lamalex | Does the indicator still change when people sign on? I thought it was decided to kill that behaviour at uds | 02:07 |
hyperair | is notify-osd supposed to ignore CloseNotification calls? | 11:49 |
* hyperair tickles MacSlow | 11:51 | |
MacSlow | no | 11:51 |
MacSlow | yes | 11:51 |
MacSlow | well | 11:51 |
MacSlow | you can issue that on DBus, but it'll not close the notification-bubble | 11:52 |
MacSlow | as that sort of control lies only within the scope of notify-osd itself, but not the applications | 11:52 |
hyperair | it's a little annoying in the case of banshee. | 11:52 |
MacSlow | hyperair, is that causing it to hang? | 11:52 |
hyperair | banshee closes its notifications and opens a new one | 11:52 |
hyperair | no, not causing it to hang | 11:53 |
MacSlow | ah good | 11:53 |
hyperair | but causing notifications to stack up | 11:53 |
hyperair | there's another issue which may or may not be related to this, i.e. banshee and notify-osd both leak memory together | 11:53 |
hyperair | i can't pinpoint when it happens | 11:53 |
hyperair | it just does. | 11:54 |
MacSlow | hyperair, the method of dealing with notifications (in case notify-osd is identified to be the responsbile notification-damon running on a system) is this | 11:54 |
MacSlow | toss out a notification | 11:54 |
MacSlow | keep it's id (notification object) | 11:54 |
hyperair | mmhmm | 11:54 |
MacSlow | when a new one need to be shown, just try to update the old one | 11:54 |
hyperair | ah. update the old one eh.. | 11:54 |
MacSlow | if the old one is gone already, it (notify-osd) will automatically create/open a new one | 11:55 |
hyperair | i see. | 11:55 |
MacSlow | if you need/want to append to an existing one use the append hint | 11:55 |
hyperair | how does notification-daemon react to this behaviour by the client? | 11:55 |
MacSlow | hyperair, for these cases there are C, C# and Python examples in notify-osd trunk | 11:55 |
MacSlow | bzr branch lp:notify-osd | 11:55 |
hyperair | ah thanks | 11:56 |
MacSlow | cd notify-osd/examples | 11:56 |
hyperair | i'll check it out | 11:56 |
MacSlow | ./ | 11:56 |
MacSlow | ./ | 11:56 |
MacSlow | ups | 11:56 |
hyperair | okay | 11:56 |
MacSlow | ./ | 11:56 |
MacSlow | that shoudl get you stated | 11:56 |
MacSlow | started | 11:56 |
MacSlow | hyperair, do you work on a patch for banshee? | 11:56 |
hyperair | MacSlow: i might, depending on how irritated this makes me | 11:57 |
MacSlow | hyperair, sweet... stick to it... go for it! | 11:57 |
hyperair | heh | 11:57 |
hyperair | also depends on time constraints | 11:57 |
hyperair | if i can find time | 11:57 |
* MacSlow crosses fingers | 11:57 | |
MacSlow | :) | 11:57 |
hyperair | maybe i'll pass it on to laney | 11:57 |
mdc_work | using notify-send i have to supply -t and -u otherwise the messages wont show up? is it supposed to be like that? (if so, the usage text for notify-send should be changed to state this) | 12:03 |
hyperair | it shows up for me | 12:06 |
hyperair | MacSlow: actually i've just come up with a patch already (the example's awesome) | 12:10 |
hyperair | testing.. | 12:11 |
MacSlow | hyperair, that's what the examples are for... ready to copy&paste stuff | 12:11 |
hyperair | well i didn't exactly copy and paste =\ | 12:11 |
hyperair | notify-sharp sure is an easy to use library | 12:11 |
MacSlow | hyperair, whatever works best for you... as long as it helps you to get it your stuff done | 12:12 |
hyperair | hahah | 12:12 |
MacSlow | :) | 12:12 |
hyperair | well thanks for the help anyways. i'll come running back if i have any more notify-osd issues =p | 12:14 |
mdc_work | hyperair, did you mean that the notify shows up for you? | 12:30 |
hyperair | mdc_work: yes. notify-send bla shows a notification containing 'bla' | 12:32 |
mdc_work | hyperair, hmm.. strange.. well, i'll check after next reboot, thanks anyway :) | 12:34 |
hyperair | MacSlow: <-- patch attached | 12:47 |
ubot4` | Gnome bug 597099 in User Interface "Banshee's notifications stack up when using notify-osd" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 12:47 |
SiDi | hyperair: its a patch for banshee | 12:48 |
hyperair | SiDi: i know it is. | 12:48 |
SiDi | i dont know whats the procedure for bugfix patches / releases after beta, but i suppose if banshee is main then the desktop team would be the guys to review the patch ? | 12:49 |
hyperair | i'm not asking him to review it. | 12:49 |
hyperair | i'm just showing it to him in case he was interested. | 12:49 |
SiDi | the patch has been attached in launchpad too ;) | 12:49 |
MacSlow | hyperair, so this doesn't get overlooked, file a bug on lp against banshee linking to your bug/patch on gnome-bugzilla | 12:49 |
hyperair | SiDi: oh right, you weren't around when i was talking to MacSlow earlier | 12:50 |
MacSlow | hyperair, that way it'll not get lost | 12:50 |
SiDi | hyperair: i wasnt | 12:50 |
SiDi | did i miss something ? | 12:50 |
hyperair | MacSlow: it won't. i maintain banshee's package. | 12:50 |
hyperair | +s | 12:50 |
MacSlow | SiDi, hyperair worked on banshee using notifications in a more "notify-osd-ish" way | 12:50 |
MacSlow | hyperair, oh... I didn't know that... was about to ask who maintains banshee deb in debian/ubuntu land :) | 12:51 |
SiDi | lp 334809 | 12:51 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 334809 in banshee "design problem? infinite wait for long queue" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:51 |
hyperair | ? | 12:51 |
* hyperair looks | 12:51 | |
MacSlow | SiDi, hm... sounds related | 12:51 |
SiDi | what about putting the patch there ? | 12:51 |
MacSlow | hyperair, SiDi: makes sense to me | 12:51 |
SiDi | that was the bug report i thought you were speaking about, hyperair :) | 12:51 |
hyperair | SiDi: oh hey there's a patch. | 12:52 |
* hyperair feels like he wasted his time | 12:52 | |
MacSlow | hyperair, yeah... just saw it too this very moment | 12:53 |
hyperair | well see, this is what happens when you attach patches all over the place and not in the upstream bug tracker | 12:53 |
SiDi | hyperair: :) | 12:53 |
MacSlow | hyperair, it's Alex Murray "fault" not linking it to banshee upstream | 12:53 |
SiDi | at least some ubuntu users to write patches... better than nothing. hyperair, arent you subscribed to banshee bugs in lp ? | 12:54 |
SiDi | this way you can catch what goes on and put the bugs upstream. usually users wont do it for us ^^ | 12:54 |
hyperair | SiDi: i'm subscribed to the ubuntu/+source/banshee bugs. | 12:54 |
hyperair | i'm planning to spend sometime to dig through all the bugs to see what's still valid and what's not sometime | 12:55 |
SiDi | when i did for exaile.... it took me several days :D | 12:56 |
SiDi | there were almost 1K bugs, with some 300 or 400 feature requests and a good 200 invalid or outdated bugs | 12:56 |
hyperair | well that sucks. | 12:57 |
hyperair | by the way, i can't change the importance of any of the bugs. | 12:57 |
hyperair | how do i go about that? | 12:57 |
MacSlow | they should teach "good bug-report writing" at elementary school :) | 12:57 |
SiDi | hyperair | 12:57 |
SiDi | hyperair: you're not the bug supervisor | 12:57 |
MacSlow | ups | 12:57 |
SiDi | its that guy apparently | 12:58 |
hyperair | meh. | 12:58 |
hyperair | ah | 12:58 |
hyperair | slomo eh. | 12:58 |
SiDi | might wanna create a Banshee bug triage team | 12:58 |
* hyperair co-maintains banshee packages with slomo | 12:58 | |
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