
stlsaintteolicy, maybe here.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage00:00
jakeruelosher - OK off to work.  I think I found a thread that will help me00:00
losherjakerue: ok, so I see about 50G on sda1, 100G on sda5 and 11G on sda6, for a total of 160G which is your disk. So what exactly was resized, sda5?00:00
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stlsaintmib_mib, are you using public or private ip address in browser?00:00
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bastid_raZormib_mib: possibly your isp is blocking port 80, to verify try a non standard port.. for example 999900:00
jakeruelosher - yep.  Gotta run though.  What commands should I be looking for to make this work?00:00
|2-bits|@dual: I believe it is. Hold on a minute00:00
losherjakerue: df -h would be next...00:01
dual|2-bits|, ok, cool :)00:01
mib_mibstlsaint: i tried both the internal and external ip's00:01
mib_mibstlsaint: neither worked00:01
losherkingfishr: still there?00:01
crizzleHey all - anyone fancy helping me get to grips with getting wireless working (complete and utter n00b here) :D00:01
jakeruelosher - that only shows % of sda1 and sdb1 ....sda5 not shown00:02
jakeruelosher - thanks for the help but I really have to run.  Next time00:02
losherjakerue: that usually means sda5 isn't mounted. That would explain why you don't see it... ok, next time00:02
fccfbenc: from what I can tell there are 'some' problems, however if you are running 8.10 or 8.04 thrift is available already compiled here https://launchpad.net/~txamqpteam/+archive/ppa00:03
stlsaintmib_mib, you using nginix for load balance or revers proxy?00:03
bencfccf: cool. thanks00:03
mnainesHow can I get my laptop to see a shared printer that's connected to my desktop?00:03
|2-bits|@dual: Okay so I dont' have ubuntu open right this minute BUT if I remember you go to You have to go to System->Sessions and what not00:03
mib_mibstlsaint: the one thing I think i could have misconfigured, is the virtualconf file - I don't have a domain name like www.blah.com - i just want to use my ip address, but for servername and serveraliais, i just put bs stuff www.first.com and first.com00:03
|2-bits|and there should be a window with two tabs... the open one should have your start up items and the second one should have a check box that says "remember your sessions or something like that?00:04
fccfbenc: see also here http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-71 and  http://wiki.apache.org/thrift/GettingUbuntuPackages00:04
mib_mibstlsaint: reverse proxy - it handles the static content, and passes it through to apache for dyanmic stuff00:04
dual|2-bits|, yes. Great. Thanks :D00:04
dualJust hope it works tomorrow when I turn it on again :)00:05
kingfishrlosher, yes00:05
stlsaintmib_mib, so why the reverse proxy setup...if its all local?00:06
losherkingfishr: run synaptic and search for glib. Look for 'libglib'. That'll tell you what your current version is, and whether there's a later version in the repository you can upgrade to...00:06
stlsaintmib_mib, and what do you have in your apache2 /var/www?00:06
kingfishrlosher, yeah the problem is that the latest version is older than what webkit wants00:07
mib_mibstlsaint: i don't want it all to be local, rather, what i would like to do is be able to go to my ip address, and have a django project set up00:07
kingfishrlosher, I'm trying to build newer glib myself in my own directory and then pass that as an argument b/c I think webkit will use GLIB_LIBS when looking for glib00:07
mib_mibstlsaint: but i have apache set up with mod-wsgi for django00:08
mnainesSamba is the one for file and print sharing, right?00:08
mib_mibstlsaint: so when i do like curl i get some stuff back, but when i go to my ip address, i get nothing00:08
stlsaintso loopback is config wrong maybe? you have firewall?00:09
mib_mibmaybe ufw, but i don't think its misconfigured, let me check00:09
losherkingfishr: yes, that's what I'd do next. If webkit doesn't use GLIB_LIBS you can maybe look in the makefiles for the library and edit it so it finds your local copy. It's a pain though...00:09
fccfmnaines: yes, with windows ... for printing in linux networks Cups , and fileshareing ... well there are a number of options00:09
mnainesfccf, I use Gutenprint drivers for printing00:10
Chun1Having a slight problem: when I'm playing music with audacious, I don't get sound from flash videos in firefox. If I load firefox/flash first, audacious refuses to play anything until I close firefox00:10
stlsaintmib_mib, you seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Django00:11
mnainesChun1: I use Rythmbox for music00:11
{Onyx}Hmmm, thought I had sorted out all my sound issues but I found another one. I've got my dedicated card for speakers and my on board for headphones and mic. All that's working, the problem is that the volume slider from the speaker icon is adjusting volume for the on board even though I have default set to the x-fi00:11
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:13
MenZa# 00 08 * * * in crontab would run the following command every day at 8am, yeah?00:13
Raydiationbeta out yet?00:13
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mnainesfccf, what is a good way to share files and printers between Linux machines without creating a security risk?00:13
{Onyx}If I open volume controls I can adjust the volume so it has to be some setting in sound prefs but everything looks like it should be defaulting to the x-fi00:13
{Onyx}mnaines keep it behind a fireawll00:14
mib_mibstlsaint: i checked UFW and made sure that the rule to allow tcp on port 80 is enabled00:14
Hillshummnaines: Use a private network00:14
loshermnaines: totally agree with {Onyx} ...00:14
kaashifprogram called fritzing gives me a .sh file. i can open it from terminal but not by double clicking on the sh file. solutions?00:14
heater_I have a power management problem in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. Settings are set to NEVER put monitor nor computer to sleep, but monitor sleeps after 20 min. Any ideas?00:14
kaashifhere's the sh file pastebinned: http://pastebin.com/m1b17bc200:14
{Onyx}Unless you're running some type of server there's no need to have anything from your network not behind a firewall.00:15
mnaines{Onyx}: I have the kernel firewall configured for restrictive mode and I have my two computers on a separate subnet with its own router00:15
testNow34where can I get the svn subversion 1.7 client for jaunty?00:15
{Onyx}So you're trying to print/file share between the two subnets/00:15
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hwildeMenZa, yes00:15
MenZahwilde: thanks00:16
kaashifnobody knows about sh files ?00:16
kandjarwhat the easiest way to know if a file has DOS style ending or Linux style ending without changing the file?00:16
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mnaines{Onyx}: No, my laptop and desktop are on the same /27 subnet, which is separate from the /24 subnet that the rest of the network operates on...My printer is on the desktop but I want to be able to print remotely from the laptop00:17
mib_mibstlsaint: yah - i've set up this exact server before on a VPS, now i'm trying to set it up in the same way at my house, but for some reason i can't connect to it outside of my router00:17
hwildeMenZa, the # sign comments out the line however, and you don't need double digits just   0  8   will do00:17
{Onyx}then you should be fine00:17
mib_mibbastid_raZor: why would my isp block port 80? I need port 80 because i'm running an http server00:17
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MenZahwilde: excellent, cheers.00:18
{Onyx}mib, there's no way your ISP is blocking port 8000:18
sjoerd             00:18
mnaines{Onyx}: I don't know how to configure either computer to allow printer sharing, though00:18
{Onyx}what type of printer?00:18
{Onyx}you could adhoc the printer in to the network00:18
mnaines{Onyx}: Canon Pixma iP4500...Connects to the desktop via USB00:18
stlsaintmib_mib, hhmm...something is looking in the wrong place if you have django setup right...should start from basics00:18
hwildeprinter sharing is here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#Sharing%20CUPS%20Printers00:19
stlsaintrouter>firewall...etc etc then move to apace2.conf...django setup00:19
bastid_raZormib_mib: some isp's do. my former isp blocked ports 22,23, and port 80. i had to use different ports for ssh also.00:19
{Onyx}Are there any usb hook ups to your router?00:19
mib_mibbastid_raZor: can i use different ports for the http server? how will people access it then without putting the port?00:19
mnaines{Onyx}: No...The router is a D-Link WUA-234000:19
{Onyx}Hmmmm, I'd go with hwilde's link for printer sharing then00:19
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loshermib_mib: some isps have a 'no servers' policy, so the block may be deliberate...00:20
mib_mibstlsaint: well, i think one of my main problems is the router, and the second problem is maybe something having to do that i'm using a domain name but i don't actually have it registered maybe?00:20
mnaineshwilde: I use Gutenprint drivers...I don't know if the instructions for CUPS would apply to the Gutenprint drivers00:20
BlehkThis sed script doesn't work: sed -i 's/ignoreip = =\14/g' /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf How do you escape  the slash in the cidr address?00:20
{Onyx}the only ports I'm aware of that an ISP would be port 25 to prevent spam bots00:20
hwildemnaines, install the driver locally, share with cups/samba.00:20
bastid_raZormib_mib: people would have to use the port you specify. ex. mine is bastid:999900:21
mnaineshwilde: Are Cups and Gutenprint compatible with each other?00:21
loshermib_mib: eliminate the second problem for the moment by using the 'raw' ip address in your url...00:21
hwildemnaines, you use the driver to print locally.  you use cups/samba to share the printer.00:21
stlsaintmib_mib, yea instead of names use ip address...i dont have my domain linked to my ip yet so i do all my site editing via ip thru browser00:22
bastid_raZormib_mib: yes you can use any port you wish. set it in the router to forward to 80 or have apache listen on a different port00:22
mib_miblosher: exactly what i'm trying to do00:22
mib_mibi am putting my router's ip address in, but nothing comes up00:22
hlpmeplzhow do I select UTC in tzconfig?  (working from shell)00:22
Beardbar_whats the command to find file sizes larger then 10mb again?00:23
hwildeBlehk, use a comma instead of a / for the sed delimiter, then you don't have to escape the slashes.  or escape them with a backslash00:23
{Onyx}mib, are you trying to get incoming connections from outside or within your network?00:23
stlsaintmib_mib, sorta what i just said aint it... =)00:23
Blehkalright, cool thanks hwilde00:23
m0r0nMy Compiz features aren't working, how do I reset it?00:24
hwildem0r0n, system, preferences, appearance00:24
loshermib_mib: the router has to be configured to forward the port. Also, did you mention a kernel firewall somewhere? That too has to be configured to forward the port. You can choose any port as long as you're consistent. The use a url with the port embedded, e.g.
stlsaintm0r0n, go into compiz settings manager and set to defaults00:24
zofrextearing my hair out, done extensive googling to no avail - I cannot have "nvidia-glx-185" (or 190) installed concurrently with "xorg", installing one (with apt-get) removes the other. Help! (Ubuntu 9.04)00:24
mib_mibI am using UFW, i set up a rule to allow port 80/tcp - so thats fine00:25
marcellusthere is a 185 and 190 now?00:25
mib_mibI am forwarding port 80 on my router to the ip address of the server00:25
zofrex185 isn't particualrly new00:25
mib_mibSo I should instead forward a different port on my router?00:25
saniasanpidgin 2.6.2 how can I enable video and audio00:25
hwildezofrex, sudo nvidia-xconfig00:25
mib_miband listen on a different port for my nginx server?00:25
JohnCDIive been using ubuntu for a little while now and ive programmed some smaller things in windows and i tried to run a simple "hello world" program in C i have build-essential installed and the libraries but for some reason it calls a syntax error to the printf function any help?00:25
hwildeJohnCDI, pastebin the code and the error please00:26
stlsaintyes mib_mib you gotta change that as well...just the post tho...not the ip00:26
LegendreQuestion of the evening.. How the heck do I force X to use a native driver for a grapics chipset, and not the default VESA FB driver?00:26
zofrexhwilde: after installing xgl, or xorg?00:26
JohnCDIsorry *gcc compiles it fine the errors come up when in terminal i ./programname00:26
loshermib_mib: so first step, from the server, can you contact http://localhost ?00:26
mib_miblosher: yes, i'm remote, but i can curl localhost and get back some html stuff00:26
hwildezofrex, it should take care of it for you00:27
loshermib_mib: 2nd step, from inside the firewall on a different machine, can you contact http://server00:27
zofrexhwilde: command not found :P00:27
JohnCDI#include <stdio.h>00:27
JohnCDI    00:27
JohnCDI    printf("Hello, World");00:27
JohnCDI    return 0;00:27
FloodBot1JohnCDI: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
hwildezofrex, install it...00:27
hwilde!paste > JohnCDI00:28
ubottuJohnCDI, please see my private message00:28
{Onyx}no closing }00:28
hwildelol he got kicked before the paste finished00:28
zofrexit takes 20 seconds to run a google on this machine.. if you know which package it's in off the top of your head that'd be useful00:28
mib_miblosher: the firewall is strictly on the server, i can, however, ssh into that machine, and do curl localhost; from my other machine behind the router though, if i go to that internal ip ...., i get nothing00:28
hwildezofrex, that is the name of the package.   or aptitude search nvidia-xconfig00:28
saniasanand open not exe open .c00:28
zofrexok I think I have some package management problem then 'cos that package doesn't exist00:29
hwildezofrex, hold on...  it was provided by nvidia-glx-18000:29
{Onyx}mib is the server or the router?00:29
hwildezofrex, why do you want 185 or 190?   180 seems to be the newest one I see00:30
losherJohnCDI: you sound confused. Syntax errors come from the compiler. Run-time errors happen when you run the program. Which are you seeing?00:30
mib_mib{Onyx}: its the internal ip of the server00:30
hwildeJohnCDI, pastebin the code and the error please00:30
zofrexhwilde: uh dunno. it was in a step by step tutorial for setting up the software I want (xbmc) on the machine I own (AsRock NetTop)00:30
zofrexif the 180 supports VDPAU then I'm happy with that00:30
{Onyx}if you're port forwarding 80 to the server try hitting the router00:31
JohnCDIim trying to use paste bin.00:31
loshermib_mib: so do you expect to work i.e. the server firewall allows it?00:31
mib_mib{Onyx}: same, get nothing00:31
{Onyx}err port forwarding 80 on the router00:31
LegendreAnyone know? How to specify a particular driver for Xorg?00:31
hwildezofrex, sry I dunno, I installed 180 and it gave me a binary nvidia-xconfig which helped, then it enabled the driver and nvidia-settings through the gui menu00:31
mib_miblosher: i expect everything on port 80 to work - the firewall lets all tcp on port 8000:31
{Onyx}Did you make sure you were allowing that connection and not denying it? I've done that before on mistake.00:31
marcellusLegendre: edit xorg.conf ?00:31
nanotubeLegendre: edit xorg.conf00:31
Legendreubuntu always defaults to vesafb (I think)..00:32
mib_mib{Onyx}: yep, just checked my rules00:32
stlsaintmib_mib, if all ip info is good its coming down to the conf files00:32
Legendrenanotube: marcellus - there's notihng in there, lol!00:32
loshermib_mib: can you ping the server from the client (what's the clients ip address btw?)00:32
nanotubeLegendre: put stuff in there.00:32
zofrexhwilde: 180 is installing without uninstalling xorg00:32
JohnCDI#include <stdio.h> main()  {          printf("Hello, World");     return 0; } ./hello.c: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `"Hello, World"' ./hello.c: line 5: `    printf("Hello, World");'00:32
{Onyx}Is the server behind the router?00:32
hwildeLegendre, in the device section for the video card specify the driver like:      Driver         "nvidia"00:32
zofrexany idea why 185 and 190 have issues?00:32
Legendrelike seven lines of generic-y stuff00:32
mib_mib{Onyx}: yes, which is the main problem00:32
{Onyx}try taking down the fireawll on the server then00:32
hwildezofrex, because they are beta?  dunno I am happy with 180 and I have a quadro fx 570 pretty new00:33
marcellussudo nvidia-glx-config enable00:33
m0r0nAnyone have a mobo with express gate?00:33
zofrexI'm just trying to get OpenGL acceleration in X (weirdly VDPAU worked :S)00:33
mib_miblosher: i can ping it beautifully, as the client is behind the same router00:33
Legendrehwilde: so anything I put in there will override the default?00:33
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_AaLinuxI want to play .mp3 files with rhythmbox , which plugins would i have to install?00:33
mib_mib{Onyx}: done, nothing stil00:34
{Onyx}restricted-extras legendre00:34
hwildeLegendre, theoretically00:34
Legendrehwilde: you made my point00:34
{Onyx}err aalinux00:34
{Onyx}You have a port scanner mib?00:34
loshermib_mib: then I would expect to work 'beautifully' too. I agree with {Onyx}. Try turning off the firewall temporarily....00:34
stickboyanyone know how to get transmission 1.6* or 1.7* on 8.10 64bit?00:34
Legendrehwilde: I haven't dealt with X on deb/ubu before, and I was really taken aback when I saw that .conf file00:35
mib_miblosher: completely turned off00:35
loshermib_mib: and...?00:35
_AaLinux{Onyx}: What are the inner elements of restricted-extras?00:35
mib_miblosher: nothing! haha00:35
dlp211hey guys...just looking for a recomendation....what do u guys think is the best VNC client? (must be available for win32)00:35
mib_miblosher: it must be the port forwarding isn't working....?00:35
{Onyx}aalinux lots of codecs that don't come standard00:35
maccam94dlp211: tightvnc is good00:35
mgv2there is no fucus mode on aiming at open arena? - i dont understand how can i hit with such small dot00:35
marcellusmib_mib: what are you trying to do?00:35
mib_mibmarcellus: run a server behind a router00:36
dlp211yea i have tight....just wondering if anyone was using somethin else00:36
{Onyx}I've got a one shot command around here that installs everything media, let me see if i can find it00:36
loshermib_mib: from the inside-the-network client, there isn't any port forwarding. It's direct to port 80. Nothing in the server logs?00:36
stlsaintmib_mib, yea check router setup00:36
marcellusmib_mib: and what have you done so far?00:36
maccam94i'm temporarily installing ubuntu on a USB stick to be used on only one machine for a week or two. should i use the liveusb creator or just run the normal ubuntu installer?00:36
dlp211mib what router u have00:36
mib_miblosher: from the inside-the-network-client, port 80 givves nothing00:36
loshermib_mib: what's the client ip address?00:37
mib_mibmarcellus: everything works on the server side, so from the server itself curl localhost works fine - set up the config files and virtual confs, from the outside, nothing comes in00:39
stlsaintmib_mib, i think there are too many hands in this issue...hope ya get it fixed...getting a little crowded! =)00:39
mib_mibi guess i can try changing the port that is forwarded00:39
marcellusmib_mib: does it work within the LAN?00:39
mib_mibstlsaint: very much so, thanks!00:39
mib_mibmarcellus: nope00:40
loshermib_mib: ok, so a directly connected client (with no router involvement) fails, but it works for localhost, The kernel firewall is disabled (sure?). Next thing I'd check is the server logs to see if the server even sees the client request....00:40
mib_miblosher: it doesn't see the request it looks like00:40
eminorhello :)00:40
mib_miblosher: i checked the apache and nginx logs00:40
loshermib_mib: the only way I can explain that is if the kernel firewall is blocking the request...00:41
marcellusmib_mib: have you checked the router log?00:41
mib_miblosher: i am using ubuntu, and have installed 'ufw' - i did ufw disable, so it is stopped completely.00:41
jack_salut ttlm00:41
musikgoatmib_mib: anything in "iptables -L"00:42
loshermib_mib: double check that with sudo iptables -L00:42
losherJohnCDI: your latest example compiles & runs for me...00:43
{Onyx}I need to get back to learning programming as well.00:44
{Onyx}I can modify code like no one's business but can't code anything from scratch00:44
mib_mibhas some stuff, but just some BS, here is hte pastebin http://pastebin.com/d2ef28e9f00:44
mib_mibmarcellus: i just enabled logging on the router, so i'm checking now00:44
marcellusmib_mib: can you ping within the LAN?00:45
mnaines{Onyx}: Now I have another problem...All the photos I print are grainy, and no amount of altering the settings fixes it00:45
{Onyx}marcellus: he can00:45
losher{Onyx}: some people work on 'sustaining' all their lives: they don't originate code, they only fix bugs in existing code. Nothing wrong with that...00:45
{Onyx}Yeah, that's cool if I have something to work with as a template. But sometimes you need to do something new.00:46
mnaines{Onyx}: You ever tried recursive computation when coding?00:46
mib_mibmarcellus: yep, can ping within the lan00:46
mib_mibmarcellus: the internal IP00:46
marcellusbut you can telnet to port 8000:46
mnainesmib_mib: Is there a way you can check the routing table?00:48
losher{Onyx}: well, start small, with a well-defined requirement for something...00:48
Blueyhaving problems with the 64 bit version of ubuntu 9.04 version 2.6.28-15 causing lockups - doesn't do this with -14 -- any known issuses?00:50
mib_mibtelnet 80 is refused immediately00:51
mnainesmib_mib: Are you trying to telnet outside the network?00:51
mib_mibmnaines: no, inside the network00:51
mnainesmib_mib: Is the router configured to disable telnet?00:51
mib_mibi wouldn't think so00:52
mib_mibbut i can't be sure00:52
mnainesmib_mib: Most routers, you have to manually tell them to enable telnet.  All the ones I have worked with will not allow telnet or FTP by default00:52
coz_guys if I get error    protoc: not found00:53
coz_   what would I be missing?00:53
musikgoatmnaines: hes looking for http headers on port 80, not accessing telnet00:53
mib_mibmnaines: okay - i'm not actually concerned with telnet though, more concerned with tcp00:53
mnainesmib_mib: You need CLI mode for that...00:53
mib_mibwait - i guess it doesn't make sense to use port 80 for port forwarding....wouldn't this mean that all my incoming traffic would forward to my server?00:54
musikgoatmib_mib: just so i understand right, your trying to access a web server from a LAN and its failing?00:54
marcellusI don't see why the router would limit what you can do within the LAN by default.00:54
mib_mibmusikgoat: setting up a server inside a lan (i.e. behind a router)00:55
mib_mibmusikgoat: i'm also inside the lan, failing hard, yes00:55
mnainesmib_mib: 80 is the port you need to get out to the internet.  You want to do port forwarding, you might want to use a less-congested port00:55
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musikgoatmnaines: that is not good advice00:55
physiccan one see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8189500:56
musikgoatmib_mib: first troubleshoot the server not working in the lan, then troubleshoot port forwarding, which yes you will need to do to allow incoming requests to be routed to your server00:56
musikgoatmib_mib: I would suggest dropping all your iptables stuff00:56
marcellushe has no such such stuff00:57
mib_mibdrop all iptables? here they are: is this actually anything significant?  http://pastebin.com/d2ef28e9f00:57
{Onyx}Hmm, anyone fixed the annoying sound 9.04 makes when starting a video/music that's flash ?00:57
mnainesmarcellus: The reason you want to limit activity between computers on a LAN is because 90% of security breaches come from inside the network00:57
musikgoatmib_mib: then on the server, netstat -nl  and check that the server is listening on 8000:58
physicwhen i use sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.6  in terminal it will tell me couldn't find package libssl0.9.600:58
heater_I have a power management problem in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. Settings are set to NEVER put monitor nor computer to sleep, but monitor sleeps after 10 min. Any ideas?00:58
mnainesphysic: Try taking off the version number...apt-get should install the most recent stable version by default00:58
eminorphysic, this thread is from 200500:58
{Onyx}heater_ check bios00:59
marcelluson my d-link it is called Virtual Server and lists the common services and allows you to enable each i.e. port forwarding00:59
heater_Onyx: ok onyx i will do that00:59
physicok leave it00:59
{Onyx}I was having a similar problem with my computer locking up when entering sleep mode even though i had sleep mode disabled in ubuntu00:59
physichow i can download yahoo messenger client?00:59
{Onyx}physic use pidgin01:00
mib_mibmusikgoat: hmmm.... it has listening on
{Onyx}it has support for pretty much all messengers01:00
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physici have pidgin but my internet not good01:00
musikgoatmib_mib: but none on or :::80 ?01:00
scott_inophysic, can you be more descriptive01:00
foeyAny decent guides for setting up Samba shares via the terminal?01:01
eminorbtw.. pidgin will be replaced with empathy in next ubuntu release, right?01:01
musikgoatmib_mib: I'd check your httpd.conf file and make sure its setup correctly01:01
physici dont want pidgin i have it01:01
Doctehfoey: the config file has a good example i thougt01:01
scott_inoeminor, gross i know01:01
physici  want yahoo messenger client01:01
musikgoateminor: no01:01
musikgoateminor: its not ready yet, they put back in pidgin as the default01:01
{Onyx}that's ok, next install I'm thinking about going with kubuntu because it's all industrial with K's instead of C's01:01
eminorah, ok01:01
mib_mibmusikgoat: okay, i actually have a few conf files - apache is listening on, and nginx is serving static content (and passing other stuff through - and nginx is listening on port 80  with my router ip address....01:02
{Onyx}Kommander always makes me think of Kompressor01:02
O___ohow to install office 2007 in wine?01:02
scott_inophysic, im sorry, but that's not going to happen. you aren't going to be able to use yahoo messenger client, however pidgin and other messaging clients will work with your yahoo ID01:02
loshermib_mib: for testing purposes, until you get the client->server case working, I would flush all iptables: /sbin/iptables -F; /sbin/iptables -X; /sbin/iptables -Z01:02
foeyDocteh : Yeh, ill have to go and read through that. I've managed to share a folder via webmin but no one has write permissions for it. Just wondering if that was the best way to go about it or just use the Samba config file.01:02
mib_miblosher: okay01:02
O___odo i just install wine then run X12-30307.exe?01:02
musikgoatmib_mib: i think you have a port conflict then01:02
musikgoatyou shouldn't have two services on the same port01:03
physicscott_ino,pidgin couldn't open with me01:03
scott_inophysic, what do you mean "open"01:03
musikgoatmib_mib: choose one on 80 and move the other to 8080 or 8000 or something01:03
physici mean did not open yahoo id01:03
loshermib_mib: I agree with musikgoat. You can't have two programs listening on the same port....01:04
mnainesphysic: You have to go to www.pidgin.im and update pidgin to get Yahoo to work properly01:04
musikgoatmnaines: they do not host ubuntu packages,  check the pidgin ppa01:04
musikgoatphysic: ^^01:04
GBGamesIf a webcam is said to be "supported out of the box" on Ubuntu, what should happen after I plug it in? How do I use it?01:04
scott_inomnaines, what did they change recently01:04
musikgoat!ppa | physic01:05
ubottuphysic: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.01:05
scott_inoGBGames, open up Ekiga to test01:05
glensI'm trying to set up an SB Audigy under Jaunty, but I never get any sound.  I've followed all of the walkthroughs I've found, and none seem to get me anywhere.  where should I start?01:05
mnainesmusikgoat: What are you talking about?01:05
{Onyx}yahoo connects fine for me in pidgin01:05
musikgoatpidgin.im doesn't have ubuntu packages01:05
Doctehfoey: you might be better off just using the config file directly unless webmin causes issues with that01:05
[t0rc]suggestions for best solution for iPods? (cover support, etc.)01:05
GBGamesscott_ino: I went through it before, but now I see when I open it, there is a webcam icon. And there I am!01:05
mnainesmusikgoat: It doesn't need them...Pidgin has a PPA key that is required to update pidgin so that Yahoo can run properly01:06
colemanguywebmin should work even if you manually config samba, so id use the manual config editing01:06
colemanguyto learn to do it manualy first01:06
Doctehfoey: are you trying to share a home directory or a different dir?01:06
foeyDocteh : Yeh ill have a play. Thanks.01:06
scott_inoGBGames, no problem you can also use Skype, VLC, Cheese and many others for webcam awesomeness01:06
{Onyx}i saw a good tutorial on configuring samba01:06
{Onyx}let me see if i can find it again01:06
glensI'm trying to set up an SB Audigy under Jaunty, but I never get any sound.  I've followed all of the walkthroughs I've found, and none seem to get me anywhere.  where should I start?01:06
foeyDocteh : I've created a folder within home /home/shared01:07
heaterOnyx: well bios didn't have anything wrong01:07
GBGamesscott_ino: I got a webcam for my girlfriend as well. She'll be on Windows. Any suggestions for software we can use to talk to each other?01:07
twobitspriteBrasero sits normalizing tracks forever... does anyone else have this problem?01:07
scott_inoGBGames, yeah honestly I use VOIP a lot and the new Ekiga sound quality is amazing, much better than skype in my opinion (which i use as well)01:07
colemanguyskype will work01:07
mnainesmusikgoat: www.pidgin.im just has a Pidgin-specific PPA key on the website.  Copy and paste it into the terminal, then go into the package manager and search for pidgin, select "upgrade" then install the upgrade01:07
scott_inoGBGames, use skype or Ekiga (which has a windows version as well)01:07
O___owhat is the channel for wine?01:07
{Onyx}Hmmm, monitor setting?01:07
physicscott_ino, is latest version01:08
molson_Anyone familiar with ecryptfs?  It keeps unmounting my home directory.01:08
scott_inophysic, ? what01:08
heaterOnyx: nah, i have the monitor hooked up to both windows and ubuntu, windows doesn't sleep the monitor01:08
IdleOneO___o: #winehq01:08
scott_inoO___o, winehq01:08
physicmy pidgin is up to date01:08
eminorglens, i have an audigy 2 ZS in my second pc and it's working out of the box with ubuntu01:08
O___oIdleOne, thx01:08
{Onyx}did you check screen saver settings?01:09
musikgoatmnaines: nice, they have made it clearer, last time i visited, the site didn't have any real instructions for ubuntu users01:09
eminor2late ;/01:09
GBGamesNow I just have to learn about using webcam stuff. It's my first ever.01:09
losher{Onyx}: you didn't ask, but the best book I *ever* read on learning how to design software (as opposed to just coding) is http://www.amazon.com/Software-Tools-Pascal-Brian-Kernighan/dp/0201103427/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254354955&sr=1-10. Don't mind the fact that it's in Pascal. You can code the examples yourself in C or Java or anything else you want. It's the design that's important...01:09
O___oanyone here successfully install office 2007 in ubuntu thru wine?01:09
scott_inophysic, someone else in this chat suggested you need to use a even newer version than what's included in the ubuntu repositories, which means you will have to use the PPA01:09
scott_inophysic, although another person has said that it works with the latest version, i don't have a yahooID so i can't check for you01:10
twobitspritedoes cdrecord decode mp3?01:10
physici dont nkow whats ppa?01:10
musikgoatphysic: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/01:10
musikgoatphysic: follow their instructions01:10
{Onyx}I don't think I've updated pidgin unless it went through an auto update and yahoo works fine on pidgin01:10
physicok thanks01:11
{Onyx}I just added an account, selected protocol yahoo and put in my user+pass01:11
musikgoatphysic: you might also get answers in the #pidgin channel01:11
loshertwobitsprite: no. You need .wav files for cdrecord. You can convert .mp3 to .wav using lame. It might be easier to just use k3b...01:11
physicmy internet not good01:11
heater{Onyx}: im an idiot.....i cannot believe i over looked that01:12
mib_mibrather - one is listening on, and the second is listening on the external port <externalip>:8001:12
{Onyx}Na, we all overlook stuff01:12
{Onyx}That's the biggest problem I have with experienced computer users that call in for support. They KNOW it is a hardware problem because they checked everything and resist anything I tell them to try :)01:12
heater{Onyx}: i appreciate your help, thank you01:12
twobitspritelosher: I'd rather install something that doesn't require KDE libs... The default Gnome app doesn't work01:12
rensomsneI'm having a hard time installing ubuntu 9.04 from a flash drive onto a computer currently running windows xp. When I boot, I get the message "Gave up waiting for root device". Would anyone have any idea what to do?01:13
musikgoatmib_mib: if you have a service bound to that external port:80, then you cannot serve apache on that port and expect it to be reachable by anything other than the server itself01:13
AutoMatriXhi folks01:13
heater{Onyx}: hahaha lol01:13
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loshermib_mib: that might explain why http://localhost works, but doesn't. They were talking to different apps...01:13
AutoMatriXdos somebody kow the address of the aircrack-ng irc chan ?01:13
[t0rc]any suggestions for best solution for iPods? (cover support, etc.)01:13
{Onyx}My suggestion for iPods is to get a regular mp3 player01:14
heaterhahaha lol01:14
{Onyx}I can't stand the damn things with having to sync through iTunes01:14
twobitsprite{Onyx}: hear, hear01:14
{Onyx}Regular mp3 player you just drag and drop the files onto the mp3 player.01:14
scott_ino[t0rc], banshee is probably best01:14
musikgoatAutoMatriX: umm, isn't it openexploit or something?01:14
colemanguyyup exaclty01:14
colemanguyitunes sucks01:14
scott_ino{Onyx}, hopefully the new banshee development going on now will fix that ;-)01:15
twobitspriteI'm a huge fan of my Sony Walkman mp3 player01:15
musikgoatAutoMatriX: #remote-exploit01:15
AutoMatriXmusikgoat, might be, going to check that, did not want to download the whole server list01:15
scott_ino[t0rc], what kind of ipod01:15
mnaines{Onyx}: I can sync mine with Rythmbox01:15
AutoMatriXtx so much musikgoat01:15
musikgoatAutoMatriX: at least they might be able to help, its backtrack's channel01:15
{Onyx}I was talking about the whole syncing in the first place.01:15
loshertwobitsprite: no problem. Just make a directory and use lame --decode to expand the mp3s into wavs. Then you can do cdrecord -v -tao speed=20 dev=/dev/cdrom -eject -pad driveropts=burnfree -audio *.wav01:15
{Onyx}I prefer just being able to drag my crap over.01:15
twobitspritelosher: I suppose that works... I would have liked another GUI to try... but that works for now, thanks01:16
scott_ino{Onyx}, of course... the entire concept of "sync" is retarded in my opinion01:16
scott_inothere's just gotta be a better way01:16
{Onyx}Hey heater, speaking of overlooking things. First time I booted backtrack I couldn't get my net connection to work. I tried everything, except sudo ifconfig eth0 up.01:16
twobitspritescott_ino: there is... it's called USB mass storage... drag and drop music files01:16
rensomsneanyone? I'm trying to initiate an open source-revolution in my NGO, and it's going to look really stupid if I can't even install ubuntu on a single laptop...01:17
{Onyx}non gov org01:17
SgtOompawhich NGO?01:17
twobitspritea company?01:17
rensomsnenot a company01:17
scott_inotwobitsprite, what?01:17
rensomsnea norwegian one01:17
rensomsneI'm currently in Bolivia01:17
scott_inotwobitsprite, what did i ask im confused01:18
loshertwobitsprite: er, there's brasero, and there must be others, depending on your OS version. The GUI burning progs are nearly all buggy for some reason...01:18
twobitspritescott_ino: you said "there's got to be a better way [than syncing]"01:18
chiiphis there any repo for pyqt4.5.4?01:18
{Onyx}k3b is my fav01:18
twobitspritelosher: brasero is the one that isn't working for me01:18
twobitspriteit just sits forever at "normalizing tracks"01:19
scott_inotwobitsprite, oh lol yeah, but doesn't work on all ipods, itouch, iphone01:19
twobitspritescott_ino: ohh, I wasn't talking about ipod/etc... I was talking about real mp3 players01:19
marcellusNorway is quietly invading Bolivia and will dig fjords all over the place..01:20
{Onyx}real mp3 players you just drag the file to the mp3 player01:20
twobitspritemarcellus: mischan?01:20
rensomsnemarcellus: we certainly will01:20
scott_inotwobitsprite, i know i know i own a Zen, and just do the whol USB thing, however if you asked me how important iphone/itouch linux support was I'd say 10/1001:20
scott_inoi know of at least 5 people that literally wont switch because of that01:20
mnaines{Onyx}: Sadly, it wasn't my choice to get an iPod...Last company I worked for was a publishing company...I routinely was assigned chauffeur duties for the boss' daughter and she nagged me until I got one01:21
twobitspritescott_ino: bah...01:21
rensomsnethe question is whether or not ubuntu will help us do it01:21
twobitspritemarcellus: you said something completely off topic, I thought maybe you typed it in the wrong window01:21
scott_inotwobitsprite, i mean honestly... it HAS to happen for widespread linux adoption I'd say it's equally as important nowadays as... .doc support in open office01:21
loshertwobitsprite: er, try gnomebaker, xcdroast, I'm sure there are others. They're pretty much all dreadful. k3b is the best of a bad bunch...01:22
{Onyx}I'd say gaming support would be more imprtant01:22
twobitspritescott_ino: I'm not really concerned with wide-spread linux adoption... I like it, and if other people don't... that's fine01:22
{Onyx}If we could get native support for games it would be the pwn.01:22
scott_inotwobitsprite, I own a linux company01:22
dbboltonhow can i purge all grub2 configs and revert to grub-legacy?01:22
scott_inolol so im a little more concerned01:22
DeathFoxthere was no program when i installed ubuntu like when i use to install linux to pick programs i want to install with it where is that program within ubuntu01:22
twobitspritescott_ino: ohh... then maybe you should develop itunes support01:22
scott_inotwobitsprite, I don't code, I'01:23
scott_inom the hardware guy01:23
scott_inome like build things01:23
{Onyx}deathfox try add/remove programs from apps or synaptic from system01:23
twobitspritescott_ino: well, your company then01:23
mnaines{Onyx}: I do like using iPods over other mp3 players, though, because of the USB thing...I can run USB to my car stereo from the iPod...If I had any other type of mp3 player, I'd have to get a permanently-mounted adapter that connects to the back of the stereo01:23
losherscott_ino: Actually, I'd prefer linux not achieve wide-spread adoption. It will just attract viruses writers etc...01:23
scott_inotwobitsprite, not really what we do, we specialize in LTSP environments, and other business related open source services01:23
twobitspritemnaines: get a better stereo... one that supports USB mass storage01:24
musikgoatDeathFox: you are looking for Synaptic?01:24
twobitspritescott_ino: do your customers need itunes support?01:24
DigitalKiwibut then people won't look at me funny when they find out I use linux instead of windows or OS X!01:24
{Onyx}everyone thinks they need itunes support01:24
musikgoatDeathFox: nvm, i see someone responded01:24
scott_inolosher, true, things on the virus end would get much worse but nowhere near what windows has been in my opinion01:24
mnainestwobitsprite: I doubt I can find one for less than 200 USD01:24
twobitspritemnaines: how much did your itunes-nazi stereo cost?01:24
{Onyx}People think they need a lot of crap that they don't.01:24
scott_inotwobitsprite, yes.. they do, it's pretty important, but it looks like some dev guys from banshee are already well ontop of it, again we don't have the time or resources to aid in software development01:25
mnainestwobitsprite: The head unit was a Sony system and cost 120 USD01:25
scott_inotwobitsprite, maybe when i get more money i can contribute ;-)01:25
t-zOmbiehey guys, having an issue mountin windows shares. I'm using: sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=$USER,gid=$USER Music /media/Share101:25
DigitalKiwiscott_ino: who is we?01:25
twobitspritescott_ino: ohh... well you said itunes support was vital to linux, and linux adoption was vital to your company... sounds to me like your company has a vested interest in linux itunes support... sounds like a good reason to contribute01:26
scott_inoDigitalKiwi, it's actually just two of us, used to be four, we're a small business based in arlington,VA01:26
mnainestwobitsprite: It is HD Radio and Satellite Radio ready, front-mount 1-wire USB, rear-mount auxiliary, with AM/FM/CD/USB/Aux functionality01:26
scott_inoDigitalKiwi, although we've done a few exciting projects recently, particularly with mass linux adoption in low income areas etc..01:26
twobitspritemnaines: and you don't think you could have found a stereo with usb support for that much?01:27
scott_inotwobitsprite, oh absolutely, id even be willing to give my free time however I'm not really sure what I can offer as im not a coder ;-)01:27
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twobitspritemnaines: http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/car-audio/01:27
mnainestwobitsprite: None of the other brands had head units with that many features for less than 200 USD01:27
scott_inotwobitsprite, not in "desperate" need of itunes support/iphone support, but it would certainly help quite a bit, and it's a bigger issue than just itunes. It's about hardware development and implementation in general01:28
scott_inotwobitsprite, if a large percentage of your potential customers happen to have ipods, they're going to want to be able to use them on a machine they own easily ;-)01:29
scott_inoso yeah that's my story..01:29
{Onyx}hardware dev isn't really our issue though. The community is great about it when a company opens the drivers, and a lot of times even when they don't.01:29
mnainestwobitsprite: The problem with all of the ones on that site is none of them are compatible with HD Radio or Satellite Radio tuners01:29
heyhohow to dpkg all packages i dnt know command line01:29
twobitspritescott_ino: the reason I make a big deal about this, is so many people want to complain about the lack of this-or-that feature in GNU/Linux distros, but don't realize that most of it is charity-ware... i.e., if you want something, do it yourself01:29
scott_ino{Onyx}, that's why im not worried about it, because more and more hardware is being available to the public01:29
musikgoatheyho: what are you trying to accomplish?01:30
{Onyx}The problem is with companies that won't open their drivers and won't support linux01:30
scott_inotwobitsprite, absolultely I agree with you, I see myself as part of the "linux solution" not just a user01:30
twobitspritescott_ino: excellent... that's great to hear01:30
{Onyx}I prefer community drivers anyway. I'll never buy another x-fi card after all the issues I've had with this one.01:31
mnainesscott_ino: I am also interested in getting more support for Linux01:31
{Onyx}And that's with creative's provided drivers01:31
mnaines{Onyx}: www.razerzone.com is where I got my soundcard...Razer Barracuda is the one I got01:31
physici downloade pidgin 2.6.2 in zip01:31
scott_inomnaines, most of us are :-) what's good about all of this is that more and more users are starting to get involved in projects, etc.01:32
physichow i can install it?01:32
{Onyx}You happy with the sound quality and microphone/headset support?01:32
musikgoatphysic: you didn't follow instructions01:32
heyhomusikgoat: i need to run dpkg for all packages do you know command01:32
heyhoi forgot it01:32
scott_ino{Onyx}, i have a sales person using one right now as we speak, over 500 calls and counting on a 14 dollar headset01:32
physicmusikgoat in page told me download pidgin 2.6.201:32
mnaines{Onyx}: Stereo microphone, <0.01% THD at 1kHz, true 5.1 channel surround sound, and Razer's proprietary High Definition Digital Audio Interface01:32
physicmusikgoat so i downloADED01:33
scott_ino{Onyx}, i realize that might not have been directed at me sorry ;-) im getting confused01:33
{Onyx}sweet, thanks01:33
mnaines{Onyx}: The HD-DAI uses the same type of connection as DVI-I, but it outputs audio instead of video01:33
musikgoatphysic: hmm, it looks like 2.6.1 is the latest build in the PPA, did someone say that yahoo was fixed in 2.6.2 only?01:34
{Onyx}I've got an x-fi xtreme music and the mic doesn't work for crap. If I turn the volume down so it isn't blaring out of the speaker/headset then it doesn't work and wine doesn't like it for a mic period01:34
physicmusikgoat no01:35
{Onyx}Haven't tried with using OSS in wine, which supports my on board sound chip's mic a lot better.01:35
mnaines{Onyx}: I've had people comment on the quality...They said its just like I'm sitting right next to them and talking to them01:35
musikgoatphysic: have you read this? http://theflamingbanker.blogspot.com/2009/06/some-clarification-on-yahoo-issues.html01:35
physici will go to pidgin channel01:36
maccam94wrong window01:36
physicmusikgoat no01:36
{Onyx}O, you guys are talking headsets.01:36
{Onyx}I'm talking about sound cards :)01:36
bluebaron_can someone point me to a site for creating a ubuntu usb bootable flash install from windows?01:37
mnaines{Onyx}: The Razer Barracuda is great...Made by gamers for gamers...Utilizes 3 dimensional positional audio for a true surround sound experience, the sound card itself has an onboard 500MHz processor with 32MB of RAM for excellent audio processing capabilities...That allows for the best possible sound quality, the use of a stereo microphone, and the lowest total harmonic distortion in the industry01:37
musikgoat!unetbootin | bluebaron01:37
ubottubluebaron: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:37
{Onyx}NM, looks like they have a headset by the same name.01:38
{Onyx}Looking at a review of the card now.01:38
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mnaines{Onyx}: Yeah...That's designed to be used with the sound card...01:38
dethaddrim having an install issue with jaunty, can anyone help?01:39
mnaines{Onyx}: Let me just add in my own review - The in-game sound from this card will easily trick your mind into thinking you're really there01:39
heaterHere is a question, anyone get blu-ray playback in linux yet?01:39
bluebaron_musikgoat, ty01:39
loshermib_mib: so did you resolve your server issue?01:39
DeathFoxcan gnome in ubuntu have a clear terminal01:39
mnaines{Onyx}: The sound quality is so good, its as close to real as you'll ever get01:39
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scott_inoheater, yes you can do it for certain blu-ray disks, however requires quite a bit of effort from what i understand01:40
{Onyx}How much do they run?01:40
mnaines{Onyx}: The prices are on the site...I think the headset runs 120USD01:40
{Onyx}If the video card is all I need to replace on the dead XPS system in my guest room then I may be able to swing it.01:40
heaterscott_ino: hmmm....so on top of that it would prob be much harder to get it to run through XBMC also then?01:40
scott_inoheater let me find you the page01:40
dethaddri made a jaunty usb boot disk, and im using it as im typing in this IRC chat right now, but it doenst have the installl button on the desktop. is there like a sudo i need to run in the term?01:40
heyhohater: i can burn blueay and play high definition videos i didnt try playing bluray01:41
{Onyx}nice looking card as well.01:41
heaterscott_ino: alright thanks01:41
mnaines{Onyx}: The great news is the most recent ALSA drivers in Linux will run the Barracuda just fine01:41
heaterheyho: you can play hd-dvd? or hd rips?01:41
DeathFoxcan you have a transparent terminal in gnome01:41
heyhohater: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD01:42
MaritimDeathFox: yes.01:42
{Onyx}$120 is a bit steep but I'm sure I'd be using the same card for years.01:42
MaritimDeathFox: gnome-terminal supports transparency.01:42
kansanhow bad is this?  my comp just randomly hung (ubuntu hardy); according to /var/log/messages i see: Sep 29 15:06:22 desktop-igloo kernel: [2234774.575997] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 001:42
t-zOmbiehey guys, having an issue mountin windows shares. I'm using: sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=$USER,gid=$USER Music /media/Share101:42
DeathFoxhow do i do it i got my terminal open01:42
mnaines{Onyx}: I've had this card for a little over a year...No problems at all01:42
MaritimDeathFox: Edit -> Profile settings -> Background01:42
heaterheyho: yea thanks01:42
heyhohater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32o6xmWco6I01:43
t-zOmbieDeathFox ALT + F2 type gnome-terminal01:43
t-zOmbiethen from there go to the profile settings and change the bg01:43
{Onyx}I don't game at all so the card should be good enough for great music/movies until it dies.01:43
{Onyx}Don't think I've ever had a sound card die on me either.01:43
mnaines{Onyx}: Its great for movies and music, especially when coupled with the Barracuda headset01:43
_AaLinuxI'm trying to read line from file . Where is the error ? http://pastebin.com/m4af665df01:43
Maritim{Onyx}: the sound card has never been worth thinking about for gaming :P01:43
Maritimwhatever's on your mobo gets the job done01:44
losherkansan: it's a read error on your cdrom. Could be just a bad CD/DVD disk, or it could be the drive is starting to go bad. The only way to know for sure is try another disk...01:44
mnainesMaritim: The onboard sound cards have poor sound quality compared to third-party sound cards01:44
kansanlosher, how do you know its not a hardd rive read error01:44
losher_AaLinux: line 6 remove the $ sign01:45
dethaddri made a jaunty usb boot disk, and im using it as im typing in this IRC chat right now, but it doenst have the installl button on the desktop. is there like a sudo i need to run in the term?01:45
losherkansan: because it says dev sr0, which is the cdrom...01:45
musikgoatdethaddr: you could try running ubiquity01:45
RPG_Masterawhile back i did something which enabled thumbnails for open document files. Would anyone here know how to turn this off?01:45
Blueydethaddr install button for what?01:45
mnaines{Onyx}: The beauty of the Barracuda headset is its a true 5.1 channel headset...Three speakers and a subwoofer in each earcup01:46
dethaddrbluey for ubuntu01:46
* {Onyx} drools01:46
musikgoatdethaddr: although i don't know if ubiquity needs to run as root or what01:46
kansanlosher, how should i figure out why it froze then01:46
_AaLinuxlosher: Yes, it would be echo $line01:46
Blueydethaddr -- it sounds like you want to install ubuntu on top of ubuntu01:46
dethaddrno, there is no OS on the pc01:46
mnaines{Onyx}: The other beauty of it is the stereo microphone and the sound card's 3D Positional Audio processing01:46
losher_AaLinux: that'll do it...01:47
{Onyx}deathaddr is booting from a usb and wanting to install from it01:47
dethaddri want to install it01:47
KeiyaHello! Can anyone help me out? Evolution crashes when I authenticate with an exchange server using the MAPI plugin. (2.26.1-0ubuntu2 on Ubuntu 9.04 (amd64))01:47
Blueydethaddr private message okay?01:47
DeathFoxdoes the new ubuntu have my drivers for my geforce 8800 card already or should i install them01:47
DeathFoxi mean i see a display01:47
musikgoat!ubiquity | dethaddr01:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubiquity01:47
Keiya(The exchange server is running 2007, so the OWA-based plugin doesn't work)01:47
musikgoat!info ubiquity | dethaddr01:47
mnainesDeathFox: I have the 8800GTS, and you have to go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers01:47
ubottudethaddr: ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.12.12 (jaunty), package size 2784 kB, installed size 10092 kB01:47
losherkansan: read errors may freeze your machine, it's a bug but not an important one, and secondary to the cdrom issue....01:47
sidneyeasy question for ya01:47
losherscott_ino: what $14 headset were you talking about above? I didn't see a model number...01:48
* cyphase finally feels l33t. he just encountered his first problem where removing pulseaudio helped01:49
=== root is now known as fabio77
mnaines{Onyx}: I am still a newbie to Linux, but I eventually want to help contribute to the Linux community01:50
sidneyi'm using Ubuntu in the default gnome when i updated the first 6 were kde updates. is there really any reason to install these?01:50
cyphasesidney: you probably installed a kde app01:50
KeiyaYes. A lot of useful apps use the KDE libraries, and apps 'native' to either run just fine on both.01:50
mnainesKeiya: Is it true Gnome and KDE apps are cross-compatible with either desktop?01:51
Keiyamnaines: Yep!01:52
{Onyx}mnaines pretty much.01:52
MlRegistercan someone help me with something?01:52
{Onyx}you'll have to install qt and stuff but any kde app you install will install that.01:52
sidneycyphase: does the add remove install kde apps under gnome?01:52
mnaines{Onyx}: What are some ways a newbie like myself can contribute to the Linux community?01:52
KeiyaThere's the occasionall little glitch, but not any worse than with a KDE app on KDE or a Gnome app on Gnome on a bad day :P01:52
losher!burn | twobitsprite just found this list01:53
ubottutwobitsprite just found this list: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:53
{Onyx}Hell if I know, I'm a newbie myself compared to most people :)01:53
MlRegistercan someone maybe answer a quick question for me?01:53
{Onyx}I'm just really good at searching for info I need.01:53
DigitalKiwiMlRegister: we can't read your mind01:53
MlRegistero sorry01:53
distrohoppermnaines: learn and help people who come in here.. stay here and learn from other people's questions01:53
mnaines{Onyx}: Yeah...I barely even know command line...Before I started using Linux, I was a Windows fanboy01:53
MlRegisterok so i just put Ubuntu 9.04 on a 320gb hdd and it says i only have 12 gigs free?01:53
{Onyx}Command line's no problem for me, got familiar with it downloading porn from IRC when I was a kid :)01:54
distrohopperlol {Onyx}01:54
sidneyIf ubuntu would run my tv card i would never boot windows purposely01:54
mnainesI doubt I'd ever be able to wean myself off the GUI because of all the years I've been a Windows sheep01:54
{Onyx}Then from there I went through my bad computer nerd phase and got familiar with the command line from other people's systems.01:54
KeiyaDid you use the entire hard drive, or did you use a partition on it, MlRegister?01:54
distrohoppermnaines: once you learn the power of the command line.. we may never get you away from it ;)01:54
losherMlRegister: please open a terminal and run 'sudo fdisk -l' and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com01:54
{Onyx}I see no reason to ween yourself off a gui01:54
MlRegisteri used the entire drive01:54
{Onyx}For some things GUI is great and for some things command line is better.01:54
DigitalKiwimnaines: I used windows for like 15 years and now CLI is what i prefer, you can do it too!01:55
Keiyamnaines: The lovely bit is you don't have to - I use both, and they play together nicely :J01:55
mnainesdistrohopper: Yeah...The problem is going to be teaching me CLI...I'm too dependent on the GUI right now01:55
MlRegisterincoming.... Disk /dev/sda: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes01:55
MlRegister255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders01:55
MlRegisterUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes01:55
MlRegisterDisk identifier: 0x2a4db61c01:55
MlRegister   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System01:55
FloodBot1MlRegister: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:55
MlRegister/dev/sda1               1       38913   312566780    7  HPFS/NTFS01:55
losher{Onyx}: the only reason to learn CLI is that the gui stuff tends to be much buggier. I'm not sure what that is...01:55
distrohopperI've been using linux full time for about a year now, and I am still learning01:55
mib_miblosher: not yet, still working on it01:55
{Onyx}the most important command lines are command --help and man command01:55
mnainesdistrohopper: I've only been using Ubuntu since June01:55
DigitalKiwi!paste | MlRegister01:55
ubottuMlRegister: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!01:55
losher{Onyx}: what -> why01:55
{Onyx}command --help explains the commands and man gives even more info01:56
sidneyis the gui what makes windows more open to attack?01:56
Keiyasidney: Nah.01:56
distrohopperor 'man <command>' is another good learnign resource01:56
{Onyx}another important command is man why did you leave your wife? always good for a laugh.01:56
mnainessidney: No...It is because of Windows' user friendliness and the popularity01:57
losherdistrohopper: I've been using unix/linux since 1974 and I'm still learning...01:57
DigitalKiwialias woman='man'01:57
distrohopperlosher: and I thought I was old ;)01:57
{Onyx}Windows is only user friendly until it breaks, which is often.01:57
mnainesPretty much everything on Windows is automated these days...That's where the security holes come from01:57
KeiyaWell, to a degree, bu just because it's code. Really, what makes Windows vulnerable is that it was designed as a single-user system to be used by people who knew 'everything'.01:57
MlRegisterLosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/282583/01:57
SonorousAnyone around that can help with a sound issue on 9.04 with an asus p5k deluxe mobo?01:57
losherdistrohopper: nah, I'm ancient...01:57
KeiyaAnd then it became popular.01:57
mnainesKeiya: Windows was designed for the computer illiterate...That's the main reason its such a big security risk01:58
sidneymnaines: ok understand01:58
{Onyx}First time I used linux was when like 198501:58
MlRegisterim totally new to linux :P01:58
scott_ino{Onyx}, i suddenly feel very young ;-)01:58
KeiyaSo you have an architecture that's designed for power over security, and it's ubiqtuous or however it's spelled.01:58
* mnaines was only 2 years old in 198501:58
* Keiya was -5 years old in 198501:58
=== deacon is now known as botnet
DigitalKiwimnaines: isn't ubuntu targeted at computer illiterate? :)01:59
losherMlRegister: on disk /dev/sda, I see an windows partition about 312GB in size. That's where all the space is. I don't see any linux partitions. Did you do a wubi install by any chance?01:59
{Onyx}Oops, meant 199501:59
{Onyx}I was only 4 :)01:59
{Onyx}in 198501:59
sidneyKeiya: now i feel very old01:59
chalcedonyDigitalKiwi, be polite01:59
DigitalKiwii thought that was its big gimmick, linux for human beings, etc01:59
KeiyaDigitalKiwi: Not for the illiterate, no...01:59
mnainesDigitalKiwi: Ubuntu is easy to use, but its not that easy...There are still some things on Ubuntu that require command line and knowledge of Linux01:59
KeiyaIt's targeted at people who can read and write at a sixth-grade level :P\01:59
SonorousAnyone around that can help with a sound issue on 9.04 with an asus p5k deluxe mobo?01:59
{Onyx}linux is user friendly. just a little more picky about who it makes friends with.01:59
scott_inoDigitalKiwi, i think they meant like.. the open source philosophy, not supid people01:59
losherscott_ino: what $14 headset were you talking about earlier? I didn't see a model number...02:00
scott_inoummm losher let me check02:00
=== andrew__ is now known as D-rew
mnaines{Onyx}: Linux doesn't like making friends, though...Windows boxes will be friends with anyone and anything...Linux boxes are like shy people02:00
Sonorousmy rule of thumb is, if you are not an idiot, windows can be ok.02:01
rensomsneshy people don't like making friends?02:01
{Onyx}I have to say one thing about linux. If you're willing to look for help it is a lot easier to find.02:01
rensomsneshy people just need a little bit of encouragement02:01
sternoheadcan anyone help with loading ubuntu on a pc02:01
mnaines{Onyx}: My rule of thumb is "Any geek worth his salt would use Linux over Windows any day"02:01
sidneywill ubuntu alow a user account without a password?02:01
{Onyx}Any time I have a problem with Windows that I can't figure out I have to dig through 18 pages of me too!'s02:02
Keiyasternohead: Sure! Do you have a CD ready, or do you need to burn it? yet.02:02
{Onyx}sidney: no02:02
Beardbar_im dealing with a malware issue on my website, is there a way to search all files for an iframe after using sed to remove it to see if there are any iframe tags left in any of the files recursivly?02:02
mnainessidney: None of the Linux distros will do that02:02
sternoheadi have a cd02:02
Keiyasidney: All accounts /must/ have a password... but Ubuntu /does/ allow autologin02:02
_AaLinuxlosher: I want to stop after printing 0, why is it printing negative numbers?http://pastebin.com/m7f12dc0102:02
distrohoppersidney: you can set up ubuntu to automatically log you in, but you need a password for things like sudo02:02
loshersidney: it can be done, but it's not recommended...02:02
chalcedonyBeardbar_, grep02:02
Sonoroushammer time.02:02
DigitalKiwichalcedony: i was being polite, if i meant to be rude instead of computer illiterate I would have said stupid people, the nice thing about windows is that anyone can figure out how to use it in a very short amount of time for what most people use stuff for...linux takes a bit longer02:02
Sonorousso about this audio issue02:02
Sonorousthat i need some help with02:03
mnainesKeiya: But even with autologin, its not like Windows because you still don't get root privileges by default02:03
Keiyamnaines: You don't on Vista or 7 either.02:03
chalcedonyDigitalKiwi, it didn't seem very tactful02:03
Sonorousyou can even send me a pm so you can still talk about windows in a linux chan, i won't mind02:03
KeiyaWell, you do, you just have to click through annoying dialogs02:03
_AaLinux I want to stop after printing 0, why is it printing negative numbers?http://pastebin.com/m7f12dc0102:03
mnainesKeiya: Actually, the only thing that Windows Vista and Windows 7 do is pop up endless dialogs saying "Are you sure you want to do this?"  "Are you sure you're sure?"02:04
distrohopperi'll trust a password over just clickin OK any day02:04
{Onyx}Yeah, but linux has things set up better so even if you do get a "virus" all it can do is trash your home folder.02:04
{Onyx}Windows any user can infect the whole system unless it is a guest account.02:04
Keiya(Yes! It only took until 2007 for Microsoft to implement a half-assed sudo!)02:04
Sonorousmnaines, you have not used windows 7 obviously02:04
mnaines{Onyx}: And I like Linux because even if you get a virus, you can just rewrite the darn thing and send it right back to the attacker02:04
Rubinioolol my harddisk sounds like a diesel engine :D02:04
losher_AaLinux: I added sleep 1 to the loop and executed it with sh -x. The test is incorrect. If you read the man page, you02:04
Sonorousthere is this neeto option that you can turn off, called the UAC.02:04
{Onyx}rubinioo time for a new hdd :)02:05
musikgoatSonorous: I have, and i haven't been prompted for a password for anything02:05
Rubiniooyeah :D02:05
* Sonorous fails to see your point02:05
{Onyx}Yeah, but you turn off UAC and you'll be running around in SU02:05
DigitalKiwimnaines: i wrote a program to paste text to pastebin sites, it has a --vista option02:05
DigitalKiwi    -V, --vista                     Asks a random number of times for confirmation in amusing ways02:05
{Onyx}Besides, most idiots don't pay attention to what is asking for permission to run and just click ok.02:05
DigitalKiwiit is its best feature02:05
omeddragonLinksys / Cisco Compact Wireless-G USB Adapter (WUSB54GC) does this work on ubuntu02:05
musikgoatSonorous: eh, its offtopic anyways...02:05
sternoheadKeiya i have the cd and it freezes up when i get to putting in where i live at  i tried in safe graphics mode and it didn't help02:06
MlRegisterlosher: hey ive got three harddrives in my computer, a 320gb with vista, a clean 80gb, and a new 320 with ubuntu on it "supposedly"02:06
slaytondoes anybody know how I would go about diagnosing slow copy speeds? I have two sata drives and when I try to copy big files >500mb from one drive to another I get really slow copy speeds like 5mb/sec02:06
musikgoat!ubuntuhcl | omeddragon02:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuhcl02:06
mnainesDigitalKiwi: Yeah...There are a lot of benefits to Linux over Windows...I like the higher integrated security and the fact I don't need an antivirus02:06
Sonorousso back to my tricky asus p5k with no sound on ubuntu02:06
musikgoatomeddragon: check out http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/02:06
Sonorousnot even a nibble?02:06
DigitalKiwimnaines: http://pasteit.ghost1227.com/index.php/view/7160246402:07
Keiyasternohead: Odd...02:07
cegopaivahi everybody02:07
cegopaivagood night02:07
Keiyasternohead: It's always just worked for me. You are booting from the CD, right? :J02:07
Sonorouswait huh>02:07
cegopaivamy english is poor... i'm sorry02:08
mnainesDigitalKiwi: What is that for?02:08
mnainesDigitalKiwi: Funny, yes, but what was its intended purpose?02:08
Sonorousi see what you meant now cegopaiva02:08
DigitalKiwicurlpaste, pastebin uploader I wrote that uses lua and curl02:08
hustonuhm. anyone here know if ubuntu is capable of utilizing all 4 Gigs of my ram and my 64 bit proccessor?02:08
igsenI've been trying to view video streaming but firefox keeps asking for installation of microsoft silverlight---uninstallable on jaunty. Any alternatives for this?02:08
slaytonhuston, if you install the 64 bit version of ubuntu then yes02:09
cegopaivai wold like learn many things here02:09
DigitalKiwiit's actually a really cool little program =D02:09
MlRegisterlosher, u said there wasnt a linux partition?02:09
mnaineshuston: I use 64-bit Ubuntu and I have a 64-bit Intel Core2 Quad with 4GB of RAM...Ubuntu doesn't even put a dent in my machine02:09
Orfeousive got some problems with my ubuntu karmic computer.. i upgraded all packages yesterday and now my computer boots into some kind of single user mode and logs in as root as default.. what can i do about it? it also seems that many services are not started.02:09
DeathFoxhow do i change the login screen background image02:09
{Onyx}huston, if you're using 64bit ubuntu then yes.02:09
slaytonOrfeous, this isn't the place for Karmic support02:09
slaytonOrfeous, try ubuntu+102:09
mnaineshuston: I can run Ubuntu 64-bit full steam and never once notice a change in performance02:09
Orfeousok, sorry :)02:09
Shawn-What's that one state that's like in Canada02:10
DigitalKiwidoes ubuntu have a PAE kernel available?02:10
losherMlRegister: that's how it looks. Linux partitions would say Linux in the output. How did you install linux?02:10
sternoheadthanks keiya02:10
hustoni'm running windopwsd right now i know how to install ubuntu to dual boot. do i need a specific ionstall disc though?02:10
DeathFoxis there a way to change the image on the login screen02:10
Danbo19I'm having problems with sound. I just installed Jaunty on my desktop and until today, sound worked fine. But yesterday I unplugged my speakers to plug into a laptop, and now today my desktop has no sound.02:10
MlRegisterLosher: i was booted into vista when i did it, i installed it to a newly formatted 320gb SATA hdd that i just installed in my pc today.02:11
losher_AaLinux: was that enough for you to figure it out?02:11
mnaines{Onyx}: What are some good apps for learning how to write code for the Linux kernel?02:11
_AaLinuxlosher: I'm testing , editing02:11
KeiyaMy the way, at the earlier malware discussion, reminds me of a joke from the GNU humor archive: http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/evilmalware.html02:11
Keiya(I'm sure most of you have seen it, but it's good for a laugh anyway.)02:12
DigitalKiwimnaines: http://pasteit.ghost1227.com/index.php/view/3738289202:12
DeathFoxhow do i change the login image on gnome02:12
sidneyDeathFox:  system -login i think02:12
MlRegisterlosher did u see that last response from me?02:12
losherMlRegister: normally, one boots the ubuntu livecd and installs from it. I think you did a *wubi* install, which means you installed ubuntu as a windows application. I don't know much about wubi, sorry...02:12
MlRegister#losher ok ill reinstall no biggie, havent really done anything except update it so far02:13
mnainesDigitalKiwi: I got a question...Are having the Linux kernel firewall in restrictive mode, my computers on a different subnet, and the router on that subnet locked down tight good for security?02:14
losherMlRegister: ok, be careful to make sure you install to the correct disk, or you'll end up overwriting your windows install....02:14
{Onyx}Speaking of Windows insecurity, wasn't the Windows box the last one to go down during the last defcon?02:14
{Onyx}The Mac being first.02:14
DigitalKiwilosher: he's gone02:14
mnaines{Onyx}: That was Linux...The last Defcon, the Mac box went down in 10 minutes, the Windows Vista Service Pack 1 box took 2 days, but they didn't want to write the exploit code for Linux02:14
losherDigitalKiwi: scary....02:14
_AaLinuxlosher:  "$var" -gt 0  , it works , but why doesn't it work? "$var" > 0  , isn't that same?02:15
{Onyx}I should go to the next defcon.02:15
Danbo19can anybody help with a sound problem?02:16
mnaines{Onyx}: I want to learn hacking, too...And by Hacking I mean learning what the exploits are and how to fix them02:16
{Onyx}I'm more interested in not being the smartest person in the room.02:17
{Onyx}Would be a nice change!02:17
Biovorelearn C/C++ and the gnu debugger..02:17
DigitalKiwiand bash02:17
dethaddri made a jaunty usb boot disk, and im using it as im typing in this IRC chat right now, but it doenst have the installl button on the desktop. is there like a sudo i need to run in the term?02:17
laclasselearn ASM.02:17
Rubiniooyeah and I want beer02:17
DigitalKiwidethaddr: we can't read your mind02:17
DigitalKiwidisregard that02:18
DigitalKiwiDanbo19: ^02:18
losher_AaLinux: because it's shorthand for calling the "test" command. See 'man test'. The syntax is old and clunky. See 'man bash' under compound commands and arithmetic expressions for better syntax...02:18
dethaddrim not asking you to read my mind02:18
Danbo19sorry, posted above: (08:10:44 PM) Danbo19: I'm having problems with sound. I just installed Jaunty on my desktop and until today, sound worked fine. But yesterday I unplugged my speakers to plug into a laptop, and now today my desktop has no sound.02:18
tengplease let me know better place to chat!02:18
UbuntuPoophow do I install Adobe Flash Player for Ubuntu 9.04?02:18
{Onyx}Ubuntupoop, manually install it from adobe's web site.02:19
n8boundsdethaddr, the command is ubiquity, which you may be able to sudo. it should also be in the system menu.02:19
UbuntuPoopi dont know howplayer/02:19
{Onyx}Autoinstall from firefox doesn't seem to work.02:19
laclasseUbuntuPoop, Applications-> add/remove -> search 'Flash' -> first result -> install02:19
n8boundsdethaddr, if there are no icons on the desktop, maybe nautilus crashed, try running that too02:19
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:19
losherteng: for general chat, #ubuntu-offtopic. For technical chat, depends what you want to chat about02:19
=== UbuntuPoop is now known as Distro
seidossudo apt-get install flashplayer-installer02:20
dethaddrjust hit f2 an hit nautilis?02:20
mnainesUbuntuPoop: Go to Synaptic, search for Flash, then scroll down until you find the Adobe Flash Player Plugin02:20
n8boundsdethaddr, yeah, that might help. or sudo ubiquity02:20
RubiniooI dont like flash at all... screws up my system02:20
d0wnHi, I tried installing a package, but I get this: http://pastebin.com/d3a9e355d and now any time I try to install another package, I get told to do "apt-get -f install", but I only get more errors02:20
{Onyx}Speaking of flash, anyone figured out how to get rid of that annoying sound everytime a flash app loads.02:20
seidosnope, that didn't work02:20
seidosd'oh! thought that was right02:21
kb9tuigood evening all02:21
dethaddrnothing happend with f2/nautilus02:21
mnaines{Onyx}: Doesn't make a sound for me when a flash app loads02:21
{Onyx}Maybe I need to update flash.02:21
ThatGuyOverThereHello. Is there any way for me to remove network devices?02:21
=== Distro is now known as BumpTop_Prototyp
mnaines{Onyx}: Or use the Adobe flash player instead of the other one02:21
n8boundsdethaddr, can u open an xterm or gnome-terminal ?02:21
{Onyx}That's what I'm using.02:21
laclassed0wn, easy02:21
dethaddrgot it02:21
losherThatGuyOverThere: you can configure them to be 'down' using ifconfig. But why do you need to?02:22
laclassed0wn, sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gstreamer0.10-plugins-farsight_0.12.10-2_i386.deb02:22
guest17747trying to apt-get usb-creator and I get the error "Couldn't find package usb-creator"... any thoughts? I'm on Ubuntu 8.04.02:22
d0wnlaclasse: thanks :] i'll try02:22
n8boundsdethadder, are you familiar with tab completion?02:22
ThatGuyOverThereWell, I'm using a PS3. Bottom line, if you want to connect to wifi, you have to have the ethernet device disabled.02:22
=== BumpTop_Prototyp is now known as BumpTop
n8boundsguest17747, can u do a  sudo apt-get update and try it again?02:22
Danbo19I'm having problems with sound. I just installed Jaunty on my desktop and until today, sound worked fine. But yesterday I unplugged my speakers to plug into a laptop, and now today my desktop has no sound. The sound guide on the forums seems to only have information for people who haven't gotten sound to work at all.02:23
guest17747sorry, thats what i meant02:23
mnainesThatGuyOverThere: I use wi-fi just fine with the ethernet ports active02:23
ThatGuyOverThereWell, mine doesn't work.02:23
guest17747I did "sudo apt-get usb-creator"02:23
SyldraThatGuyOverThere: just do sudo ifdown eth0 then, you can also remove the ethernet settings in /etc/network if you want to02:23
ThatGuyOverThereI've tried everything and so this is what I'm gonna try next.02:23
n8boundsguest17747, do a sudo apt-get install usb-creator02:23
d0wnlaclasse: more errors. http://pastebin.com/d345a446702:23
mnainesThatGuyOverThere: scratch Syldra's command...It is ifconfig eth0 down02:23
guest17747oh man... duh!  shoot, thanks02:23
DerKlempnerAnybody have any experience with DNSMasq?02:23
losherThatGuyOverThere: I've heard weirder things. You want something like 'sudo ifconfig eth0 down' from a terminal. You might be able to do it from network manager instead...02:24
laclassed0wn, now do: sudo dpkg --configure -a02:24
BumpTopwhat is the name of the Flash Player plugin?02:24
DeathFoxi just downloaded a gnome theme how do i install it02:24
laclasseDeathFox, drag and drop in the apparance window02:24
hustonok so i booted the live cd image on the computer. now if i install ubuntu will it automattically install the 64bit version instead of the 32 bit version?02:24
d0wnneverind! i fixed it. thanks laclasse02:24
laclassed0wn, ;-)02:24
n8boundsDeathfox, drag and drop the theme onto the the theme changer window (appearances > theme tab)02:24
guest17747n8bounds: I get the same error message02:24
ThatGuyOverThereIt also says "device not managed" under wireless in the Network Manager.02:24
ThatGuyOverThereWhat can I do about that?02:24
Shawn-huston Theres different disks02:24
guest17747Couldn't find package usb-creator02:24
d0wnlaclasse: i just looked at which packages needed "configured", and apt-get install'd them02:24
guest17747sudo apt-get install usb-creator02:25
jedchuston, you need to use the 64 bit install disk02:25
n8boundsguest17747, do this command: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude install usb-creator02:25
laclassed0wn, right, still ... issue the dpkg --configure -a, it will set all packages needing to be configures02:25
BumpTopwhere is the flash plugin on synaptic package manager?02:25
mnainesThatGuyOverThere: I don't need to bring my eth0 ports offline when I use the wifi...As long as I only have one port in use at any time, there aren't any problems02:25
BumpTopwhat is the name02:25
d0wnlaclasse: okay :] thanks02:25
laclassed0wn, np02:25
ThatGuyOverThereI did some searching around and found "sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed". Will that do it?02:26
mnainesBumpTop: It should say "Adobe Flash Plugin Installer" in the description02:26
guest17747Seems to have worked02:26
n8boundsbumptop, the easiest thing to do is install the package "ubuntu-restricted-extras"02:26
guest17747n8bounds:  thanks!02:26
n8boundsgood, np02:26
=== john is now known as Guest640
guest17747Whats the difference between apt-get and aptitude?02:26
Livingroomhey guys how can i look through the contents of two directories that contain similarly-named files and determine based on file size which ones are not duplicates?02:26
n8boundsguest17747, its very little, aptitude is just newer and a bit better about cleaning up after itself02:27
BumpTopgetting flash player on ubuntu seems like an impossible mission.02:27
losherguest17747: slight differences in functionality. Use whichever you prefer. You can switch between them until you decide...02:27
guest17747hmm... ok, thanks guys... still a noob. Obviously02:27
{Onyx}I didn't have much trouble getting flash on ubuntu.02:27
seidossudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:27
seidosthat's what it was02:28
BumpTopi did02:28
BumpTopwhat do i do with it?02:28
* Keiya sighs02:28
{Onyx}Just a problem with the start of a video or flash ad makes a really annoying sound for a second.02:28
losherguest17747: this is a good place for noobs...02:28
seidos!who | BumpTop02:28
ubottuBumpTop: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:28
Danbo19I'm having problems with sound. I just installed Jaunty on my desktop and until today, sound worked fine. But yesterday I unplugged my speakers to plug into a laptop, and now today my desktop has no sound. The sound guide on the forums seems to only have information for people who haven't gotten sound to work at all.02:28
KeiyaLooks like I still have to boot to Windows to use Outlook.02:28
laclasseBumpTop, just use the Add/Remove program, install reboot, go to youtube02:28
Balsaqmy system monitor hits 100% CPU usage most of the time..an i frying the CPU?02:28
{Onyx}Keiya, have you tried evolution?02:28
* seidos is an expert n00b02:28
guest17747Now that I have usb-creator installed, I can't find it in the menus. Is it only accessible via terminal?02:28
laclasseBumpTop, if this does not work, file a bug02:29
laclasseBumpTop, btw, it does work ;-)02:29
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:29
Keiya{Onyx}: Yes. The OWA connector doesn't work with Exchange 2007, and the MAPI connector just crashes it.02:29
hustonok. one last question. if i install juanty will i have any issues updating through the update manager to the 9.10 release at the end of the month? i've had issues with it in the past when i tried to use it to upgrade to juanty, it broke my installation.02:29
{Onyx}How about thunderbird?02:29
ThatGuyOverThereBy the way, if I go ifconfig eth0 down... eth0 will come back up when I restart, won't it?02:29
n8boundsguest17747, its called usb somethin somethin in the system gnome menu02:29
BumpTop<tab huston>02:29
KeiyaDoesn't have Exchange support.02:29
KeiyaOr calendar, for that matter...02:29
KeiyaIf I just wanted mail, I'd just use imap :P02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about huston>02:30
laclassehuston, no, all upgrades are supported, from LTS to LTS and from one version to the next. The updater will see 9.10 avalaible and will offer to upgrade. Prop drivers could be an issue but generally it is smooth02:30
{Onyx}imap doesn't work very well with evo02:30
dethaddrhey dude with the usb issue PM i just just just did it02:30
losherThatGuyOverThere: yes, the effects of typing ifconfig on a terminal will not last past a reboot...02:30
BumpTop<tab=losher> test02:30
guest17747n8bounds: I checked the System > Pref and System > Admin; but I can't find the app02:30
ThatGuyOverThereIs there anything I can do about that?02:30
ThatGuyOverThere...that isn't complicated?02:30
Keiya{Onyx}: Right, but I want the calendar features anyway, which aren't available over imap, so it's not relevent02:30
hustonok. thanks guys.02:31
DigitalKiwiBumpTop: what on earth are you doing02:31
losherhuston: note that 9.04 isn't especially stable, and 9.10 will probably be less so...02:31
Balsaqsystem monitor hitting 100% CPU usage almost constantly...am i frying my CPU?02:31
BumpTopi am trying to do this: huston: oh02:31
{Onyx}I haven't had any problems with 9.04 beyond a few minor things02:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tab>02:31
IndyGunFreakBalsaq, well, what is causing it to spike?02:31
n8boundsfor me, its in system > administration > USB Startup Disk Creator02:32
seidosBumpTop: no <>02:32
dethaddr!guest17747 still got issues?02:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:32
Balsaqwho lnow just looked and that sumanugun rides ride up there all the time...whew02:32
losher{Onyx}: stick around: sound, flash, other stuff...02:32
guest17747dethaddr: yes, can't find the usb-creator app02:32
KeiyaFlash isn't Ubuntu's fault02:32
guest17747still looking02:32
BumpTop!<losher> aaa02:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about losher02:32
KeiyaIt'd be a lot more stable if Adobe'd give us the source02:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usb-creator02:32
BumpTopi cant do it02:32
Danbo19Balsaq: do you use Gnome do? sometime do sits there and eats all my CPU for whatever reason and I have to kil it02:33
{Onyx}Only sound issue I had was that my onboard sound chip went legacy in 9.04 so I had to edit /etc/modules to load it02:33
seidos{Onyx}: I had a problem with sound and video, but they weren't serious.  Intrepid was another story.  hosed my heron install02:33
ThatGuyOverThereNobody answered me about the wireless device...02:33
ThatGuyOverThere...in Network Manager it says "device not managed."02:33
ThatGuyOverThereWhat can I do about that?02:33
{Onyx}I did a brief search and it seems your wireless device sucks for linux support.02:33
BalsaqDanbo19: dunno have ubunto 904 newbie here02:33
ajwois there a package for a jdbc driver for SQLite?02:33
seidos{Onyx}: oh yeah, and wireless, switched from ndiswrapper to ath5k.  it really depends on your hardware.02:33
ThatGuyOverThereNever mind.02:34
Balsaqif iride at 100 percent does it cook the CPU02:34
{Onyx}Yeah dude, yours02:34
Livingroomok guys: new problem. atheros wifi on ubuntu intrepid. goes "silent" and refuses to "wake up" after maybe 5-10 seconds. have to restart wireless to get it to work again. if i tell a shell to ping <ip address> it will keep the connection alive. suggestions?02:34
ThatGuyOverThereOh. Well, yeah, I already know that.02:34
Danbo19Gnome do is just a nifty little program launcher, you have to install it yourself though so you'd know02:34
KeiyaBut yeah.02:34
KeiyaEvolution doesn't work and OWA is just /painful/02:35
hustonto any ubuntu devs that may be on: thanks for the great OS.02:35
Keiya(It's designed to only work on IE. Of course.)02:35
BalsaqDanbo19: dont recall installing anything buy 9.04, the updates and flash02:35
AstroElthree cheers for Ubuntu02:35
ThatGuyOverThereBut just pretending it doesn't... Is there anyway to get the "device not managed" problem resolved?02:35
{Onyx}I can't wait to get my new system up and running so I can see just how pretty I can make gnome.02:35
seidosboooo to OWA02:35
Keiyaseidos: Well, it's OWA or boot to windows. :P02:35
{Onyx}My current rig isn't good enough for anything beyond gtk themes02:35
BalsaqDanbo19: unless it came in with ubuntu 9.04...02:36
seidosKeiya: virtual box?  :/02:36
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accolhey guys whats the command to connect to wireless via the terminal?02:36
Keiyaseidos: I don't have a spair license, or even real windows disks >_>02:36
BalsaqDanbo19: i have heard ubuntu is gnome02:36
BumpTophow do you do this:02:37
BumpTopNick: text text text text text text text text02:37
seidos!tab | BumpTop02:37
ubottuBumpTop: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:37
seidosBumpTop: tab?02:37
seidosBumpTop: tab is above the caps lock key usually02:37
BumpTop!tab|seidos a02:37
ubottuseidos a: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:37
ThatGuyOverThereUgh... I'm leaving. I'll try asking later.02:38
BumpTop!tab | ubottu aaa02:38
ubottuBumpTop: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:38
accolhey guys whats the command to connect to wireless via the terminal?02:38
seidosKeiya: me neither, but I don't have a need to use OWA currently02:38
OmletteDoes anyone know why the hald process would suddenly start eating all my memory and CPU cycles?02:38
musikgoataccol: man iwconfig02:38
rensomsneBumpTop: start typing the first couple of letters of the nick, then press the tab key. It will autocomplete the nick.02:39
rensomsneit's the one with the arrows on it, above caps lock.02:39
BalsaqDanbo19: just looked at system, have 6 gnome process; running but the appear to be sleeping?02:40
kam00zycan anybody tell me how to install minefield?02:40
ajwois there a package for a jdbc driver for SQLite?02:40
kam00zyfrom a tar.bz202:40
rigodenihey guys, whats the best/easiest way to get flash working correctly on the Chromium Browser? im on Ubuntu 9.04 using version 4.0.21902:40
musikgoat!shiretoko | kam00zy02:40
ubottukam00zy: FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation02:40
kam00zyits 3.7 musikgoat02:40
guest17747still trying to find usb-creator after install... any suggestions?02:41
kam00zyits in beta but its epic02:41
Balsaqrigodeni: many having trouble with flash in 90402:41
musikgoatkam00zy: your trying to build from source?  there isn't a PPA?02:41
kam00zyerr now that i saw02:41
KeiyaWho/what is BumpTop and why did they/it msg me "<tab>"?02:41
kam00zythats all ive got ^^02:41
kam00zythe link02:41
musikgoatkam00zy: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa02:43
Balsaqwow my cpu is up around 100% usage all the time...does that cook the cpu?02:43
OmletteBalsaq: Only if you don't have enough cooling. :P02:43
seidosBalsaq: it shouldn't cook your cpu, you can use "top" in terminal to see what process is using up your cpu02:43
Balsaqseidos: lots of process but allare sleeping except firefox02:44
Omlettetime to kill firefox, then.02:44
seidosBalsaq: you can stop firefox if you're not using it: pkill -stop firefox in terminal02:45
seidosBalsaq: you can also find out what is taking up so much cpu.  usually flash02:45
rigodeniBalsaq: at this point i dont even have flash installed for it, i would like to at least install it and go from there02:45
Keiyaseidos: POP and IMAP don't let me access the calendar stuff, which is heavily used here...02:45
Balsaqsiedos: as i learn more i can prolly cut out some stuff...on ff now...maybe i can dump flash plays utube real slow anyhow02:45
Balsaqseidos: do i even need flash-took it cause utube said i need it02:46
seidosBalsaq: if you want to watch videos on youtube.com, yes02:46
Balsaqseidos: but they play too slow too enjoy anyway02:47
gilnlhello, has there been any updates on the Quicktime stream bug?02:47
Balsaqseidos: so if flash is using all my power i dont need utube that bad02:47
kam00zywhat version number is jaunty?02:47
seidosBalsaq: close the tab that has youtube open, see what happens.02:48
Balsaqseidos: didnt know flash was a power sucker even when just using chat02:48
Balsaqseidos: i am only in here right now02:48
seidosBalsaq: coooool.  how are you?02:48
guest17747Do I need to upgrade to Intrepid to use usb-creator? I'm on 8.04 currently.02:48
Balsaqseidos: great havin a ball with this new ubuntu stuff on my 11 year old dell02:48
htorres113938.04 should be able to work considering it's a long term release02:49
seidosBalsaq: firefox uses between 16 to 28% cpu on my system right now.02:49
guest17747Thats kinda what I figured too02:49
htorres11393you don't gotta upgrade it for three years02:49
{Onyx}Balsaq: I'm in the same boat. Running an old Compaq with a p3 katami 450mhz proc :)02:49
htorres11393does it work?02:49
Balsaqseidos: what are your specs02:49
seidosBalsaq: got an old dell with ubuntu on it.  not sure how old.  what are your specs?  my dell is a 1gz with 128mb ram, matrox video.  it has ubuntu server on it02:50
Balsaqonyx: ill figure it out i know this beast can do it casue it played utube with w9802:50
guest17747Someone helped me use aptitude to install usb-creator a minute ago but I can't seem to find it in the OS menus02:50
htorres11393run the command02:50
seidosBalsaq: laptop is 2gb ram, intel video, 1.47 duo core02:50
Balsaqseidos: i got 400mgz pII mmx 512cache 768sdram 8mb ati02:50
guest17747I tried "sudo aptitude install usb-creator"02:50
guest17747Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "usb-creator"02:51
guest17747did it not install?02:51
htorres11393umm idk try from source02:51
guest17747shoot, I'm not that advanced quite yet02:51
guest17747is compiling from source a simple process?02:51
seidosBalsaq: how does it run for you?  that explains it.  what is .28% of 147002:52
htorres11393download the source02:52
Balsaqsiedos: i know i can play utube cause it worked with w98 perfectly...but real slow with buntu..need to find drivers...buntu doesnt have em ...thats what i think02:52
seidoslike 441?02:52
stevetranhello, any scripts experts here? I really need a script that replace all my PHP variables "$this->abc" with $this->viewParams['abc'] in many files02:52
guest17747is there a command for downloading the usb-creator source?02:52
seidosBalsaq: not sure if it's a driver issue...could be a software issue.02:52
Balsaqseidos: looked inside my software..says "no proprietary drivers"02:53
Biovorestevetran: look at sed.. thats a 1 liner..02:53
htorres11393use firefox or whatever browser you use02:53
Biovoreor learn vim and emacs02:53
guest17747will do02:53
Balsaqseidos: otherwise she is humminalong better than when it was new in 1998?02:53
Keiyahttp://keiya.pastebin.ca/1587043 <- Segfault! How I do loath thee!02:53
guest17747I need the tar.gz file, correct?02:54
Balsaqseidos: still take 3 mnutes to go from off to online but that has always been that way but online moves around better than w98 when it was new02:54
Keiya"We logged in! Let's segfault!"02:54
seidosBalsaq: there are some great programs that would work on that system.02:54
KeiyaI hate Evolution right now.02:54
KeiyaAnd Microsoft.02:54
Enigma885any Audacious users over here??02:55
KeiyaAnd, um, sleep.02:55
Balsaqseidos: hey great what are they02:55
htorres11393stop what ur doing02:55
htorres11393i got a deb package02:55
Balsaqseidos: computer dork here though02:55
seidosBalsaq: server programs.  apache202:55
htorres11393here's the link: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/all/usb-creator/download02:55
Enigma885guys i need some help with compiling a program02:55
Balsaqseidos: what that for?02:55
htorres11393i'm installing it too cuz it's a good thing to have02:56
demonsporkCan someone who has google chrome installed please PM me, I need to duplicate a bug02:56
Balsaqseidos: what is the purpose of server pkg apache202:56
seidosBalsaq: bind9, or dnsmasq...what else?02:56
guest17747so, i need to edit my sources.list?02:56
seidosBalsaq: webserver.  you can host your own website, but you would have to leave your computer on all the time02:57
Enigma885SO, how can i get someone to listen in this flood of talks !!!!!02:57
TnaviHow can i Get Six Pack Abs02:57
htorres11393idk i've never had to do that02:57
htorres11393just get the deb file in the link02:57
htorres11393pick a mirror and download it02:58
Balsaqseidos: what are these pkgs for...are we taling about making utube run faster or that they are just good pkgs for some other reason?02:58
guest17747ahh.. ok02:58
=== mike is now known as Guest65651
htorres11393when it's done downloading just click on the deb file and it'll run the deb package manager02:58
htorres11393that takes care of everything02:58
baldurpetCan someone give me a quick help?02:58
Orfeouswhen will ubuntu 9.10 get a final release?02:58
Balsaqseidos: i dont know jack flippin  sh*t bout puters02:58
guest17747ok, i'm there02:58
guest17747its says that usb-creator requires two other packages02:58
baldurpetIt's relating to writing to drives02:58
baldurpetPretty basic02:58
Enigma885baldurpet, i wish i can02:58
guest17747mtools; syslinux02:59
baldurpetI just formatted a 1 TG HDD02:59
Enigma885baldurpet, go ahead i might help by any means02:59
baldurpetEnigma: sure02:59
ajwoanyone familiar with java and sqlite?02:59
echosystmis it best to set your xorg dpi to the dpi of your monitor and set your computer to use smaller fonts OR just set your xorg dpi to something lower?02:59
Rubinioohow large usb stick do I need to create a usb live key?02:59
baldurpetusing gparted02:59
seidosBalsaq: you're talking to me on internet relay chat.02:59
baldurpetand I mounted it using the command line02:59
Balsaqyup i know that seidos02:59
baldurpetbut I can't copy things to it without using the command line03:00
guest17747I think those two packages are included in the usb-creator package03:00
guest17747i'm learning03:00
Balsaqseidos: is that what those programs are for?03:00
baldurpet(using <sudo> on the command line)03:00
Enigma885baldurpet, weird ..wat format did u use?03:00
htorres11393you'll never stop that believe me i'm still learning and i've been on it for a year03:00
wabashCan anyone suggest a program to play real media files for ubu?03:00
baldurpetbut this isn't the first time this has happened to me03:00
htorres11393idk what exactly it installs but it's a pretty neat thing03:00
guest17747haha... i can imagine03:00
htorres11393just run it from the command line03:00
seidosBalsaq: programs are for setting up a webserver.  If you want video to be faster, you can try using totem.  Flash is slow in ubuntu.  It's free.  To make it faster would have to learn how to improve the code03:00
Enigma885baldurpet, so wat did u do when i happened before ?03:01
guest17747I can see it installed into the System menu, I can see the icon03:01
baldurpetanother HD I have is also mounted like this03:01
guest17747how do i run via terminal?03:01
wabashechosystm: what?03:01
baldurpetnothing, I just move files between them as root03:01
wabashmaybe I can answer03:01
echosystmechosystm: is it best to set your xorg dpi to the dpi of your monitor and set your computer to use smaller fonts OR just set your xorg dpi to something lower?03:01
htorres11393just type in usb-creator03:01
Enigma885baldurpet, well..as a basic try; have u tried to reformat?03:01
baldurpetI just reformatted?03:01
guest17747cool, it opens the gui of usb-creator03:01
wabashdon't know.03:01
KeiyaBut argh\03:01
KeiyaThis is a blocking issue03:01
wabashanyone know about playing real media fils on linux?03:01
htorres11393get used to doing a lot of command line stuff03:02
htorres11393it's important03:02
S4nD3rI installed Ubuntu 9.0403:02
KeiyaThe mail is easy, but nothing supports the god damn Exchange calendar!03:02
htorres11393i used to know all the commands but now i forgot them since i haven't really done anything special in awhile03:02
Balsaqseidos: ok so i should try totem...still not sure what all those other things were...apache and all, were they also ideas for making utube faster or just good things for ubuntu03:02
guest17747sweet, thanks for the help man.03:02
S4nD3rbut when I used cat /etc/debian_version03:02
htorres11393your welcome03:02
guest17747ya, I03:02
Enigma885baldurpet, system restart ?03:02
S4nD3rI saw its lenny/sid03:02
baldurpetI dunno03:02
guest17747I'm trying to learn terminal commands one at a time03:02
S4nD3rIs this correct?03:02
baldurpetyou think?03:02
htorres11393yeah they aren't that hard they make sense03:02
baldurpetwhy would that affect my HDD?03:03
Enigma885baldurpet, i know those kind of things might seem primitive but really can ruin many bigger stuff03:03
Balsaqseidos: guess ill google em all and read bout em later03:03
htorres11393if not just alias them03:03
htorres11393but i don't recommend doing that03:03
htorres11393because you lose a certain aspect of universalness03:03
htorres11393yeah alias03:03
htorres11393make one command into something else03:03
htorres11393for example make rm into delete03:03
Balsaqseidos: gonna go read boout totem now since everything if fine here except utube03:03
baldurpethm idunno03:03
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:03
Enigma885baldurpet, give it a shot and restart ur system with the HDD attached03:03
baldurpetok sure...03:03
danield707or "ld" as "dir"03:03
guest17747oh ok03:04
guest17747like how macintoshes use "alias" instead of "shortcut"03:04
htorres11393idk how macintoshes work03:04
htorres11393never used them really03:04
prince_jammysS4nD3r: that's fine.03:04
guest17747all good, not important03:04
echosystmmacs suck lol03:04
guest17747I see what you're saying though03:04
echosystmwell, macbooks03:04
echosystmthe desktops are pretty cool03:04
S4nD3rBut I thought my ubuntu was intrepid03:05
htorres11393thing is that when you're without a gui you can use the command line it's very powerful03:05
seidosBalsaq: check out transmission while you're at it03:05
htorres11393helps you fix a lot of things03:05
htorres11393i got stuck without a GUI and i used the command line and fixed it03:05
S4nD3rits lenny03:05
prince_jammysS4nD3r: that's not even the ubuntu release. I don't know why debian_version is still there, but it's been there in every ubuntu release i've seen.03:05
S4nD3rlenny is 8?03:05
foeyI'm just running ubuntu-server without any X now. :-)03:05
htorres11393and if you get on another person's computer you can do a lot of stuff too cuz the commands are universal03:05
htorres11393lol cool dude03:05
guest17747yeah man, i see whatcha mean03:06
htorres11393well nice helping you dude03:06
guest17747ya, thanks man!03:06
S4nD3rwhat to do?03:06
S4nD3rIts a problem?03:06
prince_jammysS4nD3r: no, lenny is not ubuntu. it's the debian version. (ubuntu is based on debian). Don't worry about that file.03:06
prince_jammysS4nD3r: no.03:06
htorres11393now can anyone tell me why in the name of God chromium browser has so many updates?03:06
prince_jammysS4nD3r: type: lsb_release -a  to see your ubuntu version.03:07
mgv2there is no fucus mode on aiming at open arena? - i dont understand how can i hit with such small dot03:07
S4nD3rDistributor ID:Debian Description:Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable Release:testing/unstable Codename:n/a03:08
S4nD3rits not really ubuntu03:08
LillymonI am having real webcam problems here.03:08
Biovoremgv2: the "railgun" as a zoom in..03:08
S4nD3rdeb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid universe03:08
S4nD3rthese is in my source.list03:08
LillymonLogitech QuickCam Pro 9000. Appears to be functional. Cheese freezes, then outputs a blank file when I tell it to record. VLC does the same. Video outputs to /dev/video0, I don't know where sound goes.03:09
Jaggeranybody know if C&C will work on ubuntu 9.0403:09
RubiniooJagger: in wine yes03:09
mgv2Biovore, hi - how do you use the zoom in?03:10
KeiyaAarrgh, why does Gnome keep forcing this pannel to the top?03:10
KeiyaI want it on the bottom, damnit!03:10
Jaggerwell i downloaded the torrent and i cant figure out how to make it work03:10
Rubinioobtw is a usb startup disk much faster than a live cd?'03:11
Dr_WillisRubinioo:  yes.03:11
Dr_WillisI find them much faster.03:11
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
RubiniooDr_Willis: ok thx man03:11
Raenirheya, how do I double check which version of linux I have? I think I have 64 bit but I dont rmember03:11
Dr_WillisRubinioo:  of course it pays to have a decent flash drive. :)  I use them to install from all the time.03:11
chrismI am having a hard time installing my lexmark printer in 9.04. Lexmark install completes successfully but no device is shown in Administration > Printing. Tips?03:12
S4nD3rits a ubuntu03:13
chrismright, default gnome03:13
Raenirhow do i check if my install of linux is 64 bit or 32 bit?03:15
Biovoreuname -a03:15
Biovorei386 i686 -> 32bit   x86_6403:16
Biovoreis 64bit03:16
Balsaqseidos: is trying to play utube videos the same as trying to play mp3...cause thats what totem seems to be about03:16
uboxanyone ever have a problem with gnome not giving focus to a newly open window?03:16
S4nD3rLinux matrix 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 31 13:01:41 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux03:16
S4nD3rIts 32 bits?03:16
Raenir2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:16
Balsaqseidos: as far as i know i dont do any mp3 unless that is utube03:16
Biovore^ 64 bits03:16
Raenirso _64 is 64 bit yes?03:16
KeiyaWell then.03:16
KeiyaI guess you're not supposed to try to change the panels on gnome. >_<03:16
Raeniri downloaded the right ati drivers then03:16
KeiyaToo bad it's now in a useless jumbled mess of a state03:17
Raeniranyone know if theres an ATI version of CUDA?03:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:17
mgv2keepassx is the best?03:17
KeiyaGonna rerun this in screen, just in case03:17
S4nD3rHow to discover if my processor is 64bits?03:18
foeyTo add Windows shares to samba, do I just need to edit the smb.conf file?03:18
Cyrano_awayfoey: That is the way I do it.03:19
foeyCyrano_away : Thanks, so something like [Share 1] path = /home/shared03:20
Raenirwhere can I find 64 bit version of flash for ubuntu?03:20
chuy_maxRaenir, adobe website03:21
Raenirwhat they gave me didnt work03:21
tritiumchuy_max, Raenir: no, in the ubuntu repos03:21
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:21
Cyrano_awayfoey: Yeah,  Follow the section in the default file for the [Home] share.03:21
tritiumRaenir: install flashplugin-nonfree, and you'll be good, even on 64-bit03:22
mgv2what is that http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/5094/11612536.png?03:22
chuy_maxmmmm, really, things have changed for ubuntu 64 bit ^^03:22
Cyrano_awayfoey: I set some of my shares to browseable = yes, readonly = no03:22
Raenirnow i think theres stuff I need to do to be able to play MP3s?03:23
foeyCyrano_away : Ok, next question would be I want everyone to be able to access the share without a username or password, guest accounts. I need read/write within the shared folder, is that a option?03:23
Cyrano_awayfoey: For my laptops and quick setups I use user based authentication03:23
KeiyaI guess you're not supposed to try to change the gnome panels...03:24
stevetranBiovore: Can you please help me? Can't do it :(03:24
KeiyaCAn you even reorder thiings on them?03:24
Cyrano_awayfoey: You will need to make the share not read only, setup guest access (I have not used that feature) and then set the directory permissions correctly.03:24
chuy_maxhow can I install a modifiable ubuntu version on a usb drive (not a bootable iso). I tried unetbootin but that doesn't let you install packages permanently on the usb drive03:24
Biovorestevetran: do what?03:24
Cyrano_awayfoey: I would suggest you still lock the directory for everyone and just set owner and group access.03:25
foeyCyrano_away : Thanks, big help.03:25
stevetranthe sed thingie03:25
Biovorestevetran: just a search and replace right?03:25
Biovoresed -s /<stuff to replace>/<replace with stuff>/g03:25
RaenirStrange 5 minutes ago i checked Update Manager and it said I had a brand new install03:25
Cyrano_awayKeiya: I change my panels all the time.03:25
Raenirand was up to date03:26
Raenirbut now it found 200 megs of updates03:26
Raenirthat it pulled from nowhere03:26
Biovorebut you may need  to escape some stuff and you need to cat the file into it and output it to a temp file so you can look at the results.03:26
Cyrano_awayKeiya: To reorder things you need to right click on them and unselect "locked to panel"  Then you can select move to move them around.03:26
Biovorestevetran: what's the sub string you want to replace and the source file?03:27
Enigma885HEY guys i need some help compiling a program03:27
Biovoreand the string to replace it with.03:27
Cyrano_awayKeiya: To move the panel itself, chose properties of the panel set it to not expand to full width.  Then you can drag the panel to another monitor or to the right or left of the screen.03:27
BiovoreEnigma885: what program?03:27
prajjwalhi, does anyone know if there is a way to get notepad++ working on ubuntu, without WINE ???03:28
stevetranBiovore $this->anything where anything = combination of characters, numers and _ with $this->viewParams['anything']03:28
prajjwali googled it ... seems like a NO bust just wanna double check03:28
KeiyaCyrano_away: I unlocked everything :/03:28
KeiyaSome things I still can't reorder.03:28
stevetranBiovore, i got sed now, but my regular exprsesion is bad :(03:28
Enigma885Biovore, I'm compiling Audacious from source an need to enable some features03:28
Biovorestevetran: yeah.. I am not quite that advanced with sed I can pull that out of the air..  Do-able..  I am not 100% sure what the perl regular expression is for that kind of operation.03:29
DigitalKiwiprajjwal: why use notepad++?03:29
prajjwalcause i like it ....03:29
DigitalKiwigeany > notepad++03:29
prajjwaland its slim ...03:29
Biovoregedit, kate, kwrite all do that same thing..03:30
DigitalKiwiand i like notepad++03:30
Cyrano_awaySo speaking of gnome panels.  At work I have dual screens and the bottom panel on my laptop screen below the external screen.  When I come home with only the laptop I always have to manually putz with the Nvidia settings to get just the 1920x1200 laptop display.03:30
Biovoreand there slimmer..03:30
jebblueprajjwal: ask the authors to make it cross platform03:30
stevetranBiovore: okay, thanks alot anyway03:30
Cyrano_awayNo matter what I set the display as the bottom panel never shows up.03:30
BiovoreEnigma885: you install all the development stuff?03:30
KeiyaOh, right click move03:30
DigitalKiwiInstalled Size : 5820.00 K03:30
DigitalKiwithat's my geany03:30
Enigma885Biovore, http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D74%26t%3D94276&ei=5wjESoWxLZa8jAegut1A&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&ved=0CBMQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php%253Ff%253D74%2526t%253D94276%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG03:30
jebblueCyrano_away: I use the Restricted Drivers and don't have any issues03:31
S4nD3rDo you recommend install 64bits kernel?03:31
Enigma885Biovore, all dev stuff are installed03:31
DigitalKiwithough vim > geany03:31
prajjwalwell ... but kate and kwrite i know is for Linux and i want somewhat of a consistent set of commands when i go to the Win2K at school ..... and thanks .... guess i'll just use Kate here then ..... thanks folks ...03:31
GodfatherofEireAnybody have any experience setting up a USB mic under Ubuntu?03:31
Cyrano_awayA: it blows that I have to manually tell the lame binary drivers that I now only have one display, use that please.  and B: it sucks that gnome is too brain dead to know that, hey the screen bottom is 1200 lines up there, maybe I should scoot up some and say hi?03:31
GodfatherofEireChecked the forums, but all I got is dead links03:32
Enigma885Biovore, i need to know where am i supposed to do "pkg-config - cflags - libs libglade-2.0` "03:32
jebblueprajjwal: there is kde for windows I've heard03:32
Cyrano_awayjebblue: I am using the restricted drivers as well.  9.04 64.03:32
DigitalKiwiprajjwal: kde runs on windows so should kate, and geany has a windows port, as does vim03:32
BiovoreEnigma885: right on the command line.. or its a manual build..03:32
_sEBAs_Olá gente!, estou vendendo meu openMoko, deixo o link do mercadolivre http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-109792666-openmoko-neo-freerunner-linux-sensor-touch-e-acelermetros-_JM03:33
Enigma885Biovore, i've already compiled it. But not with the need feature to accept the plugin.03:33
jebblueCyrano_away: you want it to be automatic? disconnect from two at work and 1 at home and it works?03:33
prajjwalthanks for that ...will look for a  way to put it on my comp xD ... and yea .... not a big fan of the Vim for windows .....03:33
=== Cyrano_away is now known as Cyrano_De
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:34
Enigma885Biovore, the author says:`pkg-config --cflags --libs libglade-2.0` Add end of the line: `pkg-config - cflags - libs libglade-2.0`03:34
BiovoreEnigma885: yeah..  the google translate messes up the download.. so I can't look at any source to give you clues..03:34
robbmunson!br | _sEBAs_03:34
ubottu_sEBAs_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:34
_sEBAs_robbmunson, sim percebi03:34
_sEBAs_robbmunson, valeu!03:34
BiovoreEnigma885: pkg-config returns compiler flags and is sometimes used when doing manual compile jobs in line with the gcc command.03:34
Cyrano_Dejebblue: Yes.  I shut down at work, undoc the laptop.  Boot up at home with just the laptop display set to the correct resolution.  Shutdown, take the laptop to the office, doc it and turn it on.  Now the external monitor is set and the resolution is adjusted once again.03:35
Enigma885Biovore, so am i supposed to use it with ./configure ?03:35
BiovoreEnigma885: is there a ./configure?03:35
Biovoreerr configure03:35
Enigma885Biovore, yea for Audacious package03:35
Cyrano_Dejebblue: Xinarama used to do that without any issues.  Stupid lame binary, don't work with xinerama, dirvers suck that way.03:36
BiovoreEnigma885: get you get me a clean link for that tar ball so I can see whats in it?03:36
jebblueCyrano_De: try the open source ones?03:36
Enigma885Biovore, the whole thing is that this plugin need Audacious to b compiled using a specific feature03:36
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:36
foeyAny must have server programs for ubuntu-server?03:37
Cyrano_Dejebblue: I would love to but they don't support this chipset very well and have no 3D support.  I wish Dell would have offered the ATI cards with this laptop.03:37
Enigma885Biovore, ok http://distfiles.atheme.org/audacious-2.1.tgz and http://distfiles.atheme.org/audacious-plugins-2.1.tgz for Audacious03:37
foeyRaenir : Got that, its currently a webserver and samba file server03:37
BiovoreEnigma885: does this include your plugin your tring to build?03:38
robbmunsonfoey, i would suggest LAMP for starters....03:38
Cyrano_Defoey: for a server the fewer packages the better.03:38
robbmunson!lamp | foey03:38
ubottufoey: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:38
robbmunsonjust as a bare minimum...i dont think you would need anything else if you managed to grab those :)03:38
Cyrano_Defoey: The less attack vectors the safer it is.  That and updates are less disruptive.03:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:39
foeyThanks, can anyone suggest a decent backup program?03:39
Enigma885Biovore, http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=94276 and download ShowLyric32.tar.gz03:40
robbmunson!backup | foey (hate to keep throwing ubottu factoids)03:40
ubottufoey (hate to keep throwing ubottu factoids): There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:40
Enigma885Biovore, i cannot get a direct link for the plugin sry03:40
BiovoreEnigma885: that good enough.. I got it..03:40
robbmunsontheres a bunch of them foey, you just have to pick the one that fits you the best, look around a bit :)03:40
foeyrobbmunson : hehe, no problems. Thanks.03:40
Enigma885Biovore, thanks =)03:41
dethaddrcan any one help me configure wine?03:41
jebbluefoey: I use rsync and this script http://pastebin.com/m5dde28fc03:41
BiovoreEnigma885: so this plugin looks like it comes in 2 poarts03:41
robbmunsondethaddr, if you tell us what you want to configure in wine we probably could :)03:41
chu_silly question, but how do I quit from irssi?03:41
foey[ / quit ]03:42
Enigma885Biovore, nope it's just ShowLyric32.tar.gz03:42
Enigma885Biovore, or u meant the Audacious Plugins package ?03:42
dabernalhi, how can I connect a yamaha keyboard to my ubuntu distribution... using ubuntu-studio03:42
dabernalhi, how can I connect a yamaha keyboard to my ubuntu distribution... using ubuntu-studio03:42
BiovoreEnigma885: the lyris stuff..03:42
seidosBalsaq: totem plays video too, but not flash videos03:43
dabernalhave  a guitarist, a pianist  and my laptop with the necesary cables03:43
dabernaljack specialist?03:43
Enigma885Biovore, the lyrics stuff, as i have just said, is ShowLyric32.tar.gz  only03:43
dethaddrwell i just installed ubuntu on a buddies computer. and im trying to set up diablo 203:43
=== jerald is now known as prappl93
Balsaqseidos: well is utube flash videos or does that mean try totem and dump flash03:43
Enigma885Biovore, those other packages for 64 machines03:43
mysteriousdarenwouldnt that be in gaming?03:44
robbmunsondabernal, have you tried asking in #ubuntustudio ?03:44
BiovoreEnigma885: its just a plugin..   don't need to rebuild audacity..03:44
Cumshothi: i used ubuntu in the past, but my wireless cards never quite worked; with the new version of ubuntu, do the wireless cards work out of the box, such as with sony vaio intel laptops?03:44
BiovoreEnigma885: infact.. I don't think you need to build squat..03:44
prappl93Evolution won't gather images from my e-mails, and I have it set to load HTML, how do I fix this?03:44
masterghostas I install compiz on a Dell XPS M1330 laptop03:45
dethaddrhey cumshot, haha, yes. mine works fine. in fact it does and the onboard ethernet does not03:45
Enigma885Biovore, Audacious cannot recognize the plugin ..and the author wrote about that under "Known issues: "03:45
Balsaqseidos: i am not sure if you are saying i should ude totem to play youtube...and if so...does flash mess with the totem if i get totem03:45
dabernalworking with ardour03:45
dethaddryes diablo 203:45
Feadurnbonsoir à tous03:46
jebblueprappl93: you can hit Ctrl + I to get images to load or put the user's address in your address book03:46
dethaddri have it installed at my house. but i cant install it here03:46
Enigma885Biovore, saying "Recompile the main program audacious. Add end of the line: `pkg-config - cflags - libs libglade-2.0` "03:46
Cyrano_De!fr |feadurn03:46
ubottufeadurn: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:46
BiovoreEnigma885: the compiling part is just cd to a directory with a makefile file in it and type make03:46
mdmkolbeOn linux command line, what is the best way to convert a hex encoded file to binary?  (i.e. file contains "4142" should become "AB")03:46
smegzorI have ubuntu 9.04 64bit, an ati card and the latest driver from ati.  When I boot up, Ubuntu complains that it can't find nvidia.  How do I stop it wanting nvidia?03:46
Feadurnoups sorry I didn't notice that is the english channel03:46
seidosBalsaq: no, I am saying totem and flash are separate.  can't help you with your flash problem, wish I could03:47
Cumshotone more question: im planning on using ubuntu just for regular web surfing and email/chatting, should i go with ubuntu or xubuntu or kubuntu03:47
Balsaqseidos: oh i realize that, is totem a possible fix for utube problems03:47
robbmunsonCumshot, that my friend is up to you....they all do it ;)03:47
Cyrano_DeCumshot: That depends on your personal preferences and the speed of your machine.03:47
BiovoreEnigma885: the pkg-config stuff is handled by "configure" command when you build audatious..  to add the pkg-config would mean hacking up something..  Dosn't sound right to me..03:47
Enigma885Biovore, yea but how to write `pkg-config - cflags - libs libglade-2.0`03:48
dethaddrim using ubuntu for games and surfing and media03:48
Balsaqseidos: i just read the entire report on the ATI video card driver issues and ot doesn't look good03:48
Cyrano_DeCumshot: I've taken a liking to xubuntu and xfce these days.  Even on my new dual and quad core boxen.03:48
DigitalKiwixfce is gnome with more bugs03:48
Enigma885Biovore, it's a simple plugin. I'm not paranoid about that indeed03:48
prappl93Can Ubuntu run properly with Fluxbox installed?03:48
Cyrano_DeDigitalKiwi: And some configuration options.03:48
Balsaqthey seem to have ways to mess with the radeon cards but i have the older xpert card and they dont mention that ne so i gues youtube can KMA03:48
seidosBalsaq: might be a work around.  I think there's software that lets you download youtube videos, perhaps even to convert them.  haven't tried03:49
soulnet-2how are you03:49
Cyrano_Deprappl93: Fluxbox runs just fine with ubuntu.03:49
BiovoreEnigma885: not sure.  Would be a hack job at best.  That pkg-config gets run by ./configure when you build audacity.03:49
dethaddrso what are the must get items for a brand new install?03:49
Enigma885Biovore,  so it will look like ./configure  `pkg-config - cflags - libs libglade-2.0`?03:50
soulnet-2what your name03:50
prappl93I just installed Fluxbox, how do I get it to run?03:50
BiovoreEnigma885: I think you need to edit the configure file.03:50
lstarnesEnigma885: --, not -03:50
Balsaqseidos: ahhh convert them...another subject very interesting...oh well the music comes thru beautiful on my altec lansing s just not the vids but ya know what...f*ck it! sometimes ya just gotta figure  yur on free software and thats what ya git03:50
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: For games, install the games you like.  For web browsing install the restricted-extras.  Install mplayer and or vlc.03:50
soulnet-2where you andrres03:51
Enigma885Biovore, sry but could u write the command as it should be written03:51
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: install the mplayer/vlc firefox plugins, flashplugin-installer and some form of java JRE.03:51
BiovoreEnigma885: pkg-config - cflags - libs libglade-2.0   on the command line should print some text.03:52
dethaddrCyrano_De: isnt there a sudo code that does em all?03:52
BiovoreEnigma885: pkg-config -cflags -libs libglade-2.003:52
BiovoreI tihnk03:52
Qtpaxaanyone has Google Wave invite??03:52
seidosBalsaq: good point03:52
lstarnesBiovore, Enigma885: --, not -03:52
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: alien arena, warsow and nexuiz are decent games.03:53
Balsaqseidos: hey you ever look at your error console..mine is always LOADED with errors...i just erase em?03:53
dethaddrCyrano_De: im trying to install diablo 203:53
=== botnet is now known as lurken_lulu
seidosBalsaq: what error console?03:53
Enigma885Biovore,  ./configure --prefix=/usr `pkg-config --cflags --libs libglade-2.0`?03:53
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: you can do a sudo apt-get install mplayer ubuntu-restricted-extras ...03:53
BiovoreEnigma885: nope.. I don't think thats it..03:54
Balsaqseidos: no clue, found it when i was clicking on system or something and it always shows a lot of errors, it is in ubuntu 810 and 90403:54
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: For diablo 2 you need wine.  I beleive the packaged wine will run it.  If not crossover games and someone else have commercial support for running wintendoze games.03:54
Enigma885Biovore, any other suggestions ?03:54
AstroElwhen is the next release of ubuntu?03:54
Balsaqseidos: ill look again so i can tell you where it is03:54
lstarnesAstroEl: october 2903:55
seidosBalsaq: looking it on the web03:55
Balsaqseidos: it is in TOOls03:55
seidosBalsaq: in firefox?03:55
prappl93So, how do I get Fluxbox running now? I just sudo apt-get installed it03:55
dethaddrCyrano_De: sudo apt-get wine. i already did that. but i forgot how to set wine up03:55
chu_log out03:55
Balsaqseidos hit tool and the window will drop down and see error console, click it03:55
soulnet-4kamu dari negara mana03:55
chu_prappl93, log out, select fluxbox as the session  and log in03:56
Cyrano_Deprappl93: You will need to log out.  At the login screen click on the session menu and select fluxbox there.03:56
Balsaqseidos: dont know if it is FF or ubuntu but the FF came ib the ubuntu so you should have it03:56
prappl93Ok, thanks03:56
Balsaqseidos: do you have ubuntu03:57
seidosBalsaq: yeah dude, i have ubuntu03:57
Balsaqseidos: is in the tools thing on top of yur screen near bookmarks03:57
BiovoreEnigma885: I don;t think you need to mess with audaious its self..03:57
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: winecfg will get you a base setup.03:58
BiovoreEnigma885: that what it means with the term plug in.. it just getting some files in the right spot so it sees them..  looks like a py script and a couple .so files.03:58
seidosBalsaq: i have two errors in my error console03:58
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: Once you have that just type wine setup.exe (or whatever your game installer is called) and it will start the installer.03:59
Balsaqseidos: i hate those lil b*sturds cause i dont know what they are i just keep wipin em out? had about 25 of em once03:59
Balsaqlong as they dont slow me down03:59
dethaddrCyrano_De: in a terminal do i just rund sudo winecfg?03:59
seidosBalsaq: weird03:59
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: I'm not sure you need to sudo that command.04:00
Balsaqseidos: wish i could read the book...but there aint no n=book huh04:00
Enigma885Biovore, Audacious cannot "see" the .so plugin unless it's compiled with that certain feature needed04:00
dethaddrheh. i did and i told me .wine is not owned by me04:00
Enigma885Biovore, it gives "Failed to load plugin (/usr/lib/audacious/General/ShowLyric.so): /usr/lib/audacious/General/ShowLyric.so: undefined symbol: glade_xml_new stenh.cpp: init()"04:00
Shawn-Is there a Python programming channel somewhere?04:01
HodappI just had audio suddenly quit working with anything that used PulseAudio. After a reboot, all I get from anything using PulseAudio is a crackle.04:01
=== Xoop is now known as Guest11576
KeiyaTry /join #python04:01
HodappALSA output works flawlessly.04:01
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: ls -la <---who owns .wine04:01
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: That may be the case if you ran winecfg with sudo.04:02
BiovoreEnigma885: well you can try to build a newer version of audaious.    apt-get remove audacious first..04:02
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: try chown -R yourlogin:yourlogin ~/.wine04:02
BiovoreEnigma885: then to configure audacious do  "configure --prefix=/usr"  then a make and make install  and then try to build and install the plugin.04:02
soulnet-4_where are you04:03
Enigma885Biovore, i tried already. but same result. I have noticed that the author of the plugin mentioned how to overcome this.04:03
soulnet-4_where you school04:03
Enigma885Biovore, by the pkg thing04:03
dethaddrlike this chown -R dethaddr:DethMachine ~/.wine ?04:04
Balsaqseidos: just read the apache thing04:04
soulnet-4_I from indonesia,you?04:04
=== jrjrij is now known as fdcz
=== fdcz is now known as fdc
KeiyaVim's not installed by default?04:05
seidosKeiya: it is on my system04:05
KeiyaWasn't here.04:05
* Keiya shrugs04:05
KeiyaNot like sudo apt-get vim is hard.04:05
soulnet-4_what your name]04:05
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: if DethMachine is a group on your machine that you are a member of, yes.  Otherwise your primary group should just be your login.04:06
BiovoreEnigma885:  these instructions are vuage..     this could be in any file.    maybe one of the makefiles?04:06
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: Mine would be "chown -R Cyrano_De:Cyrano_De ~/.wine04:06
soulnet-4_Ifrom indonesia and you?04:06
BiovoreEnigma885:  can try "./configure --prefix=/usr `pkg-config --cflags --libs libglade-2.0`  but I doubt that will work.04:07
seidosKeiya: is vi installed?04:07
dethaddri tried my login and it says chown: cannot access `dethaddr': No such file or directory04:07
=== jerald is now known as prappl93
Enigma885Biovore, i think i'm gonna email the original poster may be has some good explanation04:07
Cyrano_DeKeiya: Vim is installed, It is a "light" version.04:07
vikkdoes anyone know how to upgrade the graphics???04:07
vikkthrough terminal04:07
prappl93I logged into fluxbox and my connection didn't work, how do I get it to work?04:07
Enigma885Biovore, i really appreciate ur help :)04:08
BiovoreEnigma885: orginal poster looks to speak mandrian chinese..04:08
Biovoregl with that :-P04:08
Cyrano_DeKeiya: vim-tiny I beleive is the package name.04:08
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:08
vikkhow to upgrade graphics through terminal???04:08
Enigma885Biovore, lol well i will post plain English. I don't think it's that hard.04:08
vikkhow to upgrade graphics through terminal???04:08
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:08
vikkhow to upgrade graphics through terminal???04:09
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:09
vikkhow to upgrade graphics through terminal???04:09
=== intok1 is now known as intok
vikki need help04:09
vikkhow to upgrade graphics through terminal???04:09
deek_join #utah04:09
FloodBot1vikk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
eminorstop spamming04:09
vikkdoes anyone know04:09
vikkhow to upgrade graphics through terminal???04:09
dethaddrso im pretty sure that the archive manager doesnt show up when i try to install an .exe file04:09
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:09
vikkdoes anyone know04:10
jjrevvikk: what exactly is your situation?04:10
vikki want to upgrade my graphics04:10
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:10
vikkthrough the terminal04:10
vikkbecouse i cant play games04:10
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:10
jjrevvikk: what graphics card do you have and what games are you trying to play?04:10
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:11
vikkwell i dont know what graphics card i have04:11
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:11
lstarneseus: please wait at least 15 minutes before repeating04:11
vikkim on a laptop04:11
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:11
vikkhow to upgrade graphics through terminal???04:12
jjrevvikk: what laptop?04:12
vikkits a dell inspiron 600004:12
Shawn-eus If no one answers the first time chances are they won't answer the second third or fourth either.04:12
eusanyone know the IRC chanel of RT(request Tracker) ?04:12
vikki have ubuntu 8.1004:12
lstarneseus: did you not see what I said about repeating?04:13
lstarneseus: there is no channel for it, sorry04:13
Shawn-!repeat | eus04:13
ubottueus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.04:13
lstarneseus: http://searchirc.com usually has good channel listings04:14
vikkcan any one help04:14
prappl93I have a question, using the USB Startup Disc Creator located in the System > Administration menu, can I just burn the Ubuntu ISO to a flashdisk and have the person install it off of theire?04:14
eminorvikk, type in a terminal: lspci | grep VGA04:14
jjrevvikk: you likely have an ATi card04:15
xnokIs the right place to ask a question about issues I have with nvidia card on a dell laptop and the -185 driver?04:15
vikki have a Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller04:15
Shawn-xnok Which Nvidia card04:16
DigiAngelHey all04:16
DigiAngelAnyone have any idea of what packages are needed on server for audio?04:16
Cyrano_Dexnok: This is the right place to toss that Nvidia mess in a lake.  Or is that just me and my frustrations with them these days.04:16
ekontsevoyIs anyone here using console version of BitTorrent? btncurses keeps reporting "network is unreachable" on torrents from isohunt, while gnome's "transmission" works fine...04:17
vikkhey jjrev04:17
DigiAngelNot me ekontsevoy04:17
xnokYou're not alone. It used to work fine with Jaunty but the nvidia driver no longer works with karmic.04:18
jjrevvikk: i'm looking for the packages04:18
Shawn-xnok That's because Karmic is still in Beta ;)04:18
vikkhow ok04:18
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: I use rtorrent when I need a good clean cli BT client04:18
xnokYup, but that is part of the testing... par for the course ... and all that, but I am trying to get that working as well :)04:19
mysteriousdarentransmission? '04:19
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: checking it out...04:19
jjrevvikk: you need to install 'xserver-xorg-video-intel'04:20
ekontsevoymysteriousdaren: yeah, when you click on a .torrent file in firefox in gnome, "Transmission" is a GTK-based torrent client that starts up and starts downloading.04:20
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: rtorrent with screen is a very handy setup.04:20
vikkwhere did i get it04:20
vikkwhere do i get it?04:20
dethaddrdoes anyone want to hear some thing extremely messed up?04:20
jjrevvikk: #> sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel04:20
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: yeah, I've been using the "official" python-based torrent but lately it just doesn't work... wtf happened?04:21
DigiAngelNo go with server and audio eh?04:21
DigiAngelJust need to know which packages I need04:21
vikkok i will try it04:21
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: I have no idea.  I try to stay away from bloated python apps when there are good/better leaner alternatives.04:21
dethaddri finnaly get the diablo 2 installer to pop up. and the user agrement pops up and tells me to scroll down and read the agreement ant agree button will light up04:21
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: I've been using rtorrent for years now.04:22
dethaddrwell i did. and it wont light up04:22
DigiAngelNIght all..showertime!04:22
vikkthanks im installing it04:22
vikkit said that its already at the new version04:23
=== hammer is now known as hammer_o_justice
jjrevvikk: alright, do you have gnome running now?04:23
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: ok, I'm starting it....04:23
prappl93I can make a flash drive bootable version of Ubuntu through the USB Startup Disk Creator can't I?04:23
vikki think04:23
vikkwhy do i need it04:23
jjrevvikk: i'm just wondering if you are stuck in text only mode04:24
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: hm... rtorrent also appears to be just sitting there.04:24
Cyrano_Deprappl93: Yes.  That will create a "Live" usb key if you point it at a desktop iso/CD04:24
ekontsevoyI just did rtorrent http://url-to-torrent.torrent - am I missing something?04:25
prappl93Alright, thank you. Thats what I thought it did, but wasn't entirely sure.04:25
vikkfor example i open extreme counter strike 1.6 final release 2 and it open but then blocks and cant do anything so i have to restart04:25
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: You need to add torrents to it.  Press "o" to add a torrent.04:25
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: You can configure it to watch a directory and start downloading any torrents you save there.04:25
jjrevvikk: hold on04:26
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: how do I exit? Ctrl+Z and then kill?04:26
lstarnesekontsevoy: try ctrl+c04:26
lstarnesekontsevoy: or ctrl+d04:26
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: it wont' do anything if I press o (or even ctrl+c)04:26
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: q04:26
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: or ctrl-q04:26
ekontsevoyhold on, something is definitely fucked up, nothing works. maybe an issue with screen....04:27
prappl93I was reading that Superkey + C is suppose to center the cursor in the screen but it doesn't. Is there a way to fix this?04:27
dethaddrfor what reason would the user agreement not work?04:27
jjrevvikk: you are running Steam through WINE?04:28
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/05/02/howto-use-rtorrent-like-a-pro/04:28
vikkno its not installed thourgh wine i just open it with winebrower no steam04:28
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: thanks, I'm off to read that page.04:28
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36245704:29
prappl93Every time I have booted my computer since I accidentally clicked the PalmOS Management application it has the set up screen for that show up04:29
prappl93How do I get rid of that04:29
ekontsevoyBut something is not right though. Here is what I see (and nothing works, not a single hot key you mentioned) --> http://pastie.org/63760804:29
jjrevvikk: its possible that your video card is working fine and CS is not working04:30
jjrevvikk: try this website --> http://cslinux.hacka.net/04:30
ckwAnyone able to help?  I'm in graphics card hell right now04:30
O___owhich software best to run windows xp?04:30
ckwI was using ATI integrated graphics04:30
ckwbut just got an nvidia video card04:31
O___ois it virtualbox or mvware?04:31
ckw9400GT to be exact04:31
ckwwhen I booted up, I got a terminal login prompt for ~5 seconds, then a blank screen04:31
dethaddrwhere can i get opengl drivers04:31
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: Sorry I can't help much more than that.  I do not use wine at all anymore and have never used it for games.04:31
ckwI ssh'd in and installed the nvidea packages I found via packages.ubuntu.com, but it's not working04:32
vikkhey do u know where i can download a working one04:32
vikkthe game04:32
Keiya_keiya@keiya-laptop:~/df$ ls04:32
Keiya_command line.txt  data  df  dwarfort.exe  file changes.txt  g_src  libs  raw  README.linux  readme.txt  release notes.txt  sdl04:32
ckwI know the card works, since I dual boot windows and it is fine04:32
Keiya_keiya@keiya-laptop:~/df$ ./dwarfort.exe04:32
jesus_alguien que me pueda ayudar04:32
Keiya_bash: ./dwarfort.exe: No such file or directory04:32
FloodBot1Keiya_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
jjrevvikk: ask Google04:32
Keiya_... Can anyone tell me why BASH AND BASH ALONE refuses to find that file?04:32
Keiya_(And despite the .exe, it /is/ a linux binary. >_>)04:32
lstarnes!es | jesus_04:32
ubottujesus_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:32
vikki also have a problem with CEDEGA04:33
lstarnesKeiya_: does it have the executable bit set?04:33
lstarnesKeiya_: you may need to use chmod u+x dwarfort.exe04:33
vikkwhen i want to install NFS Carbon.....i open the yetup thourgh it and when i move the mouse to press next the setup dissapers04:33
Keiya_lstarnes: didn't help04:33
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: You have to download the torrent to a folder.  To close rtorrent it is CTRL-q.  Are you sure your screen setup is not using CTRL-q for the meta key?04:34
prince_jammysKeiya_: architecture, probably. do you have 64 bit ubuntu?04:34
lstarnesKeiya_: what output do you get from file dwarfort.exe?04:34
Shadow__Xi am having this problem  type=1503 audit(1254325404.668:6): operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="::rw" denied_mask="::rw" fsuid=7 name="/dev/tty" pid=6893 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd"04:34
the_dark_warrioIs there a channel for 9.10?04:34
Cyrano_Dedethaddr: Look for the hardware drivers under the administration menu to install binary drivers for ATI/Nvidia cards.04:34
johannes_hi, for boot up the files in /boot are the only ones needed at first, is that correct?04:34
Keiya_it's already 755 already...04:34
Keiya_prince_jammys: Yeah.04:34
lstarnesthe_dark_warrio: #ubuntu+104:34
jjrevvikk: certain software does not play nice with Linux implementations of the Windows API04:34
the_dark_warriolstarnes: thanks04:35
prince_jammysKeiya_: run the command from lstarnes. Likely a 32bit executable04:35
ckwAnyone able to help me get out of graphics card hell?  I have a Nvidia 9400GT that won't even let me get to a graphical interface04:35
Keiya_prince_jammys: Wha?04:35
vikkok well thanks for ur help jjrev....i owe u one04:35
Keiya_lstarnes: keiya@keiya-laptop:~/df$ ls04:35
Keiya_command line.txt  data  df  dwarfort.exe  file changes.txt  g_src  libs  raw  README.linux  readme.txt  release notes.txt  sdl04:35
Keiya_keiya@keiya-laptop:~/df$ ./dwarfort.exe04:35
Keiya_bash: ./dwarfort.exe: No such file or directory04:35
lstarnesKeiya_: I did not say ls04:35
FloodBot1Keiya_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
bobbob1016Anyone manage to get Uverse Receivers to play back MythTV content?04:35
vikkhow do i exit04:35
vikkthis chat04:35
lstarnesvikk: from irc? /quit04:35
ckw /leave04:35
jjrevvikk: i suggest you refer to WINE/CEDEGA support websites for details on known working windows software04:35
Keiya_dwarfort.exe: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped04:36
Keiya_I hate this terminal, I'm used to higlight-to-copy >_>04:36
lstarnesKeiya_: try cd'ing out of the directory then back in04:36
jjrevckw: what happened?04:36
Keiya_lstarnes: Tried that. I've tried moving the directory, etc etc etc...04:36
ckwSwitched from ATI integrated graphics to a nvidia card04:36
ckwObiously didn't have the invidia drivers04:36
ckwhowever, I would think ubuntu would degrade to 800x600 while I set them up04:37
ckwLike windows did04:37
lstarnesKeiya_: bash should be finding it if it has the executable bits set04:37
frewsxcvhow come when i check the size of the contents of a folder in nautilus, it is different than `du -sh folderName`04:37
lstarnesKeiya_: try moving it to something not ending in .exe.  It likely won't have an effect, but it's worth a shot04:37
jjrevckw: well you might have to uninstall the old drivers and install the new ones04:37
prince_jammysthat's not the issue. he needs to install support for 32 bit binaries04:38
ckwjjrev: I installed nvidia-glx-180 and all relaged nvidia common drivers/180 drivers04:38
ckwno effect04:38
ckw(over ssh)04:38
jjrevckw: did you uninstall the radeon drivers?04:38
KeiyaAnd now I'm losing my connection /on wires/. >_< Ah the joy of the campus network04:38
KeiyaAnyway, the executable bits are set, and bash isn't finding it even when I give the full path04:39
ckwI uninstalled fglrx04:39
Shadow__Xcan someone help me with apparmor it wont let cups work anymore04:39
ckwWhich as I understand is the ATI drivers04:39
ekontsevoyCyrano_De: I figured everything out, thanks! Some other Gnome app was stealing Ctrl+Q. It's kicking ass, thank you for your help!04:39
Cyrano_Deekontsevoy: Glad to hear it.04:40
prince_jammys!info ia32-libs | Keiya04:40
ckwTried rebooting a few times also, but hit a disk check so I'm waiting for that to finish04:40
ubottuKeiya: Package ia32-libs does not exist in jaunty04:40
jjrevckw: try #> sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-radeon04:41
ckwwill do04:41
jjrevckw: also remove radeontool if you have it04:42
Keiyaso what, I'm screwed?04:42
KeiyaHave to boot back to Windows for Dwarf Fortress now, too? >_>04:42
ckwAha!  Looks like it's working04:43
prince_jammysKeiya: try to install ia32libs04:43
shane2perujjrev: what is ckw's prob?  ATI ?04:43
ckwI had booted in recovery mode and used it's graphics restore tool04:43
ckwand it seems to have fixed it04:43
prince_jammysKeiya: ... and then run the prog.04:43
ckwI'll try removing that stuff though04:43
jjrevshane2peru: he switched from ati to nvidia04:43
shane2perujjrev: ahh, good move! :)  I hate ati. :)04:43
jjrevshane2peru: he's got no video now...04:43
ckwI now have video04:44
jjrevshane2peru: i stopped buying ati cards years ago04:44
ckwlets see if it stays that way though04:44
kbphas anyone experienced random drop network (LAN) on Ubuntu 9.04?04:44
jjrevckw: it should04:44
shane2perujjrev: I never knew and got stuck with one in my laptop, last one I will ever own04:44
soulnet-4 my name anggle, you?04:44
xnokkbp: no, networking has been solid on all my machines.04:45
soulnet-4i from indonesia,you04:45
MenZasoulnet-4: This channel is solely for Ubuntu support. For everything else, try #ubuntu-offtopic :)04:45
kbpxnok: was it server or desktop version?04:46
xnokboth. 1 server, 2 desktops.04:46
KeiyaWho the /hell/ chose that error message04:47
pradeepis karmic alpha 6 stable enough04:47
KeiyaFile not found?04:47
KeiyaI mean04:47
FloodBot1Keiya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:47
lstarnespradeep: #ubuntu+1 is for karmic04:47
prince_jammysKeiya: did you install ia32libs ?04:47
KeiyaYes, and now it works04:47
KeiyaThat was /the most misleading error message ever/04:47
foul_owlOk, I am trying to install something simple, like libsdl-image1.2-dev but I keep getting the "broken packages" error message04:48
prince_jammysKeiya: indeed.04:48
foul_owlusing apt04:48
=== Dragnslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
shane2perupradeep: that is really and opinion question and opinions are like nose ...04:48
ckwAha!  It's working!04:48
shane2perupradeep: it is still alpha04:48
ckwThank you jjrev04:48
jjrevckw: np, enjoy!04:49
shane2peruckw: have an ATI card burning party. :)04:49
pradeepshane2peru: i want to upgrade to karmic alpha 6, is it safe. if there are problems can i revert back to jaunty04:50
prince_jammyspradeep: ask at #ubuntu+1 , karmic's channel.04:50
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:51
Danbo19pradeep: wait 1 day for karmic beta04:51
Flannelpradeep: You should ask in #ubuntu+1, this channel isn't for Karmic questions04:51
Cyrano_DeSpecial notice to the "Karmic WILL break" section04:51
shane2perupradeep: really I reverting means restoring a backup file, or completely re-installing04:51
xnok#ubuntu+1 has 0 people in it, excluding me.04:51
shane2perupradeep: it is alpha, not meant for production04:52
shane2perupradeep: not recommendable04:52
pradeepshane2pro: thank u04:52
Vossxnox, not surprising ubuntu 9.10 is not even in beta yet04:52
shane2perupradeep: it is still in a testing stage, what is the problem?04:52
zopiacis there a programme where I can right click with the keyboard? im using a one-button mouse.04:53
xnokVoss: Is there a place to ask the karmic alpha related questions, if it is not this channel or +1?04:53
Vossxnok, probably  +1 just at some other time04:53
dethaddris there a way to run diablo 2 through something other than wine?04:53
prince_jammysit's not true that zero people are there.04:53
eastcoast0I'm installing 9.04 and I'm confused about the bootloader.04:53
xnokok, thx.04:54
zopiacdethaddr: try looking up a loki installer04:54
eastcoast0The MBR is on sdb04:54
shane2peruxnok: you can ask here, but you may not get help, fire away04:54
eastcoast0But it says it's installing to (hd0)04:54
prince_jammysno, don't.04:54
eastcoast0In the advanced options dialog anyway04:55
eastcoast0What does it mean by hd0?04:55
jjreveastcoast0: you'll have to change that04:55
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:55
Danbo19So I'm having a sound problem in Jaunty, it was working until today, when I unplugged my speakers to plug into my laptop. Now I'm getting absolutely no sound, even with all volumes in Alsamixer all the way up. Can anyone help?04:55
Balsaqgnome system nonitor is maxing out my CPU all the time? if i "uncheck it" in my add/remove..will i lose it forever?04:55
zopiacis there a programme where I can right click with the keyboard? im using a one-button mouse.04:55
mnainesdanbo, you've been asking the same question for hours now...It is clear nobody can help you04:56
RaenirWhere are programs like firefox installed to on Ubuntu?04:56
shane2peruBalsaq: it will delete it from your panel, but you can always add it later04:56
prince_jammys!filesystem | Raenir04:56
ubottuRaenir: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview04:56
xnokI'll try -- the nvidia driver (version 185) is no longer working on karmic. used to work fine in jaunty on the same laptop. Odd keyboard behavior. i wanted the desktop effects and the 3d acceleration you get with the nvidia driver instead of the xorg nv driver.04:56
eastcoast0jjrev: So where should I install it? I have a partition on the drive I'm installing ubuntu to for /boot (sdc2 I think), and the MBR is on sdb04:56
lstarnesDanbo19: is there a headphone switch somewhere in your sound mixer?04:56
Danbo19Mnaines: I thought I'd wait for an hour and try again, but I guess I'll just try the forums04:56
Balsaqshane2peru: bummer, don't want to lose it just disable it until i want to look  at it04:56
Danbo19lstarnes: maybe, let me check04:57
jjreveastcoast0: what does your drive structure look like?04:57
shane2peruBalsaq: are you running hardy?04:57
eastcoast0jjrev: partitioner won't open up... what was that command for terminal again?04:57
Balsaqreally frakin new04:57
jjreveastcoast0: #> fdisk -l04:57
pradeephow do i upgrade my firefox in jaunty04:57
eastcoast0jjrev: thanks04:57
shane2peruBalsaq: are you sure it is the sys monitor that is running up the cpu?04:57
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:58
Danbo19lstarnes: wow, now I'm embarrassed, I thought I tried that, but I think the speakers were in the wrong port when I did. Sound works now, thanks a lot.04:58
eastcoast0jjrev: http://pastebin.com/d6f2fced504:58
Balsaqshane2peru:well i looked at it when alli was running was firefox and gnome sys mon, then got off of FF and looked agoin...gnome sys mon is taking about 37-50 percent all alnoe and that with FF maxing me out04:59
shane2perupradeep: look for ubuntuzilla on the forums, they have an install script, I can get you the link04:59
eastcoast0jjrev: ignore the thing about sdd04:59
pradeepshane2peru: yeah sure04:59
hanasakiwhat isa good free linux program that will do invoicing and Account receivables?04:59
Balsaqshane2peru: ff takes about half, system monitor about half04:59
shane2peru Balsaq hmm, that doesn't sound right, but I don't think it is your sys monitor, unless there is a bug04:59
zopiackinda pitiful . . . even winblows has a decent mousekeys utility, but i cant find any good one for Ubuntu04:59
shane2peruBalsaq: sounds like something else04:59
Balsaqshane2peru:uh oh05:00
mnainesThis is cute05:00
zopiacthere is only one that i have heard of so far and i cant figure out how to click correctly05:00
Balsaqshane2peru: im too new to this to have a bug...05:00
RPG_Masteranyone here good at OOo Impress?05:00
shane2peruBalsaq: what kind of computer are you running on?05:00
xnokhanasaki: I just saw on the forums that jgnash was a decent replacement for quicken. I have not tried it so far.05:00
mnainesI'm curled up on my throne and there's a kitten asleep in my lap05:00
eastcoast0jjrev: Actually to be honest, I'm just wondering what it's asking05:00
jjreveastcoast0: so you want to use sdb1 for ubuntu's /05:00
eastcoast0jjrev: sdc05:01
zopiacmnaines: :305:01
Balsaqshane2peru: 1998 del dimension xps r400 4oomgz mmx p2 512cache 768sdram 8mb ati05:01
hanasakixnok:  thanks05:01
eastcoast0jjrev: I'm wondering by when it says "install boot loader" it's saying install information to MBR or install the GRUB files?05:01
RPG_MasterBalsaq: nice name :D05:01
eastcoast0by GRUB files, I mean files GRUB needs to work05:01
Balsaqhey RPG05:01
Balsaqthe q is silent05:01
pradeepshane2peru: found it thanks for the info05:01
shane2peruBalsaq: hmm, I hate to say it, but ati probably is your prob05:01
RPG_MasterOh :O05:02
Balsaqshane2peru: why do you say that05:02
shane2perupradeep: sorry, got distracted:  http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=25105:02
Balsaqno pron RPG05:02
jjreveastcoast0: grub requires a /boot folder05:02
shane2peruBalsaq: open up a terminal, Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal05:02
Balsaqalmost looks like my friggen name is ball sack huh RPG!05:02
zopiacBalsaq: ATi has all sorts of problems05:03
eastcoast0jjrev: the partition plan I made in the ubuntu installer isn't showing up in that terminal output05:03
Balsaqshane2peru: oh no not that05:03
eastcoast0jjrev: But I have sdc2 which will be mounted as /boot05:03
jjreveastcoast0: because you haven't committed it05:03
shane2peruBalsaq: it is good for you. :)05:03
eastcoast0jjrev: indeed05:03
RPG_MasterBalsaq: is that your real name?05:03
shane2peruBalsaq: paste this in: fglrxinfo | grep render05:03
Balsaqshane2peru: ok but i am a flippin computer idiot05:03
shane2peruBalsaq: can you cut and paste?05:03
eastcoast0jjrev: I'm just wondering if I should set the device for bootloader installation as sdb, sdb1, or sdc205:03
hanasakixnok: any idea of jgnash vs moneydance?05:04
Balsaqshane2peru: maybe05:04
zopiacBalsaq: If you plan on using linux for any period of time, you must learn to embrace the command line :D05:04
Balsaqhow did you do the vertical line05:04
jonis there a way to disable stack smashing protection temporarily in ubuntu 9.04?05:04
shane2peruBalsaq: just cut and paste. :)05:04
=== jon is now known as Guest77361
jjreveastcoast0: i'm not sure.  your BIOS will chose which device it tries to boot first05:04
xnokhanasaki: sorry, no. i have not used either. i use quickbooks on an xp for accounting purpose.05:04
Balsaqfuque me05:04
Balsaqhang on05:04
eastcoast0jjrev: No no, that's not what I mean05:04
mnainesshane2peru: um...That's easier said than done for people who don't know anything about computers05:05
shane2peruBalsaq: it is beside the backspace key, you have to hit shift05:05
hanasakixnok:  the 199$ biz one?  ... hmm  just don't wanna buy windows for just that05:05
eastcoast0jjrev: sdc2 will be /boot. sdb is the drive with the MBR on it.05:05
jjreveastcoast0: well you want to make your SDC drive bootable, and install GRUB to SDC05:05
mnainesshane2peru: With those kind of people, you have to literally give them directions step by step05:05
Guest77361is there a way to disable stack smashing protection temporarily in ubuntu 9.04, for educational purposes (an assignment)?05:05
eastcoast0jjrev: Ok, so it's asking me where to install GRUB, NOT where the MBR is?05:05
Balsaqshane2peru: but i read that article on here word for word and i dont have that radeon card mine is the old xpert card frm ati05:05
jjreveastcoast0: you can always modify GRUB to boot windows from another drive05:05
shane2perumnaines: you mean cut and paste is difficult?  wow, I must be an expert then. lol :)05:06
jjreveastcoast0: its going to install an MBR to SDC05:06
jjreveastcoast0: this makes it bootable05:06
eastcoast0jjrev: Oh... but the MBR is on sdb05:06
Balsaqshae2peru: so iam gonna find a nvidia card that works for my puter and works for ubuntu05:06
shane2peruBalsaq: what was the output for that05:06
xnokhanasaki: quickbooks is available from amazon.com in usa for $99. i did not have to buy any computers, my wife's still runs XP -- i just borrow it. :)05:06
mnainesshane2peru: Work a few weeks at a help desk...You will see that even seemingly no-brainer tasks require step-by-step directions05:06
Balsaqnot there yet05:06
shane2peruBalsaq: yes, that would be recommended.05:06
jjreveastcoast0: SDB has it's own MBR because its a bootable partition05:06
Balsaqhang on lost05:06
eastcoast0jjrev: And currently the MBR is set up to boot a now non-existent GRUB.05:06
eastcoast0jjrev: So I need to reinstall GRUB or else my system is unbootable05:07
shane2perumnaines: I don't think I could take it05:07
Balsaqshane2peru: ok can we do that then instead of that terminal shshshsht05:07
hanasakiheeh xnok ... know where I can get a legal cheap copy of windows 7?05:07
jjreveastcoast0: do you have grub already on another drive?05:07
shane2perumnaines: I can handle linux newbies, but computer noobs, too much05:07
eastcoast0jjrev: I used to have an old opensuse install. I've since removed it.05:07
mnainesshane2peru: Its a tough job for anyone...Especially when you have to walk people through everything step by step..."Ok...Now left-click and hold, drag the cursor over the text..."05:07
Balsaqshane2peru: ubuntu and ati are no good together unless you are a pro hacker05:07
eastcoast0jjrev: however, the MBR on sdb still points to GRUB05:07
jjreveastcoast0: so what is SDB05:07
eastcoast0jjrev: so if I try to boot now, I'd probably get an error 2205:08
jjreveastcoast0: probably05:08
xnokhanasaki: no, i am not even looking. if you are a student with a .edu account, i believe you can get a nice discount. checkout downloadsquad.com for the details.05:08
shane2peruBalsaq: well, just depends on the card, my wife's computer has ati and never had a problem, didn't even know that ati didn't like Linux05:08
Guest77361anyone know how to disable stack smashing protection for educational purposes?05:08
jjreveastcoast0: you need to make sure that the drive you are installing ubuntu on is the drive you install GRUB05:08
shane2peruBalsaq: on the other hand my laptop's ati is the pits!05:08
eastcoast0jjrev: so ubuntu will automatically add the needed information to the mbr on sdb?05:08
jjreveastcoast0: then you will edit that GRUB to boot whatever other OS is available in the system05:08
losherGuest77361: google knows...05:09
Balsaqshane2pro : well iread that link on here about ati what a mess\05:09
jjreveastcoast0: no05:09
shane2perumnaines: yep, I'm not cut out for that!05:09
Guest77361i followed the methods, but none worked05:09
jjreveastcoast0: you want to have MBR installed on SDC05:09
jjreveastcoast0: then make SDC the boot drive in the BIOS05:09
Balsaqshane2peru: unfortunately the dont mention my card all they talkabout is the radeon ones05:09
eastcoast0jjrev: but then I won't be able to boot into either windows install05:09
mnainesshane2peru: Yeah...That's the Windows world for you, though05:09
Balsaqnot xpert05:09
shane2peruBalsaq: however I'm not sure that is your prob, but I have a hunch it probably is.05:09
Guest77361i tried the -fno-stack-protector in gcc, but it still seg faults05:09
shane2perumnaines: perhaps that is why I dumped windows. :)05:10
Balsaqok igotta find th termonal then looking05:10
eastcoast0jjrev: No no. Previously I had sdb the first drive in the BIOS. And grub worked fine, because the MBR pointed to GRUB on sdc, where the previous suse install was05:10
jjreveastcoast0: not immediately, but after you edit the menu.lst file you can access those windows installs05:10
Guest77361i also found that ubuntu has some extra protection, but cannot find how to temporarily disable it05:10
mnainesshane2peru: I'm still a Linux newbie, but I like Linux better than Windows05:10
pony_this is my first time being on ubuntu05:10
pony_its kinda slow =/05:10
Balsaqshane2peru: so you think my 11 year old ati xeprt is sucking all the juice?05:10
losherGuest77361: dunno what to tell you. People on this thread say it works: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41823405:10
shane2peruBalsaq: perhaps you need to have a friend take a look at it for you.05:10
shane2peruBalsaq: really hard to tell, without 'hacking'05:11
shane2peruBalsaq: troubleshooting05:11
Balsaqill do it i am looking for that GD terminal05:11
Guest77361that is the thread i used05:11
shane2perumnaines: I have learned to love the power of the terminal and scripts05:11
jjreveastcoast0: it doesn't really matter how many MBR enabled drives are in your system, or how many GRUBs are installed on the drives.. the BIOS is going to boot the one its told.  and that drive's GRUB or whatever other boot loader will have to be set up to boot the other os's05:11
Guest77361if i use the option in the second to last post, can i enable it again and how?05:11
mnainesshane2peru: I still need the GUI because of all the time I was a Windows sheep05:11
eric-bhaha, one free internet for you guys: http://lolwat.net/?w=9e1e91a0e1819d6716ec4095191eec2705:11
shane2peruBalsaq: in the menu is Applications, then click on Accessories, then Terminal05:12
eastcoast0Think I can I get a second opinion? Anyone?05:12
shane2perumnaines: nothing wrong with gui, I just love scripting05:12
jdueastcoast0: on what?05:12
=== Cyrano_De is now known as Cyrano_Away
eastcoast0jdu: Where to install the bootloader05:12
Balsaqshane2peru: ok got it now what05:12
mnainesshane2peru: Yeah...I want to learn kernel scripting so I can contribute, but I don't know if I can learn because I'm too dependent on the GUI05:12
Balsaqfgl thinghuh05:13
losherGuest77361: sorry, which option do you mean?05:13
Guest77361oops, wrong thread, nevermind, i tried this one also05:13
shane2peruBalsaq: copy and paste this after the colon:   fglrxinfo | grep render05:13
loshermnaines: kernel scripting? What is that?05:13
Guest77361there was a debian thread somewhere that said how to permanently disable the debian version of the protection05:13
Jillhow to create tar.gz with password?05:13
Balsaqshane2peru: so 1st i do fglrxinfo....then i dogeprender just like that05:13
shane2perumnaines: I don't mess with kernels much, mostly scripting out other work05:13
eastcoast0jdu: I have sda, sdb, and sdc. sdb is the first drive in the BIOS. sdb has the MBR on it. I want it set up so that the MBR on sdb points to sdc2, which is the /boot partition05:13
mnaineslosher, omg...Please tell me you are smarter than that...05:13
Guest77361they said to use gcc 3.3 or earlier, but gcc-3.3 is not in synaptic05:14
losherGuest77361: what about using an older compiler if the -f trick doesn't work?05:14
dethaddrhow can i make ubuntu find my sound card? it built into the MB05:14
loshermnaines: just answer the question...05:14
shane2peruBalsaq: copy and paste this:  fglrxinfo | grep render05:14
shane2peruBalsaq: all together at one time05:14
mnaineslosher, fine...By kernel scripting I meant learning to write code for the kernel to fix bugs and stuff05:14
shane2peruBalsaq:  fglrxinfo | grep render05:14
Guest77361also, i am not sure how to install it manually without messing up the new gcc and how to remove it when i am done05:14
eric-bman, i keep clicking on lolwat.net images05:15
Balsaqshane2peru: when i copy it to paste the flippin terminal goes awat05:15
losherGuest77361: you might have to find the source code, download & compile it. A lot of work...05:15
jdueastcoast0: I don't want to give advice that is wrong, since I have not attempted to seperate the 1st and second stages of grub across two disks05:15
eric-bsometimes I see RMS, then computer, then computer, then some adult content05:15
eastcoast0jdu: I guess I'll ask on the forums... anyone else can help me?05:15
MenZa!ot | eric-b05:15
ubottueric-b: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:15
Balsaqshane2peru pleas do this..join Balsaq05:15
* mnaines wonders why he always have to dumb himself down so people can understand him05:15
Guest77361what if i have virtualbox, do you think i could install an old version of linux or is that more difficult?05:15
eric-bsorry MenZa, thought this was a general chat channel, will take the lols somewhere else05:15
loshermnaines: how odd. I've never heard the term. Scripting usually refers to a higher level language e.g. bash, perl, python. Not much of that in the kernel...05:15
jdueastcoast0: my suggestion would be to install grub over the mbr on the disk where /boot is, and tell the bios to boot off of it.05:16
eastcoast0jdu: ugh... I Was hoping to avoid that05:16
Balsaqshane2peru can you enter the room known as Balsaq?05:16
jdueastcoast0: but, again, i'm no expert05:16
mnaineslosher, ugh...Please tell me I don't need to clarify everything I say just so you'd understand05:16
jjreveastcoast0: yes, you want to install GRUB on the drive you are installing Ubuntu on..05:16
Balsaqmy screen is going so gd fast icant worjk well05:16
shane2peruBalsaq: sorry, if your terminal disappears, you are going to need someone to look at your computer for you05:17
loshermnaines: no, I think we're done talking...05:17
bucky /join #ballsack05:17
eastcoast0jjrev: but make the boot drive sdb, like it has always been05:17
eastcoast0Not sure if I said that right05:17
Lartza_Hello, I installed bare bones to minimal ubuntu install(Gnome and themes) but I don't know how do I get sound working05:17
Lartza_It's propably I don't have something installed05:17
jjreveastcoast0: you've already got a grub installation on SDB05:17
eastcoast0jjrev: nein05:18
eastcoast0jjrev: The MBR on sdb currently points to a nonexistant GRUB05:18
eastcoast0which would result in an error 2205:18
jjreveastcoast0: what is on SDB05:18
losherLartza_: 9.04 is notorious for sound problems. Is that what you have?05:18
Guest77361well, i guess i have to find the old gcc-3.3 source and compile it, thanks for the help05:18
jjreveastcoast0: besides the MBR05:18
foul_owlbroken packages with apt. no modification of sources.list, i can't remember installing random debs. can't install anything. this is really strange...05:18
Balsaqshane2peru: it goes back down to my browser..minimizes when i try to paste05:18
eastcoast0jjrev: Just one NTFS partition, sdb1, which has windows vista on it05:18
shane2peruBalsaq: right click and paste05:19
jjreveastcoast0: but you see a grub message right?05:19
Balsaqican type it if i canfigure outn how you put the vertical line between the firt theng and the 2nd05:19
jjreveastcoast0: when you boot SDB?05:19
Lartza_losher: Propably no, I installed only minimal cli and then gnome-core gdm and x11-xserver-utils, gdm and themes05:19
eastcoast0jjrev: Yes, grub loading, stage 1.5, error 2205:19
jjreveastcoast0: this means GRUB is installed on this drive05:19
eastcoast0something like that05:19
Balsaqi got this /?05:19
losherGuest77361: if I recall, the compiler source has options for running it in place without having to install it...05:19
Lartza_I need to know what packages should I have installed for sound?05:19
eastcoast0jjrev: no no05:19
eastcoast0jjrev: GRUB is no longer anywhere on this system05:20
losher!sound | Lartza_05:20
ubottuLartza_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:20
shane2peruBalsaq: hit shift and \05:20
jjreveastcoast0: then how is it saying Loading GRUB?05:20
shane2peruBalsaq: right next to your backspace key perhaps?05:20
jjreveastcoast0: the MBR doesn't do that05:20
eastcoast0jjrev: Because remnants of it are in the sdb MBR05:20
shane2perujjrev: it would depend on his settings in the Bios05:20
eastcoast0well what I mean is, the MBR there points to a now deleted /boot partition, which had GRUB on it05:21
eastcoast0which is why it fails05:21
Balsaqshane2peru: there is no verticle line there but there is this   \05:21
Lartza_How can I make some sound on ubuntu to test? :S05:21
Balsaqor +05:21
error404notfoundi am trying to do chroot apache using: sudo mount -o bind /var/www /var/www/var/www , now i get: http://pastebin.com/m71a3bb2605:21
jjreveastcoast0: the absolute easiest solution here is to install MBR+GRUB to SDC and then edit SDC's GRUB menu.lst file to point to SDB's Windows install05:21
DeathFoxmy pc screen fades to black after a while when im watchen movies how do i stop it05:21
shane2peruBalsaq: try the \ with shift key05:21
DeathFoxfrom doing that05:21
Balsaq|  ahhhhh05:21
jjreveastcoast0: then have the BIOS boot SDC05:21
Balsaqok lets do it05:21
jjreveastcoast0: you can also uninstall grub from SDB05:22
jjreveastcoast0: and make sure you have the windows bootloader on SDB05:22
eastcoast0jjrev: Currently I'm unable to burn a cd, so I'd just have to use bootrec or something05:22
shane2peruDeathFox: System -> Preferences -> Appearance05:22
eastcoast0from a windows dvd05:22
DeathFoxwhere in there shane05:23
DeathFoxi looked in there05:23
jjreveastcoast0: whatever works for ya05:23
shane2peruDeathFox: The last tab, Visual Effects05:23
DeathFoxit only shows 3 options05:23
shane2peruDeathFox: click on none05:23
eastcoast0jjrev: I'll ask on the forums, and if I still can't figure out how to get what I'm wanting, I'll just go with your plan05:23
DeathFoxbut i want the visual effects05:23
jjreveastcoast0: this way, if you take away SDC from the system for whatever reason, SDB will not give you any errors when booting05:23
eastcoast0jjrev: thanks for the help :)05:23
Balsaqshane2peru:not installed can install by hitiing g and on and on05:23
DeathFoxisent there a way just to disable the fade 2 black05:23
Balsaqbut i knew that05:24
jjreveastcoast0: no problem.  good luck05:24
shane2peruDeathFox: that is causing the blackouts or increase your memory may help05:24
DeathFox2gb of ram isent enough?05:24
DeathFoxits going black cause my pc is idle05:24
shane2peruDeathFox: hmm, I would think it should05:24
DeathFoxit fades to black till i move my mouse05:24
erossin ubuntu, why does netbeans show java 1.6, but java --version shows "1.5.0"  ?05:24
shane2peruDeathFox: ohh, that is screensaver05:25
DeathFoxhow do i disable that05:25
DeathFoxi found it05:25
Balsaqshane2peru; should i install it even though it appears it is for ati radeon stuff and iam atixpert?05:25
shane2peruBalsaq: no, better not, I may have gotten the command wrong, one second05:25
Balsaqi think not cause iread the article on here about the fglrx thing...shae2peru05:26
losherDeathFox: sounds like either screensaver or power management. Both are configurable for gnome, but don't ask me how...05:26
shane2peruBalsaq: fglrxinfo | grep render05:26
Balsaqshane2peru seems like yur on the money...but ok lets see05:26
shane2peruBalsaq: type shan and hit tab to complete my name and avoid typos. :)05:27
Lartza_Ok I got sound to work05:27
Balsaqok i didnt have a space in ther try again shane2peru05:27
Lartza_I noticed everything on System > Sound > Sounds Is grayed05:27
Lartza_Sound effects that play on events ands tuff05:27
Balsaqlost me with theat last one05:27
Lartza_What packages for sound effects?05:28
shane2peruBalsaq: ok, don't worry about it05:28
Balsaqill just do it right05:28
shane2peruBalsaq: fglrxinfo | grep render05:28
frewsxcvhow do you convert from flac to alac on linux05:28
shane2peruBalsaq: ok, gotta run, it is late keep working at it, someone here can help you.05:29
Balsaqshane2peru not installed again same message05:29
shane2peruBalsaq: I'm not sure then what your card is using, I'm not that great at legacy ati stuff05:30
Balsaqso the computer knew i mistyped it05:30
shane2peruBalsaq: no, doesn't sound like you are using fglrx05:30
Balsaqjust no drivers for it in 904 i guess05:31
shane2peruBalsaq: which I thought all ati used fglrx, but the olders ones may not, I'm not really sure05:31
jjrevBalsaq: what vid card is this?05:31
Balsaqshane2peru: began thinking i should go in backwards, find out what ubuntu likes and has drivers for and go get it05:31
shane2peruBalsaq: but it isn't your sys monitor that is causing the problems05:31
Lartza_How do I get my event sounds to work?05:31
losherfrewsxcv: there is a flac package which will decode flac to various formats. I've never heard of alac though...05:32
Lartza_Login sound etc.05:32
shane2peruBalsaq: that would probably be what I would recommend05:32
ZykoticK9frewsxcv, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=310647&page=2 someones got something working under wine05:32
frewsxcvlosher, Apple Lossless05:32
shane2perujjrev: he is a complete computer noob05:32
Balsaqshane2peru; dunno just asked why my cpu is at 50 percent just for the gnome syst monitor05:32
Balsaqseems like a lot of power for gnome sys monitor05:32
jjrevshane2peru: what is his issue?05:32
shane2peruBalsaq: right, I don't think it is that though, not sure05:33
shane2perujjrev: a lot of cpu usage05:33
Balsaqnotiproblem..noticed system monitor and FF combine to use 100 percent of my cpu!05:33
shane2perujjrev: could be sys monitor bug, but I doubt it, I always use sys monitor, and never have a prob05:33
jjrevshane2peru: hm, has he tried 'top' ??05:33
Balsaqdecided maybe i dont need gnome system monitor05:33
losherfrewsxcv: great. Another propietary format. Looks like you may have to decode to wav using flac and then encode using dbpoweramp under wine. Quite a mess...05:34
shane2perujjrev: he had a hard time finding the terminal, and couldn't copy and paste commands05:34
Balsaqasked the question on here shane2peru mentioned it may be my ati05:34
Blueylooks korean but not sure...05:34
losher!ko | puting05:34
ubottuputing: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko05:34
shane2peruBalsaq: jjrev can probably help you,05:34
leaf-sheepLooks English on second one.05:34
miranda_Hi.  apt-get fails to resolv hostnames, but ping does resolv them.  How can I fix this? thanks05:34
Balsaqso realy i just want to disable gnome system monitoThanks shane2peru!05:34
jjrevshane2peru: i almost hate to say try another distro, but Mint is top notch for beginners05:35
shane2perujjrev: I think it is something else eating cpu, but we didn't get far05:35
KeiyaIs it safe to remove packages like nvidia-180-modaliases and fglrx-modaliases and nvidia-common if I don't have an ATI or nViia card?05:35
shane2perujjrev: gotta run, catch you all later05:35
thiebaudeBalsaq, did you check the processes to see whats using soo much cpu?05:35
Balsaq1. gnome system monitor take 37-50% of my little CPU-is it prudent and wise to disable it?05:35
KeiyaBluey: It's korean. The circles are the givaway.05:35
shane2perujjrev: he has an older ati card, my hunch is ati probs05:35
jjrevBalsaq: have you run the 'top' program?05:36
BalsaqYES IT IS ff ABD SYST MON05:36
Balsaqoops sorry05:36
jjrevshane2peru: thanks, i'll have a go at it05:36
Balsaqhit caps mistake05:36
Balsaqthanks shane05:36
shane2peruBalsaq: jjrev can help you get it fixed05:36
BlueyKeiya -- wasn't sure - I prolly haven't seen any korean writing in several decades05:36
Balsaqlet me go slow and spell itout..for those trying05:36
corigo3When I run sudo chmod 777 will it apply to all users? I don't see any change in permissions at the user level...05:36
Balsaqmay not be broke may be old cpu with lil power i dunno...here goes05:37
KeiyaOf course, with han unification... :/05:37
AkeJay02Hi all. Anyone able to assist me in understanding how the file arrangement in Ubuntu works? It's like the one thing I haven't been able to get used to.05:37
foul_owlanyone know how to fix the broken packages error message in apt05:37
KeiyaTht gets in the way of language identification, doesn't it? :P05:37
Blueycorigo3 -- if your intent is to allow all users to do anything they wish yes, but it only applies to the files you are changing05:37
LuYui need help with an upgrade05:37
leaf-sheep!filesystem | AkeJay0205:37
ubottuAkeJay02: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview05:37
ZykoticK9AkeJay02, "most" of the filesystem layout is based on Unix conventions /bin /etc /var etc...  Do you have a specific question?05:38
Balsaqnoticed cpu is at 100%load with only FF and system  monitor running, turned of FF and only had systen monitor runnung and it uses 37-50percent of my freeakin CPU can i disable it without getting rid of it?05:38
LuYui remotely upgraded a computer from 8.04 to 9.04 and now X won't start05:38
jjrevBalsaq: can you open a terminal?05:38
LuYufrom the logs, X appears to not be detecting the USB keyboard and mouse05:38
LuYuthe user cannot open a terminal05:39
LuYubut i can ssh in05:39
Balsaqwhat do i type in jjrev05:39
corigo3Bluey: after I run the sudo chmod all the permissions are updated, but from Krusader when I check the file permissions the change only happened for "owner" which is root.... so I still have no access at the user level05:39
LuYuthere is no input at all05:39
jjrevBalsaq: 'top'05:39
Balsaqits the dadgum syst monitor05:39
Balsaquses a ton of my lil CPU05:39
Balsaqcan iturn it off without losing it?05:39
Blueycorigo3 privite message ok?05:40
Balsaqlooks like i can uncheck it but will it go away forever if ido that05:40
jjrevBalsaq: no05:40
ZykoticK9Balsaq, gkrellm is a "lightweight" system monitor or conky seems quite popular05:40
LuYudoes anybody know what might be causing X to suddenly be unable to detect the mouse and keyboard?05:40
jjrevBalsaq: open a terminal and type 'top' and see who is using so much CPU05:40
jjrevBalsaq: what cpu are you running?05:41
LuYuthe computer in question does not even have PS/2 plugs, by the way05:41
Balsaqjjrev: so...i will uncheck it/disable it, but it will still be there if  ilook for it and re-check it for later use?05:41
Balsaqit is my GD sys mon05:41
thiebaudejjrev, top is a good suggestion05:41
jjrevBalsaq: i don't understand what you're asking05:41
Balsaqand my tiny 400mgz05:41
jjrevBalsaq: lol05:41
* thiebaude no wonder05:42
jjrevBalsaq: my phone is faster than that thing ;)05:42
Balsaqthat lil bugger ucks some juice huh05:42
losherBalsaq: it's eye candy. You don't need it. Just stop running it...05:42
blunderok guys05:42
elvtarsBalsaq: it will not go away if you uncheck it...05:42
Balsaqjjrev: but i dont want to lose it?05:42
Balsaqwheh thank you elvtars!05:42
jjrevBalsaq: you might try a lighter weight distribution05:43
Balsaqi not only want it to stay...i want to see it in ther FOREVER i the add remove panel with the box ready to be checked...ok?05:43
donnybrascohi, can anyone tell me where to find my icons in hardy?05:43
Balsaqsomeone said " i can alway reinstall it later...dont want that05:44
losherdonnybrasco: anything in /usr/share/icons ?05:44
ZykoticK9donnybrasco, /usr/share/pixmaps ???05:44
RPG_MasterWhy does OOo make svg graphics look like butt?05:44
jjrevBalsaq: with a 400MHz CPU you will be struggling to do a lot of things..05:44
Balsaqyup but she does it05:44
elvtarsBalsaq: you can turn it off and turn it back on later05:44
losherBalsaq: I agree with jjrev. Consider a distro designed for old, slow, tiny boxes...05:45
foul_owlhardware drivers enabling nvidia hangs05:45
Balsaqeven spoke to dell online while on here at once05:45
jjrevBalsaq: that machine is suited for a very light weight distribution, perhaps DSL or something along those lines05:45
Balsaqi know but at this point i am too flippin dumb and new at open source to do iti did order puppy and xubu05:45
donnybrascolosher: thanks :)05:45
losherdonnybrasco: first thank you of the evening, you're very welcome!05:46
jjrevBalsaq: look into linux mint fluxbox edition05:46
Balsaqi think if i uncheck the thren monitor i will have 50 percent more juice05:46
elvtarsBalsaq: puppylinux is a easy, works if you have 128 MB of ram05:46
AkeJay02Thanks for the link about the filetree with Ubuntu. It makes a bit more sense now, but it is definitely one thing I don't like as much as Windoze. Is there a reason for it's complexity?05:46
Balsaqtried to boot it wont do it iam am too new yet05:46
jjrevAkeJay02: no reason really, its how linux has evolved05:47
jbk_to setup default kde fonts do i need to install  kdebase-workspace-bin ?05:47
jjrevAkeJay02: whoever wrote all the software decided that was the best way to organize things05:47
Balsaqi have another puter coming in to experiment on...dell business computer will wipe it clean and put in puppy or linux mint or xubuntu05:47
losherAkeJay02: I'm not sure it's any more complex than windows. Just different...05:47
jbk_(eg: when i run k3b, the fonts on the menu look different than my gnome apps-- i'm using the gnome desktop)05:47
jjrevBalsaq: i recommend Mint highly05:47
jjrevBalsaq: great for beginners05:48
Balsaqi heard mnt is set up with lots of stuff to play online vids which iwant05:48
AkeJay02I guess it only makes sense that the file layout would be different as well. But whenever I've needed to do something in the Windoze system, it was no complex task. But I find myself searching for help online to make small changes in Ubuntu.05:48
jbk_Balsaq, ?05:48
losherjbk_: I would expect that. It's a kde app. It'll run fine, it just won't look the same...05:48
jjrevBalsaq: yes, its the most feature complete distribution 'out of the box'05:48
Balsaqhi jbk05:48
jbk_losher, well u can set the fonts with kcontrol..05:48
Balsaqjjrev: who knew?05:48
tehbautanyone know what kernel line to use in grub for usb installer?05:49
jbk_losher, kdebase-workspace-bin should hold kcontrol as its replacement pacakge..05:49
jbk_losher, its juts 300+ meg to inst for kcontrol05:49
* jbk_ goes ahead with apt-get05:49
Balsaqbut i do have puppy here now on a disc and xubuntu on a disc bougfht them05:49
losherjbk_: thanks, but I don't run gnome or kde. And I'm not even sure I'd notice the fonts...05:49
jjrevBalsaq: and it's based on ubuntu so a lot of ubuntu help topics will carry over05:49
jbk_losher, well then.. u dont know then..05:49
Lartza_Is ubuntu keyserver down?05:49
Balsaqso how can allthat be lighter than ubuntu05:49
Balsaqjbk: then q in balsaq is silent....like (balsa)05:50
jjrevAkeJay02: its only complex because you're unfamiliar with it.  the more you use linux, the easier it gets05:50
Balsaqjjrev: how can i system like that be lighter on the cpu than the ubuntu?05:51
thiebaudeBalsaq, it doesn't use alot of processes05:51
Lartza_NOw I need help. Ican't GPG from keyserver.ubuntu.com nor subkeys.pgp.net05:51
Balsaqoh hi thiebaude05:51
thiebaudeBalsaq, hi05:51
jbk_Lartza_, No or now ?05:51
Balsaqi know have 3 bubtu discs!05:51
losherBalsaq: because some systems are expressly designed to be lightweight. Ubuntu isn't...05:52
jjrevBalsaq: try "SLAX", its very lightweight but not as feature complete as Ubuntu05:52
Balsaqguess ill get that one too05:52
ZykoticK9Lartza_, you can try pool.sks-keyservers.net -- serveral people have been have keyserver problem and this was recommended to them by someone05:52
jbk_Balsaq, yah dont really need that many discs05:52
Balsaqbut  i need plug and play like ubuntu05:52
thiebaudeBalsaq, or try fluxbuntu, openbox, etc05:52
Balsaqno fiddledikin round here05:52
Lartza_ZykoticK9: Does using another keyserver have any effects?05:52
dethaddrOMG! ARRRGHH05:52
jjrevBalsaq: fluxbuntu would probably work better05:52
ZykoticK9Lartza_, no idea man!05:52
dethaddrnow that i got d2 installed and running. i cant figure out how to make it go full screen05:52
Balsaqi dont have a burner and i buy em for 3 dollars05:53
thiebaudejjrev, i agree05:53
dethaddri hate wine05:53
Lartza_NOw ubuntu keyserver started to work, for now05:53
losherLartza_: it shouldn't....05:53
jjrevBalsaq: gnome is probably a little too much for your very old cpu05:53
dethaddri blame windows05:53
Blueydethaddr -- it works (sometimes)05:53
Balsaqwhy so many flliipn bubtus ?05:53
jbk_u guys help nobody05:53
ZykoticK9dethaddr, what's "d2"?05:53
thiebaudejbk_, go away05:53
Balsaqwhoah he;s psssd05:54
dethaddrZykoticK9: diablo 2 lord of destruction05:54
ZykoticK9dethaddr, ahhh sorry I'm no help (was wondering if it meant Doom2)05:54
Balsaqheck ive been tryin for 5 days to get my utube vids to play faster and i aint bichen05:54
jjrevBalsaq: ubuntu will behave better when you get a better computer05:55
Lartza_Got every key except still one05:55
Balsaqyup cant wait got a 1gig cpu coming05:55
Balsaqwith ddr instead of sdram05:55
jjrevBalsaq: that's not really that powerful either05:55
jetscreamerxine-plugin mplayer-plugin vlc-plugin05:55
Balsaqwell if ican do it with 400mgz05:55
jjrevBalsaq: wow dude, ancient technology ;)05:55
Lartza_Now got all. THe keyservers worked, stopped wotrking and worked again :S05:56
KeiyaAccording to vrms, the non-free packages installed now are: linux-generic, linux-restricted-modules-common, linux-restricted-modules-generic, tangerine-icon-theme05:56
KeiyaTwo of those are metapackages, and not for the other two05:56
Keiya... Weird.05:56
Balsaqwell they give them too me free...getting several this time and some are prolly gonna be int 1.2-2.0 range05:56
Balsaqbusiness puters05:56
Keiya(And tangerine is a quirk of the DFSG)05:56
Balsaqthe yrun xp pro fast05:56
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
Lartza_when will apt-get timeout on update?05:57
losherBalsaq: so run xp pro. It's not a crime...05:57
Spoomhi folks, has anyone here managed to get compiz running on an intel 82845g/gl adapter?  i've tried just about everything now and only get a frozen desktop upon running compiz --replace and/or changing the desktop effects setting; i've gone through every type (safe, optimal, bleeding edge) of the intel performance guide on the forums, but still no dice.  am i just chasing something that simply won't work?05:57
Lartza_Nvm it got through to the server05:57
jjrevBalsaq: you should build a cloud/cluster with all those bad boys then get a laptop to interface with it :D05:57
Balsaqwell they wipe em clean befor ethay give them away05:58
KeiyaWhy is linux-generic in restricted?05:58
Balsaqand i will learn this if itmkills me ithinks windows blows05:58
soreauSpoom: Can you pastebin your X log file? (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)05:58
Spoomi've enabled jaunty-proposed and backports which updated mesa but still nothing05:58
Spoomsure, one sec05:58
Spoomyou guys have a preferred bin?05:58
Balsaqthis puter ran w98 for 11 years and couldnt get out of its own way even new...so ihate wqindows05:59
soreau! pastebin | Spoom05:59
ubottuSpoom: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:59
ZykoticK9Spoom did you try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/296833/comments/805:59
tehbautanyone know what kernel line to use in grub for usb installer?06:00
* TheCheeze away: sleep06:00
Balsaqbought a new vista puter...had 2.3 quad core amd, 6ram and it froze up like an icebeg onthe 12thday06:00
Balsaqtook it back06:00
Spoomsoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/282714/06:00
jjrevBalsaq: you should have installed linux06:00
=== ime_imuet is now known as burnst
Balsaqdidnt know linux then06:00
Balsaqhappened around christmas06:01
SpoomZykoticK9, i believe i have tried that, which got compiz kinda working only windows wouldn't paint correctly upon being moved or resized06:01
Spoomi'll try it again with the proposed drivers though06:01
Balsaqnow i wish ihad it back i stole it onsale 599...HP 22in monitor too06:01
soreaupipe stuff06:01
soreauSpoom: Try EXA acceleration06:01
prince_jammysKeiya: it's a metapackage that depends on linux-restricted-modules-generic06:02
jjrevBalsaq: you should pick one of those up and load it up with Mint or something06:02
Balsaqbut that fricker froze like 2 mile run lake in january06:02
GSF1200Sanyone know anything about ssh and iptables?06:02
Balsaqsome of the new stuff is junk06:02
GSF1200SI cannot get iptables to allow an ssh connection06:02
Spoomi'll try XAA again first and then exa06:02
Balsaqi cant kill this old one...original fan and all06:02
Spoomthanks for the suggestions guys, will require a couple X restarts06:02
GSF1200Sif i disable iptables the connection works fine06:02
Balsaqhas a big heat sink on it06:03
Balsaqand is almost silent after 1 years06:03
Balsaq11 years06:03
elvtarsBalsaq: what brand is it?06:03
Spoomhmm, ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't work?06:03
Balsaqdell dim XPS r40006:03
* Spoom switches and does a gdm restart instead06:03
Balsaqhas big altec sub woofer and great sound06:04
soreauSpoom: If xaa works, I have a fix that will help redraw the windows06:04
Balsaqcost me 2700 1 years ago...now the stuff id 600 bucks/06:04
Balsaq11 yago'06:04
elvtarsBalsaq: just run as few prcesses as possible06:04
Keiyawhy is that even installed, anyway? None of the 'actual' restricted module packages are?06:04
alazyworkaholicMy netbook's bricked. I'm using a liveusb but when I try to mount the sdd I'm asked for the password. How would I know what that is for a livecd session?06:05
Balsaqwe have a g4 too upstairs lapper06:05
jetscreamerbtw he's a troll in #linux i assume he's a troll in here also06:06
Balsaqyup[ its s way beter than windows06:06
prince_jammysyeah, known troll. ignore.06:06
mnainesWho is a troll?06:06
Balsaqwindows is like a virus06:06
phantom878i want to change ICON for a program whos Shortcut i created in the Applications menu, what type of image do i need? svg?06:06
mnainesI'm surprised the ops don't do anything to the trolls06:06
XimbinhaBeing a troll or not doesn't make those statements false.06:06
Balsaqhad to manually monitor my registry all the time06:07
* mnaines always ignores those who type in all caps06:07
phantom878who typed in caps?06:07
* mnaines absolutely hates attention-seekers06:07
* phantom878 whocares?06:08
mnainesphantom878: Ximbinha did...He's a known troll06:08
Balsaqif your good at guardin your registry i guess windows is ok...06:08
gladiatorhi .. does anyone know if skype video works with ubuntu? im running skype 2.1 and ubuntu 9.04 ... how lsusb shows my webcam .. but i am not sure if its working properly06:08
phantom878he did what?06:08
phantom878gladiator, it does06:08
mnainesphantom878: Scroll up06:08
soreau! webcam | gladiator06:08
ubottugladiator: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:08
phantom878how does that answer my question?06:09
lstarnesmnaines: please refrain from copying such messages06:09
gladiatorphantom878: how can i test drive my webcam .. any software / gui interface to capture video etc?06:09
prince_jammysgive him some more attention, why don't you.06:09
phantom878i want to change ICON for a program whos Shortcut i created in the Applications menu, what type of image do i need? svg?06:09
mnaineslstarnes: Forgive me, but phantom asked what the guy did06:10
ZykoticK9phantom878, png should work06:10
alazyworkaholicgladiator: lookup cheese in add/remove06:10
lstarnesmnaines: there is such a thing as a private message06:10
Balsaqhey just wipe the hard drive clean of windows dude...like ole uncle Balsaq!!!06:10
phantom878weird, i downloaded a few and none, let me check again06:10
soreauphantom878: Just right click on it and go to properties. Change the icon there06:10
Balsaqwindows is the virus of all virus'06:10
soreauXimbinha: Bye06:10
mnainesXimbinha: Odd...Skype works fine for me06:10
phantom878Ximbinha, stupid, read and learn from skype.com06:10
phantom878it does i installed it TOday!06:11
Balsaqwindows is kinda like VD....06:11
lstarnesXimbinha: your use of caps is disrupting this channel06:11
XimbinhaTry add and accept someone there.06:11
HBX^skype works fine in ubuntu06:11
mnainesXimbinha: Skype has a Debian package available for Ubuntu, and it works just fine06:11
XimbinhaObviously not.06:11
phantom878gladiator, just plug it in, and then open skype and setup ccaam06:11
ZykoticK9my VirtualBox crashed and I have two " [VirtualBox] <defunct>" listed in "ps aux | grep Virtual" but kill and kill -9 doesn't kill them -- anyone have another suggestion?06:11
XimbinhaI know, but you can't add anyone.06:11
BalsaqXimbinha: if it don't worj with ubuntu you don;t want it06:11
mnainesXimbinha: Yes, you can06:11
* prince_jammys wonders what part of "Troll" you don't grasp.06:12
gladiatorphantom878: its plugged in.. i have a laptop06:12
XimbinhaBalsaq, does it works or not, at least?06:12
gladiatorskype doesnt show any video options .. :S06:12
jetscreameromg no caps!!!06:12
Ximbinhagladiator, you will never see your friends online06:12
phantom878read and search google06:12
phantom878im off to bed06:12
SakaraTrying to have centralised logins for ubuntu workstations. Everyone tells me openldap. But there must be more06:12
Balsaqubuntu is the best dud i amnew but it the best OS in the world...if it dont run with ubuntu get rid of it06:12
Ximbinhaphantom878, I did it retard06:12
losherZykoticK9: certain processes can't be killed until the parent which created them collects their status. run ps axf to see if you can see their parent process...06:12
mnainesXimbinha: It works fine for everyone else in this room...And there is an icon on the bottom of the skype main window that shortcuts to the add a contact wizard06:12
IdleOneXimbinha: please stop insulting people06:13
Ximbinhamnaines, this doesn't works.06:13
* soreau is surprised Ximbinha is still here06:13
XimbinhaI am one person here.06:13
kandinskimy calendar starts the week on sunday, and I would like for it to start on monday, how can I do that? I am on Gnome on Ubuntu 9.0406:13
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gladiatorximbinha: what?06:13
XimbinhaGladiator is another06:13
phantom878Ximbinha, noobhead06:13
* jetscreamer is suprised jetscreamer is still here06:13
alazyworkaholicI have an ssd netbook. I installed 9.10 A6 & have had a hell of a lot of filesystem corruption. I've had to run fsck, e2fsck 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Any advice?06:13
kandinskihi jetscreamer06:13
jetscreamerhey dude :)06:13
jbuteralol Ximbinha, you troll everywhere?06:14
jetscreameri don't usually type in here :)06:14
mnainesXimbinha: Go down where it says "Call Phones or SMS" on the main window of Skype...Right below that you will see a green circle with a plus and a person icon...That is the Add a Contact button06:14
losheralazyworkaholic: move to 8.04...06:14
ZykoticK9losher, thanks "ps axf" didn't know that one -- VERY cool!!!06:14
lstarnesalazyworkaholic: #ubuntu+1 is currently designated as the channel for ubuntu 9.1006:14
soreaualazyworkaholic: How are you shutting down the machine?06:14
Ximbinhamnaines, this works for adding but you wouldn't see anyone online.06:14
prince_jammys!ops | Ximbinha : troll, likes to cause disturbance for fun, has done so in the past.06:14
ubottuXimbinha : troll, likes to cause disturbance for fun, has done so in the past.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:14
IdleOne!caps | Ximbinha06:14
ubottuXimbinha: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:14
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Twelvehi...anyone here running puppy linux?06:15
mnainesXimbinha: Because its just like adding a person in instant messenger...They also have to add you to their list before you can see them online...When you add someone that way, it sends them a message asking if they want to accept the add invite...They have to accept it before you can see them online06:15
kandinskialso another question: I plugged in my wacom into my Jaunty machine, and it Just Works, but I can't find a control panel for configuring it06:15
Ximbinhamnaines, I know06:15
soreauTwelve: This is a channel for ubuntu, not any other distro of linux06:15
XimbinhaAnd this doesn't works06:16
buckysudo ping -f
elvtarsTwelve: try #puppylinux06:16
Balsaqximbinhu: i know how you fell, i once felt the same way, relax, drink some warm milk, take a god dumper, and wipe windows right off yur hard drive forever...if it don't run in buntu you don't need it!!!06:16
Twelvethanks elvtars06:16
mnainesXimbinha: Probably because they haven't accepted your add invite perhaps?06:16
alazyworkaholiclosher: I'd love to, but it was crippled even under 8.10.06:16
Ximbinhamnaines, no!06:16
nostalgicBadgerdoes ubuntu install a .bashrc that would take precedent over the one in ~ ? the aliases i'm adding to the one at ~/.bashrc don't seem to be active06:16
kandinskiubottu: !wacom06:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom06:16
jbuteraalazyworkaholic: your nick seems to be contradictory06:16
alazyworkaholicsoreau: Either normally, of sometimes with sudo poweroff now.06:17
Blueyokay time for some geekdom -- HAK5 -- ttyl06:17
lstarnesnostalgicBadger: check /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc06:17
soreaualazyworkaholic: Try always using the 'normal' way06:17
lstarnesnostalgicBadger: ~/.bashrc usually takes precedence06:17
prince_jammysnostalgicBadger: how are you logging in?06:17
losheralazyworkaholic: ok, but 9.10 isn't even *claimed* to be stable. Ask on #ubuntu+106:17
mnainesXimbinha: I am going to say the same thing everyone else is saying...If it doesn't work, then don't use it...That should be a no-brainer06:17
gladiatorphantom878: thanks got video working06:17
ZykoticK9nostalgicBadger, did you restart bash after making the change (ie type "bash")06:17
Ximbinhamnaines, DON'T LIE TO PEOPLE06:18
soreaualazyworkaholic: Also, it will check the file system automatically every ~30 or so times it's mounted, so if you reboot a lot it will check the fs more often06:18
nostalgicBadgerlet me test again06:18
IdleOneXimbinha: stop acting like a child06:18
mnainesXimbinha: What am I lying about?06:18
Ximbinhaabout skype working in ubuntu06:18
XimbinhaIt doesn't and you know06:18
mnainesXimbinha: It is working fine for me...06:18
lstarnesXimbinha: does skype's website have a form for filing a bug report?06:18
jussi01Ximbinha: please, keep to the issue at hand, and relax on the caps.06:18
Balsaqif it don't run on buntu who needs it...release the poisen X....take a dump and then wipe windows right off yur dadgum HD06:18
mnainesXimbinha: I have not had any problems with using Skype in Ubuntu06:18
kandinskiXimbinha: I use skype on ubuntu with no problem06:18
lstarnesXimbinha: that's skype's fault, not ubuntu's06:18
HBX^if you cant figure skype out let alone ubuntu u shouldnt be using linux period...go back to wintendo...06:18
alazyworkaholicsoreau: any reason to believe poweroff now turns off the computer before it's ready?06:19
lorenzohi, all of a sudden vlc and totem wont open files correctly...i get errors saying that the format is not supported by vlc, even for mp3s which i have always been able to play and still can open in rhythmbox. i am confused. any suggestions? thanks06:19
gladiatorximbinha: wanna webcam on skype?06:19
IdleOneBalsaq: enough with the dumping please06:19
Ximbinhalstarnes telling that it doesn't works06:19
gladiatori just made it to work :)06:19
soreaualazyworkaholic: If nothing else, use shutdown -h now06:19
Balsaq10-4 boss06:19
soreaualazyworkaholic: I am not familiar with 'poweroff'06:19
GSF1200Sximbinh: just use windows then06:19
XimbinhaGSF1200S, windows is better06:19
jbuterawindows 7 is nice :)06:19
IdleOneBalsaq: I'm no boss06:20
Ximbinhaskype owkrs in windows06:20
lstarnesXimbinha: that is largely subjective06:20
gladiatorXimbinha: and in ubuntu also :P06:20
Balsaq(never saw i guy act like that here...i got tons of prob's here?)06:20
nostalgicBadgerhuh. it's working now. thanks06:20
HBX^skype works fuckin fine in ubuntu your just a FUCKIN TARD!!06:20
GSF1200Sximbinha- if thats how you feel then why not use it?06:20
Balsaqcan't get some fixed06:20
jussi01HBX^: language please06:20
cryptor3ok, so it doesn't work06:20
cryptor3now what?06:20
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:20
mnainesjussi01: Where were you, man?06:21
Out_Coldskype has known sound issues in ubuntu06:21
cryptor3I haven't heard ximbinha ask a question in the last 5 minutes06:21
* mnaines has never had audio or video problems with Skype in Ubuntu06:21
lstarnescryptor3: he has been removed06:21
GSF1200SXimbinha is just a troll06:21
jussi01mnaines: Ive been watching. but we dont kick on first offence, its also your job to try to catalyse and calm.06:21
jbuterahi.. how can i lgoin remotely to a new gnome session? i tried vnc4server with xinetd, and it tries to work, but vnc4server seems broken06:21
GSF1200Sive been accused of being one06:21
cryptor3ah ok.  I figured it was gonna happen right after whoever called in for backup06:22
jussi01Lets move on shall we?06:22
mnainesjussi01: My policy is respect has to be earned...I follow the golden rule - "Do unto others"06:22
jbuterayes, to remote gnome login06:22
Out_Coldmnaines, there is a bug where you can configure sound in skype, but it stops all other sound from working until you reset alsa06:22
GSF1200Sindeed, moveon06:22
realoneIn my opinion, gay sex is a lot hotter than straight sex. You are now imagining yourself being fucked as a trap while sitting in someone's lap, facing them. You give out little moans and whimpers as you desperately force yourself to ride him, pulling yourself up and down his cock as fast as you can manage. Your feminine features are flushed red with embarrassment because your stiff, hefty prick is bouncing off his stomach with every thr06:22
realoneust, but he is holding your hands back, preventing you from hiding it or jacking yourself off. Just as he begin to climax, you slam your hips down as deeply as you can, squeezing like a vice around him and moaning wildly. As he continues to fill you with his cum, you begin spraying his stomach and chest with your own virile but useless seed, your hips desperately bucking with every spurt. After his orgasms subside, he releases your arms06:22
mnainesOut_Cold: odd...It hasn't given me that problem before06:22
jbuterathat's nice06:22
realone and grab your hips, grinding his still-hard but sated dick deeply into you, and he tells you that he won't pull it out until you clean up the mess you made. You begin straining forward, using you tongue to lap up the warm cum you plastered across his stomach. By the time you are done, you are both already hard again. sorry if this is long, it took me a long time to write o.o i hope u enjoied reading it.06:22
prince_jammysjussi01: realone :06:23
mrlexxhi guys i need some help with jaunty06:23
IdleOnemust be a full moon tonight06:23
IdleOneask away mrlexx06:23
alazyworkaholicsoreau: I'm looking up halt vs shutdown vs poweroff & read that "shutdown runs the shutdown scripts (in rc0) [whatever that means] to gracefully terminate all running processes (databases and other ncie things)" Do you understand shutdown scripts or rc0?06:23
dethaddrhow do i tell firefox to save the downloads in a folder on the desktop instead of just on it06:23
jbuteraso any ideas on remote gnome logins? :( or how to make vnc4server not crash?06:23
mnainesIdleOne: Nope...Scientists did a study and found the moon has nothing to do with people going crazy06:23
IdleOnedethaddr: in the firefox prefs06:23
Out_Coldmnaines, i suppose it's mostly hardware and kernel related06:24
IdleOnemnaines: possible :)06:24
Out_Coldi haven't used skype for about a year now though06:24
Out_Coldproblem could be fixed06:24
KeiyaOh, does Ubuntu sleep-on-close?06:24
soreaualazyworkaholic: Somewhat, but not on ubuntu so much. With ubuntu, I always recommend doing things 'their way'06:24
mnainesOut_Cold: If the newest Skype version has bugs, I haven't seen any06:24
Out_Colddethaddr, look in preferences06:24
cryptor3I had problems with vnc when I enabled certain graphics card drivers06:24
dethaddri got it06:24
mrlexxI was trying to perform an update of the system and received this error"06:24
losherjbutera: I thought gnome had a built-in vncserver? I forget it's name. Have you tried it?06:24
teolicySay, other than the installer, what's the difference between the alternate and desktop CD? Why couldn't they have been two options on the same CD's boot menu?06:24
dethaddri should have known.06:24
mrlexxE: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf:4: Extra junk at end of file06:25
mnainesIdleOne: I honestly think the reason for people's craziness is just the change in the weather06:25
Out_Coldteolicy, the alternate cd has a few more packages because it has the room for it06:25
Out_Coldit also allows EVMs and LVMs06:25
mrlexxIdleOne, what am I to do to fix this E: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf:4: Extra junk at end of file06:25
jbuteralosher: it just shares the current session though, rather than allow a seperate login06:25
IdleOnemrlexx: did you edit that file?06:25
jbutera"desktop sharing" or whatever06:26
KeiyaLooks like not, blah06:26
IdleOnemrlexx: pastebin the contents and let's all have a look see06:26
mnainesjussi01: Are there different ops on at different times of the day?06:26
teolicyOut_Cold: Ah. But there should be no driver (say, ethernet driver) difference between them, right?06:26
Out_Coldteolicy, there may be06:27
teolicy(because I'm installing on a laptop where one seems to install nicely, and the other claims no ethernet drivers)06:27
shaiDoes anyone know how I can enforce the larger DPI ( I set it to 120 instead of 96 ) on X apps I started over SSH X11 Forwarding ? The DPI set on my XDM works great, but those menus are just way to small on the apps I start via SSH ...06:27
eastcoast0Well, I installed ubuntu but something went wrong. there's no GRUB menu, just the GRUB CLI06:27
jussi01mnaines: ops are not "on" or "off". we are here when we can be.06:27
mrlexxIdleOne, pastebin?06:27
IdleOne!paste | mrlexx06:27
ubottumrlexx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!06:27
eastcoast0How do I fix this?06:27
Out_Coldteolicy, which is which?06:27
mnainesjussi01: Who maintains the server for this room?06:27
IdleOnemnaines: freenode06:28
losherjbutera: Because that's what most people want. So you want a separate vnc session? I use tightvncserver routinely, but I start it manually, not via xinetd...06:28
teolicyDesktop works, alternate does not, laptop is an Asus EEE 1005HA, chipsets by Atheros and Attansic.06:28
eastcoast0Wow this is even stranger06:28
teolicyOut_Cold: ^^ (sorry)06:28
eastcoast0menu.lst is fine06:28
eastcoast0So why does it kick me to the command line interface?06:28
mnainesIdleOne: Yeah...I'm wondering how the Linux community gets money for its maintenance and stuff...Surely people are paid to contribute06:28
jussi01mnaines: if you wish to chat to the ops, feel free to join #ubuntu-ops and ask your question as to reduce non ubuntu support traffic.06:28
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:29
Out_Coldteolicy, then i believe the drivers are in fact on the alt disk but you need to enable or install them through apt or synaptic06:29
jbuteralosher: yeah, like windows's terminal services06:29
IdleOnemnaines: very few are paid. compared to the amount of people who contribute to make linux what it is ( for free )06:29
mnainesIdleOne: So Linux is strictly a voluntary effort?06:29
IdleOnemnaines: mostly06:29
IdleOnemnaines: but not strictly06:30
jussi01mnaines: #ubuntu-ops or #ubuntu-offtopic for this please :)06:30
Out_Coldi am trying to use an install script that wants to use gcc 4.1.x and i have 4.3.x how do i revert back when invoking the script?06:30
Balsaqwhew...this was  quite na experience for day 5 on open source?06:30
lorenzohi, is alpha3 the latest karmic release?06:30
sn00zerCould somebody point me to a channel for a newbie wanting to create a website, perhaps in flash?06:31
IdleOnemnaines: i'm sure jussi01 could point you to a few good sites explaining all this but a good start is the Ubuntu philosophy on ubuntu.com this is offtopic for this channel.06:31
Out_ColdBalsaq, open source is a b**** ;)06:31
mnainesIdleOne: Here's a question that's more on-topic...Is there any place a newbie could go to learn the inner-workings of Ubuntu?06:31
Out_Coldsn00zer, try #flash06:31
mrlexxIdleOne,  @ the present moment it seems I am unable to do so on this system06:31
Balsaqtough lil neighborhood huh06:32
eastcoast0Why does GRUB send me to a command line instead of the normal menu?06:32
mrlexxany suggests?06:32
Spoomalso, compiz works, and i thankye06:32
sn00zerOut_Cold: Thanks06:32
eastcoast0I don't know what went wrong06:32
jussi01Balsaq: please keep on topic, for general chatter join #ubuntu-offtopic06:32
Out_Coldeastcoast0, is it asking you to log in?06:32
eastcoast0Out_Cold: No06:32
eastcoast0Out_Cold: I just get the 'grub>' command line06:32
Out_Coldeastcoast0, what's the prompt look like?06:32
Out_Coldoh lol06:33
IdleOnemnaines: this channel is a great place to learn. the ubuntu wiki and forums. there is also Launchpad. I mean this answer  is not the best one but google is a great tool :-)06:33
eastcoast0Out_Cold: So, where did I mess up?06:33
Out_Coldyour grub is probably installed wrong then06:33
eastcoast0Out_Cold: Oh joy...06:33
eastcoast0Out_Cold: Any idea as to what I can do?06:33
mnainesIdleOne: I've been using Ubuntu full-time since June of 2009, but I do not feel like I am learning anything because I'm so dependent on the GUI.06:33
rich_do you know where i can get access to a public ssh server?06:34
eastcoast0Out_Cold: Here's menu.lst: http://pastebin.org/3148906:34
elvtarsrich_: sdf.lonestar.org06:34
mrlexxit seems that it is not on the system06:34
Out_Coldeastcoast0, load the live cd and see if you can boot from the first disk..06:35
Out_Coldotherwise you'll need to learn how to adjust your grub, or re-install06:35
eastcoast0Out_Cold: How could I adjust GRUB?06:35
eastcoast0Also, I'm already in the liveCD just FYI06:35
linuxguy2009What programs are available to take make use of a linux compatible USB gps reciever?06:35
callum_hi is there a gay channel on freenode?06:36
Spoomfor anyone looking for how to get this working on an i845 in future (or coming across this in the logs): use "AccelMethod" "XAA" with "EXAOptimizeMigration"  "true", "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy", and "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true", make sure you're *not* using the new kernel from the intel performance guide (it may or may not work but i'm currently successfully using the latest from jaunty-proposed) and just run compiz --replace06:36
callum_Like a chat channel I am so bored.06:36
mrlexxIdleOne, http://paste.ubuntu.com/282733/06:37
callum_!pb Spoom06:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pb Spoom06:37
DeathFoxwhat is good for making avi mpeg etc to dvd movie06:37
rich_elvtars, i have entered a username but nothing happens06:37
Out_Coldeastcoast0, the commands are in the grub> shell but i am not too familiar with grub as i usually use lilo06:37
DeathFoxwhat program06:37
mrlexxubottu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/282733/06:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:37
Spoomcallum_, not a pastebin type thing, this is just so people can see it later if they search the logs06:37
callum_Most bot's are intelligent and build cars and computers.06:37
=== yoyo_ is now known as hayunda
IdleOnemrlexx: sorry I am not sure what to do with that info06:37
elvtarsrich_: use "new"06:38
losherDeathFox: many people use devede06:38
mrlexxIdleOne,  that is the apt.conf file06:38
DeathFoxdoes it got a gui06:38
callum_I believe it's "Does It Have a GUI Interface"06:38
callum_Not DOES IT GOT**06:39
eastcoast0Out_Cold: I think I might know what went wrong... does grub 0.97 support ext4?06:39
IdleOnemrlexx: restate your issue and provide that link, hopefully someone else will know the answer06:39
alazyworkaholicI'm e2fsck'ing my ssd. It found 000's of errors, but now it's been stuck on one inode for the last 10 minutes. I'm reluctant to ctrl-c & restart cuz that could screw sthg up. Is there any way I can check if it's actually doing something? a few other inodes took a minute or two to fix but this is ridiculous.06:39
losherDeathFox: yes, it has a gui. It's fine if you don't need sophisticated menus.06:39
callum_More like Death@Spelling.06:39
Out_Coldeastcoast0, i'm not sure if that has any influence06:39
kiran_how to install emerald themes on my ubuntu machine06:39
eastcoast0Out_Cold: :s06:39
callum_Lacks grammar and intellectual knowledge06:39
loshercallum_: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please06:40
DeathFoxk tks06:40
callum_Anyways - Losher how about suck a cock and die?06:40
prince_jammysjussi01: callum_06:40
callum_Sounds good to me :)06:40
losher!ops please take care of callum_06:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:40
mrlexxhow can I repair the apt.conf file?06:40
IdleOnejussi01: earning your pay tonight :)06:40
rich_elvtars, once i am logged in with new, it asks me to choose a username, so i enter one and press 'enter', nothing happens.06:40
jussi01IdleOne: this morning... :)06:41
kiran_please tell me hoe to install emerald themes06:41
IdleOnejussi01: indeed06:42
d9500kiran_: are the themes in a standard emerald format, that is nameoftheme.emerald?06:42
kiran_d9500 yes06:42
IdleOne!cli > mnaines06:42
ubottumnaines, please see my private message06:42
elvtarsrich_: I'm not sure how you should proceed, also not on topic for this channel...06:43
d9500kiran-: if you're using the standard GNOME desktop, then you should have three buttons at the top left corner of the screen..applications, places, and system.06:44
VarthI'm looking to improve the battery life of my Lenovo S10. I'm running 9.04. Does anyone know a good place to start with this? Any help would be appreciated.06:44
VarthI've already run powertop06:44
d9500click on the one that says "system" and then click on prerferences. see if one of the options in the menu that pops out to the side says emerald theme manager06:44
mnainesVarth: Good place to start is with the hard drive...06:45
alazyworkaholichow do I pastebin?06:45
stargateI'm having a tad bit of trouble configuring my internet with WPA.   I tried to use the wpa_passphrase command in term, but it returned "bash: !: event not found (I'm assuming thats because the wpa key has (!) in it.    When I use the default network manager, it just whirls the connecting thing until it promps me again,  I've tried entering both the passphrase and the hex equiv of the passphrase there.06:45
foul_owlI need help. Apt is broken. I have no ideas06:45
Varthmnaines: That makes sense. More specifically, what can I do in relation to the hard drive?06:45
mnainesVarth: The Seagate Momentus 7200.4 hard drive only requires 310mA...Much lower than the 450mA of other hard drives06:45
losheralazyworkaholic: nothing to it. Go to paste.ubuntu.com, copy in stuff, hit return, and then tell us the url...06:46
rich_elvtars, can i connect to this shell externally?06:46
kisuke alazyworkaholic paste.ubuntu.com06:46
mnainesVarth: The Seagate Momentus 7200.4 is a family of hard drives, coming in 160GB, 250GB, 320GB, and 500GB sizes, but all of them only require 310mA of power during the read/write phases06:46
elvtarsrich_: Try the web site?06:46
losherstargate: try the terminal command again, but enclose the password in single quotes06:47
mnainesVarth, the second option is upgrading to a larger capacity battery06:47
stargateAlright, will try that, losher, thanks.  Will post back with my result06:47
kiran_emerald themes installation???06:48
losherfoul_owl: can you pastebin the output from running apt?06:48
Varthmnaines: Yeah, I've been looking at one of the 6-cell batteries. Any idea for software fixes?06:48
foul_owllosher: sure thing, thanks for the help, one sec06:48
mnainesVarth: With any of the hard drives in that family, you only need install the hard drive and you instantly get the power savings...Power fixes would be the CPU Frequency and Scaling Applet, set it for the lowest frequency possible every time you boot up the computer06:48
stargateActually, just looked over my passphrase again losher, and it has single quotes within it, that'll cause problems, won't it?06:49
d9500kiran_: did you see the emerald theme manager option in system-->preferences? if so, let me know and i will walk you through the next step. if not, you may need to install some additional packages.06:49
kiran_d9500 no06:49
kiran_d9500: no06:49
mnainesVarth, by far the biggest power savings would come from the hard drive, though06:49
d9500kiran-: do you know whether or not emerald is installed on your machine?06:50
thebluehi all.06:50
Varthmnaines: I see. Thanks for the help!06:50
thebluewhat's the easiest application to create a video DVD in ubuntu?06:50
ezequielhola (:06:50
thebluei've already got the video file, i just want it playable in a DVD player.06:50
mnainesVarth, you want a fast hard drive whenever possible.  The faster a hard drive is, the more time it sits idle, which uses less power06:50
losherstargate: yes it will, but you can use double quotes instead...06:50
foul_owli've tried installing deps manually, but that doesn't work06:51
d9500kiran_:if you're not sure, try running the following, minus the quotes, in the terminal. "sudo apt-get install emerald libemeraldengine0"06:51
d9500if emerald is not installed, that should install it.06:51
eastcoast0How do I upgrade GRUB from the livecd?06:51
stargatelosher, with the double quotes, I still get the !: event not found06:51
eastcoast0Please help me06:51
GSF1200Seastcoast0: you mean update?06:52
eastcoast0GSF12005: Well yeah, to 206:52
GSF1200Slike setup grub?06:52
losherstargate: what command are you typing (don't show me the password though)06:52
mnainesVarth: The Seagate Momentus 7200.4 family of drives speeds along at 80MB/sec, which is fast for a laptop drive06:52
eastcoast0GSF12005: no, upgrade to GRUB 206:52
alazyworkaholicSeverely f'd up netbook.ok, someone please take a look at this & tell me if you think you know what type of problem it indicates. Note I've tried to fsck & it hung on an inode for the longest time. This keeps scrolling every few (2 - 30) seconds: http://paste.ubuntu.com/282741/06:52
losherfoul_owl: please type my nick when you reply so I get notified by my client...06:52
stargatewpa_passphrase [SSID] [Passphrase[06:52
d9500kiran_: you should also click the "y" key, if prompted to install any additional packages (dependencies) that it asks you to install when you run the previous command i just mentioned06:52
revengecan somoene help me my flash sound on firefox doesn't work and i used .deb file from website also..?06:52
eastcoast0GSF12005: The version ubuntu installed is 0.9706:52
GSF1200Seastcoast0: dont know06:52
foul_owllosher: got it06:53
mnainesalazyworkaholic: Without more information, we cannot accurately determine where the problem is06:53
eastcoast0Can someone help me please? How do I update GRUB from 0.97 to 2 from a LiveCD?06:53
* mnaines has never had good luck getting netbooks to work with Linux06:53
losherstargate: so where is the "!" character. In the password?06:53
kiran_d9500: ya iam just tried its installing thanks for your help06:53
zenlunaticeastcoast0: what about `grub-install /dev/hda`06:54
alazyworkaholicmnaines: sure, what do you need? Acer Aspire One netbook. 16 GB ssd version. 9.10 A6.06:54
alazyworkaholicworked fine for a while...06:54
stargatelosher: yeah,  I generated the password on grc.com/password using the all viewable hex field :P  tends to cause problems from time to time, as you can see :P06:54
mnainesalazyworkaholic: All I am going to say is, stick with an ordinary laptop...Save yourself the hassle06:54
stargatelosher all viewable ascii**06:54
d9500kiran_: no prob. once it installs, you should be able to see the emerald theme manager in system-->preferences. let me know if you need any additional assistance on installing a theme once you have the theme manager open.06:55
losherstargate: um, the double quotes should take care of the ! character. Not sure why you're seeing an error msg...06:55
kisukerevenge  uninstall it and use sudo apt-get from a comand line or install from synaptic06:56
mnainesalazyworkaholic: I have not heard any good things about netbooks and Linux compatibility06:56
johannes_I have an idea about diskless booting but before I get into it, Id like you to tell me if it is possible at all, I have drawn, what I want to do: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/5978/ramdiskboot.png06:56
losherfoul_owl: so what does apt-cache search libtiff4-dev say?06:56
stargatehmmm, any alternative apps you might be able to suggest to manage my wifi to give it a try, losher?06:56
revengekisuke: i did that too06:56
rwwstargate: try replacing the ! with \!06:57
mnainesNetbooks are too proprietary and Linux netbook remixes are too buggy...That's why I do not recommend people use them06:57
stargatewill try that, rww06:57
revengekisuke: and what is the command to uninstall it in terminal?06:57
alazyworkaholicmnaines: actually it worked nicely with 9.04. but to anyone thinking about it, the aao's ssd is pathetically slow. besides that I was happy.06:57
WisemanHelp!  I was transferring files to my external hard drive and it froze!  Am I gonna corrupt everything on there if I pull it out?  I can't unmount it or anything.06:57
mnainesalazyworkaholic: SSDs are currently still not up to snuff to be useful06:58
stargateno luck rww, thanks for the advice though.06:58
alazyworkaholicbut in any case, I've already bought it & want to use it as intended - light web browsing.06:58
kiran_iam not able to here sound on my laptop speakers how to repair06:58
foul_owllosher: i tried installing libtiff4-dev, then it said it depended on libtiff4. tried installing libtiff4, already installed....06:58
mnainesalazyworkaholic: Plus, what nobody tells you about SSDs is you have to "zero" them out on a regular basis to keep them functional06:58
losherstargate: rww's advice should work too. There's something you're not telling us...06:58
revengekisuke: i dont get why the gnash player works but not flash...gnash works but bad quality06:58
Wisemanwait wait wat mnaines, are you saying the latest technology may not be as stable as older technology initially?06:59
losherfoul_owl: what os version are you using?06:59
stargatelosher, like i said, the password has all ascii chars in it :P  including ()!/'  etc etc06:59
Wisemanso can anyone help?  I don't want to corrupt my external HDD06:59
foul_owllosher: ubuntu jaunty06:59
alazyworkaholicmnaines: I know about that too... so, any idea what this http://paste.ubuntu.com/282741/ indicates, or is there any more information I might provide?07:00
mnainesWiseman: That's always the way it is...Newer technology is still buggy and less stable compared to older, proven technology...SSDs are still only about as fast as standard hard drives, they still use as much power as standard hard drives, and you have to zero them out periodically07:00
losherfoul_owl: nothing to lose, try reinstalling e,g, apt-get install --reinstall libtiff407:00
Wisemanok, brace for impact, I'm pulling out my external HDD07:00
foul_owllosher: trying right now07:01
revengecan anyone else help me get my sound working again with flash?07:01
mnainesalazyworkaholic: I don't know enough about Linux to help you.  All I can say is that I have not had good luck with netbooks in both Ubuntu or Vista07:02
losherstargate: dunno what else to suggest, unless you wanna go private and show me your actual password. Er, by double quote, I mean this character -> ", not two of these -> ' if that makes a difference07:02
foul_owllosher: Reinstallation of libtiff4 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.07:02
GSF1200Smnaines: my brand new asus eeepc 1005ha-p works perfect with UNR 9.10 daily07:02
alazyworkaholicmnaines: which did you try out?07:02
losherfoul_owl: that's fishy. Is the server down? or something else. I guess I need to see the exact message...07:03
mnainesGSF1200S: Yeah...I keep hearing a lot of issues about wireless cards being permanently disabled if you don't manually enable them in XP before installing Ubuntu and a bunch of other stuff07:03
foul_owljust normal apt stuff....building dependency tree, etc, then that message07:03
alazyworkaholicCan anyone else tell me what http://paste.ubuntu.com/282741/ means? I'd love to at least find out whether it's software or hardware.07:03
foul_owlsomething is screwy....not sure what07:03
GSF1200Shmm.. I dont know how that would happen07:03
kisukerevenge sudo apt-get remove firefox-mozilla i think to remove and with flash i've never been able to get to run nice for the .dep what i do is get the .tar.gz version from abobes website and put libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and works just fine07:03
revengekisuke: under firefox plugins it says: Adobe Flash Player (Installer), Gnash flash player....but only gnash works with sound ...:\07:04
GSF1200Smnaines, you could always restore the disk with XP and then go back and install buntu07:04
kisukerevenge try uninstalling gnash07:04
mnainesGSF1200S: If its going to be that much of a hassle, I'll stick with my 15.4" Toshiba laptop07:04
GSF1200Sbut yeah.. everything works well, and its a pretty new netbook.. the batt life is rediculous07:04
losherfoul_owl: I don't run jaunty myself so I can't check. Perhaps some other jaunty user can check? Meanwhile, what does apt-cache search libtiff4 say07:05
revengekisnuke it doesnt recognize sudo apt-get remove firefox-mozilla07:05
GSF1200Smnaines: it wasnt for me.. I installed a daily of 9.10.. done07:05
mnainesGSF1200S: I get a good 4 to 5 hours of battery life on mine07:05
foul_owllosher: it just lists the package07:05
kisukerevenge what distro are you using?07:05
foul_owllosher: this has happened with other packages too, beside this one07:06
mnainesGSF1200S: I used Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition on both my laptop and desktop...Never had any problems07:06
foul_owllosher: can't remember which ones07:06
GSF1200Smnaines, thats cool.. My netbook isnt as powerful, but I get like 9 hours which is cool07:06
kisukerevenge which *buntu? i.e. ubuntu, xubuntu, ecubuntu?07:06
ssk2GSF1200S: what netbook?07:06
revengelol weird when i sudo apt-get remove mozilla-firefox it says not installed but i have it07:06
GSF1200Smnaines: Ubuntu 6.10 didnt work on my laptop, but 7.04 did07:07
revengekisuke ubuntu07:07
losherfoul_owl: well it's not normal. I've never seen that message. Can you pastebin it?07:07
GSF1200Sssk2: Asus Eeepc 1005HA-P07:07
prateekhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/230983/+choose-affected-product I want to add 'ubuntu', but it says "There is no project in Launchpad named "Ubuntu". Please search for it as it may be registered with a different name." Searching for it tells me that there are too many results. So how is one supposed to do this?07:07
stargatelosher, just in case you didn't notice, I pmed the password07:07
mnainesGSF1200S: Seamless transition from Windows Vista to Ubuntu on both machines...Laptop runs an Intel Core2 Duo at 1.86GHz with the capability to throttle it down to 800MHz per core07:07
alazyworkaholicI got mine too early. I should have waited another couple months for system76's starling netbook to come out. It looks good. + it should work with no problems.07:07
GSF1200Smnaines, well my desktop is an i7 rig07:08
GSF1200Smnaines, my lappie is a core2duo 2.16ghz07:08
mnainesGSF1200S: Sadly, by the time I switched to Ubuntu, I had spent well over $3,000 on a quad-core gaming desktop when I was in Vista07:08
GSF1200SI dont gave a windows install07:08
revengekisuke: ok i uninstalled firefox from synaptic07:08
GSF1200Smnaines: its fine to spend alot on a comp that will be used for linux07:09
mnainesGSF1200S: Mine is a Kentsworth quad-core, Intel Core2 family...4GB of RAM and three hard drives07:09
GSF1200Smnaines, thats cool.. I bet she flies07:09
mnainesGSF1200S: Yeah...64-bit Ubuntu and she's smoking anything Windows has07:10
losherstargate: thanks for mentioning, I hadn't noticed. ok, enclosing it in double quotes works ok in my shell, so something else is going on. What does it say when you type "which wpa_passphrase"07:10
lorenzohi, i need to do a fresh install and i was wondering is the beta of karmic decently stable right now? thanks07:10
GSF1200Semaines: arch linux on the i7 rig07:10
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GSF1200Swith XFCE07:10
revengekisuke: how should i install it?07:10
losherlorenzo: that would be a big NO...07:10
mnainesGSF1200S: The beauty of this box is she'll take whatever Linux can throw at her then gladly ask for seconds07:11
lorenzolosher, ok, i'll install jaunty then! thank you07:11
mshooshtariI know this is the wrong room, but has anybody in this room heard any delay announcment for Karmic Beta release Oct 1st?07:11
GSF1200Smnaines, indeed, as will mine07:11
stargatelosher, output to which wpa_passphrase is /usr/bin/wpa_passphrase07:11
koolheadmshooshtari: its coming :)07:11
revengekoolhead: yes?07:11
losherlorenzo: even jaunty's a bit wobbly. Personally I use 8.0407:11
Flannelmshooshtari: If you know it's the wrong room, why are you asking?07:11
mnainesGSF1200S: But with all this power comes the never-ending desire to push the girl to her limits07:11
koolheadrevenge: what happed to firefox07:11
losherstargate: it looks kosher. What's the ssid...07:12
Flannelmshooshtari: #ubuntu+1 is guaranteed to know more than here.07:12
koolheadmnaines: gals!!07:12
mshooshtariFlannel: I asked in +1, but it was quiet, so maybe somebody in this room who is not in the other knows.07:12
lorenzolosher, that is weird, i have had jaunty since april on my other computer and it works fine for me07:12
stargatelosher, SecureHomeNet07:12
GSF1200Smnaines, I just setup ssh and o/c'd it a little.. no need to blow it up07:12
hohohohow do i connect to wireless network using shell07:12
revengekoolhead: my flash sound did not work AT all after using everything i could think of, so i removed it and trying to reinstall some other way07:12
mnainesGSF1200S: I don't need to OC...If I want more oomph, I just get lower-latency ram and a velociraptor07:13
losherstargate: wait. I just tried it in bash (I use tcsh), and I get the same error message as you...07:13
koolheadrevenge: and then07:13
revengekoolhead: see if my sound works on youtube, with flash07:13
stargateah ha...  what's involved in running tcsh for the time being?07:13
foul_owl1losher: sorry lost connection there07:13
GSF1200Smnaines, I have two raptors with raid and DDR3.. O/Cing is all thats left07:13
losherlorenzo: then you're lucky. No reason for you not to run jaunty then...07:13
foul_owl1losher: sorry, lost connection there07:14
GSF1200Sim a speedfreak07:14
DJ_JANSS::<<«· hello ·»>>::07:14
losherfoul_owl1: no problem...07:14
stargatedoh, always forget to type your name losher :P   what's involved in the switch to and from tcsh?07:14
mnainesGSF, she's already fast enough as it is...4-4-4-12-2T Corsair RAM, the boot drive is a Western Digital 150GB Raptor drive, and the CPU is a 2.4GHz quad-core...More than I'll ever need07:14
foul_owl1losher: any ideas? im thinking about a complete reinstall...lol07:14
lorenzolosher, have you used 64bit? how is the flashplugin working on that now? i am on 32 despite having a 64bit machine since 8.10 gave me lots of trouble with flash in firefox. are things any better now?07:14
GSF1200Smnaines, yeah, thats pretty fast...07:14
koolheadrevenge: flashplugin-nonfree ubuntu-restricted-extras  install them and see if it wrks for u07:14
mnaineslorenzo: I'm not having any problems with Flash in Ubuntu 6407:14
GSF1200Swont need to upgrade for a loooong while07:15
mnainesGSF1200S: If ever...07:15
losherstargate: nothing to it. Just type /bin/csh. Then do wpa_passphrase <ssid> "<password>" then type exit07:15
lorenzomnaines, ok, maybe i'll give the 64 a shot!07:15
koolheadmy flash runs well on firefox07:15
lorenzomnaines, would you say performance is significantly better on 64?07:15
losherlorenzo: nope, I'm a coward. I run 8.04/32 and it's solid as a rock...07:16
lorenzolosher, lol, i understand07:16
kisukerevenge sorry for wait use syaptic to install firefox07:16
mnainesGSF1200S: For machines like what you and I have, actually, no...There isn't really any noticeable difference between 32 and 6407:16
GSF1200Smnaines, Im sure.. i use 64bit.. encoding is quite a bit faster07:17
losherfoul_owl1: sorry, no other ideas. I notice no-one else has commented, which kind of confirms that it's not a typical failure mode...07:17
mnainesGSF1200S: For example, my laptop runs 32-bit Ubuntu 9.04 at 800MHz for each of two cores, but there isn't any noticeable difference in speed between that setup and the 64-bit on my desktop at full steam07:17
pete__can anyone tell me how to adjust screen brightness *xubuntu07:18
GSF1200Si think im running 2.16 all the time... I really need to setup cpufreq07:18
GSF1200Sim sorry: 2.66, now 3.0107:18
stargatelosher, alright, now how do i use that to connect now that we got it to work properly :P07:19
mnainesGSF1200S: You may notice a difference for the resource-intense applications, but for basic stuff like web surfing, IRC, and word processing, you don't need the 64-bit07:19
GSF1200Syeah, but I do to use all 6GB of RAM :)07:19
lorenzomnaines, so what would i need the 64? video editing for example?07:19
GSF1200Sat least effeciently07:19
mnaineslorenzo: Anything which would require insane amounts of resources...Video editing, game animation, stuff like that07:20
lorenzomnaines, ok07:20
mnaineslorenzo: If all you do is surf the web, check email, chat, and any of those basic things, you don't need anything more than an El Cheapo laptop with 32-bit Ubuntu07:21
revengekisuke: how can i reinstall firefox in terminal?07:21
koolheadrevenge: why do u wanna re-install07:21
pete__can anyone tell me how to adjust screen brightness *xubuntu07:21
foul_owl1losher: thanks for the help!07:21
revengekoolhead: becaues i uninstalled it to do a fresh installation07:22
mnainesGSF1200S: I got 4GB of RAM in my desktop and at any given time, there is less than 700MB of that actually being used07:22
losherstargate: um, on my laptop, there's an app that comes up for connecting, and it 'just works'...07:22
MasterofPuppetsHow do I check whether I'm running 32 or 64 bit Linux?07:22
kiwi_guyhey whens the next release of ubuntu due?07:22
revengekoolhead: my sound didnt work on flash only with firefox07:22
GSF1200Smnaines: I use VMs and have lots of shit open07:22
MasterofPuppets!karmic > kiwi_guy07:22
ubottukiwi_guy, please see my private message07:22
koolheadrevenge: install the pkgs i asked u to it will wrk then07:22
lorenzomnaines, actually i was trying to start using ubuntu for video editing too, although i havent found an application i really like yet07:22
revengekoolhead: it works with seamonkey07:22
koolheadrevenge: mozilla-plugin-vlc - multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC07:23
mnainesMasterofPuppets: Check the RAM use when the machine just boots up...32-bit Ubuntu will boot up using less than 300MB of RAM while 64-bit Ubuntu boots up using close to 400MB or 500MB of RAM07:23
losher!wifi | stargate does any of this help07:23
ubottustargate does any of this help: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:23
MasterofPuppetsmnaines: Anything I could do from terminal?07:23
ssk2MasterofPuppets: type uname -a, it'll be there07:23
kisukerevenge sudo apt-get install firefox or sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox07:24
kisukerevenge i think07:24
MasterofPuppetsssk2: It just says i86807:24
MasterofPuppetsIs that it?07:24
stargateThanks for the link losher, I'll check it out in a bit, gonna hardwire it for the moment and just update all the packages07:24
mnainesMasterofPuppets: x86 usually means 32-bit07:25
stargateAnd thanks again for all of the help losher.07:25
stargateHopefully I'll get it working sooner or later losher :P07:25
MasterofPuppetsmnaines: I meant i686*07:25
mnainesMasterofPuppets: Here is the single output you should be getting: Linux 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:25
revengekisnuke, koolhead, : should i install only firefox-3.0 / firefox-3.0-branding...along with all the other stuff u told me to install vlc, and restricted etc?07:26
losherlorenzo: video editing isn't linux's strong point. I use avidemux but it doesn't handle all formats07:26
losherstargate: best of luck....07:26
revengekisnuke, koolhead, : in synaptic07:26
mnainesMasterofPuppets: That's the output from my desktop, notice how it says x86_6407:26
lorenzolosher, yeah, i am stuck with xp for video and music too.07:26
MasterofPuppetsI get i686 instead of x86_6407:27
kisukerevenge synaptic is easier as i recall it is a frount end for apt-get07:27
mnainesWhat linux kernel version?07:27
mnainesMasterofPuppets: Can you paste the entire output line?07:27
losherlorenzo: I use convertxtodvd/wine for dvd authoring, and xp/adobe audition for audio. I've not found anything to beat them...07:28
revengekisnuke: bah still no sound07:28
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revengekisnuke: it works w/ seamonkey... flash adobe07:28
kisukerevenge how did you install flash?07:28
MasterofPuppetsmnaines: Linux Laptop 2.6.31-10-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 22 17:33:42 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux07:29
revengesudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ubuntu-restricted-extras07:29
losherMasterofPuppets: that's 32-bit...07:29
revengekisnuke : flashplugin-nonfree ubuntu-restricted-extras07:29
koolheadrevenge: sudo apt-get install pkgname07:29
MasterofPuppetslosher: Alright, thanks :)07:29
koolheadrevenge: yeah07:29
abcminiuserHey all07:30
abcminiuserI'm trying to switch from Gnome to Xfce - I'm installing the xubuntu-desktop package, but how do I remove Gnome afterwards?07:30
revengekoolhead: guess i have to use seamonkey07:31
kisukerevenge what is in your /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins folder?07:31
koolheadrevenge: common :P07:31
dethaddris any one in here good with wine?07:31
tombottabcminiuser: i just have both installed, that way i can switch between them both07:31
digmoredoes anyone know any good software to extract text from an audio file?07:31
dethaddrim tring to run a game and i can not for the life of me get it to run in full screen07:31
Si235I've been googling how to stop Freevo from starting up on my box, and I tried both gui methods and don't see it listed in the startup gui management tools.07:32
Si235its not under service settings or startup items in the GUI.07:33
panfistthis is the second time in one day my 8.04 server has run out of hard disk space. earlier today i did an apt-get clean; I freed 30% of disk space and in a matter of hours it's gone07:37
kisukedethadder try #winehq07:37
valley /quit07:37
kisuke!wine | dethaddr07:37
ubottudethaddr: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:37
panfistcan anyone help me figure out why my server is constantly filling up07:38
dethaddrcan any one tell me what my "x server" is and how to find out why its crashing?07:38
koolheadpanfist: explain filling up07:38
revengekisnuke: http://s1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/geezup_pix/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png07:38
koolheaddethaddr: /var/log/07:39
kisuke!x | dethadder07:39
ubottudethadder: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution07:39
panfistkoolhead earlier today i did an apt-clean and freed 30% of disk space. it's gone in a matter of hours. something is clogging my server and i cant find it07:39
kisukedethadder that is x server07:39
koolheadpanfist: check logs please.07:39
panfistwhich logs07:39
koolheadand are u having debmirror ?07:40
koolheadpanfist: auth.log is sum1 else using it07:40
papapepperhey ubuntu peeps, always good to be on here on my ubuntu in irssi!!!07:40
papapepper(instead on on MacBook in Colloquy :-P )07:40
=== papapepper is now known as paipimenta
paipimentaso I need to make an ntfs partition.... help?07:41
revengekisuke: u there?07:41
MasterofPuppetsHow do I set the permissions on a USB drive? I've tried sudo chown name disk but it doesn't return anything07:41
panfistplease tell me that pam_unix is supposed to be running in my auth.log ...07:42
ssk2MasterofPuppets: is it a pen drive or a hard disk?07:42
kisukerevenge one min slow PC + flash = argh07:42
revengekisnuke, k07:42
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: install ntfsprogs07:43
panfistkoolhead so auth.log looks normal...07:43
paipimentakisuke: why aren't you in a term? :-?07:43
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: it will add the functionality to gparted07:43
ActionParsnip1!info ntfsprogs07:43
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB07:43
paipimentathere we go... couldn't apropos it, couldn't aptitude it07:43
koolheadpanfist: what all services u are running apache/squid/ftp07:43
kisukehttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/thankyou/?installer=Flash_Player_10_for_Linux_(.tar.gz)  extract this to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins07:44
panfistapache, mysql, that's it. mysql database is under 100mb07:44
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs07:44
paipimentaafter i apt-get install ntfsprogs, I can man this, right?07:44
paipimentawill update download a desktop if I'm in server only mode?07:44
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: sure, you will get mkfs.ntfs as a command so you can format ntfs07:44
kisukepaipamenta busted HDD so running live CD and i likes guis07:44
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: no it only adds libs and commands07:45
paipimentakisuke: yeah, especially when system's f-d up... nice to not be stuck in BUSYBOX :-/07:45
ActionParsnip1busybox is pretty slick07:45
MasterofPuppetsssk2: pen drive07:47
paipimentaActionParsnip1: yeah, I just hate editing in echo cat and sed07:47
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: nano and vi ?07:47
bbalajiraoguys, I have tried adding firewall rules for UFW. but they seem not to be loading. A port scan still shows the same ports open.07:47
paipimentain busybox?07:47
bbalajiraoUbuntu 9.0407:47
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: works here afaik, its been time though07:47
* prince_jammys thinks you missed vi, though it has no nano afaik07:47
frewsxcvanyone have a google wave invite?07:48
Maelosbbalajirao: Did you enable it?  ufw enable07:48
ActionParsnip1!ot | frewsxcv07:48
ubottufrewsxcv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:48
MasterofPuppetsssk2: It's ext3, btw. I reformatted it with gparted07:48
prince_jammysAs Far As I Know07:48
frewsxcvbbalajirao, you have one?07:48
kisukerevenge brb i need to restart07:48
Maelosbbalajirao: iptables -L -n, are there any rules there?07:48
bbalajiraoI have ufw and enabled07:48
bbalajiraolet me check07:48
bbalajiraoYes there are rules07:49
ssk2MasterofPuppets: hm, not too sure, I had some issues with a fat32 external hard disk, had to set the permissions in /etc/fstab07:50
Maelosbbalajirao: Is there more than one nic in the box?07:50
paipimentawait... I need to create an additional partition, which I need to do before I run mkntfs?07:51
paipimentaI see no make.ntfs07:51
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prospirewhat is the command to bzip2 and gzip a file called backup.sql in linux?07:51
MasterofPuppetsssk2: It's just that I'm trying to back it up with file backup manager, and it says I don't have permission07:51
paipimentasorry, I see mkfs.ntfs, but creating a partition first?07:51
paipimentafdisk shows no NTFS option07:52
MasterofPuppetsssk2: Even though I've tried to chown07:52
prince_jammyspaipimenta: yes, you'd have to create (or already have) the partition before you mkfs07:52
prince_jammys... if that was the question07:53
paipimentaparted, got it07:53
Si235how do I change the MTU settings for a network interface from the command line?07:54
stargatesilly question, if you have multiple desktop environments installed, can you use programs designed for a desktop environment that you aren't currently using without any real issues?07:54
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-reformat-an-external-hard-drive-to-ntfs-format-in-ubuntu-hardy/2008/09/2907:54
Si235so it keeps the setting after reboot.07:54
ssk2MasterofPuppets:  sorry, not familiar with that program, do you run it as yourself or as root?07:54
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: doesnt matter if its external as the guide uses, to Ubuntu its just another partition07:55
ActionParsnip1stargate: yes, you can run amarok in XFCE, you can run gedit in KDE07:55
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dethaddrso i cant figure this X/Config/Resolution thing out, can any one help?07:55
Sinisteri have a 500 internalk hard drive that will not make me the owner anyone know why ?07:55
ActionParsnip1stargate: as long as the libs each needs exists then they will run07:55
MasterofPuppetsssk2: As root07:55
kisukekk im back07:56
kisukerevenge how is it comeing?07:56
stargatethanks actionparsnip1   *downloads libs like crazy* XD07:56
ActionParsnip1stargate: it does add bloat, esqecially kde aps which rely on Qt rather than GTK07:56
paipimentaprince_jammys: oh man, i remember pvmove everything to very beginning of vg07:57
paipimentaI think I still need to resize partition? how do I check?07:57
stargateactionparsnip1, at the moment, bloat is the least of my worries :P  I'm just trying to get stuff to work07:57
MasterofPuppetsssk2: I've run it from terminal as root07:57
ActionParsnip1stargate: thats cool. I try to avoid it.07:57
MasterofPuppetsNow it says the device is busy07:57
MasterofPuppetsEven though it's not doing anything07:57
nimrod|king!Hi | ricky21tom07:58
ubotturicky21tom: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!07:58
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ActionParsnip1paipimenta: df -h    will show you how full the partitions are07:58
* stargate noms up bloat like a mad man :P07:58
paipimentaI definitely run fdisk and see that my /dev/sda2 is still taking up the remainder of my HD07:58
paipimentaI need to shrink it before I create an NTFS07:58
ActionParsnip1stargate: my / partition is just over 3Gb and I run compiz + AWN07:58
MasterofPuppetsssk2: I've got it working, nevermind07:58
MasterofPuppetsssk2: Thank you for all the help though!07:58
ssk2MasterofPuppets: what was wrong?07:58
ricky21tomhey can we have a private chat07:59
dethaddrif i install a new graphics card will ubuntu pick up on it?07:59
MasterofPuppetsssk2: I guess the program wasn't running as root, and I guess the USB was still "busy" from my earlier re-labeling07:59
ssk2MasterofPuppets: ah07:59
MasterofPuppetsssk2: Unmounting it and putting it back in seems to have fixed that part07:59
prospireI have a file called backup.sql , when I gzip it using the command "gzip backup.sql" a file called backup.sql.gz is created. when I again create backup.sql and gzip it using the same command, the command line asks whether to overwrite it or not. press why to overwrite and n not to overwrite. is there any single command in which I can do the whole thing? I mean I don't want to writ the command gzip backup.sql first and ten why to overwrite ??08:00
ricky21tomhey what is ur working hours08:00
kisuke!u | ricky21tom08:00
ubotturicky21tom: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.08:00
paipimentaso I'm confused... I shrank my vg, but i still need to shrink /dev/sda208:00
kisukericky21tom 24 hours a day08:00
arooni_____i want to do this:  every morning at 7AM wake up to a playlist of songs that i select.  i know how to use crontab... but am unsure on the best way to invoke a program from command line to play these songs08:00
prospireI have a file called backup.sql , when I gzip it using the command "gzip backup.sql" a file called backup.sql.gz is created. when I again create backup.sql and gzip it using the same command, the command line asks whether to overwrite it or not. press why to overwrite and n not to overwrite. is there any single command in which I can do the whole thing? I mean I don't want to writ the command gzip backup.sql first and ten why to overwrite ??08:00
stargateactionparsnip1, I suspect my problem is with the drivers, but don't know how to confirm that, so i'm trying other wifi management apps for the time being08:00
paipimentaI only have 7297 cylinders, boot partition takes up 26, /dev/sda2 takes up the rest08:01
ricky21tomthank you dude08:01
paipimentahow do I shrink /dev/sda2?08:01
prospireanyone can help me?08:01
ricky21tomhey is there any backup solution08:02
nimrod|king!ask | prospire08:02
ubottuprospire: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:02
timClicksis anyone here into PHP who may wish to help out with a response to the earthquakes in samoa, poss indonesia?08:02
Qu4R0wi cant update my ubuntu..got this error.how can i fix this=Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:02
prospirenimrod|king: lol08:02
prospireI had already asked my question08:02
timClicksplease visit http://sahana.lk/ to learn more08:02
prospireI have a file called backup.sql , when I gzip it using the command "gzip backup.sql" a file called backup.sql.gz is created. when I again create backup.sql and gzip it using the same command, the command line asks whether to overwrite it or not. press why to overwrite and n not to overwrite. is there any single command in which I can do the whole thing? I mean I don't want to writ the command gzip backup.sql first and ten why to overwrite ??08:02
xQuasarOk so I've just installed Ubuntu, but the graphics seem to be a little slow. Do I have to install a driver for my graphics card for ubuntu?08:02
kisukeQu4r0w run sudo apt-get update08:02
optimizeri'm looking to buy a computer, who's sole pupose in life is to serve as a wiki; where can I get such a cheap machine?08:02
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prospireI have a file called backup.sql , when I gzip it using the command "gzip backup.sql" a file called backup.sql.gz is created. when I again create backup.sql and gzip it using the same command, the command line asks whether to overwrite it or not. press why to overwrite and n not to overwrite. is there any single command in which I can do the whole thing? I mean I don't want to writ the command gzip backup.sql first and ten why to overwrite ??08:03
paipimentaoptimizer: emachines?08:03
Qu4R0wkisuke: then i got that error=Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:03
kisukeoptimizer craigslist/pawnshop/ebay/thriftstore08:03
ssk2optimizer: you could always get an Acer nettop08:03
prospiresomeone please help me out08:03
kisuke!ot |optimizer08:03
ubottuoptimizer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:03
paipimentaprospire: OMG!!!! option -f08:04
paipimentaFUCKING MAN08:04
FloodBot1paipimenta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:04
paipimentastop flooding08:04
MasterofPuppetsssk2: If you don't mind me bothering you again; http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ Which one for 32-bit do you think I can use?08:04
paipimenta@FloodBot1 |08:04
ricky21tomhello can any body give me the solution for backup in Ubuntu08:04
prospireone more thing08:04
=== YUKI is now known as wet
prospirebackup.sql is being gzipped to backup.sql.gz but I want the name to be backup.gz08:05
paipimentaI only have 7297 cylinders, boot partition takes up 26, /dev/sda2 takes up the rest08:05
prospirehow do I do that?08:05
paipimentahow do I shrink /dev/sda2?08:05
paipimentaI only have 7297 cylinders, boot partition takes up 26, /dev/sda2 takes up the rest08:05
paipimentahow do I shrink /dev/sda2?08:05
ssk2MasterofPuppets: perhaps te Ubuntu 9.04 .deb package for linux x86-3208:05
MasterofPuppetsricky21tom: What are you backing up to?08:05
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:05
MasterofPuppetsssk2: I'm running karmic development branch though08:05
Qu4R0wkisuke: any ideas?08:05
kisukequ4r0w it sounds like you internet connectioni slow or dieing when you update try restarting you internet connection using irc/webrowser/chat program can slow the download down as well so try and run as little as possible.08:05
xQuasarOk so I've just installed Ubuntu, but the graphics seem to be a little slow. Do I have to install a driver for my graphics card for ubuntu?08:05
Peddyricky21tom, what kind of backup do you want? Full hard-drive, or just your documents/pictures etc?08:06
jbuterapaipimenta: /dev/sda2 is a block device, not a file08:06
prospirebackup.sql is being gzipped to backup.sql.gz but I want the name to be backup.gz....how do I do that?08:06
kisukepaipimenta sudo apt-get gparted08:06
ricky21tomhey i have windows and Ubuntu both are installed08:06
stargatericky21tom, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs  just found that via google, but there is a lot of stuff listed :P08:06
xanguaxQuasar: what graphic card¿08:06
Qu4R0wkisuke: owh..let me take a try..thanks for ur time08:06
krishmishhi room, can someone help me with connecting pidgin from behind squid proxy??08:06
ricky21tomhey i wanted to back up an single drive of ntfs partion08:06
stargatetoo many animals for my taste, krishmish08:07
kisukequ4r0w no problem08:07
paipimentaisn't resizing the filesystem on a partition different than resizing the partition? how do I shrink partition?08:07
krishmishstargate: what hpnd?08:07
xQuasarxangua: some intel integrated graphics card.08:07
paipimentaparted resize?08:07
krishmishhi room, can someone help me with connecting pidgin from behind squid proxy??08:08
ssk2MasterofPuppets: not sure, perhaps just the normal package then08:08
kisukepaipimenta gparted is the gnome partition manager this will do both08:08
stargatekrishmish, bad joke,  about pidgins and squids...08:08
MasterofPuppetsssk2: I'll just try python 2.6 and test my luck. Sorry to bother you so much!08:08
paipimentasudo parted resize {start} {end}08:08
krishmishstargate: whats ur problem??08:08
paipimentastart and end are.... cylinders? blocks?08:08
ssk2MasterofPuppets: np08:08
Peddykrishmish, have you entered the proxy settings in Pidgin?08:08
paipimentaI don't have GNOME08:08
Peddykrishmish, he's just kidding haha08:09
paipimentaI'm on CL08:09
krishmishpeddy: yes08:09
prospirebackup.sql is being gzipped to backup.sql.gz but I want the name to be backup.gz....how do I do that?08:09
kisukepaipimenta what are you running?08:09
ssk2prospire: mv backup.sql backup08:09
prospireI am doing the gzipping through command line08:09
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: i'd read    man parted    before you break something08:09
paipimentacommand line server, reading man parted08:09
paipimentaon tty208:09
paipimentaresize filesystem?08:09
paipimentais that the same thing as resizing a partition?  I belive no08:09
ssk2prospire: or mv backup.sql.gz backup.gz08:09
paipimentaam I a total noob?08:09
kisukepaipimenta man parted and man fdisk08:10
prospiressk2: ok, I'll try that08:10
krishmishpeddy: tools>preferences>network tab???08:10
Peddykrishmish, yup.08:10
Peddykrishmish, what IM protocl are you using?08:10
xQuasarOk so I've just installed Ubuntu, but the graphics seem to be a little slow. Do I have to install a driver for my graphics card (it's an integrated Intel graphics card, btw) for ubuntu?08:10
prospiressk2: why not rename?08:10
ricky21tomhello can any body help me with backup of an NTFS partition08:10
ActionParsnip1!backup | ricky21tom08:11
krishmishpeddy: ok08:11
ubotturicky21tom: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:11
kisukepaipimenta do you have physical access to the computer you are trying to fix?08:11
krishmishpeddy: im using google talk and yahoo08:11
Peddykrishmish, neither of them work?08:11
paipimentaI'm on it08:11
krishmishpeddy: no08:11
paipimentakisuke: I'm currently on it08:11
krishmishpeddy: but in the pidgin tools section how do i set the proxy??settingfs?08:12
ssk2prospire: i don't actually know, always used mv08:12
kisukeuse a ubuntu liveCD go to system>partition editor this will let you resize the partition08:12
prospiressk2: ok, thanks08:12
kisuke!download |paipimenta08:12
ubottupaipimenta: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:12
krishmishpeddy: there are the following options08:12
krishmishpeddy: stun server, ports, relay server08:13
xQuasarI've just installed Ubuntu, but the graphics seem to be a little slow. Do I have to install a driver for my graphics card (it's an integrated Intel graphics card, btw) for ubuntu?08:13
krishmishpeddy: and at the last, proxy server and browser option with which the configure browser is enabled08:13
ActionParsnip1xQuasar: can you provide the output of: lspci | grep -i vga08:13
Peddykrishmish, can you open 'gnome-network-properties'?08:14
Peddykrishmish, is the proxy info entered in there/08:14
Si235on unbuntu what do I do if I need to get into the rescue mode but I didn't set a root password, only a password for the default user it had me create?08:14
Si235I need to boot and stop freevo from starting.08:14
Si235its hanging my system.08:15
ActionParsnip1Si235: you can boot to root recovery mode and not need a password08:15
RickyTom_hey can u give me the name for the best backup solution so that i should not get confused08:15
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: there is no best anything08:15
krishmishpeddy: how do i do that?08:15
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: best is an opinion so is not concrete08:15
Si235ActionPairs: I'm trying that it keeps asking me for a password, is there any other way to boot to not have Freevo start? It didn't do this before, and the only thing I changed in my system was the MTU for the network adapter.08:15
kisukesi235 these are one and the same whenever you do somehing that requires root access it askes you for that password you made08:15
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: one persons best is another mans worst08:15
Peddykrishmish, System>Preferences>Network Proxy08:16
kisuke!noroot | si23508:16
ubottusi235: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:16
stargatelosher, i love you ^_^08:16
krishmishpeddy: yeah that i have already configured08:16
kisuke!root |si23508:16
ubottusi235: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:16
Si235kisuke, is !noroot a option on Grub?08:16
losherstargate: something worked?08:16
krishmishpeddy: and i have applied it system wide08:17
Peddykrishmish, is all the traffic on the computer going through the proxy?08:17
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: you could use rsync to only backup what changes in a folder, or you can use one of the many tools to create timed backups which you can restore from08:17
Si235yeah I was using Sudo and not logging in as root when I've been doing maintence on my system.08:17
dprhello to all i have a problem with network manager the it does not let me to enable wireless (it's grayed out) while my wifi adapter it's working properly (i can scan using the terminal "iwlist wlan2 scan" and  i can see the access points available) so anyone with any idea?08:17
krishmishpeddy: yes08:17
Peddykrishmish, can you connect to the internet through your web browser?08:17
stargatelosher, just had to beat it with a stick, but i got it working ^_^08:17
krishmishpeddy: yes08:17
RickyTom_alright can any one help me with a bootable backup on DVD so that i can keep the back up in DVD just like the new manufacturer do08:17
kisukesi235 !noroot is a command for th bot in this room one moment please08:17
krishmishpeddy:  i can even update thru the terminal08:17
kisuke!noroot > si23508:17
ubottusi235, please see my private message08:17
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:17
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:17
kisukesi235 that help any?08:17
Si235wait it started.08:18
Peddykrishmish, go accounts>yahoo>Edit account08:18
Si235it just took for ever.08:18
stargateosher, and now i am writting it up in script form, so i can just auto run it when i install the os.   no more live cd for me.08:18
Si235and looked like it was hung.08:18
Peddykrishmish, what does the 'proxy' tab say?08:18
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: you can remaster the Live CD with different settings and updated packages08:18
krishmishpeddy: ok08:18
stargatelosher, and now i am writting it up in script form, so i can just auto run it when i install the os.   no more live cd for me.08:18
kisukesi235 what are you tring to do that you started in recovery mode?08:18
losherstargate: very cool,,,08:18
krishmishpeddy: its askin for proxy type, host, port username and password08:18
RickyTom_i am sorry that was a jargon for me08:18
stargatelosher: ^_^ well, i'm off then,  thanks again ^_^08:18
Peddykrishmish, can you choose 'gnome settings'?08:19
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: or you could use partimage to create an image of your partitions which you can then spit back onto the disk using the same tool to restore08:19
krishmishpeddy: yeah08:19
mordocaiHello, i was wondering if someone knew of any small open source projects that could use a beginner to intermediate programmer. I don't have too much time to devote right now, but would like to get involved in something fairly simple. Language doesn't matter, though i'd prefer c++.08:19
Peddykrishmish, under 'proxy type' choose 'use GNOME proxy settings'08:19
Si235kisuke, I changed the MTU on my eth0 to 9000 to support Jumbo packets.08:20
krishmishpeddy: i did08:20
Boohbahmordocai: sourceforge.net, kde.org08:20
alazyworkaholicDoes anyone know if stdin: error 0 on boot should be a serious or harmless error?08:20
Si235I edited the interfaces file I had created so that the change would take place on reboot...08:20
krishmishpeddy: the error msg says, unable to connect08:20
RickyTom_hey can u give the name of the application08:20
anybudyI have connected to an ftp server using naulitus, but it cant change file permissions? any idea?08:20
krishmishaccess denied, http proxy server forbids port 5050 tunnelling08:20
Boohbahalazyworkaholic: depends on what script throws the error08:20
RickyTom_i install right now08:20
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: settings and updated packages is hardly jargon, the live CD is what you used to install the system. You can use remastering to change the ISO to have newer packages and add your own settings, kinda like customising the livecd08:20
Boohbahkrishmish: is that the right port?08:21
Si235I installed unbuntu and it installed Freevo by default on my machine and it shows up on virtual console alt-F9.08:21
Peddykrishmish, oh... -Do  you own the proxy?08:21
mordocaiBoohbah: Well yes, but searching through lists isn't exactly fun... i was hoping someone had run across something interesting.08:21
krishmishpeddy: yes08:21
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: you cant use partimage from the installed system as the partitions are mounted and in use08:21
Si235but I can quit it from there, but I don't want to start it automatically.08:21
onexusedI would like to log in with XDMCP to an Ubuntu host.  I followed this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/RemoteAccess, but the host still doesn't show up in the XDMCP chooser and when I try to add its IP manually, I'm told it "didn't respond".08:21
krishmishpeddy: i do08:21
kisukesi235 did you try undoing that in  ubuntu it self? linux recovery mode is not like winwoze's at all08:21
Boohbahmordocai: 'interesting' is subjective08:21
krishmishpeddy: im using squid08:21
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization08:21
Peddykrishmish, I imagine you'd have to enable port 5050 tunneling through SQUID. I don't know how, though08:21
kisukesi235 windoze's*08:21
krishmishpeddy: ihave to open the port/08:22
Boohbahmordocai: http://xwax.co.uk/ is very interesting to me, though you'll need some additional hardware to hack on it08:22
RickyTom_thanx i will try that08:22
Peddykrishmish, is the proxy server inside your LAN?08:22
krishmishpeddy: gimme a second lemme try opening that port08:22
dprhello to all i have a problem with network manager the it does not let me to enable wireless (it's grayed out) while my wifi adapter it's working properly (i can scan using the terminal "iwlist wlan2 scan" and  i can see the access points available) so anyone with any idea?08:22
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: in ic, please write the person's name you are addressing08:22
mordocaiBoohbah: Yes, but you could argue that anything is subjective :). And yeah.... that looks interesting, but i don't really have any money for extra hardware right now.08:23
wrapsterhow do i check the memory currently installed on my machine08:23
alazyworkaholicBoohbah: my netbook's F'd. I'm trying to recover the filesystem with e2fsck from a liveusb but not having luck. Starting to think it's hardware.08:23
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: see how my text is highlighted for you, thats not an accident08:23
kisuke.join #aircrack-ng08:23
arooni_____when i run from the command line: "/usr/bin/saytime -v 99 -f%P%l%M" i hear the comptuer speak the time.  but when i put that into crontab -e ... i hear nothing08:23
ActionParsnip1wrapster: reboot, ress esc when grub loads, select memtest08:23
kisukeopps XD08:23
Mianscim trying to make a new partition in vista, but im getting access denied.. any ideas?08:23
krishmishpeddy: okay, i opened port 505008:23
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: see how all my lines to you start with your name, thats how its done, you can use tab to autocomplete08:23
Boohbahalazyworkaholic: oh yeah, do things run ok from the liveusb? that would determine hardware or software failure08:23
onexusedI would like to log in with XDMCP to an Ubuntu host.  I followed this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/RemoteAccess, but the host still doesn't show up in the XDMCP chooser and when I try to add its IP manually, I'm told it "didn't respond".  How do I get this to work?08:24
krishmishpeddy: still the same issue08:24
baojiHello, I'm installing Karmic from a LiveCD. Ubiquity isn't playing nice -- any ideas for installing without using ubiquity -- e.g. copying contents of the cd to the hard drive?08:24
Boohbahonexused: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX works for me08:24
Si235oddly I think it was the mtu setting in my interfaces file that caused the problem.08:24
Si235that doesn't make sense to me.08:24
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: type: Actio   then press tab08:25
Si235as I can ifconfig the interface and set the MTU and it works fine.08:25
wrapsterActionParsnip1: is there no way i can just see how much of memory is currently installed ?08:25
kisukemiansc several problems 1 you're useing windows, 2. you are not a member of the admin grop on said OS, 3 the channel for windows problems is #windows08:25
wrapsterwithout switching off..08:25
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: then type what you want to say to me08:25
Boohbahwrapster: free -m08:25
ActionParsnip1wrapster: free -m08:25
anybudyI have connected to an ftp server using naulitus, but it cant change file permissions? any idea?08:25
onexusedBoohbah: I saw that, but don't you have to already be logged in on the client to run that?08:25
shubbarmy computer keeps hanging up just before the login screen08:25
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/08:25
shubbarcould it be a graphic problem?08:25
Peddykrishmish, try changing the 'pager' port to 80 or something in Yahoo account settings?08:25
kisukesi235 any luck?08:26
Boohbahonexused: what do you mean logged in on the client? the server does the authentication08:26
wrapsterBoohbah: this is sad.. free -m shows a total of 4G while i have 608:26
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1, hey is that fine08:26
krishmishpeddy: ok i did08:26
Boohbahwrapster: does your kernel have highmem support?08:26
Si235kisuke, I was able to boot back in...08:26
shubbari tried changing the power supply, but that didn't help08:26
Boohbahwrapster: does your bios show all the memory?08:26
Si235but I do need to know how to disable freevo from starting, and why the MTU would cause the system to hang when its on the freevo screen.08:26
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: perfect :D08:26
onexusedBoohbah: I meant that my understanding was that a person had to have an account on the client to log into, then run freenx to log into an account on the server.  Is that true?08:27
wrapsterBoohbah: yes it does08:27
wrapsterthe bios says ~6G08:27
krishmishpeddy: i tried using the same port as my proxy08:27
RickyTom_thank you for teaching me that08:27
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:27
krishmishand 80 too08:27
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: it highlights the txt in a room of 1300 users and makes my client alert that someone talked to me08:27
baojiAnyone with some ubiquity nous?08:27
wrapstercant install VMs though i have memory...08:27
Boohbahonexused: yes, as is true with all remote desktop protocols... i'm not sure what you're asking08:27
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1, : thanks for teaching me that08:27
Peddykrishmish, it still fails?08:27
wrapsterwhat can be done?08:27
Si235kisuke: I would think that it has a configure script or something that is run to stop it from running.08:27
Peddykrishmish, when it fails with port 80, what is the error?08:28
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: np man. good job08:28
onexusedBoohbah: With XDMCP, you don't have to log into the client.  That's what I want.  A 'thin client' sort of thing.08:28
krishmishpeddy: it doesnt show any...its still showing connecting08:28
krishmishpeddy: thats it08:28
wrapsterBoohbah: should i install PAE08:29
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: hey i did the setting also just like you08:29
Si235and what is the use of having a rescue mode if it asks for the root password when there isn't one?08:29
Si235I just wanted to drop down to a shell.08:29
shubbari m planning to build a file server with software Raid5; Does anyone have recommendation on the hardware?08:29
Boohbahwrapster: for 32-bit...08:29
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: how do you mean?08:29
Boohbahonexused: but you have to be logged in to run the client.08:29
wrapsterBoohbah: im on 32bit ubuntu 9.04 only08:29
ActionParsnip1wrapster: only if you have more than 4Gb ram with a 32bit CPU, otherwise just use 64bit Ubuntu08:30
Boohbahwrapster: well then yes, you will have to enable PAE to address 6GB memory on a 32-bit platform08:30
Peddykrishmish, try this for Google Talk - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5846942&postcount=308:30
wrapsteryes i have 6G of ram08:30
Si235shoudl I just remove the startup scripts for Freevo in the rc0.d and other related directories? or is there a better more reccomended method to stop it from automatically being started at boot up?08:30
alazyworkaholicBoohbah: I get 4 stdin: error 0 messages a couple more about assuming drive cache: write through, more stdin's (~10) Showdow passowrds are now on, adduser: The user 'ubuntu already exists... & other more normal looking messages during boot of 9.10 A6 liveusb. Once that happens the machine works fine. I'm starting to think the ssd died (after 8 months light use???) because 10 e2fsck's eventually left the filesystem clea08:30
Peddykrishmish, those are the settings you need to configure Gtalk with08:30
krishmishpeddy: ok08:30
anybudydoes using a kde software cause any performance issue under ubuntu?08:30
Steilhey guys what happened to gaybuntu?the website does not work anymore08:30
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: hey can you help me with server edtion too08:31
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: ask the channel08:31
Blueyanybudy - well it depends whether or not your running it under gnome08:31
Boohbahalazyworkaholic: well, i wouldn't be using a development distribution to determine hardware failure, use something more stable08:31
anybudyyes under gnome08:31
Blueyanybudy KDE apps under gnome will cause the cache cleaner to launch - it hurts nothing but it's annoying08:31
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: i am sorry i did not understood that08:31
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: instead of asking just me, ask everybody08:32
onexusedBoohbah: You have to be logged into -somewhere-.  You -don't- have to log in on the local machine with some things (XDMCP).  You log into the host/server -from- the local machine.08:32
Boohbahanybudy: loading gtk+ and kdelibs will take some memory, yes08:32
Blueyboohbah - true that08:32
ActionParsnip1Bluey: log a bug08:32
Si235or is it init.d where I would remove the startup scripts?08:32
Blueyaction -- I did - it's a known bug08:32
onexusedBoohbah: But I won't keep arguing with you about it.08:32
* Si235 feels a little lost.08:32
alazyworkaholicUnrelated... Can someone tell me if this is normal? Wireless transfer of 500MB between two laptops that are less than 2 meters from a wireless g router is going at 1 MB/s tops. Shouldn't I be able to hit ~5 MB/s working at 54 Mb/s?08:32
ActionParsnip1Bluey: cool08:32
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: ok i hope you are bored with me08:32
kisuke-si235 i beleve so08:33
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: no its just good netiquette08:33
anybudyonly when running the software? it wont load it on every boot?08:33
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:33
alazyworkaholicBoohbah: ok, I'll try the beta when it comes out later & see if things work better. Thanks,08:33
krishmishpeddy: i got it working for gtalk08:33
chilli0Are there any alarm programs available for ubuntu ?08:33
Blueychilli0 yes kontact08:33
ActionParsnip1chilli0: at08:33
baojiCan I just copy a LiveCD to my filesystem to install, or do I need to do more?08:34
kisukechilli0 orage the calender program for ubuntu has an alarm function08:34
Steilhey guys what happened to gaybuntu?the website does not work anymore08:34
Si235also isn't there some sample interfaces files for network configuration so I can make sure I"m not doing somehting weird.08:34
anybudyany ftp software recommendation for gnome?08:34
{g}Hey, how do I find out which ubuntu version im running?08:34
ActionParsnip1baoji: you can use special tools to put the live CD direct onto a US disk so I dont see why not, you will need to do a lot of the stuff the installer does manually08:34
Boohbahalazyworkaholic: why not get a hardy or jaunty usb image?08:34
kisukebaoji run the live cd and tha will walk you though an install after you click the install icon on the desktop08:34
ActionParsnip1!ftp | anybudy08:35
ubottuanybudy: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd08:35
Steilhey guys what happened to gaybuntu?the website does not work anymore08:35
ActionParsnip1{g}: lsb_release -a08:35
harisund{g}, I think lsb_release -a does it08:35
Blueyanybudy client or server?08:35
{g}ActionParsnip1: thanks08:35
baojikisuke, thanks. I'm running the LiveCD now and unfortunately the installer doesn't work, so I'm looking for alternatives :)08:35
Steilhey guys what happened to gaybuntu?the website does not work anymore08:35
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: hey which application you recommended to me for backing up the windows partition08:35
BoohbahSteil: i would check for a PEBKAC error on your end08:35
{g}Is Reiser4 installed by default in Ubuntu9.04?08:36
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: if you want the WHOLE partiton I'd go for partimage08:36
anybudyBluey:  client, I have tried naulitus, but it doesnt change the remote folder permissions08:36
baojiActionParsnip1, thank you. Yes, I imagine so. Obviously I'll need to create a user, for example. But the idea is workable in practice?08:36
Bluey{g} try cat /etc/issue08:36
Blueyanybudy - I use filezilla --08:36
{g}Bluey: thanks08:36
ActionParsnip1baoji: it can work, its just a bit messy. The installer is much more graceful08:36
Blueybut if you want a command line instead of gui -- I use ncftp08:37
krishmishpeddy: im yet to get thru with yahoo08:37
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: i have searched for the partimage but not able to get in add/remove list08:37
anybudyBluey: I couldnt find it in "add/remove softare"08:37
Boohbahanybudy: also try lftp08:37
FaultyHello guys! I put Karmic Koala on a USB stick and omg how fast it is :D i'm so amazed the speed is incredible :)08:37
ActionParsnip1!info partimage08:37
Blueyanybudy hang on a sec...08:37
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 275 kB, installed size 964 kB08:37
krishmishpeddy: im now able to work with gtalk08:37
BoohbahFaulty: omg so fast!!08:37
ActionParsnip1RickyTom_: make sure you have the optional repos enabled in synaptic08:37
vadviktordoes anyone know how can I set the disc cash flush interval on ext4?08:38
anybudyBluey: FileZilla FTP client cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.08:38
FaultyBoohbah: yeah it's really fast blows my mind :D08:38
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: ok wait08:38
Blueyanybudy try:  sudo apt-cache search filezilla08:38
kisukebaoji what error did you get?08:38
Si235is it a bad idea to use Jumbo packets?08:38
Blueyooops sudo apt-get install filezilla08:38
ActionParsnip1Bluey: apt-cache doesnt need sudo08:38
ssk2Si235: depends on context08:38
{g}ActionParsnip1: is that better then cat /dev/sdax | gzip > x_backup ?08:38
Steil'Boohbah, why you say its my problem that gaybuntu site is not work?08:39
Blueyaction you are correct08:39
ActionParsnip1{g}: its another way, not better, not worse08:39
ssk2Si235: when streaming to my X-Box running XBMC it struggles with jumbos08:39
anybudyBluey: I am trying it.08:39
baojikisuke, installer crashed after completing the initial questions. The partitioner screen briefly came up and then crashed. Apport observed that it crashed with an AttributeError in install().08:39
Faultybtw, i'm running on my dad's computer it has a Intel 7300 processor is that any good?08:40
ActionParsnip1Faulty: how much ram?08:40
kisukesounds like a bad install08:40
FaultyActionParsnip1: only 2GB08:40
{g}Hey People, another Question! I want to archive 100mb of textfiles and compress them as much as possible. will probably not read them for years. but i want to use a tool that will be available for as long as possible. what would you use? currently i think i will use "gzip -9".08:40
kisukebaoji sounds like a bad burn08:40
ActionParsnip1Faulty: more than ive got08:40
anybudyAfter password change network connection applet requires keyring on each login,08:40
ActionParsnip1Faulty: whats the system for?08:40
Si235I have a layer 3 managed Gigabit / Fibre switch I'm connecting between my two comptuers.08:40
FaultyActionParsnip1: it's just for office stuff but when i'm around it's a bit different you know :)08:41
Si235and my PPC machine supports jumbo packets pretty well.08:41
ActionParsnip1Faulty: then its way more than he'll need08:41
ActionParsnip1Faulty: you dont need a ferarri to drive to the shops and back once a day08:41
FaultyActionParsnip1: do you also have E-7300? :D08:42
alazyworkaholicAnyone know of a good writeup on how ubuntu one's supposed to work to synchronize files?08:42
vadviktordoes anyone know how can I set the disc cash flush interval on ext4?08:42
kisukesudo apt-get subversion08:42
kisuke\opps wrong window XD08:42
anybudyBluey: thank you.08:42
Blueyanybudy that work?08:42
ActionParsnip1Faulty: i run a full compiz deskto pwith all the bells and whictles on a cpu half that speed and only one core08:43
kisuke{g} try p7zip08:43
anybudyBluey: yes, thank you.08:43
RickyTom_ActionParsnip1: thankyou very much08:43
Blueyanybudy -- ur welcome - enjoy!08:43
chilli0ActionParsnip1:  How do i use at?08:43
baojikisuke, I'm hoping it isn't because I have limited access to a CD-burner. I have reinstalled ubiquity (and  now am installing parted) into memory which I would think would ameliorate a bad burn.08:43
kisukebaoji try re burning the CD08:43
RHELeeWhat do you think of ext4?08:43
fedrawiWhy firefox consumption and xorg up 80% of the Wizard08:43
ActionParsnip1chilli0: its very primitive. let me find a guide08:43
chilli0ActionParsnip1:  k08:44
fedrawiThe Ram is currently only 500 megabytes08:44
kisukebaoji that should work08:44
Gneafedrawi: it's not working?08:44
anybudyBluey: I wish I could use naulitus, I also wonder the cause of it, why it doesnt change the perms...08:44
ActionParsnip1chilli0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV   read the very bottom. Just change the command to something like: mplayer Pantera\ Cowboys\ from\hell.mp3 or something and leave your speakers on ;)08:45
FaultyActionParsnip1: nice :) the only downside with this mothearboard is the the graphics card is intergrated08:45
Blueyanybudy -- well ftp requires an ftp client - and they are a plenty --08:45
fedrawiGnea, How to solve the problem, please08:45
FaultyActionParsnip1: gotta buy a PCI-E card08:45
ActionParsnip1Faulty: i have integrated nvidia here08:45
fedrawiI'm sorry for my weak08:45
Gneafedrawi: you haven't pinpointed the problem. please do so.08:45
Blueyaction - me too08:45
ActionParsnip1Faulty: if he's only browsing the web, why is a big beefy gfx card needed?08:45
FaultyActionParsnip1: this is Intel X450008:45
BoohbahFaulty: are you going to do some heavy 3d gaming on ubuntu?08:45
ActionParsnip1Faulty: those are supported nicely08:45
Gneafedrawi: are you talking about the installer on the livecd?08:46
FaultyActionParsnip1: because I like to play games sometime :P... and Ubuntu is not installed on this computer I'm just running it of a USB Stick08:46
fedrawiGnea, I have a processor consumes more of RAM08:46
anybudyBluey: yes you are right but it raises another question for me, I used "add/remove software" button on my gnome menu to search for filezilla08:46
Flannelfedrawi: Would you prefer support in arabic?08:46
ActionParsnip1Faulty: i though this was mainly office + web based. If you want games grab an nvidia card and you will have an easy life08:46
anybudyBluey: "FileZilla FTP client cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type"08:47
Boohbahanybudy: you need to enable universe and multiverse repositories through "Software Sources"08:47
fedrawiFlannel, I did not have a solution08:47
Gnea!arabic | fedrawi08:47
ubottufedrawi: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية08:47
Blueyanybudy should be under applications/internet08:47
Boohbahanybudy: oh really, that's strange08:47
fedrawiGnea, yes08:47
ActionParsnip1chilli0: nice huh, you could write a script to use zenity too to show a popup onscreen and suchlike08:47
fedrawiok ubottu08:47
FaultyActionParsnip1: Yeah that's true but .. hmm yes it's my dad's computer but I could get a new graphics card ...08:47
ActionParsnip1Faulty: provided there is a slot for one, some intels game ok though08:48
Gneafedrawi: they can probably help you better than I/we can :)08:48
FaultyActionParsnip1: my own computer is a AMD 3200 + ... LOL my friends say I live in the stone age :D :D08:48
Boohbahanybudy: i just installed filezilla on a 32-bit machine with karmic...08:48
fedrawiGnea,  I can not find one of the Arabian Canal08:48
ActionParsnip1Faulty: my most powerful is a 3000 AM2 Semperon08:49
Boohbahfedrawi: /join #ubuntu-arabic08:49
ActionParsnip1Faulty: i have old systems galore08:49
Steilhey guys what happened to gaybuntu?the website does not work anymore08:49
Gneafedrawi: in your xchat window, type this:  /join #ubuntu-arabic08:49
anybudyBoohbah: i installed it using command line as Bluey recommended.08:49
FaultyActionParsnip1: hihi :)08:49
ActionParsnip1Faulty: if it does what you need at an acceptible speed, save your money08:49
fedrawiGnea, No one is the Arabian Canal08:49
anybudyBoohbah: but the "add/remove software" says : "FileZilla FTP client cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type"08:49
Gneafedrawi: oh my...08:50
fedrawiGnea,  Do you understand my problem08:50
DeathFoxhow do i change the logon image in ubuntu08:50
Gneafedrawi: not entirely, but I can try08:50
DeathFoxi wanted to customize it08:50
FaultyActionParsnip1: yeah I have not even tried playing games on it just because I heard alot of bad things about this X450008:50
Boohbahanybudy: as long as you can install it with apt-get that's fine... i don't use the add/remove software08:50
fedrawiGnea,  Why the processor consumes more of RAM08:50
Gneafedrawi: I want to understand - are you trying to install the system or is it already installed to the hard drive?08:51
Boohbahfedrawi: Xorg and firefox are CPU-intensive, they have to draw lots of graphics... you may reduce memory/CPU usage by disabling compiz if it's running08:51
fedrawiGnea,  Sticky08:51
Ubunuinghello :) was wondering if someone has received an invite to google wave yet08:51
Si235how do I test my network configuration from the interface file and have it reload?08:52
Gneafedrawi: does that mean it's running off of the hard drive?08:52
ActionParsnip1Boohbah: ive found the alpha flash in firefox uses less cpu than the one on the repos08:52
fedrawiTo Aastkhaddm compiz08:52
Boohbahfedrawi: and a system running from livecd or liveusb will consume more resources than a system installed on your hard drive08:52
ActionParsnip1Boohbah: well the alpha 64bit one08:52
Blueyaction -- true that...08:52
ActionParsnip1Bluey: i jumped to chrome now, its spiffy08:52
BoohbahActionParsnip1: good to hear 64-bit flash is getting better, maybe i can upgrade to a 64-bit desktop soon :)08:52
fedrawiGnea, I installed on the hard drive08:53
fedrawiBoohbah,  I installed on the hard drive08:53
Blueyaction - Is chrome available for linux?08:53
kisukebluey yes it is08:53
Gneafedrawi: What speed is your CPU?08:53
Blueykisuke - let me see if I can find it...08:53
ActionParsnip1Bluey: indeed08:53
DeathFoxhow do i change the login image in ubunutu08:53
BoohbahBluey: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa08:53
kisukebluey i have it right here08:54
Blueyahh it's a beta....08:54
fedrawiGnea, http://www.fpaste.org/Ewds/08:54
Blueyyeah I got that in firefox...08:54
BoohbahBluey: yes, the linux version is very new... very exciting!08:54
Si235is there a way to have synergy work in the GDM login window?08:54
ActionParsnip1DeathFox: http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/09/22/how-to-change-your-login-screen-in-ubuntugnome/08:55
Si235it works fine in X11, but not in my login windo.08:55
BoohbahBluey: webkit beats gecko hard.08:55
Blueyokay reading page now...08:55
paipimentaalright... I booted up with a Live CD, now I need to know how to resize my /dev/sda208:55
paipimentaI ran sudo fdisk /dev/sda08:55
Boohbahpaipimenta: gparted08:55
Si235when the login window is active (gdm), is it running under X11?08:55
Gneafedrawi: at 512M of ram, it can consume a lot of swap if you have a lot of programs running. In addition, gnome programs themselves can be memory-intensive hogs.08:56
Boohbahpaipimenta: gksudo gparted08:56
paipimentait's a LVM partition!08:56
EvelinaHow do I get sed to work whatever the pattern is uppercase or lowercase? Is there any way to let sed do the replacement independent of characters case?08:56
ActionParsnip1Bluey: copy or symlink the libflashplugin.so file in /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/   and run chrome with: chromium-browser --enable-plugins08:56
paipimentagparted doesn't support that08:56
Boohbahpaipimenta: oh, oh, don't do that then! :)08:56
paipimentawill fdisk work?08:56
Blueyaction - I am trying to find d/l now08:56
paipimentaand if so, i ran sudo fdisk /dev/sda... does x, c change # of cylinders on certain partition? or whole disk?08:56
Boohbahpaipimenta: no, use lvm tools https://www.redhat.com/archives/linux-lvm/2006-August/msg00081.html08:56
fedrawiGnea, I will show pictures of the consumption ok08:57
Gneafedrawi: okay08:57
ActionParsnip1Bluey: use the link Boohbah gave: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa08:57
ActionParsnip1Bluey: add repo, add key, apt-get install08:57
Blueyaction - I am there --08:57
ActionParsnip1Bluey: then run: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:58
kisukebluey tutorial right here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html08:58
=== nick is now known as Guest3537
Si235I figured out what caused my system to hang, apparently when I edited the /etc/network/interfaces file, I set mtu=9000 instead of mtu 9000, and that equals sign caused a system freeze that eventually I was able to bypass by booting with system networking disabled from the grub boot loader rescue menu.08:58
ActionParsnip1Bluey: click the green arro on the site to reveal the repo address08:58
paipimentaawww... but I want to install Windows on an NTFS partition that I'm going to create08:58
paipimentaI can't install Windows on a logical volume, can I?08:58
ActionParsnip1Bluey: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main08:58
ActionParsnip1paipimenta: sure you can08:58
MadsyWhere has libqt4-phonon and libqt4-phonon-dev gone? Anyone knows?08:59
Gneapaipimenta: the people in ##windows could give you a more definitive answer08:59
Blueydidn't work let me try agian08:59
=== onexused1 is now known as onexused
bogdanhello matherfuckers09:00
paipimentacan I burn an .iso straight from USB to DVD? I don't think I'll have enough space to download or copy that windows iso to hard disk09:00
jobhopefulwhats the best feature coming in 9.10?09:00
ActionParsnip1!karmic | jobhopeful09:00
ubottujobhopeful: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:00
ActionParsnip1!best | jobhopeful09:00
ubottujobhopeful: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:00
bogdanis any matherfucker onthis page ?09:01
Si235I can't beleive how many people are on this forum, its literally over a 1000, insanely cool.09:01
ActionParsnip1!ohmy | bogdan09:01
ubottubogdan: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:01
whoisbogdan: watch your language.09:01
jobhopefuldamn  I was just womdering shesh09:01
EasyTUXDeryl is the fuckiest person, I've ever known anybody to be so fucking sucking MAD !!! though efnet rules surely...09:01
paipimentanot especially.. .when you get lost in the scroll09:01
wrapsterBoohbah: what i get after a reboot is even more weird... i have 6G of memory and it shows ~809:02
fedrawiGnea,  http://www.7ammil.com/upfiles/oyh84115.jpg09:02
Si235there is a energy that is really cool here.09:02
wrapster5.7G +2.409:02
Si235I just wish I could fully move from OS X into linux, but baby steps.09:02
bogdanchill out gays09:02
ActionParsnip1!ohmy | EasyTUX09:02
ubottuEasyTUX: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:02
csaba_I have a list of PIDs in a file, how can I kill them all with one command? kill -9 | cat file didn't work09:03
jobhopefulos x sux!09:03
kisuke!language | bogdan09:03
ubottubogdan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:03
ActionParsnip1csaba_: kill -9 < file     maybe09:03
jobhopefuli dont like it at all09:03
EasyTUXubottu: Ok ubuntu botty... ;)09:03
ActionParsnip1jobhopeful: do you have an ubuntu question?09:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:03
fedrawiGnea, firefox Almstvh not consume much because I did not open many sites09:03
paipimentahmmm.... my lvm pvs says it's 25G, and my lvm vgs says it's 25G09:04
jobhopefulubottu is annoying09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is annoying09:04
paipimentabut fdisk says the partition takes up the entire disk space09:04
Madsycsaba_: I don't know if it is the best approach, but you could use use cat and xargs.09:04
Blueyinstalling chromium now...09:04
jobhopefulwell that explains it09:04
paipimentaor, the second partition takes cylinder 26-7297 out of 7297 possible09:04
EasyTUXError: Ok ubuntu botty... :)09:04
browncouchanyone here know how to access an ftp server behind a router? I have my ports set up properly...please be nice :)09:04
ActionParsnip1Bluey: nice, remember the 2 extra steps09:04
csaba_ActionParsnip1, Madsy: isn't there something like an exec command which can do this?09:04
MadsyNot that I know of.09:05
randy2009can someone give me a link on how cpu usage/load works in ubuntu?09:05
nazgjunkbrowncouch: it should work when your portforwards are set up right09:05
Madsykill takes one process at a time. killall can take regex.09:05
ActionParsnip1browncouch: you must forward a port to the port you are running FTP on (usually 21), some routers only allow ports to be forwarded from the same por external to the same internal port09:05
=== EasyTUX is now known as Error
paipimentaoff to #lvm09:05
Si235what does it mean when a process has a question mark to the right of the PID?09:05
browncouchwell it works internally...but I must not be logging into it properly... i am kind of new to server setup09:06
OzFalconHey can anyone open pavucontrol?09:06
Gneafedrawi: well, your list there is only semi-complete, so I'm guessing that there are a LOT of programs running - they all add up09:06
ActionParsnip1csaba_: for pidnum in cat file; do kill -9 $pidnum; done09:07
OzFalconmine has just stopped working for some reason. (9.04)09:07
Gneafedrawi: my suggestion would be to either add more RAM to the system (1G or 2G total should run very nicely), or use a version of Ubuntu that is less resource-intensive, such as Xubuntu09:07
OzFalconCan everyone open pulse audio control or just me having problems?09:08
fedrawiGnea, Believe me, I did not bother many programs09:08
OzFalconBluey, pavucontol?09:09
Si235does anyone here run Maya 2009 or similar on Ubuntu?09:09
icerootcan you recommend an imap-client for CLI? maybe something with a little menu (like yast or other ncurse-stuff)09:09
Blueyozfalcon - what's that?09:09
paipimentaI've got one hard disk, two partitions, a /boot and a root LVM09:09
baojikisuke, no luck after reinstalling parted & ubiquity.09:09
OzFalconCan you run pavucontrol?09:09
csaba_ActionParsnip1: ah good, I just needed to put cat test between ` `09:09
Gneafedrawi: Right, but the default Ubuntu uses Gnome, which is itself memory-intensive.09:09
keltohi =)09:09
ActionParsnip1csaba_: nice09:09
Blueyozfalcon I don't know - I've never/seen heard of it..09:10
paipimentaI want 3 partitions, one boot, one lVM, and one NTFS09:10
paipimentahow do I shrink the LVM partition? I already shrank the vg and the pv to 25Gig09:10
Blueyozfalcon - nope says I can install it...09:10
sinani am having some trouble booting up, something about fsck complaining that last mount time was in the future. The exact error message is here (http://pastie.org/637760), any ideas?09:10
Blueyozfalcon - what does it do?09:10
paipimentabut the partition still takes up all but 25 of the 7297 cylinders on my HD09:10
zaoulHow can I run zenmap as root? I get : warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning) gtk.GtkWarning: could not open display09:10
fedrawiGnea, My memory 4g09:11
Gneafedrawi: The only thing that looks odd there would be rsyslog, so if it's writing to a database, that could be taking up a lot of resources.09:11
disappearedngHey anyone can recommend me some good flow chart software on linux to draft my app09:11
Gneafedrawi: good point - I hadn't noticed that. You said initially 500M09:11
zaouldisappearedng: kivio or dia09:11
zaouldisappearedng: or use a mindmap09:12
DuckGodhey can someone help me out?09:12
zaouldisappearedng: freemind09:12
zaoulso yea zenmap anyone?09:12
zaoulas root09:12
disappearedngDIA sucks09:12
ActionParsnip1csaba_: if its something you use a lot, make a script that takes an arg (the file name) and will kill the PIDs for you09:12
paipimentasudo zenmap :-D09:12
ActionParsnip1!ask | DuckGod09:13
ubottuDuckGod: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:13
csaba_ActionParsnip1: yeah I'll do just that thanks09:13
zaoulpaipimenta: :-D ... its 4am thats my excuse09:13
Blueythanks for the tips on chromium will try it out tomorrow --09:13
disappearedngI like this pipe syntax implemented inside ubottu09:13
Blueyoff to bed...09:13
paipimentawoo hoo! it worked!09:13
paipimentaI need some voice here09:14
paipimentano prob zaoul09:14
paipimentawow... time to hit up some enterprise linux rooms for this partition crap09:14
paipimenta(and by enterprise linux rooms, I mean my bed)09:15
DuckGodok so when i try to install jaunty on my second pc it installs all the way then when i reboot it says existing intel boot agent and wont go any further....09:15
kisukebaoji what does sudo lspci -vv rrturn (sudo because w/o it you tend to miss things09:15
Si235okay I identified the init scripts that invoke the startup of Freevo in the /etc/init.d , would there be anywhere else I would have to look for it starting up its services, or issues I could encounter?09:15
OzFalconBluey, It's the Pulse Audio control panel.09:15
fedrawiGnea, I said that he is unable to absorb dislocated 50009:15
OzFalconBluey, Problem solved now.09:15
Gneafedrawi: Sorry, I misunderstood.09:15
=== loki_ is now known as loki_666
browncouchsinan still around?09:15
masutaajust installed jaunty.. I have ati rage128 and I want to know if ubuntu is using ati's drivers or not09:16
masutaasince it's kinda slow09:16
sinanbrowncouch: i am here :)09:16
kisukebaoji place it on http://paste.ubuntu.com09:17
fedrawiGnea, I thank you very important because you are respectful and pleasant and helpful09:17
G_A_Canyone know if there's a specific channel for Karmic discussion?09:17
fedrawiGnea, اسف على ازعاجك اخي09:17
browncouchsinan: I don't know what it would be called but may there is a file you can edit with gedit or vim somewhere in root09:17
fedrawiGnea, Sorry to bother my brother09:17
ActionParsnip1!karmic | G_A_C09:17
ubottuG_A_C: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:17
onatsanyone know of a good music visualizer?09:17
G_A_Cta :)09:17
DuckGodand hitting that will bypass the bootagent?09:17
kisukebaoji and place the link here09:18
Errorubottu: You're as intelligent as deryl neh ?09:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:18
sinanbrowncouch: what is the file related to ? how can i find it ?09:18
browncouchsinan:one of your scripts in init.d is messed up for some reason09:18
baojikisuke, http://paste.ubuntu.com/282819/09:18
Errorubottu: :)09:18
sinanbrowncouch: how do you suggest i proceed from here?09:18
Errorubottu: Stupid bot !09:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Stupid bot !09:19
browncouchsinan: possibly a result with a change in bios...or something...I wouls suggest googling for the file that holds mounting history...or a log of some sort...i am googling...to see if i can find the related file09:19
baojikisuke, unfortunately I have to go now, but thanks for your help! I will leave IRC up in case you want to /msg me. Perhaps I'll run into you later... :)09:19
sinanbrowncouch: i have the syslog and dmesg, but can't find much useful stuff there09:20
Errorubottu: bot !09:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bot !09:20
Errorubottu: ubuntu !09:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu !09:20
=== Error is now known as Sorry
kisuke!raid > kisuke09:20
ubottukisuke, please see my private message09:20
Gneafedrawi: you are welcome09:21
bullgardYesterday I installed Empathy. It worked. Today the Contact List reports: "New Jabber Account; Name in use". What does that mean? I cannot see any contact names in the Contact List.09:21
DuckGodok so when i try to install jaunty on my second pc it installs all the way then when i reboot it says existing intel boot agent and wont go any further....how do i bypass that?09:21
Sorryubottu: u shit !09:21
ActionParsnip1bullgard: someone is logged on with the same name, or you are logged i someplace else09:21
timClickslaunchpad Q, is there a way to configure mailing lists to default to reply to the list, rather than the sender?09:21
BoohbahSorry: please stop the bot abuse09:22
browncouchsinan:this is happening when you try to login and mount your hd?09:22
SorryBoohbah: Sorry, are you a bot ?09:22
sinanbrowncouch: when booting up09:22
bullgardActionParsnip1: What do you mean by "name"?09:22
BoohbahSorry: no09:22
ActionParsnip1bullgard: the user name you are trying to logon with09:23
sinanbrowncouch: i will try to restart in single-user mode and see what happens :)09:23
=== firecrotch1 is now known as firecrotch
miron721Ok, I have no idea on what to do here. So I installed ubuntu through a live cd, worked perfectly, no issues. Wrote over an existing partition. I tried booting and it's just been stuck blinking "_" for about 4 hours or so.09:24
miron721Anyone know of a fix?09:25
ActionParsnip1miron721: what changed to trigger the issue?09:25
miron721Nothing changed. Went from only windows, no grub to overwriting an old unused partition. Don't know if that partition ever worked, salvaged the hdd from an old computer09:26
miron721I reformatted it though, so I don't think it's an hdd issue09:26
Mianschey guys09:27
ActionParsnip1did you verify the CD once initially booted to? Did you MD5 check the ISO you used?09:27
kisukeactionparsnip1 miron721 sounds like a GRUB config problem09:27
Mianscim trying to boot from the cd on startup to install09:27
Miansci dunnowhic f key to press but09:27
=== `ph8 is now known as ph8
godstarkisuke: did you fix your issues from yesterday?09:28
ActionParsnip1miron721: does grub load before the cursor flashes?09:28
Mianscdoes anyone know??09:28
kisukegodsatr nope09:28
kisukegodstar nope09:28
miron721ActionParsnip1, Yeah, grub loads. Neither the regular option or the recovery version work. Haven't tried windows or memtest though09:28
godstarMiansc: try F12 for the boot menu09:28
masutaamiron721: I've seen problems in hdds where the boot sectors were damaged.  it's rare but it happens09:29
Miansci did09:29
Mianscwell pretty sure i did09:29
godstarMiansc: try F2 or Delete Key for BIOS09:29
ActionParsnip1miron721: do you get the loading splash screen and the bar progressing?09:29
bullgardActionParsnip1: As far as I know, Empathy does use a "user name" to log on the Jabber network. Rather, it uses a Jabber identity. Do you mean the Jabber identity JID?09:29
kisukemainsc press "enter" or "return" depending on your keyboard09:29
Mianscill try enter f12 and delete lol09:29
ActionParsnip1bullgard: if thats what it uses, sure09:29
godstarkisuke: Sorry to hear09:29
masutaamiron721: get ubcd and check/repair your hdd.  you might also try low-level formatting your hdd09:30
miron721ActionParsnip1, Nope, and with my laptop running nbr, it usually flashes the _ for a few seconds, then flashes a few lines of text then the splash09:30
miron721masutaa, I can do all that from the live cd, right? I installed ubuntu because my windows is broken somehow. So I only have my netbook without a cd drive.09:31
bullgardActionParsnip1: I doubt hat you are right. I am using the same JID today as yeserday, and it worked yesterday.09:31
ActionParsnip1ok, did you install video drivers recently?09:31
ActionParsnip1bullgard: but if you are logged in elsewhere will it still let you log in where you are now?09:31
miron721ActionParsnip1, Nope, this is the first boot. Fresh from install09:32
=== Sorry is now known as this
ActionParsnip1miron721: ok then i would check the cd you installed with as well as md5 test the iso09:32
ActionParsnip1miron721: a bad disk will make a bad install09:32
godstarmiron721: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles09:33
godstarmiron721: if you already have it installed on your SSD, disregard.09:33
miron721godstar, Not using ssds, if that makes a difference.09:34
godstarmiron721: you can still follow that guide for IDE / sata drives.09:34
bullgardActionParsnip1: Yesterday I was logged in on my computer T43. Today I'm trying to login on my computer T43. Today it fails. My JID is not logged in elsewhere as far as I know.09:34
ActionParsnip1bullgard: i'm not overly familiar with jabber but thats all i can think it would be09:36
ja2Hi, I'd like to recompile the kernel, but would like to start the configuration from what I already have from ubuntu 8.04. There is no config.gz in /proc. Anyone who know where to get the x86_64 config for the ubuntu 8.04 2.6.24-24 kernel?09:36
ActionParsnip1bullgard: you ould find a site or tool that could test if you were online or not, or use a different account to check09:36
=== MadMax is now known as Guest58544
ActionParsnip1bullgard: otherwise i'm outta ideas09:37
miron721Ok, did the "Check disk integrity" off the boot cd. No errors found. And I deleted the .iso I burned it from, should I make another cd and try intalling again09:37
Guest12345Where can I find Ubuntu 9.10 Beta?09:37
godstarmiron721: are you trying to install Ubuntu on your netbook?09:38
miron721godstar, No, got ubuntu nbr running fine. I'm trying to install on my desktop09:38
=== this is now known as you
=== you is now known as Guest39493
godstarmiron721: 1 HDD or 2?09:40
Guest12345No, not Alpha 6. Is the beta release supposed to come out today?09:40
Guest39493who changes my nick ????????????09:40
ActionParsnip1miron721: if the cd is ok, chances are the image was too, you SHOULD check before burning.09:40
FlannelGuest39493: #ubuntu+1 is the place to go to ask questions about Karmic, this channe is only for supported releases of Ubuntu.09:40
ActionParsnip1Guest39493: the system, there is somebody already called "you" logged onto the server09:40
ja2Solved. Found my config.09:41
godstarmiron721: where are you having trouble during the install?09:41
miron721godstar, install went perfectly. No errors. And it's 2 sata hdds, 1 sata optical drive09:42
godstarmiron721: then what is the problem?09:42
miron721godstar, it doesn't boot. Without the cd in, I select ubuntu in the grub, and it sticks at a flashing "_". Longest I've left it is 4 hours.09:43
kisuke1mirion i still say it sounds like grub was configured wrong09:44
=== kisuke1 is now known as kisuke
godstarmiron721: do you have anything on the separate HDD? If not reload Ubuntu on it. You could also put gparted on a flash drive reformation the HDD that wont boot.09:44
=== Guest39493 is now known as GrosseMerde
miron721kisuke, That might be. How would I fix that? Keeping in mind I don't have anything that can boot on here other than the live cd.09:44
godstar/gparted on a flash drive and reformat/09:44
kisukemirion can you see your hard didk in the live CD?09:45
chuhey, my wireless is rather shameful under Linux; honestly I never tried it under Windows, but I have a friend who has a similar-era laptop, and his can reach my wirless network fine from my front room (He gets about 60% connection on Windows Vista), but I cannot get anything. I saw a post on the Ubuntu forums which said something to the effect of "check your hardware drivers", which I have done, but under hardware drivers I only have my nvidia drivers as an opti09:45
kisukemirion721 can you see your hard disk in the Live CDS?09:45
=== GrosseMerde is now known as GrosConnard
miron721kisuke, I could see it in the installer, let me check if I can browse files09:45
godstarmiron721: you can run your live cd and install gparted from add/remove. Keep in mind that any added apps you run in your live cd will be thrown into ram. Once you have gparted installed, you can reformat the HDD in question.09:46
=== GrosConnard is now known as Va_Te_Faire_Mett
miron721godstar, Do I have to reformat the entire disk? I've got a bunch of stuff I don't want to lose, and no external drives09:46
kisukegodstar grub misconfig maybe?09:46
=== Va_Te_Faire_Mett is now known as Va_TeFaireMettre
miron721Is there a way I can check the data to see if that's the issue, without reformatting?09:47
kisukegodstar for mirion721 i mean09:47
hanshenrikhanshenrik@hanshenrik-laptop:~/Desktop/otserv$ sudo su09:47
hanshenrik[sudo] password for hanshenrik:09:47
hanshenrikroot@hanshenrik-laptop:/home/hanshenrik/Desktop/otserv# ./otserv09:47
hanshenrikbash: ./otserv: Permission denied09:47
FloodBot1hanshenrik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:47
hanshenrikseriously.. wtf?09:47
godstarmiron721: you can copy your files over using the Live Cd. You will need to try to mount your HDD in question while in the live cd session.09:47
godstarkisuke: could be.09:47
joaopintomiron721, you don't need to format do reinstall grub09:48
joaopintoformating will not resolve your problem09:48
joaopintounless the filesystem is corrupted, which is unlikely09:48
=== Va_TeFaireMettre is now known as DerylIs1GrosPD
kisukegodstar: tring to see if he can get to menu.lst should tell us something...09:48
jussi01hanshenrik: sudo -i not sudo su09:48
=== ez is now known as Guest97496
kisukemiron721: can you access you HDD?09:49
miron721Ok, well, I can see the different partitions in nautilus09:49
joaopinto!root | hanshenrik09:49
ubottuhanshenrik: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:49
jussi01hanshenrik: and then make sure the otserv is executable09:49
godstarmiron721: can you even access recovery console (hitting ESC) key during grub boot?09:50
jussi01hanshenrik: lastly, please dont use acronyms that mean swear words. :)09:50
hanshenriki am sure the otserv is executable, i can run the same executable from any other directory, and "sudo" got same access denied09:50
miron721No problem accessing files on the live cd09:50
FloodBot1gerd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:50
miron721godstar, I'll reboot and try.09:50
=== DerylIs1GrosPD is now known as ArdyaBigAsshole
kisukemiron721: what files are in your /media folder?09:50
godstarmiron721: copy your files over in the live session and reload Ubuntu. May save you time.09:50
hanshenrikchmod 777 *           now it runs just fine09:51
godstarmiron721: if you can reach recovery console w the ESC key, drop to root shell with networking and run apt-get update.09:51
jony123how would i mount a nfts partion on my harddisk09:51
ActionParsnip1!ntfs3g | jony12309:52
ubottujony123: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:52
godstarjony123: go to add/remove and type ntfs in the search09:52
jussi01ArdyaBigAsshole: please change your nick to something more family friendly, thanks09:52
miron721godstar, Does the same thing. Flashing _09:52
hanshenriki didnt even know "sudo" could get access denied on localhost - any1 know what number chmod must be, for SUDO to get access denied?09:52
kisukegodstar: ntfs is inculded in ubuntu09:52
miron721Just a second, switching from laggy wireless to fast wired.09:52
kisukegodstar:  i use it freaquently09:52
jussi01hanshenrik: is your user in the admin group?09:52
hanshenrikjussi01: yup09:52
kisuke!ntfs | jony12309:53
hanshenrikjussi01: think so at least09:53
ubottujony123: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:53
jussi01hanshenrik: does sudo work with other items?09:53
hanshenrikjussi01: yup09:53
godstarkisuke: you're correct, it should automount ntfs.09:53
hanshenrikjussi01: like apt-get09:53
jussi01hanshenrik: curious. and you are certain the file is executable?09:53
hanshenrikjussi01: yup, i could run the same exe from any other directory, and it runned fine after i did chmod 777 *09:54
=== ArdyaBigAsshole is now known as ArdyaTrouDuCul
ArdyaTrouDuCuljussi01: Okey ?...09:55
kisukegodstar: unless is removable drive09:55
jussi01ArdyaTrouDuCul: changing the language isnt really helpful09:55
=== miron_ is now known as miron721
mironOk, back09:55
miron721Ok, back again. Stupid connection09:55
kisuke!sudo | jussi0109:55
miron721Er, still here09:55
ubottujussi01: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)09:55
Si235okay fixed freevo from starting up by removing any of the /etc/init.d freevo startup files :)09:56
ArdyaTrouDuCuljussi01: !BIG though I'd like to enlarge its...09:56
kisukemiron721: what is the content of your /media folder?09:56
=== ArdyaTrouDuCul is now known as ArdyaGrosEncule
miron721kisuke, Just a minute, booting back into the live cd09:57
jussi01ArdyaGrosEncule: I said family friendly please. If you cant manage that, Ill set a forward to #ubuntu-ops until you can. :)09:58
kisukemiron721: kk09:58
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:58
hanshenrik"Instead, realise the truth... there is no spoon"..09:58
hanshenrikmatrix-quote? :p09:58
error404notfoundin karmic, pidgin is replaced with empathy? why? i think pidgin is better.09:59
=== ArdyaGrosEncule is now known as linux-ops
linux-ops ?09:59
kisuke!ot | hanshenrik09:59
hanshenrikerror404notfound: why dont ask in #ubuntu+1 instead? :P09:59
ubottuhanshenrik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:59
icerootwhat is the refresh-key for lynx?09:59
kisukeiceroot:  try F510:00
hanshenrikkisuke: so you really think that question fits better here than in #ubuntu+1?10:00
icerootkisuke: nope10:00
miron721kisuke, Empty on booting the live cd. Though I have 6 seperate partitions I can mount. I forgot windows always adds a 200 megabyte partition for pretty much no reason10:01
ActionParsnip1error404notfound: you can install pidgin freely10:01
miron721Wait, that 200 meg partition has some boot stuff in it. Could that be the issue?10:02
DuckGodwhen i turn on my second computer after installing jaunty it says reboot and select proper boot device....?10:02
kisukemiron721: can you mount your /boot or ubuntu partitions?10:02
GneaDuckGod: it does?10:02
miron721kisuke, Yup, in it now10:03
DuckGodyeah whats up with that?10:03
Gneawhere does it say that?10:03
stefgDuckGod: that means either there is no bootloader installed on the right disk, or the bios can't see it10:03
DuckGodfirst thing it says when i turn it on10:03
kisukego to /boot/grub/ please post menu.lst to http://paste.ubuntu.com10:03
Gneaso, after POST?10:03
GneaDuckGod: sounds like the incorrect MBR was selected at install time - should be /dev/sda (MBR of the firt disk or something like that) not a partition10:04
DuckGodits just wierd cause i did it with the same live cd i installed jaunty on this pc10:04
KoolDHey. I am trying to resize an ext4 partition. But the live usb that i have does not seem to support ext4. Gparted in this live distro shows the ext4 partition as ext3. is it okay to resize it anyway??10:04
stefgDuckGod: so first double check your bios settings for correct boot order and device settings10:04
DuckGodive changed the boot order many times trying to get it to work10:05
stefgKoolD: i don't think so. at least have a backup first10:05
DuckGodshould i try turning on plug an play os?10:06
kisukemiron721: ?10:06
miron721Whoa, this recognizes my obscure wireless card. Never noticed that before.10:06
KoolDstefg: guess i'll backup then. Thanks10:06
miron721Augh, stupid cat tore out the network cable. Ok, it's paste.ubuntu.com/282840/10:07
firecrotchKoolD: the livecd that you're using... what distro/version is it?10:07
stefgDuckGod: that doesn't matter. the best thing you could do is boot up the Desktop live cd on the box in question and join this channel from there10:07
kisukemiron721: kk one min installing gparted10:08
Lloirnvm thought i was on a diff chan on a diff server10:08
KoolDfirecrotch: its backtrack 4. Its based on ubuntu.10:08
FloodBot1honey^moon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:08
kyjawyvern is alive again !!10:09
jakerueI just erased an NTFS, formatted at ext3, added it to my root partition.  Now when I boot into my home the new size is not recognized.  What am I missing?10:09
DuckGodwhen i use the live cd it acts like everything is normal10:09
firecrotchKoolD: I would recommend not even trying to do the resize with older versions of resizing tools, even though ext4 is supposed to be 100% backwards compatible - there are reports of problems10:10
GneaDuckGod: again, you need to select the correct disk to install grub to10:10
stefgjakerue: what it exactly did you do to 'add it to your root partition' ?10:10
jakeruestefg I used gparted resize10:10
=== [2]sassyn is now known as sassyn
DuckGodso just choosing the use whole drive dosent work?>10:11
jakeruestefg: you can see the results of my fdisk -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/282842/10:12
stefgjakerue: so far, so good. and what does df -h tell?10:14
GneaDuckGod: that's a different section10:14
DuckGodGnea if i installed it while my box had an intel network card do you think that could possible be the problem?10:14
GneaDuckGod: the part I'm talking about is at the very end of the installation phase10:14
KoolDfirecrotch: so would it be alright if i try to resize with ubuntu?10:14
miron-desktopMiron721 here, my laptop seems to be dropping it's connection a lot so I'm on on the live cd as well10:15
godstarKoolD: I would think you would be okay to resize.10:15
kisukegodstar paste.ubuntu.com/282840/ miron721's menu.lst10:15
DuckGodat the end of my installer it just tells me to reboot an thats it it dosent give me any other options10:15
GneaDuckGod: okay, I'll try to explain it in more layman's terms - if you have a keg of beer, and a pitcher, and a glass, and if you tell someone to fill the pitcher from the keg in order to fill their glasses, and if the person empties the keg into his mouth into the pitcher, then nobody gets beer.10:15
godstarkisuke: k10:15
KoolDthanks then i'm off to resize10:15
jakeruestefg: I am using the liveCD, should I mount my sda6 first and and df -h from there?10:15
GneaDuckGod: it's the same idea here - grub isn't getting installed to the MBR of the hard drive, so it won't boot10:16
ursusHello! I have a DVD image (iso), and I would like to burn it. The problem is, that the iso file is a little bit larger than the capacity of my disk. How could I solve it?10:16
GneaDuckGod: rather, into his mouth INSTEAD of into the pitcher10:16
GneaDuckGod: or shall I use another example?10:16
browncouchwill someone verify my ftp???   anonymous10:16
putingdo you know kobuntu server?10:17
browncouchtell me what you think of the picture lol10:17
DuckGodthat works...10:17
Gnea!ot | browncouch10:17
ubottubrowncouch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:17
=== faint is now known as Numb
KasdKAnyone here a lawyer?10:17
ActionParsnip1browncouch: looks like im connected10:17
KasdKor pretty keen on law issues?10:17
jakeruebrowncouch: I logged in10:17
Sitowlanbrowncouch, 21/tcp filtered ftp10:17
jussi01!ot | KasdK10:17
ubottuKasdK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:17
mark_your ftp server is working fine10:18
browncouchjust a shitty picture right?10:18
putingbegening today10:18
KasdKdo you know if there's a channel for law talk?10:18
GneaDuckGod: so what you need to do is, reinstall the system and get to the end, and when it asks where you want it to install grub to, make sure you select the MBR of the same hard drive you installed the system to (so if your partitions are /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc, then /dev/sda is where you want grub to go)10:18
putinghelp me10:18
=== kb is now known as Guest8729
kisukegodsatr im at a loss you?10:18
stefgjakerue: yes, mount sda1 and sda5... you can apt-get install pastebinit for convenience. interesting would be 'df -h | pastebinit' the fstab of the installed system and 'sudo blkid | pastebinit'10:18
Bendthow do i turn off all power-saving?10:18
kisuke!ask | puting10:18
ubottuputing: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:18
GneaKasdK: #law perhaps? or ask in #freenode10:18
putingi can't english10:19
indusActionParsnip1: hello10:19
jussi01!channels > KasdK10:19
ubottuKasdK, please see my private message10:19
indusputing: ask question, we will understand10:19
puting!ask |10:19
ubottu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:19
godstarkisuke: It looks like grub is booting on (hd0,0)  with /dev/hda5 as the mount point. This could be his problem here. He did say he say 6 partitions on two HDD.10:19
jakeruestefg: couldn't find pastebinit through apt-get10:20
ActionParsnip1hi indus10:20
putingi think so  that Xchat can't  control10:20
Bendt!How do i turn off all power-saving in ubuntu 9.04?10:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:20
kisukegodstar:  think he said 6 on 110:20
stefgjakerue: you'll need to apt-get update first10:20
miron721kisuke, nope, 6 on 2.10:20
indusputing: cant control what10:20
godstarMy recommendation is: boot to live cd, copy files from bad HDD to good HDD and do a clean install on bad HDD.10:21
kisukegod you were right10:21
putingtoday install Xchat10:21
putingi don'y know10:21
ursusHello! I have a DVD image (iso), and I would like to burn it. The problem is, that the iso file is a little bit larger than the capacity of my disk. How could I solve it? I tried DVD95, but it crashes when builds up the new iso file. I tried vamp also, but I couldn't give an iso file as a source file for compress the dvd.10:21
putingi want10:22
ActionParsnip1ursus: maye its a dual layer image, some images are bigger than the disks. Have you tried just burning it10:22
floriec.infoweapons.com 666610:22
putingkorea unbunto10:22
godstarursus: I like infrarecord. Look it up on sourceforge.10:22
indusputing: aah korea10:22
putingaah korea?10:22
miron721btw, if I mount all of the partitions, my /media is 6 folders, disk, disk-1, disk-2 etc to disk-510:22
induswho knows korean channel10:22
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko10:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kr10:22
Bendtwhat program controls turning of screen?10:22
ursusActionParsnip1, it is not dual layer, it is just about 100 mb larger than a normal dvd10:23
jakeruestefg: still not found after that.  I will mount anyway and just paste manually.  Note that my sda5is my working partition that I need to get working....sda1 is an old partition10:23
ursusgodstar, I'll check it, thank you10:23
ActionParsnip1ursus: it'll be fine10:23
godstarursus: anytime.10:23
stefgjakerue: ok10:23
putingi going unbuntu-ko10:23
putingsee you10:23
indusputing: good luck bye10:23
kisukeputing:  /join #ubuntu-ko10:23
putingthank you10:23
mickster04good mornin:D10:24
kisukemiron721: do you get a grub prompt? asks you what to load?10:24
godstarkisuke: I think he said that the cursor just blinks.10:25
ursusgodstar, are you sure, that it is calles infrarecord? There isn't such a project on sourceforge...10:25
miron721kisuke, Yup, right after that the underscore blinks. After I make my selection, that is10:25
godstarkisuke: no grub prompt, no recovery console.10:25
godstarursus: one sec10:25
miron721I get a grub prompt, it just doesn't actually do anything10:25
kisukei know had a simialr problem maybe grub not in mbr10:25
godstarursus: http://infrarecorder.org/10:26
miron721I get a grub prompt, and I can chose an option. It goes to boot the option and it just blinks the underscroe10:26
godstarursus: forgot the 'er'.10:26
ursusgodstar, ok, thanks10:26
godstarursus: you are welcome.10:26
theadminWhen will latest GNOME be available?10:26
stefgjakerue: so sda5 is visible and mountable from the Places menu on the Live CD?10:27
ursusgodstar, it is an application for windows, isn't it..?10:28
jakeruestefg: yep...I am browsing it nw10:28
jakeruenw = now10:28
jakeruestefg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/282850/10:28
stefgjakerue: i need /media/[disk]/etc/fstab, not ther fstab of the Live environment10:29
jakerueok here is me browsing to the ftab on sda5 -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/282853/10:30
godstarursus: yes, sorry, what platform are you using?10:30
prince_jammysurl open 910:30
ursusxubuntu 9.0410:30
jakeruestefg: see my above post.10:30
godstarursus: try brasero. I've never had problems with it.10:31
kisukewhat was the command to check an fs?10:31
firecrotchkisuke: fsck?10:31
stefgjakerue: ah there you have it. The fstab still thinks your sda5 is an ntfs partition.... sda1, too. you need to setup a new fstab to reflecz the changes you did with gprted10:32
ActionParsnip1!fsck | kisuke10:32
ubottukisuke: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:32
kisukethanks firecrotch10:32
kisukemiron721:  try fsck10:32
kisuke!fsck > miron72110:33
ubottumiron721, please see my private message10:33
godstarkisuke: I think his install went bad, maybe grub.10:33
ursusgodstar, me too. But the problem isn't with my burner program! I have an iso file, and I would like to burn it to a disk, but this iso file is too big. It should be compressed or some language removed from the dvd, and it would be fine. I'm searching for a program, which can solve this.10:33
AzizLighthi everybody10:33
kisukegodstar: maybe might be bad dismount10:33
nikhili am unable to share files between ubuntu 8.10 and vista over wireless.  Also unable to share internet connection. also cannot ping each other. please help10:33
godstarursus: you can mount the ISO, delete the files you do not want and repackage the ISO.10:34
kisukegodstar:  try the easier fix first  if that don't work thry the next worse thing10:34
stefgjakerue: so you have 2 contradicting entries fo what is now sda5. one bey /dev/ and one by UUID.10:34
godstarursus: then burn smaller ISO to dvd.10:34
jakeruestefg: how's this fix ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:34
nikhili tried to get solution in forums but it was confusing10:35
jakeruestefg: how's this fix ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/282858/10:35
stefgjakerue: that link is empty10:35
author_test2Have been having "Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0" errors, anyone know how to get rid of them?10:35
ursusgodstar, but do you think, is it enough simply delete some files? Then the menu should be edited as well, and maybe there are some files, which I can't edit...10:35
stefgjakerue: nah ... that's not working.10:35
nikhili think this is a common problem10:35
nikhilcan anyone help me?10:36
jakeruestefg: the link ..or my fix?10:36
whois!anyone | nikhil10:36
ubottunikhil: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:36
nikhil i am unable to share files between ubuntu 8.10 and vista over wireless.  Also unable to share internet connection. also cannot ping each other. please help10:37
techiethe modem in my PowerBook G4 (400mhz titanium) isnt showing up in 9.0410:37
stefgjakerue: your 'non-fix'. that fstab is so hopelessly confused that i'll suggest to rename it to something like fstab.bad and start over with writing a new one10:37
jakeruestefg: How about this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/282859/10:37
miron721kisuke, "The superblock could not be read" etc. I think that might be because the filesystem is actually ext310:37
jakeruestefg: OK10:37
henrik-All right, I have a big problem here. My server goes down every now and then, every couple of minutes, and it's back up after a few minutes. The connection (IRC) still works, if I SSH into it, it works, but sometimes it's impossible to connect.10:38
henrik-Here's my dmesg http://pastie.org/63784010:38
kisukemiron721:  did you set it as EXT3?10:38
henrik-Any suggestions on what might be wrong?10:38
stefgjakerue: so the first thing you need is the output of 'sudo blkid'10:38
miron721Tried fsck -t ext3 /media/disk-1, gave the same error. I'm trying other things, like order of the commands/capitalization10:38
jakeruestefg: Here we are http://paste.ubuntu.com/282861/10:39
miron721Ok, worked with caps. Gave me error 2.10:39
frogzoo*swear* sound's stopped working for my flash10:39
nikhil i am unable to share files between ubuntu 8.10 and vista over wireless.  Also unable to share internet connection. also cannot ping each other. please help10:39
nikhili tried to get solution in forums but it was confusing10:39
miron721System should be rebooted? Does that just mean unmount it, or what?10:39
stefgjakerue: ok... what's on sda1 ? and BTW how much ram do have in that machine?10:39
kisukemiron721 if that came from you ubuntu partition than it is bad and you will need to reinstall10:40
author_test2nikhil, your question is too broad and unspecific. Really hard to help you there.10:40
kisukemiron721: see man fsck10:40
kisukefrogzoo restart firefox10:40
frogzookisuke: thx, will do10:41
jakeruestefg: 1Gig...sda1 is nothing.  I had issues before trying to copy and move partitions....it is a mess I know.  I pretty much just want my home partition and a data store for files.  I used to have a dual boot but I don't need it any more b/c using VM when necessary10:41
miron721kisuke, that's where I got "System should be rebooted", but not sure what that means. So is the disk ok, and a simple reinstall will fix this?10:41
kisukemiron721:  try rebooting it probaly fixed an error or two10:42
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miron721kisuke, Would it really do anything? I thought fsck just checked, didn't actually change anything10:42
miron721Keeping in mind this is a live cd10:42
tehbautanyone know why I'm unable to type anything into Karmic's 'Who Are You?' setup screen in Virtual PC?10:42
stefgjakerue: would be a good opportunity to clean up the mess... so sda1 can basically be emptied? how large is it? 50 Gigs?10:42
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jakeruestefg: yup, sda1 can die....52.4 Gigs10:43
nikhili have ubuntu 8.10 installed on my desktop which has the internet connection. i have vista installed on my laptop. both machines are assigned automatic ip addresses. i have samba installed in ubuntu. i have shared folders in both vista and ubuntu but unable to see both is other computer. i have a wireless router.10:44
author_test2Firefox, update-manager and others spit out "Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0" errors, anyone having these as well ?10:44
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:44
kisukemiron721: i think it is like MS's scandisk automaticly fixes errors it finds10:45
stefgjakerue: Are you ready for some serious cleanup (will take some time)?10:45
author_test2nikhil, can you ping the wirelss router from each computer? Are both in the same subnet?10:45
nikhili cannot share folders between them.  Earlier, i had xp installed on laptop and there was no problem at all.10:45
jakeruestefg: lets do it10:45
henrik-Trying to upgrade my kernel - what do I do after I download the new one? Reboot? Or do I have to run a bunch of commands?10:46
godstarnikhil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deb2jRm3c7g10:46
mlhi, i've got problem with PokerStars running under wine10:46
kisukefrogzoo any luck10:46
henrik-oh, looks like apt-get did it for me.10:46
mlcan you help me? ;>10:46
nikhilthanks will check it out10:46
kisuke!wine | ml10:46
ubottuml: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:46
stefgjakerue: so lets first reformat sda1 (and tell me what ubuntu version you have and how much ram the box has)10:46
frogzookisuke: lolz, now youtube gives me " an error occurred, try again later" *sigh*10:47
indusml: did u check the wine appdb10:47
mlyes, it's gold10:47
mli read really many sites and treads10:47
indusml: cool, cant trust thoseratings always10:47
godstarnikhil: anytime.10:47
indusml: what exact issue you have10:47
kisukefrogzoo pick a diffrent video i get that once in a while10:47
mli want to deposit some money10:47
indusml: the wine channel is good for this kind of issue10:47
frogzookisuke: actually it's not just ff, just realised pidgin isn't beeping on triggers either10:47
mlbut PokerStars doesn't find any browser10:48
indusml: game money i suppose10:48
mli click links, but nothihg happens10:48
godstarfrogzoo: try reinstalling all firefox entries and flash non-free from synaptic.10:48
frogzookisuke: this is something I've seen happen to other people - you mute sound, and then the sound interface removes mute, but sound doesn't come back...10:48
jakeruestefg: 1Gig ram and using 9.0410:48
mlyes, game money10:48
kisukefrogzoo:  flash grabs sound so i don't get beeped at when ppl talk in irc10:49
frogzoogodstar: I've lost all sound, not just in ff10:49
jakeruestefg: want me to start sd1 format? using gparted10:49
mli've installed ie6, but it didn't help10:49
kisukefrogzoo:  never had that problem then again speaker sits by my knee so...10:49
stefgjakerue: no gparted :-) .... we're not going to be sissies :-)10:49
godstarfrogzoo: try purging pulse and reinstalling.10:49
frogzookisuke: sadly, neither have I10:49
stefgjakerue: ext4 for performance, or ext3 for safety ?10:50
kisukegodstar  why is pulse audio even in the repos if it breaks evevry thing?10:50
godstarfrogzoo: you can always reinstall gnome desktop.10:50
godstarkisuke: good question.10:50
kisukemiron721 hows it going?10:51
kisukegodstar think i should pull out a ticket on launch pad?10:51
frogzoogodstar: what's pulse?10:51
jakeruestefg: I will go with ext3 just to save time from doing it over.  OK done as ext310:51
indusfrogzoo: logging out and back in again helps sometimes10:51
kisukefrogzoo:  pulse audio10:51
nikhilhow to indicate a person in chat box?10:51
frogzookisuke: thx10:52
miron721kisuke, Rebooted, redid fsck and it gave the same error. Now I'm going to try reinstalling again, see if that works10:52
frogzooindus: I might if I get desperate10:52
indusnikhil: use his name press tab to autocomplete10:52
prospirewhats wrong in this -> rename lol.bz2 hello.bz210:52
godstarkisuke: I am not convinced its a bug. Sounds like user error.10:52
frogzooprospire: mv10:52
author_test2mv lol.bz2 hello.bz210:52
frogzoodos is not unix10:52
prospirefrogzoo: actually I am facing a problem10:52
indusprospire: yeah mv is command to rename10:52
prospirewhen I do mv lol.bz2 hello.bz210:53
kisukegodstar: implementation error more like10:53
prospirethen the file inside lol.bz2 also becomes hello.bz210:53
jakeruestefg: sshot of gparted http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Ts1ffDHA10:53
godstarfrogzoo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_audio10:53
kisukefrogzoo:  no it is not10:53
indusprospire: yeah why dont you jsut try with f210:53
stefgjakerue: now i need to habe an impression on what is on sda5. run 'df -h' and 'ls media/[yourdisk]' ... anyway, the screenie helps, too10:53
indusprospire: f2 renames stuff10:53
nikhilsorry did not get it10:53
indusnikhil: hi10:54
tehbautcan anyone help me figure out why I cannot type in the setup textboxes when installing 9.10a6?10:54
prospireis it some command?10:54
indusnikhil: hi10:54
FloodBot1indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:54
kisukemiron721:  sorry godstar thought it was a borked install i;m starting to agree with him sorry10:54
prospireindus: is f2 some command?10:54
indusprospire: basically runs the mv command10:54
tehbautI was able to use the keyboard just fine in previous screens10:54
prospireindus: what is the exact syntax can you tell me?10:54
indusprospire: its mv file1 file210:54
jakeruestefg: df -h just gives me what is on my liveCD ...the ls gives - ls: cannot access media/sda5: No such file or directory10:55
prospireindus: oh10:55
miron721kisuke, Going through the installer again, seeing if that'll work10:55
=== William is now known as Guest15599
prospirebut I said you what problem I was facing10:55
Aleksandarhow to update wine10:55
indusprospire: now not sure how that works on zipped or tarred files10:55
prospirewhen I do "mv lol.bz2 hello.bz2"10:55
godstarmiron721: did you back up your data?10:55
kisukeprospire F2 key try above the numbers on your keyboard10:55
prospirethen the file inside lol.bz2 is also renamed to hello10:55
kisukemiron721:  good luck10:55
indusprospire: hmm i suggest rename with f2 key10:55
miron721godstar, Can't. Too much info. Trying again on the same partition10:55
stefgjakerue: ususally the mountpoint of sda5 is something like /media/disk . but nevermind, i aready see wht's going on10:55
prince_jammysprospire: what is it that you want to happen?10:55
prospirebut I would be executing the command with php's system function10:56
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indusprospire: whats inside that lol.bz2?10:56
prospireprince_jammys: if the file name is lol in lol.bz2 I want that it remains lol and doesn't changes to hello on renaming lol.bz2 to hello.bz210:56
nikhiluse his name here means?10:56
prospirea backup file10:56
prince_jammysprospire: ah, i understand.10:56
godstarmiron721: if you have a separate HDD (such as a 3rd one) you may want to consider installing Ubuntu on it, so you can back up your HDDs accordingly then format away and do another install on the drive of choice.10:57
miron721er, too much space10:57
prospireso what do I do?10:57
kisukemiron721:  what?10:57
Chousukeprospire: bzip is just a compressor. you want to use tar to archive the file too10:57
miron721kisuke, reinstalling ubuntu to the same partition in case it was just a messed up installation10:58
Chousukeprospire: there is not file "inside" bz2. it *is* the file, just compressed.10:58
godstarmiron721: let us know how it turns out.10:58
puting_do you know web server install?10:58
kisukeyou said to much space?10:58
prince_jammysprospire: i don't know a way around that without decompressing the file.10:58
stefgjakerue: now you need to move over everything that is on sda5 *except the /home -dir* to sda1. so first make a mountpoint 'sudo mkdir /media/sda1' and mount the newly formatted drive there with sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda110:58
prospireChousuke: oh10:58
indusprospire: i just tried it10:58
indusprospire: doesnt rename file inside10:59
miron721kisuke, Got 420 gigs of data on one disk, and the other disk is 350 gb. Too much data, no space rather10:59
Chousukeprospire: so just tar it up first and then compress the tar file.10:59
prospireindus: yes it does10:59
prospireits happening here10:59
stefgjakerue: don't start to copy yet10:59
miron721Sorry about that, 3 am, not thinking properly10:59
kisukemiron721:  ow10:59
shaiDoes anyone know how I can enforce the larger DPI ( I set it to 120 instead of 96 ) on X apps I started over SSH X11 Forwarding ? The DPI set on my XDM works great, but those menus are just way to small on the apps I start via SSH ...10:59
Chousukeprospire: tar keeps information about the original filename and such info10:59
indusprospire: i did mv file1.tar.bz1 file2.tar.bz210:59
jakeruestefg: ok I created the dir and mounted10:59
indusprospire: the new one still has file1 inside10:59
kisukemiron721:  good luck i hope you get it working10:59
prospireindus: its tar.bz210:59
prospireI was talking about just .bz211:00
prospireby the way, whats tar.bz2?11:00
indusprospire: doesnt matter11:00
stefgjakerue: now get a privileged nautilus with gksudo nautilus11:00
indusprospire: ok ill try that too wait11:00
Chousukeprospire: .tar.bz2 is a tar file compressed with bz211:00
prospireChousuke: so you mean to say bzip2 is no archiver like zip or tar. right?11:00
Chousukeprospire: yes.11:00
Chousukeit's just a compressor11:00
prospireit is just a compressor like gzip, am I right?11:00
Chousukethat's why it's usually combined with tar11:00
=== William is now known as Guest52684
jakeruestefg: ok I got it11:01
indusprospire: u r correct11:01
prospireaah, hmm11:01
undurundurmy order in shipit doesn't arrived...11:01
gigasoft i have problem killing  an app, any help?11:01
miron721kisuke, Thanks. I really hope I get it working. A netbook is fine for checking email, but it's not anything to do intensive stuff on.11:01
prospireI think I have reached a nice conclusion11:01
prospirelol, thanks all11:01
Guest52684i don't have name11:01
indusprospire: what conclusion11:01
prospireindus: lol, nothing, thanks by the way11:01
Chousukeprospire: the tar utility accepts the j switch to compress with bzip211:01
stefgjakerue: in this root-nautilus navigate to your sda5 dir and select all dirs and files *except /home* and 'cut'11:02
prospireChousuke: hmm, thanks11:02
indusprospire:iam wondering why it renames the file inside11:02
ubuntistasi just installed jaunty and my fonts are big not normal any clue?11:02
prospireindus: even I, but I think that's a compressor thing11:02
prospireprobably thts why11:02
stefgjakerue: the navigate to /media/sda1 and 'paste' ..... will take some time11:02
firecrotchindus: bzip2 is not like zip11:02
Chousukeprospire: so tar cvjf archive.tar.bz2 files here11:02
indusfirecrotch: iam talking about mv command renaming file inside the bz211:03
firecrotchindus: zip is a compressed archive format, akin to .tar.bz211:03
kisukemiron721: it probably has a better processor than my desktop11:03
Chousukeindus: it doesn't rename the file inside bz211:03
mrtux_gigasoft: From terminal, type: ps -A and look up the process you want to kill.11:03
jakeruestefg: I can't tell if I am in sda5 but I am in media ... http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Ts1fmcLi11:03
kisukemiron721:  800MHz XD11:03
Chousukeindus: there is no file "inside" a bz211:03
firecrotchindus: there is no "inside" because .bz2 is not an archive11:03
indusChousuke: it does, i just tried it11:03
indusChousuke: aah hmm11:03
Chousukeindus: it's just data.11:03
indusChousuke: thought so11:03
Chousukeand the original filename is not recorded anymore.11:03
prospireindus: exactly, you got Chousuke?11:03
mrtux_gigasoft: Then kill proces id, typE: kill 10203 (for example)11:03
prospireChousuke: then which command would allow me to decompress a bzip2 file?11:04
ubuntistasi just installed jaunty and my fonts are big not normal any clue?11:04
indusya its not an archive, just a name it seems ?11:04
stefgjakerue: that'S right... everything but /home and lost+found needs to be moved to sda111:04
indusso renaming it effectively renames the file also?11:04
joaopintopropter_hoc, bzip2 -d file11:04
joaopintoops, prospire11:04
Chousukeindus: yes, because bunzip2 guesses the filename from the compressed filename11:04
jakeruestefg: OK in progress11:04
prospirejoaopinto: ok, I'll try that11:04
prince_jammysindus: no it doesn't "rename the file inside". When bzip2 decompresses it, it just names the result to whatever the filename was minus the .bz2 extension11:04
firecrotchindus: even according to the man page, filename.bz2 will become filename when you do bzip2 -d11:05
Chousukeprospire: if it's a tar.bz2, tar xvjf foo.tar.bz211:05
indusstupid compression standards11:05
indusi prefer .zip11:05
Chousukeprospire: or you can do bunzip2 or bzip -d foo.tar.bz2 and then extract the resulting tar :)11:05
indussounds good works good, is universal too11:05
firecrotchindus: .zip is akin to .tar.bz2 - its a compressed archive11:05
Chousukeprospire: many ways to skin a cat11:05
joaopintoindus, please have some respect, just because you are not familiar with standards don't insult them11:06
prospireindus: exactly11:06
prospireplease have some respect11:06
indus? for whom11:06
joaopintoindus, for the thouands of people which worked on those formats, standards, and related tools11:06
prospireindus: you from india?11:06
Chousukebzip compresses better than just zip though11:06
joaopintoincluding us here, which rely on them11:07
indusoff topic11:07
prospireindus: you from india?11:07
prospirewhich city11:07
joaopintoprospire, please move such questions to off topic11:07
=== William is now known as Guest51444
ubuntistasi just installed jaunty and my fonts are big not normal any clue? browsers fonts too11:07
joaopinto!ot | prospire11:07
ubottuprospire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:07
prospirejoaopinto: ok11:08
indusjoaopinto: which ' standard ' were you talking about btw11:08
indusjoaopinto: and please dont try to judge me with one comment11:09
jakeruestefg: Error while copying "agpgart".11:09
cheslynhi everyone11:09
joaopintoindus, let's drop the offtopi :)11:09
stefgjakerue: details ?11:09
sassynwhat is ubuntu server cloud version?11:10
Guest51444join #ubuntu11:10
cheslynwhat it jaunty?11:10
jakeruestefg: Details = Can't copy special file Skip?11:10
stefgjakerue: yes11:10
jakeruestefg: skip all?11:11
miron721Damnit, same thing. I'm giving up for tonight, work on it later. Gotta get to bed, have work tomorrow11:11
jakeruestefg: now Error while copying "apm_bios".11:11
ubuntistasi just installed jaunty and my fonts are big not normal any clue? browsers fonts too11:11
stefgjakerue: yes. these are probably special device files which get recreated anyway11:11
firecrotchsassyn: it's for creating your own computing cloud like AmazonEC211:11
ProhibitedUbuntistas: System, Preferences, Display11:11
indusubuntistas: did you try reducing font size from appearance window?11:11
nazgjunkubuntistas: probably want to adjust your dpi - the "appearances" config screen should help you out11:11
sassynfirecrotch - With Xen?11:12
sassynor KVM?11:12
nazgjunkbut my memory may be rusty, it's been a few weeks since I've used gnome >.>11:12
Boohbahsassyn: i believe amazon is all xen11:12
Boohbahsomebody correct me if i'm wrong11:12
ubuntistashow can i do that ichecked my appearance but nothing11:12
indusubuntistas: you can go to customize and adjust font sizes etc11:13
sassynBoohbah, firecrotch 10x11:13
indusubuntistas: look patiently11:13
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: have you installed video drivers, you will probably find you are are 800x600 and finding everything massive11:13
sassynBoohbah: one more thing11:13
indusActionParsnip1: good point11:13
sassyndid u ever usex xplash?11:13
Boohbahsassyn: what is that supposed to mean? are you talking about my gf? :)11:13
indussassyn: are you using karmic?11:13
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga11:13
sassynindus yes11:14
indusBoohbah: lol11:14
indussassyn: karmic support is #karmic+111:14
induswhats 10x?11:14
sassynno one is in #karmic+111:14
indussassyn: true, its slower but there are people there11:15
indussassyn: karmic is looking great btw isnt it11:15
ActionParsnip1has been here since alpha 211:15
indusfirecrotch: what is the advantage of bziping a file11:15
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: if you give the output of the command, I can advise11:16
david__anyone know how to install a dvb dongle11:16
firecrotchindus: it compresses it, making it smaller11:16
_lover_how can i connecto to gprs11:16
indusfirecrotch: so gzip does the same isnt it?11:16
* Boohbah just realizes there is somebody going by the nick 'firecrotch'11:16
ActionParsnip1david__: plug it in, run: lsusb   one of the lins will give an 8 hex character output you can websearch for11:16
_lover_how can i connecto to gprs11:16
indusBoohbah: :)))11:16
stefgdavid__: chances are that you only need to stick it in the usb port. see dmesg then if it is recognized11:17
firecrotchindus: yes, they do the same thing, in different ways11:17
_lover_how can i connecto to gprs11:17
=== William is now known as Guest49914
ubuntistasiam on the upgraded version of jaunty i just did a change in partitions and did a clean install actionparsnip1 so wait a moment11:17
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: you can still load a terminal and fire the command11:17
_lover_how can i connecto to gprs11:17
davi59nothing happens when i put it in the usb port..11:17
ActionParsnip1davi59: run the command and websearch for guides based on the hex output11:18
ubuntistas00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) that's it actionparsnip11:18
ActionParsnip1davi59: if you use pastebin to give the output i'll lend a hand11:18
cheslynwhat is januty? and how do u install it11:18
stefgjakerue: how is it going?11:19
_lover_how can i connecto to gprs11:19
ubuntistascheslyn are u kidding us?11:19
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | cheslyn11:19
ubottucheslyn: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents11:19
jakeruestefg: 4 min left11:19
_lover_how can i connecto to gprs11:19
stefgjakerue: ok11:19
davi59nothing hapens at all11:19
=== _lover_ is now known as boooooooooooooom
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.411:19
boooooooooooooomhow can i connecto to gprs11:19
davi59no message comes up11:19
boooooooooooooomwhat u lame ubuntutards11:20
ActionParsnip1davi59: nothing will happen, you get an output that you need to read, one line will be your usb device with an identifier, throw that at your favourite websearch engine and you will be running11:20
boooooooooooooomu don't give any reply to me11:20
ActionParsnip1boooooooooooooom: well what hardware do you use? you avent told use anything at all11:20
firecrotch!patience | boooooooooooooom11:21
ubottuboooooooooooooom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:21
davi59ok where do i find this?11:21
ActionParsnip1davi59: in the terminal11:21
ActionParsnip1!terminal | davi5911:21
ubottudavi59: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:21
boooooooooooooomhello i am using sony ericcson phone11:21
ActionParsnip1boooooooooooooom: what hardware do you use, usb, bluetooth? We have zero information11:21
=== William is now known as Guest40528
ActionParsnip1boooooooooooooom: ok getting somewhere now11:21
ActionParsnip1boooooooooooooom: see how information and details gets things moving11:22
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there, anybody knows if the samsung n140 netbook works well with ubuntu?11:22
boooooooooooooomok ...11:22
timClicksLe-Chuck_ITA: you could try it with a live cd11:22
godstarLe-Chuck_ITA: if it runs the atom cpu, it will run fine.11:22
ActionParsnip1boooooooooooooom: rather than whining and generally flooding the channel, you can give more info which is actually helpful. I found this guide. Looks decent. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Connect-to-the-Internet-from-Anywhere-Using-a-GPRS-Connection-50670.shtml11:23
timClicksLe-Chuck_ITA: you may like to search through http://ubuntuforums.org/11:23
Le-Chuck_ITAgodstar: the nc10 does not work well, I found several sites with several problems and timClicks I have to buy it and I *don't* use windows :)11:23
boooooooooooooomok let see11:23
Le-Chuck_ITAso when I order it it has to work :)11:23
godstarLe-Chuck_ITA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles11:23
Le-Chuck_ITAno search result11:23
Le-Chuck_ITAgodstar: ? I don't own it yet11:24
godstarLe-Chuck_ITA: smart phone?11:24
davi59ok have teminal open, what is next?11:24
Le-Chuck_ITAno is a netbook?11:24
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 can u give the command again please...11:24
=== Guest40528 is now known as Williamherry
timClicksLe-Chuck_ITA: Perhaps wait for 9.10 - moblin netbook release will be great11:24
ubuntistasi mean the link11:24
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: its a site: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.411:24
godstarUbuntu NBR for me thanks.11:25
=== Williamherry is now known as WilliamHerry
godstarDon't get me wrong, moblin is fast.11:25
ubuntistasactionparsnip the resolution is good11:25
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: cool11:25
Guest82563i have a problem with a phone modem i cant connect11:25
WilliamHerryfinally i have a nickname11:25
ubuntistasand the fonts aren't too big but hey are nor normal11:26
Guest82563can someone take a look there please11:26
timClicksgodstar :) I haven't tried them, but I'm a sucker for shiny marketing11:26
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks a lot everybody :)11:26
jakeruestefg: ok done11:26
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_Ubuntu_Desktop_Fonts11:26
toriq1hello everybody. Anybody using apt-cacher on local network?11:26
timClicksLe-Chuck_ITA: good luck :) have fun11:26
prospirehow do I tar a file?11:27
prospireI am trying "tar backup.sql" but that isn't working11:27
meTTyhi everybody! is there a msn client, which has a better webcam feature, appart from aMsn (webcam chat sucks)? thx11:27
Le-Chuck_ITAprospire right click on it and compress11:27
WilliamHerrytar -cvf filename11:27
prospireLe-Chuck_ITA: I want to do it through command line11:27
Le-Chuck_ITAprospire: otherwise, tar -czf backup.sql.tar.gz backup.sql11:27
ActionParsnip1meTTy: the new pidgin has cam supprt11:27
stefgjakerue: ok, so what's left on sda5 ? ls /media/disk is quicker than uploading a screenie11:27
Le-Chuck_ITAbut you don't need a tar (especially unzipped) for a single file)11:27
ActionParsnip1meTTy: or there is emesene11:27
ActionParsnip1meTTy: not sure of the spelling there, websearch it11:28
kisukegksudo pcmanfm &11:28
Prohibited"Google" :)11:28
prospireLe-Chuck_ITA: I don't want to gzip it11:28
jakeruestefg: dev  home  lib  lost+found  tmp  var11:28
meTTyActionParsnip1,  thank you :)11:28
prospireand whats -czf ?11:28
ActionParsnip1meTTy: np11:28
Le-Chuck_ITAprospire: it's not that different: tar -c filename.tar filename11:28
JPSmanim just here to join the party!! heh.  dont think i'll upgrade, but should I torrent it for seeding purposes?11:28
kisukepidign grabed keyboard V.V11:29
Le-Chuck_ITAprospire: tar -cf filename.tar filename11:29
prospirewhats -c and -cf?11:29
Le-Chuck_ITAprospire: -cf filename specifies the destination name, it's a copy, not in-place11:29
prince_jammysprospire: ''man tar'' for what the options mean.11:29
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 i did that do i have to do a restart because the fonts of the browser are the same and the folders' desktop too11:29
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: could restart x, see what happens11:29
Guest82563can someone take a look there please11:29
Guest82563i need help with wvdial11:30
Le-Chuck_ITAprospire: one hint: -c and -f are separate switches but tar follows the convention that you can combine single-char options in mysterious and unruled ways11:30
ubuntistashow can i restart x11:30
Le-Chuck_ITAprospire: "c" = create, "f"= filename11:30
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:30
prince_jammys"I want to use the commandline, but I need YOU to read out the manual to me."11:30
stefgjakerue: hmmm... not good. /tmp doesn't matter but the rest (except /home and lost+found) is important11:30
kisuke!x | ubuntistas11:30
ubottuubuntistas: please see above11:30
Le-Chuck_ITAprince_jammys: not to mention it might be a homework :)11:30
ubuntistasdo i have to install intel xorg driver11:30
trijezdcihi, anyone here familiar with Netatalk?11:31
prospireLe-Chuck_ITA: thanks11:31
jakeruestefg: I looked at a 2nd cut & paste but it's asking if I want to merge/skip11:31
ActionParsnip1Guest82563: line 15 doesnt look right, isnt it meant to send actual data rather than "IP","internet" >11:31
stefgjakerue. you want to merge11:31
jakeruestefg: ahh and here's the error again11:31
Author_test2Firefox, update-manager, nautilus and others spit out "Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0" errors, anyone having these as well ?11:32
Guest82563ActionParsnip1: explain me please i dont undestand11:32
Guest82563ActionParsnip1: i followed a tutorial in a pdf i can send you11:32
stefgjakerue: or lets just do it on cli. sudo cp -ar /var /media/sda111:32
stefgjakerue: wait ..11:32
prospireI think tar extension is available in only linux and not in windows, am I rihgt?11:32
system404hey guys need to know how to enable visual effects when i try to do it it says desktop effects could not be enabled  plus i cant set my resolution above 800x60011:32
kisukeubuntistas: if you are useing a desktop as opposet to a commandline interface then no11:33
stefgjakerue: or lets just do it on cli. sudo cp -ar /media/disk/var /media/sda111:33
Guest82563Guest82563: hpmini+ubuntu + lg ku250 + yoigo  is what i have11:33
=== dream is now known as Guest36667
Boohbahstefg: cp -ar is redundant, -a includes -r  :)11:33
ActionParsnip1Guest82563: i'd review the pdf. I think you are supposed to flesh those out with some form of info11:33
stefgBoohbah: err... yes11:34
jakeruestefg: looking it up agpgart has to do with my display.  Trying command line now11:34
JPSmanon NM, its not out until the 29 woops ok11:34
JPSmanL8R guys11:34
mo0nykitprospire: as far as I know, you can untar in windows through cygwin, a Linux-like environment in Windows11:34
Guest82563ActionParsnip1: i dont undestand :(11:34
prospiremo0nykit: hmm11:34
prospirethanks for that info'11:34
WilliamHerryHit http://ubuntu.cn99.com jaunty-security/multiverse Sources11:34
mo0nykitprospire: np :)11:34
jakeruestefg: no error...on the copy11:34
WilliamHerrywhat's hit mean?11:34
ActionParsnip1Guest82563: reread the pdf to verify the steps and settings you applied11:34
BoohbahWilliamHerry: i personally do not visit any url containing the string 'cn'11:34
=== maximo__ is now known as Maximo
Guest82563ActionParsnip1: http://www.3gspain.org/foros/showthread.php?t=6880   i did the pdf is there11:35
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:35
WilliamHerryboohboh what is you mean?11:35
stefgjakerue: sudo cp -a /media/disk/dev /media/sda111:35
ubuntistasfonts problem done! but the browser font are the same oops!11:36
system404hey guys need to know how to enable visual effects when i try to do it it says desktop effects could not be enabled  plus i cant set my resolution above 800x600 anyone got any ideas its an intel945 chipset11:36
pshr_how to clear apt11:36
kisukeWilliamHerry: `".cn" means the server is baised in china11:36
pshr_apt-get clean11:36
jakeruestefg: OK again..no error11:36
pshr_some thing like that11:36
BoohbahWilliamHerry: .cn, China's TLD11:36
FloodBot1pshr_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)11:36
BoohbahWilliamHerry: i was just joking, i see that your url does not contain the .cn tld :)11:36
stefgjakerue: sudo cp -a /media/disk/lib /media/sda111:37
mo0nykitpshr_: I think that is the only way to clear the apt cache, if I get what you mean..11:37
=== monk is now known as monk444
pshr_Dude ! it says i cannot share, my tmp or what ever is full samba cannot share filesa11:37
jakeruestefg: ok11:37
pshr_and i restart the system it says me to free up space , now i am in failsafe gnome ... Gread11:37
monk444привет всем !11:37
=== WilliamHerry is now known as William
kisuke!ru | monk44411:38
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 the browser's fonta are the same any clue?11:38
ubottumonk444: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:38
ubuntistasdo i have to do a new profile11:38
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: do you mean bg?11:38
=== William is now known as Guest44372
stefgjakerue: now we nned some mountpoints.sudo mkdir /media/sda1/tmp && sudo mkdir /media/sda1/home11:38
=== Guest44372 is now known as Jenny
embrikdoes anybody know how to resize several images from command line?11:38
mo0nykitpshr_: hmm.. you probably installed too many packages? How about removing some packages that you do not need?11:39
stefgjakerue: then pastebin the output of ls -l /media/sda111:39
mo0nykitpshr_: Like "sudo apt-get remove <package>", then "sudo apt-get clean"11:39
pshr_yup, and how about removing old kernels11:39
system404hey guys need to know how to enable visual effects when i try to do it it says desktop effects could not be enabled  plus i cant set my resolution above 800x600 anyone got any ideas its an intel945 chipset11:39
pshr_i have a jam of 3 kernels sitting in my laptop11:39
pshr_rm -rf <old kernel> might do ?11:39
mo0nykitpshr_: old kernels? okay, i've been there.. let me look it up..11:39
ActionParsnip1system404: you have not got video drivers installed and/or configured11:40
jakeruestefg: sudo mkdir /media/sda1/tmp && sudo mkdir /media/sda1/home11:40
ActionParsnip1system404: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga11:40
mo0nykitpshr_: DONT use rm on an old kernel11:40
jakeruestefg: sorry ... mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/sda1/tmp': File exists11:40
system404they are installed i think but u may be right on the configured part11:40
=== naruto is now known as Guest11555
pshr_okie mo0nykit11:40
Author_test2Firefox, update-manager, nautilus and others spit out "Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0" errors, anyone having these as well ?11:40
system404to secs ill check action11:40
embrikdoes anybody know the command to resize several images at a time from command line?11:40
ubuntistasactionparsnip yes11:40
nazgjunkembrik: you're looking for imagemagick11:40
stefgjakerue: ok, so only sudo mkdir /media/sda1/home11:40
ActionParsnip1embrik: imagemagick!!11:40
=== Jenny is now known as William
ActionParsnip1embrik: you will love it11:41
stefgjakerue: will will exist by now, too11:41
system404Actionparsnip1: $ lspci | grep -i vga11:41
system40400:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)11:41
=== William is now known as Guest17837
kisukeAuthor_test2: check you internet settings11:41
pshr_Any light theme for ubuntu ?? suggestions please11:41
ActionParsnip1embrik: it can also convert between formats too, its hugely powerful11:41
=== Guest17837 is now known as Jenny
ubuntistaswave pshr_11:42
jakeruestefg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/282894/11:42
ActionParsnip1pshr_: do you mean light in colour?11:42
kisukepshr_: lxde11:42
jayroxi need help on how to make a live usb (going to boot from usb)11:42
firecrotchpshr_: gnome-look.org has lots of themes for you to look through11:42
godstarsystem404: ATI or Nvidia ?11:42
ActionParsnip1kisuke: thats not a theme that a DE11:42
mo0nykitpshr_: you can do a "sudo apt-get remove <kernel-image>"11:42
kisukeopps my bad i misread what he asked11:42
ubuntistaswhy don't get a save and quit form my firefox any clue?11:42
system404godstar: intel11:42
pshr_okies mo0nykit11:42
ActionParsnip1system404: if you run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:42
pshr_any nice ubuntu theme11:42
mo0nykitpshr_: you can look in /boot directory to know which <kernel-image> to remove11:42
stefgjakerue: ok. so we've moved the whole system except your personal files and settings over now11:43
pshr_yeah mo0nykit11:43
ActionParsnip1system404: you can find the very small section with one line that says Identifier "Configured video device"11:43
system404yes found that11:43
ActionParsnip1system404: and under that but above EndSection add the line:  Driver   "intel"11:43
mo0nykitpshr_: i've read that it's good practice not to remove the second-to-latest kernel :)11:43
godstarsystem404: have you tried system/administration/hardware drivers yet?11:43
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 the browser's fonta are the same(big) any clue?11:43
kisukeubuntistas: go to edit>prefrences and set it manually moust likely you checked "don't ask me again" at some point11:43
stefgjakerue: ok. now clean up /media/disk, so that only lost+found and /home are left11:43
mo0nykitpshr_: or your most trusted kernel for that matter..11:43
ActionParsnip1!font | ubuntistas try installing some fonts maybe11:44
ubottuubuntistas try installing some fonts maybe: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer11:44
jakeruestefg: ok.  Are we making home it's own partition now...?  Should I just del those folders then?11:44
ActionParsnip1system404: save the new file and reboot11:44
stefgjakerue: then you have to move all folders inside /home one level up in the filesystem11:44
mo0nykitpshr_: you might also want to remove the correponding headers (linux-headers-<same version number as kernel>)11:44
system404actionparsnip it curently says under the=at Driver "vesa"11:44
jakeruestefg: ok only a dir with my name on it.  Cut and pasted11:45
ActionParsnip1system404: thats the failsafe driver, you want to use intel11:45
system404will i remove driver "vesa"11:45
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 chromium's fonts are good, weird11:45
ActionParsnip1system404: if it doesnt work then boot to grub11:45
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: then rename ~/.mozilla and try again11:45
ubuntistaskisuke where exactly i can't see it11:45
stefgjakerue: alright. so /media/disk now only has lost+found and your user folder, right?11:45
ActionParsnip1system404: and select recovery mode, select root, you can then use vi or nano to edit it back11:45
system404will i remove the line Driver "vesa"11:46
jakeruestefg: and a folder called home...delete that too?11:46
jayroxhow do i format my usb to FAT11:46
kisukesystem404: the vesa driver is the "safe" driver that works when all else fails (usually)11:46
ActionParsnip1system404: just change "vesa" to "intel"11:46
ActionParsnip1jayrox: gksudo gparted11:46
ActionParsnip1jayrox: make sure it is unmounted11:46
stefgjakerue: that /home should be emty and can be deleted then11:46
joaopintoactually vesa fails on me, unlike the intel driver :)11:46
jayroxhow do i make sure it is unmounted?11:47
Jennywhere there is a will, there is a way11:47
jakeruestefg: it was and it's gone11:47
jayroxi just want to format a usb...11:47
jayroxto FAT11:47
ActionParsnip1jayrox: in nautilus, if you see the device in places, right click it, if unmount is an option, click it11:47
stefgjakerue: what's left now is to glue the bits and pieces together. we start by realigning the nootloader to its config files11:47
jayroxohh ok11:48
jayroxim also using ubuntu netbook remix if that helps11:48
ubuntistashow actionparsnip1? i renamed it but nothing11:48
stefgjakerue: sudo grub .... you'll get a grub prompt11:48
ubuntistashow actionparsnip1? i renamed it but nothing11:49
jakeruestefg: OK...it's probing devices....11:49
ubuntistasdo i have to do a restart11:49
jakeruestefg: and at the prompt now11:49
kisukeubuntistas:  goto the "edit "menu  select "prefrences" about halfway down the first tab is the option you are looking for11:49
JohannesSM64are VT-d and VT-x actually important for virtualizing XP from Linux?11:49
cheslyndoes ubuntu have lots of <kernel - images>11:49
embrikActionParsnip1: installed imagemagick, read man-pages, try to start it by typing imagemagick11:49
stefgjakerue: when it's done : find /boot/grub/stage1 ... should gibe (hd0,0)11:49
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: when you rerun firefox, you will get a stock profile11:50
ActionParsnip1embrik: you can use it at command line11:50
=== _lover_ is now known as boooooooooooooom
=== boooooooooooooom is now known as booooooooooom
embrikActionParsnip1: Is there a gui for imgagemagick - it doresn't start in commandline11:50
kisukeubuntistas: did you find it?11:50
ubuntistasfirefox -ProfileManager actionparnip1 this command11:51
=== naruto is now known as Guest19456
jakeruestefg: I get the hd(0,0)11:51
ubuntistasi did a rename but nothing11:51
stefgjakerue: root (hd0,0)11:51
ActionParsnip1embrik: it doesnt start in cli either, it gives you tools to manipulate, like the convert command11:51
stefgjakerue: setup (hd0)11:51
kisukebooooooooooom: hi11:51
ubuntistasyes kisuke the problem is that when i open chatzilla doesn't work properly that's why anyway thx!11:52
embrikActionParsnip1: ok, thanks :-)11:52
jakeruestefg: ok done11:52
ActionParsnip1embrik: and mogrify11:52
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
stefgjakerue: exit grub by quit11:53
pshr_any good ones11:53
stefgjakerue: now the fstab11:53
booooooooooom2. Open Synaptic package manager and install the gnome-ppp package.11:53
booooooooooom. Open Synaptic package manager and install the gnome-ppp package.11:53
stefgjakerue: i'd need an updated 'sudo blkid' on pastebin11:53
kisukeubuntistas: chatzilla has its own option for that (i think)  i don't remember where it is scence its been a while scence i used it and never did gointo the exact same channels11:53
pshr_How about setting all the desktop icons to same size.... God! it really gets on my nerve to find each icon of different size11:53
pshr_Address to the problem pleas11:53
booooooooooom  where i fet it11:53
booooooooooom  where i get it11:53
ActionParsnip1embrik: e.g. mkdir ~/converted; find . -iname "*.jpg" -exec convert -resize 50% {} ~/converted/{} \;11:53
jakeruestefg: browse to sda1 to get the fstab?11:54
booooooooooom2. Open Synaptic package manager and install the gnome-ppp package.11:54
jayroxwhen creating a live img usb should i use fat 16 or fat 3211:54
pshr_Dude!! How about setting all the desktop icons to same size.... God! it really gets on my nerve to find each icon of different size11:54
ActionParsnip1booooooooooom: sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp11:54
stefgjakerue: that's not required to get the UUIDs from blkid, but you need to write an fstab there anyway11:54
jakeruestefg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/282903/11:54
ActionParsnip1embrik: that sort of thing11:54
booooooooooomit already in ubuntu11:54
mo0nykit!repeat | pshr_11:54
ubottupshr_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:54
pshr_mo0nykit, do you know how to set them to same size11:55
mo0nykitpshr_: no i don't11:55
pshr_like in case i have a pdf it gets all biggie11:55
pshr_oh! k11:55
ActionParsnip1embrik: will search from the pwd recursively and resize the files by 50% and spit them out to ~/converted11:55
booooooooooomgnome ppp exist already in uBuntu ?11:55
ActionParsnip1system404: better?11:55
mo0nykitpshr_: i just discovered. right click, choose stretch icon.11:56
Gneabooooooooooom: so use it11:56
booooooooooomOK :)11:56
pshr_yeah thats totally manually.... Some thing at ease would be great11:56
stefgjakerue: hold on a sec while i figure out your fstab11:56
mo0nykitpshr_: haha yeah.. i don't know any other way11:56
system404Actionparsnip: i tried that it didnt work now i cant log on to ubuntu im hooked up to my tv and after doing that edit it says unrecognised video format so ive booted up the live cd in live cd how do i change the file back11:56
jakeruestefg: sure thing11:56
ActionParsnip1embrik: imagemagick is massively powerful like that if you buddy it up with find -exec11:56
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:57
booooooooooompshr enjoy11:57
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 do you mean to rename the name of the browser's profile?11:57
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 do you mean to rename the name of the browser's profile?11:57
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:57
pshr_ha ha bbye booooooooooom11:57
fedrawiDemonstrate the use of script pastebin.sh11:58
pshr_thanks ;11:58
ubuntistashow can i do a rerun?11:58
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: close all firefoxes. then run: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_backup0110200911:58
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: then rerun firefox11:58
fedrawiIs there to explain to us the use of scripts pastebin.sh11:58
system404Actionparsnip: i tried that it didnt work now i cant log on to ubuntu im hooked up to my tv and after doing that edit it says unrecognised video format so ive booted up the live cd in live cd how do i change the file back11:58
wavezmy computer has an NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT. I'm trying to boot ubuntu. I think it's version 6.06. The older version is required for my use. The display works fine at the boot menu but not after.11:58
ActionParsnip1fedrawi: pastebinit is in the repos if you want cli pastebin functionality?11:58
stefgjakerue: you might be interested meanwhile to read the fstab factoid11:58
stefg!fstab | jakerue11:58
ubottujakerue: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:58
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions11:58
wavezCan anyone help me, or direct me to a good place to get help with my display problem?11:59
ActionParsnip1wavez: the desktop isnt supported anymore so you will have a hard time11:59
=== naruto is now known as Guest6716
wavezActionParsnip1, the desktop isn't supported anymore?11:59
fedrawiActionParsnip1, I mean cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebin.sh11:59
ActionParsnip1wavez: you may get luck if you install the .run file from www.nvidia.com11:59
ActionParsnip1!6.06 | wavez11:59
ubottuwavez: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions11:59
ActionParsnip1fedrawi: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit12:00
system404Actionparsnip: any ideas12:00
jakeruestefg: I understand how it works..sorta...I do play around with stuff but some files like fstab make me nervous about making errors12:00
ActionParsnip1system404: ok then boot to recovery mode root console and edit back12:00
wavezActionParsnip1, it might be 8.0412:01
system404i cant get into grub to go into recovery mode unsupported video format but im in the live cd and can access my files that way12:01
wavezActionParsnip1, I'm trying to test out EMC2. The site says it uses either 6.06, or 8.0412:02
ubuntistasactionparsnip u destroyed me man12:02
ActionParsnip1wavez: lsb_release -c     will tell you12:02
ActionParsnip1system404: grub is not affected y videodrivers12:02
ubuntistassame result i did that too12:02
ActionParsnip1system404: it uses text mode, as soon as the system starts to boot press ESC quite regularaly12:03
ubuntistasand not addons or bookmarks anyway thx for your help12:03
system404ok ill try that thanks12:03
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:03
system404once in recovery console how do i edit the file again12:03
wavezActionParsnip1, so I should try to boot ubuntu and then get to the console using ESC?12:03
ActionParsnip1system404: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:04
ActionParsnip1system404: edit the line as normal12:04
ActionParsnip1system404: then press ctrl+x, y then enter12:04
ActionParsnip1system404: you can then reboot with: shutdown -r now12:04
=== tPl0ch is now known as tPl0ch^lunch
stefgjakerue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/282909/ watch out that line wrap doesn't mess things up and make sure you have an empty line ath bottom12:05
wavezwill try. brb12:05
frogzoogrrr - seems like lots of people have had trouble with their sound card disappearing in jaunty12:06
jakeruestefg: ok I think I got it.  Where should I save this?12:07
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 same outcome with a destroyed result12:07
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: ok well we only renamed so you can easily rollback12:07
stefgjakerue: /media/sda1/etc/fstab12:07
ubuntistasrollback :) how???????12:08
ubuntistasany other option before doing the rollback actionparsnip112:08
jakeruestefg: OK replaced the old one12:09
ce___smgao ...12:09
stefgjakerue: then cross fingers and reboot (hopefully in the installed system, not into Live CD again) But come back in any case, there's some mopping up to do12:09
jakeruestefg: ok see you in 512:09
ubuntistasi have to catch my class fast please i can't stand....12:10
dg_.nick iam12:10
=== dg_ is now known as iam
JoshDreamlandWhen I scroll very fast at all with my wheel, it starts interpreting it backwards every few ticks12:12
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=== ugin is now known as oups
meTTyi downloaded a tar file and extracted it on the desktop, in which directory does linux usually store such folders of programms like emesene? thx12:12
JoshDreamlandSo if I'm scrolling up, it'll go three ticks up, then two or so down,12:12
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: You downloaded a tarball of a program?12:13
=== oups is now known as oupss
meTTyJoshDreamland,  yes12:13
JoshDreamlandOr a tarball of source code?12:13
JoshDreamlandI've never seen program releases as tar, usually as deb or pkg12:13
meTTyJoshDreamland, i downloaded a tarball of emesene12:14
Guest79376» meTTy » ñîñè õóé12:14
meTTyJoshDreamland, the last one on this page: http://emesene.org/download.html12:14
Guest79376» Kedo » åé êåäà òû ìåíÿ ïîíèìàåø?12:14
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: What distro are you running?12:15
meTTyJoshDreamland, ubuntu (netbook remix) 9.0412:15
JoshDreamlandI didn't notice this was #ubuntu12:15
JoshDreamlandDid you try apt-getting it?12:16
remoteCTR1i need this kghostview installed, apt tells me that is referred to by another package but has no installation candidate, can somebody pls help me find out what package kghostview is part of?12:16
meTTyJoshDreamland, yes but i didn't have the current version in my rep12:16
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: It gives me a deb file when I go to download.12:17
meTTyJoshDreamland, so i tried to just download it directly12:17
jakeruestefg: failure12:17
JoshDreamlandAnd it gave you a tarball instead of this deb file?12:18
meTTyJoshDreamland, http://sourceforge.net/projects/emesene/files/emesene/emesene-1.5/emesene-1.5.tar.gz/download gives me a tar.gz12:18
stefgjakerue: let me guess... didn't find root-fs, dropped to prompt in initrd ?12:18
jakeruestefg: GRUB booted hd(0,4), ext3 and ended up with error 1512:18
stefgjakerue: right... we forgot /boot/grub/menu.lst12:18
stefgjakerue: so you should have both sda1 and sda5 accesible from the places menu12:19
jakeruestefg: I do12:20
hunorszep napot mindenkinek12:20
stefgjakerue: we need to get /boot/grub/menu.lst on sda112:20
ubuntistasactionparsnip1 solved how can i do a rollback now?12:20
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: Is that the version you wanted?12:20
meTTyJoshDreamland, ok i now downloaded the deb file, how will i have to proceed now if i want to delete the further versions and install the newer one?12:21
meTTyJoshDreamland, yes it is12:21
ubuntistasactionparsnip are u there?12:21
jakeruestefg: they seem to be named /media/disk and /media/disk-112:21
JoshDreamlandIf you don't trust the package manager to do so, you can try apt-get uninstall12:21
JoshDreamlandBut from here, you should just be able to double click the deb file and it'll handle the rest12:21
stefgjakerue: yup disk is sda1 disk-1 is sda512:21
ubuntistasbeing ubuntero is magical but some bugs destroy the whole story!12:22
ubuntistasroleback please to my previous profile of firefox any idea?12:23
ubuntistasi mean rollback12:23
ozone89i'd like to update fglrx, but I need help O_o12:24
meTTyJoshDreamland, i got the following error by doing that: python-support (>= 0.90.0) :(12:24
jakeruestefg: OK got it open12:24
JoshDreamlandAnd I suppose aptitude thinks it's at newest?12:24
Jennyhow can i find some word in vim?12:24
stefgjakerue: put on pastebin, plz12:24
JoshDreamlandwhat version are you running?12:24
meTTyJoshDreamland, yes12:24
hmwI am trying to use "partimage" to clone a windows install, but am having troubles (Cloned Disk -> XP bluescreen after 5 seconds) - can you recommend another tool, which is more fool-proof than partimage?12:25
ubuntistasroleback please to my previous profile of firefox any idea?12:25
=== Jenny is now known as William
jakeruestefg: right, sorry ..  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/282920/12:25
meTTyJoshDreamland,  0.8.7ubuntu412:25
=== William is now known as Guest32102
stefgjakerue: ok, and to doublecheck: sudo blkid once again on pastebin12:26
JoshDreamlandpython --version printed that?12:26
system404Actionparsnip: no joy cant get into recovery that way still keeps saying unsupported video format its not ubuntu its my damn tv big 42 inch plasma does everything except the things i want it too lmao anyway i can access live cd so how to change the file12:26
=== Guest32102 is now known as WilliamHerry
meTTyJoshDreamland, python version is 2.6.212:26
ubuntistasactionparsnip solved how can i do a rollback now?12:27
=== sniper is now known as Guest13507
JoshDreamlandOne moment, I must be missing something12:27
jakeruestefg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/282922/12:27
ubuntistasactionparsnip solved how can i do a rollback now?12:27
ubuntistasactionparsnip solved how can i do a rollback now?12:27
meTTyJoshDreamland, kk12:28
stefgjakerue: k12:28
WilliamHerryubuntu is start and gentoo is end12:28
=== zero is now known as Guest41616
Dr_WillisWilliamHerry:  you may want to try making a little more sence.12:29
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: Seems to be a known bug. People have a workaround involving downloading an RPM and converting it to DEB.12:29
aboanas93megauplad is blocked, hoe i unblock it?12:29
Gerry_Hello everyone12:29
chill1Im getting init: rc-default termination problem, can someone help me pls??12:29
system404Actionparsnip: no joy cant get into recovery that way still keeps saying unsupported video format its not ubuntu its my damn tv big 42 inch plasma does everything except the things i want it too lmao anyway i can access live cd so how to change the file12:29
WilliamHerryi can't join12:29
meTTyJoshDreamland,  thanks for your help, but as i am not very into linux yet, i don't know what a RPM is12:30
ozone89I'd like to update fglrx. how do I do?12:30
JoshDreamlandIt's Fedora's version of DEB, which is Ubuntu's version of EXE12:30
Gerry_Can someone help please with Jaunty freezing on heavy harddisk usage?12:30
JoshDreamlandFor installers12:30
ubuntistasi did that command mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_backup01102009 how can i restore my previous profile , i mean a rollback12:30
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: Verify this is the right version and download it: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/F11/FEDORA-2009-904512:30
aboanas93unblocking (proxy servers)?12:30
system404Actionparsnip: no joy cant get into recovery that way still keeps saying unsupported video format its not ubuntu its my damn tv big 42 inch plasma does everything except the things i want it too lmao anyway i can access live cd so how to change the file12:31
aboanas93_how i unblock megaupload?12:31
system404how to edit xorg.conf file via live cd anyone12:31
icerootsystem404: sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:32
aboanas93_ how i unblock megaupload?12:32
icerootsystem404: or gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:32
JoshDreamlandsystem404: before installing?12:32
system404after installing12:32
Gerry_Can someone help please? My ubuntu Jaunty constantly freezes (total system hang up) when I have heavy harddisk utilization.12:33
JoshDreamlandEither thing iceroot said would be great12:33
system404i previously edited and messed up so have to edit it back now cant get to recovery console so have to edit via live cd12:33
aboanas93_ how do i unblock megaupload?12:33
icerootaboanas93_: what is megaupload?12:33
ubuntistasi did that command mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_backup01102009 how can i restore my previous profile , i mean a rollback12:33
JoshDreamlandsystem404: cd /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:33
meTTyJoshDreamland, ok i'll do so, should i download the src rpm?12:33
icerootJoshDreamland: not cd12:33
booooooooooooooo i can't find any gnomeppp12:34
ikoniameTTy: rpm's aren't intended for ubuntu12:34
JoshDreamlandsystem404: ls | grep xorg.conf12:34
system404i need to edit the xorg.conf file of my install not the cd12:34
stefgjakerue: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/282929/ ... for some mysteriuos reason i got double LF's .... but shouldn't matter12:34
icerootubuntistas: mv ~/.mozilla_backup01102009 ~/-mozilla12:34
JoshDreamlandoh, right.12:34
aboanas93_yo guys12:34
ikoniasystem404: open it with your text editor of choice - /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:34
booooooooooooooo i can't find any gnomeppp in package manger12:34
icerootsystem404: sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:34
booooooooooooooo i can't find any gnomeppp in package manger12:34
icerootsystem404: or gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:34
booooooooooooooo i can't find any gnomeppp in package manger12:35
JoshDreamlandiceroot: He needs to restore a backup.12:35
meTTyikonia, JoshDreamland  told me to download the rpm and somehow convert it12:35
ikoniabooooooooooooooo: search for gnome-ppp12:35
aboanas93_ how do i unblock megaupload?12:35
WilliamHerryhow can i change default editor?12:35
Gerry_iceroot: Ubuntu does not block websites like megaupload by itself. If it is blocked, that is due to your network administrator doing so. No chance to unblock on your side then.12:35
ikoniameTTy: what do you want to download ?12:35
JoshDreamlandiceroot: I think whatever he saved it in would have backed it up for him12:35
ikoniaaboanas93_: what is blocking it ?12:35
JoshDreamlandikonia: I told him to get a Fedora RPM Of it.12:35
system404thanks iceroot but that shows up an unedited version it dont bring up the one i edited the changes i made arent there12:35
ikoniaJoshDreamland: of what ?12:35
aboanas93_my ISP!!!12:35
ikoniaaboanas93_: talk to your ISP then - it's not an ubuntu issue12:35
booooooooooooooo  how can i reinstall the grup in Ubuntu12:36
jakeruestefg:  OK I will reboot and get back to you12:36
booooooooooooooo  how can i reinstall the grup in Ubuntu12:36
booooooooooooooo  how can i reinstall the grup in Ubuntu12:36
icerootsystem404: then open your file/backup12:36
FloodBot1booooooooooooooo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:36
JoshDreamlandikonia: There's a bug that you can work around by converting the RPM instead12:36
meTTyikonia, i  want to install emesene 1.5, but there is a known bug with some python stuff12:36
ikoniabooooooooooooooo: stop12:36
JoshDreamlandikonia: Some MSN replacement for linux12:36
aboanas93_na ,not that. how can i use ubuntu proxy?12:36
Martin1hi there12:36
stefgjakerue: wait12:36
icerootbooooooooooooooo: you dont want to uninstall grub12:36
ikoniaJoshDreamland: fedora rpm's aren't intended for ubuntu - they require different library versions12:36
aboanas93_is there one?12:36
ikonia!grub > booooooooooooooo12:36
ubottubooooooooooooooo, please see my private message12:36
JoshDreamlandikonia: not if you use alien to convert thme12:36
WilliamHerryapt-get can do that12:36
stefgjakerue: let's do some basic things first12:36
ikoniaJoshDreamland: yes - if you use alien to conver them they stil have the same dependencies12:36
Gerry_Has someone else encountered freezing the whole system on Ubuntu Jaunty 64 bit when there is heavy disk usage?12:37
stefgjakerue: unmount  /media/disk and /media/disk112:37
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: Did you download the RPM, and is it the right version?12:37
WilliamHerryhow can i change default editor when i use visudo command?12:37
ikoniameTTy: I assume you've tried emesene from the ubuntu repos ?12:37
system404anyone any ideas on my issue12:37
meTTyJoshDreamland,  what kind of rpm should i download? src, i586...?12:37
ikoniameTTy: I would very strongly advise you not to try to install fedora packages on ubuntu12:37
JoshDreamlandikonia: The dependency thing is a known bug. Someone found a workaround this way.12:37
ikoniameTTy: VERY strongly12:37
ikoniaJoshDreamland: if a package is compiled with dependencies - nothing can change that, there is no work around12:38
prajjwalis there a way to auto signing in -mount my other partition after12:38
JoshDreamlandikonia: I would normally as well, except this is a known workaround.12:38
ikoniaJoshDreamland: alien just unpacks it12:38
JoshDreamlandikonia: He meets the dependencies.12:38
prajjwalis there a way to auto mount my other partitions ***12:38
Martin1I am in the wrong chat but perhaps someone can help me. I am installing zen cafe (zenwalk) from an usb stick. later i have to give a directory where the filesystem is in. so which directory can my usb stick have?12:38
ikoniabooooooooooooooo: can you please stop doing that - this channel is for ubuntu discussion only12:38
JoshDreamlandikonia: The DEB package's check is buggy.12:38
jakeruestefg: hold on....trying to get permissions to edit sda112:38
ikoniaMartin1: yes this is the wrong channel12:38
booooooooooooooololz i saw some fun here12:38
stefgjakerue: i'd run a 'sudo fsck /dev/sda1' and after that a 'sudo fsck /dev/sda5' .. never trust gparted. then you want to claim some space back on sda5. 'sudo tune2fs -m0 /dev/sda5'12:39
meTTyJoshDreamland,  why can't i just update my python?12:39
booooooooooooooothats why i am doing it12:39
boooooooooooooooplzz don't banned me12:39
Gerry_Martin1: Check if it was auto-mounted and is in "media" or "mnt"12:39
ikoniabooooooooooooooo: please stop. The conversation topic is ubuntu support only, please stick to that12:39
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: It's my understanding that your python version exceeds the requirement by two large releases.12:39
JoshDreamlandBeing full versions.12:39
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:39
booooooooooooooo:( ok12:39
stefgjakerue: and of course you nedd to 'gksudo gedit /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst' ordinary users are not allowed to mess with system files12:39
JoshDreamlandmeTTy, ikonia: http://forum.emesene.org/index.php/topic,2258.0.html12:40
Gerry_Has someone else encountered freezing the whole system on Ubuntu Jaunty 64 bit when there is heavy disk usage?12:40
hermdogi need some help, so i press some strange keyboard combo and now the screen is following my mouse around12:40
mcmlxxihow to dual boot with another distro?12:40
Martin1Gerry_: the problem is that I cant check that. it is just a field in which I have to enter the directory. no terminal12:40
JoshDreamlandGerry_: It's very difficult to diagnose the problem knowing so little about it12:40
system404ok ive found the file i need to change but dont have permissions to change it in the live cd how do i get permission12:40
jakeruestefg: ok got it copied...working on the rest12:41
hermdogas i move the mouse around the screen the screen will shift with it12:41
Gerry_JoshDreamland: : If I knew more, I would not be here but solving it myself.12:41
meTTyJoshDreamland, ok thanx, i will have a look at that thread12:41
hermdogits as if the screen is only showing a small part of my total resolution12:42
jakeruestefg: can't unmount media - disk is busy12:42
hermdogand my mouse helps to move around the screen12:42
hermdogi need to make it stop! i has not done anything like this at all!!12:42
JoshDreamlandGerry_: You know hard drive make and age12:42
stefgjakerue: save and exit gedit, leave the directory view of sda112:42
JoshDreamlandGerry_: You also know the details as to why you say the hard drive load is the cause.12:43
JoshDreamlandHow are you sure it isn't CPU usage in general?12:43
jakeruestefg: it's not open.  Only have terminal,ffox and pidgin open12:43
* booooooooooooooo boom boom 12:43
ikoniabooooooooooooooo: please stop that12:43
Gerry_JoshDreamland:  Hard disks are: 40 GB IDE Notebook Harddisk (for low power consumption) and 2x 1GB S-ATA (Software RAID 1). The RAID harddisks are brand new.12:44
stefgjakerue: sync && sudo umount /dev/sda112:44
JoshDreamlandOh lord12:44
JoshDreamlandI would rather have nothing to do with RAID things. Bad experiences. Are those what's in use?12:44
Gerry_JoshDreamland: I found out first that the system stopped responding when pushing large data amounts over gigabit lan to the RAID array.12:45
jakeruestefg: still no go.  Won't let me do it from Places menu either12:45
Gerry_JoshDreamland: I then tested with the 40 GB IDE harddisk to rule out a defect software raid, but same problem. System freezes.12:45
jakeruestefg: ok had to close terminal window12:45
stefgjakerue: hmm .. crap. anyway you can run sudo tune2fs -m0 /dev/sda512:45
hermdogwhat does Super + R usually do?12:45
jakeruestefg: all unmounted, what next?12:46
Gerry_JoshDreamland: I then tried bonie++ to test harddisk only without network being involved - again system froze.12:46
Gerry_JoshDreamland: Nothing in the log files.12:46
stefgjakerue: the tune2fs line, then for good measure  an fsck for either partition12:47
JoshDreamlandGerry_: Not sure I can help. Let me think, though.12:47
JoshDreamlandOkay, wait12:47
JoshDreamlandDid you do anything to make sure the 40GB wasn't at fault?12:47
=== William is now known as WilliamHerry
Gerry_JoshDreamland: Ok12:48
jakeruestefg: ok done all12:48
JoshDreamlandI'd run fsck on it in quiet 312:48
stefgjakerue: ok. good look for another reboot12:48
jakeruestefg: here I go12:48
Gerry_JoshDreamland: I will try that.12:48
booooooooooooooohey any ssh client exists in ubuntu12:49
ikoniabooooooooooooooo: yes, it's instlaled by default12:49
DJones!ssh | booooooooooooooo12:50
ubottubooooooooooooooo: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pigdin12:50
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete12:51
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:51
=== tPl0ch^lunch is now known as tPl0ch
timjdaveyhmm, does anyone know when sun-java6 got taken out of apt-get12:52
SnowKittyi need help compiling BSNES, i dunno how to do it12:52
Priceytimjdavey: search for it on packages.ubuntu.com12:52
SnowKittyi have the source that i got from byuu's site12:52
WilliamHerryhow can i make my system support russian language12:53
SnowKittyWilliamHerry: pour vodka on it12:53
indusWilliamHerry: you can go to menu>system>admin>language support12:53
timjdaveycheers doing so now12:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sun12:54
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:54
industimjdavey: have you enabled all the repos12:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-ppp12:54
timjdaveyohhh no thats thats probably it12:55
UF-Gast997hi leute12:55
timjdaveyhmmm I should have the multiverse repo though12:55
stefg!de | UF-Gast99712:56
ubottuUF-Gast997: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:56
hermdogis there a way to put X back to its full displayed resolution, without resetting it?12:57
kindyroothi there, is there a known problem with apt unwilling to find any packages?12:57
kindyrootsources are fine12:57
kindyrooti am running on a fresh install12:57
stefgkindyroot: repos might be overloaded, karmic-beta release is ahead12:58
helloworld245hermdog: :"sudo killall gdm" then "sudo gdm" from tty12:58
meTTyJoshDreamland, thanks very much,worked all great, except for the webcam feature :) just a freeze image :(12:58
Gerry_JoshDreamland: If it is related to a corrupt file system: Why does the whole system freeze? No network traffic passing through anymore, no console login, no remote ssh login. Nothing.12:58
mihawhere can i ask launchpad translation question?12:58
Picimiha: #launchpad12:58
booooooooooooooomy this channel is giving me fun12:59
indusmiha:hmm #ubuntu-translation?12:59
boooooooooooooooguys if i install gnome-ppp then it ant another packages then ?12:59
mihaindus: that one is empty12:59
mihalaunchpad seems ok12:59
hermdoghelloworld245: wont that kill my current login?12:59
indusmiha: i missed the s12:59
kindyrootstefg: I am not sure it's that, I am running through the same sources from another machine with more success12:59
indusmiha: #ubuntu-translations12:59
helloworld245hermdog: yes it will13:00
kindyrootusing the same repos13:00
indusmiha: sorry  1 sec13:00
jakeruestefg: OK go to the ubuntu load....which game me issues about having no Home and then it took 5-6 min with just a blank screen....mouse but nothing else13:00
sauravSERIOUS QUESTION : is there any good download manager in ubuntu ? I am now using axel. But it has no GUI .13:00
JoshDreamlandmeTTy: 'Fraid  that isn't in my scope of capability13:00
stefgjakerue: permission issues13:00
JoshDreamlandGerry_: I take it that means fsck had nothing to say?13:00
hermdoghelloworld245: is there any other way? i pressed super+r and it messed up the xserver viewing(im not seeing full displayed resolution) is there a keycombo that will undo it?13:01
Gerry_JoshDreamland: correct13:01
indusmiha: #ubuntu-translators13:01
pshr_Dude!! Any side bars for ubuntu... like in vista13:01
benjamin__hi, has someone expiricenc with shell scripts? I use ina shell script the command read -a. successfully on a centos server but in kubuntu 9.1 I get "illigal option -a", any ideas?13:01
stefgjakerue: you did use the root-nautilus for the cut *and* the paste operatiion,, didn't you?13:01
jakeruestefg: I did13:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sidebar13:02
indussaurav: try d4x13:02
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!13:02
boooooooooooooooindu are u Indiian13:02
indus!info > d4x13:02
ubottu<indus> wants you to know: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>13:02
ubottu'd4x' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner13:02
sauravThanks Indus13:02
helloworld245hermdog: well, i'm not aware if there exists such a way13:02
indus!info  d4x13:02
ubottuError: I tried to send you an empty message.13:02
hermdoghelloworld245: CRAP!! im running a php script and i dont want to rerun it later!!13:02
stefgjakerue: so mount /dev/sda1 again, we're going to chroot into the installed system13:03
boooooooooooooooindus are u Indiian13:03
booooooooooooooohi saurav13:03
boooooooooooooooJai Hind13:03
boooooooooooooooindus are u Indiian13:03
jakeruestefg: ok ready13:03
indusbooooooooooooooo: yes, i prefer if you change your nick,its too distracting13:03
sauravHello B0*913:03
stefgjakerue: i assume it gets mounted to /media/disk again13:03
=== booooooooooooooo is now known as Kapoor
Kapoorok bhai13:03
indussaurav: also try gwget13:03
Kapoorcan i talk u to in Hindi13:03
industhis is english channel only13:04
jakeruestefg: I have both part mounted13:04
ikoniaKapoor: you won't be asked again to keep to the channel topic13:04
Kapoorbhai plzz i can't speak english every well13:04
helloworld245hermdog: well, system > preferences > display13:04
hermdogit defaults to the nvideo driver system13:04
indusKapoor: try #ubuntu-in13:04
ikoniaKapoor: try #ubuntu-in13:04
sauravNo such good download  manager in Ubuntu !!!! like "internet download manager " found in Windows !! This is SERIOUS !!13:05
stefgjakerue: get a terminal and a root shell by 'sudo -i13:05
helloworld245saurav: try axel13:05
indussaurav: try firefox addon downthemall13:05
hermdoghelloworld245:and all the settings in that seem to be 100%13:05
tradiuzSo, does anyone here have experience with the Sheevaplug Devkit?13:05
=== kb is now known as Guest64495
sauravI am now using axel .13:05
jakeruestefg: done13:05
indussaurav: did you try d4x?13:05
SnowKittymy hovercraft is full of eels13:05
stefgjakerue: cd /media/disk13:06
JoshDreamlandGerry_: I'm not sure. It's odd that is still boots, and just randomly stops working.13:06
jakeruestefg: k13:06
kyjagergion general Tux says, "Playing with eels may increase risk of health related problems"13:07
JoshDreamlandThe oddest case previous to this one I've seen is totally losing a superblock, rendering the hard drive useless13:07
JoshDreamlandUntil you restored it from backup, of course13:07
SnowKittycan anyone help me figure out how to compile something?13:07
stefgjakerue: mount --bind /proc proc && mount --bind /dev dev13:07
tradiuzSnowKitty -  ./configure && make && sudo make install13:07
tradiuzfor the most part13:08
jakeruestefg: k13:08
hermdogsweet jesus i got it!!13:08
=== Oli``` is now known as Oli``
stefgjakerue: now we do the actuel change root: chroot .13:08
hermdoghelloworld245: i got it thank you!13:09
brijith2 13:09
jakeruestefg: ok what am I doing next?  Is that a command?  It didn't like 'root chroot'13:09
WilliamHerrychroot is command13:10
JeffserraoI have a strange problem with ubuntu 9.04 when i installed my nvidia drivers lost my network connection any ideas why?13:10
hrabHello, could anyone tell me where the switch user thing in ubuntu9.04 has gone?    All I have is shut down, restart or log off.13:10
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)13:10
panopticonhrab, have you actually added the "user switcher" applet?13:11
Dr_Willishrab:  ive noticed ifyou use kdm to login to Gnome, or Gdm to login to kdm. that thing can vanish..   and the applet may not appera back if you log back in the other way13:11
WilliamHerryjust click the other name13:11
hrabNot on purpose no,13:11
stefgjakerue: you were having a prompt #/media/disk ... after a chroot . (notice the dot) you are root in the installed system and the prompt reads just / , right?13:11
panopticonthere's a difference between that and the "shut down" applet13:11
SnowKittyi cant get this figured out >.<13:11
jakeruestefg: root@ubuntu:/media/disk# chroot.13:12
jakerue-bash: chroot.: command not found13:12
gk1You can get this figured out?13:12
stefgjakerue: with a space between chroot and .13:12
nomad111does anyone have any trouble playing fullscreen youtube vids with a multi-monitor setup in ubuntu13:12
hrabTHanks , I'll go install it and see how it does13:13
jakeruestefg: ok now at 'root@ubuntu:/# '13:13
nomad111the video doesnt go fullscreen on my primary display13:13
JeffserraoNeed help with my LAN connection!!!!!!!13:13
nomad111its on the secondary and cut off a b it13:13
stefgjakerue: right, so you are now acting as root on the installed system. what is your username in the installed system ?13:13
stefgjakerue: cd /home , BTW13:14
jakeruestefg: I am root13:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about makefile13:15
stefgjakerue: no, i mean what username have you set up for yourself in the installed system13:15
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:15
jakeruestefg: jason13:15
stefgjakerue: so there is a dir jason in /home, right?13:15
jakeruestefg: yes13:16
jakeruestefg: actually doing an ls there is nothing in /home13:16
hrabHrm, OK fast-user-switch applett is loaded in synaptic, added "User Switcher" to the panel at the top, it doesn't have a switch option.13:17
=== jerald is now known as prappl93
prappl93Every time I boot up the Palm OS setup thing comes up, how do I stop that from happening?13:17
Jeffserraonetwork connections lost when i installed my nvidia drivers13:17
stefgjakerue: ah right.... the chroot hasn't got sda5 mounted. you'll have to unmount it from the live-cd and mount it in the chroot by 'mount /home' first13:17
JoshDreamlandAre there any workarounds to bug 374776?13:18
=== UF-Gast997 is now known as DAU
JoshDreamlandScratch that,13:18
JoshDreamlandI have the wrong number after all13:19
SnowKittyi am lost dammit13:20
jakeruestefg: I can unmount media/disk-1 but not media/disk ...an application preventing it from being unmounted13:20
SnowKittyi have an SRC folder after unpacking the archive13:20
SnowKittyand inside is a makefile, some.bat and other files and some folders13:20
sauravD4X is working ... now i am trying to download youtube video13:20
prappl93How do I keep the Palm OS Manager setup thing from loading when my system starts up13:21
stefgjakerue: that's right. we are chrooted into /media/disk (aka sda1), so only sda5 can and needs to be unmounted13:21
switchgirlhow to send a password reminder for ekiga?13:21
JoshDreamlandOH, that was just chatzilla's doing13:21
JoshDreamlandCan ubotu look up bugs by ID?13:22
stefgjakerue: so eject disk-1 from the Live CD environment and 'mount /home' in your chrooted terminal13:22
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga13:22
JoshDreamland!bug 37477613:22
switchgirl!ekiga password-reminder13:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:22
demon__could ya help me with webcam under guest XP for yahoo messenger with VBOX 3.0 ?13:22
JoshDreamlandThis afflicts me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/37477613:23
jakeruestefg: root@ubuntu:/# mount /home13:23
jakeruemount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/042b0e1b-d64c-40f4-bbd8-e9e15362625e does not exist13:23
jbeitlerswitchgirl: https://www.ekiga.net/index.php?page=chpass13:23
JoshDreamlandIs there anything I can do?13:23
natrixnatrix89Hi. What is the name of the program in xfce analog to gnome-panel in gnome?13:24
stefgjakerue: i see... stupid. make it 'mount /dev/sda5 /home'13:24
jakeruestefg: ok done13:24
helloworld245natrixnatrix89: try xfce4-panel13:24
JoshDreamlandAnd why does my numpad double as a mouse now? I USE THAT <_<"13:24
stefgjakerue: so if you ls now you see the jason dir in /home ?13:24
jakeruestefg: I do :)13:25
stefgjakerue: ok, now 'chmod -R jason:jason /home/jason'13:25
stefgjakerue: sorry that is chown -R jason:jason /home/jason13:26
jakeruestefg: dropped to a promt13:26
jimdogAnyone know anything about how to get a device driver to recognise a usb device on insert? the lsusb output gives an incorrect id and so the driver isn being linked to the device. Itś a cypress cy7c65xxx microcontroller and has a kernel driver, but it won associate to read and write. May be something to do with the HAL?13:27
switchgirljbeitler: thats no good i forgot it13:27
jakeruestefg: exit, quit doesn't work13:27
switchgirl\i forgot it and that page needs you toknow the password to change it13:27
jbeitlerswitchgirl: there is a Forgot Link at the top of the page13:27
JoshDreamlandFixed numpad. Scroll wheel still sucks. I give up.13:27
stefgjakerue: didin't you get an error when trying to chmod instead of chown ?13:27
jimdogsorry thats a cy7c63xx13:27
jakeruestefg: no, it just dropped to a >13:28
switchgirljbeitler:  sometimes i wonder about my sanity    thanks for pointing that out13:28
jakeruestefg: ah sorry yes I did get an error...then it dropped to >13:28
jbeitlerswitchgirl: no problem13:28
stefgjakerue: press ctrl-d ... do you get back from the chroot?13:29
jakeruestefg: I did.  Ran the chown -R jason:jason /home/jason13:29
stefgjakerue: frominside the chroot ?13:30
Steilhey guys what happened to gaybuntu?the website does not work anymore13:30
bazhang!ot | Steil13:30
ubottuSteil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:30
jakeruestefg: I want to run root@ubuntu:/# chown -R jason:jason /home/jason  .......right?13:31
stefgjakerue: so where are you now in the root terminal? still in the chroot, or already back to Live CD environment?13:32
=== pia is now known as ^pia^
jakeruestefg:  my prompt read 'root@ubuntu:/#'13:32
stefgjakerue: ok. ctrl-d one more time. Did the terminal close, or did only the prompt change?13:34
jakeruestefg: Ctrl+D results in root@ubuntu:/# exit13:34
stefgjakerue: alright, so you were still chrooted when running the chown command. good. time for another reboot, i guess13:35
khamaelis there program for playing mp3s backwards?13:36
jakeruestefg: take a look at the madness http://paste.ubuntu.com/282958/13:36
=== richard is now known as Guest23508
stefgjakerue: except from the errors due to the wrong command that is ok...13:37
Guest23508hello folks13:37
jakeruestefg: I am getting flack for going to eat dinner....reboot I go and hope it works.  If you don't hear back from me it failed and I will just format the whole works.  Thanks for all the help, you have gone above and beyond13:38
puffinmananyone know how long till the karmic beta is due?13:38
stefgjakerue: hope you learned something from it13:39
bazhangpuffinman, #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion; should be any day now13:39
puffinmandidn't they say OCt 1, though?13:39
jbeitlerpuffinman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule13:39
Dr_Willispuffinman:  it will be released when its released..  there is no set TIME on the 1st..13:39
Picipuffinman : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.13:40
puffinmanok, np13:40
preetamhello can anyone help me ..my x-server is not getting restarted on pressing the key Alt+Ctrl+Backspace in ubuntu 9.0413:40
bazhang!dontzap | preetam13:41
ubottupreetam: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.13:41
system404intel 82945G/GZ graphics card cant get higher resolution than 800x600 on jaunty anyone any ideas13:42
cristi_anexcuse my ignorance...but why 64 bit ubuntu 9.04 partitioner behaves strange ? is that a known bug ?13:43
strangehey guys, when i run "iwconfig" it just stalls any suggestions?13:43
preetamhow to install dontzap from synaptic manager13:43
bluebaron__anyone know of a music player that can be controlled remotely and locally at the same time?13:43
system404Intel 82945G/GZ graphics card cant get higher resolution than 800x600 on jaunty anyone any ideas13:44
Halitech!intel | system40413:44
ubottusystem404: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.13:44
system404halitech i know ubuntu has issues with intel integrated graphics cards just wanted to know if anyone knows a workaround13:45
Halitechcristi_an, what do you mean by strange?13:45
Halitechsystem404, there should be info in the second link on how to fix it13:45
cristi_anHalitech: strange means i have a 320 GB hdd and when i try to partition that i just can't create extended partition13:46
cristi_anHalitech: sda1 sda2 are reserved for windows as primary13:46
cristi_anHalitech: i will install vista later13:47
frogzoocristi_an: probly update your bios13:47
hattonrcan anyone tell me how to stop terminal server client from trying to reconnect every 30 seconds?13:47
Halitechcristi_an, how many primary partitions have you got so far? and are you trying to create the extended partition inside a primary partition?13:47
cristi_anHalitech: i have only 213:48
cristi_anfor windows i want to reserve them13:48
cristi_anHalitech: then i want a primary sda3 for /13:48
Halitechcristi_an, you can't create an extended partition outside a primary partition13:48
hbosHi guys, when will 9.10 beta be available to download?13:49
indushbos: 3 october13:49
Halitechhbos, when they get it ready to download13:49
Amaranthhbos: Try again in about 12 hours13:49
hbosoh darn I was hoping today :P13:49
indusAmaranth: its out ?13:49
Amaranthindus: no...13:50
indusAmaranth: also hello :)13:50
GekzHi. I'm on Mac OS X right now and woudl like to convert the alternate iso into a usb image so I can install it on my eeepc. Is this possible?13:50
vigohattonr: Is it the tsclient?13:50
helloworld245Gekz: a software called unetbootin13:50
AmaranthGekz: nope, only from windows or linux13:50
incentifitI've got a samba share at  I can login using Windows or Mac and then copy files to and from that share.  I need to write a script to do this or cp from the terminal.  Can someone get me started?  I'm not sure what I need to even search for... login at command line?13:50
stunts513anyone wanna help me with my xorg config, im on such an old computer that its using like a default driver or sumthn, cant get papst 800x60013:50
GekzAmaranth: how uncouth.13:50
=== Painkiller is now known as Guest87434
AmaranthGekz: You could burn the iso to disc and boot your mac with it then use that13:50
Amaranthuse that to make the USB stick, I mean13:51
Halitechstunts513, what video card?13:51
GekzAmaranth: it lacks a dvd drive13:51
Guest87434When will 9.10 beta be out?13:51
mihastunt: might be old less PnP monitor as well?13:51
stunts513chips and tech f6900013:51
helloworld245Guest87434: 29th oct13:51
stunts513im on a laptop13:51
AmaranthGekz: You have a macbook air?13:51
GekzAmaranth: evidently13:51
Halitechstunts513, are you sure it will do beyond 800x600?13:51
stunts513i run windos dual boot13:51
wrapsterhow do i use sftp to transfer files over to my machine form a remote host...13:52
Halitechstunts513, there may not be a driver for it, what does lspci show for a video card?13:52
stunts513uh lemme check13:52
wrapsterim familiar with scp13:53
vigohattonr: Or is it the FreeNX?13:53
llutzwrapster: sftp usr@host  and then with all those ftp-commands (man sftp)13:53
AmaranthGekz: So what you really have is a hackintosh on an eeepc13:53
AmaranthGekz: you'll need a different computer to put the iso on a usb stick13:53
GekzAmaranth: ;)13:53
stunts513 VGA compatible controller: Chips and Technologies F69000 HiQVideo (rev 64)13:53
GekzAmaranth: yeah but i dont want to get up and walk to my desktop13:53
Gekzit's like... 3 metres away :<13:53
Amaranthstunts513: I'll be surprised if you get vesa working with that13:54
Amaranthstunts513: You're certainly not going to get any 2D or 3D acceleration13:54
hrabdangit.   I can't figure out how to switch users without logging out13:54
Amaranthhrab: click on your name in the top right and it should have a list of users13:54
Amaranthhrab: clicking on one of those doesn't log you out13:55
hrabThe only one I see is gest session.13:55
hrabguest session rather.13:55
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo13:56
stunts513i know13:57
stunts513but this is rediculous13:57
stunts513i cant get over 800x600 and it doesnt stretch13:57
wrapstersftp>put something_solaris-i386.deb .13:57
wrapsterFile "something.deb" not found. ... but i am in that remote machine... how is it possible.. the ftp man page lists put to be used...13:57
Amaranthstunts513: That's the best you're going to get, there is no driver for that hardware13:58
Amaranthstunts513: I haven't even heard of any hardware from those guys since 1998 or so13:58
stunts513i cant manually add lines to the xorg though?13:58
llutzwrapster: does something.... exist in lpwd?13:58
Zzeissstunts513: What does your xorg log say?13:58
stunts513the file or a log?13:58
wrapsterllutz: yes13:58
Amaranthstunts513: No, you're using the vesa driver so it is limited to vesa standard resolutions (up to 1024x768, no widescreen)13:59
wrapsterit lists out my local dir from where i ran the sftp command13:59
Halitechstunts513, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old13:59
Zzeissstunts513: I've had situations where the auto-probed monitor values were very "conservative" in terms of horiz and vert speeds; putting in a device line to tell it "oh, you can go faster/slower" has often gotten me up to full native resolution.13:59
AmaranthZzeiss: But he has no driver for his video card13:59
Halitechstunts513, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:59
hrabAH. well that is kinda convoluted, but It works.    Anyone tell me why how to get my xfce session moved over to f8 from f10?14:00
ZzeissAmaranth: Actually, this was using the VESA mode, which works amazingly well for what it is.14:00
cristi_anHalitech: how can i create an extended partition then ? since i have primary and logical option only in this tool ?14:00
AmaranthZzeiss: I haven't seen vesa get a widescreen resolution :P14:00
Zzeissstunts513: Does your xorg.conf have a 'Section "Monitor"' block in it?14:00
stunts513i no it does14:00
stunts513u be on later, cause i gotta goto school?14:00
Halitechcristi_an, logical and extended are the same thing, just different names14:01
ZzeissAmaranth: I'm looking at it right now. Macbook Pro, running full 1280x800 native.  With VESA driver, as the binary blob driver does not work on an MBP as far as I can tell.14:01
AmaranthZzeiss: Even then I'm guessing he has some weird laptop so running a desktop without any kind of acceleration is hell on the battery14:01
Zzeissstunts513: Probably.  Go.  Learn.  Consume.  Marry and reproduce.14:01
stunts513only time i ever get decent tecch support is in morning, and rthen i have togoto school so yea..14:01
grouseHey guys, having trouble changing permissions for a load of files (from cli). I ran the command chmod -R 775, but this doesn't seem to have propogated to all my files (I do own all of them)14:02
grousehave I missed something out?14:02
wrapsterllutz: ok what i had to use was reget..14:02
ZzeissAmaranth: Yeah.  But somewhat weak battery life beats the heck out of being stuck in Windows.  :)14:02
AmaranthZzeiss: Your MBP won't run with the 185 driver?14:02
wrapsterbut sftp says invalid command if i use that.14:02
ActionParsnip1grouse: you need to specify the target folder14:02
ZzeissAmaranth: Nope.  It crashes it hard.  Yes, I've tried; I want compiz.  But no joy.14:03
drew212can anyone point me to where the application launchers are? I want to subscribe a feed to mozilla thunderbird but i dont know where to point the RSS to...14:03
ActionParsnip1grouse, do you really want 5 in the everybody group?14:03
AmaranthZzeiss: hmm, try again with karmic? :) beta out today14:03
grouseactionparsnip!, thanks - I knew it was something simple14:03
AmaranthZzeiss: I'm glad someone actually wants compiz. Usually people are telling me why they turned it off :P14:03
ZzeissAmaranth: Karmic?  Nice idea, but this machine is "production".14:03
ZzeissAmaranth:  I'm an eye-candy diabetic.  :)14:04
drew212anyone able to locate the application launchers on the filesystem for me? im having trouble14:04
ZzeissBesides, I would much prefer to not run closed source.  I will make exceptions for things like the WiFi card, where frakking with the blob can cause major interference with other folks.14:04
AmaranthZzeiss: Should have gotten a different laptop then :P14:05
AmaranthZzeiss: blobtastic, that one is14:05
ZzeissAmaranth: That's why I hang out on Nouveau and try to help there, to get rid of the binary blob.  Sadly, I am (*so*) far behind those guys that the most I can offer is encouragement.14:05
ngnpThis page http://start.ubuntu.com/9.04/ is not rendered ok in FF (encoding?) on my laptop ... can I fix this? When I disable cache the page is ok.14:05
AmaranthZzeiss: heh, me too14:05
drew212anyone able to help me find stuff on the ubuntu filesystem quick?14:05
Amaranthngnp: that would mean your cache is bad, clear it out14:06
Amaranthdrew212: find what?14:06
* ngnp trying14:06
drew212im trying to point an RSS to thunderbird, it says choose application, but i dont know where thunderbird is located... or any applications for that matter14:06
Amaranthdrew212: oh, they're all in /usr/bin/14:06
xukundrew212, locate thunderbird14:07
Halitechdrew212, could be /usr/bin or /bin14:07
ngnpAmaranth: tnx ... it's fixed :)14:07
ActionParsnip1drew212: try: which thunderbord14:07
xukundrew212, you can do that for every program14:07
ActionParsnip1drew212: you'll most likely find its /usr/bin/thunderbird14:07
drew212ActionParsnip1: i click subscribe now, but it wont work...14:08
ActionParsnip1drew212: i dont use rss, sorry man14:08
hattonrvigo, sorry about missing your replies, got caught up in maintenance :-)14:08
aaron11Helo, I know there are less people in here but, Does anyone know when the countdown banners are showing up? I REALY cant wait for Karmic Koala to come! :S :S14:08
Piciaaron11 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.14:08
vigohattonr: NP, did you see the questions I posted?14:09
hattonrvigo, I am connecting to a W2003 server using terminal server client in Ubuntu, not NX14:09
system404Actionparsnip: i got back on to my install any other ideas on getting my resolution above 800x600 ive tried updating the kernal as advised by ubuntu forums but to no avail14:09
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:10
system404Amaranth: thats one of the things i first tried done nothing14:11
vigohattonr: Ok, I found two links, I will post the one that may address that, is it the tsclient2?14:11
hattonrvigo, I think so.14:11
charlespeng_does anyone have got a wave invite?14:12
DJones!ot | charlespeng_14:12
ubottucharlespeng_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:12
hattonrvigo, yes, tsclient14:12
vigohattonr: This may help: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/9hdr1/debian_canonical_stop_the_auto_reconnect_on/14:12
ActionParsnip1vigo: tried rdesktop ?14:12
hattonrvigo, thanks, I'll give it a read14:12
charlespeng_anyone has got a wave invite?14:13
StupidWeaselwave wave wave wave. Urgh X_X14:13
vigoActionParsnip1: Not me, or wait, I am uncertain if I did. I did once.14:13
induscharlespeng_: off topic :)14:13
charlespeng_can anyone send me a wave invite to linux.usrs@gmail.com ?14:13
cetanhota!ot | charlespeng_14:13
ubottucharlespeng_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:13
DJonescharlespeng_: That is not an ubuntu support question, please don't ask it here14:14
ActionParsnip1charlespeng_: this is ubuntu support. discussions for wave invites are not for here and should be directed to #ubuntu-offtopic14:14
StupidWeaselThis is gmail & analytics all over again o.o14:14
charlespeng_DJones: I14:14
indus:) :!14:14
StupidWeaselOh whilst I remember folks, this is something I've been meaning to ask, but is it possible to add non standard locations to the clock?14:15
StupidWeaselKinda new to Gnome. Closest place I have to home is London, which is not all that close as far as weather is concerned.14:16
vigoStupidWeasel: Yes, it is, sort of.14:16
jpdsStupidWeasel: For weather, no, I don't think so.14:17
=== walterheck_ is now known as walterheck
StupidWeaselAhh, that's a shame.14:17
vigoStupidWeasel: Just choose the TZ or UDT that applies, it is for server and updates to synchronize.14:17
jpdsvigo: That's not for weather info.14:17
jpdsStupidWeasel: But you can use a cool service like http://www.yr.no/english/1.2025949 for weather.14:18
|denis||!googlefight gentoo ubuntu14:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:18
StupidWeaselNot a big deal though, just would be nice. I have it on my media center anyway ;314:19
drew212anyone have an experience with thunderbird? I have my feeds showing, but it wont show any pictures, or HTML emails for that matter14:19
ActionParsnip1drew212: you need to allow them.14:20
ActionParsnip1drew212: i'll get a link14:20
drew212ActionParsnip1: how do i do that?14:20
drew212ActionParsnip1: i've looked through all the settings under preferences but i cant find anything14:20
KeiyaHmm... is there a mail client that'll run in the messaging menu after I kill its last window?14:20
JonathanEllis1I have just installed soundconverter but I need to install a converter for wma. Any idea which package I need?14:20
frogzooKeiya: evolution?14:21
ActionParsnip1drew212: Tools>>Options>>Privacy14:21
=== DaZ__ is now known as DaZ
syslq78My key "two" is not working, I changed keyboards. Any ideas?14:22
drew212thats for windows...14:22
ActionParsnip1drew212: Default is Block loading of Images in email, with a second box to allow images from people in your personal address book.  Unchecking the first box will  allow all images.14:22
syslq78Only in gnome14:22
Keiyafrogzoo: Quits when I kill its last menu :/14:23
drew212ActionParsnip1: under Edit>prefernces>privacy i check every tab and there is nothing about blocking HTML...14:23
JonathanEllis1Sorry. I should be more precise. I have just installed soundconverter but I need a decoder for wma files. Any idea which package I need?14:23
system404need help with intel card cant get above 800x600 res14:23
Halitech!intel | system404 second link should help14:23
ubottusystem404 second link should help: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.14:23
frogzooKeiya: put evolution notifier in your startup apps?14:24
system404Halitech: i tried all that but it didnt help still cant get above 800x60014:24
ActionParsnip1drew212: View -> Message Body As -> and select Original HTML.14:24
system404how do i see what kernals are installed and which kernal im running incase its that14:24
ActionParsnip1drew212: http://community.contractwebdevelopment.com/images-missing-thunderbird14:24
drew212ActionParsnip1: thank you!14:24
system404ive installed the new kernal but maybe it aint running it14:25
frogzooKeiya: "sh -c "sleep 30; exec /usr/lib/evolution/2.26/evolution-alarm-notify"14:25
ActionParsnip1system404: uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image14:25
system404how to edit out the old kernal from selection14:25
ActionParsnip1system404: you can uninstall old unused kernels to harvest ~100Mb per kernel14:25
system404how to uninstall old kernal14:25
drew212ActionParsnip1: now i get a bunch of broken images, FML =P14:26
* Keiya Fs drew's life.14:26
Lutomahehe :D14:26
jurohi, I am converting a Vista laptop to Ubuntu (NO! dual installation) and would like to make a complete copy of the current harddrive content for backup reasons - what is the best way to do this?14:26
Keiya(I hate that phrase. This is my rebellion.)14:26
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:26
grousewhat the fudge was that14:27
=== Gary is now known as Guest70577
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:27
KeiyaThar she blows! >_>14:27
system404how to edit the kernal selection screen to edit out old kernal from selection14:28
joaopintosystem404, better remove them from the packae list14:28
system404i just want to remove from selection first if im happy with results ill uninstall it14:28
disikhello, how to disable font anti-aliasing in opera and mozilla? i made it for the system but opera still uses smooth fonts14:29
Madsysyslq78: The content under /boot/grub/grub.lst. But yeah, you should rather uninstall the kernel image package.14:29
acr0nymthis google wave fuss is just too much lol14:29
frogzoogoogle wave?14:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:29
ActionParsnipsystem404:  system404: like any other package: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-<numbers here>14:29
Madsysystem404: /boot/grub/menu.lst14:29
=== serpp is now known as serp
ActionParsnipsystem404: if you uninstall the package it will be removed from grub14:30
nimrod|kingIs there a good reason why Ubuntu doesn't use a frame buffer console by default?14:30
system404Actionparsnip: i only want it removed from grub for now once ive done that if im happy with results ill uninstall the package14:31
jurohi, I am converting a Vista laptop to Ubuntu (NO! dual installation) and would like to make a complete copy of the current harddrive content for backup reasons - what is the best way to do this?14:31
Madsysystem404: I just gave you an answer.14:31
ActionParsnipsystem404: fair point, simply remove or comment out the lines in menu.list like madsy says14:31
BlizzerandThe background isn't good though14:31
ActionParsnipjuro: partimage14:32
disikjuro: acronis true image14:32
PiciBlizzerand: Please keep it on topic, Karmic support is in #ubuntu+114:32
Halitechjuro, clonezilla14:32
llutzBlizzerand: change it14:32
ActionParsnipjuro: you can boot to live CD and spit a compressed image of the internal drive to an external storage14:32
Rortyanyone has experience setting up a bluetooth connection to an (old) stereo? I would like to use this http://bit.ly/lyLA314:33
Blizzerandllutz > according to beta , that is supposed to be the default desktop background for Karmic14:33
KeiyaBlizzerand: Eeewww.14:33
=== Guest58544 is now known as MaxSid
KeiyaTone down the yellow just a bit, plz.14:34
nimrod|kingIn other words, is it 'safe' to activate fb in grub?14:34
Madsynimrod|king: yes14:34
KeiyaAnyway, Gnome lets you change it, so not a big deal.14:34
Keiyaapollo: Bald bird!14:34
llutzBlizzerand: who cares, feel free to install a distro with a background you like.14:34
BlizzerandKeiya : But I wish they had better desktop background though14:34
system404sudo: /boot/grub/menu.lst: command not found14:34
Madsynimrod|king: "vga=ask" as a kernel parameter14:34
Keiyasystem404: sudoedit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:35
Blizzerandllutz : lol , I never use Ubuntu to begin with14:35
system404ah cheers14:35
nimrod|kingMadsy: Thanks14:35
tei just ran grub-install on /dev/sda and now can't boot windows14:35
ActionParsnipnimrod|king: what does fb in grub achieve?14:35
tecan someone help?14:36
Halitechsystem404, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst14:36
nimrod|kingActionParsnip: High-Res virtual consoles :)14:36
shosshow is it possible that some programs (skype and pidgin) are still loaded on login even after I unchecked them from the gnome-session-properties?14:36
ActionParsnipnimrod|king: i see14:36
Halitechsystem404, or gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:36
nimrod|kingActionParsnip: Also can display images and even video & games.14:36
ActionParsnipnimrod|king: games during boot do you mean?14:37
Halitechshoss, check the preferences of each program, might be in there14:37
tecan someone help me boot windows?14:37
tetitle         Windows XP14:37
teroot          (hd0,3)14:37
system404cheers im done editing gna restart and hope for the best fingers crossed guys lol14:37
techainloader   +114:37
cheslynhi guys , anyone can u use command without rebooting14:37
ActionParsnipte: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst   and you will see a section relating to windows, you need to make sure this is correct14:37
CodenutI am trying to replace/edit my sources.list file no matter how I attack it, I cannot do it. How do I do this?14:37
teActionParsnip: sda3 is my windows partition14:37
shossHalitech: I did, there's no option to check/uncheck start on login...14:37
juroActionParsnip, ok, I'll try that14:38
ActionParsnipte: Is windows installed on sda4?14:38
teno sda314:38
grousecodenut, sudo gedit /etc/sources.list14:38
ActionParsnipte: grub partition numbers start at 0, not 114:38
teso it's actually hd0,214:38
tewith chainload +114:38
ActionParsnipte: yes14:38
tebecause when i did that14:38
teit just rebooted the whole system14:38
FloodBot3te: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
nimrod|kingActionParsnip: No, in virtual consoles (eg press CTRL-ALT-Fn where n = 1 to 6)14:38
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
ActionParsnipte: you can live edit the grub line using e to edit the entry, once you know what works, boot to linux and change the file so the boot is correct14:39
teyeah ActionParsnip -- i did that14:39
ActionParsnipnimrod|king: i'll check it out, is it any video type?14:39
tei tried every hd0,x combination14:39
tenone of them work.14:39
ActionParsnipte: hmmm, you could reinstate the windows boot loader, then install grub again to make it pickup the boot14:40
teActionParsnip: i installed to /dev/sda14:40
teis that right?14:40
tegrub-install /dev/sda14:40
nimrod|kingActionParsnip: Invoke: apt-cache search framebuffer | less14:40
teit's a SATA drive, and gparted shows it as sda14:40
Halitechshoss, not sure why, check with gconf-editor and see if its in there14:41
nimrod|kingActionParsnip: The media player needs to support framebuffer output - eg mplayer or vlc14:42
Rortyanyone has experience setting up a bluetooth connection to an (old) stereo? is ubuntu capable of sending audio of bluetooth to a reciever effortlessy?14:42
ActionParsnipnimrod|king: just read the wiki, sounds cool. Thanks14:42
teActionParsnip: nothing?14:42
tedo i install to sda or hda14:42
ActionParsnipnimrod|king: mplayer is godly14:42
shossHalitech: you don't happen to know where in the gconf-editor i configure this? because I've been looking...14:42
system404nope still not gettin above 800x600 res14:43
Halitechshoss, no I don't14:43
ActionParsnipte: i dont dual boot as i have no requirement for windows but thats the crux of a dual boot14:43
cheslynguys how do i change my kernel image ?14:43
nimrod|kingRorty: Only the latest bluetooth spec supports stereo soun AFAIK so old tech will not cut it :(14:43
system404will 945resolution package help me with my res problems14:44
Damocles_cheslyn: As in the default selected at boot? Or adding a new one?14:44
Rortynimrod|king, what if i use a bluetooth audio reviever? such as http://www.airlive.com/product/product_3.jsp?pdid=PD121741062734614:44
cheslyndamocles: how can i add a new one14:45
nimrod|kingRorty: That page says it supports spec v1.214:46
system404X.org xf86-video-intel driver module. is installed but still no res above 800x60014:46
Damocles_cheslyn: Is this one you compile yourself, or one from a package?14:46
Rortynimrod|king, so it ´should´ work right?14:47
cheslyndamocles: no from a package14:47
nimrod|kingRorty: You need Version 2.0 + EDR for stereo sound14:47
Rortynimrod|king, aj... ok thnx, now I know what to look for14:48
Damocles_'k - The package should install it for you so assuming it hasn't, try running the command "sudo update-grub" in a terminal14:48
nimrod|kingRorty: Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth for more info...14:48
Rortythnx nimrod|king14:48
nimrod|kingRorty: np14:49
ActionParsnipshoss: what is the output of: file ~/.gnome2/sessions14:49
system404X.org xf86-video-intel driver module. is installed but still no res above 800x60014:49
Damocles_cheslyn: After running, it should print out 'Found kernel: ...' a load of times. If the new kernel is one of those, all is well and you can reboot into your new kernel14:49
Rortynimrod|king, hmmm only in Japan... http://www.akihabaranews.com/en/news-17438-LBT-AR200C2:%20%20Logitec%20Japan%27s%20New%20Bluetooth%20Audio%20Receiver.html14:49
shossActionParsnip: $  file ~/.gnome2/sessions14:50
shoss/home/slas/.gnome2/sessions: ERROR: cannot open `/home/slas/.gnome2/sessions' (No such file or directory)14:50
wilbefasthello - could somebody help me configure my xorg.conf file?14:50
u-fokawilbefast, what do you want to configure within xorg, what version of ubuntu you using?14:51
juroActionParsnip, how do I spit a compressed image to an external harddrive? using tar or rsync?14:51
ActionParsnipshoss: i saw something like this in launchpad about mysterious startup apps, ended up having to delete some file / folder (s) in gconf someplace14:52
Rortyanother question: how can I fix that my firefox-3.5 is still called shiretoku ?14:52
cheslyndamocles: does ubuntu have alots of kernels that can b change14:52
wilbefastI'm using 9.0414:52
ActionParsnipjuro: you set the destination for the image and it will be put there as the compressed image is generate14:52
wilbefastand I need to add a new screen mode14:52
shossActionParsnip: thank you14:52
vigowilbefast: That is #ubuntu+114:52
Damocles_cheslyn: not a huge number in the default repositories. AFAIK, Ubuntu Studio has their own one and maybe there are a few others. Generally, though, these days the defaul one should be fine for 99.9% of people.14:53
ActionParsnipshoss: you could save a session, then delete it14:53
juroActionParsnip, using what? sorry for being such a noob14:53
ActionParsnipjuro: partimage14:53
shossActionParsnip: what do you mean, how do i do that?14:53
vigowilbefast: My apologies, this is the right channel.14:53
juroActionParsnip, thx14:53
g_how do i determine the current connections my computer is making and receiving?14:53
grawityg_: netstat -et14:54
u-fokawilbefast, screen mode = a new resolution??14:54
Damocles_g_: ^- in a terminal14:54
g_ahh thanks14:54
wilbefastum yes14:54
grawityg_: If you also want to see the process names, sudo netstat -etp14:54
wilbefastmine is 1280x102414:54
cheslyndamocles: thanks , tell me can i apt-getting without rebooting14:54
ActionParsnipshoss: run the apps that start at logon, then head into the startup items manager and tell the system to remember the session, log off, log on, then go back in and untick the selection and have the apps closed, log off, log on14:54
wilbefastI need a mode that is 1024x76814:54
grawityg_: And to see "listening" (waiting) sockets (instead of established connections", -l instead of -e14:54
nimrod|kingg_: You could also try iptraf14:55
zeitsofahi @ all. i have a problem with setting up hplip/fax and "HP PSC 2410": if i try to use hp-sendfax the error "D/L error state=4" occurred. did anyone knows a solution to fix this?14:55
u-fokawilbefast, okay and your xorg.conf is nearly empty as original?14:55
Damocles_cheslyn: usually, but kernels are a special case and require a reboot.14:55
wilbefastu-foka: is this how I speak to you directly?14:55
juroActionParsnip, when I run Ubuntu from the rom drive, partimage is not installed, can I install it to memory as well?14:55
shossActionParsnip: I'll try that, thank you14:55
grawityjuro: Yes.14:55
wilbefastu-foka, I'll link it14:55
jurograwity, thx14:55
wilbefastu-foka, http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=53fabb3528868028b64026cfc0611236e04e75f6e8ebb87114:56
wilbefastthere is no mode line at all14:56
wilbefastand I stuffed up my whole computer last time I tried adding one14:56
g_that's great thanks guys14:56
ActionParsnipDamocles_: do you or did you play speedball2?14:56
Damocles_ActionParsnip: never AFACR :)14:56
wilbefastu-foka, are you still there?14:57
ActionParsnipDamocles_: your name is one of the 2nd league teams14:57
KeiyaDoes anyone know of any good buildy-games to distract myself with? (Think Dwarf Fortress for the ideal, or The Sims, or Sim City going down the chain to less-awesome-but-still-good)14:57
u-fokawilbefast, well you need to add a display subsection under the screen section, i will write it and send you, a moment!14:57
cheslyndamocles: but you can apt-get ? can you tell we open the command14:57
Damocles_ActionParsnip: Really? I have a far more famous namesake :)14:58
wilbefastDamocles sword :)14:58
Rortykeiya : Freeciv14:58
KeiyaRorty: Nar, not enough buildyness.14:58
RortyKeiya, Open TTD14:59
Damocles_cheslyn: Something like "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic"14:59
strangedune 2 > *14:59
u-fokawilbefast, well here is "your" screen section :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/283004/14:59
KeiyaOooh, openttd! I'd forgoten about that!14:59
KeiyaYay, that'll distract me!14:59
Damocles_where "linux-image-generic" is replaced by any other kernel package you may want to install - for example, I *think* Ubuntu Studio uses 'linux-image-rt'15:00
ActionParsnipKeiya: glob215:00
wilbefastu-foka I see15:00
u-fokawilbefast, (i hope i typed correctly)15:00
ActionParsnip!games | Keiya15:00
ubottuKeiya: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php15:00
Damocles_wilbefast: Indeed, I hang over people menacingly ;)15:00
ActionParsnipKeiya: settlers runs well in dosbox15:00
wilbefastDamocles: sounds like fun15:00
wilbefastKeiya: BosWars? Globulation 2?15:01
Rortystrange u have a URL to freedune ?15:01
jimmy_birerhi im using ubuntu 6.0615:02
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wilbefastu-foka I edit that in then?15:02
ZzeissDamocles_: Yes.... Studio loads the linux-image-rt, but unless you *need* a realtime kernel, you're better off with the normal scheduler.  DAMHIK.15:02
indus!eol | jimmy_birer15:02
ubottujimmy_birer: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases15:02
cheslyndamocles: where and how do i find it15:02
Piciindus: 6.06 is not end of life.15:03
indusPici: dapper drake?15:03
Damocles_cheslyn: I found that one via the 'apt-cache search linux-image' command15:03
jimmy_bireri use 5.0415:03
Pici!6.06 | indus15:03
ubottuindus: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions15:03
jimmy_bireroldest version15:03
Damocles_cheslyn: But perhaps it would be better if you describe what problem you think needs a new kernel to solve it15:03
Picijimmy_birer: 5.04 is no longer supported.15:04
indusPici: ya ended15:04
Damocles_you might find an easier solution15:04
jimmy_bireri know15:04
jimmy_birerbut i luv gtk 115:04
indusPici: server only now15:04
jonaskoelkerHi all.  QUESTION: I'd like for my x server to get zapped when I hit ctrl-alt-backspace, but only with ctrl and alt on opposite sides of the keyboard.  How do I go about this?  (using external programs, like xbindkeys, are fine)15:04
jimmy_bireri installed all aps b415:04
jimmy_birerand i now compile15:04
Picijimmy_birer: Were you just announcing, or did you actually have a support question?15:04
jimmy_birerPici:im trolling15:04
Picijimmy_birer: I see. Best to stop that then.15:04
wilbefastu-foka : if I want multiple modes, what separator do I put between them?15:05
jimmy_bireraustrians are niggers of europa15:05
jimmy_birerromanians too15:05
* genii slides jussi01 more coffee15:05
jonaskoelkerjussi01: thanks :)15:05
themodhey guys and girls how can i get latest ubuntu to work on the 755/730 chipset  when it will not let me enter  pci-nomsi at boot prompt15:06
themodthat was to be = lol15:06
themodand 75015:06
Rortycan I fix that my firefox-3.5 is still called shiretoku ?15:07
themodif i play with anything on my boot up it kinda hangs there a long time or locks up15:07
grawity!ff35 | Rorty15:08
ubottuRorty: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY15:08
grawityRorty: The link ubottu gave will explain why it's called Shiretoku.15:08
grawityRorty: You might want to try Ubuntuzilla - it'll update Firefox to the newest version.15:08
PiciRorty: Not until the next release of Ubuntu, then it will be rebranded properly.15:08
grawityRorty: But Ubuntuzilla can break things a little... (has always worked fine for me.)15:09
themodany nice person please15:09
theTroyError after deinstalling nvidia drivers : SDL initialisation error : Couldnt find matching GLX visual. Could someone help me please?15:09
cheslyndamocles: i have already done the kernel.i'm asking we do i go 2 open for command 2 do apt-get without rebooting15:09
uboxi tried to auto-upgrade to 9.04 from 8.1 and it broke lol15:10
Rortypici , I suspected that I would haveta wait... 9.10 is coming this fall right?15:10
uboxback to 8.1 now :)15:10
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:10
PiciRorty: At the end of October15:10
alabdGood day everyone , while hsfconfig this happened what is the problem ?http://paste.ubuntu.com/283019/15:10
RortyPici, can´t wait :) the screenshots seem promising15:11
Arodonhi, I'm considering buying an Asus EeePC 1101HA but am concerned about the quality of Poulsbo support (I know the driver has large proprietary pieces). Anybody have experience with this? Does the driver expose decent 3d acceleration like the card is supposed to support?15:11
uboxalabd: did you try saying yes to using the replacement drivers?15:12
alabdno ubox15:12
themodrorty>could you help can't get ubuntu to see hard drive on nvidia 730a chipset an if i try the pci=nomsi it locks up15:12
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC15:12
Damocles_cheslyn: Ah, well you can't install a new kernel without rebooting. OTher than that, there is nothing special required when installing an ordinary non-kernel package with apt-get. You just don't need to reboot.15:12
uboxalabd: sorry, modules. i would try that. usually when there is an option selected by default it is good to try that first15:12
indusArodon: do also check the link above15:12
=== palewire is now known as haileybailey
alabdyes yes ubox15:13
alabdit is shown in that link15:13
themodyou can install new kernel if you have reboot less thing in lol15:13
themodforget the name15:13
uboxalabd: was that the entire log file?15:14
system404ok got my resolution sorted finally had to basicly rewrite the xorg.conf file but its done now woop15:14
indusbeta is out 9.1015:14
uboxalabd: seems maybe the wrong directory or something is wrong with the config for the make.15:14
Piciindus: #ubuntu+1 for karmic, you know this.15:14
system404now on to the next problem pigeon wont sign into msn anyone else experiancing this15:14
Ian_the download is not available yet indus :)15:14
alabdexactly what is the problem ?15:15
=== john is now known as DeadmanIncJS
uboxsystem404: you need a different protocol for msn, something is up. i'll look for the link to download it15:16
cheslyndamocles: thanks 4 that but how , where or what do i open to get there so that i can put a command or apt-getting15:16
DeadmanIncJSim trying to get some "widgets" on my desktop but gdesklets doesnt want to work for me :'(15:16
system404ubox: pigeon was connecting ok last night but today not happening15:17
mamadpython1How to Write Professional program you recommend?15:17
DeadmanIncJShi mama15:17
NeoCicakhello......... how can i find out what driver my wireless is using? someone told me he is using 'atheros' driver... it doesnt sound familiar to me at all :(15:17
themodanyone know  why livecd hangs when trying to input cmd pci=nomsi for the nvidia 730a chipset to see sata drive?15:18
Damocles_cheslyn: Sorry, the Terminal. I *think* it us under Applications -> Utilities.15:18
alabdGood day everyone , while hsfconfig this happened what is the exact problem ?http://paste.ubuntu.com/283019/ Is there any free 56kb/s hsf modem driver for kernel 2.6.2815:18
uboxsystem404: ya that happened to me in my last install, working fine then one day no more. i had to download a package that added an msn protocol that supported things like video etc, so it was win win when i did15:18
system404ubox: gd stuff so what shall i do then15:18
DeadmanIncJScan somebody help me install some desklets so i can see weather, and other misc stuff?15:18
jonaskoelkerHi al. I have a question...15:19
system404ive enabled visual effects wat do i do to now edit the effects i want15:19
=== u-foka_ is now known as u-foka
kjelleI use Spotify on my Uubntu 9.04, but, it only plays for about 3-4 seconds when I start a song, and there is no sound. If i click on the progress bar of the sound, it plays again, but only for 3-4 seconds. I tried goole, no luck. Anyone have any experience in this?15:19
jonaskoelkerI want my x server to get zapped when I press C-M-backspace, but only when holding Ctrl and Alt keys that are on opposite sides of the keyboard (i.e. Control_L + Alt_R or vice versa).  How do I go about this?15:19
thiebaude!ccsm | system40415:20
ubottusystem404: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:20
mamadpython1Aminzai, salam15:20
uboxsystem404: i'm just searching for that package name for you15:20
uboxsystem404: apt-get install msn-pecan15:20
system404ubox: cheers15:21
uboxsystem404: there will be a second msn choice in settings, use that one15:21
uboxsystem404: yw15:21
system404ubox: great thanks ill let u know how i get on15:21
themodubox>could you help me ?15:21
uboxthemod: sure, i'll try15:21
=== feld3 is now known as Feldegast
themodok i got a nvidia 730/750 chipset and a usb keyboard  but i can't  put in the pci=nomsi in the boot prompt so it see my sata drive15:22
themodhow do i get around this15:23
xrfanghello, I am familiar with ruby and many other languages, I have played with python a little, and now need a good python book, which is a light study book + quick reference... any suggestions? thanks!15:23
uboxwhy can't you add the pci=nomsi in?15:23
themodubux> it kinda hangs there15:23
themodubox> i mean sorry15:24
themodubox>on 9.04 it would lock up i'm trying 9.10 cause it was stated the nvidia chipset was supported15:24
themodor a fix was in15:25
system404ubox: The certificate chain presented by nexus.passport.com does not have a valid digital signature from the Certificate Authority from which it claims to have a signature.15:25
system404ubox: thats using the new plugin15:26
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I have a question:  I'd like for pulseaudio to not die when I shut down my X server.  How do I go about this?15:26
alabdHave you used gizmo anytime ?Do you know how to call yahoo with it?15:26
kkszysiu_how to check what libraries are needed by application?15:27
uboxthemod: i found this http://paste.ubuntu.com/283036/ maybe this solution will work for you?15:27
grawitykkszysiu_: ldd appfilename15:27
jonaskoelkerWhen I 'dpkg-reconfigure -p low pulseaudio', I get " * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions" twice.  There's no lower priority.  How do I configure pulseaudio as a system service?15:27
uboxsystem404: mine did that too the first time or two but it went away. i think i has to collect the cert from the server? i am going to install the plugin and try too, one set15:28
KeiyaHmm, Ubuntu doesn't seem to handle moving from AP to AP as well as Windows does.15:28
themodubox>thanks  on the forum /post i saw it didn't tell me the other half15:28
themodnoapic part as well15:28
themodi'll try with the  ps2 hooked up and go for it15:29
uboxthemod: here is the original, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1026362.html15:29
system404ubox: any ideas15:29
Keiya_Ubuntu's wifi seems more... fragile than Windows's.15:29
uboxsystem404: just restarting pidgin15:29
system404ive restarted it15:30
jonaskoelkerno help? :(15:30
theTroyError after deinstalling nvidia drivers : SDL initialisation error : Couldnt find matching GLX visual. Could someone help me please? (when trying to run SDL game)15:30
Keiya_It doesn't like moving from one access point to another /at all/15:30
=== Keiya_ is now known as Keiya
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
lenHi I'm using ubuntu on console and I need help to configure wireless device15:30
munkyhi, is it possible installa latest version of network manager on hardy???15:31
uboxsystem404: i got the same message, click re-enable on the contact window at the bottom. then click accept when the popup show about the cert15:31
lenlsusb shows15:31
lenlsusb shows Bus 001 Device 003: ID 07d1:3c07 D-Link System Wireless G DWA-110 Adapter15:31
jonaskoelkermunky: you can try :) ...15:31
system404ubox: theres no accept button15:32
WhitorHi... if I start a program in a terminal with & at the end... if I close the window, the app closes. Is there anyway to /truely/ send an app into the background and untie it from the terminal it was launched from ?15:32
lenbut it dont create wlan015:32
jonaskoelkerWhitor: yes there is15:32
LjLWhitman nohup15:32
jonaskoelkerWhitor: I'll see if I can figure it out (it works for me)15:32
uboxsystem404: try clicking ok and then re-enable again. it will get the cert after a try or two15:32
jonaskoelkerWhitor: what shell do you use?  (bash, zsh, etc.)15:32
Whitorjonaskoelker, thanks15:32
PiciWhitor: as LjL says, you can use nohup applicationame &15:32
LjLWhitor: man nohup15:32
uboxsystem404: and then will prompt you about a cert it recieved and you can view, decline, or accept15:33
jonaskoelkerWhitor: in zsh, use "setopt no_hup"15:33
Whitornohup cool15:33
jonaskoelkerWhitor: ... in your .zshrc15:33
WhitorHow do I tell what shell I'm runing ?15:33
jonaskoelkerWhitor: nohup is good, but if you want to type less, set your shell up the right way :)15:33
jonaskoelkerWhitor: in your terminal, type "echo $SHELL"15:33
joaopintojonaskoelker, changing a shell just to facilitate nohup is not a good idea, most people use bash, it's easer to support that15:34
jonaskoelkerjoaopinto: I'm not suggesting a shell change15:34
munkywho know if vpn works with latest network manager???15:34
uboxthemod: any luck?15:34
Whitoryour succesting a shell alteration15:34
jonaskoelkerjoaopinto: I'm suggesting configuring $SHELL to make it do what (I think) Whitor wants15:34
joaopintojonaskoelker, so you are suggesting that is wrong15:34
jonaskoelkerWhitor: nah, I'm suggesting configuring your shell such that it does what you want15:34
brishuquick question ... i installed Ubuntu using wubi so is there a way to increase the size Ubuntu takes .... without creating a dedicated partition for it???15:34
joaopintothe SHELL variable is expected to be set by the system when you log in15:34
joaopintobased on your login shell, setup on the system conf15:35
WhitorIt seems ok to me to -always- untie & executed apps from the shell ...15:35
joaopintoand you are suggesting to change a file which specific to zsh, not bash15:35
jonaskoelkerjoaopinto: I don't understand what you're trying to say15:35
Whitorcan someone explain why I wouldn't want this ?15:35
=== john is now known as DeadmanIncJS
foeyCan anyone help with me setting a local Samba share. I need everyone to have read/write access to the folder. No clients are require to log in (Guests)15:35
munkyjonaskoelker do you know how to get vpn work?15:36
jonaskoelkermunky: not really15:36
jonaskoelkermunky: my vpnc is flaky as sh!t15:36
foeyI've set a share up via samba, but when you type in \\servername from a windows pc it pops up asking for username and password15:36
Whitorjoin #samba15:36
Whitorjust checking to see if it exists15:36
LjLWhitor: & can for instance be used to multiprocess in a shell script. if you make a programming mistake and that results in a forkbomb... good luck stopping it if closing the shell won't.15:37
vigobrishu: I am uncertain if you can expand a WUBI, maybe a remove/re-install and select a larger slice or partition.15:37
WhitorLjL, a valid point15:37
cheslyndamocles: thanks alot i really appreciate it15:37
grawityfoey: In [global], try adding: guest account = nobody \n map to guest = bad user15:37
congahelp eople15:37
congahelp need15:37
system404ubox: ive accepted certificate still wont connect though15:37
congaanyone know a way to do the mouse click between the time interval?15:37
system404Error on notification server:15:38
system404End of stream15:38
foeygrawity : Thanks, ill give that a go now.15:38
uboxsystem404: that is very strange. have you recently changed any network settings? firewall maybe?15:38
grawity(of course, \n is supposed to mean a line break)15:38
Whitorthanks LjL , jonaskoelker , Joaopinto , Pici ! much appreciated15:38
system404no nothing msn connected fine last night15:38
jonaskoelkerWhitor: my attention got grabbed elsewhere... how far did you get with your shell tinkering?15:38
jonaskoelkerWhitor: you're welcome15:39
munkyjonaskoelker i don't talk about my own vpn, i need to connect to swissvpn, it should be more esay than create one :)15:39
Whitorjonaskoelker, I'm going to manually use nohup for now15:39
uboxi remember having some trouble with it the first time myself, but this time it works after i accepted the cert15:39
jonaskoelkerWhitor: if that suits you, cool :)15:39
simplifierhow can i  delete all the gnome pannels?15:39
uboxsimplifier: rightclick, delete panel15:40
simplifierubox:  but i can't delete the last one15:40
uboxsimplifier: the top one?15:41
brishuthanks vigo .... but that was what im trying to avoid .... and im prteety sure i ccan create a dedicated partition and increase its siz .... but i wanted to see if there was an easier way ...15:42
uboxsimplifier: i think you have to keep the menu. unless you switch desktop environments15:42
thiebaudesimplifier, right click-delete this panel15:42
uboxwhy don't you want the panels?15:42
grawitysimplifier: Or just kill gnome-panel15:42
jovan_hey guys, where can i find the karmic beta iso? thanks15:43
simplifierubox: i just want to use  dock15:43
Picijovan_ : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.15:43
=== William is now known as William-Ubuntu
simplifiergrawity: if i restart  ,will it appears?15:44
_lover_configure:2368: error: C configure:2368: error: C compiler cannot create executables15:44
_lover_I have this error15:44
Saviqguys, any idea why flvmux isn't compiled in gstreamer0.10-plugins-good?15:44
uboxsimplifier: you could tell it to auto hide, then it would still be there but you would not see it unless you put your cursor at the very top15:44
_lover_C compiler error when i am installing gnome-ppp15:45
Pici_lover_: install the build-essential package15:45
simplifierbut it still occupy computer memory15:45
Pici_lover_: also, why are you compiling it? gnome-ppp is in the repositories15:45
_lover_C configure:2368: error: C compiler cannot create executables15:46
_lover_C configure:2368: error: C compiler cannot create executables15:46
uboxsimplifier: yes, perhaps you want to use enlightenment in place of metacity? it uses a rightclick menu instead of a bar. then you could have the gnome dock and a desktop click menu only15:46
Pici_lover_: Stop repeating.15:46
_lover_pici i ahve this problem15:47
_lover_i dunno why ?15:47
Pici_lover_: Did you read my responses?15:47
jonaskoelker_lover_: do you have gcc installed?15:47
_lover_gcc ?15:47
_lover_what is it ?15:47
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:47
Pici_lover_: 1) gnome-ppp is in the respositories, you shouldnt need to compile it. 2) if you do need to compile it, install the build-essential package first.15:48
_lover_so ho can i install gnome-ppp?15:48
Pici_lover_: sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp15:48
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
vigobrishu: Found a guide on that: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/12208/15:49
thiebaude_lover_, sudo apt-get install15:49
_lover_ok i extract that gnome-ppp files  in folder then i run this command over there ?15:49
seymourso i came to the biggest channel i know to ask for a google wave invite15:50
Pici_lover_: no. You don't need to do anything with the source.15:50
system404ubox any ideas with pigeon yet15:50
LjLseymour: pity it's not on topic for the channel.15:50
seymourLjL, lol15:50
uboxsystem404: not really, being a bit ocd i would keep trying to connect lol15:50
jonaskoelkerQuestion for you all: how do I run pulseaudio as a system service?15:50
simplifierubox: thanks a lot . enlightmentenment  is a program?15:50
_lover_so tar.gz file i use your command in terminal15:50
uboxsystem404: if you wan not connect with the old one nor with the new protocol i am not sure what the problem is15:51
LjL_lover_: NO. they're saying that, in order to install gnome-ppp, you should ONLY type "sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp", and leave the tarball alone.15:51
uboxsimplifier: yes, it is a window manager. like metacity which is the defualt for gnome. enlightenment can be used instead. i believe it is http://www.enlightenment.org15:52
_lover_ok i try it but i know there is an another problem waiting for me let see what happen next !15:52
lbsjackwho can run Eucalyptus under ubuntu 9.10 aplha 6?15:52
uboxsimplifier: this is what a typical desktop can look like http://enlightenment.org/i/az-desktop.png15:52
simplifierubox:oh thanks i'll google it15:53
uboxsimplifier: that is the url there15:53
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Picilbsjack: Karmic is not on-topic here, Try #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu+115:53
wrapsteris there a channel for asking queries on makefiles?15:54
wrapstercouldnt find one15:54
abhilashm86how to disable intel chipset graphic card? i've nvidia card, so i want intel to disable15:54
AaDihey guys !!15:54
AaDii downloaded virtualbox 3.deb ..i installed it..but when i run it from GUI nothing happed..from shell it says 'Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall.'15:54
n8tuserwrapster-> try those in #c15:54
* Keiya grumbles.15:54
brishuthanks vigo15:55
KeiyaGNOME Terminal bugs me >_>15:55
abhilashm86command to disable intel and install nvidia drivers? any tutorial link please:)15:55
cheslynhi guys !! anyone how do i reset the root passwd15:55
KeiyaI want highlight-to-copy, darnit!15:55
abhilashm86graphic drivers15:55
n8tuserAaDi-> did you use dpkg to install it?15:55
AaDii downloaded virtualbox 3.deb ..i installed it..but when i run it from GUI nothing happen..from shell it says 'Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall.'15:55
jonaskoelkerwhy is there no help for me today?  Are my questions too difficult?15:55
grawityKeiya: And it does copy on highlight.15:55
vigobrishu: I think that one explains it well, and you are welcome.15:55
grawityKeiya: Just to a separate clipboard.15:55
grawityKeiya: (Middle-click to paste)15:55
grawitycheslyn: Did you have a root password set? By default, Ubuntu has root account locked.15:56
Keiyagrawity: Ah...15:56
KeiyaThere's just one problem with that15:56
KeiyaI have no MMB15:56
grawityKeiya: Try pressing both mouse buttons at the same time.15:57
KeiyaOooh, that works15:57
grawityKeiya: Or, learn Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl-Shift-V -- this will use the GNOME clipboard.15:57
KeiyaThanks grawity ^_^15:57
foeygrawity : Thanks that worked well. I am now able to type in \\servername\ without it asking me for a username and password.15:57
grawityKeiya: Some touchpads also let you tap a corner to middle-click.15:57
Keiyagrawity: I can configure that using the windows drivers, but. :/15:58
zacktrackKeiya: in GNOME terminal: Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts15:58
abhilashm86how to disable intel graphic card, pls help!!15:58
alpha255abhilashm86: bios?15:58
foeyabhilashm86 : can you do this through the systems bios?15:58
grawityKeiya: And I remember using it in Ubuntu too. (It's an ALPS touchpad - not exactly synaptic, but mostly the same thing.)15:58
KrimZon^help! i can't find x-chat in the repositories on a freshly installed 9.0415:59
abhilashm86alpha255: no i want to disable onboard graphics card intel..............15:59
abhilashm86foey: i don't know,i have nvidia, so i want to use it16:00
KrimZon^nor can i find wine16:00
cheslyngrawity: yep16:00
foeyabhilashm86 : OK, currently you have a onboard intel graphics card, but you wish to use your nvidia card? What is ubuntu defaulting to?16:01
grawitycheslyn: Then boot in recovery mode.16:01
cheslyngrawity: how?16:02
JMFTheVCII have lost the ability to use sudo. Every command gets an authentication error.16:03
abhilashm86foey: its default with intel graphics card16:03
grawitycheslyn: Reboot, choose "recovery mode" from the boot menu.16:04
abhilashm86foey: did u understand my problem? just want to remove intel and install nvidia card!!16:04
prateek_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/230983/+choose-affected-product I want to add 'ubuntu', but it says "There is no project in Launchpad named "Ubuntu". Please search for it as it may be registered with a different name." Searching for it tells me that there are too many results. So how is one supposed to do this?16:04
abhilashm86foey: ??16:04
=== prateek_ is now known as prateek
foeyabhilashm86 : So the Nvidia is currently running and your monitor is connected via it?16:05
cheslyngrawity: after that16:05
abhilashm86foey: i removed it, coz it will freeze ubuntu, in boot time only.........16:05
thiebaudeabhilashm86, have you installed the nvidia drivers?16:05
foeyabhilashm86 : ah ok. I would put the nvidia card in and do a fail safe boot, then re-configure X16:06
abhilashm86thiebaude: no not yet, i need to disable intel graphics card16:06
golem_so i try to copy something with gftp and it makes a directory with permissions d------- that it can't even delete.16:06
abhilashm86foey: u mean without disabling intel?16:06
foeyabhilashm86 : Yes, normally once a AGP/PCI-E card is added the onboard card is disabled.16:07
foeyabhilashm86 : All you need to do then is failsafe and reconfigure the X server with the new card.16:07
thiebaudeabhilashm86, in bios change a setting to pci and not onboard16:08
abhilashm86foey: how to do failsafe boot and others?16:08
foeyabhilashm86 : when the boot loader loads, you should see, "Press f8 (or another key) for options, this will then give you a option to load the fail safe mode16:09
geniiOr just f5 for straight to safe16:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary16:10
pshr_well any good easy to access dictionary for ubuntu16:10
abhilashm86foey: oh ok, after installing nvidia drivers i need to do failsafe boot??16:10
pshr_No disappointments please16:11
pshr_well any good easy to access dictionary for ubuntu16:11
cheslyngrawity: r u still there16:11
foeyabhilashm86 : Once in fail safe - type in :- sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:11
foeyabhilashm86 : Fail safe first > Reconfigure X > reboot > Then install nvidia drivers.16:11
mahdi_jahi all. i have a ati radeon hd 4670, i can not install driver for this.16:12
_lover_rofl nothing16:12
_lover_rofl nothing16:12
pshr_well any good easy to access dictionary for ubuntu16:12
pshr_ray defining exit points :P16:12
golem_what a jungle16:12
_lover_gnome-ppp not installed16:12
pshr_seriously golem_ i think that too16:12
abhilashm86joey: thanks i'l do and tell...............16:12
_lover_its prove that ubuntu is ubantards16:12
pshr_so that makes you great _lover_16:12
thiebaudeabhilashm86, system-administration-hardware drivers and ubuntu will search for the driver and then choose recommended driver16:12
golem_i wish filezilla was available for amd6416:13
_lover_pshr nothing in unbuntu16:13
foeygolem : You can install it on a 64bit platform16:13
Dr_WillisI was thinking i used filezilla on my 64bit boxc's16:13
pshr_like wordweb16:13
defineyourmoralscan anyone help with installing opengl support on ubuntustudio jaunty 64-bit?16:13
_lover_lol guys what can i do16:14
=== hey` is now known as grumete
pshr_defineyourmorals, did you try synaptic16:14
_lover_i wwant gnome-ppp16:14
pshr__lover_, love16:14
sipiorpshr_: apt-cache search dict16:14
Dr_Willisdoes 'open gl support' mean  installing the proper 3d drivers for your card?16:14
defineyourmoralspshr_ i did. got package errors16:14
thiebaude_lover_, did you do sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp?16:14
thiebaude_lover_, what happened?16:14
pshr_sipior, not helpful16:14
kiran_how to build debian packages from installed applications16:15
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:15
eladEver since I've installed the nvidia drivers, my computer boots up slower, even though I've turned off the fancy effects. Why's that?16:15
_lover_byee guys16:15
thiebaudeelad, what driver do you have?16:15
_lover_i am uninstalling ubuntu16:15
sipiorpshr_: actually, it was. if you were interested in answering your question, instead of whining.16:16
sipior_lover_: why tell us?16:16
golem__lover_ don't you threaten us16:16
thiebaudeelad, i have the same driver and no problems, even with compiz,etc16:16
_lover_guys my mind is blasting now16:16
thiebaudeelad, my bad i have 185 in 9.1016:16
pshr_sipior, Dude!! come on it scrolls up , what may be 50 lines up in my terminal and you expect me to search instead of whining16:17
_lover_the better one is puppylinux which i am logging through16:17
sipiorpshr_: omg! you have to read and stuff!16:17
_lover_its give my pupdial-up16:17
pshr_ah! great so i am digging in16:17
eladHow do I upgrade to 9.10? Is it out of beta yet? It /is/ October....16:17
pshr_Gawd....Synaptic is always life saver16:17
golem_could someone please set mode +m16:17
Dr_Williselad:  in short.. wait.. :)16:17
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stardict16:17
Dr_Williselad:  its due out at the END of october16:17
_lover_ Ubantards16:17
thiebaudeelad, i can tell you but, #ubuntu+1 is better16:18
pshr__lover_, that sounds more of like retards16:18
thiebaude!offtopic | Psr_16:19
ubottuPsr_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:19
yonderboyI keep trying to ssh to a remote host, but I keep getting: Permission denied (publickey)16:19
yonderboyI have read the ssh docs, but still don't know what to do16:19
Pici_lover_: If you have nothing to constructive to contribute here and aren't asking for support, then you can depart.16:19
yonderboycan anyone give me some pointers16:19
grawityyonderboy: Check the permissions of remote ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys16:19
thiebaudeelad, yea16:20
yonderboydid that!16:20
yonderboythe permissions are fine16:20
stefgyonderboy: so password based authentication might be disabled for that host.16:20
Dr_Willisyonderboy:  i also recall ssh -vvvvv (or few/less v's) for more verbose error/logging messages16:20
yonderboydid that too Dr16:20
kiran_how to patch kernal to get sound on my machine16:20
grawityyonderboy: And check the contents of authorized_keys... Often I have seen people putting the private key instead of the public one.16:20
stefg!sound | kiran_16:20
ubottukiran_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:20
grawityyonderboy: And check remote /etc/ssh/sshd_config too.16:20
yonderboyI copied over my public key to the remote host16:20
yonderboystefg: How could I check in the sshd_config if passwd auth might be disabled?16:21
n8tuseryonderboy-> you can not check the remote if you can not log on16:22
travlingeekok i just bought a computer and im having this realy anoying problem i pup in the ubuntu cd and notice it dint boot so i deduce that the boot from cd option or the boot order is not apropriatly program in the bios but when i restarted the computer and push del i enter bios but 5 second later the computer just shut down16:22
yonderboyyes, i can login16:22
yonderboythrough a special terminal16:22
stefgyonderboy: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/ssh.htm applies to ubuntu, too16:23
golem_travlingeek: hardware problems, wrong channel16:23
Picitravlingeek: Try ##hardware instead, its not really an Ubuntu issue.16:23
travlingeekoh ok well thanks still for the pointer16:24
lnxmadWhat's the best way to stick an application in a tray, instead of on the "task bar"?16:24
hitman# ubuntu-ro16:25
geniihitman: /join #ubuntu-ro16:25
djznmay I ask one question, is there a way to make DOLPHIN to display only 2 panels just like Windows Explorer, or will it always displaying "as many panels as it can"16:25
stefgyonderboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=831372 is interesting, too16:25
yonderboystefg: on the remote host, I notice that there is a 'config' file in ~/.ssh16:26
yonderboyin that file there are parameters being set... Do you know where I can read up on this file?16:26
stefg!info alltray | lnxmad16:26
ubottulnxmad: alltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 56 kB, installed size 252 kB16:26
yonderboyah, I think I found a problem16:28
yonderboyin the remote host, the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file contains: PasswordAuthentication no16:28
stefgyonderboy: and actually that's not a bad idea16:29
yonderboydoes that mean that from another box, I can't do: ssh -l games@remotehost.com16:29
AaDiplz help me with installation of VBOX PLZ PLZ16:29
yonderboystefg: I put my public key in the authorized_keys file... and it still saying permission denied16:30
yonderboypermission denied (public key)16:30
yonderboystefg: Can I show you the verbose output?16:31
yonderboyI can paste it (not in here) but on a paste site16:31
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SomethingelseOo Public Key?16:32
stefgyonderboy: right. you can only login from boxen that have their public key added to authorized_keys on the server. Another thing might be that you only allow login from certain hosts by IP.16:32
SomethingelseOh i see, wasnt for me, thought it was an auto answer <.< I wanted to state a question... im trying to install Ubuntu and right after i hit enter on "Install Ubuntu" i get a flashing underline like if its waiting for an Input and nothing happens.16:32
yonderboystefg: on the remote host, the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files are empty (except for comments)16:33
adnanhey guys16:33
AaDiplz help me with installation of VBOX PLZ PLZ16:33
stefg!virtualbox | AaDi16:33
ubottuAaDi: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:33
sipiorAaDi: it would be vastly simpler if you just told us what problem you're having :-)16:34
adnanjust want to setup hamachi for ubuntu managed to install it but couldnt be able to connect to network ??? does anybody setup it on his/her ubuntu?16:34
gwydionwaterssometimes zip files, that previously open, will not open claiming they are incomplete16:34
gwydionwatersany ideas?16:34
gwydionwatersthese are very large and on dvd16:34
sipiorgwydionwaters: what do you mean by very large, precisely?16:35
=== marius is now known as Guest69515
AaDii downloaded virtualbox 3.deb ..i installed it..but when i run it from GUI nothing happen..from shell it says 'Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall.'16:35
yonderboystefg: I think I found my answer here:16:35
gwydionwatersit opened on my last install, but i tried to upgrade and it broke so i reinstalled and now it won't open it. say's it's broken16:35
sipiorgwydionwaters: and how did you attempt to unzip them, before and now?16:36
fearfulAaDi, have you tried restarting xorg I had issues after installing it, but cleared up after restarted xorg16:36
yonderboythanks for all your help!!16:36
gwydionwatersusing the default archive program16:36
AaDifearful, no16:36
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adnanAaDi, also check if services are running16:36
lnxmadthank you @ stefg and ubottu16:36
AaDiadnan, yes16:36
=== marius_ is now known as marius-
orwellcan anyone see this I am developing a iPhone app need to know16:36
AaDithey are running adnan16:36
sipiorgwydionwaters: you might try "unzip", from the terminal. if nothing else, you might get a clearer error message.16:36
adnanAaDi, ok then do as fearful said16:36
gwydionwatersok, i'll try that. i'm copying it over to my hdd first16:37
adnanAaDi, hopefully should fix the problem16:37
sipiorgwydionwaters: might also simply be that the dvd is damaged16:37
adnanguys any body tried install hamachi or logmein on ubuntu ?16:37
gwydionwatersok, but it worked a week ago o_O16:37
tavelramhow can I have several different versions of the same program at the same time? eg rdesktop 1.6 and 1.5...16:38
sipiorgwydionwaters: i'm sure it did.16:38
gwydionwaterssipior: lol is this a common problem?16:39
geniitavelram: Not usually, since the names of the binaries are the same16:39
sipiorgwydionwaters: not to my knowledge.16:39
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
sipiorgwydionwaters: optical media can be maddeningly fragile at times.16:40
AaDithat's not working adnan ,fearful  i restarted xorg but vbox not running :S16:40
gwydionwaterssipior: i think osx's zips just suck. or the application 'burn'16:40
tavelramgenii, yeah i know. at uni we have some program to handle that, but it would be nice if apt-get already had som functionality for that.16:40
gwydionwatersi made a more recent backup which will not work here or vista16:40
AaDihow to install non-free version of VirtualBox16:40
adnanAaDi, sudo apt-cache search virtualbox16:41
adnanAaDi, you will be able to see list of virtualbox ...16:41
AaDiadnan, Ok16:41
fearfulAaDi, have you tried killing all the processes and then re-opening it16:41
geniitavelram: You can have the main system use some version in the /bin or /sbin    and keep a local different copy in /home/yourname/bin   or so16:41
AaDifearful, nope16:41
adnanAaDi, ok hold on16:42
gwydionwaterssame error from console, end-of-central-directory not found16:42
SomethingelseI just installed ubuntu via the inside windows installation...16:42
fearfulAaDi, adnan maybe before installing the non-free version just do ps axwww | grep virtual and kill the processes with virtual box16:42
Somethingelsenow its stuck in the boot screen.16:42
fearfulAaDi, then try and re open it16:42
gwydionwatersmaybe if i clean it with a cd solution16:43
TrizicusI am a programmer; where do I start to start programming in Linux?16:43
sipiorgwydionwaters: you mentioned an upgrade before. what exactly did you upgrade between the time you successfully opened this zip file and now?16:43
mamadpythonیه فارسی زبان اینجا هست ؟16:43
AaDii desinstalled vbox16:43
fccf!sa | mamadpython16:43
ubottumamadpython: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:43
tavelramgenii, ok, that would nbe fine. how do I do can I use apt-get to grab it to a directory of mny choice or something?16:43
AaDii just now need install vbox 3 on my ubuntu 9.0416:43
shaiDoes anyone know how I can enforce the larger DPI ( I set it to 120 instead of 96 ) on X apps I started over SSH X11 Forwarding ? The DPI set on my XDM works great, but those menus are just way to small on the apps I start via SSH ...16:43
gwydionwaterssipior: i upgraded from ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 which went bad so i installed a clean 8.10 again, which was what i had when it did work. same install cd and all16:44
adnanAaDi, can you please do the following sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-cache search virutalbox , you should be able to find the x86 version of virutalbox16:44
sipiorTrizicus: what sort of languages do you prefer?16:44
mamadpythonubottu, انا لا افهم الغة العربیة16:44
adnanAaDi, can you please tell me which ubuntu version you using ?16:44
AaDiimvirt - detects several virtualizations16:44
AaDivboxgtk - simple GTK+ frontend for VirtualBox16:44
AaDivirtualbox-ose - Solution de virtualisation x86 - binaires16:44
AaDivirtualbox-ose-dbg - Solution de virtualisation x86 - symboles de débogage16:44
AaDivirtualbox-ose-guest-source - x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module source16:44
FloodBot3AaDi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:44
adnanguys anybody install hamachi or logmein please let me know16:44
stefg!ide | Trizicus16:45
ubottuTrizicus: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, QtCreator16:45
marius-mamadpython: ubottu is a bot, he won16:45
marius-'t answer you :)16:45
TrizicusI realize that however what are the compilers16:45
mamadpythonmarius-, OK16:45
adnanAaDi, hold on16:45
sipiorgwydionwaters: you might try accessing it from another machine. can you access the archive from the os x machine that wrote it?16:46
AaDiadnan, ok16:46
marius-Trizicus: sun-java6-jdk for java, gcc and build-essentials for c/c++16:46
sipiorTrizicus: gcc and g++ will be your main staples.16:46
gwydionwatersi've removed it from my hdd16:46
xTEMPLARx_adnan:  I've used Logmein on windows PCs, but never on my linux boxes16:46
marius-that's the package names though16:46
mamadpythonjoin ubuntu-ir16:46
Trizicusok gcc and G++ for c/C++. What about the libs in /lib/ where can I find more info out about those16:46
stefgTrizicus: i think you should probably start by installing eclipse16:46
adnanxTEMPLARx, just tried installing hamachi which is logmein version for linux but not working16:46
gwydionwaterssipior: it does have some minor scratches in a bunch so i am going to try fixing them with a kit i have16:46
xTEMPLARx_i'm looking at the site right now16:47
=== markl__ is now known as markl_
adnanAaDi, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose - x8616:47
AaDiadnan, that's the open source version...i want the closed source16:48
sipiorTrizicus: those are the standard C and C++ libraries. further library documentation is usually attached to whichever library packages you choose to install. also, consider installing the manpages-dev package. you're familiar with man pages?16:48
AaDiit contains a lot of features16:48
geniitavelram: I'd suggest to make a custom apt.conf file which specifies all install dirs to be under your home dir, then call apt-get with the --config-file option. Use apt-config dump        to see what variables to set in your custom file16:49
Trizicushowever i've never programmed in linux before and dont know where to start16:49
sipiorTrizicus: you were on windows before, or?16:49
lnxmadint main(){return 0;}16:49
fccfadnan: I'm not sure what you are trying to do - whatever it is though is not officially supported in ubuntu, perhaps if you explain your needs we can offer you a supported solution16:49
=== William is now known as Guest23949
sipiorTrizicus: process is nearly identical. install an ide if you want, but easiest just to whip up a text file in your favourite editor, and practice compiling a few "Hello, World!" analogues via the terminal.16:50
adnanAaDi, please follow the steps mentioned in link www.howtoforge.com/virtualbox_ubuntu16:50
Trizicusalright I also noticed that a lot of apps are distributed via cvs and svn where can I learn about using these to get source?16:50
xTEMPLARx_adnan:  the only logmein software I see is a beta or pre-release copy of a browser-based client16:50
adnanfccf, i am looking for a similar solution which allows me to control ubuntu desktop from outside LAN16:50
xTEMPLARx_the hamachi page doesn't seem to mention anything but windows systems thus far16:51
TaejoI recently a) started using networkmanager and b) changed my login password. When I did the latter, NetworkManager started requiring my *old* password to connect to my wireless network. How can I make it go back to not asking for my password?16:51
xTEMPLARx_adnan:  i did find this page, but I'm not sure how current it is:  http://www.markmmanning.com/blog/2008/04/how-to-use-logmein-with-linux.html16:51
sipiorTrizicus: google around for "subversion cvs howto" and the like. there is an enormous amount of material available for first-time users.16:51
MenZayanndan: Please don't link that here.16:52
=== elad is now known as elad`
adnanxTEMPLARx_, thnxs let me see ...16:52
=== xTEMPLARx_ is now known as xTEMPLARx
Trizicusalright thanks :)16:52
marius-Taejo: Go to applications -> accessories -> passwords and encryption keys, and right click the group and select change password16:52
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I'd like to swap escape and caps lock when I'm in the console.  How do I go about this?16:52
DexterFproblem with network scanner setup16:53
fccfadnan: do you have administrator access to your router? if so it would be as easy as opening a port and using the remote desktop that is built into gnome which is called VNC the programs you would be using are vino for the server and vinagre as the client ... or you can use SSH tunnelling and X Forwarding .. which is a little more complicated16:54
Dr_Willisjonaskoelker:  ive seen guides on swaping ctrl and caps lock.. (id say check google for those) then see if you can doit for any other  key codes...16:54
stefgTaejo: see the keyring manager in Applications/Accessories16:54
Taejomarius-: if I set it to my new password, it won't ask for any password?16:54
marius-Taejo: it worked for me when I changed my pw at least :) and it doesn't ask now16:54
=== chibi is now known as chibi_job_seeker
jonaskoelkerDr_Willis: yeah, I found one.  It suggested that if I wanted a similar change in X, I edited my XF86Config :D16:54
gwydionwatersis there anyway to force the zip to open even if it is damaged?16:55
ab2qikneed help on server authorisation16:55
DexterFneed to run saned but the instructions for 8.10 and before in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo are not too useful: there is no/etc/init.d/inetd and no /etc/init.d/xinetd16:55
DexterFare both not installed per default?16:55
fccf!details | ab2qik16:55
ubottuab2qik: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:55
Dr_Willisgwydionwaters:  i thin the zip command has some repair/force command line options16:55
adnanfccf, thnxs16:55
gwydionwatersdr_willis: i'll check the man16:55
ab2qikrunning 9.04 copied contents of /var to a newly created lvm mount point /mnt/var16:56
nsahoohi .. screen is not updating gnome terminal title correctly16:57
elad`Is there a way to get non-shitty playback on youtube?16:57
fccf!ohmy | elad`16:57
ubottuelad`: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:57
ab2qikgot error: daemon/ServAuthDir is set to /var/lib/gdm16:57
lbthi - I need to deploy a few ubuntu desktops with LUKS (dmcrypt)... what's the best install automation option? is kickstart reasonable (since it is in use for some Centos machines)16:57
elad`Is there a way to get proper playback on youtube?16:58
Psych0Patinstall flash x)16:58
elad`For example, right now, the volume knob doesn't work.16:58
elad`flash what?16:58
Psych0Patadobe flash16:59
ab2qikshould i edit gdm.conf16:59
Psych0Patyou're using un open source sowtware for read flash ?16:59
=== Painkiller is now known as migas
fccfab2qik: Have you edited your /etc/fstab to reflect the changes of where /var is located16:59
ab2qikto point to /mnt/var/lib/gdm16:59
elad`I just got whatever got installed by firefox when I first entered a webpage with flash content.17:00
ab2qikfccf, Yes17:00
tavelramgenii, ok, there wasnt a 1.5 of rdesktop, and I think I solved my original problem by switching to oss instead of alsa, but thanks anyway.17:00
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:00
geniitavelram: np17:00
fccfab2qik: please pastebin your fstab ... I'll take a look17:00
ab2qikfccf, thanks17:00
ab2qikfccf, sorry thats difficult since i just get a shell17:01
frog_hi, i live in stud. house, i am connected to swich and the whole stud. house is conecctded to dsl. how can i check the parameters of this dsl (uplink/downlink,traffic),17:01
frog_i mean i have a switch in my room (where i plug 2 boxes). and the student house have a dsl17:01
fccfab2qik: not so difficult if you use pastebinit ... see !pastebinit17:01
ab2qikfccf, and im on vista on this channel17:01
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit17:01
fccfab2qik: sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:02
kielanmatthi guyz17:02
ab2qikfccf, so pastebinit can be done from shell17:02
kielanmattis the frequency scaling governor?17:02
elad`Do I need to uninstall the opensource flash?17:02
fccfab2qik: yep17:02
kielanmatta module17:02
kielanmattis the frequency scaling governor a module17:03
kielanmattlike in modprobe17:03
ab2qikfccf,   in that case im on a dual boot machine and will go out of vista & into ubuntu.17:03
gwydionwatershow hard is it to recover files deleted from a hdd?17:04
fccfab2qik: ugh, see ya soon17:04
ab2qikfccf, see ya17:04
sarutobihow I can make a short to .sh?17:04
gwydionwaterssarutobi: in what? gnome?17:05
Dr_Willissarutobi:  drag it somewhere, hold down alt.. make shortcut...17:05
fccf!undelete | gwydionwaters17:05
ubottugwydionwaters: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:05
Dr_Willissarutobi:  or use the 'ln -s' command.17:05
fearfulgwydionwaters, are you using ext2 or ext3?17:05
gwydionwatersext3 i think17:05
elad`I've install the restricted flash. How do I get it working instead of the opensource thing?17:06
kielanmattexcuse me17:06
kielanmattis the frequency governor a module i can blacklis?17:06
xTEMPLARxelad:  I would make sure via synaptics manager that ONLY the restricted flash was installed17:06
stefgelad`: have you had installed swfdec/gnash before?17:06
sarutobiDr_Willis: but where? sh /home/lucjan/Pulpit/jurny-jarzabek-skrypt.sh for example17:07
elad`stefg, I don't know.17:07
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/17:07
stefgelad`: then stop worrying ... everything works17:07
Dr_Willis sarutobi  you can make a .sh executable and you dont need the sh ./whtever   at the front.17:07
elad`stefg, no. I'm getting the not-so-good opensource.17:08
Dr_Willissarutobi:  make it executable then linkit whever ya want.. Or just put it in your users ~/bin/ dir and itwill be in your default path17:08
tstebuthi ?17:08
elad`stefg, the player I get is the opensource one. It's way less than satisfactory.17:08
stefgelad`: what is telling you that?17:08
fearfulgwydionwaters, give me one second17:08
elad`I can see the same bugs as before I installed the restricted thing.17:08
gwydionwatersfearful: ok17:08
stefgelad`: sudo apt-get autoremove swfdec gnash17:09
Dr_WillisHeh - No one ever actually uses the open sourced flashs tuff it seems17:09
fccfkielanmatt: 'sudo apt-get remove powernowd cpudyn'  will remove the userspace freq scaling ... more info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24886717:09
fearfulgwydionwaters, how did you remove these files? rm17:09
tstebutHow can I so if I have a root access without id nor su command available17:09
Dr_Williststebut:  ubuntu uses 'sudo' not 'su'17:10
fccf!sudo | tstebut17:10
ubottutstebut: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:10
sipiorDr_Willis: no one, at least, who wants to actually watch flash media :-)17:10
gwydionwatersyep, accidental rm -R * /dir/* while in the root of my external, instead of rm -R /dir/*17:10
elad`Thanks. Boy, that's much better. Go closed-source software!17:10
gwydionwatersi was half awake lol17:10
sarutobiDr_Willis: I can't do it ;/17:10
sipiorgwydionwaters: ouch. hate to see that.17:10
gwydionwatershaha ya, me too17:10
Dr_Willissarutobi:  clarify to the channel what you are wanting to do EXACTLY, and perhaps they can help. sounds like what you want to do is a rather trivial thing.. (but its my bed time)17:11
gwydionwatersthat's the contents of my zip more or less. so i could recover somehow or fix the dvd, which is not to bad but my cd kit is cheap17:11
kielanmattfccf : I dont have these packages and it still scles17:11
LucidGuyfor some reason my amsn seems to not be able to connect to the msn network .. any ideas?17:12
fccfkielanmatt: the link I gave you has all of the modules listed, so you can blacklist them17:12
adnanLucidGuy, you can use pidgin, it will do the trick17:12
gwydionwatersfearful: i did find this http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html  but it confuses me a bit17:13
kielanmattwhere is that file for modprobe blacklist17:13
LucidGuyadnan, I've used pidgin...  find amsn better for msn networks17:13
tstebutI'm affraid I don't have sudo...it's on a restricted system17:13
fccfkielanmatt: if it doesn't exist you can create it here /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist17:13
tstebutLinux indeed but minimal, very minimal17:13
adnanLucidGuy, try killing the process and running it again17:14
Dr_Williststebut:  then you may need to check with the admin about doing things that need root access..  Ubuntu sets up the first user as the 'admin; user with sudo rights'17:14
kielanmattfccf: modprobe -r removes them too doesnt it17:14
fccfkielanmatt: only until you reboot17:14
kielanmatti dont have the modules either17:15
kielanmattsays it cant find them17:15
fearfulgwydionwaters, do you know how to search with grep?17:16
fccfkielanmatt: see section 5 of that page ... it discribes how to lock the govenor to min/max levels17:17
jeredalright... i could use some help here.. i screwed up royally last night17:19
RobLoach"Beta" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule returns a 404.17:19
kielanmattTHX fccf17:19
PiciRobLoach : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.17:19
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fccf!ask | jered17:20
ubottujered: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:20
jeredi wanted to install ubuntu on my hp laptop as a dual boot last night and for some reason didnt select dual boot and i believe it repartitioned my hp hard drive and wiped the restore for vista...17:20
tstebutSorry I just want to find a turnover solution just to have knowledge of my privileges/rights/roles/access/whatever :/17:20
tstebuthello ?17:20
tstebutsomebody can read me ?17:20
jerednot that i want vista but my wife is freaking out at me17:20
xTEMPLARxtstebut:  i see you17:20
acostellowhat is the default program file store in ubuntu 9.04? if i want to change the default movie player to vlc, how would I do that?17:21
jeredwhen i hit f11 for system restore when booting it doesnt even get to the vista restore17:21
jereddo you think it wiped that restore partition?17:21
ubuntujenkinsis it possible to have two dropbox accounts linked to my laptop at the same time? I would like to have one for each group project that we are doing at uni.17:21
ubuntujenkinsI can't use ubunru one as it needs to be crossplatform17:22
n8tuserubuntujenkins-> what is your definition of a dropbox?17:22
harisundubuntujenkins, the dropbox forums might be a better place for that question17:22
fccfubuntujenkins: what are you using to connect to dropbox?17:23
ubuntujenkinsfccf the dropbox program from the dropbox website on my jaunty laptop17:23
jeredthing that really sux is i had all my business emails and so forth on that partition and dont have a valid backup copy17:24
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fccfubuntujenkins: have 2 user accounts in linux, switch back and forth17:25
DuckGodif i install linux while it has a intel network card in it will it not install right?like not install the grub?17:26
ubuntujenkinsfccf one way around it I was thinking of a more seamless aproach, but that is the best sugestion yet17:26
DuckGodif i install linux while it has a intel network card in it will it not install right?like not install the grub?17:27
fccf!repeat | DuckGod17:27
ubottuDuckGod: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:27
tongueroohey guys, wondering, so when something gets compiled and built onto a system, eventually what results are binary files and executables, if i were to take the binary files and executables and copy them over to another system with the same architecture x86, would they just work?17:27
tonguerooim thinking about deployments and long compile times when i need to spin up a bunch of more servers17:27
joaopintotongueroo, if you have the same libraries for which those binaries are linked to in the other system, yes17:28
fccftongueroo: provided they are running the same kernel, have all necessarry libraries, and dependencies17:28
joaopintotongueroo, why not just build the .deb packages ?17:28
tongueroojoaopinto : ic, actually we're on gentoo in production17:28
tstebutxTEMPLARx thank you17:28
joaopintotongueroo, ah ok :\17:29
tongueroowhich tends to build everything from source, hence the question17:29
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tonguerooyeah, im in the wrong room :)17:29
joaopintotongueroo, that might be a problem, don't expect library versions compatibility between gentoo and ubuntu17:29
yanwei_it's time for sleeping17:29
joaopintotongueroo, you could setup an ubuntu chroot on the gentoo server17:29
tongueroointeresting, k, good to know, ive always have wondered that, just havent had the chance to try it out yet :)17:29
hustonhey i have another question. in windows 64 bit vista if you install a program that is meant for a 32 bit system it goes into a special program files folder meant for 32 bit programs, does ubuntu 64 bit do anything similar to this?17:30
joaopintohuston, no, but you can install 32bits libraris so that you can most of the 32bits apps out there17:30
joaopintorun most17:30
hustonok. thx.17:31
tongueroojoaopinto: interesting, is chroot-ing similar to running vm's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot17:31
joaopintotongueroo, well, kind of,, it is just virtualized in the filesystem structure sense17:31
SeismicMikeI have vpnc and the Network Manager vpnc plugin installed and can successfully connect to my VPN, but cannot reach the outside Internet when I'm connected. Help? I'm running 9.0417:31
joaopintobut because on linux most of the resources are file structure based, yes, it behaves like a very light vm17:32
tstebutxTEMPLARx, If you still see me, do you know a way to know17:32
xTEMPLARxtstebut:  I'm sorry but i'm not familiar with your issue.  :(17:32
tonguerooic, cool17:32
tstebutxTEMPLARx, If you still see me, do you know a way to know if I have root privilege on a device, without no su nor sudo nor id....17:32
tstebutOh ok17:32
Moaehi all17:34
drowhat is a good way to free up space on ltsp server17:34
droi mean ubuntu desktop17:34
acostellocan someone tell me how to change the default .wav player to vlc?17:35
Moaei have to remove LCDproc, to make a clean installation, what command i have to use to remove completely the software (i didn't install it with apt-get, i have compiled the packages)17:35
tornRight-click on it then go to Properties > Open With17:35
fccfacostello: System>Preferences>PreferredApplications17:35
MoonlitFateI accidentally deleted my SCIM icon and network connection icon from the top panel... does anyone know how I can get them back?17:36
tornfccf, "Preferred Applications" never works for me.17:36
fccfMoonlitFate: right click on the top bar... Add To Panel .. add the applets back17:37
acostellofccf: that didnt change it.17:37
SeismicMikeHow do I get vpnc to let me access the internet?17:37
Moaeanyone can answer me? :)17:38
gwydionwatersanyone have any ideas on recovering rm'd files on ext3?17:38
MoonlitFatefccf: I would do that, if the applets were actually there, but they don't seem to be. :(17:38
MadsyMoae: sudo make uninstall && make clean? :-)17:38
MadsyOpen the makefile and see what the targets are.17:39
MadsyMoae: Don't message people in private please. It's considered rude by some. Ask in the channel so everyone can benefit from the discussion.17:40
fccfMoonlitFate: Network moniter should be there ... as for SCIM .. there is a function in System>Preferences>SCIM Input Method Setup called GTK under Panel ....you should be able to do that from there17:41
MoaeMadsy: sorry17:42
MoaeMadsy where i have to launch the command?17:42
geos64oooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOD PLAEASE HELP ME17:42
MadsyMoae: In the build directory where the makefile is.17:42
MadsyYou said you compiled the application yourself.17:42
fccf!help | geos6417:43
ubottugeos64: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:43
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:43
geos64ON MY LINUX17:43
faleany news about the b1?17:44
fccffale: b1??17:45
geos64i what fix my screen to 1024x78917:45
falefccf: beta 1 ;)17:45
fccf!karmic | fale17:45
ubottufale: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:45
falethankyou fccf17:45
fccffale: np17:46
gwydionwatersgeos64: what is it now?17:46
flucksbawkshey guys... my comp just decided to start using oss instead of alsa... alsa says connection refused to audio device, etc.. someone wanna help?17:46
flucksbawksoss doesn't work btw17:46
geos64my screen is low and whant make it to 1024x78917:47
fccf1024x768 is the correct17:47
fccfgeos64: you will probably need to install restricted drivers for your video card ... Do you know what kind of card you have, as in model number and make17:48
geos641024x768 is in my system17:48
flucksbawksoh gosh17:48
fccf!patience | flucksbawks17:49
ubottuflucksbawks: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:49
jaspion_me--> --> + y17:49
Two4what was that for?17:49
geos64i install it today17:49
flucksbawksfccf: thats not why I said oh gosh...17:49
jaspion_meLiu Kang High Fireball Dragon17:49
stefg!fixres | fccf17:49
ubottufccf: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:49
fccfstefg: not for me17:50
stefg!sound | flucksbawks17:50
ubottuflucksbawks: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:50
flucksbawksstefg: I know... unfortunately I'm not running gnome..  or any DE for that matter17:50
stefgflucksbawks: how then that you have oss installed ?17:51
Two4flucksbawks, you're running from the bash?17:51
ubunoobhello i have a little problem, i don't know how to change the password of my normal user, because i forgett it. im now connected with my su-account.17:51
flucksbawksTwo4: well, its an HTPC that runs fluxbox,  but when I run mplayer from shell it tries all ao's, and fails miserably with all of them now17:52
sebsebsebubunoob: ok that's easy enough to sort out17:52
n8tuserubunoob-> passwd username17:52
lizzzyMy speakers work perfectly but front headphones won't work.17:52
flucksbawksTwo4: I install pulseaudio from source, and it didn't come with an uninstall script =P17:52
sebsebsebubunoob: In the olden Ubuntu days would have to use a Live CD to sort that out,  but  not for the past few or so releases since recovery mode17:52
flucksbawksTwo4: but alsa was still working after that for about 2-3 months17:52
stefgflucksbawks: have you checked lsmod that all your (alsa) kernel modules are loaded?17:53
euxneksflucksbawks: you should be able to make uninstall in your src directory17:53
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sphenxeswhat open source VOIP would you recommend to use instead of skype? and also call land line17:53
LobbyZIs it correct to call Ubuntu a debian OS? (just say yes or no)17:53
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Two4flucksbawks, you lost me at HTPC17:53
sebsebsebubunoob: boot it up from Grub, get the root shell, and passwd username, or use the Live CD17:53
euxneksflucksbawks: if you wanted to remove something your installed by src I mean17:53
flucksbawkseuxneks: I tried that, no target to uninstall17:53
fccfLobbyZ: yes and no17:53
stefgflucksbawks: usually a make install can be undone with a make uninstall17:53
euxnekslizzzy: are you certain the front speaker ports actually work>?17:53
LobbyZfccf, yes and no? how come?17:54
geos64what do i do17:54
fccf!debian | LobbyZ17:54
ubottuLobbyZ: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:54
flucksbawksstefg: I know.. thats why I'm mad because there was no uninstall target17:54
soulerI need help with Nvidia graphics x.x17:54
ubunoobomg it wasnt the password is was my user :-D  i now found the right username17:54
sebsebseb!detials |  souler17:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about detials17:54
lizzzyeuxneks: Yup. Works perfectly on windoze.17:54
sebsebseb!detials |  souler17:54
soulerI installed, then it worked perfectly at first. After I restarted my computer the craphics gone horribly wrong... as in back to the same was as I installed ubuntu.17:54
fccf!details | souler17:55
ubottusouler: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:55
soulerubottu, I was typing out.17:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:55
sebsebsebfccf: hmm odd I spelt it wrong for a second time17:55
stefgflucksbawks: awww, great.... now you can only do a make install to some temporary dir only to see what went where and delete file by file...17:55
euxnekssouler: "gksudo nvidia-settings" then save output to xorg.conf17:55
lizzzyI think its a intel hda playback issue?17:56
euxnekslizzzy: try opening up the sound properties17:56
flucksbawksstefg: lol yeah... afraid of that,  but pulseaudio isn't really my problem.. its that alsa seems to not be configured correctly anymore17:56
euxnekslizzzy: you may have something muted that controls the front jack17:56
flucksbawksstefg: because alsa was still running fine, even when pulse couldn't connect17:56
lizzzyeuxneks: Not really...17:56
flucksbawksstefg: it just recently stopped working, and for some reason connects to oss, but plays no sound17:56
sebsebsebsouler: You messaged a bot :)17:56
lizzzyeuxneks: Everything is unmuted.17:57
soulerHey it\s my first time here17:57
soulerand my keyboard also got messed up for no reason17:57
soulerAnd how do I save it as an output from there_17:57
sebsebseblizzzy: Some people get sound issues in Ubuntu17:57
fccfflucksbawks: I am thinking that an update may have occurred that broke something, perhaps recompiling pulse under the new config might fix things17:58
soulerAll I see is HELP button and QUIT17:58
flucksbawksfccf: but how would pulse work correctly at all, if alsa isnt?  pulse runs off of alsa17:58
flucksbawksfccf: doesn't it?17:58
stefgflucksbawks: you said that is a lean HTPC install ? it might be more time-efficient just to backup the few important configs and reinstall instead of tracking and cleaning the mess17:58
oleg__hi all17:58
FrankQCo hai17:58
fccfflucksbawks: I actually agree with stefg on this one17:59
flucksbawksstefg: well, its an HTPC that is also a seedbox with a heavily invested userbase =P17:59
dom96hello, can anybody help me with a kernel panic i get on an acer aspire one, i executed dmesg, and i found http://pastebin.mozilla.org/67388417:59
flucksbawksstefg: its a server, that also happens to have output to a TV =P17:59
oleg__I have strange sound problem. Sound goes well, but when I use my HDD (copying files, moving them) the sound starts waving. Can anyone suggest something?17:59
soulereuxneks how do I save it as what you asked_18:00
lizzzyHmm.. Ok so, when i test the playback using my headphones, it doesn't work. The most interesting thing is if I plug it into my microphone slot, I can use it as headphones (that is I can hear the audio!)18:01
geos64i what help so i cann config to 1024x76818:01
stefgflucksbawks: a server-server or some low power home server?18:01
sebsebseblizzzy: oh18:01
sebsebseblizzzy: I guess for whatever reason the hardware isn't being detected properly18:02
lizzzysebsebseb: Yeah. That's prolly right. But, is there a solution?18:02
sebsebseblizzzy: this might be useful and then again it might be useless18:02
MoonlitFatefccf: Sorry for the really delayed response, had to go do some stuff. I found what you were talking about for SCIM, and I'll reboot and see if that brings the icon back.  But, I can't find Network Monitor-- for add to panel there is only a Modem Monitor for dial-up.18:02
sebsebseb!sound | lizzzy18:02
ubottulizzzy: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:02
flucksbawksstefg: well, its got about 30-40 users, and 5 TB of stuff18:03
flucksbawksstefg: its at my house, but I have a pretty thick business line18:03
lizzzysebsebseb: Did that. Don't work :(18:03
sebsebseblizzzy: ok the thing it suggested, but did you go on the links?18:03
geos64PLES HELP18:03
soulerIt\s fucking ridicilous I can see only one line of the chat. THe rest is bloody huge because of the stupidly low resolution18:03
stefgflucksbawks: because the seedbox actually would be a candidate for virtualization...18:03
lizzzysebsebseb: WIll do that now :)18:04
sebsebseb!ask  |  geos6418:04
ubottugeos64: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:04
flucksbawksstefg: what do you mean?18:04
sebsebseb!language |  souler18:04
ubottusouler: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:04
flucksbawkssouler: I bet you saw that line huh -.-18:04
soulerwhat line18:05
MoonlitFateLol. >o>18:05
sinthey, i want to install ubuntu to a friend. but i don't wanna reinstall in about a month. so would you suggest to install 9.10? will 9.10 be stable with updates in about a week or two?18:05
flucksbawkssouler: the ubottu line, I was jk tho18:05
geos64i dont know how to set sreen to 1024x76818:05
sebsebsebsint: yes install 9.1018:05
stefgflucksbawks: in server think you never try do give more than one dedicated job to a machine. you think in terms of appliances: Mail-appliance here, seedbox-appliance there, home-entertainmaint appliance over there18:05
soulerI need my drivers fixed. . .18:05
sebsebsebsint: it's released on October 29th18:05
souleror just graphics18:05
flucksbawkssint: karmic is pretty stable atm, I use it on my laptop18:05
geos64i runing ubuntu 918:05
sintsebsebseb: where to download?18:05
sebsebsebsint: don't get it early18:05
MoonlitFatesebsebseb: 9.10, you mean? :o18:06
flucksbawksstefg: yeah, I know.  thats why its just fluxbox and mplayer =P18:06
geos64but i dont have the dvd18:06
sintsebsebseb: ??18:06
fccfgeos64: 9.04 , or the prereleased 9.10? there is a big difference18:06
sebsebsebflucksbawks: it's  being alright for me as well,  but you shoudn't recommend people get it early, since there can still be certain problems18:06
sintsebsebseb: first you say "install it" and then "dont" ?18:06
sebsebsebsint: wait for the final before doing 9.10 that's what I am saying18:06
oleg__ I have strange sound problem. Sound goes well, but when I use my HDD (copying files, moving them) the sound starts waving. Can anyone suggest something?18:07
MoonlitFateI'll be back, going to reboot and see if SCIM comes back...18:07
sunshinepantsis there a way I can tell nautilus to not try to mount my sony phone? I've turned the options off in its preferences.. do I need to restart gnome?18:07
stefgflucksbawks: but now you see where non-existant isolation leads to18:07
fccfsint: your other option would be to install 9.04 and run the upgrade next month which is easyer than reinstalling18:07
mcchrismy wife's Ubuntu box is infected with something called 'malware-stop.org'. google has nothing. does anyone know what this is?18:08
sebsebsebfccf: next months is November :D  it's the 1st of October today18:08
flucksbawksstefg: stefg well, thats not the problem..  I shouldn't have tried to compile pulseaudio from src just for projectM... lol18:08
geos64what and how do i stall it18:08
flucksbawksstefg: I know where I went wrong, I just don't know how to fix it18:08
jribmcchris: infected how?18:08
sebsebsebfccf: the 2nd in some parts of the world also18:08
sintfccf: ya, but i never got an upgrade run perfectly. so i would install 9.04 and have it run forever. my friend is not the geek type of person and just needs a pc for internet18:08
fccfsebsebseb: yeah, but the ubuntu servers are going to be slammed until at least the first of november18:09
sebsebsebfccf: yeah I was just thinking about that as well18:09
mcchrisjrib, firefox hijacked, won't allow loading of any other web pages.18:09
sebsebsebsint: I see18:09
jribmcchris: easiest way is probably to just create a new profile18:09
skmpzhello .. i want to sort a 1.5 text file.. i tried sort -u unsorted.txt > sorted.txt but i don't think is ever going to complete .. is there any other way ?18:09
sebsebsebsint: no  you don't do 9.04 for ages,  since only 18 months of support on the desktop, same thing for 9.1018:09
MoonlitFateHm, apparently the update manager isn't telling when updates are available. Oh joy. D<18:09
jribmcchris: isn't restarting firefox enough?18:09
stefgflucksbawks: if that's a reasonably powerful machine i'd use xen or kvm  on it and have separate instances for the htpc and for the seedbox part (and a third for a firewall appliance like ipcop or endian)18:10
sebsebsebsint: 10.04 is the next LTS18:10
mcchrisjrib wondering if system files might be compromised18:10
jribmcchris: her user doesn't have access to system files18:10
jribmcchris: unless she has sudo access and is running firefox with sudo18:10
mcchrisjrib, shouldn't be. she's a noob.18:11
XLVmcchris, use noscript from now on too.. and no visiting of dubious sites18:11
mcchrisjrib, so you suspect it's only FF then?18:11
jribmcchris: yeah18:11
sintsebsebseb: ya, i know. i just meant that i don't want to maintain to much on friends computers18:11
flucksbawksstefg: its not that reasonably powerful >.< the fact is when I said HTPC, I really meant it has fluxbox and mplayer.  Under no circumstances should that EVER interfere with the server end of it.  However, ignorantly compiling things from source will18:11
sebsebsebsint: put  9.10 on :) wait for it,  nice  default  Ext4 :)  fast file system.   then an upgrade to 10.04  the next LTS, should go alright.  and  that has three years of support on the desktop18:11
flucksbawksstefg: the server has never even hiccupped over the past 2 years18:11
Padhuwhat about datarecovery in ext4?18:12
boxsint: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/18:12
sebsebsebsint: plus  they  might have hardware which isn't good with 9.0418:13
sebsebsebPadhu: I guess like with Ext318:13
eddiebuntuhow do you change your mac address in ubuntu18:13
geos64how cann i set this up18:13
stefgflucksbawks: that were more philosophical considerations... but to fix the failed pulseaudio build and debug alsa i'm afraid you'll have to read a lot of documentation18:13
pinguinodemociao ragazzi18:13
flucksbawksstefg: yeah,  i was afraid of that.  was just hoping that someone here had fixed the same issue lol18:14
MoonlitFateRestart time. >:18:14
fccfgeos64: we cannot help you until we know what kind of hardware you have -18:14
geos64HELP ME18:14
sebsebseblizzzy: Any luck?18:14
flucksbawksstefg: but yeah, my users don't pay for their service,  so frankly if I accidently spilled rum inside the server 10 minutes from now18:14
Picisint, box, sebsebseb: 9.10 is still beta, its not ready for prime time.  Also, the iso tracker on the qa site should not be used in place of the official beta announcement, those may be buggy cd images.18:14
flucksbawksstefg: and it went down forever,  they could all deal with that themselves lol18:14
fccf!it | pinguinodemo18:14
ubottupinguinodemo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:14
sebsebsebPici: indeed  hence why I told sint to wait untill the final18:15
stefgflucksbawks: planned maintenace downtime sounds more professional :-)18:15
sebsebsebPici: also the other thing, not sure what your talking about?18:15
geos64wy dos it play a roll18:15
flucksbawksstefg: LOL that made me laugh pretty hard irl18:15
geos64what system i have18:15
flucksbawksstefg: <---- used to work for an ISP18:15
skmpzanyone available to help me ?18:15
Picisebsebseb: I might have misread, I just got back to my desk.18:15
fccf!ask | skmpz18:16
ubottuskmpz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:16
sebsebsebPici: oh ok np18:16
skmpzi asked18:16
skmpzhello .. i want to sort a 1.5 text file.. i tried sort -u unsorted.txt > sorted.txt but i don't think is ever going to complete .. is there any other way ?18:16
skmpz1.5 gb18:16
PSPhow quck!!18:16
PSPi have a .pnm18:16
eddiebuntuhow do you change your mac address in ubuntu18:16
sintok guys, i'll install 9.04. i can't wait because my friend is almost 200km from my home and i am there tonight18:16
PSPi need it to jpeg or png og bmp18:16
jribskmpz: ummm, why...?18:16
geos64celaron 2.6 intel with 512ram 40gig18:17
flucksbawksstefg: anyways, thanks for you help man.  I'm gonna go lose myself in documentation18:17
skmpzwhat do u mean why ?18:17
skmpzwhy not use sort -u ?18:17
jribskmpz: why do you want to sort 1.5gb of data?18:17
LjLPSP: pnmtopng filename.pnm >filename.png18:17
skmpzits a wordlist..18:17
PiciPSP: The application LjL is suggesting is in the netpbm package.18:17
manojmalikhi 2 all18:17
PSPi dont have a clue wat uu are saying18:17
PSPcan u tellme wer to download it18:17
geos64fccf celaron 2.6 intel with 512ram 40gig18:18
LjLPSP: nowhere.18:18
LjLPSP: just type "sudo apt-get install netpbm"18:18
stefgflucksbawks: and think of it if you really reset the box.... kvm isn't hard to implement, and xen became quite good over the years18:18
preetami am unable to open synaptic manager.the system gives the following message E: Unable to write mmap - msync (28 No space left on device)E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.E: _cache->open() failed, please report.18:18
fccfgeos64: doesn't tell me much about your video card ... what video card does it have???18:18
GeForce88when using dual view, i  think, the one where you have two seperate x screens, is there a trick to make the programs go between the screens? or perhaps a setting somewhere i've missed? or is this just the way it is ?18:18
skmpzjrib: understood ?18:18
LjLskmpz: a wordlist of 1.5gb? are there duplicates or something?18:18
jribskmpz: well you haven't answered my question, but I must go anyway18:18
skmpzyeah ..18:19
geos64its a sis fx 660 or 76018:19
LjLpreetam: seems like your HD is full...?18:19
geos64how i see that18:19
skmpzso.. the only solution would be sort -u unsorted > sorted ?18:20
GeForce88geos64,  did you try ' lspci ' ?18:20
preetamno i have around 3 GB of free space18:20
preetamlet me know how to clean up the hard disk18:20
manojmalikhi 2 all18:20
manojmaliki got a ubuntu 9.04 cd from ubuntu. i run it on my 1525.it runs ok but no sound ,video. it asks for plugin from net, but i not able 2 make my broadband dialup as easy in windows.18:20
eddiebuntuhow do you change your mac address in ubuntu18:21
MaskedDrivercall the USPS?18:21
geos64what is and wher is it18:21
LjLskmpz: not necessarily, perhaps there are more efficient sorters around, i don't really know though. in any case, sorting 1.5gb of stuff is never going to take a short time18:21
fccfgeos64: start by typing 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' into a terminal, then restart18:22
Lint01how can I change my locale for me as user?18:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ds18:22
skmpzmmm.. ok thx anw18:22
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE18:22
stefgmanojmalik: ^^18:22
manojmalikcan anyone help me18:23
GeForce88with seperate X screen, is there a way t o drag programs between monitors ?18:23
fccf!locale | Lint0118:23
ubottuLint01: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf18:23
manojmaliki got a ubuntu 9.04 cd from ubuntu. i run it on my 1525.it runs ok but no sound ,video. it asks for plugin from net, but i not able 2 make my broadband dialup as easy in windows.18:23
Two4!patience | manojmalik18:23
ubottumanojmalik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:23
stefg!helpme | manojmalik18:23
ubottumanojmalik: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:23
Two4now I know the right command18:24
stefg!details | manojmalik18:24
jdvmanojmalik so your problem is no net connection, how do you normally connect?18:24
ubottumanojmalik: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:24
geos64is it cald console18:25
Lukasz1I forgot my password to irc how do I reset it?18:25
stefg!freenod | Lukasz118:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freenod18:25
stefg!freenode | Lukasz118:25
LjLLukasz1: ask in #freenode18:25
ubottuLukasz1: freenode is Freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. Freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on Freenode also have their own !guidelines18:25
Two4lukasz1, you're on IRC18:25
Lukasz1I know I have an account here18:26
LjLTwo4: he's not identified.18:26
Lukasz1On freenode18:26
Lukasz1I don't know how to resetpass18:26
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Lint01I have no localeconf package and I want useful answer for my question18:26
Lukasz1my nickname here is Lukasz Tarkowski18:26
manojmalikits 9.04 n i dont know how 2 make dialup i have broadband connection18:26
LjLLukasz1: ask in #freenode18:27
geos64fccf you mean konsolo18:27
Lukasz1ok thnx18:27
stefgmanojmalik: which kind of broadband? cable? adsl?18:27
alabd_Good day everyone , while hsfconfig this happened what is the exact problem ?http://paste.ubuntu.com/283019/ Is there any free 56kb/s hsf modem driver for kernel 2.6.2818:29
preetamhow to clean to free space in the hard disk18:30
stefgmanojmalik: do you know if it is PPPoE or PPPoA ?18:30
geos64wher is the terminal fccf18:30
Mkapreetam: sudo apt-get clean18:30
ltcabralwhat package gives me dbuild??18:30
fccfgeos64: are you running kubuntu or ubuntu ... in gnome it is in Applications>Accessories>Terminal18:31
sczgilaehello, excuse me but i have the same problem i told yesterday. i have an script that mounts a shared network directory but cannot mount because konsola sais that must be root to mount. But i dont understand because if i mount using dolphin i have not problems, http://pastebin.com/d32befe57   , any ideas?18:31
stefg!pppoe | manojmalik18:31
ubottumanojmalik: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE18:31
Lint01how can I change the locale for a single user?18:32
raul_hola a todos tengo un problema grabicimo18:32
raul_no puedo abrir un archivo18:32
fccf!es | raul_18:32
ubotturaul_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:32
stefg!es | raul_18:32
raul_que se encuentra en el escritorio18:32
raul_haber si alguien me puede ayudar18:33
fccf!br | raul_18:33
ubotturaul_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:33
geos64i found it18:33
geos64fccf and then what!!18:34
geos64i reboot my pc18:34
lizzzyI have a plugin for songbird which is a .xpi file. Any idea how I can install the plugin?18:35
MoonlitFateHm, well still no SCIM icon on the top panel. :(18:35
harisundlizzzy, I used to drag the .xpi file and drop it within the Sunbird interface on Windows XP .. does that work here?18:36
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lizzzylemme try18:36
LogicalDashI keep turning on Mouse Keys by accident. How am I doing this?18:36
fccfgeos64: I gave you the command18:37
preetamcan i reduce the size of  my /usr folder by uninstalling software.18:37
LogicalDashpreetam, yes, and also by uninstalling other packages, like documentation18:37
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=== LeMoNiCe is now known as h32Lg
IonutBhi. i'm using ubuntu 9.04 on x64. i have 4 GB Ram/800 MHz and a AMD x2 Dual core. My firefox is veeeeerrryyy slowwwwwwwww !? :|18:38
MaskedDriverpreetam, I wouldn't delete documentation18:38
preetamplease let me know how to reduce the size of the folder /usr.18:38
MaskedDriverIonutB, install graphics drivers18:38
LogicalDashpreetam, well, only delete those packages you're sure you won't use18:38
geos64ok im reboot my pc18:38
IonutBMaskedDriver, it's installed already. i have normal visual effects18:39
MkaNow that I've finished learning basics of programming and scripting, I need a bigger fish to fry. what should I try to program?18:39
preetamthrough synaptic package manager18:39
preetamor some other method is avialable18:39
MaskedDriverIonutB, how is it slow? in what way? like opening? closing? browsing? creating new tabs?18:39
LogicalDashMka, try going on Launchpad and finding a bug to fix :)18:39
yonderboyis it possible to compress a file to an even smaller size than what gzip does?18:39
FitzpackageMKA try to program your own shell program in C18:39
LogicalDashyonderboy, yeah, use bzip or lzma18:39
Two4LogicalDash, does it turn on while you're typing?18:39
manojmalikno sound in 9.0418:39
Lint01how can I change the locale for a single user?18:40
MaskedDriveryonderboy, you could zip a zip and then zip that zip using gzip then gzip that gzip with zip18:40
IonutBMaskedDriver, when i run pages which contains Flash. I have 3 addons : AdBlock Plus, Firebug and Web Developer.18:40
LogicalDashTwo4, it turns on while I'm using the numpad to play Dungeon Crawl18:40
Pici!offtopic | Mka18:40
ubottuMka: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:40
ilsonalguem ai tecla portuguues18:40
Pici!pt | ilson18:40
ubottuilson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:40
hrickardsIs there a way to enable Metacity to let you drag windows off the top of the screen (note metacity not compiz)?18:40
MaskedDriverIonutB, interesting18:40
yonderboyMaskedDriver: my head is spinning with all those zips!18:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:40
yonderboyusually I just do... tar -czf18:41
ubottuJoin us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk18:41
MaskedDriveryonderboy, tar that tar then gzip18:41
LogicalDashyonderboy, change z to j and you have bzip218:41
yonderboybut the file that I need to compress is HUGE, like 20G18:41
IonutBMaskedDriver, yes .. i really love the terminal but this problem makes me angry. i'm web developer  ... i can't use a "slow firefox"18:41
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=== Lukasz is now known as Lukasz1
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)18:42
MaskedDriverIonutB, I have like 20 addons on mine and it's fine... what type of flash plugin do you have? one by Adobe or one of the OpenSource variety?18:42
ubuntujenkinswhat time is the beta release out?18:42
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ubottuMka, please see my private message18:42
yonderboyhmmm... does bzip2 make much of a difference over gzip?18:42
euxneksanother browser that you could also possibly want to use is chromium18:42
IonutBAdobe Flash, last version. got installed few days ago.18:42
Piciubuntujenkins: When its done, 9.10 discussion in #ubuntu+1 please18:42
mlissnerDoes anybody have any experience with PGP or Enigmail?18:43
MaskedDriverIonutB, try removing adblock and see if that improves performance.  Just start removing them to see which one is causing the slowdown18:43
zionneed help whit installing flash player18:43
=== zion is now known as [manas]
=== mikebeecham is now known as mb1
hrickardsIs there a way to enable Metacity to let you drag windows off the top of the screen (note metacity not compiz)?18:43
LogicalDash!ask | mlissner18:43
ubottumlissner: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:43
mlissnerI'm trying to create a revocation certificate, but Enigmail is failing me miserably.18:43
MaskedDriverIonutB, how did it run before you added your dev tools?18:43
Mkayonderboy, yes18:43
[manas]need help whit installing flash player18:44
LogicalDashmlissner, you should probably use Seahorse for that, it's in Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys18:44
LogicalDash!ask | [manas]18:44
ubottu[manas]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:44
thiebaudeIonutB, do you have swfdec installed?18:44
yonderboyMka: how would I unzip that bzip2 file then if I do... tar -cjf18:44
mlissnerIt gives me the error, "The revocation certificate could not be created."18:44
IonutBthiebaude, i have Adobe Flash 10. MaskedDriver : i'm going to see now.18:44
LogicalDashyonderboy, tar -xjf $filename18:44
Mkayonderboy, tar -xjf filename.tar.bz218:45
thiebaudeIonutB, ok, some ppl had problems with swfedec18:45
yonderboyah, just like gzip but with the 'j'... brilliant!18:45
thiebaudeincluding me18:45
mlissnerLogicalDash: I'm confused how enigmail and seahorse interact.18:45
yonderboythanks all18:45
mlissnerLogicalDash: It seems like seahorse has some of the same certificates as enigmail, but doesn't have all of them...which leaves me confused.18:46
[manas]need help whit installing flash player for mozila i was trying so many totorial so i think i mix up everything how i can delete all of them and maybe some one can give me some totorial18:46
LogicalDashmlissner, they are both just frontends for the gpg command line utility. Enigmail isn't as well supported though.18:46
mlissnerLogicalDash: I see. So if I create a certificate using Enigmail, it should automatically show up in Seahorse?18:46
thiebaude[manas], install flash from synaptic18:46
LogicalDashmlissner, it *should*, yeah18:46
[manas]thiebaude, synaptic?18:47
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:47
IonutBMaskedDriver, done. seems the same. i think there's a bug in Adobe Flash or something like that.18:47
mlissnerLogicalDash: Complicated stuff, this PGP.18:47
[manas]thiebaude, try to type flash player there it will give u 100 option which one i need?18:47
LogicalDash[manas] the package you are looking for is called flashplayer-nonfree18:47
MaskedDriverIonutB, sehr interessant (very interesting in German).  Has your kernel updated recently?18:48
[manas]LogicalDash, but how i can delete all this which one i installed before?18:48
mlissnerLogicalDash: Does seahorse do revocations?18:48
LogicalDash[manas] it'll do that automatically18:48
IonutBMaskedDriver, yes, i have the last. Linux 0x 2.6.28-15-generic18:48
LogicalDashmlissner, yup, it should be in the right-click menu18:48
brutushow do I scan my windows ntfs drive? fsck doesn't allow this type...?18:48
MaskedDriverIonutB, I've had to reinstall all of my graphics after every kernel upgrade18:49
[manas]LogicalDash, i will try18:49
mlissnerLogicalDash: Scratch that, I found it. It's not in the right click, it buried within the properties.18:49
fccfbrutus: install ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs18:49
IonutBMaskedDriver, mine was default installed :-)18:49
kansancan i write an ubuntu jaunty cd image to a dvdr disc?18:49
MaskedDriverIonutB, what kind of card do you have?18:49
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fccfkansan: yes18:49
IonutBAti x1550/135018:49
sebsebsebkansan: yes and before burning the ISO you should md5sum it18:49
sebsebseb!md5sum | kansan18:49
ubottukansan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:49
brutusfccf, sadly, i tried ntfsprogs on the drive, but it segfaulted...18:50
LogicalDashkansan, yes, just use dd if=$path_to_cd_image of=/dev/cdrom (or whatever your dvd drive is)18:50
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
mlissnerLogicalDash: Haha. First it fails to revoke it, then it crashes. So much for seahorse being helpful.18:50
Hustoni feel like such a newb again having to ask all these questions but here is one more. can anyone explain to me why my computers running ubuntu are not being discovered my network. my network consists of 3 windows only computers and 2 ubuntu computers besides my laptop which is now able to dual-boot.18:50
IonutBMaskedDriver, i have the same problem ( slow firefox with flash bug ) on a laptop with intel x3100. ( the compiz was ok )18:50
LogicalDashmlissner, we are now beyond my expertise, sorry18:50
mlissnerLogicalDash: 'fraid of that.18:50
fccfbrutus: ntfsprogs is not a program ... it is a bunch of progs . one of which is fsck.ntfs18:50
MaskedDriverIonutB, *shrugs* idk sorry dude(or dudette)18:51
sczgilaehello, excuse me but i have the same problem i told yesterday. i have an script that mounts a shared network directory but cannot mount because konsola sais that must be root to mount. But i dont understand because if i mount using dolphin i have not problems, http://pastebin.com/d32befe57   , any ideas?18:51
purplefoolhello, i am back and trying to get my grub to work.  i have used the qksudo gedit command with menu.lst and it DOESN'T work for my situation because i have a menu before this menu in menu.lst.  i want this other menu to go away and cannot get it to work.  any ideas?18:51
Lint01how can I know my display color depth?18:51
IonutBMaskedDriver, trotzdem danke18:51
MaskedDriverIonutB, bitte18:52
thiebaudeLint01, which graphics card?18:52
brutusfccf, you mean ntfsfix?18:52
Lint01thiebaude, Radeon18:52
MaskedDriverIonutB, my last bit of thought... uninstall and reinstall flash18:52
thiebaudeLint01, i'am not sure about that one18:53
colbloodmy usb drive doesnt automount all of a sudden, what could be the cause? i have to do sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/BLAHBLAH18:53
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:53
Lint01I fail to see how the bit-depth indication can be hardware-specific18:53
colbloodrunning ubuntu 8.10 btw18:53
LogicalDashcolblood, the service for automounting is called FUSE, might want to check it out?18:53
colbloodok, dunno where to go from there tho18:54
purplefoolhas anyone ever encountered a boot menu before the one listed in menu.lst?  how can i get rid of it or influence the selection order?18:55
mlissnerLogicalDash: Well, at least there's a bug about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/22887618:56
yonderboythe best compression so far has been with gzip18:56
yonderboytar czf beat tar cjf18:56
Mka`purplefool: are you dual booting with other OS like windows?18:57
Mkapurplefool: are you dual booting with other OS like windows?18:57
=== lolufail1 is now known as lolufail
yonderboythen when I tried to tar a tar and then gzip it, the extra tarring only made the gzip file bigger18:57
purplefoolMka, yes i am...winxp media.18:57
houghi am having trouble setting up internet connection sharing in ubuntu. are there any applications that make this any easier?18:58
Mkapurplefool: which "first" menu are you talking about then?18:58
fccfbrutus: I think what you actually need to boot into windows and have windows run chkdsk /f on the drive ... If windows improperly shutdown ntfs-3g will not mount it18:58
Mkayonderboy, why would you try to archive an archive?18:59
purplefoolMka, that is just it.  i have found no documentation for it.  it is a simple 2-choice menu with winxp media edition first and then ubuntu.  i want the order reversed and cannot seem to find anyone with the same menu.18:59
Hustonso anyone know awhy my network can't discover my computers rtunning ubuntu?18:59
MaskedDriverMka, cause I told him to lol19:00
brutusfccf, i get a 'disk read error' when I try to boot into windows..19:00
MaskedDriverMka, yonderboy it appears sarcasm is lost over the IRCness19:00
fccfbrutus: windows recovery console19:00
Hustonbrutus use safe mode19:00
houghare there any applications for ubuntu that help you set up internet connection sharing?19:01
brutusfccf, I should probably add that to my grub.19:01
hiffyhey dudes19:01
Mkapurplefool: pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" for me as well as "sudo cat /etc/fstab"19:01
hiffyubuntu server 9.04 - vim is not in the path/there is no vim-full anymore19:02
alabd_Good day everyone , hsfconfig process stoped cause of this problem > http://paste.ubuntu.com/283019/ ,any opinion ?19:02
sebsebseb!language |  hiffy19:02
ubottuhiffy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:02
hiffysays vim-common and vim-tiny are already installed19:02
alabd_Is there any free 56kb/s hsf modem driver for kernel 2.6.2819:02
fccfbrutus: windows recovery console from windows install disk19:02
Hustonbrutus: can you force tyhe windows partition to mount from ubuntu's file manager?19:02
sebsebsebhiffy: #ubuntu-server may be a better channel for your issue19:02
brutusHuston, I am able to force mount it, but it shows up as empty...when I actually have 250 gigs of data on it..19:03
Lint01hough, no of course19:03
hiffythanks, sebsebseb19:03
purplefoolMka, ok, did the commands and would like to know where to post them for you...19:03
brutusHuston, fccf this error started when I tried to reboot after windows had hibernated....19:04
Mkapurplefool: sorry I have to leave now but do this. if you are logged on your Ubuntu now, then "sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda"19:04
purplefoolMka, with 2 dashes?19:04
MaskedDriverpurplefool, yes 2 dashes ftw19:04
Mkapurplefool: you have to figure out whether your ubuntu is on "sda" "hda" "hdb" "sdb" or what19:04
houghfigures...thanks anyway19:04
Mkapurplefool: yes "--recheck"19:05
purplefoolit says that the grub/stage1 was not read correctly...is that bad?19:06
Mkapurplefool: yes that is bad19:06
Hustonbrutus, well then i'm not sure what to do. sorry.19:06
purplefoolyou see, those are the kinds of things that make a thursday evening bad...would just like to hear 'oh no, everything is just plain huncky-dory!'19:07
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Mkapurplefool: purplefool: not leaving anymore before this is done. type "rdev" on terminal and tell me what you see19:07
brutusHuston, np, thanks19:07
sczgilaehello, excuse me but i have the same problem i told yesterday. i have an script that mounts a shared network directory but cannot mount because konsola sais that must be root to mount. But i dont understand because if i mount using dolphin i have not problems, http://pastebin.com/d32befe57   , any ideas?19:08
Nattgewis there a way to make archive files automatically extract instead of opening in the archive manager?19:08
purplefoolMka, /dev/loop0 but the 0 has a dot in the middle...19:08
euxnekspurplefool: that means it's a zero19:09
purplefoolMka, oh, i see that my computer just doesn't print it correctly when i type...sorry19:09
tornIs it normal for the system to hang/freeze a bit when it has a mount pointed to a disconnected CIFS share?19:09
Mkapurplefool: I like your description, LOL. now type "ls /" and copy and paste on http://paste.ubuntu.com19:10
kansanif i have ubuntu hardy installed such that /root/ is on one partition and /home/ is on another... and i want to move to jaunty... i was thinking of: 1) booting from jaunty live cd; 2) blowing away the /root/ partition, and reformat it.  3) use the existing /home/ partition in the new installation.  does this sound reasonable?19:10
tornIn other words, I created a share on a CIFS server, but if I power-off or disconnect the server, Ubuntu, openSUSE, etc, start freezing up when opening Nautilus or accessing the /mnt directory with a terminal.19:10
Mkapurplefool: it seems as there is something wrong with your system, I am not sure whats up19:11
Mkapurplefool: are you using a live CD?19:11
tornkansan, technically that should work. Unless you have specific/customer files and scripts in your / partition right now.19:11
bastidrazorkansan: you could if you use a different username.. if not you'll need to rename the /home/username to something other than what you're going to use19:11
purplefoolMka, it has been pasted under my name19:11
n8tusertorn yes thats common,  look for articles that says similar to nfs mounts while remote is disconnected19:11
euxneksis there a kde equivalent to gksudo?19:11
zizoHi all!! Today i've noticed that if i do a "echo test | mail" it tells me "No mail for current user". So i think i can set it, but how? Tnx19:11
purplefoolMka, no, is a full install.  windows was first and then ubuntu19:11
Mkapurplefool: paste the web link  here19:12
geos64what to do next fccf19:12
Travis-42which is the ubuntu channel for discussing testing versions?19:12
tornn8tuser, I looked around for an option to bypass this problem (for example, just give an error message instead of freezing up) but I found no such thing.19:12
purplefoolMka, http://paste.ubuntu.com/283195/19:12
kansanbastidrazor, why cant i use the same /home/username ?19:12
Lama_ChokDoes anyone knows a SAFE method to mount fat32 or ntfs partition through terminal19:12
kansanbastidrazor, and what do i need to do now to make sure i can still have /home/david19:12
NattgewTravis-42: #ubuntu+119:12
n8tusertorn-> google for nfs mounts, they have similar issues for remote not ready..  they may have similar solutions19:12
Travis-42thanks Nattgew19:12
bastidrazorkansan: for example /home/bob  ..if your new install is going to have user bob then you'll need to rename /home/bob to /home/bob-backup .. then you will still have all the data..19:12
bastidrazorkansan: the config files need to be for jaunty..19:13
euxnekssczgilae: http://pastebin.com/m63bdae2e  you probably need to mount as root. try http://pastebin.com/m63bdae2e19:13
tornn8tuser, I'm checking them out right now. But for the most part (and this is true in the past) all I could find were problems, but no solutions, heh.19:13
Mkapurplefool: now paste me the output of "sudo fdisk -l"19:13
euxnekssczgilae: I don't know what the kde equivalent is to gksudo so you may need to edit it a bit19:13
kansanbastidrazor, so just "mv /home/david/ /home/david-backup"  then later, copy over all the files into the installation created /home/david ?19:13
bastidrazorkansan: exactly.19:13
lenHI, can anyone explain why when I use $ iwconfig wlan0 essid "ihaaaa" enc "xxxxxx" I get the following error? Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :19:13
=== drew is now known as Guest14631
geos64i jist reboted19:14
purplefoolMka, http://paste.ubuntu.com/283197/19:14
tornkansan, to play it safe, make a backup of everything in /home to a USB or external drive. Never hurts to play it safe. Then when you install Jaunty, you can tell it to use the whatever # partition as /home (without formatting) and you should be good to go.19:14
=== Guest14631 is now known as Napalm_Penguin
bastidrazorkansan: not all the files just the files you need. none of the config files for applications since they are different version in jaunty than hardy19:14
euxnekssczgilae: that's a shot in the dark though19:14
kansantomaw, i already made a backup ;p19:14
ctmjrlen what is enc?19:14
tornkansan, if you screw up or accidentally format the partition, you will have a backup copy on another drive/external.19:14
n8tuserlen the enc may not be supported by your driver?  look a iwspy or iwpriv commands and it may tell you same19:14
kansantom good suggestion19:15
koofiewow, brainfreeze, whats the name of the command that shows last time file modified, read etc?19:15
bastidrazor!es | luis_19:15
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:15
Mkapurplefool: i've never seen something like this before19:15
bastidrazorkoofie: ls -al19:15
Lama_Choki heard fdisk is pretty risky command,.....19:15
koofieno, not ls19:15
Trizicuswhen i try to do 'sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun I get all of these errors. http://pastebin.com/m70c87e9c19:16
Mkapurplefool: I mean you have NTFS only, no ext2 or ext3 for Ubuntu19:16
purplefoolMka, good to know that even on computers i am considered a non-conformist...just wish it wasn't so.  what did i do wrong?19:16
koofiechecks the three modes, last viewed, last modified, last changed19:16
Lama_Chokno i have both ntfs and fat32 for windows... just ext3 for ubuntu19:16
Mkapurplefool: this means that ubuntu is NOT on your hard drive19:16
purplefoolMka, really? that was not supposed to happen, but i guess i was worried i would loose stuff in windows and didn't want to mess with the file system...19:17
koofiestat, it came back to me :019:17
=== StrangeCharm_ is now known as StrangeCharm
Mkapurplefool: are you sure you are not running ubuntu from  a CD?19:17
Lama_Chokso is there any safe bet.....19:17
purplefoolMka, wait...huh?  confused here...how do i get to umbuntu then?  i am booted into it right now and use it all the time19:17
sczgilaeeuxneks: thks for reply, ksudo dont exists in kubuntu, mmmm, normal users are not sudoers, what can i do19:17
purplefoolMka, absolutely.19:18
Lama_Choki m positive i have installed ubuntu19:18
wildc4rdevening all19:18
Napalm_Penguinanybody wanna answer a dumb question?19:18
ctmjrsczgilae: try kdesudo19:18
koofieits only dumb if you dont ask it19:18
koofieor until we giggle19:18
Napalm_Penguinwhere does java install to?19:18
Mkapurplefool: bear with me, paste the output of "df -h" and that of "sudo cat /etc/fstab"19:18
tornIs there a way to create a script that can be executed by a normal user (not in the /etc/sudoers file) but runs with root privelges? Example: Executing the script makes a directory in the user's home and then mounts a location/device/partition to this directory?19:19
purplefoolMka, http://paste.ubuntu.com/283202/ for sudo cat19:20
Lama_Chokankur BIET19:20
bastidrazorMka: you don't need sudo to use cat.. also you can use pasatebinit to paste an entire file. you'll need to install it though. sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:20
sczgilaectmjr: kdesudo: unknown option «o»19:20
TrizicusWhy is it that Runescape lags so badly on Ubuntu even when you're using suns plugin?19:20
purplefoolMka, http://paste.ubuntu.com/283204/ for df -h19:20
johnwmhow is the best way to mount a linux os on my hp pavilion and keep windows vista19:20
johnwmi have an extra hd rive tray19:21
johnwmdrive tray19:21
Napalm_Penguinflash drive?19:21
purplefoolMka, so does this mean that i should redo the drive with ext3 or so?19:21
tornTrizicus, isn't Runscape Flash, not Java?19:22
johnwmplease private me for discussion19:22
bastidrazor!dualboot | johnwm19:22
ubottujohnwm: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:22
ctmjrsczgilae: try kdesu have not used kde in a while19:22
Napalm_Penguindoes anybody know where java installs, like the file path19:22
paul___hi, can someone tell me how I can configure apache so that its local access only?19:23
Mkapurplefool: how did you install Ubuntu?19:23
colbloodlocate java19:23
* Napalm_Penguin bangs head on desk19:23
del_diabloNapalm_Penguin: how did you install java?19:23
paul___Napalm_Penguin: whereis java19:23
purplefoolMka, from the liveCD with very little knowledge...19:23
Napalm_Penguindunno cmd line19:23
Mkapurplefool: you inserted the live CD while you were on Windows?19:24
purplefoolMka, no, booted from it and started up the desktop and installed from there.19:24
trece8How do I get my JACK latency to a minimum avoiding XRUNS ( with the limits.conf already configured and the rt kernel too)?19:24
Napalm_Penguinrpm file19:24
trece8I when I try to get the latency down to 11 ms , it has an XRUN each 24 seconds!19:25
tornNapalm_Penguin, somewhere in /usr/lib/jvm I believe.19:25
larsemili am trying to get the proggy fonts into my system, i have downloaded them and ran fc-cache -f -v and the folder whows up. but i cant choose the font from xfontsel which i would want. any ideas?19:25
del_diabloNapalm_Penguin: I asked a question. HOW?! sudo apt-get or ????19:25
Napalm_Penguinthx torn19:26
Mkapurplefool: this installation is probably not good. It looks like you have no partition for ubuntu and uses a a file in NTFS partion for your ubuntu19:26
tornNapalm_Penguin, but I am using the proprietary Sun Java, not the opensource version.19:26
Mkapurplefool: then Windows load Ubuntu for you19:26
* genii sips and thinks about the wrongness of java install from rpm on a deb packaged system19:26
eihwazpleaz, i wanna know if there are one version of chrome webrowser for ubuntu?19:26
linxehtorn: good man19:27
sebsebseb!chrome |  eihwaz19:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chrome19:27
lizzzyOk. So my microphone is getting detected as headphones. Installed pulseaudio and everything. No improvement :(19:27
purplefoolMka, alright, this means that i should reinstall it?  and i should create a partition for umuntu with ext3?19:27
Mkapurplefool: that is why "grub-install" failed to install grub to the MBR and that is also why "rdev" returns /dev/loop019:27
Mkapurplefool: yes19:27
eihwazsebsebseb, hap me19:27
sebsebsebeihwaz: I think  there isn't a  stable final version of Google Chrome for Linux yet, but that there is one  in development.   There is Chromeium for Linux though, which Chrome is based on.19:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-rt19:28
trece8Is there some chat room for sound stuff on linux??19:28
eihwazTy :) i'll look for it, sebsebseb19:28
linxehtrece8: #lau19:28
trece8thanks linxeh19:28
sebsebsebeihwaz: Plus Chromeium unlike Chrome, has the advantage of being open source19:28
Mkapurplefool: sorry. but you can use ubuntu like that if you are not deep in ubuntu19:28
purplefoolMka, ok, that is the info that i needed.  thx for your help and i will be thinking about doint what you say soon.19:29
sebsebsebeihwaz: ok np19:29
Mkapurplefool: ok, I have to leave now.19:29
alkamidI'm experiencing some troubles with cpu scaling - could anyone help? I have the "thing" in panel, but setting "ondemand" / whatever doesnt' work19:29
alkamidit just stays 2.2 GHz all the time19:29
purplefoolMka, have fallen in love with ubuntu and now find that windows is even worse than i thought...and i am not a good installer!  thx though!19:29
sebsebseblizzzy: Well at least it's being detected, some people get right sound issues with Ubuntu19:30
trece8how can I check what applications are using sound resources via the command line?19:30
xiongUm. When I press Alt-F2 I get a Terminal window, which is what I want. But I don't remember setting that up. Yet when I attempt the same from an unconfigured account, I get a little "run" window instead. What did I do?19:30
seilHello, firefox slows my netbook in ubuntu, any alternatives?19:30
sebsebseb!browser |  seil19:30
ubottuseil: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)19:30
lizzzysebsebseb: But its still not right.19:30
sczgilaectmjr: kdeu command dont exists.    :-(19:31
morguaiicould someone help me with wget, trying to figure out how to crawl all the links i have on a site and only spit out the links without any other garbage19:31
fccfalkamid: really good how to here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24886719:31
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:31
alkamidfccf: thanks but I just can't get the acpi-cpufreq module19:32
Lazyhi, upgrading from jaunty to karmic beta fails with the following error: Exception during pm.DoInstall(): E:Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle.19:32
Lazyanyone know how i should proceed?19:32
alkamidfccf: I remember following it in Hardy/Intrepid times and it worked, but not now19:32
sebsebsebLazy: better to wait untill the final really also #ubuntu+1 for Karmic19:32
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why19:32
sebsebseblizzzy: Unfortunatly I can't help you19:33
ctmjrsczgilae: see above19:33
Lazyk, i will ask from ubuntu+119:33
xiongI don't even know what realm to search for this. Where do keyboard shortcuts to launch stuff come from?19:33
lizzzysebsebseb: Ah. Well, thanks for trying :)19:33
beagleburtG'day from New Zealand everyone. Suddenly can NOT dial out -(56kdialup) - Both Gnome Dialer & wvdial return Error #2 when pppd crashes (1x second after connecting). BUT "pon" works ok - am using it now - any advice - anyone?19:34
xiongIt is not "Commands" in Compiz. I don't even have that enabled.19:34
shane2peruI know little about embedded videos, but I can't play the ones on tangle.com?  any ideas as to why?19:34
shane2peruI do have flash installed19:35
sebsebseb!dialup |  beagleburt19:35
ubottubeagleburt: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:35
shane2peruI'm working on Jaunty 64bit19:35
Hustoncan anyone tell me how to set up my windows OS computers to be able to discover my ubuntu based computers?19:35
soreauxiong: Sys>prefs>keyboard shortcuts19:35
sebsebseb!samba |  Huston19:35
ubottuHuston: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:35
* xiong looks19:36
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why19:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:36
beagleburtsebsebseb: Thankyou - will check out link...see you later19:36
shane2peruok, I can't play youtube videos either, what is used for that stuff?  flash? java?19:36
xiongsoreau, that's it. Thank you. Before I tried the same keystroke in an unconfigured account, you could have stood me up against the wall and pointed a gun at my head; I would have said I never set that feature.19:37
sczgilaectmjr: cant do kdesu mount .....     however, a normal user is not sudoer ...19:37
sebsebsebbeagleburt: good luck19:37
defineyourmoralsshane2peru that is flash19:37
shane2perudefineyourmorals: thanks, I will take it from here. :)19:37
soreauxiong: np19:38
fccf!flash | shane2peru19:38
ubottushane2peru: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:38
geos64fccf i dont it and nothig happnd19:38
nostalgicBadgerany thoughts on making the jump to Slackware? I might miss apt, but I'd probably live19:38
geos64it still the same19:39
seilHello... if am using ubuntu in virtualbox as guest and its very very slow, are there other ubuntu products to use? will it be any better?19:39
sebsebseb!ot |  nostalgicBadger19:39
ubottunostalgicBadger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:39
nostalgicBadgerlol ok, just asking19:39
shane2perufccf: thanks, I think I have a double install of my flash though, I'm going to purge it and re-install, just wasn't sure which app to track down.19:39
sebsebsebseil: hmm Ubuntu in Virtualbox with Windows as host?19:39
seilsebsebseb yes19:39
GONZALEZRWhen installing Ubuntu, the installation gets stuck at 88%. Why is that19:39
sebsebsebnostalgicBadger: also ##linux could be good for that question, and Slackware is more complex19:39
* thiebaude you'll nee anti-virus19:40
sebsebsebseil: oh dear19:40
shane2peruwhen installing ubuntu on a Celeron with only 500mb ram it took an extremely long time, is that normal?  I usually install on my computers which are a step up from that.19:40
seilsebsebseb :(19:40
sebsebsebseil: Windows as the host OS :(  I hope this is only for getting a feel for Ubuntu19:40
sebsebsebseil: how much RAM do you have?19:40
thiebaudeshane2peru, 500 is good enough19:40
nostalgicBadgerrunning Linux within Windows kind of defeats the purpose... of Linux19:41
seilsebsebseb 1gb19:41
firecrotchshane2peru: define "extremely long time"?19:41
sebsebsebnostalgicBadger: indeed19:41
nostalgicBadgeryou could just emulate Bash in Windows19:41
=== hey` is now known as grumete
shane2peruthiebaude: yes, but it took a few hours, I'm used to 30min installs <- firecrotch19:41
nostalgicBadgerif you really want Bash. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you'd be looking for19:41
seilsebsebseb and am using a netbook ! lol19:41
thiebaudeshane2peru, yea, way too long19:41
firecrotchshane2peru: a few hours is definitely longer than normal19:41
sebsebsebseil: Maybe that's why it's slow then19:41
nostalgicBadgerseil - which netbook?19:42
Diazhi, i was hoping someone could help me with starting my os ubuntu from the shell. Cause it starts up in the dos like shell. Ubuntu 8.4 server edition i think.19:42
seilnostalgicBadger 1005ha eeepc19:42
firecrotchshane2peru: I mean, yeah it'll take a *little* longer, but not that much longer19:42
sebsebsebseil: would be better probably to put it on for real,  but in that case  may as well wait until 9.10, released on October 29th.  also #vbox can probably help you19:42
shane2perufirecrotch: thiebaude well I wasn't here for the whole process, because I had to leave, but came back an hour later, and it was still plugging away, that computer will probably come back to me. :)19:42
thiebaudeseidos, most netbooks you can upgrade to 2gb19:42
thiebaudeshane2peru, you using live cd?19:42
nostalgicBadgerseil - is that the one with the ssd?19:42
seilsebsebseb why wait for 9.10?19:42
shane2peruthiebaude: I used USB for that one, Jaunty19:43
thiebaudeoh ok19:43
firecrotchDiaz: That's all you get by default with Ubuntu Server Edition.  If you want a desktop environment, use the Desktop install CD19:43
geos64fccf nothing happnd yet19:43
seilnostalgicBadger 160gb hd19:43
seidosthiebaude: netbook comment was probably meant for someone else, but that's cool.  2gb of ram?19:43
shane2peruthiebaude: is USB slower?19:43
thiebaudeseidos, no it was for you19:43
nostalgicBadgeri wouldn't wait for 9.10. you've got a better chance of the current (stable) release doing what it needs to do.19:43
thiebaudeshane2peru, i never did the usb install19:43
defineyourmoralsi have a problem with installing the python-opengl package.  i'm running ubuntu studio 9.04.  i run the command sudo apt-get install python-opengl and get the output Compiling /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OpenGL/raw/GL/__init__.py ...19:43
defineyourmoralsSorry: TypeError: ('compile() expected string without null bytes',)19:43
defineyourmoralspycentral: pycentral pkginstall: error byte-compiling files (763)19:43
defineyourmoralspycentral pkginstall: error byte-compiling files (763)19:43
defineyourmoralsdpkg: error processing python-opengl (--configure):19:43
FloodBot1defineyourmorals: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
defineyourmorals subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 119:43
GONZALEZRIs there any way to get help for Ubuntu on a personal level?19:44
sebsebsebseil: a few reasons19:44
sebsebsebGONZALEZR: meaning?19:44
almostAg33k can anyone tell me why,when i run diablo II not on a virtual desktop it crashes19:44
seilsebsebseb performance reasons?19:44
thiebaudealmostAg33k, how much ram do you have?19:44
shane2peruthiebaude: well, guess I will find out later if there was problems, I also installed ext4, but was a bit nervous, they had a WD hdd, which I heard here, that WD and ext4 have issues together19:44
GONZALEZRWithout all this rubbish.19:44
seidosthiebaude: I don't have a netbook19:44
thiebaudeshane2peru, you'll be ok with ext419:44
sebsebsebseil: Ext4  is default in 9.10 :)  it's not in 9.04 it's optional, but not perfectly stable.   plus upgrading takes time,  or doing another re install. and so on19:45
nostalgicBadgerseil - i have an aspire one with the 160gb - a lot of the parts are the same. you should be fine removing windows and running Ubuntu as your primary OS.19:45
thiebaudeseidos, my bad19:45
almostAg33kthiebaude but it ran fine on the PC when i was using xp19:45
shane2peruok, thanks for the info thiebaude19:45
thiebaudealmostAg33k, i hear that alot,lol19:45
seilsebsebseb do you think if I use kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu it would be better for me?19:45
thiebaudeshane2peru, np19:45
seidosthiebaude: nothing against them though, the new ones are nice19:45
sebsebsebseil: you can have all of those in an Ubuntu install19:45
firecrotchGONZALEZR: we typically prefer to give support here in the channel so that others can chime in with their advice19:45
seidoshey sebsebseb19:45
sebsebsebseil: well maybe lubuntu isn't in the repo I don't know, I haven't done it19:46
seilsebsebseb would I get better performance with the other products?19:46
nostalgicBadgerseil - doesn't matter. the onyl difference is the GUI. you can install the others and switch between them if you find that GNOME is not for you.19:46
seidossebsebseb, seil:  you can try out lxde by typing sudo apt-get install lxde19:46
pratik_naraincan somebody help me on sharing internet connection b/w ubuntu and win vista using ethernet cable.19:46
sebsebsebseidos: hi19:46
almostAg33kthiebaude: last night i was in the winehq room and some one told me that its my xserver crashing19:46
nostalgicBadgeralso, I would strongly recommend creating a separate partition for /home in case you decide to switch distros.19:46
thiebaudeseidos, by the end of 2010 netbooks will a larger markey share19:46
GONZALEZRI see. Well why does the installation freeze on 88% when imorting my Windows documents and settings?19:46
thopiekargot some problems on karmic getting two old packages removed... linux-backports-modules-2.6.31-10-generic and software-store (!= software-center)19:46
thiebaudealmostAg33k, ahh, ok19:46
defineyourmoralsshane2peru, with your flash issue, what distro/architecture are you using?19:46
seidosthiebaude: maybe i'll try netbook remix in a virtual machine19:47
almostAg33kthiebaude: so you familliar?19:47
seilthiebaude but why are you saying that?19:47
thopiekaris here the right place for problems somebody get on karmic?19:47
sebsebsebseil: well it's a netbook, so the hardware won't be that great,  if Virtualbox is still bad, after doing a bit more RAM and Video memory, or whatever #vbox suggest.   you could try VMware player or server, and even  Microsoft Virtualpc hmm19:47
seidosthiebaude: do you have a netbook?19:47
shane2perudefineyourmorals: working on Jaunty 64bit, going to use this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125910219:47
thiebaudeseidos, not me19:47
firecrotchthopiekar: #ubuntu+119:47
thopiekarthanks firecrotch :)19:47
thopiekarsee you soon19:48
seidosthiebaude: what kind of system do you have?19:48
defineyourmoralsshane2peru: i have a working fix for jaunty 64. works great with firefox19:48
sebsebsebseil: I  would avoide Microsoft Virtualpc :)  ,but maybe on that netbook it would be better than the others19:48
geos64well thanks for help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:48
shane2perudefineyourmorals: I'm open, I don't use flash a lot, but had uploaded a video to tangle, and wanted to see it, and I can't. lol19:48
sebsebsebgeos64: hmm19:48
thiebaudeseidos, amd dual core 32bit or 64bit 2gb ram nvidia 8400 gs with 512mb video lanparty nf4 160gb hd19:48
nostalgicBadgerI still don't understand running Linux from within Windows... it's only going to be as stable as Windows, and you could always just run a live disk instead19:49
almostAg33kthiebaude: could it be that i am not using a grafix card? just the onboard?19:49
seidosthiebaude: dang 512mb of video ram?19:49
shane2perudefineyourmorals: however when I checked my plugins, I have two flash versions installed, 10r22 and 10rxx something else19:49
geos64it did not help me :-(19:49
thiebaudeseidos, i better stay ontopic19:49
seilsebsebseb bought the laptop 2 weeks ago and it had preinstalled windowsxp didnt want to mess with it as am not pro in linux yet19:49
thiebaudeseidos, yes19:49
defineyourmoralsshane2peru: it's a simple .deb with an install script, i can email it to you if you want, there's a remove script for older versions19:49
r3zahi guys , how can i install icon pack in ubuntu jaunty ?19:49
MenZar3za: System -> Preferences -> Appearance is probably what you want.19:50
pratik_naraincan somebody help me on sharing internet connection b/w ubuntu and win vista using ethernet cable.19:50
nostalgicBadgerseil: make a live disk on a thumb drive and try it out that way. if you don't like it, pop out the drive and you've got windows back19:50
shane2perudefineyourmorals: will it clean out all my previous flashes?19:50
sebsebsebseil: nostalgicBadger  has a point you can try a Live CD,  but right it's a netbook, so you don't even have a CD drive right?  well  you can do Ubuntu from USB19:50
eric_can anyone recommend a good general help chat or help me with a partitioning problem?19:50
thiebaudeseidos, you know what the first thing i did when i got the computer?19:50
shane2perudefineyourmorals: can you just post the script?  via pastebin I can copy it and paste it that way19:50
seidosthiebaude: installed ubuntu?19:50
thiebaudealmostAg33k, which graphics card19:50
sebsebseberic_: I can probaby help depending on the issue which is?19:50
janisoza1rhow do i list file's timestamp in unix time format?19:50
thiebaudeseidos, yes19:50
sebsebseb!usb | seil19:50
ubottuseil: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:50
suhasahow to install vlc by using terminal19:50
seidosthiebaude: same19:51
r3zaMenZa: yes , and customize > icon , but there isn't any add button19:51
eric_sebsebseb: i installed ubuntu, and somehow my main windows partition became part of an extended partition19:51
nostalgicBadgerno CD drive in the netbook -- at least not in my Aspire one, and I don't believe his has one either -- but flash drives work great.19:51
sebsebsebsuhasa: sudo apt-get install vlc19:51
Picijanisoza1r: stat filename19:51
almostAg33kits an older dell... so i would think an intel?19:51
seilnostalgicBadger i used it for 3 days in vbox its sort of good but when i open firefox it gets too slow19:51
bencis there an odbc driver for sqlite on ubuntu?19:51
MenZar3za: Try dragging the tarball into the window.19:51
eric_sebsebseb: now when I attempt to start windows in gives a "Cannot find hal.dll" error and I assume that's why19:51
r3zaMenZa: nope , its not work19:51
sebsebsebseil: probably, because it's running in a virtual machine, plus  some of us get issues like that with FIrefox in Ubuntu19:51
seidoshow much do IBM, HP, Dell, Toshiba pay for a license of windows?19:51
thiebaudealmostAg33k, which dell?19:51
MenZar3za: Interesting. I don't have an Ubuntu box at hand, so I can't test it myself. :( Sorry.19:51
MenZaseidos: Good question. Probably offtopic for this channel too.19:52
sebsebseb!ot |  seidos19:52
ubottuseidos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:52
r3zaMenZa: np , thanks anyway19:52
Aggrav8dhi, jquery!19:52
sebsebsebseidos: I guess ##windows is a good place for that question19:52
nostalgicBadgerFirefox is bloated anyway, almost unusably, as of 3.0. I'm running epiphany now.19:52
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alkamidsomething's changing my cpu scaling preference from ondemand (set by cpufreq-set) to performance - any idea what it might be?19:52
sebsebseb!caps |  geos6419:52
ubottugeos64: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:52
janisoza1rPici: using %Y as format?19:52
=== Facebook is now known as Whitor
MenZageos64: THERE IS NO NEED TO SHOUT! You're hurting my ears here. :(19:52
r3zahi guys , how can i install icon pack in ubuntu jaunty ?19:52
Aggrav8dsuppose I can't put my $(function()) {} in the <head>.  Can I put it in the <body> and still expect it to run at the right time?19:52
sebsebseb!patience |  geos6419:52
ubottugeos64: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:52
suhasaThank You19:52
eric_any ideas?19:52
The_Dead_91hi guys19:53
Picijanisoza1r: no. Its in seconds from the unix epoch19:53
tyler_dI cannot sign onto msn using pidgin... msn: Connection error from Notification server (gateway.messenger.hotmail.com): Reading error is the error from the logs?19:53
seilnostalgicBadger I'll give that a try19:53
almostAg33kthiebaude: i have no clue, all i know is its a dell. desktop about 6-8 years old19:53
sebsebsebtyler_d: sometimes MSN goes wrong in Pidgin19:53
thiebaudealmostAg33k, optiplex?19:53
r3zahi guys , how can i install icon pack in ubuntu jaunty ?19:54
almostAg33kthiebaude: i dont know what that is19:54
thiebaudealmostAg33k, ok19:54
janisoza1rPici: well, since i want to know it in unix time format, i guess that's it? or am i wrong?19:54
nostalgicBadgerr3za - ~/.icons19:54
tyler_dsebsebseb: I have tried with amsn, kopete as well... and from a diff machine19:54
sebsebsebtyler_d: ok did those work?19:54
alkamidsomething's changing my cpu scaling preference from ondemand (set by cpufreq-set) to performance - any idea what it might be?19:54
geos64Im siting this chat room 6 hour and i got no help heree19:54
tyler_dsebsebseb: I am just re-adding the account, none of those worked... as well I re-installed (removing the .purple folder)19:55
jonaskoelkerHi all.  My boot splash is currently the default Kubuntu one.  I'd like to make it the *Ubuntu* one.  How do I go about this?19:55
jonaskoelkerI uninstalled the relevant usplash package (kubuntu-artwork-usplash, IIRC)... why's the kubuntu art still there?19:55
sebsebseb!atittude |  geos6419:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atittude19:55
eric_alright so is there anywhere else I should look?19:55
Picijanisoza1r: Yep, thats it.19:55
sebsebseb!atitude |  geos6419:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atitude19:55
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:55
sebsebsebthiebaude: ty19:55
nostalgicBadgerr3za - if whomever made the icon pack happened to make it with linux in mind, you can just drop the folder to .icons in your home directory.19:55
janisoza1rPici: thanks19:55
thiebaudesebsebseb, np, man19:55
jonaskoelkergeos64: I can sympathize19:55
geos64HOW CAN I HAVE patience]19:56
sebsebsebthiebaude: second time today that I got the spelling wrong for a factoid like that, odd19:56
firecrotchgeos64: What is your current screen resolution?19:56
jonaskoelkergeos64: I've asked ~five different questions in here today, got no answers19:56
thiebaudesebsebseb, i use to do the one t19:56
geos64IM IN 6 HOUR19:56
sebsebseb!atitude |  geos6419:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atitude19:56
nostalgicBadgerif nobody knows the answer, or if you're not giving anyone enough information to answer your question, what do you expect? nobody here is getting paid.19:56
janisoza1r!caps | geos6419:56
ubottugeos64: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:56
thiebaudegeos, hang in there if someone has an answer they glad to answer19:56
sebsebsebgeos64: people here are volunters19:56
sebsebsebgeos64: as far as I know no one is being paid to do this19:57
tyler_dgeos64: what was the question please?19:57
firecrotchgeos64: I understand that you are trying to set your screen resolution to 1024x768.  What is it currently set to?19:57
sebsebsebgeos64: Which card?19:57
nostalgicBadger!caps | geos6419:57
ubottugeos64: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:57
sebsebsebgeos64: Did you install a driver?19:57
geos64it on bord sis mx 66019:58
sebsebsebgeos64: sis oh dear19:58
alkamidsomething's changing my cpu scaling preference from ondemand (set by cpufreq-set) to performance - any idea what it might be?19:58
geos64what driver on ubuntu19:58
jonaskoelkeralkamid: if you find out, will you please let me know?  I have the opposite problem, maybe you solution will help me19:58
sebsebsebgeos64: that explains why you got a problem,  as far as I know sis has no Linux support at all,  and that there isn't any support for sis from the Linux  hardware support reverse enginering people either19:59
alkamidjonaskoelker: what does "opposite problem" mean?19:59
pradeepI think beta of karmic has released, is it safe to upgrade jaunty now?19:59
jonaskoelkeralkamid: I want performance, I get clocked down to 800 MHz from time to time19:59
sebsebsebpradeep: don't do it yet19:59
geos64so what do i do19:59
jonaskoelkerpradeep: it is never safe to upgrade ubuntu :p19:59
sebsebsebpradeep: wait untill final20:00
thiebaudepradeep, im on 9.10 but waiting for the beta updates20:00
jonaskoelkerpradeep: or at least I will say: every time I have upgraded right after the release, I've gotten burned20:00
sebsebsebthiebaude: I did updates today, so I guess I am on the beta20:00
thiebaudesebsebseb, exactly20:00
almostAg33kthiebaude: how could Diablo run fullscreen on xp and not ubuntu and be a memory issue.20:00
sebsebsebthiebaude: I told it to update myself :)20:00
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:00
thiebaudealmostAg33k, how much ram do you have?20:00
sebsebsebKarmic can still have bugs, even when beta, so  for those  not already on it,  you may as well wait untill the final on October 29th20:01
almostAg33kthiebaude: 1 512 stick20:01
pradeepjonaskoelker: can't wait for karmic20:01
thiebaudesebsebseb, i have bugs , but they are not show stoppers20:01
alkamidjonaskoelker: maybe try to set lowest and highest freq to 2.2 (or whatever is maximum for you)20:01
sebsebsebeven finals can have bugs, but it won't be as buggy as development versions20:01
thiebaudealmostAg33k, and your in a virtual machine?20:01
thiebaudewith 512mb20:01
jonaskoelkeralkamid: afaik, I don't run any cpu-freq-setting app20:01
almostAg33kthiebaude: what do you mean virtual machine?20:02
pradeepthiebaude: hoping that october 29 comes asap20:02
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:02
sebsebsebgeos64: system > administration > hardware drivers20:02
sebsebsebgeos64: anything available? anything for the graphics card I guess not20:02
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:02
thiebaudealmostAg33k, my bad then20:03
defineyourmoralsoutput for sudo apt-get install python-opengl http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/283233/20:03
defineyourmoralsany ideas?20:04
x-warriorWill the Ubuntu 9.10 Beta launch today?20:04
almostAg33kim running it using wine, and using a virtual desktop. if i take it off the VD, it crashes. it did run fullscreen once tho20:04
Picix-warrior : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.20:04
x-warriorPici,  ok ;)20:04
thiebaudealmostAg33k, im not sure what to tell you20:04
geos64i dont see enye driver in ther20:05
almostAg33kthiebaude: does that sound more like drivers? i think i might try and install a new graphics card20:05
len_ctmjr: sorry about the other time, my net is crappy and keep disconnecting me20:05
thiebaudealmostAg33k, its possible, if it graphics related20:06
len_who can help me config wlan using console?20:06
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.20:06
almostAg33kany one in here know why WINE crashes when i run a game not in a virtual desktop?20:06
len_n8tuser: I apologise for u too. I lost connection last time20:06
djznI have a question... if I use a 32bit Ubuntu, and make a ext4 filesystem and later down the road, If I change this system to 64bit Ubuntu, will I have problems with the partition or filesystem? In other words... does 32/64bit use interfer in anything disc or filesystem wise?20:06
n8tuserlen no sweat20:07
sebsebsebgeos64: I belive it was sis,  the one  with no Linux support20:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sis20:07
sebsebsebgeos64: I guess a quick Google and you can find out   what sis is like when it comes to Linux20:07
ctmjrlen is this a wep connection20:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution20:08
len_ctmjr: no wp2-psk20:08
len_ctmjr: no, it is a wp2-psk20:09
almostAg33kis there anything i should do before i install a newer graphics card? or will ubuntu find drivers and stuff?20:09
ctmjrlen_: did you try wicd or you want to use cli20:09
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fccfalmostAg33k: what card?20:10
len_ctmjr: no I dont know what is wicd20:10
almostAg33ki have a few lying around, but i think a pny20:10
thiebaudealmostAg33k, after you install do a System-administration-hardware drivers and let ubuntu search for a driver20:10
Mkadjzn: doesnt an Ubuntu release of 32bit differ form that of 64bit? if you change your system to 64bit, then install 64bit version of Ubuntu20:11
almostAg33kthiebaude: is there a sudo code for that?20:11
djznMka: I meant the Filesystem ext4 itself....20:11
fccfalmostAg33k: pny is a manufacturer that buys licences for video chipsets ... more spacifically what chipset?20:11
Mkadjzn: you are not clear20:11
djznis it recommended that I create a ext4 filesystem with 32 bit ubuntu or a 64 bit ubuntu, if later on I will use 64 bit OS only20:12
almostAg33kfeef: i will brb and tell you20:12
len_ctmjr: what u recommend?20:12
sebsebsebdjzn: uhmm well20:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about undervolting20:12
sebsebsebdjzn: Ext4 isn't perfectly stable in 9.04, because of the kernel they have and that20:12
Picidjzn: cpu architecture doesn't matter when it comes to the filesystem.20:12
defineyourmoralspython opengl with nvidia graphics card20:13
defineyourmoralsany help20:13
djznPici: it does not interfer whatsoever with filesystems....?20:13
Picidjzn: Correct.20:13
thiebaude!details | defineyourmorals20:13
ubottudefineyourmorals: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:13
djznPici: i am actually waiting for 9.10 release, for me to start from ZERO....20:14
defineyourmoralsi have given the details multiple times20:14
jonaskoelkeralkamid: does setting the cpu frequency with the gnome panel applet work for you?  It works for me...20:14
djznPici: are the video codecs and stuff stable in 64bit20:14
jonaskoelkeralkamid: that might be _because_ I don't have (again, to the best of my knowledge) any cpu-frequency-setting app running20:14
alkamidjonaskoelker: no, it doesn't20:14
jonaskoelkeralkamid: (i.e. Ubuntu has some kind of infrastructure for setting cpu frequencies that the applet taps into)20:15
=== DaZ is now known as \\\
ctmjrlen_: if your on a laptop and use wireless hot spots i would try wicd, it is a gui, you can install it by sudo apt-get install wicd but it will remove the network-manager20:15
defineyourmoralsi am running ubuntustudio 9.04, 64-bit. i run sudo apt-get install python-opengl and get this output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/283233/20:15
jonaskoelkeralkamid: tried doing so while having your cpu-freq-setting app not running?20:15
alkamidjonaskoelker: but I've just solved the problem: I had to remove cpufreqd from my system20:15
kn100whats the command that allows me to upgrade to beta's of ubuntu20:15
almostAg33kfeef: its a pny geforce20:15
kn100i remember using one to go from 8.10 to 9.0420:15
=== \\\ is now known as Guest26993
sebsebsebkn100: wait untill the final on October 29th20:15
jonaskoelkeralkamid: there we go.  Ubuntu decides what app you should use and wins again :p20:15
=== Guest26993 is now known as DaZ
kn100sebsebseb, hell no20:15
almostAg33kfeef" a geforce fx550020:16
sebsebseb!karmic |  kn10020:16
ubottukn100: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:16
jonaskoelkeralkamid: oh well, concgrats on getting it working :)20:16
shane2peru!langauge | kn10020:16
ubottukn100: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:16
len_ctmjr: Im not using gnome20:16
=== kb is now known as Guest91400
alkamidjonaskoelker: thanks! next step is to get undervolting working20:16
len_ctmjr: Im doing it by console20:16
jonaskoelkeralkamid: best of luck :)20:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yokobr20:17
len_that y i were using wconfig wlan0 essid wlan enc mypass20:17
len_but is not configuring20:17
ctmjrlen_: ok first make sure you have wpasupplicant try sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant20:17
Picidjzn: Best to ask questions about 9.10 in #ubuntu+120:18
geos64WHAT if i do it text mode x11 when it boots20:19
len_ctmjr: I'll install it brb it will take a while because the computer with linux doesnt have Internet connection20:20
nostalgicBadgerhas anyone found that espeak stops working post-suspend? the problem is arising on my Aspire One netbook... I should probably check if my sound is working, actually.20:20
geos64it shou have a defalt driver for 1024x76820:20
fccfI have a ssh server running on a non standard port, what is the proper way to connect to it?20:21
ctmjrlen_: ok20:21
len_ctmjr: apt return msg saying that wpasupplicant is already installed20:21
Picifccf: ssh hostname -p portnum20:21
nostalgicBadgeroh, ok. my sound card in general does not work post-suspend. there's probably a thread somewhere. unless anyone happens to know of a solution, i'll just google it20:21
edbianHow do you set up sudo in NIS?20:22
zacardhi all20:22
edbiannostalgicBadger: You could try rmmod the module first before suspending.  If it works you could right a simple script.20:23
ctmjrlen_: ok that's good now make sure it see the network you want to connect too sudo iwlist wlan0 scan20:23
=== kb is now known as Guest47157
fccfPici: thank you20:23
daasdingohey, I need to flash my bios and dont have a floppy drive, and do not have windows, how do I do this? None of the tutorials on the internet works for me because the bios files are bigger than 1.5MB20:23
len_ctmjr: it is.20:24
zacardwhat bios u have ?20:24
daasdingocompal jhl9020:24
wavezI'm using a live CD which has Hardy on it. My video doesn't work unless I use safe graphics mode. My card is an nVidia GeForce 7600 GT20:26
daasdingothe .ROM  and .WPH files of the bios are 2MB each20:26
cybichello all20:26
cybicam i right here to place a question?20:27
wavezwell, I'm not running Hardy at the moment. Is where should I look for a fix to my video driver issue?20:27
defineyourmoralscybic: depends on the question20:27
len_ctmjr: what I do now?20:28
cybicdefineyourmorals: having some trouble to get the trackpoint of my HP NC6400 working at a normal speed...20:28
cybicdefineyourmorals: ubuntu 9.0420:28
shane2peruok fixed your script > defineyourmorals20:29
len_ctmjr: I gotta restart brb20:29
shane2perudefineyourmorals: I closed the pm window, not sure how to get it back. :)20:29
pradeephow to find the uid and gid of a given user20:29
tyler_dmsn on pidgin still failing20:30
Picipradeep: id username20:30
defineyourmoralscybic: i have not dealt much with trackpoint issues, what do you mean by a normal speed?20:30
wavezoh well. I gotta start work anyway. I'll try asking later tonight. bfn20:30
ctmjrlen you need to configure your wireless for wpa here is a guide to get it going if you have any questions just ask (i did not write it the credit goes to anonymous) http://pastebin.com/m7cc580b620:30
len_kk gonna check it20:30
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cybicdefineyourmorals: you know, the speed the mousepointer is flying over the desktop :) i'm able to configurate the touchpad speed, but the trackpoint stays untouched by this configuration20:31
pradeepPici: thanks, also i tried cat /etc/passwd and looked for my entry. But your way was easy20:32
=== baskingshark is now known as paul68
meezA few hours ago I had perfectly working wifi and eth on my laptop. Now, despite both being seemingly fine (and reporting as "Connected"), neither of them are actually working. ifconfig reports I have an ip address, but I can't ping or load anything externally or locally. Any idea what I've goofed up that could stop networking working entirely?20:33
paul68When you use ssh to connect remotely to the internet using it as tunneling what is the tunneling create for traffing in mb's for instance20:33
nanotubemeez: tried "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" ?20:33
nickmy alt-tab is very slow, I don't have compiz installed, is there a way to make it appear faster20:34
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defineyourmoralscybic: you're saying the mousepoint preferences have no effect on movement when using the trackpoint?20:34
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Guest22901my alt-tab is very slow, I don't have compiz installed, is there a way to make it appear faster20:34
cybicdefineyourmorals: yes, exactly20:35
meeznanotube: yes. i got a bizzare "ignoring unknown network interface eth1=eth1." error, which appears to be my wireless card20:35
defineyourmoralscybic: it could be a hardware issue, or your model isn't adequately supported?  i really have no idea which it would be. someone else on the irc may know20:36
meezalthough it did [ok] me afterwards20:36
nanotubemeez: hrm, dunno what's up with that...20:36
tyler_derror log from pidgin is :..http://paste.ubuntu.com/283255/20:36
meezi was using powertop but i can't think of anything that might have changed20:37
meezeither way it's severely irritating me20:37
cybic@everybody: does somebody have a clue where i could configurate the trackpoint built in my HP NC6400 on Ubuntu 9.04? THe mouse configuration affects just the touchpad...20:37
cybicdefineyourmorals: thanks anyway :)20:38
PXLhttp://faitesundont.free.fr :p20:38
=== dran|work is now known as Jeeebus
Testohola  como estas20:39
darthanubisy tu?20:40
janiktomhola, bian :-) /my spanish is realy bad :-)/20:40
ctmjr!es | estan20:40
ubottuestan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:40
paul68When you use ssh to connect remotely to the internet using it as tunneling what is the tunneling create for traffing in mb's for instance20:40
darthanubispaul68, rephrase?20:41
suboneMy system intermittently "cuts off". The screen goes all random noise for a second then the monitors cut out and any sound that is playing at the time repeats over and over like a skipping record. Then there is nothing to do but turn it off. Any idea what this is a sign of?20:41
darthanubissubone, test on a non broken system20:41
subone\test what?20:41
shemanyone:   Anyone familiar with a fix to the "[Errno 5] Input/output error"  when installing?  Tried different disks/drives.. Installing on Ext320:42
meezmy wireless card appears to be claiming to be eth1 for some reason despite it being able to scan and "connect" to wireless networks. huh.20:43
subonedarthanubis: what are you suggesting I test? it is an intermittent thing and i have no other system with the same specs as this one20:43
darthanubissubone, test on known working hardware. ou sound as though you have hardware issues20:43
paul68darthanubis: meaning when i greate a tunnel from my work towards home how muvh trafic generates the tunnel on the work network20:43
darthanubispaul68, only you could tell use that20:43
paul68darthanubis: when surfing the internet20:43
darthanubispaul68, install etherape or wireshark to get a break down of the traffic of certain packets20:44
subonedarthanubis: what do you mean test? test what? all the other computers in the house work fine... idk what you mean20:44
NivexThe .zsync files at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ are older than the .iso files and don't have the correct filenames in them.  Looks like the release mgr needs to rerun zsyncmake.20:44
kn100I Just had a brainwave for ubuntu20:45
darthanubissubone, your hardware is fubar. Is that easy to understand?20:45
teSomething very very weird just happened to me.  I was messing with vpnc and all of a sudden I started getting these lines about a module not being loaded and so on.  I tried typing who and got command not found, ls the same thing, images and icons in the ubuntu UI were suddenly X's like they were being deleted.  I cannot for the life of me figure out what happened unless someone rooted my box and rm -rf /'ed it.  Anyone ...20:45
kn100you know the notify-osd notifications20:45
te... have any ideas?  Running super grub boot disk doesnt even find a kernel.20:45
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subonedarthanubis: what hardware? anything more specific?20:46
kn100make them interactive20:46
paul68darthanubis: I can't access the internet through work, only through ssh tunneling need to be carefull using it cause I could loose my job. thats why I was wondering in what way it's detectable when surfing through the tunnel20:46
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ctmjr!brainstorm | kn10020:46
ubottukn100: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!20:46
darthanubissubone, dude, you computer,PC,machine,boxen is BROKEN. Use another one IF you can to see if this is isolated to that particular machine or not.20:47
kn100ctmjr, heh20:47
* darthanubis am I speaking English?20:47
teDoes anyone know of any 0day jaunty exploits?20:47
arandkn100: not gonna happen, untill you defeat the ayatana team in an epic battle...20:47
subonedarthanubis: do you have any idea what you are talking about, what am i supposed to test? i told you none of the other computers i have have the same specs and it is OBVIOUSLY a hardware issue, i'm asking what my particular experience might be linked to20:48
MorticeHi. My sound is working fine in every other app, but flash sound is not going to the correct device. All other sounds are going to my USB sound card, but flash is sending its sound to my internal sound card. Any idea how to change this behaviour?20:48
subone"test it on another computer" tells me nothing20:48
teDoes anyone know of any 0day jaunty exploits?20:48
kn100arand, hah go on20:48
pradeepanyone has an idea of speed up firefox using tmpfs20:49
K-YoHello, I have troubles configuring my keyboard, it seems the "Inser" Key does not work...20:49
losherpaul68: If I understand your question, the answer is, the same amount of traffic as a normal connection, plus some overhead for the SSH protocol and its encryption. Normal web browsing probably won't be noticed, but large downloads might...20:49
geniipradeep: I just prefer using FasterFox addon20:49
paul68losher: thanks20:49
pradeepgenii: but about tmpfs?20:49
pradeepgenii: ain't it good20:50
geniipradeep: any time you're running out of ram ond not using hd it's going to be much faster of course20:50
teDoes anyone know of any 0day jaunty exploits?  Does anyone know anything about jaunty security?  I think I was rooted today and am trying to figure out more information.20:50
xiongI'm about 7 months into Linux and I haven't yet caught on to the meaning of underlined characters in menus. Sometimes they seem to represent keyboard shortcuts invoked by Alt; other times, invoked by Ctrl; other times they seem to do nothing. Yet just about every single item has an underlined character. Could someone point me to docs for this feature?20:51
losherte: it's extremely rare to be rooted. Can I ask why you think it's happened...20:51
pradeepgenii: hs as in hard disk? yeah just tried that tmpfs tweak20:51
genii!info chkrootkit | te20:51
ubottute: chkrootkit (source: chkrootkit): rootkit detector. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48-9 (jaunty), package size 291 kB, installed size 820 kB20:51
pradeepgenii: don't know how fast it will be:-)20:52
MorticeHi. My sound is working fine in every other app, but flash sound is not going to the correct device. All other sounds are going to my USB sound card, but flash is sending its sound (through Pulse) to my internal sound card. Any idea how to change this behaviour?20:52
telosher: I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary really -- I ran sudo vpnc, and then out of nowhere I began to get these error messages about modules not being available or loaded on the command line20:52
telosher: my home directory was empty with ls20:52
n8tuserpradeep seems and feels faster20:52
Picite: Also: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn20:52
tethis is a brand new drive, ive checked the drive and it's fine20:52
tei cant boot into ubuntu to check this out20:53
tebecause my kernel is gone20:53
pradeepn8tuser: u tried it?20:53
losherte: where did vpnc come from?20:53
tePici: genii, thanks20:53
telosher: the regular source everyone else uses20:53
losherte: then it's even more unlikely to contain an exploit. Are you saying your home directory files have disappeared?20:54
n8tuserpradeep->  at this moment yes20:54
Chun1Trying to find a fun way for my younger brother to learn to use the terminal / bash. Are there any terminal games, or um, fun activities, that'll help?20:54
telosher: it was just very weird -- i've run rm -rf / before and i know its effects, it was acting exactly like that, and when i tried to reboot the system, it couldn't even find GRUB, error 1720:55
genii!info nethack20:55
ubottuPackage nethack does not exist in jaunty20:55
temodules and regular /bin commands started to fall out20:55
tei would use them, then a minute later they were gone20:55
PiciChun1: The bsdgames packages a has a bunch of console based games, also theres moon-buggy20:55
xiongChun1, there's got to be some sort of RPG20:55
losherte: you mentioned a brand new drive? I'd suspect it first...20:56
telosher: checked the drive out, it's fine20:56
teno bad sectors, nothing20:56
nostalgicBadgerif my sound dies after suspend, is there something i can run that should get it going again?20:56
dayonostalgicBadger: sudo alsa force-reload20:57
telosher: im at a loss -- ive used linux for a long time, and like i said, i know what rm -rf / looks/feels like20:58
losherte: what about the vnpc prog you ran as sudo? Is it an install script? Maybe something went wrong with it?20:58
nostalgicBadgerworks! thank you.20:58
telosher: that's possible, but man, it couldn't delete my entire fucking home directory?20:58
tethe damn kernel?20:58
tesomeone would have noticed that by now20:59
genii!language | te20:59
ubottute: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:59
teyeah yeah i know, sorry20:59
telosing my whole install has me a little paranoid/angry20:59
dethaddrhey can anyone help me with drivers?20:59
U-b-u-n-t-uis it normal for my ram cache to be at 43%21:00
shane2perudefineyourmorals: apparently it was other updates that I had to reboot, working now!21:00
dethaddri just installed a grafix card and need the drivers for a geforce fx550021:00
SGottl7227can someone help me with setting up this usb modem.. how do u put the network manager in the system>preferences.. i see it in the applications>add/remove but not in the system>preference21:00
losherte: I admit I'm only guessing. So how do you plan to proceed...?21:01
geniite: I did once a similar boo-boo by using sudo on an install script which first wanted to clean out it's home dir by using / as the start for a recursive rm. Was supposed to be run as the user assigned to it, etc21:01
DasEidethaddr: checked hardwaredrivers ?21:01
tegenii: that strikes me as weird behavior for vpnc, can you verify that's not the case?21:02
dethaddrDasEi: what do you mean?21:02
SGottl7227does anyone know how to get the network manager to show up in the preference area?21:02
tethe files it needs to run are in /etc/vpnc/21:02
teroot is required to run vpnc21:02
teerr sudo at least21:02
DasEidethaddr: system > preferences > hardwaredrivers21:02
dethaddrDasEi: theres no tab for the above mentiond21:03
tegenii: could you take a look at the vpnc script in /etc/vpnc/vpncscript.pl21:03
geniite: Perl is not my area of expertise. You might want to ask someone else, or in the perl channel21:04
losherte: well it's not going to fix itself. First step is to close any network vulnerabilities, 2nd step is to restore from whatever backups you have...21:04
telosher: this was a fairly fresh install, so the loss of data is not my concern21:04
tewhat is very concerning is whatever happened to me could potentially happen to someone else21:05
tein addition to the fact that where i work is very security conscious21:05
teim trying to verify this was not an exploit before i escalate the situation though21:05
teerr this *was*21:05
suboneHow can I move my taskbar to another monitor?21:05
don_martinohi! i upgraded to 9.10 (don't worry, it works great!) and i noticed it takes a lot longer until the splashscreen appears, compared to 9.04. is that a problem, work in progress, or is that the expected behaviour?21:06
seilsubone drag!21:06
DasEidethaddr: k, then you can use envyng :21:06
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver21:06
suboneseil i tried that doesnt work21:06
dethaddrso run that in terminal?21:07
Quaoarhi, i'm trying to report a bug on launchpad and it always sends me to the documentation page21:07
Quaoari don't want documentation, i just wanna file a bug report21:07
xmnthey anyone know of an alternative to skype that has video support?21:07
Travis-42does the 64-bit ubuntu work pretty much the same as 32-bit these days in terms of hardware support and software?21:07
teTravis-42: yes21:07
Whitor!firewall | whitor21:07
ubottuWhitor, please see my private message21:07
don_martinoxmnt, afaik ekiga has video support21:07
losherte: well, you can run the chkrootkit stuff. And look through any logs left on your system....21:08
DasEidethaddr: install it, run it, does your card show up ?21:08
Travis-42ok thanks te21:08
marcellusHmm. Why isn't a/the global classpath updated when one installs, for example, junit?21:08
dethaddrDasEi: i dono where to get it.21:08
Quaoarempathy is really crappy21:08
xmntdon_martino, do I need some software .. or how does tht work?21:08
telosher: i will if I can get it to boot21:09
tei guess i could dd it to another partition/drive21:09
DasEidethaddr: sudo apt-get install envyng*21:09
teand do some forensics21:09
don_martinoxmnt, dunno i'm fairly new to ubuntu but ekiga shipps with ubuntu and is installed by default21:09
U-b-u-n-t-uis it normal for my ram cache to be at 43% when I am only surfing the net21:09
don_martinoxmnt, i think you only need to sign up and you're ready to go21:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:09
teQuaoar: is that directed at me?21:10
mcrittendenis lenovo still the way to go for an ubuntu friendly laptop?21:10
DasEi U-b-u-n-t-u: check top or htop to see (F6 in htop lets you sort output)21:11
dethaddrDasEi: its installing now21:11
SGottl7227does anyone know how to make the network manager appear in the preference area above?21:11
Whitorwhy is it that even after disabling my local firewall... local users on my network cannot connect to services running on my machine? They cant even ping me.21:11
WhitorI'm trying to host a crack-attack game :)21:11
Quaoarte i don't know what you're talking about21:11
losherte: boot from a live cd, then go looking for the logs. And (I suppose) check your firewalls...21:12
WhitorI did a sudo ufw disable ... to no avail21:12
guntbertU-b-u-n-t-u: how did you determine that value?21:12
Whitorworked fine on 8.1021:12
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n8tuserWhitor-> what does sudo iptables -L  show?21:12
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ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.21:13
TrizicusI'm trying to play Runescape and I'm using sun java, I've have my GPU drivers installed, and it lags badly. Can anyone help with this problem?21:13
Peteinhi. my ubuntu 9.04 o/s doesnt seem to find the Intel(R) WIFi Link 5100 AGN card. In the network manager there are no wireless networks shown. the driver of this card it says that it was included from the kernel 2.6.24. what can i do?21:13
losherte: note that if *I* was trying to take over a machine, the *last* thing I'd do is rm everything or otherwise do anything to draw attention to myself, much less give the owner a reason to reinstall...21:13
Lenin_Cat/var/lib/dpkg/status got somehow deleted how do I fix this?21:13
dethaddrwhat about a sound card update?21:13
trineoxWhitor: a good place to test to see if you have your ports properly set is canyouseeme.org21:13
Whitorn8tuser, http://pastebin.ca/158828721:14
stefg_Lenin_Cat: uhoh ...21:14
SGottl7227can someone help me with modem set up for a usb21:14
guntbertmaple1: whats the matter?21:14
stefg_Lenin_Cat: reinstall21:14
SGottl7227how do u make the network manager appear in the preference area?21:14
Whitortrineox, but that would push through my external firewall... which would skew the results21:14
maple1I'm stoned21:14
TrizicusI'm trying to play Runescape and I'm using sun java, I've have my GPU drivers installed, and it lags badly. Can anyone help with this problem?21:14
Lenin_Cathow? I cant use apt-get without that..21:14
n8tuserWhitor-> you have rules, learn how they work, it may be blocking your services,21:14
Lenin_Catcompile from source?21:14
Peteinhi. my ubuntu 9.04 o/s doesnt seem to find the Intel(R) WIFi Link 5100 AGN card. In the network manager there are no wireless networks shown. the driver of this card it says that it was included from the kernel 2.6.24. what can i do?21:15
Peteinsorry got disc21:15
tegod damnit -- http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ is down21:15
stefg_Lenin_Cat: that21:15
maple1my mobo has a bulging cap, but it's a dell from 2006. does that mean my mobo's going to go soon? I've had no blue screens21:15
WhitorI would like to ~truely~ disable the firewall.... disable iptables maybe ?21:15
n8tuserSGottl7227-> right click and add the app21:15
Whitorsudo ufw disable doesn't seem to do it21:15
SGottl7227right click ok hold on21:15
Lenin_Catstefg_, well it was just recently deleted, would it be in trash?21:15
n8tuserWhitor-> sudo iptables -F21:15
WiZz3Hey, i have a nvidia geforce 6200 and i'm running ubuntu jaunty, i've installed recommended hardware drivers (version 180) but i cannot turn on extra desktop effects.. any know why ?21:15
SGottl7227right click where?21:15
trineoxWhitor: well i know i had similar issues, with my machine being access on the internal network but not the outside one..that was how i tested the ports...also make sure your isp isnt blocking the port on the incoming.21:16
sebsebsebPetein: got disc hmm21:16
n8tuserSGottl7227-> right click at the bar and add to the panel  your app21:16
stefg_Lenin_Cat: that's the problem. your package database is gone. that means your system is hosed, that's the single most important file for a debian/ubuntu. get your personal stuff of the disk and do a completely new install21:16
sebsebsebPetein: yeah with the Windows driver?21:16
Whitortrineox, this is all local that I'm talking about21:16
WhitorNot ISP involved21:16
WhitorNot = no21:16
Trizicuswhat is the addon called that allows you to double click an apps title bar and it slides up?21:16
SGottl7227OK NT. HODL ON21:16
Peteinsebsebseb: what? i'm into windows now and its fine21:16
Trizicusemerald or something?21:16
WhitorTrizicus, windowshade21:17
Lenin_Catstefg_, but cant I just recompile it?21:17
DasEite: sgd confirmed21:17
Trizicuswhat is emerald?21:17
stefg_Lenin_Cat: your system is toast21:17
Whitoremerald is a decorator21:17
Lenin_Catstefg_, but cant I just recompile it?21:17
sebsebsebPetein: I was wondering why after putting your issue you put,  sorry got disc21:17
Lenin_Catwhy not?21:17
Trizicusi think that's what i wanted21:17
Whitorcompiz is a window manager Trizicus21:17
losherLenin_Cat: I think you may have to reinstall from scratch. You could try recreating an empty status file and see if apt-get will let you reinstall packages. The list of installed packages should be in /var/log/dpkg*21:17
DasEidethaddr: does your card show up ?21:17
stefg_!apt | Lenin_Cat21:17
ubottuLenin_Cat: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)21:17
SGottl7227i see modem monitor21:17
Trizicusi know that21:17
Fox3211Hey all!! While playing openarena i can't get my mouse to go outside the game window. How do you do this? I know it is probably a simple keystroke.21:17
Peteinsebsebseb: i just installed firefox and chatzilla and i closed firefox accidentially21:17
stefg_Lenin_Cat: do you have a backup?21:18
sebsebsebSGottl7227: try not to type in caps online, because it means shouting21:18
Lenin_Catnot of that file21:18
WhitorTrizicus, compiz is responsible for handling the windowshade operation21:18
Whitorif you are running compiz ...21:18
stefg_Lenin_Cat: i mean of the whole system ?21:18
Lenin_Catlosher, how do you create a blank file from scratch21:18
sebsebsebPetein:  ok and?  your on a live cd?21:18
Lenin_Catstefg_, nay21:18
trineoxWhitor: ok sorry.....sorry for late reply trying to think about your problem.21:18
stefg_Lenin_Cat: reinstall time21:18
Lenin_Catbut /home is on a seperate partition21:18
Peteinsebsebseb: now im on windoze21:18
Lenin_Catlosher, how do you create a blank file from scratch?21:18
WiZz3I have a nvidia geforce 6200 and i'm running ubuntu jaunty, i've installed recommended hardware drivers (version 180) but i cannot turn on extra desktop effects.. anyone know why ?21:18
xiongI'm starting to become productive again! Well worth the investment. This reminds me of the time I decided to switch to the Dvorak keyboard layout. For a month, I couldn't touch well with either layout. Then I regained my former speed on Dvorak; after another month, I was able to switch reasonably well back to Qwerty, too; then my speed picked up with Dvorak. Same thing with Linux/Ubuntu/Gnome (except the timeframe is a bit longer).21:19
trineoxWhitor: ping doesnt work either way to or from your machine?21:19
sebsebsebPetein: your in Windows, but you want to configure the wireless in Ubuntu?21:19
SGottl7227i have a modem pic on top now21:19
Peteinsebsebseb: just to write some things down and try them in a while21:19
Whitortrineox, only to my machine21:19
TrizicusWhitor: It is emerald that I wanted21:19
gdoteofanyone familiar with RoR?  I needed to upgrade to the latest rake, so i did aptitude remove rake, then sudo gem install rake.  now running rake doesn't work21:19
gdoteofi am not sure where it sits21:19
losherLenin_Cat: sudo touch /var/lib/dpkg/status. Are you sure there's no backup. In my system I have /var/lib/dpkg/status-old ?21:19
Peteingdoteof: Ruby on Rails ??21:20
sebsebsebPetein: well you need to be in the Ubuntu install or on the Live CD, to fix wireless21:20
gdoteofpetein, yes21:20
Peteingdoteof: no idea21:20
Lenin_Catlosher, ah! yes there is21:20
Whitortrineox, do I need to reboot after doing ufw disable ?21:20
sebsebseb!wireless |  Petein21:20
ubottuPetein: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:20
Peteinsebsebseb: the wireless wasnt found from the live cd either21:20
=== kn100 is now known as kn100|afk
Peteinsebsebseb: now what21:20
trineoxWhitor: It wouldnt hurt to reboot to refresh the settings21:20
stefg_Lenin_Cat: so you see: backups are the only cure for murphys law :-)21:20
Fox3211Hey all!! While playing openarena i can't get my mouse to go outside the game window. How do you do this? I know it is probably a simple keystroke.21:21
sebsebsebPetein: you find out what wireless you have exactly, and then  try and find a driver for it, and if you find one, you try and install it,  if there is no luck with any of that, and you have the Windows driver you can try ndiswrapper21:21
losherLenin_Cat: I'd like to know how you managed to delete /var/lib/dpkg/status in the first place...21:21
trineoxWhitor: only thing i am wondering is are you using a router?21:21
Lenin_Catdpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 6284:21:21
Lenin_Cat field name `Original' must be followed by colon21:21
Lenin_CatE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)21:21
Peteinsebsebseb: WPA-PSK21:21
Whitortrineox, nope21:21
stefg_Lenin_Cat: i'd be interested, too21:21
Lenin_Catlosher, it was giving me a error saying that file was corrupt21:21
ZykoticK9Fox3211, openarena grabs your mouse, this is desired - if you could move your mouse outside the window playing would be close to impossible -- simply close openarena if you want your mouse back?21:22
losherLenin_Cat: so you deleted it?21:22
sebsebsebPetein: wireless chipset  or whatever, that's what the native Linux drivers are for21:22
Whitortrineox, the only thing that changed was installing 9.04 .... works fine on the laptop sitting next to me running 8.1021:22
SGottl7227i was saying i see a pic of a modem above in the bar21:22
Whitorusing the same wireless access point21:22
stefg_Lenin_Cat: then you should look at at your filesystem and your hardware. losing your package database is fatal21:22
trineoxWhitor: well cool that narrows it down for sure21:22
SGottl7227but now network manager21:22
n8tuserWhitor-> sudo iptables -F   <-- you've done this?21:22
Peteinsebsebseb: ive read that this driver was included in the kernel from kernel 2.6.3421:22
Petein2.6.24 sorry21:22
SGottl7227but no21:22
Fox3211ZykotickK9: I understand. but i would like to be able to go out and check something. then come back. How can i do that in gnome?21:23
Lenin_Catstefg_, nope, used -old its fine21:23
Peteinsebsebseb: 2.6.24 sorry21:23
Whitorn8tuser, yeah, and I posted the pastebin ^^21:23
ZykoticK9Fox3211, if alt+tab doesn't do it - I don't know of another way.  Good luck.21:23
Whitorn8tuser,  http://pastebin.ca/158828721:23
losherstefg_: actually, hitting ctrl-c at the wrong time can mess up the status file. I've seen it before. Lazy python programmers...21:23
sebsebsebPetein: ok usaully I don't attempt  helping with wireless,  other than giving the bot link, since it's not really my area.   Nothing under system > administration > hardware drivers for it?21:23
SGottl7227can someone help me. i am trying to set up a usb modem21:23
DaZSGottl7227: we can't21:24
n8tuserWhitor-> you have rules, learn how they work, it may be blocking your services,21:24
Peteinsebsebseb: are there any drivers to enable usually?21:24
* alexsander is trying to run 2 ubuntu's 9.04 (one is under vmware)21:24
SGottl7227maybe i will try that canocil paid support21:24
sebsebsebpatholio: depends on the hardware21:24
Peteinsebsebseb: i never used wireless from a laptop before.im completely lost21:24
SGottl7227i think it is 54 for a year21:24
Whitorn8tuser, worked fine before... Now I've got to be an iptable expert to use my system ? This seems like a step backward21:24
sebsebsebPetein: look under that to see if there is a driver, there probably won't be one though21:25
n8tuserWhitor-> firewalling is a serious business, you need to do more studying21:25
losheralexsander: I run ubuntu inside ubuntu/vmware. It works fine...21:25
Peteinsebsebseb: ok lets assume that it doesnt.what should i do next?21:25
Fox3211alt+tab doesn't work :( How do I get control of my mouse back outside of a window in gnome (running openarena)?21:25
vagrantcan someone indicate a graphical serial port emulator for ubuntu?21:25
cybicstill looking for a hint, where to configurate my trackpoint on hp nc640021:25
Peteinsebsebseb: ive read to d/l the driver buts it says that it was included from the 2.6.24 kernel version21:25
=== root is now known as Guest21752
sebsebsebPetein: the wireless documentation the  bot links to is meant to be good,  but wireless is  one of those things,  it doesn't tend to be that easy to configure, unless you know what your doing21:26
Whitorn8tuser, were talking a game on a local network. I just want the software to work.  Users shouldn't have to be iptables experts to be able to use Apt installed software21:26
Peteinsebsebseb: i dont know where to start... :(21:26
Whitorufw disable apparently doesn't disable the firewall21:27
n8tuserWhitor-> you have additional requirements, i dont know what yours are21:27
trineoxn8tuser: hey couldnt Whitor scan his internal ip to make sure the port is open?21:27
sebsebsebPetein: reading the wireless documentation that the bot gave is a start, and  there are people that come in here that can help you with it properly,  but you just got to wait from them, and repeate your issue21:27
sebsebsebPetein: or  you can do a thread about your wireless on the forum21:27
Whitortrineox, good idea, I'm doing an angryipscan from another computer21:27
Peteinsebsebseb: alright21:27
sirGuestsebsebseb, its good to see you again21:27
n8tusertrineox-> he can if he wants, but having firewall rules may inhibit responses, and goes to the black hole21:28
mbn_18Hi, I sshed from my Ubuntu desktop to a CentOS server. when I click F1 in the CentOS setup software the Ubuntu help program start and not the function in the shell. Any idea?21:28
WhitorYeah... I don't show up21:28
WhitorWhat the heck does ufw disable do ?21:28
sebsebsebsirGuest: not sure who you are, and if you want to chat to me, well pm21:28
sirGuesthow do I change the color of the bar at the top of the screen?21:28
trineoxn8tuser: well i had a similar issue and thats how i figured it out21:28
WhitorI shouldn't need to reboot ... but maybe I do ... back in a few21:28
DasEi!info ufw | Whitor21:28
ubottuWhitor: ufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.27-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 61 kB, installed size 436 kB21:28
sirGuesthow do I change the color of the bar at the top of the window*21:29
n8tusertrineox-> cool21:29
sebsebseb!forums |  Petein21:29
ubottuPetein: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.21:29
Peteinsebsebseb: i know the forums21:29
MongoTheMadsirGuest, which bar? the menu bar or the window itself?21:30
cubiczeeHas anyone tried skype with gaim lately?21:30
sirGuestMongoTheMad, the window. It was a typo21:30
dethaddrDasEi: now that this has installed what should i do.21:30
sebsebsebPetein: ok good, and  I am pretty sure that was the first time I used that factoid21:30
trineoxn8tuser: ya i also had a problem with my isp blocking port 445 for my remote router...i had to nano the some files to fix it21:30
n8tuserWhitor-> sudo iptables -F   <-- you've done this?  you did not do this.. read carefully21:31
DasEidethaddr: (!caution, will log you off) sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:31
trineoxn8tuser: I didnt see him come back yet21:31
VCooliosirGuest: change your window border theme (metacity), check on gnome-look.org; also most gtk themes will come with their own window border theme; in the theme appearance window click 'customize' and then the tab 'borders'21:32
Whitorsudo ufw status gives : Status: inactive .... it is obviously not21:32
zzz2009Hi everyone, I am new here so if i screw up sorry21:32
meezNetworking suddenly stopped (wlan and wired), however worked on the livecd environment. So to try and fix my problem, I formatted/reinstalled my / partition leaving /home/ in tact. However, even after a reinstall networking STILL isn't working. What could possibly be stored in /home/ that is breaking networking? I really can't figure it out. I get an IP address and a "Connection Established" but nothing responds, I can't ping anything. Where 21:32
Whitor8.10 was so much better than 9.04. I've had so many issues since reloading that I didn't have with 8.1021:33
Whitormost I've been able to work through21:33
=== shai is now known as Guest77415
trineoxWhitor: i wouldnt know ive only been using 9.4 for awhile21:33
MongoTheMadIs anyone aware that the tracker for the 9.10 beta is down? or is it just me?21:34
=== Guest77415 is now known as shai
switchgirli started up the softphone just now and "Ekiga is already running, if you want it to call a given SIP, H.323, or callto address, please use "ekiga -c address". that is the error i got21:34
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, and guntbert .......... here is a screen shot http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/4170/screenshotao.png21:34
cubiczeecareful with 9.04, all new releases are a bit buggy21:34
dethaddrDasEi: i will be back21:34
U-b-u-n-t-ui am only surfing21:34
U-b-u-n-t-ucache % is in the yellow21:34
VCooliozzz2009: we'll start swearing if you do something wrong ;); welcome; if you have a question, ask21:34
sebsebseb!9.10 |  MongoTheMad21:35
ubottuMongoTheMad: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:35
meezwell hell with this; archlinux or xp, whichever cd i find first21:35
sebsebsebmeez: Linux back to Windows hmm21:36
MongoTheMadsebsebseb, thanks for the channel21:36
stapelhave anyone perhaps had empathy working with video chat to a gTalk account before?21:36
sebsebsebMongoTheMad: np21:36
DasEiU-b-u-n-t-u: sudo apt-get install htop && htop                                , then check whoch process eats it up21:36
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:37
amerineseAnyone using the fish shell?  What's the "]2;fish" before the prompt mean and how do I get rid of it?21:37
Whitorok.... using iptables... How can I enable anyone and everyone access to port 8080 on my machine ?21:37
amerineseAlso it beeps, and it doesn't happen at every line, just once in awhile21:37
u5penokmy congrads people,  seems 9.10 wil be awesome21:38
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, its firefox21:38
Whitorufw disable, should freaking disable the firewall. This is upsettng me21:38
u5penok9.04 was sucks21:39
ActionParsnipDasEi: my first bet was firefox, it sucks21:39
WhitoruSpenok I agree. I hope 9.10 is better21:39
ActionParsnipits great :)21:39
u5penokyeah )21:39
limpbzkithow can tell me how can I install my wirelles driver in ubuntu21:39
Bolvadur_u5penok: I disagree, it was the best version until it came out21:39
VCoolio9.04 s*cks -121:40
DasEiU-b-u-n-t-u: so you have the cache in background, try to delete history (formerly delete private data), restart it after : sudo killall firefox ;; which version ff do you use ?21:40
Bolvadur_limpbzkit: what driver?21:40
u5penokso many new stuffs21:40
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi,  if I use firefox or opera its the same result...........21:40
u5penok9.04 was like 8.1021:40
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, firefox 3.0.1421:40
zzz2009I am attempting to switch from fedora to ubuntu server, I have setup my hdd as 250mb /boot ext2, swap 6gb raid 1, /tmp 40gb raid 0 ext2, / 200gb raid 0 ext4, /data 1.2Tb raid 0 ext4. I would like to make /usr and /home sub-directories of /data without using lvm any suggestions on how best to do this?21:41
u5penokof course good but 9.10 is just excelent21:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3-521:41
larsemilwhat could be the case for auto completion not working after i write sudo...?21:41
limpbzkitbolvadur I put sudo airmon-ng in terminal and it doesn`t show me wich wifi card do I have it show me eth1 Unknown21:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fish21:42
zzzzzZZZZzzzamerinese just caught a 18kg Genie Lamp21:42
ActionParsniplarsemil: bad ~/.bashrc21:42
zzzzzZZZZzzzDannyboy just caught a 76kg Yellowfin Tuna21:42
aifnorddoes anyone know how you can get to the display resolution dialog in gnome without going through the main menubar? I ran an old game in wine, and it set the resolution to 640x480, so the menubar isn't visible21:42
DasEi!firefox-3.5 | U-b-u-n-t-u21:42
ubottuU-b-u-n-t-u: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY21:42
larsemilActionParsnip: will try removing it?21:42
ActionParsniplarsemil: no!21:42
bluebaronanyone having problems with sendmail freezing up?21:42
larsemilActionParsnip: i only have a .bashrc_vanilla21:42
ActionParsniplarsemil: gedit ~/.bashrc21:42
stapelwhat is a good gmail notifier to use with karmic? something that use the new notification system preferably.21:43
ActionParsniplarsemil: you need to have a ~/.bashrc21:43
ikoniastapel: karmick support is in #ubuntu+121:43
DasEiWhitor: port open ?21:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fish-shell21:43
amerinese!fish shell21:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fish shell21:43
zzzzzZZZZzzzamerinese just caught a 22kg Seahorse21:43
ActionParsniplarsemil: you can so: sudo cp /root/.bashrc ~/; sudo chown $USER:USER ~/.bashrc21:43
larsemilActionParsnip: moved the vanilla one to .bashrc and it worked21:44
ikoniazzzzzZZZZzzz: what ?21:44
ActionParsniplarsemil: then close your terminal and reopen21:44
VCoolioaifnord: what if you run 'killall gnome-panel'? maybe they respawn right with the new resolution21:44
younderyou might wanna sudo passwd root21:44
ikoniayounder: please don't recommend that without a good reason21:44
=== Guest70577 is now known as Gary
younderIf you want to log in in console mode21:44
abhishek_i cannot use "su" command ...authentication fails everytime....i am using the same password as the one i use for loggging in to the system21:44
ikoniayounder: no - that has nothing to do with logging into the console21:44
ikonia!sudo | abhishek_21:45
ubottuabhishek_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:45
ActionParsnipabhishek_: use: sudo -s21:45
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, but it happens with opera too21:45
younderikonia: Yes, the boot only let's you log in as root!21:45
ikoniayounder: no it doesn't21:45
younderso if you windows login get's boged that is your only option21:45
ikoniayounder: and the recovery console will also auto log you in -21:45
ikoniayounder: thats very wrong21:46
DasEiU-b-u-n-t-u: your specs ? how much ram all ?21:46
U-b-u-n-t-uDas 2 gigs ddr2 pc 420021:46
younderlook I have a boged login, and haven't been able to log into ubuntu for 4 days21:46
WinterWeaverjust installed Miro, and it broke all video on my ubuntu. I now removed it, but how can I fix video? I'm getting this error: GStreamer encountered a general stream error21:46
ikoniayounder: ok - that's nothing to do with root logins though21:46
ActionParsnipyounder: could boot to livecd and chroot, then make a new user21:47
younderAnd it will only let me log in as root which is impossible as I don't have a root password21:47
ActionParsnipyounder: can you boot to recovery root console?21:47
ikoniayounder: that's nonsense - how do you know it will only let you login as root if you can't login as root ?21:47
zzz2009Ok,I'll ask my ? a different way, is possible to"mount /data/var as /var21:47
younderIt asks me for a root password21:48
ikoniayounder: did you set a root password ?21:48
Guest64559hey everyone. i just installed gentoo 2008.0 from kubuntu 8.04 live cd. when i boot i get the eth0 : timed out message. i'm using a PPPoE connection and am currently under the live CD. any suggestions?21:48
zzz2009I have tried mount --bind but that did not seem to work21:48
younderIt does not ask me for a login name21:48
younderikonia: no21:48
ikoniayounder: that is the only senario recovery mode would ask you for a root password is if you set a personal root password21:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:48
ikoniazzz2009: you could look at loop back file systems21:48
ActionParsnipzzz2009: no you dont moount a folder to another, you could symlink the folder.21:48
abhishek_i am trying to install ktorrent ,,,i have created a directory named software and have unzipped the content of the ktorrent folder...now i don.t know how to proceed with the installation...plz help21:48
youndersorry, not true21:48
ikoniayounder: yes - very true21:48
ActionParsnipzzz2009: or loop mount (forgot that)21:49
zzz2009i tied symlink but I get erros on boot21:49
jribabhishek_: that isn't how you install software in ubuntu!  See ubottu:21:49
zzz2009loop mount ?21:49
jrib!software > abhishek_21:49
ubottuabhishek_, please see my private message21:49
younderI am sitting with the damn machine infront of me, and I am telling you that what you are saing is bollucks21:49
jrib!who | younder21:49
ubottuyounder: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:49
zzz2009plse point me at documentation21:49
newbiehello i have a question EnvyNG doesnt detect my readon video card ?21:49
ikoniayounder: that's all very well. But the only reason the recovery console would prompt you for a password is if you set a password21:50
ikoniayounder: I suggest you try booting into single user mode instead21:50
younderikonia: that sounds like a plan, thanks21:50
sparrI would like to make a video DVD from a lot of smaller video files.  What software can handle that?21:50
ActionParsnipnewbie: i wouldnt suggest using envy21:50
DasEiU-b-u-n-t-u: do you need it to be less ? you could put their priority down (see man nice), but over a gig for ff is really too much,  also you can set down the reload in background of ff, that will save memory, but that amount is really strange, any apps combined? apparmor or something ?21:50
newbiewhat should i use21:51
ActionParsnipnewbie: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga21:51
jribzzz2009: you mount block devices, not directories21:51
jribzzz2009: can you describe what you are trying to accomplish?21:51
youndersorry iif I'm a bit steaming..21:51
WhitorDasEi, tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      4285/crack-attack21:52
abel_buenas noches21:52
DasEiWhitor: netstat I assume, so open21:52
chess_My sound on my netbook doesn't sound, however I see its active... Whats wrong?21:52
zzz2009I have a 1.2tb /data 'partions21:53
zzz2009sorry finger trouble21:53
Viking667Quick question. I inherited a kubuntu (which has since had a couple of dist-upgrades) and machine, how easy would it be to convert that to xubuntu instead? Machine has 600MHz CPU and 384Mb memory.21:53
ActionParsnipnewbie: its a terminal command, you can copy / paste to the terminal an copy from it too21:54
jribViking667: just install xubuntu-desktop and choose xfce as your window manager at the login window21:54
DasEiViking667: very easy,21:54
trece8viking: easier to just install xubuntu21:54
ActionParsnipViking667: sudo apt-get install xfce421:54
Viking667Possibly what's holding it up the most is that the PCI bus is only 66MHz.21:54
Viking667ah, right.21:54
soleysudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop i thought21:54
fbdystangwhats the difference between ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu??21:54
ActionParsnipjrib: he has apps, just wants the desktop which xfce4 will sort nicely21:54
trece8I'd install crunchbang anyway, viking66721:54
soleyubuntu - gnome -- kubuntu - KDE -- Xubuntu - XFCE21:55
zzz2009I have a 1.2tb '/data' partion that i would like to use for /var & /home without using lvm, I want to split /home off so that reinstall etc, will not erase data, and putting /var there gives it room to expand21:55
DasEiViking667: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:55
ActionParsnipViking667: lxde is much lighter for low end systems21:55
jribActionParsnip: up to him I guess, but xubuntu provides lighter apps than kde :)21:55
ActionParsnipDasEi: why tyhe whole desktop, why not use the gnome apps and just use the xfce desktop, less bloat21:55
trece8fbdystang, in using resources, that means: kubuntu > ubuntu > xubuntu > lubuntu (in resources for working)21:55
DasEiViking667: but for so low specs, I 'd suggest use the minimal-netinstaller of 9.04 , then use a light desktop, like action mentioned or icewm21:55
ActionParsnipjrib: true, just makes a lot of duplicate apps21:55
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, I dont think so21:56
fbdystangtrece8: so if I have a nice new rig i should probably run kubuntu instead of ubuntu?21:56
newbieActionParsnip  here is it  ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]21:56
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, I trying to figure it out do you think I could have a bad ram mod?21:57
jribfbdystang: depends whether you prefer gnome or kde really... that's subjective...21:57
d1gitalhello all.   does evolution have an auto-response (vacation etc.) feature?  if not, how can i accomplish this?21:57
trece8fbdystang, I'd go for the lightest distro anyway... it's just a matter of how flashy you'd like it to be.... search screenshots in google, you'll see what I mean21:57
newbieActionParsnip: hello21:58
apparletrece8: I first used linux with KDE and am in love with it21:58
DasEiU-b-u-n-t-u: i have no specific idea, ram can be checked by memtest, other issues look through the files in /var/log  (syslog,kernelog, )  and look at dmesg.txt after doing  a  dmesg > dmesg.txt21:58
apparletrece8: sorry21:58
trece8apparle, I use crunchbang and I love it to death... the other extreme isn't it?21:58
apparlefbdystang: I first used linux with KDE and am in love with it21:58
apparle!info crunchbang21:59
ubottuPackage crunchbang does not exist in jaunty21:59
apparletrece8: I dunno about crunchbang what is it21:59
ActionParsnipnewbie: great let me websearch21:59
fbdystangjrib: I have used both kde and gnome. I don't really tell the difference. What are the benefits of each. I do embedded system design.21:59
newbieok thanks22:00
trece8apparle, fbdystang, take a look http://df.uba.ar/~andres/crunchbang.png22:00
jribfbdystang: just use what you like best.  KDE tends to be more configurable, GNOME tries to follow a set of guidelines and keep things easy to use22:00
buckyd1gital, make sure you enable that for any mailing lists so they get a bounce from every email you recieve while your're away22:00
trece8it's a ubuntu-based distribution first oriented for the Eee... but it rocks, simple and well-thought. Cool simple interface, great keyboard shortcuts, and the dmenu, which rocks22:01
jammehhi, i am trying to install 9.04 server onto a viglen mpc-l - have jumped a few hoops so far but stuck atm because the partitioner has a blank line where i guess the "partition me" option should be22:01
popeyjammeh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ViglenMPC22:01
popeyjammeh: see "known problems"22:01
fbdystangtrece8: thats cool. is that kubuntu? with kde?22:01
trece8no, that's crunchbang, it uses OPENBOX22:01
soleycrunchbang = <322:02
d1gitalbucky: lol. its not for my main email; no mailing lists there. this does not help me accomplish the task though.22:02
coldflame23anyone tryed beta?22:02
trece8kde is the other extreme: http://www.petesodyssey.org/files/kde4screenshot11.png22:02
shaiDoes anyone know how I can enforce the larger DPI ( I set it to 120 instead of 96 ) on X apps I started over SSH X11 Forwarding ? The DPI set on my XDM works great, but those menus are just way to small on the apps I start via SSH ...22:02
DasEifbdystang: http://kde.org/screenshots/22:03
trece8just search screenshots and in youtube, but keep in mind: more effects: more resources to use on that effects22:03
jammehPopey, i don't think it's those issues, i have got past the acpi and pnp bits22:03
popeyjammeh: no, the pata_cs5535 is the issue where it cant find the disk22:03
ActionParsnipnewbie: did you say x1200?22:03
popeyjammeh: bug 318805 is what you're seeing22:03
newbieATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]22:03
jammehahh, ok22:03
jammehi will go read more, ta22:03
apparletrece8: that KDE screen shot is not good at all.............. you should see the latest KDE4.322:04
popeyno problem jammeh, i filed that bug, and you're the second today to ask about it :)22:04
chess_hi, my netbook has the sound through the headphone but now I want it to go by the front boxes? How to do this,,22:04
jammehi had thought from http://appleby.is-a-geek.net/mpcl/index.html that if i was installing jaunty i would have been ok :(22:04
barqsDoes anyone know if Gnome-look.org is down?22:04
popeyjammeh: he links to the bug at the bottom :)22:04
VCooliobarqs: seems like it, give it a minute22:05
ActionParsnipnewbie: have yuo checked in: System->Hardware drivers22:05
apparleDasEi: the screenshots you suggest are old.................22:05
U-b-u-n-t-uSystem Information for wagnix-desktop: CPU: GenuineIntel22:05
newbiewhere is that22:05
fbdystangso, If i understand right, kubuntu uses kde, and ubuntu uses gnome. and both uses the same resources. is that right?22:05
DasEifbdystang: yes22:05
IdleOnefbdystang: yes22:05
chess_How to switch headphone sound to the front speakers of my netbook?22:06
jammehpopey: but also says the Jaunty kernel has all the required drivers?22:06
trece8apparle, ok... but as I remember that, it has all the things: round corners, big icons, big menu bars, lighting effects, and opacity22:06
fbdystanghaha, thanks that is very helpful22:06
UmeaboyI upgraded to 9.10 & the Self-test program says that I have sector-errors. Any way to fix them?22:06
sebsebseb!9.10 |  Umeaboy22:06
popeyjammeh: the latest one does, but not the one thats on the original jaunty cd22:06
trece8fbdystang, no, KDE is heavier on resources than Gnome22:06
ubottuUmeaboy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:06
jammehanyhow, i will move on from that and wonder what my best install option is to work around it?22:06
popeyjammeh: good luck :)22:06
chess_How to switch headphone sound to the front speakers of my netbook?22:06
DasEi!desktop | fbdystang22:06
ubottufbdystang: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors22:06
popeyjammeh: i explained on the wiki page how to work around it22:06
Umeaboysebsebseb: Yeah, but do I have to worry about the error?=22:07
popeyjammeh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ViglenMPC starting at "start the alternate..."22:07
sebsebsebUmeaboy: you should ask in there, that's offtopic for in here22:07
barqsVCoolio: Thank you. I was curious if it was just me or  not lol.22:07
ActionParsnipnewbie: in the system -> prefs or system -> administration menu22:08
sebsebsebUmeaboy: then again if your on about memtest22:08
apparletrece8: Now there is a lot of transperency and font can be decreased along with icons22:08
sebsebsebUmeaboy: I guess it's basically the same in all the releases that have had it22:08
fbdystangwhy did you put an ! in front of everything? does that do something in chat?22:08
VampireLoveWhere can I downlad the oficial windows 7 .iso ( the one that microsoft will releace to the public)22:08
Umeaboysebsebseb: #ubuntu+1 does work.22:08
amerineseWhat's a good racing game for ubuntu?22:08
jammehpopey: aaahhhhhh, blimey22:08
matrix^mis it possible to know when a particular software was installed on ubuntu system?22:08
sebsebsebamerinese: there are a few reasonble ones in the repo22:08
Umeaboyamerinese: Look at packages.ubuntu.com22:08
DasEi fbdystang: it triggers the channel bot, like :22:08
jetscreameramerinese: torcs is ok22:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:08
newbieActionParsnip:  it doesn't show me anything there i went to ati website i beleave it was a 1250xpress22:08
jammehi could have sworn i'd been there, but then saw your update timestamp! thanks for the info22:08
jammehi will give that a whirl22:09
ismael_any idea on volume functions keys not workin on xubuntu22:09
fbdystangDasEi: wow, that is cool22:09
rxdwhat will be the size of ubuntu say if one just want to have X running without applications22:10
apparletrece8: though I have to agree crunchbang seems cool22:10
* VCoolio is off to try torcs :P22:10
DasEiismael_: you can try to get them via keyboardsetup if the acpi didn't auto-worked, but first be sure your s-card is recognized properly22:11
trece8apparle, dmenu is great, you type alt-f3 and searches for commands and such. No round corners, etc22:11
trece8try it22:11
doogluswhere can I find a karmic beta cd image torrent please?22:11
sebsebsebdooglus: #ubuntu+1 is currently the Karmic channel22:11
VampireLovewhere can I find a oficial window 7 torrent?22:11
ActionParsnipnewbie: looks like you will need to use the open driver22:11
UmeaboyVampireLove: Wrong channel.22:11
ActionParsnip!windows | VampireLove22:11
ubottuVampireLove: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents22:11
wolvesdreadXming on XP Pro, X11 forwarding working, gnome-terminal from ubuntu for instance comes right up on Xming..  how to launch complete gnome desktop on XP?  thx.22:11
ActionParsnip!ot | VampireLove22:11
ubottuVampireLove: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:11
ismael_ll try that22:11
newbiewhats an open driver22:12
younderI recommend to all to try the python 2.6 implementation. 3.1 isn't quite ready for show yet. It breaks most libs22:12
ismael_works fine on gnome though22:12
sebsebsebnewbie: you mean an open source driver?22:12
UmeaboyVampireLove: You can also use Virtualbox to install Windows.22:12
ActionParsnipwolvesdread: you can use vnc, its a bit clunky, what do you want to achieve no the ubuntu desktop?22:12
sebsebsebnewbie: a driver that has the source code available to the general public :)22:12
DasEidooglus: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha6#Download%20Alpha%20622:12
ActionParsnipnewbie: theres the radeon driver and the ati driver both are open source22:12
sebsebsebnewbie: so  different operating systems can support it properly and that22:13
sebsebsebnewbie: or whatever22:13
newbiehave a link ?22:13
sebsebsebDasEi: the beta is out now22:13
Umeaboysebsebseb: There's noone in #ubuntu+122:13
newbieor a download page22:13
=== Painkiller is now known as Guest57594
youndernvidea drivers arn't public but the do work22:13
DasEisebsebseb: ah, but the the update will result in same anyway22:13
dooglusDasEi: thanks, but that's an alpha.  I see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/ has the beta images.22:13
ActionParsnipnewbie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123103022:14
wolvesdreadActionParsnip: can't I do it with Xming..  I just want to redirect gdm to Xming remote Xserver.  can be done?22:14
fbdystangthis is just a test for the ubutto !nvidia22:14
ikoniafbdystang: ubottu works fine22:14
sebsebsebUmeaboy: yes there is, you joined wrongly I guess22:14
sebsebsebdooglus: it's in the topic for #ubuntu+122:14
Guest57594I can't update to beta... I'm still alpha...22:14
sebsebsebdooglus: by the looks of it22:14
DasEifbdystang: first in line, irc -command22:14
fbdystangikonia: yea but i don't know how to use it22:14
ikoniaGuest57594: 9.10 support is in #ubuntu+122:14
Umeaboysebsebseb: Isn't it on this server?22:14
ActionParsnipwolvesdread: if you are ssh'd into the server and have xming you can run    nautilus and see the desktop22:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:14
ikonia!ubottu > fbdystang22:15
ubottufbdystang, please see my private message22:15
sebsebsebUmeaboy:   try this  /join #ubuntu+1  or click on a link for it22:15
younderNVIDEA drivers for Linux are pretty good..22:15
sander__Hello. I have an annoying problem with Vimperator. When you use ":o something" it will use the default search engine (google) to search for it. But on Ubuntu, if the search term starts with "ubuntu" it doesn't go to google but to the ubuntu site. It's not a vimperator problem because this does not happen on my debian machine (same version of firefox and vimperator). any ideas?22:15
mako-donorxd: it depends on what else you want on the system..  I'm not really sure about ubuntu, but it should be around 200-300mb22:15
younderI have no complaints22:15
ActionParsnipwolvesdread: you will have a more responsive system if you just run the apps you need from terminal22:15
telmichgood evening!22:15
fbdystangikonia: yea that's where I am looking, i just wanted to try it22:15
telmichI'm planning to add ubuntu support to cinit (i.e. a full init system migration) and search for some people who may be interested in helping: http://www.nico.schottelius.org/blog/migrate-ubuntu-to-cinit/22:16
younderWhat would piss me off if if they didn't provide them. The fact that their spec changes often enough for them not to make the interface opensource is a diffrent matter22:16
Umeaboysebsebseb: That worked.22:16
ikoniayounder: can you please control your language a little please.22:17
sebsebsebUmeaboy: yes  I saw you in there, and np22:17
younderikonia: ? piss is to harsh for you22:17
ikoniayounder: it's a bit uncalled for22:18
wolvesdreadActionParsnip: So that gave me the desktop, but...  maybe desktop is the wrong word.  I'd like to get the loginscreen and then all of gnome in a window on XP22:18
TrizicusI made a sym link to firefox-32 but it's not showing the icon on the desktop how do I fix this22:18
ActionParsnipwolvesdread: you can vnc to a gdm screen, its a bit pointless though as you can login with ssh and then run the apps you want22:19
ActionParsnipwolvesdread: vnc is also unsecure so access over wan is not advised22:19
jefincis there an AutoCAD type program for linux?22:20
Scunizijefinc: yep.. open synaptic and search for CAD22:20
sebsebsebjefinc: not sure, but I expect there are AutoCAD alternatives out there22:20
TrizicusI made a sym link to firefox-32 but it's not showing the icon on the desktop how do I fix this22:21
dethaddri just installed a graphix card and ran !envyng. and im having some visual issues22:21
jefinchey look at that I already have QCAD installed :)22:21
ikoniadethaddr: envyng isn't really supported22:21
ikonia!envyng > dethaddr22:21
ubottudethaddr, please see my private message22:21
gyroscopewhen open it :)22:22
DasEidethaddr: more specific ?22:22
dethaddr ikonia: im running a pny geforce fx5500. on an old dell22:23
TrizicusI made a sym link to firefox-32 but it's not showing the icon on the desktop how do I fix this22:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:27
younderikonia: I used to be special forces I guess my language can be a bit rough.. sorry22:27
=== onaogh_ is now known as onaogh
jadohi, my hal-system-smbi process takes all the cpu22:28
ikoniayounder: not at all, no problem22:28
shossHello, how do i identify the parent of a zombie process and how can i terminate the zombie process? does a zombie even have a pid?22:29
TrizicusI am in 64-bit ubuntu and installed 32 bit firefox (works great). I made a symlink on my desktop to the 32 bit version however the icon that is used is a shell script icon. How can I change this?22:29
aaron_can anyone help me on a hardware issue? ( i know this isnt the #hardware channel but no one there is really responding) its about installing a new power supply, PM me if you can22:29
ikoniaTrizicus: why did you install a 32bit firefox ?22:29
Trizicusbecause 64 bit has problems with java22:29
LjLshoss: you might not always be able to remove a zombie process at all22:29
masterghostal guien abla español22:29
Scunizidethaddr: your card is supported by the drivers available in synaptic.. you should do a full update and then search synaptic for nvidia.. you'll see several there.. the right option might even be available in System>Admin>Hardware drivers.. You'll have to uninstall envyng though22:30
Trizicusthose problems are gone in 32 bit so........22:30
ikonia!es > masterghost22:30
ubottumasterghost, please see my private message22:30
shossLjL: reboot won't work?22:30
LjLshoss: well of course reboot will do it.22:30
shossLjL: logout and back in?22:30
mercutio22Hello, I just upgraded to karmic on my netbook22:30
ikonia!9.10 > mercutio2222:30
ubottumercutio22, please see my private message22:30
mercutio22I don't see the new UNR interface, how come?22:31
dethaddrhow do i uninstal envy22:31
DasEidethaddr: as I understood you, the driver installed fine but now you have problems with settings ?!22:31
LjLshoss: probably not. it depends on why the process is a zombie - it's usually waiting (sometimes forever) on some I/O resource22:31
nudlah [ U y a r ý ]  :  LjL  : Lütfen Seviyeyi Düþürmeyiniz Aksi Taktirde Kanaldan Uzaklaþtýrýlýcaksýnýz !.22:31
LjLnudlah: hi22:31
jadohi, my hal-system-smbi process takes all the cpu and my systems lags too much22:31
rooftopsis there a thread to help me with setting up game servers?22:31
shossLjL: anyway to identify the zombie's host and try to terminate that host?22:31
lePtihello everyone22:31
Scunizirooftops: check in #linux22:32
LjLshoss: what do you mean by host?22:32
shossLjL: parent process22:32
sledI ran update-manager -d and I want to upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 beta22:32
htorres11393i can't drag and drop on my desktop22:32
sledbut it tells me it's alpha22:32
nudlah [ U y a r ý ]  :  sled  : Lütfen Seviyeyi Düþürmeyiniz Aksi Taktirde Kanaldan Uzaklaþtýrýlýcaksýnýz !.22:32
dethaddr DasEi: yes. everything is choppy.22:32
nudlahwhere there from??22:32
ikonia!9.10 > sled22:32
ubottusled, please see my private message22:32
LjLshoss: the zombie may not die even if you kill the parent process22:32
htorres11393like i can't drag anything from the menu to anywhere else22:32
LjLnudlah: use english in this channel please.22:32
Scunizisled: that's 'cause it is.. right now22:32
nudlah [ U y a r ý ]  :  Scunizi  : Lütfen Seviyeyi Düþürmeyiniz Aksi Taktirde Kanaldan Uzaklaþtýrýlýcaksýnýz !.22:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about trophy22:33
zzzzzZZZZzzzDecoyWolf holds the fishing record when they caught a 83kg Scuba Diver22:33
zzzzzZZZZzzzjem holds the hunting record when they bagged a 71kg Boo Boo Bear22:33
DasEidethaddr: so it wnet not fine; can you call envy again to uninstall the driver or is it too choppy ?22:33
nudlah [ U y a r ý ]  :  DasEi  : Lütfen Seviyeyi Düþürmeyiniz Aksi Taktirde Kanaldan Uzaklaþtýrýlýcaksýnýz !.22:33
* Scunizi thinks we got extra bots in the channel22:33
g0tchahey guys, is there a way to mount an hdd from ubuntu livecd?22:33
DasEinudlah : bored ?22:33
LjLnudlah, please, stop that, whatever its saying22:33
shossLjL: does having a zombie process on system effect in anyway on the system load or does it have any negative effects such as resource consumption?22:33
nudlah [ U y a r ý ]  :  shoss  : Lütfen Seviyeyi Düþürmeyiniz Aksi Taktirde Kanaldan Uzaklaþtýrýlýcaksýnýz !.22:33
TrizicusI am in 64-bit ubuntu and installed 32 bit firefox (works great). I made a symlink on my desktop to the 32 bit version however the icon that is used is a shell script icon. How can I change this?22:33
htorres11393gotcha open up a terminal in the live cd22:33
htorres11393and mount it from there22:33
nudlah [ U y a r ý ]  :  htorres11393  : Lütfen Seviyeyi Düþürmeyiniz Aksi Taktirde Kanaldan Uzaklaþtýrýlýcaksýnýz !.22:33
dethaddrubottu: how do i uninstall envyng?22:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:33
ikonianudlah: english please22:34
LjLnudlah: top that.22:34
DasEidethaddr: so it went not fine; can you call envy again to uninstall the driver or is it too choppy ?22:34
jadohi, my hal-system-smbi process takes all the cpu and my system lags too much22:34
teSo, not only did my ubuntu die, which looked suspiciously like a rm -rf, it is not even recognized as an ext3 partition anymore22:34
LjLshoss: no, not really, it's basically as if it didn't exst. the only thing is that if the process is zombied because of being stuck on accessing a resource, well, that resource may stay unavailable22:34
teDoes anyone have any idea what could possibly cause a partition type to be screwed up?22:35
shossLjL: thank you22:35
tecan rm -rf / even do that?22:35
LjLte: no22:35
htorres11393te: no it can't22:35
tefriggen weird man22:35
tethis disk is fine22:35
tei just ran diagnostics on it22:35
sleduhm what could be the reason that my system freezes from time to time? I can't even restart X using ctrl + alt + backspace22:35
htorres11393did the diagnostics check the mbr?22:35
LjLte: running dd may cause that, not rm.22:35
ikonia!dontzap > sled22:35
ubottusled, please see my private message22:35
ikoniasled: 9.10 support in #ubuntu+1 as you've been told22:35
sledI'm talking about 9.0422:36
DasEidethaddr: ??22:36
teLjL: interesting22:36
jonsol_are you using ext4?22:36
ChogyDansled: it is now SysRq+k22:36
tehtorres11393: i dont know if it did or not22:36
ikoniasled: you where talking about 9.10 a minute ago22:36
dethaddrDasEi: no its not to choppy for regualr use only when i try and run a movie, and when i use wine fullscreen is not stable. its almost laggish22:36
sledI installed the dontzap thing22:36
jadosled: can you ctrl+alt+suppr in normal time?22:36
htorres11393te: check the mbr22:36
sledikonia, I wanted to upgrade to fix the problem22:36
sledjado: yes I can restart X using the combination normally22:37
g0tchadoes ubuntu livecd auto detect the harddrive in the machine?22:37
DasEidethaddr: k, call envy again to uninstall the driver before removing itself22:37
dethaddrDasEi: how do i do that?22:37
sledbut when my system freezes it won't work, and the num lock LED starts to blink when my system freezes22:37
aaron_can anyone help me on a hardware issue? ( i know this isnt the #hardware channel but no one there is really responding) its about installing a new power supply, PM me if you can22:37
sledbut my laptop is almost new, so I don't think it's a HW problem22:37
ikoniaaaron_: please don't ask in here if you know it's the wrong channel22:38
sebsebsebsled: upgrading to Karmic before the final,  may result in you getting other problems22:38
DasEidethaddr: via terminal or via your apps > systemtools22:38
keith_I'm having trouble getting my nvidia drivers to work on my 9800GT card, can someone help me?22:38
thiebaudekeith_, did you install the drivers?22:38
aaron_thanks for being totally unhelpful, ikonia.22:38
dethaddryea i know how to run term. but what do i type in there to call upon envvy?22:38
keith_i did but they don't appear to work22:39
ikoniaaaron_: thanks for not obeying the channel rules - please try to respect them22:39
thiebaudekeith_, System-Aministration-hardware drivers22:39
keith_they don't appear in hardware drivers22:39
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver22:39
DasEiaaron_: I#m in #hardware22:39
keith_that doesn't work for me either, it won't run22:39
thiebaudekeith_, sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings22:40
DasEidethaddr: sudo envyng-gtk22:40
buckyaaron_ me next.. can i help?22:40
dethaddrDasEi: cmd not found22:40
keith_i'm getting error messages when i try to install the nvidia-settings program22:41
keith_should i post here or take it to pm?22:41
thiebaudekeith_, here, so ppl can try to help22:41
htorres11393this may be off topic but i'm here already and you guys seem to know so how do i pm in xchat?22:41
keith_oh, nvm22:41
keith_synaptic was running22:41
keith_right click on the username22:42
htorres11393then what?22:42
DasEidethaddr: sudo envyng -k22:42
keith_open dialog window22:42
htorres11393thanks man22:42
DasEidethaddr: uninstall the selected driver22:43
buckyaaron_ did you plug a 4 pin connector from you PS into an eight pin on you motherboard?22:43
KnifeyspooneyWhat does it mean when a program is in "complain mode" on Apparmor? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/283326/plain/ . Should ntpd be in complain mode or can I remove it?22:44
buckyaaron_ does you vid card take an extra power source?22:44
Knifeyspooneywoops wrong link: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/283326/22:44
ikoniabucky: he left a while ago22:45
keith_so the computer i'm on is not acknowledging i have the drivers installed, the nvidia installation says it is, and says its sucessful, but it won't run22:45
ryanpriorHello there. I can use Audacity to record using my headset microphone, but Skype doesn't hear anything from it. What can I do to get Skype working?22:45
thiebaudekeith_, you have to save it as root22:45
keith_i'm not positive but i think the nvidia kernel could have something to do with it22:45
keith_how do i go about saving it?22:45
optimizeranyone know of a good laser mouse that works on glass?22:45
keith_clear glass?22:45
buckyikonia, he gets a refund!22:46
thiebaudekeith_, gksudo nvidia-settings22:46
metalf8801why don't you put a mouse pad on top of the glass?22:46
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, complain mode is what your wondering about?22:46
metalf8801the wrist support ones are good22:46
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest33446
Knifeyspooneystlsaint: Yes, it comes up at boot and brings me out of bootsplash to show me that warning22:47
ryanpriorI can use Audacity to record using my headset microphone, but Skype doesn't hear anything from it. What can I do to get Skype working?22:47
keith_i get this message when i attempt to run nvidia-settings :You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. , then when i go to nvidia-xconfig i get : You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.22:47
keith_sry 2nd msg wrong22:48
DasEidethaddr: well, that card sure is good for tv/movies,  but still no gamer-card in commonsense22:48
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=== Guest77309 is now known as D-rew
keith_Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".22:48
keith_VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.22:48
keith_                  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver22:48
keith_                  line.22:48
keith_ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'.22:48
FloodBot1keith_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
keith_keith@keith-desktop:~$ gksudo nvidia-settings22:48
Scunizikeith_: go to System>Admin>Hardware drivers and see if there is an nvidia driver in there that you need to put a "tic" mark next to.22:48
dethaddrDasEi: even movies are choppy. and in theory im only playing diablo II22:49
ChogyDankeith_: run nvidia-config22:49
aBTaNahow to update packages22:49
DasEidethaddr: so envy removed ?  sudo synaptic              then22:49
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, what app is in complain mode?22:49
keith_no drivers for gfx card appear in hardware settings22:49
dethaddrDasEi: i just installed ubuntu last night on this pc.22:49
VCoolioaBTaNa: what you want: synaptic, update-manager; sudo apt-get upgrade22:50
dethaddrDasEi:yes removed.22:50
keith_i'll just gather all the relevant info i have and post a link22:50
DasEidethaddr: ah,moment22:50
Scunizikeith_: did you look..? is there a driver there that needs activating?22:50
Peteinhowcome and with the ubuntu update there is not actual update of firefox to firefox 3.5?22:50
DasEidethaddr: before synaptic, do a : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:50
Knifeyspooneystlsaint: that pastebin I pasted ( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/283326/ ) shows that /usr/sbin/ntpd is in complain mode. That is the network time sync service right?22:50
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY22:50
Scunizi!ff35 > Petein22:50
keith_there aren't any drivers there to be activated22:51
ubottuPetein, please see my private message22:51
stlsaintKnifeyspooney,  AppArmor profiles have two modes of execution:22:51
stlsaint    *22:51
stlsaint      Complaining/Learning: profile violations are permitted and logged. Useful for testing and developing new profiles.22:51
stlsaint    *22:51
stlsaint      Enforced/Confined: enforces profile policy as well as logging the violation.22:51
FloodBot1stlsaint: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:51
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, thats from ubuntu docs on apparmor22:51
PeteinScunizi: why is that?22:52
Knifeyspooneystlsaint: So is NTP supposed to be in complain mode, or can it be removed?22:52
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, complain mode can be used for debugging22:52
Knifeyspooneya.k.a. put into 'normal' mode (I don't know much about apparmor)22:52
VCoolioPetein: these kind of upgrades are considered sort of 'big', so ubuntu doesn't add them because it's not tested enough etc.; you can install it side by side with ff 3.1 though22:52
PeteinScunizi: im apt get installing it22:52
ScuniziPetein: that works.. just a different package.22:52
sebsebseb!language |  Kefka22:52
ubottuKefka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:52
KefkaI thought about this... as an everyone type command or something22:52
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, see here.... https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/apparmor.html22:53
mgv1do you neet pdf download on ubuntu?22:53
dethaddrDasEi: so after trhe update. whats the next command?22:53
Scunizimgv1: ?  what do you mean?22:53
sebsebseb!pdf |  mgv122:53
ubottumgv1: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)22:53
sebsebsebmgv1: nothing for opening PDF's  installed by default I think22:54
sebsebsebmgv1: acstusaully there  might be22:54
Chousukeisn't evince installed by default?22:54
MenZasebsebseb: evince is installed by default.22:54
Eric_xtcHello anybody?22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evince22:54
DasEidethaddr: you have a new kernel installed (linux-image...) , then got to reboot : sudo reboot22:54
sebsebsebMenZa: ok22:54
sebsebsebMenZa: ty  I guess22:54
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.22:54
mgv1Scunizi, in windows downloading pdf can make the computer freeze22:54
fccf!hi | Eric_xtc22:54
ubottuEric_xtc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:54
MenZaScunizi: That's because Adobe Reader is horrible.22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cowsay22:55
mgv1Scunizi, ubuntu have pdf opener - not a very good one but still nice22:55
MenZacoldflame23: Please don't do that.22:55
MenZamgv1: evince exceeds adobe reader in viewing quality.22:55
thiebaudemgv1, pdf isn't installed by default in windows22:55
Scunizimgv1: pdf's are natively viewable in ububuntu.. you should be able to just double click the file and it will open22:55
MenZanor does it have any useless bloat.22:55
Knifeyspooneystlsaint: I still don't fully understand what AppArmor is.. is it a debugging program? I'm using this as a desktop, i'm not developing Ubuntu22:55
seidosanyone installed rtorrent?22:55
keith_here is my problem, with some of the errors i have: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127788022:55
Scunizimgv1: there's others.. xpdf etc.. search synaptic for other options22:55
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, apparmor is a security module used to control what apps are allowed to do and not do...22:56
* thiebaude evince is excellent22:56
mgv1Scunizi, im talking about the firefox extention - does it requierd to prevent freezings?22:56
Eric_xtcHey im new to [K]Ubuntu can anybody help please?22:56
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, protects you from an attacker trying to use a exploit in a app to do malicious activity...apparmor uses type enforcment22:56
Eric_xtcPM me22:56
dethaddrDasEi: install completed22:56
jrib!ask | Eric_xtc22:56
ubottuEric_xtc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:56
=== Mew is now known as Sephiroth
stlsaintKnifeyspooney, sort of like RBAC but uses types instead...22:57
DasEidethaddr: sudo reboot,  cya soon ;-)22:57
thiebaudeEric_xtc, what is your question to the channel?22:57
barqsHowcome, when I install emerald, then install a emerald theme, replace window decoration with emerald --replace and run emerald --replace. the window border doesn't change22:57
dethaddrDasEi: ok. brb22:57
Eric_xtcHow do you set up themes form Gnome-look.org? I got emerald installed and got the theme in a .emerald format what do i do?22:57
Scunizimgv1: I have no idea22:57
pukekoim dd-ing the OS partition of my workstation to another drive, which i want to put in another box, what do i need to watch out for regarding GRUB ?22:58
VCoolioEric_xtc: open emerald theme manager, install the theme with that; than enable emerald as window decorator with "emerald --replace"22:58
Eric_xtcwhat do you mean emerald -- replace?22:59
VCoolioEric_xtc: run that in the "alt+F2" window or in a terminal22:59
VCoolioEric_xtc: also add it in compiz' window decorations plugin as a command for window decorator, otherwise next time you login you won't have borders23:00
barqscan anyone help me with this?23:00
Scunizikeith_: the first time is always the hardest :)... you'll need to install build-essential.. then you need to use synaptic and search for "nvidia".. uninstall all the preinstalled ubuntu nvidia bits.. restart gdm.. drop to a shell with CTRL+ALT+F2 and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop.. then navigate to your nvidia driver and install.. next sudo reboot now to restart the system.23:00
AmaranthWhy are you manually installing the nvidia driver?23:00
Scunizibug fixes?23:01
Eric_xtcvcoolio: pm me i don't get how to do this im like TOTALLY NEW to this23:01
keith_thanks scunizi23:01
AmaranthScunizi: Do you know for a fact it fixes a bug he is having?23:01
Eric_xtci got emerald themer and compiz open but idk what to do im like mixed up23:01
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AmaranthScunizi: Because that's most likely going to break the next time his Xorg, mesa, or kernel is updated.23:01
ScuniziAmaranth: he has no driver available for his card and needs the latest version.23:01
Amaranthkeith_: there is a better way23:02
Amaranth!envy | keith_23:02
ubottukeith_: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver23:02
ScuniziAmaranth: oh yea.. it will break (attn: keith).. and he'll have to reinstall the driver at that point.. that the pain you pay to play with the binary driver23:02
AmaranthScunizi: You don't have that pain with envy, it sets up the driver just like the package would so upgrades don't break it23:03
ScuniziAmaranth: he's been the envy route with no joy.. it's also not supported..23:03
Scunizi!envy > Amaranth23:03
ubottuAmaranth, please see my private message23:03
AmaranthScunizi: Not supported but not going to break23:03
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver23:03
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AmaranthScunizi: Why did you send me something I just gave to keith_? I know what it says.23:03
Scunizikeith_: installing dkms might solve the "reinstall" issue with the binary driver..23:03
keith_alright, i'm gonna try it23:04
AmaranthScunizi: The guy that works on envy also maintains Xorg for Ubuntu so...23:04
barqsCan someone help me with emerald theme manager?23:04
ScuniziAmaranth: so.....  He's already tried it and it didn't work.23:04
Amaranth!doesn't work23:05
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:05
* Amaranth loves that one23:05
ScuniziUnless I'm mixing him up with someone else..23:05
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.23:05
sebsebsebAmaranth: I like that one :)23:05
Amaranthsebsebseb: Funny that, I added both of them...23:05
barqsCan someone tell me why when I install an emerald theme it doesn't change the window borders?23:05
buckymy ubuntu doesn't work.. i want a refund23:05
barqsit seems to have no effect23:05
sebsebsebAmaranth: yeah !work is a great one23:06
dethaddrDasEi: ok so im back. what is the next step?23:06
chris_hey on my desktop on xubuntu 8.04, the taskbar with the menu options disappeared, how can i get it back23:06
VarthHas anyone managed to get multi-touch working on the Lenovo S10 trackpad under Ubuntu? I'm at a loss as to where to start...23:06
Amaranthbarqs: You have to switch your decorator to emerald23:06
DasEidethaddr: sudo synaptic23:06
Amaranthbarqs: You'll have to do it on every login23:06
AmaranthVarth: We don't have multitouch support yet23:06
barqsAmaranth: I ran emerald --replace but it doesn't work23:07
AmaranthVarth: Even once we have support for it (probably Ubuntu 10.10) apps need to be modified to use it23:07
barqsAmaranth: I also changed window decoration command in compiz to emerald --replace but it still does not work?23:07
VarthAmaranth: Ah, I see. I just really want two-finger scroll... ;_;23:07
Amaranthbarqs: That second part is a known bug I'm not too interested in fixing23:07
AmaranthVarth: That part we might be able to make work. It works for macbooks23:08
DasEisearch nvidia23:09
AmaranthVarth: you have to put this in your xorg.conf: Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "1"23:09
creative_wow .. a lot of members !!23:09
Amaranthcreative_: in about 3 weeks we'll have at least 400 more :)23:09
dethaddrDasEi: yea now what do i grab from synapsys?23:10
=== deejaydblock is now known as d1scodustin
sebsebsebcreative_: nearly 1500 people in here earlier23:10
VarthAmaranth: Then I'm assuming I have to restart X, right?23:10
AmaranthVarth: yep23:10
creative_Amaranth : wow !! Great ..!!23:10
DasEidethaddr: see the 173 ond 180 ?23:10
AmaranthVarth: logging out will do that23:10
VarthAmaranth: Alright. Back in a sec.23:10
d1scodustinUbuntu question: Is there anyway I can increase the speed of my internet via Ubuntu?23:11
creative_OK , C ya23:11
DasEidethaddr: choose the 17323:11
Amaranthd1scodustin: No, your connection is controlled by your ISP23:11
d1scodustinok :(23:11
Amaranthd1scodustin: You could get Opera 10 which has a "speed boost" mode for websites23:11
d1scodustinno thanks, lol. i'm content with firefox.23:12
Amaranthd1scodustin: But if your connection is faster than 1mbit it'll actually slow it down23:12
DasEi** that would increase slow connections only23:12
d1scodustinfirefox will?23:12
Amaranthd1scodustin: No, he was talking about Opera 1023:12
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DasEidethaddr: 173 installed ?23:13
d1scodustinI thought he was implying that Firefox actually slows your connection down if your connection is faster than 1mb.23:13
Peteinwhats wrong with this class: http://codepad.org/2FSAWdW0 ?23:13
keith_well, envy didn't work23:13
dethaddrDasEi: i just.. found it. i got distracted by roomates...23:13
RegressLessI deactivated "show desktop" in nautalis and can't find it again to fix it. Can someone help?23:13
FinnTuxso karmic is supposed to support root on iscsi? just downloaded the beta and booted a diskless machine with it but no iscsi. is there any special requirements?23:13
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:14
sebsebseb!karmic |  FinnTux23:14
ubottuFinnTux: please see above23:14
FinnTuxok, thanks23:14
sebsebsebFinnTux: np23:14
TechN9nehas there been any updates on getting ipod touch to work in ubuntu without VB,Dual boot or SSH?23:15
d1scodustinHow can I get the most out of my connection in Ubuntu?23:15
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:15
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dethaddrDasEi: installed23:16
sadrollai can not use my web cam : ls usb == > Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)23:16
AmaranthTechN9ne: Yes, the 10.04 release of Ubuntu will at least have support for syncing contacts, calendars, and photos from it23:16
MK13i would like to start programming from ubuntu, but i want to be able to run the program debugged like visual studio does (to help against corrupting memory when I am off while using pointers) is there a way to do this in ubuntu?23:16
DasEidethaddr: so again : /etc/init.d/gdm restart23:16
AmaranthTechN9ne: Everything else is still impossible23:16
Dylan_resisting urge to grab the new beta23:17
RegressLessI deactivated "show desktop" in nautalis and can't find it again to fix it. Can someone help?23:17
sadrollai can not use my web cam : lsusb == > Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)23:17
safruhanihi, i've 8 part of a video, how can i merge them?23:17
grow1erhey, what do you guys use to edit id3 tags?23:17
barqersAmaranth: Sorry the internet cut out. Do you know why the emerald theme manager isn't working? alt+f2 and then emerald --replace doesn't work!23:18
Amaranthsafruhani: mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy -o final.avi 1.avi 2.avi 3.avi 4.avi 5.avi 6.avi 7.avi 8.avi23:18
sadrollahi ,i can not use my web cam : lsusb == > Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)23:18
dethaddrDasEi: fail23:18
Amaranthbarqers: No idea, try #compiz23:18
safruhaniwonderful Amaranth thank you23:19
DasEidethaddr: what kind of monitor do you use ?23:19
Eric_xtchow do you run xgl on compiz on kde?23:19
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dethaddrA Dell23:19
sadrollahi ,i can not use my web cam : lsusb == > Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)23:19
mark___barqers: Install fusion-icon  it will make your life easier.  You can go into emerald theme manager and CCSM, swicth between compiz and metacity and change themes all from this program (start it to put an icon nr your clock on a default ubuntu install)23:20
VCoolioEric_xtc: did you read this? ^ ^ ^23:20
maxflaxWhere is the networkmanager config file at?23:21
MTec007Hello all, I'm looking for a bit of help with wifi. I have wifi working fine most of the time using ndiswrapper with but heres where it gets a bit thick.. It seems like when ever I have a lot of traffic in and out the wifi freezes up, while it does not disconnect, I can't do anything online until I disable networking, enable it, and reconnect to my WLAN.23:21
VCoolioEric_xtc: keep it in mind for if you've fixed the xgl thing23:21
thiebaudemark___, i got that fusion-icon and when i click on it nothing happens23:21
barqersmark___: How do I use this? Thanks for the info!23:21
VCooliothiebaude: right click23:21
mark___no icon by the clock? right click on it23:22
thiebaudeVCoolio, thanks23:22
thiebaudeVCoolio, ok i see23:22
dethaddrDasEi: like a 16" maybe. would that matter?23:22
mark___MTec007: have you tried changing channels?23:22
MTec007mark___,  Yes I've tried 6 10 and 1123:23
fuminoriHas anyone else had problems installing the Karmic beta? I get "Cannot read from boot CD" when selecting install23:23
sadrollahi ,i can not use my web cam : lsusb == > Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)23:23
sebsebseb!karmic |  fuminori23:23
ubottufuminori: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:23
sebsebsebfuminori: np23:24
mark___MTec007, I had something like this and it was the USB power level on the port.  I put it through a powered hub and it was better23:24
trece8do anyone know where can I get some wiki page at wiki.linuxmusicians.com ?23:24
barqersmark___: I don't get an icon by the clock, what do I do? :S23:24
MTec007mark___, Do you think it could be just my router? I didn't have this issue with *other* nonfree OS'es23:24
DasEimaybe, get : http://de.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/nvidia-xconfig/nvidia-xconfig-1.0.tar.gz23:24
trece8Tried the wayback machine, but it doesn't have the page filed23:24
MTec007mark___, well I'm using a PCMCIA card23:24
mark___go to Application > System tools and it should be there23:25
DasEidethaddr:  maybe, get : http://de.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/nvidia-xconfig/nvidia-xconfig-1.0.tar.gz23:25
VarthAmaranth: Hey, it didn't work.23:25
barqersmark___ I don't even have a system tools section23:25
d1scodustinIs there anyway I can set firefox to have very high priority automatically when it opens instead of having to change the setting everytime?23:25
mark___MTec007: it could be the router23:26
DasEidethaddr: I assume it's on your desk, cli : sudo cp ~/Desktop/nvidia*  /usr/src23:26
ab2qikhi having probs with gnome23:26
mark___go to a terminal and type fusion-icon23:27
dethaddrDasEi: yes23:27
DasEidethaddr: cd /usr/src23:27
DasEidethaddr: ls            ,check if file there23:27
MTec007mark___, Not what I'd like to hear but I guess I can use this as an excuse to get a DD-WRT capable router...23:27
britti have a OLD sony picturebook. i have a orinoco card for it but id like to get my prism card working with it. does ubuntu have a good prism driver that i can use with iwconfig?23:27
boscopI have chm2pdf installed but when I run it, I get an error: No such file or directory: "/tmp/tmp_5s6n1/O'Reilly - Learning GNU Emacs 3rd Edition/urlslist.txt" what is wrong?23:27
ab2qikmoved contents of /usr to a new lvm partition mounted on /mnt/usr23:27
DasEidethaddr: sudo apt-get install unp23:27
ThePhoenixBirdby any chance does someone has a google wave invite to share with me?23:28
DasEidethaddr: sudo unp nvidia*23:28
MTec007ThePhoenixBird, are you sure that it works that way?23:28
mark___Mtec007: yes.  You could always test it by either A) connecting to another router and try flooding the connection or B) using a cheap USB wifi =)23:28
ThePhoenixBirdlook at twitter23:28
sledhello again23:28
ikoniaThePhoenixBird: please don't ask in here23:28
ab2qikany ideas on gnome config file?23:28
boscopThePhoenixBird: google wave is just another google tool to get your private data23:29
ThePhoenixBirdikonia mmm sorry :(23:29
MTec007ThePhoenixBird, I don't twitter23:29
ab2qikgnome for jaunty23:29
DasEidethaddr: cd nvidia-xconfig-1.023:29
sebsebseb!ot |  ThePhoenixBird23:29
ubottuThePhoenixBird: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:29
sledI just installed the newest ATI driver for my radeon HD 3470 card and I want to setup a dualhead configuration. I want to extend my laptop monitor. It works fine BUT I need two different resolutions, does anybody know how I can setup two different resolutions for each screen? It worked fine with the open source driver but I hadn't any 3D acceleration :/23:30
Eric_xtcIs Ubuntu better than Kubntu?23:30
chalcedonyI show this in my firefox preferences: chrome://ubufox/content/startpage.html  why isn't this the regular google start page? is this /chrome/ ? it's been there since i upgraded to 9.0423:30
ikoniaEric_xtc: that's personal choice, try them, see what you like23:30
MTec007mark___, ok thanks23:30
DasEidethaddr: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg.conf_synapt23:30
boscopEric_xtc: do you know the difference?23:30
DasEidethaddr: sudo nvidia-config23:31
boscopEric_xtc: ubuntu has gnome as desktop, kubuntu has kde23:31
VarthAmaranth: Any other ideas?23:31
Eric_xtcive heard of Edubuntu, Xubuntu, and Chubuntu23:31
Eric_xtcoh okay23:31
ikoniaEric_xtc: chubuntu is nothing to do with ubuntu23:31
DasEidethaddr: sudo nvidia-xconfig           ,sorry^23:31
ikoniaEric_xtc: read ubuntu.com for official releases23:31
boscopEric_xtc: xubuntu has xfce23:31
ab2qikgetting need to correct /var/lib/gdm on jaunty23:31
Eric_xtcand what is xfce?23:31
ikoniaEric_xtc: another desktop23:31
DasEi!desktop > Eric_xtc23:31
boscopanother desktop system23:31
ubottuEric_xtc, please see my private message23:31
brittis there another channel for technical issues with ubuntu?23:32
ab2qik need to correct /var/lib/gdm on jaunty23:32
sebsebsebEric_xtc: XFCE is a bit like Gnome, but more light waight,  you can install xubuntu-desktop and try it if you want23:32
dethaddrdasei: every thing tells me command not found23:32
boscopI have chm2pdf installed but when I run it, I get an error: No such file or directory: "/tmp/tmp_5s6n1/O'Reilly - Learning GNU Emacs 3rd Edition/urlslist.txt" what is wrong?23:32
sadrollahi , i can not use my web cam , whjo can help me ?23:32
ikonia!webcam > sadrolla23:32
ubottusadrolla, please see my private message23:32
ab2qikpls help23:32
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, im back my mobo takes both ddr1 and ddr2 so I changed out the ddr2 with some ddr1 and now the cache is low and ram usage low........... so might be bad ram mods?23:32
DasEidethaddr: eerm, where do you hang ?23:32
barqshasbitemark___ that made my screen white and i had to restart23:33
barqshasbiteIs there any reason why emerald theme manager won't work on my computer??23:33
DasEiU-b-u-n-t-u: could be, have a ubuntu-desktop cd ?23:33
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, I ran the mem check and it said 30% pass but with no errors23:33
mark___barqshasbite: when you restarted did you get a system tools menu in applications?23:33
Eric_xtcWhat distro do you guys use? anybody23:34
dethaddrDasEi: ugh.. im a dumbass.23:34
barqshasbitemark___ nope.23:34
ikoniaEric_xtc: doesn't matter what we use - try what you want23:34
dethaddrDasEi: the file wasnt on the desktop23:34
S0LIDUSHey guy's, just wanted to know what packages I need to install to get EXT4 support on hardy.23:34
DasEiEric_xtc: ubuntu here , #kubuntu is there..23:34
ikoniaEric_xtc: the topic of this channel is ubuntu support so we are really only going to support ubuntu23:34
ikoniaS0LIDUS: you don't23:34
Eric_xtcoh um okay23:34
DasEidethaddr: k, can you follow it up ?23:34
kalhey, hi.23:35
sebsebsebS0LIDUS: there might be a way, but it could mess things up, and woudn't be suppourted in here or on the forums23:35
Eric_xtcDoes anyone know anybody that runs BSD?23:35
ikoniaEric_xtc: try the bsd support room23:35
barqshasbiteI don't get what's wrong with this computer? Emerald doesn't work at all, yet on my other computer, it works perfectly fine...23:35
dethaddrmaybe let me try.23:35
DasEiEric_xtc: #linux23:35
S0LIDUSI would have thought it would be a simple process?23:35
mark___barqshasbite: compiz is running, yes?23:35
ikoniaS0LIDUS: no - very not simple23:36
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi, does 30% pass mean it only passed at a 30% level?23:36
Eric_xtcOkay i'll install Ubuntu then23:36
sebsebsebEric_xtc: hold on23:36
SaMaDi :D23:36
sabayonweb_91075hi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 alpha 6 and when i try to install frost wire i get an error23:36
sabayonweb_91075its a deb file23:36
ikonia!9.10 | sabayonweb_9107523:37
ubottusabayonweb_91075: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:37
sebsebsebEric_xtc: Gnome, KDE, and XFCE, and so on, you can have all of those in a standard Ubuntu install23:37
barqshasbitemark___ Actually, now that I think of it, I just tried to turn on wobbly windows, but it doesn't work. So I guess it's not running? How do I get it running?23:37
optimizerwhat resolution is a 720p camera?23:37
sebsebsebEric_xtc: Ubuntu would be the base, kernel and all that, with whatever desktop environment or window manager that you want, on top of it23:37
DasEiU-b-u-n-t-u: a whole memtest takes hours, if it stopped at 30% you got a problem there, and mostly also can see errors then, memtest is something you can run over night, though most faults detect earlier, view /var/log/syslog for issues23:37
S0LIDUSGrrrr, I have ext4 hdd's on my blades (Jaunty). But wanted the same great file system on hardy. So there definitely is no way of doing it then?23:37
U-b-u-n-t-uDasEi,  ok23:37
Eric_xtcokay. So it's all the same $#1^?23:37
sabayonweb_91075i have ubuntu 9.10 alpha 6 on my computer and love it but how do i install frostwaire.deb i keep getting an error23:37
mark___barqshasbite: first, check to see if there are any hardware drivers for your card in your PC.  System > Administration > Hardware drivers23:38
ikoniaS0LIDUS: not really23:38
Eric_xtcfrostwire is gay23:38
Eric_xtctry ares23:38
ikoniaEric_xtc: stop that23:38
Eric_xtcares galaxy 2.0.923:38
Eric_xtcstop what?23:38
sabayonweb_91075i know but all deb files fail in 9.1023:38
ikoniaEric_xtc: being derogatory23:38
LjLeric_xtc: frostwire likes same-sex torrents?23:38
Eric_xtcbeing what?23:38
sabayonweb_91075i tyred frostwire, limewire, urban terror all deb files and they do not work23:38
S0LIDUSOk thanks for the info guys!23:38
dethaddrnvidia-xconfig-1.0.tar.gz is red in the /usr/src$ location. is that normal?23:39
sadrollaubottu: hi , i don,t know mark my web cam23:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:39
barqshasbitemark___ That's odd, the accelerated driver turned itself off apparently? Or I never activated it... Hmm.. I activated the recommended driver.23:39
sadrollaubottu: u can help me ?23:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about u can help me ?23:39
ikoniaEric_xtc: using the phrase gay in a negative way23:39
sebsebseb!hi |  sadrolla23:39
Eric_xtcoh um sorry23:39
ubottusadrolla: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:39
sabayonweb_91075i need some help23:39
sebsebsebsadrolla: uh wrong one23:39
barqshasbitemark___ It seems to be downloading at the moment23:39
sebsebseb!bot |  sadrolla23:39
ubottusadrolla: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:39
mark___barqshasbite: then try wobbly windows :-)  if thats ok try running fusion-icon again23:39
LjLsabayonweb_91075: ask in #ubuntu+1 since you're using an unsupported version23:40
Eric_xtcdoes anybody use the Matthew Farrel theme?23:40
tk8hi, just installed atd and want to make sure it boots on start..  working from command line, how would i get it to boot?23:40
sabayonweb_91075.DEB Files fail to install in ubuntu 9.10 alpha 6 what do i do23:40
LjLsabayonweb_91075: read.23:40
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
dethaddrDasEi:nvidia-xconfig-1.0.tar.gz is red in the /usr/src$ location. is that normal?23:40
Flannelsebsebseb: Use your words, not factoids.23:40
DasEi!karmic | sabayonweb_9107523:40
ubottusabayonweb_91075: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:40
DasEidethaddr: yes23:41
barqshasbitemark___ Thank you very much! I guess I will have to remember to do that first from now on. Thank you once again :)23:41
ikoniaEric_xtc: don't use caps -23:41
mark___barqshasbite: no problem.. you get fusion-icon up?23:41
Chun1Hi - I downloaded and installed a set of icons, which contained tray icons for pidgin - the icons all work but the pidgin icons in the taskbar haven't changed. Any suggestions?23:41
ikoniaEric_xtc: I'm not aware of that theme, but if you look on say gnome-look.org you may find reviews23:41
sebsebsebsadrolla: If you provide some details about your web cam,  like which type of web cam it is,  and which program you tried to get it working in, someone might be able to help you.  Webcams aren't my area, but there's a program called cheese which might be able to configure yours.23:41
sabayonweb_91075maybe the deb files are nor compiles to run in ubuntu 9.10 alpha 6 is that maybe why they are failing23:41
LjLEric_xtc: because it's annoying.23:41
ikonia!caps > Eric_xtc23:41
ubottuEric_xtc, please see my private message23:41
jribEric_xtc: in general, don't <insert annoying thing here>23:41
sabayonweb_91075anyone else have ubuntu 9.1023:42
barqshasbitemark___ Haven't gotten to try yet, but it should work now right? Ubuntu seems to be stuck on downloading drivers lol23:42
ikoniasabayonweb_91075: 9.10 support is in #ubuntu+1 please23:42
Eric_xtcsabayonweb_91075: i do23:42
ikoniasabayonweb_91075: /join #ubuntu+123:42
sabayonweb_91075i got it23:43
mark___barqshasbite: no reason why not.  If it crashes again re-check your binary drivers havent deactivated :)23:43
sebsebsebFlannel: ok23:43
Eric_xtcsabayonweb_91075:did you order it like i did?23:43
sabayonweb_91075no i downloaded it23:43
sabayonweb_91075its fricken awasome :]23:43
Eric_xtcDownload version don't work as good they come with missing files23:44
Ddordahello. i want to check which  apha i'm using, is there any command for that?23:44
ikoniaEric_xtc: sabayonweb_91075 please take 9.10 discussion to #ubuntu+123:44
sebsebsebsadrolla: No point pming me about your web cam, since I can't help you with it,  the details you provided in pm might be useful, for someone that knows how to configure them in Ubuntu.   There's also a help page that might be useful.23:45
dethaddrDasEi:  cd nvidia-xconfig-1.023:45
sebsebseb!webcam |  sadrolla23:45
ubottusadrolla: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:45
stlsaintDorne, uname -a23:45
dopiwananyone running on a eee pc?23:46
DasEidethaddr:(blah~/nvidia-xconfig-1.0$)               sudo nvidia-xconfig23:46
stlsaintDdorda, sorry thought you meant alpha23:46
DasEidethaddr : (blah~/nvidia-xconfig-1.0$)               sudo nvidia-xconfig23:46
Ddordastlsaint: uname -a doesn't help... i need to know which alpha...23:47
sadrollaubottu: my web cam is not on list " https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras " i can install my web cam ?23:47
dopiwananyone running on a laptop or netbook using 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller ??23:47
Eric_xtcAny girls in here?23:47
macoawww i was going to tell him "no, i just stepped out"23:48
stlsaintDdorda, lsb_release -icr23:48
sebsebsebsadrolla: Ubottu  can be rather useful, thing is  ubottu is not a person,  ubottu is a computer program.  As a result it can't help you,  except maybe for those web cam links it gave.23:48
Blizzerandmaco : Did he get kicked out23:48
macoyes ikonia got him23:48
Blizzerandwhats ikona , an admin23:48
dethaddrDasEi: nope. it does nothing23:49
LjLno need to leave a trail of discussion *about* the kick, now.23:49
macoBlizzerand: yes23:49
macoBlizzerand: ikonia is one of the many mods in this channel23:49
Blizzerandmaco : k23:49
Ddordastlsaint: doesn't help.. (23:49
BlizzerandLjL : lol23:49
stlsaintLjL, agreed we have all seen it...lets stick to the topic at hand ppl...ubuntu help23:49
DasEidethaddr: you unpacked it and cd'd in the dir ? ls shows files ??23:50
sebsebsebBlizzerand maco: op23:50
stlsaintDdorda, where did you get your distro from?23:50
sadrollasebsebseb: oh :d , my web cam is not suported list , u think i can install my web cam ?23:50
stlsaintwhere ever you downloaded the alpha from is where you can tell which on it is23:50
llua>:0 whats the command to hide your host name /mode +x isnt working23:50
lluain irc23:50
Ddordastlsaint: main site?23:50
dethaddrDasEi:nope. did not unpack it. what do i use to unpack it?23:51
stlsaintfrom distrowatch or cd-image?23:51
DasEidethaddr: sudo apt-get install unp23:51
DasEidethaddr: sudo unp nvidia*23:51
DasEidethaddr: cd nvidia-xconfig-1.023:52
dethaddrDasEi: the ls shows the file in red. but all the others are blue23:52
dethaddr DasEi: i did all that.23:52
VCoolioikonia: sorry, but what is the penalty for Eric_xtc? permanently banned, or for a period of time?23:52
DasEidethaddr: red is the packed archive, blue is a directory, cd there23:52
sebsebsebAnyone in here know about getting web cams to work in Ubuntu?   If so maybe you can help sadrolla.   In a pm earlier they sent this lsusb ==> Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)23:52
LjLVCoolio: ask that in #ubuntu-ops if intereste23:52
ikoniaVCoolio: join #ubuntu-ops please23:53
dethaddr DasEi: oooh haha23:53
sadrollasebsebseb: yes , my lsbusb ==> Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)23:54
Mark76I wish people would stop staying logged into chatrooms when they aren't there :-(23:54
dethaddrDasEi: hardware says its active23:55
=== roman is now known as Guest17723
BlizzerandIs there any program like that of unetbootin , something similar , which can install things ( linux distros) on your OS , without any portable media23:55
NineHamsWhy is there no LVM option in the ubuntu partitioner?23:55
boboSo how stable is the Karmic beta compared to alpha 6?23:55
funkiwankdesvn issue: having trouble trying to manage multiple identities for a repository. anyone familiar with the program?23:55
sebsebsebsadrolla: Didn't you also say in pm  that you aren't good at English?  If so  what's your language, so you can go to a channel in your language for Ubuntu help as well23:55
dethaddrbut i wanna run an xconfig right?23:55
Mark76It makes me feel like I'm being snubbed23:55
NineHamsOr at least, how do I set up LVM?23:55
sebsebseb!karmic |  bobo23:55
ubottubobo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:55
DasEidethaddr: did the config-util ran through ?23:55
FlannelNineHams: You need the Alternate or server CDs, Desktop CD can't do it.23:55
dethaddrDasEi: i dont the so23:55
Mark76Is Karmic ready for daily use yet?23:55
sebsebsebMark76: no23:56
Mark76I'll leave it then23:56
FlannelMark76: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, and no.  It's beta for a reason.23:56
sebsebsebMark76: well for some I guess it is, but the majority of Ubuntu users no23:56
NineHamsFlannel: Is there a different way? Like installing the options via aptitude or something?23:56
BlizzerandMaek79 : Please use #ubuntu+1 for discussions23:56
sadrollasebsebseb: those who not reqest my ask23:56
FlannelNineHams: sure, you could set up the LVM after you install and migrate it.  But that seems like a hassle.23:56
DasEidethaddr: cd in the blue dir and run : sudo nvidia-xconfig23:56
macoNineHams: use the alternate cd if you want lvm23:56
NineHamsFlannel: It would be. Shouldn't I be able to install LVM manager from the live cd?23:56
macoNineHams: the live cd is meant to ask as few questins as possible23:57
sebsebsebsadrolla: Ok other than English which language do you speak?23:57
NineHamsmaco: I know. But is there a way?23:57
FlannelNineHams: Yeah, but I don't believe the installer knows how to handle it.  I might be mistaken though.  You could certainly try it.23:57
NineHamsFlannel: Yes, I'm going to see if I could get it working23:57
macoNineHams: so that it can be *very* simple. can you imagine the confusion it'd induce to ask <insert non-tech person here> about a volume management system?  the alternate cd is made for more advanced users to do more advanced installs23:57
FlannelNineHams: Let me know if you do!23:57
sadrollasebsebseb: no my  language is persion23:57
dethaddrDasEi: i dont know what you mean23:57
maximash___hi to you all... :) i'm on Karmic beta now and i can't install Ubuntu Tweak (from www.ubuntu-tweak.com), i tried 0.4.9 version for Karmic, is it a known issue or i do something wrong when installing?23:57
Flannelmaximash___: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, not here, thanks.23:58
ikonia!9.10 | maximash___23:58
ubottumaximash___: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:58
NineHamsmaco: What are you talking about?23:58
uboxjust in case anyone else ever needs to be able to do this, if you delete files (even on ext3) and want them back get foremost. package of the same name.23:58
NineHamsmaco: I just want to figure out how to install the LVM manager from the livecd23:58
maximash___thx, sorry... :)23:58
BlizzerandIs there any program like that of unetbootin , something similar , which can install things ( linux distros) on your OS , without any portable media . Anyone ???23:58
uboxi wiped my whole backup and am recovering it all now23:58
macoNineHams: the live cd doesnt have lvm on it at all, so it cant set it up on the machine23:58
sebsebsebsadrolla: Which countrey is that?23:59
NineHamsmaco: I meant a separate LVM manager23:59
DasEidethaddr: ls shows you a file in blue..23:59
macoNineHams: separate?23:59
FlannelNineHams: The package is lvm2, I believe.23:59
NineHamsFlannel: Oh, thanks, you saved me some time!23:59
sadrollasebsebseb: is iran #ubuntu-ir23:59
macoNineHams: (i was trying to explain before *why* the livecd doesnt offer lvm)23:59
jordy240hi, why must I unmount all partitions higher than 5 to delete partition num. 5? it inconviences me to have to download and run gparted23:59
DasEidethaddr: cd nvid>pressTABhere<23:59
dethaddrDasEi: yea. a bunch like 6 of em23:59
NineHamsmaco: oh, yes, I know why :)23:59

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