
homebrewciderHi there, can someone help, I'm using Xubuntu 9.04. The computer is dual boot, with winblows on another drive. My clock in Xubuntu is always wrong. It is set up for the correct time zone, and to I've set it up to check internet servers, and adjusted it manually. In "/etc/default/rcS" I've set the "UTC" option to "yes", and "no", but it keeps being wrong on reboot. What can I do?01:26
FiReSTaRThey guys, just a couple of quick ones... can xubuntu run comfortably on a machine with only 256MB of ram and could you recommend a light-weight browser that'll still do java and flash without buggin'?02:40
ubottuops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville02:51
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel02:52
ubottuops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville02:52
ewrjiworFInally ban me02:55
ewrjiworkline me instead!02:55
cjonesso i fust upgraded my grfx from onboard to an ati x600 pro what do i have to do to make sure the drivers are updated ?07:02
faLUCEhi. how can I add a keyboard shortcut which switches to desktop N to desktop N+1 ?10:51
faLUCEhi. how can I add a keyboard shortcut which switches from current workspace to the next workspace ?10:52
Sysictrl + alt + ->/<-(arrows)10:53
Sysiin keyboard settings is options i guess10:54
faLUCESysi: yes, but it doesn't allow me to modify it10:55
Sysicreate new?10:56
faLUCEI don't see this option Sysi10:56
Sysii have "add" there10:57
faLUCEI only have "clear" and "reset to defaults"10:58
faLUCESysi: xubuntu version: 9.0411:00
Sysihmm, you should have same11:00
faLUCEI go into "settings->window manager"11:01
Sysidouble click11:03
faLUCESysi: thanks, solved. but this is a bug: I don't see nothing wich shows me that I can press the desired key11:04
faLUCEthe popup which appears doesn't suggest anything in that sense11:04
nagyvhi! I have an old laptop w/ an old xubuntu (feisty), and would like to upgrade it. Its CD-ROM doesn't work. Is there an easy way to upgrade it to Jaunty?12:43
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:55
ablomennagyv, ^12:55
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)12:56
Ido_Hey guys, umm, I can't find the Terminal, neither in Accessories, or in Application Finder. Help please.13:09
Ido_I need it to install Samba btw.13:09
SiDiIdo_: hi, try to do alt+F2 and launch "xfce4-terminal"13:11
Ido_Thanks :D13:12
SiDican you do a quick ls .local/share/applications/ please ?13:12
SiDii'm curious about why it disappeared13:12
Ido_Tried to write it in the terminal, it didn't really load anything, sorry if i'm doing it wrong, i'm very new to Linux13:14
Ido_Anyways, I also had a shortcut of the Recycle Bin and the HD when I first loaded Xubuntu, then when I restarted the comp it disappeared13:15
Ido_I wonder why it happened...oh I also installed all the updates that were available13:15
Ido_Also, I installed a language pack when I chose my language in the installation and it probably renamed everything...I think I should reinstall13:16
Pres-GasOkay, so I have a Latitude 2100 with an 80 gig spindle drive...ready to install the betas of Xubu, Ubu/Moblin, and Ubu NBR!   :P13:41
Pres-GasGood way to get my hands dirty with grub2 as well.13:42
SiDiI hope Ido_ won't reinstall13:44
SiDitell him not to if he joins again... his problems are quite easy to fix :/13:44
Pres-GasWhat is up, SiDi?13:50
* Pres-Gas goes to the logs....13:51
Pres-Gashmmmm...no logs for that time...how often does ubuntulog dump that stuff?13:54
=== genii_ is now known as genii
Ido_Hi, I tried reinstalling Xubuntu with a disc that worked previously and when I load the system it says "GRUB loading, please wait..." and then "Error 18"16:13
Ido_Help please?16:14
SiDiIdo_: there was no reason to reinstall for the problems you had :(16:15
SiDiThe error 18 usually comes from your BIOS not recognising your HDD because of large size partitions16:15
Ido_I know, I just wanted to retry it all because I started off really unorganized16:16
SiDiyou should boot to your BIOS and check for an option letting you set your HDD from normal/auto to large16:16
SiDidid you create larger partitions than the previous time, by the way ?16:16
Ido_Not as far as16:16
Ido_I know16:16
Ido_Last time I formatted a Windows partition, now it was like, formatting a Xubuntu partition16:16
Ido_Maybe something wrong happened16:17
Ido_I'd check the bios, and if it won't work, this computer has 2 hard disks, one is 160GB but has a lot of problems, another is 60GB16:17
Ido_So i'd install on the 60GB16:17
Ido_Well thank you...16:17
Ido_Hello people, I have no clue on how to configure Samba and connect my Xubuntu to my home's Windows network. Connecting to that network is the main purpose of that computer. Help please?18:18
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about donut18:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pie18:32
basajaungenii what  was that page about ossv4 please?18:36
geniibasajaun: Hag on i'll find it again18:36
geniibasajaun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound18:38
basajaunty genii18:42
humehi... I run ubuntu jaunty, switching between gnome and xfce4. now I cannot change wallpaper in xfce4 - any ideas on what might be wrong or how to solve it?18:57
Pres-GasOkay, so the window manager on the beta Xubuntu live CD has no window manager?19:00
likemindeadThat's doesn't sound good.19:05
Pres-GasI am getting the torrent this time19:06
likemindeadhume, can you switch it at all? Or does it mimic the GNOME wallpaper?19:06
humelikemindead, I can choose wallpaper in the settings, but nothing happens19:07
humelikemindead, solved now.... xfdesktop had crashed19:07
likemindeadAh... ;-)19:07
thhthello @ all. probably offtopic: i am currently testing the upcoming xubuntu release and i experience a major showstopper with the xubuntu - livecd19:25
thhti copied the "livecd" to an usb-stick and have tested it on my machine as well as on a virtual machine(virtualbox)19:26
thhtin both test scenarios, the system boots as expected, however, in the GUI, *ALL* windows have no window decoration, so the windows cannot be moved or closed19:27
thhtplease note, this error occurs both booting directly from the host and booting inside a virtualbox19:28
thhthello @ all. probably offtopic: i am currently testing the upcoming xubuntu release and i experience a major showstopper with the xubuntu - livecd19:33
thht i copied the "livecd" to an usb-stick and have tested it on my machine as well as on a virtual machine(virtualbox)19:33
thht in both test scenarios, the system boots as expected, however, in the GUI, *ALL* windows have no window decoration, so the windows cannot be moved or closed19:33
thht please note, this error occurs both booting directly from the host and booting inside a virtualbox19:33
Pres-Gasthht, I just ran into the same thing...but downloaded the torrent instead and got windows19:35
Pres-Gasthht, how did you get the iso?19:35
Pres-GasI think someone needs to check out the regular .iso file19:36
thhtPres-Gas: ditto, i downloaded the torrent (hey , were you blocking the traffic ?? ;-) and i first thought it was my machines fault, but it wasnt :(19:36
Pres-GasLOL, thht, actually I was busy seeding up until about 10 min ago...so someone else must be blocking the tubes.19:37
Pres-GasS?o, the torrent works for you, thht19:37
thhtPres-Gas: anyhow, i like the look and polish of the new release. i downloaded xubuntu alpha earlier in september, put it in virtualbox and everything runs fine(with latest updates applied)19:38
Pres-GasBut, are you confirming that the torrent works fine?19:39
thhtPres-Gas: well i just started seeding again, seems to be ok now ;-)19:40
Pres-GasGood, I am installing now that I have window frames on the live cd...threw away the other cd I burnt19:41
thhtmoving windows and so on is ok again?19:42
=== keres_ is now known as keres
thhtguess i have to wait until this bug is fixed :(19:44
Pres-GasHow so, thht?  I said it works from the torrent file...19:45
thhtPres-Gas: not for me. Or is this an updated torrent you have?19:46
Pres-GasI got mine at 2:04p EST19:47
thhtthats my hash: 3fd5a73aac5b67b1deefa1429d6fc4507b4bf35e19:48
thhthi Besogon19:49
Pres-GasI just did an md5sum on the resultant iso and it matches, so the torrent should be okay now.19:55
thhtPres-Gas: well, i just keep it for know. i will browse the bug-list and see if i can file a report, later.19:56
Besogonthht, hi19:56
mikubuntuhey, guys .. my buddy just calld me cause he wants to watch espn360.com the live game at 330, but when you goto channels>soccer and click on a live feed a new window pops up but just stays grey and won't play .. i tried it, and same thing.  actually i couldn''t get any nonlive stuff to play either.  could someone have a look at it?20:22
likemindeadmikubuntu, I think it's a Silverlight issue or some proprietary foolishness on ESPN's part.20:25
likemindeadTry this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117179820:26
mikubuntulikemindead, ok, lemme go read .. were you able to get it to play?20:29
likemindeadI haven't tried, personally.20:35
mikubuntuany sports fans in here who might have had success viewing www.espn360.com ??20:36
mikubuntumy buddy isn't gonna be on top of it enough to do the wine thing, and i'm an hour away, not to mention, i don't care about games either .. hahaha20:37
mikubuntui'm saying that now, cause he may show up here in a while when he gets home and reads his mail told him how to get here20:38
mikubuntuoh, thats FUNNY, is that a labs thing?  i wanna use it!20:39
mikubuntulet me get that for you.com  hahaha20:40
likemindeadI love it. ;-)20:40
mikubuntuthats very useful, and humbling, and funny20:40
likemindeadI use it A LOT.20:42
mikubuntuoh, yeah, i just adopted it too20:45
mikubuntuits geek porn20:45
LaibschNo matter what I do to "Settings - Appearance - Style" in xfce4-settings-manager, the title bar will keep the look of the 6nome style which is the first entry in my case.21:19
LaibschHow do I fix this?21:19
Laibschup-to-date karmic system with xfce 4.6.121:19
TheSheepLaibsch: are you sure xfwm4 is running, and not metacity or emerald or something?21:25
LaibschI was helped in #xfce21:26
LaibschThe change has to be done in21:26
Laibsch"Settings - Window manager"21:26
Laibscha little incosistent, it seems to me21:26
Laibschbut maybe I just need to learn21:27
TheSheepxfce's settings are pretty scattered21:27
TheSheepyou configure keyboard shortcuts in two places too21:28
TheSheepI suppose that's because they want to keep the components separate21:28
slow-motioni have the keyboard layout switcher installed. but none of the russian keyboard layouts fit my keyboard.21:31
slow-motionWhen i use the russian layout under windows, then every key is there where it should be21:32
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Max__hi Guys22:33
Max__anybody here can tell how can I make a usb ubuntu with only Chrome or firefox browser?22:34
Max__anybody here22:35
* Streamer testing23:51
knomeStreamer, ping timeout. go play outside.23:51
=== bytor4232 is now known as arthurjohnson

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