
tolstoyHm. Startup like things seem to have changed.00:01
MTecknologya cron to rotate images would have some issues00:03
MTecknology* wrong chan00:03
mwhudsontolstoy: cool00:16
tolstoymwhudson: I see it now displays tags.00:16
tolstoyHeadings are centered, but the data in the columns isn't. Now I can't remember if it's always been that way.00:18
MTecknologyok - this shouldn't be too hard.....00:47
MTecknologyI'm getting this error   warning: mysqli_fetch_object() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, array given in /var/www/d6/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 144.    which seems to be coming from thsi line    $rslts = db_fetch_array(db_query('SELECT title, image, titlelink, content FROM {udsidebar} ORDER BY position'));01:58
Peng_Wrong channel?02:00
* Peng_ /away!02:00
* igc out for a bit - bbl02:11
awmcclainIs there no way to specify the umask for bzr+ssh, is there? How do other people set up servers with shared branches?02:11
tolstoyWe did it the hokey way. All our accounts on that machine have umask of 000, with the same group as the bzr repo.02:13
awmcclaintolstoy: Hrm. How did you specify the umask? Altering the umask in /etc/profile doesn't seem to work with bzr+ssh. (new branches are still 755 instead of 775)02:19
awmcclainWe have the same group set up with everything as well02:19
tolstoyAlso set it in .bashrc02:19
tolstoyOur repos are on Solaris. I think interactive shells source one, and non-interactive source the other.02:20
tolstoyI can never remember, and maybe it varies from platform to platform.02:20
awmcclaintolstoy: that's ~/.bashrc, right?02:20
tolstoyyes, of the account that's doing the logging in.02:21
awmcclainok, i'll try that02:21
awmcclaindrwxr-sr-x  3 andrew dev 4096 Oct  2 01:22 badges302:22
tolstoySo, you're doing something like bzr push sftp://tolstoy@host/path/to/repo?02:23
tolstoy~tolstoy is the thing that should have the bashrc/profile/bash_profile umask setting.02:24
tolstoyEr, the account.02:24
awmcclainah, no, we're doing it over bzr+ssh02:27
awmcclainHeh. Ssh is somthing else entirely.02:27
tolstoyI thought sftp was on top of ssh.02:28
awmcclainIsn't pushing over bzr+ssh much faster than sftp?02:28
awmcclain"Smart server" and all that?02:28
tolstoyYou have a smart server running?02:28
tolstoyWe don't have that, so no doubt things are different.02:28
awmcclaintolstoy: Well, smart server is basically invoking bzr on the server side. Nothing really runs, per se.02:29
tolstoyRight. I thought it had a config file for perms and so on. But it's been a while.02:29
tolstoyWe didn't use it because a year or so ago, it was just one too many steps.02:30
awmcclainok, a tiny bit slower, but not by much02:30
awmcclainoh? maybe that's why i'm missing.02:30
awmcclainug, and no, sftp:// still gives me 755. >:(02:30
tolstoyWhat I ended up doing under similar circumstances was reading the bash man page on that particular server and trying to determine which files it sourced under which conditions.02:33
verterokemmajane: around?02:35
emmajaneverterok, ish :)02:35
verterokemmajane: hi, I have a *experimetal* pyqt4 installer for 10.502:35
emmajaneverterok, oh! cool!02:36
verterokemmajane: do you know of someone willing to try it?02:36
emmajaneverterok, let me see if jacine is around.02:36
* emmajane pings everyone she can find....02:39
verterokoh, I can ask in the channel :) anyone with OS X 10.5 willing to try a PyQt4 installer?02:39
emmajanehehe :)02:39
verterokemmajane: don't worry, we can test it tomorrow :)02:39
verterokemmajane: is just the first one that looks like it's working :p02:39
* emmajane hates waiting :)02:40
emmajaneI've got two peeps :)02:42
emmajanelitwol and dww are both on 10.502:42
verteroklitwol|mac: hi02:42
litwol|maclink me02:42
verteroklitwol|mac: http://verterok.com.ar/PyQt-4.5.4.dmg02:43
verteroklitwol|mac: it requires Qt installed (I used 4.5.2 for the build)02:43
litwol|macfail http://litwol.com/sites/litwol.com/files/Install_PyQt_4-20091001-214409.jpg02:44
verteroklitwol|mac: hmm, looks like it never prompted for admin password, right?02:44
verteroklitwol|mac: building a new one :)02:45
verterokgimme 2'02:45
dwwverterok: emmajane just had me try your installer...02:45
litwol|macin the mean while maybe you can explain what am i installing ?02:45
dwwverterok: "Install Failed"02:46
dwwverterok: "The Installer could not install some files in "/".  Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."02:46
litwol|macdww: http://litwol.com/sites/litwol.com/files/Install_PyQt_4-20091001-214409.jpg02:46
verterokdww: litwol|mac, it's a PyQt4 standalone installer, but if it works, it will be included in the bzr OS X installer02:46
verterokdww: I'm uploading a new one 2'02:46
* dww nods and agrees with litwol|mac's screenshot02:47
verteroklitwol|mac, dww: uploaded new version that ask for admin rights: http://verterok.com.ar/PyQt-4.5.4-1.dmg02:48
* dww tries again02:49
dww"Mounting failed" ;)02:49
verterokdww: hmm, looks like the upload did't finished yet :/02:50
dwwthat'd explain it. ;)02:50
verterokyeap, looks like the scp is stalled02:51
verterokI'll cancel it and try again02:51
verterokdww: now it fully uploaded02:53
dwwthat's more like it...02:54
verterokdww: do you have Qt installed right?02:54
dwwsays it worked.02:54
dwwi'm honestly not sure... I don't write GUIs. ;)02:54
verterokdww: ok, coo. could you try something?02:55
verterokdww: in a terminal: python -c "from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui"02:55
dww(is Qt included with osx and/or xcode at all?)02:55
verterokdww: no, is a separate download02:55
verterokdww: and not a small one :(02:55
dwwyeah, no Qt here.02:56
dwwImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/PyQt4/QtCore.so, 2): Library not loaded: QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore02:56
verterokdww: ok, so it's working in some way...but wihtout qt we can't test it02:56
verterokdww: thanks a lot!02:56
dwwwhere's the "uninstall" button? ;)02:57
verterokdww: that was about to say :)02:57
verterokdww: open thre installer again02:57
dwwok, did so02:57
verterokdww: Cmd + i02:57
verterokdww: it expand the two items, those are the files installed02:58
verterokdww: I can give a script to remove them ;) gimme a minute02:58
dwwso just manually purge them?02:58
dwwno, that's fine... i see them.02:58
verterokdww: yes, nothing else is needed02:58
verterokdww: ok, cool.02:58
dwwwow, except: ultra annoying the cmd-i window disappears whenever I make any other app (e.g. iterm) active. :(02:59
dwwverterok: also, might be nice if "sip" made its own subdir in site-packages instead of using the root...03:01
verterokdww: I can't change the layout :(03:01
dwwany idea how to keep the cmd-i window from disappearing? :(03:02
dwwi was about to take a screenshot of it. ;)03:02
verterokdww: no ide :(03:03
verterokdww: rm -Rf /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/sip* /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/PyQt4*03:03
dwwthat was the easy part. ;)03:03
dwwit's the stuff in /System I'm being a little more careful about.03:03
verterokdww: yeap :) rm /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include/python2.5/sip.h03:04
dwwverterok: fear not, I have a screenshot now. ;)03:04
dwwworking fine.03:04
verterokdww: ok03:04
verterokdww: thanks!03:04
dwwinteresting: FYI: sip.h was installed chmod 664 instead of 644 like everything else in that dir...03:05
dwwverterok: not sure if that's something you control.03:05
verterokdww: yes, I can change that. good catch03:05
dwwsadly, I didn't look closely at any others before I did.03:06
litwol|macwhat to test ?03:06
dwwverterok: but you might want to go through and check the perms on all the files...03:06
verteroklitwol|mac: dww already installed it, thanks!03:06
verterokdww: yes I just need to click one button in PackageManager: "apply recomendations" :)03:07
dwwgood idea.03:07
* verterok is still learning this mac installers thing03:07
* dww shrugs03:08
verterokdww: also I'll change the location of the sip stuff that it's in System/ to /Library03:09
emmajaneverterok, did you make it work? :)03:09
verterokemmajane: partially :)03:09
emmajaneWOO! :)03:09
lifelessspiv: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/42773603:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427736 in bzr "bzr1.17 on launchpad streams wrong data, causes "unknown object type identifier 60" in bencode pulling from pack into 2a repository" [Critical,In progress]03:10
lifelessspiv: don't set 2.0.1 as a milestone in trunk; target to release 2.0, then milestone that task03:10
spivOh, blah.  Right.03:10
lifelessspiv: I've done it for you03:10
spivI guess I see how that makes sense.03:10
lifelessit lets use record what actual trunk release it makes it into03:11
lifelesswhile still recording it as a blocker for 2.0.1 [thats what you intended, right?]03:11
spivAs a user I just think "this should go into 2.0.1"03:11
spivAnd there's a drop down right there that lists
lifelessin which case, don't set a milestone at all03:11
spivSo I unthinkingly did the obvious thing :/03:11
lifelessso, I've unmilestoned it completely now03:12
lifelessI'll add a bug comment to explain the noise03:12
spivThanks for cleaning my mess :)03:12
dwwverterok: anything else?  I'm about to flee.03:13
verterokdww: no, thanks a lot!03:13
dwwno problem.03:13
* dww bows03:13
verterokemmajane: dww didn't have Qt installed, and it's big install/download :)03:14
lifelessspiv: you might like to eyeball how I've leftit.03:14
emmajaneverterok, that was the 1+Gig one that jacine had to wait for last night, IIRC03:14
verterokemmajane: yes, actually. the non-sdk is a bit smaller ~140MB03:15
verterokemmajane: if jancine wants to download, here is a direct link: http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-mac-opensource-4.5.3.dmg03:16
emmajaneverterok, she got Explorer working last night. :)03:16
verterokemmajane: oh, good to know03:16
emmajaneshe has fast internets03:16
emmajaneor rather: she got it *installed*03:16
emmajanehttp://dl.getdropbox.com/u/912092/bzr-install.txt <--- I have to update the wiki with her instructions03:17
verterokemmajane: cool03:19
lifelessspiv: UI bug filed03:20
igcemmajane: fyi, I've changed the banner image to be explorer until you have the carousel going03:33
emmajaneigc, perfect03:34
spivlifeless: btw, I haven't updated the 2.0 branch to use subunit yet.  I'm not sure how to do it nicely while retaining the '[ascii]' prefix on the 2nd test run...04:06
lifelessspiv: just nested progress would do it; there isn't a CLI for that yet04:07
lifelessit would look like04:07
lifelessecho "progress: 2"04:08
lifelessbefore the tests run at all04:08
MTecknologyIs it possible to pull just the head of a bzr branch? I'd like to be able to pull it sometimes w/o the .bzr directory04:08
lifelessbut, may need testing to make sure it all hangs together correctly.04:08
lifelesscould also tag the second half, but I haven't put tags into the PQM UI04:08
lifelessMTecknology: do you mean 'get a copy of the content of the head' ?04:09
lifelessbzr export04:09
MTecknologythanks :)04:09
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spivspm: around?  Would you mind zapping my current PQM request?  It has an mildly embarrassing wrong commit message.04:34
spivI did specify a sane message to pqm-submit, but I forgot to write "-m"...04:35
spivAnd so pqm-submit silently ignored that argument and just used the last commit on the branch :/04:35
spivI should hack my copy of pqm-submit to require -m, the automatic behaviour is never what I want.04:36
lifelessspiv: or update your local copy04:37
lifelessI doubt you've done so in uhm 2 years04:37
lifelessrevno: 55 [merge]04:37
lifelesstimestamp: Tue 2008-04-01 18:00:47 +080004:38
lifeless  Merge John's changes to make --message mandatory.04:38
spivlifeless: Oh, hmm.04:41
spivlifeless: odd, I've definitely gone through and systematically updated all my plugins several times since that date.04:41
spivlifeless: "No revisions to pull.", and bzr plugins -v says it is using the copy I think it is.04:43
spiv(I have revno 60)04:43
=== Guest83508 is now known as ivan
Nannuhow to run bzr-gtk?04:51
spivlifeless: hmm, no spm it seems... I don't suppose you can kill that PQM job for me?05:06
spivAh well.05:08
* spiv grabs some lunch.05:08
lifelessspiv: no, I can't05:12
lifelessspiv: pjdc can05:12
lifelessspiv: want to merge 2.0 to .dev? or shall I?06:13
spivlifeless: I was about to :)06:13
lifelesscool, shoo :)06:13
spivlifeless: I was going to use it as an opportunity to make my intended commit text appear somewhere, at least ;)06:14
lifelesswe need a report 'fixed in .dev fix committed in malone'06:14
spivYes.  Or even better for LP to just do it...06:14
lifelessdo you mean change the status?06:21
lifelessspiv: did you send it to pqm? I see rev 4722 from poolie yesteday, nothing playing,06:50
lifelessspiv: I'm guessing it failed or you were distracted ;)06:54
lifelessspiv: if it failed I'd like to help, if I can06:54
spivlifeless: you must have refreshed PQM a second too soon!06:55
spivI did spend a bit of time puzzling over the NEWS conflicts and checking that I was supposed to duplicate them etc.06:56
spivI'm a bit puzzled by the current state of the 2.0 NEWS file, actually... why does it have apparently current sections for both 2.0 series and 2.0.1?06:56
lifelessits not an obvious useful thing *today*, but once 2.1b1 is released the utility will be clear06:56
lifelessspiv: grawk, possibly me. Possibly someone else06:57
spivYes, I agree that the policy for lp:bzr's news file is sane.  I just needed to dig up the email to ensure that sanity was also the official policy :)06:58
lifelessspiv: :) - I wasn't doubting that, just idly commenting06:59
vilahi all07:01
vilalifeless, spiv : just to help me wake up, can you remind me in a few (and slow) words what that policy is ?07:01
vilanumerical or chronological ?07:02
lifelessI htink07:05
lifelessit may not be strictly defined in fact07:05
spivvila: the policy I'm referring to is that when merging from 2.0 -> dev, NEWS entries for things added in 2.0 should appear in dev's NEWS in both the appropriate 2.0.x section, and the appropriate 2.1.x section.07:06
vilalifeless: ha, good, I thought so and was wondering if I misunderstood something07:06
spivAnd, yes, I think numerical.07:06
spivBut I haven't had cause to really care about that yet :)07:06
lifelessvila: you've seen the pqm bling, I presume? :)07:06
vilaspiv: Hmm, I think I'm rather strongly against duplicating NEWS entries...07:07
vilalifeless: ooooh yes07:07
spivvila: then you should reply to the relevant thread :P07:07
vilaonly the screenshot so far07:07
lifelessvila: the reason is that once 2.1b1 released, a NEWS entry in 2.0.1 (say) *doesn't* indicate that it was fixed in 2.1b107:07
vilaspiv: damn, so I *missed* something or is that a today's thread ?07:08
lifelessvila: weeks ago07:08
spivvila: but I think it's best to have the entry appear at the right point in each release series, so it's obvious what is fixed, and not fixed, in each release.07:08
lifelessanother good point07:08
lifelessover and above inferred data07:08
lifelessvila: which reminds me :)07:08
lifelessvila: please refuse the temptation to guess about milestones for already fixed bugs07:09
vilaI did that ?07:09
lifelessvila: its better to have it unknown than wrong, I think. Unknown means 'we don't know'. <VALUE> means 'buggy-before' to folk looking at the bug tracker07:09
lifelessvila: yes, about 3 hours ago :)07:09
spivThe duplication does grate a bit, but I think it's really just a natural consequence of the duplication of effort inherent in maintaining multiple concurrent release series.07:09
vilaI thought I rather mark fix released *without* milestone than putting an unverified one07:10
vilalifeless: I slept this night, I'm sure, so 3 hours ago wasn't me, bug # ?07:10
lifelessvila: you put 2.1b1 as the milestone for a report that came in07:10
lifelessvila: uhm maybe you did it your evening. I noticed my afternoon :)07:10
vilalifeless: hmm, that rings a bell, but I was 90% sure for that one, I'll double-check07:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363452 in bzr "bzr revert crashes after shelving a file add on a new repo." [Undecided,Fix released]07:12
vilalifeless: ooh, that one, ok07:13
lifelessof course, I could be wrong;)07:13
lifelessbut, I fixed revert a while back now07:14
vilawell, I think in that case I thought that occurred in bzr.dev and things  are a bit blurry these weeks, so, yes, you're right I shouldn't have guessed,07:16
vilabut on the other hand, I *had* some rough idea of when...07:17
lifelessspiv: btw, 3918 - don't close it ;)07:28
lifelessthe merge improves but does't complete i07:28
spivlifeless: I won't :)07:33
spivlifeless: as the commit message says, it's a fix "for" 3918, not necessary a fix *of* ;)07:33
lifelessspiv: thanks, was just being preemptive, as its a grey area07:36
lifelessthought I'd save you some overhead07:36
spivYes, actually I was going to forget to update bugs at all until you said that!07:36
spivSo it's good you did :)07:36
lifelessI've done 40332207:37
bialixhello bzr07:45
lifelessbialix: I would appreciate if you could give dirstate2 a test spin; just to know how it behaves on windows (only use it on copies :))07:46
bialixlifeless: ok, maybe this weekend07:47
bialixwhat should I test specifically?07:47
lifelessbzr commit07:47
bialixjust run some commit-status-diff?07:47
lifeless# other window07:47
lifelessbzr diff07:47
lifelessbzr status07:47
lifelessbzr diff | more07:47
lifeless# go to editor07:47
lifeless# put in commit message and have it do the commit07:47
lifeless--- that sort of thing07:47
bialixok, I understand07:48
lifelesstry to break it; I expect you can07:48
lifelessits a prototype, but I want to get a feeling for how far off it is07:48
bialixI'll try07:49
lifelessthanks ^^07:51
bialixgary gary where are you07:52
lifelessspiv: I'm fairly happy with: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?field.tag=dirstate - all the in progress are dirstate207:54
lifelessspiv: and I haven't found any other dirstate bugs in the bts07:55
spivlifeless: nice07:55
spivlifeless: very nice, in fact!07:55
spivOk, I'm off.  Have a lovely weekend everyone!07:56
fullermdHoly crow, I just typed 'bzrip2'.  There was some serious evil going on in the naming process somewhere...   :|08:03
=== fullermd_ is now known as fullermd
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* igc dinner09:41
vilalifeless: wow, nice bling on pqm... we lost the timings though, do you plan to do more than addressing the failures/errors mismatch there ? Like, hmmm, an option to get back the subunit output even for successful submissions ?10:34
lifelessvila: no10:34
lifelessvila: raw subunit should still be in the log10:35
lifelessits just the status region that parses10:35
vilaok, but there is no option to get that log back right ?10:35
lifelessI think its rsynced around somewhere in the dc10:35
lifelessyou thinking for baseline timing stuff? The machine has other PQM instances on it.10:35
lifelessso potentially noisy10:36
vilayeah, no, not really the timing stuff itself, more generally have some reference about what tests are skipped, etc10:36
vilaand even if noisy, the timings can give some indications10:36
lifelessPatchs Gratefully Accepted10:36
vilaI can put that on my TODO list, but that does not mean it will occur any time soon :-/10:37
lifelessvila: me neither which is why I'm not offering10:38
vilalifeless: but no worries, the new feedback is *very* welcome, thks for that10:38
lifelessI wanted '% complete', that was the main thing :)10:38
vilasure, me too, that's what I'm thanking about :D10:38
vilashould I also thank spiv may be ?10:38
lifelessvila: he took the 'risk' of turning it on once I had the pieces in place ;)11:06
lifelessso perhaps yes11:06
vilalifeless, spiv: seeing 97% is indeed soooo good :)11:09
vilamakes me hungry, will grab some food :)11:09
fullermdMe, I usually get hungry by about 75%...11:15
vilafullermd: Oh ! You're there11:20
fullermdNo I'm not, I'm here.  You're there.11:21
vilafullermd: So I had more and more crash with the 8.0rc111:21
vilafullermd: and it seems that changing the IDE controller did the trick...11:21
fullermdSame crash?11:21
vilano, different ones, but I updated from beta4 to rc111:22
vilaand from there I had a different failure mode: attempt to dump the core, encounter file system full 8-(11:22
vilaanother new detail was that it rebooted on failure (Well I mostly suppose here because I was always late in the game...)11:23
SamB_XP_my Debian box keeps doing that ... I'm thinking something is overheating, maybe ...11:24
SamB_XP_... there is definately a fan down :-(11:24
vilaSamB_XP_: hmm, I don't have virtual fans in my MVs :D11:24
SamB_XP_vila: hehe11:25
SamB_XP_didn't realize you were talking about VMs -- didn't know you could swap out IDE controllers in those ;-)11:25
vilafullermd: So I commented dumpdev="auto" but I were wondering how to specify something else to avoid dumping in '/' !11:25
fullermdObviously, that's the problem.  If it had virtual fans, it wouldn't overheat   :p11:25
SamB_XP_fullermd: lol11:26
vilaI didn't know I could, I just followed my intuition and tried :D11:26
fullermdvila: Well, it dumps to the swap.  savecore(8) copies it into the filesystem on next boot.  $dumpdir sets where it's saved to (/var/crash by default; changing it or setting a symlink would move it)11:26
vilafullermd: nope, /var/crash exists and doesn't point to /11:27
vilaand / and /var are on different volumes11:28
SamB_XP_vila: but did you check whether there was a /var/crash hidden behind the mount point ?11:28
fullermdvila: As for the rebooting, the kernel debugger is part of the debugging that tends to be taken out around the first RC.11:28
viladf / /var11:28
vilaFilesystem            1K-blocks    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on11:28
vila/dev/ad0s1a              507630  313616  153404    67%    /11:28
vila/dev/ad0s1d             3027598 1338820 1446572    48%    /var11:28
fullermdShouldn't matter, the filesystems are mounted by that time.11:28
vilaI may be wrong, but the fact is I found a ps.core on / and a / full at 109% (haha, always love that one)11:30
vilaand the recipe to come back to a half-stable setup was to boot in single user mode, issue fsck -y and reboot11:31
vilaissuing fsck -y in "normal" mode didn't seem enough11:31
SamB_XP_why -y ?11:32
vilaThat may sound a bit hammer debugging (it was), but it worked and I had to do it once or twice a day only11:32
SamB_XP_didn't have time to sit there and say yes ?11:32
fullermdWye -i?11:32
SamB_XP_oh, it happened over and over again?11:33
vilaSamB_XP_: yes11:33
* SamB_XP_ missed that11:33
vilafullermd: what -i ?11:33
SamB_XP_that's for interactive, probably?11:33
fullermdE -i E -i O.11:33
SamB_XP_okay, now he's being silly ...11:33
SamB_XP_fullermd: had some DUCKS11:33
vilafullermd: so back to my initial question, why core dumps on '/', how to avoid that (while still having core dumps, just in case)11:34
SamB_XP_vila: I don't suppose you could reapportion space such that there is enough space on / ?11:35
fullermdWell, it doesn't...   on boot it copes into $dumpdir.11:36
fullermdAnd copies, even.11:36
SamB_XP_fullermd: where does it do that?11:36
vilaSamB_XP_: It's a default freebsd install, so no, I don't want to spend time on that11:36
fullermd"Where" in what sense?11:36
SamB_XP_I mean, what script or binary does it ?11:36
fullermdsavecore(8), as called from /etc/rc.d/savecore11:37
SamB_XP_so, maybe vila should read that script and manpage?11:37
vilafullermd: dumpdir is not set in *my* rc.conf, how can I check ?11:37
vilaSamB_XP_: sshhhh, I have a translator handy11:37
fullermdThe default is /var/crash (as seen in /etc/defaults/rc.conf)11:37
fullermdYes, I translate sh to IRC   :p11:38
SamB_XP_well, I just mean I find it helpful to look at init scripts when they go wrong ...11:38
viladumpdir="/var/crash" in /etc/default/rc.conf :-/11:38
fullermdThere's a minfree file in that dir that savecore(8) checks and won't write if it would leave less than that much free.  But the default is like 2 megs, and surely you're not THAT close to the line.11:39
SamB_XP_vila: how about adding a line to the /etc/rc.d/savecore to display the mounts at that time to make sure fullermd was right about the filesystems being mounted?11:39
fullermdWell, let's back up; is savecore(8) actually what's giving you the error?  It should be in your `dmesg -a` if not scrollback.11:40
vilafullermd: ETOOOLD11:40
SamB_XP_vila: say what ?11:41
fullermdThey are.  It requires syslogd, which requires filesystems.  And if it didn't, it would have been seen _ages_ ago, since nobody would be able to get at their crashdumps.11:41
SamB_XP_oh, TOO OLD11:41
SamB_XP_fullermd: okay, okay11:41
vilathe last boots were clean, the last crash was yesterday when I tried the controller change11:41
SamB_XP_don't boot logs get saved somewhere ?11:42
fullermdYeah, it'll probably be in the messages file.11:42
vilaI have a dmesg.yesterday11:42
fullermdActually, retract that, it's probably not...11:42
SamB_XP_fullermd: why's that ?11:42
vilait mention 6 python pid core dumped at the end of the file and nothing more11:43
fullermdBecause the rc messages don't end up in syslog.11:44
SamB_XP_fullermd: nowhere ?11:44
SamB_XP_is that configurable?11:44
NET||abusehey guys.. i have a branch on my machine, i'm pushing it up to an empty repo up on my web server outside of webroot. I then want to update the local WT on the web server and use that as a source to copy some of the subdirs in the WT out to operating locations in the web server,11:44
vilapids: 1548 1549 1807 1808 1965 1966, so may be in several waves11:44
fullermdThey end up in the /dev/console output that dmesg -a holds, but that's not dumped anywhere by default TTBOMK.11:44
NET||abusecan i copy directly from the WT without bringing bzr cruft along for the ride?11:44
vilaNET||abuse: bzr export ?11:45
fullermdvila: I always seem to have a .core left from something after a selftest run.11:45
NET||abusei would consider it bad practice to allow bzr or svn hidden dirs to be published to the live website along with the code files.11:45
vilafullermd: ps.core ?11:45
SamB_XP_yeah, was about to say I thought there was a "bzr export" ...11:45
NET||abusevila, so export to a location adjacent to the WT, then copy from the export to the operational locations on the webserver?11:45
fullermdNo, python.core.11:45
SamB_XP_NET||abuse: well, working trees aren't usually updated on push anyway ;-)11:45
vilaNET||abuse: you can also have a look at lp:bzr-upload11:45
NET||abusevila, bzr-upload doesn't allow for sub tree nodes to be pushed up seperately.11:46
SamB_XP_NET||abuse: you can't symlink to the desired parts of the exported tree?11:46
vilafullermd: wow, yeah, found one, but it's named python.core and in the right dir (at least the expected one11:47
vilaNET||abuse: ha, right, well, bzr export neither I think11:47
NET||abuseSamB_XP_, hmm, symlinking eh....11:47
SamB_XP_hmm, is there a way to refer to the parent branch of the parent branch of the branch I'm on?11:47
NET||abuseSamB_XP_, haha, why?11:48
SamB_XP_also ... I couldn't find any docs for e.g. :push or :parent when I tried ...11:48
SamB_XP_I expect this is mostly because google is not very helpful on such queries ...11:48
SamB_XP_NET||abuse: oh, I just want to check an SVN branch for new revisions11:49
SamB_XP_and it happens that I'm in a bzr branch of a pull of that SVN branch11:49
fullermdNo, it's more likely because they're not documented anywhere...11:49
SamB_XP_fullermd: well, okay, that would also do it11:49
SamB_XP_I was expecting something in urlspec11:50
SamB_XP_which is awfully hard to find11:50
SamB_XP_you have to remember "no hyphen, no plural, spec not specification"11:51
vilaSamB_XP_: Don't file a bug about that  ? I saw one yesterday just about that11:51
SamB_XP_vila: about which?11:51
vila:<aliases> documentation missing11:51
SamB_XP_I filed a bug about a need for "apropos", as well11:52
SamB_XP_does that spelling plugin help with the spelling of help topic names?11:52
vilaNET||abuse: So, to come back to your initial question, you can copy from a working tree and since there is only one /bzr directory at the top you should never copy bzr data11:53
NET||abuseahhh, that's it the, you can copy out of the WT as long as you don't copy the .bzr dir at the root.11:54
vilaNET||abuse: keep in mind though that if you always override you may miss deleted files11:54
NET||abusehmm, that's a point.11:54
NET||abusewell.,,, i can wipe the webroot and application dirs just before re-copying the WT versions over.11:56
NET||abusejust don't delete the mysql store or log dirs11:57
vilaNET||abuse: sure11:57
NET||abuseand tmp uploads.....11:57
NET||abusedamn, theres upload in webroot.11:57
NET||abusehmm, could i use a relative symlink to a dir below webroot for uploaded images, and have that symlink tracked in bzr?11:57
NET||abusethereby have the webroot deleted without following symlinks, and the symlink is just recopied in from WT relatively?11:58
NET||abuse.. hehe11:58
NET||abusehacky hacky..11:58
NET||abusei still have a jquery tabs problem..11:58
NET||abusecontent isn't showing up on last tab for safari and chrome,,,11:59
NET||abusehmm, bzr uploads on push to remote are slow..... 56KB/s  taken a while for 24MB.12:00
bialixbonjour vila12:08
vilahi bialix12:08
bialixwebdav plugin is yours?12:08
bialixone man complain (to me) it does not wrk with bzr 2.012:09
* SamB_XP_ wishes bzr knew enough to help out zsh with it's completion of arguments12:09
bialixversion check said that bzr >= 1.12 required12:09
* SamB_XP_ wishes zsh would bother to ask bzr about flags, too12:09
bialixvila ^12:09
vilathere were a glitch (fixed on trunk) in the version checking12:10
bialixok, glad to know12:10
SamB_XP_there are often glitches like that that show up when a major version gets bumped ;-)12:10
vilatimestamp: Tue 2009-08-11 18:29:12 +020012:11
vila  Fix version checking for bzr-2.0.12:11
bialixoh, ok12:11
vilabialix: it may well be that the fix didn't find its way into packaged versions though...12:11
bialixI suspect so12:12
vilawhat os was your man using ?12:12
SamB_XP_hmm ... bzr missing --theirs-only seems to give the wrong message when nothing was missing12:12
SamB_XP_since it's the local branch that would be missing stuff12:12
SamB_XP_but it says "Other branch is up to date."12:13
vilaSamB_XP_: sounds correct to me: *they* miss nothing from me12:13
bialixvila: I'm not sure, some Linux distro, maybe Ubuntu or Gentoo. I need to ask12:13
vilabialix: ok, that would explain it12:14
Peng_What does "bzr missing --mine-only" say?12:15
SamB_XP_vila: but they are missing tons from me!12:19
vilayou used --theirs-only that means you're not interested by what they miss from you12:20
vilayou want --mine-only12:21
Peng_I like hg's terms, "incoming" and "outgoing". I can never keep bzr's straight.12:26
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Peng_I finally added aliases for them. I don't think I've ever used them, though, heh.12:26
fullermdReally?  Odd.  --mine and --theirs always seemed obvious to me.12:27
Peng_I might've learned hg's first.12:27
Peng_fullermd: Hmm, you're right. I just get into something like: "Their revisions? Does that mean revisions missing from their end, or their extra revisions, or blwaewryhkfdfklhwa what was I thinking again?"12:28
Peng_If you think about it from the right direction, it's obvious. If not, you can get lost.12:29
vilaOn the other hand, you generally get lost because you got wrong directions.... no ?12:32
* vila really goes for food now12:35
Peng_Hmm, all I have is Cheerios, almonds and a banana.12:36
* Peng_ eyes vila12:36
fullermdI wouldn't, if I were you.  He's really hard to pour over Cheerios.12:39
* vila has no idea what Cheerios are, and is gone anyway12:41
Peng_vila: Cheerios are a heart-healthy, toasted whole grain oat breakfast cereal, made by the American General Mills company.12:42
GaryvdMHi - I have a branch that checkouts fine on my computer, but when I try do a checkout on my clients computer, it allways has stuff left in limbo dirs.12:42
fullermdAlso one of the few cereals robust enough to be able to handle the mornings when you're out of milk and have to pour beer on it instead.12:43
Peng_Peng_ eats cereal dry. And usually out of the box. Cough.12:43
fullermdWell, out of the box works too.  But that takes more beer   ;)12:44
GaryvdMHere is a pastebin of the .bzr.log:  http://pastebin.org/3255712:44
Peng_fullermd: Oh, god, that'd be awful. Hahaha.12:45
Peng_Although pouring milk into the box would be even worse.12:46
GaryvdMbzr check says the branch is fine.12:46
Peng_GaryvdM: Maybe it's a case-sensitivity issue?12:47
bialixhi GaryvdM12:47
GaryvdMHi bialix12:48
GaryvdMPeng_: ok let me look at qbroswe.12:48
bialixGaryvdM: well, something wrong, but you should get error earlier12:49
bialixabentley is ,aster of limbo12:49
bialixabentley is master of limbo12:49
bialixdoes working tree is created 100%?12:50
bialixperhaps this is error masking in finally block somewhere?12:51
bialixI suppose it's a bzr.exe 2.0?12:51
bialixGaryvdM: ok, looking at the code I see the error raised in finally block. So most likely there is either case-sensitivy clash or inability to create symlinks12:53
bialixGarycdM: will you have a chance to update PPA at weekend?12:54
bialixGaryvdM: and I think you need to file a bug. It smells like regression12:54
GaryvdMbialix: I'l try - I have quite a busy weekend though.12:55
bialixif not -- I won't wait then and make announce12:56
GaryvdMHuh - It worked now, and all I have done in the mean time was to clear .bzr.log...12:57
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bialixsounds like a racing condition12:59
=== beddi is now known as eLBati
vilajam: ping14:36
jammorning vi14:54
vilahello emacs14:55
jamand how does this fine morning/afternoon find you, vila?14:56
vilagood, wondering about has_changes() again because I'm fixing bug #438158 just because I thought it was a good way to do that14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438158 in bzr "dpush should behave identically to push" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43815814:56
vilaand I found a case where we don't want to unconditionally check the pending merges but still use has_changes14:57
vilawe use it in merge.py two times, and I'm running the test suite to see, but my feeling is that we shouldn't mess with pending merges there14:58
jamvila: so I would think we would want a helper that helps the 90% cases first, and let the 10% of cases that need customization do it on their own14:59
jamor add a flag14:59
vilajam: 4 failures14:59
jamif it really matters14:59
jamvila: could be the tests fault :)14:59
vilahehe, no way there, see:http://paste.ubuntu.com/283860/15:00
vilaI can add a has_commitable_changes() instead and use that in commands, leaving has_changes with a mandatory tree parameter and leaving merge case alone15:01
vilajam: will that suit you ?15:02
jamvila: +        if from_tree is None: +            if len(self.get_parent_ids()) > 1: +                return True +            from_tree = self.basis_tree()15:04
jamsorry about the formatting15:04
jamline 59 of your proposal15:04
jamyou don't handle the case where from_tree is None *and* there are no parents15:04
viladone twice ? Don't wory15:04
jamthis is the initial commit case15:04
jamand the basis_tree should be the null tree then15:04
jamhm... maybe not15:05
jamI might have read it wrong15:05
jamvila: yeah, I misread the 'if /return' line15:05
jamhowever, I'd like to see the failing tests15:05
jamto understand what is going on with merge15:06
vilaok, not pretty anyway it was for a quick and dirty tests15:06
vilado you see the call sites in merge ? That's what matter  I think, it's not relevant there if there are pending merges or not, we could be running under --force anyway15:07
jamvila: if we are running under --force, then we shouldn't be checking has_changes()15:09
jambut let me look15:09
vilaoh, good point :)15:09
vilaerr, no, not at all, different has_changes() usage15:09
jamso, line 292 is clearly this_tree vs its basis_tree15:10
vilabut pending merges are irrelevant15:11
jamthough there is something funny about the compariosn15:11
jamif this_tree has pending merges then it != basis15:11
jamthat code path looks like an optimization15:12
jamwhere it wants to see if it can grab stuff directly from the working tree15:12
jamrather than having to read the basis tree15:12
jam(for example the 'file_revisions()' function)15:12
vilayet, the 4 failures are from it15:13
jamhowever, I can't find any code that actually *calls* file_revisions() in the bzrlib code base15:14
jam$ grep -rnI "\<file_revisions\>" bzrlib/15:14
jamgives some 'version-info'  tests, which has a similar attribute15:14
jamso how is it causing the failures?15:14
jamas I don't 1) see it tested, 2) see any other code calling it15:15
jamsimilarly, 'ensure_revision_trees' is only called by file_revisions() and I don't see it anywhere else15:15
vilameh 5 errors but selftest reports 4 8-/15:15
jamall of those are in 'check_basis'15:16
jamI think you should check with Aaron what the point of "file_revisions" is, as it should be slated for deprecation15:17
jamif nothing calls it, and it is completely untested15:17
jamthat is code worth cutting15:17
jamabentley: ping15:17
vilacheck_basis *is* called15:17
jamvila: sure, but of the call sites15:17
jamit is clear that one of them doesn't matter *at all*15:17
jamand as for 'check_basis' *that* function certainly says to me that it *should have* been checking for pending merges15:18
jamconsidering that IIRC that used to be the choke point for 'bzr merge --no-force'15:18
jamvila: so "test_uncommit. test_uncommit_octopus_merge"15:19
jamis doing:15:19
jam        wt.merge_from_branch(tree2.branch)15:19
jam        wt.merge_from_branch(tree3.branch)15:19
jamand was allowed to do so15:19
jambut shouldn't15:19
jamthe second should require 'force'15:19
jamso that is 1 test bogus15:19
vilathat change will never land....15:20
vilaat least I can't make it part of fixing bug #43815815:20
jamalso does the same action15:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438158 in bzr "dpush should behave identically to push" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43815815:20
jamand shouldn't15:20
jamsame for test_multiple_pending15:21
jamand test_multiple_pending_verbose15:21
jamand test_uncommit_octopus_merge is repeated15:21
vilawrong copy/paste15:22
jamvila: IIRC wt.merge_from_branch is a test helper, and isn't used in 'production' code.15:22
jamit needs a 'check_clean = False' to allow these octopus merges15:22
jambut since it was supposedly check_clean=True15:22
jamit shows that check_clean wasn't doing what we thought it did15:22
jamwhich is... prevent from merging when there is pending uncommitted state15:22
abentleyjam: pong-ish15:23
jamwe just happened to rely on that behavior in a couple places in the test suite15:23
jamabentley: We're trying to find the point of Merger.file_revisions()15:23
jamit isn't called within bzrlib code anywhere15:23
jamnot even by the test suite15:23
jamAre you using it externally somehow?15:23
abentleyjam: I don't think I am using it externally.15:24
abentleyjam: looks like it was added to support weave merge.15:25
vilaabentley: and ensure_revision_trees() ?15:25
abentleyvila: Same commit, actually.15:26
vilaabentley: yeah, sorry, fired qblame just after typing my question:-/15:26
abentleyvila: Intitially, we couldn't do weave merge on working trees-- it was an all-repository operation.  So we needed to ensure that the working tree was equivalent to a revision tree and then use the revision tree.15:27
jamvila: so as I said in the beginning... :) all of your test failures are because of broken tests15:42
vilajam: right, I'm finishing my submission and will file a new bug for that15:42
vilalol, good one...15:43
vilaERROR: per_intertree.test_compare.TestIterChanges.test_file_becomes_unversionable_bug_438569(InterDirStateTree(C))15:43
vilaException: unknown kind fifo15:43
vilaooooh I merged trunk and didn't run make....15:43
vilahurrah, we found a new way to catch people that don't recompile their extensions :D15:44
vilaToo bad, it requires running the full test suite...15:44
vilabeuno: if you're responsible for adding the small reminder of project >> bugs >> bugs # on all lp pages, be blessed ;-)15:45
beunovila, I am  :)15:46
beunoI have a version 2 in the pipeline that will make it even better15:46
vilabeuno: smack on both cheeks :-P15:46
vilabeuno: I use that multiple times every day15:49
vilaon the other hand, it seems we lost the bug history link...15:49
eLBati# bzr push15:50
eLBatiUsing saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp-community/openobject-doc/doc/15:50
eLBatibzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.15:50
eLBati# bzr merge15:50
eLBatiMerging from remembered parent location /home/ubuntu/workspace/openerp/doc/openobject-doc15:50
eLBatiNothing to do.15:50
beunovila, I'm very glad to year that15:50
eLBatinow ? :P15:50
beunoas for bug history, it will come back, interleaved with the comments, like the rest15:50
vilabeuno: ha, I thought so more or less but it wasn't clear15:51
vilaeLBati: so what ? you don't merge from the same branch you're trying to push to it seems15:51
jameLBati: you are using different locations15:51
jamdang, vila beat me by 1 s15:52
jameLBati: try 'bzr merge :push'15:52
beunovila, file bugs for the specific items you want so they get prioritized15:52
vilajam: and with a longer sentence yeahhhhhhhh15:52
eLBatiyesterday I pushed15:52
vilabeuno: ok, I don't remember the specifics, I had a vague strange feeling and fullermd spotted the missing link15:53
vilaeLBati: most probably you use a local mirror which was uptodate yesterday15:53
beunovila, don't think about a missing link, think about missing data you need. File a bug for it, and I will make that information available to you15:53
vilabeuno: sure, I understand, just giving you context of the original remarks15:54
vilabeuno: by the way, any news for UDS15:55
beunovila, I forgot, will ask now, one sec15:55
beunovila, lets do it15:56
beunoedit the wiki15:56
vilabeuno: done15:57
eLBatijam, what's the meaning of merge :push?15:57
beunovila, awesome15:58
jameLBati: merge from the location that I push to15:58
vilabeuno: finally we may find some time to discuss a bit :D15:58
beunovila, I will have my copy of bzr-uplaod up to date16:00
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
vilajam: just checking, it's ok to remove methods deprecated in 1.13 when targeting 2.1b1 right ?17:03
jamvila: from the discussion with poolie, it is okay to remove anything that is marked deprecated in 2.0* in the 2.1* branch17:04
jamput another way17:04
jamyou can remove anything from trunk which is marked deprecated in stable17:04
jamdouble check HACKING.txt, but that was my understanding17:04
jamas the 6-months stability is given by the stable branch17:04
vilamakes sense17:05
jamI *think* that means we can land a 'deprecation' for 2.0.1, and just delete it from trunk17:05
jambut that may be a bit too hasty17:05
jambut certainly anything deprecated in 2.0.0 can go17:05
vilaindeed, but 1.13 if far older17:05
jamand poolie has been doing that very thing :)17:05
vilaAnd are such modifications considered trivial ?17:08
vilajam: ^17:08
jamvila: I would probably put it up for review, at a minimum put it up for post-merge review17:10
jambut I do that for most trivial things17:10
jamI may submit it, but I still send it in so people know about it17:10
macflagif contributor ("C") has a separate copy of a central repo (which doesn't use bazaar yet, it has no versioning yet) and modifies and uploads the repo (without using bazaar) *after* the central repo started to use bazaar (and then suffered some changes itself), does bazaar know how to distinguish between differences caused by C contribution and differences caused by C'S original repo "not being up-to-date anymore"?17:11
vilapost-merge review ? You mean you send the diff to the ML ?17:11
vilaDO yo umean I should stop merging my trivial test cleanups ?17:11
macflagvila: are you talking to me?17:12
jammacflag: talking to me17:12
jamvila: If it is trivial enough to just merge, I would send a merge proposal, and then submit it to pqm without waiting17:13
vilawow, I never noticed you did that...17:13
jamI would use an mp, because that is the standard "review area"17:13
jamvila: I did it with bundle buggy17:13
jamI haven't had a trivial merge since we switched over17:13
jamvila: I generally marked it as (trivial) in the subject line, to make it clear I was landing this.17:14
jamI realize I can do post-merge reviews via bazaar-commits, but I prefer to keep things where people expect them.17:14
vilajam: Yeah, I *always* add (trivial) when I send them to pqm17:15
jammacflag: I'm not sure that I fully understand your set up.17:15
jamWith "copy of a central repo with no versioning"17:15
jamI think 'repo' is confusing here, because you don't have a repository if you have no version control17:15
jamLet me see if I can rephrase what you asked17:15
jamand you tell me if it is correct17:15
macflagjam: there was no bazaar and no versioning before C made a copy17:16
jammacflag: If contributor "C" has a copy of my source code, and uploads a copy of that source code to a central location17:16
jamwhile at the same time, we started to version that central location using bazaar17:16
jamand someone made some changes and pushed them17:17
jamat that point, the central location considers the working copy "out of date" because of the push17:17
macflagyes ...17:17
jambut there are also local modifications to the source code17:17
jambecause of contributor C17:17
jammacflag: at that point, doing "bzr update" in the central location will apply the changes that were pushed17:17
jamand leave the local uncommitted changes around17:18
macflagand contributor C didn't use bazaar17:18
jamso that you can "bzr commit" them if you chose17:18
jamit will also generate appropriate conflicts, etc17:18
jamif the changes from C have issues with the changes that were pushed17:18
jam(so I'm pretty sure the answer you want is 'yes')17:18
der|hi, how do I remove all the conflicting files in a tree ?   clean-tree --detritus is not removing the OTHER and THIS files17:19
macflagjam: will "bzr update" be based on the modification time of the files in the uploaded (unversioned) repository?17:21
jamvila: you have 2 spaces in the NEWS entry17:26
jam+  (Vincent Ladeuil,  #438158)17:26
jammacflag: bzr update will bring the lastest changes that were pushed into the working tree17:27
jamregardless the stat values of any file17:27
vilaI don't believe for one second that you found that with your eyes only 8-)17:27
jamvila: I saw it looked wrong, and then highlighted it to make sure17:28
jamI use fixed-width fonts in my email17:28
jamso it is pretty obvious17:28
jamI'm surprised it wasn't obvious for you in emacs17:28
vilaoh it is now that you mention it...17:28
=== Noldorin__ is now known as Noldorin
macflagjam: what i mean is some files in C's uploaded copy will be different because they are not up-to-date, while others will look different because they are C's contribution. will bazaar be smart enough not to show me diffs/conflicts due to the former reason?17:30
jammacflag: we don't know the basis for C's changes17:31
jamso if a given file said "foo" in C's original copy, and then  was updated in the central location to say "bar" by another users17:31
jamwhen C uploads his copy, it will look like a normal change reverting back to "foo"17:32
jamand 'bzr update' won't touch the file17:32
jamyou can use things like "bzr status -r -5" to see the difference between the working tree and an older version of the tree17:32
macflagyeah, that makes sense17:32
jambut you pretty much have to "guess" to figure out what the basis of C's changes were17:32
jamif you can guess that well17:32
jamthen your resolution probably becomes easier17:32
macflagjam: what if C also happens to possess and upload the basis (the original copy of the source). would this help?17:34
jammacflag: so if C posses the basis, what I would do is17:34
jamcd $central_reop17:34
jamcd $central_repo17:34
jambzr up17:34
jambzr revert # get rid of all of C's changed17:34
jamcd C; diff -u C-basis C-current > a.patch17:35
jamcd $central_repo17:35
jambzr patch a.patch17:35
jammacflag: in other words, throw away all of C's changes on the central repo, and get him to give you a diff instead17:35
jamthere are other possibilities17:36
jambut that is going to be the easiest on "macflag" :)17:36
jamif you know the approximate date of the modifications17:37
jamyou could do some checking of 'bzr log' to see what an expected basis is17:37
jamand then do some of the 'create a diff' work yourself17:38
=== Noldorin__ is now known as Noldorin
macflagi think your first solution is the safest17:39
macflagor does it have some disadvantages that you think i may not see? i'm new to versioning stuff.17:39
jammacflag: #1 problem is that it depends on user C to do the right thing17:40
jamand C is *not* using version control17:40
jamis it likely/unlikely that the basis for C was versioned?17:40
macflagjam: isn't keeping the basis saved and uploading it together with the current version "the right thing"?17:41
jammacflag: so "keeping the basis saved" is something you have to trust that user C did17:41
jammany people wouldn't17:41
jamthis user might have17:41
macflagunlikely, but the basis is certainly one of the previous versions in the bazaar repo17:41
macflagjam: but if they did it, it would be absolutely enough, right?17:42
jammacflag: if the user is ok using bazaar, I would tell them to do:17:42
jambzr branch -r BASIS_REV $central_repo local17:42
jamcd local17:42
jamcp -ar ../C-current .17:42
jambzr st17:42
jambzr commit -m "Turn my changes in to a bzr revision"17:42
jamand then give that to you17:42
jampossibly via17:42
jambzr send -o ../my-changes.patch $central-repo17:42
jammacflag: if you take the difference from a known basis to the current version, that is "enough information".17:43
macflagjam: what if they simply upload the repo?17:43
jammacflag: that is fine, too17:43
macflagso it seems bazaar is pretty powerful17:43
jammacflag: we try :)17:47
macflagis "bzr branch" necessary when using totally independent/isolated repositories?17:48
jammacflag: versus what other command would you use?17:48
jamanyway, i'll be back in 30 min or so, time to get food17:48
macflagjam: well, versus simply copying the repo :)17:49
james_whi verterok17:54
verterokjames_w: hi17:54
verterokany mac user willing to test the shiny (and expmperimental) bzr.app standalone bundle?17:55
verterok*experimental too17:56
arkanesverterok: sure18:23
arkanesverterok: do I need to do blow away my working bzr first?18:23
macflagi want to create independent branches which are totally "amnesic" (except for what it's basis-version was, of course!). does what i'm saying make sense (as i said, i'm new to this stuff)? and is it possible?18:27
macflagand its=their* :)18:28
jammacflag: generally no. Though you can do stuff like "bzr log -r ancestor:trunk..-1"18:37
macflagjam: generally no, "it doesn't make sense" or "it isn't possible"? :)18:39
jammacflag: a branch is a pointer to a complete history of revisions, it is not a 'set' of revisions outside of that18:40
jamso while you can do stuff to compare two branches and see what is different18:40
jamall branches will point to their full history18:40
jamnote that if you are using merging, the 'common basis' changes over time18:40
jamand you can have N branches and ask each one what is common versus the other18:40
idnaris there an easy way to figure out (programmatically) if a pull command pulled any revisions or not?18:41
idnarI suppose I could add some kind of hook, but that seems like more effort than it's worth18:41
macflagjam: then i guess i want something like a "snapshot" that only knows what version it is based on, right?18:43
jammacflag: well, you could just never commit....18:46
jamnot very useful18:46
jamidnar: 'pull -v' ?18:46
Methsidnar: Can't you parse the output for "No revisions to pull"?18:46
jamcheck the return code? (That may not give info, I'm not clear on pull's retcodes)18:46
Methsyou have to watch bzr's output though as some info goes to stderr rather than stdout18:47
jammacflag: what is the *advantage* of only knowing the original version?18:48
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jamyou might like something like "bzr branch --stacked" but it really depends on what you are trying to get out of the system18:49
macflagjam: here's my use case: once in a while i want to email a "minimal" version of my repo to a friend that helps me with some correction and patching, and by "minimal" i mean i want my friend to know as little as possible (nothing, if possible) about the previous versions of my code (but the repo includes the full current version). then my friend will email it back to me and that will be "readopted" by my bzr.18:51
MethsJust use tar then18:52
jammacflag: bzr co --lightweight repo working_tree; tar cvjf working_tree.tar.bz2 working_tree18:52
macflagMeths: not including the versioning info?18:52
jammacflag: that will give you a working tree with pointers about what version it was at18:53
macflagjam: oh, so --lightweight does just that?18:53
Methsmacflag: yeah, just leave out .bzr - looks like jam has a complete solution though18:53
macflagjam: and that's totally usable in my friend's bazaar and then totally remergeable in mine?18:53
jammacflag: the bit of confusion is that it isn't really a branch or a repository (by our terminology)18:53
jammacflag: well, he can't commit in it, because it will point to a branch he doesn't have18:53
jambut if you just want him to do his work...18:54
jamincluding 'bzr commit'18:54
jamthen we need to think a bit more.18:54
macflagjam: but then how do i receive his changes?18:54
jammacflag: he tarballs it up and sends it back to you18:54
jamthat is the 0-history model18:54
jamwe are working on an idea called 'shallow branches' which would have some history but not much. (say 1 revision worth)18:55
jambut that hasn't been implemented yet18:55
macflagjam: i see, but will he be able to do his own versioning, totally mergeable into mine?18:55
jammacflag: generally he won't do versioning18:55
jambut when he sends it back to you, you can "bzr commit -m "his stuff" and merge that18:55
macflagjam: i see. that sounds good enough.18:55
macflagjam: um, actually it sounds perfect. or am i missing something?18:56
jammacflag: just if he wants to be able to "Bzr commit"18:56
jamotherwise a lightweight checkout is just what you want18:56
jamsince you said "I want him to have 0 history" that seems to fit18:56
macflagjam: why would he want to be able to commit?18:56
macflagjam: yes, this is what i want18:56
jammacflag: to do his "own versioning"18:57
macflagjam: oh, well, i meant apart from that :)18:57
jammacflag: (I don't develop without a VCS anymore, myself)18:57
jamsort of like using an editor without an undo button18:57
macflagi know what you mean :)18:57
macflagdoes bzr use meld by default?18:58
jamI don't believe so18:59
LarstiQpfft, undo!18:59
jambut I think we have built-in support for it18:59
jambzr diff --using meld18:59
jamI think works18:59
LarstiQincluding undo in Blender was the biggest mistake in it's development! *cough*18:59
macflagwhat does it use by default instead?18:59
jammacflag: to do what?19:00
macflagLarstiQ: are there any people that hate undo?19:00
macflagjam: dif19:00
macflagjam: diff19:00
jammacflag: 'bzr diff' just does an internal diff algorithm that compares lines and shows you the changes as a "unified diff"19:00
jamthere is also "bzr qdiff" which makes that pretty for display19:00
jamin a GUI19:00
LarstiQmacflag: hmm, not that strong I think. But the argument is that artists who know how to work without undo are better in some respects.19:01
macflagi guess meld is preferable19:01
LarstiQmacflag: thinking more of what their desired outcome is19:01
LarstiQmacflag: knowing the tool better19:01
macflagLarstiQ: maybe19:01
LarstiQmacflag: talking specifically about Blender here19:01
LarstiQI myself am glad the undo is there :)19:02
macflagi don't see how any of these reasons can be blender-specific.19:02
LarstiQthey're not, but for a very long time Blender did have an undo feature19:04
LarstiQdid _not_19:04
LarstiQand some people complained about that, and others didn't need it19:04
LarstiQafter spending enough time with blender that they could work without19:05
jamLarstiQ: have you ever read Penny Arcade (comic strip)?19:05
jamhe occasionally posts videos of him doing the drawings19:05
jamgenerally with a Wacom Tablet19:05
macflagundo is easy *not* to use, so now blender is ok for everybody19:05
jampretty amazing (for me) to watch19:05
LarstiQjam: not followed, but on occassion19:05
jamand he uses undo fairly often19:05
jamPainters generally use pencil and then ink/paint over that19:06
LarstiQmacflag: that's not strictly true about crutches19:06
LarstiQjam: right19:06
LarstiQjam: yeah, it certainly is a liberating feature over analog19:06
jamI would guess that a Wacom tablet is almost enough to ease the rest of the transition19:07
jamsince you get some pressure sensitivity, etc.19:07
jamcertainly keyboard + mouse is awful for painting :)19:07
jamand a lot of online cartoonists still work in pencil, then scan and ink using photoshop19:08
LarstiQtablet is way nicer, but even without people can be amazing19:08
LarstiQjam: right19:08
macflagLarstiQ: what are "crutches"?19:11
jammacflag: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crutch19:11
macflagjam: in blender :)19:11
jammacflag: undo is a crutch19:11
jamyou don't *need* it19:11
macflagoh :)19:11
jammacflag: arguably a VCS is a crutch19:12
jamyou can do everything it does without it19:12
jamyou just have to be very careful in what you do19:12
LarstiQwether something is a crutch depends on how heavily you lean on it, or could do the same without19:12
jamI personally view it as more of a jet-pack :)19:12
LarstiQhehe :)19:13
* LarstiQ is with jam on that one19:13
macflagthen i was misunderstood, by "undo is easy *not* to use, so the new blender is ok for everybody" i meant "nobody can be forced to use it, so the anti-undoers have no reason to be discontent with its addition"19:13
flutherbenHa all. Anyone know how can I set up a smart server that restricts access? I'm trying to use bzr --serve19:13
LarstiQmacflag: I don't agree with that, but nevermind. I think having undo is a good idea, and some of the best blender artists I know use it.19:14
macflagLarstiQ: i think having undo is a very good idea, too. i was just saying that nobody can be upset with its presence: if they don't want to use it, they are free to ignore it.19:15
jamflutherben: 'bzr serve' has no access control built in. We recommend using either 'bzr+ssh' or 'bzr+http' and doing the access control in the ssh/http layers19:15
jammacflag: artists are often not as rational as programmers19:15
jamat least the argument LarstiQ brought up earlier was that undo allows people to do 'good enough' work, without learning enough to do *better* work19:16
flutherbenjam: how does performance compare with bzr+http? (I'm trying to setup a server so my other hosts can download during a deploy and not need a password)19:16
macflagjam: yeah. i guess keeping themselves in good shape and spontaneous (and probably improvisational) is an important consideration/value for them.19:17
jamflutherben: so you want auth with no password?19:17
jambzr:// should be approximately the same as bzr+http:// == ~ bzr+ssh://19:17
jamthe main issues with bzr+ssh is the ssh handshake overhead19:17
jamand possibly the encryption overhead19:18
flutherbenjam: yeah... :) previously we were using apache2 to check domains as access19:18
jamdepending on your cpu overhead, etc.19:18
macflagjam: or rather "forcing themselves to stick to an "irreversibilistic" approach ..."19:18
jamin the end19:18
jamit should be a small handful of round-trips and a lot of bulk data transfer19:18
jamwhich is pretty independent between bzr:// and bzr+http://19:18
flutherbenyeah, we were just using http before with apache, and I want to try a smart server19:18
flutherbenbut I'm having trouble finding a lot of explaination19:19
jammacflag: there is a saying I've heard in theater. Movies make you money, TV makes you popular, and Theater makes you good... :)19:19
jamflutherben: bzr+http:// should generally perform significantly better than http://19:19
flutherbenI suppose the other method would be to use bzr+ssh, and add all my servers to the auth_keys, but that is less appealing19:19
jamprimarily because of the "number of requests" aspect19:19
macflagLarstiQ: can you agree to what i said?19:20
flutherbenjam: great, thanks. Let me see if I can find out more about how to set it up19:20
LarstiQmacflag: no :) I get your stance that individuals can decide not to use it for themselves and that others can make a choice to use it without directly impacting the non-using ones.19:20
LarstiQmacflag: but if you care about how the rest of your community develops, it's not just about wether you yourself use it or not19:21
jamflutherben: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/http_smart_server.html19:21
LarstiQmacflag: it's a bit more of a hardliner than an all-inclusive lookout19:21
jammight be a little out of date19:22
macflagLarstiQ: that's why i was implying that adding undo would benefit both categories, thus being the more rational choice19:22
flutherbenjam: thanks... looks like I might try mod_wsgi19:23
LarstiQmacflag: undo would be detriment to ensuring everyone is trained to not use it19:23
LarstiQmacflag: but this discussion is all very abstract and moot19:23
macflagLarstiQ: that's a little too picky, i think19:23
jamflutherben: that would be the general recommendation19:23
macflagLarstiQ: do you use bazaar with blender?19:24
LarstiQmacflag: mu?19:24
flutherbenjam: oops.. the mod_wsgi link in broken19:24
LarstiQmacflag: I don't use blender19:24
LarstiQmacflag: way way back I did some work on the blender code, back then the project was in cvs19:25
LarstiQmacflag: more recent, I have done sysadmin work for the Blender foundation19:25
jamflutherben: perhaps this is the right one? http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/19:25
macflagi see19:25
flutherbenjam: yeah, I'll try that19:25
LarstiQmacflag: the introduction of 'undo' was from somewhere begin of the opensource period iirc19:25
jamflutherben: I know there are some people using bzr+http, but it has been quite a while since I tried19:26
jamif you get any tips/tricks I'm sure we'd be happy to get updates to the docs19:26
macflagLarstiQ: what did you mean by "mu"?19:26
flutherbenjam: okay... I'll let you know19:26
LarstiQmacflag: so is your question wether people use bazaar to version .blends, or use bazaar for the Blender project versioning?19:26
LarstiQmacflag: "I can't anser your question because it is the wrong question"19:27
macflagLarstiQ: to version .blends19:27
LarstiQmacflag: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(negative)19:27
LarstiQmacflag: I know people who version .blends with bazaar, and I would too19:27
macflagLarstiQ: i'm interested in versioning databases too, i know it's difficult19:28
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LarstiQmacflag: any specifics on that? Things like VisTrails?19:31
jamflutherben: there is also this open bug #34830819:32
jamwhich has a workaround in the bug posting19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348308 in bzr "Smart server jail breaks bzr+http with shared repos" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34830819:32
jambut seems to need an actual fix in bzr19:32
macflagLarstiQ: can i use vistrails with bazaar?19:33
LarstiQmacflag: they don't interact meaningful right now19:34
LarstiQmacflag: VisTrails keeps track of it's own versioning information, and stores that in an rdbms or in an xml file (zipped or not)19:34
flutherbenjam: hrm. I pretty sure we use a shared repo, which makes me think this won't work19:35
jamflutherben: as mentioned, you can add some stuff in your wsgi file to make it work19:35
jamthough you shouldn't *have* to.19:35
jamwell, in python wsgi adapter you have to configure you can also poke at the jail configuration19:35
flutherbenhmmm, okay, might give that a try...19:36
Vittorjuego de boxeo online http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html19:47
* mneptok blinks20:04
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mereandorhow do I get the diff for the last commit that was made? bzr help revisionspec does not show how to get the current version...20:51
mereandornevermind I worked it out20:58
mereandor-2 not -120:58
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awmcclainHrm. I merged in a branch and forgot to check in the merge -- I made some changes to one of the files and then reverted -- which deleted the file. Is there a way to restore the orignal file from the merge without checking in first?21:40
awmcclainsorry, i only reverted the one file.21:40
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