
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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koolheadhi all09:36
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jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountHi everyone! If you are here for the Ubuntu One Desktop+ Developers meeting, could you please respond with "me"? We'll report on status (DONE/TODO/BLOCKED) in order of the "me" responses.15:00
teknicowell, it was bound to happen, sooner or later :-)15:01
statikoh, aquarius doesn't have network currently, asked me to send his apologies15:02
statikDONE: vacation, fixed a security bug, about 10 phone calls15:02
statikTODO: help fix all the remaining bugs for karmic :)15:02
statikBLCK: none15:02
statikteknico, your turn15:02
teknicoDONE: more reviews; implemented and proposed a branch for contacts deletion (#406314); fixed a bug and landed a branch about desktopcouch getting deleted records (#439861); explored the javascript code in the files web ui with urbanape15:02
teknicoTODO: review the use cases and wireframes for the contacts web ui (#399664), apply the contacts web design structure to server-side code (#439089)15:02
teknicoBLOCK: none15:02
tekniconext: jblount15:02
jblountDONE: Work on /files/ redesign15:02
jblountTODO: Update joshuahoover on redesign bugs, finish /files/ redesign work, extend to the rest of the site,15:02
jblountBLOCKED: /files/ is taking longer than expected. Not blocked, but worth noting.15:02
jblountsysdoc: next?15:02
sysdocby me15:03
statiksysdoc, it's ok if you are just here to observe, welcome. rodrigo next? dobey, you around?15:05
rodrigo_• DONE: More Tomboy syncing debugging for edge/production. Got evo-couchdb, couchdb-glib and tomboy package fixes nominated for karmic. Proposed couchdb-glib/evolution-couchdb for inclusion in GNOME 2.2915:05
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. Simplify tomboy syncing config UI. API documentation for couchdb-glib15:05
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:05
rodrigo_next: CardinalFang15:05
CardinalFangDONE: worked on couchdb crash with #couchdb, got some patches.  Applied to package.  Bug#43949915:05
CardinalFangTODO: Test packages, tweak patches, submit to uploaders.  Perhaps recommend to cloud couchdb owner.15:05
CardinalFangBLOCKING: None, probably.15:05
urbanapeDONE: More work on BIndwood manifest branch.15:05
urbanapeTODO: Land it15:05
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:05
urbanapevds: you're up15:05
vdsDONE: still cloud_server and twisted15:06
vdsTODO:  go ahead till the daemon does all it is supposed to do!15:06
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:06
dobey☺ DONE: Backport python-oauth, Update ubunet-dependencies, File RT for install on servers15:06
dobey☹ TODO: Fix more bugs.15:06
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:06
statiki thinks thats everyone who showed up. wow everyone has been busy15:07
statikjblount, ok to close it out?15:08
jblountstatik: yep!15:08
jblountMEETING ENDS15:08
rodrigo_dobey: so the python-oauth stuff is done then? just waiting for it to be installed on the server?15:08
statikvds, i'd like to know more about the cloud_server and twisted, are there some bug numbers/branches for that work that I can look at?15:08
statikjblount, is there a branch i can look at for the redesign stuff?15:09
dobeyrodrigo_: building the packages in the hackers ppa right now15:09
jblountstatik: lp:~jblount/ubuntuone-servers/one-branch-to-rule-them-all :)15:09
vdsstatik: I think lucio is working on filing the bug for that15:09
jblountstatik: That branch has all of the js stuff that urbanape and sidnei worked on last week, combined with my new template stuff.15:11
urbanapeyay, jblount15:11
dobeymaybe i should try to work on tarmac today15:11
jblountOk, I need to step away for a bit. Be back in an hour or so.15:27
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aquariusjblount, I believe I checked that "do the CSS for the notes web UI" was a bug on your list, but now I can't find it :(15:57
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statikhi urbanape, when i pulled in todays karmic updates i got a message about bindwood not being compatible, but the second time i started firefox i didn't get that message17:25
statikurbanape, i don't know whether we need a bug about updating bindwood supported version string, or whether it was a temporal kind of thing that won't be seen in the final release17:26
urbanapestatik, hmm... that's odd17:29
urbanapewhat version of ff is in the update?17:29
urbanapeI'm using 3.5.3 now17:29
urbanapewhich should be within the supported range17:30
statikurbanape, firefox:17:39
statik  Installed: 3.5.4~hg20090930r26445+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd117:39
statiki've gotta run for now, but wanted to at least mention that i bumped into it. might turn out to be nothing17:39
urbanapek, thx17:43
urbanapewell, that was an interesting bug18:38
=== john is now known as Guest78127
CardinalFangverterok, what version of desktopcouch were you running to get bug#44007218:54
verterokCardinalFang: let me check18:54
verterokCardinalFang: 0.4.2-0ubuntu118:55
CardinalFangverterok, Weird.  I can't see what would cause that.19:01
CardinalFangSome scoping change?  I'll make the references explicit.19:06
verterokCardinalFang: let me know if you need me to test something :)19:24
CardinalFangverterok: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/dbus-refs-explicit-and-rm-resolve-on-disappear19:31
CardinalFangverterok, how's that?19:40
CardinalFangverterok, I can give you a diff if you prefer.19:40
verterokCardinalFang: I'm getting the diff :)19:40
CardinalFangverterok, today's couchdb package fixes peer-peer replication.  It's in the upload queue, but I can put them in my PPA.19:41
verterokCardinalFang: can I start desktopcouch-service from a branch?19:41
CardinalFangverterok, yes.  That exception happened in pairing, but it should have been the same as service.19:42
CardinalFangverterok,  $ PYTHONPATH=. python bin/desktopcouch-service19:42
verterokCardinalFang: I just got https://pastebin.canonical.com/22855/19:43
verterokbut don't looks like related to the change19:43
CardinalFangverterok, yes, not important, but ugly.19:43
verterokCardinalFang: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22856/19:44
CardinalFangverterok: Wut?19:45
verterokCardinalFang: that was doing the pairing19:45
CardinalFangverterok, that makes no sense.19:46
CardinalFangverterok, at the top of   discover_services , please put  assert add_commport_name_cb is not None  .19:47
verterokCardinalFang: AssertionError on startup19:48
CardinalFangverterok: stack trace?19:48
verterokCardinalFang: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22857/19:49
CardinalFangWhat braindead moron added that?!!@#19:53
CardinalFangOh.  Me.19:53
CardinalFangFortunately, it didnt' do anything except flod the log and waste our time.  Dang.19:54
statikCardinalFang, you are welcome to copy packages over to the ubuntuone/hackers PPA if our devs need it for running tests now and don't want to wait for the upload queue20:07
CardinalFangstatik, Rgr.  I will prepare a package soon just for that.20:10
* CardinalFang eyes dput suspiciously.20:10
CardinalFangthisfred, Got a minute to review?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/dbus-refs-explicit-and-rm-resolve-on-disappear/+merge/1274720:38
thisfredCardinalFang: sure!20:38
thisfredon it20:38
CardinalFangthisfred, on that page, the last two lines fixes verterok's problem.20:39
CardinalFangthisfred, I fixed one additional problem:  When services disappear, we shouldn't try to resolve them.  It's impossible.20:39
CardinalFangthisfred, Finally, I made changes to the callback references because verterok convinced me (incorrectly) that Python closures are broken or I don't understand them.  In fact, I didn't need to change most of the middle part at all.20:41
* verterok hides20:41
* verterok just filed a bug20:42
CardinalFangIt's okay verterok.  You did good.20:42
thisfredCardinalFang: eh, ok. So are you reverting those changes, or is there still some benefit to them? Or did I misparse that sentence?20:42
CardinalFangthisfred, I don't plan to revert because it's slightly better this way, I think.  I prefer explicit values and namespaces spook me.20:43
thisfredCardinalFang: +100020:43
CardinalFangPython 4 may fix the scoping rules.20:44
thisfredexplicit is better than implicit20:44
* thisfred blushingly admits to a dislike of lambda's in python20:45
CardinalFang"Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch."20:45
thisfredI think that particular scope may be too wide: "unless you're GvR" is closer probably ;)20:46
thisfredat least, it took me a while to see the obviousness in some cases20:47
thisfredso is this in fact currying you're doing with the lambda? :)20:49
CardinalFangthisfred, Naw, I'm just shrinking the closure area from 50 lines to one line.20:49
thisfredCardinalFang: found a few small issues, which may have been there before your branch...21:10
thisfredactually I'm pretty sure they were, but they still need to be fixed.21:11
thisfredalso, won't this blow up if there is more than one arg?:        def handle_error(*args):21:13
thisfred            """An error in resolving a new service."""21:13
thisfred            logging.error("zeroconf ItemNew error for services, %s", args)21:13
CardinalFangthisfred, Lists are str-ized there.21:14
CardinalFangTuples, actually.  It's right.21:14
CardinalFanglogging.error(fmt, *args)21:14
CardinalFanglogging.error(fmt, *formatargs)   # better.21:15
CardinalFangSo, args is the first item of formatargs.  ( args, )21:15
thisfredCardinalFang: ah, right, I wasn't aware of logging.error doing special stuff, I missed it wasn't a string interpolation21:15
CardinalFangthisfred, You would be totally right if that "," were "%".21:16
thisfredCardinalFang: exactly, so, withdrawn ;)(21:17
thisfredperhaps all my other comments are similarly misguided...21:17
thisfredbut it's still guilty until proven innocent :P21:18
CardinalFangthisfred, Okay.21:44
thisfredthat means repushed? Or that you've stopped talking to me? :)21:47
thisfredCardinalFang: ^21:47
CardinalFangthisfred, Updated.  Pushed.  And I'm not talking to you any more.21:47
thisfredgreat. fine.21:47
thisfred(and we don't even have aquarius here to act as a go-between...)21:48
thisfredubottu: can you ask CardinalFang why it is that I don't get any changes to replication.py?21:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:55
thisfredCardinalFang: or were those not bugs?21:56
CardinalFangubottu, are you as confused as to what thisfred is talking about as I am!21:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:56
CardinalFangthisfred, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/dbus-refs-explicit-and-rm-resolve-on-disappear/revision/8021:58
thisfredubottu: please tell CardinalFang that I remerged his branch thrice, then branched it directly, got revision 80, and yet I see no changes. Could you kindly investigate whether he deigned to actually save his changes (if any) to the file in question?22:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:04
thisfredCardinalFang: ah, I see22:06
CardinalFangthisfred, I'll change a few more things.22:06
thisfredCardinalFang: the long lines are gone, but not the spurious imports, and also not the undefined sn variables?22:06
CardinalFangthisfred, revno 81 pushed.22:09
CardinalFangthisfred, Have you read "The Baroque Cycle" three books by Neal Stephenson?22:10
thisfredCardinalFang: indeed I have!22:11
thisfredwrong answer? :)22:11
thisfredCardinalFang: indeed I have!22:11
CardinalFangthisfred, "^W"22:12
CardinalFangthisfred, the Jack / Pasha scene in which they communicate via the floor boards and dirt is hilarious.22:12
thisfredhehe, yeah, I'd forgotten about that. It's been a while. I should reread it, but I think I gave the books away.22:13
thisfredO well, I have a library 1 minute's walk away22:14
CardinalFang"O most noble floor, exalted above all pavements....Though you have already been generous far beyond my deserts in allowing me to grovel on you, I have yet another request: The next time you have the high honor to come into contact with the sole of the Pasha’s slipper, will you please most humbly beseech said item of footwear to inform the Pasha that the following conditions exist..."22:14
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 231, Protocol Revno is 71 | Release 0.95.0 (protocol) 0.96.0 (client)
statikjblount: should this bug be marked as in-progress rather than triaged? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/43531422:32
ubottuError: This bug is private22:32
jblountstatik: Marked as 'in progress' now. Did you see the plan of attack stuff urbanape sent your way?22:35
statikjblount: not yet, but i will read it tonight22:37
jblountstatik: It was in IRC and basically amounts to "Let's get /files/ and the website static ish stuff done for Tuesday, then scamble on /contacts/ and /notes/ for Thursday"22:39
statikjblount: oh right. i like that plan22:39
jblountstatik: He is a smart monkey.22:39
statiktelling me no when i ask for too agressive of a schedule is a very important skill to have :)22:40
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