
lifelessmwhudson: whats the lightest weight html-suitable template engine for python that you know of?01:31
mwhudsonlifeless: i don't know really01:31
mwhudsonlifeless: mako, perhaps/01:31
* wgrant would suggest genshi01:31
mwhudsoni don't really go in for light weight templating engines01:31
mwhudsonwgrant: genshi is nice, but not particularly lightweight?01:32
mwhudsonlifeless: what do you actually mean by lightweight?01:32
lifelessby lightweight I mean 'easy for users of $somethingIwrite' to install -and- doesn't write to disk01:32
mwhudsoni guess genshi fits those01:33
lifelessmwhudson: I'm asking in the context of01:33
mupBug #426283: HTML formatter <html> <samba> <subunit:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/426283>01:33
mwhudsonpretty sure it's easy_installable, it's in debian and ubuntu, don't *think* it writes to disk01:33
wgrantIt doesn't write to disk.01:33
wgrantThat would be a bit ew.01:33
lifelesswgrant: you haven't seen much of the templaters around then :P01:34
wgrantlifeless: I have. But I ran away from those.01:34
lifelessso what I concretely need is something that can output large (20K+ tests, some fraction of which have detailed diagnostics) collections, smoothly01:35
mwhudsonlifeless: give genshi the ten minute trial01:37
lifelessmwhudson: thanks01:38
mwhudsonfeedback@launchpad.net gets the oddest selection of random mails02:55
* mwhudson eods07:59
adeuringgood morning08:20
al-maisanmoin abel08:21
jtvmwhudson, still here?10:07
jtvah, no he isn't10:07
mwhudsonjtv: no10:20
jtvmwhudson: right, nm—sorry to bother you.10:20
mwhudsons'ok :)10:20
henningejtv: do we have a bug about the bzr upload failure? I am not talking about "stuck in running" but the root cause to that.10:28
jtvhenninge: the root cause as in, the reason why these particular jobs were getting oopses?10:29
henningejtv: yes10:29
jtvhenninge: if so, I don't know; ask Code people10:29
henningedon't think so10:29
jtvhenninge: I think it's an error we've been seeing in unrelated code oopses10:30
jtvbut then, those code oopses tend to look like Greek to me10:30
jtv(meaning "I'm supposed to understand them but I can't, or at least I can't be arsed)10:30
henningejtv: I am not sure if it's a code bug or if I am using bzrlib wrong. I am still looking at that.10:32
henningejtv: I should at least be able to provide a work-around quickly.10:32
jtvhenninge: it's a missing file, right?  It sounded highly Code/Codehosting-internal.10:32
henningejtv: ah no, the missing file was the configuration for oopses missing on dev. Not the real cause.10:33
henningejtv: the current problem is that I am doing "get_file_text" on the root folder ...10:34
jtvhenninge: oh, I wasn't aware of that one10:34
jtvthen that sounds like you're not getting the right id... lifeless knows this stuff, though this may not be a good time to trouble him10:35
lifeless'sup ?10:35
lifeless(btw, use lifeless: to highlight my nick)10:35
jtvlifeless: henninge's script is doing get_file_text on the root folder for a branch, when presumably he's trying to read an actual file.10:36
henningejtv: wait! you don't know all the detail ... ;-)10:36
jtvhenninge: don't talk to me, un-confuse lifeless about what we're trying to say.  :)10:36
henningelifeless: wait a second10:37
lifelessdo you have some elevator muzak?10:37
henningelifeless: ;-)10:38
* jtv hums Greensleeves in an infuriating monotone10:38
henningelifeless: ok, I am doing "iter_changes" with a "specific_files" parameter10:38
henningelifeless: the specific_files only contains one file.10:39
henningelifeless: the file is in a subdirectory10:39
henningelifeless: I get three changes back: The file, the directory, the root. Does it always do that? Has it always been doing that?10:40
henninge"always" = within the last 6 months, I guess10:41
lifelesshenninge: since about 1.1810:42
lifelesshenninge: it returns enough data to be sure that a delta made from the changes will be consistent10:42
lifelesshenninge: so, I can infer that the root and containing directory are new.10:42
henningeah, so if they weren't, if only the file was changed, that's all I'd get, right?10:43
henningejust the file10:43
henningelifeless: That would explain why this doesn't always file.10:43
lifelesswe have had many repeated bugs where new directories (and variations on a theme) do the wrong thing, so (and it is contentious) I fixed it by including more data when needed.10:44
henningeit fails btw. because I do get_file_text on all three of them ...10:44
lifelesshenninge: check kind :) - I mean, someone could have a directory en.po10:44
lifelessor a symlink10:44
henningelifeless: I was going to do that now. When I build the specific_files list, I check file_type and had thought that was enough.10:46
henningelifeless: thanks10:46
henningefile_type is kind, I think10:46
lifelessI'm sorry about the fallout; it was in the NEWS :P10:47
Fly-Man-mwhudson: *ping*10:51
mwhudsonFly-Man-: hi10:52
mwhudsonFly-Man-: it's very late for me i'm afraid10:52
Fly-Man-mwhudson: O, I'm in no hurry10:52
Fly-Man-but did you find something out of the pastebins I made for you ?10:52
mwhudsonFly-Man-: not really no :/10:53
Fly-Man-Hmm, so what would be wise to do ?10:53
Fly-Man-install the bzr first, before I do a apt-get update ?10:53
Fly-Man-because i'm not sure if bzr 2.x works with puthon 2.610:54
wgrantEven Canonical people file Ubuntu bugs against Launchpad.11:26
Fly-Man-wgrant: *lol*11:27
lifelesswgrant: we do?11:27
wgrantlifeless: Some of you.11:29
Fly-Man-But any ideas on how to get 1.1811:44
Fly-Man-maybe that'll not blow up11:44
henningelifeless: Hi again ;-)11:44
henningelifeless: nm11:45
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
henningelifeless: Ok, I got it fixed by checking kind.12:07
henningelifeless: but I investigated further into why this only failed sometimes and I found this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280287/12:08
henningelifeless: do you have an explanation? I can provide you with the branch that causes the oops.12:08
Fly-Man-Is there an Ubuntu server admin awake ?12:44
Fly-Man-Keyserver for Ubuntu is failing12:44
* Fly-Man- found the solution12:48
Fly-Man-Now how do I make a bug for the rocketfuelsetup ?12:48
maxbIt seems to be failing a lot lately12:59
Fly-Man-Yeah, the keyserver seems to be getting it as well12:59
Fly-Man-so i just gotten the replacement12:59
Fly-Man-so it will try and find another one12:59
Fly-Man-but I hope someone can include that in the rocketfuelsetup12:59
maxboh, I meant the keyserver. I've never run rocketfuel-setup13:00
Fly-Man-so that it doesn't blow13:00
Fly-Man-mrevell: Morning13:16
mrevellhi there Fly-Man-13:16
Fly-Man-mrevell: Who creates the rocketfuel-setup file ?13:17
Fly-Man-I would like to have them change 2 bits in it13:17
Fly-Man-change the keyserver that's in there to pool.sks-keyservers.net13:17
mrevellFly-Man-: Could you please file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad13:18
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
Fly-Man-mrevell: Added13:21
mupBug #438104: Changes for the rocketfuel-setup <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/438104>13:22
mrevellthanks Fly-Man-13:23
jtv1cprov, heads up: looks like the displayname for source packages was just changed and it's breaking tests in devel.14:14
jtv1Tests on devel are breaking.14:30
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
cprovjtv: uhm, bad ... did I break it in one of my last revisions ?14:31
jtvcprov: looks like source package display names have changed.14:31
jtvah, title, not displayname.14:32
cprovyes, it's in the view -> r958014:33
jtvIn the view?  It seems to be a change in the model code...  by Edwin?14:33
jtvEdwinGrubbs2: did you just change the title for sourcepackages?  It seems to be breaking tests in devel.14:35
EdwinGrubbs2EdwinGrubbs2: yes, I'm sorry, I'll fix that.14:35
jtvEdwinGrubbs2: here's the output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/280390/14:35
cprovjtv: you are right, I can't read.14:36
jtvcprov: I didn't say you can't read, but if you can't read, you may not have a way of knowing that.  :-P14:36
cprovjtv: exactly what happened ...14:37
cprov\action hides14:37
jtvcprov: another thing...  I've got a script to look up and re-upload Soyuz translations tarballs to Rosetta, but AFAICS no sample data to debug it with.  I don't suppose there's an easy way to get that?14:40
jtvMaybe get a package from somewhere, upload it to launchpad.dev somehow?14:40
cprovjtv: yes, re-uploading something thin is your best bet.14:40
cprovjtv: lib/lp/soyuz/doc/distroseriesqueue-translations.txt14:42
jtvcprov: testing my work is going to be hell if I have to reproduce most of that...  Do you think I could sneak a "find Translations tarballs for last upload" into SourcePackage and check it from this doctest?14:47
jtvIt'd save me a lot of test setup for what's basically Registry and Soyuz code.14:47
=== EdwinGrubbs2 is now known as EdwinGrubbs
cprovjtv: yes, that makes sense for a `SourcePackage`15:02
noodles775_allenap: I submitted a testfix branch to devel 0.5hrs ago now, but according to the following, the branch is still being updated:15:03
noodles775_Any ideas?15:03
noodles775_I'm not sure why it would take so long to be scanned? (Unless there was something wrong with my branch?)15:04
allenapnoodles775_: I'm looking at the buildbot stuff, trying to understand that (!). I've seen the scanning problem too, I think we need a code ace. abentley, rockstar: branch scanning seems to be broken for lp:launchpad/devel, can you help out?15:06
noodles775_allenap: looks like it's a general scanning issue too (see #lp)15:07
abentleyallenap: I can try.  This stuff is usually handled by antipodeans.15:07
allenapabentley: Heh, thank you.15:07
abentleyallenap: What are the symptoms?15:08
allenapabentley: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel shows branch updating for a very long time.15:08
noodles775_abentley: I've sent a testfix r9581 to devel over 0.5hr ago, but on #lp it looks like it's not specific to the devel branch.15:09
allenapabentley: And people (for DBO in #launchpad) cannot pull his latest code, even though bzr says it's been pushed.15:09
abentleynoodles775_: They can't get the latest revision in your branch?15:10
noodles775_abentley: sorry, no I was just saying that the issue is not related to one specific branch, others seem to be experiencing it with other branches too.15:11
noodles775_abentley: my main issue is that the testfix revision is not being picked up by buildbot :)15:11
abentleyIt looks like 9581 hasn't been pulled into the mirrored area.  That needs to happen before it can be scanned.15:12
abentleynoodles775_: It's unlikely that it's a problem with your branch, given that PQM was able to merge it and push to lp15:13
noodles775_abentley: good-to-know - thanks!15:14
abentleylosa: Please update the puller log on devpad.15:16
Chexabentley: hi, ok, looking for you15:20
thumperabentley: hi15:20
abentleythumper: hi.15:21
thumperabentley: stub mentioned that the preview generation is being done within a transaction15:21
thumperabentley: can I get you to look at that?15:21
* thumper is being ordered to close the laptop15:21
stubThat is my best guess. Either that or the script hung.15:21
abentleythumper, stub: Each diff is generated within its own transaction, so that seems reasonable.15:22
thumperabentley: some diffs are taking over 30 minutes15:24
thumpersee a mysql one15:24
* thumper has to close it now15:24
abentleythumper: We should not spend that kind of time on diffs.15:24
XDevHaldGood morning everyone.15:25
XDevHaldAny news on the report a bug link being re-linked on the pad again or has this been migrated into the application it self?15:25
abentleyXDevHald: Is this specifically for Ubuntu?15:26
XDevHaldabentley: That is correct.15:27
abentleyXDevHald: That was removed at the request of Ubuntu.15:27
XDevHaldAre their future plans of this being re-added for those who do not run the development distro and want to report a bug?15:27
stubabentley: So the solution might just be to abort diff generation if it is taking too long rather than move the diff generation outside of the database transaction.15:28
abentleystub: That seems right to me.  More complicated, but it reduces the DoS surface area.15:29
stubNo hurry from my end then - that is exactly what is happening as far as the DB is concerned (transaction sits idle for 30 mins and we kill it)15:30
wgrantXDevHald: What does running the development release have to do with anything?15:30
abentleystub: Cool.15:30
abentleyXDevHald: There should be "Report a bug" in the help menu, even in non-development releases.  I see it, and I'm running Jaunty.15:31
XDevHaldMy apologies, not the development release, but all developments of Ubuntu.15:31
james_wXDevHald: that is a question for #ubuntu-bugs15:32
XDevHaldExcellent, thank you james_w15:32
lifelesshenninge: one is rich root15:34
lifelesshenninge: the 'content' of a dir is ''15:35
henningelifeless: thanks15:36
henningeabentley: ^^15:36
abentleyhenninge: If we follow the rule that "the content of a dir is ''", then the bug is in non-rich-root branches.15:37
henningehenninge: yup, my interpretation, too.15:38
henningeabentley: ^ ;)15:38
henningetalking to myself again15:38
abentleyhenninge: But your code shouldn't be doing get_file_text on a directory anyhow.  Why are you doing that?15:39
henningeabentley: I know, that is a bug and I fixed it. Checking kind.15:40
abentleyhenninge: Ah.  Thanks for reporting the issue anyhow.15:40
abentleyhenninge: What's the bug #?15:41
henningeabentley: I did not know (and if I understand it right it's a new behaviour) that iter_changes with specific_files returns the directories the files are stored in , too.15:41
henningeabentley: haven't reported yet, got distracted ... ;-)15:41
henningeI'll let you know15:41
abentleyhenninge: This was a change introduced by lifeless over my strong objections.15:41
lifelessabentley: I don't think its intentional that get_file_text works on a dir; I was just explaining how it worked at all15:42
abentleyChex: Any luck?15:48
Chexabentley: sorry, having trouble finding it, do you have any suggestion on devpad where to look?15:50
abentleyChex: It's mirrored to /x/launchpad.net-logs/scripts/crowberry/puller.log15:51
jtvbigjools: I'm not entirely sure this getSourceBySourcePackageReleaseIDs thing you sold me is working.15:55
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-nom
abentleyChex: How's it going?16:09
Chexabentley: sorry for the delay, the crowberry/scripts dir logs have been synced now16:16
Chexupdated puller.log file16:16
abentleyChex: Thank you.16:16
Chexabentley: your welcome16:17
abentleyChex: Is there a long-running branch-puller process on crowberry?16:17
Chexabentley: looking16:17
abentleyChex: I believe the script name is supermirror-pull.py16:18
Chexabentley: thanks, I see it, yes there is a process of that name running for 2 hours now16:22
abentleyPlease kill it.  This is causing an operational problem.  Please monitor the next run to ensure it completes successfully.  I suggest starting with SIGINT, but do whatever you have to.16:24
abentleyChex: any news?16:32
Chexabentley: process killed, and it automagically restarted, watching it do work in the logfile now16:33
abentleyChex: Sorry I forgot to use your nick before.16:34
Chexabentley: yes sorry, bit of a delay back to because of that, sorry too16:34
Chex(to you)16:34
Chexabentley: I just rsynced the puller.log over to devpad for you by hand, so you can see what it is doing now16:36
abentleyChex: Thank you.  It looks like it's no longer stuck.16:37
Chexabentley: ok, great, your welcome16:37
abentleyChex: There may still be a problem, because I would expect the revno for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel to be 9581 if the puller completes successfully.16:39
Chexabentley: ok, sure, I will keep an eye on the running job on crowberry, make sure it finishes cleanly or see if it has problems.16:45
abentleyChex: When it says "Stopping factory <twisted.web.xmlrpc._QueryFactory instance at 0x31fb560>" I believe this means that a script run has terminated.16:47
abentleythumper: around?16:48
thumperabentley: not really16:49
abentleythumper: The puller is broken.16:49
Chexabentley: well ok, I am seeing that a lot, and constantly16:49
thumperabentley: do we know in what way?16:49
abentleythumper: No.  It looks like it's running to completion, but http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel is stuck at revno 9580 instead of 958116:50
abentleythumper: I've manually taken a write lock to try and fix it, but that doesn't seem to have worked.16:50
thumperabentley: :(16:52
thumperabentley: I'm having to close the laptop again16:52
thumperabentley: plz email details to mwhudson so he is aware16:52
thumperabentley: anything in the logs?16:52
abentleythumper: This is affecting all of lp.  Are you sure you need to close the laptop?16:53
thumperare the logs synced?16:53
abentleythumper: Yes.  I got Chex to kill the puller, then it ran and he synced the logs after a successful run.16:54
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
thumperI've unplugged and moved to the kitchen16:54
abentleythumper: I'm sorry, but it does seem urgent.  I haven't been able to determine a cause in the logs.16:54
thumperthe logs don't look that helpful16:56
abentleythumper: It would help if they indicated which *branch* mirrored successfully, or ideally, which branches were still pending.16:57
* thumper nods16:58
abentleythumper: I'm filing a bug about that.16:58
thumperChex: can I get you to sync the puller logs again please?17:04
abentleythumper: There was a long-running process, which grabbed the lock at /var/lock/launchpad-branch-puller.lock at 13:14:03 and didn't let go.  I had Chex kill it at 15:32:0417:04
thumperdo we know what it was grabbing?17:04
thumperprobably not17:04
abentleythumper: It's hard to infer, but I can try.17:05
thumperdo we know if it is just the launchpad branch that is failing to be mirrored properly17:05
thumperor if there are others?17:05
abentleythumper: We know there are others.17:05
abentleythumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~matsubara/oops-tools/package-diff-oops is an example.17:05
Chexthumper: abentley : logs rsynced to devpad again17:05
thumperChex: thanks17:06
abentleythumper: https://code.launchpad.net/~gagern/bzr-cvsps-import/lp437295 is another example.17:06
* thumper wonders WTF is going on 17:07
thumperwhat has changed?17:07
thumperwhat happened at 13:14?17:07
abentleythumper: I believe the puller code has been significantly rewritten in this release.17:07
abentleythumper: I can try to work out which branches weren't mirrored.17:07
thumperit was17:08
thumperbut it was working earlier17:08
thumperso something changed very recently17:08
thumperit seems the scanner also seems a small bit fubared17:08
abentleythumper: Or we've encountered a corner case.17:08
thumperbzr revno http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/itch17:08
thumperbut https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad shows the branch as not pushed to yet17:09
thumpernot "not scanned"17:09
thumperwhich is suspicious17:09
thumperChex: can you pastebin "select * from branch where unique_name="~launchpad-pqm/launchpad.devel" for me please?17:10
abentleythumper: Don't understand.  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/itch appears up-to-date.17:10
thumperabentley: it wasn't when I looked just a minute ago :)17:11
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: This is Launchpad Development Channel | Week 00 of 3.1.10 | PQM is OPEN | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in #launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
rockstarthumper, didn't spm apply a cowboy db permission?17:12
thumperChex: in the renaming of the puller, we now don't get the log file rolled17:12
thumperrockstar: yes, I think I did see something about that17:12
Chexthumper: I received an error on that, pmsging you17:14
Chexthumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22671/17:17
Chexthumper: ok, I will take a look at the puller.log logrotate17:20
thumperChex: is the puller still running?17:20
Chexthumper: yes it is17:20
abentleythumper: There are too many PQM commits for me to determine which went with which branch.17:22
thumperabentley: yeah17:22
abentleythumper, Chex: are logs in UTC or local london time?17:27
thumperabentley: I think they are UTC17:32
=== Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
abentleyChex: If there's a long-running update_preview_diffs process on loganberry, could you please SIGINT it and then sync the logs and oopses?18:28
Chexabentley: ok sure18:29
jmlthumper, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/280563/18:29
thumperabentley: we need a way to kill diffs that take too long to generate18:30
abentleythumper: I agree.  We could change the job runner so that it forks before running the job, and then the moitor could kill it if it takes longer than the timeout.18:32
* thumper nods18:32
jmlit would be nice if there were a really easy-to-use helper for that too, since it's probably a common thing for jobs.18:36
rockstarjml, yeah, like the way imports work.18:36
jmlright, or the branch puller18:37
jmlmodulo certain existing issues18:37
Chexabentley: ok, process killed, restarted automagically, and rsynced logs and oops, altho that gets done there every 3 minutes..18:38
abentleyChex: Thanks.  I didn't realize that was done so frequently.18:43
abentleyChex: /x/launchpad.net-logs/scripts/loganberry-bzrsyncd/updatepreviewdiffs.log does not look like it's been updated since 2009-09-28 00:0718:45
Chexabentley: there are many varied syncs happening; its difficult to track what and when things run, no worries18:45
Chexabentley: looking18:45
abentleyjml: If it's the job runner, then it will work for anything that implements IJob.18:48
jmlabentley, cool.18:48
Chexabentley: sorry, I haven't found that rsync yet, and I need to work on a rollout for Landscape right now18:54
abentleythumper: One thing that worries me is the possibility that if we fork, we'll end up running the cleanups in the child thread.18:54
Chexabentley: I will get back to it as soon as I can, or another losa could help you18:54
abentleylosa who is not Chex: Please update /x/launchpad.net-logs/scripts/loganberry-bzrsyncd/updatepreviewdiffs.log18:56
mthaddonabentley: should be better now?18:56
abentleymthaddon: Thank you.18:56
* mbarnett thinks mthaddon is too quick 18:56
abentleythumper: there is a timeout on db connections, so the script will be killed after 30 minutes, but this is not a good long-term solution.19:01
thumperabentley: please put a bit of time into thinking about a good solution19:03
thumperabentley: poolie suggested filing a bug on bzr as it shouldn't take that long to generate the diff19:03
thumperabentley: the puller had a complete success run19:03
thumperabentley: I'm composing an email for mwhudson now19:04
jmlthumper, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/43829219:04
mupBug #438292: startMirroring called twice for each branch being mirrored <branch-puller> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/438292>19:04
abentleythumper: I agree we should file a bug on bzr, and then probably I should fix that bug.  And we should also support timeouts in the job system.19:05
jmlthumper, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/43829819:11
mupBug #438298: Branch puller triggers false alarms <branch-puller> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/438298>19:11
* rockstar lunches19:12
mwhudsongood morning19:36
mwhudsonrockstar, abentley: standup soon?21:13
rockstarmwhudson, not for another hour, ent?21:13
abentleymwhudson: Sure, anytime.21:13
mwhudsonrockstar: oh right, i'm in DST now21:13
rockstarmwhudson, ah, okay.  We can have the standup now, that's fine.  I just wanted to make sure my computer wasn't the confused one.21:14
mwhudsonrockstar, abentley: when is most convenient for you guys this week?21:14
abentleymwhudson, rockstar: I believe the plan was to stick with 9:15 NZ time.21:14
mwhudsoni'll be missing it in two days time, fwiw21:14
rockstarmwhudson, on Fridays, abentley and I like to do it about now anyway, so he has his evening.21:14
mwhudsonabentley: want to host?21:15
abentleymwhudson: sure21:15
abentleymwhudson, rockstar: don't see you on Skype.21:16
rockstarabentley, booting the jaunty box, one sec.21:16
mwhudson'm online21:16
mwhudsoni can restart it i guess...21:16
abentleymwhudson: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/fix-puller-logging/+merge/1253721:24
Fly-Man-herb: *ping*22:14
Fly-Man-wrong window ..22:14
Fly-Man-herb: If you have time, could you update the launchpad source in your folder ?22:15
Fly-Man-It's kinda ... old22:15
Fly-Man-and also it's the dbdevel one22:15
herbFly-Man-: it was kinda meant as a stopgap after release. Maybe someone from the LP team can come up with a more manageable solution?22:15
Fly-Man-herb: Okay :)22:17
herbFly-Man-: if you don't get any feedback over the next couple of days, ping me again and I'll see if I can help you.  Might be worth filing a bug against launchpad to track.22:17
Fly-Man-Will do ...22:17
herbFly-Man-: cool. thanks!22:17
Fly-Man-Nice to have it there, but it's an other version22:17
herbyeah. definitely. I didn't expect it to still be in the documentation. :)22:17
Fly-Man-and since my bzr doesn't like the rocketfuel setup script22:21
Fly-Man-I was able to download that tarball22:22
Fly-Man-but then there's no lp-dependencies22:22
Fly-Man-so it's kinda useless :|22:22
=== matsubara__ is now known as matsubara-afk
wgrantFWIW, I don't think that tarball is necessary any more. I can check out devel in less than half an hour, even from .au...23:41
maxbPresumably the tarball will become even less necessary after the LP su23:48
maxbsource gets a post-2.0 bzr pack done on it23:48
maxbor has that been done already?23:48
wgrantIt hadn't a few days ago.23:48
wgrantBut it's not too badly fragmented.23:48
wgrant(it was packed fourish weeks ago)23:49

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