
slangasekheh, doubt it; the sequence leading up to it was non-trivial (and was a result of bugs)00:00
kirklandmdz: well, i could be just impatient00:00
kirklandmdz: its still doing stuff00:00
KeybukI've tended to see that before with "expect daemon" and SIGCHLD handlers00:00
Keybuke.g. avahi00:00
kirklandmdz: dd, specifically00:01
KeybukI guess you could get it with "expect fork" as well in that situation00:01
Keybukactually, if you had expect fork, the service daemonised instead of just forking, and put a SIGCHLD handler in - you could probably get that00:01
cjwatsonKeybuk: gdm is stopped due to a runlevel change; it would be nice if that information were passed on00:02
slangaseklet me reboot (I /think/ I haven't broken my own boot sequence... :) and try again00:02
Keybukcjwatson: I'm just trying to figure out in my head whether "export RUNLEVEL" in gdm.conf would work ;)00:02
cjwatsonhappy to try it at some point00:03
KeybukI don't think it would00:03
KeybukI think you can only export start environment00:03
Keybukso you could know the runlevel gdm was in when it started ;)00:03
cjwatsonuseful ;)00:03
kirklandmdz: keeping a chronicle in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/43928800:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439288 in eucalyptus "1.6~bzr854-0ubuntu13 fails to run instances" [High,Triaged]00:04
Keybukthough the stop environment stuff is all a bit broken00:04
Keybukit seemed like a good idea at the time00:04
Keybuk(e.g. upstart doesn't even pass the exit code to the post-stop script)00:05
cjwatsonactually, is there any reason why all events shouldn't just come with the current runlevel attached?00:05
Keybukupstart doesn't implement runlevels00:06
cjwatsonyou can get the information anyway in a script, but it would allow you to match on them ...00:06
Keybukby that, I mean that the init daemon doesn't implement them00:06
Keybukit never knows what the runlevel is00:06
Keybukor even what *a* runlevel is00:06
cjwatsonoh well. awkward.00:07
Keybukit's all done by the passing of events00:07
cjwatsonI suppose I want to be able to match on runlevel [06] as a state00:07
Keybukright, exactly!00:07
Keybukand that's definitely going to happen00:07
* cjwatson remembers an old spec with edge-triggered and level-triggered events ... ;-)00:07
Keybukit's funny you say that00:08
KeybukI remarked only last week how most of the work for upstart 0.10 is putting back in all the things we dropped out of the original design00:08
cjwatsonyou're going to tell me I argued you out of including level-triggered events now, aren't you00:08
cjwatsonwhich is entirely possible, although I've forgotten it if I did :)00:08
Keybukno, I think that was mdz00:08
Keybukthey "confused" people at the original Wiesbaden demo00:09
Keybukof course, in practice, we removed the wrong ones <g>00:09
cjwatsonrunning runlevel is an adequate hack for now, anyway, it's just inefficient00:10
Keybukyeah, it is ineffecient - but that's basically all upstart would be doing itself00:11
Keybuk(until we get a runlevel state to replace the event)00:11
cjwatsonright, until it remembers the state of course00:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
slangasekKeybuk: how is 'env' supposed to work?  Is there a document I should be looking at that tells me the available commands?00:19
cjwatsonman 5 init ?00:20
slangasekdoesn't show up under 'man -k upstart', does it :)00:21
cjwatsondebmany upstart00:21
kirklandmdz: \o/ \o/ \o/00:27
Keybukslangasek: no, but if you read the upstart(7) overview page, it'd tell you :p00:27
kirklandmdz: RESERVATION     r-31500705      admin   default00:27
kirklandINSTANCE        i-3BEB06F3      emi-D5871527      running         mykey   0       m1.xlarge00:27
kirkland2009-09-30T22:37:49.042Z        canyonedge      eki-8F0A139D    eri-E64F14E800:27
Keybuk       Processes managed by init are known as jobs and are defined by files in00:28
Keybuk       the /etc/init directory.  See init(5) for more details.00:28
Keybukjust saying <g>00:32
* Keybuk rofls00:32
KeybukI just did apropos -h00:32
Keybukcjwatson: I think you may have a gettext bug there ;)00:33
Keybuk_("") does not do what you might think <g>00:33
lifelessI want to translate that now00:34
Keybuklifeless: it's the header of the .po file I assume00:34
Keybukprobably done00:35
Keybukprintf ("%s\n, _(""));00:35
lifeless         ^"00:35
lifelessdamn, one space off00:35
slangasekKeybuk: ho-hum, seems to be reproducible with both 'fork' and 'daemon'; continuing to debug00:47
slangasek(in the meantime, fixed my terribly-wrong rpc_pipefs job)00:47
cjwatsonKeybuk: however, the same thing doesn't happen without langpacks in Debian, even with remarkably similar-looking .mo files00:50
cjwatsonKeybuk: so I think it may actually be a bug in our langpack integration00:50
cjwatson(anyway, the code that's doing _("") is in gnulib, I think, rather than code I wrote directly)00:51
cjwatsonI've seen that before, it was a while back - never got round to tracing it all the way down though00:54
ionmsgid ""00:54
ionmsgstr "le "00:54
Keybukcjwatson: maybe we're accidentally ending up with that string in the .mo file00:59
Keybukdunno whether you ordinarily do or don't00:59
cjwatsonI msgunfmt'ed the two .mo files, it's there in both langpack and non-langpack cases01:00
cjwatsonI do know what's causing it, it's that I have argp doc strings that start with a \v (\v is a separator for pre- and post- doc strings in argp-ese)01:05
cjwatsonbut I consider it a bug in the argp implementation in gnulib that it doesn't deal with that properly01:05
cjwatsonone day I'll get round to sending them a fix for that01:05
cjwatsonstill mystifying that it only happens with langpacks, though01:06
cjwatsonhmm, though I think I see a workaround01:07
cjwatsonyeah, there we go01:07
slangasekKeybuk: aha, got it; upstart isn't happy with me if my script spawns a number of short-lived subprocesses, then execs the daemon, which forks01:09
slangasekso a pre-script fixes this01:09
slangasekthis is probably user error, but OTOH, it would be good for init to not get wedged01:10
Keybukthere's no solution to that using ptrace() though01:10
Keybukthat's why I plan to switch to using proc_connector01:10
cjwatsonKeybuk: worked around, http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/man-db/trunk/revision/114801:11
slangasekKeybuk: <whimper> ok, and in the case of statd, the daemon itself spawns a subprocess before it detaches01:23
slangasekKeybuk: how do I make /that/ work?01:24
KeybukI don't think you can\01:24
Keybuknot without patching the code01:24
Keybukyou could make statd raise (SIGSTOP);01:24
Keybukand use "expect stop"01:25
Keybukinstead of making it fork01:25
slangasekor I could pass the -L argument to tell it not to call sm-notify01:25
Keybukso yeah, it probably got fixated on sm-notify01:26
Keybukand then never got SIGCHLD for it01:26
evandanyone have an Ubuntu CD/USB, a SD card, and a willingness to destroy whatever data is on it?01:27
kirklandevand: sure01:30
kirklandevand: usb stick01:30
evandkirkland: cool.  Can you boot from the USB stick and try to install to the SD card with ubiquity?01:31
evandI probably should've mentioned you'll need at least a 2.3GB SD card01:31
evandit may explode when it gets to grub-installer.  Either way I'm happy.01:31
slangasekthe SD card may explode?01:32
kirklandevand: hmm, all i have is 2GB cards01:32
evandthanks the same01:32
kirklandevand: sorry01:32
evandno worries.  Worst case I head to argos/currys tomorrow01:32
evanderr actually, that won't work01:36
yuriypitti: ping01:41
TheMusoyuriy: He is likely not around at the moment. I suggest either emailing him or simply leaving a message for him on IRC and waiting till he responds.01:42
evandnevermind about the SD card.  I found a machine that can read SDHC.02:06
evandwhat's the magic rune for changing the privacy of a bug in the new Launchpad UI?02:27
cjwatson_edit icon next to "This report is private", top right?02:28
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
spstarrhrm, if you build a custom kernel via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild,  you do not see /proc/filesystems show usbfs.. yet ubuntu's kernels do even using ubuntu's .config what gives?02:33
spstarris there something broken in make-kpkg?02:34
TheMusospstarr: Do your kernels have an initramfs? That might be whats responsible for mounting usbfs, however I am not entirely sure.02:34
spstarrthey do, i do not know what default modules it uses though02:34
spstarri can explode the ramfs to check02:35
spstarri may need to explicitly mention --added-modules usbcore (even though ubuntu compiles this into kernel anyway)02:35
* spstarr looks at the debian/* dir02:36
spstarrwait  a second02:37
spstarryes i do have one, initrd.img- it wouldn't boot otherwise02:38
spstarrbut how this is getting built is what im curious about02:38
spstarrwhere can I find the default fakeroot for the initramfs images?02:38
* spstarr gets source of ubuntu deb kernel02:41
TheMusospstarr: The pieces that get put into the initramfs as well as scripts to copy binaries over are found in /usr/share/initramfs-tools02:45
* spstarr looks02:45
spstarraha that's the init i was looking for02:46
spstarrhowever.. /proc/filesystems only gets usbfs if usbcore is loaded02:46
spstarrsince usbcore has to register the filesystem to /proc/filesystems02:48
spstarrso this is why im confused :)02:48
TheMusospstarr: Not sure why things aren't working for you sorry02:48
spstarrif i compile usbcore or leave it compiled into kernel02:49
spstarryou'd assume /proc/filesystems would have usbfs02:49
spstarrunless its depending on the machine im building the deb on02:49
* spstarr examines both initramfs02:53
spstarrand sings the little song "one of these ramdisks is not like the other"02:54
spstarrmy initramfs has usbcore in it02:57
spstarreven more odd is i did see02:58
spstarr[    0.229755] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbf]02:58
spstarrbug #41774803:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417748 in linux "Please enable CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41774803:16
* spstarr looks at this03:16
spstarrit seems everyone is using the WRONG PATH for usbfs03:18
spstarryou should be using /sys/bus/usb/drivers now not /proc for it anymore03:18
spstarr if you do not enable CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS doesn't it defer to both /sys/bus/usb/drivers AND /proc/bus/usb??03:20
slangasek"everyone"?  I'm not aware of anything in Ubuntu using the /proc path anymore03:21
spstarr# CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS is not set03:21
spstarrthats why my custom kernel fails03:21
spstarrkarmic has this turned OFF03:21
spstarrwhich thus disables usbfs period03:21
spstarrconfig- CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS is not set03:22
spstarrconfig-2.6.31-9-generic:# CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS is not set03:22
spstarrI took -9 :D03:22
spstarrahahahaha fsck me03:22
spstarryou just fixed this issue03:22
spstarrslangasek: don't you love it when a bug happens JUST like this?03:23
* spstarr adds to the bug for anyone else looking03:25
spstarrbut since buntu enabled the option, nobody will run into this issue again03:30
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
DarxusI provided the missing information which caused an LP bug to be marked incomplete.  Can I change its status?  To what?03:37
DarxusThe previous status was Fix Committed.03:39
DarxusI switched it to confirmed.03:40
lifelessDarxus: if it was fix committed, then the bug was fixed, wasn't it ?03:40
Darxuslifeless: I was told that fix committed doesn't mean a new package was uploaded.  And, in fact, a new package was not uploaded.03:41
DarxusThat would be Fix Released.03:41
slangasekLaserJock: do you have anything you'd like to highlight about Edubuntu 9.10 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/BetaAnnouncement ?03:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410933 in alsa-utils "No sound in fresh jaunty install until disabling "external amplifier"" [Low,Confirmed]03:42
slangasekcody-somerville: are there particulars to Xubuntu 9.10 that you'd like highlighted on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/BetaAnnouncement ?03:43
slangaseksuperm1: ^^ mythbuntu03:43
* cody-somerville nods.03:43
slangasekluisbg, TheMuso: ^^ ubuntu studio :)03:43
* cody-somerville grabs the edit lock.03:43
* slangasek grabs the dinner lock03:44
* superm1 doesn't have any locks left to grab03:45
DarxusJust read through launchpad's definitions of status and I'm happy with "confirmed".03:49
TheMusoslangasek: Not really, this cycle has not been big for us at all, due to a lack of participation in general from the team.03:57
slangasekTheMuso: ok; I'll omit the break-out section for US then, rather than asking people to make things up :)03:58
=== Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie
DarxusA "backtrace" is only available after something crashes, right?04:08
LaserJockslangasek: maybe let's do the same for Edubuntu. We haven't really changed anything since Alpha604:09
slangasekLaserJock: what about changes since jaunty?04:31
LaserJockslangasek: well, the whole DVD thing is a pretty radical change04:32
LaserJockslangasek: perhaps also ltsp-cluster might be of note, beyond the usual fixes and updated packages04:33
ScottKLaserJock: I think you have to write for the audience that didn't notice until the beta release.04:55
LaserJockslangasek: ok, I'll take a crack at it then05:06
DarxusThe version of Debian that will be merged into Karmic is.. what?05:16
lifelesskarmic is frozen05:17
lifelessspecific packages can be merged by special request, and they can come from anywhere05:17
DarxusSorry, I should have used past tense.  Sid / unstable is the answer.05:18
DarxusShame, the reasonably current version of hugin didn't make karmic :/05:19
DarxusI guess there's nothing for me to do though, it'll get merged for Lucid.05:19
DarxusAh, the bug wasn't even opened until 2 days after Debian import freeze.05:20
ScottKDarxus: For a game, a freeze exception is quite possible.05:20
DarxusIt's not a game, it's a photo stitching program.05:24
DarxusIs that possible?05:24
DarxusWhy is debian import freeze 4 months before final release?05:24
jdongautomatic debian import freeze is so, to start the process of stabilizing things05:25
jdongduring that phase sync requests are quite generously granted IMO05:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416101 in pulseaudio "Ubuntu's switch to pulseaudio broke accessibility for the blind." [Undecided,New]05:27
DarxusSeems like that should be high priority for karmic.05:27
Darxusjdong: Cool, thanks.05:27
ScottKDarxus: Right.  I got my packages mixed up.05:31
ScottKTheMuso: Do you have an opinion on 416101?05:31
slangasekcody-somerville: hmm, was hoping for something a bit shorter on Xubuntu; can you pick one or two key features and link off to the Xubuntu page for the rest, please?05:33
cody-somervilleslangasek, aye05:34
* TheMuso looks05:49
spstarrPA should be pulled, period :p05:50
spstarreven the PPA builds still spectacularly fail05:50
TheMusoScottK: Oh right, will take care of that. Unfortunately pulse still causes a11y issues, but I have work-arounds in place to at least try and lessen the problems.05:50
TheMusospstarr: How do they fail? Please file a bug.05:50
spstarrALSA finally works with my multiple audio apps05:50
spstarrTheMuso: i did, but is marked as incomplete and nobody has changed it05:50
spstarri gave all the debug crash info05:51
TheMusospstarr: Bug number?05:52
TheMusospstarr: Its likely because we have been too busy with other bugs.05:52
spstarrTheMuso: well I pulled PA out and now Second Life works, VirtualBox works sharing same audio input/output05:52
spstarrusing ALSA only05:52
TheMusospstarr: THats a work around, but it would be good to fix pulseaudio.05:53
TheMusospstarr: You have tried the absolute latest version in the ubuntu-audio-dev PPA?05:53
spstarrwell, yeah, but we should be asking, why can't we fix ALSA to do most of what PA wants to do and strip PA down to just a network audio daemon?05:54
spstarrwell, not the newest PPA bug # is05:54
spstarrbug #42455105:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424551 in pulseaudio "Pulseaudio crashes if you repeat audio too much" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42455105:54
TheMusospstarr: This discussion has bene covered many times and in many different places. I can't remember where such discussions are on the web atm, but I'll see what I can dig up.05:55
spstarrTheMuso: well, if ALSA has deficiencies (and it does) time for another audio rewrite for kernel?05:55
spstarri mean, we can replace the scheduler subsystem, etc, why not sound? :)05:56
TheMusoHrm regarding this bug, dtchen is much better at working out whats going on than I am. Feel free to change the status back to new, so it is more likely to be noticed again.05:57
spstarrthe problem i have with PA is the fact it is a userspace daemon05:58
TheMusospstarr: As for your arguments re audio, again, I know why, but I am not very good at expalining it ni an understandable way, so I'll have to find you some discussion references.05:58
spstarrif it keels over there goes ALL your audio05:58
TheMusospstarr: Well floating point maths is not allowed in the kernel PERIOD.05:58
spstarrthat's right05:58
TheMusospstarr: And other OSs are doing something similar, i.e audio processing in userspace.05:58
spstarrbut PA seems so not ready for production05:59
spstarrit cannot handle heavy loads05:59
spstarri can count how many times PA has burned me so much i ripped it out, now I am not willing to put it back for a least a few years05:59
TheMusospstarr: Perhaps you want to take this up with upstream. I suggest going into #pulseaudio and chatting with mezcalero/Lennart when he is around.05:59
spstarrnow that ALSA is cooperating with me finally05:59
spstarrTheMuso: that could get very messy :)06:00
TheMusospstarr: Have you tried other distros, to see if they behave the same?06:00
TheMusospstarr: Only if you let it.06:00
spstarrI used Fedora prior, Debian prior that (with a splash of buntu in 2006)06:00
spstarrnow (k)buntu06:01
TheMusoWell pulse has come a long way since then, so if you can't reproduce these problems in Fedora for example, then we are doing somethnig wrong and need to address it.06:01
spstarror as I call it, buntu :)06:01
spstarrI can reproduce them in Fedora :)06:01
TheMusoOk then.06:01
TheMusoMy suggestino still stands. Chat to Lennart on IRC in #pulseaudio when he is around, or email the mailing list.06:01
TheMusosuggestion even06:01
spstarrbut for now, ALSA is working for my needs (amazingly)06:02
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al-maisanGood morning!06:38
dholbachgood morning06:44
rgreeninghey dholbach06:51
dholbachhi rgreening06:56
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pittiGood morning07:20
pittihey yuriy07:20
dholbachjames_w: looks like we should be quick for UOW if we don't want a 23 UTC slot for our session: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep - shall we do a double session?07:22
dholbachjames_w: maybe we can still move things around a little bit :)07:22
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dholbachcjwatson: how can I run ubiquity on an installed system just to do a few screenshots?08:12
cjwatsonI'm not going to give advice on that because I consider it very unwise!08:13
dholbachoh ok08:13
cjwatsonyou can install the package and run it, but it may make changes to your system even before the summary screen08:13
dholbachok, I see08:13
cjwatsonsince it assumes that it's OK to make changes to the live environment08:13
dholbachI'll use a VM then - no worries08:13
dholbachit's just to update a few screenshots08:13
cjwatsonyeah, that's much safer and easier08:13
dholbachexample-content still speaks about "espresso" ;-)08:14
florian__hey guys... Florian from France. Does anyone know when exactly the beta will be released ?08:15
* dholbach fixes that :)08:15
cjwatsondholbach: hah08:15
cjwatsonflorian__: please don't ask that sort of thing08:15
cjwatsonflorian__: the people with specific information on exactly what time are also critical-path to getting it out08:15
cjwatsonso we do not encourage bugging them08:15
cjwatsonit will happen at some point, go and enjoy yourself in the meantime :)08:16
cjwatsonif you're a mirror operator, then #ubuntu-mirrors might have more information, or you could arrange to have yourself set up as a push mirror08:16
* cjwatson -> breakfast08:17
florian__cjwatson: I'm not... I guess i just can't wait... :)08:17
florian__cjwatson: what do you mean by critical-path ?08:17
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dholbachpitti: uploading an updated example-content now - it should free up 1M! :-)10:09
dholbachaccept whenever it seems suitable10:09
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pittiyay you!10:16
pittidholbach: we'll flush the queue after beta release10:16
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=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Codehost/Codebrowse down 10:00 UTC - 10:30 UTC | Karmic Alpha-6 released | Archive: frozen for beta; FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
pittihrmpf gdm == GodDammit Bugpile11:05
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Codehost/Codebrowse down 10:00 UTC - 10:30 UTC | Archive: frozen for beta; FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
slangasekKeybuk: shouldn't upstart have respawn rate limiting that would prevent bug #431166?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431166 in gdm "karmic gdm restarts X infinitely when video driver fails to load" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43116611:29
lidaobinghello, help check bug #427725, whether we can sync ibus-m17n from debian?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427725 in ibus "Typing "lian" in py-b5 makes ibus-m17n crash" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42772511:29
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Codehost/Codebrowse down 10:00 UTC - 10:40 UTC | Archive: frozen for beta; FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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Keybukslangasek: gdm restarts X indefinitely11:32
Keybukit's not gdm that's restarting11:32
slangasekexcuse my wayward task opening, then11:32
seb128the previous gdm had code to avoid that11:32
seb128yet another thing the new codebase does in a buggy way compared to the previous one11:33
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha-6 released | Archive: frozen for beta; FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
dmartSlightly related to this, I eventually abandoned trying to get XDMCP connections to work for connecting to Karmic's gdm...  I added a /etc/gdm/custom.conf with [xdmcp]/Enable=true, and added an appropriate entry in hosts.allow, but that isn't adequate.11:40
dmartI also found I had to set [xdmcp]/DisplaysPerHost > 1 for the querying host to be able to connect at all, and even then I just get a blank display, with gdm appearing to do nothing after the initial connection.11:40
dmartAny thoughts?  I'm using Cygwin/X here, which may be part of the problem.  Worked with Jaunty though.11:40
Keybukseb128: a side conversation at plumbers was that you can *almost* entirely replace gdm with upstart11:41
Keybuksince new gdm has gotten so basic11:41
pittioh, can I stop fiddling with this gdm keyboard mess then? :-)11:42
pittiseb128: ugh, the new gtk theme for gdm is pretty ugly; I already thought I broke something..11:44
pittiuntil I realized that bzr head had a newer version11:44
seb128pitti, hey, rick was wondering if it was not better with the standard one11:44
pittibubble help has no contrast any more and looks buggy11:44
Dennis-Beekmanafernoon everyone12:26
Dennis-Beekmando we have a beta yet ?12:26
Dennis-Beekmanwhen is it expected ?12:27
Dennis-Beekmanany time indication ?12:27
slangasekmdke: lp:~vorlon/gnome-user-docs/ubuntu-karmic/ - I can't commit directly to the ubuntu-core-doc branch, so please merge12:31
slacker_nlDennis-Beekman: just await the announcement12:32
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Dennis-Beekmanit's here !!12:59
Dennis-Beekmannone off the mirror's have the actual image yet though :-(13:00
slangasekthat's an email draft.13:00
alourieslangasek: I wanted to ask you something about that draft, but didn't want it to make to the maillist...13:01
Dennis-Beekmanyeah.. but it's the actual announcement13:01
slangasekno, it's not the "actual announcement", it's an email draft.13:01
slangasekalourie: oh?13:01
alouriein the "under the hood" section you mentioned python version13:01
* slangasek nods13:02
alourieslangasek: is it that basic that it should be mentioned? What about, say, perl?13:02
alourieI mean, is it on the level of kernel/gcc ?13:02
slangasekalourie: python is central to Ubuntu's development environment; perl less so :)13:03
liwDennis-Beekman, when it is announced, there will be an e-mail on ubuntu-devel-announce; until then, it is not announced and it is not released, please be patient13:03
alourieslangasek: yea, that's what I thought. That's why I didn't send this to the maillilst...13:03
slangasekliw: ubuntu-announce, actually13:03
alourieslangasek: thanks, that answers my question. Besides that, I think it's perfect :-)013:04
slangasekalourie: ok, great :)13:04
cjwatsonDennis-Beekman: we appreciate your enthusiasm, but rushing around like this actually consumes time from the people who are responsible for preparing the release, so please don''t13:08
cjwatsonDennis-Beekman: and when the release manager tells you that something isn't the actual announcement, he probably actually knows better than you ... :-)13:08
yuriypitti: any ideas on bug 419501? I'm finding a lot of dupes, and most of them are in apport, but a few in other apps13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419501 in libxcb "apport-kde assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:242: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41950113:11
pittiyuriy: I'm afraid not; I tried it in Kubuntu as well, but coulnd't reproduce13:12
yuriyyeah I haven't seen it myself, but was concerned because I was finding so many reports13:14
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liwseb128, about #421318 (totem python crash): I've attached a patch, could you upload once the beta freeze is over?13:16
slangasekliw: oh cool, you caught that bug?13:17
liwslangasek, I asked upstream, upstream replied with patch13:18
* liw is totally innocent of any actual bug fixing here13:18
seb128liw, thanks, will do, the change is quite easy which is good13:18
seb128I was not sure if you were going to rewrite half of the code yesterday ;-)13:18
liwseb128, I still maintain that the proper fix is to not use the combinations gtk+threads or python+threads (or gtk+python+threads), but I'm happy this particular bug got fixed easy :)13:19
liwseb128, I don't see a bug about this in Debian, but if I missed one, I assume you'll take care of it there as well13:19
seb128liw, debian doesn't have the bbc change, it's an ubuntu one, it's still being discussed upstream and not accepted there yet13:20
seb128liw, I will update the upstream bug though13:20
seb128liw, but nice to see it fixed so quickly ;-)13:20
liwseb128, ah; otoh, the bug was actually generic for all Python plugins13:20
seb128liw, right, I was expecting something like that but not sure, contacting upstream was a good idea there13:21
seb128liw, is there any other python one in the default set?13:21
liwseb128, coherence_upnp, dbus-service, opensubtitles?13:22
seb128liw, ok, I didn't look to those, just weird that they didn't crash13:23
seb128anyway that's fixed so all good now13:23
DarxusThe switch to pulse audio took place in jaunty?13:35
DarxusAh, looks like Hardy.13:35
seb128what do you call switch?13:36
seb128it's installed since hardy13:36
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Guest87434when will 9.10 beta be out?13:53
cjwatsonplease don't ask that here13:53
pittifor every question like this it'll release an hour later :)13:53
cjwatsonfor that matter, please just don't ask it - wait :)13:53
Guest87434ok :P consider it not asked13:54
Guest87434BTW, nice work ;)13:54
PiciGuest87434: If you want somewhere to wait, #ubuntu+1 will be abuzz when its actually released.13:55
Guest87434Pici: Thnks13:58
pittiKeybuk: for bug 397734, do you think we can/should change the default in our kernel for karmic?14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397734 in procps "can't eject unmounted cdrom with hardware button" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39773414:01
pittiKeybuk: default -> CD tray locking state, I mean14:01
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Keybukpitti: if it's unlikely to introduce regressions14:18
KeybukI'd rather it was done by changing the in-kernel default though14:18
Keybukadding a config file to run on boot costs time14:18
pittiKeybuk: yes, that's what I meant14:18
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yuriypitti: what is now the policy for apport after release? does it get disabled?14:51
pittiyuriy: we'll disable crash interception right after the release candidate, but of course we'll keep it for bug reporting14:52
pitti(or for people enabling it manually)14:52
dholbachyuriy: get too many bug reports for a crash? :)(14:52
yuriyok it's the crash interception i'm wondering about.  I'm not sure what to do with it. the way we have it set up now is KDE will fall back to its own crash handler if apport is disabled, which means upstream will get the report if the user chooses to send it, and I don't think we want that (IMO, will bring it up at the next kubuntu meeting) but otherwise apps will just fail silently14:54
yuriypitti: do gnome apps just crash silently if apport is disabled?14:54
pittis/gnome//, yes14:54
Keybukwow, O'Reilly are "not publishing books on Linux internals any more"14:57
jdongKeybuk: what! :( I liked some of those books14:57
jdongis it only cool to have 1000 page screenshots of GNOME these days?14:58
Keybukor books by jono ;)15:01
jdonghaha :)15:01
jonoscrew you guys, I'm going home15:02
jdonghahah :)15:02
dholbachjono: you're at home already! :)15:03
jdonghmm are all policykit "Actions" supposed to show up in the Authorizations GUI thingie?15:03
jdongI'm trying to figure out how to give a user authorization to use update-manager15:03
pittiyuriy: ah, you keep the KDE crash handler enabled for release?15:03
Keybukjames_w: your patch needs to be done with git format-patch ;)15:03
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james_wyou mean git can't accept normal patches?!?!?15:04
mbiebljdong: you mean with policykit-1?15:05
Keybukjames_w: upstream policy15:05
Keybukyou have a git clone of dbus already I assume?15:05
jdongmbiebl: yeah I suppose that's what we use in Karmic15:05
Keybukin which case "git commit -s" to commit your patch with a signed-off-by line15:05
yuriypitti: it was enabled and untouched until Intrepid.  In Intrepid, we started disabling it if apport is enabled, but never did anything about it after release.15:05
Keybukfirst line of the commit is the "subject"15:05
Keybukthen blank line15:05
Keybukthen body explanining change15:05
james_wI don't have a clone15:05
Keybukoh, where did you get the Index: lines from?15:05
Keybuks'ok, I'll do it for you then ;)15:06
mbiebljdong: the idea with pk 1 is to use groups again to grant access automatically for certain actions15:07
Keybukjames_w: you wrote the patch?15:07
james_wI did15:07
james_wwith my own two hands15:08
jdongmbiebl: ah, I see; how do  you associate a group with an action then?15:08
mbiebljdong: this is an example from the fedora package: http://pastebin.ca/158777315:08
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jdongmbiebl: aha, that helps15:09
zuljames_w: ping can you place samba in the bzr for distributed development?15:11
Keybukjames_w: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus/commit/?id=03cc20707a3e7b2d8629e84d7a766f41edb8b44415:12
james_wzul: sorry, samba failed, I need to investigate what the fix is, so it's not a two minute job15:12
zuljames_w: ah ok thanks15:13
Chipzzpitti: or: "Every time someone asks, god kills a kitten" ;)15:13
james_wthanks Keybuk15:13
zulpitti: is it done yet is it done yet how about now?15:14
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BenjaminKreuterdoes anyone know if there is a way to monitor all patches that are merged into all ubuntu packages?15:17
ograhttp://patches.ubuntu.com/ probably15:17
joaopintocheck the .diff.gz for each package :) ?15:18
joaopintoogra, is that build from debian/patches ?15:18
pittilool, doko_: .eh_frame armel> awesome work! do you still want the genTOObuntu OO.o to be built, or shall I reject it from the queue? (you mentioned that an easier workaround was to use -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm)15:18
ograjoaopinto, no idea15:19
dholbachor there's the ubuntu-patches mailing list15:19
ogradholbach, stop stating the obvious :P15:19
pittiKeybuk: want me to do the sysvinit upload to drop the sysvinit binary? Or do you have other changes queued for sysvinit anyway?15:19
BenjaminKreuterdholbach, ogra: thanks15:20
joaopintoubuntu.patches is for ubuntu vs debian15:20
doko_pitti: good question: I was thinking about turning off the armel buildds until we have the fixed toolchain in place, then rebuild.15:20
BenjaminKreuterjoaopinto: yeah i noticed; that is somewhat useful for what i am trying to do15:20
Keybukpitti: I have nothing queued, be my guest15:20
Keybukpitti: personally I'd wait until after beta freeze is over for that upload15:21
Keybukbut I'm more scared of slangasek than you ;)15:21
pittidoko_: fine for me, too; just asking because OO.o takes so long to build on arm, so we probably don't want to do it in vain15:21
doko_pitti: when do you plan to open the gates?15:21
pittiKeybuk: I keep uploading to the queue since Tuesday *shrug*15:21
pittidoko_: after the beta release :)15:21
pittiKeybuk: I wasn't meaning to accept it before beta :)15:22
slangasekyes, uploading to the queue is allowed as long as you don't expect it to get into beta15:22
Keybukpitti: but then you potentially block critical fixes15:23
Keybukif a patch is necessary for the release15:23
Keybukbut you've queued a bigger uploade15:23
Keybukit becomes difficult15:23
Keybuke.g. version numbers already claimed, files already existing, etc.15:23
slangasekKeybuk: speaking of which, I'd love to have an upstart upload in the queue that fixes the behavior of upstart-job, but don't want to upload if you've got other stuff in progress15:23
slangasek(oh, and I don't have time to upload it right now anyway :P)15:23
Keybukslangasek: there's the e8s fix pending15:23
slangasekKeybuk: nope, unapproved queue doesn't claim the version numbers15:24
slangasekunless you count bzr history15:24
slangasekbut history is mungible15:24
Keybukslangasek: you can't upload two things into it with the same version number without rejecting15:24
slangasekyes, you can15:24
Keybukyou can?15:24
slangasekunapproved is special that way15:24
* Keybuk didn't know that ;)15:24
doko_pitti, lamont: is there a way to accept single builds for armel only?15:26
Keybukso should I upload these dbus and upstart packages to the queue?15:26
ograand possibly route them to the marvell buildd :)15:26
pittiKeybuk: sure, go ahead15:26
pittidoko_: not for me15:27
ogradoko_, ask lamont to put all buildds but safou on manual after your upload, so oo.o must build on the speedy buildd :)15:28
ogras/after/right before/15:28
ograi bet that gains you some hours15:28
doko_pitti, lamont: proposal to prepare binutils, eglibc and gcc-4.4 uploads, accept these before lifting the freeze, then setting all armel buildds to manual15:28
pittidoko_: hm, that would mean that we would have to set all buildds for the other arches to manual, too, though?15:29
loolpitti: Please keep the oo.o we have in the queue, I think we're still testing the rebuild oo.o15:29
pittilool: *nod*; just asking :)15:30
doko_pitti: no15:30
pittidoko_: or alternatively hack soyuz to drop the build records for !armel15:30
* cjwatson vetoes hacking soyuz right now15:30
cjwatsonbad plan15:30
doko_pitti: I think that's not necessary15:30
pittibut then they'd be out of date on all other archies15:30
pittiit sounds very hackish15:30
pittiI think we should just wait the few hours until the release15:31
pittidoko_: private armel PPA and binary copying?15:31
cjwatsonI don't have a problem putting the armel buildds on manual, though I think doko can do that too15:31
pittisounds much safer to me15:31
doko_pitti, cjwatson: does binary copying work? Then I could start the builds now15:32
cjwatsonI would prefer them to be built in the main archive, to be honest15:32
cjwatsoncomplicated archive games are not my idea of fun at the moment ...15:32
pittiKeybuk: sysvinit> oh argh, dh compat 1; that becomes much more intrusive than I thought15:36
lamontpitti: _1_???  wow15:39
pittianyway, uploaded15:42
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jdstrandKeybuk: could an sreadahead segfault interrupt the boot process?16:12
jdstrandKeybuk: (hi btw)16:13
jdstrandKeybuk: I just filed filed bug #44004616:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440046 in sreadahead "sreadahead crashed with SIGSEGV in __pause_nocancel()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44004616:13
KeybukI don't see how16:13
jdstrandKeybuk: there are several private bugs that are likely dupes16:13
keeslool: I have tools that scan the archive for all sorts of things (e.g. ELF sections).  How can I help with your ARM stuff?16:13
KeybukI ignore all private bugs16:13
Keybukwell, that's not quite true16:13
Keybukprivate bugs don't end up in my INBOX16:14
Keybukso I never see them16:14
* jdstrand wonders if it was the recent gdm change that kept it from starting...16:14
Keybukit's like the difference between abstinence and being ugly16:14
jdstrandKeybuk: if you are interested, I could hook you up on those private bugs ;)16:15
Keybuknot especially :p16:15
Keybukoh, I've seen that stack trace before16:16
loolkees: That would help a lot16:16
Keybukthere's zero useful information in it :-/16:16
loolkees: That's exactly the type of help-ing stuff I was looking for, thanks   :-)16:16
keeslool: the down-side is that the current tool expects a local mirror.  perhaps it can be run on rookery, though.16:17
loolkees: It's ok, I'm building one16:17
keeslool: so what characteristics are you checking for?16:17
loolkees: It's not entirely in stone yet, it seems we want to look for to scan for R_ARM_RELATIVE in TEXTREL sections16:18
keeslool: what command line would show that?16:18
loolkees: It's not clear whether I need to scan for eh_frame sections too16:18
loolkees: I'm not sure; I shall start with binaries matching readelf -a | grep TEXTREL16:21
keeslool: do you know of one that matches currently?16:21
loolkees: I'm still trying to get input on what exact characteristics to look for in the binaries and whether that really implies in all cases that they are borken16:22
loolkees: libc16:22
loollool@dove:~$ readelf -a /lib/libc.so.6 | grep TEXTREL 0x00000016 (TEXTREL)                    0x016:22
loolkees: Sorry, after TEXTREL is the output16:23
loolOutput is:16:23
lool 0x00000016 (TEXTREL)                    0x016:23
lool(IRC client being too clever)16:23
jdstrandcjwatson: hi! so, I'm having a problem with usplash 0.5.39 and gdm 2.28.0-0ubuntu8. I upgraded this morning, dutifully rebooted (as I was told to) and the boot hung and gdm did not start.16:30
jdstrandcjwatson: this was with usplash 0.5.39 and gdm 2.28.0-0ubuntu816:30
jdstrandcjwatson: I downgraded usplash to 0.5.38 (but not libusplash0 as I just noticed) and gdm to 2.28.0-0ubuntu6, rebooted and it worked fine16:31
jdstrandcjwatson: unfortunately, I am rather notoriously bad at debugging usplash, and not sure where to start16:31
cjwatsonjdstrand: can you find what processes are running?16:34
cjwatsonwhen it hangs16:34
cjwatsonps aux | grep usplash is probably a good start16:35
jdstrandcjwatson: ok, let me upgrade and reboot16:36
keeslool: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/trunk/files/head%3A/repo-tools/  look at "for-archive", and the tools in the "for-archive-tools" directory16:37
keeslool: the comments at the top of for-archive detail some example runs16:38
keeslool: it was originally built for scanning source, but it works on binaries too16:38
keeslool: the execstack one is a good example of that.16:38
keeslool: the "for-archive-tools/has-execstack" is probably a reasonable starting point for the tool you'll want to create that does the TEXTREL test16:39
loolkees: Cool thanks16:40
keeslool: let me know if you have any questions, some of it is a bit non-obvious.  :P16:41
jdstrandcjwatson: ok. first off-- no splash screen at all16:41
jdstrandcjwatson: second, ps auxww|grep usplash shows usplash is not running16:41
loolkees: Ok16:42
cjwatsonjdstrand: ok, are there any usplash-related processes running, such as usplash_write?16:43
jdstrandcjwatson: I see output from the last script in /etc/rc2.d16:43
cjwatsonjdstrand: also, | grep initctl16:43
jdstrandcjwatson: the new initctl emit you added is present16:44
cjwatsonjdstrand: can I see a complete ps auxfww?16:44
jdstrandinitctl emit starting-dm DM=gdm16:44
jdstrandhold on16:44
cjwatsonright, I expect it's blocked on something, but would like to find out what16:44
jdstrandcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/283083/16:47
jdstrandinitctl emit and found it sometimes would hang...16:53
jdstrandI totally lost the first part of that sentence16:54
jdstrandcjwatson: fyi, in my recent foray into upstart I played with 'initctl emit' and found it would hang. I figured I was doing something wrong and abandoned using it16:55
Keybukjdstrand: what does "status usplash" say?16:55
jdstrandKeybuk: usplash stop/killed, process 43916:55
Keybukand you have no process 439?16:55
jdstrandKeybuk: correct16:55
Keybukdon't suppose, before the call to initctl emit, you could add a ps dump and status usplash command16:56
Keybuklog them somewhere16:56
Keybukand reboot until you get the hang again?16:56
jdstrandsure I could16:56
Keybukthen we'd have a log of what the usplash pid really was16:56
Keybukwhat upstart thought it was16:56
cjwatsonjdstrand: initctl emit blocks until any jobs that hook off that event are done17:00
jdstrandKeybuk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/283095/17:01
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* Keybuk wonders whether that pid is even right17:02
jdstrandI have 'quiet splash' on the kernel line17:03
slangasekit must be right, pid 1 isn't allowed to be wrong :P17:03
cjwatsonmaybe this is a consequence of my stupid 'exec true' hack17:05
cjwatsonI bet it works if you put USPLASH=y in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf17:05
cjwatsonbecause that pid is higher than all the processes started in the initramfs, so it must have been started later17:05
jdstrandI don't have a USPLASH=... line in there at all17:06
jdstrandshall I add it?17:06
cjwatsonit should work as a workaround, but (a) it's not the desired distro default and (b) Keybuk may want to debug more first17:06
cjwatsonoh, hmm, maybe it isn't higher than all the initramfs processes, I can't read17:07
cjwatsonline numbers != pids17:07
jdstrandok, wasn't sure if maybe my file should've had it17:07
cjwatsonKeybuk: I'm properly stumped now as to what it's blocked on, though, since apparently usplash_write wasn't running17:08
Keybukupstart thinks it is17:08
Keybukwith pid 43917:08
Keybukso it's waiting for SIGCHLD with that pid17:08
Keybuksince that pid doesn't exist, that will never happen17:09
Keybukcould be maybe usplash exited before the initramfs?17:09
jdstrandI might say that usplash has been wonky on this machine in the past17:09
mdzkirkland, I have cleaned up some of the upstart scripts based on the earlier discussion with Keybuk.  I've eyeballed the changes, but can't quite test them at the moment.  is it ok if I push to the ubuntu branch anyway, and you bring them into your next upload?  if I made any mistakes, they should be easy to spot and correct17:09
Keybukjdstrand: when do you see it vanish?17:09
jdstrandI'd see it on boot, and then it would go away and I'd see text17:09
jdstrandKeybuk: currently, I never see it. if I downgrade usplash/gdm, I can check17:10
cjwatsonit's possible for it to time out before the initramfs of course ...17:10
Keybukcjwatson: sounds like jdstrand's bug is that a usplash pid is being written, but when upstart starts, there's nothing with that pid17:10
cjwatson(in general, presumably not for jdstrand)17:10
Keybukthe hack could probably do with more safeguards17:11
jdstrandKeybuk: would it be helpful to downgrade usplash and let you know where I stop seeing it?17:11
Keybuk(pid exits, parent is 1, etc.)17:11
cjwatsonthis *might* be fixed by the --pidfile thing I'm working on17:11
Keybukcjwatson: indeed17:11
cjwatsonhaven't had an opportunity to reboot since I put that together17:11
cjwatsonshould I make usplash remove the pidfile if it exits too?17:11
cjwatsonwith the caveat that it might not get the chance to do so17:11
cjwatsonI can't remember if that's standard practice; I thought not, though17:11
KeybukI guess17:12
jdstrandcjwatson, Keybuk: do you guys need more debugging on this machine in the current state?17:13
cjwatsonstart-stop-daemon never removed it17:13
Keybukupstart-wise I understand the problem17:13
Keybukcjwatson: leaving an invalid pid file is bad though in this case17:14
Keybuke.g. what if the pid is 1 ? :)17:14
Keybukyou'll always get an indefinite hang17:14
cjwatsonwe can't guarantee to always remove it17:14
cjwatsonso I think we need to ensure that the initial pid is sane (not 1!), but otherwise rely on upstart to notice if the pid has vanished17:15
cjwatsonthis fails if pids manage to wrap round in the initramfs, I agree17:15
cjwatsonbut that seems like a problem sufficiently unlikely that we can live with it until upstart is managing the initramfs too? :)17:15
slangasekaww, but I wanted to run usplash+upstart on my 8-bit processor17:16
jdstrandcjwatson: is there any more I can do to help atm?17:17
cjwatsonjdstrand: not for me, Keybuk might have something else17:17
jdstrandhave you filed a bug yet? if not, I weill17:20
cjwatsonI have not17:22
mdzslangasek, are there logs available for the UEC image build process?17:26
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mdzslangasek, I asked recently if it used gzip --rsyncable, and was told yes, but experimentally I'm not seeing it rsync properly17:26
LaserJockwhen is the deadline for Beta .iso testing?17:27
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jdstrandcjwatson: fyi-- bug #44007117:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440071 in gdm "initctl emit hangs boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44007117:27
jdstrandcjwatson: I nominated for release and added the regression-potential tag, but otherwise did no triaging17:28
slangasekmdz: logs don't offer detail on gzip invocation, only on the vmbuilder run itself17:28
slangasekmdz: confirmed in the source that it's calling --rsyncable, though17:28
jdstrandcjwatson, Keybuk: I killed of the initctl process which allowed gdm to start. please feel free to ping me if you need anything else17:29
jdstrandkilled *off*17:29
cjwatsonjdstrand: it's unequivocally not a gdm bug17:31
cjwatsonjdstrand: it has a usplash component, and an upstart component17:31
jdstrandyeah, I realized that after I filed it17:31
cjwatsonI don't have a functional browser right now since I'm testing the usplash part of the fix17:31
jdstrandI'll adjust17:31
Keybukcjwatson: I don't think it's strictly an upstart bug17:32
Keybukbecause it's just doing what it's told17:32
Keybukthat's always the dangerous thing about a "pretend you know about $PID" hack17:33
Keybukif you get $PID wrong, you're inherently violating assertions that upstart makes true17:33
Keybukbut as you say, this is probably trivially fixed ;)17:33
cjwatsonsure, but do you agree with me that there's no way for a process starting in the initramfs to be certain about removing the pidfile if it crashes?17:33
cjwatsonI mean, it can do its best17:33
KeybukI do17:33
Keybukbut there's no fix for that17:33
Keybukif that happens, you're screwed17:34
cjwatsonif the pid just plain doesn't exist when upstart tries to import that pidfile, there is no sense in it waiting for SIGCHLD for it, is there?17:35
cjwatsonI agree and understand that there are corner cases17:35
jdstrandwell, changed to have upstart and usplash. usplash marked as Triaged. upstart untriaged (I'll let you decide). I have not milestoned it17:35
cjwatsonbut I don't see how they're worse17:35
cjwatsonI don't suppose I'm saying that it's an upstart *bug* as such, but in the sense of a Launchpad bug task, i.e. a to-do item to add a sanity check, I don't think it's too unreasonable?17:37
cjwatsonKeybuk: of course, now I look at it, our previous conjecture about usplash_write QUIT was entirely bogus17:41
cjwatsonKeybuk: if no process has a FIFO open for writing, then open() returns ENXIO17:42
cjwatsonand usplash_write just exits zero17:42
jcastroLots of slots left, get em while they're hot! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep17:44
jcastroMissing lots of foundations talks (hint hint!)17:45
slangasek"how to write an upstart job that will hang on reboot"17:46
kirklandmdz: yes, please do push your upstart fixes17:56
mdzkirkland, just to be clear, I don't think they fix anything (the behavior should not change), but they're more correct based on what I learned17:58
kirklandmdz: right, it's good to have those, as it slightly increases the probability that Keybuk might help us debug future issues with them ;-)17:59
mdzkirkland, done18:03
kirklandmdz: thanks18:04
keesRiddell: so, uhm, koffice 1.x is unsupported by KDE now.  Was there some kind of plan to move to koffice2?18:14
Keybukslangasek: the point is that it isn't an upstart job18:16
Keybukit's pretending that something an initramfs script was *really* an upstart job all along18:17
Keybukdespite upstart having nothing to do with it18:17
slangasekKeybuk: sorry, I'm talking about a *different* way to hang on reboot18:17
Keybuklying, in this case, results in a severe penalty card18:17
Keybukoh :p18:17
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* cjwatson remembers that _exit is kind of a good idea in processes involving atexit18:46
* LaserJock gives davmor2 a hug18:53
davmor2LaserJock: you need to look at postgresql backend to moodle and ltsp19:02
davmor2LaserJock: out of interest why is there only ubuntu-desktop and edubuntu-server as default seeds on the dvd for debian-installer?  It means you don't get the edubuntu desktop on the installed system, which seems counter intuitive some how19:03
cjwatsondavmor2: that's a bug which I fixed in debian-cd not long ago19:10
cjwatsondavmor2: debian-cd was preseeding edubuntu-desktop-addon, but the task name changed to edubuntu-desktop-gnome19:10
cjwatsonand we hadn't kept track19:10
mdzslangasek, thanks for checking re: vmbuilder and --rsyncable19:12
slangasekmdz: sure19:13
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keesjcastro: hey, sign me up for a "writing secure code" session, if you've still got room. 1900 or later is best.19:22
jcastrokees: awesome, on it19:27
didrocksMacSlow: Can you pease try my patched anjuta available in my ppa? (https://launchpad.net/~didrocks/+archive/ppa). I think the crash is specific to amd64.19:31
Lazyhi, is my bug report in wrong category? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/43708720:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437087 in update-manager "Update manager fails while trying to update from Jaunty to Karmic alpha 6" [Undecided,New]20:02
LazyIf the beta is released today there might be lots of people who can't upgrade if this is a common case20:02
Riddellkees: who says it's unsupported?  we're sticking with KOffice 1 reluctantly because they want us not to switch to KOffice 2 yet20:29
keesRiddell: KDE emailed ubuntu security and said it's unsupported.  :(20:30
Riddellkees: who from KDE?20:31
keesRiddell: David Faure20:32
Riddellkees: and what's the issue you were asking him?20:32
keesRiddell: we had asked koffice about xpdf issues in koffice 1.x.  they just got back to us today with "koffice 1.x is unsupported, and xpdf isn't used in koffice 2.x"20:35
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 9.10 Beta released! | Archive: FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
slangaseksuperm1: please go live with http://mythbuntu.org/9.10/beta20:38
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 9.10 Beta released! | Archive: frozen briefly for armel toolchain massaging; FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
pittiogasawara: I see a lot of reports that people in karmic have problems with CDs/DVDs (lots of I/O errors in dmesg, like bug 435237 or bug 438065; did you see other reports about that? is there a master bug?21:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435237 in linux "[Karmic] wodim is unable to burn cds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43523721:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438065 in linux "Karmic: DVDs cannot be mounted" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43806521:01
pittislangasek: wohoooo! congratulations!21:01
MacSlowdidrocks, just downloaded them...21:02
pittiogra: I also saw "[sr0] unaligned transfer" a lot21:02
robbiewslangasek: nice job on Beta...as usual ;)21:04
superm1slangasek, it's available now21:05
MacSlowdidrocks, still segfaults here -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28327121:06
didrocksMacSlow: ok thanks, i'm still working with upstream on this21:14
didrocksMacSlow: I'll try to grab a new amd64 machine to confirm that the issue is architecture related21:15
MacSlowdidrocks, great... thanks for the effort!21:15
MacSlowdidrocks, I'm still fine with the older anjuta for the time being.21:15
didrocksMacSlow: yep, but I'll prefer to fix this the sooner, the better :)21:16
MacSlowdidrocks, of course21:16
seb128the queued uploads are still hold for a reason?21:17
seb128oh, I guess it's in the topic21:18
seb128annoying I wanted to make sure nothing was too broken when everything is built21:18
ogasawarapitti: we're tracking a similar bug where blank cd's were failing to be recognized and indeed has I/O errors in the logs, but we do not have one master bug21:19
pittiogasawara: ok, these reports are all for data CDs (not blank)21:20
ogasawarapitti: I'd would like to look into bug 438065 more since it noted it's not an issue with 2.6.32-rc121:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438065 in linux "Karmic: DVDs cannot be mounted" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43806521:20
pittiogasawara: also, dtchen reported that he could reproduce, and it was fixed in 2.6.32rc1, so perhaps there's a patch we should cherrypick21:20
pittiheh, right :)21:21
pittiogasawara: thank you21:21
ogasawarapitti: I'll make sure it gets on our list of bugs to track21:21
rrvahi.. trying to figure out how to solve http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/438962 blocks me from booting21:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438962 in udev "upstart/mountall does not boot after mounting crypto disks" [High,Confirmed]21:25
seb128is there any estimation for when uploads will be accepted?21:28
seb128ie is that worth hanging around waiting for that or that's not going to be tonight?21:28
slangasekseb128: not tonight21:28
* seb128 is not there tomorrow and would like to flush all the things he has pending today21:28
slangasekthat doesn't mean you can't upload, though?21:29
seb128there is quite some syncs I want to do21:29
seb128and I want to be around in case there is an issue21:29
seb128I guess I will have to work tomorrow21:29
seb128thanks anyway21:30
pittiseb128: just mail me a list of syncs, I'll do them for you21:30
seb128pitti, no, I want to be around and not sync a new gtk on friday before everybody goes away21:30
seb128but thanks21:30
pittioh, we can sync gtk now? nice21:30
seb128yes ;-)21:30
seb128I guess there is no way to just tell the armel builders to not build?21:31
seb128so people could get work done on other arches ;-)21:31
cjwatsonseb128: actually, I was thinking that myself - we have them on manual anyway21:35
cjwatsonslangasek: any reason you can think of why we shouldn't just flush the queue and just gradually filter stuff through on armel?21:36
cjwatsonI can force the ordering by way of scores21:37
NivexI'm trying to do an iSCSI install of Karmic Server Beta in a VM.  The VM has no hard disks defined.  I am not being prompted for iSCSI targets as the tech overview says I should be.  I don't even know where to begin so I can file a useful bug report.21:42
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rrvahow can i roll back upstart to sysvinit ?21:44
LaserJockhow is the d-i tasksel task list populated? is it based on the packages on the disk?21:53
mdkeslangasek: will do, thanks very much22:11
mdkeslangasek: shall I upload? I guess it can sit in the queue happily until after beta?22:15
sbasuitaIt seems there is a problem with the beta torrents: "ubuntu.com: Error: Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker." (from deluge on the amd64 desktop). I saw a forum post with the same issue on the i386 one as well. Is this known?22:17
cjwatsonrrva: you can't, not in karmic22:58
cjwatsonLaserJock: yes, Task-Key fields22:58
mdkeslangasek: got the answer from the topic, uploaded. Congrats on the beta and thanks again23:06
TheMusokillall speech-d23:10
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DarxusThere's no chance of a new major revision of hugin making it into karmic at this point, without a security fix, right?23:14
DarxusSomebody is trying to get me to test his package because he thinks he can get it in karmic.23:15
cjwatsonDarxus: depends, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess23:16
cjwatsonand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze23:16
Darxuscjwatson: Thanks.  This doesn't seem to meet the requirements during Beta Freeze.23:22
DarxusAs much as it sucks for this package to be so far behind in karmic.23:22
cjwatsonwe are not in beta freeze23:23
cjwatsonbeta freeze is the period between a week before beta release and the beta release23:23
cjwatsonafter the beta release (which just happened) we return to feature freeze23:23
cjwatsonthe purpose of beta freeze is to stabilise things so that we can get the beta out23:23
Darxuscjwatson: What?  The karmic release schedule says beta freeze started on september 24th?23:24
cjwatsonDarxus: yes, and it ends when the beta releases, which just happened23:25
DarxusOh.  I didn't realize... I object to things being allowed in more permissibly after the beta release :P23:25
cjwatsonDarxus: if you follow the link to BetaFreeze from the schedule, you will see this described23:25
DarxusOh, that's what FFE stands for :P23:27
DarxusI still don't think testing by just me and the packager would be sufficient?23:28
cjwatsondunno, certainly not going to look at this time of night :)23:29
cjwatsonit's less testing and more the quantity and type of changes23:29
cjwatsonthough obviously testing is important23:29
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DarxusWell, it's a major revision of hugin, so I expect the changes to be substantial.23:35
sharmspitti: did you get my message about usblp23:38
sharmspitti: by disabling usblp by default people using the usb-parallel adapters for a variety of tasks will no longer be able to use them, is there is work around, and if not how do I get that added to the release notes?23:40
sharmsor anyone for that matter, since blacklist usblp is in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-cups.conf, these adapters will stop working unless they all get userspace drivers for them right23:45

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