
Turlknome: hi :)01:36
knomehello Turl01:37
knomewhat's up?01:37
Turlknome: I did the animation with text - and it doesn't break heh :P01:37
knomeokay. will you show it? ;)01:37
Turlbut well, the font is 200k... quite big :P01:37
Turlknome: http://labs.turl.com.ar/animcount/slide.html01:37
knomeTurl, some of the text fading out/in isn't working properly01:38
Turlin which way?01:38
knomeit's bit hard to explain. and now that i look at it again, the effect is gone01:39
Turlit's because of the low fps I've set01:39
TurlI know the problem, putting more fps in the animation should fix it01:40
knomeanyway, i think this is an ok solution as well, but with the slider rime made with the "picture texts", the text is even better looking01:40
knomethe overall feel is also a bit different for both of those sliders01:41
knomeboth good :)01:41
Turlyep :)01:42
knomedid you use some framework?01:42
Turlyep, mootools01:43
Turllook at the page source, there's very little code01:43
knomebut i think that's what makes the final difference01:43
knomea framework is great for bigger things but for this kind of little things... i'm not sure if it's so useful01:43
knomeokay, it can be useful, but it brings some overhead01:44
TurlThe framework is just 20KB, I guess your images weight similar01:44
knomebut you are using the font ;)01:44
knomewe don't need the font file01:44
Turlthe font in my slide is the heaviest, yeah :P 250+KB01:44
knomealso the problem with some fonts is their licensing01:44
knomebecause you really should not put them available in any way01:45
Turlthese fonts are opensource01:46
knomeyeah, but when we are talking larger scale :)01:47
Turlif you disable javascript and load http://labs.turl.com.ar/animcount/slide.html it's suppoused to show the static image01:50
Turlthat feature is a must in my opinion, knome01:50
Turldoes yours have it? we can add it I guess if it doesn't01:51
knomeuh, i think it has01:51
knomeif it doesn't, we'll add it tomorrow with rime01:51
knomewe did it on the jaunty countdown banner so it's no big deal01:51
Turlknome: you did the jaunty banner? nice :)01:52
knomethorwil did the artwork and rime did the js, i was working with them (mostly css stuff) to get the best possible result, as this time01:53
Turlknome: http://labs.turl.com.ar/jauntybanner/banner.htm :P01:53
Turlwell, I need to go, it's late and I have classes tomorrow01:56
knomehah, it's 4am ;)01:56
knomei suppose i need to get up in 5 hours from now01:56
knomeanyway, good night01:56
knomei'm still cleaning up places a bit :P01:56
Turlhere is 10pm :P01:57
Turlnot *that* late, but I'm tired and I have classes tomorrow :P01:58
Turljust came from the english class, I'm preparing for CAE, I'm sitting later this year01:59
newz2000hi rime, knome: needs to be a lot faster still... (looking at http://markus.alshain.fi/markus/deve/slider/slider03.html )04:54
newz2000Takes 20 seconds to realize it's about Ubuntu04:54
newz2000There's not much text so you can really zip it by.04:55
knomenewz2000, okay...09:19
rugby471newz2000: what email do you want me to send the files for the banner to?17:18
rugby471newz2000: pm me if you wish17:18
newz2000hey rugby471: can you just attach them to the wiki?17:18
newz2000you can put them in a zip or tgz file and attach them as one file17:19
newz2000Or use a bzr branch in launchpad if that's easier for you. Both are equally easy for me.17:20
rugby471newz2000: ok, they are in a bazaar branch here - https://code.launchpad.net/~rugby471/+junk/ubuntu-countdown-91017:42
rugby471newz2000: I have included a version with a glow and the original (without)17:42
rugby471newz2000: it is your call to which set is better :-)17:43
newz2000thanks rugby471, that's going above and beyond. :-)17:43
newz2000How about attribution? Do you have a blog or web page you'd like me to link to?17:43
rugby471newz2000: ah yes nearly forgot17:43
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl

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