[00:06] robert_ancell, the about me crash was bug 414538 [00:06] Launchpad bug 414538 in gnome-control-center "gnome-about-me crashed with SIGSEGV in e_contact_set()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414538 [00:06] looks like it's already some "me toos" [00:07] I assigned it to you, but didn't milestone it [00:07] ok, thanks [00:12] didrocks: what does your statement (main volume--, PCM++ <- noisy sound, LFE++ <- too low) mean? [00:15] asac: what do you mean by "power down/up"? i've not seen any bug reports on the x61 needing power_save=0, since it was the reference hardware for codec D3 state being implemented... [00:20] pitti: PCM being muted is a race in alsactl store due to the ordering in /etc/rc[06].d/K50alsa-utils; there are a couple quick workarounds for Karmic, the easiest of which is probably simply to avoid (re)storing if /usr/bin/pulse-session's conditions are met (still working out a way to do it properly for Lucid) [00:25] dtchen: How can we easily do that if alsa-utils is running as system, and pulse-session checks a user's home dir for stuff? [00:29] TheMuso: that's the one condition i'm working on [00:30] TheMuso: i.e., it's insufficient to just check that /usr/bin/pulseaudio is executable [00:30] it's all these silly people like me who have Kubuntu installed with PA that muck things up ;-) [00:33] anyhoo, i'll hack on this while i wait for the plane. toodles! [00:35] ok [00:41] asac / fta, how can I report a bug against a package in the ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA? [00:42] kenvandine, http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/10/02/ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala-beta-released-testers-needed/ [01:01] jono, thx! [01:10] robert_ancell: ping :) [01:10] bratsche, hey [01:10] robert_ancell: Still have any invites left? :) [01:10] bratsche, oh, that sort of ping :) [01:10] sure [01:10] hehe [01:10] bratsche, canonical email? [01:10] bratsche@gnome.org [01:11] bratsche, there you go [01:11] Thanks! [03:34] jcastro: ping [06:13] so did karmic leave out geolocation feature of empathy? [06:17] Good morning! [06:55] dtchen: dtchen this should be clearer: http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/8089/soundf.png [06:57] dtchen: PCM and LFE are 100%. The first make the sound noisy, the second, very low. And I can't change this behavior graphically with new volume control === asac_ is now known as asac [07:34] Good morning [07:34] morning pitti [07:35] dtchen: ah, thanks for having an eye on it; right now on this boot it worked again, but most often not, so I'm happy to test stuff (also happens on my wife's computer which I upgraded yesterday) [07:35] hey kwwii, guten Morgen [07:37] kwwii: are the bits in human-theme good to upload? or are you still working on them? [07:43] pitti: I still have some final changes. There is an issue with the icons in gdm. We cannot include them in humanity because they will then be used on the desktop as well [07:43] pitti: so to work around this I am making a theme with just 5 or 6 icons which inherits=humanity for gdm [07:44] pitti: I figured adding it to the human theme package would be best, as the rest of the gdm theme is there [07:44] *nod* [07:44] kwwii: but that's human-icon-theme, not human-theme, or is it? [07:45] pitti: no, we don't use human-icon-theme anymore, this is just 5 or 6 white icons. I'll get the icons by this afternoon [07:45] ah, ok [07:45] thanks for the update, and no hurry [07:45] I'll add it to HumanLogin [07:45] kwwii: I was just reviewing the UNRELEASED branches to check what I should upload now [07:45] I should get it done by this evening, I guess [07:45] take your time, neither seb nor me will be online this evening anyway [07:46] pitti: I just added mac_v to the AUTHORS file of notifify-osd-icons, it is in bzr [07:47] pitti: that shouldn't be a problem with the licensing, or? [07:47] kwwii: no, AUTHORS is fine and a matter of courtesy and attribution, too [07:47] he did make some of the icons ;) [07:47] cool, thanks [07:47] kwwii: he just needs to assign the copyright to us [07:48] kwwii: pitti: i'v already signed the contributors agreement when i did some icons for software store [07:48] if mac_v needs more rights on them than the ones granted by CC-BY-SA, Canonical can grant them back without a problem [07:48] mac_v: ah, perfect [07:48] :) [07:48] mac_v: cool, excellent [07:49] pitti: also, there will be an update to ubuntu-wallpapers coming [07:50] pitti: swapping the default, I have no idea when though...I think we've been down this road before :D [07:51] kwwii: changing the default wallpaper? no more bright yellow wallpaer we just have? [07:52] mac_v: I don't know, as I am not privy to that info. the drama is being played out on site, so to speak [07:53] but I would guess that, yes, it is to replace the yellow [07:53] aw... that wallpaper was awesome! [07:53] to be honest, people have been very fond of it. very few negative comments [07:54] anyway, we can continue this discussion on #ubuntu-artwork ;) [07:54] kwwii: it was a really cheerful wallpaper... and it is close to the 'light the fire' for karmic [07:54] ah yes ;) [07:58] is it a known issue on karmic that taping on touchpad does not make a click? [08:06] Zdra: It's not an issue, it's an intentionally disabled option [08:08] tseliot: Someone with fglrx figured out a patch that replaces the no-backfill one but doesn't cause corruption or slowdown: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32728179/xserver-xorg-backclear.patch [08:08] seems to have gotten lost in the people ranting about the problem in launchpad so... [08:08] Amaranth: let me have a look at it [08:09] Amaranth: ah, yes, I have seen that one already. It causes antother problem [08:09] ah, dang [08:09] with all cards [08:09] it's as close to sanely doing None as I think you're going to get [08:10] tseliot: What is the problem it causes? [08:11] Amaranth: if you switch between the menus of an app you'll notice some black rectangles (instead of corruption) for about a second or two [08:11] instead of the actual menu [08:12] Amaranth, wtf? [08:12] Amaranth, how can it be intentional [08:12] which would be ok if it affected only fglrx [08:12] hum [08:12] Amaranth, is there a better call for "stop using ubuntu, it's crap" [08:13] tseliot: That's without a compositor, right? [08:13] With one it should be transparent [08:13] Amaranth: that's with the compositor [08:14] ah, but RGB windows [08:14] grr [08:14] GTK+ 3 had better switch to ARGB by default :) [08:15] we'll see [08:16] Amaranth, do you know what's the reason to that change? [08:16] Zdra: People tap their touchpad while typing or something [08:16] *shrug* [08:16] I turned it back on because I need two finger tap or I don't get right click [08:17] what's the problem with the touchpad? [08:18] Amaranth, tbh it could be disabled when an USB mouse is connected [08:18] Amaranth, is there an option somewhere to tweak that? [08:19] Zdra: no, you can only turn it on or off, not set it off when a usb mouse is connected [08:19] Not sure I'd want that [08:19] Amaranth, I mean where can I turn it on/off? [08:19] Oh, yeah, Mouse capplet, Touchpad tab [08:19] Amaranth, actually I don't care, I have a hw switch for the touchpad. I just deactivate it when I'm using mount [08:19] s/mount/mouse [08:20] ooohhh [08:20] there is a disable touchpad while typing [08:20] that looks like the right thing to do [08:21] lool: i'm still dont understand , what needs to be done... if you could explain... how the changelog needs to be , i can get it done [08:21] s/i'm/I [08:23] Pfff, with touchpad click disabled, menu icon disabled, icon on button disabled... karmic should be named "Because sane default is so XX century" [08:24] Zdra: the touchpad issue is debated on -dekstop mailing list [08:27] http://d0od.blogspot.com/2009/09/karmic-tray-icons-match.html how about having this tweak in by default [08:27] mac_v: ^^ [08:27] tgpraveen: IMO , that is a waste of space :) [08:27] pitti, do you have a trace on that pk crash? [08:28] tgpraveen: i'v seen that a week ago ;) , what is the need for such a wide panel... [08:28] robert_ancell: not a very good one; it doesn't happen for you? [08:28] pitti, I haven't tried yet, about to [08:29] pitti, how do you restart your sessions pk-gnome? [08:29] mac_v: hmm on second thoughts with wide screen monitors yeah the cyrrent setup is better :) [08:30] robert_ancell: I just run /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 in a terminal [08:30] robert_ancell: and kill the old one before (well, it killed itself ..) [08:30] pitti, ah, i tried killing it hoping for it to autorestart [08:30] it's not d-bus activated [08:31] that's why crashes in it are pretty nasty [08:31] would probably be nice to register with gnome-session, so that it gets auto-restarted [09:09] anyone having issues with LP this morning? [09:09] pitti, fixed up, thanks for the catch :) [09:09] chrisccoulson: it's called "beta release".. [09:10] robert_ancell: rock, thanks [09:10] pitti - thanks ;) [09:10] hey guys [09:10] chrisccoulson: I think the DC pipe is just maxed out [09:10] hey seiflotfy1 [09:11] i wanted to ask if any confirmation mails are sent once one applies for a UDS spornsorship [09:11] jcastro: ^ ? [09:48] didrocks: there? [09:49] didrocks: wanted to check with you about ephy/webkit. [09:50] actually webkit ;) [09:53] hey asac, good morning [09:53] asac: queue is free again, so we can sync/whatever [09:53] yay! [10:00] pitti: yes. currently checking out the bits [10:01] and good morning of coures ;) [10:02] hmm. net is really slow here today [10:02] is it just me or is LP a bit on the slow side today? [10:04] mvo_ - it's slooooowww ;) [10:04] it's not just you [10:08] ok :) good to know [10:08] mvo_: good morning [10:08] pitti: ok. check out bug 440455 .... webkit would need to be merged first. will do that now [10:08] Launchpad bug 440455 in epiphany-browser "sync epiphany-browser and friends and remove epiphany-webkit from archive." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/440455 [10:15] I thought -webkit should be removed? [10:16] hey pitti, good morning [10:16] asac: ^ [10:17] asac: I can do the syncs, removals, and demotions now if you want me [10:17] pitti: err. isnt that what is in the bug? [10:17] "remove epiphany-webkit" [10:17] what i meant with the merge above was "libwebkit... >" [10:17] asac: right, but you said you want to merge it first? [10:17] asac: ooh, sorry [10:17] yes. libwebkit [10:17] not ephy-webkit [10:18] asac: ok, so I do the demotions and removals [10:18] yes [10:18] pitti: wait a few more minutes ... i have to finish libwebkit [10:18] thne i can test everything [10:18] makes me feel better ;) [10:23] oh, ok.. well, bug updated already [10:23] asac: it'll be a while until gnome-js-common builds, anyway (given the current backlog) [10:24] but now it can all sort itself out over the weekend [10:24] no problem [10:24] i dont expect there any problems [10:24] yeah [10:26] its always interesting to see how much piles up in a one week beta freeze ;) [10:26] hmm. but does not look that bad https://edge.launchpad.net/builders ... "just" 357 ;) [10:30] ArneGoetje: there? [10:31] ArneGoetje: wanted to discuss the langpack roadmap for final [10:32] pitti: loving ubuntu-bug. Makes life sooo much easier :) [10:34] :-) [10:42] asac: next full export on 16, final on 22. [10:47] ArneGoetje: ok. but be have the current export somewhere? [10:48] so we can do some verification runs? [10:48] ArneGoetje: also i wonder if we can do a separate ppa where we always provide "devmode" [10:48] asac: the current export is on rookery [10:48] I accepted some 250 langpack uploads this morning [10:48] they are in the buildd queue [10:48] k [10:49] ArneGoetje: also for stable releases etc. ... i think that would be a good idea [10:49] ArneGoetje: the other thing i have is that i got a complain by the romanian translation lead [10:49] asac: means, having two PPAs for each release? [10:50] ArneGoetje: yes. imo thats not a problem though. we could say that we only maintain a devmode ppa for current development relesae and current latest stable [10:50] so karmic + lucid for example [10:50] pitti: ^^ comment, please? :) [10:51] does pitti know about devmode? [10:51] asac: don't we already use devmode for karmic? [10:51] asac: not really, I just noticed the code where it uses this for 9.10 [10:51] pitti: has been turned off again [10:51] yes. but the idea is to stop doing that before final [10:52] ArneGoetje: already turned off? [10:52] thought next run ;) [10:52] but ok [10:52] what would that bring us, for stables? [10:52] few, if anyone would actually use it, I guess [10:52] asac: yes, next run [10:52] but we could have a second one for some three selected languages, if it helps [10:53] I just wouldn't like it to have the gazillion packs again, it'd just be a waste and take ages [10:54] pitti: i am just seeing that now that we turn of devmode, translators cannot continue to work on their translations [10:54] and see the results [10:54] what is devmode? [10:55] stable might make not much sense ... though mozilla is a bit special as it has the same upstream everywhere [10:55] pitti: devmode == take everything from launchpad rather than existing upstream xpis [10:55] oh, I thought that was the entire point of the exercise :) [10:56] so there are two main excersizes here: [10:57] 1. languages that dont have a upstream translations want to work on a complete translation that works [10:57] 2. languages with upstream translations want to work on improvements [10:58] irc gateway has connectivity problems ... continuing here [10:59] so for 2. we didnt allow launchpad translations in the past [10:59] for various reasons. one reason is trademark, the other one (also related to trademark), is that we dont have QA process [11:00] for 1. we whitelisted translations in the past [11:00] for that translation groups had to approach me and tell me their translations are done and that they tested them etc. [11:02] however, testing was not easy, so now enable launchpad translations for everything during dev cycle [11:02] in that way translators (especially for 1.) have time to stabilize their translations and then ask us to keep them whitelisted [11:02] mvo_: should software-center actually do a letter by letter search? If you type in ubuntu-res it shows no results until you get to ubuntu-restricted. [11:03] asac_: right, then another testing ppa would make sense [11:03] Pici: ... so back on topic: we would now disable devmode as we are approaching final; shipping always devmode in a different ppa would not block translation groups now [11:03] pitti: ^ [11:04] this cycle is basically the first one [11:04] next cycle will finally bring the upstreaming tools [11:04] so whitelisted locales can run upstream translation teams [11:06] which helps our community and mozilla - e.g. their work becomes more relevant as their work also becomes availble on the many millions windows macines etc [11:06] davmor2: it should do partial matches, it might be confused by the "-" in the name [11:06] asac_: ah, thanks for the heads-up [11:07] mvo_: I'll have a play with it and get back to you [11:07] no problem. hope it made a bit of sense ;) [11:08] pitti: could you do the coding then in lp-o-matic? I'm flying out to Belgrade in a few hours to attend the LP Translations sprint. [11:08] ArneGoetje: not today [11:08] pitti: I won't be available the whole next week I guess [11:09] right; I'm fine with dropping devmode, but setting up the new ppa is low-prio for me [11:09] we have tons of RC bugs to fix first [11:09] but it's a nice project for the next freeze (like the week after RC) [11:09] davmor2: thanks [11:09] what does "setting up the ppa" involve [11:09] ? [11:09] pitti: ? [11:10] asac: well, create it in LP, but primarily changing the cronjobs to build a new fake release karmic-testing, and uploading that to the new PPA [11:10] ah ok [11:10] it's not too much work, but needs some testing [11:10] sure [11:11] and of course the logic to decide whether or not to enable devmode [11:11] ./import really shouldn't do that itself [11:11] it should be passed as a CLI argument [11:11] then it's easier to control from cronjobs [11:13] hmm for some reason, the indicator session applet seems to have a different arrangement of items every time i log in. [11:13] why is that? [11:14] asac: BTW: what about the 3.0 translations? right now firefox 3.5 lists both 3.0 and 3.5 translations, but the 3.0 ones are shown as buggy/disabled. [11:14] ArneGoetje: we will remove firefox 3.0 from archive soonish. disable them [11:14] ArneGoetje: but not in launchpad yet [11:15] ArneGoetje: romanian folks for instance are not happy that we somehoe didnt copy their translations over [11:15] so i am currently working with them on reimporting etc. [11:15] hmm [11:15] so once that worked we can disable them completely [11:16] asac: then we wait until we can disable them in launchpad... [11:16] ArneGoetje: so from next week on you will be in more or less same time zone? [11:16] yes [11:16] good === onestone_ is now known as onestone [11:16] maybe we can do a minisprint and do the stuff for final [11:16] ;) [11:17] asac: err... if I find some time, yes... don't know how busy the sprint will be [11:18] mvo_: it is the - if you just type in "ubuntu r" then it's second in the list :) [11:19] asac: IIRC all languages with a country code and without upstream XPI had some problems when copying them over... [11:20] ArneGoetje: the import failed? [11:20] ArneGoetje: i only know that the current devmode doesnt work [11:20] hmm [11:20] right so we never got xpis [11:20] asac: no, devmode failed [11:20] kk [11:21] ArneGoetje: but i think its something else. ro has no country code. didnt we decide to only reimport those that had no upstream xpi? [11:21] asac: yes [11:21] yeah. so thats what the ro thing is about [11:21] so i will explain to them how to import it [11:22] afaik it was just zipping up the addon fromthe langpack [11:23] asac: they modified the upstream XPI in LP? [11:23] asac, kenvandine: so can one of you hang out in #ubuntu-meeting at 1500 UTC (release team meeting) to answer questions to the desktop team, if some come up? I need to leave around 1345 UTC today [11:23] pitti: i can be there [11:23] pitti: anything you want to brief me with? [11:24] asac: I already prepared the report at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus [11:24] ArneGoetje: you know .. "ro" wants a different lithographie in ubuntu than the rest of the world. they would like to finish that task even though i explained to them that this wont get whitelisted [11:24] until we know how to make locales only happen "if on gnome" [11:25] pitti: let me check [11:25] mvo_: whats the best way to test if webkit is ok for soft center? [11:26] ok i assume the "fade in screenshot" is good enough to verify [11:26] asac: *sigh*... they should just create a new locale with '@new-orth' or something like that... [11:26] ArneGoetje: yeah. i dont know why "ro" folks cannot agree on something [11:26] its really a mess that they do someting different on gnome than everywhere else [11:27] asac: I will talk to Adi about that again [11:27] (e.g. windows) [11:27] well. we had lengthy discussion [11:27] the problem from what i understand is that the gnome upstream team decided to do it differently [11:27] which i strongly disagree [11:28] asac: yep. gnome upstream uses the new orth., while the rest uses the old orth. [11:28] so what adi is doing is just trying to make it consistent for gnome [11:28] ArneGoetje: with @new-orth [11:28] you mean something like: ro.NEWORTH ? [11:28] as LANG= ? [11:28] ArneGoetje: so for en_US.UTF-8 [11:29] can you point me to some documentation about the syntax=? [11:29] asac: yep... LANG=ro_RO.UTF-8@new-orth [11:29] mozilla is reviewing their current platform locale parser and noone figures what is possible etc. [11:29] ArneGoetje: how would a fallback mechanism for that work? [11:30] asac: fallback to 'ro' [11:31] asac: the fallback is configured in LANGUAGE [11:31] asac: i.e. LANGUAGE=ro_RO@new-orth:ro:en [11:32] asac: something like that [11:32] reconnect [11:32] 12:29 < asac> ArneGoetje: how would a fallback mechanism for that work? [11:32] 12:29 < asac_> just strip components from the end until there is a match? [11:32] hmm [11:32] 2:29 < ArneGoetje> asac: yep... LANG=ro_RO.UTF-8@new-orth [11:32] 12:29 < asac> mozilla is reviewing their current platform locale parser and noone figures what is possible etc. [11:32] 12:29 < asac> ArneGoetje: how would a fallback mechanism for that work? [11:32] 12:29 < asac_> just strip components from the end until there is a match? [11:32] thats all [11:33] pitti: is there any ACTION item we committed to follow up since last meeting or any expected question i should be prepared to answer? [11:33] asac__: the fallback is configured in LANGUAGE [11:33] asac__: i.e. LANGUAGE=ro_RO@new-orth:ro:en [11:33] asac__: something like that [11:34] hmm [11:35] ArneGoetje: how would the ".po" for such a @new-orth be named? [11:35] ro@new-orth.po ? [11:35] asac__: yep [11:36] ok. so when we have that we could make LANG gnome senseitive and use @new-orth there, right? [11:36] sounds like a plan [11:36] guess mozilla code definitly needs to be teached that [11:37] asac__: just one, which is done (finishing spec release notes/test plan) [11:37] asac__: well, the current gnome translations would need to be put in ro@new-orth instead of ro. And then the user will have two locales on his system and can choose which one he wants. [11:37] asac__: I already followed up by email on that [11:38] ArneGoetje: yeah. but problem is that if user chooses "ro" (old orth) ... we probably wouldnt have translatinos for that as upstream does new-orth exclusively? [11:39] however, Adi could then work on fixing that rather than doing new-orth ;) [11:39] ArneGoetje: maybe discuss that with him and see what he thinks [11:40] asac__: yep. those would either need to be done in LP (maybe it's even possible to script the translation from new-orth into old orth..., need to ask Adi) [11:40] or upstream needs to be convinced to provide both orths. [11:41] ArneGoetje: yeah. i think upstream will take a bit longer [11:41] asac__: probably [11:41] maybe we could run that upstream part through lanuchpad if upstrema is not willing to do [11:41] asac__: ok, I need to go now... dinner and then off to the airport [11:41] dont see why anyone would have anything against that [11:41] ArneGoetje: have a safe trip. talk to you next week [11:41] asac__: right [11:42] asac__: ok, CU [11:43] ArneGoetje: safe travels! [11:44] pitti: thanks [11:54] pitti: not sure if webkit is covered by gnome ffe ... i tested gwibber software-store and epiphany-browser with it. if we want a bug let me know. [11:54] pitti: also did you intentionally not sync "seed" yet? [11:55] asac__: how much change is there in webkit? [11:56] well. browser rendering engines usually have quite a few changes [11:56] asac: if software-center works normally (shows lobby scree, shows package details) and its should be ok [11:57] asac__: seed synced [11:57] one second [11:57] mvo_: I don't think we're going to get a release of compiz 0.8.4 in time [11:57] (for webkit) [11:57] But if we get a new snapshot now I can just cherry-pick any future patches we want if there are any [11:58] Or hopefully in a week I'll be able to make the snapshots and upload myself but I don't want to depend on that [11:58] http://pastebin.com/f74c6295b (1.1.14 -> [11:58] pitti: ^ [11:59] Amaranth: hm, it would be nice to release with 0.8.4-final :/ [11:59] asac__: wow that's a lot of changes [11:59] asac__: doesn't seem to bad (although a changelog would be more useful :) ) [11:59] http://pastebin.com/f74c6295b [12:00] thats the rdepends [12:00] i tested ephy/gwibber (pywebkit)/software-store [12:00] yeah let me check if there is a changelog somewhere [12:00] mvo_: It's going to be really fun in lucid, I doubt we'll get an 0.8.6 if 0.9.0 comes out soon [12:01] pitti: thats what is in ChangeLog in the source ... http://pastebin.com/f7fca1c52 [12:01] guess is not all [12:01] asac__: ah, looks fine; please go ahead [12:02] Amaranth: yeah, when the c++ version comes out, that will be fun for sure [12:03] mvo_: oh yeah, we're below 350 bugs again [12:03] cool, great work [12:03] and 16 bugs will be fixed by getting new snapshots and the packaging changes in bzr [12:04] I've changed the packaging to just not ship the gconf plugin at all since it can only cause problems [12:04] pitti: there are more Changelogs nested for the "webkit core part" ... let me get that for you [12:05] mvo_: don't suppose you could take a look at bug 438925? the guy clearly has libdecoration.so.0 from 0.8.2 but the package version is 0.8.3+git20090917-0ubuntu4 [12:05] Launchpad bug 438925 in compiz "windows decorator won't start" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/438925 [12:05] but strace and ldd show he doesn't have a second copy of the file anywhere [12:06] asac@tinya:/tmp/ww$ diff -u webkit-1.1.14/./WebKit/gtk/ChangeLog webkit- >> /tmp/full.diff [12:06] asac@tinya:/tmp/ww$ diff -u webkit-1.1.14/WebCore/ChangeLog webkit- >> /tmp/full.diff [12:06] asac@tinya:/tmp/ww$ diff -u webkit-1.1.14/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog webkit- >> /tmp/full.diff [12:06] asac@tinya:/tmp/ww$ diff -u webkit-1.1.14/ChangeLog webkit- >> /tmp/full.diff [12:06] Amaranth: uh, that is ... odd [12:06] asac@tinya:/tmp/ww$ cat /tmp/full.diff | pastebinit [12:06] http://pastebin.com/f51e34fd9 [12:06] pitti: ^^ [12:06] thats all [12:06] mvo_: yeah, I'm kind of wondering if he is screwing with me :P [12:06] i would think its better than sticking to old webkit [12:07] besides ephy folks telling me we should try to get even [12:08] *nod* [12:08] i would think we should try and if there are really bad regressions we can backout. [12:08] i am reading bugmail for the time to final [12:08] ok i am uploading that now. and see if world brakes ;) [12:09] Amaranth: heh :) [12:11] Amaranth: maybe he did some thing with a different loader script that alters the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something? i mean, if ldd does show nomal linkage, he may still have a self-compiled version somewhere [12:11] mvo_: well, I had him check /etc/xdg/compiz and such for mods to the wrapper script [12:12] pitti: please sync epiphany-browser and -extension too ... then we are done from what i see [12:12] mvo_: btw I've got most of the wrapper script ported to C now [12:13] although really compiz checks almost everything we check so we just need a way to make compiz reload if texture_from_pixmap is missing (to try again with --indirect-rendering), check max texture size, and load a fallback WM if all that still fails [12:13] Amaranth: cool, will that go into 0.8.6/0.9 ? [12:13] oh, and check Software Rendering [12:13] asac__: done [12:13] mvo_: Well, it'll go into our packages for lucid [12:13] dunno what upstream will want to do [12:14] pitti: great. [12:14] 0.9 technically doesn't need the texture size check anymore [12:14] and I think only fglrx needs --indirect-rendering [12:15] 0.9 can also run without texture_from_pixmap which is what you have to do when the texture size check would fail [12:15] It basically implements Xorg shatter inside compiz :P [12:16] However intel at least disables DRI if you set the VirtualSize too large so it wouldn't help there [12:16] * mvo_ nods [12:17] oh, 0.9 also doesn't load XML files anymore [12:17] the config stuff is compiled into the plugins and ccp loads protobuf files [12:17] too bad we can't use it :P [12:23] oh man, compiz has had a plugin to mark root and remote windows this whole time [12:32] Amaranth: hu? what was the name of that plugin? [12:48] mvo_: titleinfo [12:48] mvo_: they want to put it in extra before doing the 0.8.4 release [12:48] it has existed since april [12:52] pitti: can you check bug 440528 [12:52] Launchpad bug 440528 in mozilla-devscripts "sync mozilla-devscripts 0.16 from debian/unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/440528 [12:53] (hope you are still here) [12:56] asac: doing [13:10] hmm. seems archive.ubuntu.com is pretty unhappy about beta load ;) [13:13] hmm, I wonder if everyone at the london office loses their internet access on release days [13:15] asac: You should be using a local mirror. ;) [13:16] Amaranth: btw, that clicking from yesterday really goes away if i turn of the sound volume completely :/ [13:16] so your guess was pretty good i think [13:17] asac: Yeah, it's supposed to mute before powering down so it doesn't make the popping noise, iirc [13:18] Amaranth: actually it does the same sound wheni turn off the sound using the hotkeys [13:18] (e.g. reducing volume to zero) [13:18] hrm [13:19] and when powering one [13:19] on [13:19] ubuntu-bug alsa-base [13:19] :) [13:19] yeah [13:23] done [13:36] Riddell: do we want to get a new snapshot for knetworkmanager this cycle still? any plans yet? [13:37] asac: that's next on my todo for today, why do you ask? [13:38] pitti: sorry i forgot to check if i had a conflict with the release meeting, glad asac can cover though :) [13:40] Riddell: just because i care about the overall state of NM stuff in ubuntu ;) [13:40] Riddell: i am checking with wstephenson [13:40] will let you know [13:41] asac: are you aware of any especially broken area in knm? [13:44] no. but i am trying to check with him. will ask awe_ to do some testing on 3g ... as i couldnt find anyone with kde and 3g yet ;) [13:44] awe_: ?? [13:44] asac: hey. is the ericsson modem fixed now? [13:45] it's the only 3g device i have to test ( eg. dell mini 9 ) [13:45] awe_: it should work. first attempt is a bit flaky still [13:45] ok, i want to download beta on a bunch of machines today... lemme start downloading a copy of unr [13:48] awe_: yeah. remember to bump to latest ppa for nm applet and nm [13:48] there is a slight version mismatch in bet :/ [13:48] which makes using editor a bit ... cumbersome ;) [13:48] asac: did that last night [13:48] in beta, or the ppa? [13:48] ( ie. version mismatch ) [13:50] awe_: in beta [13:50] :/ [13:52] hey kenvandine [13:52] hey pitti [13:53] * kenvandine has several meetings today === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew [14:39] have a good weekend everyone! [14:52] tedg: hey, thanks for fixing bug 433274 ! now, I no more have to click all over the gnome-panel to find the applet :) [14:52] Launchpad bug 433274 in indicator-messages "indicator-applet does not have an icon in the panel" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/433274 [14:53] c_korn: Heh, good! [14:53] Though, your mouse wrote me a letter, he's sad that he doesn't get as much attention anymore ;) [14:56] lol :P [15:23] asac: do you have any idea why xulrunner --gre-version would hang in my build chroot? [15:27] * kenvandine has to go offline for a bit... moving around router and access point [15:27] lool: ping [15:28] the humanity changelog has been updated [15:40] robbiew around? Can you look at bug #434786 when you have a min? Seems like not an xsplash bug, but I'm not sure where to redirect it. [15:40] Launchpad bug 434786 in xsplash "tty1 is displayed on boot/shutdown" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/434786 [15:41] bratsche: assign to Scott [15:41] i believe it's an upstart issue [15:42] Okay, thanks. [15:44] really? [15:44] Upstart has nothing to do with ttys [15:48] james_w: DEBIAN_XUL_VER := $(shell MALLOC_OPTIONS=O xulrunner-1.9.1 --gre-version) [15:48] use that [15:48] fakeroot issue that is iirc [15:49] asac: doesn't seem to help [15:50] is that firefox package? [15:50] it builds good on builders etc. [15:50] no [15:50] james_w: 1.9 or 1.9.1 ? [15:50] just installing xulrunner-1.9.1 to satisfy Build-Depends [15:50] pbuilder-dist karmic login [15:51] is 1.9 installed too? [15:51] apt-get install xulrunner-1.9. [15:51] that hangs [15:51] nope [15:51] try to get a backtrace maybe [15:52] strace shows it apparently infinite looping on sched_yield() [15:52] ltrace shows [15:52] [pid 10748] pthread_mutex_lock(0x80601ec, 0xb7fd02b0, 0xb7fd0550, 0xb7fd82c8, 0xb7fd7020) = 0 [15:52] [pid 10748] open("/proc/cpuinfo", 0, 026777202520^C [15:53] james_w: hmm .. maybe proc not mounted? [15:54] http://paste.ubuntu.com/283905/ [15:54] nope, "cat /proc/cpuinfo" works fine [15:54] wow, the repositories are uber-slow today! [15:55] so there is some bad interaction with cowdancer it seems [15:58] james_w: yes. can you disable that? [15:58] not really [15:58] it's how the chroots work [16:00] it seems like cowdancer might be deadlocking itself [16:01] james_w: does it do something like libc overloading? [16:01] yeah [16:02] when it is first called it initialises, which calls dlsym, which apparently calls calloc, which then apparently calls open? [16:02] which causes it to try and initialise again [16:03] and it says it is "quasi-reentrant" [16:03] whatever that means [16:07] in karmic beta the indicator applet shows my username instead of the fullname, this happend after upgrading fromm 9.04 to 9.10 beta.. is there a way to make it show my fullname again? === spc_ is now known as spc [16:26] should the Dust etc. themes be changed to use Humanity as well? [16:27] james_w: only if we get humanity-dark [16:28] bug 440635 [16:29] Launchpad bug 440635 in gnome-themes-ubuntu "required icon themes missing for two included GNOME themes" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/440635 [16:29] ah, human got dropped completely? [16:30] james_w: well, Humanity's grayscale notification icons don't look so good on dark panels [16:30] So Humanity-Dark makes them brighter to go with dark themes (meant for UNR) [16:33] james_w: Amaranth: for some reason.. lool hasnt updated the Humanity theme... /me doesnt understand what he asked ;) [16:35] Amaranth: whoever made humanity-dark is a hero [16:36] * Amaranth points to mac_v [16:37] And I can confirm it is very win with dust [16:37] jcastro: hello. was it you who made karmic boot up in 4sec using a SSD ? would you mind giving some specs about the system ? [16:37] (sorry for OT) [16:37] mac_v: thanks for the bluetooth icon :) [16:37] ;) [16:38] c_korn: sure just PM me [16:41] mac_v: so now we have bot humanity and -dark in default karmic? [16:42] tgpraveen: yes , we are supposed to have both in the default... still hasnt been updated :/ [16:42] * tgpraveen wishes one icon theme could have fitted on both dark and light. [16:42] but guess that would be really difficulty [16:51] mvo_: so 0.8.4 might happen soon after all [16:51] Amaranth: cool [16:51] Amaranth: where was/is that discussed? [16:51] one more fix to get in before release then just need someone to do the release [16:51] Amaranth: #compiz-dev? [16:51] cool [16:52] mvo_: yeah, about 2 hours ago [16:52] about 4.5 hours ago maniac gave his list of things that need to be done (move some plugins around) === asac_ is now known as asac === Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk [17:37] does xforcevesa work for Karmic live CD? [17:45] TheMuso, pitti, asac: this is fyi, no response needed: [17:46] I just ran through the regression tracker, and found some bugs that seemed they *might* need attention [17:46] I assigned them liberally to you guys, or Ubuntu Desktop Bugs [17:46] Please don't feel required to *fix* these, I just want to ensure that we are aware of all of the possible regressions [17:48] vuntz - good catch on gnome bug 595698 [17:48] Gnome bug 595698 in general "gnome-keyring-daemon doesn't exit properly when the session ends" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=595698 [17:48] this signal handling stuff is new too [17:51] chrisccoulson: yeah, I think I know what's the issue [17:51] chrisccoulson: raise() works on the current thread. So it doesn't send the signal to the right thread [17:51] yeah, that makes sense [17:51] chrisccoulson: we should use pthread_kill. Except that we're using gthread and gthread doesn't have this... [18:05] vuntz - so the only way to fix it right now is to create the thread with pthread_create rather than g_thread_create? [18:07] chrisccoulson: looking at that, but that's what I think [18:08] yeah, i can't think of any other way to do it [18:10] * vuntz tests a patch [18:20] rickspencer3: hi... i didnt understand your comment , here > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/428509/comments/4 , what is "wrt" ? [18:20] Launchpad bug 428509 in notify-osd "Do not suppress async notifications when using fullscreen apps" [Undecided,Confirmed] === robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk [18:25] chrisccoulson: I attached a patch [18:26] vuntz - thanks! [18:27] mac_v, wrt = "with regard to" [18:27] basically, "what's up with this bug?" [18:27] oh! [18:27] ok ;) [18:28] mac_v, to be clear, I'm not asserting it's a high priority issue, needs to be fixed, etc... etc... [18:28] it's just not clear what the status of the report is [18:28] yeah , got that :) [18:28] mac_v, thanks ;) [18:31] thanks :) [18:35] mac_v: you are lucky [18:35] dobey: hmm .. ? [18:35] mac_v: i'm about to fix that bug [18:36] dobey: yeah ;) how? [18:36] with code [18:36] dobey: lol! . i meant un-blocking bubbles? i was just typing up a response to Mark ;) [18:37] mac_v: no, ubuntuone bookmarks [18:37] dobey: oh that one...nice awesome :) [18:37] thanks :) [18:44] does anybody know what's going to become of hal, and when? [18:48] hyperair: HAL is only being used for X at the moment, however in lucid it will probably be gone, but still remain in the repositories for other apps (but not installed by default) [18:49] kenvandine, have you checked out gnomescan lately? [18:50] nope [18:50] rickspencer3, i don't have a scanner that works :) [18:50] kenvandine, I just installed it on my netbook, and it was super crashy [18:50] a total fail [18:51] fortunately scanimage worked perfectly [18:53] kenvandine, are we sticking with xsane as the default for karmic? [18:53] yes [18:53] i guess that is fortunate [19:15] in 9.10, how can i get GDM to stop ignoring and start sourcing my ~/.xinitrc file? [19:55] who fixed alt-f2? I love you. [19:56] * kenvandine didn't know it was busted [19:56] it's been broken on panels with a background/transparency all cycle [19:58] what was wrong with it again? [19:58] i can't remember exactly [19:58] - Remove use of GnomeEntry in run dialog (Diego Escalante Urrelo, [19:58] Vincent) [19:58] might have been this [19:59] gnome bug 588455 [19:59] its that [19:59] Gnome bug 588455 in gdk "run application broken when setting background color set to "solid color"" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=588455 [19:59] jcastro: was a gtk+ bug with client-side windows [19:59] jcastro: but I can steal the love ;-) === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew [20:00] vuntz, you deserve plenty of love [20:00] jcastro: heh, I love your mail in two parts ;-) [20:01] vuntz: it's like ice cream with topping [20:03] * vuntz has to blog about his latest ice cream contest [20:17] anyone else having problems with launchpad.net at the moment? [20:17] (For me loading a bug page hangs on 'Connecting to bugs.edge.launchpad.net) [20:30] can anyone ping canonical.com? Not responding for me [20:32] hey bryce [20:32] it works for me [20:32] kenvandine, any more progress on the Empathy A/V stuff? [20:32] plus, congratulations [20:32] james_w, thanks [20:32] maybe [20:32] i am testing a patch [20:33] jono, ^^ [20:33] kenvandine, awesome [20:33] are more people testing? [20:33] not yet [20:34] working on that [20:34] np [20:34] ppa builds are estimating 12 hours to start :/ [20:37] james_w, jj says it's broke for him too, so maybe some router between uk and portland is busted? [20:42] james_w, seems some verizon-specific issue; other sites in uk/europe are not showing up [20:57] mac_v: As I said, wasn't here today [20:58] mac_v: First, well done on the new lp:humanity structure; thanks [20:58] lool: hey... :) yeah .. folks ask when is it updating and i dont have an answer :( [21:00] mac_v: So that was discussed during release meeting [21:00] mac_v: Let me check what was said (couldn't attend) [21:01] lool: was it discussed here? or is there a separate channel for these discussions? [21:01] or meetings [21:04] mac_v: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/10/02/%23ubuntu-meeting.html [21:05] mac_v: search for humanity [21:06] james_w: About Humanity-Dark > there a couple of problems in adding the -Dark flavour; it's dependent on a Humanity refresh which is hard to review and we're deep in UI freeze; that was covered at release meeting; I'll prepare a package in my PPA ASAP [21:06] mac_v: You got my last lines? [21:06] 22:04 < lool> mac_v: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/10/02/%23ubuntu-meeting.html [21:06] 22:05 < lool> mac_v: search for humanity [21:07] oh...ok. just a sec... X crashed [21:07] mac_v: So here's my proposal to unblock here; I'll prepare the package in my PPA and ask for as many testers as possible [21:07] mac_v: If things work, I'll cover it at our desktop integration call and ask for a freeze exception for it on Monday to release team [21:08] mac_v: Is what you have in PPA right now final? [21:08] lool: just min.. recovering from a crash :) [21:09] we dont have a ppa yet... Daniel today was mentioning on creating one.. let me check [21:09] 22:07 < lool> mac_v: So here's my proposal to unblock here; I'll prepare the package in my PPA and ask for as many testers as possible [21:09] _my_ PPA [21:10] oh... then i got confused with this mac_v: Is what you have in PPA right now final? [21:10] did you mean bzr? [21:10] mac_v: Yes, sorry [21:10] mac_v: I'm very tired [21:10] lool: no probs.. :) ... [21:10] yes , the bzr is final [21:11] lool: just a sec , pls dont pull from bzr [21:11] there has been a rev just now!.. i havent checked it yet :? [21:13] mac_v: So what should I look at? [21:14] lool: no probs... you can use it [21:15] mac_v: You dont plan rolling a tarball by any chance? [21:16] lool: ok.. give me 2 mins i'll add it [21:16] mac_v: (You got my instructions on release-y stuff? bzr tag + bzr export --root...)? [21:16] mac_v: thanks [21:16] lool: i meant the tarball [tar.gz] , i didnt get any mail yet [21:18] mac_v: that was a while ago [21:19] mac_v: Subject: Wishlist for Humanity icons releases [21:19] mac_v: Oh you weren't in copy [21:19] ;) [21:19] mac_v: forwarded [21:19] didn't know you back then, took last / top committer [21:20] mac_v: Check it out, it has all you need to save you time and do good releases (I hope!) [21:20] * mac_v checks mail [21:21] hey jcastro, did you ditch me or get involved in something else? [21:22] lool: just uploaded the 0.4.1 tar.gz > https://launchpad.net/humanity/0.4/0.4 [21:23] lool: i normally use the bzr export for doing this [21:23] kenvandine: no I am signed in [21:24] you haven't replied [21:24] humm [21:24] i have... [21:24] oh dude [21:24] wait [21:24] sigh [21:24] :) [21:24] ok, so like, sometimes it feels like m-i is swallowing my windows [21:24] it follows where the conversation started [21:31] mac_v: Ok [21:31] mac_v: thanks [21:33] lool: why the testing? by using a ppa? there wont be any breakage because icons [21:34] mac_v: haha [21:34] mac_v: So many things can go wrong [21:34] lool: it has been tested by the UX team , i'm finding it hard to understand your reluctance... not to question your plan :) [21:34] mac_v: I'll checkout the tarball a bit later, or tomorrow morning if I cant do it tonight; thanks! [21:35] lool: BTW , the changelog in the page, has all the bugs fixed [21:35] mac_v: What could go wrong could: missing icons in some sizes or for some types; new icons broken in some use cases; index.theme not correct in new theme; etc. etc. [21:36] mac_v: Or even the changes themselves might be wrong; added a greyscale icon for an app where we dont one or reintroduced a colour one [21:36] Can only see this with testing [21:36] jcastro, lose the indicator again? [21:37] lool: just a heads ,up... bluetooth in the system menu will use greyscale icon. rest of the greyscale icons wont be used in apps [21:38] lool: for bluetooth ... UX , said that the panel is more visible than the menu.. and that we have to use greyscale icon [21:39] lool: there is also a simple patch to fix this bluetooth issue > Bug #437162 [21:39] Launchpad bug 437162 in gnome-bluetooth "Missing monochrome icon for bluetooth applet" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/437162 [22:47] mac_v: Uploaded to my PPA [22:49] lool: for the changelog you can see this link > https://launchpad.net/humanity/0.4/0.4 there is a list of bugs fixed === james_w` is now known as james_w [23:19] hey! [23:19] how's it cookin === robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk [23:30] robbiew-afk: where's rick s the star wars man [23:31] kiko: think he's done for today [23:31] robbiew-afk: that can't be right! it's the time for me to tell him all these great things about karmic! [23:31] you can tell me ;) [23:31] one sec [23:32] * robbiew-afk checks his irc logs [23:32] heh [23:32] robbiew-afk: it's looking good! [23:32] (05:16:39 PM) rickspencer3: good weekend guys, laters [23:32] (05:16:43 PM) rickspencer3 left the room (quit: Ex-Chat). [23:32] kiko: ^ === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew [23:33] * robbiew is obviously not away from the keyboard === robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk [23:36] heh [23:36] really afk