
kwwiimac_v: I thought it matched the colors in the icons well07:55
kwwiibut anyway, I have work to do :)07:55
mac_vkwwii: yeah.. ok.. when can you help with the humanity changelog?07:55
tgpraveenignore last msg08:42
Cimikwwii, IMVIO (in my very important opinion) the icons in the notification area should follow the same colors used by the test. Your grey icons won't work on grey panels for example11:21
Cimiby the text11:21
kwwiiCimi: yeah, I agree11:21
kwwiibut for now, this is what we have11:21
Cimiok ;)11:21
kwwiifor lucid we'll work on that more11:21
Cimiyou can use convert to change batch of icons in a second11:22
artnaymy 50-year-old test subject didn't see those monochrome icons, he said they were "almost invisible"11:22
artnayand yes, he is using glasses11:23
kwwiiartnay: do you have the latest version? they were made darker11:27
kwwiimac_v: so I guess we should discuss the humanity package at some point today, or?11:40
mac_vkwwii: yup , its all ready... the problem is the bzr doesnt have the debian format.. so building the .deb is not possible yet...11:43
mac_vbzr humanity11:43
* mac_v now trying to correct it11:43
kwwiimac_v: last night you said there was a packaged version in bzr?11:43
mac_vkwwii: i thought so too , but that was a tar.gz!11:44
kwwiijust take the source from the current package, change the name to not have a version number in it, add your changes11:44
kwwiiapt-get source humanity (or such)11:44
kwwiichange the name of the dir to just humanity (or whatever, without the version number)11:45
kwwiiadd your changes11:45
kwwiiupdate the changelog11:45
kwwiisee if it builds ;11:45
kwwiiI can help you, if you'd like...I have offered that from the beginning11:45
mac_vkwwii: sure , help is welcome :)11:46
mac_vi'm now doing what you have just mentioned above11:46
kwwiimac_v: you have the tar.gz and the .dsc file?11:47
mac_vkwwii: that tar.gz , doesnt have humanity-dark , lool wants them both in the same package11:47
kwwiimac_v: where did you get the tar.bz from?11:48
kwwiianyway...jsut do what I said above and we won't get into dpkg today ;)11:48
mac_vkwwii: hehe , DanRabbit did a "bzr export ../humanit_0.4" and packaged it up ;)11:48
kwwiimac_v: so that is just icons, or does it have a /debian dir and builds as a package?11:50
mac_vjust the icons , thats the prob... we dont have a /debian dir yet :(11:50
kwwiilet me move to another computer, brb11:51
mac_vargh! the source also doesnt have the /debian dir :(11:53
mac_vsource only has the icons...11:54
mac_voops! ... i was blind ;p11:54
mac_vkwwii: this needs a lot more editing. since the package will have to install 2 themes11:57
mac_vkwwii: if we change this "for d in $$(find $(CURDIR)/debian/humanity-icon-theme/usr/share/icons/Humanity"11:59
mac_vto this > "for d in $$(find $(CURDIR)/debian/humanity-icon-theme/usr/share/icons"11:59
mac_vwould that do the trick?11:59
kwwiisorry, my wife just called...let me read back11:59
kwwiimac_v: after looking at it for a 30s, I would say, edit the install file, adding a line for the dark theme...(copy the other, change the dir names as necessary)12:02
* mac_v tries12:03
mac_vkwwii: no need to edit the rules file?12:03
kwwiimac_v: then copy the entire "for" part all the way down to "done" and paste it just before "touch", again editing the dir and paths as necessary12:03
kwwiithat is in rules12:04
mac_vyeah .12:04
kwwiithen edit the control file12:04
kwwiialthough that should probably not be necessary12:04
kwwiibut I haven't looked in it yet ;)12:04
kwwiinope, on need to change anything there, although it might be nice to edit the description12:05
kwwiibut that is up to you guys12:05
mac_vkwwii: just a sec... why doing it twice?  previous the file structure was differnt12:05
mac_vnow lool made us change it... so now all icons are in humanity/Humanity and humanity/Humanity-Dark12:06
mac_vargh! let me try... i'm not able to explain ;p12:06
kwwiiI do not think you can put both in one directory12:08
kwwiithere can only be one index.theme file per theme dir12:09
kwwiiso you will have to have /usr/share/icons/Humanity and /usr/share/icons/Humanity-Dark12:09
kwwiiboth of the for clauses will need to be edited to reflect this path12:10
kwwiiin the rules file12:11
kwwiimac_v: hello?12:12
mac_vkwwii: hehe! just a sec... could you download $bzr branch lp:humanity12:13
mac_vthere are 2 index.theme12:13
mac_veach in humanity and humanity-dark12:13
kwwiiyes, of course12:18
kwwiibut that is just the package12:18
kwwiiin the end they will be installed in different dirs12:18
mac_vhrmm... :(12:19
kwwiiwhat is the problem?12:19
kwwiior what do you want?12:19
mac_vi get error in changelog. ... :(12:19
mac_vCould not parse changelog: Unexpected line while looking for more change data or trailer12:19
kwwiiI suggest you push what you have so far to a bzr repo so that we can work on it together12:20
kwwiimake sure you do a "sudo apt-get build-dep Humanity-icons-theme12:21
kwwiierm, no H, rather h12:21
kwwiihow did you edit the changelog?12:22
mac_vkwwii: its all in the bzr , nothing more to push , only packaging has not been done12:22
mac_vkwwii: using gedit12:22
kwwiimac_v: erm, I am talking about the packaging you are doing now12:22
mac_vkwwii: let me do one thing... i'll give you the complete changelog , could you pls package it?12:23
kwwiimac_v: hrm, it would be better to use a tool like "dch -i"...you might have missed something or added something worng12:23
kwwiimac_v: I packaged it almost 4 months ago :D12:23
kwwiiI can take care of it, yes12:24
mac_vjust a sec12:24
kwwiiI will do it based on lool's package12:24
kwwiinow that I have told you everthing to do, it is pretty clear to me ;)12:24
kwwiibut first, time to get a coffee and have a smoke12:27
* kwwii heads out to pick up his kid from school, bbiab13:16
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
kwwiihrm, all the links in this theme make it amazingly hard to understand14:34
kwwiimac_v: the theme is 95% symlinks14:34
kwwiithis is *not* the right way to do this14:35
kwwiibut anyway14:35
mac_vkwwii: yeah , the symlinks are weird :/15:03
mac_vkwwii: there are way too many links ... not sure why DanRabbit has so many of those15:05
kwwiimac_v: it should all be in a .links file in the debian dir, that would make things easier to manager15:08
kwwiiespecially because they all point to the same svgs15:08
kwwiisilliness really15:08
mac_vkwwii: ;) sometimes a symlink points to another symlink ... 0.o15:08
mac_vwhich points elsewhere15:08
mac_vit was really tough when changing the symlinks => file15:09
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
mac_vkwwii: i think since DanRabbit started elementary a while ago... those links just kept piling up... next step will be cleaning the theme15:10
mac_vsome of the old labels were dropped15:10
mac_vSiDi: how does the naming in Xubuntu work? does the gnome+hicolor theme have all the sufficient icons? or does Xubunutu need any extra labels?15:16
mac_vknome: ^ too ;)15:16
SiDimac_v: i actually dont know how things will be done yet :p15:17
mac_vhehe ;)15:17
SiDiso far we're doing & requesting the icons we lack, then we'll probably put all that in xubuntu-artwork15:17
kwwiimac_v: http://sinecera.de/humanity-icon-theme_0.3.2.deb15:18
kwwiimac_v: look at that and tell me if everything is included15:18
mac_vkwwii: hehe , nice 404 ;p15:19
kwwiimac_v: http://sinecera.de/humanity-icon-theme_0.3.2_all.deb15:19
mac_vkwwii: "if everything is included" in the sense?  are all the human icons replaced?15:21
kwwiimac_v: no, whether this really installs all the icons and symlinks ;)15:21
kwwiiI think it does, but you would know better than I ;)15:21
mac_voh. ;p15:21
mac_vkwwii: doesnt install ... says > dpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor> : Bad file descriptor15:24
kwwiihrm, yeah...that is a problem :p15:26
kwwiiok, I'll look into that and get it going after I get back from the train station15:26
DanRabbitkwwii, mac_v: the symlinks are there as to provide compatibility will all the apps out there. Third party developers don't always name things correctly ;)17:25
DanRabbitAlso, there are links that point to other links because some icons are due to be replaced17:25
DanRabbitfor example, there could be a mimetype for text-x-ruby and it's a link that point to text-x-script17:25
DanRabbitand eventually text-x-ruby should have it's own icon17:26
DanRabbitso links like application-x-ruby will point to text-x-ruby instead of text-x-script17:26
DanRabbitThis is foresight, not a mistake ;)17:29
kwwiiDanRabbit: right but they should not be in the dir itself but in a file and created at bui17:42
DanRabbitI agree17:43
DanRabbitI've not knowledge of how to do that, however ;)17:43
tgpraveenhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/humanity-icon-theme/+bug/437606 should i file this bug in humanity or is it good enough to be filed here itself?17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437606 in humanity-icon-theme "usb hdds can't be spotted in nautilus side pane" [Undecided,New]17:57
SiDikwwii: you could have waited for lucid to begin using humanity. Now because of that DanRabbit is not available for elementary :p18:01
jonian_g_ubottu: I can work on that if it is necessary18:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:01
tgpraveenjonian_g that would be great18:03
tgpraveenassign the bug to urself18:03
jonian_g_ok, it will be ready in about an hour and I'll upload it in bzr18:04
kwwiiSiDi: lol18:06
kwwiiDanRabbit: no worries, once we get this set up, it won't be a problem18:06
DanRabbitSiDi: I am setting aside some time for elementary ;)18:09
DanRabbitnew release either today or tomorrow18:09
kwwiibtw, if anyone is interested...here is the first of our icon testing:18:09
* DanRabbit --> shower18:09
mac_vyeah , once again kwwii to the rescue \o/18:09
kwwiiI suggest everyone go through that, whether you use launchpad or not18:11
SiDimy answers will be 200% verbose18:14
SiDibut i'm gonna do it :)18:14
jonian_g_Bug # 437606 fixed. Now I wonder why I said I need an hour to do it!18:36
tgpraveen1jonian_g wooo hoo ! thx18:40
tgpraveen1btw could u upload a screenshot of how it looks now. am at my windows laptop now and cant wait to see it18:41
FLOZzHello all  _o/18:44
tgpraveen1jonian_g: btw hows the progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/humanity-icon-theme/+bug/436462?18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436462 in humanity-icon-theme "Have different icons for usb hardisks and pendrives" [Undecided,In progress]18:46
jonian_gtgpraveen1: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1541424/Screenshot.png18:48
jonian_gthe other bug is on its way18:49
jonian_gI just need some help an which are the icons for pendrives18:49
tgpraveen1k. great work on that previous bug18:51
jonian_gbtw, can't we use 24px icons on nautilus side panel?18:53
tgpraveen1dont knw much. maybe mac_v ^^ knows18:55
mac_vjonian_g: the side pane uses only 16px18:56
* DanRabbit --> be back later18:56
jonian_gmac_v: I know mate. I'm just thinking that it would be better if it used 24px... visibility reasons (some people don't have sharp eyes)18:57
mac_vhehe , we can hack it ;)18:58
mac_vjonian_g: argh! another upload ;p ... you are a machine ;)18:58
jonian_gnah, I'm a bit lay lately :P18:58
mac_vjonian_g: just a few hrs ago i put up the 0.4.1 ,18:59
mac_von lp18:59
jonian_gmac_v: will the new icons (after beta) be included?19:00
mac_vjonian_g: will you be doing any more icons? i *think* kwwii has already packaged the icons for ubuntu upload...19:00
jonian_gI'm doing the ones for pendrives19:01
jay-tmt-2Hi everyone -- I have two quick questions that probably have very simple answers:  Why is it that the Human theme has such a heavy black shadow in the titlebar text?  And why does the text seem not to be vertically centered?19:02
mac_vhmm , ah well... users can download it from lp bzr ;)19:02
mac_vjonian_g: ^19:02
jonian_gmac_v: can you, please, tell me which icons are for pendrives?19:02
* mac_v checks19:03
mac_vjonian_g: devices/drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive.png19:04
jonian_gthanks mc_v19:04
mac_vjonian_g: np :)19:04
tgpraveen1(11:31:36 PM) mac_v: hmm , ah well... users can download it from lp bzr <---- u mean it wont be karmic final?19:16
mac_vtgpraveen1: not sure!...19:17
tgpraveen1gn everyone19:18
jonian_gtgpraveen1: any suggestion for the pendrive color? a light purple maybe?19:26
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psyke83kwwii: any news re: the metacity?21:17
kwwiipsyke83: none at all, actually21:18
kwwiipsyke83: I think they are really busy with other work21:18
psyke83did you take a look at the proposals? Any you personally like?21:19
psyke83I'm not sure if it's dark enough for them21:22
kwwiiI like a couple of the full gradients but I am guessing it is kinda late in the cycle for these changes21:27
kwwiiheading out to bed now21:28
kwwiiI'll be online all weekend21:28
psyke83yes, it's a shame I didn't try it earlier21:32
psyke83anyway, nite nite :)21:33
zniavrehttp://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2264/screenshotul.png > im looking for something close to this mockup > google search zone , inside the panel. some of you know if it exists on Linux please ?21:52
mac_vzniavre: i think deskbar , or something of the sort does that,  you can add the search *icon* to the panel , but i dont think you can add a search bar... i'v been looking for one too , if you find it pls ping me too ;)21:56
zniavremac_v, that s true deskbar is not what i really want and i never find this feature  at this moment22:04

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