese updates are missing in jaunty vanilla upgrade:07:47
FloodBot3rlee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:47
ALT-F4jussi01: same error message07:47
SemiSonicThanks.. catch ya07:48
Jordan_USakara: Random thing that probably won't work, try booting from the LiveCD and choosing "Boot from first hard disk". It shouldn't be any different but there are reports that it works with at least one buggy BIOS07:48
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ALT-F4thanks for your help :)07:49
ALT-F4I may be back soon.07:49
hey_boywhere can I edit services in Ubuntu Jaunty?07:50
Jordan_U!boot | hey_boy07:50
ubottuhey_boy: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:50
purplefoolso, was here 2 days ago about a dual boot problem.  with my dual boot i get 2 choices, ubuntu (no version) and winxp.  in all the examples there are more choices for which ubuntu should be booted.  with mine i cannot choose a default boot.07:50
und3rgr0undz3r0I get an error saying it can find files with the debian exe07:51
ActionParsnip!grub | purplefool reinstall grub07:51
ubottupurplefool reinstall grub: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:51
purplefoolcan anyone suggest a solution?` have tried to change menu.lst defaults without success.07:51
mechdavepurplefool, what version of Ubuntu have you installed?07:51
SakaraJordan_U: can you believe it :D it works07:51
purplefoolActionParsnip,  and ubottu ...hmmm...ok,  windows was installed first though and that always sounded extreme...07:52
SakaraJordan_U: most certainly is a bios problem was able to boot the system no trouble from the CD menu07:52
ActionParsnippurplefool: why? it only changes the MBR and checks for bootable OSes. It will set your menu.lst right07:52
purplefoolmechdave, the latest but cannot find the exact numbers right now...07:53
ActionParsnippurplefool: its not going to touch windows at all, only menu.lst07:53
mechdavepurplefool, Ok, no worries, can you pastebin the contents of your menu.lst file?07:53
jussi01purplefool: sudo update-grub07:53
purplefoolActionParsnip, ok will try it.  i really don't care about windows...just a couple programs are there that i need (grrr...)07:53
ActionParsnipmaybe there are open alternatives07:54
ActionParsnipor wine07:54
adokdoes anybody know how to change the title in gnome-terminal to the hostname in a ssh session?07:55
ActionParsnipadok: do you mean in the window decorator?07:55
ActionParsniphi indus07:55
adokActionParsnip, i mean in the tabs07:55
mechdaveG'day indus07:56
purplefooljussi01, what did i just do?  things were found (no splash) and kernals were discovered...does this do anything?07:56
adokActionParsnip, i know i can set to any title, but i would like to make it dynamic07:56
indushmm mechdave you too07:56
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jussi01purplefool: it just did a detection of whats available and added it to your menu.lst07:57
hey_boyis there an alternative to the NetworkManager service in Jaunty?07:57
detuneyourradioi need some quick help with dual monitors + ati catalyst 9.7 + ubuntu 9.04.  just wondering if it's possible to switch which one is display 1 and which one id display 2?07:57
ActionParsnipadok: could make a script to make it launch and change automigically07:57
purplefooljussi01, and it found the different kernals but these are the ones that come up in a normal dual boot...guess i need to restart to find out if this has affected my boot *sigh*07:58
adokActionParsnip, well, its like i want if i start in the Default (local) profile, but then if i so ssh, it doesnt update or shows the path07:58
ActionParsnipadok: i see your point07:59
ActionParsnipadok: not sure tbh. I can see how its useful though07:59
ActionParsnipadok: submit it as a feature request08:00
kubanchow to look in terminal, if i am using the selected package ?08:00
mrgenericuserdetuneyourradio: you should be able to, though once i had to turn off .2 then restart gdm , the turn it back on, but i have been using nvidia for a while now08:00
adokActionParsnip, ye.. i usuaslly do alot of remote sessions, and having a dynamic title would help alot08:00
brand0conI've installed totem-xine, ubuntu-restricted-extras and vlc but still cant see video for avi files.  any suggestions?08:00
adokActionParsnip, thank you, i will08:00
brand0conI get a badalloc error in the terminal08:01
brand0concoming from x08:01
Xtevenhi, does anyone know if google calendar read/write support works yet in the latest evolution calendar ?08:02
detuneyourradiomrgenericuser, thanks, i'll try that!08:02
fallenpoetbrand0con - did you try this how to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 for you avi problem08:06
fallenpoethi h1231enry08:06
eowk223hello there!08:07
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IledenHi! I'm experiencing some weirdness - I have an SD card mounted, and when I disconnect the card without unmounting (for testing purposes), the directory structure is still available, and I can even read contents of a text file! The mount does become read only... is this a feature of LVM (which I'm using on the card)? Should it do this?08:09
ricewIleden-> how was it mounted?  type mount08:10
Iledenricew: /dev/mapper/vg-lv0 on /media/t type ext4 (rw,commit=600)08:10
Iledenricew: It's mounted without any specified mount options. (I'm not sure which mount options I should be using.)08:11
ricewIleden-> it could be, i dont know much about logical volume manager08:11
Laughing_GodWhat is the users friendly OS in linux??Im newbie so what would be easy for beginners???08:12
Iledenricew: It doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong, though. When I connect the card and remount it, everything seems ok...08:12
TvmbledownHi, guys. Back with another set of interesting questions.08:12
mrgenericuserIleden: i think it's getting cached. always unmount, i've lost entire flash drive contents by not unmounting...08:12
ewpLaughing_God, it is Ubuntu, of course :-)08:12
BaxtorHi guys, wondering if anyone knows a command i can use to auto start a program (conky in this case) 60 seconds after boot?08:13
Iledenricew: I'm just worried I'm mounting it wrong and that might cause problems later.08:13
TvmbledownI need to install Ubuntu on an EXTREMELY low-end system - an old ThinkPad 600, with a Pentium II and about 128 megs of ram.08:13
Laughing_GodWhere can i find the guideline or guideline to use this OS ubuntu?08:13
Blueytv - ubuntu server...08:13
ewpTvmbledown, then do it08:13
Blueycomand line only08:13
TvmbledownAnd I need to do it WITHOUT access to the internet.08:13
IledenLaughing_God: Mint Linux has some satisfied users too. It's ubuntu based as far a  I know.08:13
Blueyiirc x requires a min of 256 meg08:14
TvmbledownAlso, I really really want to be able to run some kind of desktop environment.08:14
Laughing_GodCan i use unbuntu to make shells ?08:14
TvmbledownIt runs the Mepis variant, AntiX, without much trouble.08:14
Blueylaughing - shell scripts?08:14
ewpLaughing_God, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/08:14
Iledenmrgenericuser: Yeah, I plan to unmount when _intentionally_ removing the card. :)08:14
LogicFanLaughing_God, yes.  shells are just shared access accounts on a unix-based machine08:14
Laughing_GodNop. Making shells08:14
fallenpoetBaxtor - you would need to make a scrip in which you would put sleep 6008:14
mechdaveTvmbledown, you might be better off with a small footprint system like DSL or similar (DSL = Damn Small Linux)08:15
Baxtorexactly what i am after, thanks fallenpoet08:15
fallenpoetBaxtor - no problem08:16
Tvmbledownmechdave:  I'm actually using AntiX on it, which is a Mepis-based system (still Debian), after trying out DSL.08:16
Laughing_GodPeople seems to make shells and giving to people using Linux OS.just want to know that is that true?08:16
Iledenmrgenericuser: problem is, I'd like to be prepared for it to be removed by accident. that is, not losing all the contents...08:16
Tvmbledownmechdave: However, I have no way of getting internet access on this thing, and I want to add a few games.08:16
Bob_DoleDSL is basically unsupported now. One of the main devs quit or something.08:17
Tvmbledownmechdave: I haven't come up with any other way to do it than grabbing the packages on a net-capable machine and installing them... But the packages are ubuntu-specific.08:17
mechdaveTvmbledown, usb port?08:17
Tvmbledownmechdave: Got one, so a flash drive is possible, but I can't boot from it - BIOS doesn't support it.08:17
void_pointer!my | Laughing_God08:17
ubottuLaughing_God: bantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my08:17
mechdaveTvmbledown, that's alright, just download on another computer and then put them on usb stick and transfer to laptop08:18
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Laughing_GodI think im more okey with english08:18
Tvmbledownmechdave: Yeah... That's what would be pretty awesome, but it hasn't worked like that so far. The packages are Ubuntu-specific, and I'm running into some problems there, mainly dependency-related.08:19
ImGonnaWinehi, i down loaded wine and installed it. (i think I installed it)  how do I start up wine?08:19
rskiImGonnaWine: type wine in the terminla and press enter08:19
Blueytype wine <windowsapplication>08:19
mattcenHi all, I'm looking for some information on how to use 'uvesafb' on Jaunty, so that my TTY will support 1680x1050 (my monitor's native resolution). Anybody here able to help?08:20
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Laughing_Godkubuntu or ubuntu? What is the diffrents?08:20
mechdaveTvmbledown, if you go to http://packages.ubuntu.com you can search for packages and it will tell you what packages depend on what08:20
mattcenLaughing_God: One uses KDE as its default Window Manager, and the other uses GNOME as its default08:21
ImGonnaWinerski, ok, I saw it.  not a lot of documentation but its a start.  I used doors to down load ie6, how do I fire that up?08:21
Laughing_God KDE means what?08:21
Laughing_GodGNOME  means what?08:21
Blueygnome is a graphical user interface -08:21
tstebutTrying to upgrade my intrepid to jaunty, but update-manager doesn't provide this option, why ?08:22
ImGonnaWinewhy is everything so hard in linux08:22
Laughing_God KDE means what??08:22
Blueylinux allows any - windows only has one08:22
BoohbahK Desktop Environment, GNU Networked Object Model Environment08:22
rskiImGonnaWine: i have no idea on howto use winedoors08:22
Tvmbledownmechdave: Is there a way to do that for Debian systems other than Ubuntu? Specifically in this instance, AntiX (a Mepis variant).08:22
rskiImGonnaWine: because you dont know how to do it yet08:22
mattcenLaughing_God: "K Desktop Environment" www.kde.org  "GNU Object Model Environment" http://www.gnome.org/08:22
Elonequestion? can i put swapfile in FAT32 partition?08:22
tstebutTrying to upgrade my intrepid to jaunty, but update-manager doesn't provide this option, why ?08:22
mechdaveTvmbledown, yep, try http://packages.debian.org08:23
Boohbahmattcen: the N is for 'Networked'08:23
leaf-sheeptstebut: Because it's not something (so easy) to be toyed around with. :)08:23
rskiElone: only if you want to torture yourself08:23
Tvmbledownmechdave: I may be misunderstanding, but they all look ubuntu-specific.08:23
ImGonnaWinerski, if linux really wants to be main stream, then ease of use and FULL documentation for non it professionals will be necessary to succeed.08:24
Blueyi dunno if you can put a swap file on fat 32 - mine says: /dev/sda5: TYPE="swap"08:24
mechdaveTvmbledown, sorry... hang on for a sec08:24
Boohbahmattcen: of just 'Network'08:24
rskiImGonnaWine: ok, is that a question or?08:24
Boohbahmattcen: but i see they have changed it, so you are right08:24
IledenI have a memory card with LVM file system (weirdly enough, this is so I can suspend my laptop with the disk connected...). What mount options should I be using in /etc/fstab for mounting the LVM partition?08:25
ImGonnaWinerski, whats your point.08:25
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mattcenBoohbah: I just saw it in the little info top that Google popped up above gnome.org; I can't actually find the meaning *on* the site at all though.08:25
Elonei am thinking have the ~4GB first partition  as pafefile.sys and swap with that so windows and ubuntu can use that as swap~ is that possible?08:25
Guest77426good morning!08:25
ImGonnaWinedoes anyone here know how to use wine? and would they like to assist me to get it going on my system?08:25
rskiImGonnaWine: no point08:25
rskiImGonnaWine: just a question08:25
ImGonnaWinerski, there is always a point08:26
rskiok the point was getting an answear08:26
rskipretty obvious08:26
mechdaveTvmbledown, you could download the big dvd image08:26
Tvmbledownmechdave: The alternative I'm totally open to is, Install Ubuntu to the laptop... Problem is, the laptop A) is very very very low-end in terms of speed and RAM, and B) has NO internet access of any kind. This means a standard install would make for a brutally slow machine, and...08:26
DJonesImGonnaWine: Have you asked in wine's own channel? you're best bet is to ask in #winehq thats their main support channel08:26
ImGonnaWineis there a manual for wine?08:26
Tvmbledownmechdave: And the "LowMemorySystem" install on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems wouldn't work.08:26
rskiImGonnaWine: docs @ winehq.org08:26
ImGonnaWineon freenode?  djones08:27
Boohbah!winehq | ImGonnaWine08:27
ubottuImGonnaWine: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:27
Tvmbledownmechdave: In what way would that help? :) No DVD drive, and slow slow slow machine.08:27
DJonesImGonnaWine: Yes08:27
mattcenImGonnaWine: http://www.winehq.org/help/ is a good place to start08:27
rskiImGonnaWine: dont ask about winedoors support there thou, they will make fun of you. only wine is supported there08:27
ALT-F4yeah got dual monitors now08:27
ALT-F4thanks to the guy that helped me :)08:27
ImGonnaWineBoohbah, thanks!08:27
mechdaveTvmbledown, I think we should take ourselves to #ubuntu-offtopic to continue our conversation :)08:28
ALT-F4can anyone tell me how to install window maker with gnome enabled?08:28
ImGonnaWinerski, thanks for the tip.  I thought wine doors was part of wine.  thanks good to know it is not.08:28
ImGonnaWinethanks djones.08:28
DJonesImGonnaWine: You're welcome08:28
mattcenNobody know anything about Uvesa?08:28
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silverfastTvmbledown : install xubuntu with alternate cd and get updates from another machine using http://keryxproject.org/08:29
tstebutwell :) what should I do ?08:30
tstebutI'd like to toy it yet....08:30
tstebutBut at first, looking for an explanation of it's no-providing-this-option-state...08:30
tstebutleaf-sheep : nice day isn't it ? :)08:30
tstebutsorry I lost my connection08:30
Tvmbledownsilverfast: Is xubuntu going to be as resource-light as I need? This is a machine that runs DSL and AntiX comfortably, not lightning-fast.08:30
leaf-sheeptstebut: Not rly. I can't see anything outside right now. It's scary thing right now. :(08:31
dehqanthanks <sebsebseb08:31
BoohbahImGonnaWine: np. also check the wine application compatibility db for your particular app08:31
Guest77426im having some recognition problems with 2 hds, one with ubuntu and one with windows.... since its windows related and not only ubuntu, can i ask for help here?08:31
mattcenTvmbledown: Xubuntu is the most lightweight official distribution, and there's nothing stopping you from installing an even lighter window manager etc. if you find it's too resource intensive.08:32
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Tvmbledownmattcen: Does it recognize packages etc. the same way vanilla Ubuntu does?08:32
silverfastTvmbledown: check http://www.xubuntu.org/get08:32
Tvmbledownsilverfast and mattcen, thanks. :)08:32
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mattcenTvmbledown: Certainly! It's basically the same operating system, with a different skin on it.08:33
silverfastTvmbledown : or you should stick with dsl or try puppy08:33
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tstebutleaf-sheep : oh sorry....Well it appears that jaunty is a developement version, not a release, right ?08:33
bubillnow time is Friday Sep 25 2009  3:33pm08:33
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Tvmbledownsilverfast: If I'm reading this right, the purpose of keryx is to make packages available to computers without internet access?08:34
mattcenIt's slightly sad that I came in here *looking* for help, and ended up giving it instead :P08:34
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leaf-sheeptstebut: Jaunty was a release in April 2008.  Karmic is a development version, will be released next month.08:34
silverfastTvmbledown:yes,but if you have internet then I misunderstand you sorry08:35
mattcenleaf-sheep: You mean 2009.08:35
leaf-sheeptstebut: Jaunty is a current (and the latest) release at the moment.08:35
Tvmbledownsilverfast: Nah, you got it, actually. :) Thank you!08:35
leaf-sheepmattcen: Yes.08:35
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silverfastTvmbledown: np  ;)08:35
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leaf-sheep!nickspam > clown208:36
ubottuclown2, please see my private message08:36
tstebutleaf-sheep : oh but why do I have to do a "update-manager -d" to see it ??08:36
ActionParsnipif I have a text file of packagenames, how can I uninstall them please?08:36
leaf-sheeptstebut: Because that's an upgrade. If you're coming from Windows mindset, then it'd be *almost* same thing as going from Windows 98 to Windows 2000.  Etc cetera.08:37
ricewActionParsnip-> man dpkg08:37
silverfastleaf-sheep: Jaunty was released in april 200908:37
ALT-F4can anyone tell me how I can install window maker with gnome enabled on Ubuntu? Please?08:37
ActionParsnipricew: cheers08:37
DJones!cloning | ActionParsnip How did you create the test file, does this cloning factoid help at all?08:38
ubottuActionParsnip How did you create the test file, does this cloning factoid help at all?: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate08:38
ALT-F4window maker desktop environment, that is08:38
Mohammad[B]how to i can record this live stream file in Ubuntu  ? http://www.voanews.com/wm/live/live-persian-v.asx08:38
leaf-sheepALT-F4: Windows Maker?  Explain more, plz.08:39
ActionParsnipDJones: yeah thats where I got the file list from. I'm thinking just switch install for remove and be good08:39
tstebutleaf-sheep : ok, well I suppose it's normal to say it's a development rel as in this context development's got to mean something else than the first meaning I got08:40
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leaf-sheeptstebut: Not really. People are still using Gutsy (7.04), Hardy (8.04 LTS), or Intrepid (8.10) today and they can upgrade anytime when they want.  Some want to stay behind to ensure stability and such.  To each his own.  Latest isn't always the good thing. ;)08:41
tstebutBeing off the thing is a hard job nowadays ;)08:42
tstebutleaf-sheep, what's your version ?08:43
leaf-sheeptstebut: Jaunty 9.04 amd64.08:43
tstebutyeah !08:44
silverfastActionParsnip :http://paste.ubuntu.com/277692/08:46
tstebutleaf-sheep :  Jaunty 9.04 core2duo , GTMY :)08:46
* tstebut help08:47
ActionParsnipsilverfast: cheers dude :)08:47
* tstebut having a shower :p08:47
silverfastActionParsnip : try it on your own risc   :p08:48
ActionParsnipsilverfast: will do later, at work now08:48
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ZykoticK9I have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor and am having troubles trying to get CPU frequency controls to work.  cpufreq-selector says "No cpufreq support" and cpudynd says "CPU frequency control disabled".  Any hints?08:51
abelrian jak08:51
squarreleverything works08:53
squarrelin the OS08:53
indusZykoticK9: enable cool and quiet in bios08:56
indusZykoticK9: or it wont work08:56
ZykoticK9indus, thanks.  I'll look into that -- the next time I reboot :)08:57
ActionParsniphahha, reboot08:58
gujaassuming that I have Hardy LTS, will that release ever became "old" and unsupported? I mean, having updates set to LTS, is there also circle of updates/upgrades as on regular releases, but it is just way longer time between releases or is something like Hardy is supported for 5 years, and then bye bye, you have to re-install the system?09:02
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0409:03
ActionParsnipguja: yes it will eventually become unsupported but its not for a while09:04
gujaokay, so when Hardy becomes unofficial, what happens? "new upgrade to 10.04 available" will show in my update manager or?09:04
rskiguja: you can upgrade LTS->LTS09:04
leaf-sheepguja: Yup.09:04
csabaI have uninstalled the ATI drivers but the ATI Control Center item is still in the Applications menu in Gnome. How to remove it?09:04
ActionParsnipguja: sure, 10.04 is available in 20(10) in the 4th month (April)09:04
csabaIn the Add/Remove dialog ATI Catalyst is already deselected09:04
leaf-sheepguja: You'd run a command to update to LTS.  However, that isn't going to happen for long time.09:04
ActionParsnipguja: hardy is support for 3 years after 200(8) 4th month (April)09:05
gujaleaf-sheep: i see. and based on what LTS versions are chosen?09:05
alkisg_workDoes dhclient in Ubuntu send dns-updates by default?09:05
rskiguja: timebased afaik09:05
csabahow to remove a menu item from the Applications menu? Add/remove doesn't work09:05
leaf-sheepguja: Every X years.09:06
ActionParsnipalkisg_work: the standard for DNS servers states they must send periodic updates09:06
ActionParsnipalkisg_work: as far as I am aware09:06
gujaokay, thanks folks. got that.09:06
aethelrickcsaba: click system, preferences, main menu09:06
ActionParsnipalin_badila: if they are told to, you can disable it but the standard default is to advertise09:07
alkisg_workActionParsnip: I mean the client, dhclient. E.g. one standalone ubuntu PC, will it send its hostname to the local dns server? (==dns update)09:07
ActionParsnipalkisg_work: i think so, it does with home grade routers09:07
gujaand one more question: 32bit vs 64bit ubuntu? I have 64bit architecture, but dunno if it's wise to use 64bit, since I don't know how well these days x86_64 is supported in Ubuntu.09:07
ActionParsnipguja: its fine09:07
alkisg_workActionParsnip: thanks, I hope it does :)09:08
Silver_Swordsguja: go for it. it worked fine when i tried it.09:08
gujaActionParsnip: no more problems from quite time ago I remember like flash problems, etc?09:08
csabaI have a windows installed on the same computer, and the drives can be seen in "Computer". However, when I click on them, nothing happens. Probably some mount error in the background. How to figure out what's wrong? Clicking "mount" also doesn't do anything09:09
csabawindows vista09:10
csabaand /media contains only the cdrom09:10
ActionParsnipguja: there is a 64bit flash plugin (beta) as well as nspluginwrapper. flashplugin-nonfree will use the wrapper, you can install the beta manually and it runs fine09:10
csabaand the C: drive's location is computer:/// and media is unknown09:10
trakcyiahow can i grep a man page?09:10
gujaActionParsnip: and Skype maybe? if you are using it.09:11
trakcyiabetter question, how can I output only pattern matching lines from within a man page?09:11
booleancatHello all. I'm setting up a bunch of diskless machines to boot over PXE. I've got each machine set up in it's own directory on a server, and their root directory is exported over tftp. Everything mostly works, but I'd like to write a script to chroot into each root directory and "apt-get update -s -y && apt-get upgrade -s -y" However, no matter what I try, I can't get the command to work.09:11
booleancatIf I manually chroot into each directory, I can execute the commands, but I can't get a script to do it for me. Any ideas?09:12
trakcyiahave the script chroot into each directory and use the pwd for the commands?09:12
trakcyiabasically, make the script do what you do lol09:13
booleancatWell, I'm trying the following: "chroot /path/to/exported/root apt-get update" but it only seems to execute it on the host09:13
booleancatrather, "sudo chroot ..."09:13
Alex_BrooksCan Ubunutu support duel monitors?09:13
trakcyiai knew that quesiton was over my head, i just wanted to try anyway. sorry09:14
booleancatAlex_Brooks: You mean dual monitors, and yes09:14
aethelrickAlex_Brooks: yup it sure can09:14
booleancata duel is a fight ;)09:14
Alex_BrooksThanks booleancat + aethelrick, sorry for the bad spelling, only just woke up.09:14
trakcyiaxinerama and x (in the form of multiple dispays) will duel your output09:14
booleancatAlex_Brooks: you do have to restart X for the changes to apply though09:14
ActionParsnipguja: i dont use skype, it can be made to work. Thre are guides everywhere09:15
aethelricklol... no problem Alex_Brooks the idea of monitors dueling conjures an image :)09:15
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trakcyiai am quite literally going insane (minus the  bulk of the insanity) trying to find out how to get my terminal to output a "ctrl-f" of a man page09:16
ScoTTieHaving problems with eSATA auto mounting. The device node for the drive are being created/removed when its plugged in/unplugged, but it wont auto mount according to fstab.09:16
trakcyiasay i wanted to see what the man page for grep had to say about the -p option.09:16
ScoTTiedoing mount -a or /dev/.. will work09:17
ScoTTieam i missing something?09:17
booleancatlol... so my problem was easily solved by reading the man page... I just wanted the -y option. The -s option "simulates" the operation...09:18
* booleancat facepalms09:18
jimbeam12hey all09:18
jimbeam12whose proficient in ubuntu?09:18
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: many09:19
jimbeam12hey action how are u..09:19
jimbeam12do you every get sleep..heheh09:19
jimbeam12sorry meant to say..do u ever get sleep..heheh09:20
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: only when tired09:20
jimbeam12i wonder if u can help me bro..09:20
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: ask the channel and it will reply09:20
=== HaCk is now known as Guest41051
trakcyiathe pick command does not work and i cannot install it with apt's repositories. i cannot find it in any other form with google.09:21
trakcyiawhen i attempt to use the pick utility i am told the utility is available in some packages. i installed the two listed packages and pick still returns the same message09:22
ImGonnaWineis anyone good with wine09:22
ActionParsnip!anyone | ImGonnaWine09:22
ubottuImGonnaWine: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:22
jimbeam12iam trying to add a splash screen in ubuntu ...using start up manager...i add the theme i want..ok09:22
ImGonnaWineI am tring to istall an application.  I have installed wine, and found ie6.  it works ok.  but I need to install my own application.09:22
trakcyiaImGonnaWine do a google search for ies4linux09:23
jimbeam12computer reboots..and gives me an error code 11:unrecongnized device string...09:23
ActionParsnipImGonnaWine: did you check the appdb for compatibility?09:23
jimbeam12i cannot log in to ubuntu...09:23
ImGonnaWineActionParsnip: yep, the application I want to use is not on the compatibility list, I was told to try it, it may work.09:24
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ActionParsnipjimbeam12: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/138225-solved-grub-error-11-unrecognized-device-string.html09:24
ImGonnaWineActionParsnip: it was not test and know not to work, it just was not there listed.09:24
ImGonnaWineActionParsnip: can you help me?09:24
ActionParsnipImGonnaWine: give it a go, if it doesnt work then try the wine from the wine repo: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb09:25
ckc037hey guys09:25
ImGonnaWineI have downloaded wine, and installed it, can someone help me install a new windows program?09:26
jimbeam12everytime startup manager add this line to grub...splashimage=/boot/grub/splashimages/guitar.xpm.gz its stuff up...09:26
aethelrickImGonnaWine: do you have an installer for your program?09:26
trakcyiai can't figure out how to either a. install the pick utility or b. use an alternate method to output a string from within a man page09:26
aethelrickImGonnaWine: try "wine installer.exe" where installer.exe is the name of your installer09:26
ActionParsnipImGonnaWine: right click on the exe and select open with wine installer09:27
booleancat2nd question: Is there any way to share the deb files already downloaded across a network (say I have 10 machines, and don't want to download each update 10 times)09:27
trakcyiawell, i cant think of any more ways to ask that question09:27
trakcyiawait time09:27
ImGonnaWineI guess it has an installer... its a windows application and install in the normal way. the problem is where do I install it?  how do I find the wine c drive?09:27
ImGonnaWineok, let me look at it.09:28
=== L1nUX1z3R is now known as soUPERMan
geirhatrakcyia: man foo | grep word    ?09:29
aethelricktrakcyia: what is your overall goal? do you have a specific man page in mind or are you trying to do a multi-man-page search?09:29
soUPERManhey, my cd burner has been having errors in burning, any ideas to why this is happening?09:29
ActionParsnipbooleancat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205569   seems ok09:30
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ActionParsnipsoUPERMan: tried burning slower or a different app?09:30
aethelrickImGonnaWine: your c drive in in your home directory under .wine/drive_c/09:30
soUPERManActionParsnip, i tried with K3B but got the same error09:30
soUPERManweird thing is it used to work09:31
ActionParsnipsoUPERMan: tried a different speed?09:31
soUPERManthen out of nowhere i get errors09:31
aethelrickImGonnaWine: simply running your installer with wine should suffice however, it knows where C is :)09:31
ImGonnaWineaethelrick: so how do I know if it is installed.  I am not sure if it worked.09:31
aethelricksoUPERMan: can you be sure the drive isn't faulty?09:31
soUPERManit reads...09:32
ImGonnaWineaethelrick: it is not listed in the wine part of the menu09:32
soUPERManaethelrick, is there a way to test if it's faulty?09:32
trakcyiageirha: that did the trick, thank you09:32
aethelrickImGonnaWine: you can browse in nautilius or a terminal into ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files and have a look or wine may have also created a handy menu entry for you under applications, wine, programs09:33
ActionParsnipImGonnaWine: your apps menu will have an entry if the app makes one09:33
ActionParsnipImGonnaWine: under wine09:34
ImGonnaWineit did not make a menu item... unless I need to reboot for it to be seen.09:35
aethelricksoUPERMan: the only real way to tell if something is faulty is to swap it out or try it in another environment. You say it used to work, it's reasonable to suspect in that case that either recent changes have occurred in config or the device is failing09:35
aethelricksoUPERMan: if you can rule out the changes in config... then I'd start to suspect the device.09:35
leaf-sheepImGonnaWine: "killall gnome-panel" should do the triiiiick.09:35
aethelricksoUPERMan: out of curiosity, what model is the device?09:35
soUPERManok, will try swaping aethelrick ...now to find another burner...*sigh*09:35
NeXstaRwho can i prvt i connection with a joomla problem ?09:36
soUPERManaethelrick, it's built in a lenovo 3000 g430 laptop...09:36
soUPERMansoo.....basically, i have no idea09:36
soUPERManjust a min09:36
booleancatActionParsnip: Thanks Sorry it took a bit, I was on another machine09:37
ActionParsnipbooleancat: np man09:37
aethelricksoUPERMan: have you recently changed to a new brand/type of disc? (i.e. blank media)09:37
soUPERManaethelrick, not exactly i tested a few new ones just to see if it was the discs09:38
aethelricksoUPERMan: I once got an entire spindle of CD's that would not burn reliably with my drive...09:38
soUPERManbut weird thing is it burns on my friend's laptop09:38
aethelrickis this an external drive?09:39
soUPERManno, internal09:39
aethelricksoUPERMan: so you have taken it out... put it in your buddies laptop and it works there?09:39
NeXstaRanyone here familiar with joomla etc ?09:39
=== Tvmbledown is now known as Tvmbles-Burning
soUPERMannope, my buddy's burner works with the cds09:40
aethelricksoUPERMan: oh right...09:40
aethelrickNeXstaR: try asking you question mate... I may be able to help, but I don't know until you ask :)09:41
NeXstaRaethelrick: may i prvt you concerning the aspect ?09:41
soreau! pm | NeXstaR09:42
ubottuNeXstaR: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:42
aethelrickNeXstaR: that sounds so much like a proposition.... *shudder* :P09:42
iktI've got an ubuntu server running with a weird problem, it can see other computers and I can ssh into it from another machine on the network but it can't connect to the internet .. any ideas?09:42
soreau! ask | NeXstaR09:42
ubottuNeXstaR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:42
tplinkare there any chinese09:42
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tplinki'm first come here anybody free09:42
peeps123need some help with internet connection probs09:42
=== FeasibilityStudy is now known as dedrater_norom
NeXstaRno no aestherick ... its just a ubuntu chatroom, but may i ask joomla related questions here aswell09:43
wineis anyone good with wine?  I am tring to install a program in wine and its not working09:43
aethelrickikt: can you ping google.com09:43
ActionParsnipwine: did you check the appdb for compatibility?09:43
daurnimatorI think my computer froze09:43
ActionParsnipwine: not all apps run with wine09:43
winei want to try this one09:44
daurnimatorits stuck, and the keyboard lights started flashing09:44
daurnimatoranyone know why thekeyboards lights would flash09:44
ActionParsnipwine: you could also try the wine version on the wine repos09:44
winehow do I install an application in wine09:44
iktathelrick: nope :(09:44
soUPERMandaurnimator, try rebooting it09:44
winethat is where I got wine.  for ubuntu09:44
ActionParsnipwine: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb09:44
soreaudaurnimator: When your keyboard lights flash and your system freezes, this is called a kernel panic09:44
ActionParsnipwine: the one on the wine repos can yield different results09:44
aethelrickNeXstaR: go ahead and ask :) (I'm only joking)09:44
wineI have down loaded wine and I am trying to load up a windows application, this is my first time.  can someone help me.09:45
peeps123network manager tells me every few seconds that my internet connects and disconnects09:45
soreaudaurnimator: It sometimes happens when running bad kernel code, ie. a driver or kernel module09:45
ActionParsnipwine: you may want to run: winecfg too to change the simulated windows version. This can give different results too09:45
daurnimatorsoUPERMan: soreau: o.o why would that happen >.<09:45
daurnimatorI was just importing songs into rythmbox09:45
soreaudaurnimator: Importing from where?09:45
daurnimatoran ntfs hdd09:45
soUPERMandaurnimator, mmmhhh....i have no idea, but something went wrong and crashed the kernel or your xserver09:45
NeXstaRanyways here goes ... i have installed mosets tree component and module inside joomla and everytime i try to browse webpage thru //localhost/webtest/ it gives me this error : Fatal Error: Call to a member function call() on a non-object in /var/www/webstest/components/com_mtree/mtree.php on line 32909:46
wineI have down loaded wine from the ubuntu repositories. I am trying to install a windows application. this is my first time, so I am kinda lost, can someone help me?09:46
rotzak|workWhat populates the "Applications" menu? I have some things that I've downloaded (i.e. Chromium and IntelliJ) that just come out as directories and I would like to be able to launch them from the menu and not the term....09:46
ActionParsnipwine: do you have a windows .exe file?09:46
peeps123please help me09:46
daurnimatoranything I can do to salvage the situation? or I have to reboot?09:46
soreaudaurnimator: Then it might be caused by some other unrelated issue.. can you reproduce it reliably?09:46
edi_99Hi guys. I've installed LAMP and I'm trying to learn php. Do I really have to put all my scripts in /var/www or is there a more "elegant" way09:46
Maverickhow to give users permission to mount parttions09:46
daurnimatorsoreau: just happpend for first time then09:47
wineyes, I tried to run it via the wine loader program.  ActionParsnip09:47
ActionParsnipwine: thats all you do09:47
rotzak|workedi_99: Yes, and that is likely the "best" way -- you can always ln -s that to somewhere else or change httpd.conf (or apache.conf I think it is now) to get your scripts from elswhere.09:47
ActionParsnipMaverick: you can use visdo to make sudo not need a password but they will still need to be a mamber of admin group to be able to use it09:47
UnicodeMaverick: it depends of fs type09:47
ActionParsnipMaverick: they just wont get bothered for a password09:47
soreaudaurnimator: You'r system is telling you at this point, it's pretty much in a state where it reached the furthest it can do and doesn't know what else to do so you have to restart it. You can do something like Alt+PrintScreen+S+U+B09:48
ActionParsnipwine: try winecfg to see if changing the system to vista etc makes a difference.09:48
edi_99rotzak|work: OK, thanks09:48
ActionParsnipwine: what app is it?09:48
wineactionparsnip, after I do that how do I activate the program.09:48
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ActionParsnipwine: alt+f2  type   winecfg   press enter09:48
wineits called the frog and the carrot09:48
peeps123am I really in this chat room09:49
soreaupeeps123: no09:49
NeXstaRaesthelrick: anyways here goes ... i have installed mosets tree component and module inside joomla and everytime i try to browse webpage thru //localhost/webtest/ it gives me this error : Fatal Error: Call to a member function call() on a non-object in /var/www/webstest/components/com_mtree/mtree.php on line 32909:49
peeps123installed ubuntu but have internet problems09:49
rxdwhere can i find a script that can redirect apt-get install to a directory09:50
ActionParsnipwine: you'll have to mess around in winecfg to see if you can make it run09:50
Unicodepeeps123: ?09:50
soUPERMandaurnimator, hey, i burned with a higher speed and it worked, weird, right?09:50
wineActionParsnip: it simply is not loading.  by using the wine loader it did create the filefolder, but not thing is in it.09:50
peeps123thank you09:50
soreaupeeps123: How are you trying to connect? wifi or hardwire ethernet?09:50
soreaupeeps123: And what is the problem?09:50
peeps123network manager tells me every few seconds that I have disconnected09:51
ActionParsniprxd: you can tell apt-get to only download then move the deb yourself after the download finishes09:51
aethelrickNeXstaR: what version of Joomla?09:51
soUPERManpeeps123, check if the cable is not loose09:51
wineActionParsnip: how can I change the version of widows if I can't get to the installed program.  I can't get to the installed program because it is not installed.09:51
soreaupeeps123: Can you ping google.com from your terminal?09:51
Unicodepeeps123: kill network manager and feel good:)09:51
peeps123I manage to stay in this chat room09:52
peeps123seems its the internet09:52
ActionParsnipwine: ive told you, winecfg09:52
rxdActionParsnip: so i have to create it myself after i use apt-get -o option and extract the deb file to a directory09:52
peeps123I'll try09:52
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soreaupeeps123: If you are already here then your internet is working fine. nm-applet must be misreporting or you have a wifi apadter that it's reporting as not connected09:53
wineActionParsnip: what you are telling me makes not sense.  the only way to change the version of windows is to select an application first... how can I do that if it is not installed.09:53
ActionParsniprxd: not sure, you'd have to check man apt-get. If you are running out of space you could make a folder on a partition with space and symlink the folder where debs usually get downloaded to the new folder09:53
peeps123yes no probs09:53
ActionParsnipwine: press alt+f2 on keyboard09:53
ActionParsnipwine: in the littel box type the word: winecfg09:53
ActionParsnipwine: press enter09:53
rxdActionParsnip: ok got u...did that apt-get -o and dpkg-deb -x so i get everything in one directory09:54
ActionParsnipwine: change the windows version in that app and click apply and ok09:54
wineActionParsnip: dude, are you drunk... I am in winecfg09:54
ActionParsnipwine: then retry the app09:54
wineactonparsnip are you messing with me... I have told you three times the application is not listed.09:54
peeps123when I visit youtube the videos keep freezing09:55
ActionParsnipwine: it in the apps tab09:55
ActionParsnipwine: at the bottom of the dialogue09:55
cwickertI got a general question about ubuntu: are new packages allowed to enter a release after the release? if so, into which repo are they? release or updates?09:55
peeps123and thats when netman tells me I have disconnected09:55
rxdActionParsnip: ubuntu 9.10 uses aufs as default file system, so we can now create say a squashfs file out of what we are installing and merge/layer it to our rootfilesystem on the fly and it works!09:55
ActionParsnipwine: it will no doubt say Windows XP, change that to different versions, click apply and click ok, then retry the app09:55
daurnimatorsoreau: the sysreq stuff didn't work btw09:55
Unicodepeeps123: have you flashplayer.so?09:56
ActionParsniprxd: cool09:56
peeps123cool thought ubuntu would have installed it......probably not09:56
peeps123I'll away and download it09:56
GilesThe sequence numbers output by dmesg...what are they, can they be releated back to a date/time?09:56
soreaupeeps123: There is a red bar that shows the download progress of the video file. It will temporarily be stored as /tmp/Flash*****. After the red bar in FF is all the way full, it means it downloaded. So try mplayer /tmp/Flash<press tab> and see if it plays better that way09:57
rxdActionParsnip: very good now i got ubuntu 9.10 on usb stick so i mount my squashfs file from hd partition say wine.sfs and do a mount -o remount,append:/wine / and wine apps get merge to my root09:58
erikk71hi all09:58
jhernandezhi, need help with python-parted09:58
erikk71are the pentium 2 still useful09:58
peeps123soreau...thank you ever so much09:58
jastixhello! How to install ubuntu 8.04 server from sata cdrom?09:59
rxdActionParsnip: mount -o remount,del:/wine / to detach it if i don't need it09:59
jhernandezcould someone help me? i can't create partitions, actually i'm using direct libparted python bindings09:59
soreau! sysrq | daurnimator09:59
ubottudaurnimator: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key09:59
erikk71i may scrap out afew pentium II computers09:59
soreaudaurnimator: If all else fails, hold down the power button for at least 5 seconds to power off the machine09:59
soreaupeeps123: Glad to help :)10:00
erikk71ubuntu runs fair10:00
erikk71but slow on them10:00
soreauerikk71: What do you expect from a PII?10:00
erikk71most r garbage can10:01
=== Tvmbles-Burning is now known as Tvmbles-Stallan
erikk71i get socket 462 motherboard10:02
NeXstaRaethelrick: im using ver 1.5.13 of joomla....10:02
erikk71is this program i can download that will tell me the type ram i have in my pc10:02
aethelrickNeXstaR: according to google... the module you're using does not work with that version of joomla10:03
soreauerikk71: You might want to ask question of this nature in a more appropriate channel like ##hardware10:03
aethelrickNeXstaR: you need to upgrade Joomla apparently10:03
NeXstaRaesthelrick: upgrade joomla ? to what ver?10:03
ActionParsniperikk71: sudo lshw -C memory     may help10:04
pretenderam using giver on ubuntu 9.04 and am when i give the file to another workstation running giver to message is coming up to accept file10:05
jimbeam12ActionParsnip still no good...every time i load the boot image it still give me the error 11:10:10
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: is it ok with the normal one?10:10
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: as in, can you roll back10:11
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: i dont use splash screens so I'm not overly useful10:11
jimbeam12ohh ok..10:11
jimbeam12just wonderin anyone in here runnin dual boots ..if they can post they menu.lst up with splash installed10:12
jimbeam12just to compare the files..10:12
seenaHi, please suggest me any ISO to CD converter10:14
jimbeam12this is driving me up the creek ActionParsnip...10:14
ActionParsnipseena: brasero10:15
ActionParsnipseena: will put the iso on a cd for you nicely..10:15
ActionParsnipseena: or do you want to mount the iso?10:15
seenaActionParsnip, No10:16
ActionParsnipseena: can you expand your issue. to put an iso on a cd you need a cd burner and cd burning software and a blank cd10:16
ActionParsnipseena: an ISO is an image of a CD10:16
seenaActionParsnip, i want to convert ISO image file to bootable disk10:16
ActionParsnipseena: if you have downloaded an Ubuntu ISO, just open it with your burning app and it will be bootable10:17
ActionParsnipseena: you do not extract the files then burn those10:17
seenaActionParsnip, that sounds good.10:18
ActionParsnipseena: is that what you mean?10:18
indusseena: just burn the iso as an image file10:18
indusseena: what ActionParsnip said10:18
alkisg_workIs it possible to make the "guest login" feature available from the gdm screen?10:19
mcarterI wrote a couple of event.d/upstart scripts, but when i run "start mycommand" the start command says that "mycommand" succesfully started, but the start command itself never returns. Is this normal?10:19
seenaActionParsnip, indus : i will do accordingly10:19
indusalkisg_work: is it not already?10:19
alkisg_workindus: is it?!!! /me hasn't seen it...10:20
indusalkisg_work: let me check10:20
* alkisg_work logs out to check!10:20
* indus is gona logout10:20
alkisg_workindus: nah don't bother10:20
phrykIs there anything i have to do to update ubuntu from 8.10 to 9.04 other than editing the sources.list?10:20
alkisg_workI'll test it myself :10:20
seenaActionParsnip, indus: my question was, am i able to convert the ISO image file to bootable disk and use it as a bootable cd, and if so please suggest on the software that supports10:21
IpSe_DiXiTsometimes my desktop gets stuck and after a bit of websearch i found out restart the wm could be a solution, after giving an invoke-r.cd gdm restart (if i remeber it correctly) the tt* black screen appears and it starts "reloading..." but here it gets stuck again and there's nothing left but rebooting at this point. what happens? how do i find out and how do i fix it? thanks10:22
manousfseena, brasero10:22
alkisg_workindus: nope, not available from gdm10:22
seenathank for everyone i got it, its brasero. I am really sorry as i am new Ubuntu need to know more10:23
meatbundoes ubuntu have 'main' packages for IPsec VPN or via 3rd party?10:23
ejd021Hello everybody10:24
jimbeam12hey ejd02110:24
ejd021I seem to be having a small trouble while installing Jaunty10:25
ejd021the installer crashes before starting the gui10:25
jimbeam12getting error11:unrecnognized device string?? anyone10:26
phrykHow do I update my system without having to start gnome?10:26
ejd021sudo apt-get update10:26
Unicodeejd021: try install in text mode10:26
phrykejd021: That gets me from 8.10 to 9.04?10:27
IpSe_DiXiTsometimes my desktop gets stuck and after a bit of websearch i found out restart the wm could be a solution, after giving an invoke-r.cd gdm restart (if i remeber it correctly) the tt* black screen appears and it starts "reloading..." but here it gets stuck again and there's nothing left but rebooting at this point. what happens?how do i fix it? here's my gdm.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/277740/ thanks10:27
phrykEither it doesn't or the mpd-packages if ancient...10:27
jimbeam12anyone use splash images on startup10:28
ejd021yes, but it mite be a bit tedious n confusing...n a pretty whole bandwidth crusher...better reinstall using d cd10:28
phryks/mpd-packages if/mpd-package is/10:28
fallenpoetphryk - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:28
phrykfallenpoet: Thanks!10:28
ejd021thanks fallenpoet10:28
fallenpoetno proble10:29
daurnimatormy comp just froze10:31
daurnimatorno idea why10:31
daurnimatorhow to figure out/track down?10:32
fallenpoetdaurnimator | look at the log one is located in you user home directory .xsession-errors this one help if it was cause with an apllication ran by the user10:35
IpSe_DiXiTsometimes my desktop gets stuck and after a bit of websearch i found out restart the wm could be a solution, after giving an invoke-r.cd gdm restart (if i remeber it correctly) the tt* black screen appears and it starts "reloading..." but here it gets stuck again and there's nothing left but rebooting at this point. what happens?how do i fix it? here's my gdm.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/277740/ thanks10:35
fallenpoetdaurnimator | other log file are located here /var/log10:36
englais it possible to publish an Ubuntu PPA from Debian?10:37
olinuxxhi all10:38
olinuxxi want to load automaticaly a module with an option10:38
olinuxxi put a line in /etc/modules10:39
olinuxxbut it doesn't work10:39
olinuxxit's not the good way to make ?10:39
szeckHi guys when i try to download the proprietary drives the "hardware Drivers" utility crashes..... Any advice please?10:39
ActionParsnipszeck: which video card is it for?10:40
fallenpoetolinuxx | what modual are you trying to load?10:40
olinuxxfallenpoet: options snd-usb-usx2y nrpacks=110:40
olinuxxi put this line on /etc/modules10:41
NeXstaRaesthelrick: i have installed legacy inside joomla for mosets... i can add listings but i cant view it10:41
NeXstaRfrom the front-end10:41
szeckActionParsnip: ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX drivers10:41
ActionParsnip!ati | szeck10:41
ubottuszeck: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:41
fallenpoetolinuxx | try this echo "options snd-usb-usx2y nrpacks=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/snd-usb-usx2y10:42
techieszeck, what card?10:42
olinuxxfallenpoet: ok thanks10:42
szecktechie ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX drivers10:42
techieszeck, card, not driver10:42
zer0c00lprinter consumes lot of ink when printing in ubuntu , how to fix this?10:42
ActionParsnipszeck: lspci | grep -i vga     will tell you10:43
szeckthanks guys10:43
szeckActionParsnip, techie ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 240010:44
phrykfallenpoet: apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't seem to give me 9.04.. I even tried a windows-ish reboot...10:45
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fallenpoetphryk does it give you an error?10:46
ActionParsnipszeck: is the system fully updated?10:46
szeckfor sure10:46
phrykfallenpoet: no, but it finished in only a few minutes...10:46
ActionParsnipszeck: bah, does jokey crash if you reboot and retry?10:46
NeXstaRmtree.php on line 329 - $cache->call( 'showTree_cache', $cat, $limitstart, $option );10:46
ActionParsnipszeck: jockey is the driver install app you saw10:46
szeckwhen i try do donwload the driver it freeze and return "sorry jockey crashes report bla bla bla"10:47
fallenpoetphyrk | you might need to change your source file by changing the repository to the newest ones10:47
szeckeven if i reboot10:48
olinuxxfallenpoet: it's seem it's work now, thanks :)10:49
fallenpoetolinuxx | your welcome10:49
phrykfallenpoet: I have http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu everywhere10:50
phrykfallenpoet: What is the current address?10:50
ActionParsnipszeck: how about with: gksudo jockey10:51
szeckActionParsnip: i can give a try10:52
fallenpoetphryk | you should have jaunty after the address10:52
phrykfallenpoet: .../ubuntu/jaunty ?10:52
fallenpoetphyrk | the second post here show you an example http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-997890.html10:54
KinG`PiNHoly hollywood.10:55
phrykfallenpoet: Okay, thanks10:55
=== ubuntu-ngr is now known as ubuntu-ng
fallenpoetphryk | no problem10:56
phrykYay I get mpd updated!10:56
NBZ4liveHi @ all10:57
NBZ4liveDo someone know a fast way to find multiple entrys in a MySQL table?10:58
snakedochi, i want to update my driver for my usb tv module, is copying the *.fw file to /lib/firmware all that i need to do?10:59
phrykfallenpoet: You got me music. I am grateful.11:00
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ArrakaijNBZ4live, use WHERE a=1 or b=2 or c=3 ?11:01
WilliamC2I'm having WINE issues, for whatever reason WINE looses control of my mouse and its near impossible to reenter the program without restarting it11:02
WalexWilliamC2: check #WineHQ11:09
Steven015Anyone here use Tomboy?11:09
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:10
Unicodeye.. or chage runlevel to 3 and feel power of command line:)11:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about exa11:15
fiber_cutAnyone familier with Pound?11:16
azloni am trying to follow the ICS info on the Ubuntu page, but it isnt working for me. I try to change the ip address of eth0 and it says, "SIOCSIFADDR: Permission denied"11:16
leaf-sheepPOUND POUND POUND!11:16
Unicodesudo su11:17
ActionParsnipsudo -i11:17
Unicodethe same:)11:17
bullgard4'~$ evolution-addressbook-export -l;  "file:///home/detlef/.evolution/addressbook/local/system","Persönlich",1369;  ** (evolution-addressbook-export:23803): WARNING **: FIXME: wait for completion unimplemented.'  --  How can I still export or copy the addressbook  to Thunderbird? See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/436492/11:17
ActionParsnipsudo -i is advised over sudo su11:18
azlonnow i can ping from my windows machine to this one, but i cant resolve google.com (using DynDNS IPS but I also installed dnsmasq)11:19
ActionParsnipapparently sudo -s is advised, sudo -i isnt according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:20
azloni followed all of the steps on the Ubuntu page11:20
fiber_cutGuess no one is familer with pound11:20
ActionParsnipfiber_cut: i spend them daily ;)11:20
manousf hi,is there anybody have an experience of using "with-readline"11:21
Yandzeeeдобрый день всем11:21
ActionParsnip!ru | Yandzeee11:21
ubottuYandzeee: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:21
fiber_cutalways a joker11:21
ActionParsnipfiber_cut: glad I could fill the vacancy11:21
Yandzeeei don't know what this channel in english11:22
azlonActionParsnip: how can i check dns resolution? i tried pinging google.com but it times out... what steps can i take to troubleshoot?11:22
ActionParsnipazlon: nslookup www.google.com; dig www.google.com11:22
Qrawl_How can I make vlc pause when it loses focus11:22
Qrawl_or is there a media player that can do this11:23
azlonActionParsnip: they timed out.11:24
ActionParsnipazlon: are you connected to a router?11:24
azlonyes, but a different subdomain11:24
ActionParsnipazlon: can you ping the IP of that?11:25
azlonActionParsnip: the router is and this computer is
orattuehow do i upgrade one specific program using apt-get?11:25
ActionParsnipazlon: can you ping your default gateway? it will be in the network11:25
azlonActionParsnip: i can ping from this computer to the other computers, i can also ping this computer to google.com, but i cannot ping google from the other computers11:25
Unicodeman apt-get11:25
ActionParsniporattue: sudo apt-get --reinstall install <name>11:25
ActionParsnipazlon: do you have nameservers defined in /etc/resolv.conf11:26
azlonActionParsnip: yes, i can ping the gateway11:26
leaf-sheepQrawl_: You might have some lucky with devilspie -- It's capable of executing stuffs based on windows name, activities, etc...11:26
leaf-sheep!info | Qrawl_11:26
ubottuQrawl_: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>11:26
ubottu'Qrawl_' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner11:26
azlonActionParsnip: checking...11:26
leaf-sheep!info devilspie | Qrawl_11:26
ubottuQrawl_: devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-1 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB11:26
leaf-sheepQrawl_: Also, I'm not sure if you can pause and such. Worth a try. :O)11:26
ArcticAzureDoes anyone know how to have a program write to a file that doesn't actually save to the hard disk?11:26
azlonActionParsnip: is that on the server or on the clients?11:26
Qrawl_leaf-sheep, ty11:26
ArcticAzureI'm trying to use dvgrab to write to a file that doesn't save to the hard disk, and have vlc stream off that file11:27
ActionParsnipArcticAzure: you have a ram storage based folder11:27
tomrianhi! i can't hear streaming audio in amarok11:27
ActionParsnipArcticAzure: i think its /dev/shm11:27
ArcticAzureActionParsnip: thanks11:28
ArcticAzurei'll try that11:28
ActionParsnipArcticAzure: check into it first though11:28
azlonActionParsnip: i have "nameserver" in my resolv.conf on the server and "" on the client11:29
ActionParsnipazlon: can you ping
bigmack83_i wanted to try the 9.10 alpha release to test my laptops hardware with it. is there a way i can download the .iso/files in a way that can be updated through a versioning system (if they are even kept on one for people to pull from). I dont have the fastest net connection and dont want to have to re-download the disc every time it updates11:29
ActionParsnip!karmic | bigmack83_11:30
ubottubigmack83_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:30
azlonActionParsnip: yes from the server, no from the client11:30
bigmack83_ActionParsnip, thanks11:30
azlonActionParsnip: the client says "connect: Network is unreachable"11:30
ArcticAzureActionParsnip: does /dev/shm write to anything? Will I eventually find that something gets used up, like RAM?11:30
ActionParsnipazlon: what is the output of: route11:30
ActionParsnipazlon: use http://pastebin.com11:31
* ArcticAzure watches system monitor11:31
ActionParsnipArcticAzure: the ram is where the data is stored, it is lost on reboot11:31
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ActionParsnipArcticAzure: its is dynamic too so will expand as you write to the folder11:31
ActionParsnipArcticAzure: mount will tell you where its mounted11:32
ActionParsnipArcticAzure: you may need to mount it yourself but theres something to do with that device11:33
ArcticAzureI tried setting up my camcorder as a video4linux device with dv4l and vloopback, and also tried dv4vloopback, both of them didn't work right11:33
ArcticAzureI dvgrabbed to /dev/shm and it worked sorta11:34
azlonActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m393be14911:34
azlonActionParsnip: the first one is the server, the second is the client11:34
ArcticAzurei want something that erases older data in the file as it is being witten, like data that has already been streamed is erased at the same time new data is being written to be streamed11:35
xguruwhat is a good gtk2 theme switcher?11:35
ActionParsnipazlon: you may need to add another route for the other network to make traffic destined for go down eth0 too11:35
azlonActionParsnip: hrmm... ok how can i do that? route -?11:36
ActionParsnipazlon: the intelligence in the LAN will route the data11:36
xgurugtk+chtheme, and it doesn't seem to change every aspect of the theme such as pointer and icons...11:36
ActionParsnipazlon: there are guides on route, as well as man route11:36
ArcticAzurethanks ActionParsnip, I think that should work for now11:36
ActionParsnipArcticAzure: cool11:36
azlonActionParsnip: ok, i will figure out the command, but the jist of it is that i wan to add a route with a destination of, gateway, genmask of, and use inface of eth0, right?11:37
ActionParsnipazlon: you already have that setup11:37
devilbueshello, how do I mount an usb photo camera without using gnome or kde?11:37
ActionParsnipazlon: you need to ad an extra router to point down eth0 too11:38
ArcticAzureI wish vlc could just connect to /dev/raw1394 directly11:38
orattueAnyone know of any problems with keyserver.ubuntu.com?11:39
Walexdevilbues: usually they are automounted.11:40
DJonesorattue: I've seen a few comments that keyserver is either down/slow11:41
orattueDJones: thanks11:41
devilbuesWalex: it only mounts inside gnome, If I run fdisk -l doesn't show anything11:41
azlonActionParsnip: i needed to add that route on the server, not the clients, right?11:41
ActionParsnipazlon: whatever cannot access the 168.1.0 network, add the route and test, you can always remove it11:42
Walexdevilbues: 'fdisk' just shows partitions.11:44
Walexdevilbues: try just 'cat /proc/mounts'.11:45
njbairis there a program meant to take a linux pc's man pages and serve them as html?11:45
Walexdevilbues: unless your camera does not have USB storage device interface. In which case bad news.11:45
Walexnjbair: yes.11:45
njbairawesome. do you know what it's called?11:46
jribnjbair: see the footer at manpages.ubuntu.com for example11:46
ActionParsnipnjbair: could try:     man:cp     in nauitlus' address bar, Konqueror can do it11:46
devilbuesWalex: the camera is mounted right now and working fine on gnome but I don't see anything with 'cat /proc/mounts'11:47
azlonActionParsnip: still nothing11:48
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azlonActionParsnip: i added the route to both the server and client11:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parabyte11:49
riverfr0zenhi there -- is there a 'safe' way to remove an external usb hdd on usb (besides just pulling it out)11:49
riverfr0zenerr, on usb = on ubuntu11:50
mv:riverfr0zen: just umount it in term !11:50
ActionParsnipazlon: as long as it is appropriate for both, you may have to sketch you network to work out the routes properly11:51
riverfr0zenmv: so just umount, and disconnect, eh? thanks11:51
csabaI have a simple html index of a directory, with links to files. Anyone knows of a script which would download all the files from that index?11:55
azlonActionParsnip: already did: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=796541211:55
=== csaba is now known as Guest40290
mvriverfr0zen: sudo umount /media/XXX and that's all :-)11:56
csabaI have a simple html index of a directory, with links to files. Anyone knows of a script which would download all the files from that index?11:56
ajochopeNeed help with two wifi cards, one is the usb wifi card and the other one is the internal notebook wifi card, the networkmanager always up the internal card and if I plug both cards networkmanager do not start work thanks for help me11:56
ActionParsnipazlon: ok then the router to server is the network I'm guesing. And the routers LAN is
azlonActionParsnip: the router is but i have static ips for every machine which is on the domain11:59
ActionParsnipazlon: only the systems need the route adding, the router will see the address is not for its own network and push the data out to the server11:59
ActionParsnipazlon: the server will then see the traffic coming in and puh it to the www as spanning tree prevents it from sending the data back down the interface the data was recieved on, so will push it to the next hop (www)12:01
azlonActionParsnip: i have the route added to both the server and client (netbook in diagram), still doesnt work12:01
ActionParsnipazlon: the server doesnt need the route, its already part of the network12:02
azlonActionParsnip: ok, let me delete it12:02
ActionParsnipazlon: you could add a route to the server to tell it the interface to access the network via the interface connected to the router if it doesnt already have it12:03
azlonActionParsnip: ok... so add for eth0 (eth0 connects to the network, ppp0 connects to the itnernet)12:04
azloncant add a net for some reason... trying to do sudo -i route add -net eth112:07
azloni can add a host but not a  net12:07
azlon1got disconnected12:10
azlon1ActionParsnip: am i adding a net or a host to the route table on the client machines?12:10
ActionParsnipazlon1: i'd ask in #networking  they may be able to advise better12:11
=== azlon1 is now known as azlon
TNkI'm getting a weird error when running "Firefox" that renders it virtually useless. (http://pastebin.com/m3bae3a0a) The only way to get past it is to run it with "sudo".12:15
TNkI've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, even purging and installing, but that hasn't worked.12:16
jribTNk: create a new profile12:16
joebodou can try a new profile by typing "firefox -p"12:17
jribTNk: or (as I suspect) change ownership of your .mozilla back to your user instead of root12:17
TNkjrib: I'll try the 2nd option 1st. That's done with... chroot?12:18
jrib!permissions | TNk, no12:18
ubottuTNk, no: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:18
TNkjrib: Thanks for your help, I'll try that and let you know.12:18
mvTnk : chown user /XX12:19
jribTNk: you need to apply the change recursively as well12:19
maximazesa va12:19
maximazey as pas un qui parle francais ici12:19
joebodo!fr | maximaze12:20
ubottumaximaze: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:20
=== maxwell is now known as maxwell-afk
timClickswhat is the normal behaviour of apport?12:22
timClicksi think mine's crashing before delivering anything to anyone...12:23
mvbye all !12:24
timClicks!info apport12:24
ubottuapport (source: apport): automatically generate crash reports for debugging. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu5.2 (jaunty), package size 109 kB, installed size 540 kB12:24
TNkjrib: Sorry to ask, but I don't know how to apply the chmod for Firefox, there are too many "firefox" around, many folders and such. Should I apply it to every folder?12:24
timClicksTNk what do you want to achieve?12:25
timClicksyou shouldn't need to set the permissions to run firefox normally12:25
TNktimClicks: I want to achieve a functional firefox.12:25
jribTNk: you need to apply the ownership change to ~/.mozilla/ recursively, that's it12:25
TNkjrib: THanks. :-)12:26
timClicksTNk: that's easiest to do via Nautilus12:26
jribTNk has been running firefox with sudo12:26
Dr_Willisthats a scary thought12:27
TNkjrib: sudo chmod -R / home/francisco/.mozilla that looks good?12:27
jribTNk: no, you want to change ownership, not permissions.   chmod is for permissions12:28
TNkIt wasn't intentional, It happened after I messed up with VMWare12:28
TNkjrib: sudo chown -R / home/francisco/.mozilla then12:28
jribTNk: close, now you need to specify what owner you want to change it to...12:28
Dr_WillisYou have to tell it the new owner. :)12:28
Dr_Willischown username.username whatever12:28
jribsudo chown -R $USER: ~/.mozilla   will work12:29
joebodosudo chown -R user.group ~/.mozilla12:29
jrib. is deprecated!12:29
TNkOh. The link you sent was for chmod. :-) That's what I was reading.12:29
jribTNk: scroll down12:29
jribTNk: you should probably close firefox by the way before doing this12:30
user___Hello, I have the following error when i log into gnome "The application "gnome-panel" attempted to change an aspect of your configuration that your system administrator or operating system vendor does not allow you to change. Some of the settings you have selected may not take effect, or may not be restored next time you use the application." Google hasn;t been able to help me so far, can...12:32
user___...someone point me in the correct direction please?12:32
Dr_Willisuser___:  this is your own personal system you installed? not some work machine?12:33
jimjimovich1is it possible to have a computer automatically log into the Guest Account?12:34
user___personal system, only started happening yesterday. It may have been caused by me changing some permissions but I can;t be sure12:34
TNkGreat! It worked like a Charm12:34
Dr_Willisjimjimovich1:  the 'guest' account is a special temp account. No way to autologin to it..12:34
zerocblq bla12:34
TNkMany thanks guys, really. :-)12:34
Dr_Willisjimjimovich1:  you could sort of  make a similer account that can auto login. but ive never tried.12:34
ActionParsnipuser___: make sure you are the owner and have at least read and write access to everything in /home/$USER12:35
jrib!gksudo | TNk12:35
ubottuTNk: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:35
jribheh too late12:35
jimjimovich1Dr_Willis: Any way to make an account that reverts to it's original state each time someone uses it?12:35
Dr_Willisjimjimovich1:  there proberly are. ive never bothered.12:35
Dr_Willisjimjimovich1:  gnome also has some koisk mode/features that people rarely hear about/use also. :) to lock down settings where people cant change them12:36
cgrozahello,how can i find out how much vram i have via terminal?12:39
user___Dr_Willis: I've just run chmod o+rw on everything in my home directory. I ran the command as sudo. It now brings up a new error: "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignore. This prevents the default session and language from beign saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. Uer's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users"12:40
bensteI'm searching for a client to join http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/CD102549901033.aspx12:40
bensteweis jemand wie ich von ubuntu aus an nem M$ Live meeting teilnehmen kann?12:41
cgrozahello,how can i find out how much vram i have via terminal?12:41
joebodocgroza vmstat12:41
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=== Laughing_God is now known as aiyakoiya
Dr_Willisuser___:   you can delete that .dmrc if you want. it will get remade.12:42
Dr_Willisuser___:  or chown it to be 644 like it says.12:42
fallenpoetuser___ | you should do chmod -R u+rw $HOME12:43
user___Dr_Willis: Thanks, I'll chown to 644. However my original error still comes up straight after this one :(12:43
Boohbahuser___: how did you create the account?12:44
user___Boohbah: During install about 2 years ago.12:44
user___Boohbah: The error only occured very recently12:45
azlonhow can i connect to the internet from a 3G modem without network manager?12:45
jribazlon: wicd?12:45
Cyrano_Zzazlon: wvdial12:46
ActionParsnipuser___: cd /home; sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ./$USER; chmod -R 750 ./$USER12:47
user___falledpoet: I'll try that, thanks.12:47
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: should be ok yea? ^12:47
=== jean-claude is now known as clown2
lolekok guys... how to remove pulseaudio from system ?12:48
=== am4zin is now known as amazin
cgrozajoebodo,other commands maybe?i get some numbers and i cant figure out witch is my vram!12:50
koolheadhello all12:51
ActionParsnipcgroza: lspci -vv | less12:52
ActionParsnipcgroza: maybe12:52
user___fallenpoet: running "chmod -R u+rw $HOME" came back with a "cannot access '/home/$USER/.gvfs': permission denied" is this ok?12:52
Dr_Willis .gvfs is special12:53
Dr_Willisso yes. thats provberly ok.12:53
Dr_Williswould broberly been best to have the user logged off when trying to fix the permissions12:53
ActionParsnipuser___: what is the output of: ls -la ~/.gvfs12:53
Cyrano_Zzcgroza: lspci -vvv |more12:53
ActionParsnipcgroza: less lets you scroll up and down with cursors, more doesnt seem to let me do that here12:54
brijithWhat you exciting in ubuntu 9.1012:54
Adrian___anyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?12:54
Picibrijith : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.12:54
HusainiPici so we cannot discuss about karmic issues here12:55
PiciHusaini: No, karmic is offtopic for this channel until it is released.12:56
user___ActionParsnip: as user it returns . and .. but as sudo it gives a permission denied12:56
Husainisometimes karmic people will get trouble when upgrade to new kernel .12:56
Husainithe developer should be fix dpkg broken in karmic .12:57
PiciHusaini: #ubuntu+1 is the channel for all karmic issues12:57
DJonesHusaini: #ubuntu+1 is the support channel for Karmic, the people who are using it are in that channel, so you'll get a better response from there12:57
Husainiok ok12:58
Dr_Willisand we are discussing such topics in #ubuntu+1 even now....12:59
Malekohi..can anyone give me a command to recursively delete all NON HIDDEN files and folder12:59
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user___fallenpoet: running "chmod -R u+rw $HOME" didn't help :(13:00
geirhaMaleko: find . ! -name '.*'     # If that looks right, add -delete at the end13:00
ActionParsnipgeirha: brave soul13:01
squircleHi everyone; when I boot my new ubuntu install, the bootloader drops me down to a shell after "waiting for root device" and says /dev/sdb1 does not exist. and when i do ls /dev, there is nothing that's hdx or sdx. what do I do?13:01
geirhaMaleko: Oh and you might want -type f to only target files13:01
geirhaActionParsnip: How so?13:01
ActionParsnipsquircle: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded? did you verify the d once booted to?13:01
squircleActionParsnip: yes, I did.13:02
ActionParsnipgeirha: i wouldnt have touched that with the longest pole I could find13:02
ActionParsnipsquircle: good13:02
squircleActionParsnip: what's weird is I can mount the drive if i boot into anything else13:02
squirclejust the bootloader doesn't want to mount it... there isn't any /dev/sdx13:02
ActionParsnipsquircle: strange, the fstab should be populated properly13:02
Cyrano_Zzsquircle: sudo fdisk -l13:02
Malekogeirha: like this? find . -type f -name ! '.*'13:02
squircleActionParsnip: fstab was populated properly, i checked13:03
ActionParsnipsquircle: boot to live CD and use UIDs instead, youo can update fstab to reflect13:03
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squircleActionParsnip: it was using UUIDs and failing; i changed it to block devices and it's still not working13:03
geirhaMaleko: find . -type f ! -name '.*'   make sure you try on a test tree/copy first13:03
squircleCyrano_Zz: gimme a sec to get out of the busybox shell; it's really limited13:03
ynkokay, so i downloaded a file with the extension .sh... how do i install it? o_O13:04
Dr_Willisynk:  and what is this whtever.sh supposed to install?13:04
ynkDr_Willis, it installs Netbeans.13:04
squircleActionParsnip: if it's not working with UUIDs or block devices, what could that mean?13:05
ynkDr_Willis, i found the one in the repository to be out of date.13:05
Dr_Willisynk:  if it needs to be ran as root 'sudo sh whatever.sh' or not  'sh whatever.sh' for a singler user install13:05
ActionParsnipsquircle: no idea, its usually one or the other13:05
ActionParsnipsquircle: if you run: sudo blkid   did te UIDs match?13:05
Dr_Willisynk:  or chmod +x whatever.sh   then ./whatever.sh13:05
ynkDr_Willis, ah, okay. i'll give it a shot. thanks.13:05
jkkkwhere is the named error log?13:06
squircleActionParsnip: yes, they do.13:07
squircleActionParsnip: they match my fstab and menu.lst13:08
getxsickhi, i'm looking for chargen but can't find it in /etc/init.d13:08
Malekogeirha: yea that works so next i just do this? find . -type f ! -name '.*' -delete ? or -exec rm -f {} \;13:08
haowanUbuntu 9.10 Out ?13:08
rskihaowan: no13:09
geirhaMaleko: Yes. the -exec is the portable way, while -delete is specific to GNU find (which ubuntu has)13:09
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:09
Malekogeirha: ah okay. thanks so much :)13:11
geirhaMaleko: yw13:11
squircleActionParsnip: would the error "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured" help at all?13:13
gajopmouse cursor doesn't autohide in gmplayer, but does in mplayer, any resolution?13:13
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ActionParsnipsquircle: i'd try a reinstall13:14
squircleActionParsnip: Come to think of it, i restarted after an update when this happened, and it said something about failing to update a ramfs or something, and i was too naïve to write it down13:15
squircleActionParsnip: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devmapper/+bug/35865413:15
Dr_Willisgajop:  seems to be a known bug from what i just googled.13:15
Malekogeirha: sorry, any idea why it refuses to delete folders? i have specified -rf with rm13:16
ActionParsnipsquircle: looks like a plan13:16
squircleActionParsnip: Seems from the bug that if I chroot in, i should be able to make it work.13:16
squirclei'll try.13:16
jiohdimaleko, are you trying to delete as root?13:17
Malekonormal users13:17
Dr_Willisgajop:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer/+bug/64901   with links to updated mplayer13:17
gajopDr_Willis, i know, i was hoping there was a known solution as well :P13:17
geirhaMaleko: The parent directories have probably been deleted first.13:17
Dr_Willisgajop:  there is.. :) on the bug report page.13:17
jiohdimaleko, its owner may not be user13:17
geirhaMaleko: Oh, and your find only targets files13:18
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:18
gajopDr_Willis, the last comment is a lie, i'm using 9.10 alpha, and i still have the issue13:18
Dr_Willisgajop:  if you are having issues with 9.10 - you should be un #ubuntu+1 i guess.13:18
gajopokay, thanks13:19
Dr_Willisgajop:  re-open the bug report like it asks then perhaps.13:19
deviant-routeGood morning everyone. Ok here is my problem everytime i open Log File Viewer it keeps showing me this error /var/log/btmp The file is not a regular file or is not a text file.13:20
h1231enryhello! i need to know the proper commands for using IRC. thanks13:20
Malekogeirha: so i need to add -type df ?13:21
christinahello members, I installed only  ubuntu 9.04 on an old computer p4 1.5ghz, 512 mb ram , installation completes without any problem but after restarting pc I get the GRUb menu and after i can see the message "booting from hd0,0" but after this I got the black screen and then nothing happens but system is still on13:21
jiohdih1231enry: commands to do what?13:21
h1231enrybasic commands. I want to know how to do these. example "username : hi"13:21
geirhaMaleko: If I understood what you wanted to do correctly, you risk removing hidden files if you do rm -rf13:21
rskih1231enry: typing and using enter to send text? :p13:21
jiohdichristina, did you to a md5sum on the installation programs to make sure it was not corrupted?13:22
csabahow can I recursively list all files that are symlinks in a directory?13:22
rskihipodilski: /nick whateveryouwant13:22
rskier... h1231enry13:22
h1231enryno I mean13:22
h1231enryincluding the name of the person that you want but not PM13:22
Pici!tab | h1231enry13:22
ubottuh1231enry: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:22
Sagacichristina: have you tried waiting a few minutes, or do you just restart13:22
rskijust type it or autocomplete it h1231enry with tab13:23
h1231enrySagaci asd13:23
deviant-routeany advice on how to fix this error => /var/log/btmp The file is not a regular file or is not a text file.13:23
geirhaMaleko: Maybe you rather want find . -depth -type d ! -name ".*" -exec echo rmdir {} \;13:23
christinayea i waited 5 minutes but still the black screen, but once after 6 minutes ubuntu got started13:23
Sagacih1231enry: ?13:23
csabahow can I recursively list all files that are symlinks in a directory?13:23
geirhaMaleko: rmdir will only remove a directory if it is empty13:23
h1231enryfor example i see your message blue not black13:23
h1231enryhow to?13:23
* Dr_Willis wonders what color this is.13:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:24
rskih1231enry: depends onn the client, chek what you use and dig up it's manual13:24
Malekogeirha: thats a safer solution i guess. thanks again13:24
h1231enryok thanks!13:24
jribcsaba: man find, see -type13:24
Sagacichristina: yeah same with my old dell pc, the boot splash doesn't seem to load so it's just a blank screen, i'm not too worried about it, maybe something to do with the graphics installed, of the lack thereof13:24
christinathen what to do ? do i need to install windows again13:24
deviant-routeany advice on how to fix this error => /var/log/btmp The file is not a regular file or is not a text file.13:25
rskichristina: do what that if you feel it's necesary13:25
Sagacichristina: what version of ubuntu are you running13:25
christinai installed ubuntu 9.04 on that old pc13:25
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: what is the output of: file /var/log/btmp13:25
jiohdideviant-route, you can try removing the file and replacing it with a standard txt file13:26
christinabut now its not loading after boot messages13:26
jiohdideviant, mv filex to filex.backup and then make a new one :)13:26
squircleActionParsnip: It seemed to work, and it regenerated my initrd without error, but it nuked my vmlinuz; any way to get it back?13:26
Sagacichristina: it doesn't boot, or it just takes a long time?13:26
getxsickanyone knows how to run chargen service?13:26
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ActionParsnipsquircle: no idea man, let me websearch13:27
deviant-routeActionParsnip: it says Impossible to open the file /var/log/btmp13:27
=== Laughing_God is now known as aiyakoiya
christinaafter fresh installation it boot once after waiting 5 minutes but now its not booting after 6-7 minutes :-(13:27
stevecoh1I have ubuntu 9.04.  I've noticed that the screensaver has stopped working.  How to debug and fix?13:27
ActionParsnipsquircle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101656913:28
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: sudo touch /var/log/btmp13:28
squircleActionParsnip: thanks :)13:28
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: mine is: /var/log/btmp: empty13:28
Sagacichristina: you may be better to try out xubuntu13:28
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: the touch file will create it for you13:28
Sagaci!xubuntu | christina13:28
ubottuchristina: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:28
christinaSagaci there isn't any solution for my problem apart from reinstalltion ?? and why it is happening ?/13:29
h1231enrysomeone please help me pm me. thanks13:29
jrib!pm | h1231enry13:29
ubottuh1231enry: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:29
rskih1231enry: help  you with?13:29
ActionParsniph1231enry: in the channel, more brains and more eyes = more help13:29
jiohdiSagaci: would that make a different install then apt-get install xfce4?13:30
christinaSagaci ?13:30
szeckHei guys i need SERIOUS help: my ubuntu after installing proprietary ati driver is black! my screen is black everything after the boot is black! What in the hell is going on here! now i'm on wvista! Help!13:31
h1231enryActionParsnip : ok actionparsnip iam i using the correct command in IRC? so it would display blue to you?13:31
stevecoh1I have ubuntu 9.04.  I've noticed that the screensaver has stopped working.  How to debug and fix?13:31
ActionParsniph1231enry: yes, state you case to the channel and it will reply if it ca13:31
Sagacijiohdi: yes, different install13:31
christinachristina>Sagaci there isn't any solution for my problem apart from reinstalltion ?? and why it is happening ?/13:31
rskih1231enry:  you can't control what color it is on our clients13:32
jiohdiSagaci, any significant difference you know about?13:32
rskih1231enry: we can set it up however we want13:32
ActionParsnipchristina: could try some bootoptions13:32
ActionParsnip!bootoptions  | christina13:32
ubottuchristina: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions13:32
Sagacichristina: it could be a range of issues, most likely an issue with your graphics13:32
h1231enryactionparsnip : no I mean I'm I notifying you a message but I'm not pm'ing you13:32
christinabut why graphics ? coz of old motherboard p4 1.5ghz ??13:33
szeckHei guys i need SERIOUS help: my ubuntu after installing proprietary ati driver is black! my screen is black everything after the boot is black! What in the hell is going on here! now i'm on wvista! Help!13:33
ActionParsniph1231enry: yes, you typing my name at the start highlights your text13:33
Sagacijiohdi: not particularly but my experience with ubuntu/linux has been varying with each distro and each subdistro13:33
ActionParsniph1231enry: for me only13:33
h1231enryActionParsnip : ok thanks man! that clears my problem about IRC13:33
h1231enryActionParsnip : thanks man!13:33
ActionParsniph1231enry: np bro13:33
Sagacichristina: are you installing ubuntu for the first time13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lidfprint13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libfprint13:34
Pici!msgthebot | Elone13:34
ubottuElone: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:34
szeck!black screen13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about black screen13:34
szeckshame on you13:34
deviant-routeActionParsnip: nothing happen13:34
h1231enryActionParsnip : yeah thanks for helping us. Like me a noob.. thanks man!13:35
ActionParsniph1231enry: every day is a school day13:35
christinathis is my second PC on which i m installing ubuntu, the first installed ubuntu is still running fine without any problem13:35
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: it wont, in linux no news is good news, you dont get an 'ok" after every command, its redundant13:36
Eloneanyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?13:36
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: if you run the file command from earlier you will now see it exists13:36
user___Thanks for the help but chmod -R u+rw $HOME didn't fix. What else can i try?13:36
h1231enryActionParsnip : yep that's why I'm always here so I can learn things! :)13:37
deviant-routeActionParsnip: I noticed that when i try to login and if the login fail this is what shows up in the log viewer13:37
squircleActionParsnip: Success! Thanks so much for all your help!13:37
szeckHei guys i need SERIOUS help: my ubuntu after installing proprietary ati driver is black! my screen is black everything after the boot is black! What in the hell is going on here! now i'm on wvista! Help!13:37
ActionParsnipsquircle: i only guided, you did it dude. wtg :)13:37
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ActionParsnipdeviant-route: is the file there?13:38
sipiorszeck: how did you install the ati driver?13:38
deviant-routeActionParsnip: nope13:38
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: it looks like its needed for some reason13:38
mo0nykitMy current kernel only supports CIFS as a loadable module. How do I add built-in support for CIFS? Do I have to recompile the entire kernel?13:38
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szeck"Hardware drivers", FGLRX ati drivers on a hd240013:39
sipiormo0nykit: yes13:39
=== Nasra is now known as Maximo
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: try: sudo nano /var/log/btmp       then in nano press ctrl+x, press y then press enter13:39
mo0nykitsipior, okay thanks13:40
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: that should make an empty file for you13:40
Oli``Anyone here well versed in regexes? I'm trying to use the rename command to rename a batch of files but I need to use a "named group" in my regex "rename 's/(?:0(?P<var>\d)|(?P<var>[1-9]?\d))/text $var text/i' * -v" That's not the proper way to reference var. What is?13:40
jribOli``: $1 $2, etc13:40
Oli``jrib: is there no way to use the actual name?13:40
jribOli``: do you need them to be named?13:40
sipiorszeck: thinking.13:41
Oli``jrib: the actual regex is a lot more complicated so yeah13:41
szecksipior: thanks13:41
jribOli``: you might check the perl regex manpages then13:41
jimbeam12hey jrib wsup bro13:41
jribjimbeam12: hi13:41
BocianHi!  I can't install ubuntu on my intel core 2 duo,  but I solved it :D13:41
jimbeam12man this channel  rocks jrib..13:42
deviant-routeActionParsnip: when i press ctlr+x it exit nano13:42
jribOli``: i'm reading http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/en/man1/perlre.1.html since I am interested in this answer too...13:42
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: hmm strange13:43
_b0hemian_how do I scan ip on my network using ubuntu?13:44
deviant-routeActionParsnip: i am going to take a screenshot of the log viewer13:44
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: ok lets be sneaky13:44
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: cd /var/log13:44
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: file * | grep empty13:44
christinajiohdi i did that already13:44
=== _b0hemian_ is now known as cyberjorge
ActionParsnipdeviant-route: you can then run: sudo cp ./<one of the files it finds> ./btmp13:45
cyberjorgehow do I scan ip's connected on my network using ubuntu?13:45
jimbeam12ActionParsnip get some sleep bro13:45
ActionParsnipcyberjorge: nmap13:45
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: got a meeting to chair now13:45
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: then an hour of work13:46
jribOli``: the syntax given there doesn't seem to work for me, trying: s/(?<name>[0-9])/\k<name>/13:46
Oli``jrib: yeah I tried that and it treated it as a literal13:46
Oli``(well, minus the \)13:46
user___AcionParsnip: Thanks for the help but chmod -R u+rw $HOME didn't fix. What else can i try?13:47
cyberjorgeActionParsnip: thanks13:47
deviant-routeActionParsnip:It dosen't find btmp emty13:47
Dr_Willisuser___:  what was the original problem anyway?13:47
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jribOli``: i never realized this script was so short13:47
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Unicodecyberjorge: ping -b broadcastaddress13:48
sipiorszeck: do you have another machine that you can use to log into the broken one?13:48
user___Dr_Willis:  I have the following error when i log into gnome "The application "gnome-panel" attempted to change an aspect of your configuration that your system administrator or operating system vendor does not allow you to change. Some of the settings you have selected may not take effect, or may not be restored next time you use the application."13:48
FiloSottileon a new installed ubuntu when i hit enter after entering my password in gdm it blocks on the password window13:48
FiloSottilewhat can i do?13:49
jimbeam12hey jrib..do you know anthing about bootsplash on startup?13:49
cyberjorgeActionParsnip: i have 21 ip's under my network, how do i see their ip's?13:49
cyberjorgeUnicode: ping: unknown host broadcastaddress13:49
jribjimbeam12: not much, no, but the package gives some documentation in /usr/share/doc/whatever_the_usplash_package_name_is13:49
jrib!usplash > jimbeam1213:49
ubottujimbeam12, please see my private message13:49
Halitechcyberjorge, you can use nmap and scan the network13:50
jribOli``: so since I am using perl 5.10 this should work right? :)13:50
deviant-routecyberjorge: have you tried nmap?13:50
jimbeam12cool thx ..ill get stuck onto that see what happens..13:50
cyberjorgeHalitech: what's the exact command?13:50
jimbeam12thx guys13:50
FiloSottileon a new installed ubuntu when i hit enter after entering my password in gdm it blocks on the password window13:51
FiloSottileplease help me...13:51
Oli``jrib: well the \k... is technically a back-reference... I'm not sure if they behave the same way in substitutions13:51
Oli``jrib: well they clearly don't =)13:51
jribOli``: ah, good point13:51
Halitechcyberjorge, nmap [ <Scan Type>  ...] [ <Options>  ] { <target specification>  } ... http://nmap.org/book/man.html13:51
cyberjorgeNmap done: 21 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 6.095 seconds, means nothing connected? how can i see their IP's?13:51
Oli``jrib: I'll pop a question up on StackOverflow and see if anybody else knows the answer13:52
deviant-routecyberjorge: try using fping13:52
jribOli``: #perl would probably know too13:52
Oli``fair point13:52
jimbeam12jrib hows the weather there.13:53
jribjimbeam12: pretty nice actually13:53
jimbeam12freezing here..13:53
jimbeam12need the sun...lol13:53
h1231enryanyone from the Philippines here?13:53
cyberjorgeh1231enry: bakit kabayan?13:54
h1231enrycyberjorge : wow kababayan! haha!13:55
h1231enrycyberjorge : wow wag tayo mag tagalog haha! baka masipa tayo13:55
cyberjorgeh1231enry: where's your location in the Philippines bro?13:55
h1231enrycyberjorge : Cavite. Kaw?13:56
cyberjorgei'm at bona coffee here at nuvali laguna13:56
h1231enrycyberjorge : nasa cafe ka po?13:56
cyberjorgethese guys here at bona are open source advocates, they have ubuntu computer station here which i am using13:56
cyberjorgeno bona coffee shop13:57
cyberjorgeh1231enry: much like starbucks, but way better they even have free wifi and free computer station for use13:58
h1231enrycyberjorge : WOW. Ako kasi dito lang sa bahay, e tambay tambay ako dito sa ubuntu kasi gusto ko rin matuto.13:58
user___Dr_Willis:  Is there somewhere in particular I could go to get further help with this?13:58
cyberjorgeh1231enry: i got used with ubuntu cause it's what they use here13:58
ActionParsnipcyberjorge: you will need to look at nmap and how to scan the network addresses for your subnet to see what is going on13:58
cyberjorgei heared good things about ubuntu here from bona guys that's why i have one in my house too13:59
ActionParsnipcyberjorge: in the same sweep you can have it query the hosts for what services they provide etc13:59
h1231enrycyberjorge : does Ubuntu work perfectly on WIFI networks? Kasi LAN pa lang tina try ko. Hindi pa sa laptop ko.13:59
ActionParsnipcyberjorge: ubuntu is just a debian based Linux. Linux in general is good fun14:00
cyberjorgeActionParsnip: hhmm... i see, you an exact command for me? for this ip range - 2014:00
Oli``jrib: $+{var}14:00
metajemo#part ubuntu14:00
ActionParsnipcyberjorge: http://nmap.org/book/man-examples.html14:00
rekwhat do i need to create a ntfs partition with gparted?14:00
jribOli``: I saw, thanks.  /me remembers why he decided to learn python instead of perl14:00
cyberjorgeh1231enry: perfectly, this ubuntu unit i'm using here at bona coffee is in ubuntu14:01
Oli``jrib: haha yeah same here14:01
ActionParsnipcyberjorge: http://nmap.org/book/nmap-overview-and-demos.html14:02
docoliverhaving some problems writing a script using start-stop-deamon and openconnect14:02
JuJuBeeI use my laptop for web development and somehow postfix got installed and I do not wish it to be.  How can I find out what program installed postfix as a dependency?14:02
h1231enrycyberjorge : Yeah. I really want ubuntu over Windows, because it is easy to use though hard to install and run for the first timers14:02
deviant-routecyberjorge: sudo apt-get install fping then fping -g to show you if the hosts are alive or unreachable14:02
docoliveranyone have some experience with authoring init.d scripts?14:03
jrib!anyone | docoliver14:03
ubottudocoliver: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:03
BWARGi need to fix my boot loader14:03
Cyrano_Zzcyberjorge: You you looking to see what hosts are alive only?14:03
ActionParsnip!grub | BWARG14:03
ubottuBWARG: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:03
llutzdocoliver: see /etc/init.d/README + skeleton14:03
BWARGthank you !14:04
erUSULJuJuBee: many programs has a mta as recomended package so they can mail the admin about isuues like smartmontools and the like14:04
cyberjorgeh1231enry: you'll get use to it, it's fun learning ubuntu. Here at bona coffee, they have ubuntu cpu with 2 users14:04
docoliveror rather, for some reason openconnect is not liking getting passwords from a conf file, so I have to pass it on stdin, made that work with '< /file/name'14:04
Cyrano_Zzcyberjorge: for i in `seq 1 254`; do ping -c 1 192.168.1.$i; done14:04
cyberjorgeCyrano_Zz: yes, one exactly is the ip address of my router as i forgot which ip I assigned :D14:05
docoliverbut then openconnect backgrounds using a different pid then the initial startup pid, so start-stop-daemon gets confused and stores the wrong thing.14:05
h1231enrycyberjorge : yeah I'm happy because I'm now using Linux,14:05
JuJuBeeerUSUL: would it be terrible to uninstall postfix?  I do not want an mta installed on my laptop.14:05
Cyrano_Zzcyberjorge: Replace 192.168.1 with the subnet you are trying.14:05
erUSULJuJuBee: no; it will not be terrible14:05
docoliverso I try --background via start-stop-daemon instead, but then my stdin input looks borked.14:05
JuJuBeeok, thanks for the info.  I think it is in fact smartmontools that I installed a few weeks ago...14:06
cyberjorgeh1231enry: and best of all it's free! ;) let's sometime here at bona, they have branch at westgate alabang and in bf14:06
h1231enrycyberjorge : I'm near Alabang and BF homes Las Pinas. Yep some time I'll go and visit Bona14:07
h1231enrycyberjorge : though I don't know where. :)14:07
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Picicyberjorge, h1231enry: By the way, this channel is for support issues only, it may be best to continue your conversation in private or in #ubuntu-offtopic  Thanks!14:07
cyberjorgeh1231enry: let me know so I can me with you, show you some of my ubuntu stuff14:07
cyberjorgePici: sorry for that14:08
h1231enrycyberjorge : yeah sure. Though haven't got time as I'm still a student. :)14:09
Halitech!hi | charlie-jayne14:09
ubottucharlie-jayne: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:09
charlie-jaynecan someone in here tell me how I can me a bootable usb with a .img file14:10
Halitechcharlie-jayne, ubuntu or windows?14:12
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: use dd to put it onto te usb14:12
Halitech!es | taller14:13
ubottutaller: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:13
charlie-jayneHalitech: I am currenlty using gnewsense and I am wanting to but ubutnu on my eeepc14:13
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: you put it on the disk too (e.g. /dev/sdb) and not the partition (e.g. /dev/sdb1)14:13
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: if your usb device is a different dev, use its name, the command is: sudo dd if=imagefile.img of=/dev/sdb14:13
FiloSottilesorry for the spam14:14
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: you will need to point the command at te image file (you can use absolutes if you wish)14:14
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: you can check the /dev/  entry with: sudo fdisk -l14:14
charlie-jayne/dev/sdb1             3.9G  4.0K  3.9G   1% /media/USB14:15
cws_Hi everybody, I moved a file to a server 1 hour ago. I don't have access to the server anymore... Is there a way to recover the file on my computer?14:15
rsouthardhello does anyone know if port 161 is closed by default? I have ran a netstat -an | grep "LISTEN" | grep 161 and it is not returning anything. I can not find iptables to turn it off.14:15
erUSULrsouthard: if nothing is listenenig on that port the port is closed14:16
charlie-jayneActionParsnip: fdisk -l does nothing14:16
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: ok then run: sudo umount /dev/sdb1; sudo dd if=<image file here> of=/dev/sdb14:16
FiloSottileplease, someone http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,320526.0.html14:16
Halitechcharlie-jayne, use sudo fdisk -l14:16
rsoutharderUSUL how would i go about completely turning off the firewall?14:16
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: you will need to replace <image file here> with the actual file with path14:16
erUSULrsouthard: depends on what firewall you enabled. by default none is enabled in ubuntu14:17
charlie-jaynei am very confused14:17
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: ok you downloaded the img file, yes14:17
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: where is it and whats its name14:17
rsoutharderUSUAL: i have enabled nothing. I havent installed iptables, guarddog or anything14:17
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: is it by any chance on the desktop??14:17
rsoutharderUSUL just a default install.14:17
ActionParsnip(stupid firefox defaul)14:17
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: ok and what is the filename?14:18
Cyrano_ZzActionParsnip: I REALLY hate that default14:18
Cyrano_ZzActionParsnip: Propagates cluttered desktops and disorganization14:18
ActionParsnipCyrano_Zz: me too, theres a perfectly good ~/Downloads folder, go figure14:18
charlie-jayneActionParsnip: ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386(2).img14:18
erUSULrsouthard: the there is no firewall running o your machine14:18
Cyrano_ZzAlthough admin vs sales guy has a great bit on "cluttered" desktops14:19
charlie-jayneActionParsnip: i'm going to pm you the output of sudo fdisk -l14:19
rsoutharderUSUL: i ran whereis iptables and it showed up in /sbin/iptables but there is not an entry in /etc/init.d to stop it14:19
=== ivan is now known as Guest20672
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: sudo umount /dev/sdb1; sudo dd if=~/Desktop/ ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386\(2\).img of=/dev/sdb14:20
=== NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away
ActionParsnipcharlie-jayne: you need the \s in the command as you have braces in the filename14:21
erUSULrsouthard: so? the iptables binary is there to make a firewall if you want. but as i said there is *no* firewall on a default install14:21
ActionParsnipoops, parenthesis14:21
rsoutharderUSUL: what would be blocking the port then?14:21
rsoutharderUSUL: thank you for the help btw.14:22
erUSULrsouthard: as i said. if nothing is listening in the port the port is "closed". you showed with netstat that nothing is listning there so nothiong can respond14:23
rsoutharderUSUL: is there a way to open it?14:23
erUSULrsouthard: launch a program that listens there14:24
erUSULrsouthard: explain what are you trying to do, becouse so far you are not making much sense to me..14:24
=== jean is now known as Guest796
rsoutharderUSUL i am trying to open port 161, 162 for cacti14:25
erUSULrsouthard: for the port to be "open" as you define cacti has to be running and binded to that port14:25
rsoutharderUSUL: i have a default 8.04 LTS install. with snmp installed and postresql.14:25
erUSULrsouthard: is cacti running ?14:25
rsoutharderUSUL: yes.14:25
erUSULrsouthard: do « sudo lsof -i :161 »14:27
MasterofPuppetsHey guys, just a question: vol_id doesn't return any UUID 'cuz it says "command not found". Any ideas?14:27
rsoutharderUSUL: root@dkc-dev19:/etc/init.d# sudo lsof -i :16114:28
rsouthardsnmpd   9023 snmp    6u  IPv4 515154      0t0  UDP localhost:snmp14:28
FloodBot2rsouthard: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
rsoutharderUSUL http://paste.ubuntu.com/277944/14:29
erUSULrsouthard: so here it is snmpd is listenning there14:29
lianimatoris the osd notification configuration in karmic? can I disable it for IM messages?14:29
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bazhanglianimator, #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion please14:29
Cyrano_ZzMasterofPuppets: sudo blkid14:30
erUSULrsouthard: how are you trying to connect to the port ?14:30
h1231enryGood Evening14:30
scyxhas anyone been able to boot the karmic-moblin-remix usb live image? all i get is the default panels with a different icon theme.. =/14:30
llutzMasterofPuppets: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/14:30
cyberjorgescyx: is that a beta (karmic) or is it been released?14:31
MasterofPuppetsllutz: Does that do the same function?14:31
scyxcyberjorge: it's alpha (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-moblin-remix/daily-live/current/)14:31
MasterofPuppetsCyrano_ZZ: Thanks14:31
rsoutharderUSL public string with cacti.14:31
bazhang!karmic | scyx cyberjorge14:32
ubottuscyx cyberjorge: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:32
llutzMasterofPuppets: it shows actual UUIDs, yes14:32
MasterofPuppetsllutz: Ah, ok. On that topic, anybody good with scripts here?14:32
scyxwell, is there a live version of the jaunty/moblin remix somewhere that apparently gets shipped with dells right now?14:33
Cyrano_ZzMasterofPuppets: What kind of scripts?14:33
Spike1506whenever i try to boot ubuntu the kernel returns a error softreset failed, device not ready14:33
Spike1506now how can i get the full error?14:33
Spike1506its a kernel error14:33
erUSULrsouthard: and how it fails ? is the machine behind a router with its own firewall ?14:33
MasterofPuppetsCyrano_ZZ: Just something I can run to backup my personal files to a separate partition every day. I'd like to automate it because I do it daily14:33
Cyrano_ZzSpike1506: Did the machine boot up eventually.  If so look in /var/log/messages.2.gz14:33
Spike1506yeah it boots normally14:34
Cyrano_ZzSpike1506: -.2.gz14:34
mweicherthello - can someone tell me the difference between mdadm and lvm2? are they competing technologies?14:34
mweichertyou would probably use one or the other, correct?14:34
Cyrano_ZzMasterofPuppets: No need to write your own script.  Look at something like rdiff-backup of backuppc.14:34
ActionParsnipmweichert: i wouldnt say competing, just 2 different options14:34
Spike1506Cyrano_Zz, there is no such file14:35
Cyrano_ZzMasterofPuppets: There are several backup packages available in the repositories.14:35
Spike1506there are syslog.*.gz files14:35
mweichertActionParsnip, you you would use one or the other - not both, correct?14:35
erUSULmweichert: mdadm is for the md subsystem and lvm2 is for the md subsystem of the kernel... and yes there is some overlapping in funcionality between the two (both can do levels of raid but dm has other uses)14:35
ActionParsnipmweichert: id stick to just one, yes14:35
erUSULrsouthard: sudo iptables -L ?14:35
Cyrano_ZzSpike1506: Sorry, tab complete habbit bit me again.  Just view /var/log/messages14:35
ActionParsnipmweichert: ivenot used it so couldnt comment14:36
rsoutharderUSUL: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/277957/14:36
mweicherterUSUL, is one better than the other?14:37
intruder_ 14:37
Spike1506back in a bit :)14:37
mgv2what is the name of ubuntu off topic channel?14:37
erUSULrsouthard: it looks all well (those rules where added by you; no?) dunno why the connection fails14:37
user___Dr_Willis:  I get the same problem no matter if I login as "last session", Gnome session or fail safe gnome.14:38
DJones!ot | mgv214:38
ubottumgv2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:38
erUSULmweichert: i can not say i gues that all depends on what you want to do14:38
MasterofPuppetsCyano_ZZ: Thanks. Would you recommend one over the other?14:38
mgv2DJones, thanks14:38
mweicherterUSUL, well, ultimately I want a soft raid solution that offers the most flexibility and support14:39
rsouthardi think they were added by opennms and cacti14:39
erUSULmweichert: got for mdadm then14:40
ActionParsnip!raid | mweichert14:40
ubottumweichert: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:40
citrus212hi there. i need help running smslisto on ubuntu14:40
mweicherterUSUL, curious... why?14:40
erUSULrsouthard: it does not matter... there is nothing blocking that port so everythn should work. the problem is elsewhere not in the firewall14:40
user___ActionParsnip:  I get the same problem no matter if I login as "last session", Gnome session or fail safe gnome.14:40
citrus212I LOVE ubuntu. best thing i have ever used.14:40
citrus212but need some help with smslisto (a voip chat)14:41
citrus212a bit like skype14:41
citrus212hello? anybody?14:41
=== Rajesh is now known as Guest20895
erUSULmweichert: mdadm only does raid is more focused and widely used afaik14:41
=== Guest20895 is now known as Rajesh1
rsoutharderUSUL if that is the case why cant i do an snmpwalk14:41
erUSULrsouthard: that i dunno;14:42
mweicherterUSUL, I notice that most distribution installers have LVM2 support - but I never see mention of mdadm14:42
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:42
ActionParsnipuser___: try: mv /home/<username>/.config/gnome-session/saved-session /home/<username>/.config/gnome-session/saved-session_old       in a root recovery console14:43
Spike1506this is the error i get: http://pastebin.com/m1d29849514:43
Spike1506seems to be a hardware bug14:43
acostellowhat program is good for using a webcam? when i type lspci i dont see it, so i guess its not a pci camera, which makes sense. any ideas? its the only thing not working on my netbook14:43
erUSULmweichert: may be becouse lvm2/dm has more features (like encryption; dm-multipath; snapshot etc)14:43
erUSUL!webcam | acostello14:44
ubottuacostello: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:44
citrus212hi piccrillo14:44
citrus212any chance of running skype on linux14:44
citrus212i have ubuntu14:44
Spike1506ill fill in a bug report14:44
Halitechacostello, might be running on the usb side of things, does it show up in lsusb?14:44
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citrus212and would greatly appreciate it if you would help me14:44
DJones!skype | citrus21214:44
ubottucitrus212: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:44
pukapukHello everyone, I'm very interested in helping developing linux applications, some with Java (which I know pretty good), some with C++ (which i still don't know), and I was wondering, everytime I try to download a source of a program it seems to be more complex than what I've learned so far, I've seen a couple of SVN sources (which took me some time to figure out how that works), is there a website that can has collected simple and i14:46
pukapukmaterial that can teach you to develop and contribute to open source projects?14:46
h1231enryBye guys!14:47
Picipukapuk: See 'Starting points' on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:48
sabai cant get my mozila firefox started14:50
sabacan anyone help me out14:50
ActionParsnipsaba: what happens when you try?14:50
MasterofPuppetssaba: Have you tried from the terminal?14:51
pukapukPici: thanks14:51
sabaActionParsnip, when i press it it doesnty do anything14:51
BotondÜdv mindenkinek14:51
ActionParsnipsaba: if you run: ps -ef | grep -i fire14:51
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ActionParsnipsaba: are there any firefoxes running?14:51
DJones!hu | Botond14:51
ubottuBotond: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál14:51
sabano none14:51
erUSULsaba: launch it from a terminal window to see if there is some error14:51
jkkkhow long have ubuntu been releasing server edition?14:52
ActionParsnipsaba: ok fro that terminal (as erUSUL says) type: firefox   and press enter14:52
sabalet me try it14:52
szeckOk guys, i need help. I have ircii on the terminal now. i can't boot normally because my video driver gone crazy. Anyone PLEASE can help?14:52
sabaActionParsnip, Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*.14:52
Botondbye all14:53
ActionParsnipszeck: uninstall the driver14:53
sabathats what it gves me14:53
szeckActionParsnip how to do that???14:53
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
geniijkkk: The first server edition I recall is 6.06 (Dapper)14:53
ActionParsnipsaba: sudo xulrunner-1.9 --register-global14:53
ActionParsnipszeck: how did you install them?14:53
=== mquin is now known as Guest58587
ActionParsnipsaba: then rerun firefox from terminal14:54
szeck"Hardware drivers" the damn proprietary ati drivers, after the reboot, everything is black14:54
szeck"Hardware drivers" the damn proprietary ati drivers, after the reboot, everything is black ActionParsnip14:54
ActionParsnipszeck: run: dpkg -l | grep -i ati | grep -i driver14:54
user___ActionParsnip:  No joy :(.14:54
AdvoWorkhi there. any ideas where I can go for support with ubuntu, got a problem with something, asked in here before, and on the support forums, no replies in weeks so am running out of ideas.14:54
ActionParsnipszeck: boot to recovery root console and uninstall the driver from there14:54
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Mohammad[B]my NVIDIA resolution don't save and i must set new resolution how i can save it for ever ? ubuntu 9.04 and Nvidia 180.4414:55
sabaActionParsnip, thx man it worked :)14:55
szeckActionParsnip even if i am root and in the recovery mode??14:55
ActionParsnipuser___: sudo apt-get -f install  14:56
jkkkgenii: when was it released?14:56
user___ActionParsnip:  What will that do?14:56
ActionParsnipMohammad[B]: run: gksudo nvidia-settings      setup the screen then click "write to xorg.conf"14:56
ActionParsnipuser___: check all your packages are tidy and all deps are satisfied14:57
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, i do it but don't save ...14:57
ActionParsnipMohammad[B]: not if you use gksudo ;)14:57
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, sudo nvidia-settings ...14:57
ActionParsnipMohammad[B]: no, use gksudo. sudo is NOT for gui apps14:57
MasterofPuppetsActionParsnip: I'm back and I have more problems. :P I'm using a touchpad, and every time I reboot, it unchecks the "enable tapping" property in the settings. Ideas?14:57
user___ActionParsnip:   There is a bunch of packages that are no longer required.14:58
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, do it ... brb14:58
ActionParsnipuser___: ok then run: sudo apt-get autoremove14:58
ActionParsnipMasterofPuppets: not sure dude, ask the channel14:58
geniijkkk: As the numbering scheme suggests, June 200614:58
MasterofPuppetsActionParsnip: Do you think I could automate this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving || I'd like to automate it as a sort of backup14:59
ActionParsnipMasterofPuppets: you can automate anything14:59
MasterofPuppetsActionParsnip: Do I just take the actions in there and append everything with #!/bin/bash?15:00
MasterofPuppetsAnd then paste it into a .txt file and make it a script?15:00
ActionParsnipMasterofPuppets: could do, theres also15:00
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, don't work15:00
ActionParsnip!backup | MasterofPuppets15:00
ubottuMasterofPuppets: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:00
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, do you can ssh to my pc and resolve it ?15:00
ActionParsnipMohammad[B]: if you read xorg.conf does it contain the settings15:00
ActionParsnipMohammad[B]: dont let strangers onto your PC, you have no idea of their intentions15:01
user___ActionParsnip:  It removed 42 unused packages. But I still get the same error :(15:01
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/277977/ my xorg.conf15:02
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, but my resolution is 1360x76815:02
ActionParsnipMohammad[B]: ok looks good, restart X15:02
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, this is after restart15:03
=== Cyrano_Zz is now known as Cyrano_away
ActionParsnipuser___: ok try this: sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install firefox-3.515:03
Cyrano_awayTime to make the donuts15:03
user___ActionParsnip:  What will that do?15:04
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, don't use of that config, but when i remove nvidia's driver from my ubuntu resolution is good and don't change ...15:04
=== PlayListenTasteL is now known as Nasten
Mohammad[B]ActionParsnip, any idea ? :-s15:04
Nastenis there a way to check if the device i have connected via a jtag is visible to my ubuntu?15:04
ActionParsnipuser___: it will remove all firefoxes and its deps and then install a clean version. Your settings are held in ~/.mozilla so are seperate to the whole process15:05
ActionParsnipMohammad[B]: I have no idea then dude. The writing to the file usually makes things nice15:05
MasterofPuppetsActionParsnip: Is there any thing that you know of which wil backup to another partition?15:06
mnemochi, do you know any ppa with thunderbird-3.0 that doesn't kidnap firefox-3.5?15:07
ActionParsnipMasterofPuppets: could just use cp15:07
Nastenhi people! How can i check if my jtag connection to an fpga board works fine?15:09
n8tuserNasten-> i would presume you can do serial comms to it right?15:10
MasterofPuppetsActipnParsnip: CP?15:10
Nasteni have no idea. I'm a newbie... :-)15:10
MasterofPuppetsOh, copy15:10
MasterofPuppetsActionParsnip: Apparently it's very unreliable in terms of moving and backup15:11
n8tuserNasten me too on embedded boards, which board do you use?15:11
trwwwHello. I got a new disk and installed 8.04 server on a machine that had been running redhat 9 for a long time.15:11
trwwwI left the old drive in as a secondary drive. Can someone point me to a reference that tells me how to probe this drive for partition info and then mount it?15:11
Nastenspartan3 gr-xc-1500s15:11
trwwwI'm looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive15:11
katohi everyone! i have a problem printing large pdf files with ubuntu server 9.04, can anyone help me?15:11
Nasteni just want to see if it echoes to my serial port15:11
n8tusertrwww-> fdisk -l   /dev/sdb15:11
ActionParsnipMasterofPuppets: i use it over firewire for backups15:12
Nastenwhich port is it connected...15:12
Nastenit's more of a unix question i guess15:12
n8tuserNasten i dont know how to check, but if you google for beagle boards, that seems to have ubuntu support and usage of jtag connector15:12
ActionParsnipMasterofPuppets: its cron'd to run every 12 hours15:12
trwwwall mounted now15:13
Nastenok thanx15:13
n8tusertrwww-> you're welcome15:13
Nasteni will try that15:13
spursncowboys Hi everyone. Yesterday I ran out of memory and then my compiz stopped working. Then my Transmission program didn't recognize any of the videos it had previously recognized. It started re downloading all the files from my Transmission to my Desktop ( I put them all in Video). I thought this is a reaction to my running out of memory. I deleted some files and restart my comp. When it started, same problem. So I deleted everything from my Transmission. N15:13
MasterofPuppetsActionParsnip: Would it do well in basic document transfer and stuff?15:15
MasterofPuppetsAbout a gig of data15:15
Newb123I need some help, im trying to configure and save a config file outside terminal, but it says access denied.. so how do I sudo without using terminal? :s15:15
=== root is now known as szeck
katoNewb123: use nautilus15:16
HalitechNewb123, gksudo15:17
szeckanyone can help me reset the video drivers?15:17
thiebaudeszeck, which graphics card?15:17
Newb123what do you mean? the same error is when I try to create a folder or something outside my own home folder.. I want full access to everything, im the admin ffs >.<15:17
szeckhd2400 is complicated, i can't boot the so, i'm in a shell in recovery mode, please help15:18
mweicherterUSUL, just came across EVMS as well... how does this compare to LVM2?15:18
mweicherterUSUL, is it widely supported by Linux installers yet?15:18
erUSULmweichert: evms is built on top lvm/lvm2 (just an interface) and i thought it was abandoned15:19
ubottuŽiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.15:19
HalitechNewb123, no, you are a user that can obtain admin rights with sudo or gksudo15:19
katoNewb123: if you want to modify any protect file or folder you can use: sudo nautilus from terminal....15:19
icerootkato: gksudo15:19
thiebaudemikas, what is your question?15:19
mikasi a friend of Sarrah Connor, i am here to protect you15:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:19
Newb123ok thanks a lot15:20
Halitechkato, Newb123 do not use sudo for graphical apps, you will mess things up, use gksudo or gksu15:20
iceroot!gksudo | Newb12315:20
ubottuNewb123: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:20
szeckanyone can help me reset the video drivers?  please help15:20
user___ActionParsnip:  No joy, although I'm sure I have a much tidier firefox install now.15:21
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
spidesanyone in here use amsn with ubuntu ?15:22
szeckActionParsnip: i'm back. No result form dpkg -l bla bla... i got no errors but when i reboot is still full of artifact, please help15:23
petervaAnyone here has issues with pulseaudio in karmic?15:23
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:23
razor_Xhi gang15:23
petervaI seem to have broken my setup, and I have a hard time getting pulseaudio back15:23
razor_XActionParsnip sup bro15:23
thiebaudepeterva, #ubuntu+115:23
szeckActionParsnip: i'm back. No result form dpkg -l bla bla... i got no errors but when i reboot is still full of artifact, please help15:24
thiebaudepeterva, 9.10 is still in developement15:24
razor_Xanyone familiar with the inner workings of frostwire in linux because it is telling me i have the wrong version of java15:24
petervathiebaude: I know :)15:24
petervaAnd I'm very willing to test15:24
bazhangpeterva, discussion in #ubuntu+1 please15:25
thiebaudepeterva, but also expect stuff like to happen15:25
petervathiebaude: I do expect it to happen :)15:26
razor_Xi am having problems with frostwire it is telling me i am using the wrong version of java yet i have the latest version installed15:26
thiebaudepeterva, i had to go back to 9.04 last nite15:26
squirclerazor_X: is it possible you just have an old version of frostwire installed?15:26
razor_Xsquircle no i have the latest version15:27
squirclerazor_X: does it prevent you from doing anything in frostwire?15:27
petervathiebaude: I probably should as well, if I want it to work, but I like to tinker away :)15:27
razor_Xsquircle i cannot even start it up15:27
petervaand of course, it's only affecting 1 box, not all of them15:28
petervathe rest is still on jaunty15:28
thiebaudepeterva, hey, im the same way, beta is Oct 115:28
Mohammad[B]what is resolution config file name in username directory ?15:28
petervathiebaude: I started using karmic somewhere in may :)15:28
* thiebaude cant wait to upgrade to 9.1015:28
llutzMohammad[B]: there's none by default15:29
Halitechrazor_X, do you get any errors if you try and start it from the terminal?15:29
thiebaudepeterva, been using ubuntu since 6.0615:29
Mohammad[B]llua, i have resolution problem in just one of my users ...15:29
katohi! can anyone help me with a problem to print large pdf files?15:29
razor_XHalitech, i will past the error15:29
petervathiebaude: since warty warthog here :)15:29
razor_XSomething went wrong with LimeWire.15:29
razor_XMaybe you're using the wrong version of Java?15:29
razor_X(LimeWire is tested against and works best with with Sun's JRE, Java 1.6+)15:29
razor_XThe version of Java in your PATH is:15:29
razor_Xjava version "1.6.0_0"15:29
FloodBot2razor_X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:29
razor_XOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu11)15:29
Halitech!pastebin | razor_X15:30
ubotturazor_X: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:30
tallerubuntu es15:30
lluaMohammad[B],  its a llua and a llutz xD15:30
squirclerazor_X: it may be something else, but i dunno15:30
tallercomo entro a ubuntu es15:30
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:30
Mohammad[B]llutz,  i have resolution problem in just one of my users ...15:30
IdleOnetaller: /join #ubuntu-es15:30
thiebauderazor_X, did you install sun-java6-jre?15:31
razor_Xthiebaude yes i did15:32
squircle!hi | hestupineapplen15:32
ubottuhestupineapplen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:32
padi999several apps don't allow to upload files using FF3.x under linux. There is www.springnote.com and also gallery2.0 or gallery3.0! What is the issue here?15:32
seidoswhen I reboot, apps are started even though I have "remember open applications" is unchecked in startup applications.  ideas?15:33
ringo999so when installing, how can i specifiy which packages are installed, i.e. i don't need the games etc..15:33
padi999In both I can't upload images, the dialog appears but nothing can be added15:33
Halitechrazor_X, are both installed from the main ubuntu repos?15:33
razor_XHalitech,  yes15:33
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
anilalurI tried disabling a card reader attached USB 1-1 n I get this sdb: assuming drive cache: write through15:34
hestupineapplenalguien de colombia?15:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:34
anilalurwhat does this mean ? sdb: assuming drive cache: write through15:35
thiebaudehestupineapplen, #ubuntu-es15:35
thiebaude!es | hestupineapplen15:37
ubottuhestupineapplen: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:37
hestupineapplengracias ubottu15:37
ncopawhat was the name of ubuntu installer? where can i find the sources?15:38
user___ActionParsnip:  Anything else I could try?15:38
Dudi_FCwhats up guys15:38
thiebaudeDudi_FC, not much15:39
jribncopa: ubiquity?  packages.ubuntu.com?15:39
squircle!hi | Dudi_FC15:39
ubottuDudi_FC: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:39
ncopajrib: thanks!15:39
gus3Question: I have configured 4 ips.  Is there any way to set what the default outbound IP is for things like PING? It currently is using the last configured interface.15:40
llutzgus3: ping -I15:40
JeoTheLeois an asus graphics card "Powered by nvidia geforce"....requiring a nvidia driver or asus driver?15:41
Dudi_FCwhere is this chanel? what country?15:41
pradeephi, i use jaunty. I can't wait to use karmic. can i upgrade to the alpha version?15:41
rskiJeoTheLeo: nvidia15:41
squircleJeoTheLeo: NVIDIA15:41
jiffeanyone dealt with ultramonkey?  I set it up last night to forward port 80 to a couple machines, and I noticed it also forwards port 443 even though its not configured to do so15:41
squircle!nvidia | JeoTheLeo15:41
ubottuJeoTheLeo: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:41
rskipradeep: sure you can upgrade.15:41
pradeeprski: is it safe?15:41
gus3Thank you!15:42
pradeeprski: Wat problem's i might face15:42
MasterofPuppetspradeep: There are a *lot* of bugs15:42
rskipradeep: everything might break, :)15:42
katycorphey guys, I'm trying to chroot into my ubuntu install from the livecd, but it keeps telling me there's no /bin/bash file or dir15:42
rskipradeep: it's not safe :p15:42
katycorpany ideas?15:42
pradeepMasterofPuppets: ok:-)15:42
thiebaudepradeep, mine broke last nite15:42
MasterofPuppetspradeep: semi-dependent on what you're running Ubuntu on15:42
pradeepMasterofPuppets: using jaunty fully updated15:43
MasterofPuppetspradeep: But if you do want to run karmic I'd suggest keeping everything safe on a partition/taking every necessary precaution :P15:43
pradeepthiebaude: wat happened15:43
thiebaudepradeep, it was something about partial upgrades15:43
MasterofPuppetspradeep: I mean machines, I've encountered different bugs on my PC than on my laptop :P It's very nitpicky15:43
thiebaudepradeep, and then you re-start and its messed up15:43
thiebaudepradeep, i went back to 9.0415:44
MasterofPuppetsthiebaude: Yeah, I almost got effed by that lol15:44
pradeepthiebaude: you can go back like that?15:44
thiebaudepradeep, i have all my cd's15:44
thiebaudefrom 6.0615:44
pradeepthiebaude: ok like that. u installed all over again15:44
MasterofPuppetsClean installs are the best15:44
thiebaudepradeep, yea, i had too15:45
MasterofPuppetspradeep: Because it's very hard to downgrade15:45
MasterofPuppetsYou usually just end up breaking more things15:45
pradeepthiebaude: i better wait for the stable one then15:45
thiebaudeMasterofPuppets, i do a upgrade, because with a clean install i got to install compiz and nvidia drivers again15:45
Dudi_FCim using the jaunty version 9.04, i like, but have somes bug15:45
MasterofPuppetsThat's a downside indeed15:46
MasterofPuppetsDudi_FC: Probably nothing compared to karmic ;P15:46
thiebaudeMasterofPuppets, but i'll still order the 9.10 cd15:46
* thiebaude karmic is cool when its ready15:46
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:46
coffeejanyone have any luck getting a creative live video im pro (041e:4055) to work?  all forums I find seem to be in another language...15:46
bazhanglets get back on topic please15:46
thiebaudebazhang, sorry15:47
* thiebaude gets back ontopic15:47
=== skysong_ is now known as skysong
anilalurI am trying to disable a cardreader which takes lot of power, using powertop to monitor15:48
seidoshas anyone tried gnome shell?15:48
razor_Xokay here is what i see in the shell when trying to start up frostwire15:48
pradeepwhat's special in gnome shell?15:49
user___did ubuntu roll out a new version of gnome in the last week?15:49
thiebauderazor_X, alot of java problems15:49
razor_Xthiebaude is there a way to fix the java?15:50
thiebauderazor_X, i really dont know, re-install java15:50
Dudi_FCwaht kind a problems? with jre?15:50
razor_XDudi_FC, http://paste.ubuntu.com/278012/15:51
ScoTTieCan HAL mount by itself, or do you need another application for that?15:51
JiMMyJaKAzzlo all15:51
thiebaudeJiMMyJaKAzz, yo15:51
razor_XDudi_FC,  can u help maybe?15:52
Dudi_FCsorry man.. its my first time here15:52
Dudi_FCi try15:52
goppanyone know of a command line version of google desktop for ubuntu15:52
razor_Xlet me remove all the java and reinstall it and see what happenzs15:52
Mohammad[B]i have a problem with resolution with just one of my users, this user change my seted resolution in xorg.conf how i can resolve it please help me15:53
Dudi_FCCan't load library: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so15:54
Dudi_FCdid u edit the profile?15:54
Dudi_FCdir os profile15:54
JiMMyJaKAzzquestion... need to install dependencies for webmin.. missing libnet-ssleay-perl.15:54
seidoswhat is the significance of the .so file extension?15:55
JiMMyJaKAzzapt-get source libnet-ssleay-perl failed15:55
Dudi_FCno so, the directory of jvm15:55
bazhang!webmin | JiMMyJaKAzz15:55
ubottuJiMMyJaKAzz: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.15:55
JiMMyJaKAzzubottu, thanks..15:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks..15:56
razor_Xremoving java now15:56
actwhen I try to install some program using deb packages,some of them could pop-up a window for configuration, could anyone tell me what's this function called?15:56
CoUrPsEHow do  i search a query backwards?15:57
CoUrPsEahh shit.15:57
CoUrPsEwrong channel.15:57
jribact: look into debconf15:57
actjrib: oh, thanks15:57
elkywrong channel for bad language too, try remember that next time ;)15:58
sheepsyHey all, I haven't rebooted my machine in a while, but had to do it today. And now my firefox crashes intermittently. Is there a way that I can diagnose these crashes? A package I can install?15:59
jrib!debug |  sheepsy15:59
ubottusheepsy: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures15:59
sheepsyjrib: Thank you.15:59
strangehey guys my mouse stops working out of nowhere from time to time how do i restart it from terminal (plugging out/in doesnt work)15:59
thiebauderazor_X, did it work?16:00
seidosif an application crashes, what log should I check first?16:00
razor_Xthiebaude i am reinstalling java now16:00
Dudi_FCrazor try this http://wiki.ubuntu-br.org/Java16:00
razor_Xsorry i only speak english16:01
=== [DaRK-SkG] is now known as [SkG]
dpachey guys! My mic doesn't works.16:02
IdleOne!work | dpac16:04
ubottudpac: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:04
sheepsyHow do I find out how old firefox 3.0.14 is? That is, how do I find out when Ubuntu went from 3.0.13 to 3.0.14? What is an easy way to find this history?16:04
dpacubottu: My mic is not working in ubuntu. I've tried the volume controls and everything is max. I tried to record sound using sound recorder but there is no sound being recorded.16:05
Picisheepsy: Look at the firefox-3.0 package in Launchpad16:05
getxsickhow can i run chargen service?16:05
Picidpac: ubottu is a bot, it cannot respond to your questions.16:05
lukushi - i'm having problems accessing the keyserver for ubuntu (keyserver.ubuntu.com) - does anyone know what's happened to the server - or if there's a mirror available?16:06
dpacPici: lol.. hahaha16:06
dpacPici: sorry.. didn't know. New here.16:06
Picidpac: I figured :)16:06
roygbivdpac heh no prob. happens a lot16:06
razor_XSOLVED thanks gang16:06
coffeeji need help getting a webcam to work in ubuntu.16:06
thiebauderazor_X, how you fix it?16:07
thiebaudei was away16:07
razor_Xthiebaude reinstalled java16:07
lukuscoffeej; which webcam?16:07
dpacSo anyone followed what I wrote? Do you know how to fix it?16:07
thiebauderazor_X, great16:07
Dudi_FChey guys, im leaving16:07
icerooti am using grub. there is default 0. after a new kernel i want that the old kernel (now 1) is loaded automaticly. is there a way for this?16:07
icerootso its always loading the kernel which was by default 016:08
Teadhi all, i want the upload and download speed (just -- kb/s down / --kb/s up) in my panel, is there a tool for this?16:08
coffeejlukus: lsusb shows 041e:4055 Creative Technology, Ltd Live! Cam Video IM Pro16:08
coffeejlukus: i see evidence that some have gotten it working in newer posts, but they all seem to be in non-english...16:09
_21h_hi all16:09
_21h_please say graphic editor like m$ paint16:10
iktgraphic editor like ms paint16:10
dpacguys! how do I check what drivers are installed for my graphic card16:10
lukuscoffeej; maybe try google translate?16:10
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest69849
lukuscoffeej; I just did a google myself - seems that people have had mixed results16:10
jrib_21h_: xpaint, gpaint, tuxpaint, others...16:10
coffeejlukus: hence my confusion...16:10
lukuscoffeej; could it be related to kernel support?16:11
flamez_ I can't go on map hybrit IRCD it say's don't have the primensions  Im ROOT16:11
coffeejlukus: don't know.  most of the posts seem to be fairly dated.  tried installing gspca to try, but get error16:12
seyDoggy_I am trying to install ubuntu server on an iMac G3 and it failed to detect the cd-rom. How can I get past this?16:12
lukuscoffeej; in the past when my webcam hasn't worked - it's been due to lack of kernel support .. it might be worth exploring that16:12
Dr_WillisseyDoggy_:  thats a PPC imac? or Intel based?16:12
seyDoggy_Dr_Willis: ppc16:13
lukuscoffeej; good luck, in anycase16:13
Dr_WillisseyDoggy_:  have you ever had it boot from cd befor?16:13
coffeejlukus: how would i explore?  thanks16:13
lukusdoes anyone know why keyserver.ubuntu.com is down? and what i can do about it?16:13
seyDoggy_Dr_Willis: yes16:13
lukusi need to add a key for a ppa16:14
alex12so question, my %util in iostat is 80%, but iowait in top is 4%?16:14
seyDoggy_Dr_Willis: n'md found answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96490416:14
Picilukus: You can use pool.sks-keyservers.net in place of the keyserver if you are adding a ppa to your ubuntu install.  If you are creating a ppa on launchpad then you should ask in #launchpad16:15
lukusPici; thanks16:15
flamez_ I can't go on map hybrit IRCD it say's don't have the primensions  Im ROOT Who can help my PM16:16
geniiflamez_: You've already been warned about cross-posting your questions to multiple channels. Also you have received the assistance you required in #kubuntu16:17
=== lrone-m is now known as lrone-m_
bazhangpami, hi16:19
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:19
pamii    kako si16:20
chikyi not spik english i spik spanish and you?16:20
jrib!es | chiky16:20
ubottuchiky: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:20
shossHello, I'm using ubuntu 9.04 Gnome desktop on 2.6.28-15-generic amd64 and lately all the opengl programs running are causing the screen to flicker... can anyone help please?16:21
rohdefis there a way to make a dvd apt repository, so I can update a freshly installed jaunty, seems like it freezes when I try to connect to the wifi16:22
bad_allochello, i've just bought a lenovo enhanced performance usb keyboard for my ubuntu 8.10 system and some extra keys do not work. i've found the keycodes in theXorg.0.log and it says that X is unable to handle the codes (250-260) how do i bind them to something now?16:23
bad_allocexample: (WW) Lite-On Technology USB Productivity Option Keyboard( has the hub in # 1 ): unable to handle keycode 26016:23
petervarohdef: sudo apt-cdrom add16:24
Dr_Willisbad_alloc:  ive seen some guides on that.  But ive lost my notes. I had to check dmesg, to see if the kernel was seeing the keycodes. and map them if it was not.16:24
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
finleywhen I do an "apt-cache depends php5-mysql" and I see "Depends: <phpapi-20060613>" in the output, what do the <> brackets indicate?16:24
Dr_Willisbad_alloc:  i recall i found some good info on it in the gentoo and arch linux wiki/docs :)16:24
rohdefpeterva, is that how to make it or use it?16:25
whileimhereHi. I was wondering if there is a more minimal version of ubuntu than the 600 mb server edition?16:25
bad_allocDr_Willis: well x is recieving them so the kernel must be doing so too. i just need to know how i can bind them now16:25
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:25
petervarohdef: that's how you can use a cd/dvd for apt-get purposes16:26
bazhangwhileimhere, around 9mb ^^16:26
rohdefpeterva, and how to make the cd?16:26
petervaOh, I assumed you already had the cd :)16:26
bazhangrohdef, aptoncd16:26
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline16:26
whileimherebazhang: Where and what is it? I want to install it as the basis of a mame cab but I do not need all the Extra crap. In fact Flux box would be fine when I REALLY need a GUI16:26
rohdefbazhang, peterva  thanks16:27
bazhangwhileimhere, scroll up a couple of lines16:27
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD16:27
=== ben is now known as Guest89974
alec868please help! I somehow got stuck covering the IT guy at my work, and the network has crashed. what do I do? how do i restart the server. its windows and i know this the ubuntu forum, but i thought someone might be able to help16:27
whileimherebazhang isnt that just to backup your packages? I have used it for that before.16:27
bazhangalec868, help with windows?16:27
DigitalKiwialec868: ##windows16:27
pozicfirefox-3.0 depends on libgtk2.0-0 (>=2.17.10, but this package is not available. Why not?16:28
bazhangwhileimhere, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:28
pozicI am using 9.04, so I am not doing anything wild.16:28
kyjahow would I get free ram from (bash) free command? I mean grep it or what ever it is to get one string return of the free bytes16:28
=== Guest89974 is now known as benmay
jribkyja: either use awk or sed16:29
jribkyja: erm, awk or cut is what I meant16:29
llutzkyja: free |awk '/^-/ { print $3 }'16:29
Newbeehi all16:30
kyjasweet thanks llutz16:30
irmandoshi guys16:31
irmandosi have a problem trying to creat sarg reports16:31
NewbeeI have a ubuntu server (on an old VIA based board) and I wanted to  upgrade it with a new 1TB sata II drive. But not even the BIOS is aware of the drive. I don't know what a can do about it.16:31
petervaNewbee: have you tried flashing the bios with a newer version?16:31
Newbeeof course this is not ubuntu's fault. But I would need that drive for the server.16:31
petervamaybe it will support bigger disks16:32
Dr_WillisNewbee:   a PCI sata controller card perhaps would see it.16:32
finleyanswering my own question -- it looks like they indicate a virtual package.  but damned if i can find that documented anywhere...16:32
Newbeepeterva: yes, I put the newest - from 2005 or so - on, but it did not help16:32
petervahmmm, then I would have to say Dr_Willis suggestion is your only option16:32
irmandossarg reports it detected a word search loop and the exsits what cn i do to fix the problem?16:32
NewbeeDr_Willis: yes, I also thought about it, but the main reason I use such old and cheap hardware for the server is price. and so I really would appreciate if I could use the drive without extra cost. I guess that such a card will cost at least 20€. Money a student would like so safe.16:33
=== pyrus is now known as Guest97507
kyjaok I will let in on the joke. I am trying to do free |awk '/^-/ { print $3 }'    and it works but I want to add right after than number "BASIC BYTES FREE."16:35
Dr_WillisNewbee:  ive picked up several for $14 usa. no idea what that is  in your $$ but its less then the cost of lunch for 3 at McDonolds. :)16:35
kyjafree |awk '/^-/ { print $3 }' && echo BASIC BYTES FREE.    does not seem to work16:35
NewbeeThe thing is that I use a similar (also relativly new Samsung SATA II drive) with 250GB for quite a time. But I cannot use my new 1TB drive. This is why I thougt it should work. But maybe I am wrong16:35
server_sidewhere can i find resources to understand linux properly16:35
=== xonesoulx is now known as pochomon
jribkyja: you need to go learn how to do this stuff, you can't just rely on being spoon fed how to do basic tasks16:35
llutzkyja: echo $(free |awk '/^-/ { print $3 }') BYtes free16:35
Dr_WillisNewbee:  theres always external USB enclosures. :( ick.16:36
=== pyrus is now known as Guest20562
petervakyja: you're missing the "" around the stuff you want to echo16:36
jribkyja: tldp.org has two good bash tutorials16:36
llutzpeterva: no need to quote16:36
kyjathank you llutz and peterva , sorry jrib16:37
petervallutz: not in your way :)16:37
NewbeeDr_Willis: USB enclosures? what do you mean? I am not a native speaker and a cannot get the message, sry16:37
llutzpeterva: even in his "echo bla foo bar"16:37
rekhow can i create a ntfs artition with gparted.... the ntfs button is grey16:37
Dr_WillisNewbee:  a case you put the HD in that plugs into a usb port.16:38
Dr_Willisrek:  install the extra ntfs programs/tools16:38
Dr_Willis'ntfsprogs' or somthing like that is the package name16:39
NewbeeDr_Willis: so you use the internal drive as external?16:39
=== Guest4398 is now known as lemmingfoo
bazhang!info ntfsprogs | rek16:40
ubotturek: ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB16:40
lemmingfooHi, I'm trying out awesome and gnome-settings-daemon won't load the theme or wallpaper16:40
mkulkehello, is there a way to run a program which requires X unattended, like as a cronjob?16:41
mkulkewith no user being logged in16:41
Dr_WillisNewbee:  i have several such enclosures that let me use normal drives as externals16:41
rekwhich pacage??16:41
Dr_Willisntfsprogs :)16:41
Dr_Willismkulke:  give more details to the channel as to what you are doing.16:42
jribmkulke: like what?16:42
lemmingfooactually it will load the theme, but break my direction keys and mod key16:42
lemmingfooand not the wallpaper16:42
jriblemmingfoo: nautilus draws the wallpaper16:42
mkulkeDr_Willis/jrib: i have a graphical program, which requires no input, etc but sadly needs an X-server. is there any way to run it as a cronjob and point it to a dummy X-server or something?16:43
jribmkulke: what program?16:43
mkulkefirefox specifically16:43
Dr_Willismkulke:  you could set up Vncserver to run in the background and launch the app from rc.local easially enough.16:43
akscithe fullscreen mode on any of the flashplayers on firefox just opens and closes in a flick! why is it so!16:44
lemmingfooyou sure? because after it's killed there's still a wallpaper, jrib16:44
Dr_Willismkulke:  no need for a cronjob for that.16:44
oobewhats an easy way to change my nvidia drivers from 173 to vdpau 18016:44
jribmkulke: why do you need to run firefox unattended?  What is it doing?16:44
hanshenrikwhile trying to run the latest Onlink-build, i get error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - any1 know what that means?16:44
mkulkejrib: automatic tests16:44
rekis an extendex partition good for data storage?16:44
jribmkulke: automatic tests of what?  This is like being a dentist I guess...16:44
Dr_Willisrek:  i tend to use all primaries if i can. but extended holds Logicals.. that work just fine16:44
mkulkejrib: automatic tests of a web-based application16:45
rekcan i do that?16:45
Dr_Willismkulke:  you can set up vncserver, to launch a minimal window manager, and run whatevers apps you want.16:45
reki don't want a new os there.... so...16:45
Dr_Willisrek:  do what?16:45
rekwhat can i do?16:45
reklogical for data is ok16:45
lemmingfoojrib: Actually, running gnome-settings-daemon on my laptop after starting awesome sets back my wallpaper, just doesn't work on my regular workstation16:45
jribmkulke: is firefox actually doing something or is just visiting the web page what triggers the "tests"?16:45
mkulkeDr_Willis: lemme try that16:45
jriblemmingfoo: nautilus is drawing the wallpaper16:46
Dr_Willisrek:  yes.. thats what 90% of the pcs out there are using for extra partitions16:46
jriblemmingfoo: start nautilus16:46
pozicPrimary vs logical is just that logical is one extra step of indirection and thus slower, no?16:46
rekmy pc is really happier in these day like me...i have more energy16:46
rekpcs ?16:46
Dr_Willispozic:  i ve never heard of them being any slower.16:46
mkulkejrib: i guess it uses a plugin or something, i really don't know16:46
rekah ok16:46
jribmkulke: I see16:46
Dr_Willispozic:  i doubt if they would be slower.16:46
llutzpozic: i doubt you'll feel it, even if you might measure it16:46
pozicDr_Willis: maybe it is implemented in hardware, but more computation has to be done.16:46
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor16:46
pozicllutz: indeed.16:47
dsdeizhello, can i remove that ^^16:47
Dr_Willispozic:  its just a standard/metod that has grown over theyears to make up for/catch up with hardware changes16:47
pozicConclusion: it probably doesn't matter.16:47
lemmingfoojrib: After starting "gnome-settings-manager" on my laptop the wallpaper returns, and ps aux16:47
Aalinuxtail -n 50 /var/log/message , Why is -n ?16:47
Dr_Willispozic:  its reading the same sectors off the same disk.. its just  for book keeping. I doubt if it is any slower at all.16:47
lemmingfoops aux *pipe* grep nautilus gives nothing16:47
rekdr_willis i created it in less than 1 second is this normal?16:47
toniiAalinux: man tail16:47
Dr_Willisrek:  making a partition is trivial in time.. Formating it is the longer task16:47
jriblemmingfoo: do you want the desktop icons for some reason?16:47
lemmingfoo<- keyboard prob16:47
lemmingfoojrib: nope, just the wallpaper16:48
jetienne!info python-django16:48
ubottupython-django (source: python-django): A high-level Python Web framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu0.1 (jaunty), package size 4589 kB, installed size 21644 kB16:48
jriblemmingfoo: then just use something else to set it like feh for example (there are dozens)16:48
rekah ok Dr_Willis so i must format it16:48
rekfrom win maybe16:48
rekDr_Willis: i tell u a secret.. my pc is really faster now....16:48
Dr_Willisrek:  if you have the ntfsprogs installed.. gparted can format it.16:48
reki dunno why16:48
n8tuser!info shc16:48
ubottuPackage shc does not exist in jaunty16:49
Dr_Willisrek:  elven magic. :)16:49
alex12Pupuuuuu, please dont randomly private message people, its not nicew16:49
jriblemmingfoo: http://awesome.naquadah.org/doc/manpages/awsetbg.1.html another one16:49
rekDr_Willis: i think it's due to my keyboard!!!16:49
rekit' like overclocked lol.....16:49
Dr_Willisrek:  i got a 'programable keyboard' :)16:49
lemmingfoojrib: I still want to use it to set my gtk theme, but when I start it it still messes up my keyboard layout16:49
lemmingfoo"and it's working on my laptop", which makes me really confused16:50
rekDr_Willis: what's that? i have a normal keyboard i tried to repair... it's doing the job imo....16:50
Aalinuxtonii: To specify line numbers.Right?16:50
mkulkeDr_Willis: thanks vncserver worked :)16:50
Aalinuxtonii: If i omit -n it prints 10 lines by default.16:50
Dr_Willisrek:  this one i have special keys that i can program via the hardware of the keyboard. it has a 16k buffer i can use for neat tricks. :)16:50
reklol x-xhat not free for win16:50
Quilirohello people16:50
Dr_Willismkulke:  vnc is a handy tool.16:50
jriblemmingfoo: remove the gconf entries that deal with the keyboard layout I guess?16:50
toniiAalinux: "output the last N lines, instead of the last 10; or use +N to output lines starting with the Nth"16:51
Dr_Willisrek:  there are free versions of xchat for windows.  just not the official one.16:51
reklol Dr_Willis which tricks? however my pc...i dunno what's happening16:51
Dr_Willisrek:  i think theres a 'silverx' version and some others.16:51
Quilirolooked all over for syncmaster 632nw configuration and nothing works16:51
jriblemmingfoo: or set the correct values16:51
reki reboot thx16:51
reki'll tell you16:52
Quiliroget snow on widescreen resolutions16:52
zebastiani want to back up to my external drive will this do it rsync -avh --delete --stats /home/$USERNAME/ /media/mybackup/ ?16:52
younderI accidentally right clicked the application menu and said remove. How can I get it back?16:53
pozicIs anyone running Firefox-3.5 from Jaunty?16:53
jribyounder: right click -> add to panel16:53
jrib!anyone | pozic16:53
ubottupozic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:53
pozicIt crashes here with various random bugs.16:53
Aalinuxtonii: sudo tail +1 messages , outputs default last 10 lines?How to use +N or +1 ?16:54
pozicjrib: I just want to establish existence.16:54
toniiAalinux: +n 1, it's right there in the man page?16:54
younderjrib: thanks16:54
pozicjrib: so, 5 people saying yes, and 5 people saying, no it crashed for me too, would give information, unlike your response.16:54
jribpozic: don't, it's pointless.  That's not really what you want.  Because waste my time answering "yes", you will ask your real question16:54
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jribpozic: your question was if anyone used ff3.516:55
pozicjrib: no, anyone using Jaunty.16:55
pozicjrib: so, the Ubuntu version of Firefox.16:55
thedancingdeerfullscreen on any flash video just opens and gets back to normal! how do i get over this?16:55
jribpozic: Is anyone running Firefox-3.5 from Jaunty?   YES.  So now you are satisfied right?16:55
pozicjrib: yes.16:55
jribpozic: great.16:55
Aalinuxtonii: Can you post the complete command please? man tail says +N not +n16:56
RomDhow can I turn the automatic xmodmap loading back on on hardy?16:56
zebastianI've just rsync -avh --delete --stats /home/sebastian/ /media/SAMSUNG/mybackup  i hope this will work to backup my files onto my external hard drive16:56
bigsexyDoes anyone know Samba very well16:56
n8tuserpozic  try to launch it like to see if it makes diff,  firefox --no-xshm16:56
dsdeiz hi, anyone here using swiftweasel? audio of flashplayer works fine on firefox but not on swiftweasel :(16:56
* jrib thinks it's time for a break. Sorry if I was harsh pozic but those type of questions just waste people's time. Good luck with your issue though16:56
RomDI think I once clicked "never load and never ask"16:56
bigsexyIm having problems trying to play music and videos on a network drive16:57
n8tuserRomD -> are you doing keymapping? can you share your knowhow with me?16:58
RomDn8tuser: sure, what do you need to know?16:58
pozicThe real problem is that Ubuntu does no QA. It should simply automate browsing some pages and check that the released browser works.16:58
toniiAalinux: ah, sorry. I got it wrong. tail -n +4, was the command16:58
lemmingfoojrib: sorry for being pissy, it's just that it started fine on my laptop, and now it's just breaking, I'll look more into it16:59
n8tuserRomD -> i have a very simple request,  I wanted to let say map  alt_r + y   to echo "hello world"  in any of my console or here in xchat16:59
Mdyterhow to make ubuntu to detect adsl usb modem ? 'lsusb16:59
n8tuserMdyter -> yes, lsusb16:59
dsdeizanother thing that's weird is that it was working perfectly earlier this morning17:00
pozicn8tuser: that seems to work.17:00
pozicn8tuser: oh, wait, it doesn't.17:00
pozicn8tuser: it crashed again.17:00
RomDn8tuser: I'm not sure if the xmodmap mapping is capable of doing that. afaik you can only map one character per key (plus modifiers). you probably need a third-party application for that17:00
n8tuserpozic i dont know, i just want you to try it to launch another to see if it makes a diff17:01
mateusz_hi guys17:01
Xano_I want PHP to be able to send mail with mail(). It seems like there is no mail server by default. What packages do I need? Google tells me a lot of things but most articles don't mention PHP.17:01
mateusz_I have a little problem17:01
n8tuserRomD -> no other way?17:01
trijntje!ask | mateusz_17:01
ubottumateusz_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:01
geniiXano_: If you install package mailutils       it will auto install a default mta17:02
RomDn8tuser: I'm no linux expert, but I can't think of any17:02
llutzXano_: postfix is well documented17:02
mateusz_i have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 and i have a vista, but ubuntu GRUB ca't see it so i can't choose vista... What should I do?17:02
RomDn8tuser: maybe there's a native way to do it I'm not aware of17:02
pozicn8tuser: maybe it was some addon that was the problem.17:02
Unicodemateusz_: use vista loader to load grub17:02
Mdyterhow to make ubuntu to detect adsl usb modem ? 'lsusb' comand indentifies 'ID 0915:8104 GlobeSpan, Inc. DSL-200 Modem'. adsl led is off . here is my post on forum : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1274588    untill now i not resolved the problem17:03
mateusz_how to do this? Ubuntu installed grub cant do anything17:03
n8tuserRomD okay, ill keep looking around17:03
Unicodemateusz_: install grub in root partition, then use dd to cut grub and write it in vista loader17:04
pozicHow do I add Google to the search bar in the top right corner?17:04
trijntjeUnicode, isnt that kind of the hard way? why can't mateusz_  just add vista to grub with chainloader?17:05
AalinuxI want to print 20 lines from the 5th line of a file using tail command ? What will be the command ? tail -n +5 starts from the 5th line but it prints all from the 5th line.17:05
bigsexyAnyone have any ideas as to why movies and music in a shared network folder would freeze up every few mins while playing?17:05
kekkobigsexy: cause your network is saturated17:06
Unicodetrijntje: ye, but if he reinstall windows, grub will rewrite grub17:06
bigsexybut they stream to my PS3 via fuppes with no problems17:06
jribAalinux: use head afterwards17:06
trijntjeUnicode, why would he reinstall windows?17:06
bigsexyboth the server and my computer are on a GB network along with the PS317:07
Unicodetrijntje: why not?:)17:07
bigsexyall of the computers freeze up when playing any of the movies or music but the PS3 works perfectly fine17:07
Casper1can some1 help me to add programs in the wine menu17:07
IdleOneCasper1: #winehq17:08
trijntjeUnicode, hmm well, you can explain how to do that than ;)17:08
Casper1IdleOne: Thanks17:08
Unicodetrijntje: i do it every time when windows and linux is in the same PC17:08
trijntjeUnicode, if I ever uninstall vista it stays that way ;)17:10
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mikebeechamhi guys...can anyone recommend software that will allow me to see my ink levels on my epson printer.  I installed mtink, but it just gives me error messages?  Surely there's a simpler way??17:10
void_pointer!lamp > void_pointer17:10
ubottuvoid_pointer, please see my private message17:10
Aalinuxsudo cat /dev/null > /var/log/wtmp doesn't work.Why?No change in wtmp17:10
archmancan anyone tell where is the eterm support channel, or enlightenment, maybe? :/17:10
Unicodetrijntje: something like this http://linuxgazette.net/issue36/larriera.html17:11
erUSULAalinux: what did you spect to take out of /dev/null ?17:11
erUSULAalinux: /dev/null is a sink not a source... you probably wanted /dev/zero17:11
AalinuxerUSUL: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/sha-bang.html17:12
LichiHi, could someone help me with making my own .deb files?17:13
rekhow can i format to ntfs in gparted?17:14
erUSULLichi: ask in #ubuntu-motu17:14
trijntjeUnicode, ill keep that in mind, if people use windows a lot the will ofcource want to reinstall it a lot ;)17:14
AalinuxIs there any difference between exit 1 and exit 86 and exit87 , Are all same?17:14
Unicodetrijntje: :)17:14
rekhow can i format to ntfs in gparted?17:14
erUSULAalinux: works here as spected... drop the sudo17:15
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erUSULrek: install ntfsprogs17:15
Unicoderek: man mkfs17:15
rekalready installed17:15
pozicIn Firefox 3.0, I could add plain Google search to my search bar in the top right. In Firefox 3.5 I see no way of doing this. I can only find Google English search and not plain language neutral search.17:16
erUSULAalinux: 0 is for success the rest to signal some error. what error is up to you to decide17:16
pozicHow can I just get the 3.0 behaviour? And, side-note, did the Firefox developers lose their mind?17:16
AalinuxerUSUL: bash: messages: Permission denied , if i omit sudo17:16
erUSULrek: close and open again gparted17:16
rekalready done17:17
erUSULAalinux: ls -l /dev/null17:17
seyDoggy_installing ubuntu server onto PPC mac and it's stuck at 83% yaboot install. any ideas? can I recover from this?17:17
rekok done17:18
rekwas extended17:18
LichiNoone answering in #ubuntu-motu17:18
AalinuxerUSUL: crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2009-09-26 00:52 /dev/null  , background color of /dev/null is yellow17:19
jrib!packaging | Lichi17:19
ubottuLichi: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:19
EvaLuaTeif i do 'ifconfig' my wireless card doesn't get listed anymore. I guess I accidentally pressed the 'wlan' button. any idea how I could enable it again?17:19
erUSULAalinux: as you ca see anyone can rad from /dev/null so i do not see why it fails in your case17:19
llutzAalinux: erUSUL: what do you expect to read from /dev/null? don't you mean /dev/zero?17:21
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> try iwconfig wlan017:22
AalinuxerUSUL: From gnome-terminal bash: /var/log/messages: Permission denied ,that was konsole before.Used sudo17:22
erUSULllutz: 18:11 < erUSUL> Aalinux: what did you spect to take out of /dev/null ?17:22
llutzerUSUL: oh, sry17:23
erUSULllutz: and as expected by catting /dev/null to a file you make it an empty file17:23
rabbyfew weeks ago i tried to get my firefox run with ubuntu. but it still sucks and hogs the memory :-(17:23
erUSULllutz: the same kind of file created by touch17:23
llutzerUSUL: sure, as expected17:23
EvaLuaTen8tuser: that doesn't seem to enable it either. I also get this in dmesg, if it helps:17:24
EvaLuaTe17.601780] ath5k phy0: gain calibration timeout (2412MHz) [   17.601786] ath5k phy0: can't reset hardware (-11)17:24
rabbyafter upgrading to firefox 3.5 it seemed to be better. but now it lames again for 3 days already :-(17:24
erUSULllutz: well i did not expect it  (i do « cat '' > file » ) but it works that way ;)17:24
tstebutcan somebody explain me why I got this message :17:24
tstebutwriting 'splash2'... FAILED (remote: partition does not exist!)17:24
rabbyany ideas how to speed it up again. it is really slow motion, even after restarting the browser.17:25
AalinuxerUSUL: bash: /var/log/wtmp: Permission denied17:25
AalinuxerUSUL: Expected wtmp to be cleared.17:25
erUSULtstebut: maybe if you elaborate on the setup/programs/envoirment the error ocurred...17:25
erUSUL!details | tstebut17:25
ubottutstebut: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:25
AalinuxIs there any special meaning of exit 86, is it fixed for a special type of error?17:26
erUSULAalinux: to writte to var log you need sudo so ... do « cat /dev/null | sudo tee /var/log/wtmp »17:26
tstebutOk, I'd like to flash splashscreen2 on my rooted cupcake17:26
EvaLuaTen8tuser: any other ideas please?17:27
tstebutOh sorry, I guess I should go to another channel17:27
Mr_Giraffehey, for some reason a GTK theme I'm using is making the menus in some Java apps unreadable. How can I fix this?17:27
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> what is the situation again? where is the problem?17:27
augustoHello guys..17:28
HalitechAalinux, not much info online but it seems like it might be a generic one to help the dev http://archives.devshed.com/forums/unix-linux-135/exit-86-status-code-1713354.html17:28
bad_allochi, is it possible to assign keycodes greater than 255 via xmodmap?17:28
augustoI am using/testing karmic...17:28
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EvaLuaTen8tuser: as far as i can remember, my wireless card was listed under infconfig as ath0, now it doesn't get listed anymore and i guess i accidentally pressed the wlan switch on my laptop17:28
augustoAs time goes by, my wireless network becomes unresponsive... is it happening with any of you?17:29
churlIs it possible to start totem with the controls hidden automatically?  (without crtl + h)17:29
seidosuse rm to rm all files Except *.txt?17:29
EvaLuaTen8tuser: also, i get this in dmesg: 17.601780] ath5k phy0: gain calibration timeout (2412MHz) [   17.601786] ath5k phy0: can't reset hardware (-11)17:29
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> try the command I suggested  iwconfig ath017:29
AalinuxerUSUL: It work if if do su >password, probably the authority of root/sudo is gone after cat /dev/null17:29
HalitechEvaLuaTe, did you turn it back? (sorry for the obvious answer if you did)17:29
HalitechEvaLuaTe, *back on17:30
n8tuseraugusto -> make sure you wifi is up?17:30
augustoIt is17:30
EvaLuaTeHalitech: yeah, i tried pushing the button again, but it doesn't seem to do anything17:30
bad_allocsorry for repeating it, but is it possible to assign keycodes greater than 255 via xmodmap?17:30
augustoIt works for a moment... then stops working17:30
n8tuseraugusto -> do you know if the far end is up? the ISP connectivity is okay?17:30
HalitechEvaLuaTe, reboot? does the machine have windows on it?17:30
EvaLuaTen8tuser: http://pastebin.com/d48a36ca017:30
AalinuxerUSUL: If both files need root previlidge then after piping sudo may not serve it.17:31
EvaLuaTeHalitech: no, ubuntu is the only OS i have, and yes, i also tried restarting the machine17:31
HalitechEvaLuaTe, looks like it is now wlan017:31
mgv1does the instructios of how to restore grub after windows installation are easy?17:31
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> your nic is wlan0 not ath0,   pastebin results of  sudo lshw -C network please17:31
Halitech!grub | mgv117:32
ubottumgv1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:32
WallarHello, I have msi wind u100plus with Atom N280(1,66Ghz) but my ubuntu shows only 1,33Ghz. But when i dissable Intel SpeedStep ubutu shows 1,66Ghz17:32
EvaLuaTeHalitech: but still no wireless networks get listed in wicd...17:32
augustoISP is okay17:32
n8tuser!who | augusto17:32
ubottuaugusto: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:32
purpzeyHow do I setup my location for the weather app that appears in the panel?17:32
Wallarhow can i fix it?17:32
augustowoks okay on windows and ubuntu jaunty17:32
EvaLuaTen8tuser: http://pastebin.com/m2a413fcb17:33
AalinuxHalitech: Thank you.17:33
HalitechWallar, the purpose of speed step is to run slower when the machine doesn't need the power so it "steps" it down, nothing wrong with the reading17:33
auguston8tuser: it works perfectly on jaunty and windows17:33
EvaLuaTen8tuser: it says 'DISABLED' next to the wireless interface, so I guess there's still something wrong...17:33
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> correct, try  sudo ifdown wlan0; sudo ifup wlan017:34
Dr_WillisI plugged in this Gamepad.. and it printed that msg to my IRC client?17:34
n8tuseraugusto -> if you think its perfect there, want to stay on those other ones?17:34
WallarHalitech, yea. But when SpeedStep is able max. freq i have is only 1,33Ghz. (600,800 and 1333Mhz )17:34
rabbyno hints for firefox?17:34
Dr_WillisHow in the world did it do that. heh17:34
Wallarno magic 1666,7Mhz17:34
HalitechWallar, have you tried working the machine to the max to get it to go to the full amount?17:35
auguston8tuser: Just asking to see if it is a bug... so I could submit or something17:35
EvaLuaTen8tuser: http://pastebin.com/m3a5507b017:35
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> also do not try to have both nic on same subnet unless you know how to manipulate your route tables17:35
WallarHalitech, in Gnome you have freq. manager. It shows a speed of cpu and a polotic (powersafe,performacne,conservatice etc)17:35
Wallarin gnome panel17:36
vraahowdy all, is it possible for ubuntu to be used as a replacement for a dsl modem and router? i know it can do router, but not sure if it can modem, it has a 56k modem built in17:36
Wallareven i console17:36
n8tuseraugusto -> there were never been a guaranted 100% uptime on wifi17:36
HalitechWallar, never used it but thats my understanding of speed step17:36
EvaLuaTen8tuser: i remember having this problem once before and as far as i can remember i had to do some commands and the restart, i just can't remember what i exactly i have to do. also, i have no clue what you mean with 'both nic on same subnet' :P17:36
llutzvraa: it cannot, hardware-issue17:36
Cpudan80vraa: it cant replace the modem, it can be a router17:36
vraai see, that's what i figured llutz , just wanted to confirm17:36
WallarHalitech, nvm i found a launchpad bug ... there's no solution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cpufreqd/+bug/422858/17:36
vraawell i have a wrt54gl running tomato, and my internet connectivity is having issues17:37
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> i dont use nm or wicd, i prefer to configure /etc/network/interfaces   man interfaces for details17:37
HalitechWallar, okay17:37
Xano_Postfix/sendmail says "sendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory" when executing the apps, right after a fresh "apt-get install postfix"17:37
vraai have a space laptop with ethernet + wifi + modem inside it, what would you guys suggets to do to start diagnosing the problem, i already replaced the dsl modem once17:37
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file17:37
EvaLuaTen8tuser: yeah, i know how to configure network/interfaces, but it worked until now without me having to do that. one second, i'll paste it17:38
n8tuserXano_ -> seems clear error message isnt ? so you may have to create that config file?17:38
llutzXano_: postfix is well documented, use duco17:38
skybinderhi everyone, can you suggest me how to get a major of codecs to play online tv?17:38
oorahwill someone help me see if my webcam and voice mic work in empathy please? yahoo i.d. is hardcore_zaccour17:39
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> i dislike using nm or wicd as you see it sometimes gives you wrong info.. i prefer to control manually via interfaces file17:39
Xano_llutz: It doesn't really make sense that an app comes without a default config file, hence the question.17:39
Halitechskybinder, w32codecs (or w64codecs if using 64bit) and probably flash17:39
EvaLuaTen8tuser: http://pastebin.com/m2405b1ac17:39
llutzXano_: in case of a mta it makes sense17:39
n8tuserskybinder -> i use vlc  and i believe if you install that it installs the necessary codecs17:39
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> try to add the entry for you wifi,  use udvevinfo -e  to see which it is ath0 or wlan017:40
Krauser hi i need to setup a crontab every 10 minutes php -q /var/www/panel/cron.php i have opened /etc/crontab what to type in it ?17:41
n8tuserEvaLuaTe -> or ls -la /sys/class/net17:41
skybinderi did but haven't17:41
oorahwill someone help me see if my webcam and voice mic work in empathy please? yahoo i.d. is hardcore_zaccour17:41
llutzKrauser: read " man 5 crontab "17:41
filsmaudithi all17:41
filsmaudit 8-)17:42
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm17:42
Krauserthnk u Dr_Willis17:42
oorahthis channel isn't very helpful often17:43
MindVirusHello. How can I get a list of packages that are not depended upon by other packages?17:43
ubottuDas österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.17:43
n8tuserMindVirus -> dont know if  dpkg -l  would list it too17:43
zer0byteCan i use mobile phone as Webcam device on Linux? ( symbian / windows mobile )17:44
MindVirusn8tuser: pardon?17:44
n8tuserMindVirus -> man dpkg17:44
bobobefore i format my computer, i copied the whole mail directory from .evolution, after the installation i copied back and i got all my messages back, but now when i do send/receive i don't see my new messages, what do i do?17:44
llutzzer0byte: there's a driver for S60 phones with linux-part, can't remember it's name17:44
MindVirusn8tuser: I don't need a list of all programs.17:45
n8tuserMindVirus -> well you were looking for one, i merely suggest if that tool may or may not show17:45
MindVirusNo, I was not.17:45
MindVirusBut it's OK. :) Thanks anyways.17:45
timboyI was told to make echo -n 170 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/speed permanent to put it in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file but that file doesn't exist and putting it in /etc/rc.local doesn't work either. can someone help?17:45
oorahwill someone help me see if my webcam and voice mic work in empathy please? yahoo i.d. is hardcore_zaccour17:46
ne0hcd /etc/rc.d/17:46
whileimhereHi I downloaded the mini.iso but for some reason the Ubuntu imagewritter program does not see it to write it to a usb thumbrive. Anyone know why?17:46
Krauser_llutz, u there ?17:46
oorahthis is supposed to be a help channel. does this mean that no one here is capable of logging into yahoo messenger?17:46
n8tusertimboy -> /sys  is a dynamic file system created by your kernel, so if it was created its there, otherwise not there17:46
Dr_Williswhileimhere:   You mean the ubuntu 'usb startup disk creator' tool ?17:47
n8tuseroorah -> we are not yahoo support17:47
LjLoorah: for what i'm concerned, i'm definitely not going to talk over the microphone with a stranger.17:47
timboywhileimhere, imagewriter only works for Desktop versions of ubuntu...17:47
LjLoorah: doesn't that voice chat have a loopback number? it should have.17:47
whileimheretimboy ahhhh17:47
skybinderwell, my cat doesn't eat fish. how can i resolve it?17:47
oorahLjL, i don't know what a loopback number is and i would do the talking17:48
icerootskybinder: by chatting in #ubuntu-offtopic17:48
Krauser_Dr_Willis, is this ok ? ::: -->>   */10 * * * * root  php -q /var/www/panel/cron.php17:48
whileimhereI am creating a MAME machine and I really do not want a full blown XFCE or UBUNTU. It would be a waste of space and resources. Suggestions?17:48
MindVirusn8tuser: debfoster is what I was looking for.17:48
icerootwhileimhere: removing it17:48
LjLoorah: a number or address that just plays back what you say.17:48
shivekhi all17:48
icerootwhileimhere: you dont want xfce4 or gnome?17:48
Halitechwhileimhere, do a minimal install and add what you want/need17:49
n8tuserMindVirus -> okay, ill take a note of that tool, thanks17:49
timboyn8tuser, typing echo -n 150 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/sensitivity in root console works fine. where can I put it to make it happen on startup?17:49
icerootwhileimhere: or you want xfce4 instead of xubuntu-desktop?17:49
shivekwhere can I get more info about ubuntu karmic (I need full details, added stuff and all)17:49
whileimhereiceroot: Once I have Wah!Cade and AdvMAME up and running I will not need a desktop at all. I would directly want to boot into Wah!Cade.17:49
n8tusertimboy -> what if on startup that file does not exist?17:49
LjL!karmi | shivek17:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karmi17:49
LjL!karmic | shivek17:49
ubottushivek: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:49
LjL!es | rafaelinux17:49
ubotturafaelinux: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:49
rafaelinuxalgún español??17:49
DJones!es | rafaelinux17:49
Krauser_hi is this in /etc/crontab ok ?  */10 * * * * root  php -q /var/www/panel/cron.php17:50
skybinderas i said i need to play tv online but can't a bit, a have vlc installed what can i do more, plz17:50
timboyn8tuser, I want to do it after that file exists. it has to get created at some runlevel...17:50
whileimhereiceroot: Fluxbox with a very minimal filemanager would be okay.17:50
rafaelinuxThank ;)17:50
llutzzer0byte: smartcam it is, smartcam.sf.net17:50
icerootwhileimhere: then install fluxbox and remove (x)ubuntu-desktop17:50
n8tusertimboy -> then have on your script check if that file exist before adding to it?17:50
shivekLjL >>> I know its ubuntu 9.10. Isn't there any official website for it ??17:50
whileimhereiceroot: That sounds like a good idea.17:50
LjLshivek: #ubuntu+1 should know17:51
Halitechwhileimhere, instead of installing everything and then removing what you don't want why not just do a minimal install and add what you want?17:51
whileimhereHalitech I do not have a CD burner.17:51
shivekLjL >>> I know that !17:51
zer0bytellutz, thanks17:52
whileimhereI have  USB thumbdrive for installation.17:52
LjLshivek: then why ar you asking *here*?17:52
Halitechwhileimhere, you could still set it up to boot the minimal install and go from there17:52
shivekLjL >>>OOpps! sorry17:52
whileimherehalitech how?17:53
bobobefore i format my computer, i copied the whole mail directory from .evolution, after the installation i copied back and i got all my messages back, but now when i do send/receive i don't see my new messages, what do i do?17:53
Halitechwhileimhere, same way you would set it up with the full install but use the iso for the minimal install17:53
whileimherehalitech: I do not have a CD burner and it seems that I cannot use the imagewriter to write it to my thumbdrive.17:54
Halitechbobo, did you reconfigure a mail account?17:54
luis_hello, does anyones knows how to check ur email account in by the terminal17:54
Halitechwhileimhere, how are you going to install (x)ubuntu then?17:54
MK13is there any thing like http://www.autohotkey.com/ for ubuntu?17:54
whileimheresomeone gave me a burned copy of Xubuntu17:54
boboHalitech, how do you mean?, after the format i created the same account again, and after that i copied the folder back17:54
whileimhereSo I have a regular non-burner to install with17:54
Halitechbobo, did it create a new folder for evolution and did you copy the old files into that folder?17:55
mgv1i hate i cant figiured out how to use airocrack17:55
EeveeMK13: you can bind keys in Compiz to run whatever you want, and you can generally write shell scripts to automate whatever you want17:56
mgv1now im not on the computer anyway17:56
boboHalitech, i think it created new folder, and after that i merged the folder17:56
Halitechwhileimhere, ok, you didn't mention that, you just said you were trying it with a thumbdrive .... there might be an option on the xubuntu cd to do a minimal install17:56
whileimherehalitech never thought of that!17:56
MK13eevee, k thought so17:56
Halitechbobo, so you see the old emails but not the new ones?17:56
MK13Eevee, thnx17:56
MarderIIIluis_: telnet <host> 110 <return> USER <password><return> PASS <password> <return> <LIST> ... or something :-)17:57
boboHalitech, just like that17:57
Halitechwhileimhere, been awhile since I've used the xubuntu cd so might have to look around for that option, might also depend if its the alt cd or the live cd17:57
Halitechbobo, permissions issue with the old files maybe?17:58
whileimherehalitech I think its the live cx17:58
Mr_Giraffehey, a GTK+ theme I'm using (Elegant Brit) is making the menus in some Java apps unreadable. Is there any way I can fix this?17:58
boboHalitech, so what kind of permissions should i put 666?17:58
Halitechwhileimhere, ok, check the boot options when the initial screen comes up17:58
Halitechbobo, they need to have the same ownership as the new user has17:59
Mr_Giraffebarring, of course, changing the theme17:59
whileimherehalitech I will thanks for the idea!17:59
Halitechwhileimhere, np, hope it works17:59
boboHalitech, so what should i do?17:59
MarderIIIluis_: but i think you want a program like mutt or pine17:59
Halitechbobo, try creating a new file, check the ownership info and compare that to your old mail files18:00
HalitechMarderIII, nothing like going old school to check your mail ;)18:00
MarderIIIMalitech: :-D18:00
megabrakerbye evry one18:01
skybinderhelp plz to make firefox play online tv i have vlc and flash player installed but it plays just a little18:03
MarderIIIMalitech: I'm suprised I even remembered those POP3 commands..18:05
NeremorI found this list of dvd-rippers http://bit.ly/1847lY, but which ripper would you suggest me to use? which do you think is the best one?18:06
HalitechMarderIII, I had to use them just last week, used to use them daily when I did tech support, surprising what comes back when you need it18:07
dev_n00bWhy am I at the PC running windows, and naked?18:09
MarderIIIMalitech: tech support... yechh! glad to have left that behind :-X18:09
MarderIIIMalitech: altough... what am i doing here? :-)18:09
Dr_Willisdev_n00b:  those pesky EULA's get you every time!18:09
HalitechMarderIII, so am I, did it for almost 10 years ... because you want to give back to the community :)18:11
MarderIIIHalitech: ...should fix my fonts... read H as M?... not good...  Something like that :)18:12
HalitechMarderIII, maybe you just need to get your eyes checked ;)18:12
MarderIIIHalitech: Maybe.. %-)18:13
quentusrexHow do I find out which release a box has installed?18:13
quentusrexfrom the command line18:13
quentusrexlsb_release says there are no lsb modules installed18:14
LjLquentusrex: lsb_release -a18:15
MindVirusDoes APT depend on dialog?18:15
LjLMindVirus: well, you could check that with "apt-cache depends apt", but i think so18:15
MindVirusLjL: it doesn't, which is the scary part.18:15
MindVirusI don't want to believe it.18:15
LjLMindVirus: it does18:16
MindVirusThat's why I asked here.18:16
LjLMindVirus: apt-cache --recurse depends apt | grep dialog18:16
MindVirusLjL: oh goodness.18:16
MindVirusLjL: how is it that I can remove dialog without removing any other packages?18:17
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MindVirusLjL: http://pastebin.com/d4d0949ec18:18
LjLMindVirus: alright i need to research this a bit better18:18
MindVirusFurthermore, how is it that one of the packages I have installed conflicts with dialog?18:19
LjLMindVirus: i think the thing is that you can use other alternatives to dialog. but there should be a multiple depends *somewhere*18:19
MindVirusI'm not using any alternatives to dialog AFAIK (but then again I don't know any).18:20
MindVirusAnything I should check?18:20
LjLMindVirus: ah, there is18:20
LjLMindVirus: apt-cache depends debconf18:20
LjLwhiptail | dialog | gnome-utils  all provide dialog-like things18:21
MindVirusIt conflicts with dialog.18:21
LjLwhat does?18:21
MindVirusAnd with apt.18:21
LjLdebconf can't conflict with apt18:21
MindVirusI know!18:21
LjLdo you have mixed versions of stuff by any chance?18:22
MindVirusI should not at all.18:22
MindVirusHow can it suggest and conflict with dialog at the same time?18:22
LjLMindVirus: ah no sorry18:22
LjLMindVirus: my bad idea to use the "depends" command. use apt-cache show debconf18:23
LjLit's just specifying a versionnumber18:23
MindVirusLjL: ahh.18:23
serbanis there any way to customize the notifications in ubuntu 9.04 ?18:23
MindVirusLjL: So I don't need debconf?18:23
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MindVirusI mean.18:23
LjLMindVirus: still the slightly worrying thng is that dialog and its friends are just a Suggests18:23
MindVirusShould I file a bug?18:24
FloodBot2MindVirus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:24
LjLMindVirus: well, i'd think you need *either* dialog or whiptail or gnome-utils...18:24
LjLMindVirus: i don't know. maybe it'll just fall back to Y/N questions at the console with printf18:24
MindVirusLjL: then it should be Depends: dialog || whiptail || gnome-utils.18:24
LjLMindVirus: but i'm not going to try (removing dialog, that is)18:24
MindVirusLjL: sometimes you need a choice of things which that can't handle.18:25
LjLMindVirus: well, but it *is* somewhere. i don't know where, but somewhere18:26
LjLMindVirus: because if i remove dialog, it doesn't bring anything with it; if i remove whiptail, neither; but if i attempt to remove both, all hell breaks loose18:26
LjL(i don't have gnome-utils)18:26
makmumhelp me pleease18:27
MindVirusLjL: good observation.18:27
Halitech!help | makmum18:27
ubottumakmum: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:27
LjLMindVirus: admittedly, though, neither "apt" nor "debconf" appear to be part of said hell.18:28
void_pointer!id | makmum18:28
ubottumakmum: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia18:28
MindVirusLjL: there is where we differ!18:28
makmumokey brother Halitech n Ubottu, how to activate 3d on via chrome9 hc igp?18:29
MindVirusLjL: removing whiptail destroys ubuntu-minimal.18:29
xddwcan someone help me install ices018:29
LjLMindVirus: yes, it does that for me too18:29
izzabooI'm sure my problem's been encountered b4.  but I've not found a *solution*.  new install, dual boot w/XP on Acer Aspire One D250.  I am only prompted with two options, the install side-by-side option is not present.18:29
MindVirusLjL: so whiptail is preferred apparently.18:29
LjLMindVirus: still, that's a rather weak dependency18:29
MindVirusLjL: what?18:29
izzabooit was there when I was demo-ing the LiveUSB stick to my dad on his 8.9" AAO.18:29
LjLMindVirus: yeah. i wouldn't leave it up to a metapackage18:29
LjLMindVirus: i'd still be of the opinion that debconf itself should depend on it (unless there's something else we're missng)18:30
izzabooanyone here run into this and/or seen a solution online anywhere?18:30
MindVirusLjL: I'm thinking about removing dialog now.18:30
Halitechmakmum, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=967198&highlight=Chrome918:30
LjLMindVirus: i'm not. maybe if i had a virtual machine on my hands...18:30
izzaboousing 9.04 install18:30
xddwhallo, someone has to have ices0 :)18:31
makmumokey Halitech18:32
Halitechmakmum, hope you aren't setting your hopes on doing it though, chrome9 cards suck in regards to 3d, lucky to have 2d18:32
MindVirusLjL: dialog is ugly and it doesn't seem like I've ever seen it.18:33
MindVirusI think debconf defaults to whiplash.18:33
MindVirusI mean.18:33
LjLMindVirus: wut? it's not dialog?18:33
MindVirusI guess not.18:34
LjLMindVirus: ah, uh yes18:34
LjLMindVirus: well remove whiptail then!18:34
LjLif you're brave18:34
MindVirusI like whiptail.18:34
MindVirusI'm just pruning orphans.18:34
LjLby hand?18:34
MindVirusAs dialog is an orphan that seems important, I stopped in here.18:35
LjLi see18:35
MindVirusBut I guess it's not.18:35
izzaboookay.  y'all are too busy?18:35
makmumHalitech : owh18:35
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:35
Halitechmakmum, is it a desktop or a laptop?18:35
makmumlaptop. with sabily linux18:36
void_pointerizzaboo, ask again18:36
pbnHi, I'm trying to (re)configure the locales on some Ubuntu machine. On Debian GNU/Linux "dpkg-reconfigure locales" brings me a dialog that allows me to choose which locales are generated, but on Ubuntu "dpkg-reconfigure locales" doesn't bring me that dialog. How can I (re)configure the locales ?18:36
MindVirusLjL: thanks for your help.18:36
Halitechmakmum, ok, no way to change the graphics card then18:36
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MindVirusI'll stop back in here if my computer explodes.18:37
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Guest16518Anyone can direct me to a channel for real real real 'noobs in ubuntu from windows'?18:37
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void_pointerZooK, you have the right place18:37
macdonalderquick question... I've got netboot set up and I'm preseeding new installs of ubuntu. We just got new ASUS boards that have an attansic gigabit ethernet controller but it's not recognized by the kernel. When I throw in another card I and install it's fine and when the OS finally boots on its own the newer kernel it installs picks up the onboard attansic device just fine. Presumably the netboot kernel is out of date, but I think18:37
macdonalderI'm using the latest one. Is there anything newer than what's in the hardy repos (yes, I'm using hardy) and if not, what's the process for building support for that device into the netboot kernel?18:37
void_pointerZooK,  just ask18:37
izzabooi'm missing the side-by-side option in the Install app.  Acer Aspire One D250.  Wanting to install for dual boot.  heh.  @guest16518, me too!18:37
void_pointerizzaboo, side by side? Dual boot?18:38
zalincognitoI have an HDX18 laptop, and from the beginning I haven't been able to get sound to come out of anything but the headphone jack. Anyone know a solution for this?18:38
izzabooin the Install app I was expecting three options for answering the Question Where do you want to put Ubuntu 9.04?  I only have two.18:39
izzabooI see Use entire disk or Specify partitions manually18:39
void_pointerizzaboo, well, I'm flying blind - it's been a while since I installed from scratch. But that sounds right. What was the other option you wanted?18:39
Halitechizzaboo, is it under manual?18:39
ZooKanyone know a site which explains really really simply yet effectively how to change users in ubuntu so that i can access root folder?18:40
Halitech!root | ZooK18:40
ubottuZooK: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:40
izzaboohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOneAOD250  indicated there should be a side-by-side option...18:40
void_pointerZooK, what is it you want to do?18:40
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makmum1Halitech: are 9:04 Support driver via chrome?18:40
ZooKsomeone gave me ubuntu laptop18:41
ZooKso ineed to backup some stuff18:41
izzaboohalitech, under Manual it just allows me to edit partitions...18:41
ZooKmainlytransfer stuff to external18:41
zalincognitoI have an HDX18 laptop, and from the beginning I haven't been able to get sound to come out of anything but the headphone jack. Anyone know a solution for this?18:41
ZooKthanks halitech18:41
HalitechZooK, then you just need to change the permissions on the drive, not use root18:42
jimmy51_how does ubuntu support the latest HP Smart Array controllers?  does HP provide drivers?18:42
Halitechmakmum1, no idea, not very well if they do from what I've read18:42
void_pointerHalitech,  you're going to have to slow down a little, and find out what the newbs are actually trying to do ;)18:42
izzaboovoid_pointer, using the same USBStick I used a month ago to talk my dad into installing Ubuntu on his 8.9" AAO.  *then* I saw the third option.  *now* I don't.18:42
Neremor which is the most common codex for video files right now? divx or xvid or anything else?18:42
ZooKill try halitechthanks18:43
seidosHi I'm kevin, and I'm an alcoholic, ermmm, I mean a newb18:43
makmum1Halitech, ummm18:43
ZooKand yes... havent installed mykeyboard drivers... stillflucky18:43
Halitechizzaboo, shrink your windows partition under windows first and then install to the empty partition18:43
zalincognitoI have an HDX18 laptop, and from the beginning I haven't been able to get sound to come out of anything but the headphone jack. Anyone know a solution for this?18:43
seidosis there a difference?  :o18:43
Bug-Chi, I messed up my raid 5 (consisting of 6 discs). I am using Ubuntu and used mdadm to manually fail two devices. Then I recognized my error and added them again. Now mdadm recognizes these two discs only as spares. Is there any possibility that I can restore my raid array (that is explain to mdadm, that it should use these two devices are disc 5, 6 of the raid and not as spare)18:43
izzabooanyone know of a channel or forum specific to Acer Aspire One Ubuntu?18:44
Halitechvoid_pointer, I still think of myself as a newb after 3 years :)18:44
void_pointerZooK, you want to copy from the ubuntu root directory to another hard drive/device18:44
* seidos thinks he'll be a newb forever18:44
void_pointerHalitech, heh, I'm at intermediate stage after 12 ;)18:44
izzabooHalitech, i've only been using linux for half a year, I'm absolutely still a newb.  each new machine makes me a newb!18:44
ZooKjust some files i found online which said is located in the root directory18:45
trijntje!hi | conde18:45
ubottuconde: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:45
* seidos is getting rid of all his doc and odt files, and making them plain text18:45
Condeanybody can help me?18:45
void_pointerZooK, well, Halitech was right first time then probably. You can use "sudo cp /<files> /<destination>18:45
Condei have a problem with my printer18:46
zalincognitoCan anybody help me with my sound issue?18:46
trijntjeConde, we don't know, ask and you will find out. If nobody responds, nobody knows the awnser :)18:46
Condeis a laserjet 1018 hp18:46
izzaboospeaking of newbs.  I have to go feed my three year old18:46
xddwhaving some compiling probs, can someone help me, dont know how to compile ices018:46
Condeand doesn't work18:46
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HalitechZooK, are the files in / now or you need to put them in / ?18:46
void_pointerizzaboo, ah, a SUSE user18:46
Condedo you have any idea?18:46
void_pointerizzaboo, just jokes!18:46
zalincognito...anybody at all?18:47
trijntje!enter | conde18:47
ubottuconde: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:47
Condedo you know how to install a laserjet 1018 in ubuntu 9.04?18:47
void_pointerzalincognito, ask the question18:47
void_pointer!ask | zalincognito18:47
ubottuzalincognito: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:47
zalincognitoI have an HDX18 laptop, and from the beginning I haven't been able to get sound to come out of anything but the headphone jack. Anyone know a solution for this?18:47
ruxpinwhat is a good "dock" for program icons + desktop switcher for gnome without compositing?18:48
=== l is now known as Guest68371
izzaboointeresting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot  that page seems to describe yet another and different set of install steps.18:48
ZooKerm.... sec halitech.. gonna try something... thanks for the help... <318:48
arosenHello does anyone know anything added a new kernel to menu.list that i have compiled myself? I'm getting a grub error 11.18:48
izzaboovoid_pointer, oh i know!  :D18:48
trijntjeconde: what have you tried so far? (plz put my name in front of your awnser, so I see you are talking to me)18:48
McAkuMitä oli ne kanavat joilla jutellaan suomee?18:48
void_pointerizzaboo, ok, to get a hold of the real problem - you don't see an empty partition you can use?18:49
LjL!fi | mcaku18:49
ubottumcaku: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:49
EseI'm trying to install ubuntu using unetbootin and the ubuntu mini.iso but I'm getting an error at the boot18:49
McAkukiitos avusta18:49
jalonsohey, anyone here ever tried to do Linux From Scratch install?18:49
zalincognitoOkay, well thanks anyway everyone.18:50
izzaboovoid_pointer, nope.  only two partitions on /dev/sda  1 & 2.  both ntfs.  one is the Visa loader??? ~7.5GB and the other is XP ~150GB18:50
izzaboovoid_pointer, err, I mean Vista loader18:50
void_pointerizzaboo, ok, well you don't have a free partition to install onto. Hence, no 3rd option18:50
trijntjeconde: what have you tried so far to get the printer working? (plz put my name in front of your awnser, so I see you are talking to me)18:51
izzaboovoid_pointer, so I'd have to somehow rip off a chunk of the XP partition and reformat it?  is that possible without destroying current intsallation of XP??18:51
archmanhow can i force an app to appear in notification area instead of in taskbar?18:51
jalonsovoid_pointer: hey, void, were you in the LFS Irc chatroom just now??18:52
void_pointerizzaboo, well you'll have to shrink the partition. Don't jump into that just yet .. one sec18:52
void_pointerjalonso, yeah I was going to direct you there ;)18:52
jalonsovoid_pointer: ah, ok, unfortunately no one is answering :(18:53
void_pointerizzaboo, first choice (for you) do you have a windows utility you can use to shrink the partition18:53
jalonsovoid_pointer: thanks anyways :)18:53
void_pointerjalonso, i have done so, but a looong time ago. Sorry18:53
jalonsovoid_pointer: did you see it as a lost cause?18:53
izzaboovoid_pointer, I've not installed one.  this is a fresh from the store AAO D250.  It is still freeeesssshhhh.  heheh18:53
void_pointerjalonso, not at all. Great learning experience18:54
izzaboovoid_pointer, but I will look into that.  is there one you'd recommend?18:54
void_pointerizzaboo, allright. Well if you don't have something like "partition magic" for windows, you can use this guide --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37059818:54
jalonsovoid_pointer: oh ok, well thats encouraging to here18:54
jalonsovoid_pointer: thanks for the pointers!  *pun*  :D~18:55
izzaboobtw, Acer's eRecovery seems a bit weak.  how does one use it when the machine won't boot from the backup/restore DVD it created???18:55
izzabooif my HDD fails I'm hosed.  I wish I hadn't paid for this copy of XP!18:55
void_pointerjalonso, use references - safer ;)18:55
void_pointerizzaboo, they didn't supply a DVD?18:55
jalonsovoid_pointer: references? how do you mean?18:55
void_pointerjalonso, never mind. Programming "joke"18:56
izzaboovoid_pointer, nope.  seems as if one must order it from them on line.  another 20USD!18:56
jalonsovoid_pointer: OHHH!  lol, I never was good at C++18:56
void_pointerizzaboo, cripes ... well, if it is a just installed/new installation you should be able to shrink it without losing anything18:57
void_pointerizzaboo, or affecting anything18:57
izzaboovoid_pointer, ya.  I'm not afraid of losing any data.  I just don't want to lose my paid-for copy of XP (for various reasons).18:58
void_pointerizzaboo, well you can use a demo/trial copy of partition magic to shrink it18:58
izzaboovoid_pointer, and they make it quite clear that if you wipe the whole drive their recovery system won't work....18:58
izzaboovoid_pointer, partition magic.  I'll look into it.  thanks!18:59
warriorforgodizzaboo: Do you not have the license key for that copy of windows?18:59
void_pointerizzaboo, yeah, they are talking about that first partition, the "recovery" one18:59
void_pointerheh first thing I do is wipe the whole drive ... :)18:59
izzaboowarriorforged, you'd think I would!  I've not been able to find it on the machine or in the docs that came with it.  i suppose I need to call Acer...19:00
void_pointerizzaboo, if there isn't a trial version, look at this page --> http://www.optimizingpc.com/miscellaneous/resize_windowspartition.html19:00
markitany special IRC channel for "remix"?19:00
warriorforgodizzaboo: Try this.19:00
warriorforgodizzaboo: http://www.magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder/19:00
warriorforgodizzaboo: It should give you your license key.19:00
izzaboolol, magicaljellybean.  I will look at both those sites, warriorforged & void_pointer.  thank you very much!19:01
izzaboobetter go feed the little girl!  bbl maybe19:01
=== spc_ is now known as spc
Axsuulwhich subversion client do i need to access a svn repository (I don't need the svn server)19:01
=== adam is now known as Guest61263
fccfAxsuul: No, you don't need the server, Just subversion client19:02
jribAxsuul: subversion...19:02
kevliuHi guys, what does man -k do? I read the man page and it says "Equivalent to apropos".19:06
kevliuI have no idea what that means...19:06
macdonalderdoes a keyword search19:06
kevliuSorry, what?19:06
=== Xpl0it is now known as Xpl0it_AFK
macdonalderman man? ;)19:07
geniikevliu: It searches for descriptions of something and not for the thing itself19:07
kevliuHow is that useful?19:07
waltmanI have an ubuntu box that I'd like to set up mail on.  I don't need to receive mail, but I'd like all outgoing mail to go through a smart host (the department's smtp server).  What's the easiest way to do that?19:07
StoyI have a small but weird problem with Ubuntu 9.04 on my Dell Latitude E5400, whenever X goes19:08
void_pointerwaltman, set it up in your email client. Outgoing server19:08
waltmanpostfix is installed, but it look like it was never configured.19:08
geniikevliu: Because you can search for something like: mail in nthe descriptions and get info on ALL the mail-related pages19:08
alex__hey guys, I had an ati card in then i put a better nvidia card in. now i cant seem to get the drivers to install. i have tried envy also19:08
macdonalderkevliu, if you'd like to know of other pages that reference a command, configuration file, function, etc.19:08
kevliuI see.19:08
kevliuSo man -k malloc19:08
StoyI have a small but weird problem with Ubuntu 9.04 on my Dell Latitude E5400, whenever X goes down, my screen starts to flicker, that is untill somthing user than just plain text comes on screen19:08
kevliuWill list all the man pages that reference the "malloc" keyboard?19:09
waltmanvoid_pointer: The goal is to have php's mail() command use it.19:09
jimcooncatman -k encryption19:09
jimcooncatgpg (1)              - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool19:09
jimcooncatseahorse-tool (1)    - PGP/GnuPG file encryption for the GNOME Desktop19:09
purpzeyalex__: Have you tried the restricted drivers manager?19:09
void_pointerwaltman, you can still direct the php mail() call to use the SMTP server you want to use19:09
waltmanSo I see.  Thanks.19:09
jimcooncatkevliu: see my man -k encryption above19:09
Picikevliu: apropos is also a terminal command.19:09
Barnabasor man -K19:10
kevliuI'm still not entirely clear on when I would use man -k <item>19:10
void_pointerwaltman, but if you just want to set up postfix it's pretty easy19:11
fccfkevliu: the apropos man page gives discription of what man -k does19:11
pvvniif I want to change my tty text size19:11
pvvniI know I can do setterm19:11
pvvnibut how can I make it default on startup19:11
Picikevliu: When you're searching for a command to do 'something', man -k something.19:11
jimcooncatkevliu: like in my example, I wanted something that does encryption, but I didn't know which man page to look at19:11
kevliuOh, okay.19:11
pipawhats the camand to change run level singel user, something like init 2??19:11
kevliuI think I'm starting to understand.19:11
jribpipa: why?19:11
testingsomestuffDon't mind me .. testing something19:11
testingsomestuffcarresmd: TEST19:12
IcemagicI need some helps guys19:12
Icemagichow do I get out of a channel =.=19:12
kevliuThank you!19:12
jribtestingsomestuff: please test in a different channel19:12
EeveeIcemagic: /part #channel19:12
jribIcemagic: depends on your client19:12
Icemagicit keeps coming back when I close it >.<19:12
Icemagicah ok19:12
pipacoss I want to do a dpkg-reconfigure xorg!19:12
jribpipa: so do it, you don't need to change to single user mode19:13
fccftestingsomestuff: please test in another channel as #ubuntu is very busy and is used for support not testing19:13
pipauk thanks jrib19:13
ectropyguys, I'm trying to get my eeepc to show up on my mac. I can see my mac with my eeepc, but not vice versa. I'm running eeebuntu and snow leopard19:13
void_pointerwaltman, the easiest way is just to put the right SMTP server into php.ini19:13
waltmandoes it need a sendmail command?19:13
jribpipa: As a side note just so you know, runlevels 2-5 are identical in ubuntu/debian19:13
Halitechpipa, press ALT + CTRL + F2 and you will be in a new terminal log in19:13
testingsomestuffcarresmd: How are you?19:14
void_pointerwaltman, it needs a working email system to send through. So just adjust php.ini as necessary19:14
Halitechpipa, ALT + CTRL + F7 will bring you back19:14
void_pointerwaltman, no, just the SMTP setting19:14
testingsomestuffcarresmd: Great :-)19:14
pipaok thanks every one just not thinking..19:14
waltmanso php's smart enough to get mail to a working remote smtp server without any email on its own local box?  cool.19:14
testingsomestuffcarresmd: Thanks for the patch btw19:15
fccfwaltman: php has a handler to sendmail19:15
testingsomestuffcarresmd: Oh well.. I'll see you19:15
void_pointerwaltman, ah, you are on an ubuntu box wanting to do that?19:16
testingsomestuffcarresmd: ping19:16
fccfwaltman: /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail19:17
void_pointerwaltman, in which case, you'll need to install an MTA. Like postfix. The config will be minimal19:17
heathkidquick question... is it possible to pipe the output of "parted print" to a file?19:17
hax404where can i change my E-Mailadress in my launchpad-account?19:17
testingsomestuffcarresmd: pong19:17
testingsomestuffcarresmd: it's like 280 ms19:17
testingsomestuffcarresmd: Way too much19:18
testingsomestuffcarresmd: isn't it?19:18
waltmanfccf: THAT'S WHAT I ASKED.19:18
TronicWhat's the 9.10 irc channel?19:19
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:20
fccfhax404: if you click on your username while logged into LP then click on the icon next to Email19:20
axellhello all19:20
fccfhax404: upper right hand corner username19:20
tOrMeNtIuMHello, any1 could help me, I am having no sound at all in ubuntu jaunty., ty19:21
dragonlyret0rMentIum can we have a bit more info? drivers, what ya tried, system, etc?19:22
void_pointerwaltman, what you aren't listening to is that you can have the MTA listening on the localhost or a remote machine19:23
seidosanother place to look for start up apps in gnome aside from system -> prefs -> startup applications?19:23
void_pointerwaltman, http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php19:23
vexilleIs it alright to ask questions about the development versions of karmic here?19:24
purpzey!karmic | vexille19:24
ubottuvexille: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:24
dragonlyreguess not19:24
testingsomestuffcarresmd: test19:25
tOrMeNtIuMHello, any1 could help me', I get no sound in ubuntu jaunty, (i get sound in music and videos which are in desktop)(I get no sound in things like youtube, games, music on internet) , any ideas? ty19:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:26
void_pointer!it | bymind2611196519:26
ubottubymind26111965: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:26
dragonlyret0rMeNtium try updating your flash player to the latest19:28
seidostOrMeNtIuM: I know that sound in youtube should be solveable, games gets more complicated19:28
tOrMeNtIuMI used to have sound this morning, i just changed the headset(both are usb)19:28
tOrMeNtIuMnow i only get sound in dekstop, else wont work19:29
dragonlyret0rMeNtium does it work with your old headset?19:29
seidostOrMeNtIuM: does the headset plug into line out?19:29
SuperUser|Davidhey @ all. can anyone tell me how to get eclipse running properly?19:30
tOrMeNtIuMehm its connected via-usb , where the old headset was connected19:30
seidosI've never installed a usb headset19:30
dragonlyret0rMeNtium what brand is the set?19:31
SuperUser|Davidcan anyone tell me how to get eclipse with c++ running properly? there is an error "Launching"...19:31
waltmanThanks for the help, everyone.  I just ran "dpkg-reconfigure postfix" and it was really easy to get it working.19:32
tOrMeNtIuMis there any command to bring to default the sound on jaunty?19:32
axisysI noticed none of my syslogd-listfiles rotated since Aug 16 .. is there a way I can find out why and how do I rotate them now ?19:33
Two4t0r: I had the same issue; I disabled my onboard sound card via the BIOS. I don't know if you'll be using your headset primarily though19:34
ubuntuhow come the greatest resolution i can select is 960x60019:34
=== Xpl0it_AFK is now known as Xpl0it
makmumto all brother, why i cant download when I using "Sabily" Os?19:34
waltmanI need to change a (real) name in /etc/passwd.  Can I just edit the file, or is there some official way to do it?19:34
superbird??? Need some help with my ?Contact Us" email section.  I can fill it out but I never get a test email.19:35
larsemili have some problems setting my wifi card in the monitor mode using the tools in aircrack. anyone got an idea on what to do?19:36
Picisuperbird: This is the Ubuntu support channel, are you sure you're asking in the right place?19:36
Two4oooh, wifi. my pet hate19:36
superbirdOff to Joomla19:36
sash_waltman: chfn19:36
valleylarsemil, I have the same problem depending on which wireless cards I use. For some cards its just broken19:37
waltmanaha, thanks!19:37
larsemilvalley: i have a broadcom card...19:37
* Starenki spent twoo weeks to get B4311 working19:37
* Starenki meens 4311 in paticular19:38
valleyI use a broadcom card as well, and mine works ok. Potentially you need to ifconfig wlan0 down, then do the airomon wlan0 thing19:38
larsemilok will try19:38
valleywhen using the broadcom that is. I havn't gotten it to work with atheros19:38
SuperUser|Davidhow do i get c++ running with eclipse? i always get an error "Launching"19:38
axisysnone of my logs have been rotated for more than a month.. here is an snippet http://pastebin.com/d34cc17cf19:39
axisysanyidea why ? and how do I rotate them now?19:39
Robert_ZenzHello everyone19:40
larsemilvalley: well i do ifconfig eth1(the broadcomcard) down and then sudo airmon-ng start eth1 11 and i still only get link encap ethernet19:40
axisysam I hitting a bug?19:41
larsemiloh hillarious ubuntu keyserver seems down19:41
ubuntuwho said my name???19:41
Robert_ZenzI've copied a FAT32 partition from one harddisk to another, unfortunately these two now have the same UUID, how can I change this? I've found tune2fs for ext and similar fs, but nothing for FAT32.19:41
=== greyzkill is now known as greyz`
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:41
Tayos__http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwQbPgouUYo very good song :)19:42
Pici!offtopic | Tayos__19:43
ubottuTayos__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:43
Tayos__sorry men19:43
macdonalderok, progress. I'll re-frame my questions. The atl1e module is missing from the hardy netboot initrd, how does one have it added?19:43
geniimacdonalder: add it to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and rebuild the initrd19:44
macdonalderwill that work for the netboot initrd as well? I had assumed it was tuned for netboot installs whereas the generic one wasn't (a call to the installer somewhere?)19:45
Robert_ZenzDoes somebody know how to change the UUID of a FAT32 partition?19:46
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano_movie
EseHi, is there any way to install kubuntu from the xubuntu iso? I mean, I have a xubuntu iso, and I want to end up with kubuntu, but I neither want to download the kubuntu iso nor install xubuntu and then, kubuntu, is there a way to do this? just asking19:47
TillotsonCleese's Eulogy for Chapman was pretty funny too, but more poignant19:47
Pici!offtopic | Tillotson19:47
ubottuTillotson: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:47
diogo_79how can i add a static route to ubuntu?19:48
diogo_79so when i reboot the machine it still is there19:48
pipadigo_79 try route default gw add
alexander_alguem já usou o 9.1019:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:50
deriki can install ubuntu on a ntfs drive?19:50
Two4i think19:51
Robert_Zenzderik: you could, but it's most likely not the best idea.19:51
valleyIs it only possible with wubi?19:51
deriki whant to share file with a windows machine19:51
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:51
Robert_Zenzderik: NTFS is missing all rights-management features, which would render nearly everything useless.19:51
tzafrir_laptopIs this the place to ask about issues with packaging?19:51
thiebaudederik, its better to use a linux file system19:51
tzafrir_laptopI'm trying to build a certain Debian package of mine in a hardy chroot with pbuilder19:52
valleyIdeally ext3 boot partition of 200megs and ext4 / partition for the rest of the drive19:52
derikthen how i share a file to windows users ?19:52
Neremorwhen i want to rip a dvd, which bpp value would you suggest me to use? I can choose in 0.05-steps (0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 ... to 1.00)19:52
tzafrir_laptop(host is Debian sid, FWIW)19:52
valleywith a potential /home partition of ext419:52
tzafrir_laptopBuild fails, and the cause for this is basically:19:52
Picitzafrir_laptop: #ubuntu-motu might be a better bet19:52
NeremorI found out that 0.05 (by way the smallest file) gives an low-quality result, but everything about 0.20 or so i can't see any difference19:53
Neremorexcept the file size19:53
sheepsyHey guys, i just installed aptitude install firefox-3.5, when I go to Help > About, I get "About Shiretoko". Mozilla site says shiretoko is some kind of alpha. Is this correct?19:53
Pici!shiretoko | sheepsy19:53
ubottusheepsy: FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation19:53
larsemilanyone think i will have any better luck with ndiswrapper driver than the linux one - as the linux one relly suck19:53
alexey_hi all19:54
purpzeylarsemil: I've never had good luck with ndiswrapper personally.19:54
SuperUser|Davidright, !(thanks for the help), i solved the problem myself.19:54
alexey_help me pllz  - i need program to monitor and count traffic from my gprs device  - is it real?19:54
sheepsyPici: Thanks.19:54
Two4why not make your own, alexey?19:56
alexey_I can't19:57
Two4modify and interpret the source from an open source priject19:57
Two4it may be easier than you thinl19:57
brandon420heyy guys19:58
Misterjorshow do i make hdparm start at boot?19:58
brandon420im pretty mew to ubuntu19:58
brandon420is there anyone that wants to help me figure out something that is probally pretty simple?19:59
Two4congratulations, brandon19:59
Two4I'll help you19:59
brandon420when i try to enable the appearance settings to extra, or even normal19:59
brandon420it says that they cant be enabled20:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ebter20:00
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:00
dumontquestion: i have a dedicated server, for 1 month it was working OK, but now after some issues with hdd overfilling, I am encountering a problem, i'm using vsftpd to access files, if I try to delete, move or rename the files then I get a error, if I try to do that via ssh, I can delete files and etc, any ideas why vsftpd would suddenly not allow me to delete files? I am the only root on the machine, its all mine, I did not change vsftpd settings20:00
dumontor edit permissions20:00
thiebaudebrandon420, what graphics card?20:00
brandon420geforce 8400 gs20:00
Two4brandon, you need to get the restricted opengl drivers for your graphics card20:00
thiebaudebrandon420, i have the same one20:00
brandon420where i get them? i got the drivers from the hardware driver thingy20:01
Two4those are the very basic free drivers20:01
thiebaudebrandon420, did you goto system-admistration-hardware drivers20:01
brandon420and sorry, i dont know how to pm back on this, im used to mirc20:02
Two4the restricted drivers can be found in the restricted repository20:02
thiebaudebrandon420, and it will serach and select the first one thats recommended20:02
Two4let me get you a link to the package you need20:02
brandon420i got the recomended driver, its like 180.something20:02
thiebaudebrandon420, but you got to save the settings20:03
brandon420a friend of mine had it working, but of course i messed it up20:03
thiebaudebrandon420, gksudo nvidia-settings20:03
brandon420Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".20:04
thiebaudebrandon420, and i got full desktop effects now20:04
brandon420thiebaude i had them working at one time20:05
thiebaudebrandon420, yea,  and i have the same 180.44 version20:05
sheepsyPici: Is there a way to force a branding package on firefox-3.5? I don't like the blue icons :\20:05
colbloodhow do i use unzip? isnt it "unzip file.zip /path/to/extract/to" ?20:05
Th3d3aD_91hi all20:06
Picisheepsy: Not that I'm aware of. You might be able to pick the launcher icon manually, it might be in /usr/share/icons/20:06
Th3d3aD_91how are you?20:06
IpSe_DiXiTamule crashes, no replies on #amule, help! :D20:06
tvjudgeIm trying to help a friend of mine who's system seems to have had its MBR ruined He was running some updates or something (not sure) and it asked about modifying the mbr he thought he said no but now when he boots he gets a letter J and no more grub. Any ideas?20:06
=== root is now known as Guest13900
purpzey!grub | tvjudge20:07
ubottutvjudge: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:07
thiebaudetvjudge, isn't mbr a windows boot system?20:07
Picithiebaude: mbr is the master boot record, it is where grub is installed normally.20:07
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:07
thiebaudePici, thanks20:07
=== jepler_ is now known as jepler
* thiebaude windows also has a mbr20:08
brandon420so anyone have any great ideas, for fixing this20:08
Th3d3aD_91tvjudge your friend can start his computer with a live cd and modify the first partition with that distribution, if I remember that well20:09
nmvictorbrandon420: fixing what?20:09
Pastooliogood evening, can someone please suggest a frontend for my (old) tv card, anything but mythtv please20:10
Th3d3aD_91hi pastoolio20:10
Pastooliomy tv card works, i just want a frontend20:10
Pastoolioany suggestions?20:11
Pastooliocan i use vlc?20:11
durtI use tvtime with a phillips 713420:11
Two4brandon: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/nvidia-glx-18020:11
Pastooliotvtime, lemme try that thanks20:11
Two4download and install it20:11
Two4make sure you have restricted drivers enabed20:12
Pastoolioi do20:12
tvjudgethanks purpzey20:12
durtPastoolio, known bug in the user directory, need to change permissions for that dir to save preferences.20:12
Two4sorry pastoolio, I was talking to brandon20:13
dumontI am having trouble moving 1 file into the same directory's subdirectory, anyone know why the permission is different for a subdirectory? i am the root and I did not change anything20:13
Pastooliodurt: thanks20:13
dumontalthough I'm root, I am not using root account to move the file20:13
Pastooliofor some reason i can't get mythtv to work20:13
Th3d3aD_91guys, i'm trying to write on a text file with a bash... but sincerly i can't find a way..can someone help me please?20:13
Pastooliomy bt tv card is setup as /dev/video020:13
Two4gksudo gedit?20:14
durtPastoolio, i think mythtv is geared to DVB.20:14
Th3d3aD_91ciao diavolo20:14
PiciTh3d3aD_91: The best resource for bash scripting is in #bash20:14
Pici!it | diavolo7720:14
ubottudiavolo77: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:14
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Th3d3aD_91thanks pici20:15
dumonthow do I check chmod permissions for all the files in a directory?20:15
Two4ubottu, shush. there are no italians here.20:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:15
linxehdumont: each directory has its own permissions - they dont inherit from the parent20:15
Two4that was futile, I know20:15
PiciTwo4: Yes, someone was just speaking Italian.20:15
Two4I missed it20:15
linxehdumont: chmod [list of files]20:15
linxehdumont: (list can be *)20:15
dumontlinxeh, thx20:16
Picithiebaude: I know you're not italian ;)20:16
thiebaudePici, haha20:16
guntbertdumont: if you just want to see the permissions : ls -l20:16
thiebaudePici, your a developer?20:16
josvukHello, how can someone change the default windowsize from the termial?20:17
Picithiebaude: no, a helper. :)20:18
=== eraggo_ is now known as eraggo
thiebaudejosvuk, xrandr20:18
Two4why must everything be done from the terminal? woe is me20:18
meeromutt user?20:18
rmccinfo_Comment paramètre t on le webmail sur le serveur sous WEbmin?20:18
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:18
brandon420thanks two4, ill try that20:19
seidosTwo4: not everything.  the shell is your friend20:19
* thiebaude fast20:19
Two4seidos: we're talking about the same thing, I suspect20:19
rmccinfo_Comment fait on pour se connecter sur ubuntu en français20:19
thiebaudermccinfo, i cant comment on your web mail server20:19
seidosTwo4: ah, sarcasm20:20
thiebaudermccinfo, non20:20
Two4text has a nasty habit of not conveying that, seidos20:20
thiebaudermccinfo, your web server doesn't connect20:20
Picirmccinfo_: This channel is english only20:21
axellxchat helpguide Please? where i can find it...?20:21
seidosTwo4: that it does20:21
Two4the french have invaded!20:21
dumonthow can I allow a user move\change files of a root?20:21
thiebaude!fr | rmccinfo20:21
ubotturmccinfo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:21
alex_ok well i cant get my nvidia driver to install.20:21
seidossacre bleur!  sacred blue20:21
mmarkerok, anyone good with QoS and ubuntu, trying to figure out how to do something sanely. problem is, cant use more than x gb a month.20:21
Two4alex_ have you enabled restricted drivers?20:22
thiebaudeseidos, oui20:22
josvukthiebaude: I mean the terminalapplication windowsize when I launch it with doubleclick, it shoud be 70 x 120 charackters and not only 24 x 60 chars20:22
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thiebaudejosvuk, i dont know that20:22
dumontperhaps make the user an admin? I already added to sudoers username (ALL)=ALL ALL20:23
dumontanything else I should do?20:23
larsemilis there a curses or similar interface for jockey?20:23
seidosjosvuk: I had a similar problem.  I wanted the terminal window to be smaller, but I couldn't figure out how to change its default size20:24
Two4larsemil, in my experiance, if you curse at a jockey, they punch you in the groin20:24
seidosjosvuk: automatically upon start up anyway20:24
larsemilTwo4: :)20:24
Balsaqi have a clean intall of 8.10 and it runs great, is there any reason why i should upgrade to the 9.04?20:25
Two4horseracing: small angry people on horseback. how can you go wrong?20:25
cumulus007Hi, what's the difference between the Main and Universe repo?20:25
thiebaudeBalsaq, because if you want you can enable ext420:25
PiciTwo4: We really like to keep this channel for support only, if you're bored theres #ubuntu-offtopic20:25
alex_two4 it says no proprietary drivers to install. envy has an error. i was messin with it.20:25
Balsaqthiebaud: what is ext4?20:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext420:26
Guest50426 /exit20:26
thiebaudeBalsaq, linux file system as in ext2 ext320:26
Two4alex_, try downloading the appropriate restricted package again20:26
thiebaudeBalsaq, but its faster at boot up20:27
tameek<---just got little bother to switch from Win XP to Ubuntu :-D20:27
thiebaudetameek, great20:27
alex_how thru the hardware installed20:27
alex_installer? two420:27
thiebaudetameek, we need all the people we can get to fight bug #120:27
TLFwhat's the ubuntu mozilla team channel, please?20:27
tameeklol @ baude20:27
benstecan some help me to connect to a 802.1x secured network - I only got username and passwrd cause the rest is done automaticly by windows, and badly I've got too many options in ubuntu20:28
Two4alex_, what graphics card do you have?20:28
alex_Geforce 3 Woot!20:28
Technovikingcan you load an .img file in virtualbox??20:28
Balsaqthiebaude oh i got yur answer thanks  the screen doesn't always roll up here thanks20:28
thiebaudeBalsaq, ok20:28
thiebaudeno problemo20:29
coordinadorhi I have a big problem here, cannot open any openoffice file, im in a classroom :S20:29
coordinadori got "cannot open due a unexpected error"20:29
Two4alex_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/nvidia-glx-7120:29
Balsaqthiebaude is your name red because you did a whisper? (newbie here)20:29
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:29
coordinadori erased the .openoffice directory in all users20:30
thiebaudeBalsaq, i dont know whats going on20:30
Two4or run 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-71' from the shell20:30
coordinadorbut still have the problem20:30
kris_Hi. I just bought a Dell Inspiron Mini, with Ubuntu pre-installed. I am trying to get it to use the b43 driver, instead of the wl driver. Is there any way to force this?20:30
Balsaqi guess the software knows when you answer me and your name comes up bright...ok thanks again (thiebaude)20:31
thiebaudeBalsaq, np20:31
thiebaudeBalsaq, oh, you got compiz?20:31
Balsaqi didn't instal compiz? maybe if it came inside of 8.10? (thiebaude)20:32
boscophow can I disable the possibility that someone hacks my root password when he has physical access to my laptop?20:32
thiebaudeBalsaq, ok20:32
mrweskris_, does the b43 driver show in system | admin | hardware drivers?20:32
sash_boscop: by default, root is not enabled.20:32
clearscreenboscop: you don't.. all hope is lost with physical access20:33
meerocool man20:33
boscopsash_: I've read this: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-hack-root-password-in-linux/20:33
Balsaqwhat is compiz(thiebaude)...20:33
DonBrazinihelp me with the sound problem,its driving me insane.20:33
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:33
boscopsash_: how can I disable that for me?20:33
brandon420another question.............., when im in a terminal, and something is running, but i want to close it (without brandon@brandon420-desktop:~$) how would i close that without it messing shit up?20:33
coordinadorWhen i try to open a file from other user, i got that a file is locked20:34
sash_boscop: first, you can set a password for grub. google that20:34
kris_mrwes: There's some kind of Broadcom driver here. Lemme restart the mini and see what happens now ...20:34
dojoin ubuntu 9.04, xorg.conf doesn't seem to be used as much. its like all the options disappeared. can anyone help me setup dual monitors?20:34
dumontwhats 755 chmod vs 777?20:34
boscopsash_: won't that be possible anymore, then?20:34
sash_when you setted up the password, nobody can modify grub-entries without knowing the password20:34
dojodumont, look up file permissions20:34
krdytcan someone help me get my new winxp install to show up on boot menu and run if selected? its on /dev/sda3/ on my (hd0) drive i have 2HDDs20:34
dumontthey are confusing as to what 1st 2nd and 3rd digits are20:35
mrweskris_, I'll pray for ya :)20:35
dumonti know 7 is everything20:35
dumontread write and execute20:35
dojodumont, look up chmod permissions and binary values20:35
kris_mrwes: Why thanks. Don't hear that too often on this kind of channel. ;-)20:35
sash_boscop: in this blog-entry you posted, the "hacker" has been able to modify those entries. if he is not, he cannot do this woooow"HACK!!!!"20:35
mrwes4= read 2=write 1=execute20:36
clearscreenboscop: you may also want to look into LUKS20:36
mezquitaleIs it possible to configure 128-bit WEP key with passphrase in ubuntu??20:36
mrweskris_, bunch of non-believers :)20:36
colbloodi get Failed on every file i try to unrar from commandline, ideas?20:37
sash_clearscreen: i dont really think so20:37
mrwescolblood, unrar e file.rar doesn't work?20:37
Lifestream~ Hi all. Can I load LiveCD Ubuntu into Virtualbox in Windows, and from that VB Ubuntu, format an 320GB USB drive, and install Ubuntu into that USB drive?20:37
kris_mrwes: Ok. So, jockey just tried to install the "Broadcom STA wireless driver", but after the reboot, says that it is still not enabled. I'm not sure if that's the same as the b43 driver ... this isn't quite the Vanilla Ubuntu install ....20:38
dojois anyone fluent on the new xorg stuff in here? (ubuntu 9.04+)20:38
kris_mrwes: Anyways, I can't seem to get it enabled.20:38
coordinadorI have ubuntu 9.04, i have openoffice3, i got the error that a file has been locked by other user but that is not true20:38
Two4why not boot the liveCD then install Ubuntu on to the external drive from there?20:38
EeveeLifestream: I..  think that should work yes, as long as the VM has full access to the usb drive20:38
mrweskris_, could try using wicd instead of the network-manager aplet20:39
LifestreamEevee, Yes!! Thank you :D20:39
ratapoilis CUPS-PDF obsolete in jaunty?20:39
CocaCola77Hi, I have this old left over grey box (Piv 1.4ghz, 256mb, 20gb) pc. That used to be a winxp machine. I want to use it as ubuntu server and then especially samba with nt4 like domain controller. Is there a way that I can test that machine is able to the task? I mean not physical but that it's a stable machine and doesn't crash due to hardware every other day?20:39
EeveeLifestream: not positive!  but you can always boot directly off the cd if it doesn't work20:39
kris_mrwes: Never heard of it, but I'll give it a shot ...20:39
mrweskris_, hang on I might have a link20:39
Miko2Okay, I ran the software updates, and it seems my Ubuntu got updated to karmic development branch and now / is mounted as readonly.20:40
LifestreamEevee, yeah that's the thing, I'm so clumsy; all my blank CD's are scratched *snickers*20:40
Miko2Which prevents me from doing anything.20:40
ratapoilWhat's the easiest way to print to PDF in jaunty? (from a web article, not from openoffice)20:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd20:40
kris_mrwes: Actually, what I'm trying to do is enable aircrack-ng support. The `wl' driver doesn't seem to provide monitor/promisc support.20:40
Mitratapoil, cups-pdf ?20:40
DonBrazini1Miko,dude,you will have to reinstall20:40
blackxoredwhere's the lyrics support in banshee???20:40
Cpudan80!pdf | ratapoil20:40
ubotturatapoil: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)20:40
DonBrazini1the same happened to me20:40
Miko2DonBrazini1: No!? :(20:40
DonBrazini1trust me20:40
Cpudan80ratapoil: hmm that factoid doesn't mention printing - you can add it under the printing config thing20:40
Two4Miko, first confirm that you have indeed done that20:40
EeveeLifestream: ah, the tedium of cds is why I make a liveusb key  8)20:40
DonBrazini1does it says unmet dependencies?20:40
Cpudan80ratapoil: one of the options is CUPS/PDF20:40
Mitgot an interesting one with the Karmic beta - I wondered if anyone would be able to help - every boot i get Ubiquity firing asking me 4 questiosn to "complete the install"20:41
Miko2DonBrazini1: Where?20:41
Two4what's the shell command to check your ubuntu version?20:41
dedalsome one to know a program for data recovery and for system clean20:41
FlannelMit: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support, thanks20:41
FlannelTwo4: lsb_release -a20:41
DonBrazini1do one thing,try installing any package.20:41
mrweskris_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD20:41
Mitta Flannel20:41
ratapoilI tried CUPs-PDF it keeps not working. Tried a lot of solutions offered on the web, none works. it always says Idle - /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf failed20:41
axelljoin  #nugteq20:42
Two4Miko, type the command 'lsb_release -a' into your terminal to check your version20:42
LifestreamEevee,  oh yes! I will have to try that!20:42
Miko2Two4: Ubuntu karmic..20:42
Two4thanks Flannel20:42
DonBrazini1am tellin you,re install.20:42
Two4yup, reinstall20:42
kris_mrwes: Hmm. I can't find it in my repository on this netbook: dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy main universe multiverse restricted20:42
DonBrazini1you wont be able to do a thing20:42
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DonBrazini1Two4 can you help me with something?20:43
Guest46088Hi there, I'm looking for an app suggestion. I have an XP hard disk and I want to make a compressed backup, so I can restore it later on a separate (smaller) partition20:43
Two4coffee would be great20:43
Miko2But, how did apt-get install karmic? O.o20:43
shossi forgot how i made my desktop transparent now i can't see the icons, how do i get it back?20:43
Miko2Or software updates.20:43
DonBrazini1reinstall ubuntu,Miko.20:44
Miko2Yes, I'm doing it.20:44
DonBrazini1i have no sound after the updates20:44
DonBrazini1i tried everything possible20:44
DonBrazini1any ideas?20:44
Two4shoss, can you access your desktop context menu?20:44
shossTwo4: yes20:44
Miko2But all I'm asking, what I did wrong to get software updates to upgrade to karmic, so I won't do it again? :P20:45
* Guest46088 wants to make a backup of only about ~8 GB that's actually being used, not the 152 GB empty space20:45
DonBrazini1Miko2,it happens20:45
DonBrazini1when you20:45
Miko2I used xmonad for a while, started Gnome and *booom*, now I'm installing Ubuntu again. \o/20:45
DonBrazini1get to have two apps,one previously installed,but not removed pro[perly20:45
shosswhere under gnome can i set the desktop transparency?20:45
Two4shoss, go to change desktop background, then click on the visual effects tab20:45
lasthopesinyouuBesides the fact that I can't play games at high rates of fps, ubuntu has failed me yet again.20:46
alex_ok so i got the driver installed though its in low res. nvidia settings works and the hardware says its working. only problem is i am stuck at 640 res and thats the heighest it goes. whats up?20:46
lasthopesinyouuHow do i get the maximize/minimize/exit option with the title bar on top of programs20:46
DonBrazini1SOUND problem,Help needed :|20:46
shossTwo4: if youre referring me to the compizconfig than i've been looking all over there..20:46
Two4ah ok20:46
shossTwo4: unless i missed something?20:46
DonBrazini1Miko,its irritating man .. lol ... i have been through it.20:47
lasthopesinyouuHow do i get the maximize/minimize/exit option with the title bar on top of programs? All I see is file view and those options. No way to exit the program except from the bottom bar20:47
donaldohi anyone knows how to operate the integrated subwoofer a toshiba laptop on ubuntu?20:47
lasthopesinyouuAlso how do i get my mic to work for ventrilo20:47
Two4shoss, did you try disabling visual effects?20:47
Miko2Before I do reinstall, is there any way I can get network connection and push a git repository to somewhere else. :P20:48
DonBrazini1go to the terminal and type alsamixer20:48
DonBrazini1Miko2,no clue.20:48
shossTwo4: I don't want to. no reason for it, therye working fine and i had the desktop while they were enabled for a while. i changed the desktop transparency and now i can't find where i did that...20:49
lasthopesinyouuUsage: /sbin/alsa {unload|reload|force-unload|force-reload|suspend|resume}20:49
lasthopesinyouuoh u wern't talking to me20:49
Two4shoss, let me look into it20:49
DonBrazini1shoss,compiz troubok type20:50
DonBrazini1alsamixer -Dhw20:50
shossDonBrazini1: i don't understand20:50
lasthopesinyouuAfter playing with compiz my title bar on top of windows has gone away, any idea how i can get it back?20:50
DonBrazini1who wanted to get the mic settings right?20:51
donaldohi anyone knows how to operate the integrated subwoofer a toshiba laptop on ubuntu?, any idea?20:51
shossTwo4: thank you20:51
dubs13Is there a way to use redirection to use locate, find a list of files, and then copy them somewhere20:51
duffydackdonaldo, well on my dell is master mono channel20:51
Eeveeduffydack: for file in $(locate foo); do cp $file /somewhere/; done20:52
donaldoduffydack:  20:53
donaldothe laptop is a toshiba x205-S9800 and does not work.20:53
duffydackdonaldo, I dont know then, I was just saying what mine uses for subwoofer.. might/not be the same on yours..  Googled it?20:53
donaldoI already have a year like this. And I have not found information.20:55
TLFit's the keyserver working?20:56
Miko2I hope I have the USB stick lying around somewhere so I can actually do the reinstall.. :P20:56
DonBrazinidont you have the disk,Miko20:56
Miko2Nope. I got Ubuntu-stick. :P20:57
sarui put Ubuntu on my USB 4gig stick, and i loved the install20:57
saruworked great20:57
neptune_what program can i use to watch my movies?20:57
neptune_Movie Player lags, and doesn't show subtitles20:57
Miko2Of course, I have Windows, so if all else fails, I can start using it instead. :P20:57
DonBraziniWindows sucks20:57
saruVLC is nice :)20:58
DonBrazinii havewindows 720:58
saruyou like windows 7?20:58
neptune_should i download VLC?20:58
Miko2I like Windows 7.20:58
_s_k_y_VLC is the best20:58
sarui use VLC on my windows box20:58
EeveeVLC has a good backend but the UI is still kinda ugly, not very native, and obviously built by engineers20:58
DonBraziniNo,but i am a poker addict,i need windows 7 .. lol20:58
duffydackhow to make a good OS.... make a bad one before it..20:58
meerowindows 7 is best20:58
boscophow can I set a global proxy for ubuntu that all internet protocols should use?20:59
DonBraziniVLC is good,but the latest version has some trouble playing dvd's.20:59
sarui need to get a copy of Windows 720:59
meeroyes mee to20:59
DonBrazinii Have it20:59
neptune_VLC is not on synaptic :(20:59
DonBrazinigo to add/remove20:59
duffydackapt-get install vlc20:59
DonBraziniwindows 7 is wayy better than any windows releas20:59
Two4shoss, go to your terminal and type in 'sudo ccsm'20:59
boscopDonBrazini: how so?20:59
ED6EYI just got Ubuntu for the first time and i'm trying it out on my eee pc netbook, i'm just wondering is there any way to disable your trackpad while typing. It's gotten very annoying when tying out longer documents? thanks in advance!21:00
neptune_duffydack i am on ubuntu21:00
Eeveeis it really surprising (or impressive) that the latest release of some software is the best version so far?21:00
DonBraziniboscopyou dont agree?21:00
duffydackneptune_, snap21:00
boscopED6EY: Fn+F7 works for me21:00
neptune_i have apt-get but i was told it's for kubuntu21:00
duffydackneptune_, you were told wrong.21:00
shossTwo4: i got the compizconfig settings manager21:00
EeveeED6EY: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#Disabling%20the%20Touchpad%20Temporarily%20While%20Typing21:01
saruED6EY, disabling your touch pad is an option your laptop has now the Operating System21:01
ED6EYI mean disable it auto then reenable auto after some given delay21:01
saruusually its a Function key, for me its Fn (Function) + F721:01
DonBrazinisaru,you ever got any sound problems?21:01
Two4shoss, any luck with that?21:02
sarui haven't used Ubuntu for that long myself21:02
XDevHaldI have an issue with my windows not popping up in front of each other. Say I have firefox open and I launch Computer from Places, it will go behind firefox and not in front.21:02
saruno sound issues that i know of...21:02
DonBraziniDevhald,u using compiz?21:02
DonBrazinimy sound went off after the updates21:02
saruXDevHald, do you have your firefox on "always ontop"?21:02
ED6EYEevee: thank you will try this21:02
saruright click on the menu bar and make sure it doesn't say always on top21:03
shossTwo4: not yet, i've been all over that menu but so far couldn't find it21:03
duffydackneptune_, smplayer is also a good player21:03
assinineI can't bring windows to the 2nd desktop (gnome) by dragging them to the side of the screen. Anyone know what's wrong?21:04
duffydackassinine, might need to enable viewport switcher plugin in compiz21:05
assininei have all desktop effects turned off, duffydack21:05
Two4I think it may be under the settings for the desktop cube in the desktop category, shoss21:06
duffydackassinine, do you mean multi monitors?21:06
duffydackassinine, virtual desktops then?21:06
assinineno the 2nd desktop ubuntu has to the right by default.21:07
duffydackassinine, its a compiz effect..21:07
shossTwo4: that's the settings for the cube's transparency, i need the desktop transparency..21:07
wullie43hi all21:07
duffydackassinine, needs cube or the wall21:07
motorrhi all21:07
assinineduffydack: what is the wall?21:07
Two4I think they may be one and the same, judging by the forum posts21:08
wullie43im total linux noob who can help lol21:08
duffydackassinine, plugins for compiz.. you need to enable cube or the wall.21:08
assinineduffydack: what is "the wall"?21:08
boscophow can I set a global proxy for ubuntu that all internet protocols should use?21:08
JohannesSM64wullie43: don't ask to ask, just ask21:08
DonBrazini1go to21:09
Two4it was just complete coincidence that these two unrelated problems intersected in the same topic at the same time?21:09
duffydackassinine, you cant drag windows to other desktops like that unless you have compiz enabled.  metacity doesnt allow that21:09
DonBrazini1desktop cube21:09
ryguyIs there a way to indent the newlines from the output of a `fold` command?21:09
assinineduffydack: but I've done it before without turning anything on.21:09
DonBrazini1desktop cube->transparent cube->opacity when not rotating.21:09
DonBrazini1it will cure your "problem"21:10
XDevHaldDonBrazini1: Yes I am using compiz21:10
DonBrazini1what was ur problem,devhald?21:10
XDevHaldOpening a window and it going behind others and not in front.21:10
donaldooperate as an integrated subwoofer toshiba x205 laptop with realteck ALC268, anyone know?21:10
duffydackassinine, for that effect you would have had compiz enabled.. with the desktop wall or cube plugin...  Ive never known plain old metacity do that.21:11
XDevHaldI always seem to forget how to do this option.21:11
shossDonBrazini1: yes! thank you!21:11
ryguyer, donaldo, your first line was omitted, please send again21:11
DonBrazini1you are welcome,shoss :)21:11
shossTwo4: DonBrazini1 found it.. thank you21:11
duffydackassinine, I think you can drag a window from the desktop switcher applet in panel like that, but not from an actual desktop21:11
DonBrazini1its something to do with compiz settings21:11
DonBrazini1will look inti it21:11
XDevHaldThank you.21:11
shossyeah i knew that i just forgot where i changed it :p21:11
sarube back in a few21:12
DonBrazini1Shoss,new to ubuntu?21:12
ryguyIs there a way to indent the newlines from the output of a `fold` command?21:12
shossDonBrazini1: yes i am21:12
shossmigrated from vista :p21:12
XDevHaldDonBrazini1: It looks to be something with the focus for the windows.21:12
NadrojIs there a command to see what my proxy server and port?21:12
neptune_VLC doesn't show my subtitles21:12
DonBrazini1good thing,vista sucks21:12
donaldoif anyone knows how to configure an integrated subwoofer toshiba x205 laptop with Realtek ALC268?21:12
neptune_its like it doesn't have greek characters21:13
Two4no problem21:13
motorrhow can i find the german ubuntu channel21:13
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:13
NadrojAnyone know a command to see what my proxy server and port is?21:14
jribNadroj: your question is too vague21:14
motorrTwo4, do you know when the next version of ubuntu will come out?21:14
strangethe website21:14
DonBrazini1april 201021:14
strangethats the version after karmic21:14
Eeveekarmic is october21:14
motorrDonBrazini1, next year?21:14
Nadrojjrib: What else do you need?21:14
DonBrazini1the stable version,yes,next year21:15
Two4motorr, I don't. check the documentation on karmic koala, though21:15
motorrok thanks21:15
jribNadroj: how did you set it?21:15
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Nadrojjrib: I'm not sure if there is one set, so i'm asking is there a command to check?21:15
hairywombat001g'day, is there a way I can easily upgrade from Ubuntu Jaunty desktop edition to Ubuntu Netbook Remix?21:16
DonBrazini1you will need to have a netbook for that21:16
jribNadroj: well, one way to set it would be to set $http_proxy for example.  You could also just specify it for a particular app if it supports that (like firefox)21:16
jribNadroj: why do you want this?21:16
hairywombat001DonBrazini1: I am using a netbook. It has stock Jaunty installed, want to switch to UNR21:16
whileimherehi when I go into my LXDF desktop the NBR also pops up in the background. I want to get rid of it permentaly. How can I do this?21:16
phoenixzAnyone here who has some experience with printers? Using a HP3420, printing anything (even text), the printer head makes a printing pass.. waits like 2-3 miniutes and then does it again, etc.. until its finished.. as in, its slow as hell. Eventually the printer was tried even on WinXP, but the problem persists.. What could this be?21:16
Otacon22Is the ubuntu keyserver down?21:17
DonBrazini1yeah,then you can ... download the netbook remix,install it,i guess,thats the best way.21:17
DonBrazini1Otacon,yeah,i guess.21:17
LjLOtacon22: many people have asked the same question, so probably yes21:17
Nadrojjrib: I just want to know what my proxy is.  I'm not sure if I'm behind one, so is there a terminal command to check?21:17
jribNadroj: check the value of http_proxy...21:17
purpzeyphoenixz: Are you sure the printer is working? If it doesn't work in windows, and it doesn't work in Ubuntu. . .21:17
XDevHaldDonBrazini1: http://www.mail-archive.com/compiz@lists.launchpad.net/msg01438.html21:17
Nadrojjrib: Where can I find that?21:18
=== Guest86859 is now known as vikx
jribNadroj: echo $http_proxy21:18
ZykoticK9DonBrazini1, you could start by just installing the interface "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix"21:18
Nadrojjrib:  Echoed back nothing.21:18
NadrojBlank line.21:18
enduser000hello, does anyone know if there's a program in ubuntu that can read .one (one note) files? I unfortunately have one here and can't open it21:18
jribNadroj: then it's not set21:18
phoenixzpurpzey: The same problem is there in windows and in ubuntu..21:18
purpzeyphoenixz: Right, I am suggesting that maybe the issue is with the printer.21:19
DonBrazini1Zykotik,indeed,but it will be upgraded,lots of problems in that.21:19
Nadrojjrib: Thank you.21:19
Eeveehairywombat001: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-netbook-remix-in-ubuntu-810804.html for intrepid, ought to be similar for jaunty21:19
jribNadroj: you could probably use traceroute to check differently21:19
DonBrazini1i have my sound down because of an update21:19
Two4enduser, hold on. let me see21:19
hairywombat001eevee: thanks man!21:19
enduser000Two4: thanks21:19
phoenixzpurpzey: I'd think so too, but what could cause just slow printing? its all perfect, prints without problem but one page of texts takes like 30 minutes21:19
phoenixzthats.. just weird..21:20
ZykoticK9DonBrazini1, you'll get the update probably the exact same in Stock or UNR?!?!21:20
purpzeyphoenixz: If the printer was physically broken somehow, just a guess if it doesn't work in two O/Ses.21:20
DonBrazini1UNR , it will cause upgradation problems.21:20
DonBrazini1as in21:20
DonBrazini1the sound might not play,kernel wont accept the sound card.21:21
saruHey quick question, how do you restart the Ubuntu X Manager without restarting the computer, looks like Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is disabled21:21
purpzey!dontzap | saru21:21
ubottusaru: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.21:21
ZykoticK9DonBrazini1, you'll be getting the same Kernel updates on both systems - it's the same OS when it comes down to it21:21
jribsaru: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:21
* LjL slaps jrib for ignoring invoke-rc.d21:22
DonBrazini1Zykotick,have you ever upgraded from a previous distro to a new one?21:22
enduser000saru: you can do "sudo /etc/initd./gdm restart" in a terminal or "gksu /etc/initd./gdm restart" in the run (alt+f2) prompt21:22
jribLjL: I was gonna go with sudo service gdm restart but wanted to provoke you21:22
arcskyi run hamachi on my ubuntu server but i cant browse files from samba, can it be my iptables firewall?21:22
duffydackUNR is only a few packages to install....well it was when I first tried it.21:22
LjLjrib: only fair.21:22
DonBrazini1i want a net book :(21:22
hairywombat001trying... sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix21:22
hairywombat001all done21:23
hairywombat001thanks for the tips guys21:23
scotsguyhey guys21:23
duffydack^ so theres a metapackage now... it was maximus and some other things before :) nice21:23
hairywombat001time to reboot and see what happens :)21:23
scott_ino2DonBrazini1, I'll sell you one ;-)21:23
ZykoticK9DonBrazini1, a couple of times, but when I suggested "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix" it's NOT the same as installing from a UNR USB stick!  This just adds the UNR interface to a regular Ubuntu.21:23
DonBrazini1i will give you an offer that you can not refuse :p;21:24
duffydackisnt that all people care about really..the only reason to use UNR is for the interface..21:24
scott_ino2anyone know if the UNR works with touchscreen?21:24
scott_ino2just curious21:24
DonBrazini1Zykotick,my bad. :P21:24
=== Labrador is now known as K4rl
Two4Holy cow I just discovered my compiz expo plugin21:25
FoolishOwlI have a wireless router that I've misconfigured. I want to overwrite the firmware via tftp, but I don't know what the IP address of the router is.21:25
lunaticccsm makes configuring compiz easy21:25
duffydackTwo4, awesome isnt it21:25
saruFoolishOwl, your DNS should be the IP to the router21:26
saruusually like or something21:26
DonBrazini1my sound isnt working,help ma :|21:26
FoolishOwlsaru, I'm not using the router to connect to the Internet, currently.21:26
saruit should still have a Local IP21:27
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duffydackall those plugins and I dont touch the keyboard to use em :)21:27
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, don't know if this is really the channel for this, not that I mind ;-)21:27
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, what firmware are you using?21:27
FoolishOwlRight, it should have an IP address, but I don't know how to determine what it is.21:27
saruconnect it to your computer21:27
FoolishOwlI'll move to a different channel if there's one more appropriate.21:27
saruand do a ipconfig or ifconfig21:27
mikeymikeHI MATT21:27
krammerI am trying to remove a program (directory) but the only way to do it file by file I forgot the command21:27
Matt08642HI MIKE!!21:28
FoolishOwlIt is connected to my computer now.21:28
xguruis there a plugin that i need to install to listen to radio stations streaming music?21:28
mikeymikeHOW ARE YOU MATTHEW21:28
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, i was only giving you a hard time im not the IRC police21:28
FoolishOwlI haven't yet changed the firmware.21:28
saruwell if your connected to the router do a ifconfig under linux or ipconfig under windows21:28
scott_ino2xguru, try streamtuner21:28
xguruscott_ino2: thanks21:28
scott_ino2xguru, although many other players should work as well21:28
saruit should list your connected devices and give you a DNS IP for the router21:28
FoolishOwlAt one point, I was trying to change it to wireless access point mode, and I haven't been able to access the thing since.21:28
scott_ino2xguru, are you yrying to do it via a website, or through an application21:29
FoolishOwlsaru, it doesn't report an IP address for it.21:29
xguruwell in firefox it opened up a flash windows, but nothing played...just stayed black21:29
saruyou using windows?21:29
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, so stock firmware, if you hard reset router should go back to being
FoolishOwlNo, Ubuntu.21:29
FoolishOwlscott_ino2, that's part of the puzzle. For some reason, the hard reset doesn't work.21:29
saruFoolishOwl, try clicking this link..
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, give me one sec21:30
sarusee if that connects you to your router21:30
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, sometimes hard resets can be weird... i have some suggestions21:30
saruyou could go to google21:30
FoolishOwlI'd love to read them.21:30
scott_ino2xguru, do you have a link i can sample to check for you21:30
saruand look up your model number for the router and find the manual.21:30
Matt08642I am trying to mount my old SATA hard drive in a live session with windows XP installed on it. It seems like windows has marked it as in use: http://imgur.com/DZkJv.png21:31
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, on some routers you literally have to hold the button down for 30-45 seconds have you made sure you've done that21:31
Matt08642I just want to copy old files to back them up before formatting21:31
Fox3211firefox question here. firefox crashes every time I go away from start page. what gives?21:31
DonBrazini1saely remove it21:31
FoolishOwlThat might be it.21:31
DonBrazini1and then use it21:31
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, try that first, if not let me know21:31
DonBrazini1safely remove it in windows21:31
xgurucan i pate a url here, or message it to you?21:31
Matt08642I can't as I don't have a computer with a SATA port21:32
scott_ino2xguru, if it's long message me21:32
izzabooi don't know if anyone here was on earlier when I was asking about installing Ubuntu on AAO D250 and I wasn't having the option to install it "side by side"...but I burned a CD with the .iso and booted from that.  Now I have the option.  crazy.  same image i used to make my liveUSB stick21:32
DonBrazini1i dunno then,ubuntu wont mount it21:32
=== Fox3211 is now known as Fox
xguruscott_ino2: on the right it says "on air"  just click that...i couldn't copy the direct url for some reason21:32
scott_ino2xguru, k let me check21:32
saruis there an option in Ubuntu or Compiz that dims your brightness if you don't use your mouse or keyboard for a few mins?21:33
scott_ino2xguru, this is a flash based player but works for me, do you have flash installed21:33
DonBrazini1ubuntu has21:33
DonBrazini1dunoo bout compiz21:33
saruhow do you disable it?21:33
xguruscott_ino2: yes, it comes up with an arrow on most sites and i click it to view it..21:34
nmvictori have a .rpm package , how do i install it using alien?21:34
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)21:34
krammerhow can i remove a directory tried rm sudo <filename> -r but I am getting this error  descend into directory21:34
Matt08642How do I unmark my SATA drive as "in use?"21:34
scott_ino2xguru, when you click "listen live" does it launch a new window for you and launch the player?21:35
erUSULkrammer: is "rm -r foldername"21:35
DonBrazini1system->preferences->power management21:35
alex_i cant get emerald to work21:35
KaiForceI restored (with Clonezilla)  my dual boot windows/Ubuntu system.  The Windows system partition was encrypted with Truecrypt.  When I restored, the system reverted to the Grub boot loader.  Anyone have any idea how I can force the system to go back to the truecrypt bootloader?21:35
Two4enduser, I'm not finding much. the extension is proprietary, so I don't think open source developers want to touch it21:35
xguruscott_ino2: no it does open a new window.  In that window i have a huge background with an grayish arrow.  When i usually click these windows they load in though21:35
nmvictorhow do i install a .rpm package using alien?21:35
krammererUSUL, I am getting descending into directory?21:35
saruDonBrazini1, thanks21:36
sarugot it working :)21:36
erUSULkrammer: any other error ?21:36
FoxI guess i will try again. Anyone a firefox guru?21:36
scott_ino2xguru, hmmm that's not what happened for me, I got a loading screen and then it displayed all the controls along with other ads,pictures21:36
boscophey. where is the grub.conf file??21:36
krammeranother words I am being asked to descend the directory21:36
DonBrazini1i use chromium21:36
sarui had the first window set, but on the second tab there was another idle check box i missed :)21:36
scott_ino2xguru, what21:36
boscopgrub.conf is not in /boot/grub/21:36
Eeveekrammer: 'sudo' goes first.  it looks like you're trying to delete a file named 'sudo'.  and the switches go after the command name.  you want 'sudo rm -r <filename>'21:37
scott_ino2s your environment? most recent ubuntu, 32 or 64 bit, firefox ?21:37
krammerill try it thanks21:37
xgurukarmic, and firefox 3.5.321:37
krammerthanks you guys21:37
alex_it wont load, fusion icon, alt f2 emerald replace. it wont come up anymore21:38
alex_emerald --replace that is21:38
FoolishOwlscott_ino2, no luck so far. One odd thing is that when I executed "sudo ifdown eth0," part of the response is "DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67"21:38
FoolishOwlI would think that would mean that it *had* connected to at some point.21:39
xguruscott_ino2: whats the best way to see if i still have the up to date flash?21:39
squeezecheeze"boys drool girls rule mavens mule"  -- quoth the WORKHORSE21:39
djbpythonwhere should i put bash scripts so they are executable from anywhere?21:39
scott_ino2xguru, any reason you're using karmic? it's beta you know right?21:40
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ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:40
xguruyea, i only have it on this laptop.21:40
scott_ino2k just wanted to make sure you were using it intentionally21:41
scott_ino2xguru do you still have firefox 3.0.14 installed or no?21:41
xguruyea 9.04 has alot of hardware issues...supposedly fixed in 9.10 already21:41
scott_ino2oh wait you're using karmic nevermind21:41
alex_why wont my emerald load?21:41
xgurunope.  3.5.321:41
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.21:41
scott_ino2xguru, yes 9.10 fixed a Lot...21:41
DonBrazini1sound troubles,lol.21:41
=== ^Einstei1 is now known as ^Einstein
mikeymikehey guys how do you become root in a live cd21:42
mikeymikesudo yields options21:42
mikeymikesu requires a password21:42
Keifferhow can i make the Terminal to remember a x*Y size?21:42
Keiffermikeymike,  sudo su21:42
mikeymikeOH DUH21:42
mikeymikei always forget that!21:42
scott_ino2xguru, sorry i can't assist more, as im not running karmic, perhaps i can try and install in vmware and test, im in this channel a lot21:42
djbpythonwhy can't i save a bash script in to usr/local/bin ?21:42
ubottuUsing !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)21:42
jerkmanthis may be the wrong channel to ask, but i cant get onto certain networks on irc21:42
mikeymikeubottu, thanks botty  :)21:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:43
erUSULdjbpython: you have to use sudo to writte there21:43
xguruscott_ino2: no need, thanks for the help....i'll just do some more reading :)21:43
EseCan I do a minimal install, just the CLI with a live xubuntu CD?21:43
squeezecheezemake sure you are typing '/usr/local/bin' and not just 'usr/local/bin'  (note the leading slash)21:43
djbpythonerUSUL, but I am using gedit21:43
FoolishOwlIs there a way to scan for wireless networks at the command line?21:43
Keifferhow can i force the termina to rmember a specific size?21:43
erUSULdjbpython: save the scriptt in your home then move or copy it to /usr/local/bin/21:44
dedaldjbpython chmod +w usr/local/bin21:44
erUSULFoolishOwl: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan21:44
djbpythonits silly that i need to drop to the command line to save a file21:44
jerkmanthe server i cannot access is irc.abjects.net:6667 can anyone verify?21:44
scott_ino2erUSUL, beat me to it21:44
djbpythonhaha, I have to make a copy then move it?21:44
erUSULdedal: do not advise that silly thing...21:44
rent0nso it will be ubuntu software center and not store :)21:45
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, its possible it's not wlan0 it could be eth1 or eth2 whatever your device is21:45
erUSULdjbpython: you should have used « gksudo gedit » in thwe first place so the error is between the chair and the keyboard not in linux21:45
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scott_ino2FoolishOwl, mine is: iwlist eth1 scan21:45
mikeymikewhy is this command not working: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/Local Disk -o force21:45
saruFoolishOwl, what type of router do you have?21:46
djbpythonerUSUL, possibly, but don't you see the backwardness of such a process?21:46
mikeymikei suspect it's the /media/Local Disk ?? spaces in linux console?21:46
erUSULmikeymike: it would help to see the error you get21:46
lupuhi... i`m new in ubuntu... how can i make mi sound to work 5+1? i have a realtheck sound card and is working only on 2 channels21:46
mikeymikeerUSUL, usage instructions21:46
ximusiccharakters like ∀ are not displayed in the right way in abiword. How can I fix that?21:46
mikeymikethats all21:46
saruFoolishOwl, sometimes when you do a hard reset on your router for Netgear for instance it disables Wireless functions21:46
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jerkmancan someone verify that for me please... irc.abjects.net is down from my machine... can anyone verify21:46
djbpythonI've made a file, I want to save it to my filesystem, but before I can I need to jump through these extra hoops21:46
erUSULdjbpython: i see why it is needed. to prevent linux to become a virus loaded windows clone21:46
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, I can't stress enough how awesome and better an open firmware is (I use dd-wrt)21:46
FoolishOwlsaru, a Belkin F5D-7230-400221:47
seidosscott_ino2: open firmware?  where?21:47
mikeymikeerUSUL, it's just giving useage options... as if the command was issued incorrectly21:47
djbpythonwell at least have gedit/nautilus give me a root password prompt like if I were to run synaptic21:47
xguruscott_ino2:  u asked if i had flash installed.  I double checked because somethings get confused during upgrades.  Sure enough it hadn't been installed21:47
scott_ino2seidos, google dd-wrt, tomato firmware21:47
saruscott_ino2, what do you mean by open firmware?21:47
scott_ino2xguru, yay so does it work now21:47
erUSULdjbpython: if you want to writte whatever you want just install windows. you and anyone else will be able to writte whatever they please virus trojans malware all wriitting all over your hard drive... but hey at least i can too yay!!!21:47
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mike45094I would say thif I chmod a directory and I want everything insite that directory to be touched with the same permissins how do I do that ? ..isn't is like chmod +t 644 or something like that?21:47
FoolishOwlscott_ino2, my plan is to install dd-wrt on this old Belkin, so I can use it as a wireless ethernet bridge.21:47
scott_ino2saru, an open router firmware such as dd-wrt21:47
xguruscott_ino2: yes it does.....just wanted to give u some credit....thanks again21:48
jerkmancan someone verify that for me please... irc.abjects.net is down from my machine... can anyone verify21:48
scott_ino2xguru, cool beans!21:48
mike45094if I chmod a directory and I want everything insite that directory to be touched with the same permissins how do I do that ? ..isn't is like chmod +t 644 or something like that?21:48
mikeymikewhy is this command not working: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/Local Disk -o force <--- i suspect it's the /media/Local Disk ?? spaces in linux console? it just tells me how to use the command. as if i did it wrong?21:48
erUSULmikeymike: probably becouse of the space in the mount point name. enclose the name of the mount point in ""21:48
MeekohiHello. If I have a .iso but want to install from a USB-key, how would I convert the .iso to a .img ?21:48
mikeymikethats what i thought21:48
scott_ino2FoolishOwl, yes that is a nice feature, just read up a LOT about dd-wrt bridging, it brought me many pains, and works better on certain routers21:48
=== nabilla is now known as Nabilla
mikeymikeerUSUL, how about using the forward slash delineators?21:48
mikeymikecan you tell me that way21:48
FoolishOwlI think it's broadcasting a wireless signal, so I guess I could try disconnecting from my regular network and connecting to it wirelessly, although it's actually connected by wire right now.21:48
erUSULmikeymike: that's the other option. scape the spaces with \21:49
sheepsyHey all, I'm trying to get package statistics from aptitude. I want to know when various packages were installed. Is that possible to get?21:49
jerkmancan someone verify that for me please... irc.abjects.net is down from my machine... can anyone verify21:49
kris_Hi. I just bought a Dell Mini with Ubuntu pre-installed. I would like to force it to use the b43 driver, instead of the default wl driver, to connect wireless-ly, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. Could anyone offer some help, please?21:49
mikeymikeerUSUL, so it would be "/media/Local Disk"    or /media/Local\ Disk     ???21:49
mgv2how can i work on a text for forum and make a backup of the text in background as auto save?21:49
FoolishOwlActually, I'm sure it's broadcasting, because it's the right MAC address.21:49
erUSULmikeymike: both should work21:49
mikeymikeawesome thanks21:49
scott_ino2jerkman, yes it's down21:49
mikeymikemore hassling to come......21:49
ry__must be busy in here xchat irc defaults here21:50
scott_ino2ry__, yes quite busy21:50
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a channel to advise on vid cards21:50
jerkmanthanks scott_ino221:50
FoolishOwlSo, I'll log out, and try to connect to it wirelessly, and reset it to its proper defaults.21:50
lupuhi... i`m new in ubuntu... how can i make mi sound to work 5+1? i have a realtheck sound card and is working only on 2 channels... any1 can help please???21:50
FoolishOwlThanks for the help, folks.21:50
erUSUL!intelhda | lupu21:50
ubottulupu: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:50
MeekohiDoes anyone know an easy way to convert .iso -> .img so I can use imagewriter to write an iso to a usb-key?21:51
EeveeMeekohi: to make a bootable usb key out of a livecd image?21:52
MeekohiEevee: Correct.21:52
jerkmanisnt there an iso to usb prog in ubuntu already Meekohi21:52
EeveeMeekohi: use unetbootin21:52
Meekohijerkman: If there is I would love to hear what it is called ;)21:52
EeveeMeekohi: it does some sort of incantation to make usb booting work right21:52
dedallupu | lspci 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10)21:52
MeekohiEevee: Thanks I'll give that a shot21:52
scott_ino2jerkman, there's an .img to usb not sure about .iso although im sure tools exist21:53
jerkmanMeekohi: system > Administration > Usb startup disk creator21:53
ry__im a complete noob to linux. but ive got a year to familiarise myself with it b4 i go to uni21:53
_kurt_Has anyone gotten tor to work on karmic?21:53
Meekohijerkman: Sorry my system doesn't have that.21:53
_kurt_I've tried installing from source, but there are all sorts of dependency issues...21:53
jerkmanwhen is karmic out?21:53
erUSUL!karmic | _kurt_21:53
ubottu_kurt_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:53
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jerkmanMeekohi: what distro are you running?21:54
erUSULjerkman: rwead above21:54
scott_ino2jerkman, actually yes the usb startup disk creator claims to works with .iso files as well21:54
jerkmanscott_ino2: yea, ive used it before adn its pretty good21:54
Meekohijerkman: Ubuntu 8.0421:54
paolo88i want use my quad core for octave...i don't want use ony a core for octave buta i want use two o tree cores for it. How i must do?21:54
sdfsdfsdcomo estan21:55
zopiacim trying to run a game and there is no sound. This happens about 50/50, with many programmes. I believe it is attributed to a problem with pulseaudio or oss21:55
jerkmanMeekohi: ah, ive got 9.04 and i thinkit was new this year21:55
jerkmanzopiac: game in wine?21:55
Meekohijerkman: Thus my goal here.21:55
zopiacno, native linux21:55
jerkmanzopiac: try pkill pulseaudio21:55
mikeymikecan vnc be used in a live session?21:56
diogo_79my ubuntu system frozen where can i see what happen21:56
zopiacjerkman: no, still nothing when i start the game21:56
sdfsdfsdalguien habla español21:56
diogo_79like event viewer of windows21:56
whileimhereWhen I log into GNOME on UBUNTU 9.04 I do not get any of the panels.21:56
whileimhereAnyone know how to fix this?21:56
zopiacthe only sort of error is as follows:21:56
zopiacWARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!21:56
jerkmanMeekohi: right, try sudo apt-get install usb-creator21:56
scott_ino2jerkman, im guessing there are much more feature rich cli tools21:57
G_A_Cdiogo_79: there's a system log file viewer under the System->Administration menu21:57
erUSUL!panels | whileimhere try this21:57
ubottuwhileimhere try this: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:57
Meekohijerkman: No such package21:57
G_A_Cthat will show you some information, although it may not be much use :)21:57
jerkmanscott_ino2: eya, GUI'd up for the masses21:57
boscophey. where is the grub.conf file?? it is not in /boot/grub/21:57
jerkmanMeekohi: yea, ok then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick21:57
scott_ino2jerkman, of course ;-)21:58
jerkmanyaya! irc.abjects.net is back up!!!21:58
whileimhereerUSUL I am in LXDF right now because when I am in GNOME I cannot even get an alt+2 terminal21:59
erUSULboscop: what version of ubuntu ?21:59
diogo_79what is this device eth0 entered promiscuous mode21:59
sash_DonBrazini1: queries are bugging...21:59
diogo_79it is bad thing?22:00
tomas_someone can help me?22:00
guntbertboscop: are you talking about grub2?22:00
jerkman!ask > tomas_22:00
ubottutomas_, please see my private message22:00
erUSULdiogo_79: exactly what it says. bad or not depends on what you where doing....22:00
diogo_79i has running virtualbox when the system frozen22:00
erUSULdiogo_79: you put devices in promisc mode to do sniffing and to capture packets22:01
diogo_79can that frozen the system?22:01
erUSULdiogo_79: no unless there is some kernel bug22:02
ry__so i want to customise my own live cd, i want something similar to the pclinuxos gui but with BT4 apps22:02
Flannelry__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization22:03
aiyawhat is tne malaysian ubuntu channel?22:03
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility22:03
ry__would i have to edit the squashfs22:03
tomas_i have a problem with the sound22:03
MeekohiAlright Unetbooin didn't work either. I'm giving up and finding a .img file somewhere.22:03
ry__in the iso22:03
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my22:03
tomas_i realy don´t know, about this22:03
nils_I have a weird problem with the ubuntu initrd when booting over the network. It fails with the error message: "run-init: /sbin/init: not a directory" /sbin/init exists and is executable, the nfs share is mounted correctly22:03
programbledoes anyone know of a wallpaper manager that supports different wallpaper for each workspace? (i am using openbox)22:04
aiyaI just finish install ubuntu version 922:04
jerkmananyone reccomend a NAS with webserver and bittorrent for under $8022:05
mikeymikehey i am trying to mount and it is saying the destiation doesn't exist even though i created it, ( i suspect that is not how you do this?)22:05
aiyaSo i want to master it so where should i start froom?22:05
DonBrazini1update it all first.22:05
mgv2how can i work on a text for forum and make a backup of the text in background as auto save?22:05
erUSUL!doc | aiya22:05
ubottuaiya: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:05
yorhello! a question! i use ubuntu, what can i do to boot from CD and not from hd? (i want to put XP on)22:05
erUSULmgv2: what forum ?22:05
DonBrazini1yor,use virtualbox22:05
Ray_jerkman .... eh old pc22:05
yori ll check it, thenks22:06
programbleyor: set your BIOS boot order22:06
jerkmanRay_: im thinking that, but i want small and low power22:06
nmvictori get this errors whenever i retsarts nagios, 1)No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock 2)No directory, logging in with HOME=/  Anyideas about the problem?22:06
mgv2erUSUL, what ever forum. i mean just to save text automatically22:06
programbleyor: put CD drive first in list22:06
Ray_Me too but for $80 you will be doing well.22:06
erUSULmgv2: from webpages ?22:06
m0r0nDoes anyone know if I can arrage music by the album track list on Songbird?22:06
yori=programable, in what list?22:06
Ray_And old laptop is a good solution, power draw isn't too bad.22:07
programbleyor: the boot order list in your BIOS22:07
jerkmanRay_: yea, i saw some nice mini-itx machines22:07
FFighterdoes anyone know what is the port the windows terminal server listens to?22:07
jerkmanRay_: old laprop, hey...22:07
jerkmanRay_: i have 2 old laptops...22:07
Two4aiya, generally one uses ubuntu until one eventually finds oneself in unknown territory. then you consult the documentation.22:07
programbleFFighter: if you can't find it, nmap the computer22:07
Ray_yeah, I picked one out of a skip ... works fine.22:07
mgv2erUSUL, not from webpages. i want to type text and fastely that it will get saved22:08
Eloneanyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?22:08
jerkmanRay_: i got a headless one, and one missing many parts like drives and keyboard22:08
jerkmanRay_: i also got a 10" tablet pc which the screen is going on22:08
erUSULmgv2: but where do you type the text? terminal ? irc client?22:09
sakohi guys22:09
sakoi love ubuntu22:09
yorprogramable, the thing is that i do not know how to get in BIOS from linux (pussing DEL button??)22:09
sakomy name is sako and i am an ubuntuholic..22:09
programbleyor: you access your BIOS before the OS starts up22:09
L3thalubuntu FTW22:09
yorwith DEL??22:09
mgv2erUSUL, web pages22:09
L3thalsako: ubuntu is free ?22:09
programbleyor: usually22:09
greenkernelyor >> you can see at the very first screen when you open your computer22:09
sakoubuntu pwns FTW l33722:09
mikeymikelive session is trying to force me to mount a drive to /media/Local Disk but there is already another drive taking that weird placeholder spot up.... how can i make a new one?22:10
mikeymiketo mount this second drive22:10
aiyaI want to connect to internet using celcom broadband (malaysian provider) but im unable to do it.I did configure it but unable to open it thanks.How to configure it?22:10
Ray_jerkman> try and get an external disk that runs off two usb connections.22:10
programblesako: mint is better, but dont want to fight22:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntlm22:10
sebsebseb!love > sako22:10
programblestart a*22:10
ubottusako, please see my private message22:10
aiyaI want to connect to internet using celcom broadband (malaysian provider) but im unable to do it.I did configure it but unable to open it thanks.How to configure it?22:10
sakoL3thal: Ubuntu is free! I love Canonical and Ubuntu..22:10
=== DaZ is now known as ll
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about NTLM22:10
jribsako, L3thal: stop...22:10
L3thalsako: i can download it for free ? <322:10
Ray_gotta go, good luck22:10
greenkernelyor >> something like F2 / F8 / Esc22:10
razor_Xand here i thought NeXT machines were dead22:10
razor_Xi found a NeXT Desktop Environment for ubuntu22:11
erUSULrazor_X: Gnustep to the rescue22:11
mikeymikelive session is trying to force me to mount a drive to /media/Local Disk but there is already another drive taking that weird placeholder spot up.... how can i make a new one?22:11
lucaxxxxxxhey is there any repositories for the kernel 2.6.30????22:11
programbleAnyone know of a wallpaper manager capable of multiple workspaces?22:11
jerkmanwhat is NeXT22:11
razor_Xi loved the old NeXT environment its call AfterStep22:12
sakoWhy was I kicked out?22:12
sebsebseblucaxxxxxx: no, but there's a ppa for later kernel, why do you want it?22:12
erUSULjerkman: google is tyour friend ;)22:12
greenkernelwallpaper manager?22:12
razor_XNeXT was its own unix system back in the day jerkman22:12
jribsako: because this channel is for support, not trolling22:12
programblesako: prolly talking about useless stuff22:12
SeaPhor|gameI lost all audio on my system, been up and working for 2+ years now, Ubuntu 8.04, any and all help appreciated22:12
lucaxxxxxxsebsebseb: u know the url?? intel graphics issues22:12
jerkmangoogling next is kinda vague... lol22:12
mikeymikeok done nvm22:12
sebsebseb!intel |  lucaxxxxxx22:12
ubottulucaxxxxxx: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.22:12
mikeymikejerkman, google NEXT computer22:12
nmvictorAnyone know how to setup proxy in ubuntu to work with wget, apt-get and synaptic?22:12
jerkmanright.. yea22:12
razor_Xjerkman google online computer museum22:13
sebsebseblucaxxxxxx: installing a newer kernel is unlikely to sot out your Intel graphics card issue22:13
programblegreenkernel: like nitrogen or feh22:13
erUSULjerkman: is the father of MacOS X22:13
mikeymikejerkman, it's just unix based computers steve jobs founded22:13
sebsebseblucaxxxxxx: sort out above22:13
erUSULjerkman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Computer22:13
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razor_Xthey used them widely at my school for a long time22:13
greenkernelwhat do you want to do? using multiple workspaces?22:13
DarkebrzHi, I am having some problems with Java. A game I play (Minecraft) uses some more advanced features I'm guessing, and it will not work.22:13
razor_Xi loved it22:13
mgv2do you have suggestion to how to save many images at once in thunderbird?22:14
m0r0nDoes anyone know if I can arrage music by the album track list on Songbird?22:14
lucaxxxxxxsebsebseb:  aactually ive installed it by hand....... but i want repos... so thats why im asking if any one knows any repos for kernel updates... dont remember the ppa?22:14
DarkebrzI can get some other Java apps to work though, but not this. I am using sun-java 622:14
boscoperUSUL, guntbert: ubuntu 9.04, jaunty. all the tutorials say, the file must be at /boot/grub/grub.conf22:14
razor_XDarkebrz, i had to reinstall java to get my frostwire working22:14
programblegreenkernel: different wallpapers for each22:14
Darkebrzrazor_X, I just reinstalled it22:14
DarkebrzBut it still won't work22:14
greenkerneloh .. I see . . sorry .. I don't know how to do that.22:15
razor_XDarkebrz, did you fully remove java first?22:15
beamhello there, can anybody help me find a business channel in xchat?22:15
sebsebseblucaxxxxxx: a kernel ppa won't fix your Intel graphics card issues22:15
programblebeam: Server>Channel List22:15
lucaxxxxxxsebsebseb: it does22:15
erUSULboscop: no in jaunty default is grub 1 which uses /boot/grub/menu.lst as config file22:15
programblebeam: List of Channels*22:15
Fruduscan someone /nick thewizord and tell me if it has a password for you please22:15
xps9000beam, what sort of business channel?22:15
greenkernelbeam > type /list22:16
razor_XDarkebrz, did you fully remove java first?22:16
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Darkebrzrazor_X, I removed all java packages22:16
programblegreenkernel: suicide...22:16
jerkmanare there any desktop unix distros?22:16
nmvictorwhich package provides glib development files?22:16
razor_XDarkebrz, check and see which version of java your game requires22:16
XDevHaldHas anybody figured out how to set the New Window Focus for 9.04 in compiz?22:16
programblenmvictor: glib-dev most likely22:16
guntbertboscop: I have such a file, but is just an old copy of menu.lst22:16
beamxps9000: well, id like to start my own business, and i want to find people who are familiar with that and have experience22:16
Darkebrzrazor_X, It needs java 6, which I am using22:16
beamprogramble: thanks22:17
erUSULnmvictor: glibc-dev ?22:17
razor_XDarkebrz, is it a web game or a downloaded game?22:17
boscopguntbert: so I should add "password --md5 <code>" to menu.lst at the end?22:17
DarkebrzIt is a web based game22:17
DarkebrzI am running Firefox22:17
programblebeam: np. you can do a search from there22:17
razor_XDarkebrz, link me22:17
nmvictorprogramble: No such package, erUSUL lemme try that22:17
xps9000beam, your best bet is to find a network that has channels devoted to whatever you are looking for22:18
nastjuidhey guys, I've been trying to set up this machine as a proxy with kerberos auth and ldap user info, but when I try `getent passwd` it keeps throwing 'Invalid Credentials'. using cn=administrator, so I don't think it's telling the truth22:18
guntbertboscop: sorry, no idea - I don't mess with grub :-)22:18
programblenmvictor: you can make use of the aptitude search function22:18
tomas_i cant hear nothing22:18
razor_XDarkebrz, what browser are you using?22:18
nmvictorerUSUL: no such too22:18
boscoperUSUL: should I add "password --md5 <code>" to menu.lst at the end?22:18
Darkebrzrazor_X, just said, Firefox22:18
erUSULnmvictor: search for something similar. i'm good bu i still do not have the apt database in my head you know ;)22:18
xps9000Darkebrz, I am inclined to think you didn't remove Java completely, run java -version in the terminal to check and see if it's still installed22:18
jaggyis there any tool to compare 2 images for difference?22:18
beamxps9000: actually im looking for a network that discusses affiliate marketing22:18
programblenmvictor: aptitude search glib | grep dev22:18
xps9000beam, marketing in what sector?22:19
erUSULboscop: it should work in any position afaik22:19
razor_XDarkebrz, hmmmm its loading for me do you have the jre 6.16 firefox plugin?22:19
boscoperUSUL: ok, thanks22:19
cellofellowanybody know a way to embedd Evince into Firefox (Shiretoko) to view PDF and other documents? Similar functionality with OpenOffice for MSOffice/ODT documents too would be nice.22:19
beamxps9000: affiliate marketing. Its mostly done online22:19
Darkebrzrazor_X, hm, maybe not. Where do I find this?22:19
Darkebrzxps9000, It would still be installed, I reinstalled it22:19
cellofellowand I'm not real interested in mozplugger unless someone can show me how to really make the most of it and have it not override existing plugins.22:20
nmvictorerUSUL: programble: Actually i am compiling xmms and it couldnt find glib-config so i guess it provided by some glib development file.22:20
beamxps9000: promoting other peoples products and recieving a comission22:20
razor_Xlook in your synaptic manager22:20
erUSULnmvictor: install build-essential for a start22:20
erUSUL!xmms | nmvictor22:20
ubottunmvictor: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.22:20
xps9000beam, there are so many sub categories in affiliate marketing. Hmm, what sort of products? Technology, makeup? Lawn Mowing?22:20
Darkebrzrazor_X, I have, I removed anything related to java and then reinstalled the needed packages22:20
programblenmvictor: libglib-dev maybe? or libglib1.2-dev or libglib1.2-dev22:20
erUSUL!ot | xps9000 beam22:20
ubottuxps9000 beam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:20
rocky_genii, are you here?22:20
SeaPhor|gamenmvictor, with 9.04 it may be glib2-devel22:21
nmvictorprogramble: erUSUL thanks22:21
purpzeyHow do I install the jre-plugin for Firefox?22:21
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sebsebsebpurpzey: sudo apt-get intsall sun-java6-jre22:22
xps9000erUSUL, keep your !ot to yourself. I'm trying to help him find the right server.  beam, I cannot help you, since people don't allow ot'ing! So, if you need something, just pvt me. Please.22:22
erUSULpurpzey: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:22
jaggyis there any tool to compare 2 images for difference?22:22
erUSULpurpzey: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin22:22
DarkebrzReally, I need help, I can't get this to load22:22
beamxps9000: im thinking of web hosting because of the idea of residual income22:22
DarkebrzIf the jre plugin is in restricted extra then I have it22:22
baggar11purpzey: or sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre22:22
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rocky_I started backing up a drive last night that had bad sectors.  It has been about 19 hours now, the harddrive being backed up is 640 GB sata 3.0 Gb/s and the hardrive that its being backed up to is usb 2.0.......... is it just me, or is this taking to long?22:23
rocky_btw, I'm using dd22:23
guntbertxps9000: please move that "finding the rigtht server" to another channel (or to PM)22:24
firsthay guys my friend just installed unbuntu and his sound dont work. what do22:24
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erUSULrocky_: well usb 2.0 has 30-35 MB/s max... also maybe it is retrying to much on bad sectors ??22:24
rocky_hmm... maybe22:24
erUSULrocky_: maybe gddrescue is more suited to the task22:24
xps9000guntbert, it's already been done, why are you all over me. Good god, communistic channels22:25
rocky_well, I'll give it another day... lol.. there is tons of disk access22:25
jaggyis there any tool to compare 2 images for difference?????22:25
DarkebrzOkay, I am going to restate my problem. I have a java game that I can't play. I have sun-java-6 packages installed and jre. Can someone help troubleshoot this?22:25
rcscomp`groups <myuser>` lists a bunch of groups like adm, dialout, etc.  Where can I found out what these groups allow a user to do?22:25
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guntbertrcscomp: most names are rather self-explanatory, members of admin are allowed to sudo22:27
jaggyDarkebrz, you got sun6-java-plugin installed?22:27
nanotubeDarkebrz: jaggy: it's supposed to be "sun-java6-plugin"22:27
jaggynanotube, good point :p22:28
erUSULrcscomp: most other groups are to allow user to access some devices.22:28
jaggywell, anyone can help me with my problem? :(22:28
yorfffff...does anyone know how to access BIOS from Ubuntu??...22:28
nanotubejaggy: well, there is "diff" - it will tell you if the images are different or not - same as for any other binary file...22:28
erUSULjaggy: byte by byte the same? do md5sum of the images and compare the sums22:28
jaggyoh, thnx :)22:28
Darkebrznanotube, nope, I don't have it. Installing22:28
Darkebrz :)22:28
nanotubeDarkebrz: good luck ;)22:29
rocky_erUSUL, if/when I do that command, what would the syntax be? the partition being backed up is /dev/sda1 and its going to /dev/sdb222:29
nanotubejaggy: md5sums will work too - but "diff file1 file2" is simpler :)22:29
kkkhallo kann mir jemand vielleicht helfen wo installiere ich bei xubuntu exe dateien hinein??22:29
guntbertyor: you cannot, you will have to reboot22:29
erUSULrocky_: what command ? gddrescue ?22:29
nanotube!de | kkk22:29
ubottukkk: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:29
guntbert!de | kkk22:29
rocky_erUSUL, yes22:29
erikk71be glad when i get the addition 256 mb22:30
jaggynanotube, what about when the images differ in size? :s22:30
erikk71so ubuntu will run more smooth22:30
nanotubejaggy: if the files are not byte-by-byte the same, it will tell you that they're different.22:30
erUSULrocky_: http://www.atlas-tuesday.com/using-gddrescue-to-save-your-data-part-122:30
rocky_oh, erUSUL idk if it is relevant, but the filesystems are ntfs22:30
yorguntbert, i have ubuntu and i want to boot from CD to install XP. What  can i do?22:30
scott_ino2my lap is hot from my laptop.. sigh22:30
jaggyhmm, anyway around that? IFnot, i'll just use perl to quickly resize them in a tmp file22:31
kkkhello can somone help me plz where must i install exe dateien by xubuntu??22:31
erikk71with 256 mb it does ok22:31
erikk71i have to kill pc pnce22:31
guntbertyor: reboot, enter the bios-config, set it to boot from CD as first device22:31
erikk71an went to lxde22:32
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guntbertkkk: exe-files are for windows, not for linux22:32
kkkrofl wine22:32
FirstSgtAny tutorials (recent) on setting up logetech mic/camera?22:32
yor"enter the bios-config"? how? i keep pressing DEL and i hear only a stupid deeeeep!!22:32
TheChris80hello everyone22:33
nanotubejaggy: well, remember that even if you resize, you have to use exactly the same algorithm, otherwise the bytes are still gonna be different... let me look around for an "image-specific" diff for you.22:33
jaggythanks nanotube22:33
DarkebrzJava still wont work, one second I will give you the error message22:33
nmvictori get this error when i start xmms,Error while loading shared libraies libxmms-so.1.Cannot open shared object or file.NO such file or directory.any one know why?22:33
rocky_hmmmmmmm... erUSUL, I'm pretty sure that dd is still working. the last time I checked, data was being written to the usb drive22:33
nanotubejaggy: maybe this? http://pdiff.sourceforge.net/22:33
erUSULrocky_: i did not say dd was not working... i just said that maybe it would be sllower than a specialized app.22:34
erUSULrocky_: you can still wait until dd finish22:35
purpzeyerUSUL: Thanks for the info on the java plugin, worked perfectly.22:35
TheChris80hi people im new in ubuntu since few days22:35
erUSULpurpzey: no problem22:35
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jaggyi'll give it a shot, thank you nanotube22:35
guntbertyor: most modern computers want F2 for the setup...22:35
nanotubejaggy: possibly also the imagemagick library 'compare' function may be helpful (as described in an aside on this page: http://www.phpied.com/image-diff/ )22:36
yormodern?? pfff..all these years i used DELETE22:36
guntbert!hi | TheChris8022:36
ubottuTheChris80: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:36
=== tdiddy is now known as tdiddy-tux
lemurianis it me, or are ubuntu fonts generically ugly (even with fixes)?22:36
TheChris80can anyone help me with my sound devices ?? :-S i working there since hours but without results22:36
yorthenks anyway!22:36
nanotubejaggy: you're welcome :)22:36
TheChris80thank you22:37
yori've made plenty of rebbots today for this stupidity, just one more....22:37
guntbertlemurian: ugliness lies in the eye of the viewer, they say :-)22:37
lemurianguntbert: you should stop talking now.22:37
scott_inoyor, everytime you reboot "god" kills a kitten ;-)22:37
TheChris80i guess if u think its ugly so make your own skin on ubuntu ^^22:37
setuidDoes anyone know of a colorized "configure" program? Similar to colormake, but one that wraps a GNU configure script? Something to output the "Looking for foo... no" style returns in red, for example?22:38
guntbertlemurian: I beg your pardon? No need to be rude...22:38
scott_inolemurian, do you mean the default fonts used for the system or just the linux typeface in general22:38
DarkebrzUGH, please, I really need help. I need to fix my Java, and it seems that someone helps me then stops leaving me >_>22:39
jribDarkebrz: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:39
TheChris80seems nobody can help me22:39
jribTheChris80: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:39
DarkebrzOkay, I am going to restate my problem. I have a java game that I can't play. I have sun-java-6 packages installed and jre. Can someone help troubleshoot this?22:39
guntbert!sound | TheChris8022:39
ubottuTheChris80: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:39
TheChris80i have problems with my soiund devices (i have 2)22:40
jribDarkebrz: what game?22:40
jribyou guys need to be more specific...22:40
Darkebrzjrib, it is for Minecraft. minecraft.net/play.jsp for a link22:40
DarkebrzI guess I have to type out the error it gives me, as uploadscreenshot is down D:22:40
TheChris80i want hear with my onboard card but speak over my usb headset and i dont know how to make it work properly22:40
brand0congrub has rendered my windows drive (and linux disk) unbootable.  anyone particularly experienced with grub issues or repairing mbr on a windows disk?22:40
jribDarkebrz: imageshack.us, imgur, etc....22:40
guntbertTheChris80: you could provide some more details too ...22:40
purpzeyDarkebrz: I did the following commands to get that game working: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin and I restarted FireFox and it works.22:41
jribDarkebrz: the game works here :)22:41
gusan0rHello any from argentine ?22:41
TheChris80 i want hear with my onboard card but speak over my usb headset and i dont know how to make it work properly22:41
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe22:41
Darkebrzpurpzey, I have all of those (installed restricted extras was the first thing I did) and then I just recently got the java6 plugin but it still gives me the same error22:41
TheChris80for example over teamspeak i can hear but not speak22:41
zebastianAnyone here uses LXDE?22:41
DonBraziniTheChris,explain it again.22:42
jribDarkebrz: pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin22:42
zebastianI can't find the sound control in the lxde menu22:42
XDevHaldHas anybody figured out how to set the New Window Focus for 9.04 in compiz?22:42
brand0congrub gives errors for both booting my windows xp drive and ubuntu disk.  how can i restore the mbr on a windows drive or make grub boot properly22:42
DonBraziniDevHald,still figuring it out mate.22:42
TheChris80i want use my onboard card as output but i want speak over my USB-headset22:42
TheChris80they are 2 different devices22:43
scott_inoTheChris80, this would be application specific22:43
DonBrazinitry alsamixer -Dhw22:43
=== gusan0r is now known as Gusan0r
scott_inoTheChris80, what application22:43
TheChris80then im too stupid for linux teamspeak22:43
Darkebrzjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/278256/ I will give the error in a second if it helps22:43
jribDarkebrz: pastebin the contents of "about:plugins" when you enter that in your address bar22:43
DonBrazinitype alsamixer -Dhw22:44
DonBraziniincrease the volume22:44
Gusan0rwho in this channel speak spanish? i have and answer...22:44
TheChris80in terminal ??22:44
erUSUL!es | Gusan0r22:44
ubottuGusan0r: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:44
Darkebrzjrib, okay, one second on that. The error is here http://imgur.com/cgSmQ.png22:45
DarkebrzAnd this http://paste.ubuntu.com/278257/22:45
danellisukCan anyone point me to which package I should raise a cdrom issue under?22:45
danellisukPossibly udev or devicekit-disks ?22:46
TheChris80i have same over x-server but that dont fix my problem22:46
danellisukKarmic by the way, so think it may be a regression due to the change from hal.22:47
TheChris80how to tell linux that he use my usb-headset as standard record device22:47
jribDarkebrz: hmm, not what I thought then, but let's check anyway: sudo update-java-alternatives -l22:47
erUSUL!karmic | danellisuk22:47
ubottudanellisuk: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:47
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ALIVE401olá! ;)22:47
DonBrazinitry configuring the volume control22:47
danellisukexcellent thanks ubottu !22:48
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erUSUL!br | ALIVE40122:48
ubottuALIVE401: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:48
Azulreusyo! ;)22:48
TheChris80yes i can hear music over player but still not speak22:48
XDevHaldDonBrazini1: Compiz > General Options > Focus & Raise Behavior, then locate Focus Prevention Level > Off22:48
TheChris80all tests fail with mic over teamspeak22:48
Neremorhello! I've successfully set up my 5.1 system with pulseaudio, but now i've a problem: The rear speakers are a bit more away from me than the front speakers. so i would like to make the front speakers have a volume of 0.8 and the rear speakers a volume of 1. I try to do this via the pulseaudio volume control, but i can only move all sliders at once there. if i deactivate the shield over the 6 sliders, i can move each slider for its own, but22:49
Azulreusnothing happen -.-'.... well well well...22:49
DonBraziniDEvHald,thanks :)22:49
Neremorthey are reseted to full volume after half a second or so... any ideas why?22:49
bazhangAzulreus, /join #ubuntu-br22:49
Darkebrzjrib, sudo update-java-alternatives -l22:49
XDevHaldAnytime and thank you.22:49
Darkebrzjrib, returned with java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun22:49
DonBraziniThechris,try settings for teamspeak,i havnt used it though.22:49
Azulreusbazhang: ok ok but..:S anyone on in the Channel! :S ....i need help :'(22:49
erUSUL!ask | Azulreus22:50
tstebutI have a problem with my internet connection22:50
ubottuAzulreus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:50
dragon!ask | Azulreus22:50
jribDarkebrz: all I can tell you is that it works here on minor version 14 (you have 16)22:50
AzulreuserUSUL: ok ^^22:50
jribDarkebrz: and I'm on 64bit22:50
TheChris80ok thanks anyway for help =) @ DonBrazini22:50
tstebutI can www-browser everything, but not with firefox nor IE22:50
DonBraziniwelcome :)22:50
Azulreusmy question : :S how to install Lubuntu on HD?! without grafic-installer?! ...the LiveCD ...how to install?!command line?!22:51
tstebutyes, it's incredible, firefox gives me only white screens22:51
jribAzulreus: you mean ubuntu?22:51
bazhangAzulreus, sudo apt-get install lxde22:51
madaraboa noite22:51
tstebutDonBrazini : seems like a cookie problem or something, but I can't get out of it22:52
Neremorno idea for my problem22:52
madaraPES 2009 está instalado mais não roda no wine...22:52
jrib!helpme | Neremor22:52
ubottuNeremor: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:52
Azulreusbazhang =/ no no.....Lubuntu (distro based in Ubuntu! but -> LIVE CD Beta version "Ubuntu+LXDE= Lubuntu!"22:52
DonBraziniyou using ubunutu 9.04?22:52
bazhangAzulreus, that will accomplish the same thing22:53
Azulreusunderstend?! ...i have 1 PC ..old '¬¬..very old!.....and i want install the new distro ubuntu based ^^...22:53
tstebutYes I am22:53
madaraubuntu 9.0422:53
dragon!derivatives | Azulreus22:53
ubottuAzulreus: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)22:53
DonBrazinistrange,go to addd/remove and re install22:53
Azulreusdragon: ok ok22:53
DonBrazinisudo apt-get install firefox22:54
Azulreus1 momment plse22:54
saruanyone know a good site for Intel video cards?22:54
Dinn_may I ask a question?22:54
TheChris80LOL evolution is easy to programm xD22:54
purpzey!ask | Dinn_22:54
sarui need to look up more information on configuring my xorg22:54
ubottuDinn_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:54
TheChris801st try and it did work22:54
tstebutI don't think it'll solve the thing, because I actually have the same issue in both IE and firefox, 2 times in Vista and my Jaunty...:p22:55
Dinn_is it possible to use more than one synaptic processes?22:56
scott_inowow.. 3.4Ghz quad-core phenoms are 245 bucks on newegg, just fyi ;-)22:56
Azulreussorry ...'^^...22:56
DonBraziniDinn ,no22:56
scott_inoDinn_, no22:56
bazhangAzulreus, there is currently not supported lubuntu distribution22:56
purpzeyDinn_: I don't think you can use synaptic more than once at a time to install software.22:56
Azulreusbut =/ no-one wnsauer my question =/22:56
Dinn_ok, good to know -- Thank you22:56
ubuntukimse yokmu22:56
Azulreusi know i know '¬¬....i'm joinned in channel-suport22:57
scott_inoAzulreus, install crunchbang linux, we use it on old hardware and it works very well22:57
scott_inoAzulreus, what are specs of old pc22:57
prince_jammysAzulreus: if you want a ubuntu will lxde instead of gnome, etc. just install ubuntu from a minimal CD and then install lxde.22:57
Azulreusscott_ino: @@ what your confic PC??22:57
DonBraziniscott,is the net book deal on?22:57
sburwoodI don't know where to look for this answer ... if sudo rm -Rf /directory/directory doesn't work, what options do I have to get rid of a directory?22:57
bazhangscott_ino, please dont push non-ubuntu solutions here22:57
scott_inobazhang, really?22:58
Azulreusscott_ino -> Pentium3 550Mhz + 768Mb dod Ram +HD 6Gb22:58
tstebutwww-browser says "rejected cookie : wrong number of dots"22:58
Neremordo i still have to be patient? :D22:58
scott_inoAzulreus, i'll pm you or something22:58
bazhangscott_ino, it is a derivative and not supported here; feel free to join #crunchbang for discussion of such22:58
Azulreusprince_jammys   minimal CD? @@...download?! what link !22:58
motorrhi all22:58
prince_jammys!minimal > Azulreus22:58
ubottuAzulreus, please see my private message22:58
Azulreusyo! ^^22:58
prince_jammysAzulreus: yes, you just install the minimal release and then get lxde yourself.22:59
motorrhow can I know that my PC use a 32bit or 64 bit??22:59
Azulreusprince_jammys: LOL22:59
tehC0untjust count them22:59
sburwoodI want to remove all traces of a program that I have removed from the computer.  How do I do that?22:59
Azulreusi TRIEND!22:59
FloodBot2Azulreus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:59
Azulreusi'll trie ^^22:59
bazhangAzulreus, please dont do that22:59
Dinn_Does anyone know why there have been many issues with the Chess in Ubuntu Jaunty -- it simply refuses to switch to 3D mode?!22:59
Azulreussorry Mr Bot =)22:59
nmvictorsburwood: you can sudo nautilus /path/to/the/dir then go up one level and delete the <dir> or alternatively you can change its permissions before deleting23:00
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
darkhamhow can i extract dvd audio tracks ?23:00
EvelinaHow do I get the title of a web page using command line?23:01
prince_jammysAzulreus: basically, once the minimal installation is finished, you do: sudo apt-get install lxde23:01
sburwoodnmvictor, I forgot about permissions, but if I do rm -Rf as sudo, I should have permissions, right?23:01
EvelinaI want the <title> and </title> tags of a web page and I also want to have everything between even if the tags isnät on the same line.23:01
Azulreusprince_jammys: humm...but i'm use 3G modem! :S...how to install this?!23:02
sburwoodand the answer in the terminal is that there is a stale NFS handle23:02
purpzeyI keep getting this error "An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for evolution-alarm-notify. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly." Does anyone know how to make that stop?23:02
Azulreus'¬¬..i'll have install the gnome-ppp(the best DIAL-UP connect \o/)23:02
=== ubuntu is now known as helldog121
Dinn_Evelina, try Crawl23:04
Dinn_sudo apt-get install crawl23:04
jgblancoI can't set up my network configuration using dhcp, but i'm sure my router provides dhcp offers23:04
prince_jammys'crawl' is a game, at least on hardy23:05
Dinn_it's a site crawler23:05
prince_jammys!info crawl23:05
ubottucrawl (source: crawl): Dungeon Crawl, a text-based roguelike game. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.4.5-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2061 kB, installed size 5312 kB23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3G23:06
Azulreushumm ok =) thanks anyway23:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x8623:06
=== mikebeecham is now known as mb1
saru_yay im back23:07
saru_was having connection issues23:08
miklaanyone here can suggest some good raw converter for canon raw :D (pref with edit options)23:08
saru_so as I was asking before that... does anyone know where i can go to configure my xorg to my intel card for better performance?23:08
mikladont need to be free, open etc23:08
DonBrazinigo to launchpad23:09
DonBrazinisearch for xorg23:09
DonBrazinianand install23:09
Axsuulwhat does the command ". ../folder" do23:09
saru_i already have xorg installed...23:09
foxraywell switching my main desktop at home to be pure ubuntu when karmic koala comes out next month, i'm a nix admin at work so i'm not a stranger to debian, only games were holding me back23:09
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foxraynow wine can handle all the games i play23:09
foxrayits time to switch over23:09
DonBraziniit will update the xorg23:10
=== tyler is now known as Guest18991
helios1021foxray: good choice23:10
saru_wine is giving me issues with WoW23:10
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DonBraziniwine was made to give issues23:10
prince_jammysmikla: look into dcraw and gimp-dcraw23:10
foxrayi'm just weirded out about pulse audio support in wine23:10
foxraythere is none23:10
saru_DonBrazini, im running the current version of Xorg23:11
DonBraziniso what exactly do u want?23:11
miklaprince_jammys, ty23:11
sebsebsebDonBrazini: Wine is good23:11
saru_a more stable graphics setup23:11
saru_i've added AccelMethod "EXA" to my xorg doesn't seem to improve my graphics that much23:12
icerootsaru_: intel on jaunty?23:12
saru_trying to figure out what to install to get my Frame rate in WoW working better23:12
saru_iceroot, yes23:12
icerootsaru_: mom i have a link for you23:12
nickolausI installed firefox 3.5 and I can't seem to find it. I was told I could load both 3.0 and 3.5 on here. Only finding 3.0 though.23:12
Eeveenickolaus: might be called shiretoko23:13
saru_iceroot, thank you, i'll wait for your link23:13
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nickolausEvee thx. Why is it called shiretoko>23:14
icerootsaru_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html   i am using the safe-version and is working great23:14
DonBrazini1got dc23:14
mikla!info gimp-dcraw23:14
ubottugimp-dcraw (source: gimp-dcraw): GIMP plug-in for loading RAW digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.31-1 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 76 kB23:14
saru_iceroot, thank you, be right back going to read up on that.23:14
Eeveenickolaus: that was the codename for the beta, and ubuntu is still using it to avoid confusion, I think.  usually software isn't upgraded between releases to keep things simple and stable23:15
* switchgirrl waves23:15
icerootsaru_: have fun i will go to bed now23:15
nickolauseevee thx23:15
icerootEevee: yes, you are right23:15
switchgirrlhttp://imagebin.org/65258 <<<< i have an issue with x serve23:15
JulioNetohi all23:15
Eeveethere's a firefox-3.5-branding package but it doesn't actually do anything23:16
sebsebseb!hi |  JulioNeto23:16
ubottuJulioNeto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:16
ry__ok so im running ubuntu from a disk i have a live iso i want to edit on a NTFS partition. ive extracted this to a folder i just dont know how to edit the squash file system. any ideas, im looking on help.ubuntu.com but none of the cmds are working23:16
scivercan anyone change nicks to carresmd without an error?23:17
JulioNetoI'm having problems with gtk-recordmydesktop... I don't know what is happing... The video is recorded fine, but the sounds is horrible... I tried to record the sound using Audacity and it's OK... why is it so bad with this program?23:17
sebsebsebry__: hmm I can't think of it right now, but there's actsaully a bot factoid for  changing the Ubuntu ISO23:17
sebsebsebry__: ok remembered it23:17
sebsebseb!remaster |  ry__23:17
ubottury__: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility23:17
switchgirrlanyone got an idea on how to help me?                                  http://imagebin.org/65258 <<<< i have an issue with x serve23:18
* Azulreus so many Thanks \o/ for all!23:18
Azulreusbut...see ya ! ;)23:19
prince_jammysAzulreus: bye. good luck.23:19
prince_jammysswitchgirrl: what's the problem?23:19
switchgirrlno dock23:19
CrocoJetwhat is the meaning this message "Current status: 780 new [-4]." from aptitude command ?23:19
sebsebsebswitchgirrl: what do you want to do?23:19
helios1021seb: her wallpaper isnt fullscreen i think23:20
sebsebsebhelios1021: maybe I don't know, it's also of hardy23:21
sebsebsebswitchgirrl: You want a dock at the bottom?  and it's not showing?23:21
switchgirrlsebsebseb: yes23:21
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=== NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeke
sebsebsebswitchgirrl: Ok which dock did you try to do?23:22
assininecan anyone tell me how to get flash player to play sound?23:22
switchgirrli think i should reboot first and try recovery mode23:23
switchgirrlthanks DonBrazini123:23
sebsebsebDonBrazini1: You went pm with them?23:23
prince_jammys... or maybe just ask a semi-detailed question instead.23:23
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=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
DonBrazini1awwww sebsebsebseb23:24
dubs13thanks for answering my question Eevee!!! 'for file in $(locate foo); do cp $file /somewhere/; done'23:25
helios1021assinine: sound sometimes stops working for me too. i just restart to get it working again23:25
Eeveedubs13: np23:25
helios1021there is probably a better way though23:25
sebsebsebDonBrazini1: try and help people in the channel, so others can learn from it, and so on23:25
assininebut the sound on my flavor of ubuntu (super-ubuntu) hasnt worked since I installed it.23:26
DonBrazini1i tried23:26
DonBrazini1she wasn replyin23:26
movaxesHi! Its there a way to conect to various wireless networks and use them as one?23:26
DonBrazini1do as i tell u too23:26
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:26
prince_jammysassinine: what is super-ubuntu ?23:27
DonBrazini1what model you using assisine?23:27
assinineDonBrazini1: what model?23:27
assinineI dont know it just has a sticker on it that says "made in china"23:28
sebsebseb!who |  DonBrazini123:28
ubottuDonBrazini1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:28
chalcedonyis there an adobe acrobat (not just reader) for ubuntu?23:28
sebsebseb!pdf |  chalcedony23:28
ubottuchalcedony: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)23:28
assininewhy are you asking what model laptop i have?23:29
Eeveechalcedony: you want to create pdfs?  everything can print to pdf (print to file), inkscape and openoffice and scribus can save as pdf..23:29
DonBrazini1assinine,because only then i will be able to help,i need to know23:29
chalcedonysebsebseb, 'viewable' i want to create23:29
bazhangassinine, what is the link for this super-ubuntu ? www.ubuntu.com ?23:29
prince_jammys!derivatives | assinine23:29
ubottuassinine: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)23:29
sebsebsebchalcedony: Ok you can make PDF's in Open Office23:30
chalcedonyEevee, i know Open Office and Abi word can23:30
duckx0ri have a quick question. is there any way to alt-click a virtualbox window in kubuntu without it moving the window?23:30
Eeveechalcedony: just make the document in whatever app you want, then print to a file23:30
sebsebsebduckx0r: Maybe you should ask that really in #kubuntu or #vbox23:30
chalcedonyEevee, sure ty23:31
bazhangassinine, that is not supported here. please seek assistance in their forums23:31
duckx0rsebsebseb, thanks23:31
sebsebsebduckx0r: np23:31
chalcedonyi was wondering if Adobe Acrobat had a separate app for composing and editing that would be different from what we can do with OO/Abi23:31
icerootchalcedony: no because there is no need23:32
icerootchalcedony: there is just the reader from adobe23:32
=== john is now known as Guest31136
sebsebseb!enter |  arifin23:33
chalcedonyiceroot, ok ty :) maybe macs are handicapped in this area23:33
ubottuarifin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:33
icerootchalcedony: what have macs todo with that?23:34
Eeveechalcedony: I've used Acrobat and you are not missing anything.  it is awful23:34
sebsebseb!welcome |  naxa23:35
ubottunaxa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:35
zebastiandoes anyone here use lxde?23:35
sebsebsebzebastian: some probably23:36
sebsebseb!lubuntu |  zebastian23:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lubuntu23:36
zebastianI do23:36
zebastianbut I'm having some trouble with it23:36
szeckHi guys, were can i find new themes for ubuntu? i tried http://gnome-look.org/ but they doesn't work23:36
=== trmanco is now known as trmanco_
sebsebseb!themes |  szeck23:36
ubottuszeck: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:36
=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
gbakyou dont you have the illusion that you do...23:37
szeckyes but what is GTK.... compiz..???23:37
zebastianno i do, i can't turn off compiz23:37
zebastiani turn it off23:37
zebastianand then i can't do anything23:37
szecki tried http://gnome-look.org/ but they doesn't work23:38
iceroot!gtk | szeck23:38
ubottuszeck: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI23:38
The-CompilerHi there, is it possible to do a presentation (e.g. as a PDF or ODP or even as a movie, doesn't matter), so the one who's looking at it can't skip sheets, but HAS to watch the hole presentation to get to the last sheet?23:38
sebsebseb!openoffice |  The-Compiler23:39
ubottuThe-Compiler: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.23:39
darkhami need help with transcode23:39
bazhangszeck, you drag and drop the tar.gz to the theme manager, many work straightaway, some do not (though there may be special instructions for installation)23:39
sebsebsebThe-Compiler: the last bit23:39
The-Compilersebsebseb: eh, read my question please ;) I don't think Openoffice has a such feature, I searched for quite a lot of time23:39
icerootThe-Compiler: if the user has access to the keyboard, he can cancel it23:39
bayarhello all, how to convert text files dos to unix ?23:39
carresmd_quick someone type /nick carresmd and tell me if it errors for you too23:39
darkhamhow would extract an audio track from the 2° stram of a dvd with 2 audio streams, how can i do?23:39
afallenhopeso is there away of getting the latest version of firefox without having to download it from the moz site?23:40
bazhangcarresmd_, seek help in #freenode please23:40
The-Compilericeroot: yeah, cancel is okay, but he should only be able to get to the last part by watching everything before23:40
bazhangafallenhope, yes, install from repos23:40
icerootThe-Compiler: i dont think so23:40
hikenbootcan anyone tell me how large the collective repositories for ubuntu powerpc repos are? the default ones in ubuntu powerpc?23:40
icerootThe-Compiler: you can always go through them manually imo23:40
szeckwell how to install this for example http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Murrine+GTK%2B+Cairo+Engine?content=4275523:40
dsdeizrcconf is the bomb!23:40
afallenhopebazhang, I haven't found any "up to date" packages.23:40
sebsebsebThe-Compiler: Ok what your wanting help with isn't really Ubuntu support, and so you can try asking in #openoffice.org  and/or #ubuntu-offtopic23:40
szeckis impossible23:40
bazhangszeck, let me try23:41
afallenhopefound one ... when I tried to install it, it was from "shireko"23:41
afallenhopeor whatever23:41
EeveeThe-Compiler: that seems pretty rude, but someone could just scroll through the frames without reading them anyway23:41
Eeveeafallenhope: shiretoko?  that's firefox 3.523:41
movaxesto myself: yes you can with 2 netword cards, iprout2 and luck23:41
bazhangafallenhope, it is the most up to date, named that until the next release23:41
szeckok bazhang, if u can try for me.... thanks23:41
Biovorehikenboot: checkout packages.ubuntu.com..  ppc isn't officaly supported but the current port is maintained by the community these days.  (I believe this is the case)23:41
mdkessHi. I'm dual booting Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 with Grub, and I just got Windows 7, so I want to wipe my Vista partition and install 7 over it -  what do I have to do so I can boot Linux again after installing Windows 7?23:42
The-Compilersebsebseb: well maybe there's another app or way to do it, as said, the final format doesn't matter as long one can play it on the machine it's made (i.e. mine), so it isn't specifically an OpenOffice-Question either23:42
erUSUL!grub | mdkess23:42
ubottumdkess: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:42
sebsebsebThe-Compiler: I think KOffice has a presentation program as well23:42
mdkessWoo, thanks23:42
sinthetekdoes anyone know of a free email service that doesn't filter with DULs?23:42
bazhangmdkess, restore grub as the link above23:42
sebsebsebThe-Compiler: plus you can  Wine Powerpoint23:42
Eloneanyone know how to get tablet button working for lifebook T4220 on 9.04?23:42
bazhangsinthetek, that is offtopic here23:42
hikenbootBiovore, thanks for the idea but to let you understand what i am doing i am using apt-mirror to download the repositories to a machine without internet connection23:43
sinthetekbazhang yes, it is.23:43
afallenhopefirefox 3.5.3 is the latest.. ver of ff23:43
The-Compileror, well, is there any video format which doesn't allow skipping?23:43
sebsebsebafallenhope: yes23:43
bazhangafallenhope, and that is what I have, from the repos23:43
saruhow do i add a package to my Synaptic thats not on the list23:43
prince_jammysThe-Compiler: just give 'em an exam later.23:44
sebsebseb!ff35 |  afallenhope23:44
ubottuafallenhope: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY23:44
afallenhopebazhang, where did you find it at? or is it named shiretoko or wahtever23:44
bazhangszeck, please be patient23:44
naxahi, i have an "Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device" and i have several questions in mind. first, kde runs too slow. can i expect more from this old "gpu"? is there a way to make kde run less eye-candy?23:44
erUSUL!intel | naxa23:44
ubottunaxa: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:44
sebsebsebnaxa: ARe yiou on 9.04?23:44
bazhangafallenhope, as I explained, yes; it is named such until the next release of ubuntu23:44
szeckbazhang, yes, i'm impatient!! :D23:44
miklalol @ google :D Request-URI Too Large23:44
miklaThe requested URL /accounts/ServiceLogin... is too large to process23:45
bambam_How do I modify env PATH variable ?23:45
afallenhopeokay. I just read that23:45
afallenhopehmm.. how would I update to karmic/23:45
prince_jammysbambam_: PATH=somepath:$PATH23:45
afallenhopesudo apt-get dist-upgrade?23:45
sebsebsebafallenhope: don't do that yet23:45
bambam_prince_jammys: THANKS alot23:45
sebsebsebafallenhope: it's still in development verisons right now, and so buggy23:45
Eeveeafallenhope: karmic is still pretty broken23:45
prince_jammysbambam_: you put it in your .profile and re-login23:45
rskiafallenhope: sudo update manager -d when it's out.23:45
sebsebsebafallenhope: The final will be on October 29th23:45
bambam_I couldnt find syntax for the command23:46
Nattgewhow can I convert a mkv video to something else?23:46
afallenhopebah. okay.23:46
Eeveeafallenhope: just use the shiretoko build, it's current.  and karmic is out in a month23:46
prince_jammysNattgew: avidemux, mencoder, ffmpeg ...23:46
bambam_prince_jammys: I think PATH=/home/me/scripts:$PATH will permanently change the path variable23:46
bambam_isnt it ?23:46
Eeveebambam_: what are you changing it for?23:47
naxasebsebseb, yes, 9.0423:47
prince_jammysbambam_: there's already something like that in your default profile, only the dir is ~/bin23:47
HackwarHi, I've got Ubuntu Jaunty installed and am using Brasero to create my DVDs. However, Brasero takes exceptionally long to burn the disc, sometimes up to 40 minutes (the dvd drive is a 16x SATA drive). Should I use a different program and which would you advise me to use?23:47
prince_jammysbambam_: if you have a ~/bin dir, it gets added to your PATH on login.23:47
Nattgewprince_jammys: I found a guide that uses "-oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3" but mencoder says that -lameopts is not valid...23:47
sebsebsebnaxa: Ok well as erUSUL already  pointed out by using the !intel bot trigger,   9.04 has Intel graphics card issues23:47
sebsebsebnaxa: so if yours is working reasonably well, consider yourself lucky23:48
jedcare there any packages in jaunty or karmic that are functionally equivalent to gnump3d for streaming media off a server?23:48
=== mac9416 is now known as macOut
prince_jammysNattgew: sorry, I'm clueless of details. I always look them up when needed. Look into avidemux also.23:48
sebsebsebnaxa: I read that 9.10 will have Intel graphic card fixes, but that's not out untill October 29th23:48
bambam_prince_jammys: See I have just started learning shell scripting and wrote my first script but wasnt able to run it due to path issue23:48
bazhangszeck, that is a method to install a new theme engine; not a theme per se; you will need to know about svn and compiling to install that theme engine.23:48
prince_jammysbambam_: is it fixed?23:48
bambam_so I just need to add a scripts folder in my home directory so that I can run scripts by writing their names23:49
szeckbazhang, ur italian?23:49
prince_jammysbambam_: the standard place for your personal scripts is /home/you/bin . Of course, you can make it whatever you want.23:49
bazhangszeck, why is that important23:49
afallenhopedoes the ubuntu shiretoko use the same plugins and stuff or do I have to re-install flash support?23:49
bambam_I think PATH=SDA/SAD:$PATH command should do it23:49
sebsebsebafallenhope: it's similar to the proper one23:49
prince_jammysbambam_: add that line to ~/.profile23:49
bazhangafallenhope, same, though some do not work as it is so new23:49
Eeveebambam_: if you just want to run a script from the current directory, just do ./script.sh23:49
sebsebsebafallenhope: so  Flash and plugins will work23:49
afallenhopeit still says I'm using 3.023:50
naxasebsebseb, ok, then I'll wait 'til 9.1023:50
bambam_Eevee: really ?23:50
dsdeizi'm getting this error: Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at /usr/lib/perl/5.10/_h2ph_pre.ph line 291.23:50
sebsebsebnaxa: and when waiting for 9.10 what will you do?23:50
szeckbazhang is not important23:50
Eeveebambam_: yeah.  the shell only checks $PATH if you don't give a pathname.  ./ is a path, so it will run the script just fine23:50
sebsebsebafallenhope: yes 3.0 series will still be installed unless you removed it yourself,  you will have 3.5  as shiretoko23:51
SeaPhor|gameI lost all audio on my system, been up and working for 2+ years now, Ubuntu 8.04, any and all help appreciated23:51
rafaelinuxBuenas x]23:51
naxaI'm a bit afraid, however, that on this old card, nothing will improve. it is annoying for me since on windows I can even play 3d games with it, even if it's old. I would like to say that in linux it works even better, but actually it has this issue. i hope there will be some improvement!23:51
DarkebrzOkay, I still need help with Java, simply enough it does not work with minecraft.net/play.jsp, and so far nobody has been able to fix it (they have all had it working easily though.) Can someone please help?23:51
bambam_prince_jammys: Eevee : Thanks guys ! your solution works, especially running the script with ./ is really easy way which I didnt knew !23:51
sebsebsebnaxa: ah ha I see it's also an old card23:51
sahiltry fix broke coommend23:51
prince_jammysbambam_: if you are writing scripts, it's easier to add your script dir to your PATH23:51
sebsebsebnaxa: 9.10 might not be the magical fix for your card23:51
bambam_prince_jammys & Eevee: Have nice day, thanks and bye23:52
Eeveebuba1_home: sure, np23:52
Eeveeer bambam_*23:52
sebsebsebnaxa: your card will probably work better in 8.10 though,  and also rather well in 8.04 the long term support23:52
Eeveetab-complete is not loving me today23:52
Prohibited[Ubuntu 8.10] I installed Partition Manager and when I try to boot using it, I get "Error 23: Error parsing number"23:52
naxasebsebseb, I am taking may long way journey to make ubuntu work my way. I have couple of things what i think needs to be done, but i'm using gnome mainly, so i decided to try kde more seriously (i always switched back to gnome in the past years couse i cant get used to kde) and e17. but kde is too slow, however promising, and e17 has some other problems which i might be able to solve (not hardware related)23:53
sebsebsebnaxa: 8.04 has a rather different version of Xorg than what 8.10, 9.04, and 9.10 development versions,  have,   and so it seems that for some of the older cards and such,  the older xorg in 8.04 will be much better23:53
Prohibited[Ubuntu 8.10] I installed Partition Manager and when I try to boot using it, I get "Error 23: Error parsing number"23:53
darkhami need help with transcode23:54
DarkebrzOkay, I still need help with Java, simply enough it does not work with minecraft.net/play.jsp, and so far nobody has been able to fix it (they have all had it working easily though.) Can someone please help?23:54
sebsebsebnaxa: KDE is slow hmm, how much RAM?23:54
uni4dfxwhat's up with launchpad? it won't let me report bugs... redirects to wiki23:54
darkhamhow can i choose an audio stream and the bitrate of the output file?23:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde23:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about LXDE23:54
prince_jammysgo to their site/irc channel, if they have one.23:54
sebsebsebnaxa: maybe KDE 3 would be better, on that computer, than KDE4, and 8.04 has full support for it from the repo23:54
sebsebseb!fishing |  zebastian23:55
ubottuzebastian: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fish23:55
zzzzzZZZZzzzDannyboy just caught a 27kg Old Tire23:55
naxasebsebseb, maybe it is true. however i "noticed" another problem. i use both windows and ubuntu, but for a half year, i have very serious problem with ubuntu with this card, it simply didn't worked, only show black screen in 9/10 cases. finally i found out that i have to set more memory for it in bios. but i don't understand why was this a case in ubuntu and why could windows live with it? i am very curious, really23:55
zebastianwhat's the command to get lxde?23:55
zebastiani know it's available from the repos23:55
naxasebsebseb, yeah, ram is also an issue. i think i have 512 mb of ram only. how can i check? :) maybe it's just 256 :D23:55
zebastiani tried sudo aptitude install lxde-desktop and it didn't work23:55
bazhangzebastian, just lxde23:56
sebsebsebnaxa: free -m  and there are some other commands to check for RAM23:56
sebsebsebnaxa: Do you have a SWAP?23:56
sebsebsebnaxa: If so how big is it?23:56
kandjarheya! what's the best way to mount a remote fs from a ubuntu server to a ubuntu desktop?23:56
MenZakandjar: I suggest sshfs23:57
Prohibited[Ubuntu 8.10] I installed Partition Manager and when I try to boot using it, I get "Error 23: Error parsing number"23:57
MenZa!sshfs | kandjar23:57
ubottukandjar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS23:57
zvacetzebastian : why don´t you install it from synaptic23:57
kandjarcurrent i m using sshfs; works nice; but I don't need such encryption in my lan :) i would be happy with faster transfer :)23:57
kandjarMenZa: :)23:57
prince_jammyszebastian: what is your ubuntu release?23:57
MenZakandjar: sshfs is my personal suggestion; it runs snappy enough for me.23:57
DarkebrzOkay, I still need help with Java, simply enough it does not work with minecraft.net/play.jsp, and so far nobody has been able to fix it (they have all had it working easily though.) Can someone please help?23:57
zebastianwhat does packages cannot be authenticated mean?=23:57
zvacetzebastian :sudo aptitude install lxde23:58
Prohibited[Ubuntu 8.10] I installed Partition Manager and when I try to boot using it, I get "Error 23: Error parsing number"23:58
zebastianit says it's done23:58
zebastianthat was quite fast, i hope all of the files from before got erased, i don't want it to have the same settings as before23:58
Eeveekandjar: sshfs is pretty much the best I've seen.  you could try -C to enable ssh compression23:58
zebastiani just deinstalled it to install it from scratch23:58
zebastianprince_jammys: hardy23:59
naxasebsebseb, it says 488 total mem and 494 total swap23:59
zvacetzebastian : did you check ~/home if there is lxde folder with setings23:59
prince_jammysProhibited: did you have to type any input?23:59

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