
mwhudsonwant to make /bin/py start up in 0.07 seconds (ish) rather than 0.5 ?00:31
mwhudsontouch lib/site.py00:32
mwhudsonin other news: setuptools is bad00:32
lifelessdoes lib/site.py exist normally?00:32
mwhudsonit has some behaviour that is quadratic in the length of sys.path00:33
mwhudsonlifeless: no, touching it prevents setuptools' site.py from loading00:33
maxbThe other reason setuptools is bad? I can't find any way to make its namespace package support compatible with having system installed lazr.* and buildoutified lazr.*00:41
lifelesseggs are bad00:42
lifelessthe rest follows00:42
mwhudsonmaxb: "the" other? :)00:51
lifelesssomeone should write a rant00:52
maxbwell, I was thinking more *immediate* reasons :-)00:52
mwhudsonthe overriding problem with setuptools is that people use it00:54
mwhudsonwhich is not the correct thing to do with software from pje00:54
lifelessquotes page....00:54
mwhudsonthe correct thing is to be inspired by it00:54
al-maisanGood morning!06:38
thumperspm: how goes the puller?08:46
spmthumper: as expected. problem free now we have sufficient logging to detect the actual problem.08:46
thumperspm: excellent08:47
thumpermwhudson: hi08:48
mwhudsonthumper: hello08:48
thumpermwhudson: were you able to glean any extra info from that puller log?08:49
mwhudsonthumper: no08:50
mwhudsonthumper: it looks totally impossible :/08:50
thumperdid you cowboy any more logging?08:50
mwhudsonno, no more yet08:50
spmsun spots?08:51
bigjoolsI hear that Dallas has the right kind of hats for us08:53
thumperspm: what is the branch puller delay?08:59
spmthumper: I think it's this one: select greatest(0.0, extract(epoch from (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' - min(next_mirror_time)))) from branch where branch_type <> 4; or a variant of.09:00
jtvmrevell: why does staging *still* say it's 2.2.7?  To confuse the enemy?09:58
jtvSame for edge, actually09:58
mrevelljtv: I think danilos or beuno have a branch to fix that10:00
* beuno has no suck branch10:00
beunoI have filed a bug though10:01
jtvWe could file one automatically for every cycle.10:02
jtv(No, _not_ serious)10:02
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=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Code hosting offline 10.00-10.40 UTC 1st Oct -- http://is.gd/3MyHY | This is Launchpad Development Channel | Week 00 of 3.1.10 | PQM is OPEN | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in #launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: This is Launchpad Development Channel | Week 00 of 3.1.10 | PQM is OPEN | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in #launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
Fly-Man-rockstar: *ping*11:57
Fly-Man-I managed to pinpoint the error back to Python that doesn't like to be inside a Vmware Server 2.0.111:58
Fly-Man-The people from VMware were shocked to see that this could happen and are thinking about ways to make sure this keeps working11:59
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
barryjtv: or we could just not /have/ a version number in the footer <wink>12:19
barryFly-Man-: wow.  what did vmware say was the problem?12:19
Fly-Man-Python version 2.6 from Jaunty12:20
Fly-Man-It seems that over the period of time12:20
Fly-Man-with the rocketfuel setup12:20
Fly-Man-it sets up 2.4, 2.5 and 2.612:20
Fly-Man-and those seems not to be happy with each other and the tools that VMware released12:20
barryhuh.  interesting.12:21
Fly-Man-at least, not with the machine i'm running it on :p12:21
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
stubselect milestone.name13:14
stubfrom milestone,product13:14
stubwhere product.name='launchpad'13:14
stuband product.id = milestone.product13:14
stuband dateexpected < current_timestamp at time zone 'utc'13:14
stuborder by dateexpected13:14
stublimit 1;13:14
stubwhich would work if we bothered to keep our data up to date ;)13:14
stuboh - we do. I just forgot the desc13:15
stubselect milestone.name13:15
stubfrom milestone,product13:15
stubwhere product.name='launchpad-foundations'13:15
stuband product.id = milestone.product13:15
stuband dateexpected < current_timestamp at time zone 'utc'13:15
stuborder by dateexpected desc13:15
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
barrykfogel: i am an idjit :)  see my last follow up on that thread.  i think there's no bug there13:41
kfogelbarry: so, uh, what was the bug Henning saw, though?13:44
barrykfogel: i don't know13:49
thumperabentley: hello13:57
abentleythumper: Hi.14:04
thumperabentley: hey, how's it going?14:05
abentleyIt's going fine.  Today just started, but I'll be trying to get an improved bzr cherrypicked.14:05
abentleythumper: And then back to the inline-commenting stuff.14:06
thumperabentley: how much faster is the preview diff generation with your patch?14:06
thumperabentley: and has that patch gone/going into bzr.dev?14:06
thumperabentley: it is bzrlib isn't it?14:07
abentleythumper: On my example test, it is 22x faster, but that will vary a lot because it changes O(n^2) scaling to O(n) scaling.14:07
thumperexample test was what?14:07
thumpernot the mysql test?14:07
thumperI have the mysql branches locally14:07
thumperif you want me to compare14:08
abentleythumper: It has landed in the 2.0 branch, and will propagate to bzr.dev and appear in the next release.14:08
* thumper nods14:08
thumperhas an official tarball available, or are we going to add our own?14:08
abentleythumper: I don't have the patience to run the sql merge without the patch, but with the patch, it completes in about a minute.14:09
thumperwithout the patch it is over an hour14:09
thumper(on my machine)14:09
abentleythumper: Just under an hour on loganberry.14:09
thumperthat's awesome14:10
thumperadding a new bzr tarball to the download cache?14:10
thumperhow is the inline editing widget work coming along?14:11
jtvcode folks!  How do I create a stacked branch in a test?  Is passing stacked_on to factory.makeBranch enough?14:11
abentleythumper: Yes, and setting up a corresponding branch.14:11
thumperjtv: yes, if you just want a stacked test branch14:11
thumperjtv: it won't create the branch on disk14:11
abentleythumper: I've got it working just for comments, and it puts the comment in the wrong place, and it doesn't support replies.14:12
thumperoh kay...14:12
jtvthumper: I want to reproduce bug 375013 in a test, basically14:12
mupBug #375013: Commit to a stacked branch does not work <commit> <stacking> <Bazaar:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/375013>14:12
thumperjtv: ah14:12
thumperjtv: you want to create real branches14:13
* thumper tries to remember test examples14:13
thumperjtv: lib/codehosting/scanner/tests/test_bzrsyncd.py:53714:14
thumperjtv: is an example of creating a real stacked branch14:14
jtvthumper: just what I was hoping for, thanks.14:15
jtvseparate call to set_stacked_on_url, I see.14:15
jtvThat'd do it, yes  :)14:15
jtvthumper: stacked_on_branch is kinda sucky as a variable name... why not call your branches "pea" and "mattress"?14:16
* thumper shoots jtv with a pea shooter#14:17
jtv(Of course since I'm testing a stacking limitation, my test would be called Princess)14:17
thumperjtv: i'd have to reject that branch14:17
jtvOn *no* account look up "It's Princess!" (by the makers of South Park) on the intertubes14:17
jtvthumper: but you'd be grinning while doing so14:17
gmbAnyone got any idea why I'd be seeing timeouts in googletestservice.py during a test run?14:24
thumperah netsplit14:26
thumpergosh isn't bigjools annoying14:30
thumpergmb: ping14:46
gmbthumper: Hi14:47
thumpergmb: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews14:47
thumpergmb: you have two old approved branches14:47
thumpergmb: have they landed?14:47
* gmb looks14:47
thumpergmb: they may be not identified correctly as we switched formats around then14:48
gmbthumper: No, they're branches that are waiting on subsequent branches before they can be landed. They're still unmerged.14:48
* gmb wishes there was a way to express that that +activereviews could understand.14:48
thumpergmb: why can't they be landed?14:50
thumpergmb: what would happen now if you land them?14:50
thumpergmb: will it break something, or just be unused code?14:50
gmbthumper: Things would break.14:52
* thumper wonders how to show this14:52
gmbthumper: They're large branches, or rather they're logical blocks of large branches.14:53
gmbWhich I had to leave because of more pressing work.14:53
thumperideally we'd want to have a way to say "this is approved but blocked"14:54
thumperso you won't get people like me bitching about it14:54
gmbRight :)14:54
gmbthumper: Want me to file a bug for this so that you can get on with team leadery things?14:55
gmbWill do.14:56
gmbthumper: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/44001115:10
mupBug #440011: There should be a way to say that a merge proposal is approved but blocked <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/440011>15:10
henningemaybe I should ask here ...15:23
henningeI want to use a TAL formatter in a view and I found out I can do it this way: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22831/15:23
henningeIs that the right way to do it? Or should I go through the registration somehow? I remember seeing an example once that was different ...15:23
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rockstarUrsinha, sorry about missing the meeting.  Drop off at the vet took longer than expected.16:27
Ursinhano problem rockstar16:28
Ursinhado you know why is update_review_diffs script failing?16:28
rockstarUrsinha, yes, and abentley had a hack to fix it, and I think a correct fix as well.16:29
abentleyrockstar: The "correct" fix stops it failing in this case, but not all cases.16:30
rockstarabentley, yeah, I think you mentioned that last night.16:30
abentleyUrsinha: It's been discussed on the list.  See the threads under Scripts failed to run: loganberry:update_preview_diffs16:34
Ursinhathanks abentley and rockstar16:46
pooliemy first MP for launchpad! :-) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/mbp-trivial/+merge/1273217:01
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
thumperbeuno: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk-rich18:15
beunothumper, I LOVE YOU18:15
keesgmb: /me is here now.  :)18:43
* kees waves to bryce__ 18:43
bryce__debug output and test script posted to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/32991718:45
mupBug #329917: Changing a task's target using the API OOPSes as NotImplementedError <api> <oops> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad Bugs:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/329917>18:45
gmbkees: I think we might have discovered a race condition here.18:48
gmbkees: Normally, that NotImplementedError will only get called if you try to access the bug using a target on which it isn't reported.18:48
gmbkees: e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution/+bug/42 when bug 42 isn't reported on evolution.18:49
mupBug #42: Bug description listed in task is not the correct description <Launchpad Bugs:Fix Released by bradb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/42>18:49
mupBug #42: Bug description listed in task is not the correct description <Launchpad Bugs:Fix Released by bradb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/42>18:49
gmbkees: So it's almost as if the new bugtask is being accessed before it actually exists, which seems strange.18:50
keesgmb: I haven't caught any OOPSes myself (how can I find an OOPS via the API?) but I always see the HTTP-500 error.18:52
gmbkees: OOPSes aren't available via the API because they're not part of LP, as such; that's a separate system that Launchpad links to.18:52
keesah-ha.  do they show up in the html test from the API failure?18:53
bacbarry: have you run ec2 lately?18:53
gmbkees: I'm not sure; I'll find out for you.18:53
gmbkees: So, I don't know what's causing the problem but I at least understand the root cause of the problem. I'll update the bug and we'll get someone on it tomorrow.18:54
gmb(since we're all in the UK atm)18:54
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
keesgmb: ok, great, thanks!18:54
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
maxbbzr 2.0.0-lp-1?19:05
EdwinGrubbsBjornT: ping19:24
* kees hugs matsubara for r9611 :)19:32
matsubarakees, it's probably not me who you want to hug :-)19:32
keesmatsubara: oh, er, well, you touched the bug.  :)19:32
matsubarakees, I just run a script that parses commit logs for bug and mark them as fix committed19:32
* kees looks for Muharem19:33
mwhudsongood morning19:47
keesintellectronica: uhm... bug 329917 is certainly not invalid.19:52
mupBug #329917: Changing a task's target using the API OOPSes as NotImplementedError <api> <oops> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad Bugs:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/329917>19:52
intellectronicakees: read my explanation? it's a different bug from the one described originally and marked as duplicate, and needs to be fixed client-side19:53
intellectronicakees: i'm looking at the real bug as we speak19:53
keesintellectronica: which should be the master for the issue pitti, me, bdmurray, and bryyce are seeing?19:53
keesintellectronica: aH, 34235519:54
intellectronicakees: i think bug #342355 is the real bug. the one Ursinha-afk filed is a red herring. it would be nice to fix it (in launchpadlib, not launchpad) at some point, but it's not a show stopper19:55
mupBug #342355: transitionToTarget for an Ubuntu package yields HTTP 500 error <Launchpad Bugs:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/342355>19:55
intellectronicai also described a workaround19:55
keesintellectronica: ok, cool.  I'm interested in 342355 then.  :)  can you milestone/confirm/high that one instead?19:56
mwhudsonmaxb: you there?19:56
intellectronicakees: i'm investigating that one now and will update as soon as i know what's involved. i suspect it's an easy one and can get a fix out quickly19:57
keesintellectronica: rockin'!  thanks :)19:57
intellectronicakees: do you happen to have the foo to make me part of the ubuntu-bugs team (on staging)?19:58
keesintellectronica: let me see19:58
keesintellectronica: doesn't look like it, let me poke bdmurray20:00
abentleyrockstar: Have you tried "make sync_branches" recently?20:01
keesintellectronica: bdmurray is afk for lunch, it seems... let me see if I can find jcastro20:01
rockstarabentley, no, but I remember that thumper and I had an issue with it when we were messing with the branch rewrite stuff.20:02
intellectronicamatsubara: can you? ^^^^^ i think you've got admin foo powers?20:02
rockstarabentley, I think there was a configuration issue.20:02
rockstarabentley, although it looks like mwhudson is awake and alert, so he might have some insight.20:02
abentleymwhudson: Have you tried "make sync_branches" recently? (It's not scanning the branches for me)20:03
* mwhudson tries to work out what's in trunk20:03
matsubaraintellectronica, I don't have lp admin powers20:03
mwhudsonabentley: it's possible the "pull_branches" rule isn't right20:03
mwhudsonabentley: does 'make pull_branches' seem happy?20:03
keesintellectronica: hrmpf, all the admins are idle.  :P  is there some action you need to take that I can help with instead?20:04
mwhudsonabentley: another problem can be that /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors/ ends up 0700 for some reason20:04
mwhudsonkees: mbarnett should be here20:04
abentleymwhudson: Yes.  Earlier runs of sync_branches reported successful mirroring.20:04
mwhudsonabentley: odd20:04
intellectronicakees: no big deal. i'll need to reproduce it locally anyway, just wanted to see what actually happens one you run your script and get a stack trace, but i can get that from the oops report20:04
keesintellectronica: I take it back, ogasawara fixed it.  you should be in now20:05
* mbarnett looks around20:05
keesmwhudson, mbarnett: sorry, I meant ubuntu-bugcontrol admins.  :)20:05
intellectronicakees: awesome, thanks20:05
mwhudsonmbarnett: ah, sorry20:05
abentleymwhudson: This looks like 075520:06
* mbarnett wanders off again 20:06
mbarnettmwhudson: np20:06
mwhudsonabentley: when you say "not scanning" do you mean the scanner isn't even looking at the branches you think it should?20:07
abentleymwhudson: the branch scanner script reports 2009-10-01 18:54:29 INFO    OOPS-1370BS1: Not a branch: "lp-mirrored:///~mark/bzr/bzrtools-silly". (~mark/bzr/bzrtools-silly)20:08
abentleymwhudson: I think the puller is putting the branches in the wrong place...20:08
mwhudsonabentley: or cocking up the stacked_on_url20:09
abentleymwhudson: No stacking enabled for this project.20:09
mwhudsonok, that's one thing down :)20:10
abentleymwhudson: I looked at /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors/ and the branches weren't there.  (there were two presumably very old branches)20:10
mwhudsonok that's screwy20:10
mwhudsonhuh, the puller isn't working at all for me for some reason...20:14
mwhudsonabentley: need to have coffee before looking at this more, brb20:16
abentleymwhudson: cool20:16
abentleymwhudson: I have an idea-- I bet you apache's mad at me.20:26
rockstarabentley, you could say that all the time and 60% of the time you'd be right.20:34
intellectronicakees: i have a fix for your bug. review and test run, and if everything goes ok it should be fixed on edge after the next rollout20:41
mwhudsonabentley: working now20:45
abentleykinda working.  It's got the wrong branch data, but that might be my fault.20:46
* kees hugs intellectronica20:46
abentleymwhudson: It may be because I didn't have an /etc/hosts entry for bazaar-internal.launchpad.net20:46
mwhudsonyes, that would certainly prevent the scanner from working20:47
mwhudson(i presume you mean bazaar-internal.launchpad.DEV ?)20:47
abentleymwhudson: Yes.20:47
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
abentleymwhudson: Up for a chat about jobs and code import?21:14
mwhudsonabentley: ok, one sec21:15
Ursinhaintellectronica, I understand what you mean in that bug, I think we should create one bugtask for launchpadlib, and mark the bug as dupe in case we find the lplib bug you mentioned21:21
intellectronicaUrsinha: i think that's a good idea21:21
Ursinhaintellectronica, done, then :)21:22
intellectronicaUrsinha: great, thanks21:23
* rockstar lunches21:34
leonardrjames_w, version 1.5.2 of launchpadlib has been released for your packaging enjoyment21:34
matsubaracprov-afk, when you're around could you take care of https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/81974 please?21:40
cprov-afkmatsubara: uhm ... sure21:42
matsubaracprov-afk, thanks!21:43
cprov-afkmatsubara: actually, I can't21:43
cprov-afkmatsubara: I'm not a soyuz-member anymore :`(21:43
matsubaracprov-afk, oh!21:43
matsubarawell, since the user is OK with the team being deleted, I think I'm going to suggest that.21:44
matsubaracprov-afk, do you know if merging the team away be blocked by the ppa linkage?21:45
cprov-afkmatsubara: merging is allowed21:46
matsubaracool. I'll ask the losas then21:46
matsubarathanks cprov-afk21:46
cprov-afkmatsubara: np21:46
mwhudsonabentley: lib/canonical/twistedsupport/processmonitor.py21:58
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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=== Guest45878 is now known as joey
wgrantOh, cprov's leaving? :(23:16
mwhudsonleft, even :)23:16
mwhudson:( rather23:16
mwhudsoni think23:17
rockstarYea, his last day was yesterday.23:17
mwhudsonhowever what with launchpad now being open source, i'm sure he won't escape that easily :)23:18
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
barryrockstar: ping23:29
barryEdwinGrubbs: ping23:30
rockstarbarry, yo23:36
barryrockstar: hi.  do you have a few minutes to look at some screenshots?23:37
rockstarbarry, yes.  I still plan on being around for a bit.23:37
barryrockstar: cool, thanks.  i'm playing around with some fixes for bug 44022023:38
mupBug #440220: registering slot interferes with watermark <post-ui-3-cleanup> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/440220>23:38
barryrockstar: there are some screen shots attached to that bug report.  the first one is a snap of the current problem, then three snaps of some fixes23:38
barryrockstar: i'm very interested to know what you think.  note that this approach is keeping the registering slot where it currently is and just playing with layout and nowrap23:39
barryrockstar: but another possibility of course is to move the registering slot to a different location23:39
barryrockstar: anyway EOT23:39

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