=== Guest77758 is now known as Pici [04:30] ebrahim called the ops in #ubuntu-ir () === m4v_ is now known as m4v [07:18] Hi, I'd like to request a freenode irc cloak: https://launchpad.net/~alkisg [07:35] alkisg: I suspect the people who can address that request are asleep - please hang out and hopefully they'll see it when they return. [07:39] tonyyarusso: thanks, np, I'll come back on a weekday === Zic is now known as Guest64736 === SWAT__ is now known as SWAT [12:34] O:-) [14:30] BlouBlou in #ubuntu is very likely Nehyx, I'm just pointing him out if something happens. [14:31] thanks m4v [20:07] Hi, I'd like to request a freenode irc cloak: https://launchpad.net/~alkisg [20:08] !nicksetup [20:08] To setup your nick so that you can be given a cloak, please follow the instructions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [20:09] erUSUL: thanks, I think I've already done those. [20:10] alkisg: then you will have to wait untill someone who can do it for you [20:10] Sure, no problem. [20:11] nalioth: elky jussi01 < echo ICMP ECHO REQUEST [20:12] erUSUL: probably elky & jussi01 first :) [20:13] niko: ok; ok; XXDD maybe a factoid can be made to call "the ones who can" ?? [20:13] probably, but i'm not in confidence with ubottu :) [20:14] niko: your fault i'm sure... ubottu is such a nice person... XXDD [20:14] ^^ [20:28] seems like everybody is too busy with the beta release the bug jam and all that stuff... [20:30] No problem; I'll come back on a week day - or even after the release :) Thanks guys. === McPeter_ is now known as McPeter