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dpmso, welcome all to this translations meeting!16:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is dpm.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
dpmwho's there? o/16:00
kelemengaborhi all16:00
dpmhiya adiroiban, kelemengabor, cjwatson, happyaron!16:01
dpmczajkowski, I meant, not Colin :)16:01
dpmso, shall we get started with the first topic?16:01
dpmAdi, it is yours16:02
dpm[TOPIC] Decide templates prioirty and order in the Ubuntu Templates list16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Decide templates prioirty and order in the Ubuntu Templates list16:02
adiroibanI think you all know the wikipage16:04
adiroibanany comments regarding the categories ?16:04
adiroibanshall we have new ones, or remove some of them16:04
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dpmadiroiban, are you talking about the categories for prioritisation?16:05
dpmI think we could add UNR, for example16:05
adiroibanok. where ?16:06
adiroiban3 ?16:06
adiroibanI was thinking to consider UNR at cat 2 - Ubuntu specific stuff16:06
dpmadiroiban, I'd just put it anywhere in the list for now. I think we should talk whether we want to 'mix' templates of different distros (ubuntu, kubuntu, unr) or give Ubuntu priority16:07
dpmWhat do you guys think?16:07
adiroibanfor UNR . Since we don't have to many packages I think we can put them at cat 2 - Ubunte specific16:08
kelemengaborI think it would be better to handle Ubuntu/Kubuntu separately16:08
adiroibanI'm an Ubuntu user so I would say to have Ubuntu+UNR in the first place... and the Kubuntu / Xubuntu / Edubuntu16:09
dpmI'm also up for having u16:09
dpmUbuntu first, due to a bigger user base16:09
dpmso at least the ones we're here seem to agree on that16:10
* Riddell disagrees16:10
adiroibanAny opinion from Kubuntu users?16:10
Riddellit would probably be best to have a list of prority templates for each variant, Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Kubuntu etc16:11
Riddelladiroiban: why?  "I'm an Ubuntu user" isn't a good rationale for this16:12
adiroibanI would not add Ubuntu Server in the equation16:12
adiroibansince most of the apps are CLI16:12
dpmRiddell, yes, but one of those variants should go on top16:12
dpmwe've got only one list16:12
adiroibanRiddell: :) I agree, I will also go with Ubuntu due to a bigger user base16:13
Riddelldpm: well whatever, it would be nice to have a way for people to see "have I done the most important templates in Xubuntu"16:14
Riddelladiroiban: "Ubuntu" is confusing terminology here, "Ubuntu Desktop" is more clear for the desktop edition16:14
dpmRiddell, yes, we can prioritise per variant, that's not a problem. The question is whether we put all variant's templates one after another or whether we mix them16:15
dpmi.e. a) first all Ubuntu Desktop templates (prioritised), then Kubuntu templates (prioritised), or b) Higher priority Ubuntu templates, higher prio Kubuntu, less prio Ubuntu... etc16:17
Riddellmay as well bring some order to it16:17
Riddellalthough I'd fear people having the attitude of "I use Ubuntu so I'll ignore this batch of Kubuntu ones"16:18
dpmWhat I can do for a start is to provide a list of all templates per variant (desktop, unr, kubuntu)16:19
dpmi.e. those in the default installs, like the one I sent to the list yesterday or the day before16:20
adiroibanthose list are very noisy16:20
adiroibana lot of CLI apps16:20
dpmit's a subset of a bigger list we've got in Launchpad16:20
dpmwe can remove the CLI apps from the list16:21
adiroibanfor Ubuntu we can go with GNOME templates + Ubuntu Specific + some other one manualy selected16:21
adiroibanand maybe we can do the same for Kubuntu16:21
dpmyes, I agree, but you still need somewhere you can get an overview of the templates16:22
adiroibanwe can get the GNOME templates from here: http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/ro/gnome-2-28/ui/16:22
adiroibanwe can use the wiki for updating such a list16:22
dpmhmm, yes, but I've got two concerns with that a) you have to look at them and update them manually16:23
dpmb) it might list modules which are not installed by default16:23
dpmit doesn't contain16:23
dpmthings like f-spot16:23
dpmor tomboy16:23
dpmsince they're not official gnome modules16:24
adiroibanyes. they will be manualy added in the list16:24
ArneGoetjeFYI: I've talked with Jeroen during the last UDS in Barcelona about this template grouping. The Rosetta team didn't have time yet to implement it and I will poke about it next week during the LP Translations sprint.16:24
adiroibanjust like the other Ubuntu/Kubuntu specific packates16:24
happyarondpm, http://l10n.gnome.org/modules , but may need some work then16:24
adiroibanthe list of all modules is also noisy as there are many obsolete modules16:25
* happyaron I have to say, yup16:26
dpmadiroiban, which ones are obsolete? If they are, we should disable them in LP16:26
dpmoh I see16:26
adiroibanI was talking about the gnome modules16:26
dpmyou meant the GNOME one16:26
dpmyup :)16:26
dpmwell, it seems these are the two main points16:27
dpm1) Do we mix templates or do we list them peioritised one variant after another?16:28
dpm2) Categories16:28
dpmof prioritisation16:28
dpmand perhaps 3)16:28
dpmHow do we set priorities? Variants list? Manual wiki?16:29
adiroibanfor setting priorities: we can start with a bath update (with some help from Rosetta devs) and then have a wiki, subscribe to changes and do manual updates16:30
adiroibanalso if Rosetta dev are to busy I can dedicate my time to set the priorities for all templates16:30
dpmadiroiban, I think it might be best to do a batch set, it's 1600 templates! :)16:31
dpmthe plan seems good to me though16:31
adiroibanwell I hope we will only have a maximum of 500 templates to set16:31
adiroibanand the other one will not be changed16:32
adiroibanalso I can create a curl based script for making those changes using the web interface16:32
dpmif you can do that, sounds good to me16:32
adiroibanit's not hard to do some post request from the command line16:33
adiroibanas my accont has the required template update permissions16:33
adiroibangoing back to our major problem16:34
dpmso 3) seems sorted. Shall we do a call for feedback on points 1) and 2) on the ML?16:34
adiroibansince we don't have to many templates in UNR i think we can mix them with Ubuntu Desktop16:34
dpmok, yes16:35
adiroibansince Xubuntu in not in main , those templates are not in Rosetta16:35
dpmthat's right, we're only looking at the (desktop, kubuntu, unr) variants16:35
adiroibanand we have to decide if we should also mix Ubuntu (mostly GNOME) and Kubuntu (moslty KDE) templates16:36
dpmor desktop + kubuntu, if we mix unr with desktop16:36
dpmI'd go for not mixing them, and if we do, only mix those which are specific to the distro16:37
ArneGoetjedpm, adiroiban: my idea in my talks with jtv was to use debtags for classification and add a combobox in Rosetta to choose which template group to display. Then the templates for that group are filtered and displayed by priority.16:37
adiroibanmy first idea was to mix them, but to have some manualy define exception so that for example nautilus or dolphin could be listed in the top of the list16:37
adiroibanlike here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TemplatesPriority#Templates%20with%20a%20high%20user%20visiblity16:38
adiroibanthe only problem with manual defined priority list is that we should find someone willing to dedicate the required time to creat the list.16:39
adiroibanI can help with the Ubuntu top priority packages16:40
adiroibanRiddell: do you think we can find someone from Kubuntu willing to help with this issue?16:40
RiddellI can do a crude version easily  enough (and I don't think there's any reliable  way  to do anything better)16:41
dpmRiddell, that would be a good start, though16:41
adiroibanso we should have the top 50 temples for Ubuntu and top 50 for Kubuntu16:41
adiroibanor 10016:41
adiroibanthe idea is to have the most important templates / the visible to 95% of users16:42
adiroibanRiddell: feel free to add them in the wiki and send them via email16:43
adiroibansince we don't have to many participant at this meeting16:43
adiroibanwe can try to get some feedback via ubuntu-translators ML16:43
adiroibanin order to see if we should mix them or not16:43
dpmyes, I agree16:44
dpmdoes anyone want to send an e-mail to the ML to ask feedback on that? Otherwise I can do it16:45
adiroibanI can do it16:45
adiroibanany other comments regarding those categories ?16:46
dpm[ACTION] adiroiban to send e-mail to the ubuntu-translators ML to ask for feedback on whether to mix desktop/kubuntu templates or not16:46
MootBotACTION received:  adiroiban to send e-mail to the ubuntu-translators ML to ask for feedback on whether to mix desktop/kubuntu templates or not16:46
adiroibanshould we add or remove some of them ? is the order ok ?16:47
dpmIMO they look good (good work Adi), although I would perhaps not put the bootloader at the top16:47
adiroibanthose are the first text from a live cd16:48
dpmthe question is whether most of the users install K/Ubuntu or simply use it16:48
dpmi.e. someone else installed it16:49
adiroibanyep. but I think we should have them translated as a top priority16:49
adiroibansince a full review of the system will also include the install process16:49
adiroibanalso I think that we have many users that just try the livecd16:50
adiroibanwithout installing it16:50
adiroibanand the bootloader contains the language switcher and the „Try Ubuntu without any changes on the computer”16:51
dpmok, that's a good point.16:51
* happyaron agree with Adi16:51
dpmbut still, there's d-i and ubiquity which people using Ubuntu in a e.g. library or school will never see16:52
dpmanyway, I don't have a problem with them being on top16:52
dpmI'm just mentioning it16:52
dpmthey are just a few packages, so it can be refined afterwards if we want to anyway16:53
adiroibandpm: you are also right... most of the non-technical users will not use d-i16:53
kelemengabordpm: if your admin is unable to install Ubuntu because the installer is not translated, you won't even see the other parts :P16:53
kelemengaborso I think it's important too16:53
dpmso, it's 3 against one, you get it on top, then :P16:54
dpmso, now we come to the point where we have to decide whether we want to continue the meeting for longer than the planned hour :)16:54
adiroibanwe should postpone  the ubuntu docs part16:55
adiroibanand make a common ubuntu-docs and ubuntu-translators meeting16:55
adiroibani have just added it in the agenda as a reminder16:55
dpmok, sounds good to me16:55
dpmthanks Adi16:56
adiroibanI know kelemengabor is keen to see help.ubuntu.com translated :)16:56
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kelemengaborsugo.ubuntu.hu is working nicely, help.u.c should have that love too16:57
adiroibanis there any meeting at 16 UTC?16:57
adiroibankelemengabor as far as I know we will not have multilanguage support in h.u.c16:57
dpmno, it seems there isn't16:57
dpma meeting16:58
adiroibanrather we will help loco teams to set up their own help pages16:58
adiroibanand help wiki16:58
adiroibanand suport forums16:58
kelemengaborwell, that's another good option17:00
adiroibannext topic/feedback: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations17:00
dpm[TOPIC] Ubuntu Translations project feedback17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Translations project feedback17:01
adiroibando you think we are doing the right thing by grouping all bugs under ubuntu-translations project, or is just a waste of time ?17:01
dpmadiroiban, I think it's useful to a) get an overview of translations bugs and b) be able to subscribe to bug mail, BUT...17:02
dpmwe should do a better job at triaging the bugs17:02
dpmsome of them are only added to the u-t project and are not followed up17:03
dpmso perhaps17:03
dpmwe should organise translation hug days for triaging17:03
dpmor adopting translation bugs :)17:04
ArneGoetjedpm: maybe we should clarify what we use the available bug states for17:04
ArneGoetjedpm: like currently we only use New, Invalid and Fix Released. :)17:04
dpmArneGoetje, yes, you are right, we should document the process a bit, even for ourselves :)17:04
kelemengaborbug days are a good idea17:04
dpmthe Kubuntu translations day a while back was very useful in fixing or identifying i18n bugs17:05
dpmso perhaps we could do the same for Ubuntu17:05
kelemengaborI'd participate :)17:06
dpmgoing back to what ArneGoetje was saying, also maybe people should be encouraged to assign bugs in the ubuntu-translations project to themselves17:07
dpmeven if they can't fix them, they could take care of tracking them17:07
dpmand pestering the relevant devs :P17:07
adiroibanthat should be the actual solution17:07
ArneGoetje+1. Then we also know about who is working on which bugs17:08
adiroibanbut I don't know if we could find the required force to drive those changes/action/work17:08
dpmwell, we have to start somewhere :) And I think it is already a big improvement to the wiki page we had before, so again, good job on starting the project!17:09
dpmwe should start a page documenting the ubuntu-translations project17:11
dpmMaybe with a section under "Policies" in the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/ page17:11
dpmon how to report translation bugs17:11
dpmand the workflow17:11
happyarondpm, +1 from me17:13
adiroibanok. so basicaly we are on the right track... but we need to work harde :p17:13
adiroibanI think it's enough for today17:14
adiroibanI will try to arrange a common ubuntu-doc and ubuntu-translators meeting17:15
adiroibanand see how if the collaboration between those teams is ok17:15
dpmwe could perhaps have a short round of Q+A, if you like, or leave it here. What do you guys say?17:15
adiroibanor where we can improve17:15
adiroibanit looks like we don't need the q+a part17:17
dpmok, sounds good to me17:17
dpmso guys, thanks a lot for your participation17:18
dpmsee you around!17:18
* dpm claps17:19
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:19.17:19
adiroiban#ubuntu-translators more precisly17:19
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forumsmatthewI'm here, too22:55
bapoumba'evening Technoviking !22:55
jdonghello, all :)22:55
bapoumbahey forumsmatthew & ubuntugeek22:56
AmaranthFC meeting?22:58
bapoumbaAmaranth, yep22:59
ubuntugeekShall we get this party started..22:59
forumsmatthewready when you are22:59
ubuntugeekI'm ready, so pretty light agenda today.22:59
ubuntugeekLet's talk about the forums upgrade.22:59
forumsmatthewHave you looked at the strides made by phpBB lately?23:00
ubuntugeekI think we need to start fresh by removing these forums and putting up a new fresh forum with phpbb23:00
ubuntugeekstart over, clean slate23:01
forumsmatthewit would satisfy the "hey, this isn't open source" crowd23:01
bapoumbaW00t !23:01
ubuntugeekTrue it would23:01
jdongyeah, that definitely sounds nice :)23:01
forumsmatthewyou guys take all the fun out of trolling. ;)23:02
jdongwe need to port over the IE6-like error pages though ;-)23:02
bapoumbaExperts we have become23:02
ubuntugeekAnyways, we are a few revisions behind on our forum software patches so I would like to schedule a downtime to put those patches in.23:02
forumsmatthewwhen would be good for you?23:03
ubuntugeekwe are looking at about 20 minutes of downtime. I'm thinking tomorrow morning around 8am EST.23:03
TechnovikingI think any time would be fine except during the glocal jam and 9.10 release day23:03
forumsmatthewthat should work. We could put up an announcement today and leave it up until we're done23:04
forumsmatthewminimize the freak outs23:04
jdongannouncement definitely needed23:04
ubuntugeekYep, agreed. I'll take care of that after the meeting.23:04
jdongwe are probably seeing higher traffic due to the beta already23:04
Technovikingonly 10000:)23:04
forumsmatthewyeah, it's not too bad atm23:04
forumsmatthewany other thoughts or business?23:06
ubuntugeekTraffic is pretty on par with last month23:06
jonoTechnoviking, :)23:06
TechnovikingThere was talk in the mailing of restricting sigs for naughty and new users23:07
ubuntugeekYes.. that will be interesting to implement23:07
Technovikingis it possible without templete voodoo?23:07
ubuntugeekYeah, just more complex voodoo in the backend.. but very doable.23:08
forumsmatthewI can think of a couple of ways (new user group with auto advance after X posts, like we do with the user title bit)23:08
forumsmatthewmy way would require less hacking, but wouldn't be as fun23:08
ubuntugeekThe question is how many posts before we promote the user?23:08
ubuntugeekto have the ability to use sig's23:08
bapoumba15 was discussed I think23:08
TechnovikingI say betwen 10-25, just enough to bore the spammers23:09
jdongI'd say something like the order of 15-25 is reasonable23:09
ubuntugeekHow about 25 and be a member for 7 days23:09
forumsmatthewI would say 10 should be enough23:09
jdong10 and a week sounds good to me23:09
forumsmatthewwe could also limit those new accounts to posting in non-cafe locations23:09
Technovikingjdong: +123:09
forumsmatthewjdong: +123:09
forumsmatthewre: non-cafe. Just to make the "I'm going to troll by creating a duplicate account thing" a bit harder23:10
ubuntugeekwe need more then 10 people23:10
jcastrohi guys23:10
forumsmatthewhey, jcastro . welcome23:11
jcastrosorry I am late, I thought this was next week for some reason23:11
bapoumba25 ubuntugeek ?23:11
bodhi_zazen'lo all =)23:11
forumsmatthewI'm okay with 25. any higher seems excessive23:11
bapoumbahey bodhi_zazen23:11
forumsmatthewhi, bodhi23:11
jdongyeah I think 25 is as high as I'd like to go...23:11
bodhi_zazensorry I am late23:11
jdongI've been at forums before that used 25 posts for posting IMG links23:11
Technovikingsame here23:12
jdongand users tended to find that excessive23:12
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Technovikingjcastro: we are just finishing one thing and then we can chat with you23:13
Technovikingso 25 and one week23:13
jdongTechnoviking: +123:14
forumsmatthewyeah, I'm okay with 25 posts / 7days. +123:14
TechnovikingIf we get many complaint about the limit we can revitist23:14
ubuntugeek10 posts is easy for a spammer23:14
forumsmatthewgood point23:14
jdongI still have a feeling that 7 days is hard for them :)23:15
jdongbut either way, we can fine-tune the parameters later on23:15
jdonghaving the framework there is most important23:15
forumsmatthewany thoughts about the "limited to non-cafe posts" idea? good/bad/not worth implementing?23:15
bodhi_zazenI would -1 that23:16
bapoumbawell was that not 25 posts in support area ?23:16
ubuntugeekI that would incite a riot :)23:16
jdonghmm I'm initially -123:16
bodhi_zazeneither we have a cafe or we do not23:16
jdong25 support posts is quite a lot23:16
ubuntugeekSince cafe posts don't count anways23:16
jdongwe don't want to be suggesting that new users should try hard to post 25 things in the support areas23:16
forumsmatthewthat's reasonable23:16
Technovikingforumsmatthew: I like it, I think we need a user group for people who get naughty in the cafe, but still allow access to the tech areas23:16
bodhi_zazenI think moderation should be with a "light touch" as topics in the cafe are controversial and we do not want to appear biased23:17
forumsmatthewtopics in the cafe shouldn't be controversial23:17
bapoumbacan we prevent one member to post in one specific thread ?23:17
forumsmatthewthat was what the now-failed backyard was for23:17
ubuntugeekbap: permissions are on a category level23:17
bapoumbaubuntugeek, ok23:18
ubuntugeekShall we discuss items with jcastro now23:18
forumsmatthewI'm convinced we don't need this. However, since it had been brought up in the staff forum and we had not had an opportunity to discuss it, I thought we should23:18
jcastrohi everyone! Thanks for having me.23:19
ubuntugeek /wave23:19
jdongour pleasure23:19
bapoumbahello jcastro23:19
jcastroSo what I would like to do is collect a set of concerns/ideas/whatever from you for things the community team can help you with23:19
Technovikinghey Jorge23:19
jcastroso basically, what can the community team do in the 10.04 cycle for you23:20
* jcastro waves back23:20
bapoumbajcastro, do you have specific ideas ?23:20
jdongwell I guess admittedly I'm not very familiar with what the Community Team does23:20
ubuntugeekJdong: me either23:21
jcastrowell, so for example lately I've been monitoring the karmic forums23:21
jcastroand helping getting calls for testing out.23:21
jcastrojdong: ok so basically, there's me to do upstream relations, daniel does internal developer stuff, and david does translations23:22
jdongjcastro: upstream, as in upstream with respect to Ubuntu?23:22
jcastroso is there any areas in the forums where you feel we could improve interaction with other parts of the project for example?23:22
jcastrojdong: yes, so like, Debian, GNOME, etc.23:23
bapoumbawe have a devlink forum that is not much used by devs23:23
jcastrobapoumba: yeah, I was just thinking that23:23
jdongimproving communications between us and the developers is definitely a big TODO area23:23
jcastrobapoumba: but lately I think 23meg and I have just been posting the calls for help directly in the karmic forum23:23
Amaranthjdong: I try :)23:23
jcastrowhich I think works better anyway23:23
jdongI still get the feelings that a good chunk of the developer community are generally disinterested in looking at the forums :)23:23
jdong(or use it as a running gag)23:24
bapoumbajcastro, yes23:24
jdongAmaranth: I do too ;-)23:24
Technovikingjdong been better in release cycle23:24
ScottK+1 on being disinterested in looking at forums.23:24
bapoumbajcastro, is there still a need for the devlink forum ?23:24
jcastroyeah but do you really need/want all the developers reading the forums? What would that accomplish?23:25
jcastroI think getting feedback from forum users to developers is more than enough23:25
jcastrobapoumba: I am not sure. Maybe?23:25
jdongjcastro: well we're primarily interested in getting information (useful) from the forums to the developers, and vice-versa23:25
bapoumbajcastro, I'm just asking23:25
bapoumbajcastro, many threads get created there and get moved to other forums23:25
jdongI don't blame the devs; the forums tend to have a poor signal to noise ratio23:25
jdongthat is only naturally when you have a large freely-posting community23:26
jcastrobapoumba: well, for me personally I think posting directly to the dev forum at the time gets more eyes on like calls for help and stuff23:26
bapoumbajcastro, okay :)23:27
AmaranthWasn't there a forum team that was supposed to pass along interesting ideas and problems people were having to developers?23:27
AmaranthAnd/or encourage and help with writing bug reports23:27
jcastroIMO that's happening23:27
jcastroI've seen people start a topic, discuss, and then go file a bug and link it back23:27
bapoumbaAmaranth, I think branstorm took over the flux of ideas23:28
bodhi_zazenI find filing bug reports frustrating =)23:28
jcastroyeah but you can't get certain vibes from brainstorm23:28
jcastrofor example the 348573945 page thread on the software store wouldn't have happened on brainstorm23:28
Technovikingbodhi_zazen: ubuntu_bug <package name> FTW!!!23:29
bodhi_zazenIt may be my fault, but it does not seem the communication on bug reports is very good23:29
forumsmatthewit depends on the bug, the maintainer, and the quality of info left23:29
ScottKjcastro: Getting forum complaints turned into bugs is a very good thing.23:29
bapoumbabodhi_zazen, like on forums, depends on who handles the thread23:29
jdongwell the bugtracker is not the place for free conversation23:30
jdongwhich is a good thing (tm)23:30
jcastroScottK: I think that's happening decently. 23meg seems to be pretty good at whipping long threads into proper reports23:30
ScottKThat's good to hear.23:30
bapoumbaScottK, jcastro many forums people do that (report bugs and link back)23:30
jcastrobapoumba: I think that's good23:30
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jcastrook, so that's actionable, I can put "encourage people to use the forums to discuss bug reports"23:31
ScottKThat's a much more effecient way to communicate problems to developers than getting developers to look at bugs.23:31
jcastroso perhaps we can keep the discussion in the forums, and then people can selectively put the good stuff in the report23:31
jcastroas opposed to having a bug report with lolcats on it.23:31
bapoumbawe keep the lolcats ^^23:32
ScottKSounds good.23:32
Technovikingjcastro: +1, will pull back and forth debate from LP, and keeo bug report cleaner for the dev23:32
Amaranthjcastro: But bug reports with 400 comments are so easy to read!23:32
jcastrook, what else?23:32
TechnovikingAmaranth: and War and Peace is light reading:)23:33
* Amaranth found an awesome patch for Xorg lost in such a bug report today, is a bit bitter23:33
jcastroI think self-policing has gotten a ton better23:33
jcastroI see people asking if someone has filed a  bug and linking to it23:34
Technovikingubuntugeek: Will we need server resources during the next cycle, before the release o Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?23:34
jcastroand also people asking to confirm someone's NEW bug, which I think is good23:34
Technovikingjcastro: What can the forums do during the Gobal Jam,(should have thought of this sooner, sorry)23:35
ubuntugeektechnoviking: I think we'll be ok, since we resolved the slave crashing things have been pretty smooth. We23:35
jcastroTechnoviking: I don't know, I should have thought of it sooner too23:35
jcastroTechnoviking: I guess the local teams can use it to link up with people close to them23:35
jcastroI think global jam is more irc-ish and more real-life interaction23:36
TechnovikingWe could create a prefix for the karmic forum (UGJ) for people post, ask for bug confirmation,etc...23:36
jcastrothat could work23:37
forumsmatthewI'm really sorry, all. I have to go.23:37
jcastroI'll take an item to do more forum interaction for the global jam23:37
TechnovikingI will atleast create a stick/announement for it tonight23:37
forumsmatthewthanks to jcastro and everyone for being here!23:37
jcastrothanks forumsmatthew@23:37
ubuntugeekYep thanks all23:37
bapoumbabye forumsmatthew23:37
jcastroanything else?23:37
bodhi_zazenbye forumsmatthew23:37
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
TechnovikingI can't think of anything23:37
jcastrook, so in that case, just feel free to ping me throughout the cycle if you need anything23:38
jcastromy email is jorge at ubuntu.com23:38
ubuntugeekSounds good jorge23:38
jdongwe'll definitely be in contact as ideas come up23:38
jdonglook forward to working with your team23:38
macojcastro: no you cannot have a pony23:39
jcastro<-- not yours23:39
TechnovikingUbuntu Pink Ponies for 13.x would be awesome23:39
macois this the FC?23:40
ubuntugeekDoes anyone have any other topics to discuss?23:40
Technovikinghiya maco23:40
ubuntugeekGreat, thanks for coming everyone.23:40
bapoumbanot from me23:40
jdongall set here23:41
Technovikinglater all23:42
ubuntugeekUntil next month then. See you all later23:42
bapoumbabye !23:42
Joeb454hello and bye to everyone then :)23:42
Joeb454I forgot :(23:42
ubuntugeekIts ok Joe23:43
bapoumbahey Joeb454 :)23:43
Joeb454thanks ubuntugeek :)23:46
Joeb454and hey bapoumba23:46
Joeb454I've read up anyway, so I have a vague idea of what was discussed23:47

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