[00:00] i just find it odd that GRUB loads off that drive [00:00] think so [00:00] Thunderbird starts but closes after a second. Firefox shows lhorozontal lines where it should show text formost web pages (i.e. google) and so do .pdf files. [00:00] if I disable SMART in the BIOS then GRUB can't load.. it's only when SMART detect the error and I continue booting [00:00] I had followed soem diurections that were as follows. [00:01] Anybody know why the Win32 Disk Imager suggested by the ubuntu website isn't locating my 2 gb external partition? I ask here because it's a UNR related issue - I apologize if this isn't the place to do so [00:01] mk a directory for my fonts in /usr/share/fonts [00:01] sorry for asking - but which version shall i install (nvidia) [00:01] jrebeiro, grub isnt installed on the mbr then [00:01] soreau, yes, I can see my network thorugh iwconfig [00:01] saturnin1: and what makes you think that it's due to a font issue? i'm not following you... did you overwrite any files? [00:01] jrebeiro, maybe you have it on one of the partitions instead [00:01] or did you just make the directory? [00:01] depe: Probably the latest available version ubuntu offers [00:02] also for VERY old cards?? [00:02] CaBlGuY: What is your wifi chipset listed as by lspci? [00:02] supersaiyan_IV: hrmm... maybe... then it may be possible to get ubuntu to see the device? [00:02] just a second... I need to look up what I did. The problem started immidately after I makde the change as it is a problem displaying text I have to assume that fromt he timing and the nature of the problem it is the cause. [00:02] brb === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [00:02] any ideas on what I should try so I can dd the data off to the new drive? [00:02] saturnin1: it would makes sense, but yeah. hook us up with more details. Also, start thunderbird and firefox from the command line and pastebin any errors [00:03] jrebeiro, its the other way around, smart may be needed to probe the partitions [00:03] I'm using the mod_dav_svn apache2 module, and it contains a sample svnindex.css file in /var/www/apache2-default. Where do I have to copy the file in order to use it? The svn module doesn't let me set a physical directory, except for the repository. [00:03] !unr [00:03] Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu [00:03] jrebeiro, when its disabled grub isnt detected because its on a partition [00:03] !win32diskimager [00:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about win32diskimager === op6_in_the_dark is now known as op6 [00:03] Supersaiyan_IV: that makes sense [00:04] Supersaiyan_IV: any ideas on getting the data to the new disk if an ubuntu livecd doesn't see the device? [00:04] reverse steg? [00:04] Is anyone here familiar with CIFS? It's not a complicated question that I have, but I am getting some issues with a mounted CIFS share hosted on a server with a CIFS server. [00:04] Hi. How do I run Ubuntu Server's partitioning UI (the one used to setup lvm, raid, encrypted volumes, etc) after installation? [00:05] teolicy, type: gksu gparted [00:05] teolicy: you mean gparted? [00:06] soreau, it says it sees a Atheroes wirelss adaptor... but, I can see the Cisco aircard fine and I can see the network fine and I can even attempt to access it fine.. === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [00:06] Anyone here know a thing or two about CIFS? [00:06] I have to log out and in again... bbl [00:07] jrebeiro, tried sudo fdisk -l ? [00:07] hola a todos, soy nuevo aqui [00:07] Supersaiyan_IV: I think i did.. I'm gonna try it again now with the new drive in there and SMART re-enabled [00:07] lo [00:07] hi [00:07] !es [00:08] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [00:08] torn, jrebeiro: I'm talking about the console utility, not a Gnome app. [00:08] teolicy, it could be parted or fdisk [00:08] how do i file a bug about the display resolution changer [00:08] teolicy: you said GUI... anyway.. use parted or fdisk [00:09] sagaci: Are you sure it' [00:09] torn: you beat me to it :) [00:09] tg [00:09] ok thank! [00:09] parted magic works wonders and works str8 form Ram.. [00:09] ;) [00:09] sagaci: ... sure it's a bug in the application and not in X? [00:09] teolicy: or are you talking about the gui in the installer for setting up LVM during install [00:09] does anybody happen to know if windows has an equivalent to the unix dd command? [00:09] CaBlGuY: Well tbh idk why it wouldn't let you do wpa.. maybe your driver doesn't support it.. what does 'lsmod|grep ath' say? [00:09] #list [00:10] blz: yea.. symantec ghost ;) [00:10] blz: Try ##windows [00:10] aah good call [00:10] and jrebeiro: dd != dd_rescue [00:10] jrebeiro: The console based GUI (I think it's dialog based) which lets you setup partitions, lvm, encryption, etc, during install. [00:10] blz: hrmm... never used dd_rescue.. I'll check it out [00:11] jrebeiro: yeah that's more like symantec ghost [00:11] Jordan_U: when i switich from different screen resolutions, the confirmation dialog box comes up behind the display settings box [00:11] dd is just direct dataset manipulation [00:11] blz: on older windows disks you can us a bootable linux distro to image them with dd. Some of the newer formats (newer than ntfs xp) may have meta infomrtion that is more complex to copy [00:12] soreau, that gives me somehting to the effect of ath5k, mac20811, etc etc .. [00:12] mb_again_: oh, what i'm actually trying to do is copy a UNR image file so that i can install it on a netbook [00:12] it's in .img format [00:13] and the win32driveimager isn't working properly [00:13] sagaci: "ubuntu-bug [00:13] sagaci: "ubuntu-bug gnome-control-center" [00:13] CaBlGuY: Ok, so you're using the ath5k driver. You could try connecting manually but that can be a complicated and/or tricky procedure depending on your experience level [00:13] !unr [00:13] Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu [00:13] soreau, this is the same issue I was having with Mint and I did a wipe and install since then and now, I'm having to deal with it again... [00:14] CaBlGuY: Hmm.. Well I'd start by asking in #madwifi-ng and ##networking [00:14] blz, do you have access to a Linux machine? [00:14] Also, how far in advance is the next version's (10.4) featureset determined? Specifically, any roadmap regarding btrfs support in Ubuntu? [00:14] torn: i suppose i could always boot to a livecd and use dd... [00:14] teolicy: the version number is a date [00:15] soreau, it's not an issue of not being able to see the network, or accessing the options, or prefs, or anything like that.. the only thing I can;t do is select the WAP for the type of network it is and of course, enter the pass.. [00:15] teolicy: 20(10) 4th month (April) [00:15] blz, I'm not trying to change your mind, but I would recommend Ubuntu over UNR. [00:15] well it's for a netbook [00:15] hi, I'm having graphics corruption on shutdown, and i was wondering how to go about figuring out why [00:15] or is regular ubuntu still better for that? [00:15] teolicy: so I'd say about 4 months previous to that [00:15] Ubuntu has a nebook distro.. [00:15] ive browsed logs and there doesnt seem to be anything obvious there [00:16] ahaha [00:16] UNR gave me a few issues with it's "netbook-launcher" desktop, so I switched back to classic mode. Plus, UNR does not play nice with other desktop environments, such as Xfce. [00:16] CaBlGuY: Is your interface named wlan0 per iwconfig? [00:16] teolicy: you can see the release schedule (if one even exists, Karmic isnt even released yet) [00:16] torn: ooh, that's good to know [00:16] blz, I would stick with regular Ubuntu. [00:16] i'll try it out, but i might end up switching to plain-old ubuntu [00:16] thanks for the tip though [00:16] blz, if you change your mind, you can just download the "ubuntu-netbook-remix" meta package, which will install the "netbook" goodies. [00:16] Jordan_U: ty Jordan [00:17] No problem. [00:17] teolicy: unofficial afaik: http://techie-buzz.com/ubuntu/release-schedule-for-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-roadmap.html [00:17] soreau, I wave wlan0 and wifi0 [00:17] CaBlGuY: Can you see your network in the output of 'iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid'? [00:17] Can you move the bar at the bottom of the screen (with the Show Desktop icon, programs running, the Desk 1 and Desk 2 stuff) to the top of the screen? [00:17] blz, keep in mind you can still use the modified kernel for netbooks running Ubuntu, even on regular non-UNR Ubuntu from: http://www.array.org [00:17] hi [00:17] hi [00:18] torn: oh good to know. i was mainly concerned about the performance issues [00:18] blz, my bad, it's: http://www.array.org/ubuntu [00:18] My update progress stopped. Now it wont work with apt-get... what can I do? [00:18] I'm not asking /when/ will a release be released, I know 10.4 and 10.10 are dates. I'm asking how much in advance is a version's planned /featureset/ is declared. And specifically, if anyone announced a plan to include support for btrfs in 10.4 or 10.10. [00:18] blz, it's funny because even Ubuntu performing at its slowest on a netbook, I found out that this is faster than even Windows XP. [00:18] hi [00:18] torn: so it's just a matter of adding the repo and installing the kernel? [00:18] (sorry if my last line sounded argumentative, that wasn't the purpose, I was just trying to clarify) [00:18] Matisse: whats the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade [00:18] how to control different session of firefox by remote command line please ? [00:18] torn: and this is with an ordinary kernel? [00:19] could anyone help me with my sound on 9.04? [00:19] c4g: did you check to see if your sound card was supported? [00:19] ActionParsnip, try apt-get -f install [00:19] blz, plus, at least with Linux it's more consistent from day 1 to day 999. With Windows, you can start out blazingly fast on day 1, but then it can be unusable by day 90. [00:19] !paste | Matisse [00:19] Matisse: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [00:19] yeah, intell8x0 [00:19] Matisse: that too [00:19] blz, no, this is using the modified kernel from array.org/ubuntu [00:19] ActionParsnip, ok, more precise :) [00:19] true. i'm not a huge windows fan... [00:19] soreau, says interface doesn't support scanning.. [00:20] My terminal doesn't seem to handle Swedish characters in a correct manner. Why isnät Swedish characters showing up correctly using curl or php preg_match? [00:20] blz, the modified kernel is designed to run better on Atom processors (netbooks) and have fewer interrupts, to allow more power-saving functions. [00:20] ActionParsnip, update works fine [00:20] right right, that's the only thing i really want [00:21] blz, after switching to the netbook-kernel from array.org/ubuntu, and then using Boot-Up Manager (bum) and disabling uneeded services, I can boot up in about 20 seconds, on my netbook. This, to me, is very nice. [00:21] and the interface seems kind of cute [00:21] CaBlGuY: Bingo [00:21] yeah that's really nice... better than xp [00:21] Matisse: ok so whats the issue ? [00:21] Evelina: If you speak swedish #ubuntu-se might be more likely to know the answer [00:21] ActionParsnip, update works fine; upgrade: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.2.4) required, but 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 is installed [00:21] CaBlGuY: Your drivers aren't working correctly. Now what is the entire output string from lspci for you card [00:22] torn: so you install regular ubuntu, and then add the array.org repo and then install the UNR kernel? [00:22] okay this is bizarre... the drive attached to sata0 was throwing SMART errors... now that I removed the drive from sata1 and replaced it with a new drive that drive is no longer throwing errors and shows up in the bios.. I'm gonna confirm the GUID's in lvm to be sure I didn't accidentally swap the cables [00:22] blz, someone complained to me that using their netbook (Windows XP) they had Office, IE, and an IM program open at the same time. They said their netbook slowed to a grinding halt to the point where they couldn't even do anything since it was nearly unresponsive. [00:22] ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/279958/ <-- upgrade [00:22] I have no problems on 1 GB of RAM with Firefox, OpenOffice, and Pidgin open at the same time. [00:22] Evelina: try using 'uxterm' as your terminal. As far as the php thing, maybe it's a limitation of php's regular expressions (php manual for the latter), or you need to modify your locale. [00:23] torn: excellent [00:23] blz, that is correct. [00:23] alright, i might do that. i'll try UNR real quick and see how it does [00:23] Evelina: i'd check that your locale is set up properly. [00:23] but I'll probably end up doint what you suggested [00:23] blz, it will add an entry in your grub menu.lst config, to allow you to boot into the netbook-kernel. [00:23] torn: does it boot into the netbook-kernel by default? === Strife1989 is now known as Strife89 [00:23] ActionParsnip, apt-get remove kde-runtime doesnt work. apt-get install -f wont work either [00:24] prince_jammys: How do I check that the local is set up correctly? I use english version of Ubuntu. [00:24] Matisse: I'd ask in #kubuntu [00:24] back. [00:24] blz, I don't believe so, I forget. I made it the default, myself, I believe. You can just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst by typing: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [00:24] ActionParsnip, they dont answer :) [00:24] torn: I assume you cannot/should not run compiz on a netbook [00:24] torn: should be simple enough [00:24] blz, you just need to have the netboot-kernel entry before the others. [00:24] Matisse: what about: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kdebase-runtime [00:25] makes sense [00:25] yeah i could use the startupmanager package for that too [00:25] ActionParsnip, could be worth a try [00:25] blz, I definitely wouldn't. It's a very low-powered video interface, and it will kill your battery. [00:25] I tried installing fonts that I use at work and it broke firefox, thunderbird, and viewing .pdf files. Firefox and .pdf files show horizontal lines where there should be words and thunderbird starts for a second then closes (crashes?) [00:25] right. then i won't. [00:25] ActionParsnip, nope [00:25] From directions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts I did the following: [00:25] cd to /usr/share/fonts/truetype and made a directory. [00:25] then ran the command "sudo fc-cache -f -v" [00:25] Logged out and then in and... "BOOM," screwed! [00:25] saturnin1, have you tried uninstalling the fonts? i've never heard of a font actually breaking an application, except in the case of lack of font. [00:26] blz, before you committ yourself and load up crucial files on the netbook or get comfortable, play around with it, and see what you can disable/enable, etc. [00:26] soreau, what I got is this.. Atheros Communications inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wirelss PCI express adaptor (rev 01) But, I've got my Cisco airnet aricard in and Ubuntu sees it when I go to network prefs, or left click to select my wireless network.. [00:26] To try and undo the problem I removed the directory I had created and re-ran the command and re-logged-in. [00:26] ok it's def the right drive... but I get I/O errors when running vgdisplay, pvdisplay, etc. [00:26] CaBlGuY: So you have two different wifi cards plugged in? [00:26] Used synaptic to reinstall any anything that was already installed when I searched for "font." [00:26] at least it sees all the partitions tho [00:26] blz, I read about laptop-mode, bum (Boot-up Manager), and the netbook-kernel, and once I played around with them, I was happy and started using my netbook for real. [00:26] do dd_rescue may be able to dd to the new disk === c is now known as Guest78443 [00:27] fdisk -l doesn't even see the drive [00:27] soreau, nope, I just have one.. but, my lappy has built in wifi but, I don;t use it cause it blowz.. :p [00:27] torn: huh. looks like I have my evening cut out for me =) [00:27] jrebeiro: do it as root [00:27] Matisse: not sure where you can get tthe deb from. [00:27] I am root [00:27] sudo fdisk -l [00:27] you can't run pvdisplay as non-root [00:27] blz, I might also suggest trying out Xubuntu, as well (with the same netbook-kernel). Xubuntu uses the Xfce desktop environment, which uses fewer resources and is designed for slower systems. [00:27] I am su'd to root [00:27] ActionParsnip, should I try forcing something? [00:27] yes, i'm familiar with xubuntu [00:28] not a huge fan of xfce though, to be honest [00:28] Matisse: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/437499 [00:28] I can write Sedish characters, but url and php-cli doesn't seem to handle Swedish characters correctly. [00:28] blz, with Xubuntu, you should be able to run the same programs as you would on Ubuntu, since Xfce uses the same GTK libraries. [00:28] right. i just don't particularly like the interface [00:28] blz, no problem. Just wanted to throw it out there. [00:28] Matisse: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.2.4-0ubuntu1~jaunty1 [00:28] yeah it's a good suggestion in terms of performance [00:29] i suppose i could always use iceWM or fluxbox too [00:29] blz: is there a package for dd_rescue [00:29] I can't find it in apt [00:29] CaBlGuY: Well this is part of your problem. What you're seeing is your internal card most likely which is 'working' but not really. I would recommend first disabling your onboard card in your BIOS if it gives you such an option [00:29] ActionParsnip, that doesnt sound so good... [00:29] I'm getting the feeling that I may have to reinstall my system. [00:29] Matisse: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32496649/kdebase-runtime_4.2.4-0ubuntu1%7Ejaunty1_i386.deb 32bit [00:29] or do I need to compile from source [00:29] blz, yeah I understand. Me, I prefer simpler/faster/low-profile interface over something that looks nicer, but some people prefer the opposite. [00:29] jrebeiro: hmmi thought there was... i'm sure you can find isntructions on google [00:29] To each their own! [00:29] haha torn: yeah i'm a sucker for eye candy [00:29] soreau, let me see if I have that option.. brb [00:29] torn: for instance, i can't stand the brown ubuntu theme [00:29] Matisse: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32510325/kdebase-runtime_4.2.4-0ubuntu1%7Ejaunty1_ia64.deb 64bit [00:29] I just compiled evilvte which seems promising, but configuring means recompiling; can I just install again to apply changes or uninstall first? [00:30] Matisse: download whichever: sudo dpkg -i [00:30] Matisse: then run: sudo apt-get -f install [00:30] blz, GET OUT! Leave right now! Do not mock the holy brown theme! [00:31] tom: i made mine look like xp to be ironic [00:31] blz, the brown theme makes me feel like I am one with nature. [00:31] lol brown theme.... yuck. why can't we have a desktop that works well AND looks good [00:31] blz: ok.. compiled it.. hopefully it works [00:31] i2v8an: lxde :) [00:31] torn: lol brown theme makes me one with my septic tank [00:31] LOL [00:31] torn: I go outside to feel one with nature; mock brown +1 [00:31] gah... people will do as they do. if they dont like the brown theme. let them be about it [00:32] ActionParsnip: true that [00:32] soreau, I was in luck.. :) [00:32] So anyone here ever used CIFS? [00:32] which package can i install for the realplayer plugin in firefox? [00:32] I'm actually having a minor problem with a CIFS share. [00:32] <^Cheeky> hi, on a pentium II 266 with 128 mb ram, what torrent client would you guys recommend, rtorrent or transmission, [00:32] CaBlGuY: Now, I assume it will show no wifi next time you boot which is pretty much a good thing for your case [00:33] ^Cheeky: transmission here, both are fine [00:33] installing package "realplayer" from medibuntu repo didn't install the plugin [00:33] soreau, I will teel u in a sec.. [00:33] torn: is it a CIFS share or are you using CIFS to access an SMB/Windows share [00:33] ^Cheeky, there is also qbittorrent, but it might be a bit more heavy. [00:33] before I had to reboot someone asked me to start firefox from the command line and past the output here. How does one start firefox from a command line? I can open a terminal window, just don't know how to launch a gui program from there. [00:33] jrebeiro, no. [00:33] ok, when compiling in general: will install again overwrite or do I need to uninstall first? [00:33] blz: dd_rescue can't read a single block [00:33] jrebeiro, the CIFS service is running on a FreeNAS (FreeBSD) box. [00:33] <^Cheeky> ActionParsnip: never done, on my ubuntu server, thou, umm you wouldnt have a tutorial would you [00:33] saturnin1: just run the name, eg. "firefox" [00:34] jrebeiro: maybe it's a physical failure? [00:34] <^Cheeky> i say one for transmssion but seems alot of hacking and slashing to get it to work [00:34] soreau, well, I stil see the network and Ubuntu still sees both wireless adapters.. [00:34] :/ [00:34] that was easy. [00:34] saturnin1: use tab to autocomplete; if you use firefox 3.5 it may be "firefox-3.5" [00:34] ^Cheeky: sudo apt-get install transmission [00:34] jrebeiro, my problem is that if I stop the CIFS service or shutdown the FreeNAS box before unmounting the share on my local machine, all hell breaks lose. [00:34] Evelina: tricky stuff. can you pastebin the output of the 'locale' command? [00:34] ^Cheeky: rtorrent is good if you're not afraid of the command line [00:34] blz: well.. I'm sure it is since it threw a SMART error [00:34] <^Cheeky> ActionParsnip: that command, will install trnasmisisons on my server ? [00:34] jrebeiro, is there a way around this? (Sometimes it can't be helped for a server to lose power, or to forget to umount before stopping a service. [00:34] CaBlGuY: If you disabled it in the bios, it shouldn't be seeing it at all. Are you sure you saved your bios settings? [00:35] jrebeiro: you're sure it is a physical failure? [00:35] OK... here it comes [00:35] I get an input/output error when trying to do anything on my MiniSD card. It *just* started happening to, as I've been copying/removing files from it 10 minutes ago just fine. [00:35] Any ideas? [00:35] (firefox:6823): Pango-WARNING **: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Arial 9' [00:35] ^Cheeky: both rtorrent and transmission can be ran as daemons and can be accessed via web browser [00:35] hi, how can i watch a quicktime video on mozilla? i checked and i have totem plugin installed with quicktime plugin for totem installed as well but apparently the "playing" doesnt start. whatz wrong? thanks [00:35] ^Cheeky: yes [00:35] soreau, yep, I save dthe settings, let me go back and check just to be sure though.. [00:35] Evelina: also, is this the only locale-related problem you have? and one more: can you pastebin an example of some code that does the wrong thing for you? [00:35] Phase: i'm inclined to say it's a problem with the card given the sudden onset [00:36] guyz how to disable stack protection ? [00:36] ^Cheeky: http://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/HeadlessUsage [00:36] blz, Lovely.. :x [00:36] <^Cheeky> ActionParsnip: here goes nothing installing it [00:36] blz: well here is what happened... I tried mounting a AFP share off the server and it died. the box pinged so I tried SSH'ing to it and the connection closed immediately.. I thought that was odd so I threw a monitor on it and saw the screen flooded with IO Errors.. I couldn't type a single character they were flying by so fast [00:36] ^Cheeky: its: sudo apt-get install transmission-daemon [00:36] so I restarted the server and BAM.. SMART error saying something about invalid parameter order [00:36] blz, Any ideas on what I can try though? [00:36] jrebeiro, if I try to umount AFTER the CIFS service has been stopped (or FreeNAS server is powered down), it just freezes on me until I type CTRL + C. If I try to use Nautilus, no file browser windows display, and it just freezes. Sometimes when I try to umount it will say "busy". If I am lucky and the terminal doesn't freeze, I can use "umount -f /mnt/cifs_share" [00:37] jrebeiro, this makes me nervous that I will get corrupted data if I do not umount before stopping the CIFS server? [00:37] jrebeiro: hmmm... afaik that doesn't rule out the possibility of a phsyical problem like a head crash. the drive spins up and everything, I assume? [00:37] soreau, it says built in "lan" not built in wifi.. [00:37] Phase: none at all, except checking the filesystem... [00:37] are you able to mount it, Phase? [00:37] don't know if that makes a diff.. [00:37] blz: yes.. and remember.. GRUB loads off one of the partitions [00:38] gonna try fsck right now [00:38] jrebeiro: hmm... then the plot thickens... [00:38] CaBlGuY: Oh yea, that is different. That will disable your eth0 interface [00:38] but, it is disabled.. [00:38] hmmm [00:38] guyz how to disable stack protection ? [00:38] i have low expectations for this working.. but at least with the other disk removed the system sees the partitions now [00:38] torn, you shouldnt loss any data, because your CIFS server or NAS will shut down hist own linux based system and unmount there... the only problem you can get if you have unsaved data in an editor or smth. like this [00:38] CaBlGuY: That's for your ethernet port, leave it on [00:38] blz: Yeah, and it's working again. [00:38] blz: Very odd. :x [00:38] Avoloos: he may lose data in a power failure like he mentioned [00:39] soreau, gotcha.. [00:39] realplayer plugin on firefox anyone? [00:39] but a NAS should be better about flushing it's cache so data loss should be minimal [00:39] My karmic is starting up in text mode instead of graphical bootsplash, how to change it to graphical? [00:39] CaBlGuY: Ok, do this: sudo rmmod ath5k && sudo modprobe ath_pci [00:39] !9.10 | alokito [00:39] alokito: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [00:39] hi, does anybody have any good links regarding cscope and tags usage for C? [00:39] thunderbird's output was smaller: (gecko:6921): Pango-WARNING **: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Tahoma 9.75' [00:40] Segmentation fault [00:40] Avoloos, then how come my system acts goofy if I forget to unmount a CIFS share? What if I wish to leave the CIFS share mounted 24/7, and only be able to access it when the CIFS server is running? In this case, I will simply get a "no connection" message when trying to access the CIFS share if the service is not running on the server. This isn't the case, though. What happens instead is that things start to freeze up on me. [00:40] thiebaude, thanks but the karmic channel is very quiet, no one answers [00:40] ideally, you would have a NAS that supports a UPS and then the UPS would signal the NAS on imminent power failure and shut down gracefully [00:40] alokito, oh, ok [00:40] torn: it won't work that way.. if the connection is lost the share needs to get remounted [00:41] torn: are there any filesystems that perform better on netbooks (16 gig SSD) [00:41] ? [00:41] thiebaude, besides, this problem can occur in previous versions too and solution should be the same [00:41] alokito: did you try manually starting the xserver? [00:42] When you install a package, what directory does the files go into? [00:42] blz, bot too sure. You can give ext4 a try, but I heard it's mostly hype, and not much better than ext3's performance. You will get slowdowns using Firefox, since it needs to write to SQLite database files fairly often. SSD is not good at many small writes, versus a conventional hard drive. [00:42] ok soreau.. [00:42] hey i figured out if my computer shows a wifi symbol ill start thinkin im high. this may be because wifi is my worst nightmare [00:42] fsck.ext2: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda [00:42] thats why i h8 windows [00:42] jrebeiro, what do you mean it needs to get remounted after losing connection? [00:42] EntropikOne, my xserver starts fine, there's suppossed to be a graphical usplash but i see just texts [00:43] torn: right, i've heard about the write issue... I'm wondering if I should go with something that's easier on the processor too, like xfs. I know ext4 was implemented for HUGE drives... [00:43] I'm guessing from the lack of response that no one has any ideas about my problem. Oh well... I guess I'm stuck with the windows solution... back-up what you can and reinstall everything. [00:43] in startup [00:43] Thanks anyway. [00:43] i didn't think fsck would work... ugh.. this is not looking good [00:43] jrebeiro, does the local system continue sending signals to check connection status to the server when a CIFS share is mounted? [00:43] boa noite [00:43] good evening [00:44] torn: i would think so.. it's a tcp connection [00:44] alokito: maybe you have to reinstall the login screen? this happen to my girlfriends netbook running 9.10, solution we used was to type gdm and you get the UI login screen [00:44] ok soreau.. all set... next.. [00:44] jrebeiro, so what option is there so that it will not freeze up other processes (like Nautilus) when the CIFS share loses connection to the server? [00:44] EntropikOne, well its not the login screen its the boot screen [00:44] CaBlGuY: Does iwconfig show ath0 now? [00:45] anyone familiar with fak_raid install wanna answer a couple simple questions for me? [00:45] i'm new over here... somebody must say how do i do to get an information? [00:45] alokito: oh, idk about that, i wouldnt consider that an issue...have you tried posting in the forums? [00:45] RATS! [00:45] renilson: just ask questions :) [00:45] thanks... [00:45] soreau I have eth1 and wifi0 now.. [00:46] CaBlGuY: What does 'lsmod|grep ath' show? [00:46] i need to know how to install an old java, but im not been lucky on the foruns [00:46] EntropikOne, u get graphical usplash if you have the entry "quiet splash" in your boot menu, but it still ain't working [00:46] torn: I just did a quick search.. CIFS does support reconnection [00:46] torn: Do you mount with the gid and uid params, cause this coul'd cause some lags in dismounting non-existent CIFS filesystems [00:46] Im using grub2 that might be the problem [00:46] Avoloos, yes, I do. [00:46] i need to install java jre1.4.2_12 [00:47] ath_pci, wlan, ath_hal [00:47] hey im gonna start driving around with a ziploc of basil and every time i get pulled over ill drop it out of my pocket then ill report the cops who beat me up as incompetent for not properly identifying plant matter [00:47] jrebeiro, I tried searching for a solution to the freezup problem, but all I could find were complaints about when a CIFS share loses connection to the server. [00:47] renilson: you can find the install on java's website [00:47] pour some booze all over yourself too [00:47] hi, how can i watch a quicktime video on mozilla? i checked and i have totem plugin installed with quicktime plugin for totem installed as well but apparently the "playing" doesnt start. whatz wrong? thanks [00:47] renilson: along with instalation instructions [00:47] lmao @ EricTheHax... :p [00:47] yea.. the only thing i found useful was to check /proc/fs/cifs/ [00:47] when there is an issue [00:47] yes, i did... and got installed, but it does not work... [00:48] i dont know how to configure... [00:48] Anyone? fake_raid isuue? [00:48] seems like others are having the problem tho... Avoloos might have a suggestion [00:48] simple question [00:48] i might even be able to sue them: "i am but a cook bringing frsh basil from my garden so i can promise good food wherever i go and now look at me! ripped to shreds, bleeding to death, and cops smoking my basil." [00:48] jrebeiro, I do use uid and gid parameters in my mount options. [00:49] torn: I don't actually know what those options do :) [00:49] I got a question, I'm bout to be installing ubuntu, and I tether My blackberry to My computer to use as a modem but I have to use the software from verizon there access manager, to connect, but when I'm on there site it doesn't show one for linux os's so how would I connect ? [00:49] EricTheHax, I dunno if gettin my azz beat is worth some basil... Hmmmmm [00:50] jrebeiro, no a problem. [00:50] whats a guy gotta do to get a drink around here? [00:50] KynKaid: I don't think it will work.. there are no blackberry drivers for linux [00:50] KynKaid: best you get is bcharge [00:50] t0aster, chill.. lots of peeps gettin help in the room,.. [00:50] no I also just read it up in some other thread that some peoples just didn't specify the gid and uid and it was not the all-in-wonder-solving but it helped them to release the CIFS mounted device via umount and not getting freezed [00:50] kk [00:50] whats a bcharge? [00:50] jrebeiro, I'll try to figure this out. I just don't know why losing connection would freeze up a terminal session or Nautilus. I would think it would simply deny me access because of "lost connection." [00:50] is it possible to completely turn off journaling on ext4? [00:51] soreau?? stil there? [00:51] t0aster: if you don't get a response people probably don't have an answer [00:51] t0aster: you haven't actually asked a question yet have you? [00:51] I didnt wanna flood the room [00:51] KynKaid: bcharge is a utility to charge your blackberry from linux [00:51] Avoloos, the only way I can unmount it is by using the "-f" argument: umount -f /mnt/cifs_share <--- But this only works after I unfreeze! [00:51] KynKaid: I have definitely heard of people tethering their blackberry with Ubuntu [00:51] hello all [00:51] t0aster: you are flooding it by saying things other than your question... just ask your question (on one line) [00:51] its a simple question for someone familiar with installing to a fake_raid array [00:51] KynKaid, someone did found out how > http://www.blackberryforums.com/linux-users-corner/182834-verizon-tethering-ubuntu-working.html [00:51] !ask|t0aster [00:51] t0aster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:52] t0aster: just ask it. [00:52] oh thanks ! *goes to read* [00:52] how do drivers work with unbuntu [00:52] CaBlGuY: Yea? [00:52] OerHeks: AWESOME! [00:52] how do i get drivers for my computer? [00:52] does anybody know if it's possible to turn off journaling in ext4? [00:52] Avoloos, I read that using smbfs instead of cifs solved this problem, but smbfs is out-dated and hasn't been supported for YEARS. (They are focused on CIFS VFS now and dropped smbfs completely.) Plus, CIFS has better speed and performance. [00:52] slimnation7: you don't have to worry about them generally. What do you want drivers for? [00:52] slimnation7: not sure what you're asking, but usually they're either installed in the kernel or you use the hardware manager to install aditional drivers [00:52] . [00:53] torn: which kernel do you run [00:53] soreau, whats next?? I got ath_pci wlan, and ath_hal with lsmod|grep.. [00:53] slimnation7: on rare occasions you have to compile them from source [00:53] KynKaid, old post, but updated 03-24-2009 [00:53] i just didnt know if i needed to find the drivers for my audio, graphics, and internet [00:53] Avoloos, 2.6.28 [00:53] CaBlGuY: Well you don't have an ath* interface so it probably didn't work. Anything interesting in dmesg? [00:53] How do I unaccept the sun license? [00:54] torn I found smth. but dont know if it also applies to your problem but I think so: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=509428 [00:54] slimnation7: no, linux makes sense [00:54] haha thats what i like to hear [00:54] hey there [00:54] also why im switching over [00:54] got my roommate doing it too lol [00:55] slimnation7: for some things like nvidia, ati, and some wireless cards the manufacturers aren't friendly and then you might have to do some work. But whenever possible, the kernel automatically loads whatever modules you need [00:55] on Ubuntu 9.04 I have a problem with the temps.. Everytime it goes over 95 the computer shuts down.. how do I turn it off or set it to a higher level? is it possible? [00:55] prince_jammys: Yes, I'll. [00:55] thanks everyone, is xchat linux friendly? [00:55] Avoloos, I'm reading it now, and thank you. [00:55] I have a question about compiz animation effects (don't see the "burn" effect) you know the fire effect when you close a window, how can i get it ? [00:55] Take0n: That's usually built-in to your computer; it shuts off over a certain temp to protect the internal components [00:55] soreau, I got a whole bunch a stuff with that... [00:56] raeldenk: You need to enable Animations Add-on [00:56] slimnation7: yes, it is. [00:56] soreau, yes i did [00:56] CaBlGuY: Yea, but grep it for ath or look for anything relevant with ath_pci or whatever [00:56] ActionParsnip?? [00:56] I can still see the network but, it's still greyed out where I can't select it... so.... [00:56] thanks guys see you all when i get it installed, im sure ill be around more often [00:56] Hey i was on to get this beeping in my laptop to stop and it did! BUT now when i try to play my radio all it does it play this collection of random sounds. Can anyone please help me!?!?!/ [00:56] squidly, I didn't have this problem on Ubuntu 8.10.. I didn't have it in windows either.. and the problem is I can't even open youtube.. cause it gets over 95 which I believe is kinda wrong.. [00:56] Take0n: in your bios, you should be able to set fanspeed and temp warning right [00:57] hi all [00:57] !hi | Rashko [00:57] Rashko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [00:57] soreau, I have to select it in the ccsm ! [00:57] ? [00:57] Take0n: it's squircle, not squidly ;) [00:57] raeldenk: Yes.. [00:57] OerHeks, I tried but there are no options for that.. [00:57] slimnation7, don't quit too early. You'll bump into many problems with Linux, mainly because of the migration over from a completely different OS. But trust me, just hang in there, ask for help, read up on some information, and you'll find yourself more and more competent at using your computer. You'll start to find out you control your computer, not the other way around. [00:57] ooh sorry squircle :) [00:57] wrong tab [00:58] can ubuntu 8.04 support more than 4 serial port [00:58] Take0n : i think you better open your pc and clean dust, to help the airflow [00:58] soreau, it's done but burn don't figure in choices ! [00:58] slimnation7, I never had to reformat/reinstall any computer that I installed Linux on in order to do a "fresh start" because my "computer is acting slow again!" [00:58] thanks torn, i cant wait, im pretty computer savy [00:58] CaBlGuY: The next thing I'd suggest is compiling the madwifi-ng driver to get a working ath_pci kernel module for your card but I don't know if you feel comfortable doing that [00:58] Is there any command to know the file permission as number "755" "777" "440" etc , if i do ls -l the permission comes as letters , rwxrwxr-- etc? [00:58] soreau, I greped it and I still see Atheros in there but no Cicso yet.. === yCrazyEdd is now known as CrazyEddy [00:58] raeldenk: It should [00:58] *sigh* [00:59] I need help please [00:59] Hey everybody, i'm having an issue with KTorrent on GNOME (Ubuntu, not Kubuntu). Every time I reboot my computer, the columns and headings reset their placement and size to the default; is there a way to preserve that between reboots? [00:59] °__° so what to do ? [00:59] slimnation7, if you know what you're doing and stay headstrong, you'll realize that most of your "problems" are in fact endeavors of trying out something new that you can't even do on Windows anyways. [00:59] so it's not ubuntu that controls it but my computer itself? (it is a laptop) [00:59] Rashko: as far as I know, yes. There's no reason why it shouldn't. [00:59] raeldenk: Enable Animation Add-ons then look in the Animations plugin for the Burn effect in the list [00:59] Where is Firefox installed? (the one that comes with Ubuntu) [00:59] soreau, yes this is what i've done [00:59] brb [00:59] can anyone help me get my sound fixed on my laptop? [00:59] raeldenk: And you still don't see Burn? [01:00] ok but how to do that please help [01:00] slimnation7, the only time I ever reformatted using Linux is when I want to switch to a different distro to try out. It's never because I get infested with viruses and malware, and a million services are running in the background. [01:00] soreau, yes [01:00] it wont play anything random noise [01:00] raeldenk: Yes you see Burn or yes you do not see it? [01:00] Rashko, what are you trying to do? [01:00] Prohibited: should be /usr/bin/firefox... but typing `which firefox` should tell you [01:00] soreau, i don't see ^^ [01:00] I have 2 pci with 4 and 6 serial port [01:00] hey guys [01:00] raeldenk: Well I don't know what else to tell you then. I guess you're looking in the wrong place [01:00] Take0n: even laptops can get dusty inside... but with 'the origininal os', did you get softwre to control fan and temp warnings ? [01:01] chisomuche: Did it recently stop working or has it never worked? [01:01] what's the package that installs a kernel with xen compiled into it? [01:01] 0o [01:01] but ubuntu 8.04 recognize only 4 [01:01] ok thanks [01:01] Aalinux: stat -c '%a - %n' * [01:01] i want please to configure more than 4 serial ports [01:02] Rashko, where do you see ubuntu only seeing 4? [01:02] Can anyone recommend a good Identi.ca client for Ubuntu? [01:02] OerHeks, nope nothing.. this problem first occured (the shutdown I mean) right after I installed Ubuntu 9.04 that's why I assumed it had to do with the OS.. [01:02] jordan_U:it never worked. before it just beeped from start up till shut down, i got the beep to go away but now i cant get any sound. I tried to play my radio and watch a youtube video and all that came out was loud random noise. [01:02] dmesg | grep tty [01:02] prince_jammys: Thank you. [01:03] I'm out. Night, all. [01:03] schism2009: I have heard good things about gwibber [01:03] Thanks for the help, jrebeiro and Avoloos. [01:03] Anyone know how to unaccept the sun license once it has been accepted? [01:03] Rashko, $ dmesg | grep serial [01:03] mdwright: uninstall the software? [01:03] whoa... after a reboot... fdisk -l sees the partitions [01:03] maybe dd will work this time [01:03] squircle: If you uninstall the software, the license remains accepted somewhere [01:04] No problem torn. [01:04] Aalinux: you can format the output however you like. see ''man stat'' [01:04] mdwright: completely remove the software (in Synaptic) [01:04] If it was a desktop pc I would clean it but since it is a laptop I am affraid.. :p I mean it's easy to dissasembly it but to put everything back in place.. that's the hard part lol [01:04] mdwright: apt-get purge? [01:04] ok, im back... I think I may just connect to the hard line, do my updates, and go form there.. [01:04] Somebody can help me to install an old java??? [01:05] chisomuche: try running "alsamixer -c 0" and set all of the levels to the green range [01:05] magikid: purge doesn't do anything for it [01:05] renilson: Why do you need an old version of java? [01:05] thanks for the help soreau.. [01:05] squircle: I'm SSH'd into the machine. What else could I remove using synaptic that wouldn't be removed using apt-get? [01:06] i need the java 1.4.2_12 cause its the only one that works to me [01:06] renilson: What application? [01:06] mdwright: sudo dpkg -P [01:06] ni1S ithink it's the same [01:06] i got installed, just like the sun instructions, but it does not work [01:07] ther's a very long text [01:07] its an application from the server on business [01:07] renilson: fishy app you have if it needs this specific java version... but you can go and look in the archives of java.org and then install the binary package (if it exists) [01:07] squircle: doesn't that do the same thing as apt-get remove? [01:07] shit... the bad disk contains the lvm superblock [01:07] mdwright: no. [01:07] !language | jrebeiro [01:07] jrebeiro: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:07] Can anyone tell me something about how Firefox and Thunderbird access/use fonts that would be different from OpenOffice? [01:07] sorry [01:08] renilson: In what way does it not work? Do you see any errors? [01:08] If I move my laptop between two different houses with different routers (one uses 192.168.x.x and another uses 10.1.x.x) can I set (in /etc/resolv.conf) [01:08] jordan_U: okay i did and when i tried yo play sound again all that came on was the really random noise. [01:08] nameserver [01:08] nameserver [01:09] Prohibited: if it's just using DHCP, it shouldn't matter. [01:09] no... i made the instalation of tha package... just like the instructions on "java.com", but it does not appear anything on the plugins [01:09] at one house you have to manually set the DNS settings or else the internet won't work [01:09] There is a YouTube video which seems impossible to download. Can anyone here try this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgBdwD5IV90 and let me know if you have found a way to download it? Thanks! [01:10] gNewPower: http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=WgBdwD5IV90&t=vjVQa1PpcFO47N21YOedsRfaqCSeKo4_VKQsDSHGpC8= [01:10] some foruns says to configure the path, but i don't know how [01:10] ...time to DC === aa is now known as Guest1524 [01:10] chisomuche: Can you pastebin the output of "lspci" ? [01:11] can anyone help with a WPA2 connection issue i'm having? [01:11] squircle, this URL gets only a white page [01:11] Rashko, no idea, sorry [01:11] renilson: How are you trying to start the application? [01:11] gNewPower: then they've blocked downloads; there's nothing you can do. [01:11] I'm using "sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf" and when I try to save the file it says that I do not have permission [01:11] can some one help me real fast [01:11] !ask | Guest1524 [01:11] Guest1524: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:12] Prohibited: tried gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf? [01:12] Couldn't register serial port 0000:05:09.0: -28 [01:12] gNewPower watch the video then go to file system/tmp dir copy it to desktop [01:12] my monitor keeps making a clicking sounds and does not show anything and the power light keeps turning off and on does this mean that it is bad? [01:12] squircle, how can they block downloads but not block the streaming? [01:12] Prohibited: graphical applications use gksudo, not sudo [01:12] hi [01:12] Prohibited: resolv.conf is dynamic, it will be replaced whenever you use dhcp [01:12] desnaike, ok. I will try that [01:12] !hi | lolufail [01:12] lolufail: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [01:12] I've edited the resolv.conf using gedit before [01:12] how can i download keepassx? [01:12] squircle: Thank you. Clearly I don't understand dpkg -P and apt-get remove/purge as well as I thought I did [01:12] has anybody seen this before?: [01:12] no problem, mdwright [01:12] Sep 28 02:01:08 server kernel: [ 5904.042656] compute_blocknr: map not correct [01:13] while resynching a raid5 [01:13] gNewPower: they check the source of the request; if they're the google servers bottling it up to put the the flash distribution app, it's allowed. [01:13] jordan_U: ya sure here it is, (oh and i'm new to this so i kinda need it dumbed down for me.) :00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07) [01:13] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) [01:13] 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) [01:13] 00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03) [01:13] chisomuche: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:13] does firefox and thunderbird use truetype fonts? [01:13] where do i put these lines? deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/keepassx/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/keepassx/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main [01:13] -resynching +initially synching [01:13] mgv2: /etc/apt/sources or use the "Software Sources" app under System -> Administration [01:13] renilson: How are you trying to start the application? [01:13] has anyone in here had issues getting a dell 1390 wireless card connecting to a WPA2 network? [01:14] Istarnes: Same error, "You do not have permissions necessary to save the file. PLease check you typed the correct locationa nd try again. " [01:14] my monitor keeps making a clicking sounds and does not show anything and the power light keeps turning off and on does this mean that it is bad? [01:14] amd64 = x86_64? [01:14] my problem is really with the java... [01:14] the versions 5 and 6 its easy to install [01:14] but this one does not work to anything... [01:14] jomido: yes. [01:14] thanks [01:14] !paste | chisomuche [01:14] chisomuche: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [01:14] I need help please [01:14] !ask | Rashko [01:14] Rashko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:14] Guest1524: try wiggling the power connector further in [01:15] renilson: How are you trying to start the application? [01:15] squircle, do i need to remove the sources after the installation or it doesnt matter mach? [01:15] already did that [01:15] mgv2: it's advisable not to, so you'll be provided with updates. just leave them in there. [01:15] Rashko, do the cards show up when you run lspci ? [01:15] yes [01:15] I accidently removed the Network icon in the top bar, when I readded it, its different [01:16] it works with a click, for example... at the java5, it opens, but it stops on a grey screen [01:16] squircle, in two lines or pasted at once/ [01:16] Prohibited: did you add a network icon, or did you set NetworkManager to display in the title bar? [01:16] I run lspci -v and lspci -vv they shoes the pci cards [01:16] mgv2: two lines, one for the deb and one for the deb-src [01:16] squircle: Added Network Manager [01:16] i dont even turn it on and it starts to click off and on [01:16] squircle, what is src? [01:16] Network Monitor* [01:16] Prohibited: how is it 'different' then? [01:17] mgv2: deb-src lines are used for finding source packages [01:17] Network monitor is the only thing you can add to the panel (only network one, at least) [01:17] mgv2: you pasted two lines; one starting with 'deb' and one starting with 'deb-src', put those on different lines [01:17] Guest1524, CRT or flat-panel === Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_ [01:17] jordan_U: did you get info i posted? [01:17] crt [01:17] Guest1524: when did this problem start? [01:17] a couple of days ago [01:17] renilson: Ok, can you pastebin the output of "update-alternatives --display java" ? [01:17] Guest1524, is it a click or a snap with a smell of ozone [01:17] chisomuche: Please use pastebin [01:17] it was working fine turn it off can back like a day later and then it started [01:17] !paste | chisomuche [01:17] chisomuche: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [01:18] squircle, yes but what the second line is for? [01:18] the sound i think is the speakers on the monitor [01:18] I read at in the read me txt that new vwersion linux support only 4 serial ports [01:18] mgv2: it's for source-packages. [01:18] !spam | ubottu [01:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about spam [01:18] jordan_U: !00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07) [01:18] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) [01:18] 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) [01:18] 00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03) [01:18] 00:1a.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5 (rev 03) [01:18] chisomuche: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:18] !paste | ubottu [01:18] Prohibited: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [01:18] its says: no alternative for java [01:18] do the monitor show you your desktop if you start up the computer with the monitor attached, Guest1524 [01:18] nope [01:19] hey guys i'm trying to find help on how to sign the ubuntu code of conduct, i've tried #ubuntu-beginners-launchpad but it's only got a couple of away people [01:19] where do I go [01:19] Since Linux only support 4 serial ports (ttyS0, ttyS1, ttyS2, ttyS3) under the default condition [01:20] sagaci: Do you have a pgp key? [01:20] please someone tell me how to edit whatever file i need to edit, to "disable" the restricted ati driver that i enabled after installing ubuntu [01:20] i'm in a live cd now [01:20] Hi there! [01:20] cause it freezes on boot up, it worked GREAT before i enabled restricted hardware driver [01:20] !hi | jimdandy [01:20] jimdandy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [01:20] crunchbang: Remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf [01:20] i dont use any efffects [01:20] Jordan_U: yep, it's saying i need a openpgp key, which i have, but it's not prompting me for it [01:20] Is there an X terminal emulator that draws on the root window, like conky? [01:21] hey, if anyone is looking for super cheap hosting and domain for their ubuntu servers, then just pm me. [01:21] if i remove it, and REBOOT will the system work? [01:21] and just NOT enable it this time around? [01:21] bernardlychan: no. [01:21] bernardlychan: Please do not advertise in this channel. [01:21] sagaci: https://launchpad.net/~/+codesofconduct [01:21] jordan_U: okay i used the ubuntu pastbin, did you get it? [01:21] squircle, why does keepassx asks for "libaudio2" too? [01:21] jimdandy: there are terms that do pseudo-transparency, creating that effect. aterm, rxvt ... [01:21] squircle, 40mb [01:21] Jordan, if i delete that, will i still be able to boot up? as if i never installed/enabled the restricted ati driver? [01:21] mgv2: i have no clue what you're talking about, sorry. [01:22] sagaci: I don't know if the process has changed but you are supposed to download the CoC, sign it with your pgp key, then upload the signed CoC [01:22] mgv2: oh, i get it [01:22] crunchbang: should be booting without hassle [01:22] chisomuche: You need to tell me the URL [01:22] squircle, it wants to install another package [01:22] mgv2: it's a dependancy of keepassx, you need it to run the software [01:22] if not [01:22] squircle, 40 mb? [01:22] dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg @crunchbang [01:22] prince_jammys: do you know one that will display the same way, ie. unmoveable and without a window border and title ? [01:22] mgv2: however big it is, you need it. [01:22] jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/279979/ , (sorry, im new to this) [01:22] mgv2: 40MiB is nothing [01:23] Rashko, is the kernel module generic_serial loaded? [01:23] an then select vesa and not ati @ crunchbang [01:23] squircle, it needs to be just couple mb [01:23] i cant get in at all [01:23] i cant do ANYTHING [01:23] could someone please help me with sound [01:23] it freezes before desktop [01:23] !ask | c4g [01:23] c4g: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:23] c4g: might want to be a bit more verbose than that [01:23] and now i'm in a live cd and i can NOT DELETE the file [01:23] ni1S I don't know how can I check this? [01:24] squircle, hope nothing bad will enter with this giant packge [01:24] mgv2: never does :) [01:24] squircle, thank you [01:24] I just installed ghex and can't figure out why I can't edit a string. [01:24] mgv2: all it is is an audio library (for sound) [01:24] can u chroot the enviorment crunchbang? [01:24] why cant i delete a file in live cd [01:24] squircle, i see [01:24] please help install intel8x0 [01:24] i dont knwo anything about chroot [01:24] Rashko, lsmod | grep generic_serial [01:24] crunchbang: You should still be able to go to a tty by pressing CTRL-ALT-F1, then run that command from there [01:24] crunchbang: use sudo [01:24] !audio | c4g [01:24] c4g: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [01:24] jimdandy: urxvt-unicode does that, at least in fluxbox (it's what i use) [01:24] chroot /media/ [01:25] ok i'll try [01:25] i just installed EVERYTHING i wanted in this syste [01:25] All I should have to do is replace the value correct? [01:25] jimdandy: err, rxvt-unicode, rather. [01:25] im in a here with a crunchbang linux live cd [01:25] Jordan, did u see my answer [01:25] i cant delte anything [01:25] chrunchbang: go into a terminal [01:25] i'm trying to make keys for encryption but nothing haappns after the creation of them - they arent created [01:25] !audio [01:25] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [01:25] crunchbang: sudo rm -i /media/disk/etc/X11/xorg.conf [01:25] says: no alternative for java [01:25] prince_jammys: thanks a bunch! [01:25] crunchbang: if you're trying to delete something off a live cd, you can't; it's a CD [01:25] NOOOOOOO [01:25] off of the disk [01:25] bah looked at all that already [01:25] the hard drive [01:25] crunchbang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:25] chrunchbang: then mount the device via the pcman file manager [01:26] i dont know ho9w [01:26] i'm trying [01:26] renilson: Do you know where java installed itself to? ( try /opt ) [01:26] crunchbang: then type in the terminal 'chroot /media/' [01:26] crunchbang: calm down, we're only here to help. it seems like a pretty trivial issue. [01:26] crunchbang, what exactly are you trying to do? [01:26] crunchbang: You can also boot into recovery mode from the grub menu and choose "Fix X" [01:26] yes [01:27] i've gotten to number 3 on this page: https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/1.0.1/+sign , but can't seem to get any furhter [01:27] It won't let me edit anything :/ [01:27] renilson: Ok, where is the java interpreter? [01:27] renilson have u opened the java control panel and set the version for system use [01:27] yes [01:27] sagaci: what output does that command give you? [01:27] ni1s I did that already but is the same [01:27] but i dont know to set the other itens [01:27] the rooms going to fast [01:27] damnit [01:27] question: will the UNR kernel provide better battery life for regular laptops as well? [01:27] squircle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/279985/ [01:27] I CANT figure out how to delete that file === n00b_ is now known as LiCeT [01:28] hi guys [01:28] blz: Most likely not. It's just Ubuntu with a pretty interface. [01:28] Goodnight, all. [01:28] !hi LiCeT [01:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about hi LiCeT [01:28] Rashko, lsmod just lists loaded modules, now load the module with modprobe generic_serial [01:28] !hi | LiCeT [01:28] LiCeT: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [01:28] dont get my cam work on skype [01:28] crunchbang: Calm down. Listen to what we're saying. Take two if you need to. [01:28] only on skype [01:28] but then i try to open the asc file and it says no valid signatures found [01:28] cheese...amsn works [01:28] crunchbang, what file? [01:28] MenZa: i thought that the kernel was optimised to reduce wakes and whatnot? [01:28] blz: I'm *pretty* sure it isn't. [01:28] sory.. [01:28] sagaci: does it prompt you to enter your passphrase? [01:28] i got it, i'm not used to pcman file manager [01:29] squircle: no, that's the problem [01:29] thanks for your help [01:29] i'll trying logging out then logging back in and trying it [01:29] if i'm using unsecured wireless connection does it also means that people can hack my computer or just the data transfered without my computer password? [01:29] I'm not very well-acquainted with UNR, blz, but to my knowledge all it is is Ubuntu with a couple of things making it nicer to use on small screens. [01:29] on skype seems my chat partner can see me [01:29] is there a way to set up a DSL connection over a wireless network? [01:29] crunchbang is a lovly devierate of ubuntu, it runs on my laptop ;) [01:29] i cant see him [01:29] On the java/bin, we have: ControlPanel java_vm kinit ktab policytool rmiregistry tnameserv [01:29] java keytool klist orbd rmid servertool [01:30] MenZa: okay, fair enough. thanks =) [01:30] hello. my ubuntu install stopped booting. Instead I get dropped to busybox with initramfs prompot [01:30] what might cause this? [01:30] blz: welcome. :) [01:30] in video options the cam is listed but not picture visible :( [01:30] sagaci: sorry, i'm not that knowledgeable with pgp [01:30] ok ni1s I loaded the command modprobe generic_seial what i have to do now? [01:30] any ideas? [01:30] progressivpirate: what does it say above the busybox prompt? === guest5124 is now known as Guest1524 [01:30] Can't locate WWW/Mechanize/Plugin/FollowMetaRedirect.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at ./googlevoice.pl line 40. [01:30] Help? [01:30] I'll tell you in a second. I'm reboot [01:30] lakotajames: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:30] so any ideas on the monitor? [01:31] renilson: What is the output of "find /opt -name java" ( do not paste it to the channel if it is more than one line ) [01:31] hi, how does a persistense file affect the performance versus having the real fs on a usb key ^ [01:31] the light is staying on now === ring1 is now known as ring0 [01:31] no result [01:32] intruder: The compression will affect performance [01:32] opt its empty [01:32] Rashko, did you get any new /dev/ttyS* ? [01:32] can i use http://buildablog.co.cc/ with gawab mail? [01:32] Jordan_U: are there any compression by default if i make it with the usb-creator ? [01:32] hey y'all. how can I configure jaunty to connect to my DSL PPPOE using a wireless network connection? [01:32] no ni1s nothing new [01:33] !pppoe | Chaos015901 [01:33] Chaos015901: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE [01:33] prince_jammys: Here is an example of the text that I got by using curl -Ls and the web url in the text. This is a part of the output from curl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/279988/ [01:34] squircle: i think it worked, i'll paste this in, is this what i have to send to launchpad? http://paste.ubuntu.com/279989/ [01:34] yes, sagaci [01:34] Avoloos : any ideas [01:34] prince_jammys: The problem is the characters with a (?) sign. They should be Swedish characters, not like in the pastebin. [01:34] nils + Rashko : could this solve the 5 or more UARTS problem ? >> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/kernel-support-for-more-serial-ports-753990/ [01:34] Rashko, out of ideas again, sorry [01:34] the installation was made at /home/renilson/exts/j2re1.4.2_12/ [01:34] Evelina: i see. what is the output of 'locale' in your terminal? [01:35] thanks sqircle for pointing me to that [01:35] last post* [01:35] can i use http://buildablog.co.cc/ with gawab email? [01:35] Evelina: depending on the terminal you use, you may be able to change it through some terminal setting, also. [01:35] it is possible to load the interface of ubuntu netbook remix on a normal ubuntu? [01:35] jordan_U: do you have any idea whats wrong? [01:35] prince_jammys: It doesn't matter if I use curl or a php script with file_get_contents() function. The same strange characters apperas in Ubuntu Temrinal. [01:35] Guest1524 what have you done that it stay turned on? [01:36] renilson in terminal type java -version [01:36] Evelina: i know what you mean. what does 'locale' say? it should output several lines. [01:36] tried a different power cord [01:36] does anyone know how to deal with "WARNING **: Unable to connect to dbus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-A2rQocnxj1: Connection refused" when loading an app ? the dbus service was started (tried restarting it as well). I don't use Gnome or KDE. there are no files /tmp/dbus* [01:36] how can i remove skype in the right way? [01:36] Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_12-b03) [01:36] prince_jammys: Here is the result og locale output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/279993/ [01:36] *of [01:37] LiCeT: depends how you installed it [01:37] which antivirus toolkit besides clamav is worth to try out? [01:37] even with "purge" there is still my profile somewhere :( [01:37] ring0: I think there's one called openav [01:37] chisomuche: No, I'm researching a bit though [01:37] Samus_Aran, thanks [01:37] brb [01:37] LiCeT: "purge" won't remove user-specific settngs, ever. those are in your home directory and need to be deleted manually. [01:37] prince_jammys: Yeah, I just wanted to explain it so my problem was clerar to you. You got the output of locale there. [01:37] LiCeT: personal settings will never be removed by an app uninstall -- those are in your home folder. uninstalling only affects system files [01:38] there is one more line [01:38] if i'm using unsecured wireless connection does it also means that people can hack my computer or just the data transfered without my computer password? [01:38] ok thx :) [01:38] Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_12-b03, mixed mode) [01:38] intruder: Yes, usb-creator basically copies the liveCD to a usb drive [01:38] i'm trying to make keys for encryption but nothing haappns after the creation of them - they arent created [01:38] Avoloos this is Guest [01:38] Guest1524: and did you test to attach some device to the monitor as primary sceen and looked if it shows you the graphical output of the system? [01:38] renilson u don't or can't use sun java 1.6 [01:39] Hai, im from Empathy, g00d night or whatever, i need to get back the GUI application to config Services, SYSTEM--->ADMINISTRATION--->SERVICES [01:39] prince_jammys: I can see that locale output us language etc, maybe that's the problem? Maybe I need Swedish someway? But I can write Swedish characters in Terminal using my keyboard. [01:39] AgentArmstrong, k [01:39] do i have to use a flash drive to install ubuntu on a laptop? [01:39] i cant... would be great [01:39] i tried it on both of my box's as the primary monitor and nothing [01:39] java5 and6 i got install easily [01:39] !foo [01:39] bar [01:39] slimnation7: No, you can use a cd [01:39] Does anyone know of a Flickr uploading tool that actually works? [01:40] Evelina: what happens if you do: LC_ALL=sv_SE.UTF-8 curl blahblah OR LC_ALL=sv_SE.UTF-8 xterm -e curl blahblah [01:40] !flickr [01:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about flickr [01:40] renilson so they are installed [01:40] no more [01:40] i need to get back the GUI application to config Services, SYSTEM--->ADMINISTRATION--->SERVICES [01:40] Evelina: curl blahblah being whatever the original curl command was. [01:40] ring0: if you don't need open source, there are several commercial apps, some with free versions, e.g. AVG [01:40] how do i do that, i can only find the laptop remix as an img? [01:40] anyone know the name of these GUI ? [01:40] does anyone know how to deal with "WARNING **: Unable to connect to dbus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-A2rQocnxj1: Connection refused" when loading an app ? the dbus service was started (tried restarting it as well). I don't use Gnome or KDE. there are no files /tmp/dbus* [01:41] prince_jammys: The first solution will give the same result as before. [01:41] and im using the exact same monitor right now as the one the is not working [01:41] renilson even if u install java it's still not set so reinstall java 1.6 jre and bin in synaptic [01:41] Does anyone know of a Flickr uploading tool that actually works? [01:41] felixsulla: http://juploadr.org/ [01:41] maybe someone an idea why my cam just dont work with skype? [01:41] Evelina: ok. the second will run xterm (a terminal) with LC_ALL set to swedish UTF-8 [01:42] Evelina: and its probably the _terminal_ that's a problem here. [01:42] prince_jammys: And the second one says: Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged [01:42] JuanCarlos, services-admin [01:42] Samus_Aran, i try to stick with open source. but if there are some true alternatives, i'd try them too [01:42] tyranos_: Thanks... :) [01:42] Evelina: ok. you should try installing that locale [01:42] Evelina: Try installing language-support-se [01:42] where can i find the laptop remix as an iso [01:42] Avoloos you can PM if you want so we dont have to search through all the text [01:42] the only thing I can say, as someone who does not sit before the device is: taht its broken AgentArmstrong [01:43] i can do it, but it does not solve my problem [01:43] renilson after installation type this in terminal sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun [01:43] * AgentArmstrong hangs his head [01:43] How old is the device? [01:43] Jordan_U: Northern Sami support? Sami? [01:43] not old [01:43] Evelina: sorry, sv :) [01:43] Samus_Aran, as i'm just using linux i'm not too worried about viruses, but i like to scan my drives from time to time. scan speed is not important to me, but up-to-date signatures are. [01:43] 1year, 2 year more years [01:43] i'm late to the party what's the prob [01:44] Jordan_U: Ok, now I'm getting it. [01:44] and it was working just fine and then my brother inlaw gave it to me and it worked the first day and then turned it on the next and you know the rest [01:44] slimnation7 >> http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/Download [01:44] no on an idea? [01:44] about 3 years [01:44] ubuntu kk is available ? [01:44] ring0: AVG makes a linux version [01:44] this will show some alternative to get back to 4? [01:44] hi. I 4got the shell command to search for a package in my repo...! [01:45] deostroll: apt-cache search foo [01:45] i cant remember how to add/remove workspaces :( [01:45] ok .. thx anyway [01:45] good n8 all [01:45] bye [01:46] mauhur: thanx. hw about listing packages you've already installed. [01:46] renilson: cd to the directory that your java application is in and run "java whatever.jar" and see if it gives any helpfull error messages ( don't paste the output to the channel ) [01:46] EricTheHax: right click on them [01:46] ring0: AVG has long provided their virus scanner for Linux based systems for servers (mail, samba, etc.), and I believe now offer a free "home" version as well, for generic desktop scanning [01:47] i dont have that i removed the bottom bar [01:47] Jordan_U: It didn't help to get it working in Ubuntu default Terminal. [01:47] deostroll: dpkg -l [01:47] Jordan_U: It didn't help to install sv language support. [01:47] Evelina: Can you type some characters that aren't displaying properly? [01:47] <^Cheeky> hi, iam confused, iam reading this tutorial on installing transmissions in ubuntu 9.04 server but, this tutorial mentions about updating the repos and adding some keys which i have done , but now it mentions about installing transmission-cli and transmission-common and not transmission-deamon [01:48] i didnt see a settings thing so i added workspaces to the top bar (sigh) [01:48] Jordan_U: Well, I can type all Swedish characters, but when I use curl or a php-script file_get_contents, then I doesn't get Swedish characters to show up in a correct manner in Temrinal. [01:49] mauhur: thanx again [01:49] Maybe I have to restart Temrinal after installation of sv support? [01:49] whatever shows: 7 packs where i can find java... and bash: java: command not found [01:49] tyranos_: i find a packaging Bug [01:49] thank you!! [01:49] Evelina: What happens when you type swedish characters into the terminal? [01:49] tyranos_: Thanks anyways [01:49] someon please help me.. i have a perfectly installed system.. i enabled restricted drivers for my ati card like ive done before and it wont boot [01:49] please help me figure out how to fix it, i'm on a live ubuntu cd now [01:49] renilson help me understand java 4 and why [01:49] prince_jammys: When using this code LC_ALL=sv_SE.UTF-8 xterm curl -Ls I got an error saying: xterm: bad command line option "curl" [01:49] How can I install ubuntu on the entire hard drive if I have it installed with wubi? [01:49] i dont want to spend 3 hours installing configuring again [01:50] just becasuse of that [01:50] please help me please [01:50] Evelina: I am just trying to test on my machine to see if they display properly here [01:50] mauhur: does apt-cache search online? [01:50] Jordan_U: It works just fine writing Swedish characters in Temrinal, it did before installation of sv support too. [01:50] ubuntu_, boot from recovery mode in your hard drive installation, then run xfix [01:50] i did [01:50] Evelina: you forgot the -e [01:50] isthere a way to ueadobe on ubuntu [01:50] <^Cheeky> deostroll: yeah it does ... [01:50] all i get is 20 Ubuntus' [01:50] and a frozen screen [01:50] its on the bottom of the recovery screen [01:51] deostroll: apt-cache will search your repository [01:51] ubuntu_, what do u mean with 20 ubuntus? :-/ [01:51] 20 logos [01:51] its one especific and old apllication, cant be upgraded, based on java4 [01:51] as iff i'm loggin on [01:51] prince_jammys: Well, that happend fast, how do I get the xterm window to stay open? [01:51] but instead of one in the middle [01:51] bout 20 of them [01:51] ubuntu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:51] screen is all split up [01:51] ubuntu_, where do you see the logos? [01:51] I need help please [01:51] Evelina: just do this: LC_ALL=sv_SE.UTF-8 xterm , and type your command in the new terminal [01:52] mauhur define 'my repo' [01:52] I dont know how to use pastebine, I just wnat to know what to do, to fix this so i can use my system i spent 3 hours setting up etc [01:52] ubuntu does not take up my entire screen I have a 2 inch band of black around my screen [01:52] How can i fix that [01:52] cant be upgraded now, but i need it, but i want to run it with ubuntu 9.04 [01:52] hi, I have a friend who is migrating from windows to Ubuntu Studio, but he is having trouble to set up his wireless network. Can anyone help? [01:52] deostroll: everything that is available to you based on your software sources [01:53] renilson what is the app [01:53] pleawse, can anyone help me???????? I want to know what to do.. someone said to delete the xorg.conf [01:53] prince_jammys: How do I paste in xterm? Ctrl+Shift doesn't seem to work? [01:53] i did that, and still same iissue [01:53] Ctrl+Shift+V doesn't seem to work. [01:53] Evelina: select text with your mouse and middle click in the new terminal [01:53] can anyone see me?? pelase help me [01:53] it is part of server on business [01:53] how can I move to task bar to bottom on my Ubuntu? [01:53] mauhur: so my software sources are online right? [01:53] ubuntu_, can you remember the ati driver package name? if u cant refresh the repo list in ur live cd, search for the driver package, then go to recovery mode again, select command line mode and sudo apt-get remove the package [01:53] Evelina: let's not get into keyboard shortcuts (which can vary), or we'll be here for ever [01:54] I dont want to spend hours reinstalling, just cause of one error, enableing [01:54] ubuntu_: we see you. please be patient :) [01:54] its not on www [01:54] just intranet [01:54] ubuntu_, run xfix again after the package is removed, and see if it works [01:54] Evelina: Can you post a link to a page with swedish characters that aren't working ( note that what you are typing may be producing different character codes than those pages use for the same glyph ) [01:54] deostroll: yes, but they may be updated and it will reflect to you after you apt-get update [01:54] prince_jammys: Well, the characters didn't show up in a correct manner in xterm either. [01:55] leelee, with the mouse , and if doenst work try holding alt , and it s just a matter of finding the right spot that make the panel move [01:55] Jordan_U: that's what i'm wondering too, since a en_US.UTF-8 seems to be OK with some scandinavian chars. [01:55] i ran xfix. and alokiot, i have no idea hwo to do whawt you are talking about [01:55] Hello! I was compiling the 2.6.31-11.36 (with Ubuntu patches) kernel and several errors came up. Where are the logs for make-kpkg located, or any logs related to the compilation process? [01:55] prince_jammys: I got a 0 sign instead of the right character. [01:55] i will try thanks [01:55] i gues si have to reinstall an entire system cause i cant gert into there [01:55] can anyone help me get Ubuntu to fill my entire screen it wont do it from display settings [01:55] Evelina: If the page states that its contents are in teh native swedish code page rather than utf8 then a browser would be able to recognise that but the terminal wouldn't [01:55] hello, anyone knows if there is any application to connect the TI-89 graphing calculator??? [01:55] ubuntu_: you can either re-install or be patient [01:55] ubuntu_, did you install the ati driver from synaptic or from graphical ubuntu restricted driver installer? [01:56] ubuntu_, can you login to a root shell? [01:56] Jordan_U: Here you have an example of the strange characters: http://paste.ubuntu.com/279988/ === Strife1989 is now known as Strife89 [01:56] fromt he graphical ubuntu restricted driver installer [01:56] ubuntu_, using recovery mode? Then you can do an "apt-get remove " [01:56] Jordan_U: Firefox is showing the characters as they should be seen. [01:57] hi, I have a friend who is migrating from windows to Ubuntu Studio, but he is having trouble to set up his wireless network. Can anyone help? [01:57] i have no idea what it is [01:57] Evelina: A link to the html page you are getting with curl would help to ( to see if it sets character set in html ) [01:57] hey it worked thanks. [01:57] it was a simple restricted driver, i clicked "enable" [01:57] ubuntu_, then search synaptic for ati, and check the ati driver package names [01:57] Jordan_U: And when I look at the source code using Firefox, then the characters also will display in a correct manner. [01:57] Jordan_U: http://www.expressen.se/Nyheter/1.1722512/vannen-om-gripne-piloten [01:57] Jordan_U: That's the URL. [01:57] ubuntu_, then, boot into recovery mode, go to root shell and sudo apt-get remove all ati driver package [01:58] mauhur: apt-get update should b run as root? [01:58] sorry for repeating myself but I didn'g get any answer.. I am running ubuntu 9.04 Desktop and want to know if it it possible to load the ubuntu netbook remix desktop on my ubuntu.. I know what packages are needed but I am affraid it will mess up nautilus and my gnome desktop.. any suggestions? [01:58] how can i roll back some hebrew fonts from the hebrew package? the english version of it nicer i think [01:58] deostroll: yes [01:58] Take0n: Yes, and yes. [01:58] !unr | Take0n [01:58] Take0n: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu [01:58] renilson I hope this helps howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1260949 [01:58] So, i have no way? [01:59] takeon it s a risk u re willing to take or not , and try in the eeepc channel or something [01:59] i am trying to do this http://www.howtoforge.com/installation-and-configuration-of-intrusion-detection-with-snort-acidbase-mysql-and-apache2-on-ubuntu-9.04-using-spm [01:59] omg.. im going to have to reinstall everything, entire sytsem again [01:59] tyranos_: No, support is in here. [01:59] I guess I will take the risk.. :p [01:59] Jordan_U: Something is happening when curl or my php script gets the code of the page or when the Temrinal and xterm display the code. [01:59] !anyone | Legendario [01:59] thank you! [01:59] Legendario: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [01:59] Evelina: Notice the "charset=iso-8859-1" in the source [01:59] http://pastebin.com/d5a5b1ec1 [01:59] ubuntu_, did you follow my suggestion? [02:00] i get this error http://pastebin.com/d5a5b1ec1 [02:00] i have to get out of this then try to come back [02:00] Jordan_U: Yeah, what does that mean to me? [02:00] MenZa, kay [02:00] Take0n: I did it on my laptop. I haven't exactly removed all the packages for it yet, but it's not nice to remove again. [02:00] Evelina: What's happening is that the terminal doesn't understand html, and the character set is defined in html [02:01] MenZa, you mean it didn't went well? [02:01] Take0n: I haven't tried. :) [02:01] Take0n: Maximus is still bothering me, but I doubt it's *that* much of a hassle. [02:01] Hello, I have a question, I installed ubuntu server 8.04 [02:01] Jordan_U: I had the same problem using a web page that has got: [02:01] at the time the server was not hooked up to a network [02:01] no one especific post? [02:01] Kage_Jittai: That's not a question. That's a statement. :). May want to keep the whole thing on one line. [02:01] iluminator101, did you compile snort with mysql support? [02:01] I've asked. Just read the rest of it. I need someone who can help me to setup the wireless network on Ubuntu Studio [02:01] as far as I have understood the packages needed are "go-home-apple window-picker-apple maximus human-netbook-theme ume-launche desktop-switcher" [02:01] mauhur: hw do i find the latest version of apache I can install using apt-cache? apt-cache search apache lists a lot of things... [02:01] Hello guys, I'm going to get and intel i7 920 with a GA x58 UD3R motherboard, which ubuntu distribution should I use ? the 32 or the 64, and will I face problems with hardware support from ubuntu or not ? [02:01] so I bypassed the network configure [02:01] Jordan_U: I got the exact same errors using both curl and a php script to download and display the code in Temrinal. [02:02] now it is hooked up to the network [02:02] how do I reconfigure the network? [02:02] joeb3_: hmm...no i apt-get installed it [02:02] since ubuntu studio doesn't seem to have the network-manager, I am clueless. [02:02] should be only 3/4 al relevant [02:02] And if I use curl -Ls URL > text_fil.txt, then the same error show up in Gedit. [02:02] abe3k, if ur pc is new then u can install 64 bit === jjjooofffooo is now known as jofo [02:03] + [02:03] alokito : the straight forward download from the ubuntu site right ? [02:03] then apt-get install snort-mysql also [02:03] abe3k, yes, the amd64 iso [02:03] Hello, I have a question, I installed ubuntu server 8.04. At the time the server was not hooked up to a network. So I bypassed the network configure. How do I reconfigure the network? [02:03] Jordan_U: Ok, but that would be obvious? That the web page is displaying the code in HTML? [02:03] alokito : its an intel [02:04] Jordan, no way else? [02:04] abe3k, amd64 works in all 64 bit system, not just amd [02:04] Hello, I have a question, I installed ubuntu server 8.04. At the time the server was not hooked up to a network. So I bypassed the network configure. How do I reconfigure the network?.... please? [02:04] abe3k, most 64 bit distros are name amd64 though they work in all 64 bit system [02:04] Kage_Jittai: Caaalm dooooown. [02:04] Evelina: It's not curl that is displaying the characters, it's the terminal and the terminal has no clue what the commands it runs are printing [02:04] named* [02:04] alokito : aha nice to hear that :), and it will use all the quad cores right ? [02:04] abe3k, yup [02:04] Kage_Jittai: Repeating your question won't do anything but annoy the other users in here. If someone knows, they'll tell you. If not, try searching around and ask again later. [02:04] #ubuntu-es [02:05] Jordan_U: Ok, but how do I get the terminal to show the caracters as in the source code. [02:05] Legendario, okay let me try... try "ifconfig -a" to show all network interfaces, even those that are inactive [02:05] ? [02:05] alokito : cool :), I'll start downloading now [02:05] iluminator101, snort user will also need delete privs [02:05] alokito : thaaaanks, and bye :) [02:05] abe3k, ok, my ubuntu is 32 bit but I have a 64 bit fedora [02:06] joeb3_: i installed mysql support [02:06] it runs fine, but I can't feel the difference between 32 and 64 bit, seems to be the same speed [02:06] Jordan_U: Yeah. I get the same problem using: lynx -source URL to display the source of the page in the Terminal WIndows. [02:06] it is even the smiles look not right with the new hebrew fonts i got with the packge [02:06] alokito : I hope that I won't face a kernel problem, since I guess the download version ships with older kernels [02:06] *window [02:06] lol [02:06] abe3k, nope, you can update your kernel anytime u want [02:06] Firefox 3.5 in Ubuntu has graphics issues [02:06] joeb3_: i am not following [02:07] just update from the repo don't install manually [02:07] alokito : good to know that :) [02:07] Coolg1026: How so? [02:07] that need to be turned off in about:config [02:07] Legendario, the show me the output at http://paste.ubuntu.com [02:07] Color corrections in FF are bad in FF 3.5 not in FF 3 [02:07] !firefox-3.5 | Coolg1026 [02:07] Coolg1026: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [02:07] alokito : yeah I know, I have a 32 bit ubuntu, but the only thing I worry about is when booting the live cd , the 64 edition I mean [02:07] But turning off a gfx setting fixes it [02:07] I am not in front of his computer. He is a friend of mine and installed Ubuntu Studio on his laptop. He just asked me for some help, so you will need to give me a step by step for me to send him by e-mail or maybe forward me some tutorial link... [02:08] i'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm running into this bug: http://bugzilla.intellinuxwireless.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1885 Can anybody PLEASE help me fix this? Is there an Ubuntu package I can install to fix it?? Please *help* Its EXTREMELY urgent!!! [02:08] abe3k, u mean 64bit live cd runs faster? [02:08] Coolg1026: Well, that's not appropriate for this channel. If you insist on bringing this forth, try #ubuntu-motu. Don't get your hopes up, though. [02:08] Evelina: In gnome-terminal go to terminal > set character encoding [02:08] whats motu? [02:08] alokito : I mean I've read somewhere that it doesn't boot on the i7, needs some tweaking [02:08] Jordan_U: Well, I use en_US.UTF-8 as language in Temrinal. Maybe that's the problem? [02:08] ok [02:08] i need an Alternative GUI to config Services, the app "services-admin" dont exist ATM on Karmic, bug reported, any recommendation??? [02:08] basix: There's a patch attached. Try that. [02:08] EricTheHax: Masters of the Universe. The Ubuntu packagers. [02:09] Q: Hw do I know for sure I have apache installed? dpkg -l | grep '^apache' returns an empty list...! [02:09] SIS video chips fail with FF 3.5 unless adv. configs are changed, just fyi. [02:09] deostroll: apt-cache policy apache2 [02:09] how can i add entries in gconf-editor? [02:09] deostroll: (I assume you want apache2, not apache legacy) [02:09] Jordan_U: Yes, Temrinal is using UTF-8 already. [02:09] thank u all, a'll try again later... if u even could find mi solution and could send me by mail i'll thank you... rpglink2@hotmail.com [02:09] abe3k, then.. if your internet is fast download it and have a try, but if u have slow internet google it more before downloading [02:09] MenZa, i can see that...but I need to connect to the internet using ubuntu to actually install it. Have the Ubuntu developers already put this fix out? Can you help me with that?? [02:09] <^Cheeky> when setting up transmissions in ubuntu server, should i create different use account just for transmissions . [02:10] do u think you can do that? [02:10] alokito : I have a 1 Mbit connection [02:10] i keep trying [02:10] basix: Alas, I can't. You can try looking at !launchpad, though. For urgent stuff, I think you're out of luck. [02:10] i need an Alternative GUI to config Services, the app "services-admin" dont exist ATM on Karmic, any recommendation??? [02:10] abe3k, ok then no problem to give it a try :) [02:10] alokito : of course ! :D [02:10] !karmic | JuanCarlos [02:10] !launchpad [02:10] JuanCarlos: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [02:10] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [02:11] Legendario, yup, I just did some googling and here are some that I found. http://beginlinux.com/desktop_training/ubuntu/1096-ubuntu-wireless-setup and http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/ubuntu-studio-no-wireless-connection-622296/ [02:11] abe3k, the 32 bit version can use all cores too... 64 bit just runs some 64 bit app faster [02:11] Is there any way to set a startup script to open certain programs in certain workspaces? [02:11] im gonna try Webmin, thanks anyway... :) [02:11] alokito : hmm, like what apps ? [02:11] Jordan_U: I can write Swedish characters in Temrinal without any problems, but not getting them to work together with curl, lynx, php etc. [02:11] Evelina: Exactly, set it to iso-8859-1 then try using curl to get http://www.expressen.se/Nyheter/1.1722512/vannen-om-gripne-piloten [02:11] !webmin | JuanCarlos [02:11] JuanCarlos: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. [02:11] Legendario, does he have access to the Internet from some other computer beside the UbuntuStudio machine? [02:12] does ubuntu allow hot insertion of a ps/2 mouse without there having been one at boot time? [02:12] abe3k, any app that's 64 bit [02:12] EricTheHax, I tried it but no. Mouse doesn't get detected. [02:12] im gonna try eBox, thanks anyway... [02:12] I believe he has access from another computer [02:12] my wireless usb laser mouse is dying [02:12] i have been running webmin for a year on ubuntu - I've no issues. [02:12] thats y im askin [02:12] but I don't think u'll feel much difference till you are running a large app [02:12] alokito : does openoffice, gimp , blender and so come in 64 editions ? [02:12] Anyone responding in #ubuntu-motu ? [02:13] abe3k -- yes [02:13] has anyone actually had any success with airodump-ng ? [02:13] Evelina: The characters you are typing are in utf-8, the characters on that page are ISO-8859-1, that's the difference, not curl or PHP [02:13] !anyone | rpl [02:13] rpl: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [02:13] Bluey : Nice [02:13] hello [02:13] abe3k, not sure, googling it [02:13] A [02:13] alokito : no need to I think they do come in 64 [02:13] Legendario, okay that's good. [02:13] abe3k -- I am currently running ubuntu 9.04 (64 bit) [02:13] how can i add entries with gconf?... [02:13] Are you overriding the default Content-Type header? [02:13] abe3k, yah the do [02:14] !gconf | whaevr [02:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about gconf [02:14] i wish i had a disk resurfacer. id make so much money..... [02:14] :( [02:14] Bluey : and hows that working for yah ? [02:14] Hello! I was compiling the 2.6.31-11.36 (with Ubuntu patches) kernel and several errors came up. Where are the logs for make-kpkg located, or any logs related to the compilation process? [02:14] alokito : Cool :) [02:14] Also, is there any way to get Ubuntu to start up in a workspace other than the first one? [02:14] MenZa: do you happen to know what rpl stands for ? [02:14] Hmm, fascinating response, Okay, I wish to enagage with someone that is throughly experienced using airodump-ng. [02:14] by something like header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); [02:14] intruder: Alas, no. [02:14] :( [02:14] no, please update me about rpl? [02:14] Jordan_U: Yes, now it's working!!! [02:15] Jordan_U: Thank you very much. [02:15] why the heck does the hebrew version of firefox opes windows twice in one website when clicking a java link [02:15] ? [02:15] Bluey, does all 32 bit app run in 64 bit? I heard of some problems with 32 bit apps [02:15] Bluey : its my first time of using a 64 OS, I don't know the downsides x) [02:15] I'll take a look at them and forward to him. Thanks for the help. [02:15] specially in a windows 64 bit installation [02:15] akokito - some run some don't - YMMV (your mileage may vary) [02:15] what is the ubuntu version of wgetpaste for pastebin? [02:15] Legendario, sure you're welcome === kaie is now known as Guest58270 [02:15] >.< [02:16] alokito - I did manage to get the 32 bit version of ff 3.5 for windows, and flash to work [02:16] Jordan_U: I have to learn more about this topic. There are many topics to learn more about. At least it seams to be working since I changed the encoding. [02:16] Where can I notify the person in charge of the ubuntu.com site that the XHTML isn't being sent out right? [02:16] Bluey : do you use kaffeine and tv tuners on the ubuntu 64 ? [02:16] Bluey, in windows or in wine? [02:16] As it's content-type itself is wrong for xhtml data [02:16] apt-get install wgetpaste [02:16] reverse polish language [02:16] akokito - in linux under wine, yes [02:16] alokito [02:16] shaprashaaam? [02:17] Coolg1026: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/contactus is a good place to start. [02:17] who wants to learn about airodump-ng? [02:17] How do I change the character encoding in Ubuntu Server Terminal. I mean, I haven't got the menu in a server environment? [02:17] Evelina: set your locales [02:17] does ubuntu have a pastebin application? [02:17] fulcan: pastebinit [02:17] !info pastebinit | fulcan [02:17] fulcan: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB [02:18] abe3k, all apps I have in my fedora 64 bit work fine, I just heard of some problems with 32 bit apps, haven't faced any myself [02:18] evening [02:18] alokito : I'll install 2 ubuntus just to be on the safe side x) [02:18] MenZa: Do you mean the locales as in "locale" [02:18] ? [02:19] Evelina: Your various language variables, yes [02:19] Evelina: I am in no way an expert, but the varies LANG_ stuff in this might be useful: http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Unicode-HOWTO-3.html [02:20] Evelina: Although that may very well be very overkill for what you want - check out man locale [02:20] Hey all, im new inn ubuntu and have 9.04, i have a 16/0,8 mbit interntt line and have used bittorents before to download and it was ok speed.. but now i feal its gowing mutch slower. somone have a program ore somthing to gett the speed ut? sorry my spelling im from norway [02:20] a simple question any of you run aircrack-ng on a asus 1005ha without patched drivers in ubuntu 9.04? [02:20] Jordan_U: The problem seem to still exist using a bash-script. Why isn't the characters working when I use curl in a bash script called test.sh? [02:20] !anyone | Naraki [02:20] Naraki: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [02:20] teddy, try a different torrent client, my favorite is ktorrent [02:21] MenZa: Ok, thanks. [02:21] Evelina: Did you open a new tab? I think the character encoding setting is per tab [02:21] EvilPenguin|: Although Jordan_U seems to know much more about this topic than myself. ;) [02:21] Evelina, even. Sorry, EvilPenguin|. [02:21] ok thanks, im using transmission now [02:21] lol [02:21] :) [02:21] Jordan_U: No, I run the test.sh script in the same tab as I run the curl command. [02:21] I am having problems with airodump-ng, no results on output. [02:22] rpl [02:22] is there a short key to switch workspaces? [02:22] its stalls here to [02:22] Evelina: Odd [02:22] http://pastebin.com/f401484dc [02:23] standard drivers do allow for injection tho [02:23] Jordan_U: Well, I store my URL in a variable that I then use in a php script, but all will be run in the Terminal by using a bash script. [02:23] deostroll, u can configure the shortcut to change workspace in your window manager configuration [02:23] alokito : how does the ubuntu-9.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent sound ? [02:23] <_schism_> evening all [02:23] howdy tex! [02:23] rpl does ur wifi card support injection [02:24] abe3k, its command line based, try the live cd [02:24] alokito , oh.. [02:24] Jordan_U: Wait a minute, I use sed to filter the text and I only accept A-Za-z0-9 as characters. I think I have to in some way add Swedish characters too. [02:24] if normal installation works live cd will also work [02:24] you can test by doing a fakauth [02:24] fakeauth* to [02:25] http://pastebin.com/f55b54cf9 [02:25] <_schism_> I need some help and google is letting me down. I did a default install of ubuntu with wubi and all is good except it split the loopback into 2 5 gig partitions and the /root is full. is tehre anyway to get some of the other 5 gigs from /boot? gparted seems to only work on physical drives so I am at a loss [02:25] so far im getting around 2500 Ivs before it quits on me [02:25] <^Cheeky> i just created a different user in my server fro transmssions , so if i want to setup web gui for transmissions deamon, should i modify the .jason file in the transmission home dir ? [02:25] alokito : I'll download bot O.O [02:25] hello! have a silly problem: then i login i dont see desktop icons and nautilus windows has now controls(close, maximaze and etc) but if i login with other user everthing is fine. help? [02:25] alokito : both * [02:26] abe3k, okay, try the live cd 1st [02:26] Are there going to be any updates to Evolution with Ubuntu 9.10? [02:26] alokito : I didn't find a livecd torrent only a desktop and an alternate, so I've downloaded both [02:27] Evelina: There are locale safe regular expression operators, For a-z A-Z use [[:alpha:]] [02:27] alokito : I usually pre order the ubuntu distributions :) [02:27] http://pastebin.com/f27de00b3 [02:27] target not generating enough traffic google is ur friend [02:27] hello everybody [02:27] Evelina: locales make life much harder in so many ways :) [02:27] anyone know where to find capitalism a love story by michael moore yet? [02:27] abe3k, the desktop iso is the livecd [02:28] alokito : but since the machine is arriving soon, I'll have togo with downloading it :) [02:28] Jordan_U: I think the problem is that the php script (or the bash script) use HTML characters (like: ö) instead of the Swedish characters. Then my filtering doesn't work correct. [02:28] alokito : cool [02:28] what happens if you flood a ap with spoofed deauth packets? would that drop the acosiated client? pardon me french [02:28] abe3k, you don't need to order a cd if you have fast internet [02:28] Jordan_U: Will alfa use Swedish characters? [02:29] alokito : I use the stickers !, on my car, which they are turned to dust by now xD [02:29] nvm will ask that in a relevant pls [02:29] Evelina: Yes, and any other language, that's why it was created [02:29] !offtopic | abe3k [02:29] abe3k: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [02:29] place === monteith is now known as monteith_afk [02:29] abe3k, lol :P [02:29] cesurasean > maybe in flint [02:29] what do you mean in flint? :) [02:29] I've googled my face off. [02:30] cesurasean > flint michgan [02:30] yeah, go there and find it? LOL [02:30] lol [02:30] I [02:30] Jordan_U: But it didn't help too change A-Za-z0-9 into [:alpha:]. The line got cut of anyway. [02:30] how can i chose ktorrents when i downloaded a torrent file? it just transmission that comes up when i downloaded a torrent [02:30] will look for you [02:30] http://pastebin.com/f344b9448 [02:30] I'm 20 miles away [02:30] <_schism_> I need some help and google is letting me down. I did a default install of ubuntu with wubi and all is good except it split the loopback into 2 5 gig partitions and the /root is full. is tehre anyway to get some of the other 5 gigs from /boot? gparted seems to only work on physical drives so I am at a loss === |Draglor| is now known as Draglor [02:31] Evelina: Two '[' "[[:alpha:]]" [02:31] I've tried everything to find this movie, and it's been screened in Pittsburgh, LA, New York, and in Flint. [02:31] Jordan_U: I think Terminal thinks the characters are the HTML characters, not the real Swedish characters. [02:31] alokito : I think 64 will be better with the apache server and the php5 installed [02:31] Jordan_U: Ok. [02:31] he's from flint [02:31] I know [02:31] Also, is there any way to get Ubuntu to start up in a workspace other than the first one? [02:31] _schism_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide 8.9 [02:32] 123 [02:32] Jordan_U: I'm trying to use this: sed 's/[^[[:alpha:]]\ \,\.\:\;\?\"\”].*//' [02:32] Jordan_U: Then I get this: sed: -e expression #1, char 38: unterminated `s' command [02:32] http://pastebin.com/f7cbf3d68 [02:32] btw _schism_: I only searched for 'wubi resize' [02:32] <_schism_> blackskyliner : thanks so much! [02:32] alokito : oh, one more thing . when I install apps from the synaptic package manager, It'll show me the 64 bit apps only right ? [02:32] abe3k: indeed. [02:33] Unless only 32-bit packages exist, I believe. [02:33] MenZa : yeah thats my point exactly [02:33] MenZa, yup, right [02:34] tar -zxvf VMware-server-2.0.1-156745.i386.tar.gz [02:34] Evelina: 's/[^[:alpha:] ,.:;?"].*//' [02:34] too bad I can't use my synaptic download cache from the 32 bit edition ;/ [02:34] cd VMware-server-2.0.1-156745.i386 [02:35] abe3k: sure you can - it'll just grab the amd64 version of your packages [02:35] (if available) [02:35] cd vmware-server-distrib [02:35] MenZa : hmmm [02:35] ./vmware-install.pl [02:36] prince_jammys: ./test.sh: line 7: s/[^[:alpha:] ,.:;?"”].*//: No such file or directory [02:36] prince_jammys: Sorry, my fault, I'll give it another try. [02:36] Evelina: you forgot to type 'sed'? [02:36] MenZa : the problem is that I'll have to download tons of updates when I install the 64 edition, which I already have predownloaded packages for the 32 [02:36] Hey guys, [02:36] hehe [02:36] abe3k: oh, yeah. [02:36] prince_jammys: The I get this anyway: ./test.sh: line 7: s/[^[:alpha:] ,.:;?"].*//: No such file or directory [02:37] I thought you meant packages in dpkg -l. [02:37] ktorrents diddent work, any others idea? [02:37] Evelina: what is line 7? [02:37] What are some cool apps (Like WINE)? [02:37] MenZa : ah, nono I mean the downloaded packages cache, sorry [02:37] prince_jammys: No, I didn't write it as I should. I will do another attempt. === Darkedge is now known as Darkedge|BRB [02:37] Darkedge: There's a lot of cool packages. So many we can't list them all here! === Darkedge|BRB is now known as Dark|BRB [02:38] #ubuntu-es [02:38] shet [02:38] Darkedge : look for the mouse gestures app, its soooo cool :) [02:38] prince_jammys: Ok, I didn't get the error but the sentence was still cut of at the point where Swedish characters should be displayed. [02:40] MenZa : uhm , will I be able to run the same games on the 64 edition of wine that I'm running on the 32 ? [02:40] prince_jammys: I has to do with the HTML characters. The Swedish characters are being displayed as HTML characters, not as "real" characters. Therefore se will cut the sentence at the wrong place. === Dark|BRB is now known as Darkedge [02:40] abe3k: I don't know, I'm afraid. [02:40] MenZa : hmm, will have todo some research [02:40] question: good web page to spend next 2 hours bout nix in general :D lol [02:40] prince_jammys: This will show up in Temrinal instead of the Swedish character: ö [02:41] abe3k: Wine itself is 32-bit, so yes, you should be able to. [02:41] abe3k: Where's and What's the mouse gestures app? [02:41] Evelina: ok, that's the html entity for (probably) o with an umlaut [02:41] bobertdos : nice to hear that [02:41] Therefore sed 's/[^[:alpha:] ,.:;?"].*//' will cut it off, I think. [02:41] Evelina: You are discovering that parsing html with these tools sucks :) [02:41] !burning [02:41] CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [02:42] Darkedge : I believe its called easystrokes [02:42] !burning music [02:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about burning music [02:42] Evelina: after you lose enough hair, look into learning python/perl/ruby/something and an html parser module [02:42] jefinc: !burning should give you what you want. [02:42] !music inferno [02:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about music inferno [02:42] prince_jammys: Yeah, I begin to uderstand this. But this is my last problem (at least I think) so therefore I won't give it up now. [02:42] !msgthebot [02:42] Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [02:42] Evelina: What are you trying to do? [02:42] What's the best general purpose programming language to learn? [02:43] prince_jammys: Yeah, I want to learn python, but I havenät got time to do so right now. [02:43] omm - for what application? [02:43] !ot [02:43] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [02:43] Evelina: Just adding '&' to the character class should solve that problem ( I think :) [02:43] I don't know. To use as an introduction to programming. [02:43] !ot | ommegang [02:43] ommegang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [02:43] jefinc: Please stop abusing the bot. [02:44] ommegang: Python is a good starter language [02:44] jefinc: stop [02:44] Evelina: http://www.python.org/doc/ , if you want to learn python. [02:44] Jordan_U: Well, I'm trying to get the title of Swedish web pages and the cut the titles off after - | : characters and the rest of the sentence. The problem is that I tried to whitelist the characters in the sed option instead of writing every character that I won't accept. [02:44] ommegang: yeah, Python or C. Either fits well into the Ubuntu environment. [02:45] Thanks for the help, abe3k... [02:45] Darkedge : no problems ! [02:45] ugh..anyone know why nautilus wont make thumbnails for avi videos...? [02:45] C or c++? [02:45] whaevr: Are you able to play them? [02:45] My keyboard is stuck in Greek at the login screen (gdm). I have tried to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /etc/default/console-setup, but neither did the trick. I cannot login to my laptop, can someone please help me? [02:45] Just a quick question, no need to elaborate. Why is the kernel written in C and not C++? [02:45] Evelina: A blacklist with unicode is impossible :) [02:45] I've heard Python is a good starter, not got round to having a go myself yet, but I will [02:46] bobertdos: yeah [02:46] mo0nykit: C is optimized for OS programming. C++ is not. [02:46] The current administrative user for VMware Server is ''. Would you like to [02:46] Jordan_U: Yeah, the problem is that I want to cut sentences off when the 6 character will be used in text as a real & character and not as an part of a html character,. [02:46] specify a different administrator? [no] [02:46] mo0nykit: I dunno, why don't you go ask the kernel.org people? [02:46] oh!, will ubuntu 9.10 be available on the 1st of October ? O.o [02:46] The current administrative user for VMware Server is ''. Would you like to [02:46] bobertdos, thanks :) [02:46] For some reason its mime type is video/avi in gconf there is no thumbnail entry for this... [02:46] MenZa, thanks.. what is the freenode channel for kernel.org? [02:47] mo0nykit: There is none. === pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw [02:47] !greek | Witepa [02:47] Witepa: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [02:47] oh :( [02:47] mo0nykit: Kernel.org is the official Linux kernel repository. I don't think you'll get a very nice answer though, but rather get written off as a troll. [02:47] RHorse: I don't really speak Greek, my keyboard is just stuck in Greek. [02:47] Jordan_U: Ok, well, I want to cut the title off to only getting the title of the page, not the blog title. Many sites display the site title along with the page title. I just want to have the page title, nog the blog title. So I try to get the title tags and then cut the title off at some point. [02:48] I want the title to display until some characters are displayed, like the characters not listed in my sed command. [02:48] MenZa, hehe.. well if there is no channel supported by kernel.org, what freenode channel discusses the Linux kernel? [02:48] when will ubuntu 9.10 be out ? [02:48] Evelina: BTW, rather than constantly changing the locale for your terminal you can pipe anything to tcs to convert it to unicode, like: "tcs -f 8859-1" [02:48] mo0nykit: None, officially, Try ##linux, though. [02:48] hi can someone help me with ubuntu 904? [02:48] !anyone | ka1ysa [02:48] ka1ysa: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [02:48] whaevr: that's hard to say, and please don't pm [02:48] MenZa, okay thanks === jjjooofffooo is now known as jofo [02:49] Jordan_U: That would be great. [02:49] hey, I have a Q... when i try to boot to ubuntu desktop (64bit) 9.04 it says the resolution is set too high and the monitor cannot display.. [02:49] !ask | ka1ysa [02:49] ka1ysa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [02:49] how do i change without being able to boot up the gui? [02:49] MenZa, why does it have two pound-signs? ##linux ? [02:49] mo0nykit: It's an unofficial channel. See !freenode. [02:49] Witepa an online greek dictionary might help [02:50] !freenode [02:50] freenode is Freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. Freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on Freenode also have their own !guidelines [02:50] genii: Hello again. Remember my problem restoring my drive image with dd? [02:50] Jordan_U: Like this: curl -Ls http://example.com | tcs -f 8859-1 or what? [02:50] djzz: The liveCD or have you already installed? [02:50] RHorse: No, it's a matter of not being able to login because my username and password are not in the Greek keyboard. The language to my computer is still in Greek, just the keyboard layout is stuck in English. [02:50] its installed already [02:50] Any webpage that stores drivers for ubuntu or something similar? [02:50] sudo passwd [02:50] Evelina: Yes [02:51] Jordan_U: And then I can use it in my original bash script? [02:51] i think im missing some drivers on my laptop, the proyector does not work when i plug it in my laptop [02:51] Evelina: Substituting 8859-1 for whatever charset the page uses [02:51] ok im in the process ov recovering my drive however it still wont boot how can i get it to boot so i can log in? [02:51] damn ubuntu 9.10 is out in late october [02:52] ka1ysa: How far do you get before it fails? [02:52] abe3k, what changes will it include? [02:52] Jordan_U: But will it be displayed correct in my Gnome Terminal whatever encoding I use if I pipe it through tcs -f 8859-1? [02:52] 1234 ??? [02:52] Witepa: Did you go to System>Preferences>Keyboard? [02:52] not far [02:52] Evelina: You will still have to deal with sweedish characters, it might solve some problems but it depends on the problem [02:52] Alan502 , many improvements to the 9.04 , plus it'll have a 10second boot up time :D [02:52] Evelina: Yes [02:53] !karmic [02:53] Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [02:53] sounds really nice, im happy with 9.04 tho [02:53] just that... im missing some drivers still i think xD [02:53] I just attempted to compile the kernel and came up with errors. Where can I find the logs for the kernel compilation? [02:53] Witepa http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1271427 [02:53] aye i like my netbook remix 9.04 a lot and so does my eeepc lol [02:53] ka1ysa: What have you tried to use for recovery? [02:54] FiremanEd: That's how I caused the problem, but now I cannot login, I can only use my computer by using the liveCD, so I need to dkpg-reconfigure something or change some preferences file. [02:54] testdisk [02:54] hey, when i try and boot to my installation of ubuntu it will not load because of my resolution settings.. how do i fix this without being able to load up the GUI ? [02:54] RHorse: If you look at the maker of that thread, it is me. It is an unsolved problem. [02:54] Jordan_U: How do I get the html characters to show up as they do with curl in terminal using file_get_contents in my php script? [02:54] Witepa: RHorse's link is the answer [02:54] sudo passwd root [02:54] ka1ysa: If you have a Live CD, you can try gpart, not to be confused with gparted. [02:55] FiremanEd: That is a thread that I started and it is unsolved. [02:55] djzz-> look for vga= settings in grub, i dont remember the code setting for diff rez.. you may have to google for it [02:55] Witepa oh. Yea. [02:55] su root [02:55] Witepa: gotcha. [02:55] n8tuser thanks [02:55] /home/darkedge/.themes/Beastie/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:55: Clearlooks configuration option "menuitemstyle" is not supported and will be ignored. [02:55] djzz, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [02:55] /home/darkedge/.themes/Beastie/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:56: Clearlooks configuration option "listviewitemstyle" is not supported and will be ignored. [02:55] /home/darkedge/.themes/Beastie/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:57: Clearlooks configuration option "progressbarstyle" is not supported and will be ignored. [02:55] Jordan_U: It seems like my php script is making the Swedish character look like HTML characters instead of ht eSwedish characters I saw using curl (since we change the encoding in Terminal) [02:55] ben there however i dont see anything to recover bot [02:55] booot [02:55] fulcan: What are you trying to do? [02:56] Is what I get when starting Erald... [02:56] Evelina: PHP has features for converting between character sets but I'm not familiar with them [02:56] Jordan_U: This is my php code if it helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280040/ [02:56] witepa Maybe someone in the Greek ubuntu channel can help you. [02:57] Jordan_U: Ok, ok, I will try to check it up. [02:57] ka1ysa: Clarify, are you trying to recover a corrupt partition or are you a dual booter trying to recover an Ubuntu partition masked by Windows? [02:57] is there any way to use the live CD to fix an install of 8.04? power supply failed, replaced it, thei it booted into Nautilus w/ no tool bars and a COBRA error [02:57] neather [02:57] I am using the live cd now [02:57] RHorse: Except for the fact that there are only 11 members in that channel and no one has responded to me yet... [02:58] How do I print screen output to a text file as well as to the standard output? Using >> ? [02:58] Mooch_ sounds like just the .gnome settings might be in issue [02:58] i zeroed out the first 63 sectors of the drive [02:59] RHorse, how do I fix it? [02:59] i just got back the files ext [02:59] ka1ysa: Oh, THAT type of recovery. I don't know a whole lot about that. [02:59] hiiii === monteith_afk is now known as monteith [02:59] cool ok thanks for the try [03:00] mo0nykit: I think you could probably pipe through echo....... [03:00] answer quickly: which mobo is best for ubuntu: M3A78-EM or M3N78-VM === ketapang_co_co is now known as irwan [03:00] Mooch_ Removing the contents of ~/.gnome, ~/.gnome2, ~/.nautilus, ~/.gconf should remove most of the settings and put you back to a default setup [03:01] * IdleOne flips a coin [03:01] how a bout msfk or one of them? [03:01] how can i install a flash player? [03:01] mo0nykit: maybe something to the effect of cat file1 >> file2 | echo -- not sure about that [03:01] hiii gaesss [03:01] M3N78-VM wild guess, I have no clue but you wanted a quick answer djzn [03:01] I'm having problem watching youtube videos on firefox 3.5 [03:01] !hi | irwan [03:01] irwan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [03:01] bobertdos, thanks.. okay i'll give that a try [03:01] and any type of flv videos === xonesoulx is now known as pochomon [03:01] the sound doesnt come out [03:02] !ping [03:02] pong! [03:02] IdleOne: wrong answer, AMD chipset is superior, and HD3200 Radeon support is better under linux [03:02] is it just me, or is facebook really slow right now? [03:02] hiii jg [03:02] solid_liq, lol :P [03:02] mgv2: Assuming you haven't already tried to install anything, in a terminal, do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree. [03:02] RHorse how do I find that using the live CD ? [03:02] mo0nykit: "tee" [03:02] Alan502: What are you using for flash? [03:02] !ot | solid_liq [03:02] mo0nykit: Or rather, tee -a [03:02] solid_liq: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:03] djzn, no no, nvidia drivers for linux are much better than the amd drivers [03:03] hio [03:03] bobertdos, but how can i choose out of the three in the terminal? [03:03] Mooch_ are you using the live CD to recover a hard drive install? [03:03] Jordan_U: Well, time to go to bed. Thanks for all help. [03:03] MenZa, it is ubuntu related... I'm using ubuntu to try to go to facebook, and my browser doesn't seem to want to load it ;) [03:03] Evelina: np [03:03] mgv2: which three? [03:03] solid_liq: I beg to differ. [03:03] prince_jammys: Thank yuo too for helping me out tonight. [03:03] RHorse I am in the live CD now, [03:03] MenZa, I don't [03:03] solid_liq: Channel policy does. [03:04] solid_liq: that is facebook related try ##facebook [03:04] MenZa, I'm wondering if it's a browser problem [03:04] I have an issue using WINE to use a Red Alert 2 map editor, I get an error "Improper value format doesn't end in NULL" [03:04] solid_liq: excuse me, according to Phoronix, Nvidia is not supporting SLI or Hybrid Graphics under Linux, ATI Radeon HD 3200 is already well supported under Linux, and CrossfireX is supported. [03:04] bobertdos, dont know really, but every time i try to play the video a window asks to install some codec that it always fails [03:04] original and the two open source others [03:04] and the program won't run [03:04] bobertdos, [03:04] MenZa, which is why I'm trying to diagnose it here to see if it is a browser issue, or something else [03:04] solid_liq: Aha. [03:04] solid_liq: do other sites load? [03:04] Jordan_U, so what should it look like? I'm doing a "fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd kernel-image kernel-headers...." ? Where should I insert tee? [03:04] mooch_ is the problem with the live cd or another? [03:04] djzn, have you even *tried* to use the amd drivers? I have. It made me buy an nvidia card [03:04] IdleOne, yes [03:05] mgv2: Well, you don't want to use any of the open source ones. They only cause problems. [03:05] solid_liq: then it is not the browser [03:05] solid_liq: I am talking about this particular ATI chip.... [03:05] IdleOne, lol nice diagnosis [03:05] solid_liq, ping www.facebook.com from terminal [03:05] IdleOne, really... you must be an advanced webdev! [03:05] alokito, pings respond fine [03:05] RHorse the problem is the installed version on the hard drive, been running it for about a year [03:05] solid_liq, then try another browser [03:05] bobertdos, but original one doesnt play hebrew the right way. [03:05] opera or konqueror [03:06] RHorse I am using the live cd to get here [03:06] bobertdos, i will install the oroginal i guess or nothing at all [03:06] bobertdos, thanks [03:06] hello everyone [03:06] well, it loads in opera [03:06] hiii gaes [03:06] must be the stupid gnome browser [03:06] mo0nykit: Where you would redirect to $filename instead pipe to "tee -a $filename" so "echo test >> file" becomes "echo test | tee -a file" [03:06] am i able to put a sound on when i empty the trash bin in ubuntu [03:06] Can anyone help me here. I just recently used Wubi Installation for Ubuntu and when i try to boot into Ubuntu i get a black screen with white text saying "Cannot Display Screen Resolution or something like that." [03:06] i am new to ubuntu [03:06] !hi | michael_ [03:06] michael_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [03:07] !repeat | irwan [03:07] irwan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [03:07] IdleOne, but it must not be the browser, right? ;) [03:07] #ubuntu [03:07] solid_liq: I suspect it is facebook still [03:07] Can anyone help me here. I just recently used Wubi Installation for Ubuntu and when i try to boot into Ubuntu i get a black screen with white text saying "Cannot Display Screen Resolution or something like that." [03:07] IdleOne, I suspect you're wrong [03:07] this ubuntu studio jaunty box i gots here just went bonkers all of a sudden, i'm not sure where to start with trying to work it out... it froze up while i was using it, i had to hard-reset, now instead of the login screen i get junk, and unresponsive to input. i'm booted to recovery mode root shell,but don't have any good ideas what to do next. Can anyone give me some hints? [03:07] i was hoping someone could help me with troubleshooting a printer [03:07] i tried the recorvery mode menu stuff too [03:07] Mooch_ you have to mount the partition that your install is on if it isn't already. [03:07] solid_liq, do you use a proxy? [03:07] solid_liq: your probably right. good luck with your problem [03:08] the file system check, and so on [03:08] Can anyone help me here. I just recently used Wubi Installation for Ubuntu and when i try to boot into Ubuntu i get a black screen with white text saying "Cannot Display Screen Resolution or something like that." [03:08] solid_liq, clear all firefox cache and cookie then try again [03:08] nothingHappens: memtest? [03:08] michael_: What kind of printer? [03:08] alokito, no, and I said the "gnome browser", not firefox [03:08] alokito, it's epiphany [03:08] Can anyone help me here. I just recently used Wubi Installation for Ubuntu and when i try to boot into Ubuntu i get a black screen with white text saying "Cannot Display Screen Resolution or something like that." [03:09] Jordan_U, i noticed memtest in the grub menu, what is that actually? [03:09] Jordan_U, okay it's good now. Thanks very much! [03:09] RHorse it is not, can send me the command [03:09] AProPowerRanger, it happens if your resolution is higher than supported by the monitor [03:09] mo0nykit: np :) [03:09] nothingHappens, memtest tests your RAM with bit patterns [03:09] ok [03:09] AProPowerRanger, is there recovery mode in wubi.. Im not sure === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [03:09] if there is try xfix [03:09] mo0nykit, i'll give that a try [03:09] nothingHappens, seeing if your RAM can duplicate (and not corrupt) the bit patterns being sent to it [03:10] solid_liq, does it work in firefox? [03:10] @ alokito ive tryed that and i get the same thing. I have my resolution fine now. Im on win xp. [03:10] why are u using epiphany instead of firefox :-/ [03:10] mooch_ can you pastebin the results of the mount command (type mount in a terminal)? [03:10] bobertdos, Jordan_U says I should use tee... Thanks for your suggestion [03:10] AProPowerRanger, yah your resolution is set to higher in your ubuntu not your windows [03:11] alokito, dunno, I'm boycotting firefox right now because it's crashed one too many times for me [03:11] alokito, how could i change it in my ubuntu.. sorry im new... [03:11] solid_liq, huh! which firefox version are u using [03:11] alokito, hence why I'm using opera and epiphany right now... but it loads in opera [03:11] and... are u using addons? [03:11] ok.. it messed up my desktop :P [03:11] hi guys. can someone help me troubleshoot installing a canon printer on ubuntu [03:11] disable all add on then restart firefox [03:11] alokito, just adsense, and whatever... 2.5.1 or something like that [03:11] alokito, *adblock [03:12] AProPowerRanger, if xfix doesn't work then there isn't a easy way to change it [03:12] solid_liq, install 3.5 [03:12] 2.5 is old [03:12] alokito, I'd tried that, and had the same problems [03:12] michael_: Canon, huh? What's happening to it? [03:12] xfix? [03:12] alokito, but I'm on the more stable 8.04 LTS [03:12] I ran desktop-switcher to switch and try UNR but when I changed back to classic desktop everything disappeared.. now I have no borders nothing... [03:12] solid_liq, does it crash on a particular site or anywhere? [03:12] alokito, the ones after that are too unstable for me; I'm waiting for 10.04 LTS for my next version [03:12] Take0n: that'd be maximus. [03:12] memtest looks ok so far, i'm going to let it run a while longer yet [03:13] the upper bar isn't there and I don't know what to do :\ any help [03:13] i downloaded the recommended drivers and try to print. it shows green blinking light like it is receiving but then never prints [03:13] how do I close it? [03:13] alokito, no, just randomly when I have tabs open (I usually have lots of tabs open) [03:13] solid_liq, karmic alpha6 is very stable for me! :P [03:13] What is xfix? [03:13] if that doesn't uncover any problems, what else might I want to look into? [03:13] Take0n: good question. that's about how far I got ;) [03:13] nothingHappens, yes that takes a long time :) [03:13] lol [03:13] alokito, maybe I'll test it out [03:13] something in video drivers maybe? [03:13] i may have read it wrong but it said i need a usb 2.0 for it to communicate correctly [03:13] AProPowerRanger, from ubuntu recovery mode u can run xfix [03:13] nothingHappens, as they say, run memtest and go to sleep. :) [03:13] yeah i don't want to have to re-explain everything over again in here some hours from now when it's done [03:13] its at the bottom of the list [03:14] oh ok ill go try it. [03:14] RHorse do you get this? http://pastebin.com/m1a3fdfe7 [03:14] Thankyou for your help. [03:14] u can access recovery mode from ubuntu boot menu [03:14] so um... if i don't come up with anything there, what might i want to try next? [03:14] michael_: What does Ubuntu show as your printer in System -> Administration -> Printing? [03:15] solid_liq, you'll probably faint in alpha6, cuz you are still using 8.04lts for stability :P [03:15] what's the wine support channel? [03:15] there's no need of lts for home users [03:15] !wine | AstroEl [03:15] AstroEl: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [03:15] AstroEl, #winehq [03:15] AstroEl: ehm, #winehq. I thought it'd be in there. [03:15] ty [03:16] it shows ip1800_series [03:16] how do I log out by command? [03:16] mooch_ can you navigate over to /media/disk-1? I think perhaps your install is there? [03:16] I mean through terminal? [03:16] MenZa, so hows it going? Do you have the same prob as me or? [03:17] michael_: Is that the right model? [03:17] RHoorse, I have been looking, I think because I am using the live CD it has been locked [03:17] Take0n: I don't use it much, and I just ignore it :). Removing the relevant packages would probably work, though. [03:18] My keyboard is stuck in Greek at the login screen (gdm). I have tried to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /etc/default/console-setup, but neither did the trick. I cannot login to my laptop, can someone please help me? [03:18] RHorse media/ disk 1 is the live cd [03:19] I need help with pidgin It wont connect to AIM. I am on it now for IRC so its not completely broken. Anyone have any idea why? [03:19] that's what I am doing right now.. removing packages :p [03:19] How do I update wine for ubuntu? [03:19] how do I logout through terminal? [03:19] AstroEl, sudo apt-get update wine [03:19] takeon exit [03:19] i am trying to install dropbox in karmic and i ket a failed to install bad file descriptor and ideas [03:19] RHorse I found the install, all is locked tho [03:19] nullr, exit will just close terminal [03:19] I want to log out from ubuntu [03:20] sorry I was thinking ssh [03:20] mooch_ what dir is it in? [03:20] np dude [03:20] RHorse, you were right, disk 1 [03:20] the update command takes no argument [03:20] anyone know why pidgin does not connect to aim [03:20] AstroEl: You may have to add the repository from the dev's of Wine if you want their most stable release, but keep in mind that if you do this it has not been tested by the ubuntu team yet for ubuntu. [03:20] alokito, didn't work [03:20] thanks whitey :D [03:21] AstroEl: It's actually sudo apt-get upgrade wine [03:21] alokito, meh, I tried the newer ones, then went back to 8.04 [03:21] mooch_ open a terminal and cd /media/disk-1 [03:21] alokito, I don't care about the new features until they're actually stable [03:21] hey bobertdos. guess what [03:21] solid_liq, they are not unstable for me [03:21] I just got it to print [03:21] alokito, well they were for me [03:21] HRorse ok [03:21] i was not using the correct driver [03:21] alokito, lots of stupid issues with 9.04 [03:22] ok... [03:22] sorry for wasting your time man [03:22] AstroEl: Do you need any help with that? [03:22] now cd /home/LOGIN_NAME [03:23] mooch_ now cd /home/LOGIN_NAME [03:23] please help any one why does pidgin not connect to AIM [03:23] i am trying to install dropbox and i keep getting the dpg error bad file descriptor what is a descriptor [03:23] i have DMZ on that pc why is it not connecting? [03:24] RHorse I can cd to home , then ls is blank [03:24] I'm in #ubuntu, right? [03:24] wow, first time on command line client! [03:24] still no borders or bars :( [03:24] thanks #ubuntu [03:24] :( [03:25] RHorse is it because the directory is locked? [03:25] Ok, so I recently upgraded to Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 Alpha and everytime I try to install something using Gdebi, it tells me "Bad file descriptor" [03:25] Take0n, what? there are always bars on the borders! [03:25] !karmic | webbb82 [03:25] webbb82: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [03:25] Take0n, especially when one country has a different age limit for drinking than the other [03:25] I have no borders on the windows.. and I have no upper or lower bar on my desktop [03:26] Mooch_ can you boot into a recovery console on your bad install? [03:26] Take0n, oh, well that's a panel, not a bar [03:26] Take0n: Can you try running "metacity --replace" ? [03:26] Did not know there was a GUI client :-) [03:26] RHorse ty for your time btw, how so I find the recovery console? [03:27] Jordan_U, thanks! what about the panels? [03:27] Mooch_ When you first boot up your system, does Grub give you a countdown? [03:27] Rhorse the install was good, just lost power supply . after reboot I could not get into the system [03:27] no barbados [03:28] hi all, my gnome keeps forgetting that i have alt-tab assigned to switch windows when i logout>in again. any ideas why this setting isn't being saved? [03:28] bobertdos [03:28] It should be a choice on the grub menu. If you can, you can try to type sudo adduser. That will hopefully restore the desktop and then you can log in as new user. But your system may be borked. [03:28] how do i force a program to run even though it doesn't end in null? [03:28] Take0n: you can try "pkill gnome-panel" and if that doesn't get them back then "gnome-panel & disown" [03:29] if I'm running a command line only environment, can I view a pdf or mov/mpg? [03:29] Take0n: The missing title bars was probably compiz crashing so you should disable "Desktop Effects" in System > Preferences > Appearance [03:29] papapepper, yes [03:29] papapepper, mplayer-ascii will give you an interesting way to see a movie, and less can be used for pdf's [03:30] mooch_ It should be a choice on the grub menu. If you can, you can try to type sudo adduser. That will hopefully restore the desktop and then you can log in as new user. But your system may be borked. [03:30] Rhorse sudo adduser adduser: Only one or two names allowed. [03:30] actually I switched to UNR desktop through desktop-switcher [03:30] can I apt-get install mplayer-ascii? [03:30] but when I tried to switch back to classic === everton137_ is now known as everton137 [03:30] solid_liq, you can watch movie in command line? :o [03:30] it messed everything up.. [03:30] papapepper, I'm not sure if that's the package name.. apt-cache search for it [03:30] mooch_ no I mean in the recovery console [03:30] alokito, yep :) [03:30] solid_liq: less works for PDF? [03:30] wow [03:30] I never had compiz enabled [03:30] answered my own question [03:30] gartral, yep [03:30] alokito: -vo ascii :) [03:30] is the package name mplayer-ascii? [03:30] ill try it now [03:31] mooch_ and the command syntax is adduser user [03:31] papapepper: startx [03:31] solid_liq, so how does it work? [03:31] alokito, matrix-like :) [03:31] RHorse k, brb [03:32] Mooch_: Before you run adduser, did you make a separate /home partition? [03:32] solid_liq, i mean how to open a video? [03:32] solid_liq: Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd (No such file or directory) how do i tell it that it needs to look in /media/cdrom0? === mac9416 is now known as macOut [03:32] does mplayer do .mov? [03:32] Jordan_U this is an existing install [03:32] alokito, gartral : I think it's -d but check the manpage ;) [03:32] I could only install this distro with a basic Ubuntu server package [03:32] papapepper: yes, but it needs qt (quicktime) codecs [03:33] gartral: how do I get those? [03:33] solid_liq, mplayer-ascii -d? [03:33] Mooch_: I understand, is it an existing install where /home is on a separate partition? [03:33] mplayer-nogui is what I did [03:33] there's no package named mplayer-ascii in my repo [03:33] hmm ok [03:33] alokito, no, mplayer and then you tell it through some commandline switch to use the ascii plugin [03:33] If Ubuntu's locking up at boot screen (freezing about 10% into the load bar) on the live CD (I checked it for errors), what's the best way to figure out why? [03:33] Jordan_U Yes seperate /home [03:33] there's mplayer-nogui [03:33] no [03:33] alokito: install libcaca0, and then you'll have it as a vo for mplayer [03:34] gartral: Go into the terminal and use the mount command. You need to point the player to the actual device path, not the mount point. [03:34] grr, I'll google for you [03:34] it's been awhile since I did it [03:34] alokito: -vo caca, it's ASCII, and color [03:34] I have /home on a separate logical volume on the same partition [03:34] Flannel, ok, trying === zagor is now known as Guest13060 [03:34] anyone know where i can donaate prinyer cartiages [03:34] and I installed Ubuntu over F11 on a single lv_root [03:34] ok [03:34] Mooch_: Is it currently mounted? If not that is why you don't have anything in /home and you should NOT run adduser [03:34] ok [03:34] bobertdos: what flag? [03:34] alokito, gartral : http://liquidweather.net/howto/index.php?id=74 [03:34] Caligan ctl + alt + F1 will let you see the messages [03:35] k [03:35] alokito, gartral : you need aalib [03:35] Jordan_U I am in the live cd, it is not mounted and locked [03:35] gartral: You shouldn't need one. [03:35] alokito, gartral : mplayer -vo aa movie.avi [03:35] Mooch_: Why are you running adduser? [03:35] Ahah. Although it just abruptly popped loose and gave a udevd-event /abnormal exit message. Hrm. [03:35] Caligan scratch that, just remove the quiet option in the menu.lst in grub [03:35] solid_liq: im trying to play a dvd >.> [03:35] solid_liq, alokito, gartral: caca instead of aa, because we like color. And the package for it is libcaca0 [03:35] alokito, gartral : but look at the howto to see how to get color, and different effects [03:36] Jordan_U I have lost the gnome desktop and have multiple Cobra errors [03:36] I can do that on a live CD boot? [03:36] Flannel, some things don't look as good in color [03:36] in nautilus [03:36] (Totally new to Ubuntu.) [03:36] still the same problem.. no panels nothing.. when I tried the commands before it froze.. [03:36] Mooch_: Why do you think that adduser will help? ( my guess is that whoever asked you to use adduser did not realize your /home was simply not mounted ) [03:37] Jordan_U ok I am yours to command [03:37] Jordan_U, I tried the metacity command but it works only as long as the specific terminal runs.. when I close the terminal it goes back to no borders.. [03:37] Mooch_: Have you done an fsck of your /home partition? [03:38] solid_liq: i have libaa1 [03:38] mooch_ is the /home a separate partition on your install? [03:38] Jordan_U no, can I do it now? [03:38] Take0n: "metacity --replace & disown", also once you disable desktop effects metacity will start when you log in so that won't be neccisary [03:38] It is on a seperate partition [03:38] Mooch_: Yes [03:39] desktop effects are disabled [03:39] Flannel, alokito@alokito-karmic:/media/Multimedia/Music Video/English 2008$ gartral : caca -vo Rihanna_Umbrella.MPG [03:39] gartral: command not found [03:39] I just did a reboot but the problem remains [03:39] I used the dd command to back up a drive image. As I understood it, I would be able to restore the drive image with the command "cat x* | sudo dd of=/dev/sda3". However something I just read claimed that if sda3 doesn't exist, dd will start at the beginning of the disk, and create it. Start at the beginning of the disk? That would overwrite my existing Vista partition! I want it to create a new partition from unallocated space on the d [03:39] Mooch_: Do you know the device names for your partitions? [03:39] Reading state information... Done [03:39] libcaca0 is already the newest version. [03:39] alokito: It's mplayer -vo caca, "-vo caca" is a parameter to mplayer [03:39] okay [03:39] alguien habla español??? [03:39] Jordan_U here is pastebin [03:39] http://pastebin.com/m1a3fdfe7 [03:39] !es | gerardo [03:39] gerardo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [03:40] Jordan_U mmooch_ 's on a live CD trying to fix a HD install. [03:40] RHorse: I know [03:40] gracias [03:40] ok its playing, but the pixels are lots of letters :-S [03:41] Mooch_: Ok, first run "sudo umount -a" [03:41] alokito: that's the general idea [03:41] alokito, lol duh [03:41] lol, ok :P [03:41] alokito, hence, "matrix-like" [03:41] hehe [03:41] Jordan_U done [03:42] -a is all? [03:42] Mooch_: Ok, now run "sudo fsck /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3" [03:43] Mooch_: Yes [03:43] Jordan_U e2fsck: need terminal for interactive repairs [03:43] how do i tell mplayer in the terminal where my drive is located/ [03:44] solid_liq, Flannel, thanks.. I can understand the video much but it's cool :) [03:44] can't [03:44] gartral: It's been a while since I've used mplayer, but it should be somewhere in the preferences. [03:45] bobertdos: in terminal... [03:45] <^Cheeky> how can i download a torrent file using transmission deamon via ssh into a headlesss server ? i used the command "transmission-remote --addd torrenfile.torrent" [03:45] gartral: Oh, uh, look at the manpage for it first. man [03:45] <^Cheeky> but got this error http://pastebin.com/m3ec094ef [03:46] i am running kde and i can't seem to get my widget layer configured so plasmoids only live on the widget layer [03:46] Mooch_ are you piping the output? Don't pipe the output. [03:46] Question regarding the burning process before installing, do you just burn the ISO or the mounted disk? [03:46] My keyboard is stuck in Greek at the login screen (gdm). I have tried to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /etc/default/console-setup, but neither did the trick. I cannot login to my laptop, can someone please help me? [03:47] Drew_foo: burn it as an image not data [03:47] RHorse I dont know what you mean [03:47] hi. i want to deploy a simple web page on apache...are there any tutorial links... [03:47] apache.com [03:47] and how do you install karumba === zoo-zed is now known as zoo_zed [03:48] am in the right room? [03:48] mooch_ try going to a full console by typing alt + ctl + f1 and typing it. To get back type alt +ctl + f7 [03:48] scunizi, Ok, I have done so (I did both in the process). It recognizes it is an image disk, but I can't get it to boot from the CD. I have read the guide and changed the boot setup to CD/DVD, ideas? [03:48] varsendaggr: there are people here running kubuntu and kde.. but there's also #kubuntu [03:48] Mooch_: Try "sudo fsck -n /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3" and pastebin the output [03:48] alokito, that's why I was saying b&w can be better than color [03:48] anyone know a good network manager for ubuntu-server (TUI)? [03:49] Witepa: what layout is active in tty1? [03:49] jrib: Greek. [03:49] Drew_foo: if you put the cd in a machine and "open" it.. do you see files or one file with iso at the end? [03:50] scunizi, I can see the files including autorun [03:50] Jordan_U, I ran the command gnome-panel & disown and it opened the panels again but if I close the terminal they will disappear. How do I make them constant? === tuxracer9 is now known as tuxracer [03:50] I also got some warnings or error messages but I don't know what they mean.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/280072/ [03:50] Witepa: you should use « dpkg-reconfigure console-setup ˙or whatever it is [03:50] or should I ignore them? [03:51] jrib: yeah, I've tried that from the LiveCD and using chroot... but it didn't work. [03:51] scunizi, no one in #kubuntu [03:51] Drew_foo: sounds like you burned it correctly. if it's not booting even after changing the boot sequence then you might check the md5sum of the iso and compare it against the published md5sum number for it.. also is this a laptop or desktop? [03:51] Witepa: check what your boottime.kmap actually contains to see if that's the issue [03:51] varsendaggr: maybe #kde [03:52] jrib: The problem started when I may have removed the US keyboard layout from the Gnome Keyboard Preferences... do you know what files that affects? [03:52] scunizi i dont find any helpful tuts there... [03:52] Jordan_U pastebin http://pastebin.com/m2537656d [03:52] scuzini, I was sure to do that before pestering you all, the hashes matched perfectly. Laptop running Vista. [03:52] deostroll: basicallly after installing apache a web page you create will live in /var/www [03:52] scunizi just looking to serve up a simple html page [03:52] Witepa: that can't be it. That wouldn't affect anything outside of gnome (not to mention system-wide, non-user-specific settings) [03:53] Mooch_: Try "sudo fsck -n /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3" and pastebin the output ( don't forget the "-n" ) [03:53] Drew_foo: is it a Dell? [03:53] on ubuntu server, what permissions do regular users have when it comes to sudo [03:53] scunizi so thts where u are supp to create ur web pages? [03:53] scuzini, Acer [03:53] Ben64: None [03:53] deostroll: in a text editor [03:53] :( [03:54] Ben64: If they are in the admin group they can run anything as root, if they aren't they can't run anything as root [03:54] jrib: This problem started immediately after I changed the keyboard settings there though, but yeah, that baffled me too. I think I did select some sort of "Apply System Wide" option though, that may have caused the issue. [03:54] Ben64: You can change that though [03:54] Drew_foo: some laptops have an option on boot to change to a cd.. with the press of an "F" key.. even after changing the boot order.. you might have one of those. [03:54] Witepa: I still doubt it [03:54] Jordan_U: cool [03:54] Witepa: check /etc/environment [03:54] jrib: my /etc/console-setup/boottime.kmap.gz is a binary file, how do I read it? [03:55] scunizi, to confirm, reboot with cd and hold down 'F' key? [03:55] I downloaded and installed the current version of ubuntu--what was that? Hardy Heron? [03:55] Jordan_U pastebin http://pastebin.com/m7907c6c4 [03:55] Witepa: zless [03:55] solifugus: Jaunty Jackalope. 9.04. [03:55] jrib: all there is in /etc/environment is my path [03:55] hey all [03:55] Witepa: k [03:55] hey jrib wsup bro [03:55] Witepa: I don't know what the "apply system-wide" button does [03:55] jimbeam12: hey [03:55] MenZa: ok.. thank you... now I can know what version of deb packages I need to download for... [03:56] scunizi so if u r creating a web application as such...you'd hve to create folders in /var/www and proceed with development? [03:56] deostroll: are you looking for a program to design a page? Open office will save files in html.. there's another that took over after NVU was no longer maintained but I've forgotten the name. [03:56] i think i got this ubuntu down to pat...jrib [03:56] jimbeam12: cool [03:56] anyone know a good network manager for ubuntu-server (TUI)? [03:56] solifugus: alternatively try lsb_release -a in a terminal - that'll give you your current version. [03:56] well neerl.. [03:56] I swear when I used to use ls it sorted with uppercase names first. [03:56] world out the bootloader splash..just need to get the picture to fit the screen on startup [03:56] jrib: What am I looking for in boottime.kmap? I found no instances of " gr " [03:57] Drew_foo: no.. reboot the machine with the cd in and watch the screen. You may be present "quickly" with an option to boot from cd by pressing a button.. sometimes that button is one of the "F" keys.. ie. F1, F2 etc. [03:57] scunizi: no...i hve html editors. i just want to deploy web apps [03:57] Witepa: that's the actual layout, read it and see if it's greek or not [03:57] MenZa: yep.. that command says it's 9.04, Jaunty [03:57] Mooch_: Try "sudo fsck -n /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3" and pastebin the output ( copy it exactly, you need both the sudo and the -n ) [03:57] So I am downloading the panda3d package for that version.. [03:57] !pm | irwan [03:57] irwan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [03:57] and need to get skype, too === dsdeiz is now known as Guest66050 [03:58] love the the spherical desktp jrib...fantastic ..so many desktops wow [03:58] deostroll: ok.. create a page and put it in /var/www .. then from your machine in a browser go to http://localhost and it should display.. from another machine on the LAN you have to enter the IP address of the machine running apache [03:58] MenZa: do you know a good network manager for ubuntu-server that is TUI based? [03:59] jrib: I...think it's greek? It's hard to tell, I'm not sure how to interpret the file [03:59] linux: I'm afraid I don't know what TUI is. [03:59] Witepa: pastebin it [03:59] MenZa: TUI = Terminal User Interface as opposed to GUI = Graphical User Interface [03:59] jrib: alright, give me a sec, the ocmputer at hand isn't connected to the internet [03:59] cli -- command line interface [03:59] linux: Aha. There's ifup, ifdown, and ifconfig - the tools of the trade. [03:59] MenZa: yes, they are good, but is there one manager for them all? [04:00] scunizi: wht abt creating a folder where by i can manage different web applications... [04:00] MenZa: my eye sight is going, is there a VUI for ubuntu? [04:00] linux: ip addr show works aswell (iproute2 tools) [04:00] Jordan_U http://pastebin.com/m43114a94 [04:00] Witepa: hrmm, can't really stick around. probably the easiest way is to run console-setup, choose some other layout (like french or something), and see if it changes [04:00] scunizi, Thanks for your suggestions but no luck with the F key. [04:00] Drew_foo: I'm stuck then.. sorry [04:00] jrib: alright, it will be up in a sec though [04:01] scuzini, not your fault, I appreciate you trying to help. [04:01] Biovore: does iproute2 allow you to connect to wireless networks, and allow the same applications as gnome network manager? [04:01] deostroll: are you developing "applications" or just pages? [04:01] Mooch_: Try "sudo fsck -n /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3" and pastebin the output ( copy it exactly, you need both the *sudo* and the -n ) === idiot is now known as Guest91727 [04:01] Drew_foo: np :) === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [04:01] Mooch_: Sorry, missed second [04:02] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280079/ [04:02] scunizi actually both :) [04:02] what i dont understand is if i use the gui for gdebi i get a Bad file descriptor but if i install via terminal or use kpackage namager it works [04:03] Mooch_: Ok, your partitions look fine [04:03] Jordan_U nest step? [04:03] is there a way to turn off option which seek for password every time I turn my laptop from suspend? I know this is a security problem but my laptop never lives house. [04:03] deostroll: you can create them anywhere you want.. to view them in a browser they typically have to be copied to /var/www unless you change the defaults for apache.. if you're adding php and other things.. that is beyond my experience.. you might ask in #ubuntu-server [04:03] deostroll: or #apache [04:03] Mooch_: Do you have another machine that can stay connected to IRC while you boot back into the installed system? [04:04] scunizi cool! thanx [04:04] is there one CLI manager for all the networking packages, with the same functionality as gnome-network-mgr? [04:04] milos_: I think it's in System > Preferences > Screensaver [04:05] Jordan_U tis me mooch [04:05] Jordan_U: you mean I need to turn off Screensaver? [04:06] milos_: No, I think the option to lock the screen when the screensaver starts also applies to resume from suspend [04:06] whats the command to show installed ubuntu version [04:06] Ben64: lsb_release -a [04:06] uname -a [04:06] Ben64: lsb_release -a [04:07] thx*2 [04:07] Jordan_U I am on both now......Mooch_ is the problem computer [04:07] Jordan_U: that option is already turrned off [04:07] Mooch: Ok, have you tried the failsafe gnome session yet? [04:07] Jordan_U I have no idea what that is... No [04:07] Hi .. Someone can help me with an usb problem ... [04:07] Ben64, cat /etc/lsb-release [04:08] hey bucky [04:08] how are you [04:08] hay hay [04:08] just joinin channels [04:08] what is an ubuntu [04:08] Mooch: When you are at the login screen there is a menu at the bottom named "session". From there you can choose to start in the failsafe gnome session which is more likely to work when the normal session does not [04:08] are rootkits in linux really a problem anymore? Upon further research, it seems it doesnt really affect the 2.6 kernel... [04:08] and why should i support it [04:08] is there one CLI manager for all the networking packages, with the same functionality as gnome-network-mgr? [04:08] Foddler: use google [04:08] !ubuntu | Foddler [04:08] Foddler: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [04:09] or that [04:09] What would be the best way to COMPLETELY REMOVE a program and reinstall it. Firefox isn't rendering some pages right and I want to reinstall it [04:09] ghindo: apt-get remove firefox --purge [04:09] ghindo: you sure it's FF and not something else? [04:09] ghindo: Perhaps just delete the profile in your home directory. [04:09] Witepa: try the french thing. I do know that you need to run update-initramfs if you switch that kmap for it to take effect (console-setup does this, but checks certain checksums). If you choose something completely new then 1) you can be pretty sure the change takes effect 2) you can see if your kmap in tty1 actually changes [04:10] why don't you just tell me [04:10] ghindo: Chaz has the right first approach.. it's actually in /home//.mozilla [04:10] "use google" isn't an ans [04:10] scunizi, I'm not sure. The page I'm trying to access renders correctly on all other computers, so I assume something in Firefox is wrong === kevdog_ is now known as kevdog [04:10] ghindo: and are the other computers win machines or other linux machines? [04:11] scunizi, Windows and OS X. [04:11] Witepa: but even if boottime.kmap was to blame, if you properly specify a new layout in xorg.conf, that one will override it [04:11] ghindo: what version FF [04:11] Jordam_U I have bypassed the login screen [04:11] jamiewan, 3.5. [04:11] ghindo: care to share one of the links and I'll try it here. [04:11] I'm trying to read/write on an usb io board .. linux see this device like an HID device .. but when I try to extract some informacion with lsusb -vvv don't give some information ... [04:11] jamiewan, I'm running the Karmic alpha but I'm not sure if I should report a bug. [04:11] best samba tutorial for winxp sharing? [04:11] !karmic | ghindo [04:11] ghindo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [04:11] FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK YOU GUYS THEN FUCK [04:11] !ops [04:11] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [04:12] Witepa: ah, might also be because of new X input hotplugging [04:12] ghindo: could be that then. [04:12] He just didnt say that :? [04:12] Jordan_U: He's already gone, but thanks for the heads up. [04:12] hi [04:12] Hi, does anyone have a link to compatible printers for ubuntu 9.04 I have had no luck. Please and Thank You [04:12] scunizi, This is kind of embarassing, but it's the zip subdomain of 4chan, i.e. http://zip.4chan.org/co/imgboard.html [04:12] Witepa: in that case you need to edit the proper fdi file [04:12] Jordan_U I have set auto log in, no login screen [04:12] just a snapshot of his brain [04:12] jrib: when I run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, I get a lot of error messages. Keep in mind I am chroot'ing to my root directory to do this, which may cause some things to blame? I have to chroot though cause otherwise my keyboard is stuck in greek. The errors are along the lines of "WARNING: Undefined kernel key code for ###" [04:12] !ubuntu+1 | try the channel #ubuntu+1 [04:12] try the channel #ubuntu+1: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [04:13] Witepa: you can't get into recovery mode? [04:13] is there a way of changing the name of a ubuntu system(the name that apps see) [04:13] Ububegin: HP Office jet 65oo perfect [04:13] ? [04:13] jrib: I can, but it isn't too useful when it's stuck on a Greek keyboard :) [04:13] Mooch: What exactly happens when Gnome starts? [04:13] Witepa: and on a greek keyboard you can't type "layout us" or whatever? [04:14] Jordan_U gnome fails, goes into nautilus [04:14] Witepa: never mind, I just looked [04:14] jrib: no, the alphabet is completely different, and very of the characters are the same in unicode. [04:14] ubuntuman: HP office jet 6500 perfect for me with Jaunty try HP web page [04:14] ghindo: kind of an unusual page but looks ok here.. bare bones.. no real graphical links perse.. might just be the alpha version.. you could ask in #ubuntu+1 to see if there are issues. [04:14] jrib: haha, yeah [04:14] is there one CLI manager for all the networking packages, with the same functionality as gnome-network-mgr? [04:14] scunizi, Cool, I will. Thanks. [04:14] Mooch: When you say Gnome fails, do you mean that the pannels don't appear? Are there any errors? [04:15] Witepa: alright, here's my kludge suggestion: add the layout changing command to root's .bashrc using the live cd and get into recovery mode [04:15] hi [04:15] jamiewan, thank you also do you know if canon is compat [04:15] Jordan_U yes exactly, no panels and there are multiple cobra errors [04:15] jrib: alright, that command is just "layout us"? [04:15] ubuntuman: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html [04:15] my nokia phone turns off when I try to connect it as modem with kde4 network manager [04:15] Witepa: let me check (I always use it for dvorak :P) [04:15] well? [04:15] any solution? [04:16] how can i map 3 HDD's in karmic? [04:16] jamiewan, thank you very much [04:16] S33K3R, with the new hard disk manager or gparted? [04:16] jrib: Sweet, I actually learned dvorak a little over a year ago... but after going cold turkey on QWERTY for a few weeks while I learned dvorak I realized that I had unlearned QWERTY. I got scared, and went back, afraid that I would never be able to survive in the real word :) [04:17] ubuntuman: canon would have something but if found that HP has better models and more available at my location ie Australia [04:17] map in boot/grub/menu.lst [04:17] I am going to copy a large number of files to a new hard drive. They will almost certainly never be modified. What filesystem will provide the least fragmentation, reasonable other performance, and preferably with *nix permissions? [04:17] I am filling up the drive [04:17] S33K3R, oh i don't understand what's mapping :| [04:17] jamiewan, thanks again from Canada [04:17] S33K3R, there's no menu.lst in karmic [04:17] Witepa: sorry, "loadkeys us" is the command [04:18] Go "Rush" [04:18] u can't edit grub2 files directly [04:18] jrib: alright, I'll give it a shot [04:18] Off-topic: What is the freenode channel for xchat? [04:18] Okay... on a de-quieted noacpi install, boot is apparently freezing at 'Loading hardware drivers.' How do I get it to cough up further useful information? [04:18] mo0nykit: Have you tried #xchat [04:18] mo0nykit: #xchat [04:18] mo0nykit, #xchat [04:18] thanks thanks [04:18] we'll see if .bashrc gets executed in recovery mode I guess... [04:19] mo0nykit, u can also use #ubuntu-offtopic for a xchat related question, its more active than xchat official channel [04:19] Witepa: if that doesn't work, try /etc/rc.local [04:19] thanks alokito [04:19] every once and a while, mount.ntfs-3g spikes to 50% CPU usage and sits around there until I reboot. How do I find out what is causing this and/or fix it [04:19] jrib: alright. This wouldn't be nearly as painful if I wasn't constantly having to reboot into the liveCD... [04:20] launching xpdf from firefox only works the first time [04:21] Jordan_U here is the error: GConf Error: adding client to servers list failed, COBRA error: IDL:omg.org/COBRA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0 [04:21] Witepa: I thought I found something interesting on the forums but then I looked at the author's name [04:22] S33K3R, by mapping do you mean booting from 3 separate hard drives? [04:22] jrib: Hahaha, yeah, the first few times I asked in this channel people were linking me to that thread, it made me chuckle [04:22] If I type "sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf" and then edit the file and attempt to save the changes, it says I don't have permission to do that. [04:22] hah, go linux http://lolwat.net/?w=9c2f92fb8b3d28232fec517d9de4fd9d === monteith is now known as monteith_afk [04:22] :| [04:22] jrib: Dang, /root/.bashrc didn't work, I'll try /etc/rc.local [04:23] Witepa: bbiab [04:23] alokito: yes [04:23] Prohibited, the file might be set to Read only for the owner, which means you can't write to it until you change the permissions (which you have permission to do as root) [04:23] Prohibited have you tried to do it as root user? [04:23] S33K3R, just run update-grub and it will detect all your OS installations in all drives :) [04:24] Root = sudo, right? [04:24] jrib: alright [04:24] root != sudo [04:24] Prohibited su [04:24] yeah, I used sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf [04:24] so I used root. [04:24] alokito: thanks [04:25] Prohibited, is sudo working with other apps i.e. synaptic? [04:25] well I installed moon os as a addon and it make my ubuntu tweak think it wasn't a ubuntu system, I just need to change the distro name back to the ubuntu 9.04 jaunty so I may use ubuntu tweek again, how do i do that [04:25] ? [04:25] can anyone help me? How can I fix this error -> http://pastebin.com/dfd1bfe1 [04:25] GPARTED/MOUNT QUESTION: [04:25] Guys, I have a question. I'm new to ubuntu. I always had a hard time finding the way on how to mount a USB port, or an external hard drive. It would be great if someone could answer me because I've looked about everywhere. [04:25] Earlier today, I went to gparted and dismounted my 4GB Sandisk Cruzer micro USB key. Unfortunately, when I try to mount it in gparted, there is NO options to do this from there. So I tried the following command: [04:25] mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1 [04:25] stepnjump: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:25] echo: mount: mount point /mnt/sdb1 does not exist [04:26] Prohibited why not su - and try that? [04:26] Prohibited, you can do "sudo nautilus --no-desktop" and then find /etc/resolv.conf, right click and check the permissions, see if the owner (root) is set to read only [04:26] Mooch: try running "sudo mv /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom-bak" [04:26] I need help getting gspca to compile properly. [04:26] Mooch: If you need to you can get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 [04:26] Hello? [04:26] Mooch: That should disable auto login [04:27] !hi | Eric_XTC [04:27] Eric_XTC: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [04:27] Anyone here? [04:27] yes oga [04:27] is there any help channel for wine??? [04:28] can anyone help me with gos linux? [04:28] newser: #winehq [04:28] !wine | newser [04:28] newser: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [04:28] Hey i have a question about tar,gz files [04:28] #winehq, newser [04:28] ask ur q eric [04:28] !ask | Eric_XTC [04:28] Eric_XTC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [04:28] Owner (Root) is set to Read and write [04:28] how do you install them? [04:28] hello [04:28] Group (Root) is set to Read-only [04:28] newser #winehq [04:28] Eric_XTC: extract them then look for a readme or install file in it [04:29] stepnjump: you need to make the directory. in terminal type: sudo mkdir /mnt/sdb1 .then try your mount again [04:29] what is sudo? [04:29] !tar | Eric_XTC [04:29] Eric_XTC: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [04:29] !sudo | Eric_XTC [04:29] Eric_XTC: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [04:29] !sudo | Eric_XTC [04:29] so giv me an example of how to instal them [04:29] bastidrazor, I tried that but it didn't work. I will try again [04:29] stepnjump: but using /media/sdb1 would be a better idea since it would show on your Desktop. [04:29] * AgentArmstrong kicks ubottu [04:30] try using another editor in sudo too, maybe gedit is trying to do something weird like copy resolv.conf to a temp file, edit the temp file, then write the temp file back while somehow dropping privilages [04:30] Witepa: any luck? [04:30] ok I will try that bastidrazor, I will let you know [04:30] Eric_XTC: Really, tar.gz files are archives, like zip files, so you extract them. If they contain source code, you must compile that source code. [04:30] !compile | Eric_XTC [04:30] Eric_XTC: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [04:30] demonspork: Owner (root) is read and write but Group (Root) is Read-only [04:30] can anyone help me get Jahshaka working? [04:30] Here is my question in clean: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280089/ [04:30] does anyone have problems launching apps from firefox ? [04:30] ircrob: no, no one does [04:31] <^Cheeky> can anyone please tell me how to start a torrent in transmission in ubuntu server >/... [04:31] Prohibited type su - and use vi to edit it. [04:31] bastidrazor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280089/ [04:31] ooops sorry [04:31] stepnjump, install the package ntfs-config [04:31] RHorse: that wouldn't work on a default ubuntu... [04:31] su vi /etc/resolv.conf [04:31] bastidrazor: mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/sdb1': File exists [04:31] jrib: Still editing /etc/rc.local, booting with the LiveCD takes a while. I did get an interesting reply to my forum thread though... telling me to login using unicode with ctrl-shift-u [04:31] Witepa: can you press u? [04:31] then press alt+f2, type gksudo ntfs-config and hit enter [04:32] Jordan_U done [04:32] Prohibited type su - to enter a root shell and then type nano /etc/resolv.whatever [04:32] scott@scott-laptop:~$ su vi /etc/resolv.conf [04:32] Unknown id: vi [04:32] check enable write support for external hard drives [04:32] Prohibited that's 'su -' [04:32] stepnjump: paste the output of ls -al /media [04:32] jrib: I shouldn't be able to in Greek actually... the u key on US keyboards maps to θ and the character that looks like u is υ, but different obviously. [04:32] RHorse: please stop suggesting that, it won't work. [04:33] stepnjump: Looks like you ran "mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1" when you meant "mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1" [04:33] hello, is there any application to communicate with a TI89 calculator with ubuntu? [04:33] Prohibited: what does this say: lsattr /etc/resolv.conf [04:33] i typed in "sudo apt_0.7.24.tar.gz" and it said to use first pass what did i do wrong? [04:33] stepnjump: /media vs /mnt [04:33] Despite entering the root password, I'm being denied acces when trying to set up gspca [04:33] ----i-------------- /etc/resolv.conf [04:33] Eric_XTC, u can't just sudo an archive :| [04:33] Eric_XTC: that command doesn't make sense. What are you trying to do? [04:33] Eric_XTC, just double click the archive to open it [04:33] instal this apt_0.7.24.tar.gz [04:33] Prohibited: that's why. You don't know anything about that? [04:34] Eric_XTC: why are you installing a new apt? [04:34] no [04:34] alokito: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280091/ [04:34] didn't work [04:34] Eric_XTC, what software are u trying to install? [04:34] cuz [04:34] Prohibited: you never ran a chattr command? [04:34] nope [04:34] Prohibited: someone did (remove it) [04:34] how? [04:34] Prohibited: chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf [04:34] is there a file in ubuntu that holds the name of the distro? [04:34] Eric_XTC: it is generally not a good idea to install things that are part of the core system through systems other than the package manager [04:34] jrib: I don't have a /etc/rc.local [04:35] ShapeShifter499: lsb_release -a [04:35] Jordan_U reboot? === dbdii407 is now known as dbd\ii [04:35] jrib: Wait, nvm, I'm an idiot [04:35] stepnjump, run sudo apt-get -f install then try to install ntfs-config again === dbd\ii is now known as dbdii407 [04:35] ShapeShifter499: there is also /etc/lsb-release [04:35] Mooch: That or run "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart" === dbdii407 is now known as dbd\ii [04:35] lstarnes: thanks! [04:35] hello, iam on ubunto 9 with dual boot vista/ubuntu , when i try hibernate ubntu, it say me it dont have swap big enought . can i increase swap size using gparted ?or exists another way »? === dbd\ii is now known as dbdii407 [04:36] Witepa: if this doesn't work, you could try renaming the greek keymap and copying the us one over it... [04:36] so i extracted this what do i do now? (cinelerra-4.1-ubu_9.04) [04:36] adonai2009, if you have free space then u can resize the swap partition with gparted [04:36] Eric_XTC: cd to it [04:36] alokito: same problem but keep in mind that I went and changed something in the kusers earlier as my virtualbox guest's USB was not recognized [04:36] alokito: Must have changed something crucial [04:36] if there is no free space then resize the previous or next partition to the swap and use the free space on swap [04:36] adonai2009: and you'll probably need to do so in a live session [04:37] stepnjump, reboot pc then try again [04:37] i tryed but it dont move . humm i tryed first to free some ubuntu disk part sapce an the increase swap but it dont move . why ? [04:37] Jordan_U rebooting [04:37] ok, I will be right back guys.... [04:37] thanks [04:37] stepnjump, if apt is not working then ur system is half dead [04:38] I'm trying to share a folder through "Shared Folders" on Ubuntu with a Mac, and for some reason when I grant access to a user (clicking their username under the "Users" tab) as soon as I close Shared Folders and open it back up again, it is unchecked (and the share won't connect on the Mac). Any ideas as to what I'm screwing up? [04:38] Thanks alokito and bastidrazor [04:38] hm [04:38] oops [04:38] alokito === onchoe is now known as Ce_Zhha [04:38] alokito: I know that unfortunately I was loosing a lot of data in NTFS due to bad sectors [04:38] lstarnes: w8 I can't find /etc/lsb-release [04:39] is it possible to completely dump firefox in ubuntu if replaces with another gecko browser? [04:39] stepnjump, do u have an ide hard drive? [04:39] ShapeShifter499: are you using ubuntu? [04:39] jrib: Yeah, I'm rebooting right now, let's see... [04:39] adonai2009: have you resize another partition in order to create unallocated one? [04:39] Time to reset my net (and probably kill my internet). [04:39] satas don't usually get bad sector [04:39] coffeej: sure, why not? [04:39] alokito: Well, a SATA yes [04:39] is there one CLI manager for all the networking packages, with the same functionality as gnome-network-mgr? [04:39] Jordan_U no change, [04:39] lstarnes: nvm [04:39] IDE I believe [04:39] lstarnes: found it [04:39] strange :/ [04:39] alokito: Not SCSI. It's just a laptop [04:39] Mooch: Still auto logged in? [04:39] ok [04:39] jordan_U yes [04:39] lstarnes: thanks for help! [04:40] Jordan_U and same errors [04:40] linux: what do you want it to manage? "networking packages" or connections? [04:40] jrib: just wondering what ubuntu depends on in ff... i use seamonkey and need to clear some room on an old box [04:40] jrib: connections [04:40] coffeej: oh, that I don't know. There are probably a few packages that depend on firefox for some not so good reason [04:40] jrib: but if it can handle the packages too, such as dig, that would be a plus [04:40] linux: wicd has a curses client [04:41] alokito: Yesterday, a msg popped up to let me know that a file that was not deleted got lost... I guess my HDD is slowly still degradating [04:41] is there a alternative to gdebi whenever i install a app with gdebi i get a bad file descriptor [04:41] jrib: No luck with the rc.login [04:41] Witepa: did you try recovery mode or normal? You mean rc.local? [04:41] jrib: ok, wicd can be totally CLI? [04:41] stepnjump, have you chkdsk-d your hard disk? data loss is not always because of bad sector [04:41] linux: yes [04:41] jrib: thanks [04:42] alokito: sudo: apt: command not found [04:42] ooooops!@!!!!!!!!!!!!! [04:42] jrib: yeah, I mean rc.local, sorry. It was the recovery mode (root login). [04:42] webbb82: Do you HAVE to do it graphically or could you stand using the terminal? [04:42] brb [04:42] Witepa: yeah, try the normal boot [04:42] Witepa: and go to tty1 [04:42] terminal is fine [04:42] No I haven't done a chkdsk [04:42] stepnjump, you can chkdsk ntfs in windows don't know how to do it in linux [04:42] jrib: alright [04:42] webbb82: Then you'd probably be better off using the dpkg command. [04:42] Witepa: you might be able to login with an on screen keyboard ( not as a solution but to help debugging ) [04:42] fsck might work if you have ntfs tools [04:42] what command is that [04:43] No more windows in here! [04:43] ooops [04:43] sudo dpkg install --appname [04:43] webbb82 open a terminal and type: man dpkg to read more about it [04:43] alokito: I guess I could run DOS [04:43] webbb82, its dpkg -i [04:43] webbb82: Gdebi is not the problem and karmic support in #ubuntu+1 only [04:43] how do I install the lxde desktop environment? [04:43] oh no.. it's in EXT3 [04:43] i know i keep asking in there [04:43] stepnjump, i dont know if dos can detect ntfs [04:43] I guess it won't work [04:43] jrib: I can't even login to tty1 :( [04:43] Jordan_U: How would I enable an on screen keyboard? It would be pretty useful... [04:43] Jordan_U, how do u know its not the problem [04:43] stepnjump, then u can run fsck [04:44] Witepa: that's pretty weird... it shouldn't happen... [04:44] alokito: when I issue the bash cmd: sudo apt, should it find something? [04:44] ok thanks. I will try it right now [04:44] stepnjump, nope [04:45] webbb82: Because gdebi uses dpkg ( and so does any other way you would install a .deb ) [04:45] apt is not a command, apt-get is [04:45] jrib: Yeah, I'm a bit weirded out too... characters that do map out the same as US (like K) still work fine, but everything that isn't ascii just outputs as diamonds. [04:45] Okay, the people over at #mac are completely useless, so may I ask a mac-related question here? After wiping my Ubuntu install, weird stuff's been happening to my hard drive. [04:45] Blackbird, you should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic [04:45] alokito cuz I did do some apt-get installs b4 and it worked fine [04:45] alokito: Oh, good point. [04:46] Witepa: I'm going to bed now, but setting the layout in an fdi file or just replacing the greek keymap with the us are my last suggestions before I leave. Good luck [04:46] #join windows [04:46] jrib: Okay, thank you for all your help! [04:46] alokito: thanks for the suggestions. I will try running fsck right now [04:46] stepnjump, search synaptic for local or obsolete package and remove the ones that u might think is making trouble [04:46] hpfly wl see you hr ltr [04:46] Prohibited: It would be /join #Windows [04:46] stepnjump, don't run fsck on a mounted partition, it might crash! [04:47] woops lol [04:47] oh yes? mmmm [04:47] wanted to see how few people there are in there. [04:47] ok [04:47] what is the current package for calibrating joysticks/gamepads? [04:47] Prohibited, its /join #windows [04:47] well, then I'm pretty much f* [04:47] I wld hv to reinstall Windoze [04:47] to run chkdsk === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [04:48] b4 reinstalling linux [04:48] lol [04:48] what is the current package for calibrating joysticks/gamepads? anyone? [04:48] stepnjump, no I guess you can run fsck from xp recovery mode [04:48] what is the current package for calibrating joysticks/gamepads? anyone? what happened to jscalibrator? [04:48] no need to install it [04:48] sorry, I mean chkdsk [04:48] not fsck :P [04:48] lol [04:48] Witepa: It's probably a setting /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom but I don't know what [04:48] why would you need Chkdsk [04:49] alokito: but fsck, isn't that a ubuntu command only? [04:49] Jappy, to check ntfs partitions for bad sectors [04:49] stepnjump, yah I meant to say chkdsk [04:49] Jordan_U: Do you know if there is a way to turn a keyboard layout selector on in gdm? I hear that it is available in karmic... [04:49] alokito: kk [04:49] yeah, but its not necessary [04:49] Witepa: You can change it on the LiveCD in System > Administration > Login Window and see what change it makes to the config file there [04:49] yeah but I'm not in NTFS nor FAT [04:49] stepnjump, you said your ntfs partitions are making trouble? [04:50] then what are you on o.o [04:50] alokito, I'll give it a try [04:50] Witepa: You checked the session menu? [04:50] how does one log out of gnome without the power button in the upper left? [04:50] if all your partitions are ext3 then fsck will work [04:50] hello [04:50] Jordan_U: Yeah, I can change the language there but not the keyboard layout. [04:50] !ask | qdb [04:50] qdb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [04:50] run fsck from ubuntu recovery mode [04:50] seidos, add the power button to the panel [04:50] alokito: Before! Since then, I reformated the whole hardrive in EXT3 (no dual boot) cuz Linux couldn't partition the hard drive [04:50] Nitrodist, it should be !hi :P [04:51] alokito, I'm learning, dammit! :P also, where's the website with all the commands [04:51] stepnjump, then you don't need windows at all! [04:51] how arent you on ntsf or fat? [04:51] I have an rs232 to uart converter to use it as a serial adapter, but I need to connect a ti calculator using tilp. How can I know if the adaptor is the problem? [04:51] Nitrodist, /msg ubottu [04:51] i create new users for php scripts, how to make they do not show up in right-upward corner menu? [04:51] alokito: Nope except for quicken and maximizer. That's why I installed virtualbox [04:51] seidos: In Jaunty, you can ctrl+alt+del for the prompt to shutdown/logout [04:51] alokito, /msg ubotto... what [04:51] i create with gui [04:51] what is the current package for calibrating joysticks/gamepads? anyone? what happened to jscalibrator? [04:51] !commands [04:51] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [04:52] haev created [04:52] !dontzap | seidos [04:52] seidos: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. [04:52] stepnjump, virtualbox windows is not counted as a physical os [04:52] its just an app running in ubuntu [04:52] alokito: I know [04:52] nothing else [04:52] yep [04:52] !help [04:52] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [04:52] hello i need help please [04:53] alokito: but what causes my errors when trying to mount then or doing a apt-get [04:53] Witepa: Can you ssh in from another computer? [04:53] jackhammer, what is your question? [04:53] Nitrodist, /msg ubottu a command to see it, don't use bot commands in the channel directly [04:53] my flat screen is giving the error for can't display video mode how do i fix this [04:53] if not necessary [04:53] alokito, there's a website with all of ubottu's subjects [04:54] message me if you can help me [04:54] Nitrodist, maybe, i don't know... but u can check any command u want with a pm to ubottu :) [04:54] Jordan_U: It would be a bit easier to do if I knew its IP address... I'm on a pretty large network and I don't have access to the DHCP tables. Unless.... how proficient are you with nmap? [04:54] how come editing /etc/lsb-release doesn't effect ubuntu tweek? [04:54] jackhammer: try having a look at your monitor's manual. Look for its specs, like refresh rate, native resolution, max resolution, supported resolution, etc [04:55] ok i think i figured it out if i just double click on the .deb file i will get the error but if i right click then click on install with gdebi package installer it works fine , i think i have two gdebi apps [04:55] its not actually mine but a friends [04:55] ShapeShifter499, is ubuntu tweak in the repo!? [04:55] !msgthebot > Nitrodist [04:55] Nitrodist, please see my private message [04:55] they don't have the manual [04:55] jackhammer: okay are you at the machine in question right now? [04:55] ctmjr, thank you, I forgot that command [04:55] Hello. I did something stupid, but which should be easily fixable. [04:55] yes well i am on an older monitor [04:55] jackhammer: Google is your friend :) [04:56] alokito: uh, I know what ya gonna say when I say no, so is there somewhere I can go for helo? [04:56] yeah i went on there and couldn't find anything to help fully [04:56] alokito: help [04:56] alokito: your welcome hope it helps him/her [04:56] i got commands to do and none of them seem to work [04:56] alokito: as per hdsentinel.hu software, I had a lot of bad sectors in NTFS(probably due to virus) and my HDD was down to 59% as of it's health status! [04:56] I edited xorg.conf, I rebooted and now I am stuck with command-line interface only. I only added two lines to xorg.conf, so I need help using vim to remove those lines. [04:56] jackhammer: like setting xorg.conf, etc? [04:56] yep [04:56] ShapeShifter499, i haven't used ubuntu-tweak so can't help [04:56] what's its purpose? [04:57] Witepa: Most DHCP servers will try to give the same ip address when a machine with the same mac address connects multiple times, check what the ip address is in a liveCD [04:57] Unless someone knows a command-line text editor that's more user-friendly than vim. [04:57] Question: How can I convert a .png file to a .svg icon file? [04:57] Gills: nano [04:57] Gills, gedit [04:57] Gills: try nano [04:57] Jordan_U: I would, but my wireless card doesn't work with the LiveCD. Why does Murphy's law have to be so true? [04:57] jackhammer: oh.. i ran into a similar problem. I just wanted to give you a lead on refresh rate, resolution, etc.. I'm sorry I couldn't help any further. I myself couldn't get the boot splash to display [04:57] Witepa: Broadcom card? [04:57] jackhammer: how about going into recovery mode? then run xfix [04:57] Whats the default command line editor in ubuntu? [04:57] vim isn't installed by default [04:58] Jordan_U: yup [04:58] yeah i did the usplash and it came up an error that the file couldn't be open [04:58] alokito: I think it's nano [04:58] is recovery mode like safe mode? [04:58] alokito: nano ( and vim is installed it's just vim-tiny and only available as "vi" ) [04:58] alokito: look here for info about ubuntu tweak--------> http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ [04:58] Witepa: You can copy the firmware from your install to use on the LiveCD [04:59] jackhammer: yup it is.. when you boot up, press ESC to go into the GRUB kernel selection menu, then choose something that says "recovery mode" [04:59] magikid, yup, its installed [04:59] Jordan_U: Alright, how exactly do I do that? [04:59] i would need the lastest version right and what do i do when i get into that [04:59] how can [04:59] Witepa: You just need to copy /lib/firmware/b43 ( and maybe b43-legacy as well depending on the card ) then run "sudo rmmod b43 && sudo modprobe b43" [05:00] jackhammer, whats your ubuntu version? [05:00] 9.04 [05:00] jackhammer: yup try the latest kernel version (recovery mode).. wait until it boots up fully. It will give you a menu on what you want to do next. Look for xfix and press Enter [05:00] how can I know which port is assigned to a usb adapter? I am using a usb to rs232 and i need to know which port is it [05:00] you can go to recovery mode and run xfix, or have you tried that already? [05:00] Thank you magikid and ctmjr! Nano was great! Rebooting now. [05:01] nope didn't know about that til moony told me about it. will do now and will stop by and tell you if it worked or not [05:01] Gills: It's all I use on the cli unless I have my mug with vi shortcuts [05:01] Witepa: I can give more specific instructions if you need them ( not sure how comfortable you are with the terminal ) === bruno is now known as Guest77934 [05:01] i am comfortable with the terminal for the most part brb [05:01] jackhammer, it resets all xserver settings to default so it should fix your problem [05:01] Jordan_U: I think your instructions will suffice, I just copy them to /lib/firmware/b43 on the LiveCD, right? [05:01] hello [05:01] jackhammer: sure good luck [05:01] Witepa: Yes [05:01] is there a way to install windows from within ubuntu? [05:02] !vm [05:02] There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [05:02] !vm | eut [05:02] eut: please see above [05:02] i dont want to run it from within ubuntu, i just want to install it from within [05:02] eut, like wubi? :P [05:02] !wubi [05:02] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [05:03] no [05:03] thiebaude, wubi is to install ubuntu from windows not windows from ubuntu :D [05:03] eut: that was the easy way. A more difficult way would be using KVM (kernel-based virtual machine) [05:03] how can I know which port is assigned to a usb adapter? I am using a usb to rs232 and i need to know which port is it [05:03] alokito, i know [05:03] i want to install windows from within ubuntu [05:03] eut, you wont be able to [05:03] eut: just like an ordinary package? None that I know.. [05:03] microsoft should make something like wubi, we can get rid of ntfs completely if they do that [05:03] which port is this?: Bus 003 Device 008: ID 6547:0232 Arkmicro Technologies Inc. ARK3116 Serial [05:04] afk [05:04] Jordan_U: Beautiful, I have internet on my LiveCD now. [05:04] newser: It's a usb port [05:04] ok so here is the situation: i have ubuntu installed on my box. i want to dual boot ubuntu/windows. i dont want to have to burn my windows iso to a dvd in order to install it. know of a way to do that? [05:04] Jordan_U: got my IP address, now let's hope it stays the same [05:05] eut, u cant install windows from ubuntu! [05:05] eut: Not really, unless you do a bootable image on a USB *thing*, or do it from ubuntu [05:05] eut: not possible [05:05] wow, thats so incredibly lame [05:05] magikid, ok, yeah, it is supposed to be a usb to rs232 adapter. Which port is this? I need to specify the port to another program. How can I tell the port? [05:05] Windows is lame. [05:05] so i have to burn it? [05:05] I know. [05:05] Yeah. [05:05] Blackbird, how to make a bootable windows usb from ubuntu? [05:06] newser: you mean like an internet port or a serial port? [05:06] alokito: I'm talking theoretically here [05:06] I really have never tried it, I just know it would be possible [05:06] magikid, serial port [05:06] theoretically couldnt you do some type of net boot of the windows iso? [05:06] eut: do you have a windows install disk? [05:06] ok.. [05:06] ctmjr, i have a windows install iso, i dont want to burn it to a dvd [05:07] A windows install iso of what? [05:07] ctmjr, he has an iso image [05:07] Vista? XP? Supersecret project #9? [05:07] xp [05:07] hello all [05:07] Witepa: Have you tried changeing /etc/gdm/locale.conf ? [05:07] !hi | boris_inhuman [05:07] boris_inhuman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [05:07] ...you don't even need to burn to a dvd, but that certainly has to be burned [05:08] newser: you should be able to check dmesg and find the port [05:08] eut, u can use a cd [05:08] alokito: oh i see [05:08] Jordan_U: I just get timeouts when I ping the IP, is the internet not configured before gdm? [05:08] Jordan_U: I may have, I'll check it the next time I'm in the LiveCD [05:08] eut, I prefer rewritable cds to burn os images so that the disc won't be a waste after installing [05:08] newser: just run 'dmesg|grep tty' and it should tell you [05:08] one last thing ,for some reason for the past few days whenever i launch a app/window its automaticly opened maximised so i have to resize everything i open [05:08] Witepa: Unless you set it as a system setting, or it's wired, yes :( [05:08] i need help with ubuntu 9.04, cant find my drivers at startup, my desktop effects on gnome cant be enabled... what i we doo? [05:09] alokito, hmm [05:09] maybe i can find a rw [05:09] webbb82: try closing the window unmaximized [05:09] ok [05:09] webbb82: probably the next time you open it, it could still be the same size [05:09] eut, u can find it in any cd shop [05:09] Jordan_U: Oh, it's not connected... wpa_supplicant or whatever it is starts after I login... [05:10] mo8nykit i have to because if i dont minamise it i cant see the close button === dbdii407 is now known as dd\b [05:10] Jordan_U: If I had a hard connection then sshd should work === dd\b is now known as dbdii407 [05:10] !C# [05:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about C# [05:10] you guys are awesome bc now its working [05:11] jackhammer, congrats :D [05:11] !fglrx|boris_inhuman [05:11] boris_inhuman: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:11] thanks for the help everybody [05:11] magikid, I got [ 3748.650885] usb 3-1: ark3116 converter now attached to ttyUSB0, so then the port is ttyUSB0??? === Xpl0it_AFK is now known as Xpl0it [05:11] newser: should be [05:11] i am just learning ubuntu so i am still a little rusty [05:11] magikid: i did system, log out [05:11] thanks ubottu [05:12] jackhammer: you're always welcome :) [05:12] I installed lxde, not sure how I did it. It did seem more responsive, in a way, than gnome, but wireless didn't work for some reason [05:12] seidos: that works too [05:12] i think i was thinking out loud [05:13] Witepa: Don't even have an ethernet cable? [05:13] Jordan_U: I do, but my router is not in a very convenient position :(. I think I can do everything I need to by chroot'ing though... [05:14] okay. added a font to /usr/share/fonts. system and gedit sees it, uses it. ooffice 3.0 sees it, but the font looks like sans or something ordinary [05:14] jaunty [05:14] any ideas? [05:14] later everyone [05:14] got to get some gaming time on cod4 before going to bed [05:14] !bye | jackhammer [05:14] jackhammer: Au revoir! [05:14] jackhammer: checkout quakelive [05:14] hasta la manana [05:15] Witepa: Have you tried another keyboard? [05:15] i create new users for php scripts, how to make they do not show up in right-upward corner menu? [05:16] again, my hardware drivers list on ubuntu 9.04 is empty... cant find my drivers [05:16] I have internet on a Windows XP Pro machine and have set up an ad-hoc wireless network on that machine sharing the Internet connection ... My Nokia phone can connect to the network and browse the Internet, but my Ubuntu laptop will not connect to the network even though it sees it - Please help [05:16] Jordan_U: It's a laptop and I don't have any external keyboards at home, though I may bring it to work soon where I do have some laying around. What did you want me to try with /etc/gdm/locale.conf? [05:17] again, my hardware drivers list on ubuntu 9.04 is empty... cant find my drivers [05:17] boris_inhuman, whats your graphics card model? [05:18] are u trying to install a graphics driver? [05:18] ati radeon a9550gti [05:18] no, [05:18] !ati [05:18] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:18] i must install from cd? [05:18] boris_inhuman, 9550 driver isn't in the ripo [05:18] repo* [05:19] which video card has best support for 64 bit verision looking at building pc [05:19] SnakDoc, nvidia [05:19] i have ati 9500. i thing that video card are supported for 9.04 [05:20] *think [05:20] Witepa: You have to love some of the comments in the gdm scripts "# FIXME: is this all right? Is this completely on crack?" [05:20] lol [05:20] Jordan_U: bahahahaha [05:20] SnakDoc, you going with AMD? [05:20] I have internet on a Windows XP Pro machine and have set up an ad-hoc wireless network on that machine sharing the Internet connection ... My Nokia phone can connect to the network and browse the Internet, but my Ubuntu laptop will not connect to the network even though it sees it - Please help [05:20] could someone explain to me how u know which are ur drives in /dev ? === anon_ is now known as roe_ [05:21] thiebaude was looking at there new quad core :) [05:21] awesome [05:21] Omen20: "blkid" will give you information about your partitions [05:22] Jordan_U, thx [05:22] Omen20: They are almost always /dev/sd [05:22] Omen20, /dev/hdX would be IDE drives /dev/sdX would be SATA/SCSI drives. sda1 would be SATA drive 1, partition 1 [05:22] Omen20: np [05:22] thiebaude know anything about the video cards [05:22] SnakDoc, not too much, somebody else built my pc [05:23] thiebaude i heard nvidia has best support on 64 bit systems [05:23] SnakDoc, nvidia is very good [05:23] yes [05:23] SnakDoc, nvidia drivers run smoothly in linux [05:24] intel and ati have bugs [05:24] alokito, yep, and perfect for compiz [05:24] alokitook thanks [05:24] nvidia driver run *very* smothly and ubuntu [05:24] alokito, i use to have intel [05:24] thiebaude, well I can't watch video with compositing enabled, I have geforce 7300 [05:24] when i run "xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args=-screen 0, 1024x768x24" i get Xvfb failed to start [05:24] good morning [05:24] video get distorted with compiz enabled [05:24] boris_inhuman: here is some reading about your card and ati http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/AMD-Provides-Legacy-Driver-for-Old-ATI-Cards [05:24] it support sli now ? [05:24] Jordan_U: It looks like http://library.gnome.org/admin/gdm/2.27/gdm.html#greeterpanel is what I need to figure out [05:24] compiz or kwin [05:24] any idea why? [05:24] boris_inhuman: yes i got geforce 9800gt awesome [05:25] that totally answered my question. I was wanting to see what kind of read speed difference id get from a SATAII SSD drive compared to the old 5400RPM PATA im running now. Didnt have a clue where to direct "sudo hdparm -tT" though. THX [05:25] alokito, i have GeForce 8400 gs [05:25] jamiewan, thiebaude , is your video quality smooth with compositing enabled? [05:25] alokito, have no problems watching hulu and still have wobbly windows,lol [05:25] i agree with u, i must buy a better video card ;) [05:25] alokito: no problems whats ever [05:25] alokito, yes very [05:25] ok the my gfx has got old [05:26] i have a question please a friend gave me ubuntu ultimate edition but it`s very slow intel q6600 3.4 6gig ram nvidia 260gtx 75gig raptor im new to linux but its very slow doing anything???? [05:26] alokito, i just install 9.10 and they have the 185 drivers [05:26] jamiewan, i agree [05:26] Witepa: Have you tried the menus in GDM? [05:27] sxx, ubuntu ultimate edition is just a remake of original ubuntu and its not official, so I don't think you'll find any help here [05:27] Witepa: They are there by default, at the bottom of the screen [05:27] hello, I have a problem [05:27] sxx: did you install the drivers for the nvidia card? [05:27] Jordan_U: It would be embarrassing if I hadn't... there is a language changer but not a keyboard layout changer. [05:27] so its a pirated version sorry i didnt know [05:27] nice, we're talking about nvidia already [05:27] sxx, I'm not sure what "Ultimate edition" is, but you can install drivers by going to System -> Administrator -> Hardware Drivers [05:27] sxx no not pirated [05:27] JeoTheLeo, say [05:28] sxx, Ubuntu is free so you can't pirate it [05:28] u can remake ubuntu as u like [05:28] <^Cheeky> ok, this is wronh right, if you have a ubuntu server running, and then you install transmission command line only, and you sshd into your box and you try to add a torrent but you get unauthorised user error, and also when i stopped the deamon (stopping the stop script in /etc) and i visit my server via fire fox and i still can open the application .. :S [05:28] sxx: It's not pirated but it's frankly pretty horrible ( broken ) [05:28] sxx, and then it just searches for the right driver [05:28] whew i was worried then [05:28] korin43, correction, its open source so u can't pirate it [05:28] free soft can be hacked and pirated [05:29] so what do i need instead of this version i dont like it [05:29] it happened twice till now, I'm working on ubuntu and suddenly the screen freezes...the pointer doesn't move and the keyboard's Capslock and scroll lock LEDs keep flashing while nothing happens whatever I press on it...also the shutdown button doesn't do anything [05:29] sxx try linux mint [05:29] sxx, go to ubuntu.com and get the newest version [05:29] it's free, you'll just need a CD to burn it to [05:29] and they are free ??????? [05:29] its based on ubuntu too and has all restricted drivers and codecs installed [05:29] sxx: You can even order a CD and they will send it to you for free ( even shipping ) [05:30] sxx linux mint has good support and it looks nice [05:30] I recently installed my new nvidia card...I don't assume there's a problem with it [05:30] sxx: Though it takes a few weeks [05:30] !shipit | sxx [05:30] sxx: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs [05:30] windows mint or ubuntu what one should i get please i have 50mb broadband [05:30] JeoTheLeo, something wrong with your video card, try to reinstall driver [05:30] JeoTheLeo: what kind of processor do you have? [05:30] it's same problem with me [05:31] boris_inhuman, reinstalled twice.. [05:31] korin43, intel [05:31] h,mmmmm [05:31] sxx, you should use default ubuntu, but if you want all codecs pre-installed then use linux mint [05:31] I am trying to compile putty. But I can't. [05:31] hm I was just wondering because I had a similar problem, but it was specific to the AMD Phenom [05:31] mint is same as ubuntu so u can use it the same way [05:32] perhaps the resolution is too high? [05:32] JeoTheLeo, with previous version of ubuntu i dont havent any problem, with this 9.04 version.. i have a lot of problems... [05:32] hello [05:32] I have internet on a Windows XP Pro machine and have set up an ad-hoc wireless network on that machine sharing the Internet connection ... My Nokia phone can connect to the network and browse the Internet, but my Ubuntu laptop will not connect to the network even though it sees it - Please help [05:32] !hi | ruby_on_tails [05:32] ruby_on_tails: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [05:32] This error is shown: http://pastebin.com/m54bfd20a [05:32] ximbinha? [05:32] zetheroo, I'm thinking samba, but I may be wrong [05:32] Yes. I am Ximbinha [05:33] zetheroo, i also use a nokia phone as a modem and it works fine [05:33] what's your ubuntu version, zetheroo ? [05:33] there is a install-sh there [05:33] hey so I have a technical writing class that I have to write a manual for (not particularly long, 6+ pages). Does anyone have an idea of something that we need a manual for? I was thinking packaging, but the manual is already decent (it could use work, but not enough to get a good grade) or compiling the kernel (way above my teacher's level..) [05:33] but it needs a file and destination [05:33] I was working on my hosts file and the defaults in apache2/sites-enabled and apache2/sites-available and somehow now my applications in localhost are not working, http://localhost is working but http://localhost/apps is not working :( [05:33] hi alokito :D [05:33] I don't know which parameters I need put. [05:33] I was trying to create virtualhosts [05:34] korin43, how about a good manual for terminal commands? [05:34] are codecs hard to install??? im downloading both now thank you for helping me ^.^ which now brings me to do ineed my norton antivirus and firewalls i did try to install them [05:34] alokito: connecting with the phone is not the issue - its connecting Ubuntu to an ad-hoc network from a Windows XP machine [05:34] ruby_on_tails, i think virtual hosts are in the form of domains/subdomains [05:34] sxx, no its easy, u just have to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [05:35] JeoTheLeo: no don't need them on linux [05:35] korin43: I wanted to create pointers like appname for localhost/appname its not possible ? [05:35] but u can't run music and video directly from livecd without a internet connection [05:35] or http://appname for http://localhost/appname [05:35] why does the number on my ethernet controller keep incrementing every time I restart? [05:35] anybody knows? [05:35] sounds easy enough hmmm ^.^ [05:35] felipesilva, knows what? [05:36] an install-sh needs a file and destination [05:36] zetheroo: are you using the network-manager? [05:36] alokito, I am intersted on this too [05:36] but i don't know which parameter i need put [05:36] ruby_on_tails, i don't think localhost/appname will work [05:36] well then, later eh [05:36] im with ximbinha [05:36] try appname.localhost [05:36] i am a newbie [05:36] http://pastebin.com/m54bfd20a, alokito the error [05:36] Ximbinha, interested in what? [05:36] Building putty from source [05:36] just http://appname won't work because it won't point to your computer (dns) [05:36] checking [05:36] he helping me alokito [05:37] and http://localhost/appname won't work because that's not how virtual hosts work (I think) [05:37] ctmjr: yes [05:37] when i logout, the logout sound doesn't sound, what would be the problem [05:37] korin43: but localhost/appname was working till yesterday, my application is in /var/www/ [05:37] oh [05:37] seems likes its not just Ubuntu either ... Maemo linux will not connect as well [05:37] Ximbinha, do you have build-essentials package? [05:37] Yes. [05:37] both finished downloading just burning them now. whats the best way to remove this ultimate thing please [05:38] I think that is something to do with install-sh script. [05:38] and /var/www/appname exists? [05:38] yes [05:38] But we don't know how to use it. [05:38] Ximbinha, check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=334931 [05:38] korin43: that's the place where I save my php stuff [05:38] it may be that one of your virtual hosts is higher priority than whatever is looking /var/www [05:39] zetheroo: see if this helps you out any if you have not read it yet https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc === RaNdY is now known as Guest27867 [05:39] I'm having trouble explaining how it works, but each virtual host generally points to a different folder, and if you overwrote the default one and pointed it somewhere else, it won't work anymore [05:39] I never created a virtual host, I was trying to, and it stopped working, so I revereted all the changes in the 3 files I was playing with bt its still not working [05:39] or created a higher priority one than the default [05:39] on ubuntu hardy have 2.5 and 2.6 installed, how do i get mod_wsgi to server 2.6 instead of 2.5? [05:39] can I see your sites-available's? [05:39] alokito, I know that. [05:39] korin43: 1 sec === Guest27867 is now known as RaNdY [05:40] We just want to build from source. [05:40] And there is no official packages for putty. [05:40] We *need* build it. === RaNdY is now known as Guest48806 [05:40] korin43: Look at some of the new features in karmic and see if any aren't documented yet [05:41] I'm not using Karmic though :( [05:41] korin43: http://codepad.org/fXQFF9sk [05:41] is there a way to change your Wireless Card's Mac Adress in ubuntu? [05:41] NetEcho: Yes, System > Preferences > Networking [05:41] sweet Jordan_U, you just made my day [05:41] I and felipesilva are trying to install putty from source. Do we need to use install-sh script to install it? [05:42] my work blocks wifi access to your MAC after you've used 1hr in a 24 hour slot [05:42] Ximbinha, make install should work [05:42] `i`m off to install mint thank you for the help and im sure i will be back lol thank you very much ben [05:42] except when I'm on shift I have 6 hours of spare time [05:42] alokito, doesn't works. [05:43] make install gives an output which says thats impossible makes stats witch plink [05:43] !info putty [05:43] korin43: does it say anything ? [05:43] something like that [05:43] !info putty [05:43] where? [05:43] putty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60-4 (jaunty), package size 304 kB, installed size 760 kB [05:43] putty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60-4 (jaunty), package size 304 kB, installed size 760 kB [05:43] ximbinha knows better [05:43] oh sorry I saw it. Looking now [05:43] prince_jammys: your too fast [05:43] ok, np :) [05:43] why would you use putty when you can just open a terminal? [05:43] read their docs, or install from repository. [05:44] Ximbinha, putty is in ubuntu repository [05:44] ruby_on_tails: that one looks fine, is it in sites-enabled as 000-somefilename? [05:44] I see, but we want build it. [05:44] I only use putty when I'm on a non unix/linux system [05:44] i know my friend but i want to learn how compile a program from source [05:44] Ximbinha: cool. figure it out then. [05:44] Ximbinha, you don't want to install it? :-/ === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [05:45] don't waste other people's time because you feel like building it. [05:45] ruby_on_tails: I think apache chooses priority by alphabetical order, so if you have another one named 000-something then it might take priority over this one [05:45] When booting my computer displays on the virtual console 1 only 25 lines of text. How can I make it more verbose of boot messages? [05:45] korin43: aah, you need the sites-enabled this ? I posted the /sites-available/default [05:45] Ximbinha: did you run apt-get build-dep ? [05:45] im a starter i want to learn === RaNdY is now known as Guest71176 [05:45] just that [05:45] cool. learn. [05:45] !compile > Ximbinha,felipesilva [05:45] korin43: this is the sites-enabled/000-default http://codepad.org/5wikBNf4 [05:45] !compile |Ximbinha,felipesilva [05:45] Ximbinha,felipesilva: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [05:45] ruby_on_tails: the sites-enabled should just be a link. Did you change anything in the sites-enabled folder? [05:45] i don't want borry anyone [05:46] aren't SSD's supposed to have much faster read speeds than HDD's? [05:46] korin43: yea I was working on /sites-enabled/000-default [05:46] Omen20 generally yes [05:46] how do i install ubuntu on an n810? [05:47] ruby_on_tails: it's just a link anyway, so it should always be identical. Are there any other sites enabled? Have you run sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart? [05:47] korin43: aah, I had reverted the changes but didt restart apche, restared it now, works fine :) [05:47] ruby_on_tails: Woo :) [05:47] does hdparm -tT output in Mb and only say MB by mistake then? because the SSDs im seeing top out at about 100MB/s and my PATA is hitting over 500 [05:47] korin43: why do you say it's a link ? 000-default looks like a file on my system [05:47] n810: You better be more verbose telling people what a n810 is and what its features are. [05:48] Omen20 how is the SSD hooked up? [05:48] SATA II [05:48] for the SSD im looking at specs on newegg [05:48] bullgard4: sorry, an n810 is an arm based internet tablet...ubuntu is supposed to support arm, but i see no instructions on any ubuntu official website [05:48] what kind of SSD? [05:48] ruby_on_tails: it's actually a link. You can create them with ln -s link_name target [05:48] aah, it's a link for the thing in sites-available ? [05:49] Omen20 what brand is it? [05:49] In my Home dir. It seems to have made a folder called "Desktop" However.... I things that are on my desktop are not there, It's like I have two desktops, one is my ~ dir. the other one being my REAL desktop.. [05:49] ruby_on_tails: They aren't like windows shortcuts. Whenever you request the shortcut, you'll get the original file. And yes, it's a link to the file in sites-enabled (that way you can remove the link and the site will be disabled without removing the information) [05:49] n810: You install Ubuntu most conviently by starting an Ubuntu live CD. [05:49] this one is a Kingston [05:49] bullgard4: an n810 is the size of a phone...no cd drive [05:49] then its most likely not outputting the proper speed [05:49] Ximbinha, this is the best one I can find: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-source-files-in-ubuntu.html === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [05:50] korin43: ok, thanks :) got it [05:50] u mean hdparm? [05:50] Omen20 try doing some filesystem intesive commands on the PATA drive and time it and then do the same on the SSD and time it [05:50] n810: Does it have Internet access? [05:50] <^Cheeky> anyone can please hlep me with transmission on a headless ubuntu 9.04 server, :S === RaNdY is now known as Guest49463 [05:50] I've installed things from source already., [05:50] ruby_on_tails: glad I could help [05:50] bullgard4: there are two arm arch images both under 10 mb on ubuntu's website...i don't know which supports the n810, yes, has wifi, usb ethernet, bluetooth, gps, etc [05:51] i dont have the SSD, i was looking at specs to see what level of boost i would get if i bought one [05:51] bullgard4 the n810 is a Cell phone by nokia [05:51] Ximbinha, in the link I just gave, read the para under "lets see what each one of them does…" [05:51] netecho: its an internet tablet, not a cell phone, unless you use VOIP over skype [05:51] ok [05:52] wow I wouldn't waste my money on it unless it had GSM capabilities as well [05:52] n810: I see. May be http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ will guide you through the beginning of the installation process. [05:52] netecho: it has wimax [05:53] n810 so its only good in major urban areas [05:53] that have wimax systems === c is now known as Guest55788 [05:53] so the other 90% of the continent it would be useless [05:53] netecho: unless u have a cell phone modem :) [05:54] so nothing official from ubuntu even though they started supporting it officially with 9.04? [05:54] it would still be useless for any real business application or even personal application with a GSM modem [05:54] If I get kernel compilation errors (compilation doesn't finish), is it safe to do another "fakeroot make-kpkg"? Will the build system skip those files which were already compiled? [05:54] I'd just get a HTC TyTn 2 [05:54] korin43: network-manager-gnome could use some documentation === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [05:55] n810, wait for the n900 [05:55] mo0nykit: No, you need to make clean === RaNdY is now known as Guest6366 === Guest6366 is now known as RaNdY [05:55] Gun_Smoke: the n810 has the same arm7 arch [05:55] Jordan_U: oh, another two-and-a-half hours :( Anyway, thanks! [05:56] n810, cool.. later. [05:56] mo0nykit: look into ccache [05:56] Jordan_U: Good idea :) [05:56] Jordan_U: where is that? [05:57] can any one tell me how to combine orig.tar.gz diff.gz .dcs file [05:57] darksmac: I know that. At what point are you now? [05:57] i have only dl the files [05:57] korin43: Specifically it would be nice if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing included instructions for using network-manager's built in network sharing as it is MUCH easier than all of the other methods listed there [05:58] darksmac: okay, are they in your home folder? [05:58] When booting my computer displays on the virtual console 1 only 25 lines of text. How can I make it more verbose of boot messages? [05:58] /usr/src [05:58] mo0nykit: The package is ccache [05:58] no no wait /home/darksmac/desktop [05:58] so nothing official from ubuntu even though they started supporting it officially with 9.04? [05:59] Jordan_U: I was under the impression network manager could only have one active connection (so no sharing) [05:59] supported it as stated here: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/arm [05:59] korin43: Not since 0.7, it's just not documented :) [05:59] darksmac: okay.. i think it would be safer to work from /home/darksmac [05:59] I installed ubuntu 9.04 on this rather old computer, and in grub if I have it boot to the updated kernel 2.6.28-15-generic, it will go through the loading screen and then it's all black. Does someone know a fix? === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:00] moOnykit: sorry they are on desktop but im wroking from terminal now [06:00] I'm trying to customise a LiveCD and have added many packages. Now, I want to change the default app for mp3 files. How to do so using terminal or config files? [06:00] darksmac: create a ~/linux directory. Put your downloaded files there [06:00] Jordan_U: Ah :) === RaNdY is now known as Guest45960 [06:00] ok [06:00] korin43: Here is a video showing connection sharing from 2008: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/10/16/video-fedora-10-connection-sharing/ it's the closest thing to "documentation" I have found for the feature [06:00] michelle: when in GRUB menu, try recovery mode [06:01] darksmac: tell me when you're done [06:01] It works fine if I choose kernel 2.6.28-11-generic instead though [06:01] michelle, reinstall new kernel [06:01] michelle: had the same problem, install karmic fixed it where jaunty did not [06:01] michelle, do u have a third party graphics driver installed? [06:01] alokito: does michelle's problem have something to do with xfix? [06:02] moOnykit: ok done [06:02] all files now in /home/darksmac/linux [06:02] mo0nykit, it will work if the problem is related with graphics otherwise it wont fix [06:02] michelle: it was a problem with that specific kernel and previous ones in jaunty, karmic ridded all those, also check your swap to ensure it is activated [06:02] Jordan_U: I'll see what I can do. The main problem with this is that I need to write at least 6 pages so I would need to write general documentation, but I think network-manager doesn't seem to have any [06:02] darksmac: okay.. now unpack the .orig.tar.gz "tar xvzf linux_.orig.tar.gz". It will create a new directory called linux- [06:03] alokito: i see.. thanks.. [06:03] n810, karmic is still in development, u shouldn't recommend it to someone [06:03] anyone know an official ubuntu webpage with the instructions to install ubuntu on arm? (i don't see that one exists even though it has been officially supported since 9.04) [06:03] i'm using karmic but I wont ask other's to use it before final [06:03] alokito, you already did [06:04] darksmac: DON'T use sudo [06:04] alokito: ok, i'll refrain from that in the future [06:04] karmic is the only real fix to the issue? [06:04] solid_liq, when? I didnt ask u to install it I said its stable for me :P [06:04] lol [06:04] how do I install karmic? sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? [06:04] korin43: At a guess 6 pages seems about right for documenting the network-manager GUI [06:04] karmic has a bunch of issues, the least of which is the repositories are in flux [06:04] michelle, or alt+f2 update-manager -d === Guest45960 is now known as RaNdY [06:05] mo0nykit: lol ok i used sudo hold up ill dl and restart [06:05] darksmac: WAIT! === RaNdY is now known as Guest26168 [06:05] michelle, u might face problems with the new karmic grub2 [06:05] darksmac: you only need to change the ownerships of your downloaded files === matthew is now known as Guest40270 [06:05] !karmic | michelle [06:05] michelle: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [06:06] Jordan_U, whats the meaning of "Karmic WILL break"? :-S [06:07] alokito: It's still under development and there will be times when an update may cause your system to no longer boot [06:07] I need to understand what all the directories in / mean and contain, is there som manual for this ? [06:07] what are new features in karmic? [06:07] darksmac: try this "ls ~/linux -l" Who are the owners of your downloaded archives? [06:07] Jordan_U, okay.. my system hasn't broken yet :D [06:08] michelle, lots of new features [06:08] ruby_on_tails: Visit tldp.org. Look for the Linux Beginner's Guide by Machtelt Garrels. It pretty much explains the directories on / [06:08] ruby_on_tails: by the default Ubuntu puts everything into / [06:08] root [06:09] ruby_on_tails: that's /home /usr and so on [06:09] mo0nykit: root for all [06:09] i can change ownership [06:09] darksmac: okay, cd into ~/linux, then "sudo chown " [06:09] ruby_on_tails: having it all in / in Ubuntu is useually rather fine, however seperate /home 's can be useful [06:09] darksmac: okay thats good [06:09] !home | ruby_on_tails [06:09] ruby_on_tails: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [06:10] !usr [06:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about usr === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:10] !var [06:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about var [06:10] alokito: You may get lucky and miss an update that breaks things, or not use the things that break, but don't count on karmic working at any given time [06:10] :| [06:10] darksmac: also change the group ownership with "chgrp" (i don't know the necessity of this, but I'd prefer to be sure :) === RaNdY is now known as Guest25698 [06:10] Jordan_U, no problem its not my default os [06:10] i have jaunty installed [06:10] alokito: You might notice that ubuntu-desktop is currently held back due to packaging issues [06:10] mo0nykit: ok all owned by me [06:10] okay good [06:10] mo0nykit: ok [06:11] darksmac: now do the unpacking. DONT sudo :) [06:11] mo0nykit: let me change group [06:11] Jordan_U, ive installed ubuntu-desktop, will the system break now? :-S [06:12] alokito: No, at least not because of that particular problem, if you have more questions about karmic join #ubuntu+1 [06:12] it wasn't selected by default so I installed it manually [06:12] ok [06:12] mo0nykit: can't find any such book, did you mean bash beginners guide by Machtelt Garrels ? [06:12] mo0nykit: getting a lot of do directory found errors [06:13] hey, does anybody else have trouble getting firefox 3.5 to automatically open certain file types with a program (like opening docx files with OpenOffice)? [06:13] Hi, does anyone know how record audio before it goes into the sound card (ubuntu jaunty?) [06:13] ruby_on_tails: look further down, or CTRL-F and type in garrels [06:13] from either internet, skype, or an mp3 [06:13] sebsebseb: I know that but there are numerous other folders, I am looking for some manual which explains the contents and purpose of the folders [06:13] darksmac: like what? show me on paste.ubuntu.com [06:13] mo0nykit: rights for all 3 files are r only [06:14] mo0nykit: Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide ? [06:14] ruby_on_tails: well the average user doesn't really need to know what those folders do [06:14] i have a dude, why on my dhcp 3.x y have to put on the subnet values of XXX.XXX.X.0,XXX.XXX.X.32 [06:14] ruby_on_tails: yup, that one :) [06:14] mo0nykit: thanks [06:14] darksmac: okay let me see my files for a while [06:14] sebsebseb: I am a super duper user :> [06:14] and netmask uses, [06:14] mo0nykit: ok well ill brb i have to use gui to paste im using ubuntu server === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:15] When booting my computer displays on the virtual console 1 only 25 lines of text. How can I make it more verbose of boot messages? [06:15] ruby_on_tails: knowing about the hidden .folders in home, is more important for most people than knowing what everything in / does [06:15] darksmac: you probably have only r permissions for your ~/linux folder [06:15] ruby_on_tails: most users === RaNdY is now known as Guest83858 [06:15] ruby_on_tails: you're welcome :) that book helped me a lot too [06:16] mo0nykit: ill check [06:16] Hello, my work uses Microsoft Excel 2007 and they sent me our work schedule for the next 3 months in .xlsx. OpenOffice tries to open it, but it is apparently too large for it to easily convert... and it refuses to use my quadcore processor properly... is there anyway to convert this to a format openoffice will be able to easily use? [06:16] wow there is a hindi version of that book too [06:16] ruby_on_tails: haha that's interesting [06:16] hi, how can i keep networkManager from trying to configure a network card, i got two wireless card, i would like to blacklist NM from configueing one [06:16] Sorry my connection crapped out on me. Did anybody send me any responses? [06:17] sebsebseb: ok, then I was working with apache, etc so I want to read about stuff in those folder because I get lost everytime navigating the dirs :( [06:17] mo0nykit: thanks changed owner and group to darksmac and it works [06:17] thanks [06:17] darksmac: good :) tell me when you're done unpacking [06:17] mo0nykit: ok orig.tar.gz done [06:17] i got two wireless card, i would like to blacklist NM from configueing one? [06:17] mordocai: not sure, but Excel 2007 under Wine to open one way, and I think there is a Excel 2007 viewer program as well [06:18] ruby_on_tails: oh ok [06:18] darksmac: now you also unpack the .diff. I think it uses a different archiving package. I used gunzip for that [06:18] sebsebseb: I will start from / and move to the .files in ~ [06:18] :) [06:18] mo0nykit: ok hold up [06:19] sebsebseb, Okay, i'm going to try excel viewer === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:20] mordocai: get it from Microsoft, and it should work fine in Wine === RaNdY is now known as Guest96489 [06:20] sebsebseb, Yeah, that's what i'm doing... i've only got a 756 or so kbs connection... but i'll let you know if it works. [06:20] sebsebseb: "fine in Wine" <-- sounds good :) [06:20] mo0nykit: hmm? [06:20] mo0nykit: is it gzip to apt-get? [06:21] darksmac: no.. try "man gunzip" [06:21] sebsebseb: has a nice rhyme to it. hehe [06:21] mordocai: Also I guess you could open the program in the online Google Docs, maybe Gnumeric can deal with it, and KOffice as well [06:21] mordocai: program I meant file [06:23] sherl0ck: I might not be able to help fully, but I'll just give you a lead. Try looking into /etc/network/interfaces file, using "less /etc/network/interfaces". Press Q to quit [06:23] sebsebseb: Yeah, i've used google docs before. But i'm trying to find a way to look at it when i'm offline too. At least, i don't think you can download google docs? [06:24] mordocai: ok try Gnumeric and KOffice as well, they might be able to open your file [06:24] sherl0ck: Is it okay to private message you? I think i can help you with your networkmanager problem. [06:24] sebsebseb: Thanks, i'll look into them. === Guest96489 is now known as RaNdY [06:25] when's the suspected date of Karmic's release ? === RaNdY is now known as Guest24533 === Guest24533 is now known as RaNdY [06:25] mordocai: no problem good luck [06:25] Name141: 29 October 2009 [06:25] Name141: October 29th [06:25] hi [06:26] OK [06:26] i have a problem with ubuntu installing new packages [06:26] E: ca-certificates-java: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [06:26] is the error i get after trying to install new packages [06:27] darksmac: are you done unpacking the .diff? [06:27] mordocai, absolutely [06:27] i need to how to download flash player for Linux [06:28] mo0nykit: i cant seem to understand gunzip commands [06:28] darksmac: let me see.. [06:29] darksmac: "gunzip -c " [06:29] http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11998 , any idea if that bug would be fixed in Karmic ? [06:29] Or should I just prepare to go back to Hardy ? [06:29] mo0nykit: ok [06:29] hello === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:30] hello prasad [06:30] mo0nykit: ok thats done [06:30] Name141 you can install a new kernel before karmic === RaNdY is now known as Guest20487 [06:30] am a new ubuntu user. wanted to know how to enable the awesome cube ?? [06:30] 什么东西 [06:30] darksmac: okay now cd into the ~/linux/linux- directory [06:30] seidos: I am in XP right now,after Intrepid screwed it up. [06:30] 哦[ [06:31] seidos: And continued in Jaunty. [06:31] mo0nykit: inthere [06:31] seidos: I'm looking to go back though (When it is fixed and I can use my NIC) [06:31] darksmac: then issue this command "patch -p1 -i ../" That should patch your original source tree [06:32] Name141: ah, better to go back to heron I think [06:32] seidos: Oh. Perhaps ndiswrapper and windows NIC drivers ? [06:32] Jordan_U: i have just installed ccache. What do I do next? Can I do another "fakeroot make-kpkg" ? [06:33] Name141: it might not be a good idea to blame ubuntu, can't say if the hardware manufacturer followed standards. I just don't know enough to say with certainty [06:33] hi seidos. i need some suggestion [06:33] Name141: perhaps. I've used ndiswrapper for my wireless. [06:33] mo0nykit: ok it said only garbage was found in the patch input [06:33] hi seidos [06:33] ram1: I'll do my best to answer [06:33] seidos: I am using a wired connection [06:34] E: ca-certificates-java: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [06:34] seidos: would that make a difference ? [06:34] Name141: I think it's weird that a wired connection isn't working. what have you tried to get it working? [06:34] darksmac: hmm.. is the .diff file located in ~/linux ? [06:34] is the error i am getting when installing new updates [06:34] seidos: Yes I did. [06:34] mo0nykit: yea [06:34] Name141: you did what? [06:34] it is a diff.gz just so were sure [06:34] ram1: never seen that error === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:35] darksmac: oh, you don't input the .diff.gz. Use the .diff [06:35] seidos: I removed the e1000e module, and modprobed it.. Then it (sometimes) would come back till the switch or the modem would reset, then I'd lose my connection till I removed and reprobed the module. It got tiresome and I went back to windows. === RaNdY is now known as Guest84082 [06:35] darksmac: actually after doing a gunzip on the .diff.gz file, you should be left with only a .diff file [06:35] ram1: I got an error with daemontools-run, couldn't figure out what the problem was, so I removed daemontools-run to see what would happen :/ [06:36] mo0nykitso i have to tar the diff.gz then gunzip the .diff [06:36] Name141: modem? [06:36] seidos: HN7000S [06:36] darksmac: no, you can't tar the .diff.gz. It will complain that it's not a TAR archive. Just do a gunzip on the .diff.gz [06:36] Name141: not familiar with that number [06:36] darksmac: gunzip -c [06:36] seidos: It's a Hughesnet Sat modem [06:37] Name141: i don't see the connection between your modem and ethernet adapter [06:37] just ran that no file created of changed [06:37] or* [06:37] seidos: The Modem goes in to the 4 port switch on the router instead of the Internet [06:37] (port) [06:37] darksmac: let me look it up again.. brb [06:37] seidos: then the rest of the computers are hooked up through the other 3 ports [06:38] mo0nykit: i appreciate this soo much sorry [06:38] Name141: you're talking about a cable modem? [06:38] guys am unable to access addons.mozilla.org , are you facing the same problem ? [06:38] seidos: I just said satelight [06:38] darksmac: no problem really.. that's what #ubuntu is for [06:38] hehe [06:39] prasad: works for me [06:39] darksmac: don't use -c [06:39] prasad: works for me too [06:39] mo0nykit: ok ill try [06:39] Name141: I don't have your equipment. [06:39] prince_jammys: ok ill try [06:39] seidos: OK. [06:39] Name141: when you say modem it could be a POTS modem, and not a cable modem. [06:39] prince_jammys: i'm sorry, i probably made a mistake [06:39] prince_jammys: ok that worked [06:39] Alright, I suppose I'm dropping a ridiculous help request out of the blue but the ps3 slim dropped otherOS support... how can I get Ubuntu onto it anyways? [06:39] now gunzip again [06:40] seidos: It is a Sat modem.. that's all I know [06:40] thanx maybe there is some problem on my side after all ! ....but am able to access all other sites, dunno what to do now ! === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:40] darksmac: do you see a .diff file? [06:40] seidos: two way [06:40] !ps3 [06:40] Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC ( support in #ubuntu-ppc ) [06:40] mo0nykit: yes i do [06:40] Name141: a satellite modem? like satellite tv, but for internet? === RaNdY is now known as Guest41324 === Guest41324 is now known as RaNdY [06:40] seidos: Correct [06:40] darksmac: okay that's good. now cd into ~/linux/linux- [06:40] mo0nykit: now do i patch or gunzip -c [06:40] seidos: On Ku band [06:41] Name141: cool! so you have a sat modem, connected to a router, and your pc is connected to the router? [06:41] mo0nykit: done [06:41] ? I've read about how to put it onto the regular ps3 but they removed that support for the slim version. [06:41] seidos: Sort of, I can't use it as a router. I am using it as a switch. [06:41] darksmac: no more gunzip. After cd-ing into ~/linux/linux-, do this "patch -p1 -i ../" [06:41] seidos: the modem itself has DHCP, etc [06:42] Name141: so the modem is being used as a switch. does the modem have a local and external ip address? [06:42] seidos: Yes. So does the router [06:43] Name141: now there's a router? [06:43] why? [06:43] :-| [06:43] mo0nykit: same only garbage found error [06:43] sebsebseb: Okay, gnumeric worked almost instantly... with some formatting problems. Excel viewer also was taking forever. [06:43] never mind [06:43] mordocai: formatting issue problems hmm [06:43] any idea why i'm getting: "open /dev/snd/seq failed: Permission denied" when running some custom made script that starts a new X server and runs a windows game through wine? [06:44] :-| [06:44] /dev/snd/seq is ALSA, what permissions should i need to be able to open it? [06:44] mordocai: well when it comes to those kind of propritary formats, the open source programs can't suppourt them 100% since they have to reverse enginer support [06:44] darksmac: hmm.. are you compiling a kernel (all the while I was thinking you're trying to compile a kernel, because that's what I'm also trying to do right now) [06:44] * seidos checks the status of his iso xfer from his other computer over his network [06:45] hey, it's done === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:45] mo0nykit: its actually libnl1-1.1-5 [06:45] sebsebseb: Yeah, i hope i can one day help... still a novice at programming though === RaNdY is now known as Guest66971 [06:46] mordocai: oh ok, as for the Microsoft Excel 2007 viewer in Wine, what happended there? [06:47] hey sebsebseb [06:47] sebsebseb: Well, i'm going to let it process for awhile... but it's just basically frozen. [06:47] darksmac: i think it has something to do with the .diff file being corrupted or something. I'm not sure if I can help you any further. I could point you to where I learned this. http://www.network-theory.co.uk/articles/patchintro.html [06:48] ok i fixed thing mentioned above; now i'm having a problem as to where sound is being outputed on my new X server, instead of going to the speakers, it seems to go to the integrated computer beep, any idea why and how to fix it? [06:48] sebsebseb: It opens a smaller document though. [06:48] seidos: hi [06:48] mordocai: Office 2007 under Wine, or in a Windows virtual machine depending on how much RAM you have??? === _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY [06:50] mo0nkitty: jumped into gui thank you very much for all your help [06:50] sebsebseb: I was using wine just using excel viewer... i'm on a x64 with 4GB of ram... but i don't have a windows licensce [06:50] darksmac: try doing it without the -p1 switch "patch -i ../" === RaNdY is now known as Guest16464 [06:50] mordocai: ok I have an idea [06:50] mordocai: so someone sent you the file yes? [06:50] mo0nkitty: ok [06:50] sebsebseb: Yeah [06:51] mordocai: emailed it to you? expecting you to have software to open it [06:51] darksmac2222: sure you're welcome [06:51] help me [06:51] sebsebseb: correct [06:51] mordocai: Well Richard Stallman has a nice article telling people not to send word documents with example emails [06:51] doanbao@gmail.com [06:51] mordocai: well have a look anyway, i'll get link hold on, you might not want to send one to whoever sent you it though [06:52] I am trying to rip a CD to FLAC [06:52] how do I burn an iso cd in ubuntu? [06:52] Sound Juicer is persistantly ripping to ogg, even when told to do FLAC [06:52] i tried write to disc, but it just asks me to put in a blank cd [06:52] sebsebseb: Yeah, it's my boss lol... but sounds like a good read. I'm reading cathedral and the bazaar now... not by the same author, but i like it so far [06:52] Does anyone know another tool that I can use to rip FLAC (GUI or CLI)? [06:53] mo0nykit: your a genius actually it worked with the -p1 switch but im stupid and used *.dcs not *.diff [06:53] mo0nykit: im lucky i caught my stupid [06:53] mordocai: could change it for Excel documents and :) hopefuly, but maybe also a bit risky when it's your boss heh http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html [06:53] darksmac: haha thats funny. Congrats! :) [06:54] mo0nykit: do you happen to konw where i can get some info on setting ath9k drivers into AP mode [06:54] monokrome: ripperx [06:54] darksmac: for more info about patching see the link i gave you. that's where i learned it. [06:54] all my googleing is comming up bad [06:54] mordocai: So he/they didn't provide you with a lap top with Windows and Office 2007 on it or something hmm, looks like you might just have to open it at work, good luck [06:54] darksmac: ath9k drivers... that i do not know already :) [06:54] mo0nykit: i got it saved as fav already [06:55] What's the command to format pendrive? [06:55] Thank you, jamiewan =] [06:55] doh! what's that place :p [06:55] sebsebseb: Thanks, gnumeric works good enough to at least see the basics! I might print it... [06:55] monokrome: might not be what u after tho sorry [06:55] mo0nykit: thanks again i gotta come on here and help others when i finally know more than someone else [06:56] What's the command to format pendrive? [06:56] is it 2 AM for u too ? :) [06:56] jamiewan: If it can rip to flac, then I'm happy. [06:56] monokrome: synaptic has some stuff might be ok [06:56] mordocai: Maybe one day you can convert him/her to Ubuntu or something hmm :) [06:56] mordocai: no problem [06:57] sebsebseb: Hopefully... i try to convert everyone i meet! lol [06:57] mordocai: ,but if you try KOffice that might display it better [06:57] darksmac: yeah that's right. You don't really have to know "more". I think it's okay to just give them a lead on where to look first :) In fact I've used Ubuntu for about 2 months and only on VirtualBox. [06:57] mordocai: KDE app though so it will put on KDE stuff, if it's not already on there [06:57] jamiewan: That one only does MP3 [06:57] sebsebseb: Does koffice support .docx file to read? [06:58] monokrome: yeah try this link http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t66600.html [06:58] Aalinux: maybe not, but I think in that case, there's one in development that will [06:58] monokrome: sorry was distracted [06:58] i had to double click the drive so it would mount, then I could write the disc using nautilus-cd-bur [06:58] jamiewan: asunder in apt did it :) [06:59] nautilus-cd-burner too :) [06:59] Uhm I need some help with Xubuntu, can I ask here? [06:59] monokrome: cool [06:59] thanks for helping:) [06:59] Hey Guys. [07:00] jum [07:00] How do I update from Jaunty to Karmic without losing everything? [07:00] Uhm I need some help with Xubuntu, can I ask here? [07:00] seanshoots: just update [07:00] seanshoots: don't do that yet, unless your a proper tester or developer [07:00] !karmic | seanshoots [07:00] seanshoots: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 === RaNdY is now known as Guest60560 [07:01] seanshoots: Also when the final is out, it might be better to just do an Ubuntu clean install for the Ext4 advantages :) rather than converting Ext3 to Ext4 [07:01] Ok. [07:01] Thanks. [07:01] seanshoots: np [07:02] just wants to say.. ubuntu works fine on an old dell laptop (latitude c810) .. web2.0 sites and flash lag sometimes but it`s ok for what i have to do with it .. nice and easy to use linux distribution ... i just wants to thanks everyone working on it :D === Guest60560 is now known as RaNdY [07:03] jmr_: maybe/probably none of them will read that [07:03] I have no sound in flash, anyone know how to fix that? (9.04) [07:03] sebsebseb ... you work on it just when you help people using it i guess ;) [07:04] I'm using flash 10, ubuntu 9.04 [07:04] Okay here's my problem. When I run a setup.exe file via Wine, it installs to other, but when I try to uninstall the icons stick there and take up space. So my question is: I saw this on a forum. If I delete the .desktop files located in usr/share... What else will it delete? [07:04] Help, please? [07:04] ? [07:04] jmr_: yeah I guess so [07:04] jmr_: in a way [07:04] jmr_: since giving back something [07:05] Lappy: the Wine menu icons are in .local or .config [07:06] is it not advisable to overwrite python 2.5 with 2.6 in hardy? [07:06]  [07:06] whatupderek: That's never advisable. :-) [07:06] didn't think so haha [07:07] But I need to remove it completely. I usedto have sberal gigs free, but after I installed those setup files it wastes space. Is there like a package that can clean it up completely? [07:07] Lappy: delete .wine from the home folder, and your Wine programs are gone [07:08] how can i load my soud driver Realtek ALC250 [07:08] i get this buzzing noise when i play music [07:09] took the update and the 9.04...is taking quite awhile had to gat on the g4 to be here... [07:09] sebsebseb: Absolutely everything in the 'Other' application folder? And im using Xubuntu... [07:10] sebsebseb .. for my part, i think that just giving thanks to ... anybody ... who gives the possibility to use this -pretty good working- system freely, help or take time to listen to users... is the less that everyone should do :) [07:10] is 904 any faster tha 810? === root is now known as Guest66494 [07:11] jmr_: yep give thanks to people that help you, that's good [07:11] im not a guru and my english is limited but .. if i can apologise what is done there i will ;) [07:11] Balsaq, 9.10 is much very fast [07:11] /msg NickServ Recoba 6321478963 [07:11] Balsaq: not really, unless Ext4 is done, but that's not properly stable in 9.04, because of the kernel they have and that, hence it not being default, but i will be for 9.10 released October 29th [07:12] trinium: thank you is it fater than 810 [07:12] Balsaq: are you still on 8.10? [07:13] Anyone got sound support in flash 10? [07:13] So sebsebseb: I'm on Xubuntu. Will there be a .wine folder in my home folder? [07:13] sebsebseb: well was on 810 for 4 days now an doing the 904 update [07:13] Lappy: should be yeah [07:13] ext4 has been working pretty well for me on 9.04 [07:13] Okay [07:13] as we speak doing it [07:13] korin43: same here [07:13] I'll take a look see at it tommorow [07:13] Balsaq: ok if you wan speed you need Ext4, but 9.04 and Ext4 hmm [07:13] i like 810 just wondering if 904 will slow me down [07:14] Balsaq: it will be very similar speedwise [07:14] ok, what is the upgrade for? [07:14] Balsaq: unless Ext4 is done on / ,but that's not fully stable in 9.04, 9.10 it will be fine [07:15] Balsaq: little features that are hardly worth it, for people that are going from 8.10, unless it fixes some hardware issue [07:15] i'm trying to add some startup commands to rc.local, anyone willing to private message me and tell me what i'm doing wrong? === Lappy_ is now known as Lappy [07:15] sebsebseb: what is ext4? === jjjooofffooo is now known as jofo [07:15] Balsaq: the file system [07:15] !ext3 | Balsaq [07:15] Balsaq: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org [07:16] Balsaq: Ext3 will get replaced as the default by Ext4 when 9.10 comes out, on October 29th [07:16] thank you nut i hate windows [07:16] привет [07:16] when i did the 810 I WIPED OUT EONDOWS COMPLETELY [07:16] Balsaq: ok [07:17] !lts [07:17] LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.04 [07:18] now that i have this i don't know why i would ever want windows [07:18] привет [07:18] Balsaq: it's not time yet, but when it is, if people upgrade an Ext3 9.04 install to 9.10, no they won't get Ext4, they have to do an Ext3 to Ext4 conversion or do a clean install of Ubuntu [07:18] hi guys... i have a custom 2.6.31 kernel and i installed b43 Broadcom BC4312 driver - the wireless connection starts to connect but is never able to associate with my WPA2 router - how do i debug this ? [07:19] ; [07:19] i'm sticking with reiserfs [07:19] ver irc.freenode.net [07:19] Balsaq: 10 seconds or so boot up. really quick shut down as well, and the disk checking after 23 boots, done in seconds, is that worth it? I think so [07:19] sebsebseb: but, format in the ext4, i am particioned in the ext4 and have problems with particions [07:19] Does anyone know where to configure sound for flash in ubuntu? [07:19] reiserfs is pretty much dead end now. [07:20] trinium: if you have done Ext4 on 9.04, you might get issues yes, since it's not properly stable in 9.04, because of the kernel they have and that [07:20] sprink - I don't know of any - -I've never found it - but i'd like to know myself... [07:20] sebsebseb: i am install ext4 in jaunty, new problems in karmic [07:20] sebsebseb : ext4 is particion default of the karmic [07:20] trinium: yes, but not for upgrades [07:21] trinium: unless they already did Ext4 of course [07:21] it took me hours to get sound working, finally got it working, was so happy, but that was quickly demolished when it didn't work in any browsers [07:21] sebsebseb: re format in the ext4 and not problems [07:22] trinium: yep [07:22] Good day everyone , On a usb flash disk ,othere is one ext3 partition (primiry) that ubuntu is insalled on it and an extented partition that includes a ntfs partition .but while connecting usb flash to windows xp it gives eror and wants to fromat flash .how to fix that ? [07:22] trinium: for 9.10 when released [07:22] sebsebseb: karmic = 9.10 [07:22] trinium: yes [07:23] sebseb: in the karmic is very fast boot [07:23] привет [07:23] trinium: Ext4 makes things fast, and this is off topic now [07:23] sebseb: and graphics is best [07:23] !karmic | trinium [07:23] trinium: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [07:23] When booting my computer displays on the virtual console 1 only 25 lines of text. How can I make it more verbose of boot messages? [07:23] hello everyone [07:24] i am trying to install ubuntu on this laptop but i won't get passed bios password.\ [07:24] can it be reset? [07:25] ubottu: thanks, did not know that channel existed [07:25] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [07:25] movela -- easiest way I know of is to power off and remove the battery [07:25] !thanks | trinium [07:25] trinium: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [07:25] I need some help with mounting dd images with ubuntu. Anyone know what room I can get help? [07:25] says 2 hours remaining for my upgrade...whoah? [07:25] hi all, I have Ubuntu installed and today I installed the dummy package "kubuntu-desktop". Now when I boot up, i get to the login screen and a message appears saying "Authentication Failed". No matter how many times I click OK it just re-appears. I used to use auto-login but I have disabled it now (i think!). Can anyone help? [07:25] hey so i messed up and i uninstalled the ati drivers ubuntu loads by default, and installed the fgrlx driver on 9.04 and logged out and now all i get is a black screen, i need help [07:26] sebseb: if you are going to re format, expected to karmic [07:26] thanks! Bluey its an older laptop. [07:26] is SIS 191 video card incompatbile to ubuntu [07:26] movela -- that's not optimal but guarentted to work [07:26] optikkore : you xorg is unconfigured [07:26] you might need to leave the battery out over night - what I do -- that way I know everythig is reset [07:26] Karmic WILL break ? [07:27] anyone used this video card..? [07:27] BonezAU: i'm new but everyone who strays from the path of plain ole ubuntu has issues... [07:27] let me get my phillip and try it Bluey [07:27] thanks a mil! [07:27] your welcome hope that works for you... [07:27] I think I should post anyways in case someone knows: I have a hard drive image my friend made (which is in the DD format with multiple files) and encrypted with truecrypt. Anyone know how I can mount it? He wants one file from it. [07:27] trinium: how can i configure it if i cant see anything [07:28] Balsaq: I've tried KDE before but it was a long time ago, so I thought I'd give it a go, in a dual-window manager kind of fashion. I set gdm as my main window manager but still with the option of using kdm if I wish. Now I can't even log in. I'm on a different PC right now just to get help so I can use my PC again [07:28] ruby_on_tails: before the final/releasecandidate things might go pretty wrong [07:28] optikkore: please wait me, i all pass a link [07:28] ruby_on_tails: well things have already gone wrong here and there [07:28] trinium: ok [07:28] Does anyone here know how to arrange text alphabeticaly ascending or descending in open office writer [07:28] can i just walk away from my computer with 2 hours remaining on my upgrade (904)? [07:29] hmm [07:29] aptikkore: spanish?? [07:29] trinium: no [07:29] ruby_on_tails: ,but that's fine for development versions, and to be expected [07:29] yes [07:29] BoneAU: wish i could help/newbie...but have been observing many others ao all the linux channels and noticed this immediately [07:30] optikkore: boot in the mode recovery, and reconfigure graphics [07:30] [T43] '~$ sudo hwinfo --framebuffer' lists as maximum resolution 1280x1024 but my display has 1400 x 1050 pixels. What can I do to get more framebuffer pixels? [07:30] balsaq I had problems with the upgrade - now I bite the bullet, backup /home and /etc and do a fresh install. [07:30] Hi #ubuntu . I ran "sudo apt-get install wicd" just for laughs and network-manager was replaced by wicd, but I can't get online with wicd using my 3G (wireless) modem. So I am getting online using the livecd. How can I reinstall network-manager or use wicd to get online? [07:30] Bluey: uh oh...upgrading canhurt? [07:30] Balsaq: Thanks anyway... I am a long time Ubuntu user and have helped many a person in this very channel, but I just am stuck on this issue :( [07:31] trinium: thank you [07:31] BonezAU: seems like they eventually fix everything in here though [07:31] Balsaq: thats the aim of the game :) [07:32] Does anyone here know how to arrange text alphanumericly in open offcie [07:32] office [07:32] BonezAU: theres a guy named techie in here or xubuntu thats seems to know everything [07:32] I'm using mIRC *shudder* and I can't figure out how to make text show up bold when someone types my nick. Anyone know where the option is? [07:32] Balsaq: cheers [07:33] BonezAU: Xchat is a good alternative to mIRC nowadays. :) [07:33] Debolaz: i will download it now :) [07:33] chatzilla does everything I need [07:34] BonezAU: Konversation is also nice, a KDE app though, so will put on KDE stuff, if it's not already installed [07:34] BonezAU: in fact I much prefer Konversation to Xchat [07:34] BonezAU: and I run it in Gnome [07:34] when you upgrade fro 810 to 904...you don't lose your sound or you connection to the printer ...right? [07:34] How can I reinstall network-manager without an internet connection? [07:35] or with an internet connection but from livecd [07:35] sebsebseb: well I am using a Windows box at the moment because I decided to install kubuntu-desktop dummy package on my existing Ubuntu install and now when I boot up the laptop it comes to the login screen and just says "Authentication Failed" and no matter how many times I click OK it just keeps appearing. Any ideas? [07:35] gazza: add the cd to your software sources [07:35] or manually copy over the deb file from the cd [07:35] it is in there [07:35] and do dpkg [07:35] gazza, apt-get install network-manager [07:36] BonezAU: dummy package? [07:36] right... the cd is int he /etc/apt/sources.list [07:36] I think I had a problem with it [07:36] gazza, apt-get update [07:37] gazza, the package is " network-manager-gnome" [07:37] I tried apt-get install network-manager from my install [07:37] yeah I tried that too [07:37] gazza, or install by synaptic [07:38] hmmm I checked sources.list... cd is not commented out [07:38] gazza, install network manager or wicd [07:38] and I added the cd with synaptic sources [07:38] and I tried to install... but it didn't work [07:38] When booting my computer displays on the virtual console 1 only about 25 lines of text. How can I make it more verbose of boot messages? [07:39] gazza, what is your problem, install or the icon?? [07:39] install [07:39] network-manager disappeared when I install wicd, and wicd won't let me connect to the net [07:40] not automatically... I do not know how to configure it [07:40] gazza, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279992 [07:40] thanks [07:40] gazza, check the link [07:41] quit [07:42] Guys, I've just installed Flash Player on 9.04 64. Everything seems to be installed, though flash is not working. Here is the terminal output: http://pastebin.com/d1053e64e [07:44] sixnonep, please install ubuntu 9.04 32bits [07:44] Does anyone here know how to sort text alphanumericaly in open office [07:44] Is this a good place to ask beginner ubuntu questions? [07:44] trinium: Where would that be located? [07:45] Blackice115, I would assume so [07:45] sixnonep, flash in the 64 bits is inestable [07:45] I'm new to linux and I'm trying to get Ruby for ubuntu and the website says get it via "%sudo apt.-get...." where do i enter that? [07:45] trinium: Will the 32 bit Flash work? [07:46] sixnonep, yes flash install in the 32 bit [07:46] sixnonep, please wait [07:46] Blackice115: The last word on that apt-get line is the package you need to install. You can search for it in System -> Administration -> Synaptic package manager and install from there instead if you like === roy_ is now known as schestowitz [07:47] trinium, look at the third-last post in that thread [07:47] Blackice115: Otherwise, such commands are meant to be run in a terminal, which you'll find at Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal [07:47] sixnonep, http://get.adobe.com/es/flashplayer/ [07:47] [T43] '~$ sudo hwinfo --framebuffer' lists as maximum resolution 1280x1024 but my display has 1400 x 1050 pixels. What can I do to get more framebuffer pixels? [07:47] Awesome! thanks so much.. still tryin to get the hang of everything.. === jjjooofffooo is now known as jofo [07:48] gazza, where is the post [07:48] oh just the link you gave me [07:49] what version of linux? 256 mb ram? [07:49] about 1.7 ghz [07:49] movela, install xubuntu or any distro light [07:50] hi - I have setup a daily security update script... [07:50] slitaz was pleasing but flash and ... don't work... super fast [07:50] #gnome-art [07:50] its been causing errors since I set it up: http://pastie.org/633039 [07:51] do I need to do a daily update - and if so, whats a better error free method? === ubuntu_ is now known as darkham [07:51] http://bit.ly/26ax7L ->if possible need help === darkham is now known as krabador [07:51] siii, i dont know about your script, but cant you just use synaptic with automatic daily security installs? [07:52] or rather the update manager [07:52] Tmi: thanks, is that what most people use then? [07:52] I'm having problems creating a helloworld systemcall [07:53] lol [07:53] when I make, I get this /usr/src/linux-2.6.29/arch/x86/include/asm/syscalls.h:32: warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype [07:53] byes, good nigth [07:53] siii, I don't know, I've put mine to autoinstall everything and check for updates every day, so I think it's probably the easiest way to do it [07:53] and i'm following these set of instructions http://macboypro.wordpress.com/2009/05/15/adding-a-custom-system-call-to-the-linux-os/ [07:54] najjems: try ##c [07:54] I used the dd command to back up a drive image. As I understood it, I would be able to restore the drive image with the command "cat x* | sudo dd of=/dev/sda3". However something I just read claimed that if sda3 doesn't exist, dd will start at the beginning of the disk, and create it. Start at the beginning of the disk? That would overwrite my existing Vista partition! I want it to create a new partition from unalocated space on the di [07:54] prince_jammys: uhm, I'm sorry, how? (noob here. ^_^) [07:54] najjems: /join ##c [07:54] Tmi: ok thank you [07:55] Logomachist: You have to create a partition that is the same size or larger than the original [07:55] geirha: But how can I figure out what size to create? [07:55] prince_jammys: along with make? [07:55] geirha: I do not recall the original partition size. [07:56] Logomachist: The image you've made, did you make if from one partition or the whole drive? [07:56] najjems: no, i mean join the C irc channel. This isn't a programming channel. [07:56] geirha: One partition. [07:56] ahh ok im an idiot.... the output is from apt-get update! doh [07:56] sorry [07:56] Logomachist: Look at its filesize (ls -l) then. Then new partition must be able to contain that size [07:56] oh I see. (i was confused. :P) [07:58] how do i print details about a openssl certificate? [07:59] err404notfound: openssl rsa -noout -text -in server.key etc [08:00] siii, thats for key, right? what about .crt? [08:01] Is there a good read for people using linux for the first time, particularly ubuntu? [08:01] Ubuntu Kung Fu [08:02] Anyone know how to mount multiple dd images into one drive using Ubuntu? [08:02] i was just wondering if connecting to more than one AP with one wifi card was possible on linux like it is windows [08:02] LinLin: Mount each as a separate mountpoint I'd imagine? [08:02] blackice - i like ubuntu user magazine - at your local borders [08:02] LinLin: you just want to mount them? [08:03] yeah [08:03] My pidgin isn't connecting. Is it because of my firewall? [08:03] LinLin: have several different directories you can choose to make mountpoints [08:03] http://bit.ly/Tp2F1 Is this good?need advice from pros [08:03] thanks! [08:03] KB1JWQ: Its one drive split into multiple 2GB files. [08:03] if I am downloading a package from net and I am using ubuntu do I want .deb or rpm or TAR GZ ??? please help [08:03] LinLin: then mount the images like so `sudo mount -o loop /path/to/dd/image /path/to/mount/point` [08:04] moymoy: but what if I have more than one? [08:04] .deb is easiest [08:04] for ubuntu? [08:04] LinLin: you do the same for those, but choose a different mountpoint [08:04] yeah [08:04] moymoy: It's all one drive split into multiple images. [08:04] i am trying to install ocaml but keep getting this error "ibx11-dev: Depends: libxcb1-dev but it is not going to be installed [08:04] E: Broken packages", anyone know whats up ? [08:04] so i should use the Deb? [08:05] LinLin: didn't know you could do that... or do you mean it's one drive and you made dd images of the different partitions? [08:05] yeah go the deb [08:05] anyway how to print cn of a openssl certificates? [08:05] thanks [08:05] moymoy: no Whatever tool I used (Will look up the name) saved in 2GB chunks [08:05] moymoy: I think I'll have to join them: another 6 hours.... [08:06] mrapp, Use Repositories > Use Deb Files > Use Sources > Use RPM Converted Debs in my experience, based on priority [08:06] LinLin: do they provide a tool for joining them? [08:06] I want to host a game server on my VPS [08:06] Anirban1987: Good luck, sir. [08:06] moymoy: I can use any tool to join, it's just a big pain and takes a long time. [08:06] LinLin: I have the same problem. [08:06] I"m having issues connecting with my pidgin to my yahoo account. [08:07] Logomachist: Once I figure this out I'll write a Gui\Commandline tool for Linux and Windows. [08:07] Ammon, trying signing in yahoo mail from browser and then see [08:07] aahhhh [08:07] brb [08:07] moymoy: After I get the image mounted I need to decrypt it or at least access it using Truecrypt. [08:08] KB1JWQ: How to do that ?? I have no clue !! [08:08] Anirban1987: You tell us. It's your project. :-) [08:08] Good day everyone , On a usb flash disk ,othere is one ext3 partition (primiry) that ubuntu is insalled on it and an extented partition that includes a ntfs partition .but while connecting usb flash to windows xp it gives eror and wants to fromat flash .how to fix that ?Good day everyone , On a usb flash disk ,othere is one ext3 partition (primiry) that ubuntu is insalled on it and an extented partition that includes a ntfs partition .but while connecting usb [08:08] flash to windows xp it gives eror and wants to fromat flash ,but by moving ntfs to first problem didn't solve windows just can read usb flashesh that have one partition yes ? [08:08] dehqan, !paste [08:09] hey... after an install, is there any way to set the home directory to different partition? === Jay|Lost_ is now known as Jay|Lost [08:09] dehqan: Please don't crosspost. [08:09] trey__, yes... [08:09] !pm | Anirban1987 [08:09] Anirban1987: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [08:09] !home | trey__ [08:09] trey__: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [08:09] dehqan: You could always just format the USB for Fat32 and use it on linux and Windows. [08:09] trey__, copy data to another folder on the other partition, now you can do various things to use that as your homedir... ping me if you need more help :P [08:10] My buddy list still isn't popping up. [08:10] linlin but how to have linux beside ntfs partition on usb flash ? [08:10] I tried installing a NVIDIA driver from nvidia.com, after rebooting at first the graphics were stuffed up, only showing Black/White, after running the Ubuntu recovery and then using the option to automatically fix graphic errors, it now only displays a blank screen (after loadsing Ubuntu, where the two bars go across the screen and afterwards it is suppose to show the Login window). Can anyone help? [08:10] Ammon, trying enabling and disabling account [08:10] KB1JWQ: Some people also find it rude if anyone tries to act as moral police. [08:10] ok. [08:11] Anirban1987: Entirely possible. Ask your question here or don't, but don't PM me unless you're paying. :-) [08:11] Linlin: Cool. I have 81 files of 2097152000 bytes each. As I understood it, I could use the command "cat x* | sudo dd of=/dev/sda3", where the files xaa, xab, ect... are the files the image is spanned across and /dev/sda3 is the partition to hold the data. Once that is created I should be able to mount it as normally. [08:11] how can i fix Grub error 17? i am using a liveCD [08:11] I tried installing a NVIDIA driver from nvidia.com, after rebooting at first the graphics were stuffed up, only showing Black/White, after running the Ubuntu recovery and then using the option to automatically fix graphic errors, it now only displays a blank screen (after loadsing Ubuntu, where the two bars go across the screen and afterwards it is suppose to show the Login window). Can anyone help? [08:11] dehqan: sorry cant help you there [08:13] Logomachist: I've been looking for something like that too to mount all the images. I'll just make them into 1 file for now I guess. [08:13] Still says I'm connecting... Should I configure my ports on my router? I'm using a hotel-like internet setup so It may just be a blocked deal... [08:14] !zap [08:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about zap [08:14] !dontzap [08:14] To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. [08:14] linlin thanks this is solution http://www.lancelhoff.com/multi-partition-a-usb-flash-drive-in-windows/ [08:15] guys? :p [08:15] I tried installing a NVIDIA driver from nvidia.com, after rebooting at first the graphics were stuffed up, only showing Black/White, after running the Ubuntu recovery and then using the option to automatically fix graphic errors, it now only displays a blank screen (after loadsing Ubuntu, where the two bars go across the screen and afterwards it is suppose to show the Login window). Can anyone help? [08:15] dehqan: Oh ok. I totally forgot about that program. I used that once before too. [08:16] !sound [08:16] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [08:16] what is the default location for open office presentation templates? === zhaozhou_ is now known as zhaozhou [08:18] I tried installing a NVIDIA driver from nvidia.com, after rebooting at first the graphics were stuffed up, only showing Black/White, after running the Ubuntu recovery and then using the option to automatically fix graphic errors, it now only displays a blank screen (after loadsing Ubuntu, where the two bars go across the screen and afterwards it is suppose to show the Login window). Can anyone help? [08:18] while doing my 904 upgrade does it matter that my printer and speakers are off? [08:19] linlin any similar for that work on linux ? [08:20] Is there any software in linux that does the same work ? http://www.lancelhoff.com/multi-partition-a-usb-flash-drive-in-windows/ [08:21] Balsaq: that's fine. [08:21] dehqan: Try gparted [08:21] moymoy: Making one dd image. See you in 6 hours ;) [08:21] prince_jammys: thanks...in fact the computer that taking in the 904 isnt even on the net right now? [08:21] can someone help me unbreak vlc, i installed the package but whenever i launch the application nothing happens === Wajih is now known as MaWaLe [08:22] Balsaq: how are you upgrading? [08:22] spaceBARbarian: installed from the repositories¿ [08:22] spaceBARbarian: I always like to uninstalla and reinstall and see if that works. [08:22] Balsaq: you're installing jaunty from a live CD? [08:22] how can I configure wild card DNS in local ubuntu 9.04? [08:23] well iturned it on and when the desktop appeared it said i had a lo tof updates so is did it, now i realize it all happened before i open ff [08:24] korin thanks but how to flip with gparted ? [08:24] Balsaq: are the updates still installing? [08:24] prince: is it possible that its happening without ff being opened [08:24] yesn yes [08:24] keeps saying i got wait a couple hours [08:24] Balsaq: I don't understand what you mean abut firefox [08:25] i turned on the computer said to to updates let them do it but now i raealize i never went on the net [08:25] they must of came in last time i waqs on? [08:25] dehqan: It's not neccessary in Linux. gparted will treat any hard drive exactly the same way (including USB drives) [08:26] xcan updates come in yesterday and then be installed the next day without going back on the internet? [08:26] Balsaq: mm. I don't know how gnome does this. I assume it wouldn't have already downloaded anything. [08:27] dehqan: Can I pm you? [08:27] what do you mean korin43 ? How to Flip the Flash Drive Removable Media Bit with gparted ? [08:27] can someone help me fix VLC , i installed it but for some reason nothing happens when i launch the program (through terminal / menu) [08:27] spaceBARbarian: you don't even get an error message? [08:27] prince_jammys>> nope [08:28] dehqan: The only reason to flip the removable media bit is to make it so you can have multiple partitions. Ubuntu will always detect multiple partitions either way, and qparted will let you set up multiple partitions either way (so there's no reason to flip the removable media bit in linux) [08:28] hey can anybody help me out ,how can I add wildcard DNS [08:28] spaceBARbarian: does 'pgrep vlc' output anything? [08:28] prince_jammys>> no [08:28] prince_jammy: my guess is somehow yesterday when i was on the net they must of came in but were just lying there waiting for be to let them install, the i turn on the computer today and notice they are offering updates and i took them before i even went on the net...hoe does that sound? or am i doing a false install? [08:28] spaceBARbarian: pretty bizarre. [08:29] guyz [08:29] prince_jammys>> ive tried uninstall - reinstall through synaptic too [08:29] padma__: What do you mean? Are you running a DNS server or do you just want all failed hits to go to localhost? [08:29] Balsaq: you're saying the updater is still running, right? [08:29] can anyoone tell me how to install yahoo messenger? [08:29] stupid question but how do I add myself to a group? [08:29] as we speak YES [08:29] !pidgin | zmarek [08:29] i am on a different puter right now [08:29] zmarek: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete [08:30] well [08:30] mcmlxxi: sudo adduser TheUser TheGroup (or through the GUI) [08:30] well i tried but shit aint connecting [08:30] prince_jammys: i am on the net with you now but on a aplle the dell is doing the 904 somehow even without being on the nnet? [08:30] korin43, I want to add wild card DNS entry for wordpress mu configuration on my local ubuntu m/c [08:30] zmarek: Also if you need things that pidgin doesn't support, look at gyachi [08:31] i gat all dat but how do i make it ok for the net [08:31] zmarek: you need to update pidgin, the instructions are in it's web [08:31] /google pidgin im [08:31] http://www.pidgin.im/ [08:31] Balsaq: it's certainly possible, if the packages were already downloaded [08:31] cos its like it cant detect the network when it comes to connecting [08:32] yet i can surf quite cool [08:32] are there any options you can pass to grub to make it skip checking disks at start up? [08:32] prince_jammys; yes the dell is updating now and has been for one hell of a long time? i suppose its better for them to go in without the confusion of the internet [08:32] Balsaq: does it show progress? [08:33] can someone tell me the most suitable pci card to get hdtv, with nvidia 9800gt, amd64, Jaunty [08:33] can someone help me fix VLC , i installed it but for some reason nothing happens when i launch the program (through terminal / menu) [08:34] spaceBARbarian: do you installed it from the repositories¿ [08:34] padma__: This looks like you just need to add a standard DNS entry: CNAME * yourdomain.com. If you're asking how to set up DNS.. I have no idea. [08:34] spaceBARbarian: have you tried thru applications-sound/video [08:34] yes is showong progress [08:34] korin43, ok thanks [08:35] prooly takes so friggen long because of my 400mgz processor [08:35] jamiewan>> tried that, tried reinstalling through synaptic and apt-get, still nothing [08:35] hello guys ! well was interested in speech recognition s/w for ubuntu ! i tried my hands on julius .. i have installed it using synaptic and have no clue about how to use it :D are there any better , more user friendly s/w available ? [08:35] spaceBARbarian: try moving old vlc config files in your homedir [08:35] i should go buy a dual core...or ay least a p4 [08:35] when adding a font to conky, you use a string like "Monospace:Size=12" but what about bold and italics? What are my options? If there a manual somewhere? [08:36] spaceBARbarian: do you have a ~/.vlc or ~/.config/vlc ? [08:37] prince_jammys>> neither [08:37] LinLin: faster to make a new image than to merge the existing ones? [08:37] prince_jammys>> i tried usr/bin/vlc, file is there but doesnt do anything [08:38] spaceBARbarian: yes, you would have seen an error if it wasn't there. [08:38] spaceBARbarian: apparently vlc is starting and instantly quitting. [08:38] prince_jammys>> this is weird, the man page for vlc is empty [08:39] when adding a font to conky, you use a string like "Monospace:Size=12" but what about bold and italics? What are my options? If there a manual somewhere? [08:39] the man page opens up but has no info in it [08:39] spaceBARbarian: that is strange. [08:39] spaceBARbarian: what ubuntu release? [08:39] korin43 it should be ok for windows [08:39] 9.04 fully updated [08:39] moymoy: probably not sinze its the writing reading speed of the drives and the drive is already been formated etc so I can't get the image again Technically [08:40] spaceBARbarian: and vlc from jaunty repositories, right? [08:40] yeah [08:40] spaceBARbarian: what message do you get from running vlc in terminal ¿ [08:40] dehqan: If you're going to be using it in Windows anyway, why not flip the bit using the Windows program? [08:40] xangua>> no message, i get a new prompt right after [08:40] korin43 now here is not windows [08:41] spaceBARbarian: what happens if you 'strace vlc' [08:41] mere curiosity [08:42] prefrontal_>> % strace vlc [08:42] execve("/usr/bin/vlc", ["vlc"], [/* 38 vars */]) = -1 ENOEXEC (Exec format error) [08:42] dup(2) = 3 [08:42] fcntl64(3, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR) [08:42] fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 0), ...}) = 0 [08:42] spaceBARbarian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:42] mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb809a000 [08:42] hehe [08:42] http://d3b12dee.linkbucks.com need guide please on this system [08:42] Hello guys [08:42] i have a really bad prob [08:42] !paste | spaceBARbarian [08:42] spaceBARbarian: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [08:42] sometimes I dont know why but my ubuntu hangs [08:42] I have hardy heron [08:42] and I cant do anything [08:43] although the mouse works fine [08:43] mazhar: I'd update to Jaunty Jackalope, but that's just me. [08:43] oh [08:43] but when I press alt+ctrl+backspace [08:43] prince_jammys>> http://pastebin.org/28005 , i guess didnt copy the url properly and accidentally pasted the error [08:43] it restarts X server [08:43] deqhan: If you're not using windows, there's no need to flip the bit. There is no Linux application to do this because there's no point. If you need to change partitions on the USB drive, use gparted [08:43] but gnome doesnt load again [08:43] can anyone help? [08:44] spaceBARbarian: now all I need to do is learn how to read strace output :) [08:44] prince_jammys>> the vlc executable is 0 KB :P [08:44] spaceBARbarian: ah [08:44] someone send me theirs :) [08:44] spaceBARbarian: you know, i suspected that. [08:44] :( [08:44] after what you said about man page [08:45] can anyone help? plz [08:45] spaceBARbarian: try an apt-get update and reinstall [08:45] mazhar: Does the login screen start? [08:46] mazhar: you have to login in order for gnome to load [08:46] yes [08:46] yes I login but than it hangs again [08:46] prince_jammys>> hmm i just noticed that its install 0.9.9.a, isnt theere a 1.0 out now ? [08:46] mazhar: did you upgrade recently? [08:46] no [08:46] mazhar: What graphics card do you have? [08:46] I installed it using Wubi [08:47] ah [08:47] nvidia Geforce 2 MX [08:47] G'Day Folks, I am having problems installing ubuntu 9.04 on my ASUS P5N-E SLI Motherboard with a SATA Hard Disk Drive - nVidia GeForce 9600GT 2GB memory on card and 4 GB ram on Motherboard - have downloaded and made CD and PC boots OK from CD however Install etc - nothing happens - ? is there an issue with SATA HDD or what could be the problem - Help please [08:47] i know its very old [08:47] spaceBARbarian: I have hardy, but I use a ppa repository for vlc [08:47] mazhar: Did you get all of the available updates? [08:47] yes no update notification is showing now [08:47] it says the system is up to date [08:48] spaceBARbarian: ( 0.9.9a ) on my system, but yeah i have a 1.0 on a debian box [08:48] are there 9.04 respins that include latest updates? [08:49] prince_jammys>> yeah im gonna try and add the ppa so it upgrades [08:49] cankoy: If you install from the minimal CD you will download the most recent packages at install time [08:49] mazhar: why did you ctrl-alt-backspace in the first place? [08:49] mm [08:49] so that it doesnt hang [08:50] I mean when the system hangs [08:50] I cant do anything [08:50] so I have to do it [08:50] but when does it hang [08:50] pcbugfixer: So the install finishes without errors? [08:50] I dont know [08:50] randomly? [08:50] it hangs anytime it wants [08:50] yes [08:50] randomly [08:50] hrm, a bad interrupt, perhaps [08:50] No nothing happens ! [08:51] mazhar: try modifying your /boot/grub/menu.lst file so that the kernel line includes this at the end: pci=routeirq and reboot [08:51] mazhar: apt-get install dontzap [08:51] ? [08:51] pcbugfixer: Nothing happens when you do what? Click install? Boot after install? [08:51] jamiewan: it's 8.04 [08:52] just gets past the language selection and then clicking on install - wait - nothing happens - correct [08:52] sorry [08:52] pcbugfixer: Did you run the integrity check from the boot menu? [08:52] mazhar: can you do that from console? [08:52] mazhar: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntu-jaunty.htm also has intrepid stuff on it [08:53] I have hardy [08:53] :( [08:53] sorry but I like hardy [08:53] prince_jammys>> that fixed it, dont know what was wrong but the updated packages solved the issue [08:53] so I didnt install the latest [08:53] jamiewan: are you blind? it's 8.04! there is no dontzap requirement! [08:53] spaceBARbarian: good [08:53] !LTS | jamiewan [08:53] jamiewan: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.04 [08:53] tried - also nothing happens - posible that the boot cd I created is a bummer - is there a means of thesting it ? please [08:53] jamiewan: it's LTS, so we still support it in-place. [08:54] mazhar: anyway, can you get to the console to make the edit? [08:54] would radeonhd be a better driver than ati or radeon which ubuntu picks by default for a radeon x1550? [08:55] pcbugfixer: When you boot from the CD one of the boot options is to check the integrity of the CD [08:55] Gnea: yes Ill try [08:55] prince_jammys>> nvm, that didnt work, i spoke too soon. the installation failed for some reason [08:55] spaceBARbarian: from the ppa ? [08:56] Gnea: sorry for the stuff up , and NO i am not blind but my son is so be a bit more considerate thank you [08:56] how do I exclude 2 or more directories with the --exclude switch, do i specify --exclude once per path, or is there some separator. tar command. [08:56] Gnea: how do I open it? [08:56] Gnea: throught the terminal [08:56] jamiewan: pardon? what does your son have to do with this discussion? [08:56] is there a program (CLI or GUI) that tells which application is using the internet to download (network monitor) [08:56] Gnea: sorry but Im new [08:56] mazhar: np - ctrl-alt-f1 [08:56] Question : What should I write in my bash shell to see what kind of graphics hardware I got? [08:56] Gnea: thnx [08:57] Ok I understand - however I tried that and it seems not to go any where - I will re-boot and try again - thanks - back soon - Jordan_U [08:57] prince_jammys>> yeah now i am getting this "vlc: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libvlc.so.2: file too short" [08:57] Gnea: sorry but how can I open the text file through terminal :( [08:58] mazhar: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst [08:58] spaceBARbarian: mm. maybe from your past installation? try purging it completely first [08:58] mazhar: just look for the first kernel line (gotta scroll down a ways past all of the comments) [08:58] Gnea: thnx alot Gnea :)\ [08:58] prince_jammys>> not sure how, ive tried apt-get remove but that doesnt help [08:59] spaceBARbarian: apt-get purge [08:59] andreas_: lspci | grep VGA [08:59] spaceBARbarian: though really, the only difference there is config files are removed. [08:59] Jordan_U : Ty vm, just what I was looking for [08:59] ok gotta go [08:59] andreas_: np [08:59] problem fixed [08:59] mazhar: cheers [08:59] prefrontal_>> i have some red stuff realted to VLC in synaptic [08:59] thnx alot everone expecially Gnea :) [09:00] Bye [09:00] prince_jammys>> i have some red stuff realted to VLC in synaptic [09:00] *expecially [09:00] lol [09:00] spaceBARbarian: i don't use synaptic, though it seems packages might be broken/ [09:00] hey whats hal-system-smbi ?its consuming more than half of my cpu [09:01] How I can install source of some package? Synaptic added src in apt/sources.list, but I don't see any src packages in a list from Synaptic (I also did reload). [09:01] prince_jammys>> okay same errors with apt-get purge, here - http://pastebin.org/28018 [09:02] jamiewan: anyways, sorry about your son, I had no idea. let's try not to push anymore wrong buttons. :) [09:02] XooR: "apt-get source package" note that you do *not* need to run as root and the source package will be downloaded to the current directory [09:02] spaceBARbarian: wow, how did this happen? i bet you every file you installed initially is zero length. [09:02] Jordan_U, Thanks [09:02] XooR: np [09:03] prince_jammys>> yeah i dont know whats going on : ( [09:03] prince_jammys>> should i just go reomove these packages manually ? [09:03] spaceBARbarian: I'd be tempted to force the removal. dpkg -L will also show you the files installed originally, so you can check out a bit what's going on. [09:04] dpkg -L vlc [09:04] it seems all the files are there, but empty. [09:04] Gnea: your right mate i'm a noob only have Jaunty 4 months [09:04] jamiewan: it's all good, took me awhile to figure out the ropes as well [09:05] Gnea: Cheers lol [09:05] :) [09:05] spaceBARbarian: You can use debsums to find out what files are zero size [09:05] spaceBARbarian: Are you using ext4? [09:05] join #android-root [09:06] Jordan_U>> yeah ext4, i am not sure what to do with dpkg [09:07] dpkg -L vlc was just for you to see the files installed, and whether they're all empty [09:07] spaceBARbarian: Did you lose power or force shut down recently? [09:07] hello everyone! [09:07] what is our file manager? [09:08] i am trying to run gksu [09:08] Jordan_U>> yeah my friend just told me he had forced a shutdown and got a whoile bunch of disconnected Inodes [09:08] crunchbang: What's the prob? [09:08] that explains it [09:08] crunchbang: crunchbang is from ubuntu 9.04. [09:08] Aalinux, i want to run gksu nautilus [09:08] How can I change the style of the generated html page when using mod_dav_svn/libapache2-svn? [09:08] whats the filemanager? [09:08] crunchbang: Run gksudo nautilus [09:08] The default css document under www/apache2-default has no effect [09:09] Aalinux, nothing happens [09:09] prince_jammys>> dpkg -L vlc says vlc is not ins talled, dpkg -L libvlc2 says that it contains no files [09:09] spaceBARbarian: Try running "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libvlc2 libvlccore" [09:09] isn't it dolphin or pacman? Aalinux [09:09] I have installed xp over my ubuntu system can any one tell me hw can i get my grub loder again ? [09:09] hay [09:09] crunchbang: nautilus [09:09] spaceBARbarian: try what Jordan_U is saying. [09:10] crunchbang: Have you configured /etc/sudoers ? [09:10] server [09:10] !grub | dadrock [09:10] dadrock: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [09:10] I want to install ubuntu 9.10 in my xp box, and i download the iso file, there is not a "wubi" in it. so what can i do? [09:10] crunchbang: Run sudo nautilus [09:10] gksudo was good [09:11] Jordan_U>> awesome, that worked. [09:11] anyone tell me how to install ubuntu 9.10 use wubi in xp box. [09:11] prince_jammys: Yes, crunchbang said nothing happened. [09:11] How do I install Java3D on ubuntu? [09:12] Hey whats hal-system-smbi?its consuming more than half of my cpu [09:12] Jordan_U>> so apparently when my friend ran fsck after the forced shutdown it said there were a lot of disconnected inodes and 'reference counts' were messed up, he said made it Fix whenever it asked, should I do anything else to make sure things are good ? [09:12] sudo: nautilus: command not found [09:12] Aalinux [09:12] crunchbang: Hello crunchbang the future of ubuntu 9.04 is your problem solved? [09:12] crunchbang: Have you installed nautilus? [09:12] spaceBARbarian: Yes, use debsums, also use sysrq next time ( and tell your friend to as well ) [09:13] crunchbang: Run dpkg -l | grep nautilus [09:13] !sysrq | spaceBARbarian [09:13] spaceBARbarian: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [09:13] how can I check if an application is using port 5064? [09:13] !nautilus [09:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about nautilus [09:13] Aalinux, i want to run the default file manager.... i don't think it is nautilus [09:13] i have a virtualbox hard disk image i am wanting to use in vmware. How can i convert the vdi [09:13] its pacman or dolphin [09:13] crunchbang: do you have GNOME? [09:13] csaba, netstat -an | grep 5064 [09:13] crunchbang: It's nautilus if you are in ubuntu. [09:13] openbox prince_jammys [09:13] thanks [09:13] crunchbang: Is it ubuntu? [09:14] Aalinux, i am in crunchbang [09:14] crunchbang: Oh [09:14] whats the file manager? [09:14] crunchbang: crunchbang is in the distro? [09:14] Jordan_U>> okay thanks [09:14] s/is/as/ [09:14] crunchbang: Run , sudo aptitude install nautilus [09:14] spaceBARbarian: np [09:14] dang this is a ubuntu channel [09:14] crunchbang: hahaha [09:14] crunchbang: Run dolphin [09:14] crunchbag! send me to this channel. default as a support channel [09:15] When I run a executable file from shell, when do I need to type "./xxx" and when could I just type “xxx"? [09:15] crunchbang: trys pcmanfm [09:15] there is prolly no #cruchbag [09:15] sorry [09:15] my bad [09:15] ok thanks KoolD [09:15] crunchbang: Is there any channel for crunchbang ? [09:15] crunchbang: Have you run dolphin [09:15] ? [09:15] there is a #crunchbang [09:16] maybe they named the channel something cute like #! [09:16] crunchbang: Bang [09:16] haha i cant wait to try reboot even if system utterly broken [09:16] there sudo pcmanfm [09:16] thanks! [09:16] spaceBARbarian: "debsums -c" should give you a list of all of the packages you need to reinstall, unfortunately it will also give a *lot* of false positives. I'm looking for something better [09:16] crunchbang: Join #crunchbang [09:16] does anyone know of a gui based library application for Videos ? [09:17] crunchbang: /join #crunchbang [09:17] windows media player [09:17] very droll [09:17] crunchbang: You are the future of ubuntu 9.04. bang->>crunch-->bang-->> [09:18] wow! alot of people there. i wonder why #ubuntu is the default channel for crunchband. btw i am running it from a usb. its running flawlessly [09:18] Aalinux, why do you say such words? [09:18] i think linux mint is mo better for a casual usr [09:18] crunchbang: Was it pcmanfm or dolphin ? [09:19] crunchbang: pcmanfm ? [09:19] pcmanfm... i think it is openbox... [09:19] crunchbang: So you ran gksudo pcmanfm , didn't you? [09:20] Morning [09:20] Night [09:21] I have a problem with my other ubuntu, booted up ok, but seems to have no net access, in network moniter it says device is unmanaged [09:21] sudo pcmanfm... [09:22] command not found [09:22] ha [09:22] when I boot up, it says "cpufreq: No nForce2 chipset" before continuing to ubuntu. How do I fix that? [09:22] Aalinux, i was going to fix my grub/boot menu.lst but i don't have sufficient prvlges. [09:22] i think i can just untick vista from gparted [09:23] crunchbang: then you need to sudo an editor, not the file manager. [09:23] sudo WhateverYourEditorIs /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:23] HOw do I run a command each time I log into gnome/xfce? [09:23] crunchbang: sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:23] .xsesion and .xinitrc does not seem to work [09:24] bear in mind in this case I am running xfce4 [09:24] !startup | jsoft [09:24] jsoft: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [09:24] prince_jammys, i am not in my ubuntu partition. i am booting off a usb drive [09:24] :| [09:24] spaceBARbarian: run "sudo apt-get install debsums && sudo debsums_init" It will take a while and require a lot of downloading, once it's done you can check what files are corrupted [09:24] the uJ is in the HD. [09:24] !boot [09:24] Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [09:24] jsoft: i *think* ubuntu uses .xsessionrc (with the "rc") [09:25] what if i just untick vista from the boot flags in partition editor. i think that will work... gUi! style [09:25] and then when I boot up a different kernel, it says: "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) [09:26] prince_jammys: thanks. [09:27] jsoft: did that work? haven't used that in a long time. [09:27] I'll try it when I reboot next. [09:27] jsoft: you don't need to reboot, just restart X. [09:27] maybe that's what you meant. [09:27] Hello i recently installed ubuntu 9.04 for my little brother on a computer. And i would like to install a lighter desktop enviroment for example Xfce. Would the operating system cope with the change? [09:28] anyways.... thanks guys prince_jammys Aalinux [09:28] crunchbang: welcome. [09:28] thanks for the support [09:28] hello is there a grapical client for some file dublicate finder? [09:28] jony123: yes. [09:28] crunchbang: Welcome, crunchbang is cunchy. Isnt' it? [09:28] hi there. any ideas where I can go for support with ubuntu, got a problem with something, asked in here before, and on the support forums, no replies in weeks so am running out of ideas. [09:29] prince_jammys: How do i get dropped to a shell [09:29] AdvoWork: just ask the question. [09:29] AdvoWork: you ask here. if no-one answers, it's most likely that no-one knew the answer. [09:29] ummm ok, if i cant fix, reinstall time [09:30] AdvoWork: it's also possible that it's a problem that requires that you work through it, not a quick-solve [09:30] jony123: ctrl-alt-F1 will give you a VT login. ctrl-alt-F7 to come back to X. is that what you're asking? [09:30] hello is there a grapical client for some file dublicate finder? [09:31] G'Day again Folks, - is Jordan_U still on air ? [09:32] Jordan_U: 03:31 < pcbugfixer> G'Day again Folks, - is Jordan_U still on air ? [09:32] Basically, using ubuntu, we use terminal server client to connect to a vista pc. This works fine, but you know when you hold shift down and it opens things in new windows, or highlights everything, now and again it does that, if fixes quickly but randomly does it. Ive identified it to be only happening when using terminal services client, its not the keyboard,mouse,stickykeys etc etc. any ideas please? [09:33] umm cant even detect my router panel settings via ip on that box, how the hell cound that happen, box was ok last night [09:33] AdvoWork: sounds like a translation problem occurring between different GUI interfaces. [09:33] cant even see localhost [09:33] Gnea, any idea how to identify that? [09:34] AdvoWork: using tsclient? [09:34] AdvoWork: have you tried changing any of the settings on the client? [09:34] Gnea, changed a few settings yeah, like RDP to RDP5, unsure what else to try [09:35] doesnt connect via ip, do its not dns [09:36] some service in ubuntu has stuffed up, maybe ufw [09:36] AdvoWork: yeah, RDP5 sounds like it would work... have you tried rdesktop? [09:36] !info rdesktop [09:36] rdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 134 kB, installed size 480 kB [09:36] Can a Staffer help me please with registering [09:37] pcbugfixer: you have to ask in #freenode [09:37] ok thanks [09:38] !register | pcbugfixer [09:38] pcbugfixer: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode [09:38] Gnea, is there a gui for rdesktop? [09:38] AdvoWork: no, commandline only [09:38] umm well i dont understand the problem, since it all looks ok, and i cant post anything on the boards about this problem since I do not know why this is happening, no internet connection isnt a common problem [09:39] AdvoWork: it could be scripted, though [09:39] this is on the same router [09:40] X-Seti: wired or wireless? [09:40] hi [09:40] Gnea, Wired [09:40] X-Seti: make/model of the router? [09:40] netgear [09:41] yeah but what's the model? [09:41] hold on, ill get it [09:41] hi folks :) === NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away [09:41] can anyone help me with XRDP ? [09:41] help did ubuntu 9.04 upgrade from8.10 and wnot take my username or password [09:41] !ask | der_martin [09:41] der_martin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [09:41] I got it working on Ubuntu 9.04 running gnome [09:42] spaceBARbarian: Still here? [09:42] doesnt say on the router since its sky branded, dg834gt [09:42] Jordan_U: I'm curious about what you found. [09:43] is from the interface panel [09:43] prince_jammys: WIth spaceBARbarian ? [09:43] Jordan_U: yes [09:43] i have other distro installs on that box with the non working net, 32 bit and 64 bit ubuntus [09:43] I can connect to my machine via XRDP, but when I log into Gnome my Deskbar keeps flickering as if it would be starting all over again and again, I can't even select an item from the startmenu [09:43] its the 64 bit giving the issue? [09:43] is there a program (CLI or GUI) that tells which application is using the network to download or upload [09:44] prince_jammys: His friend force powered down the machine which with ext4 can cause files that are being overwritten to be zeroed out === yofel_ is now known as yofel === MadMax is now known as MaxSid [09:44] Jordan_U: I saw that part. You said you were looking for a means to detect the empty files or something like that. [09:44] Jordan_U>> just got back, saw your last message, ill do this later [09:45] spaceBARbarian: Well I have a way of detecting the files without false positives now [09:45] is it the sudo apt-get install debsums && sudo debsums_init command ? [09:46] Gnea, i will try that. only problem now is, any idea how I can switch back to ubuntu with key combination or similar? at the moment in tsclient i think its ctrl alt enter then < right arrow. [09:46] spaceBARbarian: No, that just prepares the checksums [09:46] arhh i think i found the problem [09:47] moin [09:47] spaceBARbarian: Then you need to check if the files match the checksums [09:47] box name is the same as another comp on the network, i wonder [09:48] /join #remote-exploit [09:48] spaceBARbarian: which you should be able to do by running this ( after the debsums_init ): sudo bash -c 'debsums -c | { while read file; do if [[ ! -s "$file" ]]; then echo "$file" ; fi; done; }' [09:48] Jordan_U>> that looks like too much work for how little i use ubuntu :P [09:48] any idea concerning my problem with XRDP ??? [09:49] spaceBARbarian: Well I'm curious if it works :) [09:49] haha find another gineua pig [09:49] I know this isn't strictly about ubuntu, but could somebody please direct me to where I could ask a question about linking servers for parallel computing? [09:49] i don't suppose anybody knows how to get thunderbird to sync up only with recent messages on a gmail account... as opposed to downloading everything since 2004... [09:50] can anybody tell me how to make my headphones play sound [09:50] my headphones and speakers are connected to the green jacks, on the front and back of my pc [09:50] prince_jammys: That finds all the files that have a different md5sum than the files provided in the packages, then checks those files to see if they are zero length [09:50] Gnea, think ive solved it, last problem though, can you auto get it to remember the password? [09:50] gotcha. [09:50] Anthrax: what is the OS version? [09:51] ubuntu 8.10 [09:51] Jordan_U: well, i don't see why it wouldn't work, if debsums -c outputs the right thing. [09:51] how can i set the dns server to a better one in ubuntu jaunty? [09:52] chalcedony: System > Preferences > Network Connections I would reccommend openDNS [09:52] Anthrax: Just right click on speacker icon and select headphone. [09:53] under prefrences [09:53] Jordan_U, ty much :)) [09:53] its not showing "headphone" [09:53] chalcedony: np :) [09:54] okay i got it thanks [09:55] <[fade]> hello [09:55] <[fade]> anyone available ? [09:55] !anyone | [fade] [09:55] [fade]: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [09:56] <[fade]> i have jaunty and intel graphical card [09:56] <[fade]> i wanted to improve it a bit [09:56] <[fade]> however, when i opened xorg.conf i found this http://pastebin.com/m428c1162 [09:56] heloo [09:56] <[fade]> i have tried to update xorg, however the only thing i could configure is keyboard and nothing else [09:57] <[fade]> it did not asked me for anything [09:57] [fade]: How do you want to improve it? [09:58] y helloo === Reactor_ is now known as Reactor [09:58] <[fade]> i want to apply this solution http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html [09:58] Hello all,I have installed latest Ubuntu on Acer Laptop, but microphones do not work at all :(. can anybody help ? [09:59] how to install pftp have no clue [09:59] <[fade]> still, when i open xorg.conf i just device : configured video device and thats it [09:59] Jordan_U, what does opendns do that a plain dns server won't? [09:59] hey, i'm having trouble with my laptop's webcam. The image is upside down for some reason. Can someone help me out? [10:00] Gnea, basically its doing the same on rdesktop now. any further suggestions? [10:00] anyobe can help me to install pftp [10:00] anybody* [10:01] Hello all,I have installed latest Ubuntu on Acer Laptop, but microphones do not work at all :(. can anybody help ? No option worked for me ! [10:01] chiggavelli, cant you just do sudo apt-get install pftp ? [10:01] hey all wsup [10:02] advo i did but need to compile it [10:02] E: Couldn't find package pftp [10:04] Hi, does anybody know of any instructions/howto that explain how you can remove NotifyOSD and switch back to the old notification daemon? [10:04] How do I remove the virtualbox kernel module?? vboxdrv [10:04] bash: /jail/glftpd/ftp-data/users/glftpd: Permission denied [10:04] Hey, is there any way to print something from the command line (ala lpr/lp), but have it authenticate with my username/password, not root's? Causing me a headache trying to authenticate to print to a samba queue [10:04] why i get that denied [10:06] does anybody have any idea regarding this problem ? [10:06] kindly assist, i have tried almost everything but did not work in ubuntu 9.04. [10:06] well, its a Desktop edition [10:06] what problem? [10:07] ohh microphones.. [10:07] jimbeam12, yes [10:08] is it a bug ? [10:08] what about the microphone? === BeAvEr is now known as beaver [10:09] anodesni, system as well external micropphones are not working [10:09] prasad, did you unmute them? === John is now known as Guest85671 [10:09] anodesni, no nothing is muted === beaver is now known as BeAvEr [10:10] prasad, did you try alsamixer -c 0 ? [10:10] anodesni, yes [10:10] anodesni, but did not work at all [10:10] anodesni, I also upgraded the alsa mixer [10:11] maybe the corresponding kernelmodule is blacklisted [10:11] anodesni, and that solved my external headphone problem but microphone still not working [10:11] Nevermind, it was aparantly as easy as installing notification-daemon, removing notifyosd and killing notifyosd... [10:12] anodesni, is it just because of the model i am using ? [10:12] prasad, sorry I can't help you any further [10:12] anodesni, my model is Acer 4736 G [10:12] anodesni, ok, np, thanks for showing interest :) [10:12] have u tried re-installing the driver again [10:13] jimbeam12, are talking about alsa mixer, about drivers i dont have much idea :( [10:13] With virtual cd drive program if you mount can you use that to install Ubuntu? that way I don't wast a dvd/cd ? === John is now known as Guest45922 [10:14] how do i change my nickk :S ? [10:14] /nick YourNewNick [10:14] Guest45922, do /nick NickIWant === Guest45922 is now known as google [10:15] tarelerulz: No that'S not possible. you have to restart your computer to install. But you could use an USB thumbdrive [10:15] * chalcedony smiles [10:15] nice one google [10:15] ty [10:15] ty [10:15] !install | tarelerulz [10:15] tarelerulz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [10:15] ehm somone who can help me make my yubuntu looc an little nicer/cooler ? [10:15] ubuntu* [10:15] is the badder meinholf movie out yet? [10:16] what does opendns do that a plain dns server won't? [10:16] stefg what if I use Vista and its on other partition . I have two Ubuntu partitions . I used virtual drive to install program ,but not an os [10:16] !themes | google [10:16] google: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [10:16] ty [10:17] stefg have u tried this.. [10:17] ciao [10:17] !list [10:17] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [10:17] sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils [10:17] !bot [10:17] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [10:19] tarelerulz: first of all you should take a complete backup, so in case something happens you can go back. I'd recomemnd to avoid wub and virtual partitions, but resize the vista partition to make room for (at least) 2 linux partitions (min. ~5 GB for the OS, min. size of you RAM for swap) [10:20] it taking forever to download Ubuntu 9.04 and I have Ubuntu installed on other computer via Wubi . I was wondering if Wubi downloads an ubuntu install iso to your computer . [10:20] what programs do i need to make my ubuntu too look good ? [10:20] tarelerulz: how did you get the wubi install to that other computer? [10:21] it was an program that i had befor but i dont remember it.. it was an menudock [10:21] !dock | google [10:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about dock [10:21] !awn | google [10:21] google: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards. [10:22] !pm [10:22] Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [10:23] awn can be installed through synaptic [10:23] what does the file analizer do ion 9.04...just ran it dont get it? [10:23] excuse me, but would anyone tell me where can I find help in finnish? I mean IRC :) [10:24] !fi [10:24] Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-) [10:24] thanx [10:24] wtf!? [10:24] oop sorry, wrong channel [10:25] I download and install wubi to the other computer weeks ago . I was thinking rather then waiting hours (4) for Ubuntu 9.04 to download I could find where wubi put the Ubuntu 9.04 iso and burn it to cd . Would that even work ? [10:26] tarelerulz: if you can find the ptoper .iso file, of course. it's, well... an ISO [10:26] tarelerulz: I think you should probably just download and burn a cd so you can have it as a live cd too [10:26] where can I get conexant 56k winmodem driver for ubuntu 8.04 [10:26] someone who can help me with awn-mananger ? [10:26] tarelerulz: Check out this blog posting about converting a wubi install to a full installation, it might help http://popey.com/blog/2009/07/16/migrating-from-wubi-to-full-ubuntu-install/ [10:27] tarelerulz: you could even manage to clone your existing wubi install to another box. Requires some tweaking and knowledge, but is perfectly doable [10:27] debuggerboy: Maybe you should be asking where you can get a decent internet connection :P [10:27] google: #awn [10:27] debuggerboy: you'll die a year earlier if you try to make that thing work. save yourself the trouble and buy a real modem. [10:27] tarelerulz: Even that ended up doing a reinstall after backing up the user data and installed applications [10:28] soreau, hai, I have already applied for my DSL connection, Till then I need this... [10:28] i have been using conexant 56k driver ubuntu 32 bit === Reactor_ is now known as Reactor [10:28] I need conexant 56 driver for ubuntu 64 bit [10:29] hi,anybody speak good english?I need a 'teacher ' via skype [10:29] i can [10:29] Well, wanted to know my option. Plus, with the idea of getting the iso from the wubi install on my other computer , I wanted to know if there was maybe some techical reason I could not use that iso. Thanks guys [10:29] debuggerboy: I'm pretty certain none exists. it's a binary blob, isn't it? [10:29] tarelerulz: the key to success is in preparation. Have a backup, and don't rely on the Ubuntu installer to make room for you, but give some prepared unpartioned space to work with to the installer [10:29] but it cost $30/month [10:29] can't aford ur service...sigh [10:30] what could be a good modem to buy for ubuntu 64? [10:30] someone who can help me with awn ? [10:30] hi guys I'm looking for a problem that is able to convert me a whole website with it's links into one pdf file [10:31] any idea of any such program? [10:31] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=520846 [10:31] wye cant i turn on the extra effect ? [10:31] i compiled a new kernel 2.6.29, but it has a lot of problems, so I decided to go back to the old one. 2.6.28-15-generic === Wajih is now known as MaWaLe === Techie_ is now known as Techie [10:32] how do I remove the usr/src/linux-2.6.29 folder? [10:32] it's taking space. [10:32] <[fade]> its not wise to do so [10:32] <[fade]> sources are needed when compiling stuff [10:33] How do I copy a file using the Terminal? [10:33] <[fade]> if u want to remove it, then just type sudo rm -rf [10:33] wye cant i turn on the extra effect ? [10:33] najjems: Do really have problems in deleting a folder? [10:33] <[fade]> Prohibited ctrl+shitv+v [10:33] hi [10:33] <[fade]> oh, copy a file [10:33] ;p [10:33] !cli | Prohibited [10:33] Prohibited: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [10:33] also, please guide me how to install ubuntu 9.04 on a VIA based mother board. installation is not detecting my "VIA IDE Bus master" IDE controller. Mine is IDE hdd [10:33] <[fade]> then cp filename /file/folder/ [10:33] what file holds all the gpg sig. in ubuntu?(if there even is one) [10:34] <[fade]> example cp /home/fade/test.txt /home/fade/desktop/ [10:34] so sudo cp /PathToFile/filename /PathToDestination ? [10:34] wye cant i turn on the extra effect ? [10:34] wye cant i turn on the extra effect ? [10:34] debuggerboy: so that measn that you can't install from the 'Desktop'-Installer because your chipset isn't properly detected? Have you tried the alternate installer already? [10:34] stefg: i'm just not sure how to go about it. [10:34] visit the ubuntu forum [10:34] Boredom = high [10:35] google: Go System, Administration, Hardware Drivers and have a look if you have any graphics drivers availiable [10:35] visuel effect = extra dosent work for me :S :( [10:35] I tried the 2 install option, it also drops me to initramfs prompt [10:36] najjems: man rm ... or open a root-nautilus with gksudo nautilus .... just delete it an make that the symlink /usr/src/linux points to correct position (in that case the stock linux-header folder [10:36] but my ubuntu 8.04 detect my "VIA IDE Bus master" IDE controller. [10:36] aaah now i know wye it dosent work.. i forgot to restart the computer [10:36] anyone know? [10:36] stefg: I tried rm, but it says i can't delete it since it's not empty.. I can't possibly empty out each folder right? [10:36] stefg>: but my ubuntu 8.04 detect my "VIA IDE Bus master" IDE controller. [10:36] <[fade]> what do u want to do najjems ? [10:36] najjems: rm -rf on it will work, but it's probably put there by a linux-(kernel-version)-source or linux-(kernel-version)-headers package, uninstalling that would also remove it and be far better [10:36] najjems: rm -rf /usr/src/linux-2.6.29-blah [10:36] any of you try running firefox 3.5 and flash with wine on Ubuntu 9.04 , if so how did that work ? [10:37] why are you running firefox using WINE? [10:37] it is faster [10:37] =o [10:37] It is?? [10:37] DigitalKiwi: From New Zealand? [10:37] no [10:38] Sevet: I uninstalled it by "sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.29" === secret4 is now known as derenrich [10:38] Sevet: and I already removed the things in /boot [10:38] jsoft: windows firefox is known to run faster in wine than linux firefox due to librarys, this can be alleviated using preload [10:38] najjems: ...i don't think that's the package you wanted [10:38] hmm [10:38] Prohibited, I want to see if I can get flash player working better by running firefox 3.5 in wine . [10:38] !preload [10:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about preload [10:39] drats [10:39] that's your kernel, your machine won't be able to start without it [10:39] Sevet: so how do I properly remove it? [10:39] <[fade]> :) [10:39] G'DAy again Folks, the install CD I made up appears to have a corrupt Kernel Image - where do I download the official file for Ubuntu 9.04 desktop and instructions for making a boot CD please - any pointers re disabling Anti-Virus or download manager like GetRight Pro ? [10:39] Sevet: he's talking about cleaning up after some experiments with kernel compiling. That's not the default kernel [10:40] I have outlook at work and want to tranfer all my email to home without send them home how would I do this and import it to Evolution [10:40] DigitalKiwi: Are you from New Zealand? [10:40] I am :) [10:40] stefg: phew :) [10:40] no i am not (that's what the no was to earlier) [10:40] hm [10:40] najjems: is the file from a package or one you uncompressed there yourself? [10:40] Sevet: stefg: so am I fine with rm -rf? [10:41] !cip [10:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about cip [10:41] !cp [10:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about cp [10:41] http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/02/13/0058251 [10:41] is it true that there are a few version of ubuntu? [10:41] if you uncompressed it there yourself use rm -rf, if it's from a package look for any installed packages starting linux- and ending in either -headers or -source [10:41] theme wise? [10:41] Sevet: it's a new kernel I tried compiling myself, but I was unstable so I went back to my old one [10:41] najjems: if you have to ask, i'd rather use the graphical filemanager to delete that folder :-) since it requires sudo privileges to remove that folder, a typo can easily hose your system [10:42] I have outlook at work and want to transfer all my email to home without send them home how would I do this and import it to Evolution [10:42] mnikjubhyhm [10:42] hm* [10:42] tjz: There's different GUIs, which look different. You can also always theme whichever one you already have. [10:43] I'm trying to copy the file edid.bin from /home/scott to /etc/X11, I run "sudo cp /home/scott/edid.bin /etc/X11/edid.bin" and the file remains unchanged [10:43] I have my VIA IDE controller detected in ubuntu 8.04 but the same is not getting detected in ubuntu 9.04 installation. I tried passing pci=noacpi and all_generic_ide with no luck. [10:43] stefg: Synaptics Package Manager? well, i did try. but when I search "linux" all it displays is the current kernel. and I definitely don't want to remove that [10:43] http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/moving-outlook-email-data-to-linux-evolution-mail-client.html chuxxsss [10:43] !ssh [10:43] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [10:43] !scp [10:43] SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/ [10:44] I'm trying to copy the file edid.bin from /home/scott to /etc/X11, I run "sudo cp /home/scott/edid.bin /etc/X11/edid.bin" and the file remains unchanged [10:45] najjems: nautilus! is it really so hard to navigate to /usr/src/ and delete a folder ? [10:45] bye [10:45] Hey guys! Do you know of a way to find out which compile options were used to build a deb package from Ubuntu's repositories? [10:46] stefg: sorry, no, I just got a little confused === jjjooofffooo is now known as jofo [10:47] In Sys -> Admin -> User/Groups I made an edit to my home folder directory that doesn't mount on boot. Bad idea. How do I fix this? === javabean is now known as javabean73 [10:48] When I turn off ubuntu , and it gets to console , my screen is just black. No ubuntu logo with progress bar or versbose console messages. Anyway to fix it? [10:48] trey333: are there any other user accounts on that machine that you can log in? [10:48] appiah: have you tried recovery mode on boot? [10:49] I'm on the same machine, different partition [10:49] I' [10:49] I have a Crunchbang/Ubuntu combo and I was trying to get Crunchbang to use the normal install's home folder as a home directory === javabean73 is now known as javabean [10:50] what happens with a sound stream that is intended to go to OSS in ubuntu? does pulseaudio intercept it? [10:50] thanks DigitalKiwi [10:50] mmhmm [10:50] yw [10:51] trey333 no... what would i do there [10:51] hope it works for you chuxxsss [10:51] Appiah: have you tried to change to another virtual tty? via strg+alt+f1 = [10:52] appiah: When GRUB loads, you'll see (Recovery Mode) next to each kernel. it will load a little different, no splash. You're given a few options, including an option to try to fix graphics issues. [10:52] g force superspie in missione [10:52] trey333: although you could manually edit /etc/passwd on the hosed system i'd rather boot to recovery conole, drop to root shell and put a symlink at the position where the users home folder should be to the position where it really is. that'll allow you to log in again and fix the situation from your user account [10:53] mshahruz@debian:~$ uname -a [10:53] Linux debian 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Aug 19 06:06:52 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux [10:54] don't know how to make a sym link. Could I create another user pretty easily from the command line? [10:54] Hi ! Trying to install C compiler (gcc) without success (no apt-get, make, c compiler avaiable on system). Any help ? === NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away [10:55] why no apt-get available? 0.o [10:55] trey333: yeah... run adduser from the cli, make sure it gets admin rights [10:55] don't know. I didn't install it. it's from a POS system [10:55] DigitalKiwi, what do u mean? [10:56] Maybe they remove or really didn't install it [10:56] mshahruz: momceras2 is trying to install gcc but doesn't have apt-get [10:56] momceras2: that'S a POS system running ubuntu? [10:56] is he using debian? [10:57] or ubuntu? [10:57] then apt was supposed to be there by default [10:57] stefg - thanks. i'll try that [10:58] momceras2: are you logged in as root? [10:58] when I do - cat /pro/version - I get linux version (lucas@fonseca) (gcc version 4.2.4 (ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3)) [10:58] I'm logged as root [10:58] trey333: like 'adduser try' ... going thru the dialogs, the aditionally 'adduser try admin' to make you member of the admin group [10:58] could any one give me a hand or a link where i can get to grips with ssh mainly scp to get a file from my server to my system [10:59] !ssh [10:59] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [10:59] man scp ? [10:59] bot is out for breakfeast ... [10:59] Is slowdown in games a common thing? [11:00] it's not uncommon [11:00] buenas [11:00] xd [11:00] vallhalla81: scp youruser@yourserver:/path/to/file /local/path/ [11:00] !es | AgRiO [11:00] AgRiO: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [11:00] which game Darkedge ? [11:00] erUSUL: thank you [11:01] What's it called again? [11:01] It's like Gituar Hero... [11:01] frets on fire? [11:01] i think dell makes lousy power supplies i had to jchange the power supply in my dell gx 260 [11:01] <[fade]> give me some good game for linux pls [11:02] !list [11:02] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [11:02] !games | [fade] [11:02] [fade]: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [11:02] not the first dell power i had fail on me [11:02] <[fade]> thank you [11:02] disabled it but still having the login sound? help please. [11:02] ok. I think it's hard to install gcc on my system [11:02] Yes... [11:03] [fade]: Oolite is a good Elite clone available in the official repository. "Applications->Add/Remove.." [11:03] erikk71: that's where they make the money .... but that's offtopic [11:03] Frets on fire... [11:03] wtf, ubottu is using that outdated icculus game list?! [11:03] I needed it because I had to install virtualbox additions [11:03] luckily the p4 dell uses standard atx [11:03] Ok so does anyone know if there is a way to get fglrx 9.3 working with jaunty and not downgrade xorg? [11:04] DigitalKiwi: Is this a common prob.? === avertv-volar-bla is now known as avertv-volar [11:05] or... there is any way to install virtualbox on a system that don't have make, apt-get or c compiler ? [11:05] cuz radeonhd doesnt have any 3D right? [11:05] Just need mouse working [11:05] for frets on fire? I don't know, but for games in general, well software in general, slowdowns after extended use is not uncommon [11:05] hello [11:06] Is keyserver.ubuntu.com struggling at the moment ? I'm getting timeouts trying to install a ppa key [11:06] hipitihop: I had an issue with that before [11:06] hipitihop: Yes, its been having problems for a week or so [11:06] :/ [11:06] disabled it but still having the login sound? help please. [11:06] momceras2: i don't think taht qualifies as an ubuntu support question. whatever that distro was before, if the vendor decided to decapitate the system by removing apt, it's not ubuntu anymore [11:07] Anyone here got fretsonfire? [11:07] oi? [11:07] Does the game run slowly for you? [11:07] hi? [11:07] i need some suport pls [11:07] ArcticAzure: DJones is there an alternative ? [11:07] We're listening... [11:07] we can't support you if we don't know your question [11:07] lol, cool and original nick [11:07] Anyone have time to help me configure my home network. I have DSL line (soon to be changed) where I get a static address to server (A). A has an additional NIC which I want to hook up a D-Link wireless router (R). To R I want to connect two other computers (C1 and C2). Now I had/have a setup working connecting C1 to A with DHCP, but I am stumped getting this to work. [11:08] everitime i try to install the ubunto it says it cant unmount the cdrom [11:08] please [11:08] please don't try to remove it in the middle of the instalation :) [11:08] i dont [11:09] i just go and create the partitions [11:09] then hit next next [11:09] and it says cant unmont cdrom [11:09] Ok so does anyone know if there is a way to get fglrx 9.3 working with jaunty and not downgrade xorg??? [11:09] If I copy a file (customedid.bin) to the folder /etc/X11/ and then I try to open it using a Hex Edition, it gives me the error "Unable to Open File" [11:09] marcellus: I can give it a shot, do you want to pm me ? [11:09] is there a version of ubuntu that will run on an old PC? [11:09] :/ Your drive loves it's self, Try... [11:09] but if I try to open it before I copy it, it sucessfulyl opens [11:09] Formatting it without the CD? [11:10] ArcticAzure: define 'old' [11:10] Have you installed like Deep Freeze or anything like that? [11:10] hipitihop: There is an alternative, but I'm not sure what it is, i'd suggest asking the question to see if somebody knows what the alternative is [11:10] me? [11:10] ArcticAzure:how old is ur pc? [11:10] Specs, not years. [11:10] is there a screencasting program in ubuntu that works? [11:11] i need to set new partitions [11:11] it kinda helpdesk? [11:11] hipitihop: I'll see if I can find the link thats been posted a couple of times in the last week [11:11] ArticAzure: Computer model or, Hard drive (total space - e.g. 30GB), CPU (1.6GHz, 1.8GHz etc) Graphics card (16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB .. ) [11:11] stefg: a thinkpad 760ED, with 32mb ram, a 1.8GB HDD, a 2MB trident video card, no USB, no native CD-ROM booting capability (i have something that lets it boot from CD) [11:11] i have a HIS ATI Radeon X1550 512mb video card, and need help trying to find the proper driver for it [11:11] :O [11:11] lol how old is taht computer.. [11:11] DJones: thanks. [11:12] lol~32m ram... [11:12] can ubuntu be installed on ipod touch? [11:12] 32 MB RAM.. [11:12] it was a windows 95 computer [11:12] lol [11:12] ArcticAzure: 32 MB ram is no option.... cli only or something like slackware 7.0 (a dinosaur) [11:12] hipitihop: This is what was posted a couple of days ago "ou can use pool.sks-keyservers.net in place of the keyserver if you are adding a ppa to your ubuntu install. If you are creating a ppa on launchpad then you should ask in #launchpad" [11:12] im a newbie linux user, n i want to know, that do i have to use an antivirus? [11:12] ArticAzure: you may like MS DOS :] [11:12] ArcticAzure: lol [11:12] notabot_, no need [11:12] get damn small linux or something [11:12] !av | notabot_ [11:12] notabot_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [11:13] notabot: You don't need a anti-virus for Ubuntu. [11:13] thx, thats cool [11:13] I wonder if there's a linux out there made specifically for old PCs [11:13] hipitihop: That should start "You can use..." etc [11:13] unimatrix: recordmydesktop works [11:13] ArcticAzure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BasicLinux [11:13] u can run xwindows with 32MB [11:13] ArcticAzure: damn small should run, that or puppy [11:13] dont have to be all CLI [11:13] popey: yeah, except it can't capture sound [11:13] ArcticAzure: there are many. puppy linux; damm small linuz... etc [11:14] unimatrix: works here [11:14] try delilinux [11:14] ArcticAzure: http://www.delilinux.de/index.html [11:14] i think i need to set the partitions by hand [11:14] anyone have any idea about my problem? [11:14] cuz of the ntsf partition [11:14] unimatrix: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23829577/recordSoundAndDesktop.sh try that script instead :) [11:14] if with gui envilment,minimal ram should be 256MB [11:14] unimatrix: also look at this:- http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/2009/09/11/Screencasting_on_Ubuntu_-_Part_1_of_3 [11:15] coofish, u can run gui with 16MB [11:15] delilinux uses pacman \o/ [11:15] go with that ^_^ [11:15] iphonelinux seems to be doing okay [11:16] hi, i've got a little problem. I upgrade kde from 3.5 to 4, and since i got no more graphical session available. I can see "Starting K Display Manager: KDE" but i'm still in the tty1. Then i try kdm restart and nothing happened. When i type startx i've got this message : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-38529 [11:16] DJones: many thanks, that worked. BTW. I was only trying to install a key not setup a new one [11:16] hipitihop: your welcome [11:16] Elive_user90_fr: #kubuntu or #kubuntu-fr [11:17] hey guys [11:17] i have a HIS ATI Radeon X1550 512mb video card, and need help trying to find the proper driver for it [11:18] some direction pls. did updates and now mozilla has no back button. no more bookmarks. will not log on to certain websites(nothing happens after click login/sign in) [11:18] iphonelinux no longer exists XD [11:18] failure! [11:18] stefg, > it's not akde problem but a xorg problem [11:18] * a kde [11:19] WY it fails unmounting cdrom when i do they partitions ext 3 at / and the swap [11:19] mans28far: try making a new profile [11:19] !ati | optikkore [11:19] optikkore: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:19] new user profile? if that doesnt work. 2nd guess? [11:19] mans28far: right click toolbar -> customise [11:19] som ehelp plz? [11:20] mans28far: you can add buttons as you wish [11:20] e-help? [11:20] ArcticAzure: deli linux looks really cool, i'd try it for your computer, heck i might even try it in a VM === ubuntu is now known as GiveMeWeed [11:20] !ask | GiveMeWeed [11:20] GiveMeWeed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:20] ubuntu; state what your problem is [11:20] actiparsnip. back button is grayed out [11:20] !ask | Ubuntu [11:20] Ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:20] o. he changed his name [11:20] lol [11:20] well he should have gotten the msg [11:20] mans28far: i suspect that some Addon is misbehaving... or you might have a corrupt filesystem and your firefox profile is broken [11:20] hi, i can't get my webcam to work in ubuntu. appearantly stv680 is the driver, it loads when i put it in but no /dev/video device is made and it doesn't do anything really. [11:21] problem is that when i do a basic instal from cdrom, when i get to the part to make the partitions [11:21] !webcam | moodhugs [11:21] moodhugs: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [11:21] popey: apparently i need to configure recordmydesktop to work with JACK and first configure pulseaudio to work with JACK... what an annoyance [11:21] moodhugs: maybe it needs options when you modprobe the driver in [11:21] i try create a ext3 and a swap [11:21] thats what i think it is to. its one of the updates. when i goto the add-on page. mozila crashes [11:21] mans28far: rename ~/.mozilla and rerun firefox [11:21] and it says he cant unmount the cdrom and fails to start instal [11:22] hm [11:22] GiveMeWeed: what is the output of: lsb_release -c [11:22] GiveMeWeed: tell about your hardware [11:22] I hate my computer [11:22] do u know about karibuntu [11:22] !ot | administrator_ [11:22] administrator_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [11:22] why [11:22] I'm only transfering a file at 1mb/s :( [11:22] I really hate this computer [11:23] no sutch comand lsb [11:23] Prohibited: thats your connection, not your computer [11:23] unimatrix: you don't _have_ to use jack at all [11:23] GiveMeWeed: you need to use the whole command [11:23] I mean, transfer a file from my External hard drive to ./desktop [11:23] GiveMeWeed: lsb_release -c [11:23] Prohibited: that'S the reason why it never does what you want it to do :-) be gentle and patient, and the machine will bow to your will :-) [11:23] karibuntu is not a ubuntu version [11:23] ?? [11:23] GiveMeWeed: you didnt get the whole command [11:23] unimatrix: just put "hw:0,0" in the audio card field [11:23] jhaaa sry [11:23] if it was my connection, it'd be under 500 kb/s [11:23] lsb_release -c [11:23] administrator_: its not an official release so isnt supported in the official channel [11:23] oo Google uses a edited version of Ubuntu [11:24] unimatrix: http://popey.com/blog/2009/08/25/getting-back-into-screencasting/ see that [11:24] ok [11:24] Codename: jaunty [11:24] their distro is called Goobuntu :D [11:24] GiveMeWeed: ok, thats cool, did you MD5 test the ISO? have you ran the CD checker? [11:24] Goobuntu,,sooooooooooooooooooooooo creative!!!!!! [11:24] hahahaaaaaaaaaaa [11:24] I know [11:24] http://en.wikipedia.org/Goobuntu [11:24] Lubuntu is gonna be rad :D [11:25] n [11:25] funny if Mc Donalds "McBuntu" [11:25] !ot [11:25] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [11:25] GiveMeWeed: i think you should, the image you downloaded may be corrupt or incomplete [11:25] GiveMeWeed: so you need to check with MD5 [11:25] ok how i can doit? [11:25] GiveMeWeed: the CD also has a selfcheck which you have also ignored [11:25] !md5 | GiveMeWeed [11:25] GiveMeWeed: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [11:26] GiveMeWeed: here are the correct hashes the md5sum needs to output: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes [11:26] GiveMeWeed: if you get anything different, the image is bad and needs redownloading [11:27] GiveMeWeed: can you also tell 2 friends about md5sums and tell them to tell 2 friends [11:27] Hey, so I already have C: and D: partitioned on my system and am gonna install ubuntu on D: . I don't wanna do a "install inside windows", what are my other options? [11:27] man and i cant install it from here? [11:27] like dl and instal [11:27] ? [11:27] if the image is on another partition whichis accessible you can do it from the livecd [11:27] I have the ubuntu cd with me. [11:28] the cd starts [11:28] im on some pre instal SO [11:28] by the way, ubuntu seems to be unable to play videos pulled off youtube (/tmp/Flashxxxxx) in HQ format, but it can play HD/Regular format. Flash player runs fine. Just like totem and stuff [11:28] and have my wireless on [11:28] and there is an option to install into sdb? [11:28] so i have web here [11:29] in install it have this command ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui [11:29] GiveMeWeed: doesnt matter if the CD starts, if there are errors in the image then the data on the disk will be bad [11:29] cant i make it instal from web? [11:29] lizzzy: you actually don't install ubuntu to 'D:' ... there is no 'D:' in linux. Rather delete that (supposedly empty) D-Partition an give the installer the unused, unpartitioned space to work with [11:29] !netboot [11:29] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [11:29] GiveMeWeed: you can use the minimal CD and install from the web [11:30] ys im here on this minimal SO [11:30] GiveMeWeed: as long as your network device is detected by the very basic installer [11:30] ys it is [11:30] im on it [11:30] Wireless [11:30] GiveMeWeed: minimal installs in text mode, not desktop [11:30] <[fade]> !games [11:30] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [11:30] wy not? === John is now known as Guest52042 === Guest52042 is now known as google [11:31] GiveMeWeed: why not what? [11:31] someone who can help me with my geforce 9800 gt tv out ? [11:32] i can instal from here [11:32] chanching the script of the instal? [11:32] terminal command for getting Hard-Drive Size and Space left ? [11:33] GiveMeWeed: well you currently have no way of knowing if the CD you have is good as you have burned unchecked data and ignored the CD checking fuction [11:33] someone ? [11:33] GiveMeWeed: you could reboot and run the CD self check.... [11:33] WinterWeaver: df -h [11:33] ta stefg [11:33] ok ill try [11:33] google: sup? [11:33] google: have you installed the nvidia proprietary driver? [11:34] ehm dont know realy i have install the nvidia driver.. [11:34] the problem is that i dont get coloure oin the tv [11:35] (*(*(*(*(*( ActionParsnip )*)*)*)*)*) [11:35] google: lok if you press alt+f2 and type nvidia-settings and it enter, do you get any error messages? [11:35] hi chalcedony :) [11:35] * chalcedony smiles [11:35] good to see you :) [11:35] chalcedony: and yo [11:35] ty :) [11:35] oh i found out a forum that it's a common bug . some kinda regression from upgrading. blah [11:35] google: that might be a BIOS setting. you need to specify the color standard (NTSC or PAL) correctly [11:35] i have nvidia-settings.. [11:36] google: ok did it moan about missing the driver or did it just come up and look at you? [11:36] i'm new in ubuntu [11:36] is that forums for new users too [11:36] NewUser33: yes the forums are a great source of help [11:37] popey: doesn't work, no matter what [11:37] NewUser33: of course ... if evryone knows everything we wouldn't need forums or irc [11:37] well the nividia program isent the error the thing is that i can change my tv out signal in the control panel in nvidia [11:37] and what do you mean by bios stefg ? [11:37] google: once again: check your bios [11:38] ehm i know my bios and the isent somthing about my grapic configurasion [11:38] google: the startup screen appearing right after you switch the computer on. [11:38] google: ok then click through to the display options and click detect displays a few times [11:39] stefg i have no option to change to pal or the otherone.. so the bois i cant configure it [11:39] google: i'd also check bios as stefg says, it may hold the key [11:39] google: if not you can specify TV standards in xorg.conf [11:39] howdee [11:39] how do i get to the xorg.conf then ? [11:40] same question [11:40] I am looking for a way to add custom menu's on either gnome-terminal, or konsole for running macros and other scripts from [11:40] Xorg -configure [11:40] that will gen a test config called xorg.conf.new [11:41] you can then test it and if it works cp it to /etc/X11/ [11:41] so i shull wright Xorg .configure in the terminal ? [11:41] Hi, I'm having problems reaching keyserver.ubuntu.com (from two different networks), anyone else seeing that? [11:41] google: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOut , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4929070 [11:41] however most distros now might not even have a xorg.conf to start off with because of the updates to xorg it's self [11:41] has anybody faced this problem..No low battery power beep in Toshiba satellite a135 s2276, Ubuntu 9.04 ? [11:41] stefg ty wery mutch [11:42] i have looked for an solution on google but never find one so.. [11:42] no, not Xorg .configure [11:42] but Xorg -configure [11:42] my laptop battery seems to be repairing itself :> [11:42] how do u paste in the console :S ? [11:43] neoclone,never expect too much in linux!or swich to M$ [11:43] google: middle click [11:43] google: or right click, paste [11:43] I find with new xorg changes, I seldem need to fiddle with custom xorg anymore [11:43] dosent worrk with the right click [11:43] middle worked :D [11:43] i have a win domain and are playing around wanting to add linux computers as "normal" domain members just like the xp members. So that regular noob workers can use linux as their workstation. Is this possible with few to none issues??? [11:44] hmmM, pc hel- desk in ur company? [11:44] coofish,i have been using linux for close to 5 years..first red hat..and for teh last 3 years ubuntu..prior versions of ubuntu would give the beep sound when my laptop battery goes low..only in jaunty i have problem [11:45] there is no company im playing at home [11:45] or more like a theory question [11:45] so check ur on-board speaker~~~ [11:45] haha [11:45] HMMM: possible, but not without issues AD is a different beast from the commonly used LDAP in Linux [11:46] how about xp clients on linux dc server [11:46] easyer? [11:47] HMMM: let me see if i can come up with som links ... meanwhile you might reading the !ebox factoid useful [11:47] i have checked speaker,and other sound settings.....was wondering if its a known issue [11:47] !ebox | HMMM [11:47] HMMM: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [11:47] neoclone,have you master the technich of modify /write hot keys driver scripts? [11:47] ok. thank you. [11:48] HMMM: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto [11:48] "Design charge: 8.5 Wh" is what my battery status thing says, what's everyone else getting so I can compare them to see if my battery is healing [11:48] Anyone know how you swich off diskchecking every 31 mounts? Thanks [11:49] coofish,i am familiar with linux driver working..but hot keys i am not sure..why do u ask? [11:49] HMMM: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-9.04-samba-server-integrated-with-active-directory [11:49] is there a linux tool to reset my laptop battery's chip? [11:49] is there a screencasting program in ubuntu that works? [11:49] pipa: man tune2fs [11:50] unimatrix: in what way does rmd not work? [11:50] popey: it doesn't record sound [11:50] ehm,,I think its very necessary to learn writing hot key scripts for EVERY laptop user [11:50] unimatrix: what kind of audio recording device do you have? [11:50] popey: a sound card? [11:50] a dell laptop had the same problem,got fixed by completely draining out the battery.. [11:50] hi; is keyserver.ubuntu.com down? [11:51] upgraded to 904 and really slowed me down...does anyone think opera would help over FF? [11:51] unimatrix: are you trying to record the sound of the machine or your voice on a microphone? [11:51] draining the battery only made it worse on mine -_- [11:51] popey: the machine obviously [11:51] unimatrix: well not obviously actually [11:51] popey: well it's not obvious, but if i wanted to record the microphone it should be just the same, because pulseaudio usually takes care of this [11:51] unimatrix: i never record the machine, only my voice with a microphone [11:52] unimatrix: do you have pavucontrol installed? [11:52] popey: yes [11:52] Balsaq: no.. rather investigate what's causing your perceived slowdown. For me jaunty feels far slicker than intrepid [11:52] unimatrix: and have you configured it as per the screencast I made? [11:52] If I leave without saying anything else, then that means that I ran braid in wine and it killed my pc [11:52] i think the upgrades plus going from 810 to 904 did it stefg [11:53] google: if you find example xorg.confs with nvidia tv out you can copy lines or sections and add them to your own [11:53] old computet may like 810 [11:53] ArcticAzure: did you decide on something for your incredibly old computer? [11:53] popey: rmd doesn't show up in pavucontrol [11:54] ActionParsnip google: if you find example xorg.confs with nvidia tv out you can copy lines or sections and add them to your own---depend on driver installed... [11:54] unimatrix: i didn't say it would [11:54] stefg: are you on a newer computer mine is from1998 [11:54] unimatrix: in the screencast I mentioned how to set the audio up [11:54] wooo, ctrl+alt+F1 actually worked when braid failed [11:54] Balsaq: if you're ready to invest some time and bandwidth you can try to reinstall. see the !clone factoid on howto replicte your package settings [11:54] !clone | Balsaq [11:54] Balsaq: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate [11:54] hey do anybody knows well compiz [11:54] ? [11:54] i do [11:54] Balsaq: also tell about your hardware [11:54] That tutorial dident work [11:55] jacquesdupontd, ask an actual question [11:55] lolo,alyways lead to reinstallation like m$ users [11:55] i was told i cant reinstall 810 once i go to904 [11:55] i would like as it was possible before but at the time of beryl and compiz how to have animated desktop [11:55] in 3d sometimes [11:55] jacquesdupontd, install ccsm [11:56] done [11:56] jacquesdupontd: xwinwrap still works AFAIK [11:56] stefg: dell 400mgz 768sdram 10g hd [11:56] then you know the name of the plugin bazhang [11:56] gotta sswitch computers [11:56] soreau, exactly what i was using [11:56] someone who can help me thrue the configuration for an tv out geforce card ? [11:56] soreau: will xwinwrap ruin the icons on the desktop? [11:56] jacquesdupontd, listen to soreau :) [11:56] soreau do you where i can found information ? [11:56] sorry, can anyone confirm whether they can get a key from keyserver.ubuntu.com ? [11:56] bazhang, but thx a lot ;) [11:57] jacquesdupontd: xwinwrap can be used to run an app (eg. an xscreensaver, or mplayer) as a desktop wallpaper. For more information and download, see: http://swik.net/xwinwrap and shantz-xwinwrap: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~shantanu-goel/xwinwrap/devel/files [11:57] nmenezes: when i tried getting a key, it either didn't work or took forever [11:57] bazhagn,is chinese? [11:57] well, not 'forever' [11:57] but a long time [11:57] ArcticAzure: no, nautilus does that and you cant run xwinwrap and nautilus [11:57] yay [11:57] popey: watching now :P didn't realize it was actually a tutorial, thought it was just a sample screencast [11:57] ArcticAzure: cool! thanks for letting me know; was driving me crazy [11:58] ArcticAzure: keyserver is slow, keep trying [11:58] someone who can help me thrue the configuration for an tv out geforce card ? [11:58] i'm not getting any keys, nmenezes was getting a key [11:59] does anyone here have an AVerTV Volar Black HD usb tvtuner adapter? How good is the so called Hi-Gain TV antenna that comes with it? [11:59] yep. it is eventually working, just need patience. thanks guys [11:59] is there a deb for xwinwrap? Can I use checkinstall to make one? [11:59] google: like i said there are tonnes of sample xorg files out there [12:00] ArcticAzure: theres http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~shantanu-goel/xwinwrap/devel/files [12:00] is there a way to watch the progress of a huge disk copy? (e.g. start copy go to another terminal and watch each file copy - i think it's locking up somewhere in the process) tia [12:00] thank you ActionParsnip [12:00] ArcticAzure: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/09/14/animated-wallpaper-with-compiz-fusion-on-ubuntu/ [12:00] geekbuntu,which tool ?generally,use -v [12:01] does anyone setup svn server on base of a glassfish application server? [12:01] coofish: just using cp -Rf [12:01] uh ohes [12:02] coofish: installed new hd - just backing up old one onto data drive so i can fish through for settings/etc [12:02] " Unfortunately, it is not possible to have desktop icons over the animation." is what a read from ActionParsnip's guide on xwinwrap [12:02] geekbuntu: pv [12:02] A terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline [12:02] hi all [12:02] I have a problem with charatcer encoding. The Terminal show my Swedish characters in a correct manner depending on web site encoding. The problem is that I cna't manually change the Terminal ecoding every time I show the code of a new page in Temrinal. [12:02] DigitalKiwi: what's the use? cp -Rf ... ... -pv? [12:02] anyone help [12:02] How do I get the Temrinal to automatically use the right encoding? [12:03] Evelina: i can right click on mine - select encoding [12:03] hmm [12:03] goodnight everyone [12:03] I wonder if anybody can kindly setup a vpn let me visit hulu.com/youtube.com,,,china have blocked many sites due to coming 60th national celebrating [12:03] im new to linux tring to run a eggdrop on my lappy not sure how to get it to run [12:03] i would like to simply re-install ubuntu 8.10, was told i can't because i did the 9.04....old computer seem to love 8.10 as it was straight off the disc, even before the upgrades [12:03] Sometime the site is using utf-8, then the Temrinal show the right characters when I set the Terminal to utf-8, sometimes web sites use latin-1 and then I have to set the encoding to that encoding for the charatcers to show up correctly. [12:04] geekbuntu: I know, but I need to get this dine automatically because I filter the text on pages in a bash script and I to manually set the encoding will destroy my automated script. [12:04] *done [12:05] geekbuntu: uh i forget let me figure it out >.> [12:05] #ubuntu-zh [12:05] DigitalKiwi: ty - i never heard of it [12:05] if im gonna run alot of commands as "super user", its safe to just start with "sudo su" right? [12:05] #ubuntu-cn [12:05] It would be nice if I could detct encoding using php and then in a php script encod to the right encoding using html_entity_decode. [12:06] I wonder if anybody can kindly setup a vpn let me visit hulu.com/youtube.com,,,china have blocked many sites due to coming 60th national celebrating [12:06] (or can that make something malfunction?) [12:06] seems many chinese here,hehe [12:06] hanshenrik: It would be the same as running as root [12:06] ViperChief: It's safe, as long as your careful [12:06] how i cahow i can resolve this problem in apache2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/280284/ please help me [12:06] when i click open folder option in tramission.... gnome-open starts up instead of my file-manager ....why ? do i have to symlink something ? [12:06] hanshenrik: it's safe as long as your careful [12:06] hanshenrik: sudo -s is advised [12:06] ok [12:06] hanshenrik: "safe"... is a relative concept. just remember that all your commands have system-wide permissions (i.e. no safety net) [12:07] can i install skype 2.1 beta with some PPA? i dont like debs, they aren't automatically updated when i run apt-get upgrade [12:07] error404notfound: could search in http://ppa-search.appspot.com/ [12:07] afaik error404notfound there is no ppa for skype [12:08] i might be wrong though [12:08] how can I format a usb flash disk? the .trash folder on it is completely corrupted and I cannot empty it [12:08] not suer [12:08] suare [12:08] error404notfound: you may add a ppa but the one you add may not upgrade the version on its repo [12:08] not sure * [12:08] Mohammad[B], you have defined a namevirtualhost somewhere but no actual virtualhosts..look in /etc/apache2/sites-available.. as for the thing, just add ServerName whateveryouhostnameis to /etc/apache2/apache.conf [12:08] there is no ppa for skupe :( [12:08] error404notfound: agreed with murlidhar, no PPA for Skype [12:08] error404notfound: then you are stumped [12:09] dl from here: http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/choose/ [12:09] popey: i got it... it was a pulseaudio problem... AGAIN... it selected a non-default source (my other unused sound card) [12:09] error404notfound: adding a ppa doesnt mean you will get updates, the ppa may never be updated [12:09] unimatrix: awesome [12:10] popey: the recording is a bit loud tho, where should i lower the volume? [12:10] error404notfound: looks like its on the medibuntu repo [12:10] unimatrix: gnome-volume-control [12:10] geekbuntu: cat file |pv > newfile # would be one way, or just use rsync --progress >.> [12:10] when i click open folder option in tramission.... gnome-open starts up instead of my file-manager ....why ? do i have to symlink something ? [12:11] unimatrix ,,type rexima [12:11] ActionParsnip, can you please link it to me? [12:11] hehehe [12:11] Hey, so I'm installing ubuntu on sda2 (D:), it says that I have to allocate swap space [12:11] DigitalKiwi: tyvm [12:11] !medibuntu | error404notfound [12:11] error404notfound: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [12:11] What do i do to allocate swap space? [12:11] lizzzy: you create a partition for it, it is part of the install process [12:12] ActionParsnip, thats skype 2.0.x not skype 2.1 beta [12:12] pv is cool once you figure it out >.> there is also "bar" which i never figured out iirc [12:12] ! swap | lizzzy [12:12] lizzzy: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [12:12] error404notfound: then you will have to use the deb, ubuntu strives for what works rather than betas in the official repos afaik [12:12] hmm... ActionParsnip: I'm doing a manual install coz' I already have C:and D: partitioned and installing ubuntu on D: [12:12] lizzzy: those definitions mean nothing to linux [12:13] Hmm.. ok [12:13] lizzzy: linux sees partitons, not drive letters [12:13] coofish: please, it's 2009, i'm not seriously going to use a commandline mixer [12:13] unimatrix: gnome-volume-manager [12:13] lizzzy: if you are using wubi then you will make an image oon the partition of your choice [12:13] .net [12:13] haha,always stick to cmd [12:14] lizzzy: if D: as you call it is a second physical drive you can use a proper install and resize / wipe the drive clean to be 100% ubuntu [12:14] lizzzy: wiping it will loose all data on the disks partitions [12:14] just intresting, in WinXP on my school i dont have a chance downloading anything faster than ~2000 kb/ps, but with ubuntu on the exact same pc, i get ~4000 kb/ps :s [12:14] unimatrix: type gnome-volume-control in the terminal [12:14] unimatrix: pavucontrol :) [12:15] Yeah... so, i have sda split into sda1(C:) and sda2(D:) and wanna install ubuntu on sda2, do I create a sda3(say g: or something) on windows and then assign sda3 as swap space. [12:15] hanshenrik,really? Biii gates is crying [12:15] lizzzy: you can resize ntfs to make room for the partitions for Ubuntu, or you can delete a partition to make space [12:15] hi [12:15] murlidhar: or i could just click "Sound Preferences" on the volume icon :P [12:15] coofish: yeah guess so :p [12:16] I need to upgrade my lirc to 0.8.6 anyone point me in the right direction [12:16] lizzzy: anoter way is to use wubi to install Ubuntu into the NTFS partitions and you dont have to mess with any partitions [12:16] Hey, if I download using ubuntu transmission bit torrent client, do I auto upload? [12:16] unimatrix: yes u can ...it is the same thing [12:16] hanshenrik :D [12:16] i'm doing something wrong http://paste.ubuntu.com/280266/ following this to get lifecam vx-1000 working http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6532167&postcount=2 [12:16] hipitihop, add the source site to your software sources , get the key then in terminal run sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade. [12:17] what am i doing wrong? [12:17] when i click open folder option in tramission.... gnome-open starts up instead of my file-manager ....why ? do i have to symlink something ? [12:17] murlidhar: set nautilus as your default file manager [12:17] Dhuski: thanks, thanks done so as per here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1243179.html however upgrade says lirc kept back [12:17] popey: one last thing, how do i select a screen area in rmd? i'd prefer a gui option [12:17] ActionParsnip: how ? [12:17] wubi allows only 15GB right? I'll be using ubuntu as my primary OS (dual-booted with windows) from now on, so installing it on D: (which is like 184 GB). Also, how much of swap space is required for 184GB? [12:18] lizzzy: no 30gb is the max [12:18] lizzzy: swap space has nothing to do with your hard drive space [12:18] unimatrix: you can specify it with the --width, --height and -x and -y parameters [12:18] !swap > lizzzy [12:18] lizzzy, please see my private message [12:18] http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html lizzzy [12:19] popey: oh dear [12:19] I'm trying to upgrade lirc to 0.8.6 and apt-get upgrade says lirc is kept back [12:19] murlidhar: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus [12:19] ActionParsnip: i tried that already [12:20] murlidhar: i believe part of its postinst is to set itself as file manager [12:20] ActionParsnip: wut [12:20] that's just wrong [12:20] DigitalKiwi: ? [12:20] in dosbox how do you navigate from the "Z" drive to the drive where old dos games are stored ? its telling me "C" doesnt exist and I should mount it when I do a cd C:\ etc [12:20] DigitalKiwi: i remember seeing it a bit ago [12:21] iwobbles: easiest way is to run: dosbox /path/to/play.exe [12:21] installing a package of anything should not make itself the default imo :/ [12:21] iwobbles: the C: will then be setup, obviously change the .exe path and name as needed [12:21] guess ubuntu devs disagree, no surprise there though [12:21] lizzzy: why not use a real install instead of wubi if you intend to use ubuntu as your primary OS by the way? [12:21] DigitalKiwi: +1 but hey its easy for noobs [12:21] i also hate that nautilus tries to change my wallpaper grr [12:22] Ok, so yeah.. since it is 184gb, I'll allocate 4gig to swap space and install ubuntu on the 180 gb free space [12:22] i think it's possible to change that but i can't remembember/be arsed to mess with [12:22] DigitalKiwi: pass --no-desktop or set the corresponding gconf key [12:22] anyone know how to write to file... like cp ... ... and write the progress to a file... i'm googleing - asking all the wrong questions :-\ [12:23] how do I find out why a package is kept back ? [12:23] geekbuntu: rsync [12:23] what do you mean when u say "keep back"? [12:23] jrib: guess i'm gonna have to suck it up and do rsync - has been 6 years just don't remember much aobut it - and i used it with an awk script as i remember [12:24] popey: eh i give up, rmd is useless, even when it does work it uses waaay too much CPU [12:24] geekbuntu: just use rsync --progress in place of cp for simple stuff [12:24] jrib: That's what I did. I tried to do a manual install and since I have sda1 and sda2 partitioned already, i tried to install ubuntu on sda2. (I can't do a full install of ubuntu coz' ppl at work still use windows, although I wish I could) [12:24] Well, file -i filename will give me the encoding, I think. But I have to some way change the encoding of Terminal before I run some commands on the text. How do I automatically set the Temrinal encoding depending of the result in file -i? [12:24] lizzzy: but you mentioned wubi [12:24] coofish: I am doing a apt-get upgrade and it says "packages have been kept back: lirc" [12:25] i think someone else mentioned wubi first [12:25] hello I have bought a Logitech QuickCam Deluxe for Notebooks and I while Cheese and Skype recognise it I am not able to adjust it's focusing. As a result I have crystal-clear image of something that is 2cm away from the lenses but awfully blurry when I sit in a normal distance. Can anyone help me to adjust it? [12:25] ah [12:25] lizzt,follow ur boss,so M$ is ur way [12:25] 06:16 < ActionParsnip> lizzzy: anoter way is to use wubi to install Ubuntu into the NTFS partitions [12:25] and you dont have to mess with any partitions [12:25] (Oh I am using Hardy Heron 8.04 2.6.24-24-generic [12:25] ) [12:26] lizzzy: never mind then [12:26] DigitalKiwi: thanks [12:26] I'm not using wubi. (coz' wubi has 15 GB /30 GB (as switchgirl1) as max and I'm installing ubuntu on a 180GB partition). [12:26] lizzzy: wise, wubi messed up my EEEPC 701 boot loader [12:27] kalakouentin: I just googled the camera... found an article on tomsguide.com that says it "only has a manual focus on the right hand side" [12:27] hey guys does anyone know of any movie screenshot software that will work on ubuntu? you know like the media player classic screens you can do in windows http://i27.tinypic.com/or7crp.jpg [12:27] lizzy,download img file and burn cd...or google grub4dos hard disk install ubuntu" [12:28] wubi sucks! [12:28] Exile: so you want to take a series of snaps from a video and make a collection? [12:28] Hmm... so this is what I'm gonna do: shrink the 184 gb partition to 180 gb and assign the unallocated 4gb space as swap space. [12:28] yeah just as a quality sample [12:29] you can do this in windows with media player classic using one click [12:29] I'm not sure why one requires a swap space, coz' I'm pretty sure I won't run out of physical memory space. [12:29] is there something similar for ubuntu? [12:29] how do I tell why apt-get upgrade keeps a package back ? [12:29] Exile, mplayer can do it [12:29] Exile: i think ive seen where you can make mplayer, or ffmpeg (or both) take frames... but thats about all i know of. not seen anything to order them in a nice neat layout [12:29] kool I'll give it a go [12:29] thats better than nothing [12:30] I just cant be assed with manually taking screenshots! [12:30] vlc can take screenshots [12:30] Problems here, can't upload stuff. At all. Use VPN to connect to the network, to be more precise, KVPNC. Gnome-networkmanager won't let me connect anywhere [12:30] so probably could smplayer of mplayer can [12:30] <3 smplayer [12:30] I wonder if issues with watching hd such as 1080p movies is sovled in linux players [12:30] hi, im trying to perform a "ulimit -n [certain amount of files]" and it wont let me, operation not permitted it says, even if im sudoing... o_O any clue? thank you [12:31] Can't post to any forums either, in case that matters %) [12:31] coofish: if you tell me why lirc is being kept back I might be able to answer you question...I'm trying to setup a home theater pc with mythbuntu on it and apparenyl it is should have no probs with 1080p [12:31] << Thank you. This will go as my stupidest question ever......... [12:31] When I am rebooting my VPS , filesystems are not mounting according to /etc/fstab ! [12:32] someone who can help me thrue the configuration for an tv out geforce card ? [12:32] (I really hope there is no active logging on this / This conversation never existed.... / Bye and thanx again) [12:32] hola [12:33] Dr_Willis: hi, im trying to perform a "ulimit -n [certain amount of files]" and it wont let me, operation not permitted it says, even if im sudoing... o_O any clue? thank you [12:33] Should alt-tab work when appearance is set to none? [12:33] aps... sry [12:33] google: i just install the nvidia drivers.. and plug stuff in.. (some cards need the tv to be plugged in befor the sustem boots up) then use the nvidia-settings tool to enable the tv out [12:33] hola [12:33] appearance-visual effects that is [12:33] keyserver.ubuntu.com - still down - haven't been able to access it since Friday last week... [12:33] google: i normally use twinview and hae the tv out screen for my videos. [12:33] orattue: Yes, it's a known problem. [12:33] Dr_Willis the problem for me is that i dont get coloure on my tv [12:34] jpds: does ubuntu have any status pages can't see any. Also any idea if there are mirrors of that server? [12:34] static application switchter (preferences - compiz settings manager) says it ought to work (and I want it to, I just don't want flash to slow down or crash sooner because of eye-candy) [12:34] google: last i had that issue. it was a bad svideo cable or plug. [12:34] orattue: No, yes, use subkeys.pgp.net [12:34] Dr_Willis i know the wire works cuz i used it on windows before so [12:35] google: no idea then. check the forums perhaps. [12:35] Dr_Willis the thing is that i dont know how to change the output to B-pal [12:35] hipitihop,sorry I have no good methods for ur situation...I use slackware other than ubuntu...always config,make ,make install....for my favorate app versition [12:35] google: also the guys in #mythbuntu may have encountered the issue befor. [12:36] Dr_Willis ok i will test ifsomeone can help there [12:36] google: that is in the xorg.conf i recall. I rember ages ago reading the nvidia driver docs at the nvidia web site. they got a LARGE readme with lots of config settings mentioned. [12:36] google: ive only ever used ntsc. [12:36] pal in china.. [12:36] [T43] '~$ sudo hwinfo --framebuffer' lists as maximum resolution 1280x1024 but my display has 1400 x 1050 pixels. What can I do to get more framebuffer pixels? [12:36] I need to install my tv tuner card back in this box someday. :) [12:38] I have a wireless usb remote control for controlling media players. It has the usual play, stop, next track, previous and volume control buttons. The volume control works properly but I need to map the other buttons. It is a Targus AMR01EU. I have googled the phrase "ubuntu wireless usb remote control map buttons" but no luck so far. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find some information about this please? [12:38] bullgard4,modify ur xorg.conf ..if not work out,then change driver [12:40] JonathanEllis,google lirc config [12:40] coofish: I believe that modifying xorg.conf will not change the frame buffer. [12:40] coofish: Thanks but it is radio, not infra-red [12:41] see relevant config files . [12:41] u can figure it out.. [12:41] imo [12:42] how can one tell why a given package is kept back by apt-get upgrade ? [12:42] jrib: coofish: should rsyn just be sitting on the screen saying "sending incremental file list" for a long time? it's 27g... ubuntu artcle says this guy backs up his 20-30gig drive in a few mins [12:42] someone who can help me with my geforce 9800 gt tv out ? [12:42] Morning [12:43] Can anyone give the keyserver a bump ? [12:43] sigh,silly ubuntu and silly ubun-users...run away for super now ,, :D :D [12:44] i have an instance of ubuntu server running as a virtual machine with a fixed size disk and it ran out of space. how cani discover what's filling up the space from the command line? [12:44] Fly-Man-: hhave you tried to use pool.sks-keyservers.net ? [12:44] hipitihop: I have only 1 connection [12:44] gpg: requesting key 0A5174AF from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com [12:45] gpg: keyserver timed out [12:45] gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error [12:45] hey what option in compiz settings manager allows window/terminal transparency? [12:45] I am having serious problems with Evolution! All of a sudden it keeps asking me to enter the password for the default keyring! What default keyring! I never set anything up like that! What is going on? [12:45] Is there an equivalent to lirc for wireless usb remote controls that use radio instead of infra-red? [12:45] Fly-Man-: yes, apparently it has been having problems for past week, substitute 'pool.sks-keyservers.net' [12:45] The biggest problem for ubuntu is that many people already studied red hat. I considerred again and again if I should suggest our team to use ubuntu. But finally I decided to give up. [12:46] luist: Ask in #compiz [12:46] hi everybody! I have a small network running ubuntu .... on all the different laptops we have installed skype .... I was wondering if there was any setup I could implement to stop the computers on the network becoming skype supernodes .... === Loft is now known as Guest8044 [12:47] Option "TVStandard" "PAL-B" ?????? [12:47] I am having serious problems with Evolution! All of a sudden it keeps asking me to enter the password for the default keyring! What default keyring! I never set anything up like that! What is going on? [12:47] Fly-Man-: did that work for you ? [12:47] JonathanEllis, is this bluetooth? [12:47] Yes [12:47] ablmf: that's not the biggest problem >.> [12:47] but this is a installation script that depends on it [12:47] so I think it's better to add the pool to the script ? [12:47] list [12:47] i'm not even sure i'd consider that much of a problem for ubuntu per se [12:47] Fly-Man-: that would be my guess [12:48] okay [12:48] Hello folks. I want to apply the Humanity theme I downloaded but I don't know how.. There were no instructions on gnome-art where I found it but they mentioned something about eGKT. Could someone help me? I couldn't find any package on synaptic.. [12:48] DigitalKiwi: So what is the biggest in your opinion? [12:49] Take0n, did you drag tar.gz to theme manager? got a link to the theme? [12:49] http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Humanity?content=112505 [12:49] hipitihop: Thank you, I will make a bug for the Launchpad ppl [12:49] there is the link bazhang [12:49] so they can edit their rocketfuel setup page [12:49] ablmf: my opinion on ubuntus problems is not for an ubuntu channel [12:49] I am running Ubuntu Jaunty. Every now and then, while working on my desktop with gnome-terminal and firefox, all windows get redrawn a few times when I switch between applications. Most of the times I can continue working after this, but sometimes I lose all input. My mousecursor still moves, I can still see the applications running but my input no longer reaches any X application. Does anybody have an idea how to debug this issue? [12:49] Take0n: i find it easier to use the 'gnome-art' tool to dowload/install theme/parts [12:50] Take0n: or drag/drop the downloaded stuff on to the 'theme settings' tool when its open. it often will install things that way [12:50] bazhang: No its not bluetooth it has a little usb radio receiver. I guess it works similar to a wireless mouse or keyboard. Manufacturers details of the device are here http://www.targus.com/uk/product_details.asp?sku=AMR01EU. Of course, like always they only cater for windows :-(. The volume control buttons work correctly but I need to map the other buttons. [12:50] Dr_Willis, I tried but as it was downloading themes it just closed.. it did it two times so I decided to install it manually [12:50] I will try drag n drop [12:50] brb [12:50] can i set nautilus in a way to have samba shares as destinations of saves? [12:51] krabador: mounted samba shares should be in the users .gvfs/WhATEVER dir.. [12:51] Take0n, the drag and drop works, but seems to be missing the icon theme set [12:51] how do i view the desktop cube isometrically? [12:51] I tried to ran gnome art once again but it keeps closing [12:51] Dr_Willis: oh, great... [12:51] it like flashes [12:51] run* [12:51] JonathanEllis, ah okay, just reading a blog post about someone installing Boxee and using ps3 remote to control it [12:52] bazhang: Have you got the link? [12:52] is here any body can tell me the difference amount openbox blackbox and fluxbox? [12:52] and their advantage and disadvantage? [12:52] openbox uses an xml config, fluxbox doesn't, blackbox was first, openbox is imo the best floating wm [12:53] assassin, that is beyond the scope of this channel, you install them and try them out [12:53] is fluxbox still being maintained? [12:53] http://popey.com/blog/2009/08/06/acer-aspire-revo-ubuntu-boxee-and-remote-control/ JonathanEllis [12:53] * DigitalKiwi prefers awesome to openbox === BeAvEr is now known as a4 [12:53] if you can handle the sexyness of tiling, that is [12:53] bazhang: I want to control Audacious with it === a4 is now known as a4_ [12:54] apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName - Any Ideas? [12:54] on dell optiplex gx 260 does it matter what slot u put the ram into === scotsuy is now known as scotsguy === a4_ is now known as a4 [12:55] m15k: i think you may need to set teh hosthame to the proper ip in /etc/hosts instead of [12:55] I need help sharing a printer from my Ubuntu 9.04 to a Vista machine on my home network. I can share to other Ubuntu machines just not Vista [12:55] I am having serious problems with Evolution! All of a sudden it keeps asking me to enter the password for the default keyring! What default keyring! I never set anything up like that! What is going on? [12:56] i have an instance of ubuntu server running as a virtual machine with a fixed size disk and it ran out of space. how cani discover what's filling up the space from the command line? [12:56] Dr_Willis: ServerName svn.asbach-it.de [12:56] i hope dell goes bank rupt [12:57] What's wrong with Dell? [12:57] m15k: that dosent look like any name i got in my /etc/hosts file --> similer to --> acer [12:57] Dr_Willis: the problem is that the machine has a dynamic ip adress [12:58] *address [12:58] #ubuntu-ru [12:58] hi [12:58] i like my dell xps m1530 :( [12:58] is there people using ubuntu on macbook? [12:58] Gnome Art doesn't retrieve themes from gnome-look does it? There is no Humanity theme in gnome art :\ [12:58] That is what I am using [12:58] great computer [12:58] macbook or xps? [12:58] Take0n: i thought it does/did. [12:58] how you do get @ from keyboard [12:59] if it does/did it should find Humanity as well :\ but it doesn't.. [12:59] Take0n: themes are made up of various partss.. the window decoratons, the widgit sets, and the icons. You may need to look or the indivudual parts [12:59] tabasko, shift 2 ? [12:59] i'm doing something wrong http://paste.ubuntu.com/280266/ following this to get lifecam vx-1000 working http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6532167&postcount=2 [12:59] bazhang, Im using finnish layout [12:59] I already installed the icons.. I put the folder in .icons in the home directory and that was it [13:00] When I am rebooting my VPS , filesystems are not mounting according to /etc/fstab ! [13:00] I get shift-2 only " [13:00] why has it the errors? [13:00] but I don't know where to put the gtk-2.0 and metacity-1 folders of the theme [13:00] tabasko : right ctrl+v [13:00] tabasko, what about asking in #ubuntu-fi :) [13:00] tabasko: i think youyr keyboard/language/whatever is set to some other language then. [13:00] which I think is the window deco etc. [13:00] Take0n: then you drag those to the theme setting tool (or the file in them) is my guess.. [13:01] whre do I fint it? [13:01] bazhang, well yeah, I try. Thanks, haha ^^' [13:01] bazhang: So the PS3 remote uses lirc even though its bluetooth not infra-red. Interesting. [13:01] silvefast, macbook doesnt have right ctrl [13:01] JonathanEllis, also blueman, but keep in mind that is with the next release (ie not Jaunty) [13:01] hello! i want to install ubuntu on a dell poweredge 1600sc server, but i can't determine whether it's 64-bit or 32-bit... any idea how i can check? there's no installation on it right now [13:02] tabasko: right cmd+v [13:02] talin: intel multi-core ? [13:02] hipitihop: it's a xeon dual-core, i think [13:02] oh so that it how it works :p [13:02] lol [13:02] v [13:03] thnx! [13:03] tabasko: or you can look under system>preferences>keyboard>layout and find out [13:03] talin: afaik all recent intel dual cores are 64 .. I found something on the intel site at some point which explained it [13:03] hipitihop: hmm, okay [13:03] silverfast, left ctrl and V worked. Thanks! [13:03] @@@ [13:03] yay [13:03] hipitihop: is there a big difference anyway? if i go for 32-bit, i'm safe [13:04] tabasko: 8-) [13:04] talin: that depends on what you do with your computer [13:04] my web cam on the laptop is SuYin but i can`t find proper driver for it any help? [13:04] 4GB or more ram? 64 bit, want faster encoding/compiling? 64 bit [13:05] iManufacturer 2 SuYin iProduct 1 USB2.0 UVC 1.3M WebCam iSerial 3 CN1316-S30B-MI03-VS-R03.01.03 [13:05] talin: what DigitalKiwi said :-) [13:05] hmm, okay [13:06] talin: are you trying to avoid a download ? or why are you asking ? as the install will quickly tell if you try and install 64 on 32 [13:06] hallo [13:06] hipitihop: i have to walk to the serverroom in the middle of a horrible rainstorm, and i don't want to have to do it twice :P [13:06] hipitihop: all i know is that it's a dell poweredge 1600sc, but they come with different configurations [13:07] hipitihop: i'll just be hosting some games anyway [13:07] sounds expensive [13:07] I've just installed a new ubuntu karmic with debootstrap and then chrooted it and installed additional software and grub... When I try to boot it I get init: sreadahead main process terminated wth status 1 and more or less the same for procps [13:07] Is there any statistic about how many people are using ubuntu now? [13:08] !karmic | girrr [13:08] girrr: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [13:08] too many/not enough, depending on whom you ask [13:09] how do i get to xorg.conf file ? [13:09] talin: sounds like you are reluctant to try the 64 [13:09] !moblin [13:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about moblin [13:09] Just want to know a approximative number [13:10] google: /etc/X11/xorg.conf [13:10] hipitihop: heh, yep. i'll go with 32-bit. thanks anyway [13:10] hipitihop ty [13:10] talin : it dependes of your ram >4 GB take 64 bit [13:11] lol, "how many people use ubuntu" on google popped up on first page a few links to "top 10 reasons not to use ubuntu" [13:11] hi [13:11] join #ingres [13:11] silverfast: right. i can't see that they sell any poweredge with more than 4gb... but i'll check once i get there [13:11] #sexgaypl [13:11] more than or equal to 4, not necessarily more than 4 [13:12] hipitihop dosent work [13:12] hipitihop what more then sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [13:12] actually isn't it more like 3.2? which for most people would be 3.5 [13:12] talin :then 32bit [13:12] google: you said how do you get to it, not how do you edit it :-) [13:12] DigitalKiwi: there will always be nay sayers [13:12] DigitalKiwi: just ignore them, if we all ignore them they will shuffle away [13:13] google: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [13:13] ahem, i'm actually one of them but meh ;) [13:13] hipitihop ty [13:13] ActionParsnip1 : +1 [13:14] Is there a version of adblock that does not crash firefox-3.5 from Jaunty? [13:14] hipitihop do u know how to change tvoutput to bpal ? [13:14] DigitalKiwi: there are reasons, you just find most of them are written by windows using linux haters who list rather weak arguments against using it rather than something intelligent [13:14] What would be the best memory to give to each VM for Ubuntu, Kubuntu & Xubuntu 9.04? 512? [13:14] google: sorry no [13:14] Adblock is the only reason I use Firefox. Other browsers that can block ads are welcome too. [13:14] ok [13:14] pozic: adblockplus i think [13:14] ActionParsnip1: I meant that one, sorry. [13:15] hello, im having an issue with watching channels on MythTV. When i try to play a channel it comes up with 2 split screen views of the same window. Any ideas please? [13:15] pozic: thats all i got, i dont use firefox [13:15] pozic: could try in #firefox [13:16] ActionParsnip1: so, you watch ads? [13:16] could anyone please tell me why nothing will work on Adobe flash player ever since I installed it? Video works but no sound. Tried dozens of pages. [13:16] someone knows how to change tvoutput to B-pal ? [13:16] pozic: when? [13:16] is there a solution or work around? [13:16] pozic: not aware of any ads really [13:16] assinine: are you running 64bit ubuntu? [13:16] ActionParsnip1: no [13:17] someone knows how to change tvoutput to B-pal ? [13:17] assinine: unfortunately there are lots of fixes for no sound in flash [13:17] ActionParsnip1: why is that unfortunate? [13:18] assinine: as its really hard to give one answer [13:18] !dlna [13:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about dlna [13:18] assinine: its not just one possible thing theres many [13:18] google: try adding: Option "TVStandard" "PAL-B" [13:18] google: considering your nick you arent using it much ;) [13:19] google: looks like you at it to the screen section relating to the TV [13:20] google: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=123014 [13:20] ActionParsnip1: is there a way to install an alternative flash player? [13:20] assinine: you can use gnash or swfplayer [13:21] assinine: have you tried downloading the tar.gz file and putting the .so in ~/.mozilla/plugins [13:21] hi, I get stuck at "cannot calculate the upgrade" on my ubuntu 8.04 laptop. How can I get to the root of the problem? [13:21] assinine: im guessing you use firefox like everyone else [13:21] what's the best choice for supporting .7z archives in ubuntu? some use a program called 7z, some use a program called p7zip. what's the best? [13:21] (of course, I'm trying to upgrade to version 8.10) [13:21] ActionParsnip1: yes [13:21] !7zip | JohannesSM64 [13:21] JohannesSM64: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [13:21] Hey, so I successfully installed ubuntu as an ext2 file system. Is this right or should I reinstall it on a ext3 journaling file system? === myth is now known as bsusa [13:21] ActionParsnip1: "everyone else?" [13:22] ActionParsnip1 were do i add that line then ? [13:22] lizzzy: ext2 is ext3 without journal, ext2 is great on flash based storage to reduce wear [13:22] ActionParsnip1: those that are on almost every website? ;) [13:22] ActionParsnip1 this line Option "TVStandard" "PAL-B" [13:22] google: read the link i gave [13:22] and for /boot! [13:22] ActionParsnip1 ok ty [13:22] Hmm.. so ext2 is ok too? [13:23] I keep getting Segmentation faults every time I run smbmount. Is there a way to "trace" faults like this on linux? Not sure what to do to fix this [13:23] can't you convert ext2 to ext3 in place? [13:23] pozic: not seen any, maybe we look at different stuff, if a flash vid has an ad, i just drag the slider to near then end and it ends [13:23] DigitalKiwi: sure [13:23] lizzzy: none of us would recommend ext2 for a normal hard drive for a primary partition [13:23] well i would hope none of us would [13:23] * DigitalKiwi would be very disappointed in anyone who did [13:24] Damn.... so i reinstall it now? or is there a way to change it to ext3? [13:24] ActionParsnip1: what is the package name of SWF Player? [13:24] DigitalKiwi: sudo umount /dev/sda1; sudo tune2fs -j /dev/sda1 would do it on /dev/sda1, /etc/fstab will need updating too [13:24] ah, it seems the program the p7zip package installs is called 7z [13:24] !find swf [13:24] Found: librfxswf-dev, libswf-perl, libswfdec-0.6-90, libswfdec-0.6-90-dbg, libswfdec-0.6-dev (and 12 others) [13:24] lizzzy: man tune2fs (-j ) [13:24] ActionParsnip1 it dident help me.. nothing happens wen i save it [13:24] http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/ext2toext3.htm [13:24] does anyone here have experience using the Python bindings for OpenSceneGraph under Ubuntu? [13:24] assinine: apt-cache searc h swf player [13:25] lizzzy: ^ [13:25] or similiar [13:25] google: it wont until you restart X with alt+printscrn+k [13:26] tune2fs is to add an ext3, but does it convert an existing ext2 (on which i've installed ubuntu) to an ext3? [13:26] lizzzy: the journal is the only difference [13:27] lizzzy: it adds the journal, so: yes [13:27] ActionParsnip1 dident work [13:27] google: every time you edit the file you have to do that so it rereads the file [13:27] ActionParsnip1 it just restarted and now my tv has bluescreen [13:27] hello friends [13:27] google: you have got the idea, you will need to trawl the web for guides andsample xorg.confs [13:27] uUBUNTU [13:27] LOL [13:27] as [13:27] s [13:27] s [13:27] thegod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:28] ActionParsnip1 have done that but cant find one that works [13:28] how can I tell why apt-get upgrade lists a particular package as kept back ? [13:29] hipitihop: it is in the repo but has unmet dependancies so its held back until the dep is ready [13:29] hipitihop: or things of that nature [13:30] ActionParsnip1: so how can I see what the unmet stuff is so I can resolve it ? [13:30] hi everybody [13:31] hipitihop: you'll have to check the packages site and check its deps then see what you have installed and compare [13:31] hi [13:33] ActionParsnip1: thanks, looking up apt how-to to see if it will help the process [13:34] how do you clean swap space? [13:34] reboot? [13:35] gOLDfeesh: no need, it will increase use and decrease use as needed [13:35] gOLDfeesh: if you close all apps it will be empty, or if you reduce ram usage to less than your physical ram [13:36] running on WinXP (with following drivers), my WLAN card works from much longer away from the gateway than on ubuntu... what do? :( [13:36] (but else, it works great on ubuntu too..) [13:37] Anyone help me? [13:37] hanshenrik: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network | grep product [13:37] what? [13:37] FGLRX is making me crazy. [13:37] I originally used [13:38] 8.660 ( 9.10 in the launchpad ) [13:38] and? [13:38] But 8.660 is a unstable one. [13:38] So I removed it [13:38] ActionParsnip1: root@hanshenrik-laptop:/home/hanshenrik# sudo lshw -C network | grep product [13:38] product: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection [13:38] so? [13:38] and I'm right now installing 9.9 ( 8.65 ) [13:38] product: BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX [13:38] but.... [13:38] ok now im realy angry.. damn shitt nvidia ! can someone help me simply making my tv get coloure from my computer !? [13:38] It taking to much time to build the fglrx module.. === afallenhope is now known as gOLDfeesh [13:39] It's like 10min past [13:39] tried with a xorg.conf with forced settings google ? [13:39] no replay for mine... [13:39] anyone have installed ubuntu clutter [13:39] :( [13:40] why is fglrx taking to much time to build!!! [13:40] FUCK!!! [13:40] someone !? [13:40] Why is this taking to much? It just finished in a 5min or so usually. [13:41] dkms problem? [13:41] hmm? [13:41] hanshenrik: tried: sudo rmmod -f iwl3945; sleep 5; sudo modprobe iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=1 === sjefen6_ is now known as sjefen6 [13:42] any one help me? === barak is now known as initrd [13:43] ok now im realy angry.. damn shitt nvidia ! can someone help me simply making my tv get coloure from my computer !? [13:43] ActionParsnip1: will i loose internet a sec in the process? [13:43] Ati sucks then nvidia :( [13:43] What ever google [13:43] what is your problem? [13:43] The X server going crazy? [13:44] the problem is that my conffigyurations dont work [13:44] ok [13:44] hanshenrik: yes, but it will come back afetr 5 seconds [13:44] Section "ServerLayout" [13:44] Identifier "single head configuration" [13:44] Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0 [13:44] InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard" [13:44] EndSection [13:44] Section "Files" [13:44] google: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:44] so, you mean the tv is going crazy? [13:44] google: did ya put in a --> Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M" [13:44] google: somewhere in there? [13:45] hey! in ncmpcpp, how do i go to a specific directory? [13:45] Is Ubuntu 9.04 Server work on intel CPU? [13:45] ActionParsnip1: just did, now is it a possibility that helped? :p [13:45] I think so [13:45] "PAL-B" in your case [13:45] yeah~ [13:45] this is better [13:45] I can now how much the computer is doing [13:45] hanshenrik: possibly, try it [13:46] I am downloading 9.04 server. [13:46] google: im just reading the docs at --> http://http.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8174/README/32bit_html/appendix-h.html [13:46] There is a amd in the file name [13:46] If you do not specify a TVStandard, or you specify an invalid value, the default "NTSC-M" will be used. Note: if your country is not in the above list, select the country closest to your location. [13:46] ActionParsnip1: ok, but lets say that helped, will i have to do this every time i restart? [13:46] Does it works on Intel CPU? [13:46] I think so [13:46] ablmf: yes. [13:46] ablmf: amd does not mean amd cpu.. it means 64bit in this case. [13:46] hanshenrik: echo -e 'alias wlan0 iwl3945 \noptions iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=1' > /etc/modprobe.d/iwl3945 [13:46] Unless It is somthing like ilantium or something [13:46] because amd had the 64bit stuff out first I guess. :) [13:47] OK! Thanks!! [13:48] ActionParsnip1: ok, but "disable_hw_scan" will that just count for the network card? or will that like stop the scan for new harddware globally? (like if i wanted to plugin a iPod afterwards, would i need to do "disable_hw_scan=0" every time? :p) [13:48] bazhang: Thanks for the info about the Revo and lirc. I now have the forward and back buttons generating key presses r and f but I need to find out how to map all the buttons to control Audacious. Is it possible to map the buttons to control that app only, even if the app does not have focus? [13:48] YES it worked ! :D [13:49] google: golly.. :) reading the manual worked? [13:49] god.. [13:49] good.. [13:49] now.. [13:49] This is working I think~?!! [13:49] now my problem is only how to get the tv play th films on it :S [13:50] google: i enalbe twinview.. drag the player over.. and play them [13:50] hanshenrik: no, if you add the options i gave to the modprobe it will auto do it [13:50] Dr_Willis nope i just rewright to PAL-B [13:51] Dr_Willis isent there an way so i can use clones then ? [13:51] google: yes.. check the nvidia-settings tool [13:51] hey all, is keyserver down? [13:51] Dr_Willis ok well il be sitting and trying to figure that out now... [13:52] google: gksudo nvidia-settings a few clicks.. done. :) [13:52] ye but what clicks is the tuff part [13:52] 퍽 [13:52] 퍽퍽 [13:52] is it normal for gnash to completely not work at all? [13:52] korean.. [13:52] ActionParsnip1: thanks, is it some situations i should remember that "disable_hw_scan" is on? [13:52] sorry. [13:52] hanbin973: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:53] I didn't flood you stupid bot;; [13:53] <_ps_> . [13:53] what ever [13:53] Hmm.. so I was unconvinced with tune2fs and just reinstalled ubuntu with ext3 jfs. A couple more questions: I will not be playing any games on ubuntu, so I'd rather uninstall it all and use that space for something else. How do I remove, I used yum remove on fedora, equivalent cmd on ubuntu? [13:53] this stupid module building is taking to much.. [13:54] is it normal for gnash to completely not work at all? [13:55] assinine: ive heard its very much a work in progress,.,, [13:55] assinine: yes. it's placed there as a honeypot for users. [13:55] I take really much time [13:55] I hate this [13:55] assinine: its possible it might work with some very basic flash stuff I guess. :) [13:55] sipior: a honeypot? why? [13:55] !ot | hanbin973 [13:55] hanbin973: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [13:56] hanshenrik: possibly, ithink its just a weird card that needs weird options. [13:56] */10 * * * * root /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/panel/cron.php can someone tell if this is correct (to be put in /etc/crontab) [13:56] Any Ati users that are using 9.9 driver [13:56] so what else is there if adobe and gnash doesnt work? [13:56] hi, i have a dual boot windows ubuntu system , and i have only 435 MB of SWAP, ubuntu says its not enought to hibernate . So iam trying to use partition , and i swap off the swapp , i shrink ubntu disk part 450 MB, and i grow SWap the same ammount 450 MB , then i aply and it alwasy give me an error ..some ones know why _ [13:56] NM, I just used add/remove. Thanks! [13:56] Any Ati users that are using 9.9 driver? [13:56] Any Ati users that are using 9.9 driver? [13:56] assinine: you get adobe working.. thats about the only answer [13:57] ActionParsnip1: thanks for your help! [13:57] I cant! [13:57] how?! [13:57] good day everyone ,for example if in ubuntu 8.04 ,ubuntu 9.04 CD is it's repository ,what will be defferences between upgarde and dist-upgarde ? [13:57] hanshenrik: np man [13:57] HHO, please tell what error you get [13:58] hello where can I find the wine lib dir in ubuntu? [13:58] it dont tell me a specific error [13:58] SeekerNL: wine lib? [13:58] SeekerNL: perhaps state the larger problem. :) [13:58] yes the lib direction [13:58] SeekerNL: wine apps install to ~/.wine/drive_c [13:59] I am configuring q4wine [13:59] SeekerNL: they will most likely be in /usr/lib or /usr/lib32 [13:59] its says to see more in a website , iam trying again now trying to grow it swap to the right [13:59] SeekerNL: i'd ask in #winehq [13:59] hho: we need more details to help you. Did you start the pc using the live cd? [13:59] yes iam using a live pen [13:59] http://q4wine.brezblock.org.ua/documentation/en_us/03-first-startup-wizard.html [14:00] */10 * * * * root /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/panel/cron.php can someone tell if this is correct (to be put in /etc/crontab) [14:00] yes , it work now . [14:01] sup pl [14:01] SeekerNL: a 'locate wine | grep lib' shows --> /usr/lib32/wine/ here [14:02] i have to did it with swap off resize first , then aplying with swap on , then he created a non alloccated sapce of 450 at the right of the swap 435 i already have , then i resize again to grow to the right , and play , and the swap on again . [14:02] Do you think 933.43 MIB is enought now to make it hibernate or i will need more _ [14:02] I found it already, but whats it doing in lib32 [14:02] Krauser: It will work, but I personally use sudo crontab -e for 'root' crontabs, instead of using /etc/crontab [14:02] hi! quick question about gpu: which chipset, ati or nvidia is better supported under linux, which should i buy to have less problems & better performace? [14:02] Hey, what are my other options instead of evolution mail? [14:02] SeekerNL: 64bit system im guessung.. those are 32bit libs.. [14:03] Pici, may you explain why would i do it ? [14:03] Pici, i mean why do you prefer it taht way ? [14:03] Dr_Willis I run amd64 [14:03] Krauser: I like having everything in user crontabs, because I have some things that don't run as root. [14:03] SeekerNL: so it makes sence then [14:03] HHO: swap needs to be >RAM to make hibernating working [14:03] lizzy, you can alsoi use thunderbird [14:03] Pici, ok that wont be a problem to me. thanks for the concern [14:04] 933.45 Mg , its enought to hibernate ubuntu 9.x installed on dual boot disk of 10 GB for ubuntu _ [14:04] llutx i have 2G of ram , i need create 2g SWAP _ [14:04] SeekerNL: wine runs windows apps which are usually 32bit [14:05] okay I see [14:05] hi [14:05] I just installed the linux-source package, is there a "proper" way to unpack the source, or should I just untar it manually? [14:05] bobbyd: untar it manually [14:06] lizzzy, did you get the message? You can also use Thunderbird [14:06] jrib: ok, thanks :) [14:06] Yup, thanks sibe :) [14:07] hi [14:07] I can't get my resolution set to 1920x1600 [14:08] though in the menu it's fine [14:08] but when I log in, it goes back to my old 1024x resolution [14:08] I am trying to setup a remote control using lirc. Only two of the buttons generate an output in irw (the forward and back buttons generate key presses f and r respectively) although the volume control and mute buttons work correctly but do not generate key presses at all. Can anyone point me in the right direction to map all my remote control buttons to control Audacious Media Player, please? [14:08] hello? How can I patch Hardy's grub to enable inode-size 256 support? [14:08] Is there a way to make lower ports available to normal users without sudo? [14:09] only english? [14:09] hello? How can I patch Hardy's grub to enable inode-size 256 support? [14:09] c03: what is the output of: lspci | grep-i vga [14:09] KoolD: i don't believe so (without superuser privileges). [14:10] ActionParsnip1: c03@krabbelim:~$ sudo lspci | grep -i vga [14:10] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] [14:10] i actually have phisical 2,5gb ram , but ubuntu only says i have 2g , thats i heard my computer only accpet maximunm 2g ram . i got a creat a swap 2,2 or 2,5 to make ubuntu hibernate _ === DaZ__ is now known as DaZ [14:10] sipior: ok...thanks [14:10] HHO: are you on 32bit? =) [14:11] c03: do you know how can I patch Hardy's grub to enable Inode-size 256? [14:11] yes iam on 32 [14:11] iam on 32 bits c03 [14:11] HHO: that's the problem then, get a 64bit cpu [14:12] carloscode: sorry, not a unix guru =) [14:12] c03: you could add the resolution lines manually to /etc/X11/xorg.conf [14:12] so i will never make hibernat making grow the swap to the size of the ram or more _ [14:12] c03: 32 bit processors can handle max of 2gigs ram [14:12] c03: haha thanks :D [14:12] hooo [14:12] c03: run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get write access [14:12] err HHO 32 bit processors can handle max 2 gigs ram [14:12] Jyxt: wrong [14:12] there are work arounds [14:13] err 4 gigs [14:13] i was thinking it was 4gb.. but what do i know. :) [14:13] HHO: Whats stopping you from increasing your swap size? [14:13] Jyxt: oh, my bad, thought it was 2 [14:13] sorry, my mind is scattered among 5 different things atm [14:13] works out to be just less then 4gb depending on the exact hardware/system [14:13] HHO: Jyxt is right =) [14:13] so , what about hibernate ,what size need to be swap to make ubuntu hibernat + [14:13] no its 4 gig max... [14:13] HHO: At least the size of your RAM. [14:13] iam 2 of ram detected by ubuntu [14:13] ok thanks [14:14] ActionParsnip1: aye, and then? there's not much in there, i'll pastebin it [14:14] HHO: equal or more that the amount of ram [14:14] thank you [14:14] than* [14:14] ActionParsnip1: http://hax.pastebin.com/m71d50b97 [14:14] Jyxt: PAE is fairly common nowadays, surely [14:14] i always used the rule of thumb...swap is double physical ram...although i'd imagine that rule of thumb doesn't apply when you have 2+ gigs of ram [14:15] sipior: the -generic kernel doesnt support PAE. [14:15] hey. question. [14:15] Pici: yes, but stating that the strict limit is 4gb is incorrect. [14:15] (obviously) [14:15] imaginary, ask ;) [14:16] sipior: Agreed. [14:16] ok so i am running Ubuntu 9.0.4 in Parallels on my mac, and I can't get it to display in somethign that isnt 4:3. I asked in #xkcd, and they said check my xorg.conf file, but all that i got was this http://pastebin.org/28156 [14:16] and apparently that's not right [14:16] but now i will need to shrink my sda1 the vista disk space, it let me do , but when i click on sda5 my ubbutu disk , it dont give me a option to grow .why [14:17] i need to gain space in ubuntu partition , to grow swap to 2.5 [14:17] is it primary or extended partitons? [14:17] #ubuntu-cn [14:17] extended [14:17] how can i enable dma on my hard drive? [14:17] ActionParsnip1: ??? [14:17] Appiah: me? [14:17] actually i'm assuming it's not on, based on the fact that copying a large files takes 100% cpu [14:18] c03: looks like you should be running at 1920x1600 to me, maybe there are other bits you need to add [14:18] imaginary: no [14:18] adante: is it a sata drive? [14:18] ActionParsnip1: nah, I added those numbers myself, didn't help =) [14:18] trijntje: any suggestions? [14:18] ActionParsnip1: no [14:19] c03: try: Option "metamodes" "1920x1600_60 +0+0" [14:19] hey grawty [14:19] iam on a live pen , it let me shrink vista part , even after aply , it dont give me option to grow the same space to ubuntu extended part [14:19] Hi * [14:19] c03: its just a whole lot of trial and error really [14:20] i know you from xkcd correct? [14:20] imaginary, no, i have little experience with eighter mac or display issues [14:20] hummm it appear like a keys , there ..should be about that |- [14:20] imaginary: #xkcd? Probably, yeah. [14:20] Does anyone here have experience with display problems? [14:20] grawity: thought so [14:20] what type of problems [14:21] i got to keep out the keys like i do a while ago with swap part ,i did swap off , but in extnded that option dont appear , only flags ...what to do with flags [14:21] Negao: I'd like to have Ubuntu displaying in something that isn't 4:3, so that it fills my screen [14:21] but I can't figure out how to get it to do so. [14:21] !partition [14:21] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [14:21] Does anyone know a application which will download youtube videos in FLV format? [14:22] Alex_Brooks: theres firefox extensions thatt can do that.. [14:22] !info youtube-dl | Alex_Brooks [14:22] Alex_Brooks: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB [14:22] all the options are different resolutions [14:22] Pici: Where can I download that from? [14:22] Dr_Willis: I'm looking for a application to mass download, not one by one. [14:22] Alex_Brooks: that one is int eh repositories/package manager. [14:22] But thanks anyway. [14:22] I installed 9.04 UNR onto an EeePC-1005HA and networking is not working. Wired & Wireless not working. How to I make it work?] [14:23] Alex_Brooks: theres a firefox plugin [14:23] what's ur resolution? [14:23] Dr_Willis: I know, I just looked before I asked in here. Shall I just google it? [14:23] ActionParsnip1: Which mass-downloads? [14:23] ActionParsnip1: Dr_Willis: I'm looking for a application to mass download, [14:23] No idea on mass downloading. [14:23] Alex_Brooks: That package is in the repositiories. [14:23] try it and see i guess. :) [14:24] ok , now i shrink vista part , what kind of chamges i have to make on the flag , of ubuntu parto to appear me option to grow when i click resize , for now it appear only option to shrink .. [14:24] alias murder="ps aux | grep $1 | awk '{ print $2}' | xargs kill -9" [14:24] Negao: 1024x768 [14:24] how can i make this allias? [14:24] sup all [14:24] Alex_Brooks: you could use youtube-dl in a script to mass download [14:24] hows it goin? [14:24] BuGo_laptop: that lookd like an alias to me... [14:24] ActionParsnip1: That's what I'm looking into now :) [14:25] script the world! [14:25] Dr_Willis, i want an alias to kill every process [14:25] hi, when i copy large files my cpu uses 100%, how can i stop this? [14:25] hello [14:25] but i do not know how to combine alias variables with awk variables [14:25] i would like to to behave like windows and now use ridiculous amounts of cpu [14:25] BuGo_laptop: not sure what you mean.. but that alias command worked to make a 'murder' alias here. [14:25] BuGo_laptop, it looks like your alias just tries to do what the built-in "killall" command does [14:25] er, NOT :] [14:25] you can stop it by getting a better processer [14:25] BuGo_laptop: function murder { pkill -9 "$1"; } [14:25] I'm attempting to install php5-sqlite, but it keeps forcing me to isntall apache, any way to not install apache but just install php5-sqlite? I already made sure all dependencies are installed for php5-sqlite [14:25] BuGo_laptop: use "killall -9 ", no need for aliase [14:26] llutz, i need to kill multiple different processes [14:26] :) [14:26] I want to change the background color of rox-filer,how can I do it? [14:26] abcdefg: check the rox filer docs/forums I think i saw it mentioned in their FAQ. [14:26] BuGo_laptop: In any case, you cannot use an alias for things like this -- you'd need either a function, or an external script. [14:26] 1024x768 can only be 4:3, what exactly did u want? [14:27] thanks,jetrii [14:27] adante: what is the output of: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i hz [14:27] how do i function? [14:27] thanks,Dr_wills [14:27] BuGo_laptop, "killall" kills multiple processes, that's why it's called kill ALL [14:27] hi all, how could i remove million of files fast without overload on server [14:27] how can i find hunrgarian irc servers? [14:27] !hungary [14:27] Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál [14:27] mrsmooketoomuch: Try http://irc.netsplit.de/ and http://searchirc.com/ [14:27] hooo no its ok ... [14:27] its working [14:27] Hani: do it in a maintenance window to affect minimal users [14:28] i love this ubuntu ,... [14:28] ActionParsnip1: model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.70GHz ; cpu MHz: 600.00 [14:28] skath, i need to kill thunderbird and alltray that hosts this thunderbird [14:28] impossible task for killall [14:28] Pici: Thanks a lot, just gotta edit the perl source to get it working how I want it to work. :D [14:28] no not in maintenance window [14:28] thx [14:28] adante: yeah your CPU is clocked to save power so is at 600Mhz afaik [14:28] Negao: yes no? [14:28] ActionParsnip1: well i'm not doing anything so it cycles down [14:29] ActionParsnip1: when i am doing stuff like copying files it goes to 1700mhz [14:29] adante: as it should :D [14:29] ActionParsnip1: well yes, except i don't want it ot use 100% cpu, i would like to... not, heh [14:29] ActionParsnip :no not in maintenance window [14:29] BuGo_laptop, okay, I'd recommend "pgrep -f" instead of "ps aux | grep" [14:29] Hani: could do it a few at a time i guess [14:30] skath, what is the difference? [14:30] skath: aux is the bsd standard, ef is the linux standard ;) [14:30] BuGo_laptop, pgrep is optimized for that sort of thing, and it's one less process to use [14:30] is this a dma issue? [14:30] skath, pgrep does exactly what i need :) [14:30] ActionParsnipl : no, it takes about 4 days [14:30] ActionParsnip1: Actually... options that start with a dash, are GNU (not Linux) standard. [14:31] ir takes pids :) [14:31] and if so how can i chekc, now that hdparm is like, not working or whatever [14:31] adante: if the drive is sata its already managed [14:31] ActionParsnip1: it is not sata [14:31] maybe i'm making some stupid assumptions, is 100% on copying files just sort of normal for linux? [14:31] grawity: me reading the man page wrong, thanks [14:32] when did u install the ubuntu? [14:32] adante: then you could look into hdparm [14:32] Negao: 30 min ago [14:32] ActionParsnip1: yeah, when i call -d or -X it says inappropriate IOCTL for device [14:32] adante: you can damage your drive if you use bad settings [14:32] oh ok now i get it [14:33] ActionParsnip1: thanks for the warning [14:33] oh, hdparm reckons i am in udma5 atm [14:33] ActionParsnipl: actually they are billions [14:33] 1st try to go system, preferences, monitors [14:33] Hani: billions of what? [14:33] ActionParsnipls : billions of files [14:33] why linux is free? [14:34] hi all [14:34] there is no 'monitors' only display [14:34] I have a few questions about and I was wondering if anyone might be able to help [14:34] and when i search for monitors, i get no results [14:34] *i mean about apt [14:34] is the resolutions combo box active? [14:34] bening: my guess is the devs give their apps away, so distros like ubuntu cant see what they dont own [14:35] combo box? [14:35] s/see/sell [14:35] theres mirror screens [14:35] bening: there are paid for apps in linux too [14:35] isn't there resolution [14:35] ? [14:36] now after having a 2,2Mg swap , just knowing that i have 2G ram , when i hibernat ubuntu , and then i try to run winows vista , windows vista will stay slowly or with less ram because ram isbeing use it by ubuntu 2,2Mb swap [14:36] is opera 10 turbu a faster browser than FF all else being held equal? (my puter is 1998 vintage though) [14:36] What are the settings to be made to hear audio via my earphones? [14:36] it was a question, sorry [14:36] ActionParsnipl: They are billions of files and i need to remove it urgently by fast way [14:36] Balsaq: i'd say opera was faste [14:36] Balsaq: The 'Turbo' option in Opera only compresses the page for slow connections; it does nothing useful for slow systems. [14:36] my choices for resolution are 1024x768, 800x600, and 640x480 [14:36] all 4:3 [14:36] Hani: if its urgent then you'll have to take the hit [14:37] Balsaq: But Opera is often said to be faster in general. [14:37] alias murder="pgrep $1 | xargs kill -9" [14:37] ok why this one is not workin? [14:37] BuGo_laptop: ...because, as I told you already, aliases don't support using $n [14:37] i wonder is you can actually feel and see the difference in speed grawity ActionParsnip [14:37] BuGo_laptop: You'd need a function for that. [14:37] ActionParsnipl: then what do u suggest [14:38] BuGo_laptop: And there is 'pkill' which may be useful... alias murder='pkill -9' for example :) [14:38] Hani: if its urgent as you say then i'd jump to it to resolve what issue the files are causing [14:38] dggf [14:39] hi! would you guys suggest using openbox or fluxbox? [14:39] can't stand gnome anymore [14:39] which is richer the linux programmer or the proprietary software programmer [14:39] i suppose all computers should have at leat 2 browsers...trying to decide which the second should be. ia m running 9.04 [14:39] Personally id recommend OpenBox [14:39] lulzmachine_: I'd suggest trying both and use the one you like best [14:39] bening: this isn't really the place. [14:39] lulzmachine_: install lxde, it uses openbox and rocks hard [14:39] sorry [14:39] Balsaq: Why do you think so? [14:39] so u'll have to edit xorg.conf file [14:39] grawity i need grep here :/ [14:39] ActionParsnipl: files generated in /var/spool/ theyare snmp log files [14:39] ActionParsnip1: what does lxde add to openbox? what's the difference? [14:39] grawity; in case someday FF is ahving problems i guess [14:39] some one could answear me about being hibernate on ubuntu , will decrease perform ram when then going to windows vista , in dual boot system _ [14:40] bening, http://imagebin.ca/view/5zvsO4HE.html ← openbox. [14:40] BuGo_laptop: Why? [14:40] * ikey goes afk [14:40] lulzmachine_: openbox is the WM in lxde, check it out, its sweet. lubuntu is on the way too and hopefully will become an official release [14:40] I somehow managed to delete the default bar at the top of my screen, how can I get it back? :L [14:40] Its been recognised as official ActionParsnip1 [14:40] grawity: if you didnt notice i'm new, 4th day on ubuntu (or any open system) coming off of w98 [14:41] !panelreset | Alex_Brooks [14:41] Alex_Brooks: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [14:41] Negao: theres something wrong iwth it apparently [14:41] what do i edit [14:41] so lxde is another linux distro ActionParsnip1? [14:41] instead of ubuntu [14:41] grawity, i need a function to kill thunderbird and alltray that docs it [14:41] BuGo_laptop: pkill thunderbird? [14:41] Should i use ext3 or ext4 on a new install ? === manous is now known as openware [14:41] Hani: cd /var/spool && rm [14:41] ikey: sweeeeeeeeeeeeet [14:41] http://pastebin.org/28156 is my xorg.conf [14:41] lulzmachine_: no, its anothe DE+WM like gnome+metacity [14:42] do u have any experience with the console? [14:42] ActionParsnipl , i need fast way [14:42] lulzmachine_: just light and damn fast [14:42] grawity, that was nice... [14:42] :) tnx [14:42] Hani: thats the fast way [14:42] Negao: little [14:42] i found the start up menue and am tempted to disable thing to make it bott up faster, if its like windows i could disable lots of stuff on start up because it was still there, just not at the startup, is that how ubuntu works? [14:42] a little [14:42] question: why i can't set resolution on 1680x1050 [14:42] ActionParsnipl: i don't need overload on the server [14:42] BuGo_laptop: And now go search for "shell functions" in bash's manpage. [14:42] Hani: so if you want to get rid of all the .log files you'd run: rm *.log [14:43] Hani: the kernel will manae it as best it can but you said its urgent so you will have to [14:43] i can set only lower resolutions [14:43] i tried dexconf in terminal [14:43] did nothing as far as i can tell [14:43] grawity, i have searched for that and made a murder function. but it is not useful now [14:44] ActionParsnipl: you way make too much overheah on the server, I believe [14:44] Hani: urgent means "do it now or serious consequences will happen" not "sit and chat about it for a while" [14:44] ikey, what is that? [14:44] Hey, wondering if anyone here could answer a quick question about File Systems? [14:44] ActionParsnipl: i have one day to do it [14:44] !ask | AlastairDewar [14:44] AlastairDewar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [14:45] Hani: find path/ -name '*.log' -delete; is the fastest way, I think. [14:45] Hani: thats not hugely urgent, you can use file globbing like *.log etc and delete the files you dont want [14:45] Does anyone know what Filesystems are supported by linux and mac? [14:45] I have to transfer a 6GB file via usb drive and Fat32 cant handle that size [14:45] why ubuntu redraws all windows when i press backspace in empty text field (firefox, xchat, netbeans) [14:46] ActionParsnipl: my problem is the server handking a lot of services [14:46] AlastairDewar: split it [14:46] and i need to minimize overhead [14:46] once i tried to creat a full instalation ubuntu 9.x in a pen drive 8 G , but it was slowly on graphic , actually running it from an live pen 1g it is very fast, faster then in from hard drive install . unfortunally allways i conect from pen live , i got to conect to internet with cable to get wireless driver working and i cant have a login user and password . [14:46] AlastairDewar: Then use either ext3 (maybe ext2) or NTFS, I guess. [14:46] Thanks [14:46] Hani: 'man nice' [14:46] Wasnt sure of Mac's support for Ext3 [14:46] AlastairDewar: I'm sure it has read support for both. [14:46] Sweet [14:47] AlastairDewar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems has a section labelled OS Support [14:47] Much appreciated [14:47] AlastairDewar: OS X is based on BSD, anyway. [14:47] Yeah [14:47] ikey, what is that [14:47] any ideas? [14:47] grawity: your way also not too much fast, I believe [14:47] hi, im having a problem with my system locking up in Jaunty. currently my display is frozen but ssh and everything else is running in the background. this happens on my laptop too at inopportune moments so im wondering what sort of data i need to collect in order to file a bug report [14:48] ext3 works through command line mounts in os x [14:48] but not in the gui by default i don't think [14:48] So maybe stick with Ext2 to be safe? [14:48] Hani: There is a physical limit at how fast one can do file operations. And since for every file the OS has to update the file list... [14:48] i am unsure about ext2 support in the gui [14:49] chances the GCC 4.4.1 builds for karmic will work with januty? (dont know witch channel to ask this so im asking in both :p) [14:50] ActionParsnipl,grawity :Thanks [14:50] hanshenrik: don't mix debs from a different release, you'll get a big tangled mess [14:50] UFS might suit my needs actually [14:50] I'm trying to compile ubuntu and I'm following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile and when I try to install the package "Couldn't find package linux-kernel-devel" did they change the names? I did an apt-get update [14:50] Hello, I've added an application that's stopping my system from functioning correctly with the "startup applications" UI, could somebody tell me where this UI application stores it's information so I can remove the entry? [14:50] voila le 1er site de tchat rencontre gratuit sexe +18 ... au monde sur ( www.casafilm.tk ) [14:50] my flash player wont work help [14:50] voila le 1er site de tchat rencontre gratuit sexe +18 ... au monde sur ( www.casafilm.tk ) [14:50] lola1990: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:50] Geekneeus: you can use bum [14:51] New at Ubuntu, I have connected a usb external CDR drive and need to update drivers?? Drive reads fine but will not record. [14:51] !boot | Geekneeus [14:51] Geekneeus: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [14:51] thanks! [14:51] oh nvm [14:52] !dualboot [14:52] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [14:52] I've noticed running Karmic live that now the network manager wants to install a wifi driver instead of just finding your wireless networks. Why would they do that? [14:52] any ideas why every window is redrawed on backspace in empty text field? [14:52] BuGo_laptop: It might be the 'visual bell'. [14:52] vinch, you might try asking in #ubuntu+1 [14:52] Sirisian, generally devel packages are marked .dev in synaptic [14:52] err wrong person [14:52] It seems like a step backwards, 9.04 works so well with wifi, why would they change it? [14:52] grawity, show should i turn it off? [14:52] vinoman, you might try asking #ubuntu+1 [14:53] coz_, nah I overlooked the line that said the package wasn't in jaunty [14:53] Sirisian, ah I see [14:53] vinoman : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion. [14:53] andonk [14:53] voila le 1er site de tchat rencontre gratuit sexe +18 ... au monde sur ( www.casafilm.tk ) [14:53] voila le 1er site de tchat rencontre gratuit sexe +18 ... au monde sur ( www.casafilm.tk ) [14:53] lola1990: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:53] halo smua [14:54] !id | andi_ [14:54] andi_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia === ScottG490 is now known as ScottG [14:54] halooooooooooooo === NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away [14:54] Geekneeus: check in ~/.config/autostart [14:54] lola1990 seems to be advertising sex sites :) [14:55] coz_: probably why he was kicked :-) [14:55] does anybody here has installed ubuntu on dv4 hp notebook? [14:56] I am trying to generate a lircd.conf file using irrecord but I am confused by the usage of the irrecord file. I ran irrecord ~/Desktop/recordedremote and I have put the output at http://pastebin.com/f4d76a7d. Can someone help please. Iv'e spent about three hours on this so far and I seem to be getting nowhere fast. [14:56] grawity, you have saved my ass twice today! [14:56] Ok well I've checked bum and I can't run it because I have no accessible GUI and it's a GUI app, I've looked thought /etc/rc.local /etc/init.d and /etc/init.d/rc.local and it doesn't appear that the "Startup Applications" UI has created files in that directory, any other suggestions available? [14:56] i would buy you some bear if i knew you! [14:56] Geekneeus: check in ~/.config/autostart [14:56] \m/ ^_^ \m/ [14:56] Geekneeus: those would be in the users home dir. bum wouldent affect those. === DjAngo23 is now known as Django === Django is now known as DjAngo23 [14:57] !autostart [14:57] To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [14:57] What is the proper way to auto load a kernel module at boot? [14:57] hello [14:57] Ah yes they are! it lists to .desktop files though [14:58] but they're seemingly the entries, I wonder where it put the .desktop files [14:58] Geekneeus: thats how the system works. :) [14:58] Geekneeus: .desktop files, or scripts. or links to executables [14:58] ... [14:58] Geekneeus: .local/share/applications maybe? [14:59] Geekneeus: you wanting to remove or add things? [14:59] Geekneeus: they are links to the ones in /usr/share/applications [14:59] Hiya ... does any one know of a Web Hosting channel ? I have a ubuntu server but the problem i have is hosting related ... [14:59] vasez: add it to /etc/modules. [14:59] Geekneeus: if you run: file it will tell you [14:59] sipior: thank you [14:59] Dimensions: #httpd [15:00] thanks ActionParsnip1 [15:01] I want to remove an application that I added with "Startup Applications" Dr_Willis, the .desktop files are neither in the suggested locations :( [15:01] Geekneeus: gnome also has its session manager settings.. somewhere.. [15:01] and i dont recall where.. proberly will need to use the gconf editor. [15:01] !info ufo [15:01] Package ufo does not exist in jaunty [15:02] my flash player 9 wont let me watch movies help [15:02] j_: try flasplayer 10 [15:02] I wish I could remember how to search for files heh it'd be useful right now [15:02] I am trying to generate a lircd.conf file using irrecord but I am confused by the usage of the irrecord file. I am trying to follow the information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy and http://www.lirc.org/html/configure.html. I ran irrecord ~/Desktop/recordedremote and I have put the output at http://pastebin.com/f4d76a7d. At https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy#Unlisted%20Remote under "Recording [15:02] Geekneeus: "locate filename" [15:02] !info ufoai [15:02] Package ufoai does not exist in jaunty [15:02] Geekneeus: sudo find / -name "" === sale_ is now known as sale [15:03] Geekneeus: e.g. sudo find / -name "fire*" [15:03] hi [15:03] Hey, what is the program that allows you to use + to bring up a dialog to run programs from? [15:03] is there any working way to disable GNOME tooltips in jaunty? [15:03] Im configuring a new Ubuntu Server, what should i do with the field [Sysetem mail name] ? It's asked when i'm configuring [Postfix Configuration] ? Should i write localhost or gmail.com ? [15:03] my flash player 9 wont let me watch movies someone help [15:03] i've tried the gconf-editor settings, they are broken and don't work anymore [15:03] for tooltips, that is [15:03] iskin: gnome-do [15:03] j_, try to upgrade to flash player 10.. [15:04] Thank you, vi has shown me how awesome it is by alerting me to a new function within it. I had no idea it could do that wow [15:04] j_: have you tried 10? [15:04] VCoolio, TY [15:04] DjAngo23: Write the server's FQDN (host.domain.tld) [15:04] thanks for the help, think I've sorted it now :) [15:04] ? [15:04] iskin: or launchy or kupfer for alternatives [15:04] DjAngo23: Or at least, only the domain. [15:04] i dont know [15:04] j_: are you running 64bit ubuntu? [15:05] hi all [15:05] would it be in the add remove program list [15:05] can i get some help ? [15:05] j_, no in the synaptic [15:05] j_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [15:05] grawity: It's gonna be a local server. Can i use whatever i want then ? [15:05] DjAngo23: Only the hostname, then. [15:05] !ask | Masumex [15:05] Masumex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:05] can someone help me with the desktop cube?? i cannot get it to work... Help!!!!! [15:06] can someone help me with the desktop cube?? i cannot get it to work... Help!!!!! [15:06] !cube [15:06] Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » [15:06] grawity: Okay, thanks ;) [15:06] Masumex: have you installed video drivers? [15:06] Masumex: its not like the cube is a CRITICAL thing.. calm down. [15:06] thanx [15:06] i know i just really want to give it a try.. [15:07] Masumex: you wont get 3d without 3d drivers [15:07] Masumex: install the proper 3d drivers to get compiz going.. install the 'ccsm' tool to enable 4+ 'desktops' and start cubeing. [15:07] !ccsm [15:07] To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz [15:07] Then get sick of the cube and disabel it 4 min later. [15:08] lol [15:08] yeah agreed [15:08] cube with 2+ monitors - dont work too good either. [15:08] just looks ugly [15:08] I only like the fades [15:08] out of the desktop effects [15:08] I like the window previews on the taskbar. and a few otehr compiz features. [15:09] zoom is handy at times. [15:09] s [15:09] I find expo mode handy [15:09] buenas :D [15:09] I find expo uselessly ugly with 2+ moitors. :) [15:09] Greetings, at me the important news, America are under the threat of nuclear attackf nuclear attack [15:09] !compiz [15:09] Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz [15:10] !ot | Onetwooz [15:10] Onetwooz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! === Root is now known as Guest74241 [15:10] my flash player 10 wont let me play movies [15:11] j_: can you provide the output of: uname -a please [15:12] what does that mean [15:12] j_: its a terminal command [15:12] oh [15:12] j_: it'll tell us about your kernel [15:13] where do i find it [15:13] !terminal [15:13] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [15:13] who was helping me before again? [15:13] long live to windows!!! [15:14] j_: type the command then copy the output and paste it here [15:14] ok [15:14] ActionParsnip1 , isnt j_ a bit too dumb to use this OS? [15:15] dios_mio: we all start somewhere, i'm sure s/he is quite intelligent, just new to the OS [15:15] ActionParsnip1 , sure [15:15] dios_mio: cut a guy some slack and let him suprise you (or her) [15:16] help action [15:16] ActionParsnip1 , lets see :) [15:16] attipi: ask the channel [15:17] sorry, I just probe the irc commands :D [15:17] does anybody here has installed ubuntu on dv4 hp notebook? [15:18] Can someone help me interpret a help page please? Its here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy#Unlisted Remote. The bit I am having trouble with is under "Recording a Remote" where it says "Insert the module that you intend to record from." Now I don't know which module to modprobe and I also don't know which device name to use in irrecord. The output of cat /proc/bus/input/devices is pasted at http://pastebin.com/f738073e7. My rem [15:18] Everything works again, woohoo. [15:18] !anybody | hwm [15:18] hwm: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [15:18] Hi all, my computer just shutdown itself for no aparent reason. Maybe it was caused by using right-alt with some keys, is this a known keybinding in ubuntu? [15:18] Geekneeus: wtg :) [15:19] trijntje: alt-SysRq-R, by any chance? [15:19] haha [15:19] ubottu, "Don't ask to ask, just ask." [15:19] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [15:19] added karmic's repo's to jaunty, updated gcc/g++/cpp/ (4.4.1), and it compiled just fine, and the output file works (seemingly) just fine as well! :P well that was a fun test [15:19] sipior: no, just number key's [15:20] hanshenrik: you'll see why its a bad idea soon enough [15:20] sipior , what does that key sequence do? [15:20] ActionParsnip1: u mean like update-manager will go crazy? :p [15:20] dios_mio: it reboots the machine. as a matter of last resort... [15:20] oh cool [15:20] dios_mio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [15:20] ActionParsnip1: (anyway i removed the repo's) [15:21] sipior thanks [15:21] dios_mio: actually, alt-SysRq-B [15:22] * sipior doesn't even see the keys anymore... [15:22] !apparmor [15:22] For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor [15:22] is it ok to remove that ^^ [15:22] heloo [15:23] what can cause ubuntu to shut down itself without any notice? === kuba_ is now known as Guest41243 [15:23] i'm having a sound problem on a hp dv4-1280us, when ubuntu starts the sound keeps beeping, what can i do? [15:23] cio tam [15:23] When I shutdown ubuntu (Jaunty) the splash does not show , and neither does console ,just goes black [15:23] ActionParsnip1: (btw on an intresting note, it used almost 40 seconds longer to compile the program) [15:23] fuck you [15:23] trijntje the processor over heating? [15:23] please, someone can indicate a site to convert ps to pdf? [15:24] C-S-B, i wasnt doing anything intensive, where should i chekc that? [15:24] :-?? [15:24] hey guys, im trying to install kubuntu-desktop package on 9.10 but getting errors. about 4 or 5 kdelib packages are getting 404 errors. any ideas? [15:24] !9.10 | riegersn [15:24] riegersn: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [15:24] doglino: Doesn't Ubuntu come with a 'ps2pdf' or 'pstopdf' command? [15:24] does ls ~user not work on ubuntu? I've used it before but I can't remember if it was centos, bsd or ubuntu [15:24] oops, sorry i ment 9.04 [15:25] Halitech, im using jaunty sorry about the mixup there [15:25] trijntje check the processor temp, physically check to make sure it's well cooled. you can look in /var/log to see if anything went wrong linux-wise but it would be odd to just turn off [15:25] stwange: It is a feature of the 'bash' shell, and it works on Ubuntu. [15:25] hanshenrik: you'll see. mixing releases is a bad idea [15:26] hanshenrik: theres a reason why the debs for karmic are for karmic and not anything else [15:26] grawity, james@bambi:~$ ls ~survey ls: cannot access ~survey: No such file or directory james@bambi:~$ echo $SHELL /bin/bash james@bambi:~$ ls /home/survey bin lib [15:26] stwange: its $USER if you want the current user [15:26] hello. how do i make changes to "asound.state" text file permanently. it reverts to old file after reboot. i used nautilus and gedit under sudo. ver 8.04. [15:26] dude what component (pam?) show stats of the computer after login (shell)? [15:26] stwange: Hmm. Does 'id survey' work? [15:27] giskard: stats like what? === dan is now known as Danielsaan [15:27] giskard: I think those stats are written to /etc/motd. [15:27] giskard: Check root's crontab [15:27] ah thanks grawity, I thought it just pointed to /home/whateveryoutyped, didn't realise it checked the users file. /home/survey is just a symlink [15:27] ActionParsnip1: :p ya, but shouldn't be any problem removing those packages right? [15:27] grawity: like cpu / system laod [15:27] hanshenrik: possibly, they will have weird deps so may break other stuff when you remove them' [15:27] stwange: ~user expands to the homedir of 'user' as defined in /etc/passwd|LDAP|NIS|whatever. [15:28] giskard: load can be seen with: top [15:28] makes sense, learn something new every day huh grawity :) [15:28] ActionParsnip1: no dude, i'm not talking about HOW to do so. is why after the normal motd i see metrics [15:28] before last login [15:28] ActionParsnip1: Ubuntu Server displays some stats in /etc/motd every time you login. [15:28] grawity: nice [15:28] ActionParsnip1: hmm.. well luckly i doesn't got much on this pc, could do a reformat if everything goes to hell ^^ [15:28] grawity: true. it's done via cront job? [15:28] giskard: I think so. [15:29] hanshenrik: best way to be ;D [15:29] grawity: learning every day :D [15:29] hey guys, im trying to install kubuntu-desktop package on 9.04 but getting errors. about 4 or 5 kdelib packages are getting 404 errors. any ideas? [15:29] giskard: see the manpage for motd.tail for how that message is created. [15:29] ActionParsnip1: (tho i should backup those things with the WLAN card, if u remember :p) [15:29] riegersn: run: sudo apt-gt update [15:30] hanshenrik: if its important, back it up [15:30] Pici: uhm nothing point me to stats, i guess there is a pam lib like pam_lastlog. [15:30] hi, I'm trying to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 [15:30] I try to convert text encoding. The problem is that when I use a php script to convert utf-8 text into utf-8 then Terminal won't display it correctly, but when conveting latin-1 into utf-8 the text willls how up in a correct manner in Terminal. Why? [15:30] but I get problems calculating the upgrade.. how do I debug? [15:30] I use utf8_encode() in my php script. [15:31] Pici: something wrote in motd file before calling pam_lastlog. [15:32] giskard: I seem to have modified that file on my install here because I didnt want to see that information, so I cant check to see what it was doing before. :/ [15:32] hey guys, im looking for a way to search 100 or so .txt files for a certain string. and when that string is found have it output to another txt file with the name of the txt file it was found it any ideas? [15:32] hi, can anyone recommend a decent word processor please. one which does spelling and grammar checking [15:33] g_ abiword [15:33] g_, open office, koffice, abiword [15:33] g_, openoffice [15:33] openoffice does grammar checking? [15:34] i changed the language, and now it isn't doing any spell checking at all [15:34] g_: Ooo does grammer checking [15:35] Danielsaan, yea, i also just seen that in oo === fddfoo is now known as fdd [15:35] Doonz: You can use grep for that. i.e: grep "some string" *.txt > output [15:35] strange. i changed the language to uk english, and now i lost all the wiggly lines! [15:35] Pici: but will that show what txt file had the string in it? [15:36] Doonz: grep does that by default when grepping through multiple files. [15:36] Hi all, my logs get filled up with this kind of messages, what can i do to stop this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/280434/ === hey` is now known as grumete [15:36] Pici thanx [15:37] trijntje_: that's the firewalls logging [15:37] trijntje_: what fw frontend do you use; if any ? [15:37] Pici: I've 'learned' to use 'grep -irl ' ? [15:37] mhh, i don't have an english uk language modules apparently [15:39] erUSUL, I used firestarter a while, but this is filling my logs up so bad that I cannot acces them.. [15:39] Hello, i cant seem to be able to connect to a computer running windows using Places->Connect to Server. i get the error "Cannot display location "some.ip.or.hostname"" "volume doesn't implement mount". does anybody have any idea how to fix this? [15:39] trijntje_: well iptables has the ption to use ulog so fw logs end up in a separate /var/log/ulog/ dir [15:40] trijntje_: i use firehol and enabled that not sure how its done in firestarter [15:40] erUSUL, were you the guy I was talking to about crappy Urban Terror performance? [15:41] ldlework: yes; two days ago? [15:41] It was probably longer than that [15:41] erUSUL, i have no firewall frontend at the moment, ill install firehol if that gets the job done [15:41] anyway [15:41] You should try disabling ipv6 erUSUL [15:41] ldlework: that fixes it for you ? [15:42] On my work machine, not my home machine! [15:42] I wonder if it works for you. [15:42] trijntje_: so what is enabling the firewall in your install ? [15:42] ldlework: will give it a shot when i can [15:43] Idlework, erUSUL; Which only works with the proposed kernel (if it hasn't already been 'un-proposed' .. [15:43] erUSUL, what do you mean? [15:44] trijntje_: if you do not have firewall nor any other firewall program what is enabling iptables ? [15:45] erUSUL: i though iptables was always there, just not configured [15:45] trijntje_: firs firewall should read firestarter ;) [15:45] ActionParsnip1: correct [15:45] what is the command to remount all filesystems? mount -o remount -a ? [15:45] mount -a ? [15:46] erUSUL, I have guwf installed [15:46] ndlovu: sudo mount -a [15:46] trijntje_: maybe there is an option in it to enable ulog [15:46] what is the package name for rhytmbox? [15:46] !info rhytmbox [15:46] Package rhytmbox does not exist in jaunty [15:46] !info rhythmbox [15:46] rhythmbox (source: rhythmbox): music player and organizer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.0-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 3356 kB, installed size 14208 kB [15:46] theadmin: rhythmbox [15:46] ;) [15:47] %) guess i kept spelling it wrong [15:47] erUSUL, I can disable logging, ill see if that works, thanks [15:47] !info rhythmbox | theadmin [15:47] theadmin: rhythmbox (source: rhythmbox): music player and organizer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.0-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 3356 kB, installed size 14208 kB [15:47] NetworkManager does not respect read-only (-w) on /etc/resolv.conf. Bug? [15:47] trijntje_: ok; good luck [15:47] mhh, is it possible to have uk-english spell/grammar checker in oo? [15:47] it's a bit of a dealbreaker for me :( [15:47] strange question .... can 32 bit programs use more than 4GB of RAM when run on Ubuntu 64 bit? [15:47] Okay, okay, i got it already. [15:48] ct529: maybe... [15:48] maybe through some extended memory "scheme"? [15:48] ct529: I don't think so. [15:48] ActionParsnip1, does that automatically remount? [15:48] ActionParsnip1, tks, it seems it does :) [15:48] g_: sure: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:openofficeukdict?s=thesaurus [15:48] grawity: so there is an intrinsic limit there? [15:48] ndlovu: new command learned eh :) [15:49] could some one help with an upgrade issue? [15:49] anyone else on karmic and seeing bad wireless (iwlagn) performance? solutions? [15:49] !karmic | peppot [15:49] peppot: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [15:49] ActionParsnip1, always good to add one :) [15:49] gregwa, what kind of issue and ipgrading from what version to what version? [15:49] or can they be made to use it using the memory using the lower 4GB as a stack / registry? [15:49] hi [15:49] can anyone make sense of this kernel oops? [15:49] http://pastebin.com/m56628b69 [15:49] !anyone | gregwa [15:49] gregwa: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [15:50] grawity: ? [15:50] how to enable an integrated subwoofer toshiba x205 laptop? [15:50] ubuntu shutdown without any notice, where to look for details? [15:50] Thanks. I'm at (I THINK) intrepid. Doing a lsb_release -a shows Distributor ID: Debian Can't run upgrade to 9.04 using alt-cd. says can't upgrade. [15:50] trijntje_: /var/log/kern.log [15:50] software sources won't run [15:50] gregwa: ask in #debian [15:51] everything in sources.list shows intrepid [15:51] gregwa: you arent running ubuntu, you are running debian [15:51] but I'm really running ubuntu [15:51] no, I'm running ubuntu [15:51] http://pastebin.com/f216c199e [15:51] gregwa, can you use pastebin and show us the sources.list file [15:51] hello, I just bought a new laptop, with Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4GiBs of RAM, I want to put Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop 64-bit version in it, how much Swap should I give it? and are there 64-bit drivers for ATi video card in Ubuntu? [15:52] don't know how to use pastebin [15:52] Khalid, what video card? [15:52] !pastebin | gregwa [15:52] gregwa: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [15:52] Khalid: for swap I'd use 2Gb [15:52] !pastebin | gregwa [15:52] Khalid: swap? Heh. You don't need swap. [15:52] Khalid: and if you do, you would already know the answer yourself. [15:52] ppl does anyone know how to assign something to the eee 901 instant keys? [15:52] Khalid: for hibernate etc, use 4Gb [15:52] like some features [15:52] Khalid, using the 2x ram rule will not hurt you [15:53] Halitech: ATi Mobility Radeon HD 4330 [15:53] !shortcut | kroson [15:53] kroson: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [15:53] !ati | Khalid [15:53] Khalid: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [15:53] im using kubuntu is it the same? [15:53] ActionParsnip1, /var/log/kern.log doesnt show any errors or the like. Neighter does syslog [15:54] any idea how (1) root mount point (/) can be commented out in /etc/fstab and still be mounting, and (2) swap can be commented out and not working? [15:54] !pastebin | gregwa [15:54] gregwa, please see my private message [15:54] how to install the latest intel 4500MHD drivers? [15:54] Khalid, the ati drivers are weak right now in 9.04, you may want to think about either using 8.04 or returning it and getting a laptop with an Nvidia card [15:54] gregwa: you run: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list copy the contents, browse to http://pastebin.com paste the text, type your name, click paste then when the page changes, copy the address bar and paste it here [15:54] trijntje_: there will be gold in that folder [15:55] Khalid, there is an ati driver here if you want to try it http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product= [15:55] ndlovu: root is mounted via the kernel [15:55] Someone wants to give me a hand with my wirelesse connection ? [15:55] Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) [15:55] ndlovu: Or at least during boot time [15:55] when trying to type in my key [15:55] http://pastebin.com/m34872704 [15:55] Halitech: couldn't get an affordable one, is this going to be improved in 9.10 or 10.04 :/ [15:56] carresmd, that's interesting. if I try to uncomment the root and swap mount definitions in fstab, and then remount, it says "mount: mount point does not exist" [15:56] help me yah. I want to install from tar.gz, what package is needed to make. to make and make install successfully ??? [15:57] does ubuntu have path length limits like winblows? or can I have filenames a mile long in a directory a mile deep and not have any issues? [15:57] ndlovu: That's because it isn't in fstab anymore ;) [15:57] gregwa: ok you have an intrepid sources.lst file but i imagine you installed debian then have changed your sources file [15:57] i created a swapp file , but when trying to hibernat ubuntu says dont find a swap file . [15:57] why ? [15:57] Khalid, its hard to say, hopefully the ati driver support will get better but hard to say [15:57] adonai2009: did you run: sudo swapon /dev/ [15:58] I've never installed debian on this machine. never done debian directly for 4 years. Always used ubuntu since dapper [15:58] adonai2009: and is it formatted as swap [15:58] k, thanks for helping :) [15:58] Hi , was wondering if someone could help me out in writing some sort of game algorithm ? [15:58] carresmd, good point! [15:58] adonai2009: you'll need a swap-partition for hibernation, not a file (irrc) [15:58] how may I install cups in version 1.2.8 [15:58] it it is , but i didn run nolines comand [15:58] gregwa: your lsb_release says deian which makes me think you have had debian [15:58] i can do it now ? [15:58] gregwa, what does it say for description in the lsb_release -a? [15:58] adonai2009: sure [15:59] so help me on this [15:59] DebianEdu/Skolelinux (terra) [15:59] i got a open comamd line [15:59] how do I see all scheduled cron jobs? [15:59] adonai2009: the partition needs to be set to a swap partition in gparted or fdisk === roaksoax_ is now known as RoAkSoAx [16:00] yes it is like swap already [16:00] iam with the console open now [16:00] Hello! I have succeeded in compiling, installing, and booting from a 2.6.31 kernel in Jaunty. But when I look at the startup screens, it says "loading AppArmor module... FAILED". When I finally get into the desktop, then into a terminal, I type "apparmor_status", it says "apparmor module is loaded", "apparmor filesystem is not mounted". Is this a conflicting report, considering that it FAILED at bootup?Is their something wrong? [16:00] adonai2009: i suggest you read this, it has lots of info on how to setup a swap partition: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?chap=4&part=1 [16:00] what to right ? [16:00] gregwa, http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu [16:00] adonai2009: read the page, you want to be about 80% down the page [16:00] mattprokes, crontab -l (with the user that has the cron jobs set), for system crons look at /etc/cron* [16:01] but how can i know the name of the partition ? i got to be back to live pen to use gpart and see it ? [16:01] adonai2009: sudo fdisk -l [16:01] help me yah. I want to install from tar.gz, what package is needed to make. to make and make install successfully ??? [16:01] hello [16:01] gregwa, unless someone has been messing around with your system, you are running Debian, not Ubuntu [16:02] so, ok. I'm hosed for straight upgrade. Walk me through doing install when I have a /home folder on another partition. [16:02] mo0nykit: you used ubuntu sources and config ? or did you compiled from kernel.org sources ? [16:02] makmum: Try install the build-essentials package [16:02] ehbaut: yes, there is a 4096 character limit on the path length. you can find this and other interesting numbers in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/limits.h [16:02] adonai2009: you will need to use fdisk to set the partition type to 81 (linux swap), then use the commands to format it as swap (i think) then use the swapon command [16:02] makmum: build-essential [16:02] !compile | mo0nykit [16:02] mo0nykit: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) === vatts[off] is now known as vatts [16:02] Hi. Is there an easy (i.e., dpkg-reconfigure postfix or something guided like that) to configure postfix to use gmail as my smarthost and cause all mail sent from root@mymachine to be sent to my gmail account? [16:02] gregwa, do a normal install but when it gets to the partitioning, use manual and mount your home partition at /home [16:02] !compile | makmum [16:02] makmum: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [16:02] gregwa, also make sure you don't format the partition [16:02] mo0nykit: sorry for the compile factoid [16:03] Do you use the ubuntu [16:03] ?? [16:03] I'm assuming you are referring to the home partition not to format...right? [16:03] who can hell me ? [16:03] !ask | gc_ [16:03] gc_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [16:03] erUSUL: yes, I compiled from Ubuntu sources (I got an .orig.tar.gz and a .diff.gz, then I patched the orig with the diff) [16:03] mo0nykit: and you enabled apparmor in the config ? [16:04] ok ,i am sorry [16:04] gregwa: boot to live cd, backup all the config files you need if any are in / (like smb.conf, resolv.conf) then use the disk to wipe out / and /swap partition and reinstall, you can tell the installer to use the home partition you have as home, just DON'T tell the installer to format the data, make your username the same as it is now [16:04] gregwa, yes, don't format the /home partition or it will be destroyed [16:04] Hey all. I'm getting segfaults in various applications. I ran memtest over the weekend and reported no errors... What else can I do? Here's a sample of some segfaults from kern.log: [16:04] Sep 28 04:53:01 igor kernel: [117263.891473] php[30492]: segfault at 7f4f3a305f30 ip 00007f4f3a305f30 sp 00007f4f38e710f8 error 14 in librt-2.9.so[7f4f3dc05000+7000] [16:04] Sep 28 06:25:01 igor kernel: [122784.418812] mdadm[19265]: segfault at 12c ip 000000000040fd79 sp 00007fff47625b50 error 4 in mdadm[400000+2a000] [16:04] Sep 28 08:15:02 igor kernel: [129384.624926] php[17814]: segfault at 7f18c60ccf30 ip 00007f18c60ccf30 sp 00007f18c4c380f8 error 14 in librt-2.9.so[7f18c99cc000+7000] [16:04] sheepsy1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:04] ok. thanks. I'll shoot craps and pray. [16:04] gc_, no I don't [16:04] ubottu. ok2. llutz: I already install build-essential [16:04] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:04] erUSUL: that's okay, I didn't know about the "tips" link :) [16:04] !help | gc_ [16:04] gc_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [16:04] erUSUL: I didn't find an option for apparmor in make menuconfig. Where can I find it? [16:05] mo0nykit: i dunno becouse i use unpatched kernel.org when compiling my kernels... [16:06] erUSUL: then you used "fakeroot make-kpkg" ? [16:06] Hey all. I'm getting segfaults in various applications. I ran memtest over the weekend and reported no errors... What else can I do? Here's a sample of some segfaults from kern.log.: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280471/ [16:06] mo0nykit: try to search for apparmor references in the config file for the kernel (not sure though) [16:06] mo0nykit: using grep or something [16:07] can anyone recommend me an alternative to kaffeine to watch DIGITAL tv? me-tv sucks [16:07] mo0nykit: nope; i use old style do it yourself by hand « make -jn ; sudo make install ; sudo mkinitramfs ... » [16:07] carresmd: okay i'll try that with less, then the / command inside less :) [16:07] (parroting 5 minutes ago) Is there an easy (i.e., dpkg-reconfigure postfix or something guided like that) to configure postfix to use gmail as my smarthost and cause all mail sent from root@mymachine to be sent to my gmail account? [16:07] sheepsy1: have you fsck'd your drives? [16:07] mo0nykit: you can search inside menuconfig with typing "/" [16:07] can anyone recommend me an easy to use alternative to kaffeine to watch DIGITAL tv? me-tv sucks, yes it does! [16:07] avertv-volar-bla, tv-time? [16:07] avertv-volar-bla: mplayer [16:08] xawtv [16:08] avertv-volar-bla: me-tv/kaffeine may suck, but alternatives (mplayer/xine) suck even more [16:08] erUSUL: yeah I tried that, too. My problem with that method is that I don't get kernel-headers, which VirtualBox needs to add Guest Additions [16:08] !tv [16:08] http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out [16:08] ActionParsnip1: I haven't. But I have rebooted recently and it didn't startup automatically at boot so I assumed that nothing wrong was detected. [16:08] erUSUL: searching withing menuconfig? Thanks! I was about to ask that question [16:08] teolicy: something like this? http://braiden.org/?p=15 [16:08] mo0nykit: you have to keep your sources and build dir around for external modules to build [16:08] sheepsy1: assume nothing, boot to live cd, umount all partitions and get it fsck'd [16:08] sheepsy1: No guarantees, but it's probably also a good idea to check your computer isn't overheating. Generally speaking, your chassis should be cool to the touch and air flowing out of it should cool to you. [16:08] Me-TV sucks, Klear is abandonware [16:09] avertv-volar-bla: maybe vdr with xine-output [16:09] avertv-volar-bla: ok thats 2 from that huge list, try some [16:09] hi, it say dont find swap , try wap on -a [16:09] how i do that ? [16:09] test [16:09] sheepsy1: There are better ways to check if your computer overheats, like using a CPI temperature checking application. [16:09] The guy with segfaults? [16:09] erUSUL: to build what? the Guest Additions? [16:09] kaffeine does NOT suck. it rocks but it is always nice to have a 2nd app that does the job [16:10] I forgot: How can I set a smaller font in the frame buffer device? [16:10] sipior: dpkg-reconfigure would have been easier, but I guess I can't be too picky :) This seems excellent. Thanks. [16:10] teolicy: also, postfix configuration is pretty straightforward and well-documented. worth going over main.cf once or twice. [16:10] how i do swapon -a » [16:10] ? [16:10] on console or something ? === McPeter is now known as Margouillat97 [16:10] teolicy: It's cool to the touch. What's the name of the application in apt? [16:10] adonai2009_: sudo swapon /dev/ === Margouillat97 is now known as Margouillat974 [16:10] sheepsy, lmsensors [16:10] how do you enlarge my ubuntu partition after I have installed it on a dual boot with XP and set the partiton I have unallocated space but I cant resize my ext3 partion in GParted [16:10] adonai2009_: its all in the guide i gave, its the gentoo handbook dud [16:10] e [16:11] mo0nykit: yes [16:11] redsoxking1: you will be able to in live cd, make sure all partitions are umounted and make sure backups are recent [16:11] sheepsy, actually its lm-sensors [16:11] but i hibernat and it renitiate and off all [16:11] erUSUL: I was able to search for apparmor, but the resulting screen doesn't tell how to navigate the menu tree to get to apparmor. How do I find the directions? [16:11] Halitech: thanks. [16:11] Someone wants to give me a hand with my wirelesse connection ? [16:11] Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) [16:11] when trying to type in my key [16:11] sipior: In about 15 years I managed to stay away from the configuration files of MTAs (not including twisted.mail), I'd love to stay out... [16:11] erUSUL: oh there it is. I found it [16:12] adonai2009_: yes, thats one reason to have swap [16:12] mo0nykit: i should tell you with a ascii tree of some sorts [16:12] sheepsy, then you will need to run sudo sensors-detect after its installed and you can use xsensors to see the info [16:12] JonathanEllis1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy [16:12] sipior: (though I admit it's just whining on my part, I simply hate MTAs) [16:12] thanks ActionParsnip1 didnt think of using the live cd [16:13] redsoxking1: you cant manipulate partitions that are busy [16:13] gotta jet kids, peace out [16:13] Does anyone know if there is a ubuntu install cd with nvidia binary drivers included? [16:13] erUSUL: Yes I found it. I'm reading up on the '?' files [16:14] wtf, my hard drive is making that "faint clicking noise" which tells me it's on it's death bed... but its load cycle count is only 3106?? [16:14] quaid__: it is (i|a)legal to distribute that CD [16:14] I was wondering if Linux implemented something similar to AWE .... [16:14] sheepsy1: Also, try booting from a CD and see if segfaults persist. This should help you zoom in on software or hardware fault. [16:14] thanks erUSUL [16:14] quaid__: no problem [16:15] have to install opensolaris instead [16:15] erUSUL: illegal <-- if I am right in reading (i|a)legal as "I" [16:15] erUSUL: illegal <-- if I am right in reading (i|a)legal as "I'm not sure of the spelling" :) [16:16] mo0nykit: ilegal or alegal. i am not a lawyer or judge [16:16] teolicy: compared to sendmail (m4 or no), postfix is dead simple. typically only about a dozen lines need to be modified. [16:16] quaid__, u can make your own cd with nvidia drivers included [16:16] alokito: can you point me to a HOWTO? [16:16] I just switched from a 20" Acer to a 21.5" Lenovo L215. The old Acer's default resolution was 1680x1050. The L215's is 1920x1080. However, whenever I turn on Ubuntu, it defaults to 1680x1050. (my graphics card is a Nvidia 9800GT with proprietary drivers) I even used Nvidia's setting tool; it would set it perfectly (even writing a xorg.conf file), but once I rebooted, back to 1680x1050. [16:16] Here's my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/f74a3dd8a [16:16] erUSUL: i didn't know there were such words as ilegal or alegal :) [16:17] !offtopic | mo0nykit [16:17] mo0nykit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [16:17] mo0nykit: well i'm not english native speakern either ;P [16:17] quaid__, just boot with your live cd, install nvidia drivers and use usb installation [16:17] Halitech: Hm. Would you be able to decipher sensors output? I ran sensors on cmd line and got a few lines with ALARM in them: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280476/ [16:17] andrewmin, you save it in root [16:17] i mean usb startup disk creator [16:17] thiebaude: i did [16:17] alokito: live cd wont boot, that's why I need the drivers in advance [16:18] thiebaude, i even the nvidia-settings as root [16:18] hmm [16:18] andrewmin, ok, i had the same problem when i first installed ubuntu [16:18] quaid__, have you tried linux mint? [16:18] Halitech: Does that ALARM mean anything? [16:18] alokito, hi [16:18] thiebaude, hello [16:18] I need some help on Evolution. Suddenly I can not download from either of my services ... I am getting a flas message "retrieving pop summary" and then absolutely nothing. Have not changed any settings .. This apperas to have started after last auto update of Ubuntu 9.04 [16:18] alokito: no - does it have the drivers? [16:18] thiebaude, how did you fix it? [16:18] sheepsy, its giving you the alarm because there is a reading of 0 for those 3 items, probably doesn't have those actual sensors so I would probably just ignore them [16:19] help, i did a fresh install of kubuntu, and konsole, aterm and xterm crash when i launch them [16:19] quaid__, not sure but it has codecs pre-installed [16:19] andreime, i had to gksudo nvidia-settings and set my resolution and save x and close and reboot [16:19] sheepsy1: Could be you power supply failing .. If that readout is correct! [16:19] carresmd: Which values? [16:19] quaid__, u can find easy tutorials on how to make a custom ubuntu cd if you search google [16:19] sheepsy1: Sorry? [16:20] alokito: have tried various linux live distros. none boot. only opensolaris works. [16:20] andrewmin, thats weird that doesn't work for you [16:20] thiebaude, yeah, i know, that was my first thought... i tried it several times, though, and no go :-/ [16:20] carresmd: You said that power supply could be failing. I'm wondering which values make you think so. [16:20] quaid__, mandriva has nvidia drivers pre-installed [16:20] hmm [16:20] erUSUL: okay back to the apparmor issue. Yes, AppArmor support is set as built-in. AppArmor boot parameter default value is 1, meaning, start during boot up. Well I read an AppArmor bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/375422 it refers to 2.6.30. I don't know if it holds true for the patched 2.6.31 (Ubuntu patch 11.36) [16:20] sheepsy1: line 9, 12,13 [16:21] alokito: thanks for the help - will try what you suggested. [16:22] ?DCC SEND "ff???f?𝑹𝑰𝑷𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑼𝑷𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺" 0 0 0 [16:22] sheepsy1: I'm not sure it has anything to do with the segfaults though. Do you have by any change Windows afvailable on that system? [16:22] carresmd: Halitech was saying that it could be just the fact that sensors aren't configured to give info. [16:22] carresmd: What do you mean by change windows? [16:22] mo0nykit: as i said i do not use apparmor at all. dunno what is happening [16:23] sheepsy1: I meant chance :) [16:23] me wonders when the dcc send nonsense will go away [16:23] carresmd: No windows. [16:23] erUSUL: okay no problem.. thanks for the help. :) I'll just post these on the forums [16:24] sipior: carefull even using those words. :) ive been accidently-auto-kicked by using the phrase d c c s e n d befor. :) [16:24] I'm having some troubles with setting up a user's cron jobs. I have my user account listed in /etc/cron.d/cron.allow. I've been using crontab -e to edit my jobs. In /var/log/syslog, I can see that my job is getting executed... the script I'm trying to execute to VERY simple: http://pastie.org/633443 [16:24] Dr_Willis: fair point :-) [16:24] sheepsy1: Maybe it's a good idea to test your system with mprime. [16:24] Halitech, carresmd: Here's another paste. I scrolled up and noticed that when i ran sensors the first time I ALARM on every line. Now I only have it on 3. But the readouts look the same. I put the two read outs under "first time run" and "last time run" sections: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280479/ [16:24] I just switched from a 20" Acer to a 21.5" Lenovo L215. The old Acer's default resolution was 1680x1050. The L215's is 1920x1080. However, whenever I turn on Ubuntu, it defaults to 1680x1050. (my graphics card is a Nvidia 9800GT with proprietary drivers) I even used Nvidia's setting tool; it would set it perfectly (even writing a xorg.conf file), but once I rebooted, back to 1680x1050. [16:24] Here's my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/f74a3dd8a [16:24] in the script, I'm generated a log file - yet this logfile never gets created and I cannot determine why. Going crazy here ;) [16:25] hiiiiiiiiii [16:26] andrewmin, when you installed the drivers did you System-Admimistration-hardware drivers? [16:26] carresmd: mprime not in apt? [16:26] thiebaude, yeah [16:26] ok [16:26] thiebaude, i'm using version 180 [16:26] sheepsy1: Nope. [16:26] hey plz write a script for getting screen recorder for ubuntu hardy version [16:26] thank you [16:26] andrewmin, im on 9.10 and using 185 [16:27] Hey guys I'm having trouble figuring out how to make a Logitech dual action controller work with snes9x. [16:27] thiebaude, ah, in that case, i'll just wait utnil october [16:27] thiebaude, thanks man :) [16:27] andrewmin, hey, np [16:27] hey plz write a script for getting screen recorder for ubuntu hardy version [16:27] mweichert: Was /tmp/build-projects.log touched with user whose cronjob ? Permissions, etc [16:28] sheepsy1: http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft/ [16:28] <[fade]> !games [16:28] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [16:28] hii all, have u seen "REVOLUTION OS" a movie about LINUX.ITS AWSOME.... :) [16:29] LONG LIVE LINUX [16:29] !ot | shail [16:29] shail: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [16:29] shail: would downloading it be a crime? [16:29] i use torrents... [16:29] like mmap .... [16:29] ?mmap [16:30] shail: This channel is for Ubuntu Support only, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other discussion [16:30] i think it is banned or it is a crime in some countries [16:30] <[fade]> someone can recommend any linux games? [16:30] Is there a tool on linux to get exact information what kind of memory is installed in a server? [16:30] i want to ssh into my computer from outside. How do i tell ubuntu to listen out and accept on port 333? That's the port my network administrator opened for me [16:30] yacc_:try sudo lshw [16:31] i m so sorry(#ubuntu-offtopic) [16:31] [fade], frozen bubble [16:31] [fade] Try Nexuiz if you like FPS [16:31] download bittorrent [16:31] Dougal: modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config to port 333 in addition to or instead of port 22 [16:31] and not linux games , but bl0x0rz on miniclip.com was nice [16:31] Dougal: edit sshd_config (Port 333) [16:31] yacc_: If you want a gui, lshw-gtk is in the repo. [16:31] [fade], scorched 3d is also fun with multiplayer [16:32] then go to piratebay.com for getting a torrent file(#ubuntu-offtopic) [16:32] !piracy | shail [16:32] shail: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [16:32] !ot shail [16:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about ot shail [16:32] hi all, is there any IM client that supports yahoo, in ubuntu? [16:32] !ot | shail [16:32] shail: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [16:32] Dougal: if you are behind a router, just set port-forwarding (333->22) [16:32] shail: /join #ubuntu-offtopic [16:32] suman_ , use Gaim or Pidgin , they are installed by default [16:32] Pici: thanks that's helpfull [16:32] i m so sorry again [16:32] i m so sorry again(#ubuntu-offtopic) [16:33] ashmew2: In 8.10 it doesnot work..... [16:33] i cant figure out how to open ms access files in openoffice .. [16:33] plz dont take any action of banning me from the network(#ubuntu-offtopic) [16:33] shail: You aren't in #ubuntu-offtopic, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic [16:33] <[fade]> im a looking for some better looking games [16:33] <[fade]> like doom3 for linux [16:33] ashmew2: i believe it was an issue for sometime, wondering if it is fixed or not [16:33] <[fade]> ported [16:33] suman_ , you could try using the online web messenger for yahoo also at www.webmessenger.yahoo.com [16:33] will stable/9.04 install onto ext4 partition ? [16:33] Ok, any way to decode the meaning of the row value in EDAC memory controller error messages? [16:33] hey plz write a script for getting screen recorder for ubuntu hardy version [16:33] llutz: i'm a newb to this sort of thing, and i can't quite follow those suggestions without a bit more guidance. But thanks, i'll look into that if Pici's suggestion fails [16:34] [fade]: doom3 has a linux port (quake 4 has too) [16:34] suman_ , Although i use Pidgin myself and see no flaws in it thus far.. [16:34] <[fade]> yes, i know, i am searching similar games like that [16:34] suman_ , what is wrong with your installed client , maybe we could sort it out [16:34] ashmew2: which version of ubuntu are you using? [16:34] xemacs4321: yes, I did [16:34] suman_ , im using Jaunty (9,04) [16:34] No ideas about this controller? [16:34] VC ty [16:34] [fade], world of padman, urban terror [16:35] I have a windows "hosts" file. Is it usable in linux? [16:35] ubuntu [16:35] shail: sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop [16:35] ashmew2: when i try to connect, it just tries connecting and just stays that way [16:35] gotta say, this channel is full of noobs, if you have a problem that requires !noobs, you have to turn to #debian, who send you here [16:36] lolufail: lose the unhelpful attitude. [16:36] lolufail: I thought this channel was supposed to be full of noobs... [16:36] suman_ , try using the webmessenger.yahoo.com , if it connects and pidgin doesnt , let me know..Also , are you sure you made the account in Pidgin in a correct way ? [16:36] kunji: so where's the channel with the ubuntu !noobs? [16:36] sheepsy1: Any luck? [16:36] How can I sort by field 2 and then by field one? I know it would be sort +1 file > file2 to sort by the second field, but i cant figure out how to then make it sort by field one [16:36] lolufail, #ubuntu [16:36] alias bishop [16:36] hey plz write a script for getting screen recorder for ubuntu hardy version [16:36] lolufail: troll away plz [16:36] lolufail: i guess ubuntu-dev or somthin.. [16:37] lolufail: Oh, that kind. [16:37] hi [16:37] I have 25 years of unix, sometimes i ask noob type questions [16:37] I have a lot of instances where programs like opera just die and restart for no apparent reason--why and what can be done to stop or limit this? [16:37] ashmew2: i did do it correctly, i used it properly in my 8.04.. [16:37] so i have a samba share set up and it isnt showing up on my windows machines [16:37] plz tell me some other i m having troble in installing record..... software [16:37] ashmew2: it broke after i upgraded [16:37] i do 'dpkg -l' and i see a packet notice 'rc' instead of 'ii' , what does it means ? [16:37] have to use live cd today [16:37] scream: there is a hosts file in /etc, maybe add lines at beginning: " localhost" and " @" [16:37] oddly, it does show up in windows on vbox on the same machine [16:38] For whatever odd reason, my themes suddenly dissappeared, with the exception of Redmond in controls,New Wave in window borders, and the icon themes. I can add new themes, but they do not work correctly. I tried reinstalling the Human package, but to no avail. I'm on 9.04, fresh install. [16:38] suman_ , im pretty sure this happened to me as well once..I just did a clean Jaunty install and bam it was back to pavillion , very nice again [16:39] jiohdi, number 1, you have to choose a single program and find a problem that happens every time you do the same thing, then come here and describe specific failure ! [16:39] ashmew2: it works great on the web messenger [16:39] plz watch "revolution os " a documentry on linux(# offtopic) [16:39] The windows and linux are same hosts format? [16:40] suman_ , hmm..I think its something to do with the firewall etc [16:40] thinkin of moving from xp pro to ubuntu 9.04. any special considerations? [16:40] How can I sort by field 2 and then by field one? I know it would be sort +1 file > file2 to sort by the second field, but i cant figure out how to then make it sort by field one [16:40] shail: please type the following without any quotes as a message "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" [16:40] ubuntu, hardware [16:40] suman_ , Whats your ISP , Airtel/BSNL ? [16:40] FFEMTcJ: use a pipe [16:40] scream: open in a text editor; if it contains just lines like bad.domain.com #comments it's ok [16:40] ashmew2: i cant connect using kopete as well [16:40] scream, the format of the executable files for linux/windows is different [16:41] i need someone that knows it well enouph to tell me how to access other drives threw the terminal or allow me to browse my drives threw a browser with admin privlages> [16:41] maybe add ubuntu to windows xp? [16:41] scream, yes the hosts files are the same format [16:41] ashmew2: i am using neither.... and i know the firewall doesnot block it because adium(mac) users can connect properly [16:41] ubuntu that is [16:41] how do i edit a config file when i don't have permissions? [16:41] jrib: just sort +1 file | sort file > file1 ? [16:41] !sudo | Dougal [16:41] Dougal: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [16:41] !gksudo | Dougal [16:41] Dougal: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [16:41] thanks [16:41] FFEMTcJ: sure, why not? [16:42] Hello channel. I need an application to test a USB-drive for harddrive failures. I need some way to benchmark it for errors. It doesn't matter if I have to format into another filesystem [16:42] meway: sudo nautilus [16:42] Dougal, you can use sudo nano in the terminal or gksudo gedit for a graphical app [16:42] virctor1 thx i might have more question :) [16:42] how do I know if a package is installed or not from the command line ? [16:42] Victor1: meway: gksudo nautilus, check ubottus comment above [16:42] meway: Please use gksudo and not sudo for that [16:43] Thanks! useful! [16:43] jrib: all that does is sorts by the first field.. it doesnt sort the second field then the first field [16:43] !apt | K3rl0u4rn [16:43] K3rl0u4rn: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE) [16:43] K3rl0u4rn: apt-cache policy package [16:43] (I don't want human readable output, I want to use it in a script, so output depending on current language that could not be grepped correctly is not what I want) [16:43] FFEMTcJ: that makes no sense [16:43] K3rl0u4rn: apt-cache policy [16:43] whats the diff from gksudo? than sudo? [16:43] Halitech: never did learn any terminal based editors, i really should, but not today. So i'll use gedit [16:43] ok [16:43] bebak... thankx [16:44] Where can I get hold of error checking app for my harddrive? [16:44] is apt-cache policy language independent ? [16:44] i have a list of names (first last) I want to sort by last name and then by first name... [16:44] i have a list of names (first last) I want to sort by last name and then by first name... jrib [16:44] FFEMTcJ: you need to sort by field 2, then sort by field 1 [16:44] FFEMTcJ: that's not what you ran I guess [16:44] !list [16:44] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [16:44] K3rl0u4rn: I read your script comment later; try this: dpkg -l | grep [16:44] meway: afaik it's just that gksudo opens up a graphical window to enter the password in, sudo doesn't [16:45] K3rl0u4rn: if the output line starts with ii it is installed [16:45] !thunderbird [16:45] error while printing in karmic. help please!!! [16:45] Thunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 [16:45] victor1 ok thx [16:45] jrib: right.. how do i do that is what im asking [16:45] S33K3R : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion. [16:46] I need to check my USB-harddrive for errors, how do I do it? [16:46] VCoolio: thank you [16:46] FFEMTcJ: "command to sort by field 2" | "command to sort by field 1" > "output file" [16:46] jrib: isnt that the same as what i did? 11.43.01 < FFEMTcJ> jrib: just sort +1 file | sort file > file1 ? [16:46] jrib: I doubt that will work. [16:46] !9.10 | S33K3R [16:46] S33K3R: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [16:47] grawity: why? [16:47] Rovanion: The usual way is to boot into single-user from Grub selection, then issue something like: fsck /dev/ITS-SDX#-NAME-HERE [16:47] jrib: you're just going to end up sorting on the first name. [16:47] jrib: The second 'sort' will just re-sort the entire file by first name, making the first 'sort +1' useless. [16:47] when i did that it still resticted me what can i do to format a drive? [16:47] jrib, FFEMTcJ: sort +1 +0, maybe? [16:47] ?DCC SEND "ff???f?𝑹𝑰𝑷𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑼𝑷𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺" 0 0 0 [16:47] meway, use the live cd or gparted live cd [16:48] genii: Okey, is there any more extensive tests I can perform? [16:48] i dont have the live cd on hand is there another way? [16:48] meway, get the gparted live cd [16:48] grawity: I'm assuming sort preserves original file order when the field it sorts on is the same (that would be sane) [16:48] has anyone found a perfect solution for email with regards to outlook calendar invites? i've seen many solutions but nothing works all the time... [16:48] You have got ot be kidding me [16:48] grawity: thanks.. that worked [16:48] Rovanion: There is something called Ultimate Boot CD which you can download/burn/boot up to which has many manufacturer-specific tools on it [16:48] i have one but i do not have a disk on hand im at a work station right now 0.o [16:49] i just need to delete the files not really need to format [16:49] mailto: to open thunderbird instead of outlo... i mean evolution. Any ideas? the ubottu link is from 2005 and ends in 2007, does anyone ever update that bot? [16:49] FFEMTcJ: does: sort -k2 file | sort -k1 not do the same thing? [16:50] meway, rm -r /path/to/file === L33tCh is now known as l33tch [16:50] Guys, seriously, tell me i'm just using google wrong and that there is a way to make mozilla thunderbird the default mozilla firefox email client [16:50] dumb question: if i change a config file do i have to restart the computer before it takes effect? [16:50] innomen: I checks whatever you have set as default mail client I think; system > preferences > preferred apps [16:50] i dont know how to locate the path of my other drives... [16:51] innomen: there must be [16:51] jrib: nope.. that again only resorts it by the first name... [16:51] innomen, system - admin - default apps? [16:51] FFEMTcJ: weird, coincidence it works on my example file I guess... [16:51] hmm [16:51] Dougal, no, but you probably have to restart the corresponding application [16:51] VCoolio, steop by step please? Dougal agreed, Halitech checking [16:52] I'm having some trouble with themes; they have disappeared from the Appearence Preferences window, and no longer work, on the login window for instance. [16:52] Halitech, i see no "default apps" [16:52] hola [16:52] Redmond is still there, but no others. Anybody got any ideas? [16:52] innomen, might be as VCoolio says, system - prefs - preferred apps [16:52] how do i locate one of my seprate hardirves threw the terminal? [16:52] innomen: it is preferred applications in system> preferences [16:52] snes9x help please, if anyone knows that is. [16:53] vicmackey, did you check at another user, if the themes are still there? [16:53] meway: sudo fdisk -l [16:53] !ask | kunji [16:53] kunji: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [16:53] suman_ , well im really outta ideas.. [16:53] anodesni: the corresponding application is my ssh daemon. I'm trying to change the port i listen in on [16:53] Dougal, yeah, restart it [16:53] k? what dose the command fdisk do can you give me further depth on that command? [16:53] ssh [16:53] Dougal, sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart I think === EcKstasy is now known as JNSamuel [16:54] Dougal: its sudo invoke-rc.d ssh restart (or the other command with ssh instead of sshd) [16:54] Pici: I wasn't really asking to ask a question, I asked it earlier, but I'm not sure if anyone caught it... [16:54] hey need some help with greping [16:54] meway: man fdisk will give you more information about it. [16:54] anodesni: (Guessing you're talking to me), I only have one user on this machine. [16:54] meway: fdisk is a command for finding/partitioning drives. the "-l" will list all the drives it knows about [16:54] Halitech, fccf, ok that worked, but FYI i have two in the list, thunderbird and mozailla thunderbird, thuinderbird worked, might i suggest someone please update the bot, the thread it links to on this subject is 4 years old [16:54] NumberOfTargets = 18 <-- how would i make the 18 a value from 0 -99 [16:54] FFEMTcJ: duh, I was doing "last first", gave you the wrong order. sort -k1 file | sort -k2 works right? [16:54] ok so it show me about 8 drives 0.o brb [16:54] hi all [16:55] (its a server lol) [16:55] outlook meeting requests.. what do i need to make them work all the time... i'm using evolution and managed to get them to work half the time, but still some come through just text [16:55] what is the best way to install a LiveCD image onto a compact flash card? [16:55] Victor1, you can make a new one, check if the themes are there, remove the user again. If the themes are there, you should clear the config files of gnome, the .gnome2 folder, however, you will loose all other settings too! [16:55] (not the server version of ubuntu) lol [16:55] how can I save my ccsm (compiz) configs to recover them later ? [16:56] Victor1, better is to rename the .gnome2 folder and see if the themes are back [16:56] raeldenk: in ccsm, probably general options, you can export [16:56] i do 'dpkg -l' and i see a packet notice 'rc' instead of 'ii' , what does it means ? [16:56] thanks guys [16:56] meway: Remember that when it lists something like sda1 sda2 sda3 and such, those are just partitions of the same drive (sda in this case) [16:56] ashmew2: thanks anyways [16:56] VCoolio, i'll see [16:56] ashmew2: will do with webmessenger for now [16:56] Anodesni: will try. Might this have something to do with that I built & tried gnome-shell? [16:57] suman_ , well if you have computer specs , you could also look into VirtualBox [16:57] Victor1, I'm almost certain it does [16:57] it said invalid option -- '1' and than some giberish underneath that [16:57] suman_ , so you could actually use any windows application , except heavy games , on Linux [16:57] meway, its a lowercase L, not the number 1 [16:57] ashmew2: i do have virtual box.. but it hogs the memory.. [16:57] oh ok lol [16:58] thank you that one worked now let me c if i can figure this out [16:58] Hello. There is no module usbserial in my ubuntu. is there some pretty way to add vendor and product code, instead of adding it to kernel parameters? [16:58] suman_ , i have 4 GB of ram , so i just use VirtualBox on one side of the CompizBeryl cube and Ubuntu on the other three cubes ;).. [16:58] stanworld: it was once installed, but removed and now only config files are there [16:59] fenixk19: what device are you trying to install? [16:59] ashmew2: i have 3 GB.. but usually, i am doing some development and running localservers so dont have much of memory left [16:59] im not useing any partions there are 8 seprate drives in there ;) [16:59] usb modem [16:59] ok.. finally, should have a real nick now... ok.. anyone seen a properly working solution to evolution and outlook meeting requests? [16:59] VCoolio : i want remove it completeled, even config files, how to do ? [16:59] ashmew2: and i am on dell inspiron1525, and the intel graphics sucks [16:59] stanworld: apt-get purge [16:59] thanks [16:59] fenixk19: be more spacific... 3G? [16:59] stanworld: FYI, that will not remove per-user configurations, such as files and paths under your $home [17:00] _suman ,hehe , yeah the onboard stuff is not very umm.."persuasive".. are you from india as well ? [17:00] yes, Airplus MCD-650 CDMA 3G. [17:00] Pici: but is that what "rc" in "dpkg -l" mentions? [17:01] vendor 1011 product 3198 [17:01] i need it to be recognized as usb modem [17:01] and i don't want to change kernel parameters [17:02] VCoolio, it's in preference tab at left [17:02] Halitech ok now that i have done that how do get to that drives dir i need to get in it to delet a program the fdisk -l did not help me much [17:02] I am unable to use the desktop effects(compiz) in my ubuntu system.I am unable to know why. please help me. I am using the default intel graphic card and my ubuntu version is 9.04. Please help me friends. [17:02] Hello! I found a bug in the Ubuntu patch 11.36 to the 2.6.31 kernel. It is related to the LIRC module (an "include" file missing bug). How do I file a bug report? [17:02] VCoolio, there you can exporte the compiz config [17:02] I am getting error as Desktop effects can not be enabled. [17:02] fenixk19: as I understand it ... usbserial is compiled under the latest jaunty update, it may not be in the disk install version... You shouldn't have to change anything ... just sudo modprobe usbserial [17:02] raeldenk: ok well, use that, it worked for me once [17:03] Halitech well not a program just any files [17:03] :) [17:03] Once I have edited /etc/hosts what do I do to make the changes effective? [17:03] fccf: it says module not found [17:03] lucky__: is there no more info in the error that "error"? [17:03] scream its effective immediately [17:04] when i launch another X screen, i can't hear sound on the second one coming from the first one, but i can hear sound from the second one when i'm on the first one; how do i fix it? [17:04] fenixk19: have you updated? what version of ubuntu are you running? === starcraftman is now known as star-devil [17:04] lucky__: there is a forum thread devoted to that question, you could try that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=799070 [17:05] fccf: i'am using eeebuntu 3.0.1 with latest updates [17:05] !bugs | mo0nykit [17:05] mo0nykit: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [17:06] how do you patch in something? [17:06] thanks fccf [17:07] hi there, I wanted to upgrade my harddrive in my laptop. It has Ubuntu 9.04. Is there any hard drive cloning software ? [17:07] kate_: with the patch command. Want to be more specific? [17:07] i' [17:08] fenixk19: eeebuntu is actually a derevitave version, and technically isn't supported here ... try #ubuntu-eeepc , you may have to wait a while [17:08] Can someone help me acces one of my seprated drives files ?? [17:08] ok, thanks [17:08] meway: just ask your question [17:09] sorry, i'm trying to compile ardour2.8 and have received this error msg: scons: *** [libs/ardour/audio_diskstream.os] Error 1 [17:09] scons: building terminated because of errors. i found a patch to fix it but i've never used this command before [17:10] Ronas: you can do it all from the live CD, boot with that and use dd or gparted to copy the partitions over... you will need some way to connect both drives though [17:10] jrib (was pretty self explanitory) how do i acces a drive my user dose not have access to i am root idk how to delete the files off of it or get the dir on the terminal [17:10] whats the technique to have a java applet run in a tmpfs ? [17:10] kate_, use a pastebin and post the entire output [17:11] meway: Can you please try to use proper punctuation? It makes it easier to understand what you are doing. What filesystem? Are you using a live cd or is this a proper install? [17:11] meway: is the drive mounting ... you will find it in /media [17:11] how can i acess teh builtin cmopiz manager ? [17:11] I think I've done something wrong, this does not restart my networking instead I get... [17:11] jon@cloud:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [17:11] [sudo] password for jon: [17:11] * Reconfiguring network interfaces... Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0. [17:11] !ccsm | dassouki [17:11] scream: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:11] dassouki: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz [17:12] sorry about that, ok. [17:12] fccf: thanks [17:12] fccf thank you thats exactly what im looking for ;) [17:12] kate_: instead of compiling you can get the ardour 2.8.2 deb file here http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=ardour [17:12] Why are we ignoring unknown interface, have I a misconfiguration? [17:12] is there a way i can automatically enable twinview whenver i connect my monitor [17:12] I'm stuck in console mode because compiz froze when I ran tsclient. How do I reload compiz ( without restarting X, hopefully ) from console? [17:13] scream-> you may have a misconfig, kindly man interfaces [17:13] I just installed ubuntu on a dell laptop - first time I have ever install on a dell or a laptop - and it seems that there is no graphics driver installed, and it doesn't seem that I need one. Is this right to assume? [17:13] compiz --replace complains that it can't find X. [17:13] rmbol, reviewing === myself is now known as Guest60587 [17:14] How can I add a self-signed TLS/HTTPS certificate to the trusted store for all users of a system? [17:14] cognitiaclaeves_: I'm not even sure what my nick is or if centerim notifies on response... === soulnet-4 is now known as bayu [17:15] hi everybody, does any of you can help me with keyboard connected via usb adaptor which doesn't work? Thakns in advance [17:15] !details | Guest60587 [17:15] Guest60587: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [17:15] I want to enable compiz btw and I can't. But still in 'hardware drivers' there no graphics driver to install. [17:15] UKtour: depending on what card it has, which it does ... you can find out exactly what it has by typing 'lspci' into a terminal and look for the video device ... If and only if it is a 'nvidia' or 'ati' card will you need to install drivers [17:15] How do I reload compiz from outside of X? ( As in ctrl-alt-F1 ) ? [17:15] helo does anyone know how to connect to windows using ssh i alredy have putty [17:16] ok thanks fccf [17:16] i typed in sudo and it told me its a read only file still is there a reason why permssions are still denied? [17:16] Can someone tell me what my nick is? I'm not sure if I was successful in changing it or not. [17:16] cognitiaclaeves_: [17:16] aaron11: connecting to windows you'll need a ssh-server running in win [17:16] Thanks, fccf. [17:16] will putty do llutz [17:17] aaron11: putty is a client [17:17] >_< === zz_fahadsadah is now known as fahadsadah [17:17] Ok, now that I've established that my messages are actually going out, no one knows how to reload a window manager from outside of console? [17:17] What command do I use to open up a new Nautilus window in keyboard shortcuts? "nautilus" doesn't work? [17:17] meway: see fstab [17:17] aaron11: search for something like freesshd [17:17] !fstab | meway [17:17] meway: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions === star-devil is now known as starcraftman [17:17] cognitiaclaeves_: You mean like Ctrl+Alt+Backspace? [17:17] err... outside of X, from console. [17:17] cognitiaclaeves_: gdm or kdm? [17:17] /etc/init.d/gdm restart [17:18] If it's kdm, same thing, s/g/k/ [17:18] cognitiaclaeves_: just the window manager, or the desktop manager? [17:18] Don't want to kill X. Does that kill X? [17:18] Yes [17:18] cognitiaclaeves_: yes. [17:18] llutz: ok one more question how do i connect to a linux computer using windows (putt7 [17:18] y [17:18] cognitiaclaeves_: `DISPLAY=0 metacity --replace` is what you want probably. [17:18] fccf: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72M [GeForce Go 7400] - but still it doesn't have an option to install a nvidia card? [17:18] !ssh | aaron11 [17:18] aaron11: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [17:18] aaron11: make sure ssh runs on linux-pc, connect to it from putty [17:18] aaron11: use puttySSH [17:19] Thanks. I think that's what I want. :) [17:19] hi everyone , please i want to install a package in ubuntu any one can help me ? [17:19] !ask | RosaNet [17:19] RosaNet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:19] !synaptic | RosaNet [17:19] RosaNet: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [17:19] Lutoma: i alredy have oppenssh but i dont know what to type in the hostname box in putty [17:19] sorry [17:20] aaron11: use linux-box ip-adress [17:20] aaron11: is your linux box publicly accessable, or are you in the same network as your windows PC? [17:20] aaron11: use the IP as llutz said. [17:20] I have hp dv9500, I tried to connect external ps2 keyboard via usb adapter on Ubuntu 9.04, but unsuccessful, and I do not have in bios option whcih lets ons usb legacy support, can someone help mi to get trough with it? [17:20] let me try restart - perhaps it will allow me to install the driver then [17:20] legend2440, i receive the same error msg when trying to set up the deb file [17:21] lfaraone: yes my windows computer is on the sam network [17:22] kate_: you using Jaunty? [17:22] UKtour: in synaptic you will need to enable the universe and restricted repositories and install nvidia-glx [17:22] anyone? [17:22] ubottu:i don t have internet , because i have a modem 3g it don t work in ubuntu they tell me that i must install gnome-ppp but it will not works with sudo aptitude install gnome-ppp [17:22] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:23] What command do I use to open up a new Nautilus window in Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts? [17:23] lfaraone: windows comp is on my network [17:23] RosaNet: do you have the Universe repo enabled? [17:24] Guest60587: the computer probably won't support that configuation, most of the ps2=usb adaptors are for a mouse only [17:24] aaron11: use the ip-address of your linux-box as hostname [17:24] iskin: nautilus [17:24] rmbol, I've scanned it and taken a look at the interfaces file. I don't understand. I expanded my question including some pastes here... [17:24] https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/84154 [17:24] Vcoolio, that doesn't work. [17:24] legend2440: :o i don't know it [17:24] does anyone have an idea as to how ubuntu manages sound sharing through different virtual terminals? [17:25] llutz: so i type aaronvarghese@ [17:25] DISPLAY=0 metacity --replace tells me "Unable to open X display 0" ... does that mean X is actually gone? ( I can move my mouse after CTRL-ALT-F7 ) [17:25] iskin: nautilus /path/to/whatever [17:25] I've got hp dv9500, I tried to connect external ps2 keyboard via usb adapter on Ubuntu 9.04, but unsuccessful, and I do not have in bios option which lets on usb legacy support, is there any chance to get it work? [17:25] aaron11: not sure if putty supports usernames there, but try it [17:26] VCoolio, thanks. [17:26] RosaNet: open System>Administration >Software Sources and see if there is checmark next to Universe (the second one down) [17:26] Guest60587: that will not work... those USB adaptors are for ps2 mouse only ... buy a USB kb [17:26] how can I force Vesa driver on boot? [17:26] Guest60587: Try a USB keyboard. When doesn't it work - BIOS, console, X? [17:26] legend2440, [17:26] yes i am [17:27] scream-> you may have a misconfig, kindly man interfaces.. you have read the man pages yet? [17:27] kate_: can you paste the error message [17:27] !paste [17:27] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [17:27] Lint-> try vga=vesa on grub [17:27] so there is no chance to get it work? [17:27] legend2440:ok i will see , i must reboot my computer because now i work in windows XP thank you very much [17:28] Is anyone here on time-warner cable? if so, could you ping www.myopenid.com and see if you get a response? I have an odd feeling that TWC is blocking it for some reason... [17:28] Guest60587: not like that ... get a real keyboard USB only [17:28] rmbol, I've scanned it [the man pages] [17:28] legend2440, scons: *** [libs/ardour/audio_diskstream.os] Error 1 [17:28] scons: building terminated because of errors. [17:28] I'll be honest... I'm not that good at this. I'm not asking for the solution... just a pointer if possible. I thank you for what you do. :) [17:28] thanks guys! [17:28] scream-> then if not enuff for you, you can do a tutorial, google for ubuntu+interfaces [17:29] rmbol, ubuntu is still a bit new to me. [17:29] savid: i'm on Roadrunner and that link works here [17:29] ok [17:29] scream-> also what what was your goal? how many nics do you have in your pc? [17:30] savid: I think you should call the TWC NOC and have them fix that ( that would be a net neutrality issue ) [17:30] Flannel, is there a way to set the resolution of the cli video playback? [17:30] kate_: did you try the ardour package thats in Synaptic? [17:30] rmbol, I have two nics, my goal was to have the laptop access the internet via this PC... but I don't need that anymore. I'm attempting to undo the mess. [17:30] I only use one nic, the eth0 [17:30] legend2440, yes, i thought 2.8 looked better [17:31] it runs fine in a terminal inside x server but it doesn't show correctly in console mode [17:31] kate_: did the one in Synaptic work? [17:31] scream -> remove the other nic physically, and have an entry in your /etc/network/interfaces file for the remaining nic [17:31] legend2440, yes i have used it but it's not very user friendly and i couldn't find an equalizer for it [17:32] fccf, yeah it's weird, I can't ping from two separate computers on two separate LANs, both use local TWC.. it seems it works using other ISPs [17:32] rmbol, ok [17:33] kate_: read post #5 and 6. appears someone else had same problem http://ardour.org/node/2715 [17:33] Hi. I'm trying to move from one computer to another and I'm copying files from the old system to the new one ... When I drag a folder into /var/lib/ It tells me I do not have permission to write to this directory... I don't want to run nautilus as root every time I need to copy a file into a protected area. is there any way to have the system prompt me for password when I try and do these copies ? [17:33] rmbol, you know what I just realized... there are only two lines (both referencing lo) so I don't think that eth0 is even defined. [17:33] Which makes me question, why the network manager did not fix that, and how am I even able to connect. [17:34] whats the technique to have a java applet run in a tmpfs so it will just stay in ram? [17:34] It should ask me for root password, and then do the copy imo [17:34] I'm going to remove the other nic physically now. [17:34] legend2440, i have looked at this thread, they recommend a patch and i don't know how to do this [17:34] kate_: sorry i've never tried ardour [17:35] legend2440, well thanks for your help, i'll keep poking around [17:35] hello [17:36] i am thinking of making my netbook "dual boot" linux [17:36] but i don't think i'm clear on what dual booting is [17:36] i am trying to run brightside, it doesnt show an UI to configure it, i have even tried running from command, nothing appears after minutes... [17:36] !dualboot | mucus [17:36] mucus: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [17:36] mucus, its having multiple os in ur grub boot menu [17:36] llutz: actualy where do you download freesshd [17:37] hey guys! Good morning! [17:37] !hi | dbugger [17:37] dbugger: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [17:37] grub? [17:37] dbugger [17:37] dbugger: g'd afternoon :) [17:37] when i launch another X screen, i can't hear sound on the second one coming from the first one, but i can hear sound from the second one when i'm on the first one; how do i fix it? [17:37] aaron11: ask google plz [17:37] Can someone please tell me what good text editor I could use to edit my HTML files that I have remotely stored in my webserver? [17:37] mucus: the bootloader / boot manager [17:37] ah ok [17:37] but they don't boot in tandem [17:37] dbugger, i use quanta [17:37] yes? [17:38] nope [17:38] Rings a bell, im gonna check it out [17:38] mucus, if you have multiple os installed in your hard drive, run update-grub from ubuntu to add all os in the boot menu [17:38] mucus: unix likes funny abbrevs. grub is short for Grand Unified Bootloader [17:38] yiiipi! Nielsen, 60 MB! :D [17:39] what is the most light weight and graphic linux? [17:39] it's for a ssd netbook [17:39] mucus, dsl [17:39] dsl? the build called ds? [17:39] dsl [17:39] damn small linux [17:39] dsl=damn small linux [17:39] mucus: how much space do you have / what netbook is that ? [17:39] dbugger: perhaps scream > although I'm checking to see if it can connect remotely ... usually I keep a local copy and push to the server [17:39] i have a 32 sdhc that i keep in it, and a 16 onboard [17:40] dbugger: that's screem [17:40] i was gonna make the sdhc my secondarry boot [17:40] fccf, screem crashes like crazy [17:40] mucus: so i'd simply buy, say another 16 gb sdhc and install a linix to that [17:40] i've tried mandriva, it was too buggy for my tastes, and i think i've looked at mint as well [17:40] i am gonna use the 32 for the dual boot [17:40] I don't suppose anyone in the dallas area is on TWC? === Rockj_ is now known as Rockj [17:41] dbugger: it doesn't on hardy ... that's what you get when you want bleeding edge [17:41] hi [17:41] !nbr | mucus [17:41] mucus: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu [17:41] Mucus: how experienced are you? [17:41] fccf, my experience with screem was in Hardy :) [17:41] !hi | koopa_ [17:41] koopa_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [17:42] maybe intrepid [17:42] savid: enter the url here and see what it says http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ [17:42] dbugger: hmmm, could be fixed now... another option would be bluefish < more of a code editor though [17:42] Irick|Netbook: at what? [17:42] i have a little problem, i want to install nvclock on my ubuntu, but they said x11 is req [17:42] I was looking someething like Coda os OS X [17:42] mucus: with linux in general. [17:42] legend2440, yeah, I've seen that. The problem is I've confirmed it's down from two separate LANs that are both on TWC [17:42] less than i know about macs [17:43] mucus: although you might look at easypeasy as well http://www.geteasypeasy.com/ [17:43] and i am a windows die hard to say [17:43] like i said [17:43] legend2440, one's on TWC business, the other on TWC residential [17:43] i've treid and mostly dislike mandriva [17:43] why doesn't GIMP have a simple tool to make a rectangle? (not a rectangle SELECT area, but just a damned rectangle) and if there's a way to make it have one, how do I do it? [17:43] Mucus: what kind of netbook are you using? [17:43] i've booted mint 1 time [17:43] eee900 [17:43] mucus, ubuntu netbook remix is great for eeepc [17:43] ChrizC, Gimp cant compare to photoshop sadl [17:44] i'd agree, the UNR is great on eepc. it just works. [17:44] savid: i'm on Roadrunner in New York and that adress worked here. not sure whats going on [17:44] dbugger: I don't wish it to, I just want to draw a damned rectangle. [17:44] is that on ubuntu's site? [17:44] mucus, yes [17:44] ChrizC: you want an open rectangle frame ... select a rectangle, de-select a rectangle inside of it and fill [17:44] !g ubuntu netbook [17:44] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:44] ChrizC, now you know why it cant compete :D [17:44] Mucus: yes it is [17:44] PS cant draw rectangle too [17:44] !unr | mucus [17:44] mucus: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu [17:44] if U want to draw vectors use inkscape [17:44] lols ubottu [17:44] gimp is image manipulation program [17:44] yes,I think so [17:45] mucus: see the !nbr factoid ubottu gave you [17:45] !tab | mikla [17:45] mikla: You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [17:45] hey all [17:45] http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download-netbook in case you're lazy :P [17:45] fccf, cba [17:45] !who [17:45] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [17:45] yes stefg i'm looking there now [17:46] mucus, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-netbook [17:46] !help [17:46] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:46] if anyone needs stickers for thier machine, heade over to http://www.smouselinux.com === vel is now known as Guest82921 [17:46] legend2440, check out two different traceroutes from two different lans: http://dpaste.com/99422/ [17:46] hi, where can i set up some advanced sound options? my bass is to great [17:46] ! [17:47] fccf and dbugger; I've figured it out, just select a rectangular area, then go to selection editor, then go to "paint along the selection outline" and then do that xD [17:47] pw-toxic: gnome-volume-control ? [17:47] mucus: and for (slow) ssd there's some tweaks which can boost performance a bit... e.g. using xfs as filesystem and putting /tmp to a tmpfs [17:47] ChrizC, that's quite intuitive :D [17:47] dbugger: :P [17:48] do i convert the img to an iso? [17:48] If I told you how much i suffer just to change the background color :P [17:48] VCoolio, where can i find this? [17:48] hi [17:48] pw-toxic: it's also somewhere in system menus, but do alt+f2 and run it [17:48] ChrizC: that's one way to do it [17:48] mucus: no, you transfer it to a usb thum drive as is ... in linux it'S done with the dd command [17:49] i'm putting it on sdhc, but that should matter.... dd command? [17:49] VCoolio, hm you can only adjust volume there ;( [17:49] What's really sucky is that there are no good leaning docs for Gimp === bluebottle is now known as Guest54187 [17:49] mucus: you don't, the unr img is designed to be put on a usb stick [17:49] still in good ol stable vista here [17:49] i want to run from an sdhc [17:49] hey has somebody had problems with tomboy? need some help.. [17:49] mucus: you need a source and a target... if the sdhc is the traget you gotta use a usb stick as installation medium [17:50] dbugger: Um... http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ [17:50] pw-toxic: ok, check system > preferences > sound maybe that gives options; also you can set there what volumes you wish to control with volume-control iirc [17:50] mucus, it will run from sdhc, your computer treats it like a usb flash [17:50] genii, but there are no tutorials over there about the basics of GIMP. These are tutorials to accomplish determinate goals [17:50] that's what i thought Irick|Netbook [17:50] VCoolio, hm i know all these... i was hoping there was something more advanced.. you have to know that i own a X-FI soundcard ;) [17:50] im in the process of setting up an openvpn server on my router, and i think that part's done, so i need to set it up so i can connect from my ubuntu 9.04 client. i'm using x509 keys but i have no idea where to set it up [17:51] savid: try this [17:51] pw-toxic: pulse or alsa? [17:51] legend2440, nope. I can't even ping that IP [17:51] VCoolio, eh how do i find out? i just konw that i have installed the proprietary creative drivers which are kinda new [17:51] then i can put on say an external hard drive, boot up in linux, install os to the sdhc, restart, set dual boot from where? [17:51] dbugger: The Lite_Quickies part covers some of that [17:51] savid: strange. i can ping it [17:52] I am having trouble installing the nvidia drivers so i can use desktop effects, i have an nvidia 8600, and when i go to device manager it says there are no proprietry drivers, but on the live cd it sees 2. Any ides? [17:52] legend2440: that goes to https://myopenid.com for me [17:52] genii, seems quite insuficiento to me [17:52] Irick|Netbook, mucus . you cant't put it to the same sdhc that you want to install to. The internal ssd is already occupid with windows [17:52] pw-toxic: then it's the default ubuntu sound, which is pulse. Too bad, I had a alsa-config in which you could dim bass [17:52] right [17:52] so i put it on an external hdd [17:52] install to sdhc [17:52] leave sdd alone [17:52] VCoolio, you know good drivers for my x-fi? ;) [17:52] pw-toxic: try to find a pulse audio config file in which you can tweak stuff [17:52] VCoolio, i guess x-fi only works with the ones from crreative [17:52] legend2440, yeah.. did you see the traceroutes I did? really strange. http://dpaste.com/99422/ [17:52] Anyone who is using moblin remix? [17:53] legend2440, I can load the website just fine on my 3G phone :-P [17:53] im in the process of setting up an openvpn server on my router, and i think that part's done, so i need to set it up so i can connect from my ubuntu 9.04 client. i'm using x509 keys but i have no idea where to set it up. in 'network connections' all the buttons in the 'vpn' tab are disabled [17:53] pw-toxic: not really, there are sites for that [17:53] mucus: https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/+download [17:53] dbugger: You may find more useful then: http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html [17:53] VCoolio, when i open the volume manager i can choose the device, that it says "Creative X-FI (Alsa Mixer) [17:53] is there something for linux like nlite or vlite to make custom live cds??? [17:54] fccf what am i looking at here? [17:54] pw-toxic: alsa is a different way to manage sound in ubuntu, some prefer that; there is also oss but pulse-audio is default [17:54] anyone that can help me with tomboy in ubuntu 9.04?? [17:54] SockPants: when i click on https://myopenid.com/ i get box saying This Connection is Untrusted [17:54] how do I get kdesktop? rdesktop seems to have long-standing (2-3 years) issues of freezing. [17:54] redsoxking1: there's tons of guides on the net on how to make your own custom ubuntu CD [17:54] pw-toxic: to switch to another is a bit complex, I don't want to screw your box [17:54] stefg: one moment, i happen to have it on my sdhd, i'll see if the live image is usable as a normal distro. [17:54] legend2440: no clue, just saying that's where the ip went when i clicked it [17:54] genii, now this loos much more interesting :) [17:54] mucus: that is the program that will install the .img to a thumbdrive so it will boot on the netbook [17:54] VCoolio, hm i think i'll try to fix this by hardware [17:54] I am having trouble installing the nvidia drivers so i can use desktop effects, i have an nvidia 8600, and when i go to device manager it says there are no proprietry drivers, but on the live cd it sees 2. Any ideas? [17:55] legend2440: fyi i didnt get any messages... [17:55] stefg: do you know of a good one to use? [17:55] anyone that can help me with tomboy in ubuntu 9.04?? [17:55] again, not using a tuhmbdrive here [17:55] external hdd [17:55] savid: so you think TWC is blocking that site? [17:55] mucus: and you are installing to a netbook? [17:55] redsoxking1: http://uck.sourceforge.net/ is quite popular [17:56] thank you stefg === sleeping`dragon is now known as error404notfound [17:56] yessir [17:56] VCoolio, thanks for you help [17:56] r [17:56] anyone that can help me with tomboy in ubuntu 9.04?? it wont open.. [17:56] legend2440, it doesn't make sense... or maybe just a bug somewhere in the chain of servers [17:57] savid: if you call them can they confirm it works in your area? [17:57] diegoxmt: Have you tried running it from terminal? [17:57] can anyone tell me how to get gnome-open to use firefox-3.5 (shiretoko) on jaunty? [17:57] it's just about the only thing that still uses ff3.0 on my system [17:57] are you guys just suggesting unr cuz this is ubuntu chat, or is it seriously decent? [17:57] MasterofPuppets: no i haven't let me try [17:57] in particular gnome-open x.html [17:57] diegoxmt: Alright [17:57] I am having trouble installing the nvidia drivers so i can use desktop effects, i have an nvidia 8600, and when i go to device manager it says there are no proprietry drivers, but on the live cd it sees 2. Any ideas of why it would do that? [17:58] genii, oh my god, look at the interface of this tutorial! This is version 0.1! :O [17:58] I need help with sharing a printer. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04, and have the printer set to share. I can share it to another Ubuntu computer, but Vista does not see the printer. Do I need to do something special to get it to work? I've been searching for days [17:58] mucus: there are a couple of options for you, A: go get a thumbdrive (like less than $20 now) B: use the regular disk and your desktop computer to install to the external drive before plugging into the netbook [17:58] know what, never mind, i figured it out. it was too obvious [17:58] MasterofPuppets: noup nothing.. [17:58] Aceking, did you share it using samba? [17:58] fccf i can easily do the latter of the two [17:58] dbugger: Still useful though [17:58] can't i just install it as a boot image to my external hdd? [17:58] MFen: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser ? [17:58] Silverwing: No [17:59] set the hdd as master in my boot options, then install the os from there onto the sdhc? [17:59] diegoxmt: Try running it as root, that runs it without any appearance modifiers [17:59] Aceking, you should. Samba sharing is for sharing with windows networks too. [17:59] MFen: system > preferences > preferred applications, set ff3.5 as default browser [17:59] how do i search for some files and sort them by dates ? [17:59] MasterofPuppets: ok let me try that [17:59] MFen: ah you found it, nvm [17:59] Silverwing: I'm still new to Ubuntu.. Is Samba difficult to setup? [17:59] mucus: just install to the external disk and make sure it puts grub on it ... don't let advanced options pass you by.. as this is where you will tell it to install grub to [18:00] can anyone tell me why lsof wouldn't return any results when run from cron as root? [18:00] !samba | AceKing [18:00] AceKing: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [18:00] AceKing, if you follow the wiki i guess you can do it [18:00] diegoxmt: Ok :) [18:00] mucus: if you mess up it will clear the MBR for you vista [18:00] evening all [18:00] that's sounds awful [18:00] Ok, thanks [18:00] i understand how to use the find command to match for filenames - how can i do the same for directory names? [18:00] ok [18:00] anyone help setting up a vpn connection? [18:00] i got it [18:01] mucus: can be, but if you watch out for the advanced options you will be alright [18:01] i'll be back later to report my findings [18:01] MasterofPuppets: it doesn't open but it gives me this error... Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates [18:01] a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries [18:01] used by your application. [18:01] how to I force X to use the vesa driver ? === Fake511 is now known as Fake51 [18:02] joaopinto: at the grub line add vga=vesa [18:02] diegoxmt: Ok, check system monitor and end its instance [18:02] fccf, that is for the boot textmode, not for Xserver [18:03] joaopinto: lets see.. what kind of graphics card do you have? [18:03] fccf, intel mobile something [18:03] What's the git equivalent of svn update? [18:03] I want to triage a bug, I want to use versa instead of the intel driver [18:04] when i launch another X screen, i can't hear sound on the second one coming from the first one, but i can hear sound from the second one when i'm on the first one; how do i fix it? [18:05] joaopinto: hate to ruin your parade but there is a regression in the intel drivers in jaunty, it isn't a bug, it is a regression, which means developers are already very aware of the sitiuation [18:05] !intel | joaopinto [18:05] joaopinto: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. [18:05] Devrethman: git pull [18:05] !git | Devrethman [18:05] Devrethman: Git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software) [18:05] joaopinto: have you tries editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/280529/ [18:05] steffan: thanks. [18:06] GIMP is reatarded :/ === io is now known as Guest51813 [18:06] retarded* [18:06] GIMP is awesome. [18:06] fccf, thanks but that really doesn't answer my question :) [18:06] legend2440, will try it [18:06] Devrethman: http://git.or.cz/course/svn.html might interest you if you have moved from subversion to git [18:06] Devrethman: explain to me how it is awesome, when I ask it to give my rectangle a grey border, and it decides to give my rectangle a blue border. [18:06] joaopinto: back up old xorg.conf first though [18:07] I had the impression that the driver option was ignored by the current xorg [18:07] Guest51813 [18:07] I haven't, I'm just trying to checkout wine from git, and most other programs I use development versions of are SVN. [18:07] joaopinto: old info ... still works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=594847 [18:08] ciao [18:08] Devrethman: either way, if you're going to be using git that URL will give you a good idea of the comparison of commands [18:08] Guest51813: hello and welcome [18:08] Steffan: Thanks, I'll check it out. [18:09] * biczd ola [18:09] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ is this alright to use to setup my unr? [18:10] mucus: use the regular .iso, burn a disk, boot from CD, install to External.... you don't need that [18:11] hang on [18:11] here's an idea [18:12] hi [18:12] no wait it won't work [18:12] jelle: Hi Welcome to Ubuntu support [18:12] Is it possible to let windows and linux run simultaneously? no virtualization or anything, just sorta put linux to sleep when starting windows and wake it up when windows shuts down, or do I have to restart the comp everytime I want to get into windows that way? [18:13] civixier: AFAIK you have to reboot, there might be some strange shenanigans with kexec that you could do, but it seems a bit far-fetched. [18:13] civixer: nope, unless you virtualize you have to reboot ... unless you have 2 computers and a KVM [18:13] does asys make it's own linux? === |boozary is now known as Mohammad[B] [18:13] asus [18:13] ciao a tutti ho un problema con l'audio e nn so che fare uso ubuntu 9.04 su un hp pavilion dv6 1020el e kiedo aiuto [18:14] hi evrybody i want to know how to inunstall an app in linux (apt-get install app to add how to remove !!!???)??? [18:14] mucus: yeah, it is called xandros , on the origional eeepc [18:14] megabraker, apt-get remove [18:14] is it graphic or command line? [18:14] mucus: graphic of course [18:14] !fr | Guest51813 [18:14] !software | megabraker [18:14] Guest51813: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [18:14] megabraker: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [18:14] I'm wondering if there are any users who have experience with ipod managing under jaunty. I have a ipod 80 gig classic and have tried songbird witch worked, but when my library changed, songbird could not update my ipod, it just deleted everything. Banshee has problems writing the database on my ipod so the files are on there and there is no database. I would like to use a tool that just adds the new files, syncing, not manage my song [18:15] Devrethnab abd fccf > Thanks for answering, now I have some knowledge :) [18:15] robbmunson: you insensensitive clod:-) that's italian [18:15] jelle, that's what you get for owning an apple product and trying to use it on linux ;) [18:15] * robbmunson was guessing :( [18:15] small cifs mount problem. anyone free to assist? [18:15] jelle: gtkpod ? [18:15] !ipod > jelle [18:16] jelle, please see my private message [18:16] ok [18:16] !it | Guest51813 [18:16] Guest51813: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [18:16] i need command line [18:16] i need command line [18:16] megabraker: me to [18:16] !CLI [18:16] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [18:16] erUSUL, when i use gtkpod, i can't sync my ipod, or so it seems === FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat [18:17] how i can download rapidshare files (free and without account) with terminal and command line ? [18:17] In virtualbox, is it possible to export an os to an empty partition? [18:17] Mohammad[B]: plowshare [18:17] ?????? [18:17] jelle: :| can not help further... try rthymbox i guess [18:17] ~ [18:17] salam mohamed [18:17] how can make spell check in xchat? [18:17] ;5~ [18:17] megabraker: sudo apt-get remove packagename [18:17] is rythmbox able to manage an ipod? [18:18] civixier: yes, but that's a question for #virtualbox [18:18] salam mohammad[b] [18:18] jelle, in my experiences it is somewhat decent in doing this, its not perfect but it works. [18:18] ok thanks fccf [18:18] i want to get a really really lightweight linux mainly for websurfing type stuff..... [18:18] stefg, oh sorry, my mistake [18:18] cruncheee? [18:18] megabraker, hi, what's your language ? [18:18] rubbmunson, what rythmbox? [18:18] Hey guys, I already posted on this issue I'm having with my motherboard. I'm getting intermittent segfaults on my machine (it can be on any prog: php, pidgin, firefox, mdadm, etc). I have run memtest -- no errors. I have run fsck on my / and /home partitions -- no errors. Is it the motherboard? What else can I do to troubleshoot these problems? [18:18] jelle: i think that it has a pluguin like banshee... but not really sure [18:19] jelle, yes I speak of rhythmbox [18:19] anyone here experianced with updating firefox for 9.04 jaunty [18:19] erUSUL, ill check [18:19] robbmunson ok [18:19] sheepsy1: /var/log/*.* could keep you up at night [18:19] fccf should i try cruncheee if i want to go lighter than unr? [18:19] civixier: it's a side-effect of the vmdk support introduced in Virtualbox 3 ... but i think it's not worth to do so. [18:19] fccf: What do you mean by that? [18:19] It is hard to manage an ipod to really sync it with the directories on your pc. [18:20] mucus: not my subject matter, I'd ask in #ubuntu-eeepc [18:20] can someone help me with upgrading my firefox in 9.04 [18:21] stefg, then a fresh install it is, thanks for your advice [18:21] sheepsy1: what I meant was, essentially ... have you looked (investigated) at your logs? [18:21] fccf: I have. That is where I saw the segfaults. But that's pretty much it for suspicious activity. [18:21] mohsen [18:21] I have a problem getting Temrinal to show web page source in a correct manner. If the encoding is urf-8 it works just fine, but not if it's latin-1. If I encode using tsc or iconv then the other one begin to fail (utf-8 and latin-1) [18:21] hoop: do you want firefox 3.0 or firefox 3.5 shiretoko ... there is a big difference [18:22] hi [18:22] robbmunson, erUSUL, it is also to manual manage your ipod [18:22] help me [18:22] firefox 3.5 [18:22] sheepsy1: what file was the segfault in [18:22] i need command line chat for ubuntu/. [18:22] !ff35 | hoop [18:22] hoop: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [18:22] mohsen: irssi; weechat [18:22] salam mohsen [18:22] civixier: if you have a physical win partition i'd try to have a backup of it and restore it into a virtual machine. you might have a 60-70% chance that it'll work [18:22] jelle: sorry? did not undetrtand the last you said... [18:23] salam [18:23] man command line chat mikham [18:23] does someone have problems with tomboy in 9.04? i wont open.. [18:23] pidginam ham login nemishe too yahoo :( [18:23] erUSUL, i said that it is also to manual manga your ipod, not to sync it [18:23] fccf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/280556/ [18:23] does someone have problems with tomboy in 9.04? i wont open.. heeeeeelp === SpacePigeon is now known as Wolter [18:23] fccf: I even got a gdb segfault when I tried to debug firefox. [18:24] erUSUL, I'll try again with songbird, and see what happens, else I will have to drive to work without music again :-) [18:24] I try to convert the encoding from latin-1 to utf-8 using tcs -f utf but then the characters changes into some strange symbols. [18:24] command line chat plz???????????????? [18:24] I am using screen atm. I chose the 'plain' profile and wish to switch to ubuntu-light [18:24] jelle: ok; good luck [18:24] i can't access menu to change [18:24] erUSUL, thanks :) [18:24] does someone have problems with tomboy in 9.04? i wont open.. heeelp [18:24] and I don't want to restart this screen session [18:24] diegoxmt: it works fine here [18:24] how do you change screen profile on the fly [18:24] there was something that mentioned 'ctrl-a ~' [18:24] Why isn't it possible to convert latin-1 into utf-8 using tcs -f utf? [18:24] when i launch another X screen, i can't hear sound on the second one coming from the first one, but i can hear sound from the second one when i'm on the first one; how do i fix it?; i do however hear some buzzing, it might be the internal PC speakers, which might be the sound coming from the first screen, but can't say for sure [18:24] that didn't work [18:24] video player won't allow me to open youtube videos due to permission issues [18:25] sheepsy1: does it crash your system? or just the process? [18:25] diegoxmt, run tomboy from a terminal and see it it gives you any clues [18:25] how do I change the permissions to allow to watch youtube videos? [18:25] ni1s: i've tried that already and it gives me this error [18:25] aaron, what video player? [18:25] ni1s: as a root this is what it says [18:25] the defaut one that comes with ubuntu [18:26] I mean it's called movie player [18:26] !flash | aaron [18:26] aaron: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [18:26] aaron, do you have the package ubuntu-restricted-extras installed? [18:26] diegoxmt, why are you running it as root? [18:26] fccf: Just the process currently. But when I tried to boot a livecd, I actually got a kernel crash. After reboot it booted fine. [18:26] ni1s: Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates [18:26] a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries [18:26] used by your application. [18:26] ok, default ubuntu movie player is totem [18:26] I have flash [18:26] i want to hard install this to my sdhc [18:26] should i grab the the iso or img? [18:26] i can set sdhc as boot master [18:26] what's difference in power of !flash and !gnash? [18:26] let me check hold up [18:27] ni1s: when a try it as normal user [18:27] jrib, are you working with plowshare ? [18:27] Mohammad[B]: no [18:27] vatts: What do you mean? [18:27] is there a chat for lxde? [18:27] vatts: flash is a binary from adobe ... gnash is the gnu (free) implementation of the flash viewer and it is incomplete [18:27] stefg, I guess flash won't play video in totem if flv codec isn't installed [18:27] ni1s: it just keep going but it never opens.. if i try as root it gives me that error [18:28] No, I am now installing ubuntu restrictive extras [18:28] are there any restrictions on having /boot directly in my root partition? [18:28] aaron, ok, try to play again after installation === Athanasia is now known as caillean [18:28] dalfz, none [18:28] alokito: right ... i did not say that it will [18:28] diegoxmt, odd, I would search launchpad, and if you dont find anything, post a report [18:28] hi guys. [18:28] ok, alokito: I will give it a try thanks. [18:29] fosco_, how come people commonly use a separate partition for /boot ? [18:29] I have installed Ubuntu Karmic and now when I try to boot my other OS (Win) I get "cannot get c/h/s values" [18:29] And I am unable to boot. [18:29] Can you help me? [18:29] how do I install the extra package on ubuntu using terminal ? [18:29] !karmic [18:29] Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [18:29] !karmic | spooky_d: [18:29] spooky_d:: please see above [18:29] ubottu: hi, thanks :) [18:29] dalfz, people don't commonly use a separate partition for /boot [18:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about hi, thanks :) [18:29] Armag3ddon: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras === azarion is now known as anahel [18:30] dalfz, some people (not many) use separate /boot partition for differents reasons, for example to share kernels between distributions [18:30] thank you fccf [18:30] Armag3ddon: np [18:30] thanks fccf [18:30] alokito, fosco_ i see, thanks [18:31] 15~ [18:31] ni1s: just one question.. what's launcpad? where do i find it? [18:31] spooky_d: and that was quite adventurous to install an alpha with a new bootloader ... the karmic warining said: don't use on production machines [18:31] !lp | diegoxmt [18:31] diegoxmt: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [18:31] fosco_, can u use same kernel in 2 different distros? like ubuntu and fedora? [18:31] fosco_: dalfz or tu use filesystems with no grub support as rootfs ;) or to avoid the 1024 cilinder problem alltogether etc. [18:31] THNX [18:32] alokito: i do not see why not. if it supports your hardware ... [18:32] 1024 cilinder problem... an 80's oldie [18:32] :) [18:32] is keyserver.ubuntu.com STILL down??? === mike is now known as Guest46620 [18:32] I installed Samba on my PC so that I can share my printer with a Vista machine. I read a bunch of stuff to set it up and I'm more lost than before I started. Can someone help me set it up? [18:32] hi @ all, i have a problem: i don't see my ubuntu-splash-screen any more.... does some1 know why this can be? i have reinitialised my grub [18:32] erUSUL, won;t the os refuse to use a kernel that's not built for it? [18:32] quentusrex: probably ... use pool.sks-keyservers.net [18:33] alokito: no [18:33] thanks fccf === Guest46620 is now known as michaelc [18:33] fccf: do you know what happened to the keyserver? [18:33] Hi... anyone here got evtouch working? [18:33] AceKing: what exactly are you having the issue with, is there a certain part that gets you lost? [18:33] quentusrex: no, but I deal with not being able to access it alot, I just use the pool server [18:34] alokito: why would the distribution do that?? i use custom kernels and would be extremely stupid for ubuntu to not boot with my custom kernel [18:34] erUSUL: the problem is that the userland tools ususally expect a certain kernel and a way of doing things.... e.g. update-initramfs on ubuntu will surely not tell fedora what happened to the initrd [18:34] darkest_night, reinstall usplash and usplash-theme-ubuntu [18:34] erUSUL, okk [18:34] didn't know that [18:34] alokito, thx, i'll try it :) [18:34] ok, I tried the movie player and got the same error. [18:34] Hello im haveing a problem. im trying to burn a cd and it wont work anone no any good programs thats burns cd propaly [18:34] saying I don't have permission to access this file. [18:34] aaron, try kaffeine [18:35] whats that? [18:35] michaelc: what program are you using, and is there an error? [18:35] Mohammad[B]: I have my own scripts :) [18:35] aaron, type gksudo totem from alt+f2 window [18:35] !burn | michaelc [18:35] michaelc: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [18:35] then try to play again [18:35] stefg: sure there are things to keep in mind when using the same /boot (or the same grub) for two distributions so one distributions tool's do not step on the other's but is easily doable ;) [18:35] what's really good with the volume control not working? [18:35] jrib, in your script you have anythings for downloading from rapidshare ? :) [18:36] aaron, sorry no need of kaffeine, seems like u are trying to open a file that's only allowed by a root account [18:36] Mohammad[B]: yeah... [18:36] steffan: there was no error i tryed to play it in the cd player i have and the program is CD/DVD creator [18:36] Does anyone know if touchscreen support is likely to be fixed in the next release of Ubuntu? [18:36] jrib, /msg ? :) [18:36] I tried it and still got the same error. [18:36] no it's not by root accont. [18:37] michaelc: ubottu posted a list of known software that is suggested [18:37] I was on here I think sunday. [18:37] will I be able to add a system call in a linux-generic kernel? [18:37] aaron, are you trying to play a video from a youtube link? [18:37] and I was walked threw to add the rights to my own system user [18:37] chazco: touchscreen support has been implemented, as has mulittouch in 2.6.30 I believe ... probably a llittle behind though [18:37] no trying to play the video in movie player. [18:37] erUSUL: syncing the expectations of two entirely different package managers? (rpm/dpkg) i doubt that. ubuntu decides to put somthing in restricted modules while fedora has it on 3rd party repos .... and the list goes on. that'S only manageable if you completly bypass package management and take for everything manually and by yourself... nothing a newbie should touch [18:37] chazco: what touch screen do you have? [18:37] aaron, a .flv video saved in your hard drive? [18:38] chino xl wants to know why volume control can't modify sound in jaunty [18:38] I guess it's a link when you search youtube. [18:38] no, it's directly from the internet. [18:38] not stored on my pc [18:38] Hey guys, what program can I use to edit HTML pages in my webserver? [18:38] aaron, can u give the link? i'll try in my movie player [18:38] !nvu [18:38] kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases. [18:38] it's any one [18:39] I just want to edit code [18:39] jrib, can you help me ? this is very important :( [18:39] I mean any youtube video I tried has the same error. [18:39] !enter | aaron [18:39] aaron: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [18:39] no need of complicated web editors [18:39] !info | bluefish [18:39] bluefish: Retrieve information on a package: !info [18:39] fccf & steffan - I have an eGalax based touchscreen (one of the "easy and fun" netbook ones). It works with their binary drivers (though with issues) but evtouch crashes after a few taps. Bug reports exist for this but seem idle. [18:39] 'bluefish' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner [18:39] !info bluefish [18:39] bluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-6ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1571 kB, installed size 6732 kB [18:39] aaron, ok give any youtube video link like ur's [18:39] Something for Gnome? Im tired of the KDE look :S [18:39] ohoksowecanuseenterorspaces? [18:40] well I searched slipknot gently iowa and clicked the first one. [18:40] chazco: I'd either use the eGalax binary... or fix it ... they have sources available for their code, so you can fix your issues and recompile [18:41] Damm, linux really lacks in web composing tools :( [18:41] chazco: yeah... touchscreen drivers are a sore spot atm... i know this from another project where touchscreens were involved. it needs manpower to move things [18:41] aaron, are u playing in a browser or directly in totem? [18:41] directly in totem [18:41] dbugger: what are you talking about? gedit is great! LOL [18:41] in the browser it works fine using firefox. [18:41] dbugger: I use a LAMP server and let the server do all the publishing using a CMS (like Joomla) [18:41] gedit can edit files remotely? [18:41] dbugger: console is all that you need (and a shiny html tutorial, or what ever language) [18:41] but I can't run it in totem. I get that permission error. [18:41] !info bluefish | dbugger [18:41] dbugger: bluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-6ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1571 kB, installed size 6732 kB [18:41] fccf - I can use the eGalax one for now but as it's closed source i have to wait each time a new kernel comes out (and it has the double tap issue). evtouch is open source but i've no idea how to fix it. [18:42] alokito, i have tried to reinstall usplash and usplash-theme-ubuntu, but it doesn't work.... i have the problem with the splash-image since i updated my vista to win7 and reinstalled the grub with the super-grub-disk.... [18:42] stefg - Sounds about right [18:42] You are not getting what I want. i want to open directly the index.html in the webserver, and be able to edit itthrough code [18:42] simple as that [18:42] sheepsy1: have you managed to tackle your segfault problem? [18:42] darkest_night, well you should have reinstalled grub from ubuntu live cd [18:42] hm.... shall i do it now too? [18:43] dbugger: remote files? use somthing like sshfs or Places>connect to Server [18:43] * ptarrant agrees with erUSUL [18:43] dbugger: http://www.danielgibbs.net/journal/editing-files-remotely-in-linux-with-gedit-and-others#open will help [18:43] aaron, does your link look like this?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9IixYR_p-4 [18:43] any Ideas how to fix the permission issue? [18:43] alokito, do u think i should reinstall the grub again from the ubuntu live disk? [18:43] this is what it looks like: http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=bSWciI0yyIM&t=vjVQa1PpcFOvQ7z-wjdQcxCuDuMpZlKN6HgjR8Scg3A%253D&fmt=18 [18:43] darkest_night, run sudo update-grub from terminal [18:43] chazco: but i know that touchscreens on the eeepc 1602 (the dektop eee PC) work. is the hardware in any way comparable? [18:44] darkest_night, no u can install it from your ubuntu installation itself [18:44] carresmd: Not at all. I ran fsck as someone suggested and there were no errors found. But there was 1 clue: I threw in the gentoo live cd and the first time booting it had a kernel panic. I forgot the message, however :( So it does point to hardware. But I don't want to make a mistake in asking my boss to replace mobo and it'll turn out to be something else. [18:44] that's if I copy location. [18:44] dbugger: but editting files in production servers directly do ot seem about right to me... [18:44] erUSUL, why? [18:44] stefg - I think they're different... this is an aftermarket mod (for the MSI Wind, not the eeepc) [18:44] aaron, if your link doesn't refer directly to a video file I don't think u can play it with a media player [18:44] sheepsy1: Did you run mprime as I suggested? [18:44] alokito, i think this is not rly good...: [18:44] Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ... [18:45] carresmd: Not yet. What results do I hope for with mprime? [18:45] darkest_night, does it appear after update grub? [18:45] dbugger: no prior testing of changes. but hey do watever you want is your server [18:45] alokito, y [18:45] * ptarrant again agrees with erUSUL [18:45] :) [18:46] I dev like 8 sites :) your speaking da truth [18:46] sheepsy1: mprime stress tests your system. That way you can find out if there's anything wrong with your hardware.. (I'm am not sure mprime does the same things as prime95 does for windows.. But I do think so) [18:46] darkest_night, run sudo apt-get remove usplash usplash-theme-ubuntu --purge [18:46] then run sudo apt-get install usplash usplash-theme-ubuntu [18:46] carresmd: What will I be able to tell with it though? Like if it segfaults... I won't be able to tell very much more than I know now. [18:47] alokito, k... doesn't matter if i take aptitude instead of apt-get, right? i am using it since the beginning [18:47] That's true.. Lets just hope it doesn't segfault .. lol :P [18:47] aside from the super creamy grub 2 is there any reason yall would recommend installing Karmic clean vs an upgrade (from jaunty) [18:47] darkest_night, i think aptitude and apt-get are same [18:47] !aptitude [18:47] aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide [18:47] k [18:47] carresmd: If it doesn't though, in what other way can it crash where I would see that it's cpu or ram or something else? [18:48] darkest_night, use apt-get, i don't know if --purge works in aptitude [18:48] alokito, it works^^ [18:48] ok [18:48] i switch back and forth between the 2 depending on my mood [18:48] alokito: darkest_night aptitude has a purge command « sudo aptitude purge package » [18:49] sheepsy1: It doesn't crash, it computes numbers (I believe something with PI) against a database with correct answers. If mprime doesn't get it right.. It will stop and give you a message [18:49] ya it links directly to the video. [18:49] If I right click and hit open in browser I can see the video. [18:49] Question: aside from the super creamy grub 2 is there any reason yall would recommend installing Karmic clean vs an upgrade from jaunty? [18:50] aaron, how did you get direct video link from youtube site? ;_S [18:50] ptarrant: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, thanks [18:50] I just can' trun it in movie player due to permission issues [18:50] oh sorry [18:50] carresmd: I'll give it a try. I guess it'll at least tell me if it's the cpu. [18:50] alokito: what? I just right click on the image of the video in the search results and then hit open in browser. [18:50] and it then opened firefox and played the video. [18:51] sheepsy1: Windows users generally use it to test their system while overclocking and such. But if it spits out an error it COULD be anything... [18:51] the problem I have is a permission issue with opening the videos in movie player. [18:51] ok.. what soft are u using to search [18:51] movie player default in ubuntu. [18:51] it has the youtube plugin installed in movie player [18:52] hmm [18:52] aaron, me2 [18:52] aaron, I don't realy care, but it is indeed annoying [18:52] alokito, i retyped sudo update-grub, but it tells the same about the splash-image... [18:52] aaron: following your issue: I think I know the issue,... it isn't actually saving the .flv, only the location data where the video is on the net... do you have the downloadthemall plugin in firefox, that is what you will want to use to pull .flv's off the net [18:52] darkest_night, did u purge and reinstall usplash and usplash-theme-ubuntu? [18:52] sheepsy1: We will just try to isolate the problem together.. And see where we get [18:52] xT|Fish: hahah.... I care. I listen to music that way. [18:52] lol [18:53] alokito, yes [18:53] darkest_night, then sudo apt-get install startupmanager [18:53] aaron, well I listen to music too, but therefor I use Rhythmbox :) [18:53] carresmd: I actually got the advice to create a file bigger than ram from /dev/urandom and then md5sum it a few times. I think that's pretty much the prime thing. [18:54] xT|Fish, can u watch video in rhythmbox? [18:54] fccf: I will check hold up [18:54] carresmd: Anyways, I'll try that a few times then try mprime. [18:54] sheepsy1: Who told you that? [18:55] carresmd: Someone I know. Not on this channel. [18:56] sheepsy1: Ok .. well it's better than nothing ;) [18:56] carresmd: what is the problem? [18:56] del_diablo: ?? Nothing with me though [18:56] Hi all, how to mount a folder? [18:57] carresmd: k [18:57] fccf: I can't find it. How to install downloadthemall? [18:57] carresmd: Other than that, do you know of a way to figure out exactly which hardware is failing? Like I said, I tried memtest, that finishes fine, fsck is fine... It's either mobo or cpu, right? [18:57] alokito, ok, and now? i have installed the startupmanager [18:57] aaron: goto plugins in firefox and find it there [18:57] CoolShorts: mount -o loop *folder *where to mount* [18:57] sheepsy1: Or like I said earlier .. a failing power supply [18:57] sensors tells me that power is within normal range. [18:57] darkest_night, system>> administration>> startupmanager [18:58] sheepsy1: run metest overnight and read dmesg... sometimes you can find clues in there [18:58] CoolShorts: ex: sudo mount -o loop /home/deus/cd/game123folder /mnt/cdrom [18:58] del_diablo: cool, but what do I need to fill in at *where to mount* [18:58] fccf: I don't see it under plugins. [18:58] ah [18:58] you're fast :) [18:58] stefg: memtest doesn't run under ubuntu. [18:58] sheepsy1: You'll never know.. this stuff in computers is pretty complicated.. A lot of thing can brake [18:58] it's called downloadthemall? [18:58] I've got 9.04 running in a vm and wanted to use Tasksel from synaptic to install the LAMP stack.. I don't see it available anymore as an option.. what happened? [18:58] sheepsy1: it's an option on the Live CD [18:58] alokito, ok, i have started it, where can i configure the splash-logo? [18:59] stefg: I'm just saying that you won't see output from memtest in dmesg. [18:59] CoolShorts: or you could example: "sudo mount -o loop /dev/sda2 /home/deus/C: [18:59] Scunizi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP <-- that helped me alot, pretty easy to follow [19:00] I am installing it. [19:00] darkest_night, in appearance tab change usplash theme [19:00] Is Mplayer the best choice to play 720p on a low-end system? P4, 2.8GHz, 1 GB RAM and a crappy gfxcard (Intel 82915G/P/GV/GL/PL/910GL-someting or other according to lspci) [19:00] aaron: they changed the name ... this one works https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006 [19:00] alokito, i can't, there is only one to choose [19:00] darkest_night, is it enabled? [19:00] sheepsy1: right... you see memtest output in , well, memtest... but sometimes dmesg has hints like file system panics or the like. and clean the CPU-cooler ... Dirt is the worst enemy of modern hardware [19:01] alokito, yes [19:01] del_diablo: it just returns: Is a directory [19:01] and I don't think it worked [19:01] darkest_night, now try update-grub and see what happens [19:01] stefg: I'm getting quite a few indicators in dmesg: they are segfaults on random programs. Also: I ran memtest once already and no errors were detected... But yeah. I'll try running it again. [19:01] CoolShorts: well, maybe dropping -o loop would work? I only use mount for mounting .iso files [19:02] ok, I installed it. [19:02] ptarrant: man that's sorta old but helpful.. I can install the packages manually or individually but Tasksel made it easier in previous releases [19:02] del_diablo: heh, -o is the options :) [19:02] aaron: there will be a new button on the firefox toolbar, use it and learn it [19:02] alokito, erm.... it says that there is a new version of grub, shall i install it?^^ [19:03] Scunizi, Like I said, it helped me, but then again i'm still pretty new, less then a year here [19:03] darkest_night, ok [19:03] sheepsy1: and then there's #hardware . the jocks in there might have additional ideas [19:03] I just sit here, read, occationally comment, it's a good way for me to learn somethings :) [19:03] Good idea. [19:04] darkest_night, whats your ubuntu version? karmic koala? [19:04] alokito, nope, jaunty [19:04] ptarrant: ah.. going on 4 here.. yea.. TASKSEL is an option in synaptic "Select packages by Task".. there are lots of things in there now to choose from but they eliminated LAMP from the list.. Check it out. open synaptic and go to Edit>Mark packages by task and see what's available.. [19:04] darkest_night, oh ok [19:04] I have usplash gone too, in karmic [19:04] sheepsy1: Have you tried mprime by now? md5summing /dev/urandom is useless for this purpose [19:04] ^^ [19:05] and i can't bring it back, grub2 bug [19:05] thats bad.... [19:05] darkest_night, it will fix soon, karmic is always updating [19:05] Scunizi, now that is nice :) thanks for the info [19:05] clear [19:05] alokito, thats right [19:06] ptarrant: I was wrong.. it is there.. I just overlooked it.. it's called lamp server [19:06] I'm not md5summing /dev/urandom. I'm md5summing a large file (bigger than ram) to try to compare the sums. [19:06] still dosen't work. I still get the same error. [19:06] Scunizi, yep, 4th down, ironically i also overlooked it :) [19:06] sheepsy1: Ooopps... I'm sorry, I misread it .. [19:07] it's not a missing file problem it's a permission issue. [19:07] aaron, how do you browse youtube in totem? I can't find any option and youtube browser plugin is enabled [19:07] what app i can use for CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor on kubuntu? [19:07] Gintulis, conky? [19:08] oh ok found it [19:08] aaron: where is the file? [19:08] Gintulis, doesn't KDE have a system monitor panel? I honestly don't know but i think so right? [19:08] alokito: what ? In movie player which is the default player in ubuntu it's automaticly installed. [19:09] How do I mount a directory? [19:09] you need to install a youtube plugin. It allows you to search youtube and once clicked on the videos you can watch that video on movie player steaminly. [19:09] aaron, yes its in the tab [19:09] del_diablo: the mount is not working.. :( [19:09] aaron, im getting this error: The playback of this movie requires a text/html decoder plugin which is not installed [19:09] ya that tab you just select youtube and then you should see a search input box. [19:09] is it same as urs? [19:10] CoolShorts: you don't mount a directory, you mount a divice to an empty directory serving as a mount point [19:10] you type in their search terms and then it will show below the box the search results. [19:10] stefg: well in this case I want to mount a directory [19:10] ptarrant, i need app for tray panel [19:10] stefg: and if not possible, how do I make a directory an ISO... [19:10] you should see images of the video and decription once clicked on a video it will open up and be played in the player. [19:10] Gintulis, ahh, no idea man, i know 0 about KDE :( [19:11] CoolShorts: rawr :( Well, then i can't help. Not sitting on my system as upgrading to karmic broke it, but there is always "man mount" :P [19:11] CoolShorts: what do you want to do .... [19:11] CoolShorts, mount --rbind olddir newdir [19:11] aaron, when i try to play the video I get that error [19:11] stefg: well it's quite a long story, but I need to mount it for wine/playonlinux scripts to work [19:11] Gintulis, conky is great though google it, it can do some amazing things with the write fonts [19:12] CoolShorts: sou you want to mout an .iso image to a mountpoint in order to emulate a CD-Rom ? [19:12] Gintulis, http://lifehacker.com/5067341/customize-conky-for-ambient-linux-productivity <-- good info about conky there :) [19:12] I have an ubuntu server on a VPS. I'm developing something that mobile browsers are going to benefit from. Problem is, a few (like iPhone) does not allow upload of images from the browser. I was thinking about allowing them to email the image to a specific email address. What could I use to recieve image and run a php script to do the manipulation needed [19:12] ptarrant: no need for the right fonts anymore, it can display images now :D [19:12] does any1 know how i get my splash-image back? [19:12] here is a webiste talking about it: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/04/04/play-youtube-videos-from-the-totem-movie-player/ [19:12] stefg: no I want to mount a directory :-) but trying tyranos command [19:12] ah [19:12] it looks god [19:12] good* [19:12] im a pretty experienced nix user, but have never attempted a BIOS upgrade, what's the best method to do this? [19:12] when you try to play that video it should be shown as if it was like any video. [19:12] VCoolio, when did that happen? you just made my day :) [19:12] darkest_night, did you try update-grub again after enabling with startupmanager? [19:13] the problem is that I get a error saying that I got a permission issue. === sale_ is now known as sale [19:13] alokito, yes [19:13] <|rt|> hey guys should I file a bug for README's disagreeing with man pages? [19:13] by BIOS upgrade i mean I only have linux and would like to do a bios upgrade for my laptop [19:13] Can someone help me setup the smb.conf file in Samba so that I can share my printer with a PC running Vista? [19:13] running NBL on a regular desktop is pretty nice [19:13] that I don't have permission to open youtube videos. but if I open any videos stored on my computer I can view them without any problem. [19:13] hi [19:13] ptarrant: lol, few months back, check for 1.7.1 I think, but it is already at 1.7.2, but I'll give a link because people have difficulties with dependencies [19:13] diogo_79: hi [19:13] CoolShorts: there is no way o mount a directory because that's nonsense .... the directory is already part of a file system [19:13] Hi, is there in Ubuntu a tool that created virtual serial ports? [19:13] scott_ino2, make sure you have a UPS or Battery so you don't loose power mid-way :) I always did the old floppy way :) been years though [19:13] darkest_night, do you see texts in your startup or blank screen? [19:14] !hi | diogo_79 [19:14] diogo_79: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [19:14] ptarrant, ive done bios upgrades before, just never from linux. I'm hoping i don't have to install XP on a seperate partition just to do a BIOS upgrade, but i do wanna do it [19:14] hello [19:14] !hi | MAAAAAD [19:14] alokito, a blank black screen... and this sucks -.- [19:14] MAAAAAD: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [19:14] * ptarrant laughs at stefg "true" [19:14] I am going to copy a large number of files to a new hard drive. They will almost certainly never be modified. What filesystem will provide the least fragmentation, reasonable other performance, and preferably with *nix permissions? [19:14] i have ubuntu 9.04 install but sometimes it freezes when i use firefox and i dont know why, i have to press reboot key [19:14] <|rt|> in this case /etc/init.d/README suggests that you use update-rc.d to add init scripts to runlevels bu the man page for update-rc.d says that users should use sysv-rc-conf or bum [19:15] CoolShorts, you can try typing man mount in the terminal , sometimes it is very helpful as there are examples somewhere in the manpages === mark76 is now known as Mark76 [19:15] but not always [19:15] sparr: ext3, old but fine [19:15] diogo_79, disable all add ons in firefox and try again [19:15] scott_ino2, 98% of the time they have a floppy image you can download and do it from there, like in the old days, bios updates from inside windows is relatively new [19:15] tyranos: There is NEVER usefull examples in the man-pages /experience [19:15] ptarrant, yes im reading about free-dos utility now [19:15] seems manageable [19:16] ptarrant: install conky-all from https://launchpad.net/~norsetto/+archive/ppa/+packages [19:16] del_diablo, exeptions mplayer mount [19:16] scott_ino2, it normally is, but like i said, make sure you have some type of battery system, i've had the power go out and hosed a board, of course this was like 5 years ago, intels new bios's are suppost to prevent a bad flash, same with ASUS i belive [19:16] mplayer has the helpful stuff on the last 200 pages [19:17] lines [19:17] ptarrant, yeah its a laptop so i'll have it plugged in and on a battery [19:17] VCoolio, thank you :) *scammers off to install goodness* [19:17] Hi all. is keyserver.ubuntu.com currently malfunctioning? [19:17] hi all, I'm on karmic alpha 6 and I'm unable to change gdm themes, I've heard the new gdm lacks support for themes...is that true? [19:17] scott_ino2, then you should be cool man. its pretty easy [19:17] brandonz: according to the last 500 peaople asking so it seems: yes [19:18] brandonz: yep, been getting that ... use pool.sks-keyservers.net as an alternate [19:18] ptarrant: check the conky man page or the sick thread in ubuntuforums cafe for usage and the latter also for lua scripts that provide transparent backgrounds etc [19:18] darkest_night, this might help http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-easily-change-your-usplash-screen-in-ubuntu/ [19:18] thanks! is there a listing of alternatives somewhere on the net ? perhaps i should google around momre. [19:18] How do I get out of the manual without closing the terminal? >.> [19:18] where i can find the open source driver for ATI HD 3670 [19:18] ?? [19:19] bobo, you already have it installed [19:19] I have a question. Would I be able to use my internal wifi nic to connect to the internet and set it up as an ad-hoc for another device to connect to my laptop? [19:19] CoolShorts: press q [19:19] VCoolio, awesome, conky is an auto-install on my servers (ones that actually run a GUI) I so love that app [19:19] but i have 8.04 [19:19] brandonz: you could search for alternates but I know for a fact that pool.sks-keyservers.net works well and updates to the ubuntu as well as other keyservers [19:19] fosco_, and i don [19:19] gastly: get on Ubuntu+1 channal [19:19] fosco_, and i don [19:19] see that it is installed [19:19] bobo, aptitude search radeon [19:19] del_diablo, ahh ok thnx :) === ptarrant is now known as ptarrant_afk [19:21] sin360: not simultainously, but if you had the wired nic wired in and 'shared' the card as an AP as in (create new network) [19:21] fosco_, so which should i download xserver-xorg-driver-radeon, or xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd [19:21] fosco_, because my card is HD [19:21] 3670 [19:21] Ok thanks [19:22] bobo: xserver-xorg-driver-ati will choose the one that is relevant. [19:22] bobo: IIRC [19:22] so any ideas what I should do? [19:22] Howdy. Would anyone know offhand how to tell apt-get to only upgrade one package and not any of the dependancies? Thanks much [19:23] There's a program that produces fake text output that looks like compiling C code. Remember what it's called? [19:23] aaron, you can download youtube video with down them all the play the file in totem [19:23] !info youtube-dl | aaron [19:23] aaron: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB [19:23] I need to restore permissions to my lvhome on /dev/vg_pephost/lvhome from /dev/vg_pephost/lv_root [19:24] mounted on /home [19:24] Ok, so I think I screwed up my ubuntu install :( [19:24] !info teamspeak [19:24] Package teamspeak does not exist in jaunty [19:24] hey guys, how can I install regular ubuntu on a netbook? [19:24] !info teamspeak-client [19:24] teamspeak-client (source: teamspeak-client): VoIP chat for online gaming. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.32-3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 7200 kB, installed size 14960 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) [19:24] so I am not going to be downloading the youtube vidoes right? because I am running a server/website on my computer and need the storage space. [19:24] I have 4 setup options now [19:24] aaron: I came in late. What was the problem? === hey` is now known as gurmete === gurmete is now known as grumete [19:25] 2 for ubuntu-generic and 1 for recovery and other memtest i think [19:25] not sure [19:25] !enter | lizzzy [19:25] lizzzy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [19:25] how to rename a hidden folder in ubuntu? [19:25] Oops Sorry! [19:25] from the terminal [19:25] dragon: my ubuntu movie player gives me a permission error when I try playing a youtube vidoe. [19:25] diogo_79: mv .hidden .still_hidden [19:26] diogo_79: ls -a (to see) [19:26] diogo_79: use the `mv` command as you would normally [19:26] or ls -A [19:26] Does anybody know how I can install ubuntu on a computer with no CDROM drive? [19:26] What is the command to know the grub menu? [19:26] question, what if i installed a lot of python things like python-pygame and python-opengl and stuff, but found out I have a version too new, how to uninstall/downgrade them? [19:26] @blz, usb? [19:26] blz, you can insall from a USB key. [19:26] !usb | blz [19:26] blz: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [19:26] blz: can you take out the HD and put something on the bare drive? [19:26] totem to be exact on the player. [19:26] Happy New Year [19:26] blz: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ And yes [19:26] thanks guys [19:26] awesome, thanks guys [19:26] new year? [19:26] blz, be aware not all motherboards support usb booting [19:27] aaron: what error is it? [19:27] !ot > neglesaks [19:27] neglesaks, please see my private message [19:27] help!? I need to restore permissions to my lvhome on /dev/vg_pephost/lvhome from /dev/vg_pephost/lv_root [19:27] afra: BIOS not motherboard. There is a big difference [19:27] i tried to install xserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd [19:27] and nothing changed [19:27] i know i know. chaging. [19:27] dragon: it's a permission error saying I don't have permission to open this file. [19:27] woops, sorry del diablo ;) === wasabii is now known as wasaabi [19:27] it just downloaded something, and nothing changed [19:27] so i tried to install ubuntu on my computer but it just came up with a lot of errors [19:27] hello guys [19:27] afra: thx. i know this one does for a fact [19:27] something to do with memory is the only one i can remember [19:27] aaron: was it something you downloaded manually, or using totem's youtube plugin? [19:28] !error | slimnation7 [19:28] slimnation7: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [19:28] My son has done something to my system so that I wont be able to boot ubuntu, It boots up but then when it should get me to the login screen everything goes black [19:28] question, how to downgrade stuff like python-pygame and python-opengl ? [19:28] Another question: where can i get the intel Atom optimized kernel? isn't there a site with a repository that will allow me to replace the default ubuntu kernel with the netbook-optimized one? [19:28] I am using totems youtube plugin [19:28] wasaabi: can you choose rescue mode in GRUB? [19:28] afra: you can have multiple versions of python together [19:28] afra: yes i've already tried to fix the graphics there [19:29] VCoolio: ok, thanks, will try that [19:29] aaron: is it a particular video, or all of them? [19:29] !unr | blz [19:29] blz: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu [19:29] all of them [19:29] dragon: no, i don't want UNR [19:29] I get the same error no matter what the video is. [19:29] i am currently editing my grub using the temporary method (pressing esc at boot). i want to boot from hdd(4,0). what command to i enter to do this? [19:29] wasaabi: How old is your son? :P [19:29] blz, search for Ubuntu lpia port, I don't think you can get a kernel only [19:30] mikewhatever: hmmm i'll give that a look [19:30] del_diablo: he is 7 but he can use the terminal [19:30] do i need to reformat my drive before installing ubuntu? [19:30] blz: I haven't heard of an atom-optimized kernel for ubuntu yet. [19:30] hahaha @ wasaabi [19:30] wasaabi: oh well, you should not have let him roam free at the least [19:30] dragon: someone mentioned it in here yesterday... [19:30] aziz: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst or use startupmanager [19:30] del_diablo: I think he installed something that had to do with ATI even though I have Nvidia card [19:30] blz: forget that. you're talking of the array.org -kernel, but it lags behind terribly and i found the up-to-date jaunty kernel works better [19:30] slimnation7: the setup asks you about it. how were you trying to install ubuntu? [19:30] del_diablo: well I dont have antything important on this computer [19:30] dragon: here is the error I get : Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file. [19:31] how do I give my user permission for my /home directory stored on separate logical volume? [19:31] wasaabi: well, i got a ATI card.... so i can't help you with Nvidea grapic restore [19:31] llutz: ext3 will produce a horribly fragmented drive [19:31] wasaabi: boot in live cd, backup some home folder and reinstall? [19:31] del_diablo: but still it would be great if we could somehow fix it [19:31] stefg: yes, that was the one! so no good? [19:31] Anybody knows how to install Nvidea drivers? Or the command to fix the xorg? [19:31] afra: hmm i think there should be an easier way shouldn't there? === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [19:31] i burnt the iso to a disk and booted from disk on restart [19:31] stefg? so UNR uses an ordinary kernel? [19:31] afra: I think he installed an ATI driver [19:31] afra: and that's the thing that messed up my system [19:32] wasaabi: yup, should be easier :/ just a sec, will look for it now [19:32] do ubuntu (livecd) support NTFS in rw mode? [19:32] does* [19:32] aaron: it is a known issue - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/416359 [19:32] scx: it did for me [19:32] scx: yes it does [19:32] blz: i won't say that... simply not updated often enough. use the stock kernel, netbooks were considered when building it [19:32] dragon, mikewhatever: thanks for the suggestions though =) [19:32] ok, thx [19:32] blz: anytime [19:32] drago: awwwww kill it I hate bugs...lol [19:32] dragon: [19:33] stefg: okay that's good to know. I can always add the UNR interface on top if I change my mind... thanks for the advice [19:33] wasaabi: sorry won't be able to help you there, don't know where it went (in my head) [19:33] afra: okey [19:34] well bye then! [19:34] cya! [19:34] wasaabi: do you have internet via wlan or via cable? [19:34] del_diablo: cable [19:34] del_diablo: why ? :P [19:34] aaron: the bug report probably has a suggestion for fixing the problem, and besides that the issue has been fixed. [19:34] wasaabi: ok, start the rescue modus [19:34] wasaabi: and select netroot when you get into it [19:34] del_diablo: i'm there now [19:34] oh [19:34] aaron: run apt-get upgrade, and if the issue persists, karmic isn't far :) [19:35] wasaabi: apt-get search nvidea [19:35] del_diablo: oooh damn I was dumb :D [19:35] del_diablo: ofc that will work :D [19:35] i don't think that is enough [19:35] del_diablo: yeah it will be enough :D [19:35] del_diablo: thx alot :d [19:35] the real boner is to figur out the command so it will fix the xorg.conf [19:35] wasaabi: sorry, /me ashamed XD [19:36] del_diablo: yeah but I know how to do that [19:36] dragon: I ran the command and nothing updated. [19:36] wasaabi: well, then i am happy to help :P [19:36] how can i install ubuntu via usb? do i have to copy it as an iso file and the restart with the usb option from bios any clue? [19:36] it says 0 updated 0 installed 0 removed. [19:36] aaron: so your system is up to date, good. [19:36] del_diablo: yeah thx love :D [19:36] how do I view .jpg from the command line??? [19:36] !usb | ubuntistas [19:36] ubuntistas: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [19:36] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ ubuntistas [19:36] dragon: so then how do I fix it. in the bug report they said to install a package that fixed these bugs. [19:37] question, above VCoolio said I could have multiple pythons installed..... ok, but what if i want to run a makefile with a particular version of python? [19:37] papapepper: you don't have a graphical device on the terminal ... so how do think you're going to view jpg's ... ascii art ? [19:38] stefg: svgalib exist [19:38] papapepper: zgv [19:38] hey [19:39] anyone kbnow how i can allow interfaces on iptables ? [19:39] hey can someone with Jaunty and the sox util pastebin [19:39] drago: just found out I have totem 2.26 not 2.27 the 2.27 has the bug fixes. [19:39] hey can someone with Jaunty and the sox util pastebin "sox --help"? [19:39] llutz: i know... that was a calculated response. i'd install links2 and use that [19:39] llutz: thank you [19:40] hi, i booted into an ubuntu live cd because i think my HD might be dead, its SATA [19:41] how do i figure out ? i dont see it on the desktop as a mountable devicde [19:41] alessio, go to places menu and look for it [19:41] Docteh: http://pastebin.com/mf3beec0 [19:41] thx [19:41] Hi. Does anyone know where Gnome-rdp stores its config file(s) ? [19:41] fosco_: i dont see it there. does that mean its probably dead? pc has a shitty bios [19:41] why with pendrive/memoricard/mp3 reader usb, the transfer is nonlinear and almost slow? [19:42] alessio, so, try sudo parted -l in a terminal [19:42] is somebody using ATI fglrx and composite with catalyst 9.9? [19:42] Hey, so I don't have a high end graphics card on my laptop unlike my desktop. Can I run compiz here too? [19:43] krabador: because flash is an emerging technology and has certain drawbacks. you're writing to a flash device, aren't you? [19:43] ok fosco_, http://pastebin.com/d43ffe160 [19:43] lizzzy: try it and find out how slow it runs ;) [19:43] also fosco_i checked gparted, and it said no devices detected [19:43] stefg, yes [19:43] MAAAAAD: i did [19:43] does anyone know of some decent open source benchmark software? [19:43] I installed it and removed it coz' it was real slow. No workaround, heh? It's quite boring without compiz :( [19:43] alessio, disk is dead for linux, sorry man [19:43] how can I boot from ubuntu liveusb on a macbook without installing rEFIt? [19:43] is there a way from command line to re-assign space from 1 partition to another? I.e / is only 2gb and /home is 1.5 TB I want to re-allocate about 90 gb to / [19:44] stefg: i''ve that with SD MicroSD, usb pendrive and ipods/mp3 reader [19:44] fosco_: yeah, i think it might be dead, its actually a windows pc. is it completely fubared then, does that mean linux cant see it or its mjust really messed up [19:44] My ALSA appears to be broken. When I go into the sound control thing, it only works if I set my soundcard to OSS. It shows up in ALSA twice, but the first one makes no sound when I hit text and the second one errors. [19:44] del_diablo: did you have the problem that everything look blurred while switching workspaces? [19:44] alessio, linux can't use it [19:44] stefg: there's nothing i can set? [19:44] Anybody have any ideas? [19:44] MAAAAAD: nope. Is all your screens configured to use the best resolution? [19:44] krabador: that'S called write amplificatiion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_drive [19:44] fosco_: do you think its thats unusable by windows as well, or just linux? [19:45] del_diablo: I am using virtual workspaces [19:45] alessio, if linux can't use it win too [19:45] ty fosco_, thats all i needed to know [19:45] alessio, but just try it [19:45] MAAAAAD: Well, i did not experience any problems with it in that way either. [19:46] strange, with cat 9.10 the problem still exists [19:46] NetEcho, it is possible if the partitoions have contineous blocks. but there will be data loss .. you ca refer to how to do this on howtoforge website search for merging partions there [19:46] hrm, not willing to risk data loss [19:47] when i launch another X screen, i can't hear sound on the second one coming from the first one, but i can hear sound from the second one when i'm on the first one; how do i fix it?; i do however hear some buzzing, it might be the internal PC speakers, which might be the sound coming from the first screen, but can't say for sure === ptarrant_afk is now known as ptarrant [19:47] NetEcho, then i dont think its possible.. but you never know.. try googling /.... === XLV_ is now known as XLV [19:48] ok got it fixed. [19:49] Question: does anyone know of a good way to graph HD information? preferably to a PHP page? I wanna monitor my HD health on my home server (besides webmin) [19:49] if anyone has the same problem here is the i86 download link: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/2.27.92-0ubuntu2/+build/1244385/+files/totem_2.27.92-0ubuntu2_i386.deb [19:50] guys can you help me installing ubuntu on a new machine?? [19:50] aaron: good to hear, didn't know there was a ppa fix [19:50] clarification to that would be a table for instance that shows HDtemp info, and disk usage [19:51] How can I set Intel HDA digital output as default? [19:51] please i don't know how to do.. i want to install ubuntu on a virgin hard disk but i'm not able to understand how i have to act with my new motherboard.. [19:51] Guest15233, just boot the liveCD and follow the installation instructions [19:51] Guest15233, boot from the liveCD and go to setup :) [19:51] ptarrant: There is an app called Hard Disk Sentinel, however I'm not sure there's a package in Ubuntu for it [19:51] fosco_: it is not so easy, it doesn't read any cd [19:52] MAAAAAD: Open volume control > preferences > IEC958 .. Then go to the switches tab .. etc .. [19:52] del_diablo: do you use the standart X-SErver? [19:52] !upgrade [19:52] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [19:52] !usb | Guest15233 [19:52] Guest15233: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [19:52] genii, thanks, I'll look into that im not too scared of make install :) === riot_le is now known as Guest19558 [19:52] ptarrant: i don't understand if i did something wrong.. i have an old optical drive [19:52] but it is not recognized.. [19:53] MAAAAAD: I don't know, i use about everything on default settings. I guess it might be card related [19:53] i have pidgin 2.5.5 in ubuntu jaunty, how do i upgrade it to the latest 2.6.1 [19:53] fosco_: can i talk to you in pvt? [19:53] pradeep: go to http://pidgin.im and follow the instructions there [19:53] carresmd: already done, but it doens't work I have to set Gnome->audio settings->choose Intel HDA digital [19:53] pradeep: 2 choice, upgrade to karmic or get in the getdeb repos [19:54] Guest15233, no, use the chat room [19:54] dayo: that does not include automatic upgrades === ApophisTest is now known as Apophis [19:54] i have pidgin 2.5.5 in ubuntu jaunty, how do i upgrade it to the latest 2.6.1 [19:54] del_diablo: what do u mean? [19:54] MAAAAAD: Strange ... I have a realtek onboard sound chip though [19:54] pradeep: there ist a ppa but 2.6.1 is buggy === Apophis is now known as Apophis2 [19:55] i have pidgin 2.5.5 in ubuntu jaunty, how do i upgrade it to the latest 2.6.1 [19:55] carresmd: me too, ALC88... === Apophis2 is now known as Apophis [19:55] fosco_: could you tell me if i have installed everything correctly? i've plugged my hard disk with a sata cable into the sata1 plug of the motherboard.. is it correct? [19:55] dayo: whenever 2.6.2 comes, or 2.6.3 comes.... somebody will have to recompile..... [19:55] hola [19:55] pradeep: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ [19:55] hellow, first time on IRC, wich channal should I join for some C++ questions? [19:55] Guest15233, sorry, this is not a hardware channel [19:56] del_diablo: well, according to the website ubuntu only updates pidgin for security stuff or high-severity bugs. [19:56] fosco_: where should i find this channel? [19:56] i really need some help [19:56] anyone there [19:56] jo_: join the #c++ channal on this network [19:56] in hardware connection to see if i have plugged everytrhing correctly.. [19:56] MAAAAAD: Oh well .. I believe that was the only thing I had to do to enable the digital line.. I don't use it anymore though .. But you got it now right? [19:57] tx I'll try it [19:57] dayo: well, don't blame me when somebody is whopping several features behind the main tree [19:57] i have pidgin 2.5.5 in ubuntu jaunty, how do i upgrade it to the latest 2.6.1 [19:57] hello, i'm having troubles with tinyproxy .. i edited the configuration file and Allowed my ip, but still i'm getting access denied for my proxy! :-) [19:57] pradeep: Use the pidgin paa [19:57] *ppa [19:57] del_diablo: i upgrade my pidgin manually [19:57] Guest15233, if you see the hard drive and CD rom in bios you have it all hooked up correctly, refer to your manual on how to get into your BIOS as its different depending on the motherboard [19:58] pradeep: http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ [19:58] pradeep: 2.6.2 is available here https://launchpad.net/~philip5/+archive/extra/+sourcepub/744312/+listing-archive-extra [19:58] im trying to go through a tutorial on udev rules. it says to list my devices by running udevinfo but i get "command not found" === vatts is now known as vatts[off] [19:58] hello, i'm having troubles with tinyproxy .. i edited the configuration file and Allowed my ip, but still i'm getting access denied for my proxy! :-) [19:58] nm, I found it [19:59] dayo: I can't image how you bear with it, i upgrade about everything by having "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" added to cron scrip [19:59] i found it on manpages.ubuntu.com though [19:59] anyone know where i can download metaflac [19:59] <--trying to insatll DSL on a pretty old 4 gig 225 Mhz processor Compaq, get to the beginning, press enter to install, then a blank screen, nothing, bad CD or file? [19:59] ptarrant: you're right, but the problem here is the motherboard that doesn't recognise the sata hd and the old optical drive.. and i don't know what to do.. if the error is from the motherboard itself, or if i did something wrong, you know what i mean.. [19:59] carresmd: solved the prob, it is due to ALC88 doesn't support hw-mixing and I have turned off pulse audio [19:59] !ot | stevex [19:59] stevex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [19:59] stevex: bad BIOS or bad kernel [19:59] stevex: this channel is for ubuntu support, not DSL [19:59] hi [20:00] salut je me demnade si je peut ouvrir un programme windows sous linux ? [20:00] !hi | Heptah [20:00] Heptah: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [20:00] !fr | assel [20:00] assel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [20:00] why do you log a channel like this? [20:00] Do you know if there already is a kernel 2.6.31 backport to jaunty? === Guest19558 is now known as riot_le [20:00] hello, i'm having troubles with tinyproxy .. i edited the configuration file and Allowed my ip, but still i'm getting access denied for my proxy! :-) [20:00] would radeonhd be a better driver than ati or radeon which ubuntu picks by default for a radeon x1550? [20:00] MAAAAD: That is very strange I have an ALC88(A) but I can't recall anything what you just said .. [20:00] del_diablo: well, pidgin is the only thing i upgrade manually. the rest is auto [20:00] exit [20:01] fccf: so i have to just download and install over the old one [20:01] Heptah: why wouldn't you ... I log it when I am here, freenode automatically logs to the ubuntu log server [20:01] pradeep: yes [20:01] :( [20:01] MAAAAD: there will never be a version backport to jaunty. Some patches might get backported, but the general version will stay the same over the complete life span [20:01] Anyone know a site i can download ''Metaflac'' as the flac official page doesn't have it?? [20:01] ColonelC81: what is metaflac? [20:02] carresmd: you migh be right, I have just notice that it was set to dgital [20:02] MAAAD: add the pidgin PPA [20:02] !backports [20:02] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [20:02] some sort of codec or flac meta data editor [20:02] can anyone help me setting up a private proxy serve ? [20:02] i have installed tinyproxy [20:02] i need it to make internet dj console work [20:03] stefg: you should know as well as the rest of us that the case is not so. [20:03] ColonelC81: flac has this included see !info flac [20:03] !info flac [20:03] flac (source: flac): Free Lossless Audio Codec - command line tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-1.2 (jaunty), package size 168 kB, installed size 408 kB [20:03] whats the best 24" LCD for image quality? [20:04] !info metaflac [20:04] Package metaflac does not exist in jaunty [20:04] del_diablo: are you talking about the difference between theory and actual practice ? [20:04] ColonelC81: metaflac is part of the flac package [20:04] well Internet DJ Console lists it as a dependant [20:04] stefg: indeed :P [20:04] !ot | Heptah [20:04] now it just won't load [20:04] Heptah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [20:05] ok well thanks fccf [20:05] Hello I'm trying to figure out how to disable authentication when evolution access my keyring. Basically I have it set so evolution starts automatically with my system but then, after already putting in my password to login, asks me for it again immedtaly. I want it to just allow it to have access but I can't seem to find that option in my authentications [20:05] please guys i know this is not the right channel but could anyone help me with my assembled pc? i'm trying to install ubuntu on it but the motherboard (asus p5q se p45) doesn't want to boot from cd.. [20:06] Guest15233: in your bios is should allow you to set it to boot form cd [20:06] when your computer first start it should say "Hit del for setup" or "hit f1 for bios" or something [20:06] needshelp: yea sure but it doesn't change anything.. [20:06] hit that key [20:06] Guest15233: are you sure you burnt the disk right? [20:06] and didnt' just like, burn the iso image as a data file to a cd? [20:06] i reboot , and it's always working the same way.. [20:06] ColonelC81: you might try aliasing the metaflac to flac,... it sounds like you are trying do do something that either isn't officially supported (in ubuntu) or isn't appropriate to be used in ubuntu... perhaps search ubuntuforums.org [20:07] Guest15233: and double check all your cables and jumper settings.... the biuos might not even know the optical drive is there [20:07] Guest15233: Those motherboards you need to set the sata type NOT to ahci to boot from cd/dvd [20:07] needshelp: yea, i've tried that disk.. [20:07] its availavble via ubuintu add/remove [20:07] Hi guys, when i burn with growisofs the -speed=2 option doesnt seem to work [20:07] ColonelC81: what? was that to me? [20:07] i use an usb external writer [20:07] check cd first, make sure it's not just an iso image on the disk [20:08] that doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I was asking [20:08] ColonelC81: lemme see what I can do in virtual land ... what is the package name idj? [20:08] guys the optical drive is an old atapi [20:08] oh nm [20:08] I missed that [20:08] no sorry needshelp [20:08] maybe it is too old to be recognised.. [20:08] hello [20:08] Internet DJ Console [20:08] Guest15233: and jumpers might be misplaced [20:08] Guest15233: was your bios seeing it? [20:08] i think your right, i do have metaflac [20:09] Guest15233: I have that motherboard. I had the exact same booting from cd issue. I just told you why it happens. [20:09] Guest15233: That shouldn't matter though [20:09] fccf: but internet dj console does not load, although it trys (thanks for your help) [20:09] i have not understood where are jumpers.. could you explain me?? === brendan_ is now known as Guest64082 [20:09] ColonelC81: are you running JACK? [20:09] it comes with IDJC [20:10] Guest15233: Forget about jumpers .. it has nothing to do with it [20:10] Guest15233: sorry but did you say if your bios saw it or not? [20:10] ColonelC81: I run a radio station, so I kinda know what you need [20:10] because if it is actually seeing it it's probably not the issue [20:10] oh cool [20:10] needshelp: i really don't know what it is === mue is now known as dini|duschen [20:10] ColonelC81: you actually have to start the JACK server [20:10] Guest15233: at the back of the drive, right besides the ide connector... BTW there'S #hardware [20:10] and i'm getting every sort of different answers so i don't understand xD [20:10] if your drive works when your in windows it's fine [20:10] don't worry about the jumper [20:10] right i was hoping to play with IDJC [20:10] it wouldn't be the problem [20:11] needshelp: i have no os installed [20:11] :\ [20:11] stefg: The jumper on the back of the drive doesn't have anything to do with booting from cd... [20:11] ColonelC81: Please /join #campcaster === dini|duschen is now known as mue [20:11] I think you're going to need way more help then any one person will provide here [20:11] seems like you have no idea what you're doing chronicpirate is a bitch [20:11] oh hell sorry [20:11] carresmd: some biosses only allow to boot from 'master' ide devices [20:11] I have l0l on autoreplace [20:11] i'm just asking for someone who could talk to me a bit in pvt, to explain me what to do exactly.. [20:11] forgot to fix it [20:12] anybody got any ideas on my question? [20:12] stefg: Maybe older systems .. But I haven't seen such a problem for a _long_ time [20:12] I'm trying to figure out how to disable authentication when evolution access my keyring. Basically I have it set so evolution starts automatically with my system but then, after already putting in my password to login, asks me for it again immedtaly. I want it to just allow it to have access but I can't seem to find that option in my authentications [20:12] maybe the problem is the place where i plugged a connector, i really don't know.. :( [20:13] needshelp: The problem with that Asus P5Q e/se motherboard chipset is that the Intel ICH10 which controls the 6 sata ports also controls the single IDE controller which usually the CD is on, and if the type in bios is set to AHCI then it screws the IDE based cdrom from booting [20:13] Question: When I switch between tabs in firefox, why does it affect a video or song that is playing in another tab? === mora is now known as Guest43801 [20:13] it's not my problem [20:13] why you refering to me? [20:13] Btw, this is in Ubuntu [20:13] Jaunty Jackelope [20:13] needshelp: http://davestechsupport.com/blog/2009/01/16/how-to-remove-ubuntus-password-keyring/ [20:13] Guest15233: The problem with that Asus P5Q e/se motherboard chipset is that the Intel ICH10 which controls the 6 sata ports also controls the single IDE controller which usually the CD is on, and if the type in bios is set to AHCI then it screws the IDE based cdrom from booting === Guest43801 is now known as moramartin [20:14] damn, compize texture filter is borke with cat 9.9+ [20:14] hello everybody [20:14] um stefg: thanks but thats a terrible solution that guy has [20:14] hi, people === deejaydblock is now known as d1scodustin [20:14] I just want to disable it for evolution [20:14] not entirely [20:14] Can I compose my mails in evolution using another editor, vi for example? [20:15] and if I wanted to do it entirely I sure as heck wouldn't just open a folder and start deleting files [20:16] hmmm nm didn't read it fully. just stopped after he said open /keyrings and delete everything you see [20:16] needshelp: but unfortunately the only one possible ... either you have your (encrypted) keyring, so you're asked to enter your password to decrypt it, or you abstain from encryption for your passwords ... no in-betweens [20:16] hi [20:16] http://www.meine-exschlampe.com/?ID=428121 [20:17] um I don't think it's that anyway === Guest64082 is now known as brendan` [20:17] Any idea how i can make my tinyproxy(running on my ubuntu VPS) undetectable as a PROXY.. [20:17] what is port 59434 and why do I get a login window for this port on karmic? [20:17] I looked in keyrings and the only thing there is my login.keyring [20:17] whcih is not evolution obviously :\ [20:18] I guess I could try though [20:18] Any idea how i can make my tinyproxy(running on my ubuntu VPS) undetectable as a PROXY.. !?!!!?!? [20:18] Guys, I need help... I'm just a newbie, and I've got a trouble with Amarook... It doesn't play my music [20:18] testing new upgrade version9.04, was able to go frm power off to my desktop in 2 min 5 sec, from power off to firefox browser online in 2 min 30 sec...is that slow for a 10 year old puter? [20:18] *Amarok [20:20] xt3mp0r: You're running a proxy but you don't want it to be detectable? That sounds a bit malicious to me, and we don't really provide support for that sort of thing here. [20:21] What's a good virus scanner to install? Coz' a lot of my apps run on wine. [20:21] http://tr.im/A1vy !!!!!!!!!! === spazlon is now known as azlon [20:22] Itsme, try clamav [20:22] thanks, blueglasses :) [20:22] !info clamav [20:22] clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.95.2+dfsg-4ubuntu1.2 (jaunty), package size 265 kB, installed size 492 kB [20:22] does SYMLINK in udev remap the drive? like from hdc to hda? [20:23] pici: Nope, i was just curious to know.. [20:23] salut tout le monde, il y a des français ici s'il vous plait? === Julia is now known as Guest23915 [20:23] !fr | avemowvip [20:23] avemowvip: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [20:23] Could anybody help me?.. [20:24] achpile: Just ask your entire question in the channel generally and see if someone takes up answering [20:25] I'm playing with heartbeat/ldirectord and something doesn't seem to be working correctly [20:25] ipvsadm lists an ip with 246 established connections, but the destination server doesn't show any connections in netstat [20:25] Enter text here...http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.tr.gg :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.tr.gg :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.tr.gg :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.tr.gg :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.tr.gg :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.tr.gg :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.tr.gg :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://chatvebiz.t [20:25] any idea why those connections aren't getting cleared out of the connection list? [20:25] I asked... And was ignored... I've got a trouble with amarok... It doesn't play music [20:25] Help, please [20:26] achpile: What type of files are you trying to play? [20:26] mp3 [20:26] achpile: Have you installed mp3 support? or is this a fresh install? [20:26] how can i reassign a drive from sdc to sda? [20:27] Fresh... [20:27] But I installed it for alsaplayer [20:27] azlon: switching your ports on your mainboard [20:27] hola [20:27] achpile: You'd need the kubuntu-restricted-extras package (I assume you're using Kubuntu) [20:27] Ubuntu =) === gregbeal is now known as digeratiX90 [20:28] MAAAAAD, yes, but i dont have that option... when i have my RAID connected my computer wont boot so i need my primary hdd to be sda instead of sde [20:28] azlon: just edit your fstab [20:28] version 9.04 [20:28] MAAAAAD, where is that located again? [20:29] So I'm starting to hear a faint clicking noise from my laptop hard drive (a click every few seconds for about a minute, stops for awhile, then starts up again). I ran smartctl and the output says "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED". Can I trust smartctl? Or should I replace the drive? [20:29] achpile: Try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and see if that fixes the issue. [20:29] hiiiiiiiiiiiii [20:29] in /etc/fstab [20:29] http://gogloom.com/client2/index2?mainCHAT=1&network=FreeNode&channel=%23%23deutsch [20:29] thanx [20:29] where can i ask bash commands (channel?) [20:29] blueglasses: #bash ? [20:29] blueglasses: #bash [20:29] test [20:29] big thanx =) [20:30] 汉子 [20:30] Here's smartctl output if anyone can interpret it: http://dpaste.com/99505/ [20:30] !zh | malinjun [20:30] malinjun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [20:30] MAAAAAD, hey, this looks like a step in the right direction... what do i need to edit in here? [20:30] !fstab | azlon [20:30] azlon: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [20:31] replace sda with sde [20:31] a better option ist to use UUID [20:31] hi === trijntje_ is now known as trijntje [20:31] !uuid [20:31] To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [20:31] hi [20:32] Gnome won'tlet me change desktop background [20:32] MAAAAAD, awesome, thanks! [20:32] not even modify the gradient [20:32] or the single color setting [20:32] it's just the color brown now ;/ [20:33] anybody here run ubuntu on a compact flash ? [20:33] kosmic: try logging out then back in [20:33] savid: I usually replace drives around 5000 hours if they give any trouble (clicking) ... you are at 4400h and clicking... Backup, Backup, Backup and replace [20:33] okay [20:33] guys is possible to in ubuntu to access a remote computer drive windows xp machine like \\machine\c$ [20:34] MAAAAAD, i have my HDD UUID, then / instead of /dev/sda1... does this mean it will be assigned dynamically? [20:34] yep [20:34] the UUID reamins as long you don't change the partition [20:34] fccf, heh good enough for me. I've got the new drive sitting right here, along w/ a USB enclosure so I can clone the drive... I just wanted to make sure before I tore into the plastic :-) [20:34] by it is possible to reassing an UUID to a new partition [20:35] any tried jolicloud yet? [20:35] savid: plus you get more space for less money, isn't that cool [20:35] MAAAAAD, thanks, ill give it a try... let me reboot... [20:35] Pici, you around ? [20:35] fccf, always cool [20:36] * savid powers down and pops in ubuntu livecd [20:36] how can I find my local IP on ubuntu? is there a terminal command? [20:36] DougM, ifconfig [20:36] worked.. thanks [20:37] hola recien instale ubuntu en mi laptop pero no sale sonido cuando le probe la vresion live si sonaba que puedo hacer [20:37] !es | jopaul [20:37] jopaul: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [20:37] hi [20:37] Pici, how can I make a read only filesystem for a compact flash card [20:38] is there any GNU/Linux ( GPL licensed) app that allows me to work with DLC files? One that does NOT depend on java? [20:38] avertv-volar-bla: DLC? [20:38] run\ [20:39] is anyone familiair with this error? " authdaemond: FAIL, all modules rejected " [20:39] any recomendations for an mp3 player with linux support that isnt an ipod? [20:39] MAAAAAD, no luck... when i boot it makes it to "Boot from (hd0,0) ext3 , then Starting up... [20:39] thats it [20:39] avertv-volar-bla: I am thinking perhaps Blender or pov-ray ... it is a propreietary 3d studio max file right? [20:39] maybe this isnt the right place to ask :) But should I go with Ubuntu or Linux Mint? [20:39] I know my way around linux and the cli [20:40] hwilde: Read only? Er.. you could mount it as readonly, but I don't thinky you can create a read only filesystem, how would you get data on it. [20:40] Vhozard i like mint [20:40] azlon: maybe you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst too [20:40] Pici, so how to mitigate the write cycles of a compact flash card? and get around the e2fsck check on boot [20:40] hrmm [20:40] I am basically after an GPL licensed alternative to jdownloader that does NOT depend on java [20:40] digeratiX90 But is there any reason NOT to go with mint? [20:40] Vhozard: ubuntu ... but if you choose the latter, don't ask for help here [20:41] Vhozard: it has non-free software preinstalled, but it doesnt really bother me [20:41] Pici, something like the LiveCD doesn't write to disk, so e2fsck check could be disabled [20:41] The alternative must support DLC files though [20:41] hwilde: I don't really know, sorry. [20:41] fccf Differences arent big, so I think I can ask for help here :) [20:42] digeratiX90 I dont care about free/non-free bla bla bla [20:42] Pici, but you know who to ask right :) [20:42] digeratiX90 any other reasons NOT to go with mint? [20:42] I still have problems staying connected to internet [20:43] Vhozard: true, but as we support the ubuntu community and not mint, we like to keep it that way, and there are technically HUGE differences between them [20:43] hwilde: I'm actually a bit busy here, sorry. [20:43] hi all [20:43] fccf technically HUGE? Sorry, but I dont think so [20:44] Vhozard: the default interface is slightly different, it has a windows like start menu and it uses its own update manager, but you can always choose the regular update manager if you like. ive been running mint for about a year and a half and i love it [20:44] digeratiX90 Ok, thank you. [20:44] if i have a svn repository, that authenticates using ssh, is there any way to have a user that has no login shell ( or cant login for that matter ) and still be able to access the svn repository ? [20:44] can anyone give me a hint on this courier / imap related error: " authdaemond: FAIL, all modules rejected " [20:44] Vhozard: Mint is not suppourted in here [20:45] Vhozard digeratiX90: Mint is similar to Ubuntu rather green, probably much better to use real Ubuntu though [20:45] anyone here you todo.txt? [20:45] Hello! I somehow made nautilus menubar hidden. http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/25913/no_menubar_IBNKet.png Any ideas how? [20:45] lrojas: anonymous access is supported in svn [20:45] i want to integrate todo.txt with a calendar, anyone have suggestions? [20:45] I can't remember what I did :D === Guest23915 is now known as Julia [20:45] MAAAAAD, looks like my UUID is set the same... when i do sudo blkid im taking the UUID of my ext3, not swap (only 2 are listed) === Julia is now known as Julia_ [20:46] so can anyone recommend a good non-ipod mp3 player with linux support? === rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3 [20:46] paste your UUID and fstab [20:46] digeratiX90: anything from Cowon [20:46] maco: I was going to recommend Cowon as well [20:46] fccf: but i dont want anonymous access, i want the access to be authenticated because this guys need to make updates to the system. [20:46] digeratiX90: they explicitly list Linux support, and they play Ogg Vorbis in addition to the usuals [20:46] MAAAAAD, ok, hold on... i have to run a line to it [20:47] anyone know why ipvsadm is showing connections that don't exist according to the destination server? [20:47] maco do they have players with mechanical buttons? [20:47] MAAAAAD, i will just use this machine's cat5... brb [20:47] digeratiX90: i think one model does [20:47] maco thank you [20:48] digeratiX90: my current one (D2) has touchscreen with some mech buttons. one before that (iaudio7) had some mech buttons and touch buttons that were indented so you could find them. the vertical-looking one has buttons i think [20:48] hi [20:48] i need help... big big time... [20:48] :S [20:48] So I need to install some packages so I can tether my iPhone to ubuntu, but I only have the iPhone's connection to get the packages [20:48] !ask | Idioteque [20:48] Idioteque: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [20:48] Any ideas on how to pull that off? [20:49] hi all. does jaunty package firefox-3.5 conflict with firefox-3.0? [20:49] nope [20:49] lrojas: then I am thinking they would need to login, === xx is now known as Guest35914 [20:49] hello folks, i have this weird dream to find a way to be able to pop x amount of window (xterm mainly) at a specific location and with a specific resize. Anything better than the painful way of using the the --geometry ? [20:49] and is there any obvious reason i shouldn't upgrade? or is that just in case i don't want my addons to be lost? [20:49] i tried to create a usb bootable disk and by mistake selected my external portable USB drive and clicked format which now doesn't mount... i dunno if it was formated or not... [20:49] MAAAAAD: http://pastebin.com/m664d8f9c [20:49] jefeke: If you're using metacity you can use devilspie [20:49] Koganei: I don't remember ( does the iphone have a sdcard?) [20:49] how can i recover my data [20:49] :( [20:50] How do I permanately add a folder to $PATH for all users? [20:50] pici: metacity being the default gnome ubuntu one ? [20:50] jefeke: Yes [20:50] jefeke: Without compiz enabled. [20:50] azlon: whre is your fstab? [20:50] Pici: kewl ! thanks ! .. oups .. no compiz ? mmm [20:50] MAAAAAD: dude... im an idiot... i pasted my friggin grub [20:51] i dont mind if they login, i just dont want them to open a session with an enviroment... or let me ask this in another way... is there any way to have a svn repository that authenticates both through svn and the user specified throught the text file? [20:51] jefeke: If you have compiz enabled then it might be best to ask them in #compiz [20:51] indeed :) [20:51] thanks ! [20:51] i tried to create a usb bootable disk and by mistake selected my external portable USB drive and clicked format which now doesn't mount... i dunno if it was formated or not... now it shows full free space... but it doesnt mount also.. please help me... please [20:51] cheers Pici === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [20:51] MAAAAAD: http://pastebin.com/d759cb780 [20:51] i mean, this users are students that are doing a project at our company, i dont want them to do anything else but access the specific repository that i am providing for them [20:52] ( actually a subdirectory in the main repository ) [20:52] How do I update my bios if I downloaded a zip file for my motherboard and all it comes with is an exe and a .160 file... [20:52] shawn_: maybe with some sort of dos boot disk? [20:53] azlon: that can't work [20:53] shawn_: ask the manufacturer [20:53] maco Im not sure how DOS works I use Linux... [20:53] shawn_: sometimes the exe will contain an iso that you can burn and boot from [20:53] MAAAAAD: what did i do wrong? [20:53] you have to replace /dev/sda with your ID and set mount point / [20:53] shawn_: yeah i know, but if they dont provide a linux way to do it, then youre gonna have to go to dos [20:53] shawn_: exe's are for win & dos [20:53] i tried to create a usb bootable disk and by mistake selected my external portable USB drive and clicked format which now doesn't mount... i dunno if it was formated or not... now it shows full free space... but it doesnt mount also.. please help me... please [20:53] maco So how would I do this? [20:53] exit [20:53] oops [20:54] MAAAAAD: so just change the /dev/sda1 to / [20:54] yes [20:54] shawn_: first thing id check is try unzipping the exe and maybe youre lucky and there's an iso. if not, then um...no idea how to do the dos boot disk stuf [20:54] MAAAAAD: thats the way it was before [20:54] Idioteque: you are probably out of luck, sorry to say, and it would be difficult to help you with a recovery, best bet is to have a pro do it [20:54] maco You can unzip an EXE? [20:54] Idioteque: do you want to recover data from the disk ? [20:54] shawn_: sure [20:55] azlon are you sure that is the uuid of your sde? [20:55] shawn_: many .exe's are zips with an executable inside the zip [20:55] erUSUL, yes can you please suggest me any options [20:55] i have a lifetime of data on the disk [20:55] shawn_: thats how Setup.exe's work [20:55] !undelete | Idioteque photorec ? [20:55] Idioteque photorec ?: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [20:55] maco Oh... [20:56] whats is different in netbook remix then the normal version? [20:56] MAAAAAD: that is the UUID of the drive that i want to boot from. i was told the other day by n8user that my raid card was making the 4 drives sda, sdb, sdc, and sdd and my primary drive sde. but the system was still trying to boot from sda [20:56] love being ubuntero! [20:56] hi does one of you ever use sed? [20:56] MAAAAAD: after looking at these files i dont agree... it looks like it is booting based on the UUID (i didnt know about this stuff before) [20:56] Idiotecque: best bet ... call a pro http://www.drivesaversdatarecovery.com/ [20:56] azlon1: you have to reconfigure grub too [20:56] erUSUL, i think it is a fat32 filesystem... [20:56] maco Nothing happens when I try to unzip the exe [20:56] will it work? [20:56] sde wohld be hd(5,0) [20:56] shaulx: very different ui, check screenshots at thecodingstudio [20:56] would [20:57] anyone experienced with sid? [20:57] Idioteque: you can try photorec. look for the how to on its web site [20:57] shawn_: ok then go with what guntbert said. ask the manufacturer [20:57] sed* [20:57] sorry 4,0 [20:57] Amnesia: a bit [20:57] erUSUL, thank you [20:57] brb [20:57] maco How do I contact MSI xD [20:57] MAAAAAD: looking at my grub, i dont see a place to change hd(0,0) to hd(4,0) [20:57] maco: do you know how to specify an occurrence while substituting? [20:57] shawn_: ask msi's website how to contact msi :P [20:57] MAAAAAD: i only see stuff based on UUID [20:57] Amnesia: ask your question [20:57] maco I dont see it [20:57] Portland so the netbook remix has a different gui and thats it? (i saw photos) [20:57] azlon1: that works only via grub from shell [20:57] !grub [20:57] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [20:58] Amnesia: oh. nope, sorry [20:58] next step will be to setup your BIOS [20:58] erUSUL: sed -e 's/00/11/3 [20:58] erUSUL: that should specify the third occurrence right? [20:58] MAAAAAD: what part of the bios? the raid isnt on the MB, its a PCI RAID card that is am just using the sata ports on... [20:59] Amnesia: sed has a channel: #sed [20:59] *i am [20:59] oh lol, thanks prince_jammys [20:59] azlon1: you have to tell your motherboard bios form which disk it should boot either onboard port or raid [20:59] hrmm [20:59] Amnesia: yes the third in a line [21:00] MAAAAAD: ok, brb... off to tackle the bios [21:00] erUSUL: ahh in a line.. [21:00] azlon1: get a live CD otherwise you can't setup grub [21:00] erUSUL: is there any way to specify which match to change? [21:01] Amnesia: can you rephrase ? [21:01] well imagine I've got a file with digits on each line [21:01] erUSUL: 1 till 5 one digit a line [21:01] I've got a simple question: I'm trying to move a folder that has \ and spaces in it via the CLI... I can't get it to more correctly. what's the trick here? [21:01] in a sequence of 1 2 2 3 4 5 [21:02] and I'd like to change the second 2 for a 3 [21:02] 1 2 2 4 5 * [21:02] Trab: either scape the special chars with \\ or enclose the filename in "" [21:02] Trab: use Tab key after typing the first few letters [21:02] •fccf• I tried that :-/ [21:03] Amnesia: but each number is in its own line; correct? [21:03] Can anyone confirm ability to burn video (AVI) to a DVD using Brasero? i.e. Download an .avi from Bittorrent, open up Brasero, and then burn to a DVD? I cannot, I see alot of bug reports, but cannot tell if it is a universal problem. [21:03] Trab: then /path/to/"filename with spaces" [21:03] erUSUL: yup [21:03] awesome thanks [21:03] Trab: this\file name --> this\\file\ name or "this\file name" [21:04] stephen2: I use devede to create DVD's [21:04] double quotes worked, I was trying singles only [21:04] thx [21:04] hi [21:04] I have a problem [21:05] Amnesia: well that's beyond my abilities i'm afraid... prince_jammys segested #sed ask there [21:05] erUSUL: okay, thanks though [21:05] Amnesia: you're probably better off at #awk for your task [21:05] ahh [21:05] sed can't do math, and you'd like to. [21:05] I've already update my ubuntu ...with nautilus anything then my menubar bar in local folder get lost or hid [21:05] so sed only works in lines...? [21:05] need some help with my internet connection Please [21:05] Amnesia: sed can't really 'count'. awk can. [21:05] maco.. What is a .160 file even I cant even find any info about it online... All the guides on flashing my bios say I should have a .bin or .ROM [21:06] hm okay [21:06] I use a netgear DG834PN router [21:06] thanks for answeruing [21:06] shawn_: no idea [21:06] answering* [21:06] shawn_: could be just that they choose to put the version of the bios in the filename extension [21:07] erUSUL could it sitll be a .bin and I should treat it like that? [21:07] fccf: thanks. Do I understand that you could not burn video DVDs with Brasero? [21:07] Hi. [21:07] shawn_: yes; but really check carefully the instructions in the manufacturer website. Be very carefull a wrong bios flashing can brick your motherboard [21:07] any real people in here? [21:08] yes [21:08] steve1: no they're at #ubuntu-ot [21:08] please help it's driving me crazy === root is now known as Guest13699 [21:08] stephen2: I wouldn't, unless it was already in .iso format ... devede will create .iso's which can then be burn't using brasaro [21:09] erUSUL well the guide MSI gave me with the download is ridiculous... Its telling me to execute an exe (flasher) from the A: prompt that wasnt even the same exe as the one they gave me and telling me to use a Bios file that isnt that same number [21:09] peeps123: ask in one line and tell us the details. is wifi? which wifi card (the chip) ? has encription or not? [21:10] Guest13699: you are running your IRC client as root --- THIS IS VERY UNSECURE . reccommend running as regular user, OR FEEL FREE TO GET HACKED [21:10] shawn_: :| [21:10] I'm using NX to run remote session.....trying to manage "Users and Groups", but it appears disabled.....do I have to be local to manage "Users and Groups"? [21:10] whats wrong with keyserver.ubuntu.com ? [21:10] it won't give me the key fetched by gpg [21:10] Wolter: is down [21:10] erUSUL does it assume Im going to go download a flasher from somewhere else? [21:10] hey [21:11] its a netgear DG834PN router and I'm hardwired (ethernet) [21:11] erUSUL, oh... [21:11] anyone to help me [21:11] please [21:11] fccf: I have tried the devede-brasero two-step ... brasero WILL burn the .iso, but my PS2 won't play it [21:11] Wolter: it is down ... use pool.sks-keyservers.net as an alt [21:11] !ask | xtract [21:11] xtract: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:11] being ubuntero it's an indescribable experience! [21:11] shawn_: you should only use the tools the manufacturer gaves you [21:11] howdy [21:11] erUSUL then the guide is wrong they gave me [21:12] fccf: it might be called one step farther, but it's still not a solution, at least so far [21:12] and network manager tells me every few seconds that I'm connected/disconnecte [21:12] shawn_: in the msi website ? [21:12] it was an NTSC format too [21:12] How can I move and resize windows from the terminal? [21:12] the menubar from my local folder dissapear [21:12] Nividia chipset for lan [21:12] Wolter: i think there is another keyserver you can use... [21:12] erUSUL yessir [21:12] !ppa [21:12] With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [21:13] fccf: have you used devede with .divx or just .avi? === Guest22498 is now known as YDdraigGoch [21:13] do I have to be local to manage "Users and Groups"? [21:14] steve1: i think so [21:14] stephen2: I believe it will work with both if you have the right codecs installed, but on a ps2? Have you tried a regular DVD player? [21:14] steve1: its a bug, but i know its not fixed in jaunty. havent checked in karmic [21:14] shawn_: i do not know what more to add. is your decision to make... to flash the bios with what you got or not [21:15] fccf: have not tried a reg. DVD player :) believe it or not, don't have one ... my son filled us up with dual-purpose gaming boxes [21:15] I've got jaunty installed on a dell mini 10 with HDMI output. what do I need to install to watch fullscreen videos via hdmi on my tv? [21:15] do I need to be registered to get help? [21:15] bummer [21:15] Wolter: http://pgp.mit.edu/ is a common one I think [21:16] peeps123: no; but i missed your replies... [21:16] netgear DG834PN router [21:16] peeps123: so you use wired connection with nvidia ethernet... do you see someting in the system logs ? [21:16] stephen2: perhaps try using a SVCD ... the quality won't matter as it is already compressed to shizzle, perhaps your propritary POS will play that [21:16] SuperID: I've done that, and found it tricky/unsatisfactory. 1) had to use PC sound (mybe diff with hdmi). 2) My tv cutoff top & bottom of my PC-window [21:16] Nvidia chipset lan driver [21:16] fccf: SVCD??? [21:17] no [21:17] stephen2: thx. I'm surprised about the sound. I thought that was one of the few benefits of hdmi [21:17] erUSUL I am very new to ubuntu [21:17] stephen2: precurser to DVD ... fits on a 700mb disk and will play in most DVD players ... devede will create this ... first option screeen [21:17] SuperrID: Sorry .. to be clear .. i was NOTusing HDMI [21:17] and PC's [21:17] hi [21:18] peeps123: System>Admin>even viewer or something like that [21:18] hi everyone, on the sound converter, I can convert FLAC to MP3 fine, but from WAV that converted to MP3 with size 0 on its files as a result...does anyone know what the problem is ? === me is now known as Guest79909 [21:18] fccf: will devede burn SDVD directly to the disc, or must i make an interim .iso? [21:19] arand, oh nice [21:19] erUSUL I see loads of Link Down and Link Up logs [21:19] hmm [21:19] peeps123: in kernel.log ?? [21:19] stephen2: because of the time it takes to encode video ... you have to create a iso ... the DVD drive isn't slow enough [21:20] peeps123: kern.log [21:20] high [21:20] vai kāds meitenei var palīdzēt? [21:20] anyone can tell me the name for the "new" ati driver? [21:20] !pl [21:20] Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [21:21] hi can anyone help me change my theme can t get the hang of this new to this? [21:21] arand, yeah i don't think they have it either [21:21] for the xorg.conf === tien is now known as jobe [21:21] lester: System>Preferences>appearance [21:21] is there anything like AnyDVD to emulate DVD regions on Ubuntu or it isn't necessary ? [21:21] !gnomelook | lester [21:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnomelook [21:21] hi everyone, on the sound converter, I can convert FLAC to MP3 fine, but from WAV that converted to MP3 with size 0 on its files as a result...does anyone know what the problem is ? [21:21] erUSUL I dont see hern.log [21:21] peeps123: hit F9 [21:21] how to import music on sony walkman a815 with linux on my pc? [21:22] how do i install that [21:22] erUSUL ok [21:22] fccf; ok. thx ... so I am saving an .avi now via devede to an SDVD (NTSC format) .. That will make an ISo which I should burn to disc with ??? which utility? [21:22] gnomelook [21:22] peeps123: or View>side Panel [21:23] lester: gnome-look.org is a site [21:23] lester: download gtk-themes there for everything inside a window, metacity for borders and drag and drop the .tar.gz files in the appearance window [21:24] ok thanks [21:24] hi everyone, on the sound converter, I can convert FLAC to MP3 fine, but from WAV that converted to MP3 with size 0 on its files as a result...does anyone know what the problem is ? [21:24] FGLRX, wysiwtf, is that what you are looking for ? [21:25] anyone know why keyword searches from the firefox address bar does nt seem to work anymore [21:26] i'm trying to set up static ip's for 2 static ip's on one interface... this is my config http://www.pastie.org/633928 ... can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong ? [21:26] been trying to work on this for awhile now [21:27] yo yo yo [21:27] f00fSteR: have you edited /etc/interfaces? [21:27] unwanted gnome startup applications? [21:28] erUSUL sorry cant see any of the ones you gave me [21:28] hi everyone. are there any packages for php 5.3 in ubuntu 9.04 ? [21:28] cjae: keyword search only works for sites you have visited ... if you have cleared you cache or history it won't work [21:29] does anyone has experience with Sound Converter ? [21:29] or do i have to compile it myself ? [21:29] hi, i would like some help in mounting my ntsf disk in the ubuntu, any helpplease [21:29] !ntfs3g | GiveMeWeed [21:29] GiveMeWeed: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [21:29] peeps123: well; i'm thinking that you may have a kernel bug that makes your card not work correctly... maybe you can install another ethernet card on the mchine to check ? [21:29] k ill read ty [21:29] man what a cludge you have to go through to update the menu's on crashbang! === avemowvip is now known as Ansse [21:30] erUSUL I'm visiting Edinburgh at the weekend....will have a look then, thank you very much [21:31] !info | php5 [21:31] php5: Retrieve information on a package: !info [21:31] 'php5' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner [21:31] peeps123: sorry for not being of much help anyway [21:31] !info php5 [21:31] php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.6.dfsg.1-3ubuntu4.2 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB [21:31] you wre thank you again === max is now known as Guest75157 [21:31] good day again =) [21:31] *were [21:31] Como atualizo o kernel do ubuntu 9.04 ? [21:31] is that the way to install intel driver? http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/reverting-xorg-video-intel-driver-of.html why it doesn't look simple? [21:31] so... I still have a trouble with amarok... [21:32] !br | danilo__ [21:32] danilo__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [21:32] I've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, but it still keeping silence [21:32] what refresh the kernel in ubuntu 9.04 ? [21:33] what refresh the kernel in ubuntu 9.04 ? === Ansse is now known as avemowvip [21:33] pulse00: you will probably have to compile it if 5.2.6 won't do what you need, or fix the code to work with the current version ... or wait for Lucid Lynx next year [21:35] is that the way to install intel driver? http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/reverting-xorg-video-intel-driver-of.html why it doesn't look simple? why i get this after updating sources W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 78414460095F1873 [21:35] W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CE90D8983E731F79? [21:35] What's a good terminal to use that has search maybe regex search? [21:36] how do I set up a VPN? I do not use a GUI [21:36] hihy [21:37] do you guys get major freeze issues in firefox after installing the flash plugin? [21:37] is that means i got the key right? Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0xce90d8983e731f79gpg: requesting key 3E731F79 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com [21:39] !gpgerr [21:39] Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys && gpg --export --armor | sudo apt-key add - » [21:39] I cant belive how much flash screws up my system [21:39] is it possible to set up a VPN in ubuntu without a GUI? if so, how? [21:39] VPN == Virtual Private Network [21:40] !vpn [21:40] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [21:40] i am new linux user:) [21:40] when i do gksudo gedit /etc/fstab nothing happens [21:40] erUSUL: that link is entirely useless [21:40] :'( [21:40] no error no nothing [21:41] GiveMeWeed: does: gksudo gedit run gedit? [21:41] fccf: You can edit or request the remove of the factoid ;) [21:41] let me c [21:41] VPN's. can they be created without a GUI? What's the scoop [21:41] nop [21:41] i dont have gedit? [21:41] GiveMeWeed: do you use kde? [21:41] i think so [21:42] im very lame at linux [21:42] hi don t get this at all cant change themes need help [21:42] GiveMeWeed: do you have a bar at the top of the screen? [21:42] y [21:42] !theme | lester [21:42] lester: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [21:42] GiveMeWeed: then it'll most likely be gnome [21:43] so whtas the prob with the gedit? [21:43] sman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN is a good how to for the CLI [21:43] GiveMeWeed: ok lets break this down, does gksudo bring up a request for a password, or did it before? [21:44] ys i did before [21:44] and i set the pass [21:44] GiveMeWeed: ok thats good, if you press alt+f2 can you run gedit from there [21:44] lester: where did it go wrong? [21:44] nop it fail to start gedit [21:45] fccf: so you agree to request this? --> /msg ubottu vpn is From more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN [21:45] ill see in packets [21:45] GiveMeWeed: ok we have the culprit [21:45] GiveMeWeed: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gedit [21:45] erUSUL: yes, and make the old link !vpngame [21:45] hi, anyone able to reach keyserver.ubuntu.com? [21:46] * Uqbar [21:46] ryan8403: it is down use pool.sks-keyservers.net as an alt [21:46] ryan8403: it can be slow, keep trying the key import, it will work eventually [21:46] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [21:47] it says cant find the gedit packet [21:47] wtf this strange [21:47] ActionParsnip: it can also be down ... as it seems to be right now pool.sks-keyservers.net is an alternative keyserver that has the same data [21:48] GiveMeWeed: you have another instance of apt running [21:48] ActionParsnip; is that run by the community or by canonical? [21:48] what was the name of the ubuntu specific build of firefox 3.5? [21:48] GiveMeWeed: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install gedit [21:48] nyu_: shiretoko [21:48] i ad the packets instalar but i closed it [21:48] thanks [21:48] !ff35 > nyu_ [21:48] nyu_, please see my private message [21:48] fccf thanks, i'll try that one as well [21:48] and the keyserver is back up [21:48] i searched in packets installer [21:48] ctmjr: nice spot [21:48] no gedit there [21:49] GiveMeWeed: you cant install with apt-get and have synaptic open [21:49] yah i closed it [21:49] what are good graphical games to use for testing if the intel drivers insralled ok? [21:49] i did whats written herer but how can i test if it is working ok? http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/reverting-xorg-video-intel-driver-of.html [21:49] and it says now cant find no packet with that name [21:49] !fixapt | GiveMeWeed [21:49] GiveMeWeed: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [21:50] mgv2: any quake3 based game will do. openarena ; urban terror ; world of padman etc [21:50] mgv2: quakelive :D:D [21:51] mgv2: warzone2100 or frets on fire [21:51] mgv2: I use sauerbraten (great game) but for testing glxgears works well [21:51] mgv2: oenumbra is badass [21:51] hi guys... i've got something strange happening, I'm using ubuntu server 9.02 and have just upgraded my network with a gigabit switch. if i try to use my samba shares they work at first, but if i download something i get around 300mbit for 3-4 secs until the connection dies [21:51] *penumbra [21:51] is it possible that the samba server can't handle that speed? [21:52] fccf: i still remember qwhen you have to put « glxgears -iacknowledgethisisnotabenchmark » to get the fps out of glxgears XXDD [21:52] erUSUL: you would remember that, great reminder though [21:54] ddd looks pretty messed up on my system. the screen flickers as I try to scroll. there are weird squares and the end of all the lines [21:54] Roritharr: try uncommenting socket options = TCP_NODELAY in smb.conf [21:54] muriki: You mean dd ? [21:55] im accessing my ubuntu server via ssh, just recently all the color coding of file types stopped... now everything is the same colour.... why has this happened? [21:55] genii: ddd is a frontend for gdb... [21:56] genii: no I mean ddd the gdb front end [21:56] thanks ActionParsnip [21:56] i'm trying [21:56] erUSUL: Ah, OK. If he did dd with stdout that would be similar symtoms [21:56] Sometimes my audio comes out static-ie any idea why? [21:57] m0r0n: killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse; rm ~/.pulse-cookie [21:57] muriki: maybe some problem with the locale settings ? if you launch it as « LC_ALL=C ddd & » does it look ok ? [21:57] ActionParsnip: What will that do? [21:57] m0r0n: then press alt+f2 and run pulseaudio [21:58] m0r0n: it will set your pulse settings to default [21:59] how can i know i installed it well? http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/reverting-xorg-video-intel-driver-of.html [21:59] i cant get that gedit to work [21:59] cant find it in packets installler [21:59] erUSUL: no such luck [21:59] did not help ActionParsnip :( [21:59] mgv2: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log [21:59] muriki: :| [22:00] are there any reasonable alternatives to ddd? I tried kdbg a few minutes ago, but was frustrated to find out I didn't get direct access to gdb [22:00] why linux is so complicated? [22:00] Roritharr: it will be something with that file, to apply the setting you need to restart the samba service [22:00] i dont find it so complicated... [22:00] i rebooted the whole system [22:00] hannes_: its really not once you get to grips with it. [22:01] but this gedit is making it complicate [22:01] Roritharr: that'll do it, you can run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart instead [22:01] GiveMeWeed: try: sudo apt-get install leafpad === clearscreen1 is now known as clearscreen [22:01] GiveMeWeed: you can then run: gksudo leafpad [22:01] hannes_: No more complicated than windows, except with linux you can control everything down to the lineitem [22:01] !info insight | muriki [22:01] muriki: insight (source: insight): Graphical debugger based on GDB. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.7.1.dfsg.1-10.1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1722 kB, installed size 5076 kB [22:02] windows xp is so esier but now , i like linux [22:02] hi guys, I want to make the Caps Lock key to behave like Esc, at the same time I want to keep Esc func [22:02] how to do that? [22:02] but thats a diferent editor right? [22:02] why you need that [22:02] where is the useragent random swicher for thunderbird is located? [22:02] this is it https://addons.mozilla.org/he/thunderbird/addon/8226 [22:03] PenStand, xmodmap [22:03] :-) [22:03] Hello, is it possible to set some type of cluster so that users can use ubuntu that is actually executed on a central server? for better control and security [22:03] cuz i whant to be hable to instal gedit [22:03] i am trying to configure postgresql on 8.04. i can log in as the user postgres, but when i try to add that user to the admin group it says that the user does not exist [22:03] !ltsp | epaphus [22:03] epaphus: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project [22:04] chat1.ustream.tv [22:04] !AVAHI [22:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about AVAHI [22:04] sorry all, for some reason i dont get your responses always [22:04] GiveMeWeed: why can't you install it? [22:04] hi [22:04] fccf, nice! [22:04] hey... my sudo is not working can anyone help me?: The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator. [22:04] LTSP is Sooooo great! [22:04] does anyone know if amarok support daap? [22:04] epaphus: theres a release like that, yuo run it on a system and it becomes the head, the others connect to it and become its workers [22:05] ltcabral_: are you on the admin group ? [22:05] PenStand, do you use it? [22:05] ActionParsnip, i need special hardware for that, right? [22:05] sudo need pwd [22:05] epaphus: no but I saw a video about Sun ThinClients. The idea is so great [22:05] erUSUL, cool - how can i download the games? from the add/remove? [22:05] mabe [22:05] Yahoo chat reps tell me there's a special password for their mail servers for Ubuntu, but since they don't provide any kind of support, they told me you would have it. [22:05] epaphus: no, just multiple PCs [22:05] erUSUL: i should be... how do i check [22:06] mgv2: openarena is the repos the other two from their own websites [22:06] does ubuntu have anything like mint install? [22:06] ltcabral_: « id » on a terminal [22:06] epaphus: Sun ThinClients use only a monitor keyboard and mouse. The monitor has USBs and other stuff [22:06] ActionParsnip, according to http://www.ltsp.org/ it needs a switch... ...? [22:06] PenStand, but that would be Sun [22:06] not ubuntu [22:06] epaphus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:06] erUSUL: hm... no [22:06] erUSUL: how do i add [22:07] epaphus: you just need a LAN connected set of PCs [22:07] ltcabral_: you will have to boot into recovery mode [22:07] epaphus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ClusterKnoppix can do it [22:07] epaphus: well it's only the Sun hardware. The software is only the main server which runs Linux ;) [22:07] erUSUL: cant i use su and, as root, add my user? [22:07] ltcabral_: and do « adduser admin » [22:07] ActionParsnip, ahh ok.. but every PC would still need its CPU.. right? [22:07] ltcabral_: ubuntu does not have a root password [22:07] epaphus: this page has a list of OSes that can do it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf_cluster [22:07] is there a way to kill any web server running on ubuntu [22:07] erUSUL, what should i see in the log for ensuring im using the new driver or actually the old [22:08] ? [22:08] erUSUL: i added... seems it worked :P [22:08] epaphus: yes and its free cpu time would contribute to the overall speed [22:08] mgv2: the driver version ? [22:08] epaphus: or all in some cases [22:08] epaphus: PelicanHPC looks awesome [22:08] erUSUL: insight looks good so far, thanks for the suggestion [22:08] muriki: no problem [22:08] ActionParsnip, cool so on theory I could use PCs with smaller CPU [22:09] epaphus: ActionParsnip: there's no CPU in Sun ThinkClients I guess! [22:09] is this the beginner room? [22:09] PenStand: theres a little one [22:09] terrylee42: no; ask here for help [22:09] hi there... [22:09] epaphus: ActionParsnip: yeah a little one to control the hardware [22:09] okies, erusl. [22:09] epaphus: they co-operate to share the cpu time on each node [22:10] Yahoo techie chat reps tell me of a special password Evolution needs to access their mail servers. Said ya'll would have it. [22:10] epaphus: ActionParsnip: I'm thinking to make a company that creates the hardware! Well I might use Atom processors ;) [22:10] ActionParsnip, ohh.. so the entire OS doesnt run on the main server? [22:10] epaphus: i'd use x forwarding over ssh to the thin clients from a big server with some power on a decent speed lan [22:10] terrylee42: this is the ubuntu support channel, we do help new users (sometimes - if you ask the right questions) [22:10] i use system monitor on my panel... the only problem is that it does not plot the network traffic when i use my usb modem stick.. it only plot this traffic if i use the built in wireless or wired connection... any way to make it plot the network from my usb stick ?? [22:10] why my computer freezze [22:10] ?? [22:11] PenStand: hehe. ION is nice :) [22:11] My cpu governor does not scale quickly enough the frequency . for ex. rendering web pages requires high cpu just for one second. [22:11] terrylee42: they lied [22:11] !juk [22:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about juk [22:11] ActionParsnip, i need to prevent users from saving files.. and only doing it on the main server [22:11] ActionParsnip: what's ION? [22:11] maybe the manage energy is faling??? [22:11] xcvgfsdg: we don't know. maybe if you gave us some clues... [22:11] ActionParsnip, could i do that with a minimal ubuntu install? [22:11] maybe the manage energy is faling??? [22:11] terrylee42: there is no such "special" password. if you have pop3 acess to yahoo just use your password [22:11] epaphus: you can use groups and folder owner to control what they can and can't do [22:11] terrylee42: itd be your own password as usual, IF youve paid yahoo for IMAP/POP access. if you have a free account, you cnt use a desktp client with yahoo [22:11] !repeat | xcvgfsdg [22:11] xcvgfsdg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. === NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away [22:11] lied? then I have no access to my email through Evolution cause there is no password? [22:11] PenStand: nvidia gpu + cpu in one [22:12] epaphus: sure, as long as you have an X server its fine [22:12] maco: I've been using Outlook for my email with no problem, then I started reading about Ubuntu and am giving this a try. [22:12] xcvgfsdg: hello! what's the problem? [22:12] terrylee42: you use your normal email password [22:12] <[1]alexander> sup? [22:12] terrylee42: just use the same config you used with outlook. [22:12] erUSUL, im not sure where its written there - i didnt saw driver version [22:12] see [22:12] ActionParsnip: has anybody done that yet? other than Sun of course ;) [22:12] how can I check that telnet host port actually causes xinetd to spawn the appropriate service? [22:13] I did, maco, but from Evolution, it isn't recognized. [22:13] terrylee42: unless yahoo have invented something other than imap or pop3... [22:13] how can I made my cpu governor scale my frequency faster ? [22:13] it's a pop3, maco. [22:13] ActionParsnip, whats that last comment? as long as a I have the X.. ? [22:13] terrylee42: did you configure all the proper server info? [22:13] terrylee42: and the right port? [22:13] mgv2: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log ... first 50 or so lines will show versions [22:13] yes, maco. [22:13] h4f: You could disable the scaling .. [22:14] the msn mail is operating just fine, just not my main email: yahoo. [22:14] h4f: Not sure if you actually can make it faster [22:14] carresmd: but than the cpu will always run on its max [22:14] epaphus: yes, as long as you have a GUI you can run the rmote x apps over ssh [22:14] mgv2: « grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log » may help [22:14] terrylee42: umm ive never heard of having TWO passwords on one pop account. and there's definitely not a second password field for pop in evolution [22:14] *remote [22:14] carresmd: to render a web page with flash its just one second. that's not enough to trigger the governor [22:15] h4f: Wait a sec.. I'll try to find some info on this [22:15] terrylee42: and also, this channel is just random people, so i dont know how they can authoritatively say that someone who knows this magical secret password will be here [22:15] then I get my msn mail on Ubuntu and my yahoo mail on windows. hmmmm. [22:15] terrylee42: i think they were just trying to get you off the phone [22:15] then I have to call back and back and back? [22:16] terrylee42: have you tried just googling to see how people use them together? [22:16] terrylee42: do you have a pay account with yahoo? === justme is now known as Guest52983 [22:16] Verizon pays for me. === Augur_ is now known as Zeiris [22:17] terrylee42: check here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=305886 [22:17] hey all [22:17] thanx, erusul. [22:17] #ubuntu.gr [22:17] ahoy [22:17] terrylee42: maybe you do not type in the correct port or ecription options [22:17] epaphus: it makes systems insanely cheap if you just want an office environment with thinclients :D [22:17] terrylee42: or here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=305886 same link ... Post #4 explains it [22:17] question about ubuntu netbook remix isos === Guest52983 is now known as JustmeVSI [22:17] depe: shoot [22:17] let me check that, too, erusul. [22:18] bbl, ya'll. [22:18] on linux23.com are torrents available [22:18] my question.. [22:18] ActionParsnip, right.. but the thing i dont understand is.. every client is actually a full blown computer.. right? just that it would require less of a machine to actually run the client. [22:18] h4l: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/107545 [22:18] oh, how do I leave this room? :-) sorry, real newbie. :-) [22:18] !enter | depe [22:18] depe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [22:19] terrylee42: /part [22:19] sry - ok [22:19] h4l: maybe that could be some help .. look at the devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate line [22:19] h4l, lowering it should make it sample more often [22:19] epaphus: yes a thin client is just a low powered PC but it is a PC all the same, just very limited HDD space (often ~1Gb) [22:19] carresmd: I found this one http://allredb.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/speed-up-flash-and-firefox-in-ubuntu-jaunty-904/ [22:19] epaphus: they are often cheaper than full PCs [22:19] ActionParsnip, does it require a Hard Disk? no right? [22:20] h4f: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/107545 [22:20] erUSUL, this is the right driver? X.Org Video Driver: 5.0 X.Org XInput driver [22:20] h4f: maybe that could be some help .. look at the devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate line [22:20] h4f, lowering it should make it sample more often [22:20] epaphus: a little one to give an X server and ssh software etc. You can get ones that can PXE boot and get an OS but they can cost more [22:20] mgv2: no that is the input (keyboard and mouse) driver [22:20] the newer torrent is called only ...I386 image but an older has the extension usb image - is there a difference in handling? [22:20] carresmd: ok . will try that [22:20] what is the path for gdebi? [22:20] ActionParsnip, a PC with PXE boot costs more? [22:21] epaphus: or use an older computer with PXE and disconnect the hard drive to save electricity [22:21] depe: what a you trying to do? [22:21] epaphus: full pxe boot means their is nothing on the client so you can easily add new systems with zero config [22:21] h4f, you can just echo to it with 'echo | sudo tee [22:21] nyu_: « which gdebi » [22:21] *are [22:21] theres more than 1? [22:21] erUSUL, this is the right driver? ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 5.0 [22:21] ActionParsnip, thats the part that costs more? [22:21] ...downloading an linux image via transmission?!... [22:21] nyu_: /usr/bin/gdebi /usr/share/gdebi ... plus the manpage [22:21] h4f, now sure if you should do it with all cores though [22:22] epaphus: in some cases yes [22:22] mgv2: no; for example my nvidia driver says --> (II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver 190.32 Wed Sep 2 02:39:53 PDT 2009 [22:22] i dont imagine why though but ill research ActionParsnip [22:22] h4f: interesting link, thank you [22:22] mgv2: that's 190.32... [22:22] epaphus: obviously they take longer to boot [22:22] mgv2: but maybe the intel driver does not print anything in the logs [22:22] carresmd:iceroot: http://linux.digitalsp.com/2009/08/improving-stuttering-during-flash-video.html this is even better [22:22] ActionParsnip, i would need an OS compatible with PXE boot, right? [22:23] h4f: i will have a look [22:23] I am trying to set up a ad-hoc on my ubuntu laptop where others can connect and automatically get IP address, what am I doing wrong: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/280725/ === ben is now known as Guest29024 [22:23] epaphus: you need to setup a pxe boot server but you can pxe boot any OS afaik [22:23] depe: you want to download ubuntu with transmission? [22:23] epaphus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7J_DRsu6qw [22:24] ActionParsnip, thanks [22:24] h4f, that's probably a better solutions .. But it won't increase the sampling time though [22:24] yes - to install ubuntu on netbook via usb [22:24] carresmd: well I changed up_treshold to 40. now it looks my FF renders pages quiqer [22:24] erUSUL, so how can i chech if it's installed? [22:24] got it, thanks fccf [22:25] h4f: you can apply a setting in about:config to set the render delay to 0, can speed things up === jason is now known as Guest43162 [22:25] I am trying to set up a ad-hoc on my ubuntu laptop where others can connect and automatically get IP address, what am I doing wrong: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/280725/ [22:25] h4f, glad to see it worked.. And if you undo the changes you just made and edit the sampling_rate file .. Does that have any affect as well? [22:25] ihave difficulties to download in one piece so i thought, this would be the way... [22:26] epaphus: interested in testing pxe-boot? http://boot.kernel.org/ [22:26] h4f: Integer: nglayout.initialpaint.delay set to: 0 [22:26] thanks [22:27] ctmjr: is my problem understandable?! [22:27] ActionParsnip: It had to do with the CPU scaling being to slow [22:28] ActionParsnip: It's already 0 thanks [22:28] depe: yes now it is you tried to download the iso from ubuntu but it does not work so you want to try the torrent download [22:28] depe: this is the one you wanthttp://www.linux23.com/torrent/ubuntu-9-04-netbook-remix-usb-image:a21a4a6d7019e0326d8f296a5bba9121fcde3098 [22:28] h4f: good, there are lots of tweaks you can do ni there [22:28] ? [22:29] thanks fccf [22:29] ActionParsnip: I think I've done them a wile ago [22:29] carresmd: I've been running mprime for a while now, no issues. [22:29] sheepsy1: Ok .. I think it isn't a hardware problem then [22:29] carresmd: Any ideas what else then? [22:29] sheepsy1: Been a while since I heard from you ;) [22:30] where can I find the on-screen keyboard? [22:30] fccf: dont know what your numbers mean, but i think it would be the one dated 2009-04-24, am i right? [22:30] carresmd: Been running the tests :) I ran some of that, ran a memtest test. [22:30] Ran that md5sum thing... [22:30] carresmd: bah! [22:30] hola [22:30] sheepsy1, maybe it has to do with your install itself. Did you try the LiveCD? [22:30] Hi [22:30] ...can i do something with that numbersnake.... [22:30] carresmd: I tried it, but the problem is that segfaults are intermittent. For example, this afternoon I haven't had any. [22:31] depe: I am going by the number of seeders/leechers not date .. but that link is the one with the most available torrents [22:31] !hi | linux [22:31] linux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [22:31] !repeat | linux [22:31] linux: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [22:31] sheepsy1: That's strange ... are it specific process that segfault, or all random processes? [22:32] I got a question about Xubuntu, can I ask here? [22:32] depe: that numberstring is a link that starts with http:// [22:32] Does 9.04 have some sort of built in firewall? I just upgraded and I'm trying to host a crack-attack game and no clients can connect to me. [22:32] Lappy: ask away [22:32] Lappy: yes, however for desktop issues #xubuntu is the place [22:32] Seemingly random. [22:32] !firewall | Whitor [22:32] Whitor: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist [22:32] How can I manage this firewall ? [22:32] thanks ActionParsnip [22:32] fccf: thx - so the one "75 to 36"... [22:32] and ubottu [22:33] sheepsy1, well is a reinstall an option? I guess it's worth the try eventually [22:33] nice, I like cli managed things [22:33] I got a .wine folder. If I get rid of it, it WILL get rid of everything under the 'Other' category in my Applications section, right? And if so, what else will it get rid of? [22:33] your entire wine c_drive [22:33] #linuxac [22:34] carresmd: Here's a sample from today http://paste.ubuntu.com/280556/ . As you can see the libraries where segfault occurs are different libgtk-x11, libm, etc. [22:34] Whitor: Of I delete that all the things under Other will be gone, right? [22:35] are there any powerpc 6.10 repo's still active, its the only version that gives me the correct resolution [22:35] So the file structure is this: home/.wine/drive_C [22:35] Lappy: the bits in the other category are held elsewhere [22:35] depe: yes [22:35] Get rid of drive_C and it's gone? [22:35] techie: old-releases.ubuntu.com [22:35] I think i found a bug in the sourcecode for xsplash.c who should I be contacting or should I use "ubuntu-bug xsplash" to file it? [22:36] Instead of aptitude/apt-get getting installing the program, I'd simply like to get the *.deb file and place it somewhere. How do I do this? [22:36] !lauchpad [22:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about lauchpad [22:36] !launchpad [22:36] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [22:36] Lappy: the entrise ni the wine part of the menu are held in ~/.local/share/applications/wine/ [22:36] hmm... my alsa sound is choppy, what would cause this? [22:36] sheepsy1, did you do anything unusual with the system? Like installing non-default libraries? [22:36] i use system monitor on my panel... the only problem is that it does not plot the network traffic when i use my usb modem stick.. it only plot this traffic if i use the built in wireless or wired connection... any way to make it plot the network from my usb stick ?? [22:36] ActionParsnip: Thank you, get rid of that and everything under 'Other' is gone then I assume? [22:36] Lappy: if you look in /usr/share/applications you can remove the .desktop file for the app and delete it [22:37] Okay [22:37] Found it, "aptitude download" [22:38] fccf: thx - i promise, my questions will get more challenging ;) === BeardedAdmin is now known as BeardedAdmin_Awa === BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin [22:38] is there somewhere I can search packages by the files they include? I'm trying to figure out what supplies zlib.h [22:38] sheepsy1, because it COULD be a library with is segfault'ing and is a dependend for those libraries in the link you gave me [22:39] segfaults make me sad :( [22:39] depe: no problem : I promise to make my answers more cryptic [22:39] Bob_Dole, obvious ;) [22:39] ActionParsnip: I installed this stuff from setup.exe files, it will delete it and free up space though? [22:39] Deal [22:40] agliodbs: apt-file find [22:40] * agliodbs installs apt-file [22:41] agliodbs: it is part of zlib1g-dev [22:41] Myxb: thanks [22:41] Lappy: install what stuff? [22:42] All the crap I had on in the first place. I ran the Uninstall but the icons remain and it says ot takes up space [22:42] fccf: huh. why not zlib-dev? [22:42] is it possible to upgrade a desktop installation to an UNR one? [22:42] Lappy: the user installed apps are for that user only so wine menu apps will only appear for that user and are held in ~/.local [22:43] agliodbs: because there is no zlib package only zlib1g [22:43] I just installed Ubuntu on an old PC that uses an old NVidia chipset with shared memory. The nvidia driver doesn't work properly and only lets me use a screen resolution of about 320x240. The non-proprietary driver doesn't let me go higher than 800x600. How can I set my screen resolution higher? [22:43] Lappy: those entrys are usually for other stuff [22:43] Hi guys, having some problems with installing ubuntu powerpc version (alternative) via usb stick on my ps3, the cd drive can't be mounted shows up on every installation [22:43] sheepsy1, you still alive? Or has you system exploded? ^^ [22:43] I'm running of /dev/sda1 and mount /dev/sda1 /cdrom doesn't work: no such device [22:43] Oh joy, my sound isn't working [22:44] distant_voice: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga [22:44] just a sec ActionParsnip [22:44] distant_voice, did you do a System-Administration-hardware drivers? [22:45] christopheb, it's probably an other device then.. try 'ls -l /dev/sd*' [22:45] distant_voice, and let ubuntu search for the correct driver [22:45] So, from the GUI, the volume on everything is 100%. Yet nothing is outputting sound. [22:45] christopheb: you can view partitions with: sudo fdisk -l [22:45] christopheb: did you get your image here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/9.04/release/ - the PS3 iso is available there [22:46] there's only sda1 [22:46] and that's the usb device actually [22:46] I mounted it to start the installation [22:46] and yes, I took the alternative [22:46] output is 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3) [22:46] ActionParsnip: The usr/share stuff wasn't what I was looking for. I installed all of the files under 'Other' from windows executable files. Where are they stored? For instance I have Any Video Converter. I tried to use the uninstalled but it didn't uninstall. So, is all that kept in the C drive? I also have a Z drive apparently... [22:46] christopheb: i dont believe you want it mounted to nistall to [22:46] playstation 3 alternate install cd [22:47] hmm, ubuntu doesn't start installing so what else can I do [22:47] thiebaude, I installed the recommended driver by Nvidia, but it works worse than the open one [22:47] Lappy: Z: = / [22:47] how do i restart compiz very quickly? [22:47] distant_voice, the 180 driver? [22:47] Yeah a Z: drive. No idea [22:47] Alsamixer says my volume is at 100% too, and I still don't hey any sound, wth? [22:47] Okay [22:47] thiebaude, no, it's V92 [22:47] ok [22:47] s/hey/get [22:48] Bob_Dole, did it just happen? [22:48] so how to disable the cdrom check? [22:48] distant_voice: did you try the nvidia-glx-71 driver? [22:48] carresmd, I just noticed. I havn't tried any thing for ~10-17 hours. [22:48] anyone no how to flash a dell 6400 bios [22:48] Im in Wine Config Settings and the drive mapping is .../drive_c. In assuming EVERYTHING installed from an .exe via wine was installed to drive_c, correct? [22:48] christopheb: I think you will find subject matter experts in #ubuntu-ps3 , the ps3 isn't officially supported here anyway - although you will need to be patient for an answer [22:48] Bob_Dole: But it worked before? [22:48] ok thanks fccf [22:49] Actionsparsnip, not sure, I just chose the recommended driver from the menu. so probably not. what should I do? [22:49] bypass: make a dos boot disk and do it there [22:49] carresmd, it did 10-17 hours ago. [22:49] hola [22:49] EricTheHax: Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects tab, set to None then back to Extra [22:49] If I delete the drive_c folder everything should disappear, right ActionParsnip? [22:49] whats the quickest way to restart compiz? [22:49] oh [22:49] uh crap [22:49] EricTheHax: Or from CLI: compiz --replace & disown & exit [22:49] i type slow lol [22:49] Lappy: you'll need to recreate the folder after [22:49] Bob_Dole: All sliders are on the top .. MASTER, PCM and FRONT? [22:49] how can I setup multiple websites on the apache server? I have internal IP addresses which are pointed to a NAT. [22:49] i tryd that it keeps fucking out [22:49] carresmd, yeah [22:49] On IIS I would create the virtual website then assign the IP address and Hostname. On Apache I created a virtual host with the IP address and hostname but the site does not show. Is there additional config which I need to do to a host file of the system or something and if so where can I find this file. [22:50] !ohmy | bypass [22:50] bypass: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. [22:50] distant_voice: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-71 [22:50] o THATS how u make it not be dependent on terminal [22:50] Bob_Dole: How are your speakers connected? Jack or Digital? [22:50] excuse my language [22:50] ActionParsnip: Should I completely delete the .wine or just drive_c [22:50] ? [22:50] carresmd, jack. [22:50] !paste [22:50] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [22:50] Bob_Dole: Are the turned on? ^^ lol [22:50] Lappy: either is fine, if you delete drive_c, trecreate the folder [22:51] I tried with headphones too, to make sure it wasn't my speakers, carresmd [22:51] Lappy: I think your questions would be more appropriate for asking (nicely) in #winehq [22:51] PkYsee [22:51] Okay* seems easy enough [22:51] Bob_Dole: Ok .. so it really is broke [22:51] fccf: okay? Thanks, still new to IRC servers [22:51] :) [22:51] Bob_Dole: Have you tried sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart ? [22:52] ActionParsnip: trying now... [22:52] carresmd, I removed pulse audio about a month ago. >.> [22:52] Lappy: Thank You for visiting the Ubuntu Support Channel, we would love to see you again when you get your wine fixed [22:52] Okay thanks everyone! [22:52] Bob_Dole: Ah ok.. [22:53] Bob_Dole: You haven't disabled the audio chip in the BIOS by accident? [22:53] hello all :D [22:53] carresmd, if it's disabled, it disabled with the computer still running. I leave it running, and it was working on this run. [22:54] I'm using the network interface tun0, a VPN tunnel over wlan0. How can I tell my system to route everything through tun0 instead of wlan0, without disconnecting from tun0? [22:54] Bob_Dole: Oh ok .. Well did you try to restart then? I'm sorry I can't find any reason why it shouldn't work suddenly [22:55] Hi, where I get more attention for a important bug? launchpad channel? === ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007 [22:55] shakaran1: perhaps #ubuntu-bugs ... there's the bug-team [22:55] ActionParsnip: ok, what do I do after I run that command? [22:56] fccf: thanks [22:56] distant_voice: reboot [22:56] hi boys [22:56] ActionParsnip: I did, nothing changed. Should I reenable the Nvidia driver? I can only choose the old 92 one [22:56] so skype doesnt work for the new ubuntu yet? [22:57] mine keeps crashing :( [22:57] ActionParsnip: it's 96 not 92 [22:57] geek|groupie: what version of ubuntu? [22:57] distant_voice: if you now run: gksudo nvidia-settings do you get an error message at all? [22:57] 9.04 [22:57] 64bit [22:57] dragon: http://linux.die.net/man/8/route [22:57] can k3b burn .gbi image? [22:57] distant_voice: are you using jaunty? [22:58] I use skype on ubuntu, geekbuntu, Ubuntu 9.04, 32bit. [22:58] geek|groupie: that 64bit may be your underlying problem [22:58] Bob_Dole: Oh ok .. Well did you try to restart then? I'm sorry I can't find any reason why it shouldn't work suddenly [22:58] ugh [22:58] im starting to hate linux [22:58] ActionParsnip: Yes I am. it just complains that I don't seem to use the Nvidia driver. [22:58] it sucks with this laptop [22:58] nothing works [22:58] geek|groupie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:58] distant_voice: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/nvidia-glx-96 [22:58] ? flood [22:58] Is it possible to make the nautilus background image not scroll? [22:59] distant_voice: supports your card nicely [22:59] geek|groupie: running a 64bit OS is pretty advanced for new users, you would probably have better luck with the I386 version [22:59] carresmd, I'll reboot later, I hate rebooting, I already had to last night to get round xorg screwing up(eating 98% CPU and making everything sluggish) [22:59] lmao, 64 bit advanced [22:59] that made my day, keep it up [22:59] ActionParsnip: I still couldn't set my screen resolution higher than 640x480 when I had it enabled :( [22:59] geek|groupie: dont hate linux, hate skype === Sedated_ is now known as Sedated [23:00] geek|groupie, what problem are u having? [23:00] !hate | geek|groupie [23:00] beating the second level of mario for NES took killer skill too [23:00] geek|groupie: hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy [23:00] distant_voice: do you use a crt monitor? [23:00] lol [23:00] Bob_Dole: And why do you hate that? It might fix your sound issue [23:00] ActionParsnip: no, lcd [23:00] DigitalKiwi: Good to see you around ... Lets force all new users to use the 64 bit version just so we have something to do [23:00] ActionParsnip: 19" broad screen [23:00] someone should fix geek|groupie with a 32 bit chroot for Skype. anyone? [23:00] distant_voice: you could play with xorg.conf. I can send you mine and you could use parts of it in yours [23:01] there are like 5 applications that anyone would actually want to use that don't run just fine on 64 bit === chaky_ is now known as chaky [23:01] ActionParsnip: thanks for that link! [23:01] DigitalKiwi: and one of those is skype [23:01] well im kinda new to this === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [23:01] ActionParsnip: does that file even do anything anymore? I got confused when I tried to use Google to solve this problem [23:01] carresmd, many reasons, one being trying to get 60+ day uptimes, and others including not wanting to interrupt things that are going on..which I should probably just be running on my server. [23:01] and my bf installed it then we broke up so now i dont have anyone to fix it for me [23:01] i dont like windows though [23:01] jre, flash (though even that works fine now) skype, bitpim, uh...wine [23:02] distant_voice: yes it will supercede anything setup by any other service [23:02] Is it possible to make the nautilus background image not scroll? [23:02] !ask | geek|groupie [23:02] geek|groupie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [23:02] does ubuntu not have a 32 bit skype for 64 bit? [23:02] Bob_Dole: Ok .. well maybe reloading your sound card modules might fix it ..? [23:02] ActionParsnip: do you think assigning more RAM to the graphics would do anything? I currently have 32MB assigned [23:02] distant_voice: i have to use it as my crt monitor doesnt give display codes so I have to tell my PC what my monitpr can do [23:03] distant_voice: no, you need to get the chip recognised first [23:03] distant_voice: http://pastebin.com/f116eb475 [23:03] ActionParsnip: please send your xorg.conf then. your help is appreciated [23:03] ActionParsnip: thanks [23:03] geek|groupie: perhaps this link will help you http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/how-to-install-skype-in-ubuntu-904.html [23:04] Hey all, I'm running gnome but using kdm as a login manager. After I installed it I can't find the "login manager" option under System-Administration. Do I need to install that as a separate package? How do I modify kdm settings under gnome? [23:04] i am having problems getting both 2d and 3d graphics is run at a decent speed can anyone help me [23:05] dermot, what video card? [23:05] radeon x600 mobility [23:05] Hi there. As screensaver, I can choose "Pictures folder" as screensaver. As default, it chooses every image in ~/Pictures. Where can I change this? [23:05] hmm, nobody in the ps3 channel, It's a strange problem, when I just do mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/cdrom it says invalid arguments [23:05] i have 1 gig of ram and 512 mb on my g card [23:06] dermot, I believe that had support dropped recently in 9.04, the open source drivers can be hit or miss with ATI cards around that time. [23:06] oh [23:06] next time get nvidia [23:06] what driver would be the next best choice then? [23:06] christopheb: there are a few people in #ubuntu-ps3 and they can and usually will help you ... but you have to be patient (could take days) [23:06] !skype | geek|groupie [23:06] geek|groupie: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga [23:06] 8.04 and 8.10 would work fine with it. ATI just doesn't want to support "older" hardware anymore. [23:06] ok [23:07] dermot: have you installed the proprietary ati driver? [23:07] How can I use the command "route" to set the default network interface to "tun0" instead of "wlan0"? [23:07] dermot, the open source driver, or "VESA" is the only thing you can do with the x600. THe proprietary driver has to use an old X org version, which isn't easy to install on 9.04 [23:07] so even if i reconfigured ubuntu to be like the ibex the AMD driver would probaly not work well either then? [23:07] dermot: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run [23:07] has somebody got the OpenGL version of flgrx 9.9 and 9.10? [23:08] dragon: the default gateaway ? [23:08] Anyone know of some software that resembles Fruity loops for ubuntu? [23:08] hi .. can some one show me where can i find help in metasploit [23:08] Bob_Dole: that driver supports the x600 === sean is now known as Guest30942 [23:08] Bob_Dole: Did you try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ? [23:08] erUSUL: yeah i suppose.. [23:08] this is my question [23:08] ActionParsnip, really? I thought it was included in the dropped support cards. My mistake Dx [23:09] carresmd, no, but I'm going to now. [23:09] does metasploit works only in net work or on internet ,, i meen can i hack one living in france ,, and i am in newyork [23:09] or just in network [23:09] Bob_Dole: http://pastebin.com/d607cb829 [23:10] hi === Guest30942 is now known as ThaDocTrey [23:10] I installed lamp. how can I access phpmyadmin? I installed it [23:10] backtrack4-metas: that is inappropriate for this channel, in general, we do not discuss hacking topics on freenode, freenode guidelines forbid it [23:10] no one knows??? [23:10] ActionParsnip, that includes the x600, looks like the old driver which doesn't work with 9.04's X.Org version. [23:11] jdn929: localhost/phpmyadmin? [23:11] backtrack4-metas: that activity isnt supported here [23:11] Bob_Dole: i see, my bad [23:11] MAAAAD 404 [23:11] ThaDocTrey: LMMS [23:11] What is a program that is just like Fruity loops for ubuntu? Something that has samples and what not [23:11] !info lmms [23:11] lmms (source: lmms): Linux Multimedia Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-0ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 3449 kB, installed size 6440 kB [23:11] lmms is fun :D [23:11] what is fruity loops? [23:12] Is the ical-server finally fixed? [23:12] carresmd, that didn't work. I guess I'll have to reboot. [23:12] DigitalKiwi: its an audio creation tool where you add blocks of loops and samples [23:12] so how can I install lmms? using the repository of course, so no building it? [23:12] Dob_Dole: http://knol.google.com/k/william-wynn/how-to-restart-alsa-sound-driver-in/3fegkfxlkmrqb/10# [23:12] carresmd, thanks. [23:12] ThaDocTrey: sudo apt-get install lmms [23:12] ah , thanks [23:13] Bob_Dole: If that doesn't fix it .. You will have to reboot eventually to get you sound working again [23:13] does anyone know of mouse settings in relation to clicking on hover? [23:13] how can I access phpmyadmin? I installed it [23:13] jdn929: check : [23:14] !lamp | jdn929: [23:14] jdn929:: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [23:14] I just installed ubuntu 9.04(64) on a friend's laptop, but for some reason ubuntu-studio isn't showing up. is there something I'm missing? [23:14] jdn929, [23:14] techie 404 [23:14] jdn929, then phpmyadmin isnt installed correctly [23:14] carresmd, that seems to have worked. thanks! [23:14] Hi, can someone help me with some mdadm software raid issues? [23:14] Bob_Dole: Great ^^ .. Bookmark it ;) [23:15] !ask | colinmarc [23:15] colinmarc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [23:16] Seven_Six_Two: ubuntustudio-desktop <<< ?? this [23:16] sure thing: I've been trying to configure a raid 5 array. Everytime I get a little bit into mdadm --create (about 4.5% shaped) I get a system crash, frozen completely. I've tried it in recovery mode and it spouts a lot of lines, once about a bad RIP and kernel panic and once just a call trace. I have no idea what those mean in this context... any ideas? [23:16] !find ubuntustudio [23:16] Found: ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-audio-plugins, ubuntustudio-controls, ubuntustudio-default-settings, ubuntustudio-desktop (and 11 others) [23:17] is there another room for newbies? [23:17] colinmarc: the kernel has problems with your hardware; a panic is BSOD for linux [23:17] found it thanks. [23:17] !bugs | colinmarc [23:17] colinmarc: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [23:18] colinmarc: try to report it against the kernel. with the backtraces you got from the kernel logs [23:18] how can I find the logs? I looked in the log viewer and can't find it [23:18] colinmarc: /var/log/messages /var/log/kern.log ... [23:19] colinmarc: all logs are in /var/log , old ones are compressed .gz [23:19] colinmarc: maybe is the driver for your sata controller or raid card maybe it is something else [23:20] how can I find new drivers for my sata controller? I'm just using the motherboard one. would flashing my bios update that? [23:20] greetings all, I just deleted some files and want to recover them, I have noticed this is a general method "#strings /dev/sda7 > /path/to/big_text_file". How ever, I installed Ubuntu on a Windows partition ('Virtual' ubuntu partition ) and in my fstab my / dir is: /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ... so my question is: what /dev/?? should i use ? I have no '/dev/' in dmesg eiither [23:21] colinmarc: the drivers come with the kernel; sata controllers work best in linux in ahci mode. i dunno if a bios update would help [23:22] lost_and_unfound: please pastebin your fstab ... my virtual machine's fstab does have /dev [23:23] hello [23:23] !hi | mirsal [23:23] mirsal: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [23:24] lost_and_unfound: you used wubi to install ubuntu ? [23:24] erUSUL: yes [23:24] I wish that Ubuntu had Klingon-language-support. [23:24] fccf: will try.. on other PC thus copy/past not so easy =] [23:24] lost_and_unfound: then your partition is that file (root.disk) somewhere in the windows filesystem [23:25] Umeaboy: somehow I understand that ... although I want Gu'auld [23:25] :) well, it turns out that I have a question: is there a mechanism that would allow me to set default gconf keys for new users on an oem install ? [23:25] also, neither the kernel or message logs have any of the crash messages I saw. Nor do they have anything around the time it would've happened. the last logs are the messages from starting the raid recovery [23:25] lost_and_unfound: why not use something like photorec to recover the data ? [23:25] !pastebinit | lost_and_unfound [23:25] !undelete | lost_and_unfound [23:25] lost_and_unfound: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit [23:25] lost_and_unfound: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [23:25] Do most people who use the gnome sensors applet able to use it to show the CPU temperature? I find it can see the hard drive and GPU temps but not the CPU [Intel]. [23:26] CaneToad, It depends on your hardware, sometimes it doesnt work. [23:27] umeaboy: They kind of do: http://bit.ly/29SHXb [23:27] Hey all. i have a slow download, i installed ktorrent as recomendet but i just getting like 20 KiB/s down, and that it whit over 20 000 seeders and i have a 20/0.8 mbit line. sorry my spelling im from norway [23:27] mirsal: gconftool ? [23:27] erUSUL: i was thinking about it, just dont want to install anything new currently.. just looking for a few script files i removed [23:27] !no [23:27] Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk! [23:28] lost_and_unfound: ok [23:28] ok takker [23:28] teddy: try transmission or vuze, see if its better. You can only download as fast as the users wil upload to you. yuo could have a petabit connection, if all the peers are on dialup it will go that slow === alokito_ is now known as alokito [23:29] hi [23:29] I want to login to phpmyadmin web interface and the root username and password is both right but I keep getting a "Access denied" message. [23:29] erUSUL, oh, I didn't know it could do that, as I only used it to set gconf keys for already created users, I'll read the manpage then, thanks. [23:29] mirsal, do you know if the sensors applet relies on bios information? I notice that dmidecode --type 4 reports that the processor family is "" === sterlin_ is now known as sterlin [23:30] jdn929: perhaps we can direct you to #phpmyadmin channel, they would be able to help (make sure to read the topic) [23:30] CaneToad, It relies on lm_sensors AFAIK [23:30] used transmission before but it was slow to, and they recomendet ktorrents here and still the same, have tryed diffrent torreents to [23:30] well at least it *can* use lm_sensors [23:30] fccf there is no one there that is helping me [23:30] hi, i whant to be able to create a partition on my disk but cant find no app for that any hints? [23:30] teddy: there is no recommended client, they all have pros and cons [23:31] teddy: I recommend Deluge. [23:31] GiveMeWeed: gparted is one. [23:31] !torrent | teddy [23:31] teddy: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [23:31] its grafical? or crt? [23:31] jdn929: ask nicely, read the topic, and realize that the few people that are there are experts, which you won't find here [23:31] GiveMeWeed: gparted is a GUI app. You can also get it as a live CD. [23:32] but the speed wood be the same whatever torrent program i use right? [23:32] instaling ty [23:32] teddy: pretty much, the speed depends on the peers [23:33] fccf: Go'aould you mean? [23:33] yes, but do i have to open som gates ore ports inn the ruter og inn the program ore somthing? wasent so slow when i used windows [23:33] Umeaboy: see I can't even spell . ... Kree [23:34] teddy: try the ubuntu iso it comes down pretty fast [23:34] from mininova? [23:35] im trying to delete a ntfs partition that is unmounted do i need to mount it first? [23:35] GiveMeWeed: you can't repartition a mounted partition, btw. If you need that, you should get the gparted live CD, or the ubuntu live CD if you have it, and boot to that. [23:35] problem with transmission - no connection to peers [23:35] GiveMeWeed: no, don't mount it. [23:35] its not mounted [23:35] good [23:36] but it says it cant umont [23:36] says i need to umont all partioton with number higher then 5 [23:36] if you are resizing your other partitions, you'll need to boot to a gparted/ubuntu live CD. [23:37] its a ntfs part [23:37] i just whant to delete it [23:37] to make it ext3 [23:37] ok ubuntu.iso is gowing in 1.3 MiB\s so i thing its just the torrents, thanks people [23:38] mirsal, I ran sensors-detect on the commandline and it identified that the coretemp module needed to be added to /etc/modules and presented the option to automatically add it. CPU temp works great now with that. [23:38] mirsal thanks for replying [23:38] need help downloading ubuntu iso with transmission [23:38] CaneToad, great, glad to hear that :) [23:38] depe: did you get the torrent off the ubuntu.com site? [23:38] i made it [23:39] scunizi: yes i did , i also completed another torrent download ... [23:39] Hey, what's the port number we're supposed to connect to freenode using to avoid getting banned from this channel? [23:39] gdb: 8001 [23:39] It's like 8001 or something? [23:39] Thank you! [23:40] depe: and you opened the torrent with transmission and nothing is happening? [23:40] exaxtemundo, except the fact i got the torrent from linux23.com... [23:41] im using 6667 [23:41] depe: I thought you said you got the torrent from ubuntu.com? now your saying you got it from linux23.com.. [23:41] srry - my fault - didnt read till the end.. [23:42] depe: might be a bad torrent.. I've used the one off the ubuntu site and download time was about 15 minutes.. pretty quick.. you might have an ISP that chokes torrents.. it's been known to happen.. are you in the U.S. or where in the world? === techie is now known as Xperiment62 === techie_ is now known as Techie [23:43] Scunizi: what is ISP - im from austria with a s****y usb modem [23:44] depe: ISP= internet service provider [23:44] im trying to do dual monitor but i cant get it to work correctly.it reads other monitor but refuses to display correctly.all i got is menu bar on other screen at the very top and nothing but black on the bottum [23:44] I've been trying to use the 9.04 server install CD to install onto 4 500GB drives as a LVM On Raid (5) setup. I can't seem to get the system to boot afterwards. I know Grub used to have problems booting in this situation, but I thought that was fixed. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? [23:44] I am having an issue with my Intel HD Audio onboard soundcard. I am using the digital SPDIF output. Sound does work, but whenever I minimize my music player, sound dissapears and wont come back.. Any ideas? [23:45] Scunizi: navigation to ubuntu.com`s torrents..?... [23:46] i have reformatted a 100GB usb drive and can't write to the drive w/out sudo -- i used to be able to plug the drive in and write to it -- what's different? what to change? [23:46] depe: hang on.. I'll get you a link [23:46] zacktu: you where using ntfs before now you use ext3 ? [23:46] its ok - got it [23:47] sorry - im a bit sleepy - its midnight at my place [23:47] depe: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt [23:47] On a machine with 4g ram, 2.4Ghz core 2 duo, jaunty, running bzip2 on an 11gig file on a usb hard drive makes the responsiveness of the system rather bad. I've reniced the bzip process down to 19 but is there any way to otherwise enhance system performance while under I/O load? I wouldn't even call this a heavy load, but having 6 second delays to see what you type is worse than what I see under another popular operating system. [23:47] erusul: it was once ntfs -- later i formatted it to ext3 -- now it's ext4 just to try it out [23:47] depe: not up on the gold coast enjoying the coed's ?? [23:48] Scunizi: sry - dont get it.... [23:48] !addingfs | zacktu [23:48] zacktu: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc). See !permissions and !fstab [23:48] Hi All, I'm looking for libray similar to GraphViz that produce pi chart [23:48] *pie chart [23:48] gold coast??? [23:49] COED?? [23:49] depe: north coast of Australia I thought is where all the college kids go during break.. I have a friends daughter up there now. [23:49] is there a way to install say ubuntu server from within a gentoo install? [23:49] hi? [23:49] Is the ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem generated by ssl-cert safe to use in a production intranet? I don't want to configure a CA, but I want SSL for a single host. [23:49] NetEcho: ummm... what? [23:49] !hi [23:49] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [23:49] <---- Austria [23:49] depe: we call young college girls coed's [23:49] NetEcho: Use Virtualbox. [23:49] NetEcho: sure, assuming you can run debootstrap. [23:49] ok! [23:50] NetEcho: do you want to replace gentoo, or what? [23:50] How would one most appropriately create per host webapps(including whole frameworks) with yaws? [23:50] depe: ah! no wonder.. sorry about that.. I did enjoy Stubital (spelling?) when I was there. [23:50] lfaraone, yes the gentoo install on the dedi I have access to is completely botched, and I'm tired of dealing with gentoo [23:50] !permissions [23:50] An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [23:50] whoops, sorry wrong channel [23:50] hey guys, i'm trying to 'apt-get install vlc' and getting nothing but grief [23:50] where is it [23:50] Scunizi: no torrent for ubuntu netbook remix, which im looking for [23:51] !info vlc [23:51] vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB [23:51] NetEcho: do you have grub installed? [23:51] let me check [23:51] Is it true that Grub can't read Raid drives except for raid-1 [23:51] Hi room i would like some help please with WEP on my Ubuntu jaunty.I am on a flash drive at the moment that has Super Ubuntu and i can connect fine with the password but my regular os (same machine ) the network manager will not save or connect no matter what i put in the feilds. [23:51] CokeNCode: right there [23:51] NetEcho: you could easily run unetbootin, but you'd need virtual console access. [23:51] oi [23:51] CokeNCode: can you provide the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install vlc [23:51] that I don't have [23:51] lfaraone what about onto another partition? [23:51] CokeNCode: use http://pastebin.com === dcosta_ is now known as dcosta__ [23:51] what ? [23:52] !fstab [23:52] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [23:52] there is already 2 partitions, Gentoo is on a 5gb and then I have /home on a 1.5tb partition [23:52] oh ok === jerbear is now known as jmcantrell [23:52] depe: you can install that after the fact.. it's an option in synaptic from the edit menu "Select Packages by Task".. the remix it there. [23:52] NetEcho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux [23:52] CokeNCode: run the command and put the entire output ni a pastebin [23:52] NetEcho: you want "without cd" [23:52] it tells me "Package VLC is not available" [23:52] doughed, do you know what your wifi device in your computer is? [23:52] "but is referred to by another package" [23:53] lfaraone will this also have ssh setup? [23:53] canetoad: yes [23:53] CokeNCode: did you run sudo apt-get update? [23:53] Scunizi: sry, cant follow you exactly... [23:53] lfaraone cause I know generally ubuntu doesn't install sshd by default [23:53] ChogyDan: yup [23:53] NetEcho: not by default, you'll have to sudo apt-get install openssh-server inside the chroot and configure it. [23:53] CokeNCode: can you give the fulloutput please [23:53] !raid [23:53] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto === Xperiment62 is now known as Techie62 [23:53] !sshd | NetEcho [23:53] NetEcho: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy) [23:53] ok [23:53] depe: also a direct download of the remix is here.. but not a torrent.. http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download-netbook === c is now known as Guest69555 [23:54] it's a belkin pci [23:54] * Maritim read "bikini PC" [23:55] http://pastebin.com/m6a91834a [23:55] there you go guys [23:55] Scunizi: yea thats my problem - i dont get a full direct download to 100 percent - so i decided to torrent the iso [23:55] i'm running ubuntu from USB by the way [23:55] anyone recomend a easy and fast program for remoting a stasjonary computer whit my laptop? i use ubuntu 9.04 on bout and the stasjonare is conected whit a cable and the laptop whit wireless [23:55] !info vlc [23:55] hi [23:55] vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB [23:55] Hello. Before updating from 8.04 to 9.04 I could use Amarok to manage music on my iPod. Where's this function gone? [23:55] CokeNCode: run synaptic and enable multiverse repo, save and try again [23:56] my laptop needs the boot parameter "nohz=off" to boot, how can I set it up? [23:56] CokeNCode: is multiverse enabled in System>Admin>software Sources first tab [23:56] ? [23:56] ActionParsnip: don't i do that by uncommenting the first two lines after that universe comment in the sources.list file ? [23:56] depe: here's a page that might help.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent [23:56] patri_: add it to /boot/grub/menu.lst on the kernel line [23:57] CokeNCode: you can if you are ok doing it that way, does the same thing [23:57] CokeNCode: and its multiverse [23:57] CokeNCode: if you want to do it the hard way... but do not go about telling "Linux is Hard" ;) [23:57] is there a way to temporarily add it on the grub menu [23:57] ? [23:58] hmmm... thats what i did a little while ago [23:58] patri_: when in grub menu hit "e" to edit the entries [23:58] which sources.list file do i need to do it to ... the one in /etc/apt correct ? [23:58] "Windows is Hard" [23:58] I tried to replace the "quiet" parameter with a "nohz=off" one, and it just reboots [23:58] patri_: add the option and hit "b" when done to boot the entry you edited [23:58] hi [23:58] patri_: sure you can press esc when grub loads, then press e to edit the line and add the option [23:58] patri_: that edit is not permanent [23:58] ( as anyone who's ever tried to troubleshoot wireless on a Vista laptop could tell you) [23:59] i have a black video output of totem until i restart the xserver. how can i fix this? [23:59] Scunizi: thx for your time - i hope my english can handle this helpfile... [23:59] ActionParsnip, erUSUL, I can modify the option and then type b to boot, but that just reboots the computer [23:59] anyone know how to do dual monitors?