
MenZaCould someone write !stats-#ubuntu-offtopic IRC stats for #ubuntu-offtopic can be found at http://lassehavelund.com/ubuntu-offtopic/. Maintained by MenZa.00:21
MenZaaprilhare: Hi.04:34
MenZaaprilhare: How may we assist you today?04:34
aprilharehey menza. you could help me if you were topyli which you are not :) he banned me from #ubuntu-offtopic04:34
MenZaI would assume topyli's asleep right now.04:35
aprilharewhen does topyli normally awaken?04:35
MenZaI'd say you should be able to catch him around 4 hours from now, but I can't promise anything.04:35
aprilhareno worries. no rush :) i don't expect to ever be back in #ubuntu-offtopic but hey going through the motions04:36
aprilharei love being blamed for the actions of trolls04:37
MenZaof course I don't know about the reasons for the ban or anything like that, but we're generally pretty forgiving if you promise to be ni-04:37
MenZaoh well.04:37
MenZalooks like he was just feeding a troll to me, but I can't say I read the logs in detail.04:37
FlannelIt wasn't trolling, it was their usual behavior, and they've been warned about it in the past.04:41
FlannelWell, "usual" means regular, albeit not frequent as far as I know.04:41
MenZawhat I *don't* understand is topyli's neglegtance to ban Peddy04:41
MenZaoh well, that'll have to be for topyli to figure out.04:42
* MenZa goes back to his coursework04:42
jussi01MenZa: he was going to speak to peddy but peddy left first...05:41
* elky is clearly tired as she read that as "spank". 05:57
ubottuprince_jammys called the ops in #ubuntu (Ximbinha : troll, likes to cause disturbance for fun, has done so in the past.)06:14
FlannelHe pinged the channel earlier, where's the ban?06:15
jussi01Im watching06:15
Flannel12.5 hours ago he CTCPd the channel06:16
topyliMenZa: from what it looked like to me at the time, peddy was a sugar rushed kid who got excited when aprilhare gave him a push to the direction they did. i should have opened a query with him at once, but didn't and missed him06:52
topylii always forget there are people who actually /quit irc from time to time :(06:54
jussi01topyli: memo'd him?06:58
topyli*and* i didn't do that either!07:00
jussi01#k no longer has flood bots. tsimpson hasnt been around for ages, and hasnt told us about where they are or how to sort them.07:45
elkyhe's been in and out. k1 is on my linode07:55
jussi01if anyone sees tsimpson, ask him to grab me? or at least email me/query me with some info/instructions on the FB's08:05
* jussi01 sighs at linux-ops in #u10:00
linux-opsforwarded ?10:08
jussi01linux-ops: no, why would you be?10:12
jussi01linux-ops: anything else you need from us?10:13
ikonialinux-ops: is there anything else you need ?12:15
elkylinux-ops, our policy about idling is in the topic. type /topic if you failed to read it on your way in.12:16
jussi01we should really update the topic some. "we reserve the right to remove idlers" doesnt really say "please dont idle here after your query is dealt with"...12:58
gordyeah, the former just implies "you might be removed but nothing saying you can't hang around"13:01
jussi01I cant think atm, someone care to suggest wording?13:03
gordhi, what can we do you for14:14
aprilharehey gord14:15
aprilhaream i banned from #ubuntu-offtopic?14:15
aprilharethe last time i asked i was told I was14:16
Amaranthaprilhare: yeah, looks like you got banned for some incredibly ban topics14:17
Amaranthaprilhare: you'll want to talk to topyli14:17
aprilharehe's not marked as away - is he active?14:17
topylioh hey aprilhare14:17
aprilharehello topyli14:17
topyliyes afaik you are still banned14:18
topyliof course, we can change that though :)14:18
aprilharesounds interesting.. :)14:18
topylipretty simple even, would work something like this: you promise to stay within acceptable conduct, and i unban you14:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:20
aprilharethe error of my ways apparently was making a sheep sound at a trolling new zealander14:21
topylithat was your last error before being banned, yes14:21
aprilharei like joking with my neighbours from across the tasman. usually they don't go overboard like that14:21
aprilharei believe it may have been part of his trolling 'patter'14:22
topylii'm a finn and i love to pick on the swedes. it's what neighbors do. we do have aspects of neighborly love/hate banter we don't bring to ubuntu channels though14:22
aprilhareits not considered picking here (both sides) to have a jovial relationship like that. the tv ads pointing out the number of sheep in NZ are testament14:23
aprilharebut if i can't be nice to a NZer and remind them of their sheep life feels empty :)14:24
topylinever mind the sheep now. you've been warned often enough without them14:24
aprilharewhat have i done lately to harm anyone? are you talking months agos?14:25
aprilharelast year?14:25
topyliprobably last year as well. you tend to be on or over the edge quite constantly14:25
aprilharei'm not taking back making a sheep sound. it's acceptable conduct. his was not and was timed to offend. i believe i'm getting laden with his offensive conduct14:26
topyliagreed, his conduct was very much unacceptable14:27
=== Gary is now known as Guest70577
topyliright now, we're discussing yours though14:27
aprilhareso i'm banned for edgy conduct? that's like getting banned for 'nearly' breaking rules. nearly definitely not breaking rules.14:29
topylipersonally, i would find that unacceptable from someone like you who has been around long enough and knows what is expected. not sure though if that would be correct conduct from *me* as an operator. however, that is not the case14:31
topyliso if i failed to make myself clear, you do cross the line frequently as i've said a few times before14:34
aprilhareglad you've got a metric for these things. hate to be miscounted.14:34
* MenZa sighs.14:35
* topyli goes home14:36
* MenZa hugs topyli 14:38
ikoniatopyli: I'm talking to him in pm at the moment14:42
ikoniahope that's acceptable14:42
MenZaHow can I get access to the bantracker?14:48
geniiMenZa: In #ubottu @btlogin14:57
jpdsMenZa: º_°15:02
* MenZa stabs jpds 15:02
PiciMenZa: first of all, you need to do it in a pm with ubottu15:02
MenZaI... see.15:02
Picisecondly, I don't know if you actually have access.15:02
MenZaI doubt it.15:02
MenZaHence my initial request. :P15:03
jpdsPici: No, ubottu stays silent in PM which is really, really, really annoying.15:03
MenZaThat is fairly annoying.15:03
Pici10:04:47 <?jimmy_birer> Pici:im trolling15:05
* Pici boggles15:05
PiciGuess I don't get to use my witty kick message then15:05
ikonia<ikonia> Pici: I'm banning15:06
jussi01Pici: sorry, I didnt ban, so be ready if he makes another appearance15:06
Picijussi01: Oh, I am.15:06
MenZaSo, bantracker. If I *do* have access, how do I use it?15:09
jussi01MenZa: 1. Im pretty sure you dont. 2. @login then @btlogin if you do.15:10
jpdsjussi01: Yeah, fix it so it recognizes commands in PM.15:10
MenZaWho would I talk to in order to acquire access? (I'm looking at you, jpds)15:10
jpdsNot me.15:11
* Pici looks at jpds too15:11
jussi01jpds: you have the code, and you know how to code... patches welcome.15:11
* Pici makes a face15:11
jussi01Ill figure it out (read old logs) soon, so me.15:11
* MenZa runs off.15:11
jpdsjussi01: Works fine on both ubot2, and 4, so something is broken in ubottu's config.15:12
PiciMenZa: we're looking into it. tsimpson used to wave his magic wand, but hes mia right now.15:12
* jpds ponders porting the factoids DB to storm.15:16
jpdsAmaranth: Yeah, that's what I get looking at the current code.15:20
* jussi01 slaps MenZa15:20
jussi01argh, just when I want him to test it, he disappears. grumble15:23
topyliikonia: by all means talk to him15:27
jussi01maco: awake?15:32
ikoniaaprilhare: hey, thanks for joining15:33
jussi01maco: pm15:33
aprilhareno worries ikonia15:33
ikoniaaprilhare: ok, so based on our discussion I'll remove the ban from offtopic, and you'll try to put a little more thought into the conversation ?15:33
topylihi aprilhare. i heard good news that we can lift the ban15:33
aprilharegood news is good15:34
aprilharelifted? :)15:34
ikoniadoing so15:35
ikoniaI'm not that quick15:35
ikoniaaprilhare: there we go all done15:35
aprilharedon't banter with the troll :)15:35
aprilhareok thanks ikonia, topyli15:35
topylii wonder if that was a success. please try joining, aprilhare15:35
ikoniaenjoy, please keep in mind our conversation though15:35
ikoniatopyli: didn't look like it worked, hence why I've just doubled up on it15:36
aprilhareno worries, talk to youse in channel :)15:37
topylithanks ikonia15:37
ikoniano no, all cool15:38
MenZajussi01: return.16:16
MenZaWatch out for yanndan in #ubuntu16:52
Picinalioth: Would you mind handing ownership of #ubuntu-+1 to UbuntuIrcCouncil please?17:03
naliothPici: ok17:03
* MenZa spits out his coffee at #ubuntu19:48
* MenZa quotes Pratchett: "Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind."19:49
MenZaWhat on earth is that, then?!19:49
geniiWhat a waste of good coffee19:49
MenZaYes. :(19:49
ubottuIn ubottu, fccf said: !spelling is <reply> is important when talking to me @ubottu, please make sure you type correctly when passing triggers to me19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spelling19:59
* Pici blinks19:59
naliothwho runs ubuntulog ?19:59
MenZawell, contact is set to rt@ubuntu.com20:00
Picinalioth: its /whois says to contact rt@ubuntu.com20:00
nalioththanks, folks20:00
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PancakeStaffer
MenZaI'm starting to seriously consider putting "No, we don't have any Wave invitations." in the topic of -ot20:16
geniiThere was previously some guy with a nick to that effect... NEEDWAVEINVITE    or such20:19
gordMenZa: you will need to put it in every other irc channel on the planet20:29
PiciAnd the guy named 'wavez' wasn't asking for an invite.20:31
MenZagord: yeah well20:31
AmaranthThis makes me wish I'd signed up as a developer21:16
geniiLong hours, low pay, people giving you ulcers.... what's not to want?21:18
=== Guest70577 is now known as Gary
jribok, what is wave?22:23
jriband, do you have any invites!?   ... just kidding22:23
ikoniaI was wondering alsop22:23
jribikonia: wave.google.com I guess22:25
ikoniaoooh, lets see22:25
* jrib prefers irc!22:25
* jrib goes shortsell some google stock22:26
jribwow, the spell check is impressive22:27
jribikonia: skip to 1:08:45 <-- cool22:34
ikoniaha ha, hang on22:35
ikonianot watched the video yet22:35
jribI hate videos, so slow...22:36
jrib1:13:20 is cool too22:38
ikoniaI like that you're getting excited22:39
jribikonia: yeah, I'm starting the migration process for #ubuntu as we speak22:39
ikoniaha ha ha22:40
jribI forgot: ⸮22:40
MenZathe video was pretty impressive.22:40
jribtoo bad I hate all web browsers22:41
MenZajrib: write a wave desktop application then!22:42
jribMenZa: did you see the console client they had?22:42
jribI like that one22:42
MenZaI lol'd22:42
MenZaI'd like a native gtk paplication for it.22:43
MenZaapplication too.22:43
jribhmm, if I sign up for this credit card, they will give me 5 train trips that usually cost me up to 100 bucks... /me goes for it22:45
naliothhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_wave  jrib22:51
MenZaI think I should step away from #ubuntu in my current state of mind, or I might just start screaming profanities at someone.22:55
* MenZa leaves window #14 alone.22:55
* MenZa instead goes to vent in ##club-ubuntu when required.22:56
=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ
ikoniaI'm getting really fed up with sebsebseb23:30
Flannelthat's not uncommon.  What's he doing now?23:31
ikoniaguy was offtopic, he was asked to stop, about 4 minutes later seb hits with with !ot23:32
ikoniathe guy then signed out23:32
FlannelMmmm, uninformed bot calls23:34
ikonianow he's just hitting people with the !bot factoid ?23:40
Flannelikonia: you webcam > dude, then dude replied to ubottu, and so he !hi mistakenly, then !bot to give the guy info on the fact he was a bot23:42
FlannelPoor form, but not random23:42
ikoniaI think it's bed time, may want to keep an eye on eric_xtc23:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu, sadrolla said: ubottu: my web cam is not on list " https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras " i can install my web cam ?23:47
* ikonia shakes head23:47
ikoniaFlannel: as you're active I've tried to nudge him to explain "again" about the topic of ubuntu - not had a response, so you may want to keep an eye for him coming back23:52
ikoniahello VCoolio23:53
VCoolioah hi, here I am; so what's the penalty on being kicked?23:53
ikoniaVCoolio: the policy is not to discuss other peoples ban's with 3rd parties, however eric has been removed from the channel while the guidelines of the channel are explained to him again23:54
ikoniaI don't really want to go beyond that23:54
VCoolioit's ok; so the penalty also depends on the reason, it's not the same when kicked?23:55
ikoniaindividual issues are delt with on an individual basis23:55
VCooliook thanks23:55
ikonianot a problem23:55

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