
aaron11Helo, I know there are less people in here but, Does anyone know when the countdown banners are showing up? I REALY cant wait for Karmic Koala to come! :S :S14:05
knomeaaron11, they should be soon enough, but i don't know when. newz2000?14:19
aaron11i read somewhere it was today>14:20
knomethat's possible14:21
newz2000hi aaron11. I'll turn them on around the time we do the beta release. It'll be today, probably soon14:33
aaron11newz2000: you are the one that manages the whole site14:34
newz2000aaron11: yes14:34
aaron11newz2000: that is a big responsability14:34
newz2000Yes, I'm starting to delegate more and more14:35
knomenewz2000, i can handle the part where money is transferred to my.. i mean canonicals bank account14:36
aaron11newz2000: tell me when you put them on the web14:36
newz2000aaron11: I will probably start publishing those before the beta is ready since they don't have to happen in sync14:37
newz2000knome: since you've helped so much, just give me your bank account number and I'll start routing some of the money to you14:37
knomei was thinking some of marks money14:38
knomebut yours is okay as well14:38
aaron11newz2000: is there ANOTHER alpha/beta14:38
aaron11newz2000: which banner did you chose14:39
newz2000today is "the" beta, in a couple weeks we'll have an RC then shortly after a release (Oct 30th I think is the date)14:39
newz2000we chose Aaron H's spotlight and thorwil's ring (of small stars w/ coloured logo)14:40
knomenewz2000, only one rc?14:40
newz2000correct. The RC is a, "this is release unless somethign bad happens"14:41
newz2000countdown is up18:11
newz2000static one is at least18:11
newz2000Any news on the animated countdown?18:11
* SiDi wants a countdown announcing his nomination as ad vidam aeternam president of the world.18:12
SiDinewz2000: i received yesterday a "daily" digest from ubuntu-website containing the last 2 months or so of mails18:12
SiDiso thats why you didnt see me at all in the meanwhile, i thought everyone had died...18:12
newz2000SiDi: wow, that's quite a digest18:12
newz2000That's what I need for sounder18:13
SiDisame happened for ubuntu-fr.... i had 174 mails in that digest18:13
SiDineedless to say i read none of those digests... :/18:13
newz2000I will ask to see if this is normal18:14
newz2000to be fair, you didn't miss a ton. It's been pretty quiet this time around18:15
SiDinewz2000: i dont think i'd have been really helpful anyway... I find less and less time for floss...18:26
rimehttp://markus.alshain.fi/markus/deve/slider/slider04.html  faster version of the slider19:46
knomerime, the frames are definitely not aligned to center ;)20:19
knomenewz2000, !!20:19
knomerime, also, the slider might start with no fade in for the text, just appear20:22
knomenewz2000, what do you think of that ^ ? would make the overall time shorter20:23
newz2000speed is good. I agree, start w/ text visible20:24
knomeyeah, the quick fade in works20:42
knomeis there still somthing to tweak?20:43
knomesee you later20:53
ryanakcanewz2000: Hi, do you have a link to the JS for the cowntdown banner (switch to the next image every day)?22:18
newz2000ryanakca: somethign different than what is on www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown ?22:18
ryanakcanewz2000: lovely, thanks22:20

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