
james_wat the moment I can only see an error in timeout accounting causing this error00:01
james_wI doubt that is the case though00:06
Amaranthw00t, cleaning up the Incomplete list (marking as dupes, closing as Invalid, closing as fixed based on update, etc) has brought compiz back below 350 bugs00:27
Amaranthand now that's all bugs for all compiz source packages00:27
james_whttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gvfs/+bug/376145/comments/73 <- summary of my findings, now for bed00:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376145 in gvfs "gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_pool_get_presentables()" [High,Confirmed]00:29
chrisccoulsonthanks james_w00:43
james_wthere are no threads involved are there?00:44
james_wI can't find any00:44
chrisccoulsoni don't think so00:44
TheMusorobert_ancell_: Just subscribed you to that bug I planned on filing against gdm.06:09
robert_ancell_TheMuso, thanks06:09
al-maisanGood morning!06:38
=== asac_ is now known as asac
pittiGood morning07:20
didrockshey pitti07:26
robert_ancellhey pitti, there are a number of packages that depend on policykit-gnome, should these be updated to policykit-1-gnome?08:37
pittirobert_ancell: you mean apart from checkbox and screen-resolution-extras? (these two still need to be ported)08:37
robert_ancellthere is gnome-mount and gnome-volume-manager08:39
pittithey weren't ported to pk-1, though, and are obsolete, too08:40
robert_ancellok, I wasn't sure if they're obsolete08:40
robert_ancellapt-get removed!08:40
pittirobert_ancell: both still use hal, too, so they don't really use pk-108:41
seb128hello robert_ancell08:41
pittirobert_ancell: hal doesn't use any PK at the moment, so if you touch the packages, just drop the pk-gnome depends entirely, I'd say08:41
robert_ancellseb128, hey08:42
seb128robert_ancell, good work on gdm and g-c-c ;-)08:42
robert_ancellI have to go, one last question - there are some UI changes to PolicyKit GNOME - are these out of scope for Karmic?08:43
robert_ancellone is changing the "authentication failure" message to "incorrect password, please re-enter"08:43
robert_ancellthe other is selecting your user by default08:44
pittifrom upstream?08:44
robert_ancellseb128, pitti ^^^08:44
robert_ancellfrom me, as requested by design team and others08:44
pittiI wouldn't like to introduce an ubuntu specific string now, it breaks all translations again08:44
seb128same here08:45
robert_ancellsure, I have no desire to push them through so I'll leave the patches in LP and let someone else fight for them if they think they're important08:45
pittino objection to getting it upstream, of course08:45
robert_ancellI'm pushing them upstream08:45
seb128selecting your user by default++08:45
pittiselecting user by defualt sounds harmless08:45
pittiit's not really an UI change, more like a bug fix08:46
robert_ancellok, I'll try and get that one done (it is a subset of other changes). I think that will annoy people08:46
pittiI don't actually have that, though08:46
pittiI guess it only happens if you have more than one admin?08:46
robert_ancellcurrently no user is selected by default08:46
robert_ancellsorry, you must be right08:46
pittiah, I see08:46
pittiI added my test user to admin, can reproduce now08:47
pittithat's annoying, yes08:47
robert_ancellannoying huh?08:47
robert_ancellgtg, see you all tomorrow08:48
seb128robert_ancell, see you08:48
* pitti votes for changing the "auth fail" string to "This operation requires beta-three clearance"08:48
pittior using sudo insults :)08:49
seb128pitti, do you know where the strings comes from there?08:49
seb128the auth failure one08:49
chrisccoulsonhello everyone08:49
pittiit's not in pk-1-gnome? It really should08:49
pittihey chrisccoulson08:49
chrisccoulsonhey pitti08:50
seb128pitti, I was looking in polkit-108:50
seb128not -gnome08:50
chrisccoulsonhow are you today?08:50
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:50
pittichrisccoulson: pretty good, although still a bit tired; hunting gdm/g-s-d bugs now08:50
chrisccoulsonhey seb12808:50
chrisccoulsonwhats wrong with g-s-d?08:51
chrisccoulsonah, keyboard issues08:51
pittibug 42121208:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421212 in gnome-settings-daemon "gdm ignores keyboard layout selection for variants" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42121208:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just saw that in my inbox08:51
seb128chrisccoulson, did you manage to solve this timeout not being at the correct value?08:51
pittithanks for hunting the d-bus activation thing08:51
pittiseems there's no final understanding yet, but you are closing in?08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet. james_w did more work on that than me. all we know is it isn't timing out with the correct value08:52
chrisccoulsonit times out much sooner than 25 seconds, which should be the default08:52
chrisccoulsonabout 3.5 seconds on my box08:52
seb128pitti, where is polkit-1-gnome being worked? fd.o?08:53
pittichrisccoulson: is that a constant ratio? I. e. does it time out after 7 seconds when you request 50?08:54
seb128pitti, how are translators organized there, it seems poorly translated at least in french on karmic08:54
pittiseb128: http://git.gnome.org/cgit/PolicyKit-gnome/08:55
pittiseb128: policykit-1 itself is on fdo08:55
chrisccoulsonpitti - i think james_w discovered that it wasn't completely linear08:55
pittiseb128: there's a whole bunch of recent translation commits there08:56
seb128pitti, oh, lot of translations updates there, do you think you could snapshot git or just the .po after beta?08:56
seb128pitti, yes, GNOME translators are usually active ;-)08:56
pittiseb128: sure08:56
seb128pitti, you want me to do it?09:06
pittiseb128: oh, if you wish09:07
seb128pitti, ok, will do09:07
pittiso, I found the bug for one case of wrong keyboard variant handling, just to discover yet another one *sigh*09:08
seb128the indicator message applet seems screwed there, brb09:08
chrisccoulsonpitti - another bug in g-s-d?09:12
pittimore like a conceptual flaw09:13
chrisccoulsonwhats the issue now?09:14
pittiso, g-s-d tries to be clever09:14
pittiif /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts is empty, it adds $GDM_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT to the gconf list09:14
pittiif it's nonempty, it tries to match $GDM_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT to one of the existing lists09:15
pittineither actually works, since gdm and g-s-d have a different interpretation of the value, but that's trivial to fix (doing now)09:15
chrisccoulsonah, ok. thanks:)09:15
pittibut if you already have a gconf setting, like [us], and then select German keyboard, neither of those two cases matches, and the keyboard isn't set09:15
pittiso we need a third case to add the new layout to existing entries09:16
pittiand finally, gdm doesn't read the variant value from hal09:16
* pitti can't believe that there isn't a g_string_replace()09:18
pittior _subst() or whatever09:19
DuckGodwhen i install my jaunty on my pc it installs all the way then when i reboot to the new system it gives me the message "existing intel boot agent" how do i bypass that09:40
DuckGodwhen i install my jaunty on my pc it installs all the way then when i reboot to the new system it gives me the message "existing intel boot agent" how do i bypass that09:42
NgDuckGod: that's a message from your network card when it's being initialised by the BIOS. Does it not say anything after that?09:43
DuckGodno it just stalls at that message09:43
DuckGodhave any advice?09:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i reverted the gnome-python-extras change which removed python-gnome2-extras last night, but i just realised that i forgot to push to bzr09:51
chrisccoulsonand seb128 isn't here ;)09:51
NgDuckGod: maybe check the boot settings in the BIOS, make sure it's actually going to try and boot from the hard disk09:53
DuckGodi took my ethernet card out and now it says reboot and select proper boot device09:54
DuckGodafter that i went into bios and set it to bood from the hard drive and got the same message09:55
DuckGodso then i tried to boot from cd rom and got the same message09:55
rodrigo_how is brainstorm.u.c used? that is, do the blueprints for discussion at UDS get created from the most popular ideas at brainstorm.u.c?09:55
DuckGodany advice?09:58
chrisccoulsonDuckGod - you might have more luck in #ubuntu, which is for support10:00
DuckGodthis is the only room that anyone awnsered me10:01
=== dpm__ is now known as dpm
tseliotmat_t: can you tr10:12
tseliotmat_t: can you try my new package, please? https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/x-testing/+packages10:13
mat_ttseliot: sure, will try it in a sec :)10:14
tselioti386 is https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/x-testing/+build/126983110:15
* tseliot can't see the cursor flicker any longer \o/10:20
seb128tseliot, do you know about any upstream fix for dpms issues?10:21
seb128hey btw ;-)10:21
tseliotseb128: for what card?10:21
seb128tseliot, intel there but I'm not sure it's specific to it10:22
tseliotseb128: is there a bug report about it?10:22
* tseliot needs more details10:22
seb128tseliot, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59660910:24
ubottuGnome bug 596609 in gnome-power-manager "screen wakes up right after it has been suspended" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:24
seb128tseliot, upstream says there is 3 xserver changes10:24
tseliotseb128: ok, let me try to reproduce the problem here. I might have a patch for that already10:26
seb128tseliot, ok, thanks10:26
* tseliot can't lock the screen...10:27
* seb128 hugs pitti for tackling xkb issues10:27
seb128tseliot, there is no need to lock anything10:28
seb128tseliot, set the dpms timeout to 1 minute and don't touch the box10:28
seb128the screen will flicker and come back10:28
seb128you just have to wait one minute10:28
tseliotI can do it ;)10:29
seb128I've confirmed the bug there without gnome-screensaver running10:29
* pitti hugs back seb12810:29
* tseliot can't reproduce the problem with the screensaver on and will try without it10:32
seb128tseliot, you have the screen cutting?10:33
seb128ie dpms kicks in and stay after 1 minute?10:33
tseliotok, I reproduced the problem10:33
tseliotlet me try a new patch10:33
seb128grrr, focus issues and closing wrong dialogs10:36
mat_ttseliot: looks like this might have worked! :D10:52
tseliotmat_t: great and thanks for testing :-)10:52
mat_ttseliot: thank you. I'll keep you posted if anything pops up10:54
tseliotmat_t: ok, good10:54
mat_ttseliot: would you mind just marking the bug as fixed?10:55
tseliotmat_t: sure, when I upload the new package10:56
seb128pitti, did you restart the retracers?10:56
mat_ttseliot: of course. Thanks again10:56
pittiseb128: yesterday; are they broken again? I didn't get new mail11:04
pittimat_t: please don't, it will be auto-closed by the upload11:05
pitti"fix committed" would be appropriate, though11:05
seb128pitti, the log didn't get updated for a day11:06
seb128pitti, but they are running11:06
seb128pitti, ie they seem stucked11:06
seb128I was not sure if you just restarted those11:06
seb128ie the log didn't get an update yet11:06
seb128or if they are stucked11:06
pittihm; still in VTs debugging gdm, I can have a look later11:06
pittido they have any lock files?11:06
seb128ok thanks11:06
seb128yes, lock file, apport processes running11:07
seb128yes, lock file, apport processes running and no log update11:07
pittiseb128: and it's not just updating chroots and the log is behind? (due to file buffering)11:11
seb128pitti, the log didn't change for 19 hours now11:12
pittithat sounds wrong then11:12
seb1282009-09-30 15:42 log11:12
pittironne went down yesterday, and was rebooted11:13
pittibut I'm not sure how this could cause this11:13
pittiperhaps just kill them and remove locks?11:13
seb128ok, will try that11:13
seb128pitti, done, let's see what happens next11:15
mat_tpitti: yes, that's exactly what I meant :)11:17
chrisccoulsonaargh, stupid unreliable 3g connection!11:30
tseliotseb128: ok, problem solved. We were missing on patch11:38
seb128tseliot, oh, good, thanks11:39
tseliotseb128: it's really an xserver bug11:39
seb128can you reassign the launchpad bug and comment?11:39
seb128I will close the GNOME one11:39
tseliotseb128: I've just added a comment in the gnome bug report (without closing it). I'll do the same for LP and assign it to xserver11:42
seb128tseliot, thanks11:42
tseliotseb128: thanks for bringing the problem to my attention11:42
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128dpm, hye12:50
dpmhey seb12812:51
seb128dpm, there is quite some updated policykit-gnome-1 .po in GNOME git compared to karmic, do you think you could get those imported directly in rosetta by some way or is it easier if we do source changes in karmic?12:51
james_wis there a reason that something would behave differently when you run the libtool wrapper script vs the executable in .libs?12:58
seb128using libs from the same build or system ones12:58
seb128ie if your build has a binary and libraries the wrapper will use the libraries from the local build12:59
seb128where just running the binary in .libs will not12:59
seb128you're welcome13:00
james_wdo you know of some magic to get gdb to "run" the wrapper script?13:00
seb128but you can LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.libs gdb ...13:00
james_wlibtool --mode=execute gdb hell13:00
james_wdocumentation to the rescue :-)13:00
seb128I usually use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH trick which works fine too13:01
dpmseb128, for source packages, I think it's best to do the changes in them and import them through the normal process. If you provide me a tarball with the POT template and all the PO files I think I can upload that as well, but they should match the template in the package13:05
chrisccoulsonhey james_w13:05
chrisccoulsonyou had any more thoughts on this timeout issue?@13:05
james_whey chrisccoulson13:05
james_wI'm looking at it now13:05
seb128dpm, well the package doesn't change any po13:06
james_wtrying to track down which code path causes the timeout error to actually be returned13:06
james_wit's proving rather tricky :-)13:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not too sure either13:06
james_wI might need a DBus built with -O013:06
chrisccoulsoni tried following the code in libdbus last night13:06
james_wthere are two functions that cause a timeout error to be sent, and breaking on either of them doesn't trigger13:07
chrisccoulsonbut i got tired and went to bed ;)13:07
seb128dpm, so it's basically importing the po from the git source, I can also copy those in the package and upload but that will be after beta13:07
seb128chrisccoulson, so you do sleep sometimes? ;-)13:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i slept for 4 hours last night ;)13:08
chrisccoulsonthat's more than usual!13:08
seb128you don't need much sleep or you are just counting on weekends to catch up on the extra hours?13:08
chrisccoulsoni tend to just catch up at the weekend13:09
chrisccoulsoni sleep a lot at the weekend!13:09
james_wcould it be the timeout error isn't the client-side one?13:12
james_wthe server is sending a timeout error to the client?13:12
james_wthat would explain the symptoms a bit better13:12
james_wnot why the call timeout changes it though13:12
chrisccoulsonjames_w - i'm not sure where the timrout message delivery is dispatched from. i know the message is a client-side one, but i don't know if it is triggered off the client's main loop, or whether it is triggered from the daemon13:15
chrisccoulsonthat's the bit i didn't understand yet13:15
james_wthe message is pre-allocated client side13:16
james_w(I think)13:16
james_wI can find only two functions that access it13:16
james_wneither seems to be called here13:16
james_wbuilding with -O0 now to help13:16
james_wI'm pretty sure the timeout counting is purely client-side13:17
james_whmm, maybe not13:17
chrisccoulsonyeah, the actual message itself is purely client-side13:17
chrisccoulsonbut i'm not so sure about the timing13:17
chrisccoulsoni couldn't find any main loop interaction when i followed the code last night13:17
dpmseb128, where's the upstream git repo? http://git.gnome.org/cgit/PolicyKit-gnome/ is still the old policykit, isn't it?13:18
chrisccoulsondpm - 0.94 is polkit-113:19
james_wok, -O0 helps a lot13:19
james_wI can now break on the error return13:22
dpmchrisccoulson, ah, thanks. I'm guessing that the master branch is also polkit-1. Should I fetch the po files from 'master', seb128, or which one is used in the src package?13:22
chrisccoulsonjames_w - you'll have the issue solved by the time i finish work at this rate ;)13:23
james_wchrisccoulson: you loosened the lid :-)13:23
james_wnot sure I'll fix it, but hopefully we can get beyond "wtf?"13:23
seb128dpm, http://git.gnome.org/cgit/PolicyKit-gnome/ is still the old policykit, isn't it? <- no13:24
seb128dpm, it's the new one13:24
james_wok, so it really does think it has timed out13:24
seb128dpm, yes master is the one to use13:25
dpmseb128, ok, I'll have a look into it, see if I can upload those and I'll let you know about the outcome13:25
seb128dpm, there has been a few string additions since our version but not string change to existent strings13:26
seb128dpm, thanks13:26
seb128dpm, otherwise maybe you can drop an email to translator to say they might want to review and upload their locale one?13:27
seb128ie that git has lot of updates and could be a good idea to review and upload the updated upstream po to rosetta for karmic13:27
mat_tseb128: pitti: I'm still getting a system beep on battery low on my Mini 9 - is this a known issue?13:30
pittimat_t: hm, no; do you have "pcspkr" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf?13:31
* mat_t checks13:31
chrisccoulsonjames_w - can you work out where the timeout message is dispatched from in GDB then?13:33
chrisccoulson(i can't do much from here at the moment)13:33
mat_tpitti: I've got blacklist pcspkr13:34
james_wchrisccoulson: dbus/dbus-connection.c13:34
james_wcalls to complete_pending_call_and_unlock13:34
james_win _dbus_connection_block_pending_call13:35
james_wthe failure is the one at the end13:35
james_wI'm not quite sure what the success hits though13:37
james_wit's either something to do with the goto13:37
james_wor   /* check to see if we already got the data off the socket */13:37
james_w  /* from another blocked pending call */13:37
seb128pitti, retracing are happily retracing now13:39
pittimat_t: does it actually sound like the pc speaker, or is it more like a real system sound?13:39
pittiseb128: \o/13:39
seb128pitti, thanks for the suggestion of just restart everything ;-)13:39
mat_tpitti: sys speaker13:39
Amaranthhmm, I'm thinking maybe compiz should just not ship the gconf plugin at all13:40
chrisccoulsonjames_w - how do you get _dbus_verbose() to print the debug messages?13:40
chrisccoulsonmight be useful13:40
Amaranthor kconfig13:40
james_wI just did that :-)13:40
Amaranthtoo easy to screw things up13:40
mat_tpitti: really loud and awful :)13:40
james_ws/_dbus_verbose/_dbus_warn/ for the easy way13:40
AmaranthCompiz doesn't support that fancy new sound because it doesn't use libcanberra13:40
Amaranthso you get system beep13:40
pittiI wasted two hours to track down a single-character fix13:42
pittihrmpf gdm13:42
pittibut keyboard variants are finally working13:42
seb128pitti, it's better than two hours to not track down the issue ;-)13:42
* seb128 hugs pitti13:43
seb128you rock dude13:43
* pitti hugs back seb12813:43
seb128do you upload g-s-d and gdm now?13:43
pittiseb128: I'll commit it13:43
pittiI can still upload after beta freeze13:43
seb128ok, feel free to upload13:43
pittijust in case we get another fix in between13:43
pittithere's already a gdm in the queeu13:43
* pitti leaves the VTs and starts a real X session again13:43
seb128pitti, there is a gdm sponsoring request pending too if you want to look at that while you are at it13:44
=== korn_ is now known as c_korn
pittiseb128: I'll have a look13:52
james_wdbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(): Waited 5057 milliseconds and got no reply13:55
james_wthat's a lot less than the timeout, so why do you think it is a timeout?13:56
pittimat_t: can you please check "lsmod | grep pc" whether you have pcspkr or snd_pcsp loaded?13:58
mat_tpitti: ok13:59
james_wgot it14:01
james_whow did this ever work?14:01
Ngmac_v: I was just pestering asac about the new karmic artwork for network manager's notification area applet not showing a little sub-icon for VPNs and he redirected me to you :)14:06
Ngmac_v: please shout if you want a bug filing or somethign testing :)14:07
mac_vNg: are you using the distro version of humanity or from bzr?14:08
Ngmac_v: distro14:08
mac_vNg: yeah , it had problems... it is fixed in lp:humanity14:08
Ngok cool :)14:08
mac_vNg: it will be immediately updated after beta14:09
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mac_vNg: could you test the bzr and see it you still have problems? if still having a problem , a screenshot would be nice14:09
seb128james_w, nice, what was it?14:13
seb128chrisccoulson, vuntz managed to track the keyring timeout issue or figure what is wrong rather14:13
seb128should be fixed for karmic too ;-)14:13
Ngmac_v: yep that puts a little padlock on fine :)14:14
Amaranthmac_v: bluetooth?14:15
mac_vAmaranth: done ;)14:15
pittiseb128: there was just one gdm sponsoring bug left, I cleaned up the other ones; committed now14:15
Amaranthmac_v: after beta? :)14:15
mac_vAmaranth: its been updated in the bzr since nearly a week, but we are in freeze :(14:15
james_wseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/282982/14:16
mat_tpitti: nope, seems like I don't14:16
vuntzseb128: I didn't figure it out14:16
vuntzseb128: I actually don't get it at all :-)14:16
pittimat_t: hm, then I'm really puzzled what produces it on your machine..14:16
* mat_t is puzzled, too14:17
Ngmac_v: hey yeah, the bluetooth icon looks great :)14:17
mat_tpitti: I'm going to run a fresh install and see what happens14:17
Ngmac_v: what's the little /!\ on the network manager icons?14:17
pittimat_t: or just try a live system14:17
mac_vNg: screenshot pls ?14:18
mat_tmac_v: yes, that should be gone14:18
mat_tmac_v: a little warning you added14:18
seb128pitti, thanks!14:18
kwwiipitti: hey, the notify-osd icons are not being used (nor are they intalled by default)14:18
mac_vmat_t: what should be gone... ? i dont know what to remove without a screenshot ;)14:19
pittikwwii: hm, works here..14:19
kwwiipitti: you see the icons with the gradients in the notify bubbles?14:19
mat_tmac_v: a little red /!\ emblem you added to the ad-hoc icon14:19
kwwiior do you see simple grey icons?14:19
Ngmac_v: http://mairukipa.tenshu.net/screenshots/2009-10-01-icons.png (I have wired and wireless and VPN active atm)14:19
pittikwwii: notify-osd-icons is also in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20090929.2/karmic-desktop-i386.manifest14:19
mac_vmat_t: that is need for the ad-hoc14:19
asacmac_v: can you make that yellow?14:20
mac_vNg:  argh! nm-applet is totally mesed up14:20
Ngmac_v: could that be because I didn't restart it maybe?14:20
mac_vNg: blame asac ;014:20
pittikwwii: it's some light gray; not the gray/blue loudspeaker from hicolor, but the gray-only abstract loudspeaker symbol14:20
asacmac_v: as discussed, security is not the only property this is supposed to communicate ;)14:20
mac_vasac: so should i remove it?14:20
mac_vi thought you wanted it14:20
asacmac_v: the exclamation mark?14:21
asacmac_v: i didnt push for any change14:21
seb128james_w, oh, it's a dbus bug then14:21
mac_voh ... ok.. removing14:21
asacmac_v: i thought what you did initially was ok14:21
seb128james_w, good work!14:21
kwwiipitti: right, those are the wrong ones as well :(14:21
mac_vasac: me too!... mat_t confused me ;p14:21
asacmac_v: though not optimal ... but we discussed that the optimal way would be to make a separate ad-hoc sectrion14:21
kwwiipitti:  those are the panel icons from Humanity14:21
asacwe will keep this in mind for the applet rewrite next (nm) cycle14:21
mat_tasac: yes, that we can do for Lucid14:21
mclasenpitti: I'm confused about your comment in bug  59689714:21
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 596897 could not be found14:21
mat_tasac: mpt will be leading that14:22
mac_vasac: wwan and ad-hoc are also using device icons in the panel! :/14:22
mclasenpitti: you say 'gdm separates layout and14:22
mclasenvariant with a space'14:22
kwwiipitti: I think part of the problem is that they are being installed into /usr/share/notify-ods/icons/gnome/14:22
pittikwwii: I have this one: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/notify.png14:22
asacmat_t: i think whatever mpt is leading isnt upstream ;)14:22
mclasenpitti: but the gdm patch in the other bug actually uses a tab as separator14:22
seb128gnome bug #59689714:22
ubottuGnome bug 596897 in plugins "Ignores variants in $GDM_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59689714:22
asacmat_t: but better discuss that somewhere else14:22
kwwiipitti: hrm, that is the right icon14:22
pittimclasen: after the last two hours of reading gdm code I actually found out that gdm seems to use a wild mix of tabs and spaces :-(14:22
pittimclasen: gconf etc. uses spaces, xklavier uses tabs14:23
asacmac_v: i will check if the fallback mechanism would work.14:23
pittikwwii: it's the one from notify-osd-icons..14:23
mat_tasac: we often ship stuff that has modifications vs. the upstream version - n-m-applet is unlikely to be an exception here :)14:23
kwwiipitti: yeah, the brightness works for me here too, but the battery icons show the panel versions14:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - what was the issue with gnome-keyring-daemon then? i looked at the bug report, but the comment from vuntz is what i already thought was happening14:23
kwwiipitti: just noticed that some do work...very strange14:23
seb128chrisccoulson, I though vuntz figured it after starting to read the comment but in fact not14:24
kwwiipitti: maybe it is a problem with the lookup from power manager14:24
mat_tasac: what I'm saying is, any modifications to the upstream n-m menu should go via mpt first :)14:24
pittikwwii: hm, then I guess for battery notify-osd and -icons don't agree on the name?14:24
chrisccoulsonah, thanks14:24
seb128chrisccoulson, so ignore me, but james_w fixed the timeout thing ;-)14:24
mac_vmat_t: i keep telling asac to have modifications... but he is just not willing or maybe lazy ;p14:24
chrisccoulsonyay \o/14:24
seb128chrisccoulson, iz dbus bog14:24
kwwiipitti: right...it should *not* be using the normal names for the notification, or else the normal theme will over-ride them14:24
vuntzchrisccoulson, seb128: what would be interesting is to know if g-k-d is still running during the 10s timeout14:24
kwwiipitti: at least it makes sense now ;) Humanity inherits gnome, so if humanity has these icons, they are being used before the notify-osd versions14:25
asaclets defer the applet discussion to uds. its a bit confusion here i think14:25
mac_vasac: are there going to be signal strengths for ad-hoc and wwan ... when will the naming be mentioned14:25
asacmac_v: i will ping you right away when i know that14:26
chrisccoulsonvuntz - i'll take a look again when i finish work14:26
kwwiipitti: do you know who I can talk to about power-manager?14:26
* chrisccoulson hugs james_w for fixing dbus bug :)14:26
mat_tasac: sure. I really like the new applet, the as-hoc icon is the only major itch for me atm14:26
pittikwwii: why power-manager? isn't the icon requested by notify-osd?14:26
pittikwwii: anyway, you can ask me14:27
AmaranthDoes freenode host servers the same place freedesktop does? :P14:27
pittijames_w: you rock!14:27
mat_tasac: but you're right, uds will be a good place for that14:27
Amaranthholy crap, they're restarting the freenode servers 1 by 114:27
seb128vuntz, yes it's running14:27
kwwiipitti: well, I assumed it was getting the lookup from power-manager, but you might be right14:28
mac_vpitti: kwwii: notify-osd needs the name modification , but MacSlow just recently marked the bug invalid in notify-osd... so gpm need to change the icon labels14:28
kwwiipitti: well, none of the battery icons I have seen are correct in notify-osd, it is using small panel icons from humanity14:28
vuntzseb128: if it's running all the time, then, yeah, definitely a g-k-d bug14:28
mat_tpitti: will it help if I copy the whole output?14:28
seb128vuntz, it's running while it's hanging yes14:28
mac_vkwwii: pitti: Bug #39949214:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399492 in hundredpapercuts "Notifications when switching between AC/battery power should be improved" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39949214:29
kwwiipitti: which tells me that *something* is looking/using gpm-battery-*.png before notification-battery-*.png14:29
mac_vpitti: kwwii: notify-osd has the naming change for nm-applet , but doesn have the switch for gpm14:30
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
kwwiipitti, mac_v: right14:30
vuntzseb128: hrm. I guess what we really need is some cool printf debugging :/14:31
pittikwwii: let me look what g-p-m does14:31
vuntzseb128: (to know where it's handing)14:31
kwwiipitti, mac_v: it is using the new -plugged names instead of -charging as is currently done in the notify icons14:31
seb128vuntz, stacktrace wouldn't be useful?14:31
mac_vpitti: nm-applet send a different icon label but notify-osd does the switch  , IMO , it would be better if MacSlow patches notify-osd to do the same14:31
mac_vfro gpm14:31
vuntzseb128: if you manage to get one, sure. But you have to be fast14:31
seb128yeah, would be nice to not carry GNOME code changes for that14:32
pittikwwii: so, g-p-m has a patch for notify-osd support; in that, it uses notification-display-brightness-{off,low,medium...} when notify-osd is detected14:32
chrisccoulsoni've tried getting a trace of g-k-d, but i'm not fast enough14:32
seb128vuntz, for some value of fast, it's hanging for some 6 seconds there14:32
james_wchrisccoulson: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24254 if you are interested in the full story14:32
* seb128 tries that14:32
ubottuFreedesktop bug 24254 in core "broken timeout handling in _dbus_connection_block_pending_call" [Major,New]14:32
chrisccoulsonthe issue is that GDB needs to be running from a different console, so you have to factor in a VT switch there14:32
chrisccoulsonjames_w - you rock!14:33
seb128chrisccoulson, I've intel and kms there14:33
seb128is switch between guest session and my user is 1 second14:33
Amaranththat long? :/14:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - nvidia here, so VT switching is super slow ;)14:33
kwwiipitti: first, I will try renaming them here locally form *-charging to *-plugged and see what effect that has on my system14:33
pittikwwii: yes, gpm itself uses gpm-battery-* icons14:34
pittikwwii: gpm doesn't use notification-battery*14:34
kwwiipitti: funny thing is, I already changed this (I still have the script I used to do it)14:34
pittikwwii: however, those are just icons for the tray applet, not for notifications14:35
kwwiipitti: no worries, let me test this out and get back to you14:35
pittikwwii: ok14:35
kwwiipitti: I think this is a case of us two having different bzr repos for these icons...I think some of my changes got lost14:35
pittikwwii: for notify-osd? hm, we just have one branch now, no?14:35
pittikwwii: I'm using ~ubuntu-art-pkg/notify-osd/notify-osd-icons-ubuntu, and you?14:36
kwwiipitti: yes, bu before I think we used differnt ones shortly14:36
pittimac_v: I don't want to change the icon names in gpm; gpm-battery-* are private icons for gpm, and it'd be a pointless and huge patch to rename them all14:37
pittimat_t: "will it help if I copy the whole output?" for what?14:37
pittikwwii: if you still have your's, merge it into the official one14:38
seb128chrisccoulson, hum, you are right, I'm not quick enough ... it seems quite long while waiting for session to close usually though14:38
mac_vpitti: exactly , gpm doesnt have to change the names , notify-osd must be able to recognize the labels and do the icon switch appropriately14:39
mat_tpitti: lsmod grep pc14:39
pittimat_t: ah; well, I trust you to recognize "pcspkr" :)14:40
mat_tpitti: lol14:40
mac_vpitti: that is how it works for nm-applet [applet just send the label nm-wireless but notify-osd uses the icon notification-wireless-full instead]...14:41
mac_vfor notifications^14:41
seb128MacSlow, ^14:42
MacSlowmac_v, seb128: notify-osd does not alter the passed icon-file-name in any way14:43
kwwiiMacSlow: erm, I think it does ;)14:44
kwwiiit looks for notification-* first, or it wouldn't work14:44
mac_vMacSlow: is does , for nm-applet14:44
mac_vjust a sec14:45
MacSlowkwwii, mac_v: notify-osd itself does not... if at all gtk+'s icon-load functions, used by notify-osd, may14:45
kwwiiMacSlow: hrm, ok14:46
kwwiipitti: in any case, renaming the icons does not help14:46
mac_vMacSlow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/387626/comments/514:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387626 in notify-osd "wireless notification icon is wrong signal strength" [Low,Triaged]14:47
mac_vhas that been changed ? src/applet-device-wifi.c. There is a patch to that called lp33796_dxteam_notification_icon_names.diff that changes the icon from nm-device-wireless to notification-network-wireless-full.14:47
kwwiimac_v: why are there still gpm-primary-* icons in humanity?14:47
mac_vkwwii: huh?14:48
mac_vyou mean the greyscale icons?14:48
mac_vMacSlow: you told me back then you did not write that applet14:49
kwwiimac_v: status/22/gpm-primary-000.svg for instance14:49
mac_vkwwii: what should be the label?14:49
mac_vthat is for the panel14:49
kwwiimac_v: as I understood it, all the -primary- names were changed to -battery-14:49
tgpraveenmac_v: in beta will humanity have notifyosd icons?14:50
kwwiimac_v: it is intersting because you also have the -battery- names14:50
mac_vkwwii: oh! yeah! so no need the -[rimary?14:50
mac_vtgpraveen: what?14:51
mac_vkwwii: do you want me to remove the primary-* labels?14:51
kwwiimac_v: no, iirc, you need to simply remove the *-primary-* icons because they are no longer used14:51
MacSlowmac_v, I don't currently recall us talking about this topic atm.14:51
kwwiimac_v: let me look into it some more14:52
pittiseb128: do you know anything in the gdm session which requires/benefits from a polkit agent? I don't, and I'd just remove the autostart .desktop (it has never worked anyway due to wrong path)14:52
mac_vMacSlow: you told me that more that , when i should you that comment.. on #ayatana ;)  you must have forgotten... you said that you didnt write the applet-device-wifi14:53
kwwiimac_v: wait, they were links to the other names14:53
rickspencer3Amaranth, is the latest compiz uploaded?14:53
mac_vkwwii: yeah14:53
seb128pitti, the idea was to have gdmsetup there iirc14:53
kwwiiMacSlow: I remember talking to someone about getting this done last release14:53
Amaranthrickspencer3: not yet, no14:53
tgpraveenmac_v: in ubuntu beta to be released today, was the notify-osd cons merged with humanity icon theme?14:53
seb128pitti, but I don't think it will happen for karmic now14:53
pittiseb128: right, but we don't?14:53
pittiseb128: ok; so I'll fix the path in it to not forget about it, but disable it14:54
mac_vtgpraveen: notify-osd-icons will be a separate package ;)14:54
Amaranthrickspencer3: upstream is working on a fix for windows disappearing when you change your resolution (like to hook up a projector) so hopefully we can wait for that14:54
seb128pitti, ok thanks14:54
Amaranthafter that I'll get on his case about a release again :)14:54
MacSlowmac_v, I certainly can remember not working on the wifi-applet (or nm-applet)14:54
rickspencer3Amaranth, is their an eta on that? asking so I can prepare a smooth landing strip for it :)14:54
MacSlowkwwii, mac_v: maybe if briefly talked with asac about this last cycle... but really not sure atm.14:55
Amaranthrickspencer3: hopefully later today14:55
rickspencer3Amaranth, kewl14:55
rickspencer3thanks for the info14:55
rickspencer3not to mention, thanks for compiz ;)14:55
AmaranthWould have to get mvo to make the snapshots and upload though14:56
seb128no mvo today apparently though14:56
mac_vMacSlow: yeah , thats what you said... that is the place where the applet-device-wifi.c is where notify-osd does the icon switch for nm-applet , similar needs to be done for gpm14:56
rickspencer3anything else we can do to help it go smoothly?14:56
seb128hey rickspencer314:56
AmaranthI have no upload rights and no one else has done it before14:56
rickspencer3hi seb12814:56
asacMacSlow: whats that about?14:56
Amaranthrickspencer3: I don't think so14:57
MacSlowasac, icon-names passed to notify-osd from nm-applet14:57
rickspencer3pitti, seb128 kenvandine anytonewhowouldknow - are we still expecting new icons from design team?14:58
MacSlowmac_v, again... there's no line of code in notify-osd that explicitly alters passed icon-names (be it filenames or symbolic names)14:58
seb128rickspencer3, I don't know14:58
mac_vMacSlow: oh... ok :)14:58
pittikwwii, mac_v: are there new/fixed icons planed?14:58
kwwiiMacSlow: something somewhere is making it look up notification-* for the notify-osd bubbles before the otehr names14:58
mac_vpitti: fixed icons? for which app14:59
kenvandinerickspencer3, i hope at least something better for draw-attention in the indicator14:59
kwwiipitti: the icons are already in the notify-osd set, we updated them a long time ago14:59
pittimac_v: any; rickspencer3 just asked about the plan14:59
MacSlowkwwii, mac_v: such things have to happen in the app tossing out notifications via libnotify (thus reaching notify-osd) but not notify-osd itself14:59
kwwiipitti, mac_v, MacSlow, asac: the problem now is that the battery icons are not using notification-* for notify-osd, but using the normal panel (gpm-*) icons instead15:00
mac_vpitti: kwwii: then gpm needs to be patched to send the right label for  notifications15:00
mac_vrickspencer3: new icons in the sense?15:00
seb128we do have a patch to use notification-display-brightness-* for notify-osd15:02
pittikwwii: to be precise, gpm-* are private names for g-p-m, they aren't/sholdn't be in a theme15:04
kwwiipitti: they are in all themes, for a long time :p15:04
mac_vkwwii: pitti: the reason those labels werent patched until now  or  for jaunty  , was because the notifications themselves were blocked[since they were considered redundant] , but now the notifications have improved and are not blocked...15:04
seb128what is the issue there?15:04
kwwiiand links are created from them as well often15:05
pittikwwii: oh, so themes in /usr/share/icons/ can override ones in /usr/share/appname/icons?15:05
kwwiiseb128: the brightness stuff works perfect15:05
seb128the gpm code seems to be right15:05
kwwiipitti: yes15:05
pittikwwii: well, as I said, I'm an icon n00b, sorry15:05
kwwiipitti: hehe, worries :)15:05
tgpraveendoes anyone know if the notifications for media eject/unmount all the times was don e or not?it was a papercut15:06
kwwiipitti: I am a n00b at everything else :D15:06
mac_vtgpraveen: no15:06
seb128the brightness icons don't seem right15:06
seb128there is only one monitor one used and not changing15:06
kwwiiseb128: on my karmic, when I change brightness the notification uses the correct icons15:06
seb128the code uses notification-display-brightness-*15:07
kwwiivolume as well15:07
kwwiiseb128: yes, it should15:07
seb128and there is no such icons in the humanity theme in karmic15:07
mac_vseb128: those or notify-osd labels15:07
kwwiiseb128: no, they were moved to /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/gnome/15:07
seb128$ find /usr/share/notify-osd/icons -name notification-display-brightness*15:07
seb128there is one15:08
seb128ie no variants as human had15:08
seb128notify-osd-icons didn't get installed there15:08
mac_vseb128: do you have notify-osd-icons package installed?15:09
seb128should something install it on upgrade?15:09
mac_vah! ;)15:09
mac_vseb128: it should , but didnt install for me either, but pitti said that the dependencies were correct....  shouldnt they be part of the ubuntu-desktop?15:10
seb128well the dependency has a | human-icon-theme15:11
seb128and this one doesn't get remove on upgrade15:11
pittiso it's because human-icon-theme wasn't cleaned on upgrade15:11
pittiso, if we want to officially bury human-icon-theme, I'm fine with dropping the |15:11
pittibut actually h-i-t should work as well?15:12
seb128it does work15:12
pittianyway, it's cleaner to drop the alternative15:12
seb128wrong clicking there15:12
pittibut at least it now explains why you guys didn't get it automatically15:12
seb128it's just a recommends so yes15:13
* pitti fixes15:13
seb128the people who want to keep using human can clean the recommends if they want15:13
pitti$ head -n1 */debian/changelog|grep UNRELEASED|wc -l15:14
pittihmm, lots of stuff to upload after beta freeze :)15:14
kwwiipitti: erm, what about upgrades? will they also get humanity and not human?15:14
pittikwwii: yes, the human-theme dependency was switched from human to humanity15:15
asacMacSlow: kwwii: http://pastebin.com/f1c1c4ba7 those are the notification icon changes we currently carry15:15
kwwiipitti: and even when notify-osd is installed it does not show the correct notification-battery-* icons15:15
seb128what notifications are those?15:15
kwwiiasac: right, those are the network icons15:16
asackwwii: so those are ok still?15:17
mac_vasac: why does it send the *-full for all signal strengths? cant it send the right signal?15:17
kwwiiasac: yes, they should be...I cannot test them because network manager, although it works, does not appear at all :p15:17
MacSlowasac, thanks for the pointer15:17
kwwiiso someone needs to add that same kind of thing to the battery icons15:18
mac_vMacSlow: lol! ,oops that was the patch in nm-applet ... i was mislead by the comment on lp..sorry :)15:19
MacSlowkwwii, I'm still in bug-fixing mode for notify-osd and I also have a regression for g-p-m to do15:20
MacSlowmac_v, at least my memory isn't failing me15:20
asacŝo ... is any help needed on the gpm thing (feels like there are quite a few hands on that now)?15:21
kwwiiMacSlow: cool, thanks15:21
seb128what gpm bubbles have wrong icons?15:22
seb128and do you know which ones are being used?15:22
asacok ... unless someone asks me specifically to look at gpm i assume that seb128 or someone else is on that ;)15:22
seb128I would if somebody could explain what is wrong15:23
mac_vseb128: gpm-battery-* should be relabeled to notification-battery-*15:24
mac_vin gom15:24
seb128why do you don't use the right naming in your theme?15:25
seb128rather than asking to change the code which will breaks other themes15:25
asaci think our best practice is to ship a link in theme15:25
mac_vseb128: because the notifications need to use the notify-osd specific names... these icons will then be used else where in the apps ... and they wont be visible15:25
asacunless we need something to be completely different15:26
seb128mac_v, why?15:26
seb128mac_v, what about people who don't use notify-osd?15:26
mac_vseb128: for those who dont use notify-osd , the patch wont apply... i'm not sure how nm-applrt does it.. asac must know15:27
asacseb128: i think its not notify-osd specific. its really about being able to have different icons in the notifications than the ones used in the app15:27
seb128icons which are implemented by no theme out of the ubuntu one though15:27
asacmac_v: we are shipping the same icons in hicolor/scalable now15:27
asacbut thats a messy situation for sure15:27
seb128since the naming is not a standard one15:27
asacits the same problem as the try greyscale thing15:28
mac_vasac: no..that is differne15:28
seb128the notification area icons you mean?15:28
asacyou need some standard that says that notification icons should be different than the one used in apps and the one in tray15:28
seb128no, those use icon theme fallback to work15:28
asacotherwise upstream will say: "yes, thats ubuntu specific"15:28
seb128ie the specific icons should be name15:28
seb128so the fallback works for theme which just have the upstream naming15:28
asacseb128: i dont think he asks for osd specific naming. he wants just upstream-name-notification15:29
asacso they can use different icons15:29
seb128though they don't have that naming now15:29
seb128<mac_v> seb128: gpm-battery-* should be relabeled to notification-battery-*15:29
asacits definitly wrong15:29
seb128it's backward15:29
seb128and it doesn't do fallbacking15:30
kwwiiseb128: we added the notification-* name, and yes, we do want everyone to use it for things like notify-osd15:30
mac_vseb128: something like this is needed for gpm > http://pastebin.com/f1c1c4ba715:30
asacso theme should use gpm-name-notify ... and upstream can just ship gpm-name15:30
kwwiigpm-name if for the app, whereever it puts icons, notification-* is only for notify-osd (and perhaps other things like it)15:30
asackwwii: you should just ship the icon name used by upstream and _append_ -notify rather than prepend it15:31
popeyMacSlow: does notify-osd cache the picture? I am skipping tracks in rhythmbox and seeing the same image (album cover) for lots of different artists.. restarted rb and get the rb icon for something with no art, now i skip tracks it shows icons until i bring rb to the front then minimise, then notify shows no icons at all..15:31
seb128what is the difference between notify-osd and notification-daemon?15:31
asacthere is no difference imo15:31
seb128why notify-osd needs icons specific to it?15:31
asacjust that the innitial names didnt think about the fallback approach15:31
mac_vseb128: it was a design  ;)15:31
MacSlowseb128, styling15:31
kwwiiasac: but that would theoretically, allow the apps to fallback to the notify icons for other uses which is bad15:31
seb128that's getting confusing15:32
MacSlowpopey, yes and no :)15:32
popeyMacSlow: shall i file a bug sgainst this?15:32
mac_vseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Icon ,15:32
kwwiimaybe I should add this to the icon naming spec and be done with it :D15:32
mac_vkwwii: hehe ;p15:32
seb128whoever want that change should open a bug15:32
seb128explaining the issue and giving a specific example15:32
MacSlowpopey, well it's actually against rb15:32
seb128with icon name and screenshot15:32
seb128I can look at it from there15:32
MacSlowpopey, notify-osd will display whatever icon it gets from rb15:32
asaci have the feeling that what they want is to ship icons that only notify-osd will use15:33
seb128but what you explain there doesn't seem something we want to do15:33
asacso for that the solution is simple15:33
popeyMacSlow: ok, will do, thanks15:33
asacor not ;)15:33
seb128asac, it's breaking other usecases15:33
kwwiiseb128: well, as maintainer of the spec, I guess I could just change it15:33
asacwell if they send the name over the wire notify-osd should modify the name15:33
seb128kwwii, it's too late to changing a spec or an implementation in karmic15:33
kwwiibut, of course we could start a discussion first15:33
MacSlowpopey, if it gets a new icon it'll display that... if the next/new notification does not provide one (and isn't replacing an existing notification) it'll only be title- and body-text.15:33
asaclike i say: show "gpm-name-notify" ... then notify-osd can try o nits side to look for "nofiy-osd-gpm-name-notify" first15:33
seb128I don't understand the issue15:33
seb128asac, I agree with that yes15:34
mac_vasac: exactly ,what is said ;) ,15:34
asacif that doesnt work the normal fallacdk woould start: "gpm-name-notify" -> "gpm-name" -> "gpm"15:34
MacSlowpopey, there's a dedicated example of updating existing bubbles with different layouts in notify-osd trunk (notify-osd/examples/15:34
seb128it doesn't seem something we should change in upstream code now15:34
asacmac_v: no. we are asked to patch the apps atm15:34
MacSlowpopey, there's a dedicated example of updating existing bubbles with different layouts in notify-osd trunk (notify-osd/examples/update-notifications.py)15:34
seb128notify-osd should do namin translations15:34
asacthats wrong ... if we want notify-osd specific icons the apps hsouldnt have to be patched15:35
kwwiiseb128: sure, I realize that15:35
seb128since that's notify-osd specific15:35
mac_vasac:  i agree , you need to convince MacSlow15:35
* MacSlow is deaf on the eyes atm15:35
mac_vasac: its is easier than patching every app on the planet!15:35
seb128let's convince davidbarth15:35
kwwiiif everything followed the icon naming spec with the naming heirarchy things would just work15:35
MacSlowpopey, you can add that hint to the bug-report you're filing15:35
asackwwii: yes. but the name used by the apps wouldnt have to be prefixed with "notification-" ... thats notify-osd business only15:36
asacapps should use gpm-name-notify1 gpm-name-notifyreason2 etc.15:36
kwwiiasac: hrm, I guess we could discuss that in the bug about the fdo icon naming spec15:37
seb128the naming is not revelent there15:38
seb128using notify-osd specific icon names for notification is wrong15:38
seb128the code needs to work on other notification systems too15:38
mac_vkwwii: seb128: asac: IMO , notify-osd needs to recognize the standard labels sent by the apps and convert it to the notification-* icons... i'v been saying this for very long... but MacSlow insists the apps need to be patched :(15:38
MacSlowmac_v, "labels" ?15:39
mac_vMacSlow: the network-* , or the gpm-* or the im-*15:40
kwwiiasac: ?15:40
asacnevermind. i will check notify-osd code later today t see whats going on.15:42
asackwwii: where is that icon spec15:42
popeyMacSlow: filed bug 440027, thanks :)15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440027 in rhythmbox "Album art sometimes doesn't appear in notify-osd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44002715:42
asacgot it http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html15:43
seb128popey, it's a duplicate I think15:43
mac_vasac: kwwii: MacSlow: we cant expect every app to maintain patches just because Ubuntu has a new notification system! there will always be breakage in some app! , it is better to make notify-osd identify the standard icon names, and the make the icon switch in notify-osd rather than patching the apps to use notify-osd specific names15:43
popeyseb128: i saw one from hardy, but not a current one15:43
popeyseb128: you know best though :)15:43
seb128popey, bug #426256?15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426256 in rhythmbox "Notification: no display of no-square covers" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42625615:44
asacmac_v: dont tell. me i am reading the spec atm. there is nothing about prefixing stuff15:44
seb128popey, it's the first result in google for rhythmbox notification launchpad...15:44
asaci think ... i think they tried to standardize that all notification stuff should use notification- prefix15:45
asacbut its definitly not something that would be app specific15:45
seb128but why not simply using the fallback naming?15:45
seb128ie icon-notificication15:45
seb128it will fallback to icon if the notification variant is not there15:46
asacseb128: no. i think the notification- prefix is supposed to be something like "emblem-"15:46
asacseb128: i think there are two separate issues mixed up here.15:46
seb128well, it seems something that should be defined first15:46
seb128then applied upstream15:46
seb128then be applied in ubuntu15:46
asaca) standardize all notification to use notification- prefix15:46
asacb) notifiy-osd specific icons15:46
asaca) -> no way to do that in patches until its getting in that spe15:46
asacat least not without breaking stuff15:47
seb128well, a) seems upstream specifications changes15:47
seb128not a karmic post beta thing15:47
asacb) -> do someting about that on notify-osd15:47
asacseb128: yes15:47
seb128ok, we are in agreement15:47
asaci will check the notify-osd part15:47
asacuntil a) happened we can use notification- as a notify-osd specific prefix15:48
asacbut thats notify-osd business afaict15:48
pittiseb128: do you happen to know how I can start the audio mixer dialog thingy from a command line?15:49
pittii. e. what its name is?15:49
seb128pitti, gnome-volume-control15:49
pittiah, thanks15:49
seb128pitti, if that's the one you want15:49
pittiseb128: right, worked; thanks!15:52
popeyseb128: yup, you're right, thanks, image is 600x578px, I'll mark as dupe15:52
seb128popey, thanks15:52
popeyside benefit, I now know where rb stores the covers :)15:53
davidbarthseb128: reading the log15:55
asacpatch for notify-osd16:06
asacseb128: ^^16:06
asactested with notify-send -i battery-low "test message"16:06
asacwithout that it displays the battery-low ... with that patch it goes to notification-battery-low16:06
asacpushed to lp:~asac/notify-osd/theme-icon-prefix16:09
seb128asac, excellent16:10
asacso basically this means that notify-osd specific icons should just use the same name used by the app, but prefix it with notification- (or whatever we decide the prefix to be)16:10
* hyperair makes some noise about bug #43995616:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439956 in network-manager-applet "Cannot set manual IP and DNS with nm-connection-editor" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43995616:21
asachyperair: thast fixed in trunk ppa16:22
hyperairooh that is?16:22
* hyperair adds the pap16:22
asacalmost all editor bugs are fixed there16:22
hyperairi see. that's great.16:22
hyperairwill it be entering ubuntu soon?16:22
asaconly secrets are left for fix16:23
asachyperair: right after beta16:23
hyperairwhat secrets?16:23
asacsecrets are not displayed in editor16:23
asacbut that fix will maye land today16:24
davmor2hyperair: have to kill you if we tell you the secrets16:24
asacso it might be fixed tomorrow16:24
hyperairi see.16:28
* hyperair sends an assassin for davmor2 16:28
chrisccoulsonwow, i just got given something free from work16:29
chrisccoulson....a pen!16:29
davmor2chrisccoulson: shhhh or everyone will won't one and they'll claim yours back to give to someone else16:30
chrisccoulsonlol, that's ok - they can exchange it for a laptop instead;)16:30
asacyesterday my thinkpad started to make strange sounds (clicking)16:32
asacanyone else sees that?16:32
Amaranthasac: fan or HD?16:36
asaci dont know where that comes from. it sound a bit like its coming out of the speakers16:36
asacsounds a bit like the sound that i get when the system turns off16:37
Amaranthdoes it only do it after you leave the computer alone for a bit?16:37
Amaranthcould be from the sound chip being turned off16:37
asacit feels it happens more frequently while typing.16:38
Amaranthah, no then16:38
asacbut i couldnt find any definite reason16:38
Amaranthmake backups16:38
asacAmaranth: sound chip turning off sounds likely16:38
asacAmaranth: is there a way to do that manually so i can compare?16:38
Amaranthlet me check16:38
jmarsdenasac: Hard drive head unloading/parking?  If it is the HD... make backups *now*!16:38
Amaranthbut this should only be happening at worst every 10 seconds (power down, sound event so power up, repeat)16:39
asacyes. its not more than every 10 seconds16:39
asacjmarsden: the sound doesnt feel like its coming from the HD. its not coming from the same area where the other harddrive stuff is coming from.16:41
asacbut i will check what i need to back up anyway i aguess ;)16:41
AmaranthI have no idea how to turn it on/off16:42
Amaranthdtchen or TheMuso might16:42
asacdtchen: TheMuso: how can i power down/up my soundchip ;) (thinkpad X61 etc.)16:42
asaclet me turn off sound in bios if thats possible16:45
* asac reboots16:45
* asac not happy about lenovo bios not allowing to turn off sound chip ... 17:03
asacanyway. out for now. will check later tonight whats going on ;)17:03
pittiasac, kenvandine: is either of you online tomorrow 1500 UTC? I'm away, and need someone to cover desktop in the release meeting (I'll prepare our report, of course, so it is just for questions)17:43
kenvandinei will be here, but i might have a meeting17:43
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
SiDiasac: hi there. do you still maintain the gnash PPA ?18:32
rickspencer3-afkSiDi, I think asac may be off for the night18:41
SiDirickspencer3-afk: okey, thanks18:41
GahocITHello everybody19:41
GahocITplease help me19:41
GahocITwhat is error19:41
Amaranthdead HD :/19:45
* Ng marvels at his notification area20:50
Ngit looks really good20:50
rickspencer3kenvandine, hellooooo20:51
jonokenvandine, around?20:51
jonokenvandine, rick and I were testing Empathy20:51
rickspencer3so, jono and I aren't having much luck20:52
jonoare there any fixes in the pipe20:52
rickspencer3jono, what is your account type?20:52
kenvandineit is upnp problems most likely20:52
jonorickspencer3, gchat20:52
kenvandineis it @gmail.com?20:52
jonomy jabber isnt working there it seems20:52
kenvandineis upnp enabled in your router?20:52
rickspencer3so gchat to jabber.org ... it connects for like one frame, and then disconnects20:52
jonokenvandine, no idea, let me check20:52
kenvandinethat sounds like upnp20:53
kenvandineunfortunately for video or audio to really work you need upnp20:53
rickspencer3how does one explain this to users?20:53
kenvandineno idea20:53
kenvandinei think we need a way to tell them at run time20:53
rickspencer3ah, I see it is on for me20:53
kenvandineand from what i hear... it is commonly on by default in most routers now20:54
rickspencer3I don't recall configuring it myself20:54
jonoon a side note, I am getting weird notify-osd problems where the volume control sticks to the screen20:54
jonoand never fades away20:54
kenvandinebut like my old one i have it wasn't until i prodded it a couple weeks ago20:54
kenvandineMacSlow, ^^20:54
jonokenvandine, it is enabled20:55
kenvandinejono, i found the problem i was having was upnp madness on my local network20:55
kenvandinejono, let me call you20:55
kenvandinering... ring20:56
kenvandinerickspencer3, what kind of symptoms did you guys see?20:57
jonokenvandine, it said connecting for quoite a while20:57
jonoshowed my video20:57
rickspencer3if jono called me, I could answer ...20:57
MacSlowjono, hm...20:57
rickspencer3then I could see if face and hear like 300 ms of soud20:57
rickspencer3and then it kind of disconnected20:57
MacSlowjono, since when do you experience this weird behaviour?20:57
MacSlowjono, does that happen all the time?20:58
jonoMacSlow, oh, banshee had hung20:58
jonoand it seemed to hang notify-osd too20:58
kenvandinejono, the log you had sent me last time showed empathy couldn't access your sound device20:59
kenvandineso like a pulse problem or something20:59
MacSlowjono, hm... odd... I wonder how that can happen.20:59
kenvandinebut i hadn't seen that with anyone else20:59
rickspencer3jono, can you record yourself with sound recorder?20:59
rickspencer3(and play it back)?20:59
MacSlowjono, which version of notify-osd do you have installed? "dpkg --list notify-osd"21:00
rickspencer3jono, helloooo21:09
jonoMacSlow, it does whenever banshee hangs21:10
jonokenvandine, want me to call you?21:10
jonosorry my IRC client went bonkers21:11
jonokenvandine, should we raise more public awareness of testing the A/V in Empathy?21:11
kenvandinewe should... soon21:11
kenvandinelet me figure out some stuff first21:11
jonokenvandine, np21:11
kenvandinelike how we can test for upnp and alert the users, etc21:11
kenvandinejono, you calling me?21:12
rickspencer3KenEdwards, soon, is like now21:12
rickspencer3damn xchat completion21:12
rickspencer3kenvandine, soon, is like now :)21:12
kenvandineworking on it21:12
MacSlowjono, so when banshee hangs you're not able to trigger any other notification (e.g. press volume up or down, or do "notify-send test bla -i totem")?21:12
rickspencer3Nov 15th is Freeze for RC21:12
jonokenvandine, not at the mo21:12
seb128rickspencer3, Oct?21:13
rickspencer3seb128, October too, yes21:13
jonoMacSlow, yep21:13
KenEdwardsrickspencer3, I think I should change my name  ;-)21:13
rickspencer3KenEdwards, sorry, I'm using a most unforgiving irc client ;)21:13
jonoI was getting annoyed at that too21:13
seb128rickspencer3, just curious but was pidgin handling that better and how?21:13
jonotwo kens and the world blows up :P21:13
MacSlowjono, I've no idea how an app freezing can take notify-osd with it... there's just dbus between them21:13
kenvandinejono, are you getting my calls?21:14
rickspencer3seb128, with pidgin it writes a list of the ambiguous ones21:14
jonokenvandine, I answered one since I logged back on IRC21:14
seb128rickspencer3, ah, same in xchat-gnome21:14
rickspencer3so if I do "ken"<tab> it writes "kenvandine KenEdwards"21:14
seb128rickspencer3, I think it's a setting in xchat but not sure, that's what you get for using the non gnome version ;-)21:14
rickspencer3isn't that what I'm using?21:14
kenvandinerickspencer3, got a better idea?21:14
rickspencer3dang it21:14
rickspencer3I had no idea21:14
jonokenvandine, just got a call21:14
seb128rickspencer3, I guess you use xchat and not xchat-gnome?21:14
kenvandinejono, what happened?21:14
* rickspencer3 checks21:15
jonokenvandine, it showed my video, tried to connect and then closed the window21:15
seb128rickspencer3, easy to notice xchat-gnome has no user list on screen and channel on the left21:15
kenvandineyou call me please21:15
jonoone sec21:15
rickspencer3what a dope I am21:15
* rickspencer3 tries xchat-gnome21:15
jonokenvandine, ooh, it showed a black window for your video for a second and then closed21:16
jonothats what rickspencer3 and I were getting I think21:16
rickspencer3same thing21:16
seb128rickspencer3, enable the osd option in the preference if you try it and want bubbles21:16
rickspencer3seb128, will do21:16
jonorickspencer3, fancy trying pidgen?21:16
kenvandinejono quit empathy21:16
kenvandineEMPATHY_LOGFILE=/tmp/empathy.log GST_DEBUG=\*fsrtp\*:5 EMPATHY_DEBUG=all empathy21:16
rickspencer3jono, no I don't have that installed atm21:16
kenvandineand run that21:16
rickspencer3jono, there is something about your configuration21:16
* seb128 wonders when they will accept things waiting now that beta is there21:16
rickspencer3we should figure it out21:17
jonokenvandine, call you?21:17
rickspencer3seb128, good question, perhaps steve is asleep finally though21:17
kenvandinejono, go ahead21:17
kenvandinejono, now send me /tmp/empathy.log21:17
jonono crash, just disconnected21:18
jonook, one sec21:18
tgpraveenif jono has config prob maybe rickspencer3 and kenvandine could try calling21:18
kenvandineworks for us21:18
* tgpraveen never gets audio working in empathy for last few releases21:19
tgpraveenlast it worked in hardy I think21:19
tgpraveenwell there are many people who are having problems with a/v chat in empathy , first blamed on pulse but fixed there now.21:20
tgpraveenmaybe it does require more community testing21:20
rickspencer3tgpraveen, yes, I agree21:20
jonokenvandine, on its way21:23
kenvandinejono, had your sound-recorder test worked?21:25
jonolet me test21:25
jonokenvandine, works fine21:26
* kenvandine waits for the email21:26
bratscheseb128: I was thinking of making some gtk+ packages with Company's filesystemmodel branch merged in and trying to get some Ubuntu community testing for it.  mclasen seems interested in trying to get this merged into master for 2.18.2 if there is some good testing and review.  Is there a better place to put such packages than my own PPA?21:31
jonokenvandine, email arrived?21:32
seb128bratsche, not really, we could use the ubuntu-desktop ppa but that's a small difference21:32
seb128bratsche, I really think that landing such changes in stable series is not a good idea though21:32
seb128bratsche, ie we will not do the 2.18.2 update in karmic with such changes21:33
seb128bratsche, ie we will not do the 2.18.2 update in karmic with such changes21:33
seb128bratsche, ups, sorry about the double line there ;-)21:33
bratscheseb128: That's fine, but I still think doing this could be a service to gtk+ upstream and that makes it worthwhile to me.21:34
seb128bratsche, not discussing that21:34
mclasen_seb128: to each his own...21:35
seb128I don't think many user run the ubuntu-desktop ppa and you want to make a call for testing for such changes anyway21:35
kenvandinejono, yeah21:35
seb128bratsche, so you can as well use your ppa and announce it21:35
jonokenvandine, cool21:35
jonokenvandine, ok let me know if you want me to make some noise about Empathy testing21:36
kenvandinetp-fs-Message: tf_stream_error: stream error errorno=7 error=Resource Unavailable21:36
jonoI was planning a blog entry to identify key features for testing in Karmic21:36
kenvandinejono, lets talk tomorrow morning ok?21:36
jonokenvandine, np21:37
seb128there was some upstream bug contact or triager who asked several time there recent about organizing a test day or something21:37
seb128he emailed the list too I think21:37
jonokenvandine, so hold back announcing anything?21:37
seb128but he didn't really get a replu21:37
kenvandinejono, well go ahead21:37
kenvandineit's fine21:37
seb128jono, kenvandine: ^21:37
kenvandinei just want to figure out how we can programatically tell users upnp isn't working on their network21:37
kenvandineseb128, yeah we should find him21:38
seb128did you read his email about triaging empathy bugs?21:38
jonoseb128, sounds like a good21:39
jonomaybe we can ask people to test it as part of the global jam21:39
jcastrobratsche: holler at me when you get that gtk thing in a PPA, I am keen on helping upstream get testing on that21:56
rickspencer3seb128, any idea why bug 290471 is still open?21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290471 in empathy "Status icon in notification area not required when using FUSA applet and Messaging Menu" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29047121:56
jcastrobratsche: also, I think that having a crack GNOME-tech PPA stuff that you and ken can put stuff into would be great instead of random individual PPAs21:57
seb128rickspencer3, not really, maybe check with robert_ancell it seems from comments it should be closed, though I have it in the notification area still there21:58
bratschejcastro: Yeah, that sounds awesome.  I need you or ken to post on Planet Ubuntu about this anyway once I build some packages, because I don't think I'm on that planet.21:58
rickspencer3seb128, k21:59
jcastrobratsche: ok22:00
kenvandineme either22:00
seb128jcastro, not sure about that, you don't always want to mix cracks and you need to advertise things to get proper feedback anyway22:00
kenvandinei like to categorize stuff22:01
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've added python-gnome2-extras back to gnome-python-extras again22:01
kenvandinelike i created my desktopcouch ppa22:01
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks, will not be for tonight for me though22:01
kenvandineso things you might need to get dc crack all all there22:01
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no problem ;)22:01
jcastroseb128: ok I'll discuss the least crackful way with ken/cody22:03
mac_vlool: hi...22:25
mac_vi dint understand your mail  > "can you prepare a 0.3.1 + only the important fixes branch?"22:25
mac_vall the fixes are important... they have been done only due to the directions from the UX team... and separating them is not possible22:26
mac_vlool: also we have released 0.4 > https://launchpad.net/humanity/+download22:26
loolmac_v: 100+ fixes?22:33
loolmac_v: To me it's unreviewable22:33
mac_vlool: we have added *several* new icons22:33
mac_vthat was done after the request of UX22:33
loolmac_v: At this stage of the cycle, I need to be in a position to understand the full changes I'm pushing22:34
mac_vand the changes were done after they requested it22:34
loolIf I need to look at 100+ changes, it's unlikely22:34
mac_vlool: we pushed for a single icon change too.. so it now really 100 fixes22:34
loolmac_v: So how I can tell?22:34
mac_vthe UX would say , not not it... and will request a new icon22:35
loolPff that sucks big time22:35
mac_vlool: yeah.. ;)22:35
loolI mean 3 weeks ago I could possibly have said "Ok, I'll run it for a couple of days and upload it if nothing breaks"22:35
loolBut we're post beta22:35
loolThings have to stay rock solid and I can't afford a mistake in artwork at this stage you see22:36
loolI'm really reserved in pushing this22:36
mac_vlool: the changes were guided by UX.22:36
loolI mean I had planned to put the time to push the Humanity-Dark/Humanity split, but now I also need to look at a completely new Humanity  :-(22:36
loolmac_v: Well whoever did the changes, the problem is the same in merging them22:37
seb128pitti, thanks for the sponsoring ;-) I was just start to look at those dx updates22:38
seb128pitti, now I can finish my totem udpate and go to bed, you rock ;-)22:39
mac_vlool: i dont understand the problem? merging problem?22:42
mac_vlool: also  , the common directory makes sense... doing it now :)22:45
loolmac_v: The problem is that I can't put my stamp on the changes in that branch22:48
loolmac_v: Because there are more than I can review in my (limited) time22:49
loolAnd this conflicts with our post-beta changes policy22:49
kwwiilool: problems with icon thems?22:49
loolseb128: I have a nautilus upload queued up22:49
loolYes, but it's 10 before midnight and I'm trying to finish stuff before going to bed; need to go to an event tomorrow too22:50
kwwiilool: is this an issue of including the -dark theme22:50
kwwiilool: will you be around tomorrow?22:50
seb128lool, you know how it works, just update bzr and tag if you upload22:50
kwwiiall I'd like to know is the status of the icon issue in UNR so I get a picture of were you are22:51
kwwiiso that I can help to solve the issue22:51
mac_vkwwii: i think lool wants to review what each rev was...22:55
Amaranthhmm, looks like someone found a fix for us losing the no backfill patch in xorg that doesn't cause screen corruption, security issues, or slow downs for fglrx users22:56
mac_vbut we just edited single icons and did a push... so there are too many rev :/22:56
kwwiimac_v: what is the last thing you have submitted?22:56
kwwiianything new since the addition of -dark22:57
mac_vkwwii: nothing new done to the panel icons , we have only added icons to complete the set22:57
mac_vor symlinks22:57
kwwiiat this point, anything beyond that should probably be handled with an update22:57
mac_vthere were several symlinks missing.. that was the main issue which was solved22:58
loolkwwii: the issue is not with the concept of usng a -dark theme22:59
loolkwwii: It's with the 100+ changes in bzr in lp:humanity ... in 7 days22:59
kwwiiwell, it is up to lool if he can work this in somehow. He is responsible for getting this out the door23:00
kwwiilool: yeah, it should be done in stages, at the approriate times23:00
kwwiiI understand that, but have no control over their submissions23:00
loolYes, so I was asking for a 0.3.1 plus selected fixes instead23:01
loolCan't take 0.3.1 + 100 random bzr commits which I can't review23:01
kwwiilool: yeah, that is why I said they should keep everything packaged in bzr23:01
kwwiiI'll talk to mac_v and work it out23:02
kwwiitomorrow ;)23:02
kwwiiI'm on the same time zone as you and have to take my son to school in the morning23:02
kwwiilool: do you have a packaged branch in bzr somewhere?23:02
mac_vkwwii: actually we just released a package. but lool wanted both the themes in the same package... so rearranging it23:03
mac_v> https://launchpad.net/humanity/+download23:04
kwwiimac_v: ok, then needs to be done asap with a really good changelog entry and very quick testing23:04
* mac_v bad with changelogs... looking forward for kwwii's help :) ..... tomorrow ;p23:05
kwwiiI've got to go...24*!, shower, bed, sleep, work, eat..that is my rhthym23:06
mac_vlool: the revs were also for the bugs reported in lp...23:19
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - i'm confused about bug 440253, or maybe i'm missing something (i'm not a heavy user of audio)23:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440253 in pulseaudio "Pulse audio control panel does not allow for 3, 5.1, 6.1, & 7.1 speaker multi channel audio if supported by sound card" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44025323:49
chrisccoulsonbut i can enable analog 5.1 etc using gnome-volume-control already23:49
chrisccoulson(although i can't test if it works, as i only really use the stereo out)23:50
chrisccoulsonin the Hardware tab, there is a "Profile" combo. if i select "Analog Surround 5.1 Output" in there, then I get extra surround options in the Output tab23:51
TheMusochrisccoulson: Oh forgot about that.23:51
TheMusoI guess that says something about how unintuative the UI is.23:51
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - yeah, I agree23:51
chrisccoulsonbut it seems that the features are there23:52
loolkwwii: No, packaging is in the archive23:53
TheMusochrisccoulson: I'll update the bug then, thanks for reminding me of that.23:54
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome23:54
chrisccoulsoni agree that the UI needs some improvement though23:54
chrisccoulsonit seems to me that the hardware profiles stuff just got shoe-horned in to get the features there23:55

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