
NivexGood evening.01:27
shtylmancjwatson: was that device mapper issue ever resolved?01:33
NivexI'm not able to get the karmic Server beta installer to prompt me for iSCSI target information.01:42
NivexI've just started reading up on how d-i works, so I apologize for not being able to give more than that at the moment.01:43
Nivexhmm, partman-iscsi isn't getting loaded (/lib/partman/init.d/40iscsi isn't present)02:24
Nivexdrat.  I did an "anna-install partman-iscsi" early on, it's getting loaded now, but still no prompt.02:54
Nivexevenin' kirkland03:22
NivexI'm trying to get the iSCSI install working in the Karmic Beta and not having much luck03:24
cjwatsonNivex: the way it's supposed to work is that if you don't have any disks, you get that big prompt for drivers - but the very top item in that selection should be "login to iSCSI targets"09:24
cjwatsonNivex: you should not need to mess around with anna-install by hand, although good initiative :)09:25
cjwatsonhmm, that said, let me try to remember what *is* supposed to load partman-iscsi ...09:26
cjwatsonah, maybe that is indeed a bug - I think it should be Priority: standard in the archive so that it gets automatically loaded. I'll fix that09:27
cjwatsonNivex: try just booting with "anna/choose_modules=partman-iscsi" as a boot parameter, I suspect it'll be happier if it's there from the start09:28
CIA-33partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r25 ubuntu/debian/ (changelog control): Change priority to standard to match overrides.09:29
evandI picked the wrong day to pull an image off of releases.ubuntu.com.11:45
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r227 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.2.911:52
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r158 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (267 files in 12 dirs): Updated translations from Launchpad.12:28
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r159 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 812:36
Nivexcjwatson: I added the "anna/choose_modules=partman-iscsi" boot parameter and still no joy13:31
cjwatsonNivex: right, is there a "login to iSCSI targets" entry at the top of the driver prompt?13:31
NivexAh, yes, there it is.  I had booted this morning with my dummy hard disk13:34
Nivexexpecting to see an option in the manual partitioner13:34
cjwatsonthere *should* be one of those two13:34
cjwatsonerr, too13:34
cjwatsonare you seeing the partitioner but no option, or are you seeing an error before the partitioner starts?13:34
Nivexpartitioner with no option13:35
cjwatsonoh, I see13:35
CIA-33partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r26 ubuntu/ (choose_partition/iscsi/choices debian/changelog):13:37
CIA-33partman-iscsi: Stop checking disk-detect/iscsi/enable before deciding whether to offer13:37
CIA-33partman-iscsi: an option in the partitioner, as that template doesn't exist any more.13:37
cjwatsonthat should fix it13:37
cjwatsonbut in the meantime, "login to iSCSI targets" should do the trick13:38
cjwatsonthanks for your report13:38
CIA-33partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r27 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 313:38
Nivexcool.  Some poor soul in the forums bumped into the same problem an filed LP#435290.  We might want to update that with this discussion.13:38
cjwatsonI'll close it, thanks13:39
cjwatsonshame nobody saw that and assigned it to an installer package :(13:41
Nivexby folding the iSCSI bits into partman, does this mean the alternate installer will have this support as well as server?13:42
cjwatsonpartman-iscsi isn't on the alternate CD, so no, although netboot will have it13:43
cjwatsonI didn't think it was a high enough priority for the alternate install CD to justify the CD space13:43
Nivexah ok.  As long as netboot has it, I'm happy :)13:43
cjwatsonplease do let me know if it's still broken after this13:44
NivexIs there a daily spin I can grab?13:44
cjwatsonshould be tomorrow, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/13:44
Nivexalrighty, I'll check back in tomorrow for the image13:45
cody-somervilleevand, just ignoring exceptions is not a fix for LP #43997714:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439977 in usb-creator ""Installation failed"" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43997714:23
evandcody-somerville: apologies, I didn't intend for it to be14:24
cody-somervilleevand, The change shouldn't have been uploaded.14:25
evandI disagree.14:25
cody-somervilleevand, Now usb-creator will both seem successful and the resulting usb fail to boot alternative images correctly.14:25
evandIt fixed a bug.  It didn't fix your exact bug, but it was still an important fix.14:25
evandI've seen your mail.  If usb-creator is going to process every .cfg file in that directory, I'd like to look the existing code over to make sure it wont explode in currently unforeseen ways.  I haven't had a chance to do that just yet.14:26
cody-somervilleevand, All you did was ignore any possible exceptions14:26
cody-somervilleevand, and you code will throw an exception on every run14:26
cody-somervilleevand, *your14:26
evandIt set out to ignore any exceptions around that code to begin with.14:26
cody-somervilleevand, the syslinux mangling is a critical part of your tool14:27
cody-somervilleevand, I've provided a patch for this among other things. Why did you not even comment on it instead of ignoring it all together?14:28
evandWhat makes you think it will throw an exception on every run?14:28
cody-somervilleevand, from my comment: "I've also uncovered another bug in that code. You fail to reset the command variable so a ValueError is thrown since you ask for the index of the command for the previous non-blank line for lines that *are* blank. I'll include the fix in the branch."14:28
evandFirst of all, calm down.  As I said above, I did not ignore your patch.  I just have not had a chance to review the possible implications of it.14:29
cody-somervilleevand, You misinterpret my text. I am calm. Just asking.14:29
evandI saw the bug and your email before you sent the follow up.14:30
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evandreviewing now14:41
cody-somervilleevand, thanks. Let me know if there is any problems or you'd prefer I did something differently.14:52
evandwill do, thanks14:52
CIA-33grub-installer: cjwatson * r815 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.43ubuntu415:23
rgreeningmorning evand15:24
rgreeningevand: I assume you'll be at UDS, yes?15:24
* rgreening got his invite last night15:24
evanduntil they fire me for gross misconduct :)15:25
rgreeningso, I have 3 blueprints up already15:25
cjwatsonevand: you have plans in that area? ;-)15:26
evandnot yet, no15:26
* rgreening doesn't see evand doing anything "gross" :)15:36
evandcjwatson: looking at bug 438155, would you say it's a bug that loadkeys explodes on UTF data (try `ckbcomp -layout ar | loadkeys -mu`), or is there a better way to get the desired output than the approach frontends/kde_components/Keyboard.py is taking?15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438155 in ubiquity "ubiquity kde crashes at keyboard when using Arabic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43815515:54
evandI'm learning as I go with respect to this, unfortunately15:54
cjwatsonevand: console-setup 1.34ubuntu3 should fix that, I think?15:55
cjwatsonwe had to cause loadkeys to ignore 0xf000-0xffff, since the kernel doesn't consider them Unicode (personally I think the ignoring went a little far in completely bailing out of the whole keymap, but hey)15:56
cjwatsonand console-setup hadn't been updated to account for that15:56
davmor2rgreening: You don't know evand ;)15:56
cjwatsonevand: not absolutely certain it fixes that bug, since I was working on something else, but it sounds pretty similar15:56
* rgreening thinks evand will have to come with the kubuntu team to medieval times in Dallas :P15:57
evandindeed, sounds like it.  I'll confirm just as soon as my modem realizes it's not rated at 28800 bps.15:58
evandrgreening: there's a medieval times in Dallas?15:59
evandI've been to the one in New Jersey a few times15:59
evandbut not for about 15 years.16:00
superm1it's fun to do at least once in your life16:14
superm1've done the chicago one before16:14
rgreeningevand: boo.. I just got a PFO from Canonical regardingthat foundations job...16:44
rgreeninghah. their loss16:44
evandrgreening: sorry to hear that16:48
rgreeningno odds... Im sure they couldn't afford me :)16:49
cjwatsonI don't think that's personal, the opening just closed AIUI16:50
evandas I understand it16:51
rgreeningno hard feelings here.. :)16:51
rgreeningI applied as it would be beneficial to them more than me :) I already have a great job with a national telco and I run an entire region :)16:53
* rgreening likes to toot his horn all too often ... just kick me at UDS :P17:00
evandcody-somerville: I haven't forgotten about your merge, the kernel just hates my usb disk or my usb disk hates data, and is taking ages to write to.17:23
* evand out for a while17:23
rgreeningevand: 0.2.9... almost at 0.3.0... haha18:11
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rgreeningevand: looks like we may need a 0.3.0 soon :)   bug 44071918:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440719 in usb-creator "usb-creator-kde crashed with UnicodeEncodeError in add_file_source_dialog()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44071918:55
rgreeningneed to fix using str cast to utf8 cast instead.. my bad on that.18:55
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