
=== Raidsong is now known as Gyro_gearloose
=== Gyro_gearloose is now known as Raidsong
=== Zachk18 is now known as Sub_Zero
=== Sub_Zero is now known as Zachk18
=== Zachk18 is now known as Sub_Zero
=== Sub_Zero is now known as Zachk18
NodirDo somebody know Ubuntu commands well?12:44
NodirCan you help me?12:44
NodirCan anyone say me how to know the result of command:12:47
Nodirint CF_runCommandToLines(const string& cmd, vector<string>& output, unsigned long expected_number_of_lines, string& errorMessage);12:47
doctormoNodir: sure13:21
=== akgraner__ is now known as akgraner
nqdis there some one ?17:44
nqdheya ?17:45
nqdcan get a little help ?17:45
Zachk18sure...whatcha need17:45
nqdim installing ubuntu17:45
nqdok so17:46
nqdi have 2 pc17:46
nqdone with windows17:46
nqdand this one i run from live cd17:46
nqdbut when i try instal with this cd it says some files are corrupted17:46
nqdi cant install with the cd but i can run the live operating system17:47
paultagnqd: Zachk18: please take this to #ubuntu-beginners-help17:47
Zachk18paultag, hey man17:47
paultagnqd: Zachk18: this is not a help channel17:47
Zachk18paultag, was about to inform him of that17:47
paultagZachk18: thanks! :)17:47
nqdcan i get pm then ?17:47
paultagnqd: zach should be there, don't PM, share the know-how :)17:48
Zachk18nqd, please join #ubuntu-beginners-help for assistance17:48
=== travis_ is now known as Raidsong
BiosElementYeash, I feel required to say that the karmic install process is awesome >.>21:30
=== zach__ is now known as Sub_Zero
=== Sub_Zero is now known as Zachk18
=== Zachk18 is now known as Sub_Zero
=== Sub_Zero is now known as Zachk18

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