
dwidmann_Ev0luti0n_: http://openprinting.org00:00
Ev0luti0n_what about that? :P00:01
dwidmann_Ev0luti0n_: you can get info on whether your printer will work or not there00:01
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Ev0luti0n_dwidmann_: thks!00:04
harjothow do i change the icon for a script file00:10
harjotonly 1 script file.00:10
BluesKajbin bash ?00:24
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te_is there a channel for #mint?00:43
te_is there a channel for mint-linux?00:43
BluesKajte_,  try /join #mint in the server textbox00:46
jamesjedimasteror #linuxmint00:47
macohey anyone know how to edit the kickoff icon in kde 4.2?00:48
BluesKajedit how ?00:48
macolouis_ says he's not seeing on his computer what my 4.3 has00:48
macoBluesKaj: choose a new icon00:49
macoin 4.3 i right click -> application launcher settings, but he says that doesnt exist on his system00:49
BluesKajopen widgets , there some listed00:49
ubuntujannehi room00:50
ubuntujanneim a new bie here00:50
ubuntujannefirst time im here00:50
macoopen widgets?00:50
louis_I can send a screencapture of what I c00:50
ubuntujanneanyways its almost 2 o clock and im off to bed soon00:50
macoubuntujanne: welcome to linux :)00:51
ubuntujannemaco thanx...im already starting to enjoy some of the huge number of features.......00:52
ubuntujannehavent been using microsoft windows xp forever it seems00:52
ubuntujanneor at least i think it was a week ago00:53
BluesKaj!welcome | ubuntujanne00:53
ubottuubuntujanne: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:53
chuyzozhello... i was hoping somebody could help me out ...  i had dual boot setup of windows and kubuntu00:53
chuyzozbut about a week ago i messed up my kubuntu00:54
chuyzozi had two working operating systems... and then suddendly i the computer wouldn't even boot00:54
chuyzozwith either of them00:54
chuyzozas an act of despair i installed kubuntu on the whole hard drive00:54
chuyzozi would like to install windows now ....00:54
ubuntujanneBlueskaj..hi and thanx00:54
chuyzozbut .. i've been reading a little bit about this and what would you guys recommend ?...00:55
chuyzozjust install windows and then  kubuntu00:55
macousually its best to install windows before linux00:55
macobecause windows tries to stomp all over the boot loader00:55
chuyzozor try to install windows00:55
nositelicensechuyzoz,  install windows 1st then linux00:55
ubuntujanneubottu...hello and thanx00:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hello and thanx00:55
chuyzozso you guys really recommend that then? ... its much easier to just install windows00:56
chuyzozand then kubuntu over it then00:56
BluesKajubuntujanne,  ubottu is a bot00:56
chuyzozgotcha.. thats what i was thinking00:56
chuyzozjust making sure00:56
ubuntujanneubottu..well its my first time here..so im just greeting people here00:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:56
chuyzozubuntujanne... welcome to linux .. i've been using it for a month now00:56
ubuntujannechuyoz..oh i see..i hope hope youre happy with Linux00:57
ubuntujanneive used severall diffrent versions of Linux00:57
ubuntujannebut seem more at ease with Ubuntu Linux00:58
ubuntujanneUbuntu seem so easy to handle00:58
ubuntujannefar better than microsoft windows in many cases00:58
ubuntujannebut i still use both of them00:59
chuyzozi've had some trouble with it. .. lots of crashes00:59
chuyzozi don't find it  all that stable00:59
chuyzozbut its coming along i guess00:59
ubuntujanneU E was pretty cool...but more unstable than the average Ubuntu Linux01:00
ubuntujanneim using U E 2.3 now01:00
ubuntujannetried the gamer edition 2.4 but that was really shaky01:01
ubuntujanneand soon Ubuntu 9.10 is released...01:03
ubuntujannesame day as the Microsoft windows 701:03
ubuntujanneso im really looking forward to that01:03
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ubuntujanneok im off to a meeting with mister sandman01:04
ubuntujanneya'll take care..01:05
ubuntujannecant keep my eyes open01:05
ubuntujannei will check in again ..next time01:05
avihaybgood night ubuntujanne01:05
fhenning09it has drop down for hot to use grub as a bootloader01:09
=== Guest33446 is now known as RaNdY
`OnyxAnyone know of any .doc to .pdf programs?01:46
Walzmyn`Onyx: you should be able to do that with OpenOffice.org01:47
`OnyxHow Walzmyn?01:47
Walzmynhang on01:47
Walzmyn`Onyx: open file with OOo, go to File--> Export as Pdf01:49
`OnyxThat's incredibly easy. Thanks Walzmyn. I tried googling that and I get led on a wild goose chase -_-01:51
`OnyxAppreciate the help01:51
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Walzmyn`Onyx: no problem.01:51
Walzmyn`Onyx:  for the record, your name is hard to reference with that ` in front of it01:51
Wubuntukde 4.3.1 is very responsive but the theme sucks a little bit01:51
`OnyxHow so Walzmyn?01:52
WalzmynThat's just an odd key to try to tack down and hit "tab" for01:53
`Onyxheh fair enough01:53
`OnyxJust try and remember that it's directly above the tab01:53
WalzmynI remember where it is, it's just not normal to reach up there :)01:54
`OnyxDifferent folks, different key strokes :P01:55
help_mewell, can anyone help me remove this virus?!?!?!.01:57
help_mehello LjL.01:58
help_mesomeone please help me remove this dirty virus01:58
LjL!ops | help_me, bad pic02:00
ubottuhelp_me, bad pic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok or maco !02:00
LjLone will do02:00
macohrm soo to do that properly02:02
macooh wait. drat. web gateway. boo!02:02
LjLmaco: ban adsl-99-60-123-182.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net02:03
LjLthe floodbots will take care of the web gatewayness02:03
maconalioth: does that part stay the same?02:05
maconalioth: that what i was going to do, but i wasnt sure since they quit what # itd be if they reconnected to the server02:05
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
louis_where are icons themes saved to in kubuntu I want to edit my kickoff app starter button02:21
louis_where is the path?02:21
tony__my sister loves it when i do that to her02:44
tony__ffs, wrong window02:44
marco_how is called the "menu" (the one that shows resize, rotate, etc)  that appears when the mouse pointer is placed over a plasma widget?02:45
JontheEchidnamarco_: I think it's technically referred to as the "applet handle"02:49
shadowhywindHi all, when I am trying to add a super karamba theme to plasma, the theme works if i run it under superkaramba, but it doesn't even show up in the list in plasma after i install it02:49
shadowhywindany ideas02:49
marco_JontheEchidna, thanks!, because im reporting an ugly bug releated to the applet handler02:50
marco_what program do you recoomend for a screencast'02:50
JontheEchidnaAbout the only one I've used is recordmydesktop02:51
louis_what chages kicker theme?02:59
jimmy_hi everyone!03:10
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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marcoplasma widget handler bug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlRvJPMHOAg03:22
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:11
kalpcan u make a local area network on wireless?04:17
Benkinoobymy laptop fails the first boot/reboot after using kubuntu. after the failed boot i boot again and it works. with win xp the problem does not appear. any hints?04:31
jm_what do you mean by the first boot ?04:36
jm_it boots, doesn't boot, boot, doesn't boot, and so on ?04:36
mozicodoMyself and another person are having trouble with the network manager in kde. It works fine from gnome but not from kde. If you save the profiles as system wide while in gnome, kde then reads them and connects fine.04:47
jm_i had the same problem mozicodo04:55
jm_if you install Kubuntu directly, you get reverse problem...04:55
mozicodoWhat I ended up doing is installing kubuntu then using the ubuntu live cd to create the network profile files and then copied them over.04:56
=== root is now known as Guest45681
mozicodoDo you know what I can use to get a log of what's happening in kde? I've been using kde for about a week for the first time since debian woody was stable.04:57
mozicodoI know I can run nm-applet from the console but that I'm not sure about kde.04:58
jm_honnestly i'm not too much into networking05:04
jm_just find a good howto set your network on the net and follow it05:05
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=== koh__ is now known as russellalan
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donnybrascohey, can anyone help me rotate my second screen in hh with nvidia 6150?05:22
donnybrascoI don't see a setting in nvidia-settings to do this05:23
=== richard is now known as Guest93898
kuttanskmail is not starting in karmic. when trying to start from console im getting an error message "<unknown program name>(5443)/: Communication problem with  "kmail" , it probably crashed.05:41
kuttansError message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "05:41
kuttans" any help will be appreciated.  I want to get the mails in the inbox folder05:41
RussellAlanCan anyone help with Gparted? It isn't recognizing my media card.05:44
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kuttanshow to run a kde program in debug mode?05:54
kuttansi want to run kmail in debug mode so that i can know what is the error exactly, can anyone help me in that05:54
kalp_i am doing ssh between 2 machines, ssh from A to B is possible but B to A says 'connection refused'05:56
navetzhow do you set your system up so things open in the same session of kate everytime?05:57
kalp_i am doing ssh between 2 machines, ssh from A to B is possible but B to A says 'connection refused', what could be the reason?06:01
navetzkalp_: does A have ssh installed?06:01
navetzssh server06:01
kalp_navetz: yes06:01
navetzhum dunno then sorry06:02
kalp_navetz: if i can run the ssh command then its installed right?06:02
lizzzyHi! So, I'm manually configuring my IP. How do I know what's my prefix??06:16
dwidmann_kalp_: no06:16
dwidmann_kalp_: if you can start /etc/init.d/ssh it is though06:16
dwidmann_kalp_: (ssh is only the client)06:17
dwidmann_navetz: well, for the kate command you can use something like "kate -s somesession /path/to/somefile"06:18
dwidmann_RussellAlan: remove it, re-insert it, and run dmesg | tail -5006:20
kalp_dwidmann_: whats the package name to be installed?06:20
dwidmann_kalp_: openssh-server06:20
navetzdwidmann_: hum what kate command is this?06:20
navetzdwidmann_: oh in the mde menu?06:21
dwidmann_navetz: the -s switch lets you pick what session you want to start06:21
navetzdwidmann_: okay i'lll look for this06:21
kalp_aah now its installing06:21
dwidmann_navetz: you could change the menu's kate command if you want it to start with a particular session to read more like that06:21
navetzdwidmann_: humm how do I change the menu commands in kde4?06:22
dwidmann_navetz: the same way you would in kde3, really. Right click the menu icon, select "Menu Editor"06:23
navetzdwidmann_: I dont seem to have that option with this new menu, it only shows add to favrouits06:23
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navetzdwidmann_:  ah theres a menu update tool06:24
dwidmann_navetz: I meant right click on the actual K icon, you can't do things more specifically than that unfortunately06:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »06:24
navetzahh i see thanks06:25
RussellAlandwidmann_:  were you trying to get the info?06:25
dwidmann_RussellAlan: basically, we just need to see if it's being seen at all.06:26
dwidmann_RussellAlan: if Linux detected it, then it'd be logged to dmesg06:26
RussellAlanhmm where can I post these lines?06:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!06:27
navetzdwidmann_: The default session is not a real session. Kate in kde4 does this session stuff really weird.06:29
navetzwhen i save a session as a default one, it doesn't actually give me a session name06:29
burnerhow do I get amarok to play mp3s in karmic?06:29
navetzthen i have kate set to open in current session06:29
navetzbut it does not06:29
dwidmann_navetz: weird indeed, give the session a name and you should be okay then right?06:30
dwidmann_!mp3 | burner06:30
ubottuburner: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:30
dwidmann_RussellAlan: looks like it sees it, but it says the filesystem is invalid06:30
dwidmann_RussellAlan: I think you can access it at /dev/mmcblk1p1 though, if you don't mind trying to do what you need manually06:31
kalp_dwidmann_: thanks06:31
RussellAlani dont mind.06:31
RussellAlanI'm just trying to setup a fat32, ext4 and linux-swap06:32
RussellAlanfor my android phone.06:32
navetzdwidmann_: hum okay its opening the same session, but still in a new window of kate :S06:32
dwidmann_navetz: try giving it the -u switch also06:33
dwidmann_navetz: -u, --use                 Use a already running kate instance (if possible)06:33
navetzdwidmann_: thank you that solved it06:34
navetzdwidmann_: it should be configured that way by default :(06:34
dwidmann_navetz: might be useful to you in the future, but if you want to figure out nifty ways to open things, try pulling up a terminal and running the programs name followed by --help :)06:34
navetzdwidmann_: thanks for the tip )06:35
dwidmann_RussellAlan: all three huh? Hmm, that could be at least part of why it has trouble being picked up by hal06:36
dwidmann_RussellAlan: not sure about that really though, just a theory06:37
RussellAlanwell it was working before.06:37
RussellAlanAll i needed to do was a format.06:37
dwidmann_RussellAlan: anyhow, try running something like "sudo parted /dev/mmcblk1p1"06:37
dwidmann_RussellAlan: or perhaps gparted06:38
RussellAlanokay in parted.06:38
RussellAlanwell see, i was using parted06:38
RussellAlanwhen i opened it this time in gparted06:38
RussellAlansorry gparted* not parted06:38
RussellAlani got "Can't have apartition outside the disk!06:38
dwidmann_RussellAlan: I can see why that might make parted panic :)06:39
RussellAlannot parted, gparted06:39
dwidmann_RussellAlan: I can see why that might make *libparted* panic06:39
RussellAlanand when i have /dev/mmcblk1p1 open in gparted it shows unallocated -512.00 B06:40
dwidmann_RussellAlan: negative? that's cray-zeh06:40
RussellAlanlo, for sure06:40
dwidmann_RussellAlan: try zero filling the first 5MB or so06:41
RussellAlanzero filling?06:41
dwidmann_(kill the partition table and then some)06:41
dwidmann_zero filling is an effective tool of demolition when it comes to digital storage06:41
RussellAlanwell i have a disk-1 disk-2 and disk-3 in my /media folder06:41
RussellAlanim going to take a shot at throwing the rom on disk-106:42
dwidmann_RussellAlan: if you don't have any data that needs to be backed up on it right now, zero filling is a viable option06:42
RussellAlanstep 1?06:43
dwidmann_RussellAlan: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1p1 bs=4096 count=25606:43
RussellAlanno space left on device06:44
RussellAlan1024 bytes (1.0 kB) copied, 0.00041069 s, 2.5 MB/s06:44
dwidmann_Okay, that's weird.06:45
RussellAlanhow can i open a folder in kde via terminal?06:45
RussellAlanwell i setup the partitions with gparted.06:45
RussellAlanthey're there06:45
dwidmann_RussellAlan: dolphin /path/to/file06:45
RussellAlanwow, lots of output06:46
RussellAlanokay here we go06:46
RussellAlanlets pray i dont brick my phone06:47
RussellAlanthis is in Android system recovery.06:49
RussellAlanE: Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0)06:49
RussellAlan(I/O error)06:49
RussellAlanE: Can't mount SDCARD:06:50
dwidmann_RussellAlan: that doesn't sound good06:50
RussellAlandoesnt feel good either06:50
RussellAlanokay, so i need to do a clean format, remove all the filesystems06:51
RussellAlanthen put them on the right way06:51
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dwidmann_RussellAlan: which is basically what zero filling the beginning of the drive would have done ... except zero filling is probably more comprehensive.06:52
RussellAlanheres what they basically want me to do06:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!06:55
RussellAlandwidmann_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/283540/06:55
RussellAlandwidmann_:  still with me bud?06:58
=== J is now known as Guest93948
dwidmann_RussellAlan: try using mmc1 instead of what you were using before, maybe this will work06:58
dwidmann_(and my coffee says "Yes Dustin, you better  be!")06:59
RussellAlanMaybe tis what i need06:59
RussellAlanyeah, no file or directory06:59
dwidmann_RussellAlan: ls /dev/mmc*07:00
RussellAlan/dev/mmcblk2 and mmcblk2p107:00
RussellAlangksudo gparted /dev/mmcblk207:01
RussellAlanInvalid partition table on /dev/mmcblk2 -- wrong signature 0.07:01
RussellAlanalthough, it is the 7.42 unallocated07:01
RussellAlanso its the right card atleast07:01
dwidmann_RussellAlan: hmm, it's an invalid, and dd coudln't do anything to it either :\07:01
RussellAlanwhat exactly are you getting at?07:02
RussellAlancorrupt card?07:02
dwidmann_I'm not sure yet, I just find it really, really odd that dd wouldn'07:02
dwidmann_**wouldn't work07:02
dwidmann_It's as low level as stuff gets07:02
Gamarok__hey guys07:03
RussellAlanwhenever i create new on the unallocated , it says Warning this will erase all data etc, then "Default is to create an msdos partition table07:04
RussellAlanthen gives me the partition table type's07:04
RussellAlandwidmann_: should i do something different then msdos, aix, sun, mac? =D07:05
burneris there a way to make dolphin show previews for videos?  .avi .mp4 .ogv, etc?07:05
RussellAlanokay, setup the tables, now partitioning07:07
* RussellAlan crosses fingers07:07
=== mirco_ is now known as mirco
dwidmann_RussellAlan: you have to use msdos, I t hink07:08
RussellAlanokay now how can i test them?07:09
dwidmann_RussellAlan: well, mount and make a file on each partition, I g uess.07:10
RussellAlanokay so ext4 is disk-307:11
RussellAlanhow can i get a size of the folder?07:11
dwidmann_RussellAlan: ls -lh the folder07:12
RussellAlanhmm, that just shows folder contents07:12
RussellAlanshould i umount before removing the sdcard?07:13
dwidmann_RussellAlan: should show the size at the very beginning, before everything else07:13
dwidmann_RussellAlan: you have to do it on the folder also, not in the folder07:13
RussellAlanon the folder? so ls -lf /media/disk-2 ?07:13
dwidmann_RussellAlan: wait, in the folder should woirk too07:13
dwidmann_RussellAlan: should be a line like this at the very beginning of the output: total 1.1G07:14
RussellAlanthink i got it07:15
RussellAlanthe phone recognizes the card07:15
RussellAlanalright now to kubuntu, any thing i can do to spice up the kde enviornment07:18
jussi01!themes | RussellAlan07:45
ubottuRussellAlan: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:45
zeltakasdasd asdasdas asdasdas08:11
zeltaksorry, wrong window08:11
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
anodesniHow do I run an sh script with a hotkey in kde 4.2?08:56
=== marius is now known as Guest6875
=== Uqbar_ is now known as Uqbar
selfvideoCiao a tutti09:30
selfvideoqualcuno puì aiutarmi, come posso scaricare la lingua italiana alle varie applicazioni?09:31
dwidmannRussellAlan: http://kde-look.org09:33
replmanHi! Is there a program for linux which can edit psd-files? Gimp can open it but doesn't recognise text as text and i have to edit the text...09:49
=== kaddi__ is now known as kaddi
=== tomas is now known as tomasv
OPTIMUSI am wondering why kubuntu 9.10 beta sill have old boot splash?09:52
kaddihi OPTIMUS  this question can probably best be answered in #ubuntu+1 the channel for karmic :)09:52
=== paul__ is now known as Tallis
kaddihi, can anyone tell me if this is the "default" settings screen for the systray in kde 4.3.1 in ubuntu: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-3260160/systray.png.html10:26
=== _sub[t]rnl is now known as sub[t]rnl
cichlasomaHi. I dislike Konqueror's behavior when splitting views. It allows me to split a view without changing its size only when it is on the bottom right side of the Konqueror window, otherwise it splits it and displays it in the whole window. Is it a bug? If not, how can I disable it, please?10:56
bubu123hi all11:22
bubu123where can i get the latest version of Kubuntu ?11:23
Unksibubu123: www.kubuntu.org11:24
kaddianyone using kde4.3.1 here, that could verify if he's having the problem I have?11:27
LexRI just revamped and old PIII with kubuntu 8.04 :) works like a chard!!!11:36
LexRcharm :)11:36
=== kb is now known as Guest6212
Gamarok__hey guys12:08
sethCan someone help me out with a problem im having?12:21
sethThe time on my kubuntu installation always goes 2 hours to late.12:21
kaddiseth what version of kubuntu do you have?12:24
sethUsing jaunty12:24
sethWith backports12:24
kaddican you do a right-click on the clock and set a new time?12:25
sethI just get the digital clock settings12:25
kaddigo to timezone and select a city that you know has the same timezone that you have and click ok12:26
sethHmm... It just displays UTC in the list..12:28
kaddihow odd12:29
kaddihehe, I believe you. ;) not sure what could be causing this, though12:30
kaddican you change the time directly in the clock?12:31
kaddibut it doesn't stick?12:31
sethIs there a command to change the timezone?12:32
kaddiwhat happens if you check "ste time and date automatically".12:33
sethSame thing12:33
kaddithere is probably a command, sadly I don't know it12:33
kaddiok, one sec12:33
kaddihave you tried changing the clock with admin privileges?12:34
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kaddiI'm sorry, I can't help you then. :/ Maybe try it over at #kde, but they are probably going to tell you this is a ubuntu problem and reroute you back here12:36
chenchaoanyone here?12:40
||arifaXmy mouse pointer is scrambled. is there a way to restore it by maybe killing/restarting a process ?12:48
replmanWhat's the general way to format a number "123456" to "123,456" or "123.456" depending on the locale?12:48
replmansorry, wrong channel12:50
sethGod damnit... Reboot changed it back to UTC...12:54
slow-motionwhat was the command to get the time from a time server and set the clock?12:56
||arifaXhow can I restore a mouse cursor in X? mine looks divided into 3 parts. is there a quick way to re-generate it?13:07
||arifaXI mean mouse pointer13:07
avihaybyou can try to replace it with the same one13:12
||arifaXavihayb: tried changing mousepointers already, does not work13:19
=== marius is now known as Guest47759
ubuntu_Hey hey13:27
ubuntu_Im having some troubles with my XP install, i need to backup files before clean install. But how do i mount the harddrive_13:28
ubuntu_im on the live cd now13:28
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== marius is now known as Guest61678
avihaybubuntu_: your drives should appeare in the storage media category of dolphin13:32
ubuntu_avihayb. they do but they appear as empty13:34
=== Guest65775 is now known as lightman
ubuntu_hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options-refused uid 99913:36
ubuntu_is the message i get trying to acces it13:36
avihaybumm, well, I suggest you mount them manually then13:37
=== marius is now known as Guest33695
ubuntu_umm how do i do that?13:38
avihaybdo you want to do it from the terminal, or do you want the graphical way?13:40
ubuntu_Well terminal is prolly easier?13:40
avihaybyes, I guess13:41
ubuntu_guess i cant mount it in fstab since im on live cd?13:42
avihaybwell, you can add it in fstab for a manual mount and then mount it as a user13:43
avihaybbut there is no point.13:43
ubuntu_Okey, how do i mount it manually?13:44
avihaybjust open a terminal, do a "cd /media" and then "ls" you should only have "." ".." and maybe some other folders13:44
ubuntu_there is no folders in /media13:45
=== marius is now known as Guest50898
avihaybok. now you are going to make one folder per drive you are going to mount. the command is "mkfolder <name_of_folder>"13:46
ubuntu_Yepp donr, although mkfolder didnt work so i used mkdir13:48
avihaybnow comes the hard part of figuring out what goes where...13:49
avihayberr, my bad13:49
apparlehow to get rid of segmentation fault?13:50
=== iEC|AFK is now known as iEatChildren
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avihaybok, there are fancy ways to show what partitions are where from the terminal. I don't remember any fod them at the moment13:51
ubuntu_Okey, can i change permissions for it somehow, since it refuses uid 999?13:52
avihaybif anyone can picth in, I'll be happy13:52
avihaybif not, the just do "ls /dev/sd*"13:52
avihayb$ ls /dev/sd*13:53
ubuntu_there is dev/sda and dev/sda1 in there13:54
avihaybok. sda is a hard drive. sda1 is a partition13:54
ubuntu_ahh okey13:55
ubuntu_oh the partition is ntfs. dunno if it matters when im only gonna read from it?13:55
avihaybusually the mount command autodetects the partition types, and runs the appropriate mount command (in this case I think it's called mount.ntfs3g13:56
ubuntu_ahhh okey13:56
avihaybwell, the basic usage for the mount command is mount <device_name> <folder_name>13:57
ubuntu_so i could do mount /dev/sda /media/win  ?13:58
avihaybyes, you will probably need to add sudo there...13:59
ubuntu_ahh yes, will try13:59
avihayband it should be /dev/sda1, and not /dev/sda14:00
ubuntu_ah yes sorry typo14:01
ubuntu_Yes! got it working now14:02
ubuntu_Thanks a bunch for the help14:02
avihaybubuntu_: just a sec14:04
avihaybyou have mounted the folder under the root user14:04
avihayb"in the default setup" a normal user will only get read permissions14:05
sheriii need to disable desktop effects on kubuntu14:05
avihaybif you want to be able to write, there are a few ways14:05
avihaybsherii: I suggest you install something called fusion icon14:06
avihaybwhen you run it, it puts an icon in your taskbar that lets you turn the effects on and off, as well as configure them14:07
sheriilook the problem is when u run a video it comes not stable and cant enjoy the movie , I dicovered that it comes stable when u disable effects on gnome ubuntu14:08
sheriibut i dont know if there is a better solution running effects and enjoy video as well14:09
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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* genii sips14:26
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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rafytafytodays update is SLOW for Hardy14:54
JontheEchidnamost likely the servers are being hammered since 9.10 beta was released, and everybody's testing14:57
geniiYup. See !slow    etc etc etc14:58
Hosein-mechi , phonon in KKK support Equalizer ?15:00
rafytafyJontheEchnida: you are prolly right15:02
rafytafywhen does 8.04 support end? anyone know the date?15:02
Hosein-mecanyone know about equalizer support in phonon in karmic ?15:03
tjblairi cant get read write permissions on my sd card15:08
EagleScreenwhat filesystem type has it and how do you mount it?15:08
tjblairi think some guy said hal15:09
tjblairbut i dont knoe15:09
rafytafysounds like you need to chown -R and chmod 77715:09
tjblairdo i have to be su15:09
tjblairor know the password15:10
rafytafywell yeah15:10
Fanfaretjblair: also check the card itself, there is a lock switch on them...15:10
rafytafyi mount all my stuff via uuid these days, no more /dev15:10
tjblairits unlocked15:10
tjblairits unlocked/15:11
tjblairhow do i do that15:11
rafytafystick the card in and su fdisk -l15:12
genii"fdisk" is not a user you can use su with15:13
tjblairdidnt rcognize the name15:14
rafytafythen i would sudo vol_id ( device)15:14
rafytafyto get the UUID15:15
geniisudo blkid15:15
geniiWill get the uuid15:15
rafytafycool.,didnt know :P thanks15:15
tjblairhow do you crack a password15:15
rafytafyi installed WICD in hardy, so much better then network-manager-kde15:16
geniitjblair: That's not a question we're normally giving advice on how to do here, since it is usually for questionable activities15:16
tjblairwell fuck all that i dont know what thats about but fuck all that15:17
tjblairhow do you do it15:17
geniitjblair: Watch your language and your questions or you'll be removed. Last warning.15:19
Fanfaretjblair: ask the system owner!15:19
rafytafyman , fintek chip datasheet still not available ..i want lm-sensors to work..i should go bug msi some more :(15:19
Riddelloh, he's gone anyway15:23
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
rafytafyso wait, 9.10 was released today ? i dont see it on kubuntu website ...hmm15:26
Fanfare9.10 will come oct 29th!15:28
rafytafyi should really keep up to date with such news :| LTS has made me lazy15:29
Picirafytafy: The beta was released yesterday.15:30
rafytafyhow is it?15:30
rafytafyany major problems?15:30
=== Fanfare is now known as Fanfare|afk
ubottuyes, I'm alive.15:37
gary1122ok :)15:37
gary1122is kde more resource hungry than GNOME?15:39
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rafytafywith all the visual effects on?15:42
=== Fanfare[afk] is now known as Fanfare_
basajauncan somebody gide me to install ossv4 in kubuntu 9.04?15:43
=== Fanfare_ is now known as Fanfare[afk]
untitledhi, why when I start some process in gnu/screen, there are 2 instances of it in the output of 'ps'? /usr/bin/screen.real process_name and /usr/bin/SCREEN.real process_name15:48
geniiuntitled: One is parent process, others are the child or sub processes15:50
untitledit goes like this15:50
untitledwhy 2 screens?15:51
geniiuntitled: If screen didn't have more than one process, you couldn't switch between things with it15:52
untitledbut there are no 3 processes, when 3 or more things are loaded inside the screen15:54
untitledonly 215:54
untitledit's rtorrent, i started it with 'screen rtorrent' and then added some more tabs15:54
geniiuntitled: Ah. I have no further explanation.15:55
basajaunhas somebody succeded in installing ossv4 ?15:56
geniibasajaun: There seems to be something on that subject here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound15:58
basajaunty genii15:59
rafytafyi rely on 8.04 since its stable, but i would like to try 9.10..so i think i will create another partition and dual boot 8.04 and 9.10 to explore 9.10 :)16:09
rafytafyive done it before:P16:09
nikitisHow can i manually set a string for the browser-identification?16:36
nikitisThere aren't enough options in tools -> configure -> Browser Identification.16:37
nikitisfor konqueror16:37
=== Fanfare[afk] is now known as Fanfare
geniinikitis: Perhaps see http://www.linux-showroom.com/2008/03/29/how-to-add-a-custom-user-agent-string-to-konqueror.html16:39
nikitisgenii: there is no ~/.kde/config folder16:41
nikitisgenii: nm, found it in share16:42
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rafytafyanyone know of any gui tools to split .flac files? right now i only use *cuebreakpoints cd.cue | shnsplit -o flac cd.flac*17:37
wardHello is the new amarok already avainble for kubuntu 9.04 ?17:37
rafytafywasnt there a amarok repository ?17:37
rafytafyi recall using one back in the days of 7.0417:38
robin0800rafytafy: only for 9.10 I think but that may have changed check their site17:39
rafytafyah ok17:39
geniiLook into the neon repo for latest amarok17:39
wardyes but that's svn17:39
wardtoday a new version released17:40
rafytafyis that a kde 4.3 repository?17:40
rafytafyi googled it17:40
geniirafytafy: It's both, yes17:40
rafytafyhmmm i think i will wait for the next lts to update my 8.04..april is not that far away17:41
fatihhey, i was using kubuntu 9.04 i uninstalled it and i am on gnome right now. but some kde apss like kopete, it looks bad. how can i change kde apps apperance on gnome? i read kcontrol is enough but i cant install it. any help?17:41
geniifatih: Ask in #ubuntu please17:42
fatihgenii: thanks but no answer. can you help?17:42
geniifatih: If the question was how to make gnome apps look better on Kubuntu, yes. But you're using Gnome and trying to get it the other way around.17:43
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rafytafyi wonder if you installed kde and gnome, and changed the kde theme to match that of gnome...that might do it no?17:44
rafytafysince the apps take on the theme colors and whatnot17:45
fatihi installed kubuntu 9.04 then plasma crashed and i opened system with installing gnome. i am not a expert user.17:45
rafytafyi am not familiar with plasma17:46
fatihi uninstalled all kde4 but some kde applications theme's and fonts dont seem nice.17:46
fatihi want to change kde themes on gnome. its my problem.17:46
rafytafyi get my kubuntu themes from kde-look.org ..i think thats the correct url17:47
rafytafywell there is gnome-look.org too17:47
fatihi need to install kcontrol to change it. but i cant install it.17:47
rafytafywhat is the problem with installing kcontrol17:48
rafytafyyou are having17:48
fatihlet me paste it please.17:48
soeren 17:49
soeren 17:49
soeren 17:49
soeren 17:49
FloodBotK1soeren: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:49
soeren 17:49
fatihrafytafy:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/283978/17:50
rafytafyhmmm it seems that kcontrol is not in the repository..maybe its name has changed?17:51
fatihi tried some searches from synaptic but no answer.17:52
rafytafyok you want systemsettings package17:52
rafytafysince kcontrol no longer exists17:53
marco_hi guys :D17:53
fatihi installed system settings but any settings on it.17:53
marco_guys u noticed that if u change kwin effects the font settings change? :o17:54
fatihrafytafy:  may be i should install kwin. =)17:55
rafytafyi am sorry, but i am still using 8.04 :( some of these apps you speak off ..i am not familiar with17:56
fatihrafytafy: thank you. regards.17:56
fatih<rafytafy>: i am installing kwin. i'll tell you if i success.17:58
=== mountain is now known as slipi
basajaunsome applications don minimize to sys tray18:03
snarksterhow does one upgrade amarok with out getting the rest of the upgrades?18:03
geniisnarkster: PErhaps something like sudo apt-get upgrade amarok18:03
snarksterhmm wouldnt that upgrade be automatically detected by packagekit?18:04
basajaunhow  does one get all applications to minimize to tray? like konqueror doesn show loads of apps go on running in the background very ennoying18:05
basajaunthey don even stop on reboot unsane consumptiojn of memory18:06
slipihope someone can help me with my connection . my eth0 work fine . i have installed kubuntu since 2 days , if i put of the cable and connect to wifi then i can reach my router but dont get internet . how can this happen ?18:08
snarksterslipi unplug your cable reconnect to router then open konsole and type sudo dhclient -r to release and renew your ip address. that should help you18:10
slipisnarkster thanks i will try that18:10
basajaunneed help with systray , loads of minimized application show in systray  which means their instances have to be killed in sytem monitor18:12
snarksterslipi your welcome18:13
snarksterif i add the ppa backports itll take me to the RC of karmic right?18:13
mountainsnarkster i try and it say socket fallback18:19
snarkstercould be a driver a problem, but i think im over thinkjing it.18:20
snarksterthining even18:20
mountaini think i will put this in google cause i dont have idea about a socket18:20
mountainsnarkster , do you have running wireless connection ? i think its still a common problem with most ubuntu distributions that they have problems with wireless18:22
baron86Hello there.. I got the latset kubuntu 9.10 and have problem with the KPackageKit and when i tryto install anything there is an error message saying you dont have the necessaty privileges.. I think i have admin privileges18:22
snarksteryes my wireless works flawlessly.18:22
snarksteris it atheros or something else?18:23
macobaron86: yeah uh...kpk cant install software = known breakage18:23
mountainits an atheros18:23
baron86what do you mean known breakage?18:23
snarksterhave you run hardware driver installer?18:24
snarkstermeans its broken.18:24
baron86when is it gonna be fixed?18:24
snarkstertaking for ever to get the file list for the ppa18:24
snarksterbeen sitting at 99% for over 5 min18:25
mountainso you think i should install other driver ?18:26
baron86Why KpackageKit is not working???18:26
mountainbaron86 why do you want 9.10 and dont take 9.04 cause thats more stable for now18:27
geniibaron86: Basically because it's a new replacement for Adept and they are working out the bugs still18:27
baron86Yesterday i had it working perfectly18:28
baron86today it needs privileges...18:28
geniibaron86: Discussion for 9.10 is in the channe; #ubuntu+1 and not here until after official release date18:28
baron86in order to download adept i have to use sudo aptitude install adept???18:29
basajaunhi all18:29
geniibaron86: Yes, since it's not the default package manager anymore. Again - since you are on Karmic, direct questions to #ubuntu+1 (which is also #kubuntu+1 )18:30
basajaunneed help with systray  windows like Konqueror or firefox amongst many I guess do not minimize to tray but just disappear18:32
basajaunI am running Kubuntu  9.04 latest kernel18:32
njathanpressing the "Printscreen" button twice on Kubuntu 9.04 on my laptop seems to be triggering a ksnapshot bomb!!! millions of windows with no way to stop!! Not even the CTRL-ALT-ESC key sequence works!! is this a known bug?18:33
baron86do you know how to update me kde?18:34
dwidmannnjathan: how about the ctrl + alt + bksp? or perhaps SysRq + alt + k?18:35
geniibasajaun:  You have a system tray widget installed?18:36
njathanSysRq+ALT+k.... phew! that one hell of a key sequence!18:36
njathanlet me try that....18:37
James147basajaun: do you mean the task bar? systray is where things like kmix kopete knetworkmanager live18:37
basajaunI have indeed genii, ans k mixer klipper, quassel and kopete do show up18:37
James147basajaun: konq and firefox dont minimize to the system tray18:38
James147basajaun: they stay in the task bar18:38
basajaunJames147, no?18:38
basajaunthet do not18:38
basajaunthey don't James14718:38
James147basajaun: systray tends to be for things that stay open alot but tend to stay in the background18:39
James147basajaun: you having problems with the task bar then?18:39
basajaunIok but how come I can't see other minimized apps?18:39
basajaunI suppose so James14718:39
James147basajaun: do you have the task bar on the panel?18:40
basajaunpardon my question James147  but is taskbar also a widget? I just installed Kubuntu on a second disk and I usually use Xubuntu so I am quite new to the widget game18:42
James147basajaun: everything in the panel is a widget :)18:42
James147basajaun: can be added by right clicking the desktop and clicking add widget,18:43
njathandwidmann: both sequences dont work.. the only option i have is to go into the console (CTRL-ALT-F1) and do a 'sudo reboot'18:43
basajaunaw Good Golly James147  guess I have to go back to it then lol18:44
njathandwidmann: and its not for 2 PrtSc presses, it probably starts when i have PrtSc pressed for about 1 second continuously18:44
dwidmannnjathan: ctrl + alt + bksp should work if you turn it back on (requires a few lines in your xorg.conf), the sysrq combo might require you to hold ctrl also, but I'm not sure18:52
snarkstereverything on the dekstop is a widget i think.. just plasmoid and plasmoid contanment18:53
njathandwidmann: i dont remember when, but i had used CTR-ALT-BKSP for rebooting or halting my PC (with confirmation.... CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-BKSP was for reboot/halt without confirmation). Is that what it does?18:55
dwidmannctrl + alt + bksp forces X to restart18:56
snarksteryah just X not the entire system18:56
James147dwidmann: they have changed it to alt+print screen +k18:56
snarksterctrl+alt=del will reboot the system but its not clean18:56
dwidmannJames147: hmm18:57
snarksterdo a sysrq reisub for a clean restart18:57
dwidmannJames147: that's a bit easier I reckon18:57
James147dwidmann: easier?18:57
dwidmannsnarkster: sure, but the alt+print+k should be tried first18:57
dwidmannor maybe not ... I think that might be the same key here18:58
snarksterwell ive never read anyhting about alt+print+k18:58
dwidmannsnarkster: kills X18:58
snarksterhmm my ctrl+alt+bkspace still kills X18:58
James147snarkster: ubuntu have changed alt+crtl+backspace to alt+psrint screen+k in jaunty or karmic, think its jaunty18:59
snarksteranyway hardlocked you try the reisub first then if that doesnt work turn it off last resort18:59
James147snarkster: jaunty might still do both, but karmic defently dosent18:59
snarksterwowsers didnt see that19:00
dwidmannJames147: alt+ctrl+bksp is now disabled by default for X, should affect just about all distributions, unless they change the defaults19:01
snarksterwanna kill X really fast run vice. LOL your DT vanishes really fast19:01
James147dwidmann: dident know how far back the change was made, only know it for ubuntu :)19:01
snarksteranybody else notice that the lyric support for amarok no longer works?19:04
snarksteryou just get a message saying its the developers fault this has occured19:04
snarksterhmm now you get nothing LOL19:06
baron86Hello there.. do you know how to update the kde to the latest release using console?19:07
snarkstersudo apt-get dist-upgrade??19:07
snarksterif you have the right repos installed.19:07
baron86i dont....19:07
snarksterthen goto kubuntu.org and read around abit and youll find the repos listed in the news.19:08
geniibaron86: for a dist-dist upgrade from cli: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade -d19:17
geniiBah. thats what happens when you start typing until the Return is needed, go away and come back to hit Return when you sit back down...19:18
snarksternever heard of a dist-dist-upgrade before19:22
Riddell** Kubuntu Meeting in half an hour  in #ubuntu-meeting19:32
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rrichiehi all19:51
rrichiei have problem installing eclipse with karmic because gij-4.2 doesn't exists. Anyone has an idea ?19:52
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:13
=== richard is now known as Guest87513
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:18
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zigmaI m currently having a problem with my internet connection , it dont connect anymore20:42
richarda tutti20:42
richardqualcuno puo' darmi una mano20:42
richardnel configurare un canale ?20:43
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RussellAlanci habla?20:43
zigmais there anyway to configure the connection manually ?20:43
zigmathanks in advance20:43
Guest17412any help for me ?20:43
zigmahowto please ?20:43
Guest17412i've to configure a channel irc20:43
RussellAlanneed to be more specific20:44
Guest17412zigma i've to configure irc.darksin.net,20:44
Guest17412ok ?20:44
Guest17412anything help ?20:44
zigma okey :)20:45
Guest17412zigma can i contact on pvt ?20:46
zigmaya sure20:47
zigma@Guest17412: sure20:48
Guest17412zigma ?20:49
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tomasselliinfo tomasselli21:19
tomasselliINFO tomasselli21:20
geniitomasselli: /whois someonesnamehere21:20
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Emerywhats a good C development environment in terminal ? (CLI)21:47
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:26
=== Pici` is now known as Guest77758
basajaunI cannot find any widget called task bar?22:35
basajaunoops ok found it22:39
=== Fanfare[afk] is now known as Fanfare
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senorpedrowhat is the digikam replacement in kde4 ?23:23
senorpedromeaning kubuntu?23:23
senorpedroi need something for my photos23:23
JontheEchidnaDigikam is a KDE4 application since Kubuntu 9.0423:23
Fanfaresenorpedro: digikam!23:24
senorpedrohm its not installed on my system23:24
senorpedroi hope this is not a sign that i have a virus23:24
senorpedroor a worm23:24
senorpedroor a trojan horse23:24
senorpedroor a error in the matric23:24
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Fanfaresenorpedro: ## digiKam (Experimental)23:25
Fanfare## wget -q "http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x0BF0F083E353B3E9" -O- | sudo apt-key add -23:25
Fanfaredeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/digikam-experimental/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main23:25
Fanfaredeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/digikam-experimental/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main23:25
FloodBotK1Fanfare: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:26
senorpedroFanfare, i just installed it via aptitude23:26
senorpedrobut thx anyway23:26
z0manI have a silly question....23:26
z0manwith konqourer and kate23:27
z0manHave they managed to fix the bug with "KDEInit could not launch XXXX"23:27
Fanfarez0man: could you explain more? i only know that from kde3 apps calling konqueror 423:29
z0manCurrently using 4.2.4 of KDE23:29
Zaarghhello, i have a little problem with mounting new ext4 partition - i can write data to it but it won't be showed in df, nor mount, and dolphin shows its size is 10GB whereas it's 100GB, any clues? in fstab it's written with defaults.user parameters23:29
z0manI have tied my Kate to work with Konqourer and now I get that "KDEInit could not launch /usr/bin/kate" error message.23:30
z0manI recently upgraded from 8.10 to 9.0423:30
z0manoh and I did clean my profile user account up.23:30
z0manI use "kate -u " command to execute FTP edit with konqourer23:31
z0manThey say it's fixed.23:32
z0manWell this one states otherwise : https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase/+bug/18433723:33
z0manI did try the minor workaround at the bottom of bug 194337 yet still no success :(23:34
z0manYet I love Kate and Konqourer to work together :)23:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
z0manSo i have been missing them23:35
z0manWell this all used to work anyway :/ http://z0mans-dev.blogspot.com/2009/09/kate-konqueror-tieing-knot.html23:39
z0manI might pop into Kate or Konqourer channel23:39
z0manhmmm, think I may have found the answer.... [/me touches wood]23:41
z0manBA... no :(23:42
z0manI thought maybe if I tired "kate -u %u" instead of23:42
z0man"kate -u "23:42
z0manuppercase U23:43

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