
zzz2009Hi, I trying move my servers from fedora to ubuntu, and am looking for advice on setting up the disks, each machine has 2tb.01:05
zzz2009I have currently partioned as follows: 250mb /boot raid 1, 4gb swap raid 0, 40gb /tmp raid 0 nosuid, noexec, 200gb / raid 0, 1.2 tb /data01:07
zzz2009i'd like to use the /data as storage pool and was wondering if there is some way of sub-allocating it to /var and /home01:08
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Jaggedzzz2009: why no have 1.5 tb in raid0 and use lvm?01:17
zzz2009jagged: as far as I can see LVM is not an option when etting up 9.0401:20
zzz2009jagged etting = setting01:20
Jaggedit is01:20
Jaggedgo into manual partitioning01:20
zzz2009jagged: doesn't show up in my setup01:20
Jaggedafter you dedicate your boot and swap md devices, you should be able to create the last md and specify "LVM" for "Use as"01:21
Jaggedthat will in turn give you another option for setting up your lvm01:22
zzz2009jagged: Of course he says hitting forhead on ground, forgot the use as LVM, back to drawing board01:24
zzz2009jagged: thanks01:24
JaggedAnytime :D01:24
zzz2009How does one exit IRc politly01:26
Jagged /quit01:28
Jagged /quit So long and thanks for all the fish!01:28
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zzz2009I know that the linux gurus generally disapprove of GUIs on servers, however I would like to install a GUI at least until i hae fully configured this server. ? which GUI would the peole here recommend?02:13
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ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! infinity, soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom02:56
ewrjiworBan me02:56
balloh good.03:00
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zulsmoser: ill upload your ec2-ami-tools patch tomorrow03:14
maxagazhow to cat a file and color a given word in the output ?04:47
jmarsdenmaxagaz: egrep --color=auto word afile04:49
maxagazjmarsden, egrep cuts my output04:52
jmarsdenSure it does.  Oh, you want to see all lines of output?  I guess you could use sed and put the escape sequences for color around the word that way?04:53
maxagazjmarsden, good idea04:53
jmarsdenbold=$(tput smso); nobold=$(tput rmso) ; sed -e "s/WORD/${bold}WORD${nobvold}/" filename05:03
maxagazdoes someone know how to set the color of searched strings with the command less ?07:31
jmarsdenmaxagaz: It uses whatever your termcap entry does for smso (enter standout mode) I think... so you could create a custom termcap entry if you really had to :)   Or if the term is a terminal emulator such as xterm or exvt you can probably do something appropriate in the .Xresources file to change what color standout mode is displayed as...07:40
jmarsdenSeems weird to care that much.. as long as standout mode stands out, does it *really* matter what color it is?07:40
jmarsdenless +/word filename     # should highlight word in the file filename ...07:42
jmarsdenmaxagaz: ^^07:42
maxagazjmarsden, i wanted some customized colors07:45
jmarsdenmaxagaz: A little googling found: http://nion.modprobe.de/blog/archives/572-less-colors-for-man-pages.html07:47
jmarsdenWhich basically does it by setting the termcap entries in variables... should be workable for you?07:48
maxagazjmarsden, that's exactly what i needed, thanks a lot!07:54
jmarsdenNo problem.07:54
maxagazjmarsden, how did you google that ?07:54
jmarsdenI searched for   less colors   and it was the first entry returned :)07:55
maxagazjmarsden, ok, i tried "less color" it was in 3rd, i missed it ;)07:56
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BilgeHow can I make the kernel modules stuff work?08:58
Bilge/proc/modules doesn't exist08:58
BilgeAfter running depmod, modprobe -l returns nothing08:58
jmarsdenBilge: Is your /proc filesystem mounted?   What does    mount -t proc     output?09:00
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twbjmarsden: good heavens, I never knew of that usage.09:11
twbjmarsden: I always just cat or grep /proc/mounts (or mtab, if proc isn't available).09:11
jmarsdentwb: Learn something new every day :)  I sometimes do mount -t ext3 if I only care about "real" filesystems... in this instance it is the reverse...09:11
twbI also don't trust /etc/mtab because on some of my systems where chroots are used heavily, it regularly lies.09:13
atomic_1dammit, security.ubuntu.com is stuck again09:13
atomic_1curse that samba bug :)09:14
twbSeemed like a pretty severe bug09:18
spiekeyi need to bridge eth0 and tap0 ...so i get br0: http://pastebin.com/da6f91709:30
spiekeyis there a way to rename eth0 to peth0 and to keep eth0 as a bridge?09:31
spiekeyproblem: if eth0 changes to br0 i need to adjust iptables, configs...all based on "eth0"09:31
twbFortunately you keep those under version control, so it is not difficult.09:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #440440 in samba (main) "On regular system update, samba asked what to do with different smb-conf files. I cliked the last option ("open ??? with external application"(?)) and it hanged up." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44044009:36
kosolapiyHi all!09:43
kosolapiycan some one help me with ubuntu server?09:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #437014 in eucalyptus/1.6 "excessive number of CLC sockets to the backend cause the system to stop updating state" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43701409:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:50
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Bilgejmarsden: sure it's mounted09:57
twb_ruben: !anyone would've been more appropriate09:57
Bilgejmarsden: proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)09:59
BilgeThere's just no /modules09:59
BilgeCome to think of it, I think my hosting provider builds a custom kernel09:59
jmarsdenBilge: I'm guessing at this point... Did you compile your own kernel without module support??10:00
jmarsdenAh, did the provider do that? :)10:00
BilgeI'm with OVH who may mod the distro10:00
BilgeSo what are my options?10:00
jmarsdenI'd ask them about it.  If they really gave you a kernel with no module support, you can't load modules, period, running that kernel.10:01
BilgeCan I not rebuild the kernel remotely10:01
jmarsdenSure, but if they did that they probably did other things... so there is little guarantee your new kernel will run in their (virtual hosting?) environment...10:02
BilgeIt's a dedicated server10:02
jmarsdenOK.  And do you have remote access to the console or serial port, or a way to do remote reboots?  if so you can try installing the default Ubuntu server kernel and booting that, and see what happens...10:03
BilgeI can do remote deboots10:03
BilgeOnly access to the server is via SSH though10:03
BilgeThere's a web interface to administer hard reboots to the hardware10:04
jmarsdenUm... so how would you recover from an attempt to boot a bad kernel?  I think you may be stuck...10:04
BilgeI might order a new box and migrate to that10:04
BilgeSo that flagrant errors won't be a problem10:05
BilgeJust so long as I know remote kernel deployment is possible10:05
jmarsdenOh sure, you can compile or install a new kernel and set up grub to use it and reboot.10:05
kworkdrac for the win10:05
kworkor some other decent remote admin card10:06
kworkvia what you can install op sys :)10:06
Bilgejmarsden: OK I'm ordering a new box10:10
BilgeHow do I actually build the stock Ubuntu kernel10:10
jmarsdenEasier to just apt-get install it, I would think.10:12
BilgeWell sure, whatever works10:14
BilgeI'm not looking to make things more difficult than they need to be10:14
jmarsdenSo just do that.10:15
BilgeI am, however, looking for how to do it, because I really have no clue when it comes to kernel swapping10:15
jmarsdensudo apt-get install linux-image-server10:15
jmarsdenIt's no different from installing other packages...10:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #440457 in samba (main) "when updating to jaunty i couldn't j keep my current version of samba" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44045710:16
jmarsdenThen check /boot/grub/menu.lst to see which kernel will boot by default, and edit it if necessary.10:16
BilgeNo doubt, but I don't know how I'm supposed to find out the package name10:17
BilgeIt strikes me as being one of those things that you either know or you don't10:18
atomic_1apt-cache search linux-image10:19
jmarsdenSame as for other packages too:   dpkg -S /boot/vml*  will display the name of the package that contains the file... sounds like you need to learm a lot more about apt and dpkg10:19
atomic_1or dpkg -l | grep linux-image ;)10:19
jmarsdenatomic_1: As I said ... apt and dpkg :)  In other words, this is package management, not anything super kernel-specific.10:20
atomic_1yeah, its easy as pie10:21
jmarsdenPie is more tasty :)10:21
BilgeYou're not actually telling me anything I didn't already know, there, but I still wouldn't know to server for linux-image or /boot/anything because I know nothing about the kernel or booting10:21
atomic_1funny behaviour though, regular apt-get upgrade does not upgrade to a newer kernel, its kept back10:21
atomic_1but once you do it manually10:21
Bilgeserver = search10:22
atomic_1every other upgrade will include a newer kernel build, if there is one in the repo10:22
jmarsdenBilge: So, did it work?  Have you rebooted yet?  I need to go to bed, it is 2:24am here...10:24
BilgeI thank you for your help, but you have no responsibility to assist further ;)10:26
BilgeBy which I mean, don't let me keep you10:26
jmarsdenOK... do you need to backup a ton of data from one server to the new spare one first?10:26
BilgeI don't know yet because the delivery of the box takes time10:26
BilgeFew hours, but more than you can spare I'm sure10:26
BilgeI will need to migrate a lot of settings10:26
jmarsdenAh, OK.  Then yes, I should get some sleep.  Goodnight all.10:27
BilgeThanks again10:27
jmarsdenNo problem.10:27
BilgeI'm sure it will be fine10:27
tarvidany default support for saving and restoring iptables?10:33
_rubeniptables-save > /some/file ... iptables-restore < /some/file10:36
tarvidis there nothing for /etc/init.d?10:37
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist10:37
_rubenufw does have an init script10:37
tarvidufw did not play well on my first foray and I'd just as soon write my rules10:38
tarvidfwbuilder corrupts display on my workstation, works at home sort of10:39
tarvidi need nat to work and not much else10:40
AlexC_I've got 2 servers, 1 of them is dedicated for email and we'd like to use SMTPS/IMAPS - so we need an SSL cert, however - for what domain do I buy this for? The MX records setup for domains is 'mail.example.com' - however the hostname of the mail server is 'mercury.example.com', (mail.example.com is a CNAME to mercury.example.com)10:40
atomic_1+1 for iptables-save & iptables-restore10:41
atomic_1put it in rc.local and forget about it10:41
_rubentarvid: if you know how to write scripts for iptables, writing an additional init script would be peanuts10:41
tarvidjust surprised that this is overloooked in Ubuntu10:42
atomic_1fwbuilder adds a lot of stuff that i dont recognize in its scripts10:42
tarvidand network-manager threatens to mess with iptables10:42
_rubenAlexC_: with any ssl cert (https/imaps/smtps/etc) the name of cert must match the name the client is using to connect to that service10:42
AlexC__ruben, so that would be mail.example.com correct?10:43
* _ruben is glad there's no default handling of iptables on ubuntu10:43
_rubenAlexC_: if that's what the clients will be using, yes10:43
AlexC__ruben, cool, ok thanks10:43
AlexC_1 more similar question, DKIM - the 'Domain' entry in /etc/dkim-filter.conf, should that be 'mail.example.com' as well?10:44
AlexC_instead of mercury.10:44
gamla_kossancould anyone perhaps explain the sandbox mode for do-release-upgrade?10:47
_rubenAlexC_: been a while since i messed with DKIM, but i *think* the domain should be example.com10:49
gamla_kossan*sigh* crap. I'm getting a problem when trying do-release-upgrade. anyone encountered this before?10:52
gamla_kossan(googled it but can't seem to find anything useful)10:52
_ruben!info network-manager10:54
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.1~rc4.1.cf199a964-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 290 kB, installed size 2080 kB10:55
_rubenoh crap .. tarvid already left10:55
_rubenits a desktop thing10:55
_rubengamla_kossan: tried running apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade prior to it?10:55
gamla_kossan_ruben: wait, I want to do that?10:56
gamla_kossanI thought dist-upgrade was something that do-release-upgrade made obsolete =)10:56
* gamla_kossan doesn't know htough10:56
_rubendist-upgrade is an old name, its no longer used to upgrade from one version to another, but to make your current version fully up to date10:57
gamla_kossanwhat's the difference between it and upgrade then?10:57
_rubenwith aptitude they chose better names: upgrade => safe-upgrade and dist-upgrade => full-upgrade10:58
_rubenupgrade doesnt install new packages (new dependencies for instance), dist-upgrade does10:58
gamla_kossanI see10:58
gamla_kossanthanks a lot, this really clears some stuff up10:58
* gamla_kossan is used to yum10:58
alex_jonifor example kernel updates10:59
uvirtbotgamla_kossan: Error: "_^" is not a valid command.10:59
alex_joniyou only get them with dist-upgrade10:59
alex_joniapt-get moo10:59
gamla_kossanawesome. lunch then upgrade time :>10:59
alex_joni-bash: apt-moo: command not found10:59
ewookoh, right. apt-get moo it is.11:00
_rubennice .. successfully updated my pxe install setup to include jaunty as well .. tho i should put some effort into creating a boot menu (now i have write out my selections on the boot: prompt)11:00
_rubenaww .. they didnt even include 'moo' in the bash autocomplete ;)11:01
SockPantshey all11:09
SockPantshow do i stop the nfs server from borking every time i do something wrong on a client11:10
twbSockPants: define `wrong'11:18
SockPantstwb: i'm not sure, but for example trying to delete something without having permission11:31
SockPantsor deleting a very big file, even if i do have permission11:31
SockPantsafter that it just keeps saying 'lockd is not responding'11:31
gamla_kossanSockPants: depends on what you mean, but mount it with the option soft instead of hard11:38
gamla_kossancould resolve it11:38
gamla_kossanuh ohh12:40
gamla_kossanthis is not good12:40
gamla_kossanI can't boot properly12:40
gamla_kossandid a dist-upgrade,12:40
gamla_kossannow I get this:12:40
gamla_kossan[    5.480000] devicemapper: table: 254:1: snapshot-origin:  unknown target type12:40
gamla_kossanduring boot12:40
gamla_kossanand a couple of other errors, then I'm dropped into a busybox12:41
gamla_kossananyone have a clue what'sup here?12:41
_rubendoesnt ring a bell here12:43
_rubenmight wanna ask in #ubuntu-kernel as well12:44
gamla_kossan_ruben: think I know what it is - I'm missing the dm-snapshot module12:56
gamla_kossanso I guess I need to make a new initrd, right?12:56
gamla_kossancan I do that from a live-cd?12:57
_rubengamla_kossan: grub should show your previous kernel as well13:05
gamla_kossanoh fsck. the ubuntu live cd doesn't have mkinitrd13:05
gamla_kossan_ruben: yeah - I agree - but it doesn't :/13:05
_rubenand you need update-initramfs13:06
gamla_kossanthat one's available13:06
kworkcan you use dd to replicate compact flash13:18
_rubenkwork: wouldnt know why not :)13:18
kworkwould it work if i first make disk image13:19
kworkand then write it to other device ?13:19
kworki have only one card reader13:19
kworkbut i need to replicate the data structure to other compact13:19
bogeyd6kwork yes that works, i have doen it before13:22
bogeyd6however i might suggest o&o disk image for future usage13:22
kworko&o whats that ?13:22
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bogeyd6kwork http://tinyurl.com/ydsgody13:29
kworkwith what you made that video13:30
kworkbogeyd6,  the problem is i have compact flash what has routers operating system on it just wondering will copyng it with dd to diskimage and from there to other compact13:32
kworkwill it work13:32
bogeyd6yes it works13:37
kworki sure hope so13:42
J_Phi all..13:45
J_PHow I disable beep always I use key TAB to completation?13:45
atomic_1anyone using dhcpd encountered this in the logs: Abandoning IP address: x.y.z.w; Pinged before offer ?14:05
bogeyd6atomic_1 the dhcp server is checking to see if the ip address is in use14:05
fbc-mxWhere can I find all the new features for 9.10 on the ubuntu website?14:06
atomic_1bogeyd6: i figured that out, but my clients never gets an IP address14:06
atomic_1this happens with a few of my clients14:06
bogeyd6fbc-mx http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta14:06
bogeyd6Is there a reservation setup atomic_114:07
smoserzul, you have any idea where you would send a patch to ec2-ami-tools ?14:07
atomic_1for certain clients, yes14:07
zulsmoser: not really let me poke around14:07
smoserall i could see was the forums14:08
atomic_1but not the addreses that i can see dhcp pings14:08
bogeyd6atomic_1 What's most likely happening is that the DHCP server is assigning the14:08
bogeyd6host an address, the host is verifying that the address is not in use,14:08
bogeyd6and concluding that it is in use14:08
bogeyd6atomic_1 Ping one of the addresses in the DHCP range that has not been assigned to any device (try it from each side of the bridge with a different IP address)and make sure you do not see any ARP relies in the ARP cache.14:09
atomic_1hmm, good idea14:10
atomic_1i should probably check my leases file too14:10
bogeyd6duplicate lease will cause the same problem14:10
atomic_1i kind of messed with it on occasions when dhcp failed14:10
bogeyd6plus you gotta make sure you configure your leases separately from the pool14:10
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atomic_1thanks bogeyd614:12
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bogeyd6running failover dhcp servers will give those problems ALOT14:12
atomic_1its only one instance here14:13
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atomic_1sometimes i also have troubles when i change a hostname here and there, because i use dynamic updates with bind14:18
atomic_1dhcpd does NOT like that14:18
bogeyd6very true atomic_1 but there is an interesting thing in a centos book about dhcp and dns14:28
bogeyd6For Dynamic DNS to work, both the DHCP server and the DNS server need to be configured14:28
bogeyd6correctly: they both need to allow the use of Dynamic DNS, and the DNS server14:28
bogeyd6needs to “trust” the DHCP server. The latter is usually accomplished through the use of a14:28
bogeyd6cryptographic key.14:28
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zulttx: when you get a chance can you look at #420639?14:51
ttxbug 42063914:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 420639 in php5 "php-pear package problems (Karmic)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42063914:52
ttxjust the title doesn't make me want to touch it14:52
zulttx: heh...sometimes you dont have a choice14:57
atomic_1bogeyd6: i just read what you wrote, my services are configured correctly, rndc-key and everything15:00
atomic_1and it works, only 95% of the time15:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #440598 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44059815:11
acalvohow can I repair manually a mysql DB?15:26
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ivokshi guys and girls16:01
ivokslooks like one of recent kernel uploads broke drbd16:02
ivoksthis is known upstream and there's a new version of drbd that works with 2.6.3116:02
ivoksbut it's in rc3 state16:02
ivoksso, i'd ask for sponsor on uploading new version of drbd, as soon as it gets released16:03
ivoksis that possible?16:03
zulis there just a patch for it?16:03
ivoksi'll try isolating the patch, but imho we should move to new version16:04
ivoksexcept the support for 2.6.3116:04
ivokswith this new version, upstream supports drbd+pacemaker integration16:04
zulany other regressions if we go with rc3?16:04
ivoksso, there are no new files, it's just that they support it now16:05
ivoksi haven't found any16:05
ivoksi've been testing it for couple last two days16:05
zulok well you know the FFE process, when it gets approved let me know and Ill sponsor it16:05
ivoksi'll ping you16:05
zulk thanks16:07
mathiazivoks: is drbd still in the karmic kernel?16:13
ivoksit's dkmsed16:13
mathiazivoks: is it one of the 2.6.31 API that broke drbd?16:14
mathiazivoks: the current version of drbd in karmic is 2:8.3.2-216:15
ivoksbasically, 8.3.2 drbd (which we have now) worked with 2.6.31rc116:15
ivoksbut it doesn't with 2.6.3116:15
mathiazivoks: ok16:15
mathiazivoks: debian has 2:8.3.2-316:15
mathiazivoks: and 2:8.3.3~rc3-1 in experimental16:15
ivoks8.3.3 is mostly fixes16:15
mathiazivoks: if 8.3.3rc3 is mostly fixes, then a FFe is not needed16:16
ivoks_looking at the changelog, only added functionality is support for infiniband16:17
mathiazivoks: well - there are new features though: Support for Infiniband via SDP (sockets direct protocol)16:17
ivoks_since there was no support for that before, i don't expect regressions :D16:17
mathiazivoks: right16:17
mathiazivoks: Improvements on the crm-fence-peer Pacemaker integration ?16:17
ivoks_that was new in 8.3.216:18
ivoks_and it was unsupported16:18
mathiazivoks: well - it depends how SDP support was added16:18
mathiazivoks: it may break other parts of the code16:18
ivoks_8.3.3 has upstream support for crm integration16:18
ivoks_and that's really cool16:18
ivoks_i know16:18
ivoks_i'll ask for FFE16:18
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
mathiazivoks: do you plan to sync from experimental?16:19
ivoksi'll take a look at the package16:19
mathiazivoks: 2:8.3.2-3 seems to have DKMS dropped16:19
ivoksi used my own package16:19
mathiazivoks: 'Drop DKMS support for now, to get the package back into testing.16:19
ivoksright, they removed dkms from drbd in testing16:19
mathiazivoks: is it back in experimental?16:20
ivoksi have to take a look at it16:20
ivoksi was a bit out of development these days16:20
mathiazivoks: ok - so it seems that we need to have at least 'Following Linux upstream changes 2.6.31' in karmic16:21
mathiazivoks: since drbd doesn't work for now in karmic16:21
ivoksit would be much easier if we would rush for the latest kernel :)16:21
mathiazivoks: I'd have a look at the experimental package - if it supports dkms then as a sync16:21
mathiazivoks: then *ask* a sync16:22
mathiazivoks: with a FFe outlining the new features as well as the reason for syncing (2.6.31 broke drbd)16:22
ivoksi'll be presenting pacemaker in ubuntu during oracle conference, here in croatia16:24
mathiazivoks: awesome! Do you plan to post the slides?16:25
ivoksbut it will be in croatian16:26
mathiazivoks: well - put pictures in there16:26
=== monteith is now known as monteith_afk
* zul stabs php16:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #440662 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44066216:51
skritehey all, what is  a good command to find out the ip address of all ssh traffic ?17:08
giovaniskrite: I don't understand your question17:09
skritewell i am logged into another server and i don't want to stop the process, but i need to know the ip to log into that server again, different session17:11
jjohansensmoser: did you get a chance to try those akis?17:18
smoserjjohansen, i've not. other htan i booted a 32 bit with it. not done much testin gon it other than that.17:18
jjohansensmoser: okay, thanks.  I am going to kick a few more instances again17:19
smoserso far for you they've been good ?17:20
smoserand how different are the configs "server" -> ec2, jj17:21
jjohansensmoser: I saw one instance on 64 bit give cpu lockup errors, so it worries me17:22
jjohansensmoser: the configs are fairly close, I had to disable a few things like HIGHPTE to get them to run17:23
jjohansensmoser: there were a couple of other things I disabled too, would have to go back and check.  It was 4 or 5 config options total17:24
=== monteith_afk is now known as monteith
smoserjjohansen, kexec17:26
jjohansensmoser: hehe, no I didn't had that to these ones, but there just might be  a need to revise the configs yet ;)17:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #440683 in samba (main) "Samba server upgrade crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44068317:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #440692 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44069217:41
* zul perks up18:04
zulec2 configs?18:04
jbernard_kirkland: ive got a byobu plugin for rackspace cloud server cost (like ec2_cost) brewing, you're gonna love it18:08
kirklandjbernard_: nice ;-)18:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #440725 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 3" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44072518:27
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=== georg is now known as kwork
mathiazhm - interesting - shorewall got dropped to universe in karmic19:06
mathiazzul: kirkland: ^^19:07
geniiLicensing maybe19:07
kirklandmathiaz: never heard of shorewall19:07
zulfirewall thing?19:07
mathiazzul: yes19:07
mathiazzul: it used to be in main19:07
mathiazzul: dapper++19:08
ScottKI wonder why it would have been in Main?19:08
mathiazkees: jdstrand: ^^19:08
mathiazkees: jdstrand: should shorewall be back in main - or is ufw enough?19:08
zulmathiaz, hasnt been updated in 193 in weeks19:08
mathiazScottK: it's been in main since dapper19:08
mathiazzul: karmic saw a package split19:09
ScottKI just don't know why it would have been.  Before ufw, Ubuntu didn't provide a default firewall19:09
mathiazzul: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=shorewall19:09
zulufw should be ok i dont see why it should be in main (shorewall)19:12
aubrewhat are the chances that when the cluster controller is being installed we can get the opportunity to set up dhcpd on the network that the ncs are connected to? Or at least a reminder to do so?19:18
mathiazzul: does ufw support all of the shorewall features?19:20
mathiazzul: shorewall is still in the supported-network-common seed19:22
keesmathiaz: I'm fine with dropping shorewall.19:22
zulmathiaz: i dunno i never ran shorewall19:22
zuljdstrand: ^^^19:22
keesmathiaz: it was grandfathered in from before I did security work.  :)19:22
mathiazkees: you mean that it was move into main before you were doing ubuntu security work?19:23
zulis there such a thing? ;)19:24
keesmathiaz: correct19:24
mathiazkees: ok - so I'll update the seed then19:25
jdstrandI'm here now19:28
jdstrandmathiaz: ufw does not support all of shorewall's features19:28
mathiazjdstrand: ok19:28
jdstrandufw is a fully featured *host*-based firewall, with the ability to add any kind of routing you want19:28
jdstrandshorewall has a steeper learning curve, but helps with routing/nat/etc19:29
mathiazjdstrand: right19:29
mathiazjdstrand: it supports gateways and zones19:29
* jdstrand nods19:29
mathiazjdstrand: it was in main since at least dapper19:29
mathiazjdstrand: and is currently in universe in karmic because of a package name change in debian19:30
jdstrandufw can do anything shorewall or netfilter can do via its framework (man ufw_framework), but it doesn't help a lot when you need the FORWARD chain19:30
mathiazjdstrand: kees suggested to really drop shorewall from main19:30
mathiazjdstrand: (it's still in the supported-network-common seed)19:31
jdstrandmeaning, you need to know about iptables atm to doing useful things with the FORWARD chain (though, there are examples in the man page, etc)19:31
jdstrandtbh, it doesn't make a difference. I don't think shorewall has ever had a CVE against it19:31
mathiazjdstrand: right - but you can't easily (as ufw should be) create a gateway system with multiple zones19:31
mathiazjdstrand: which is quite usual when you deal with network gateways19:32
jdstrandufw's target audience has been desktops, servers, and bastion hosts19:33
jdstranda routing firewall has been out of scope until only very recently19:33
mathiazjdstrand: how about keeping shorewall in main until ufw provides these features?19:34
jdstrandmathiaz: like I said. I don't care either way, but I will make this point: ufw is easy to getting started with immediately. its framework allows for doing any filtering/routing you want (with supporting documentation for common scenarios). I am not sure a newcomer to both ufw and shorewall would find shorewall easier overall19:36
jdstrandmathiaz: meaning, you have to learn all about how to use shorewall in the first place19:36
* mathiaz nods19:36
jdstrandyou could likely spend less time learning the couple things you need to get the routing going within ufw19:36
mathiazjdstrand: and support for the FORWARD chain can be done in ufw as well?19:37
jdstrandthat is not to disrespect shorewall in any way. I am a fan, and think it is very cool. it has a different target audience than ufw though19:37
jdstrandmathiaz: yes! (man ufw-framework)19:37
jdstrandmathiaz: you edit configuration files and add iptables style rules19:38
jdstrandmathiaz: it's the ufw cli command that doesn't have FORWARD support19:38
mathiazjdstrand: right.19:38
mathiazjdstrand: shorewall provides another layer of abstraction19:38
jdstrandwhich is why I say it doesn't help with FORWARD 'much'19:38
mathiazjdstrand: considering that the target audience are *different*, I'd be inclined to keep shorewall in main19:39
jdstrandmathiaz: yes, but with ufw you can mix and match cli commands and hand edited rules19:39
keesmathiaz: if it fell into universe because of a package name change, and the old package is still in the supported seed, it should probably just follow and stay in main.19:39
keesmathiaz: that said, I do like the idea of dropping stuff from main.  ;)19:39
jdstrandso you can have a host that does NAT and provide services. so use the ufw cli command for the services, and add your few NAT lines to the config file (all detailed, again, in ufw-framework)19:39
mathiazkees: right - that's my current analysis of the reason why it fell in universe19:39
jdstrandbut I'll say it again, with shorewall, I doubt it'll make any difference19:40
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mathiazkees: if things keep getting dropped from universe there will less reasons to grow the security team ;)19:40
jdstrandmathiaz: believe me, there is more than enough work to go around19:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #440772 in samba (main) "Problems started occurring when i added 'mediubuntu' to the package sources list:  package smbclient 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/bin/rpcclient')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44077219:41
jdstrandmathiaz: in previous releases, I have been asked whether shorewall should be dropped from main. I have said 'no', do to the fact that ufw doesn't help much with routing in your firewall. that has not changed19:41
mathiazjdstrand: ok - I'll update the seed then19:42
mathiazjdstrand: and keep shorewall in main19:42
jdstrandthat sounds fine19:42
jdstrandufw will be growing routing support. I don't know for lucid, but soon19:42
mathiazjdstrand: I still think it's a useful tool to configure a routing firewall/complex gateway (which is its target use cases)19:42
mathiazjdstrand: kees: thanks for your input19:43
jdstrandmathiaz: I agree (like I said, it is a nice application)19:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #415799 in network-manager (main) "dhclient doesn't get any dhcpack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41579920:02
JanCFWIW: shorewall is quite easy to use as well as powerful after reading the (very fine!) manual; much easier than learn about "cryptic netfilter rules" (which is what you need for ufw ATM AFAIK), so +1 from me to keep it in main  ;)20:16
* _ruben is tempted to look into shorewall for his ipv6 firewalling needs, see if it might be a decent candidate for our inhouse-developed bash-bashed scripts20:21
nicholas_Hi, I'm looking for a kind of user logging system, which can help me create/give an overview of SSH loging and SFTP logings _without_ I have to look through raw logs? Know any? (It's for creating an overview of students activity on a school server)20:39
zuljdstrand: ping have you seen this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/284064/20:44
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
mfosterheh, sucks for  jeiworth20:58
adamsweethey jcastro21:15
jcastrohi adamsweet21:15
adamsweethi, looking at the ec2 stuff, they refer to alpha6, should I concentrate on the beta now instead?21:15
adamsweetthe instructions refer to alpha6, that is21:16
jcastroadamsweet: yes please21:18
adamsweetjcastro: cool, thought I better check21:19
jcastroadamsweet: I'll update the page21:19
jcastroadamsweet: also, it seems that amazon devpay thing isn't working21:19
jcastroso you'll probably end up with a bill of 2 dollars or something21:19
jcastrobut I am working to resolve that21:19
adamsweetjcastro, :)21:19
adamsweetbad timing :)21:19
jcastrowell they don't charge you until the end of the month21:20
jcastroI should have it fixed by then. :D21:20
adamsweetno problem21:20
jcastrowiki fixed, thanks!21:20
Orfeoushi again! got into a problem :P my friend has borrowed my dvd-reader and i need to reinstall ubuntu-server. so i thought that i could install from a usb stick.. but it dont work!! i have tried several methods that ive found on different forums. only desktop-ubuntu.. etc works but not server.. strange.21:43
Orfeousany ideas to get it work?21:43
JaggedBreak said friend's legs and retrieve property.21:43
Orfeouswhen i tried to boot from usb stick it only told me to insert a bootable disk and press enter..21:45
Orfeousi selected my usb stick as bootup drive in bios21:45
Jaggeddid you install to the usb stick correctly?21:46
adamsweetOrfeous, are you sure your BIOS supports booting from USB? I have machines which don't21:49
OrfeousJagged, yes tried a program called unetbootinf and also followed guides on forums.. :)21:50
OrfeousJagged, got the 1gb fat16 partition om my usb stick.. copied all files from iso to usb stick.. renamed isolinux to syslinux and isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg..21:50
Orfeousadamsweet, the usb stick is selectable from bios under boot devices..21:51
OrfeousAsus P5B Premium vista edition is motherboard.21:51
Orfeousalso tried booting it from my htpc and it not worked.. :P21:52
Orfeousi now i have been trying XBMC LiveCD USB and that booted from my usb-stick21:52
Orfeousis the size on fat 16 partition important? i mean if its 1gb or if its likw 3gb?21:53
Orfeousi can give links to what guide i have followed21:53
Orfeousthis is one guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuServerFlashDriveInstaller21:55
Orfeousthis is another guide: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-from-usb-stick.html21:56
adamsweetOrfeous, do you have an existing Ubuntu machine?21:59
Orfeousadamsweet, yes i have22:01
Orfeousinstalled ubuntu-server 9.10 on it22:01
adamsweetno desktops?22:02
Orfeousno, just windows22:02
Orfeousbut i got a dvd-drive on my laptop22:03
Orfeousand can boot up a livecd from that and make a bootable usb-stick from gnome22:03
Orfeousbut i havent tried that22:04
adamsweetyes, try that22:04
Orfeousreally dont know why it doesnt work22:04
Orfeousand why it doesnt work with ubuntu-server version :)22:04
adamsweetIn the Gnome desktop, System > Administration > USB Startup Disk Creator22:04
adamsweetyou'll need iso image on your laptop filesystem22:05
adamsweetotherwise, I have no idea how to help you :)22:05
adamsweetmight be easier to go to your friends house and ask for your DVDd rive22:06
Orfeousi can try that tomorrow, but are there no other isos that i can boot from and use netinstall for ubuntu-server?22:06
adamsweetI don't think the iso image is your problem, rather your creation of bootable USB disks is, but I'm only guessing22:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #440918 in samba (main) "Did todays update, samba failed? can still browse mounted network shares" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44091822:22
=== nick125_ is now known as nick125
edulacomadrejahi everyone22:27
edulacomadrejaafter editing "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" ubuntu server hangs on boot at "configuring network intefaces.."22:27
=== Pici` is now known as Guest77758
edulacomadrejahow should i skip this?22:28
HypnozI think if you comment the lines out ubuntu will regenerate them22:28
edulacomadrejabut how can i edit that file again?22:29
edulacomadrejai'm stuck there...22:30
edulacomadrejais someone there?22:35
allanon_could anyone tell me how i might figure out why 'netcat localhost 25' returns nothing?22:38
ScottK-desktopWhy did you expect it too?  Default Ubuntu Server doesn't listen on port 25.22:39
allanon_ok I didnt think i'd need to bust it all out..22:40
allanon_Im running postfix/squirrelmail/dovecot, etc22:40
allanon_so yeah I assumed it would be ;p22:40
ScottK-desktopRight, we we aren't mind readers.22:40
ScottK-desktopI guess I'd look at postfix logs and see if it's complaining about anything first22:41
allanon_sorry :( i guess nubs flow in here asking tarded questions and what not.  my apologies22:41
allanon_the only thing in mail.log, in a repeating fashion, is:22:42
allanon_Oct  2 16:42:00 sputnik postfix/smtpd[8135]: fatal: bad numerical configuration: unknown_client_reject_code = 450-Unknown_Client22:42
allanon_Oct  2 16:42:01 sputnik postfix/master[2846]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 8135 exit status 122:42
allanon_Oct  2 16:42:01 sputnik postfix/master[2846]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling22:42
allanon_every 1 minute too..22:43
allanon_tried googling but crap you get so many conflicting ideas on what the culprit is22:43
allanon_are those entries possibly meaning that something is causing smtpd to term, which its restarting but being killed again in a loop?22:50
allanon_ok so it appears my convo with scott has rendered any further help null here.  So much for community.22:53
JaggedInsults are always a good way to get help =\22:56
bventurathere's a typo on the Ubuntu Server Guide page that I bet was causing that problem allanon had22:58
bventuraI didnt notice till after he left22:59
Mike_lifeguardHello, I am going to be installing server edition for the first time. I'm not sure how to do that if I don't have a monitor to hook up to the machine though. Is it possible to ssh from a connected laptop or something to do the install?23:08
bventuraI'm trying to use qemu on jaunty with the 'Virtaul Machine Manager' GUI app and when I try to start up the virtual network I get the error "Error starting network cannot create bridge 'vibr1' : Operation not permitted.. anyone know how to fix this?  None of the stuff I found on google works23:08
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ScottKMike_lifeguard: No.23:26
Mike_lifeguardI suppose I will buy a monitor then :\23:28
ScottKOnce it's set up you can do anything you need via SSH, but not the install23:28
ScottKSo perhaps you can just borrow a monitor from another machine.23:28
Mike_lifeguardI don't have access to hardware that's not a laptop. But I'll just find some cheap shit to use for a day while I get it set up, then dump it :)23:29
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
Mike_lifeguardThanks for your help.23:29
Orfeousi will give it a try tomorrow ;)23:35
Orfeousthe install from usb stick thing :D23:35
erichammondelmo: archive.ubuntu.com has been painfully slow the last couple days and sometimes times out on responses altogether.23:40
bventurayou know I've noticed that too lately takes forever23:40
erichammondThis has prevented me from being able to create new Ubuntu images for EC2 using the latest kernel Amazon built to fix the big security bug.23:41
bventurawhat's the big bug I don't think I heard about it23:43
erichammondbventura: http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/thread.jspa?threadID=3541023:46
erichammondUntil we have modern, updated kernels for EC2 from Canonical, folks using Ubuntu on EC2 depend on Amazon updating older (2.6.18, 2.6.21) kernels.  It means we're not truly running complete "Ubuntu" but it works well enough to get the job done.23:48
jjohansenerichammond: I have some new kernels to test if you want23:50
erichammondjjohansen: cool.  I'm a bit backlogged right now, but like to keep notes on what's available so I know the development directions to take.23:53
erichammondjjohansen: My first attempt to use a recent 2.6.31 kernel with my own Karmic build resulted in an AMI which didn't boot well.  It's obviously my fault since Canonical's Alpha-6 works with it, but I haven't had the time to investigate further yet.23:54
jjohansenerichammond: want me to mail you the details, or just post them here23:55
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