
virtualdan ancient myth00:04
davmor2I thought it was just a word they tagged in front of ,the universe and everything00:06
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
fader_davmor2: You're testing edubuntu and making me look bad here :P00:16
davmor2fader_: d-i installs die no ubuntu-desktop00:16
fader_That sounds bad.00:17
fader_I'm doing the kubuntu d-i install right now... Hopefully that one will work.00:17
davmor2fader_: kub only needs 1 -desktop file so should be fine00:30
davmor2right I'm off to bed I'll see what left tomorrow nn everybody00:30
* fader_ knocks off for the evening.00:53
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
bdmurraysbeattie: is there anything that could use testing?02:44
sbeattieubuntu-server amd64 upgrade could use a tester02:46
sbeattieplus backfilling any missing testcases, I guess.02:46
bdmurrayI'll do the amd64 server upgrade02:47
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
araslangasek, that would be, that's a shame it didn't work. It would be nice, however, if some could confirm the bug and release note in that case06:44
* ara takes ubuntu server i386 Install (default + crypted LVM)06:48
=== asac_ is now known as asac
araslangasek, can you point me to the lvm bug number that sbeattie was having in edubuntu?07:18
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
* ara reboots08:17
davmor2Morning all08:29
aramorning davmor208:40
davmor2morning ara08:40
* ara reboots08:44
aradavmor2, will you be able to do edubuntu amd64 dvd (I am downloading now edubuntu i386 dvd)?09:28
davmor2ara: I'm just waiting for them to finish downloading09:28
davmor2just doing the ubuntu 64 m-a09:29
aradavmor2, cool09:30
slangasekara: not offhand; it should be fixed now though, which can be confirmed easily enough by trying an lvm+crypt install09:51
araslangasek, ok, thanks, I will try it whenever it gets downloaded09:53
araslangasek, thanks09:53
davmor2muhahaha I have them both now I'm just waiting the 6 hours for them to burn :(09:55
* davmor2 goes straight in for the kill and does d-i edubuntu first10:13
ara56 min remaining for me...10:15
davmor2ara: I got them both10:16
aradavmor2, ok, start with amd64, then10:17
davmor2I am10:17
davmor2slangasek: the encrypted stuff is in next to see if we get through packaging10:18
davmor2ara: I'd cancel your download10:25
aradavmor2, why? are you going to do i386 as well?10:26
davmor2d-i bailed out again10:26
aradavmor2, what happened? I am a bit lost with edubuntu, can you point me to a bug number, please?10:30
davmor2no bug yet10:30
davmor2it's a packaging conflict10:30
aradavmor2, ok, I am reading now #u-release10:31
davmor2asac: you around?10:33
asacdavmor2: should i hide? ;)10:44
davmor2yes but it's too late now I can see you :P10:44
asacgo ahead10:45
davmor2on ubuntu I just done an install and tried to view the video entry for ubuntu free culture showcase at http://vimeo.com/2265645 and the yellow bar at the top says it's missing a codec.  Plugin Finder Service is triggered and I get No suitable plugins were found.10:47
davmor2asac: ^10:48
asacdavmor2: yes. please go about:config ... search for "pfs." and change both urls. replace 9.10 with 9.04 (at the very end)10:48
asaci didnt put the data in the db yet10:48
asacfor 9.1010:48
davmor2asac: that's got it.  I'll add it to the bug I wrote a while back10:51
davmor2asac: when will you have the fix in place?10:52
=== yofel is now known as yofel_
asacdavmor2: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/42773410:59
ubot4`Launchpad bug 427734 in ubufox "ubufox not loaded in Firefox 3.5 on karmic alpha 6 CD" [High,Triaged]10:59
asacso you say it workd for you on CD?10:59
davmor2asac: Sorry?11:01
asacdavmor2: is ubufox available on livecd11:02
asacthats that question11:02
asacthat bug says its not enabled11:02
asacguess you did a real install then ;)11:02
davmor2asac: right that was on the installed system 2 sec and I'll find out for you11:02
asaccheck in tools->addons11:03
asacif ubufox is not there11:03
asacping me ;)11:03
slangasekdavmor2, ara: how about kubuntu, xubuntu testing?  Looks like there are some gaps in coverage there11:10
slangasekalso missing one migration-assistant test (64-bit), and one LTSP server test11:10
davmor2asac: this is weird.  I open FF on cd and I get 2 windows open one of which is the add-ons window.  It says it's had 3 new languages added for xulrunner (bn)(de)(en) to replace and which of the tabs will show the ubufox?11:11
* ara checks11:11
davmor2slangasek: just done the 64 side by side passes11:11
davmor2just burning the alternate for the other ltsp11:11
asacdavmor2: you should see it in the notification you get on first start. if not check the Extensions tab11:11
davmor2asac: No to notification and no to being ins Extensions11:12
asacdavmor2: can you run the ls commands i asked for in the bug?11:12
asacalso ... do you have /usr/lib/mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}/ubufox@ubuntu.com ?11:13
asacdavmor2: if you are busy with other stuff do that first. i dont think we can fix this for beta still ;)11:13
* ara takes ubuntu alternate i386 ltsp11:14
davmor2asac: I got enough machine to throw at the remaining tests.  No /usr/lib/firefox-addons/ubufox*11:15
davmor2ara: Oh okay I'll kill of the xubuntu ones then11:16
aradavmor2, I just realised that I won't be able to the ltsp as I don't have a xed network cable :(11:17
asacdavmor2: that firefox-addons one is bad (like i said in the bug)11:17
asacmaybe reload the bug page ;)11:17
davmor2ara: okay you start the xubuntu and I'll ltsp :)11:18
aradavmor2, ok11:18
davmor2asac: :)11:18
davmor2asac: added to bug11:25
asacdavmor2: asked on bug11:28
davmor2asac: I'll get back to you in a second11:44
sbeattieis anyone working on the kubuntu desktop amd64 tests?11:48
asacdavmor2: sure11:50
davmor2sbeattie: not this instant but I can in a minute :)11:50
sbeattiedavmor2: I'me taking the kubuntu desktop fulldisk and knr i386 fulldisk11:51
sbeattieI'm unfamiliar with setting up the ltsp environment, if you want to take those.11:51
davmor2sbeattie: cool :)11:51
araslangasek, I was able to install edubuntu dvd i386 successfully11:52
slangasekara: hmm, what did you do differently than davmor2? :)  the bug that we've identified should affect the default install on both archs equally11:52
araslangasek, just normal installation full disk, Spanish locale11:53
davmor2ara: live or d-i11:53
slangasekright, the failure mode is with a d-i install11:53
araslangasek, ah, ok11:53
davmor2yes live works fine11:53
slangasek(the equivalent bug in a live context would have manifested as a livefs build failure, so we're apparently good there)11:54
* davmor2 heart slows back down11:54
davmor2asac: lp isn't liking adding that trace I can drop it on my site instead for you if you want11:57
davmor2asac: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/strace.log.txt11:59
aradavmor2, I am afraid I wont be able to help with the remaining xubuntu test cases. virtualbox 64bits guest  is not working for me today12:14
davmor2ara: no worries12:14
asacdavmor2: can you verify that /usr/lib/mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}/ubufox@ubuntu.com links to the right ubufox dir?12:14
asace.g. the one with install.rdf inside12:14
davmor2asac: poted ls -al to bug12:17
asacdavmor2: but is there an install.rdf?12:20
asacls -l /usr/lib/mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}/ubufox@ubuntu.com/12:20
davmor2on bug but yes12:22
asacdavmor2: ok ... please apt-get install --reinstall ubufox ... remove your  .mozilla again and then run the same strace12:23
* ara takes the remaining kubuntu netbook ones12:27
Aleksey_Shi all. I can't install ubuntu karmic using wubi. After instalation completes, i am presented with grub shell12:27
araAleksey_S, davmor2 knows the bug number for that one12:28
Aleksey_Si tried karmic alpha6 and yesterday daily build12:29
Aleksey_Sara : is there some workaround?12:29
araAleksey_S, I don't know the exact symptoms, but apparently it does not always fail12:30
davmor2get the bug12:30
davmor2getting even12:30
Aleksey_Sarado you mean a couple of reboots might help? :-)12:30
davmor2Aleksey_S: Bug 43927912:30
ubot4`Launchpad bug 439279 in wubi "There seems to be some instability with the installer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43927912:31
sbeattieara: when you install knr, if you run the live session first, are you ever able to get ubiquity to show over the knr interface?12:31
davmor2Aleksey_S: are you on kubuntu?12:31
Aleksey_Sdavmor2 : no12:31
arasbeattie, I am still downloading it, 17%, I'll  let you know :)12:31
davmor2Aleksey_S: sorry just saw.  Try a reinstall or just reboot a couple of time.  It's a weird bug that doesn't seem to leave a trace in any logs at the moment12:32
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: that bug isn't exactly what i mean12:32
davmor2Aleksey_S: it's all related :)12:32
Aleksey_Sdavmor2 : windows part of installation process was finished, linux part too. after second reboot (when i expect to see fresh ubuntu) i get grub shell12:33
davmor2Aleksey_S: Yes that is the exact problem.  Everything say the install work which it quite obviously hasn't.  That is the problem.  There is nothing in any logs saying it broke12:35
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: i have recently uninstalled that not working karmic from wubi. Do i need to download today's daily build and give it try?12:35
davmor2Aleksey_S: Sorry if that wasn't using 20090929.2 then it won't work no.12:38
davmor2You need to be using the very latest cd for it to be working at all12:38
Aleksey_Salso i have a question not related to this issue. I am visually impaired so use orca screen reader. It is easy to start ubuntu with orca from live cd, but wubi accessibility options have no human-readable labels for this. there are three radio buttons: visibility1, visibility2, visibility3. What i need to chose to have orca?12:39
* ara -> lunch12:41
Aleksey_Sdavmor2 : oops. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ -- there are no desktop images. am i missing something?12:41
davmor2Aleksey_S: No idea on that I'm afraid.  Because it is reliant on the windows side of things rather than the linux side.12:42
davmor2Aleksey_S: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/12:42
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: no. i looked at the wubi sources and labels are exactly mean-less12:43
Aleksey_Sdavmor2 : thanks! do you recomend amd64 or x86 version? What is more stable? I have only 1 gb of ram on this laptop.12:44
davmor2Aleksey_S: depends if you laptop is capable of running 64bit12:45
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: it is capable. intel core 2 duo12:45
* Leonidas uses the amd64 version.12:45
davmor2Aleksey_S: 32bit i386 is more user friendly but both are about as stable as each other12:45
LeonidasHaven't had problems stability-wise.12:46
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: why more friely?12:46
davmor2Leonidas: I get issues with things like flash and skype etc from time to time on 64bit12:47
davmor2Aleksey_S: ^12:47
Aleksey_Sthat doesn't stops me.12:47
slangasekdavmor2, ara: edubuntu 20091001.1 should fix the alternate install problem, and should be very rsyncable - can you give it a try?12:47
Aleksey_Si've just started downloading the amd64 version. thanks guys12:48
Leonidasdavmor2: I don't use skype and flash, because they are nonfree.12:48
slangasekdavmor2: hmm, you never posted a failure report on the tracker for edubuntu d-i12:48
Leonidasbut I heard both kindof work on amd64, to..12:49
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: have you any ideas about that strange profiles? which i am supposed to choose?12:49
davmor2slangasek: I didn't finish getting round to make a bug on it, I wasn't sure what or where to file it.  I'm assuming it is another cdimage thing12:49
slangasekdavmor2: wasn't asking after a bug, just a failure report on the tracker :)12:50
slangasekbut it should be irrelevant now12:50
davmor2Aleksey_S: Sorry Profiles?12:51
davmor2Aleksey_S: As I said as far as I can tell the ones in wubi are not for orca they enable the windows accessibility stuff.  Once you get into the Ubuntu side you can use orca as normal12:54
davmor2slangasek: syncing12:54
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: i am quite unsure wubi can do something about braille support in windows. But there is a radio button for braile in wubi accessibility profiles12:55
Aleksey_Sdavmor2: so i assume that profiles are for ubuntu. wubi interface in windows is quite accessible12:56
davmor2Aleksey_S: Pass then absolutely no idea I'm affraid12:58
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
slangasekdavmor2: are we there yet? :)13:40
davmor2running now13:41
Leonidasrunning where?13:50
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
arasbeattie, ubuquity appeared correctly on the top in kubuntu netbook14:00
sbeattieara: hunh, okay.14:03
davmor2slangasek: it's got further than before and is still going I can only assume this is a good thing :)14:07
davmor2fader_: Morning Dude14:07
slangasekis there any ETA on being able to sweep up the other outstanding tests?14:07
davmor22+ hours14:10
davmor2might be able to cut that down thought alternating machines14:12
davmor2ara: can you hit the out standing kubuntu desktop 32bit auto resize please14:12
aradavmor2, sure14:12
fader_davmor2: Howdy14:14
davmor2ara: many thanks14:15
davmor2cr3: morning Dude14:15
* ara is doing kubuntu desktop i386 auto-resize and kubuntu netbook (all except wubi)14:16
davmor2slangasek: it's building the thin client now so I guess that means all the packages are installed \o/ just need to see if it finishes now14:25
cr3davmor2: ahoy, matey14:25
davmor2cr3: you broke checkbox :P  fader_ paid me to say that :D14:26
fader_Heh, davmor2 I thought the deal was that you abuse me and I abuse cr3.  If you go straight to abusing him and cut out the middleman, what will I do for a living?14:26
davmor2fader_: Oh alright then it was your code that buggered the whole thing up and you paid me to say it was cr3 feel better now ;)14:27
fader_davmor2: Much better. :)14:28
davmor2fader_: did you pass the log onto cr3 and did it show anything useful?14:28
cr3fader_: so, what's up? I got a bunch of test results yesterday, what have you encountered?14:28
cr3davmor2: I haven't received anything in my inbox this morning14:29
fader_davmor2: Which log is that now?14:29
davmor2cr3: I ran checkbox that is in the distro, and half the tests didn't work :(14:30
cr3davmor2: you're a qa person, "didn't work" is not very descriptive14:30
davmor2fader_: the one that means you get to tick off AAO14:30
cr3I should have /ignore for anyone who just tells me "didn't work", it's happening far too regularly14:31
fader_davmor2: I didn't get any log from you... maybe it got spamfiltered.  I'll check on that.14:31
davmor2cr3: I'm going to go through it properly tomorrow when I have more time14:31
davmor2fader_: no the link to the hw database14:31
fader_davmor2: Ahhh, okay that one. :)14:31
fader_davmor2: That doesn't provide the data we'd need to troubleshoot test failures, unfortunately14:31
cr3davmor2: thanks, but telling me: 1. what you experienced; 2. what you expected; 3. how to reproduce. that would be appreciated14:32
davmor2fader_: oh no I'm doing that tomorrow14:32
fader_We'd need ~/.checkbox/*log or ~/.cache/checkbox/*log for that14:32
fader_davmor2: Okay, cool.  Now I'm on the same page as you.  You have to give us North Americans time to get coffee in us before you start talking to us :)14:32
davmor2cr3: I can tell you that everything mic based failed because the test stopped before you got to talk14:34
cr3fader_: ^^^ I believe you wrote those, right?14:34
fader_cr3: Yup, not sure what davmor2 did to break it though.  It Works For Me™.14:35
fader_We'll figure it out tomorrow when davmor2 has time to walk through it with me14:35
davmor2fader_: is the one in the desktop the most upto date?14:35
davmor2if not that could be why :)14:36
fader_davmor2: It *should* be14:36
cr3davmor2, fader_: if one of you could create a bug in Launchpad against the checkbox project and assign fader as the assignee, that would be an excellent reminder for tomorrow... just in case14:37
* cr3 is afraid of things falling through cracks14:37
fader_cr3: Roger wilco.  davmor2, I'll subscribe you to it14:37
davmor2cr3: I'm dedicating tomorrow to it :)14:37
cr3davmor2: things happen and plans change, recording problems as bugs is a good way to give you that flexibility to change without feeling bad about it :)14:38
cr3davmor2: who knows, you might be called upon to do UEC testing tomorrow14:38
davmor2cr3: shhhhhh14:38
davmor2fader_: nice14:42
davmor2just got email about the bug :)14:43
fader_Ah :)14:43
davmor2slangasek: On a plus side I just did 2 tests in one edubuntu runs ltsp whether or not :)14:46
davmor2slangasek: however I think it is an epic fail.  It only install the ubuntu desktop and edubuntu server so of course you don't get the educational software on the default install which I think bends logic14:52
slangasekdavmor2: that's not for me to say14:52
davmor2it has installed though14:53
arais it normal that kubuntu appears as "Ubuntu Linux" in the grub entry? or should it say something like "Kubuntu Linux" ?14:54
slangasekara: normal; branding the bootloader is non-trivial without chopping up the grub2 package14:56
araslangasek, ok, thanks :)14:56
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
davmor2slangasek: Right I'm just waiting on the live cd to finish installing then that is edu 64 done  32 bit is burning and the last alt xub is running.  DO you want me to run wubi on xub?15:20
slangasekdavmor2: given that wubi is listed as a xubuntu test case, it would be good to have that done15:21
slangasek(if we're not going to be testing it, it should be removed from the ISO going forward)15:21
davmor2slangasek: not a problem.15:21
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
fader_davmor2: Do I remember some discussion of jockey not seeing wifi drivers on an hp mini yesterday?16:05
davmor2fader_: the outcome I think was it was broke16:07
fader_Did anybody figure that one out? :)16:07
fader_Okay, thanks16:07
davmor2fader_: pick on pitti16:07
jsalisburyI have a question regarding Checkbox.  Can I view my test results on lauchpad after they are sent there?  Or can this only be accomplished with the API?16:08
arafader_, it was a mini916:08
arafader_, I think16:08
fader_ara: Ah, hmm16:09
fader_I'm seeing the same thing on an HP mini16:09
davmor2ara: keybuk's was on a mini10v16:09
arafader_, let me find the bug number for you16:09
davmor2fader_: is it the same hw?16:09
fader_davmor2: Not sure16:09
fader_It's a broadcom device16:09
ubot4`Launchpad bug 439530 in jockey "Wireless card not detected on Dell Mini 9" [High,Triaged]16:10
davmor2bc2312 off the top of my head16:10
davmor2bc4312 even16:10
aracan anyone check if this is happening in normal kubuntu desktops? bug 44004516:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 440045 in kdebase-workspace "KDM does not give an error message when typing a wrong password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44004516:11
fader_ara: Thanks16:11
davmor2Riddell: ^16:13
fader_I don't suppose anyone knows what package I'd need to grab to get the broadcom device working, since jockey isn't helping? :)16:13
slangasekfader_: bcmwl-kernel-source?16:13
davmor2slangasek: 50% through the edubuntu live install16:14
slangasekdavmor2: ok, thanks16:15
* fader_ hugs slangasek.16:15
davmor2just installing windows for the xub wubis too16:15
fader_That also explains why apt-cache searching for 'broadcom' didn't work :P16:16
slangasekfader_: 'apt-cache search broadcom' was how I found it...16:20
fader_slangasek: Weird, it didn't come up for me.  Maybe I misspelled 'broadcom' :/16:20
slangasekfader_: if you didn't have a network up yet, you wouldn't have any Packages files from the archive for apt-cache to search against?16:20
davmor2fader_: yeah broodcam won't work dude16:21
fader_slangasek: Well, I had it plugged into a physical etherhose, but in order to reach the connector I had to turn the netbook around backwards and type upside down16:24
fader_So it's entirely possible that I mistyped or misread it :/16:24
fader_(That's why I so desperately needed wifi ;) )16:25
davmor2fader_: you could just buy a longer ethernet lead of course :P16:26
fader_davmor2: Yeah, I'm using a cable trailing around the corner of someone else's cubicle in the Lex office... I think next time I'll ask for my own connection :)16:27
davmor2fader_: just sit on their lap they won't mind it's for a good cause ;)16:28
=== jsalisbury_ is now known as jsalisbury
slangasekdavmor2: closing in?17:44
davmor2slangasek: yes just picking off the kubuntu desktop auto resize while the edubuntu continues to slowly install17:47
davmor2slangasek: Meh post gres option for moodle kills the install I'll try it with the mysql backend see if it passes.  Then run it again to get the logs and stuff and bug it properly.  I'll just do a makeshift one for now17:55
slangasekoh dear17:59
slangasekwhy are the Ubuntu DVDs not posted on the tracker :/17:59
* slangasek gets those posted, a bit late18:00
slangasekdavmor2, fader_: you guys have anything left for DVD testing?18:00
davmor2yeah can do18:01
davmor2should already have them dl'd18:01
slangasekif these have to get published late, not the end of the world; we don't advertise them prominently18:01
fader_slangasek: Sorry, I don't have access to a system I can test DVD images on at the moment :(18:03
slangasekfader_: ok18:03
fader_I only have my netbook on me ATM18:04
davmor2fader_: bloody excuses ;)18:04
fader_davmor2: Nah, I just want to make sure you have something to do to keep you busy and out of trouble ;)18:04
davmor2slangasek: Ubuntu Dvd's starting to trickle through18:51
timmy376shouldn't the Karmic beta be released today? can't see it on the ubuntu site18:58
davmor2but not yet19:00
timmy376the release schedule says oct 119:00
davmor2timmy376: shouldn't be too long19:00
timmy376think it's going to be tomorrow...19:03
fader_timmy376: It's still Oct 1 for some time yet :)19:04
fader_(More or less depending on where you are in the world)19:05
timmy3764 hours remaining here :-)19:05
davmor2timmy376: the release manager lives in the us so it's lunch time ish19:12
davmor2evening ara19:29
araevening davmor219:30
xdataphi everybody21:11
xdatapguys, I'm trying to download ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso with Torrent. I get: "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker.". On other side Alternate is downloading correctly. Who's in charge for Torrent Tracker?21:12
davmor2slangasek: ^21:22
davmor2I just tried it desktop doesn't want to play21:22
* sbeattie thinks slangasek may have gone to bed already.21:23
sbeattiedavmor2: might be better to raise it on #ubuntu-release; cjwatson may know more about how to fix.21:24
slangasekthe fix is "ask IS", fwiw21:27
sbeattieslangasek: ah, cool, thanks, didn't know how that was managed.21:32
davmor2night night every body21:51
fader_davmor2: Goodnight!  Get some rest :)21:51
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
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