[00:21] bdrung: can you reproduce #438065 in a fully updated Karmic? i no longer can. [00:23] dtchen: will test it [00:23] bdrung: thanks [00:23] dtchen: did you test it after a clean boot? [00:23] bdrung: absolutely [00:24] it took about two hours to fully update, but it was worth it [00:27] dtchen: how slow it your internet connection? [00:28] not very, but pulling about 170 MB of updates from us.archive takes a very long time [00:28] it's getting better now, though [00:37] dtchen: btw, thanks for your work done in pulseaudio. it is getting better (in karmic i can use it on my desktop system) [00:51] Hello [00:51] maybe I'm being thick here but I can't see where I can enter a new bug on Launchpad [00:51] for Karmic Koala [00:53] jgjones: use the report a bug function in the specific app or 'ubuntu-bug ' from the command line [01:18] dtchen: tested and it works here, too === Guest77758 is now known as Pici === Zooroo is now known as YoBoY === bdrung_ is now known as bdrung_home === Igorot is now known as Knightlust [10:59] bug jammers, please add yourselves to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events [11:02] hello [11:02] anyone? [12:14] Brummie Bugjam Broadcast is now available http://autoview.autotrain.org/mod/autoview/view.php?id=31 <-- actually working now [13:05] dholbach: say hi to Murphy from me :-) [13:36] hey james_w :) [13:36] james_w: will do :) === fddfoo is now known as fdd [13:52] hi, greetings to the jammers around the world :) [13:56] is the jam today? [13:57] qense: this weekend [13:58] good! [13:58] I hope it will be a good one. Good luck to everyone, in that case! === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [15:18] If we're doing a bug jam today, what's the best way to find the bugs that are most important to fix? Just searching LP for critical/high priority? === dreimark_ is now known as dreimark [16:11] hi, I can't find the submit bug button on launchpad.net. is it disabled for a while? [16:13] ebroder: milestoned against [9.10] RC or final, yes [16:21] how does one submit a bug on launchpad.net, please? [16:21] blue-frog: are you logged in? [16:21] yes [16:22] not the first time I report a bug but today ther's no way to submit a ne bug [16:22] blue-frog: for certain packages, ubuntu-bug is preferable [16:22] blue-frog: which package is affected here? [16:22] touchpad on a eeepc [16:23] so I don't know what program is managing that [16:23] hence can't give ubuntu-bug a PID [16:24] blue-frog: what's the output from: lshal|egrep -i '(synaptics|alps)' [16:24] nothing [16:25] blue-frog: will you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log, please? [16:26] blue-frog: BTW, the canonical link is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/+login [16:26] err, without the /+login [16:26] blue-frog: if you're looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu , it's on the trailing vertical side in the pane marked "Get Involved" [16:28] er, currently you must add '?no-redirect' to the end of the URL [16:29] dtchen: http://pastebin.com/d2ab22550 [16:32] dtchen: in the get involved pane, the report a bug link is not "submit a new bug" [16:35] ok I have the page to report a new bug. Has it changed to confuse the ennemy? [16:38] a question: ehre package is related to this problem?? : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30033596/Screenshot.png ? [16:39] I'm not very sure :S [16:40] ;] [16:41] blue-frog: right, it's "Report a bug". Feel free to correct any outdated/incorrect documentation. [16:42] viperhoot: is the symptom reproducible with a brand new/fresh user? [16:42] it's Netbook Remix 9.04 with the default theme and no major changes to the default install. [16:43] dtchen, ;) [16:43] viperhoot: i suspect it's a driver issue and/or memory corruption [16:43] can you test the 20091003 iso of karmic-netbook-remix? [16:44] dtchen, this is the bug report: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/410519 [16:44] Launchpad bug 410519 in ubuntu ""Create launcher" window has black background in Netbook Remix" [Undecided,New] [16:45] blue-frog: you're not running current Karmic, BTW [16:45] blue-frog: please update fully, reboot, and attempt to reproduce the symptom [16:45] I do. beta updated as of today [16:45] blue-frog: no, really, you're not. Your kernel is 2.6.31-11.36, which is outdated. The current one is 2.6.31-11.38. [16:45] rebooting once more to check then [16:45] ok updating then [16:45] blue-frog: be aware that it takes some mirrors longer to sync [16:47] dtchen what mirror would be likely to be up to date, if you have the info by chance? [16:48] blue-frog: i always use us.archive.ubuntu.com, but be aware that it's hammered right now [16:49] sure midday in the states following release of beta... [16:49] nl seems to have some more update [16:49] dtchen: How do I find bugs milestoned to 9.10 RC/final? The only Karmic-related milestones I see on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?advanced=1 are "Ubuntu ubuntu-9.10" and "Ubuntu karmic-updates" [16:51] ebroder: ubuntu-9.10 should be fine [16:52] blue-frog: also, you're likely looking at xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and linux [16:53] dtchen: ok. upgrading right now, reboot in a sec. then I'll see what's going on [17:01] dtchen: hum. xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is not installed in the netbook remix edition. sounds right? [17:06] blue-frog: it should be. it's listed in the manifest here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/20091003/karmic-netbook-remix-i386.manifest [17:06] dtchen: ok think I know what happen. I installed the base system first then ubuntu netbook remix from tasksel. must be a glitch there [17:18] dtchen: and indeed once xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is installed touchpad is working as desired. ty for your time [17:20] blue-frog: np. [19:16] Hey, curious why this apport reported bug did not have a package assigned: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/441330 [19:16] Launchpad bug 441330 in ubuntu "[ASUSTeK Computer Inc. F5RL] suspend/resume failure" [Undecided,New] [19:34] greg-g, i wonder if the user removed the package when filing the bug, it should be filed against linux [20:00] en 5 min arranca clase de bug triaging en #ubuntu-classroom-es (in spanish) === bdrung_home is now known as bdrung === jab is now known as Guest87221 [20:25] hello, i have a problem with my sound. when an application wants audio or after some time i hear a "pop" sound. i found a forum post where it was said that this happens when the sound card driver goes into sleep and that a bug should be filled against that driver. anyone has some advice on how to collect usefull information neccesary for such a bug? [20:37] Guest87221: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems may be useful? [20:39] Rocket2DMn: yeah, figured. We at the jam here in Michigan have come across a couple of them so far like that (sorry, dont' have other links for them) [20:39] @jmardsen ill take a look at that, thanks [20:40] greg-g, you guys can certainly assign the bugs to the correct package yourselves [20:40] if you ever have questions about which package, just ask [20:41] Rocket2DMn: oh of course, just wondering why some look like it just didn't have a package assigned by apport (no record of them being unassigned) [20:42] yeah greg-g , must have happened while they were filing the bug [20:47] Hi all - I am trying to find where "Incomplete" assignment is documented. [20:47] AFAIK when someone asks a question to the bug reporter, it becomes "incomplete, assigned to reporter" but I can't find a reference to that [20:48] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Assignment is rather short on that subject :) [20:50] jmarsden: the link didnt help much in solving the problem, but was a great start for the bug report. thanks [20:50] No problem. [20:52] Guest87221: i gave instructions for filing bugs in my post to ubuntu-devel{,-discuss} [20:54] Guest87221: if you haven't located it, it's at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-May/008239.html [20:56] ok, i allready filed a bug using ubuntu-bug -p alsa-base but didnt name it power_save=10 as this doesnt happen after 10 secs from my testings. [20:57] it's precisely because we enabled powerdown for your controller and codec [20:57] you likely have one of conexant, realtek, or analog devices [20:57] but not idt/sigmatel; we've fixed that [20:58] i think i have an intel [20:58] well, that's the generic name, but that isn't what i'm referring to [20:59] intel is just a brand name; it says next to nothing about the actual controller or codec [20:59] Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03) [20:59] or what information you need? [21:00] the information i need is in your bug report [21:00] that lspci line is pretty useless [21:01] ok, sry [21:01] no worries [21:01] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/441661 [21:01] Launchpad bug 441661 in alsa-driver "sound "pops" "clicks"" [Undecided,New] [21:02] heads-up, bugsquad/bugcontrol: those powerdown bugs should be triaged against linux _not_ alsa-driver [21:04] again, this is pretty clearly stated at the top of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems [21:04] dtchen: you mean those clicks when turning the sound card on/off ? [21:04] yofel: yes [21:04] ok [21:07] hello there. [21:08] ubuntu-bug -P alsa-base did that [21:08] Guest87221: yes, i know. the note is for people going back and triaging bug reports [21:08] I em testing karmic here. I think a new bug was introduced with the latest round of upgrade. Compiz won' t start and the UNR interface is much slower [21:08] too many people blithely re-triage them to affect alsa-driver incorrectly [21:09] I just filed a bug. I was wondering if other people can confirm that [21:09] mercutio22: bug number? [21:09] ic [21:10] yofel Bug #441683 [21:10] Launchpad bug 441683 in compiz "compiz fails to load after latest karmic (beta) upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/441683 === mika007 is now known as mika_video [22:24] hi there [22:26] hi intruder1 === yofel_ is now known as yofel [23:03] for those who didnt see it - my video of my presentation from earlier is @ http://www.sourceguru.org/videos/7/ [23:03] see you [23:03] bye