
barryrockstar: thanks for the comments.  i feel the same way, but i wanted to explore this option.00:04
rockstarbarry, yea, exploring this is pretty cheap, so we should see all the options.00:05
maxbmwhudson: Hi00:07
mwhudsonrockstar: how much work is involved in getting some bug-status like love for merge proposal status?00:07
mwhudsonrockstar: (just curious, really)00:07
mwhudsonmaxb: hello00:07
mwhudsonmaxb: i wonder why i was pinging you :-)00:08
mwhudsonoh right, that was it00:08
rockstarmwhudson, thumper's working on it, and I was told not to do it for him.  :)00:08
mwhudsonmaxb: i think it would be a good thing to copy a few packages from karmic to the ~launchpad ppa (python-launchpadlib & dependencies) and have launchpad-developer-dependencies depend on them00:09
mwhudsonmaxb: does that sound sane?00:09
mwhudsoni've just installed a bunch of karmic packages on jaunty, seems to be working, dunno about hardy...00:09
mwhudsonrockstar: heh heh00:09
maxbhm. What are they needed for?00:10
wgrantThat doesn't sound like a good idea.00:10
wgrantWon't it just break everything on the other releases with the lazr.* setuptools mess?00:11
rockstarmwhudson, I know he's got the branch status stuff in review right now, and that deryck has reviewed it.00:11
mwhudsonmaxb: 'ec2 land' does stuff with launchpadlib and can't use the eggs we have because launchpad is still stuck on 2.400:11
mwhudsonmaybe the real fix is to get launchpad on 2.5 asap00:11
rockstarmaxb, mwhudson, wgrant, I might point out that it's been a habit that l-d-d tends to break in awkward ways every time we switch versions.00:11
mwhudsonbarry: hello00:12
mwhudsonbarry: Launchpad.  Python 2.5.  know what's going on there?00:12
rockstarmwhudson, I think gary was working on that.00:12
* wgrant thought maxb was.00:12
maxbmwhudson: erm "can't use the eggs we have" - hmm?00:12
wgrantCurrent 2.5 test failures are at https://dev.launchpad.net/LaunchpadOnKarmic00:12
rockstarAlthough it seems like gary is working on a lot of things, which may explain why it's slow going.00:12
mwhudsonwgrant: oh that's a very useful page :)00:13
maxbrockstar: um, you can point that out, but what does that mean for the current discussion?00:14
mwhudsonmaxb: well, can't us /bin/py at least, because boto depends on python 2.500:14
barrymwhudson: hi.  i don't.  i'd love to help this along00:14
barrymwhudson: /me -> dinner00:14
maxbmwhudson: ah, ok- that makes sense00:14
maxbStatus of LP on Python 2.5 is that people, me included, need to work on whittling the list on LaunchpadOnKarmic00:15
maxbIf 'ec2 land' requires a system-python launchpadlib newer than available in older ubuntus, normally I would be all for a backport.00:16
rockstarmaxb, LaunchpadOnKarmic is a misleading name, since I'm running Launchpad on Karmic right now.00:16
maxbHowever, the namespace package mess is a major blocker00:16
maxbYou are right, the wiki page is now poorly named.00:16
maxbWhen I started it, I assumed that 2.4 on karmic was not a possibility00:16
rockstarmaxb, I point this out in saying that we did this exact same thing with this same package on the Intrepid->Jaunty jump that caused breakages, but we weren't too concerned since it worked for Launchpad.00:17
maxbhuh? 'exact same thing'00:17
* mwhudson lunches00:18
mwhudsonwgrant: i think i have just thumped into the "setuptools lazr namespace package" issue02:19
mwhudsonwgrant: do you know a workaround?02:19
mwhudsonoh, i think there's one on that handy wiki page02:20
mwhudsonoh man W T F02:28
mwhudsonapache is broken on my machine because fricking WINDMILL chokes on import if $PATH isn't set02:28
mwhudsonwell not broken, but unhappy02:29
wgrantmwhudson: I don't have any real breakage from the lazr setuptools issue.02:30
wgrantApart from a few tests.02:30
mwhudsonwgrant: i didn't have lazr.enum installed system wide02:30
mwhudsonwhich seemed to break scripts/mirror-branch.py rather thoroughly02:31
wgrantmwhudson: Yep, codehosting script tests are broken.02:32
wgrantFortunately I haven't had cause to touch codehosting much lately.02:32
* wgrant lunches.02:32
mwhudsonthumper: come back, it's too quiet here03:26
MTecknologyYou should all feel sorry for me..03:29
MTecknologyI'm about to make a sync from Launchpad to Drupal...03:29
MTecknologyfor 4 projects03:29
wgrantThis side of the world is rapidly running out of LP engineers.03:36
MTecknologywgrant: I'll be trying to do some LP dev pretty soon03:39
wgrantMTecknology: You are not on my side of the world!03:41
MTecknologywgrant: I could be03:42
MTecknologymore and more, cvs irks me03:46
MTecknologyI know I made changes - but cvs won't listen03:47
mwhudsonmake build is failing on the python2.5 branch05:38
* mwhudson EOWs06:02
al-maisanGood morning!06:17
mwhudsonhello al-maisan06:23
al-maisanhello mwhudson :)06:24
=== absoludity is now known as noodles775
adeuringgood morning08:27
thumpermwhudson: back soon :)08:51
wgrantHow is the team lead thingy going?08:52
thumperwgrant: interestingly09:04
thumperwgrant: there'll be some email sent to the dev list at the end of today I expect09:05
thumpermrevell: morning09:06
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
henningeHi, I found out that I can do this to use a TAL formatter in view code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/283641/09:54
henningeIs that a "legal" use of the API or should I access the formatter in some other way?09:55
henningejtv: ^?09:55
jtvhenninge: all I can say is it's clever and simple.  :)09:56
henningejtv: thanks ;) So you'd let that through on a review? I guess that is what I am asking ...09:56
jtvhenninge: curtis is the real person to ask imho09:57
jtvbut I would allow that, yes.09:57
henningejtv: oh, and he's in our time zone atm ... ;)09:57
jtvor close to it09:57
henningesinzui: Hi! Is it OK to do this in a view? http://paste.ubuntu.com/283641/09:58
bigjoolswgrant: hey there - did you ever get anywhere with the download counters for PPAs?10:29
wgrantbigjools: The refactoring of the existing log parser is done, so the PPA backend is very very easy.10:30
wgrantBut it needed discussion, so I decided to wait until post-3.0.10:30
wgrant(the refactoring is done and merged, that is)10:30
bigjoolswe'd like it to work with the partner archive too :)10:31
wgrantSo I saw.10:32
al-maisanhello code hosting guys :)10:37
al-maisandiffs in merge proposals seem to be off quite a bit10:37
al-maisansee e.g. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~al-maisan/launchpad/cmsg-425800/+merge/1277410:37
al-maisanand http://pastebin.com/m4c94727b10:37
sinzuihenninge: sorry I am sprinting. I think your pastebin, if fine. I have used tales in code several times.10:37
henningesinzui: I am aware of you sprinting ... ;) Thanks for taking the time to look at my pastebin.10:38
noodles775al-maisan, you're aware that you've targeted db-devel there?10:38
al-maisannoodles775: oops, my fault then.10:39
al-maisanI apologise to the code hosting guys ;P10:40
noodles775al-maisan, I've done that too... start a branch when devel is closed and forget later :)10:40
* al-maisan needs some coffee10:40
wgrantbigjools: My quick PPA BPR counter implementation from several weeks ago is only about 300 lines of diff.10:55
noodles775wgrant or bigjools: could one of you take a look at my comments at the bottom of https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/84457 ?10:58
noodles775I'm confused why the Packages file would be empty rather than simply containing the previous versions?10:58
wgrantThat is a good question.11:02
wgrantLooks like it never built on Hardy.11:03
wgrantI can't find a successful Hardy build (they're all superseded), while the rest are fine.11:04
wgrantI presume it keeps depwaiting.11:04
wgrantWe'll see in a minute or two.11:04
noodles775wgrant, https://launchpad.net/~inkscape-nightly/+archive/ppa/+build/84100611:05
noodles775(and thanks for taking a look)11:05
wgrantnoodles775: Ah.11:07
wgrantSo it did succeed months ago.11:07
wgrantIt was deleted.11:07
wgrant0.46+devel~nightly8.04-7213-1 was the last success.11:07
wgrantThe subsequent upload failed.11:07
wgrantBoth were deleted.11:07
wgrantSo the binaries vanished.11:07
wgrantNo later upload succeeded, so there are still no binaries.11:08
noodles775Ah - great.... thanks wgrant .11:08
wgrantThe DASBP views make that pretty easy to see, but it's rather more convoluted for a PPA.11:10
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barrynoodles775: hi!  would you be able to do a quick ui review of some screen shots?14:11
noodles775barry, sure - if it gives me a break from CHR project reviewing :)14:13
barrynoodles775: :)14:13
barrynoodles775: can you take a look at the last two screen shots in bug 44022014:13
mupBug #440220: registering slot interferes with watermark <post-ui-3-cleanup> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/440220>14:13
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
EdwinGrubbslifeless: ping15:16
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: ping15:17
beunoEdwinGrubbs, hi15:18
beunojml, http://paste.ubuntu.com/283879/15:18
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: can you give me your feedback on the mockups in bug 39955415:25
mupBug #399554: timeline series data is very hard to access <post-3-ui-cleanup> <ui> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by edwin-grubbs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/399554>15:25
beunolet me try15:27
beunoEdwinGrubbs, it's nice15:29
beunoit's a good idea15:29
beunoalthough removing the dates is... well, I don't know15:29
jmlbeuno, thanks. as discussed, mainline commits are more interesting.15:33
beuno"patches welcome", I hear15:34
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: statik had the idea of just hiding the dates when the graph is in a portlet. I could also do something where depending on your zoom level it would hide/show the dates, or I could add a checkbox next to the zoom buttons.15:36
beunoEdwinGrubbs, ah, could be a good idea15:37
beunoEdwinGrubbs, lets have a call next week about it15:37
beunowould that work for you?15:37
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: sure. I'll set that up after I get some feedback from lifeless.15:41
beunoEdwinGrubbs, great, thanks15:41
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thumpercan anyone swap CHR with me for the 7th?15:54
mrevellthumper: I'm down for the 14th. Do you wanna take that and I'll take your 7th?16:03
thumpermrevell: sounds great, thanks16:03
mrevellthumper: I'll update the calendar16:03
thumpermrevell: ta16:04
mrevellHmm, I'm getting a traceback on ec2 test today but it was fine yesterday. Anyone else seen that?17:13
gmbArgh. Why am I getting "AttributeError: 'thread._local' object has no attribute 'interaction'"?17:26
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lifelessEdwinGrubbs: yo?23:00
EdwinGrubbslifeless: hi, did you see the mockups in the bug you opened23:01
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: hi, yes been thinking23:02
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: I think they are better23:02
EdwinGrubbslifeless: The main differences between the mockups and the old textual display of series/milestones/releases are that the graph doesn't wrap milestones/releases in large series and that it limits both the height and width of the displayed data.23:10
EdwinGrubbslifeless: it might improve the usability of the graph it was possible to optionally hide/display milestones and releases based on what you interested in.23:11
kikoahoy there23:17
kikoit's KARMIC UPGRADE day23:17
* wgrant quickly uploads some change to break kiko's machine.23:18
kikosomebody already did that23:18
kikomaybe you could upload a fix though!23:18
kikowhat's with the splash screen coming after all the boot messages23:19
wgrantIt's probably because it has to wait for KMS to initialise. Keybuk was working on that sort of thing, and it's a lot better than it was a month ago.23:19
wgrantI presume it will get quieter before release.23:20
james_wyou get all boot messages?23:20
james_wor just some apparmor/modprobe/fsck stuff23:20
james_wand then a few "starting" messages?23:20
Fly-Man-Hooray, Karmic is here23:20
wgrantMaybe I misunderstood the full magnitude of the issue. I just get a few lines at the start.23:21
kikojames_w: I only get like 10 lines after some 2 screen flashes, but it kinda upsets the smooth experience23:25
kikojames_w: starting with fsck and then some other stuff23:25
kikothe boot is so fast23:25
james_wI think true smoothness will be next release23:25
kikothat having the flash and switch just steals victory23:25
james_wI think there's work to do to quieten things down without giving no information when the boot fails23:26
kikosure, but the boot doesn't fail for me!23:30
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