
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sagaciwhen's the beta going to be released today, roughly00:14
=== Lars_G is now known as Lars_G_zombie
rubinooHello guys! after upgrading from jaunty to karmic I can no longer boot.. I get an error about the filesystem00:20
test34anyone else get "fsck.ntfs not found" error at boot?00:21
rubinookarmic works great on desktop computer but cant boot on my laptop because of filesystem errors00:22
test34rubinoo, could you be more specific? exact error? which filesystem you are using?00:27
rubinootest34: well when I try to boot I get somekind of error about that the filesystem has errors and it says that it has to check it, i have ext3 filesystem00:32
rubinootest34: I did an upgrade not a fresh install00:33
rubinooi am now running of the live cd, could i somehow check the filesystem for errors in the terminal=00:34
VeinorIn Karmic, my ath9k-using wireless card gets really intermittent reception.00:34
dholbertrubinoo, yeah00:35
rubinoodholbert: ok how can i do this? :)00:35
dholbertrubinoo, if the broken filesystem is e.g. /dev/sda4, then you'd run "sudo fsck /dev/sda4" in the terminal00:35
test34rubinoo, fsck.ext3 /dev/sdaX00:35
dholbertfsck = file system check00:35
rubinoodholbert: yeah thx :)00:36
dholbert(just plain old fsck is better than "fsck.ext3" I think, 'cause it automatically picks the right one to use)00:36
rubinoodholbert: should I unmount the partition first?00:37
dholbertrubinoo, yes00:37
dholbertrubinoo, it won't let you fsck it if it's mounted00:37
rubinoodholbert: okey im checking it right now ! /dev/sda6 contains a file system with errors, check forced00:38
dholbertcool, good luck00:38
rubinoothx :)00:38
rubinookarmic worked great on my desktop computer :)00:38
rubinooanyone knows what this meens?Error reading block 2446527 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read)00:40
Dairubinoo: it means bin the drive00:40
Dainormally i'd say it's dying, but i'm going to err on the side of caution and say i'm only mostly sure it's dying.00:41
test34rubinoo, maybe a problem with your /etc/fstab00:42
test34rubinoo, according to http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/mandriva-30/fsck.ext3-attempt-to-read-block-from-filesystem-trouble-379551/00:42
rubinoogonna see what happens :P00:42
test34if you dont do anything it wont fix itself00:43
rubinoowell I entered "yes" to almost everything00:44
Dairubinoo: how many times did that happen?00:44
musikgoatrubinoo: that was an fsck message?00:44
rubinoomany times :D00:45
Daii've seen that message all too many times, and it is NEVER good00:45
Dairubinoo: check dmesg | tail00:45
Daisee if there are i/o errors00:45
rubinoowell this laptop is old so i dont really care :p00:45
SpacePigeondoes karmic bring apt-url ?00:51
SpacePigeonlike, adding a ppa with just an url?00:51
dholbertrubinoo, you could try reformatting the partition and then running "sudo e2fsck -c -c /dev/sda6"00:53
dholbertrubinoo, e2fsck is the ext3 version of fsck (same as fsck.ext3), and "-c -c" means to do a read-write test of every single block00:54
legend2440i've installed karmic 3 times without success. each time i get grub error 15. with old grub i would fix it by pressing Esc at boot  and change  (hd0,1) to (hd0,0) but Esc doesnt work to get me to the GRUB menu. so i edited the /etc/default/grub file but still cant get grub menu. any ideas?00:54
dholbertrubinoo (a single -c just means to try to *read* every block, but -c -c will both read & write & then restore the original contents of every block)00:54
dholbertrubinoo, that's a good way to see if the drive itself is bad vs. if it's just that your filesystem is horked00:55
dholbertlegend2440, your changes don't make a difference unless you use "update-grub" to get them into /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:57
dholbertlegend2440, I think you need to effectively change "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=" to something nonzero (say, 5 for 5seconds), and then run update-grub, and then you should have 5 seconds at boot-time during which you can press "Esc" to get to a grub menu00:58
RubiniooHello again guys! hihih It works now :)00:58
legend2440dholbert: ok did not know that . thanks.  is Esc at boot still used to get into grub menu?00:58
Rubinioothx 4 your help00:58
dholbertlegend2440, yeah00:58
dholbertRubinioo, are you the same as rubinoo?00:58
legend2440dholbert: ok thanks00:58
Rubinioodholbert: yes i am :)00:59
dholbertlegend2440, are you able to get to a booted system so that update-grub will actually work though?00:59
dholbertlegend2440, (i.e. with your /boot partition mounted)00:59
dholbertRubinioo, glad it worked :) I'd recommend reformatting that partition if it had a ton of errors, btw00:59
legend2440dholbert: no i edited  the /etc/default/grub file from the Livecd01:00
dholbertlegend2440, ok, simply running "update-grub" there probably won't work01:00
legend2440dholbert: can i edit the grub.cfg file directly?01:00
dholbertyeah -- I'm looking at what you want to change01:01
legend2440dholbert: ok thanks01:01
legend2440dholbert: i think i want to change  set root - hd0,1 to set root= hd0,0 or something like that01:04
dholbertlegend2440, http://paste.ubuntu.com/282553/01:06
dholbertlegend2440, that's the change made to my /boot/grub/grub.cfg when I change GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT to 4 in /etc/default/grub01:07
legend2440dholbert: ok thanks. can i trouble you with one more question?  when i'm installing karmic there is an Advanced button that opens a Grub installer box. it is by default set to  (hd0) and i've tried that setting 3 times without success. i was wondering if i  change that setting to  sdb or sdb1 which is my  ubuntu drive and ubuntu partition if that would eliminate the  grub 15 error?01:11
dholbertlegend2440, I've only ever accepted the default there01:11
dholbertlegend2440, but if it's suggesting values like "hd0", you definitely don't want "sda" or "sdb"01:11
dholbertlegend2440, grub uses a different drive-naming scheme from what linux uses01:11
legend2440dholbert: ok i see.    thanks for all your help. i guess i'll try installing again01:12
dholbertlegend2440, also, if grub is running (albeit failing), then I think it means that box is set to the right value01:13
dholbertlegend2440, no prob, good luck!01:13
legend2440dholbert: thanks01:13
KnifeySpooneyHey, when I boot up Ubuntu I get a warning that flashes somewhat quickly, I didn't catch much of it but it was about apparmor and /usr/sbin/ntpd. I ran 'aa-status' and got: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/282560/ . How do I fix this?01:16
KnifeySpooneyI mean, how do I fix the complain mode part? That is the warning appearing on boot01:17
KnifeySpooneyanyone there?01:19
DanaGhmm, sreadahead spits out a bunch of "unable to find a suitable fs"01:26
DanaG... and then aborts with exit status 1.01:26
KnifeySpooneyHey, when I boot up Ubuntu I get a warning that flashes somewhat quickly, I didn't catch much of it but it was about apparmor and /usr/sbin/ntpd. I ran 'aa-status' and got: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/282560/ . How do I fix the complain mode warning?01:27
EtuIs there a beta yet? :)01:32
iflemayah yah01:33
EtuSoo, where can I get it? :)01:33
EtuI wanna try it out01:34
iflemayou testn??????01:34
iflemajust got up01:34
iflemashes out in 1 month01:34
EtuThe time is 02:34 here in sweden, so Its October 1stz And the KarmicReleaseSchedule says that beta should be out today01:35
iflemai meant (au 10:35am thur 1 oct) the full release01:36
Etuhuh? How many hours is it until then?01:36
iflemaare release cycles to short?????01:36
iflemathats now01:37
iflemahang on ill get link01:37
Etuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule <-- That page tells me that beta release should be today01:37
EtuAnd the link to the "beta" is broken: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta01:38
EtuNice, thanks :)01:38
iflemasee testing procedures01:38
EtuI have realy never beeing intrested in ubuntu betas before, but I have been running alpha for some weeks now, do get some newer packages.01:40
iflemayou could use proposed and backport repos....01:40
iflemaon the stable01:40
iflemaif ya live in alpha ya never really get to a stable01:41
DanaGweird... at boot I get a lot of spew of "no suitable fs found in /proc/mounts, perhaps not mounted?"01:41
EtuI want the kernel mode setting stuff for intel too, and stuff works pretty great on my EeePC01:41
EtuWith 9.10 Alpha01:41
JanCEtu: the beta is released somewhere between 00h & 24h on Thursday Oct 1st, in an unspecified timezone, which means there is 47h period in which it can be released  ;-)01:43
JanCI haven't seen any recent updates for packages on the CD though, so most likely the last daily will be the beta01:44
EtuJanC: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ <-- :)01:45
JanCyeah, those are the beta candidates01:45
JanCand thus most likely also the betas01:46
JanCunless somebody found a bug that burns up 50% of all tester's computers  ;-)01:46
DanaGopen("/dev/snd/pcmC1D1p", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)01:47
DanaGstupid a52 alsa plugin.01:47
luboszwhich package contains gnome3?01:51
luboszis there a desktop metapackage?01:51
KnifeySpooneyI didn't know gnome3 was out yet.01:54
KnifeySpooneyAFAIK, gnome 3 might be released in lucid lynx 10.0401:54
KnifeySpooneyi might be wrong01:55
musikgoatKnifeySpooney: i think your right, since this release is around 2.2801:58
KnifeySpooneylubosz: Try this: http://d0od.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-install-gnome-shell-intrepid-jaunty.html01:58
KnifeySpooneymusikgoat: I actually just read some articles, and apparently gnome3.0 is planend to be released /by default/ in 10.04, but I think you can install gnome3 manually on earlier versions of ubuntu01:59
musikgoatKnifeySpooney: lubosz: i think that gnome3 has to be alpha'ed by gnome.org first though :)02:00
KnifeySpooneymusikgoat: Probably, but I have no intention of upgrading so i don't mind .. I like the current gnome :D02:01
NattgewKnifeySpooney: it sure is looking good... I've tried other things but I just keep coming back02:01
iflemakde4s getn better02:02
iflematahan itself02:02
=== Lars_G_zombie is now known as Lars_G
KnifeySpooneyI've tried KDE, but I can't get used to that layout. Gnome seems much more organized in my opinion02:03
KnifeySpooneyAnybody have any insight on my problem with AppArmor? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=803308402:04
luboszKnifeySpooney: i already did this, but i'm in xubuntu ^^02:06
luboszi upgraded my jaunty xubuntu vm02:06
luboszand it crashes :p02:06
luboszso i wonder which gnome to install02:06
KnifeySpooneyfor the latest gnome or 3.0?02:07
luboszmusikgoat: so this statement is wrong? http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/247/10-things-new-about-ubuntu-karmic-koala-worth-taking-note-of02:07
luboszKnifeySpooney: gnome 3 in karmic02:07
KnifeySpooney"The GNOME 2.30 release, which will be about a year and a half from now based on GNOME's standard six-month release cycle, is what the developers have decided to call GNOME 3.0."02:08
musikgoatlubosz: thats actually a demo of gnome-shell02:08
KnifeySpooney^ that was posted on July 14, 200902:08
musikgoatlubosz: and tbh, that doesn't look all that interesting...02:09
musikgoatoh my, a pop out menu...02:09
musikgoatthe music was decent though :P02:10
Orfeoushi everybody02:11
musikgoatlubosz: and that article must be old, cause it still references empathy as the default messenger... which was changed02:11
luboszthen i just try gnome 2.28 with gnome-shell02:11
luboszor gnome 3 from git ^^02:11
musikgoatlubosz: sounds good :)02:11
Orfeousgot some problems with my computer.. upgraded all packages yesterday and now my computer boots up in single user mode! and is logged in as root as default.02:11
Orfeouswhat can i do about it?02:11
musikgoatOrfeous: you could try dist-upgrade if you didn't do that02:12
luboszdo you have grub 2 Orfeous?02:12
Orfeoussome services doesnt start also.. i must start them manually.02:12
luboszare you booting the safe mode in your boot manager?02:12
luboszthis sounds like safe mode ubuntu Orfeous02:13
luboszcheck your menu.lst02:13
luboszor grub2 config02:13
luboszif you installed that02:13
Orfeousno, i boot as normally.. but i had problems some days ago so i had to boot into safe-mode and boot with "netboot"02:13
luboszdoes karmic fall back into safe mode automatically?02:13
luboszmaybe the upgrade messed with your boot config02:13
luboszwhich it surely did, cause its a new kernel02:14
Orfeouswhen i choose my newest kernel in the grub boot menu it boots up and starts gdm.. and i can login..02:14
luboszthis is what you should do02:14
luboszand remove the old kernels02:14
Orfeousbut i cant open any console shells like before with CTRL+F1, CTRL+F2 etc..02:14
luboszmaybe there are version collisions02:14
luboszkarmic is build on newer kernel than jaunty02:15
MartynSo, how are we looking for the midnight release?02:15
Orfeousif i press CTRL+F2 there are just a black screen and nothing more.. and if i press CTRL+F1 i got into gnome again :)02:15
MartynAnything showstopper enough to stop us from going Beta-1?02:15
Orfeouslubosz, i have upgraded karmic packages and kernels many times02:16
luboszah ok02:16
Orfeousand i have tried older kernels also but its the same issue i have with the single-user-mode02:16
luboszdid you read your kernel log?02:16
luboszis this an bug or a feture02:17
Orfeousyes, of course.. but i couldnt find any specific erros...02:17
luboszwhy would you want to boot older kernels anyway?02:17
Orfeousi can try upload it when i come home tomorrow..02:17
Orfeousjust to see if that fixed the problems but it didnt ;)02:18
luboszbut newest kernel boots and starts xserver?02:18
luboszmaybe you should wait for the beta :D02:18
luboszso what is wrong about that ^^02:19
musikgoat!info software-center02:19
Orfeousi know that i got some udev errors but they dissapearded after some packages upgrade :D02:19
ubottusoftware-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.3 (karmic), package size 189 kB, installed size 1244 kB02:19
luboszOrfeous: maybe you should try grub202:19
luboszi read that it is installed by default in karmic02:19
musikgoathmm, i guess that is the underlying tool for add/remove...02:20
luboszi already use that in jaunty02:20
luboszi boot grub2 from grub102:20
luboszbecause i didnt figure out how to boot osx from grub202:20
luboszconfig of grub2 is a pain in the ass if you dont know it02:21
luboszit is generated02:21
luboszso you dont write any config, but generator scripts02:21
luboszvery intuitive02:21
musikgoatlubosz: vi /etc/default/grub02:21
DanaGbah. gksu gedit.  or sudo nano.  =þ02:21
Orfeousi also use vim with colors ;)02:22
luboszi use gedit02:22
luboszwith colors02:22
DanaGEven nano can do colors, by the way.02:22
luboszmusikgoat: i can put old school grub config in here for grub2?02:22
Orfeousbut can grub be my problem why it boots into single-user-mode?02:22
DanaGoh, and disable wrapping, because line-wrapping by INSERTING carriage returns.... is stupid.02:23
Orfeouseven if i have not selected safe-mode02:23
musikgoatlubosz: sort of... but the flags aren't all the same02:23
luboszOrfeous: single user mode si a boot flag02:23
musikgoatlubosz: but its where you make those edits, then sudo update-grub02:23
musikgoatlubosz: and it builds grub.cfg02:23
luboszk i try that thx02:23
Orfeouslubosz, can it be something else if it isnt grub?02:23
Orfeoussome other config-file or something?02:24
luboszOrfeous: i wouldnt try to fix the old kernels, but your problems in the current02:24
Orfeousits really annoying :)02:25
Orfeousits my server also ;)02:26
musikgoatOrfeous: without analyzing your dmesg logs, there could be loads of stuff causing a problem02:27
musikgoatOrfeous: can you pastebin them?02:27
Orfeousmusikgoat, yes but not until tomorrow when i come home.02:30
Orfeousi only wonder how i can put it on pastebin from my console?02:31
DanaG!info pastebinit02:31
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB02:31
Orfeousnice :D02:32
musikgoatyes, very useful02:32
Orfeousbut another problem then.. how can i run an irc-client without running as root?02:35
test34irc client doesnt need root...02:37
Orfeousi know..02:38
Orfeousbut i am logged in as root!02:38
Orfeousmaybe i can sudo my normal user02:38
musikgoatOrfeous: try " su <username> - "02:39
musikgoatthe - should cause you to use the right environment02:40
Orfeousok, i will try it tomorrow and paste dmesg02:40
Orfeousits kern.log?02:41
darthanubisanyone notice samba shares not showing up?02:46
darthanubisscratch that02:46
Martyndarthanubis : Nope, all mine show up02:47
darthanubisI think my router stops sending smb traffic if it gets overloaded02:47
Martynand I'm using smb402:47
darthanubisI need a new router02:47
darthanubismy mythtv box is too powerful to just be a smoothwall firewall02:47
darthanubismaybe I could have it virtualize both smoothwall and mythtv?02:48
darthanubisI know I'm sharing from 9.10, but can't browse my own shares or the network via nautilus02:48
Orfeoussamba has always lived its on life for me for many years02:49
Orfeousmusikgoat, maybe its time for me to make a new installation on my computer its longtime ago now ;) many dist-upgrades :D02:50
Orfeousinstall ubuntu-server 9.1002:50
darthanubis   name resolve order = lmhosts wins bcast host << I still noticed that this line has to be changed in smb.conf02:50
darthanubisI would have though Ubuntu would have fixed this long ago02:51
darthanubisI always have to put "host" at the end of that line02:51
darthanubisotherwise the network is never able to resolve the shared machines02:51
nomnexThe FN keys of my notebooks (Panasonic let's note/Sony Vaio) are not working with 9.04. Any changes with Karmic (FN keys notebooks)?02:54
Dr_WillisTry a live cd and see if they work.02:55
Dr_WillisThe FN keys work on my 2 laptops ive tested.02:55
nomnexwhat make/model/years?02:55
Dr_WillisHmm.. Oddity/bug? - I change the mouse pointer in the gnome appearance- tools. The pointer changes for SOME apps but not all of them. (perhaps its only changed for newly started apps?) i dont recall this happening in 9.0402:56
Dr_WillisOne netbook, AAO, and one HP dv2000 I belive02:56
Orfeousnomnex, i think it works for me on my sony vaio02:56
nomnexthat's good news! model please?02:57
Orfeousi was able to press fn-key and contrast higher and lower..02:57
Orfeousthe sony-module must be loaded02:57
nomnexhow and where is the sony module?02:58
DanaGanother way: sudo -i -u username'02:58
darthanubisfindsmb lists the computers and shares, but nautilus says failure to retrieve share list02:58
DanaG-i for "give me a shell".02:58
darthanubisFailed to retrieve share list from server02:58
danield707good day02:59
Orfeousnomnex, its located under /var/lib/"kernel-version"... hmm then i forgot the other directorys..02:59
Orfeousbut i think ive found it under a "laptop" dir.03:00
nomnexOrfeous: I fairly new to linux. I can follow instruction though. could you be more specific. do you have to compile the kernel?03:01
Dr_Williswith naitulus ive often had to type in the proper path to the  server/share name the first thme.. THEN it gets it figured out and asks me for a username/password   then it starts to see it corectly after that03:01
Orfeousthe kernel allready have many devices etc.. compiled as modules and are loaded to the computers specs..03:02
akioanyone have this issue with gnome-power-manager screen blanking?03:02
Dr_Willisie: i used in the address bar    smb://servernameorIP/sharehane03:02
Orfeoussony-laptop is the module-name03:02
nomnexOrfeous: I am following03:02
Orfeousthe patch can be downloaded if its not included in your current running kernel03:03
nomnexOrfeous: do you have a download link03:03
Orfeouswhat kernel are you running?03:04
nomnexwhat's the command uname-?03:05
Orfeousuname -a03:05
nomnexOrfeous: Pana1 2.6.28-15-generic03:05
Orfeousah ok..03:05
Orfeousthen it should be located at /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/sony-laptop.ko03:06
nomnexOrfeous: I found it for the panasonic, but I don't know how to install it then03:06
Orfeoussudo modprobe "modulename"03:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autoload03:07
Dr_Willisi forget the proper modules autoload file.03:07
Orfeousits /etc/modules03:07
Orfeousnomnex, did you find the sony-laptop module?03:08
nomnexorfeous sudo modprobe sony-laptop.ko (correct?) what about /etc/modules03:08
Orfeousnomnex, yes i think that is correct03:08
nomnexOrfeous: I am confuse about /etc/modules03:09
Orfeousthe /etc/modules is a file for autoloading modules on startup.03:09
nomnexOrfeous: steps: a. command: sudo modprobe sony-laptop.ko / b. ?? /etc/modules (only?)03:10
darthanubiswe can't get smb working flawlessly ...really?03:11
darthanubisrelease after release we have to go through the SAME issues, why?03:11
Orfeousnomnex, no.. just write sony-laptop on a new line in that file /etc/modules and save it03:11
nomnexOrfeous: got it. that's all? Is there a link/thread/guide for other computer models: titled How to install a module?03:12
Orfeousnomnex, ive found that the command for loading the module is "sudo modprobe sony-laptop" not with that .ko file extension its for loading with insmod command. if the module isnt located in the kernel hiercy03:12
Orfeousnomnex, hmm.. maybe :) i dont know.03:13
Orfeouswhat sony vaio do you have?03:13
nomnexgot it sudo modprobe sony-laptop , then copy sony-laptop on /etc/modules. Vaio PG-K66P.03:13
Orfeousnomnex, write sony-laptop on a single line :)03:14
centaur5anybody know where the tty files went (used to be in /etc/event.d)?03:15
Orfeouscentaur5, i have been searching for them too03:16
nomnexOrfeous: line 1: #added line below. line 2: sony-laptop - Correct?03:17
Orfeouscentaur5, look in /etc/init/tty*03:17
centaur5Orfeous, sucks that documentation takes a while to come out when lots of changes happen. I'm lost with the LDAP changes.03:17
Orfeouscentaur5, i got some problems too with those changes :)03:17
centaur5Orfeous, well atleast I know I'm not alone on this.  :)03:18
Orfeouscentaur5, there are no lonley people out there ;)03:18
Orfeousnomnex, looks ok..03:19
nomnexOrfeous: when there is a kernel update, do I have pass the command modprob again, or only once?03:19
centaur5Orfeous, Do you happen to know the advantage that the new LDAP config database files even offers?03:20
Orfeousnomnex, modprobe is to be typed everytime you want to load a module without the /etc/modules03:23
Orfeousi mean if the module isnt specified in the /etc/module file03:23
Orfeousif its there you have not to type it again03:24
Orfeousyou can see if the module is loaded by typing "lsmod"03:24
Orfeousto unload a module you type "sudo lsmod modulename"03:24
Orfeoussorry.. i meant rmmod :D03:25
test34rmmod can also be usefull03:25
nomnexOrfeous: got it thanks. could you confirm the location "sony-laptop" when I cd var/lib/ =>from: acpi-support, alsa, ...,to: xml-core, but no kernel03:26
Orfeousnomnex, i dont understand03:28
nomnexOrfeous: no folder kernel when in /var/lib/. I am looking for the location of sony-laptop.03:31
DanaGmodinfo sony-laptop03:33
DanaGor are you not talking about modules?03:33
Orfeousnomnex, i thought you allerady located it.03:33
Orfeousok, but i must go to sleep now.. my GF wakes up in about 1 hour ;) and i have not gone to sleep :D03:34
Orfeoussee you!03:34
nomnexOrfeous: that was my believe;-)03:34
nomnexthanks see you.03:34
akioI just reported bug #43976803:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439768 in gnome-power-manager "backlight throbbing on login & idle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43976803:35
akioany devs here?03:35
Orfeousill be back later today for update..03:35
chu_I'm currently on jaunty with the 2.6.31 kernel, update manager wants me to revert to .28 I think, but karmic is using .31 I believe? I heard it was always good choice to do a full system update before an upgrade, in this case it seems almost pointless...03:46
* Martyn waits patiently for the beta-1 build to make it's appearance03:47
wastrelmy battery said i have 17 hours of life remaining04:09
akiocar battery?04:09
wastrellaptop battery04:09
akionot 17 hours04:09
wastrelwith koala os04:09
akionew laptop?04:09
akiodoes it really last that long?04:10
wastrelno i think it's a bug in the battery life reporting04:11
wastrelit only says 8 hours now04:11
akioHow long did it say 17 hours?04:11
wastrela few minutes04:11
akiohow old is the battery?04:12
wastrelbrand new04:12
akiowhat does hal say? same thing?04:12
akioacpi -V04:16
wastrelwell it says 46 minutes now04:17
wastrelboth from acpi and from the battery thingy in the gnome panel04:18
akioi think your bug is for gnome-power-manager04:18
akioI saw it stated in another bug, might want to check the other bugs for gnome-power-manager04:19
akioor whatever binary / package name current is04:19
pradeepis karmic alpha 6 stable enough04:48
akiofor what?04:48
DanaG<insert YOUR MOM joke here>04:49
akiohave you seen my new bug?04:50
DanaG(actually, saying just that is a bit funnier, and less offensive, than such an actual joke.)04:50
akiothats what your mom said04:50
* akio hides04:51
pradeepi want to upgrade to karmic alpha 6, is it safe. if there are problems can i revert back to jaunty04:51
akiobug #43976804:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439768 in gnome-power-manager "backlight throbbing on login & idle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43976804:51
akioIs it safe?04:52
akioIm sure an OS will not harm you. Unless it runs a potentially hazardous robot that just so happens to bounty hunt on the side.04:53
akiodual boot man04:54
akioOr use a really cool backup solution.04:54
pradeepi want to upgrade to karmic alpha 6, is it safe. if there are problems can i revert back to jaunty04:56
VeinorI don't think you can revert.04:58
Vosspradeep, it is an alpha, if you want safe come back in november05:02
akioMy gnumeric stop crashing05:03
andresmhgdb is eating all my cpu05:20
nomnexCould use a general advice from users with more exp than I have: I am using pidgin (mainly MSN chat/ XMPP chat/ IRC) on Jaunty 9.04. any good reason to make the move to the default emtpathy in Karmic? Or would you re-install pidgin over it?05:41
akioempathy +105:42
nomnexakio: I can't try it currently on jaunty because of a dependency problem, why +105:43
todd_nomnex I use amsn05:43
nomnexThanks tood, the question is related to Karmic change05:44
akioI had an issue with Pidgin working with gnome-panel05:44
nomnexakio: okay. Other beta karmic testers any input empathy/pidgin ?05:45
nomnexmainly IRC focused05:45
todd_yes I use Karmic and for I\m clients empathy works well but for hotmail I recommenc amsn05:46
iflemago pidgin05:46
akioawesome plugins for pidgin05:46
akiomy favorite was the replacement05:47
nomnexI see now, point taken, I have heard empathy was not completely ready and was more a political move.05:47
todd_irc I use chatzilla by firefox05:47
iflemapidginll get web/mic some day..... who needs it...?05:47
akioI would turn that on with my family and replace 4 letter words with things like "Holy cow Batman!"05:47
nomnexinflema, I guess I can make my idea.05:48
teddyfor irc i am using irssi05:48
nomnexso pidgin is not going to die among ubuntu users05:48
akioI wonder what that game of replacing verbs could do with the replacement plugin.05:48
akioMad Libs?05:48
akiohell no05:49
nomnexalright thanks everyone!05:49
iflemapidgin - add msn,live,hotmail = msn/whatever@blah.blah05:50
iflemaim doing this on pidgin05:52
nomnexifleman: you mean account settings?05:52
iflemapidgin does just about all... itll get web/mic sonn enough. if ya remove empathy add pidgin the user switcher works great05:54
rwwpidgin 2.6.1 has voice and video support over XMPP05:54
iflematray icons good05:54
iflemauser swithcer good05:54
iflemawhy change?/?05:55
iflemairc a bit odd but it goes05:55
iflemawell not odd at all05:55
iflemaempathy = p05:56
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
iflemakopete currently a pain for yahoo users or is that sorted06:00
iflemathat goes for most distros06:01
sagaci!punctuation | iflema06:03
ubottuiflema: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter06:03
sagaci!enter + iflema06:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter + iflema06:03
sagaci!enter | iflema06:03
ubottuiflema: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:03
nomnexiflema: thanks, I could make my mind06:11
bullgard4What manual can you recommand for Empathy?06:33
mshooshtariHow close is the Beta, does anbody know if it's to be delayed?06:39
mshooshtariI'm getting ready for a Beta party.06:40
akio1:41 am here06:41
mshooshtariit's 3hrs earlier(PDT)06:41
mshooshtariShould be the 1st(Beta Release Date) UTC though, but the last several beta's have been delayed due to build problems.06:42
mshooshtariIt's OK, but I just haven't heard anything yet.06:42
Orfeousnow im here with my dmesg as requested for failsearching06:49
rippsMan! Ubuntu killed epiphany-gecko and epiphany-webkit is broken. I'm forced to use firefox. I hate it, so slow and bloated.06:54
Orfeousany other file that i should show?06:56
bullgard4ripps: What is 'epiphany-webkit'?07:04
rippsbullgard4: the default gnome web-browser07:04
rippstechnically, just epiphany, but it's been rewritten to use webkit now07:05
bullgard4ripps: No. The default GNOME web browser is Epiphany.07:05
rippsbullgard4: epiphany-browser is now epiphany-webkit. By default, with gnome 2.28, your using epiphany-webkit07:06
rippstechnically, epiphany-gecko can still be installed, but only without any extensions, and that's pretty drab07:06
mshooshtariHas there been any official announcment of Karmic beta being delayed yet?07:08
rippsmshooshtari: why would Karmic beta be delayed?07:14
mshooshtariripps: no updates anywhere yet, and it's already Oct 1st in 80% of the world.07:15
rippsI don't recall anywhere that beta had to be released at the stroke of midnight. They have all day to make the official release07:16
dominic_Has karmic beta been released now?07:16
mshooshtaridominic_: lol07:17
rippsIt's barely even October, and everybody's already asking "is beta here yet?"07:17
mshooshtaridominic_: I think were asking the wrong day, probably after work tomorrow. I just got a new laptop for work and wanted to blow away the vista default install in style.07:17
dominic_It says on launchpad it was here 5 hours ago07:17
dominic_pardon, 6 hours ago07:18
mshooshtaridominic_: I'm starting to understand ripps though, who would want to get up at 6am to release software?07:18
rippswhat difference does it make? There's only been like, what, 3 packages between yesterday and today?07:19
mshooshtariDoes anybody have any inside information, is the nightly build working OK?07:19
mshooshtariI'll just grab that one if it doesn't have any install probs07:19
dominic_i guess.07:19
bullgard4ripps: Thank you for explaining.07:19
dominic_Do you release it ripps?07:19
mshooshtariI've had bad luck with nighty builds lately, I think it's just my hardware or timing.07:20
rippsNobody here "releases it", virutally everybody here are just normal ubuntu users07:20
mshooshtarishould MOTD, just download the 30ths nightly build.07:20
dominic_Its october 1st over here, thats the only reason i asked07:25
dominic_Cant wait!07:25
mshooshtariI'm just anxious for the beta page with it's feature list and screenshots.07:25
dominic_Yes, im that sad.07:25
mshooshtarime too07:26
mshooshtariubuntu is all I could think of when I got off work today.07:26
mshooshtariand the time to desktop, damn that's fast.07:26
dominic_Well, my boot time is hindered by a load of errors i get on boot07:26
dominic_Things like "Profile could not be loaded"07:27
dominic_But they flash too fast to write down07:27
dominic_If im quick enough on the scroll lock tonight, ill report an error07:27
iflematype 'dmesg' in terminal whan ya can07:28
mshooshtariis there still the auto error reporting, running the test suite?07:28
mshooshtariI'm not sure if it reports errors, but it sends in the configuration.07:28
dominic_i dont know...07:29
dominic_I've only been using Ubuntu for a month07:30
mshooshtariOh there was something I wanted to try and get into 10.0407:30
dominic_Maybe 5 weeks07:30
mshooshtariLaptop users have to switch between docked and undocked configurations07:30
dominic_Did you hear about the 10.04 boot time-aim?07:30
dominic_10 seconds! Thats what they aim for!07:30
dominic_Also whats really fast about ubuntu is that when you get to the desktop, you actually get onto the internet/skype/emesene/pidgin/hydrogen/whatever a lot faster than on windows07:31
mshooshtarixrandr has configurations, but no easy way to load or switch07:31
mshooshtarithere's a gui tool called arandr which saves the configurations into scripts07:32
mshooshtariIf something could be set up to detect the docked and undocked states, and allow the display to change automatically between the dock connected monitor, and the laptop display that would be nice.07:32
=== dominic_ is now known as domjohnson
mshooshtariright now I set up KDE hotkeys for a friend and he can change that way07:33
mshooshtaribut if the system knows to change things for power management etc, the ability to change screen configurations should be able to tie into that.07:33
iflemadominic_: in terminal try 'dmesg | more' space bar to page down... might catch ya boot error(s)07:33
domjohnsonno, the only thing boot-related is things like "Bios" then a couple of long numbers, then things like "reserved"07:35
domjohnsonand "usuable"07:35
domjohnsonand "ASPCI data"07:35
domjohnsonthats a ram map07:35
mshooshtarioooh sun(rise/set) artwork is very nice07:37
domjohnsonwhat are cupsd, aptd and totem?07:40
domjohnsonThey all crashed07:40
mshooshtaridomjohnson: the artwork is nice, it wasn't in the alpha07:40
mshooshtaridomjohnson: cupsd is the printing system (common unix printing system daemon)07:41
domjohnsonTheres a screenshot?07:41
mshooshtaritotem is a media player07:41
mshooshtarinot sure about apt unless it's part of aptitude, related to package management.07:41
mshooshtariWhat I want to see for 10.04 is for openchange to make amends to all the gnome distributions with the hype about microsoft exhcange integration.07:42
mshooshtarifirst it released buggy, then lots of problems with clustered exchange servers.07:43
mshooshtarithat's acceptable, but they hyped it so much that redhat, ubuntu and others marked it as a huge nice new feature.07:43
mshooshtariand it was more of a dud.07:43
ubuntu0ath1Are the cdimages building? When will the beta land ?07:43
mshooshtariubuntu0ath1: no word yet, I just grabbed daily from 30th, it has new artwork and looks good, then will apt-get upgrade tomorrow07:44
domjohnsonWas the first release of ubuntu 4.10?07:45
mshooshtariI don't know I started with ubuntu around dapper07:45
mshooshtariyep I remember, trying to set up mythtv on breezy, but just before I finished dapper came out. All the guides were written for 5.0407:47
mshooshtarinow there's a nice mythbuntu that does everything out of the box.07:48
domjohnsonYou know how you have the weather forecast on your top panel?07:51
domjohnsonIs that for today or tomorrow?07:51
ubuntu0ath1It's supposed to be current weather07:51
domjohnsonOh, crap its cold outside07:53
domjohnsonAccording to that07:53
domjohnsonCan you port Visual Basic Code to ubuntu?08:00
domjohnsonAs in, make it into a .deb file?08:00
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* Martyn waits for the beta 1 to finish 'gelling' together08:07
MartynSo many last-second bugfixes and checkins08:07
bullgard4Martyn: What do you mean by "checkins"?08:12
ideasman_42Hi there08:16
ideasman_42Im testing karmic and having very slow printing, its spending a LOT of time on the process "gs"08:17
ideasman_42slow as in 4min before one page prints.. for 10 pages... Its over 8min and I cancel08:17
ideasman_42anyone know of this slow printing problem?08:17
vega-don't have that, instead i have a "printing works from some programs, but not from all" problem with karmic08:22
vega-but those that work, are okay speed-wise08:22
ideasman_42vega-, email is fast for some reason but PDF's very slow08:23
ideasman_42the problem is "gs" the ghostscript command is using 500mb or so of ram08:24
ideasman_42and using loads of CPU08:24
ideasman_42this is weired because it used to work fine08:24
ideasman_42on hardy08:24
bullgard4Martyn: What do you mean by "checkins"?08:25
ideasman_42is it possible to print at lower resolution?08:26
ideasman_42like 300x300, the option is only for 600x60008:26
AlanBellideasman_42: ghostscript is a postscript interpreter, postscript is an interpreted programming language. It can take a long time to execute a postscript "program" especially a buggy one08:31
AlanBellI once locked up a university printer for several hours printing a short postscript program that generated a big fractal image08:32
AlanBellideasman_42: what are you printing?08:32
ideasman_42AlanBell, just a 10 page bdf08:35
ideasman_42AlanBell, yep, am familier with PS08:35
ideasman_42well, not to the point of writing games in it but still08:35
hyper_chhi there, do I get this right: In karmic I can add PPAs but just adding ppa:abiword-stable/ppa  to the sources.list?08:35
ideasman_42AlanBell, Id accept gs can be slow, but since this used to print fast assume its some bug?08:36
ideasman_42is there some way to replace GS or downgrade the package in karmic?08:36
dupondjeXML-parsefout: ongedefinieerde entiteit08:36
dupondjeLocatie: jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.5.3/chrome/browser.jar!/content/browser/certerror/aboutCertError.xhtml08:36
dupondjeRegelnummer 241, kolom 34:          <p id="introContentP1">&certerror.introPara1;</p>08:36
dupondjeany idea ?08:36
AlanBellideasman_42: if it is a regression then yes, I guess you are right08:36
FaultyHello guys! I put Karmic Koala on a USB stick and omg how fast it is :D i'm so amazed the speed is incredible :)08:37
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ideasman_42Im also trying to edit the PPD file, but it doesnt like 300x300 resolution08:37
kaddihello everyone :)08:38
FaultyIs the E7300 processor any good?08:39
ideasman_42AlanBell, vega- wow, very interesting xpdf prints fast!08:46
ideasman_42seems like the problem was evince?? - crazy08:47
bullgard4Yesterday I installed Empathy 2.28.0. It worked. Today the Contact List reports: "New Jabber Account; Name in use". What does that mean? I cannot see any contact names in the Contact List.08:55
G_A_CHi, can someone tell me a little bit more about the "sandbox" update mode that's offered by do-release-upgrade? I'd like to try Karmic on my laptop and found this option, am I correct in thinking that this would just store the changes between my current jaunty installation and the karmic upgrade, and overlay them onto my filesystem meaning that if anything is broken I can just "roll back" to Jaunty as I have it now? thanks!09:19
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gamla_kossanG_A_C: that sounds hella sweet.09:29
G_A_Cit does if I have it correct09:31
G_A_Cwhich is why I'm asking, just in case I've misunderstood it, I don't want to trash this jaunty install :)09:31
Guest12345Is the beta release supposed to come out today? Where can I find it?09:42
amortvigilhello is the beta ?09:55
rskamortvigil: is the beta what?09:56
amortvigilrsk: the beta is not yet :P09:57
rskisn't it09:58
amortvigilrsk: just as i tell you : The beta is not yet09:58
rskthis is very confusing09:58
rskenglish is your 54't language?09:58
amortvigilrsk: hmmm i think its clear english09:59
rskit's not09:59
amortvigilbut anyway the beta is not yet published, does that make you understand it?09:59
error404notfoundin karmic, pidgin is replaced with empathy? why? i think pidgin is better.10:00
amortvigilerror404notfound: because pidgin was not the best10:00
error404notfoundamortvigil, hmm, how?10:00
amortvigilrsk: do i smell autism??10:01
rski don't know what you smell10:01
amortvigilrsk: well nevermind10:01
amortvigildoes anyone have a bluetooth mouse workin on karmic?10:01
lucaat what time can we expect to see the beta released^10:02
amortvigilluca: you better not try asking, people get stunned by the word beta i think10:03
amortvigilluca: and t realy help you, on the forums i foud the answer: dont ask just wait for announcement10:04
contrastGreets, everyone...10:08
lucaamortvigil: thanks, I'll wait then :)10:09
contrastI'm trying to get wminput working on my media center box and have discovered /dev/input/uinput no longer exists, which wminput requires. Any ideas?10:09
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robin0800luca launchpad  now says its 9hours late10:11
lucarobin0800 seen thanks10:12
lucalet's hope they'll upload it soon then10:12
bullgardYesterday I installed Empathy. It worked. Today the Contact List reports: "New Jabber Account; Name in use". What does that mean? I cannot see any contact names in the Contact List.10:14
amortvigilbullgard: mine will not work either10:18
bullgardamortvigil: "will not work" is rather ambiguous. What in detail does not work?10:19
amortvigilit says it has network problems :P10:20
bullgardamortvigil: "network problems" again is a rather broad term.10:22
amortvigilbullgard: i know10:27
contrastSo no one knows about the disappearance of /dev/input/uinput in Karmic?10:30
amortvigilcontrast: i only know my wireless mighty mouse is also not workin10:32
contrastBlah... It seems like every time I upgrade to a new release, I only discover the one show-stopper bug after I get everything else set up and working perfectly.10:33
amortvigilwhat is a show-stopper bug?10:35
amortvigilubottu: show-stopper10:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about show-stopper10:35
contrastUmm... Something that stops the show; e.g., a deal-breaker.10:37
kaddihow come karmic upgrade uninstalls my chosen applications and reinstalls default kde applications? That is rather annoying10:37
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sassynDid anyone use xsplash11:15
sassyncan u please tell if this is replace usplash?11:15
sassynor usplash run and them xsplash11:16
sassynI still don't understand it11:16
rskxsplash is a userspace application that uses the X interface11:17
rskto draw a splash screen at boot.11:17
sassynwhen GRUB run - he call to xsplash? or usplash and the usplash call X - which call xsplash11:17
rskUsplash is a userspace application that uses the Linux framebuffer interface11:17
rskto draw a splash screen at boot.'11:17
rskshould explain it for you11:17
Boohbahframebuffer vs. xorg11:18
sassynI see11:18
sassynSo if u used  xsplash then X shoudl be run right after grub right?11:19
rskhow could it load without a kernel or any userspace11:19
BlizzerandHows Beta , good or broken11:19
rskafter grub you need to boot the kernel and suchs11:20
rskBlizzerand: Not out yet.11:20
Blizzerandrsk : Isn't it supposed to be out today11:20
cousteau"today" = "sometime from 0:00 and 23:59"11:21
floatingwhen are the images available, how mny hours from now11:21
rskfloating: no way to tell11:21
floatingwhat time zone is that cousteau11:21
rskbet was supposed to be out 10~hours ago11:22
cousteauIsle of Man's, I guess11:22
rskbut it will probably be out in a day or two.11:22
rskif you really want the beta, just get alpa6in the meanwhile and update11:23
floatingthe installer doesnt work for me11:23
rskreported a bug?11:23
floatingbut i could try the alternative cd of alpha6 tho11:23
Blizzerand__cousteau : Hours ago I read, from launchpad i believe that it is going to be released with in an hour11:23
floatingwell, the installer works I guess, but I get an error during the installation process11:23
rskso it will work in beta :)11:23
floatingdidn't report a bug11:24
sassynSo no use anymore fo usplash?11:24
cousteauBlizzerand__: within an hour from when you read it, or within an hour from now?11:24
rsksassyn: you decide11:24
sassynof 9.10 will run frist usplash and them xsplash?11:24
sassynCan I have then both?11:25
rskcan you?11:25
cousteauwhere should I download it when it's released? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta ?11:25
sassynI saw cool animation with xsplash11:25
Blizzerand__cousteau : Not it says , it was released 10 hours ago lol , https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-9.10-beta11:25
rskBlizzerand: yea it dosen't say it was released 10hours ago11:26
rskjust that it was expected11:26
sassynrsk - ? can I?11:26
rsksassyn: ask yourself, can you?11:26
sassynI think11:27
cousteauit means that they programmed an event for "today" months ago, and that the system considers "today" was 10 hours ago11:27
rskthen make up your own mind :)11:27
sassynu will run first usplash and omce X is up then move to xsplash11:27
sassynrsk: or I'm wrong ?11:28
rskthat is correct11:28
sassynNo I get it11:28
NerveClaspHi! does anybody know when the official Karmic releases?12:44
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:45
NerveClaspoh, sorry12:45
NerveClaspis THIS a talk about Karmik?12:46
rskno about Karmic :p12:47
NerveClaspis there any news about official release?12:47
rskit will be only news about it if it's delayed or out12:48
NerveClaspso everything is still on schedule? It's good to hear, but long to wait=)12:49
rskbeta is delayed12:49
cousteaunot much... they just said they'll release it today12:51
NerveClaspoh, I have a Q: I can't share my internet lan connection through WiFi anymore (after the latest dist-upgrade)12:51
NerveClasphope it'll be fixed12:51
NerveClaspare there any Gui for changing background in Grub 2?12:52
cousteau"Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta for details." -> but there isn't anything there yet!12:57
amortvigilhehehe :P12:57
amortvigili was sooner:P12:57
cousteauI've been all the morning refreshing http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/ and there's only an alpha6/ folder12:59
cousteau(and an empty release/ one)13:00
ubottuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.13:00
amortvigilPici: before we can upload we need to download13:01
cousteauoh... sorry13:01
cousteauok, I gotta go... brb in 6h or so; I guess it will be uploaded for then13:02
aurolacwhat time is beta out at ?13:06
joaopintoaurolac, when it's out13:07
aurolacjoaopinto, hurry up already ;)13:07
aurolacanyone used that moblin version for dell minis?13:08
=== Oli``` is now known as Oli``
vega-what's so exciting about the beta release today? don't most people already have it on this channel as they run up to date karmic instances?13:14
AlanBellvega-: yes, but it is a day for more new people to join in the fun13:21
AlanBellplus it is a good milestone to do a clean re-install and test the install process13:21
Dr_WillisBeen waiting for it just to do a clean reinstall.. :)13:31
vistakiller1beta is out?13:31
Dr_Willisdue out today13:31
vistakiller1ok :D13:31
stefgwhere is the beta?13:40
puffinmananyone know when Karmic beta is?13:40
PiciWhen its done.13:40
Dr_WillisI just stated  when puffinman13:40
Dr_Willisin #ubuntu13:40
PiciSeriously. They need to generate and test iso images.13:40
puffinmanit's not a very good answer13:40
puffinmanthe site says oct 113:41
Dr_WillisSo it says oct 1.. so?13:41
puffinmancan't blame me for asking13:41
Dr_WillisIt will get released when its done. :)13:41
Dr_Williswe get this constant asking every time  for the new releases. :)13:41
aurolacwheres the link for the test isos again13:41
stefgpuffinman: they didn't say in which timezone ...13:41
Amaranthaurolac: a bit late for that13:41
AmaranthThink "end of 1 Oct in australia"13:42
puffinmanfair enough, maybe they should add some info on the site13:42
aurolac you know the final stages ones they do13:42
Amarantherr, wait, not australia13:42
Amaranthright on the other side of the date line13:42
Amaranththe one that gets it last13:42
k1lpuffinman, they will set some info there when its released13:42
jbeitlerUnless they changed how days work it's the Oct 1st until Midnight, so they still have 17 hours in my time zone13:42
puffinmanrighto, thanks guys13:42
stefgAmaranth: i guess should be more like Aleutians13:42
AmaranthAs long as it is 1 Oct somewhere in the world the release is on time13:42
puffinmanI'll just wait *sigh*13:42
Amaranth(releases are usually late evening UK time)13:43
oldude67ya usually around noon here, in central states.13:43
* stefg thinks better a late and good beta than a timely bad one13:44
oldude67stefg, ya as many bugs as they have had in the past i will wait for them to get done as well.13:44
tormodthe beta was frozen already a couple of days ago, so just get the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/13:45
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Amaranthtormod: ruin all the fun :P13:47
stefgoldude67: indeed there's so much new stuff in karmic (suppose in preparation for LTS Lucid) that it is unusually late in finalizing big stuff13:47
Amaranthstefg: yeah, pretty much13:48
Amaranthshove all the crack in now because LTS is going to be mostly about polishing what we've got (aside from the usual few big new things)13:48
stefgand after all: the .10 releases were never the real good ones, more like the agenda for the following .04 release. edgy was a mess, gutsy was awful, intrepid actually not so bad, and we'll see how karmic is going13:50
Amaranthedgy was awesome13:52
stefgAmaranth: edgy e.g. was the only distro which manged not to work with my DVD-drive out of the bazillions of other kernels out there13:53
tormodedgy only had 4 months dev time, after the delayed 6.0613:55
Amaranthit was awesomely cracktastic13:55
AmaranthI think it was the first release where my sound worked right so I might just be forgetting all the bad stuff13:56
stefgtormod: that was no accusation, so no excuse needed... it's clearly stated that the .10 releases are more experimental and the .04 more incremental13:56
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo13:56
tormodstefg: clearly stated where?13:56
vigoHi ActionParsnip113:56
Amaranthstefg: I don't remember it ever being stated like that13:57
tormodstefg: only if it's the one before an LTS there might be a pattern13:57
Amaranthstefg: usually the release after an LTS is more cracktastic but otherwise they're all supposed to be about as good13:57
Amaranththis time the release before is a bit more bleeding edge too13:57
stefgtormod: let's say it's common sense amongst old time ubunteros ... i think that saying originates in some breezy announcement made by someone somewhere now long forgotten13:58
vigoThis 9.10 is to be an LTS after official release?13:58
ActionParsnip1vigo: 10.04 is the next LTS13:58
mac_vvigo: 10.0413:58
stefgvigo: no 9.10 is the stairway to a fantastic 10.0413:58
vigoActionParsnip1: Thank you13:59
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0413:59
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.13:59
vigoand everyone else,,I need Coffee13:59
ActionParsnip1hear it from the man himself if you wish :D13:59
rskregular is 18months right?13:59
vigoI saw that vid/clip13:59
ActionParsnip1rsk: regular means every <time frame> like a drummer may drum a regular beat14:00
vigoratso, lost that link/bookmark..one sec14:01
robin0800rsk: It looks like 24 mths. to me 2008/04 to 2010/0414:01
vigoHere it is: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/14:02
AmaranthRight, every 2 years14:02
pyklerIsn't the beta images supposed to be released today?14:04
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:05
pyklerThe only live link I found is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/Beta/Kubuntu but it seems to be bogus, no images :(14:05
ActionParsnip1pykler: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule14:05
vigoWhy does Epiphany start up and show a page that says Welcome to Edbuntu 8.04? I am running an Edbuntu 'like' system, but that just seems or acts like a bug.14:05
pyklerActionParsnip1: isnt today Oct 1st14:05
ActionParsnip1pykler: its the beta freeze today, beta is out on 23rd14:06
ActionParsnip1pykler: wait a sec14:06
PiciActionParsnip1: no, you need to re-read that14:06
ActionParsnip1pykler: yeah today for beta...14:06
pyklerok I want it14:06
vigo3 days after windows7? hrmmm14:06
pyklerI want it now :)14:06
ActionParsnip1pykler: install the alpha, you wil upgrade seamlessly to beta14:07
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents14:07
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:07
pyklerI wanna burn a cd, so i wanted to have a clean one14:07
PiciWhen the ISOs are done testing and the beta critical bugs are worked out then it will be out.14:07
pykleri also wanted to test drive it on my main box to see if I should upgrade just yet or wait a few weeks14:07
robin0800pykler: !LTS14:08
pyklerrobin0800: what?14:09
aaron11Helo, I know there are less people in here but, Does anyone know when the countdown banners are showing up? I REALY cant wait for Karmic Koala to come! :S :S14:09
pyklerLTS is 10.0414:09
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0414:09
pyklerrobin0800: whats ur point14:09
robin0800pykler: You might want to wait?14:10
pykler:) im here asking for a beta image to put on my main box, and your telling me to wait for 10.04 :)14:10
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:10
Amaranthaaron11: you want to know when the final release will be?14:11
aaron11Wait LTS means that Ubuntu will still be making Operating Systems like for example Lucid Lynx is the LTS but will they still be making 10.04 and name it somthing like Easy Elephant14:11
aaron11Amaranth: yes14:12
Amaranthaaron11: no14:12
Amaranth10.04 is Lucid Lynx which will be an LTS release14:12
Amaranthit means don't expect a lot of new shiny stuff14:12
aaron11Amaranth: because i psted one of the banners in www.wiki.ubuntu.com14:12
Amaranthaaron11: final release of karmic is oct 2914:13
ActionParsnip1Amaranth: i'd rather have fast tan shiny14:13
aaron11so Mark Shutle will be getting a vacation!14:13
Amaranthaaron11: We're still going to have a few big features that Canonical works on14:14
AmaranthLike Software Center 2.014:14
Amaranthbut most of the work is going to be on fixing bugs14:14
ActionParsnip1are they ditching synaptic for this software centre thing?14:15
aaron11No you dont get it i meant they will be making ubuntu Lucid Lynx but will they try to make 10.0414:15
robin0800ActionParsnip1: I think they are trying to get rid of all of it14:16
ActionParsnip1i mean, we have now got: synaptic, aptitude, gdebi, apt-get and software store. Does this not seem excessive??14:16
mac_vActionParsnip1: *almost* all will be consolidated for lucid into  software center14:17
robin0800ActionParsnip1: Only one system software center for all yes14:17
ActionParsnip1mac_v: good, i find it a complete joke there are so many in a "consise" OS14:17
AmaranthActionParsnip1: software-center is replacing every GUI for dealing with packages except update-manager14:18
aaron11For example October 29th is the release date for karmic koala and April __ is the release date for lucid lynx  and will they make easy elephant continusly Meaning not stopping imediatly making the new easy elephant right after lucid lynx even tho it will be supported for 3 years14:18
ActionParsnip1Amaranth: nice14:18
AmaranthOriginally it was going to replace update-manager too but it was decided they are too different14:19
JMFTheVCIAmaranth: so how do you downgrade or selectively upgrade packages. Software Center does not appear to allow that.14:21
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: That would be why it isn't replacing them this cycle14:21
Amaranthsoftware center 2.0 in lucid will14:21
JMFTheVCIAmaranth: are there expected to be these features in later SC releases?14:22
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: But update-manager can selectively upgrade and downgrade is not a task a normal user would do14:22
floatingwhere can I see if beta is released14:22
JMFTheVCIamaranth: Not all of us are normal users14:22
floatingso I don't need to read log or ask here14:22
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: Not all of us need shiny GUIs either14:24
gamla_kossanhey people14:24
gamla_kossanI want to do a snapshot of an lv-volume14:24
gamla_kossanbut I get this:14:24
gamla_kossanroot@itchy:/# lvcreate -L10G -s -n /dev/ops/fsbackup snapshot: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your kernel14:24
JMFTheVCIAmaranth: I like my shiny gui.I just like flexibility in it as well; rather than a one-size fits all.14:25
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: sudo aptitude install synaptic14:27
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: did you see my message?14:29
JMFTheVCIAmaranth: yup, use it  lot. hope that sc has the same or better features14:29
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: it won't have all of the features of synaptic14:29
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: just the ones commonly used14:30
JMFTheVCIwaiting with baited breath14:30
amortvigilis the beta already downloadable?14:31
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: afaik commonly used means "installing non-GUI packages"14:31
Amaranthand that's it14:31
joaopintosc is still very limited14:32
AmaranthIt's only meant to replace gnome-app-install for this release14:33
joaopintoand it does it nicely :)14:34
JMFTheVCII agree. for what it currently does it does it well.14:35
kulight!karmic beta14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karmic beta14:37
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:37
Picikulight: when its done.14:38
amortvigilPici: lol do you have to much spare time ??14:43
amortvigilyu have soo much patience14:43
kulightPici: no problem just wanted to know if its out yet im in no rush14:43
kaddisince I upgraded to karmic, amarok is asking to access the kdewallet when started. Why does it need to access my passwords?14:46
vigokaddi: Do you have any Jamendo or pay service accounts that also use that?14:47
kaddino, I only use kdewallet for my IM-passwords14:47
kaddior have so far only used it for that14:47
Ian_maybe it just wants to be able to acces those passwords if you would have them?14:48
vigoI was just guessing, maybe it needs certain passwords to do log-ins , like on Freenode there is a pass word that is associated with most all accounts.14:49
kaddiis there a way to check which passwords will be checked by amarok in kde-wallet?14:49
vigoI am not really familiar with that package, but I would think that there is such a widget.14:51
kaddihmm.. and it seems I lost my sound. It was working yesterday. :/ Do you have any tricks I could try for the sound?14:53
kaddimy sound ain't working. what should i do?14:59
rskget it working15:00
rskhow did you get it not-working?15:00
floatingtype aplay in console and listen15:00
floatingwhat happens15:01
rskfloating: nothing should happen15:01
rskunless you specify a file to play15:01
floatingwhat's the where udont specify15:01
joaopintokaddi, I had a strange problem which was fixed by purgind and reinstalling pulseaudio15:01
kaddiI muted my pc before shutting it down. Up on rebooting and unmuting it, sound didn't come back15:01
kaddifloating: aplay nothing happens, aplaymidi it says: Please specify at least one port with --port.15:02
floatingtry specify a file if u have15:02
floatingi dont know, u should listen the other guys, i just type smth while they don't give the better instruction15:03
floatingdid u unmute with alsamixer15:03
kaddijoaopinto: yeah I think I read that yesterday. Is the pulseaudio pacakge simply called pulseaudio?15:03
kaddifloating: what kind of file? I muted and unmuted it with hotkeys. according to alsamixer sound is unmuted though.15:04
floatingi donno, mp3 if u have codecs, oh well15:05
floatingmaybe u r now using another user after the reboot, and ur current user is not in the group audio15:06
kaddiwell it says, that my mp3 is not a default MIDI file15:06
floatingaplay file.mp315:06
joaopintokaddi, sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio; sudo apt-get install pulseaudio15:06
joaopintothere is no need to get mp3 in the question, just aplay on a wav file15:06
joaopintolocate .wav15:06
gnubiekaddi,  don't forget to add your user to the 2 pulseaudio groups15:07
kaddifor the wav it says invalid fileformat...15:08
joaopintoaplay /usr/share/sounds/purple/alert.wav15:09
amortvigilhelp alpha six is not able to dowload :p15:09
kaddino sound15:09
floatingwait some hours and download d beta15:10
floatingmaybe they have taken off the old version (alpha6) already15:10
kaddijoaopinto: and sorry I missed the fact that it was supposed to be aplay and not aplaymidi earlier on. Which is why the wav was an invalid format15:10
joaopintohum, kaddi now that I have tested it, I have lost sound *AGAIN*15:11
user___Has anyone else experienced problems installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix Alpha 6 from USB drive? I've tried using Unetbootin and Grub4dos, but I get stuck with stdin errors15:11
user___Kubuntu and Kubuntu Netbook Remix both install just fine, but for some reason UNR doesn't15:12
floatingif one wants to reinstall something, is that purge just another solution to doing apt-get remove ?15:12
kaddipurge removes the program as well as the settings, while remove keeps the settings, afaik15:12
kaddignubie the 2 usergroups I should be listed in are pulse and pulse-access? because I seem to not be in those15:13
joaopintokaddi, you checked alsamixer right ?15:15
joaopintokaddi, have you installed flash player before that reboot ?15:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purge15:17
kaddino, I've been running jaunty before I upgraded, so everything I need was already installed15:18
kaddi(except wicd, which got, once again, removed during the upgrade)15:18
kaddihmm, funny sound is back. I muted and unmuted a couple of times (not that I hadn't tried this before), but for now sound is working15:19
vigoYes, you are correct kaddi, the purge without switches is just that, it puges the package, not the settings, but kinda depends on the package, or not.15:19
floatingthat is a good trick, to do and undo more than once. FOr example if you want change some hotkey settings in Terminal program for XFCE, u have to tag and untag few times them to take effect. No one has yet fixed this bug grrh15:20
joaopintovigo, it purges the settings15:21
joaopintothat's is the difference between purge and remove15:21
kaddinever had any problem with sound before, so I had no clue how to attack this. But now it's working again :D15:21
joaopintosystem wide settings, /etc, not user settings15:22
vigojoaopinto: Thank you.15:23
vigokaddi: Make a backup now while it is working, like a reference thing.15:24
kaddiyeah... thanks for reminding me :)15:24
kaddiis there a simple way to backup all settings with a simple command?15:24
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:25
vigokaddi: I like the SB or Simple Backup package.15:26
vigoBut there are choices, and I am certain there are better ways of doing anything.15:27
kaddiI backup my data by hand, I really only need to backup my ubuntu settings :p15:28
vigokaddi: That SB thing has a Backup Configuration and Restore from Synaptic, is great utility for home users.15:30
kaddiI only have one harddisk here and no working cd-reader/burner, so I upload important data to my workplay with scp15:30
kaddibacking up settings really only is in case of corrupted settings and not for harddisk failure or similar. :)15:31
vigokaddi: Yes, then read the ubottu thing, it covers rsync and network backups.15:31
kaddiis simplebackup a gnome application, it looks like one :p15:32
vigokaddi: I think it may be, I am on Karmic Edbuntu and it works fine.15:33
kaddii must say I really like karmic though. :) Except for little glitches it's been working great here :)15:36
wastreli have koala15:36
wastrelit's going ok15:36
MartynDid we miss something for the beta-1 build window?15:37
vigoMine says Karmic, was there an update today?15:40
XDevHaldJustfor gnome-shell15:40
vigoThank you,15:40
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule15:40
XDevHaldThank you kaddi. Was about to do that.15:40
kaddihehe, just wanted to make sure beta is still scheduled for today. :)15:41
jovan_hey guys, where can i find the karmic beta iso? thanks15:44
rskjovan_: not out yet15:44
jovan_oh, ok :(15:45
stefgsome op please change the topic to mention that the beta is still in the oven15:45
MartynYep, that would be a good idea15:47
* genii nudges Pici about topic15:48
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Alpha 6 Released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha6 | This channel is not a replacement for filing bugs | The beta is not out yet
* Pici nudges chanserv15:49
lucahi everyone15:53
kaddihi :)15:53
lucasome news regarding beta release?15:53
lucait's quite late :)15:53
stefghi luca ... err the beat isn't out yet15:53
lucaat least in the Old Continent at least15:53
stefghi luca ... err the beta isn't out yet15:53
lucastefg .. yeah I know. I just wondered if some news had trickled down here in the channel15:54
stefgluca: my guess is we have to wait for the nightly build job...  nightly in terms of London/UTC time15:55
lucamight as well say "tomorrow" then :(15:56
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
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Dr_Willissudo get the beta done!16:15
rsksudo: get: command not found16:16
Dr_Willissudo wap dittty ditty dooo16:17
darthanubisI'm always excited about new Ubuntu releases. It is like Christmas twice a year!16:18
darthanubiswell more than that16:19
darthanubisI get excited about aplha and beta releases:)16:19
kaddinot to forget the kde releases :p16:19
darthanubisI don't like that kubuntu is not as functional out the box as ubuntu16:19
darthanubisI have just used KDE4.3 for two months and loved it16:20
kaddiwhat is not functional in kubuntu out of the box?16:20
eladWhat are the benefits of upgrading to 9.10?16:20
darthanubisI've grown found of Pulseaudio16:20
Ian_elad: 0.0616:20
darthanubisthe PA in Kubuntu 9.10 was so broken I was unable to fix it16:20
geniielad: Excitement when it crashes16:20
darthanubisI use Firefox. I had to install totem-plugins for my quicktime codecs to play16:21
kaddihmm..haven't had any problems with FF so far and pulseaudio is working as well right now. But I don't use quicktime16:22
darthanubisby the time I was done, I had basically installed ubuntu-desktop just to have full functionality. I'm exaggerating a lil' but not by much. If i'm going to pull down so many gtk apps, might as well stick to ubuntu proper16:22
darthanubisif I want to use KDe, I'll just install it in Ubuntu, and be done with it16:23
Dr_Willisanyone notice that the icons on the desktop use a real WIDE spaceing when you login.. but if you do 'clean up by name' they get much closer/compact/organized?16:23
rskelad: none some or worse16:23
darthanubisKubuntu pre 9.10 is just not as polished imho. I see why people rate it as the worst of the KDE distros16:23
kaddiubuntu 9.04 was a PITA for me and that was independent of gnome/kde16:24
darthanubiskaddi, I could not play videos on miro's webpage(embedded).16:24
darthanubis9.04 was rock soild beast for me16:24
kaddilet me guess: you don't have intel graphics card :p16:24
darthanubisI never have issues after final release of ANY ubuntu release16:25
darthanubiskaddi, How did you know?16:25
darthanubisvideo[nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce 9500 GT] @ Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset DRAM Controller]16:25
shadeslayerhey all.....16:26
kaddihi :)16:26
shadeslayerso wheres the party?16:26
rskin my mouth16:26
shadeslayerfor the beta release?16:26
darthanubisright here16:26
rskeverybody can cum16:26
rski mean16:26
kaddiwe're doing a countdown :D just haven't decided where to start yet :p16:27
shadeslayerkaddi: how about from 9hours 32 mins and 43 secs16:27
rskkaddi: try 12 hours 43minutes and 12 seconds16:27
kaddiwhy not :p16:27
kaddidon't think I'm going to be awake that long :p16:28
shadeslayerwe can go in the negatives if its not released by then16:28
kaddimaybe we should just start counting up instead of down. :p no need for negatives then ;)16:28
shadeslayerthen itll be a count'up' not a count'down'16:28
geniiThat remonds me of the ubuntu-release-party where the bot adds time to the release hour every time someone enquires about it16:33
shadeslayergenii: sad that it had to kicked out when the actual release happened :P16:34
Brian___isnt the beta supose to come out today?16:37
amortvigilBrian___:  what pici means to say is that the topic says that the beta is not out yet, he says that to save bandwidth of ubuntu servers16:39
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
PiciI say that because its true.16:39
Brian___october first was going to be the beta realese rite16:40
PiciBrian___: There is no set *time* for the release today.16:40
shadeslayerBrian___: yep16:41
amortvigilBrian___: yes the press message is already sent out16:41
amortvigilthey are now taking care of the isos16:41
Brian___cool now time to wait16:41
shadeslayerBrian___: 1 October : 0000 to 2400 :)16:41
JanCand in some unspecified timezone  ;)16:41
shadeslayertheyre teasing us ;)16:41
Piciamortvigil: No message about the release is out yet.16:41
shadeslayerJanC: yeah...16:41
lucaamortvigil: where have you seen this prep message?16:42
amortvigilJanC: do you still have the message i sent in ubuntu-nl with the beta release press message?16:42
shadeslayeroh btw any Kubuntu users here?16:44
Brian___i have  kde installed with gnome16:44
JanCamortvigil: I have, but that's a draft (I saw somebody just edited it ;) )16:45
amortvigilhehehe :P16:45
shadeslayerkaddi: i hear about "Boot improvements" in alpha 6,what are these?16:46
PiciIts not official until the mailing list emails go out.16:46
JanCshadeslayer: that you can login 6-7 seconds after grub?16:46
kaddiquicker boot I guess. and they included something in the kernel... already forgot what it was.16:46
kaddileft me with a black screen on my old pc :p16:47
shadeslayerand i thought xsplash was ported to Kubuntu16:47
JanCkaddi: also that they start gdm much earlier16:47
JanCso you can login while services are still starting in the background16:47
shadeslayerJanC: what if you login and all the services havent been started 0.0 ( like in windows )16:48
jbeitleranyone having an issue with natulius maxing out their processor for no apparent reason?16:48
JanCshadeslayer: then the same happens as in Windows, I suppose16:49
shadeslayereverything freezes up :(16:49
kaddifor me I noticed that login is much quicker then before, but loading all personal settings takes much longer16:50
JanCwell, maybe not that bad, and also depends on what services etc.16:50
shadeslayerhehe.... if they release the beta in the next 30 mins ill be in a fix :P16:51
=== elad is now known as elad`
jbeitlerOk I guess not16:54
shadeslayerjbeitler: ?16:54
shadeslayeroh the nautilus issue16:54
jbeitleryeah that one16:54
shadeslayerno idea16:55
jbeitlerYeah I booted up this morning and its just maxing out at 100%16:55
jbeitlerhaven't installed anything haven't changed anything16:56
jbeitlerjust seems odd16:56
kaddimaybe a reboot will fix it? :P16:56
jbeitlertried that kaddi even a shutdown when reboot didn't work16:56
ikthow long till beta?16:57
* Dr_Willis screams !!!!16:58
CarlFKusb drive,   sudo mkfs /dev/sdb1, unplug, plug, mount: dev/sdb1 on /media/6deac633-3fc3-41bc-9033-a5eccfd6d253 type ext216:58
Dr_Willis'every time someone asks.. they delay it by another 30 min'16:58
shadeslayerikt: /topic16:58
jbeitleris there anyway we can change the topic to The Beta will be here when it gets here.. at least until its here?16:58
CarlFKwhich means the window that opens up is titled "deac633-3fc3-41bc-9033-a5eccfd6d253"16:59
shadeslayerjbeitler: check out the topic16:59
hifidoes it really matter when the beta images are out if you follow karmic already16:59
jbeitlershadeslayer: mines not updated16:59
Dr_Willishifi:  i think there may be a lot of updates that are not on the servers yet.. ive not seen hardly any updates in the last 2 days16:59
Dr_WillisOr else.. things are getting fixed. :)16:59
* shadeslayer hopes for the latter17:00
ikt<shadeslayer> ikt: /topic <- the beta is not out yet17:00
iktthis does not help with the issue at hand :P17:01
CarlFKthis isn't a bug, but pretty goofy.  guessing an unintended side effect of some other idea. I want to bug something.  what package?17:01
* Dr_Willis missed an actual issue...17:01
iktor ~5 minutes ago17:01
shadeslayerikt: the beta is not released at a particular time or adhering to a time zone17:01
iktthis is unfortunate17:02
shadeslayerits a free bird...17:02
iktwould appreciate a javascript countdown :P17:02
* Dr_Willis writes one that says 'it will be done when its done' over and over and over..17:03
* kaddi adds a random countdown to that :p17:03
CarlFKwhen will the script be done?>17:03
shadeslayerCarlFK: after infinity recursions17:03
Dr_Willis10 print 'it will be done when its done'17:04
Dr_Willis20 goto 1017:04
shadeslayerCarlFK: itll be valid for all the new releases of *buntu17:04
Dr_Willisload *,8,117:04
CarlFKwhen will this intellectually stimulating conversation be done?17:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 8ball17:05
shadeslayerbtw suse released 11.2 milestone 817:05
shadeslayerand that too today :P17:06
* Dr_Willis woders why they decided touse the term 'milestone'17:06
iktmilestone sounds epic17:06
Dr_Willisthat sounds much less risky then alpha or beta.17:06
Dr_WillisHow about a KilometerStone!17:06
shadeslayerDr_Willis: basically because these CD's represent that a very problematic bug was solved17:06
shadeslayerlike a milestone achieved :P17:07
Dr_Willis'glorious achivement for the  peoples!'17:07
CarlFK"To file a bug against a specific package use a url similar to the following, http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGENAME/+filebug?no-redirect, where PACKAGENAME is the name of the source package about which you want to file the bug."  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs17:07
CarlFKwho is actually going to do that?17:07
shadeslayerDr_Willis: hehe.... ubuntu alpha CD's were termed as milestone cd's too17:08
shadeslayerCarlFK: many people actually.... me for instance17:08
CarlFKshadeslayer: I'm impressed.17:08
Dr_WillisI tend to jsut confirm other bugs17:08
shadeslayerCarlFK: of course i just removed ubuntu and installed arch and now moving to Suse :P17:09
CarlFKshadeslayer: ok, I am not impressed.  you're just nutz. :)17:10
shadeslayerCarlFK: i wanted to try arch,got let down,so now im fascinated by suse :P17:10
Dr_Willisarch = letdown ;) yes...17:12
xguruwill beta have a cd?17:12
shadeslayerxguru: why not17:12
xgurui'll take that as a yes :)17:12
MartynMost probably.   I'm looking at launchpad though, and we have a LOT of critical bugs to closedown17:12
Martynbeta can't come out until they are17:12
shadeslayerof course if the beta comes out before my nvidia driver for windows gets downloaded ill go back to kubuntu17:13
Dr_WillisNothing like a 200mb driver download eh?17:13
Martynthat's beyond idiotic, isn't it...17:13
shadeslayerDr_Willis: yeah.... on a 128kbps line17:14
user___I haven't even been able to install Alpha 6 of Ubuntu Desktop or Ubuntu Netbook Remix for some reason. Kubuntu and Netbook Kubuntu both install fine17:14
user___This is becouse I don't have a CD-drive on my Netbook and for some reason Ubuntu wont install from my USB-stick17:14
xgurushadeslayer: i herd that suse's kde environment kicks kubuntu's ass.  what do you think?17:15
Dr_WillisIve had some issues with some machine/stick combos.17:15
Dr_WillisThis cheap 'panda bear usb flash drive' i have seems to work the best.. oddly. :)17:15
Dr_Willisand its so cute17:15
shadeslayeruser___: 1)check MD5sum on downloaded image 2)check md5sum on USB disk17:15
shadeslayerxguru: havent tried it out.. yet17:16
xgurulet me know :)17:16
shadeslayerxguru: and yes thats what i hear on almost all the forums17:16
user___I've installed Kubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 9.10 Kubuntu Netbook, Xubuntu 9.04, Windows XP, Arch, Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix all from my USB stick using the same methor, but Ubuntu 9.10 just doesn't like me17:16
shadeslayerxguru: Arch linux sucks though17:16
stefguser___: i found the UNR desktop installer in the last daily builds not working, too (crashes with some python error). so i did a net-install and chose to install the UNR metapackage17:16
xguruyea i saw that.  I havent tried it and now i have a good reason not to.17:17
user___My problem is with the installer not finding my the installer. It starts loading kernel but after a while it just starts giving me "stdin error 0" and says it cant find live environment.17:17
user___I wonder what that first sentence is supposed to say...17:18
stefguser___: that seems more like a kernel problem or a with the squashfs file on the USB stick17:19
user___Oh, and this happens around the same time kernel mounts my hard drives and at the same time mounts my USB-stick. It seems that after the live-cd starts loading it forgets where the installation files are and it throws me to initramfs17:19
ni1sxguru, only kde4 env. that havnt sucked so far is gentoo, imho17:19
RobLoach"Beta" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule returns a 404.17:20
stefguser___: we can agree on that the UNR desktop installer isn't working atm, so try a netinstall and put the ZNR metapackage on top (which still has iT#s own problems)17:20
stefgUNR metapackage that is17:21
xgurugentoo, i have herd alot about it, but i haven't used it yet.  I have herd its alot different from ubuntu/debian/mandriva/suse17:21
user___I could propably get it to work using some alternative way. The thing is I'm using Grub4dos with NTFS on my USB-stick. This is becouse I use it for many things, like installing windows XP17:21
ni1sRobLoach, 404? Works for Me™17:21
xguruRobLoach: works here as well17:21
ni1sxguru, yeah17:22
user___And I don't remember why, but I have never been able to install Windows XP from an USB stick with FAT on it.. Propably. There HAS TO be a reason why it's formatted as NTFS..17:22
RobLoachxguru: ni1s: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta .17:22
RobLoach"Beta" in the Notes column of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule .17:22
stefguser___: NTFS is a no-go for the installer17:22
PiciRobLoach: The beta isn't out.17:22
RobLoachPici: Nope, I want it out though ;-) .....  Maybe unlink it? Meh.17:23
oldude67whats the url for the pen drive install?17:23
user___stefg: It works with Ubuntu 9.04, UNR 9.04, Kubuntu 9.04, Kubuntu 9.10, Kubuntu Netbook 9.10, Xubuntu 9.04, but for some reason not Ubuntu/Xubuntu 9.1017:23
ni1sRobLoach, well, that's not that suprising, it isnt the 23 of october yet17:23
ni1sRobLoach, the alpha(the current stage of karmic) work thou17:23
Picini1s: re-read the chart. Thats the 23 week of development17:23
RobLoacholdude67: Unetbootin can install any ISO on a thumb drive.17:24
ni1sPici, my bad, sorry RobLoach17:24
stefguser___: since ntfs is no native linux format the support for it not yet be working in the alpha kernels17:24
stefguser___: anyway: no love lost in doing a netinstall. even if you get the live image working the installer will crash during the install to internal disk17:25
user___stefg: I'll give that a try17:26
oldude67will that let me boot it like a live cd?17:27
=== _Guest4010529 is now known as Guest4010529
aurolacbeta due out soon?17:34
commander_isn't 9.10 beta release today?17:34
eagles0513875should be out today aurolac17:34
eagles0513875ya commander_17:34
kaddilooks like that memoryleak in update-notifier also finally got fixed with karmic :)17:34
eagles0513875hey kaddi long time no c17:35
* Jaymac slaps aurolac and commander_ with the naughty stick17:35
eagles0513875no see*17:35
kaddibeen on vacation :)17:35
aurolacJaymac, hit me again ;)17:35
commander_well how come it still saya ALPHA?17:35
commander_WHEN I GO to alt+f217:35
Jaymaccommander_, read the last line of the topic :)17:35
xgurucause the beta hasn't came out yet.....17:36
xguruits caught in the outbox....i dunno :)17:36
* stefg arms ubotto to automatically kick everyone out pf the channel who uses the word beta in his first two lines :-)17:37
kaddithings are getting serious :o17:37
xguruwhoever owns the bot needs to add a *notice* line that states it apon entry17:38
dominic__How do you get the beta version of 9.10?17:39
kaddihello :)17:39
kaddidon't ask :p17:39
xgurulol, yea today sometime :)17:39
kaddiby waiting ;)17:39
dominic__My friend said he was updating to it17:40
TronicWhy do people care about the beta?17:40
TronicIsn't it simply a version tag and a ISO image release?17:40
bordito testing the  iso17:40
stefg... dominic would have been the first victim of ubottus roundhouse kick policy17:40
TronicI would think that most people used apt-get instead of ISOs...17:40
commander_jaymac what topic?17:41
Jaymacthe topic of this chatroom17:41
amortvigilTronic: because a beta asumes more stability17:41
dominic__I use the update manager17:41
Jaymaccommander_, type: /topic17:41
kaddiI'm suddenly glad I upgraded yesterday and decided not to wait for the beta. :p I ain't to good at waiting ;)17:41
shadeslayerTronic: also because alot of bugs on launchpad are still open17:42
Raydiationwheres my beta xD17:42
joaopintoshadeslayer, how is that related to the beta :) ?17:42
dominic__kaddi: same17:43
eagles0513875alpha 6 has been good to me at least17:43
shadeslayerjoaopinto: well there are certain bugs which are supposed to be closed before a beta release17:43
joaopintoshadeslayer, right, but it will still be released with a lot of bugs open :)17:44
shadeslayerjoaopinto: yes,but they are not the top priority bugs17:44
xguru"critical bugs" should be all closed or near closed before release17:44
robin0800Every time someone says BETA ......it is delayed by another 10 minuets17:44
shadeslayerrobin0800: its never gonna be released then :P17:45
rskrobin0800: gg you delayed it 10minutes..17:45
kaddibut we got improvements.. :D it used to be 30min, now it's only delayed by 10minutes :p17:45
kaddihi :)17:46
faleany news about the b1? I haven't seen it on the repos yet17:46
xgurufale: hi, and beta is due out later today at some point.  There isn't a specific time17:46
shadeslayerfale: /topic17:46
robin0800kaddi: Whant it to come out before the end of the day here!17:46
amortvigilinsufficient argumensts for command17:47
faleshadeslayer: I know that was to today.. but I dind't know the hour thing ;)17:47
falethankyou xguru17:47
shadeslayerfale: hehe....17:47
BluesKajrobin0800, I'm using the main repos server ..nothing yet17:47
shadeslayerfale: there is no specific time for ANY of the releases ;)17:47
* xguru goes to eat and do some research papers :)17:48
xguruhave fun everyone17:48
kaddiyou too17:48
faleshadeslayer: didn't knew that (is true that until a few time ago I was at school till dinner than I camed home and was released ;))17:48
amortvigilPici: how much chance that the current daily image is the right beta?17:49
floatingwhen beta is released will the first thing be to update the topic here so it's easy to be on teh17:53
bordihmm.. ubuntustats.com is still off17:55
eagles0513875floating: most likely but if ur already on alpha 6 just run the update and upgrade commandds from commandline17:55
commander_ok this don't make no sense ...why post online and the world tht ubuntu 9.10 beta will be release on 10/1/2009?and u can't even get it..17:55
commander_and Jaymac yes i did read the topic17:56
orangeyi just upgraded to karmic17:56
orangeymay I say... WOW17:56
orangeythe pace of ubuntu development is absolutely incredible.17:56
shadeslayercommander_: because its still 1 Oct here.... for another 1.5 hrs17:56
orangeyI switched to Hoary from Mandrake / Gentoo, and it's really been amazing.17:56
dominic__So every time you say *the B word* Ubuntu takes another 10 minutes?17:57
commander_where is here..i'm in Miami ,florida17:57
joaopintocommander_, is still 10/1/2009 in my part of the world17:57
commander_i repeat where is here..i'm in the US17:57
JaymacI assume the timing is based on UTC... in which case it is still 1/10/09 for another 5 hours17:58
amortvigilim in the netherlands 19:0017:58
Jaymacoops, 7 hours :)17:58
bordiSwitzerlan 7PM17:58
JanCthere is no timezone specified, so they can chose which one to use17:58
orangeyalright. clearly I should go and gush elsewhere17:58
orangeyhope y'all are as satisfied by KK as I am17:59
wastreli have koala17:59
bordiin your garden?17:59
orangeywastrel: you can't possibly. apparently it has something to do with time zones17:59
commander_I'M IN THE eastern time zone i.e. NewYork like but i'm in FL17:59
Frickelpitwastrel: go to the Hospital :)17:59
eagles0513875guys if you really wanna get on karmic17:59
Jaymaccommander_, we know.. what is your point? :)17:59
eagles0513875download alpha 6 cuz once its released u will have the same updates and everything as it will have18:00
Jaymacanyone running the alpha will already have the beta18:00
zicadadownload daily18:00
amortvigileagles0513875: no you wont18:00
commander_eagle are you sure?18:00
JanCeh, better download the last daily, that will give you exactly the same as beta  ;)18:00
amortvigillol :P18:00
wastreli don't understand what this timezone talk is about18:00
eagles0513875amortvigil: ya you do18:00
wastrelim in eastern18:00
Jaymacunless they delay the rolling of the ISOs for some showstopper bugs18:00
eagles0513875im in central europe18:00
amortvigilflame ware :P18:00
* shadeslayer checks inbox for announcement18:00
eagles0513875Jaymac: i havent seen any in alpha 6 since ive been on it18:01
bordieagles0513875: me too18:01
Jaymacnor have I18:01
eagles0513875time zone stuff is OT for the channel18:01
commander_so can i download the alpha6 today til beta get on board or what?18:01
drs305Or the daily build, which will be as close to the Beta as you can download.18:01
Jaymaccommander_, you can download the latest daily build18:01
commander_which is?18:01
shadeslayercommander_: download alpha 6 / the daily build and update to the beta18:01
shadeslayer!daily | commander_18:01
ubottucommander_: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/18:01
commander_i can do tht thru update manager right?18:02
shadeslayercommander_: yep18:02
commander_thanks shadeslayer18:02
shadeslayerupdate-manager -d : ithink18:02
commander_tht what i got and it stll says ALPHA release18:03
mbeierl1ok, so I just did aptitude update, aptitude safe-upgrade and there are no new updates since yesterday?18:03
shadeslayercommander_: oh!! it will say alpha until the beta is released18:03
roffeThe beta hasn't been released yet, right?18:04
commander_it supposed to be today right?18:04
shadeslayerroffe: you just delayed it by 10 mins18:04
commander_cuz the last time it crashed my system shade18:04
Nattgewcommander_: yes, today18:04
eagles0513875commander_: ya u can download alph6 and when its released update your machine18:04
commander_i had to reinstall it all back18:04
roffeI'm so ridiculously eager to get it :D18:05
mbeierl1anyone know why ubuntu-desktop is being held back?18:05
shadeslayermbeierl1: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:06
commander_it's on a notebook shade18:06
mbeierl1shadeslayer: even though I'm already on the alpha?18:06
shadeslayermbeierl1: yep18:06
mbeierl1shadeslayer: and why apt-get vs. aptitude?18:07
mbeierl1shadeslayer: (thanks btw)18:07
MartynYou can use either one18:07
shadeslayermbeierl1: apt-get is simply an extension of aptitude18:07
shadeslayerno major difference... see the  man page for the extra details though18:07
mbeierl1shadeslayer: ok.  I tend to favour aptitude as it seems to honour pinned packages from synaptic (I have to stick with svn 1.4 at work) where apt-get seems to upgrade the pinned packages18:08
mbeierl1sorry - forced version18:08
commander_shade it already being done ..crossing my fingers..i 'm just a ubuntu linux nut sorry bout the aggravation guys just anxious to get it18:08
* eagles0513875 feels like this is release day the way everyone is reacting :P18:08
shadeslayercommander_: hehe.... were all in the same boat18:09
mozicodoWhat? Beta != release?18:09
shadeslayermozicodo: nope18:09
mbeierl1and here I thought alpha = release :)18:09
shadeslayeradd another 10 mins18:09
eagles0513875mozicodo: the way everyone is reacting in here its like its a release day18:09
ubuntu0ath1can't wait for the cd18:10
eagles0513875what cd18:10
ubuntu0ath1 beta cd18:11
eagles0513875i have a hunch what we waiting for is the iso to get packaged and certain things to finish getting built18:11
joaopintouh, 316 users on a release day ? No way, this does not look a release day :)18:11
Nattgewit would be cool if there was some play by play...18:11
ubuntu0ath1Nothing is being built now ,according to launchpad18:12
joaopintoeagles0513875, is very unlikely that the iso is changed today, unless there is a severe bug18:12
joaopintotoday is mirror distribution18:12
commander_so once it downloaded shade what next?18:12
eagles0513875joaopinto: meaning what18:13
roffethe boring thing with using the alphas and beta is that you don't get that big of a surprise when they release the sharp version18:13
shadeslayercommander_: just burn it to a CD or USB and install18:13
joaopintoeagles0513875, -1 release days are not usually for changes18:13
commander_ok neither one i don't have18:14
eagles0513875joaopinto: what happens to any programs for instance that got updated version wise since alpha 6 and now18:14
joaopintoeagles0513875, they went into the iso until yesterday18:15
shadeslayercommander_: you already have a ubuntu install right?18:15
commander_i got 9.0418:15
joaopintocommander_, update-manger -d will get you into the beta, be warned, is still beta18:16
shadeslayercommander_: ok then download a upgrade CD instead of a live CD18:16
shadeslayeror do what joaopinto18:16
joaopintoshadeslayer, is there an upgrade cd :) ?18:16
shadeslayerjoaopinto: yep18:16
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal18:16
commander_joaopinto and shade i'm already dl 9.10 as we speak ...18:17
eagles0513875only updates to xsplash artwork and xsplash today O_O18:17
shadeslayerjoaopinto: you just mount it via a command and run the executable inside18:17
joaopintoalternate is not an upgrade cd, is a cd with an alternate installer that can be used to upgrade because it provides the packages in a repository format18:17
Nattgewjoaopinto, why can't the desktop cd do that?18:18
shadeslayerjoaopinto: ive mounted a alternate CD and it does have a upgrade shell script18:18
joaopintoit can, that is why I am asking why is shadeslayer recommending the alternate18:18
shadeslayerjoaopinto: ?18:18
joaopintoshadeslayer, having an upgrade.sh doesn't make a CD am upgrade CD :)18:18
shadeslayerjoaopinto: why not?18:19
joaopintobecause an upgrade cd, is something intentonally built to upgrade something, unlike a regular CD which can be used to upgrade a system18:19
joaopintothe desktop cd is also an upgrade cd18:19
joaopintoon you definition for upgrade cd :P18:20
dv-how do I get flash to work? I copied libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins and /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.3/plugins, but it's still not working18:20
shadeslayerbye all.....18:20
shadeslayer!flash | dv-18:20
ubottudv-: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:20
joaopintodv-, you just need to install the flash package, there is no need for manual copy18:20
dv-i have the flash package, but it broke when I upgraded18:21
joaopintojust try to reinstall it, since it needs to redownload the plugin from adobe18:21
dv-I did. no luck18:21
joaopintodoes it fail ?18:22
dv-no, but it seems to put it in the wrong place18:22
joaopintoit works fine here18:22
joaopintoI have installed flashplugin-nonfree18:23
dv-also, I've had this strage problem for a while now... flash would work for some time, then it'd stop and I'd have to restart firefox. is that common?18:23
joaopintoi have: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so18:23
joaopintowhich is a link to18:23
mbeierl1there was a report of a recent update breaking boot for grub2 ... did anyone else experience this or was it an isolated event?  I'm about to reboot :)18:24
joaopintothe real file18:24
dv-mine's a link to /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin18:25
dv-linking to libflashplayer.so still does nothing18:27
swoodydoes anyone know a general time-frame when Beta is going to be released?18:28
dv-is there some way to have firefox spit out where it's looking for plugins?18:28
ubuntu0ath1there's a testing beta iso , but there's no eta when a real beta will come out18:28
swoodyah, ok. Thanks ubuntu0ath118:29
mbeierl1it's just a "b", no eta in the beta.18:30
ubuntu0ath1http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/  Here are the testing images18:31
joaopintothe testing beta is likely to be final18:32
swoodyah, good to hear guys18:33
swoodyso basically if I just grab the testing beta, it will (most likely) be the same as the 'official' beta?18:34
mbeierl1sorry - I just had to blurt out: I just tried pencil from karmic ... that's too cool!18:35
dv-LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so [/usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32]18:38
dv-can't use 32bit flash with 64bit firefox?18:38
dv-it used to work fine before the upgrade18:38
Nattgewdv-: have you tried the 64-bit alpha?18:39
roffeI'm using 64-bit flash. Works great18:41
domjohnsonHow do you report a bug about sound?18:41
domjohnsonOn launchpad?18:41
domjohnsonWait, i think i know...18:41
Amaranthdv-: You've never been able to do that without nspluginwrapper18:42
domjohnsonno, i dont know18:44
domjohnsonwhen i click on report a bug it brings be to the wiki page for reporting bugs18:44
ubuntu0ath1you type in a run dialog or teminal ubuntu-bug <packagename>18:45
dv-Nattgew: i upgraded from a 64bit version, it should be 64bit :/18:45
dv-anyway, I installed the firefox from mozilla.org and it works now18:45
darthanubisI've NEVER had to use the FF from Mozilla.com18:47
darthanubisorg whatever18:47
Nattgewdv-: is the flash .so in .mozilla/plugins ?18:47
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
Nattgewdv-: I think it's looking in ~/.mozilla/plugins and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins18:50
tgpraveen!info nm18:53
ubottuPackage nm does not exist in karmic18:53
murielgodoihi guys, I'm about install 9.10 to check some bugs and features, should I download & install alpha6 or wait for the beta?18:53
commander_hey i'm downloading 9.10 but it just stuck in new software channels18:53
tgpraveen!info Network-manager18:54
ubottuPackage Network-manager does not exist in karmic18:54
yofel!info network-manager18:54
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8~a~git.20090923t064445.b20cef2-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 317 kB, installed size 2228 kB18:54
mbeierltgpraveen: it's NetworkManager, not Network-manager ;)18:54
yofeltgpraveen: ubottu's case sensitive ;)18:55
tgpraveenjust like linux18:55
Brian___hey tgpraveen are you in tactical gaming18:57
tgpraveenum.. you mean strategy based games18:58
Brian___everyone has a tg in front of there name19:00
Brian___is the beta out. i just did apt-get dist-upgrade and got 55 updates19:02
tgpraveenBrian___: oh no. man those are just my intitials19:02
Brian___oh lol ok19:02
murielgodoiBrian___: Are you sure they are beta packages?19:04
Brian___but i do a dist-upgrade everyday to make sure im up to date so the 55 packages were put there today so i just figured19:05
cousteauwas that last sentence on the topic before?19:05
murielgodoicousteau: yep19:06
roffeIt's not released for me, at least19:06
cousteaulike 6 hours ago19:06
xguruBrian___: i havne't recieved any update for almost 2 days now19:06
commander_does anyone have bets19:07
Brian___mirk: whats that19:07
xguruthe site, but nothing from apt-get or update manager19:07
mirki think its the beta =)19:08
Brian___so its out?19:08
cousteauwell, it says they've run many tests19:09
mirkguess so19:09
xguruits what could be from my understanding, it could change depending on how the testers do on the build19:09
roffeI'll wait till the update manager tells me there are updates19:09
Brian___my update manager has 59 updates for today19:10
roffeBrian___, when was the last time you updated?19:10
Brian___i update everyday or at least check everyday19:10
dael99no updates for today D:19:11
murielgodoiokay. Are the beta packeges sheduled for today?19:12
commander_tht the same thing i'm asking19:12
xguruBrian___:  type uname -a in a terminal19:12
xguruyes they are coming out today, but haven't been released yet19:13
Brian___what will that do19:13
xgurusay your version19:13
roffePerhaps it's released and Brian is just on another server than the rest of us?19:13
Brian___2.6.31-11 generic smp19:13
Brian___im on the server for united states19:15
Trewasbeta means that there will be very few new packages today, because the archive has been frozen for a few days because of the beta... tomorrow will be completely different19:16
Trizicuswhen i try to do 'sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun I get all of these errors. http://pastebin.com/m70c87e9c19:16
roffeI tried some american server(the default one) and I got no updates19:17
xgurutype: lsb_release -a19:17
BluesKajthe main server has none as well19:17
Trizicusnvm fixed it19:18
Trizicushad to install jdk...19:18
wastrellsb_release -a19:18
Brian___the commmand says command not found19:18
Nattgewfor anyone using bluetooth... does your applet always show everything as connected?19:18
BluesKajmaybe they are doing a bit more testing this time around , alpha6 broke a lot of system hardware drivers due to botched kernel modules19:19
BluesKajthe devs that is19:19
commander_is beta available yet?19:19
DopeGhoticommander_: it's due sometime today, I understand, but not yet.19:19
BluesKaji wouldn't be in too much of a hurry for the bets to come doen the pipe19:20
commander_so can i download alpha6 til then?19:20
roffeBluesKaj, Sure.. but it's damn fun for some reason :)19:20
* BluesKaj neds a nap , spelingg is sufering19:20
DopeGhoticommander_: you can download α6 whenever you like- I think the older versions are still up too19:20
commander_it suppose to be today what's their problem?19:20
Nattgewcommander_: as long as it's still today, they're fine...19:21
murielgodoicommander_: today is not over yet19:21
TrizicusIs anyone able to play RS without lag in alpha 6?19:21
DopeGhoticommander_: I, for one, would rather see it come out done, rather than half-baked and broken19:21
TrizicusI'm using sun-java vm and plugin19:21
commander_b cause everyone says u can get alpha 6 and then get the update?is this true?19:22
roffeDoes anyone know how many developers Canonical have?19:22
Trizicusdoesn't lag like this in vista and it's a problem that needs to be fixed so i want to make sure i've exhausted all options...19:22
iktroffe: I think it's around 12019:22
DopeGhotithousands, no?19:22
roffeikt, that'19:22
roffethat's pretty impresseive19:22
stefgnetbook-remix is still a complet mess it seems: no testing img/iso, and my yesterdays netinst on Acer Aspire One won't let me log in.19:23
commander_th last time i did it messed me up and i had to resinstall the whole OS from 8.4 which is all i got19:24
stefgbut ok, rather get desktop edition shiny and deal with the netbooks when that19:24
stefg'Sis sorted out19:24
DopeGhoticommander_: 8.04?  9.04 not work for you?19:25
commander_no no Dope i had to use 8.04 to get back to 9.4 u u nderstand19:25
Nattgewcommander_: if you get the alpha 6 there will be a lot of updates but it should take you to the beta19:25
Nattgewunless there's some bug with upgrades19:26
stefgNattgew: by the amount of breakage i exoerienced in the meantime it could well be that it takes you nowhere :-)19:26
commander_Nattgew i already started it19:26
commander_let's hope on it19:26
tavastiis there much difference between alpha6 and latest daily?19:27
Nattgewstefg: my install had that happen somewhere between alpha 4 and 5...19:27
DopeGhotitavasti: that depends on how long since your last 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'19:28
Martyntavasti : Huge difference19:28
kaddi_can i set a limit on how much cpu is used when i copy files? because right now my pc becomes unusable whenever I start to copy bigger amounts of files19:28
Martyntavasti : But even the daily build is "old" now ... two days had a lot of checkins happen for beta19:28
Martyntavasti : And the build was done on the 29th19:28
tavastiMartyn, thanks19:29
Travis-42kaddi_: maybe you can use nice or ionice with cp19:29
domjohnsonWill we get an email when beta is released?19:29
tavastiso I'll wait fo beta19:29
MartynWe should link the current Karmic Beta launchpad buglist19:29
yofelkaddi_: no idea about in gui, but there is 'nice' and 'ionice' for the terminal19:29
Martynbecause there are a bunch of them that are still being closed down from frozen19:29
domjohnsonMartyn: you should19:29
Martyndomjohnson: Yeah, but the /topic is getting REALLY full19:29
stefgbut honestly speaking: karmic seems extremely late and not really ready for beta-stage right now... but i'd rather see a postponed release than something like gutsy (which was pushed out the door unready)19:30
Martyndomjohnson: And I can't think of a good way to announce it without annoying the shit out of people (like a timed or scripted post to the channel)19:30
domjohnsonWhat about when you log in19:30
Martynstefg: I think karmic -is- beta quality at this point19:30
domjohnsonU get all those messages19:30
kaddi_yofel/ Travis-42 good to know :) I used gui this time. MIght be a nice featurerequest for dolphin though it's a little to request that for karmic :p19:31
Martynstefg : It's my daily machine now, stable enough for me to use for most operatons19:31
arandMartyn: Although all points made in topic are kind of vital...19:31
jbeitlerOk I have new Info on My Natilus maxing out my Processor if anyone has time?19:31
Martynstefg : I agree that Karmic _MUST NOT_ leave beta until it's ready19:31
kaddi_jbeitler: I'm curious to hear, but I doubt I will be able to give you any advice19:31
cousteauyeah, there's already an unstable alpha19:31
domjohnsonWell, they're afraid to put karmic out early. If they give out bad to karmic, they get bad right back :D19:31
[diablo]yes, seen topic... but... any idea when the beta will be :-)19:31
domjohnson(As in Karmic; Karma)19:31
jbeitlerhaha well here goes nothing19:32
stefgMartyn: i have one netbook and one virtual machine on my desktop and my impression is quite mixed atm... the virtualbox takes ages to get a desktop shown and the AAO netbook won't work at all19:32
DopeGhoticousteau: aren't alphas *supposed* to be unstable?19:32
Martynstefg : But that's what the launchpad buglist tracks.   Once we move them all out of the critical path, we'll be close to release.   Now that we are beta and frozen .. at least no new features will creep in (with the POSSIBLE exception of a bootsplash)19:32
DopeGhotiI thought xsplash was already there?19:32
arandThing is, with a time based release, it's pretty much going to be released, come rain or shine...19:32
cousteauthat's why I say there's already an unstable alpha... why rush and release an unstable beta if there's already an unstable alpha? better to wait and stabilize it19:32
yofelDopeGhoti: considering the beta is due today it is still rather unstable19:32
MartynDopeFish -- Yep, that's what alphas are for .. to move from an unstable alpha to a semi=stable beta (feature stable, not bug stable)19:33
arandDopeGhoti: there are still a lot unevens in it19:33
DopeGhotihmm.. maybe they should add a gamma phase :)19:33
cousteaulet's call it "metastable"19:33
Martyncousteau: Because we've hit the definition of beta .. no new features.   Beta is all about closing down the bugs, and creating stability19:33
Lazyhi, upgrading from jaunty to karmic beta fails with the following error: Exception during pm.DoInstall(): E:Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle.19:33
arandgamma is the LTS ;)19:33
DopeGhoticousteau: a stable level of stability?19:33
MartynLazy : Yep .. but you know that NONE of the alphas are meant to be upgradeable19:34
cousteauas in "almost stable"19:34
MartynLazy: Good to know where the dependencies are though, make sure you submit a launchpad bug (and make sure it hasn't already been reported)19:34
jbeitlerkaddi_: or anyone really, All was going well then this morning I boot up my machine and Natilus is maxing out my processor at 100%, I give it a min to calm down and it says. I reboot nothing, I shutdown, nothing. I turn it off and place it in the corner for a couple of hours (like a timeout) Same thing, I create a new user and it does not effect the new user, so I am a bit confused. My Self and the "new user" have the same start up script and nothing w19:34
DopeGhotiso less 'metastable' than 'quasistable' :)19:34
LazyI reported this bug some time ago but there hasn't been any comments on that bug19:34
yofelarand: that would be a new definition of 'posponed release' :P19:34
Martyncousteau: --feature-- stable, not usability stable19:34
arandMartyn: no no, they are supposed to be, in theory,...19:34
Martynarand : In theory, but not in practice.  I also hit both the openoffice bugs, and numerious java-related bugs during upgrade19:35
Martynarand : (yes, I reported 'em)19:35
cousteauactually, there's no completely stable software... but the beta is supposed to be much more stable than the alpha19:35
Martyncousteau: And it will be .. by beta-2 or beta-319:35
Martyncousteau: Remember what Alpha-2 was like?  (heh) it barely functioned19:36
ali1234grub2 says: "error: invalid environment block" - what do i do now??19:36
arandOf course since the regulations is not in place it is likely to break... but it aint' _meant_ to break per se...19:36
cousteauare there beta-Xs in ubuntu?19:36
Martyncousteau: The difference between Beta-1 and release candidate will be closing down all those bugs19:36
kaddi_jbeitler: it might just not like some other program youre running on startup and that a use wouldn't? Or it might be some user specific setting you have which is causing that problem?19:36
Martyncousteau : Not really.  There are milestones though, and they all appear through doing aptitude upgrades19:36
arandOr rather, feature freeze, since closing of bugs should always be done...19:37
jbeitlerno both users have the same programs installed and the same start up script19:37
Martyncousteau: I should have said "by the time two weeks have passed"19:37
kaddi_jbeitler: yes, but not necessarily the same settings for nautilius, no?19:37
DopeGhotirandom question: other than the interface, is there any reason to use aptitude rather than apt-get?19:37
jbeitlerI haven't changed the settings on either of them < kaddi_19:37
jbeitlerits just a base install of Alpha 619:38
kaddi_have you tried backing up your settings and let the default be recreated by nautilus?19:38
jbeitleroh the only software I installed was Google Chrome19:38
Amaranthjbeitler: bad configuration or nautilus is trying to thumbnail a file and getting stuck19:38
arandDopeGhoti: You normally get more info with apti, I've been testing it now with Karmic and I can say I prefer it...19:39
jbeitlerAmaranth: ok but I has been off fro like three days and now all of a a sudden19:39
Amaranthjbeitler: *shrug*19:39
AmaranthDopeGhoti: aptitude has a more advanced dependency resolver19:39
Lazyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/437087 update-manager might be wrong package for my bug report?19:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437087 in update-manager "Update manager fails while trying to update from Jaunty to Karmic alpha 6" [Undecided,New]19:40
Lazyshould i change it to the openoffice ones?19:40
jbeitlerAmaranth: kaddi_ how do I restore defaults in Natilus?19:40
AmaranthIf there are multiple says to resolve a dependency it'll ask you too19:40
mbeierl1Interesting - when I switch from wired to wireless Pidgin reconnects me to irc, but has changed my nick to nick1 (mbeierl -> mbeierl1)19:40
om26er1mbeierl1: its not interesting it default19:40
kaddi_that's because mbeierl was still online when you reconnected. So Pigdin used the second name you provided :)19:40
Amaranthjbeitler: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/nautilus19:41
cousteaumbeierl1: maybe it had to disconnect without closing the connection and you reconnected before mbeierl timed out19:41
mbeierl1om26er1:  why do I lose my nick?19:41
arandDopeGhoti: I was a long time fan of apt-get but after taking a turn with aptitude this cycle I'm sticking with it..19:41
cousteaumbeierl1: try /nick mbeierl19:41
Amaranthmbeierl1: just type /nick mbeierl19:41
Amarantharand: same here19:41
mbeierl1I've been trying to revert to mbeierl, but I can't figure out ... oh19:41
om26er1mbeierl1: cuz u did not part and came back soon19:41
mbeierl1cousteau: trying now19:41
eternal_pI'm hoping someone can help me...I need to send my laptop in for repairs and am stealing my wife's...both dell's...I have an nvidia card and she has an intel....(swapping hard drives) when I book, I only get a terminal login, but the screen is constantly flashing so I cannot do anything (keyboard non-responsive) any suggestions?19:41
=== mbeierl1 is now known as mbeierl
Amarantharand: although aptitude lacks rdepends and source commands19:41
cousteauyou're welcome :)19:42
dael99aternal_p: are you using an alpha??19:42
om26er1any1 from ubuntu moblin remix here19:42
eternal_pup-to-date as of this morning19:42
om26er1and when is the beta coming19:42
yofeleternal_p: if you had the nvidia binary graphic drivers installd then backup and remove your /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:42
Amarantheternal_p: boot in recovery mode and remove the nvidia-glx-180 package19:42
Amarantheternal_p: or nvidia-glx-185, since it's karmic19:43
eternal_pAmaranth: I removed the nvidia-glx before I removed the hard drive, but didn't back up my xorg.conf19:43
dael99yofel: as far as I know, now there's no xorg.conf19:43
Amarantheternal_p: try booting with nomodeset19:43
Amaranthdael99: it gets created when you install nvidia or fglrx drivers19:43
eternal_pamaranth: that is the other thing, grub doesn't give me a chance to hit escape either19:43
dael99oh, right.19:44
yofeldael99: there is one if you don't use the default graphics drivers, like for nvidia or ati19:44
Amarantheternal_p: hold down shift right after turning the power on19:44
arandAmaranth: that is true, but for upgrade/install/remove it does it's stuff, and it's quicker to type, and has show and search in the same tool rather than apt-cache19:44
eternal_pI was hitting escape19:44
dael99yofel: do you know if X1200 is suppoerted with fglrx on karmic?19:44
eternal_palright, so I'll remove nvidia, backup xorg.conf and swap drives19:44
mbeierleternal_p: me too!  I had the hardest time figuring that one how19:44
yofeldael99: no19:45
mbeierlAmaranth: do you know if there's a way of showing the menu by default, rather than only on Shift?19:45
yofeldael99: I mean, I don't know19:45
om26er1any1 from ubuntu moblin remix19:45
dael99yofel: ok.19:45
jbeitlerAmaranth: that didn't work19:45
Amaranthmbeierl: edit /etc/default/grub19:45
Amaranthjbeitler: any files on your desktop?19:45
mbeierlAmaranth: sorry - what option?19:45
jbeitlernope ( I hate the clutter)19:45
Amaranthmbeierl: it involves editing text files19:45
Amaranthjbeitler: wipe the user and start over? :)19:46
mbeierlAmaranth: yes, sorry, which option do I change in the text file19:46
om26er1jbeitler: how abt mutter?19:46
Amaranthjbeitler: unless you feel like installing debug packages and having fun with gdb19:46
jbeitlertrying to avoid that one19:46
yofelmbeierl: comment out the 2 lines that contain 'HIDDEN'19:46
aurolacis beta out?19:47
Amaranthaurolac: /topic19:47
Jaymacme slaps aurolac  on the wrist19:47
om26er1aurolac: what do u think?19:47
jbeitlerAmaranth: I guess its worht a shot19:47
eternal_pwish me luck19:47
yofelmbeierl: and don't forget to run 'update-grub' after editing the file19:47
Amaranthom26er1: Please don't use 'u'19:47
mbeierlyofel: thanks!  That's what I was looking for.  I could not find any docs on grub2 that explained the options :)19:48
kaddi_copy time estimation is worse then windows. I've gotten everything from 32hours to 6minutes now :P I sincerely hope 6min is closer to reality then 32hours :p19:48
arandaurolac: seems like they're preparing stuff...19:48
yofelmbeierl: read the wiki?19:48
om26er1aurolac: last time i checked there was nothing on this page now there is a folder named beta19:48
aurolacom26er1, cool19:48
aurolacany min now :)19:48
guidoaurolac: you can download 9.10 from here http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/19:49
guidoi think19:49
thopiekarhi got problems getting linux-backports-modules-2.6.31-10-generic and software-store (!= software-center) clearly removed from apt..19:49
cousteauyes, there is an _empty_ folder named beta19:49
Amaranthyou guys do realize an up-to-date karmic install is the beta, right?19:49
cousteaubut it wasn't before, and that's good19:49
mbeierlyofel: I did some grub2 googling, but did not find it and gave up when I found out the shift option19:49
yofel!grub2 | mbeierl19:49
ubottumbeierl: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:49
arandAmaranth: far to few does...19:49
AmaranthThis isn't windows19:50
Amaranthaurolac: Stop19:50
om26er1guido: where is moblin remix?19:50
AmaranthIt hasn't been officially announced so it isn't out19:50
thopiekarwhen trying to remove software-store from synaptics it gives away a false signal in post-install-script19:50
mbeierlyofel: thanks!19:50
Raydiationis the software store coming in 9.10?19:50
arandaurolac: seems like images are up, but beta aint released until the announcment is.19:50
arandRaydiation: software center, yes19:51
thopiekarand when trying to remove it with apt it says that its selecting software-center instead of software-store19:51
AmaranthThey could always pull them19:51
Raydiationarand: does it implement all features yet?19:51
Raydiationor is it some kind of not ready piece of software19:51
yofelthopiekar: why do you want to remove software-center? (It replaces software-store)19:51
Amarantharand: aptitude is also lacking the policy command19:51
Raydiationfor instance rate software, comment etc?19:51
arandRaydiation: not by far (if you go by everything that it's supposed to have in the end...19:52
om26er1Amaranth: it will soon be out in beta and today19:52
om26er1Amaranth: i can bet on that19:52
=== Whitor is now known as Facebook
Amaranthom26er1: Yes, I know19:52
arandRaydiation: it prettym much doubles as add/rem apps at the moment.19:52
=== Facebook is now known as Whitor
burnerso what's with the humanity themes lack of saturated volume and network right next to other saturated notification area icons?19:52
Raydiationarand: why dont they remove add/rem then?19:52
* Amaranth is an ubuntu developer :P19:52
Raydiationand place the software center there19:53
AmaranthRaydiation: They did19:53
Raydiationoh nice :)19:53
Raydiationdo you reccommend dist-upgrading or a fresh install?19:53
Raydiationi got some other repos such as wine, geany and pitivi19:53
thopiekarthe problem is that software-center doesn't replace software-store at all .. software-store is as well as software-center available in my apt.. there is actually no way to install it again because it has been replaced :/19:53
AmaranthRaydiation: `update-manager -c -d` would be nice for the testing but a clean install is...cleaner19:54
yofelRaydiation: the only difference should be that you keep grub-legacy on upgrade and get grub2 on a fresh install19:54
arandRaydiation: it's gone from main menu, I'm not sure if they'll keep it there for people who prefer it, and they've also said that if software centre dowsn't work out they'll just pull it and use the old stuff, so I guess they'd want to keep it in for testing purposes as well..19:54
thopiekarso synaptics is showing software-store in local/main without being marked as installed to I want to purge it out of my apt..19:55
xguruwhats the best way to move from ext3 to ext4?  i thought that was part of the upgrade to Karmic?19:55
thopiekar^ yofel19:55
MartynThe link I just posted contains a list of the critical bugs that are blocking the release of beta19:55
DopeGhotixguru: upgrades keep your existing filesystems, you get etx4 with new installs19:55
MartynFor those who are asking "Why isn't beta out yet?"19:55
AmaranthMartyn: No, not really19:55
MartynAmaranth: "xsplash takes up 100% cpu" is a pretty critical bug19:56
* thopiekar is on: Linux thopiekar-desktop 2.6.31-11-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 25 06:37:23 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:56
AmaranthMartyn: Those are the ones we wanted to have fixed before the beta but we're time-based so we release anyway19:56
stefgMartyn: thx for that link19:56
arandxguru: no, best way to do is normally a reisntall, you can migrate, but it's tricky and you might not get all benefits..19:56
xguruif i backup ./home will it keep all my setting?19:56
thopiekarso how can i now remove the package "software-store" out of my apt?19:57
AmaranthMartyn: And notice most of those are marked 'Fix Released'19:57
thopiekarxguru: it should do that job19:57
MartynAmaranth: Of course.  There are only a few marked "critical incomplete"19:57
MartynAnd one of those is "init - mount root fs"19:57
burnerxguru: if you backup /home, that should be everything you care about... but... if you restore it all to a fresh install, it could copy outdated settings files causing problems.  Best to pull back selectively19:57
MartynKind of important :)19:57
AmaranthMartyn: But we're going to release today anyway19:58
DopeGhotithopiekar: dpkg --remove <package> if apt{,itude} doesn't work maybe?19:58
xguruok, i guess best to keep just .odt docs...19:58
xgurulet the rest go19:58
thopiekardpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove software-store, only the config19:59
thopiekar files of which are on the system. Use --purge to remove them too.19:59
stefgMartyn: though looking at the list i find the moblin remix completely overrated.... netbook launcher is just fine (although i understand the OEM importance of that milestone)19:59
DopeGhotithopiekar: try with --purge?19:59
DopeGhotisolve the symptom: make the directory it's complaining is missing? :)20:00
domjohnsonwill we get an email when the beta comes out?20:01
* burner likes the new wallpapers :)20:01
thopiekar:) seems that we come closer.. hang on..20:01
iktdomjohnson: yes20:01
iktsimilar to when every alpha comes out20:01
JanCthere will be a mail to -announce20:01
thopiekarDopeGhoti: fixed thanks!20:01
DopeGhotithopiekar: anytime :)20:01
ubuntujenkinshow do you get the e-mail20:02
commander_is anyne got it yet?20:02
burnersign up for the announce mailing list https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce20:02
thopiekarsynaptics takes at the moment , exspecially after the karmic upgrade, a long time loading the database..20:03
thopiekaris there a way to clean it up?20:03
thopiekaror tweak it anyway?20:03
Amaranththopiekar: dpkg --forget-old-unavail20:03
thopiekarAmaranth: thanks20:04
thopiekarhey benoitc20:05
benoitcis there a way to have wireless working with macbook 5.1 ?20:05
benoitcon karmic20:05
x-warriorWhat time the Ubuntu 9.10 Beta is going to be ready to ownload? *-20:05
thopiekarok here the last package problem for today.. http://pastebin.com/d3319317720:05
DopeGhotix-warrior: "when it's done" :)20:05
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x-warriorDopeGhoti, is the schedule changed?20:06
AmaranthNo but there is never a time given20:06
thopiekarx-warrior: karmic is just available out there.. just checkout the web via google or upgrade your own system..20:06
Amaranthjust a day20:06
x-warriorOk :D20:06
DopeGhotix-warrior: not that I'm aware of.  In my TZ, they still have 11.9 hours for an on-time release20:07
* thopiekar is using the alpha and it works just great!20:07
xgurux-warrior: the day can be the 2nd depending on where you are20:07
DKcrosshello people20:07
thopiekarbtw do you have a idea how to get a rid of that old modules package?20:07
eternal_pthanks, all...that worked perfectly20:08
thopiekareternal_p: what? :)20:08
arandKarmic will have _been_ released by the 2:nd that's pretty much what's certain...20:08
x-warriorI'm in Brazil UTC-3 but usually is in the right day ... but no problems I'm waiting :D20:08
Amarantheternal_p: So you have to boot with nomodeset?20:08
tavastiI was reading bugs on launchpad, is flashplugin-nonfree package broken, or is it just upgrading that package which fails?20:08
eternal_pAmaranth: nope, removed the xorg.conf file20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429841 in flashplugin-nonfree "broken packaging: package flashplugin-nonfree failed to install/upgrade: (breaks upgrade)" [High,Confirmed]20:08
Amarantheternal_p: phew20:09
eternal_pthis will do me fine until my laptop comes back from repair20:09
Amarantheternal_p: so this is the "xorg can't recover from a driver failing to load"20:09
thopiekarhey do you have trouble with flash, too?20:09
xgurui have flash running fine20:09
robin0800arand: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/20:09
arandtavasti: try using flashplugin-installer instead? (-nonfree is an old to-be-deprecated package)20:09
Amarantheternal_p: it's supposed to fall back to probing for the right driver then if loading that driver fails trying vesa but it's a bit screwy20:09
thopiekarthere are issueses with clicking on the applets like the youtube player..20:09
eternal_pAmaranth: apparently20:10
AmaranthGuys stop giving out links20:10
AmaranthThere is no announcement20:10
tavastiI don't have any problems yet, just tying to decide if I dare to install karmic o not :-)20:10
eternal_pbut that was pretty painless...overall20:10
arandrobin0800: still aint oficially released..20:10
Amaranththopiekar: Ah, yes, you have 64-bit but are using the 32-bit flash and using compiz20:10
robin0800arand: Try the link20:11
Amaranththopiekar: nspluginviewer and chromium both fail to respond to clicks in this case20:11
mbeierl1Just decided to roll the dice and press my luck, but nope: hot docking still hangs my system hard with karmic (on dell d620)20:12
thopiekarwow do you have a wonder globe, or how is it called in english?20:12
dael99robin0800: seems there'sno build for today http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/ xD20:12
thopiekarhow can i remove the x86 version of flash?20:12
arandrobin0800: like I said, untill they announce it, it aint oficiall, the beta is pretty much just a daily build anyways, so it's already been out for a while afaik...20:12
robin0800arand: look at the dates20:13
Amaranthrobin0800: Just drop it and wait for the announcement.20:15
Amaranthrobin0800: Or do you want to kill the mirroring process and delay the release? :)20:16
VeinorEvery so often, with my AR9285 wireless card, the signal craps out.20:16
thopiekarhey Amaranth, how can I have flash x86 install when there is just one package on apt?20:16
Brian___omg omg is it out yet is it out yet omg omg omg20:16
thopiekarshould I use a opensource alternative?20:16
commander_well it's 3:16pm here in Miami on 10/1 and does anyone have it20:16
kn100whats the command in 9.04 that allows it to update to a 9.10 alpha?20:16
Amaranththopiekar: You have to remove all the flash packages you have installed and get the amd64 one from adobe labs manually20:16
arandrobin0800: the md5sums are exactly the same as for the daily for the 29, the beta is just a two day-old daily...20:16
kn100i remember using one for 8.10 to 9.0420:16
Amaranthkn100: `update-manager -c -d`20:16
thopiekarare these from adobe deb packages as well?20:17
kn100Amaranth, thats the one20:17
commander_i hope it has something to easily sync a Blackberry20:17
=== mbeierl1 is now known as mbeierl
Amaranththopiekar: no, you don't get a deb20:17
Amaranththopiekar: you have to go to labs.adobe.com and get the .tar.gz and manually install it20:18
thopiekardo you plan, I think that you are a Ubuntu Member or official Developter, to add a x64 package on apt?20:19
Amaranththopiekar: Legally not allowed to do so20:19
AmaranthIt's an alpha20:19
thopiekarah logicly thats right :)20:20
arandI think there was a thing that they won't add an alpha, regerdless if it's more stable... I'd disagree on that logic but oh well...20:21
trev_When will the beta be released? It says 1st October which is today. In my timezone it already is 09:20pm. So what timezone is the release-schedule following?20:21
Pici'Ubuntu Members' don't explicitily get upload rights.20:21
Picitrev_: The 'its done when its done' timezone20:21
Amarantharand: We're legally not allowed to add it20:21
Amarantharand: No redistribution of alphas is allowed by Adobe20:21
arandAmaranth: oh, right, didn't know that...20:21
trev_I will just wait until tomorrow then :o20:21
Picitrev_: Really, there isn't a set time when its going to come out.20:22
darthanubisI LOVE UBUNTU!20:22
darthanubissorry been home drinking all day:/20:22
arandAmaranth: but is the downloader that ubuntu has for flash considered as distribution?20:22
darthanubisI'm celebrating the beta non-release20:22
kn100darthanubis, we all do :D20:23
c_korndarthanubis: do you also love Ubuntu without drinking ? :P20:23
Amarantharand: Close enough20:23
darthanubisI have not used another distro since Ubuntu came out how many years ago?20:23
Brian___if its not released what file am i downloading from http releases.ubuntu.9.1020:23
jovan_don't you think that the topic should be changed now?20:23
Amarantharand: Plus there is no guarantee of security updates for the 64-bit version20:23
darthanubisc_korn, most of the time:-P20:23
AmaranthBrian___: No links20:23
Brian___im just asking20:24
AmaranthBrian___: It isn't done mirroring20:24
darthanubishave anyone had probrlems with their XFS partitions not mounting at boot?20:24
AmaranthPeople use XFS?20:24
darthanubiswhy not?20:25
darthanubisI use it for my mythtv partitions20:25
arandAmaranth: ok, yea, fair enough, I thought the reason not to alpha was a dev decision rather... That makes more sense though, since from what I've seen the alpha is just better, period.20:25
darthanubisyou know large files and what not?20:25
kn100i use XFS for my phone20:25
darthanubisyour phone?20:25
Amarantharand: For some people it crashes on load20:25
roffeIn what sense is the software center better than add/remove?20:25
kn100darthanubis, having a linux based phone FTW20:26
darthanubisroffe, who knows? I think the idea is to centrally locate software management20:26
arandAmaranth: ouch, didn't know that... although I'd still guess the total crash frequency is higher on the defautl version :(20:26
c_korncan someone tell how to get the other space backgrounds in gnome ? there are arrows under a background image in the window where the gnome backround can be changed. clicking them changes the thumbnail but not the gnome wallpaper20:27
ToxinPowec_korn, I have the same "problem" xD20:29
arandc_korn: looks like a bug there, you could always add the backgrounds from original loaction.. wherever that was again...20:29
trev_btw. since they removed u-boot my startup looks really ugly because it takes like 20secs until the xsplash loads. Hate that20:30
cousteaukn100: what phone?20:31
kn100cousteau, motorola zn520:31
c_kornhm, what package should I file a bug against ?20:31
beck-and-callHow feasible is it to upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic by adding the Karmic sources and 'aptitude -y safe-upgrade'?20:31
kn100cousteau, the phones kernel is entirely open source20:31
kn100so i haz a lot of fun with it, since its busybox based20:32
Nattgewbeck-and-call: it may work... but since that's not how you're supposed to do it, it may not20:32
trev_kn100: I am using a Freerunner. I love Linux on my phone :)20:32
trev_So you are using XFS on internal flash or sd-card?20:32
Nattgewi've had enough problems doing it with update-manager20:32
beck-and-callNattgew: What are the approved methods?20:33
kn100trev_, the internal flash memory20:33
Nattgewbeck-and-call: update-manager -d for the gui20:34
beck-and-callNattgew: Any special prep?  I've already got the Karmic sources in because I'm using about... 300 or so Karmic packages on this machine.20:35
arandc_korn: /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos btw20:35
cousteaukn100: wow... I was looking for info about the Nokia N900 with Maemo20:35
mbeierlanyone know how to get emerald to be the default decorator?20:35
Nattgewbeck-and-call: i don't think so... those packages may or may not help things20:35
beck-and-callNattgew: I think the semi-critical package I'm missing is base-something, thus it's still a Jaunty machine.20:36
om26ercan any1 throw some light on either ubuntu software center will be the only package manager at the end of karmic cycle?20:38
beck-and-callNattgew: With what I *think* are all the current mainline Karmic sources added, I can't quite get all the current kernel packages.  The linux-restricted-modules meta is available, but the most recent offered package is still linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-15-generic.  Thoughts on that?20:38
Nattgewbeck-and-call: i think they did away with restricted modules in favor of dkms...20:39
kn100beta is OUT!20:39
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Beta Released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta | This channel is not a replacement for filing bugs
Crashbitohm ... beta has been released20:40
arandom26er: I think not, add/rem might be dropped, but apart from that it's an existance in parallell, I heard some info on the uupc podcast I think20:40
c_kornarand: I filed a bug about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/44018020:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440180 in gnome-control-center "Arrows under background thumbnail only change the thumbnail but not the Gnome background" [Undecided,New]20:40
* arand does the beta dance20:40
beck-and-callNattgew: I've got dkms-- I thought that was just alongside restricted.  Now I have to go find the Catalyst package and see. :D20:40
om26erarand how do u do that20:40
om26er***arand ?20:41
Nattgewbeck-and-call: it talks about that on the testing release pages in the kernel section20:41
beck-and-callNattgew: Okay, I'll check that out.  Thanks!20:41
arand /me types typoses20:41
dael99and it's here :D20:42
* om26er thank you20:42
mbeierlanyone else use compiz wobbly windows snap?  It does not seem to have any desktop edge resistance anymore20:43
om26erAmaranth: when is moblin remix gonna be official?20:43
melterhas anyone had problems with later alphas and the new beta showing random colors when booting from the cd?20:49
arandmelter: like a psycho ncurses? Yea, I've seem that from time to time, mostly when shutting down though I think... haven't been bothered enough to look into it though...20:53
cousteaucan I already download the beta? or is it not official yet?20:54
melterarand: it happens when i boot; i see a black screen with some colored pixels, and it goes through several different colored pixels, switching every couple minutes20:54
melterread the topic20:54
arandmelter: hmm, doens't sound liek the same issue...20:54
melterarand: problem is, eventually it settles on one corrupted screen, and the system is unusable20:55
arandI'm off though, happy beta day everyone.20:55
melterarand: early alphas worked, though, so something changed and broke20:55
trothigarcousteau, www.ubuntu.com, its official20:57
aurolacim getting an error on the torrent 'Requested Download is not authorised for use with this tracker'20:57
BUGabundohey every one. guud evening20:58
cousteautrothigar: yaaay! thanks20:58
tavastiaurolac, I don't have any errors, but can't get any bits for http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/karmic/beta/xubuntu-9.10-beta-alternate-i386.iso.torrent21:03
aurolacwell i tried the swedish mirror and it works21:03
aurolacthe irish mirror on HEAnet is giving me issues21:04
tavastican you give me url21:04
aurolacsure hang on21:04
aurolacthat alternate21:04
rskneeds more enter21:05
cousteauthe torrent is dl'ing a bit slowly21:05
aurolacgive it a lil while i guess21:06
aurolacnews is just out21:06
commander_can i still get it from update manager?21:06
commander_aurolac what news?21:08
aurolacthat betas released21:08
roffeI'm on the same server as you aurolac, but I'm not getting any updates21:08
aurolacwhats Marvell Dove computers21:08
cousteaumaybe limiting the upload speed... 30 KB/s will be enough (my top upload speed is about 35 KB/s and reaching that speed often makes everything slower)21:08
benoitchum weird, i've no more colors in my term21:09
benoitcI had it on osx21:09
tavastiswedish miror doesn't have xubuntu21:09
cousteaudownload the torrent image then21:09
aurolacFreescale i.MX51 computers ?21:09
benoitcalso is there a way to save config of nvidia proietary driver it keeps telling me it can't parse /etc/x11/xorg.conf21:09
aurolaclots of diff. images for this release21:09
cousteauno idea what's that freescale thing21:09
commander_ok.now i'm downloading still alpha6 so it's ok?21:10
aurolaccommander_, im running 9.04 will do a fresh install instead of forcing a distro update21:10
commander_i mean i been dl alpha6 before the news broke and i'm on 9.04 so it should go into beta right21:11
aurolaci think its still replicating across the servers21:11
aurolacbecause some mirrors have plenty of more images and isos than others21:12
ToxinPoweI have grub with jaunty and other, Can I install Karmic without break others?21:12
aurolaccommander_, sure once thats done, you can just run an apt-get update and upgrade and it'll make it beta yup21:12
commander_gotta love linux21:13
commander_sudo apt-get update/sudo apt-get upgrade ?21:13
aurolaccommander_, update manager will prob. pop up saying new distribution available and have a few updates21:13
lenI was going to upgrade to the Kubuntu Karmic Beta, but when I type update-notifier-kde -d the updater warns "This is still a ALPHA release."  Does that mean the mirror isn't updated yet, or is the message wrong?21:13
rrvahi.. my mouse disappeared after upgrading xserver.. might also be that #438962 (which makes me boot in a weird way) did not start X properly.21:13
rrvaI run evdev (i think)21:13
aurolaccommander_, yup you mightn't even have to, can do it via the X21:14
darthanubislen, simply means what it says and thats all21:14
aurolaclen, mirror prob. isn't ready21:14
commander_ok. well it's installing the upgrades now.i just hope i can keep my cairo dock21:14
rrvaanyone know about upstart/mountall boot blocking bugs like #438962 ?21:15
Jaymacis there no usb netbook remix image?21:15
Jaymacdo i have to burn the iso, go to windows and use the included usb disk creator?21:15
aurolacpfft now when i try the swedish mirror it doesn't work21:16
aurolacgo figure21:16
Jaymacbecause i'm trying out the usb disk creator in windows at the minute.. and it says: Copying files... 1114% complete21:16
Jaymacwhich i somewhat doubt21:16
shadowless_eggi have a ppc mac at home which version of xubuntu should i get?21:16
lenI checked my sources.list to see what mirror I was using and tried to check it manually.  It seemed like it was up to beta, but maybe I wasn't checking the right thing.  What is the best way to verify your mirror?21:16
shadowless_eggjackelope or hardy21:17
aurolacJaymac, i recommend unetbootin21:17
aurolacyou can get that for linux and windows21:17
Jaymacaurolac - there was an official .img release for 9.0421:17
duffydackJaymac, lol, reminds me of an xkcd ....21:17
cousteaushadowless_egg: afaik ubuntu doesn't support powerpc anymore21:17
shadowless_eggim talking about xubuntu21:17
cousteauwell, xubuntu is based on ubuntu and uses ubuntu's repositories21:17
shadowless_eggi want to at least have some os on it21:18
Lazyshadowless_egg: maybe you should try debian?21:18
cousteaumaybe debian21:18
aurolacanyone got the torrents working?21:19
shadowless_eggto debian!21:19
cousteau(oops... echo-man strikes back)21:19
=== kn100 is now known as kn100|afk
Jaymacfor 9.04 there was this image available for unr, which  makes much more sense: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img21:21
Brian___can i download the beta did they update the mnirrors21:22
commander_cross my fingers21:22
cousteauBrian___: yes; read the topic21:22
aurolacBrian___, mirros appear to be up but when trying to grab the torrents, giving errors for people21:22
xguruso what was different in the beta release, compared to the daily build?21:23
BUGabundoxguru: nothing21:23
Brian___from what site21:23
melteri unplugged 1 of my monitors, and that seems to solve the screen corruption problem in beta21:23
BUGabundoa bit more install testing21:23
BUGabundothat's it21:23
xgurulol, i guess no need to worry about it then :)21:23
xguruhmm..a lot of hype over nothing21:24
domjohnsonBETA IS HERE?????????????/21:26
ToxinPoweno, is out21:27
ToxinPowenever mind =)21:27
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:27
domjohnsonHow do you upgrade?21:28
domjohnsonI didnt get any updates in update manager...21:28
ActionParsnipdomjohnson: from what?21:28
domjohnsonalpha 621:28
ActionParsnipdomjohnson: from alpha to beta or form jaunty?21:28
domjohnsonalpha to beta21:29
stephankLooks like the x86 and amd64 desktop beta isos are missing from the bittorrent tracker?21:29
ActionParsnipdomjohnson: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:29
Jaymacanyone know the location of the unr .img?21:29
ActionParsnipdomjohnson: if you dont get anything then you already have the packages of the beta installed21:29
cousteaudomjohnson: just wait; you'll get automatic updates21:29
Jaymacor can anyone tell me how i can make an iso bootable off a usb stick?21:29
BUGabundodomjohnson: better just use Update Manager21:29
BUGabundoJaymac: on cdimage21:30
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:30
cousteauJaymac: there's a tool on ubuntu for that21:30
BUGabundoshould be on unr subfolder21:30
Jaymaccousteau, that is for the img files, not isos afaik21:30
ActionParsnipJaymac: you can use tools to put the iso on usb: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/karmic-netbook-remix-i386.iso   MD5= 6fb8970b452c02bfb370a2aae7c3824b21:30
hype_Jaymac , system > administration > create start up usb disk21:30
Jaymachype_, that relies on you actually having an .img file though21:31
BUGabundoJaymac: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/21:31
hype_i misundesrtood :)21:31
cousteauJaymac: "Creates a bootable USB from ISO CD image"21:31
domjohnsonRight...gonna reboot21:31
ActionParsnipJaymac: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/21:31
BUGabundoJaymac: you can dd the image to usb21:32
ActionParsnipJaymac: i use that21:32
JaymacBUGabundo,  i have an iso - dd will make it a bootable cd image21:32
* BUGabundo is confused21:32
BUGabundotoo much noise21:32
BUGabundoyou have an ISO21:32
BUGabundojust use usb-creator21:32
DKcrossany idea about this21:32
DKcrossbzr: ERROR: Bound branch BzrBranch6('file:///home/dk/planet-ubuntu/')  ?21:32
BUGabundoto pass it from  iso to usb21:32
BUGabundonothing more nothing less21:32
DKcrossis other thing and topic:D21:32
BUGabundothe dude run away21:32
shadowless_eggwhat version of debian should i download?21:33
Lazyshadowless_egg: netinstall is pretty good choice21:33
shadowless_eggi have no net and cant setup net21:33
ActionParsnip!debian | shadowless_egg21:33
ubottushadowless_egg: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!21:33
shadowless_eggyes but i have a powerpc mac21:34
shadowless_eggwould ubuntu even run on that?21:34
Lazyno it would not21:34
shadowless_eggif xubuntu cant im sure regular cant either21:34
shadowless_eggyeah but which one21:34
Lazyif you have a dvd-drive take that one21:34
Lazyotherwise the cd will be fine21:34
shadowless_eggalpha amd etcc21:34
Lazypowerpc for powerpc?21:35
shadowless_eggduh missed that21:35
domjohnsonStill no sound21:35
vikihi All, when my machine is booting the ubuntu karmic i am not getting the ubuntu-xsplash-artwork working... can anybody help?21:36
domjohnsonHow do you restart alsa?21:36
domjohnsonand alsa-utils?21:36
xguruubuntu runs of ppc btw...oops to late21:36
MongoTheMadIs the tracker down for the torrent of the betas?21:36
=== akio_ is now known as akio
Jaymacguys - apologies: it seems ubuntu usb creator now uses isos instead of img files... writing my image now :)21:37
Lazyxguru: where do you get ppc images?21:37
XDevHalddomjohnson: sudo apt-get autoremove alsa alsa-utils (reboot your machine) then apt-get install alsa alsa-utils21:37
XDevHaldThen your sound issue is fixed.21:38
XDevHalddomjohnson: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart21:39
xguruhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/9.04/release/    <--  not sure if they 9.10 beta is out21:39
XDevHaldSince they're in London, it'll be an overnight build.21:39
xguruhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily/current/  <--  i think you can get 9.10 here21:39
Lazyi thought ubuntu dropped powerpc support at some point21:40
akiomy beta is available21:40
MongoTheMadthe 9.10 beta is available21:40
xgurui thought so....i think its support if limited21:40
MongoTheMadthe torrent tracker is down though21:40
xguruif = is21:40
XDevHaldThanks akio. Will this be available in the update manager?21:41
XDevHaldExcellent, thank you.21:41
akioupdate-manager -d does the trick21:41
akiobut you need to make sure you are up to date21:42
akioand upgraded21:42
XDevHaldI am 100% up to date, last release in upstream was gnome-shell21:42
Whitorok.. since the fine folks in #ubuntu cant help me out... maybe someone here can ... (or at least tell me this is fixed in 9.10) ... I'm trying to host a game on port 8080 I have disabled the firewall with: sudo ufw disable. Sudo ufw status reports: inactive ... but yet no one can connect to me! Or even ping me ?!?! what gives ?21:42
amortvigilwhy is there only dvd?21:42
Whitorgame is crack-attack :)21:42
XDevHaldakio: No upgrade available as of yet in update-manager -d21:42
MongoTheMadWhitor, are you behind a router?21:43
WhitorMongoTheMad, no21:43
WhitorMongoTheMad, works fine on the laptop sitting next to me running 8.1021:43
MongoTheMadWhitor, is the game broadcasting on that port?21:43
Whitorconnected to the same network21:43
=== dominic_ is now known as domjohnson
akionetstat -pant21:43
WhitorMongoTheMad, idk. I installed the game exactly the same on my 8.10 install and my 9.04 install21:43
domjohnsonStill no soujnd21:43
XDevHalddomjohnson: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset if that didn't work21:44
domjohnsonDo u have to reboot after installing it as well?21:44
cousteaudon't use http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/ - use http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/21:44
akioWhitor, what does netstat -pant say?21:44
akiocousteau, what is the difference?21:44
domjohnsonI get tonnes of errors when doing that21:44
Whitorakio, tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN21:44
cousteauthere are only DVD images on the first one21:44
rrvahow can i roll back upstart to sysvinit ?21:44
akiosudo netstat -pant21:45
XDevHalddomjohnson: remove pulseaudio as well and reboot, then reinstall it again.21:45
yofelrrva: why would you? initscripts still work if you're using them21:45
Whitortcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      4285/crack-attack21:45
XDevHalddomjohnson: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart21:45
WhitorIt is listening ...21:45
XDevHaldDo the reset instead of restart21:45
WhitorBut people cant even ping me21:46
Whitoreven after disabling the firewall ... and even rebooting21:46
akioare they on the same network as you?21:46
akiois this a lan?21:46
akiothen ping them21:46
Whitorthis is a 9.04 issue ... works fine on the laptops sitting next to me running 8.10 (same hardware)21:46
WhitorSwitch HD's ... issues follows 9.0421:46
akiodifferent version of the game?21:47
Whitoron both21:47
akiocheck game forums?21:47
Whitornot yet21:47
akiothats where I would go21:47
rrvayofel: because i suspect something in upstart/mountall broke my boot badly21:47
WhitorI don't think its a game issue ... I disabled the firewall... people should be able to ping me21:47
* XDevHald scratches head as to why Beta of Karmic is not in the update stream...21:48
akioif you are good, you can use netcat to snoop around21:48
Lazyor tcpdump21:48
akiothe firewall, what kind is it?21:48
Whitorufw ... the deafult one21:48
akiostop both iptables and ufw21:49
akiothen have them ping again21:49
Whitorufw disable is supposed to disable the firewall ... it doesn't21:49
cousteaushouldn't UNR be a .img? I mean, I can create a bootable USB, but why .iso? for testing it on laptops with cd-reader or something?21:49
WhitorHow can I stop ufw ?21:49
akiosudo /etc/init.d/ufw stop21:49
Whitorand iptables ?21:49
akioi believe21:49
Whitorok. cool thanks21:49
akiosudo /etc/init.d/iptables stop i think21:49
akiocan they ping now?21:50
Lazyif you have iptables installed you should check "sudo iptables -L"21:50
Whitorakio, nope.21:50
Lazyif lots of lines come you probably still have firewall on21:50
stapelcan anyone suggest a good gmail notifier to use in karmic. One that makes use of new notification system21:50
domjohnsonStill no sound21:50
akioyeah, I don't use a firewall.21:50
Whitor^^ sudo iptables -L21:50
Whitorakio, I don't want to use one either !!21:51
WhitorIt was installed by default21:51
roffewhy won't the update manager ask me to upgrade??21:51
Whitor9.04 sucks21:51
akioroffe, because you haven't asked the right program nicely21:51
akiosudo update-manager -d21:51
akiowatch it Whitor, you have much to learn before you can say that.21:52
Whitorakio, I know it worked on 8.1021:52
XDevHaldroffe: You trying to grab beta?21:53
WhitorI know lots of things don't work as well as 8.10 ... Been a user for a long time.21:53
akioI don't know for sure but I thought that there were no firewall rules enabled by default.21:53
vikihi All, when my machine is booting the ubuntu karmic i am not getting the ubuntu-xsplash-artwork working... can anybody help?21:53
roffeXDevHald, yes21:53
XDevHaldroffe: It's not in upstream yet21:53
akioIf they can't ping you something is borked and I'm sure it is probably your fault.21:53
Whitorakio, there absolutely are firewall rules enabled by default.21:53
Whitorclean install21:53
akiobut pinging is not an issue on clean installs21:54
roffeXDevHald, ah, ok... does that usually take long? because I don't want to download an iso21:54
akionot unless you are running a BSD box or something.21:54
akioi gotta bounce21:54
akiogood luck21:55
XDevHaldroffe: It SHOULD be an overnight build.21:55
WhitorI installed two days ago. I havn't had time to change anything21:55
XDevHaldRight now the DVD is 3.9GB and I am hoping that the beta won't hit the stream that big I don't think21:55
myk_robinsonIn Karmic with all updates run, I am unable to disable hardware acceleration in the flash player, it just causes the flash app to freeze. Can anyone duplicate this? Right click a flash video on YouTube or something, go to Settings, and see if the settings dialog works for you, please21:55
XDevHaldOne sec myk21:56
XDevHaldmyk_robinson: Yes it does work21:57
domjohnsonHas anyone seen bug number 1 on launchpad?21:57
myk_robinsonXDevHald: are you able to disable the hardware accelleration?21:57
ActionParsnipmyk_robinson: try without compiz, works ok in metacity just fine21:57
XDevHaldYes I am able to.21:57
amortvigilwhos downloading the beta torrent, i only got 2 seeders/peers21:57
XDevHaldI am running compiz and it is work great.21:58
ActionParsnipmyk_robinson: i can't in compiz21:58
IdleOnedomjohnson: the one about Microsoft? nope haven't seen that :P21:58
myk_robinsonActionParsnip: just go into Appearances-->Visual Effects, and select none?21:58
MongoTheMadthe torrent tracker is up?21:59
buckymyk_robinson, you got intel integrated video?21:59
domjohnsonStill no sound21:59
ActionParsnipmyk_robinson: i went for metacity --replace21:59
myk_robinsonbucky: no, nvidia 820021:59
myk_robinsonActionParsnip: XDevHald: I was able to disable it without Compiz, then turn compiz back on21:59
bp0amortvigil: i see 1222:00
domjohnsonThe cube thing doesnt work for me22:00
bp0... wait none of them are 10022:00
MongoTheMadamortvigil, is the tracker up for torrents?22:00
XDevHaldmyk_robinson: Uninstall compiz and the settings manager and try again after a reboot.22:01
XDevHaldBe sure to install compiz again right after.22:01
domjohnsonI have22:01
domjohnsonBut how do you actually use the cube?22:01
myk_robinsonXDevHald: do a purge, then reboot, then reinstall?22:01
amortvigilMongoTheMad: yes22:01
XDevHaldmyk_robinson: That will work.22:01
rrvahow to troubleshoot why my mouse is not working in xfree86?22:02
* XDevHald is listing to Anberlin - Feel Good Drag22:02
myk_robinsonXDevHald: will give it a shot, thanks.22:02
XDevHaldAnytime myk22:02
MongoTheMadamortvigil, I have about 20% on the amd64 iso22:02
amortvigilMongoTheMad: thats the one im downloading too22:02
rrvai had it working recently (touchpad), but after upgrade it went22:02
bp0i only see dvds in the list22:02
amortvigilthere is only dvd22:02
MongoTheMadnah, I am on the cd22:03
yofelrrva: any errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log (the lines with EE)22:03
XDevHaldOdd huh22:03
XDevHaldThe reason why is because of the format size22:03
IdleOneI am getting a tracker error from torrent22:03
MongoTheMadlinked from the main ubuntu site22:04
MongoTheMadno seeders x_x22:04
rrvayofel: no. just some lines about "Macintosh mouse button emulation" listed. I don't have a mac..22:04
XDevHaldThis is for the Desktop users22:04
XDevHaldBETA  CD^22:04
bp0cd is better22:05
XDevHaldNow how about the UPSTREAM!22:05
* XDevHald shakes his head...22:05
MongoTheMadI know22:05
rrvayofel: what to check, i think i have evdev xf86 input driver22:06
domjohnsonIm going on crunchbang22:06
yofelrrva: not sure, can you pastebin the log? 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'22:06
XDevHaldI hope Ubuntu doesn't tear away update-manager -d to burning CD's or getting them mailed to you...22:06
XDevHaldServer pop?22:08
yofelrrva: thx, looking at it22:09
MongoTheMadAnyone else getting the "Requested download is not authorized" error on karmic 9.10 beta (cd)22:10
=== FOAD_ is now known as FOAD
kaddi_hmm sound is coming and going with karmic. :/22:10
XDevHaldOne sec Mongo22:10
XDevHaldMongoTheMad: Working fine22:11
XDevHaldClear cache and try again22:11
XDevHaldP.S The mirror for AMD64 is VERY slow22:12
amortvigilHmmm the cd image torrent link seems to be broken!22:12
MongoTheMadhow would I do that?22:12
XDevHaldMongoTheMad: What browser?22:12
rxdanyone running karmic on usb?22:13
yofelrrva: can't find nothing wrong too, what PC or mouse type do you use?22:13
MongoTheMadI downloaded the torrent and am running it locally22:13
XDevHaldAh ok22:13
XDevHaldI'd grab the Beta but I'll wait for the 29th22:14
rrva/dev/input/by-path lists a mouse22:14
rxdi want to squeeze karmic to say 100mb i mean filesystem.squashfs is it possible?22:14
XDevHaldw/b roffe22:14
roffethanks XDevHald22:14
roffeunfortunately I don't come back from an upgrade22:15
XDevHaldroffe: How were you upgrading?22:15
zicadalovin the speed of gnome of late22:15
yofelrrva: well, I'm not sure, but you could try to force the synaptics driver in xorg.conf, I don't know the exact way to do it though22:15
roffeI'm trying update manager, but it doesn't find anything to download22:16
UmeaboyI know that the beat is supposed to break, but I get sector-errors when I login. Does that always mean that the HDD is about to brake?22:16
roffenot even update-manager -d22:16
commander__hey so far so good22:16
yofelroffe: what are you using right now?22:16
sebsebsebUmeaboy:  when you log in?  or do you mean on boot up?22:16
XDevHaldw00t upstream release update-manager and the core for it. Might be for beta :-p22:16
roffeyofel, alpha 622:17
KnifeyspooneyDoes anybody know what it means when AppArmor has a profile in "complain mode"?22:17
yofelroffe: then just update as usual and you'll have the beta22:17
roffeyofel, nothing happens22:17
yofelroffe: alpha6 + update == beta22:17
UmeaboyPalimsest is the program I'm looking at now.22:18
roffesure, but nothing's been updated22:18
XDevHaldroffe: Do update-manager -d as upstream is handing out upgrade for update-manager-core and the manager it self.22:18
yofelXDevHald: he's using alpha622:18
XDevHaldAhh My apologies22:18
lenIs there usually this much pent up demand for a beta release?  My mirror is really getting hammered--it's about 100x slower than usual.22:19
yofelroffe: that's ok, there won't be any big display like 'welcome to beta'.22:19
roffewell, I did get one upgrade, but it was only about 1 mb22:19
Martynlen : Yes.22:19
yofelroffe: like I said, if you kept your system up-to-date then you already have the beta22:19
KnifeyspooneyI'm curious as well, I don't have any updates available and haven't had an update for 16 hours after updating through apt-get22:19
yofelroffe: it's not like all packages are replaced for it22:20
Martynlen : In fact, I'm going to launch about 10 more amazon AWS cloud instances to handle the load22:20
Martynlen : I know as -soon- as the cd image exists, it's going to be a madhouse of downloading.   Torrents become a very viable option :)22:21
xgururoffe: don't feel bad i was up to date 2days ago...nothing to update...and today still nothing....your already current like myself22:21
lenI guess that's a good thing.   Too be that popular.  :)22:21
lenTo be22:21
MongoTheMadXDevHald, are you sure the tracker is not broken?22:21
roffeyofel, ok, but I haven't seen any updates, unless it does it in the background22:21
kaddi_anyone able to watch this movie for 5minutes without loosing sound or it freezing? http://www.wisevid.com/view_video.php?viewkey=gzojntwbfg6dth684848#22:21
XDevHaldIt shouldn't be Mongo.22:21
kulightההתקנה מוסיפה את המאגרים22:22
roffeI have to take you guys word for it22:22
XDevHaldLike we can read that.22:22
KnifeyspooneyDoes anybody know what it means when AppArmor has a profile in "complain mode"?22:22
lenDoes the same thing happen with alpha releases, or are there just a huge number of people that hold out for beta, and just can't wait to get it.22:23
xgururoffe: nah, just go and download the beta form the site and reinstall :)22:23
roffexguru, I'm certainly considering it :)22:23
Martynlen : The latter22:23
* yofel wonders why all people think they have to do some BIG action to get the beta...22:23
xgururoffe: yea me to, i want ext4...  i'm on ext3 still22:24
MongoTheMadI want to try something with my desktop from my laptop (remote ssh)22:24
MongoTheMadwell with x window22:24
roffeyofel, is there a way to tell what you're running?22:24
MartynIm sad that we don't have a grub2 bootsplash though22:24
mbeierlMartyn: did you ever figure out the grub2 not booting problem from yesterday or earlier?  I was afraid to reboot after your report, but my grub survived all updates for the past few days just fine...22:25
xgururoffe: cat /etc/issue22:25
yofelroffe: not that I know of, the beta today won't be much different than the alpha from yesterday22:25
xgururoffe: here is another command: lsb_release -a22:26
xgururoffe: either one only says basically "ubuntu karmic (development branch)22:26
xguruno build numbers22:27
yofelxguru: bug 321528 has info on how to upgrade ext3 to ext422:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321528 in e2fsprogs "ext4 defrag / defragment tool in Jaunty - include" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32152822:27
commander__hey 9.10 so far it's badass!22:27
amortvigilcommander__: its no diff than alpha 6 is it?22:28
zicadafreakin flashplayer keeps crashing22:29
commander__well i dl a6 a minute b4 the beta release and i rebooted it and sudo apt-get update n upgrade22:29
duffydackI dont know if its FF 3.5, radeon driver or flash thats making it useless scrolling a page with a video playing.22:30
duffydackjaunty is fine.22:30
KnifeyspooneyWhat does it mean when a program is in "complain mode" on Apparmor? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/283326/plain/22:31
mercutio22I just upgraded on my notebook. I don't see the new UNR interface. How come?22:31
xguruyofel: thanks22:33
bp0torrent is really slow22:33
sledI thought 9.10 is already in beta state, isn't it?22:33
mercutio22shouldn't I have the new features by upgrading?22:33
mercutio22is this expected?22:33
XDevHaldmercutio22: We have no clue, but the answer should be "Yes" you should.22:34
kavurtmy karmic cannot see wireless. it was working on jaunty. can anyone help?22:36
yofelkavurt: what card do you have?22:36
MongoTheMadsled, it is in beta22:37
vossHow come karma in the update is still listing the ALPHA22:37
kavurtI have nvidia motherboard yofel22:37
mercutio22XDevHald: how can I verify I have successfully upgraded?22:38
yofelkavurt: run 'lspci' in a terminal and give us the line where it tells you the wireless chipset, otherwise helping you would be pure guessing22:38
XDevHaldmercutio22: System > About Ubuntu22:38
XDevHaldIt'll say Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Beta22:39
Umeaboymercutio22: If the upgrade-process doesn't stop, you're successfull.22:39
kavurthttp://pastebin.ca/1588404 yofel22:39
yofelkavurt: get yourself a wired connection if possible or try to install 'bcmwl-kernel-source' some other way22:40
roffeIf add/remove is not supposed to be part of the beta, then I've still got the alpha22:42
KnifeyspooneyWhat does it mean when a program is in "complain mode" on Apparmor? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/283326/plain/ Should ntpd be in complain mode or can I remove it?22:42
vossWhen I run update-manager -d the version of 9.10 it offered me is still alpha22:42
kavurtyofel: I installed bcmwl-kernel-source. should I reboot?22:43
yofelkavurt: yes22:43
Knifeyspooneyvoss: try updating your package info -- 'sudo apt-get update'22:43
mercutio22about ubuntu says its jaunty jackalope!22:44
buckymercutio22, cat /etc/lsb-release22:45
Jaymaci selected try ubuntu netbook without installing, get to the login screen and can't login - i thought the default username and pw were both ubuntu22:45
Jaymacanyone got any ideas?22:45
MongoTheMadIs anyone downloading on the torrent right now?22:45
vossI think the problem is my local mirror hasnt updated yet22:46
kavurtyofel: thanks it's working now. is it a bug? should I report it?22:46
yofelkavurt: no, it's not a bug, the driver was previously in linux-restricted-modules which was dropped due to lincensing issues22:47
mercutio22bucky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/283337/22:47
mercutio22jaunty it is22:47
kavurtok. thanks22:47
mercutio22let me try upgrading again22:47
Jaymachas anyone else run into htis problem?22:48
kaddi_are there some known issues with sound and flash in karmic?22:49
mercutio22Jaymac: what happened? I didn't get that quite right22:49
apparledoes the ati support improve in 9.10 for legacy ards22:49
buckymercutio22, update-manager -c -d22:49
Jaymacmercutio22, i am trying to install unr on a netbook... i selected the option "try ubuntu..."22:49
buckymercutio22, sudo update-manager -c -d22:49
Jaymacit loads up, takes me to the login screen and i have to enter a username and pw to login22:49
Jaymaci tried ubuntu for both, which used to be the default i think, but that didn't work22:50
vossThe usf ubuntu mirror is out of date22:50
buckymercutio22, sudo apt-get install update-manager sudo update-manager -c -d22:50
mercutio22bucky: I am already half way without the -c flag. Whats that for?22:50
mercutio22Jaymac: and you can't login?22:50
ChogyDanbucky: not the -d flag.  That's for upgrading to karmic22:50
Jaymacvery weird22:51
ChogyDanbucky: oops, nvm, wc22:51
JaymacAmaranth, you about?  Do you know the default username and password on a live cd/usb?22:51
mercutio22Jaymac: do you already have ubuntu installed22:51
AmaranthJaymac: ubuntu/ubuntu22:51
buckymercutio22, according to man update-manager  -c, --check-dist-upgrades Check if a new distribution release is available22:51
JaymacAmaranth, it isn't working for me on UNR beta22:51
AmaranthUNR might be different, no idea22:52
Amaranthit should log in automatically from a LiveCD/USB22:52
mercutio22Jaymac: isn't or numlock or capslock toggled?22:52
JaymacAmaranth, it has dumped me to the login screen after I selected "try ubuntu without  making changes..."22:53
Amaranthguess they're still working out the bugs on that one :)22:53
Jaymacit would seem so22:54
AmaranthJaymac: just boot to the installer22:54
Jaymactried that first time and it crashed :)22:54
Brian___the new install screen is sexy  nice job A+22:54
UmeaboyHmmmmmmmmmmmmm......... Now Totem froze for me.22:55
UmeaboyNo crash.22:55
UmeaboyI had to force it to quit.22:56
AmaranthUmeaboy: This is known, problem with the BBC plugin and python threads22:58
UmeaboyAmaranth: Do you know how to fix the PM-timer bug that's on the chipset?22:59
AmaranthI'm a graphics guy :P23:00
UmeaboyBut you know that it exists, right?23:00
UmeaboyI'm afraid to flash my bios even thou I've got the right file.23:01
UmeaboyBut I still want to do it.23:01
vigoUmeaboy: On Karmic?23:02
Umeaboyvigo: Well, yes & no.23:02
UmeaboyI think it's best to use Winblows for that.23:02
UmeaboySince it's an exe-file.23:02
habananykarmic koala beta is out23:03
kaddi_and it finally got to the german mirrors :p23:03
vigoUmeaboy: I would be very careful on that, it is a system wide change, but that is what backups are for.23:03
Umeaboyhabanany: How do I know if I have Koala?23:03
habananyi need help23:04
yofel_!ask | habanany23:04
ubottuhabanany: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:04
UmeaboyI've looked at About Gnome & About Ubuntu, but nothing is shown.23:04
kaddi_type lsb_release -a into a command line23:04
Umeaboykaddi_: Karmic.23:05
UmeaboyDevelopment branch.23:05
kaddi_so you have karmic koala :)23:05
habananywhich one to download23:05
Umeaboyhabanany: The one for your arch.23:05
vigoThis one reports Ubuntu karmic (development branch) 9.10 Karmic.23:07
wastrelhi hi hi23:08
wastreli have koala23:08
Raydiationi just installed alpha 6 and upgraded the system23:08
vossSome of the mirrors have not gotten the beta yet23:08
Raydiationis it normal that i dont see any picture when booting up?23:08
MaximLevitskyRaydiation, me nether23:09
BUGabundowhat image?23:09
BUGabundoits supposed to be sooooo fast23:09
MaximLevitskyusplash here23:09
BUGabundothat you don't see anything23:09
Raydiationbut a friend of mine got a splash23:09
Raydiationa black image with a grey ubuntu sign23:09
vigoI have a neato looking Ubuntu Karmic , is angled, but that is part of the usplash thing I think.23:09
UmeaboyIs there an easy way to Flash the bios when I'm in Linux?23:09
Raydiationand it doesnt boot fast at all23:10
kaddi_how do I get the old kaffeine back? 0.8 or something, instead of 1.0?23:10
MaximLevitskyUmeaboy: if your vendor supports it, it might distribute an iso image you just burn to cd23:10
RaydiationMaximLevitsky: do i have to install usplash?23:10
vigoRaydiation: let me look....23:11
MaximLevitskyRaydiation: I have usplash, it just seems to be disabled23:11
roffeIs Add/Remove supposed to be part of the beta?23:11
BUGabundoroffe: no23:11
MaximLevitskyUmeaboy: then you boot from this cd, and bios is reflashed automaticly23:11
habananywhat's arch?23:12
roffeThen it's as I thought - it's not updated..23:12
BUGabundohabanany: a rolling distro23:12
yofel_habanany: architecture, like i686,amd64,armel...23:12
BUGabundoor what yofel_ said :)23:12
Raydiationif i update my alpha 6 its beta right?23:12
Raydiationwithout any differences23:12
BUGabundoyou get what ever is on your repo at that time23:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BUGabundo$ sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade23:13
BUGabundoRaydiation:  roffe: ^^^^^^^^23:13
Raydiationyou never know :P23:13
vigoBetas are here, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta, that is official Ubuntu/Canonical23:13
habananyyou speak Chinese to me and i dont even speak English. ill find out by myself23:13
maxflaxupdated to Karmic and Networkmanager stopped working23:13
UmeaboyMaximLevitsky: No, it's an exe-file.23:13
Lazyupdated to karmic from jaunty and everything else seems to be fine except audio is not working23:13
Brian___i just installed karmic and its not picking up my wifi signaland under hardware drivers nothing is there23:13
Lazyany tips what i should check first?23:14
Brian___broadcom 941323:14
MaximLevitskyUmeaboy: then look at vendor site for .iso23:14
yofelhabanany: what CPU do you have in your pc?23:14
maxflaxIs that a known problem with the networkmanager?23:14
habananyi have intel23:14
vigoLazy: Pulse installed?23:14
Umeaboyhttp://support.euro.dell.com/support/downloads/format.aspx?MaximLevitsky: c=se&l=sv&s=gen&deviceid=308&libid=1&releaseid=R67246&vercnt=7&formatcnt=0&SystemID=DIM_PNT_P4_4550&servicetag=&os=NAA&osl=se&catid=-1&impid=-123:14
yofelhabanany: what model? pentium, core2duo, atom?23:14
Brian___my wifi isnt workingh23:14
UmeaboyThere isn't any, just thoose exe-files.23:15
maxflaxBrian___ then we are in the same boat23:15
FinnTuxfound the right channel. so is there any requirements to install karmic on iscsi disk? I just tested booting beta CD on a diskless machine but no iscsi23:15
yofelhabanany: are you running ubuntu right now? can you run 'uname -m' ?23:15
habananyhave a question, koala bet fix in cd?23:15
habananyno . i running w723:16
Brian___my network manager works i think , i just think the broadcom drivers arent installed23:16
vigoLazy: Alsa and all or any drivers that the hardware may depend on?23:16
RaydiationBUGabundo: hm ye, nothing less, nothing more :)23:16
maxflax<Brian___> sounds like my problem aswell23:16
Lazyvigo:  here is my aplay -l http://pastebin.com/m742c700a23:16
maxflaxsays my Wifi is disabled23:16
Umeaboyhabanany: Tried using Virtualbox? That's a good alternative.23:16
Brian___well we need some help[23:17
yofelhabanany: well, use the i686 desktop cd if you want to try it, that will work23:17
yofelhabanany: *i38623:17
Lazyfrom preferences -> audio -> hardware i can see that sb audigy is the output device23:17
maxflaxactually it says that Wifi mode is deactivated - but the checkbox for it is grayed out so I cant turn it on23:18
habananyhow about unebootin23:18
MaximLevitskyUmeaboy: floppies?? they are mad aren't they?23:18
Brian___my wifi mode is turned on but it just cant find the wifi signal23:18
natewiebe13when is usplash being turned back on instead of a text-only boot?23:19
UmeaboyMaximLevitsky: Yes.23:19
JaymacAmaranth, turns out one of my files got corrupted when writing the image - rewrote it and everything working fine now :)23:19
maxflaxCan Anyone tell me where the conf file for the networkmanager is at.. thought I might erase that sob and try a reboot23:20
MaximLevitskymaxflax, one half in gconf, other in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/23:21
natewiebe13anyone have usplash starting on boot?23:22
vigoLazy: I cannot at this time see any errors in that, except the last ImageShack post, is set to Analog? I do not see where that is wrong or right, let me research that a bit more.23:23
Amaranthnatewiebe13: that should only happen if you have an encrypted disk23:23
WhitorI came back to take back the remarks I wrote earlier... 9.04 doesn't suck23:23
habananyhey brother , we the newbies need a cherokee list with more details23:24
maxflax<MaximLevitsky> - ok, cause I think my problem is that I selected to keep my config file in the upgrade to karmic.23:24
Lazyvigo: yes i have analog outputs to the amplifier23:25
Lazyvigo: it worked perfectly in jaunty23:25
natewiebe13how about "dpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: bad file descriptor" from gdebi package installer23:26
vigoLazy: ah, ok, that just looked like it could conflict or cause one as this is still beta, have you looked at Launchpad on that yet?23:26
yofelnatewiebe13: known, fix in progress23:27
Brian___i found a file bcmwl-kernel that wasnt isntalled so im installing it and i hope this will fix my bcm4312 broadcom wifi issues  maybe you maxflax should try23:27
yofelnatewiebe13: use dpkg in a terminal instead23:27
natewiebe13yofel: awesome23:27
fuminoriHi, I was wondering if anyone else was having trouble with install and getting "Cannot read from Boot CD" or if I just did a bad burn23:27
natewiebe13yofel: i have been23:27
maxflaxBrian___> I check it out23:27
natewiebe13would text-only mode on boot have to do with running vga from an nvidia card instead of dvI??23:28
vigofuminori: Did the MD5 check out?23:28
BlizzerandIs there any minimal CD for install Ubuntu Beta ( ie Netinstall)23:28
Blizzerandwas that to me23:28
fuminorivigo: Didn't think to check, hang on23:28
natewiebe13Amaranth: would text-only mode on boot have to do with running vga from an nvidia card instead of dvI??23:29
vigofuminori: ok.23:29
Amaranthnatewiebe13: No, everyone is getting text until xsplash23:29
Brian___i like the new black and while start screen23:29
bjsnidernatewiebe13, no23:29
AmaranthThe idea is to make xsplash start fast enough to take over for usplash23:29
AmaranthBlizzerand: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/23:30
bjsnidermaybe a black scren until then?23:30
AmaranthBlizzerand: you want the mini.sio23:30
natewiebe13alright.. because i see usplash at shutdown23:30
Amarantherr, mini.iso23:30
Amaranthand don't worry, the beta ISOs are all from the 28th23:30
natewiebe13i would like to get rid of text on startup somehow23:30
BlizzerandAmaranth : Thanks23:31
Brian___maxflax: that fixed my wifi issue in synaptic download the bcm broadcom kernel23:31
Raydiationhow do i activate usplash?23:31
BlizzerandAmarnath : Are you sure it can install beta23:31
vigoAmaranth: Is that mini.iso the same as alternate install or am I just too confused?23:32
Crashbitnatewiebe13: the boot process show errors, maybe because it does not splash on your screen23:33
Blizzerandvigo : mini.iso is different . Similar to netinstall and the iso image is small23:33
Amaranthvigo: It's the alternative install but it gets all the packages from the net23:33
AmaranthInstead of just installing them from the disc23:33
vigoThank you.23:33
Amaranthvigo: To be honest I don't understand the point of it23:35
AmaranthWith debian sid the point is obvious, net install is going to grab the latest packages23:35
AmaranthBut with ubuntu beta and final package updates are slow or non-existent23:35
xguruits so funny how slow the download/updates are compared to a normal day :)23:36
trappistI just upgraded yesterday, and now I only get audio in KDE apps.  anybody else seen this?23:36
vigoPackage Usplash is here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/usplash or from terminal.23:36
trappistI don't get any errors, just no sound, except in KDE apps.23:36
=== amortvigil is now known as geektendo
BlizzerandAmaranth : lol , with the help of that mini , I can install things on my PC without the help of a CD . Thanks why I am so dependent on it23:37
MongoTheMaddoes the netboot come with a gui?23:37
MongoTheMaderr netinstall23:37
Lazyvigo: yeah i have been checking the forums and launchpad but haven't found anything yet23:37
cbmuseranyone here has the same issue with notify-osd that osd-messages appear shifted downwards by approximately the vertical size of the osd window?23:38
trappistMongoTheMad: I haven't seen it, but it sounds like it's probably modelled after debian's netinstall, in which case no.23:38
MongoTheMadthanks, trappist23:38
vigoAmaranth: It kinda makes sense, is Beta, so a Net Install could go all kindsa crazies, I guess, here are the 9.10 Beta releases as I see them today: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/23:38
blakaminusplash has been disabled for the time being as it wont be used at boot in the final23:39
MongoTheMadcan anyone connect to the tracker for the beta torrent? (http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce) does not seem to be working for me23:39
=== geektendo is now known as exalt
cbmuserblakamin: no usplash in Ubuntu at all anymore?23:40
* Blizzerand_ is quite tired of wasting portable media23:40
cbmuserso the bootscreen will be just blank?23:40
blakaminno... they are trying to get boot faster and smoother using xsplash23:40
cbmuserbut that needs X already started, right?23:41
blakamintahts it... and x is starting about 6 seconds after grub at this stage23:41
cbmusernot on my system23:41
blakaminthat's because this is a beta23:42
cbmuserI really want to see 6 seconds here, that would be awesome23:42
sabayonweb_91075i have ubuntu 9.10 alpha 6 and love it but when i try to install some deb files they fail to install23:43
blakaminthe idea is to get xsplash to ASAP... then, while you see the xsplash, everything else is getting loaded so you should have a fully functional desktop in 30 seconds or so23:43
Raydiationmy at is lost23:44
Raydiationnot on keyboard any more23:44
cbmuserblakamin: hmm, Ubuntu doesn't like kms, obviously23:44
blakaminsabayonweb_91075: see my post here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128005923:44
cbmuserRaydiation: wanna have an "@" ;)23:44
Blizzerand__blakamin : So what is the current boot time for your sysem23:45
Raydiationi chose mac keyboard -.-23:45
blakaminI can use my desktop in about 40 seconds after "grub loading"23:45
sabayonweb_91075so can i run jaunty files under kermic kola23:46
fuminorivigo: Well the md5 gave a ton of I/O errors so I guess I can blame it on cheap CDs23:46
blakaminand this is on an acer laptop23:46
Lazyvigo: if you have some ideas send me a private query, because i have to go now. anyways, here is my bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/44026023:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440260 in pulseaudio "[Karmic] Audio (SB Audigy) stopped workig after upgrade to Karmic from Jaunty.n" [Undecided,New]23:46
blakaminsabayonweb_91075: yup23:46
vigoLazy: This one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/38248823:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382488 in alsa-driver "Playback sound is only audible starting at 50% on Dell Inspiron 1420" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:46
sabayonweb_91075hold on23:46
vigofuminori: I would agree, that is why all *nix distros have that and ask the user to confirm.23:47
Lazyvigo: volume is at 100%23:47
Lazystill doesn't work23:47
vigoLazy: Okee dokee, then yours is working better than that one, :-), still looking.....23:48
fuminoriI bought a 50 spindle because they were so cheap...23:48
Technovikinggetting error: invalid environment block after installing Karmic beta23:48
Technovikingat  grub screen23:49
Lazyvigo: i have to go now, but thanks anyway23:49
vigofuminori: May have just been a bad or corrupt net connect , but always check those cheksums, learned that the hard way.23:50
vigoLazy: I will keep on this, you have me perplexed now, and you are quite welcome for any assistance that I supplied or failed to.23:51
mark___I have a quick question, deb packages wont install when you try to add them by double clicking them (it used to work).  Has this feature been disabled to prevent pollution of the bug reporting or has something broke,  Not complaining (I am on beta) just asking23:52
yofelmark___: bug, being worked on23:53
mark___thanks.  I am not worried, just interested.23:53
sabayonweb_91075im still getting issues with deb files can you walk me through it pleas23:53
yofelsabayonweb_91075: use 'sudo dpkg -i <debfile>.deb' on the terminal instead23:54
sabayonweb_91075how though23:54
mark___sabayonweb use nicotine-plus in the repos, forget frostwire23:54
yofelmark___: bug 438266 if you're interested23:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438266 in vte "gdebi don´t work - invalid file descriptor" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43826623:55
sabayonweb_91075i am not using frost wire all i want to do is install a deb file.23:55
sabayonweb_91075i am still confuesed on the process23:55
yofelsabayonweb_91075: do you know how to use the terminal?23:55
mark___its a temporary breakage, be patient23:56
sabayonweb_91075 a little23:56
bobohow stable is beta? compared to alpha 623:56
blakaminit will probably be sorted in the next few hours23:56
vigoI have to run to the market, Thank you kindly for the help and assistance....23:56
yofelsabayonweb_91075: then open the terminal, cd to the place where the debfile is and run 'sudo dpkg -i <debfile>'23:56
sabayonweb_91075what do i do23:56
mark___i love the beta, its been rock solid for me23:56
sabayonweb_91075ok hold on23:56
blakaminopen terminal23:57
BlizzerandIs there any program like that of unetbootin , something similar , which can install things ( linux distros) on your OS , without any portable media23:57
bobook cool, i think i might upgrade23:57
sabayonweb_91075would this be right cd /desktop/clamtk_4.18-1all.deb23:57
blakamincd to your folder with your deb in it23:57
yofelsabayonweb_91075: no, in this case just run 'sudo dpkg -i ~/desktop/clamtk_4.18-1all.deb'23:57
legend2440i used alpha 6 to install karmic. does it matter?  the upgrades will bring to the stable release right?23:57
blakamincd /home/<username>/Desktop23:57
yofellegend2440: yes23:58
legend2440yofel: ok thanks23:58
blakaminthen "sudo dpkg -i clamtk_4.18-1all.deb"23:58
mark___Blizzarand: there is the USB startup disk creator in System > Administration.. I think you'll need to download the ISO too23:59
sabayonweb_91075i am still haveing issues when getting to my desktop in terminal i run the command sudo dpkg -i ~/desktop/clamtk_4.18-1all.deb and get an error23:59

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