[01:21] watch bernardlychan in #ubuntu [01:31] For the record, he was advertising "his hosting service for ubuntu server hosting and domain names" [01:31] may want to keep an eye out for him [04:03] Hi GSF1200S, how can we help you today? [04:04] ive been in here once before. I dont have access to the router, so i cant update the firmware. I have /8001 appended to the freenode address, but it still wont grant me access to #ubuntu [04:04] you guys helped me before basically by pointing me to the guide i should have read before [04:04] GSF1200S: You need to follow the instructions in #ubuntu-read-topic and have the bots test you to remove the forward [04:06] hmm, well it says it cannot test me and asks me if this is my usual username [04:06] which it is [04:06] GSF1200S: We've got one bot in there having probems right now. The other one tested you, and has removed the forward. You should now be able to join #ubuntu [04:07] and now im in the channel again.. [04:07] yeah, ok, was a little confused. thank you [04:07] GSF1200S: No problem. Enjoy your stay in #ubuntu, thank you for flying with us today. [04:07] :) [04:11] Jordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu () [09:06] Howdy aprilhare_, how can we help you today? [09:06] hello flannel [09:06] hi aprilhare_ [09:07] hello topyli, you just banned me from #ubuntu-offtopic for banter with a new zealander? [09:08] aprilhare_: you don't need a review of the channel conduct i trust [09:09] exactly how is that applicable [09:09] its only banter of a gentle nature. [09:10] your sheep references are not appreciated, and your conduct is constantly on the edge, or over it. i can't babysit you, you're an experienced member of -ot [09:10] ? [09:10] much better if you stay out for a couple of days now [09:10] topyli: you're exaggerating [09:11] not only that, you don't understand [09:11] aprilhare_: I know you've been told not to in the past, because I have personally told you not to. [09:12] what am I missing [09:12] i think both of you need to be explicit [09:13] aprilhare_: you know the limits within which you may stay in the channel. as an old-timer, you should not only stay narrowly within them, but also be an example to new members [09:13] topyli: you're not making any sense to me [09:13] care to go back to first principle and tell me why sheep sounds are cause for a ban? [09:13] aprilhare_: please think about it for a day or two, then come back and we can discuss the future [09:14] topyli: why? you'll get the same conversation in a day or two. [09:14] please talk to me [09:14] because this isn't very helpful [09:16] i just can't believe it. you're ignoring me over a communications fault? [09:16] aprilhare_: in that case, come back only when the discussion is less likely to be the same [09:16] topyli: i think you're using a big stick to me and it's not necessary [09:18] it's not controversial, it's not offensive, it's harmless. you're making mountains out of nothing (not even a molehill). [09:18] o.O [09:18] aprilhare_: we disagree on that, as you can see [09:18] elky: i made sheep sounds to a new zealander and I get banned! [09:19] aprilhare_: no. you do it, and similar things, for month after month without listening to ops when told not to, and you get banned [09:20] aprilhare_, this is not specifically about this incident, but rather a habit of baiting people. [09:21] elky: i doubt sheep sounds to a new zealander are a big time baiting action - its just harmless banter [09:22] elky: if it was you'd have to turn off all the tv transmitters in sydney [09:22] it's not harmless banter. it led to someone mentioning beastiality in the channel. [09:22] actually, more than just mention, graphically so. [09:22] elky: i think he decided to do that off his own bat. i don't make anyone do anything [09:23] i didn't lead him anywhere. [09:23] that's not true and you know it [09:23] topyli: i believe it is true [09:23] aprilhare_, you catalysed it. your baiting set the tone. your baiting is tedious and tiring. [09:24] i tell you what. stomp on me some more. you'll get a real bait reaction then. [09:24] aprilhare_, accept the consequences and wait out the time. it's not the only channel you use for casual conversation, and you're not going to gain anything by threatening us. [09:25] elky: threatening? i'm pointing out *this* is baiting [09:26] but hey. you're right. ops baiting innocent users because of others bad behaviour is getting tiring [09:26] aprilhare_: okay, i'll leave you with my prevous suggestion of thinking about your behavior for a couple of days, or however long it takes, and returning here when a constructive discussion about the future is more likely [09:27] do i need to quote a dictionary definition of "threaten" [09:29] elky: i said a couple of times, not one :) [09:32] aprilhare_, your comments are not harmless no matter how hard you try convince yourself. Not only did this particular incident incite inappropriate comments, but sheep references *are* intimidating and exclusionary to some kiwis. [09:32] elky: wow. you actually believe that [09:32] strange people [09:33] o.O [09:41] !away > NorwayGeek|Away [16:04] Er, does anyone else using irssi see a background color for sipior's message at 11:02:19 ? (its 11:03 here now) [16:04] in #u [16:07] no colors here [16:08] Weird then. /me checks his hilights just in case [16:22] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [16:22] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [16:22] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [16:22] meh [16:47] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [17:01] please test me manually :-) [17:02] I'm in ircII and a lot of this is new to me [17:02] still learning how to use command line goodies! [17:02] papapepper: may i suggest you . . [17:02] mmmkay [17:10] we don't need no stinkin' sugustians! [17:10] i wonder where ircII is still in use [17:11] oh packaged on ubuntu for example [17:22] it's the default on dreamhost accounts too iirc, but that clearly was not a dreamhost account. [18:30] Pici: Yes. [18:46] help me please... just want to change port to 8001 in irssi [18:46] i tried irssi --port 8001 [18:49] papapepper: edit ~/.irssi/config [18:55] Flannel: thank you! :-) [18:55] can I do that from tty3 while having chats on tty1 and 2 open without big problems? [18:56] ubottu: tell papapepper about screen [18:56] papapepper, please see my private message [18:56] * topyli checks what channel he's in [18:56] there is no config file yet in ~/.irssi/ [19:00] ubottu: I can't see your pm [19:00] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:00] ubottu: tell papapepper about screen [19:00] papapepper, please see my private message [19:00] :-( [19:03] papapepper: at the bottom of your screen should be a red letter name of "ubottu" with a number next to it [19:03] papapepper: typing /window [that number] will get you to his PM [19:05] how do I close ubottu's window now? (4) [19:06] /wc [19:06] papapepper: if you're done with him, go back to his window and type /window close [19:06] (window close) [19:08] uh oh [19:17] well, "/connect irc.freenode.com 8001" works fine, except I'm still not allowed to join #ubuntu [19:19] papapepper: no, you'll need to go to #ubuntu-read-topic and get tested [19:20] nalioth: finally! [19:20] thank you so much for everyone's help [19:20] how do I give a reason when I leave a room? [19:21] papapepper: it's not necessary. /window close doesn't take reasons [19:22] is there a /unjoin? [19:22] only on disconnect, right? [20:18] we have a spammer chinchiller in #ubuntu [20:25] ikonia: That was the ban I just applied [20:25] ooh really [20:25] sorry [20:25] np [20:25] I'd pm'd him but got no response [20:25] I thought you did someone else, apologise [20:25] Why apoligize? I banned them, you removed. [20:25] spam attack again in #ubuntu [20:27] Pici: you may want to remove guest2385 from #proxy-users [20:29] Pici: thank you, I should have banned him first time [20:35] maco: I think too young for some browser-based game but not entirely certain... [21:01] note: I'm granting ljl +o in #ubuntu to debug an issue with the floodbots [21:29] are nicks with drug references ok? [21:30] argh i want to punch firefox for making my system unusable [21:34] (well in case anyone reads the thing about drug reference nicks and is wondering, GiveMeWeed ss in #ubuntu) [21:34] s/ss/is/ [21:46] In ubottu, erUSUL said: vpn is From more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN [21:47] also please make the old factoid link be !vpngame [21:47] !vpn [21:47] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [21:54] someone alive ? [21:54] anyone* [22:05] hello [22:05] hi [22:05] can you take care of that edit request ? [22:08] I surley can if you give me a few minutes [22:08] ikonia: thank you very much [22:08] just finishing off something else and don't want to lose my track [22:08] ikonia: no problem [23:45] !vpn [23:45] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [23:45] :|