
blakamincd /home/<username>/Desktop00:00
blakaminthen "sudo dpkg -i clamtk_4.18-1all.deb"00:00
blakamin"Desktop" with a capital "D"00:00
sabayonweb_91075i got it guys00:00
sabayonweb_91075WORKED :]00:00
sabayonweb_91075i am still transitioning from windows srry00:01
sabayonweb_91075im learning00:01
blakaminno probs!00:01
yofelargh, sry, forgot the capital D -.-00:01
Raydiationnvidia driver installation fails?00:01
blakaminyou have now learnt a couple of terminal commands00:01
aurolacis there a md5 hash list for beta isos?00:01
sabayonweb_91075now if i get an error for other programs i just do the same method00:01
sabayonweb_91075pk big help thenaks00:01
jadamsI'm not able to view TV on my mythtv installation...it just shows a (1) like a TV test signal and then goes back to the menu00:02
jadamsI can open the tv tuner in mplayer, etc. and see static, which is appropriate as it's not tuned00:02
blakaminyofel: new thing in karmic I think... cant remember jaunty having caps... might have tho00:02
maximash___hi to you all .. :) i'm on Karmic x64, can't install Ubuntu Tweak (from www.ubuntu-tweak.com), i tried to install the 0.4.9 version for karmic... it gives me an error message... is it a known issue? can someone help? thx..00:02
blakamincase sense gets people everytime! lol00:02
yofelblakamin: I think it did, it just slipped my mind00:02
ikoniamaximash___: as ubuntu-tweak is not packaged for ubuntu and 3rd party maintained, it may be best to get support from the maintainer00:03
yofelmaximash___: something about a invalid file descriptor?00:03
UmeaboyTry installing using Virtualbox then, maximash___00:03
ikoniaUmeaboy: what has that got to do with ubuntu-tweak ?00:04
maximash___Yofel : yes, bad file descriptor00:04
blakaminyofel: exactly my next question... might have to cut&paste for the next couple of hours!00:04
test34upon reboot, I had to kill X server to be able to login, is this a known bug?00:04
yofelmaximash___: use the terminal instead, it's a bug and being worked on00:04
yofelblakamin: haha, me too ^^00:04
Umeaboyikonia: He can install using that way & see if the same error appears.00:04
UmeaboyI had no errors installing Mandriva 2009.1 in Ubuntu using Virtualbox.00:04
UmeaboyThat's a difference.00:05
ikoniaUmeaboy: why ? he knows the error exists in his current install00:05
ikoniano it's not00:05
ikoniamandriva is nothing to do with an ubuntu problem00:05
Umeaboyikonia: If I had errors on the disc when I installed Mandriva, the installation whould've been corrupted.00:05
maximash___my integrated microphones works out-of-the-box with Karmic... :) i am so happy00:06
ikoniaUmeaboy: iot's nothing to do with the disk - he's installing ubuntu-tweak - it's not an ubuntu product00:06
roffewhen I type sudo update-manager -d it tells me it's wating for me to exit other downloading software, but I'm not using any other software00:07
blakaminI wish someone would change the topic to "'sudo dpkg -i <debfile>'"00:07
Umeaboyroffe: Checked with top?00:08
maximash___installing ubuntu-tweak from terminal worked for me... :) thank you ..00:08
* yofel whishes they would have just applied the same patch as last time for that bug instead of waiting for upstream to fix it...00:08
blakaminroffe:system>admin>system monitor and make sure synaptic isn't running or you dont have any packages installing in terminal00:09
roffeUmeaboy, now I have00:09
Umeaboyroffe: And?00:09
UmeaboyI'd logout and in again to see if the same thing happens.00:09
roffeI've actually already tried that00:09
* blakamin totally agrees with yofel!00:09
blakaminpatch was haeld back for beta release... *should* be out soon00:10
roffeI'll try rebooting it again00:11
blakaminroffe: try using terminal for updates00:11
roffeblakamin, what should I write?00:11
blakaminupdate manager has been a bit of an issue in the last few weeks00:12
blakaminsudo apt-get update00:12
blakaminsudo apt-get-upgrade00:13
blakaminoops-- sudo apt-get upgrade00:13
roffeblakamin: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"00:14
blakaminno updates yet then00:15
roffebut it's out for everyone else.. aaaah, I'm going nuts over this00:15
blakaminthere has been no updates for about 18 hours for me00:15
blakaminis this to upgrade to the beta?00:15
blakaminok... hang on00:15
euxneksblakamin: are you using a mirror or the official repo?00:15
blakaminNZ mirror...  but I check update every 3 hours00:16
euxneksis "everyone else" also using the NZ mirror?00:16
yofel< archive.ubuntu.com00:17
euxneksit could be that the NZ mirror waits a bit00:17
mark___god i hope not, i am in the uk!00:17
euxneksi.e. it's a bit behind00:17
euxneksthat's just a guess from someone not involved with the project though ;)00:17
mark___i think we have to be patient00:17
blakamin20 years euxneks, 20 years!00:17
blakaminroffe: have you tried sudo update-manager -d00:18
yofelroffe: aren't you already using karmic?00:18
blakamini've been running the alpha since 4 so I'm just checking for daily updates00:18
roffeyes, it gives me the error saying I'm using other downloading software that has to be terminated, but I'm not00:18
euxneksoh wait, I thought blakamin was the one asking the questions! man I should read the beginning of convos before I put my big nose into things00:19
roffeyofel, yes, but only a600:19
blakaminroffe, if you have got updates in the last 3 days, you have the beta!00:19
yofelroffe: if you want to have your repository really up-to-date switch from a mirror to the main server in sofware properties00:19
thiebaudeblakamin, also i was wondering that, no updates today00:20
trappistafter upgrade I can only get audio in KDE apps.  anybody else seeing this?00:20
yofelroffe: but there really isn't that much difference in the last days just like blakamin said00:20
mark___is there a command i can type to get my exact version i am using?00:20
blakaminthiebaude, not  yet00:20
roffeyofel I've tried that. blakamin, In beta the add/remove is supposed to be gone, and it's not00:20
thiebaudeblakamin, only chromium and update manager update00:20
thiebaudeblakamin, still no video as far as wmv. in chromium00:21
thiebaudei cant install chrome00:21
blakaminI still have add/remove... no big deal, it's just a left over00:21
holmserjust tried the update manager update... it just sat there for 4 hours after downloading the files while I was at school while on the install step00:21
thiebaudewhen i did the chrome .deb it wont install00:22
holmserthat was really unclear... sorry00:22
blakaminthiebaude, 'sudo dpkg -i <debfile>'"00:22
thiebaudeblakamin, of i'll try, last nite i left the -i out, just used the i00:23
* thiebaude brb00:23
holmserany ideas why the update manager won't install 9.10?  doesn't hang, doesn't really do anything.  and when I look at the terminal window, it just has a bunch of y's00:24
blakaminare you running an alpha holmser?00:25
blakaminbrb... going to reboot to see if I have fixed an issue of mine00:28
antitezohi all, is there some reason that the beta don't let me switch to console pressing alt+ctrl+1? i used to do that to solve my monitor "out of range" problem, but now it doesnt work00:29
test34antitezo, try ctrl-alt-f100:31
VeinorYeah, ctrl-alt-f1.00:31
thiebaudeblakamin, cannot access archive:no such file or directory, when i tried to install chrome00:31
antitezosorry i did try that, i miss mythe f when typing00:31
Raydiationcan you play mp3 files?00:31
Raydiationive installed ubuntu-restricted-extras00:32
Raydiationit sais cant play, stream to bi00:32
thiebaudeblakamin, i tried that and it didn't work00:33
leoncismeckThe tracker is not allowing me to download/track 9.10beta desktop00:33
blakaminthiebaude, weird... might have to reboot then00:34
thiebaudeblakamin, it said no such file or directory, i downloaded it to the desktop00:34
blakaminok... what you want is cd ~/Desktop00:35
blakaminthen try again00:35
blakamincapital D00:35
thiebaudeblakamin, ok, thanks i'll try that00:35
roffefor those who have upgraded..00:35
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roffeis add/remove still in >system>administration?00:36
Raydiationcan you play mp3 files?00:37
yofelroffe: afaik all that happened is that ubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on it anymore, so it won't be removed on upgrade and won't be installed on fresh install00:38
jamaltahi, i need to set AccelMethod to EXA to test an issue i am having but xorg.conf is not there in karmic :\00:39
jamaltacould someone guide me in which direction i can go to do that?00:39
yofeljamalta: there is no EXA support for intel cards anymore in karmic00:39
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jamaltayofel: i'm using ati00:39
yofeljamalta: then run 'sudo Xorg -configure' in a terminal and copy the dummy file from /root/ to /etc/X11/ and edit it there00:40
thiebaudeblakamin, this is waht it says ,Setting up google-chrome-unstable ( ...00:40
thiebaudeblakamin, i got its installed thanks alot00:41
blakaminno probs!00:42
Raydiationhm i cant play any music at all00:44
test34is the beta on mirrors yet?00:47
holmserblakamin, I'm running 9.0400:47
leoncismeckthe tracker is still complaining about this torrent00:48
leoncismeckits bothering me00:48
blakaminholmser, you did sudo update-manager -d?00:49
holmserthen I clicked on the 9.10 button, everything went well, downloaded files00:50
blakaminbut then it stalls with the unpacking?00:51
holmserdoesn't freeze, just doesn't actually do anything00:51
blakaminhmm... hang on a sec00:51
holmserwhen I click on the terminal, there is just a column of n's on the left side.  no real helpful info00:52
holmseris there a way to do it from CL?00:52
aurolacanyone have issue with flash in firefox in beta?00:53
laszlokhey the known issues on (http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta) talks about the Ubuntu Moblin Remix, but there isn't a download available with the rest of the images, where can i download it?00:53
blakaminthere is... I can't remeber at the moment00:54
blakaminsudo apt-get-update00:54
thiebaudeblakamin, chrome works perfectly00:54
blakaminis the start00:54
JanClaszlok: all the packages are in the repository I suppose00:55
JanC(but if there are issues, maybe not the best idea to install them? ;) )00:55
holmserit set all my repos to karmic...00:56
blakaminI have never tried but sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?00:56
laszlokJanC: theres only an issue with the web browser, which is fixed by using the PPA. I would still like to try the live image...00:57
joshua__can someone tell me why my screensaver won't start automatically?00:58
holmserthere we go... downloading.  fingers crossed.00:58
* blakamin crosses fingers00:58
holmserwtf... just did it again.  bunch of y's00:58
joshua__okay no help then...00:58
blakaminis your /home on a separate partition?00:59
joshua__blakamin, who?01:00
blakaminmight pay to just get the iso. I'd also say the repos are getting hammered at the moment01:00
blakaminsorry joshua__01:00
joshua__no problems blakamin01:00
blakaminI have no idea about screensavers... never used one01:01
holmserI have the iso... can I just mount it or do I need to burn it?01:01
rskmirrors is fine for me 2.4mb/sec :)01:01
joshua__is monitor burn an issue with modern lcd screens?01:01
blakaminyou can put it on usb key using USB startup disk creator01:01
holmserahh.... there we go01:02
blakaminjoshua__ not that I have found01:02
aurolacwebcam for msi wind aint working in beta :/01:02
blakaminbut when I am away for more than 10 mins, I turn my monitor off or shut my laptop lid01:03
rskaurolac: works in jaunty?01:03
rskreport bug in launchpad01:03
aurolacit was logged maybe i'll reboot since my install01:03
rskfokin terminals mixed up01:03
aurolacim not liking this ubuntu software store and the Price : free01:04
aurolacmakes me nervous01:04
joshua__could there be a program preventing it from going to sleep?01:04
rskaurolac: i can take 1$ per download if that would make you happy01:04
joshua__oh wait i think i just figured it out01:04
aurolaci spend half my time on a new ubuntu install removing crap01:04
rski'd have no problems with that :)01:04
joshua__there is a check box that says  activate screensave when computer is idle01:05
joshua__that was not checked01:05
joshua__I must have unchecked it by accident01:05
Raydiationthe notifications are a bit far away from the top panel01:08
Raydiationis this supposed to be ok?01:08
blakaminthere is a huge discussion on that at the forums01:08
Raydiationblakamin: why?01:11
blakaminabout where the notifications are and why etc01:11
blakaminpeople want them moved etc01:12
CrashbitA graphical interface to configure it would be best01:13
blakaminthat is one thing people want!01:14
test34joshua__, http://compreviews.about.com/od/monitors/a/LCDBurnIn.htm01:16
joshua__yeah i just read a similar article about it but thanks test3401:17
test34pretty hard to get a decent download speed fo karmic beta01:20
cousteautime to create the usb UNR image... I hope at least one of the two backups I made of my pendrive works01:21
blakamintest34, no surprises there today!01:22
test34I'm 20% surprised01:24
rwwtest34: that's probably partially because the tracker isn't working properly, so you're downloading over DHT.01:29
test34ok rww01:30
test34found a fast mirror http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/karmic/ (fast from here anyways)01:37
rwwYeah, I use the utah.edu server for updates. It's nice and dependable and fast :)01:38
test34I think I will start to use it too;)01:39
Andre_GondimI can't download the Ubuntu Beta by torrent01:39
test34Andre_Gondim, try  http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/karmic/01:39
rwwAndre_Gondim: it isn't registered properly with the tracker. If your client can do DHT, you could use that, otherwise download from the web.01:39
Andre_Gondimthe same problem test3401:41
test34Andre_Gondim, try from the web like rww said01:41
test34(download .iso instead of .torrent)01:42
akioghosteror do a update-manager -d01:42
akioghostersudo that is01:42
akioghosterafter update & upgrade01:42
test34I will try a clean install for the beta to see if any problems get resolved01:43
=== akioghoster is now known as akio
akioSome of my problems were just resolved with the latest.01:44
test34since my last updated, a boot problem was introduced, I have to kill X to be able to login01:45
akiothe boot process is under heavy development01:49
test34I'm also switching to the 64bit version01:50
wastrelgood morning01:51
wastreli have koala01:51
wastrelon my computer01:51
zsquarepluscis there a problem with the beta torrent? transmission on 9.04 says something about "not authorized for this tracker"01:53
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
test34zsquareplusc,  <rww> Andre_Gondim: it isn't registered properly with the tracker. If your client can do DHT, you could use that, otherwise download from the web.01:55
zsquarepluscok. whats DHT?01:55
rwwzsquareplusc: distributed hash tables. I know Deluge can do it, dunno about Transmission.01:56
test34Distributed Hash Tables aka trackerless torrent01:56
rwwzsquareplusc: basically, just leave your client alone for a few minutes. If it doesn't magically start downloading, DHT is probably turned off so go download from the web.01:56
murielgodoi1Hi guys, I've got "Request download is not authorized for use with this tracker message" message when trying to download the beta iso using torrent. Any ideas?01:57
zsquarepluscmurielgodoi1: yes, read the 6 lines above :-)01:57
rwwmurielgodoi1: the Ubuntu tracker isn't set up properly. Leave your client alone for a few minutes, see if it finds some peers over DHT, if not download from the web instead.01:58
test34murielgodoi1, download from web http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/karmic/01:58
murielgodoi1zsquareplusc, rww, test34: my bad. I just get in adn didn't see that messages. thanks01:59
zsquarepluscmurielgodoi1: sorry, join and part messages are hidden, did not see that you could not have had seen those ;-)02:00
test34someone should say it in the topic02:01
murielgodoi1test34: now, I'm downloading from web using that mirror, its about 110KB/s, thanks02:03
test34murielgodoi1, np02:04
murielgodoi1I'm about to try the 64bits version for the fisrt time,  is there any known problem that I should be prepared due to 32 -> 64 bits change?02:09
rwwmurielgodoi1: I've used 64-bit for a while, haven't had a problem with it.02:09
iflemahere here.... ya been missn out02:10
blakaminbut the flash thing might be solved... installing debs is sometimes an issue as most are for i38602:10
rwwmurielgodoi1: if you're planning on using Adobe's flash plugin, I'd recommend downloading the link at the bottom of http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html and putting the file it contains into ~/.mozilla/plugins/, rather than using the version in the repositories02:10
nemoOdd totem bug02:10
nemoIt appears that the video portion (regardless of whether totem is zoomed to fullscreen or not) is playing *behind* everything else02:11
darkhamnow someone are trying karmic beta with static network setup?02:11
nemoor at least, there is a black square where the video should be, and a teensy thing 1px line along top edge that has same shifts in colour as the video would02:11
nemomplayer works just fine02:11
iflemarrw has it... for flash thats is02:11
nemobetter than ratsFatal Python error: PyEval_SaveThread: NULL tstate02:12
nemohuh. wonder where that bit of pastebin came from02:12
nemoanyway. and of course I'm still getting this crash on close - that happens on all my machines, and looks like is well documented02:12
murielgodoi1anyone tested skype?02:12
=== ChogyDan1 is now known as ChogyDan
test34murielgodoi1, no but it looks like they skype now has a 64bit beta version02:13
murielgodoi1test34: cool02:13
test34the only thing with beta skype is you cannot use different devices for ringing and speakers02:14
joshua__so when i boot my computer...02:15
arandupdates, finally, beta freeze is boooring :)02:15
joshua__i get a message that says that my bios are not supported...02:15
arandjoshua__: that's very common02:15
test34but that can be solved by having skype run "mplayer /sounds/ring.wav" when the phone ring02:15
joshua__arand, so it is nothing to worry about?02:15
joshua__I have never seen that message before02:15
arandjoshua__: shouldn't bee I don't think02:16
blakaminI get it all the time02:16
joshua__Okay... it hasn't impacted performance or anything i was just curious02:16
blakaminno probs with it... I think the only reason we see it now is due to no usplash02:17
blakaminbrb... gotta rebbot and kill gnome-shell02:17
lenWhat about WINE under the 64-bit version?02:18
rwwlen: works fine02:18
arandjoshua__: similar to last message of: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31901785/Screenshot-2ubuntu%20%5BRunning%5D%20-%20VirtualBox%20OSE-1.png ??02:18
joshua__arand, no...02:19
joshua__it says something about the bios being unknown or unsupported, now aborting please report02:19
joshua__or something liek that02:20
hoontekeanyone know why the beta bittorrent is "not authorized to use this tracker?"02:21
arandjoshua__: hmm, well I've never seen that one before, you could look around launchpad for a bit if you're after info.02:21
murielgodoi1I got the same problem, murielgodoi1: the Ubuntu tracker isn't set up properly. Leave your client alone for a few minutes, see if it finds some peers over DHT, if not download from the web instead.02:21
blaydeso it's great that the karmic beta is released! but...02:22
murielgodoi1hoonteke: or download from web http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/karmic/02:22
blaydei'm thinking someone forgot to put it on the torrent server02:22
blaydeespecially the i386 and amd64 desktop isos02:23
hoontekemurielgodoi1: yeah, I can download, but I'd like to know why it's not authorized02:23
rwwblayde: correct02:23
blaydeya hoonteke that's my problem - they aren't there02:23
hoontekeoh .. . blayde ... got it, that makes sense02:23
rwwhoonteke: because someone forgot to add it to the torrent server02:23
hoontekeis there someone in this room who could do that?02:23
murielgodoi1+1  test34: someone should say it in the topic02:24
hoontekeblayde: hmm, seems to me that's a misleading error.  If the file is straight up not there, wouldn't that be a "seed file doesn't exist" or something like that?02:25
joshua__from what i can see it is an issue with grub202:25
rwwhoonteke: no02:25
rwwI'll go pester the channel ops about adding it to the topic, one sec.02:26
hoontekerww, thanks02:26
blayderww: thank you02:26
joshua__but it only seems to effect acers...02:26
blaydehoonteke: ya it isn't the most descriptive error but i did look on the server and they aren't there02:27
blaydehoonteke: some weird armel dove stuff is there instead02:28
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:28
hoontekeblayde: erm, not there?  mayhaps I don't understand ... http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ shows links to them ...?02:28
hoontekeah, wrong link.  got it, thanks02:28
blaydecompare to http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/jaunty/desktop/02:29
hoontekesho' nuff.  Thanks blayde.02:29
hoontekegood detective work.  I wouldn't have thought to go there.02:29
blayde:)  np02:29
blaydei just want to start messing with it and seeding02:30
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hoonteke:-) right there with you02:30
hoontekealright, back to towrk for me02:32
hoontekecheers, and thanks.02:33
zsquarepluschm. with VirtualBox, the cd boots to such a small screen (800x600). is there something that can be done that larger resolutions are supported?02:38
arandzsquareplusc: I don't know except for installing virtualbox-ose-guest-utils.02:40
zsquarepluscbut does that work well on the live cd? :/02:41
arandzsquareplusc: unfortunately, no :)02:41
zsquarepluscoh well..02:41
arands/ :) / :( / (didn't mean to be sadistic there...02:42
joshua__how come my external HD disappears then comes back on occasion... it seems random02:42
zsquarepluscand the bootable USB stick does not seem to work on the eeepc 70002:42
zsquarepluscoh now it shows the animation. but it looked like frozen at the white on black ubuntu logo at first02:44
arandzsquareplusc: yea, when I tested unr a while ago it took quite a while as well (or maybe it just refused to bot at all in the end)...02:45
zsquareplusci have a desktop now, but it took long.  in virtual box it booted in just seconds02:46
zsquareplusci'm not sure if UNR would work. it does not have an atom in mine02:46
* zsquareplusc does not like to slow fading-in of the menus - gives the impression of slowness02:47
joshua__I like the software center so far...02:48
zsquarepluscubuntu one works with a launchpad account? but what if $USER!=launchpad ID02:53
blakaminuse either02:53
rwwzsquareplusc: I'm not sure what you mean, but my computer username doesn't equal my launchpad ID, and I didn't have problems with it02:54
blakaminsorry, you can tell one what account to use02:54
zsquareplusci can? the webpage it opened just had a big form that allows entering a password but no username02:55
zsquarepluscah.. forget it, i see now02:55
nick125Just curious....is usplash still going to be used in say...server installations where having X installed isn't a good idea?03:01
zsquarepluscok, entering the password has worked it displayed my nickname. it now shows a page when i can choose "sign in", "Not now". when i press "sign in" the same page is just loaded gain :/03:02
blakaminnick125, why would you want usplash if you're not running x?03:03
nick125blakamin: Good point.03:04
zsquarepluscok, login into one in the web browser now succeeded but the client still does not connect, but how should he know who i am anyway?03:10
blakaminare you allowing it keyring access?03:12
nick125Hmm....with Grub2, how do you limit the number of kernel entries in the grub menu?03:12
blakaminzsquareplusc: I *think* it takes the cookies from your browser, but dont quote me on that... been weeks since I installed it and have turned it off due to it bugging me on each boot to unlock keyring03:13
zsquarepluscaccording to the docs i need to "add this computer" but i don't see that on the web page. but i'm trying it on the live cd in a virtual box :/03:14
blakaminthat might be the reason, it's not going to save any info on a live session03:15
coaxmtso, is the sound preferences different in karmic? It seems to be a new interface, and no longer has the ability to select ALSA, pulse, etc. I don't know if thats karmic, or just something weird on my system (this installation was an upgrade, since I don't feel like doing a clean one till the release)03:16
ChogyDananyone using bootchart?  its results look borked03:17
blakamin<coaxmt> it's a real pain if you cant get sound in games!!!03:18
blakamin<ChogyDan> thats because it keeps running until all your apps from last session are loaded unlike before when it stopped at the start of x (or login or whatever)03:19
test34my fresh beta install seem to work alot better03:20
test34then my updated alpha03:21
coaxmtmine is upgraded from an already kinda broken 9.04 =P. I have a working jaunty install on my laptop though, I use thing computer mostly to game on windows anyway.03:22
blakamini'll be waiting for the RC before a fresh install03:23
rippsmy perl-modules package was corrupted, did anybody else get this during upgrade?03:23
throughn1thingHey all, im trying to making a bootable install USB stick for karmic beta, I have a 2gb usb stick that i put 1 big vfat partition on and I have run syslinux on that partition.  I am reading this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick and I cannot determine if i need to rename the isolinux directory to syslinux, or leave it as isolinux...does anyone know (this directory as well as all other content03:23
coaxmtme to03:23
coaxmtme too*. For the fresh install03:24
housetierwhen updating the package list I get this error message: http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/2985/wastun.png  has the key changed for de.archive.ubuntu.com? I have been using this mirror for a long time now, never saw this message before03:25
test34blakamin, what did you recommend earlier for flash64bit? I lost the log03:25
blakaminthe one from adobe, not the repo... there's a beta... I've rebooted 3 times since then and I cant remember either... lol, sorry03:26
test34it looks like the same version is in the repository03:28
blakaminthey might have updated the repo... kewl!03:29
test34ah good, I thought there was another reason not to do it03:29
throughn1thinghas anyone installed karmic from a USB stick?03:29
mercutio22uh oh, I might have to...03:30
blakaminI had so many dramas with flash and debs on 64, I went back to i386 fresh install with alpha6 , (separate home partition)03:30
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test34blakamin, yeah that is one of the reasons I was back on i386.. but I'm giving it another try03:31
mercutio22I just upgraded in my netbook, did a partial upgrade, now the the boot stops at a blank screen. How can I access recovery mode? I mean, I barely see the grub because it goes so fast03:31
coaxmtI tend to use the 32 bit version of flash that is installed with flashplugin-installed. The 64 bit version kept crashing, when I used it, and the 32 bit worked03:31
blakamintest34, good luck!03:31
test34it seems to work fine so far03:31
test34youtube at least03:31
coaxmtmaybe there is a newer version. Did you say beta? it was alpha when I used it03:32
test34nevermind, I guess I can't adjust the sound volume03:32
blakaminyeah, mine always did until I found a random deb somewhere i wanted to install... *grrr03:32
housetierI have had good experience with the 64bit flash from adobe03:32
xnokAnyone have issues with the nvidia driver package 185 on karmic?03:33
dtchenxnok: more specifically?03:33
nemohm. yep. all my totem visuals aren't playing03:33
test34xnok, not so far03:33
nemoapart from that little speck of colour at top of screen03:33
housetierxnok I don't have more or less issues than with 19003:33
wastrelhay duds03:34
xnokI can't get the keyboard and mouse to work -- no echo on the terminal, but it seems to interpret the commands.03:34
nemomaybe if I switch to totem-xine...03:35
blakaminI'm running 185 and it's using all my settings from jaunty without even installing compiz fusion manager... lol03:35
test34housetier, 190 download from nvidia ?03:36
nemoanything waved over the black area fails to repaint, which I guess is 'cause it thinks stuff is being drawn there03:36
xnokI did do a dist-upgrade as opposed to a clean install from a fully functional jaunty,03:36
housetiertest34, no from some ppa03:36
durthey folks, anyone know if apt-get does _not_ get you to latest karmic? do you ever have to re-install or use update-manager to upgrade from alpha to alpha or alpha to beta during the devel cycle?03:36
housetiertest34, https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa03:37
dtchendurt: apt-get does. no need to reinstall.03:37
test34thanks housetier03:37
ChogyDandurt: make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed03:37
xnokI will checkout 190 to see if it has my hardware  -- as well as the launchpad link. Thanks.03:37
durtdtchen, do you have any link to policy or blueprint?03:37
housetierso you guys don't know anything about key/signature changes on de.archive.ubuntu.com ?03:38
dtchendurt: for dist-upgrading? no, unless you're referring to something specific to update-manager03:38
durtdtchen, my understanding is that dist-upgrade won't install new software hence the need for update-manager, do the devs ever need to use UM during the dev cycel?03:40
dtchendurt: i use apt-get all the time03:40
durtdtchen, me too, but I'm looking for policy...03:41
webbb82i just installed karmic and whn i went to download and install droopbox the installer fails and says bad descriptor03:41
dtchendurt: well, the recommended method is update-manager, yes.03:41
macodurt: the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade is that dist-upgrade WILL install new packages and remove obsolete ones03:41
webbb82how do i install from the terminal03:41
macodurt: update-manger, however, has extra "hints" on how to handle interesting combinations of software03:41
macoalso, "do-release-upgrade" uses those hints just like update-manager does for new version releases03:42
durtmaco, understood, is there a policy/blueprint for its use during the devel cycle, during alpha/beta?03:42
dtchendurt: no, there is no policy or blueprint for that use03:43
blakaminwebbb82:  It's a bug being fixed  in terminal "sudo dpkg -i <deb name here>"03:43
webbb82blakamin, thanks03:43
blakaminno worries03:43
durtdtchen, meaning it's not used or it can be if the devs wish?03:43
dtchendurt: it can be used03:44
webbb82blakamin, does it have to be the exact name as in nautilus-dropbox_0.6.1_i386_ubuntu_9.04.deb03:44
blakaminyup... where did you save it?03:44
durtdtchen, is there a communication method in place to tell testers to use UM not apt-get dist-upgade if the need arises?03:45
blakamincd /home/<username>/03:45
blakaminsudo dpkg -i nautilus-dropbox_0.6.1_i386_ubuntu_9.04.deb03:45
blakaminor cd ~/03:46
webbb82its under downloads sorry03:47
idyleHi! I'm on karmic and I want to go to the beta -- is this seamless? Just apt-get upgrade?03:47
blakamincd ~/Downloads03:48
blakamindont forget capital "D"03:48
blakaminidyle: when did you last update?03:48
idyleblakamin: today03:48
webbb82thats what i did wrong03:48
blakaminyou have it then03:48
webbb82why the ~03:49
idyleblakamin: woo thanks!03:49
cdm10is it just me, or does the beta torrent not run?03:49
idylewebbb82: ~ = /home/you03:49
blakaminwebbb82: tells it to start at /home/<username>/03:49
blakamincdm10: beta torrent having probs... get from net at http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/karmic/03:50
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.03:50
cdm10blakamin: k, I'll be sure to seed later03:50
webbb82is there a good web site with all the good commands like apt-gets and such03:51
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:51
blakaminyup... give me a second03:51
blakamin^^^^ that one :D03:51
cdm10blakamin: MIT media lab seems to have it, can I download from there? It's closer.03:51
rwwcdm10: yes, any mirror can be used03:52
alokitoI installed gdm and the restart and shutdown options are gone from kubuntu desktop03:52
alokitohow to fix this?03:52
cdm10rww: just making sure there wasn't some problem with synced-up-ness.03:52
cdm10...er, synchronization.03:52
blakaminyeah... just that utah was really quick earlier +10mbit03:52
blakaminpeople getting 1mb per sec03:52
cdm10i'm saturating 20mbit on media lab03:52
cdm10has anyone looked at somehow having ubuntu updates use non-default servers?03:53
cdm10i mean, we have all these mirrors, but systems still pull down updates from the same swamped servers by default03:53
cdm10it seems like there should be a better way to do it...03:54
blakaminyou can change your sources, but this normally only happens during beta, RC and final releases03:54
cdm10well, i'm thinking of final releases03:54
cdm10i mean, a power user has no problem figuring out the problem and picking a mirror03:55
cdm10but final releases tend to be things that everyone downloads, and they're slow for EVERYBODY>03:55
blakaminyou could get them from NZ sources if you want... decent connection and bugger all people get it here because it's the middle of the next night when it's released ;P03:55
housetieronly de.archive.ubuntu.com seems to yield that error message (well I only tried de.archive.u.c and archive.u.c)03:56
cdm10I'm not saying that I have a problem getting releases, just that it might benefit less computer-literate users to have some sort of automatic mirror selection03:57
blakaminalokito: not sure about kubuntu, but you can add it on the panel by right click & choose Add to Panel :"shut down" button.03:57
blakaminin gnome03:57
alokitoblakamin, nope its fine in gnome03:57
alokitogdm1 didn't have this problem in kde03:58
blakamincdm10, true, it would be nice if it auto-switched mirrors03:58
blakaminbrb, ciggie time03:59
DanaGhandy hint: colleges and such often have big, fat pipes.  =þ04:06
micahgcan I upgrade to karmic from a mirror?04:13
micahgand can I cancel an upgrade while it's downloading?04:14
blakaminif you cancel before it starts installing04:14
micahgwhat about my first question?04:14
test341st: yes04:15
micahgthat'll speed things up :)04:15
test34depends which mirror you are using04:15
blakaminwhat was that one before, test34?04:16
test34utah.. now it might become slowe04:16
blakamintrue, now that we told people! ;D04:17
micahg1that's better from 50k/s to 400k/s04:19
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
memeno me quiere iniciar el modo grafico en la beta04:28
memei have the karmic beta, and the x don´t start, only text mode. sorry about my english :S04:31
pablo__the last question.... I like to start ubuntu with compiz ... but i have to starting from compiz fusion icon because compiz didn't start by default... how can configure that?04:33
jbroomeare the two desktop torrents throwing a ""Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker."]" error to others?04:35
memecome on threres no one to help here04:46
cdm10has anyone had problems with Karmic refusing to reboot from the livecd?04:47
blakaminmeme, people will only help if they know the answer... if they don't, they stay quiet...04:48
akiomeme, what do you need help with?04:48
cdm10or rather, after an install from the livecd04:48
* blakamin is quiet04:48
om26ercan any1 plz confirm this if all the sounds are disabled then pressing backspace in the terminal gives a bip sound does any1 get it04:48
cdm10i'm testing it in a VirtualBox machine, so I'm not sure if it has to do with that or not... don't particularly feel like running the installer on any of my real machines :)04:49
om26ercdm10: i have it04:49
akioom26er, rephrase your question04:49
om26erakio: disable all sounds and then press backspace in the terminal is there a bip sound or not04:49
mozicodoakio: I think he's talking about the PC speaker beep. I'm not getting it.04:49
om26ereven after disabling all i am getting that annoying sound04:50
akiodisable sounds in system>preferences>sound?04:50
om26erakio: yes04:50
akiosudo modprobe -r pcspkr04:50
cdm10rrrgh. does anyone here use an alternate keyboard layout?04:51
om26erakio: will i get audio playback04:51
akioand then add "blacklist pcspkr" to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf04:51
akiothe pcspkr module is all that is making that sound04:52
memeakio i install some updates and i restart and nothig happen04:52
akioyou can play all sorts of music04:52
om26erakio: thank you04:52
akiomeme, what are you talking about?04:52
memesorry for my english im from el salvador04:53
memei update karmic and restart my computer but the gui dont start only text mode04:55
akiono problem04:55
akioHow are you chatting in irc?04:55
mxme ? fine04:55
mxjust wanted to give my opinions about karmic04:55
memeits other computer04:56
blakaminmx, akio was talking to meme04:56
cdm10anyone have any thoughts about the Karmic background?04:58
blakaminlol... no comment04:58
cdm10blakamin: that to me?04:58
mxbackground ? who cares ? i use blank one04:58
blakaminit's not *that* bad04:58
blakamincdm10, yup04:59
cdm10i mean, i know i can change anything to whatever i want04:59
cdm10but I also want it to look nice so that people don't go "wtf" when they try it out.04:59
cdm10and somehow, every theme update they've done for this release is just... bleh.04:59
nhasiancdm10, i dunno, i like the brown theme.  but I admit it would be nice to have a couple different default themes to choose from.05:00
mxby the way : hello everyone05:00
blakaminI think there has definitely been nicer wallpapers in the past, but we haven't reached final yet05:00
blakaminhi mx05:00
cdm10hasn't it been artwork freeze?05:00
blakaminthere is still some ongoing drama about it so the freeze might be temporary05:01
cdm10nhasian: the background is for some reason very orange, while the theme has gone very gray.05:01
akiomeme, I would do another "sudo aptitude update;sudo aptitude -y safe-upgrade;sudo aptitude -y reinstall gnome-desktop-environment gdm - but that is overkill05:01
blakaminI said if the wallpaper had some moths around it, it would remind me to turn off the porch light at night05:02
memeakio ok i try thanks05:02
cdm10meme: i mean... you're running a prerelease... stuff breaks. If you're using it on your production system, I hope you know how to get your files off and reinstall if need be.05:02
akioits all about learning how to fix things that break05:03
nhasiancdm10, well i guess half the fun of using linux is creating your own unique desktop theme.  wallpapers, screenlets, docks, etc05:03
cdm10nhasian: not for grandmas and the like05:03
memedont worry i know how i install in a different partition05:03
cdm10akio: that's true -- but personally, I'm going to run a clean install when it's out.05:04
akioThat may be easier but I know the parts that break.05:04
mxabout pulseaudio and devicekit : nobody has any problem with them ?05:05
akioI'm sure someone has an issue with every package05:06
nhasiancdm10, well my mom (who is a grandma) changes the wallpaper herself05:07
cdm10better than the ones I know :)05:07
akiomy mother has been using ubuntu for over 4 years05:07
akioshe always complains about her windows machine05:08
nhasianakio, holy cow!  she's more l33t than me.05:08
cdm10I got my family to buy a Mac. No more cdm10-the-tech-support-guy05:08
akionot really, she says things like "please send him to the email"05:08
nhasianakio, only 1.5 years for me, and 1 year for my mom.  she's gonna love karmic.  she's been bugging me to be able to do video conferencing with her friends05:09
akiowell good luck because iChat beats it with a stick05:09
mxpulseaudio makes some pops or clicks on my headphones (when pulseaudio is called ?) ; some sub process of devicekit keeps complaining about my front media module (SD card, MMC, ...) and keeps feeding my logs every seconds, got to kill it once per boot05:09
akiowhat log?05:10
akiothat can't be good05:10
mxkernel[76404.403887] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Logical unit not supported05:10
mxthis is the kind of messages that it produces05:11
akiohave you consulted the oracle for at least 10 minutes?05:11
mxno cause it's proprietary ware05:12
brianwhy cant i find xfce in synaptic05:13
akiobecause its hiding behind the couch05:14
dtchenbecause there is no 'xfce' package05:14
mxxfce4 ?05:14
akioyes, the couch05:14
dtchenor xubuntu-desktop05:14
akioaptitude search desktop05:14
akioask it nicely and it will come out from behind the couch05:15
briani want to i nstall xfce would that be xubuntu desktop05:15
akioyou will then have to switch your session in GDM05:15
mxnobody use KDE here ?05:16
brianwilll xubutnu desktop install the new version of xfce05:17
mxi hope for you05:17
akioit will install the version that you install?05:17
om26erbrian: yes05:17
akiothe one that is available?05:17
akiofrom what i can tell there is no xfce-desktop05:18
pushraxhi all.   Is anyone else got problems with video codecs not displaying video images?05:18
akioonly xfce05:18
akioi mean xfce405:19
om26erpushrax: i don't05:19
akioxfce4 in the repos is version
mxpushrax: what software do you use05:19
pushraxI think it's got something to do with ffmpeg05:20
om26erpushrax: have you install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:20
pushraxmx: dragon player most, but also in kaffine and vlc05:20
om26erpushrax: then your video file is corrupted or if u downloaded a torrents its fake05:21
pushraxonly onyl can play mpeg from hdtv recording.   all other videos like divx,avi etc only play sound and I've tried both ffmpeg sets, both ubuntut build and unstripped05:21
mxtried mplayer ?05:21
=== Krampus_ is now known as Krampus
pushraxnarr its the codec. all video files wont play05:22
pushraxtesting now...05:22
om26erpushrax: also try totem05:22
mxlibavcodec52 ?05:22
pushraxom26er: I get video in broser too so totem works there...05:23
mxmaybe mplayer on the command line would give you some error messages05:23
offwithx11anyone know how to stop x11 from starting automatically in ubuntu 9.10?05:24
mxrunlevel 305:24
offwithx11mx: is that the command?05:24
mxno it's not05:24
mxlinux changed quite a lot since 1996 when I started linux for the first time :)05:25
offwithx11mx: is there a file to edit somewhere where i can change the 1 to 0?05:25
om26eroffwithx11: you are funny05:25
mxudpate-rc -f (kdm or gdm) remove05:25
offwithx11om26er: :)05:25
offwithx11mx: i don't want to remove it, just stop from starting05:26
offwithx11mx: /etc/update-rc.d file?05:26
mxit won't remove kdm or gdm, it will just prevent it from starting on boot05:26
offwithx11mx: and if i have fluxbox, do i add that too? (don't know if fluxbox uses xdm)05:27
akioi use sysv-rc-conf05:27
pushraxmplayer works from command line but wont play if I use the KDE4 method05:27
mxthere may be some more ellegant way to do it05:27
mxi dunno if you can start fluxbox just by typing startfluxbox05:27
om26erpushrax: how about UBUNTU not K05:27
offwithx11mx: i was wanting to edit a file so i could backup the file and replace it at any time; esp since karmic is unstable05:27
mxI haven't used fluxbox since a long time05:28
pushraxom26er: tried both and both don't work.05:28
pushraxcan I paste a small console readout?05:29
om26erpushrax: what is the type of file?05:29
pushrax[MGA] Couldn't open: /dev/mga_vid05:29
pushraxopen: No such file or directory05:29
pushrax[MGA] Couldn't open: /dev/mga_vid05:29
pushrax[VO_TDFXFB] Can't open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory.05:29
pushrax[VO_3DFX] Unable to open /dev/3dfx.05:29
akiopushrax, no, you will be kicked05:29
pushraxXlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:29
offwithx11anyone: what about editing the /etc/default-display-manager file?05:29
pushrax[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 105:29
pushraxthats the error from mplayer but it still playered the file ok from the command line05:29
akiouse pastebin05:29
pushraxwhat's pastebin?05:29
offwithx11!pastebin | pushrax05:30
ubottupushrax: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:30
om26erpushrax: u paste bug texts there05:30
om26erpushrax: then give its link here05:30
offwithx11om26er: you know anything about that file above?05:31
om26eroffwithx11: not at all05:31
om26erpushrax: what is the size of the video file? can u see its thumbnail05:32
akiosounds like an nvidia issue05:32
pushraxom26er: thy're too big for thumbs, and I usually only have in list mode05:32
om26erpushrax: have you updated yesterday05:32
pushraxI removed the nvidia drivers and 3dfx, etc.  I have a radeon x3870hd05:33
pushraxgot fglrx drivers running05:33
pushraxso it's strange that it's relyign on drivers I dont need.  if these errors are even related to not seeing imagry for videos05:34
om26erpushrax: have you tried jaunty(9.04)05:34
pushraxom26er: yep totally update.05:34
pushraxom26er: narr not want to use karmic05:34
om26erpushrax: ok05:35
om26erpushrax: there is a command which tells that if u have the codecs required to play the file and i don't remember it05:36
om26erany1 here knows that command???05:36
akioyeah, its called mplayer05:37
om26erpushrax: your video files are 720p or 1080p or less?05:37
akiopushrax, are you using karmic?05:37
pushraxom26er: I have ffmpeg installed so it should play something.  Also this is onyl a recent problems, like for the last week or so.  I haven't worried about it too much as I though a patch would correct it05:37
pushraxakio: yep karmic with all patches.  using dist-update05:38
om26erpushrax: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras05:38
om26erpushrax: if not try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:38
pushraxom26er: nope as it wants to install icedtea when I prefer sun java.05:39
pushraxom26er: noting I have allt he essentials installed though05:39
nhasianwait doesnt ubuntu-restricted-extras install sun's java?  I remember having to agree to the license agreement.05:39
om26erpushrax: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and your files will play05:40
pushrax>> [ 1624.992888] dragon[4152]: segfault at 90 ip 00007fdfaabefc89 sp 00007fdf9f623ee0 error 6 in xineplug_decode_ff.so[7fdfaabea000+a000]05:41
mxi don't have ubuntu-restricted-extras and i play every file i want :)05:42
om26erpushrax: now i suggest download beta and install again?05:42
om26erpushrax: my segmentation fault with empathy never gone until i reinstalled05:43
pushraxom26er: yeah I thought that maybe the solution but wanted to ask here if it was a common problems, which it seems not to be05:43
om26erpushrax: wait05:43
om26erpushrax: can you try this sudo apt-get remove libindicate*05:45
kuttanswhat is the meaning of the message org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply"05:45
om26erpushrax: what does it say05:47
om26erpushrax: libindicate was causing segmentation fault in empathy05:47
akioI use gnumeric at work and it was segfaulting for the longest time05:48
akiofixed now05:48
pushraxit wants to remove those and pigeon05:48
mxkuttans: what is the problem ?05:48
om26erpushrax: not do that and have you installed pidgin yourself?05:49
kuttanswhen i tried to open kmail from the command line it was saying  "<unknown program name>(5443)/: Communication problem with  "kmail" , it probably crashed. Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)"05:50
om26erakio: can you tell me a bit about gnumeric. i hate openoffice cuz i dont need it but how is gnumeric will it open .xml files?05:50
kuttansand the syslog showing a segfault05:50
kuttansand one problem in kernal logs too05:50
mxwhat version of kmail ?05:50
kuttansthe latest one05:51
kuttans4.3 i guess05:51
kuttans1.12.1 is the version of kmail mx05:52
mxkuttans: got the same error05:56
pushraxom26er: yep I installed pidgin myself.  I did that command you said but tit's had no effect on playing movies.  I am now putting back in those items that were removed in the command05:56
kuttansmx: is there any solution for that05:56
om26erpushrax: you really need a new installation05:57
pushraxom26er: ok thanks for help.  I may wait for next kernel or fglrx drivers to see if that fixes.05:58
hifimm, should I upgrade my work desktop to karmic beta or not06:02
hifiit should be fun!06:03
mxkuttans: does kmail crashes ?06:04
mxkuttans: mine doesn't06:04
kuttansmx: mine is not opening at all, now i lost all my mails, there were around more than 500 mails06:04
kuttansmx: and now there is no help available anywhere in kubuntu, or ubuntu or ubuntu 106:05
kuttansand now im not even able to transfer my mails to thunderbird as the mail box format is different from kmail and thunderbird06:05
kuttansand no one is there to help with this............ and i feel that is really bad06:06
mxkuttans: what do you have in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/search/    ?06:07
mxkuttans: there are some converters between different mail formats06:10
aprilhare"VirtualBox can't operate in VMX root mode. Please disable the KVM kernel extension, recompile your kernel and reboot (VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE)."06:11
aprilharei don't know what the deal with this kernel is but it apparently broke support for my webcam too06:12
eagles0513875ouchie aprilhare06:13
kuttans mx: im having a file named last search in that folder06:13
eagles0513875!kvm | aprilhare06:13
ubottuaprilhare: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM06:13
eagles0513875aprilhare: seems like you have a conflicting virtualization kernel06:14
aprilhareeagles0513875: yes. i was using 2.6.30 kernel under jaunty too so it apparently is just karmic06:14
eagles0513875give me a min to update my repos and i will install vbox as well and see if i have that issue with 31-11 kernel06:14
aprilhareeagles0513875: ok no worries06:14
eagles0513875that in all honesty is strange i have gotten vbox to work with the 2.6.3006:15
aprilhareeagles0513875: as did I under jaunty.06:16
eagles0513875what version of vbox do you have installed06:16
eagles0513875what the flip06:17
eagles0513875!info vbox06:17
ubottuPackage vbox does not exist in karmic06:17
virtualdrmmod kvm_intel kvm_amd kvm06:17
eagles0513875!info vbox306:17
ubottuvbox3 (source: vbox3): voice response system for isdn4linux. In component universe, is extra. Version (karmic), package size 34 kB, installed size 228 kB06:17
aprilhare!info virtualbox06:17
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in karmic06:17
aprilhareguess the package name06:17
eagles0513875aprilhare: i agree with what virtuald said rmmod kvm_intell kvm_amd and kvm modules06:17
mxkuttans: tar -zcvf ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/search.tar.gz ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/search/06:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualbox-ose06:18
aprilhare!info virtualbox-ose06:18
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.6-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 6268 kB, installed size 24516 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)06:18
eagles0513875!info virtualbox-ose06:18
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.6-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 6268 kB, installed size 24516 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)06:18
arejchi all. has anyone been able to install jaunty from an external usb cdrom drive? mine boots initrd but then fails to find the cdrom06:18
mxkuttans: then rm -fvr ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/search/06:18
eagles0513875arejc: please go to either ubuntu or kubuntu channels this channel is for 9.10 support06:19
mxkuttans: tar makes a backup copy of the folder before removing it with the rm command06:19
mxthere may be some bugs in Qt used by Kmai06:20
eagles0513875aprilhare: let me know if rmmod kvm_intel kvm_amd kvm does the trick for you. it removes the modules from kvm for you06:20
arejceagles0513875, sorry wrong name, im actually using ubuntu-9.10-beta-alternate-i386.iso06:20
kuttansmx: what about the other folder in the kmail. i heard that kmail uses mbox format and thunderbird uses mailbox format06:20
eagles0513875arejc: ahh then you have come to the right place. i know it works in previous versions but havent tried with karmic06:20
eagles0513875!usb | arejc06:20
ubottuarejc: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:20
mxkuttans: isn't it the contrary ? kmail uses maildir and thunderbird uses mbox ?06:21
eagles0513875arejc: the first link you would like to take a look at at getting one setup as a bootable usb :)06:21
arejceagles0513875, not a flash drive, but a cd rom. it worked fine in 9.0406:21
eagles0513875ahhh arejc apologies read that wrong06:22
* eagles0513875 goes to get some coffee06:22
kuttansmx: yeah im sorry its the contrary06:22
mxkuttans: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/42903906:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429039 in kdepim "kmail crashed with SIGSEGV in QListData::begin() [on startup] (dup-of: 427073)" [Unknown,Confirmed]06:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427073 in kdepim "kontact crashed with SIGSEGV in QListData::begin()" [Medium,In progress]06:22
arejceagles0513875, no worries06:22
mxubottu: yeah that's what i also found06:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:22
eagles0513875hes just telling u what the bug is about mx06:23
kuttansmx: wow man it just worked06:24
mxseems like a Qt bug, they released a new version today so perhaps it'll be corrected with the new release06:24
kuttansmx: i just deleted the search thing an dit worked06:25
mxnow backup all your mails06:25
kuttansmx: by the way mx why there are very less upgrades and dist-upgrades recently in karmic06:25
BaD_CrCepiphany-webkit :D06:26
BaD_CrCwrong window :)06:26
mxkuttans: freezing stage06:26
kuttansoh ok06:26
kuttansmx: well i think i need to learn a lot in linux, think i have to spend more time with my lappy than on tv06:27
habananyi burnt the iso image (karmic) , now what?06:29
darthanubisppl still watch teevee?06:29
aprilhareeagles0513875: how do i add em back if necessary?06:29
darthanubishabanany, follow the instructions on the website06:30
habananyI burnt the iso image (karmic) what come next?06:30
eagles0513875aprilhare: modproble will load them and their dependencies back06:30
darthanubisand don't repeat your question within a minute06:30
habananyis it bad luck to repeat question?06:31
darthanubisit's poor manners06:31
mxwe're not paid06:31
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:31
aprilhareeagles0513875: loaded06:31
eagles0513875aprilhare: meaning loaded back into the running kernel06:32
DasEihabanany: boot it, check media for defects06:32
habananyi just did not see my question coming through06:32
darthanubisno worries then06:33
aprilhareeagles0513875: meaning: i ran rmmod kvm_intel kvm_amd kvm ; ran vbox; it works :)06:33
mxhabanany: chek your irc client, you can highlight your comments if it has the feature for06:33
eagles0513875those modules were taken out of the running kernel that means aprilhare06:33
eagles0513875aprilhare: would love to stay and chat but i ahve lectures to run 206:33
aprilhareoff you go06:33
mxwhat's the difference between a regular user and a nerd ? the nerd RTFM  :)06:34
habananythanks mx06:34
aprilharereading manuals makes brain hurt06:34
mxi knew a blind guy who read almost every man pages a few years ago06:35
DasEimx: manual as in using your hands (braille), nor ? heh06:37
mxDasEi: manuals as : man man06:37
mx$ man man06:38
DasEiman manual-auto, k I stop that06:38
aprilhareyou can get playboy magazine in braille, you can get man pages in braille. makes sense06:38
mxcan you watch video in braille ?06:38
DasEiyes, by using braille-glasses06:38
aprilharemx: playboy magazine has articles you know06:39
aprilharearthur c clarke published in playboy if memory serves06:39
aprilhare"Bets between physicists are not unusual. Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne, for instance, had a famous bet about the existence of black holes, with the winner receiving a subscription to the magazine of their choice - Playboy for Thorne and Private Eye for Hawking."06:40
aprilhareguess who won06:40
mxand the winner is : Albert Einstein06:40
aprilharei wonder what mag old einstein would have plumped for06:40
aprilhareassuming someone bet him between 1945-195506:41
aprilharethis must be great reading for the logs :D06:42
mxnow they're trying to prove the existence inside quarks : chords06:43
mxand maybe after then we will go to other dimensions, just amazing06:45
mxjust like in Sliders06:45
habananyhey i guess norton is interfering with karmic06:58
habananywwubi does not open06:59
vega-hm, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing doesn't list "beta"07:00
habananynorton pyrun exe detected  and removed07:00
hifihm, karmic human theme is a little strange07:02
mysticdarkhackhey all07:02
hifithe dark active window title bar doesn't seem to fit07:02
mysticdarkhackanyone notice that in compiz cube effect, mouse scroll button to switch isn't working or deactived?07:03
mysticdarkhackto switch desk07:03
habananyi disabled norton and problem resolved07:05
mysticdarkhacklook like karmic server is slow07:05
habananyi thought guys you like help others07:06
SandGorgoni have a custom 2.6.31 kernel - pulled from latest git. I'm having trouble running wine+ia32-libs, which is crashing continuously. Do I need to rebuild ia32-libs for a different kernel07:06
habananyinstalling karmic (demo) i'm exited07:07
mysticdarkhackanyway, seem like not to many tech support in here07:07
habananyi know nothing about linux, but i will lern07:08
mysticdarkhackant we all07:09
mysticdarkhackBeen using linux for almst three or sao years now07:09
habananytoday i knew what a repository and a checksum are.07:10
mysticdarkhacklol, basic is a good start07:10
habananyhave to go , rebooting, see you later, thanks for the encourage mystic07:11
MightyTweekdoes anyone know what happened to System>Administration>Services?07:31
=== ubuntu_ is now known as habanany
habananyi like karmic07:45
cousin_mariohow do I enable the shutdown/logout buttons in the menu?07:50
HomerSliceThe latest  Ubuntu seems pretty cool, not sure if I'm sticking with empathy though07:59
HomerSliceAs usual I'll give it a chance07:59
HomerSliceI'm not hot on the the default icon set, trying to change it08:00
spstarrIs there problems reading CDs/DVDs right now?08:00
spstarrits totally busted08:00
HomerSlicealso missing some of the great pidgin plugins08:01
draconiswhere is the setup for xfce4-volumed, is there a way to change what channel the "volume keys" modify?08:02
draconisit's rather odd that the volume control on my headset is moving the volume of my (unused) internal sound card08:02
spstarrany CDs empty I get08:04
spstarr[60041.222939] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE08:04
spstarr[60041.222944] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal Request [current]08:04
spstarrand any burnt DVDs it just doesn't mount them08:04
* spstarr tries manually08:04
kruykazehi everyone08:05
kruykazei just installed karmic and can't setup manual ip08:06
kruykazecan you help me?08:06
nicolacardinalikruykaze: try to remove network manager and install wicd, for me is better08:15
MightyTweekkruykaze, right-click the network icon in the panel, select "edit connections", select your adapter, click edit, select the ipv4 settings tab, change method to manual and fill int he info08:15
kruykazenicolacardinali, wicd ? is that in the repos?08:22
HowDoIWhen using the Karmic Alpha 6 LiveCD via USB thumb drive, my computer locks up immediately when the Gnome desktop starts to become visible.  I have Intel 82945G integrated graphics, which have been problematic since Jaunty, and I can't find any reports of similar behavior.  Any advice?08:29
=== dr0ppy is now known as dr0pknutz
AmaranthHowDoI: try again with the beta08:54
habananyhave a question, is it dinamic static the right one of the download skype?08:54
paolob Hi guys! I'm trying to upgrade to karmic, but after showing the disclaimer about the beta, update-manager stops saying "Authentication failed. Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server." What should I do?08:55
HowDoIYeah, I figured that would be the response08:55
habananyI mean for karmic08:55
paolobThe debug information I see in the terminal is "gpg: BAD signature from "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>""08:55
hifipaolob: you might have a broken mirror08:56
hifihehe, broken mirror08:56
paolobhifi, I'm using apt-cacher08:56
amortvigilhello, i find the beta more unstable than 9.10 alpha 6!08:59
HowDoII hope not08:59
HowDoIKarmic Alpha 6 ran very well on my netbook, which also uses Intel integrated graphics09:00
HowDoIFor some reason most of the components of my computer don't play well with Ubuntu.09:00
amortvigilHowDoI: when i installed on alpha6 no errors no crashes, beta has crashing programs every now and then09:00
amortvigilHowDoI: do you know the netherlands?09:01
amortvigilok, you nickname has a meaning in a southren dialect of the dutch language it means bye09:02
amortvigilactually its houwdoe,09:02
HowDoII did not know that09:02
amortvigilbut you wrote it like english ppl pronnounce it09:02
stefgI just have a testdrive of the netbook remix on my Acer Aspire One. The top panel is completely empty, none of the necessary gadgets is there. I wonder if this is just a sign that karmic is still a building site or if this qualifies as a reportable bug.09:04
HowDoII've noticed a lot of things missing or moved around between versions of pre-release09:05
HowDoIThey'll probably fix it09:05
stefgany other netbook-remix testers? is it the same for you?09:06
HowDoII don't use netbook remix, but the regular Gnome version has similar things happen in the Alpha/Beta versions09:07
frandieguezHi to all, I'm a member of Ubuntu Galician Translators and I'm testing Ubuntu Karmic beta on galician language (gl_ES) and after 2 weeks solving all the translation errors on alfa6 we can see that the ubiquity-slideshow isn't showed translated yet. What is the procedement for make Ubuntu integrate the translations made on launchpad on the final product release?09:08
HowDoIFile a bug if you want, I guess, I dunno.  But unless something is actually broken or missing when it should be there, they will probably tell you they already know09:08
stefgfrandieguez: i don't hink the slideshow translations are merged yet. On a german install the slideshow is still english, too09:09
frandieguezstefg, so I you can, I can file a bug that the translatoins isn't merged yet09:10
frandieguezjust for remember the ubuntu-installer team that09:10
stefgfrandieguez: according to the schedule the final merging of translations is done before Oct. 22nd. see the link in /topic09:11
frandieguezstefg ok thanks!09:11
paolobtrying to update to karmic, I get an error when upgrading xserver-xorg: "invoke-rc.d: initscript hal, action "restart" failed." It seems that hal cannot be restarted. Any hint?09:11
HowDoIAnybody know just how much the pre-release versions of Ubuntu compare with the final release speed-wise?  Are the pre-release packages non-optimized?09:12
stefgpaolob: http://www.piware.de/2008/05/hal-is-dead-long-live-devicekit/09:12
stefgpaolob: karmic doesn't use hal09:13
iflemapaolob: update from 9.04, earlier or 9.10alph09:13
JMFTheVCIJust updated with the overnight updated. On reboot I can login. But when xsplash completes all I get is a big blank white screen. Anyone else seen this. A restart of GDM does not make any difference09:13
HowDoIJMFTheVCI, that sounds like a bug I read about09:14
amortvigilJMFTheVCI: have you rebooted?09:14
paolobstefg, iflema, ok, but how do I end my update to karmic? it seems that xserver-xorg still depends on hal09:14
hifiFYI my karmic beta works fine09:14
iflemapaolob: which one did update from?09:14
paolobiflema, from 9.0409:15
JMFTheVCIHowDoI: I'll try another reboot rather than a gdm restart.09:15
iflemapaolob: did you use backport and proposed repos?09:15
HowDoISometimes things require a hard power-cycle reboot to work again09:15
iflemapaolob: or cd09:15
paolobiflema, I use backportsù+09:16
paolobshould I remove them?09:16
HowDoIWhen I had Intrepid on my netbook, sometimes the wireless would stop working until I completely powered it down and started up again09:16
JMFTheVCIHowDoI: I had the wireless thing yesterday on Jaunty.09:17
stefgpaolob: breakage is to be expected. i think you got to boot to recovery and sort things out on the console. this might involve purging xserver-xorg and reinstalling it again09:17
JMFTheVCIHowDoI: Full reboot and all is well.09:17
JMFTheVCIOdd. Should we report this bug?09:17
HowDoIIf you want, go for it, but I haven't experienced it since Jaunty09:18
amortvigilJMFTheVCI: told you so :P09:18
paolobstefg, I rebooted and I'm in recovery mode, but purging and reinstalling xserver-xorg didn't resolve09:20
JMFTheVCIamortvigil: Thing is I did do a reboot  after the updates. Shouldn't really take a second reboot should it. If newbies don't know about Alt-F1 to fix things they would be a bit miffed.09:20
stefgpaolob: which package causes the trouble ?09:20
paolobstefg, xserver-xorg09:21
iflemapaolob: firem bothup backport and propsed.. see how ya go. not exacly sure you can go back with ease09:21
HowDoITo be honest, I've never had an complete Ubuntu upgrade work properly.  I've always wiped everything and reinstalled from scratch09:21
JMFTheVCI HowDoI: My upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty worked well. The Jaunty platform has been very stable on my Samsung NC10.09:22
HowDoIWell Jaunty was the first to support EXT4, so I had to wipe for that09:22
JMFTheVCIEven the upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic alpha 2 on my Thinkpad T61 went well. (Although it was not quite as stable as it is now. It wasn't bad though.)09:23
JMFTheVCII have not gone EXT4.09:23
JMFTheVCII cannot upgrade to ext4 in-place as I don't have a separate boot partition.09:23
HowDoII haven't really seen any increase in performance with EXT4, but I'm not running any benchmarks09:23
HowDoIJaunty in general was a huge let-down for me09:24
HowDoIIntel graphics09:24
HowDoIAnd because of their 6-month release schedule they only fix serious security problems with the usual updates09:25
joaopintoJMFTheVCI, you don't need /boot on a different partition for installing into ext4, I am not sure about upgrading09:25
JMFTheVCINot the best of drivers. But my 1024x600 screen (Intel GM954) don't need to do a lot. Compiz is fine.09:25
joaopintoHowDoI, the the update policy is general, not specific to Jaunty09:26
stefgJMFTheVCI: it always depends on how many repos you use. If you strictly adhere to the default repos (no -backports no -proposed, no PPA's) then you have e clean upgrade path. But since for one reason or another you usually need backports and PPA you're spoiling the Upgrade and are better off to backup your stuff and reinstall09:26
JMFTheVCIjoaopinto: everything I have read indicates that /boot should remain ext3. I do have grub209:26
HowDoIYeah, I know.  That's why Jaunty was a huge let-down for me, not Ubuntu in general09:26
JMFTheVCII even have grub 2 on Jaunty.09:26
joaopintoJMFTheVCI, that is not true09:27
JMFTheVCIstefg: I have proposed and a select set of PPAs( mostly for my company related stuff - Lotus Notes 8.5 etc)09:27
JMFTheVCIjoaopinto: OK. do you have some latest doc that indicates the upgrade-in-place instructions? I'll give it a go.09:28
stefgJMFTheVCI: i didn't say it won't work (esp. if you have no 3rd party repos for low-level stuff like xorg) it's just that you "void the warranty"09:28
joaopintoI had grub with a single ext4 partition, and now I have grub2 with a single ext409:28
joaopintoJMFTheVCI, the upgrade in place does not introduce the performance benefits of a clean filesystem creation09:29
JMFTheVCIjoaopinto: So not worth the hassel unless I clean install, yes?09:29
joaopintoI have noticed significant gains on performance when switching to ext409:35
=== JMFTheVCI_b is now known as JMFTheVCI
micahgwhen logging into karmic is there a place to turn off the user list?09:40
joaopintoI remember seeing some notes about gdm missing a configuration interface09:41
HowDoIYou used to be able to do that in Jaunty09:41
Amaranthmicahg: no09:41
AmaranthThe only thing you can configure with the new gdm is autologin09:41
micahgdo I just have to use another window manager then?09:41
HowDoIOh wow09:41
joaopintomicahg, login manager, yes09:42
HowDoIWhy do they keep removing features in Karmic?09:42
HowDoIIf that's the case09:42
AmaranthHowDoI: It's an upstream change09:42
micahgdoes anyone know if xdm has the same issue?09:42
AmaranthWe've been using a very old unmaintained version of gdm for a few releases now09:42
AmaranthWe finally switched to the current upstream one09:42
HowDoIWhy would they remove it upstream?09:42
AmaranthThey rewrote gdm09:42
joaopintomicahg, is not a generic issue per si, that was changed specifically on gdm, the lack of a configuration09:42
joaopintoHowDoI, no one removes features just because they do, most of the time it's related to a new version09:43
AmaranthIt also lacks theming abilities09:43
AmaranthUnless you just want to change the colors09:43
HowDoIThat doesn't sound like an upgrade to me09:43
HowDoIIt sounds unfinished09:43
AmaranthIt's more secure code, it doesn't run the GTK+ bits as root09:44
joaopintoHowDoI, I am sure there are other benefits that supported this decision09:44
AmaranthA lot cleaner code too, the theming system was a mess09:44
HowDoISo how many Ubuntu releases will it take until the end-user sees the level it was back in Jaunty?09:45
joaopintodespite the fact that the user list browser will be a blocker for some ppl09:45
AmaranthHowDoI: infinity09:45
joaopintohum, now that I think on this, it will be an adoption blocker on my job09:46
joaopintosecurity concerns09:46
AmaranthWe've removed a bit of configuration from compiz too :P09:46
HowDoIIf the user wants to customize his login screen, he'll hack the source like they used to do back int he good old days09:46
Amaranthjoaopinto: It's a security concern to see the users that login to the machine most often?09:46
micahgwell, xdm isn't as pretty, but there's no user list09:46
joaopintoAmaranth, yes, it is, on corporate policies it is a serious problem to have usernames listed anywhere, including desktops09:47
micahgany idea if lubuntu will be merged in soon?09:47
Amaranthjoaopinto: I found a way :)09:47
Amaranthjoaopinto: sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gconf-editor09:47
Amaranthjoaopinto: browse to /apps/gdm-2/simple-greeter09:47
G_A_CAmaranth: not so much a security issue where I work, but a usability one09:47
G_A_Cour Linux lab had an account for EVERY user with an account09:48
G_A_Cwhich doesn't go well with a face browser09:48
AmaranthG_A_C: It only show the most commonly used ones09:48
joaopintoAmaranth, that should described and linked on the release notes, not having an user list for login is a common configuration09:48
Amaranthand it has an other option09:48
Amaranthmost common 6 or so, that is09:48
joaopintolisting users on the login screen is a security issue09:48
micahgit listed all the users on my system09:48
Amaranthmicahg: and how many users is that?09:49
Amaranthooh there is an option to use compiz too09:49
Amaranthjoaopinto: What we need is a simple UI to access all of this09:49
micahgAmaranth: 709:49
micahgnotifications for IM is cool09:49
Amaranthmicahg: maybe it was 8 then09:50
Amaranthit was 6 or 809:50
kaddi__anyone else having trouble with sound? mine is coming and going in 5-10minutes intervalls09:50
=== kaddi__ is now known as kaddi
micahgdoes anyone know if the lubuntu package will be added to karmic soon?09:50
joaopintoAmaranth, as long there is a simple way to achieve, even that it rrequires gconf-editor, it should be fine, as long it doesn't require to change code :P09:51
micahgyeah, LXDE09:51
joaopintoAmaranth, LXDE ithink :P09:51
micahgI saw something about a lubuntu-desktop package09:51
=== tomas is now known as tomasv
Amaranthafaik that stuff is still 3rd party respins09:51
AmaranthIf it isn't there right now it isn't going to be there09:51
micahgI thought it was sanctioned by the sabdfl09:51
AmaranthWe are in bugfix mode09:51
HowDoIIn what capacity do you work for Ubuntu, Amaranth?09:52
AmaranthI may not even be able to get a compiz update in :P09:52
AmaranthHowDoI: I'm not employed by Canonical, if that's what you mean.09:52
* micahg still wants to get Firefox 3.6 in universe09:52
AmaranthI do compiz packaging though09:52
HowDoIHaha, is Compiz ever going to make it possible to see minimized windows with the scale plugin?09:53
OPTIMUSI am wondering why kubuntu 9.10 beta sill have old boot splash?09:53
AmaranthHowDoI: No, probably not09:53
AmaranthOPTIMUS: I suppose because no one made a new one?09:54
OPTIMUSso final version of kubuntu karmic will have old splash?09:54
HowDoIAlso, I forget who was supposed to be working on it, but isn't there going to be a replacement for Emerald?09:54
AmaranthHowDoI: oops09:54
AmaranthThat was me, over a year ago now09:55
AmaranthI got about 100 lines of code in before someone else had a working project that seemed to have potential09:55
AmaranthThen it turned cracktaskic and they stopped working on it09:55
HowDoIThat's too bad09:55
Amaranthemerald is cracktastic anyway09:55
Amaranthany replacement for it would not have all the "features"09:55
HowDoIYeah, I tried looking at the source to fix a bug I found09:55
HowDoIBut gave up quickly09:56
AmaranthBut if no replacement is created emerald will die with 0.8.x as it does not work with the C++ rewrite09:56
OPTIMUSso final version of kubuntu karmic will have old splash?09:56
Oli``Are we too far along for Amarok 2.2 to be included?09:56
AmaranthOPTIMUS: *shrug*09:56
AmaranthOli``: much09:56
AmaranthOli``: about a month late09:56
HowDoINo more Emerald?09:56
Oli``Amaranth: shame09:56
Oli``cadence, cadence, cadence09:57
AmaranthHowDoI: If there is no replacement for it by 10.10 it'll be removed from the archive09:57
HowDoIThen somebody needs to replace it!09:57
Amaranth10.04 is still going to use 0.8.x so it'll still work, sort of09:57
HowDoII only know Fortran, and I know very little of how window managers and all that work anyway09:58
AmaranthHowDoI: None of the developers care, tbh09:58
AmaranthWe've left the cracktastic days in the past and are trying to make what we have solid09:58
HowDoIThe idea I read about was making the titlebar, buttons, etc, all completely theme-able09:58
HowDoILike move it to the side, bottom ,etc09:58
smegzorDoes Karmic have better support (ok ANY support) for ATI cards?  I have an old X300 card which I can only get to work with NVidia drivers (on 9.04).09:59
Oli``smegzor: you have an x300 working under nvidia drivers?09:59
AmaranthHowDoI: Right, that was jasper09:59
AmaranthHowDoI: the cracktastic one that died09:59
smegzorOli``: yep09:59
AmaranthOli``: That's not possible09:59
Amarantherr, smegzor09:59
HowDoIThat kind of ruins my night09:59
Oli``smegzor: an ATI X300? Under nvidia drivers? That's just confusing10:00
HowDoII was secretly hoping in the back of my mind that I'd see that some day10:00
Boohbahs/NVidia/ATI/g    ???10:00
Amaranthsmegzor: If you install nvidia drivers for an ati card it'll probably just use the vesa driver10:00
HowDoINow I know that I'll be seeing the same GUI-window paradigm for years to come10:00
kaddianyone using KDE here? Could you please check the following: Go to settings, select show notifications, kde notifications and hit "preview". 2 notifications will show up. Press it again. Do the same 2 notifiactions show up or do you get 4 notifications?10:00
smegzorWell I have a picture.  I don't have accelerated graphics or anything like that.  With the ATI drivers, I don't get a picture.10:00
smegzorIf I remove ATI and Nvidia drivers, I don't get a picture either.  So yeah, I'm running with NVidia drivers installed.  No idea if they are in use or not.10:01
Boohbahsmegzor: grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:01
om26erbackspace in vi don't work correct10:01
smegzorBoohbah: It looks like I am running with Vesa drivers.  I would upgrade to 9.10 if ATI works there.10:02
smegzorI had an NVidia card but it cooked itself.10:03
om26erbackspace key in VI text editor don't work10:03
HowDoIIs there any place for a Fortran programmer in Ubuntu?10:03
smegzorSo.. does ATI work with older cards on 9.10 or is it just as bad as 9.04?10:04
smegzorI will be going back to NVidia just as soon as I can afford a new card.10:04
HowDoIsmegzor, I plan on buying a $30 NVidia card if (when) Karmic fails to boot with my integrated Intel graphics10:05
om26ersmegzor: the upcoming new kernel might support10:05
om26erHowDoI: karmic does not fail on intel10:05
smegzorhmm.. given ATI's track record, I bet it won't :)10:05
HowDoIKarmic fails on my machine10:06
HowDoISo did Jaunty10:06
HowDoIWell, it messed up until I upgraded the kernel to an unsupported on10:07
om26erany1 know how to use backspace in vim10:07
smegzorIs it worth upgrading to 9.10 early?  I usually wait until the release candidate.10:07
HowDoIWait until AFTER the full release10:08
tomasvhas anyone tried installing karmic with debootstrap? is it even supported?10:08
iflemaom26er: export EDITOR=(insert say joe...)10:08
om26eriflema: come again10:09
Boohbahwhy are some kernel images listed under 'The following packages have been kept back' when running apt-get update?10:09
HowDoIHowcome kernel upgrades (security updates) don't remove the previous verions?10:10
Boohbahsmegzor: ATI works on jaunty too, you just have to configure xorg to do so10:10
HowDoIAfter a few months I'll have like 10 different kernel versions10:10
BoohbahHowDoI: because in the event of a non-working kernel you want to have backups around10:10
smegzorBoohbah: I tried that.  It was horrible and I gave up after 2 hours at it.10:10
HowDoIYeah, 1 backup is plenty10:11
Boohbahsmegzor: then i don't think karmic is for you10:11
BoohbahHowDoI: i personally use several different kernels depending on my use case, such as realtime for audio stuff10:11
HowDoII see10:12
HowDoIThat reminds me10:12
BoohbahHowDoI: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/17/remove-ubuntu-kernels-you-dont-need/10:12
smegzorI just have to work a bit longer to afford a new NVidia.  I'll be back to NVidia in a week or two.10:12
HowDoIWill any future versions of Ubuntu finally get rid of Pulseaudio?10:12
tgpraveen!info palimpest10:12
iflemaom26er: if vim is not what you have chosen as an editor assign you choice of editor on the command line with e.g export EDITOR=joe10:12
ubottuPackage palimpest does not exist in karmic10:12
tgpraveenis the palimpest disk utility included by default with karmic?10:13
Boohbahiflema: or better yet, echo 'export EDITOR=joe' >> ~/.bashrc10:15
paolobHi guys! is it possible to use epiphany-gecko in karmic?10:16
Boohbah!info epiphany-gecko10:16
ubottuepiphany-gecko (source: epiphany-browser): Intuitive GNOME web browser - Gecko version. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 540 kB, installed size 1404 kB10:16
Boohbahpaolob: yes10:16
tgpraveenwhy is it in main?10:16
tgpraveenisnt main for thoese apps which are on default install?10:17
HowDoIHey man, this is a pre-release version of Ubuntu.  If you have problems, wait for the full release10:17
paolobBoohbah, however karmic tells me the epiphany comes with epiphany-browser or epiphany-webkit, but if I install epiphany-browser, epiphany-gecko is removed10:17
HowDoIAnd if you still have problems then, wait for Karmic+!10:17
tgpraveenis the palimpest disk utility included by default with karmic?10:18
rsk!info palimpest10:18
ubottuPackage palimpest does not exist in karmic10:18
rsktgpraveen: no10:19
joaopintotgpraveen, no, main is for applications supported by Canonical10:19
kaddianyone using kubuntu in here?10:20
rsktgpraveen: althou it shows up as gnome-disk-utility when i search for it in synaptic.10:20
rsk!info gnome-disk-utility10:21
ubottugnome-disk-utility (source: gnome-disk-utility): manage and configure disk drives and media. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.0-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 425 kB, installed size 6508 kB10:21
rskpalimpsest (from the gnome-disk-utility project) is a tool to manage disk10:21
rskdrives and media:10:21
doktoreasHello folks..so the ext4 is the default FS for karmic?10:23
HowDoIAnybody know when EXT5 will be part of Ubuntu?10:24
HowDoIAnybody know the average age of the average Ubuntu user?10:26
iflemano shit 3010:27
Jaymac13, based on all the impatient kiddies in here yesterday :(10:27
HowDoIThat's too bad10:28
HowDoIGNU/Linux should be pushed on younger people10:28
HowDoILike 5 year olds10:28
HowDoIGive them the root password on their 10th birthday10:29
HowDoIIf they haven't already cracked it10:29
iflemadont give it too a 15 year old....10:29
Boohbahiflema: why not?10:30
iflemayeah grub straight in.... is that still posible with grub 210:30
Boohbah< iflema> dont give it too a 15 year old.... < Boohbah> iflema: why not?10:32
iflemabest to go damage control and make a new profile with lower acces rights10:33
iflemahackedy kack hack10:36
doktoreasAnyone knows if I can use facebook chat with empathy?10:36
HowDoISure, log into facebook with your web browser10:37
ubuntu0ath1web browser is not empathy10:38
iflemaHowDoI: lol10:41
Jaymacdoktoreas, first google result: http://philliptweedie.wordpress.com/2009/05/18/facebook-chat-with-empathy-in-ubuntu/10:41
doktoreasHi Jaymac. I saw that but I thought that was a bit old..10:42
HowDoII started the Internet back when it was a cosmic, lawless mess10:42
HowDoIBack in the good old days of the late 90's10:42
HowDoIIt's easy to be sarcastic sometimes10:43
iflemaits begining to look alot like christmas............ christmas release would be good... say ... what 26th dec10:47
HowDoINo, then people would be busy instead of installing the new version10:49
HowDoII would appear anti-social if I were to spend Christmas at my desk10:49
kaddianyone using kubuntu in here?10:50
HowDoILast year they released that stuff on Halloween10:50
jussi01!anyone | kaddi10:50
ubottukaddi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:50
iflemaupgrade through repos... all good come the newyear. 5-7 here and there get it ready for 201010:50
iflema5-7 days10:51
kaddii have asked the specific question before without any reaction. so unless someone using kde joined in the meantime, there is not much point in repeating. but here goes: I have a rather odd issue with kde 4.3.1 and karmic. I am using the systray widget and yesterday I went into the settings and used the preview-feature for the notification. Now everytime I get a notification 3 windows pop-up. The 2 "dummy" notifications from the preview and the actual10:52
kaddinotification from some other program. Is this a known issue and is there a work-around?10:52
iflemakde4 gettn good huh?10:53
iflemausing systray widget... dont we all?10:54
kaddiit's nice. I asked in #kde before asking here.. seems as if this whole preview thing is not available in kde by default, so this should be an ubuntu thing/issue10:54
iflemawhere are settingns imon kde410:55
kaddior kubuntu rather10:55
kaddiiflema: what do yo mean?10:55
iflemaim not sure what you mean just curious10:55
kaddithis are the settings I have for systray http://www.pic-upload.de/view-3260160/systray.png.html and that is how a kopete notification now looks for me: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-3260194/notif.png.html10:56
kaddibasically my entire screen is now filled with dummy notifications whenever I get a notification. I would like to get rid of them10:57
iflemakaddi: oh.. ok wiget settings.... eghh11:00
iflemakaddi: mandirva 2009.1 kde4.3.x does not have this option11:02
kaddiyes, it seems sometthing specific to kubuntu11:10
Amaranthjoaopinto: Would something like this be useful for you? http://www.realistanew.com/random/powergdm.png11:11
joaopintoAmaranth, yes11:12
joaopintoAmaranth, but isn't upstream planning to develop a config tool ?11:12
joaopintoyou are doing it yourself ?11:12
Amaranthjoaopinto: I don't know what upstream is planning, I'm just poking into gdm11:13
Amaranthso it requires gksudo which we're trying to stop using11:13
lynch69guys... ho do i fix nm-applets in karmic? it refuses to save any setting changes11:21
whykingI have no /etc/apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld profile11:21
whykingand mysqld does not start correctly, giving a lot of apparmor messages11:22
whyking[ 1224.141963] type=1503 audit(1254478824.536:78): operation="open" pid=3255 parent=3254 profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" fsuid=0 ouid=0 name="/sys/devices/system/cpu/"11:22
lynch69the solution seems to be install a nightly network manager from ppa, but how do i do that without internet, downloading separate deb files from windows is a huge nightmare and throws me into dependency hell11:23
cousteauit takes about 40 seconds to boot UNR on an Acer Aspire One... maybe because of the splash? how can I remove it?11:28
kaddianyone using kubuntu in here, that could verify if he's having the same glitch I have?11:37
alokitowill the gnome network manager have support for bluetooth modem in final release?11:39
madrazrhello everyone, when I say zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso.zsync, I get this error11:39
madrazrcould not read control file from URL http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso.zsync11:39
madrazris this a known issue?11:39
alokitokarmic is in beta now? :-/11:39
rskalokito: correct11:40
alokitorsk, how can I upgrade from alpha 6?11:40
nonix4well, releases seems to be overloaded...11:40
rskalokito: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:40
alokitookk, when did it release? :)11:40
alokitoI didnt get the update in morning11:41
rskyesterday or something11:41
nonix4(torrent on the other hands: | peers:    4 seen now, 26.5% done at 12815.4 kB/s)11:41
alokitorsk, where can I post a feature request?11:42
alokitoI want bluetooth modem support in gnome network manager11:42
alokitokarmic has lots of new features that I like a lot11:43
alokitorsk, where in launchpad? bug report?11:44
rski'd rather not babysit11:44
madrazrcan some one help me with zsync for Karmic Beta?11:45
alokitorsk, ive visited http://launchpad.net/ubuntu ... but there's no link for feature request11:45
rskagain, please ask someone else11:45
alokitowhats a blueprint?11:47
rskan ida basicly11:48
alokitook, I was looking for this11:48
tavastialokito, karmic came beta about 14 hours ago11:49
tavastidepending on yourt timezone today or yesterday11:49
alokitotavasti, ok, I last checked about 16 hours ago11:49
ActionParsnip1yo yo11:50
ActionParsnip1expect this channel to be on fire11:55
peolDoes anyone have any idea why 'xev' doesn't respond with a keycode (or symlink) on my media keys, while lshal -m does, and udev does too? They used to work when pulseaudio was installed, could the gnome-media package be 'grabbing' them, hindering others from registering them?11:56
ActionParsnip1peol: possibly, try it in livecd to test11:57
peolThat's not an option at this time, dvd broke a few days ago after the cat "accidentally" stepped on it and broke the slide :P11:58
James147peol: You can try to create a liveusb then11:59
peolYeah, I'll try that out11:59
ActionParsnip1peol: if your kb is branded you may be able to find a guide12:00
peolActionParsnip1: The worked before I removed pulseaudio, so I'm thinking that the gnome-volume-control is hooking those keys since it doesn't support gstreamer anymore12:01
ActionParsnip1peol: if you jump into keyboard shortcuts, if you select a function and press a key, does it set the key there12:02
peolActionParsnip1: Yep, with the right XF86Audio* shortcut too12:02
|ns|nR8ubuntu 9.10 beta is out ?12:03
Mike1what‘s the name of the package which contains that GNOME-tool to enable/disable services?12:03
ActionParsnip1peol: hmm12:03
ActionParsnip1|ns|nR8: yes12:03
James147|ns|nR8: Beta is out yes12:03
ActionParsnip1Mike1: bum12:04
ActionParsnip1!info bum | Mike112:04
ubottuMike1: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (karmic), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB12:04
alokitotavasti, how to check my dist version?12:04
alokitoIm getting this: alokito@alokito-karmic:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:04
alokitoReading package lists... Done12:04
alokitoBuilding dependency tree12:04
alokitoReading state information... Done12:04
alokitoCalculating upgrade... Done12:04
alokito0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:04
ActionParsnip1alokito: lsb_release -c12:04
ActionParsnip1alokito: if it says that then you are on the beta, you will seamlessly upgrade to the rc12:04
peolActionParsnip1: Just to be clear, it does register the keypresses in 'xev', it's just not labelling them as 'keypress event'12:04
alokitoActionParsnip1, codename: karmic12:04
alokitoni alpha or beta12:04
ActionParsnip1alokito: it wont say that12:05
ActionParsnip1alokito: if you have no updates to grab then you are on beta12:05
peolActionParsnip1: And there's no keycode, just mentions of FocusIn/out and KeymapNotify events12:05
Mike1ActionParsnip1, ubottu: it was not bum … it was installed by default and looked way different … somehow i removed it apparently12:05
tavastialokito, run 'sudo apt-get update' first12:05
alokitoActionParsnip1, alokito@alokito-karmic:~$ lsb_release -c12:05
alokitoCodename:       karmic12:05
alokitotavasti, yup did that12:05
alokitoActionParsnip1, yup all updatest are installed12:05
ActionParsnip1peol: maybe its a "feature" of the keyboard and you need some weird config / app to capture them12:06
ActionParsnip1alokito: then you are good to do :D12:06
nzmm_is it just me or are the ubuntu main servers taking a pounding?12:06
Lazythey seem to be really slow12:07
alokitohow much continuous hits does it take to make floodbot ban someone? :P12:07
alokitoActionParsnip1, isn't there a way to check if its alpha or beta?12:08
Amaranthnzmm_: If you think it's bad now wait until the final :P12:08
nzmm_hehe yea12:08
ActionParsnip1alokito: not that i m aware of12:08
Amaranthwhen the final release comes out almost all the mirrors die too12:08
alokitook :(12:08
peolActionParsnip1: Possibly, perhaps xev is too old, udev/lshal recognize them but I'm not sure how to use that if I want to bind the keyboard events (xmodmap)12:08
alokitoso alpha or beta aren't counted as distribution updates?12:09
rskalokito: no12:09
AmaranthThis isn't Windows :)12:10
ActionParsnip1peol: makes sense12:10
Mike1development is floating12:10
Mike1make dailyd upgrades and you go from alpha1 to final :-)12:10
Mike1except some small bugs my Netbook Remix got fairly stable :-)12:12
Raydiationargh why is everyone downloading and keeping the servers busy12:12
ccc__i have a problem with x server12:12
ccc__e driver ati.12:12
alokitoMike1, I will install the final separately, no wish to update from alpha or beta12:12
Mike1Raydiation: some people propably think they need the beta12:12
stefgMike1: what netbook is that? My experience with an Acer Aspire One is that nbr is unusable with that atm12:13
Raydiationbtw, beta with least bugs yet :)12:13
ActionParsnip1Raydiation: wow, jaunty was 100% solid here in beta12:14
Mike1stefg: Asus EeePC1005HA-M … between alpha 5 and alpha 6 it was really unstable12:14
ActionParsnip1karmic on my main desktop has been awesome since alpha 2 or 312:14
Mike1stefg: but now it’s very usable and no major crashs so far12:14
RaydiationActionParsnip1: didnt try jaunty beta^^12:14
Raydiationoh yes12:14
Raydiationi did xD12:14
stefgMike1: xorg has serious problems on the AAO. colours are off, no icons visible on top panel12:14
iflemading... ding... such a busy little hive12:15
Mike1stefg: the 751h one?12:15
Raydiationi really like the ui changes12:15
Raydiationgreat theme, icons and gdm12:16
stefgMike1: A110L12:16
Mike1stefg: strange … it uses the good old intel onboard graphics12:16
stefgMike1: yup... i'm asking myself, too, what that might be. but running the exact same image in a virtual machine gives me a working Live environment, so it's definitely a bug (not some damaged medium)12:18
ActionParsnip1so if I dist-upgrade then I have the beta packages?12:19
ActionParsnip1sweet, just checking12:20
ActionParsnip1got a new chromium today, its damn fast12:22
rippswth, did they remove epiphany from the repos? why would they do that?12:24
AmaranthIt should have been moved to universe and the gecko version removed12:25
BoohbahActionParsnip1: i just made chromium use my gtk dark theme and now i'm set :)12:25
rippsAmaranth: well they removed it from main, but haven't pushed into universe yet12:25
ubuntu_hey people, very busy servers for download beta, torrents are available?12:27
ActionParsnip1Boohbah: i made mine look like macOS to be ironic, i use the brushed metal theme12:27
ActionParsnip1Boohbah: it smokes firefox well. even with my suped up settings on firefox12:28
Mike1what‘s the name of the package which contains that GNOME-tool to enable/disable services? (just asking again)12:28
Eloneanyone know how do i config wacom or where is /etc/X11/xorg.cong go?12:29
stefgubuntu_: find your mirror here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2009-October/000125.html , they usually have torrents, too12:30
BoohbahActionParsnip1: i'm wondering if chrome will prompt firefox to switch to webkit12:30
ubuntu_no torrents for now...12:30
unimatrixare there any chances of X server 1.7 reaching karmic?12:33
stefgubuntu_: http://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/ubuntu.iso/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso.torrent12:34
Boohbahunimatrix: not if it isn't there right now, which means no12:34
unimatrixit's been released today12:34
jpdsubuntu_: There are torrents available.12:34
ubuntu_i can't browse this links, for now are too heavy busy...12:35
Boohbahunimatrix: feature freeze was a few months ago, can't add new stuff to a distro to be released at the end of the month12:35
jpdsunimatrix: Unlikely this far in the cycloe.12:35
ubuntu_yes, i look, i can't prowse the pages...12:35
Boohbaherr s/months/weeks/12:35
peolActionParsnip1, Raydiation: The community-themes package contains some great themes as well12:37
floatinghey. how should I debug the case when my cpu load is 100% always when i play flash, and in many other occasions it climbs up there very easily12:37
floatingi have a poor integrate intel graphics controller, but still in alpha3 it had the best performance, then something happened12:38
kaddiI lost sound with flash after I upgraded from jaunty to karmic. :/ Is there some new/diferent pacakge I need to install or is flash the same in karmic and jaunty?12:38
* nonix4 ponders how to import .iso contents as .debs recognized by apt-cacher (or some such)12:38
stefgnonix4: you need the alternate install cd12:39
peolkaddi: Try installing the flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound package12:40
stefgnonix4: once you have the image you can either burn it to CD and upgrade by the CD, or just mount -o loop that ISO to /media/cdrom12:41
cousteaukaddi: afaik the flash installer just downloads and installs a .so library that hasn't updated for months12:41
floatingI got this in /var/log/Xorg.0.log (EE) Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0)12:42
Eloneanyone know how do i config wacom or where is /etc/X11/xorg.conf go?12:43
ActionParsnip1nonix4: add the cd to your sources.list12:44
nonix4stefg: hmm... yeah something like that will work, which cd iso is used doesn't really matter for my scenario though - have desktop one DL'd and want to use the debs on that for ltsp server on lan doing apt-get dist-upgrade...12:44
stefgnonix4: the desktop CDs do not hold .debs for the upgrade. It's a squashfs file system image, where most of the packages are already installed. So you simply do not have them yet. Only the alternate CD does a real .deb-by-.deb install12:46
Dr_Willishow about the 'dvd' does it have both?12:47
peolElone: Try http://www.gtk-apps.org/content/show.php?content=104309&forumpage=0, way easier then the xorg-setup, and that is removed since it's using HAL/hotplugging now afaik12:48
stefgDr_Willis: don't know, never used a dvd12:48
Dr_Willisi see it asked whats different about the dvd. :) i never use it either12:49
Elonepeol: k, let me check that out12:49
nonix4heh, apparently a total of 21 debs on desktop cd... well, I've almost never used desktop cd, instead been using altcd most of time12:50
peolElone: Don't forget to install the wacom-tools package as well, I think that's a dependency (if it doesn't do that for you)12:50
kaddipeol: thanks the extrasound thing seems to have solved the problem. :)12:51
peolkaddi: np12:51
Elonepeol, ^^ thank for the tips ~ ^^ installing @v@12:53
Dr_WillisHmm.. Im wondering what the differance btween 'eject and unmount' is for  an external usb drive.   I was thinking on 9.04 i only had ONE of those options depending on the device13:01
Dr_Willisnot both as im seeing now13:01
Dr_Williseject some how makes the system no longer see the device.. i ejected this usb hard drive.. now i cant gparted it. :0 guess i should of used unmount..13:02
peolDr_Willis: "Eject" is what "Safe-removal" is in Windows afaik, it means you can safely remove it since it has been unmounted and the powered down, while unmount only unmounts it but still gets power so you can access it13:11
mbeierlooo.  I think my network manager is really hosed now :(13:11
mbeierlanyone else tried connecting to hidden wireless network and had problems?13:11
Elonewhat do "dpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor" mean? how do i fix that ? i am trying to install the wacom-utility13:11
Dr_Willispeol:  makes sence.. now how about this 'detect media' menu itsm that  i dont recall EVER seeing befor. :)13:12
peolElone: I think it's a bug in the package installer, "sudo apt-get install wacom-tools" should work13:12
Elonepeol, i did that~ now i try to install the deb that you sent me13:12
spreadthelovewhats the command to update to karmic?13:13
peolDr_Willis: No idea, I've used karmic for a while but never played around with it13:13
chu_How is everyone tonight?13:13
peolElone: You can use sudo  dpkg -i <package file> as well, if it's not in the repos (as this file isn't)13:13
Dr_WillisI only saw that menu item today.. im pretty sure it wasent there a few days ago. :)13:13
peolDr_Willis: Where do you find that, in the Applications menu?13:14
Dr_Willispeol:  i right clicked on my usb drive icon on the desktop. it now has 'eject, unmount , Detect media'13:15
Dr_WillisI was thinking it may rescan/remount devices.. but it dident seem to do that13:15
peolDr_Willis: Ah, I guess that's just a "Audio/Data/DVD Movie" sort of thing, I've never seen it before13:16
Heeroohow can i install netbook remix on ubuntu ?13:16
peolHeeroo: Install the 'ubuntu-netbook-remix' package13:17
Dr_Willistheres a netbook remix iso i recall13:17
mbeierlman... even all the jaunty mirrors are slow today.  You'd think someone released a beta or something :)13:17
Dr_Willistorrrents were amazing fast :)13:18
Heerooyes, but i have a running ubuntu and don't want reinstall13:18
Elonepeol, installed but it detect no graphic tablets :<13:18
Heerooso how can i do that?13:18
rskHeeroo: sudo update-manager -d13:19
ActionParsnip1Heeroo: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix13:19
mbeierlDr_Willis:  ya, but I've got a school that I'm trying to do just a regular jaunty update on (no upgrade) and I can't get anthing from security.ubuntu.com - know of any mirror for that one?13:19
peolElone: Aww, too bad. I don't have a wacom myself so I can't help you much I'm afraid. Try consult the forum, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=35913:19
rskoh remibx.13:19
Dr_Willismbeierl:  not really tried or looked. sor5ry13:20
Elonepeol,  T^T is ok ~ thank for the help thou ^^ ~ i will stuck will eraser as the pen for a while i guess XD13:20
mbeierlDr_Willis: just thought I'd check :)13:20
Amaranthmbeierl: There is no mirror for security.ubuntu.com13:20
mbeierlAmaranth: somehow that's what I figured.  Too bad it's being hit so hard today ...13:21
AmaranthMostly because we want those updates to go out ASAP and not wait for mirroring (some mirrors can be incredibly out of date)13:21
leleobhzsomeone know about a kernel problem with wireless cards that returns error 132?13:21
Heerooi have instaled it, but the metycity don't show the cancel buttons13:21
peolElone: Try just rebooting/logout and see if it detects it13:22
mbeierlAmaranth: I'm stuck waiting for it, but just because I need to install a package so ooimpress can open and I've got teachers waiting for me to hurry up and get it done so they can work with their presentations and ... you know :)13:22
Amaranthmbeierl: Why do you need a package from -security to fix OOo? Did they roll a crash fix and a security fix together?13:23
mbeierlAmaranth: nope.  but my regular mirror is bogged down so I switched to a non-karmic mirror for jaunty but then I needed to do an apt-get update so I get the new mirror list...13:24
eternal_phas it really been 3 days without a true update, or has something happened to my update manager13:24
Amaranthmbeierl: apt-get update should just timeout on security and go on13:24
Amarantheternal_p: We were in beta freeze13:24
eternal_pAmaranth: that would do it13:24
AmaranthThere are some updates coming in now13:24
mbeierlAmaranth: hey... ctrl-c when I hit the security works.  the other mirror is good now - thanks! :)13:24
eternal_pAmaranth: last I saw was for update manager last night13:25
eternal_pI'm just not used to it13:25
mbeierl366KB/s download from a non-karmic mirror vs. 63B/s with the karmic mirror.  Man!  You'd think there was a release or something ;)13:26
Amarantheternal_p: I know an archive manager cleared the queue this morning so...13:26
Elonepeol, ok ~13:26
eternal_pactually, another question while I'm here, in earlier alphas, under places, rather than having all the book marks showing, I had home, destkop, then bookmarks -> with everything else in a sub menu, I'd love to figure out how to get that back13:26
Elonenoluck thou ;p13:29
Amarantheternal_p: there is no configuration I can find for it so...13:31
eternal_pAmaranth: ah well, it was a better layout than current, what can you do..13:31
Elonebtw, how do i setup finger-print login? or can i?13:32
Heeroohave you a idea?13:32
myk_robinsonI am using Gnome-Do in Docky mode and have it set to start automatically and run in place of a lower panel. Do any of you have issues with multiple instances of Gnome-Do launching, making it just not work? Sometimes at boot, i have to open a terminal, run  ps -C gnome-do   and terminate all instances of the app, then relaunch it, at which point it works fine.13:33
tavastiafter install from beta cd, I'll get 'GRUB loading. error: no such partition'13:35
tavastiand prompt grub rescue>13:35
Travis-42For some reason, any GUI application that asks for the administrative password fails to recognize my password.  but I can sudo with the same password. What might be wrong?13:35
tavastitried booting to rescue mode, and running grub-install, but same problem13:35
temporarytaohi, i just upgraded to karmic beta and when i boot, there's a message that prints out with something like unknown filesystem xfs13:36
temporarytaohi, i just upgraded to karmic beta and when i boot, there's a message that prints out with something like unknown filesystem xfs13:38
Dr_Willisdo you have any xfs filesystems on the system?13:39
* Dr_Willis says never mind...13:40
* Dr_Willis watches the installer run on his laptop13:40
Dr_WillisPurty stuff to read as it installs... ohhh...ahhhh....13:40
mercutio221I am trying to mount an ext4 partition from the karmic live cd but a window pops up requiring authentication and my user password will not suffice. What to do?13:42
LazyElone: if you have thinkpad you can setup finger print login with package thinkfinger-tools13:43
LazyI it on my laptop so I can sudo with my finger print but the first time after boot I login with password because gnome keylocker needs the password13:44
temporarytaoDr_Willis, sorry, i got DC for a bit. yes. i'm using ext4 for the root partition and XFS for the home.13:45
temporarytaoand also XFS for my backups partition13:46
ActionParsnip1mercutio221: launch a terminal and run: passwd13:46
ActionParsnip1mercutio221: then type a password twice to set it13:46
Dr_Willisyea i noticed that little quirk with the live cd also. :)13:47
mercutio221ActionParsnip1: I still get authentification failure =[13:48
tavastianybody having any idea what commands that 'grub rescue>' prompt accepts13:48
ActionParsnip1mercutio221: strange13:48
EloneLazy,  not Thinkpad >.< is Lifebook13:48
ActionParsnip1!grub | tavasti may have some clues13:48
ubottutavasti may have some clues: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:48
Travis-42is us.archive.ubuntu.com going really slow for updating for others? Is there a way around this?13:49
Dr_Willistavasti:   checks the docs at  the grub homepage/docs?  i was looking throug them the otehr day13:49
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.13:49
NoelJBTravis-42, yes, I'm seeing issues getting apt-get to update at the moment.13:49
Heeroohow can i change to gdm?13:49
Heerooi have installed kdm13:49
Travis-42ok NoelJB, thank you13:49
LazyElone: it might use the same fingerprint reader as thinkpads13:50
temporarytaoTravis-42, i just upgraded to karmic and i had decent speed.13:50
temporarytaoi was using the japan server13:50
temporarytaomaybe that'll help13:50
Travis-42temporarytao: I'm already in karmic, but I'm trying to get additional packages.  can I make apt use different servers?13:51
temporarytaoi could using intrepid. checking now...13:51
EloneLazy, hmm13:51
temporarytaoyeah, same setup13:51
temporarytaojust open your "software sources" program13:52
tavastilooks like i'm in trouble, 'insmod /boot/grub/normal.mod' gives me again 'error: no such partition'13:52
temporarytaothen clik on the "download from" dropdown13:52
temporarytaothen click "select best server" from the window that pops up13:52
temporarytaoas i understand it, that'll ping the servers and give you the best/fastest one relative to you13:53
temporarytaofor me, its japan13:53
Leif__I can't seem to find any form of install button in the ubuntu software center...can any of you help?  Thank you13:53
tavastimeybe grub2 can't handle situation when it has to find partition (hd0,10)13:53
temporarytaocan anyone help on my "unknown filesystem xfs" problem13:54
PiciLeif__: Its in each application's page.13:54
Leif__Pici:  Okay, but there is nooinstall button on the pages either, although I do see a bunch of "Not Available in Current Data" messages13:54
PiciLeif__: I'd bet that it timed out trying to contact the servers and is just saying that because it doesnt know if those packages actually exist in the repos.13:55
Leif__I see, is there any way I can tell it to try again?13:56
PiciI don't have it in front of me (ssh access only right now) but I thought there was a refresh button somewhere.13:56
temporarytaocan anyone help on my "unknown filesystem xfs" problem13:57
ActionParsnip1temporarytao: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95184413:58
Heerooi can't install kdm13:58
Heerooit's not listed in the reposetry13:58
Leif__Pici:  Well, I'm certiantly not seing one...would it refresh if I switch servers?13:58
Dr_WillisHeeroo:  try sudo apt-get install kdm ?13:58
PiciLeif__: Yes. Also if you manually did an apt-get update13:59
ActionParsnip1temporarytao: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1702291.html13:59
temporarytaoActionParsnip1, thanks. i'm checking the links now14:00
Heerooit works now14:00
Leif__Pici, great, it worked!!!14:01
Leif__Although, there probably should be a big refresh button in the store itself, (I didn't see one anyway)  Thank you14:01
eric_hello everyone... Since recently in karmic, i get KDE in English, while everything is set for French... any clue ?14:02
temporarytaoActionParsnip1, seems like its an ongoing bug. i guess i won't be seeing a fix for a while. thanks for the assist14:03
kaddieric_: the translation might not be ready?14:03
eric_kaddi : yes, but then why did it work last week ? I've already installed karmic one month ago14:04
wastreli'm a tired girl14:05
tavastilooks like I need to write bug report14:05
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mxeric_: i have kde in french14:06
tavastiin grub prompt 'ls' shows hd0 and hd0,7 - hd0,1, and then error: out of disk14:06
kaddieric_: I'm just guessing, but the beta was released yesterday and maybe they did not submit the french translation. maybe its simply a bug? I have a german OS, normally, about 25% of the lines are actually german, while the rest is ienglish ;)14:06
eric_mx : can you then help me determine the problem in private mail ? especially all window manager standard texts reverted to english ("maximize", "minimize", "close", ...). The clock too and the whole panel switched to English.14:08
eric_in private chat, sorry14:08
mxeric_: whoops, yeah i got all these elements in english too14:09
* eric_ now knows he went not crazy ;-)14:10
eric_kaddi : ist das dasselbe auf Deutsch auch ? alle wm standardtexte wie "schlißen" usw ?14:11
kaddieric_: I have "maximise", "minimise" and "schließen" right now.14:13
eric_and the panel's clock ? in german or english ?14:13
Dr_Willisgermans have different clocks then english?14:14
eric_Freitag instead of Friday...14:15
eric_(depends on your settings, yes)14:15
Travis-42I have a weird problem with karmic beta: gksu doesn't recognize my password, but sudo does.  any ideas?14:15
kaddiyes, our clocks go the other way round ;)14:15
kaddieric_: no, it is showing "Freitag". But depending on the language this might be different14:16
temporarytaohi, can someone post the blog link that'll help me solve the "dimming" problem?14:16
temporarytaoi keep getting the alert for it but i keep missing the link14:16
eric_yes but it used to show "Fen" and now it is "Fri"... Same for you mx ?14:16
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eric_"Ven" (vendredi)14:16
mxeric_: yeah same but I found this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-l10n-fr/+bug/40955814:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409558 in kde-l10n-fr "French translation broken" [Undecided,New]14:17
Travis-42basically, I can't access any GUI configuration programs because it seems to be expecting a different password from my sudo password?14:17
Dr_Willisyour sudo password should be the same as your users password right?14:17
eric_ok, thanks, i should have started first place in launchpad ;-)14:18
eric_i thought it was me ;-)14:18
DKcrosspeople, what is the diference of ubuntu cd and ubuntu dvd ?14:23
DKcrossdvd have more packages or what?14:23
DKcrossthe dvd have repos?14:23
mxdvd = more languages14:24
DKcrossmx,  thanks14:24
DKcrossany know if exist a package disk?14:25
Dr_WillisDKcross:  the alt-isntaller cd has the .debs on it.14:25
DKcrossbut  a bit number of packages14:25
Amaranthmx: Actually I think they ended up dropping the langpacks from the DVD too14:26
DKcrossi say , repository disk14:26
AmaranthDKcross: Closest you'll get is the alternative installer disc14:26
AmaranthIf you burn it and put it in a computer that has jaunty installed it'll offer to use the disc to upgrade, iirc14:26
DKcrossmmm well my question is for the people that want ubuntu but dont have internet14:27
DKcrossi think DVD have more package14:27
Travis-42Dr_Willis: yes, the sudo password is my users password14:28
DKcrossmmm like debian cd's or debian dvd's14:28
Dr_WillisDKcross:  thers no 'mirror set of cds' to download that ive ever seen14:28
DKcrossyes, i was making packages cds, like aptoncd, but my questions is, if any know any official disk14:29
Dr_WillisDKcross:  not that ive ever seen14:29
DKcrossi think that is necessary14:30
Dr_Willisaparently its not condsidered much of one by anyone else.14:30
NoelJBTravis-42, did you try gksudo instead of gksu?14:30
Travis-42NoelJB: yes, gksudo works, it asks for my password.  But things like the Synaptic Package Manager keep asking for the "Administrative password" which is apaprently different14:31
Dr_WillisHmm synaptic asks? ive never seen it ask...14:31
NoelJBTravis-42, no, it should be the same.  your password, assuming that you are in sudoers, should work.  WFM  :-)14:31
Travis-42Dr_Willis: me either14:31
Travis-42this is a fresh install too14:31
Dr_Willisgksudo synaptic     perhaps?14:32
Dr_Willisive only seen synaptic warn 'not running with root priv.'14:32
Travis-42yep  gksudo synaptic works14:32
mvo_Travis-42: what is printed (in a terminal) when you run: "gksu id"14:32
Travis-42but if I click any of the options in System that require a password, it asks for an administrative password14:32
Travis-42mvo_: A bunch of gconf errors14:33
NoelJBTravis-42, Oh?  That's interesting.  I get uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)14:33
Travis-42NoelJB: it also pops up asking me for my administrative password, which won't accept my user password14:33
Dr_Willisgconf errors whenyou do gksu id ?14:33
Travis-42Dr_Willis: yea, I just put them in pastebin above14:34
Dr_Willis gksu id14:34
Dr_Willisuid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)14:34
Dr_Willisis what i got here. :)14:34
Travis-42darn it14:34
mxTravis-42: hope you know that if your GUI system ask you for a password it's the root password you have to give him ?14:34
Travis-42mx: yes but there is no root password14:35
mxTravis-42: no root password ?14:35
mxsudo -s = no password ?14:35
Travis-42mx: I believe that is ubuntu default and /etc/shadow shows no password for root14:35
Travis-42mx: sudo -s asks for my user password14:36
mbeierlhmm.  file browsers (attach a file from an email) don't allow typing in of a directory anywhere so if i want to get something from a .directory, I can't without showing "hidden" dirs...14:36
NoelJBmx, ubuntu doesn't use a root password.  we use sudo not su14:36
Travis-42basically it seems that my system is trying to use gksu not gksudo for System applications... weird14:37
Travis-42that's my best interpretation14:37
NoelJBTravis-42, the messages about ORBit seem odd.  I don't see those.14:37
Travis-42NoelJB: hmm, maybe the gconf errors are causing gnome to act funny in some way14:37
NoelJBTravis-42, or rather the underlying cause of the gconf messages :-)14:38
Travis-42or maybe, heh14:38
Travis-42if I do: "sudo -s" followed by "gksu id" then I don't get the errors14:39
Travis-42can I safely just delete my .gconf directory, will it be restored, minus the loss of some settings?14:40
mxTravis-42: i'm not a pro at sudo but you can allow it to let your username to use /bin/su14:41
Travis-42mx: I don't think that's going to solve my problems14:43
Travis-42but thank you14:43
mbeierlmaybe someone knows this: I've added a second user since I installed Karmic, but whenever system auth is required by an app (not launched explicitly by me via gksu) it says I need the password for initial user, not current user.  anyone else see this?14:43
Travis-42mbeierl: hey! welcome to the club14:44
mxTravis-42: can you type : su -  and have a root prompt ?14:44
Travis-42except I only have a single user14:44
NoelJBTravis-42, what happens if you try to create another account, and add it to the admin group (admin is in sudoers, so that's all you need)?14:44
Travis-42NoelJB: I'll try that14:46
mbeierlTravis-42: joined late into the conversation, but you do know you cannot directly "su -", right?14:47
mbeierlsorry mx ^14:47
Travis-42mbeierl: yes, I know that14:47
DKcrossHappy UBuntu Global jam for all14:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440587 in grub2 "grub2: 'error: no such partition' when trying to boot from hd0,10 " [Undecided,New]14:49
Travis-42mbeierl: but it sounds like I have a similar problem to you.  I have a single user, but whenever system auth is required bya  gui app, it requests my administrative password, not my user/sudo password14:49
mbeierlTravis-42: what's your "administrative" password, then?  If you only have the one account, what does that mean?14:50
iktisn't there root level and user level ?14:51
mbeierlTravis-42: sorry - I don't mean literally what is it, I mean what does it expect?14:51
mbeierlTravis-42: are you totally locked out then as there is no other password?14:51
Travis-42mbeierl: I don't know, really. My best guess with my limited understanding is that it seems to be running "gksu" rather than "gksudo" and therefore asking for my "root" password (just like "su -") even though there is no root password to enter14:51
Travis-42mbeierl: I can use sudo from the command line to launch anything, and gksudo for any gui apps14:51
Travis-42but if I choose the optional from the System menu, then it prompts for the wrong password14:51
mbeierlTravis-42: right... same here...  Gotcha14:51
Travis-42yea, must be a new bug, but not sure what's affecting it14:52
mxTravis-42: it should ask for the user password14:52
Travis-42mx: yes, it should, but it's not14:52
=== mike is now known as Mike1
mbeierlTravis-42: what menu entry do you use to show this behaviour - I want to test something?14:53
Mike1http://at.archive.ubuntu.com is sooooo slow right now14:54
Dr_WillisMike1:  :) they all are14:54
Travis-42mbeierl: Synaptic Package Manager, Software Sources, Users and Groups14:54
Dr_Willishttp://northpole.archive.ubuntu.com  perhapss?14:54
Mike1Dr_Willis: why? hopefully not just because of beta …14:54
Travis-42mbeierl: but really, every single option that would prompt for a password normally14:54
Dr_WillisMike1:  because of beta...14:54
mbeierlTravis-42: ok... thanks14:54
Dr_Willisactually synaptic package manager dosent ask for the password I think.. .so somthing thats launching it is asking.. that may be  a gksu issue then14:55
estersHi, I'm trying to get wireless working on Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Li2727, so far without success ( lspci,iwlist,ifconfig,iwconfig output -> http://pastebin.ca/1589499 ) on Ubuntu 9.10 Beta14:55
Dr_Willisgksu --description /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop /usr/sbin/synaptic14:56
Mike1but final will be on a totally different level … how do you want to release it if servers are going down with beta?!14:56
Dr_WillisMike1:  thats why i normally wait a week  after its released. :)14:56
Travis-42Dr_Willis: yea, gksu is asking for my administrative password, but gksudo is asking for my user password, so it must be gksu itself or some gksu configuration that gets messed up14:58
Travis-42mbeierl: if you type gksu id at the command prompt for your second user that has the problems, do you get errors?14:59
mbeierlTravis-42: Nope14:59
Travis-42hmm, ok, that must be unrelated then...14:59
c_korndoes someone else have a half-translated Ubuntu ? http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/26310/screenshot_002_Qe2OSu.png14:59
Travis-42c_korn: I think I saw someone else complaining about something like that15:01
iktc_korn = ppa for vlc?15:01
mbeierlTravis-42: it's actually policy-kit being launched explicitly with the same of the original user "/usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1 local-admin cookie1"15:01
Travis-42mbeierl: where did you find that?15:02
mbeierlps aux - after launching update manager and clicking install to have it prompt me15:03
Dr_WillisTravis-42:  but normally the 2 are the same password..15:03
mbeierlTravis-42: ^15:03
c_kornikt: depends on whether you like the "service" :)15:03
Travis-42Dr_Willis: yes :-/15:03
=== Frickelpit_ is now known as Frickelpit
Travis-42let me see if I can paste the window I'm getting, it looks different from what I remember15:04
xiaoxiaoi cannot use tab in terminal after update to Karmic15:05
mbeierlxiaoxiao: there's still a bug where tab-to-complete won't work if the directory has spaces15:06
Dr_Willisspaces  - bad Windows Training! :)15:07
Dr_Willisand 's  in names...15:07
mbeierlDr_Willis: also bad gvfs-fuse.  Mount any share via gvfs-mount and you'll see it's called "share on server" in .gvfs :(15:08
mbeierlDr_Willis: and that's HARD CODED in gvfs fuse no less15:08
xiaoxiaombeierl: i cannot use tab to complete the commander15:08
Dr_WillisYea.. gvfs stuff.. is... weird in ways15:08
Dr_Willisstill not sure how it manages to hide things from the mount command15:08
mbeierlgvfs has hurt my head on far too many occasions...  but when it works, it's nice15:09
Dr_WillisGnome really needs to get  slapped a bit and let  the users actually configure things more15:09
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mbeierlLike - I can't launch a VPN that's configured through nm-applet from the command line.  I seem to HAVE to use the GUI to launch the vpn!?!15:10
Travis-42Dr_Willis: http://imagebin.ca/view/blkfWbb8.html  this is what package manager shows me, and this is what is shows me when I successfully use gksudo: http://imagebin.ca/view/nAC4gWA.html15:10
Travis-42the first one won't accept my user password, but the second one does15:10
Dr_WillisHmm... You havent installed kde by any chanve have you?15:11
Dr_Willisdo they both 'dim' the screen and lock the input to the dialog?15:11
Travis-42Dr_Willis: yes they both dim the screen and lock the input.  no I have not installed kde15:12
Dr_WillisI cant recall ever seeing one ask to 'rember password'15:12
mbeierlTravis-42: wow - ok.  For me, launching synaptic actually works and accepts my current password.  Launching Update Manager and hitting "Install" asks for the "local-admin" (which is the first user I created) password15:12
Travis-42Dr_Willis: me either15:12
mbeierlanyone know why gnome-control-center and libgnome-window-settings1 are kept back?15:13
Travis-42i'm going to try a fresh user administrator and see what happens15:13
Travis-42see if it's a user specific configuration problem15:14
mbeierlanyone know from where policykit gets the user name to launch?15:15
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leleobhz[RE-ASKING]: Noone know this wireless issue after 2.6.31 update: [02/10-11:04:17] < shotcult> tulio15:15
leleobhz[02/10-11:04:26] < shotcult> eu era estagiario dele15:15
leleobhz[RE-ASKING]: Noone know this wireless issue after 2.6.31 update: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/43514115:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435141 in linux "Intel 5300 AGN does not work at all Karmic Alpha 6" [Undecided,New]15:16
ikt<c_korn> ikt: depends on whether you like the "service" :) <- oh I do :)15:16
joaopintoleleobhz, 5100 AGN works fin15:17
leleobhzjoaopinto: but my atheros dont work15:17
leleobhzLinux astra 2.6.31-11-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 25 06:37:51 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux15:17
leleobhzsame error reported within the bug15:17
joaopintoerm, you mentioned intel, so it's an athros fater all ?15:18
leleobhzjoaopinto: this bug isnt mine15:18
leleobhzbut the issue is the same15:18
leleobhzwireless cannot get up15:18
leleobhzwith same error15:19
joaopintoleleobhz, that is a generic failure, usually related to the wifi driver, better a file a bug report specific for the atheros model15:21
joaopintobetter to15:21
Travis-42ok it's a specific user configuration issue, creating a new user lets me access synaptic just fine.15:21
eagles0513875leleobhz: whats the wifi error15:22
JoshuaLis it normal for karmic that the notifier shows up at this weird position?15:22
JoshuaLnormally it would show up a few pixels below the panel15:22
JoshuaLnow the space between the panel and the notify is hufe15:22
eagles0513875!line | JoshuaL15:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about line15:23
eagles0513875JoshuaL: try keep everything in one line please15:23
JoshuaLsorry for so many enters15:23
rickogdenhi all15:23
rickogdenWhen I try to boot off the Karmick CD I get the message "Checking battery state..." followed by "...done" and then nothing happens. Anyone else experienced this?15:24
leleobhzeagles0513875: ?15:25
eagles0513875leleobhz: ignore me just read up in the chat15:25
leleobhzi dont think its a good idea fill another bug, because may it create a duplicate15:26
leleobhzi think someone experienced with kernel should read te bug and decide if its the same or not15:26
eagles0513875leleobhz: in regards to the kernel there is ubuntu-kernel channel i believe15:28
Ali_hi i just upgraded to karmic and now get no sound!15:29
rskreport a bug15:29
leleobhzbefore bug report15:29
leleobhzrun alsa diagnosis script15:30
Technovikingwow, never seen the update server so affected by a beta before15:30
eagles0513875i need to hack at alsa when i have some time leleobhz15:30
leleobhzAli_: http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh15:30
eagles0513875i have no sound on my duelboot setup15:30
eagles0513875probably need to recompile alsa15:30
DrHalanhey i can'T boot any kernel > 2.6.31-4. anyone?15:30
FlynsarmyWhat're the benefits of empathy over pidgin? why'd they switch?15:31
Ali_thanks leleobhz15:31
joaopintoFlynsarmy, it's better integrated with gnome, and provides some design advantages over pidding, easier to integrate, but don't ask me specifics :)15:32
Ali_so what do i do with that leleobhz ?15:32
Ali_leleobhz, it seems to be a script15:32
leleobhzAli_: yes15:33
leleobhzthis script is a diagnostic for alsa15:33
Ali_aah ok cool15:33
Ali_thanks leleobhz15:33
leleobhzalsa people always ask you for this output15:33
leleobhzprint the output in you bug report, can be helpfull15:33
Ali_also what is kacpid? it is taking 60% of my cpu after upgrading15:33
Ali_everything is super slow15:34
Ali_everything is taking ages to respond15:34
Ali_like clicking etc15:34
BoohbahAli_: kernel advanced configuration and power interface daemon15:35
BoohbahAli_: what hardware?15:35
Ali_so Boohbah why is it taking 60% of my cpu? and everything is hanging15:35
BoohbahAli_: what kernel?15:36
Ali_2.6.31-10-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP15:36
Ali_i just upgraded to karmic15:36
BoohbahFlynsarmy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmpathyVsPidginUsability15:37
Ali_2.6.31-10-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Boohbah15:37
Ali_i just upgraded to karmic, Boohbah15:37
Boohbahhmm let me try that kernel15:38
Ali_WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a future release.15:39
Ali_i ranm that script Boohbah15:39
Ali_but not sure where the info is15:39
Ali_it says it will be on their server or something15:39
Boohbahi don't use nvidia drivers, but that could be a cause of acpi trouble.15:39
Ali_what about the sound?15:40
Boohbahwhat about it?15:40
Ali_it aint working after the upgrade :)15:40
eagles0513875the upgrade servers particularly the release server is getting hit hard at least my local one is15:41
Boohbahhmm, i can't even boot 2.6.31-10-generic but that is my own failure15:42
Dr_WillisHmm.. medibuntu seems also slooooooooow15:42
Ali_i dunno what to do15:43
Ali_my machine has become slowwwwwwwww and the sound has gone :'(15:43
Ali_i have two sound cards and i know the inbuiilt one was never working but the other one was working before the upgrade15:43
eagles0513875Dr_Willis: hell this is like a release day yet we still on beta15:43
siretart`hm. just upgraded to karmic, now empathy and epiphany segfault on start. however, empathy does not segfault when starting via remote-X.. any ideas?15:43
Ali_i have no idea how to choose which sound card to use15:43
BoohbahAli_: hmm i just booted 2.6.31-11-generic successfully after 2.6.31-10-generic failed, try 1115:43
Ali_how do i get 11 Boohbah ?15:43
Ali_The following packages have been kept back: gvfs gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-fuse mailutils usb-creator15:44
Ali_also what does that mean pls?15:44
BoohbahAli_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:44
BoohbahAli_: dist-upgrade will upgrade packages that have been kept back15:45
Ali_aah ok cool15:45
Ali_and how do i upgrade the kernel pls?15:45
joaopintoAli_, it means the upgrade requires packages to be added/removed, such requires a dist-upgrade15:45
Ali_[sorry for all these questions - i'm still pretty new[15:45
BoohbahAli_: the update & dist-upgrade should update the kernel15:45
joaopintoAli_, 2.6.31-11 should come from the upgrade...15:45
Ali_ok i did that15:46
Ali_but it doesnt upgrade the kernel :15:46
joaopintoAli_, apt-cache policy linux-image15:46
Ali_Version table:
joaopintonone installed ?15:47
Ali_Installed: (none)15:47
legend2440are the Main and US servers down? i can't update15:47
Pici!slow | legend244015:48
ubottulegend2440: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.15:48
Boohbahlegend2440: mirrors are under heavy load with beta release...15:48
JanClegend2440: they are slow I think15:48
BoohbahPici: that's the trigger i was looking for15:48
legend2440ok thanks15:48
joaopintoAli_, apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.31-11-generic15:48
Ali_Unable to locate package15:48
joaopintoAli_, your mirror is not updated15:49
joaopintoAli_, apt-get update was successfull right ?15:49
BoohbahAli_: sudo apt-get update15:49
eagles0513875well mine ar all bogged down joaopinto15:49
Ali_did that joaopinto and Boohbah15:49
Boohbahcould be lagging mirrors... try another?15:49
joaopintoAli_, if update did not fail and the package is not available, it means your mirror is out dated15:50
joaopintoI am assuming your repositories are properly setup for karmic also15:50
Ali_i presume that too15:50
Ali_cos i upgraded :)15:50
Ali_so i change it in software sources15:50
Ali_aah found it15:52
mbeierlanyone know if the grey icons for nm-applet and others are going to change prior to the release?15:54
joaopintombeierl, I hope so, they look disabled to me15:56
eagles0513875hehe downloading updates bout 30kbps lol15:56
eagles0513875servers must be getting hammered too hard15:56
BluesKajyeah , was getting 50 here15:57
eagles0513875down to 27 now BluesKaj16:00
JoshuaLi installed karmic beta, now it says my username in the indicator applet instead of my fullname like it did in 9.0416:03
JoshuaLhow to change it back to my fullname?16:03
joaopintoJoshuaL, not sure if there is such an option, someone on #ubuntu-desktop maybe h16:04
joaopintoable to help, or not :P16:04
JoshuaLit happend after the upgrade :p16:04
JoshuaLi thinkt hey will send me to this channel16:05
joaopintowell, that is the new default behavior16:05
joaopintoi don't know if there is an option to change that, and it is the desktop team that is responsible for such changes16:05
joaopintobut yet, they might send you here :P16:05
JoshuaLill try it there16:06
spreadthelovewhat is the command for updating to karmic in the terminal the gui doesnt want to work for some reason16:08
raphaelwbI have problems (Mic low volume) in karmic Koala (Vostro 1510 Realtek High Definition Audio). Can you help?16:09
stefg!sound | raphaelwb16:10
ubotturaphaelwb: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:10
geniispreadthelove: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:11
raphaelwbtks ... will try16:11
spreadtheloveim also trying to access the university of auburn's vpn service but the cisco client they gave me is crap16:13
spreadthelovewhat would you sugges i use instead16:13
JoshuaLhow to change the position of the notify-osd notifications?16:13
JoshuaLbrb reboot16:13
knittlcan anybody help getting my rhythmbox to work?16:14
knittlit always complains about autoaudiosink not found16:14
AlanBellknittl: depends how broken it is16:14
knittlAlanBell: sound in my totem wasn't working16:15
AlanBellknittl: what is your soundcar16:15
knittlso i hunted it down and it worked flawless in a new account16:15
knittlafter copying over all config folders it stopped working in my other account too16:15
knittlso i selectively deleted folders16:15
knittlafter deleting .pulse-cookie und .pulse/ sound worked again16:16
knittlso i did the same on my main acconut16:16
knittlsound works in totem now16:16
knittlbut it stopped working in rhythmbox a few days later16:16
knittlautoaudiosink missing. search for suitable plugins?16:16
knittlbut it does not find any plugins16:16
AlanBellis this on Jaunty?16:16
knittli've already installed gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio, plugins-good and plugins-bad16:16
knittlAlanBell: no, it's on karmic16:17
knittlbut sound in totem wasn't working in jaunty either16:17
knittlmy soundcard is an intel one16:17
joaopintoknittl, I had a similar issue with my sound, it was fixed by apt-get purge, apt-get install onl pulseaudio16:18
knittljoaopinto: ok. pulseaudio you says16:18
knittl* say?16:18
knittlbtw, when starting rhythmbox in a terminal i get the following error message:16:19
joaopintomy problem was a bit funnier, only flas was playing, no other app16:19
knittlWARNING: Unhandled message: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable, path=/, member=Introspect16:19
knittlRhythmbox-Message: Missing plugin: gstreamer|0.10|rhythmbox|GStreamer element autoaudiosink|element-autoaudiosink16:19
knittlsound is really buggy since last week again16:19
joaopintook, you have a very diffrent problem16:19
knittlit also stutters in vlc16:19
joaopintobetter file a bug report or search for it16:19
knittli searched for it, but haven't found any similar bug report yet16:19
knittland i was too lazy to write a report. wanted to fix it myself before reporting16:20
spreadtheloveis human-login still an available theme in the beta?16:20
spreadtheloveits the black one with white higllights16:21
johnfghi guys16:21
Jaymacgot a usb stick that mounts but won't let me browse it... other usb sticks work fine on my system though.  it's a bit odd - it was the usb stick i used to install netbook remix on an acer so it works fine, and i've reformatted it to factory settings16:21
knittljoaopinto: purging and reinstalling didn't help my issue :(16:22
joaopintoJaymac, have you checcked "dmesg", for errors ?16:22
joaopintoknittl, your seems to be gstreamer related, unlike mine16:22
johnfgI just went to a new console: ctl-alt-f2, and ran sudo update-manager -d, per the upgrade instructions.16:22
knittlno packages with the requested plugins found. the requested plugins are: gstreamer element autoaudiosink16:22
johnfgBut it returns the error: Runtime error: could not open display.16:23
Jaymacjoaopinto, not yet, looking through the ubuntu fora - it seems like other people have problems with transcend sticks too16:23
johnfgWhat's up with that?16:23
Picijohnfg: update-manager requires X.16:23
joaopintoJaymac, update-manager is graphical16:23
johnfgPici: I wonder why the instructions say to ctl-alt-f2 then?16:24
joaopintoyou want do-release-upgrade for text upgrade16:24
knittlso maybe i should uninstall gstreamer*16:24
johnfgjoaopinto: Is that: "do-release-upgrade"?16:24
Picijohnfg: It says to use alt-f2, thats the shortcut for the gnome applauncher16:24
joaopintoif you are running X, keep with the update-manager16:24
joaopintolike Pici is explaining :P16:25
mvo_johnfg: it was probably just "alt-f2" (without the ctrl)16:25
Picijohnfg: Rather the gnome run tool.  I forget the actual name at the moment.16:25
knittlhm no. that's probably not a good idea xD16:25
johnfgOops, my bad, too used to using the ctl-alt-f2 to go to an new tty.16:25
AmaranthPici: It doesn't really have a name16:27
Amaranthit's a part of the panel and the title of the window is "Run Application"16:27
CrashbitHey! I have "quiet splash" in /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but during the boot ubuntu doesn't display logo. I only view blank screen with fsck and other init scripts16:27
Jaymacjoaopinto, this is the output of dmesg: http://pastebin.com/d4be6063816:28
AmaranthCrashbit: That's expected, the idea is for xsplash to start fast enough to take over16:28
joaopintoJaymac, I see no error that I can'e help you abot16:29
AmaranthCrashbit: although if fsck actually starts running instead of just checking or if you have to put in an encryption password you'll get the splash again that boot16:29
joaopintocan you pastebin your sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb ?16:29
mercutio221crap... the installer seems to have halted at 83 %.. It says "creating user".. theres plenty of HD activity. Should I wait more? Its been there for 30 minutes16:31
Jaymacit's working now, but it takes about 10 minutes from plugging it in and double clicking on it to gain access to the folder16:31
Jaymaceven though it appears as mounted instantly16:31
Jaymacmercutio221, don't worry, it took me about 5 minutes at that step - it will get past it16:32
Jaymacmercutio221, suddenly the cd will whirr into life again :)16:32
joaopintoerm, 5 minutes on the creating user phase ?16:32
Jaymacyeah it froze on 83% for me16:33
joaopintoI didn't experienced that16:33
joaopintomercutio221, that's not expected16:33
mercutio221ok.. I will give it some more time16:33
mercutio221maybe my image is corrupted... How do I check MD5 hashes again?16:34
joaopintomercutio221, md5sum file.iso16:34
joaopintoyou should check that before installing ;)16:34
joaopintowhere can mercutio221 check for the installation log, something more low level ?16:35
joaopintosometimes I miss the alternate installer :P16:35
joaopintoare the logs frm the livecd installer sent to a tty ?16:35
dominic__i prefer the live cd installer16:37
dominic__though i've never used the alternative16:37
dominic__or the graphical one from the disc itself16:37
Arcjust upgraded to 9.10 beta, firefox opens but neither 3.0 or 3.5 render anything in the window.  i tried removing and reinstalling firefox package, no dice.  advice?16:37
mercutio221I am using a live usb installer. it's the UNR version for netbooks16:37
spreadtheloveomg this is slow lol16:37
spreadtheloveany links to an iso?16:38
mercutio221joaopinto: ok, I got a hash number.16:38
joaopintoArc, try to rename your firefox settings folder16:39
joaopintoArc, close firefox16:40
joaopintogo to your home dir, ctrl-h to show hidden dirs16:40
joaopintorename .mozilla to .mozilla.old16:40
joaopintoand try starting firefox16:40
robertjis there a list somewhere of mirrors that are carrying karmic beta?16:41
Arc... it works in windowed mode only, not fullscreen?16:41
mercutio221damn... it has halted for good16:42
mercutio221I will have to retry16:42
danbhfive_jaunty!torrent | robertj16:42
ubotturobertj: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:42
spreadtheloveim with robertj this is going really slow16:42
robertjI don't want a torrent16:42
robertjI want to dist-upgrade16:42
Arcwhat the bloody..16:42
robertjor use update-manager16:42
Arcok that just crashed my entire session16:42
danbhfive_jauntyrobertj: I used the mirror selector, and that's working good16:42
Arcobviously a bug needs to be filed, but i don't know how to classify this16:43
robertjdanbhfive_jaunty: where is that at?16:43
danbhfive_jauntysoftware sources16:43
dashgood morning. anyone know about using karmic on a mac pro? specifically i'm wondering about getting sound to work16:43
dashaplay -l reports an ALC889A16:43
robertjdanbhfive_jaunty: but won't most mirrors not be carrying karmic until it finalizes?16:44
ArcAH.  compiz was enabled on a radion 9250 video card, i just noticed the background and icons were not displaying either16:44
Arcapparently out of video ram?16:44
dashbut I get no audio either via pulse or using ALSA directly16:44
dashI have a non-Mac box with the same audio chipset, and it works. Is there variation in kernel module options even for the same chipset?16:45
danbhfive_jauntyrobertj: well, Ill check.  I'm currently upgrading an old jaunty test install, in preparation of upgrading to the beta16:45
vigodash: am looking.16:45
robertjmine is hanging on mirror deteect anyway16:46
Lazyany tips for my sound problems? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=804077116:47
dashLazy: hmm. pastebin what 'aplay -l' prints?16:47
vigodash: Tell me if this one helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro16:48
dashvigo: no, 'cause that's for different hardware.16:48
dashthis is a desktop machine16:48
vigodash: it has some lines or commands ,oh, ok,,,16:49
mulchwhat kernel version is used in 9.10?16:49
dashmulch: i've got 2.6.31-1116:49
rskmulch: 2.6.3116:49
dashvigo: Hmm. They recommend a newer version of alsa, i might try that anyway16:50
mulchwill it switch to 2.6.32 before release?16:50
robertjbut it seems as a matter of practice if one of your sources is timing out selecting a mirror with the gui is nigh impossible16:50
vigodash: okee dokee, still looking,,,16:51
Lazydash: do you see anything that might cause my problems?16:51
dashvigo: thanks16:51
dashLazy: well it at least detects your card exists, that's a start :)16:51
danbhfive_jauntyrobertj: well, its working for me.  I had timeouts on the mirror, and now its working great.  1mB/s16:51
dashLazy: I guess the main other thing I'd think of is 'alsamixer -c 0' like you said16:52
vigodash: Is it a MacTel?16:52
dashvigo: yep, 2009 mac pro16:52
Archow to report a bug regarding video drivers vs compiz?16:52
vigodash: MacTel starts here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages16:53
danbhfive_jauntyis it ubuntu-bug linux?16:53
spreadthelovecould i use the 600 meg desktop live cd as an upgrade cd?16:53
spreadthelovei dont have any dvd-r's16:53
dashvigo: yeah, no info about the 2009 model though16:53
danbhfive_jauntyspreadthelove: no16:53
spreadthelove:( awww16:53
dashvigo: thanks for your help, i'm going to try this alsa snapshot.16:53
vigospreadthelove: Try an Alternate Install?16:54
SEJeffIs it known that a bunch of packages in karmic are returning 404 on the USC ubuntu mirror?16:54
spreadthelove*cancles download16:54
SEJeffOr is that more widespread because the packages were bad?16:54
spreadthelovewhat is an alternate install16:54
SEJeffspreadthelove, non-gui text based installer16:54
robertjwell when I put in a working mirror it works16:54
danbhfive_jauntyspreadthelove: its the cd that you can upgrade from, etc16:54
joaopintoSEJeff, mirror errors are common during beta & releases, just change your mirror16:54
robertjthe british site works fine for me16:54
robertjeven though Im in the states16:54
Archey guys?  i'm a beta tester and Ubuntu member, I am asking where and how I should file this bug regarding radion 9250 cards and compiz in the 9.10 configuration16:54
vigodash: You are very welcome, I hope that helped.16:54
spreadthelovewill it screw all the data i have?16:54
spreadtheloveor just update?16:55
SEJeffjoaopinto, Yeah it just sucks. That mirror is 14ms away from here :(16:55
rskArc: on launchpad16:55
Arci don't see a way of doing this via apport16:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:55
SEJeffrobertj, Can you post 1 deb line from your sources.list? I'll edit the rest with sed16:55
SEJeffOr just the url16:55
Arcrsk: where on launchpad?  i don't know which launchpad project oversees this16:55
robertjI just nuked it, sorry16:56
robertjall servers were the us archive servers though16:56
hggdhanyone experiencing very slow network on Beta?16:56
Arci don't know which package or application is causing the problem, i can easily repeat the bug but that doesn't tell me who's package is responsible for it16:56
mulchwill 10.04 be closely based on 9.10 (i.e. more closely than the typical ubuntu+1) or will it suffer significant changes?16:56
hggdhmulch: we may have gnome3 on 10.416:57
Picimulch: Since its an LTS release there will not be major changes.16:57
SEJeffmulch, It will be like every ubuntu release... based on a snapshot of Debian at the time and then stabilized. The packageset will just be more conservative because it is LTS16:57
Arci assume the bug report will need to include glxinfo dump16:57
spreadthelove:D its alot faster in utah16:57
mulchPici: yes, this was the reasoning behind my question too16:57
robertjwelp, off to lunch whilst an 800 meg download goes16:58
SEJeffspreadthelove, Can you beat this? http://www.digitalprognosis.com/pics/whoa-upgrade.png16:58
SEJeffThat was my upgrade to karmic16:58
Arcis there a ubuntu+1 developer channel or forum that posting this question to would be more helpful?16:59
johnfgspreadthelove: Utah?  I'm almost next door in Montana!16:59
spreadtheloveno lol thats one closest to me16:59
spreadtheloveim in auburn17:00
SEJeffArc report a bug in lp against compiz. The triagers will put it in the right place if that is wrong17:00
Lazydash: would it help if i posted my "alsamixer -c 0" screenshot. and by the way, "alsamixer" also shows the correct device now. i don't know if removing those .asound files made that17:00
danbhfive_jauntyArc: use the ubuntu-bug thing17:00
johnfgauburn, michigan?  Home of the Pistons17:00
danbhfive_jauntyArc: Ill try to find a link17:00
SEJeffThe us archive seems to be having network issues17:00
mulchSEJeff: conservative as in older application versions or as in no new "approaches" (new features, new applications, etc)17:00
PiciArc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage17:00
SEJeffmulch, 10.04 will likely not have gnome 317:01
SEJeffJust like the last LTS was flamed for not having KDE4 when it was brand new17:01
danbhfive_jauntyArc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs17:01
Arcso "ubuntu-bug compiz" will do the right thing?  how do I specify what the exact bug is?17:01
jcastrodo ubuntu-bug --help17:01
Arcdanbhfive_jaunty: i'm on that page already17:01
Picimulch: It might be in there optionally, but theres very little chance that it will be the default.17:01
jcastroit'll show all the options17:01
mulchSEJeff: 8.04 had pulseaudio :)17:01
jcastrothere's a flag to attach stuff to an existing bug17:01
danbhfive_jauntyArc: well, it may not be a bug in compiz, but the driver17:02
spreadthelovewhats a good vpn that has a gui that is able to connect to something requiring a cisco vpn?17:02
Arcdanbhfive_jaunty: or compiz is just trying to use textures beyond the maximum size permitted by the GPU17:02
SEJeffspreadthelove, networkmanager-vpnc / vpnc17:02
Arcarc@aegon:~$ ubuntu-bug --help17:02
ArcUsage: /usr/bin/ubuntu-bug <pid>|<symptom name>|<package name>|<program path>|<.crash file>17:02
Arcwhat flag?17:02
mulchSEJeff: however, there was no kubuntu lts either17:02
danbhfive_jauntyArc: yeah, if you think it is compiz, then just to exactly as you wrote17:03
freenoseAre guys having problems with ubuntu US mirror?17:03
SEJeffWell canonical is still a small company. They have more gnomers than kde guys.17:03
SEJefffreenose, Yes, switch to gb.archive.ubuntu.com. It works17:03
RainCTWLAN just stopped working on my netbook (EeePC 1005HA, after updating binutils, guile, perl, update-manager, but dunno how those could have caused it), nm-applet shows it as disabled. Any idea, or anyone else with the same problem?17:03
spreadtheloveim trying to connect to the auburn student vpn17:03
freenoseSEJeff: thanks17:03
spreadtheloveit wont let me17:03
Archow do I write a text message along with the bug to explain that it relates to the background, icons, and windows not being displayed when set greater to a size, and occassionally crashing X?17:03
danbhfive_jauntyfreenose: I used the mirror selector and it worked great17:03
SEJeffmulch, You can't demand everything when someone else is spending money to give you something for free :D17:03
spreadthelovei tried vpnc17:03
danbhfive_jauntyArc: there will be a guide17:03
mulchSEJeff: any known reasons why gnomers were a majority?17:04
mulchSEJeff: true17:04
freenosedanbhfive_jaunty: ok17:04
SEJeffspreadthelove, vpnc works fine. I've used it with 3-4 cisco vpns17:04
jpdsmulch: Because GNOME was chosen due to its 6 month release cycle?17:04
SEJeffmulch, Because Shuttleworth started Ubuntu as a gnome distro? Sorry I dont work for Canonical or know. Just a user17:04
jcastroArc: it's -c #####. Hah, if it's not in the --help then there's another bug.17:05
jpdsmulch: There was no Kubuntu LTS due to KDE4.17:05
Arcjcastro: yes that is another bug17:05
Arcdanbhfive_jaunty: negatory.  it just submitted a bug without opening any browser window or telling me the bug ID17:05
spreadtheloveSEJeff: when it asks for IPSec secret the cisco vpn given to me had option to input that17:05
mulchjpds: do you think the 6 month release cycle was what mattered most?17:05
jcastroArc: tow in a row, you're on fire!17:05
SEJeffspreadthelove, Thats the group secret17:05
spreadthelovethere is none as far as i know17:06
Arcand I have not setup apport with my launchpad login so there isn't even contact information for anyone to get back to me :-/17:06
SEJeffYou have a group, a group secret, a user, and a user password.17:06
jpdsmulch: *shrug*, ubuntu wanted a 6 month release time, so it seemed fitting I guess.17:06
SEJeffspreadthelove, Well you should ask the university. It might just be blank? It works for me with several cisco vpns17:06
mulchjpds: i suspect the real reason was lgpl vs gpl17:06
danbhfive_jauntyArc: weird, I did it on karmic and that's what happened.  I don't know17:06
Arcarc@aegon:~$ ubuntu-bug -c "ubuntu-bug --help does not show -c flag" ubuntu-bug17:07
ArcUsage: /usr/bin/ubuntu-bug <pid>|<symptom name>|<package name>|<program path>|<.crash file>17:07
jpdsmulch: Hmm.17:07
danbhfive_jauntyArc: did you try ubuntu-bug compiz  ?17:07
Arcdanbhfive_jaunty: yes. it collected info, and i sent it, and it gave me a progress bar, and that's all she wrote17:08
Arci should likely note that /usr/bin/firefox does not exist on my system, i had to update the icon to /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 for it to work17:08
danbhfive_jauntyArc: oh, maybe that's the issue17:09
mac_vArc: thats a known firefox issue...17:10
joaopintoArc, if there is no /usr/bin/firefox on your system, something was really wrong with the upgrade17:10
mac_vlet me get you the bug17:10
Arcyes it was the problem.  created a symlink manually just now, and now ubuntu-bug does pull up a new tab17:10
Arcjoaopinto: likely because i had a 3rd party firefox 3.5 installed on 9.0417:10
dashvigo: Well it turns out that it helps a lot if you plug your headphones into the output jack instead of the input one17:10
joaopintoah ok :P17:10
freenosegb.archive is not up to date :/17:11
jpdsfreenose: Oh?17:11
mac_vArc: Bug #401055 , apport sometimes just drops the crash but sometimes you get the error when you start ubuntu-bug from the terminal17:11
vigodash: Now that is a good one!17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401055 in xorg-server "[MASTER] Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'firefox-3.5' received an X Window System error (BadWindow)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40105517:11
danbhfive_jauntyfreenose: I'm getting the same issue with northeastern, and rit17:12
peciskhi people, anyone has Ubuntu karmic live cd beta downloaded? From main server is very slow17:12
jpdspecisk: Yes, try using a local mirror.17:13
jpdsOr torrents.17:13
freenosedanbhfive_jaunty: I see17:13
jpdsfreenose: How is it out of date?17:13
freenosejpds: because when I did aptitude update on us.archive I had more packages to upgrade(56) with gb.archive it only shows 217:14
SEJeffpecisk, Use bittorrent17:14
freenoseI need to update to be able to boot my system, there's a fix17:14
jpdsfreenose: Well, it will sync at some point in the near future.17:14
freenoseyeah, I'll wait17:15
jbichadoes xforcevesa work at all from liveCD?17:15
Lazyis there anyone who could give further tips how i should debug my audio problem?17:17
jpdsLazy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems17:19
Lazyjpds: thanks17:19
Lazyjpds: does this look correct to you?17:21
Lazyi'm using analog outputs for 5.117:21
Arcthanks everyone :-)  Bug #440684 has been filed17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440684 in compiz "fails to render on Radeon 9250 with larger resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44068417:23
Arcspooky timing17:23
ubuntu0ath1How can I enable double tap on my laptop  ?17:25
wastrelbug 3133717:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 31337 in gs-esp "ESP Ghostscript 815.01: Unrecoverable error" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3133717:25
Arcoh wait the bot responds to bug #12451917:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 124519 in compiz "need to add max texture size check" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12451917:26
Arcgot it17:26
wastrelubuntu0ath1: it's not in the mouse/pointer preferences?17:27
ubuntu0ath1wastrel: thanks forgot to look there17:27
c_kornagainst what package should I file the bug that karmic is half-translated for me ?17:28
robin0800ubuntu0ath1: there is a touchpad program in software centre but that does not appear to do doule tap17:29
ubuntu0ath1robin0800: thanks for the tip17:29
wastrelgpointing-device-settings   maybe17:29
wastreli'm not at home so i dn't have access to my koala atm17:30
robin0800wastrel: gpointing-device-settings is not installed by default either17:31
wastrelno it's not17:31
wastreli installed it enable 2 finger horizontal scrolling17:31
robin0800wastrel: I only installed touchpad to turn it off17:32
wastreli use it for scrolling only forthe most part.17:33
wastreli have touchpoint for actually moving the pointer17:33
robin0800wastrel: My miny mouse has a wheel17:33
ubuntu0ath1Main servers are still under heavy load :[17:34
freenosethat's good :-)17:35
robin0800I dowloaded last night17:35
ubuntu0ath1My mirror hasn't synced yet, so I switched to the main servers, but I guess I will wait for the mirror sync..I'm waiting for a few updates17:37
sigandersonI installed emesene 1.5 on kubuntu karmic koala beta, I can't connect because I can't write in the username field! What happened?17:38
Arcyea im not going to upgrade my 64-bit system until the mirrors propigate more, i only got about 24k download last night, took about 8 hours17:39
arandMmmm, slow servers...17:40
arandOr rather, loaded17:41
SEJeffYeah beta downloads are hammering them17:42
TeLeim updating repos at only 25k17:42
hustonwhere do i report this? I Downloaded the 64 bit version of the 9.10 beta and just for kicks i activated the wubi installer. as soon as the wubi installer was activated Norton Anti-Virus reported a Virus was discovered on my system, about 30 seconds later it reported the virus was now quarantined. Obviously the 64 bit ISO has aVirus in it considering i was not connected to the internet when this occured.17:47
sunshinepantsupdate complete.. pretty darn fast boot.  don't get a grub splash though (intel)17:47
ubuntu0ath1huston: try the wubi forums17:47
Archuston: Obviously Norton Antivirus misdetected17:47
hifihow do you upgrade from KDE to karmic beta17:51
MartynI just scanned with Kasp and it was fine17:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:52
Martynthere will be a kbuntu built with 9.10 in the directory17:52
MartynI assume you could just do a dist-upgrade17:52
hustonhmm. that's strange.17:52
hifithats not the recommended way, I can always use do-system-upgrade but I thought there'd be some kubuntu specific way too17:52
ubottuGnome bug 581488 in Chat "copy/paste is broken" [Major,Reopened]17:53
arand80k/min, bleh we're almost back on dial up with this load...17:53
hifiah, there is17:53
hifiare nvidia blobs working with the beta?17:53
joaopintohum, there is a kupdate-manager ?17:53
hifijoaopinto: something else according to the upgrade guide17:54
Picihifi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu17:54
ubuntu0ath1hifi: yes nvidia works fine17:54
joaopintooh, there is a -kde :)17:54
hifimy wife will kill me if this fails, fingers crossed17:58
jbichanvidia doesn't work for me17:59
joaopintohifi, you understand the meaning of beta right :P ?17:59
doktoreasanyone using kamric can try to open this site?17:59
doktoreasi recive an xml error17:59
joaopintobeta and wife is not a good idea :P17:59
TeLeis there a repo for xserver 1.7?18:00
hifijoaopinto: thats just more excitement!18:00
robin0800doktoreas: the site has a bad/wrong certificate according to firefox18:00
doktoreasI recive an error about xml18:01
hifithough the kde one for upgrading isn't very informative18:01
doktoreasxml interpreter18:01
hifiafer I pressed upgrade the window vent away and nothing happens18:01
doktoreasrobin0800, http://nopaste.com/p/a9KYGhqJM18:01
robin0800doktoreas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/283987/18:02
doktoreasrobin0800, which locale do you use?18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429835 in langpack-o-matic "[MASTER] chrome error when viewing untrusted https site using firefox with non en-US locale on karmic" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:04
doktoreasit's related to this18:04
nemoHm. When they say compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported18:08
nemothey aren't kidding :(18:08
nemothe package hasn't even been updated18:08
sdestis there somewhere to see if they are going to include the newest libsensors to support the i7 processors?18:08
nemoeven though it is tagged as karmic18:08
nemo/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'atlantis'18:08
nemo/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Plugin 'core' has ABI version '20090619', expected ABI version '20090207'.18:08
Dr_Willisi imagine the versions the beta has now.. will be the versions they will stay with18:11
AmaranthDr_Willis: we don't even have such a package18:13
Amaranthguy is using a jaunty ppa or something18:14
Amaranthnemo: you'd have to build the plugins yourself18:14
Amaranthand hope they still work18:14
nemoAmaranth: yeah. looks like18:16
nemoAmaranth: I actually had a patch for snow at one point that improved realism a bit18:16
nemono idea if that got merged18:16
Amaranthnemo: probably not, these plugins haven't been removed completely due to user's screaming but no one really cares for them18:17
nemoAmaranth: well. looks like they should be removed18:17
nemoat least for karmic18:17
nemosnow and atlantis don't work18:17
Amaranthnemo: again, this package does not exist in karmic18:17
Amaranthstop using PPAs18:17
AmaranthThis package has never been in Ubuntu18:18
nemoI only use one PPA18:18
AmaranthUnless someone uploaded it behind my back18:18
Amaranth!info compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported18:18
nemoand that's 'cause the official eclipse for karmic didn't work, at all18:18
ubottucompiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported): Compiz Fusion plugins - "unsupported" collection. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.3+git20090911-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1275 kB, installed size 4256 kB18:18
Amaranth!info compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported jaunty18:19
PiciAmaranth: rmadison says its been in there since hardy18:19
ubottucompiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported): Compiz Fusion plugins - "unsupported" collection. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1263 kB, installed size 4220 kB18:19
AmaranthWho uploaded this broken crap?18:19
* Amaranth works on getting this crap removed from Ubuntu18:20
PiciAmaranth: looks like a sync from debian18:20
arandAmaranth: seems to be sean finney and mvo according to aptitude changelog...18:20
Amaranthright, mvo updated it along with the rest18:21
Amaranthbut we never packaged it in the beginning18:21
Amaranthit got autosynced18:21
nemoAmaranth: the atlantis2 plugin is nicer anyway. perhaps it'll get added to compiz-fusion-plugins-extra someday18:22
Amaranthoh, mvo has been keeping it updated to18:22
nemoAmaranth: clearly not updated enough :)18:22
Amaranththe plugins themselves don't get updated18:22
Amaranthhe has just been updating the package18:22
nemowonder if I could talk him into adding atlantis2...18:23
Amaranthhe has just been updating the package18:23
AmaranthThe junk in it comes from upstream18:23
commander_hey how come the sound doesn't work on it but everything else is OK?18:24
Dr_Willisever notice how some times the 'suggested' packages make no sense?18:25
Dr_Willisinstalled vlc, gnome-mplayer, and comix, and it suggested18:26
Dr_Willisnas debhelper fakeroot build-essential jackd qt4-qtconfig mplayer-doc netselect fping18:26
Dr_Willis!info nas18:26
ubottunas (source: nas): Network Audio System - local server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.2-1 (karmic), package size 109 kB, installed size 316 kB18:26
joaopintoDr_Willis, if that is the case, file bug reports18:27
Dr_WillisI can almost understand why it would 'suggest' (thats different then reccomds right?)18:27
Dr_Willisa few of those.. but still build-essential?18:28
joaopintobuild-essen, debhelper and fakeroot make no sense18:28
Dr_WillisOr could it been somthing i installed earlier that some how also is rembered for the suggestions?18:28
joaopintoDr_Willis, that info is set at the package level, so it's a packaging problem18:28
Dr_WillisI cant think of anything ive installed.. other then ubuntu-restircted-extras and a few other toools18:28
Ali_hi - my sound has stopped working after upgrading18:29
Ali_can anyone help?18:29
Dr_Willisi allready got some 'packages are no longer required' on this clean install also. heh.18:29
Dr_Willisthats weird.18:29
Ali_Boohbah, i managed to install all the updates18:29
Ali_Boohbah, but the sound is still not working18:29
baron86Hello.. today my KpackageKit needs priveleges.. I updated to 9.10 Beta18:29
sneki installed Karmic but I get an error 15 in Grub.. now I think it might be loading grub off the wrong harddrive (a sata instead of the ata i put ubuntu on)18:31
snekis there any way to tell which grub version is being loaded? (legacy or 2)18:31
ikthttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown <- why is there this little white space at the top of the image :s18:31
nemoikt: what whitespace?18:31
joaopintosnek, a fresh desktop install will install grub218:31
iktI've added it to my wordpress and it has a whitespace at the top, i'll pntscn18:32
snekitś a fresh server install18:32
arandDr_Willis: None of those packages seems to suggest those specifically (checked apt-cache depends) But maybe the suggests are due to installed dependencies?18:32
nemoikt: how about linking to your wordpress? :)18:32
nemoikt: also, why not look in firebug?18:32
snekjoaopinto, this is a common problem with this machine18:32
Dr_Willisarand:  yea - im looking at what i installed earlier.. but cant seem tosee any logic in it.18:33
joaopintosnek, better report it or search for similar reports on launchpad18:33
nemoikt: maybe your wordpress theme has a style that is applying to it18:33
nemoikt: no way to know unless you link me18:33
commander_i need help with the sound.please18:33
Ali_can anyone help me? my sound is not working - it was working fine before the upgrade18:33
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:33
nemoikt: hmmm. it *does* have a 2px style applied to it18:33
nemoikt: do this. #countdownimage { padding-top: 0 !important }18:33
joaopintoAli_, run alsamixer from the terminal, and check the levels18:33
nemoikt: of course if you had firebug you could have seen that for yourself :-p18:34
iktcheers :)18:34
Ali_ok thanks joaopinto18:34
iktwhat is this bug which is on fire you speak of18:34
snekdoes grub2 look any different? i think there might still be an old grub1 on another drive18:34
Dr_Willislooks about the same.. text based menu. :)18:34
nemoikt: http://getfirebug.com18:34
Dr_WillisYou can tweak it a little18:34
Dr_Willissee if you have a /boot/grub/menu.lst or a boot/grub/grub.cfg (i think thats the name)18:34
nemoikt: I just rightclicked on the image, chose "inspect" waved my mouse over the tag and the padding showed up in purple18:35
nemowith the style immediately visible18:35
sneki have a grub.cfg, thatś not the problem18:35
Ali_joaopinto, i checked - everything is high18:36
snekmy pc is somehow booting grub legacy off /dev/sda1 (first sata drive) whereas it should be booting grub off of /dev/sdd1 (first pata drive)18:36
Ali_joaopinto, i have two soundcards and i know one of them is not working - ie the inbuilt one - but how do i know which one is the one being used etc?18:36
sneknow with the old grub it was quite easy to fix, but with grub2 i am not sure how to go about installing grub2 onto /dev/sda118:36
Briani was in the middle of a update and my computer turned off and now when i try to do the update again i get a partial update , is there any way to fix what went wrong18:37
Dr_Willisset the bios to boot off the other hd.18:38
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:38
Ali_any idea joaopinto18:38
Dr_Willisor install grub2 to both i guess. :)18:38
malnilionBrian, maybe try sudo dpkg --configure -a18:39
Ali_any solutions for me? :D18:42
unimatrixis there a way to center the notify-osd ?18:42
unimatrixmy right eye is getting tired xD18:43
Dr_WillisThey need a animationof a little penguin walking across the screen with the notifications in a flag....18:45
malnilionAli_, you should be able to see which device is being used if you go to Sound Preferences and look at the Hardware tab.18:45
Dr_Willisand yes - its gettting past my bedtime...18:45
* Dr_Willis is tired and gettting silly18:45
snekwhat's the default user for karmic livecd? want to ssh into the machine18:45
Dr_WillisIs ssh even installed on the live cd?18:46
Dr_Willischeck in the /home/ to see what their name is.18:46
arandI'd guess it's ubuntu normally...18:46
malnilionBrian, did that command I posted get the ball rolling on your updates again?18:47
sneklol it's ubuntu.. should have guessed18:48
Briani got a error i think i did dpkg-config insted of --config18:48
snekjust ran users18:48
Brianstill command not found18:48
snekand no, ssh server is not installed, but you can aptitude install ssh without problems after you've booted the cd18:48
macoBrian: er yeah "dpkg --configure -a" would be the right way, sorry18:49
malnilionIf it says command dpkg not found, you have a really broken system.18:49
Ali_malnilion, where can i find that pls?18:49
commander_ubottu where is volume control?18:50
Brianya i think it worked18:50
Brianafter the command nothing happened like it should  now im updating18:50
malnilionAli_, there should be two ways, you can right click the volume icon in the tray or you should be able to System>Preferences>Sound18:51
Ali_thanks malnilion18:51
malnilionAli_, working sound?18:51
Ali_i lurrrrrrrrrrrve ubuntu18:51
mbeierl1man the updates are coming in fast and furious now :)18:51
=== mbeierl1 is now known as mbeierl
malnilionW00t, no problem :)18:52
Brianwhat are you talking about what updates?18:52
Briandid they realese new ones18:53
Brianfor some reason empathy wont change status from hidden to available18:56
snekis there anyway to not boot gnome on the livecd but only boot to commandline?18:58
Dr_Willisperhaps edit the  boot line. but i forget how you do that on the live cd.. and append 'single' to the end.18:59
commander_i need help18:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:59
snekyeah i can't remember what to put in the boot line.. but i'll try single19:00
malnilionMaybe add the nosplash option as well.19:01
Dr_Willistheres always the hard core 'init=/bin/bash' to append also i recall :)19:02
malnilionBrian, you know, I seem to be having trouble setting Empathy to hidden and having it show up on the indicator-applet as such.19:04
Brianmalnilion: funny i have the opposite problem of making it available from hidden19:05
malnilionBrian, is yours set to auto-connect on login?19:06
Brianya i can change it on the app its self but the system tray stays hidden19:06
virtualdanyone more than me getting timeouts on archive.ubuntu.com?19:06
Briani think so19:06
rumpel2my touchpad won't save its config... any idea?19:06
Brianmalnilion: is yours19:09
malnilionBrian, yeah.19:09
malnilionBut that option seems to be broken since I'm always offline when I login.19:09
cousteauhow long should it take to karmuc UNR to boot on an acer aspire one? it takes 45 seconds on mine, that's a lot19:10
Pici!slow | virtuald19:10
ubottuvirtuald: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.19:10
iwillighi guys, i seem to be having an issue with pygtk in the beta version of ubuntu19:10
frybyeHi - I jus installed karmic beta 64bit in a sun virtual box with h-w vertualisation... but karmic does not "see" my nvidia 9400gt card or allow the installaiton of the nvidia drivers and I only have a far too small screen resoloution  - my full-hd 22" screen in "unknown" etc - what now?19:10
iwilligany one ecounter this same issue ?19:11
commander_hey i need some help .i have no sound on 9.1019:11
c_kornfrybye: the video card is only emulated19:11
thiebaudeiwillig, which issue19:11
c_kornfrybye: you need to install the virtualbox guest additions19:11
iwilligthiebaude: http://dpaste.com/101580/19:11
c_kornfrybye: nvidia drivers won't work19:11
frybyec_korn: any way to at least change the resoloution - there is only a 800 x smal and 800 still smaller now?19:12
frybyeI need 1920 x 108019:12
guntbertfrybye: in a VM it doesn't see the "real" hardware - and there is a channel #vbox :-)19:12
thiebaudeiwillig, not sure yet, getting ready to download 130mb of updates19:12
frybyeok - but if it is just a karmic soloution I need to change the res.??19:12
c_kornfrybye: if you install the guest additions you can resize the window and the screen resolutions will change accordingly19:12
thiebaudei should have a new usplash screen hopefully19:12
frybyeI have not found out how to get the guest additions installed.. found point in vbox menu but nothing happens...?19:13
malnilioncommander_, you've checked your volume level and sound preferences?19:13
c_kornfrybye: an iso should get mounted to /media/cdrom019:13
raindogfrybye, Check out the vb documentation.  There is a detailed entry for installing the guest additions.19:14
frybyeok - thanks for now - i go figure...19:14
malnilioncommander_, your sound problems are system-wide and not application-related?19:15
paolobHI guys! I'm trying to use epiphany-gecko in karmic, but if I install epiphany-browser it removes epiphany-gecko for epiphany-webkit. Any workaround?19:16
malnilioncommander_, is sound working in some problems but not others?19:16
malnilioncommander_, programs* I mean19:16
commander_no none19:16
commander_when i go to youtube no sound,songbird no sound19:17
malnilioncommander_, is this a fresh install?19:17
commander_n i got alsa 1.0.2019:17
csguestin 9.10, how can i get GDM to stop ignoring and start sourcing my ~/.xinitrc file?19:17
commander_of 9.10 beta.yeah. n i dong a partial upgrade too19:18
commander_not by choice19:18
DopeGhot1Is there a way to have a console larger than 80x25 still?  I tried the vga kernel paramater, and I got a message about it being deprecated before I just got a catatonic black screen19:18
csguesti also have a .xsession file that is not being sourced... is this supposed to be .Xsession ?19:19
malnilioncommander_, your partial upgrade is going on right now?19:19
Ubuntu2Oh hey it looks like they fixed the no option to multiboot in grub2 bug. Alpha 6 here I come :)19:20
RPG_MasterWhy do fonts look so funky in Firefox 3.5?19:20
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: alpha6?  Not the beta?19:20
malnilioncommander_, do you know if pulseaudio is set to updated?19:20
maginotHi. it will be a 9.10 lts version ?19:20
Ubuntu2DopeGhot1 On the site they also call it Alpha6 or is that different than the beta?19:20
Picimaginot: No, but 10.04 will.19:21
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: Beta 1 came out yesterday, it's a more recent release than α619:21
commander_i dunno how to check it19:21
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0419:21
Ubuntu2DopeGhot1: Ok thanks for the info :)19:21
maginothmm ... so for server its better go with 8.04 lts I suppose19:21
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: anytime :)19:21
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/19:21
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: that's where you can get the current (β) release19:22
cousteaumaginot: you'll be able to upgrade from hardy to lucid without having to stop on intrepid, jaunty or karmic19:22
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: my pleasure :)19:22
RPG_MasterHow do I make my fonts not look ugly in Firefox?19:22
James147maginot: it depends on how important the server is, if it doent matter if it goes down every 6 mounths then you can stick with the latest, but any type of server that the publib relay on its best to sue the lts19:23
Ubuntu2Does anyone have a torrent link for the Beta1? I'm getting 40k/s here because everyones downloading it.19:23
Ubuntu2Actually 19k/s.19:24
Ubuntu2Oh nvm I think I found it on the bottom of the page.19:24
maginotHmm okay, thanks19:24
nemohttp://ubuntuguide.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/fish.png <- see this is why I'd like to get atlantis219:24
nemonow if only I could find the darn source location, I'd just build it myself19:25
malnilionUbuntu2, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/ubuntu-9.10-beta-dvd-i386.iso.torrent19:25
malnilionUbuntu2, oh wait, that's the dvd19:25
Ubuntu2malnilion Does the DVD have more than the cd in packages?19:25
nemogit clone git://anongit.compiz-fusion.org/users/metastability/atlantis219:25
malnilionUbuntu2, I'd assume so, I've never used the DVD to install.19:26
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: I suspect it does, if the size of the image is a lot larger than the CD19:26
malnilionUbuntu2, http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso.torrent19:26
GibbaTheHutthi, is anyone aware of sound hitching/farting noises in karmic at all ? (don't have them in jaunty) Main sound is fine, just happens sometimes19:26
Ubuntu2Found this online: "The DVD has extra pakcages, more stuff that you probably won't ever need."19:27
PiciUbuntu2: The dvd has at least the universe repository on it.19:27
Ubuntu2Hmm... I guess I'll make a dvd soon too. But the cd's almost done so...19:28
malnilionDownloading the DVD seems like a waste of bandwidth since most people will never use half the packages.19:28
DopeGhot1Is there a way to get a high-res console?  more than 80x25 would be more than welcome.  the vga kernel option isn't playing nice19:28
paolobI'm trying to report a bug in launchpad for karmic, but the usual "report a bug" button leads to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs, and none of the method suggested works: "ubuntu-bug epiphany-browser" tells me I haven't a genuine ubuntu package . How the hell can I report a bug?!??!?19:29
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:29
commander_mal where r u i need help with the sound on here19:29
Ubuntu2malnilion True19:29
paolobunfortunatly  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug leads to the help page, too!!!19:30
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:30
malnilioncommander_, I asked if you knew whether pulse was set to be updated or not. Before we can do anything we need your partial update to finish.19:30
paolob!reporting bugs19:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reporting bugs19:30
Picipaolob: Thats all the bot knows about bugs, whats the issue?19:30
commander_well i had to update again b cause the partial didn't go through19:31
peolwhoa, getting the media keys volume up/down and mute to work without the hook to pulseaudio was a bit of a pain, had to do my own bash scripts and wrap with notify-osd :P19:31
SEJeffpeol, Please submit a bug with how you got it to work19:31
malnilioncommander_, do you have a sound card or are you using integrated?19:32
Ubuntu2paolob here: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-browser/+filebug?no-redirect19:32
commander_it's a laptop.19:32
peolSEJeff: Not really a bug, afaik the gnome-volume-control(-applet) doesn't support gstreamer anymore so I guess the link to the mixer is broken without pulseaudio, I just simulated the applets functionality with xbindkeys and bash scripts19:33
SEJeffpeol, Oh you disabled pulse19:33
SEJeffThat seems to have become an almost dependency under gnome19:33
MTecknologyThis is interesting- I boot up and gnome-power-manager what's to be a big icon instead of a small one.. not sure why though. If I kill and restart it, it will stay it's 24 size, instead of 4819:34
SEJeffMTecknology, Try updating19:34
MTecknologySEJeff: alrighty19:34
peolYeah, that crap shouldn't be be default yet, too much cards have bugs (I've had _one_ card working out-of-the-box the last ten times I've done a install [different computers]). The bugs are marked resolved everywhere, and when opening new ones the close them and says they're fixed :P19:34
SEJeffpeol, I've had 0 problems with pulseaudio since Jaunty19:35
DopeGhot1Heck, my audio's been fine since Ibex19:35
SEJeffin fact, I am able to stream banshee from my main desktop wirelessly over my network to the mac mini in the living room running ubuntu19:35
SEJeffWhich I see as pulseaudio being awesome19:35
peolhda-intel and a few others has been broken since before Jaunty, a lot of crackling occurring that seems unsolvable, works great with esound+alsa19:36
peolI love the idea behind PA and I think it's gonna be great, too many kinks for my taste atm tho19:36
sneki fixed my boot problem, i had to chroot my drive and change the /boot/grub/device.map and change (hd0) to /dev/sdd instead of /dev/sda19:37
SEJeffpeol, Thats fair but can you please file a bug?19:37
peolSEJeff: I have, several times19:37
SEJeffpeol, Ok here is another approach19:38
malnilioncommander_, what's the output of: lspci | grep "Audio device"19:38
snekjaunty worked with just setting UUID's in the menu.lst, howcome karmic is reverting back to /dev/sd* again?19:39
commander_dummy output stereo19:39
SEJeffGo to Guadec and buy lennart pottering some beer. Then tell him that pulse is broken and he is indebted to you for the beer so he should fix it. Profit!19:39
malnilionReally, dummy output?19:39
peolSEJeff: I've been in contact with the PA devs too, hopefully they'll get it sorted soon, I'd love to be able to use PA19:39
snekor am i forgetting something? :P19:39
SEJeffpeol, So is your problem in specific how PA interacts with intel sound cards?19:39
SEJeffTry the beer method19:39
SEJeffWorks well in open source19:39
=== jldugger is now known as pwnguin
peolSEJeff: For my own personal experience, yeah. I gtg, food. And btw, I'm not planning to travel half way around the world to buy a guy some beer :)19:42
malnilioncommander_, what's the output of aplay -l ?19:42
Ubuntu2Well I'll be back after I update to the Beta 1.19:42
commander_i dunno the same i gave u i guess19:43
malnilioncommander_, I'm reading about a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/394500 that may or may not be related to your issue.19:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394500 in pulseaudio "[Karmic] processes holding /dev/dsp* or /dev/snd/pcm* cause "pulseaudio: card not found - Null Output / Dummy Output"" [Low,Confirmed]19:48
malnilioncommander_, you don't happen to have the same hardware as described by that user do you?19:49
commander_what hardware?19:49
commander_i used the same one with the previous versions of ubuntu19:50
vigoDo I have to download the Beta or am I already using it?19:50
cousteauvigo: did you install the alpha?19:51
funkyHatAnyone using a bluetooth headset as a sound device in Karmic?19:51
vigocousteau: Yes19:51
cousteauvigo: in case you installed the alpha, the updates will transform it into the beta without having to upgrade or something19:52
vigocousteau: Started on alpha 2 or 319:52
cousteauand the beta into RC and final19:52
malnilioncommander_, the bug I just posted points to an issue with a modem driver that hogs your sound device. Does your laptop have a built-in modem?19:52
rrichiehi all19:53
rrichiei have problem installing eclipse with karmic because gij-4.2 doesn't exists. Anyone has an idea ?19:53
vigoWhew! I have been seeing that the servers are swamped, Thank you.19:53
commander_u mean a 56k modem for a phone line?19:53
malnilioncommander_, yes.19:54
commander_yeah but i use broadband for internet comcast19:54
malnilioncommander_, okay try uninstalling slmodem by doing sudo apt-get remove slmodem19:55
malnilionOr through Synaptic.19:55
malnilionIf you don't have it installed, I'm out of ideas, lol.19:56
cousteaurrichie: maybe you can install sun-java6-jre instead19:56
commander_can't get the lock19:57
malnilionCan't get the lock?19:57
malnilionOh, you can't have Synaptic open and run that apt command at the same time.19:57
nzmm_hey how do i get ubuntu one to work?  I click connect, nothing happend19:59
nzmm_hey how do i get ubuntu one to work?  I click connect, nothing happens19:59
malnilionnzmm_, you need to go through the website at one.ubuntu.com20:00
nzmm_ok thnx20:00
commander_so just wait til the updates r finished20:00
malnilioncommander_, yeah, and then before you reboot uninstall slmodem and see if that fixes your issue.20:00
rrichiecousteau : no it doesn't change anything20:01
diverse_izzue&msg NickServ identify uyenuna120:05
malnilionOh dang, man, you might want to change your password now.20:05
joshposhhaha, now I am the real diverse_izzue20:06
LaibschHi, what happened to epiphany-webkit?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/epiphany-webkit exists, but aptitude does not show the package as installable.20:06
malnilionLaibsch, that's odd considering I have that very package installed.20:07
peolTo be honest, these icons look a hell of a lot better then the current ones, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Icon20:08
Laibschmalnilion: yes, I thought that was odd.  But http://paste.debian.net/48006/ is what I get20:09
malnilionLaibsch, you have all your repos enabled, right?20:10
malnilion(Though I think epiphany would be in universe...)20:10
LaibschI think I have the necessary ones20:10
Laibschkarmic main universe restricted and multiverse20:10
Laibschplus karmic-security and a few others20:11
Laibschkarmic universe should have it, I guess20:11
peolmalnilion: Mine is installable, try sudo apt-get install epiphany-webkit-data epiphany-webkit20:11
rumpel2lol.... karmic "forgets" my touchpad-config when the screensaver comes up ^^20:12
Lenin_Catdose fglrx work with the beta?20:14
peolLaibsch: sudo apt-get update -f20:14
diverse_izzuei was hit by bug #439784, can anyone think of a way how to recover without reinstalling?20:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439784 in grub2 "invalid: environment block" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43978420:16
junkY_Sanhey, i did a dist-upgrade yesterday and now i get no x-server after a reboot until i manually restart the kdm service20:17
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malnilionWoo, big netsplit.20:18
paolobAnyone knows whether is it wanted that epihany-webkit's executable is "epiphany" while epiphany-gecko's is "epiphany-gecko? I'd find better that the executables share the same name20:19
malnilionpaolob, do you have both installed?20:21
paolobmalnilion, you cannot install both, installing one removes the other20:21
Laibschdiverse_izzue: boot from USB or CD?20:22
diverse_izzueLaibsch: thats how im here now20:22
diverse_izzuethen what20:22
LaibschI'm not exactly sure about the problem20:22
malnilionpaolob, afaik the epiphany command is really just a link to either epiphany-gecko or epiphany-webkit based on what's installed.20:22
LaibschBut I guess you want to recreate whatever is broken in grub20:23
LaibschMaybe "sudo update-grub" is already enough20:23
malnilionpaolob, also afaik epiphany-webkit is the future.20:24
paolobmalnilion, actually epiphany-gecks doesn't provide a "epiphany" command linking to epiphany-gecko, but only a epiphany-browser -> epiphany-gecko20:24
malnilionSounds like a packaging issue.20:24
paolobmalnilion, imo epiphany-webkit still has too many problems: in one day I found 2 rendering bugs20:25
NafaiI thought epiphany was actually a game, and epiphany-browser was the browser20:25
commander__mal partial upgrade is done20:26
commander__what next?20:26
malnilioncommander__, okay, in Synaptic remove sl-modem-daemon if it is installed.20:26
kane77hi, I just upgraded to karmic, only one issue.. before if I clicked to top part of scroll bar on touchpad it did middle-click, now this doesn't work, where can I set it?20:26
malnilionpaolob, yeah epiphany-webkit is still rough around the edges for sure. It's fast as heck, though.20:27
malnilioncommander__, reboot and cross your fingers :P20:27
rumpel2kane77, also have problems with touchpad ... it forgets custom-configs.... (system->pref->touchpad (i guess))20:28
kane77rumpel2, system->pref->mouse and touchpad tab, but there's no setting for this.. and I don't even know what to look for, since in previous versions the middle click worked out of the box20:29
mshooshtariI'm having difficulty with vpnc, the network manager interface does not allow me to use the local connection as the default gateway.20:30
mshooshtarithe check box that says to only use the vpn for it's network just keeps greying back out even after checking and saving.20:30
vigorumpel2: Is it set in ..uhmm, chmod?20:31
vigowait, let me check that to be certain.20:32
malnilioncommander_, any luck?20:32
commander_Mal we have sound!!woohoo!!20:33
rumpel2vigo, well.. i will look for a config-file in /etc/ or so ... tnx20:33
commander_thank u thank u thank u20:33
malnilioncommander_, no problem, man, you might want to subscribe to that bug if you ever think you'll want to use your modem :)20:34
commander_fo sure20:34
commander_i just reported a bug to tham about it20:34
junkY_Sancould it be that since a recent udpate the initscript management has changed?20:35
vigorumpel1: Did you say on Suspend?20:37
nick125Hmm..anyone here know of a repository that has Virtualbox 3.0 for Karmic amd64?20:38
rumpel2vigo, did "chmod u-w ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/%gconf.xml" ... hope this will work...20:38
Daiprobably virtualbox's20:38
vigorumpel2: whoops, did you say on Suspend20:38
rumpel2vigo, no... screensaver... or at least after some time without user interaction...20:39
nick125Dai: I'll double check, but I think they only go up to Jaunty20:39
vigorumpel2: That looks like a workable code,20:39
Daihmm...  yeah, with karmic not out yet, they're probably not up to date yet :\  you *might* try searching for a PPA, but then you're probably looking at the OSE version.  did karmic not move to 3.0 as the default?20:40
vigorumpel2: I also found this on Suspend, is a Xorg setting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102970420:40
nick125Dai: I've tried to install virtualbox-3.0 and it says there isn't a candidate version available20:41
rumpel2vigo, "HOWTO: Run a Program or Windows Screen Saver when System is Idle" ? o.O#20:41
joshposh_diverse_izzue, has your problem been solved already?20:41
paolobGuys, I think epihany-webkit shouldn't be mandatory in karmic, it's still in early beta stages, karmic must be stable, epiphany-webkit is very rough20:42
diverse_izzuejoshposh_: no20:42
diverse_izzueworking at it...20:42
diverse_izzueim chrooted into my hdd from a live cd20:42
joshposh_diverse_izzue, why dont you try the commands in comment 2 of the bug report #43978420:44
Daipaolob: so it shouldn't even be available?  firefox is still the default browser, and none of them are "mandatory"20:44
paolobDai, no, the problem is that epiphany-gecko is removed for epiphany-webkit in the update, and it shouldn't be! Karmic shouldn't impose a beta package (epiphany-webkit) in substitution of a stable one (epiphany-gecko)20:46
diverse_izzuejoshposh_: joshposh_ i just reinstalled grub-pc from live cd, lets see if that helped20:47
LaibschI still don't even have epiphany-webkit among the installable packages20:47
Laibscheven after "sudo aptitude update -f"20:48
Laibschvery strange20:48
Guest21681was sent here from ubuntu-bugs20:48
Guest21681lemme repaste what i was saying20:48
Guest21681trying to install with wubi (the one included in ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso at / level) and it wants to donwload karmic-desktop-amd64.iso instead..20:49
Guest21681did someone for get to recompile wubi to use the beta naming intead of the daily build ?20:49
Guest21681man filing bugs20:49
Guest21681any commandline option for wubi ?20:50
angerHas others had problems with kdm?20:52
Guest21681define kdm20:53
Guest21681hum not me20:53
paolobDai, I opened a bug about that  #44085720:53
rumpel2where can i open bugs?20:54
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/20:54
paolobrumpel2, from your application, menu Help -> report a bug20:54
cousteaugl-117 is segfaulting... could anyone confirm?20:55
rumpel2cool :)20:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:55
vigoThat one shows the correct way, sorta to report those.20:55
Guest21681ubuntu-bug wubi20:56
DaiGuest21681: from a terminal.20:57
Guest21681i know20:57
Guest21681but i cant even install it in the first place20:58
DaiGuest21681: but since you're installing from windows, you'll probably have to take the manual route :)20:58
frybyerunning beta in a sun virtual box - makes a good impression - well done folks...20:58
Guest21681i don't mind installing it20:58
Guest21681but i need the wubi method to work for nusers to be able to try it too..20:59
cousteauwhen I gdb gl-117, it says it segfaulted in glViewport() from /usr/lib/libGL.so.121:00
readonlzi upgraded to 9.10 and now cannot boot. it says my file system is read only, what to do21:01
NoelJBcan you boot a Live CD or into the recovery console and fsck?21:02
readonlzi am in a live cd now21:02
readonlzi tried fscking, but i guess im doing it wrong because it didnt help21:02
frybyewhich update notification system is used in karmix - the one like hardy default or the one like jaunty default?21:03
frybyee e karmic I mean...21:03
readonlzany ideas?21:04
nemohttp://m8y.org/tmp/mydesktop2.jpeg <- why atlantis2 should be in ubuntu plugins :-p21:05
duffydackeww. Ive never understood why anyone would want a fishtank on their desktop21:05
duffydackif real life ones couldnt get any more boring, along comes a compiz plugin21:06
nemoduffydack: its fun21:06
reportingsjrduffydack: .... I have a fish tank and I like it quite a lot so speak for yourself.21:06
nemoduffydack: real life ones are fun too21:06
nemoreportingsjr: he's just trolling.21:06
duffydackwhatever works for you21:06
solisticjust trying to upgrade to 9.10 and getting "W:Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/universe/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch"? What how to cicumvent this? Any ideas?21:06
readonlzsolistic: try to change the server21:07
nemoreportingsjr: I have a 5" cichlid in my tank :)21:07
solisticreadonlz: like en..?21:07
duffydacknemo,  I`m giving my opinion... its the first thing Ive said since I logged in 7 hours ago..  plz....21:07
readonlzyes. i couldnt upgrade from my croatian server so i tried slovakian21:07
readonlzbut i cannot boot into my system since the upgrade21:07
readonlzthat is why i am here21:07
reportingsjrnemo: I have a 5" cichlid in my 20g.. a pleco :D21:08
solisticreadonlz: argh, maybe I should wait until it is stable...21:08
reportingsjrnemo: I just bought 6 zebra danios to add to my little school. I love it!21:08
Guest21681i fixed my "bug"21:08
LaibschAnybody else having problems with avi video files being displayed as blue rectangles only?  bug 40201921:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402019 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "video is a blue rectangle only" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40201921:09
LaibschI've been having that issue for a while now21:09
Guest21681well not fixed but worked around it..21:09
LaibschI think i had it in jaunty, too21:09
readonlzanyone know how to stop the 'read only file system' error on booting?21:09
readonlzit also says that it cannot remove /forcefsck file, but when i check from live cd, tehre is no such file21:09
solisticreadonlz: how did you change the mirror, with update-manager or in /etc/apt/sources.list?21:11
Guest21681wubi.exe --skipmd5check enables me to use the iso i extracted wubi from instead of it downloading today's karmic-desktop-amd64.iso bleh21:11
readonlzsolistic: within update-manager21:11
Guest21681still waiting on launchpad to send me an email..21:11
Guest21681don't call us we'll call you sort of thing..21:12
SEJeffGuest21681, Don't bother with wubi, it will setup dual boot for you21:13
Guest21681i know what it does21:14
Guest21681but less knowledgeable users need to be able to use it too :)21:14
Guest21681i ususally get "uh what? commandline? do i need to install that? " from users.. so wubi is good alternative for them to try out ubuntu a little21:15
Guest21681so fixing it will help bridging a technical gap few of us realize still exists ;)21:16
martinx_Guys, I can't install the Karmic beta server on my HP Proliant!! I try the i386 and the amd64 versions... but there is still a lot of "IO errors"... anyone knows something about issues with Karmic on HP Proliant servers21:17
mauriafter latest software repositories update, the system is too slow, i dont understand why.....21:18
martinx_I'm changed the CDROM device, I disable the onboard RAID, I change the harddisc from internal to a USB one... but every time, the Kernel says a lot of IO Errors... with Debian Lenny I do not see any error on that hardware.21:19
martinx_Can I pass some option to Linux from the CD boot menu?!21:20
=== Ronald_ is now known as Ronald
solisticreadonlz: thx21:22
readonlzi have a "read only file system' error upon booting since the upgrade to 9.10. any idaes?21:22
guntbertmartinx_: my first guess: your iso image is borked, did you md5sum it?21:22
tormodmartinx_, which device gives IO errors?21:22
tormodreadonlz, does it stop the boot, or is it just a message?21:23
solisticI realized, that with the live cd the choosed keyboard layout (with F3 on bootup) will not be used in X. I choosed dvorak but still qwrty was used... Is there a ticket on the topic?21:23
rohanwhy do the karmic beta release notes specify upstart as a new feature? upstart has been in use by ubuntu from 8.04 if i'm not wrong..?21:23
martinx_guntbert, sure! the same problem occur since alpha5, alpha6 and now with beta... but I'll cheit again now with md5...21:24
readonlztormod: it completely kills the boot and then restarts21:24
martinx_tormod, let me see in another room, 1 minute, please...21:24
mauriafter latest software repositories update, the system is too slow, i dont understand why.....21:24
mshooshtariIs anybody familiar with VPNC?21:24
frybyeI don't seem to be able to connect to ubuntu-one - am logged into launchpad etc - perhaps because I am in a sun virtualbox???21:24
martinx_s/cheit/check it/21:24
tormodreadonlz, is it like bug 427822?21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427822 in linux "fsck says last write time in future" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42782221:26
readonlztormod: not really. the only thing it says is "Read only file system" Cannot remove /forcefsck21:26
tormodreadonlz, I haven't tried this myself, but take a look at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/OMGBroken21:29
MaximLevitsky1main server for updates hosed?21:30
readonlztormod: i/ll try21:30
holmserstill having some issues installing the beta21:30
holmseris there a way to purge all of the downloaded packages and redownload them?21:30
tormodholmser, apt-get clean ?21:31
guntbertMaximLevitsky1: not hosed but under heavy load21:31
mauriW: Impossibile recuperare http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Somma hash non corrispondente21:31
reportingsjrIf I am trying to upgrade to 9.10 how do I clear the cache of dled files? My first attempt to dl 9.10 was halted most of the way through and now my system will not upgrade. I think it is a corrupt cached file.21:31
reportingsjrjust read holmser's question :D21:32
holmseryeah... it worked so far. I'll let you know if it will upgrade fully this time21:32
reportingsjrholmser: pain in the arse isn't it?21:33
holmsergetting there...21:34
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:37
stapelHow do I upgrade from alpha6 to beta? Do I have to run sudo update-manager -d?21:38
tormodstapel, no just normal update21:38
tormodmauri, try "apt-get update" again21:38
robertjhrmm, I keep getting an error that gnome-settings-daemon WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...21:39
robertjany idea?21:39
stapelhow do i know if i'm on beta?21:39
Ubuntu2Back from updating to the beta and eating lunch.21:39
arandstapel: throughout the development phase all "releases" are rolling, if you have the latest updates, you have the latest release, whatevere it might be, no specific action required...21:39
holmserstill no dice21:41
holmserafter downloading it just spits out y's21:41
holmserany ideas?21:41
joshua__are the downloads for 9.10 really bogged down?21:42
rcaskeydoh, but i get the error (gnome-settings-daemon:6995): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_propagate_error: assertion `src != NULL' failed21:42
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.21:42
joshua__guntbert, i am not in a hurry i was just wondering21:42
diverse_izzuehi all. my gdm seems to hang as soon as it shows the login screen, i cannot move my mouse pointer. does that ring a bell with someone?21:42
joshua__guntbert, i am content running the alpha for now21:42
diverse_izzuejoshua__: i have the grub problem solved, installed grub1 from live cd21:42
SEJeffstapel, can /etc/issue21:43
Ubuntu2joshua I went under System->Administration->Software sources and changed my mirror and everything downloaded fast.21:43
SEJeffand if it says karmic then just update via apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade or via synaptic21:43
guntbertjoshua__: I didn't mean "patience", but it hinders regular updates for all versions...21:43
mauritormod: now it works21:43
joshua__I just wanted to make sure it wasn't my INTERNET that was broke'21:44
tormodholmser, what spits out y's?21:45
joshua__Larry the Computer guy spits out y's21:45
holmserthe apt-get dist-upgrade... after the files are downloaded21:45
tormoddiverse_izzue, is it really hung, or is just missing mouse?21:46
diverse_izzuetormod: keyboard doesn\t work either21:46
tormodholmser, weird, can you paste-bin the terminal window?21:46
holmserdownloads, extracts templates, preconfiguring packages, then just spits out ys21:46
tormoddiverse_izzue, can you switch do a VT?21:46
joshua__wow this is almost as bad as when MS released win7...21:47
tormodholmser, sounds like a bug in one of the installation sctipts21:47
diverse_izzuetormod: ill try but anyway my system is such a mess maybe reinstalling is better...21:47
joshua__Tbe beta that is...21:47
guntbertholmser: is that in a virtual machine?21:47
joshua__are partial upgrades bad?21:48
guntbertjoshua__: avoid them21:49
joshua__ok, how come guntbert?21:49
mauritormod: I've have a questio. when the final release of karmic will be released, DO I have to reinstall all or will it be enought to update with apt-get upgrade?21:50
mauritormod: will i have the same result?21:50
guntbertjoshua__: they tend to make things worse - better type sudo aptitude safe-upgrade, mostly it will resolve after a few days21:50
MaximLevitsky1mauri, I already updated my desktop 4 times21:50
MaximLevitsky1mauri: first one was 7.0421:50
holmserno virtual machine...21:50
maxflaxGot problem with my networkmanager - it wont manage my wifi after upgrade to Karmic - but it's running..21:50
guntbertholmser: ok, then its a different problem from the one I encountered some time ago21:51
maxflaxit says "wifi mode is deactivated"21:51
mauriMaximLevitsky1: Im referring to karmic release of the end of octobrt21:51
tormodholmser, try a "apt-get upgrade" first (no packages removed/added)21:51
joshua__so the sudo safe upgrade is ok?21:52
holmseralready did21:52
joshua__or whatever the command was21:52
MaximLevitsky1mauri: I guess it will be same as usual21:52
holmseris there a way to point my repos back to jaunty if I can't get it installed?21:52
MaximLevitsky1mauri: I use 9.10 in my laptop, updated from 9.0421:52
holmserother than manually?21:52
tormodholmser, reverting a release is difficult21:53
mauriMaximLevitsky1: ok it was just a question21:53
janisozauroh, i see. i /quit21:53
holmserit hasn't actually installed anything on my machine...21:54
holmserit won't get that far21:54
holmserdid you read the pastebin?21:54
mark_Can someone please tell me how to perminently change the policy on authorising local hard disks on starting Karmic.. I have to 'open' them and type my password.  If I forget my friends cannot log in remotely to access the files =)21:54
NoelJBjoshua__, you are probably asking about sudo aptitude safe-upgrade21:54
yofelhm, anybody an idea how to fix that 'last mount time in the future' thing? Had to boot my jaunty flash drive for a moment and now karmic has the wrong time21:54
joshua__yes i am, is it okay?21:54
joshua__well it doesn't matter now i am doing it lol21:55
tormodholmser, this was your first try? then you can revert to jaunty in sources.list21:55
rcaskeyI'm getting lots and lots of Warning **: Connection failed, reconnecting... from various gnome apps21:55
NoelJBjoshua__, NO!!! LOL <<grin>> Go for it.21:55
joshua__really? it is bad?21:55
NoelJBjoshua__, not as far as I know.  :-)21:55
durtyofel, does it not ask you to run fsck?21:55
joshua__oh okay21:55
guntbert!who | joshua__21:55
ubottujoshua__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:55
tormodyofel, should be fixed now with the kernel21:55
joshua__thanks ubottu21:56
holmserwell, its actually my 6th try, but all with the same result21:56
mauritormod: Err http://it.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main libglib2.0-0 2.22.1-0ubuntu121:56
mauri  404  Not Found [IP: 80]21:56
yofeltormod: ok, i'll try again then21:56
tormodmauri, run update again, I guess the it.archive is just being updated21:56
NoelJBmaxflax, for nm specific issues, you might do better on #nm21:57
tormodholmser, revert to jaunty in sources.list and make sure everything is ok21:57
tormodnever mind21:57
mark_Anyone got any idea?21:58
maxflaxNoelJB - thought considering it broke when going up to Karmic it belonged in here21:59
NoelJBmaxflax, perhaps, but since I don't see any of the developers on here, and I know that I've worked with them there (including making some of the fixes, myself) ...22:00
BUGabundojust touching and leaving. busy night :)22:02
test34Anyone successully installed skype on 64 bit? I get: "dpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor" when trying to install the 64bit .deb I got from skype.com22:05
mauriImpossibile recuperare http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cups/libcups2_1.4.1-4_i386.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:06
maxflaxNoelJB - thought I might just be a settings issue or something I have to adjust in config file or something22:06
BUGabundoyeah many mirrors overload22:06
maxflaxNoelJB - but I can check in that chan22:06
mauriim not able to download updates from 404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:11
mark_Can anyone help.. I am called None, that aint nice :) how do I change it please, its there when i log in (as None) and its on 'About me' but i cant seem to change it22:12
NoelJBtest34, yes, ages ago.  direct from Skype22:12
test34NoelJB, you have karmic 64 bit beta?22:13
test34did you install this file: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-6422:14
NoelJBusing dpkg22:14
reportingsjrmauri: server is probably overloaded. Try changing servers. To do this click the "settings" button at the bottom of the update manager window and then click on the far left tab. Where it says something like "download from server" select that dropdown and click other. A window will pop up and on the right there should be a choose best server button. Click this then wait. Close out when that has selected a server and close out of the settings wi22:14
maxflaxNoelJB - is't very quiet in that channel Im afraid.. you don't have any clue why the networkmanager can't see my wifi anymore22:15
test34NoelJB, I get an error with gdebi, I will try dpkg22:15
NoelJBmaxflax, not offhand.  Do the logs help?  What I do is kill network manager and restart it from a command line with --no-daemon so that I can look at the output while working.22:16
test34NoelJB, worked fine with dpkg, thanks22:18
maxflaxNoelJB - what is the command to start it from bash?22:18
maxflaxNoelJB - im killing the NetworkManager procees but it comes popping up again by it self22:24
stsmif i install 9.10 beta i can update to the actual release right?22:25
sebsebsebthat's the general idea22:25
sebsebsebhowever it might not be quite the case, might end up with an issue22:25
BUGabundostsm: yes22:25
sebsebsebwhich gives you a reason to do a clean install of the final22:25
Ubuntu2I thought you could update to the actual release too.22:25
DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: short answer: you can22:26
stsmi dont like to reinstall OSes every month :p22:26
Ubuntu2The whole channels quitting?22:26
Ubuntu2DopeGhot1 I thought so. Just making sure since someone else was asking.22:26
stsmsomeone said that using the alternate cd makes it possible22:26
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DopeGhot1Ubuntu2: stsm: You *should* be ably to just use update-manager to upgrade from α to β to RC to release, but if something goes pear-shaped, that may prevent the upgrade process from working22:27
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stsmDopeGhot1, ok so in short you're all 90% sure it wont be a problem, but there is allways a chance for problems?22:28
stsmbecause i dont mind taking that risk22:28
slacker_nlstsm: i think in 1% of the cases an upgrade goes beserk22:28
stsmif it goes wrong reintalling is fine, but if i know in advance theres a large chance i would have to reinstall anyway...22:28
guntbertstsm: this is still beta software - what measure of stability do you expect?22:28
stsmguntbert, none lol22:29
stsmdesktop usage22:29
Guest21681i dun it22:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440927 in ubuntu "9.10 beta wubi.exe wants another iso than the one it is extracted from" [Undecided,New]22:29
* stsm pukes on wubi22:29
darthanubisI have to mount -a after desktop is up to have 2 of my 3 LVM XFS partitions mount. Why?22:30
Guest21681is needed if you want the takeover to work :p22:30
stsmvirtualbox :p22:30
MTecknologyThis is interesting- I boot up and gnome-power-manager what's to be a big icon instead of a small one.. not sure why though. If I kill and restart it, it will stay it's 24x24 instead of 48x4822:30
guntbertstsm: there will be no *single* one step to the final release - if you keep your beta up do date with updates you will have RC and finally karmic - *if* your system doesn't get broken in the meantime22:31
stsmguntbert, yeah of course, if it breaks its no problem, its just that i wasnt gonna do it if i was sure it would break in advance22:31
stsmso how is 9.10? ok or still pretty buggy?22:31
MTecknologystsm: aside from using gentoo for a while, I found karmic pretty much stable from the start22:32
MTecknology... except for a little kernel hiccup22:32
stsmwhat are the nicest new or updated things in your opinions?22:32
stsmah nice sounds promising :)22:32
pwnguinstsm: updated sgt-puzzles!22:32
guntbertstsm: of course its buggy - but I'm runnung it in a VM since alpha2 - several problems - failures to boot - but the system still lives22:33
slacker_nlfor me personally, kde 4.3.x22:33
stsmi use ubuntu (and linux in general) since 2006 but i never tried a beta so22:33
stsmnot sure what to epect :p22:33
MTecknologygrub2 on new installs, ext4 default, updated packages, hal is being removed, not a whole lost else22:33
slacker_nlit totally changed my mind about kde422:33
stsmslacker_nl, i've allways used gnome and i like it for desktops/laptops22:34
reportingsjrstsm: betas are fairly stable. Not completely, but fairly. The more people that use a beta the better because that means more bugs are found for the main release. :)22:34
MaximLevitskyDid anybody notice that notifications from NM are queued?22:34
MTecknologynice, updated gcc22:34
stsmreportingsjr, yeah good point22:34
slacker_nlstsm: basicly you get a newer, bleeding edge ubuntu version, that something requires you to think before you act :)22:34
reportingsjrstsm: even better if you help fix bugs! :D22:34
slacker_nlstsm: you asked what I liked about karmic ;)22:34
stsmreportingsjr, besides ill be getting a supernice laptop soon, ill get 9.04 on that one and 9.10 on the desktop22:34
stsmdesktop will become my second best computer then lol22:34
MTecknologyThis round 9.10 ~= 9.0422:34
guntbertstsm: as I said: in a VM - I don't take risks with the system I'm working on - I usually wait a week or two after "final" before I upgrade my "real" system22:35
reportingsjrstsm: there ya go! 9.10 is supposed to be way faster though. I am currently upgrading.22:35
reportingsjrstsm: for a core 2 duo (not sure the speed and such) with 2gb ram (not sure of specifics again) boot time was around 15s in a VM.22:35
stsmguntbert, i dont mind i got backups of important data so everything can break22:35
maxflaxHow do one fix a broken Networkmanager.. it won't see my wifi anymore22:35
reportingsjrstsm: give me about 30m-1h and I can tell you how it runs on my laptop. hehe22:35
NoelJBmaxflax, I believe that you need to use service network-manager stop now (upstart change)22:35
stsmreportingsjr, good luck upgrading :-p22:36
MaximLevitskySuppose I connect to a network, then connect again, again.. then I see the notications about connection one after another22:36
MaximLevitskyOne expires, other shown22:36
MTecknologyMaximLevitsky: file a bug probably22:36
reportingsjrstsm: thank you much!22:37
MaximLevitskyMTecknology: that I soon do, but does that happen to any of you?22:37
MTecknologyI don't use network manager22:37
maxflaxNoelJB ok22:37
reportingsjrMaximLevitsky: did you search for this issue in the bug tracker?22:37
MaximLevitskynot yet22:38
MTecknologyI keep wanting to do 'emerge -s' instead of 'aptitude search' ....22:38
maxflax<MTecknology> what do you use then22:38
MTecknologyMaximLevitsky: wicd22:38
reportingsjrMaximLevitsky: hahaha, gentoo?22:38
MTecknologybrokwn tab complete?22:38
andreohello, while updating ubuntu to 9.10 i experienced a problem with xserver-xorg22:38
andreostart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/ups22:39
MTecknologyya, I used gentoo on this laptop a little while. My setup of Ubuntu didn't give much perfromance difference22:39
MaximLevitskyreportingsjr: what gentoo,? I use ubuntu.22:39
andreowhat does ti mean?22:39
maxflax<MTecknology> tried it.. never got wicd working very well.. buggy22:39
MaximLevitskyI mean I know about gentoo, but I am not using it yet22:39
reportingsjrMaximLevitsky: sorry, bad tab complete. MTecknology: Just got that, wrong tab complete. :) yeah, you moving back from gentoo?22:39
MTecknologyMaximLevitsky: Type "MT" and hit <tab> ;)22:40
MaxHi Can anybody tell me how I can have a ubuntu usb with only browser?22:42
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Guest97598Hi Can anybody tell me how I can have a ubuntu usb with only browser?22:42
Trizicushow do I switch from PulseAudio to ALSA?22:44
BUGabundoTrizicus: you don't22:44
BUGabundowhy would you want that?22:44
test34Trizicus, uninstall pulseaudio22:44
BUGabundoyou can pasupend22:44
BUGabundotest34: don't be naïve22:44
test34Trizicus, and it should automatically switch to alsa22:44
MTecknologyooh - I was looking at the new usplash online - pretty22:44
Guest97598Where can I get a minimal install of ubuntu just enough to run Chrome or Firefox?22:45
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test34BUGabundo, why suspend if you don't want it?22:45
TrizicusWhy don't I want to stop using PA?22:46
BUGabundoTrizicus: cause the entire OS is  looking for it22:47
Trizicusi want to disable it temporarily for wine...22:47
Trizicusis PA under LKMs?22:47
BUGabundoTrizicus: that's why I told you about pasuspend22:48
maxflaxNoelJB - started the NM without deamon and pasted the out put in a bin.. can u see if u see anything strange.. http://pastebin.com/m1021997622:48
Trizicusthat's all you said though lol i was confused what it meant22:48
Trizicuswhat is pasuspend?22:48
Trizicusno command for it, and cannot install22:49
Trizicuspasuspender i presume22:49
BUGabundoTrizicus: pasuspend is part of PA22:50
BUGabundoright that22:50
Trizicusyea but it's pasuspender lol22:50
BUGabundoit will temporarilly stop PA for an app to run on alsa22:50
Trizicusso do I need to pipe the app to this?22:50
NoelJBmaxflax, sorry, but I actually need to sign out in a few, and make a 225 drive.22:50
NoelJB225 mile22:50
test34I fixed my pulseaudio by installing libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio22:52
maxflaxNoelJB - ok.. but found one strange thing.. it says.. (wlan0): deactivating device (reason: 2)22:52
BUGabundoTrizicus: $pasuspend APPNAME I think22:52
Trizicushow do I use pasuspender22:52
Trizicusok i'll give it a shot22:52
maxflaxNoelJB - whats a reason 222:52
BUGabundoTrizicus: your man for this is dtchen. not sure he is active22:52
NoelJBmaxflax, yes, and I've have to look that up in the source code.22:52
Trizicusi'll try to figure it out until then :D22:53
maxflaxNoelJB - well, google is my friend they say. Have a nice drive22:53
skath_I want my machine to use a mirror in sources.list.d as its primary source for new packages, and hit the official sources in sources.list only if a package is not available on the mirror (the mirror falls behind often).  My system prefers sources.list over sources.list.d/mirror.list, is there a way to change the preference?22:53
skath_us.archive.ubuntu is so slow the past few days :~(22:54
Martynskath : Use mirrors .. and torrents22:55
skath_There are no torrents of the .deb files and I'm not interested in the ISO22:56
skath_I am using a mirror, like I said, but most mirrors don't have the most recent version of every packages so I get lots of 404s22:56
solistictrayer is gone. What to use as an alternative with Xmonad? Any ideas?22:56
alokitowhy does the package information take a long time to download in karmic? it downloads almost 8 mb on each refresh but in jaunty i had to download only a few kbs22:57
skath_I want apt to pull the packages from the mirrors, except when there is a 404, then it should pull it from the overloaded official server22:57
Martynskath : That will fix itself shortly22:58
Martynthere's a lot of replication going on ...22:58
skath_alokito, the amount of package info you need to download is roughly proportional to the number of updates available.  Jaunty is stable and has very few updates.  Karmic is under development and has lots of updates22:59
braindevcan anyone tell me whether the intel graphics bug also applies to the 855GM chipset?23:00
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braindevgot hardware, would test23:00
darthanubisintel is intel, test23:00
alokitoskath_: ok, thanks23:00
TrizicusBUGabundo: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup23:01
braindevi am completely new to this... where can i get the daily build live cd? or which one would you recommend for testing?23:01
test34Ubuntu should follow pulseaudio's perfect setup if they want to use pulseaudio23:02
test34braindev, http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/9.10/23:03
icerootkarmic beta von working with current vbox (3.06)? always restart the x-server at start/login23:04
darthanubisbraindev, asking for links here is usually pointless when GOOGLE will render them much faster than someone can type23:05
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darthanubisI ask in a futile attempt at an answer. 90% I don't get one in IRC channel. Then I google and have several answers immediately. I then learned to search google FIRST.23:06
skath_Martyn, I know the problem will fix itself shortly, I'm using the current problem as an excuse to learn about apt, that's why I ask the question23:06
darthanubisHope that helps since you said you were new to this23:06
darthanubisSee watch this..23:06
darthanubisI have to mount -a after desktop is up to have 2 of my 3 LVM XFS partitions mount. Why?23:07
braindevyou are right, but i wondered that the links i have found for the DAILY build is as of 2009-09-2923:07
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:07
MaximLevitskysoren: do you still maintain libmms?23:07
darthanubisDaily means Daily23:07
DopeGhot1darthanubis: pastebin your dmsg, there may be a note in there as to why they're failing to mount.23:07
darthanubisDopeGhot1, there is nothing there but acknowledgement of the one XFS partition mounting23:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432620 in mountall "needs to load (or wait for) filesystem modules e.g. xfs" [Medium,Incomplete]23:08
CydeSwypetrying to figure out if my issue with compiz has already been logged in launchpad...do i have to find the compiz package in launchpad to find that sort of bug?23:08
DopeGhot1darthanubis: ugly hackish fix:  put mount -a into /etc/rc.local23:08
braindev@darthanubis: thatś why i was wondering: file ages of the iso images state 2009-09-2923:08
darthanubisDopeGhot1, I'll pass onthat hideous hack23:09
scyxis there a release schedule for the Karmic Ubuntu Moblin Remix yet? I guess the final will drop a few months after Karmic?23:13
ign0ramushey all.23:15
ign0ramusi'm probably missing something simple here, but on a fully updated Karmic using kernel 2.6.31-11-generic, kdm never autostarts. It logs me in to a tty in which I can start kdm to log in, but not automatically. Using 2.6.31-10, i don't have this issue. any thoughts?23:16
Xgates under Software Sources, community-maintained open source software (universe) is checked but when I do a search in Synpatic for either xchat or cheese nothing comes up23:19
Martynwith the new upstart replacing init ... what is the correct method to boot Ubuntu in single user now with grub-2 replacing grub?23:20
Martynfor an emergency boot...23:20
XgatesNow I'm not a big Ubuntu user, more from Slackware, but I wanted to try Karmic and when I look online I see that Xchat and Cheese are listed in Universe, so in the Software Sources if community-maintained open source software (universe) is checked then this is all I need?23:20
reportingsjrIf I ran apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade to 9.10 do I just restart after it updated all of the correct packages?23:21
ign0ramusreportingsjr, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu23:21
dabblerapt-cache search xchat23:22
reportingsjrign0ramus: so yes, restart.23:22
reportingsjrign0ramus: I didn't use the gui.23:22
Xgatescan someone please tell me why Xchat is not showing up in Synaptic?23:22
reportingsjrign0ramus: thank you :)23:22
ign0ramusreportingsjr, yes, but i've never used 'dist-upgrade' to upgrade :/23:23
ign0ramusXgates, I assume you've updated your sources after enabling them?23:23
XgatesI thought you don't need to change anything because Universe is enabled by default23:24
ign0ramusXgates, 'apt-cache policy xchat' shows: " 500 http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu karmic/universe Packages " (i'm using the MIT servers)23:24
Xgatessorry what?23:25
ign0ramusXgates, first do 'sudo apt-get update'23:25
maxflaxNetworkmanager won't manage my wifi.. says NetworkManager: <info>  (wlan0): deactivating device (reason: 2). what does it mean and how do I fix it23:25
ign0ramusXgates, now does 'sudo apt-get install xchat' work?23:26
alokitohow much speed are you getting in karmic apt? right now im getting 3 kbps :|23:26
ign0ramusalokito, change servers ;)23:26
alokitoign0ramus: does all the servers have same updatest at the same time as the main?23:27
Trizicussome updates I cannot check to install why is this?23:27
Xgatesign0ramus: ok well for now I'm just looking in Synaptic to see if Xchat will show up in there if I do a search and it doesn't23:27
ign0ramusalokito, that's a good question. immediately? maybe not. within hours? most likely.23:27
ign0ramusXgates, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?23:28
alokitoign0ramus: well I want the updates as soon as they are released23:28
yofel_alokito: the mirrors are synchronized with the main server every some hours, so they're always a bit behind main23:28
ign0ramusalokito, then stick with Main and suffer under the load :)23:28
dtchenguys and gals, please use mirrors.23:29
ign0ramusdtchen, +1 ... but whatever happened to the 'find the fastest server' feature?23:29
topylii seem to have it23:30
TrizicusWhen I check for updates in ubuntu I cannot select to install some of them, why is this?23:30
alokitolol, ok :)23:31
topyliTrizicus, they depend on packages that don't exist yet. try again tomorrow23:31
ign0ramusTrizicus, if updates are being held back, its because dependencies cannot currently be resolved23:31
ign0ramusTrizicus, often, this can be circumvented using 'dist-upgrade', but i don't recommend it.23:32
ign0ramusTrizicus, here's some good reading: http://www.debian-administration.org/article/Some_upgrades_show_packages_being_kept_back23:32
Xgatesign0ramus:  http://pastebin.com/m4e77516823:32
maxflaxNoelJB - well, google is my friend they say. Have a nice drive23:33
maxflaxNetworkmanager won't manage my wifi.. says NetworkManager: <info>  (wlan0): deactivating device (reason: 2). what does it mean and how do I fix it23:33
braindevone should drill apt-get to use torrent, too ;)23:33
ign0ramusXgates, yes, you definitely have Universe enabled. The only thing i can think of is that xchat or cheese require dependencies which reside in repos you do not have enabled.23:33
grigrishi with what c ommand i make upgrade to 9.1023:33
alokitogrigris: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:34
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ign0ramusXgates, come to think of it, I'm almost positive that Cheese requires some gstreamer plugins that are in Restricted or Multiverse or something.23:34
grigristhnk u23:34
Xgatesign0ramus: Software Source has everything checked and I didn't think Xchat needed anything special23:34
yofel_grigris: if you want to update from jaunty then use 'update-manager -c -d'23:34
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yofelgiesen: or 'update-manager -d' if you want to use the GUI23:35
ign0ramusXgates, well, a quick and dirty way to check is to uncomment your other sources that are blocked, update, and see if you can install.23:35
Xgatesign0ramus: but Xchat is available by default in Jaunty23:35
reportingsjrI have a boot time (from bios to login) of about 40-50 seconds for 9.10. 2.0 GHz core 2 duo and 2gb of ram. Is this expected?23:35
Xgatesign0ramus: I didn't check anything in Software Sources, the FIRST thing I did was just do a search for Xchat and nothing23:36
ign0ramusreportingsjr, I have a similar time on similar specs23:36
alokitoreportingsjr: nope, my boot time is about 20 seconds in a p4 2.8 ghz23:36
reportingsjrign0ramus: I thought there was supposed to be a speed increase. =\23:36
ign0ramusXgates, i don't believe xchat was installed by default in jaunty23:36
ign0ramusreportingsjr, for SSDs, yes.23:36
alokitoign0ramus: ssd is slower than hdd? :-/23:37
reportingsjr0.o I don't think I got several of the folder icon upgrades and several icons are flat out missing23:37
Xgatesign0ramus: it's in Universe here --> http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/xchat23:37
ign0ramusreportingsjr, for the rest of us, there was talk of increase in boot speeds, but i noticed little difference from hardy > jaunty > karmic23:37
reportingsjralokito: no, the limiting factor in current booting is that hdds are so slow.23:37
Xgatesign0ramus: as I said before I'm not aq big Ubuntu user but I am a Linux user and when I used Jaunty last week all I had to do was search for Xchat in Jaunty and install it, nothing elese23:38
ign0ramusXgates, so what if you download and install the .deb?23:38
alokitoreportingsjr: didn't get u23:38
Xgatesign0ramus: what you mean by the CLI apt?23:39
ign0ramusXgates, ah, i see what you mean now. it was in the default repos in jaunty. I don't know the exact reason23:39
alokitoif ssd is faster then why is booting slow?23:39
reportingsjralokito: SSDs are very fast so it doesn't matter about them. The reason boot time is so slow for me is because HDDs are so much slower.23:39
reportingsjrWith SSD it's based on how faster your CPU and RAM is mainly.23:39
Xgatesign0ramus: ok can you do this as well, open Synaptic and do a search for Xchat and tell me what you get?23:39
Xgatesign0ramus: didn't you see the URL I just posted? It's in there ---->  http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/xchat23:40
ign0ramusXgates, i don't have synaptic23:40
ign0ramusXgates, but i'm saying the .deb is right there... can you download and install that way?23:40
yofelXgates: on my karmic machine I have xchat in karmic/universe23:40
alokitoim getting best speed from a argentina server :-S23:40
dan457Anyone seen this error with grub 2 before?  Invalid environment block23:41
braindevXgates: I had the same problem here using 8.0423:41
dan457Cannot boot one of my boxes now23:41
ign0ramusXgates, again "apt-cache policy xchat" will show what repo has the package23:41
yofelXgates: did you check in Sofware Properties that you have the Universe repository enabled?23:41
ign0ramusyofel, he does, i saw his /etc/apt/sources.list23:41
Xgatesign0ramus: yeah through apt it shows up from the CLI, I"m just trying to figure out WHY Synpatic isn't showig it, that's all...23:41
yofelign0ramus: ok23:41
ign0ramusXgates, i can't tell you why synaptic isn't showing it. sorry if that's all you wanted to know; i have no solution for that particular problem.23:42
XgatesIn the 'Software Sources' 'Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)' is enabled by default23:42
Xgatesign0ramus: ok23:42
ign0ramusXgates, just out of curiosity, does kpackagekit show it?23:42
Xgatesyofel: 'Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)' is that it?23:43
yofelXgates: wait a minute for my updates to finish here and I'll check in my syaptic if it's there23:43
Xgatesign0ramus: let me see23:43
Xgatesyofel: k23:43
Xgatesign0ramus: yeah Xchat is in there23:45
ign0ramusXgates, sounds like a synapitc issue, then. CLI shows it, kpackage shows it... synaptic issue. wish i could help :/23:46
Xgatesign0ramus: System - Admin - Add Remove Packages correct?23:46
ign0ramusXgates, iirc, it's using the same backend as kpackagekit, so yeah.23:46
yofelXgates: I can find xchat in Synaptic here23:46
Xgatesok all facny GUI with pics, hehe23:46
Xgateslooks NICE23:47
Xgatesthey should DUMP Synaptic and just use this, much nicer looking GUI IMHO....23:47
Xgatesyofel: ok let me check again23:47
ign0ramusXgates, for gui, i still think synaptic is probably the best, but one CLI to rule them all!23:47
yofelXgates: it's a replacement for the old Gnome Add/Remove, Synaptic still has several advantages23:48
ign0ramusXgates, kpackagekit looks nice, needs some refinement and more features (like pinning or installing older versions of software)23:48
maxflaxHow do I disable the rfkill module?23:48
ign0ramusmaxflax, disable for this session, or remove it entirely?23:48
Xgatesyofel: ok guys like I said I'm not a Ubuntu user, but I'm not a newbie either and I know for a fact that Xchat is in Synaptic by defualt in Jaunty23:49
maxflaxign0ramus - well not remove but make it so it doesn't load at startup23:49
ign0ramusmaxflax, blacklist it23:49
XgatesSoftware Sources do I need to change anything in it?23:49
maxflaxign0ramus - might want it again when they fix the bugg in networkmanager23:49
ign0ramusmaxflax, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16662423:50
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maxflaxign0ramus - where and how do I blacklist it.. is it in rc.conf?23:50
ign0ramusmaxflax, see the article ^23:50
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »23:50
Xgatesyofel: did you change anything in the Software Sources GUI?23:51
cousteauhow can I profile the boot sequence?23:51
Amaranthcousteau: install bootchart23:51
Xgateseverything is checked in mine except the CD at the bottom23:51
dtchenAmaranth: probably needs updating for the new module-init-tools that expects /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf23:51
yofel!bootchart | cousteau23:51
ubottucousteau: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot23:51
Amaranthdtchen: yeah but won't that fail in older versions?23:51
cousteauAmaranth: I'm just installing it23:51
dtchenAmaranth: no23:51
dtchenAmaranth: as long as there's a version caveat, all the cases are covered23:52
Amaranthdtchen: So we trade a warning in one version for a warning in a bunch of versions23:52
cousteaubut I want to know how can I profile the boot sequence as I did on Jaunty so it boots faster, or if it's not necessary with the new booting system, or what23:52
yofelXgates: well, my sources list looks very different than the default one, but for xchat you only need to have the universe repository enabled, if synaptic can't find it I don't know why23:53
Amaranthit's done automatically23:53
Amaranthcousteau: If a package changes the files loaded at boot time the list is regenerated next time you boot23:53
ign0ramusAmaranth, isn't that what readahead was all about?23:54
cousteauoh, ok23:54
AmaranthIt's also regenerated once a month whether you change anything or not23:54
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:54
mshooshtariCan somebody help me with networkmanger, gnome, vpnc?23:55
ign0ramusActionParsnip, yo yo yo23:55
Amaranthign0ramus: sreadahead in this case23:55
ign0ramusAmaranth, that's what i thought :)23:55
Xgatesyofel: ok so my question is? In the 'Software Sources GUI', if 'ccommunity-maintained open source software (universe)' is checked this is the Universe we are talking about and that is all that is needed for Universe?23:55
yofelXgates: afaik it should be enough, and if 'apt-cache policy xchat' gives you something then it IS enough23:56
ign0ramusXgates, it appears that way, as your 2 packages in Universe show up in both add/remove and via CLI. For some reason, Synaptice isn't picking it up, but I don't know why.23:56
Xgatesok I'm doing an update maybe the Update will fix it23:57
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Xgateslooks like quite a bit to update23:57
XgatesI see they are using Grub2 in this thing23:57
XgatesI don't remember does Grub 2 use menu.lst?23:58
yofelXgates: grub2 is the default boot manager in karmic23:58
DopeGhot1no, it does not23:58
DopeGhot1it uses grub.cfg, which is generated from files in /etc23:58
yofelXgates: no, it's configuration files are in /etc23:58
yofel!grub2 | Xgates23:58
ubottuXgates: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:58
Xgatesahh ok23:58
XgatesGrub2 is still beta and they23:58
cousteauok, now I get a tgz archive with 4 text files on it, where's the bootchart?23:58
ign0ramusso anyway, does anyone know why when booting into 2.6.31-11-generic, it drops me into a tty, but an older kernel starts kdm?23:58
Xgatesand they/when Karmic goes final they're going to release it with a beta boot loader?23:59
DopeGhot1I've migrated three systems from GRUB to GRUB-PC (aka GRUB2) and it's worked fine in all cases23:59
* DopeGhot1 knocks on wood23:59
ign0ramusDopeGhot1, i had an issue with it not reporting windows at first reboot, but an update squared that away O_o23:59

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